#also a lot of characters but shh
wander-wren · 1 year
presumed death literally the trope of all time. you’re telling me i can have the grief and horror of character death AND have the happy ending too??
not to mention the possibilities after “dead” character turns up again.
maybe they have no idea their loved one thinks they died, and they show up all nonchalant only to realize things have gone horribly wrong. maybe their loved one thinks they’re a ghost/hallucination/trick and won’t accept them.
maybe they do know their loved one thinks they’re dead and they’re choosing to keep up the facade for their safety. watching from afar, unable to comfort them.
maybe they faked their death and believe their loved one is in on the scheme when actually that message was never received.
maybe, in the process of whatever almost killed them, they forgot about their loved one/old life/etc, and aren’t aware they have anything to return to.
maybe they “died” thinking no one would notice their absence, leaving their loved one full of regret for things unsaid. perhaps their loved one heals and moves on, only for “dead” character to return.
and just, augh, the aftermath. waking up to find “dead” character gone and assuming it was all a dream/they really did die. the codependency. the anger, even, that they didn’t come back/let themself get hurt/lied. maybe guilt if their body was abandoned by their comrades, only to learn that they were alive all along.
name me a trope that does more i’ll WAIT.
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skitskatdacat63 · 10 months
Hey I finished this one! Wow! :D
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altruistic-meme · 21 days
So, I grew up in anti LGBTQ country and my family saw LGBTQ as something sinful. As I grew up and enjoy more media (especially anime/manga), I enjoy shipping non canon couples more than the canon. Then, ever since I found mlm and wlw stories (especially fanfics) and also BL & GL manga/manhwa, my interest in het romance decrese a lot, and what I search for is just the dynamic between mc (male) and male lead or mc (female) and female lead.
And what I want to read mostly are just mlm or wlw stories for romance (especially for my favorite non canon couples from any media).
What do you think is happening to me? Is it weird?
hi darling <3
i definitely don't think it's weird- in fact, i went through something sort of similar when i first learned about the queer community.
i think it is probably important for you to consider whether or not you are queer yourself if you haven't entertained that idea yet. that is very likely why you are feeling so drawn to mlm/wlw relationships!
outside of that, it's also possible that you are just finding and enjoying the chemistry more between these characters! also something i relate to a lot! a lot of het couples in media tend to feel like they have considerably less chemistry and feel like the only reason they are "into each other" is because they are 1 boy and 1 girl and thus they MUST get together. while queer couples, especially in things like fanfic, have a build-up that feels more realistic. and even for non-canon ships, the actual canon relationships of the characters just has more of a foundation!
obviously i don't have all of the details here, and i can only make guesses based on my own experiences and those that i know of the people around me. but yeah, i would definitely say consider what exactly it is that draws you to mlm/wlw relationships more than het relationships and then look closer at what you find.
good luck!!
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moeblob · 1 year
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I am... so tired after work today. Have a very lazy bust up of an OC while I try to recover energy.
#my characters#hello this is my son vikram and hes a brat and i love him#the scarring is a gift from his sister when she tried to hug him but like as a dragon#cause his dear sister can turn into a dragon#and hes just like so in love with this fact and he researches and learns all about dragons#hes like a walking encyclopedia of dragon facts and he will tell you at the most bizarre times#did you know that bog witches are often not only in charge of the bog health but ALSO THEY#TAKE CARE OF DRAGON EGGS AND THATS ACTUALLY WHERE A LOT OF DRAGONS LIKE TO LAY EGGS#IN BOGS BECAUSE THE WITCHES OFFER PROTECTION#and his friend adlyn is like buddy how do you even know this#and he learned it from his sister who learned it as a dragon when she went flying around on a whim#so he just shrugs and is like oh you know...... just..... heard it from a reliable source#and then he and adlyn are traveling with a guy who is a very famous dragon slayer#and vik doesnt really get along with him much because hes super wary of what the guy would do to his sister#and so hes a brat to the guy v often#and also vik is fireproof as a gift from the witch that turned his sister into a dragon due to a misunderstanding#anyway i took more time typing these tags than drawing the picture but whatever shh#his sister falls in love with the dragon slayer though and she doesnt travel with them but she does appear a bit#cause she can fly around and yeah#the dragon slayer does get really fond of her as well as a human and then he just kinda#sees vik talking to her dragon form one night and is like what are you doing#and vik blurts out talking to the family messenger dragon - kinda like a messenger pigeon but bigger#and the guy just sighs and walks off because vik is .... v weird and this is not worth the energy
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emdotcom · 5 months
Glass houses, I can't talk much smack as someone who also does this, yadda yadda yadda.
Saw people posting images upon images of ""proof"" that some ship was canon, & in every single image. It was just the 2 characters standing next to eachother & reacting normally, or looking at eachother during a conversation w/ no particular facial expressions.
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eternal-brainrot · 2 years
ive always wanted to make an animatic and thought it would be a good exercise to get better at drawing different poses and expressions, and since matoba has taken over all of my brain functions, of course it ended up being about him lol u‿u I love watching animatics so much and theres hardly any for natsuyuu so I hope this is able to fill the void a little!! Theres a LOT that could be improved but tbh im still really proud of it and feel like ive learnt a lot and it was so fun to make!! 
idk how much sense some of this makes outside of my brain but i hope you can get the jist of what I was trying to do :’)
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o-wyrmlight · 2 years
THE EYES. At this point I can just recognize your art style at a glance but the eyes are very distinctly yours. Someone could send me a cropped picture of your art with just the eyes and no context and I'd be like "Oh yeah that looks like it's Bill's"
!!! Eyes are a very good recognizable trait indeed!
Even though I usually keep my eyes fairly simple, I think it's largely because I worry that if I go into incredible detail in shading/toning the eyes that I would forget the whole process and not be able to do it consistently. Plus there's something rather comforting and appealing in the simplicity of it all.
If there is one thing I personally don't like about my eyes, it's that I don't have the best hold on how to draw them at an angle or from a side profile. Definitely something I need to practice with a bit more. But in general I tend to like how I draw my eyes. It's sort of lowkey anime/comic book-esque, I feel.
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angeltism · 5 months
aven.turine canon appearance jumpscare
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starb3rrys · 8 months
Can I request pt 2 of the stuck in a tight space with Ranpo, Dazai, and chuuya?
Hello! Thank you for the request! I’m pleased to see that so many people liked my “A Tight Fit~” head-canons! I got a lot of requests for a part 2 with different characters so I will respond to this one and just tag the rest (Sorry-). Anyways, I hope you enjoy these head-canons! <3
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A Tight Fit~ ❀Part 2❀
Ft. Ranpo, Dazai, Chuuya, Fukuzawa
✾Part 1✾
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Scenario: Ranpo had deduced that a criminal hideout was located in an old abandoned coal mine. You had accompanied Ranpo on his investigation as his “Bodyguard” of sorts, in case anything went down hill…and sure enough, something did.
**THUD**, the loud sound of your two bodies falling and crashing together filled the dark mine, the ground underneath you had crumbled, causing the two of you to fall into a small, cramped hole.
“Ugh…my head…”, Ranpo said with a pained and annoyed tone.
You opened your eyes but were faced with pitch darkness, “I can’t see anything…”
Ranpo scoffed, “Well of course captain obvious, the force of the fall caused the flashlight to go out, it also caused you to fall on top of me.”, he was clearly annoyed with the current situation.
You tried to move, but stoped as you heard a quiet groan leave Ranpo’s lips.
You were confused, was he hurt?
“Hey Ranpo, Are you alrig-“ “Don’t move.”, he cut you off with a stern tone.
You were stunned, you didn’t understand why his tone suddenly changed, “What? Wh-“, you froze as you felt something under you, something hard was poking you.
You knew exactly what it was.
The realization made you blush profusely, you jumped up in surprise.
Another groan left Ranpo as you landed back on his lap, his hands gripped your hips to keep you still.
“I said don’t move.”, his voice sounded annoyed but you could hear a hint of embarrassment.
You sat still on him, flushed and embarrassed at your current position, how were you going to get out of here? You can’t move, there’s no light, you can’t just stay like this forever…
The flashlight beside you flickered, and the light revealed your current position.
As you looked down, you were faced with Ranpo’s expression; his cheeks were flushed, eyes were open, as his hair was sprawled on the floor messily, an annoyed yet embarrassed frown was plastered on his face.
“Grab on to that rock above you and try to climb out.”, Ranpo spoke with a stern voice, letting go of your hips.
You snapped out of your trance and quickly nodded, you did as he asked and eventually made it out of the hole.
“Now pull me out.”, Ranpo instructed with a quiet tone as he stretched his hand up so you could take a hold of it.
You took his hand and pulled him out, he was surprisingly lightweight…
Once you two stood up and brushed off your clothes, you looked at each other, blush still decorated your cheeks…
“Ranpo I-“, “Let’s postpone this investigation…”, he said quietly as he turned away and started walking, you quickly followed behind as you both made your way out of the cave.
You swear you could see a soft pout on his face as you both walked silently.
You two never spoke of that incident again, often avoiding each others gaze. Although he’ll never admit it, he loved the feeling of you on top of him and would give anything to feel you like that again…
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Scenario: You and Dazai were a troublemaking duo who often would prank others and cause mischief just for the hell of it. So it was a surprise to no one as you two ran across the agency building, trying to escape a furious Kunikida who didn't seem too pleased with you messing around with his notebook. In a split second decision, Dazai pulled you into a small, dark, and cramped storage room, shutting the door and covering your mouth.
“Mmm?!”, you let out a muffled noise of confusion, as a strong hand covered your mouth.
“Shh...”, Dazai spoke, and you looked up; your eyes meeting Dazais, the silence broke as you two let out a quiet snicker.
As the quiet laughter ceased, you moved Dazai's hand away from your mouth, “Do you think he saw us hiding in here?”, you whispered.
“I doubt it, we are way faster than he is.”, he whispered back.
“He looked so mad!”, you said with a faint giggle.
“I know! I'm pretty sure I saw him foaming at the mouth!”, Dazai muttered with an amused tone.
Quiet footsteps could be heard down the hall...
Dazais hand swiftly returned to your mouth, keeping you quiet.
You scooted closer to Dazai, your chest pressing against his, trying to avoid being close to the door-
“Mnh...’, a low moan left Dazais lips, your eyes widened at the noise.
You slowly looked up at Dazai with confused eyes, his face flushed in embarrassment as your eyes met.
At first, you didn't understand what he was groaning about- that's when you felt it...a soft poke against your crotch.
Your face burned red at the realization, you were quickly snapped out of your thoughts as the footsteps grew closer.
Your breath hitched as the footsteps stopped right in front of the door, a shadow could be seen under the door.
Dazais arm wrapped around your waist and pulled you closer, making you both groan.
You both slapped each other's hands on one anothers mouth to shut each other up, you both stared at each other, wide eyed and not knowing what to do or say...you were both close...so close...
The door swung open, startling the two of you, quickly letting go of each other, “THERE YOU TWO ARE! I OUGHTA BREAK YOUR NECKS!!”, Kunikida yelled.
No snarky comment left Dazais lips, nor yours as you both quietly walked out of the storage room.
“Uh?”, Kunikida was muddled as he saw the two of you just- walk out; uncharacteristically quiet, avoiding eye contact with each other, as flush decorated your faces.
“Jeez, What happened in there?”, Kunikida asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Nothing.”, you both said with an embarrassed tone as you turned around and went your separate ways.
You both made an unspoken agreement to never mention what happened in that storage room, but you both sure as hell won't forget about it any time soon...
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Scenario: It was a busy Monday morning, all of the port mafia employees ran around going on missions, conversing important information and such. Ironically, for a big, rich company- the port mafia’s elevators were pretty standard size, which did not work well with how many employees worked in the building. As you entered the elevator, a flood of employees entered as well, making the elevator pretty cramped…pressing you against a certain mafia executive…
“Oof”, you let out a soft grunt as your body collided with someone else’s.
You quickly turned around, “Agh, sorry…”, you mutter out an apology, your eyes widened as you finally saw who you bumped into.
The man brushed his vest off, “It’s fine, no worries the elevator is pretty cramped.”, Chuuya reassured you.
You quickly fixed your hair and looked down, avoiding eye contact, feeling a bit nervous standing in front of a higher up, especially one of the five port mafia executives…he could easily get you fired if he wanted t-.
Your thoughts were interrupted as another swarm of employees entered the elevator.
Everyone in front of you moved back to make more room, causing you to get pushed back against Chuuya.
Chests pressed tightly against each others as his hands instinctively found their way around your waist.
Chuuya held back a quiet moan, covering his mouth with his hand as his face turned as red as his hair…
You didn’t dare look at him as you felt his hands on you, you know it wasn’t on purpose…the elevator was just too cramped, yeah that’s all-
A soft poke by your crotch made your mind go blank, your eyes trailed down and you could see a small tent in his pants, clear as day.
Your mind ran 1000mph at this point, your heart skipping beats as you internally panicked.
**DING**, the elevator doors opened.
Chuuyas hands left your waist, snapping you out of your trance.
You turned and looked at Chuuya as he quickly walked out of the elevator, his hand tilted his hat down to cover his eyes but failed to cover the deep shade of red on his cheeks.
You were left alone in the elevator as his figure quickly disappeared amongst the crowd…
Though that interaction was short lived, it greatly affected the way you both viewed each other now…who knew you would have such a memorable experience with a port mafia executive?
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Scenario: You and Fukuzawa were enjoying a nice stroll around Yokohama, the beautiful scenery only added to the peace and comfort you felt as you walked together. A soft meow caught the attention of you two, looking up, you saw a small cat stuck on a tree. You were both instantly struck with the need to help the poor kitten, which explains why you were now seated on Fukuzawas shoulders…
“A little more to the right!”, you instructed Fukuzawa as you tried your best to get closer to the kitten.
“Mm.” Fukuzawa nodded and did as you asked, slightly moving to the right.
“Okay stop! Keep steady…”, you spoke softly as your hands started moving forward towards the cat.
“Here kitty kitty, I won’t hurt you…let’s get you down.”, you said with a reassuring tone as you slowly reached for the cat.
“Be careful, don’t agitate it or make yourself seem like a threat.”, Fukuzawa said with his usual calm tone as he looked up at you; his hands firmly held your thighs, keeping you steady.
“Yeah yeah I know! I’m not going to agitate it, right little kitty-YAOWW!!”, a yelp left your lips as the cat swiped its claws, scratching you with a hiss.
In the midst of the attack, you lost your balance as your body squirmed atop of Fukuzawas shoulders, causing him to lose his footing as you both fell down.
You opened your eyes with a soft groan, “Ow…my head…Fukuzawa, are you okay?-“, you froze.
It seems when you both fell, you landed on his lap…straddling him as he laid on the ground.
His silver hair was sprawled on the grass as his soft blue eyes gazed up at you.
You were oddly mesmerized and couldn’t seem to look away, that’s until you felt something under you…faintly growing.
Within a split second, you got off his lap and stood up straight, your face was flushed as you bowed and apologized.
“I am so so so sorry! I didn’t do it on purpose I swear, I lost my balance and- it was the cats fault!!”, you rambled on apologies and excuses in a state of embarrassment.
Fukuzawa let out a soft chuckle then cleared his throat, “It is quite alright, no need to apologize.”, he said as he stood up, looking up at the cat.
“I do suppose it wants to stay up there, why not let it be?”, Fukuzawa softly smiled and walked the opposite way.
You felt a bit confused and still flushed, but relieved he didn’t seem to make a big deal of that…incident- you quickly caught up to him.
“I heard a new bakery opened up on this side of Yokohama…”, your conversation faded out as you both continued your lovely stroll.
Even though that incident was a bit lewd, you both decided to just forget about it and not let it come between your friendship…although- part of you still wonders if he liked it, considering how excited he got with just a small touch…
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I had huge writers block in coming up with scenarios since I didn’t want to just reuse the same old ones.
I wanted each scenario to represent the character well and such.
Thanks to some help from my friend, I was able to come up with these!
Anyways! As always, I hope you all enjoyed these head-cannons, love y’all!<3
Tag list: @wintersoldier-barnes @fyodorisbbg
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shooting-love-arrows · 8 months
Hi! Can I request more on the Yandere! Barabarian? I dont of anything specif besides that but, maybe about his and darlings' life now after marriage?
Hello to you too @misfortunateleprechaun,
Here it is! Hope to hear from you again and have a nice day (even if it's not a daytime)!
𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄! 𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐍 and marriage headcanons
PAIRING: 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 x reader (gender not mentioned/specified/implied) Tw. kidnapping, implied murder, blood, possessive tendencies, raids, marking, (at the end) horny yandere, grinding, mention of sex but nothing specific. A/N: There's a mention of a random name and celebration so don't fret that you don't know about something. Everything here is made up!
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When you are officially married to 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧, you not only become his lifelong partner and a soul connected to his own for all of eternity but you also become one of his people. This means everything related to your past should end up just like your village – turned to ashes. Forgotten and left behind. The only good things your parents did were creating you. The village? Don’t make him laugh! He never saw a more pathetic excuse of one before in his life. So stop wasting your tears on them and embrace your new family and him!
“Shh…my treasure…shhh…” 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 tried to console you. Even when you continue to trash in his hold, hit him in the chest repeatedly or scratch at him, he only brought you closer and tightened his hold on you. 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 didn’t understand why you were acting like that, hysterically sobbing and pushing him away. Nor ever was he forced to comfort the person who was acting like that. “Why are you shedding tears for them? Shhh... Let’s celebrate Night Of Miracles (made up celebration) with your new husband and family, hm?”
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 teaches you about his culture and language. In those quiet moments shared between you, sitting by fire, he tries his best to be a teacher (and he fails miserably). Although he’s a scholar by no means, he truly wants to make you feel like you belong. To make you understand that what he did and was doing was good. And he finds it amusing when he has to point things out to you like to a toddler. What he can’t teach you about, he requests for someone in his tribe to take his place (of course not without marking you beforehand just to be sure everyone will know who you belong to).
“...and that’s why Trinus I (made up character) brought his beloved the head of his first wife.” 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 finished the old tale and sighed in content. The story leaves you more traumatized than you already are. There were a few seconds of silence, before he smirked cheekily. “Now, let me tell you about their wedding night.”
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 marks you a lot and daily. Either by leaving big and deep hickeys in the most visible places or by braiding your hair in a similar way, making you wear his family crest/sigli, offering his clothes to wear and so on. One thing for certain, everyone must know (if they don’t already) that you’re his.
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 could only admire you when you walked out of your shared tent, wearing his shirt, hair braided with similar braids to his and hickeys displayed on your neck. 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 didn’t know whether to be more aroused or start trotting like a peacock. 
Just like any good husband, 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 brings you all sorts of gifts from his raids. It doesn’t matter if you want something or not. Either way, he’s going to bring all sorts of objects to choose from. 
“W-what is it?” Your voice cracked after 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 pulled away from a searing ‘welcome back’ kiss. He was still covered in blood, sweaty, smelling like smoke and panting heavily. But what caught your attention was a big woolen bag thrown over his shoulder, material stretched to the max.  𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 only smirked and you watched, horrified, as he carelessly let the items from the bag spill on the floor. You saw clothes, silver dinnerware, money, jewelry (is that a finger with a ring still on?) and many other knick knacks. You gulped thickly. “For you!” 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 proudly announced and puffed out his chest.
(NSFW-ish) A lot of sex. This man has high libido and – just like all barbarians – are led by their carnal desires. It’s guaranteed he’s going to bed you on a daily basis. It doesn’t matter where or when. If he wants to have sex with you, then he’s going to do so. It’s especially rough when he returns from raids or hunting trips, covered in sweat and oozing with adrenaline and need of you. Those are wild nights ~
“I need you…” 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 growled in your ear and aggressively nuzzled his nose in your neck. Since the moment his body touched yours, he started grinding into you. He just loved your scent. It was working on him like an aphrodisiac, turning him into an untamable beast ready to devour you. His chapped lips continue to aggressively leave a trail of wet kisses from your earlobe, down your neck and – after tearing open your loose shirt – your shoulder. “I fucking want you. Now.”
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All of the published posts on this account/blog belongs to @shooting-love-arrows. I do not consent to my works being: translated, stolen, published or reposted on this and other sites. Likes, reblogs, comments are highly appreaciated. Thank you.
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bwabys-scenarios · 3 months
Hi bwaby ~ I’m new to your page and I love your yandere posts ^^ I’m reading the ones you’ve written for Kurapika. I saw your requests were open.
How do you think hxh yanderes would respond to their captive s/o having a panic/anxiety attacks when their captor tries to get intimate? How would they go about that?
🖤 ur work 🖤🖤🖤 thnx
Yandere!HXH respond to you panicking during intimacy
warnings: dubcon, panic attack, bad aftercare, forced cuddling, slight manipulation/coercion with Chrollo(it backfires), vomit in Chrollo’s, Feitan is emotionally distant, Kurapika is unstable
A/N: just a little note that none of my yanderes will ever rape the reader. I just include dubious consent because being captive blurs the lines of consent. Can you really consent when you’re captive? I don’t know, so I include it just in case, even though in my eyes reader is always consenting during these acts. I’m not comfortable with writing out rape, so this situation is the farthest I go.
characters included: Kurapika, Leorio, Chrollo, Feitan, Illumi
Yandere NSFW: @lightshowerrr @jungtoast @nenggie @aliceattheart @pannacottababy
‼️If you want to be added to the taglist, please check out the taglist information then comment what you want to be added to! Make sure you have your age in your bio and that your blog can be tagged/mentioned!‼️
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First of all, Kurapika is VERY hesitant to initiate any intimacy after he takes you away. He wants you to get used to your captivity before he starts anything.
Kurapika is also the only yandere on this list that won’t be overly pushy in terms of physical contact most if the time, and honestly he’s okay if you never love him again… even if he really wants you to love him and give him lots of affection. He knows he did something unforgivable by taking you away from your life, and he’s willing to be hated by you if it means you’ll be safe.
Now, when you do eventually initiate some kind of intimacy he is over the moon. He would do anything for you, desperate to please you and make the experience as good as possible. Kurapika wants your love, your physical touch, and he wants it willingly.
So when he initiates, kissing along your neck with his hand gently rubbing your clothed cunt, he stops immediately when you start to panic. “My angel? Are you okay?”
He’s quick to pull away and give you space. His hands shake and he feels guilt and panic rise in his own chest. Did he just ruin all of the progress the two of you had?
But you calm down after a little, and lean against him. “I… I’m sorry, I just… I got really anxious.”
He’s quick to wrap his arms around you, tentatively smoothing out your hair. “Don’t apologize… shh, just relax. We don’t have to do anything.”
Kurapika spends the rest of the night just a bit unstable, terrified that he’ll do something to upset you. He just loves you so much and he doesn’t want to lose your love and affection when he just got it back. The next day he makes sure to pamper you more than usual, and he’s almost a bit clingy… as if he’s scared he’ll lose you.
He’s pretty handsy, though most of his touches are just affectionate in nature. When you cuddle, he has his hand in your ass or thigh, kneading at the soft flesh.
Leorio likes to have you in his lap as often as possible, where he can move you as he pleases as cover you in kisses as he holds you as close as possible.
He’s eager to get back to sex after he takes you, though he won’t push… too much. Leorio is just super clingy and you’re already sitting pretty on his lap, the only thing separating you from his is that pretty skirt you’re wearing!
It was a normal day, with you sitting in his lap after he tugged you his way. But this time, instead of the usual soft squish he’d give your thigh or kisses to your cheek or the top of your head, Leorio started moving you back and forth against the bulge firming in his pants.
You instantly froze, feeling his warm breath on your neck. When you began to panic and cry, Leorio paused for a moment. “Princess? Something wrong?”
When you started to struggle, he gently set you down. The air was thick and heavy with tension and awkward energy. He scratched the back of his neck, his boner gone. “You alright?”
You shook your head. “I… I don’t want to, Leorio… I’m scared…”
He felt his heart break a little, but he was quick to reach out and gently ruffle your hair. “Don’t be scared… I won’t… do anything to you that you don’t want…”
But it felt a bit hypocritical, considering he did steal you from your old life against your will. Leorio had standards though, and one of those was not assaulting people.
That night, he was way less clingy than usual, giving you some space and time to process things… but you joined him in bed for snuggles later.
He kept telling you he wanted to make your first time with him special, that he’d buy you flowers and pretty lingerie to wear. He even suggested getting a nicer hotel than usual, which was shocking because the hotels you usually stayed in with him were beyond luxurious.
So when the special night came, he took you out to a fancy dinner, letting you order whatever you wanted. You had become very complacent, accepting the fact you’d never be able to escape him… not even in death.
So you are your food, and you bathed before putting on the set of lingerie he surely paid a high price for, and sat on the bed, waiting for him to get back from a meeting with some phantom troupe members that were in town.
The wait already had you anxious, but the way he kept going on and on about how perfect he made everything and how much effort he put into this night put a lot of pressure on you to do well.
And that was on purpose. He wanted you to know just how much he had done for you… how much he craved and adored you. With him, you would be endlessly pampered and loved… all you had to do was be a good girl and do as he said.
So by the time he got back, you were already anxiously fidgeting with your lacy black lingerie, biting your lip.
Now… he didn’t want to make you anxious, just a little nervous. He thought it would be cute to see you squeak like a timid little mouse as he took you… he didn’t want you to stiffly lie down and tear up when he unbuttoned his shirt.
And he hadn’t expected you to throw up from the stress of it all.
He felt a bit guilty, you were crying and muttering apologies as he called for room service, trying to clean it up yourself. Had he instilled that much fear in you that you shook in terror at the thought of upsetting you? That’s not what Chrollo wanted… despite his sly and manipulative nature, he wanted you to genuinely love him and see him as someone that protected and took care of you.
So once you calmed down a little, he pulled you in and snuggled you, kissing the top of your head. “I..: apologize. We’ll do this at your pace.”
You couldn’t really break away from his grip… and you didn’t want to anger him, so you let him hold you close and gently rock you.
Feitan already is absolute garbage with intimacy, so it’s rare he’ll initiate anything. He’s both insecure and emotionally distant, but also longs for your affection and physical touch.
But he also HATES physical touch… so being his darling is a confusing experience where you’re constantly walking on eggshells.
The rare instances when he tries to be intimate with you, you almost leap with joy. He’s the only other human you have physical contact with, and you’ve almost gone crazy without touch and affection.
He’s very insecure and sensitive to rejection, so when he touches you, even if it’s just subpar, you praise him endlessly with soft whimpers and moans. He’s pretty skilled with his fingers considering he was a virgin before he met you.
So when he’s got his hands on your hips and ready to push his cock into your pretty pussy, instead of the usual happy whines you make… you instead whimper and shy away from him.
He’s tortured many people, so he can recognize the signs of a panic attack easily. You don’t know what came over you, but you just started to break down, crying and rocking yourself.
Feitan froze up, not knowing what to do. He’s not used to comforting others, and he already feels the harsh sting of rejection from your reaction. Was he that bad?
But… he’s able to push that away. He puts a blanket over your naked form and gently rubs your back while looking the other way.
“… don’t have to. Just say when don’t want it.”
And that’s all you get. He doesn’t kiss away your tears or clean you up… but it’s a big step forward. For Feitan, comforting another human being is hard, so the fact he’s trying for you proves that you mean something to him.
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ervotica · 7 months
i’m on the run with you (my sweet love)
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pairing; rafe cameron x fem!reader
warnings; sorta dark? but not really bc this is just rafe in character lol, established relationship, rafe is insane but also cute (i <3 deranged men), rafe is violent towards r and he cries a lot, 1k words
summary; you've reached the end of your tether with rafe's bad behaviour. just how far will he go when you try to leave?
He's so loud. It rings in your ears even as you walk away from him, trying to put distance between yourself and his growling; he's almost animalistic as he stumbles against the concrete sidewalk and grapples for purchase against your bare arm, a desperate attempt to get you to stay. Rafe has never been one to ask nicely for things. His rings leave a cold bite on your forearm and you sob, snatching out of his grasp even as he wails and cries.
"Rafe, stop," you're begging, pleading with him not to make a scene. He's flushed pink right down to his toes as he shakes, hands reaching out for you in a way that almost makes you reconsider leaving.
"You can't leave me," he says. Plain and simple, as though it's a fact. He's incredulous that the thought would even cross your mind in the first place- let alone that you're brave enough to try. "You can't."
"Rafe, this is unstable. I can't live like this anymore." Tears clog in your waterline and you sniffle and gasp, the back of your hand coming up to press against your open mouth. "I don't wanna do this. You've left me no other choice."
"No-no other choice?" he laughs through tears and grit teeth, an odd sound that gets lodged in his throat and then pushed out with a sob. "No other choice?"
He's alight with fury, pacing back and forth, gnawing on his fingernails as his hands flex, desperate to grab hold of you.
"Stop, you're scaring me," you murmur; stepping backwards away from him, a rock wedges in the sole of your sneaker and you lose balance. Just as you're about to hit the hard ground, Rafe surges forward, a thick arm wrapping around your waist and pressing you to his chest. The heat is emanating off of him in waves, coursing over you as his iron grip tightens.
"I'm scaring you, huh?" You're trembling as he whispers in that snarling way that he does- the tone that's usually directed at others, but never you. You don't like being on the receiving end of his wrath. "There'd be nothin' to be scared of if you just did as you were told, baby. Why do you insist on making everything so fuckin' difficult for me?"
You start to really cry then; in the middle of the street, sputtering in fits and starts, sagging in Rafe's hold when he shushes you and presses his palm to the top of your head to draw you into him.
"Shh, shh, I know," he mumbles, a thick bicep drawing tight as he wraps himself around your neck, quiet words vibrating against your skin.
"Why do you keep doing this to me?" you wheeze against his shoulder, the cotton of his jersey soft as you rub your face on it in an effort to hide. "Why does it have to be like this?"
"It doesn't. It doesn't, okay? Let's go home and we can talk about this."
His arms shift your weight until he's lifting you, hooking your legs up and over him and carrying you to the car parked a little way away. In one last futile attempt to free yourself, you kick out, squirming.
Not that it makes much difference; he has the passenger door opened despite your resistance and then he's trying to force you in.
"No! I don't want to. Rafe, stop it."
"Baby, get in the car."
There's an edge to his voice and you know if you push him much further he's going to snap. He's like a coiled spring, and he'll lash out at whoever's closest.
"No, please," you sniffle. "I don't wanna go."
"Get in the damn car!" he screams, and you cry out as he throws you through the gap; your head hits the top of the door with a thump and you moan, curling in on yourself on the leather seat.
He slams the door and stomps around the front, brow knit, lips pursed as he climbs into the driver's seat.
He takes a breath. The mist starts to clear from his eyes. You're still doubled over, fingers splayed over the forming bruise on your forehead.
"Angel," he murmurs, reaching for you. "Baby, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
You swat his hand away and wince at the throbbing in your temple. His breath quickens and you can feel how he convulses; from experience, he's around 3 minutes from a total meltdown.
"Rafe, calm down," you say, blindly reaching for him to placate his temper, if nothing else. "It's okay, I'm fine."
He coughs and snivels, clenched fists pressed to his eyes to conceal the tears. He's frozen with them, silent as he sobs and brings his head up to slam it against the steering wheel. You swivel in your seat, hands pressing to the sides of his neck in an attempt to keep him still.
"No, baby, no," you sniff. "Come here. I'm sorry."
He starts to turn towards you, his eyes swollen and red-rimmed as he hiccups. And then he's climbing right over the armrest and into your lap. It's comical, really; this huge, hulking boy crawling into your arms like a puppy.
He curls around you, laying between your thighs, his legs bent awkwardly in the footwell as he presses his face to the hollow of your throat.
"I'm sorry," he cries. "I just love you so much, I don't want you to go." His voice cracks and he wraps his arms around your middle, slipping cold fingers beneath your t-shirt to feel your bare skin.
"I'm not going," you murmur. Your lip quivers as you stave off tears. "But we need to get this under control, Rafe. I need you to try to get better."
"I will. I will, I promise. I'll be better for you."
You tilt his chin up and his watering eyes meet yours. You slot your lips between his and sigh when his whole body softens against you.
"I love you," you tell him. "We'll get this under control, okay?"
You suppose only time will tell.
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fettuccin-e · 2 years
Better Than Nine to Five
hi guys i wrote this quite a while ago!! i had trouble with the beginning but, like with most things i write, the words started coming as soon as the characters started coming (get it?? get it cause like cum) but ANYWAY pls enjoy the poly!steddie content!!
Tags: Steve Harrington x Reader x Eddie Munson, established poly, dp in one hole, brief use of sex toys, afab!fem!reader, unprotected piv
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Steve can barely ever get off work these days. He hasn’t been as fortunate in the job market as you or Eddie; the both of you have pretty strict 9 to 5 jobs, able to sit and relax after a day at work, knowing what your schedule will be the next week, and the week after that. Steve’s schedule, at best, is random and wildly inconvenient, working late shifts almost every night and waking up the next day with you and Eddie already gone to work, alone in your shared bed.
He hates it, you and Eddie know he does, but he puts up with it, wanting to help all of you save up for a house, a pretty one that’s the exact opposite of the run-down, shitty apartment that you all live in.
You and Eddie also know, however, that Steve needs a chance to fucking relax for once. And if there’s anything you both know how to do, it’s how to make your sweet, loving Stevie let out some steam.
It’s Eddie who calls Keith and tells him to let Steve out early for the day. “He needs tomorrow off too,” Eddie says, twisting his finger around the phone cord.
“No fucking way, Munson. I’m already doing a favor for him by letting him out today, but he’s coming in tomorrow, whether he likes it or not.”
Eddie opens his mouth to respond, eyes narrowed and angry, but you rip the phone from hics grasp.
“Look Keith, either you let Steve off tomorrow, or I'm going to the cops to tell them about the stash of weed you’ve got in your office. That we an smell it all throughout the damn store. And wouldn’t that just be a crying shame?” you snarl into the receiver.
“It was your freak boyfriend who sold me that shit in the first place!”
You nearly laugh at the high-pitched indignance in his voice. “Are you really gonna tell them that, Keith? Maybe I’ll also throw in the fact that they should probably look into your tax records, right? I bet there are some glaring inconsistencies, aren’t there?”
“You fucking bitc-” You hear Keith stop himself, sighing angrily. You hear a loud crash in the background just before he says, “I’ll let him off tomorrow, but you stay the fuck out of my business, you got that? I’ll-”
“Not a chance, maybe try being less of a shit person. Bye Keith!” You don’t give him a chance to respond, slamming the phone down.
Eddie watches you with wide eyes, before smirking, pupils blown and dark as he grabs your waist to pull you in for a hot, messy kiss. “You’re so fucking hot when you’re mad like that, baby.”
You giggle, reaching a hand up to play with his messy curls. “Gotta stand up for my boys, don’t I baby?” You step away from him, grabbing his hand to drag him to your bedroom. “C’mon, Eds, you gotta get me ready for Stevie, right?”
Eddie nearly faceplants into the carpet in his race to get to the bed.
It’s only an hour later that Steve unlocks the door to the apartment, stripping his vest off. Keith had stumbled out of his office earlier that day, mumbling something about, “go home early, Harrington, shit. Just wait till like, six or something, and you can go.” Steve had been confused, but decided not to question it, his heart galloping at the thought of spending the evening with the both of you for the first time in far too long.
Except the apartment seems almost empty when he walks in, all of the lights off and the living room and kitchen empty, devoid of both yours and Eddie’s presence. His heart drops, only for a second, thinking that he’s alone in the apartment, before he hears a loud, keening whine come from the bedroom.
Your unmistakable whine, followed by Eddie’s familiar whispered praises of “shh… baby I know, I know. It’s a lot, but I think he’s home, did you hear the door open baby? He’s gonna think you’re so pretty baby, so good, planning all this out for him.”
You answer Eddie with a choked sob, and Steve’s pants suddenly are far too tight, cock bulging almost immediately. He goes to open the door, and the sight that greets him almost makes him pass out on the spot.
You, with your hips hiked up in Eddie’s grasp, your flushed face pushed into the mattress as Eddie works his cock into you, his pretty hips slapping against your plush ass. Eddie’s head snaps over to the bedroom door, mouth pulled into a self-satisfied smirk while he keeps fucking you.
“Look, baby,” Eddie grunts, lifting his hand to give your ass a loud smack. You jerk, head turning to see what Eddie wants, and smile blearily at the sight of Steve.
“S-Stevie, you’re, ah, home,” you slur, struggling to get the words out between Eddie’s strong thrusts into your needy pussy.
Eddie watches as Steve’s eyes darken, his big hand moving down to palm at the bulge of his cock through his pants. “She’s been waiting for you, Harrington,” Eddie says, sounding almost like he isn’t fucking you stupid. “She had this all planned out, wanted to surprise you.”
“Well, uh, consider-” Steve coughs, eyes trained on Eddie disappearing into your pretty cunt over and over. “Consider me surprised baby.”
Eddie chuckles, and Steve’s eyes snap from where you both are connected. “Steve, this isn’t even the best part.”
“C’mere,” Eddie mumbles, and you whine as he stops his thrusts. Eddie beckons Steve over with a playful finger, and Steve moves next to him, kneeling on the bed to see what Eddie thinks is so important.
Steve nearly chokes on his spit. Because there, in your dripping cunt, is a pretty blue dildo, shoved inside you right alongside Eddie’s cock.
“She wanted to take both of us today,” Eddie whispers into his ear, and Steve can hear Eddie’s smug smile. “Been working her open for the past hour, waiting for you to get home.”
Oh fuck. “Oh fuck,” Steve says, echoing his own thoughts. He smooths a hand over the soft skin of your ass, and you whimper softly.
“You like it?” you ask, almost tentatively, and Steve almost laughs at the absurdity of the question.
“Like it?” Steve says softly. His hand moves from your ass to push lightly on the base of the dildo, making you gasp sharply. “Baby, I love it. God, you’re so fucking hot.”
“You gonna take your clothes off, Harrington?” Eddie murmurs. “She’s been waiting so long for us, it seems cruel to make her wait any longer.” 
Steve follows Eddie’s vaguely concealed demand at an almost frantic speed, ripping off his shirt so fast it gets stuck on his arm for a second. He ignores Eddie’s tiny laugh. He stands off the bed to untie his shoes and shuck his pants off, his hard cock slapping harshly against his stomach. 
“C’mon baby,” Eddie whispers to you, “gotta let Stevie lay down, right? So you can sit on his pretty cock, yeah?” Eddie's mouth waters just a little at the sight of his boyfriend, hard cock glistening and hairy chest heaving. He looks fucking illegal, Eddie thinks. You nod your assent, but still whine as Eddie shuffles back, his cock slipping out of you along with the dildo, leaving you painfully empty for the first time in an hour. 
Steve follows Eddie’s instruction, laying down on the bed, while you kneel up, swinging a leg over his hips to straddle him. You lean forward to brush your lips against his, smiling softly.
“Hi, Stevie,” you whisper, and he smiles back at you, curling his fingers into your hair. 
“Hi, baby,” he whispers back, before crushing his mouth to yours. He feels Eddie grab his cock, notching it up against the entrance of your pussy, and suddenly you’re sinking down, down, sucking him into your sticky walls, making all three of you moan in unison. You and Steve breathe heavily into each other’s mouths as your ass finally meets Steve’s heavy balls, buried all the way inside.
“God, fucking shit, you both are so fucking hot, Jesus,” Eddie grunts from behind you, and you both can hear the unmistakable sound of Eddie’s hand slipping up and down his cock, still sticky with your juices.
You turn, smiling softly at Eddie’s blushing face, his lips parted as he looks at you both. “Eddie,” you whisper, “You can’t cum yet. Y’gotta fuck me too, right baby?”
Eddie curses again, before kneeling behind you, just like he had been a few minutes before. ”You are a fucking minx, you know that?” He mumbles, and you would giggle if it weren’t for the blunt tip of Eddie’s cock nudging against your opening, right beside Steve.
“Ah- Oh God-d” you whine as Eddie’s fat cockhead pops into your stretched out pussy. You thought you would be prepared for it, with the dildo, but you don’t think anything could’ve prepared you for this. Eddie’s sticky cock nudging along Steve’s as he sinks deep into you, Steve’s warm hairy body beneath you, his big hands on your waist while Eddie radiates heat above you.
Steve’s not doing much better, his eyes rolling into the back of his head at the feeling of Eddie’s gorgeous cock squished against his, the hot walls of your pussy strangling the both of them. Eddie’s hands are clutched into the bedsheets beside your sweaty bodies, and Steve takes his hands off your waist for just a second to grab Eddie’s hands, entwining their fingers together to hold onto your waist at the same time. You all take a minute to just breathe, allowing your pussy to adjust to the stretch of both of them.
They’re both whispering breathless praises into your ears, trying to get through to your cloudy brain. “So, so good for us, baby, taking us so good,” and “Can’t believe we’ve got you baby, you’re so pretty, so, so good for us. Y’feel so good, princess, fuck.” You can’t even discern whose voice is whose anymore, lost in a sea of pleasure and nearly-painful fullness, their cocks reaching so deep inside, pressing into every crevice of your sensitive pussy.
And then they start to move.
You try to gasp air into your empty lungs through your screams and cries of pure fucking pleasure, the both of them thrusting in tandem to bully your pretty pussy open for them again and again. Eddie’s face is nuzzled into the crook of your neck, pressing comforting kisses into your skin between whispers of “doing so good, princess,” and “y’feel how wide you’re stretched baby? Fuck, you’re so sexy, sweetheart, how’d we manage to land you?”
Steve’s groaning praises of his own, primal grunts of “so fucking sexy,” and “our pretty, gorgeous baby. God, can’t believe I’ve got you both,” before licking into your mouth in messy kisses.
You knew, even while planning this, that none of you were going to last long, and you’re a strange mixture of pleased and slightly disappointed to learn that you’re right. The knot in your stomach is tight, tightening and tightening as they rock into you, the overwhelming stretch of both of them keeping them pressing into your g-spot. You’re choking on your own spit as moans try to escape your throat. 
It’s going to be over far too soon, but knowing that you can take them both, that you three could do this again, makes your pussy clench, your clit throbbing. 
After only a few minutes of Steve’s and Eddie’s strong thrusts into your dripping cunt, grinding overwhelmingly against the spot that makes you sob, you reach your hands into both Steve’s and Eddie’s hair, your hips jerking uncontrollably.
“I’m gonna, oh God, I-I can’t, I’m gonna,” you gasp painfully, tears leaking down your flushed face, not even able to get the words out, before your pussy is clenching hard around both Steve and Eddie. You’re shaking like a leaf, overwhelmed and wrung dry as Steve and Eddie rub their joined hands up and down your waist.
“Shit, baby, you’re so fucking t-tight,” Eddie whimpers, composure fully lost. “Steve, I gotta-I gotta, gotta cum.”
Steve nods frantically, unable to form words, before he’s releasing one of Eddie’s hands to instead cup around his boyfriend’s head, dragging him down to meet his lips, licking into his mouth over your shoulder. Their hips stutter as they finally, finally cum, flooding  your dripping pussy with a mixture of both of them.
You all breathe heavily for a moment, the room feeling hazy. Like heaven, Steve thinks, this is like heaven. You know you can’t move, feeling drunk and ripped apart, but your boys know it too. They slip gently out of your used pussy, Steve moving you to his side to cuddle you into him gently. Eddie steps out for just a moment, coming back in with a warm, damp cloth.
“Baby, Eds is going to clean you up real quick, okay?” Steve whispers, and you whimper softly, nodding your head, your eyes still closed. Eddie takes the permission to wipe the sweat off your body, and clean up a little of the mess between your legs.
“Good girl, sweetheart,” Eddie whispers when he’s done, pecking you softly on your sleepy lips, before turning to give Steve a quick kiss. He throws the cloth in the hamper, knowing you would hate to make up to it laying on the floor, before laying on the other side of you, pressing himself comfortingly against your naked body. Steve reaches down to tug to the sheets over each of you, and grabs Eddie’s hand to hold, their palms resting atop your warm body.
“Shit, I’m gonna have t’call off work tomorrow,” Steve mutters into your hair.
“Don’ worry bout it,” you slur, sleep already whisking you away. “I took care of it.”
“She did,” Eddie smiles. “I’ll have to tell you about it tomorrow, she was fucking hot.”
“She always is,” Steve smiles, chest hurting with happiness and sheer, unadulterated love. “Our perfect girl.”
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altruistic-meme · 1 year
do i dare write the post looking at and trying to explain Queen Kristina's behavior? probably. i swear im trying to be less annoying about it but also like. i do what I want.
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hwashotcheeto · 10 days
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𝑨 𝑫𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝑶𝒏 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒛𝒐𝒏
Park Seonghwa X gn!reader
Summary: After you and Seonghwa planned a date, he unfortunately falls ill the day of the events. But you two still find a way to make the most of a bad situation.
WC: 2k
CW: Sick fic, fluffy, so fluffy, lots of fluffy, crying, comfort, cuddles, kisses, lots of fluff and Animal Crossing
AN: Oh wow, another sick fic, your bias is showing, Cheeto. /j
No, but in truth, I've had this in the drafts for over a month and a half and finally wrote it all in a sprint to get myself out of this writing slump I've been in. I guess you all will be the judge of if I managed to put out something of good quality.
Anyways, I hope you all enjoy, as always!
Tag List: @cherrycel @mxnsxngie @malldreamprincess @asjkdk
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You gently held your boyfriend’s burning cheek as you placed the thermometer into his ear. You watched the little screen as you pressed the button, and only a few seconds later, it lit up and beeped in a panicked manner. 
You let out a soft sigh of disappointment, while Seonghwa let out a pained whine as he covered his face with his hands. This was a rare day, in which Seonghwa was free from his busy idol life, and you two had planned to go to dinner to spend time with each other. 
But as luck would have it, he’d awoken that morning to a pounding headache and body aches, and his now confirmed fever of over 100. The universe decided you weren’t having your dinner date tonight, and had to tell you in the rudest way possible. 
You put the thermometer back into its box as you got up from his bed. “I guess I’ll go get you an ice pack and some medicine,” you said dejectedly, leaving the room on a mission to get said items. 
A sigh left your lips as you pulled the ice pack from the freezer. It wasn’t Seonghwa’s fault he got sick, but that probably made it worse. The one day you had together, the first day in months, was ruined by something neither of you could possibly control. 
Frustration crept in as you grabbed the bottle of medicine from the bathroom cabinet, accidently knocking another bottle over in the process. Another sigh left you as you put the bottle back up, muttering curses that would make a sailor blush. 
Despite his fever, you were still planning to stay and take care of Seonghwa. That is, if he wasn’t stubborn and told you he’d be fine on his own. As much as it annoyed you, you did the same thing, so it was a mutual annoyance between you two. 
“Hwa, I have-” You began to say as you walked back into his bedroom, but stopped when you saw Seonghwa with his head in his hands, softly crying. 
You put both items on his desk and rushed over to sit in front of him, gently putting your hands on his arms, all frustration instantly leaving your body in favor of worry. 
“I’m sorry,” he blurted, still keeping his face covered. “I know you were excited about this, and you waited so long, I’m-” 
“Baby, shh,” you cut him off, pulling his hands away from his face. His face was even more red than before, almost like a cartoon character. You couldn’t help but pout at the sight, and quickly grabbed the ice pack to press it against his cheek. Seonghwa gratefully leaned into the cool touch, his eyes falling closed as he did. 
“I’m not mad,” you continued. “Well, I am, but it’s not your fault.” 
“But now we can’t go out.” He paused and sniffled, grabbing a tissue and wiping his nose. “And if you stay here, you’ll get sick.” 
“I’m willing to make that sacrifice.” 
Seonghwa shook his head. “You have to work too-”
“And I’ll call off if I need to.” You reached up with your other hand and held his burning face, wiping away the tears that continued to fall. “Even if we can’t go out, we still have the day to be together. I’d rather spend it taking care of you than not being with you at all.” 
Seonghwa smiled, but it was a weak one that didn’t reach his eyes. Of course he was grateful for you, and the help you were willing to give him. But he also knew that he’d feel incredibly guilty in a few days when you would wake up feeling like he did right now. 
But when he looked into your eyes, and saw the love in them, and the little smile you were giving him as you held the ice pack against his face, he didn’t have it in him to tell you to leave. 
And the idea of watching you leave when he could barely get out of bed on his own made his heart shatter. 
So Seonghwa nodded and reached up to hold your hand. “Then please, stay.” 
“I wouldn’t be anywhere else, tokki.” 
Seonghwa’s eyes lit up at the name. This time, his smile was big and genuine. You pressed a kiss to his warm, slightly damp forehead before you pulled back to get the bottle of medicine. Seonghwa took the ice pack and pressed it against the rest of his face, trying to spread the cool feeling as far as he could. 
Seonghwa gratefully accepted the dose of medicine you gave him, even though he gagged at the taste of it. You couldn’t help but giggle at the face he made. He just pouted and put the ice pack back on his forehead. 
You leaned back down and smoothed his damp hair back as he did. “I can make you some tea if you want,” you offered, to which he gratefully nodded as he closed his eyes. 
“Yes please,” he breathed. He adjusted himself to lay back down on the pillows and pull the blanket up to his chest, one hand still keeping the ice pack on his forehand. 
With that, you went on another mission to make your boyfriend a cup of tea. 
As you did, you passed your things you’d left on the kitchen counter, one of them being the case which held your Nintendo Switch. You and Seonghwa had planned to play Animal Crossing together after your dinner date. 
And suddenly, at that moment, you had an idea of how to save your date night. 
You walked back into Seonghwa’s room, his tea in one hand, your Switch in the other, with a huge smile on your face. Seonghwa’s eyebrows went down as he looked at you, but his whole face lit up when he saw the Switch in your hand. 
The two of you wasted no time getting both your games set up, and also getting comfortable. You crawled up onto Seonghwa’s bed to sit on his left side and slid underneath his blanket to cuddle up to him. 
“Are we going to your island or mine?” Seonghwa asked as his game finished loading. His little character came out of his house as the chimes played, dressed very nicely in formal clothes. 
You smiled to yourself as you made your character run across your island. “I want you to come to mine, I have something set up.” 
“You set something up for this?” 
“I did, you have to come look.” You ran into your island’s airport to open the gate so Seonghwa could see the surprise you’d spent days working on. 
Seonghwa excitedly made his character start running across the island, but suddenly stopped, and ran back towards his house. You looked up at his TV to see what he was doing, but Seonghwa waved his hand to make you look away. 
“Don’t look, I have a surprise for you too!” 
“Okay, I won’t look!” You said with a giggle, looking back down at your own Switch as you finished opening the gate. 
It was only a few minutes later that Seonghwa had arrived on your island. You used a little wave emote as his character stepped out of the airport, to which he did it back. 
“So where’s this surprise?” He asked, walking off of the little wooden dock. 
“I’ll show you.” You began walking through your island, of which you and Seonghwa had done many times before. You two had helped each other build your islands, trading items, sending gifts, helping each other cheat the natural progression of the game just because you could. 
You two were connected through this game. It was a part of your relationship just like any other. It held a special place in your heart, and it made you smile when you’d go back and watch clips of you two together, chasing each other with various tools, or messing with the other villagers. 
You and Seonghwa finally made your way to a part of the island away from all the other houses and buildings. Seonghwa gasped when he saw it come into view, and your heart swelled as a smile spread across your face. 
There was a gated garden, with trees and flowers of every kind everywhere. A custom dirt path led you through the various flora, with paper lanterns along the sides to light your way. There were statues in small clearings, and small streams separated the different sections from each other. 
You and Seonghwa followed the path until you came to a table with two chairs. The table had a candle and two meals sitting on top of it, with the moon hanging in the sky behind it and the sky full of stars. 
“Sweetheart,” Seonghwa whispered, staring at the TV as he slowly walked around and looked at everything. “You made this for tonight?” He looked at you, and you couldn’t stop smiling even if you tried. 
“I did,” you said softly. “I made it for you.” 
Seonghwa smiled, but it quickly turned to a pout, and he put his controller down to hug you. You dropped your Switch onto the blanket and hugged him back. 
“I love you.” His voice was hoarse and soft. You slowly rubbed his back as you heard him sniffle again. “You’re wonderful.” 
“I love you too, tokki.” 
You two stayed like that for a while. With your two characters standing beside each other in the garden you made, with the soft ambient noises of the insects and water, the gentle music alongside it as you two were wrapped in each other’s arms in the real world, you knew love could never be felt like this by anyone else. 
Love is an incredibly unique thing, and a love like this couldn’t ever be explained to anyone else. The greatest poets in the world could write about love for centuries to come, but the love you both felt in that moment would pale in comparison to anything anyone could write. 
Seonghwa eventually let you go to rub his eyes. You leaned your head on his shoulder and wrapped your arm around his. He relaxed into you as he reached for his controller. 
“I’d kiss you if I wasn’t sick.” 
“Kiss me anyway.” 
“Absolutely not.” 
“Do I have to beg?”
“No, that won’t work on me today.” 
You both broke into giggles as you made your way back to the table. Both your characters took the food off the table, and sat across from each other. You both ate the food, as you would in real life. 
You were ready to leave your Switch, but then Seonghwa got up from the chair and walked over to yours. You suddenly remembered the surprise he had for you, and jumped out of your chair to pick the item he dropped in front of the table. 
“Aww, Hwa,” you whined as you read the item name in your inventory: A chocolate heart. “You can only get this during Valentine’s-” 
“Yep.” He smiled and put his arm around your shoulders, pulling you as close as he could get you. “I held onto it for a moment like this.” 
You put your Switch to the side and cuddled back up to him, giving him a cheek kiss before laying your head on his shoulder. He kissed your head and he squeezed you gently. 
“Saranghae, jagiya,” Seonghwa whispered, his body melting into yours as he held you close. 
“I love you too,” you whispered back. 
You both eventually adjusted to laying back down on the bed, leaving the game on as you two began to drift off to sleep. Like before, the soft sounds of Animal Crossing worked like a lullaby to relax you both, and send you off to a sweet slumber. 
Seonghwa watched his and your character idle together as he played with your hair. He smiled as he looked at the beautiful garden you’d made once more before his eyes fell shut, and he let himself fall into dreams of you.
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Thank you for reading! Please reblog if you enjoyed! 💜
This is a work of fiction written by me. This does not represent the idol(s) in any way. Any re-upload is not allowed and will be reported.
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iamumbra195 · 9 months
Random One Piece incorrect quotes cause I'm bored
Some of these are modern au though
*Sanji's not there*
Zoro, pouring alcohol directly into a cereal bowl:
Zoro: And you thought I could help?
Luffy: In my defense, I was left unsupervised.
Nami : Wasn't Zoro with you?
Zoro: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised
Law: I trust Mugiwara-ya.
Penguin: You think he knows what he's doing?
Law: I wouldn't go that far.
Sabo: Dandelions symbolize everything I want to be in life
Ace, confused: Fluffy and dead with a gust of wind?
Sabo: Unapologetic. Hard to kill. Feral, filled with sunlight, bright, beautiful in a way that the conventional and controlling hate but cannot ever fully destroy. Stubborn. Happy. Bastardous. Friends with bees. Highly disapproving of lawns. Full of wishes that will be carried far after I die.
Luffy: edible
Nami: We need to get through this locked door. Usopp, give me your credit card.
Usopp: Here.
Nami, pocketing it: Thanks. Luffy, kick down the door.
Chopper: You know those things will kill you, right?
Zoro, pouring another glass of whiskey: That’s the point.
Sanji, smoking a cigarette: We’re trying to speed up the process.
Luffy: *Nods while eating raw cookie dough*
Robin: Why is Luffy so sad?
Nami: He took one of those “Which Character Are You?” quizzes
Robin: And...?
Nami: He got Buggy
*Zoro cackling in the background
Zoro: Self care is actually getting into fights with randos in dark alleys.
Nami: No, self care is stuff like taking a bubble bath, or putting on a lot of makeup if you like it, or taking a nice warm nap!
Kin'emon, trying to be poetic: Self care is the burning heat when rage washes over you!! Self care is when you feel the bones crack under your powerful fists!! Self care is the fear in your enemies’ eyes!!!
Usopp: Lmao self care is taking Luffy's birthday meat cake just so I can eat the frosting.
Luffy: If you touch my meat cake I’ll make you eat your hands.
Sanji, losing his mind: WHY IS THERE FROSTING ON MEAT?
Franky, about Jinbe: Apparently we’re getting someone new in the group.
Robin: Are we stealing them?
Brook: New or used?
Franky, cackling: Wonderful responses, both of you.
Smoker: You’re receiving a ticket for having three people on one motorcycle.
Sanji: Shit.
Usopp: Wait, three?
Smoker: Yeah?
Kin'emon: Tonight, one of you has betrayed us.
Ashura: Is it me?
Kin'emon: No, it’s not you.
Denjiro: Is it me, Kin?
Kin'emon: It’s not you either.
Kanjuro: Is it me, Kin'emon?
Kin'emon, bleeding from several debilitating injuries:
Kin'emon, mockingly: Is IT mE kiN'eMOn?
Usopp: Can I be frank with you guys?
Luffy, confused: Sure, but I don’t see how changing your name is gonna help.
Chopper: Can I still be Chopper?
Franky, snickering: Shh, let Frank speak.
Sabo: You lying, cheating, piece of shit!
Koala: Oh yeah? You’re the idiot who thinks you can get away with everything you do. WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD
Sabo: I’m leaving you, and I’M TAKING ROBIN-CHAN WITH ME
Hack, picking up the monopoly board: I think we’re gonna stop playing now.
Law, walking into his submarine: Hello, people who do not belong here.
Zoro: Hey.
Sanji: Hi.
Robin: Hello.
Chopper: Hey!
Law: I gave you my vivre card for emergencies only!
Luffy, grinning: We were out of meat.
Sanji: You know, I'm starting to regret showing you how that blender works.
Luffy, drinking meat: Why do you say that?
Zoro: Do you take constructive criticism?
Nami: I only take cash or credit.
Koala: Why are you on the floor?
Sabo: I'm depressed.
Sabo: Also I was stabbed, can you get Ivankov, please.
Robin: If I accidentally sat on a voodoo doll of myself, would I be trapped forever in that position, doomed to starve to death?
*everyone looks ay Karasu
Karasu: What? How am I supposed to know?
Lindbergh: You say, as if we don’t use you as a source of knowledge of the occult.
Karasu: *sighs*
Karasu: You wouldn't be trapped
Vivi: I love you guys, you're the best thing that's happened to me.
Nami: We're the best thing that's ever happened to you?
Vivi: Yes!
Usopp: ... I'm starting to feel a little sorry for you.
Usopp: WHY. why did you give Luffy a KNIFE?!
Zoro, shrugging: He said he felt unsafe.
Usopp: Now I feel unsafe!
Zoro: ... would you like a knife?
Dragon: What did you do with the target's body?
Sabo : What didn’t I do with the body?
Sabo: Okay, that sounded more sexual than I intended. I disposed of the corpse respectfully.
Luffy, texting Ace: Ace! Help I’m being kidnapped
Ace: Where are you?
Luffy: I’m with some strange person. In a car. Help.
Ace: I’ll call Gramps.
Garp, answering their cell: Y’ello?
Ace: Where’s Luffy? He texted me that he was being kidnapped.
Garp: Luffy? Whaddya mean, he's right next to me-
Garp, who shaved his head:
Garp: I’ll call you back. *hangs up*
Luffy: WHO ARE YOU?!
*Ace, Sabo and Luffy sitting in jail together*
Sabo: So who should we call?
Ace: I’d call Gramps, but I feel safer in jail
Roger: Garp, my old arch enemy.
Garp: ... I thought I was your only arch enemy?
Roger: I have a life outside of you, Garp
Zoro: Sometimes I drink milk straight out of the container.
Luffy: The cow???
Zoro: What?
Sanji: *disgusted shudder* LUFFY, W H Y?
Usopp: Would you stab your best friend in the leg for 10 billion berry?
Zoro: Nami can stab me, and then when my leg gets better, we buy a big-ass house and erase my debt
Luffy: You can stab me too, then we'll have 20 billion.
Zoro: Good thinking.
Kin'emon: Come on, I wasn’t that drunk last night.
Denjiro: You were flirting with O'Tsuru.
Kin'emon: So what? She's my wife.
Denjiro: You asked her if she were single.
Denjiro: And then you cried when she said she wasn't
Marco: What time is it?
Ace: I don’t know; pass me that saxophone and we’ll find out
Ace: *Plays sax loudly and extremely out of tune*
Ace, proudly: It’s 2 am
Luffy: I can’t believe you live nearby, and you won’t let anyone crash at your place.
Law: You people already know too much about me.
Kidd: I know exactly three facts about you, and one of them is that you won’t let any of us crash at your place.
Sabo, an enabler: Tell Ace about the birds and the bees.
Luffy: They're disappearing at an alarming rate.
Brook: Schrödinger’s cat is overrated. If you wanna see something that’s both dead and alive you can talk to me any time of the day.
Zoro: With great power comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later.
Law: When someone points at your black clothes and asks whose funeral it is, having a look around the room and saying 'Haven’t decided yet' is typically a good response.
Bepo: Captain, no.
Law: Nothing in life is free.
Chopper: Love is free!
Luffy: Adventure is free!
Robin: Knowledge is free.
Nami: Everything is free if you take it without paying.
Usopp: We’ve been conducting an ongoing study to see what Luffy will and will not eat.
Franky: Grass? Yes!
Usopp: Moss? Yes!!
Franky: Leaves? Ohh, yes!
Usopp: Shoelaces? Strange but true!
Franky: Worms? Sometimes!
Usopp: Rocks? Usually nah.
Franky: Twigs? Usually!
Usopp: Zoro's cooking? Inconclusive!
Chopper: How did you… test this?
Usopp: You just hand him stuff and say ‘eat this’ and if he eats it, he eats it.
Chopper: ... I don’t know how to feel about this.
Robin: What about humans? He tried to eat Crocodile once
Everyone: ...
Usopp: I think I might be too afraid to ask
(Someone pls draw this one XD)
Betty: In your opinion, what’s the height of stupidity?
Koala: *turning to Sabo* How tall are you?
That's it, this took forever to write lol
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