#also as a bonus: one trait he can accept in a friend / acquaintance but not in a romantic partner is being a pushover
bloodxhound · 1 year
CYAN MY DEAR ♡ you asked for questions so here I am, sending them as separate asks :’D As always feel free to answer them with as much or as little detail as you want- you’re also more than welcome to skip any if all if you would like!!
What are some traits he finds attractive ( not necessarily in a romantic sense, more like a general ‘oh this person is cool’ kind of like ) in other people? How about some traits that he finds repulsive?
As someone who is branded as the “black sheep” in his family and doesn’t often fit in with others outside of it either, he is drawn to people who are outcasts in similar ways too. Those who don’t conform, who are difficult to get along with, who offend by personality, manners, or looks — intentionally or not. Ray feels a vague, innate sense of fellowship with people like that. 
Whether he realizes it or not, he also finds traits compelling which he lacks. People who are calm, introspective, and possess a grounding presence counterbalance his reckless and impulsive nature. People who are openly kind, remind him of his mother. In a similar vein, he has a like for aloofness and pessimism. It’s not necessarily attractive to him in the sense he finds it admirable, but these dispositions imbue him with the need to challenge and tease. He wants to leave a mark on such individuals. To put it plainly, he feels attracted to opposites.
Traits he doesn’t like at all are dishonesty, dispassion, and cruelty. The latter of which is especially abhorrent to him. While he's no saint himself, struggling with anger issues as he does, he dislikes to see cruelty in other people. It reflects a part of him he knows is there, but one he struggles against. Something that separates him from his mother and brings him so much closer to his father. That’s why subconsciously he seeks people who inspire him to do better.
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pepperful-qt · 4 years
hi can u write smth on like headcanons on what type of person would tsukki tendou iwaizumi and kenma crush on 👁👄👁
ooh funfun. this is something i do a lot for characters i write about to make the reader character realistic, so this is right up my alley :3 this focuses primarily on personality rather than physical types (with a small exception)
*just a heads up, this is LONG
the type of person they crush on w/ Tsukishima, Tendou, Iwaizumi, & Kenma
for Tsukki it wouldn’t necessarily be someone exactly like him, but they’d have definite similarities
they’d earn his respect before they’d get his heart
hands down this person needs to have a thick skin. i think generally Tsukki doesn’t outright insult or harshly tease (like with Hinata & Kags) the people he really cares about or has affection for (look at his relationship with Yamaguchi), but he is blunt and sometimes unintentionally snaps or is just straight up mean
if someone is easily affected by that, it’s a no go, sorry
not to say they couldn’t get their feelings hurt, and he would feel bad especially if his crush had already developed, but initially there would need to be a resistance or retort to that kind of thing. they’d understand that his words come from a place of both honesty and care, and any lashing out is just a result of stress and unresolved emotion
yeah he’d be attracted to intelligence and wit
part of me just thinks he enjoys mental stimulation and someone who can make him think not only piques his interest in the person but also makes him enjoy and look forward to spending time with them
at the same time, being able to enjoy comfortable silence is important too
and wit. he’d definitely tease someone he has a crush on though and i’ll tell you why
he has two goals: get them flustered or get them to smile/laugh genuinely
he’d love someone that can tease back, and makes him work for a reaction
and--this is important--makes him smile and laugh
speaks fluent sarcasm
not a pushover, and not afraid to call him out when he goes too far 
they probably have weird habits or specific tastes or something, which he picks up on as the perceptive guy he is occasionally he uses them as fodder for teasing
they’d be someone with layers ha shrek or with personas they switch between easily, like going from sweet to stone-faced roaster
to tack onto the mental stimulation, you know how Yachi said Tsukki treats everything logically and approaches his blocking like a difficult test question? to an extent the same would apply to that person
he’d be figuring out how they tick, what makes them laugh, etc, and in the process of that it turns into a different kind of interest
it takes him a bit to figure out why exactly he likes seeing their smile or spending time with them, or why he cares so much
a certain subtle air of confidence
i think Tsukki would appreciate music taste
someone who is caring and generous, but doesn’t make a big deal out of it
they’d quietly offer help to a classmate if they noticed they’re struggling, or bring back an extra drink for him from the vending machine like it’s the most casual thing in the world
someone that cares about themselves, but not obsessed with themselves
to quote a favorite song of mine: sweet with a mean streak (not mean really, but not afraid to bite back)
* * *
simply put, it wouldn’t be any average person
there would be something about the person that initially caught his eye, something unique that makes them stand out just a little
examples of this could be: a sharp tongue, a book or manga they always have on their desk, a keychain, dyed hair, wearing headphones all the time (he wonders what they’re listening to)
these would be things that make him interested and start paying attention to the person, eventually even striking up a conversation
in terms of personality, I think he’d enjoy someone with a sense of humor. obviously we know he can get along with most people regardless of that (ushijima) even if not everyone understands him, but someone that isn’t thrown off by his dramatic personality and responds in kind would definitely excites him
he likes to chatter, so a good listener and/or someone that’s a good conversationalist would be great tbh
and i’ll just say it, if this person is a manga/anime fan, or just knowledgeable on pop culture in general immediate bonus points. shared passions are great
an acknowledging smile or greeting, especially before they’re acquainted, actually goes a long way bc he has a history of being shunned and mocked by his peers. just that simple kindness which is unfortunate that not treating someone like that would be seen as kind is really important to him before he realizes it
a huge thing i think for him is feeling comfortable being himself around them. that itself allows him to be more open with his emotions and actually develop a crush
so going back to humor and a teasing relationship, it would need to be the type that doesn’t insult things like looks or anything like that. he has a history of insecurity that is still probably present, even if he’s mostly dealt with it, but again, being comfortable is huge. tasteful and dumbass humor only
someone who’s not afraid to say what’s on their mind. he appreciates that kind of directness, and finds it entertaining to an extent
there’s also a certain unpredictability and spontaneity with this person that keeps him on his toes and excites him. he loves a challenge
he’d love someone who shamelessly compliments him. truthfully it’s a bit of an ego thing, but in a specific way:
for Tendou, volleyball is his safe haven. that’s where he grew his confidence and skill and made his friends, so it feels nice for him to have someone appreciate the things he’s good at and cares about when he’s worked so hard for it  
and he loves looking and feeling cool, and being showered in compliments is a great confidence booster heyhey seratonin
he’d love to make them laugh
if they compliment something like his looks, humor, passion, etc that will always really touch his heart. he’d brush it off with an “i know right~?” but in reality he’s freaking out because those are important parts of his self that have really been ignored or unrecognized by most people
this person would become another safe haven where he feels accepted and confident, and genuinely enjoys being around <3
* * *
the first thing i thought of for Iwa is someone authentic
a person who is true to themselves and the people around them
he despises fake people. those types were usually the ones always confessing to Oikawa or improving themselves for him. he just thinks it’s wrong
a nice laugh. i don’t mean pretty and refined necessarily, but one that is genuine and contagious and unforced
maybe it is a naturally pretty or refined laugh, but what matters is that it’s a laugh that is theirs, not for anyone else. that’s what’s attractive to him and makes his heart speed up when he hears it
a person who is thoughtful, considerate, and compassionate. like Tsukishima, he appreciates the quiet type of kindness
but he finds it amusing when they get just a little flustered when another person points it out
another little thing, but he’d probably find someone who’s a bad flirter absolutely adorable
he’d appreciate someone emotionally intelligent and perceptive
this is a person that is usually aware of how others are feeling and is able to adjust themselves to be the most effective in that situation
for example, they can adjust their own behavior to make someone feeling nervous at ease or defuse an angry person getting out of hand
this means their advice and comments are taken much better
tbh i could see him liking someone both reserved or incredibly expressive
so they could be the type that’s an extroverted hard-to-hate ball of sunshine, or a calm individual who’s respected and whose presence is appreciated by everyone
either way, he’d notice it
this is really the exception to the ‘disliking fake people’ thing
and he’s a hot-headed, tough-love kind of guy. his caring nature is often hidden behind that behavior  
so he’d admire that kind of social ability and understanding
another thing that i immediately thought of for what he’s attracted to: passion and ambition
what their passion is is less important than the fire in their eyes when the topic comes up, or they talk about their aspirations and huge, sometimes unattainable goals
this doesn’t mean they have their life figured out, but they care both about the future and living in the moment
this is just a hunch, but he’d probably be more inclined to like an athlete or someone that takes care of their body and physical conditioning
someone who challenges him to be better. someone who understands what it means to be proud and understanding your own imperfections at the same time
a vocal supporter
whether it’s yelling his name from the stands when he makes a spike, or encouraging him to follow his passions after high school, or bragging about him to their friends, having someone unapologetically express their belief in him just makes his heart soar
but really, he likes someone who can cheer him on and tell it like it is when he needs it. he’s a pretty tough cookie so he doesn’t mind bluntness (actually prefers it)
i see him liking someone who can surprise him too
the kind of person to hit him up at midnight to go for a drive under the stars or have a dance party in the park to music from a bluetooth speaker
a passionate, authentic, and level-headed adventurer
* * *
i’ve written so much Kenma recently lots of these traits are probably obvious lmao
first things first, he just needs to be able to vibe with them
it sounds obvious, but it’s really important. just being able to exist and not feel pressure to be someone he’s not is huge
another boy who loves comfortable silence, or someone who can talk and not mind him being minimally responsive sometimes because he is listening he’s just quiet
he’s an actions>words type of person though
so if they ask about his passions and actually show interest in him that’s great, and he notices, but following through is even better
examples: remembering his favorite flavors, engaging in conversation about the game he’s playing then the next day asking if he beat that level he was stuck on, asking how the tournament went when he mentioned how tired he was from consecutive preparatory practices the week before
things that show they do pay attention, and they do care
someone who looks out for him
this comes in many forms: bringing him a drink and snack bc you know he’s been up all night binging a new game and is probably dehydrated and hungry, or gently guiding him by the arm when he’s got his nose in his game and would definitely walk into traffic, or taking over in a conversation when they recognize he’s just hit his social quota
again, actions>words
along with this interest in him, trying to playfully get him to smile or get a reaction out of him would be annoying at first, but eventually would get him more and more flustered
sound contradictory to what i said before about him needing to feel not pressured? it is a little bit. he doesn’t get it either
really it’s the fact that this person wants to show the way he already feels
okay like Tendou, i feel like i have to say that if they play games or at least are knowledgeable about them, or even want to learn about them, it’s immediate bonus points
it’s one of his two loves. they don’t even have to be good at games as long as they can engage or listen to his rant about the history of a series or how the game mechanics differ between two different platformers and why one may be considered smoother gameplay, but it’s actually more restrictive--
you get it
someone who just casually checks in. “how are you doing?” then moves on and doesn’t make a big deal, but will listen if he needs to vent
like Iwa, he likes someone who’s straightforward and genuine
and like Tendou, there’s something about them that is unique that he latches onto
needs someone “interesting” that always brings some new experience
like Tsukki, he likes mental stimulation why do i keep using the others as examples lmao 
they need to have a sense of humor. may surprise you, but he is bffs with Kuroo, and someone witty is someone who’s interesting
he’s always got a lot on his mind, he’s always thinking
they’d need to be someone he feels comfortable conversing with and sharing his thoughts with, and is a good and responsive listener
some sort of intellectual capability
when he gets to the point where he actually seeks out their company, he starts to realize his feelings
and when he does, he’ll feel more nervous initiating interaction (afraid he’ll say or do something wrong) 
they need to be someone who will take the initiative and seek him out too, and that would only intensify his crush
this turned into more of a character analysis,, oops?
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author-morgan · 5 years
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Deimos!Alexios SFW Alphabet
Deimos!Alexios x Fem!Reader
click here for a not so safe for work alphabet ;)
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
By nature, Deimos is not a demonstrative person —he was raised without warmth and doesn’t know how to show affection. He does try though, especially once you become more acquainted with one another. Among the first things he does to show affection is buying you gifts —fine dresses, jewels, rare perfumes, and sweet wines. Then he begins to notice you crave more than to be showered in luxuries, so he starts with gentle touches —running his hand through your hair, tracing patterns on your skin, and given time, soft kisses.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Your family needed sway in Elis and the Cult could give your father what he desired. There was a cost for such a reward though —you. If you are a man you will make a son one of the masked men had said while binding your wrists. You were to be a slave for the Cult —doing their bidding and assisting the Pythia with false prophecies, but it all changed when Maron tried to force himself on you one night in the Cave of Gaia. One minute you were pushed against the stone wall. The next Maron was coughing up blood with a sword emerging from his chest. Deimos. It was the first time you’d seen the Cult’s weapon. He offered you his hand and led you deep into the cave to a private pool of water so you could wash the blood away. Soon after that initial encounter, you were offered the opportunity to become Deimos’ companion. Foolishly, you accepted.
Deimos is somehow simultaneously the best and worst kind of friend. He will smite anyone who dares try to hurt you in deed or words, but then he has no idea how to act when you wish to confide in him or even show him kindness.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Deimos isn’t a fan of cuddling, at least knowingly. Once asleep, he’ll seek you out —wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you against him. If he wakes and he’s done this, Deimos is quick to distance himself —even if it felt good to hold you.
On the contrary, if you’re the one doing the cuddling —he doesn’t care (as long as he isn’t in an extremely foul mood). Deimos enjoys it when your head rests on his chest, one leg draped across his waist, fingers pressing into his shoulder or side. Having you willingly be this close to him is enough to make him believe that maybe he isn’t just a monster or weapon.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Once free from the Cult, he might consider settling down (though starting a family is still something he’s unsure of —he just knows he’d be a terrible father). Otherwise, he wants to be on the move, and that’s why he’s content following in his sister’s steps and becoming a misthios.
It really shouldn’t come as a surprise, but Deimos is terrible at domestic activities. Sometimes he tries, but he gets in the way most of the time and you end up having to go behind him. Eventually, he takes the hint that he’s in the way, causing more trouble, and leaves most things to you. He still lingers around should you need anything, though.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
A break-up with Deimos would be something he doesn’t want to happen, but it comes as a result of the Cult’s actions. Unless they can physically restrain him, he’s not going to listen. He’ll find you —it’s not like there’s anyone stupid enough to get in his way or strong enough to stop him.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Marriage likely isn’t in the equation, but that’s just because of the nature of marriage in Classical Greece. Commitment is something that frightens him though he won’t admit it. Before he knows it, he’s already given himself to you —it’s in subtle things like ensuring your safety, asking about your day, offering to comb your hair. After quite a bit of time, he finally acknowledges it and makes sure everyone knows that you are his, and he is yours.  
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Deimos is not gentle. The Cult took his humanity, but through you, he finds it again —little-by-little. You learn he can be tender and kind when he cleans and binds a wound you accidentally inflicted on yourself slicing fresh apricots. From then on, he’s always mindful of his strength and becomes gentler toward you over time.
If we’re being honest, Deimos is a bit (very) emotionally constipated. He keeps just about all his emotions buried deep within him and puts on a hard exterior —one that you’re able to start chipping away.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Hugs are a no for Deimos and are probably the quickest way to get a knife in the stomach. He makes rare exceptions, though. If he’s been away for a long time —he enjoys seeing you run toward him and leap into his arms. Those embraces are always quick, though —not even long enough to count as a hug since you’re eager to check him over for injuries.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Chrysis has instilled in him from a young age that love is weakness and weakness is punishable by pain. Deimos does not even begin to consider the possibility that he might love you until the Cult’s demise at the hands’ of his sister. Even then it takes time.
Finally, after years of standing by his side, he would accept that he does love you (Kassandra may have helped him see it as such). He’d utter a soft I love you and kiss your forehead —thinking you’re asleep and wouldn’t be able to hurt him by rebuffing the quiet admission. It surprises him when you shift. Eyes fluttering open and adjusting to the darkness. The back of your hand would graze his jaw and cheek, an ethereal smile upon your lips. I love you, too you’d whisper, moving closer to him.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He is exceptionally jealous and has been known to gut men who even look in your direction for too long or with the wrong type of expression. It’s a trait that carries over even after he leaves the Cult. You and Kassandra have both had to pull him away from Stentor a few times. Occasionally, Stentor slips and goes overboard on the Adrestia.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Deimos’ kisses are rough, even when he intends for them to be soft. He likes to hold your face in his hands or have one hand tangled in your hair —something to give him some semblance of control. His favorite place to kiss you is your lips and neck (bonus points if he leaves little love bites). Deimos likes it when you kiss his fingertips. It makes him feel some type of way knowing you trust the hands of a killer. He also enjoys when you kiss his neck and clavicles.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He will say he’s terrible with children (mostly because he’s rarely been around anyone younger than him since becoming a man), but you’ve seen him show mercy to girls and boys. He’d even been somewhat distraught when the Cult guards killed the girl, Phoibe, in Athens —she wasn’t meant to die. She had just been in the wrong place at the wrong time.
You firmly believe given the chance, he’d be good around children, especially after leaving the Cult in the past. That theory is proven true when Kassandra has Elpidios. He spoils his baby nephew at every opportunity once overcoming the fear of dropping him or holding him wrong. Seeing him and Elpidios plants a seed in your mind that starting a family could be nice.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
On most mornings he is gone before you wake —either training or on an assignment. It’s more of a shock to wake and find him still lying next to you. If that’s the case, you seem to be the one to wake first. It’s a rare sight to see him at rest —the tension released from his body, the furrow between his brows and the creases on his forehead gone. You take those moments to commit his features to memory.
One of your favorite things to do is trace the scars on his torso. The feel of your fingertips dancing across his skin is usually enough to wake him, but if that’s how he’s woken it puts him in a significantly better mood. Sometimes when you’re feeling brave you’ll trace his scars with your lips and tongue (if you do that it’s pretty much assured you won’t be leaving the bed anytime soon).
Once Deimos is awake, he doesn’t say much —he’s a man of few words to begin with, but he will always kiss either your lips or forehead before rising from bed to dress for the day.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights with Deimos either go one of two ways. Nighttime is his favorite time to fuck you (eventually it gets to a point where can confidently call it making love instead of fucking), it helps tire him so he might actually get some sleep. Deimos makes you feel like a goddess. You enjoy those nights.
Other nights are a mix between sparse conversation and comfortable silence. He’s more apt to talk about his past at night or tell you stories of his conquests and scars on his chest and back. It’s at night that he takes more interest in you too —he wants to know where you’re from, what was your childhood like, what your favorite color is. Nights with Deimos are when you start to see who he is outside of the Cult’s influence.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He wouldn’t like to talk about it, but he can only deflect your questions for so long before he starts telling you. Deimos would talk about his scars first, then Chrysis and the other children she’d raised alongside him, about the lioness protecting her cub, and how he’d been condemned to die as a suckling babe. He won’t tell you everything at once —you don’t expect him to either— but he does open up to you. You understand him better as time passes and it makes your strange relationship better, stronger.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Deimos has no patience for anyone (though perhaps he is a little more patient with you, but not by much). Incompetence is one of the quickest ways to make him angry.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or do they kind of forget everything?)
It’s a surprise when Deimos recalls a small detail you’d mentioned in passing about your childhood near Olympia. Turns out he remembers everything you tell him —that explains why sometimes you find one of your favorite flowers lying on the table, a dress in your favorite color, or your favorite gem. He’s quick to learn your quirks too —he knows you bite your nails out of boredom or worry and when you’re concentrated on a task the tip of your tongue will poke between your lips. He remembers everything and is terrified that the Cult will find a way to make him forget.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Deimos has two memories that stand out to him. One of them is when you first kissed him. Up until that point, it was only soft caresses and forehead kisses. When he stepped down from the trireme and onto the wharf in Phokis after weeks of being apart, you couldn’t help yourself. You’d taken his face in your hands and planted your lips against his without a second thought.
The second is another first kiss of sorts. It’s the first you kiss you shared after the Cult had been dismantled —his first kiss as Alexios, not Deimos. You and he had sat atop the roof of his home in Sparta after a somewhat awkward dinner with Kassandra, Nikolaos, Myrrine, and Stentor. He’d placed his hand on your cheek, turning your gaze from the moonlit Lakonian countryside and pressed his lips to yours —soft and slow.
They’re good memories that fill his heart with warmth whenever he begins to sink back into his old ways.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
You’re likely one of the most protected persons in all the Greek world. Deimos will cut down anyone who dares harm you. Even the Cult is sure to keep you well protected though some of its members aren’t happy about your relationship with their champion. Despite that, they know if something happens to you it is likely they will never be able to control Deimos again.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Deimos notices the longing in your eyes when you look to the sea. You’d grown up close to the sea in Elis and often went down to the water to swim and relax. Some nights he’ll surprise you by taking you down to the shore. He spoils you (in part due to his own insecurities) with gifts. But the gifts that mean the most are the ones he put thought into. Sure necklaces with emeralds and sapphires are pretty, but a pressed rose, an old scroll of poetry, and a shell full of uneven pearls are what makes your heart flutter.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Sulking. Deimos is a sulky boi. He also has some issues with controlling his temper, but he’s working on it.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
The Cult is more concerned with his appearance than he is, but he puts some effort forth and keeps his beard cropped to dark stubble and his hair clean. One thing you quickly note is the lack of scars on his appendages. The few light ones on his arms and thighs are from battle —his own follies and hubris. It’s his back and chest that are littered with gouges, burns, and raised. He looks untouchable, invincible wearing the gold-and-black armor of the Cult, but beneath it, you know the truth. He bleeds and heals like any other man even if they tell him he is a demigod.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
To a certain degree. It becomes more obvious to him that he wouldn’t be incomplete so much as lost without you. You’re his other half as the poets would say —his better half.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Sometimes he’ll stop outside the door of your chambers or wherever you may be and just listen and watch you. He likes it when you hum lullabies or sea shanties, even singing at times when you’re sure no one else is around. Deimos will watch you move around like a bee and have to fight a smile. Even if he won’t admit it to himself, he adores you and still doesn’t understand why you like him so much.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Weakness. Showing weakness was a punishable offense and Deimos has learned to hate anything he perceives as being weak —even his love for you until he realizes it makes him stronger.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Deimos doesn’t sleep much —that’s evident in the dark circles ringing his eyes. The only time he sleeps well is when he’s well beyond the point of exhaustion or has been injured. Sometimes he sleeps better if he falls asleep in your arms, but most of the time he won’t let himself do that. He has a lot of nightmares, and you learn early on to be careful when trying to wake him. Otherwise, it might result in fingers almost being broken or a dagger at your throat. The best way to get him to wake if he’s having a nightmare is to hold his hand or stroke his hair. When he wakes, his eyes will be damp, his gaze distant and feral and it hurts you to know that all of this is the Cult’s fault.
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Hello! Could I please have a kin matchup with characters from DR1, SDR2, DRV3 and BNHA? Thank you! I am a very mixed person. When I'm out talking to people in public it's very obvious that I have nothing to say and that I don't want to be there. I'm a complete hopeless romantic and can catch romantic feelings quite easily. I'm a lot more talkative when I talk to people online and I always laugh at the dumbest things. I love the color pink and lovecore in general. I'm also quite insecure- haha
you can absolutely have a matchup!! hehe,, you sound really neat, i’d like to talk with you myself anon... only if you’re okay with that of course!! your kin matchup can be found under the cut, thank you for requesting!! i’m sorry that it took a bit for me to write this one,,
oh, also... i want to clarify something before we start. i was originally going to make peko pekoyama your second dr kin assignment, and i still agree with that. it’s just that writing out the explanation was rather energy sapping,,, it’s not your fault at all, but i hope you understand!!! i can definitely add it on if you’d like though, anon!
-mod tsu (mikan shift)
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first off, from danganronpa: goodbye despair, i match you with...
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hajime hinata!
this matchup contains spoilers for super danganronpa 2! please proceed with caution, if it’s not too much trouble! i was kind of torn between him and himiko, actually...! but i think you’re a bit closer to hajime! i think that hajime is... very mixed. there are times when he can come off as cynical or even cold, and times when he’s very genuine and determined. these sides of him don’t clash together, but rather make up him as a whole... and i think you’re a little similar, anon! maybe you have traits that don’t really seem like they fit together... but you make them work! i think that unless hajime is close to others, he can struggle to fit into the conversation at times. this is especially clear at the beginning of sdr2, when everyone is just relaxing on the beach, not really seeing them randomly being there as a big deal- but hajime is more hesitant and concerned about their circumstances... plus, this is especially clear in despair arc around the ultimates. he’s very much taken aback by the main course students as well as staff, and... during those scenes it doesn’t exactly seem like he dislikes the interaction. however, it does seem like he’s uncomfortable,, maybe you can relate to that haha. you also seem a little serious, anon! not to assume that you don’t have a sense of humour... but there may be times when you take a joke too seriously. um, if that’s true,, there’s no shame in that haha.. in general... your typing just had a really similar vibe to him, though it may be closer with the hajime at the end of sdr2! i know that’s a bit of a weird, intuition-based point, but... the two of you seem a little awkward, but you have good intentions and it seems like both of you are... rather motivated people. at least, when it comes to the things you really want,, i admire that !! in hajime’s specific case, you may feel a little jealous of people who can do things outside of your comfort zone really easily,, for example i don’t think hajime is very insecure in his ability to study- but people like peko or fuyuhiko, who have talents that are rather niche, i think he would kind of be in awe of how... not normal they are. and you just kind of... strike me in a similar way! sorry if this doesn’t make much sense haha.
while we’re not super sure on how much hajime gets crushes on other people... we can speculate in a way? other characters like monokuma and nagito have compared him to a tsundere, and he’s specifically said to be romantically inexperienced. i don’t think this inherently means he doesn’t have crushes on other people,, it’s implied that he’s interested in chiaki, as well as komahina being... um, a popular ship. a lot of hajime’s feelings about the sdr2 cast are left up to interpretation, and he can technically have feelings for all of them in the bonus mode. at least, that’s how i interpret it,, point is i think that he can have many crushes.. depending on how you see him, haha. sorry that it’s not too conclusive but, in general, i think that while he may be a little uncomfortable with it, hajime may also be a sort of ‘hopeless romantic’ in that... if he sees it as being the best for his friends, he’d also be willing to play a matchmaker !! i think that hajime, without the border of being face-to-face, would be a lot more willing to talk online. in a chatroom, i think he would be more prone to rambling on about something. hehe.. i kind of see him as someone who can accidentally send essays when he texts. i’m just guessing.. but maybe you do that too. hehe, it’s um... maybe a little too literal of me, but i think hajime does laugh at... absurd situations. it’s nice how in a lighter conversation with fuyuhiko, the two are able to just... laugh and have a good time together. i bring this up because... it’s because those smiles are from fuyuhiko suggesting that hajime’s the ultimate counselor. i like their banter a lot, and maybe there are silly inside jokes like this between you and your friends too !! um, lastly.. while i don’t know exactly what your insecurities are, i think that hajime is rather insecure..! he’s visibly upset about the fact that he doesn’t have a talent, and i’d say his seriousness partially comes from this. he does strongly dream of talent, and he puts a strong emphasis on being busy and studying ingame- i’d say that this can make up his seriousness in a way? like, he takes things very seriously in order to learn from them the most. ah, but back to insecurities!! hajime does see himself as inferior to main course students like chiaki and even chisa,, and whenever other people point out his talentless-ness, it is a very sore spot for him. he gets somewhat defensive, and mostly doesn’t know how to react... you may kind of short-circuit like this too, whenever someone hits a sore spot for you..!
and lastly, from boku no hero academia, i match you with...
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mashirao ojiro!
okay, so...! i realise that he’s kind of a minor character, so we don’t know much about him. however, from what we do know, i think he suits you well! like always, you had a similar kind of vibe to him in your ask. he would definitely be the type to use proper grammar in my eyes... and the two of you just have similar word choice imo!! second off, mashirao is kind of... mixed or in the middle, in terms of personality. he seems to get along with denki, a guy who’s definitely up there in eccentricity. maybe your friend group is rather versatile... like hajime, the two seem to be able to get along with many kinds of people. more specifically, they’re able to handle the oddities and ‘quirks’(haha. funny bnha joke) of their other classmates/friends. ah, but that’s off topic! so sorry .. i think that mashirao does kind of struggle in conversation, as he tends to not really like the spotlight, and other students describe him as sheepish or bashful. i think that despite his calm demeanor, he would shy away from conversations, especially ones where he has to play a large part- and i think that’s the most important part of him not really ‘liking’ to have in-person talks with other people. the two of you may be able to hold up something one-on-one, with one of your friends... but with a group of people, you’d just blend into the background. maybe that ‘mixed’-ness can make you feel like you don’t have much to say, too... i don’t think he really tries to hide this/can hide this either, like you. i think that the two of you are generally friendly and trustworthy, and maybe you both have plenty of loose acquaintances, the way that mashirao is on generally good terms with all of his classmates. i think that it’s easy for people to have a high view of you, but maybe not know you too closely or deeply. you seem generally nice!!!
...please excuse this second half being really short. like hajime, we don’t really know his status on crushes,, but i honestly headcanon him as bi due to him having... ‘softer’ friendships with other people, if that makes sense? not that that inherently means attraction... i just think that he could be very interested in and enjoy other people, leading to crushing of varying intensity. he kind of has a pink... vibe to him if that makes sense? ghgghgh we’re not sure about what colours he likes, but he seems to have a lot of lighter ones in his overall design and outfits... maybe a baby pink would fall under that! i think he would also be a lot more talkative online. um, my explanation for this is very similar to hajime’s. he may not feel such a strong need to be polite or accommodating through a screen! though i think he still would be out of respect. mashirao also seems like the type to find the more strange antics of his classmates funny... once again, he seems rather close to denki, and is described as a “straight man”(like, composed or deadpan in contrast to their more eccentric partner). maybe you’re also the type to go along, but have a more level head as things get ~weird~. lastly, like hajime, mashirao does seem rather insecure. he doesn’t really get why he got into UA with a quirk “like his”. he’s rather humble and doesn’t like to accept results he feels like he doesn’t deserve. in fact, he even dropped out of the sports festival because he felt as though he didn’t properly earn his placement in it. maybe you’d be more or less active in voicing this than he is, but the two of you generally have underestimating your own abilities in common. at least, that’s what i gathered, haha.
you all know what time it is, hehe... from dr, you also remind me very strongly of peko pekoyama, and somewhat of mukuro ikusaba, himiko yumeno, mahiru koizumi, toko fukawa, and kazuichi souda. from bnha you also remind me somewhat strongly of fumikage tokoyami, ibara shiozaki, and kyoka jirou, as well as lightly of toru hagakure and shoto todoroki !!
i hope this helped you out anon!! thank you again for requesting,, if you need anything about this changed or edited please let me know!! i’m happy to edit this, it’s not a bother at all... getting requests kind of makes my day, hehe..
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The Three Phases of Goodbye
Miraxus Week 2020 Day 5: Farewell, Day 7: Future, Bonus Day 1: Fur Coat.
This oneshot is somewhat rushed as I'm on a time constraint (exams, why do thou torture me so?). I drew most of my inspiration from Kyuhyun's "I Don't Love You" and Ella Henderson's "Yours" for Part I and Part II respectively. Highly recommend that you give them a listen!
Also on AO3.
The first time it happened, was also the first time he made her cry.
He recalled having fought with Gramps earlier that day. For what reason exactly, he couldn’t remember. Only the phrase, “You’re a Dreyar,” uttered in disgust and the wounded emotions stuck with him.
While the name was held in high regard among the public, to him, it was a burdensome, hefty weight to carry. One he never wanted to.
No matter how strong he grew to be, Gramps was always disappointed in him. From a young age, everyone had placed great expectations upon his tiny shoulders. His father desired him to be powerful. His grandfather wished him to make the family name proud. The world expected him to be the great Dreyar next in line.
Each of them had dreamt a vision of him which he never asked for. All he wanted to be was simply Laxus. Was that too much to ask for?
He could be the strongest mage in Fiore, and Gramps would still let out a long sigh when he glanced at his grandson. Despite his efforts, he would always fall short.
The thought enraged him.
Even more annoyingly, his chest ached a little bit. Why should it? The hell with what Gramps perceived of him.
Unable to stand the sight of the old man or the guild a second longer, he stormed out without a destination in mind.
He just needed to get out.
Later that evening, he sought for some elusive relief at a bar. He threw back a few shots of beer without hesitation. A girl, apparently interested in him, slid into the stool next to him. Her hand on his thigh was an unwelcome sensation, almost as if he was betraying someone. The notion itself was ridiculous. He wasn’t bound to anyone. He seized her up with a penetrating gaze. Surprisingly, she didn’t flinch under his hard stare.
“Are you looking to forget something?” she asked seductively. Her hand, so foreign on his thigh, crawled up higher. “I can make you forget better than that drink.”
He had to admit it, the young lass was pretty. Long, dark tresses framed a slender olive complexion with mesmerising hazel eyes and tempting crimson lips. Her husky voice beckoned him to have a taste of the precious good in front of him. She was an irresistible beauty for most men.
To him, however, she only served as a stark contrast to a certain someone.
Just like how he couldn’t live up to his Gramps’ expectations, this woman could never be compared to the likes of that person.
Before the ambitious hand could progress any further, he grabbed it away from him. “I’m telling you this only once,” he warned, glaring at her. Still confident, she opened her mouth to interrupt him, but he was faster. “Get the hell away from me.”
Sensing the hostility from him, she clammed her mouth shut and wisely withdrew to some other part of the bar.
Thanks to her, his head was filled with images of an ivory-haired woman. Great. As if his day couldn’t get any worse.
“I knew you’d be here.”
The familiar voice halted the ascent of his glass.
“I heard what happened with the Master.” The woman of his imaginations had materialised into the real world and occupied the seat on his right.
“Did the senile old man sent you to check that I wouldn’t cause problems?” he asked sarcastically, his gaze focused on the gold liquid in his glass.
“I was worried about you.”
“Why? Afraid you’d get on his bad book and be demoted?”
Even as the words left his mouth, he knew it wasn’t true. She wasn’t that sort of person. Yet, he couldn’t stop himself from verbally hurting her.
“To other people, you’ve changed into someone else entirely–”
“That’s not wrong. I’m no longer the weak Laxus from before.”
“–but to me, deep down, you’re still the Laxus I knew.”
If he dared to believe it, she might even offer her heart to him.
The thought sent a slither of something eerily similar to fear down his spine.
Her gaze dropped to her hand. It rested upon his chest, directly on top of his heart. Unlike the woman from earlier, her touch didn’t felt repulsive.
“I know you’re not the bad person you make yourself to be. It’s just a defence mechanism to protect yourself. The Laxus I know is a man who cares for his family but doesn’t know how to show it. Because he was denied the love of his parents. He couldn’t show he was sad, because he was expected to be strong.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” The steadiness in his voice concealed the uneven rhythms of his his heartbeats. Never in his life would he admit that his heart was trembling. Her words had awakened a part of him it shouldn’t have.
He watched the golden liquid flow around the glass as he twirled it. “If you think I’m hiding my true self like a coward, you’re delusional. This is who I am. Take it or leave it,” he spat.
“You can fool everyone, Laxus, even Master,” she said softly, “but you can’t fool me.”
It was right, she knew him better than anyone else. Even the most hidden part of him.
But he was also acquainted with her darkest secrets and weaknesses, and he wasn’t above wielding his knowledge of them.
Even if using them felt like he was stabbing himself.
Cupping her cheek in his calloused hand, he smirked at her. “Sweet, idealistic Mira,” he said cynically. “I used to like playing with you because you were different.”
“Playing?” she asked softly, in disbelief.
“You were full of spunk and challenged me,” he began, getting closer to her face. “But you changed after Lisanna’s death, and started to poke your nose into my business. It’s bothersome and I’m tired of it.”
“You’re just saying that to hurt me,” she said, her chin quivering.
“Am I not right?” He pinned her a hard stare, merely inches away from her face.
“Is this what you really want, Laxus?” she said, her voice shaking a little.
“Do you not get what I’m saying?” he evaded, then gulped quickly. “Stop meddling in my business,” he snarled, reluctantly dropping his hand. It was the last time he could ever touch her.
A tear escaped and rolled down her cheek. It might as well have dragged him down along with it.
She stared tearfully at him for the final time. Are you really doing this? her gaze asked.
I am, his serious ones returned.
She nodded, then took a deep breath. Glancing down, she turned her back on him and strode away.
Just like that, without a word, she left.
Instinctively, his foot stepped forward to chase after her. His mind stopped his body before he could make another move. Forcing himself to accept what he had done, he closed his eyes and clenched his fists at his sides.
Even Mirajane Strauss was disappointed in him now.
“No, this is not what I want at all,” he confessed.
For some reason, it hurt more than if she had insulted him or hit him. At least if she had done either, it meant she was angry at him. If she hated him, she wouldn’t be in despair because of him.
Overwhelmed by sensations he didn’t want to identify, he mock-laughed at himself.
In the end, even when he grew stronger and bigger, nothing had changed over the years.
He was always alone.
The second time, it was him who sought her out.
The sky was painted with shades of apricot as the sun made its glorious descent. The purplish grey hues of dusk was quickly creeping in. He found her by the beach, strolling barefoot absent-mindedly along the sandy path with her sandals in her hands. Strands of ivory locks fluttered in the breeze around her. Her footsteps were slow, making it seem like she was contemplating on something.
What could she be thinking? Was she recalling the events of the day, when he had rebelled against them and attempted to seize control of the guild?
Or was she replaying that moment when he said those disgusting, hurtful words to her?
Words which he wished he could take back.
As much as he wanted, he couldn’t undo the damage they had inflicted. However, there was one thing he could try to redeem himself.
“Hey, Mira.”
That was to start over. He would begin with a greeting and, if she was willing to give him another chance, slowly make his way to becoming closer to her once more. This time, without abusing her trust and faith.
Her footsteps halted at the call of her name. He held his breath in suspense as he awaited her reaction. Would she refuse to acknowledge him? Scold him? Call him names?
As long as she was willing to look at him again, he would be contented with any harsh treatment if it meant he could see her again.
She pivoted on her heels and glanced at him in mild surprise. She tucked a stray lock behind her ears and, to his disbelief, smiled sincerely at him. Even after all he had done, she didn’t hold any hatred for him in her gaze.
“Hey, Laxus.”
Just like that, with merely two words, she had granted him another chance.
He wouldn’t mess it up this time.
“What are you doing here?” he asked softly.
“Just enjoying the sunset,” she responded.
A pregnant silence fell between them, both not giving voice to the words they wanted to say. With the stiff atmosphere surrounding the space between them, you would never guess that they used to be childhood friends. Perhaps even something more than friends.
This had been his doing. What the hell have I done?
“Are your injuries okay?” she inquired, somehow managing to feel concern for him. Typical Mira. Her care knew no limits. He had used that trait against her that night, but in reality it was one of the many things which drew him to her.
“They won’t kill me,” he said. His whole body hurt. He couldn’t move a muscle without experiencing a sharp pull. Not that he would ever admit that out loud. “How are you?” he asked gruffly. Those three words felt foreign on his tongue. But he needed to know regardless.
“Now that I’ve seen you again, I’m doing better.”
He blinked.
“You’re always a family, Laxus.”
“I’m no longer part of Fairy Tail,” he said with a woeful smile. “Gramps exiled me.”
“Even so,” she emphasised, “even after all that, you’ll always be family to us.”
He dropped his gaze. “I...to you...” he began. “The things I’ve said...” Damn it. The words which he wanted to say, words which he meant, why wouldn’t they come out?!
“I know, Laxus,” she said softly, comfortingly.
“No...” he shook his head.
“You don’t have to say them, Laxus. I know.” She gazed at him in understanding. You didn’t mean them, it said.
Not a single word.
It’s okay.
Only it wasn’t. Not to him. Because of his foolish greed, he had broken the already fractured comradeship with his fellow members. On top of that, he ruined the bond which he shared over the years with her.
No, none of it was okay at all.
“It’s not your fault,” she said, as if hearing his thoughts. “Since you’ve walked down the wrong path, from now on, you’ll only go the right one.”
He smiled sadly at her. He hoped that would be the case.
For a long moment, they just stared wordlessly at each other.
“Are you leaving for a long time?” she eventually asked.
“I don’t know,” he said honestly. It was true. There wasn’t any fixed plan, only that he intended to train and do some soul-searching. He couldn’t hurt his loved ones because of his stupidity anymore.
She nodded, then smiled brighter than the blazing star in the sky. He took a photograph of the moment in his mind. The image would last him through the hard times.
“This is not goodbye, right?”
“Yeah. It isn’t.”
“Take care.”
He swallowed. “You too.”
Because he couldn’t bear to see her leave one more time, he took heavy footsteps away from her.
One, then another.
And another.
Until her light floral scent disappeared with the wind.
One more hour.
Those were the words he repeated to himself.
Each time he said it, he vowed that he would muster the strength after one more hour.
That had been five hours ago.
Before he knew it, three hundred and seventeen minutes had elapsed since his first deal with himself. A fleeting nineteen thousand and twenty seconds which he hopelessly wished would last forever.
Just a little longer.
His eyes roamed over her features, memorising every little detail. Her loose fringe framing her forehead. The scrunch of her nose when she dreamt. The outline of her eyes. Her slightly parted lip. The sound of her breathing filled the silent morning.
Lying here like this, just watching her sleep, he could live this way forever.
Involuntarily accepting the reality, Laxus rustled slightly in bed and let out a quiet grunt to the silent room. He barely slept a wink the night before. Unlike the dawn which unveiled its dark drapes in anticipation to greet him, he wasn’t eager to commence his day. He moved carefully and as quietly as possible as to not wake her.
When he was dressed, he trudged back to the bed and gazed at her again for several long moments. No matter what, he just couldn’t get enough of her.
Carefully, he lifted his fur coat and covered her with it. It was her favourite. He was going to be away for a while, and it would accompany her in his place during his absence.  Although the coat had grown to be an indispensable part of him over the years, he loved the sight of her being swallowed by it as she wrapped it around her body. Secretly, a part of him found satisfaction in seeing her wearing his clothes. It showed the world that she was his.
All his.
Just like how he was all hers.
Gently touching her soft porcelain cheek, he leaned in and placed a kiss on her fringe-covered forehead. Go, you idiot. It took every last ounce of strength for him to trudge away from her.
He was leaving her again.
But this time, when he returned, he would rewrite their story.
There would be no more goodbyes exchanged between them, only a hello to new beginnings. Together.
He would ask for that forever.
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pervasivethrenody · 6 years
McShep Sims 3:  Life in a Northern Town
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(Even though I KNOW Antarctica is in the SOUTH.  Maybe SIMARCTICA is in the north, huh, wise person!?  Don’t judge me!!)
Anyway, it’s another beautiful song that you should listen to.  I suddenly have the idea to make/maintain a playlist.
Song included under the cut, if you’re so inclined!
Anyhow, while waiting for the story to happen, I’m letting the Sims roam around the base, doing stuff that might turn into said story.
Honestly, they don’t accomplish much on their own, and I’m reminded why I’m not fond of running a huge household.  WAY too much micromanagement.
But here's some bonus material that may or may not become part of the story.
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“Rodney.  Hey.  Hey.  Did you know there is fanfiction of us.”
“What?  No.  Seriously?  Is it hot?  I bet it’s hot.”
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Uh, speaking of hot, I guess some of you might enjoy this, so here.
No offense, Jack.  You’re just not this McShepper’s cup of tea.
(I’m asexual anyway, in apparent contradiction with also being a shamelessly dirty-minded Rotten Girl, but life’s full of contradictions, so whatever.)
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(John is currently creeped out by O’Neill in-game.  Not for this.  He ain’t judging a man who sleeps in his skivvies.  Comfort is rare in his own life.  He indulges when he gets it.)
Weir is, quite clearly, NOT creeped out.
Not that there’s anything WRONG with that...
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does science
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“Missed a decimal point.”
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“What?  I did not!  WHERE.” 
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storms off
John finishes it
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Admittedly, I’ve spent most of my time stalking for McShep moments, but here’s Weir, who’s appropriately appalled at one of Rodney’s conspiracy theories.
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(I’m pretty sure canon Rodney wouldn’t fall for those, but I still thought it was funny.)
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Daniel gets in some early morning reading, before Rodney tracks him down to ridicule some more of his theories.
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“I mean, he’s not wrong, except he is.”
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I have NO idea what this face is.  Can’t poor Unlucky Carson just eat his breakfast in peace, man?  He’s still traumatized over losing that video game yesterday.
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It’s just a waffle, Ford. 
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Getting to know you~
Getting to know all about you~
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Getting to like you~
Getting to hope you like me~
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They both have a shitload of traits, way more than the game is supposed to allow, and your Sims have to “discover” each one through interaction.  So getting them from “acquaintances” to “friends” status has been a slow process, especially since they’re both Socially Awkward and keep randomly knocking that relationship score back down several pegs when they say stupid shit to each other.
I know, I know, smush their faces together already!
(I’m getting to it, I swear.  ;-;)
Here’s Ford to interrupt my McShepping with this face.
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If that’s not meme-worthy, I don’t know what is.
smacks roof  “This bad boy can fit so many fucking McSheps in it.”
John:  “Only that many?  Bro, do you even science fiction?”
Rodney:  “Challenge accepted.”
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Ford:  “No offense, guys.  I’m out.”
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I was going to chase the Sims around the base some more, but I think I’ll just leave it at that.  :3
Stay tuned...
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aegisregalis · 6 years
RULES: repost, don’t reblog. just pick a muse of yours and fill it out.
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MUSE: Gladiolus Amicitia
— basics
▸ is your muse tall/short/average? Gladiolus is 6′6″ (198cm). I’d say that’s pretty damn’ tall. 
▸ are they okay with their height? Loves it.
▸ what’s their hair like? Dark brown in color. Voluminous, wavy and soft, reaching the bottom of his nape. Layered and trimmed bangs that are usually styled back so it doesn’t fall in his face. In later years he wears it half tied back in a half ponytail. His hair color and texture is very dominant trait in the Amicitia family. Although it isn’t apparent by looking at Clarus. 
▸ do they spend a lot of time on their hair/with their grooming? No. He just combs his hair out and work the bangs back. However he does spend some time shaving every day to keep his facial hair trimmed. 
▸ does your muse care about their appearance? To an extent. Fitness is very important to him and he likes to be in his best shape. While it’s a requirement to be physically fit for his duty, getting to show off those abs and cart around illegal ‘guns’ is a bonus. 
▸ does your muse care about what others think about them? He personally doesn’t care what others think of him. However, during his time living in Insomnia he did care to an extent. He had his family name to uphold and knows it is necessary to keep good appearances as to not soil the family name. Though he isn’t afraid to speak up for what he believes in even if it means confrontation. 
— preferences
▸ indoors or outdoors? Outdoors. ▸ rain or sunshine? Sunshine and clear skies. ▸ forest or beach? Forest — Let’s go camping! ▸ precious metals or gems? Precious metals. ▸ flowers or perfumes? Flowers —  They remind him of his mother. ▸ personality or appearance? Personality. ▸ being alone or being in a crowd? Depends on his mood. ▸ order or anarchy? Order. ▸ painful truths or white lies? Painful truths. ▸ science or magic? Neither. Gut instinct. ▸ peace or conflict? Peace, but he isn’t afraid of conflict. ▸ night or day? Night. ▸ dusk or dawn? Dawn ▸ warmth or cold? Warmth. ▸ many acquaintances or a few close friends? A few close friends. ▸ reading or playing a game? Depends on his mood. He enjoys both.
— questionnaire
▸ what are some of your muse’s bad habits? While his family was very warm and loving he also comes from a very strict upbringing and that is reflective of how he approaches his endeavors. Because of this  he can come off as very abrasive and harsh. He’s really not one to coddle when mistakes are made. It’s all about tough love. 
▸ has your muse lost anyone close to them? how has it affected them?
Mother Ianthe when he was in his teens.
Father Clarus when Insomnia fell. 
Retainer Jared Hester murdered by Ulldor under the Empire’s hand. 
Being born into the Amicitia family, he isn’t a stranger to death and loss. He understands that death comes with the territory. Losing his parents carved a holes in his chest. He lost his mother to an illness, but he knows his father died fulfilling his duty, as did Jared. He hopes to be able to uphold the Amicitia name and someday be worthy of taking his father’s place. 
▸ what are some fond memories your muse has? Lots of family activities. Camping, picnics, vacations. Training with and shadowing his father around the Citadel. Meeting Ignis ( @cookignis​ ) when he first arrived in Insomnia. Spending time with Noctis and Ignis. Being on the road with his bros. 
▸ is it easy for your muse to kill? He’s trained to do whatever it takes to protect his King.
▸ what’s it like when your muse breaks down? It depends on the situation. Usually it is self-isolation in attempts to get his emotions under control. He may later take out his frustrations on a training dummy or a rigorous workout. If it has something to do with protecting Noctis or Iris, and he is pushed to a breaking point, he wouldn’t hesitate to do something reckless or dangerous.
▸ is your muse capable of trusting someone with their life? It goes without saying that he has unwavering faith in Noctis. But he also trusts Ignis, Iris and Cor with his life. 
▸ what’s your muse like when they’re in love? He’s a playboy at heart and isn’t used to falling in love. He flirts, he dates, he messes around, but his romantic relationships never really go anywhere beyond that point. His duty to Noctis will always come first and whoever he settles down with will have accept that fact.  If he does get to the point where he finds someone that he falls in love with he’s very affectionate, loyal and faithful. 
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TAGGING:  @kyouminaine @kingsglaivewulfrics @croweoftheglaive @dragoonxdive @triggerxhappy @totalxclarity @lucianprincess
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iicewitch · 6 years
All the questions for your danganronpa self insert?
uuunder the cut of course. due to length. ;w; thank you aaaa. i’ll just be using my/I since. well. yknow.
⭐️ What’s their Ultimate/SHSL?
my ultimate is shsl secretary! i know it’s kind of boring but .. as much as i’d want to be shsl artist/something more to my interests, i’m suited to the desk job of a secretary due to my organizational skills/memory/overall aptitude with computers.
👥 Which Protag would they get along best with?i feel like i’d get along best with shuichi. our talents match together well plus our personalities are similar. 
🗒 What are their introduction lines?“Ah, hello there! Er .. maybe that sounds a bit too cheery for our current situation. Erm .. should I try it again? I’d hate to ruin your first impression of me. Oh, I’m probably speaking too much anyways. I’m the Super High School Level Secretary, Gennie. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
🤔 What’s the first thing the protag(s) would point out about them (bonus points if you specify the protag)?As seen above, I can overthink and thus, word vomit a lot. It’s one of my character traits. Which, also ties in with my SHSL. My mind is constantly running, thinking, and storing information. So, I feel the protagonist would note that about me first. Instead of being a quiet, reserved introvert, I’m more .. of an extroverted introvert if that makes sense. I’m shy .. but I want to make friends but I don’t know what to say all the time so I just say everything.
💕Which character(s) would they spend more time with (Give at least three to choose from, other self inserts are always allowed)?DR1:  Sakura and Aoi ( Obviously, upon hearing the announcement about the killing game, I was thrown into shock like everyone else. I feel that Sakura and Aoi would accept me into their friendship. Both out of a need to protect me, and that we all have the ideology that as long as we believe and keep strong, we’ll make it out alive. )Ishimaru. ( Being the SHSL Secretary, Ishimaru’s enforced ( well .. attempt at enforced ) rules and system in the killing game are very welcome. As such, I feel we come to respect one another and hang out occasionally. However, in turn, I also come to be acquaintances with Mondo. )Fukawa ( Fukawa is my f/o for the first Dangan game. Initially, as Touko is with anyone but Togami, she’s cold and cruel to me. Maybe due to the fact she sees her inferiority complex reflected back. However, over time, I come to accept her flaws and deny the perceived ones, standing up for her if someone goes against her. We also share a love of literature and it turns out that a lot of the novels I read in between shifts as SHSL secretary were penned by her. )Runner ups: Celestia, NaegiDR2: Chiaki. ( Due to the fact that we bond over games after she shows me them. I’m also very good at memorization of lore/characters/details so she loves to chat during free time. She’s also another F/O of mine. ) Akane/Ibuki ( My self insert, in .. well, obvious similarity to me, is not very outgoing/physical most of the time. I feel Akane and Ibuki would be good foils to me. Catch me writing down Akane’s records in laps or helping Ibuki with lyrics. )Kuzuryuu ( Okay Kuzuryuu is my main DR f/o. I feel like this would pick up after Chapter 2. I’m a good listener and a calming presence to him .. and eventually a friend. I help him come to terms that the only way to keep Peko’s memory alive is to strive and live on .. and better oneself. Become someone worthy of not needing a tool or anything else. )Runner ups: Gundam, SoniaDRV3: Kirumi. ( Kirumi and I are similar in the aspect that we spend our talent by working for others and performing any task they request. However, her job as a maid is way more taxing and she worries me with how much she puts herself into her work. As such, I spend my free time with her trying to do relaxing activities such as swimming in the pool, yoga in the field, etc. I also stand up for her when people treat her less than she deserves. )Tsumugi. ( Both plain in appearance, I find myself drawn towards Tsumugi since she’s rather calm and collected compared to people like Tenko, Kaito, Miu. However, as the two of us speak, we find out that we’re actually very excitable .. especially when it comes to our interests. I also end up being a model half the time .. and as she puts it ‘I look very good in glasses and suits.’ )Ouma ( Ouma is my F/O for DRV3. At first, he’s the most annoying person out of all the prisoners. Though, despite that, I let myself get dragged into his schemes .. jokes .. pranks .. whatever because it takes my mind off the life within the school. Slowly, yet surely, we become friends and he helps me loosen up a bit. One might say he’s a bit of a bad influence at times. )Runner ups: Rantaro, Kaito,
🎁 Name an item (made up or canon) that they would like for a FTE.
Items I would probably like would be the recently released novels/video games, office supplies, spa tickets, or figurines
🥇FTE! What’s their first Free Time Event like?My first free time event I feel would be pretty plain. I’d be the one primarily speaking since I’d keep a list of details on every student .. so instead of learning about me, I’d be learning about the protagonist. 
🏵 FTE! What’s their last Free Time Event like?Overtime though, the protag would have to push to learn more about me and push past my barriers and shy personality. The final Free Time Event would probably feature me revealing a more .. true self in which I let myself nerd out and be more vocal about my interests .. rather than be the prim and proper lady people want me to be.
🎭 What’s listed as their likes/dislikes?Likes: Crime novels, making lists, fantasy roleplay games.Dislikes: Loud environments, running out of supplies, alarm clocks.
☠️ A body has been found! What’s their initial reaction?Silence. While others scream and shout, I’d probably repress my feelings super hard until I could make it back to my room, free to cry and sob into my bed. The first murder probably shakes me up super hard .. while unfortunately, as more bodies pile up, I’m one of the people to stay and help investigate, knowing that we need to find an end to this horrible plot.
☝️ Anything specific they’d point out in a class trial? Do they stay on topic?I’m probably known mostly for minute things. Time, autopsy report details, who hung out with the victim last. I am one of the ones to stay on topic, true to my SHSL.
😨 __________ has been found guilty! What’s their reaction (Specify character, it doesn’t have to be canon)?If anyone was found guilty .. who was a friend of mine in the game, I’d mostly just be upset at myself that I let my heart open up to someone in such a situation. It’d be hard for me afterwards to truly trust again without reassurance.
💔 What do they do after a trial/execution? Do they do anything at all?I probably take the time to write down what I learned from the trial back in my room. I’d also offer to sit down and offer companionship to someone who needed to speak.
💉 Despair AU! What are they like in Despair/ infected with the Despair disease?Much like my regular self, I’d word vomit all over the place. Though, with the despair fever, instead of gushing over interests, it’d just be despair-inducing facts. “ Did you know it’s 90% likely that someone will murder you in here? Did you know that even though you’re a failure of a human being, it won’t matter in the end? So .. just give into despair. “
💎 Would they join any clubs/gangs? Which one(s)?Mm .. probably the debate team for official school clubs. :3c @stubbornselfshipping
☀️ Non!Despair AU! What’s their daily life as an ultimate like?Very busy. Despite SHSL Secretary matching my skills, I yearn for a comfier, more social and interactive job. There’s a lot of running around, pleasing people, etc. etc.
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That night Oleg had a nightmare. Frightening in its unambiguous resemblance to his own personal realities, and therefore even more unpleasant. Don’t take us wrong – he didn’t dream of snakes crawling out of the skull of a horse in a black coat, and in his modesty of soul he did not even consider himself prophetic like his famous ancestor. He dreamed that night of broad lines of proudly marching men with horns and hooves, in all the languages of the underworld demanding him to accept their extremely tempting offer and to sell his own soul. Different prices were proposed: one of them was prepared to pay with “the wonderful crockpot that can turn any housewife into a queen of the kitchen”, the second offered him “the most powerful wet vacuum cleaner with a dozen of the latest universal tips”, the third was advertising “the new model of iPhone XR with advanced artificial intelligence system, capable to predict the actions of its owner”, and someone was even ready to part with “EPC-W Darling 2000”, that could be translated into a common human language as “Electron-positron cyber wife, model “Darling”, year of manufacturing 2000”.
All their extreme obsession and absurd tactlessness angered Oleg’s soul so greatly that at the end of this unearthly marketing hell-knows-what, he wanted to shout to all of them, who had surrounded him in a circle and were still mercilessly pointing their raking hands with otherworldly trojan “gifts” in his direction, “Go to hell, demons!” But then, with the help of some innate instinct, he finally realized that swearing at those to whom the devils themselves do not even hold a candle is the height of meaninglessness, much higher than all the modern achievements of earthly advertising combined.
And so he stood, shaking and refusing, while those who were doing their dirty work vied with each other about the delights of their proposed goods. But, fortunately, much in this as well as the other life has the trait of being limited in time, so this nightmare of not so prophetic Oleg ended. Continuing to grumble softly under his nose and rubbing his eyes with own fists, still dumbfoundedly staring in the direction of the alarm clock, which was showing ten o’clock in the morning, Oleg with a long-ago learned habit and immutable inevitability of yet another advertising call and staggering gait went to the bathroom in order to clean up a little after this lowly and violent night.
He was distracted from another sacred session of morning shaving by the phone that was bobbing from the vibrations on the chair. Oleg didn’t share the morning joy of his gadget at this moment – and, damn it, was he right.
“Good morning!” without unnecessary shyness joyfully shouted in Oleg’s ears the unknown voice of an even less well-known young man, had Oleg only to take the case of management of the ringing phone in his strong male hands. “I would like to talk to Oleg Alexandrov. Is that you?” – the voice on the phone confirmed the complete seriousness of his own intentions.
“Let’s say that you are lucky today, and it’s really me. What are we going to do with this fact?” still sleepy Oleg muttered into the phone, trying to hold the razor with his other free hand.
“Your Internet provider “Network achievements LLC” has prepared a unique new year’s offer specially for you! Only until the end of December this year you can switch to our new year’s tariff “freakynet” for just a thousand rubles and increase the speed of your internet connection by twenty megabits during January and February next year.  Starting from March next year the cost of this service will be only two hundred rubles per month. We are also happy to offer you a service to insure your TV and Wi-Fi router from being harmed by lightning. The cost of this service is only three hundred rubles per month. This unique offer is valid only until the end of December. Well, do you agree to take advantage of our new terms of service, Oleg Alexandrovich? To confirm your consent and switch to the new tariff, please say “I confirm”, to refuse, say “no way”.
“No, hey!” Oleg muttered into the phone as soon as the smallest pause occurred in the monologue of chattering in his phone human-robot, allowing Oleg to intercept the verbal initiative.
“Excuse me? What were you saying?” came the voice at the other end of the line. “Do you confirm your consent?”
“Never! Never-ever did I give my consent to be disturbed by your early morning intrusive calls!”
“Too bad!” answered the nameless disappointed voice on the phone, clearly deeply annoyed by the fact that he didn’t manage to earn for himself another new year’s increase in his salary bonus. “Nevertheless, maybe I interest you in our offer to insure your Wi-Fi router?”
“Do you insure it from a falling meteorite?»
“Unfortunately, at the moment our company doesn’t provide such services. But we will definitely pass your offer to our sales department. I wish you all the best and to see you again!” Oleg was convincingly assured of the inevitability of their next meeting and then a young voice immediately hung up the phone without waiting for new original proposals for their marketing department.
Being no longer interrupted by morning advertising calls – “not a single break of silence!” – Oleg successfully finished the procedure of morning shaving and went to the kitchen to brew himself some coffee in order to awaken his still sleepy brain and cheer up his still timid spirit. He was definitely late for work, and today’s plan would almost certainly not be fulfilled, which meant that he would not see the weekly salary bonus as his own ears.
“Fuck this award, anyway,” Oleg reflected, continuing to brew coffee grains in a pot. “From such work, all sorts of demons are haunting me in my own dreams. Man, it’s time for you to find a proper job for yourself!” Oleg decided this morning for the umpteenth time. What a pity that the harsh everyday life in the capitalist economy within a single capital so often decided otherwise!
How irritating was this merciless obsession of advertisers and salesmen, from which he could find salvation only in the evenings, sitting at the computer in headphones and listening to heavy rock while rocking steadily in his chair in time with his own no less heavy than rock thoughts. And for what goddamn reason did he get such a fate, anyway?
Just yesterday, for instance, a “Shirby” vacuum cleaner salesman had arrived unexpectedly and unsightly. This “unique in its characteristics” vacuum cleaner produced a set of noises similar to that of a jet plane, screeching in all the voices of hell and trying, apparently, to dissuade Oleg from its possible acquisition, and during the demonstration two of its tips were completely broken. On sarcastically crossed arms over his chest and Oleg’s ironic look, the seller Rashanom didn’t even react, hardly puffing and switching something in his miraculous unit in the hope of still make it working again. At some point in time, these hopes were even justified – though not for long. Within ten minutes after being turned on again, the infernal engine of the infernal vacuum cleaner had stalled and ceased to give the slightest indication of what might have been considered as his personal technical life. Along with the engine, the chattering salesman fell silent, having silently realized as clearly as possible that against the background of utter silence his cheerful voice sounded somehow not so confident.
“That’s not Shirby, but a Shirley-Mirley of sorts!” Oleg laughed. “And it costs just – how much did you say? – a hundred thousand rubles?”
“We are ready to give you a discount for this unique unit equal to…” tried to save his sinking position Rashan. But the act of saving drowning people, as they say…
“The door is over there,” Oleg hinted softly. “We thank you for demonstrating the capabilities of your product. At the present moment, our company in the person of me is not ready to buy it, unfortunately.”
“Perhaps, you can share phones of your acquaintances or colleagues?” the seller of miraculous vacuum cleaners tried to grab the last straw of hope.
“I don’t have any spare friends to share! I’m a lonely maniac!” Oleg barked and moved on to the seller of jet vacuum cleaners with such conviction that he quickly hurried to retire for the previously indicated door, hastily packing his miracle-unit without any further unnecessary questions.
“That’s our type of fate, apparently,” reflected Oleg, continuing to devour rich coffee together with a couple of homemade sandwiches.
“Ding!” Oleg was distracted by the ringing of the doorbell, clearly signaling that his uneasy fate once again brought someone to his own doorstep.
“Pray tell us, do you believe in God?” synchronously, slyly, sweetly and without superfluous representations, two newly appeared old women sang to Oleg’s ears when he slightly opened an entrance door. “Jesus Christ, who passed through the death for our sins,” one of them decided to clarify just in case.
“Perhaps. It really depends on the mood,” Oleg tried to laugh it off.
“Would you like to know more about our Savior and his way?” just in case asked one of the old women, flipping through the pages of carried book in her obvious intention to strike Oleg on the spot with her own ability to read printed texts aloud.
“Does your God happen to be black? For I am, you know, a real type of racist,” Oleg decided to go on the offensive. “And I had a B mark in school in foreign languages. So I really hope that he speaks Russian!”
“How dare you!” protested one of God’s witnesses. “Of course, he understands all our languages. But our most important language is the language of the soul! Just listen to what he tells to his children…” started speaking the second old woman with a book, flipping with confident movements over several pages of the book at once.
“That you must believe his words and not those of some impostors? I knew that long before you came along.”
“Our God is merciful, he is ready to forgive your sins for a small fraction…”
“I haven’t rewritten my apartment to him for a long time? By the way, I would not advise you doing that either – Russia, as they say, was spoiled by the housing issue. We have no money, but we’re holding on.  C'est la vie, arrivederci, hasta la vista – how do they say? We sincerely ask you to come next time with a real, genuine Christ. Until we meet again!” giving sectarians no time to recover, Oleg slammed an entrance door leading to their missed opportunities.
Having finally lost all hope to fulfill his current work plan in time, Oleg hastily threw the half-eaten sandwich in his travel bag, poured the rest of the coffee in a thermos, threw a winter jacket over his shoulders and in a hurried stance started moving in the direction of his own new year’s fate.
No sooner had he reached the bus stop than the phone happily informed him of a new – absolutely free of charge! – incoming call.
“Fearfallashfinance Bank is glad to offer you, our past regular client, new conditions and types of credit cards. The credit card’s issue has already been pre-approved for you by our bank. In order to receive it, if you agree to the updated terms of the credit agreement, you must…”
“Turn away in disgust!” Oleg somehow miraculously managed to interrupt the monologue of the bank employee that was uttered in a patter a second before pressing the coveted red button of his phone.
“No amount of red buttons will be enough for your kind,” he thought with annoyance, jumping into the opened door of the newly arrived bus.
Billboards glittering with all the colors of the rainbow. Young people peremptorily pushing colorful flyers into your hands. Huge screens on the walls of houses and shopping centers, day after day demonstrating their pre-recorded, pre-approved and pre-biased videos. Appearing here and there as if straight from the ground along the way advertising boxes. Morning Moscow was greeting Oleg from all sides with the mouths of its marketers, leaving no chance to remain uninvolved in this colorful nonsense.
On the move, dropping a call from yet another “Center for public opinion research”, persistently interested in the political views of his respondent and his attitude to sexual minorities, panting Oleg ran into the office of his permanent, but no more joyful workplace, maneuvering on the move between scurrying here and there like ants colleagues, more resembling cellmates for Oleg.
“The boss didn’t show himself?” he managed to ask a question to his colleague Lyudmila just a second before seeing his boss, who was confidently and imperiously heading straight to him with an expression that didn’t portend a single award.
“Oh my, isn’t that the appearance of Christ himself – sorry, just some pitiful Oleg! – to mankind!” the boss said sarcastically through his teeth. “That’s it, Oleg. If you want to keep at least a quarter of the new year’s bonus, quickly pick up the goods and sweep through the addresses. Lyudmila has already entered the current list into your database. And return only empty-handed!” the boss uttered his well-known in local circles joke, bared a pair of golden teeth and smoothly, slightly swaying from side to side like a heavy galleon under unruly winds, sailed off to his office.
“Out of sorts?” Oleg nodded understandingly in the direction of the boss.
“And when was he in?” without taking her head off the keyboard said Lyudmila and held out a sheet of paper leaning out of the printer.
“Here are the addresses. Goods are in the storehouse. Off you go!” she smiled. “Otherwise you will be left without a bonus for certain.”
* * *
“Who’s there?” a voice came from the speaker of the intercom.
“Santa Claus!” Oleg uttered the memorized phrase.
“All right, come in. Make happy at least someone in this dark and cruel world,” came the answer, and the door obediently opened.
Nine floors of the next old building.
“Hello, Santa Claus! Brought us rubbish? How it goes?” Oleg mentally mocked himself.
An iron door on the ground floor with carved wood paneling. Looks solid. There’s a chance.
Oleg adjusted his rented black business suit, coughed a couple of times, trying to clear his throat, and pressed the doorbell.
“Who the hell that winter brought?” came a dissatisfied greeting from behind the door after a dozen of seconds.
Oleg stiffly smiled, straightened up to attention, took a deep breath – and…
“Hello, my name is Oleg Alexandrov! Our company is holding a new year’s sale and right here and right now we have a unique offer – one that you surely will not be able to refuse!”
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