#also can someone do a study on why adding tags be so long and annoying
sukunasbow · 1 year
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avoiding reality, daryl dixon.
summary: in which you avoid your boyfriend when you find out you’re pregnant, unsure of what to do with a baby in the middle of the apocalypse!
warnings: pregnant!reader, fem!reader, and not yet proof read because it’s late atm sorry!
notes: once again i wanna give fair warning that i am not the best at the pregnancy or children trope so please be patient!
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Two days ago, you went on a run with your boyfriend to get food supplies from a rundown store, secretly stealing a cheap box of tests after you noticed you were late on your period. You’ve been good at keeping track of it so far, so you knew something was off. Your suspicions were obviously right, as you took the test later that night and it came back positive. Unsure of what to do and how Daryl would react, you chose the path of avoiding him, skipping out on the last few supply runs, as well as even keeping more distance between you and the man. He’s obviously taken notice to it, trying to start conversation with you and asking around if anyone knows what’s up with you. You couldn’t tell him, you were scared.
Now, you’re sitting up in the guard tower, staring out into the distance, ignoring the sound of Judith’s cries from inside the prison. It’s just another reminder of your predicament, causing you to close your eyes, your stomach squirming nervously.
“Ay!” The voice causes you to open your eyes, scaring you senseless. It’s Daryl. You shuffle closer to the fencing on the platform of the tower, looking down to see Glenn and your boyfriend standing together, weapons in hand. “We’re going on a run, come with us!” Daryl calls out again, moving his hand to shield his face from the sun and get a better look at you, hoping you’ll finally join him and get out of the prison for a bit.
“I’m gonna stay here and keep watch.” You yell back, instantly feeling bad when you notice his expression fall, clearly feeling upset.
“Maggie can take over.” Glenn adds. You let out an annoyed sigh. Obviously Glenn doesn’t know why you’re skipping the runs, but seriously, you wish he had stayed quiet. “Ya!” Daryl nods, confirming that Glenn’s wife would be willing to take over for the day.
“I don’t really feel like going.” You stay firm on your decision, despite the weird looks between Glenn and your boyfriend.
“Hold up.” Daryl says to Glenn, putting down his crossbow and walking towards the tower, opening the door and making his way up the stairs to talk to you.
Your eyes widen when he opens the second door, making his way out onto the balcony you’re sitting on. “Daryl, it’s fine, I’m just tired.” You insist. “Ya, bullshit, girl. I know ya, ya never miss runs, something’s up.” He scoffs, his southern tone harsh. He sits down next to you, waiting for your explanation. “I’m not lying.” You whisper. “Did I do something?” He questions you. “Daryl, I already told you, nothing’s wrong.” You shake your head. The stubborn man starts ranting about how he knows you, again. You let out a sigh, before opening your mouth.
“You really wanna know why I’m skipping all the runs and avoiding you?!” You huff, interrupting him, deciding you’ve had enough.
Your boyfriend nods.
“I’m pregnant, okay?!” You snap. Obviously, you were loud, as you hear Glenn audibly gasp, then the sound of gravel getting kicked around as he walks away and decides to wait in the truck.
You turn your attention back to Daryl, biting your lip, anxiously waiting for a response. His eyes are slightly wide, but the rest of his face remains serious.
Suddenly, he reaches his arms out and holds your hands. “Your really pregnant? You took a test?” He smiles. The smile is instantly relieving, causing you to nod, a small smile appearing on your face as well. “We’re gonna be good parents, hm?” Daryl pulls you in for a hug. “You’re going to be the best dad.” You reassure him. “And you’ll be a great mom, ya know that?” He pulls away from the hug and looks into your eyes. You hold back your tears, nodding repeatedly, letting yourself and him that it’s going to be alright.
Moments later, when reality sets in for the two of you, Glenn breaks the silence. “Should I ask Maggie to go on the run?!” He yells. “It’s fine, I’ll go now!” You reply. Daryl shakes his head, “Wait, you should stop going on runs now.” He says. “I can go on runs for a bit longer, besides, I wanna get out of here, I’ve been skipping runs for way too long.” You roll your eyes. “Okay, but I’m still coming with you.” Your boyfriend stands up, offering you a hand to help you up.
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thyshadowwriter · 3 years
Lost & Found. Chapter 3.
Ivar Ragnarsson x oc.
Summary: being rescued by Helga in one of the raids and reluctantly tolerated by Floki, a young girl finds herself amidst a strange place with strange people, but if adapting to the cultural shock wasn't hard enough, catching the attention of the volatile and beloved son of the Queen would soon prove to be the ultimate proving. That is if she realizes just how much being around prince Ivar is walking on thin ice.
Author's note: family dynamics and fluff.
Tagging: @youbloodymadgenius
Understandment is hard when you can't speak to each other, but gestures may reach further than words.
A few weeks after they returned, Floki's home had fallen into a strangely peaceful routine.
Floki would do his work, busy with Bjorn's request, while Helga would teach Revna their language for hours a day, every day, their voices being background noise for him.
Helga was radiant with joy. She loved taking care of Revna, spending a lot of time combing the long hair and doing beautiful and intricate braids while talking to her, to which Revna would sometimes reply and even if they couldn't understand each other an odd sort of dialogue would emerge.
While this arrangement made Floki uneasy, he could be thankful for his wife's happiness, she hasn't been happy in a long time. Even if happiness was a passing moment, it hurt him that Helga carried so much sorrow, most of which, if not all, he knew to be his fault.
Now, Revna was sitting on the chair shaking her leg and looking down, Floki occasionally looked at her and he didn't need to understand her words to understand her lately. She wasn't allowed outside yet and that was getting to her.
Helga came with a bowl of stew for Revna and tried to hand it to her.
"Here, I brought you food." Helga said to Revna.
She looked at the food then turned her head away to the floor and continued shaking her leg.
"You need to eat to get better, please." Helga tried to reason with her.
Revna answered with a small grunt, resting her head on her hand.
"What is it, my dear? You were doing so well." Helga said to her stroking her hair.
The girl didn’t answer, but Floki did it for her:
"She's bored, Helga. I think she wants to go out."
The realization dawned on Helga, making her smile kindly to the girl, carefully caressing her head. Poor thing, she had every right to be bored, but Helga wanted her to get stronger before facing the city.
Helga sat behind Revna and cupped her face, making the girl look at her. She spoke softly, trying to make her understand:
"I know you're bored, but you need to get strong before I show you Kattegat" she gestured to the door "I'll show you everywhere, but please, keep eating well and get better."
The girl studied her face for a while, then gave her a pout but accepted the food. She ate slowly and in small portions, an empty stare in her eyes.
That was good, Helga thought, that was great. She begged the gods for another child and they gave her one, a beautiful girl that she had already fallen in love with and would do everything in her power to protect.
Not long after, the door swung open and Ivar came into their room, dragging himself until he was inside and on his usual spot like that was his second home, which has been since the day his mother brought him there.
"Hello, Floki. Hello Helga." Ivar greeted them.
"Ivar." Floki greeted him back, spotting right away the faux innocent smile the young prince had whenever he was up to be a pain in someone’s ass.
Ivar turned his attention to the girl, who was eating and either uncaring or ignoring his presence.
"Revna." He said her name with a slight pitch to his voice and squinting at her. He had her name memorized from the odd fit it made for her, but mainly it was for the fact she slapped his hand. No one in their right mind would dare to do it, and no one that ever as much as said something wrong to Ivar got to live much longer, let alone someone stupid enough to try their luck against him, those he took delight in dealing with. Though to Revna, he probably was just a harmless cripple. Ignorance is bliss, he thought.
Revna, apparently taken back from her thoughts, looked at him. Her dark eyes gazing upon him with a spark of curiosity and interest. She had memorized his face after his first visit, how could she not? The complete stranger with very blue eyes, pale skin and a fingertips rough and calloused like the ones found on peasants, slaves or warriors. This complete stranger that touched her like it was normal or acceptable, the nerve! 
The voice in her mind screamed: ‘Was it normal to him?’, “Is this normal these strange people I’m living with?’, ‘Was that how he acted around outsiders?’, ‘What am I even doing here?’, ‘What will they do to me?’  Questions, questions, they came and went in circles for all these days.
But she put a stop to them for now, like it or not, for good or ill, he was the only other sight she had other than the couple, she could indulge in a quick distraction from the walls of the home she was living in that were starting to feel smaller by each day.
"Ivar." She said, looking straight at him, trying to pronounce what she inferred to be his name as best as she could. Adding a pitch to her pronunciation, just like he did, just because she could.
His eyes widened and he tilted his head to the side, stare fixed on her and her every minimal movement. He was sincerely surprised that she actually spoke directly at him.
His name on her lips was carried by a foreign accent, it sounded different, almost like it belonged to someone else, but her gaze on him, with expectancy in her eyes and a hint of pride on the corners of her lips turned slightly upward left no doubt she indeed meant him.
Ivar heard her before, annoyed and agitated at his first visit, so he hoped to have the same effect, but now that she spoke camly, trying to pronounce his name correctly and seemingly proud of herself for it, she threw him off balance. He had expected the annoyance she had from before, he expected her disgust at him as she wasn't pleased with his touch, why would she want the hands of a cripple on her? He even expected fear from her, but he didn't expect to hear his name slow and soft on her lips, he didn’t expect to hear her trying to reach out for him and how his own name would sound so foreign coming from her lips.
He wanted her to say it again, wanted to hear the strange way his name sounded from her, but he didn’t know how to demand it, so he nodded at her, not really knowing what to say, not that it would matter. She probably wouldn’t understand him anyway.
Revna smiled proudly to herself, a beautiful smile, if he had to say anything, he mimicked her smile shyly, though he quickly felt self conscious under her gaze and looked away, trying to find somewhere other than her eyes to look at, but nothing seemed to quite hold his attention.
Ivar felt as Revna looked away from him and continued to eat, he glanced a few times at her, the shy smile he held gone as she paid him no further attention. He noticed, however, how her legs began shaking in a slow, lazy rhythm. A stream of thoughts began in his mind: ‘Is she playing with me?’, ‘Is she bothered by my presence?’, ‘Does she pity me?’, a frown forming on his face with each thought.
He turned his attention to Helga, who was distracted with the girl's hair:
"I haven't seen her around yet. Why? When are you going to show her off?” he made a pause before adding the last part venomously “Unless she is to be a house slave."
"She's no slave, Ivar. We're adopting her." Helga corrected him, a tad annoyed at the slave mention.
"Then why haven't I seen her outside, hm? If she's to live here as a free woman, then she needs to know her way around."
"It's too soon yet. She doesn't speak our language."
"It’s not too soon, it’s been weeks! And if all the problem is that she doesn’t speak our language, then it’s another reason to do it. She'll learn much faster by experience."
"I'll take her out when she's ready." Helga answered a bit tense. She didn't want to go into detail of why she was so careful but she also didn’t want to lie to Ivar, who by the frown seemed to be growing angry.
"She seems ready enough." He said pointing to her legs.
Revna stopped shaking her legs, staring at Ivar wide eyed and lips slightly parted as she just took the spoon from her mouth. She arched an eyebrow looking lost as a puppy in the forest. Good, Ivar thought. Revna then looked confused from him to Helga, who caressed her face reassuringly.
"So, why don't you take her outside?" Ivar insisted.
Helga couldn't find an answer to stop Ivar's questioning and looked to her husband for help. Floki seemed entertained, holding a smile of his own, but as soon as he felt his wife’s eyes on him and her silent plea he intervened.
"Since when do you care about things that don't involve you?" Asked Floki.
"What?" Ivar countered astonished, "What do you mean by it? Of course it involves me. I was in this home before her, I have a say in whether she can stay or not."
"Is that so?” Floki said amused, “In this case what your mighty self has to say?"
Without missing a beat and with a self assured tone that didn’t transpired his shyness just a moment ago, he answered:
"I say this girl better adapt to our ways else she brings the wrath of the gods down on us..."
"The gods love her, Ivar. They gave her to me." Helga interrupted him. She realized the mistake as soon as the words left her mouth.
"How can you be so sure?" He inquired, renewed curiosity in his eyes.
"I just know it."
"If you say..." he eyed her suspiciously, before continuing to Floki, "...I say she better learn manners. No one should dare to hit a prince and go off unscathed."
Floki chuckled from his spot then said:
"You deserved that one. You could have used some other way of introducing yourself rather than touching someone you’ve never seen before and is not here as a slave. However, I thank the gods for letting me witness your face that day."
"You old fool..."
"Ivar. Be patient with her." Helga said to Ivar softly. She was very aware of how badly he took insults, even when none existed.
"I am patient,” he countered, “but the girl needs manners."
"Ivar..." Called Floki.
Ivar sighed before continuing:
"However, I am willing to forgive her for you,” he said looking at Helga “and an apology from the girl, once she learns how to speak our language, of course."
"Ivar, she's just a child, give her some time, I'm sure she'll adapt." Said Helga, looking at Ivar while she tied the end of one of the braids on Revna's hair.
Ivar lived with them long enough to see she truly wanted that girl to be part of their lives. He had seen the glimpses of sadness throughout his upbringing, the lost gaze Helga had when she thought no one was looking, the unsettling feeling that lurked under the surface when she saw mothers with their newborn babies. Perhaps the surprise wasn't that she took a girl to raise, but that she took that long to do it.
But he loathed the idea that in Floki’s home would live someone that would regard him in the same way the rest of Kattegat did, an outsider to add insult to injury.
"If you say, I'll try to tolerate her. If at least she can pretend to not be annoyed whenever I’m here.” Ivar said as he pointed to Revna.
He couldn’t pinpoint exactly what about her shaking her legs was irritating him. If it was the repetitive pattern, the slow rhythm, the proximity of her feet to him, or what was to him, a clear display of her displeasure with his presence. Though why would she have smiled at him with that beautiful smile if she was annoyed by him?
‘She’s playing you’, His own mind answered the question.
Both Helga and Floki looked to each other confused as to what he meant, Floki being the one that asked:
"What do you mean by that? She doesn’t even know who you are to be annoyed at you."
He pointed to Revna’s legs, this time the girl didn’t even bother to look at him and continued eating as if there wasn’t an annoyed young man pointing at her for no reason at all. Which bothered Ivar even more.
Floki couldn’t help but laugh. It was like he was a naughty child again that got all pouty and angry until he got things his way. At least he didn’t scream anymore. Not as frequently at least. His boy was maturing.
"She's bored, Ivar. Been like that for a few days, it has nothing to do with you." Floki made a point to emphasize the last part.
Ivar stared at Floki speechless. His eyes open wide, darting from Floki to the surroundings as his lips parted, which pretty much told the boatbuilder that the young prince hadn’t considered a possibility that didn’t involve him. He then rolled his head before asking:
"Then what have you been doing with her all this time?"
"We’ve been taking care of her, Ivar. Teaching and getting her used to us before she faces the others." Answered Helga.
Ivar pondered her words for a while, then agreed with her.
"What does she do in her spare time?"
Floki was quick to answer that one:
"Snoops around the house, messes up my tools… Oh, she also has a fondness for magic tricks, they make her happy like a child."
“Yes. I’ve done a few for her and it never fails to get her attention.”
“That’s childish.”
“She is a child, Ivar. It’s no surprise at all.”
Ivar looked like he just realized what Floki said to him. Turning his attention back to Revna as she looked around the house with that same little pout on her lips. He had of course noticed she was young when he first saw her and when he touched her face. Younger than him, in fact. Skin too soft and face still with some roundess to it, but he didn’t stop to consider what that would mean. Of course she would be like that being so young and housebound, he knew the feeling all too well from the days and days and more days he had to be inside his home because he was too sick to go out without serious risk of breaking his bones.
Looking to Helga, who hadn’t got her hands away from Revna, he knew that was her doing. ‘Why won’t she let the girl out? She’s not crippled.’ was what he thought. He knew it was her because she had the same look his mother had when she would smother him with her love as if he was still a baby and not let him do anything food himself, which only got worse when his eyes would turn blue. He loved his mother more than anyone and anything else, but he hated feeling useless.
Maybe that was what Revna felt. He was strangely relieved to not be the reason for her annoyance. At least not this time.
Then a silly idea crossed his mind. He reached for a pouch of leather he carried and took a coin from it, he then got a bit closer to Revna and touched her foot. The girl gasped startled but relaxed when she looked down at Ivar, who expectantly tried to measure her reactions to him. She tilted her head and arched her eyebrow inquisitively at him, which coupled with the cute pout on her lips made for an adorable sight. He beckoned her to come closer to him.
“Go on, my dear.” Said Helga to Revna as she looked to Helga for permission.
Revna got off of the chair and sat on the floor close to Ivar, close enough to be within arm’s reach, but not close enough to accidentally brush her legs against his, she then rested her hands on her lap and looked at him with curiosity. He studied her expression carefully, searching for the all too familiar signs of pity and disgust but found none of those. Even though he noticed she kept a distance, he was pleased she sat near him.
He then showed her the coin, playing with it between his fingers deftly, she giggled, trying to follow the coin with her eyes and relaxing a bit from her position. He then halted his movements, holding the coin between his index and middle finger, Revna froze in her position as soon as he stopped and looked from the coin to his very blue eyes. There it was, that beautiful smile together with an innocent shine in her eyes.
He then put the coin flat against the palm of his hand, closing both of them into fists and bringing them close to his lips, he didn’t take his eyes off her, enjoying her full attention as she looked from his fists to his eyes. He blew air against his fists and slowly opened them, showing her the palms of his hands, the coin nowhere she could see.
Revna looked at him, giggling happily with a wide smile, a smile Ivar found to be quite beautiful and contagious, making him smile himself, although more reservedly. When she calmed down and silence fell between them, they were looking at each other’s eyes, hers filled with joy and his with pride for being the reason for it.
He soon felt self conscious again and looked away.
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Sometimes You Have No Option
Pairings: Romantic Prinxiety
TWs: scar mentions, mostly just vague nothing too graphic at all, very quick mention of the ‘heat death of the universe‘, it’s one throwaway line but just to be safe!
Summary: Virgil wonders what Roman gets up to on his adventures that leaves him battered and bruised. What he finds isn’t what he expected....
There was always this unpleasant feeling that followed Virgil whenever Roman came back from traversing the mindscape on an ‘adventure’; sometimes he’d come back bruised and bashed, other times he’d sport a limp, but nearly every time, Roman would come home with new scars.
Virgil couldn’t understand the appeal of it, though far be it for him to say anything about it. Sure, maybe it did hurt a little seeing someone he cared about come back each time more banged up than before. 
But that's none of his business, right?
Virgil wondered just what Roman got up to each time he went out. He’d never seen the things Roman could conjure outside of the main mindscape; some called it the ‘imagination’ but they were already within the imagination technically. No, what Roman would conjure was more like a simulation within the mindscape, as far as Virgil understood it. Like adding an extension onto a home…. Only to tear it down once you were done with it in the end. 
Perhaps calling them ‘daydreams’ was a more accurate comparison.
There were many times Virgil would let his own imagination run wild with the kind of journeys Roman must have gone on. Forests and kingdoms, perhaps a seafaring adventure if Remus agreed to not set the kraken on him. Or maybe he branched out even more. Something like the spaceports of Treasure Planet, or something more akin to a spiritual journey you’d find in a Ghibli movie. Who knew what Roman was up to most days, honestly.
It was a lazy Saturday in the mindscape when Virgil finally decided to ask Roman about it.
He hadn’t necessarily planned to do so, but Logan and Patton were both busy elsewhere, and all Virgil had to do was watch TV and contemplate the inevitable heat death of the universe when Roman had returned. Mismatched eyes latched onto the creative side as the prince made his way to the kitchen. He winced as he watched Roman root around for frozen peas and press the bag to his left cheek.
The injury was just out of Virgil’s sight, but as Roman turned and made eye contact, he could see the beginnings of a bruise forming. Despite the way the sight made Virgil’s lips pinch into a frown, Roman met him with a smile that made his stomach do flips as he made his way over to the sofa,
“What’s that look for, Woe Troham?”
Virgil snorted, “Wow, we’re getting obscure with the nicknames now? You’re really earning that extra credit in Emo Studies, Princey.”
Roman rolled his eyes fondly and sat down next to Virgil, careful of the anxious side’s bunched up legs, “You do realise we ALL went through Thomas’ emo phase, right?”.
Virgil rolled his eyes, “Whatever...”, he was about to leave the conversation there when he remembered the matter at hand, “Hey, uh, Roman?”
“That’s what they call me, yes.”, the creative side smirked playfully, “Typically preceded by ‘Prince’ but I’ll cut you some slack this once.”. Virgil wanted to slap that smirk away. Or maybe smooch it. The jury was still out on that one.
He sighed in mock annoyance, “Can we cut out the nonsense for once, Romano?”
He bit his lip to stifle a chuckle at the insulted huff Roman let out. 
“Okay, seriously, I was gonna ask what happened,”, Virgil continued when Roman fixed him with a perplexed frown, “Y’know, to cause that.” .
He freed one hand from his hoodie paws to gesture to the bruise under the frozen peas in Roman’s hand. Said creative side shrugged, “It’s nothing to worry about, Virge. I’ve had far worse before.”.
Oh great, because that’s what Virgil was absolutely dying to hear. 
The words left his mouth before the anxious side could stop them, “.. Can I see?”
Okay, that had to have crossed a line, surely. Those scars were probably super traumatic or heavy with meaning, or perhaps they were-
“Okay.”, Roman shrugged. He was already hauling his shirt off by the time Virgil had registered how casual Roman was about this whole thing. He was about to voice his confusion when Roman’s shirt fluttered to the floor; leaving Virgil with a moment of gay crisis, but even more so a feeling of unease in the pit of his stomach.
Roman’s entire torso was covered in scars. Some were fresh, likely only days old, while others were already paling with time. The anxious side had no idea where his hands obtained the audacity to trail themselves along Roman’s skin without permission, but the creative side seemed content to let him continue.
Surprisingly confident fingertips traced valleys and trenches of healed and healing skin, only ever stopping on each route if Roman protested. Virgil had no idea why Roman let him even do something that felt this intimate in the first place, but the question that bubbled out of his throat instead was, “What…. Happened to you?”
He expected Roman to turn away, to dramatically cover himself once more, perhaps muttering a barely audible “some things are left unsaid” or “it’s…. Personal”, and then he’d retire to his room while Virgil did the same and let his mind swim in it’s usual cloud of anxious self depreciation. 
What Virgil did not expect was for Roman to immediately start pointing them out and listing every single cause like it was his grocery list.
“Well!”, Roman began, pointing to a scar on his left hip, “This is one I got from accidentally laying down on a light bulb.”
The prince pointed to more scars as he went, all too oblivious of Virgil’s stunned silence, “This one here is from running through corn stalks with my shirt off, and that one was a mosquito bite I scratched, which yes I know you shouldn’t do that, but you know how dreadfully those itch.This one here is from the time I tried to fight a goose- Oh! And this one I procured from falling out of a window during an impromptu tickle fight with Remus-” 
“Why does anyone try to fight a goose?!”, Virgil blurted out. Of all the rapidfire information his brain just tried to absorb, he wasn’t sure why that was what his brain latched onto, but he couldn’t exactly take back the question now.
The anxious side watched Roman’s expression take on a distant, stoic edge, but having known him so well by now Virgil knew the prince’s fake dramatic long distance stare a mile away. “Sometimes,”, Roman began, and Virgil did his best not to give a fond huff of annoyed laughter at the creative side’s faux drama tone, “The goose leaves you no option-”
Virgil couldn’t stifle the peal of laughter that slipped through his teeth and betrayed his irritated facade. The whole conversation had been an emotional rollercoaster but Virgil was mostly just happy that even if Roman was constantly getting into scrapes, at least it was nothing overly serious. By the time Virgil had stopped laughing, he realised Roman had also fallen victim to the case of the giggles.
“You’re ridiculous, goddamit, Roman!”, Virgil snarked weakly, the gentle smile he wore betraying any attempt at true irritation. Roman simply continued to beam at Virgil, brilliant and bright, a beacon of pure adoration. 
“That’s a rather funny way to pronounce ‘handsome and dashing’, but I’ll take it!”
It’s unfair that Roman got to be so well put together while Virgil was just standing there, hands still resting on Roman’s bare chest, blushing up an absolute storm. Something about the way Roman smiled at him - so gentle and adoring - made Virgil want to do something crazy. 
Like kissing him.
He should kiss him.
No, wait, he absolutely should NOT do that.
In fact, Virgil caught himself just as he was leaning towards Roman, intending to turn away. However, Roman’s arms snaked their way smoothly around his waist, keeping him close but still remaining loose enough that Virgil could break away if he wanted. 
“.... Virgil, can I ask you something?”
Roman’s voice was hesitant, a little less sure of himself than his expression implied. To save himself from embarrassment by not subjecting Roman to any barely passable attempts at a verbal affirmation, Virgil nodded bashfully. 
Roman’s gaze landed on Virgil’s lips then settled back into half lidded eye contact, a small quirk of laughter dancing across the prince’s features.
“Am I the only one who’s been subtly flirting this entire time? Because if so, I am going to be utterly scandalized.”
Even Virgil was surprised by the relieved laughter he let out; it was the ugly kind that gave away just how smitten he was with Roman. He tapped his fingers against Roman’s chest, humming playfully.
“Hmmm, looks like you’ll just have to be scandalized, pretty boy.”, he teased.
Roman’s shocked expression was too cute, how could Virgil resist? The anxious side sighed out a low chuckle, rolled his eyes, and lent forward to reward him with a much earned kiss.
We love us a couple of pining dorks
Based on this post and so I tag @count-woe-laf as promised!
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justvibewith · 3 years
Surprise Visit
Summary: You are a nursing student who just survive a hell week and you missed your husband, Wonwoo who is a doctor at a hospital in another state. Why not surprise him with a visit? Definitely a surprise visit that contains a whole drama.
Genre: fluff, a bit of suggestive (?), angst (more like a verbal fight tho)
Characters: Doctor Wonwoo x Female OC
Word Count: 3052
A/N: Hi! I’m a new writer and I only write for Seventeen atm. The name is Angel or you can call me Ella. English is my second language, so hopefully explain why writing is so bad. I used to write before but I had a writing block for over 3-4 years. Recently, I’m trying to train myself to write again. So I hope that all of you could give me some feedback or might challenge me to write some stories~ All of things happen on the story are fiction and some are real life experience. Enjoy!
"Finally, the hell week is over '' Hana lay her head down on the table. It was called hell week for a reason since the students had to take their final exam while also completing their practicals at the hospital. This is the week where a lot of students stay up, cry and stress together. Hana was also one of the students that pulled an all-nighter. To make it worse, she was not feeling herself. For a positive ball of energy like her, it’s unusual for that to happen.`I'm craving drinks, man. I wanna get drunk.." Siyeon said as she sat next to Hana with her iced americano. "Should we? Hana, you wanna go out tonight?" Jinjoo looked excited as she poked Hana. "I'm tired.." Hana mumbled from her arm. "That is why we should go out.." Jinjoo pouted as she tried to persuade her best friend. Hana sits up and drinks her iced tea in a daze. "Earth down to you, Hana. Are you good?" Jinjoo squeezed her friend's hand. "It must be about your husband, is it?" Siyeon guessed correctly which made Hana pouted. She looked at her sparkling wedding band on her ring finger. Jeon Wonwoo is Hana's husband and also a neurosurgeon at Seoul University Hospital. But currently, both of them are in a long-distance relationship since they are working and studying in different states. "How did you know?" Hana questioned, making Siyeon snicker. "It is so obvious, woman.." Hana pouted as she twirls the ring on her finger. Jinjoo looked at her best friend with a beaming smile. "How about you go and visit him? You know, give him a cute surprise~" Immediately, Hana's eyes lit up at the idea. “I mean, we already started our break. It doesn’t hurt for you to spend your time with your husband,” Siyeon encouraged her friend with a smile.
Hana was preparing her luggage when her phone rang. It is Wonwoo, who face-timed her. Hana scrambled, panicked before jumping on the bed to make it look like she did nothing. "Hi, baby. How are you?" Wonwoo's deep and gentle voice soothes Hana. She could make out that Wonwoo was also having a busy day judging by the tired smile on his face. Not only that, he was still wearing his white coat and his black thin-rimmed glasses subtly covered his dark eye bags. "Survived hell week. How are you? I missed you so much.." Hana beamed at the screen. "Miss you too, honey. Well, I had a few surgeries and I am also on call tonight, which is not fun. Have you eaten yet?" Hana nodded. "I did.. Take a quick nap okay? you look so tired, babe. Take care of your health too, if you are sick, how are you gonna take care of your patient?" Hana nagged her husband. "Yes, I understand, Mrs Jeon." He giggled. "I missed you so much.." Hana spoke softly. "Come here then.." Wonwoo grinned as he stretched. "Oh, I will. Just wait~" He laughed at her cute face scrunched.
"Who did you call?" Wonwoo turned to look at his fellow surgeon, Kwon Soon Young who pushed the door open. He came in with a cup of ramen with Jihoon, tagging along behind him. "My wife.." Wonwoo stood up and took a seat near the men as Jihoon put his ramen on the table. "You are married?" Sooyoung shouted. He was so shocked. He can’t believe this cold and stoic-looking man is already married. Soonyoung’s mind is revving to spill the tea about Wonwoo’s secret marriage to Seungkwan and Seokmin, the friendly nurses that he is close with. "It's obvious. He didn’t even hide that he is married. He even has his wife's picture in his locker and on his phone lock screen.Oh, I've met her once too," Jihoon said as he slurped the noodles. "Wait, am I the only person who didn't know? Can I meet her? Please?" Wonwoo sighed at his friend's persistence.
Wonwoo was finishing his round when he approached the nurses and doctors that he’s close with. "The infamous Jeon Wonwoo. Come and join us.." Yoon Jeonghan, the pediatric doctor called him. "We are talking about going out for dinner together tonight. I know your shift is gonna end today, so join us." Another pediatric doctor, Mingyu, excitedly urged him. "Mrs Jung, do you seriously agree with these nasty boys?" Wonwoo turned and asked the oldest nurse who is like his mom in the hospital, Mrs Jung. "I can't decline if someone is gonna buy me food and drinks. Doctor Min Ah Ra and Nurse Han Seo Jin are also going, so at least there are more women added to the party." She smiled. "I mean Doctor Min Ji seems very interested in you~You both would suit each other very much" Nurse Han Seo Jin wriggled her eyebrow at Wonwoo. Wonwoo looked very uncomfortable at the mention. Doctor Ah Ra is known for her straightforwardness in work and her love life. She always goes all out. Yesterday, she even bought him and Jihoon coffee and cakes. Even before that, she would always buy him food and sit near him. It’s not like he didn’t drop hints that he is not interested but in fact, he always declined and avoided her. Somehow, she didn't get it or she was just being persistent. "Should I be upfront and tell her that I'm married?" He thought. Sensing his discomfort, Mrs Jung said "I don't think that Doctor wonwoo think Doctor Ah Ra that way." Jeonghan also jumped to save him, "I guess it's true that Wonwoo is not interested in anyone.Oh, great news!  Soonyoung and Jihoon said that they are going to join us too. This is going to be more merrier!" 
Hana was very happy when she arrived at his apartment. When she entered the house, she smiled. The house was very clean despite being a bit dusty. "He must be very busy.." Hana cleaned his house and even stocked his fridge with food. She can't wait for him to come back home. After doing all the chores,she texted him to ask when he is available so she could call him, in order for her to  know when he is going to go home. "Sorry babe, I'm going out to eat with the team. Might be home around midnight though." He spoke softly. "Well, I miss you.." He chuckled. "If you want me to call you around midnight, sure~" Hana laughed as she snuggled in his bed. "Well, it's okay. We can talk tomorrow.." He sighed when he heard his name "sorry babe, duty calls.." She smiled. "Take care babe, love you.." He whispered. "Love you too darling". After the phone call, Hana pouted, thinking what she should do to kill some time. " Well, I should go shopping and eat great food.." She grinned as she searched for the restaurants that are popular in that area.
Not only SoonYoung and Jihoon follow them but the nurses, Seokmin and Seungkwan also joined the team. They were having bbq and enjoying the meat. "You know, I'm glad my children are older now. I can enjoy going out with you youngsters without stress." Mrs Jung laughed happily as she ate a piece of meat. "This is so good!" Seokmin sighed happily. Wonwoo nodded as he munched on his food. Doctor Ah Ra, like always, would stick near him. "Here a wrap. Says ahh..'' she tries to feed him a wrap. Wonwoo put his hand in front of him "it's okay. You should eat it.." Jeonghan and Jihoon looked at each other and sipped at their shots, at the awkward drama. Before nurse seojin can try to be a wing woman, Mrs Jung speaks out. "I guess we should play a game.. I really wanna see all of you youngsters play the game truth or dare without dare.. I'm too old for dare.." All of them laughed at her joke.
Hana grinned happily as she walked into the BBQ shop. "Hi, can I have a seat for a person.." The waitress nodded and brought her to a seat. "I'm sorry to inform you that the set comes for 2 people," she smiled at the waitress. "It's okay.., '' she grinned at the waitress. The waitress nodded at her before sitting her down at an empty table. Hana was looking around the BBQ restaurants when a group of people caught her eyes. They were laughing at one of the women's jokes. "I should invite Siyeon and Jinjoo here.." She pouted as she looked at her phone. However, the guy who sits at the edge of the table looked very familiar which made her double take. She looked up again to see the man,clearly. Lo and behold, it's her husband. She quickly ducks her head, hiding her face. "Oh no! I'm going to be caught."
"Which department doctor do you hate so much?" Jihoon asked the oldest nurse. "We all know Mr Kang Ho Jun from the cardiology department. That man is annoying!" Mr Jung huffed. All of them laugh. "Yup I can't deny it."  Jeonghan sighed, taking a shot. "So now let us turn the bottle.." It landed on Doctor Ah Ra. "Who is your ideal type amongst the doctors and why?" Nurse Seojin asked her. "My ideal type is doctor wonwoo. He is tall, handsome, and great at his work..." Everyone just wooed at her responses. Wonwoo wants to focus on the game despite his annoyance but the lady at the table in front of him caught his eyes. She was ducking her head awkwardly with a menu in her hands. He narrowed his eyes at the ring on her ring finger that looked awfully familiar. Then, he saw one of the waitresses come to her table. That is when she dropped the menu to talk with the waitress. She looked very hurried."Wonwoo it's your turn." He looked at them. "Huh?" Nurse Seojin goes again. "What nickname would you give to doctor Ji A?" Wonwoo's eyes travelled back to the familiar woman at the table in front and when the waitress moved, both of him and her eyes met. "Baby!" 
"Baby!" When Hana's eyes met Wonwoo, she knew she was busted. She waves awkwardly. Wonwoo spoke briefly at them before standing up and walked towards her. Before she said anything, he immediately hugged her. "Umm... Surprised..?" She giggled." When did you arrive?" He looked at her, grinning happily. "This afternoon..." He barked a laugh, "so when you called me earlier.." Hana grinned "I was on your bed.." Wonwoo shakes his head at her and leads her to his table. She looked at the people nervously. Not even wonwoo's hand behind her could soothe her nerves."Guys, this is my wife, Hana. Hana, this is my friend and colleague." She bowed to them "hello, I'm Hana, wonwoo's wife. Thank you for taking care of him while he is working at the hospital." Jeonghan waves "we met again, Hana..." Jihoon also put his hand's up, saying hi to her as they met before.
Hana sat next to Wonwoo. The woman next to him look at her with unreadable expression. "I never know you were married!" Seungkwan bellowed. "I thought everybody knows.. Mrs Jung knows too.. " wonwoo said as his hand wandered behind Hana's back. "How was your internship?" Jeonghan smiled at her. "It was great. I learned a lot at the hospital.." Hana mused. "No wonder wonwoo hides her. She is so pretty..." Soonyoung's word makes Hana hides her face to his side. “You are studying nurse, right? I hope I can work with you in the future,” Mrs Jung smiled fondly at her. “ I hope she can do her job very well then,” the woman next to her rudely. All of the people at the table looked uncomfortable at her statement. “ Oh! Since you never met us formally, this is Nurse Han Seo Jin and Doctor Ah Ra. Both of them worked in neurosurgery too,” Hana nodded in understanding and turned to Doctor Ah Ra. “It’s nice to meet you,”  Doctor Ah Ra rolled her eyes and just nodded as she drinks her soju.
Doctor Ah Ra keeps drinking her soju which makes all the people at the table become very nervous. The thing about doctor Ah Ra is, she is very outspoken but she can be much worse when she’s drunk. “ How did you guys meet?” Hana looked at Doctor Ah Ra.  “Oh, we were in the same school,” Doctor Ah Ra hummed. “So, you become a nurse because he is a doctor?” before Hana could retort her reason to be a nurse. “Are you stupid? You think that you can date while working if you do that?” Doctor Ah Ra snickered. Hana frowned. She doesn’t understand why this woman is attacking her. “I did not become a nurse because my husband is a doctor. I don’t get why you insinuate things, Doctor Ah Ra.” Doctor Ah Ra laughed bitterly. “I don’t get it. Why does he like you? Because you are cute? We all know cute girls are the most foxy ones. You are not even that pretty.” The others were rendered speechless by Doctor Ah Ra’s words. Hana could sense Wonwoo is heated with Doctor Ah Ra’s statement. “ Doctor Ah Ra, I think you should get home now. You drank too much..” His voice is low and serious. “ I don’t get it. Why don’t you like me back? I don’t care if you are married, you should be with me,” Hana was heated with Ah Ra’s childish words. “Are you even hearing what comes out of your mouth?” Doctor Ah Ra laughed. “Look, a lot of guys left their wife for me. It’s not my fault that they want me. Jeon Wonwoo, I don’t understand what is so attractive about her. Her look is just basic, and I doubt she is that intelligent-” The sudden bang shocked everyone. “ I don’t mind if you insult me but don’t insult my wife. You have crossed the line, Doctor Ah Ra. Excuse us, it is better for both of us to retire for the night. I’m sorry everyone,” Wonwoo stood up and gathered their things. Hana looked at the others, feeling bad for ruining their dinner. “I’m sorry for this Doctor Jeon,” Mrs. Jung looked at him, feeling guilty. He shook his head, “ No, It’s not your fault, Mrs.Jung. See you guys tomorrow,” 
“Are you okay,Wonwoo?” Hana sat down next to Wonwoo on the couch. “ I can’t believe Doctor Ah Ra has the nerve to say all of that. I thought that I didn’t drop hints that I was married and uninterested in her. It seems like she was ignoring those hints all along,” Wonwoo sighed. He used to feel so guilty when Doctor Ah Ra made moves on him, even though he, with the help of his other friends, did drop hints to her that he was uninterested and married. “It’s not your fault. It’s not like you give her false hope or anything. Some people choose to ignore things for their own happiness,” “Are you not mad or anything?” “ Why would I be angry about something that you can’t control? It’s not your fault that she falls for you. To be honest, I couldn’t get angry at her for falling for you but I am angry at her for not understanding boundaries,” Wonwoo hummed in understanding. “Anyway-” Hana quickly jumped on him, covering his face and neck with kisses. Wonwoo hauled in laughter. “You really miss me huh?” Hana kissed on the tip of his nose before answering. “ Of course. Who wouldn’t miss their husband, especially someone as hot as you?” Wonwoo grinned before flipping her on the couch. “Well, I guess I should give you all those loving that I missed during our last meeting,” 
“ Someone’s glowing,” Mrs. Jung grinned when she spotted Wonwoo walking to their circle. “I guess you have a good night,” Jeonghan lifted his eyebrow, teasing Wonwoo, making the man groan. “ Did he fu-” before the words leave Soonyoung’s mouth, Jihoon shoved the rice cakes into his mouth. “ Have some rice cakes, I brought when I was out of town for conference meeting,” Doctor Seungcheol from cardiology department pat Wonwoo’s back. “I heard about yesterday’s tea. I hope you will be fine today,” he smiled to assure Wonwoo. Before Wonwoo could say anything, Doctor Ah Ra made way for him. “ Doctor Jeon, can I talk to you for a minute?”. Wonwoo nodded before making her way to her office. “Have a seat,” She offered when they got into her office. “I’m fine. What is it?” He spoke coldly. Doctor Ah Ra sighed before apologizing. “ I apologize for yesterday. I guess I’m not good at handling things,” Wonwoo nodded without saying anything. “ I also hope to apologize to your wife directly. It was low on me for blowing my anger at her,” Wonwoo nodded before opening his mouth. “ I accept your apology. I hope we can work like before without any personal feeling attached,” . Hana was surprised when Doctor Ah Ra apologized to her directly when she was having lunch with Wonwoo. “ It is fine. I accept your apology,” she smiled softly at the woman. “ What I did was very wrong, so I am very sorry once again,” said Doctor Ah Ra before she dismissed herself. “ Did she really apologize?” Jeonghan ran and sat near the couple. “Yeah, why?” Wonwoo spoke as he finished chewing his food. “ Very surprised because she has a reputation,” Hana nodded, “ What reputation?” Wonwoo immediately cut, “ No need to worry baby,” Jihoon and Soonyoung came and sat at their table. “ Baby? Gross,” Jihoon snorted as he took a sip of his coke. Soonyoung grinned at Hana “ Hi, we meet again. I have a lot of questions to ask you,” Hana laughed at the man. “ Yeah, ask away” Soonyoung giggled when he got the approval before typing in his Tiger cased phone. “ Does Wonwoo love skinship?” Hana giggled before grinning deviously. “ He does look cold but he loves skinship. He is a very romantic guy despite his looks,” All of the boys wooed at the shy man who’s gaze was straight on his food. “ Ewww, tell me more!” Jihoon giggled. 
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night-fallz · 4 years
XY’s Muse
Based on this prompt
It was raining and it was just the perfect atmosphere for me to write in. I hope you guys like this chapter. And like I have previously stated in the previous chapters, any criticism will be welcome.
uploaded on 01/28/21
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Ao3 // Wattpad
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Chapter 3
Marinette was sitting on a bench waiting for XY to arrive. She was nervous. Their conversation last night would not leave her head.
Marinette felt her cheeks heat up. 
He called me princess.
When Chat Noir called her that she just felt annoyed. But with XY, it only made her heart beat faster.
"Marinette!" she heard a familiar voice yell. Marinette turned around and noticed XY running up to her. When he finally reached her, he was out of breath. "I've been looking all over for you." He managed to say between gasps.
Marinette looked at him up and down with a bit of disgust. "What kind of disguise is this!" she yelled at him.
XY was wearing a sage-green crewneck that says 'NIKE' in the middle with baggy jeans and black converse. His outfit wasn't the worst. In fact, Marinette liked it. But what she didn't like were the accessories she chose. He was wearing an obnoxious cowboy hat with huge sunglasses that almost covered the upper part of his face. To make it worse, XY was also wearing an obnoxiously fake mustache.
XY winced at her reaction and meekly said, "A disguise?"
Marinette let out a huff. "I can not believe I am being seen next to you right now. The fashion gods must've cursed me or something."
XY let out a laugh and Marinette had a feeling that he was rolling his eyes at her. Of course, she couldn't be sure because of those hideous sunglasses. XY tugged her arm, "Come on." he smirked. "The faster we get to your house, the faster you won't be seen with a so-called fashion disaster like me."
Marinette scrunched her nose and started walking towards the bakery. "Hurry up." She exclaimed, letting out a small laugh. "I already know that you can't come up with a subtle disguise, but I hope that you aren't slow as well."
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XY was out of breath, yet again, when they arrived at the front door of the bakery. "You're fast." He let out a breath. “That wasn’t fair. I literally ran to the park so I could hang out with you, then you make me run even more.”
Marinette pulled the door open and winked at him. "I know." She gave her parents a quick hug and turned back to XY. "Do you want anything?"
XY looked at the baked goods and scrunched his eyebrows. "Can I have a croissant and a strawberry macaroon, please?"
He was about to reach for his wallet when Marinette quickly stopped him. "It's on the house." She said reassuringly. XY opened his mouth to protest and Marinette narrowed her eyes and gave him the items he wanted. "It's on the house," she repeated, this time glaring at him..
XY looked at Mrs. Dupain-Cheng for help but she only gave him a smile. "Don't argue with her, dear. She does this for all her friends. She won't take no for an answer."
"My mom's right." Marinette agreed. "Now come on” Marinette tugged his sleeve. “We have plans to make."
Before he could reply, Marinette led him upstairs to her bedroom.
"Woah," XY exclaimed in surprise.
Whatever he was expecting Marinette’s room to look like, it was not this.  
"Why are you so sho-" Marinette stopped talking right when she turned so she could face her room and her face went bright red. She let out a scream of embarrassment. "I swear I thought I put all of this away! I can't believe I forg- UGH!" she let out a huff of frustration. "You think I'm creepy now, don't you." she said, her eyes on the ground.
XY gave her room another quick glance before facing her. She had Adrien Agreste's face everywhere. There were posters with Adrien's face all over her wall. The wallpaper on her desktop was Adrien. Her room was basically an Adrien Agreste shrine.
Yet, XY had seen worse. Seeing her room, it was obvious that she has a crush on Adrien Agreste. He held in a scoff. Of course, she does. He thought. Why would she ever like me anyways. I’m a nobody when compared to the so-called sunshine boy of Paris.
XY could feel Marinette's eyes staring at him. He's been silent for a while.
Marinette probably assumed that he hated her and thought she was a creep. "Nope," XY said, a bit louder than necessary. He winced before he added, "I don't think you're a creep." his voice a bit softer this time.
"Yes, you do," Marinette stated, her hands hiding her face. "You took way too long to respond."
"I was taking in the scenery."
"What scenery?" Marinette asked. Though, XY could hear a teasing tone behind it. "My embarrassed face or my even more embarrassing room." Marinette plopped down on her bed. "I thought I took down all the posters and got rid of his face on my desktop." She faced him and smiled sheepishly, "I guess I was so excited to meet up with you that I forgot to take all this-" she gestured around her room "off."
"If it helps," XY tried to say. "This really isn't that bad." When Marinette stared at him as if he grew a tail, he added. "Trust me, I've seen way worse."
And just like that, the tense and awkward atmosphere was gone.
It was silent for a few seconds when Marinette spoke. "Me and my friend Alya” Marinette wouldn’t meet his eyes again. “We were supposed to take down all my posters and burn them." It was XY's turn to stare at Marinette as she was the one who grew a tail, but Marinette didn’t notice it or she just ignored him. "I'm over him. I actually can't believe I ever liked him in the first place."
"What changed?"
Marinette waved the question off. "I'll tell you later. Now, let's start planning the photo shoot."
XY stared at her for a few seconds, trying to see if she was telling the truth or not. "Okay.” He surrendered. “But you're telling me everything later."
"Maybe Marinette teased. "Now come on XY-"
"Xavier." he interrupted. Marinette scrunched her eyebrows in confusion. "Call me Xavier."
"Oh." Marinette looked at him with a cute smile on her face. "Well come on Xavier," she said his name in a teasing tone. "Let's get planning."
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Planning her 'I'm back cause I didn't realize that I somehow have over 200,000 followers on insta' photoshoot took a lot faster than Marinette thought it would.
XY, no, Xavier was a natural at it. She guessed it was because he was used to this kind of thing.
Marinette looked at her pink notebook. It was where she wrote down all the plans they made and the suggestions he gave her. "Thank you so much for helping me!" she exclaimed in excitement. "You have no idea how much this means to me."
Xavier took a bite out of his macaroon, "You're welcome. It wasn't that hard anyways, so it's all good."
Marinette studied him. Technically, she couldn’t take her eyes off of him, but same thing.
He took off that horrible disguise of his so she could actually see his face.
Like Marinette said before, Xavier was hot. He had a sharp jawline, which brought out his ocean blue eyes and his golden blonde hair was shining in the sun.
If Xavier ever asked Marinette who she believed his godly parent was, she would definitely say Apollo. Apollo was often described by Percy as hot. Someone with blonde hair and blue eyes. It also helps that Xavier was a musician.
Marinette let out a dreamy sigh before quickly widening her eyes. She tried to make it look like she wasn't staring at him but it was too late.
Xavier caught her. He gave her a smirk that practically made Marinette melt and raised an eyebrow. "Take a picture. It'll last longer."
Marinette wanted to take him up on that offer. Instead, she forced out a laugh and threw a pillow at him. "Wow. How original."
Xavier rolled his eyes and stuck out his tongue.
Could this guy get any hotter?
"So." Xavier said.
"So?" Marinette replied with confusion.
"What's up with you burning down all the pictures of-" he gestured at her posters.
"Oh," Marinette couldn’t bring himself to meet his eyes. "That."
"Are you alright?" His voice was soft.
Marinette looked at him in surprise.
Should she lie?
Marinette couldn’t bring himself to lie to him. He asked her that question with such sincerity. As if he actually wanted to know if she was okay
Instead, Marinette scoffs. "Did you know that you’re the second person who ever asked me that question?"
He didn’t reply.
Stupid. Marinette scolded herself. Why did she say that to him? Now he was going to hate her and think she’s just looking for attention.
Marinette stiffened. Xavier’s arms were around her.
He was giving her a hug.
Usually, Marinette would be freaking out about someone like him hugging her.
But right now, all she could do was hug him tighter and finally let go of all the tears that she's been holding in.  
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Note: I suck at writing sad scenes. So don't end up being surprised if my attempted angsty chapters end up being cringy.
Also, how do you guys want me to address XY? Do you want me to keep addressing him as XY or Xavier outside of Marinette's dialogue? I tried to address him with his actual name, Xavier, in this chapter. But I don't really know if I like it or not, so please give me your feedback on that.
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honey-makki · 4 years
grandma’s blessing
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best friend!hanamaki takahiro x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of death (family member), oral (fem receiving), fire, probably unsanitary cooking conditions if i’m being honest (it’s soft i swear)
summary: the holidays are your favorite time of year. your best friend hanamaki tries to keep holiday cheer alive despite the loss of a family member.
word count 2.4k
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Holiday’s are tricky. Decisions on whether the trauma of going home will be a heavier burden to bear than the guilt and loneliness of your city apartment. GOing home was never a pleasant experience. Trips filled with parents nitpicking your seemingly successful life and emotionally battering you about anything and everything they could. The only reprieve would be hugging your grandmother and being able to see her face-to-face during dinner. She understood why you didn’t come home every opportunity and didn’t blame you a bit.
On years when it would be too much to travel, you knew that she would still give you a call. Spending all day on the phone with you while you bounced around the kitchen making much smaller portions of what they would be eating at home. Even the small amounts of silence on the call were comfortable. You could feel her next to you kneading the dough for a pie while you mixed together the fruit base. It felt like home.
The silence that has been living in your apartment the past few months after her passing was suffocating. Weekends spent with friends at their apartment just to get out of somewhere that just seems to reek of death and despair.
You had spent more nights at Makki’s place in the past month than at your own. He was your closest friend, a true confidant, someone skilled at lifting your mood, and the person you’ve been undeniably in love with for years. You accepted the fate of growing old with a horde of cats as long as you can have his silly pink hair shining in the sun when you hung out with friends. It’s ok that you are going to be alone forever as long as you still had a standing laser tag date once a month. The only thing stronger than your feelings of love towards the strawberry blond was fear of losing him.
He has been a pillar of strength during the past few months. Holding your crying body until you fall asleep on his tear-stained and snot covered chest. Setting alarms in your phone to make sure you are eating or going to work instead of sitting in a dissociative state. Ever since you shared a bed with him, he’s been a little more comfortable with physical contact. Walking closer together arms touching when going out or throwing an arm over your shoulder when lounging around the house. You can’t count the number of times you’ve both woken up in various stages of cuddling.
He was the one to bring up spending the holidays together. He had just gone home for a wedding and couldn’t afford another ticket and he knew that you were in a weird spot. “We can stay here and make dinner and bake cookies and watch shitty r-romcoms? Someone has to appreciate Hallmark movies, why not us?” You can hear his voice crack and start to speed up as a blush rises across his face. You see it but don’t really process it, more relieved that for the first time in months, the thought of holidays didn’t make you run to the bathroom and throw up. You smiled and nodded, setting plans for him to come over later in the week.
Makki always liked when you cooked, throwing a western spin on dishes he considered normal. But today, he was flabbergasted, you didn’t let him just sit on the barstool curating music while you did all the work, no, there was too much food to be made for him to laze around. You laid out the recipe for your grandmothers’ mac n’ cheese, explaining what everything meant while you got started on an asian fusion stuffing you figured out a few years back.
You stole glances at him in the middle of stirring, combining and folding everything together. His tongue sticks out between his lips while he deliberately measures out the exact amount of cheese required. In all the time you’ve seen him, you’ve never seen him totally lose his laid back air until now, and you can’t control your laugh. Is he really more serious about measuring out sharp cheddar cheese than a game that would take them to nationals? Or that physics final he actually studied for? Your heart skips a beat when you see his soft, satisfied smile to the dish he just created. All you can picture when he looks over to you is how cute of a child he must have been. Cheeks round encasing his bright smile as his head tilts ever so slightly to the left.
After he slides the last dish into the oven, you both opt for taking the time to clean the kitchen, knowing that you won’t want to do it after dinner. The dishes are washed and dried and while Makki puts away the ones that go on a higher shelf, you return flour and other ingredients to the pantry but before you put them down you call out to him, voice lighter than normal, the one you use when asking a favor.
“Taka, how upset would you be if I said I wanted to cook a little bit more?”
“You get dishes this time around then, but what are we makin’?”
You turn out of the pantry with a bounce in your step before slapping down the flour and newly acquired, chocolate chips and sprinkles. “Cookies! We always made cookies with my grandma and it wouldn’t be the same without them.” Your eyes sparkle at the thought of the sweet treats and equally sweet memories of your childhood. Makki thinks you are breathtaking.
“Let me get the bowls back down and we can probably make mediocre cookies if you have anything you do with it.” He smiles at just how cute the squawk you made from his teasing is, just happy that he gets to be here with you. He doesn’t really hear how you defend your baking skills and complain that just because you forgot flour one time doesn’t mean you are inept at baking.
He never thought he would be the type to settle down and be domestic, it just didn’t seem like something he cared a lot about, but now he he can’t rid his mind of the thought of waking up ten minutes before your alarm just to make you a cup of coffee or throwing your favorite blanket in the drier on days it’s raining so when you get home, you can melt into the soft plush and warm up instantly.The clattering of spices brings him back to the moment, turning to see you picking up the cinnamon and vanilla extract.
“You good, love?” There’s something about how you look when you flustered because of him, that scratches an itch he didn’t know was there. The first time a pet name like this had slipped through his lips he was certain that whatever line the two of you were toeing had been crossed, demolished. Instead you just tucked your hair away and averted your gaze back to whatever shitty movie the two of you were “watching” that night. Now it’s normal, well its not normal, its very much not normal for him to refer to you as love or babe and it's not normal for you to exclusivley call him by his first name. It's decidedly abnormal considering your relationship or lack thereof. But if you aren’t going to question it neither is he.
He helps you up and gather the remaining ingredients for the “famous snickerdoodle cookies” that you swear had won awards. The mixing of the dough is interrupted when he has to grab your wrist to stop you from adding salt instead of sugar. You refuse to look at him because you know he is sporting a huge smirk and raised eyebrows, knowing that he’s right about you not being the best baker. You are reprieved by the oven going off, signaling to remove the earlier and change the temperature.
“Damn, babe, these cookies look so good, especially this one.” You return to Makki who already started to lay out the dough on the baking tray. You see perfectly round blobs squished slightly by a fork for a pattern and then right in front of him you see the cookie he was talking about. You didn't expect to see your 27 year old boyfriend-who-isn’t-your-boyfriend to be holding a cockshaoped cookie. But really, you should have seen it coming from the guy who laughs when either of you fart.
He can hear the clock ticking as you just stare, annoyed. He was concerned for a second, that maybe he shouldn’t have made a lewd joke when making cookies. This is something he used to do with her grandmother, you stupid idiot.. But when he can see the apple of your cheek peeking out from behind your hand, he recognizes that face. The one that positively exudes warmth and happiness with her laughter. The butterflies always buzzing in his stomach go wild when this face comes out. He would do anything to see it for the rest of time.
You don’t know where the courage comes from but you cup his cheek for a kiss, he mirrors your action. It just felt normal, and you honestly didn’t realize that it wasn’t normal until you both pulled back. Your eyes are locked on his, both of you sporting a soft smile until his keeps growing, evolving into a laugh that is borderline offensive in how loud it is.
You don’t know why and you get a little nervous that maybe he doesn’t feel the same way, when you go to hide your face, you feel the heat rising but also a soft powdery coating? And that’s when you realize his hands are still coated in flour from shaping the cookies. Your eyes are rolling while you chuckle but Makki on the other hand is losing his mind, almost in tears from laughing while putting the cookies in the oven. “It’s not that funny, Takahiro! Get me a napkin please.”
“Nah, you look really sweet. Good enough to eat.” You weren’t surprised when he returned to kissing you, nor when he lifted you up by your thighs and plopped you on the counter. The kisses are sweet, lazy and perfect for a second kiss, and a third and a fourth. This is normal. His lips belong on yours. Your hands should be tangled up in his hair while his run over your waist and legs. This is right. There's no rush to deepen the kiss, both of you happy to just indulge in the warmth of the other, but it is inevitable. A soft nip at your bottom lip or an accidental tug of his hair, neither of you know what happened first but you both are staring at each other, panting lightly with a much darker gaze than the original flour induced makeout session.
“You are just as sweet as I thought. Gotta have a taste.” His voice is raspier than you’ve ever heard and you just let him move your body as he pleases. Pull your hips to the edge of the counter. Spread your legs as far apart as they’ll go. Lift your hips when he pulls your shorts and underwear down. Gotta act as sweet as he says I am. He has barely touched you but when he falls to his knees and just stares at your dripping slit that he's imagined for years, your eyes, you are already imagining how good he's going to feel.
You shouldn’t even try to think, his tongue exceeded any expectation or desire you had. Expertly flicking against your throbbing clit as he works two fingers in you. You feel the groan he lets out when he dips his tongue into your hole before you hear it. The vibrations reverberate up your spine and through your body, an all-consuming heat starting in your stomach, threatening to let loose, to run rampant on your body. His fingers, joined by another, return to your clenching hole and search for the spongy spot hidden deep inside. All you can hear is the blood rushing through your head, drowning out every other noise.
“C’mon love, cum on my fingers, on my tongue, I’ve wanted, dreamed about this for years, give it to me.” His slow words juxtaposed the fervent pace of his fingers and it was enough to send you over the edge.
You feel so hot you fear you might pass out, the groan Makki lets out beneath you is the only thing keeping you grounded. You were first concerned that you had hurt him in someway, but when you see his eyes roll back into his head and his tongue trying to lap up every single bit of cum you squirted on his face and thighs, you know it wasn’t due to excruciating pain, rather it's just an obscene reaction to you.
When you push him back, squirming with overstimulation, you hear him scramble and “Shit! Fuck! Fire extinguisher?? WHERE IS YOUR FIRE EXTINGUISHER???” You are still out of it until he starts actually screaming, words still evade you but he follows your line of sight to the red tube hiding in the corner next to the fridge. The smell of smoke is overwhelming all of a sudden. You were in a dreamlike post orgasmic state and suddenly your coughing, eyes hazy.
the cookies, SHIT THE COOKIES!! Smoke is billowing out of the oven and your fire alarm is blaring, but soon the room is filled with a white foam originating from Makki. You never realized that the foam would continue to expand until half of your kitchen was covered in it and you saw a sheepish looking Makki on the other side.
“Fires out”. Again, he starts to laugh at you, and this time you join him. Today has turned out entirely different than you expected. It wasn’t a sad day, it was filled with laughter, romance, an ill timed fire and Makki. All in all, a successful holiday, despite the fact everything you cooked was coated in foam. He’d seen you staring at the food and already took his phone out to order food, “Indian or ramen?”
Yeah, you think you’re grandma would be happy seeing you like this. Happy Holidays.
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a/n: i don’t really know what this is but the image of makki being a disaster in the kitchen came to me one day and here we are. make sure you read the other fics in the collab
matsukawa’s funeral home winter collab
a/n 2.0: also a/o to @iwaasfairy for making that makki image that i used in my header. i love her more than i love him which say a lot
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sakiyo · 4 years
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+ pairings: atsumu miya/reader
+ tags: atsumu bring a messy dude </3, platonic-ish relationship, uni!au
+ warnings: very brief mentions of sex, weed and alcohol, partying
+ word count: a lot probably idk they’re headcanons
+ note: this is gonna be a series but atsumu’s was wayyy too long!! the rest will probably be much shorter [i was too attached to these hcs to shorten them so enjoy]. thank you @kiyoomae for helping me with these mwah ily beaut <3
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© all content from this blog belongs to ushigushi 2020. do not repost, modify, or plagiarize.
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he’s a great person sure
but he’s not the BEST roommate
not even osamu wants to room with him, but honestly he just wants cheap rent [like every other student alive]
so when he sees a ‘roommate wanted’ poster on campus, he basically believes that this a sign from god that he should go to your interview
one thing about atsumu:
he knows that first impressions are one of the most important things in life [mostly because of volleyball and what not]
so naturally he’s going to act the way you want him to !! toxic trait: subtle manipulation i’m telling you
and so when he shows up at your place, hes pretty much perfect. he looks put together and his fit is immaculate okay?
usually, you aren’t one to judge a book by its cover, but when it comes down to roommates….better safe than sorry babe
and the second atsumu mentions his gravitation towards volleyball and sports, you feel like you’ve won the lottery.
a clean and well put roommate who ALSO spends most of their time away from the apartment? what more could you ask for?
and as a quick bonus: HES HOT!! [so you can definitely brag to your friends about the attractive roommate you scored]
you’re quick to say yes, and as soon as you know it he’s added to the contract with your landlord!
atsumu keeps up his facade for another two weeks or so; washing dishes, keeping clean, never being too noisy and giving you your personal space
but when he finally shows his true colours?
you’re not sure if you want to strangle him or rip out your hair strand by strand
whew....he is messy.
atsumu [osamu too] is a momma’s boy, he’s never really had to do dishes or anything like that unless he has to
he never does his dishes. you ALWAYS end up washing them because you prefer a tidy kitchen
dont get me started on the cups
he uses YOUR cups and leaves them littered around the apartment like they’re easter eggs for you to hunt. one time, you found your favourite mug under a couch???
his room is no different either
you prefer to stay away from it, but you had caught a glimpse of it through his partially open bedroom door
....it’s a lot to process.
there are plates on his desk, disposable cups and crushed soda cans on his nightstand, clean laundry in different corners of the room and you swear you see a half full bottle of vodka that had gone missing from your own alcohol cabinet
but for some reason his room still manages to smell like lavender. and you hate that fact.
he NEVER has his house keys on him
he pretty much has you on speed dial because the amount of times this man has forgotten his keys inside the house is WILD
him: hey roomie...it’s me again...
you: atsumu it’s 11 pm and i’m out with friends, i’m not driving back just to open the door for you
him: then what am i going to do??
you: sit there and starve.
so he sits against your apartment door, playing games on his phone and texting his friends
he’s also getting clowned in the gc by suna and osamu PLS ATSUMU GO HOME [oh wait-]
when one of your neighbours pass by or see him sitting there he just gives that rlly awkward white person smile that’s like 😐
so basically he’s sitting there, hungry and bored.
when you come back, he’s almost asleep, a little bit of drool hanging on at the side of his mouth
“wake up, i brought you food.”
atsumu might be an annoying roomie, but you’re not heartless.
he 100% gets hair dye all over the bathroom, and he NEVER washes it out
so you’re not too happy when you have to replace your rug because there was a massive bleach stain on it
he uses your shampoo and conditioner, GENEROUSLY TOO
like atsumu...sir 🤣🤚 that shits like 20 dollars! stop using globs of it at once
istg you could buy a new bottle of shampoo/body wash and it’s already halfway through after a week or so
he promises that he’ll stop, but it just gets worse
NEVER let this man go grocery shopping for you by himself, you’ll get everything BUT what you asked for
okay, he does get you what you asked for, but not really
you ask for wheat bread and he gets white bread. you ask for vanilla ice cream and he gets you chocolate
“i think it’s better than what you originally put down.”
you want a new roommate.
but as time passes by, you deduce that he has some redeeming qualities: like how fun he is when drunk, or how he can keep you entertained for hours about his surprisingly interesting days
you’ve met his friends too! they all love you
but they’re also quite sorry for you for having to put up with atsumu
sometimes, you’ll even join them with them when they’re all hanging in your living room
you never miss the small blush that creeps onto tsumus face whenever his old teammates tell you about the stories he deliberately left out to make himself look cooler [pls give this man love he needs it]
suna: wait i have a video of him getting pummeled in the face with a volleyball-
atsumu: y/n has a test tomorrow!!
you: tomorrow’s saturday-
if you two have roommate rules, he definitely breaks some of them
no parties without you knowing??? like hell he’s following that
atsumu likes to party! he doesn’t mind hosting one or two every now and then
so he picks a day that he knows you’ll be out for the night, most likely studying because you won’t be back home until around 1 am
so the apartment is a mess and it’s partially trashed, there’s a lingering scent of weed and alcohol, someone probably vomited in your sink, and it’s loud.
so loud that you can hear it from the elevator.
you had decided to come home early and surprise atsumu with his favourite takeout, but you’re already met with tipsy and wasted bodies littered along the corridors, and it doesn’t take very long for you to put two and two together and realize it’s atsumu’s doing
long story short, you and atsumu have to go around the apartment to deliver personal apologies to your neighbours [this definitely isn’t your first or last warning]
in terms of hookups?
atsumu doesn’t care too much for sexual relationships, since his priority lies in volleyball and actually graduating, but he’ll have someone over every now and then
usually, it’s meant to be a time when you’re not around, because the walls are thin as fuck
but atsumu doesn’t really care in the heat of the moment
so yeah, you definitely want to neuter him when you hear incoherent moans and a headboard creaking
the morning after, you immediately chase his one night stand out of the apartment and go off on him for a second
after a few months, atsumu doesn’t get on your nerves as much
you could go as far as to call him a friend
during exam and midterm weeks, you both study together and even order takeout— which leads to the two of you passing out in your living room due to pure exhaustion
atsumu sometimes doesn’t get all of his spots because he can only do so much by himself
so after you hear his frustrated groans, you’re willing to help him dye his hair.
and from there it basically becomes a routine
you were also the one who introduced  him to TONER!!
he swears that you changed his life
he also walks around in nothing but his boxers because it’s comfortable but gets flustered and ‘mad’ when you wear nothing but an old t-shirt
forces you to come to him games to cheer loudly for him
this man- he asks you to cheer for him when he does his serve routine and when you do his head gets so big
but he denies it when his teammates tease him about you
half of his clothes have made its way into your closet! but honestly, he does not mind
his cute roommate is wearing his sweats and a hoodie with his name at the back of it, why would he be mad?
you’ve hooked up with him at least twice.
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phoenixyfriend · 4 years
The Naruto/Frozen Crossover
So I was planning on just doing an image ID thing for this post, but apparently the formatting on desktop is such a mess that it’s easier to just make a new post that’s text only. I can also like. Bulletpoint it so that it can be a little neater. All ideas were made with @firebirdeternal​‘s help, because they are the most efficient enabler I have.
Also I added some bits at the end.
Under a cut, because it’s Long As Heck.
I originally had two options: either Mid-teens Elsa and Anna being transported to ninja land sometime pre-canon and running into Haku and Zabuza... or just like. Born as a Daimyou's daughters.
Spoiler alert, we’ve got nukenin and I’m a sucker for an intrusive crossover, so transported to ninja land it is.
Suggestion from Birdie:
Mechanism for crossover: Elsa ices over a Wishing Well by accident after having Wished for someone else who understood her, Anna and her fall in and get Ice Mirror Portaled to Ninjaland, falling out of an iced over pond near a shrine that Haku recently prayed at for similar lonely child reasons?
Which I like! They don’t end up there soon enough to run into Haku, because I want a dramatic chase first, but I like it.
Obviously, Anna is forced to learn about Elsa's powers because it's the only thing keeping them safe
Or at least alive
(Elsa will do ANYTHING to keep Anna safe, and if that means she has to get her hands dirty...)
...neither of them knows Japanese, so, you know. There’s that.
I'm thinking that they end up in/near Kiri at first
And they aren't FAST ENOUGH to get away so Elsa panic-enchants a giant reindeer made of snow to run away across the suddenly-frozen ocean.
She and Anna have to ride and Elsa is probably crying the whole time.
Oh shit this is like. RIGHT after their parents die, I forgot. So that’s a thing! They are in mourning and all that fun stuff.
Point is, they use the powers for a Self Defense thing and BBY Haku is just !!! "Master can we rescue them for Ice Cousin reasons?" Zabuza: Yes, and only for those practical reasons and not because I collect endangered children like people collect pokemon cards.
I imagine that maybe they track rumors of a Yuki-onna down, or the Giant Snow Reindeer rides by and Haku’s just like Wat
The girls just tag along with Zabuza because. Like.
Do they like him? No. Do they trust him? No. Do they enjoy the fact that he considers them pathetic civilians? No.
However, Haku is Baby.
Zabuza is REALLY annoyed at them being Useless Civilian Royals “but Haku likes them so I guess they can stay.”
Age at meeting, three years pre-canon:
Zabuza - 23
Elsa - 18
Anna - 15
Haku - 12
Elsa is 90% anxiety/depression master combo BUT if Zabzua protects her then she's WILDLY dangerous so like. Whatever
Elsa's bingo book nickname options, uninspired:
Winter Witch
Winter Queen
Ice Queen
Snow Queen
Something about a Yuki-Onna maybe
She's Very Stately and kinda breakable but Winter is her Bitch
I mean like, the fact that, if protected, she can shut down the agriculture of a fucking country? That's an S-rank even if she's not that useful in a fight.
She's like. Jinchuuriki-level destruction. Generally speaking she wouldn’t. But she could.
Elsa: What the fuck is a chakra? Elsa: my snow monsters are self-sustaining. Elsa: I'm gonna build us a house.
Zabuza has NO idea how her powers work and it is INCREDIBLY frustrating but “there’s no chakra cost to keep these things going and we have shelters on demand” is too convenient to question after a while.
Haku: Delicate, deadly, incredibly fast ninja work. Elsa: I can't dodge a kunai but watch me wreck your entire country's ecosystem in under a day.
Elsa is a siege weapon.
Meanwhile, Anna is really, really into the physicality of ninja practice.
She's clumsy and she's not very good at ninja stuff, but she sure is determined!
Anna also gets on Zabuza's nerves because she keeps insisting that Haku get to be a kid.
Anna: Let's make flower crowns! Zabuza: No, he needs to train, not- Anna: FLOWER CROWNS
Consider: Haku saying Elsa-nee-sama and Anna-hime.
Or just calling Elsa “onee-sama.”
Anna is also younger than Elsa and way more Fun so she probably gets adjusted to Anna-chan or Nee-chan.
If Zabuza calls Elsa “Hime-chan” or “Elsa-hime” or, Sage forbid, “Elsa-sama/dono” then he’s VERY MUCH making fun of her and he’s probably getting his soup frozen that night.
At one point, Elsa... tries to like. Convince herself to have a crush on Zabuza or Kakashi or something until Zabuza just puts a hand on her shoulder and asks "do you even like men?" "...that's an OPTION?"
Zabuza urging her to try and ask out a Cute Kunoichi and Elsa's like.... I can't decide if she's bright red and a useless lesbian or uncomfortable and ace.
I am SO invested in the siege weapon thing.
It's not her fault that every single other combatant on the continent is Massively Dangerous in melee! She took a very traditional back-line build!
Enemy: Doesn't it GRATE to protect someone so pathetic, Zabuza? Zabuza: She literally froze an entire castle of enemies to death because they harmed her sister, so. No.
Most Ninjas: Sharp Knife. S-Rank Mega Ninjas: Gun. Elsa: High Yield Explosive Rocket Launcher. Literally loses fights to the Knife People, because she can't bring her power to bear on that scale. But if you can give her Time and Prep? No contest.
Long distance AoE
Like  you know how Nagato is literally dying of starvation due to illness and can't walk, but he's also capable of leveling powerful villages more or less on his own?
Elsa is the same Vibe.
It’s like sealing a bijuu in a civilian.
She's honestly both more and less powerful? Like it'd be hard for her to kill everyone in Konoha in the snap of a finger? But also, she could starve out the Country of Fire in a summer.
She WOULDN'T, but she could.
I always read Elsa as gay or ace but my brain keeps trying to ship her with dude ninjas and I have to yank it back on a child leash.
People insinuate that Zabuza is interested in Elsa and he's just "What? Ew she's like five."
"I'm eighteen."
Elsa! Might mistake trust and companionship for a crush!
I can see THAT happening despite gay/ace.
Also like. I don’t think Zabuza is straight.
So mlm/wlw solidarity?
And Haku is probs genderqueer.
Anna is like, the Straight Friend who will go to the mat for her queer friends. Like vicious. In-your-face barking like a mean dog at people who were being bigots.
You know how Elsa in the second movie uses her powers to make toys for kids out of ice?
Okay, so her practicing by making things with Haku.
But yeah, Elsa can't really do "throws ice senbon," but she can do Delicate Geometry Things since she apparently, canonically studies math for fun and loves fractals.
Haku: I can trap you in a prison of ice mirrors, and you are at my mercy. Elsa: LOOK AT THIS CASTLE I MADE???
Haku wants to do Pretty Things like Elsa
Elsa makes... snow bunnies..
For the ninja distraction reasons but also because it's a Soft Thing that makes her feel better about, uh, everything. And Haku likes bunnies.
Zabuza still takes The Dirty Missions but Elsa gets upset when he does something that hurts innocents and Nobody wants Elsa upset. Even Zabuza doesn't want Elsa upset.
When Elsa gets upset, overnight accommodations are suddenly Very Uncomfortable for everyone except her and Haku.
And then Anna gets upset, which makes Elsa even MORE upset.
And then things just keep getting colder.
Zabuza doesn't want Elsa upset for many reasons, not limited to: "Is actually capable of killing me from outside of Sword Range if she's mad enough, even if it’s not that easy" and "the Small Children would be unbearably sad if she died and honestly so might I."
She's more of a friend than a ward and he's not entirely sure he's okay with that.
Zabuza: "Ew, friendship."
He has absolutely no idea how to have a social interaction with people he isn't Bullying, Raising, or Threatening to Kill.
Elsa and Anna have no trouble convincing people they're related, at least. Different coloration with almost identical bone structure.
A tendency to burst into song when they feel emotions.
Identical weird accent that nobody can place.
The girls are royalty, they don't know how to COOK.
But they also want food from HOME.
It's a lot of trial and error.
More error than not, since they have both no knowledge and also a language barrier to overcome. It probably takes YEARS before they can describe things like Unfamiliar Flavors well enough for people to say "OH that sounds like spearmint."
When they run into something they know that’s familiar, it’s life-changing.
Chocolate is more common in the elemental nations than in Arandelle and Anna may or may not cry about it.
Anna is loudly bossy, even at Zabuza.
Zabuza is gruffly commanding, to everyone.
Elsa doesn't actually like being in charge, but when she talks, people LISTEN.
(Haku is just happy to be here.)
Elsa radiates two things: Anxiety, and Natural Command, and she basically just fluctuates between those.
"I don't want to be in charge but also I'm vetoing this."
So, obviously, the main reasons that Zabuza keeps the girls around is that Elsa is a living siege weapon and he thinks she could be convinced to help him run a revolution in Kiri, and also that the Ice Queen schtick is like. Really good for Haku and Zabuza can’t really say no to the kid.
HOWEVER, Anna is clumsy and messy and all that, so Zabuza starts training her in Ninja stuff. Elsa joins in on the “I need to know how to Run Fast to get away from fights I don’t want to have in the first place,” but Anna’s the one that’s like “TEACH ME HOW TO SWORD.”
It’s honestly not that hard to teach her, she’s just really, really, REALLY enthusiastic.
Once or twice someone asks why she’s so bad at this yet running around with an A-rank nukenin and Zabuza’s just like “I’ve only had her for a year and a half, shut up!” because it’s not that he’s a bad teacher, it’s that she was a very pampered civilian until like a week before he met her.
He should get a MEDAL for even getting her to low Chuunin.
Zabuza: I'm taking a job from Gato Elsa, who has Training in economics and politics and bureaucracy: I have a better idea.
This is actually not entirely what I’d do but I wanted to make the joke first ANYWAY here’s an actual plot or something.
Oh, also by this point everyone is Canon Ages so Elsa’s 21 and Anna’s 18 and Zabuza’s 26 and Haku’s 15.
Elsa is getting paid to keep the water from interfering with construction, by way of....
Elsa with Haku as her Guard while Zabuza is off running his own mission? Which Anna begged to go on because Cool.
Elsa also kind of keeps her involvement on the ice front semi-secret by claiming she’s there as an engineering consultant.
LISTEN canon made her like geometry, I can ENTIRELY believe she’d be excited about the bridge-building.
Gato has hired someone else on the danger level of Zabuza, who is Threatening to Team 7 + Haku? But then when things look bleak Anna and Zabuza arrive and then Scary Sword Man is on our side and oh dear that's a lot of blood.
Which, you know, fun!
Birdie suggested Raiga which I’m not feeling but I do feel the need to bring up as an option.
It’s also not Kisame BUT
Kisame: [giant lake dome filled with sharks]
Elsa: uhhhhhhhhhhh...
Giant lake dome: [is now a giant ice dome]
Gato: I'm hiring an army. Elsa: [giant ice wall around his compound] Gato: ... these guys can walk up walls! Elsa: [adds snowman guards] Elsa: ... Elsa: [adds a ceiling]
Just puts Gato's entire mob in a fucking snow globe.
Zabuza shows up twenty minutes late with (Throwing) Star(buck)s just like "Oh, they dead? No? Want 'em to be? Okay cool I'm gonna go pick up Haku, I'll be back in like an hour."
Anna would... LOVE Naruto
"I found us a baby brother!" "No, we already have Haku." "BUT LOOK AT HIM."
Anna is only a year or two older than Itachi.
I wanted to make a joke about how Naruto also vibes with her because he's less judgmental that she can't really... talk properly.
Sasuke is Judgy and Kakashi is Paranoid and Sakura is Uncomfortable.
Meanwhile Naruto is just like "And I Shall Scream."
Anna, who learned Japanese from Zabuza (rude) and Haku (uber polite): WELL FUCK YOU, GOOD SIR Naruto: YEAH WELL FUCK YOU TOO, LADY Elsa, overly formal: I am... so very sorry.
Anyway, generic missing nin fights and all that.
Elsa gets injured in the process and after a variety of arguments, Naruto manages to convince them to take her to Konoha for medical attention.
Elsa is... usually the one getting injured.
Zabuza and Haku are FAST and Anna is at least learning (even if she’s only been doing it for three years), but Elsa is The Squishy Wizard.
If someone throws a kunai... she can’t... really dodge...
So yeah, gut wound.
Normally they find a nukenin medic to patch them up but Konoha is reasonably close and has some of the more skilled medics on the continent and they DID technically help the Konoha nin so like. Gah.
That’s Zabuza’s final thought. Gah.
Just “Fuck it, let’s save the ice queen.”
Elsa ends up in a half-literal-ice stasis state on the way there and it’s happened before (it is not the first time she’s been stabbed), but it’s always terrifying.
Especially to the Konoha genin who are just like WHAT THE HECK IS THAT.
So they get to Konoha, there’s a whole bunch of stuff about extradition treaties and “you are bringing a literal WMD of a woman into our town” and “we can’t just let MOMOCHI ZABUZA in.”
Anyway, it ends up being that Zabuza has to wait outside the village while Elsa is treated inside, and one of the Teenagers goes in. Obviously, it’s Anna, because Zabuza is INCREDIBLY UNCOMFORTABLE with letting Haku enter a village that’s known for having lots of bloodlines, and anyway, Anna’s the sister.
Bunch of stuff, she’s healing, etc, and then one day Anna comes in and is told “your sister had a bad reaction to the anesthetic, we couldn’t save her, I’m sorry, she’s gone.”
She flips out, gets shown the corpse, flips out MORE, gets escorted out to the village walls where Zabuza and Haku are waiting.
Horrified reactions
Zabuza doesn’t want to admit that it’s EMOTIONS because this is his FRIEND, he is clearly just upset about losing the living siege weapon.
Haku is just super confused and goes “But she’s not dead.”
“She’s not dead, I can feel her, I can always feel her, it’s like sensing but just her, because we’re both ice. She’s alive, somewhere over... there?”
And points right in the direction of the Hokage Mountain, which for the purposes of this fic and also Drama is where ROOT headquarters is.
YEP we absolutely have that plot point.
Is Danzo overused as a plot device? Probably. Am I going to diabolus ex machina him anyway? Ye.
They kick up enough of a fuss that the Hokage gets called down.
He wouldn’t, normally, he’d leave it to a couple of skilled jounin and call it a day, except Naruto got involved so like. You can’t. Ignore that.
There’s lots of shouting.
Just like. A lot.
And then part of the mountain explodes!
Elsa comes flying backwards out of the hole, catches herself on a spontaneous ice slide, gets to her feet.
Girl is swaying like MAD.
There are absolutely ANBU (both fake and real) coming after her.
At least one of them gets speared through by an ice spike.
Anna runs up to her, tries to hug her, gets batted away.
Elsa’s staring at her in sheer TERROR and starts muttering something about how Anna died years ago, this isn’t real, etc.
Nobody except Anna understands most of it, but Haku picks up enough to translate when Anna’s freaking out.
Elsa starts doing her Ice Castle thing in the middle of Konoha as a coping mechanism, mostly so she can get Up and Away and Shielded By Ice.
This is not a good look.
Especially because she’s singing, which Zabuza always thinks is a bad omen because it means shit is getting real and one or both of the girls are about to get a powerup or be beaten even harder than otherwise. When they start singing, things get More Dramatic And Extreme).
(Zabuza does not like Disney Musical Rules)
Danzo shows up.
There’s a bunch of arguing.
All the medics insist that nothing she was given at the hospital should have caused amnesia, psychosis, hallucinations, delusions, etc.
It’s. Not hard for Hiruzen to guess what happened.
Namely that Danzo, upon finding out that chakra dampeners didn’t do shit since none of Elsa’s powers come from chakra, decided to keep her drugged up and start using genjutsu to make her more malleable.
Because like. An injured WMD just showed up in your village. What are you supposed to do, not try to kidnap her and turn her to your side? Like, come on. What was he supposed to do?
Not that, Danzo. Literally Not That.
IDK how it gets resolved, probably Anna getting to her with the power of love, because Elsa is ultimately Super Disney.
I also don’t really know where to go from there other than “Maybe Jiraiya can get you home, but also I’m pretty sure Zabuza wants you all to get the hell out of here and take over Kiri” but who knows.
Imagine Ino getting a puppy crush on Elsa.
IDK that’s it for now.
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korijime · 4 years
— apaixonar
(verb.) to fall in love with someone or something, the act of falling in love
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shigaraki tomura, boku no hero academia
fluff, modern!college!au, social anxiety, slightly sexual jokes, swearing
wc ; one thousand six hundred and fifty nine words
dt ; @t-amajiki
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riyuu says ; ahh, i don’t know what to say here. i started this last night, but i got the idea a really long time ago in one of our conversations. i was really scared about getting his character right and i hope i did it some justice. big thank you to @tokyoghoose for proof-reading!! i’d have cried if the mistakes you pointed out weren’t fixed sbdubdidjd
this is kinda a part of a series..i guess? there’s two more fics coming, so i guess it’s 1/3 of the fics i wrote for gere and 1/6 of all the gifts i made for them in total.
so yes, happy birthday, gere. i love you to the moon and back and i’d do damn near anything for you. i hope you like your gifts. ♡
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“oi, crusty, look over there.”
the ‘crusty’ in question, a pale-faced young man, cast an annoyed glance in the direction of his partner’s finger. he never once listened to what dabi had to say, yet he knew from the tone in his voice that it would be something that had to do with you. and so he looked, and he didn’t regret listening.
he looked past the window of the chemistry lab, past the other annoyances, and towards you, sitting in the grass with your green-haired friend. he looked at you, sitting in the grass with the late morning sunlight engulfing most of your form, casting a makeshift halo over your head. a well-deserved one, at that. subconsciously resting his face onto his gloved hand, he turned completely towards the window, towards you, his experiment long forgotten.
“okay, jesus christ, stop it. you look like a creep.”
and there goes the moment.
his once ‘softened’ eyes and good mood vanished as soon as dabi spoke up again, his form hunching and his face contorting into annoyance once again.
“no, i don’t. you’re the creep.”
“sure, i was the one who sighed when they smiled for the camera, right?”
“shut up. you’re the creep, i’m right.”
of course that bastard was looking at him while he, in dabi’s words, ‘fawned’ over you.
he didn’t. he just knew how to appreciate good things. it didn’t really matter whether or not his cheeks and ears became heaters whenever you’d look at him, it happens to everyone.
“not right. factually incorrect. you’re a dumbass, go ask them out.”
“i’m the dumbass when you’re the one who blew up our project not even two minutes ago? i’m not a mirror, you easy-bake oven.”
and so on and so forth, until the bell finally rang to signal the end of their day.
tomura shigaraki, never one to listen to anything his ‘best friend’ says, never one to hang around anyone except dabi and a few others, was seen moving methodically and quite swiftly through the halls of u.a academy, heading straight towards the small group of third-years standing at the far end of the corridor.
they’d known him for three years, they knew his mannerisms and the way his mind worked. it was only natural that both toga and twice had to fish out five dollars each to hand to a very smug-looking dabi, who only watched with a shit-eating grin as tomura went up to you.
he could feel his friends’ eyes on his back, but it didn’t register in his mind which was currently screaming at him to get the hell out of this situation what were you thinking because now not only you and your friends but a couple of other students and even teachers in the corridor were gawking at the infamous anti-social boy who was looking at his shoes like they were the love of his life and not you.
his stomach twisted and churned painfully, the nausea he felt was nothing compared to the embarrassment and humiliation he felt, the same embarrassment which was painted bright on his face.
maybe he could just pretend he wanted your notes and call it a day and go home and cry—
“aye, you crusty fuck! don’t chicken out now or you’re doing my homework for the next week!”
fuck that fucking blue haired porcupine ass smug-looking son of a bit-
“ne, shigaraki-kun, did you need something?”
he sent his prayers to whatever god was above for sending an actual angel to be standing in front of him and pull him out of his formerly very quickly approaching spiral.
“are you..areyoufreeafterclasses?”
you furrowed your brows and stepped closer to him, ignoring the way tsuyu tried to pull you back. tomura was your friend, or at the very least, your acquaintance, she had no reason to be so wary.
“what was that? i didn’t catch that.”
the construction of the academy and the location of the institute was quite unfortunate, it would have been better suited in one of the islands near florida so that the bermuda triangle could’ve just swallowed it up so he wouldn’t have to be in this situation where he wanted nothing more than to evaporate into fucking water vapour why are you looking at him like THAT-
“are..you free after classes? i need your help with something.”
“oh! yeah, sure! what do you need help with?”
and apparently that was the director’s cue for everyone to go back to minding their own business. the students’ chatters started up again and the ones that had stopped to watch realised they had better things to do than gawk at the college loner asking the pretty one for help. even your friend group stepped back to let the two of you have some semblance of privacy, and tomura had never felt more relieved.
“you’re, uh, in fine arts, right? i have a project on that and i need to know more about it.”
he made the effort to finally look up and he was glad he did. like really, really glad. because the way you were looking at him with the same smile you’d given the camera, your hands clasped together as you leaned towards him, really just made all the embarrassment and humiliation worth it.
“sure! just let me say bye to my friends and we can get going, i know a good cafe near the campus.”
he only nodded and turned at the same time you did, heading towards the shitheads while you headed for your friends.
“would you look at that, crusty-no-balls finally grew some.”
“nice one, tomura! make sure to get their number!”
“toga-chan, they will be studying together, i doubt they’ll have time for that.”
and the rest was tuned out as he leaned on his locker, looking out towards the gates and back at you. he really did that, didn’t he? worked up the guts to ask you out, even if it was under the guise of a study session. which wasn’t a complete lie, what the hell did ‘fine arts’ mean, anyway?
“visual arts! stuff like painting and architecture and theatre, alongside others. i’m pretty sure poetry and prose are on there too.”
“wait, so you’re taking all of that? how.”
it was late afternoon now, around three or four when he had last checked. time wasn’t really important right now, not when he managed to kill two birds with one stone.
he was getting to spend time with you and do his project, added with you talking about your passions as a bonus.
he stopped typing and reached for his drink, which he did not choose because you told him to, thank you very much and fuck off, dabi.
looking back towards the screen, he realised he was almost done with his project, which was a surprise as he was sure he was paying zero attention to the project itself and hundred percent attention to you instead.
could anyone blame him? no.
no, they couldn’t.
they couldn’t blame him for having his attention on you when you went into the fine details of prose and theatre, using hand gestures to try and get across the point which you couldn’t do so with words. apparently you thought he knew sign language. which he did. it was an option, seemed interesting, nothing more nothing less.
is what he told dabi when he asked. but no, the real reason was the one you knew, which was the fact that the shelter he volunteers at has some people who prefer to use sign language, whatever the reason may be. he knew how it felt to be forced into doing something even though you’re comfortable with something else, but you can’t do that something else because it’s not convenient for others.
so yeah, sign language.
he was pretty sure it earned him some brownie points with you, for which he wasn’t complaining.
what he was complaining about, though, was the fact that you thought it’d be a good idea to steal a bite of his pastry while he was lost in thought.
“hey! thief. stop that.”
“no, it looked tasty.”
“okay, and so do you. you don’t see me biting you.”
..the fuck?
what the FUCK did he just-
take your laptop, and your phone, and your bag, and get the hell out.
his mind kept chanting that over and over, and he was listening to it, his clammy hands reaching to close his laptop as he got up but then. stopped.
you were laughing. at him. you were laughing at his major fuck-up.
“ne, ne, tomura-kun. i had no idea you were into that.”
yes, yes, he knows. he knows it’s weird and that it’s a weird thing to say to someone who he has a crush on and-
“honestly, the last time i made a joke like that, deku combusted and iida looked constipated.”
“wh-what was the joke?”
“i’ll show you later!”
he choked.
“show me!?”
“you sure sound excited, tomura-kun.”
the grin on your face did nothing to calm the hundred-mile marathon that both his heart and mind had been running ever since he said that.
what was even happening anymore.
that was the question which kept running through his mind even as he walked you home, thanking you for your help.
“no worries! i’d love to spend more time with you.”
what was happening.
“oh and, i also have an assignment due, do you think you could help me with it?”
“yeah, sure. same cafe?”
“sounds good! i’ll see you friday, then!”
what the fuck was happening.
he’d like to say he didn’t care nor did he think about it, but the way you hugged him goodbye with a promise to see him again left the smallest of smiles on his face which didn’t go away for a while.
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tagged ; @t-amajiki @tokyoghoose @kei7ime @inarizsunarin @tsukkiboii @spicyfoodboi @kakiwrites @lcaita @lnarizakis @kuro0luvr @himichii
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livingforthewhump · 3 years
Ooooooo do you think you could do “Please don’t leave me” for BTHB?
Also requested by @nightfrostshadow
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Blue for requested; red for posted.
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Caroline was on her knees, eyes following Paladin as he circled around her. Her back and legs ached from keeping still in the awkward position, but her hammering heart held her still. Paladin brushed a hand lightly across her shoulder blades, just to see what would happen, and she flinched.
“I think it’s about time you give the world another show, don’t you?” He leaned in to speak into her ear, and she closed her eyes against it. His hand grabbed the top of her head, turning her face towards him. “I asked you a question, doll.”
“Arguing with you gets me nowhere,” she muttered, venom in her eyes, “but I won’t stoke your ego.”
He smiled. “We’ll see about that. Learning these lessons takes time, but I’m sure you’ll come around.”
He released her and moved in front of her, eyes studying her submissive figure. “I must say, you look good like this, doll.”
“And you’d look good behind bars.”
Paladin laughed. “I’d look good anywhere. And I thought you said arguing with me got you nowhere.”
“Well now you’ve just annoyed me.”
He hummed, moving towards her suddenly and grabbing her chin. She flinched harshly, then kept her eyes on the floor as her face burned with humiliation.
“Look at me, doll. You don’t get to avoid me while I teach you your place. You are mine, remember?”
Her eyes flicked up to him, wide and scared. “Yes.”
“Good.” He released her, but she knew to keep her chin up, eyes obediently trained on him. “Now, answer my question. Are you ready to give the world a show?”
He tilted his head, dangerously calm and attentive, and tears pricked her eyes.
“Yes, Paladin.”
“There you are, doll.” Paladin knelt in front of her, hands moving to either side of her head and twining into her hair. She barely had time to brace herself before his power moved in.
Hugo had bolted the door, so he climbed out the window. In the area that he lived in, he couldn’t risk forgoing that extra protection. A guy in his psychology class said that his apartment had been broken into and his studying resources had been stolen. Said guy was definitely not a trustworthy source and tried to fake getting hit by a bus so his tuition would be free, but textbooks were expensive and some people were desperate. Not even a self-proclaimed vigilante was a match for a desperate college student. As a desperate college student himself, Hugo was well aware of this fact.
His dark gray vigilante costume didn’t block out the wind very well, but he was still proud of himself for making it. It was like a final homage to David. Hugo couldn’t help but wonder if he’d be proud, if he could see him. Probably not, he decided, and words rose to his mind unbidden.
All you can do is copy and paste, Hugo. That’s all you’ve ever been able to do. So why don’t you stop pretending you’re something special!
The memory of their last fight still stung him. It had taken months to shake the words off enough to take a step towards his goals. David had had faith in the world, something that amazed Hugo, who lost that long ago. He spent far too long wondering when it was that David had lost faith in him.
He shook himself off and walked along the fire escape, hopping from one to the next and surveying the ground beneath. This part of the city was always crawling with crime, and if Paladin couldn’t stoop down to help those with no voice or influence in the city, then someone else would have to.
Suddenly, an alarm pierced the air. Hugo took off running towards it.
Caroline remained more lucid this time, which she wasn’t sure was a good thing. It did mean that she was actually aware of what she was doing, though. She- or maybe Paladin, through her. But no, this was her fault. She shouldn’t have let it come to this. She bore the blame- was robbing a bank in what seemed like a shabby, poor part of town, which seemed like an objectively stupid thing to do. Wouldn’t it make more sense to go after a bigger bank? Or maybe Paladin was experimenting, getting her known as a criminal before he could go after the bigger crimes?
She felt sick.
An alarm was triggered at the bank, wailing through the air and piercing her eardrums. She would have instinctually cringed back had she not been being controlled. She was using anger to cover up her fear and horror.
Suddenly, a dark shape fell out of the sky and landed next to her. Her breath snagged, but to her surprise, it wasn’t Paladin. It was someone several years younger, with messier, lighter hair, and a gray suit rather than Paladin’s black with cream detailing.
“I’m sorry to be a bother, but I’m afraid I must ask you to stop.” He smiled casually, almost apologetically, as if he really did hate to interrupt.
She, of course, couldn’t respond. Actually, she hardly paused her movements as she worked on opening the vault, which she thought was quite rude.
“Ma’am?” The interloper waved his hand in front of her face. “I don’t want to tell you how to do your job- or, um, hobby- but I would really recommend robbing a different bank.”
Paladin finally made her turn her head to look it him, and she attentively studied his deep gray eyes, a small quirk to his lip.
“Anything you’d manage to collect here would barely buy you a nice dinner, and if that’s your concern, I’d be happy to take you to one myself.” He winked flippantly.
Paladin very strongly disliked him, which made Caroline like him more. Then she flicked her wrist at him and he was thrown backwards into the wall. He crumpled to the floor, coughing. Caroline revolted, pushing back against Paladin’s power with all her might. Her own power remained gathered within her from the recent use, and taking Paladin by surprise gave her a big advantage.
Just then Paladin chose to make his entrance, dropping in dramatically from the ceiling. He was staring at her in aggravation, the only sign of the invisible war inside of her.
“I’ll give you one chance to surrender,” Paladin announced, the words a threat to her in more ways than one.
The boy in gray had stood up and walked over, making a face at Paladin. “I have this handled. Don’t you have a party to attend or something?”
Paladin snarled at him, and this newfound distraction gave Caroline just enough leeway to break through.
She stared desperately at the boy in gray. “Please don’t leave me.” Her voice was small and scared, but it still made both the men freeze. The gray one’s lips parted in confusion, brow ruffled beneath his mask as he studied her. Paladin looked furious. His power crushed her in, suddenly, overwhelmingly, and in less than a second she was once again encased within blankness.
Caroline didn’t notice the boy in gray’s struggle to stay by her as she fought Paladin. She didn’t hear the times he tried to speak to her. She didn’t see Paladin finally threatening him, or the boy’s final reluctant glance over his shoulder.
She only knew that he did leave her.
Tag list (message me if you want to be added or removed): @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @twistedcaretaker @lonesome--hunter @poppys-writing @endless-whump @jkoo7jkoo5-baby-susan @multifandoms-multishipper @shadowylemon @cherryblossomskye @utopian819 @whumpkitty @whole-and-apart-and-between @written-to-death @ill-eat-you-if-you-cross-me @villain-enthusiast @hurting-fictional-people @kixngiggles @onestopheroxvillain @lave-e @bibliophilelifestyle
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Short Story: Kiss me, for I am dying.
A/N: this story was crafted yesterday at midnight so I can't assure the quality of it at all. It is inspired in a theatre/legend we have here in Spain called Los Amantes de Teruel, or The Teruel Lovers in english. It's like the Spanish less known version of Romeo and Juliet.
Word count: 1901.
TW: mentions of death.
I don't have a general taglist or anything on the sort, but @nathandoesntknow asked me to tag them, so here you go! enjoy my midnight weird af inspiration I guess.
Five months ago, Jaime would've just left if he saw that on the rooftop of the campus was already someone.
Five months ago, if he had seen that stranger sitting there- feet dangling in the air and looking at the sunset- was Isa, he would’ve turned on his heels and left before she could even so much but noticed him.
Or maybe he would’ve “asked” (more like demanded) her to go somewhere else.
Jaime and Isa hated each other. Pure and simple.
Ever since the first day of university, when Isa had given him a “you are annoying” look after Jaime had accidentally hitted her backpack, launching all her stuff through the hall.
No matter how many times he had tried to convince her that it hadn’t been on purpose, she had said that it was his fault over and over again.
If that wasn’t enough, they had not only been forced to sit next to each other for their whole third year (since it was extremely rude to tame someone else’s seat after the first week of classes) but they also were constantly competing on the top of the class.
If Isa had a 95% on the midterm, Jaime had a 98%.
If Jaime had scored a 9,9 out of ten in that essay, Isa had gotten the full mark.
Everyone saw it as a nice academic competition, the kind that made you better every day and it was healthy. Sometimes it could also be mistaken for a nice banter, or even a bit of university drama.
Isa and Jaime saw it as a live or die battle where only one of them could succeed.
Spanish had been the only subject Jaime had ever been really good at, for as long as he could remember. His zeroes in maths had always mattered less next to his tens in Spanish.
When he had told his father that his dream was to become a spanish teacher, the old man had simply nodded and said “I was not expecting less”. And so, one entrance exam to Salamanca’s university later, Jaime knew he was starting to walk the path of his future.
But while his passions were words formation, syntax and how the language had developed into today’s form; Isa had decided to study the career for a whole different reason.
It was clear that she felt completely herself when discussing novels and authors. Her essays on every single topic were excellent quality (even Jaime had to admit it) and they always provided a new, fresh way of thinking.
And maybe that's why some months ago, whatever they had agreed on had taken place.
Now, when the morning classes had already finished, Isa was already on the rooftop, a book in hand and a notebook resting on her legs.
“You are late. Again.” She remarked when she saw Jaime’s blond hair.
“Some of us have life, Isabel.” he answered in the same cold tone and took a seat in front of her.
“Being the teacher’s pet is not having a life.” They both held each other's gazes for a while, until instead of intimidating, they were staring.
The wind whooshed, making the students snap back.
Jaime cleared his throat and Isa focused on her book .“What are we revising today?” asked him.
She tapped the pages of her notebook with a pen. “Los Amantes de Teruel. Spanish version of Romeo and Juliet, I believe. Since you haven't finished it, even though it was due yesterday.” Isa added, a sassy remark included in her voice.
Jaime rolled his eyes.
Lovers of Teruel.
It is true that he had been stuck for three months in a 170 pages novel. But there were far more interesting things to do than read how two fools felt in love only to die at the end.
“I would've finished it if I hand’t been busy correcting someone’s homework.'' He remarked, as he searched for his own copy of the book inside his backpack.
Isa just scoffed, and gave him another “you are annoying” look. Jaime had to make an effort not to smile.
“You know? I wonder if those death stares are unically for me, like a personalized stare.”
“Oh, right, because you are so important in my life that I decided to give you an specific look whenever you say or do something stupid.”
“I mean… You asked me for help that day, so I guess I must be somewhat important, dear Isa.”
“I asked you for help?” she repeated, astonished “You were roaming this rooftop for weeks until I got fed up with how creepy it looked and told you to help me with that assignment, which, for the record, was perfect.”
That was true. Her assignment had been flawless, but Jaime would rather die than to admit that out loud.
“Are you planning on finishing this book with me or do you want to keep talking?” He grinned then “I’m sure there are a ton of other things you could use your mouth for, but I’d like to be prepared for my exam next week.”
Her slight blush felt like a personal win. Until she stroke back, of course.
“One: that is extremely gross, and I don’t want to know about the weird fantasies you have with my mouth. And two: it’s your turn ‘Diego’, so read.”
Since there was no point in reading plays in silence and to themselves, at the beginning of the book (three months ago), Jaime and Isa had divided the roles, taking the two main characters with them: he as Diego and her as Isabel.
“You were practically born for this role” had joked Jaime and Isa wondered how far from the ground they were… and how hard she would have to shove him.
They read some scenes out loud, stopping to make some points on the narrative, paraphrase or make a summary of what they got so far. If it was true that individually they worked really well, as a team it was almost magical.
“Kiss me, for I am dying” said Jaime/Diego for the second time. Isabel had just rejected his lover, since she had already married and didn’t wish to deceive her now husband.
“And then Diego dies because he can’t bear the pain that causes him not being able to love Isabel.” the girl closed her book, and got up, stretching “It’s late, we should go before the campus closes.”
Jaime nodded and tagged alone, but stayed quiet the whole time until they were about to leave the university.
Then, just before partying ways, the question escaped his lips “Would you kiss me if my life depended on it.?”
Both of them looked equally surprised. When he didn’t add anything else, Isa understood he was waiting for an answer.
Well, what do you answer when someone asks that without a warning?
If there’s one thing Isa had clear was that Jaime and her weren’t friends. They weren’t even study buddies! They were just two students of the same class who happened to help each other out every now and then…
And for what?
“Let’s be glad that it doesn't.” she finally said, and turned away, wanting to run as quickly as her legs could carry her.
Would you kiss me if my life depended on it?. Two college students were replaying the same question over and over in their heads. Tossing and turning, unable to sleep.
Isa didn’t have the guts to go back to the rooftop in the next few weeks. Since Jaime had handed in his essay on the novel, she had assumed he had finished it on his own.
That was good, right?
Now, both of them averted their eyes, and tried really hard not to cross paths.
What had been Jaime thinking when he asked that?! Oh right, he had been not thinking at all!
Still, not knowing the answer to the damn question was getting on his nerves. Not that he desperately wanted Isa to kiss him, that could never happen but…
Hypothetically he wanted to know.
Two weeks before finals, they both bumped into each other at the rooftop. Seeing Jaime’s figure -his back to her and his face to the orange sun-, made Isa stop on her tracks.
The door slammed closed and the guy turned around.
Awkwardness was all over the place.
“The library is super crowded and-” started to explain her. He nodded.
“I know, that’s why I’m here.”
A few minutes of silence and then:
“You finished the play.” commented Isa.
“Yeah, I did” Jaime rubbed his neck, nervous “Thanks for sharing your notes, by the way. They were really helpful.”
“Oh, um, no problem.”
“And, about that question…”
“It 's okay! You don’t have to explain anything.”
“No, really, I don’t know how it happened.”
“It’s fine, there’s no need to apologize, really.”
More silence in between them.
“I can go if you want me to.” offered then Jaime. She lifted up her gaze at him.
“The rooftop is big enough for the two of us, and I know you don't like studying at the library.”
Isa had been thinking about how much she noticed about Jaime without actually wanting to: his likes and dislikes, how he frowned slightly when there was a concept he was not following, his happy smiles whenever there was something he was pleased about…
He was grinning like that now.
“Earth calling Isa, are you there?” She blinked a few times.
“Yeah, totally. Here. Present.”
Jaime decided it was now or never.
He lifted up his hand, the one holding the book and showed it to her. "We never finished reading."
"You handed in your essay already. Why would we finish reading it?"
Clearly none of this was working. The guy slided his backpack on his shoulder. "I should go, Alejandro needs me for this book analysis-" he rambled.
"Go" Isa nodded and then smiled. "Teacher 's pet."
He just laughed awkwardly and headed out.
Isa had hated every single second of that conversation. Even if it's true they never had a friendly relationship, they had somewhat grown closer along the few months they had tutored each other.
What did Jaime really mean to her? He was insufferable sometimes, that's true. Arrogant in class and a stupid know-it-all…
But he was also brilliant. And he was kinder than he wanted to show: he had given her his jacket to go home when it was raining once; and even shared his notes with her when she had been sick.
The girl ran downstairs.
Jaime was about to go inside the teacher's office when she finally got to him. In a final effort after her sprint, she tried grabbing his arm.
The guy turned around, really surprised.
"Isa, what-"
"Ask me again." she demanded.
"Ask. Me. Again" Isa pleaded out of breath. Her courage would flee anytime soon and then-
"Bésame, que me muero." he whispered.
Kiss me, for I'm dying.
Their lips touched.
"Do you like this ending better?" she asked after the kiss, a sly smile already forming.
He tipped his head back and laughed "Much better."
In Spain whenever someone mentions Lovers of Teruel, we have a saying that sort of finishes the sentence: stupid her and stupid him. Since they both die foolishly.
Luckily, we can assure that the sentence does not apply to Jaime nor Isa.
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bastillewolf · 4 years
It’s More About Looks Than Skill (IX)
Pairing: Ryuk/Reader
Summary: Ryuk finds himself gaining feelings for Light Yagami’s best friend, but she doesn’t know he exists. When he makes the grave mistake of touching her, he makes things a lot more complicated.
Notes: Hope you enjoy ;)))
Let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list! If I wasn’t able to tag you, please check your settings and send me another ask.
@sarai-ibn-la-ahad​​, @rustypotatospork​​ @mantisandthemoondragon @baby-queen-girl​​ @itscalledtrust​​ @emilyshurley​​ @killtherandomness​​ @selmeuuh​​ @felicity291​​ @mahou-no-momo​​​ @bakarinnie​​​ @beccawinter​​​ @chantelle-c333​​​ @ria-demon29​​
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Chapter IX
The café was rather quiet, most seats inhabited by typing away behind their laptops or cocooned between their books in an anxious attempt to memorise as much as possible. She recognized some of them as her fellow peers, yet she didn’t feel nearly as stressed; she was at the top of her class, she didn’t have much to worry about. Learning things was like riding a bicycle to her. She never forgets, and it’s just the same wheels that keep spinning.
She ordered a cup of tea while she waited, and glanced down at her watch. She had been told to meet at this exact location, at this exact time.
She was waiting for her date.
 “Does my hair look okay?”
Light studied the Shinigami for a good, serious moment. “…I don’t think anyone in this universe or the next would know what to do with your hair.”
“Hm. I’ll take that as a compliment.”
Ryuk had spent quite some time preparing for his big date. He’d dusted off his clothes, polished his accessories, combed his hair and had even convinced Light to get him his own toothbrush. Though when he’d begged to let him borrow his cologne, the boy thought it went too far.
“It would be suspicious,” Light had explained, “People would be confused as to why there was a random waft of expensive perfume passing them.”
“But you humans are so smelly all the time! I can’t tell where which smell is coming from, because you all wear something different and prominent.”
“What does the Shinigami world smell like, then?”
Ryuk shrugged, “Rotten.”
Light pulled up his nose.
“I don’t see why you’re preventing me from having a successful date,” the Shinigami continued, “I can’t wear your smelly fragrance, I can’t wear makeup and you didn’t even tell her it was me she would be going on a date with. It’s not fair.”
“Stop it about the cologne. You’re not wearing makeup, because that’s for girls, mostly. And I can’t just tell her it’s you.”
“Why not?”
“Have you looked in a mirror recently? You’re a Shinigami, not a cute boy from school. She’d freak out. We need to do this through slow, deliberate steps.”
Ryuk huffed, “Fine.”
 When half an hour had passed, she was starting to grow annoyed. Her second cup of tea had long been consumed, and her third one was now getting cold. She picked up her phone.
“I really hope you have a good explanation for this, Light,” she ground out.
She heard some whispers in the background on the other end of the line, before the boy in question finally responded. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Is your date not going well?”
“No, it’s not going well. Because no one showed up, you buffoon! Tell me this is not some scheme you’re playing out to get me to do something for you-know-who.”
You-know-who had been the decided upon codeword when they referred to Light’s other identity, or to the Death Note. Well, decided upon by her, really. And Ryuk made the final call, as it was her word against Light’s.
“It’s not, I promise. He must’ve gotten lost or something. I’ll call him, all right?”
“Light, you wouldn’t set me up with idiotic boys who get lost-“
She glanced down at her phone with a gaping mouth. He’d just hung up on her.
 She didn’t have to wait long before Light was able to get a message through. Only, it didn’t come to her phone this time.
“Ryuk? What are you doing here?”
Her mistake was evident; people were looking at her funny. She quickly held her phone back up to her ear, smiling awkwardly at one of her classmates, who had also turned their head in curiosity. She’d have to remind herself of that trick more often if she wished to spend frequent time with the Shinigami in public.
The God of death sat in the booth across from her, so she didn’t have to turn her head oddly for the fake phone call she was having. Well, perhaps her eyes gave her away, as they looked up to meet the eyes towering above hers, even as he was sitting down.
“Light asked me to tag along on your date. You know, for moral support.”
“Moral support? Do you even know what that is? Do you even know what dating entails?” She asked.
He blinked. “Sure. Flowers and kisses and all that. Now, I was also asked to tell you that your date is at the wrong café. I can take you there.”
She sighed in annoyance. “I knew Light couldn’t plan a date for the life of him. He’s never even been on one! I’ll be shocked if he even manages to snag himself a girl. Or boy.”
Ryuk chuckled, and guided her outside.
He floated slightly above her as they walked the streets, careful not to bump into any people. He could not afford to mess this up now, he was so close to finally getting what he wanted. Or attempting to get what he wanted. Asking nicely, probably. Begging, maybe.
She wavered in her step as a breeze flew by. And another. She glanced up at him, her eyebrow lifted.
“Ryuk… are you wearing Light’s cologne?”
The Shinigami gulped. “Eh, I probably spend to much time in his room.”
“Smells a bit too strong for that.”
“Well, perhaps he sprayed it while I was next to him. Why? You don’t like it?”
She only hummed thoughtfully in response, making him sweat from nerves.
 Another thirty minutes passed; this time, at a different café. And she called Light once more.
“I really don’t know where he could be-“
“You know what? I bet he misspelled the word ‘café’. I think I know somewhere he could’ve gone-“
“Light, the fact that you’d even presume I’d go out with someone who shows up late, can’t follow clear directions, or doesn’t know how to spell ‘café’ is honestly insulting. I thought you knew me better than that. Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going home. To study. Like you should be doing right now.”
She hung up on him this time. She barely glanced back at the distressed Shinigami as she stormed out of the shop.
 “You don’t have to follow me around anymore, Ryuk. No date is going to take place any time soon.”
He thought he’d humour her, and floated upside down beside her in the deserted street. He grabbed the rose he’d been hiding slid on his back behind his belt, and held it out to her. “How about I take you out on a date then?”
She suddenly stopped, and he grew wary once more. Until she smiled. Gently taking the rose from his long fingers, she couldn’t help but blush. “When did you get this?”
“Eh, we walked past a flower stand earlier. Snagged one when the lady wasn’t looking.”
“That’s odd. I must’ve missed it.”
Ryuk didn’t have the heart to tell her he’d been carrying it along for the past two days, unable to decide when the right time was to give it to her.
“It’s getting rather dark,” she noted, looking up at the sky.
“Good,” he said, “I’ve got something nice planned for us.”
“You do?”
 It wasn’t quite where she’d expected to end up on a date, but she wasn’t complaining just yet. Until she stepped closer to the ledge of the top of the office building she was standing on, where the people below appeared to have shrunken down to the size of ants.
“Ryuk, not that I mind you taking me up here for the view, but I don’t really do well with standing this close to ledges.”
He grabbed her hand gently, “I won’t let you fall.”
Her lips quirked up, as her eyes moved across his folded wings. “Do you ever really go flying with those anymore? You know, not floating a bit above the ground, but above the clouds?”
“That must be really cool.”
He glanced down at her with a curious look in his eyes. “What’s so cool about it?”
“You know, just the fluffy white below, and nothing but the stars above while the wind blows in your face. I know rollercoasters have tried to recreate what it’s like to fly, but I don’t think they’ve made all that successful attempts.”
“I don’t know what or who rollercoasters are, but I doubt they’d know what it’s like if they don’t even have wings.”
“That’s true.”
He hadn’t taken his eyes off her yet, when an idea struck him. He bent down to his knees. “Hop on.”
“You heard me. Hop on.”
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quarter-past-eleven · 4 years
Pokemon Fic Recs
Ok so I noticed that there aren't enough Pokemon recs on Tumblr so I'm hoping to help out. These will mostly be gen fics but there may be some Satugou too. Anyways enjoy.
Ash crashes into the Pokemon Center, alone, bleeding, and desperate. Pikachu's catatonic. He tries to ignore the fact that Hunter J is after him, that he just jumped out of a moving aircraft thousands of feet in the sky, that his friends have no idea where he is, that he barely knows.
He can't let anyone know. He's not sure why, but the secret's pretty hard to hide when you're covered in blood and not the best liar.
He shudders at the fact that she's after him, now. Not his Pokemon. Rare, she said. Aura.
He wants to throw up.
Amazing. Beautiful. Deserves way more attention. This is around 45,000 words too so it's good to read in a few hours. This is also part of a series so if you want to read it I would just go looking. Enjoy. @imaginaryyinspiration
Lusamine's smile, glued on— like when he forced a smile when he secretly wanted to cry, except she was hiding something much more bitter inside than just repressed fear and bad memories. Her voice, though smooth and dripping with syrupy sweetness (sticky and thick and nauseating), was as grating on his ears as nails dragging long and hard down a chalkboard, sending chills up and down his spine.
She was too sweet, cloying, like when copious amounts of perfume were added to hide a foul smell, choking the air around him.
Ash hadn't been truly scared of someone in a long time. Lusamine...she was terrifying.
Another amazing fic by imaginaryinspiration. I absolutely adore this series and hope more people will too cause it doesn't have the attention it deserves.
Ilima was in Kalos during the Crisis, so it's only logical that he knows Ash Ketchum's name. He just hadn't ever expected to see one of the heroes of Kalos attending his old school.
This just makes sense.. like Ash has done some insane fucking freaking things and like no ones noticed, he was on the News for fucks sake in Kalos and lime no one recognised him. Anyway amazing fic loved it, yoy should read it and check out @grainjew while your at it.
A suggestion from Professor Kukui leads to Ash learning yet another language. Featuring an—erm—overenthusiastic green Noctowl; a study in the ridiculous naming of things in the Alola region; and a whole lotta friendship along the way.
or: that one fic where Ash learns Hawaiian Alolan. it goes about as well as you’d expect.
Crack Fic!Crack Fic! Sorry I love crack fics and this one is so funny. The DuoLingo owl haunts my dreams and will now haunt everyone else. Enjoy!
Alola has a rich history of vibrant stories and colorful tales, most full of merriment and joy. However, as a dark remainder of Alola's past is brought back into the light, our heroes will have to face a frozen wasteland and icy ticking time bomb in order to save everyone.
Pokemon movie in the form of a fic? Yes fucking please! I love it it's amazing and I hope more people read it cause it deserves attention. @kisskiss-where-is-season-two
When Ash falls ill a day before Serena's performance, his Pokémon make sure that their Trainer gets the rest he needs, even if they have to be a little forceful. Ash has always taken care of his Pokémon, and his Pokémon will always take care of him. Sometimes the best cure for the flu is plenty of TLC.
Ash's pokemon being protective. That's all I gotta say. @animationnut
Ash and his friends meet up with Misty on a tour of a legendary movie studio in Virbank City, where a new horror film is in production. But a studio tour and an autograph session turn into mayhem when the chills and thrills of the screen come to life!
Again... Pokemon movie in the form of a fic. @zdbztumble
Ash reached the semifinals of the Lily of the Valley Conference. He’s not a rookie trainer any more, and he’s definitely not an idiot. Now he’s starting a new journey in the Unova region, and this time nothing is going to stop him from winning the Vertress Conference and moving one step closer to becoming a Pokémon Master.
A fix-it fic for Ash in Unova. Instead of Ash resetting we say how he grows and helps people again. Also, Iris is less annoying.
Ash is having the time of his life in Alola. Meanwhile, something dark is brewing back in Kalos. Greninja stumbles upon something terrifying and tries to warn Ash. It all gets much worse from there before it gets any better.
I don't wanna spoil anything but I'm just gonna say that it's amazing and you have to read it. @its-railou
Sophocles challenges Ash to a one on one battle, and Ash ask an old friend for help. (I’m not spoiling it in the characters. But maybe you can guess it by the title.)
I will respect the authors wishes and spoil who ot is but it is a good fic about Ash proving his friends wrong again.
Anyways I hope you enjoy the fics and support the writers. I'm gonna see if they have Tumblrs and if they do I will tag them xx
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rhosyn-du · 3 years
Never make a mess when a total catastrophe will do - Chapter Six
Pairings: Jimon, past Clace, background Clizzy, a bunch of other minor background pairings Rating: Explicit Art: @cor321​ Beta: @all-thestories-aretrue​ Tags:  Alternate Universe - College/University, fake dating, oh my god they were roommates, friends with benefits, idiots to lovers, pining, miscommunication, holidays, drinking games, mistletoe, symbolically significant Oreos, domestic fluff, brief mention of past character death, Jace’s self-worth issues deserve their own tag Summary: What do you do when you find out your sister is not only dating your ex and love-of-your-high-school-life but is also bringing her home for Christmas? Bring your annoying, hot, annoyingly-hot roommate as your fake boyfriend to show them you're totally fine with it, obviously! There's no possible way this could backfire. Link: AO3 , Tumblr Master Post
Chapter Six
The irritation had been building all day, like sand rubbing under his skin, and it was especially irritating because Jace knew he didn’t have a good reason for it. Nothing was actually wrong, just a string of little frustrations that hadn’t let up all day, from the ancient coffee maker in their kitchen that didn’t start brewing when it was set to, meaning he had to go to his morning classes without any caffeine, to discovering he’d left his history textbook at home when his professor announced a surprise open-book quiz, right on through to missing his bus home and having to wait forty minutes for the next one, meaning he walked in the door with less than fifteen minutes before his friends were supposed to show up at his place for a group study session.
“Oh, hey,” Simon said when he walked through the door. “You’re home. I was starting to wonder if I got the day wrong and we weren’t having people over tonight, but then Bat texted asking if he should bring Spicy Ranch Doritos—which, obviously—so I figured you were probably just running late, which it turns out you were.”
“Excellent observational skills.” Jace tossed his bag onto the couch, not looking at Simon, and headed for the kitchen, intending to grab a beer from the fridge. Except when he opened it, there weren’t any left, and he realized he’d completely forgotten to go to the store the day before, because of course he had.
He slammed the refrigerator door shut, taking out his frustration on the appliance. It wasn’t as satisfying as he’d hoped.
“Everything okay?”
Jace spun around to find Simon in the doorway, watching him with an expression that held both wariness and concern.
“Everything’s peachy.”
“Yeah, I can tell,” Simon said mildly. “You definitely use the word ‘peachy’ in casual conversation when things are going great.”
Jace took a deep breath, let it out slowly. “Look, I’ve had a shitty day, all right? I’ve had a shitty day, and we’re out of beer, and I don’t need you trying to get me to talk out my feelings or whatever it is you’re trying to do right now.”
“Okay,” Simon agreed. “What do you need?”
Jace blinked. “What?”
“You don’t need to talk about your shitty day,” Simon said, moving into the kitchen to lean on the counter next to him. “So what do you need? Lily’s bringing beer, so that’s already taken care of.”
It should have been a simple question to answer, but Jace wasn’t used to people asking what he needed. Jace wasn’t used to considering what he needed.
“I don’t know.”
“What about a distraction?” Simon offered.
“A distraction,” Jace repeated, skeptical.
“Yeah.” Simon was grinning as he hooked his fingers through Jace’s belt loops and pulled their bodies together. “A distraction.”
Jace licked his lips, dropped his eyes to Simon’s mouth. “People are going to be here in eight minutes.” He didn’t have any objections to spending those eight minutes making out with Simon.
Simon’s grin widened. “Guess I’d better work fast, then.”
And then he dropped to his knees.
Jace sucked in a sharp breath as Simon popped the button on his jeans. “What are you doing?”
“I know you’ve had a shitty day,” Simon said, pulling down Jace’s fly, “but you can’t be that out of it.”
Jace let out a soft laugh and let himself slump back against the refrigerator door as Simon took out his rapidly-plumping cock and worked him to full hardness with his hands and mouth.
He was used to Simon teasing, giving him almost enough and then pulling back until he was desperate with it. This was the opposite, with every touch, every lick and swallow driving him relentlessly toward the edge, the frustration of his day bleeding away as Simon blew him with expert efficiency.
In almost no time at all, Jace was struggling to keep his legs under him as he felt his balls start to draw up, and he was so close—
And that was when Simon, the absolute fucker, pulled off his dick to remark with far more casualness than the situation called for, “Did you lock the door when you got home? Because people are going to be here, like, any second.”
Then his mouth was back on Jace’s dick, swallowing him down like it was his job, and Jace was cursing because no, he hadn’t locked the door and any second their friends could walk in and see—Jace, desperate and falling apart; Simon, swollen red lips wrapped around Jace’s cock taking him apart—and that was—it was—
There was a sharp knock on the door, and Jace came with a strangled shout.
Simon worked him through it, pulling back only when a second knock sounded at the door. “Be there in just a minute,” he called, sounding far too composed for someone who’d just given fucking fantastic blowjob.
Simon stood, pressing a quick kiss to Jace’s lips before saying, “Somehow, I just knew you’d have a bit of an exhibitionism kink,” and heading for the door, leaving Jace to fumble his pants closed and try look like he hadn’t just had his brain sucked out through his dick.
“You all right, man?” Bat greeted him as he entered the kitchen, arms loaded with far too many bags of Doritos for six people.
“Uh,” Jace said intelligently.
“Heard you shouting and I figured you must’ve hurt yourself. You were pretty loud.”
“I heard you down the hall,” Maureen added from the living room.
“Yeah, just stubbed my toe,” Jace lied, heading out to the living room. “Somebody left his stats book on the floor, and I tripped.”
Simon flashed him a shit-eating grin. Jace had a hard time not staring at his lips, still red and slightly puffy. “You should really be more careful.”
“Going to go help Maia bring stuff up from her car,” Maureen announced, holding up her phone. “Be right back.”
“You do know,” Jace told Simon in a low voice, “that I’m going to get payback for that, right?”
Simon’s smile grew smug. “Yeah. I do.”
After an hour of going over his notes and rehashing the earlier quiz with Lily, Jace was feeling much better about his history class, and even had some ideas for his end-of-term paper. They all took a break when the pizza they’d ordered arrived, and Jace found himself squeezed between Lily and Simon on the couch.
“So,” Lily said around a mouthful of pepperoni and cheese, “you two ready for your big wedding performance this weekend? Please say no, because I’ve still got fifty bucks riding on you not making it through this without panicking.”
“Your concern is so touching,” Jace said. “I really don’t know what I’d do without such supportive friends.”
“Based on what I saw the night we met, you’d spend a lot more time getting drinks thrown in your face by girls whose names you forgot,” Maia said.
“I did not forget her name,” Jace protested. “I hit on her girlfriend.”
“Not actually better,” Maureen observed.
“Okay, one, I had no idea they were dating, and two, not my fault she flirted back.”
“Just try not to get any drinks thrown in your face at cousin Rachel’s wedding,” Simon said, patting his knee condescendingly. And then left it there, like it was totally normal for him to touch Jace casually like this in front of their friends.
“Would it be cheating if I bribed Simon’s sister to take someone Jace hooked up with as her plus one?” Lily asked.
Jace thought she really didn’t need to. He was already panicking.
“Yes,” said Maia and Bat at the same time Simon said, “Oh god, please don’t.”
“You guys are no fun,” Lilly pouted, reaching for another slice of pizza.
“Speaking of Becky,” Maia said with affected casualness, “I was wondering if you could tell her—”
“Give me your phone,” Simon interrupted, holding out his hand. This had the effect of removing his hand from Jace’s knee, and Jace tried not to miss it.
“Sure,” Maia said slowly, pulling her phone out of her pocket. “Why do you need my phone?”
Simon took the phone and pulled up Maia’s contacts. “So you just text my sister instead of asking me to be your messenger pigeon.” He passed the phone back. “Or call her. I’m not picky as long as I don’t have to be involved.”
Maia stared at the phone for a few seconds, then shrugged and put it back in her pocket with a sigh. “Yeah, okay. Fair. I guess I can, like, be an adult about this or something.”
“Good,” Simon said, his hand making its way back to Jace’s knee. No one else seemed to notice, and Jace tried not to react. “Please do it before Sunday so I don’t have to listen to Becky failing to be subtle about asking about you.”
Maia bit back a grin. “She asks about me?”
“Who wants to place bets on how long it takes Maia to actually call this girl?” Lily asked.
“Okay, you need to turn down the charm a little bit or I think Bubbe Helen is actually going to try to adopt you,” Simon said as Jace returned from his sixth dance with Simon’s grandmother. Jace didn’t think Simon needed to know that she’d used every one of those to grill him on his family, his plans for the future, his intentions toward her grandson.
“Just tell her you’re not into incest,” Jace told him, eliciting a gagging noise from Becky, the only one of Simon’s relatives still sitting at the table with them.
“Your boyfriend is gross,” Becky informed Simon, stabbing a spear of asparagus from her plate.
Jace grinned at her. “Simon wanted me to turn down the charm. I’m just trying to be accommodating.” He grabbed Simon’s hand and lifted it to his lips to kiss his knuckles. It was something they’d been doing all day, exchanging little gestures of affection like they couldn’t quite keep their hands off each other. Which was actually kind of true in Jace’s case.
It had started during the ceremony, Jace bumping Simon’s shoulder when he noticed him start to tear up during the vows. He’d meant it to be lightly teasing, but Simon had simply flashed him a watery smile and taken his hand, lacing their fingers together. Jace’s stomach had made an odd little flip and he’d squeezed Simon’s hand, and they just...hadn’t stopped touching each other. All through the rest of the ceremony and reception, it was a stream of constant little touches that made Jace wish for things he couldn’t have, and yet he couldn’t bring himself to stop touching either.
It didn’t help that Simon looked really good in a suit.
“That’s playing dirty,” Becky huffed. “I can’t hate you when you make my brother smile like that.”
“It’s all part of my devious plan.” He threw a sideways glance at Simon, hoping to catch the smile only to find him glaring daggers at his sister.
“Aww,” Becky cackled, “are you embarrassed? That’s adorable.”
“Embarrassed that you’re my sister? Yes.”
“Consider it payback for your presence throughout my entire adolescence.”
Jace leaned in. “Is there a story here? It sounds like there’s a story.”
“Dude, don’t encourage her.”
Becky leaned back in her chair, a predatory gleam in her eyes. “I have so many stories.”
“Oh, look.” Simon said, standing suddenly and pulling Jace along with him. “There’s Aunt Ruth. We should really go say hi.”
“I’ll still have stories to tell your boyfriend when you get back,” Becky called after them. “Jace, ask him about the llamas!”
Jace followed Simon, barely holding in his laughter as they ducked through the crowd of wedding guests, and then through an unobtrusive door that led out into an empty hallway.
“I’m so sorry about her,” Simon said, finally turning to face him and looking genuinely apologetic.
Jace shook his head. “Don’t be. I was having fun. I can see why Becky and Maia get along so well.”
“Because they’re both more than happy to tell embarrassing stories about me?” Simon joked.
“Can you blame them? It is pretty fun to watch you get all worked up.”
“You do seem to enjoy getting me worked up,” Simon agreed with a quirk of his eyebrows. “But my cousin’s wedding really isn’t the place for that.”
Jace glanced around the empty hallway. This was a bad idea. A really, really bad idea.
He turned back to Simon, a suggestive smile playing across his lips. “You sure about that?”
“Jace.” Simon’s voice was warning even as his eyes flicked to Jace’s lips and back up again.
Jace curled a hand around the back of Simon’s neck. “Because I’m not sure there’s any such thing as a bad place to get you worked up.”
“Literally everyone I’m related to is in the next room,” Simon protested. But he didn’t pull away.
“Fair point,” Jace conceded. He glanced around the hallway, then tried the nearest door. It opened into a room just large enough to not qualify as a closet. Jace raised a questioning eyebrow at Simon.
Simon looked dubiously at the stacks of office supplies that lined one wall, then back at Jace. “How are you so good at convincing me to make bad decisions?” Simon asked before grabbing him by the tie and dragging him into a kiss.
Jace grinned against his mouth as they stumbled into the room. “It’s my superpower. I got bitten by a radioactive advertising executive as a teenager.”
“Fuck,” Simon muttered, kicking the door closed behind them. “You can’t make Spider-Man references when I’m kissing you; that’s cheating.”
“Yeah?” Jace asked, pushing him against the wall that wasn’t occupied by reams of printer paper. “Does it get you hot when I talk nerdy to you?” He tugged at Simon’s shirt, pulling it free from his pants. “Or does everything I do get you hot?”
“Definitely not everything.” Simon nipped along his jaw. “Your ego, for example? Very unattractive.”
“Now you’re just making things up.” He slid a hand down to cup Simon through his pants, and Simon bucked into the touch. “My ego definitely gets you hot.”
“I know—fuck.” He rocked into Jace’s hand again. “I know some guys have trouble separating their egos from their dicks, but I never thought you’d be one of them.”
“Any association between my ego and my dick is well-deserved.” He tugged at Simon’s belt. “Don’t bother trying to argue. We both know it’d be a lie.”
“Yeah, that’s not actually how arguments wo—oh.” Simon cut off, eyes wide, as Jace dropped to his knees.
Jace smirked up at him. “I figure the best way to avoid staining your suit is if you come in my mouth. Unless you’ve got objections.”
“I have exactly zero objections to having your mouth on me.” Simon curled a hand around Jace’s jaw, drawing his thumb along Jace’s bottom lip. “Like, ever.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Jace flicked his tongue out to catch the tip of Simon’s thumb and reached to finish unbuckling his belt.
He froze at the unmistakable sound of the door opening behind him.
Jace’s eyes were trained on Simon’s face, so he saw the emotions play out across it in real time: surprise, then panic, then a slowly dawning horror.
“Bubbe Helen!” Simon’s voice just barely managed to avoid being a squeak. “Hi! We were, uh, we were just—” He looked down at Jace helplessly.
The thing was, Jace had always been good in a crisis. No, that wasn’t exactly right. He’d always been calm in a crisis. Probably as a result of having endured so many starting at such a young age.
So, his gaze and voice were completely steady as he took Simon’s hand in both his own and asked, “Will you marry me?”
He heard a voice behind him that sounded suspiciously like Becky mutter, “Oh my god.”
Simon stared. “Wha—uh. Yes?” His eyes flickered up toward the doorway, then back to Jace. “Yes,” he said more firmly. “I will definitely marry you, which is of course why you’re on your knees right now, and…”
His voice trailed off as Jace pulled his ring—his father’s ring, the only ring he ever wore—off his own finger and slid it onto Simon’s. It was a little loose, but not enough to slide off.
Simon flexed his hand, the fluorescent light above glinting off the brushed platinum. And then he was pulling Jace to his feet and into a kiss that held a decidedly hysterical edge.
The kiss was short-lived, interrupted by a very deliberate throat clearing. Jace kept Simon’s hand clasped firmly in his as he turned around, the metal of the ring pressing into his skin a reminder of what he’d just done.
Bubbe Helen was watching him with a decidedly unimpressed look. Behind her, Becky had a hand clapped over her mouth, smothering what could have been either an overflow of emotion or laughter.
“Young man, did you just propose marriage to my grandson in a storage closet?”
Jace pasted on his best facsimile of a sheepish smile and prepared to lie his ass off.
“Look, I panicked, okay?”
Outside, rain poured down in heavy sheets, obscuring the passing scenery and dampening any other sounds. It made the inside of the van feel cut off from the rest of the world, like they were alone in their own tiny, bubble universe.
A muscle in Simon’s jaw twitched. “You said that already.” He kept his eyes on the road.
Jace’s eyes fell to the steering wheel, where the soft platinum of his father’s ring still rested on Simon’s finger. “You didn’t have to say yes.”
Simon didn’t respond to that, and Jace wished he could see his eyes, could find even the tiniest clue to what he was thinking. He’d barely said anything since they made their hasty exit from the reception. At least Becky and Bubbe Helen had agreed not to mention Simon’s supposed engagement to his mom until he could tell her himself.
The silence stretched between them as Jace stared out into the blurry downpour. The one saving grace to all of this was that at least no one else knew about it. Their friends would never let them hear the end of it if they found out. And Jace’s family, god, that would be a disaster. Izzy would probably try to plan the whole thing and they’d somehow end up actually married before Jace could even explain the situation to her.
“You know,” Simon said into the silence, “I hated you before I even met you.”
Jace didn’t know what to say to that, didn’t know if there was anything to say to that. That was okay, though, because Simon kept talking.
“Clary’s been my best friend since we were kids. My mom likes to tell the story of how we met on the playground and spent the whole day trying to build a moat around the swing set so no one else could play on it, but I don’t actually remember it. I don’t remember a time when I wasn’t friends with Clary. She’s just always been a part of my life. The best part, sometimes.”
He took a deep breath, threw a quick glance at Jace before continuing. “So, of course I fell in love with her.”
The words hit Jace like a punch to the gut, and he was very, very glad Simon’s eyes were back on the road and he couldn’t see the jumble of emotions that Jace was sure were written all over his face.
“We were in sixth grade when I realized,” Simon continued. “I think I’d probably been in love with her for a while, but it just sort of hit me one day that I was just completely and totally gone for her. And it only took me like ten minutes after that to figure out that she didn’t feel the same way about me, but that was okay. I mean, it wasn’t. That kind of thing never is when you’re twelve.” He let out a mirthless laugh. “Or when you’re an adult either, I guess. But it was as okay as it could be because I figured I just had to wait. Clary was the most important person in the world to me, and even though she didn’t love me like I loved her, I knew I was the most important person in her life, too, so I just figured.” He shrugged. “I figured that eventually she’d realize that we could be, you know, more.”
His voice got soft as he continued, “And then she met you.”
Jace sucked in a sharp breath. “Simon, I—”
“I’m glad she did,” Simon interrupted, and he sounded like he meant it. “Even though it sucked at the time. Every time she mentioned you, I just wanted to punch you in the face. Which is why I always made an excuse not to meet you, by the way. I thought if I did and you really were as perfect as she described you, I would actually hit you.”
“I did always wonder about the mysterious best friend who was never around,” Jace said around the odd lump in his throat he couldn’t seem to swallow down. “She talked about you all the time.”
“Yeah?” Simon sounded genuinely surprised. “That’s actually really good to hear. And it makes me even more glad she met you, because her falling for you, even spending so much time with you, it gave me time to get over her.”
The knot in Jace’s throat loosened an inch.
“By the time you guys broke up, I’d actually dated a couple of people who weren’t Clary, and even though I didn’t feel as strongly for any of them as I did for her, I realized that part of what makes our friendship so special is that it is friendship. And I think we might have really fucked that up if we tried to be anything else, so I’m glad we never did, because my friendship with Clary is still one of the best things in my life, and I’m pretty sure it always will be.”
“Is that what you wrote Random Afternoon about? About you and Clary?” It wasn’t what Jace meant to say at all, but he opened his mouth and the words just came tumbling out.
Simon’s let out a soft huff of laughter. “No.” He shook his head. “It’s, uh. It’s not about Clary.”
Jace didn’t understand what was so funny, but he wasn’t going to ask. Just like he wasn’t going to ask who the song was about. Wasn’t going to think about why he cared so much.
“She was my first love, too,” he said instead.
Simon nodded slowly, digesting this information. “I wondered. I mean, when Clary used to talk about you, it sure sounded like you loved her, but once I found out you were, you know, you, I wasn’t so sure anymore.” He was fiddling with the ring, now, twisting it slowly around his finger with his thumb. Jace wondered if he knew he was doing it. “I didn’t think you were a relationship kind of guy.”
“I’m not.” That wasn’t what anyone wanted from him. Even Clary, who really had loved him once upon a time, hadn’t wanted him to stay. And even if someone did want that from him, he was pretty sure now that he wouldn’t know how to give it to them.
“And there hasn’t been anyone since Clary who’s made you reconsider?” Simon’s hands were still on the steering wheel now, his face impassive in the flickering light of passing cars.
Jace thought back to that night weeks ago, when Simon told him that maybe they wouldn’t be a mistake, and just for a second he’d thought—he’d hoped—but of course that wasn’t what Simon had meant.
“Of course not. Stupid question.” Simon flashed him a smile, but there was a worried crease between his brows.
The last thing Jace wanted from him was pity, especially over this. “So, tell me about the llamas,” he said, desperate to change the subject.
Simon winced. “Can we just pretend Becky never mentioned llamas?”
“Nope.” Jace grinned. “If you don’t tell me, I’ll get Maia to ask Becky. I’m sure your sister would be happy to share.”
“You’re seriously the worst,” Simon said before launching into a long, involved story about his and Clary’s third grade trip to a llama farm and how Becky had thought it was hilarious to tell them that llamas were venomous.
“So, there I was, just covered in llama spit,” Simon finished as he unlocked their apartment door, “crying my eyes out because I thought was going to die, with Clary shouting at the poor farmhand that her dad was cop and he was going to go to jail for murder. And of course Becky didn’t even get in trouble or apologize. She just started getting me llama-themed birthday gifts.”
“Just so we’re absolutely clear,” Jace snickered, following him inside, “I’m laughing at you, not with you.”
“Which is one of many reasons I should have known better than to let you meet my sister. Speaking of which,” he pulled Jace’s ring off his finger and held it out, “I wouldn’t want to forget to give this back.”
Jace looked at the ring, then back up at Simon, swallowing hard. “You should keep it. Until we break up.” Something flashed in Simon’s eyes, and Jace hurried to correct himself. “Until we tell our families we broke up, I mean. In case you need to, I don’t know, sell the story.”
“Jace, I know what this ring means to you. I can’t just—”
“You can.” He reached out and closed Simon’s fingers over the ring, holding them there. “I trust you to keep it safe.”
Simon stared at him for a long moment, eyes searching. “Okay,” he agreed. “Until we break up.”
Something in Jace’s chest loosened, and he stepped back, letting Simon’s hand drop from his. “Cool. I’m gonna heat up some pizza rolls. You want me to make enough for you?”
“Sure,” Simon said. “Yeah, pizza rolls sound great. Cheeseburger flavor, not triple cheese, though.”
“Obviously,” Jace said, heading to the kitchen. He didn’t think about the ring, or how naked his hand felt without it. Or why it mattered so much to him that Simon agreed to keep it, if only for a little while.
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hotchley · 4 years
“i’m not a five foot hundred pound girl”
yes i’m using his most iconic quotes as the titles, in my head it was a smart idea
morehotchcontent2020 day one: dad hotch (a lazy day at home with jack)
tagged: @ablogofthecriminalmindsvariety
“don’t give me that look young man, i told you when i bought them that i was going to hide them. you need a break. and i know that you think you can’t take one, but trust me, if you go and do work now, you’re really not going to learn anything.”
jack opened his mouth to protest.
“cheat day,” hotch said with a grin before jack could even formulate an argument.
when upcoming exams cause jack large amounts of stress and sadness, hotch takes it upon himself to make their saturday a little more hopeful and a lot more relaxed
note: I am on season ten, but am aware of certain events in later seasons which may be poorly referenced because i don’t know the actual context, it’s not very relevant to the plot so just go with it it’s fine.
warnings: implied/referenced child abuse
read on ao3!
“You’re up early,” Hotch commented, when Jack entered the kitchen at nine in the morning on a Saturday. He wasn’t trying to be annoying, or make his son feel angry, but he was curious. And a little concerned. He wasn’t an idiot. And just because he’d retired, did not mean he’d forgotten how to profile. Or hear. Jack had been stressed recently. And last night, he’d been pacing his room.
“Couldn’t sleep,” Jack said by way of explanation.
Hotch made a non-committal sound. It was one of those moments where he just felt so out of his depth. “Do you want to talk about it?” he asked, putting his book down.
Jack shrugged. “It’s not that big of a deal. I mean compared to the things that you must’ve been subjected to as a child, it’s nothing.”
Hotch winced, remembering how he’d wanted to keep certain aspects of his childhood from Jack, which had worked until Jack started high school and wanted to know why there weren’t any photos of him with his family around. Hotch had wanted to lie, but too much had happened and it wasn’t fair of him to do that. Instead, he’d spoken to Jack’s therapist, who said that as long as he kept it appropriate, it would help Jack learn to open up as well.
“Buddy, you know I never want you to feel like that. My childhood was decades ago. If something is bothering you, then it’s bothering you. And you can talk to me about it. But you don’t have to. I just wanted to know, that’s all.”
“I just- it’s the exams. There’s so many of them and there’s so much content and I feel like I don’t any of it and it’s stressing me out because I saw the kind of qualifications you need to get into the FBI and I don’t want to disappoint you but I just feel like I’m going to fail and then everyone will be mad at me because I’m supposed to be smart, and then I won’t be able to do anything in life and I’ll just be a failure,” Jack said, voice cracking on the last words.
“Oh Jack. You could never disappoint me. Ever. I’m your dad. That love isn’t conditional. It never has been and it never will be. All I want is for you to do your best,” Hotch said, setting his mug down and moving closer to his son. He didn’t extend his arms, not yet sure whether or not Jack wanted comfort.
Jack was like his mother: he never learnt to hide his emotions because he never felt he had to. But Aaron was no longer Agent Hotchner, he was Jack’s dad. And that meant no profiling. And whilst he was aware that there was a difference between actively profiling someone and knowing their tells, sometimes the line blurred. He didn’t want it to blur.
“But what if- what if I do my best and it isn’t good enough?” Jack whispered.
Hotch couldn’t take it. He hugged Jack, just about managing to cradle the back of his head. When had he gotten so tall?
“Buddy. Your best when you’re under pressure and in test conditions is never going to be the same as your best when you’re relaxed. But what you do then will be your best in the moment. And that’s enough. I promise,” Hotch soothed.
Jack let out another muffled sob, and the two of them stood there whilst Jack finally let the stress that had been building inside him for weeks now, out. Hotch let his son cry. He needed this. They both did. Jack needed to know he was good enough, and that nothing was going to change that. Hotch needed to know his son still trusted him. Hotch wasn’t an idiot. The anniversary of hard times was coming up.
“I’m sorry for ruining your jumper,” Jack mumbled when he pulled away, wiping at his eyes.
Hotch looked down at it. It was well-worn now, as he had realised that wearing jumpers round the house was so much more comfortable than a button-down, and he no longer had any reason to be parading around in a suit, because all he had to do now was be a dad.
“You haven’t ruined it. You’ve added character,” Hotch joked.
Jack laughed, but it sounded forced.
“I meant what I said,” Hotch said, tone serious.
“I know. I just—I don’t know. Needed to hear that.”
“Do you know what else you need?” Hotch asked.
Jack shook his head. “But I bet you’re about tell me, aren’t you?”
Hotch nodded, walking over to the cupboard full of baking things- yes, he had taken up baking after he retired, and no, he wasn’t proud of himself for googling things to do once you’ve retired from the FBI- and pulling out a packet of chocolate chips.
“Don’t give me that look young man, I told you when I bought them that I was going to hide them. You need a break. And I know that you think you can’t take one, but trust me, if you go and do work now, you’re really not going to learn anything.”
Jack opened his mouth to protest.
“Cheat Day,” Hotch said with a grin before Jack could even formulate an argument.
Every month, Hotch and Jack were entitled to two cheat days each. And on those days, they were exempt from doing any cleaning, cooking, homework, whatever tasks needed doing because they needed a break. All they had to do was remember to take their medication and eat. They also had the power to call one for the other if they deemed it necessary. And sometimes, they would do it together.
Jack rolled his eyes, already feeling a little better now he knew he was getting pancakes. “Fine.”
Hotch smiled. “Why don’t you get out of those jeans and into some pyjamas then?”
Jack ran up the stairs to do just that. In truth, he wasn’t exactly sure why he’d put them on in the first place, but studytubers always said that it was better to study in real clothes so you would actually be productive. That was why he’d woken up early; he could cram more.
When he came back into the kitchen, now dressed in that old worn pair of Captain America pyjamas that still fit him and were the comfiest thing he owned, his dad was already plating up the pancakes. He’d put extra syrup, extra whipped cream and an obscene amount of various candies on the plate he pushed towards Jack.
“We’ll eat, and then we’re going to watch one of those comfort films you love. And then we’re going to do something relaxing, have pizza for lunch because Dave sent me this new recipe, then you’re going to take a bath and have a nap because you clearly need sleep. And then for dinner, I’m thinking mac and cheese. From the box but with the extra cheese, the way you like it,” Aaron said with a grin.
Jack smiled at him, a small lump forming in his throat. Oh.
“Thanks dad,” he whispered, not trusting himself to say any more than that.
After they ate their pancakes- Jack ended up finishing Hotch’s, who had claimed that he finally needed to start listening to the doctor- Jack went to the living room to pick his film, whilst Hotch went upstairs to grab the pillows and duvets from their rooms so they could be as cosy as possible.
It was halfway through Anastasia- they had already watched the original versions of Beauty and the Beast, as well as part of Cinderella before he’d changed his mind- when Jack couldn’t take it any longer. He stopped the film and turned to face his dad.
“Is everything okay?” Hotch asked, eyes bleary as he’d accidentally started napping.
“Dad, I love you. That’s not conditional,” Jack said.
“I know that buddy,” Hotch said.
“And you also know that I was the only senior that got dropped off by their parent this year, right?”
Hotch nodded. “People weren’t rude about that, were they?”
“No. You know why? Because you’re my dad. And I love you. So you don’t need to call a cheat day just because you want to spend time with me. You can just ask. I won’t ever say no,” Jack said.
Hotch rapidly blinked away tears. “I didn’t want to make you feel guilty. And I’m supposed to be your parent. That means not dumping my problems on you.”
Jack laughed. “Dad, we don’t- we’re not normal. We don’t have the same relationships as the other families and that’s fine. I like that. I like that I can just throw a book at your head and you’ll read it to me. And I like that you let me take the bus home from my therapy sessions, no matter how much it hurts you. I don’t like seeing you upset, but I appreciate you being honest and teaching me it’s okay to cry. You’re not dumping your problems on me, I’m asking.”
Hotch pushed Jack’s fringe off his face. “When did you get so wise?”
Jack grinned. “I had some pretty good role models. There was Uncle Spence telling me about constellations, there was Uncle Der telling me about dating, Aunt Em and Uncle Dave who told me what Megan Kane said to you- which was actually pretty funny- and let’s not forget Aunt JJ and Aunt Penny just being cool.”
Hotch raised an eyebrow slightly.
“I’m joking. I got wise because I had you. I know you feel like you failed, but you haven’t. I wouldn’t be here if you had. You know that. So spill, old man, before I call Aunt Penny and tell her that you’re going to make mac and cheese from box.”
Hotch’s mouth turned downwards. Jack was right. It was morbid, but George Foyet would have killed Jack if he’d found him. There was no doubt about that. “I just- I want to give you your space, and let you grow up and become an adult, but I’m scared that when that happens, you’re going to leave and not come back because you’ll stop looking at me like a hero and realise I destroyed everything good in your life. I mean, I’m doing that right now. You’re stressed about exams and I’m making it worse by rambling about my own stupidity.”
Jack’s suspicions had been correct. “Dad, I stopped viewing you as a hero when you had to have surgery for your scars and almost died. That was the moment I realised you were mortal. The moment I realised you were flawed was when Aunt Jess started ranting about how you handled a situation the wrong way. I’m not leaving any time soon. But when I do, I’ll always come back, because this apartment is my home.”
“You’re so much like your mother. She always knew how to calm me down,” Hotch said.
“It’s a gift. Now, that’s enough emotion. Can we please finish the film and make the pizza? I’m getting hungry.”
Hotch smiled, that soft smile, reserved only for his son, and pressed play. Jack shifted so his head was resting in his dad’s lap. Almost subconsciously, Hotch started running his hand through it, mimicking the motions of years ago, when they were running late and there wasn’t enough time to brush it properly.
They ended up burning the pizza because Hotch claimed he didn’t need his reading glasses but then set the temperature to 475F instead of 450F. Jack found it funny, and when he went upstairs to wash his hands as Hotch answered the door for take-out, he texted Uncle Dave, and got a serious of words his dad would give him the Hotchner Glare for in response.
As they sat on the carpet, some old romcom Haley and Aaron had loved as teenagers on in the background, Jack was grateful that his dad was who he was. Yes, there were still nights where Jack woke up screaming and there were mornings where Hotch would have dark circles under his eyes, shaky hands and an aversion to touch, but there were also moments like these where they were just a father-son duo, eating slices of pizza and laughing at some stupid joke they were telling.
Jack’s friends were all out shopping, watching movies, going on dates, falling in and out of love in the blink of an eye, and being teenagers. Hotch had worried for so long that he’d taken Jack’s ability to be normal and do things like that away.
It was that evening, when he saw the way Jack’s eyes light up at the sight of the boxed macaroni and cheese, not burnt but with extra cheese, that he realised he hadn’t. It had been Jack’s decision to stay in that weekend.
Because there was nowhere else he would rather be.
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jamilelucato · 4 years
3. Fight For Me [hog. heathers]
Summary: This story is based on Heathers, the musical. It’s set in Hogwarts, back in the last year Tom Riddle studied there. Y/N is a Ravenclaw student.
Pairing: Tom Riddle x reader
Heathers Series || Musical Hogwarts List A/N: If you wanna be tagged, ask! There are references in this that probably don’t match the period so please forgive me and let it slide. 
Warnings: some curse words and teenage drinking i guess
Tag List: @just-an-auror @starcrossedyanderes @doctorriddle @cchris-a @truly-insatiable @darkladyslytherin​
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Not one single part of you wanted to go to the Gryffindor’s common room party, but you had to. Heather Chandler was already making your life a living hell, and you knew that if you decided not to show up, you would be dead in hell.
Myrtle helped you pick a look, and you helped her as well. You wanted so bad to tell her not to come along, but you knew that if she didn’t show up, Chandler would perceive it was because of you.
You walked in with Myrtle just behind you, but one step inside the portrait hole and your best friend was gone. It was Heather Duke who grabbed your arm.
“Come with me, would you? Need to get more alcohol,” she said, not giving you much room to say no. You weren’t even able to say hello to the students partying, and you were back at the cold corridor.
It wasn’t like you were going to say no if given the opportunity. Obey Duke or McNamara; it didn’t matter which Heather, you just had to say yes to all the requests.
Heather Duke was taking you down to the dungeons, probably to her dorm room.
“Motorbike,” she whispered the password and walked in the Slytherin room. “Are you gonna stay there?”
Surprised with the request to follow along, you walked in. You’d been to the Gryffindor’s already, and you had stopped by Hufflepuff’s to a girls-only party McNamara threw a couple of weeks ago — and you knew Ravenclaw’s room because it was yours, obviously — but you had never yet met the Slytherin’s room.
It was a cold place, with glass windows all around that showed the deeps of the Lake. It would be kind of unpleasant if it weren’t so classy and charming.
Heather Duke’s dorm was just as you imagined it — very tidy.
“Here,” she handed you a bottle of something unlabeled after she got it under her bad. “And take this and this too.”
There were three heavy (and dangerous) bottles in your arms and none on hers, but you knew it would be worse if you complained, so you just stared at Duke with a smile and walked away back to Gryffindor’s.
Perhaps now you’d be able to enjoy the party and even prevent Myrtle from doing something stupid.
Some boys with bigger arms than yours got the bottles from you and left you alone. The party was packed; students not just from Gryffindor but from all the other houses were there.
When Heather Chandler approached you, you were surprised because you had been distracted with the Hufflepuff playing card games.
“You seem to have learned your lesson,” she said calmly. It always impressed you how she could be so manipulative with a sympathetic smile on her face.
You looked back at her dark blue eyes but decided not to say something. What were you supposed to say? She wouldn’t like it if you said yes and she would be worst if you said no.
“I’ll go easy on you,” she continued, clearly glad you didn’t say a thing. “I guess you can be a Heather, after all.”
You were about to smile when she added: “But I’ll be still watching, y/N. One wrong move and you are...” she didn’t say aloud the last word; instead, she simulated cutting her throat with a finger.
You gulped, terrified. If Chandler was trying to make you feel more worried than before, she succeeded.
*** It took you a couple of shots to be finally free of guilty to enjoy the party, and after that, the only thing you could feel was happiness.
You danced with Heather McNamara; you played games with the Quidditch players; you drank alcohol with Heather Duke. Chandler seemed to be ignoring you, but with so much alcohol in your system, you weren’t able to care.
It was late on the night when you finally attempted to calm down, leaning on one of the walls of the Gryffindor common room. Maybe it is time to leave, you thought. The party appeared to be dying anyway.
“Hey, y/N,” Kurt Kelly approached you with a smirk.
Your tipsiness kept you where you were. The Heathers liked Kurt, so you should give him a chance.
“Hi, Kurt.”
Your politeness was all he needed to put one hand over your shoulder. It felt a bit to firmer than it should, but you didn’t complain.
“So Heather tells me—”
“Which one?” you interrupted, but he smiled and pretended not to hear.
“— that you are up to something spicier.”
“Such as?” you questioned, sensing something was off. Was he that close since the beginning?
“y/N, please, don’t make this difficult,” his tone was angry, but he kept the smirk, and he was definitely leaning in.
“Kurt, what are—”
“Shhhh,” he pressed his forehead over yours, and you knew what was about to come next.
But you sure as hell did not want it.
“Kurt, step back, please.”
“Kurt, leave me alone!” it seemed that the more you protested, the more he got closer. His lips almost touched yours, and you tried to push him as far away as you could, but he wouldn’t move, and he kept that stupid smirk on.
“Kurt, stop!” you yelled, but the alcohol seemed to make your voice low because nobody came to your rescue.
“She said step away, Kurt!” a male voice shouted, angrier than yours. He got Kurt by his arms and dragged him as far away from you as he could.
“Wtf, dude!” Kurt protested, realizing what was happening. He sure as hell wasn’t happy. “We were having fun, you dumb shit!”
“She didn’t seem happy to me!” the other one roared.
And then the first punch came — Kurt Kelly used his strong beater arms to beat the shit out of the other boy’s face.
But when you opened your eyes to look again, the other boy was unharmed.
Who is this boy? you asked yourself but didn’t manage to remember.
You stayed close to the wall as if the thing was protecting you. The rest of the students partying were all fascinated by the fight, or too high to even notice it.
You stared at the dark-haired boy defending your honour, and you were surprised to find such a good fighter with such a pretty face.
“Why when you see boys fight does it look so horrible yet... feel so right?” you rambled in a whisper, fascinated with the fight. “I shouldn’t watch this crap, that’s not who I am, but with this kid... Damn!”
Nobody noticed you were talking to yourself. Someone screamed “use your wands, you shits!” and the boys seemed to have heard because the dark-haired boy was the first to fetch his wooden wand.
“Hey, mister no-name kid, so who might you be?” you asked yourself aloud again, too drunk to control yourself. “And could you fight for me? And hey, could you face the crowd, could you be seen with me and still act proud?”
A part of your brain was trying to see if Myrtle was among the students watching the fight, but your eyes didn’t move from the dark-haired boy.
“Hey, could you hold my hand and could you carry me through no man’s land?” you finally stepped away from the wall, some random girl was helping you sit down in one of Gryffindor’s couches. “It’s fine if you don’t agree, but I would fight for you if you would fight for me.”
“Are you talking to me?” the girl asked, holding your hand. She probably thought you were in shock because someone had tried to kiss you.
You nodded but weren’t sure if she noticed.
“Well, whoa, he can punch real good,” you commented to the girl. “He has lasted longer than I thought he would.”
“Kurt?” she asked, looking at the fight. You were a little delayed about the whole thing — Kurt was the only one punching because the other one was casting spells only.
“No — the mister no-name kid,” you said, answering her question.
The girl laughed. Who was this red-haired chick?
If some night you’re free, wanna fight for me? If you’re still alive... I would fight for you if you would fight for me...
“He’s Tom Riddle. Seventh-year Slytherin,” the red-haired girl explained. “You’ve never met him?”
“No,” you replied. “Should I?”
The girl laughed again and got up from the couch, noticing who was coming towards you.
Heather Chandler.
She walked so slow that the boys had time to stop fighting, and Kurt ran away with blood coming from his nose and screaming in pain, helped by a Gryffindor boy who took him to the dorms. The dark-haired boy, however, seemed completely normal, but he also walked away from the Gryffindor common room.
“Are you with the Riddle boy?” Chandler asked furiously, looking down at you. She didn’t even dare to sit down.
“What?” the alcohol still affected you.
“Tom Riddle. Are you and him a thing?”
“No!” you sure wanted it, but the answer was still no.
“Why was he defending you?”
“Because, well, I was in danger!” you shouted, getting a bit annoyed with Heather.
It took her a long minute of silence before she continued. “Monday morning, Great Hall,” she said. “I’m going to kill you.”
“Because of Kurt?”
“I sent Kurt to you, and you were supposed to say yes!” she shouted, keeping her hands on her waist.
Heather McNamara sat down next to you, confusing both you and Chandler.
“Here, got you a bottle of water,” she offered with a tender smile.
You took it but were cautious about drinking.
“What are you doing, Heather? Get the hell away from her; she’s not our friend anymore!” with Chandler’s warning, McNamara disappeared.
You drank the whole bottle at once.
“Heather, please!” a bit more sobber with the help of the water, you were able to get up and hold Heather back. “We can talk this over.”
“You are a dead girl walking to me,” and with that, she walked away.
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