#also also i ate cold spaghetti and it was honestly pretty terrible
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angelicdonuts · 4 months ago
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I love my ocs and sonas soooo sooooo badly dude
Anyways! Names and all of that! They're in order of appearance
Skip – (They/it) one out of two of my sonas :3!! (The itty bitty thing using their horn as a slide is my main sona, Sprinter C: !! they/them)
Mal – (They/them/he) they were supposed to be my self insert but they're pratically a regular oc at this point. He's my most recent oc too btw!
Sanders/Sandra – (They/she/he) one of my most favorite ocs ever <//3 they're so silly
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thebickedwitchoftherest · 4 years ago
Oh My God, They Were Roommates || Camille & Cece
Timing: Sometime before Jane moved in (please don’t roast me)
Location: Cece’s house
Parties: Cece & @carrionxcamille
Summary: When Camille moved in with Cece they share dinner and get to know each other.
Camille was going to owe Cece for the rest of her life, and she didn’t even care about the debt.
Once she’d chucked her pitiful backpack of belongings- yes, she still had that little stuff to her name- into the bedroom that was to be hers, Camille bolted straight to the bathroom, throwing an apology over her shoulder for how long she was about to steal the shower for. Hey, the water pressure in that motel had done absolutely nothing for her hair. When she did eventually leave the bathroom in a flourish of steam with a towel wrapped around her head she felt more at peace than she had in months. Seriously, the wonders of a good hot shower never ceased to amaze.
It was a little while after that she left her room again, in the silky new pajama set she’d treated herself too with her hair soft and shiny and actually dry, since the hairdryer here didn’t threaten to overheat if you had it on for more than five minutes.
The fun didn’t stop there though, because now Camille had a whole actual kitchen to play with. “Cece, I’m gonna make dinner!” She called out, already rummaging through the fridge for ideas- she’d have to start writing the lists for their grocery shopping, this place was lacking- “stop me if you don’t like spaghetti carbonara!” She was already starting anyway, feeling lighter and more at ease than she had in weeks. To be in a real home again really lifted her spirits. 
In almost no time at all she had food set on the table- she was only sorry they didn’t have anything she could make dessert with, but ice cream would do- and was pouring a glass of white wine for each of the girls. “I’m sorry I immediately took over your shower and kitchen.” Camille said, now that some of her excitement had given way and reminded her of her manners, “I hope you like dinner, anyway. I just wanted to say thank you to you, for having me. It means a lot that you’d help me like you have.” 
Cece had been laughing to herself the entire day. As sad as it was, Camille didn’t have much to move with her when Cece set off on helping her move out of that shithole motel she had been trapped in. Nothing but a few small bags that needed transferred to the first of Cece’s guest bedrooms. It had been the same one that Morgan had used after a similar situation had her moving in. Personally, Cece loved the feeling. As horribly as her own circumstances had ended up with the coven, they had still taken her in after getting kicked out of her own home. When she had nowhere else to go, they had taken her in. Obviously, Cece wasn’t about to pull some bullshit like that, but she could pay it back minus the whole culty murder part.
As Camille made herself home and found her way to the fridge, Cece gravitated over towards it and joined her, grabbing a chair at the barstool that looked into the kitchen. “Ooh, Carbonara? Now that’s fancy.” Cece would take whatever Cam was planning on cooking. Cece wasn’t a picky eater by means, and she also wasn’t much of a cook. Cece had learned a few recipes from Morgan but rarely cooked them for herself. 
“Hey, feel free to cook in my kitchen any time. Especially if you’re making enough for two.” Cece held up her wine glass that Camille had poured as if in cheers, “But don’t worry. I have a full bathroom in my room. That one is all yours.” Cece didn’t waste any time digging into the food, nodding her head and giving a thumbs up after the first mouthful, “Oh this shit is bomb” Cece finally spoke after she finished chewing, digging right back in for another bite. “You don’t have to thank me. You needed a place that wasn’t a den for up and coming serial killers. I have two guest rooms. It all worked out. I’d love to know what convinced you to come here of all places.”
She was safe here, that was the other thing. It was so much easier to breathe when you couldn’t hear your vampire neighbors through the walls discussing some party, when you weren’t watching another sad looking lost soul slip through the door of the drug dealer who lived on the other side. This felt like the kind of place she could start her life again. Save up, get an ID and her own place. It would be nice to have company, too. Camille had spent so much time staring blankly at terrible wallpaper with no one to talk too. “You’re in luck, I don’t really know how to cook for just one person.” She laughed, taking a seat at the table and raising her own glass in return to Cece’s gesture. 
It was a simple meal, by her standards anyway, but even Camille was blown away by how good it tasted after weeks of microwave meals and cold sandwiches. “I’m glad you like it- you’ll have to let me know if there’s anything you absolutely won’t or can’t eat, I’ll do some grocery shopping later this week.” She was looking forward to that, too. Proper food shopping. She wondered if Cece had a vegetable crisper. Camille doesn’t answer the question at first, about what convinced her to move to White Crest. She’s not the first person to ask, and she has a party line about her parents living nearby which she knew she should use right now, but…
Camille was remembering the bar, that joke that had been made about Cece hexing someone. Was she really a witch? There wasn’t anything in the house that screamed witchcraft to Cam, but then again she had no idea what sort of stuff that would really be. She ate and drank quietly for a while, considering what to say. If Cam asked outright and Cece turned out to not be a witch, to not know about or believe in any of that kind of stuff, it would be throwing a serious wrench in their dynamic just as they were getting to know eachother. No one wanted a crazy roommate, and spouting off about witches was exactly that. “My parents live nearby.” She spoke up after a while, giving Cece a bright smile and a shrug, “I’d heard about this place growing up and I figured… Well, if there was a time to live in the weird town it was now, right? If nothing else there’s always something wacky going on if I need a distraction.” Which she did, often. “What about you? Why are you in White Crest?”
Cece leaned back in her chair dramatically and patted her belly, “Don’t you worry roomie. This girl eats and and everything. I’m not picky.” Unlike her adopted parents, who both had a myriad of food allergies and dietary restrictions, her genetic parents (fuck them wherever they may be) had graced her with the appetite and taste buds to enjoy just about anything. And no allergies that she knew of to worry about. “I’m not gonna leave you completely hanging though, don’t worry. I can’t cook for shit, but I’ll make an excellent sous-chef.” She feigned cutting vegetables with her fork and then took a huge bite of pasta, “You and me are about to put MasterChef to shame.” 
Cece didn’t believe the answer, not entirely. Maybe it was because of the town itself. It just didn’t seem like people picked up and moved here on a whim. They came here on purpose, or they ended up here by some supernatural unlucky twist of fate. Maybe Camille really did just want a change. If she was looking for a little excitement in her life, then maybe she did turn to the town with a weird reputation. Back in high school, when Cece was full swing into her horror movie phase she probably would have done the same exact thing. She supposed it didn’t matter at the moment, Cam had only just moved in. The two weren’t obligated to explain the truth about them being here to each other. Cece had gotten more comfortable around town, helping out when needed, but that didn’t mean she was yelling it down the streets. “Long story. My family travelled a lot. They’re like the weird living off the Earth hippy types. We travelled all over the country before I finally decided to split off and make my own path. I just so happened to be up here in the New England area, so I looked for some job postings and bought a house.” Cece shrugged. Maybe it was an oversimplified version of the truth, but that story wasn’t one that she planned on telling to anyone. “Not nearly as glamorous as it sounds, honestly. Most of the time, I miss Cali. But this place has its own charms. Can’t complain about the company. Yourself included of course. Being roommates gives you automatic rights to the bestie list. Welcome to the club.”
Camille nods, pretty happy it seems like she’ll be able to have her run of recipes in this house- she’s already running through a list of her favorite things she wants to make first. Salmon, risotto, chickpea curry, stuffed vine leaves, sunday lunch! She’d done pretty much all the meal cooking at home- jobless Jace had made do with sandwiches or leftovers most of the time for lunch while she was at work- so it would be nice to get back into the swing of it, and actually have a little help. She’d read somewhere that cooking together could be a good bonding experience. Cam chuckled, “well that’s good. I’m sure you’ll be able to learn a little if we’re cooking together, too.” And she’d pick up a couple of her old favorite recipe books to leave behind once she moved out, too.
It was also nice to have her food appreciated for once, she’d been lucky to get so much as a thankyou out of Jace. Cam ate a little more as Cece explained how she’d found herself in town, quietly a little jealous that she’d travelled and seen so much more of the country than Cam ever had. From Bangor to Boston and pretty much back again. “Sounds like it must have made for a fun childhood.” She beams when Cece refers to her as a bestie- it’s been an awful long time since Camille has had proper friends. “Happy to be a member.” She says, “I think I’ve hit a patch of good luck, considering how coincidental it was that I met you that night at the bar.” She traces a finger around the rim of her wine glass, smiling wistfully, “hopefully it means things are turning around for me.”
Cece let herself laugh, whether it came across as genuine or sarcastic one was anybody’s guess. Must have made for a fun childhood. Explaining Cece’s past, even a felony free PG version of the tale, seemed complicated. Her life had been made up of different families. Her blood family that had never wanted her. Her adopted family that turned their backs on her. Her coven family, that took advantage of her. And her life here, with some semblance of a found family being built. Far too complex to try to get into during their first dinner together. So as far as Cam knew, maybe her life travelling around the country had been a fun childhood, even if she had never actually left California until she had turned 18. “Everyday was different, I’ll tell you that. Plus it led me here, where I spent the first few months freezing my ass day in and day out.” Cece pointed towards the closet near the front door, “Seriously, you should see all the winter coats I have in there. I used to wear those around the house.” 
That night had been a happy coincidence, hadn’t it? If Cece and Winn had gone to any other bar they probably wouldn’t have met each other at all. Just one of a sea of faces the two would look by as they passed each other on the street everyone once and awhile. “Fate does work in mysterious ways, I guess.” Cece wasn’t big into the idea of fate. From what she had seen, if you didn’t take control of it yourself fate had a tendency to fuck you over. “Ah right, you are here after a shitty divorce, right?” Cece vaguely remembered the conversation from that night, though admittedly Winn’s stream of drinks that he was footing the bill for had kept her pretty tipsy the entire night. “From what I remember, he sounds like a real fuckboy. So good for you, girl. You deserve a lot better.”
Adults are harder to read than kids. Even if what a kid says is confusing their tone always gives them away, because they haven’t quite figured out how to change that yet. Cece laughs, and there’s an edge to it but Camille doesn’t know what that means- did she resent her parents for dragging her around the country when she’d have rather stayed in one place? Was it not fun for her? It’s really not her place to pry, of course. Big changes to your life were not always a good thing though, she understood that. “I suppose it must be cold, compared to Cali.” Cam grins ruefully, “I’m used to it. Boston isn’t quite as cold, but near enough.” And maybe she’d borrow one or two of those coats, just to mix up wearing the same outfits over and over again.
It was no small favor, putting a roof over her head and getting her out of that motel. Camille couldn’t remember the last time someone had done something so nice for her- of course, bar telling her colleague what a terrible person Jace had actually turned out to be she couldn’t really remember telling anyone about her problems either, so maybe that was why. “Adam was a fuckboy.” Camille corrects, shaking her head and smiling a little at the memory of him- she was still shocked someone his age would even want to flirt with her, as put on as it was- “Jace was a nasty prick.” She has a sip of wine, like even saying his name makes her mouth feel bad. “So the divorce was great, it’s the marriage that was awful.” That’s half true, the divorce could have also been better, but murder isn’t exactly dinner conversation. “I mean I was dating that guy since high school, we were perfect. Seriously- that best couple superlative thing at prom? We won it.” When life was all fun and games, Jace had been the ideal partner. Charming, likeable, energetic. It was when he realized he couldn’t be the star of the football team his entire life that shit went downhill. “I don’t know what happened. Spent over a decade trying to make him happy, woke up one morning and realized I hated him.” 
Camille wrinkles her nose, twirling more pasta around her fork and taking a bite before she talks again. “Sorry, don’t let me go on about it. It’s over, I’m good. New start.” She scrambles for a lighter topic, “so I know you work with Regan, but what is it that you actually do? Are you her assistant, or something?”
“It’s so fucking cold here, Cam. So. Fucking. Cold.” Even the summers had nothing on LA. Cece had been that annoying teen that spent all day on the bitch and only applied sunscreen once. Her skin wasn’t used to this lack of sunshine. It rebelled against her.
“Fair. At least Adam has a good attitude. I think he’s a himbo.” Cece nodded at herself, liking and accepting the comparison. Adam seemed like the type that respected women while wanting to bone them. Cece could respect that. This Jace dude on the other hand? Seemed like a dumpster fire personified. “Glad you had that epiphany. That freedom must feel so good after all these years. The offer still stands about fucking up his life. I love me a good revenge arch.” 
Camille didn’t seem to love talking about it, and though Cece did figure she’d get the full story eventually, maybe that was a conversation for another day. Maybe after they had been roommates for a longer period of time than a few days. “Me? Regan’s assistant?” Cece rocked her head back and gave a single, loud laugh. “I couldn’t be her assistant. I’d get fired so quickly.” Cece worked for Regan, but her saving grace was that Cece did her own thing at work. “I’m a toxicologist for the medical examiner’s office. It sounds fancy, but I spend most of my day running tests on urine and blood and every other bodily fluid you can imagine. Glamorous stuff, I know.”
Camille chuckled, shaking her head. “I wouldn’t know. I haven’t travelled much. Jace and I went to Flora for spring break in classic fashion, Clearwater.” Despite herself she grins a little at the memory- it had been a good time. “I imagine this place might make you feel like an icicle after spending your whole life somewhere with that kind of heat.”
She had never been much of a gossiper, at least not about herself. It was a habit cultivated since high school- top of your class with the star of the football team on your arm? Your life is perfect and you’re the envy of every other kid there. End of story. Don’t tell your friends about the big fight you and Jace had, or how you had to stay up studying until you passed out at your desk to get that high score on the history test. The whole damn reason she worked so hard was so that people never knew that stuff. It was a lot harder to present a perfect facade these days, as a divorced woman with a shitty job, but Cam would do what she could.
Her eyebrows drew together in confusion. “A… Himbo? I don’t know what that is.” God, she was so old. She’d never had to say that before. But seriously, himbo? That wasn’t a word. Camille taught english lit! She knew all the words! Camille smirked at the offer, but shook her head. “There’s no one to pay his bills or get him beer out the fridge now, I think that’s probably gonna fuck him up enough.” That, and the fact that he was in jail for killing her. Rotten bastard. Couldn’t exactly tell Cece that, though.
Camille would admit to knowing next to nothing about science, but as an elementary school teacher she had seen the ways they tried to push young girls into softer interests, so she admired women like Regan and Cece who had pursued their passion regardless. “You have to follow what interests you.” She shrugged, “I could easily argue there’s nothing glamorous about teaching kids English lit but I loved it all the same.” It had been a good compromise; her desire to be an author and her love for children. 
“There’s a certain charm in staying still, I think.” Cece admitted. Before she had been forced to leave, Cece had never had much interest in leaving LA. She liked California, liked the atmosphere and the people. Her first time leaving had been more out of necessity and the opportunity to have people help her. That had obviously gone to shit. “But I come from a place of privilege in that. I’ve been able to travel around to get to say that planting roots is better. You might think the opposite.” For what it was worth, besides the fact that her ex husband was a complete fuckwad, she didn’t seem disappointed by the memory.
“Ooh, I get to give you an english lesson? How the turns have tabled.” Cece perked up. It was cute, Cam not knowing what a himbo was. “A himbo is an evolved fuck boy. They’re still stupid, cute jocks. Muscles like a god, but a single brain cell bouncing around that empty skull.” Cece waved her finger around her head as an example, “But they’re actually good people. Himbos don’t fuck with misogyny or homophobia or racism. They mix respect women juice in with their protein shakes.” Cece interrupted her speech by stuffing pasta into her mouth. “Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.”
“Agreed. I can tell you’d be good with kids.” Camille kept a calmness about her, but had a quirkier side that Cece would have to work at pulling out. All in due time. “If you still love teaching so much, have you considered looking at the schools here? Seeing if there are any openings?”
Camille grinned and nodded- she’d had friends who’d taken off after highschool, figured out their way around the globe. Some of them came back changed with all these grand ideas and new goals for their life, others just rolled back into town with no money and no idea what to do next. She’d always figured it didn’t matter where you went, problems followed you anyway. “I always wanted to get settled somewhere myself, have a home and a family…” She trailed off sadly, unable to stop herself from remembering how hopeful she’d once been about it all. Buying that house and decorating with Jace, making plans to turn the spare room into a nursery one day. She shook herself out of the melancholy, taking a long sip from her wine glass. “I nearly went to New York for college, but decided on Boston instead.” Well, settled for. Because Jace got accepted there.
Really their elementary education programs were both wonderful, so it was fine.
She listened attentively as Cece explained the term, lips pulling up into an amused grin. “Oh, it’s a portmanteau!” Cam realized after a moment, “him and bimbo.” She nods, “I get it now. Strong and kind, but not the sharpest stick in the bunch. That’s a good one, I like it.” Had to be a term that the younger generation had coined, she wondered if Cece even realized how common of an english lit practice she’d adopted for her terminology. Cam smiles, “I’ve always liked kids.” Her good mood drops again, quickly, though. Working at a local school… Her identity, all her qualifications and achievements. They belonged to a dead woman, she couldn’t use them now. “It’s something I’ll look into, I think. When things are more settled for me.” She lied, “for the moment I just want to get used to a new town, focus on myself for a bit and what I really want for my future.” After pushing pasta around her plate for a minute Cam looks up, smiling. “What about your future? Is there a step up from a toxicologist, are you thinking about more qualifications? A PhD or something?”
Cece leaned back in her chair and tried to picture that for Camille. Cece herself had never much considered that sort of life for herself. Even back as a teenager, when her life was as normal as a girl growing up in LA could be, the idea of the white picket fence life had always been a bit too cookie cutter for Cece’s lifestyle. Now, Cece wasn’t sure she was cut out for it even if it was something she did want. Too much baggage, maybe. Or too little patience to deal with bullshit. Clearly, Camille had dealt with her fair share if she was no longer living the married life. “You’re still pretty damn young. No reason you shouldn’t be able to still have that. And this time we’ll make sure they’re not a giant bag of dicks disguised as a high school sweetheart.”
“A portman-who?” Cece questioned, eyebrow raising and a smirk crossing her lips. Cece wasn’t much for this shit, but loved Camille’s excitement about it. What an english teacher thing to do. “Yeah for sure. Let me know if I can help with anything. I have no connections to the school, but the two of us together? I bet we could charm the hell out of anyone we need.” Camille seemed to be over the conversation and promptly flipped it around back to Cece, questioning the career that Cece hadn’t given much thought to by herself. “Hmm… not where I am currently, not really. Working for a private company would probably get me more money. Or I could try to get in with the university. Write papers and teach some classes if I really wanted. I’m happy where I am though.” The idea of getting a doctorate was honestly hilarious to Cece and she couldn’t help the laugh building up before eventually bursting free, “God, no. Can you imagine? I couldn’t imagine expecting people to call me Doctor Bishop. I’m not pretentious enough.” 
Camille had spent years working towards the next milestone. Graduate highschool, then college, then start the perfect life. Had it all fallen apart so spectacularly to send her a sign? Was she pushing so hard to get something she couldn’t have? There were people everywhere with happy families, and she’d put so much damn effort into having hers. Was the world mocking her? Rip it all away and send her back to square one, just to see if she does the same stupid stuff all over again.
Well, maybe she wouldn’t. Maybe she’d say sod the man and sod the family and just do whatever made her happy! If she could figure out what that was. Was it marriage and kids? Not right now. Honestly the idea of being alone in a house with a man was the last thing she wanted right now. But one day, probably. She giggled a little at Cece’s choice phrasing, “well, if I meet someone I think is charming I’ll make sure to have them screened by you just to be sure.”
“A portmanteau.” She repeated, “a blend of two words. Y’know, brunch, podcast, smog, himbo.” Cam’s glad she doesn’t mind the shift in conversation- she would like to know more about the schools here, and how she might go about getting work in them, but there was no point giving that sort of stuff any of her time until she had the essentials figured out. Would Cece know anyone who could get her an ID? Regan was staunchly against helping Camille with anything illegal, but hopefully her new friend wasn’t quite so rigid as that, and willing to keep a secret. “It’s not about pretention, it’s about qualification.” Camille argued, “a doctorate would open up a lot of opportunities, if you were interested. I don’t think it’s pretentious to value your education.” Cece was so young, and already trying to strike off paths for her future without really considering them. “If teaching ever did interest you I could offer some pointers. Though I’ve never taught a university class, my advice might be a little too juvenile.” 
“I’ll happily screen any of your potential love interests. I have a rigorous testing regiment to ensure only the most worthy pass through. The others are sent away, broken of hearts and blue of balls.” Cece stated it wistfully as if she were writing it in some victorian style letter. She rested her face into the palms of her hands and stared in wonder at Camille as she defined and even provided examples of a portmanteau. “I love it when you talk literary devices to me. Very hot for teacher vibes.” 
Camille seemed passionate about Cece keeping her options open for this higher education thing. Honestly, Cece had never considered a doctorate as a viable career path for her. Completing her degree while constantly travelling had been enough of a handful. Trying to deal with four more years of schooling just had not seemed possible. But Cece wasn’t a wanderer anymore. She had settled down in an area with a good job, better connections and a college close to her. It was certainly something to consider, even if it didn’t sound like much fun. “Okay mom. I’ll keep my options open.” Cece couldn’t see herself teaching younger students. Not for any specific reasons, just because her specific interests in toxicology tended to be more specialized than elementary, middle or even most high schools tended to offer. “Please, I guarantee your job was a hundred times harder than anything a college professor deals with. I’d take your advice over them anyday.”
Camille wasn’t even sure what dating was like these days. How did you meet people? There were all the apps, but that seemed so impersonal. Was she meant to go to a bar? The first and last person to sidle up to her at such a location was Adam and they’d already gone through why that was a bad idea- oh god, was White Crest like a college town? Was she even going to find any viable older men here? Must start paying more attention to the morning coffee crowd to find out. She chuckled and shook her head, “funnily enough I don’t think it’s the kind of come on that’s going to work in the real world. I’m gonna have to figure out some new moves.” 
In highschool her move had just been walking right up to Jace by his locker one day and asking him if he wanted to ask her to the dance, and that had been that. Probably wasn’t the way to go about things as an adult. She sighed and stabbed her fork back into the pasta, “I’m just saying, you’re too young to be closing doors like that. You don’t have to do it right now obviously, but it might be something to consider later down the line.” Though teaching specifically was something Cam believed you should only get into if you were truly passionate about it- too many teachers did it for the wrong reasons and that was how you ended up with miserable classrooms. “Ah, true. I doubt many professors have had to explain to their students why they shouldn’t eat paper. I’d be happy to advise though, with further study and all that stuff, I do love a good excuse for a pros and cons list.” Plus helping with this kind of decision just felt like another way to balance the scales between the two of them, and Camille wanted the excuse to reminisce. She pushed her empty bowl to the side a little, “you’ll figure out what you want, anyway. You’ve got time.” 
Time- how much did Camille have? What would Cece do if she found out the truth? What if someone from Boston found out, or her parents decided to visit White Crest for a weekend? “I think I’m gonna have another glass of wine.” She decided, pushing out of her chair to retrieve the bottle from the fridge, “do you want one?”
“I’ll be your wingwoman any night. Once you want to get back out there.” Cece wiggled her eyebrows, always encouraging a one night stand or two to blow off some steam. It hadn’t been Cece’s style lately, a bit of her party years getting more than enough attention while she was with the coven. But Camille had been with the same man for years, and he sounded like a bit of a prick. She could probably benefit from a few wild nights to get her mind off of things. And Cece would be a bad friend if she didn’t tag along to make sure everything went smoothly.
When Camille broke the conversation for wine, Cece was more than happy to oblige. There had been way too much talk about the future tonight. Cece was trying to live day to day here in town. Thinking about what the future could hold was way too depressing. “Please, if there’s one thing you should learn about me it’s that you never have to ask if I want more wine.” Cece laughed, downing the rest of her glass and sliding it over towards Camille for a refill. “If you remember that then you and I are going to be the best of friends.”
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riotwritesthings · 5 years ago
Things That Get You Through the Day
WinterIron, T, 1k, just  neighbor boys trying to get through the day
For the @buckybarnesbingo fluffathon event! Day 6 Prompts: Cutie, Chocolate
(Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5)
Bucky has a pretty terrible day at work. The rain has made just about everyone cranky, doubly so for the customers. He gets bitched at by his boss, the lazy assholes he works with, and every other person he talks too, and by the time his lunch break rolls around he’s about ready to bite someone’s head off himself.
The only consolation is that at least the rain is finally letting up, now more of a light drizzle than anything, and maybe it’ll even be done by the time he has to walk home. And that he has a new text from Tony. He had almost forgotten about scribbling his number on a scrap of paper and shoving it into Tony’s pocket before they left his apartment earlier. There’s no way the text is from anyone else, though, and Bucky feels an actual smile spread across his face for the first time in hours.
‘Finally made it back into my own apartment! This is why I’m not allowed to have a pet. At least I didn’t leave the oven on or anything. This time.’
Bucky grins wider, shakes his head a little and suddenly doesn’t mind that his lunch is a bland vending machine sandwich. ‘I find the phrase “this time” highly disturbing. What have you done.’
‘Don’t worry about it’ Tony texts him back almost instantly. ‘More importantly, I see you survived your swim to work.’
‘I did not. I’m texting you now from my watery grave’ Bucky replies and likes to imagine he can actually see Tony’s smile. ‘But the nice old lady who comes by every Thursday called me a cutie and gave me a cough drop, so that’s something’
‘You ARE a cutie’ Tony replies, and then while Bucky is still choking on his bite of food adds ‘gotta go help Ms Richmond set up her new computer, she’s paying me in leftover spaghetti. If you’re lucky I might even save you some. Don’t forget about tonight, see you when you get home!’
‘I won’t forget’ Bucky promises, glad thatTony can’t see the flush on his face or his wide, dopey grin.
He gets home to find Tony sitting on his doorstep again. At least it’s the door to Bucky’s actual apartment, and Tony isn’t sitting outside the building in the cold.
“People are gonna start thinking you’re a stray who followed me home,” Bucky says in greeting, trying and failing to fight down his smile.
“I basically am,” Tony says happily, hopping to his feet. For a split second Bucky thinks Tony is going to throw himself at Bucky or at the very least hug him, but then Tony kind of freezes, hesitating, finally smiles nervously and says “hey, welcome home.”
“Thanks,” Bucky says, smiling back and he’s already spoiled, wants Tony here to greet him everyday. There’s a bag still sitting beside the door, and Bucky kind of wants to ask if Tony is planning on setting up camp, but he's also terrified of finally saying the wrong thing and chasing Tony off.
Luckily he doesn’t have to agonize for long, because Tony turns around and scoops up the bag, pulling out a giant Tupperware container and saying “spaghetti! I already ate some, it’s amazing, you’re lucky I saved you any, honestly.”
“So generous,” Bucky says, laughing softly, and he’s hungry enough that he really doesn’t care how it tastes as long as it’s edible. And as long as Tony sticks around to eat it with him.
“Also,” Tony continues, shoving the spaghetti away to dig through the bag again, “I had to stop by the corner store earlier, so I got you this!” Tony proudly produces a large chocolate bar, grinning wider when Bucky makes excited grabby hands at him. “Can’t let sweet old ladies show me up,” he adds with a wink, and Bucky nearly fumbles in the proceeds of opening his candy bar.
It’s dark chocolate, which is Bucky’s favorite, and he’s not sure if Tony actually knows that or if it’s just a lucky guess, but either way Bucky’s chest feels tight and warm. “This is way better than an old, lint-covered cough drop,” he assures Tony around a mouthful of chocolate, and Tony smiles wider. Then Bucky notices a suspiciously unmarked DVD case sticking out of the bag. “Hey, can I see that?” He asks, as innocently as he possibly can.
Tony almost hands the case over, but then his eyes narrow and he pulls the entire bag close to his chest again. “You’re going to throw it, aren't you?” He demands, “you think if you throw my movie you’ll get out of watching it.”
“No...” Bucky says slowly, grinning, and then laughs when Tony starts huffing and shoving him into the door before Bucky even gets a chance to unlock it.
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fsfantasy95 · 8 years ago
Taiwan February 2017
Hi is it I’m going to post something about brent again. My tumblr has nothing left but my obsession with that guy HAHAHA. Waiting for the day I walk out to something or someone better ;)
But meanwhile i’m glad this time in taipei didn’t end in such a shit way like last time (screw you asshole woman). Anyway I took 3.5 days leave because I really wanted a holiday on top of the events - which was a good choice because I escaped a really huge debris-clearing operation at Pulau Ubin. Planned to drop by Hsinchu to eat the hsinchu beehoon & visit NTHU but ya changed my mind at the airport because i couldnt imagine myself lugging the 7kg backpack AND a 3kg DSLR lens throughout so i decided to make my way directly to Changhua where my accommodation was. Found lockers at taoyuan station so I walked around a bit and ate beef noodles in an attempt to feed myself well during the trip (end up I still survived on convenience stores after that). It was then to my horror that there were no seats left on the southbound train so I had to stand throughout the 2hours journey....self reminder to book early next time.
Already dark when I reached Changhua and I went to dump my barangs at the hostel. I don’t like winters because it turns dark so early and I feel like the days are all shortened urgh. I was on budget as usual so I got a dormitory and everyone else had already checked in leaving me with the highest bunk in which I had difficulty getting my things up........... I ate the Pesto sauce spaghetti from 7-11 for dinner and shopped my whole night away at Guangnan. Oh yeah not forgetting me trying to order iced milk tea without ice. Went back to hostel early cos there was absolutely nothing to do in that ulu town (I am visiting only because it is one of the few towns left which I haven’t been to) and I hid at my top bunk scrolling my phone (tindering) while the dorm mates who were kids chirped away about their upcoming art exam. I totally couldn’t blend but no one gave a shit.
Day 2 I left the dorm at 10+am because I was waiting for all the mates to leave first in order to minimize interaction. Yes I am socially awkward af. Well I still had ample time to visit the few attractions at changhua, okay actually I only planned to visit the fan-shaped train garage & the eight trigrams mountain. Got to the foot of the mountain via U-bike, cycling like the roads were my grandfather’s and I climbed the shit up expecting a nice view which I didn’t get. Basically no shit there it was like a place for the retired to chill but I was quite fascinated by the beware of tree branches signs. The fan-shaped garage was much more touristy, not too bad.
Took a train up to taichung then and had to transfer a few buses to my accom near fengjia because the bus frequencies were so abnormal. One thing I like about being in taichung is that the bus trips are almost always free hehe. Anyway I really liked my accomm here cos it’s those capsule rooms and it is perfect for socially awkward individuals like laoniang me. Went to dimdimsum’s taichung branch (actually I don’t know why I still go there because I already have nothing left with the boss) and ordered boluo baos which I waited until I grew mould for. I was honestly quite annoyed because I had to rush to the other venue for xiaoyu’s musical. Haha I really enjoyed it because I just chilled at the last row of the cheapest section drinking my heated can of maixiang. Felt a tinge of regret over the poor seat location cos I couldnt see the stage clearly when Yu made his appearance in ONLY boxers. He was probably the least professional out of the rest but it was good enough I guess. After that I went back to fengjia night market, ate my frozen banana which got me shivering, one chicken roll and a cup of red bean milk. I think the night market is starting to lose its appeal to me hmmms. Walked back along the cold deserted streets and I was actually scared for a while because I suddenly recalled the incident in which the little girl’s head got chopped off ._. 
Saturday - I really didn’t want to leave the capsule but I did and made my way up to Taipei. Bloody bus frequencies didnt match so I had to walk a distance to chaoma station with my barangs ._. kns. And my neck was aching terribly on the bus I couldn’t sleep. Met Mans at bannan line starbucks and she was exclaiming about a random guy sitting opposite who looked like po-chen LOL wtf. I swear I have a phobia of crowds and the book fair was the epitome of it gtfo people. Lol the event was damn stupid we just watched people going on stage to take photos. And we realised we kinda overestimated the abilities of our DSLR lens from this. Also I have to mention that I was very suay because we were rotting away at the entrance for so long and during that short 5 minutes I left for the toilet to clear my contacts from my watering eyes the boys arrived and I missed it all hahahaha congratulations to myself.
There were so many people queueing at Miramar that night already -.- the extent of overnight queueing in TW is so much worse than SG’s. I might consider doing this few years back, but at my age now I don’t fancy sacrificing my sleep shivering in the cold. I fancy a soft bed with warm covers and plenty of rest ;) went to shihlin to get food and there were firecrackers everywhere AND the horrific weekend crowds. Oh right I forgot to describe how we couldnt access our accomm at XMD because there was the TW version of chingay going on and the roads were all blocked and the places were all jammed with people ARGH thus we had to loop a really huge circle to get back.
Anyway the big day and I was tasked with buying all the books since my bias wasnt gonna be at the airport. It was an APOCALYPSE when the mall doors opened at 11am. Should be quite a sight, probably something like train from busan. Anyway skip all the complications and we got the books. Actually don’t even need to queue since there were leftovers. We just cut into some random row before the event started and it wasnt too bad, got a pretty acceptable view with the stools, albeit slightly too at the side. Which actually isnt a bad thing because you can be more certain the 鏡頭照s are yours and not mistaken from some other fan similarly concentrated in the middle of the sardine can. Ok I seldom praise him (from the bottom of my heart, I always tell lies when I post on fansite HAHA sorry) but he really looks good in the suit *v* I am damn sorry I was lost for words and didnt reply appropriately when he asked if I looked forward to his china show HAHAHAHA my true self revealed. but i really might just not watch it lolzers. didn’t say much despite going up stage 2 times but its ok i’m decently satisfied that he still recognises this poor lupsup overseas fan and looked genuinely happy on stage, thanks <3 好久不見了我也開心謝謝你
That was one whole day gone and the books were heavy AF no kidding. I enjoyed some solitude with my beer that night and wtf i actually woke up early enough to make it to the airport. If not for the possibility of mj flying and xj coming back i’d be sleeping until check-out time TT and turns out he didnt fly but i had fun being a paparazzi. Haha back to town to do some last minute buys and eat DDX - met ahwei there and I admit i was quite excited but... he has a wife now and that changes things hmm. Then back to airport again for our own flight, didn’t get to see jaydaone and exceeded flight baggage weight tmd. Just wanted to get home because i had to work tomorrow. **** working life . I need another holiday again. Till next time.
Miss you my boy HAHA wtf gonna be single forever at this rate
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