#also before anyone says anything both this guy and wife were fluent in English so it wasn't a matter of them not being able to read our men
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yenpondering · 1 year ago
Entitled customers are funny, imagine kicking up such a fuss with our managers that 2 mall security guards had to be called to come mediate all because you and your wife not only can't read but also can't see that our menu literally serves soft poached egg, not a boiled egg, in our Japanese rice bowls
Anyway read the menu properly y'all and ask questions if you're unsure, don't be a dick to hospitality workers especially over dumb shit
#this happened yesterday during boxing day#it was truly hilarious to me#this lady came to complain about our egg not being boiled fully#to which my managers were like 'yeah our menu only serves soft boiled it's shown and written very clearly on it'#but apparently this lady wasn't happy with that answer cause she left and then sent her husband back with the bowl to argue!!!!#and my managers were like nah we're gonna call security to mediate cause this guy legit just kept raising his voice#anyway in the time span of waiting for security to show up#this guy literally pulls his phone out to record a negative review of us which lmao alright#and then proceeds to tell customers looking at our menu to not order from us cause we've got bad food#they still ordered from us anyway with 1 customer saying to my coworker that they hoped he left soon cause he was making them uncomfortable#anyway security shows up and them + the guy + my managers talk for like 10+ minutes#with this guy apparently mentioning at one point that he wants us shut down#just to remind y'all if you're reading this that this is all over a soft boiled egg that is very clearly shown on the menu#and the whole thing ended with 1 of the security coming in to the shop to watch us remake the bowl without the egg#because apparently the guy was afraid we'd do something to his bowl#security looked done with this and apologised to us for this guy being so rude#also before anyone says anything both this guy and wife were fluent in English so it wasn't a matter of them not being able to read our men#and also again our bowls show a very obvious not hard boiled egg#anyway i hope they had an awful day afterwards for being such entitled dicks to us
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luciellebp · 4 years ago
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Is that LUCIELLE BEAUMONT-PETERS? Wow, they do look a lot like ROMANE  IANNACCONE. I hear SHE is a NINETEEN year old FRESHMEN who are studying FASHION MODELING AND MERCHANDISING at Luxor University. Word is they are a(n) ARISTOCRAT student. You should watch out because they can be JUDGMENTAL and SECRETIVE, but on the bright side they can also be CALM and ADAPTABLE. Ultimately, you’ll get to see it all for yourself.
I’ve wanted to update Lucy’s bio in a While so you guys are getting this trash. It’s not super different or anything but there’s some new info!! 
TW: DEATH AND MURDER in one of the first paragraphsof her background section
Lucielle was an accidental baby; a result of a brief on-and-off fling between her parents - Amelia Adams and Mikhail Kuzmin. Her mother kept her pregnany a secret - which wasn’t very hard considering Mikhail showed up randomly in town, didn’t always seek her out and the two of them rarely talked outside of the bedoom - and moved to a new place.
That, by no means, didn’t mean she wasn’t loved. Amelia absolutely adored her baby girl and spent as much time with her as possible in between her various shifts.
TW HERE!!!! 
It was a gloomy day, the one when Amelia died. Baby Lucy was tucked away, sound asleep, when an angry Mikhail stormed the apartment. He was quick, quiet and brutal and he left quickly after the woman’s last breath left her lips. Amelia was found later that night, Mikhail’s name flashing on TV screens as well as the accusation of a few murders with a similar pattern. He was never caught.
Enter Kathryn (who was working on the case) and Renee. Recently married and excited to grow their family, Lucy was a perfect opportunity and the two of them ended up adopting her. 
The two loved her very, very much and showered her with attention and affection. Whatever Lucielle wanted, she got. She was a quiet and smile-y child, obedient and following most orders she got - be it from a nanny, mommy or a tutor. She was raised to be a behaved little lady and holds her manners close to her chest.
Of course, thanks to Renee’s high status she was pushed into the spotlight from a pretty young age and so manners were very much necessary. She was going to make her mothers proud not stain their names or reputation. Banquets, fancy dinner parties, all the rich people shit, Lucy’s been attending them for a while and knows a lot of people in high places.
And then came Avery. Which Lucy - aged 13 at that time - was very unhappy about. She was used to being the center of attention, the only star on the sky that her mothers could see and suddenly?? She wasn’t?? Bratty mode was very much activated for a while and she wasn’t really nice with Avery for a bit which neither of her moms let pass. She earned herself a lot of scoldings and eventually realised Avery was staying for good and grew to like and love her. Even if she is incredibly exhausting at times.
Thanks to all the connections Renee had to the fashion industry being a famous designer and all, Lucielle was scouted to be a model at a young age. Kathryn was not for it, saying the girl was too young so she didn’t start until she was 14. She’s been signed with IMG for a while and she’s been doing some jobs on the side because Kathryn still insists that education should come first.
She’s incredibly guarded and it takes her a while to open up and care about someone. Or trust them. She’s always polite and nice on the outside but incredibly judgt and calculating on the inside. She’s just waiting for someone to slip up, to get close to her which she can then use as an advantage. Of course, there are some exceptions, and she has found that recently she’s became a lot more genuinely sympathetic and thirsty for true connections. Lowkey hates it, lowkey scared but she’s Fine if you ask her.
Really likes chess and enjoys debate a whole lot. 
Also, she got her persian cat Cashmere for her eleventh birthday. She’s Lucy’s favorite always. And I’m sorry because she never, ever shuts up about her. Also, Cashmere is pure evil and I’m sorry for anyone who’s had to encounter her. 
The topic of her birth parents always unnerved both Renee and Kathryn and they’ve kept it a secret. Lucy has been curious and she found out on her own a bit before the start of her senior year. Was terrified and sick to her stomach and didn’t tell anyone about it until, of course, it got revealed during prom. She doesn’t want to talk about it. Also she hates former Circle members with a burning passion.
Lucielle gets bored really easily. Of anything. People, objects, activities. It’s why she’s cheated in a bunch of her previous relationships and why Renee had to shove her in a career. 
She can hold a grudge for a while. If Lucy’s pride has taken a hit, it’s going to take a long time for her to get over it. If she ever gets over it.
She really loves the sea/ocean, just water in general. Also really adores swimming. It’s relaxing af.
Doesn’t curse unless she’s really pissed off or drunk. 
Also can’t usually stand a lot of affection unless it’s someone really close to her. But even then if it’s in public she’s very :/ about it.
Favorite dessert is anything with red velvet.
Bisexual & Biromantic. Has been out and proud for a long time. 
Cannot stand social media but her mom and her PR agent make her go on there because she needs the exposure. Lucy is very grumpy about it. She’s kind of like a grandpa when it comes to almost anything but especiall technology lmao
Knows some nerdy shit because of the people she’s close to. A huge game of thrones fan and her favorite is Cerse 
Gemini, Slytherin and an INTJ - an annoying, two-faced bitch!!!!!
Coping mechanisms include ignoring everything, bottling up, not dealing with it and sleeping so she can avoid stuff even more!! It is fun!! Except not at all!!
Fluent in English and French and lying her ass off
Also, she’s taking just the classes she needs for her major and not taking anything more than that so she can focus on modeling in the spare time
Can I just point out,,, she’s not a good person. She’s pretending and she tries to be sometime but like :///
Family: Avery Beaumont-Peters (sister)
Currently Dating: no one
Ex: Ian Kim
Closest friends: Ches Elswood (wife), Sora Kim, Maia Croft, Alek Addington, Zander Driskell, 
Friends/ acquaintances:  Kenzie Horton, Balo Driskell, Savannah Grey, Madeleine Benoit, Leo Everett, Dawn Penning, Joshua Nahmias & others that I probably forgot
Disliked: Calliope Cruz, Lennon Winter, a whole lot of people honestly. Adrian Knox
more people for her to dislike pretty please, she needs it
also forever people who dislike her!! please!! she can treat people as objects and that’s horrible so !!!
exes and past hookups are also always negotiable
friends are important but also remember she’s a pain in the butt
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rich50g-blog · 5 years ago
Starting anew
Hi i am Richard i was married for over 30 years to a non loving woman, a month ago i decided to find a loving woman for the rest of my life. I am 67 so maybe not impossible thing to accomplish but will be difficult to find someone who would love an old man, I am not wealthy by any means i will tell why that matters later, I also moved to Kingwood Texas i worked here 30 years ago and loved all the trees and trails for biking and walking. New apartment took me a while to get settled in, when i first got here i started having some problems with my left knee and hip, my hip was pain my knee was weakness so much so if i put all my weight on it i would fall down, I know how to fall from past experiences with weak ankles, i mostly scrape a knee nothing too serious. So I have also signed up for several dating sights some are worthless some are ok, some attract scammers who love old guys to try and weasel money from them, that happened to me 8 times before i stopped using the site., then i tried Zoosk, and was attracting all the wrong woman i thought, mostly gray haired old sad ladies, I realize i am old gray haired old sad man but thought i could get someone a little younger and intelligent. i next joined Anastasia-date, mostly Ukraine with some Russian ladies thrown in, most liked my age and my pictures, so that worked out pretty well, i would do a search for a particular city, and height of the lady, nothing else was added, I am 6′2″ so liked taller ladies 5′8 and up. that was easy there are a lot of tall slavis women, then after a couple of chats i learned to search ladies with no kids, I have had my kids did not need anymore, i also looked for ladies over 35 because the ones under that all wanted babies or family. I have two grown daughters and after my youngest was born i had not one but two Vasectomy’s which was fun no. hehe So my search contained height, no kids, over 35, and i added different levels of English, I found out Intermediate was not good either the ladies did not understand a word i said or typed, they had to use a translator program so then i would add Advanced or fluent to my search, the advanced ladies knew moer English and understood me pretty much. So the only problem i noticed with the women here was the men there, every one mentioned how selfish the men were there and only wanted sex and no relationship, So i was getting more and more information into what these ladies wanted in a man and not wanted. So I fit my profile to feel their wants and needs, Wow I started to get some beautiful, intelligent women who preferred older men, they trust them not to be selfish, and conceded like most not all slavic men. I will not put all of the men there in the category but a lot are, some examples a pretty 30 year old lady with 3 kids from Odessa Ukraine, I mean she is gorgeous, intelligent and dumped by her husband who found a much younger woman, She raised 3 kids so far by herself for 10 years because her husband did not want the responsibility to bother him. What a loser and he has not seen his kids since he left with new girlfriend, ok anyway she is very nice and pretty but finding a lady with 3 kids was not my idea of life, so i told her goodbye, sorry i have to have somethings about the ladies taht i can live with. that was not one of them,  you won’t believe the next one, who was a stewardess living in Odessa, what a crazy bitch oh my, oh yea there is something called video chat, not all ladies have it, but this one did, she was pretty and tall ok and she was 30 with not kids again ok. She started stripping I mean to nothing, and playing with herself i was not prodding her to do anything my mouth was open in awe of what was happening, by the way video chat is very expensive. Next this crazy woman starts to talk about her mother, I go ok as she talks more and more about her telling me how pretty she is and stuff, again i know i should have left the chat but i wanted to see what this woman was going to do next, well next made me sick, this whole entire time she was setting me up to have sex with her and her mother, my gosh sorry that is sick to me, so now i have had enough I closed the video chat and blocked her from contacting me again, One thing i was starting to find out was none of the ladies i had talked to wanted to or thought of leaving the site, they said they felt safe, but me thinks that the site programmed them to never leave, because site only makes money if they get men to chat with them, So none of the ladies even mention it when i ask they change the subject. The thing is i came to figure out is this site and most of them do not want the people to ever meet, they make it so hard to meet it is almost impossible too, the women do not realize this or if they do afraid to leave the site because they live in old communist state and they were told to do everything and obey without question. That is why anytime i would ask a lady to leave this site to like Google Hangouts they would say maybe later i still have not made enough money on you yet haha here is another thing all chats are monitored and if you were to type the name of a free site the monitor would dot out what you typed. Again they do not want the girls to meet anyone they lose money if that happens., So I still talk to a couple of ladies just to chat and see how life in their country is.Most of them are still bad, but flights to Europe are opening up. Ukraine still has civil war going on and no body can fly there for obvious reasons they shoot down airliners. for the ladies to get to the area they have to take a bus to Kiev and fly from there, riding the bus through a bad area. So it is not easy, because of Covid I would talk to many ladies because the chance of visiting them was almost impossible because of borders closed.. Ok moving on i had two MRI’s last week and i was given a appointment with a neurosurgeon, they told me i have degenerative disc disease in spin lumbar causing pressure on nerves and spinal stenosis, but i did not understand it could be surgery or physical therapy and med . we will see. Ok while i was looking at the Europe dating site I had found the Asian one mostly Chinese women who are all very beautiful and good wife's they also think older men are better because the young ones they cannot trust, this site is owned and operated by the Europe one with same features, I found here that most of the ladies here do not want babies over 35, so again my search criteria consisted of over 35 at first but i changed that later for another reason. I would also in search add wealthy or rich, just to see how many women turned up,  hundreds of not thousands of ladies starting from 19 on up. and again they are looking hard for old guys they can trust. Most were business owners from very rich families. originally i was not in this for money but i got to think why not i am on SSN and a small Pension so heck yes. ok I first got a letter from woman 1 on July 9th, two days later her sister wrote one. Shes lady 2. lady number 1′s letter said she was a banker wanting to invest in the U S and moving their business here, yea what are the odds right? Well  when i got her sisters lady number 2 who told me their family where heirs to the Qing Dynasty, i  did my research and found that their family is one of the oldest and riches family in China. So wow, this is the arrangement the sisters wanted to make with me, I would marry one of them and the other would be my concubine. What the heck? So now i have to chose between a gorgeous 27 year old or the other sister a beautiful 19 year old, who are promising to fly here in private jet. ,Oh yea i have set up a call to the girls next week and supposed to talk with Dad as well. No pressure right? Now i am getting a little nervous the girls are telling me that their father wants me to take over the family, because Dad wants to retire,I was a manager and engineer for ATT for over 30 years but this would be managing the wealthiest family business in China. Yes it is getting very real now, oh yes on the dating site on my search for rich or wealthy or business owners thousands of ladies profiles appeared I talked to some but very immature would in first chat say they have loved me all of their life, this was common with most of them i talked too, The younger sister is cute but i can tell is very immature so chances are i am going to chose the older sister who owns several banks, and wants to move her business to the U S which allows me to live where i want too, my choice is San Diego, i grew up there and love it there, by the beach both girls seem excited about that.Well its 5 in the morning my hip will not let me sleep but i am going to try again, night all till tomorrow for more Richie
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namjuicyy · 6 years ago
Three’s A Crowd - Chapter One
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Masterlist | Requests are open.
Genre: Angst, fluff, smut.
Genre of this part: Angst, fluff.
Word Count: 1.7k.
Summary: Your childhood friend shows you a whole new world, but no one expected what came afterwards.
Warnings: Low self-esteem, Jimin hardships.
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"She was always there for me, it didn't matter that she couldn't understand what I was saying sometimes, she'd always answer the phone and listen to me complaining about my life."
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Jimin's self-esteem was shot. Since he began high school, he had a problem with confidence and you had no idea where it came from. His parents and brother were always so supportive of him and praised him so much. Yet, there he was, texting you while you were trying to sleep because he'd made a small error in his practise and considered it to be the worst mistake he'd ever made in his life. There was no lie in your message, you were so proud of him when he sent you that video of him dancing to a Korean song you didn't know. You'd hoped that you could settle some of his worries. But that was evidently not the case when he asked to call you.
Chatting to Jimin on Skype was a regular occurrence, despite not being able to fully understand one another yet. You, since starting secondary school, had begun to learn Korean as an extra-curricular activity, and so every now and then you could pick up what he was saying. But you couldn't hold a conversation with him. So when he video-called you, and you were face-to-face, you didn't understand what he was telling you but it still felt right.
This morning was one of those times where he would call you just to rant at you. He was in the bathroom of his school, his chubby cheeks that he retained from childhood stained with his tears. His plump, bottom lip trembled as he weakly spoke to you, unloaded all his worries onto you and shared the weight of his burden. All you could really offer him were coos of the pet name you gave him and telling him that he was much better than he thought he was.
"Please, Jiminie, don't cry." You begged him in a whisper as you were too afraid to let your parents hear you awake at this time of the morning. "You're an amazing dancer, truly! I'm not just saying that to blow smoke up your arse, either. Anyone would be lucky to work with you, or watch you perform! You made one mistake, you're allowed to do that."
Jimin nodded, as if he was taking in everything you were saying. He couldn't lie, the soft tone in which you were speaking soothed him. He stopped crying when he heard your reassurance. He wiped his tears away and swallowed. "Thank you." He said in English.
In broken Korean, you thanked him for leaning on you.
"What time?" He asked.
"Oh, um, 3:20."
"Oh. You sleep."
In Korean you told him that you would, but only when you were sure he was happy again.
He laughed at your mispronunciation and your broken speech. Jimin was your best friend... really your only true friend. Sure there were people at school you hung around with, but you were sure you'd never see them again when you all went your separate ways. But you were learning a whole other language for Jimin. He must have been special to you.
He finally called it quits around 4:00am, practically forcing you to sleep. He blew you a kiss goodbye, as he usually did when you hung up, and let you get back to sleep. If he could have tucked you in, he would have.
Two mornings later, you received another call from Jimin, this time he was in a completely different mood. You were sat enjoying your breakfast when you received the call, something that made Jimin laugh. You would often have, what he called breakfast-dinner dates, because you'd just start your day when he called you about to end his. You couldn't make out a lot of the words he was saying, but you did hear "teacher", "good" and "grades", so you were assuming his recital was today and that he did really well. He certainly sounded like he did at least. He was rolling around on his bed like a mad man and was practically screaming at you. Your parents, who were also in the room and listening to him, were also chuckling to themselves. They understood nothing in comparison to you, so all they heard was a small Korean boy shouting at the top of his lungs. His happiness was contagious, though, and the rest of your day was spent with a smile on your face despite the people who went out of their way to purposefully attempt to upset you.
But it worked both ways, Jimin would call you to share news and you would call him to share news. He saw you crying more often than your own family did, and would always do something anything to make you smile again. He hated it when you were upset. He hated it more because he wasn't there to physically hold you, and gently rock you, and kiss you on the top of the head. He couldn't reassure you that everything would be okay like he would normally have done.
You began learning Korean at age 11, and by 13 you were pretty much fluent in the language, making Jimin's need to learn English almost obsolete. Jimin, out of everyone you knew, was the most proud of you. He'd refer to you as his bilingual bestie, and would often call you in the middle of lunchtimes at his school so he could brag to his friends about how you'd learnt his language in two years.
According to you, it was just a normal day in July. You woke up at seven o'clock, got yourself ready for school and made your way downstairs to your dining room where your dad had left you some breakfast on the table. Your mum was usually sat at the dining table enjoying her breakfast and reading through the day's news, your dad would come into the dining room after you with a hot drink for himself and your mum. Your life consisted of a blissful routine, except for that day.
Both your parents were sitting at the dining table, their breakfast hardly touched and massive smiles on their faces. Knowing grins and mischievous glints in their eyes which immediately gave away that they were up to something. You suspiciously went about your routine, commenting on how weird they were being. "Weird?" Your dad questioned. "Who's being weird? I'm not being weird. Are you being weird, my dear?"
"No, darling." Your mum responded. "I'm not being weird. Why would she think we're being weird? We aren't the weird ones here."
"No of course not."
You began preparing your breakfast and started tucking in, when you heard your mother tut. "What?" You asked, defensively yet playfully. "Can't I enjoy my breakfast in peace without my parents acting strange?"
"Do you want to know what's strange, honey-bumpkin?" Your mum asked your dad.
Your dad shook his head. "Honey-bumpkin?"
"It was the first thing that came to my head, alright? Go with it."
Your dad rolled his eyes. "What, poochie-pie?"
"Poochie-pie, really?"
"Well you called me honey-bumpkin."
"I feel like there's a point to this charade, guys." You piped up. "Anyone going to share it?"
"Right." Your dad shook his head again, this time symbolising that he was shaking away the previous seriousness to return to his playful banter with his wife. "What do you find strange, my beautiful wife?"
"Aw." Your mum cooed. "I find it strange how our little ___, who is usually so perceptive and smart, hasn't noticed that her plate is a little wobbly while she's been trying to eat."
"Really? She hasn't noticed the whopping great envelope under her food?"
"No she hasn't."
You saw it after they pointed it out to you. Your confusion was clearly etched on your face as you moved your plate out of the way to reveal a large envelope addressed to you. It was in Jimin's handwriting. Since you'd both entered the world of the Internet and discovered instant messaging, the letters became few and far between. The last time you saw his handwriting, it was messy and childish. But the lettering on the envelope was small, but neat. He'd improved a great deal. You turned it over to reveal a small, cute sticker keeping the envelope shut. It was a bright pink heart cartoon sticker that would be almost garish if it didn't come from Jimin. You, gently, in order to spare Jimin's feelings, peeled open the envelope to reveal a short handwritten letter from him.
"Read it out loud!" Your mum exclaimed, her excitement too strong to hide.
"In English!" Your dad interrupted, knowing your sense of humour would have made you begin to read it in Korean. You chuckled at how well your family knew you.
You cleared your throat and began to read:
To my bilingual bestie,
It's your boy, Chim-Chim here! It's been a while since we've done this, huh? I think the last letter I sent you was wishing you a Merry Christmas. Or was it a Happy New Year? I don't remember, I've slept since then.
I just wanted to let you know how proud we all are of you. You're doing so well in school, and now you're fluent in a whole other language. You continue to amaze me even now! I think you've even amazed your parents, too.
But my family and yours were talking and we thought it was a bit strange how you were fluent in the language of a country you've never visited before. Usually people visit the country then learn the language, but you've done things backwards. So, this needs to be rectified as soon as possible.
I hope you haven't made any plans for the summer break, because you're going to be spending it in Korea with me! SURPRISE! You have no IDEA how hard it's been for me to keep this from you.
Your mum and dad can't unfortunately get the time off work, but they've made us promise we'll pick you up from the airport and drop you off again when you go home. But I don't think I'll want to let you go home. I think I'll steal you and hide you somewhere where no one can find you, and then sneak you cakes and biscuits when nobody's looking. Yes. Let's do that!
Anyway, I'll see you in (at the time of writing this) 10 days, 12 hours, 30 minutes and 25 seconds. 24... 23... 22... 21... oh I'm so excited! Your arrival at Incheon can't come quick enough.
All my love,
As soon as you looked up from your letter, your parents screamed at you. They ran over to you and wrapped their arms around you, still screaming at full pitch in your ear as you began to cry happy tears. You were going to finally meet your best friend in the whole world, and it was all down to the people you loved the most.
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ebhenah · 6 years ago
My Keith (Voltron) Headcanons
All of these help shape the way I portray Keith in my big fic Shore Leave to some extent or other. They haven’t all been directly referenced, but they are there in my head when I am writing him.
His accent/language: 
he does speak some Korean, but it is primarily ‘baby talk’, the names of foods, and honorifics
he understands more Korean than he can speak, but even that is very kid-friendly stuff
when he was young, he had a drawl, like his father. He lost it in part because he was in the system and hearing so many different accents in the various homes, but also because he CHOSE to get rid of it to blend in to the background, and to be able to have that be something he shared with his Dad and no one else
his English no longer shows any trace of his original accent, but it DOES influence how his pronunciation and cadence shows up in NEW languages. So, Allura and Coran would find his attempts at Altean to be strange. Likewise, the Blades would find his halting Galran to have a strange rhythm and accent
he speaks a tiny amount of Japanese, and understands a bit more than that. Shiro tries his best to hide his cringe whenever Keith uses any Japanese words, because he knows Keith is doing it as a way to express how close he is to Shiro, but his pronunciation is just... wrong
he is close to fluent in Spanish, which allows him to mostly understand Lance’s Cubano (largely because he knows the way Lance tends to phrase things and express himself so well that he can intuit the overall meaning of his statements even when he misses words or the sentence structure seems odd to him)
He actively avoids speaking Spanish if at all possible. He is well aware that his accent is bad. He and Shiro have discussed this multiple times, because he BARELY passed his Spanish language class, despite doing really well in the written portion and in comprehension, because he just butchers the accent.The first time Lance hears him say ANYTHING in Spanish he is shocked at just how terrible Keith’s accent is.
he knows like, a dozen or so Hebrew words and phrases- mainly related to food, holidays, greetings or insulting someone
His relationship with his Dad:
he was very close to his father, and actually is a lot like him in terms of interests and temperament (which I think is fairly canon)
his Dad home-schooled him
he and his dad would take things apart and rebuild them for fun, and he still enjoys simple mechanics, and would enjoy model building if he ever tried it
one of his earliest memories is learning to make kimchi with his grandparents during their last visit before they passed away
his father used to wake him up with pancakes and whipped cream in bed for his birthday every year
his Dad was very encouraging of his penchant for drawing and made sure he always had a wide range of art supplies and when they ran out of room on the fridge to showcase his drawings, his dad started pinning them up on the walls all through the house or putting them in photo albums
he was five when he told his father that when he grew up he was going to have a husband, not a wife, and his Dad just mussed his hair and said that was fine, but he wasn’t allowed to date until he could get the cereal down from the top shelf without help. For his entire life, he stores the cereal boxes on the top shelf of the cupboard because reaching them reminds him that his Dad accepted him the way he was (ending up in less than supportive situations caused him to question and struggle with his sexuality for a bit, but he was definitely one of those kids who KNEW from a young age that they were gay)
when his father was working at the fire station, Keith went with him and stayed with the support staff while the fire fighters were on a call. It was against policy, but everyone had a soft spot for the little guy, and he was generally quiet and helpful
his favorite thing to do at the station was to make sure all the boots were standing upright and paired together ‘to help’ them get into their gear faster
his second favorite thing to do was wash the tires when it was time to clean the trucks
every firefighter in the station had at least one picture in their lockers that had been drawn and very seriously gifted to them by Keith
he knew about his father’s death before the crew returned to the station, because he heard the whole thing over the radio in the station without anyone realizing
His time in the foster system:
he bounced between ‘foster families’ and ‘group homes’ because he had a social worker who really believed he would thrive if he was able to find the right situation
his first foster family gave up on him just when he was starting to trust them and that left a scar
he was never abused by any of the foster parents or workers he had, but he was a bright, observant kid and he’d seen enough of the other kids get hurt that way that it made him especially wary (and reinforced the idea that his walls and standoffishness was working to protect him)
he was incredibly touch-starved, and that led to him being sexually precocious and exploring his sexuality with his peers at a young age. This continued throughout his time living with Adam and Shiro and their struggles to understand it and how to handle it was the source of a significant amount of stress in the home
because of Shiro’s health issues, Adam was the official foster parent on record, which Keith did not know until after Shiro was declared dead
Adam and Shiro had wanted to legally adopt him, but again, Shiro’s health issues caused issues. Had they not broken up before Kerberos, Adam was planning on pursuing the adoption on his own
His relationship with Shiro:
he is incredibly protective of Shiro’s privacy and Shiro, in general. Much of what is seen by the other Paladins as him being closed off actually comes from him not wanting to reveal anything personal about Shiro
he has very conflicted feelings about Shiro, and is repressing a lot of stuff that really should be brought up, but he is terrified of causing Shiro any more pain than he’s already endured
he goes through periods where he is very clingy and tactile with Shiro and periods where he is very standoffish and closed off. He hasn’t made the connection, but those periods correlate with how well he is sleeping
when things are calmer, he tends to act more like a bratty kid brother- teasing and annoying Shiro and getting a kick out of getting under Shiro’s skin
he can recognize that Shiro is in good shape and is a handsome guy, but is genuinely grossed out by people making any kind of sexual reference about him
he adores his ‘big brother’ but cannot understand why the others have not figured out that ‘Shiro is a HUGE dork’
about half the time their ‘sparring sessions’ end up in very sibling-like wrestling matches with noogies and tickling and ‘stop hitting yourself’ elements that make them both seem a couple of 11 year olds
he pretends not to notice that Lance and Shiro have a lot in common
he sees Shiro as his brother, and Shiro refers to him the same way, but Shiro’s emotions around Keith are much more parental even though he would never say that out loud for fear of making Keith think he might be trying to ‘take his Dad’s place’ (which is ONE of the reasons he was so insistent that Keith is not allowed to call him ‘Space Dad’)
His relationship with Adam:
it took longer for him to warm up to Adam than Shiro and they had a quieter bond, but Keith was very close to Adam
Adam was very protective of Keith, and had a knack for getting him to open up and talk about stuff that was bugging him
Adam was very ‘family oriented’ and made regular plans for the three of them to do stuff together and is the source of Keith’s “bonding moment” terminology
when Keith struggled academically, Adam was the one to tackle homework with him
Adam made sure Keith got out to his father’s grave regularly, and started donating to charities in his father’s honor
because Shiro is a menace in the kitchen, Adam taught Keith basic cooking skills
music was a big thing in their house, and Adam was the one that got Shiro hooked on kpop- he wanted Keith to be able to hear the language of his childhood in his new home
when Keith’s first ‘real boyfriend’ made him cry, Adam grabbed the phone and dumped him on Keith’s behalf. Keith pretended to be furious about it for weeks, but it actually made him feel really safe and loved
Adam was the one that helped Keith see Shiro as A PERSON and not just some kind of savior or perfect hero
he pretends not to notice that Lance shares some of his favorite traits of Adam’s
grief and guilt and anger after Kerberos drove a wedge between Adam and Keith that came to a head when Keith got kicked from the Garrison Program. They fought, and Keith packed up and moved out that night after Adam fell asleep. He had just turned 18 at that point so he didn’t HAVE to stay (and Adam felt helpless to do anything to change it so never went after him)
Keith is very ashamed of how he left things with Adam
Keith thinks Adam was relieved not to have to deal with “Shiro’s stray” anymore (this is not true)
he has nightmares often. They rarely wake him
he often thinks he smells smoke if he wakes during the night and can’t get back to sleep until he confirms that there isn’t something smoldering or burning
he has two general modes of flirting- the subtle, understated stuff we’ve seen on the show (with Rolo and Hunk), and VERY blatant, overt stuff that barely even counts as flirting because it is so blunt
his way of coping with the loneliness and touch-hunger of living by himself in the desert was to have one night stands and hook-ups a couple of times a week in town (he was also prone to no-strings hook-ups with ‘townies’ when he lived with Adam and Shiro)
the way he interacts with Lance is not generally typical of how he flirts- because he was actively trying NOT to show his interest in Lance 
his crush on Matt was very wholesome and adorable and he wasn’t nearly as good at hiding it as he thought he was
he’s attracted to kindness and bravery
he genuinely really enjoys hanging out with Pidge and thinks she’s hilarious. He also finds it adorable how much of a soft spot Shiro has for her
he finds Hunk to be absolutely fascinating. He is in awe of how everyone immediately takes to Hunk and how he never seems to second guess what he says. He is amazed by how easily Hunk expresses affection and connects with people
he notices a LOT more about Lance than even Shiro realizes
he really admires Allura and her distrust of him when his Galra blood was revealed really hurt him because he thought they had enough in common that she might ‘get’ him better than the others. He still doesn’t trust her enough to let his guard down with her
he thinks it is really weird that no one ever mentions the fact that Coran and Alfor were CLEARLY a couple (except for a few oblique comments by Lance in private) because “like, it’s totally obvious, right? He saved TWO people: Allura and Coran. His kid and his lover, right? I’m not the only one who hears those bonkers stories Coran tells, right? Those are not ‘buddy stories’, those are ‘couple stories’, right? Just me?”
he pretends he doesn’t, but he LOVES to sing- he just doesn’t like to draw too much attention to himself
he wears the fingerless gloves because they made it easier for him to get a good grip on the handles of his hoverbike (because he was small for his age and had small hands) or the controls in the simulator, and even when piloting the lions
he never deletes a picture, voice message, or video message that someone sends him without a GOOD reason, so his phone has messages like ‘don’t forget to pick up milk on your way home’ from Shiro from his first year at the Garrison, because he’s terrified of forgetting what someone he’s lost looks like or sounds like (because most of the time he can’t remember his Dad’s voice)
he LOVES kids and is actually really great with children, and especially babies
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dontbethatshank · 8 years ago
Teach Me How To Listen
Imagine: High School AU short-series - Newt pairing 
A/N: This series will make the main character multi-lingual. Also, this first part is a bit of a slow start. It introduces the storyline basically and that’s about it. The next part will have more character interactions though, so stay tuned~
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Wednesday, December 3rd. It’s third period and good God you couldn’t wait for the day to be over with. It was block schedule at your school so you only had three classes every day; 1-3 on odd days and 4-6 on even days. So it was now nearing 3:15 in the afternoon and you were ready to leave, but as the bell rang and your school work found its way into your bag, a hand stopped on your shoulder and a mumbled phrase of “please stay behind, will you” came with it.
So, with a reluctant sigh, you sank back down into your chair, pulling out your phone from your jacket pocket and sending a text to your group chat, letting your friends know that their ride for the day would be a few minutes late. Once it sent, you slide it back into its designated pocket and instead fiddled with the keys in your hand, toying with the small trinkets you had on your keychain. Soon the class was empty, the last student leaving once they slid in some late work into the teacher’s outbox. You remained in your seat in the middle of the room, your book bag on the table next to you.
“Ms. Y/L/N, how are you this fine afternoon?” your teacher, Mr. Blackburn, asked, taking a seat on a table top in front of you, his hands in his pockets and his glasses now in his shirt pocket. With a quirk of the eyebrow, you leaned forward, arms on the table, giving your teacher a questioning look. “No offense, Mr. Black, but why did you keep me...? I’m a straight A, AP student who has over  95% attendance. I’m pulling an almost perfect grade in your class... Did I do something to upset another student or teacher, or...?” you asked, cutting right to the chase, not wanting to mess around or beat around the bush. Along with being one of the school’s highest achieving students, you were also one of the bluntest.
With a sigh, Mr. Blackburn stood up, walking to his desk and grabbing a small notebook, handing it to you before returning to his previous seat. “Well, Ms. Y/L/N, this has nothing to do with you per say... but a peer of yours. I have a boy in my first period who is barely passing this class and with how his test is looking, won’t be passing for much longer. This student is also one of our school’s star athletes and has a possibility of a full ride scholarship. This is one of his only weak classes and his parents contacted me asking for the best tutoring centers. I suggest instead a fellow student... you. His parents are willing to pay you up to 17 an hour for the tutoring; three hours every Friday before his game and an hour every Tuesday and Saturday afternoon. I wanted to give you a chance to make some quick money... you are one of the only students in this school to know more than two languages fluently, which this boy needs desperately,” Mr. Blackburn explained. With a bewildered look, you looked down at the book in your hands, flipping open to the first page.
Newton Issaics Junior - 1st Period French Level 2
“So... this is the guy?” you asked slowly, flipping through the first few pages, seeing simple verbs, pronouns, simple dialect and conversation skills written on the page, a small lesson plan written for you, highlighting weak and strong points. “Newton Issaics?” you clarified, a small amused smirk on your lips. “Yes, that’s him. You are already fluent in French, and you only took French 4 as an easy course as well as to get your certificate at your graduation next year... Ms. Y/N, you know English, Russian, French, and your father tells me you know most German and are working on Spanish at home. That is four languages and counting. If anyone can teach this poor lad a thing or two about French it’s you - and you can make quick and easy money! So, what do you say?” your teacher asks, looking at you with an almost pleading glint in his eyes. With a sigh you nod, agreeing. You knew he wouldn’t leave you alone until you agreed. Everyone knows the only tutoring center in your small town honestly sucked. They taught Spanish, French, and English - all of which new learners who aren’t necessarily literate in it. So yes, this boy’s best bet was you. He was pulling a 60.2% in the class and that was only because of his spotless attendance record and the fact that Mr. Blackburn gave a 50% as the lowest test score possible as long as every question had a legitimate attempt at an answer. Besides those facts, the boy would have had a 30% at best, honestly.
“Oh thank you! This boy’s father is a family friend of mine and a business partner of my wife’s. I truly do appreciate it, Y/N, I can even talk to the principal and probably get it written off as community service so you can add it to your college applications as well,” Mr. Blackburn smiled brightly, a hum in his tone. “Oh! And here is his address,” he said, handing you a piece of paper from his pocket, “this Friday will be your first meeting with him. I’ll see you on that day so I can give you some papers to use with him before you leave.” With a nod you took the paper, tucking it into the notebook. You smiled politely at your teacher, quickly saying you had friends waiting for their ride, aka you, and you had to leave. You rushed from the classroom, a deep sigh leaving your lips as you stuffed some books and folders into your locker before you left the building, making your way to your car that had three people leaning against it.
“Ah! There she is,” Minho grinned, clapping as he straightened up to give you a wide, toothy grin. “FInally,” Teresa groaned, sliding off of the hood of the car, pushing Gally on the shoulder to get him to stop falling asleep on the other side of the car. With a laugh, you unlocked your car, Teresa climbing in front and the two boys int he back. “So, what did Mr. B want with you? Become a naughty little rule breaker overnight, did ya?” Minho teased, winking at you through the rearview mirror as you all buckled up. You rolled your eyes and shook your head, backing out and heading out of the school parking lot. “No, he just wanted to ask me to help tutor another student in French or whatever. Nothing really. But, moving on from anything school related, who wants to grab some burgers and shakes at Ferrel’s before we head home?” you replied, already putting your blinker on to head towards the old fashioned themed ice cream and burger joint down the block.
“Fuck yes, I love you,” Gally sighed, his arms lazily encircling your neck from behind you as he began to fall back asleep, “I’m starved.” Teresa snorted, turning in her seat. “You ate an entire bag of chips and half my sandwich from lunch while we waited for Y/N, fatass. But whatever, I’m totally down for one of their mint chip shakes and their cheese fries,” Teresa agreed after teasing your friend. Everyone chuckled at her and your rolled your eyes, laughing at your friends. God you lot were a mess. 
When you got to Ferrel’s, you all climbed out of the car and made your way inside. Chatting and laughing as you went, you all made your way to a small booth, plucking out some menus on the way as a waitress instructed you to seat yourselves. You and Gally sat on one side and Minho and Teresa on the other. You all began to chat aimlessly, briefly looking over the menu - as if you didn’t all get the exact same fucking thing every time.
“Hey, I gotta go tot he bathroom real quick, don’t order without me,” you stated, slipping from the booth. “Here, I’ll join you. I think Minho got some candy of something in my hair after he threw all that crap at me in your car,” Teresa grumbled, putting her phone back into her back pocket. She had been grumbling about it for the past five minutes, staring at her front camera and raking her fingers through her hair as the Asian boy beside her smirked triumphantly at his handiwork. “Girls. Always have to go in packs,” Gally muttered, flipping lazily through a menu. “Maybe they’re all just trying to get away from you, shuckface,” Teresa muttered back, earning a grumpy ‘hey!’ as she scuttered away with you in tow, both laughing like school children at Gally.
As you both walked towards the bathroom, talking about random things, mostly about how Minho “finally got the balls” to ask Teresa out a couple weeks ago, you both ran into someone. Well... more so something. As Teresa was talking about her date with Minho to the country fair in immense detail, you didn’t see the distracted boy walking to your right and you both collided. Unluckily for both you and Teresa, said boy was carrying a large to-go cup full of a caramel brownie shake in his hand. As you both stumbled into each other, his cup went flying from his hand, the top coming off in the process, and both you and Teresa got a... sticky make-over to say the least.
“Hey! Watch it you- oh fucking shit,” came the mumbled voice, accent thickening as he began to curse, sliding his phone into his back pocket as he came to look at both of you fully. “Jesus Christ!” Teresa groaned, looking down at her shirt and pants, both covered in the cold, sweet drink that once belonged to the stranger. With a sigh, you wiped the whip cream and caramel off your cheek, only making yourself stickier in the process. “Thanks,” you deadpanned, glaring at the guy in front of you. “Hey, I wasn’t the only one not watching where I was going,” he frowned. “Here,” he mumbled, sliding a backpack off his shoulder and offering a gray sweater to Teresa. She grumbled and snatched it, walking off to the bathroom. You stood there, still getting bits of whip cream and brownie off your face and tossing them in the trashcan near you, as the mystery boy watched.
“Enjoying the show?” you rolled your eyes, throwing the last bit of brownie bits for your shirt into the trash can. “What? Oh- no- oh well... here,” the boy stuttered, sliding off a varsity jacket from his shoulders. It had your school colors and mascot on it, and you’re sure if you looked on the back you would find a team number. The football, soccer, basketball, and hockey teams all had the same jackets. The only difference was the small badges on the left shoulder, each one representing the individual sports. You didn’t have time to look at the sport’s badge, but you hesitantly took it. “You sure...?” you asked, raising an eyebrow. With a shrug, the boy just nodded. “I’ll give you my number, you can give it back to me tomorrow or something.”
With a mumbled thanks, you walked off to the bathroom to get changed. You found Teresa, head half way in the sink and a soaking wet t-shirt hung over the side of said sink. She had managed to get most of the shake out of her hair and off her chest, the small remains left on the thigh’s of her pants were now wet patches. “At least he gave up clean tops,” Teresa grumbled, slipping on the gray sweater that was barely too big for her but way too long for her height. With a laugh, you continued washing out your hair, your shirt discarded to the side and the jacket hanging over a stall door. “Yeah, I guess. Driving home like that would have been terrible,” you agreed. You both continued the conversation of Teresa’s date, you scrubbing your chest and neck as you listened. Once you were as clean as you were going to get, you took some paper towels and dried yourself off, ringing out your hair and tying it in a high, messy bun. You looked like a trainwreck, but you at least weren’t covered in milkshake anymore.
“Let’s go. We have to get that guy’s number to give him his clothes back later this week,” you muttered, pulling on the varsity jacket and buttoning it up. But, upon exiting, you saw the mysterious, clumsy athlete nowhere in sight. With a shrug, Teresa led you both back to the table. “Well, it looks like he at least goes to Heights High, so we can find him tomorrow or something,” Teresa said, sliding back into the booth. Both of you immediately began the story of the milkshake and the jackets before either of the boys could ask.
But, God damn, were those burgers and fries worth that sticky situation.
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thesocialelefant · 8 years ago
People and things that happen at work
So I work at a drugstore and its pretty good but occasionally weird things happen or interesting people come in.
- so to start there’s the yellow thingy. No one knows what it was apart from that it was yellow and squishy and found on a piece of cardboard on a shelf. The mystery has never been solved
- an old lady who’s dressed better than 100% of the people in the shop with an amazing jeweled butterfly broach. I compliment her on the broach and she gives me a lovely smile and tells me that everyone always comments on it
- a smoothy cup filled with something that could be coffee, hot chocolate, tea or a weird smoothy. It isn’t quite anything and tbh it could be a mixture of all of them I’ll never know nor do I want to know
- a gleeful 12 year old girl who asks me what the best wax is to rip off her brothers mustache with. Her mother’s also in on it. I don’t think her brother knows (good luck to him)
- a 40 odd year old bald dude with a massive greying beard and several piercings wearing a supernatural shirt. Its actually a pretty nice subtle shirt but I did not think that that guy would be wearing it
- a kid who asks me if we have any women’s perfume. I am standing in front of a floor to ceiling shelf of women’s perfumes. When asked what type he wants he answers, after a long pause, that he wants one that smells nice.
- a lady wearing a cold shoulder top with a incredibly detailed tattoo of a woman’s face that stares at me through the hole. The eyes haunt me for the rest of the day
- near valentines day a guy who comes in and asks if we have any rose petals for scattering on the floor. We don’t but the intention is so adorable that it makes me smile for the next hour
- several different women on different days who ask me if I have any aftershave for kids. Wtf no why is that a thing. Why are the kids shaving. Why do they need to smell like perfume.
- on that note, the lady who asks me if we have any boys onesies because the one she picked out is obviously for girls. Its zebra patterned with a pink paper tag telling you its price. Its Ok Barbara I’m sure you sons masculinity can survive a small pink tag.
- several million people that just don’t fckin read and try to tell me that of course the three for two deal applies to these three completely unrelated items from different parts of the store.
- two middle aged Asian ladies who bring up an unbelievable amount of items and then, with a massive queue forming behind them, tell me to go and get them two more of a particular item. They don’t seem to understand that you get all the items you want before going to pay. I go and try and find the item and run into a colleague who’s hiding in the shelves after running all over the shop getting items for these ladies for the past half hour.
- a lovely lady who doesn’t speak much english so passes me her mobile so I can talk to her friend who’s much more fluent so she can ask me to point out the hair dye. I’m impressed with the cool solution and the fact that both of them are the most polite and friendly people that I’ve spoken to all day
- the person who rings up and without even saying hello asks me who the store manager is. I automatically answer and they hang up immediately. Thirty seconds later the phone rings again and a familiar voice asks for the store manager by name. Smooth.
- so many middle aged men straddling the awkward line of over-friendly and flirting
- an absolutely beautiful lady who towers over me. Nothing in particular happens she’s just stunning
- a grinning mother and her daughter who has glowing red marks all around her unnaturally thin eyebrows. The daughter sheepishly asks if she can pay for eyebrow threading. Her mother quips that I could probably tell that already then doubles over laughing.
- why are all teenage boys well over six foot now. Like every few weeks there’s just a pack of giants who surround my till. I’m 5'4’’ I feel like I’m in the titans jungle help.
- a man who slowly comes in on crutches at 5:59 and inches his way to the opposite end of the store for aspirin. Like dude I have massive sympathy for your pain but pls. Let someone get that for you. I want to go home.
-two construction workers dressed in high-vis jackets that when asked if the want a bag laugh and say no thanks I’ve got one of those at home she’s called my wife. Hahahahahahahahahah.
- a 10 year old kid with a mullet that reaches his shoulder blades and shaved sides. U go kid. Don’t let anyone tell u how to style your hair ur fabulous the way u are
- that old dude who comes in and buys something then ‘loses’ it and comes back in to try and get it again for free. We all know u do this. U try it every week. It never works
- that guy who seems pretty normal but if you ask if he wants to register for a loyalty card absolutely refuses because he doesn’t want his details available to ‘them’. I don’t know who they are.
- that other old guy who registers for a loyalty card every time he comes in. Why. Is he collecting them?
- that one lady who dumped some stuff on the perfume counter and stared at me. I had no idea what she wanted me to do. There were several thing she could have asked me and she said none of them.
- the single baby shoe that was on the shelves of the till stand and had been there for several months. Its completely clean and doesn’t look like its been used
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parkmin--seo · 5 years ago
Is that MINNIE PARK? Wow, they do look a lot like LEE JI-EUN. I hear SHE is a SEVENTEEN year old JUNIOR who originally attended LUXOR Academy. Word is they are a REGULAR student. You should watch out because they can be IMPULSIVE and NAIVE, but on the bright side they can also be INTELLIGENT and LOYAL. Ultimately, you’ll get to see it all for yourself.
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hi, hi it’s kara, back at it again with another child because i couldn’t help myself. this one is A LOT different than lia, but anyway, feel free to read on for more about my new soft bean ( once again, bullet points because i am always too lazy to write out a full bio ).
class schedule:
advanced psychology
fashion design
okay, so minnie, born park min-seo, was raised in washington and lived there for the majority of her life up until being sent to luxor her freshman year of high school.
her parents weren’t insanely rich or anything, but they were fairly well off. her mother, lee ha-yoon ( yoon lee ), owned her own dance studio, as well as an art studio and her father, park hyun-jae ( jae park ), was an fbi agent. they were both born and raised in seoul, south korea and they met when they were just teenagers. the way they always told it, they fell madly in love and left seoul to live out their dreams in california. which they did for a while, until her father got transferred to washington when he became an agent.
minnie’s love of art came as no surprise to her parents, given the amount of time that she spent at both of her mother’s studios. however, despite her mother’s efforts to convince her to take dance classes, minnie never loved dancing as much as she loved sketching/painting. they were passions that she threw herself into, particularly as she got older and found herself needing an escape from what would still to this day be considered the worst thing that had ever happened to her. ( but we’ll get to that in a minute . )
if asked, minnie always swore that she loved both of her parents equally, but she was definitely more of a daddy’s girl than anything else. she always said that was because he wasn’t around as often as her mother, so the time she spent with him meant even more to her because she knew how lucky she was that he took the time to make time for her??? when he very well could have just… not done that and chosen to focus on his work more than he did his family.
her father was just generally an all-around a+++ guy, but she really did love both of her parents and aspired to be like them in a lot of ways because she didn’t think there were two people who were more good. even if that made her bias.
when minnie was a teenager, her father started investigating a series of killings. it wasn’t ever something he really talked about with his wife or daughter, but he was home a lot less and threw himself into the case.
she was thirteen when she was pulled out of a history lesson and greeted with the sight of her mother, who looked like she’d just seen a ghost, as well as her father’s fbi partner and another one of the officers he’d been investigating the case with.
a lot of worst case scenarios ran through her mind and she’d already guessed the worst thing before her mother even said the words, that her father had been brutally murdered by the same man responsible for all of the other murders.
it was only a couple of weeks later that they caught the man they thought to be responsible. a man who was revealed to be her best friend’s, leo’s, father.
after losing her father, minnie started to shut everyone out. especially leo. because she couldn’t take her anger out on the man responsible, so she took her anger out on that man’s soon. her best friend who wasn’t her best friend anymore, because she couldn’t look at leo without seeing the man who had killed her father. around everyone else, she was still that sweet girl she’d always been, but with leo, she was cold, distant and she wanted everyone to hate him as much as she had convinced herself that she did.
minnie threw herself into her art even more, because it was the one thing that made her feel okay. she didn’t cry at her father’s funeral or hasn’t really dealt with his death since learning of it. her mother grew as distant as she had and spent more time at her studio than she did with her own daughter, given how unable she was to cope with her husband’s death. it was like his ghost was everywhere, in their house and at the studio and in her mother’s eyes.
it came as a relief to minnie when her mother announced that she was going to send her to luxor for her schooling when she entered high school. she was ready to get out of washington and to escape the ghost of her father.
when she got to luxor, she joined theatre to do costume design, because she still had dreams to become a fashion designer some day. she also joined arts club, because of her love of art.
life at luxor had been more tolerable than her life at home and she’d almost forgotten her sadness and that anger, buried it until she couldn’t feel it anymore… and then she found out that leo was attending luxor, too. knowing that he’s in the same school as her and having to deal with seeing him again has just brought all of her bad feelings back to the surface and she isn’t sure how she’s going to deal with it because she’s spent the last seven years pretending that the worst day of her life was just a bad dream.
ahhh okay, that’s all i can think of but i might add more later. as for her personality, she is literally the definition of sweet as pie. she doesn’t ever have a bad thing to say about anyone, except for one person in particular. still, she isn’t so nice that she doesn’t know how to stick up for herself and in the event that anyone was ever mean to her for some reason, she wouldn’t be afraid to fight back. she’s artsy and it shows. the true definition of a fashionista and she WILL talk fashion all day, every day. very loyal, the kind of friend that anyone should want to have on their side, and is incredibly trustworthy. she tries to give everyone a chance, but she does have trust issues, which makes it hard for her to believe in second chances. basically, hurt her once, shame on you and you don’t get another shot to do it again. ummm, she’s really really smart and honestly could have been given a scholarship but her mother is well-off enough that she was able to pay for everything without the aid of a scholarship. likes to crack a lot of jokes, but they’re all really lame. think dad jokes, but, like, the teenage girl version of that. she has mood swings sometimes, but they’re never so sudden that it gives people whiplash. if she doesn’t want to talk, she won’t be rude about it. she’ll just say that she isn’t feeling well and lock herself in her dorm until she feels better. and yikes, i can’t think of anything else because she’s a new baby, but will add more if i think of anything.
random facts:
while she was raised in washington for the majority of her life and it’s all she remembers, she was actually born in seoul, south korea. 
if you don’t like k pop, never ask her to play music because it will be one of the only things she plays
she’s fluent in english, as well as korean because both of her parents were from korea and they wanted to teach her how to speak it. they also were notorious for only speaking korean when at home to make it easier for her to learn. she also knows a little mandarin and can speak semi-decent french and japanese. she’s currently taking german and plans to add that to her list once she masters it. 
she can often be seen wearing her father’s fbi cap because it’s one of the only things she has left of him. that, and his jacket. 
comes off somewhat confident, but she’s actually really really insecure and doesn’t think too highly of herself at all 
can secretly sing very well/also rap but she won’t usually do so in front of anyone because she’s incredibly shy. ( voice claim: lee ji eun / iu ) 
literally the embodiment of walking on sunshine 
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