#also choosing the dance that makes me / us laugh over Serious?? gotta be done
rebirthost · 3 months
amore mio, you light up the world. with your warmth and your smile, you're perfection swirled. Italian paradise, in your light I see, a vessel of love and beauty, as far as the eye can see . . .
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buckbarnesjames · 3 years
Chapter One (Updated)
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Summary: “If I cannot get it right now, I don’t want it at all”.
Pairings: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: discussions of sugar daddy/sugar baby relationships. swearing. discussions of sex. 
Word Count: 2216
A/N: Hey guys, I’ll be back to writing this soon as inspiration has hit again, I’m just updating the previous chapters! I had to repost this one as I couldn’t find the original post to edit it. Please enjoy and as always, feedback is welcomed. The taglist is OPEN so feel free to ask to be tagged! 
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Bucky spent the rest of Friday afternoon mulling over how to broach the subject with you. He didn't want to make you uncomfortable in the work environment, but he had secretly always dreamed of having a more personal relationship with you and it wasn’t as if he was new to the sugar baby/sugar daddy dynamic - in fact, he rather enjoyed it. Eventually, he decides to let it go for now and think more about it over the weekend. Meanwhile, whilst Bucky is preparing to spend the weekend overthinking his predicament, you’re preparing to spend time with Nat and Wanda.
Saturday evening you meet them for drinks at a popular nightclub. “Hey, sugar baby” Nat teases you. You roll your eyes and stick your tongue out at her. “Enough of that, Natalia. I told you to drop it” you sass back at her. After a few more minutes of teasing from Nat and Wanda, they finally drop the subject. The waiter approaches your table and you order a round for you and the girls - a Cosmopolitan for Wanda, a white Russian for Nat and a Daiquiri in your favourite flavour for yourself. After a few rounds, you’re feeling brave enough to hit the dance floor.
You and the girls dance close together, the feeling of the bass pumping through your ears. You feel a pair of eyes watching you but brush it off and continue to dance. Halfway through the next song, you feel Nat’s hands on your waist as she leans in close enough that you’re able to hear you, “Hey...isn’t that Mr Barnes?” she says, tilting her head in the direction of the bar. Sure enough, there he is and he’s watching you rather intently. “Let’s give our boss a show, shall we?” she says before spinning you around. You throw your head back laughing, the alcohol probably clouding your judgement, and try to scold her in between giggles. You and the girls dance for a while, with Nat periodically confirming that Mr Barnes - and his friend - are indeed watching you.
Eventually the dancing wears you out, and you all head back to your booth. The waiter approaches again with a fresh round when he notices you all taking your seats. As he places the final drink down, he points towards the bar where Bucky and his friend previously stood, “The gentleman over there would like a moment of your time” he says, smiling knowingly. You look over to see that he’s still there along with his friend, who you now recognise is his business partner, Steve Rogers, nursing glasses of whiskey. As if he can sense your eyes on him, he looks up at you and smiles.
“I’ll be back in a moment” you say to Nat and Wanda. They look between you and Bucky in surprise before Nat drunkenly declares, “Uh oh, you’re in trouble” and giggles. Wanda tries to shush her whilst motioning for you to go as you stand there nervously tugging your dress down, which you now feel is way too short, and taking a long sip of your drink.
You approach Bucky and Steve, “Mr Barnes, are you trying to proposition me?” You joke, the fresh drink in your system giving you a little confidence. If only you had an idea of the thought that had swirled around his mind all day. He had originally called you over to discuss the conversation he had overheard, the alcohol in his system impairing his judgement, but now that you’re standing in front of him he can’t get the words out so instead chuckles at your joke. “Of course not, Miss Y/L/N. I just wanted to offer you a drink, you've worked hard this week” he smiles at you and awaits your answer as you try to ignore your brain suggesting that he’s also referring to the little dance show earlier.
“I appreciate that, Mr Barnes, but we were just about to leave.” Bucky looks a little disappointed at your reply. “Maybe another time though?” you smile at him brightly before realising what you had said. You could feel embarrassment coursing through your body. You had no idea why you’d suggested grabbing a drink with your boss. You excuse yourself quickly after that and head home with the girls, missing the way Bucky smoothes his tongue over his lips. You looked good in that dress.
“Is that the girl you were talking about? Your assistant?” Steve interrupts the tirade of dirty thoughts racing through his mind, and he’s grateful. He shouldn’t be thinking about you like that. The whole sugar baby/sugar daddy thing was a ridiculous idea, a momentary lapse in his judgement. He nods at Steve in reply and downs his whiskey, ordering another one as he places his glass down on the bar. “You have it bad, dude” Steve laughs and Bucky scowls at him. “I can see why, but I prefer redheads” Steve continues joking, looking to the exit as you, Wanda and Nat leave. “Nat would eat you alive, pretty boy. She’s ruthless and that’s why she’s head of the finance department” Bucky bites back. Steve laughs and proudly declares that he could handle her, to which Bucky continuously denies for the rest of the night as Steve tries to convince him to give him Nat’s number.
You arrive on time to work on Monday, your car having spent the weekend in the garage, and the next few days pass by in a blur of meetings, business proposals and coffee making. You don’t see much of Bucky through the week but put it down to the time of year and not the encounter you’d had with him Saturday night. You knew he was probably planning the end of month gala to celebrate acquiring an important business deal. Before you know it, Thursday arrives.
Bucky is working late again. As usual, you’d order him some food and placed it on his desk. You’re packing your bag to head home when Bucky enters the office, closing the door behind him. “Miss Y/L/N, could I talk to you for a moment?” he says, his tone serious and you begin to worry that you’ve done something wrong. “Of course, Mr Barnes. Is everything okay? I haven’t messed something up have I?” you ramble on. You couldn’t afford to lose this job, the pay was great and allowed you to live comfortably in a decent Manhattan apartment. “Y/N,” Bucky interrupts your inner monologue, “Everything’s fine. I just wanted to talk to you about a conversation I overheard the other week.” Your stomach drops. Oh, shit. He’d heard you, Nat and Wanda.
You look to the floor, embarrassed. “Mr Barnes, I can explain…” Bucky interrupts you again, this time by placing his finger under your chin and lifting your head so your graze meets his. You gasp at the contact. Bucky had never been this informal with you before. “You’re not in trouble, Y/N. In fact, I found the conversation rather interesting.” Bucky says, removing his hand from underneath your chin once he’s sure you won’t break eye contact. “Look, I’ve been thinking about this for the past week and I don’t want to overstep any boundaries but well, If I don’t ask then I’ll never know.”
“Thinking about what, Mr Barnes?” You look at him in confusion, your head tilted slightly to the left. Bucky finds the action endearing. You look so innocent. He takes a deep breath before speaking again, “Look, you know as well as anybody around here that If I can’t get what I want right now, then I don’t want it and well right now… I want you. I want you in the capacity that you and your friends were talking about on Friday.” Bucky hears as you sharply inhale. “You mean, you want me as...as your sugar baby?” you ask, your voice an octave higher than usual. Bucky chuckles softly at your nervousness. “Yes, Y/N. You’re free to say no, I’ll never broach the subject again and we can continue to work together in a professional capacity but...I’d really like it if you were to say yes”.
“Why me?” you ask. You don’t know why but it’s the only thing you can say. For some reason, your feet aren’t carrying you out of the office and home as fast as possible, like you’d wished when this conversation had begun. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that you’d secretly fantasized about your attractive boss since the moment you began working at Barnes Industries. “I have more money than I have sense, Y/N, and if I’ve gotta spend it on someone other than myself then I choose the beautiful girl who has sat at the desk across from me for the past two years”. Bucky watches you, surveying your reaction. He was pushing the boundaries so far right now but god, he hadn’t been able to get this idea out of his head all week. “Beautiful?” You ask, as if that was the most ridiculous thing he had said in the last five minutes. “Beautiful” he says firmly.
“How would this even work, Mr Barnes?” you ask, the wheels in your head are spinning a thousand miles and hour and you can’t stop yourself from entertaining the idea. BUcky smiles and you see him visibly relax. He pulls a recognisable Tiffany & Co box out of the pocket of his suit pants. “Well...if you were to agree, I’d love for you to accept this gift and wear it every day around the office.” He opens the box to reveal a drop pendant with five, shining stones. You gasp at the simplistic beauty of it. “And what then...if I accept?” you whisper. You had no idea why you were whispering, you knew that you and Bucky were alone in the office. “If you were to accept, I would take you on an initial spending spree and buy you whatever clothes, shoes and products you desired. I would then give you a weekly allowance of an agreed upon amount” Bucky says, his tone similar to the one he uses in business meetings. “And what would you require from me?” you ask. He knows what you’re implying. “You wouldn’t have to do anything you were uncomfortable with. I’d require your company at any events I have to attend and I would love to spend time with you outside of the work environment, taking you to dinner and things but that would only happen if you wanted it to” he answers, watching as a mixture of emotions flash across your face - surprise, confusion and relief. It stings a little when he recognises the look of relief on your face, he’d always been attracted to you and hoped the feeling was mutual.
“This is all so sudden, James” given the situation, you address him informally. His heart flutters at the way you say his name. “I know, and you don’t have to agree but if you decide this is something you want...then text this number before eight tomorrow morning and I’ll send a car for you” he says and he hands you a card with a cellphone number that you don’t recognise.”It’s my drivers number” he answers the question he can see formulating in your mind. You smile, knowing he’d given you that number because his personal phone tended not to be charged unless you’d done it. “I’ll let you go home now and think about things,” he says, taking a step back from you and giving you some breathing room. You silently pick your bag up and make your way to the door of the office, with shaky legs. You turn back to look at him offering him a small smile and a “Goodnight, Mr Barnes”.
You toss and turn all night, mulling the idea over. It wasn’t like you needed the money, Barnes Industries paid you well - probably above the national salary of an executive assistant - but the idea of spending time with Bucky in a more personal way was gnawing at your mind. It was no secret between you and your friends that you had always harbored a little crush on him, and now he was practically on his hands and knees in front of you offering himself - and his money - to you. You get out of bed at seven AM, deciding there was no point in lying around any longer. You get dressed for the day quickly and attempt to eat some breakfast but the nervousness in your stomach doesn’t allow you to eat much so you just drink a coffee and eat a few spoonfuls of oatmeal. You pick up your phone and the piece of paper Bucky had given you last night and take a deep breath before typing out the words that would change your life forever.
I thought about it, Mr Barnes. You type out, clicking send immediately after - giving yourself no chance to change your mind for the millionth time. And what did you decide, Miss Y/L/N? The reply is instant, as if he had been waiting around all morning for you to come to a decision. You quickly type and send your reply.
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mummybear · 4 years
Getting Into Trouble
This Is Day 5 Of Roleplay May
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Words: 4114
Warnings: Smut, Wall Sexy, Swearing, Dirty Talk, Rough Sex, Think That’s It :P
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Characters: Dean Winchester, Reader, (Marie) Reader’s Best Friend (OC), Sam Winchester, Unnamed Club Bitches
Summary: Meeting your best friend Marie at your local nightclub turns out to be a more exciting night that you had originally planned. Especially when your favourite doorman is on duty and doesn’t take his eyes off of you all night. This is also for @deanwanddamons​1Kfollowerchallenge So happy for you babe you deserve it :D I had the prompt .....  ‘Sometimes you need it so bad, it’s enough to drive a young girl mad.’
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A cold chill whips through the summer air as you step out of the cab, quickly leaning inside the window to pay the driver. It doesn’t take long for you to approach the steps of the club, it’s a small but popular place. A place which had been quickly growing in popularity, largely thanks to the hot staff it had recently acquired, both inside and outside of the establishment. At least that’s what you had heard, however, you and your best friend Marie had been coming here for years before the change.
A small smile slips onto your lips when you spot your favourite bouncer and doorman, right at the front of the crowd standing on the very first step. He’s looking as handsome as ever, light brown hair styled just so, green eyes that are practically shining with that bad boy twinkle when he winks at you. 
He’s not as wide as the other guys, but he towers over them in height. With broad shoulders that you’ve often imagined clinging to and bow legs like no other man you’d ever seen. He’s dressed simply, but god does he wear all black extremely well. Tight black t-shirt, which you know from experience has the word security printed on the back in white block letters, with what look like tailor made pants and smart black shoes.
“Hey there sweetheart, long time no see” he greets you, just as friendly and charming as ever, with a gorgeous grin that’s all perfect teeth and plump lips. He takes your ID from you, letting his fingers gently graze yours, quickly glancing at it before he hands it back.
“Yeah it’s been a while, you’re still looking real good though” you smile sweetly, the tip of your tongue poking out between your lips as your eyes rake over him, appreciating every perfect inch of that man. 
“Uh, thanks” the blush that coats his freckled cheeks is so cute, you would’ve thought he was used to the compliments by now. He licks hips plump pink lips and flicks his eyes up to meet yours again. “You’re lookin’ pretty damn sexy yourself” he rasps, voice sounding a little deeper than before as he nips at his bottom lip with his teeth.
“Hopefully I’ll see you later and you’ll finally tell me your name this time” you smile back, returning his earlier wink and tucking your ID back in your bag. 
 “I’d really like that. Just don’t go and get yourself into any trouble. I will throw you over my shoulder this time” he warns you playfully, you don’t miss how he lets his eyes shamelessly rake over your body. 
You have to practically press your body against his to get inside, what with the amount of people trying to squeeze inside all at once. You look up at him through your black lashes, giving him your best seductive look. “Oh, promises, promises Mr green eyes. I might just have to get myself into a little trouble then” you wink as he shakes his head at you, giving you a gentle shove inside. 
“Go! I’ve gotta work!” he laughs, finally turning away from you.
The moment that you actually step into the club you realise just how busy it really is tonight. There’s the odd cluster of people here and there blocking your path. People that you almost have to fight your way through, as well as the idiots paying no attention and filtering in and out, being stopped by the doormen and bouncers for god only knows what reason.
The music is quite literally pumping, to the point that you can feel the vibrations under your feet. You really need a damn drink right now and the bar is completely packed. You were really happy with your outfit tonight though, choosing it hadn’t been too difficult once you’d found the right dress. It fit your body perfectly, it was black and purple and stopped a little above your knees. Luckily your heels weren’t too high, since you were definitely planning on dancing tonight, preferably without getting blisters.
You sigh defeated, seeing the size of the lines at the bar, as they continue to grow before your eyes.
Until you spot your best friend waving at you from her usual table by the bar. Relief fills you as you get ever closer, where you notice that she’s already gotten a few rounds at the table and of course she couldn’t forgo the shots. That would definitely save you the wait, meaning that you could get this night started right.
“So, I see Mr green eyes is back, he asked about you by the way,” Marie practically shouts into your ear as she pulls you into a hug.
“Yes he is and considering he works here babe, that’s not too strange” you laugh, ignoring her final comment, you pull back to look at her. “Oh and hello to you too by the way” 
“Sorry love I’ll behave. Or I’ll try at least” she winks as you both take your seats. You shake your head at her with a wry smile, unable to stop the scoff falling past your lips. 
“Yeah that’ll be the day, you’re worse than me!” laughing as you clink your shot glasses together, resting a hand over her heart Marie gasps. “Down the hatch, you dork!” you shout over the loud music and that fake hurt dissolves almost immediately making way for her devilish grin beneath.
Your time together is filled with conversations of mutual friends and things you’d both done since last meeting up. Not forgetting the unsuccessful dates you had both been on, Marie can’t help but remark that you’re sexually frustrated. “I dunno what you’re talking about honey, I’m fine. In fact, I’m more than fine. Me and Mr Vibrator have it very much under control” you wink when she snorts with laughter, almost choking on her drink.
“Oh that is not the fucking same Y/N! And you damn well know it!” replying through a laugh while pushing another shot towards you. You roll your eyes but you can’t help but smile at her. You’d really missed this and as usual Marie understood more than she knew. “Nothing like a good hard fucking, which you so clearly need!” 
“I am not fucking some stranger! You know that’s just not me, besides who says some random guy is gonna be any good” you reason as she shrugs at your answer. 
“Doesn’t have to be a complete and total stranger. We both know someone who is just dying to get into those twisted panties of yours. Pretty sure that’s a man who knows his way around a woman” she winks, nodding over to where Mr green eyes is now standing, clearly it was time for a switch around at the club, since he’d come inside with one of his buddies and was chatting about something.
“Would you drop it woman! That man is so far out of my league. So can I please just have a great night out with my girl!” you sigh pushing another shot towards her with a pout.
“Fine. I’ll drop it. But he would be lucky to get in those pants” you roll your eyes but can’t help but smile as you take your next shot, she’d always been the best wing woman going.
The drinks keep flowing, thanks to the hot barman that Marie is currently waving at, he had apparently been trying to hook up with her for a while, but she was adamant they were only friends. It doesn’t take very long for the two of you to have a steady buzz going, after around five shots each and whatever cocktails she’d ordered before you’d got there.
“I wanna dance, come on. Please” your friend pouts at you, grabbing at your hand and dragging you off in the direction of the dance floor, she doesn’t give you time to argue. 
Those puppy dog eyes she gives you tends to always do the trick. Although, if you were being honest you were also in the mood for a dance, to try and get some of the pent up energy out of your system. Keeping your fingers crossed that hopefully you could stop your mind from wandering, back to that sexy green eyed doorman, which thanks to your wing woman was becoming increasingly difficult. 
The music was practically vibrating through your entire body as you and Marie stepped onto the dance floor. Christina Aguilera’s Dirty had just started playing, you glance up and spot Mr green eyes across the room, he was with  another doorman now, the only guy that you were aware of who was actually taller than him. To your surprise he’s looking right at you, his bottom lip caught between his teeth.
Marie walks behind you and grabs your hips, pressing herself tight against your back.
“What are you doing woman!” you laugh as she rests her chin on your shoulder, the two of you start to rock to the beat in time with one another, raising your arms in the air as you continue to rock back against her.
“Just go with it! He has not stopped staring at you since we stood up. Not to mention he’s with the tallest man I’ve ever seen and I’ve got the sudden urge to go man climbing” 
You burst out laughing at the serious way she says that, “Want a ride on man mountain huh?” you ask still half laughing as both continue moving to the beat, Marie giggles behind you as the beat speeds up. You’re slowly becoming more distracted as you watch them both move closer, your own hands start moving over your body, keeping your eyes on him the entire time.
You drop down slowly, your ass pressing back into Marie, until you settle back on the heels of your feet, thinking back to a move in the music video for this song. You can feel the muscles of your calves and thighs tense as you lean forward slightly. Slowly sliding your hands down your thighs, stopping at your knees as you part your legs and quickly snap them shut again. Standing slowly, you keep your eyes fixed on Mr. Green eyes, whose fists are currently clenched at his sides. 
You don’t notice the way that his friend is staring at Marie as you push back into her with your ass, both of you laughing as she swats at it playfully and wraps her arms around you from behind. 
However, your happy moods are soon ruined when a drunk group of girls fight to get past you, the one at the front bumps into you and Marie, nearly knocking you both on your asses.
“Watch where you’re going!” she slurs shoving at your shoulders, causing you to stumble back a little unsteady on your heels.
“I’m sorry. What the hell are you talking about? You’re the one who’s clearly drunk off their ass here. You walked into us!” you shout back over the music, resisting the urge to shove her back.
“Get your bitch in line. Nobody talks to my sister like that” one of the other girls squawks, sounding like an angry bird, as they all step closer to the both of you.
“What did you just fucking call her!” Marie snaps, stepping closer to the group. Where she receives a chorus of ‘you heard’ from the group of idiots. “Get your moron sister in line then, if she can’t walk straight she probably shouldn’t be here. She’s clearly had too much and needs to get her childish ass home!” Marie responds irritation lacing her tone as she tries to reason with these people. Just about managing to dodge out of the way just in time to avoid another shove.
“Stop fucking shoving people” you practically growl, finally your control snaps, shoving back as hard as you can, sending one of the girls stumbling back into the group.
“You stupid slut!” the defender shouts, raising her fist. But she’s quickly blocked by a large body and hand that’s twice the size catches her balled up fist.
“I warned you! You’re coming with me, Miss” someone growls to your side, you recognise that voice instantly, you can’t help but grin happily. Not quick enough to move away or turn to look at him properly before he throws you over one of those broad shoulders, causing you to let out an excited scream..
Your eyes search for Marie when you hear her over the music somehow. Finding her in an almost identical position to your own. Once she’s thrown over the giant's shoulder Marie gives you a thumbs up, smacking his ass as he walks away with her. The scenery behind you bumps around, swaying awkwardly as you’re carried through several doors, clinging to the back of his t-shirt for dear life as he walks..
Another door is kicked open, where you feel the cool breeze blow across your almost naked ass.
“So, where are we going Mr. mysterious?” you question, your voice dipping with his every step. 
When suddenly the back door to the club swings closed behind you with a loud bang.
A surprised noise you don’t recognise leaves your lips when he returns your earlier hit. With a harsh slap to your ass. Since apparently your dress had ridden up, it was a little more skin on skin that you’d been expecting. 
You hear him chuckle, right before he tugs the bottom of your dress down and bends over, carefully lowering you until your feet touch the ground again.You look up at him with a smile when his hands grab your hips, making sure that you’re stable on your own. 
Running your hands up his strong chest, your touch remains light, enjoying the way his muscles flex beneath his shirt. It’s really dark out here, with no real light. Only a few neon lights to light the alley way.
“I’m not sure that I approve of you manhandling-” your words are silenced when his plump lips suddenly press against yours, with an urgency you hadn’t expected. 
Your hands fist in his tight t-shirt in an attempt to pull his body closer, while he walks you backwards and presses you into the wall. You feel his tongue brush against your lips when they part, gripping your leg tight he hooks it over his hip, rolling his hips into you. You can feel the bulge through his black pants, pressing against the front of your panties, nudging repeatedly at your clit. The way he feels against you only encourages you to rock back against him.
Your tongues finally meet and you can taste the faint whiskey that lingers there, somehow you knew he’d be a whiskey man. 
Your hands move to fist in his hair, enjoying the feeling of his tongue sliding against yours and the groan that fills the back of his throat, he even manages to pull a small moan slips past your lips.
“Name’s Dean by the way” he breathes against your lips, before pulling you into another breathtaking kiss.
“Y/N. Fuck…. Dean suits you,” you reply in a breathy moan, throwing your head back against the brick wall as he starts kissing down your neck, pausing to suck and nip marks into your skin.
“Wanted to do this for so long. Getting me told off every time you come in sweetheart, can’t damn well concentrate on the job” he groans against your ear, pushing your dress up around your waist so he can grip your ass tight with those big calloused hands.
“Me too, I would say I was sorry, but I don’t wanna lie” you confess with a half-hearted giggle, gasping when his finger brushes against your soaked pussy from behind, briefly dipping under your panties. 
Your hands slip between the two of you. Dean leans back a little, catching on to what you’re doing, allowing you to undo his belt while he pushes a hand between your legs. You whimper when his fingers start to run back and forth over the front of your damn panties.
Once his pants are open you shove them down those gorgeous bow legs as far as you can. Dean lets out a throaty groan when your fingers wrap around his thick hard length. Letting his forehead drop forward against yours when you start to move your hand over him, up and down, feeling the thick muscle throb against your palm.
“You’re so wet baby, can’t wait to feel your pussy wrapped around my cock” Dean whispered huskily against your lips, pushing your panties to the side, he eases two thick fingers inside you. 
Your free hand clings to his bicep, looking into his eyes as your pussy stretches deliciously around his fingers. The perfect drag against your tight walls as he starts moving his fingers inside you, causing goosebumps to rise across your skin.
“Dean, fuck me. Please. I need you inside me” you whine desperately, rolling your hips down into his hand, pushing his fingers deeper. 
Chuckling deep and breathy, Dean curls his fingers teasingly as your thumb swipes across the swollen tip, smearing the thick pre-come down his length. 
Which triggers you both to moan into each other's mouths. 
Pulling your hands away from one another, you reach up and wrap your arms around his neck, as he sucks his slick covered fingers between his plump lips. Transfixed you watch the way his tongue swirls around his fingers and he moans, keeping his darkened green eyes locked on yours. As he pulls them from his mouth with an audible pop.
“You ain’t gotta tell me twice sweetheart” he tells you with a grin and that panty dropping wink.
You can faintly hear the music that’s playing in the club, the bass pounding against your back. The lyrics you manage to hear work so damn well for your current situation and you’re almost convinced that Marie had requested it. 
‘Sometimes you need it so bad, it’s enough to drive a young girl mad.’
You jump when he taps your leg, that bad boy twinkle still very much present in those gorgeous eyes of his. He lifts you easily, slamming you back against the wall. You whimper at the force of it, the rough brick scraping against your back and arms, as you wrap your legs around his waist.
Gripping his cock Dean watches it slip through your slick folds, his own lips parting, pulling breathy moans and whimpers from you. “You want my cock sweetheart? You want it hard, right where anyone could see us?” Dean rasps, fingers digging into your ass as he shifts you slightly. 
“Fuck yes! Please, Dean!” 
Your hands push into the hair at the back of his neck gripping tightly when he finally stops teasing and lines up with your entrance. Catching his bottom lip between your lips you suck gently, before dragging your teeth over it as he slowly enters your welcoming heat. 
Your mouth drops open in a silent scream and you squeeze your eyes shut, finally releasing his lip when he thrusts up into you hard, causing the rough bricks to cut into your back. 
Dean hisses in pain when your fingers dig into his scalp, hair woven between your fingers as you tug. Pulling back he repeats the action, quickly thrusting his hips forward roughly plunging back into your soaking wet pussy.
Picking up a slow steady rhythm, deep and powerful, his teeth tug at the skin along your collarbone, creating a little sting of pain which only adds to the pleasure. Tugging the front of your dress out of the way with the cup of your bra, he keeps those green eyes locked on yours as he sucks your nipple into his mouth, tugging with his plump lips and sharp teeth. Groaning against your skin he swirls that talented tongue around the slowly hardening bud, the snap of his hips pushing your heels into his firm ass.
You’re forced to slap a hand over your mouth when he thrusts particularly hard, to stop yourself from screaming his name, feeling the coil in your stomach beginning to wind and clench as the head of his cock bumps repeatedly against the spot inside you that has you seeing stars. 
There’s the obvious feeling when his lips pull into a smile against your breast, he draws back, dragging those perfect white teeth over the stiff peak. One of his big hands wraps around your wrists and pins them back against the wall as his thrusts begin to speed up.
“Don’t hold it in. Wanna fucking here you screaming for me. I don’t care who hears you begging for my cock” he practically growls, fingers flexing against your ass cheek as the blunt nails dig into your skin.
Your head is swimming with his words, every feeling amplified by the thought of anyone catching you both in the act. “Holy shit you’ve got a dirty mouth, Dean” you pant against his lips, nails digging into your palms. The scratching of the rough brick as it drags against your soft skin, causes you to whimper with every snap of his hips.
“And don’t you just love it, bad girl,” he grunts with an edge of a chuckle, when he feels your pussy starting to flutter around his cock, squeezing and clamping down. Your only answer is filled with nonsensical and incoherent sentences, the only thing that comes out clearly is the chanting of his name, with a mixture of mumbled cussing and pleas. 
Your thighs start to shake as Dean squeezes a hand between the two of you, rough calloused fingers pressing against your clit, hard fast circles as his fingers tighten around your wrists.
“Fuck Dean! Just like that, please!” 
Your head drops back against the wall, only seeing the black night sky and stars, which starts to mix with the neon lights as the feeling overwhelms you. Your orgasm hits you hard, rocketing through your every nerve ending like lightning, but Dean doesn’t stop thrusting. 
“Son of bitch! Should have done this ages ago. So damn perfect Y/N. Gonna fucking fill you up sweetheart”
Clenching his jaw Dean presses his face into your neck, his hot breath against your skin. 
The hand that’s gripping your wrists drops, resting against the wall as he bucks into your pussy at an uncontrollable pace, your slick soaking his thighs. 
The vibrations of his every growl and moan, mixed with the pounding of his hips. Only serving to prolong your orgasm, so much so that you’re forced into another mind blowing climax, pushing Dean into his own release right behind you. You feel his orgasm hit, causing his thighs to shake under your ass. 
A huff of air is released from your lungs when Dean practically collapses on top of you, leaning on his hand as much as possible.
You quickly feel his weight shift as he pulls his chest away from yours slightly, you feel him smile against your lips when he presses a kiss to them. You can’t help but whimper at the loss and sensitivity when he pulls his hips back, his softening cock slipping from inside you. 
“Did I miss something? What’s so funny. Mr green eyes?” you smile back, still breathing a little heavily as he helps you rearrange your dress and pulls up his black pants and boxers. 
Shrugging he turns to look over his shoulder, following his line of sight your heart almost jumps out of your chest. There’s a security camera sitting just under the guttering, red light blinking away undisturbed.
“I guess for someone in security I probably should’ve remembered that was there, huh?” he laughs still out of breath, scratching at the back of his neck. 
“You think!?” you exclaim doing your best to sound annoyed, until the laughter starts to bubble up in your throat. “Get your ass in there and get that video!” you playfully scold him, making sure to smack that tight little ass.
“You want me to wipe it from the record?” he asks with a smirk and that bad boy twinkle in his eyes.
Biting your lip you shake your head, “Just do what you need to. Get it and let's go” 
“You’re a bad influence on me sweetheart” the wink he throws your way says otherwise.
“I might have believed that, if you hadn’t just fucked my brains out, in the alley against the building where you work” you laugh gently pushing him towards the back door you’d both left through earlier.
“Touche” Dean chuckles, grabbing your hand and tugging you inside. 
Tags: @chewie-redbird @julzdec @lettersofwrittencollective @stiles-o-dylan24 @mogaruke @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @dylanholyhellobrien @desireepow-1986 @emichelle @lilulo-12 @22sarah08 @deanwanddamons @simsadventures  @charmed-asylum @nicole-lynne @hazel-eye-coffee-shop-girl-blog @defenderrosetyler @emilyshurley @emoryhemsworth @foxyjwls007 @mylovelydame21 @sunshineandwings86 @captain-shannon-becker @heimdoodle @fandom-princess-forevermore @flamencodiva @hobby27 @akshi8278 @littlelonewolfgirl @ladywinchester1967 @screechingartisancashbailiff @maddiepants @spnfanfic-reblogs @holylulusworld @mrswhozeewhatsis @sonofabringmesomepie @mrsjenniferwinchester @hhiggs @pisces-cutie @trina44sb @heartsaved @matsumama @negans-lucille-tblr @fandomfic-galore  
Pond Tags
@aprofoundbondwithdean @manawhaat @thing-you-do-with-that-thing  @nichelle-my-belle @notnaturalanahi @deanscarlett @roxy-davenport @impala-dreamer @samsgoddess @frenchybell @scorpiongirl1  @deandoesthingstome @deansleather @curliesallovertheplace @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname @waywardjoy @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious @kayteonline @supernatural-jackles​ @wevegotworktodo @quiddy-writes @babypieandwhiskey @supermoonpanda @deanwinchesterforpromqueen @chaos-and-the-calm67-blog @memariana91 @plaidstiel-wormstache @teamfreewill-imagine @chelsea-winchester @becs-bunker @castieltrash1 @supernaturalyobessed @ruined-by-destiel @winchester-writes @evilskank-inthemegacoven @maraisabellegrey-blog @faith-in-dean @winchestersmolder @bennyyh​ @clueless-gold @deanwinchesterxreader @winchester-family-business @there-must-be-a-lock @just-another-winchester @cas-backwards-tie @winecatsandpizza @firefly-in-darkness
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afandommultiverse · 4 years
The Gift - Leopold Vermillion
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Words - 2006 Request - TreueHyuga
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A/n - I hope you enjoy it! I had a really fun time writing this one! Leopold is aged up to 18! So, so are you lol.
"Come to think of it, your birthday is coming up, isn't it, Y/n?" Leopold grinned wolfishly at his girlfriend, pumped with excitement and happiness due to the celebration around them, the celebration for him! His birthday, his coming of age day.
"It is, Leo, why are you gonna plan a surprise party for me too?" You lured him close giving him a smooch on the cheek. It was you who planned the whole thing for Leopold tonight, the director of the whole galant party. It was a great surprise party, Leopold hadn't suspected a thing, some can choose whether that's a good or bad thing.
"No. Maybe. We'll see, won't we, my dear?" Leopold's arms wrapped around you, pulling tight and leaning in closely. His hand skimmed up your waist and back down your arm, pulling your arm out and whisking you to the dance floor.
"Another dance? We just got done with five!" You shrieked, pulling your exhausted legs after him. Pure adrenaline and euphoria powered your body, swinging it around and following his steps. Laughing and tripping some, maybe even almost running into a few people too.
"Never my dear, I never want to stop dancing with you. I promise this is my last selfish birthday wish." He smiled, twirling you in and dipping you to the music. You smirked and leaned in, mirth and tease swimming in your eyes.
"I wouldn't mind a few more selfish wishes." You whispered as he pulled you up, hand slithering across his chest and resting at his heart. Your voice practically poured incentive, selfish questions, and desires Leopold had wanted to ask you for years poured into his mind as he stared into your eyes, completely suggestive and seductive in their e/c shaded wake. He pulled you up fast, pulling to hold your hand against his racing heartbeat.
"Y/n, you ha-
"Leopold!" A fiery hand came to rest on Leopold's shoulder, stopping the much-anticipated words that would have left Leo's mouth. He turned, almost giving his brother the stinky eye but couldn't help but to smile. His brother had been gone for a few months, having to go on a long expedition. Giving you a quick apologetic look and a kiss on the palm of your hand, once laying against his chest, he let you go.
You were immediately cold, already missing his insufferable heat you just learned to live with, and heat you learned to love. You watched on as he chatted with his older brother, not blaming him for being so excited, it had been months. You pulled at his jacket coat twice to let him know you were leaving and he nodded, grabbing you're pinky and rubbing at it before letting you go.
"So, finally eighteen, huh?" Fuegoleon smiled at his younger brother, who now stood as tall and as prideful as the rest of his lion clan. Fuegoleon knew he was ready, and knew he would make a fine captain one day, maybe sooner than later.
"It seems so." Leopold grinned, he was jittery and bouncing with excitement, how couldn't he be?
"You might be trying to play it off but I know exactly what you're up to." Fuegoleon looked at Leo, completely aware of his little game.
"Your right brother,  only 59423 hours and 45 seconds left to beat you in becoming the captain of the Crimson lions. I think I can't get there before 25!" He grinned like a cat, eyes glinting with just as much point and mischievousness. He loved wagering with his brother, especially when it came to how powerful he could get. It meant more training!
"You are crazy... I'd like to see you try!" Fuegoleon huffed, shaking his head and walking away a smile hidden behind his back as he walked towards other guests. Leopold would make it alright, Fuegoleon was sure of that.
Leopold turned to look around for you, his looking over every person before they found him, draped across a wall and staring at him playfully, pointing a doorway. He grinned and looked around, before practically running towards you, picking you up and running to his room for nightly festivities.
Your birthday was in three days. Seventy-two hours. Four thousand and twenty minutes. Two hundred and fifty-nine thousand and two hundred seconds- WHAT WAS HE GOING TO DO? He had been going back and forth for two days, thinking of what he should get you. Leopold had already finished with the planning, he knew he couldn't do a surprise party, because not only had you done one for him, you were too smart and Leopold couldn't keep anything away from you.
"Maybe Fuego or Leona could help." He muttered to himself, staring at the same paperwork he had been staring at for the last two hours.
"Could help with what?" Leopold practically jumped out of his skin, completely endorsed what to get you, he did expect you to be right behind him.
"Y/n? Oh! Uh, maybe they could help with this- this uh, work here, something about...  uh- blown up houses or something- uh what are you doing here, dear?" He pushed the pages away and turned to face you, smiling almost too widely. You stared at him weirdly.
"You okay?" You asked, coming to put a hand on his head, feeling to see if he was warmer than usual. He wasn't, only flushed and a little sweaty. You wiped your hand off on him and walked up, coming to sit on his lap sideways.
"Our mothers took me out dress shopping for my birthday gala, it was incredibly boring and so tedious!" You rested your head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat and relaxing as he lifted his hand to comb through the beginnings of your hair, his fingers tickling the skin on the side of your face now and then when he repeated the motion.
"Luckily I found a gorgeous dress though." You turned your head to look up at him. His smile was as bright as usual as he smiled down at you, hand coming to rest against your cheek as he spoke.
"That's good. I'm sure It'll look gorgeous as I'm taking it off you." He whispered cheekily leaning in for a blazing kiss. You slapped at his chest jokingly, meeting his kiss with just as fevore and love as him.
Pulling apart, you two wanted nothing more than to continue, but Leopold still had decisions to make, and your mother still wanted to go jewelry shopping with you. So with one last craving kiss, you got up and left, leaving Leopold to go searching for his brother and sister.
"What should I get Y/n for her birthday?" Fuegoleon and Mereoleona stared down at Leopold with little interest.
"This is what you pulled us away for?" Mereoleona growled, staring at her little brother with anger but happy that he had come to her for advice. He never does, always opting for stupid Fuegoleon- who by the way, is the second born.
"This is serious! I can't think of a single thing! I've already gotten her everything before, and I sure as hell am not going to get some boring gifts, it's gotta be perfect!" Leopold crying looked at his older sibling with pleading eyes. Mereoleona sighed and rolled her eyes while Fugoleon simply smiled and shrugged his shoulders.
"Well, what do they like?"
***30 Minutes Later***
"And they also-"
"Okay! Leo, we got it! Let's move on!" Meroleona stopped Leopold from splurging any more useless information, already sick of his lovesick stories of you. Meroleona sat back and thought hard, she too stuck on what Leopold should get, if he hadn't already of gotten it for you, it was simply too stupid enough to get then. Finally, though, Fuegoleon spoke up.
"Leo, do you love Y/n?" Fuegoleon held Leopold's eyes, ready for a slipping leak of deceit, but found none when he strongly replied.
"Are you serious? Of course, I love them! Hell, I've loved them my entire life it feels! They are always there for me, always have been! Without them, I wouldn't be nearly as powerful as I am today. Without them, I don't think I would have ever made it this far. I can't even begin to think of what my life would be like without them." Leopold spoke with such ferocity it left him almost breathless, his chest burning with the love for you. Fuegoleon only looked on in amusement.
"Well brother, I think you know what to do."
The party was beautiful, walls draped in f/c silks, your favorite. Flowers of all kinds filling every vase dotted across tables and window seals, some even hanging from the ceiling. Entertainers performed around you, showing off for the guests and patrons. Music filling the gigantic halls of the ballroom, sending magical melodies swirling around the room. It had been a night of dancing and drinking, good food, and sweet desserts. Laughs and jokes were shared with good friends and guild members.
As the night grew colder and fatigue slipped into everyone's exhausted bodies, [pulling them to leave and seeking sleep in their beds and homes. Leopold had swooped you up and carried you out of the ballroom, pushing past departing guests and banquet wanderers with genuine goodbyes and courtesies, hoping to see each other again.
"Where are we going, Leo?" You asked, confused and he walked out in the night air of the castle, finding a special mage standing near, opening a portal and nodding us in, a warm smile on his face.
"To you're last birthday present, my dear." Fuegoleon smiled and walked through the portal, walking out into a forested area. You looked around, taking in the change of environment. A wooden cabin layout in front of you two, covered in vines and foliage. Fireflies lit up the entrance, buzzing around a small bridge passing over a little creek in front of the little cabin. As we walked across you watched as the fireflies buzzed around brightly, spooked and startled by the walking of Leopold's steps. You giggled as they flew around you and Leopold, some even going to the water and lighting it up, making out the shapes of fish and lily pads dotting the water's surface.
"Leo, this is beautiful." You whisper, looking up at the spiraling trees, watching the stars shine and twinkle down on you. Leopold only smiled at your astonished face, quick to get you inside and show you your final gift.
Leopold opened the door, walked in, and set you down. As you walked around the warm cabin, taking in the decorations and personal trinkets Leopold had brought, to what he would hopefully like to call your new home. Leopold watched as you took in everything, reaching in his pocket and grabbing your gift, getting down to rest on one knee. He waited for you to turn back around, looked at him questioningly, and watched the slow realization dawn on your face as he lifted the little box and showed you what lay inside.
A gorgeous ring, detailed to a royals perfection, with the stunning vermillion house sigil carved on the outside. A vermillion diamond rests between the golden prongs holding it in place.
"Leo." A hand covers your mouth as you look at him in shock and astound. "Do you mean it?" You asked, walking over quickly and staring down at the man you love holding your next step in his hands.
"I would never lie or joke about something like this, Y/n. I love you, and I know I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I can't live without you." Leopold spoke, eyes staring up at her with honest truth.
"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!! Of course, I'll marry you!" Leopold jumped up quickly and wrapped you in a breathless kiss, bringing you in tightly and finally letting go of all his anxiety of you saying no, no it was too early or something, but he needn't worry now.
You said yes.
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In which my mastersona, Seihai-kun; joins Gudako and Mash for one heck of a fun sleepover!!!
Secrets and hidden emotions are finally exposed! ;)
(naw i just like sleepovers)
Cold, billowing gusts of snow rattled against the glistening window panes; as the mundane, clinically white halls of Chaldea sparkled like brand-new.
For the first time in ages, Seihai had volunteered to assist with the cleaning!!
'Well, it was either to help with clean-up or join the servants for a session of group counselling with Kiara...' The mere idea of pouring their heart out to their fellow allies made a cold shiver run down Seihai's spine.
No way in hell did they want to let others know about their inner demons; especially not when he was also attending today's session. To Seihai, that was akin to a recipe for disaster.
And in addition to that, Kiara was eerily perceptive as a counsellor. It'd be IMPOSSIBLE to hide anything from her. Seihai had seen how even Gudako's cheery outer self faltered before Kiara's intelligent wiles.
'It's much more relaxing to clean the place instead.' Resting their vibrant red cornrows onto one of the latest prototype model of the Chaldea Speedmop 2000 (nightingale had an entire stock of them in order to keep chaldea as clean as possible), they sighed.
Life had been a real struggle as of late for Seihai. Lacerating wounds. Ferocious beasts. Storylines bursting at the seams with treachery and Machiavellianism. In other words, the missions were hell. It was tough- unbearable even- to carry on, to keep on pushing forward like Gudako, Mash, the Staff and Servants were; but deep down, Seihai knew that they had no choice but to follow ahead.
However, it grew. A festering, deep pool of regret; self-abasement and shame. Was it really alright for Seihai to be here? Weren't they just a nuisance? Were they even worthy? Did anybody at Chaldea even care about them, anyway? Who could they open up around?
As a horrendous deluge of negative self-talk smashed into Seihai with all the force of a tidal wave; encasing them within a moment of anxiety so painful that they felt as if they were about to drown- a miracle occurred.
'TAP TAP!!!!' Tapping them ferociously on the shoulder, Seihai leapt out of their very skin to face such an intrusive force. "H-HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK- oh, Gudako."
"What do you mean by 'oh Gudako'?!! It's none other than me, Gudako; your beloved homie and most trusted ally!! I was looking for you. Kiara was disappointed that you couldn't make it to counselling today. Told me that she's happy to meet you one-on-one, if you got some extra time." Gudako all but winked, as her golden eyes glimmered mischievously.
'You little shit,' Seihai couldn't help but laugh at that. "Alright, I'll visit her tomorrow. How was the group therapy?"
"Oh, it was awesome! We all had a good laugh, shared our stories and gave each other some support." Gudako was more or less beaming with joy. "It's so nice here, in Chaldea. Everyone's so supportive of one another. There's no shame here, Seihai. I hope you know that."
"Haha, of course I do!" An itchy, aching laugh that was even faker than the fakest of plastics erupted from Seihai's throat. Well fuck, looks like their skills at faking had subsided greatly as of late.
'Oh shit...she's onto me..' Seihai recognized that expression clearly. Gudako's eyes were wide, almost brimming with tears, as her eyebrows arched incredulously.
That only meant one thing- she was finally onto Seihai's bullshit.
"Hey, Seihai. If something's up, tell me! You always listen to me ramble on and on about all of my feelings too. Let it out!" Gudako gives Seihai a friendly shake of the shoulders. "AH!!!!"
"Oh lord, Gudako. What's happened now?" Seihai guffawed softly at Gudako's vibrant pose. "You got a new idea? C'mon let it out!"
"Oi, you're the one who needs to let things out more!!! I am doing perfectly fine, thank you. Well anyway. Seihai?"
"Come with us. Join us on our sleepover tonight. Let's chat, just like old times. You, Mash and I. How does that sound?" Gudako's expression was apprehensive, linking her palms together. "I want to help. If that's okay with you..."
'SHIT, I'M WEAK TO SLEEPOVERS!!! DAMNIT!!' There was something so precious, so special about being privy to the personal thoughts and opinions of others; that Seihai was infinitely weak towards. And a sleepover with Mash and Gudako? Lucky!
Seihai instantly looped their ebony hands with Gudako's scarred palms. "Look, I'm going. You better bring some popcorn and snacks, or I'll drain your room of food, Gudako!" Seihai's joke brought a smile to Gudako's face immediately.
"Hell yeah! I'll see you at 10. You better not flake on me!"
Gudako was most certainly one of the most beloved homies around.
Decked in the most casual pyjamas and a pale gray dressing gown, Seihai trooped into Gudako's room with all the force of a warrior. It was time to commence battle!
'ONWARDS I GO!!! YOU'VE GOT THIS ME!!!' Seihai slammed into the door as bravely as they possibly could. 'YEAH BOI! I AM NOT NERVOUS, I AM WORTHY AND AWESOME! I am valid, I've got this!' With an entire array of self-affirmations tucked under their sleeves, they boldly seized their targets.
"Yahoo, beautiful ladies. It's me." Seihai posed languidly, as an excited Mash and ridiculously energetic Gudako ran up to her. "Wow, this is my first time here...nice room you've got, Gudako."
Gudako's room was filled with an array of posters, dvds, cds and technological gear; however neon lights also paraded the walls, giving it a very 'cyber beach party' feel.
"Oh damn, the finest one of them all has arrived." Gudako smirked, swaying from side to side. "I'm glad you came."
"Me too...Senpai was yammering on and on about how she wants you to join in with us more often," Mashu beamed softly, tucking her hands politely behind her back. "Thank you for making it here. Truly. I am very grateful for this."
At this, Seihai's eyes widened with shock. They were so used to being alone; and dealing with everything on their lonesome. So to see these two seem so joyful by their mere arrival came as a deep surprise to Seihai. 'Y-yo...I can't handle this...Shit.' It was time to clam up.
Awkwardly ruffling ruby red locks of hair, Seihai turned to the side. "Don't worry about it, I think you two are great people. So...what have you both got planned for today?"
"Well, senpai and I usually tend to enjoy a good romance movie..." Mash began.
"...And imagine ourselves in their situation as well." Gudako's grin was enormous, as Mash's cheeks flushed ever so slightly. "It's so much fun when we do that. Mash and I have very interesting viewpoints on romance. Hehe." Gudako's expression was wistful and warm, her eyes filled with affection.
'Damn, they've got it bad for one another...' Seihai blankly mused. 'Are they just close friends? Are they in love? Hell if I know,' They wondered.
"B-but, as you're here, we wanted to make things much more simulating for you as well. So we decided to choose a legendary movie..."
"... that's named SHREK." Gudako's face was extremely serious. "The movie that fucking destroys all other movies, because it is just that darn good. What do you say? Want some SHREK TIME??"
"Of course, Shrek is love AND life, after all." Grabbing a huge bowl of popcorn, Seihai sits to the right of Mash and Gudako. "How may times have you watched it?"
"I've genuinely lost count..." Gudako sighed. "How about you, Mash?"
"Only twice...I don't really understand the jokes and references made..." Mash hung her head dejectedly. "Sometimes I wonder if these movies are wasted on me."
"That's not true at all, Mash. I have all the time in the world to explain them to you. You won't be left out, alright?" Ruffling Mash's hair softly, Gudako smiled blissfully.
"Senpai...Thank you. In return, I shall explain all sorts of magecraft theories to you so that you can rise above all of the clock tower mages. I'll be cheering you on!"
"Aah, Mash; what have I done to deserve someone as good as you? C'mere." They were now snuggling closely together.
"Yep, Mash! You heard Gudako. This movie isn't wasted on you at all! All knowledge has to start from somewhere. You may be lost now, but you'll eventually possess enough referential knowledge to enjoy this soon. Be nicer to yourself, okay?" Ah, there it was. Seihai couldn't help but throw out some positive vibes. Worried that they had gone too far, they cringed- only to be met with wide smiles.
"You're so right, Seihai!" Gudako was now caressing Mash's hair. "Hehe, you always give such wise advice."
"Seihai, you're so kind...Thanks." Mash grinned.
"Ah, no problemo! Just didn't want to see you hurt yourself."
As Seihai quietly watched over the two's warm cuddling session, a slight pain twanged at their heartstrings.
In Chaldea, they had no connections as close as that. There was nobody like that for them, whose arms they could be held in; who they could bond with so closely. Nobody who they could cry with in the worst of times; nobody who they could while away the darkest phases of night with...nobody at all.
It had always been them, and them alone.
No matter how many people they connected to on a surface level; how many people they met and spoke to; who they relied upon and trusted within their lifetime- Seihai had never experienced a close bond with anyone.
For the first time in a while, the arid, bitter taste of jealousy clawed across their throat.
'Ah man, they're so cute. Kinda wish I could love and be loved like that too.' Seihai silently watched the movie besides them, as blue rays of light danced upon their face. 'Damn, now I'm mixed between feeling both happy and jealous for them. GUHHHH!!!'
Sometimes... being emotionally distant from others sucked.
But they couldn't let desperation consume them. Whenever they were desperate for friendship and love, they'd let the wrong people in, and would end up even more battered and bruised than before...
'I just gotta keep on being my own pillar of emotional support, no matter how desperate I am for some hugs.' Seihai sighed.
'If this is the price I have to pay to live honorably to my true self, than so be it.'
"So...Mash, Seihai. Let's share some secrets. Have any of you got somebody who you like? Fess up to your dear Gudako!!!"
What was once an extremely loud and rancorous viewing of Shrek (Seihai laughed throughout the entire thing, as Gudako cracked an inane amount of jokes) had now become none other than a GOSSIP SESSION.
'FUCK...' Seihai's face paled at this. Of all the topics to discuss, why did it have to be this??? Whilst Seihai's face was creased up with pure pain and terror, Mash was blushing like a cute tomato.
"W-well senpai, I...You see, I..." Gudako was leaning in so closely towards Mash that she was bordering on pinning her to the wall.
"Hmm, what? What is it, Mash?" Her voice was a husky whisper. "C'mon, tell me who..."
'Bruh. GUDAKO!!! That's not helping at all.' Seihai wanted to facepalm at their antics. 'They really are this dense to each other's feelings, huh.' It was adorable, yet somewhat amusing to watch as well.
"A-AH! I GIVE, I GIVE!!" Pushing Gudako to the side, Mash panted in agony. "S-SEIHAI! WHO DO YOU LIKE??"
"OI, DON'T THROW ME UNDER THE BUS LIKE THAT! WHAT THE HELL!!!" Seihai couldn't help but yell, as a dastardly cold wind dashed through their spinal cord. "Fuck, well okay, there is somebody I like, but..."
'Shit...' Seihai's eyes were as large as saucers, as they spun in Gudako's direction; her smirk pernicious.
Did Gudako KNOW?!
"Looks like Seihai's in a spear of trouble." Gudako winked proudly at them. "Mash, save Seihai the embarrassment. We all know who they like already!"
"T-that's true..." Mash had finally calmed down, much to Seihai's own chagrin. "Yes, we do know."
"How? I mean, should I be worried by this??? How many of you know??" Seihai's arms pooled with cold sweat. "Damn you!"
"More or less the entirety of Chaldea?" Gudako admitted, chowing nonchalantly on a massive pocky stick. "You're not very good at hiding your emotions, you know. Seihai, we in Chaldea understand you much more than you may realize. You can open up a little more, you know?"
Overwhelmed by this, Seihai snaps for the very first time- their hazel eyes burning with repressed rage. "How can you say that, damnit?! How can you understand me, when I mainly hang out alone; when I can barely connect with anybody in Chaldea; when I don't even fucking belong in this damned place??? How can you say that, when I have a fucking useless one sided affection that I've been trying to hide, but everybody now knows of??? How can you say that Gudako??? You don't know shit about me, nor my feelings!!"
At this outburst, both Gudako and Mash's faces soured. Roughly gripping Seihai with her war-torn hands, Gudako shakes them by the shoulders, her golden eyes burning with passion.
"You don't think I see it, Seihai? How you fucking pour out all of your feelings by accident, only to withdraw back into yourself again? How you look longingly over at Mash and I, craving a bond of your own? How you reluctantly look over towards staff and servants, aching to talk to them but not knowing what to do? You don't think I see you crying, see your eyes fill with affection for a certain someone every now and then; that I don't pay attention to your feelings?!! I CARE FOR YOU, FOR FUCK'S SAKE!!! WE'RE FRIENDS, AREN'T WE?!!!"
"S-senpai, stop! Seihai, I'm so sorry, Gudako just gets a bit...well, passionate sometimes." Mash manages to successfully pull Gudako back. "Err, Seihai?"
Tears. A flowing river of tears dropped from Seihai's eyes as they sobbed quietly into their palms.
Gudako cared?
Somebody actually did acknowledge their emotions, and actually looked out for them?
'What, what...It can't be...But I thought that only I could care for myself and understand my emotions that well...How could she?' Before Seihai could even look up, Gudako had wrapped them within a fierce hug.
"Seihai. Look, I don't know what's happened in your past, or what's convinced you to be your sole caretaker and self-support system without letting anybody else in." Gudako ruffles their hair. "But I want you to know, that you're NOT alone. Yeah, maybe you've not found your close homies yet. But Mash and I are happy to hear you out, we all are!! Even the person you like sees you as a friend, hehe. You don't have to worry about hiding yourself behind a mask of peerless positivity and self confidence anymore."
"You know, you were there for me when I was crying about having to be strong. And you know, I struggled to open up as well. But yeah, Mash...well she came along, and now I feel so much better! Look, I just want you to not beat yourself up for this. It's okay."
"Gudako, you're gonna make me cry. Damn, you're really hitting me in the feels today. I got a real case of the 'crying in the club at 3am vibes' right now."
"Oi, no making shitty jokes to cope. Here, we show our vulnerability like real warriors!" Gudako declared triumphantly, as Mash laughs.
"Gudako, I swear...you really are a wonderful homie. I'm sorry that I tried to hide away from you...I am so grateful that you care enough to seek me out like this. Thank you."
"Senpai, please stop the joking."
"I'm glad," Mash also sat by Seihai's side. "I just want all of us to be happy. And Seihai, I am sure there are many wonderful beings out there that you may eventually grow close to! You already believe in yourself, which is a great start! I know you won't have to be so lonely anymore!" Lacing her palms together, Mash spoke a prayer. "I wish that someday, you will meet people too. And that you'll stop fighting alone."
"Mash, you're gonna make me explode with tears. You're being so nice right now that I'm going to cry." Seihai blushed.
"You heard her, Mash! Why are you so damn cute, I'm falling in love!!" Gudako was clutching her heart dramatically. "Ahhh....Mash is such a beauty!!! Thank you, for blessing me with such a wonderful person!"
"S-SENPAI!!! STOP!!!" As the two began to pillow fight, laughing all the while; Seihai smiled softly at them both.
'So I'm not fighting alone after all...I'm not the only person who values myself in this world anymore...' Seihai could finally put down the weapons that they had grown so used to aggressively defending themselves with.
From now on, they'd do their best to trust in Chaldea more. And maybe attend group therapy from now on, as well.
'So this is how it feels to open up to people.'
It was an unforgettable sensation.
holy smokes this is so fucking LONG
9 notes · View notes
snowdice · 4 years
Finding the Time to Study Fic 2 [Day 42]
Here is my starting post for today’s study break stories session. See this post for more details and feel free to send me asks to keep me going! It’s been a lot of fun so far! I will reblog this post with the story as I write them today. I’ll be constantly looking for ideas of times and places for Janus to have missions, so feel free to send in any you can think of at any point!
If you are a new follower or just don’t want all of these posts clogging your dash, please feel free to block the tag “study break stories” as all posts and voting about it will go there. You can still see the finished product of the story even if you are blocking that tag as I will not tag the edited chapters with “study break stories” but with the tag “folds in paper.” See edited chapters below. None edited chapters are under the cut.
My Masterpost Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15
I also have a playlist on youtube (because Spotify didn’t have one of the songs I wanted). It’s short, and not really for serious listening, but I had fun with it.
Gotta finish my first draft of my research paper today, so let’s go!
Arc II What We Do to Each Other
Chapter 16:
As it would turn out, Janus and Virgil did not get in trouble for hooking up the old phone to Virgil’s integrator, mostly because it wasn’t really a mistake on their part. The phone cleared all virus checks that the tech people both from the university and the TPI ran on it. The phone should have been clean and should not have caused an issue.
In fact, they were still trying to pin down the code on the general university server. They could tell that something was mucking about on the system but what or how was a mystery. This also meant that there was no telling what information had been compromised and considering how many things Silver Mountain had its hands in, that was… a bit worrying.
 Another worrying thing was there was suddenly more activity of late at the TPI. There were more time distortions popping up every day. Usually they would be few and far in between. There had been 3 total recorded the year before, but over 12 in the last week. Some of them were fake like the one Janus had investigated, but some of them were real. It painted a distressing picture and also was a drain on their resources. Khalid was actually looking to advertise positions to hire new recruits which was something she rarely did as she liked to keep appointments to the TPI in house.
 They’d even loosed the number of field agents needed for each mission and Janus and Remus had been splitting up just to get everything done. Today, he and Remus had thankfully only two missions scheduled for the day.
“Are we going together or separate today?” Janus asked Remus.
“Think they’ll burn me at the stake for being a witch if I go alone to either of them?” Remus asked.
“I don’t know. Probably. I think we’re getting a bit late into the 1700s for that in Cuba, but I have no idea about Mesopotamia.”
“Let’s just go together. I did not like almost drowning yesterday because I was the only stranger in town when the weather was going wonky.”
“Surely it isn’t because you opened your mouth. Ever.” Janus said dryly.
“How was I supposed to know he was the local clergyman’s son?”
 Janus rolled his eyes. “On second thought,” he said, pushing a button on his desk to choose Cuba as he next mission, and standing up. “I don’t want you coming with me.” Yet, he did not protest when Remus also signed up for the Cuba mission and he waited for him by the office door before going to talk to Rhi.
Rhi was a bit frazzled when which meant quite a bit as she was usually incredibly put together. Remus didn’t even seem inclined to tease her today.
“Okay,” she said once they’d closed the door behind them. She flipped through some documents on her desk. “Picani and Clockson. Camaguey Cuba 1755. Do you know Cuba?”
 “Uh,” Janus said. “Yeah?”
“Like you’re reading the things, right? I don’t have to babysit you, right? You got it? The Seven Year War was happening, but it won’t affect you much as it hasn’t really hit Cuba. It’s the middle of the Camaguey Carnival. Everyone will be everywhere and there will be chaos so as long as you don’t really fuck up you should be fine. Um…apparent races.” She looked up at them and studied them each for a moment as thought looking at them for the first time despite having known them for years. “It’ll work. Go to costuming.”
“Shouldn’t we…” Janus said, “sign things?”
 “…Yep,” she said, fiddling with her desktop and then sending documents over to their side to sign.
Janus and Remus both did before sending them back.
“Great. Good.” She stood and grabbed some things from behind her. “You can go.” She sat back down as they took their things and Janus noticed a message pop up on her desk. She looked up at Remus looking exhausted. “What?” she asked.
“Just open it,” Remus said.
Rhi tapped it and a photo opened.
“I got her a new mouse toy!” Remus said happily as Rhi looked at the picture of Diesel Fuel attacking a cloth mouse.
“That is… appreciated Agent Clockson,” Rhi said. “Now get out.”
 They did, leaving to get their costumes on and checked. Costuming was just as busy and frazzled as Rhi had been and they actually had to wait for decon because there’d been a mix up with the agents leaving before them. They landed in Cuba without issue. Janus could already hear the festival in full swing outside the small building they’d were in. Remy was standing there with a very not time appropriate mug of coffee.
“Sue me,” Remy said when Janus raised an eyebrow at it. “Please just… get in and out without causing trouble. Seriously. I don’t want to have to deal with that on top of everything else.”
 “We’ll do our best,” Janus assured.
Remy pulled his sunglasses down to look at him. He looked exhausted. “God please do more than your best.”
Janus nodded tightly. “We’ll be in and out,” he said, already glancing at his timepiece. It had been disguised as a golden bracelet which made it a bit harder to actually use, but wrist watches wouldn’t be invented for more than a century, so they’d have to make do. “The time distortion, if that’s what it is, should be in the middle of town. Let’s go.”
He and Remus exited the building onto the packed city street.
 Janus was immediately bombarded with all types of sights, sounds, and smells. There were many colorful articles of clothing and costumes as people went every which way along the street talking to other members of their community, playing instruments, and dancing. There was the sound of people speaking Spanish, still mostly almost pure Castilian Spanish with perhaps a bit of influence from Taino as the Haitian revolution had yet to push the Creole language over to Cuba. People must have been hard at work cooking different dishes for the carnival as many different spices wafted through the air. It was sticky hot considering it was the middle of June in the tropics and Janus was immediately sweating despite the temperature appropriate clothing he’d been outfitted with.
 He glanced around their immediate area, just scoping out the crowds. His eyes were immediately drawn to one person near them.
“Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me,” he said out loud when he saw Pat. Remus looked in the direction Janus was.
Even if Janus didn’t recognize him the moment he laid eyes on him, he probably still would have ended up staring as he was the only person in the area who clearly did not know how to do the dance he was attempting.
Remus snorted and Janus shook his head in secondhand embarrassment. “Well, would you look whose boyfriend’s here,” he said to Janus. Make that firsthand embarrassment. “Has anyone told him the Mambo wasn’t invented until the 1900s and also that’s not how you do it?”
 Chapter 17
Pat stopped dancing the moment he saw Janus approaching him, but he still bobbed cheerfully ( and unrhythmically) to the music. “Hi Janus,” he said pleasantly.
“You just have to rub it in, huh?”
There was a flash of confusion across his face, but then he smiled. “Well, I know where in our relationship you are. How was France?”
“You’re a bastard.”
“You stole the phone,” he laughed.
“You stole the bomb,” Janus countered, “and you wanted me to steal the phone. You booby trapped it.”
“No,” Pat correct, putting a finger up. “We have security on my phone because in high school I once forgot it in the school locker room and long story short, the three of us ended up in a lake. So, then Lo made sure I always had some sort of tracker on it. When I started time traveling, he updated it and when I met you we updated it again in case there was ever an opportunity like that. Lo calls it using our weaknesses to our advantage.”
 “He’s a bastard too,” Janus growled.
Pat just laughed.
“Is someone talking about me?” Remus asked, stepping over to them. Janus rolled his eyes.
“Oh,” Pat said, blinking at Janus’s partner for a moment. “Remus.” He hesitated slightly. “How are you doing?”
“Me?” Remus asked. “Uh, I’m doing good. A little stressed out with work, but fine.”
“Good,” Pat said with just a little too much heartfulness to it.
“What?” Janus asked, eyes narrowed at Pat. “What is that?”
“What is what?” Pat asked. He met Janus’s eyes briefly and it made panic surge up Janus’s spine because the look Pat was sending him wasn’t one that said he was playing dumb. It was a warning.
 Oh, Janus did not like this. That look told Janus Pat had some foreknowledge that he absolutely could not tell Janus about without messing up the timeline spectacularly. This was why this mess the two of them were mixed up in was so bad, but it seemed Janus did not have much of a choice when it came to Pat.
Despite how bad of an idea he knew it was, he still wanted to push, because whatever Pat was hiding could be very, very bad and it had to do with Remus. There were so many reasons Pat could be acting like that around Remus, but the worst ones were definitely the ones on his mind. Death, injury, illness. They were all possible especially in their line of work and especially with how time was being screwed with right now. And Pat knew. He knew exactly what the answer was, and oh did Janus want to push.
Experience knowing what worse things could come out of having foreknowledge made Janus bite his tongue.
 “So, what are you two doing here,” Pat asked, and Janus unhappily let him change the subject.
“Oh, like you don’t know,” Janus replied.
“I don’t know,” Pat said innocently.
“There’s another time distortion,” Janus said, “and while you didn’t know what it was the last time I saw you, I’m pretty sure you do now.”
“Oh, I didn’t know there was a time distortion here. I can help you if you like,” he offered sweetly.
“Oh, yeah, sure. Then why are you here?”
“I wanted to see if I could find the Flying Dutchman,” Pat told him.
“And so you went to Camaguey?”
“Uh huh.”
“One of the farthest places from the ocean in Cuba?”
 “Is it?”
“I don’t trust you.”
Pat just shrugged. “Well, if you don’t want my help finding the time distortion, I’ll just be on my way then.”
“Wait,” he said when Pat went to turn away. Pat paused. Janus turned to Remus. “Remus, do you think he’s bullshitting me so I let him wander off and do whatever the hell he’s doing, or do you think he’s bullshitting me into letting him come with us.”
“Hmm,” Remus said, looking Pat up and down. Janus could immediately tell he wasn’t going to get any helpful answer. “Well, if we’re going with the how much do I get to see his, admittedly very sexy, ass criteria.” Janus pinched the bridge of his nose. “Letting him leave now means instant gratification and a nice full image when he turns away. However, letting him go with us means many more opportunities to get a glimpse, but they’d probably just be glimpses. So, yeah that’s a tough call.”
“You didn’t even bother to give me an actual hidden suggestion with that bullshit,” Janus groaned. He glanced at Pat only to see him hiding his very red face in his hands. Janus blinked. “Oh,” he said. “You got him, Remus.” Janus was surprised. He’d expected a bit more tenacity for someone with Pat’s personality. Of course, Janus was used to Remus, so that perhaps had some effect. Pat made a muffled distressed sound behind his hands and Janus raised an eyebrow. “You really got him.”
Pat flapped one hand around while still using the other to completely hide his face. “It’s just. His face. Saying that. Is weird.”
 Janus could not say that he didn’t feel a slight spark of joy at seeing Pat flustered. After all, Pat’s weapon of choice had often been flirting with Janus in the past. However, he still smacked Remus on the shoulder when it looked like he was about to continue with something likely far more inappropriate. “We are here for a reason,” he reminded. He turned to consider Pat and squinted at him. “You’re coming with us, I’ve decided. I don’t want to let you out of my sights. Don’t,” he said empathically turning to Remus as the man opened his mouth once more.
 Pat had mostly recovered, though his cheeks were just a bit pink still. “Yeah,” he said. “I’ll go with you. Where do we start?”
Janus glanced at his timepiece. “It’s not showing up on our trackers yet.”
“It messed with your tracker last time,” Pat pointed out.
“I know,” Janus said. “Which means it could be another fake one or whatever is causing it hasn’t started yet. If things start going wrong, but it still doesn’t show on our radar, it’s almost certainly a fake one, but some of the fake ones haven’t blocked our technology.”
“Here, I can check,” Pat said.
“Please don’t pull out an iPhone,” Janus begged.
 Pat stuck out his tongue at him, and then smiled. He reached for the bracelet on his wrist and twisted it back and forth a few times before pressing his palms together. He glanced around them quickly to make sure no one around them was watching and then peeled apart his palms like he was miming reading a book.
“What the fuck is that, and how do I get one?” Remus asked immediately. It was innocuous, whatever it was. If someone from this time caught a glimpse of the display, they’d likely assume it was a trick of the light, but staring right at it, Janus could tell it was a map of the surrounding areas with a softly glowing blue light marking their current location. Janus could see no screen or origin of a hologram. It looked like the image was drawn onto the man’s palms, but as he watched, the image shifted to zoom out.
 “There doesn’t seem to be anything major yet,” Pat said wiggling his fingers a bit. The display changed slightly to some sort of colorful overlay Janus did not understand. Pat hummed. “Did you two come from that building recently?” he asked nodding at it.
“Yes,” Janus replied. “How do you know?”
“There’s sometimes a slight temperature change when people time travel,” Pat explained. “I can read it on here.” He tilted his head. “There also seems to be a big enough temperature change in a church a few blocks away that could indicate time travel. Want to check it out?”
“We might as well,” Janus agreed.
“And if it’s nothing, we can get drunk on the communion wine!”
“He’s going to get immediately struck by lightning,” Janus said.
 Chapter 18
“If we see anyone,” Janus said as they entered the church. “You keep your mouth shut. Do you understand me? Remus, do you understand me?”
Remus immediately turned to Pat. “You know, I didn’t grow up Catholic,” he said to Pat who looked at him in confusion. “So the first time I ever entered a Catholic church, you can’t blame me for being a little confused about the whole cabinet thing with a wall between them. After all, everyone was singing about glory to god and what not. So I…”
Janus slapped him. “This is why you were almost burned at the stake yesterday.”
 “Excuse you,” Remus said, putting his hand over his heart. “I was almost drowned.”
“You were almost drowned?” Pat asked, his voice seeming legitimately distressed.
Remus shrugged a smile on his face that caused a Pavlovian migraine to start up behind Janus’s eyes. “It’s one of the hazards of the jobs, and really it would have all been worth it if I’d actually gotten to drown in that man’s…”
“We’re in a church!” Janus cut him off switching from Spanish to Swahili in the hopes that no random passersby would be able to understand him in this time and place. “Don’t talk about lewd sex things. Don’t talk about sex at all. It’s a Catholic church!”
 Remus continued to speak in Spanish with no regard for anything. “But not talking about lewd sex things takes away 3/4ths of my personality,” he pouted.
“More like 9/10th,” Janus grumbled, “and the other 1/10th is just normal stupid.”
“Hey, you shouldn’t be mean,” Pat scolded, in fucking English for some reason, “but Remus, honey, you probably shouldn’t be saying things like that right now.”
“No, no, he has a point,” Remus said switching to English.
“He’s my partner, I have the right to call him stupid,” Janus insisted.
“And I love you too!” Remus said in Greek because he was really, truly, stupid.
 Pat looked between the two, but then seemed to accept it, dropping the concerned expression for a slightly amused one. “If you say so.”
“Can I… help you?” A voice asked. All three of them whipped around to see a young boy looking at them and seeming very confused. Which was fair considering that to his ears, they’d just been speaking nonsense.
“We’re here to pray!” Remus claimed, then he turned to wink at Pat and said under his breath in Swahili, “to that ass.” Pat went immediately bright red again, which was doubtlessly Remus’s aim. Janus subtlety stepped on his foot while smiling at the boy.
 “Oh,” the boy said. “Okay.” Thankfully, he didn’t seem interested in questioning the random strangers in front of him further. “I’m going to go back to the celebration now.”
Janus smiled at him. “Have fun,” he said. He waited for the boy to leave through the front door before slapping Remus on the back of the head.
“Ow!” he whined sounding far too pained for how hard Janus had actually hit him.
Janus rolled his eyes. “Let’s just start investigating,” he said.
“Sure, sure, you never let me have any fun,” Remus said, pulling up his wrist and spinning the golden bracelets on his arm. “Hmm…” he said.
 “What?” asked Pat.
“Either I put on the wrong jewelry this morning… or my timepiece isn’t working.”
“Well, then I’m guessing we’re in the right place,” Janus said. He turned to Pat. “Your stuff still working?”
Pat brought up whatever device was on his hands. “Yeah,” he said, “and it looks like something is just starting.” Just as he said it, there was a violent crash of thunder.
“Well,” Janus said. “We should probably find the source and soon. Which way?”
Pat glanced around himself and then motioned with his wrist. Suddenly there was a 3D display of the church in front of them.
 Janus could see immediately where the problem had to originate. There was a swirling mass of some sort of energy centered at the top of the bell tower of the church. As he watched, he saw the picture of the church glitch out a bit. He had a bad feeling about that.
“Is there something wrong with your display?” he asked, or more hoped.
Pat shook his head slowly. “I don’t think so…” The room seemed to shift suddenly underneath their feet. It felt a bit like time travel, but also wrong. The picture on the display flickered harder, part of the building fracturing and dissolving before appearing back in place. The room settled after a moment, but Janus’s stomach did not.
 “Whatever is going on,” Janus said, “We need to stop it right now.”
Pat nodded. “The quickest way up would be that way,” Pat said pointing. The display closed as he did.
“Then, let’s go,” Janus said.
The world was eerily calm as they all started off in the direction Pat had pointed out. In fact, it was almost too quiet.
“Where’s the nearest window?” Janus asked when they came out on the second floor.
Pat glanced at his hand. “There should be a couple a few feet that way.” Janus nodded and left them standing there. When he glanced out of the first window he came to, it appeared to be night. Yet, when he walked to the next window, he saw daylight.
“Time is fracturing,” Janus informed them. “We need to be careful.” This time distortion was much more intense than any of the other ones the agency had been tracking down over the last few months. It had also come on much faster. Usually there was some time between when the time distortion began and it started having extreme effects on the environment. He was suddenly very glad that he and Remus had not split up today. He was even glad for Pat’s company, no matter how aggravating he may be sometimes. Not to mention, he was glad for the man’s technology that seemed to circumvent whatever was blocking Janus and Remus’s timepieces.
He backed away from the windows and returned to the others.
“Whatever you do,” Janus said. “Don’t let anyone be in a room alone.”
“I know what time fractures are this time,” Pat promised.
“It was as much for the idiot as it was for you,” Janus said.
“You accidently bring a bubonic plague infested rat to 900BC one time and you never live it down.”
“I’d say I should put a leash on you, but you’d twist it into something disgusting.”
“Probably,” Remus agreed.
“Where next?” Janus asked, ignoring him.
“That way,” Pat said.
They walked together to the door he’d indicated. “Please don’t be bullshit,” Janus prayed. He opened the door and immediately got bowled over by a stream of salt water.
 Chapter 19
Janus landed flat on his back, a wave of water splashing over him and then quickly retreating, but still leaving him absolutely drenched. He sighed, looking at the ceiling. “Don’t,” he warned, “say a word.”
Of course, he was with the two most impossible people in all of space and time, so neither of them headed him.
“I thought you said we were far from the ocean, Jan,” Pat said.
“Yeah, Janny,” Remus immediately jumped on board because he was an asshole. “I thought we were far from the ocean!”
“Maybe I’ll achieve my goal of finding the Flying Dutchman after all!”
 “Ooo ghost pirates! I’ve never gotten to fight ghost pirates before. Any good with a sword Patty?”
“My friend has a sword and he let me use it before… but all I did was cut a hole in our couch, and then Lo was mad at us.”
“I mean… just pretend the pirates are a couch and we’ll be good!”
Janus slowly sat up. There was still water on the floor and every so often a wave would crash into the room as though the door frame signaled the edge of a beach. Pat reached down to offer him a hand up and Janus slapped it away.
 “Rude!” Pat claimed, but his eyes were alight with mischief.
Janus shoved himself to his feet on his own power.
“You deserve it,” he hissed. “For all of this!” he waved his arms around.
“Water you talking about. I didn’t do anything wrong.”
“You are on thin ice.”
He looked down at his feet with a contemplative expression. “Looks like water to me.”
“Arg!” Janus spat, throwing up his arms.
“I don’t sea why you’re screaming, Janus.”
“Yeah,” Remus contributed. “You seem overally emotional to me.”
“Yes, yes,” Pat replied. “Very em-ocean-al.”
“One may even say he’s pretty salty.”
“I know where you live, Remus,” Janus reminded.
 “Alright, alright Remus, reel it in,” Pat said.
Remus opened his mouth to respond, but Janus cut him off. “Why don’t the two of you dedicate all of that brain power to figuring out how to cross the literal ocean in the next room,” Janus suggested hotly.
And it was a literal ocean. If one ignored where they were and the fact that there was a staircase climbing out of said ocean about 80 or so meters away. There was sand being washed up across the door frame and a seagull flying in the distance. At least it looked like a nice day in the room with the way the sun was glinting off the water. At least it wasn’t storming there. Yet.
Janus’s head throbbed with the thought of what had to be happening with the time distortion to plop a piece of the ocean into one single room in a church. Usually they’d be calling the TPI for backup or at least for information, but that was a loss. Even if they tried to get out of range of whatever was disrupting their timepieces, time was so unstable, they’d very possibly get dumped somewhere dangerous. It was better to just get to the time distortion as quickly as possible and stop it.
 “Hmm,” Remus said. “I wonder how deep it is. Do you think there are man eating sharks in the water? Or giant jelly fish? Remember that one time I got stung by a jelly fish and almost died?”
“Yes,” Janus said, lips pursed, “and it was entirely your fault.”
“I just looked so squishy!” he declared, “I didn’t know it was a murder blob.”
“I think I have a boat,” Pat said.
They both turned to him. “What?” Janus asked. He was looking at his hands and just hummed in response to Janus’s question. The next thing he knew, Pat made some motion with his hand and a yellow raft started to autofill from his palm. “...Why?” Janus asked.
“I… recently started carrying a wilderness survival pack in my time device.”
 “I’m not going to question it. It’s better than swimming.” By the time the raft was completely deployed, they’d all been shoved into the walls by it.
“Huh, on second thought. I probably should have put the raft in the room before blowing it up.”
“You think?” asked Janus.
Pat glared at him over it. “I never really thought about how to open it in a narrow second floor corridor.”
“Just try to shove it through the door without popping it.”
“Why are you looking at me?!” asked Remus.
They managed to somehow squeeze the raft through the door into the other room after a few minutes.
 Pat squinted at the tottering raft he was holding to the door frame. “After you,” he offered.
Janus glared at him.
“You’re already soaked!” Pat defended himself.
Janus sighed and very carefully climbed into the raft. It tottered dangerously, but he didn’t immediately fall out, so that was a plus. The other two of them slowly also climbed onto the raft with him. They then sat in it for a few seconds. “Is there an oar?” Janus asked.
“Oh right!” Pat did something else with the device in his hands and an oar slowly unfolded from his hand.
“Seriously, I want one of those,” Remus said.
 “Let’s just get out of here,” Janus said, snatching the oar. The staircase luckily wasn’t too far away. They probably could have swam it if necessary, but the raft gave them some modicum of protection. Everything seemed to be going in their favor, which of course meant everything was about to go incredibly wrong.
They were about halfway across the water when the entire world around them rumbled.
“…I hope that was a giant jellyfish,” Remus said.
It was unfortunately not a jellyfish or any sea creature at all. The world around them fractured, the ocean seeming to split right down the middle so the water right of the staircase was 6 feet higher than on the left. The sky flashed red and yellow before the water split completely like Moses splitting the Red Sea.
 There was a millisecond as the split widened until it was only a few feet from them, to decide whether when they landed they wanted to be on the side with the water or on the side without it. On one hand, going towards the side without water could mean they fell to their deaths or the water crashed back down on top of them when it settled. On the other hand, if the fissure was closing or shifting to a new area, it was very possible that they’d end up trapped in the middle off the ocean with no connection to the church.
 Well, the best chance to actually get to where they were going was probably the side without water. It seemed everyone had the same idea at once because as he grabbed for both of them, they both grabbed for him and they all went tumbling off the raft into what could have very well been a bottomless pit.
Janus learned after a couple of seconds of free fall, that it was definitely not a bottomless pit. He landed hard, flat on his back and saw stars. The next moment something landed on top of him, squeezing all of the air out of his lungs.
 Something else fell half on top of his legs.
“Ow,” Pat said from near his ear.
“Yeah, well you’re the one on the top,” Janus groaned though his teeth.
“Wow, I never took you for a bottom, Janus,” Remus said from near his feet. Janus kicked up his legs into whatever part of him was on top of Janus and he gave an “oof.”
Pat snorted a bit and Janus glared at his… shoulder? He shifted around a bit so he was less thrown across Janus and more just on top of him. Janus blinked. There was a wooden ceiling above them, so that was a good sign, though there was also a giant dark hole of nothingness directly above them which was not as good.
 Janus moved slightly. He could tell he was going to be bruised later, but he didn’t seem seriously injured. “We should,” he started, but was interrupted as the hole above them pulsated and dumped a bunch of sea water.
Pat shrieked as they were all drenched with the chilly water. Luckily, they seemed to be on higher ground because, while water kept pouring out of the hole, it drained away just as quickly instead of drowning them.
Water still hitting his back relentlessly, Pat peeled his head up to look Janus in the eyes. A giggle bubbled out of his mouth.
“It isn’t funny,” Janus informed him. Pat just giggled more, leaning his head against Janus’s chest and cackling.
 Janus just rolled his eyes. “Yes, yes, this is an entirely appropriate reaction. Thank you for your contribution to our very important mission.”
Pat seemed incapable of stopping laughing completely, but he did calm himself enough to peel himself off Janus’s chest and lean forward so their noses almost touched. “It’s hilarious and you know it,” he claimed.
“In what way is this ‘hilarious’?”
“In many waves,” was the joy filled answer.
“You’re horrible.”
Pat hummed. He hadn’t moved to get off of him even though they really should be moving in case something worse than water came through the hole in the ceiling. He hadn’t even moved his face away.
“No, no, you two just tell me when you’re done being gay for each other,” Remus interrupted. Janus was surprised to see he’d stood up at some point and was now hovering over them.
 Janus flipped him off even while Pat laughed once again. Pat finally drew away and rolled off of him so Janus could sit up. Pretty much everything hurt when Janus moved, but he was able to stand up, so he was probably fine enough. “So,” he said looking around. “Where are we now?”
 Chapter 20
Janus looked around himself while Pat booted up his map to try to figure out where they were. They were in a small room that may actually be considered a large landing as there were staircases on either side of it. The water that was still coming out of the ceiling was running down the staircase that led down from the room.
 Something was stopping the water, creating a pool on the steps that was already about to overflow into the room. With the speed the water was flowing, they should have enough time before the room completely filled up with water and drowned them.
Janus wondered if they were in the church or not. It was not out of the question and there was church like décor around them, but who knew? He could feel a strange vibration in the ground and the one window in the room shone with green light.
“Hmm,” said Pat. “That looks not good.” He’d projected his map so they could all see everything.
 The map itself was moving. Rooms were phasing in and out of focus and fracturing down the middle. One room was even spinning lazily around in circles. Janus could see the room they were in. It was connected to the bigger blob of rooms, and there was a black line connecting it to another room from the top which was obviously the hole spewing water at them.
“Well, at least the time distortion is still coming from the bell tower,” Remus said. Janus shot him an unamused glance. Said bell tower was currently upside down and shuddering as well as divided from any other room by at least two inches of empty space.
“How are we supposed to get there?” asked Pat.
“We don’t,” Janus said. “It’s literally impossible.”
“There has to be some way,” Pat argued with a frown.
“If we try to use time travel, we’ll definitely get shredded by the warping time and space around it and walking there isn’t an option. There aren’t even any entrances!”
“Well, there were at one point.”
“Yeah, before,” he gestured wildly to the ceiling that was still pouring water into the room.
“So?” Pat asked.
“’So’?! What do you mean ‘so’?!”  
Pat shrugged. “When one door closes, cut another one.”
Janus froze and looked at him for a long moment. “Where the hell did you hear that?”
Patton raised an eyebrow. “You.”
“I don’t think like that anymore.”
“Well then I guess we’ll die,” Pat said lightly. “Of course, that’ll make an even worse time loop considering I’ve met older versions of you.”
“Fuck,” Janus spat. “Fuck. Fine. Give me a minute to think. Not that I even know if we have a minute because,” he gestured once again to the room.
 “Okay,” Janus said. “The room with the source of the time distortion is separated from us by a swirling pool of dark nothingness and there is no way to get to it. But, the only way we’re going to stop the distortion from ripping apart time and killing us as well as probably a bunch of other people is to get to it. That is an impossible situation. There is no solution. That door is closed to us. What other ways are there to look at it?” He looked at the visual representation of the rooms. One of them suddenly went spinning out and his eyes tracked it. We need to be in the same place as the source,” Janus said. “That is fact, but we don’t have to get to it.”
“Um, what do you mean?” Remus asked. Pat shushed him.
 “If you want thing A and thing B to be in the same place, there’s more than one way to do it. If you can’t move thing A to thing B, you might be able to move thing B to thing A. Pat, you have a working time device. We can’t travel with it because that would kill us, but if we can make it do a stutter warp, it could draw the time distortion to it.”
“You…” Remus said. “Want to create another time distortion in hopes that the original time distortion will be pulled into this room?”
“Well, sounds good to me!” Remus said.
 He maybe had expected Pat to argue, but he didn’t. Instead, he moved his hand to his wrist. There had been nothing there before, but when he touched down on his wrist with two fingers, there was suddenly a metal bound around it that Janus immediately recognized from the times he’d seen Pat’s timepiece before. How was it made invisible? He shook the thought off as Pat offered it up wordlessly. Janus took it and Pat leaned over his shoulder to look.
Despite the fact that the device looked nothing like his own, the interface was surprisingly convenient. “I assume you have safety setting to prevent a stutter warp,” Janus said. “How do I turn those off?”
 Patton pointed at a gear icon on the screen. “You put it under your normal settings?” he asked.
“I have to put in my password or use my fingerprint!” Pat defended.
“It doesn’t matter right now.” He navigated through the settings. He was interested to see that there were many different saved default security settings, but he didn’t get much of a chance to read what all they did. He just turned them all off.” It popped up with a message to put in the password and Pat pressed his fingertip to it. Another message popped up warning them that turning off these settings could cause damage to the machinery, the person using it, and time itself. Janus pushed “okay.” A message popped up that asked “Continue” and Janus pressed “yes.” One last message popped up that said “Security functions disabled.” Janus pressed “okay.”
 “Anything else I’d need to disable?”
“Nope,” Pat confirmed.
He navigated back to the main screen and then bought up the manual travel input screen. Yet another message warning him not to do this flashed and Janus once again ignored it. He copied the space time coordinates that the device said they were currently at and put it in the ‘travel to’ location. “Well,” he said. “Here it goes. Let it be known that if I die, it’s my own fault for allowing Remus into a church.”
“Really?” Remus said. “That’s what you’re choosing to be your last words?”
Janus just raised an eyebrow.
“Love you too Janus.”
Janus nodded and hovered his finger over the travel button. He quickly mashed his finger to the button 22 times.”
 The device warmed in his hand enough that he almost dropped it. Time literally froze for a few breaths as whatever Deity that may or may not exist processed their stupidity.
Janus was not a scientist or technician, but he had a good idea of how badly they were fucking up right now. The timepiece was attempting to travel over and over again to the exact same place and time. This basically punched a small hole through time, that if left unfixed would grow and disrupt space time all around them. As it was, their current position, all gathered around it and staring at it while one of them had it literally in their hand, was perilous.
 There was a rumble under their feet and the world tilted on it’s axis. The all went tumbling down in a pile of limbs to new floor of the room which had once been a wall.
Of course, this change of gravity caused the water that had been building up in the staircase to dump on top of them.
Janus would have cursed, but he was too busy being under the water. He maneuvered himself away from the other two flailing bodies and managed to shove his feet against the wall turned floor. His head popped above the water in time to see the ceiling, or well, it would be the opposite wall, rip in two and the other walls/floor/ceiling start to fold in.
 “Give me a boost!” Pat called over the noise of water rushing and walls crunching.
“Give you a boost where?” Janus asked.
“Up!” Janus wasn’t sure if ‘up’ really existed right now, but he still nodded. The water was a few inches over his head, so he held his breath and interlaced his hands so Pat could put his foot in it. He was shoved down into the water, but it gave Pat enough leverage to shoot up out of the water. When Janus resurfaced, he saw that the man had grabbed ahold of the crumbling wall and was pulling himself up into what for all appearances seemed to be absolutely nothing.
 It took a moment, but then Janus blinked, and he was suddenly in a new room entirely or perhaps it was the same room. He honestly didn’t know at this point. Remus was next to him. He couldn’t recall if he’d been there before the shift or not, but they were both treading water. Pat crashed into the water next to them. Janus’s wrist buzzed as his timepiece came back online. “Got it!” Pat declared when he resurfaced, holding a device up. It looked almost the same as the device they’d found in France, but this one was definitely different if it was able to cause that much chaos that quickly.
 Janus looked around and pointed at what appeared to be a set of stairs. The three of them swam over and pulled themselves out of the water.
“Where are we?” Pat asked.
“Looks like a basement,” Remus replied. “A flooded basement.”
Janus pulled up his timepiece and pushed some buttons to stabilize Pat’s timepiece. It slowly stopped vibrating and cooled. “Here,” he said, handing it over to him. “I suggest you put the safeties back on now.”
Pat nodded and took it.
“We’re still in Cuba,” Remus informed them, looking at his own timepiece. “Same church too, but in the basement and… two and a half centuries later.”
“Remy is going to be pissed,” Janus said.
Remus shrugged. “He’s always pissed… at least at me.”
“Well,” said Pat, slipping his timepiece back onto his wrist. “Thanks for being willing to pool our resources.”
Janus rolled his eyes. “Stop.”
“Ah, mi sirenito-”
“I hate you.”
“-never.” He disappeared with a pop which was when Janus realized, he’d never handed over device that had caused the first time distortion.
“…You bastard!” he yelled at thin air as though the man could hear him.
“Well,” said Remus, “that mission went swimmingly.” Janus reached over and shoved him back into the water.
 Chapter 21
“We should probably get out of here,” Janus said, very much not helping Remus out of the water. Remus pulled himself back up onto the staircase and shook like a dog. Janus crinkled his nose as water droplets hit him. They didn’t smell salty anymore, he noted. In fact, there was a broken pipe spewing out water on the other side of the room.
Janus and Remus cautiously snuck out of the church, not wanting to be seen and blamed for the flooded basement. They came out on a city street that was much different than the one they’d entered from.
 They walked down the street a bit, Janus’s eyes scanning the buildings. His eyes caught on a sign and he tugged Remus towards it.
They entered the small paladare and the person delivering food to one of the tables blinked at them both. Right. They were in clothing from the 1700s and were soaking wet. He met eyes with the woman, challenging her to say something. She did not.
They found a seat at one of the tables.
“Ah…” the worker said, approaching them. “English?”
“Ron,” Janus said, “por favor.”
Remus turned and started ordering the both of them food in Spanish. Janus didn’t pay attention to what he did.
 After his second shot of rum, Janus sighed and brought up his timepiece to ping the TPI. The reaction was almost instantaneous from their perspective. Remy all but kicked down the restaurant’s door and walked over to them. “How the fuck?”
“Ah, Remy,” Janus said calmly. “Have a seat. We’re waiting on our food.”
He did, but probably only because people were looking at them. “What are you doing here?”
“It’s been a long day,” Janus answered, “and I’m hungry.”
“Yeah, it certainly looks like you’re interested in the food,” Remy said, eyeing the empty shot glasses.
“Let’s just say, I’m glad Cuba started letting paladares legally serve liquor a few years ago.”
 It’s clear that Remy wanted to ask them what had happened, but he also was cautious enough not to make a scene here and Janus wasn’t planning on getting up until he’d at least gotten his food. “Why are you soaked, by the way?”
“Turns out the ocean isn’t as far away as we thought,” Janus said.
“Also, a church basement is flooded,” Remus said.
“Fantastic,” Remy replied.
They sat there mostly in tense silence until their food came, and then Remus and Janus ate. Remy slapped down some pesos once they were done and then proceeded to all but physically drag them out of the restaurant.
 They were led to an alley way and then through an old almost hidden door. Remy immediately rounded on them. “What the hell happened?” Remy asked.
“The time distortion caused level 5 time fractures in its vicinity, we almost drowned three times, and the worst person in the universe fucked me over again.”
“To be fair,” Remus said. “He did save our lives before that.”
“I saved our lives first,” Janus said. “I don’t have to be fair.”
“Oh, yeah, Mr. Curl Up In A Ball And Perish. I’m sure we would have been fine without him.”
“Anyway,” Janus said to Remy. “If you want your lump of flesh, I suggest you take it now, because Khalid is going to murder me, and then fire me, and then rehire me so she can put me on desk duty and make me do paperwork until the end of time.”
 “What did you do?” Remy asked.
Janus grimaced. “Made a time distortion.”
“You were the one who made the time distortion?” Remy asked.
“Not exactly,” Janus answered.
“He made the second time distortion,” Remus said. “It was actually pretty cool.”
“It was not cool,” Janus snapped. “It was irresponsible and dangerous. I shouldn’t have done it.”
“We would have died,” Remus said.
“And we could have done worse than dying if it had gone poorly,” Janus argued. “I just…” he tugged on his hair a bit, and Remus gave him an alarmed look. “I’m going to go talk to Khalid,” he said. He didn’t give Remus any time to speak, but just waved his hand to travel back to the TPI.
 Remus followed him instantly, of course, but Janus proceeded to ignore him until they were out of decontamination. Janus walked himself straight to Khalid’s office.
He knocked on her door and she called for him to come in. He did and sat heavily in the chair in front of her. She frowned at him. “You really should go to Cultural Outreach first.”
“Just fire me,” he said.
“What?” she asked.
“I just shouldn’t work here anymore,” he said. “At least not as a field agent. Really any type of agent.”
She paused and reached to her desk to pull up some file on the screen there. “I’ll fill out the incident report myself instead of Dr. Eran then,” she said. “Tell me exactly what happened.”
 Janus explained everything that happened, and Khalid diligently wrote it down. It was far outside her job description, but she didn’t explain or really react to anything he said more than nodding to say she’d gotten it recorded.
When he was finished, she saved the file and leaned back.
“Well,” Khalid said, folding her hands in front of her and scrutinizing him. “Honestly, this isn’t anywhere near a fireable offence.”
“But I…”
“You went against policy certainly, but policy sometimes has to be broken in disaster scenarios. You know that.”
“It was stupid,” he bit out, feeling sick to his stomach.
“Is it if it worked?” she asked.
Janus didn’t answer.
 “The major reason I originally assigned you to be a field agent is because you’ve always been good at thinking your way out of difficult situations even when they go against the rules we set. You have good instincts that I trust, but you haven’t seemed to trust them lately,” she said.
“You shouldn’t trust them,” Janus said darkly.
Janus felt his throat tighten as she considered him for a long moment. “This isn’t the first time you’ve asked me to fire you,” she said. “You wouldn’t tell me why then, and I respected it at the time, but…” she paused. “You’ve changed, Janus.”
 “Well then I’m not any good to you.”
“I’d beg to differ,” she replied, “but fine.”
Janus was actually surprised by that. He looked up at her. He somehow thought he’d feel better when this happened, but he didn’t in that moment. He just felt ill.
“I’m not firing you,” she continued, meeting his eyes, “but if you don’t want to be a regular field agent, fine. I have a particular mission in mind for you.”
“What?” he asked.
“This ‘Pat’ thing is getting ridiculous,” she said. “I don’t have enough resources to focus on it right now considering how much is going on, however, but I trust you and you’re already involved. So, I’m going to reassign you. No more missions. No more dealing with in department duties. You find him and his source of time travel. That’s your job. Whatever you think you need to do that job is fine. Request whatever trips or resources you need. Bring on Remus when you need or even Fred and Lena.”
“You’re…” he said. “Giving me more freedom and resources?”
“Like I said, Janus. I trust you. The one time I didn’t, after all, Pat ran off with a timebomb, so I learned my lesson.” She smiled briefly and stuck out her hand. “Deal?”
Janus sighed and once again resigned himself to staying at the TPI. “Fine,” he said. “Deal.”
 Chapter 22
Janus sighed. This was stupid. What was he even doing? He glared at the large hologram that took up a good portion of his office now. During the day, he usually shrunk it so he could only see part of the diagram he had up, but right now the office was abandoned other than him, so it took up and entire two walls. He rubbed his forehead. Why had 2pm Janus thought putting a bunch of words on this hologram was a good idea? Even the pictures were starting to look like they were vibrating. He drew a red line between “Nick Jonas” and “iPhone,” and he honestly wasn’t even sure why at this point.
His board didn’t even make sense. Why did he think this would be a help? He swiped a picture of the first device he’d found that had made the time distortions off to the side with his own (bad) artistic rendition of the one Pat had stolen. There wasn’t a pattern with Pat’s behavior that he could see other than, perhaps, a liking for early 21st century pop culture.
Frustrated, he turned away from the board. He needed a walk, he decided. He stepped out of his office into the TPI hallway and chose a direction at random. There were still some people in the building as even this late at night, someone had to be on call, but for the most part, the building was abandoned.
 He wasn’t paying attention to where he was going, and even if he had been, he likely wouldn’t have realized where he was because he’d never been to the AMO offices since he’d gotten his house, and they’d moved since then.
He paused in front of it the doors, eyes touching on the lit-up names on the door’s screen. He focused on his own last name until it stopped looking like letters at all.
“Did you need something?” a familiar voice asked.
Janus jumped and whipped around. “You… it’s late, what are you doing here?” he asked Emile.
“There are at least two AMO workers at the office at all times. Today is my night,” he explained.
 “I… see.”
Emile tilted his head. “Did you need anything?”
“No,” Janus said, perhaps a bit too fast. He bit his lip. “I was just going for a walk. I didn’t mean to come here.”
Emile folded his hands in front of him and rocked onto his heels. “I heard that you almost died,” he said.
“Yeah,” Janus said. “I fucked up.”
Emile arched an eyebrow. “And is that why you got a promotion?” he asked in that mild tone of his that informed Janus that his brother was wholly convince he was an idiot. Janus looked away and Emile sighed.
 “Well then,” Emile said, walking past him to the door. Despite himself and the fact that it was his fault, Janus felt hurt at how short Emile was letting the conversation be. Then he felt disgusted with himself that he even dared to feel that way.
Yet, Emile paused at the door. “If you ever decide you want that help, I offered, you know where my office is now.”
He wouldn’t, Janus thought, but he didn’t say anything. He just let Emile push open the door to the AMO and disappear inside.
Why was he even here right now? Janus wondered to himself. It was the middle of the night and he didn’t remember the last time he’d slept. He didn’t remember the last time he’d been home.
 Yet the house by the lake wasn’t home, was it? Going there to the nothing that pervaded the place made his throat tighten. He’d had different homes in his life. The small childhood home, the claustrophobic apartment he’d had in his college days, the first home the AMO had assigned him which he’d shared with his brother, but none of these were available to him anymore. He brought up his timepiece. There were only three pre-programed space-time coordinates in his device. The first would only take him back to his office with the frustrating board that wasn’t giving him any answers and the third took him to the lake house he couldn’t bear to see empty right now.
 That left him with only one option. He selected the second saved coordinates and stepped forward into Remus’s house. He landed in total darkness, which was expected considering it was around 3 in the morning and Remus lived about 3 decades before electricity was invented. Janus stumbled forward in the dark, his eyes very much not adjusted, until his shins hit the couch. He carefully turned and sat before blowing out a breath.
“Mew?” came from the corner, and Janus titled his head to see eyes shining in the dark.
“Hello,” Janus said. “Sorry to wake you.”
Diesel Fuel make a little burrhr sound and padded over to him.
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yoonguurt · 4 years
Quatervois pt. 2
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Warnings: cursing, violence, smoking, drinking
Pairing: Mark x reader, Yuta x reader
The sound of your alarm brought you into consciousness and you reached over to silence the annoying tone. You had set it early enough to give yourself plenty of time to wake up a little before getting ready to meet Yuta at the coffee shop. You turned to Mark’s side of the bed, finding it empty which was unusual for this time of day, Mark usually slept until late afternoon on the day after a party. You grabbed your phone, scrolling through your notifications for a text from your boyfriend, but there was nothing. Why was he acting like this? He had been fine until Yuta messaged you and that changed his whole mood, but that didn’t make a whole lot of sense to you. And this was the only time you could think  of when he had left without telling you where he would be, and that upset you. What if something happened to him? Would you even know?
You did your best to push your hurt and confusion aside, choosing to spend your extra time tidying up the apartment. The cleaning didn’t help as much as you had hoped it would, but by the time you got out of the shower, you felt a small amount better. You flipped through your closet for a while before settling on a light blue sundress that you hadn’t been able to wear yet, locked your apartment up and headed to the coffee shop. The weather was nice again today and you stopped just outside the coffee shop for a moment to enjoy the breeze, your moment being interrupted by a voice to your left. “Why are you just standing there with your eyes closed, you weirdo?” You turned to find a wide smiled Yuta not even bothering to hold in his laugh. You gave him a slight shove before the two of you went inside. 
You made your way to the booth as Yuta went to order your drinks, make yourself comfortable as you look out of the window, still trying to keep your thoughts from drifting to Mark. The sound of the drinks sliding across the table snaps your attention back to Yuta, who is giving you a bright smile, and you try your best to match his expression, hoping he doesn’t realize how fake it is. “Alright, spill. I can see right through that fake ass smile so out with it. It is too early for the late riser?” So much for him not noticing. You let out a huff of air from your nose, rolling your eyes in the process, before bringing your coffee to your mouth. You notice Yuta straighten his posture in the seat across from you and set down his drink. “Ok. Nakamoto Yuta, full time best friend, part time therapist at your service.” You couldn’t help but laugh at the serious tone and deadpan face he had put on, and you definitely had to admit that he had always had a way of making you laugh, while also making you want to talk about whatever was bothering you. He flashed you a small smile, paired with a wink, and just like that you were telling him about Mark’s weird behavior.
Yuta feels a stark difference in emotion now than he did when he first arrived. When he walked up and saw you standing there with your eyes closed in your pretty blue sundress, he felt the air leave his body. You looked so beautiful, hair and dress dancing in the slight breeze, all he had wanted to do was rush over to you and sweep you up in his arms and kiss you with every bit of love he could give. That happy feeling had been replaced with confusion and apprehension. He sat across from you, listening to you recount Mark’s strange behavior, both before and after the party and this morning, he feels himself start to clench his fists under the table. His thoughts flash back to the previous day and how quickly Mark had wanted you to leave with him, then to the words you had just spoken, and now that he was thinking about it, every time Yuta had plans with you for the last month or so, Mark would either show up and beg you to come home with him or you would cancel because Mark had asked you to. Mark was getting more possessive and that didn’t set well with him, and the fact that he only seemed to care about you being with him unless it came to Johnny’s parties made him feel even more suspicious. From his experience, Mark had not once tried to persuade you to go with him to Johnny’s and that felt fishy to Yuta. He notices your eyes are trained on him expectantly, obviously waiting on him to give you his opinion. He feels himself take a deep breath, ready to tell you what you need to hear, even if it isn’t what you want to hear.
You stare at Yuta from across the table, waiting for him to speak. He had sat and listened to your story without a word, and while you appreciated him not interrupting, you wanted his opinion. He took a breath, making eye contact with you as he did so. “Y/N, it really seems to me like Mark is getting more possessive and jealous and that really isn’t good. I can’t give you a reason why he would be doing this, he hasn’t said anything to me about anything, but you really should have a talk with him.” Yuta finished with a small smile, which you returned as you let your eyes fall to your drink as you gave it a stir. You knew that he was right, Mark had started becoming more possessive and jealous, and you knew that wasn’t ok and that you needed to talk to him about it. But you also knew that talking to him wouldn’t just be talking, there would be another fight and you didn’t necessarily want that. The two of you sat in silence as you thought about how to handle this situation before you finally came to a decision. “You’re right.” you gave a deep breath and took a sip of your drink before you continued. “I’ll talk to him when I get home.” With all of the sad talk, you decided to enjoy the rest of your time with Yuta and quickly changed the subject.
Mark leans up against Jaehyun’s car in the parking lot of the liquor store, mood still sour from you refusing to cancel your plans with Yuta. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees his friend approach him, hand outstretched. “You want a smoke? You look like you could use one.” Normally, Mark wouldn’t accept because though you never give him any shit about smoking, he knows the smell irritates your nose, but today he doesn’t care. He can hear Jaehyun starting to talk as he lights his cigarette and he turns his body to give the man his full attention. “I know that’s your girl and all, but you really gotta get her under control, man. You know that I never liked her, but I put up with having her around for you and if you want my opinion, something’s going on with her and Yuta.” Mark feels himself stiffen at the sound of that. He’s thought Yuta may have feelings for you, but for the first time he’s considering you may be returning those feelings. Before he can follow that train of thought too far, he sees Johnny walking up with Taeyong. 
“Hey guys, figured I’d find you two here. Just wanted to make sure you were coming again tonight.” Mark gave the older man a smile along with a “shit yeah” before giving Johnny a high five and telling him they’d see him later. “Like I was saying, I think it’s finally time for you to tell that girl that her days of hanging out with Yuta are done. It’s either you or him.” Mark had never had any intention of telling you that you couldn’t spend time with Yuta before, but now that seemed like the best option to him. “It’ll probably take her some time to accept it, but she’ll make the right choice, which is you. And while you’re at it, might be better not to tell her you’re going to the party. If she tries to fight you on this and you leave, she’s likely to follow you to the party and keep being a bitch.” He had to admit that that made a lot of sense. “You know, you’re right. I’ll talk to her as soon as I get him and tell her I’m heading to your place, she doesn’t know where that is.” He felt Jaehyun give him a pat on the back and he turned to see him smiling. “Good thinking, buddy.”
Taeyong stands next to Jonny as he talks to Mark and Jaehyun, face deadpan. He doesn’t want to be here and he doesn’t understand why Johnny seems to really like Mark and Jaehyun so damn much. Mark, he can kind of understand since Johnny doesn’t know what he does at the parties, and honestly if Taeyong didn’t know he would like Mark too. Jaehyun is a different story, though. He’s rude and almost any time there is a fight or any kind of disturbance around campus, Jaehyun is involved in some form. He just can’t see why Johnny continues to let him come into his home. His gaze flits between Mark and Jaehyun as Mark lets Johnny know that the two of them will be coming tonight, his eyes landing on Mark’s form. Right then, he decides he has to try to get you to this party. He may not have the courage to tell you what’s going on, but he’s damn sure going to find a way for you to find out.
As they walk away from Jaehyun’s car, Taeyong starts to form his plan and put it into action. “You’re going to invite Yuta, right? He’s always fun to have around.” He looks up at Johnny as he walks beside him, trying his best not to stare at him for too long so he doesn’t give himself away. He looks at the ground and Johnny throws his arm around his shoulders, hand patting his shoulder gently with a smile on his face. “You read my mind. I was just thinking about checking the coffee shop and seeing if he’s there.” Taeyong has to shake his head gently in an attempt to rid his cheeks of their red tint before he even bothers trying to form a reply. “He should be, he’s there every single day. Maybe he can actually convince Y/N to go this time.’ He watches as Johnny’s eyes light up at the mention of you and he can’t help the smile that pulls at his lips at the sight. “You’re just full of great ideas, another reason I love having you around.” He smiles back as Johnny gives his shoulder a squeeze. “Come on, let’s get to the shop.”
“Do remember the time you woke up late and rushed to school in your pajamas, only to call me to come get you because it was Saturday? Your hair was sticking up all over the place and you just looked so mad.” Yuta’s laughter at your past embarrassment rang out throughout the entire shop as you sat there with a pout. “We agreed to never bring that up! I had had a rough week!” After a moment of pouting, Yuta’s laugh became too infectious to ignore and you dropped the angry act and joined in. “Ok, but what about the time you-” your attempt at pay back was interrupted by a knocking on the window next to you. Slightly startled, you whipped your head to face the window to see a smiling Johnny, face pressed up against the window, and an obviously grossed out Taeyong doing his best to pull the larger boy away. You let out a loud giggle and you smile and wave for him to come inside.
“You go wash your face right now, there’s no telling what’s been on that window. Go.” An exasperated Taeyong comes over to sit next to Yuta as a cackling Johnny waves and walks to the bathroom. “I swear that man is going to be the death of my nerves.” Taeyong lets out a heavy sigh as he runs his hand through his hair and Johnny comes back to sit next to you. “There is no- you know what, I’ll deal with that later.” Johnny laughs and reaches across the table and ruffles Taeyong’s hair with a smile and a wink “Who said you were in charge?” You watch as Taeyong coughs a little before turning to face Yuta, causing Johnny to chuckle a little as he looks to Yuta as well. “So, Nakamoto, coming tonight?” You can see the flash of consideration come across your best friend’s face as he gives it some thought. Beside him, Taeyong begins of a chorus of ‘please please please’ followed by a ‘come on Nakamoto’ from Johnny before Yuta finally agrees to come. The shift in attention to you is immediate as Johnny and Taeyong turn to face you and you immediately know where this is going.
“Y/N? You know you wanna come too.” Johnny’s voice is quite a few octaves higher and more sing-songy than normal and you stifle a laugh as he begins to wiggle around in the booth next to you. For a moment, you consider going, but then you remember that you have to have a talk with Mark and you aren’t really expecting it to go very well. “Sorry to disappoint guys, but I kind of have something important to take care of.” A string of sighs ring out from around the table, with a few pleads from both Johnny and Taeyong.”Ok how about this, let me see how I’m feeling later on tonight. Deal? I promise I’ll let you know.” The two men take a few seconds to think about it before nodding. “I’ll hold you to that! We gotta go get ready. See you later, Yuta. Hopefully you too, Y/N.” 
You watch as Johnny and Taeyong leave, thoughts running through how you want your conversation with Mark to go. Deciding that you should probably head back to your apartment and prepare, you stand and slide out of the booth, Yuta following behind you. “Thank you for hanging out today. And for talking to me and helping me figure out what to do. I really appreciate it.” You stretch your arms out towards him, taking a step forward to wrap your arms around him in a hug. “ It’s really no problem, Y/N. I’m always here for whatever you need.” His arms settle around you, giving you a slight squeeze and pulling you just a tiny bit closer to his body. Just as you’re about to pull away, you hear the bell over the coffee shop door ring, signalling someone entering. ‘What’s going on here?”
You turn to find Mark standing behind you, eyes boring into both you and Yuta. You had only seen the current look on his face a couple of times before, but you definitely knew the anger he felt behind it. Heaving a quiet sigh, you took a step towards your boyfriend. “We were just saying goodbye and I was thanking Yuta for hanging out today.” You noticed Mark scoff slightly before taking the few remaining steps towards you.” Come on, we’re leaving. We have some things to discuss.” His tone was harsher than he had ever used with you and you felt your feet all but plant themselves into the floor in defiance. “Now, Y/N.” His demanding tone caused a flare of anger to flash through you. He had no right to talk to you like that. “You’re right, we do have things to talk about, but you aren’t going to talk to me like that. I don’t deserve such a harsh tone, Mark.” You saw the flicker of rage in his eyes as he took the last step and came to rest directly in front of you. He reached out, hand wrapping itself around your arm roughly and a bit too tight for your liking. Any attempt at pulling yourself from his grasp resulting in a tighter grip.
“Let go of her, Mark. There’s no need for all that, you’re holding on too tight, man.” The shift in Mark’s focus from you to Yuta was scary and quick. His face was flush with red as his anger seemed to hit its high as he let go of you to move to face Yuta. This side of Mark was extremely new to you, and a side that you didn’t like at all. You weren’t sure where it was coming from, aside from his recently growing jealousy and possessiveness, Mark had always been a sweet and calm guy, seeing him like this was shocking and unpleasant. “Mind your own fucking business, Yuta. It’s not like I hit her or hurt her, so fuck off. Stop injecting yourself into MY relationship with MY girlfriend.” Mark stood so close to Yuta, their faces were almost touching and neither was backing down. Seeing the possible bad ways this could go, you finally jumped into action. “Mark! Knock it off. Stop being a dick, you’re causing a scene in public.” Mark took a small step back, not breaking eye contact with Yuta, whose face was blank but you could see the anger etched into his features. Mark finally turned around and walked to the door with a low “come on” and you turned to Yuta, telling him that you were sorry and that you would call him later before you followed behind Mark.
The walk back to your apartment was silent, and for that you were actually glad. You could practically see the steam Mark was emitting as he stomped off ahead of you. Again your thoughts went back to not recognizing your own boyfriend. Mark had never been a violent or angry man. Early on in your relationship, Mark had been nothing but shy and it had taken a few months for him to get past that. One of the only times you had ever seen him anywhere close to this angry was about 3 months into your relationship when some random man on campus had shoved you to the ground while running by. It had been a complete accident, but Mark had helped you up and made sure you were ok before yelling at the guy to watch where he was going and to slow down. It had always been one of your favorite memories because for the rest of that day, Mark had taken such great care of you, despite the fact that you were completely fine. And now it was tainted and ruined, his current anger wiping all good memories of Mark being anger from your mind.
The slamming of your apartment door brings you back to the present, and the sight of Mark standing in front of you with his chest heaving and face still tinged red makes you realize that you both need a moment before you jump into this conversation. “Alri-” Mark starts what seems like it is going to be a long winded rant and you promptly hold your hand up to signal for him to stop. His words immediately die in his throat as he holds his breath, eyes piercing yours. “I think we both need to take a minute to collect our thoughts. I don’t want a fight here, Mark. I just want to be able to talk like two adults. I’m going to go to the guest room and think about what I want to say, and I really think you should take this time to do the same.” Mark opens his mouth, obviously wanting to argue and have the conversation now, but you quirk one eyebrow up and walk away and you hear him sigh behind you. Closing the door to the guest room behind you, you sit yourself down on the bed with your head in your hands, taking a few deep breaths to pull yourself together a bit, picking your head up when you hear the water from the shower turn on. You really hope that the shower helps Mark calm down, though you strongly doubt that it will. Looking toward the desk beside the bed, you see a notepad and a pen and you reach for it, deciding to write down your thoughts.
After an hour, you open the guest room door and move to the living room, seeing that Mark has already dressed and is waiting for you on the couch. Taking one last deep breath, you take the chair across from him, making sure not to sit with your arms or legs crossed, wanting to show that you are open to having this conversation. You do notice that Mark did not take that same consideration, arms crossed over his chest. He stares at you, anger still very present in his eyes and though you know it isn’t a good idea, you let him talk first. “I don’t want you to see Yuta anymore. I think it’s time you cut ties. It really isn’t ok for you to be so close to him, especially since that includes having you wrapped around him so often.” You physically recoil from his words, shocked. There is no way he could have said what you think he just said. Absolutely no way. “You can’t be serious, Mark.” Your face is a portrait of confusion and hurt, looking at a man that you aren’t sure if you even know anymore.
“Oh, I’m very serious, sweetheart.” His voice and tone are laced with anger despite his use of the pet name. Somehow, him using a name that he has used countless times before in such a demeaning manner hurts more than his words or tone. You’ve always had the biggest smile when he called you sweetheart and now it’s just another memory that he’s ruined. All desire to keep open body language is gone as you fly to your feet, anger seeping from every pore in your body. “How dare you? Who do you think you are? Yuta is a friend, my BEST friend, and nothing more.” In a blink, Mark has gotten to his feet as well, voice raised louder than needed in anger. The thought of backing down is far from your mind as you stand your ground, refusing to take your eyes off of him.
“If you think that’s all he wants, you’re just fucking stupid! Everyone around campus can see the way he looks at you, Y/N. Don’t even try to tell me that you haven’t noticed, because I’m not dumb. And by the looks of what I walked in on today, you seem to feel the same!” Stunned. You’re actually stunned. You can’t form words or thoughts, you just stand there dumbfounded. It takes you a few seconds to muster your senses back up and as soon as you do, you don’t even bothering censoring yourself.
“First off, don’t you EVER call me stupid again. Second, your jealousy, which came out of nowhere might I add, has gotten far beyond out of hand. You have no right, and I do mean absolutely NO right, to tell me who I can and can not be friends with. I don’t know where you’re getting this idea from, but there is nothing going on between Yuta and I.” You take a break to take a few deep breaths, shooting Mark a pointed glance when he tries to start talking, causing him to shut his mouth as soon as it has fully opened. “I have not liked Jaehyun the entire time we have been together but NOT ONCE have I told you that you could not hang out with him. Not once, Mark.” As soon as you mention Jaehyun, Mark’s eyebrows furrow in anger, even though you hadn’t thought he could get more angry. 
“That’s not the same thing and you know it. I’m not in love with Jaehyun and he sure as hell isn’t in love with me. This conversation is over. It’s either me or Yuta, you have the rest of tonight to decide. I expect an answer in the morning.” He moved to grab his jacket and as his hand landed on the door knob, your last bit of restraint snapped. With long strides, you made your way to him, stopping directly in front of him, looking up at him to stare into his eyes. Mark wasn’t the only who was angrier than you had ever seen. You had never been this angry in your life. Not only had your boyfriend, the one that was supposed to love and care about you, called you stupid, but he had also taken upon himself to give you an ultimatum, to make you chose between him and your best friend. And to top it off, he was leaving to go to a damn party directly after telling you that you had to choose. No. You weren’t having it.
“Are you fucking kidding me? You’re gonna set out ridiculous demands, ignore my point of view completely and tell me I have to choose between two of the most important people in my life and then just leave? For what!? A fucking party?” You were shaking with fury and though you knew it wasn’t ok to be yelling at him like this, but you just couldn’t help it. He had pushed you to your limits and was trying to run away and that wasn’t ok. He needed to stay and finish this and you were going to do your best to make sure he did.
“I’ve said what I had to say, Y/N, you just don’t want to listen. I’m not budging. I meant what I said, you have to choose, like it or not.” You watch as Mark throws his jacket on and snatches the door open, stopping in the doorway to turn and face you. “And just so you know, I’m not going to the fucking party. I told Jaehyun I would help him move some things and I’m keeping that promise. Don’t wait up, sweetheart.” And with that the door was slammed in your face.
Yuta shuts off the shower and runs his hands through his hair before toweling himself off and wrapping his towel around his waist. He moves to his closet, still needing to decide what to wear to the party, when he hears his phone ringing from the bed. Just from the ringtone, he can tell it’s you and though he would never admit it, he moves to answer it faster than he normally would. As soon as he speaks, he hears your sniffles and knows that this is not a call to let him know you’re going to the party with him. “Y/N? What’s wrong? Are you ok?” He listens for a moment, trying to focus on what you’re saying through your sobs and sniffles. “I’ll be there in 10. Breathe, Y/N. I’m coming.” As soon as he hangs up, he grabs the first thing he can find to wear, no longer caring about the party. In under a minute, he’s out the door and walking towards your apartment, it isn’t a long walk on the best of days and today he’s walking as fast as he can without running. His thoughts race through all the possible ways your talk with Mark could have gone. Obviously it didn’t go well since you ended up calling him in tears, and that recollection has his balling his fists. Mark made you cry and Yuta hated that, and if he had his way, Mark would get a good kick in the ass. He hated the way his thoughts drifted to how much better he would treat you, but he couldn’t deny that it was a fact. He would never make you cry and even though he hated feeling this way, he still had hope that one day you’d give him the chance to show you.
The knock on your door has you scrambling to answer it. You know it’s Yuta, and you really need him right now. The worrying about what to do could come later, right now you just needed your best friend. When you open the door, you see his eyes scan over your body to make sure you are safe and unharmed before settling on your face, worry very present in them.
The sight before his eyes broke Yuta’s heart. Your hair was messy from you running your hands through it, eyes puffy and face red from crying. He didn’t even stop to think before reaching out and wrapping his arms around you, pulling you flush against his chest. He knew you wouldn’t be able to tell him much in your current condition, so he gently led you to the couch, whispering calming words into your ear before encouraging you to tell him what happened. As he listened to what happened, his anger from before came flooding back. How could Mark be so cold to such a treasure? Did he not realize how truly special you were? And who did he think he was telling you who you could and could not hang out with? That’s not how relationships work.  He also felt angry at himself for not realizing just how bad Mark’s behavior had gotten. When you had finally calmed down, he took his arm from around your shoulder long enough to get you some water before wrapping you up again. He had an idea and though he was pretty sure you wouldn’t go for it, he had to give it a shot.
“Yuta, I don’t know. I really don’t think going to a party is the best idea right now.” You had considered going before everything with Mark blew up, but after crying for what felt like hours, you really just wanted to stay at home and watch a movie. Yuta was persistent, though, and he was making some pretty good points. Johnny and Taeyong would definitely be able to cheer you up, even if only a little. And the big point was that Mark wouldn’t be there, that was important. You really didn’t want to see him right now. Making the decision to not drink, just to go to hangout with some friends, you tell Yuta to wait while you shower and get changed.
Mark walks up to Johnny’s door, Jaehyun falling in step beside him. He still feels tense and angry from the conversation turned yelling match and he almost wants to turn around to go some place more quiet. “Hey man, don’t sweat it, Tonight’s about you, just enjoy your night.” He hears Jaehyun’s words, but doesn’t bother giving a verbal response, just a simple nod. He can’t get over how unreasonable you’re being. It isn’t like he asked you to stop seeing your family or anything. He just doesn’t like you spending so much time with Yuta, and he still feels like that is a valid feeling to have. His thoughts are briefly interrupted by a red cup being thrust into his line of vision. He knows drinking probably isn’t the best idea right now, but that doesn’t stop him from taking the cup from Jaehyun, downing it in two gulps. “There we go! Let’s get tonight started the right way.” His friend’s words bring a small smile to his face, and he feels a small amount better already. A strong hand clamps down on his shoulder and Jaehyun’s voice floods his ears. “Alright. We really need to get your mind off of that bitch of a girlfriend of yours. Let’s go have a look around, huh?” Any other time, he’d say something to Jaehyun about calling you a bitch, but tonight he just doesn’t want to. As they walk through, the crowd, Jaehyun points out a pretty brunette to him. About the same time, he notices a girl with red hair standing nearby. He looks back and forth between the two women, trying to make up his mind on which to approach. “Why not both?” The words come from beside him and he thinks that might be the best idea he’s heard in awhile.
Standing in front of your closet, fumbling through the coat hangers trying to figure out what to wear. After a few moments, you decide that you don’t really feel like dressing up too much, but you also don’t want to show up in sweats, so you decide on something simple. A black tank top and black jeans, which you pair with your black sneakers. Sure, it’s a lot of black, but you’re comfortable so that’s all that really matters. You enter the living room, doing your best to return the bright smile Yuta is giving you. “Ready?” You know he’s giving you the option to back out even though it was his idea, and you really are grateful for that, but your mind is made up. “Ready.” You give a firm nod of your head, making sure he knows your decision is final. You’re going to do your best to have a good time, damn it. 
The walk to Johnny’s feels far longer than it actually is, the second thoughts have crept into your mind and aren’t going away easily. What if Mark comes back to actually talk about things and you aren’t there? Wouldn’t that make things worse? Yuta apparently notices your thoughts spiraling, bumping into your shoulder with his. “Everything is going to be ok, Y/N. You’ll find a way to fix this mess with Mark. And tonight is going to be fine. You’ve been locked away studying for so long now, it’ll be good for you to spend time with some friends.” You know he’s right, you have been studying every weekend for months now, and this probably will be good for you. By the time you resolved yourself again, you’re in front of Johnny’s door. You reach your hand up to knock only to hear a chuckle coming from beside you as a hand reached up to push yours down. “Man, it really has been a while, huh? You don’t have to knock, Y/N.” Still laughing, Yuta pushes the door open and steps inside.
The extreme crowd has you feeling slightly intimidated. You knew Johnny’s parties were big, but somehow you didn’t think they would be this big. Yuta turns to you, gently taking your hand and leads the way through the crowd. You hear a loud laugh coming from your left, immediately recognizing it as Johnny’s and soon the two of you are standing in front of him and Taeyong. As soon as you’re close enough, two pairs of arms reach out for you, smiles on Johnny’s and Taeyong’s faces as they pull you into a hug. “You came! Today is the happiest day of my life!” You can tell Johnny has already had a few drinks, but his excitement in seeing you made you feel good. Taeyong rolls his eyes at Johnny’s over the top reaction, pushing him aside slightly so he could give you a proper hug. With such a warm welcome, you were slowly starting to feel better. Johnny pulls Taeyong off of you, giving him a stern look before turning to you. “No hogging.” You see a small smirk on his lips before he turns to Taeyong and gives him a wink as he pulls him into a hug. “Alright. Anybody want a drink since I’m heading that way?” Johnny looks around with his eyebrow quirked and you all shake your heads and he heads off back in the direction you came.
“I’m really glad you came, Y/N.” His smile and tone made you feel like Taeyong really meant  that and you gave him a wide smile as you told him that you were glad too. And you really were. You may not have wanted to come at first, and even though the volume of people was ideal, you were enjoying being out with the three men, even if you hadn’t really done anything but stand there. The three of you stood around talking about your weeks, how Taeyong really liked the song that was playing, then laughing as he did a little dance. After a little more conversation, Taeyong suddenly stills, expression serious. “Y/N, I need to tell you som-” he was interrupted by Jonny’s booming voice coming up from behind you. “Y/N! I’m really surprised you didn’t come with Mark.” Mark? Confusion washed over you at the tall man’s mention of your boyfriend. And why would he be surprised you hadn’t come with him? Especially since he wasn’t here? Looking up to meet Johnny’s gaze, your face twisted in confusion. “Why would that surprise you? Mark didn’t come tonight. He said something about going to help Jaehyun with something.” No one spoke for a few moments, eyes flickering around to each member in the little circle you had formed. Johnny looked a bit hesitant, but answered you anyway. “Well, I just saw him on the way to the kitchen. It’s him and Jaehyun and a couple of their...friends.” You didn’t like the pause he had at the end of his sentence. But you couldn’t think about what that meant right now. Mark had lied to you. Right to your face. All of the effort you had put into trying to forget about the fight and just enjoy yourself was quickly reversed. Your face fell into a stoney expression as you locked eyes with Johnny. “Where?”
“Y/N wait!” You hear Taeyong call out to you, but you ignore it. You don’t care about possibly causing a scene or embarrassing yourself in front of an endless amount of people. Mark, your boyfriend, lied straight to your face. He tried to control who you see and then lied to you. You thought you had seen the worst of your anger earlier during the fight, but that was nothing compared to what you felt now. You half wished you could blame your anger on alcohol, but you hadn’t had a drop. No, this was just the feeling of being fed up. You feel a tug at your wrist and you round on whoever decided it was a good idea to grab you, ready to give them a few choice words, to find Yuta. “I’m not letting you do this alone this time.” You wanted to be able to tell him that having him there made the anger ease, but that would be a lie. While you were still every bit as angry, you also had a sense of relief to have your best friend by your side. Weaving through the crowd, you finally made it to where Johnny told you he had seen Mark. Looking around, you started to think that Johnny had been mistaken. But then you saw it. Mark standing in a corner, tongue down the throat of a red haired woman, hand on the ass of a brunette.
Slapped. That’s how you felt. Like someone had just slapped you in the face. You stood there for a moment, watching your boyfriend cheat on you with not one, but two women. How could he? Just because you had a fight? Your body slowly regained it’s will to move and your rage hit full force as you started towards Mark. You were only able to take two steps before a body stepped in front of you abruptly, causing you to run into their chest. Lifting your eyes to see the face that the chest belonged to, you feel another spike of anger. “Get out of my way, Jaehyun.” The man just stares at you, giving a shake of his head, refusing to move. You repeat yourself, a little louder this time, but he stays put. “This doesn’t concern you. He’s a grown man and he can do as he pleases. Go home.” You scoff at Jaehyun’s words, confused as to how he could possibly think that this doesn’t concern you. Steeling yourself, you hold his gaze, making sure he knows that you know exactly what you’re doing. “Fuck off and get out of my way.” The smirk that played on his face immediately fell in a scowl, the lines of his face tightening in anger. He lowers his face, bringing it closer to yours. “Watch how you talk to me, bitch.” 
Before you realize what is happening, you're pushed behind another body as Yuta quickly puts you behind him.  “You watch how you talk to her.” The tone of Yuta’s voice was unlike you had ever heard. If you didn’t know for absolutely certain that he would never hurt you, you would be afraid. It was deep and almost growl like as he spoke to Jaehyun. Things escalated so quickly, you almost missed it. You couldn’t hear Jaehyun’s reply, but whatever it was it struck a chord with Yuta. In a flash, his right arm moved from his side and connected with Jaehyun’s jaw, while his left gave you a small shove to get you further back. “I meant what I said.” From the distance Yuta had given you, you watched as Jaehyun staggered a bit before recovering and taking his own swing at Yuta. Yuta swiftly dodges and swings again, catching Jaehyun in the ribs.The man recoiled a bit but still refused to give up, giving one last swing. This one making contact with Yuta’s cheek. Before either man could make another move, Johnny’s voice rang out.
“What the hell is going on here!?” You watched as Yuta moved to talk to Johnny, probably to explain the situation, but your attention was quickly shifted elsewhere. “Y/N?” Mark stood in front of you, shock and confusion written all over his face. “How long?” Despite how much you wanted your voice to match the tone you had used with Jaehyun, your words came out hushed. When Mark didn’t answer, you found the will to repeat yourself, louder this time. “How long!?” Mark’s face morphed from confused to angry in a split second. “I don’t answer to you, Y/N.” You knew you shouldn’t have, but your hand seemed to have a mind of its own as it connected with Mark’s cheek. Hurt flashed through Mark’s eyes, but you couldn’t seem to make yourself care. “I’m done. It’s over.” Turning your back to him, you grabbed Yuta’s hand and pulled him towards the front door.
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HC: it’s The readers first time in Wakanda & she enjoys her time there.. that is until she realizes she has a date with the both of them.
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You couldn’t believe it.
You and a group of friends win a trip to Wakanda to meet the King himself.
It was shocking for you, a girl from Atlanta who worked as a Starbucks Barista. Your dreams of living the lavish life were finally beginning to kick off. It’s not that you were a gold digger or a money-grubbing bitch, you just felt you deserved to be treated like a princess, and here you were visiting a KING. The trip was set to begin seven days from the day you found out so that meant only one thing: Pampering time!
You and your best friends, since you were an only child, book appointments for facials and waxes, hair, and nails, spent a little more than what you would have usually liked on an entire wardrobe for your African Getaway, and let’s not forget your camera.
A private jet flew all the ladies to Wakanda. The sight before them was just as they would imagine it to be: Colorful, full of culture, breath-taking, prideful, and strong. Adding the icing on the cake, all of you had a personal Villa that overlooked Wakanda, surrounded by the tropics, a beach down below, and the perfect sight of sunsets and sunrises. The first night was a night to settle in so You and your girls drank Wakandan rum and danced while playing on a set of drums. This was what you needed.
If only you knew why you were really there.
Supposedly, King T’Challa and Prince Erik were looking for a woman to make their queen/princess and you fit the criteria. T’challa and Nakia didn’t work out like he’d hoped the second time around and he tried dating other women of Wakanda but clearly, that wasn’t the route to go. Erik, on the other hand, was dating a Wakandan woman but that soon ended when her boyfriend, a Wakandan war dog, came home from his mission. You were set to meet them both tomorrow afternoon with the option to bring your friends. Your nerves were a wreck, stomach-turning, a kool-aid smile on your face.
This was it.
Your dreams were coming true.
Of course, you had to pull out the beautiful tribal printed dress, skin glowing, hair done, smelling delicious.
That afternoon a private car picked up you and your friends, bringing you to the Wakandan palace with a royal purple carpet covered in tropical flowers leading your way into the royal home. The Wakandan people waved and congratulated you all, passing you a gift basket and a bouquet of flowers. 
As you ascended those stairs, straight ahead draped in royal Wakanda Dashikis, Dora Milaje flanking each side, was King T’Challa and Prince N’jadaka. T’challa had a pleasurable smile on his face while Erik held a mischevious grin, his eyes sweeping your frame. That familiar feeling returned in your belly and the sounds of your friends squealing around you didn’t help situations. You were freaking out on the inside and you hoped that you didn’t look the same on the outside. Finally, face to face with the King and Prince, you begin to bow since you didn’t understand how else to approach royalty. T’Challa stops you before you could even do it, stepping forward with his arms wide.
T’challa: We give hugs to welcome our guests here in Wakanda, Miss Y/N.
You blush, giggling with embarrassment before opening your arms to hug the King himself. He smelled so...good. Lord, you didn’t want him to pull away. his skin smelled like shea butter and jojoba oil. You were speechless and a little empty when he pulled away from you. Once T’challa returned to his spot, N’Jadaka approached with a swagger you didn’t see in just any man. T’Challa and he were opposites in the way they went about greeting Y/N. Erik pulls her in firmly, his hands on her back rubbing from her shoulders, down the natural curvature of her spine, and just above her ass, resting gently but firmly at her hips. The pads of his thumbs rubbed soothing circles against her hips because he could feel her heart practically beating out of her chest.
N’Jadaka: Relax, Miss Y/N, you’re in good hands, right?
He gave her a teasing smile before stepping away, her hands in his. He let them go slowly, never breaking eye contact. This did something to Y/N deeply. The smell of his skin, something that reminded her of brown sugar, the fire in his eyes. 
T’Challa cut a brief evil eye at Erik while Y/N was having her moment of recovery before speaking again.
T’Challa: Miss Y/N, let’s get out of this heat and into the palace. N’Jadaka and I have something to discuss with you.
This made Y/N nervous.
Y/N: Okay, lead the way.
She thought the outside of Wakanda was the only beautiful thing that would take her breath away. The palace damn near knocked her onto her back. Gold, marble, royal throne, palace maids, panthers and jaguars as pets, expensive fabrics.
Y/N: This is the most beautiful place I have ever seen!!!!!
A hand to her chest in shock, eyes wide and mouth dropped open. T’Challa and N’Jadaka couldn’t keep their eyes off of her. 
N’Jadaka: Yeah, I like her. You sure you can handle all of that, T?
T’CHalla: You must not remember who you are referring to, N’Jadaka. 
N’Jadaka: *smiles* We’ll see. She gotta go on a date with both of us first.
A beautiful lounge area in the pool house was where T’Challa and Erik took you. It looked like something a goddess carved with her bare hands. The moment she sat down, Wakandan maids approached with drinks, and finger foods. Your friends received a personal tour while you personally had a chat with the King and Prince. You didn’t think to question it either, your mind still trying to wrap around the fact that you were seated in front of them both. 
Y/N: Please, stop staring at me like that, *smiles wide* I am not myself right now this is too much to handle in one day!
T’Challa: *laughs* We are very sorry for overwhelming you, would you like some calming tea instead? *Smirks* We have the best herbs.
N’Jadaka: Nah, she just needs a little drink *pours a glass of rum* you don’t mind day drinking, do you?
Y/N: *timidly takes glass* No, in fact, this rum is my new favorite drink, but! I can also try the tea as well I’m not a picky girl. 
T’Challa ushers for one of the maids to bring you a glass of hibiscus and passion fruit tea.
You cross your legs, the wrinkles in the dress became more interesting to avoid the piercing stare from both sexy men. Biting your lip, you look up to see them both still watching you before turning your brown eyes away to admire the pool house and spa.
Y/N: Do you guys even use this place?
Erik: You wanna swim? *Starts to unbutton dashiki*
He didn’t even wait for your response. You were startled and blushing profusely.
T’Challa: *rolls eyes with an annoyed sigh* Not now, N’Jadaka. We have to talk to Y/N about why she is really here with us.
You pause, almost spilling your drink. Usually, you would answer a million questions but you were too in shock. N’Jadaka leaves his shirt open, leaning back in his chair with his legs wide and eyes low on you. T’Challa leans forward on his elbows, looking up through his long lashes. You clear your throat so you wouldn’t sound choked up before you speak.
Y/N: Wha-What is this-this about? 
N’Jadaka: What do you think about a date with me?
Your mouth fell open. A date? with the Prince? was this a fucking joke? clearly Y/N thought it was because she began to laugh.
T’Challa: NOT just him...me as well.
You laughed harder.
No. Hell NO. Not you, not you over some Wakandan woman. Why you? it just didn’t make any sense. Your laugh grew fainter and fainter as you watched the serious expressions on both of their faces. This was really happening. You stop, the expression on your face turning from humor to panic in a blink of an eye.
Y/N: You serious?
T’Challa and N’Jadaka: Yes.
N’Jadaka: You could always choose me though I’d be cool with that shit *smirks flirtatiously*
T’CHalla: But then that wouldn’t be fair, would it? this beautiful woman shouldn’t feel pressured. Clearly, I wouldn’t pressure her.
Y/N: Wait... *shakes head* both of you want me?
N’Jadaka: I want you.
Y/N: Why me though? 
N’Jadaka: Chosen at random through our technology but DAMN, the best decision I ever made. Just so happens T’Challa made the same decision. 
T’Challa: That proves that we both are attracted to you. You shouldn’t feel shocked, you are a very beautiful woman.
N’Jadaka: Sexy, thick...
T’Challa: The POINT is, we would like to take you out on a date, separately. 
You blinked at them both before grabbing the bottle of rum, pouring yourself a hefty glass. This vacation did not turn out as planned. You didn’t need this. Yeah, it was the King and Prince lusting after you but at the same time, you were indecisive, easily overwhelmed, and shocked. You needed a minute, maybe a day or two. 
How are you supposed to decide?
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thadelightfulone · 5 years
Apollo Night
So, my good friend @shaekingshitup placed this idea in my head. It is an already planned series of one- or two-shots of College Erik shenanigans. I hope you all enjoy. Those who want to be tagged just let me know. As always, my OCs are always black!
Summary: Melanie just wanted to get more involved on campus.
It is Melanie’s first year at Cal State, and she has been looking for a way to make new friends, get more involved on campus, and experience all college life has to offer. Some of the girls in her Sunday School class at church were students on campus and BSU board members. They advertised their annual Apollo Night on Sunday before class began since it was open to the community as well. She decided that this might be an excellent way to meet some of her goals as she finishes her freshman year in college.  
The following Saturday morning, she goes to campus for auditions for the show. While waiting, she sees a few groups from various fraternities and sororities preparing song and dance numbers for their auditions. She moves off to a corner of the building and practices vocal exercises until they call her name. She follows her friend, Marie, from church, to where she will be auditioning. Along the way, they pass a group of rowdy guys leaving their audition, clearly excited because their act was chosen to perform.
She looks up, making eye contact with one of the guys as he passes her while waving to Marie. Shining dark brown eyes meet her timid hazel ones. He smiles down at her since her 5'2 frame is much shorter than his own 6 ft. Dimples and gold canines in full view, she internally swoons while meeting his smile. Melanie didn’t realize that she picked up her pace, and stops short right before running into Marie. He chuckles and continues behind his boys. She drops her head and follows her to the audition room.
The audition goes well, and Melanie is informed right there on the spot that she will be performing in the show. The board explains to her how the show will go – following closely to how A Night at the Apollo does their Amateur Night. They have someone who will be Sandman and remove folks who are booed for longer than 15 secs off the stage. They let her know that it is not like singing at church; no one will coddle her. And if Melanie wants to make sure she stays in the competition, then she should make sure she has some friends who can make serious noise in the audience – just in case. Melanie sighs but nods her head in understanding.
She is given the date and location of the show. The board lets her know about the optional walk-through rehearsal two hours before the show. Also, the latest time that she can check-in for the show because she will need a soundcheck if she doesn’t attend the rehearsal. Melanie thanks the board for their time, and quietly exits the building. Mentally running through a checklist of things she will need to do before the show in two weeks. She frowns when she remembers what the board said about having support, most of her friends were across the country at HBCUs or the Ivy League schools of their choice. Not paying attention to what she was doing, Melanie pushes on the door leading out of the building hard enough to hit some people standing on the other side.
“Aye, watch it!” One guy jumps out of the way as the door swings wide.
“Damn, girl!” Another voice calls out, and when Melanie looks over, he is rubbing his upper arm after taking most of the impact.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry.” She looks down away from the group of guys who all turned to face her. “I wasn’t paying attention. My bad.” Melanie looks up and realizes it is the group she saw on her way into the audition. The guy she hit was the one who smiled at her earlier, now frowning in her direction.
“I take it the audition didn’t go well.” Melanie barely hears his words over, watching his muscular arms flex and stretch in response to her attack with the door. She shakes her head, “No?” He stops moving and looks directly at her.
“Oh no, I mean, it was fine. I got through.” A small smile appears on her face. “It’s just a lot to think about, I have never performed in front of a group I don’t know before.” All the guys nod their heads in understanding. “Well, I guess I will see you guys at the show. I should go.” Melanie looks back up at him. “Again, I’m sorry about that.”
He waves her off, “You’re good. We all celebrate differently. Just be careful next time.”
“Will do,” she waves at the guys, “Bye.” They all watch her leave before breaking out into laughter.
“Oh no, nope.” Luke, who was the other guy who almost got hit, says, “Too easy.” He stands in front of Erik, who Melanie hit with the door, and looks at him, “Not her.”
Darrin, another member of their group, speaks up, “Why not? She would be perfect.”
“I agree, I don’t see why we can’t make her it,” Erik spoke.                                
“You saw her first. You are never supposed to encounter the mark. We choose them the night of the show.” Marcus, the last member of the group, lowers his voice as he walks closer to them, so no one will hear what they are discussing.
“Ok, so we do it differently this year. My vote is for her.” Erik responds. The guys all look at him.
“Are you sure about this?” Luke asks warily.
Darrin slaps Luke on the back, “You heard the man. She’s the one.” He shrugs when Luke moves out of his grasp and closer to Marcus. “Besides, it’s his choice this year anyway. Who cares when it was decided?”
“Fine. Don’t make us regret this.” Luke says before walking away.
— Two Weeks Later —
Melanie walks into the Student Union Pavilions, where the show was going to be. She sees Marie and some of the other board members finishing up the final touches to the stage. She decided to skip the rehearsal and just come in for a soundcheck. Marie takes her music to the sound guy who plays it while Melanie hums along, he makes sure to mark the levels on both the music and mic so she can be heard clearly on the mic.
Once that is done, she heads to the bathroom to change into her outfit for the night. Melanie chose a navy blue shift dress that has a deep shawl collar with some black velvet booties. The dress wasn’t too form-fitting, but anyone could see the curves she was rocking. Her natural curls were already pinned up in a chignon bun with loose tendrils framing her face. She wasn’t one for much make up but decided to put on some black mascara with a matte raisin lipstick. She pouted her lips, took a couple selfies in the mirror for her snap before calling herself ready.  
Walking into the waiting room, she sees all the acts gathering around while waiting for the lineup announcement. She goes to a corner and decides to run a few vocal exercises to warm up since she didn’t sing full out at her soundcheck. She starts at her normal chest voice, “Ma Me Mi Mo Mu – oooh,” going up half a step, she gets through 3 repetitions before she hears a throat clearing behind her.
Looking up from her seat, she sees the guy she hit with the door the day of her audition. “Ahhh, so she sings.” She smiles at him as he sits next to her. Holding out his hand, "I’m Erik.”
She takes his hand, “Melanie.”
“Nice to meet you, Melanie.” He lets go of her hand, “I haven’t seen you around campus before. You go here?”
“Yeah. It’s my first year here.” Erik nods at her. “Trying to get more involved on campus.”
“That’s kool. You a member of the BSU?” He takes a sip of some water.
"Not yet, but I know a few of the board members from my church.” He nearly chokes on his water.
“You go to church with Marie and her friends?” She nods at him. Coughing a bit more to clear his airways, “That’s what’s up. I bet she wants you to pledge S G Rho, too?”
“Actually, the girls from Zeta are already trying to recruit me.” She looks down at his outfit, noticing he is in a blue jersey with white writing on it. The Greek letters of Phi Beta Sigma big and bold, going down the right side. Erik smiles at her, nodding his head.
“Well, I’ll let you get back to practicing. Break a leg tonight, Melanie.” Erik stands to leave.
“Thanks. You, too Erik.” She returns to finishing her vocal warmups, as Erik makes a hasty retreat from Melanie over to his group members, and frat brothers.
“Yo, we gotta pick someone else.“ Marcus, Luke, and Darrin look at him, shaking their heads.  
"No, can do. Word is out about the chosen act of the night. It’s a done deal.” Marcus looks at Erik.
“What happened to change your mind?” Luke asks.
“Doesn’t matter, she doesn’t deserve it. So, pick someone else.” He hisses out, keeping his voice low.
“No one does, Erik. That’s what makes it so great.” Darrin laughs while looking around. “Do we know when she goes on?”
“Second half. Speedy just read off her name.” Marcus answers, “Gives us enough time to spread the word during the intermission.”
“Fuck all that and listen to me! Pick. Someone. Else.” Erik keeps looking over at Melanie, who moved outside the door to sing a little louder without bothering anyone.
“Nah, we got our one. We’re good.” Luke walks outside, “Let’s get that last part together before we go onstage.” Passing Melanie, who is coming back inside, “Aye, break a leg tonight, young lady.”
She smiles at all of them, “Thanks fellas, you too.” She continues out to the Pavilion, deciding to watch the first part of the show since she didn’t perform until the second half.
The host of the evening was a local SoCal comedian by the name of Speedy. He welcomed everyone to the BSU’s Annual Apollo Night, explaining how the show would go. Speedy completed a short comedic set and introduced Ace Money, the special guest performer for the evening. Ace Money opened the show and brought out the first performer of the competition.
About 5 acts into the show, Speedy came out asking the audience about their love of the Divine Nine. The crowd went wild as they knew this means the next few acts represented the black fraternity and sorority chapters on campus. First up was a guy from the school’s shared chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha, reciting some poetry earning plenty of snaps and praise for his prose. Followed by a quartet of girls from the campus chapter of Delta Sigma Theta singing  Giving Something He Can Feel as En Vogue in their long red gowns.
Before Speedy even returned to the stage, the crowd was loud already knowing who was next up to perform. “Well, I guess these brothers really don’t need this introduction, but ya’ll gonna get it anyway.” He walked across the stage to the side where Darrin and Luke were standing, “Keep making some noise for the Men of Fire and Brimstone, PHI BETA SIGMA!!!”
The music starts, and the audience goes nuts as Erik, Darrin, Marcus, and Luke all stroll out from both sides of the stage to 112’s Dance with Me. They stood in a straight line across the stage before breaking out into their choreography for the song. As the song progressed, they made their way off the stage and down into the audience.  
Erik was on Melanie’s side, and he spotted her immediately on the aisle not far from the stage. So when he made his way down, he went directly to her and started dancing in front of her. Much to the delight of her classmates who she sat with during the show. He takes her hands and lifts her from the seat right as the call and response part of the song came on –
If you sexy and you know it clap your hands (claps)
Erik dances behind Melanie, holding her by her hips, waiting for her to clap along. When she doesn’t, he takes her hands and claps them for her in tune with the song.
If you sexy and you know it clap your hands (claps) If you sexy and you know it and you really wanna show it, If you sexy and you know it clap your hands (claps)
Before Erik heads back up to the stage, he pulls Melanie in and whispers in her ear, “Thank you.“ He makes his way back to finish the performance on stage, and Melanie drops back into her seat, as her friends laugh and snicker around her. The song ends, and the guys bow before leaving the stage.
Speedy comes out and starts fanning girls he sees in the front row, "Yeah, I think now is a good time to call for an intermission. Some of you need to cool off. See ya in 20 minutes.”
Melanie had a big old grin on her face as she faced the people around her. “Who was that?” Alicia, a girl in her math class, asked.
“Just a guy I met before the show began. It’s nothing.“ The other two girls look at her and laugh, "Whatever, I’m gonna get some water and head backstage. I’ll see you all after the show.” They all gave her hugs and well wishes before watching her disappear behind the stage.
Speedy came back out on stage after the intermission and told a few jokes before starting the second half of the show.  
“Alright, ya’ll ready for your next act?” He holds his mic out to the crowd.
“YEAH,” variations of it overlapped as he got everyone hyped for the next performance.
“I said, are you ready for your next act?”
“YEAH!” the crowd returns much louder than before.
“Please welcome to the stage, Miss Melanie Alonzo.” Melanie walks out, smiling to Speedy and then the crowd. He brushes past her and wishes her luck.  
She takes a moment to breathe and looks to the back, cueing the sound guy. Melanie has an accompanying track for her song, but she starts off acapella. Following her favorite version of the song, she starts singing –
Birds flyin’ high, you know how I feel Sun in the sky, you know how I feel Breeze driftin’ on by, you know how I feel
Some cheers come from the audience as they recognize the song she is doing. She exhales as she continues feeling herself relax more as she adjusts to her sound on the stage.
It’s a new dawn It’s a new day It’s a new life for me Ooooooooh And I’m feelin’ good
She looks over the audience as she continues to sing and get more comfortable at the mic. The friends who were able to make the show smiling at her as the music starts.
Fish in the sea, you know how I feel River runnin’ free, you know how I feel Blossom on the tree, you know how I feel
As she pulls the mic from the stand to move around the stage, she starts hearing ‘boos’ coming from opposite corners of the room. She looks out at the audience and recognizes one of the guys booing her as one of Erik’s groupmates. She slows her pace on the stage as she continues singing while the ‘boos’ get increasingly louder.
It’s a new dawn It’s a new day It’s a new life for me And I’m feelin’ good
Eyes roaming the audience, she can see make out that each one of Erik’s group members is spaced out and booing at her from their spots in the crowd. She was the Boo Boo Act for the night.
Dragonfly out in the sun, you know what I mean Don’t you know Butterflies all havin’ fun, you know what I mean
She can see her friends trying to cheer louder for her along with others in the audience who are enjoying her performance. Even their Sandman is holding back from running her off the stage.
Sleep in peace when day is done, that’s what I mean And this old world is a new world and a bold world for me She continues singing, hoping that the mixed reaction is enough to keep her in the competition when she spots someone dead center in the audience, Erik. He isn’t booing or cheering, just looking directly at her with a confused expression. Melanie is ready to bolt from the stage in embarrassment, but she won’t let him and his childish group of friends win. She puts the mic back on the stand, stares straight into the spotlight, and continues singing.
Stars when you shine, you know how I feel Scent of the pine, you know how I feel Oh, freedom is mine, and I know how I feel It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life for me
Melanie’s voice increases in strength, and she belts out the last part, along with her own variation of Nina Simone’s scat before ending the song.
And I’m feelin’ – good
She holds that last note loud, long, and proud as the music ends, and she immediately exits the stage. Melanie had no idea that she earned a standing ovation or saw that Erik was cheering the loudest as she finished the song.
Speedy returns to the stage and looks back at Melanie, who went back to the waiting room. “I don’t know what that girl did to ya, but she handled that very well.” He shakes his head, looking down at his list of upcoming acts. “That couldn’t have been me, no sir.” There are a few scattered laughs and claps as the audience agrees with him.
Speedy calls out all the acts that made it through to the end. There was another act that the audience successfully managed to boo off the stage. He was still in the backstage waiting room. Melanie didn’t even want to be bothered with it anymore. She stayed in the back and listened from the open door. When a girl who sang Ex-Factor by Lauryn Hill, was announced as the winner, Melanie moved away from the door.
Everyone came back in and was congratulating one another for a job well done and an incredible show. Erik and his group were the loudest, cheering on their friend who won the competition. Melanie stayed out of the way towards the back. Gathering her things together when someone tapped her on the shoulder. She turns around to find the guest artist, Money Ace, a new rapper gaining traction around the SoCal rap scene, standing there.
“Hey, I just wanted to let you know I thought you did a great job out there.” She looks him up and down, not saying anything. “I get it. Sometimes, it’s just not your night, and your voice just doesn’t match the song.“
Melanie rolls her eyes at him, “Yeah, thanks. I appreciate it.” She grabs her bag and moves to leave. He grabs her arm, stopping her in front of him.
“Wait, I am always looking for people to sing hooks on my songs.” He pulls out a business card, “Maybe we can find something for you to sing for me.” Ace takes Melanie’s hand and slides the card into it. “Just think about it.” She nods, and he walks away right as Erik makes his way over to her. Melanie puts on her jacket, double checks that she has all her stuff before heading for the back door leading out of the TSU.
Erik had been watching her since he got back to the waiting room, he noticed she never came out on the stage with everyone else. When he finally got a moment away from everyone, he saw that she was talking to Money Ace. He tried patiently to wait for them to finish before approaching her. When he shook her hand, Erik moved towards her, but Ace caught him and wanted to chat.
Melanie was walking over to her friends when she heard her name being called from behind her. She turned and saw Erik standing there. She turned back around and continued walking.
“MELANIE! Melanie, wait up!”
She stopped in front of her friends and turned around to face him. "What do you want, Erik? There’s no crowd here to embarrass me in front of, so I don’t know what’s in it for you.”
He scoffed at her, “It wasn’t even like that. I promise you.” She sucks her teeth at him. He looks at the card in her hand. “What did he want?”
“Oh, Ace?” She twirls the card between her fingers. “He likes my sound and wanted to see if I was interested in singing hooks on some of his tracks.” She knew she had no intention of doing anything with it, but it serves Erik right for acting bothered by it after what he just did.
Erik frowns at her, then reaches out and grabs the card, “Nah, you don’t need friends like that.” He tosses it in the nearest trashcan.
“But I need friends like you?”
“He only wants to fuck, Mel. You don’t mind if I call you that, do you?” She shrugs at him. "And as I said, it wasn’t even like that.”
“Then what was it like? Because I was just starting and then I get booed. I look out in the audience and notice your friends are the ones egging people on.” Erik lowers his head. “Oh, and let’s not forget the not-so-secretly hushed rumor that one act was chosen to be the Boo Boo Act. I guess it was just a good thing that I had enough people on my side to make sure I wasn’t booed off like-” she takes a minute to remember the name, “like Vanessa was last year.” Erik is wringing his hands in front of him. “I take it that was you and your frat buddies at work again, right?” Erik looks at Melanie, who has begun tearing up in front of him. “What did I ever do to you and your friends? Did you really think I deserved that?”
“I told them to call it off.” He responds lowly.
“Clearly, they didn’t hear you, or they didn’t care.” Melanie inhales deeply, “Doesn’t matter, I don’t need that kind of friend either.” She wipes her eyes of the tears that started to fall. “Please just leave me alone.” Turning around to her friends who witnessed their whole interaction, they leave Erik standing by himself in the fresh night air.
“I tried to warn you, E.” A clap on the back brings him face-to-face with his frat brothers. Luke has a smirk on his face. “You think she’ll participate in Apollo Night next year? She did pass with flying colors.”
“Why did you do it? I told you I wanted it stopped.” Erik looks at all three, Luke, Marcus, and Darrin.
“Now, E, you know we couldn’t do that. It goes against the rules.” Darrin replies.
“Once the act is picked, it is final.” Marcus recites in a precise manner.
“Besides, you stupidly chose her two weeks ago. And we knew it was a bad idea, but you never backed down until tonight when it was too late to pick another.” Luke chimed in.
“This is why we wait until the night of the show. When we have the chance to meet the performers and speak with them during the rehearsal or soundcheck.” Marcus throws his hands up. “You were warned.” Erik walks away from them.
“So, how bad did you fuck this one up, Erik?” Darrin catches up to walk beside him as they head back inside the TSU.
“She told me to leave her alone.” Erik stops short of the entrance.
“Serves you right, nigga. Picking on lonely girls like that.” Luke utters as he passes Erik, who trips him at the door. They all watch Luke try to catch his balance before he hits the ground, “Damn, man. It’s not my fault that you fucked up.”
“That’s not gonna stop him,” Marcus says as he helps Luke up. They all look over at Erik and can just see the wheels turning in his head. He grins at them while scratching his beard. “Ahhh, here it goes.”
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issabakugodrangeel · 5 years
9 Dorks SKZ 10th Member Au
Summary: Lisa meets the boys and gives Chan her answer
Warnings: none 
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Lisa’s P.O.V
After talking to Chan about him letting me in the group. He wanted me to meet the other members before I make up my mind. He told me to get ready at 7PM and gave the place they’re eating at.
Of course, I made sure to shower and dress casually. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. I was never really good at being in groups and making friends. I've always been independent.
I looked up my phone and it read 6:40 PM. Decided to leave my place early just too see who the other members look like. I doubt they'll like me tho. I don't look anything like them.
It's a good thing I left early there was an accident around the corner, slowing people down. By the time I made it to the restaurant, it was already 6:58 PM.I texted Chan saying I was here and he would meet me in the front door.
"Hey, glad you can make it." He opened the door and had a huge smile on his face, like the one where he told me that he wanted me in his group.  
"I did promise I'd showed up didn't?" I told him walking in.
"You did. Come on, the guys are waiting." His hands told me to follow him. He lead me to a rounded table were I saw 8 other younger males. To be honest they were all pretty cute now, I'm questioning my sense of fashion.
"Guys, this is Lisa, Lisa this is the boys." Chan introduce me. They all were looking at me. "Um, Hi." I bowed down to them feeling a little nervous. "Hi." they all said bowing down as well. For some reason I had this good vibe coming from them like I've known them my whole life.
I then notice someone familiar. Well they all were I've seen them in building time to time but one stood out to me.
"Felix?!" I looked at him confused.
 “Noona!?:" I'm guessing he was confused on seeing me too.
"You two know each other?" One that looks like squirrel asked us.
"Uh yeah, we have private Korean classes together." Felix mentions. JYP thought it would best if we both were thought by the same teacher, since we're both foreigners. JYP also thought it would help Felix more too since he was new too. I didn't mind it, it was just the two of us and we both helped each other outs. At least I know one other person in the group, who doesn’t hate me. I think. 
"Anyways you can sit next to me, Lisa." Chan scooted over so I can joined. "Thanks." I smiled placing my bag down.
"Hi, I'm Woojin." The guy that was sitting on the other side from Chris greeted.
"Hi, I'm Minho." the guy next to him winked at me. I didn't think too much of it. I heard from others that he's a good dancer.
"Hi, I'm Changbin dark rapper."
"I think I heard you rap before, you're really good." I complimented him. "Ah! Thanks!" He blushes.
"Hello, I'm Hyunjin."He spoke in english I gotta say his english was good and he was so handsome too. Like god damn, he could be a god damn model.
"Hi, Han Jisung." wow he does really look like a cute squirrel.
"And you already know ya boi Felix." His deep Australian voice always shook me. Like he's 17 and he has the voice of 40 year old.
"Hi, I'm Seungmin." This one also spoke in english well. Damn can they all speak english?
"Hi noona I'm jeongin, I'm the youngest here." He was so cute smiling with his braces. My heart went Uwuw like I need to protect this child at all cost. 
"Noona?!! How old are you?" Jisung asked me.
"Oh, I'm a 97liner." I smiled nervously.
"Wow you’re tiny for a noona." Hyunjin jokingly teased me.
"Bro" Felix nudge him.
"sorry." Hyunjin apologized
"It's fine I'm used it." I assured him I can tell he still a bit guilty. I didn’t really like it when people teased me for my height but I’ve grew to get over it. 
"Join the club." Changbin took a sip of his drink.I laughed.
"It's okay she can be our big, tiny noona." Minho smiles at me giving me a new nickname.  
"I like that." I smiled at the name. 
"Looks like you're the same age as me and Chan. Finally another parent to help keep these kids in check." Woojin teased. We laughed.
“EH, wouldn’t be too sure about that hyung. She may be older but she acts like a child sometimes.” Felix corrected I eyed him. 
“Excuse me?” 
“Last week you were crying because you couldn’t find your airpods.” He chuckles. I frown giving up. The rest of the boys just laughed. 
"So, what's the age range here?" I asked after the waiter brought me my drink.
"16-20" Chan pointed out. I almost choked on my drink as they all chuckled. Damn they are young.
"You, me and Woojin are 97lines, Minho is 98, Changbin is 99, Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix and Seungmin are 00, and Jeongin here is 01." Chan put an arm around him. What the hell!!Damn I feel old.
"Don't worry Chan and I both feel old too." Woojin giggles. I hope I didn’t say that out loud. 
"So, noona, you must be the girl Chan Hyung keeps talking about." Jisung mentions going back to that topic. I'm surprised that he talk about me.
"You talk about me?" I tried to tease him. Which worked cause I thought I saw him blush. He just let out a laugh.
"We-Well, like I said... I always had you in mind to our group. I wasn’t just gonna choose any girl." Chan played with his drink. Does he really think I'm that good. I just smiled.
“Thanks for being my personal stalker.” I teased he froze, causing the guys to snicker. “I’m joking.” I elbow him. He relaxed again. 
"Noona, what position are you in for?" Hyunjin asked me.
"Oh, um...."
"She everything, does sing, rap and dance. Oh she also produces her own stuff right Noona?" Felix rambled.
"Bro how do you know this?" Minho questioned him. He froze for a minute.
"Uh, Korean classes duh." He smily says trying to avoid it. Felix is always good listener. We all just shrugged it off.
“Cool, so you write lyrics too?” Changbin asked me. I nod. “But, they’re not the good.” 
“Are you serious. Your lyrics are amazing.” Felix points out. A smile appeared on my face. These guys are really something else. 
“So, I guess you can be on the production team with Changbin, Jisung and I. we call ourselves 3racha.” Chan mentions. I kinda like that idea. Back in B.A.P the music producers wouldn’t let me or Zelo help out with productions.
"Noon, tell us a bit about yourself seeing hyung and Felix already know you." Seungmin suggested. I nod.
After a few hours pass we all got to know each other very well. It's ironic how we all have something in common. All this time talking we kept on laughing our ass's of seeing much of dorks these kids are. They each showed me their talents and I gotta say they might young but y’all they got talent. I can see why Chan picked them out. He picked the right people. 
Since I've been here I didn't have anyone judge me or say something rude about my race. I think it was Changbin that asked my race but they didn't seemed bother by it. Jisung commented saying I don't look Mexican at all lol. To be honest I love hanging out with them. It feels like we've belong together.  I haven’t felt this way in such a long time. 
"What do you say, Lisa wanna join our family?" Chan asked as everyone locked eyes with mine. At first I didn't know how it'd would work out 9 guys and 1 female. But after today I think if I say no I know I'd regret this. They're a bunch of lovable dorks.
"Say yes noona." Jeongin clapped his hands together giving me the puppy eyes. They all this look in their eyes of pleading.
I bit my lower lip before giving out my answer. I can feel the tension in the air.
I take one good look at each of them. "Looks like I have 9 brothers now?" I brightly smiled at them. 
Once they heard my answer they grew huge smiles on their faces.
"Are you saying yes?" Seungmin questioned me one last time.
"I couldn't ask for a better team." I laughed.
Chan placed his hand in the middle as the other's did to I place mine last. "Lisa welcome to Stray Kids." everyone shouted the name of the group as we lifted our hands up and cheered.
"Stray Kids. I like that."
"We all thought about it. We would've waited for you but I was just too nervous to talk to you." Chan admits.
"The names perfect don't worry. Everyone will like it. I'm sure." I was still confused as to why he would be confused to talk to me.
"I always wanted a sister." Minho said. He told me he was an only child so he never had any siblings other than his cats.
"yeah. I feel like having you in our group, I mean family is going to be special." Changbin nods.
“Very special.” Hyunjin points out. 
"I promise you guys, I won't let you down." I'll show them the best I have to offer them.
"Don't worry you'll be fine." Woojin places his hand on top on mine giving it a squees.
I then remember about Ryujin her friends. I knew how much they wanted Chan to pick one of them if they find out I was the one he picked my life will be a living hell.
"Noona, you okay? Your face went pale?" Felix raised his eyebrow at me. I can't tell them about what's happening me with them. Since Jisung are friends with them. I was surprised he didn’t bring them up. I don’t know if they talked about to him.  I'm new so they probably won't believe me of the things they have done.
"Oh, uh yeah. Actually, can we not tell anyone that I'm the 10th member. I know there were rumors going around Chan looking for a female member and they've all been excited about it so i don't wanna crush the news just yet." I explained to them without telling them that the girl trainees haven't been really nice to me.
They all looked at me funny. "Well, JYP already know who was going to be our 10th member but, yeah we won't say anything." Chan pats my shoulder. Damn he really wanted me to joined that bad huh.
"We should get going it's getting late and we practice tomorrow, I bet you do too." Woojin looked at the time on his phone. I looked at mine he's right.
"Wow I didn't even realize it was getting late." I said surprised.  
"Hey, noona can we exchanged numbers to contact you." Jisung asked me. Oh right I for got about that. We need to be in touched now.
"Sure here." I wrote my number down on a napkin and they all besides Felix took our their phones to add mine. I passed my phone around so they can enter theirs. Felix has mine from class.
"I'll text you more info about when we're on the survival show." Chan mentions picking up his coat.
I nod in response as we all got up and bundled up. it was fall time here in Korea and just like Chicago weather it's freakin crazy.
"Is your dorm far from here? We can walk you? It's late after all." Hyunjin asked as being outside.
"You guys don't have too, it's a few blocks around the corner." I pointed to the direction.
"That's where our dorm is too." Seungmin mentions shivering from the cold.
"Come on guys we're walking our noona home." Minho locked arms with me. Taking me on ahead.
"You really don't have too." I tried to protest I didn't want to bother them.
"Nonsense. You shouldn't be walking by yourself out this late anyways. We gotta protect our sister from the bad guys." Chan announced. 
“Oh, my knights and shinning armors.” I teased. 
"Wait hyung!" Felix shouts, catching up to me and Minho and locked my other arm. I just smiled. What a bunch of dorks honestly. I’ve know I said it so many times but they are. 
This is going to be fun!!! I love my new 9 brothers.
Lisa SKZ 10th Member Masterlist
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helloalycia · 5 years
fake dating [four] // brie larson
summary: a few days in and you're stuck in dance lessons and trying to prove to your obnoxious cousin that you and Brie are together. What could go wrong?
warning/s: none.
author's note: sorry if it's a little short!
one | two | three | five | six | seven | masterlist
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          "You're kidding, right?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at my mum. She never failed to surprise me. "I can dance!"
         "I never said you couldn't," she said, her attention on a guest list. "It's supposed to be fun, Y/N. I booked it for Isaac and I, you and Brie, my sister, Naomi, Kieran and their partners. What's wrong with some dance lessons to help you out when it comes to the wedding reception?"
         "The dance lessons bit," I pointed out. "And the bit where Naomi and Kieran are there. Oh, yeah, and the bit where it's happening later on this afternoon. And again tomorrow."
         "All in time for the wedding at the end of the week," she said, finally meeting me eyes with a knowing look. "Quit complaining. You'll love it. You should go tell Brie. I'm sure she'll love it, too!"
         I rolled my eyes. "Do we get a choice?"
         "Not really, now shoo, you're distracting me," she said, shoving me gently.
         I sighed and left her to her own devices, deciding to go find Brie. It was still early in the morning, so she'd be at the hotel's gym doing her workout. I didn't know much, just that it was part of her nine month training to help prepare her for the part of Captain Marvel. She'd promised her personal trainer she'd keep up with it, so she'd been going once every day since we got here a few days ago.
         I headed to the gym, having to ask three different people for directions because I'd never been there and hadn't really planned on it. I didn't even know the hotel had a gym until Brie asked when we first checked in.
         When I got there, the gym had like eight people in it, as expected. I mean, who exercises on holiday? I saw Brie by the weights, a man next to her spot checking as she lifted the heavy bar. I approached them and tried not to choke on my own spit when I saw her lifting the weight with ease. How hadn't I noticed how strong she was before?
         "Is that Y/N?" Brie asked, her eyes not leaving her spot on the ceiling.
         "Yeah," I managed to get out, distracted by her muscles. I tried not to ogle, but she was wearing a sleeveless shirt and her muscles were literally rippling under the pressure of the weights. Now that I paid attention, I realised how fit she was.
         "Okay, I'm stopping now," Brie said, having help from the tall guy to put the bar on the stand. She sat up and smiled at the man. "Thanks, Jack."
         Jack saluted and left the two of us, giving me a friendly smile as he walked past. Brie breathed out and grabbed her water bottle, taking serval gulps before looking to me.
         "Everything okay?" she asked, grabbing her sweat towel and wiping her face.
         Okay, was Brie always this hot or what? Did I miss something? Pretending to be girlfriend was clouding my judgement. She was my friend. I was being weird, right?
         I shook it off and cleared my throat. "Yeah, everything's cool. How's your workout going?"
         She grinned. "It's awesome. Not as good without my trainer, but Jack is one of the trainers here at the hotel and he's been helping me out a little. Gotta stay on track if I'm gonna be kicking superhero butt, right?"
         I chuckled. "True. Well, I actually came to tell you that we have dance lessons this afternoon."
         Brie almost choked on her water. "Come again?"
         "You heard me," I said, laughing now. "My mum thought it would be 'fun' to have dance lessons. Us, her and Isaac, my auntie, and thing one and thing two with their partners."
         Brie laughed. "Don't call them that, Y/N."
         "Sorry, I meant dumb and dumber."
         Brie gave me a knowing smile. "Well, it does sound fun. And I could use the lessons. I'm a terrible dancer."
         "You're not. And we can probably get out of it if you say you don't wanna go," I pointed out.
         "But I want to go," she replied with a small smile. "Worst comes to worst, we laugh at your cousins, right?"
         I thought about it for a moment, a mischievous smile forming on my lips. "Very true."
         She laughed before checking her watch. "I'll be done in like half an hour then we can grab some brunch and head down. Sound good?"
         I nodded. "Okay, have fun with... this." I motioned to the gym, making her laugh. I felt my stomach flip at the sound.
         "Thanks," she said, rolling her eyes playfully.
         I left her to it, heading back up to my room to grab my book and go to the beach, but I ended up bumping into none other than Naomi. If it were up to me, I would've just kept walking, but she thought to have an actual conversation, unfortunately.
         "Y/N, how are things?" she asked, her obnoxious grin on her lips.
         "I saw you yesterday," I said bluntly. "Things are fine since you asked that. Yesterday."
         She swallowed hard, and I could see her resisting the urge to roll her eyes. "Where's Brie?"
         I sighed. "She's at the gym. Look, is this important? I kinda have stuff to do."
         "Quite the engagement party your mum threw yesterday," she said, her smile fading. "Lovely words exchanged between your mum and you and Brie."
         I raised an eyebrow. "Your point is?"
         She clenched her jaw and stepped forward, getting in my face and forcing me to stumble back.
         "Look, you can lick your mum's arse all you want, but we all know she doesn't like you," she said angrily, glaring at me. "I don't care what you do, you're not getting the firm."
         I pulled a face. "What the hell are you talking about?"
         She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Don't play dumb, though I know that mustn't be hard for you."
         I clenched my fists, trying ever so hard not to punch her right now.
         "There's something up with you and I'm going to find out what it is," she continued, studying me. "I think you're lying. Your mum is only showing mild interest in you because of Brie."
         I froze momentarily, feeling caught. She couldn't know, could she?
         "Excellent move, I must admit," she said, smiling devilishly. "Bringing a famous girlfriend to meet the parents. Talk about expert arse licking. But it won't work. I see right through you. And so will your mum. She's not going to give you the firm. I deserve it. And she'll see that."
         "What the hell are you going on about?!" I asked with exasperation. "Why do you keep mentioning the firm?!"
         "Don't act like you don't know!" she argued right back. "I'm going to find out what you're hiding. And your mum will see what a failure you are and you won't get the firm when she retires. She'll give it to Kieran and I, like we deserve. Good luck hiding."
         I furrowed my eyebrows as she walked past me, nudging my shoulder purposely. I was angry at her for saying such hurtful things, but I was too confused to snap at her. My mum was retiring? And wanted to give me the firm? Why would she do that?
         I shook my head and headed to my room, a million questions running through my mind still. But more importantly, I had to make sure Brie and I didn't get discovered by Naomi. That wouldn't look so good...
         Brie and I went to the hotel's ballroom that afternoon to find everyone already there, standing around and talking between each other. Some were stretching, others were on their phones, as if they were waiting for us. Oops? I saw the dance teacher stood in the corner, messing with her phone and a speaker.
         "They're here!" my mum shouted with delight when she saw us approaching. "We can begin!"
         "Ah, ladies, thank you for coming," the dance teacher said, walking to us. "My name is Yara and I will be your dance teacher for today and tomorrow."
         "Hi," Brie and I greeted in response, Brie a little more enthusiastic than me.
         "Okay, everybody stand with your partner, face to face, please!" Yara instructed, pulling everyone into line.
         "You should have stopped your mother from booking this," Isaac mumbled as he walked past me.
         I laughed at his expression. "Are you serious?"
         Isaac gave me a pleading look before standing in front of my mum who was excited. I stood in front of a smiling Brie, her height a few inches over mine.
         "I'm assuming you all stretched before class, as I asked, so we're going to dive right in," Yara said, circling the room. "We'll start with technique."
         "I don't want to be here," I muttered to Brie, making her grin.
         "Shut up and listen," she ordered playfully.
         "Traditionally, the male leads," Yara explained, "but in the case of two women, you may choose the lead."
         "Bagsy being lead," I said quickly like a child.
         "Thought you didn't want to be here," Brie said, chuckling quietly.
         "Hey, I didn't know I was leading, so," I said with a shrug.
         "I want the lead to rest a hand on the other's back, and another holding their hand," Yara instructed, moving around to help if need be. "The partner should rest their hand on the lead's waist."
         I did as Yara said, placing a hand in Brie's and resting the other on her back. I was surprised to feel how strong and defined it was and widened my eyes subconsciously.
         "Holy shit," I blurted out quietly.
         "You good?" Brie asked, furrowing her eyebrows and smiling with confusion.
         I cleared my throat, nodding a little too enthusiastically. "Yeah, yeah, it's nothing."
         "Closer you two," Yara said, suddenly appearing by our side and pushing our bodies closer together.
         I got a better grasp on Brie's back, making me gasp quietly and look over my shoulder to mumble another "shit" under my breath. Seriously, was she always this strong? Because damn.
         "You sure you're okay?" Brie asked, searching my eyes.
         "Mhm, yeah," I said, nodding and getting over myself. "You've been... you've gotten stronger, haven't you?"
         She suppressed a smile and raised an eyebrow. "Uh, I guess?"
         "That's good," I said, nodding. "Congrats."
         She smiled with confusion. "Thaaaaanks..."
         The rest of the hour was pretty much exactly like that. Me trying not to thirst over Brie's physique and also trying not to stand on her feet because apparently I wasn't as good at dancing as I thought. On the bright side, we'd learnt a basic waltz and had one more lesson tomorrow to fine tune everything. It wasn't as bad as I thought, and having Brie there made me forget how annoying Naomi and Kieran were.
         Especially Naomi, who was eyeballing us whenever she could, as if trying to find a way to disprove our relationship. She was stupid, honestly.
         The next day's lesson went better, this time with myself able to dance with Brie and not have weird, not-friendly thoughts about her. But seriously though. When was she getting so strong and well-defined? I guess I hadn't been paying much attention until she was my 'girlfriend'...
         That evening, after our dance class and a dinner, the hotel were having a fireworks display on the beach, so of course everybody was outside on the sand with their loved ones, staring up at the sky, waiting for the display to start.
         I was sat with Brie, the two of us sat on a towel on the sand, with one blanket wrapped around both of us as we curled up next to each other. Her warmth was tickling my skin and I wasn't complaining one bit – it felt good. She was doing something to me these past few days and I had no idea what, but I liked it.
         "The sky looks so pretty," Brie said with a dreamy voice.
         I looked to her and smiled. She was staring up at the stars with a lovestruck smile, her golden eyes sparkling under the sky. She looked stunning and I felt my stomach flip-flopping at the sight.
         "It does," I said, tearing my eyes away from her and looking to the sky. "I like it out here."
         With you, I wanted to add, but didn't.
         "Me, too," she agreed, before looking to me. "Wait, d'you mean this beach or Hawaii in general?"
         I looked to her, meeting her eyes. "Both. Makes this trip worth it."
         She smiled. "Hawaii is always worth it, difficult family or not."
         I laughed. "True. It's only fun though because I'm not alone."
         She was quiet for a moment, before saying, "Is that your way of telling me you're glad I'm here?"
         I suppressed a smile, feeling her eyes on me. "Yes, it is."
         "Knew it," she mumbled, making me laugh.
         "You know, this whole fake dating thing makes things so easy," I realised aloud. "I mean, people just assume because we're together that we do everything together, so they don't bother pulling us apart. Like we can stay in our room and avoid socialising and they don't question it. We can sit here now and not have to sit with my family because they think we're having a couple-y moment. It's super chill, y'know?"
         Brie chuckled. "I think that's just the perk of having a girlfriend, Y/N, not necessarily faking it."
         I shrugged. "Maybe..."
         She rolled her eyes playfully.
         "Ooh, fireworks are gonna start," I said, shaking her arm a little. "Ssshhh."
         "You're the one speaking," she said, nudging me.
         "Oh my god, you're such a child..."
         I watched eagerly as the first firework was lit, shooting into the starry sky and bursting into a pretty burst of blue. It was followed by several more fireworks, all lighting up the sky with an array of colours. Everyone on the beach cheered as the display had officially begun.
         "It's awesome," I said with a grin, looking to Brie.
         She nodded in agreement, mirroring my expression. "It is."
         I glanced around and realised everybody sat with their significant other was kissing them, in celebration of the display. I ignored it, knowing nobody would notice if Brie and I didn't, only to turn and meet Naomi's eyes across the beach. She was sat with her family and boyfriend, but she was eyeballing me curiously now, making me grow nervous.
         "Brie, kiss me," I said quickly, tearing my eyes from Naomi's terrorising ones.
         Brie, who was once distracted by the fireworks display, now tore her gaze from the sky and looked to me with raised eyebrows.
         I glanced at Naomi, seeing a smirk forming on her lips. All I kept thinking about were her words from yesterday, about catching me out. Wanting to prove a point and not raise any suspicion, I leaned forward and smacked my lips against Brie's, kissing her.
         She was taken by surprise, but rested a hand on my waist as I moved my lips against hers. I caressed her cheek, moving closer to feel more comfortable.
         I pulled away after a moment, meeting Brie's eyes and subtly seeing if Naomi was staring still. She was glaring now, her smirk long gone as she turned away. I breathed out in relief and let go of Brie's cheek.
         "That was close," I got out, feeling a lot better, only to realise what I'd done. I looked to Brie, eyes widening a little. "Er, sorry. Everybody was kissing and Naomi saw that we weren't. I couldn't let her think otherwise..."
         Brie was still a little surprised, but nodded her head. She cleared her throat. "It's fine, erm, yeah..."
         She awkwardly turned and looked back up to the sky, admiring the fireworks display. I did the same, moving back a little, suddenly feeling heat radiating between us. My lips were still tingling a little and I realised maybe I wanted to kiss her again.
         She was a really good kisser.
         "You okay?" I asked Brie as she was finishing wiping the last of her makeup off in the bathroom mirror.
         "Yeah, why?"
         I shrugged, jumping into the bed. "I dunno. You've just been quiet since..."
         She paused her actions and I saw her eyes flicker to mine in the reflection of the mirror.
         "I'm sorry if I overstepped," I apologised, maintaining eye contact.
         She looked away, looking down at the wipe in her hand. "It's fine, Y/N, you don't need to apologise. It's not weird. I literally agreed to this."
          I nodded. "I know, but I just thought–"
         "I'm fine," she said, smiling at me in the mirror. "You're just seeing things."
         I nodded and watched as she finished wiping her makeup off. She hasn't said much after I kissed her earlier and I was worried I'd upset her or something. But maybe she was right and I was just seeing into things. I mean, it was just a kiss, right? It didn't mean anything to her.
         But it might have meant something to me.
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Summertime Magic (II)
A/N: I do apologize for such a late fic but real life been kicking me in the ass. In this part, we get a little of Y/N and N’Jadaka getting to know one another while Y/N does is hair.
No warning but I recommend listening to “Close to You” by Dreezy ft. T-Pain
To Catch Up, PRESS HERE.
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   It was Thursday afternoon when Y/N was in the middle of feed in cornrows on her client's coarse hair. She wore a black bleach tie-dye crop top with high waisted jean shorts. “So, girl I was telling my dude, like, ya boy is tryna fuck with my friend and what not and his ass gonna tell me so.” Y/N said, “wait, don’t his nigga got a girl though?” Her client clapped her hands between every word. “Exactly, bih. His girl just gave birth to their baby girl, too.” Y/N placed some gel on her part to smooth down flyaways. 
“Trifling. Niggas are something else I swear. But speaking of, how you and Monte”, Y/N asked as she started braiding a small braid in between the two thicker ones. Her customer smiled before speaking “beside his baby mama, we good. He a pain but he my pain. We actually moving soon.” Y/N nodded asking “where to?” She turned to face Y/N. “The Valley. Says it’s closer to his job.” The look on Leslie’s face was very sad but Y/N only grinned. They knew each other since high school and was apart of the same clique. “Finally, getting out of the hood, I see. Leaving me behind and shit. I see how it is”, Y/N said in a playful tone causing Leslie to smack her thick thigh.
   “Hursh. I’ll still come down to visit and whatever. You know I’m not gonna trust in upitty crackas in my hair. Hell no. I’ll make that long ass commute to get here. But what up with you though?” She smiled as she got another piece of hair to place in Leslie’s hair. “Nothing much. Met a guy yesterday. Kinda cute. Got some nice muscle tone and all. His name is N’Jadaka. He coming tomorrow so I can do his dreads for him.” Leslie turned slightly to look in her face. “Oh really? You got a pic? I need to see if I approve.” Y/N rolled her eyes laughing and showed Leslie the picture; her eye’s bugged out. “Oweeee, how you doing, Mr. Man!? Best friend, that man finer than a muthafucka. Wait, he coming here?” 
Y/N nodded as she placed some styling mousse on her hands to smooth over her friend’s hair. “He will be here tomorrow at 11 am.” Leslie looked at her friend up and down and said “aight miss thing. Don’t get in trouble now.” She took the money out of her bra and handed it to her. “You better come to out going away party, heffa. Its next week so ad it to ya calendar.” Leslie hugged Y/N’s fluffy body and was on her way out before Y/N locked the door.
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  Y/N got out the shower feeling amazing after exfoliating, shaving and oiling her whole thick body while listening to Daniel Caesar. She went into her closet to grab a cute, wine shade romper that complimented her skin tone. Her locs were in a huge bun and had her baby hairs in a wave shape against her smooth skin. Her phone buzzed from a text from N’Jadaka.
N’Jadaka: I’m outside. 
  She smiled and went to the window as he pulled up. Y/N pulled back the cream curtains to his navy blue Impala park in her driveway. As soon as he stepped out, her mouth parted slowly to her jaw-dropping on the floor. He was in a navy blue short sleeve that clung to every muscle and his smooth caramel skin. Gray sweat pants that displayed his thick thighs and navy blue Air Force Ones that completed the outfit. His hair was tossed to the right messily and his dimples were in full display when he noticed Y/N was watching with his back turned; she dodged his stare and stayed away from the door.
*Knock, knock, knock*
   Y/N opened the door with a smile. “Hey, it’s nice to see you again. Did you find the way okay?” She stood to the side as his tower-like frame strolled in looking down at her. “Yeah, I’m usually good with direction. How you doin’? You aight”, he asked with a smirk across his lips, flashing the white smile of his. Y/N nodded, totally spaced out by his charm. “I’m good. Ya ready?” She led him to a chair which had a hair wash bowl connected to it. N’Jadaka clapped his hands as he remembered something. He handed her a black tinned bag and she took it from him. “I was by the store and just thought you would the snacks you had the other.” Y/N blushed as he sat down and she placed a cape onto him with a towel wrapped around his neck; he lied back as she ran the lukewarm water. “So, how long you’ve been doing hair?”
“Eh, I started in eighth grade when my friend’s mom had her own shop. We used to watch her ever since we were way younger. It got crowded, clients and walk-ins were waiting but everyone was swamped so I ask if I can help. Ms. Witherspoon said go ahead and I did. I asked each one what they wanted and did what they asked. Washed, blow-dried, some cornrows for the ones getting extensions”, she said as she began washing his scalp. His eyes were closed shut and she noticed his incredible lashes. “So, Y/N was a baby hustle?” She giggled and said “yah, pretty much. Then I got a job there as the hair washer and assistant to her mom. My folks weren’t really up for it. They wanted me to enjoy my childhood but then I told them how much I would be making and with me being the oldest, I wanted to help out.”
 N’Jadaka nodded as her hands worked their magic through his locs. He hummed in relaxation as her fingertips massaged his scalp slowly. The voice of Dreezy the singer added more to the session as her she got the right amount of lather and suds. She was humming to the lyrics watching him. He looked so relaxed, so sweet. Her eyes watched his lips as mouthed off ‘fuck’ and ‘shit’ to his self. She had to snap out of it. “So, N’Jadaka. You have a very interesting name. Where is it from?” He chuckled flashing his smile, making her weak in the knees. “It’s African. My fam is from Wakanda besides my moms.” She rinsed his hair out and sitting him up. “Hav you ever been there? I’ve seen only the bad in Africa online and some shit.”
“Nah, nah. It’s beautiful especially Wakanda. When the sun sets, it’s amazing. The tint of the colors blended just makes you forget about everything that’s so fucked up with the world. When I visit, I just sit the mountain and my older cousin likes to sit with me. We talk about our childhood together.” Y/N smiled at his face lighting up and helped him walk to the chair. She walked ahead of him as he began tossing his hair and towel drying it watching her wide hips move side to side. He eased into the chair as she got the hot oil treatment ready. 
She wrapped a clean towel around his neck with a new cape before going into a shelf next to her hair area. She bent her knees with her behind close to the floor as she looked for the oil to warm up with the glass container. Soon the oil was hot enough and she went back to him with a smile on her lips; she began. “So, what made you move out here? From the sound of it, Wakanda sounds like a paradise.” She heard him take a deep breath before he explained. “Ya see, Y/N. I’m not like the people there. I was born out here, I’m from here. Them folks out there saw through that shit once my Unc. They only accepted me when they realized I was related to people who were a big deal.”
  After the treatment, she grabbed a locking moisturizer that didn’t cause build-up and began the tiring process. “Y/N, what you got planned for tomorrow? My boy got a housewarming party and it’s a 90′s theme. All my boys bringing they ladies and all. I know we just met and all but by the way you move, you be a great dance partner.” She rolled her eyes at the thought. “Not really the party type.” She heard him chuckling as he said: “shit, neither am I but it’s my boy.” She was standing to his left, still sectioning and twisting when he looked at her thick thighs. So plump, so soft looking. “Well, why me? I know you got flocks of girls throwing themselves at you. Choose one of them then”, she stated.
   N’Jadaka side up to her and admitted: “Yeah, I do but I ain’t interested in them at all.” This made her eyes fall to his. Was he being serious, she thought. Why her out all of the women in Los Angeles. The women he had thrown at him would probably be model sized. Tiny waists, long legs, thin thighs and all. She strolled around like she was confident but on the inside, she was always battling herself. She had to cry many tears, mend her broken heart and put on her big girl (no pun attended) lace panties to feel as she was can compete with those types of broads. Y/N’s train of thought came back to the track when she felt his hand on her calf. “Y/N, you gotta come. You can’t be a homebody forever. If you think I had ya back at the liquor store, then trust me. C’mon and come with me. I show you a good time.” He was caressing her thigh the whole time as he spoke and it made her feel some type of way, the good way. She sighed, wiggled her leg gently out his grasp and said “maybe. I’ll think about it, young man.”
   N’Jadaka chuckled as he sat back, head straight forward. “ Well, little one. Once you done with my hair, I better have an answering or I’ll do it myself”, he said with a fold of his muscular arms. Y/N rolled her eyes with a crooked smile as she continued. They shared a few laughs and smiles here and there then she twisted hs fresh dreads into two braids; the also exchanged social media networks. She passed him the mirror so that he can get a look. “Daaaaaaaayummmmm, this shit is nice as hell. Baby Girl, those hands of yours are like magic”, he stood and gave her a nice hug. She was taken back but when her hands fell on his smooth back, she melted into him like ice cream on a burning hot day like this one. The smell of musk and spices filled her nostrils as she lingered on. 
   N’Jadaka look down at her and asked “ya good, little one.” When her eyes opened, she realized that he had let go a long time ago but she still had her arms around his waist. She looked around and then to him. She slid her arms away and said “sorry. Guess I was daydreaming.” He chuckled as they made their way to the door. She placed her hand on the knob, twisting and opening the door but when he walked out he turned and leaned against the threshold with his arms folded again. His brow slowly rose up that made Y/N very confused. “Yes or no” he asked and got back a “huh” from her lips. “Are you going or not” he asked and Y/N folded her arms as well. He chuckled and said “fine. Then I will decide. You are going with me to this party. We will grab something to eat before and after. Party starts at 7:45 so I will be here at 6 on the dot so we can chill for a bit.” 
  Before she got to speak, he placed his hand on her chin and said “be ready by 6, little one. Aight” with a smile that made her knees weak. She nodded and he did the same back. “Ok good. I’ll hit you up later. Here ya go”, he handed a hundred dollar bill into hers but she looked up at him. “You are worth way more than what you charge. Thank me later” and with that, he walked off to his car and drove off with two honks. Y/N slowly closed the door with a sweet grin and made her way to her bedroom. After a nice shower and a good homecooked meal, her Instagram was blowing up with comments, DMs and brand new followers. She went to her page notifications and saw something she was mentioned in; a post by N’Jadaka himself; it made her smile from ear to ear.
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Ok, so this was long overdue because of real life health and all but I will be posting part III tonight, if not in a few minutes.
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all-things-skam · 5 years
‘‘I’m a lot to handle.’‘ elu. Lucas is the new dancer partner of Sofiane eliott has a crush in him and beg Sofiane to talk a Lucas about him and get a date
Can you write about Lucas and Sofiane being friends? 
Title: Sofiane’s new dance partner
Ship: Skam France | Lucas Lallemant and Eliot Demaury (Elu)
''You have to introduce me to him.''
''Come on, Sofiane!''
Ever since Eliott landed his eyes on Sofiane's new dance partner two weeks ago, the stormy eyes boy had been begging him to introduce them. His name was Lucas and he was the cutest thing ever according to Eliott. He had the most beautiful big blue eyes and the second Eliott saw him laugh, eyes crinkling and wide grin, he was sold.
Sofiane shook his head. ''There's plenty of cute boys out there. Go find someone that's not my dance partner.''
''Lucas, this is Eliott,'' Sofiane presented in defeat.
The younger boy extended his hand, hair messy from dance practice, shaking Eliott's, creating a tingling sensation in Lucas's stomach. ''Lucas. Nice to meet you.''
''I have a date with Lucas tomorrow,'' Eliott announced Sofiane on Thursday evening as they were sitting on his couch, watching re-runs of some crazy cooking show, secretly hoping it’ll help them in the cooking departement.
Sofiane pivoted his head in his friend's direction. ''Are you serious?'''
Eliott nodded, a genuine grin on his face and eyes sparkling.
A part of Sofiane wanted to be happy for his best friend. but he also knew that Eliott's glee could crumble so fast if he wasn't careful and let his impulses take control. The last time Eliott got into a relationship, things got ugly and Sofiane doesn't want to see his best friend suffer again.
''Be careful, okay? I don't want to be forced to choose a side and be the one to pick up the pieces on both ends if it ends bad.''
''It won't,'' Eliott promised but Sofiane knew he couldn't promise such thing. No one can.
''It's here,'' Lucas said, stopping in front of his apartment building.
Eliott had walked the dancer home after their little date, not quite ready to say 'bye' yet. As they were walking on the sidewalk alone the riverside, Eliott's hand was itching to hold Lucas's, but he refrained himself, keeping it inside his jacket's pocket.
''So, this is where we say goodnight.''
Looking up for a quick second, Eliott took in the building where Lucas lived, taking in the off-white building with fancy balconies on every floors. He plunged his gaze down and was met by Lucas's blue eyes looking up and staring into Eliott's, their surroundings suddenly completely shut off and ignored.
''Aren't you going to kiss me goodnight? Because, to be honest, that's the part of the night I was most excited for.''
He wouldn't have taken Lucas for a bold person but Eliott liked that he knew exactly what he wanted and wasn't afraid to ask for it.
Eliott raised his eyebrows. ''Is it?''
The shorter boy hummed, stepping forward, biting down his lip. Eliott dipped and covered Lucas's mouth with his, hands coming up to cup his face as Lucas stood on his tippy toes to reach Eliott's height, fingers gripping at the collar of his black hoodie, pulling him down.
From that night, when Eliott would show up at the underground dance studio, instead of sharing a hug with Sofiane, he greeted Lucas with a kiss.
''Get a room you two,'' Sofiane called, rolling his eyes at the new couple who couldn't get their hands off each other. With Eliott and Lucas, a kiss was never 'just a kiss'. It was a series of kisses and sickenly cute giggles. ''No. Better than that: Eliott get out, Lucas and I needs to rehearse before the audition on in two weeks.''
Eliott kissed Lucas's temple and laughed, wishing them both luck before leaving.
''Things are going great between you and Lucas,'' Sofiane pointed out while they were out for pizza at the small family restaurant by Eliott's job.
A smile bloomed on Eliott's lips, thinking about how Lucas wakes up almost everyday in his bed. ''Indeed.''
''Have you told him?''
Eliott furrowed his eyebrows. ''Told what?'' he asked, seeming confused.
Sofiane gave him a knowing look. ''Don't play dumb with me. You know what I mean.'' Eliott's silence answered his question. Sofiane sighed. ''I know you don't like to talk about it but you have to tell Lucas. Especially if you see yourself with him for a long run. He deserves to know, Eliott. Tell him.''
Easier said than done, Eliott wanted to tell Sofiane as he sat on his couch with Lucas's legs in his lap, massaging his sore legs. He and Sofiane had tried a new routine today and his body took a toll so, Eliott had offered to give him a leg massage. How sweet.
''This feels so good,'' Lucas hummed approvingly, his head resting on a pillow as Eliott massaged his calves, the television softly playing in the background.
Eliott smiled, watching as Lucas fell asleep under his touch. He was so beautiful when he was sleeping. His face was relaxed, plump lips parted as he snored softly, long lashes resting against his cheeks. Eliott caressed his cheek and Lucas leaned into his touch, making the older boy smile fondly.
He'll tell him another time.
Days passed and before he realized what was happening, Eliott found himself in bed with no motivation to get up or do anything. He heard his phone going off and saw the texts coming in but he didn't pick it up. He knew what was happening and he didn't want Lucas to see him that way.
Seeing that his best friend wasn't answering his calls nor texts, Sofiane came over and checked on him. He sat by Eliott's side and tried to make him eat something for health purpose, but Eliott wouldn't eat anything.
''You've gotta eat something-''
Eliott's phone went off the his nightstand. Lucas.
Sofiane sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. ''He doesn't know, does he?''
Eliott grumbled. ''Fuck off.'' He rolled over and fell back asleep, buried underneath his comforter.
Two days later, there was a knock at Eliott's door. He tried to ignore it but it was persisting and really starting to get on his nerves.
''Eliott, can you open the door?''
Eliott's ears perked up. Lucas.
''I know you're here. Sofiane told me you'd be here.''
Fucking Sofiane.
Lucas sat on the edge of Eliott's bed like Sofiane had done yesterday and the day before, eyebrows pulled together as he listened to Eliott tell him about his mental illness. He was shocked but not scared.
''You can leave if you want. I'm used to people leaving.''
To the older boy's surprise, Lucas removed his shoes and laid down beside Eliott.
''I don't think you want that-''
''How can you know what I want?''
''Look, Lucas, I like you. I really do but...I'm a lot to handle.''
''So what? You think I'm nice and sweet all the time? You should see me when I'm struggling with a routine or can't get a move right or fuck up an audition.''
A light chuckle left Eliott's lips for the first time since depression and sadness and anxiety took over him.
Lucas kissed the back of his neck and wrapped his arms around Eliott from the back. Feeling his small hand over his stomach, Eliott covered it with his, holding them up to his heart before falling asleep.
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alphawave-writes · 5 years
Sigrold week 2019 Prompt 5) Stories and songs
Synopsis: Cabaret!AU. Siebren is a famous Dutch cabaret artist and Harold is the struggling novelist who comes to all his shows. Harold goes to get inspiration from Siebren, but perhaps the reverse might also be true.
Read it here or check it out on AO3. Support me by buying me a ko-fi. Commission slots are still open!
Harold doesn’t drink. He really doesn’t, but the cabaret seems to be the perfect fodder for his imagination. He probably stands out a fair bit from the usual crowd, working away on his computer, typing away at his story instead of paying attention to the performances. Or at least he’s trying to type away at his story, but so far, he’s been having a serious case of mental block. He has ideas, so many ideas, but he’s unable to articulate them into words on the screen.
It was his agent’s idea that he writes a romance novel. His last novel got incredible reviews for the way he romanticized space and the stars, and his agent convinced him that his true calling was in romance novels, not sci-fi. In the end, it’s not much of a difference from his regular writing style. Less worldbuilding and more character-building. That’s what his agent said at least. But he is staring at the few words he’s written for the last month now, inspiration just out of his grasp.
He didn’t choose to do a romance novel because his agent told him to, he did it because he wants to. His normal process is to write from the most climactic moment and build from there. He’s got the mental image perfectly in his head. The two main characters, after being separated for so long, find each other on a rainy night. They’re exhausted, their barriers finally coming down after years and years of denying themselves the truth, and now that they are here, they have to speak what’s on their mind.
“Your eyes are like the stars,” Harry whispers. “Shining, shimmering, glittering for me.”
It’s the first line Harold’s written for this story, and he’s still unsatisfied with it. It sounds cliché and utterly cheesy, but he can’t think of a better way to start the scene. Every day he looks at it and wonders how can he change it. Every day it remains untouched, only to annoy him the next day.
It’s easy to talk romance when it comes to stars and space because Harold loves them dearly, whereas he’s never felt true romance for another human being before. It’s easy to see the beauty in them, the tragedy and the ache and the warmth they bring. Everybody talks about the beauty of humans, but no one talks about the beauty of the unknown but Harold himself.
Well, there is only one person, and that man will be performing tonight. Siebren de Kuiper, world renowned Dutch cabaret artist, is probably in the building right now, getting ready for his performance. He has such a wonderful ability for portraying multiple characters in the same song, with a massive vocal and emotional range in his performances. He can act, he can dance, but by far he is at his best when he is singing his heart, just him alone with a microphone and a piano, crooning for the universe.
“Here for Siebren again?” Chao asks.
Harold turns to face the waitress and laughs politely. “No, no. Just here for the atmosphere and the inspiration. And of course, to see your face again.”
“You say all that, but we both know you don’t mean it.” She peers over his shoulder, glancing at the computer screen. She frowns. “This is the same as yesterday.”
“I know,” Harold sighs, adjusting his glasses. It’s another uncomfortable reminder of how many times he’s come here, but at least the owner has been so kind as of late to let him come in for free now. It’s not Horizon theater with Harold Winston, they said and meant with all their heart. He promised in turn a free copy of his new book, whenever it comes out.
If it comes out.
“Come on, you gotta try something different. Order a drink, dance a little, live a little.” Chao leans in conspiratorially. “I can hook you up with some one-on-one time with Siebren if you ask.”
The last one is tempting, he can’t but admit as his cheeks flush. It’s no secret that he admires Siebren, and not completely for his artistic ability. “T-thanks, but no thanks,” Siebren says nervously. “I’m a stranger, a-and I shouldn’t intrude on him.”
“Come on, don’t be shy. I tell you, he’s a real sweetheart once you get to meet him.”
“I think his songs make it apparent he’s not as tough as his exterior suggests,” Harold chuckles.
“Oh no, he’s tough, but he’s also a sweetheart. Just depends on if he likes you or not. And something tells me you’re in his good books,” Chao smirks.
“Really?” Harold says sardonically.
“Let’s just say you both have a lot more in common than you think.” With a wave she flits off back to the bar, ready for the onslaught of pre-show drink orders to come in. He tries to ponder on her strange words but makes the decision to ignore it. Siebren is a performer, destined for the spotlight, and Harold’s just a struggling novelist hiding in the shadows. It’s an idol crush, Harold tells himself. Nothing more will come from it. It’s just better to admire from afar like he’s always done.
When he hears the familiar roll of the metal wheels on the tiny wooden stage, he instinctively closes the lid of his computer and turns to the stage. The Master of Ceremonies is smiling brightly as always, a little bit chipper today than yesterday. Probably because Harold knows they have a date with a cute omnic woman later tonight. He hopes that relationship goes well.
“It’s your all-time favourite. The star of the show. The harnesser of the harness. The universe at his fingertips. Ladies and gentleman, you’ve been waiting very patiently so please put your hands and appendages together for Siebren de Kuiper!”
Siebren walks up behind the MC and does a short bow. He’s wearing a standard suit with a swallowtail jacket, perfectly tailored to his body, not a crease to be seen on his clothes. His hair is short and greying, the dramatic lighting highlighting his sunken cheeks and creased forehead, but he is tall and he is large and he is larger-than life. He takes a seat on the piano, opens the lid with a loud creak, and with a flourish, removes the white gloves over his hands.
The crowd is silent, save for the odd clink of cutlery on plates. All eyes are on Siebren de Kuiper as he places his fingers on the keys. He plays a chord, clears his throat, then turns his attention to the crowd like they are just an after-thought. His expression is serious but not harsh. Harold knows over time his face will become kinder and softer as his performance goes on, which is why he’s surprised when Siebren smiles all of a sudden. Is it just his imagination, or is Siebren looking at him?
Siebren taps on the microphone, the static filling the room before quieting. The crowd is quiet. His lips curl up into a smile.
“Ladies and gentleman, thank you for coming. Tonight, I have a special song, fresh off the presses.”
Murmurs rise in the audience. Near the bar, Harold can see the owner and the bartenders talking in furtive whispers, gesticulating wildly. This isn’t planned, he realizes.
“I must profess, I have been single for a long while now, but I’ve filled that void with you, my darling audience.” Someone wolf-whistles, eliciting a sheepish laugh from Siebren’s lips. “Thank you for the enthusiasm. At least one of us is excited for tonight.” Quiet chuckles erupts from the crowd. “No, I am still single, but there is one among you who has been my inspiration of late. I have not spoken to you, but I have seen you, and I have heard you, and your words have inspired this song that I shall sing to you all tonight.”
Siebren clears his throat again, resting his fingers on the keys for a moment before playing. It’s a smooth, jazzy backing tune, embellished with tiny artistic flourishes to show off his ability. As he lands on a chord, his voice is deep,
Your eyes are like the stars
Shining, shimmering, glittering, for me
And although you may be so far
I’ve come along to see you
It takes all of Harold’s willpower to not jump from his seat. That’s the dialogue he’s writing for his novel. It can’t be that the one to inspire Siebren is…it can’t be him…it just can’t be. There’s no way.
Take hold of my hand
Sweaty, sticky, clammy, from you
I am sure that you understand
I just can’t stand to be away.
Siebren keeps glancing at the crowd but Harold knows that he’s actually glancing directly to him. How can it be that just from Siebren’s eyes, he hears so many unspoken words. It’s such a pleading look, as if to say “look at what I have made. This is for you. I did this for you”. It’s so touching and beautiful. But…why? Why would Siebren go to such effort for a stranger?
Oh, I know we’ve only met,
But I won’t leave this place content
Until my universe is made of me and you.
When Siebren finishes his song, the crowd stands and claps. Only Harold remains sitting, tears staining his eyes, throat tightening painfully. Siebren stands from the piano and bows, his eyes never leaving Harold’s. He gives a sympathetic smile and then a mouthed “find me after the show” and then he continues on his performance.
For once, Harold can’t concentrate on Siebren’s performance. When it’s over, he rushes to the backstage area and searches for Siebren’s room. When he finally finds it, he knocks three times. His nerves are rattled, his hands are shaking, but adrenaline is pumping through his body. He needs answers. He needs clarification. He needs to know. Why, why, why?
Siebren opens the door. Soon as he sees Harold, his expression softens immediately into a shy smile. “You must be Harold Winston.”
“A-and you’re Siebren de Kuiper. Not…that I didn’t know that before. I did. I’ve seen a lot of your performances.” Harold stops to take a breath to centre himself. Siebren is tall from the stage, but it’s somehow more terrifying up close. “S-sorry. I, uh…I’m here about the…song?”
“I-I realised that it’s technically plagiarism. I mean, I did write the melody, but the words are all yours. But they’re beautiful words and I’ve been stuck on song ideas for so long and when I read them they just suddenly flowed into me and…” Siebren blushes. “I’m rambling again, aren’t I?”
“I think we both are,” Harold chuckles nervously. He glances down at Siebren’s feet and stays silent for several seconds.
Harold can feel Siebren’s gaze on his body and his cheeks get red. Chao wasn’t wrong, Siebren is a sweetheart, but even so, there’s something about the air that tells him that Siebren doesn’t normally behave this way. Harold’s certainly never this clumsy with his words before. Is that what it’s like to meet your idol crush? This overwhelming, intense heat in his chest? What is Siebren feeling right now?
Harold gulps. “It’s a…good song,”
“You liked it?” Siebren asks.
He nods. “Truth be told, I didn’t like it when I first wrote it. But hearing it in your song makes it sound…I don’t know, better? More suitable?”
“I did tweak it a bit, I’ll admit, but I’m sure you’ve noticed that.”
“I did. It’s good.”
“I’m glad,” Siebren says softly.
There’s something so intense about the ocean blue of Siebren’s eyes. Harold doesn’t notice them from the stage, but they’re so big and so welcoming, like he can just dive in to the crystal waters and swim for all eternity.
“I…actually am glad you are here, because I want to proposition you.” Harold’s eyes widen. “P-propose an idea. Not proposition. English isn’t my strong…” he grunts. “L-look, in the coming months, I am preparing to go on a tour across the country, and I need material. What little I have seen from you has already been enough to inspire me to create one song, so I can’t begin to imagine how much more will come from me if we worked together.”
Harold lets out a breath he doesn’t know he’s been holding. For one brief moment he thinks he won’t mind if Siebren actually propositions him, but he will not voice that out loud. Not in a million years. “Y-you’re saying you…want me to work for you?”
“As a songwriter, yes. O-or a regular writer for my performances.” Siebren smiles bashfully. “I’ve…I’ve read your Universe sings series religiously. If you can replicate even just 1% of that, I know you will be a perfect fit for my work.”
“I…I’m not musical though. I mean…” Harold adjusts his glasses nervously. “Are you sure?”
“I am sure,” Siebren says. “But I understand if you refuse. I do not want to pressure you. I understand this will be quite different to what you’re used to.”
It sounds too good to be true. A chance to work alongside his idol, making some money, creating songs and performances that will be performed to hundreds and thousands. The two of them will be together, meeting each other every day, discussing ideas, laughing over jokes, touching each other’s hands, sliding their fingers down their chests.
Harold turns his head away, blushing at his thoughts. Siebren frowns. “Is that a…no?”
Heat creeps up his cheeks and flood his veins. His breathing goes erratic. His eyes are taking in that strong chin and large frame and beautiful lips. This is love, Harold realizes. Is this what his characters feel like?
Harold takes a shuddery breath as he offers his hand. “I’ll…I accept.”
Siebren grins as he excitedly shakes Harold’s hand back. There’s electricity to his touch, zapping him in all the most pleasurable spots in his body. He feels like his knees are going to give out any second. “This is great. This is perfect, I…this is a pleasure, Mr. Winston.”
“Harold,” he clarifies. “Just…call me Harold.”
“Only if you call me Siebren.”
It’s all for the sake of his novel, Harold tells himself over and over that night as he types furiously into his computer. He’s not doing it to feel that pleasurable feeling again. He’s not doing it so he can be close to Siebren. They’re just feeding off each other, giving each other inspiration.
This is not love, Harold fools himself over and over again, knowing deep in his heart that this is very much love.
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medeafive · 6 years
Dust to Dust
Here’s my secret santa gift for @lizziesaltyzman who's song prompt was "Dust to Dust" by The Civil Wars (which fits Buckynat super well, thank you for bringing it to my attention!).  
A quiet night in, sometime before Christmas, featuring cooking and dancing and teasing.
Read on AO3
She smells it as soon as she opens the door.
If he makes her soup, it's usually bad. Not the soup, he makes borscht like a Russian babushka. It's cliché, but then again, she cannot claim particularly much authentic Russianness at this point. But if he makes her soup, it usually means he's not in a good place. She remembers coming home from difficult missions, missions where she got hurt, and finding gallons of soup in the fridge.
She kicks her shoes off, not caring to put them on the shoe rack, and leans against the corner peeking around. He's not actually in the kitchen, just a boiling pot. Shit. There's candles. Did she forget something? Birthday? Anniversary? Other holiday? She probably forgot something. It's been a busy week, and really, all these stupid anniversaries, first kiss, first sex, moving in together, why would one even-
The bedroom door opens and he emerges, hair wet, smiling when he sees her. “Oh, hey. There you are, just on time.”
“Please just tell me what I fucked up this time,” she asks. At least he's in sweatpants. So it's not that serious. “I mean- candles?”
He laughs, lifting the lid of the pot and stirring. “Don't worry, doll, it's nothing. Was just in the mood.”
It's not your eyes It's not what you say It's not your laughter that gives you away
He's put up all the Christmas decoration already. Right. Shit. She should do something for that. But she still has a week, a week and a half. She pushes herself away from the corner. “Did something go bad?”
He snorts. “Always does, right? No, it's okay. Just needed a break.”
You're just lonely You've been lonely too long
She slips behind him, wrapping her arms around his chest. He exhales. She presses a kiss to his shoulder blade, through the shirt. “How long has it been?”
“Thirteen days,” he murmurs, leaning back against her. “Twelve and a half.”
“Sorry,” she whispers, letting go of him. “I'm gonna take a shower. I'll be right back, smelling a lot nicer.”
“Bought you a new shower gel,” he remarks, pretending to be preoccupied with the pot. “Cinnamon or something. Looked Christmas-y.”
“I'll let you know in a second,” she promises, slipping away to the bathroom.
All your acting Your thin disguise All your perfectly delivered lies They don't fool me You've been lonely too long
He's set the table when she comes back, the pretty red tablecloth underneath. He's not even on his phone now. She rubs through her hair again, then drops the towel by the bedroom door. He snorts, turning around. “You're such a slob.”
“Come on,” she purrs, dancing within his reach. “You missed me.”
“You've been away much longer, on other occasions,” he replies, almost catching her wrist but she's faster. “And you still don't seem to have a clue what a shoe rack is for.”
Her eyes widen almost comically. “Who cares about shoes. Come on, catch me.”
“I'm not chasing you,” he stresses. “Also, it's pretty small here, you really have nowhere to go.”
She smirks, prancing around the edge of his reach. “Aw, sure. I'll show you.”
He rolls his eyes. “The soup's gonna burn, doll.”
“Fuck the soup,” she states in a deceptively soft voice. “Oh, you know what, fuck you.”
His eyes go straight down to where his shirt ends on her thighs. Suddenly, he leaps forward, but she saw it coming, anticipated it, and she ducks out of his reach again and again, reading his next move faster than he can make it, until her back hits the wall of the bedroom and he bumps right into her, pressing up against her, his turn to smirk. “Got you.”
“Oh my,” she remarks, hooking her left leg around his hip. “What a terrible thing to happen.”
Let me in the wall you've built around And we can light a match and burn it down
He lets it go, instead ducking in to nestle her neck, breathing her in deeply. She gets a little goosebumps. Her hair is still wet. She pulls him in with her leg.
“Cinnamon,” he remarks before moving up to her lips. She hums, letting him in, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. His shirt has rucked up almost to her hips but she doesn't push it right now, lavishing in the laziness they're so rarely permitted.
She's a little disappointed when he pulls back already. “Mhm. Close your eyes.”
They're already closed, so she just nods, pretending to be very serious. He pushes her arms off him. “Stay here. Don't move.”
“Okay,” she mutters, again a little disappointed when he doesn't drop to his knees to make her see stars. Also very Christmas-y. But okay, she'll wait. She hears him moving around in the kitchen. The soup? No, patience.
“Don't open your eyes,” he reminds her from the kitchen and she snorts impatiently. Okay, just get on with it. She thinks she hears a little pling. Oh- she freezes. This idiot. This idiot.
The violin of Tchaikovsky's Valse sentimentale serenades towards her. She snorts and almost opens her eyes, but he is there to close them again gently. “Nuh-uh. Eyes closed.”
Let me hold your hand and dance 'round and 'round the flame In front of us Dust to dust
He places the left hand over her shoulder blades, taking her hand with his right. His apartment is small, too much furniture, there's no fucking space for a fucking waltz, and her eyes are closed and she can't even-
He spins her around and her feet respond almost automatically, not losing balance for a second, back straightening automatically. It's the London Festival Orchestra version, which is of course the best one, and she moves backwards before he steps on her foot, and then the music swells and she's twirling, eyes closed, through this fucking tiny apartment, and he pulls her to the side just a little with the next turn, she's not even sure anymore which way is which, eyes closed, and he spins them more to the right, the music swelling even more, she realizes she's not even close to losing her balance, definitely not in his arms, even if they move at twice the speed, spinning on approximately five square feet because that's the free space in his kitchen, she squints and they're actually there, in the kitchen, judging by the blurred tablecloth flying past her.
He leans in to kiss her neck again, which is really bad form on his part, this must look ridiculous, she in his shirt which doesn't even cover her thighs, wet hair, he in sweatpants, dancing the tiniest possible waltz in this little kitchen, it's really a wonder she hasn't bumped into anything yet, and if he can kiss her neck, she can certainly open her eyes, so she does.
“That's your Christmas present, by the way, doll,” he whispers against her neck, still spinning them with surgical precision. “Cause I'm not sure we're gonna meet again before that.”
She snorts, watching closely but he misses the stove just so. “Oh, you also forgot.”
He rolls his eyes, lifting his head again. “Last time, I got you a necklace and you ripped it.”
“This guy was trying to choke me with it!” she defends, automatically dropping a little back to look up at him.
“Exactly,” he replies, sliding his left hand a little back up. “I'm not getting you another gift that someone might use to try to kill you. I'm positive a waltz is safe.”
“If you don't step on my feet,” she remarks, even though it's not even close. “So, that's your Christmas party? Come on, it's the 14th.”
He snorts. “Yeah, and tomorrow someone threatens to blow up a nuclear plant in Nicaragua. Not risking it.”
“I'll have you know that since you didn't give me a heads-up, it's your fault I don't have anything for you,” she adds. “So, I'm not counting that under my fuck-ups.”
He rubs his cheek against her wet hair, which entirely ruins the whole posture, they're way too close for a waltz, but who gives a fuck, there's no one here to judge. “Oh, I can think of something I want.”
She smirks, rubbing a little against him. “Oh, really, can you?”
You've held your head up You've fought the fight You bear the scars You've done your time Listen to me You've been lonely too long
They step around more slowly again. If any actual dancing teacher saw them, they'd scream. But it's for them. For her. For Christmas.
The song dripples out and she gazes at him, her feet have somehow found their place on their own where they can stay. The final tone fades out and then it's quiet, other than the stove. “You deserve this,” she whispers. “All of this. You know that, right?”
He pulls her in, hugging her. “Yeah. But thanks for reminding me.”
She buries her face in his chest. The cinnamon is probably from her, but he still smells good. She realizes she's really home.
You're like a mirror, reflecting me Takes one to know one, so take it from me You've been lonely You've been lonely too long
“The soup's gonna burn,” he mutters, not letting go of her. She doesn't care. Food, Christmas, that's all just background noise and what really matters is that she is here, that they are here, even if it's just for now. It's nice, for people like them, to come back to a place they can call home and that frankly even feels a bit like it, as far as people like them can tell. Before there's another mission in the world outside that takes them away for days, weeks, months. But now they're here, and now they're home.
“So, if it's Christmas already,” she whispers against his shirt. “Are you gonna make me see stars?”
He snorts, cupping her ass with his right hand. “Well, you gotta choose, doll. Food or stars?”
“I'm going to assume that's about the order,” she remarks. “Otherwise, well, shit.”
We've been lonely We've been lonely too long
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cruciatuscurse · 6 years
Sweet Pea’s Girl
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Rating: All
Warnings: None
Pairing: Sweet Pea/OC
Summary: Change is inevitable. What does it mean for their relationship?
A love is never quite as deep as first love. The love that forms naturally over time, maybe discovered from the first blush or busy heartbeat, like snow on winter’s breath, is usually the most memorable and kept closest to the heart. It’s also the one that cuts the deepest when it’s all over.
They knew her as Pea’s girl, even if she wasn’t always. But that never sounded quite right. The angry giant, full of rage and testosterone, with his arm slung around this cute thing. But that wasn’t quite right either. She was dazzling, but more for what was in her head than what she wore on it.
They were friends from elementary school, but somewhere between puberty and high school it turned into something more; something right.
They never agreed on anything. It was hard for outsiders to see how they got together in the first place, but the ones closest to them saw it. The undying loyalty, the love in their eyes behind every sour remark. They were navigating something beautiful, something new, in the only way they knew how.
When she heard the taps against the window, her heart raced. She slid from beneath her comforter and pulled the window open, looking at the grinning boy on the other side. He didn’t even have the decency to be bashful.
“Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!” He loudly whispered, making her giggle.
“What are you doing here, Pea?” She looked at him expectantly.
“I was in the neighborhood,” he shrugged, hands slipping into his jacket. “Thought I’d come by, maybe borrow some sugar.”
She laughed, then, and it made him laugh too.
Watching his tall frame climb through the window was a scene she dedicated to her memory, only wishing she caught it on tape. He joined her in her bed and he didn’t even have the decency to look bashful about it.
They didn’t talk for a moment, simply enjoying the warmth of a body next to their own. Their eyes were fixed on her ceiling, even if there was nothing there but chipped paint and sleepless nights. Slowly, their hands found a way together.
“It’s about time you go steady with me,” he stated, glancing over at her and watching the coy smile make its way onto her face.
“Maybe,” she agreed.
He smiled. “Maybe.”
It was the same window, the same ledge, that greeted the two lovers for many more nights. He always found a way to her and she could never deny that smirk. In the darkness, they found a place called love.
But the thing about adolescence is that it’s always changing. It can be the hardest time of your life, trying to figure out who you are and who you want to be, and it can eat you alive. They always talk about growing pains, but they never talk about the ones in your heart.
A strain was on their relationship. Her mind was shrouded in doubt. As the end of high school was rapidly approaching, and real life beginning, she found it harder and harder to fit her and Sweet Pea together. But he was hers and she was his and that’s how it’s always been; what else was there?
“It’s over, Pea. A girl’s gotta live her life. It’s been fun while it’s lasted, but I’m done.” The words were bitter and hard to swallow, following another argument over who could remember what.
“What?” For once in his life, Sweet Pea looked unsure of himself.
“You heard me. I’m done.” Emboldened, she stood up to him with eyes that sought a challenge.
“Don’t be an idiot,” he scoffed. When she didn’t answer, continuing to stare at him with her arms crossed, his face hardened. “You’re serious about this, aren’t you?”
“Yeah.” She swallowed down the lump forming in her throat. “I am.”
“Whatever. I’ll give you time to cool off.” He pushed his chair away from him, hard, making the legs squeal against the floor. He wouldn’t let her see him so vulnerable, not when she was the cause.
“Take all the time you need, cause I’m not wasting another second near you.” Her chair joined his as they went in opposite directions, drawing twin looks of confusion and concern from their nearby friends.
That night, she was wide awake for longer than she cared to admit. Even though she was the one to break things off, she still felt a pang in her chest when he didn’t try to come through her window. It was selfish to want him anyway, but she couldn’t help it. The forecast for that night was a thunderstorm.
News traveled fast. Everyone had assumed they’d be together forever, but life seemed to have other plans. Sweet Pea kept his distance, at first. He knew her better than anyone else; when she maintained a mask of disinterest, he knew how to read behind it. But he still had to make sure she was okay, in his own way.
“I still don’t see why you don’t just talk to her yourself,” Toni said, rolling her eyes as her friend scoffed.
“She doesn’t want to see me. I can’t say I blame her. She’s my first everything, alright? I’ve had to learn all this…relationship stuff on my own. I mess up a lot.”
“Yeah, but so did she.” Toni put a hand on his shoulder. “Why don’t you talk to her about it? She’s scared, whether she wants to admit it or not, and so are you. Yes, love is a beautiful, amazing thing but you’ve got to put effort behind it. When life hits you hard, you gotta hit back harder.”
Sweet Pea raised an eyebrow. “Since when were you a therapist, Topaz?”
“Shut up.”
She avoided his texts and calls, and it only made him angrier. He was fighting a lot, getting more involved in business, and his absence from school worried her. She was always the one that kept him grounded but now it seemed like he was letting loose.
Still, she avoided him like the plague. What was left to say? He wasn’t her responsibility anymore.
When he finally saw her again, a few months had passed. She was out with friends and she looked great, vibrant. Her smile brightened up the room. She hadn’t been dating anyone, for that he was sure. He would’ve knocked the teeth out of anyone who tried. They might have not been together, but she was still his girl.
He saw her, quarters in hand, looking through the song list at the jukebox, when he approached. “Hey.”
She turned around, and when their eyes met, her heart did a somersault. “Hey.”
He shoved a hand in his jacket pocket. “How’ve you been?”
“I’m okay.” The quarters in her hand jingled as her fingers twitched. “And you? I’d say I hope you’re staying out of trouble, but I know how trouble likes to find you.”
He grinned. “Guilty. I keep my head above the water, though. You’re looking real good, but I know you know that.”
She couldn’t help the grin on her face or the blush in her cheeks. “Do I?”
He nodded. “Yeah, you do. I know you like the way I look at you. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you wanted me to find you.”
“I did no such thing,” she gently chided him. “But it is good to see you.”
She picked a song then, at random, and the sound of Elvis crooning came through the speakers.
“Well, if you’re feeling lonely tonight, just give me a call,” he said, turning around.
“Hey, Pea.” She hugged him from behind, hearing the steady beat of his heart in her ears. “It was good to see you.”
“Take care of yourself, doll.”
She couldn’t stop thinking about him that night, even after he left with his friends and hers had grilled her, even after she had a few drinks and accepted a few dances, even after she walked home and hid herself away in her blankets because it was how she coped best.
But, like clockwork, she heard a tapping at her window.
When she looked out, she giggled at the sight of Sweet Pea holding a few flowers.
“Really, you think those pathetic things are going to win me over?” She teased.
“They should,” he argued with a smile. “They’re from your mother’s garden.”
“Sweet Pea!”
She watched him climb through her window, her heart beating faster with his every movement. She took it all in, their eyes on one another, before they were embracing and I love you’s were being tossed out like fireworks after the Fourth of July.
He led her into her bed, just like he always did, and she drowned underneath a tidal wave of her tears. He wiped them away diligently, patiently, brushing her hair back and pulling her onto shore.
“I’m sorry,” she began, breathlessly.
“Me too.”
“No, I mean it. I’m sorry for the past three months. I shouldn’t have put either of us through this. I don’t..this is our first real relationship, and sometimes it just gets too big and overwhelming. We’ve changed so much in the past few years. Where are we going to go from here?”
He kissed her forehead. “I’m not going anywhere, baby. I’m gonna be right by your side no matter what.”
“But what if we change? What if we outgrow each other? What if we start to hate each other?” The panic rose in her voice. “I don’t want to be like our parents.”
“We won’t. Hell no we won’t. We choose what we do, and right now, I choose you,” he stated, looking into her sad eyes. “You’re the first girl I’ve ever felt this way about. The only girl I’ve ever felt this way about. Sure there’s pretty girls around, but I don’t want just another girl. I want you. The girl who got gum in her hair cause I didn’t know another way to get her attention.” He smiled when that made her laugh, before continuing. “The girl that keeps me out of trouble and looks out for me. The girl that I fell in love with, the one I wanna marry someday. That’s the only girl I want to be with.”
“She sounds amazing,” she teased softly, trying to hide her red cheeks as he kissed the top of her head.
“She is. She’s the most amazing girl I know. Sure, we don’t have a bunch of good examples of love around us, but so what? We can be the example ourselves. I just know that I’m not going to let you walk out of my life again.”
“I’ll follow you anywhere, Sweet Pea.”
He saw it, then, that fire in her eyes that he’d missed. The way she kissed him, the way their bodies fit together perfectly, the way her hands touched his. It wasn’t going to be easy, but it was going to be worthwhile. He’d found a crazy little thing called love, and he wasn’t going to lose it again.
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