#also billy was watching him there so hmm
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spencersliv · 10 months ago
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spencer james playing with his old little league 🫠
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wonderjanga · 4 months ago
Marvel Eating Random Things
I love allllllllll the Billy eating random things as Marvel posts/headcanons. I don’t know why. I just love it. I love unhinged Marvel soooo much. But what if we took it one step further and had Marvel eat anything, including living creatures. Also, I’m gonna connect this to the Marvel being a Good Cook post. In that post, he’s just a good cook basically.
Flash: *passed out on the floor of the kitchen in a hypoglycemic coma*
Marvel: *walks into the kitchen and stops dead in his tracks* “Wally?” *walks over and prods him with his shoe* “Are you dead?” *kneels down to sniff him* “Can I eat you?”
Flash: *groans*
Marvel: *stands up* “Oh, thank the gods.” *picks Wally up to take him to the medbay* “Come on, bud. Let’s see if we can fix you up.”
A little bit later…
Flash: *on a medical cot and wakes up*
Marvel: *nearby, doing a crossword puzzle*
Flash: *sees Marvel* “Cap?”
Marvel: “Yes?” *fills in one of the words on the puzzle*
Flash: “Did you… Did you ask if you could eat me?”
Marvel: “Nope.”
Flash: “Yeah, that’s what I thought. It’s just I swear I heard you say something like that.” *sits up, stomach rumbling*
Marvel: “You were pretty knocked out, man. I don’t remember saying that.” *puts crossword down* “Why don’t we get something to eat? Like chili dogs or burgers or something?”
Flash: “Sounds great.” *gets off the cot so they can head to the zetas*
He gaslit, gatekeeped, and girlbossed. He’s also done this to multiple leaguers by the way. One of them was Batman who now has a recording of Billy asking if he could eat him. Bruce listened to it a solid ten times because in this AU, he knows next to nothing about Marvel, and now, because of this recording, he’s wondering if Marvel is, or was even human.
Then, there was the time him and Wonder Woman went together to wrangle some demons back into Tartarus. Unfortunately, one of the demons died during the process and didn’t make it back into the gates. So, now Diana and Billy were stuck with a demon corpse.
Diana: *looking at the corpse* “What should we do with it?”
Marvel: *also looking at the corpse* “Hmm… I have an idea.”
Diana: “Oh? Could you sha-” *now sees Marvel in his little lightning bolt apron and chef hat* “Why’re you dressed like that?”
Marvel: “I like to get into it.” *starts pulling salt, pepper, paprika, Goya Adobo, basically a bunch of seasonings out of his pocket dimension*
Diana: “Cap…? Cap. You can’t seriously be suggesting we eat the demon?”
Marvel: “I’m not suggesting anything. I’m just politely telling you that it’s one, delicious, and two also delicious.” *conjures up a giant, demon-sized, floating frying pan from nowhere with a fire underneath it*
Diana: *watches as Marvel picks the demon up, puts it in the pan, and starts seasoning*
She does end up eating some of the demon later with Marvel. Though she swore she would “never do it again.” But, when she heard Marvel tell her of a demon that tastes like hard candy when you mix its body with a certain magical herb, she wouldn’t admit it, but she had second thoughts. Those second thoughts amped up when he told her they were really good to eat with ice cream.
Then, there was the time with Aquaman. He came over to Atlantis because he wanted to see Aquaman’s sea creatures. His school had a field trip to the aquarium and he not only did he not have an adult to sign the permission slip, he also didn’t have enough money to pay the fare. Thankfully, Billy’s Marvel form didn’t need to breathe so he could go underwater just fine. Meanwhile, Arthur was just happy to yap about the sea creatures to and listen intently and ask questions and all that. Unfortunately, some mermaids swam up and decided to ruin their fun. Now, you see, they were sort of fighting them in an underwater cave and all the fighting caused a piece of rubble to come loose and fall on one of the mermaids, killing her. This caused the rest of them to run.
Aquaman: “Alright, back to the tour.” *sees Marvel casually sawing off the mermaid’s tail* “What’re you doing, man?”
Marvel: “I’m gonna eat this later.” *holds the mermaid tail up, shaking it a little*
Aquaman: “Oh. Cool. Can I have some?”
Marvel: “Sure, I can make it when our tours done.” *puts the mermaid tail in his pocket dimension*
Aquaman: “Nice, I’ll bring some Atlantean mead.”
Marvel and Aquaman: *both munching on mermaid tail*
Aquaman: “This really good!” *grabs some mead to drink down his mouthful of fish*
Marvel: “Thanks.” *munches on fish* “You know, I was surprised you wanted to eat this.”
Aquaman: “Why?”
Marvel: “You can talk to fish right? So, if you were to go to an aquarium, wouldn’t you hear some fish screaming to be let out or something?”
Aquaman: “Geez, I haven’t been to an aquarium since I was a kid.” *sounding nostalgic* “But nah, they normally just chill.”
Marvel: “I haven’t been to one ever. And really? Huh.” *munches on fish more* “But I guess what I’m really asking is if you’re sensitive about eating fish or not.”
Aquaman: “Nah, not really. In this great big sea, what did you think the main source of protein was? Plus, this is mermaid, it’s only technically fish.”
Marvel: *shrugs* “So is that a no? You don’t care about eating fish?”
Aquaman: *nods head as he drinks more mead* “It’s a no.”
Marvel: “Sweet! Cause I have a bunch of fish recipes I wanna try out.”
About an hour after this, Marvel had to help Aquaman home since the Atlantean challenged him to a drinking contest, not knowing the Captain couldn’t get drunk. Mera had a brow raised at Billy judgmentally the entire time he explained why he came home with her husband black out drunk.
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fairylights-throughthemist · 6 months ago
So High School
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Best Friend!Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Warnings: first time writing, fluff, making out, reader sits on Eddie’s lap.
A/N: Eeek!!! My first time writing! I know it’s nowhere near perfect and I wanted it to be longer but this will have to do for now.
Inspired by “So High School” by Taylor Swift.
You and Eddie had been friends since your freshman year. Since then it has become a tradition to have a movie night on friday after school and today was no exception. Sprinting out of school when the final bell rings, jumping into Eddie’s van and blasting his newest favorite song.
Despite being best friends with the school drug dealer you’d never tried drugs of any kind. Eddie wanted to keep it that way but he also really wanted to get high together with you.
Now here you are, laying with your head in Eddie’s lap, watching him smoke. Seeing the way his soft, plump lips wrap around the blunt makes your question slip out easily.
“Can I try?”
He looks down at you with a questioning look.
Eagerly nodding your head he passes you the blunt and you look up at him with pleading eyes.
“You’ve watched me smoke for years and you still don’t know what to do huh?”
“Just tell me what to do Eddie!”
About half an hour later and switching positions every few minutes you finally found a comfortable one. You’ve got your feet in Eddie’s lap while he stares at you.
No response.
Still no response.
“Edssssssss” you whined while kicking your feet in his lap.
“Do you wanna play kiss, marry, kill?”
“I don’t think I have a choice, princess.”
“You go first!”
“Hmmm… Steve, Jason aaaannddd… Billy”
“Kill Jason, obviously. Kiss Billy and I guess I’ll marry Steve!”
“Interesting… Your turn, sweetheart.”
“Chrissy, Tammy anddd Mrs. Wheeler!”
“Jesus Christ how much weed did I give you.” He said under his breath, which you giggled at.
“Answer the question, Munson.”
“Fuck uhm, I guess I’ll kill Tammy, I would not survive hearing her sing for more than I’m forced to. Chrissy… Hmm marry Chrissy and kiss Mrs. Wheeler.”
“Marry Chrissy?”
“You jealous, sweetheart?” He said with his signature Munson smirk.
“What! No! What do you mean?”
A few rounds later you really felt the weed affect your thoughts. You couldn’t stop thinking about Eddie. I mean how could you when he’s just sitting there looking perfect. His soft lips, his unruly hair, his pretty brown eyes and the way he smells. My God the way he smells. Like cigarettes, his old spice deodorant and some of Wayne’s cologne. Most of all he smells like Eddie, no other way of describing it.
The weed makes your thoughts swirl together, making the following easier to say.
“Tina, Sarah and… me.”
You look at him with pleading eyes. He glances at your lips and asks “Are you serious?” instead of answering his question you press your lips against his.
His lips feel even softer than they look. When you finally broke the kiss you felt too shy to even look at him. You didn’t have time to let your thoughts flow freely as you felt him grab your chin and ask “Is this okay?”. The second you nodded his lips were on yours again. This time you felt him gently asking for permission to let his tongue into your mouth. His action made you gasp and the two of you naturally started making out. At some point Eddie helped you switch positions so you were straddling his lap.
Even while making out with your crush and grinding on him you couldn’t stop your bad thoughts from taking over. “What if i’m a bad kisser?”, “Does he even like me like that?”, “When did he learn how to kiss like this?”, “Oh God, was his first kiss with Chrissy?”.
Your thought process was quickly interrupted by a groan coming from the man whose lap you were on. You thought that might’ve been the hottest sound ever.
He grabbed your hips and pushed you down on his now very noticeable, boner. His action made you whimper.
Laying on the couch, on top of Eddie, you think back on the events of today and remember something to tease him about.
“You never answered my question.”
“Are you gonna marry, kiss or kill me?”
He answers by kissing your lips once again, when you separate he chuckles and says “Mrs. Munson”, which you blush at and hide your face in his neck.
A/N: Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading 🥹
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amomentsescape · 1 year ago
Hey, do you have any slasher X reader where the reader loves baking?
Slashers with Reader That Loves Baking
Slashers x Reader (Separate)
Includes: Freddy, Michael, Jason, Thomas, Bubba, Brahms, Norman, Billy, & Stu
A/N: Hmm... I don't think I do. Looks like I need to whip up another fic. Here you go!
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Freddy Krueger
Although Freddy doesn't need to eat, he'll try anything you make him!
He's happy that you have a hobby that you enjoy during the day
He's even happier that he gets to taste the results
Whenever you visit him, he makes sure the dream world has a kitchen for you in case you want to make something while you're there
You're more inclined to bake there anyways because Freddy can get you just about any ingredient your heart desires
When you do make items, Freddy switches into his "Kiss the Cook" apron and matching hat
He may not help you with the baking, but he still expects kisses while you work
He'll stand beside you, just observing everything you do
He doesn't ask too many questions either, he just likes seeing you relaxed
Once the treats are ready, he literally stabs a few onto his knifed glove and eats them off of it
There hasn't been a single thing you've made that he hasn't enjoyed
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Michael Myers
Michael is pretty neutral with your enjoyment of baking
He tends to his hobbies, you tend to yours
He doesn't feel like there needs to be any crossover of sorts
However, he won't deny you when you ask him to try things
And if you need help accessing the top shelf, he'll help you out
He secretly has a big sweet tooth, and your warm smile influences him to try everything (he'd be dead before he admitted it though)
He has a pretty basic taste in sweets too
He enjoys the majority of the cookies, cakes, and breads you've made
He isn't a big fan of pie or dried fruits though
If you make a batch of anything, he'll try a bite if you ask, but that'll be it
You're always certain he's just trying to be polite
But whenever you wake up in the morning, half the tray is gone
Michael will just shrug it off of course
But it's pretty obvious he enjoys your treats
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Jason Voorhees
He absolutely loves that you bake!
To be fair, he'd love literally anything you do that makes you happy, but baking reminds him a lot of his missed childhood
You've made a couple things already that reminded him of stuff his mother used to make, and it almost brought him to tears
He doesn't really get sweet cravings like he did when he was younger, but he will never say no to trying something of yours
He also enjoys decorating some of the treats too
His large hands tend to fumble a bit, and nothing comes out as good as yours, but he's having fun, and that's what matters most to you both
His favorite thing is coming home after a long day to the smell of baked goods and to see you casually mixing ingredients together
You just seem so content, and it gives him a taste of what domestic life is like with you
He'll always come over to greet you with a hug, not caring if you're covered in flour
And once he's gotten cleaned up, he just sits at the table out of the way, watching you
He especially loves when you talk to him while baking
It just makes him all warm inside
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Thomas Hewitt
He never really grew up with home baked goods like yours before, so it feels like literal heaven when he smells the sugar in the air
He likes walking up and peering over your shoulder, trying to see what you're doing
He also just likes hanging out with you in case you need help with anything
If your arms ever get tired from mixing or kneading, you know who to ask
If you let him, he'll take little tastes of the batters, predicting how much he's going to like them once they're done
(It's always a 10/10)
If it's sweet, he likes it
There's never been anything you've made that he didn't eat almost all of in one night
He loves if you make enough for the whole family too!
He's a bit hesitant to help decorate, and even more so to help add ingredients
But if you ask, there's no way he'd be willing to say no
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Bubba Sawyer
He adores your baking!
He absolutely has no idea what you're doing half the time, but he's happy about it all the same
You've got to be careful with this one though
Because if you even turn around for a second, the batter is gone
Same goes for when the treats are cooling
If you leave the kitchen, they'll be gone within just a couple minutes
You have no idea how he manages to do it
At least he's showing you just how much he loves your bakery?
But besides that, he's a great hand to have in the kitchen
He can mix and mix for days
And he's always there to help hand you whatever you need
Just don't trust him with the powders unless you want a white, dusty kitchen
He's also not the best around the hot oven, having burnt himself a handful of times
It's kind of like having a helpful but clumsy child in the kitchen with you
But he's so sweet you can't bare to tell him to leave
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Brahms Heelshire
Brahms never grew up with many sweets in the house
So having his own baker at home is like feeding a starving man
And with Brahms, you can imagine how that goes
Will come to you almost every day with a new treat he is craving
In fact, he even added to the rules list that you needed to make him a bedtime treat or else he refuses to go to sleep
You love baking of course, so it's not a problem, but some of his requests are absurd
A pie covered in chocolate ice cream smooshed with cookies and drizzled with brownie batter might be a bit much for a midnight snack
But you honestly did it to yourself
The moment he tasted your treats, there was no going back
And be careful when the sugar rush hits
He's ready to bounce off the walls with you in tow
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Norman Bates
Norman has always been one for domestic hobbies
So the fact that you're a baker makes him feel so cozy and warm
Waking up to fresh muffins with his tea, coming home to a plate of brownies, and even being woken up in the middle of the night to some wild cookie recipe all makes Norman so happy
Jokingly complains that you're fattening him up
He's honestly a pretty good baker himself, although he argues that his skill is nowhere near as good as yours
But there have been a handful of times he prepare his own treat beside you in the kitchen, and it always came out amazing
And because of his experience, he's happy to give a lending hand when you need
If you're making something you know by heart instead, then he's still there beside you, keeping up with the dishes so you don't have to tend to a mess later
Norman enjoys whatever makes you happy, and is eager to learn even more about what you love too!
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Billy Loomis
He's pretty chill about it at first
He thinks it's a cute hobby, but doesn't know much about it himself
However, the first time he was actually there with you watching you work and tasting what you made...
He really gained a better perspective on it
He can see the hard work and true enjoyment you put into the hobby, and this makes him appreciate it more
He's not huge on sweets, but seeing you put all of this together for him makes it impossible to deny them
Will be brutally honest if he likes something or not, but there's truly only been a couple times he actually didn't like what you made
Will occasionally sit on the counter beside you and just ask basic questions
"What does this thing do?" "How long does it need to sit there?" "Is there a difference between folding and mixing?"
You always smile at him since his genuine curiosity is cute
Plus, it shows he's trying to learn more about what you do
Will definitely stand behind you and rest his head on your shoulder while you work
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Stu Macher
You love to bake? Well, Stu loves to eat
Match made in heaven in his eyes
He honestly is surprised by the amount of effort that it takes to whip up a simple cookie or cupcake
He's not usually on this end of the food process
But he honestly enjoys watching what you do
Will literally just stare and zone out, making you laugh
Loves loves loves when it's time to lick the spoon
He will dab batter onto your nose though
He's a huge fan of helping you decorate too!
Just be careful, because Stu is also a huge fan of squeezing the piping bag directly into his mouth
But surprisingly, Stu has become pretty decent at piping frosting and making your treats look pretty
He always insists on eating the ones you decorate though because they "taste better"
He honestly just loves being able to show praise for the stuff you make him and will always request a fun treat to accompany your weekly movie nights
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enchantedflameandflower · 7 months ago
Billy Butcher fic! H/c with a lot of c a bit of fluff and just a minute of soft!Billy for fun! 18+
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“It ain’t an insult, ya know. Callin’ ya princess. Think of it like…what’s that story…Beauty and the Beast.” He gestured to himself on the word ‘beast’ and she turned to face him. She couldn’t help grinning.
“You have a talking tea cup hidden somewhere in that coat?” she teased him, her eyes shining as she stepped closer. 
He reached out to her, sliding his hand around her waist beneath her robe and tugging her closer. “No, but I can make some magic if ya like. Just say the word.”
“Hmm,” Addison hummed. Such a bastard.  
more below the cut!
I also just started a x reader fic with Karl's character from Pete's Dragon! Check it out here! Gavin x reader
Tag List: @2dead2function @secretdreamlandmentality @nosebeers @vavafaure1994
This takes place before and during the last ep of Season 3! I really really hope you enjoy! Thank you so so much to everyone reading, you're the best! I am so sorry I've been so slow, things have been really hard lately <3
Karl Urban Masterlist
Part 1
previous (Part 36)
Part 37
As soon as she turned the shower off the next evening she heard his heartbeat. She stepped out, drying off quickly and pulling on her nightgown and robe before she went out to the living room. 
Butcher was standing by her big glass windows, scrolling through something on his phone and she watched him for a second before she spoke up. He looked good, no cuts or bruises, no scowl, but still there was something weighing heavy on him, she could tell. Something besides Ryan, and..and the other stuff.
“Hey,” she murmured softly, rounding the high counter to go into the open kitchen. 
“‘Ello, princess,” he looked up and turned toward her, stuffing his phone in his pocket. 
Addison grabbed a tea kettle, filling it with the filtered water from her fridge. “You’re never going to stop with that are you.”
“You’re wearin’ a French silk robe, sunshine. It looks more expensive than my whole apartment.”
Addison bristled. “I’m…sure that’s not true. Anyway, I have sensitive skin,” but her lips quirked when he caught her gaze with a cheeky grin. “And I bought it for myself for my birthday. When I didn’t get anything else, you know,” she lifted her brow. 
“Aye,” he winced, “sorry, love.”  He came into the kitchen, leaning against the counter while he watched her turn the stove on. “It ain’t an insult, ya know. Callin’ ya princess. Think of it like…what’s that story…Beauty and the Beast.” He gestured to himself on the word ‘beast’ and Addison turned to face him. She couldn’t help grinning.
“You have a talking tea cup hidden somewhere in that coat?” she teased him, her eyes shining as she stepped closer. 
He reached out to her, sliding his hand around her waist beneath her robe and tugging her closer. “No, but I can make some magic if ya like. Just say the word.”
“Hmm,” Addison hummed. Such a bastard.  
He seemed to take that as word enough and he added his other hand into the mix, curling his strong fingers around her hip and pulling her against him. He dipped his head, pressing his mouth to hers and she sighed softly as she easily gave in to his kiss. His scent filled her senses, his beard tickling her skin and she made some soft little sound that made him press her closer but she pulled away again almost immediately. 
“Oi,” he protested. 
Addison searched his dark eyes. “Just checking. I thought you might turn into a prince,” she whispered, grinning up at him. 
He shook his head. “Sorry, princess, still a right bastard.”
“Ah well…”
He captured her lips again and she reached up to twine her arms around his neck but the tea kettle whistled and he had to reluctantly let her go.
“Sure,” he answered. 
“Any luck finding Mindstorm?” she asked carefully, pulling two cups down from the cupboard.
“Not a bit,” Billy answered and secretly she felt a swell of relief. Mindstorm was unpredictable and terrifying. She wasn’t sure Billy even understood how much. 
They curled up on the couch together and Addison put on an old movie. When she was done with her tea she set it aside and Billy lifted his arm to draw her against him, her head against his shoulder. When he started running his fingers through her hair all hope of staying awake left her.
Halfway through the movie she had fallen deep asleep against him. She only woke up again when he scooped her up in his arms to carry her into the bedroom. 
“Mmm,” she half-protested sleepily. “I’m too heavy now.”
Billy scoffed. “Don’t be daft. You’re perfect, love. I can carry ya both.”
It was the very next night, Addison was woken up by Billy climbing into her bed in the middle of the night again. She flicked her gaze to the bedside clock. Two am. She couldn’t help a little flutter of…relief? Joy? …whatever it was - that he had come back another night in a row, even if she was annoyed at being woken. 
He climbed in the bed slowly at least, lifting the heavy blankets and trying not to jostle her, but it was of no use. 
Addison smiled to herself and made a soft little noise, shifting lazily. She couldn’t help teasing him. “Mmmmm,” she breathed. “Joe, is that you?”
Butcher froze and she could just see him rolling his eyes in the darkness as he huffed at her and flopped down on the bed, yanking the comforter dramatically. “You think you’re a real comedian, dontcha?” he grumbled.
Addison chirped happily, but then he slid his hand over her waist and it was freezing, making her yelp.
“Come warm me up now, love, to make up for that, yeah?”
Addison laughed quietly and he dragged her body into the curve of his, her back pressing to his chest. Though his hands were cold the rest of him was warm and toasty as usual and she almost moaned at how good it felt. 
Pressed against him now, she quickly drifted off again and was only woken hours later by the sound of Billy’s heart starting to speed. He was entwined with her, wrapped tight around her body and clinging as if she were his lifeline. 
“Billy?” she whispered. Another nightmare. He squeezed her tighter, his body jerking violently, but holding her seemed to calm him and he fell back asleep. His pain was palpable and she felt her own heart squeeze. She laid down, closing her eyes, but keeping close to him. 
When she woke again he was still clinging to her. Soft morning light was just starting to peek around the curtains. 
He blinked slowly, his gaze landing on her as he came to. His arm moved and he pulled her closer, pressing his lips to her hair.
“I didn’t expect you two nights in a row,” she murmured after awhile. 
“I don’t think it’s…this…is…a good idea,” he murmured gruffly. “But I ain’t disappearing either. Not now.”
“Well I never said I thought it was a good idea,” she deadpanned. But it was true. “But now it’s done, I can’t help but want this. I meant what I said Billy. I can do this on my own. But I still want you as long as you’ll stay.”
He shifted, tucking her in against his body. “I can’t say I won’t be terrible at all of it. And I can’t say I’ll stop… But I want to know…” he shifted again, and her eyes pricked with unshed tears at him finally admitting he wanted to know the baby, before he spoke again. “But I won’t risk you. Not at all. And you damn well better take your own safety more seriously now because I will not stay just to see you get hurt or worse while you’re…” he swallowed. He still couldn’t quite say it out loud.
“I will,” she whispered. 
“But Addi…” he moved and turned her so he could look into her eyes again. “You gotta promise me…don’t let me fuck this up. If I…” he frowned closing his eyes for a moment. “If I fuck up, you do what you have to. Get away from me, protect…her or him, at whatever cost to me, it don’t matter. Promise me,” he whispered fiercely.
“I promise.” She whispered. Of course. She would. 
“That's my girl.”
“But you have to promise me something in return. Please try to just stay alive. Please.”
He didn’t answer. 
Addison’s phone rang just as she was getting ready for bed a few nights later. It was late, and Billy almost never called. She dried her hands quickly and went to the bedroom to grab her iPhone off the nightstand.
Grace Mallory.
The only thing it could be was very bad.
“Hey boss,” Addison answered curtly. 
“Addison. Are you with Butcher?”
“Nope,” Addison sat down on the edge of her bed, tense, although she tried to pretend she wasn’t. She didn’t mean to be short but it was just in her nature not to give any more information than she had to. Even to Mallory.
“He’s not answering my calls, and now his phone’s off,” her tone was strained, and Addison sensed there was a lot she hadn’t been told.
“Why wouldn’t Billy answer your call?” she asked. Of course, Billy was never predictable, but since Ryan was with Grace, he was unlikely to ignore her. Which meant there was something else going on.
“It ended…poorly…the last time he was here,” Grace answered, her tone sour.
Addison sighed inwardly. They both had a temper and a mean streak. Something bad must’ve  happened and whatever it was must’ve been awful for Ryan, but that seemed to be a problem for another time. “Well, he told me he probably wouldn’t be reachable tonight.”
“And you’re just fine with that?” Grace scoffed.
“Yeah. I am Grace. I’m not going to be his fucking keeper. Why? What’s going on?”
“There’s a problem.”
“Isn’t there always?” Addison answered dryly.
“If you hear from him, tell him I need to talk with him urgently.” And she hung up. 
It wasn’t even an hour later Vought Tower blowing up was all over the news.
Addison’s phone was across the room when it rang again the next morning. She’d barely slept all night but she was racing across the room and fumbling the answer button on before the first ring even finished. 
“What the fuck M.M.. Is everyone ok?”
His answering sigh was the heaviest she’d heard yet. “Not Maeve. But otherwise…yeah. It’s bad, but Butcher’s alive.”
Addison took a huge breath, slumping to the counter stool. Her hands were shaking but she managed to keep the phone pressed to her ear, while she pressed her other hand to her face. She knew she had to be prepared, but to lose him now… “Thank fuck he had that shit running though his veins then, I guess...”
“He didn’t.”
Addison’s head shot up. “What?” she froze. There was no way…
“He didn’t take it, Addi. I don’t know why, but he didn’t take it.”
Part 38
I'm working on the next parts now, plus more Gavin x Reader and Billy x reader requests! This is the first time the story is taking a major turn from the show, hope it’s fun to read!
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wh0reforcoriolanussnow · 1 year ago
He’s mine || Billy the kid x oc!reader
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Summary: Mrs Riley’s affection for Billy does not go unnoticed by you, or anyone for that matter. There was hardly competition because unlike her, you weren’t married and sworn to another man, but Mrs. Riley just needed a little push over the edge and she would be done for. What you didn't expect however, was that you would be there at the scene of her downfall.
Warnings: slightly dark oc! mention of blood, shooting, oc sorta manipulates Billy, possessiveness, guilt trapping, violence, mention of dead body
Wc: 4,712 this is a loooong one, longest one ive ever written lol.
A/n: Sofía does not back down when it comes to getting what she wants is all I gotta say 😃 also it's sorta long because I'm basically retelling some of the scenes from the btk episode but with sofia in it so..
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Divider by @pommecita
In Mr. Murphy's sprawling house, the air buzzed with animated conversations, and the linger familiar scent of alcohol and smoke added to the vibrant atmosphere. You and Billy navigated the lively gathering, your hand on Billy's arm.
"There he is," A voice murmurs softy, pulling your attention away from Billy. "Billy! Come here." John Riley, Murphy's right hand man, beckoned him over for a chat. You could sense the hesitation within Billy but Mr. Riley persists. "I would like to introduce you to my wife," He rests his hand on the woman's waist. She looked no more than 3 years older than you, her hair elegantly arranged in a bun as she showcases her pearly white smile.
"Honey, this is the fella I was telling you about, this is Billy the Kid," Because of how tall Billy was compared to majority of the people here, Both Mr. and Mrs. Riley had to gaze up at him. "Billy belongs to The House now. This is Irene," John gestures to his wife.
Watching the entire ordeal by his side, you saw a glint of desire in Irene's eyes. "Howdy," Billy tips his hat nonchalantly, sporting a bored expression as Irene extends her hand out for a shake. Your gaze drifts around the room, noticing eyes already fixed on you as your hands delicately squeeze Billy's arm.
"So, you're a cowboy, are you?" She grins broadly, the smile stretching from ear to ear, her hand lingering on Billy's just a beat longer than deemed necessary for a married woman with high status like her. "Oh, he's an outlaw, baby," Mr. Riley corrects his wife with a sly smile. Leaning in, he murmurs into her ear, "This man's wanted for murder."
Irene subtly inches closer to Billy, her voice gentle and soft, "Well, it sure is nice to meet such a handsome outlaw." Her eyes carefully trace his features as Billy, feeing a tad bit awkward, manages a brief, but tentative smile, then glances towards Mr. Riley. "Billy," He bids him goodbye, tension already simmering, and he draws Irene along with him, her gaze remaining fixed on him.
"I don't like her," You assert boldly as Billy smiles, he loved it when you were up front with him. He turns to face you, his hand gently on your waist while the other finds its place at the base of your neck. "Me neither, sweetheart. She looks like trouble, and I don't want that," He reassures you, affirming his unwavering loyalty.
"Hey Billy," James Dolan interrupts his conversation with Jesse. "Uh, we've, uh, set up a little fun thing for you to do," he says, fixing an intense gaze on Billy. You set your glass down, and Jesse glances at you. "See, everyone here, they want to see what you can do with a gun, hmm?"
At the mere mention of guns, Billy's gaze shifts to the floor, and he leans back on the table behind him. "They've all heard the stories." Jesse uncomfortable shifts as you observe Dolan, "Murphy thinks it would be a great idea for you to give 'em all a little- you know- demonstration." He playfully slaps Billy's chest.
"Yeah? No." Billy says flatly, turning to leave before James firmly grips his arm "Okay, okay, Billy." He shakes head, his hands resting on his hips. You narrow your eyes at him, not liking him already. "I see you don't understand how the wicks. We're paying you a whole lot of money, so if we ask you to do something small for us in return," Billy's head drops, "we expect you to do it."
"Now, come this way," He gestures, anticipating Billy's compliance. Instead, Billy stands his ground, "I don't feel like doing that," You glance between Billy and James who kisses his teeth and beckons for a man named Jimmy.
Jesse turns around to face the table, pouring himself a glass of alcohol before extending the offer to you. A subtle shake of your head declines the offer, but Billy eagerly accepts, tossing his head back with a satisfied expression. James whispers into another man's ear, Jimmy you assume as he then continues to tell Billy how he should do this little, to show everyone how good he was.
"You can do that for us, yes?" Jimmy holds Billy's shoulder, his gaze on the floor once again. "And if you agree there, Billy, we got you a little gift, hmm?" James adds as he opens a wooden box revealing a gleaming double action revolver.
You weren't an expert on firearms but the subtle widening of Jesse's eyes before he averts his gaze signifies the weapon's quality "It's brand new. Very expensive. We think you're gonna like it," Jimmy adds as he and James stare at Billy.
Billy's gaze shifts from the gun to the two men standing before him. A momentary hush envelops the room before his eyes meet yours and Jesse's. A sigh escapes him as he sets his glass down.
Billy picks up the gun, inspecting it, before toying with it, eliciting gasps from those around the room. He then tucks it in his gun belt, pouring himself a reasonable amount of whiskey and downing it in one determined gulp. You approach Billy, placing a reassuring hand on his forearm as he wipes the corner of his lips.
"You sure you wanna do this?" You gently ask him, already knowing his reluctance. "What choice do I have, Sof?" He mutters before he's urged to move on.
"Ladies and gentleman, our friend Billy here's gonna demonstrate his gifts as a gunslinger and the reason why we hired him to protect all of our interest. Yeah?" Major Murphy's voice resonates with authority as Billy loads the gun barrel.
You stand alongside Jesse, a tantalizing sip of alcohol hovering at the edge of your lips as you observe the unfolding spectacle. Just a few feet away, Irene grips her satchel, her eyes wide with anticipation. "Come on, Billy!" Murphy exclaims, his applause echoed by the enthusiastic claps of those surrounding you.
Billy wipes his mouth, clearing his throat before fixing his gaze on the targets ahead. The initial shots are a breeze, a mere warm-up for someone of Billy's caliber. In a lightning-fast span of three seconds, all five glass bottles shatter, eliciting an eruption of applause from the captivated crowd.
You smile to yourself, you knew Billy was very skilled, this ordeal demonstrating it even further. He returns to the table where a range of guns were displayed. There's a palpable tension—anger, annoyance, perhaps both—etched across his features.
The stress of the last couple of days working for Murphy, threatening people out of their own homes, has left its mark on him. Night after night, Billy sought solace in you, pouring out his emotions as you offered him nothing but a listening ear and a comforting embrace.
In a swift motion, he removes his tie, choosing another revolver with a sense of purpose. The murmuring crowd hushes as Billy cocks the firearm, once again targeting cans on the ground—now more challenging to spot and precisely aim at, but not for Billy.
With each bullet making contact with the tin, a collective flinch ripples through the crowd, including Mrs. Riley. Unfazed, Billy seamlessly transitions to a rifle. He fires a few shots at a measured pace before seamlessly shifting into a rapid sequence of shooting, cocking, and repeating.
The tension in the crowd palpably escalated as Billy's anger became increasingly evident. The wooden backdrop itself caught fire amid his repeated shots, casting a fearful hush over the onlookers, the only audible sound being the ominous crackling of the flames.
You maintained a composed stance, your gaze unwaveringly fixed on Billy. He, too, remained motionless, likely processing the chaotic scene unfolding. A swift glance at Mrs. Riley revealed her frightened demeanor. Billy wiped his mouth, setting the rifle down, and approached you. Without a word, he took your hand, pulling you along as your eyes briefly connected with Irene, navigating through the subdued crowd.
"You okay, Billy?" You gently ask him knowing he was still fired up from before. He was sat on the bed, arms resting on his thighs with his legs open. You slot yourself in between them as your hands run through his hair, a tender attempt to soothe him.
He tilts his head back, his hands roaming around your back and down your . "You still seem stressed," You frown as he stares at you quietly, though the glint of mischief was still evident in his eyes. "I can fix that," You whisper against his lips before he kisses you aggressively, hungry, starving for more.
The saloon buzzed with the clinking of glasses and the shuffling of cards as Mrs. Riley sauntered in. Her eyes, keen with mischief, spotted Billy at the table, surrounded by others as he was deeply engrossed in the poker game, his attention fixed on the cards in his hands.
"Hey there Irene. Come to join in?" Sam says as Mrs. Riley smiles, "If you'll have me, Sam," As she approached, she ignored the way your hand rested on Billy's thigh as your eyes stay focused on the cards in his hands. Mrs. Riley couldn't help but cast a flirtatious glance his way, something that Billy doesn't catch on, but you do, and Charlie, who was seated on your other side.
"Good evening, gentleman," Her high pitched voice greets as you supress a subtle eye roll. True to their gentlemanly nature, they all reciprocated with polite greetings, Billy even taking his hat off as you remained silent. You silently threw daggers her way.
Your dislike towards the woman started from the second you caught her eyeing Billy when she sat beside her husband in the carriage. Even with Billy’s hands on your waist and the close proximity between the two of you that was more than platonic, it didn't seem to deter her away—drew her more in perhaps.
Undeterred, Mrs. Riley leaned in closer to Billy, her words tinged with flirtation. "My! It's Billy the Kid, isn't it?" She purred, a blatant expression of infatuation adorning her face, her smile captivating display aimed directly at him.
Billy's gaze finally shifts toward her for the first time since she stepped into the saloon. "Yes, ma'am," he responds politely, offering no more than a slight smile before his attention returns to the worn wooden table before him. You gently squeeze his thigh, and as his eyes meet yours, a silent understanding passes between you.
"Do not call me that," Irene interjects abruptbly. "It makes me feel old, and I am not old." She states, exhaling through her nose."I didn't mean to suggest you were," Billy quickly backs himself up.
Your gaze shifts to Charlie, and a subtle exchange of glances circulates the table. "I'm really so happy to see you, Billy," she utters, a faint smile playing on her lips, her voice lowering ever so slightly. The weight of her words hangs in the air, and Billy, in response, squirms uncomfortably in his seat.
You extend your hand gracefully above the space between you and Billy, a subtle bridge in the air. "Sofía Del Tobosco," you introduce yourself, your voice carrying the weight of confidence. Yet, she meets your greeting with a blank, unwavering stare, leaving the air between you tinged with an intriguing tension as the others on the table watch on.
"We haven't properly met, I'm Billy's-" "Aren't you Dulcinea's little sister?" With narrowed eyes, you retract your hand, an awkward silence settling over the table, "I'm good friends with her ya know," Mrs. Riley giggles, leaving you to decipher her intentions at the mention of your sister. A simple hum escapes your lips as you inhale sharply, shooting an annoyed look to Charlie, who quietly chuckles.
"Wanna start a new game?" Sam cuts through the silence. Irene gracefully declines the offer, "Oh, no. You go on. I'll watch," she smiles. "Good," you mutter under your breath, a quiet comment that only Billy and Charlie seem to catch.
Mrs. Riley gracefully raises a wine glass, "Here's to you, Billy," she toasts, her gaze unwavering as she lifts it to her lips. Billy's expression remains inscrutable as he watches. The corners of his lips hint at a subtle upward twitch before he speaks, "Well, we should get going."
You gladly agree with Billy as you get ready to leave, "Gentleman-" "Oh, no. Don't go," Irene cuts him off as Billy freezes, "Stay." Despite being on your feet, you cross your arms, fixing her with an irked expression. "Walk me home later?" She nervously proposes, her hands fidgeting in her lap.
Your lips part in astonishment at her words. There was no way she asking that from Billy when clearly, he has a girl by his side. Billy's eyes flicker towards you, a subtly nod indicating his loyalty. Mrs. Riley persisted, "Please, Billy?" Just as you open your mouth to respond, Sam beats you to it.
"I'll walk you home, Irene," Sam says, diffusing the tension in the air. The relief on Billy's face is palpable as you gently touch his bicep and he glances at you. He bids farewell to the table, and you follow suit, exiting the saloon with Billy. His hand extends behind him, finding yours as he pulls you along with a certain urgency, knowing what the rest of the night would entail.
Amidst the haze of smoke and the lingering scent of alcohol, Jesse and his gang sprawled across the room, resting a chaotic atmosphere. You were making small talk with the people around like the mannered young woman you were.
Your keen eyes wandered around the room before landing on Mrs. Riley, who was making her way to Billy. You narrow your eyes, “Has she learnt absolutely nothing?” Your words spat out with an unmistakable tone of annoyance. Charlie lets out a subdued chuckle, shaking his head as he swirled the glass of alcohol in his hand, a wry smile playing on his lips as he watches Billy and Irene.
"Hello there, Billy," Irene came up behind him, a huge grin plastered on her face. "Mrs. Riley," he politely greeted her, a trace of urgency in his tone, "I wanted to see you. I really—I want to talk to you. I need to." Her words were slurred. Sensing trouble, Billy discreetly scanned the surroundings, his eyes discreetly seeking you.
"Uh- maybe now is not a good time," He made a move once his gaze fixated on your silhouette. "Oh no, definitely now. I have something to say," Irene interjected, pulling Billy back with a subtle sigh escaping him. "Get me another drink, will ya?" Her request carried an undertone of desperation, a silent plea to retain his focus.
Billy surveyed her, noticing the telltale signs that she had indulged in one too many drinks. "Sure," he bobbed his head before moving to find a servant holding glasses full of alcohol. "Gracias,' Billy thanked the woman with a smile before he redirecting his attention back to Mrs. Riley.
She gracefully retrieved the glass from his hand, her fingers delicately lingering on his before she flashed a captivating grin, taking a sip. "What did you want to say?" Billy, with a subtle furrow of his eyebrows, gently steered her back to the purpose of their conversation.
Mrs. Riley gulped. "I want to tell you about my husband," she began, and Billy couldn't help but notice a subtle shimmer in her eyes, dulled by the influence of whiskey. "What about your husband?" Billy questioned, a hint of confusion coloring his expression, uncertain where the conversation was headed.
"I- I hate him," she confessed, punctuating her words with another gulp of whiskey. At the abrupt confession, Billy's gaze eagerly sought yours once again. "You can't even imagine," She shook her head, her voice trembling. "Maybe this isn't the place to talk about this," Billy pointed out as he nervously looked at the people around who could possibly be listening.
There was silence in the air as Billy's words manage to sink into Irene's head. "No," she utters softly, delicately placing her glass on a nearby table. "Light my cigarette, will ya?" She gazed up at Billy, who sighed but complies, retrieving a packet of matchsticks from his pocket and igniting the end of her cigarette.
From afar, you were silently raging inside as you watch the two interact. You knew Mrs. Riley's affection was more than friendly, oh it was more than that. "I feel like I'm going to be sick," You mutter with an eye roll, fishing out a cigarette from your purse.
You move the end of the joint to a nearby candle letting it ignite as you take a few deep drags, eyes glued on Billy and Irene. "Thank you," Irene said lowly, her eyes looking off to the side before she directs her gaze back at Billy. "You know, you're very good-looking, Billy,"
Billy wets his lips, casting his gaze downward, an air of discomfort lingering in the unusual tension between them. "Can we go somewhere? I like you," she murmured, drawing nearer with a drop in her voice.
Billy knew what she was trying to do and he wanted nothing of it. He locks eyes with you for a fleeting moment, your silhouette veiled in smoke, a clear sign of your annoyance. "I don't think that's a good idea," He firmly says as Irene's hopeful expression drops. "Please. Please, Billy," She pleaded. There was something uneasy about how she was begging him.
"I told you I hate him. I have to get away." Mrs. Riley persisted as Billy's eyes search hers. He ignored the unsettling feeling in his stomach, "No. I'm sorry, Mrs. Riley." She pursed her lips before she lightly shook her head, her eyes closing for a brief moment, an acknowledgement of his rejection.
"Never mind," She giggled softly to herself, "It's not your fault," Irene gave Billy a smile before it drops slowly as if something inside of her was sinking. The two of them stood there for a couple of seconds before Billy felt her lips on his.
"What is she doing-" You stub your cigarette on the table, ready to storm off in Billy and Irene's direction before Charlie subtly interjects, his arm forming a barrier in front of you. Your eyes were wide in shock after witnessing the unexpected kiss. "Did you see that? Tell me you saw that, Charlie," you exclaimed, shooting him a pleading look.
"Yes, yes I did. But causing a scene won't help, besides, I think someone else could do that," Charlie whispered in your ear, prompting you to give him a puzzled look as your nails dig into his arm.
Charlie cocks his head to where Mr. Riley was, a few feet away from the two, standing with a few other men. You smirk to yourself, imagining the havoc you would create when you redirect Mr. Riley's eyes to Billy and Irene kissing. Charlie removes his arm from in front of you as you straighten up.
Seizing the moment, you deliberately raised your voice, "Is that Mrs. Riley with Billy?" The words echoed through the room, catching the attention of those nearby.
Mrs. Riley's husband, mere feet away, overheard the commotion. Anger flashed in his eyes as he turned to witness the scene, realizing his wife's inappropriate proximity to Billy. Without a word, he stormed out, following Mrs. Riley into the night.
You push your purse into Charlie's chest, "Watch this for me, will ya?" You gave him no time to answer before you were already moving away from him. You made purposeful strides to follow Mr. and Mrs. Riley, leading you outside.
"Hey!" You hear John's voice yell loudly as you hastily conceal yourself around the corner. You peeped from the corner as your eyes widen; John had a firm grip on Irene who was whimpering. "You fucking, lousy fucking bitch." He seethed, his hold on his wife unwavering.
"What do you mean?" Irene fired back, "I saw you in there, with Billy," John lowered his head as Irene shut her eyes. "I know what you were doing, You was trying to get him to fuck you, because you're a little fucking whore!" He taunted her, violently shaking her slender frame.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Riley seemed the slightest bit drunk. Sensing the intensity, you quietly moved to another spot to hear them better, "I'm tired. I want to sleep," Irene pleaded helplessly, pulling away. Her once-neat bun now betrayed signs of disarray.
"I've had enough of you. Do you understand?" John forcefully pulled her back towards him, and Irene released a pained groan. "You're a fucking embarrassment. You're always out there in heat. It's fucking disgusting and I've had e-fucking-nough!" He yelled in her face.
Part of you wanted to go out there and confront him, but what would that do? Your gaze involuntarily fell on the revolver snug in his gun belt—John Riley, a man not hesitant to use it, especially if he discovered you eavesdropping on their private dispute.
"So have I!" Mrs. Riley yelled back, making you slightly jump at the suddenness of it. "I've had enough of you; I hate you!" She roughly shoved him off of her, stumbling as she walked away.
From where you were hiding, you could see what she was doing. What she was reaching for in her garter. A revolver. Swiftly turning, she cocked it and fired, the shot lacking precision. Her lack of aim resulted in wounding John's upper right arm, and you instinctively covered your mouth to stifle a gasp, your eyes widening in shock.
Meanwhile, Billy had been searching everywhere for you. His search for you led him out front of the house where the unmistakable sound of a gunshot pierced the air, prompting his head to whip in the direction of the noise.
Against the wall, you pressed yourself further, a silent witness to the unfolding chaos. In a single, fluid motion, Mr. Riley drew his gun, the metallic click resonating in the tense atmosphere before a decisive shot rang out. Her body dropped to the floor where you saw a clear view of the blood pooling around her body.
Your hands covered your mouth in both shock and horror. Trembling with fear, you couldn't tear your eyes away. At the echo of a second gunshot, Billy sprinted to the side of the house. The urgency became palpable – you needed to leave, immediately. Peeking cautiously around the corner, you saw John's back, hunched and vulnerable, as he clutched his wound.
You quickly slip out before you bump into a hard surface. Your eyes widen in shock as Billy stares down at you, his eyebrows knit in confusion yet his gaze reflecting genuine concern. Before he can question about your unexpected presence, his attention shifts behind you to where Irene's lifeless form lies sprawled on the ground.
His gaze then locks onto John, who winces in pain. "She's dead!" Billy instinctively pushes you to safety behind him; your breathing is quick and shallow, your chest heaving with rapid breaths. Billy's gaze remains fixed on Mrs. Riley.
"What did you do?" His voice turns cold, and the unmistakable sound of him cocking his gun follows. "Billy!" you whisper-yell, hand urgently tugging on his shirt. "She shot me! She tried to kill me!" John points to his bleeding wound, your fear lingering despite Billy's protective stance. "Now, get me some fucking help!"
"Hey, hey, hey, hey!" James Dolan rushes in between the two, "what the hell is happening?" Billy's aim at John doesn't falter. "You're friend killed his wife." You flinch when John's yell rang through your ears, "She shot me! Look at me!"
"Okay, okay, just.... Billy," Dolan puts his hand on Billy's arm, lowering the gun, "Billy, put it down, all right?" Billy complies but hesitates when he puts his gun back in the safety of his belt. You clutch onto Billy's arm as pulls you into his chest, relief flooding through you as he holds you tightly.
"Hey, go fetch the doctor, huh?" You hear James yell. Unbeknownst to you, Billy's eyes stayed glued on Irene. His lip quivering slightly. There had been so much life in her just a couple minutes before, and now, he stared at her lifeless body, blood soaking into her dress.
As his hand moved to caress your hair, his eyes snap to James and John. James was ushering John to go back inside so that he could help him until Billy interjects. "We need a fucking sheriff!" He yelled, as you felt the vibration of his chest in your entire body as you clung to him even more.
"Billy, Billy please, take me out of here," You pull his face down in between your hands as he gazes at your desperate eyes. "Just, just get out of here!" James instructs the onlookers. Billy brushes the sweaty strands that framed your face back. "Sh, it's okay, 'm right here, sweetheart," He pulls you back into the warmth of his chest as you let out a choked sob.
“What were you doin' there?” The question, anticipated and inevitable, lingered in the air. Placing your cup on the kitchen counter, you turned to face Billy, his eyes fixed on you, awaiting your response. His expression, an enigma.
Exhaling through your nose, you crossed your arms, eyes drifting to the plant in the corner of the room. "I just wanted to check if she was okay, stumbling around the house drunk, Billy," you lied, leaving the part out where you saw them kissing and discreetly letting Mr. Riley know of the inappropriate behaviour his wife was partaking in.
Pushing off the counter, you approached Billy, your feet closing the distance. His legs, too long for the table, faced you, stretching out.
"Then Mr. Riley came, so I hid... And then it happened," you explained, shrugging. A sigh escaped your lips as you settled beside him, your hand offering a comforting squeeze to his thigh.
Billy scrutinized your features, finding sincerity in your eyes, yet sensing an underlying truth—you didn't truly care about Mrs. Riley's death. Your behaviour around her proved it.
"I just can’t stop thinking ‘bout it," Billy admitted, fingers toying with the mug handle before him. "Of course you can't, Billy-" You were cut off as Billy spoke, "She was even begging me! Fucking begged me to take her somewhere, away from him."
You bit your lip, containing your reaction to this new revelation. Irene begging him to take her away? Mr. Riley's accusatory words echoed in your mind, You were trying to get him to fuck you
"I-I should’ve done something. If I had taken her somewhere, she'd probably be alive right now," Billy stammered, and you moved to cradle his head, ushering him to stop. "Billy. Billy, stop." You spoke calmly, though turmoil brewed within.
He blamed himself for Irene's death, carrying the weight of responsibility for her demise, a fate she brought upon herself by flaunting more than friendliness—brazenly, in front of her husband.
"It is not your fault that Irene was murdered, okay?" you reassured him as he fell into silence. "Still, takin’ her somewhere could’ve helped-" "Stop!" You abruptly shouted, making Billy flinch in your grasp.
Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath before releasing your hold on him, and Billy stared at you in shock. "I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled. I just-" You halted, inhaling again to gain your composure.
“Do you really think nothing bad would’ve happened to either you or Irene if you did take her somewhere? Billy, Mr. Riley would not have taken it lightly if he found out you did take his wife somewhere,” you reason with him.
Billy nodded slowly. "Yeah, you’re right." You gave him a tight smile, patting his thigh. "I should probably get going, Jesse wants to meet up with me." Billy stood, adjusting his hat, and you rose from the seat.
"Okay, be safe." Approaching him, you smiled up, and he slipped his arm around your waist. "I love you." Leaning in, you replied, "I love you too," your lips meeting in a tender connection.
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floralcyanide · 1 year ago
˚₊✩‧₊◜kinktober 2023! ―
― day twelve ⛧ threesome
Billy Loomis x Stu Macher x GN!Reader
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After you, Billy, and Stu's grand plan goes as expected, a little celebration ensues.
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warnings:  smut, threesome, gender neutral reader, unprotected sex, penetrative sex, rough oral sex (m receiving) cum eating
word count: 643
author's note: hello hello so sorry this is like, a week late lol life has been beating the fuck out of me lately and I've been busy and exhausted and stressed. lots of stuff to get caught up on like classwork, but also kinktober!! stay tuned!! thanks for any feedback (:
kinktober masterpost | kinktober taglist form | main masterlist | main taglist form
this fic has been cross posted to ao3.
ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴄᴏᴘʏ, ʀᴇᴘʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴇ, ᴏʀ ᴄʟᴀɪᴍ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋ ᴀs ʏᴏᴜʀs ᴏɴ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ, ᴀᴏ3, ᴡᴀᴛᴛᴘᴀᴅ, ᴏʀ ᴀɴʏ ᴡᴇʙsɪᴛᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴘᴇʀᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ᴜsᴇ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ɪɴ ᴀɪ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴏʀs ᴏʀ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀʀᴛɪғɪᴄɪᴀʟ ɪɴᴛᴇʟʟɪɢᴇɴᴄᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴜsᴇ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ᴛᴏ sᴇʟʟ ғᴏʀ ᴀs ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛɪᴏɴ.
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It was a good plan, a great plan, even. And it worked out in the end without a hitch. 
You, Billy, and Stu successfully fulfilled your plan to get your revenge against Sidney Prescott, and now you’re celebrating in Stu’s bedroom. The three of you were covered in blood and downing pounds and pounds of liquor, and one of you (you can’t recall who anymore) got the bright idea to play truth or dare. Might as well air out your dirty laundry now that the three of you are all connected by blood. The game turned frisky quickly when you dared Billy to kiss Stu. After Billy had yet to pull away, you decided to get in on the action by attacking Stu’s neck with your teeth. And it sort of snowballed from there. Now, you’re sitting on Stu’s lap on the edge of his bed, his cock buried deep inside you, while Billy’s standing in front of you, his cock pounding the back of your throat. Being so full never felt so right. The adrenaline from the earlier murders mixed with the alcohol is doing wonders for your brain, as well as the untapped pleasure you’re experiencing from both ends of your body. 
“Taking my cock like such a good little slut,” Billy praises as he fucks your face, his hands gripping the sides of your head for leverage. 
Stu bucks his hips into your ass, his tip brushing your cervix with every movement he makes. He doesn’t pull all the way out and slam back in, instead, he keeps you seated and still until he wishes to fuck into you. And when he does, it’s hard and sudden. Stu decides to change his mind and begins to lift you by your hips so you pull off his cock almost all the way before he guides you back down. Your ass slaps against his thighs as he gains a rhythm for you, your body limp and allowing Stu and Billy to do whatever they want to it. 
“You’re so tight, Jesus,” Stu curses as your hole clenches around him.
Grabbing a fistful of your hair, Stu then starts bobbing your head back and forth along Billy’s cock. Billy lets go of your head and smirks as he watches Stu shove your face forward until you gag. You open your mouth as far as your jaw will allow, letting Stu force you to gag on Billy, his length mercilessly fucking your throat rapidly. You moan around him, gagging and drooling pitifully. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Billy grits his teeth, his cock twitching as he watches Stu fuck in and out of your tight entrance flawlessly.
“Can you swallow my cum for me, sweetheart? Be a good little slut? Hmm?” Billy grabs your jaw, pressing his fingers into it as he stares directly into your eyes.
You nod the best you can as he snaps his hips into your face, chasing his orgasm. Stu watches as Billy comes undone in your throat and on your tongue, the tip of his cock hitting that sensitive spot inside you and sending him to his own release. Swallowing Billy’s cum, your release follows soon after, the sensation of being filled with cum and cock sending you over the edge. You continue to bounce on Stu and suck off Billy, milking them of everything they have to offer as you ride out your high. 
They both pull out of you, and you whimper at the loss of fullness. Stu gently drags you onto the bed to lie down with him, and Billy crawls next to you under the sheets. There’s just enough room for all three of you in Stu’s full-size bed. There, you spend the rest of the night giggling about what you just did and planning the next person or people to torment in your Ghostface costumes.
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@ins0mniac-whack @mypoisonedvine @berlyrecords @scribbuluswrites @vampireluck @kelloggs @whiispii @generalvoidthing @mg-i-have-issues @banshailey @ilikefictionalmen @sweatymuffinweasellamp @pheonist @your-platonic-gay-lover @doestalker @darthannie @julesmendoza890 @im-a-slut-for-this-man2 @cancelledkaley @slashersluttt @alishajade @hellocals @omens-in-reverse @spacerobe @littlebambieeyes444 @chuckybitch1988 @thequeenoftheisleofavalon @langdons-slut @pplanetoparis @straykids-gives-me-life @muffinlove7 @detectiveapparatiagreen @jessica987 @justafangirl @amanda08319 @works-of-fanfiction @topperscumslut @cranesbathtowel @butlersluvbot @nela-cutie @straykids-gives-me-life @ineedmyaccountback @itsbebeyyy @blankbedroom @purejasmine @mrsbutler99 @tiredkitten @ab4eva @kai-wifey
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hxrnyforsturns · 7 months ago
guess C.S
based off of guess by billie ellish and charli xcx
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SMUTT. p in v, oral sex,nudity. swearing. tattoos. making out. pet names.
y/n X chris sturniolo
you: pink
chris: orange
friend: purple
a/n i haven't seen enough fics about this song so im adding to it ;) it like 2 am i wrote all of this in one night. i'm not proof reading it so there is probably a lot of errors but idgaf.
i was out with my best friends shopping after we got tattoos together. we got matching lower back tattoos. the design was a heart with a pretty design on the sides of the hearts, kind of looking like wings. all i could think about was chris's reaction to it. an up beat song is blasting through the speakers as we walk into a victoria's secret in search of nice lingerie.
"i know i got chris a lot of gifts for his birthday but i see him today for the first time since he left for his birthday. so i was thinking ill get a special set in his favorite color and surprise him. what do you guys think?"
"girl your gonna get an orange set? that's gonna be hideous "
"not in his eyes"
"whatever do what you want, i'll be getting an actual nice color!"
i roll my eyes at her comment. he was very special to me so the least i could do is get a set in his favorite color, even if it will not look good. i rummage around the colors, i found a vibrant orange mesh thong with a matching mesh bra. it was bedazzled on the straps of both pieces, it also had a slight leopard print on them. they were both exactly my size, it was a sign, i had to get it. i ran to the checkout
"wow that's a color!"
"he's gonna love it! i'm so excited!!"
i arrived home with my shopping bag. chris wasn't home from the airport yet so it gave me time to try on and wear my new purchase. i slipped on both pieces and they were gorgeous, i was afraid that it wouldn't look to good on me but it was phenomenal. my new favorite set. i put shorts and a big t shirt over it so i could surprise him once he got home.
an hour or two passed. i was watching tv and i heard the keys jangling. i shot up and ran to the door and there he was. my beautiful boy was there. his eyes looked bluer since he left.
"hey my love! ugh i missed you so much!" he pulled me in fora hug as he dropped all of his bags on the floor of the kitchen
"come on! i have been waiting all week to give you your gift!"
chris opened all of his wrapped gifts. he finished opening all of his gifts except for the one I had bought that was on my body.
"for this next gift, we have to play a little game"
"ooh fun!" he smirked
"guess what?"
"just guess a color."
"hmm blue?"
"what exactly is the item that i'm guessing the color of?"
"you'll see once you get the color right. i'll give you a hint it's your favorite." i smirked at him while laying him down on the bed
"correct! now you get to see!"
his eyes widen as i take my shirt off and as my panties make an appearance.
"for me? tonight."
"all for you baby, always and forever."
"that's all i want. wow i like your new tattoo! it's so beautiful. like you!"
we smash our lips together as i fall on top of him. grasping on his hair as muffled moans leave our mouths still pressed together. we grow sloppier and sloppier. i pull away just to kiss down his neck to his collar bone. i make it down to his stomach and i tug at his boxers letting him know i want them off.
he immediately rips them off. his cock sprung out to his stomach. i grasp it and start to kiss the tip of his dick.
"god i've missed you so much."
i take his length in my mouth the farthest it could go in my mouth. my eyes start to water. he's nonstop groaning as he stares at me.
"fuck- i wish you could wear that everyday it's really turning me on." he expresses in between pants.
"fuck baby. m'gonna- cu-" he shot his load in my mouth and around my face
"shit baby i'm so sorry. i didn't mean to!"
"no need to apologize baby." i took my finger and dragged it around my face gathering his cum on my finger.
"want a taste?" i shoved my finger in his mouth.
"god baby never take that outfit off. "
he fidgets with the black bow on the waistband. i'm laying on the bed and chris plays with my panties. he pulls them to the side and my head shot up. he buried his face in my pussy. he licks everything like it's his last meal. he stuck his tongue as well as his fingers. i grasp the sheets so tight i feel they will rip any second. i moan loud as ever he detaches his lips and finger for a moment. he grabs my panties off my body exposing my throbbing pussy. he kept the panties in his mouth for a moment as he tore his shirt off. he had them in his hand for the duration of the night. he grabbed his dick and shoved it in, a loud gasp coming from my mouth.
"oh my fuck, your the best ever. don't stop there." i'm staring up at him as he holds my panties in his mouth while his hands on my hips as he aggressively thrusts into me.
"i'm about to cum now baby"
"same- oh my FUCK-"
he pulled out seeing our juices mixed at my pussy.
"that set got me so turned on. best birthday gift ever "
"glad you enjoyed it"
"let me see that tattoo again." he placed kisses for about 3 minutes on the tattoo as he drifted to sleep on my bare ass.
chris never goes anywhere without my panties in his pocket.
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son-of-anubis · 1 year ago
For Our Eyes, Only
Billy x Male Reader
WARNINGS: one dick sucking moment that is not even that grafic, some making out, jealousy, homophobia (mostly internalized but refers to the times i guess), not proofread
A/N: first writing ever, be nice please 😅, also obviously English is not my first language sorry about that
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The air in the saloon was somehow both airy and suffocating, loud voices echoing throughout the open space.
Y/N could see some of his men playing what he assumed was poker in the far right corner. His eyes stayed on Billys frame for a second longer than the rest. The broad shoulders and lanky torso. Flashes of just hours earlier plauges his mind.
"Fuck, just like that doll," Billy breathed out, intoxicated on the other mans actions.
Y/N managed a strained smile, even with Billys cock in his mouth. He felt immense pride, for being able to render the gunman from mysterious to babbleing fool.
The grip on his hair hardened and he...
"....ardon, sir? Excuse me?" the soft voice of the barmaid pulled him back to reality.
"Hmm?" he felt somewhat stupid for being so lost, but daydreamers weren't uncommon.
The woman, Penelope, giggled and put a hand on his bicep before asking him if he wanted anything more to drink.
Even though Y/N hated to do it, he flirted back. What he and Billy were doing, even if it was real to them, was a sin. He knew that. It wasn't natural. Though he never quite could figure out how all love but theirs was natural, it was just an accepted fact.
He could feel Billy watching him and for a moment he felt awful. He wanted so to just walk over to him, caress his hair, smooth the frown from his brows, kiss his jaw and tell him nothing compares to him.
But alas, he never could. So he put on the most charming smile he could and put his full focus on Penelope.
"No mrs. L/N? I'm surprised!"
Y/N shrugged "No time really," he hoped the smiled reached his eyes "no time and no right person"
Penelope leaned in to him. Then she stilled. The smell of smoke and whiskey, mixed with a strong musky vanilla reached his nose and he knew who spooked her.
He turned around casually, catching the jealous sparkle in the taller mans eyes.
"Billy" he breathed out. He felt a stirring in his stomach at the fact that he would walk over here out of jealousy over him, but he also felt a pit forming. Eyes quickly darting around, hoping noone recognized the possessiveness as anything other that brotherly care.
"I need to talk to you." was the curt response he got.
Giving a smile he hoped was at least somewhat apolagetic, he removed himself from the barmaid and followed Billys fast pace out the doors.
Before Y/N could even question him he was pulled into a dark corner of the town and pushed up against a wall.
Their tounges fighting for dominance, a frustration of hiding that neither one could truly ever get out of their systems.
Finally pulling away, foreheads resting against each other.
Billy gruffed out a quiet 'sorry'. And Y/N nodded his head, because he did understand. They belonged to each other, but the world was never to know.
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mca-attack21 · 9 months ago
No More Waiting - JeremiahxReader
TW: Passing out.
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Do you know that magical feeling where everything seems a little brighter, the world a slightly happier place? The feeling of being home in a cozy blanket, but also like you're invincible? That is the way Jeremiah made you feel. When you were with him it was electric, but also safe. At some point this summer, you realized that the way you felt for Jeremiah was stronger than anything you’d ever felt for anyone else. As you walked down to the kitchen you promised yourself that today was the day you were going to do something about it. 
As you walked into the kitchen you were greeted by his smile as he handed you a coffee. “So Y/n, what do you have planned for this beautiful day?”
“Well, Belly is debbing, Connie is helping Cleveland with the boat, you and Steven have work. So I-”
“You should come to the club!” he interrupted, grabbing you arms, “Come on, it’d be great to see you all day and you could bring one of your bajillion books. Please Y/n?” he pleaded with his puppy dog eyes. 
He didn’t have to try so hard, you were already putty in his hands. “I’ll go get ready,” you agreed. Jeremiah jumped up and down before pulling you in a hug and spinning you around.
“This is going to be such a great day,” he said. 
You went upstairs and put on the new bikini you had bought with Taylor. You changed outfits 3 times and tried at least 4 different hairstyles before grabbing your stuff and running down the stairs. 
“Woah Y/n, who are you getting all dressed up for?” Steven asked. 
“Sorry not all of us can rock a hair net Steven,” Jeremiah defended you, his eyes lingering. “You look hot,” he declared, spinning you around. “Are you ready to go?” 
“Y-yeah,” you said, trying to hide your blushing cheeks. 
The two of you rode together, talking, laughing, singing to songs on the radio. It was euphoric. When he pulled into the parking lot you were a little sad that you’d have to share him now.
He came around and opened your door, “So I’m gonna go check in with the big man, but then I will be out by the pool with my favorite girl.” 
Favorite girl. You could feel your cheeks warming up again. You found a chair directly across from the lifeguard stand, you striped down to your bikini and got comfortable opening your book. Though to be honest you don’t know if you read a single page. Jeremiah kept goofing off to get your attention. At one point he sat down at the foot of your chair and laid back so that his head was in your lap.
“Aren’t you supposed to be working?” you laugh. 
“I can’t help it, you’re distracting.” He sat up and swiveled around to face you.
“I thought the whole point was to watch the pool, Mr. Lifeguard.” 
“How am I supposed to do that when you are here looking like this?” 
“Jeremiah, I-” you started, but were cut off when Billy started to cause a ruckus in the pool. 
“Duty calls, I’ll be right back.”
You decided that you were going to grab a couple of waters and snacks when he got back. You were starting to feel dizzy and nauseated, probably from the heat.
“Sorry about that, you were saying something?”
“I was gonna grab a snack, want anything?” you asked, feeling a little off. You go to stand up and are a little unsteady.
Seeing this, Jeremiah steps and grabs you, concern immediately taking over his face seeing how pale you are all of a sudden. “Are you okay Y/n?”
“I’m fine. Just a little-” Your vision faded and Jeremiah had to shift his weight to keep you from falling. He immediately scooped you up and carried you inside, trying not to freak out. He had Steven grab an ice pack and water, while he stayed glued to your side watching the rise and fall of your chest. 
“Y/n,” he called, softly shaking your shoulders. 
“Hmm,” you groaned.
“Open those beautiful eyes of yours.”
“How are you feeling?”
“Embarrassed,” you answered honestly. 
“I should be thanking you, you made me look like a real hero,” he joked. 
You’ll always be my hero.
“I’m fine Jeremiah, I think I just got a little overheated. You should get back out there. I’ll be out there in a minute,” you promised.
He looked hesitant to leave you. So you stuck up your pinky. “I’m okay, I promise.” 
He linked his pinky with yours and you both kissed it as was your tradition. He made you promise to finish the water before coming back out. And then made sure Steven would keep an eye on you in the meantime. 
After he walked away, you took your drink and took a seat at the snack bar. 
“When are you two going to kiss and get it over with?” Steven asked. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you lied. 
“Look, Jeremiah never shuts up about you literally ever. And if you haven’t noticed he hasn’t been hooking up with anyone this summer. There’s a reason for that. And you are so obviously in love with him, everyone sees it except Jere. So what are you waiting for?” 
“Is it really that obvious?” you laugh. 
“Clear as day Y/n/n.”
“Thanks Steven, ” you said sincerely. That was the last push you needed. 
You headed back out to the pool. Jeremiah's face lit up when he saw you and he made his way over to you. “You look way better.”
“Thanks, I think?”
“My shift is almost over. Anything you want to do afterwards?”
“Up to you Jere,” you smiled. 
The rest of your time at the poolside flew by. You were trying to decide what words you were going to use to tell Jeremiah how you felt. It seemed impossible.
“Y/n are you okay? You’ve been awfully quiet. Did I do something wrong?” Jeremiah asked after he pulled into the parking lot of your favorite ice cream shop.
“I’m just thinking,” you answer. 
“What’s on your mind?”
“There is this guy that I like. He’s incredible. He’s sweet, a blast to be around, everyday with him feels like an adventure. I want to tell him how I feel. But I’m not sure how to.”
Jeremiah’s face fell. He stared out the dash, grip tightening on the steering wheel. “You just have to tell him, otherwise you might miss your chance and he’ll move on.”
“That guy. The one I like. It’s you. It’s always been you,” you admit.
His eyes met yours and lit up, he smiled before grabbing your chin and pulling you in for  a kiss. It was intense, saying everything that you hadn’t. The kiss was making up for all of the times you had wanted to kiss each other and hadn’t. When it was over, you stayed close glancing from his lips to his eyes. 
“I can not believe we waited so long to do that,” he whispered.
“No more waiting,” you breathed before kissing him again, unbuckling your seat beat to really lean in. 
You have no idea how long the two of you kissed. It was incredible and neither of you could stop smiling. Eventually Jeremiah got out of his car and came around and opened your door, immediately pulling you into a hug, then spinning you around keeping one of your hands intertwined as you walked inside.
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aurorangen · 10 months ago
OC Deep Dive Questionnaire Tag
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Thank you for tagging me @matchalovertrait @mdshh @duusheen (and anyone else I might have missed, I'm so late to answer!) I'm doing it for Vincent, he's just interesting to talk about! It's a long one:
What uncommon/common fear do they have? Vincent has a fear of crowded places, how people could be watching or spying on him. What do they want? Why are they doing this? Who is behind it? Anyone could be doing it, but he knows it's from his past (unless something new has developed). Remember he has been spied on before, by someone from Strangerville. Now he doesn't know and we don't know if his Dad's disappearance and Strangerville are all linked, but you can probably guess. Also a fear of going into the operating room and surgery.
Do they have any pet peeves? When people are late. He hates it.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom? His briefcase, his favourite cologne, iPad
What do they notice first in a person? Facial expressions, eye contact and body language: how they compose themselves.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance? He has high pain tolerance physically/emotionally so 8.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? In the past, it would be flight. But now that he is older it's always fight. In court, he can be under a lot of pressure, but he is always prepared to fight and win!
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person? From his mum's side, he has a big extended family, from Evergreen Harbour and Henford on Bagley! Growing up he has always wanted siblings. He loves having Isaac as a brother and they spend so much time together now! But his childhood was so lonely at home, while his mum was working and his dad always MIA before his disappearance. Vincent always went over to Billy's house to hang out with Charlie! Billy and Josh have always been his father figures, unlike his own. Now with kids, he'll do the best he can to provide a childhood full of love!
What animal represents them best? Vincent is obviously a lion and Isaac is an eagle. You know in an ecosystem there are food chains where predators catch prey. Well, they are Kingsleys, so they're the top of the "hierarchy". Think of it like they're going into enemy territory (investigating their dad or other cases) and they are bringing them down. But their dad is also a Kingsley...
What is a smell that they dislike? Any sort of laboratory setting chemical smell idk...I'm not saying anymore
Have they broken any bones? Nope
How would a stranger likely describe them? Secretive first. But that goes away to easy-going, amicable, reliable
Are they a night owl or a morning bird? Both actually
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love? Hmm Vincent is a bit of a foodie and appreciates good food, he likes a lot of stuff really. Something he hates? Mint ice cream lol
Do they have any hobbies? Cooking (I've not explored it though)
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises? He's all good with surprise birthday parties! Vincent would be full of gratitude to the people who took the time and effort to arrange it. He'll make sure everyone enjoys their time and divert himself from being the centre of attention haha
Do they like to wear jewelry? Ooh he likes fancy watches
Do they have neat or messy handwriting? Surprisingly quite messy. He likes typing stuff lmao
What are two emotions they feel the most? Pride, determination
Do they have a favorite fabric? As long as it's comfortable
What kind of accent do they have? British accent duh
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wonderjanga · 3 months ago
whats your take on kleptomaniac billy batson/captain marvel 🧐
Freddy has called Billy a klepto on more than one occasion. He’d never known what it meant and brushed it off until he finally gave in and asked.
Freddy: “It means you steal a lot.”
Billy: “Wha- I don’t steal a lot.”
Freddy: “Yeah, yeah you do.”
Billy: “No I don’t.”
Freddy: “Billy, somehow, during this interaction, you successfully whisked away one of my crutches and are now holding it.”
Billy: “Oh.” *stares at it for a solid second before handing it back* “My bad.”
Freddy: “I bet.”
It’s because of this conversation that Billy noticed how much stealing he actually did. He then came to the realization that he didn’t just do this as Billy. Honestly, he’s just surprised none of the JL hadn’t said anything about it yet.
Marvel and Hawkgirl: *talking*
Hawkgirl: *places her mace down nearby*
Marvel: *gets a notification on his comm* “Ah… Sorry Ms. Hawkgirl ma’am, Supes needs me for something.”
Hawkgirl: “Alright then. See you.” *waves*
Marvel: “See you!” *waves back and leaves the room, not before nabbing her mace*
Hawkgirl: “Alright… Maybe I should go ask Diana if she wants to hang out.” *looks around for her lace so she can grab it and leave only to see the mace obviously isn’t there* “Where’d by mace go??” *looks around the room more*
Marvel: *walks back in with an extremely awkward smile and hands her mace back* “Sorry.”
Hawkgirl: *stares a little dumbfounded and watches him go*
He’d actually done something similar to this only with Aquaman’s trident. Though, instead of staring at him as he left, the man simply laughed it off.
Marvel and GL: *talking and laughing*
Marvel: *doesn’t even notice he steals Lantern’s ring and continues chatting*
GL: *does notice, puts his hand out for the ring and also continues chatting*
Marvel: *puts the ring in his hand, again, without even realizing*
He’s done this so many times, to so many different Green Lanterns. Not even just the ones from Earth. It’s also not even just the Green Lanterns too, he does it to the entire color spectrum.
Supes and Marvel: *chatting and stopping to go their separate ways*
Marvel: *gives Supes a pat on the shoulder and somehow steals the cape without the Kryptonian noticing*
Supes: *walks off*
Marvel: *realizes what he did and is just left standing there thinking he fucked up*
Jon: *rounds a corner, looking for his dad and spots Marvel* “Is that my dad’s cape?”
Marvel: “Hmm? Uh…” *looks at the cape in his hands before looking back to Jon* “Yeah.”
Jon: “Why do you have it?”
Marvel: “I uh… stole it.”
Jon: “Oh.”
Jon: “Can I have it so I can give it back?”
Marvel: “Sure?” *hands it back to him*
All the kid heroes were gossiping after this because they wanted to know the true reason Marvel had it. After all, Marvel wasn’t the type to steal, right? And if he was, why would he just admit it?
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rainintheevening · 9 months ago
"Peter William Pevensie!"
There was more fear in the cry than anger, but the boy was too young to tell the difference, and he flinched, but did not hide his face.
"Oh, Peter!" Softer she spoke, as she crouched down to lightly brush cool fingers over the bloody cheek, and the boy relaxed, grinned gamely.
"I'm alright, Mummy. Was just James, got me with his sword."
Peter, from the Greek Petros/Petra, meaning rock, stone. The name bestowed by Jesus, who is called Christ, on His disciple Simon (bar Jonah).
"And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
One of the first disciples of Christ, denied his Lord three times, saw the Christ after His resurrection, received forgiveness, lead the early church from Jerusalem, died a martyr's death upon an upside-down cross.
"And that explains why your shirtsleeve is gone, hmm? And this tear in your knickerbockers, I suppose."
Her hand was gentle on his hair, and he sighed, proud of the way his arms hurt, his knee ached, the taste of blood that still lingered on his tongue. He was a knight, after all, like King Arthur. He had friends to protect, and battles to fight. Wounds were things to be proud of.
"Did you fight honourably?"
He looked up into his mother's face, and her eyes told him this was important, even as her lips smiled.
Peter knew what 'honourable' meant; Daddy had told him. It meant not hitting a girl, and not hitting a boy when he was down, or hurt, or smaller than Peter. It meant being fair, and not cheating. It meant being kind, even to people he didn't like.
He nodded. "I think so. Least, I tried." He had almost taken an extra swing at Billy, after the other boy had lost his sword, but James had stepped in front of him, and made sure Billy got his wooden weapon back, before the fight continued.
"Good." Mummy's whole face looked happy then, and she stood up straight, took his hand. "Come along then, and we'll clean you up."
William, from the Germanic, will-helm, or more often rendered resolute protector. The name of England's first Norman king, 'William the Conquerer', as well as that of Scotland's guardian, William Wallace.
Of Wallace: "He was appointed Guardian of the kingdom not so much by election as by divine intervention..." — Walter Bower
Also the name of that prolific playwrite and poet, William Shakespere, and of England's passionate abolitionist, William Wilberforce.
Peter followed obediently, only slowing as they passed the baby's bassinet on the way to the kitchen.
"He's asleep," his mother said quietly, "Don't wake him."
Peter was quiet, glancing back as he stood by the table, while Mummy fetched a rag, wet it at the sink.
"Will Eddie be able to play with me soon?" he asked at last. "I know he's still small, but he'll get strong soon, won't he?"
There was a little pause, before his mother came toward him with the cloth, and with a smile, picked him up and seated him on the edge of the kitchen table. He dangled his legs, delighted, but not distracted.
"Won't he, Mummy?"
"Oh, I expect so." The rag brushed his cheek, and he couldn't help squeaking, just a little. "He'll be out there in the street with you before I can turn around." She stopped wiping away the blood for a moment, and looked him in the eye, quite serious. "You'll still need to watch out for him, you know. Even when he's bigger. You're already so sweet with him, but try to keep being kind, always. Try to remember that, alright?"
Peter looked back at her, feeling like he was a knight being told something very important by the queen. "Yes, ma'am."
"Good child." She kissed his forehead, and went back to the work of cleaning his cuts.
Peter sat as still as he could, only swinging his legs gently, careful not to kick his mother, going stiff whenever a fresh burst of pain came.
She was cleaning his knee when Susan started in roaring from the nursery upstairs, and almost at the same moment, Ed gave a little cry.
"Oh, dear." His mother made a face, something he didn't usually see grown-ups do, and she lifted him down to the floor. "Peter, dear. Try to keep the baby quiet while I fetch Susie?"
"Yes, Mummy."
Peter didn't mind being told to look after Eddie, he liked his baby brother. Peter was tall enough to rest his arms on the edge of the bassinet, and he leaned in, murmuring gentle things like Daddy did.
"Hullo now, Eddie. It's alright, little fellow. I'm here. Big brother's here."
The thin mewing noise stopped, and dark eyes peered out of the pale face at him.
"Don't worry, Mummy will be back soon, she just has to get Susie."
Peter put out one hand, knuckles still scraped and red, dirt still under his fingernails, and stroked a gentle finger down the baby's cheek.
"That's right. Big brother's here. You're alright, Eddie."
He was surprised by the force with which the tiny fingers wrapped around his, but then he grinned, delighted.
"See, I knew you were getting stronger! It'll be just as Mummy said, you'll come playing with me in no time. And I'll let you have my best sword, I can make a new one. I'll teach you how to fight, don't worry."
The little blond boy was still talking when his mother came down the stairs, holding her now mollified second-born, and she stood for a moment, watching and smiling, a deep sudden gratefulness welling up in her heart. He would be well, Edmund would. How could he not with such a loving protector as Peter?
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theunburntsblog · 2 years ago
Hey mate!
How bout a poly Billy & Stu x male reader who they tease and call a pet?
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MALEREADER!: he/him pronouns used NO graphic depiction of reader. Poly relationship between Billy, Stu, and Reader.
A/n: I'm so sorry this is quite late. I've been going through a lot of things! Hope this will make it up to you : 3 mind you, this might be occ I'm very rusty atm.
You and your partners gather around into the living room of Stu's house. Sitting down onto the floor, drinking some beer while playing Uno.
Stu looks at the cards he has before placing down a draw four against Billy as he chuckles softly. "Hmm, let's see here. I guess I'll change it to.. green, " Stu said teasingly poking his tongue out at Billy, who scoffs and rolls his eyes in annoyance.
Billy takes his turn, placing down another draw 4 card before looking up at you and smirking and declaring uno. "Uno, I believe it's your turn, isn't it, pet?" He tilts his head to the side, teasing you. You sternly look at him, "I'm no pet, you're not gonna win so easily." You start to pick up 8 more cards as Stu holds in a laugh and fails miserably. "What's so funny!" You exclaim, furrowing your brows in annoyance. Stu shrugs, smiling widely with his teeth. "It's just funny to see your confidence. Let's be honest, babe, you don't have much chance to beat us for one. Secondly, you're more like a puppy, ya know? Those big doe eyes just scream it"
Billy looks amused at Stu's answer, nodding along. "I will have to admit, you're loyal and have a big heart it's cute. You're definitely a pet. There's no doubt about it."
You set your cards face down before stealing a sip of Billy's beer, then crossing your arms. "You're full of yourself. You both are." Stu coos, sitting his cards down as he moves closer to you, pulling you into a hug "awww he's tryna act all big, sweet boy." You giggle, gently pushing him away, but Stu just showers you more affection while Billy just smirks and admires his two lovers.
He shakes his head at both of you. "Don't try and hide it. You know we're right. " You accept Stu's love, shaking him off as the room fills with soft laughter. Stu reaches over and starts tickling you, which makes you yelp and move around to get out of his grasp, yelling out for Billy to help you. "Billy! Get him off me! Help!" You frail around. Billy goes to you, and you assume to pull Stu off, but he joins into the antics.
You roll around onto the floor as your boyfriends continue to tickle and tease you. Rambling about how cute you look all flustered while you can't really make out what they're saying because they're just speaking over each other as you giggle relentlessly.
After a few moments, they stop tickling and teasing you. You managed to finish the match of Uno, and you also ended up winning, which made Billy and Stu bicker like children because they didn't win. You all cramp onto the couch, cuddling as limbs interlinked while watching a cheesy movie to poke fun at.
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aurorawritestoescape · 11 months ago
SUNSET || Boyfriend!Billy x f!reader || 1,5k
Summary: Billy takes you to watch the sunset. You don’t see much of it.
Tw: 18+ mdni, smut, pwp, SUP board sex, f!masturbation, fingering, unprotected piv, creampie, in public, anal play, swearing, multiple orgasms
A/n: for @toxicanonymity with eternal love and respect♥️ also it’s my humble contribution to boyd-a-thon, an event with a great cause. Check it out and take part if you’d like<3
Inspired by || Hot Billy video / gifs by @ilovewhiteroses - Skeleton Twins (2014) || Beach Walks prequel and Beach Walks by @toxicanonymity - Night Walks AU < READ IT
Kisses to @milla-frenchy for beta-ing || Gif in the moodboard by @ithinkwehitametaphor thank you!<3
You’re watching the sunset slowly change the color of the sky - the blues melt into all shades of pink. Gentle waves of the ocean are swaying the sup board under you, lulling you into a peaceful haze. You’re leaning against Billy, his warm bare chest flush with your back, legs framing yours submerged in water. His arms are wrapped around your middle, your fingers are tangled, as you two are watching the sun slowly fall into the ocean.
To be honest you’d rather enjoy it from a nice beach cafe but Billy said it’s going to be “bloody romantic" and you couldn’t say ‘no’.
Refusing him anything was a challenge for you. Always loving and attentive to your needs he also possessed an ability to persuade you into doing whatever he wanted just with a rise of his brow or his sweet boyish smile.
The date was going really romantic like he promised. And then it got hot.
His hands leave yours and slide down from your waist to your naked thighs. He gives them a light squeeze waking you up from your peaceful trance.
“It’s beautiful, Billy,” you whisper, slightly turning your head to look at him in your peripheral vision. His hand catches your chin and he gently guides your mouth towards his and kisses you. His lips are salty and a little cold and your shiver in his arms.
“Ya cold, love?” He asks, parting from you and rubbing your arms. “Told ya to wear the dry suit,”
his arms envelop you and he presses you closer to his body, warming you up.
“I’m ok, Billy,” you hastily say, missing his mouth on yours. You reach up and he kisses you again. His tongue breaches your lips and the heat of his mouth makes your pussy flutter. Feeling cold just a second ago now you’re burning up for him.
You purr into his mouth and he smirks.
“Fuck, really? here?” His tone is playful but something hot and heavy lies underneath.
You feel your cheeks burn and turn your face away from him.
“Don’t know what you’re talking about,” you mumble, feeling embarrassed. Not moving your head, you look around. There’s a few people quite far from you also watching the setting sun.
“Ya sure?” Billy whispers in your ear making your skin erupt in goosebumps. “You can ride me right here, the board’s wide and steady.”
You giggle and shake your head but the image of you bouncing on his cock right here in the ocean makes you gush into your bikini bottoms.
Billy knows that sometimes all you need is just some encouragement, a gentle push.
So his hands stroke your thighs which are spread widely around the board and move to your tingling center. His thumb brushes your covered clit and a whimper crawls up your throat,
“Hmm..?,” the only thing he says before moving your bottoms to the side and looking down over your shoulder at your glistening pussy.
“Would ya look at that,” he smirks and rubs your shoulder with his chin.
A warm breeze hits your exposed pussy and you buck your hips driven by a sudden surge of desire. You don’t care if people can see you anymore.
“That’s my girl,” Billy praises you, noticing your impatience.
He dips his hand in the water and brings it wet and slightly cold to your heated pussy. You wince from the drop of temperature but the sensation makes you moan and bite your lower lip.
Billy gently rubs your cunt with his whole palm, then places two fingers on your clit and slowly swirls them around your hardening bud.
“Don’t miss the sunset, sweetheart,” he purrs into your ear and you whine, turning into a pliant mess under his skillful touch.
The sun is submerging in water now, sky bursting with colors, but all you can focus on is how Billy’s rubbing your clit in tight circles, gently at first and then faster and with added pressure.
His other hand pulls your top down and he kneads your breast and twitches your nipple, arm crossing your torso and pressing you to him.
You turn your face in search of his lips and he’s eager to give you another heady kiss .
His mouth and his hands playing with your pussy and breasts are bringing you closer to a climax with every second.
In a few moments you are shaking in his arms, back arched, as waves of ecstasy are rippling through your body. Your whimpers are mixing with the sounds of the giant ocean around you.
When the climax subsides you slump into Billy’s embrace and he lets you rest for a few minutes while his hands trail up and down your arms and thighs.
“Can I fuck ya now, love?” he says, and his question sounds more like a statement, he knows you’ll let him do anything to you right now. But only after your breathy ‘yeah’, he puts his hand between your shoulder blades and gently pushes you.
“Lie down for me, sweetheart,”
“Why..?” You start asking but do as you’re told. Your naked breasts get squished by the cold surface of the board and you shiver again.
Now you’re lying on your front, thighs spread widely, legs still submerged in water from your knee down, right cheek pressed to the board. Your arousal returns with a new force and you whimper, grinding your pussy against the hard surface.
“Yeah, good girl,” Billy notices slight rolls of your hips and his hands start kneading your spread asscheeks.
“Lemme see you, sweetheart.”
He hooks his index finger into the back of your bikini bottoms and pulls the fabric to the side. You feel exposed offering your holes for him to use and they flutter when Billy slides his fingers up from your clit to your tight ring.
“Beautiful,” he mutters and pushes his digits inside your dripping pussy. You feel a dull ache of the stretch so it must be two. You’re so wet they slide in easily and the ache immediately turns into pleasure.
He pumps his fingers in and out a few times and then, not pulling out, turns his palm down to rub your clit with his thumb.
“Billy, please…” you plead and his digits freeze inside your pussy.
“Fuck me, I want your cock..”
He chuckles but you hear how turned on he is in the pitch of his voice.
“Want me to fuck your cunt? Right here? But people might see us, eh?”
You know he’s testing you but your mind is hazy thanks to the recent climax and his fingers which are still knuckle deep inside you.
“Don’t care…need you, Billy.”
He pulls his fingers out gently so as not to hurt you. You hear the shuffling of his swim trunks and feel a slap of his cock on your ass cheek. His hand grabs your hip as the hot fat head of his cock nudges your clenching hole.
He pushes the crown into you and moans. You love this sound so much and love him for never hiding his pleasure.
Your pussy slowly sucks his cock in but you’re impatient so you plant your hands on the board and push yourself back helping him to impale you.
“Oh, fuck. You want it that bad, love, eh..? He says and chokes on his words when he bottoms out. You feel his thighs flush with yours, his happy trail tickling your asshole.
He starts rolling his hips against your pussy, dragging his cock in and out of your cunt. Your lips parted, eyes rolled back, you’re moaning and breathing out soft ‘yes’s.
He groans with you, fingers digging into your thighs, until you feel the pad of his thumb pressed against your asshole.
“Hmm?” He asks and you nod, relaxing your muscle. He slowly pushes the thumb in. You gasp but still try to keep yourself loose for him.
“Fuck, your holes look so pretty plugged up. Gonna fuck your ass tonight, ‘k?”
You barely hear him, lost in the pleasure, overwhelmed by how full you feel with his big cock and thick finger inside you.
Billy’s free hand grasps your hip for leverage and he starts hammering into your pussy.
The board shakes but it’s still steady on the water. You close your eyes and let yourself drown in the feeling of the vast ocean under you, Billy’s cock ruining your pussy, his thumb hooked inside your asshole.
Your second climax hits you hard as you tremble against the board, suffocating on this ecstasy.
“Yeah, choke it..,” Billy groans and quickly follows you, spurting his hot cum inside your clenching pussy.
You’re spasming around his length, milking him till the last drop. Billy gives you one more sharp thrust and then stills inside you. His thumb leaves your tight ring and he covers your body with his, not pulling his cock out. His weight on you is comforting and pleasant.
You both revel in the afterglow of your orgasms as the last rays of sun dissolve on the horizon.
“Billy..?” You break the silence and he hums and kisses your shoulder in response. “Bet you’re happy I didn’t wear my dry suit, huh?”
He chuckles and then slides into the water pulling you with him.
Thank you for reading!
Comments and reblogs are appreciated💖🌸
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eclecticqueennerd · 2 years ago
Zoo Date w/ The Boys
Hughie- He would be excited to go to the zoo. He hasn’t been since he was a little boy and went with his dad. I feel like he’d constantly tell you fun facts about the animals you see. “Did you know that Flamingos are born white, and they turn pink because of the type of food they eat? I think I read that somewhere.” You point to the information plaque on the enclosure “It also said it on that sign Hughie.” “Oh… I guess it does.” At the end of the day, on the way home, he’d complain about his feet hurting from all the walking you guys did.
Frenchie- hands down would love it, especially if he took acid before going. Can you imagine the acid kicking in by the time the two of you walked into the aquarium? “Look at this weird fucker, eh?” He would look like a kid on Christmas, making faces at all the fish that swam by and entranced by all the bright colors.
Kimiko- like Frenchie, she would love it. The zoo was a place where she felt normal and didn’t have to worry about using her powers. Her face would constantly light up and the sight of an animal she liked. After riding the Carousel, her smile stayed on until the two of you got back to the hideout.
MM- This man, he loves you, that’s the only reason why he’s here. He lost track of how many times he’s been to the zoo with his daughter Janine, so its lost its magic, but he likes to watch how your eyes brighten when you see the baby elephant running around in front of you. I feel like if you were short and trying to see something cool, he’d use his size to push people out of the way for you to get a chance to see it. I mean MM is a large intimidating man, but for you he’s a big softie. He would buy you a stuffed animal that you were eyeing in the gift shop.
Billy- When you finally convince Billy to take you out to the zoo, he reluctantly goes. While there, this man cannot relax! He’s looking behind his shoulder every few minutes to make sure that you’re not being followed, which you’re in a packed zoo, you’re gonna be followed at some point. “Oi cunt, you better not try anything.” He’d say at a man carrying a baby. “Billy, he’s got a kid.” “Aye the perfect coverup.” God you can’t take this man anywhere…
Ben- absolutely out of the question. He does not do well in crowds. You decided to stay home instead, watching a nature documentary. He’d constantly hmm, and haw in some parts where it was supposed to be interesting, but he really didn’t care. When it got to the mating ritual, Ben would attempt to do some ‘Netflix and Chill’ and you just couldn’t resist his charm.
Homelander- he took you to the zoo because of how well behaved you’d been. While there, he was instantly recognized and swarms of people would form around him, enclosing the two of you in a tight circle. This man knows how to deal with crowds, you not so much. He hears your heart begin to race over all the commotion. He quickly grabs you and the two of you fly off to get an ice cream cone. You were disappointed that your zoo trip was ruined by adoring fans and thought it was time to go back to the tower, until Homelander surprised you. The two of you revisited the zoo after hours. “I thought we were going home.” “No, my best girl needs to be rewarded.” “How’d you manage you get permission for us to be here? I was with you the whole day and I don’t remember you making a phone call.” “Honey, I don’t need permission, I’m the Homelander.”
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