#also bad shooing him away 'go talk to fit-'
cellgatinbo · 10 months
ramon was so out of pocket all day but this moment with pac was crazy of him (+pac's response??)
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feralforfrank · 2 years
hiii bestie i hope you’re doing well 🌷 can i request a fluffy frank piece that includes “i can’t sleep without you” <3 the quote doesn’t have to be exactly that ofc you can change it however you see fit :) please feel free to disregard this if it doesn’t inspire you!! 💛💐🌟🌷
frank castle x fem!reader
fluffy drabble.
THIS IS BAD. OH MY GOD. also this request is so old, IM SORRY IM SO BAD AT DELIVERING.
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The big window to the right of the bed shook as if someone was trying to open it. You rolled your eyes and huffed in annoyance. After tossing and turning for the whole night in worry, you had just settled to your left side. With a grunt, the window opened, and you knew who it was exactly.
You sat up, waiting for him to drag himself inside and shut the window. You pulled your knees to your chest and glared daggers at your boyfriend—albeit sleepily. He hadn't noticed you, for darkness consumed the room, and his large form covered the light the moon shone towards the bed.
"Look, what the fucking cat dragged in," your tone was as sarcastic as it could get.
Frank jumped and jerked his body to face yours. He breathed in relief when he saw your silhouette under the covers, but his frown soon returned, as did the pain on his side. He hissed, and your irritated expression fell, morphing into one of worry and fear. 
"What?" Your voice shook. "What is it?"
He dropped his bag by the window and walked by the bed, heading to the bathroom—all while holding his side, which worried you more. You threw the covers off, running after him.
He waved his hand and tried to shoo you and shut the door so you wouldn't see how bad he looked, but because his limbs were heavy and his moves slow, you managed to slip inside with him. 
"It's okay, baby. You can go back to bed. I'll join you after I take a shower." Frank's voice was deep by nature, but this tone was underlined with pain.
You shake your head and move to get the small first aid kit you keep for situations like this one. Frank leans on the sink, takes his shirt off, lips pursed, and stares at you. He studies you carefully, from head to toe, ensuring you're okay. Is that his shirt?
"Is that my shirt?" He asks, but you don't answer. 
You're worried, yes, but you're also angry at the man for not contacting you and having you worry so much. 
"Baby...talk to me, please," he speaks so softly, and how do you not break at that moment?
You press your fingers to the massive bruise forming on the side he was holding, biting the inside of your cheek. He hisses, and a small smirk slips on your lips. Serves him right.
"Oh, you find my pain funny?" Frank tries again, but you just look up at him sharply.
His head tilts to the side. "Why weren't you sleeping?"
You sigh at the honest confusion in his tone. You can't be mad at this buffoon—as much as you want to.
You shrug, applying cream to the scratches on his shoulder now. "Couldn't sleep without you," you say quietly.
"What's that, honey?" You know damn well he heard you.
"Don't push your luck." 
He hisses when you slap the bandaid on his shoulder blade harder than needed. He manages to chuckle and moves his hand to pull you closer once you try to move away.
"What?" Your angry facade is slipping more and more by the moment, as sleep tries to evade all of your senses.
"I'm sorry for worrying you, sweet girl." Frank smiles down at you, and you blink, gaze softening completely.
"Apology accepted. Now, go shower. You smell like gunpowder and fish."
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Can I just say the straight line style polycule that is Hu Tao x Furina x Neuvillette x Zhongli never stops being top tier comedy to me and it feels like no one talks about it.
Like, come on guys, it's got everything you could possibly ask for!
Newly mortal girl finally getting to live her own life after centuries of playing a role meets super chill and supportive funeral parlor director who can ease any worries she may have about death as a concept and also play pranks on her, drag her fun places, and help her make up with her long term situationship Dragon Sovereign who is deeply devoted to making her happy.
Honestly this is already fantastic; Neuvillette gets Gremlin (beloved) and Gremlin (mischievous) in his life! He brings Furina flowers after her performances and has a collection of autographed photos from each in his room. Hu Tao comes by to hang out in his office and bother him about marketing her funeral parlor, and he has to explain advertisement laws in Fontaine and how several of her ideas would get her arrested and that this would make Lady Furina quite upset. She teases him for "being a simp" and it slides off him like water.
Furina has a collection of pressed flowers from each of Neuvillete's bouquets in her room. Hu Tao taught her how to press and preserve flowers after her sopping wet meowmeow of a girlfriend cried in her arms about that first bouquet starting to wither.
Hu Tao drags both of them into playing TCG with her any time she can, and is always putting in word with local and visiting theater troupes about her girlfriend's acting talent and excellent director services. She loves seeing Furina squeal at the sight of a ghost, but usually shoos them away unless she's trying to spook her on purpose. Sometimes she runs her poetry by Neuvillette before going to recite it to Furina because she finds he has a good eye for it, and sometimes is able to convince him to put his own feelings into words through poetry as well.
Fontaine is full of tabloids arguing about who Fontaine's superstar is Actually Dating, and no one is certain! She is seen on the beach walking hand in hand with the Iudex merely two days after having publicly ordering the couple's special at a renowned coffeeshop with a strange Liyue girl. She has not denied dating either of them, nor has there been any indication of a breakup??? The two suitors have been spotted out purchasing her favorite sweets together, so they don't appear to be on bad terms??? The papers have no idea what to do with this and it is hilarious.
And then Zhongli enters the picture. Mysteriously absent any time Neuvillette comes by with Furina, but always there to chat and provide wild trivia when it's just the girls hanging out. And the girls have caught on. Hu Tao has a pretty good idea of what's up, but Furina?
Furina convenes with her girlfriend and is like "I think that employee of yours, Mr. Zhongli, might have a thing for Neuvillette? I've seen many dramas in my lifetime, but this is still the most obvious crush I've seen in centuries. Any time I mention Neuvillette he gets stiff as a board, turns seven different colors, and starts avoiding eye contact like the plague! It's like he thinks someone is going to bite his head off if he so much as thinks about the man! A shame too, they seem like they'd get along so well..."
Hu Tao, fighting for her life to not fall into fits of laughter: "We should set them up on a date"
Furina gets super excited about it! This is just like in one of her favorite plays!! Hu Tao adds fuel to the fire by teasing Zhongli about his "crush" in front of Furina one time, and he politely denies having any such thoughts about the reputable and honorable Iudex. Furina just becomes further convinced she's correctly judged the situation. Hu Tao knows exactly what she is doing and is reveling in the situation she is putting her consultant into.
Furina has all the details meticulously planned out, she is vibrating with excitement to matchmake her partner with someone so well suited for him. Hu Tao helps her find a suitable location in Chenyu, (near Fontaine, excellent tea, the perfect place to set a trap- sorry, date) They talk to the staff and the staff is excited to help.
Neuvillette keeps hearing from Furina about this charming man he simply must meet and how "he's exactly your type" and "is totally crushing on you" and he's a little nervous, but agrees to try and attend this blind date because he trusts Lady Furina's judgement, and he can't deny he IS curious to meet someone who can allegedly distinguish where an ore comes from on sight and taste minute differences in the mineral concentration of the tea water the way Furina claims this man can. Neuvillette arrives to the teahouse knowing only that he is going on a date with someone who is "secretly harboring feeling for him".
As for Zhongli? He knows something is up, but can't quite tell What exactly Director Hu is planning. When he's given some pocket money and told to attend a very important meeting in her stead at the teahouse, he goes, if only out of curiosity. (And of course, who would miss out on such quality tea?)
When the Iudex of Fontaine walks in and zeroes in on him and his table with slitted eyes, Zhongli seriously considers whether or not he can get away with faking his own death a second time on such short notice.
The answer of course is No, but he discovers he doesn't Have To, at least not yet. The Hydro Dragon Sovereign power walks up to the table, looking to be on the verge of attempting to drag Morax back to Fontaine for judgement by the scruff of his neck if necessary, but then seems to pause to properly look at the other man and consider the spread of tea and appetizers peacefully sitting in front of him. He throws a glance around the room, catching the interested looks the staff is poorly hiding, then catches and holds Zhongli's gaze as if searching for something in it. Celestia only knows what he's trying to decipher, and Zhongli can only clench his teacup and pray that whatever he finds is enough to convince him to let this go for the moment. He can feel the heat climbing up the back of his neck, his tie feeling a bit too tight for comfort, but he swallows down the nerves and tries for a pacifying smile.
(He's pretty sure it comes out a bit more tense than intended)
((He's also pretty sure the Hydro Dragon Sovereign can hear the pounding of the blood rushing in his veins, probably even sense the sweat building up under his collar))
(((The way his eyes flicked to watch his throat as he swallowed gives the impression of a creature considering the ease with which that throat can be torn out with its teeth)))
"You've come all this way; would you care to try the tea, Monsieur Neuvillette? It is a local specialty of this region, meticulously hand picked and dried using traditional methods passed down for generations. I am quite confident you may find it to your liking, though the local water is also quite distinctive, and I'm sure we can get you a glass if that is what you prefer. Had I known to expect your presence I would have requested one already," He keeps his speech calm and measured, even as his heart tries to climb out of his chest from the tension. No need to worry. If it comes down to it, he's has seen his fair share of war and battle. He can take him. Or at least could have taken him... a fully fledged Dragon Sovereign is a battle he would much rather simply not engage in. There is wisdom, after all, in not picking fights where mediation and contractual obligation can suffice. And social contract is as much a form of contract as any other. Surely the esteemed Iudex understands this...
Neuvillette relieves Zhongli of his intense stare and sits down without so much as a threat. The tension leaks out of Zhongli's posture ever so slightly as Neuvillette picks up the cup of freshly brewed tea that had been presented to him. Seems whatever he found sufficed to stay his hand for now.
Neuvillette is too busy reeling, trying to come to terms with the notion that an Usurper he is determined to judge for his sins has apparently developed some kind of romantic interest in him. He will still be judged, of course, it is only right. But... that doesn't mean that such tender feelings must be cruelly rejected without even having been given a chance. Furina believes in this man's suitability, after all, whether she knows his archon nature or not. And he would be remiss to overlook her opinion. She had always held deep insights into people's natures that Neuvillette himself never could quite grasp as thoroughly. Her incredible humanity and understanding is something he values dearly, and she was technically an Archon herself at one point after all, and yet, he loves her all the same. The cup wafts with a pleasant warmth and the taste of tea infused mountain spring water lingers on his tongue, as gold eyes observe him attentively, looking for his reaction. Yes, it is only fair. He will make an honest attempt to view this man before him as more than just an Usurper, and judge his eligibility as a romantic partner as a separate case.
For the entire rest of the "date" Zhongli is stressed, making conversation like his life depends on it, throwing in some flattering comments here and there to feed the air of polite goodwill he's trying to foster, and trying his best to read Neuvillette, who remains remarkably inscrutable. In the meantime, Neuvillette is just politely allowing himself to be rizzed up.
Neuvillette goes home pleasantly surprised by the experience.
Neuvillette: "You were quite right about him Lady Furina, Mr. Zhongli is indeed a terribly charming and intelligent man with refined tastes and a dignified manner. I'm afraid you have accurately predicted that I could indeed become quite fond of him. A shame I will have to judge him someday, but as you've experienced, I do not allow myself to be biased in formally judging individuals I have feelings for. Nevertheless, it really is quite insightful of you to have me get to know the Geo Archon outside of a courtroom setting."
Furina: "...............the who"
Zhongli is dragging himself home worn out from the encounter, feeling his age in his bones and wanting nothing more than to lie down and not think about the Next Time he was assured he would be contacted about.
Hu Tao, standing at the door, grinning: "soooooooo.... how was your hot date with the Iudex?"
Zhongli: "...............my what"
Hu Tao: "Ayah~ Surely you realized it was a date? Furina has been so excited to set this up for you since you seemed like you were going to avoid it forever! She told her boyfriend aaaaall about your little crush on him and told him to give you a shot! Surely you didn't fumble him that bad?"
Zhongli, suddenly reevaluating every single thing that happened during dinner in a brand new light: "I am not sure what the best term to describe what occurred is, but he did ask to see me again."
Hu Tao: "My my, who knew my consultant could be such a rizzler! A bet lost/ A prize won/ A love found/ A heart surrendered!"
Zhongli: ".....You bet against me?"
Hu Tao smoothly avoids answering that by handing him some paperwork, leaving some instructions and skipping off to go about her business.
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bimbo-writer · 15 days
She said fuck me like I'm famous
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Contains: rockstar gojo, model reader, enemies to fwb, pet names, semi-public, praise, dumbification, semi hate sex, overstimulation, creampie, almost caught.
Modeling in simple terms is not for the weak and definitely not for those who can't handle pressure. That's why when your agency asked if you'd be willing to do a duo shoot with a rockstar you complied. It wasn't like you hadn't done duo shots before so this shouldn't be too hard.
The only problem was that your agency purposely left out the fact that the rockstar you'd be working with would be Satoru Gojo. The absolute worst rockstar to work with. You knew this and so did your agency that's why they didn't tell you.
It wasn't like he was a straight up jerk but they way he talked to people and the way he treated others really pissed you off. Like he was somehow better than them because of his talent. You were also someone that people said was really gifted but you didn't brag about it 24/7 like he did.
That's why when you pulled up to the shooting location you almost walked back to the car that drove you there. You would have gone back home in a instant had it not been for your reasoning manager. "Come on please don't do this I know you don't like him but it's not everyday you get to model clothes for sakura blossom."
She did have a point this was one of the quickest growing clothing brands. If you did the job well your name could spread further than ever. You sighed deeply and nodded telling her you would go through with the shoot. Even thought you really didn't like Gojo.
You had to tell yourself it would only be for about 5 hours. Then you could go back to pretending he didn't exist. Simple really.
You walked up to Gojo and extended your hand, "Nice to meet you Gojo I'm with moonlight productions, I look forward to working with you." He didn't even give you a proper glance and just shooed you away.
Oh hell no
"I'm sorry but when someone, especially a lady extends her hand to you, you shake it" you spat angrily grabbing his hand and forcing him to shake yours. Everyone was kinda taken aback, no had ever really raised their voice to gojo. Gojo himself was stunned by your boldness, even a little impressed.
"Sorry dear but I only shake hands with those who have earned it, and by the looks of it you haven't." He spat back yanking his hand away from yours. The mood of the room shifted, tension building quickly.
Thankfully your manager was close by and dragged you away to be fitted for the clothes. If she hadn't there was no telling what you would have done. "Dear please don't do anything like that again we don't need rumors spreading."
You know she ment well but you just couldn't help getting mad at him for acting so stuck up. Like would it kill him to be a decent person? It wasn't something you should focus on for long, it would only distract you.
They fitted you for the clothes and had you go to the trailer they had and have you change for the first photo. The clothes looked nice on you, not something you yourself would wear but pretty. As soon as you stepped out of the trailer you were met with Gojo's piercing eyes.
"Doesn't someone look nice for once" it was a backhanded compliment. You knew he was just trying to get under your skin and get a reaction out of you. Too bad he wasn't going to get one.
You walked right past him back to where the cameras were set up and asked what poses you would be doing. To your horror though they said they decided to change the theme last minute to a fancy couple on vacation look.
You were used to having things changed last minute but this was something you weren't really sure of you wanted to do. You could feel Gojo's smirk from behind you, he was just loving this. "That's perfectly fine. It's just different is all."
You weren't going to let this upset you and give him a reaction. "Thank you for being so cooperative. So for the first pose we want you to lay on the couch with Gojo looking at you lovingly." God you wanted to gag.
With a small sigh you walked onto the set and layed down making sure to not wrinkle the clothes too much. While Gojo rested his head on the top of the sofa looking down on you. "Alright that looks good but can Gojo bring his head a little closer and maybe put your hand on her cheek."
Alright nope that wasn't going to happen. But before you could protest he already had his hand on your cheek rubbing it lightly. The action was supposed to anger you but you found yourself blushing a little trying not to look into his eyes. "Come on sweet cheeks you have to look at me remember?"
God you hated how the pet name made you weak. You looked into his eyes for but a moment long enough for them to take enough photos. "Alright that was good we're gonna go ahead and take another with the roles reversed this time."
This was your change to show him just how good you are at being a model and at being a flirt. As you got into position you realized that you were a little too short for this couch, arms being extended too hard. "Um is there anyway I could get like a step stool, I'm afraid I'm a little too short for this."
You hated this, it was so embarrassing for you. The staff didn't panic and brought you a step stool to kneel on so your arms wouldn't hurt as much. "You feel better now sweet cheeks?" You rolled your eyes grabbing his cheek a little rough forcing his face your way.
"I'm fine but are you darling? After all I'm the one looking down on you, this doesn't hurt your ego does it?" You smiled warmly at seeing his eyes widened a little before returning back to his signature smirk.
"Not at all, after all I'll be the one looking down on you later" his tone a little too seductive for your liking. You could hear the shudder of the camera, it's fine you just have to put up with him for a little longer. You wanted him to know just how much you disliked him so you grabbed a handful of his hair pulling him even closer to you.
"You sure about that honey" you decided to give him a little nickname too just to spite him. He didn't complian about how rough you were being with him but instead he pushed forward his lips metting yours. It caught you off guard and accidentally fell forward more trying to get back.
The camera man gasped while your managers simply giggled, much to your dislike. The camera clicked away quickly taking advantage of the situation. You quickly pulled away a little breathless and face flushed a dark shade of pink.
"What's the matter sweet cheeks a little kiss got you hot and bothered?" He was being an ass about it whispering to you as to not draw anymore attention to the two of you. That was the biggest thing you hated about him, just how smug he could be.
"For your information I'm fine lets just hurry and get this stupid photo shoot over with already". You motioned over to the photographer and waited for them to give you more instructions.
It didn't take long for them to run the two of you through the rest of the poses for the first few outfits. However you needed a break in between the first and second half as the second half would take place outside when it was darker. You started heading to the trailer they had for you until you felt a tug on your hand.
You looked back thinking it was probaly your manager but to your disappointment it was Gojo. "What do you want Gojo? This is my time to rest and be away from you". Your face giving away your annoyance before your tone could.
"Calm down princess I'm not here to be a bother I just figured we would spend a little alone time together. Y'know get to know each other a little more". You didn't like the way he worded his sentence let alone what his idea of getting to know him could be. However you didn't really need to push him away since he wasn't really being a bother.
"Fune but as soon as I'm annoyed with you, your out of my trailer". He smirked and allowed you to open the door for him and stepped in after you. He locked the door behind him and made himself comfy on the small couch in the trailer.
"So princess how long have you been a model?" You looked over from where you were standing and thought about it for a second before responding.
"I think next month will make my 5th year modeling but professional only 2 years". You hadn't been in the business for too long but drew enough attention to be highly respected.
"That's cute, I've been in the music industry for almost 6 full years now princess and y'know how famous I am right?" He asked as I'd he wasn't on almost every radio station and music platform. Unfortunately for him you liked be a tease to stuck up people like him.
"Can't say I do. I mean I barely knew your name until a couple weeks ago when my agency told me I would be modeling with you". It was a lie but you wanted to see what kind of reaction he would give.
"Is that so? Then why is it that you have a copy of my latest magazine in your trailer?" His question caught you off guard since you forgot your manager picked it up for you a couple days ago to see what Gojo looked best in. It was purely for research and not because you wanted to see him shirtless in the magazine.
"That's none of your business and that's not even mine". You tried to protest but he wasn't falling for it at all.
"Then why's it in your trailer princess? Unless it's yours you have no reason to keep a magazine that doesn't belong to you in your trailer". God why did he have to be such a persistent man?
"Okay so what if it's mine it's not like it means anything". You decided yo give up on trying to pass it off as someone else's. Even if it brought you shame it was better than trying to keep up with the lies.
"No I think it does mean something. I think you got it because even though you put up a front you actually like me. I've seen you at my concerts before and I promise I've never forgotten a person that's come to my concerts".
Fuck, he knew.
It wasn't planned, when you were still in training to be a professional model you were given tickets to go see him perform. At first you weren't going to but your friend convinced you it would be a waste if you didn't. So you went and were blown away at the vocals that Gojo had.
However that excitement was short lived as when he stopped singing to talk with the crowd he became the same smug Gojo you know today. You thought that it was just the fame getting to his head and that he was different off stage. But when you went home and looked up some of his interviews he acted the exact same.
And ever since then you made it your mission that if you ever worked with him you would show him that his ego needed to be much smaller than it was. "That concert I went to on a wim because my friend gave me the tickets. I didn't really want to be there but she would have been sad if I didn't". The was all there was to it nothing more.
"You say that but your face tells me otherwise, that you really liked my performance that night". He stood up and was now standing behind you pressed up against your back. "Just admit you like me" he whispered in your ear all to sweet, making it hard to resist giving in.
You crooked your head back against his shoulder staring into his deep blue eyes. They were always the one thing you liked about him, the fact that they looked so good on him made you flustered. "Like hell I'll ever say that I like you Gojo, I'm not some girl that you can just take in your trailer. I have my dignity after all".
He smirked at hearing you deny him. It was always more fun for him when he was denied because in the end he would get what he wanted. "Then if I talk about how much I want you, you won't fold?" He raised a brow as he asked the question.
You looked at the clock and noticed you still had about an hour before you needed to be ready. Plus seeing Gojo fail at something he is so proud of would be funny. "I'm game" with that he pushed away from you and went back to sit on the couch then patted his lap.
He seriously wanted you to sit on his lap? You sighed heavily and walked over to him but didn't sit wanting to test his patience. And clearly he wasn't having it because he pulled you into his lap quickly making you grind against his crotch.
"Gojo you can't do stuff like this!" You yelled but he cared very little what you thought, making you grind more. It was hard to suppress the sounds that treatned to spill from your lips. He knew this and forced you down harder wanting to hear the sounds you would make.
"Gojo- mhp stop this isn't professional!" You tried to reason with him but he wasn't listening to focused on the pleasure you were giving him.
"You know for someone how's complaining I'm not seeing you do much to stop me" and he was right. As much as you denied liking it you really loved it, being put on your place by the man you say you hate. It brought you great pleasure unlike anything else.
As much as Gojo loved seeing your composure break slowly he wanted to see you desperate for him. "You know you complain too much" with that he silenced you with a passionate kiss. It wasn't hard or extremely rough just filled with lust and need. The kind of kiss that made anybody weak.
That fact that Gojo was willing to kiss you like that made you shiver, he might have been an ass but he did care about you. You melted into the kiss allowing him to do whatever he wanted. The need to try and fight with him leaving your body.
He pulled away when you started to paw at his shirt, a small string of saliva connecting the two of you before quickly falling apart. "You seem go be enjoying this princess" his signature smirk made you want to punch him. But it also made you want to kiss him again.
"Shut up gojo" he pulled you down harder feeling his cock stir more. It was growing bigger by the second and felt heavy in his lap. He wanted to be inside you already, to see you fall apart completely for him.
"Oh fuck princess I can't take this much longer, do me a favor sick me off" with that he pushed you off. Making you fall to the floor and on your knees, turning around to yell at him you were met with his cock in your face.
The tip was red and it looked way bigger than it felt through his pants. You stared in awe for a moment before Gojo's voice brought you out of your daze. "See something you like?" He always had something smart to say.
You didn't answer him and just moved to start kissing along the base of his cock. He groaned feeling your lips on his cock, bucking his hips lightly. You pulled away completely much to his annoyance, "be patient you big baby". You teased moving back to kiss the tip, slowly moving back down to the base.
You wanted to take this part slow knowing once he was ready that he didn't plan on stopping. Unfortunately Gojo wasn't a patient man, his hand finding his way into your hair and forcing you to take his length.
It didn't hurt as much as you thought it would but it caught you by surprise and made you gag a little. You glared up at Goji but he couldn't care and actually found it rather hot. He liked the girls he fucked to have a little fight in them, made it that much sweeter when they submitted to him.
You bobbed your head up and down his clock allowing Gojo to guide you for the most part. You weren't taking all of him yet but he wants going to push you that far yet.
You wanted to tease him and see him falter from the whole play boy attitude. Slowly making your movements more precise and focussing your attention on the tip. His breathing became shallow and his thrusts started to be sloppy. He was close and you could feel it, his cock twitching ever so lightly in your mouth.
"Fuck princess you really know how to make me breathless" you smiled at his comment going even faster. He couldn't hold it in much longer and was spilling in your mouth after another thrust. His grip on your hair was bruising, he wanted to make sure you had no choice but to swallow everything he was giving you.
And you did, taking every drop of cum that he was giving you. Once he finished you pulled off his cock with a pop and wipped your mouth with the back of your hand. Gojo was just staring at you blankly, being the tease that you are you opened your mouth. Showing him that you had swallowed all of it.
He groaned at seeing you obediently showing him that you swallowed it all. His heart swelling with pride and making him hard again. "Such a good girl, now let me do the same thing to that pretty pussy of yours". His hand moving to bring you up off your knees before forcing you back into his lap.
His cock layed hard against your stomach showing just how far he was going to reach inside you. It almost made you nervous to take him but he pulled you into a kiss melting away that nervousness. "I'm gonna take care of you baby don't worry" his loving words making you wet again.
His hands moved toward your hips lifting you up slightly, before moving you down on his cock. It hurt being stretched out so much but it also felt so good. Inch by inch he slowly pushed his way inside you until he was all tye way to the hilt. The tip almost kissing your cervix, he held you still while you squirmed lightly. Lettung you get used to the feeling of him.
"Gojo... move please..." it came out as a whisper but he heard it loud and clear. His hands teasing your clit, rubbing light circles on the sensitive nub. Thinking he didn't hear you and was just playing with you whispered again just a little louder this time. "Gojo please..." the plea more desperate this time.
He smirked hearing you beg again, "please what princess? I'm not a mind reader you know". His tone coy and mischievous knowing full well that he knew what you were talking about. Bringing his hips down just a little to create some kind of friction between you two.
It irritated you that he wanted you to practically spell ot out for him. But as much as you didn't want to admit it you wanted him to fuck you and ruin you. "Please fuck me gojo" you grumbled louder as your blush deepened. He laughed a little which only aggravated you more but he did as you asked and started to thrust up into you slowly.
"Anything for you my baby" he purred against your ear as his hands moved to tease your nipples over the fabric of your shirt. A shudder ran through your body at the feeling of his fingers rolling your sensitive nubs. The situmaltuon from both ends causing you to squirm and whimper. His hips slowly moved back before slamming into you rough. His pace hard and fast from the get go, "gonna make you scream my name sugar".
The sound of his hips meeting your ass could be heard throughout the whole trailer and potentially outside. Though that didn't matter to you in the moment, all you wanted was for Gojo to make a mess of you. And he's was pushing his cock deeper and deeper into your sloppy pussy.
"Gojo... Gojo please more..." the plea leaving your lips as if it was your dying wish. And being the pleasing man he was he did, his thrusts becoming deeper and harder. The sloppy sounds growing louder and echoing off the trailer walls.
It felt amazing and euphoric as his tip kept kissing against your cervix ever so lightly. "Fuck, fuck Gojo please don't stop...".
"Wasn't planning on it baby" his hands moving to spread your legs wider and give him a better view of his cock splitting you open. "God you look absolutely beautiful on me" he groaned, the sight of his cock starting to form a white ring at the base. The mention of you looking good on him made you wetter, being Gojo Satorus woman want exactly you wanted but it didn't sound that bad.
Right now though you weren't too busy thinking about it as he was brining you closer and closer to the edge. Just a little more and you would be coming undone, he could tell to and was just shaking at the thought of you cumming all over his cock. Being a shaking mess, whimpering for him to keep going and make an even bigger mess of you.
His hips coming up to meet your ass hard as his cock began to start twitching. "Gonna cum soon baby, need to hear you beg for me". He whispered into your ear, and just as he was about to let you go there was a knock at the door.
"Miss are you almost ready we need to be on set in about 30 minutes." His question catching you both of guard but only you froze in place. Gojo simply continued to pound you uncaring that there was someone on the other side of the door.
You frantically looked back at him trying to convey that he should stop but he didn't care nor did he want to. So it was left to you to try and respond to him without giving away that you were being fucked. "I- I'm almost down changing just give me a minute-" your senetce being cut short by kiss lips landing on yours. Muffiling what was left of the response as he completely dominated the kiss.
The guy didn't seem to notice and took his leave quickly after. Then it was just the two of you again. You pulled away from his lips and glared angrily at him, "what is wrong with you we could have been caught!" He just smirked and trusted up harshly the action making you moan.
"Calm down princess nobody would come in here without your permission. Plus you were gripping me real tight when you heard his voice. I think you wanted us to be caught." His teasing tone making you blush harder, and he wasn't wrong the thought of being caught had made you tighten around him.
"You're being ridiculous..." you stammered now feeling on edge again and so close to cumming your brains out. Hands gripping his shirt to try and stabilize yourself from losing it.
"Come on baby let yourself go and let me make you scream" he whispered his breathe fanning over your ear. Hips coming flush against your ass, tip kissing your cervix in a brushing manor. "Fuck- gonna cum baby, wanna see you let go" lips ghosting over your shoulder.
Small maons a and whimpseres were all you could respond with as your orgasm came crashing down on you. The clear liquid coating his cock and the floor, he released soon after you. Painting your insides white with his seed.
"Fuck baby your gripping me real tight wanna keep my cum that bad?" He teased riding out his high with you. Hands digging deeper into your thighs, small crescents forming from his grip.
As tye both of you came down from your highs you started to realize just what you and done. You fucked the very man that you said was just another loser in the world with too much of an ego. Now here you were split open on his dick and his cum deep inside you. A giant blush formed and he could see it all.
"Aww coke on baby don't tell me you're getting all shy now, after the fact?" His tone mocking, giving a small squeeze to your thigh again.
"I'm not it's just I..." you could find any words and just kept quiet. "Come on we need to get dressed this photoshoot isn't over yet". You grumbled trying to squirm out of his grip.
"Wow princess calm down, unless you want me to get hard again" he whispered, kissing along your neck.
"No don't do that, we seriously need to get dressed-" her sentence getting cut short by a small knock on her door.
"Miss its almost time for you get come out" her voice ringing out making her freeze in her tracks. Pussy pulsing a little.
"Baby your doing it again" his voice only loud enough for you to hear. You quickly clasp a hand obverse raise mouth before he does something stupid. Though it was of no use since he just used you to try and get caught. Giving a small thrust up into you making you whimper.
Your boss didn't notice and just waited for a reply. You glared back at Gojo before responding, "I'll be out in a minute just go tell them for me please". She said okay and left, now it was just you and Gojo alone.
"What is wrong with you!?" You turned to scold him but he just laughed.
"Sorry princess but I couldn't help it" his smirk making you both turned on and irritated. Though right now you couldn't tell which one you were feeling more. "Just pull out so we can change" you pushed on his shoulder to put you down.
He laughed and slowly pulled out a small glob of his cum spilling out with him. You looked down and decided to not worry about it right now. Just as you were going to grab a wet towel Gojo stopped you. "I was thinking you keep it in" he cooed.
Your eyes widened in horror at his suggestion, now that could really get the two of you caught. But part of you thought you've come this far why not just do it. So you did getting dressed and pushing your panties up to keep his cum snuge inside you.
You walked out of your trailer and there were a few people around that saw you exit with Gojo but they didn't say anything. Just as you saw your manager you walked over to her, Gojo pulled you to his side and made an announcement.
"From this day forward this little cute is my girl" everyone just looked at the two of you in shock. You yourself were stunned at his words, sure you fucked him but seriously!?
He pulled you to kiss him in front of everyone before whispering in your ear. "Be mine and you'll be getting creampied all the time baby".
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slamdunkhcs · 6 months
Considering the fact they’re basketball players who have to condition (even on the off-season), I thought this would be fun to think about :). And also i go to the gym and i see boys like them all the time there
slam dunk boys at the gym
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• One thing about Rukawa, he is going to the gym ALONE. Like it’ll literally be him, his airpods, a towel, and a fat waterbottle against the world. I don’t think he’d hate working out with someone, but he’d prefer to workout alone since he can stay focused and go at his own pace.
• He’d have both his AirPods in at full volume and go CRAZY on the machines/weightlifting bars. I think for his stamina, he would use the Stairmaster at full speed and go on it for as long as he could.
• I’d say that he does workouts for all of his body, but his favorite workouts would be arm ones, just because he’ll be able to put more power into his basketball shots.
• I don’t think he’d be approached by anyone at the gym since he’s always super focused on his workout and looks VERY intimidating, but if you went up to him and asked him for help, he’d do it.
• BUTTTT If he was in a bad mood that day, he might just put his AirPod right back in and ignore you 😂. However, after he cools off, he’d feel kinda bad. And then sigh and go up to you like “What did you need help with?”
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• Ok I feel like his level of productivity would depend on who he’s at the gym with. If he’s with Mitsui, those two are gonna try and compete with who could lift heavier weights 😂. But if he’s with Sakuragi, aint NOTHING getting done.
• He will take a ton of gym photos and mirror selfies and post them like “Hitting the gym today ✅” on Insta/Snap. AND HE’LL SEND THEM ALL TO AYAKO 😂😂😂. His gym fits will be coordinated asf too!!! He will go over there dripped out!!!
• I think if he goes alone he’d be really focused. He wouldn’t look intimidating or anything but he’d keep to himself and put on some music (def rnb like bryson tiller or brent faiyaz) and do his workouts. If the gym had a track area, he’d walk around and jus think about life and whatever happened throughout his day.
• Now if Ayako tagged along with him to the gym one day… HES GONNA ACT A FOOL. Like he will literally just stand by her the entire time as if he’s her mf bodyguard. And if a man even TRIED to talk to her, he would instantly shoo him away 💀
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• His productivity would also depend on who hes with 😂
• If he’s with his lil gang… they getting into BIG trouble. Those idiots would fool around and try and swing around the weightlifting bar and hit eachother with it. They’d cause a big commotion and then get escorted out the gym by mf security.
• I think he’d go alone alot lowkey… especially after rehabilitation, he’d go there to do light workouts to prepare himself for basketball practice.
• I f he doesn’t know how to properly use a machine, this mf is NOT ASKING NOBODYYY for help 💀. Like he will stand there and stubbornly try messing with it until either he figures it out, or one of the gym’s staff sees him and offers him help
• I feel like he’d be very popular with the elderly people at the gym. Like in the mens’ locker room, the old men would look at him and be like “Back in my day, I was a lot like you, son,” and be hyping him up on his muscles and big build. AND HE’D ACT ALL OVERCONFIDENT but he’d lowkey be smiling about it for the rest of the day. He’d smile and make a peace sign whenever he sees one of the elderly regulars there. And if they asked him for help, he’d help!!!!! He’d have a whole community of uncles and aunties at the gym
• In terms of people around his age tho.. it’s a different story. If someone is using a machine or area he’s trying to use, he’s gonna be SOOO inpatient. Especially if whoever is on it isn’t using it. If it’s a girl, he’d ask politely, but if it’s a guy, he’ll mean mug tf outta them, until they get intimidated and walk away 😭
• If he and Ryota are at the gym together, those two will take SO many pictures. Half of the time they’d jus be talking and talking, and wouldn’t get ANYTHING accomplished
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• Ok, one thing about Mitsui, he is NOT going to the gym alone. Like he will hit the whole mf team up and ask them to go with him. Even Akagi.
• I think he’d go frequently though, especially in order to build up his stamina. Rukawa would show him the Stairmaster machine and he’d go CRAZY on there. Like by the end, it’ll say he walked up 200 flights of stairs 😂
• He’d lowkey have so many gym crushes. But he wouldn’t approach ANY of them 😂😂😂. He will just admire, sigh, and then go on with his workout. I think some of the gym baddies would think he’s cute but they wouldn’t approach him
• The reason why he’d be scared of being alone at the gym is because it’d be jus him and his thoughts. AND FOR MITSUI, THATS SCARY ASL. However… I think going to the gym alone from time to time would end up being a way for him to destress and reflect.
PS: IMMA DO A PART TWO WITH AKAGI, SENDOH, SAWAKITA, and whoever else yall want
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sehodreams · 7 months
not sure if you already written some yandere stuff but if not, how do you think a yandere wonbin will behave?
Maybe mafia!riize (2) counts, but in that concept Anton and Eunseok seem to fit more than Wonbin, and I also have a stalker!eunseok that might interest you.
Yandere!Wonbin sounds really interesting, I'm not that familiar with the genre (though I've watched a couple of animes related to it), but if I'm not thinking in a mafia au like the one I mentioned before, I kind of see him as the classmate that silently follows you around and that already has a reputation with being "odd", or the popular boy that had everything he wanted (Again, sorry if what I imagined It's not correct, I just did a quick research).
TW and tags: dark!riize, yandere!Wonbin, stalking, manipulation, mentions of sexual assault.
There's just something about his aura and physical language that creeps people away, and since he's always by your side, talking to you softly and always looking at you with bright eyes, you never understand when the others tell you to be careful with him, that there's something that really alarms them whenever he's with you and that you should never fully trust him.
Wonbin wouldn't say anything when you tell him what others say about him and you would laugh it off, and since he sees you don't believe them, he wouldn't mind, just smiling at you and shrugging his shoulders.
However, inside he's already thinking how much people don't understand the love he has for you.
He's not the violent kind, he's more, like he likes to call himself, a little fan, watching you from afar and enjoying every little interaction to the fullest.
At first having him around was comfy, he only treated you as a friend and offered his help whenever you didn't understand something in class, but then things started to get weirder, and the warm sensation you had before when he was around, would burn you now.
You felt observed most of the time, it didn't matter if you tried to only study in the library for an hour or if you were forming in the queue for your coffee, you would feel your neck hot with the sensation of someone's eyes over your every move.
It would only be a matter of time until you notice that you have the same sensation when you're next to him, and soon, you wouldn't want him around you anymore.
You would try to run away from him with the help of your friends, saying hi but going to other places whenever he arrived, and not answering his texts as often as before with the excuse of being busy.
He would be disappointed, thinking they are the cause of you not loving him like you used to do (not that you ever loved him, you just saw him like a friend until you started to notice that he didn't see you just like that).
Still, he wouldn't physically hurt them, he knows that would be too obvious and would scare you away, so the best option, for him, is to shoo them, that way you would only have him by your side, and you wouldn't have an option but to love him like you did before.
He doesn't know how to charm everyone, but he knows how to look innocent, and that's more than enough to leave him out of the problem that he would create.
Spreading rumors about you was more than easy, taking into account how much he has observed you before, it wouldn't be hard for him to find a way to make you look bad. If you were having more meetings than usual with your professor to ask for advice, he'd plant the idea of you opening your legs for better grades. If you were talking a bit too much with your best friend's boyfriend, a picture of you just talking in the street would lurk around school with a message saying you had an affair with him.
Anything for him, would be a gun, ready to kill the good girl reputation you had.
People love gossip, people love pointing at someone and talking behind their backs, so he only had to start it, and everyone would intensify it, adding lies and breaking you with their disgusted eyes and whispers, not even your supposed friends daring to look at you or being seen with you.
But not Wonbin, never him, the boy who loved you the most in the whole place would never say something like that, and giving you his shoulder, you could cry as much as you wanted, "it's okay, I know nothing of that it's true, I'll always be here for you", convincing you that, if there was someone in this world in your side, it was him.
At least, that's one kind of yandere!Wonbin, the soft loving one, the other kind, would simply take everything with his own hands.
The other Wonbin, the confident, popular and loved one, would be hard to attract.
You don't even understand why it was you, he could've chosen anyone else who would gladly give him the attention he wanted, and you, on the other hand, wouldn't even try to be in his presence, not daring to interrupt the pretty view of him with his group of friends.
He had everything he could ever need, you don't know if he's rich, there are rumors, and he definitely wasn't the smartest person academically, but he was gorgeous, and you knew that was enough to get far in life.
That's why, you didn't understand what was his need to be behind you all the time.
He would follow you to the library, trying to make conversations with you, "could you help me with this?", he'd say showing you a question. You didn't understand why he asked you, but you didn't have any reason to not help him, so you just did.
He would grip onto that, bringing you more and more questions to learn from you.
Then, he'd offer to take you home with the excuse of paying the favor, and no, he won't take a no for an answer.
He never said it, but you felt there was something happening behind the scenes, his friends would look at you when you walked out of class, or when you sat to eat on your own in the cafeteria and he sat in front of you to keep you company.
He doesn't know how to maintain conversations, even less how to joke, so instead of feeling relieved to have someone around, you would feel extremely uncomfortable, starting to run away when you saw him or his friends near.
And that, of course, would bother him.
Who were you to escape from him? If he showed you an attention he didn't give to anyone else, you should be grateful and receive him with much pleasure, everyone saw you weren't on his level, and you already gained so much from being seen with him, people recognized you, knew your name, and of course it was because you were Wonbin's girl, but being his girl was much better than being nobody, right?
"Don't make me mad" he said when you tried to leave home without him, and you tried to not think much from it, but his voice was so full of decision and darkness that you stopped in your place and waited for him to be on your side, "that's what I thought" he said when you let him take your hand.
You didn't know why you accepted him, he never asked you to be anything, not even his friend, so you had the freedom to leave and not think about him, but you knew, deep inside, that he didn't make jokes, and that if you made him mad, he'd do something about it.
Just like when you tried to refuse his hand prying down your skirt, making a pretty collar with his hand in your throat, he'd take anything from you if he wanted, it didn't matter how he did it, so instead of saying no, you preferred to just not talk and count the days until you could run away from him.
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Louk's Bad Batch rewatch part 10 omg and 10 days until s3 👀
Lets go batchers 🤟
The Bad Batch 1x06
I love reading the aurebesh signs hehe
Omega nearly takes out a stranger and literally goes "teehee oopsie" I love her sm
Echo teaching her how to shoot 🥺
Wrecker: "not exactly a natural is she" Hunter: *vague nod/shrug thing* 💀
I'd love to shoo cid out of the bar "scram" @ cid
Tech is playing arcade games !!!! 👀
"I assume you know what a tactical droid is" *3 voted yes, Omega voted no, Tech panicked*
I used to think cid telling the batch they work for her was a kinda funny scene but rewatching it now knowing what I know it just infuriates me 😡
"weak noodle arms" SHES JUST A BABY
"this old trick?" hehe like the one Han did in ESB 👀
"that's your plan? fly there, land, hope they don't spot us and walk in the door?" ~ Obi-Wan about Anakin's plan - me pretending Echo learned this from Anakin 🥺
poor Wrecker with heights, he's so brave fr I'm very proud 💕
"nighty night" 🤣
everyone is probably gonna hate me for saying this buuuuttt... I kinda wanna see more Martez sisters after this episode lol
Rafa: "grab a weapon" Omega: "I had one 😑"
y'all the banter between Hunter and Rafa 👀 the way he walks behind her with both blasters out
"thanks" hehehe she's so cheeky
sibling banter
Wrecker hits his head count: 7 👀
and he just got shot in the same place on his shoulder for the third time 🙃
"Good soldiers-" screaming sobbing exploding into another dimension
Omega screaming for Hunter 😭
plus Hunter's "hang on Omega!" *checking myself into therapy*
Hunter literally swinging in to save Omega like he's tarzan 👑
that "thank you" was SO sincere I'm going to go cry my eyes out forever
Trace grabbed Omega to pull her behind her 🥺
Rafa: "I still don't like you" Hunter: "I'm used to it" 🥲😂
okay but Wrecker fighting the chip, hearing Tech calling for him sounding so concerned, then Crosshair desperately saying "good soldiers follow orders" is incredibly painful to hear... but it's like he's hearing his brothers both desperately calling him to them, Crosshair's voice is like the chip trying to activate, he's frustrated and confused which is probably exactly how Wrecker feels right now, and Tech's voice is trying to bring Wrecker back away from the chip 🥲 like they're both tugging at his brain to go different directions or smth idk I'm emotional about them always
"is there an echo in here?" "Yes, I'm Echo" *salutes* he's just so silly and goofy and I know the domino squad is absolutely cackling rn 😂
Tech's little swirly flip of the datastick like Hunter does with his knife makes me think Tech can also use Hunter's knife and that is something I would love to see pls
Trace has her arm around Omega again! 🤲
Tech is so sneaky hehe
Omega: "it's all about tuning out distractions" SEE CID SHE TOOK ECHOS ADVICE AND NOW SHE'S FINE pfft "weak noodle arms" NO MA'AM
R7 💕💕💕
Omega is so excited about being in a seedy area lmaooo
Omega and Rafa waving at each other as they leave 🥺
Hunter talking about the right reasons I am feeling emotions again
hmm I wonder who this mysterious person on the holo could possibly be 🤔🤔🤔
yayyyy episide 6 done y'alls 💕 thanks for joining again ilysm
I'm going to be doing a lot more hehe because I was super busy for a few days and now my timing is off 🙃
see y'all next time for when the fit hits the shan 🤟
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The day that changed the sea.
Roger pirates x Reader
Type: arranged marriage, running away, controlling parents/fiancé, female reader, body dismorfia, eating disorder.
I suck at writing "Romance" (more like writing assholes).
"your highness it's time for your scheduled tea time with your fiance" a maid no older than 20 said bowing down, "yes tell him I will be down soon" the Nobel woman said having her other servants help out with her clothes and hair.
Downstairs in the luxuries living room was duke Fredrik wasser was talking to Count L/N about wedding arrangment, "We promise you she is very pretty and wouldn't throw a fit about anything" Mr.L/N said rubbing his hands together his wife jumping in "and is a great house madam managing budgets and staff since she was 12!" Mrs.L/N told the potentian suiter, "I see" fredrik was familiar with this and knew not to trust the parents opinion since they will gloss up their kid.
"I salut Duke Fredrik wasser" he heard the door opening and the.....voice of an angel? Her parents weren't lying about one thing at least, "and you must be my bride to be? Doll face?" Fredrick stepped closer examening her bow and eteqite before taking her hand and kissing the back of it.
"It's a wedding!" Seemingly satisfied with his bride the parents and new fianceè shoo Y/N out of the room to decide the wedding and the money, Y/N happy that this went according to plan decided to go out with her maid and have some fun on the port.
"Isn't this beutifull martha?" Asked Y/N while strooling close to the port, "indeed your highness, but if you don't mind me intruding-"the maid wanting to question her lady's choice in accepting the marrige with a man she met for less than a minute got inturupted, "look! Martha new commers! Let's go say hi!" With a childish joy Y/N grabbed her maids hand and lead her to the small ship where they found two men, the first wearing a straw hat and the other reaking of alchool, the maid understandebly was worried of their identity, "my lady this is a bad idea" warned the maid but the lady ignored the warning walking up close in her heavy dress, "h-Hello there! My name is Y/N L/N and this is my friend martha, you must be new here!"said the young lady, "that's true! My name is Roger and this is my first mate Raylight!" The man in the straw hat intruduced himself getting on the port to give her a hand shake, the woman confused looked at her maid, "Martha why is he giving me his hand?" She whispered, "My lady that's a hand shake give him your right hand" whispered the maid back.
With excitment the woman shook his hand before looming at martha for confirmation nodding slightly, Y/N turned back to Roger, "so you guys are a crew? Where is the main boat? Since this is small", "bahaha! You must be curious, huh?" Asked roger, "If you wish you can tell me over lunch! My treat" invited the young noble.
"......And then Raylight attacked it with his sword killing it instantly!" Roger retold the story while eating his meal, "That's amazing! Sir Raylight that's incralable of you!" Complimented Y/N eating a small bowl of salad with a cup of tea while her maid helped herself to a fatty meal; "is that all your going to eat?" Asked Raylight, "oh! Please don't mind me, I need to watch my weight for my up-coming weding"she said it as if it was normal but her maid looked a bit upset by her lady's hunger strike, "my it seems you two love each other, huh?" Pointed Raylight sarcasticly, "Love? It's meerly political like an ass like him could Lov-", "-Martha, no it's beneficial to every one in this town" seemingly forgetting that they had guests the woman in question continued "so becoming a trophy wife to that assholes is also benefiting the tow-", before she finishes that sentence Y/N stand up turning to her guests, "I apologize for this ungodly appearance, please consider your food and shelter paid for, Martha take them to ST.moubt hotel" and with that she leaves.
Guiding the two towards the hotel Martha began regretting her words, "do you think I went too far?" deciding to ask the new fellas she went ahead "you'you've seen her! She doesn't even know what a 'hand shake' is and she wants to throw her life away so is pesky peasant can have lesser taxes!", Raylight feeling like this is none of their business but Roger felt otherwise, "sorry, but here use this to pay for the hotel and food" giving them a silver bendit with a flying bird on it she waved goodbye and left.
"your awfully quite today captain" drinking and looking out the window Raylight turned to his third bottle, "I can't let that happen" said Roger sitting on his bed, "you can't just let your life be thrown away like that" gripping his hand tightly he looked at his first mate, "you plan on objecting in the alter or what?" knowing he won't back down he chimed in, "no, running away sounds better" with saying that Raylight looked puzzled but won't get an answer till the morning after.
In another part of town a maid is knocking on her lady's door with a cup of tea, "My lady can I come in?" asked the maid, "Martha you know your always welcomed" chuckling she went in finding her friend looking at her mother's music box, "Y/N are you okay?" sitting down and pouring the hot beverage she answered "of course why won't I be?" she answered while taking the cup and smelling it, "well you only take out mom's music box when your sad", "Nana would've known what to do in this situation" though shaking a bit she sipped her tea, "and probably scolded me for my public outburst" said the maid with a smirk, looking at each other and bursting out laughing the two shared a moment of tranquility, "my lady you ought to run away" getting the subject serious again, "Martha, no I can't leave you or anyone here or else..." again her voice shatered and seemingly flooding with past memories her friend spoke again "what happened to mom won't happen to me" trying to comfort her shaken friend she continued, "Don't you want to see the sea again?" And with that Y/N finally broke down into tears.
The next morning Y/N decided to take a walk outside to check up on her guests and think about what martha said, "Roger good morning! How was the stay?" Seeing him in front of the hotel she waved at him, "well that thing you gave us worked like a charm!"he said enthusiacly, silent fell on them again, "why did you become a pirate?" She asked avoiding eye contact with him, Roger though puzeled answered with one of his famous grins "I want to turn the world upside down!" He said with a hart filled laugh; Raylight came out to see what's going on, "Roger please let me join your crew! Let me go live in the sea with you!" She yelled finally letting out what she belives the riskiest and propably the dumbist thing she did but roger only looked at her brifly before laughing out loud, "Sure I don't see why not" Roger agreed but Raylight seemed hesitant, but he can't defy Roger when he get's like this, celebrating this news she couldn't wait to tell martha the news......only if her parent's don't find out.
Sitting in her office she was thinking about what to do for this adventure, 'with my jewlery and saved up money I can help out with supplies, plus I can manage the finances, but I need to tell martha first and say goodbuy to Nana's husband, plus pack some clothes' she was excited day dreaming about similar adventures to the ones she heard, until, SLAM! her father barged in "you ungratful whore! Who was that man!" Yelled her father as her mother closed the door, "Father wha-" she tried to understand what's happening, "Not another word, you think this is a game? Go and hang around that ugly man? How could you do this to your father! Look at your poor mother" he started berating her before pointing at her crying mother, usualy she would cave in but not this time, "so how could this father sell his daughter out because he can't close his wallet to anyone!" She snapped back at a price.
The sound of a loud thud and glass breaking was the last thing the pirate to be heard before losing concesnous.
Someone came in...who is it? "My lady! Your awake!" Screamed the maid hugging her close, but the lady had other things in mind, "the wedding it's tomorrow! What do we do!" Letting out the grim reality expecting her to react in some way, but she remaind calm, "Martha it's time to crash a wedding".
(Wow your still here DAMN you found this intresting enough to read till here, I am honored, here have a GIF as a gift)
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Running to the churche where the wedding was being held felt Roger a rage he hadn't felt in a while, Raylight was preparing the small ship to leave while he had the task of getting the new member back.
'Where is he!' She thought standing in front of her soon to be husband, "I OBJECT!!" yelled Roger as he slamed the door open, loud gasps filled the room as well as more guards, "you came!" She said some tears at the corner of her eyes still holding the bouquet she ran towards him but was stoped by her fiancee. (A fight scene Roger beating the shit out of the guards and scaring the fiancee enough for him to let go of Y/N)
Running in a torn apart wedding dress being chased by her parents and guards was never a thing not even in her wildest dreams but here she is clutching the music box previously held in her bouquet towards the boat, "GET BACK HERE THIS INSTANCE!" Was among the many lines that drowned by the sound of laughter among Y/N and Roger, waving goodbuy to the chef and Martha she ched a few tears as before looking forward towards a brighter future.
Anticipating a reaction all there is was two faces full of disappointment, "that's it?" Said shanks, "this is lame, I thought you'd do something cool!" Added buggy, "well I told you the music box and how I joind this crew were not exiting stories" she shook her shoulders before standing up from the cafe table and starting to walk away, "so who was the chef anyway?" Asked shanks, "Nana's husband, he would sneak me snacks through Martha sometimes"........ though this seemed like a ditante memory now her joyfull rant's and their teasing was something he didn't expect to miss yet here he is drinking it away..........~~~~
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 3 months
From Hell to Home to Back Again
Summary: At the talent show, Chrissy Cunningham is so hungry that she nearly collapses. When she's found by Hopper, her parents ended up losing custody of her. She ends up being placed in the care of the Hendersons, and she finally finds the family she so desperately needed. She also ends up falling in love. What other changes are made in this alternate universe?
@emen-98 @1lostsoul0fishbowl @vulpixsworld
Prologue . . . Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
A month of Dustin being away was much too long for Chrissy, but it seemed even more so for Eddie and Steve, who complained loudly about his absence. Chrissy found it both adorable and amusing. Dustin had made her promise not to say anything to them when he was coming back. He wanted to surprise them. She eagerly kept his secret along with the other one. Chrissy had nearly forgotten about his homecoming when a blackout occurred the night before. She lay in bed all night, worrying about what could happen. She didn't fall asleep until she let her walls down and let Eddie in. Nothing was going to happen. . .right? While she got to sleep, it was very fitful with dreams consisting of exploding rats. Chrissy felt like it was a bad omen, but Eddie reassured her that she had nothing to worry about. It was just nightmares.
"Welcome to Surfer Boy Pizza, we make everything here fresh except for the pineapples. Those come in a can, but we do recommend you try before you deny!" Chrissy greeted the customer.
"Lady Henderson! I'll take this one! We wouldn't want you to miss your brother's homecoming," Argyle said as he walked behind the counter.
"You're late," Chrissy said in amusement.
"Yeah, well, Jon and I got busy. . .we forgot to reset the clocks last night," Argyle said.
"You didn't even bother sneaking out the window, did you?" Chrissy asked in amusement.
"Strolled right into the kitchen!" Argyle exclaimed. "Shoo! Your shift is over!"
Chrissy grinned and hurried to clock out. She practically ran out the door and took off on her bike. She managed to make it home and change before the others got there. She had just changed when there came the secret knock at the door, and she rolled her eyes affectionately. Chrissy rushed to open the door. On her doorstep stood Lucas, Will, Max, and El.
"I told you that the secret knock isn't necessary," Chrissy told Lucas. "They're not here yet."
"I couldn't take that chance," Lucas said, and Max rolled her eyes at her boyfriend.
"Well, come on in, you still have plenty of time to set up," Chrissy said.
She was quick to help them, especially when they needed a place to hide. Once they were safely hidden, Chrissy rushed to greet her mother and brother at the door. Dustin hollered and threw himself into her arms the minute he entered.
"I missed you!" Dustin yelled.
"I missed you more!" Chrissy exclaimed, and she really did.
"You should have come to camp with me. It was so much fun!" Dustin said.
Chrissy laughed. She took off his hat and kissed the top of his curls before replacing it. She grabbed his bags, threw an arm around him, and led him directly to his room. He went on and on about camp, talking about his inventions as well as as a girl named Suzie. Chrissy had raised an eyebrow at that. According to Will and Dustin, they were still just practicing, but if they had really wanted to, wouldn't they have stopped by now? Was Suzie Dustin's girlfriend? She didn't press it, though. Eventually, Dustin went quiet and plopped onto his bed with a sigh.
"What's wrong, Dusty?" Chrissy asked.
"I haven't heard a single word from my friends. Do you think they forgot when I was coming home?" Dustin asked.
"Probably, there was a city wide blackout last night," Chrissy said.
"Shit, seriously? Well, that's worrisome," Dustin said. "Do you think - ?"
"Hop said everything's fine," she shrugged, trying to push her own worries aside.
"Is everything fine, or does he just want things to be fine?" He asked.
Chrissy frowned. Goddamn, that was a really good question. She jumped when one of his toys came around the corner and went off loudly. She had been expecting it, and she still jumped. Chrissy followed Dustin, who followed the trail of toys down the hallway. She nearly laughed when he armed himself with a can of Farrah Fawcett hairspray. When he was busy kneeling down, she ushered the others into the living room. They readied themselves with the noise makers and the sign. Max counted down and gave them the signal. They went off at the same time, startling Dustin so much he turned around and began spraying. . .right into Lucas's face. Lucas and Dustin both screamed. Chrissy gasped and moved to stop her brother.
"Dustin!" She yelled.
"Oh shit! Sorry!" Dustin shrieked and immediately stopped.
"Maybe this was a bad idea," Max said.
"It was your idea," Mike pointed out to his sister.
Chrissy snickered as Max glared at him while dragging Lucas off to the kitchen.
"How was camp?" Will asked after they got done laughing. He was still struggling to keep it in.
"Let me show you my inventions!" Dustin exclaimed.
He grabbed Will's hand and dragged him off to his room. El, Mike, and Chrissy followed. She noted how clingy Mike and El were. . .maybe Hop was right to be a little worried. She still thinks he overreacts, but maybe there was some truth to his worry. Chrissy didn't necessarily blame them after how they were forced apart with El's "death" and with Hopper trying his best to keep her safe. She shook her head and focused on the wind-up clock that Dustin was showing them. Mike and El didn't look interested, but she noticed that Will certainly did. Not only did he appear eager about Dustin's invention, but also with how excited Dustin was to show it. Chrissy really loved that kid.
"I call it the Forever Clock," Dustin said proudly. "Powered by wind. Very useful in the apocalypse."
Chrissy grinned as Dustin showed Will, and he reached for it with a smile on his face. They were both so very cute. Dustin then showed him his battery-powered radio tower. . .a ham radio that Dustin built himself. He called it Cerebro. Will was excited to use it but looked concerned at this Suzie girl. Those boys really needed to talk. Chrissy went with them to Mount Weathertop to help set it up. It was hot, and Chrissy was sweating profusely by the time they made it. El and Mike had left before they could get there.
"It's been like that all summer," Lucas explained. "It's gross."
"I think it's romantic," Max said.
"It's bullshit. I just got home," Dustin complained.
"Well, I think it's impressive what you've built, Dusty," Chrissy said. "I'm proud of you."
"You have to say that. You're my sister," Dustin sighed.
"Why can't you just accept the compliment and say thank you like a normal person?" Chrissy asked.
"I do think it's impressive, and I'm not just saying that," Will said. "You're really talented."
"Thanks," Dustin said, blushing. "You're really talented too."
Chrissy smiled knowingly at them. Meanwhile, Max and Lucas gave them a curious look before turning to her. Chrissy shrugged innocently. Once they got Cerebro set up, they waited for Suzie to call. They waited, and they waited. . . Finally, Max and Lucas didn't want to wait anymore. They left, too, leaving Chrissy with Dustin and Will.
"Dustin, I'm sorry but. . .I'm going to have to go, too. My mom will be worried about me," Will said.
"Just. . .wait, please. . .a few more minutes," Dustin pleaded as he took his hand.
"I'm not sure - I'm not sure I want to stick around and talk to your new girlfriend, Dustin," Will said bitterly.
"What? I never called her my girlfriend," Dustin said and paused. "I mean, I tried, but she called me on my bullshit pretty early on when I wouldn't stop talking about you."
"You didn't?" He asked with a grin.
"I know it's complicated with you having feelings for Mike - " Dustin started to say.
"I've been getting over him more and more every day. . .because of you," he replied.
"Do you want to be my boyfriend?" Dustin asked.
"I would love to!" Will exclaimed.
Will took off Dustin's hat and bent down a little to kiss him.
"You are entirely too tall now," Dustin whispered against his lips. "Stop it."
"You're getting better at the kissing thing," Will said, pulling back with a giggle.
"I have a good teacher," Dustin said as they held hands.
"You guys are so cute!" Chrissy squealed.
"Shit, I forgot my sister was still here," Dustin said, and Will laughed. "Ah, so, as my boyfriend, I think you have to stay here now. . .just a few more minutes."
"Do I now?" Will asked.
"Yes, absolutely," Dustin said and grinned eagerly at him.
"A few more minutes. . .you're lucky you're cute, and if my mom sends out a search party, I'm blaming you," Will said.
"Deal!" He exclaimed.
Dustin knelt down with Will moving next to him as they waited for Suzie to call. The sun had started to go down, and the stars were now coming out.
"Dustin," Chrissy said gently.
"Yeah, I don't think she's going to call," Dustin sighed. "I was just so excited for you guys to meet her. I didn't think I'd make a friend who didn't have a problem with me, and she was so excited to meet you too."
"That's sweet," Will said and kissed his cheek. "Come on, let's go."
Dustin sighed and stood up. He happily took Will's hand and entertwined their fingers as they began moving down the hill. Just as the three of them began to do so, the radio crackled to life. Dustin rushed back to the radio.
"Suzie. . .Suzie, do you copy?" Dustin asked.
It wasn't Suzie. . .whoever it was, wasn't speaking English. It sounded like they were speaking Russian. Will shared a worried look with Chrissy and Dustin. He touched the back of his neck, and Chrissy wondered if he was feeling the same things she had been feeling.
"It's just a stray transmission, that's all," Will said as they made their way back home.
"Yeah, it's probably nothing to worry about," Chrissy said.
Maybe that was just something they just wanted to believe. Chrissy really didn't want to end up in another coma or watch the people she loves get hurt. . .but on the other hand, she didn't want to be unprepared either.
"Or it could be something really cool!" Dustin exclaimed.
"Something cool?" Will asked.
"Yeah, like maybe we discovered a secret Russian communication," Dustin said. "Maybe we can translate it, and we can be like heroes or something!"
"Did you learn Russian without telling anyone?" Chrissy asked.
"Well, no," Dustin said and Will laughed.
Chrissy watched them bike home together, making sure they stayed close to each other. They dropped Will off at his house first. Joyce had been waiting by the door.
"Sorry, I kept your son out late, I promise to do better!" Dustin exclaimed.
"It's fine," Joyce smiled and hugged Will. "So, not just practice anymore, huh?"
"Mom!" Will exclaimed blushing.
"It's official!" Dustin exclaimed.
"They're so cute," Chrissy grinned.
"We're not cute. We're two handsome men!" Dustin exclaimed.
"Right," Chrissy said seriously. "That's my bad."
"Get home safe," Joyce said laughing.
Dustin waved at Will one last time and biked home with his sister. For a moment, they had forgotten about the Russian transmissions. Chrissy was glad to see him so smitten with Will. Romance was, of course, not the most important thing in the world, but it was nice to see him explore this side of him. She knows in the end that if it doesn't work out, their friendship has always been unbreakable. Chrissy was happy to enjoy this moment with him. They got home, kissed their mother, and went off to bed. Chrissy slept fitfully that night, having forgotten to put her walls down to let Eddie in. She dreamed of exploding rats and the sounds of Billy Hargrove screaming. The sound of another voice reaching out to her in the darkness.
The next morning, Chrissy woke up feeling miserable and looking like it. She didn't get much sleep last night. She quickly dressed and pulled her hair into a messy ponytail. She pulled on a pair of shorts and a tattered crop top that had stolen from Eddie. Their mother had already left for work, so they had to ride their bikes to the mall. Dustin was pretty excited to surprise Steve. She laughed when he hid behind her as they walked into Scoops Ahoy. Robin was behind the counter, though. She wasn't surprised to see Ronnie chatting up Robin, but Eddie was leaning against the counter, patiently waiting for someone and peering at the back door.
"You know what they say, a watched door never opens," Chrissy said, grabbing at his sides.
Eddie yelped and wirled around. He scowled and then he grinned.
"What are you doing here?" Eddie asked.
"I'm here to see Steve," Chrissy said.
"Hey, so am I!" Eddie exclaimed.
"Wouldn't it be funny if you two were having an affair with the same man?" Ronnie asked, and Robin snickered.
"Okay, even if I wasn't scared of Nancy, I wouldn't do that to Chrissy," Eddie said.
"You're scared of Nancy?" Chrissy asked.
"Aren't you?" Eddie asked, and she laughed.
He had yet to see Dustin hiding behind her back. His observation skills weren't that great she realized when she was in the room. Chrissy smiled and pulled him in for a kiss. She wrapped her arms around him as he pulled her closer to deepen the kiss.
"Hey! This is a family-friendly establishment! Cut that - HENDERSON!" Steve exclaimed.
Eddie pulled away from Chrissy in confusion and looked around him to find Dustin grinning at him. He gently pushed Chrissy aside and into Ronnie's arms to greet Dustin enthusiastically. He and Steve did the cute handshake they created with Dustin before he left for camp. Chrissy, Robin, and Ronnie watched in amusement as Dustin dragged them to a booth.
"I think I'm chopped liver now. My boyfriend loves my brother more than me," Chrissy said.
"Your time is over," Robin said, and Chrissy glared playfully at her. "Eddie and Steve have pushed you and Nancy aside to raise Dustin as their son."
"Don't be an asshole, Robin," Chrissy snorted. "So, Ronnie, how was college? I feel like we haven't seen much of you since you came home."
"I am not going to apologize for that. It was time well spent with me," Robin said, beaming at her girlfriend.
"Well, college is absolutely bonkers, and I'm glad to be out of Hawkins, but I also missed you guys," Ronnie said.
"Especially Robin," Chrissy teased. "Speaking of Robin. . .once my brother figures out that he went to the wrong people, he's probably going to come to you."
"For what?" Robin asked.
Chrissy paused and let a customer through to order. After that was done, she moved back to her spot.
"Well, we picked up a Russian communication from the ham radio my brother built," Chrissy said. "He's probably going to come to you for help."
"I don't speak Russian," Robin frowned. "I guess it makes sense. . .I mean, I am good with languages. . .what's this about?"
"I'm sure it's nothing," she said.
"Then why do you both look so worried?" Ronnie asked. "Is there something I should know?"
"No!" Robin and Chrissy exclaimed.
"I don't believe you," Ronnie said, narrowing her eyes.
Eddie and Steve walked by them with Dustin into the backroom.
"Okay, I thought he would come to you," Chrissy said.
"Let's see how long it takes them," Ronnie said to Chrissy. "In the meantime, let's get some ice cream. We don't want to take up all of Robin's time."
Ronnie blew Robin a kiss as they took their ice cream to a booth. Robin watched longingly for a while before giving her full attention to the customers.
"So, how's everything? Eddie better be treating you well," Ronnie said.
"He is," Chrissy said. "Things have never been better."
"I see you're wearing his shirt," Ronnie said in amusement.
"He steals mine, and I steal his," Chrissy shrugged.
"How's he dealing with the fact that he had to be held back again?" Ronnie said.
"Better than he used to. At least, he's not pushing away people like he did last time," Chrissy said. "I fucking hate Princepal Kissenger. Kissass is more likely. She is kissing up to the rich folks just as much as Higgins had. She couldn't get the others back on the team, except for Jason. He won't be team captain this year, but there's this new guy Andy, I fucking hate him. I think he's trying to be the new Tommy Hayes. He's just as psychotic. Anyway, Kissass is trying desperately to appease the parents who want people like Eddie who preach against Non-conformity tossed out."
"Jesus. . .Eddie's preaching now?" Ronnie said.
"Yeah, well, more people are saying that D&D is satanic. . .Eddie's is now using the lunchtable as his soapbox to defend against the naysayers," Chrissy said. "It was funny. . .Steve didn't appreciate it, though, when he stepped on his sandwich."
"Jesus," Ronnie said. "He's going to get hunted down and killed. He does know I'm not a lawyer yet, right?"
"I think he's just doing everything he can to make himself the target and not everyone else, especially when the kids come to high school next year," Chrissy said. "He wants it to be a safe place for them."
"Dusty is going to be in high school next year?" Ronnie asked. "Holy shit."
"I know! I can't believe it either," Chrissy said. "Time flies. Sometimes, it seems like only yesterday, I was at the talent show, and then I was meeting my family. . .Dustin's sweet little face when they welcomed me into theirs. . .I'll never forget it."
After talking for a while, they realized that the boys were never going to come to Robin. She had realized it too, and after dealing with Erica Sinclair's plan to get free ice cream, Robin barged into the back room. Ronnie and Chrissy quickly followed. Steve was stuffing his face with a banana, looking like he always did when he shoved too much food in his mouth. . .like a cute little squirrel. The boys froze.
"Did you forget that I speak Spanish, French, and Italian?" Robin asked. "I also been in band for 12 years. My ears are freaking geniuses."
"Shit, we did not think of that," Steve said.
"Clearly," Ronnie said. "It's alright, baby, I could never forget about your cute little ears. . .or how well you use your tongue."
And still, Robin blushed even though she's probably heard that a thousand times.
"Alright, time for the ladies to take over. Plus, I'm bored, and it's your turn to man the counter, Steven," Robin said as she grabbed the tape that Dustin had recorded the message on.
Eddie rolled his eyes with Steve before kissing Chrissy soundly and obnoxiously. He walked out with Steve, leaving the women with Dustin.
"Oh, before I forget. . .Heather started working at the pool as a lifeguard," Chrissy said to Ronnie. "And guess who she's working with?"
"Who?" Ronnie asked.
"Billy Hargrove," Chrissy shuddered.
"Ew, the asshole who put you in the hospital?" Ronnie asked, and Chrissy nodded. "Well, I might have to visit and accidentally drown his ass."
"I'll help," Dustin said.
"You will not," Chrissy said.
"Yeah, I also heard about that. I also heard from Mom that her friend Liz went to a hotel with him last night," Robin said.
"Ew, isn't Liz's son the same age as Billy?" Chrissy asked, scrunching up her nose.
"Well, just be thankful it wasn't your mother, Robin," Dustin pointed out.
"Ew, why would you say that? Mom would never do that to Dad," Robin scowled.
"Maybe not in this reality," Dustin replied. "Okay, enough gossip. Let's get back to work, ladies."
Ronnie scowled and threw a banana at him. As Chrissy settled in with them on translating the message, she couldn't help but feel uneasy. . .ever since she mentioned Heather. The pit in her stomach grew, and she couldn't escape the feeling on the back of her neck. Maybe it was because she knew that Heather was working with Billy. . .no, she was overthinking it. Heather was fine. . .wasn't she?
Chapter Twenty-Seven
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mingtinys · 2 years
Hongjoong as a Boyfriend
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pairing : kim hongjoong x gn!reader
fluff , headcanon , angst if you squint
warnings : language , mentions of arguments
word count : 1.3k
requested ? yes
a/n : finished this just in time for our dear captain’s birthday!
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Hongjoong is an interesting case.
Because he's never been one who actively seeks out relationships. In fact, he quite avidly avoids them.
It's not that he's repulsed by the idea of a significant other. But he's a very busy man, and just isn't at a point in his life where he's ready to slow down and focus on finding love.
He's pretty content where he is in life, so throwing in a partner seems complicated.
Or so he thought.
Literally, the second you walked into his life it was game over, he was completely and utterly infatuated with everything about you.
I mean this man looks at and talks about you as if you hold the world in your hands.
And the more he tried to ignore his crush, the worse it got. Until one day he couldn't take it anymore and finally asked you on a date.
He's pretty good at finding a nice work-life-to-love-life balance.
He's still very busy, though he's discovered finding time for someone is extremely easy when you truly care about them.
Having a s/o who's also very understanding of his fast paced and hectic life also helps.
Patience in a s/o really is key for Hongjoong.
Like, I'm sorry but this man is so bad at texting back/responding in general. He will reply eventually! But maybe in a few hours, give or take. Especially if he's "in the zone" while working at the studio.
But he shows his love in many other ways.
He absolutely loves spoiling you, nothing is too expensive or fancy when it comes to treating you how he sees fit. So expect lots of date nights at high-end, candle-lit restaurants, and shiny jewelry.
Hongjoong also likes to let you borrow his clothing and accessories.
For one, he thinks you look adorable in his style. For two, nothing fills his ego more than when someone compliments your outfit and he gets to hear you say "thanks, it's my boyfriend's."
His style ends up rubbing off on you and the two of you end up unironically matching quite a bit.
You're also one of the only people Hongjoong doesn't physically cringe at when it comes to skinship. So although it's not his go-to form of affection, he finds your kisses and cuddles very pleasing.
It's honestly 50/50 with him.
Either he's going to physically combust if he isn't constantly in contact with you some way somehow.
(He gets so pouty and touchy if you aren't giving him enough attention.)
He shoos away your attempts at cuddles and suggests just spending quality time together instead.
Quality time being Hongjoong's main love language.
He really cherishes the small moments with you. Like drinking coffee together in the morning, watching a movie or show together, grabbing lunch between your schedules, and naps. He's very big on taking naps together!!!
He loves nothing more than to doze off with you by his side, one arm draped over your waist and pulling you closer to him during your slumber.
Anywhere, anytime. Your apartment, his dorm, cuddled up on his studio sofa, backstage before a show, nothing is off limits.
The rest of the members have a camera roll full of sleeping Joong and you for blackmail.
Hongjoong really values your opinion and strives for your validation, so it's not uncommon to receive voice memos and snippets of songs or lyrics he's been working on to see if you like them.
Other times he'll call and ask if you can come over to keep him company in the studio while he works on music, it helps him focus and he can ask for your opinion in real-time.
The way his face lights up when you compliment his work rivals the sun itself. He gets so giddy and excited, rambling on and on about his thought process.
"Really, you like it!? Did you notice what I did with the backtrack in the second verse? I wasn't sure if a descending scale would work but I think it turned out pretty cool. Especially with the lyrics—"
You're also the first person he runs to when he gets stuck in a slump or overwhelmed with all of his responsibilities.
It took him a while to learn he's allowed to show the weaker parts of himself and lean on you for support. He used to always try to tough it out and bottle it up, but you know him too well for him to hide anything. So eventually, he just starts immediately going to you, and he's so thankful for it.
You really have a way of calming his nerves and talking him through whatever is bothering him.
The same also goes for you.
If you're having a bad day or just seem even a little bit off, he drops everything and gives you his undivided attention. He always knows how best to comfort you without you ever saying a single word.
This one may be obvious, but Hongjoong is easily prone to jealousy. But it's usually never that serious and he just gets pouty.
So just shower him with attention in a crowded room and he'll be fine.
On the flip side of this, he likes to flaunt you and show off that he's the one who gets to be with you.
Or when you show him off ???? Good lord, it really gets him going.
Literally any time you refer to him as "my boyfriend" or he gets to call you "my partner" he gets the cockiest fucking smirk on his face. So show him off and you're pretty much guaranteed a very exciting night.
Although he wants nothing more than to brag about you to the world, he'd likely want to keep your relationship out of the press in the beginning.
He's already figuring out how to juggle work and tours with a love life. He really doesn't need to add a press leak to the mix.
But once things become more serious and solidified, he'd likely want to stop hiding your relationship and go public. He knows the consequences of idols publically dating and is more than prepared to handle them so you don't have to.
However, if that's not something you want then he'll respect those wishes.
Serious arguments with Hongjoong are few and far in between. 
Usually, the petty ones end in teasing and laughter, never actually hurtful.
But on occasion, one of you strikes a nerve or unintentionally crosses a boundary and you both lose your temper.
I can't imagine him full-out yelling, but Hongjoong's voice is sharp when it's raised and can come out harsher than intended.
He's hard headed, so it takes time after an argument for him to cool down enough and see where he might have been in the wrong. Once he does though he'll seek you out and ask to talk so he can apologize.
You're also not always completely innocent in these situations. You know exactly which of his buttons to press to get a rise out of him and do so without thinking.
In these situations, Hongjoong will snap back and call you out for it before storming away.
He'll give you the hardest time when you come to apologize and be all petty at first, but it's all an act. Hongjoong really does appreciate and recognize the strength it takes to admit when you're wrong, so he won't leave you hanging for too long.
Overall, a relationship with Hongjoong will be what the two of you make it. It's flexible and sometimes a little unorthodox, but it's filled with meaningful love, and that's what really matters.
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emmy-renee · 1 year
 "I don't know if I could do this." the young girl said in a shaky breath as she peeked out the violet curtains. The people that surrounded her in the darkened area watching her shake in a panic and disquieted state. 
  "Sweetheart, you performed in front of about one thousand people for eight nights. One hundred shouldn't be that bad, love." Marie hummed as she ran a hand through her daughter's (H/L) (H/C) hair. "Yes, but most of them were in the back so I could only see about four visible rows!" she squeaked clutching the curtains tighter as she turned ghostly pale shade. "Hey, it's going to be alright. You got this!" a boy seemingly older than the girl by a couple of years encouraged, giving her a thumbs up. (Y/N) just gave him a small smile in return, focusing  back to beyond the curtains. 
 Two women had on set been seated at a glass table with their white coffee mugs in hand, waving their perfectly manicured hands in the air as they laughed like hyenas. One was wearing a white CHANEL sheath dress with gold necklaces layering on her neck. The other was wearing a deep blue button-up shirt and red pencil skirt, also wearing layering necklaces. The women seemed to be in their late thirties, both fitting into the bright white and sky blue background; a bit too bright for (Y/N)'s taste. 
 "And to think these two bimbos are going to be the ones interviewing me." she scoffed as she shook her head. "Oh (N/N), there's nothing wrong with going big, this is New York's biggest talk show ever, after all." an old woman said in a soft and elegant tone as she folded her hands together; Unknowingly realizing she that those words just raised her granddaughter's social anxiety higher than it needed to be. "Ma stop it, your going to break the poor girl." Mr. (L/N) said to his mother as she just dismissively waved her cold wrinkly hand. 
 (Y/N) was just trying to control her breathing before it worsened while her father fought with her grandmother. She winced as she saw the crowd laughing about something the hostesses just said, the voices in her head getting louder and louder as she just tried to shoo the 'what ifs' all away.
What if they ask me something personal?
What if they make fun of me in front of my face and laugh along with the audience?
What if I just freeze?
What if-
"Hey," Christopher said putting a hand on his little sister's shoulder. "You're going to do great," he said in a comforting tone. "Calm down, your getting worked up over something you don't know is going to happen."he finished as Mrs. (L/N) just chuckled and squeezed her daughter's shoulder. "He has a point you know." she crooned. The young Miss (L/N) just gave her family a gentle-slightly forced- smile. "Thanks, Chris. Thank you guys for being here and not making me do this myself." The three adults gave her a small smile and the teenage boy gave her a toothy grin. "We're proud of you sweetheart, really," Stella said as her thin lips curved into a smile. Loosening her grip on the curtains alas, she turned her whole body to face her family. "Thank you guys, really. If it weren't for you I'd be having a giant breakdown." (Y/N) lightly laughed. "We're always here for you, remember that." The boy said pulling his sister into a hug.
 "Excuse me," a worker wearing a black shirt and pants with a clipboard and earpiece said walking up to the (L/N) family. "You on in one," he said pointing the clipboard at the youngest member of the family writing down on his clipboard as he got a call on his earpiece. "Good luck." Chris whispered in his sister's ears, to which she returned "Thanks."Pulling away from the hug, she took one last look at her family. Her mother's eyes became soft and glossy as her father had an arm wrapped around her waist with a giant smile, and her grandmother gave a joyful expression as she walked over. "Your grandfather would be so proud of you, you know that?" she spoke, tucking a lock of (H/C) hair behind her granddaughter's ear as she cupped the young girl's face. Soon, the set light dimmed a bit, and the audience got quiet. The brunette woman got up and brushed her pencil skirt, then finally cleared her throat and turned to the murmuring crowd.
 "Ladies and gentlemen," a smooth voice said coming from the set. "Now, I believe I speak for all of us when I say that the Broadway show last week was definitely a sight to see."The woman with the button-up said as the audience squealed in excitement, before waving a hand signaling them to quiet down. "However, there was one performer who stole the hearts of us all, with perfect exaggeration, grace, and voice." she exclaimed a the crowd was slowly beginning to go wild once again. "Ladies and gentleman, please welcome (Y/N) (M/N) (L/N)!"
You can read the rest here
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missywritesfor7 · 1 year
🌙Moon’s Light | JJK🌙
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Synopsis: Luna is a young paralegal trying to maintain her new found independence and enjoy life. Too bad her job sucks and her boss is the worst. As if that wasn’t bad enough, she encounters a vampire named Jungkook who changes her life in more ways than one.
Jungkook is a shield and protector of the vampire kingdom of Korealis. He’s trained his entire life to block out any and all distractions and focus solely on becoming the strongest. While investigating a potential threat to the kingdom, he encounters Luna who turns out to be more than he could have ever imagined. It becomes his job to protect her, but he can’t tell if what he’s feeling is his devotion to the job or perhaps something deeper.
Secrets are uncovered. Lives are on the line. Hearts are tested.
Pairing: Vampire!Jungkook x Fem!OC
Warnings: Violence, character death, eventual smut, tragedy, some angst, strong language, MINORS DNI
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|| Ch 3: Bunny ||
It’s been another stressful day in the office as Luna finally heads down the elevator at 10:45 pm. She runs out of the building hoping she can catch the last bus of the evening and save herself the 15 minute walk home. When she arrives at the stop she learns that the bus is running late. She takes a seat on the bench thankful for this stroke of luck.
As she waits she notices a small bunny nearby. She smiles thinking how soft and cute it looks. She wishes she could hold it in her arms and pet it. Like an emotional support animal that will keep her from wanting to commit a variety of crimes against Mr. Choi. The bus arrives cutting through her fantasy and she hops on once again thankful she doesn’t have to walk home.
She’s barely eaten all day so she can’t wait to get inside, eat, then go to bed. On her way to her front door she notices the bunny bouncing along behind her.
“How?” She asks in disbelief. “You’re not the same bunny are you? No way you made it all the way here that fast.”
She’s confused, but continues on to her apartment anyway. Once she’s inside she starts to head to her bedroom until a small scratching sound catches her ear and causes her to turn around. The adorable fluffy bunny has made its way into her apartment and is staring back up at her.
“What the fuck?!” She shouts. “How did you get in here??”
She turns to find something she can use to shoo the bunny off, but when she turns back she sees Jungkook standing in place of the bunny. She lets out a loud scream and flails her arms.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” She yells. “Did you transform yourself into a bunny?!”
“Yeah,” Jungkook says. “It’s so I fit in.”
“You couldn’t just be a human??”
“You keep yelling at me when I’m in my human form!”
“That’s because you’re a creepy fucking human!”
“That sounds more like a you problem and not a me problem.”
“Ugh!!” Luna stomps. “What are you doing here?!”
“I’m still working on my investigation.”
“Why do you have to bother me to do it?”
“I need answers from you.”
“I have none. Go away.”
“What do you know about your boss?”
“My boss?” She asks unsure why he’s bringing him up.
“Choi Yeonjun. What do you know about him?”
“Aside from him being a garbage person? He’s also one of the best attorneys in the country. I liked him better when I wasn’t working for him though.”
“Then why do you keep working for him?”
“It’s only until I get enough experience to find a better firm to work for. Why are you asking about him?”
“Have you ever seen him eat anything?”
“Weird question, but I don’t know. He’s always in his office.”
“What is he doing in there so much?”
“I don’t know, working I guess.”
“How could he be working when you said he’s lazy and never does anything?”
“What? When did I say that?”
“The other night when you were walking home. I heard you mumbling something about how he’s a lazy fuck who never works and only comes out to yell at people and go home.”
“Why were you listening to me?!”
“You were talking out loud! I thought you were talking to me!”
“Why would I be talking to you when you were hidden in the shadows you creepy weirdo! I didn’t even know you were around!”
“You were the one talking to yourself on the street OUT LOUD! I’d say you’re the weirdo,” he huffs crossing his arms.
“Ugh! You’re such a pain in the ass! What do you want with Mr. Choi and can you bother him and not me about it?”
“Mr. Choi isn’t human.”
“Right, just like you thought I wasn’t human.”
“You’re not,” he says matter of factly. “At least not fully.”
“Get out.”
“Have you ever wondered why he’s always in his office? You had to have questioned why he keeps the room so dark with black curtains over his windows.”
“How would you even know what his office is like?”
“This little bunny followed him around today,” he says scrunching his nose and puffing out his chest in pride. “By the way, someone should really check the vents in that place. I killed everything up there and sucked them dry, but someone may want to clear the bodies out of there before they start to smell.”
“Ew! You ate them??”
“No, just drank their blood.”
“You’re so gross!”
“I’m a vampire trying to SURVIVE in this hell hole! You’re stingy with your blood so I was being NICE and feasting on your precious office’s pest problem so you spastic humans won’t freak out when one escapes the vents and terrorizes everyone. You’re welcome!”
“Ugh, anyway! What do you want with Mr. Choi?”
“I think he may be the key to what I’m looking for. I thought it was you but you just turned out to be some weird human vampire hybrid.”
“I’m not a vampire!” She huffs.
“Tell that to the vampire venom in your blood.”
“What even is vampire venom?”
“I have to explain everything to you,” Jungkook sighs. “It’s what converts humans to vampires. If we just want to feed we’ll suck you dry and leave you dead. If we want to convert you we’ll replace your blood with the venom by injecting it in you as we feed.”
“And you’re saying that venom is in me? Wouldn’t I have like vampire thirst for blood or some other vampire characteristics?”
“You have a RED EYE! Is that not enough proof??”
“It’s a birth defect.”
“You fool.”
“I’ve never drank blood either! Wouldn’t I die without blood?”
“You have blood, therefore the vampire side of you is always fed. Come on, use your head,” he says tapping the tip of her nose with his finger.
“Ok, then what about the transforming in to shit? You were a bunny, why can’t I transform into something cuddly and cute?”
“Have you tried?”
“Well…no, not really.”
“Good, cause it wouldn’t work,” he chuckles. “You’re not fully a vampire, so there’s a lot of things you probably can’t do.”
While none of this makes sense to Luna, it actually does make sense. It’s almost annoying to her how much it makes sense, but how? She’s never encountered a vampire before, and she certainly hasn’t been bit by one. Her parents never gave off any vampire vibes either so she doubts one of them could be a vampire.
“So,” she starts still confused and a little apprehensive. “If Mr. Choi isn’t human, then are you saying he’s a vampire?”
“Most likely. I just need to find out for sure, then find out why he’s a vampire and why he’s here.”
“Are you some kind of vampire detective or something?”
“Sure you could say that,” he shrugs.
“What are you investigating anyway? Did something happen?”
“You’re filled with a lot of questions.”
“Well no one told you to just appear all creepy and shit without explaining why you’re here.”
“For safety reasons I couldn’t just tell you from the start. If you were the enemy then that would be a big problem.”
“Who is this enemy? And why on earth does any of this involve me??”
“Sit down,” he says pointing to the couch. “It’s kind of a long story and I don’t need you fainting on me again.”
Luna rolls her eyes but does as told. Jungkook sits down next to her and takes a deep breath. He still has no idea what Luna is or how she’s part human and part vampire, but at this point he truly believes she’s not a threat to anyone, especially not the kingdom.
He begins telling her about the Saakhan Venom crime syndicate and how they tried to take over the throne. He told her how his father fought to bring them down after killing the king and how he was born to service the prince as his shield. Luna listens to every word he says in complete shock and awe. She hasn’t even fully processed the fact that vampires are real, but now she’s getting a brief history lesson of their world and the evils within it.
Jungkook continues on telling her about SV possibly trying to resurrect their organization and likely coming to the human world to convert new recruits. He tells her that he only followed her thinking she was one of their converts since he couldn’t smell her blood. While following her he noticed Mr. Choi and realized he couldn’t smell his blood either.
“How are they even getting here? I mean, how did you get here?” Luna asks.
“We have portals to travel back and forth. I don’t think SV is using the official portals though.”
“Portals? Like some secret door?”
“Something like that,” he shrugs. “When we’re in the location of the portal we tap into a special brain wave which allows us to transport.”
“Vampires have brains?”
“We’re vampires, not zombies! Jeez human tv is filled with so much misinformation!”
“Ok ok I get it. So where is this portal?”
“There’s a number of them around the world. I use one in a spot in the woods a few miles away.”
“How does the brain wave work? Do you just close your eyes really tight and then you’re where you want to be?”
“Not exactly,” Jungkook chuckles, starting to feel amused by her childlike curiosity, even if it is based on human misconceptions of vampires. “I just concentrate a bit until I can feel the portal. Then I’m gone.”
“How long does it take to concentrate enough?”
“No time at all,” he smiles. “All I really have to do is just think about it. If I’m near a portal then I’ll be gone the moment I-“
Suddenly he vanishes. Just as he was in the middle of speaking, Luna watched him disappear right before her eyes.
“What the fuck just happened?” She says trying to figure out where he went.
She stands up and as soon as she does Jungkook reappears in front of her. He’s looking at her with wide eyes as if he just saw the end of the world. He grabs her by the shoulders and stares into her eyes.
“Holy shit, LuLuLuna!” He shouts. “What the fuck was that?!”
“I don’t know! You tell me! You were the one trying to go through a portal.”
“There’s no portal here! There’s not supposed to be! How the fuck did that just happen?”
“Why are you asking me??”
“Hang on,” he says still grasping her shoulders.
He looks at her a second longer then disappears again. She’s still confused and starting to get freaked out by the way he keeps vanishing. He reappears a second later still staring at her in shock.
“It’s you,” he whispers.
“What’s me?” She asks having no idea what’s going on.
“You’re a portal. Holy shit, LuLuLuna, you’re a fucking portal!”
“How? What does that mean?”
“All portals go to the same place in the kingdom, it’s how we keep track of people going between here and there. But you, going through you takes me somewhere else. You’re an unofficial portal between these worlds.”
“Is that good or bad?” She asks still unsure of anything he’s telling her.
“Well,” he whispers. “It’s not good.”
“That doesn’t put me at ease.”
“Neither does what I just saw.”
“What did you see??”
“Your portal took me somewhere I’ve never seen before. It definitely looked like a well hidden place and I’m not sure the people that go to that place are up to anything good.”
“Why me? Why am I a portal? What does any of this mean??” She’s trying not to panic, but it’s hard for her not to. She can’t comprehend anything that’s going on.
“I need to know if anyone else knows about this.” He pulls her close to his face and looks her over a few good times. “Have you noticed any people or creatures suddenly appearing around you at times?”
“You mean besides you? I don’t know. I don’t think so.”
“Your boss is a vampire. I swear he is. If he’s bad, and he learns you’re a portal…”
“You need to quit your job.”
“What?! No I can’t quit! I’ve only been there a month, I need this.”
“Why? You can’t work anywhere else?”
“People would die to get the chance I have! This is the greatest firm in the country. Even if Mr. Choi is the absolute worst, it’s still an opportunity that I can’t just throw away like that.”
“What’s more important, your job or your life?”
She can’t answer him. She knows the right answer, but she’s unable to say it. Her entire life feels like it’s spiraling out of control suddenly. It makes her feel dizzy.
“What would happen to me?” She asks trying to control the trembling in her voice.
“I don’t know. But you need to be somewhere safe. Somewhere where we can do more investigating without any potential threats looming.”
“Where would that be?”
“The Kingdom.”
“You mean in your world? In vampire world?”
“It’s better than being here with no protection.”
“Are you not protection enough?”
“Not here,” he sighs. “You’re a portal and we can’t stop anyone from going through it. But if you’re with me back home anyone going through the portal would end up in the palace and there we could catch them off guard and capture them.”
“Ok, but I can’t go to vampire world. I’m human, wouldn’t everyone be trying to eat me or something?”
“First of all,” he says offended. “We drink blood, we don’t eat people. What the fuck kind of animals do you think we are??”
“And second!” He continues, raising a finger. “You’re part vampire. No one will smell your blood. You just have to make sure you don’t bleed anywhere.”
“Oh great, good thing my period ended last week,” Luna says sarcastically.
“Gross,” Jungkook says cringing.
“Gross? You drink blood! Wouldn’t that be like a buffet for you?”
“Ew no, I’m very particular about where I get my blood.”
“It’s still blood! Isn’t it all the same?”
“All blood is NOT the same!” He pouts. “There’s a difference in taste and I prefer blood from anywhere above the waist.”
“Alright, calm down big baby,” she teases. “I didn’t realize vampires were such picky eaters.”
“I’m not picky!” He says crossing his arms.
“Aw if you say so,” she laughs enjoying his little temper tantrum. “You must be the baby of the family?”
“What does that have to do with anything?”
“It just explains so much about you,” she laughs.
“Can you focus! I need to take you out of here!”
“Look, I know what you’re saying and all, but I can’t just leave. I have a job and all my stuff is here, and my family would be looking for me. I can’t just disappear without a word.”
“LuLuLuna please, you could save the world!”
“It’s LUNA!” She corrects him for the millionth time. “And no. Don’t be so dramatic.”
“Just one day,” he says closing in on her face. “Give me one day to prove to you how serious this is. It’s the weekend so I’ll bring you back with plenty of time to get back to work.”
“One day?”
“24 hours and I promise I’ll bring you back,” he pleads.
She’s terrified. What would the vampire world be like? Would she even be safe there? What if he just abandons her?
“I don’t know,” she hesitates.
“I promise,” he says standing upright with this arms by his side like a soldier at attention. “As the sworn shield of Prince Kim Seokjin and the Kim Dynasty, I, Jeon Jungkook, swear to protect you for the entirety of the 24 hours that you remain in the Kingdom of Korealis.”
“Wow,” she says a little taken aback. He was just having a temper tantrum about his preferred blood, and now he’s like a completely different person. A man. A grown ass man. “I um…well…I guess umm 24 hours...”
“Is that a yes?” He asks unsure of what she just tried to say.
“Y-yeah, you can take me for only 24 hours.” She can’t even believe she’s agreeing to this. What’s gotten into her?
“Perfect!” He shouts clapping. “Now we need to do something about that weird brown eye of yours.”
“Let’s go!” He grabs her arm and quickly rushes out of the door.
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You have received propaganda for the previous Micchy (Kamen Rider), have some for the second Micchy (Yo-Kai Watch).
He is the problem kid who doesn't know how to control himself and behave around others because he only had his angry and unstable brother around in his childhood, and no one else.
He is the cringe clingy ND kid who will talk your ears off, embarrass you without meaning to and genuinely struggle with figuring out what he did wrong once you finally confront him.
He is the horrible mix of a free-range kid and sheltered kid whose understanding of human culture, contact and social norms come from superhero media aimed at kids and teenagers, which he tends to emulate without really understanding.
He is the kid in the friend group who will let his other friends walk over him because they are tolerating him and giving him attention, and he will fight tooth and nail for any bit of acknowledgement, even if he knows he is bad at most things and will only be a nuisance.
He is a non-human who is trying desperately to fit on a human mask, but his otherness keeps shining through the cracks.
He loves his friends passionately and fiercely, and people in the fandom tend to misconstruct this love as something possessive and creepy, when he never means anything bad and has never tried to possess or limit the people he loves in any way, much less forced anything on them. He is bad with clues, but when talked to openly, he listens and he backs off. He is learning, but he needs time, and he doesn't have much of it left. He is going to live a much longer life than any of his human friends, including his most treasured one. He is deathly scared of losing them before that time comes.
He is so scared of losing them, he would rather destroy his own body than see them hurt.
He is protective in a way that is almost smothering, because that's how he is wired, but he is doing his best to change and allow himself to be protected, which is hard. But he is trying none the less.
He is also a cringe failureman who makes the viewer shiver with second-hand embarrassment every time he is on screen, and probably reminds people of that weird anime-obsessed middle schooler many of us knew, who latched onto the quiet girl in class because she was too nice to shoo him away and wrote her weird love poems, and also had no inside voice and wore capes to class.
He also happened to have created a humanoid form for himself that looks cool to him an no one else ever, and makes him look that much older than he acts, only adding to the awkward creep factor. I can perfectly see why he is heavily disliked among some subsets of the fandom.
I still cannot help but see a kid who is in desperate need of help, despite being in the best place currently he has ever been in his entire life, with people who are genuinely patient with him and not willing to break him or coddle him, who want to see him become a better, more well-adjusted person.
He is one of the more nuanced and complex joke characters I have seen, and I love him for it. I can see how people could have had horrible experiences with people who share his traits IRL, but in this particular story, this particular weirdo never did anything truly bad. He fucked up in a lot of small ways, and small ways add up, but humans are complex, and so are non-humans who are meant to be stand-ins for humans from a narrative standpoint but not quite, and there isn't really a non-complex character with easily fixable issues by the end of this entire 49 episode-long mess of an anime.
Micchy is a disaster, but he is my disaster, and he deserved so much better than just stay on the sidelines in the final arc, not even unlocking his awe-inspiring final form from the game that never came to the West.
This bitch is NOT Joe Jonas
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jaggedwolf · 3 months
separate thoughts about a trio of characters in PLL S1 given what happens in later seasons. don't click if you haven't seen up to the end of S4, yes I'm talking to the two unfortunate souls I've dragged into this canon, this is not for you yet. go away, begone, shoo.
~s3 and s4 spoilers here blah blah blah you have been warned~
Obvious retcons are obvious, in that none of
Paige crushing on Emily in freshman year + getting tormented by Alison for it
Spencer being on amphetamines most of summer + her family thinking she killed Alison while high
Ezra already knowing who Aria was + surveilling the liars to write a book
were planned back when season 1 was being written, or were even potential story ideas. On this rewatch, I didn't mind viewing S1 from the perspective of the retcons.
Let's get Fitz out of the way first because he's boring and he sucks. This is the first time I've watched many of the S1 Ezria scenes because back when I first watched this show I fast-forwarded through all of their scenes. I find him much more tolerable with the idea that he's always been even creepier, having hung out with 14-year-old Alison as a college student, that he's using the Ezria relationship for dirt while also getting his rocks off on it, that his stupid little :o faces are an act, that all of it is defensible because it is For The Book. If only a certain hoodie had aimed their gun better 🙏 Perfect ending then
Paige, truly my poor little meow meow before that was even a phrase. It is delicious to spend time with S1!Paige knowing the full backstory - her dad alone could explain the vibrating-with-turmoil mess we see, but the retcon slots in neatly to what we already know. In S1, Spencer says Paige has fouls named after her in field hockey, and so Paige bruising Alison in soccer is what prompts Alison's ire and revenge. S1!Paige treats Emily's existence like it's the universe playing a joke on her, (incorrectly) attributing an ease to Emily's life, be it swimming, sexuality or parents. What an even bigger joke it must have felt like, that Emily turns out to be gay after all and was in love with Alison. Paige must really really like Emily to only go "She seemed like a very dynamic person." in response to that and not just cycle off.
Though it must be that by this point Paige has realized Emily does not exactly share moral philosophies with Alison. In her introductory episodes, Paige repeatedly assumes of Emily ulterior motives, or behind-the-scenes game-playing, with very little basis. All of the liars get this to some degree, the consequences of their public tight-knit friendship with Ali, but it also fun to consider whether Paige ever thought Emily in on the trick played on her. (Am I making up in my head someone in the show describing the quintet with "those girls tell each other everything"?)
I assume freshman year Paige was looking at Emily like this all the time given how easily Ali figured it out. Going to blame Ali for Paige's tragic style shift from polo shirt + khaki shorts to terrible haircut + terrible cardigans, rip the baby lesbian fit.
Emily is absolutely the first time Paige has ever tried being a verbal bully and not a physical one. She is not very good at it, like clearly Emily is out and nobody cares, this is ineffective leverage. She also does not have that dog in her when it comes to physical bullying either, given her reaction post-head dunk. Some of it is because it was Emily Fields, with all that represents and who remained unfailingly not-terrible to her even after said dunk, but it does seem to apply more generally - I think she can do heat of the moment sports roughness without feeling bad, given Spencer's and Ali's comments, but the targeting of someone did not feel great for her.
S1 parallels Paige and Ali a few times, the first when Spencer tells Emily that she talked to Fulton for her because Emily never stood up to Ali (and no, I don't think Spencer was aware of Ali playing hot-and-cold with Emily re:kisses, just that she had eyes and like everyone else could see that Emily was whipped), the second when Paige and Emily frame Emily's type as "ballsy women", the third when Emily puts away her Alison bracelet after the picnic where she tells Paige she can't secretly date, the fourth when Paige texts Emily post-Samara and A immediately follows up with the "love me, lie for me" text. I don't think Ali is ever as directly brought up in the context of Emily/Maya, though I could be mistaken. They feel more separated.
My only notes on this are (1) one of the fun things about Paily for me is the way they take turns being the brave one and admire the other one for it (2) I wonder if Paige has already been comparing herself to Alison by the time we see her in S1...maybe she has, given something she says in S5
okay okay okay Spencer Hastings!!! an excellent maniac <3
Spencer's family really is terrible to her about letting Ian continue to live on their property even after she's expressed terror at it and they know he was kissing her while she was 14 and he was her coach, but it is so so funny that every time she accuses Ian of murdering Ali her family must be thinking....fucking hell, you did it and we need you to not drag police attention onto our family! What the fuck Spence!
Especially funny from Melissa's PoV, who IIRC buried a girl and thought she was covering for Spencer, and now has Spencer repeatedly accusing her husband in public. From her perspective she is the most long-suffering oldest sister who has ever lived, okay.
Again, all of the Hastings deserve this problem because of how they are fine with even a non-murdering Ian and apparently got Spencer zero help after that cursed summer murder. Still very funny.
When Spencer asks Ian "Was that how it happened?" when he recites how her fake suicide letter will say she murdered Alison, I wonder if it's a genuine question her part :( Her memory of that night is very fucked up, she might in this moment wonder if he saw something and go wait no, Ali died of suffocation.
Spencer...also had multiple confrontations with Ali? From this season we know she had one inside her house (before or during?) the sleepover, and then in S4 we learned Spencer's A adderall pills overpowered Ali's sleeping pills and Spencer chased after her in the backyard. Were there more confrontations she had that day? I genuinely forget, and will now simply picture Spencer running back and forth and back and forth and back and forth across her own backyard.
0 notes
lowkeyclueless5137 · 5 months
So in the Ben 10 AU. With the world saved after stopping a rampaging Grim. The news wants to have a few words with our hero, and so the hero now gets a chance to say something. With millions watching and listening what his words will be. What are these words! :D
:0c they get recognition ✨
Well, if we are talking about the rampaging Grim, then there's the Aftermath as well.
Again, we'll take it on cases :3
To stop the rampage, Riddle clearly took it 1 vs 1 in an attempt to protect everyone and keep them away from this. This will end up with wounds, no doubt, but the most prominent one is his arm without the omnitrix being scarred and burned, so, unfortunately, it's a bit hard for him to accept it.
So when the news ask of a few words from him, it's pretty soon after, Riddle still processing everything and having to tend to his wounds, still, Adeuce and Jack urged him to say a few words, since that would be polite.
Of course, the reporters see Riddle's arm first and want to ask about it, but they get no chance, since the redhead asks first if they requested his input for a message.
He tells them that he was picked by chance to get powers, but the difference in between him and the bad guys he's been fighting is that he chose to use this power for the greater good, rather than selfish desire. And that a valid thing for everyone else as well.
Kalim, post battle, was a mess. Jamil was fussing over him and trying to treat him as good as possible, especially for that nasty scratch on his back. So when reporters came, Jamil was very skeptical of letting them have Kalim's interview. Not that the latter is not experienced, rather Kalim was still in need of a proper rest.
But Kalim says that's fine and that a few minutes wouldn't hurt. Jamil, again, shows his skepticism in the matter, but he learned by now that Kalim's pretty capable on his own and thus, he came to trust the heir more.
Kalim's message is pretty much tied to appreciation. To appreciate the small things in life, to say thank you for things that, otherwise, you'd take for granted and to cherish people in your life. Kalim himself admits that he had to learn that lesson the hard way, but he's glad he did and wouldn't have it otherwise.
The reporters leave him pretty quick, especially when Kalim politely asks to be left to rest, which in turn had Jamil reinforcing this and shooing them away.
For once, Vil didn't insist on appearing nice in front of the camera. Epel himself was a mess post the battle. Torn clothes, scratches and burns everywhere on him. Like my man looked straight out of a horror apocalypse movie.
Vil and Rook were more concerned about Epel's wounds, so truly they wanted to turn down the interview at first, but Epel said 'nah, it's fine'.
His message, despite Vil expecting to be something juvenile, is actually pretty sweet: that your family is always meant to want your good. Weather tied by blood or not, family helps one another and... Maybe... Epel should've listened more better to his own family that he made in school.
The reporters seemed pleased enough with the message before they were chased out by Rook. Epel puffs after that, wishing he could also cuss Ace on live TV, bcs they made a bet and Epel won. :'3
Now... Post book 7, Idia would have short hair, so we'll take that as a time reference.
His battle with Grim was a mess, but hey! He had Ortho for support post everything. Of course, Idia himself was pretty against anything else than a long nap and going home to see his mama and Papa, but Ortho insisted to deal with a short interview, just to get off a worry.
Idia has a pretty straightforward message: There are things that take courage to be achieved and an act of heroism is one. It takes courage to abandon one's cozy selfishness and help others after all.
After that, Ortho has the right to shoo the reporters away. If they insist or are pushy, Ortho can take whatever measures he deems fit: laser cannon. :3
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saintlike78 · 3 years
Hey, can you do a poly marauders x fem reader where they get jealous because a slytherin boy is flirting with her because she has a snake ring ? Sorry if that was oddly specific, also you can decide if it’s fluff or smut ☺️
The snake ring and the snake [poly Marauders]
A/N: I loved this idea! Thank you so much for the request! I decided not to do smut since I haven’t written a non-smut poly Marauders fic before, but I hope you still enjoy it.
Pairings: Poly! Marauders x Fem! Non-Slytherin! Reader
Words: 1.5k
Warnings: Fluff, polyamorous relationship, flirty Slytherin boy… Idk, but let me know if I missed anything.
The sound of pages being turned and voices speaking lowly filled the large library. The book in front of you had long lost its appeal and the words were all blending together as your mind wandered. You were daydreaming of the boys that occupied your thoughts, as they so often did. Your elbows were resting on the table, your fingers mindlessly fiddling with the golden snake ring placed on your right pointer finger. You loved your ring; it never left your finger and you never intended it to. It had been a gift from your three boyfriends when you had celebrated six months of being together.
The three boys were sitting a couple of tables away from you, having been shooed away as they often were the cause for your lack of concertation.
They often spared glances in your direction, not actually paying attention to their own work, as they were just waiting for you to be done so you all could head back to their dorm.
You were so caught up in your little daydream that you hadn’t noticed the boy with the green tie taking a seat beside you, a small smirk adorning his face.
“I like your ring,” he said causing your gaze to snap to his face.
“Thank you, I like it a lot as well,” you said with a smile.
“A pretty ring for a pretty girl… it would be even more perfect if you were in Slytherin,” he said moving a bit closer to you. You figured he did so just to observe your ring better, you were painfully blind whenever someone was flirting with you, and it often got you in trouble.
You laughed a little, “I don’t think I would fit in very well with you lot, but it would be fun to try to be a Slytherin just for a day.”
“I could show you our common room someday,” he offered, scooting even closer, your shoulders practically touching.
“I would love to see it! I want to see all the common rooms before we’re done with school… I’ve already seen the other three, so I’m only missing yours,” you said excitedly, completely missing the flirty suggestion that the boy had insinuated. You were just excited, hoping you could bring your boys with you, so you all could see the dark common room in the dungeons.
It was at this moment Sirius decided to look in your direction; his jaw almost hit the floor when he saw you sitting shoulder to shoulder with another boy, not just any boy but a Slytherin boy.
“Oi lads, look!” Sirius said while pointing to you.
The two other boys looked up from their books and were equally as shocked when they took in the sight before them.
They all saw you laughing at something the boy had said and none of them missed the sly smirk that had taken over his face.
The jealousy was growing in each of them, a frown taking over their faces as they observed you, blissfully unaware of the Slytherin boy’s intention.
You were just too nice for your own good and loved making new friends, especially from other houses, which your boyfriends often admired you for, but right at this moment, they wished you would just be less nice.
“I can’t handle this,” Sirius seethed, angry jealousy churning in his gut.
“She’s just being nice,” James tried, even though all he wanted to do was to shove that boy as far away from you as possible.
They watched as you tipped your head back, letting out another laugh. They were all memorized by the sound of your pretty laugh, but anger boiled in all three of the boys at the fact that someone else was causing such pretty laughs to leave your mouth.
Sirius’ eyes rolled up in his skull so many times, you would think they wouldn’t come down again.
“Well since she’s no longer studying, we can go join them,” Remus suggested, to which both boys nodded and quickly gathered their stuff and bolted towards your table.
“You can come by later tonight,” the Slytherin boy, whose name you had learned was Harry, suggested.
“Wouldn’t it be more fun to see it in the daytime? Then I could see the lake as well from the windows,” you said, still not picking up on his intentions.
“We could do it both during the day and during the night,” Harry said with a wink.
“That would be so fun,” you smiled, very excited to finally be able to see the Slytherin common room.
“What would be fun, Bunny?” Remus asked, your three boys now standing by your table.
“Oh hi! Harry here has invited me to see the Slytherin common room, so I’m finally going to have seen all four common rooms,” you said with a happy clap of your hands.
Remus, James, and Sirius all mentally facepalmed at how completely gullible you were.
James and Remus moved to sit on the other side of you, while Sirius went with the more territorial approach.
He stood beside your chair lifting you from it, “Up you get, pup.”
He then, not so gracefully, sat on the chair pulling you onto his lap hugging you close to his body.
Harry sat beside you, moving his chair away, so he wouldn’t be sitting so close to Sirius.
“And who might this be,” Harry asked, slightly annoyed and confused.
“Oh yeah, sorry… these are my boyfriends, James, Remus, and Sirius… and this is Harry,” you answered, also introducing Harry.
“I was hoping they could come to see the common room as well since they haven’t seen it either.”
“Uhm, I thought it would just be us… Uhm, but I guess,” Harry answered clearly confused, causing your three boyfriends to smirk.
“That would be so great, so we’ll come later this evening if your offers still on the table?” you asked hopefully.
“Uhm, yeah, sure…” Harry answered awkwardly.
“Yeah, it’s gonna be so fun, isn’t it Harry?” Sirius said, not really looking for an answer.
“And how nice of you to invite our girl to see your common room, wouldn’t have expected such niceties from a Slytherin,” Sirius added in a passive-aggressive tone, seeing right through Harry’s offer.
“Yeah… no problem, mate.”
“But we’ll all see you later then… bye,” Remus said and waved goodbye, a not-so-subtle hint for Harry to leave.
“Uhm bye,” Harry quickly scurried off, not wanting to agitate the boys any further.
You moved so you could sit sideways on Sirius’ lap, so you could see all three of their faces when you talked to them.
“What was that all about, pup?” Sirius asked, trying not to seem jealous or angry.
“What do you mean?” you said with a slight tilt of your head, not understanding what he meant.
“You were going to go to the Slytherin common room with him?” Sirius clarified.
“Yeah...? I mean, I was going to ask if you could join right before you came over, but then you came and he said you could come as well,” you were utterly lost, not understanding why they all seemed so angry.
“Oh, darling, you are absolutely adorable,” James laughed, causing Remus and Sirius to do the same.
A frown pulled at your lips, you weren’t very happy with being the bud of the joke and you were even less happy with not understanding it.
“I don’t understand what’s so funny,” you pouted.
“Aww, puppy,” Sirius smirked and kissed your pouting lips.
“Harry was flirting with you, he didn’t actually want to show you his common room, he did want to show you his dorm room though,” Remus explained causing your frown to deepen.
“Oh… I thought he was being friendly,” you mumbled in a small voice fidgeting with your fingers in your lap.
“You’re just our sweet girl, being nice to everyone, even when you shouldn’t,” Sirius said kissing your cheek and rubbing soothing circles on your back.
Your face turned red with embarrassment, and you buried your face in the crook of Sirius’ neck inhaling his masculine scent.
“I just wanted a new friend, and I made him think that I was going to hook up with him,” you said sadly, your voice muffled by Sirius’ clavicle.
“It’s okay, Bunny, you’re just bad at reading when people are flirting with you,” Remus said, trying to suppress his urge to laugh.
“Yeah, just think about how long it took before you realized we were flirting with you,” James said with a small laugh.
You let out a small laugh at that, thinking back to before you got together and how absolutely oblivious you had been.
“But I would never purposely flirt with anyone else, I didn’t mean to give him the wrong idea,” you said lifting your head, wanting to make your point very clear.
“We know, pretty girl, we just want other guys to understand that they shouldn’t flirt with what clearly doesn’t belong to them,” James said, reaching for your hand across the table and squeezing it.
“But do you still want to go see the Slytherin common room?” you said jokingly.
“If we really want to see it, I could just force good old Reggie to give us the password,” Sirius said with a slight laugh.
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