#also chocolate filled biscuits!
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pitrsattabhaadmeinjaa · 6 months
just remembered my sister loves me and is grateful she asked for me to be born, day made.
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branmer · 9 months
i am so behind on all things christmas everyone im sending stuff to is probably gonna get it between christmas and new year, if that ;A;
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What kind of desert do you think Kurt would like? Is there any German deserts in particular he would like?
This is an interesting questions, thank you. So...
We don't really know a lot of what he likes in canon, however I seem to remember to have read that he is fond of chocolate and biscuits, which means I'm going from there.
I'd like to think, that Kurt is something we call a "Naschkatze" where I'm from. Don't know if it's used in other parts as well, but it's quite common from where I'm from. It's basically someone who loves to nibble on sweets as often as they can. Literally translate to "snacking cat" or "nibbeling cat"
He's got a sweet tooth, you could say. So, going from there:
He loves pastry. Doesn't matter if it's cake or cookies or cupakes, he loves it. If it got chocolate? He's in heaven. So, it's good that he's from Germany because we've got some really good cakes, if I may say so:
Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte: This is one of the most stereotypical cakes that you can find when looking up "German Cakes" but it's really good. It traditionally consists of several layers of chocolate sponge cake, cherries, cherry liqueur, whipped cream and chocolate rasps. It named after the "Schwarzwald" which is a region in Baden-Wüttenberg, the "neighbour" of Bavaria. It's really tasty and I'd like to think that he would love that.
Baumkuchen: Literellay means "tree cake", originating from it's looks. It consists of several layers of dough when baking it, making it look like the age rings of a tree. It's art to explain, but it's really good, one of my favourites actually.
Kalter Hund: Literally "Cold dog", also referred to as "Kalte Schnauze" or "Kalter Platt". I think this would be one of his all-time favourites because it not only consists of chocolate but also of biscuits. It is made from layers of chocolate cookies and a cream of chocolate and coconut oil. There are different variations of it, which can differ in the ingredients used. It's a little harder to make, at least in my experience, but it's really worth it.
Pudding: Kurt is in love with this stuff, especially chocolate, however only when it's hommade. The incredibly overly sweet stuff from the stores does not taste good in his opinion, so he refuses to eat it. He may have a sweet tooth but not that sweet.
Spekulatius: Another typical german sweet, that's an alltime favourite among Germans. It's usually just sold during Christmas time, due to the different spices that are used for it.
Mousse au Chocolat: Of course he's not restricted to German desserts only. It's a french dessert and since France is a neighbour of Germany it's not that far-feched that he loved it growing up. It's fluffy, it's chocolate... What more could he ask for?
Grießbrei mit Roter Grütze: "Semolina porridge with red fruit jelly" It's not really a dessert but it's quite famous and I personally know many many Germans who love it, me included.
Germknödel mit Vanillesoße: Germknödel are a traditional specialty of Austrian and Bavarian cuisine and are also popular in other regions of the Alpine countries. They are steamed yeast dumplings filled with a plum jam filling (Zwetschgenröster). Although the classic version is filled with plum jam, there are also variations of yeast dumplings with other fillings such as poppy seeds, apricots or curd cheese. Personally, I have always loved the fruit filling. Top it with vanilla sauce and poppy seed sugar and it's perfect.
Pictures in order
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It's a bit much, but there are so many good desserts. In general I think he loves anything with chocolate in it, as long as it's real chocolate and not some fake stuff from the industries. He prefers usually darker chocolate but especially in cake she doesn't mind so much. He also likes a bit more heavy desserts such as Germknödel or Grießbrei, especially since he's from Bavaria where such desserts are more common, from my experience. You are welcome to correct me though.
Hope this was helpful :)
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mistydeyes · 1 year
miss americana: gaz edition
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series summary: The 141 has varying thoughts about Americans which range from finding them wildly entertaining to thinking they’re the worst people on earth. However you challenge their perspectives when you meet them. Something about you makes them feel a little more patriotic ;)
summary: When you finally move to the UK, there are a few things that confuse you and Gaz is more than happy to help out! From realizing cars are not automatic to the different colloquialisms, he enjoys clarifying the differences in culture.
pairing: Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x American!Reader
warnings: none
a/n: FINALLY something that I don’t have to do research on because I’m from the US🦅🎆 I have other parts planned to this as well!
also these are 100% inspired by all the questions I ask @lundenloves, she entertains my constant surprise and shock lol
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Whenever you go out with Gaz you ask him to “translate” for you.
When you first walked the rainy London streets with Gaz, you felt like a toddler with all of your questions. "Why does that stationary store have a sale on condoms?" you asked, confused, as you directed his attention to the sign that displayed a sale on rubbers. "You mean erasers?" he corrected, laughing. Next was when you saw a store you liked and immediately directed him inside, saying you needed pants. Despite how cute you looked while shopping, he had to correct you saying they were trousers and that pants had a very different meaning. Finally, the most egregious example was when you went to a restaurant and ordered biscuits to accompany your savory dish of soup. Once the waiter laughed in response, you looked at Gaz confused. "A biscuit is not like what you get in the Southern US, it's more of a cookie," he explained as you flushed with embarrassment. You would have to do some research next time and consult your British tour guide.
You’re an absolute menace when he goes to the grocery store or what he calls the grocers. You will go up and down the aisles, picking up whatever you fancy.
"Where are those chocolate oranges?" you demanded as you went down the aisle with Gaz. He pushed the cart, or trolley as he called it, which was already filled with a variety of snacks. Anything that looked distinctly British and that you knew you couldn't get at home, went in the cart. He had to hold you back from getting biscuits and crumpets. "Do you think we're having a tea party?" he joked as you waddled back with your selection. "Can we?" you asked, excitedly, and Gaz knew you were going to spend another 30 minutes in the tea aisle. "Let's just find you some Terry's and then we can consider getting tea," he corrected and you pulled the cart rapidly ahead. "I'm going to buy a whole orchard of those oranges."
Later on, you did buy a bushel worth of oranges and Gaz gently rubbed your stomach after you ate two entire ones. "They're just so good," you mumbled before you regretted the lactose coursing through your digestives.
Sometimes you’ll entertain him with distinctly American experiences.
"Did I ever tell you I was going to join a sorority in college?" you mused as you sat on the couch. He looked down at you before replying. "A what?" he questioned and you laughed. "You're telling me you've never heard of Greek life!" you exclaimed as he shook his head. You sat up for this fun explanation. "Essentially, if you're a girl you join a sorority and you spend like 4 days meeting the sister, trying to get them to like you, and then you're given a bid," you explained, he nodded as if this wasn't a foreign concept to him. "Then you all gather, usually in a football stadium or field, and they call your name as well as the sorority you're in and you run towards them." At that, he looked in horror. "It sounds cultish," he remarked and you lightly punched his arm. "It's cute! Everyone dresses up in different themes like 'Las Vegas' or 'Teddy Bears'," you smiled but he still shook his head, "it's the hazing that's cultish."
You will always insist on driving but Gaz remembers the one time he let you drive.
"Kyle, just let me drive!" you exclaimed as he beat you to the car door. In all honesty, you were a little used to being on the passenger side back at home but nevertheless, you were annoyed at his constant insistence at driving. "No," he simply said, "need I remind you what happened last time." The minute he said that you remembered the first time he tried to let you drive. First, you were surprised it was a stick shift rather than an automatic but it was nothing to worry about. It took you a few streets to get used to the changing gears but Gaz still had confidence in you. It wasn't until you pulled into a shopping center and started driving on the wrong side of the road that he made you park and take over. "It wasn't that bad!" you exclaimed, buckling into the passenger seat. "Love, my life flashed before my eyes."
He’ll make fun of you when you order coffee with a smile and try to make a friendly conversation with the barista.
As you entered the coffee shop, you were easily the happiest one there. It was 7 am and even Gaz wasn't as cheery as you are. "Good morning, how are you?" you smiled at the young barista. She returned your smile and eased her tired shoulders. "I'm doing alright, what are you having today?" she replied and you took a minute to think. “Just a cup of coffee for him,” you replied, pointing at Gaz. You pondered for a minute as you strained to look at the signs. "What do you think is good here?" you questioned and her eyes lit up as she began to list the options. "If you're looking for coffee, a cortado is my favorite, but I personally recommend trying our tea," she recommended and you nodded. "Hmm I'll take both," you cheerily replied, watching as she typed in your order. When you pulled out your wallet, you looked around curiously and the barista noticed your hesitation. "Is there anything else I can get you?" she asked before you looked up at her. "You don't have a tip jar here?" you wondered and she let out a laugh. "We don't, more of an American thing," she answered and you frowned slightly. You let her know to keep the change and waited patiently for your order at the end of the coffee bar. "You're too cute sometimes," Gaz said, kissing your forehead gently. He made sure to get a picture of you with your two cups, captioning it, "They finally got their cuppa!"
He helps you navigate the surprisingly easy currency and pricing system.
“Kyle I need more,” you corrected as he handed you a handful of notes. You had gone souvenir shopping in London but forgotten your wallet at his flat. “What do you mean, that’s enough,” he replied as he flipped over the postcards to check if he did his math correctly. “What about the tax? You forgot about that,” you said triumphantly and he laughed in response. “Oh this is one of your American things,” he said, his new favorite term to use, “Love, you pay what’s on the sticker.” Cue your shocked face as you couldn’t fathom the moment of anticipation as your items were rung up at home. On the ride home, you were sure to explain to Gaz the ins and outs of the different taxes including that there was no clothing tax in Minnesota, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Vermont. “I cannot believe you don’t know how much you’re paying when you go up to the till,” he remarked, shaking his head in dismay. “The what?”
There are some disagreements on the meaning of different words (especially ones that you both share but mean two completely different things).
On a rare day, the entire 141 was free, and Gaz decided to introduce you to them. You returned back from the grocers and were surprised when Gaz began preparing a late lunch. “We’re not going to eat at the bar?” you asked, noticing him turning the stove on. “No, no they don’t have food there,” he corrected as your face turned to confusion, “what do you think the bar is?” Upon your explanation of an American bar with cheap drinks and greasy food, Gaz laughed and kissed your cheek gently. “If you want to go to a pub, I can just let them know the change of plans. There’s plenty around,” he responded and went to put the items back in the fridge.
When you arrived at the lively pub, Gaz made sure to sit you next to Soap so you could listen better to his thick accent. While you appreciated the gesture, the Scotsman still spoke a mile a minute. Despite your initial uneasiness, you soon fell into lively conversation and entertained everyone with your stories from college and things you found differently in the UK. "I think the time zone was the biggest issue," you said in response to Ghost's question about your transition to living abroad, "although, the lack of ceiling fans was interesting." They all laughed in response before Gaz interjected. "Tell them about when you ordered a baked potato," he joked and your eyes immediately lit up before you went into a long conversation about your experience. As everyone laughed at your bewilderment at the lack of serving the side with bacon, cheese, and sour cream, Gaz looked at you fondly, his favorite American.
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konigsblog · 7 months
Haiii orla (՞ . .՞)ฅ” i have a just a small request, what do you like König or any Task Force 141 members favorite sweets would be?
also have a wonderful day, drink water and take care of yourself!
141 + könig favourite sweets :3 🍰🍭🧁🍬
i'm a firm believer that john price doesn't enjoy overly sweet desserts and treats. although, he enjoys licorice, as well as fudge and toffee. if you hand him some skittles, or sour patch kids, he'll gag and spit it out... doesn't do well with sourness whatsoever, and prefers chewy caramel, or fudge!
on the other hand, soap mactavish is a fiend for sweet treats. as he's scottish, i can see him liking scottish tablet, as well as empire biscuits. i also believe he'd like sour and sweet treats, as well as biscuits with jam.
simon riley likes chocolate, although, he's not too big on certain sweets. like captain price, he enjoys licorice, but he can also get behind stuff like haribos, or starbursts. he wouldn't turn down something sweet, but he goes absolutely insane for anything including chocolate. (is also a fan of custard doughnuts, as well as chocolate filled.)
like simon, gaz garrick also enjoys custard filled treats. custard creams, custard filled donuts, or having custard on the side of a brownie. he also adores chocolate flavoured sweets, but also enjoys sour candy. gaz is always complaining that it's not sour enough – he can handle a lot...
könig enjoys mostly everything – aside from licorice and anything mint flavoured. he doesn't enjoy mint flavoured chocolate (like i've stated before), but be goes crazy for most desserts. adores brownies, and makes fantastic homemade, chocolate brownies. enjoys sweeter tasting treats, but CANNOT stand anything sour – trust me, he'll scrunch his face up (he may shed a tear, or two...)
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elilelibeli · 3 months
Remus has a camera. He has this camera because he captures everything he sees beauty in. Remus doesn’t think he is beautiful, he also never thought he was really surrounded by it. The pain, hardship, fear made it hard to still notice beauty around him, so he has a camera and takes pictures of everything to remind himself of beauty still around him.
He has pictures of Lily. With flowers in her hair or books in her hands just many many pictures of fiery, shiny and radiant Lily, Remus’s soul friend.
He has pictures of Mary getting ready, Mary dancing, Mary in the diner, Mary to remind him being beautiful means beauty inside as much as it means beauty outside. Mary shines in how she looks but she shines that much more from the inside and Remus wants to surround himself with that light forever.
He has pictures of Marlene, because he wants to be reminded of her beauty, beauty in chaos, loudness, bravery.
He has pictures of Peter, weirdly so many of Peter surrounded with strange plants. He is reminded that beauty can be found in anything just like Peter has found it in that weird plant he got for Remus on his birthday. Peter looks great in Remus’s green sweater sleeping on a couch and Remus knows that his friend’s safety is really really beautiful.
He has so many pictures of James. He can practically hear his laugh when he glances at those pictures. James is the reason he even thought about beauty still left around him in the first place. James loves very fiercely and the little bit of a crazy approach of seeing beauty in every little thing is fascinating to Remus. James got the camera for Remus and Remus started to notice tiny beauties around him.
And there’s Sirius. Amount of pictures he has of Sirius could probably fill up an entire room. After all Sirius is the reason Remus knows what beauty means. He always sneaks in pictures when Sirius is not looking, trying to regain the breath his best friend stole from him with one smile. He takes the secret pictures and stares them at home, alone, when he grants himself a second of bravery to imagine what it would feel like to have Sirius like Remus wants to have him, have him fully and eternally.
As much as he snaps pictures of everything and everyone he hates getting his picture taken. Why would anyone want to take a picture of him he thinks. He is not worthy to be captured by a camera that can capture beautiful things and he isn’t worthy of Sirius. Sirius deserves great things, beautiful things and Remus is none of those so he continues to take pictures of Sirius and anything else that reminds him of his muse, longing for him behind the lenses.
And then one day when Remus borrows a book from Sirius and he opens it to the page where something is wedged as a makeshift bookmark, he finds himself staring at a polaroid of himself. He remembers this from their lake day, he looks tired and he has that weird half smile in the picture. He didn’t know this picture was taken.
He notices a second polaroid wedged between the pages of another book on Sirius’s shelf. It’s one more of him, but this is from Christmas, he is wearing a red and green sweater from Effie.
Another one falls from the book, this is not of him. This one is taken in a tea shop, boxes of different mixes of tea and small chocolate biscuits in front. The Polaroid has a quick note in Sirius’s handwriting on it that reads “smelled like Remus”.
Remus finds one more of him reading in the library. One more between books of him showing a middle finger to James. All the books on Sirius’s bookshelf have Remus’s polaroids wedged between pages, with notes or timestamps or just plain. The pictures are all of Remus, different Remuses, while he had no idea he was being captured. His hands tremble while he picks up one more book from the shelf, the note on the polaroid reads “my moony”, he reads each letter scribbled by Sirius and he feels each of them inscribed in his heart with Sirius’s handwriting. Each letter giving him enough bravery to run and “capture” Sirius not only by his camera but by his devotion and love. And Remus is running and for the first time ever he wants to have his picture taken the moment he lays his lips on Sirius’s because he knows that will be the most beautiful moment ever.
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viking-raider · 1 year
The Golden Egg - Cotton Candy Fluff
Summary: It's Easter! So, you and Henry have an Easter Egg Hunt. One for Kal, then go head-to-head against each other, to see who can find their eggs the fastest.
But what happens, when Henry finds the Golden Egg, you left him.
Pairing: Henry Cavill/Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Warning: G - Cotton Candy Goodness, Soft!Henry, Fluff, Kal, Short Person Joke, Competition, Easter, Competitive!Henry, Domestic Bliss, Instagraming, Surprise Ending
Inspiration: It's Easter. I wrote this in an hour. This video of Good.Boy.Ollie on instagram.
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy this! Line divider by @FIREFLY-GRAPHICS!
If you would like to get notifications for my writing! Just follow my Tag List blog, @VIKING-RAIDER-TAGLIST and turn on the notifications for it! It’s that easy! @VIKING-RAIDER-LIBRARY
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“So, explain this to me again?” Henry laughed, folding his arms over his heaving chest, as he laughed.
“I wanna do an Easter Egg hunt for Kal.” You repeat to yourself, narrowing your eyes at your near hysterical boyfriend.
“The Bear doesn't get the concept of Easter, let alone an Easter Egg hunt, babe.” He howled, his curly head rolling back with its mirth.
“So!” You huffed, pouting at him. “I think it's cute. I also want us to do one. To see who can find the most. The fastest.”
Henry sobered up a tad at that. “All right, babe. You're on.” He smirked, cupping your face in his hands and gently kissing your forehead. “Which do you want to do first?”
“Done.” He nodded, dropping his hands and looking over the colorful sea of plastic eggs and prizes to put inside of them, that you'd come home with a short time before. “You know, my fans would absolutely eat this all up.” He remarked to himself, biting the corner of his lip and thinking it over, then glanced at you.
“Can I film it?”
“If you want to, Puppy.” You replied, grabbing a four pack of jumbo eggs and ripped it open.
“Sweet, I'll be right back. While you figure out what you're doing--” He waved his hands over the cluttered dining table. “Here.” He chuckled, before rushing off.
Looking over the prizes, you picked out a cute dog toy. It was made of rubber and looked like a throwing stick. You had gotten it cause Kal was a beast of a chewer, when it came to his toys, and this one was supposed to be nearly indestructible. Fitting it inside the bright yellow, jumbo egg, you dropped a couple of Kal's favorite peanut butter and blueberry treats in with it, so he had something to sniff out, then closed it.
You had a reasonable amount of the eggs filled up for the hunts, when Henry finally came back into the dining room, kissing the back of your bent head.
“Everything is set up.” He informed you, casting his eyes over the booty. “You want some help?”
“That would be nice, thank you.” You replied, tilting your head back, smiling appreciatively at him.
“Is there a method to your madness?” He asked, pulling up a chair beside you.
“The eggs on the right are Kal's.” You motioned to the cluster. “I don't fancy getting a squeak toy or dog biscuits, during my hunt.”
Henry's face twisted and he shook his head. “No, I don't either.” He snorted, dropping some chocolates into the egg he grabbed.
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“All right, here we go!” Henry exclaimed, grinning, as the two of you finished hiding the eggs, all while his phone recorded on a tripod, he planned on editing everything down later on. “Kal!” He called out and smiled, as the Bear came charging through the open slider and into the backyard.
“Are you ready to do your hunting?” He asked, bending over to scratch the Akita all over.
You and Henry had made sure to hide his eggs in, more or less, obvious places. But a couple had Kal working for them, like one small egg slipped between the braided fabric of his rope pull. Kal was slow at first, sniffing at the eggs, letting out little snorts as his nose picked up the scent of his treats inside of them. You were worried for a bit, that it was a flop. Making your heart sink. But when Kal found the stick toy, it was as if something magical sparked inside the Akita.
And he went wild.
Kal started zooming around the entire yard, diving into the manicured bushes and making them shake as he ran between them and the border fence. He rooted around the patio furniture, nearly knocking over Henry's big, green grill for a hot pink egg that was there; containing three different treats. He finally tackled the last egg, one of the jumbos, behind a large stone planter.
Bouncing around it so ecstatically, Henry couldn't take it from him to open and reveal what was inside.
“Kal.” Henry cracked up. “Let's see what Mama put in it for you, Bear!” He finally managed to swipe it away from the pup and crack it open, discovering the surprise. “Oh my god! Look, Kal!” He dissolved into a fresh fit of laughter, holding out a plush, taffy-pink, pig.
Kal bounced on his front paws, so he stood on his back legs and took the toy out of Henry's hand, finding the noise maker with his mighty jaws and causing the lightly stuffed pig to scream out a stream of oinks.
“Do you like it, Bear?” You giggled, grinning at him, relieved that Kal's egg hunt had ended so well.
“That pig is going to drive us bonkers, until he murders it.” Henry said, wiping tears from his bearded face.
“I know it is, but I couldn't help buying it.” You confessed, watching Kal go to town on the poor thing. “Look how cute it is, and he clearly loves it.”
“Right, well.” Henry sighed, composing himself. “Kal's hunt is over. Now, it's time for our Battle Egg-royal!” He proclaimed, a competitive expression coming over his face. “You're going first. So, go inside and I'll hide your eggs.”
“Very well.” You nodded, kissing his cheek.
“Mind yourself!” He called, as you headed inside with Kal. “No cheating!”
“I would never!” You huffed back at him, feigning insult.
Henry grabbed the basket of eggs he had made for you and got to work hiding them all over the backyard, pausing in front of camera for a moment, a cheeky look on his face, even though it wasn't live, he couldn't help it.
“No, watching my stream, babe!” He laughed, then went back to hiding the rest of his eggs.
Satisfied with where his eggs were, Henry opened the slider and called you back outside.
“I have the stopwatch pulled up on my mobile.” You said, handing it over to Henry.
“All right.” He nodded, taking it from you. “Ready. Set.”
He stood there for a moment and you stared at him.
“Huh? Oh, right. GO!”
Rolling your eyes, you shot off the patio and started searching the area. Henry trailing after you. You found the first egg balanced on a stone column that a pot of flowers were situated on. Shaking it, you heard the egg-shaped chocolates inside. Henry held out your Easter basket, so you could store your found eggs and not worry about holding them or accidentally rediscovering them. You found a jumbo egg next, inside Henry's grill, which had you giggling.
“Oh, that's so cruel, Henry.” You huffed, finding your last three eggs lined up in a row, on top of the fence, out of your reach.
Henry smiled at you, triumphantly, his nose wrinkling cutely. “Hop, short stuff.”
“You'll pay for this later, Cavill.” You warned, narrowing your eyes at him and jumped for the eggs, just managing to grab them, without knocking them into the neighbor's yard on the other side.
“I doubt you can put anything out of my reach, Bean.” Henry quipped, winking at you, then glanced down at your phone. “Eighteen minutes.” He smiled, kissing your cheek. “Not a bad time, babe.”
“Thank you, now get your butt out of the yard!” You said, pointing towards the house.
“Yes, ma'am.” He nodded, obediently. “I'll take your basket inside with me.”
Biting your lip, you glanced around the yard and quickly got to work, trying to find the hardest places for him to find his eggs. Wanting payback for the shenanigans of those eggs on the fence. You even moved a few eggs a couple times, feeling like they were too easy to find, before you finally let Henry come back into the yard with you.
“It took you longer to hide them, than find them, sugar butt.” Henry commented, amused as he scanned the yard, trying to give himself a head start.
“I wasn't making it easy for you.” You said, setting up the stopwatch. “Ready. Steady. Go!” You barked, jumping up and down.
Henry quickly hurried off the patio, his first target was his grill. You had put an egg there for Kal and he had put one there for you. So, he had felt you'd follow that theme. But, alas, when he opened the hammered dome, he found it egg free. Eyes narrowing, he looked around and under it as well.
Still, no egg.
“Come on, Puppy.” You laughed, wickedly. “I said, I wasn't going to make it easy on you.”
“True.” He hummed back, shooting a narrow eyed look at you, before slowly scanning the yard again. “AH-HUH!” He exclaimed, spotting a small point of neon yellow under the hedge, that led towards the side of the house.
Making for the egg, Henry happened to catch the flicker of something out of the corner of his eye in the process and came to an abrupt stop. Turning towards it, he gently parted the flowers in the stone planter and reached inside, plucking out a pastel green egg. He held it up with a smirk, his blue eyes sparkling in the mid-afternoon sun.
“Two already!” He said, dropping the egg in his basket, and grabbed the other one.
From there, your strategy steadily went downhill. He found three more eggs within a span of a minute and five after that. You looked down at the stopwatch and felt your stomach clench. Henry's hunt was six minutes in and he had found almost all his eggs, leaving him on course to beat you.
“There you are, little bugger.” Henry grinned, finding the turquoise egg in the drain spout. “What's the time, love?” He asked, dropping it into the basket with the rest.
“Fifteen minutes.” You informed him, sighing.
Henry's arms shot up into the air. “Yes, I win!” He grinned, wiggling his muscular body in a victory dance.
“No.” You shook your head at him.
“What?” He frowned at you. “You found your last egg in eighteen minutes and I just found mine at fifteen, baby.” He explained to you, his arms falling back to his sides. “I beat you by three minutes.”
“But you missed one, Bear.” You told him, calmly.
“Where?” Henry snapped, blinking at you.
“Right there.” You said, pointing to a gold egg resting peacefully in the grass, at the edge of the paving stones, near his grill.
Henry's eyes narrowed at you. “What is this, babe?” He asked slowly, cocking his head at you. “There wasn't one there, when I started my egg hunt.”
“I don't know what to tell you.” You remarked, biting the inside of your cheek, fighting the twitching of your lips. “Perhaps you need glasses, old man.” You teased, as he crossed over to the egg. “Why don't you open it?” You suggested, once he had it in his hand.
“You do know it's Easter and not April Fool's day, don't you, honey?” He asked, narrowing his eyes suspiciously at you.
“Oh, I do.” You nodded, finally allowing yourself to smile at him.
Henry looked at his still recording phone. “If this thing blows up, you know who to blame, guys.” He quipped, popping open the plastic egg and found a folded piece of paper inside. “What, are you proposing to me?” He chuckled, saying it for shock value.
That was until he finished unfolding the paper and concentrated on what it was.
You move to stand before Henry, smiling up at him, while his mouth gently fell open and his eyes grew. “Happy Easter, Henry.” You cooed at him, resting your hands on his hips.
“Is this-” He gulped thickly, looking between you and the paper. “Is this—real?”
“Mmhm.” You nodded, tearing up, seeing his blue eyes start to glisten and his breathing shutter as he became choked up, emotional. “I found out last week.” You explained to him, taking the sonogram from him. “So, I thought this would be the coolest way to tell you. To train you for future Easter egg hunts with the help of our four legged son.”
Henry caught you up in his arms and spun you around, his blue eyes blurred with tears of overwhelming happiness, while burying his face into your neck as he held you tight against his body. He sniffled into your neck and you hugged him tight, feeling content.
“Christ alive, I love you.” Henry cried, tears dripping down his bearded face, as he set you back down on your feet, then looked over at his phone, just then remembering it was recording. “We're pregnant!” He announced, beaming.
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gothlcsan · 1 year
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PAIRING non idol riize , reader (no gender specified)
GENRE 18+ , slight smut , fluff
SYNOPSIS you mention bringing food play into the bedroom, these are their reactions
WARNINGS food play, kissing, fluff, mentions of puppy play, food in general, making out, oral fixation, i ♡ sub!sohee
♫ strawberry skies - kid travis
a/n day six of kinktober! not proofread, just little thoughts that flooded my mind so i hope you enjoy nonetheless! ♡ please consider liking and reblogging if you enjoy! (´⌣`ʃƪ)
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shotaro his latest obsession has been the snack, sponge crunch. you’ve watched him get into the car and then run all the way back into the house just to grab a baggie of them, telling him he needed an intervention. however he’s bent on making you understand the obsession because in his words, “they’re life changing.” one night he sits you down telling you that he will make you love them (which you didn’t dislike, you just loved to see shotaro passionately explain his snack to you) letting him bring them up to your lips hand feeding you one by one. jokingly you tell him you still don’t see the hype, his bottom lip stuck out in a pout before his eyes light up, bringing one to rest between his lips bringing it up to your own. it surprised you, staring at it before taking the hint to take it into your own mouth, humming at the taste as he placed a hand on the back of your neck to steal a chocolate covered kiss. now, this, this is something you could understand the hype for; climbing onto his lap letting him pass chocolates into your mouth the sweet flavor mixing heavenly with his tongue swiping across yours stealing a taste.
eunseok you mention one evening that you’d like to try food play, eunseok pretending to be oblivious (to tease you) asking why you’d want to play with your food instead of eating it. groaning you explain what you meant him asking if pasta was a contender for this activity making you want to strangle your boyfriend. he makes it up to you by buying you candies and letting you place some into his mouth before kissing him; bent over in laughter as he asked again.. “can we try this with pasta?”
seunghan loves, loves, loves those biscuit snacks filled with chocolate in them. every year for his birthday you’d get him various kinds, his favourite being the chocolate filled koalas. the two of you never verbally introduced the idea of food play in the bedroom, simply one day making out softly while sharing the snack, chocolate intoxicating the both of you. it quickly becomes a habit, you or seunghan bringing a snack towards the other, the other person stealing it from in between your lips eating it before kissing, the sweet taste on each others lips and tongue making it easy to get lost in each other for a few hours.
wonbin there's not many sweets he likes, preferring salty over sweet. he also doesn’t enjoy having sticky things against his skin from sensory overload. however, he will consider doing anything at least once with you wanting to respect your wishes and needs as you do the same for him. he carefully placed jellied gummies onto your body doing your best not to giggle at how cute he looked fully concentrated on placing them down. his lips brush against your skin making you shiver, the tip of his tongue dragging up your skin as he hooks the gummy into his mouth. he’s so handsome making your head spin as he finished the gummies quickly, kissing and leaving love bites all over you making your brain fall fuzzy.
sungchan your boyfriend loves salty food, a dilemma that left you sitting on your bed pondering on how you’d bring up the idea of food play in the bedroom. he walks into the bedroom, sitting down next to you asking if you’re alright since you were spaced out not replying to him moments ago. you nod, placing your hands balled up in your lap asking if you could ask him something. concern covers his face instantly reassuring you that you could ask anything. you blush profusely explaining your question, the wide smile on his face making your skin cover itself with goosebumps. sungchan offers the idea of the sea salt chocolate you two had in the kitchen, blushing once more as he pressed a kiss on your forehead telling you to get comfortable as he warms it up.
anton such a foodie, loves his sweets. food play being introduced into the bedroom because he’s trying to eat some ice cream but you will not leave him alone! pressing kisses against his lips telling him he tastes so sweet trying to climb into his lap, giggling apologetically as it gets onto your thigh. usually he’d be annoyed by someone interrupting him while eating but he’s genuinely so adorned with you that he lets it slide.. loosely. he pushes you onto your back, kissing up and down your thighs before going to the left one to lick the ice cream from it, loving the way you shiver and gasp underneath him. you’re so receptive, so unbelievably sensitive to his touches and it turns him on so much knowing he can get you going after only a few touches.
sohee he’s so endearing, his pretty eyes widening when you bring up the probability of bringing food into the bedroom; clarifying you meant sexually. sohee reminds you of cute, pretty things, placing a small bowl of strawberries next to his lap, his eyes fixated on the can of whipped topping. he’s so puppy coded the way he cocks his head to the side letting you move him as you pleased, carrying a strawberry to his lips, telling him to open wide. the feeling of his tongue brushing against your fingers causes you to shiver, watching him slowly eat the strawberry. you all but nearly pass away as he grabs your wrist, sticking your whipped topping covered fingers into his mouth, sucking on the digits until they were cleaned nicely. pressing your thumb against his tongue cooing as his pretty lips latching around it humming at the sensation. he’s just so endearing you can’t help but cover him in strawberries and cream, kissing and licking him clean until he cums untouched.
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everybodyshusband · 5 months
per aspera ad inferi ; chapter one
[aka: the university ghouls fic]
aeon & dew (ghost band)
general | gen | 1.7k words | alternate universe (university), transmasc aeon, slow burn, general domestic niceness
tagging @midnight-moth for the biscuit tin idea that makes an appearance in this chapter and also for cheering this au on <3 same goes for @divine-misfortune and @ghoultrifle, thank you for indulging me in my university ghouls rambles and adding to the brainrot <3 i hope this first chapter lives up to your expectations :)
snippet and ao3 link under the cut !!
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He smiles awkwardly and looks down at his lap. “Thanks, Mum…” He tightens his grip on the biscuit tin that’s resting on his knees. The two of them spent all of yesterday afternoon in the kitchen together baking batches upon batches of his favourite chocolate biscuits to take with him. The tin on his lap is filled to the brim but it’s barely half of what they made together, the rest are in a selection of reusable plastic containers, the idea being that once Aeon has eaten the biscuits he’ll be able to use the containers for storing things or bringing his own lunch to places instead of buying it. He takes the lid off of the tin on his lap and brings it to his nose, sniffing deeply. Chocolate. He’s sure over the next few weeks, he’ll come to associate the smell and taste of these biscuits with home and his mum but he doesn’t mind, there are much worse scents to associate with home, he reasons. He picks one of the biscuits up and silently offers it to his mum without looking away from the tin.
He doesn’t need to hear the smile in her voice to know that she’s glancing over at him briefly with that ever-knowing look in her eye. “Thank you, love. You should have one too, chase those nerves away with chocolate-y goodness.”
“I’m not nervous,” he lies, pointedly ignoring the weight of his mum’s gaze—the heaviness thankfully lessened due to the fact that she’s mostly focussing on the road. “...Okay fine, I’m a little nervous,” he admits, not that he needed to, given that the two of them already knew it, but it’s nice to speak the words out loud to an actual human for once. Up until now the only ‘person’ he’s admitted it to has been his favourite stuffed toy in the nights leading up to his departure, which, no matter how many different ways he thinks about, makes him feel ridiculously childish, despite the fact that he’s currently on his way to start university. He knows that lots of people his age and older still have stuffed animals and plushies of all varieties but he’s never met anyone that still talks to them in the way that he does. It doesn’t bother him much usually, but the fact that he’s going to be sharing a room with someone he’s never met before—someone who might judge him—is beginning to affect him more and more the closer he gets to campus.
“I can hear you thinking over there.” His mum’s voice breaks through the beginnings of his internal spiralling. “What’s going on, hun? Talk to me.”
“I’m just nervous about meeting my roommate,” he says quietly. “It’s nothing serious.”
[read the rest on ao3 !!]
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rookthorne · 2 years
𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 | 𝐉.𝐁.𝐁
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Pairing ➷ Baker!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader Word Count ➷ 965 Warnings ➷ Fluff, pet names Author's Note ➷ My third and final submission for @the-slumberparty's week 2 creator challenge - and it is also my late contribution to Valentine's Day... so happy Valentine's Day to y'all!
Slumberparty Masterlist
𝑪𝑶𝑶𝑲𝑰𝑬 𝑻𝑰𝑵  : ̗̀➛ a sweet biscuit having a fairly soft, chewy texture and typically containing pieces of chocolate or fruit.
There were very few plans you had come up in your life with that rivalled the sheer brilliance of what you decided to do - ‘twas the belated day for it, anyway. 
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Time had slipped through your fingers, so much so you hadn’t realised Valentines Day had already passed by with not even as little as a notice, nor a message. It was the curse of working so hard; late nights, early mornings, so on and so forth. 
Your morning commute didn’t differ in its crowds - people bustling back and forth, rushing to get to their 9 to 5 jobs, or rushing to get to class on time. Though, you did not mind, your thoughts were too occupied on whether you truly were going to pull off such a brazen idea.
It wasn’t reckless per se, but it was out of your norm. A bakery on your usual route to work had signs out, declaring their cookies and treats to be the best in Brooklyn. You didn’t disagree whatsoever, but it wasn’t thoughts of the baked goods that your mind was clouded with, no–it was the baker that occupied the counter. His smile was beautiful, bright enough to light up even the dreariest days, and you couldn’t help but be pulled under the swell of his ocean blue eyes. 
Subconsciously, or instinctually, you found yourself before the very doors to that bakery with no recollection how you had got there, though you weren’t sour for the thought. You could see him talking with customers, bagging up fresh loaves of bread and slices of cakes with that same damn smile that enchanted you. 
The door opened with a whoosh and a tinkling of the bell, and you were inside.
“Have a nice day, ma’am,” he said, his voice smooth. The woman smiled and waved, leaving the bakery with bags and bags of sweet treats.
Another customer stepped forward to be served and you browsed the selection, a little overwhelmed; chocolate this and chocolate that, strawberry this and strawberry that, it was a wonder there were so many ways to use the same flavour in entirely new ways. You were no connoisseur, but you knew baking was an art. 
“Hey,” he called. “Whatcha after today?”
You turned and smiled brightly, trying to will your heart to slow the tattoo it beat against your ribs. “I’m not sure actually,” you offered, sheepish. “I lost track of time and…” A better idea struck you. “I didn’t have time to get a gift before Valentine's Day, so I have to make up for that.”
The man laughed and rounded the counter. “Alright, now that is something I can help with. My name is Bucky, by the way.” You offered yours, and Bucky smiled. “What does your partner like?”
“I want to surprise them, see, they don’t have a favourite–I just know that they love your sweets.” It was a wonder you kept a straight face at the admission, your plan depended on it, and the delighted smile on Bucky’s lips almost broke your facade. 
“The choc chip is by far the most popular, and not to be biassed–one of my favourites.” Bucky directed you towards the clear glass jars where a label was connected with twine, neat script defined ‘chocolate chip’. “And then there’s these,” Bucky continued, pointing towards a cream coloured biscuit with a heart shaped indent, filled to the brim with jam. “They are a safe, but still loved, classic for Valentine’s; even if it is belated.”
“Do you like them?” You asked, peering closer at the dusted sugar and how it sparkled under the soft lighting. 
Bucky nodded next to you. “It was my ma’s recipe.”
“Perfect,” you sighed happily. “I’ll take some choc chip ones and these,” you pointed towards the heart biscuits. “Thanks, Bucky.”
“No worries, doll,” Bucky grinned. Oh, the things you would do to see that smile all the time. 
A few moments later you met Bucky at the counter to pay, a shy smile on your face when you felt the slight crinkle of paper in your hand. Under the guise of digging through your bag, you wrote your phone number on a loose piece of paper and prayed to whoever would listen that this would work. 
Bucky gave you the total with a happy smile and you waved your card. “Here you are,” Bucky said, handing you the bag full of the sweets he had ever so carefully packed. “I hope they like them, be sure to give my thanks for such high praise.”
“I will,” you rushed, grabbing the bag. Bucky turned to the box behind him and fiddled with something, and you took your chance; the slip of paper with your number fell neatly on top of the sealed boxes, its placement obvious and impossible to miss. “Actually, Bucky?”
“Yeah?” Bucky said, turning with a raised brow. “What’s up?”
Taking a deep breath, you offered the bag back to him. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
Bucky stared. Shock, bewilderment, and amusement flashed in his pretty eyes as they flicked between you and the offered bag, before finally settling on endearment; a smile and wide eyes softening his features. 
“Oh, doll,” Bucky breathed, taking the bag back and brushing his fingers against yours. His gaze flicked into the bag and his eyes grew even wider. 
Before he could say anymore, you squeaked and skipped to the door. “Enjoy!”
Not even ten minutes later, your phone chimed as you walked through crowds to get to work. You pulled it free and let out a breath. It was an unknown number and an attachment, though what it contained told you exactly who had messaged. 
Thank you for that, sugar. 😘
The attachment, much to your utter delight, was a selfie of Bucky’s bright smile, blue eyes, and he was holding up the piece of paper with your number. You floated on cloud nine for the rest of the day as you worked; giddy, excited, and happy.
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↠  𝐢𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱 | 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 | 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 | 𝐚𝐨𝟑  ↞
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the-hinky-panda · 29 days
Yellowstone: Boss Mare Series: Part IV
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You have an ill mother and a pantry stocked with Hormel chili to thank for your temporary appointment of the ranch cook. It’s the middle of the afternoon when you follow Jamie up the wide front porch steps and through the large main door of the main house. It reminds you of your father’s house in the northwestern part of the state. Large, grand, picture perfect. You’re wise enough to know every foundation has cracks though and perfection doesn’t exist. 
That knowledge doesn’t stop you from pleading your case for a job in the ranch’s kitchen and with John Dutton facing the fourth night of canned food for dinner, you gain your job as interim cook. Things may change when Gator’s mother rallies from her heart attack and he returns to Montana, but for now, the kitchen is yours. You’re also given a room and small bathroom over the kitchen to stay in until a more permanent plan is made. 
You impressed them that first evening with a simple meal of green salad, a pot roast with potatoes and carrots, and a simple chocolate cake for dessert. You were told the big challenge though was feeding the bunkhouse. That’s why you’re thankful for running into Walker that evening. Despite his telling you to leave the ranch as soon as possible, he gives you the list of favorite breakfast foods in the bunkhouse. 
“If you find that biscuit recipe,” he told you by the stream, “you’re golden.” 
You spent half the night searching through books, boxes, and drawers in the kitchen. It’s almost midnight when John Dutton comes into the kitchen and finds you sitting on the floor with binders and recipe cards laid out in front of you. You wait to see what he’s going to say, to do. Is he going to scold you for being out of your room? For going through things that he didn’t give you permission to go through? Instead of saying anything, he just retrieves a glass from the cabinet, steps over you, and fills it with water from the tap. 
“You know we’re not going to give you a written test, right?” 
You nod. “Yes, I know. I, uh, I was just looking for a specific recipe.” 
He drinks the water and sets the glass in the sink. “Let me guess. The biscuits?” 
“I heard they were a favorite.” 
“Well, you heard right.” 
He goes over to a cabinet that holds multiple liquor bottles and reaches into the back. He pulls out a stack of worn, stained index cards held together with a rubber band. Carefully, he pulls out one and hands it to you. It’s the biscuit recipe. You glance at the others and he chuckles. 
“You gotta earn the other ones.” 
You stand up from the floor. “Fair enough. Thank you, for this. For everything.” 
He nods in acknowledgement and points at the card in your hand. “How about we trade a secret for a secret?” 
You shift uneasily on your feet. “Okay.” 
“This thing you’re running from, is it going to come looking for you?” 
“I don’t know,” you answer. “I don’t know if I’m worth going after, to be honest.” 
You curl your toes into the stone floor and force yourself to nod your head. “Yes. And my father, possibly. Like I said, I don’t know if they consider me worth tracking down.” 
He hands you another recipe, roast duck in a wine sauce. “Where did you come from?” 
“Between Yarnell and Rexford. In the-” 
“Kootenai National Forest, I know it.” He’s quiet for a moment. “Doomsday preppers? Hoarding guns and ammo, that kind of shit?” 
You shake your head. “No. Nothing like that.” 
“The only other groups that like those types of areas are cults or communes.” He gives you a brief head to toe scan. “And judging from how much you’re set on proving your worth, I’m going to say you’re no hippie.” 
“No sir.” 
He hums quietly and hands over another card, chestnut dressing with currants. “My family’s safety comes first. This ranch comes first. If anything threatens it, the threat will be swiftly dealt with. Do you understand?” 
“Yes, sir. If anyone from my old life comes around, you will be the first to know. But please know, no matter what they say, I don’t want to go back there. Ever again.” 
“Alright. That’s all I need to know for now.” He hands you one more card before putting the rest in his shirt pocket. “That one is also a breakfast favorite around here.” 
You look down at it and see it’s a hashbrown casserole recipe. You smile as you run your fingers over the oil stains and neat handwriting on the cards. They are more than just the roadmap to your success; they’re pieces of trust. That is something that has been severely lacking in your life. Hopefully, that won’t be the case anymore. 
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And Darling, All My Dreaming
This is super late but I had such a hard time with the smut, your feedback would be very helpful, I really hope you enjoy.
The epilogue of The Way the Stars Love the Heavens series.
Part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6.
Contains: Mild angst, fluff, smut (fingers, p in v) not beta read.
Follow #the way the stars love the heavens for updates
3.8K words
But it came easy, darling As natural as another leg around you in the bed frame - Hozier To Someone From A Warm Climate (Uiscefhuaraithe).
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Dinner was an affair filled with anticipation, the afternoon patrol shift finished after the run of hot food, so you piled a plate high and waited outside your window for Ghost to walk by. He protested at first, commenting that he couldn't stop to eat, but a quick call over the radio had Alejandro running to fill in for ten minutes while chuckling about love.
But that was two hours ago, and as the seconds passed, your excitement grew. Simon's shift would be over, which meant he was making his way to you right now and right on cue, his signature knock sounded at your door as you rushed up to open it. "Hi, come in."
He was maskless, his hair slightly damp from the shower he must have taken before coming to your door, and he stepped into your room with a smile. "Hello love." He leaned down and pressed a chased kiss to your cheek, and you took a deep breath as the smell of his shampoo filled the air around you.
You gestured to the small table and chairs in the corner. "Would you like some tea?"
"That would be nice, thank you." He pulled out your chair before sitting down, and you went to the little cupboard bolted to the wall, pulled out the box of tea bags and the cups and placed them on the table before twisting around to switch on the jug.
"If I show you something, do you promise to keep it a secret?" You knew he would say yes, but you also knew what the others were like, once the cat was out of the bag, there would be no getting it back in.
"Of course love." The room was small enough that he could stretch over to touch you, and he spun you around to face him with his hand on your hip as he continued. "You can tell me anything, I won't tell a soul."
"Ok." You spun back around and grabbed the two boxes right at the centre and placed them on the table before pouring the hot water over the tea bags that Simon had put in the cups. "My maternal Aunt runs a chocolate shop called Le Chalet du Chocolat, and whenever I'm away, she sends me chocolates and tea biscuits. There's never enough to share with everyone, so I keep them to myself, but I figure that if you don't tell anyone I have them, then I can share with you."
He grinned and threw open the box of chocolate biscuits before dipping one in his hot tea and taking a bite and his eyes rolled into his skull as he let out a moan. "Good?"
He took another sip of tea and nodded. "Amazing." His smile turned mischievous, and he leaned in close. "What flavour are the chocolates?"
You opened the box and plucked one out, the outside was a mix of milk and white chocolate, and you took his hand in yours before placing the chocolate in his upturned palm. "This one is white chocolate and bourbon caramel. Eat it slowly, if you down it in one, you'll ruin it."
He did as he was told, biting half and holding it in his mouth so the chocolate melted slowly. "Ooh luvly, thith ith the beft thing ever."
You giggled as he stuffed the rest and you offered him another, but he shook his head. "When my aunt finds out I'm with someone she'll send a whole barrel."
He took a sip of his tea and leaned back in the chair, running his hand through his short hair as he watched the far-away spotlight coming through the opening window wash over your face. "I've never heard you talk about your mum, what's going on there?"
It was bound to come up, especially after what happened with your father. "A car accident when I was ten. It happened on base and the rumour was she was hit by one of the visiting politicians who was drunk off his face. She was killed on impact."
He placed his cup down and reached out, his hand resting on yours. "I'm sorry."
You shrugged. "These things happen."
"What happened to the guy that did it?" His thumb was stroking the back of your hand and he put his cup down so he could place the other one on your knee.
"He's dead, it happened a few weeks after the crash. There were some suspicions that my father did it but it never went past idle gossip." You knew it was him, maybe that was why you put up with his bullshit but that was the first and last good thing he ever did as a family man. "What about you? I know you look after your mum and you've got a nephew."
He smiled. "Yeah, little Joe is great." He took a deep breath and squeezed your hand. "My dad's a piece of shit, it's safe to say your father isn't the first I've hit."
You smiled softly and finished your tea, moving to brush your fingertips over the small, faded scar on his cheek. "Well, I think you're wonderful, paternal violence and all."
He grinned and pushed himself off the chair, pointing to the empty cups on the table. "I'll help you clean up."
You nodded, he was always so sweet and considerate, sometimes you couldn't believe what he did for a living. "I'd like that."
The air was different when you returned to your dorm, Soap's declaration when he saw you both in the kitchen of keeping Price busy made you laugh so hard that by the time you walked in the door, you were out of breath. Simon leaned down and kissed you through his smile as you placed both hands on his cheeks, and he pulled back to press speedy kisses all over your face. "I love you."
You smiled wider and pulled him into another kiss, your lips brushing his as you exchanged breath. "I love you too Simon." He made you feel safe, like nothing in the world could touch you, and the comfort it created in your chest made you want to melt into his arms and never leave.
You pulled his top off, his warmth flooding your palms as you rested your hands on his heavily muscled pecs. He felt like a furnace, his heart thumping steadily under your hand as his chest rose and fell with each breath. His arm wrapped around you to hold you closer but the kiss slowed as you tensed with a thought. "I don't have any condoms."
He nodded and smiled warmly as he replied. "We get tested before every deployment."
The memory of a clinical white room filled your brain as you giggled. "So you also had to talk to a really old guy about your sex life?"
He went beet red and hid his face in your neck. "Yeah. What about.." He trailed off, trying to figure out how to put it.
"I'm on birth control." He smiled against your skin and pressed soft kisses to your neck as he began to unbutton your top.
"Rog." His tone was light and full of fondness, and you could hear the edge of lust as he pushed your blouse off your shoulder while his eyes racked over your body.
His lips returned to your neck as he reached behind you to unclasp your bra. "One handed, impressive."
He chuckled, it was all baritone and ego. "I can do it with my teeth too." When his hands found your breasts, they were gentle and languid, all soft and slow, like he was trying to savour every second. You pulled his belt from the loops and opened his pants while he kissed over your skin, moving from shoulder dome to shoulder dome, then bending his immense frame to kiss down the middle of your chest.
His pants pooled around his ankles as his lips moved to the tops of your breasts, then down more until his stubble was scratching your skin and his mouth was sealing around your nipple. Your head tilted back as the warmth from his mouth spread across your torso, one of his hands moving to support your upper back while the other paid attention to your other breast.
His mouth and hands switched positions, and the slow slide of his hands on your body meant you felt every callous as his lips made their way back up your body. Your heart raced as you slid your hand down his abs, slowing to trace his happy trail before you palmed his hard cock while he let out a grunt. You had to give it to him, even without seeing it, you could tell that he was perfectly proportioned and you weren't surprised that he was big everywhere.
He placed his hand over yours and moved it to his hip as the other hand removed the rest of your clothing, pulling your open jeans and panties down with the same careful slowness as he took you in like he was trying to commit every inch of you to memory." Fuck lovely, you're the most pretty thing I've ever seen."
You smiled and ran your fingertip back and forth over the raised scar you could feel under your hand. "You're not too bad yourself." He leaned down to kiss you as he walked you back towards the bed, and as your knees hit the edge, you pushed your hands into his underpants and ran your hands down the sides of his thighs to slide them down his legs and off into the floor.
Catching sight of his cock as it stood hard against his stomach was mind-melting, and your breathing quickened as you took in the vision. The tip was red and leaking, and now that you had laid eyes on it, it looked even bigger. He must have sensed your mild trepidation because he smiled softly as he leaned down to take you in a gentle kiss before pulling back and holding your check between his fingers as he looked into your eyes with so much affection. "I'm gonna look after you, don't worry."
His lips found yours again, and he took control of the kiss as you moved to lay on the bed, his hand going behind your head so you could relax on your way down to the pillow. When your head touched the plushness, he settled between your legs while you threw one leg over his hip. You felt even warmer with all the skin-to-skin contact, and you imagined how wonderful the cold English nights would feel cuddled up to him in bed.
His hand slid down your body to your ribs, then to the thigh wrapped around his hip as he shifted both of you on your sides. He ran his hand up and down your leg a few times before sliding around to the front of your body, his fingers tip pausing on your mound as he pulled away from your lips once more. "You gonna show me how you like to be touched, lovely?" His voice was even rougher than usual, and you could hear the lust in it as the words washed over your lips.
"Of course." There was that consideration again, and you felt comforted that he didn't let any ego get in the way of your enjoyment. You sild your hand from the hard round of his shoulder, down his arm and placed it over his as you moved your leg a little further up his body to give him more room. His nose bumped yours as you guided his fingers through your slit and to your clit, and your breath caught in your throat when his fingers made contact. You didn't think there was a fingertip without roughness, but there was no thought towards the violence that caused it, not with the way he was touching you.
You inhaled sharply at the sensation, and he picked up on it. "Just like that, love?" You moaned an affirmative and lifted your hand away to wrap around his cock, but his hand left your body and went to your wrist to stop you. "There's plenty of time for that, let me focus on you tonight." You went to protest, but he nipped your lower lip softly before kissing his way to your ear. "Let me show you how good I can be to you."
Who were you to deny such a gentlemanly request? "Alright then."
His hand returned to your centre and he kept the same speed and pressure with his thumb as his middle and index finger circled your entrance. He grunted, and the sound filled your body with heat. "Fuck you're wet. Is all this for me, lovely?"
You tried to reply, but it was cut off in your throat as he slid his fingers inside you. He moved slowly, his fingertips exploring until they reached the rough spot that made your legs twitch. "Just there?" You nodded and he stopped. "I need you to use your words, love."
It took a moment but the soft look in his eyes and the gentle kisses he was pressing to your face got the words out. "Yes, there."
"You're so good for me." He smiled when the praise made you clench around him and kissed a line from your cheek to your neck to suck a mark into your skin. Along with adding to the warmth spreading in your core, all the growing bruises served to do was prove Simon's possessive streak.
"More please." The soft but expectant look on his face told you that you didn't provide enough detail. "Please go faster."
He did as you asked and feeling slowly spreading outwards from his fingers through your body caused the coil tightening in your core to grow. "See, love, all you need to do is ask me, and I'll give you whatever you want."
"Kiss me again." It was getting hard to talk now and the impending orgasm was greying out everything else but Simon.
He grinned and placed his hand on your cheek, his lips brushing yours softly as his thumb brushed your cheek before he replied. "Now that's something you never need to ask me for." His lips weren't as soft this time and he swallowed your moans as you got closer to the edge.
"Simon, I…"
He cut you off with a kiss. "I know, love. It's alright." He had always been reassuring, but it felt different like this, like he thought anything else was improper and ungentlemanly. You gasped as it hit, any sound stolen from your throat from the overwhelming sensations as he worked you through it. He waited until the orgasm was well and truly over, making sure the pleasure was drained dry before he pulled his fingers from you, chuckling as you twitched before he licked them with a moan. "Fuck lovely, you taste pretty too."
You knew what he was about to ask, the way he was looking you up and down told you, but you didn't have the patience for that tonight. You ran your hand down his body and smiled at him. "That can wait, we have all the time in the world."
He blinked, slightly confused at your denial but he recovered quickly. "Alright love, it's your loss."
He started smiling as you did, and a gentle laughter filled the air. "You've got a bit of an ego, did you know that?"
He pecked you, then brushed a strand of hair off your face. "I'm aware. Well, lovely, if you don't want that, what do you want?"
Your hand shifted from his side, your fingers running up and down his Adonis belt and to his cock. "I want you inside me."
His eyes grew dark, the honey brown swallowed by the black of his pupil as his breath hitched. You continued to stroke him, and he kissed your cheek as he wrapped his hand over yours to guide it. "I can do that."
He rolled on top of you as his lips found yours, and you wrapped your legs around him as he settled between your thighs. He pulled your hand off of him and brought your fingers to his lips, kissing each one before placing your hand on his shoulder. He grabbed his cock and ran it up and down your slit. "You ready, love?" There was something about being asked that felt like the security of a solid wall in the middle of a storm, like you'd always be safe.
"Oh yes ple…." The sensation was overwhelming, he went slowly but the stretch still stole the breath from your lungs. He rocked his hips, going deeper each time until he had bottomed out, and then he was pushing himself up on his hands to look into your eyes as he paused his hips so you could adjust to his size.
"You right there, lovely?" His voice was tight and his arms tensed as he tried to compose himself.
"I'm great, are you alright?" You took your hand off his chest and ran it up and down his arm, slowing to trace the patterns of the tattoo on his forearm.
"You're squeezing the fucking life out of me." He took in a shuddering breath and started moving, and despite it feeling like you had nowhere to go, like he was overwhelming your every sense, the pleasure was overpowering everything. He shifted his weight to one hand and slid the other down your body to your clit as his hips picked up speed. He angled his hips to hit your G-spot as his fingers found the correct pace and pressure and you rolled your hips to match his tempo as he let out a feral grunt.
You whimpered, and it had a tinge that seemed to spur him on because his hips quickened again, and you fought the urge to sink your teeth into the bulging muscle of that place where his neck and shoulder met as the pleasure built.
He took note of your rapid breath and the sheen of sweat that had dusted your chest, the way your moans were slowly becoming more desperate as you grew tighter around him. "Come on love, I'm not going to last much longer and I want you to cum for me again." You could tell his ego wasn't taking a hit, just that he wanted you to feel good. "I know you can, you're such a good girl."
There was that praise again, so genuine and soft and there was no way you could refuse that. You finally gave in to the urge to bite him, and it only made him thrust harder, the force of it and the fast circles on your clit the final things you needed to fall over the edge like the rush of a waterfall during a flood.
"Fucken 'ell love. I love you so fucking much." He spoke the words into your neck, his hips stuttering as he pulsed inside you, pushed into bliss by the way you clenched around him.
You wrapped your arms around him and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, the afterglow coming in thick and fast as he rested his weight on you like a heated blanket. "I love you too dearest."
He chuckled, and it sent vibrations through your chest like the rumbling of a thunderstorm. "Dearest, I like that."
He went to roll off you and you stopped him, wrapping your arms around his body and pulling him to you. "Please don't go anywhere."
He smiled softly and kissed the tip of your nose. "I'll stay here as long as you need." He took a deep breath and pulled back just far enough to brush a sweat stuck strand off your face. "How are you feeling lovely?"
"I'm great, you?" Great didn't even cover it and despite how heavy he was, his weight created a pleasant tiredness that made even the thin rubber mattress feel comfortable.
His fingertips grazed the bandage in your arm and he sighed. "I'll change that before we head to bed, I don't want you waking up through the night with it giving you trouble."
You sighed and tapped his shoulder so you could roll on your side. He went with you, collecting you in his arms as you buried your face in his chest. "You are so wonderful, I don't know what I did to get so lucky."
He chuckled. "Nah love, I'm the lucky one." He petted your legs, then got up, booping your nose with a smile before he left the bed entirely. "I'm just going to get something to clean you up."
He walked over to the pile of towels and picked up a face one, then walked over to the jug, touching with the back of his hand to make sure the water that had boiled for the tea wasn't too hot before damping the towel and returning to the bed. He cleaned you up, chuckling as you twitched at the oversensitivity. "Sorry love."
He threw the towel in the corner and took you back into his arms, rubbing his nose on the top of your head as the smell of your shampoo filled his nostrils. "I love you y/n."
You smiled as he took your hand in his and linked your fingers together. "I love you too."
Simon was right, you didn't realise how much your arm was hurting until he was grazing the bruise with his fingers while he waited for the antibiotic cream to soak in. He took care of the injury with such gentleness that by the time it was rewrapped, you had forgotten it was there. 
When it was finally time to end the night, you rested your head on his chest while he ran his hand up and down your leg as his heart thumped under your ear. "Did you enjoy yourself tonight love?" 
You expected him to ask, and you knew this was about to be the norm. "Oh yes, that's almost a silly question." 
He chuckled softly. "Good to know." 
Knock knock
Suddenly, Simon's oversized shirt made you feel naked and he pulled the blanket around you as he shouted at the door, uncaring that he was in your room. "What do you want?" 
Price's voice came through the wood with urgency. "I'm sorry, you'll have to sleep your night off on the plane; there's been a threat against the crown, and the 141 has been asked to carry out the protection." 
You sighed and Simon's jaw clenched. "Right boss, we'll be out in ten." He turned to you then pressed a kiss to your forehead. "I'm sorry love, I'll help you pack." 
You smiled softly. "As long as I can sleep on your shoulder on the way there, I'm happy." 
One shots to come
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@chaos-4baby @theesirenteller @shuttlelauncher81 @carma-fanficaddict
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tilly-tilly-2827 · 4 months
Sweetest Pleasures
Reimaging An Offer from a Gentleman #6
Synopsis: The three primary desires of humankind; sleep, sexual desire, and also appetite. With Saphne, it was ice cream. With Polin, it was cake. With Benophie…well, why limit to one?
AO3 post from here!
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Sophie was hungry. Very, very hungry. To the extent that Sophie could almost feel the bottom of her stomach twitching, craving for any kind of stimulation. But she knew that it was her own fault. After all, if she could avoid Benedict Bridgerton loitering in the hallway on the way down to the kitchen, she would willingly give up on a delicious plate of the morning porridge. Her sudden placement as the ladies’ maid and the extra attention she was receiving from the second son were already attracting suspicious looks and unspoken (but sometimes vocal) hostility from the staff. Benedict kept his hands to himself in front of his family and the ton, but he tended to be less cautious on the lower floors. And Sophie hated him for it. Thus, Sophie avoided Benedict Brigerton at all costs, often at the expense of meals.
So, it wasn’t helping that heaps and heaps of freshly baked cakes, biscuits, and scones, and plates filled with sweets, ice cream, and chocolate were laid out on the picnic table inside the Bridgerton tent, the rich fragrant aroma arousing her every senses.
And it also wasn’t helping that Benedict Bridgerton was sitting right in front of where she stood, keeping a respectable distance but the angle and the position were just enough to torment her.
And it definitely wasn’t helping that Benedict Bridgerton looked absolutely gorgeous that day*.* During their time in My Cottage, Sophie would see him in a white shirt with a pair of breeches, and a wild stubble around his chin. He was handsome enough to make her blush, but back in the city, Benedict Bridgerton was on another level. Clean and shaved, his soft brown curls slightly rumpled in the summer breeze. A fashionable turquoise cravat wrapped around his neck, with a ruby pin placed just on the knot. His wine-colored waistcoat was embodied with blue and yellow tulips, the vines intertwining from his broad shoulders to his abdomen. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, exposing his muscular arms as if he were teasing her, edging her to the cliff.
Sophie discreetly watched Benedict take a china plate from the table, slicing up the exquisitely looking three-layered strawberry cake. “Made with raspberries and strawberries, topped with white chocolate cream and biscuits”, Mrs. Hudson, the cooks had told her as Sophie helped with the decorations on the top, “Mr. Bridgerton’s long-time favorite,”
The slice of the cake on his plate was mesmerizing, with perfectly equal layers and a smooth textured sponge. Sophie’s stomach gave a hungry growl as Benedict took a large bite with the silver fork. Sophie couldn’t take her eyes off that cake, the fresh, juicy strawberry left on his plate, the lovely cream that was making her mouth water, Benedict’s thumb on his lips as he wiped off the cream, his green-grey eyes watching her in amusement,
Sophie quickly looked down at her feet, knowing that her face was on fire. Sophie could almost see Benedict’s knowing smirk as she nudged the patch of grass with her worn-out shoes. Just three more hours, Sophie repeated those words like a mantra, just three more hours and you’ll be freed from this torment...
But her inner strife instantly disappeared into thin air as she felt a gentle tug on her skirt, a pair of deep chocolates staring up at her with pleading eyes.
“Would you like to share a scone with me, Sophie?”
“I would love to share a scone with you, Master Edmund.”
As Sophie kneeled to the ground, the little boy with beautiful angelic curls broke out in a satisfied grin, reaching out his arms to her in the usual manner. In the corner of her eyes, she saw Lord Bridgeton, Lady Violet, and Ms.Hyacinth cooing the baby wrapped around a blanket in Lady Bridgerton’s arms. Sophie softly smiled, and with one swift motion, she picked up the toddler in her arms and carried him into the tent. Edmund giggled as he played with her curls, fascinated by how they twirled in his hands.
“How’d you like to take your scone, Master Edmund’?”
Seating herself in the chair with the bubbling Edmund Bridgerton on her lap, Sophie asked, mimicking the tone of a town merchant.
“Clotted Cream and apricot jam, please,”
“Oh, such an excellent choice, Master Edmund,”
As Sophie replied in a sing-along voice, the two-year-old puffed his chest in pride, but closely followed her every movement as Sophie cut the scone in half, spread the rich white cream, and poured an ample amount of radiently colored jam from the small jar. The fresh, fruity smell filled the tent, and Sophie was trying very hard not to drool.
“Just a moment, Master Edmund.”
Edmund’s eyes sparkled as she set the scone on the plate, and he squirmed impatiently in his seat as Sophie carefully wiped his tiny hand with a wet napkin.
“One plate of fresh scones at your service,”
“Thank you, Sophie!!”
Just as he was about to take a bite, Edmund suddenly stopped. A drop of jam on the white plates.
“Is there anything wrong?”
“I promised we would share,” Before Sophie could stop him, Edmund snapped the scone in half, both the jam and the cream slipping from the surface. With a satisfied puff, Edmund turned his head and stuck out his hand, the bigger half of the crumbled scone in his palm, his fingers creamed with butter and apricots. “For you, Ms. Sophie,”
“Thank you, Master Edmund…”
But the scone in his hand was smoothly taken by Benedict Bridgerton, popping the crumbles right into his mouth.
“Thank you very much, Eddie.” Benedict licked his lips in satisfaction. “The proportion of the jam is quite exquisite.”
Edmund Bridgerton burst into tears.
It took quite some time to calm Edmund Birdgerton from the wave of fits and cries. “But I wanted to give to Sophie!” between sobs he cried out, and with a panicked look, Benedict repeatedly pleaded for mercy, telling him that he would give something to Sophie for compensation. But Edmund only clenched his fist in anger, yelling at Benedict that he wanted to share the scone with Sophie, not with his uncle. But with a slice of cake and much coaxing in his mother’s arms, Edmund returned to his usual place on Sophie’s lap, his nose still sniffling. Benedict looked rather deflated.
“Well I hope everything is in order,” Anthony said with a soft smile at his son and a glare at his younger brother. “I still can’t believe my two-year-old son is much more of a gentleman than my thirty-year-old brother.”
Almost every adult scoffed in their teacups, and Benedict felt himself redden, his lips turning into a tight knot. Anthony slightly raised his eyebrows to Benedict’s silent response, normally Bendict would quip a joke or two. But Anthony chose to ignore the slight concern, cuddling baby Miles who started playing with his buttons.
Edmund was now returning to his everyday mood; talking to Sophie about the recent hike, the new picture book, and his small little pony in Kent, enjoying once again, the undivided attention she was giving him. The picnic tent was soon filled with the usual clamor of the Bridgertons; the usual gossip, the reviews on the latest opera with the quick banters from Kate and Anthony. Kate noticed that her brother-in-law seemed more focused on the sketchbook in his hands, rather than the conversation before them. But just as Kate stood up from her chair to ask, the tent fell into a sudden silence.
“Would you marry me, Sophie?”
Both Violet and Benedict respectively choked into their teacups. Kate and Anthony chuckled over their son’s innocent proposal. Eloise looked up from her book with a look of amusement in her crisp blue eyes.
“Why in the bloody…excuse me,” Benedict flinched as his elder brother and his sister-in-law shot him a killing glare, but he managed to continue, “W, Would you tell me why you want to marry Ms. Beckett, Eddie?”
“First, I wanted to marry Mama,” Edmund did the same exasperated sigh, (Sophie almost wanted to laugh how much it resembled Lord Bridgerton,) “But Papa said he wouldn’t let me.”
Sophie saw Hyacinth groan as Anthony took Kate by the waist, sealing a deep kiss on his wife’s lips. As their fingers intertwined, Sophie saw Lord Bridgerton whisper endearments against her cheeks.
“And Auntie Eloise loves books more than I,”
“What about me, Eddie?” Hyacinth chirped from her seat, “I thought you loved me.”
Edmund sank into silence, his eyebrows scrunching in thought just like Lady Bridgerton. After much contemplation, Edmund declared firmly that Hyacinths was too young for him, leaving the tent in bursts and cries of laughter. Apparently, Edmund and Benedict didn’t find it as amusing as the rest.
“Son, I’m afraid you are the one who is too young for Ms. Beckett,”
“Papa told me that he married Mama for love!” He pouted his lips, his nose high up in the air, “And I intend to do the same.”
“Then Eddie, are you in love with Sophie?” When Hyacinth asked him with a teasing grin, Edmund suddenly turned his body around, his rich brown eyes staring at her with an intense gaze.
“I am,”
Wrapping his tiny arms around Sophie’s neck, Sophie felt the little boy’s head rest gently on her shoulders. The soft chestnut curls hopping in the corner of her own eye, Sophie froze in her seat.
“I love you, Sophie.” Sophie suddenly forgot the emptiness of her stomach, or the plate of sandwiches before her eyes, something warm and soft was spreading across her soul like a nice cup of tea on a winter morning. “I love your hair, I love your voice, I love everything about you, Sophie. I love you with all my heart,”
Sophie suddenly felt something hot coming up to her eyes, her vision suddenly became blurry. Gently placing her hands on Master Edmund’s small back, Sophie closed her eyes and tried to focus on her breaths.
Perhaps it was only Violet who noticed the slight quiver in the ladies’ maid’s voice, who gently answered that she loved him too and Master Edmund’s words her the greatest honor of her life and would cherish his words until the end of her days. And Eloise was the only one who noticed that her brother’s grip on his charcoal tightened, his nails turning slightly white.
Sophie felt the anger pricking her eyebrows as she felt the presence of Benedict Bridgerton behind her back. Sophie couldn’t find out why she could now notice him with just the sound of his footsteps, the rustling noise of his leather boots.
Eloise had asked her to chaperone, declaring that she would be promenading with Ms.Cowper for an hour. Sophie was quite surprised by the size of Ms.Cowper’s sleeves. She kept a respectable distance between the two, five steps away, but Sophie noticed that Eloise Bridgerton was staring at her with a pleading look. Sophie took a step back. Eloise shook her head. Sophie took another step back. Eloise shook her head again. And when Sophie was thirty-four steps away from the couple, Eloise gave her a satisfied nod and started walking down the lane, arm-in-arm with the lovely lady.
“Would you call yourself a chaperone when you could barely see the two?” His teasing tone was bubbling a fire in Sophie’s empty stomach. “And would you call yourself a gentleman?” Sophie wanted to snap at him, but she knew her place in the society. Her a simple maid. Him a noble gentleman. But he had stolen her scone away from her. Right from his nephew’s hands. The perfectly baked, perfectly flavored piece of scone, with just the perfect amount of cream and jam. She adored apricot jam. She hadn’t eaten anything for more than 22 hours.
Sophie figured she had the right to be a little bit angry.
“Mr. Bridgerton.” Sophie bobbed her head meekly, a little curtesy that would annoy Benedict, and he pursed his lips, just as she imagined. Sophie began following the couple again, but as Benedict tried to walk by her side, she stopped. Benedict also stopped and looked back at her. Sophie took three steps behind. Benedict quickly shifted his gaze around him, slightly fidgerting his hands. But he quickly began walking, seeing Sophie slightly tilt her head. Sophie followed his lead, three steps behind.
“First time in Hyde Park, Ms. Beckett?”
“Yes, Mr. Brigderton.”
“Excellent weather, isn’t it?”
“Quite so, Mr. Bridgerton.”
“Your hair is quite fetching.”
“Thank you, Mr. Bridgerton.”
“…Are you angry that I took Eddie’s scone?”
“Not at all, Mr. Bridgerton.”
The two walked in silence.
But Sophie felt a rush of panic when she saw Ms. Cowper pull Ms.Eloise into an alcove, Ms.Eloise now out of her sight. Sophie quickly lifted the hems to hurry her pace, to run after her, but in a brief second, she noticed that she was the one being pulled behind the hedge.
“Mr. Bridgerton!”
“You said that you loved Edmund,”
“Oh, is that what you wanted to talk about?” Sophie slapped his hands from her waist, glaring at him with all her might. “Excuse me, Mr. Bridgerton, but unlike you, I have an occupation…”
But Benedict silenced her, pressing a finger on her lips.
“I believe Ms. Cowper and my sister are enjoying themselves,”
“With just the two of them, Ms. Beckett.”
Something in Benedict’s eyes told her that Sophie should stay behind the hedge a little longer. Perhaps for a half an hour.
Benedict had a nervous look, his eyebrows slightly dipping with concern, but he saw Sophie’s expression soften, a little sparkle appearing in Sophie’s emerald eyes.
“I suppose you are good at keeping secrets.”
“Of course.”
Sophie wondered if she had been trapped in a wicked scheme with the Bridgerton siblings all along as Benedict changed into an enigmatic smile, just like the Cheshire cat.
“I believe we are in a place where we can enjoy ourselves as well.”
“Benedict, anyone can find us here.”
And Benedict knew that she was in the right. After all, he had just pulled her behind a dark corner of the hedge, anyone could just walk in; finding the two in a compromising position. Benedict would have to tip his hat to the two girls for their boldness, or perhaps to their recklessness?
But just as Sophie was about to step away from the shadows, her stomach growled. A very, loud growl. And it growled again. And again. Benedict had to grin seeing Sophie bury her face in her hands.
“Are you hungry, Sophie?”
Oh, the joy that sparked in Benedict’s tone.
“No, Mr. Bridgerton.”
“Is that why you were so upset that I took the scone, Sophie?”
Benedict tilted his head, trying to look into her eyes, but Sophie still kept her gaze averted, knowing her cheeks were burning.
“No, Mr. Bridgerton.”
Benedict softly placed his fingers under her chin, tipping her head up to his gaze.
“Bloody liar,”
“Wasn’t it few seconds ago, your brother told you to watch your language?”
“Close your eyes,”
“I beg your pardon, Mr. Brigderton…”
“Close your eyes for me, Sophie.”
“Why do I have to close my eyes…”
“Are you scared that I would kiss you, Ms. Beckett?” Benedicts eyed her seductively, his green-grey eyes with a dark gleam, “I would kiss you in a instant if you asked me to,”
Sophie almost stopped breathing as Benedict’s voice changed into a low, deep rasp. “But this is such a public place, Ms. Beckett. I wouldn’t dare do something…so scandalous.”
Infuriating man, Sophie glared at him, cursing her height as he loomed over her, looking down at her with a teasing smirk. Oh, Sophie could strangle him, or perhaps slap him right there, but she knew that the two were only hidden by a botanical wall and a small bush, and it would be stupid to provoke any attention in front of the ton.
“If I closed my eyes, Mr. Bridgerton.” Sophie tightly clenched the soft muslin of her violet-colored uniform, “Would it be possible for you to refrain from disturbing me with every step?”
“Your wish is my command, Ms. Beckett,”
“If you truly listened to my wishes, Mr. Bridgerton, I wouldn’t be…”
“Shut up and close your eyes, Sophie.”
Sophie scowled at his demanding tone, but Benedict only tilted his head, his chin urging her to follow his orders.
With a deep sigh, Sophie squeezed her eyes shut; tightly biting her lips in a curl. Sophie had known from experience that Benedict Bridgerton was a stubborn man indeed, and it was quite useless to talk back. And, No, she was not going to fall into his seduction, one kiss wouldn’t make her break her oath, it wasn’t the first time the warm sweet lips of Benedict Bridgerton were kissing her…
But despite her expectations (?), Sophie felt something cool and solid on her lips, and when she opened her eyes in surprise, she saw Benedict’s eyes sparkling, not with lust as she had imagined, but with pure delight. A round, petite-sized chocolate bonbon was placed between Benedict’s long fingers, softly pressing it on Sophie’s lips.
“Compensation,” Sophie heard him mumble, “But you don’t have to take it all in at once,” A sly smile spread across his lips, as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Sophie nodded unconsciously, feeling oddly flushed by his tone and the melting smoothness gently nudging her entrance.
“Open your mouth, Sophie.”
Sophie, somehow feeling dazed by his soft command, softly opened her lips, letting Benedict pop the sweet in her mouth.
Sophie softened her clutch on her skirt, the rich sweetness in her mouth melting her whole starved body. The thick, milky taste filled her every sense, and the gentle warmness spread across her body; to her lips, her stomach, and even to her fingertips. It was the first time Sophie had tasted such extravagance and she slowly rolled the chocolate on her tongue, wanting to make it last for a second longer. Sophie closed her eyes again, savoring the sweet-sour taste of raspberries and a faint whiskey flavor, leaving a gentle bitterness on her tongue.
“Is it to your liking, Ms. Beckett?”
Sophie noticed that his tone was oddly breathless. But she also noticed that the sweet rush of sensation had already disappeared in a brief second, the pleasure that Benedict had given her had been too quick, too swift, too fast. Sophie suddenly felt her heart deflating, it was sinful how she wished for more. She licked her lips, chasing the last remaining sweetness.
“I loved it,” Her eyelids fluttered open, and her lips turned into a satisfied smile, “It was absolutely delicious, Mr.Bridgerton…”
But Sophie’s words were instantly sealed by Benedict’s lips, him taking her in a hungry kiss. She gasped as his tongue darted into hers as if he were chasing the pleasure that filled her a few seconds ago. He was devouring her, ravishing her as she was the sweet itself. But his lips, she noticed filling her up with the rich sweetness yet again, and as her hands twined in his hair, Sophie felt the gentle warmth in her abdomen, filling her up with more something more sweeter than cake, more softer than scones, more hotter than chocolate… and she knew was just melting and melting.
“So, Sweet,”
Sophie was chasing his lips, stretching her tiptoes when Benedict suddenly broke off the kiss.
“Do you want more, Sophie?” His deep voice was hoarse against her lips, his tone dripping with honey, “Because I could give you much, much, more,”
Kate took a bite of a cucumber sandwich, looking adoringly at her husband snoring on the carpet with Miles also dozed happily on his father’s stomach. Kate had known that Anthony would be good with children, considering his 30 years of experience, but it filled her up with gentle sweetness when Anthony would nuzzle his sons with utter contentment and happiness. Putting a blanket on her husband’s stomach and gently placing Miles in the cradle, Kate returned to her chair, close to the place Edmund was completely captivated by the picture book on his lap.
Kate was always in awe of her first son’s gentleness and patience, she had heard that some children struggle when they welcome a younger sibling into their lives. But Edmund had been perfect, always the kindest, always the most considerate, but she knew how he rambled on excitedly on the maid’s lap, Kate thought that she might have been pushing too hard on him to grow up. Miles was a baby, but to Kate, Edmund was still her baby as well.
As Kate softly placed herself on the carpet next to Edmund, (Edmund looking up at her with a radiant smile, snuggling on her arm), Kate noticed that Edmund was looking at Benedict’s sketchbook, not the picture book she thought it was.
“Mama, look!” Edmund pointed at a small sketch in the middle, “I’m a model now!”
Kate almost dropped her cup of chai as she looked at the portrait of her son, Benedict expertly catching the softness of Edmund’s curls, the sweet dimples on his cheeks. But what made Kate’s breath take away was the girl who held her son on her lap, the petite, gentle girl with soft blond curls. It was as if she were alive on the piece of paper, smiling up at her with her long eyelashes and a shy glance. Kate somehow found herself blushing, the same reaction she had when Daphne had lent her “The Lady’s Guide to Basic Cooking” which contained tips for nighttime pleasures. But this was only a sketch for god’s sake!!
Kate quickly took the sketchbook from her son’s hands, despite Edmund’s protests to observe more. The sharp flavor of ginger and cinnamon was now lost in her thoughts, only feeling the bitter taste of Darjeeling on her lips.
#Writer’s Notes
My brief research on the Internet says Chocolate Bonbons were invented in 1912 in Belgium.But it had to be chocolate.
Historical accuracy flying out the door.
Alice in the wonderland was published in 1865. But Benedict just smiles like that.
After all, the very Nicola Coughlan had left the most important element of the Bridgerton drama series.
“In the world of Bridgerton, Death is less important than horniness.”
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vanillafalvoredcoffee · 6 months
♡ { Welcome to My tea party themed Cafe! } ♡
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Kianna Komori Headcannons Masterlist!
You must be hungry for some desserts (stuff about Kianna) ...that must be why you come here right? Oh! Sorry for wasting your time! Here's your menu ♡
* Recommend Desserts *
Catholic school era Kianna Headcannons <3 : a slice of angel food cake 🍰 (it's a beautifully decorated angel food cake, it is a simple large slice but it is filling, the frosting has many colors and tastes when you bite into it)
The origin of how her fashion sense came to be : a box full of chocolates 🍫 (Most of the chocolates are sweet like white chocolate and milk chocolate but they're also some dark chocolate mixed in with the others as well...there's a bunch of it, I wonder if you could eat it all?)
Kianna and Yui's sisterly bond + a bit of angst : two cups of tea and some biscuits ☕ (the tea is nice but it has a slightly bitter after taste though...but maybe you like your tea like that?)
Most of it is about her relationship with Yonaka :) : Boba tea but with a large couples straw sticking out of it🧋(Just a classic boba tea with extra sugar and whipped cream plus heart shaped sprinkles... couples edition♡)
Basically just Kianna x Subaru : a classic sugar-coated tiramisu (Nothing much to say about it except that it's bigger than a normal tiramisu with vanilla ice cream on the side and it is made for couples...again<3)
These are the only ones I could find sorry :( @nunezs-stuff
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gabrielisdead · 11 months
I'm starting to make the smallest hcs to fill the void within. One of those shops next to Jekyll's house? Bakery. Part of his indulgence is eating a whole chocolate cake for dinner. Does Poole also live in the house? Of course, he lives in a small room next to the attic. Does Utterson live alone? No, he has a cat named Biscuit, she's round.
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