#also bc of shen qingqius mental state he gets more flare ups of without a cure that make him ill
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fairsweetlonging · 8 months ago
i have so many thoughts about luo binghe rising early from the endless abyss but instead of joining huan hua palace he returns to qing jing peak for revenge, believing his shizun must be happy and celebrating, but instead he finds a grief-stricken shen qingqiu who calls out for binghe like he's still there and who sits at his sword mount for hours every day, holding himself in a state of inedia and neglecting the care of without-a-cure like he's punishing himself; and binghe decides then and there that no one can look after his shizun and keep him safe like he can, and his shizun clearly needs him even if he doesn't want to see him, so he follows shen qingqiu in secret and helps him from the shadows
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happypeachsludgeflower · 8 months ago
#also bc of shen qingqius mental state he gets more flare ups of without a cure that make him ill <<op tags
OKAY SO Luo Binghe from the shadows can’t stand to watch Shizun sick but he doesn’t want Shizun to know he’s there (Shizun obviously doesn’t want him around after all) so he starts taking care of Shen Qingqiu when he’s out of it, but always disappears out of sight the moment Shen Qingqiu seems to be cognizant again.
This of course means that Shen Qingqiu has foggy almost there memories of Luo Binghe taking care of him, but thinks it’s a dream. Queue a bunch of angst over Shen Qingqiu thinking he’s going crazy and wallowing in grief because now he’s hallucinating Luo Binghe anytime he’s sick.
…but it’s the only time he ever sees Binghe anymore so would it hurt anyone really if Shen Qingqiu just let himself be sick more often?? Right? Right???
And from the shadows Binghe gets progressively more and more distressed at Shen Qingqiu’s worsening state and he can’t figure out what he’s doing wrong.
i have so many thoughts about luo binghe rising early from the endless abyss but instead of joining huan hua palace he returns to qing jing peak for revenge, believing his shizun must be happy and celebrating, but instead he finds a grief-stricken shen qingqiu who calls out for binghe like he's still there and who sits at his sword mount for hours every day, holding himself in a state of inedia and neglecting the care of without-a-cure like he's punishing himself; and binghe decides then and there that no one can look after his shizun and keep him safe like he can, and his shizun clearly needs him even if he doesn't want to see him, so he follows shen qingqiu in secret and helps him from the shadows
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