#also a little hilarious to see the same ideas repeated in a lot of my fics
kylermalloy · 2 years
Rules: pick any ten of your fics, scroll to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag ten people.
Tagged by @evanescentdawn—thank you, dearest! ♥️
1. A Vile Hunger for Your Hammering Heart
Air rushes from his windpipe, thrumming across his vocal cords in a discordant hum he can’t suppress.
What is it about this man that takes away all of Levi’s self-control?
2. the boy king
Elijah’s mouth opens on instinct. As he leans in to close the space between them, Niklaus takes a step back.
Elijah feels his lips twist in anguish. He takes a step forward, following his brother with desperation in his mouth.
Right where Niklaus wants him.
3. How to Steal a Heart of Iron
Ed dropped his own gaze, unable to meet Al’s eyes any longer. He would accept responsibility, but he wasn’t sure he could look the kid in the eyes as they died.
A light touch on his face startled him. Al brushed a hand, feather-light, against his cheek. “Don’t blame yourself. Please.”
4. Here, beneath my lungs, I feel your thumbs press into my skin again
Ed smells his brother before he can see him. Red overlays his vision, and a growl bursts from his teeth before he can stop it. Winry’s almost done with his automail, and it’s all he can do not to scramble to his half-assembled foot.
He needs his brother. His Al.
5. Like I’ve never seen the sky before
Al’s hands go to his face, to brush away the incriminating moisture, but it’s too late. Tears run in a steady stream down his cheeks, choking him and hitching his breath into stutters.
6. A Rush of Blood to the Head
“C’mon. After all, blood is one of the greatest fashion statements.”
“For you, maybe,” Al muttered. “For me, it just means I’m a messy eater.”
Ed was seized with the desire to lean across the table and kiss his brother’s warm, blushing cheek.
7. Liebes Tagebuch
Ed’s face was flushed, his lips moist and bright pink. He looked nearly the same as when he’d gone to the tavern and had too much to drink.
He wasn’t drunk now—his legs were steady as he carried Al into their shared bedroom. Ed laid Al gently on his bed—Al registered dimly that his things were strewn about on his bed, certainly not how he’d left them.
He’d have to have a talk with Ed later about poking through his private things. Later. Someday.
8. Dream a Little Dream of Me
“You are…so beautiful.”
Al’s cheeks flush delicately with a color Ed desperately wants to taste. “You’re just saying that because we’re here. Because I’m not real.”
9. Hawk Vision
Ed has never seen Hawkeye speechless before.
Finally she manages to spit out a strangled question. “What is—what’s wrong with him?”
Hurt spills over Al’s face. His lower lip trembles.
Ed grips his brother’s hand as tightly as his quivering muscles will allow. “It’s a long story. Put away your gun and we’ll tell you.”
10. Stitch by Stitch
Sam turned his body around fully, leaning toward the cage now. “Hi,” he breathed, unable to hide his pleased smile. “It’s nice to meet you, Jack.” He raised his hand in a half-wave.
Tagging: @laertez, @konekowrites, @gey-beans, @lilxxbrainrot, @whitedahlia13, @aeruthien, @raphaelstories, @caranfindel, @stilesssolo, and anyone else who wants to play!
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em-harlsnow · 28 days
hey u asked for a tiktok trend prank so i thought this would be funny https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSYwLdnsW/
but tbh any prank from their account could work cuz the guy is extremely mickey coded lol
I had never seen these two before but oh my god I love all their videos! He really is extremely Mickey lol.
Most of Ian's for you page on TikTok has been absorbed by gay couples, gardening content, cute animals and funny videos. But there's one straight couple that Ian finds hilarious. The guy kind of reminds him of Mickey, and they both have the same Southside vibe that Ian and his family have.
The best thing about it though is the amount of fresh pranks they're giving Ian.
There's a few he keeps in mind to try with Mickey.
The next time he and Mickey decide to go out for an actual date, Ian decides to try one. The whole date was Ian's idea, since when Mickey takes him out it's usually somewhere lowkey. Which Ian loves, but Ian also loves fancier places every now and again. So, they're going to a fancy restaurant tonight.
While Mickey does his hair, which takes much longer than Ian has the time for, he waits in the van. They haven't gotten around to buying a car yet.
Ian scrolls on TikTok while he waits, and it reminds him of his plan.
Finally, Mickey slips into the car, checking his hair in the wing mirror. It looks the same as it did the last time Ian saw him, but whatever makes him happy.
"Hey." Mickey says, pecking his cheek. Little acts like that still make Ian weirdly ecstatic.
"Hey." He replies. "Oh, before I forget. I can't pay for dinner today." Ian tells him, which is exactly what the girl says in the video.
Mickey scowls, eyebrows skyrocketing to his hairline. "What the fuck are you talking about?"
"I can't pay for dinner." Ian repeats.
Ian can see Mickey visibly recoil in a cross between confusion and annoyance. "We share a bank account!" He says incredulously. "Which you made."
"I left my card upstairs and I'm not going all the way back up to get it." Ian says, cringing at the bad excuse.
Mickey just scoffs. "I don't even know why this is a fucking problem. I always pay for our dinners."
Ian rolls his eyes. Ian usually pays for groceries, and Mickey pays for dinner dates. Even if it all comes from the same place.
"Well, I'm saying I can't pay."
Mickey's eye brows seem to move off their own accord. "You never pay!"
"And I can't pay!"
"What the fuck is your problem? I fucking pay." Mickey argues.
"But I can't take you out, because I can't pay." Ian tries.
"Then I'll take you out!" Mickey looks confused, as if it's the simplest thing.
"But I wanted to take you out!" Ian tells him, giving Mickey that look that always makes him do what Ian wants.
"Jesus Christ! You're such an idiot. Here." Mickey pulls out a small wad of cash - it's not like they're rich, but somehow Mickey always has cash on him. Ian thinks it's because he doesn't trust banks. He hands the cash to Ian. "There, now you can pay and fucking take me out!"
"That doesn't count!" Ian adds.
Mickey gives him a flat stare. "Drive the fucking car. Nobody's taking anyone anywhere if you don't drive to the place!"
Finally, Ian breaks, laughing. "Fine, fine." He concedes, holding his hands up in mock surrender.
"Fuck me, you're dramatic." Mickey sighs, tossing his head back against the seat in a manner that Ian thinks is much more dramatic.
Ian just grins, though and backs the van out of their apartment's parking lot.
-> send me TikTok things and I'll write a gallavich mini fic about it even if it takes me months
-> I might do more from these two because they're really funny and fit their vibe really well
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aiura-stan · 5 months
Onto 0-3!
The first thing I wonder when I start reading this chapter is… why does Saiki repeat himself every chapter? Just to drill it in? I guess this was a serialized manga.
And he includes the same nose joke again… except it isn’t as funny as the original. (“If that applies to you, then please just forget about this conversation” had me in hysterics the first time I read it.)
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Unrelated to anything in particular, I like the large screen tone used on Saiki’s eyes in vol 0. It’s visually interesting. I think Asou sensei could have kept using this to indicate when Saiki was using his powers.
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Here we go! Actually important details to the saikiverse (if you will.) One second of staring at a target is enough to get a glance, but three seconds of staring removes clothing and five seconds removes muscles as well as skin (maybe four seconds removes just skin, revealing muscle.)
No guarantee of how true this is, but I like to think it’s more or less accurate, thinking forward to the Kusuo’s birthday challenge chapter, where he has to spend a lot of time staring at an object so that he can see through it.
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I had forgotten that Chuono makes his first appearance in this chapter. Yay! Chuono san is so cute.
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“At moments like these, what sort of face should I be making?” is another iconic Saiki quote. This gag still manages to be pretty funny in its rough form, imo. *Now* what sort of face does one make?? The kind of face Chuono is making, perhaps. I just love the idea of Saiki meeting an illusionist in the first place. The fake “magician” versus the real psychic who can alter the laws of reality. It’s one of the genius bits in Saiki k.
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I also love the intentional misunderstanding that Saiki is an illusionist. It leads to so many funny situations down the line. Why does this random middle aged man call Saiki “master”? Who knows. In this case, Saiki’s habit of letting people make assumptions really came back to bite him in the ass. (Well, that and trying to out-magic and discourage him.)
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Another detail I like: Saiki missing social cues (in this case, the dip in the conversation where an average stranger would be like, ok, see you, good luck. That’s not very neurotypical of him…
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I really do find this weird stunt hilarious. Saiki’s logic is so off because he inevitably ends up dealing with weirdos expecting normal behavior. C’mon Saiki.
Also, Saiki says here that he can teleport (called apport in the comic proper I believe) not just things, but people into a specific place… crazy
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Saiki doesn’t understand the (reasoning behind the) eyelash/long hair simile? Continuing to build my ND Saiki case material…
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Also enjoying this little panel of Ike-san holding the 500 yen coin, which Saiki definitely gave him.
Well, I think that does it for volume 0 Chapter 3….
see you all soon. 💫
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jex-traordinaire · 1 year
I just rewatches Parallel World Pharmacy and binged the manga, so here's my breakdown of the adaptation's success.
Biggest Changes:
the anime cuts the whole arc where Palle visits. The time save was necessary, but missing out on the brotherly combat and the whole scene in the church was a bummer.
The anime cuts out a lot of interesting exploration on Pharma's divinity as well as some good foreshadowing on evil spirits. It was especially cool to learn that Pharma creates a sanctuary that repels minor ailments and evil spirits. All that talk of evil spirits makes the final enemy seem like a logical escalation.
The anime also cuts the whole plotline about Pharma exhausting himself in the finale. This was a bit of a bummer since I found it humanizing, as well as a nice showcase on how certain habits (aka overwork) are hard to break entirely. Self care is a conscious effort for Pharma and that was cool to see.
This connects a lot to the sanctuary powers and said overwork, but the manga shows more consideration for how divine arts can be used alongside science based medicine. Like with the look at evil spirits (and what is actually just a natural condition), the idea that neither science nor magic are superior is cool. Pharma isn't just a doctor here to school these superstitious people, there is magic and divinity in plain sight in this world alongside the completely fake medieval medicine.
The anime does a good job cutting a little weirdness from the manga. The manga tends to repeat the same joke of "a girl or woman gets naked and it's funny because Pharma is just kinda embarrassed but not attracted to them because he is a child". It gets old fast and I'm glad the anime just kept the one instance in the beach scene.
And finally, the anime actually makes the final fight better. Yes, attempting to show how Bruno and Pharma showed up at the same time when Pharma can fly was a bit contrived, but having Bruno distract Camille while Pharma dealt with the poisoning was way cooler than him just doing it through the window. Plus, it fulfilled on Bruno's promise to kill Camille no matter what.
Overall, great anime and great manga! The vibes are so good and it's fun to have a smart, ethical, OP, and kindhearted protagonist. All the supporting characters are great too, especially Solomon who is just so intense it's hilarious.
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mickules · 2 years
Dangantober asks
So, you may or may not have seen, I've been posting Dangaronpa Ghost Photos as a daily october drawing and writing challenge
This is just a collection of asks about them, and I'll be posting a little breakdown of my thought process behind each character tomorrow
But first, the most pressing question:
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I'm afraid not, it's just gonna be THH and SDR2 but I do appreciate the enthusiasm👍! I'll be honest, I kinda ran dry on the ideas front. It might be different if I'd planned it all out in advance, but since v3 isn't a direct sequel, it doesn't slot in as neatly with the prev 2 games. I'd have had to do a lot more juggling to fit it in and I hate to admit it, but I was already starting to repeat myself a little bit. There's always next year tho perhaps...
Rest of the asks below!
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oho! (referencing Chiaki's photo) you certainly did see what I did there It was honestly a toss up between that, and sonic.exe which would have been HILARIOUS. (also not sure if anyone caught the ref to one of my fave youtubers)
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Fair point, Well we know what happens when you break ALL of them, But if you break a few all at once I think it'd the first option. They won't come for you at the exact same time though, the haunts cascade, one after the other depending on when you broke the rule, and how fast the ghost haunts you.
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I did try to make most of the rules things that'd probably get you in trouble anyway if you were caught, but there's gonna be that one unlucky fecker who accidentally throws a new pen away and gets their ass ghost stalked by Nagito, no idea of what's going on.
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@cat0901h3 Originally I was going to include a bit with Makoto as the headteacher The idea was that Junko lured you into the headteacher's office to kill you THERE, essentially framing Makoto, and starting up her whole campaign of despair again. I decided to leave it more ambiguous instead like the ending of THH, and have Junko be your unreliable narrator instead
Course this au crumbles a little if you look too hard since the sdr2 lot are actually dead and not in a simulation (and I did not plan this lol) I like to think of it like a Battle Royale situation. Junko set up the killing games but it never got outside Hope's Peak, it was kept under wraps. there wasn't an actual apocalypse.
In this scenario I do see Makoto as the headteacher, he'd probably know about the hauntings, hence why there are school policies in place that match the 'rules', I figure Hiro helps out a fair bunch working out the haunting parameters, they're trying to help their friends rest in peace.
thanks so much! super glad you like! Working fast was what I was most known for in school lol, it helps if I've got a solid visual in mind, otherwise I can meander with the best of them.
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AHH?? THANkS SO MUCH! I'm so pleased folk liked them! I've gotta admit when I started I was like 'ha ha this'll be a laugh' and halfway through it was very much 'WRITING IS HARD' Lord, pour one out to the fanfic authors, I cannot do what they do!
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Thanks so much! it really makes my day to see folk waiting for the next one :) Hope celeste lived up to your expectations ;)
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Sorry for leaving these too late to answer! I didn't want to stop and answer in between the dangantober posts in case I lost momentum But I wanted to acknowledge it, I'm pleased I sparked your interest! :)
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[EDIT this ask came literally as I pushed post]
@emberz7 AH!! Thanks so so much! I'm blown away to hear that folk were actually spooked! A little creepy vibe was definitely was I was going for I think I like Chiaki's picture the most, I just really like how it came out with the screenshot vibe. In terms of story, honestly Sayaka's it was the one that inspired me to start the whole thing, and at the beginning it was the only one I had! I think it's also the most robust in terms of flow, it feels like an actual ghost story someone might tell.
Also, I see you, you absolute GEMS who reblogged each one?? and left tags??? you don't know how much that means to me
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not gonna lie that's a big reason why I didn't run out of steam sooner <3
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dnangelic · 1 year
Random question for you, so sorry if this is too sudden! However, I was wondering -- with how some of the popular 2000s anime are getting remakes and the like lately, would you want D.N.Angel to get the same treatment or do you like the anime adaptation for what it was?
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FULL SINCERITY i can't stand the dnangel anime LOOOL 😭😭😭 like i haven't sat myself down to the watch the entire thing and that's because i KNOW it's bad. the plot is thrown all over the place. krad shows up for the first time while being locked into a school freezer instead of literally anywhere else. dark's characterization gets absolutely anNIHILATED, i literally have no idea who that guy is, that is Not dark. daisuke gets hit pretty bad with no depth/no personality syndrome too and becomes really whiny and annoying without really showing any of the strength he does in the manga. the animation gets hilariously, and i mean really hilariously wonky. absolutely nothing lines up with sugisaki's worldbuilding or details, and it's missing all the manga thematics (on the topics of art, lies, loving/being loved, grief and identity) that i genuinely adored. THE SHOW BECOMES A HAREM GENRE-SWITCH MIDWAY THROUGH. LIKE. ITS BADDDD. ITS BADDD!!!
that all being said i'm not really keeping my hopes up for an anime remake only bc i'm not entirely sure if dnangel is popular enough to warrant it...? like even from a company perspective i have no idea how marketable dnangel is, it's got a lot of nostalgia attached but even then i don't know/think it was ever quite on the same level as shows like inuyasha, sailor moon, or yuyu hakusho if you know what i mean. -IF- dnangel still somehow did get a remake, i'd love for it to actually follow the manga's thematics a little better. it doesn't even have to exactly follow the manga, i'd be okay with new art-antagonists or plotlines as long as it retained the heart of sugisaki's thematics, but it's just that the og anime doesn't even have any of that to me. 😭 i do like the sheer bewildering hilarity of anime-daisuke's fam doing cult shit in the basement though, and the drama cd where anime dark and daisuke meet and speak with the drama cd dark and daisuke is also really fun to me!
it's just like ---- hmm, overall i feel like even giving dnangel one remake season would be really surprising! and the way the manga goes, it'd be hard to fit everything into just ~12 episodes, i'd like to see at least two seasons or just skipping some of the initial manga happenings because for the most part it's after towa's arc that dnangel starts to feel like a proper series with a real plot happening beyond daisuke's were-bishonen shenanigans. at the same time i've tried to pay really close attention and i know that even early novel stuff still expresses a lot of thematic information that carries on into the later volumes, so it's kinda like... 🤷‍♀️ as long as a remake didn't repeat the og anime's mistakes (aka not trying at all to retain the BEST PARTS of sugisaki's characters and writing)
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thesinglesjukebox · 9 months
From Daniel, a post-release single that reached the top 5 in the US (and #1 in *checks notes* Latvia?)...
Daniel Montesinos-Donaghy: I'll be honest, I really thought Gunna's career was over after taking a plea deal related to Young Thug's ongoing RICO case. Hip hop doesn't like the potential of cooperation with the law, let alone snitching, so we had several months of high-ranking peers throwing shots at Gunna and op-eds with titles like "Did Gunna's Plea Deal Get Him Shunned?" Regardless, "Fukumean' is the biggest hit of his post-"Drip Too Hard" career; whatever his billion-stream track with Nav sounds like, it doesn't have the narrative of overcoming struggle and shrugging off the naysayers. Which is hilarious because this is very much business as usual, a triplet-tripping filip with a genderless chorus of synthetic sneers every few beats: "FUCK YOU MEEEANNN?!?" I couldn't tell you a single memorable bar that Gunna delivers here, and yet this song has been stuck in my head all year. It's the least defiant show of public defiance in some time, the "Dust Off Your Shoulder" mantra as an eyeroll, a club-engineered megahit that doesn't tidy up click-clacking sounds of swaying jewellery or clinking ice cubes by the microphone. It's not laziness, or rebellion, or pretending everything's okay, but some weird amalgamation of the three and I don't know what the fukthatmeans. [6]
Oliver Maier: I've written before that Gunna's real strength is an ear for beats that suit his bleakly restrained style. That's true here: the "ee-yah" noise is an unlikely earworm that I can imagine other rappers instantly passing on, but this lacks the winning stupidity of "pushin P", the sugariness of "SKYBOX" or "DOLLAZ ON MY HEAD", or whatever "Speed It Up" has that makes me love it so much. [6]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: I still listen to Gunna in desperate hope that I can one day reclaim the pure glee I experienced the first time I heard "Drip Too Hard." This doesn't quite get there -- Gunna (understandably) sounds slightly defeated here -- a resolute figure of survival, but not one that's having all that much fun even as he talks about "shittin on all you lil' turds." And if you deliver that line deadpan I'm not sure we have the same musical goals. [5]
Will Adams: Three things: an annoyed and/or annoying "...yeah?"; the title hook, delivered as a schoolyard taunt; "shittin' on all you lil' turds". Even at two minutes, "Fukumean" is light on ideas, and the ones available are only kind of good. [4]
Ian Mathers: Some songs would get by on either the "fuck you mean?" bit of the "a-yup" bit, and they'd be fine. Using both well in about two minutes that also fits in a compelling performance from Gunna (lots of lines are just sticking with me, I've been muttering "I see the ho with precision/Get rich my only decision" to myself for a bit) ought to be gilding the lily, but it feels just about right. [8]
Wayne Weizhen Zhang: Every "eeeyahh" is methodical, consuming, and withering: "Fukumean" isn't an all out assault of swagger so much as a series of waves meant to drag you out from shore. [7]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: My immediate reaction was to think of the repeated squeaking in "The Box," but this is a track so deflated and bare that everything is reduced to a haze. The hook is so much of a non-presence it's hard to care -- it's sung with the insistence of children fighting sleep. [4]
Micha Cavaseno: Gunna's been boring before, so him half-heartedly going in over a particularly uninspired detuned piano loop here isn't a disappointment as much as it's further validation of how little he's ever had going on for him as a rapper. Hell, the best part of this song isn't even himself, it's the backing vocal chorus (which truthfully has nothing to do with him and might even overshadow him?). But yeah, Gunna remains one-note as ever though I'm glad he's separated himself from perhaps the most noxious legal trial to ever involve rapper(s). I'll take Atlanta's rap scene being unlistenable over their rap scene being mass incarcerated any day. [2]
Taylor Alatorre: Opinions may differ on this, but I personally don't enjoy being yelled at. I don't have this issue with Bone Crusher on "Never Scared" or Lil Jon on "Bia' Bia'," who are both much louder, but for some reason I can't help feeling that the Greek chorus (Atlantan chorus?) in "Fukumean" is shouting the title phrase at me specifically. Like, what did I do, Gunna? I mostly liked a Gift & a Curse! The song's official instrumental includes neither this hook nor the possibly Sho Madjozi-inspired "iyah" vocalization; going by the YouTube comments bemoaning their absence, it's these two elements that have most fueled its staying power. They do indeed make it memorable, and instantly recognizable in a public setting. Apart from those steady drips of attitude, though, there just isn't much to feed on here. [5]
Nortey Dowuona: "A music writer handed a Gunna song to discuss finds himself confronted by several problems, not the least which is the necessity of squaring with his conscience the fact he is discussing Gunna at all." -- mostly copied from James Baldwin on James M. Cain's The Moth in The Cross of Redemption, page 291. [0]
Brad Shoup: Might be the absurd amount of Post Malone I streamed this year, but I'm trying not to underrate the modern compact pop-rap single. But he doesn't have any lines better than the (very good) hooks. [5]
Katherine St Asaph: Rarely does one hear a track with such monumental determination to not bang. In a way, it's impressive. [5]
Alfred Soto: Dependent on its hook, this obscene banality barely exists -- a bit like Gunna himself. [6]
[Read, comment and vote on The Singles Jukebox ]
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imperiuswrecked · 2 years
Hilarious when the dudebros say stuff like where's Namor??? "That's not him" "they didn't use the source material". Recently I saw a dude claim that the design is fine but he thought they would use someone "greco-roman" and I was like. Now you're just being racist with different words. I'm not that familiar with Namor but I learnt a lot of things about the character and boy did he quickly became one of my favorites. But even *I* can tell he's not a white dude. Tenoch looks amazing as Namor, comic accurate with a new design/twist. He has the little wings! And people saying they look silly but aren't they comic accurate? Like, are you going to complain about his design because it's comic accurate now?? pick up a struggle.
Comic Dudebros Opinions aren't worth our time, lol.
I am SO HAPPY about the ankle wings, it's exactly like I always pictured it would be and it even has that Hummingbird motion I always headcanoned and wrote into my fanfics.
So many people said Namor's wings were stupid and they shouldn't put them in a movie so it's more "realistic" (he can lie for hundreds of years and breath underwater but wings were too unrealistic? :/ ) but they don't understand the history behind them or why it's so important to his character.
I have an old post here and more recent twitter thread here talking about the Biracial Coding of Namor's comics but I will have an updated version out before the movie is released so I can talk about the Tenoch casting since so many people have taken me pointing out that in the comics Namor isn't white and has had East Asian coding in his past as me saying "Only an East Asian actor can play Namor" and are trying to use my meta out of context when I even say that any actor of color could play Namor.
I never thought that Marvel would ever cast/see Namor as a non white character and the idea that not only did Coogler do this but also make all the Atlanteans non white is so wild to me because I was just trying to get people to see that we should at the bare minimum make sure we have a biracial/non white actor for Namor in order for it to be true to his character. This was like asking for a small slice of cake and someone handing me the whole thing, and I'm so pleased it's happening.
I know a lot of people like the Greco-Roman Aesthetic and it is a part of Namor's background but his original creator, Bill Everett, never made Namor Greco-Roman, the only inspiration he had for that was Namor is Roman backwards as his name because he like how regal it sounded and the ankle wings being a nod to Hermes. The original Sub-Mariner and his people were literally Original Characters from the Antarctic waters and the Atlantis stuff wasn't mentioned until later and then finally cemented in the Silver age. I will have everything laid out with examples in a better post later even though it will sound like I'm repeating myself but then again I feel like I've been on the same loop of this topic for years. lol.
I know it's hard to believe but I actually mentioned the idea of the Atlanteans reminding me of the Mayans back in 2019 on the Namor CBR board. It was just such a good idea that I never pushed it or tried to convince others because I never ever thought it would happen. I'm not trying to brag that I came up with these ideas; it's so there within the underlying context of the comics that anyone who reads into Namor comics could come up with the same conclusions, Coogler certainly did and went with the Mesoamerican inspiration.
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All these Comic Dudebros want is the "White Male Self Insert Power Fantasy" they pushed on Namor's character and something that Fanon!Namor is full of because no one actually takes the time to read his comics and know his actual character so just go off what they think it should be. Namor has never been what they thought he was.
I think if this was a few years ago I would be angrier and getting into more arguments with those fans again, but I try to not let Fandom be a negative place for me or other fans if I can help it. After all where were all these fans all these years when I would promote Namor's comics? Or when I created fan events like Namor Week and other fans joined in and put their time and effort into making fanworks for? I won't let them ruin this for us like they have ruined so many other characters and fandoms. Nothing makes a dudebro angrier than not getting the attention they want. lol.
Right now I'm just smugly scrolling through posts as they whine and cry because in the end I was right and they were wrong and Tenoch is going to be so amazing as Namor!!!
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
3. I have no idea if this time line would work, but MYX and XY get attached to each other, so when the time comes that MYX and XY need to leave Koi Tower, JGY helps them get married in secret and run away to Dongu. Anyways, a few years latter, JGY has a kid that needs to go and people in a removed location that owe him favors! Isn’t that a wonderful combination! A Jin(?) Rusong raised by Uncles Mo and Xue, or whatever they go by these days, would be very chaotic. Bonus: they start a relatively safe demonic cultivation sect, maybe with some guidance from the Nie (has NMJ never been killed by the Jin in this Au?), or more specifically, Huaisang. SL and XXC who got a happy ending decide to check out this no blood line sect (it looks slightly dubious, but surely can’t be to bad! Right?) A-Qing at least is enjoying her new friend -🟪🦋
Should Have Been Listening - ao3
“Let go of me.”
“I won’t,” Mo Xuanyu said, clutching Xue Yang’s arm. “I won’t, I won’t! You’re my only friend here!”
Xue Yang looked down at him in what he thought was mostly exasperation, but might have also been a little fondness – after all, if it’d been anyone else who’d grabbed him, he’d have stabbed them.
He still didn’t know why he didn’t stab Mo Xuanyu, too, but in all honesty, he wasn’t that interested in exploring it. He did what he wanted, and right now, he didn’t want to murder Mo Xuanyu.
Irritating as he sometimes was.
“Little brat,” he said. “I have important business to go do.”
“It’s not something that he ordered, though!”
“So what?” Xue Yang bristled. “I don’t just do what hetells me!”
“But that means he won’t cover for you, and that means you’ll get in trouble!” Mo Xuanyu argued. “How can I let you go all alone to get in trouble? You have to take me with you! What will you do without me? Who’ll keep you entertained and sneak sweets for you if not for me?”
Xue Yang’s lips twitched. Okay, maybe there was a reason he kept the brat around.
“You don’t understand,” he said. “This is something I’ve got to do – something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. I’m going to kill a lot of people and get into a lot of trouble, more trouble than ever before. I’ll probably lose my life. How can I possibly take you with me?”
Mo Xuanyu scowled up at him. It was a very weak scowl – barely more than a pout. “You think that’s going to make me not want to come with you?”
Xue Yang’s eyebrows went up. “You cry at the sight of blood!”
“I cry at a lot of things!”
Xue Yang wasn’t sure how to respond to that. It was true, Mo Xuanyu cried at a lot of things.
“Maybe if I come with you, it won’t be so bad!”
Yeeeeah, Xue Yang wasn’t going to count on that.
“Or maybe you don’t have to go…?”
“I have to go,” he explained. “If I don’t go, I can’t get revenge, and I have to have revenge.”
Mo Xuanyu blinked up at him.
“I don’t really understand, but okay,” he said, and tugged on his arm. “Let’s go together, then. I promise I won’t cry!”
He cried.
He cried a lot.
“Stop fucking crying.”
“Just – ugh. Listen. You’re ruining the mood.”
“If you can’t stop crying, go away. Now. Or I’ll stab you!”
“Okay, see, look, I just killed the leaders, see? Just the old men. Everyone else is just locked in their rooms. Once the sect leader comes back, I’ll kill him too, and that’ll be all. Okay? Everyone else lives. I promise. Now stop crying, okay?”
“I don’t want to know,” Jin Guangyao said when they got back. “I don’t want to know at all.”
“Good,” Xue Yang grumbled. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Enough people heard about the reason for what you did that opinions are mixed as to whether your actions were the Chang clan’s just rewards for their former misdeeds or if they were actually wrong,” Jin Guangyao said. He looked irritated. “But you still killed high-ranking members of a sect, and you left enough alive that they’re demanding your head on a platter. You’re going to need to run away.”
Mo Xuanyu hesitantly gestured as if he wished to speak.
“Yes, you can go with him. Now that my father is dead, no one cares where you are.”
Mo Xuanyu beamed.
“You’re just going to let us go?” Xue Yang asked suspiciously. “That seems unlike you. What’s in it for you?”
“Oh, I’m not just going to let you go. I’m going to give you money, too,” Jin Guangyao said. “And all you need to do for me is one little tiny favor –”
Pity that that was when Xue Yang stopped listening, too busy staring at Mo Xuanyu’s delighted face and counting all the way he was in for it now.
“I’ve always wanted to take care of a baby,” Mo Xuanyu said happily.
“Good for you,” Xue Yang said darkly as he stalked through the streets.
He would rather that Jin Guangyao had needed a body buried and a death covered up or something – and judging by the baby’s perturbed expression, it probably agreed with him. Fuck, maybe Jin Guangyao had meant for them to murder the baby once they got it far enough out of the way. It was just as plausible as Mo Xuanyu's assumption that they were supposed to take care of it.
Damnit, maybe he should have been listening.
“Listen, neither of us are equipped to handle a baby. Go find a woman to help us – someone poor and helpless who doesn’t have any other choice.”
Xue Yang shut his eyes. “What exactly,” he said slowly, “did you think I asked you to get us a woman for, exactly?”
“To…watch the baby?” Mo Xuanyu guessed. “When we’re busy or sleeping? Anyway, what’s wrong with A-Qing, anyway? She’s nice!”
“I’m not nice,” A-Qing said. The damn brat was smirking – and for once it wasn’t his damn brat, but some blind brat with a cocky expression. “I stole your wallet and you burst into tears and it was really embarrassing.”
“He does that,” Xue Yang said wearily. At least he’d noticed the theft this time – all of his lessons in ‘how not to be a sucker and get constantly taken advantage of’ were maybe having something of an impact. Maybe. “For some reason I’m apparently into it.”
He couldn’t explain it any other way.
“I will stab you,” Xue Yang threatened. “I don’t care if you’re blind.”
“Won’t someone tell me why A-Qing isn’t a perfectly good babysitter?” Mo Xuanyu demanded. He was holding the baby in his arms again – the baby liked him more than it did Xue Yang, which meant that between Mo Xuanyu and the baby, the baby had better self-preservation instincts – and he was trying his best stern scowl which was of course barely more than a pout and a so-called ‘fierce’ expression that made Xue Yang want to laugh.
Not even Mo Xuanyu’s horrific make-up skills could make thatface intimidating. Or maybe it was just that the person behind the face was just so completely unthreatening that there was no help for it?
“Well? Tell me!”
Xue Yan opened his mouth, then shrugged and shut it again.
A-Qing patted Mo Xuanyu on the shoulder. “I’m too young. No milk.”
“You know. The thing babies eat?”
“…milk,” Mo Xuanyu repeated, only now he looked absolutely heartbroken at having failed the mission that Xue Yang had assigned him almost entirely just to get him out of the way while Xue Yang collected some spare cash and threatened their way onto a ride out of this piece of shit town.
“It’s fine,” Xue Yang said hastily. “We’ll just get a goat or something, I don’t know.”
“Okay, I actually only came here to laugh at you,” A-Qing said. “But now I’m legitimately worried about this baby. Don’t you two know anything? How’d you even get a baby, anyway?”
“Stop laughing. It’s not that funny.”
“Seriously. Stop laughing, or I stab you.”
“Don’t worry, A-Qing,” Mo Xuanyu said. “He doesn’t mean it! Threats are just how he expresses affection!”
“It most certainly is not.”
“That is absolutely amazing,” A-Qing said, wiping her eyes. “Best thing I’ve ever heard., if by best I mean worse-but-hilarious. I mean. If that’s what he considers affection, what must his flirting be like?”
“No one is flirting with anyone!”
“Are you going to leave at some point?”
“Obviously not,” A-Qing said. She’d caught the same ride as them, using Xue Yang’s cash no less – Mo Xuanyu had insisted that it was the least they could do after the whole milk misunderstanding, which was stupid, she ought to be paying them for wasting their time. Xue Yang couldn’t wait to get rid of her, although he had to admit that she’d been pretty useful in terms of putting on the ‘poor sad blind girl and her two brothers all alone in the world’ act to get them a room at the inn at prices even Xue Yang felt comfortable paying. “Are you joking? This is so much funnier than walking by myself. Anyway, I enjoy watching people crash and burn.”
“Aren’t you too young to be such a bitch?” Xue Yang hissed. “And, I don’t know, blind?”
“You know what I mean.”
“I don’t care what you –”
The sound of crying came from the other room.
It was quickly followed by a second set of crying.
Xue Yang felt the onset of a headache.
“…truce?” A-Qing suggested sweetly, as if she knew exactly how much it pissed him off and thought it was the funniest thing ever, which was…probably accurate, actually. “I’ll get the baby to stop crying if you do the same with Mo Xuanyu.”
Yeah, that was definitely a headache. The sort of headache called why do I like that brat.
Mo Xuanyu owed him so much candy for putting up with this shit.
“Fine,” Xue Yang said begrudgingly. “Truce. Temporarily. And then you leave!”
“So we live here now, huh?” A-Qing said, looking around the house they’d claimed. “That’s neat.”
“Why do you live with us again?” Xue Yang asked her, though by now he barely even meant it. A-Qing was clearly another one in the same mold as Mo Xuanyu: you just couldn’t say no to her…or, rather, you could, at length and top volume and with threats, only it just didn’t stick. “I definitely did not recall asking you to stay.”
Though it was nice to have someone else around that wasn’t going to get immediately ripped off by literally anyone who came their way. Mo Xuanyu’d started getting conned by the literal infant that they were taking care of – he was completely hopeless.
Also, questionably blind or not, at least A-Qing had no hesitation about beating people with her stick if they struck her the wrong way, which was a life approach Xue Yang agreed with wholeheartedly.
“She’s going to learn to cultivate!” Mo Xuanyu chirped from where he was applying his make-up. “Demonic cultivation, too! We had a whole discussion about it while you were out getting groceries!”
That made a certain amount of sense, Xue Yang supposed. You didn’t need talent to be a demonic cultivator – technically speaking, given his bloodline, Mo Xuanyu was more naturally gifted in cultivation than Xue Yang, which was just wrong on all sorts of levels – and it was certainly more effective a defense mechanism than A-Qing’s stick. If there were two of them, they could protect Mo Xuanyu and the baby more effectively, taking shifts when needed, and Mo Xuanyu, who was also going to learn demonic cultivation no matter how many times Xue Yang had to hammer it into his head, could be the last line of defense, largely since no one would ever expect him to be able to do…anything…and they’d be right, too.
So it wasn’t the craziest idea in the world, only…
“…who is she going to be learning from, exactly!?”
“Have you ever considered charging for your skill in teaching cultivation lessons instead of your skill in stabbing people?” A-Qing asked one day. They were lying on the ground and having the corpses they’d raised fan them to try to reduce the temperature – it was that sort of day. Also, Mo Xuanyu, who might’ve objected, wasn’t around. “You’re not actually that bad at this. Might be more profitable, and less work. Just a thought.”
“Shut up. I’m great at stabbing people.”
“Yeah, but then after a while we have to move because people get annoyed at that, and it’s getting a little annoying to have to pack up all the time.”
“We’d have to move anyway. We’re wanted criminals, remember?”
“We could be wanted criminals with a house. Besides, wouldn’t you like to be called Teacher Xue?”
“What? No. Gross.”
“So you see, it turns out that they were teaching demonic cultivation in a safe and organized fashion,” Xiao Xingchen explained enthusiastically. “They’d even gathered up their own little sect! And of course everyone heard what the Chang clan did, so there’s no need to worry about them going around and murdering people at random – it was a targeted revenge scheme.”
“We’re working on teaching them regular cultivation,” Song Lan agreed, nodding. “To help mitigate the negative effects of demonic cultivation…well, we started out by just teaching them.”
“It turned out that they’d been secretly teaching all of the local delinquents, too, or at least Mo-gongzi had been teaching a few and Mistress Qing was teaching a few others, and even Sect Leader Xue had a few disciples,” Xiao Xingchen said, politely omitting or possibly having not noticed the fact that Mo Xuanyu had been teaching his ‘friends’ (read: scammers trying to take advantage of him), while A-Qing and Xue Yang had each been trying to form competing gangs and/or obtain lackeys. Xue Yang didn’t mind the oversight, largely on account of the fact that A-Qing had been winning, damn her – he’d kept getting distracted by inventing new things. “And a few of them had real talent – and you know that Zichen and I have always wanted to start a sect of our own, with no bloodline ties –”
“We’re joining their sect,” Song Lan said. “We’ll be leading the orthodox side, while they lead the demonic cultivation aspect – safely, of course.”
“I guess it’s better than them being crazy,” Jiang Cheng said. He sounded dubious. “I don’t like it, but at least all the demonic cultivators can be in one spot, you know?”
He made it sound like they’d be dropping off new ones there in the future.
Like they’d opened up some sort of pet rescue and were taking in unwanted puppies or something.
“Agreed,” Nie Mingjue said. “To the extent that they aren’t causing active harm, containment seems an appropriate remedy here. Who seconds the motion?”
“I do,” Lan Xichen said, and smiled at the newly agreed-upon sect. “Welcome back to the cultivation world, Sect Leader Xue.”
“I don’t want to know,” Jin Guangyao said, glaring.
“Don’t worry,” Xue Yang told him. “This comes as much of a shock to me as to you.”
The glare intensified, but that was fine. Jin Guangyao’s facial expressions, however minor and generally overlooked, had been the only thing getting him through that awful, awful meeting just now where people kept trying to salute him and make him salute back and if he didn’t then he was letting down Mo Xuanyu (who would send him a sad look) and A-Qing (who would hear about it from Mo Xuanyu later and then find a way to step on his foot right when he was concentrating on something).
Not to mention their two new resident lovebirds, who looked so righteous and proper from the outside but who also may or may not have accidentally full-on actually resurrected some dead asshole cultivator more or less the first time they’d joined Xue Yang in his demonic cultivation laboratory – which would have been fine, you know, that happened in demonic cultivation though not normally to quite such a wow-is-he-actually-alive extent, except that the guy’s intermittent moments of clarity suggested that his two new sect members might have just brought back the Yiling Patriarch himself, which was going to make all of them wanted criminal again the second anyone found out about it.
Being called sect leader was completely not worth this shit.
Xue Yang comforted himself with the reminder that later today he was planning on publicly introducing Jin Guangyao to the Xue sect’s head junior disciple “Xue Song” and announcing loudly that the brat needed some lessons in manners, that he’d heard that that was Lianfeng-zun’s specialty, and nominating him to take care of the kid while they were visiting.
See how the fucker liked that.
“I always knew Xue-gege could do great things!” Mo Xuanyu said, clapping his hands as A-Qing rolled her (by now, Xue Yang was almost definitely sure not actually blind) eyes behind his back. “As long as I went with him!”
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floorbe · 4 years
Kazuichi, Byakuya, Shuichi, Nagito, Hajime, Taka, Sonia & Mondo headcanons with a partner who is the Ultimate Dreamer? As in they have a HUGE imagination and creativity. They always ramble about ideas, are easily distracted/zone out a lot and get very emotional when an idea for a story or art piece doesn't go according to plan? I know that's a lot of people so you don't have to do them all, i'm sorry
ofc!! its not too many ppl at all, dw!!!
Kazuichi Souda
-He’s right on your wavelength!
-He’s got a crazy amount of creativity, too, so he’s right there with you and egging on your ideas!!
-He even adds on to them if you want! He’s got a lot of suggestions for everything
-He also asks for suggestions from you when he’s blocked for ideas on what to build/examine next
-At first he’s kind of offended when you keep getting distracted while he’s talking, but once he realizes it doesn’t mean you’re not interested, he’s cool!
-Has no problem repeating what he said, even if he has to do it twenty times in one conversation
-Kazuichi can completely empathize with getting emotional when something doesn’t turn out right
-He gets the same way when it’s his own creations, so he knows exactly how you feel and how to help
-“Hey, Y/N, don’t worry about it, okay?! We can always try again! Plus, I think this turned out pretty damn cool, anyway...” 
-He’s always encouraging you and complimenting all of your works, even the ones you don’t think are up to par. And he genuinely means everything he says
-You can count on him to always be there to motivate you to try again or move onto the next project
Byakuya Togami
-He’s honestly really impressed with how creative you are
-You’ll probably never know genuinely how much, because the most he’ll say is a “That’s quite an idea, Y/N” 
-He’s going to get frustrated at first if you zone out often, so bear with him as he gets over himself a bit
-Once he does get more used to it, he’ll just sigh and repeat what he said. It isn’t much better than before, but at least he’s not rolling his eyes with a snarky reply anymore
-He kind of... nitpicks your ideas? He doesn’t mean it in a harmful way, he just wants to add on in his own way. He’ll add on his own suggestions for a more practical and successful approach
-He’s actually a pretty good listener, though you’ll mostly get hums and grunts as responses as he doesn’t have much to add onto your thoughts
-If you’re a writer, he’s fully willing to proof read your stuff! He won’t say that, of course, but you can tell by how quickly he gives in when you ask him
-When you get emotional that something didn’t go right, he’ll walk past you and take a look at it himself
-“...This turned out well, Y/N. Our minds expectations are always higher than what we can accomplish; or, you’re your own worst critic, as they say.” 
Shuichi Saihara
-He’s amazed with how many ideas you have?? It seems like you never run out, and he’s so interested in hearing every one
-He doesn’t really have much to add on (and he kinda feels like he’s imposing by suggesting stuff) but if you ask he’s more than happy to give his own thoughts!
-Doesn’t mind you zoning out at all! He actually starts picking up on the signs that you are and either 1. catches your attention again or 2. gives you a minute before going on
-When you start getting emotional over something that didn’t turn out quite right, he’s right there beside you to ride it out with you
-“I-I think it’s amazing, Y/N, really!” and he does! But he knows what it’s like to not meet your own expectations, so he tries his best to be there for you
-And when you eventually pick up the motivation to start a new piece/work on your project again, he’s right there supporting you
Nagito Komaeda
-He’s astounded by how many ideas you have, and he wants to know about every single one
-This man is one of the best listeners you’ll ever meet
-He’s dead silent while you talk unless you want him to add stuff in or ask questions, in which he’s got you, too!
-He loves watching you work, and will gladly sit by you for hours just chilling
-Doesn’t mind at all if you zone out, but he may take it way too personally in a self hatred way, so make sure to reassure him it’s not because of him
-He’s so, so supportive of everything you make!
-He really does not understand how you could think that something didn’t turn out well, because “everything you do is amazing, my love!” 
-He’s got so many compliments for every project you work on. It’s almost too much, but later on in the relationship he knows when to pull back
-If you’re a painter, he’d love to paint with you!! He has no qualms about getting messy, and he loves spending time with you!
Hajime Hinata
-He loves listening to all of your thoughts and ideas!!
-Secretly kinda jealous of how big your imagination is, but he won’t tell you that
-He doesn’t have much to weigh in tbh, he just likes listening, but he’ll give suggestions if you want!
-Tbh he zones out a lot, too, so he totally understands you! He’ll just gently snap your attention back if you ask him to!
-He’s also right by your side when he sees you start to get emotional over a project
-He tries his best to comfort you, mostly by complimenting the piece in question and reassuring you it looks great (and it does!)
-He’ll stick to just comforting you if you don’t want any compliments, tho. He’s a great hugger!
-If you draw, sometimes you’ll catch him sketching in his own little book after watching you draw. He only lets you catch a glimpse of it before he shuts it, but it looked... suspiciously like you? 
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
-This man admires you so, so much. He has so much respect for you
-He’s not really an art person, so if your projects are art based he is so enamored by it! If you’ll let him, he’d love to sit in and watch you while you work! 
-Your creativity is so fascinating to him. He loves hearing all of your ideas, and loves discussing them with you! 
-He’ll try to add in suggestions, but if you want him to just listen he’s fine with that, too
-At first he thinks you’re zoning out because you’re being rude/disrespectful (and he’s a little hurt on the inside at the thought), but once you clarify that that’s not the case at all he’s 100% okay again
-Offers to proof read your stuff if you’re a writer! He may not be that good at creative writing, but he’s damn good at proof reading and editing writings
-He’ll absolutely ask for tips on some of the stuff that he’s interested in if that’s what you also do! (“Y/N, please teach me how to draw the other eye!”)
-He starts picking up on early signs that you’re starting to get emotional over a project, and he’ll rush to your side early to try and help out
-Whether it be by complimenting the piece (which he thinks is just... amazing, really, he doesn’t get how you don’t see that??) or just rubbing your back as you lament over it, he’s right there
Sonia Nevermind
-She’s so excited!!! She loves listening to other people talk about what they’re passionate about!
-She could spend hours just sitting with you and listening to you talk about your new ideas!
-She’ll get so excited if you ask her to weigh in with her opinion, so excited that she may fill up the suggestion with curse words on accident
-She doesn’t mind you zoning out at all! She knows it’s not intentional and she has no problem just catching your attention again and asking where in her sentence you zoned out so she can continue
-Sonia is very observant about the people she cares about, so she can see that you’re starting to get emotional over a piece before you even notice it 
-At an instant she’s bringing you water and snacks, suggesting to take a break with her and relax for a bit
-If that doesn’t work, she’ll wrap you up in her arms to comfort you and remind you that even if this didn’t turn out exactly how you wanted, it still turned out amazing in the end, and that is something to be proud of!
Mondo Oowada
-Damn, he’s impressed. How do you have so many ideas up in your head?? He’s astounded with every one tbh!
-Sometimes he asks you for ideas for what he should build next! (He’ll also let you paint his stuff if you want)
-If you paint or draw, please ask him to join you one day. It will be hilarious and endearing (imagine him drawing a hideous stick figure and labelling it as you)
-He likes sitting you in his lap as you talk about your ideas, and he’ll hum as he listens to you; he’s more of a listener
-Doesn’t mind at all if you zone out! He’ll just hum and repeat himself; no harm done! If you’re apologetic, he’ll scoff and reassure you that he does not “fuckin’ care, babe, it’s not a big deal to say something again”
-He can tell if you’re starting to get frustrated by a piece not going according to plan, and he tries to coax you into taking a break before you get too frustrated
-If you still get emotional over it, he’s beside you rubbing your back soothingly and reassuring you that you can try again another time
-Brings you away from the piece to get your mind off of it, whether that be by motorcycle ride, movie, etc., he’s pulling out all the stops 
869 notes · View notes
Ooh ooh ooh So like. Harry is like. Third year (but they still know peter did it. So peters the one on the loose not sirius)(but harry still doesn't Know sirius and Remus is just a teacher to him). And he's Accidentally time traveled back to James's seventh year at hogwarts. And the staff can't figure out what to do about that do they just let him follow james around until they can get him back to 1993. Harry gets to know his dad and his friends and slowly begins to realize that James and Sirius are a bit more than friends. It would also be hilarious if he called remus Professor at least at first and they just kinda have to deal with that. (He also begins to realize that his parents have like. No romantic interest in each other. They're just buddies. It would also be okay if peter was just kinda absent here. I do not like peter.)
James looked at Professor Dumbledore. He was trying not to stare, but he was dumbfounded. "My son," he repeated (again). "From the future."
"I know it's a lot to wrap your head around, and I would caution you from thinking too much on it. Meddling with time, even to make sense of it, can be detrimental."
"O...kay?" James said. What else was he supposed to say? It felt like he had to say something in response, so he did. That was all that could be reasonably expected from him. He'd been trying to string five words together ever since he got called in here, and he was still drawing a blank.
"We've been exploring other options, but I think he's going to stay in Hogwarts. It's not the beginning of the school year, and he clearly resembles you, but I think we can easily deal with any issues that might arise."
"Year?" James asked, because apparently he couldn't even manage to put together the full thought of 'what year is he in'.
Professor Dumbledore didn't seem to mind his new way of speaking and said, "Third year." He gave James an assessing look-- although, to be fair, most looks from Dumbledore when he wasn't smiling felt assessing-- then added, "We’d planned to keep this information from getting out, but all the professors know who he is, somehow. Ah, gossip. Entertaining but a bit of a problem at times like this. By morning, everyone will know he is your son from the future.” 
James just blinked at him. Everyone was going to know? 
"Since there's no need for a charade to hide his identity,” Professor Dumbledore continued, “the young Mister Potter has requested to spend time with you. With your permission, he can shadow you to your classes while we research ways to send him back to his time."
"Okay," James said, because what else was he supposed to say? His mind finally started working to get a full sentence out of him and he asked, "Didn't you say he was in third year?"
"That is correct."
"That's... young."
Professor Dumbledore got a small, amused smile on his face. "You were that young not so long ago, Mr. Potter."
"Yeah, but I wasn't seeing my father when he was my age," he said automatically, then he made a face. That was a little more casual than he wanted to be with the Headmaster, not that it seemed to bother the man any. "Er, sorry sir."
"That's quite all right. I often wonder what you would say to me if you weren't trying to stay out of trouble," Professor Dumbledore remarked idly.
James had no idea what to say to that, so he elected to ignore it. "Can I ask you something?"
"Of course."
"Why would Harry want to? Spend time with me, that is. I like my dad and all, but I don't think I'd want to spend time with him when he was a teenager."
The lingering amusement was gone, and now his usual serene, all-knowing expression was back. "Perhaps he wants to know you better, or perhaps he would feel more comfortable with you than people who are certainly strangers to him."
"Oh." That made sense. He hadn't really thought of it, but it's not like Harry had a lot of options for companions. With that in mind, he would've made the same decision in his place. It was still a little awkward, but he didn't think that there would be any changing that. "So when do I meet him?"
"He's in the Hospital Wing presently, talking to Madam Pomfrey. We can join him, if you think you're up to it."
James shrugged. Whether he felt up to it or not, he was going to have to meet his son from the future. He might as well do it sooner instead of trying to wait and hoping that it would spontaneously not be awkward anymore.
Harry gave an awkward wave to James's dormmates. "Hullo. I'm Harry Potter."
"I'm guessing you take after your mother," Sirius said with a small snicker. "I've never heard James sound so..."
"Unconfident?" Remus supplied, and Sirius nodded. "Nice to meet you Harry."
"We've met before," he pointed out, leaving Remus to blink at him in a surprised but also not so surprised manner.
"Right," Moony said, because he felt like he should say something even if he didn't know what. James understood that feeling so well. 
"Maybe you've met us before, but this is our first time meeting you. Sirius," he introduced himself, waggling his fingers in a semblance of a wave. "I trust I'm your favourite uncle in the future?"
"Ha, um yeah, definitely," Harry said with a smile.
Sirius beamed; James was willing to bet that everyone else thought he was genuinely happy, if only because there was no reason (in their minds) for why James's kid from the future would upset him. "Excellent. Who's your mother? When are you born? How much time do I have to prepare for you, is what I'm asking. I don't feel like uncle material yet, to say nothing of James and his ability to be a parent."
"Hey, sod off, I'll be wonderful," James said, plopping down next to Sirius. "And don't bother asking about his mother, he won't tell me anything."
"Maybe you didn't try hard enough," Sirius said.
"He threatened to ground me," Harry said, looking amused.
"Ah, that right there," Sirius said with a gesture at Harry's face. "That's the expression someone makes when they've never been grounded by their parents before in their entire life. You should recognise it from the mirror, mate."
James shoved at his shoulder, and Sirius shoved back, both of them grinning.
Harry did a lot of observing. Not really by choice, but there wasn't much else for him to do. James's classes were far above what he could understand, so he had nothing to do while he sat at a desk but pay attention to what he did understand: people. He watched James, wanting to get to know his father in whatever capacity he could manage. James and Lily were in a lot of classes together, so he got a chance to observe her as well. His parents didn't spend time together outside of class, as far as he could tell. Or maybe they did, but it hadn't happened yet in the week that Harry had been trailing James around.
He barely knew anything about his parents. Or their friends. Learning that Professor Lupin was friends with James was a bit of a surprise to him, and learning that the escaped convict Sirius Black was apparently his dad's best friend floored him. He wasn't supposed to tell them anything about the future, which meant he couldn't give any hints that he'd never met them before. Luckily, everyone was willing to believe that his reactions to meeting all of them for the first time were actually seeing all of them so young and being so different from what he knew.
He felt like he was doing a pretty good job of covering up any mistakes he made as far as knowing all of them went, but there were times it was more obvious than others. Like when Remus said, "Hey, Harry, can you pass me that book?"
Harry had hopped to his feet, with a quick, "Sure, Professor," and grabbed it. He didn't realise what he said until he had the book in hand and all of them were staring at him. "What?" Harry asked, feeling a little self-conscious. He was thirteen, and he knew that they were only a few years older than him, but it felt like he was facing an inquisition with all of them staring at him like that.
"You called him 'professor'," Sirius said, a smile blooming across his face. Harry couldn't help but wonder what happened between now and his own time for him to become so different. "Is Moony a professor in your time?"
"Yeah, he teaches Defense," Harry said, setting the book down in front of Remus since it didn't look like he was going to remember to grab it in the next couple seconds.
James laughed, and almost in unison, him and Sirius started teasing Remus about it.
That was another thing: the two of them were close. Really close. Harry couldn't wrap his head around it. How did they get from here to what Harry lived? Yes, his parents had died, but what had happened to his friends? Remus was still alive-- and well, from what little Harry had seen of him before getting catapulted back in time. Sirius had been in Azkaban, but what for? What had happened there? Everyone seemed to think he was incredibly dangerous and after Harry, of all people. It didn't make any sense to him that his father's best friend would want him dead.
"Harry seems all right," Sirius said. Him and James were sat on the ground, back to back and leaning on each other. The Quidditch Pitch looked huge like this, on the ground in the middle of a clear night.
"Yeah," James replied with a sigh.
"Are you going to explain why you're using that tone, or do I have to guess?"
"I think you could guess and be right," James said.
Sirius pretended to think this over before he said, "It's worth a shot. You're upset because in the future, we're not together."
"Correct, but not a complete answer."
"That was my only guess," Sirius said. He could keep talking and see if he could parse out what else was bothering him, but honestly, he didn't want to. He didn't much like the future that Harry represented either. He couldn't hold it against the kid because he was A. a kid (a teenager technically, but still young) and B. James's son. No matter Sirius's personal feelings on the existence of a kid that James had with someone that wasn't him, he wasn't going to take it out on said kid. He wasn't that much of an arse. Whatever, his point was that if he kept talking and tried to guess the specifics for what James was upset about, all he'd end up doing was exposing all the things he was worried about. They could talk about him after they talked about James.
"It doesn't get better. We're hiding now, and when we get older, we're still going to be hiding."
Unsurprisingly, they were worried about the same thing. Or at least, one of their worries was the same. He would be willing to bet that they both had more. Sirius sighed. He felt far too tired for how young he was. "Yeah, I thought about that."
"It sucks."
"It does, but we always knew this was how it was going to be. Marry an agreeable bird and pretend to be normal so that we can be together," Sirius said.
"I know that's what we agreed, but..." James hesitated only for a second before he continued. "I don't want that. I thought we'd get older and could claim that we aren't dating anyone worth our time, and we'd be able to keep living together. We could go on like that for a while before anyone thought it was suspicious."
"What makes you think that's not what happens?"
"What?" James asked. He shifted, and Sirius stopped leaning against him so heavily. James turned to face him, so Sirius did the same.
"We have no idea how long it is before Harry's born. We probably held off for as long as we could, and then you got married and had him. I'm sure we made it a while with just the two of us."
James's expression was heartbreaking. "I don't want 'a while'. Why don't we get to be happy like everyone else? We're not doing anything wrong."
"I know," Sirius said, putting a hand on his arm. "I shouldn't have brought it up."
"We had to talk about it sometime, I suppose."
"I dunno, I think we could've gotten away with ignoring it a bit longer," he said, and James laughed, pulling him closer.
"I wanted it to be like this forever," he said before pressing a kiss to Sirius's mouth, quickly followed by another and another. "Just the two of us."
"I want it that way too," Sirius said, holding onto him tightly with both hands like he never wanted to let go. For all his talk about them knowing what their future would be like, he didn't want to accept it either. Like James, he'd been hoping for a miracle even as he tried to convince himself that he was preparing for the future they were going to have to have.
James stopped kissing him for a moment and Sirius crawled into his lap and wrapped his arms around his shoulders. James tucked his face into Sirius's neck and tried to breathe. Shaky breath in and a shuddering breath out.
"Knowing the future for a fact doesn't change anything for me," Sirius said. "I'm not going to stop doing this because we know for sure that you're going to have a kid someday."
James nuzzled his neck for a couple seconds, then said, "You swear?"
"I swear. We've been taking it a couple days at a time, and that's what we're going to keep doing, right?" 
"Right. I knew that it's what I wanted to do, and I know it's what we agreed, but I wasn't sure if you still... if you would still want to, you know?"
"Why wouldn't I want to? It's not like Harry's going to be born this year or summat."
"I know, but." James's hands flexed and relaxed against his back before he continued talking. "It feels different because it's not both of us. It's not both of our kids from the future, it's only mine. He hasn't mentioned you having a kid, or a wife or anything. It doesn't feel like we both moved on, it feels like I moved on and left you behind."
"Harry said we're still mates, so clearly you didn't leave me behind. Neither of us know what happened, and- well, we're going to have to wait and see how it goes, aren't we? Having someone from the future doesn't mean that we know exactly what's going to happen. I can't believe I'm the one that's saying this, but you should stop obsessing. Everything that's going to happen will happen whether we try to stop it or not. I don't believe that we ever gave up on each other. We aren't doing it now, and I don't think it's going to happen later, either."
"You're right," James said, after a long moment. He finally moved his face up away from Sirius's neck, but instead of kissing him again, he pressed their foreheads together. "I know you're right. I know that I didn't do anything wrong, but it feels like I did and I hate that."
"You didn't do anything, and you know it. Even if you did-- which, to reiterate, I don't believe-- it's not something you've done. That's the you, right here cuddling me like I'm about to vanish," Sirius said, prompting a snort from James who didn't loosen his grip at all. "I'm not going to punish you for doing something that you haven't done yet."
"Stop making so much sense. I'm supposed to be the reasonable one of the two of us."
"No one thinks that about us."
"If I say it enough, they will."
"I doubt that, but don't let me stop you," Sirius said.
Harry didn't know what to think about some of this.
The facts as he knew them went like this: 
1. James and Sirius were very close, closer than Harry was with either Ron or Hermione, even after all they'd been through together.
2. He hadn't seen neither James nor Sirius take an interest in any of the girls in their year the way Harry had noticed Professor Lupin doing. Remus had been on at least one date since Harry got here. As far as he could tell, the other two hadn't so much as looked at a girl for long enough to notice if a date would be welcomed or not.
3. Number 2 applied to James, even where Lily was concerned.
4. Lily and James had talked where Harry could see, and while they'd been decently friendly with each other, there had been no further interest there. It was glaringly obvious that neither of them fancied the other.
All of those facts together made Harry wonder how he'd ever been born. James was far more preoccupied with what Sirius thought about him than the rest of the school combined.
Harry looked at the way his father interacted with his best mate, and he looked at the way his father interacted with his mother. He couldn't remember the exact timeline, but if his parents were in love by the time they got married, they should be together by now, right? Or at least interested in each other romantically, but they weren't. It was clear to anyone with eyes that they weren't.
So, with all of that in mind, Harry didn't know what to think. All he could really think was that no one had wanted to tell him the truth. Maybe that was because they thought he was too young, or maybe they thought telling him that his parents had been happy and in love would make him feel better. If it was the second one, well, they'd probably been right. He wouldn't have wanted to hear it. He barely had enough family in his life to feel like he had one at all, and he wouldn't have wanted to hear that if his parents had lived, they wouldn't be able to be happy together as a family. Now that he'd gotten a chance to see his father alive, he could handle the truth, whatever that might be.
No matter what it was that had happened though, Harry knew that what he'd been told wasn't correct. 
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exceptionimagines · 3 years
Meeting and Dating Don Collier
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- You and Don meet when him and his men roll through your city. 
- When the war broke out, you were lucky enough to be one of the few towns who went relatively untouched and because of that, the American soldiers; who had planned on just passing through, decided to take refuge there for a few days and set up camp. 
- Whether or not it was a smart idea is up for debate but, when your father; or one of your relatives who you lived with, saw the men going about their business, they decided to invite some of them back to your families farm for a night; or however long they wished to stay, of “normalcy”. 
- Which is how you; and the rest of your family, ended up standing at your kitchen window in shock as your father walked alongside a beat up tank, guiding them onto your property as he made his way home from work. 
- Once he steps through the door, he offers the men a couple of things, introducing you and your mother with a wave of his hand as you momentarily lock eyes with the man who seems to be the groups leader; the man whose mere presence has your heart racing. 
- No one; besides perhaps your father and the men, is exactly sure of how to react and while you question the older mans sanity, your family attempts to go about their days like normal and show the surprise guests as much hospitality as you can.
- That night, the five soldiers join your family for dinner and you get an inside look at the relationships between all the men. Don; or Wardaddy as you’d heard his men call him, seemed to rule over the soldiers with an iron fist. You got the impression that he was keeping them on their best behavior; particularly for you and your mothers; and any other siblings, sakes. 
- After everyone finished their dinner, your father asked you to gather up some spare blankets and pillows for the men; which you did. When you returned with them, you decidedly handed them to the youngest, least threatening one in the room and merely gave the leader; Don, a flustered nod as he thanked you and your father. 
- When you woke up the following morning, you came downstairs to a strangely filled home: soldiers littered here and there, doing their own things and conversing with each other. It felt like you’d been thrusted into the life of a bed and breakfast owner; everything felt so surreal. 
- Nevertheless, you found that one of your house guests was missing and out of sheer curiosity; and a girlish infatuation with the man, you decided to look around and see if you could find him. 
- After trying your best to look around as unsuspiciously as you could, you found that he was nowhere in the house and moved your search to outside. And to your surprise: you had no luck; not until your eyes fell on the barn. 
- It was there that you found him, standing by one of the stables, his hands stroking across one of your horses faces with a familiarity that had you guessing he was used to being around the gentle giants. 
- You decided it was time to announce yourself instead of standing there, watching him like a creep and so you called out the name of the horse, walking a bit closer and leaning against one of the columns nearby. 
- The man glanced over at you and questioningly repeated the name before turning back to the animal. The two of you stood in silence before he asked how old they were, if you rode them, what kind of equipment you used, etc. 
- The conversation wasn’t long; just a few questions as he patted the horses head, but it had opened up the gate and you found yourself falling head over heels like school girl. You chalked it up to the fact that all the available boys in your town had been off at war for at least a few years by then. 
- Regardless, there you were, doing whatever you could to inconspicuously spend time with the man and borderline following him around like a lost puppy.
- It seemed he didn’t mind, in fact, he genuinely seemed to enjoy the companionship at times: occasionally inviting you to walk with him or amusedly explaining whatever he was doing whenever you asked. 
- He hadn’t invited you to sit with him when he was outside one night but you’d found him all the same, asking if you could join him as he stared out at your property. It was there that the two of you shared your first kiss. 
- You’d been silent for the first few minutes, merely taking in the atmosphere of the night and enjoying the lack of people around you. But, when he did speak, your heart dropped. 
- He told you he’d be packing up and heading out the next day; en route for some war torn capital that was sure to have a bunch of clueless Krauts none the wiser to their upcoming arrival. 
- You weren’t sure what to say and so you stayed silent, looking anywhere but at him. “We’ve done it before” he said next, perhaps to reassure you, perhaps to reassure himself; you weren’t sure which but it certainly didn’t make you feel any better. 
“Did it turn out alright?” You asked and he nodded, telling you that it worked out fine enough; that they’d be fine enough, and you told him you were glad; your eyes finally meeting his. 
- The two of you locked eyes for a long moment before you found yourselves slowly leaning in. You hesitated for a few seconds, your lips mere centimeters away, before he’d finally tilted his face and kissed you. 
- The two of you wind up doing a lot more than sharing a kiss, and while you probably should have regretted it; you didn’t. You merely wished that he didn’t have to go, wrapped up in his arms as dawn approached. 
- You’ll have to wait a while but he intends on coming back to you one day. You just hope that that one day is soon....
- It may not be considered “Pda”; which if it isn’t then you don’t do a whole lot of that, but he’s constantly got his hands on you in someway whenever you’re out in public. He wants to keep you close and let people know who you belong to.
- His hand gripping the back of your neck and head. It’s oftentimes how he pulls you into kisses; either that or he’ll tell you to “come here” with a little smile and press his lips to yours.
- His hand on your knee or the back of your chair whenever you’re sitting together. He has a habit of holding onto you in general: whether it be you, your clothes or something you’re on.
- If there’s sweet, actual affection happening; particularly in public, then chances are, you’re the one performing it. So he’ll be glaring out at something and you’ll be kissing his cheek or holding onto his arm and hand.
- Hugging him from behind. He’s secretly a big fan of it.
- Forehead and temple kisses. They’re always featherlight but it never fails to make you melt whenever he does it.
- How he kisses you depends on the day. Sometimes he’s soft and slow; his lips being the only rough things about him. Other times it’s harsh, abrupt, and dominant; stealing your breath away and making you feel like you’re drunk.
- Sitting in his lap. It’s one of the only things he’s really verbal and obvious about liking.
- Whenever the two of you cuddle, he’s always got a tight grip on you; keeping you plastered against him until you’ve got a good reason to get up. He’ll usually wind up being the big spoon or wrapping his arms around you while cuddle into his chest.
- He calls you “sweetheart” more than anything. It’s his favorite pet name to use; both on you and mockingly on other people.
- Don secretly; or not so secretly, craves a quiet and domestic life. He’d want a girl who; at least somewhat, fits into that traditional feminine role: the caretaker and homemaker that he; and most other men of the time, was raised on.
- Relaxing evenings spent inside or alone together; rather than going out.
- Going shopping together. He likes running errands with you; he finds it soothing to be by your side and do something so normal after the life he’s lived. He also just likes keeping an eye on you.
- Cooking for him.
- Early, peaceful mornings spent sitting together at your dining room table or cuddled up on your couch.
- Horseback riding.
- Picnics.
- Memorable dates or trips that you talk and reminisce about years later. He likes making new memories with you; ones he can wholeheartedly enjoy when he looks back on them.
- Don’s sort of just willing to do whatever you want to do. You can almost always persuade him to go and do something; both because he likes making you happy and spending time with you and because he likes keeping an eye out for you whenever you’re out in public.
- The two of you are inseparable most of the time. You spend most days by each other’s sides, helping him get used to normal life again and being the constant companion that he needs after the harsh realities of war. You’re sort of the only person he really has left in his life so the responsibility is going to lie on you.
- Don is wholeheartedly whipped. The amount of times you can puppy dog eye him and get your way is borderline hilarious.
- Convincing him to go with you into photo booths. He’ll probably roll his eyes and just keep the same serious face on the whole time but he’ll go in with you. He does secretly enjoy seeing your bright smile and your adorable attempts at copying his glare after you notice he isn’t smiling.
- Going dancing. He thinks he looks ridiculous in a nice evening suit; and you cannot convince him otherwise, but he suffers through it for a night every now and again to make you happy.
- Tracing the scars on his face. The softness of your touch makes him melt on the inside.
- He says a lot with his eyes. After a while, you’ll learn to read what he’s trying to say or thinking from them.
- He likes listening to you talk; even if it’s just rambling about something he would arguably have no interest in.
- Getting taught how to play card games and gamble like a pro. He’s gotten ridiculously good at swindling people out of their money over the past few years and he likes seeing your bewildered expression every time he wins or tries showing you something new.
- He loves teasing you. He finds it amusing to annoy you from time to time; grinning as you roll your eyes or snap back at him. That being said, he always knows how to tastefully push your buttons and never goes overboard.
- Him cutting both your hair. He cuts his own so he probably gives you a little trim from time to time as well.
- Wearing his dogtags.
- He really doesn’t like telling you about his time in the war but you could probably convince him to after a bit of pestering. Although, even when he is telling you stories, he tends to steer clear of the more gory details; instead talking about places he had to visit and funny shenanigans.
- He lowkey tries to keep you away from his crew. You probably have either never met them or have only had brief; and most likely somewhat tense, interactions with them. He thinks of them as part of the war and not necessarily as his friends.
- The only person he probably keeps in contact with after the war is either Norman or Bible and you’ll occasionally invite them over or exchange letters with them.
- Helping him deal with his past. He’s done a lot of things in his life that he isn’t proud of and sometimes he really thinks that he doesn’t deserve you but you refuse to let him think that way and stay with him through thick and thin.
- It takes him a while to really be comfortable with you seeing his scars. He tries not to be shirtless around you as much as possible, or have you touch his back, but you just have to reassure him that you want to see it and that it doesn’t bother you.
- He’s literally been covered in brain matter and intestines; your period or you shaving isn’t going turn him off. So yes, the two of you are very comfortable with each other; or at least you can be comfortable around him without fear of judgement.
- Comforting him whenever he goes through something. Just your presence does wonders in grounding him and making him feel better or think more clearly.
- Certain things really tick him off; like nazis for example, and you’ll occasionally have to calm him down and stop him from killing someone.
- Patching him up after fights or whenever he manages to hurt himself.
- In turn, he takes care of you: making sure you eat and sleep enough, telling you to wear a jacket, etc. He’s used to patrolling people and acting like a father of sorts to them, so it’s sort of just become a habit of his.
- Don prides himself on not playing along with silly little games so you aren’t going to be able to make him jealous; at least not purposefully. He’ll merely quirk an eyebrow at your antics and frustrate you with how little he reacts.
- That being said, when it comes to other people flirting with or taking interest in you, he tends to be a little bit more responsive. He usually just interrupts and; in some way, scares them off before things can get out of hand, but if you cluelessly wave him off so that you can talk with the other person more, his jealousy will really begin take root and he’ll find himself silently despising the other person.
- He’s incredibly protective of you; never letting anyone get too close and always keeping you in his sights. You’re the most important thing in his life and he isn’t going to let anything; not even something perfectly trivial, happen to you.
- The two of you really don’t fight all too often; perhaps because you both sort of knew what you were getting into when you first started your relationship. Regardless, when you do fight, they range from yelling and being cruel to just frustrated scolding; usually on his part.
- When the actual fight is over, he’ll usually search your face, forcing you to look at him and trying to see how you’re actually feeling. A nagging feeling of guilt will invade his body and he’ll; usually, try to make things up to you without verbally apologizing; though he certainly isn’t incapable of doing so if the moment really calls for it.
- He doesn’t outwardly tell you he loves you incredibly often but he shows it and says things that let you know that he does all the time. That being said, he does love the look on your face whenever he does finally say it: a cross between surprise and an overwhelming wave of joy as you try your best not to look too excited.
- After being in the war for so long, he thinks he’s suffered enough retribution for his crimes; inside of it and out, and he’s looking forward to spending the rest of his life with you; if you’re able to handle it.
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astridthevalkyrie · 4 years
summer rain: chapter 3
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Your days in the Training Corp aren’t too out of the ordinary. You make friends, you train hard, and you eat dinner every day.
Oh, and you’re also hellbent on getting revenge against Humanity’s Strongest Soldier.
Chapter 2, Chapter 4
You don’t keep your promise to yourself. Very unwillingly, you let Lieutenant Levi catch out after hours again, a few months later, in very different circumstances.
The day goes pretty well before the incident, actually. Nothing extraordinary or painful happens, and you even get Grumman to tell you in that gruff voice of his that you have good form. A good day deserves a good night, a nice farewell. It’s the end of the week, and since tomorrow is everyone’s day off anyways, you decide you want to have a little fun.
The usual suspects want no part in it. Millie doesn’t support sneaking out of the base, Ricky is too busy studying, and Stephen cannot stay awake past dinnertime and is always out like a light. Traitors, the lot of them. There’s absolutely no fun in sneaking out alone, so you start asking around. Surely there must be someone who feels as cooped up as you do.
And that’s how you find yourself in a bar with Traute and Nifa.
It’s an odd combination, you know that much. Nifa is bubbly, bright, and speaks very loudly when she gets drunk. Traute, on the other hand, has a glare that turns out to be helpful to ward off any amorous intruders, but when directed at you, it can be scary. She doesn’t drink at all, giving you a hard stare when you ask her if she wants anything. You only have a single glass yourself before getting up to do what you really came here for - dance.
You start off slow, the alcohol leaving your brain just a bit fuzzy after not drinking for such a long time. The musicians playing on the stage at the side sweeten everyone’s ears with a gradual but energetic melody. You grab a random man’s arm, swinging into step with him. He complies with a hearty chuckle, and now you have a dance partner. In turn, he grabs his friend, who grabs theirs.
Claps and cheers fill the air. You feel the heavy steps under you as your arms flail and you spin, right in the center of it all and enjoying every last second of it. Your hair bounces around you, falling into your face. Someone grabs your hand and tugs you into a waltz. Eventually, dancing turns to jumping, but you don’t care, you live for every second of this. The dancing, the music, the crowd, the sinful act of sneaking out and getting so handsy with everyone. The music is only egging you on.
Your hands are in the air, twirling for all you’re worth. The crowd is cheering you on, the melody is reaching its peak, the room is spinning, and you raise a leg up to finish with a grand pirouette and a wide grin.
The song finishes and you stop to a resounding wave of applause, your arms still thrown in the air.
Right in front of you is Lieutenant Levi, and he does not share the crowd’s enthusiasm.
You stay exactly in the position you are, hands frozen as though he’s caught you. Maybe it’s the wine, or maybe it’s the absurdity of the situation, or maybe it’s that he somehow went to the same seedy bar you did and caught you dancing and is now listening to your admirers enthusiastically shouting for an encore as the next song starts playing. Whatever the reason is, you start laughing.
He looks funny, with his bored, fed up expression. Why does he always look like that?
Sighing at your disorderly conduct, he beckons you forward with one finger. Feeling particularly pleasant, you follow him out of the crowd, pausing only to bow with a flourish to anyone who looks at you. Apparently, Lieutenant Levi does not appreciate your desire to please the crowd, because he grabs your arm and shoves you out of the bar. You giggle, hands flying up to cover your mouth.
“Who did you come here with?” he asks, and you waggle a finger.
“I’m not telling.”
“It’s your little quartet, isn’t it?”
“I’m not telling,” you repeat, taking a few steps back from him. You have no desire to get enthralled in him once again. The last time replays in your mind enough times as it is.
The lieutenant gives you a hard look. You try your best to match it, but you end up breaking out into giggles again, the giddy feeling too good to leave you so soon. He sighs.
“You’re drunk.”
“Ooh, so clever.” You smirk, completely unbothered. He doesn’t look too mad, and you’re not worried about Traute or Nifa either. They’ll find their way back. And now you have an escort! It’s truly a special night. “I’m not, actually. I’m no lightweight. I just feel good.”
“That won’t last long,” he promises, “you just ruined my plans. Instead of having a drink, I get to babysit you. So rest assured I’m going to make your life hell, (L/N).”
Your voice unwittingly comes out in a whine. “But you already do that.”
He sighs that sigh again, placing a hand on the top of your head to spin you around and push you in the direction of the base. You laugh loudly, finding his exasperation hilarious until he gives your temple a painful flick.
“Fucking brat.”
“Ooh, you’re infuriating.” The good feeling is still there, but it’s a little more bitter. He just has that natural effect on your emotions. “You make me so mad.”
“Likewise,” he responds dryly.
The lack of engagement in his voice only serves to make you more sour. For a few minutes, you remain quiet, the two of you walking side by side. More than once, his knuckles brush against yours, but you pay no attention to the contact. You’re simmering in quiet annoyance, months of being thrown around, embarrassed and disrespected all coming to a head now. The liquid courage you consumed earlier doesn’t help either.
“Was it ugly?” aren’t exactly the words you wanted to say, but they’re the ones that come out.
You look at him, an uncharacteristically vulnerable look displayed on your features. “My smile. Was it so ugly that you just couldn’t stand it?”
“What are you talking about?” He’s raising a brow at you, the breeze playing with his collar a bit. You realize this is the first time you’ve seen him out of uniform, in only a simple white buttoned shirt. He looks nice.
“The day we met. The first day of training. That day.” You wave a hand to make him understand. “You didn’t like my smile, so you...did what you did. And then you did it again later. That was mean.” There’s a pout on your face now, as you remember all his past transgressions. “It must have been an ugly smile if it made you act like this.”
“What are you trying to say?” Levi looks irritated. “Spit it out, (L/N).”
So you do.
“Why do you hate me so much?”
He looks at you, really looks at you, and yet he doesn’t halt. He merely scans your questioning face, your downtrodden expression and the downward direction of your lips. You’re not trying to be difficult this time, you’re really not. You just think that you have a right to know just what you did to make him constantly come after you. Maybe once you hear it, your ridiculous attraction to him will stop.
“What makes you think I hate you?” he replies, genuinely, honestly, and your heart clenches. Before you can reply, he goes on, “I wouldn’t be training you if I hated you. Wouldn’t put up with your annoying ass presence all the time.”
Not sure what to do with such a backhanded compliment, you press on. “So what, you like me? I’d hate to see how you treat your enemies.”
“You would hate to see it,” Levi hums in agreement, and leaves it at that. There’s no confirmation as to whether or not he likes you, which you take to mean he merely tolerates you enough. That does nothing for your feelings. Oh Maria, you can’t actually believe you’re entertaining the idea of having feelings for him in the first place. There’s an attraction there, sure, in a if-he-asked-you-to-sleep-with-him-you-would-probably-say-yes kind of way. You can appreciate his features, you can admit that he’s ridiculously attractive (for a midget). But it doesn’t go deeper than that, and you know now that it doesn’t go deeper for him either. You’re a thorn in his side, who he begrudgingly agrees to train out of some sense of duty. That’s fine. Except…
Except your fascination with his eyes doesn’t just stem from you good you think they’d look above you. It’s been the same thing since day one - there’s just something about him you crave. His closeness, his attention. He’s interested you since the beginning, and you just don’t know why. It looks like you won’t ever find out.
“Hey.” Levi flicks your forehead again, ignoring the glare you throw his way. “You’re thinking too loudly. Cut it out.”
You cut it out.
Not even a whole minute later, he asks, “What were you thinking about?”
He just can’t make up his mind, can he? What an adorable little sadist.
For maybe the first time since you arrived here, you think carefully about your words before speaking. “I was thinking about something that happened once back home.” When he doesn’t say anything, only raises a brow, you continue, “Millie and I went out this one time, with this guy I liked but was too shy to tell. It was pretty late, and I was really tired, so we got separated somehow. I ended up in front of this large mansion. Large, large. Like, I grew up there as one of the richest girls on the block and I still thought it was huge -”
“Get to the point,” Levi grumbles, and you smirk at his impatience. You really do think he should hear this one.
“I knocked on the door, and these two women opened it. I told them what happened, and they agreed to let me stay the night. So I ate dinner with them and then -”
The lieutenant just isn’t content with letting you tell your story without interrupting. “You actually went in? That’s so fucking stupid. Not to mention dangerous. Why didn’t you just try to go home?”
“I’m scared of walking alone at night.” You wave your hand dismissively and hurry on before he can chide you further about how unsafe it is to trust strangers. “So anyway, I went to sleep in one of their spare rooms, but in the middle of the night...I heard something. A scratching sound. It freaked me out.”
He scoffs. “I would guess you got murdered after that, but since you’re here, I guess we weren’t so lucky.”
You look at him crossly. “Ha-ha. No, I made it through the night. I asked them about it the next morning -”
“And then they killed you.”
“No. They told me they’d love to tell me, but they couldn’t, because I wasn’t part of their secret society that they had built the mansion for. So I left, but a month later, I ended up getting lost there again.”
“You’re fucking useless.”
“Shut up.” You’re not sure where you get the gall to tell him that. “I stayed the night again, I heard the scratching again, and I asked again. But they said the same thing. So I said, screw it, I really want to know, I’ll join the secret society. They tell me that first I need to tell them how many houses there are in Stohess. It doesn’t have to be exact, but it has to be close.”
Levi’s brows are furrowed in concentration. He shakes his head with a frown, clearly running it over in his head. “I can’t see how you could figure something like that out. It would take you ages to walk through every single street and count all of them. Why would they need to know that anyways?”
You shrug. “Haven’t the faintest clue. But remember I said there was that guy I liked? His father is actually a mathematician, and the man’s a chip off the old block. So I go to him, and he helps me out. Approximates the shit out of it. I thank him with a kiss and then go to the mansion, and give them my final answer.” You lick your lower lip, basking in how intently Levi was listening to your story. “They said I was close enough and that they could finally tell me where the sound was coming from. They lead me to a gold door, and give me a gold key. Actual gold, Lieutenant.”
“Fascinating,” he mutters sarcastically.
“It is,” you agree, humming, “I open the door, but then there’s another door. This time it’s silver.”
There’s deep confusion in those grey eyes. Something is very thrilling about having him hang on to your every word.
“They hand me a silver key, and I open the silver door, and then there’s a bronze door. At this point I’m really irritated, but they give me a bronze key and promise that this is the last door. So I put it in, unlock it, and open the door. And then I finally see it.”
You’ve arrived at the base. Snapping your heels together, you press your fist to your chest and salute. “Thanks for walking me back, Lieutenant. See you tomorrow.”
“What?” His eyes narrow. “Finish the story, (L/N). What was making the sound?”
You gasp in mock surprise, scandalized. “I can’t tell you, you’re not part of the secret society.”
If only you could capture his face in this very moment. It’s as though he goes through all the stages of grief - denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance all in one second. His mouth falls open in surprise, and you burst out laughing, pointing at him gleefully.
“Ooh, I got you so good!”
Levi gives you the dirtiest look you’ve ever seen, which only serves to make you guffaw even louder. You grin broadly - it feels so amazing to one-up him, even if it’s in this brief, stupid exchange. He can take this as your revenge for flustering you in the hallway a few months ago. Just who did this man think he was playing with? You are the product of the bitches and bastards of the fakest place in the world, so yeah, you can tell a story, and you can act your heart out. In fact, what were you doing here in the military? You should’ve joined a traveling theatre group, now that would have put your many talents to good use.
“Your sense of humor is shitty,” the lieutenant informs you flatly. Oh, you beg to disagree. “Laughing at your own jokes doesn’t make them good. So it was all fake, then?”
You do your best to control your giggles. “Y-yeah. I don’t just sleep over at random mansions. And I’m not scared of being alone in the dark.”
“All of it was fake?” he asks again, and this time it’s your turn to be confused.
He tsks, whether at you or himself you’re not sure, then lets out a tired sigh. Sparing no further pleasantries, he orders you to bed, warns you not to be late tomorrow, and adds that he’s looking forward to the fresh hell he plans to inflict on you. You salute again, just to be extra, then start walking to the female barracks, still laughing to yourself. Hopefully this won’t seem like a hazy dream tomorrow. You got him, you really got him.
Just before you change into your nightgown, a fleeting thought pops into your mind.
Was the reason the lieutenant double-checked that the story was fake because you mentioned that there had been a guy you liked? No, that was ridiculous. He probably just wanted to check that his subordinate that he was investing so much time in wasn’t a complete idiot. But the thought is stuck in your head now, and you fight back a smile, burying your face in your pillow. Maybe you are a little drunk, but you could go back to hating him in the morning.
It’s astonishing to you, but you’ve actually improved. Gone are the days of your legs aching after running a few measly laps. When Rashad attempts to pin you down, you can flip him over and hold him there. The ODM gear starts to feel more natural, and zipping through the air is slowly becoming muscle memory. Even the swords feel just right in your hands, although it’s weird that you could run out of them and then have nothing to defend yourself with. Oh well, you don’t plan to be in that kind of situation anyways.
You hate to admit it, but Lieutenant Levi’s training is paying off. It’s not something you realize until you learn, with a start, that you are in the top ten. Number six, to be specific. Ricky mocks you endlessly for being one of those people who say they don’t care when they in fact care very much, as though he’s not two ranks below you.
Without telling Millie, you send a letter to your mother, telling her about your achievements.
Sorry for taking so long to write. I wasn’t so sure you wanted me to. I still don’t know. But l wanted to tell you that I’m doing well here. I’m number six in the ranks. Isn’t that cool?
Millie’s doing well too, although I’m sure Mrs. Shackel keeps you updated. We have these two boys who follow us around like annoying flies. One’s from a village in Rose, and the other’s actually from an outer city of Wall Maria. Don’t worry, I don’t plan to marry a poor boy. I’ll find someone rich to settle down with eventually.
I hope you’re taking care, and I hope Grandma is too. Her condition hasn’t gotten any worse, has it? If you need me to send something from here, I’ll do my best to see if I can find it.
I wish I was the kind of daughter who could write you a longer letter. Sorry, Mama, but I’m not sure what else to say. Who knows if I’ll see you again?
Lots of love,
“I” - huff - “need it.”
“I” - huff - “will” - huff - “kill you.”
“Tch. You’d try.”
“Just give me the water, please.”
“You still have a lap left.”
“I’ll do it, it’s important to stay hydrated!”
“Do the lap, then you get the water.”
“If you don’t give it to me now, I’ll faint.”
“Then I’ll leave you out here.”
“You wouldn’t - well, you would, but you shouldn’t.”
“Don’t want to. So get to it.”
“God, fine!”
“Now can I” - huff - “please have it?”
“I don’t know, can you?”
“You are such a -”
“You talk too much.”
“Oh my” - cough - “God. Are you trying to choke me?”
“You wanted the water.”
“To drink, not for you to shove down my throat and waterboard me with!”
“Ungrateful wretch.”
“What are you, a charming prince from a novel?”
“Yes. Now drink up, my bratty duchess, we’ve got more work to do.”
There’s dirt on your face, your sleeves, and your shoes, and yet you stay still, with a small grin on your face. You’re lying down, facing up, hands pressed up against the ground. To anyone flying above, you’d blend in with the dirt perfectly. Or at least, that’s what you’re counting on.
Somewhere out there, Ricky is on the hunt looking for you.
Your gear lies hidden a few feet away, since you didn’t want anything chunky to ruin your brilliant camouflage. Obviously a good long wash will do wonders for you later, but for now you stay quiet, ignoring the filth on your otherwise pristine self. The forest is quiet, with the light chirps of birds that you’re sure are very cute but would take a shit on you if you stay here too long. You breathe in and out quietly, stomach tense as you wait to see if your plan will work.
The wait isn’t long. You hear him before you see him, faint clicking sounds that his ODM gear is nice enough to alert you with. Pressing down into the ground, you hold your breath and close your eyes halfway, convincing yourself that you’re part of the nature that surrounds you. If you believe it hard enough, maybe this will actually work and Ricky won’t spot you.
After a second that feels like an hour, you hear him fly away and you breathe easy, running a hand through your hair.
Only then you feel something brush up against your finger, something hairy that’s crawling up your hand -
You let out an ungodly shriek, jumping to your feet. The poor bug that crawled onto your hand is flung off as you thrash your arms this way and that, smacking your skin just to get it off, get it off, get it off!
For all your efforts, Ricky hears you scream and immediately zooms back, chortling. He lands down in front of you, placing his finger on your nose as soon as you calm down.
“Found you.”
You sigh. This extreme version of hide-and-seek may have been a bad idea.
Millie has her head in your lap, a map in her hands as she shakes her head. Apparently there’s something marvelous about the document, since she can’t keep her eyes off it.
“I don’t think I ever realized how large the space is between the walls,” she mutters, “there’s so much distance between Maria and Rose. It didn’t feel that way when we came here.”
“Yeah,” you hum, absentmindedly tracing designs on her cheek, “makes you wonder how different people get the more inward they go.”
Millie’s nose wrinkles in concentration. “Stephen has a slight accent. Have you noticed?”
“Mmhm. He does good work hiding it, though. It’s hard to pick up on it unless he has to roll his r’s.” You try snatching the map from her hands but she holds on tightly, scolding you over trying to give her a papercut. Well that’s hilarious, considering the two of your are covered in scratches and bruises all over, but that’s Millie for you, always striving for the closest thing to perfection she can get.
You lean your head back against the bark of the tree, leaving her to her observations. It’s been a while since the two of you have gotten to hang out together, away from everyone else. It’s really no one’s fault, you’re both busy and it’s not like you haven’t already spent most of your lives together. Millie has her studies to religiously focus on, her rivals to crush, and apparently her maps to drool over. Meanwhile, you have friends to playfully compete with, horrible doodles to draw next to your scribbled notes, and your mind is strangely preoccupied with…
“Look, it’s your best friend,” Millie said noncommittally, nodding her head to the right.
Deja vu hits you like a merchant’s cart. You’re sitting under the same tree, he’s walking in the same direction. When he catches your gaze, you decide to complete the scene and give him a bright smile and a friendly wave.
Levi stares at you for two seconds, and then rolls his eyes and keeps walking. You bite your lip, just slightly amused.
It’s an improvement.
"(L/N), you’ve got a letter too!” are the words that shake you out of your sleep haze in the morning. You jump up, pushing past the others trying to get their hands on their mail. Reginald, the man who's nice enough to put up with this crap once a week, thrusts an extremely fancy envelope in your hand. Your name is written on the back in your mother’s expert penmanship. You eagerly walk back to your seat, ignoring the glares and eyerolls from some people who obviously weren’t getting their letters in pretty envelopes.
You sit back down at the table, opening the letter with extra care. It’s from your mother, and that makes it precious, so you want to savor it the best you can. Across from you in her normal seat, Millie raises a brow.
“Your mom wrote to you?”
“I wrote to her a few weeks ago. Just wanted to catch up,” you say quietly, not meeting her eyes, “I’m surprised she wrote back.”
Next to Millie, Stephen’s brows furrow. “Why wouldn’t your mother write back to you?”
“No reason,” you answer quickly, “she’s just a busy woman.”
With your friends’ watching your reaction carefully, you unfold the piece of paper, beginning to read.
To my darling daughter,
You say you don’t write much, and yet it gave me a headache just to read that much. You know that I like to be organized, so I’ll answer your unwanted letter point by point.
It’s certainly wonderful that you’re sixth in the ranks. Perhaps that means you’re the sixth least likely to die? Maybe the next time I hear from you, it’ll actually be from your commanding officer telling me how special you were, but how that didn’t stop you from meeting your terrible end. Hopefully there’ll at least be a small pension that comes with it.
Mrs. Shackel and I met for tea last week. She told me you were being personally trained by the best soldier in the Scouts. I have an idea - marry him, someone with such a valuable skill set surely isn’t poor, and is much better suited to your tastes. That way not only will you leave me without a daughter, but you’ll also leave the poor man a widow as well. Would that satisfy your cruelty, dear?
I am taking care. Grandma is taking care. We are doing fine without you. We don’t need anything from you. I don’t think we ever have. Had I known I was raising such a manipulative, heartless girl, I would have prayed to that ridiculous church that you die during childbirth. Unfortunately, Sina did not give me the good instincts to run a knife through you the second you were born.
Please do not write again.
Lots of love,
Your doting mother
“(F/N),” Millie starts immediately, taking in your stricken expression. She must have a good idea of what the letter says. “Forget about it, she’s a -”
You clear your throat loudly, standing up. Stephen looks worried, but he also seems unsure as to what to do. You don’t want him to do anything, hell, you don’t even want Millie to do anything. You want to get out of here. The room is suddenly suffocating. Your eyes are stinging but you are damned if you’re going to break down in here, so you only shake your head, unable to form words. You wave a hand at Millie, hoping she gets the hint not to follow you.
Without looking at anyone, you rush out of the mess hall. Despite your determination to wait until you’re definitely in a secluded area, tears start flowing down your face the second you step out. With an ugly, pained sob escaping you, you break out into a run.
Now that it’s getting a bit chillier, the cold bites into your eyes, making them water even more. You stop running after a few minutes, in the middle of the grounds. With everyone still having breakfast, there’s no one here yet, and you take that as an invitation to drop to your knees and start crying in earnest.
Why did she have to be so cruel?
You’re not a crier, you’re really not. An avid complainer, sure. A whiner at times. Definitely a sore loser. But you don’t particularly get any catharsis out of crying like so many other people do. When it comes to your mother, though...she’s just always known exactly where to strike her punches to turn you into a helpless little girl again. She can make you start blubbering so easily, and you hate that she can control your emotions even from so far away.
So you read the letter over and over again, until you’re mouthing the words on your lips that taste salty from the waterworks coating them. You’re trying to be quiet, but it’s beyond your control. You’re sobbing and wailing, and showing no sign of stopping.
There’s a quiet rustling beside you as someone walks up, and you shut your eyes tightly for a second. “M-Mil, I’m fine, I swear.”
“Are you?” Levi inquires, and you choke on a surprised sob, swallowing the embarrassing sound at the last second. Furiously wiping your eyes, you make to stand, but he crouches down instead.
He’s been in close proximity to you before, but never like this. Right now he’s near enough for you to reach out and touch his cheek if you so desired, but far enough that he’s not overwhelming you, and yet you can see the pores on his cheeks, the individual lashes lining those gorgeous grey eyes. You wipe your cheeks angrily. Great, just great, this incident will set you back several months on your plan. As though he was someone who needed to see you in such a vulnerable state.
The lieutenant outstretches his hand expectantly, and you’re not sure why you give him the letter so easily. You watch as his eyes scan the cruel words.
“I know,” you say before he can speak, “I know it’s not a big deal. But she’s my mother, I just - I just wanted her to - I thought she could at least be a little proud - “
You don’t realize another tear has rolled down your cheek until he brushes his thumb across your face, wiping it off easily. God, he must think you so weak. You wouldn’t be surprised if he decided to stop your private lessons right here and now.
But when you look at him, there’s no condescension on his face. There’s not even pity. You can’t place it. To an outsider he might look angry, but after knowing him for almost a year, you know that’s not it. It’s something strangely...protective. Fierce. You never expected him to look at you like that. You don’t know what to make of it.
“Stop crying,” he orders, not unkindly. It could be taken as a request. “Do you want to keep this letter?”
“I - I don’t know.”
It seems your body is more obedient than you are, because you stop tearing up, and when you wipe your face again, it remains dry.
“That’s it,” Levi murmurs, as his hands hold yours, warming them up. “Personally, I’d rip it to shreds. But that’s up to you.”
What’s going on? He’s being...well, he’s being nice. He’s never nice. He’s not always unpleasant, and he indulges in your silly banter, but he’s never been so...soft, especially not with you. And just why are you so easily warming up to him, going as far as to curl your fingers around his? Is it because his hands are warm against your cold ones, or is it...is it because…
“I want to keep it,” you blurt out, partly to keep yourself from the unwelcome thoughts inside your head.
He nods. and then gently grasps your arms, bringing both you and him to your feet. He places the letter in your hand, and then proceeds to brush the sides of your uniform off. It’s rough, but you’re emotional and this feels like the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for you.
“Thanks,” you breathe. It’s hard to say, but you spit it out anyways. “I - I don’t know what to - thank you.”
Finally, Levi looks like himself again, because he rolls his eyes and mutters, “I just picked your lazy ass up, (L/N), don’t look so fucking grateful about it.”
You smile softly, but he looks away, obviously feeling awkward. He truly goes through moods like he’s trying on different outfits, the weirdo. You decide that just this once you can spare him - besides, you need to save face too. You turn around, intending to walk away.
The lieutenant grabs your hand at the last second. He grips it tightly, keeping your arm outstretched. If only your heart could stop lurching like this, it’s not as if he’s going to pull you in for a kiss - he’s not the type.
“From now on, if you’re going to cry, you’re only going to cry because of me. Understood?”
You swallow the lump in your throat. “Yes, sir.”
He nods, satisfied, and lets you go.
You can’t believe you’re doing this.
In the past year, you’ve been to Lieutenant Levi’s office once, maybe twice or thrice. Either you had something to tell him (like how you couldn’t train due to severe emotional trauma, which was usually denied), or he led you there himself, to quickly grab something. How come he gets an office anyway? You’re pretty sure one has to be a captain or section commander to get their own space, and Levi is neither. You suppose being humanity’s strongest comes with its own benefits, even if it is an unofficial title. He gets to enjoy the finer things in life. Lucky him.
Anyways, you hadn’t planned on showing up here after hours, and certainly not with a steaming cup of tea in your hands.
Swallowing every bit of your pride, you knock on the door. “Lieutenant?”
No answer. You knock again.
And again.
It’s right as your knocks get just a touch louder that you hear him groan, “I’m coming, just hold on a second.”
When Levi opens the door, you take the quickest second to note that he looks how he did the day he walked you home, dressed in casual clothing. Realistically you know that no one stays in their uniform all day, but it’s still jarring to see him out of it. Someone might mistake him as approachable, although that ridiculous notion would quickly evaporate when they got a good look at his face.
He gives you a quick annoyed lookover, clearly waiting to hear your reason for disturbing him at this time.
“Chamomile,” you say with a grin, thrusting it forward, “Helps you sleep.”
He gives you a long, deadpan look.
“Who asked you to make this?”
“No one asked me.” You let out a puff of air to blow the loose strands of hair that have fallen out from your bun into your eyes. “I’m being nice. As thanks for...you know. Just take it.”
Levi doesn’t take it, but he does turn and go back into his office without closing the door, so you take the invitation and slip in, shutting it behind you. He slips into the chair behind his desk and you make yourself comfortable in the one in the front. There’s important looking documents all over, but there’s an order to them - a method to his madness. There’s not a single pen out of place. Of course, this is your obsessive compulsive midget who organized it, so you can’t expect anything else.
You slide the cup across the desk, where there’s another cup of tea already half empty. Oops, you’ve accidentally fueled his caffeine addiction. “That doesn’t look like chamomile.”
“It’s not. Just regular black tea.”
“Won’t that keep you up even more?”
“That’s the idea,” he says calmly, relaxed and leaning back.
“Wow, you’re a proud insomniac.” You shake your head in a disappointed manner. “If it were me, I’d at least try to sleep.”
Levi gives you a little glare, then pushes aside the paper he was working on to pick up your gift. He peers at it, looking a bit tired all of a sudden. It’s as though the day or the month or the entire year is catching up with him, and his eyes flicker to your eager face before he lets out a long sigh, raises the cup and brings it to his mouth.
Almost immediately he gags, slamming it down as his face scrunches up in disgust. “What the fuck, (L/N)? This is shit!”
Well, excuse you. You’re not a professional tea sommelier, and this isn’t some dainty cafe.
Still, you wince, crossing your arms and curling back into the chair. “Sorry. I’ve never actually made tea before. I’m not a fan.”
“Let me guess,” Levi says in a scathing tone as though you just admitted to cold-blooded murder, “you drink coffee.”
What an ignorant thing to assume.
“I drink milk, I’ll have you know.” You snap this at him, only realizing a second later that it’s not really something to boast about so proudly.
Something he clearly realizes as well, because he’s fighting back a smile and failing pretty miserably. “You drink milk.”
Well, there’s no taking it back now. “Yes.”
“It makes your bones grow strong, okay?”
He laughs at you, leaning back in his seat. “Of course it does.”
“Don’t make fun of me, it does!”
You bite down the comment that comes to mind, which is that he must not have drank much milk otherwise he’d probably be taller. You’re here to be nice, you remind yourself, even if he’s being his usual infuriating self. There’s lots of nice things you can do, like...like…
Oh my gosh, are you the mean one in this relationship? No, that’s impossible.
“Looks like you have a lot of work,” you say, gesturing to the piles of paper on his desk. “Want some help?”
Levi raises a brow at you, as though to ask you how much help you possibly think you could be. That’s fucking rude. “No, I wouldn't want to waste your strong bones on some boring paperwork.”
It’s your turn to glare. Maybe focusing on his totally wrong opinions about your choice in beverage will help you ignore the fact that the two of you are sitting, dare you say, cozily, in his office. He’s not kicking you out, he’s indulging you in conversation, and he’s even taking another sip from the supposedly terrible cup of tea you made for him. Sure, he grimaces after drinking it, but he’s not throwing it out. That’s...something.
Your relationship with the lieutenant is quickly becoming something dangerous. You’re enjoying his company a little too much lately. You’re thrilling in his laughter too often, you’re drowning in his eyes an unhealthy amount. It could be chalked up to the fact that you’ve just grown accustomed to him, since you see him so often, but you know that’s not it. The more likely explanation is that you just have such low expectations for him that the second he shows basic human decency, you mistake your surprise for some newfound affection for the man. You want that to be the explanation, at least. The alternative is too awful to think about.
“So,” he begins, and you think you’re about to be kicked out until he says, “shitty mom. What’s that about?”
You sigh. That’s about the only conversation topic you don’t want to breach, but you suppose it can’t be avoided. “Typical rich girl problems. She wants to use me for her own purposes, so she’s not happy I got up and abandoned her. Plus, Dad died outside the walls, and she’s not really a fan of me following in his footsteps.” You feel comfortable telling him this much.
Levi looks thoughtful. “Do you plan to die out there?” He’s not fazed by your blunt attitude at all, which is kind of refreshing, actually.
But the question is still...well, how do you answer that? How do you answer it without disappointing him? And why does it matter if you disappoint him? You don’t have the answer to any of these questions, so you only shrug and avert your eyes, letting them drop down the floor. Your goals are your own, and he doesn’t need to know them. He doesn’t pressure you, only hums in understanding.
“I’ve really never had a cup of tea this bad.”
You smile, grateful for the change of topic. “No one’s forcing you to drink it. Lieutenant.”
“Insolent brat, you go a whole conversation and then add the title like you’re doing me some kind of fucking favor.” He’s good at avoiding the topic too. Your eyes light up, and you lean forward.
“Pardon me, sir. Lieutenant Levi. Your grace. My prince charming. The duke of destruction. My deepest apologies.”
“Not forgiven.” He smirks, thoroughly entertained. “Try harder.”
“Make me.” The response slips naturally through your lips, inviting and seductive.
Oh for the love of Rose, you think to yourself, please shut the fuck up. It’s like the second you resolve to keep things neutral with him, he sets something up so well that you have to say something borderline flirtatious. It’s just too easy with him. You lose all semblance of self control, and always end up saying something stupid.
“Should I?” Levi muses, a gleam in his eyes now. “Your mother did suggest that you marry me. Maybe I should take her up on that.” He leans forward with a cruel smile, as if the idea is perfectly enticing to him. “Would you finally be a good girl and listen to me then, (L/N)?”
You freeze, mouth falling open. You had really, truly forgotten that your witch of a mother had included that in her oh-so loving letter, and that he’d read it. Holy hells, the universe wouldn’t be satisfied until the man in front of you had humiliated you in every way, shape and form. And this right here, this is exactly the fucking problem. He never stops you when you unintentionally flirt with him - most of the time he ignores it, and other times he encourages you and you daresay he flirts back. To mess with you, of course, none of this is genuine, but it makes the butterflies in your stomach freak out either way.
“Probably not, sir,” you force out when you find your voice, “I’m actually not looking to get married at all, so if someone did make a wife out of me, I’d fight them tooth and nail.”
He snorts. “Of course you would. Have to make use of those strong bones somehow, don’t you?” This fucking midget, he somehow musters up the audacity to leave you flustered and then moves on and pretends like nothing happened. What an asshole.
“Oh my God,” you groan, “leave me and my milk alone, caffeine addict. Seriously, I know it’s bad out there, but it can’t possibly be bad enough for you to act like such a hardass all the time.”
Levi pauses, the sharp retort that he was surely about to fire dying on his lips. There’s a brief flash of sadness in his eyes, and you bite your lip. Fuck, maybe you’re the one who crossed the line this time. You have a quick apology ready to go. but he speaks before you get the chance.
“For your information,” he says coolly, “I’ve always been like this.”
Well, that’s interesting. He’s not wartorn, just a grump? No one is just negative all the time for no reason, they have to have been screwed over by life somehow. You can’t take his claim at face value, you just have to do some more digging.
“And why is that? Rough childhood?” You snap your fingers, invested in this new guessing game. “Orphaned as a baby. Cast aside by a sibling.” Your eyes sparkle mischievously as you grin. “Abandoned at the altar by your long time lover. She left you for your cousin!”
“It’s past your bedtime,” Levi says, standing up, “lovely of you to drop by, but you better get going.”
The cup that you gave him is now empty.
“Injury. Business deal went wrong.” He pulls you up by your arms, ignoring your scientific hypotheses. “Your favorite pet died. Ooh, I know, the company your father left you in charge of went bankrupt! Wait wait wait, Levi!” He’s pushed you out of the room and has a hand on the door, but before he can close it, you place your palm against his chest, looking at him very seriously.
“Is it the altar one?”
“Why do you need to know?” he asks, seizing your wrist to take it off.
See, this is what you mean by setting you up perfectly. It’s his fault, all his fault. “If my betrothed has a scandalous past, I think I have a right to that information.”
Levi shoves you out and slams the door shut, leaving you beaming as you begin to jog to your dorms. That’s another point for you, and now that you’ve paid him back for comforting you earlier the two of you are even, and you can return to planning for the battle that he has no idea he’s participating in. The stars shine brightly that night, and you sleep easy.
“Look, they’re back!”
Everyone ignores Grumman’s instructions to stay right where they are, an action they’ll probably pay for in blood, sweat and tears later. The Scouts are returning from their latest expedition, finally. Everyone around the base is always tense when they leave, and now people can rest easy knowing that the next one won’t be for a few months. There’s apprehension in the air - as of right now, no one knows who made it back and who wasn’t so fortunate. You feel a twinge of guilt at the relief that you know the only person is the Survey Corp that you care for know is the most likely to have survived.
Sure enough, there he is next to Captain Erwin, looking weary as he gets off his horse. You’ve pushed forward to the front of the crowd of cadets, all scanning the crowd. You find yourself sandwiched between Ricky, whose long legs make it easy for him to keep up with you, and Petra, who is sighing with a dreamy smile on her face. You follow her gaze, confused.
“What, one of them bring back some food?” You crane your neck to figure out what she’s looking so lovingly at.
“No.” Petra points discreetly, and you follow her finger. “It’s just, he’s rather handsome, isn’t he?”
“Who, Erwin Smith? I mean, I guess, but he’s not really my -”
“No, (F/N).” She shakes her head fondly. “Lieutenant Levi. Don’t you think he’s extremely good-looking?”
Next to you, Ricky barks out a laugh, and you elbow him as you utter with the grace of someone who hasn’t been fantasizing about Levi’s eyes since the moment you met him, “No, not really. You can do better, Petra, trust me.”
A soldier rides in late, his face panicked and sweat trickling down his face.
“Oh, come on, I know the two of you have your differences, but even you have to admit that -”
One second, you’re chattering with Petra and wrestling Ricky with one arm as he grinds your foot against his.
The next second, your ears are ringing with the words that the soldier screams as loud as he can.
“The titans have broken the outer wall! They’ve gotten into Shiganshina!”
In a single moment, everything you know and hold dear changes.
All at once people are shouting, screaming at the poor soldier who delivered the news to explain. The titans have gotten into Shiganshina? How could they have? Is he out of his mind? Who sent him? How many drinks has he had? What does he mean, they’ve broken the outer wall? It’s a wall, it can’t just be broken, so what does he mean? What is he talking about?
It takes you a minute to notice Ricky has completely frozen next to you. His hands are trembling, and he’s mumbling to himself and shaking his head, as though this is a nightmare and he just needs a good pinch to wake up.
“My - my mom and dad, and my sisters,” he’s saying. “They’re not...they can’t fight titans, they’re not soldiers. They need...need help…”
With a terrifying realization, you remember that he’s from Shiganshina. You’re grabbing his arm to steady him, words of reassurance getting stuck in your throat. You don’t know what to say - you can barely control the consuming fear growing inside you, let alone soothe his.
In the next few seconds, Commander Shadis has learned everything he’s going to learn from the messenger, and he lets out a scream you will remember for the rest of your life. The order that’s delivered to you on humanity’s darkest day is simple.
“All Survey Corps members will refill their gas and restock their blades immediately! I want you all back on horseback in five minutes, you hear me? We are riding back to Shiganshina right now! All cadets and other personnel at this base are to gather the rest of the horses and get behind Wall Rose to assist the soldiers there with the refugees! Is that understood?”
He’s met with the chilling cries of at least a hundred people shouting, “Yes, sir!”
Your voice was not among the people who answered. As people run past you to prepare, you run forward, because suddenly you’re scared. Suddenly you’re not so sure that he’ll come back. And you can battle with yourself all you want later, all that’s important to you right now is getting to him. Even as you see tearstained faces pass by, you keep running, because you have to catch him before he goes, you have to -
You catch up to him right before he disappears. Steely grey eyes meet yours as people rush past you, no one sparing even a second glance to the two of you.
For a second, he’s surprised. Then he turns cold, and hard, and you know that many people are about to die. And he’s going to have to witness every. Last. One.
“Is there someone in Shiganshina you need me to look out for?” Levi murmurs, with all the softness of someone who might be riding out to his death.
No, you want to scream. Ricky’s family, maybe, but you don’t even know what they look like, and he’s going to have to worry about saving enough people without you placing an extra burden on his shoulders. No, it’s nothing like that, you just want him to...you need him to...
“Be careful,” you manage to get out in a foolish, rushed request, “please be careful.”
Shock makes its way to his features, as though he thinks it’s out of this world for someone to ask him to stay alive for his own sake. Your heart clenches, but you’re not leaving until he promises you he’s going to come back.
“Levi!” Captain Erwin calls. You don’t have any time left.
Even before he speaks, you know that he’s not going to make you the stupid promise you were hoping for. He’s not flowery, and certainly not one to feed you bullshit. No, he’s real, the realest person you’ve ever known, and his answer is going to be as authentic as he is.
“I’ll do my best.” Levi pulls away from you. “You be careful too, (L/N).”
With that, he breaks away from you and is lost in the crowd.
You don’t even realize you had been holding onto him until your hand is left feeling bare, reaching for him in an endless sea of soldiers storming to their doom.
ohhhhhh, i’ve been waiting for this for a long time. surprise, things are happening!
mommy dearest is rather harsh, isn’t she? reader’s no sweetheart herself, but damn.
yes, there’s a slap on titan reference in there.
poor carla is getting eaten right about now, and reader is here having a moment. sigh.
comment and let me know what you think!
234 notes · View notes
leossmoonn · 4 years
Unexpected Love [Kai Parker] || Part One
pairing - kai parker x fem, human!reader
type - fluff, angst
note / request  - this request is by @mrs-parker-1972​ “The reader is on the other side with the others, and gets trapped there with bonnie and damon, or you can just skip to part when all three of them are in the prison world. So i am not really sure on how the reader meets kai, but you can improvise that part, I trust you. And then well, um, the reader and kai will hate each other and despise each other (damon and bonnie are in the real time world I guess?) And then kai does something human for the reader (you know, coz he doesn't have feelings) and it wakes something in him and the reader and kai grow close to each other, and I really don't know what else, but like can you, make their time in the prison world longer?? (Kai and the reader's) . And please it would be hilarious if you could add some comedic lines if damon, coz you know, damon is damon. And it would be AWESOME if you added the deleted scene of kai Parker where he is really emotional, and he says that after the reader touches a really soft spot about his child hood. And please make the reader human.” 
note - so i was planning on just rewatching the 6th season and copying scenes but i discovered it would take so long lol, so i split this into a 4 parts. i also didn’t really copy anything from the show, just the scene at the end. so most of this is just my writing. part two is at the end and word count is 7k+
summary - you and kai fall in love over a period of time after spending time with each other in the prison world
warnings / includes - language, alcohol, crying, fighting, 
*gif isn't mine*
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“Maybe if you didn’t take so long to look for Alaric, we would still be alive!” I exclaimed. 
“Hey, you’re the one who insisted that you have a whole conversation with Lexi about the last few years,” Damon spat. 
“Yeah, but we were both already with Bonnie. You were miles away!” 
“You two stop it!” Bonnie shouted, putting her hands up in-between Damon and I. 
“No, Damon needs to know that this is his fault,” I glared.
“Oh, hardly. Why were you even there, again?” Damon asked. 
“Because you twisted my neck, jackass. Which thank you, by the way,” you smiled sourly. 
“Man, I wish you weren’t wearing that ring. You being dead right now would really-”
“Damon!” Bonnie yelled again. “I’m serious. You two need to stop. You’re giving me a headache.”
“Not my fault,” I mumbled, looking down at the road. 
“Liar,” Damon said not-so-quietly. 
“Before you two start again, let me remind you that I’m scared and mad, too. We can’t just fight the whole time, though. We need to see if we can get out. You two have been fighting about this for months, so stop,” Bonnie said. 
“We’re dead, Bon-Bon. We can’t get out,” Damon said. 
I rolled my eyes and started to walk away from them. I couldn’t stand Damon. 
“Where are you going?” Damon exclaimed. 
“To look for a way out, and to get away from you!” I yelled without looking back. 
“See? She’s useless,” Damon muttered behind my back. 
I let out a long, distressed sigh. “I’m going back home.”
“Same. I need some food,” Bonnie said, catching up with me. 
We walked for miles until we got to Damon’s house. I was sweating and panting by the time we got there. We had no cars so it was a good 5 mile walk.
“Need any water?” Damon asked as we walked inside his house. 
“Yes, please,” I breathed out. 
I trudged over to the couch, flopping down and taking my sneakers off. Damon came back over with a big class of cold water. I smiled at him gratefully, standing up to take it. Damon had other ideas, though. He lifted the glass up to the top of his head, making it hard for me to grab it. 
“Oh, c’mon. You’re such a dick!” I whined, jumping up. My fingertips skimmed the bottom the glass, but I still was just a little too short to grab it. 
“Say that magic words,” Damon smirked.
I rolled my eyes. “Thank you, oh great wise one.”
Damon smiled happily, setting the glass down on the table. 
“Jerk,” I muttered, taking a long sip of the water. 
“You love me!” Damon sang. “Nope,” I shook my head. 
“Hey, we need to get more food,” Bonnie stated from the kitchen.
“Then go and get it, Bon-Bon,” Damon muttered. 
“I was just about to, Damon,” Bonnie spat.
“Maybe you can go and learn magic again, too,” Damon snickered. 
I turned my head to him. glaring. “Wow, you are just full of shit today. Huh, Damon?”
Damon rolled his eyes at my insult. “Yeah, well, I don’t want to be stuck here. I want to see Elena.”
“And you will! Who knows, maybe I’ll get my magic back. While I’m out I’ll go and practice magic,” Bonnie shrugged off Damon’s insult. 
“Good idea. I’ll go with you,” I smiled, standing up and slipping back on my shoes. 
“With all do respect Bonnie, you haven’t been able to do magic ever since you became the anchor. What makes you think you can do it now?” Damon asked.
“Just have faith, Damon. She can do it. I know it,” I smiled at Bonnie, who smiled gratefully back at me.
“Fine. But are you guys gonna leave me all alone?” Damon whined. 
“Yep,” I nodded, walking over to the door. 
“Who’s the rude one now?” Damon challenged. I put a finger up to my chin and hummed, pretending that I was thinking hard. I then put on a charming smile. 
“Still you. Ready Bonnie?” I turned to the girl next to me who was putting on a jacket. 
“Yep. See you later, Damon,” Bonnie smiled and waved. 
“See you,” I nodded. 
Damon waved goodbye as we shut the door behind us. I walked with Bonnie until we split off. She went to her grandmother’s house, while I went to the little supermarket a few miles out. 
Walking there was a pain in the ass. I had my car keys with me, but I couldn’t seem to find my car. Even though this place had everything else; Damon’s house, my house, Bonnie’s grandmother’s house. Even Elena’s house. Just not my car, which pissed me off, but I knew I couldn’t start to get mad again. Getting angry and upset wouldn’t help us get out of here. 
I walked up to the supermarket and entered the market, expecting someone to be at the register, but no one was there. I laughed at myself for expecting someone. Every time I’ve gone out, I’ve always expected to see people. But I remind myself that I’m dead. Of course no one would be here. We were all alone. Those cars outside were just there because this was just a very real, very confusing after-life. 
I grabbed a shopping cart and started getting the stuff we needed. Eggs, milk, fruit, vegetables, bread. I then got some soda and water bottle cases, some bags of chips and sweets. I went over to the frozen food section and got a few microwavable dinners and some ingredients to make food like chilli and tacos. I went around the store once more, making sure I got everything we needed. I passed one shelf, stopping once I realised that something was missing. 
“I thought there were pork rinds here,” I muttered. 
Merry-go-round music then started to play. I turned a full 360, trying to see if there was anybody in the store with me. No one was here. I went outside of the store, seeing the little merry-go-round spinning. 
“That’s weird,” I mumbled. 
I heard the sound of flapping and my head snapped to the sound. I saw someone pass by in a flash. Goosebumps sprung up on my arms and the hairs on the back of my neck raised. I got this uneasy feeling in my stomach as my mind went to disturbing thoughts.
“Hello?” I called out. 
I walked further into the parking lot, hearing the noise again. I sighed as I realised it was probably just Damon pulling a prank on me. 
“Very funny, Damon! You’ve freaked me out, good job. You can come out now!” I exclaimed, my eyes searching the open area. 
The merry-go-round came to a stop and I let out a deep breath to try and calm myself down. Bonnie, Damon, and I were the only ones here. No one was going to hurt me… Right?
The merry-go-round music started up again suddenly. I jumped in surprise and fear, doing another 360.
“Must be on a timer,” I muttered. 
“False,” an unfamiliar, matter-of-fact voice spoke behind me. 
I froze in my spot, afraid to turn around as I knew that definitely wasn’t Damon. 
“Don’t be scared. I won’t hurt you,” the voice said, getting closer to me. 
The person appeared in front of me. I stiffened up more as the voice belonged to a man. A very attractive man, might I add. He had a big, teasing smile on his face. His blue eyes danced around my face, studying me as I studied him. He had brown hair that was combed up, wearing jeans, a black t-shirt, a green jacket and carrying a bag of pork rinds.
“Oh, you’re the one who stole the pork rinds. Who are you?” I asked. “I’m Kai,” the man held his free hand out.
My eyes flickered down to his arm and back up to his eyes. I put my hand out gingerly, slipping my hand into his slowly. I kept eye contact as we shook hands. My stomach did flips as we touched. 
“Nice to meet you, Kai. I’m Y/n,” I offered him a friendly smile. 
“Oh, I know,” Kai shrugged. I furrowed my brows, instinctively pulling my hand away from his. 
“How?” I asked. 
“I’ve been watching you and your friends for a while,” he admitted. 
“Oh,” I said, my eyes wide in shock. 
“Yep! It’s so nice to have friends now. Man, I have been really lonely,” he chuckled. 
“We aren’t friends. And what do you mean you’ve been lonely. Are you dead, too? Have you been stuck here as long as us, too?” I asked. 
Kai frowned, stepping closer to me. “Why all the questions? Don’t you want to get to know me?”
“Um,” I shifted uncomfortably on my feet, stepping back so there was distance between us. 
“Am I making you uncomfortable? Sorry about that. It’s been a while since I’ve had face-to-face type human interaction,” he chuckled, looking down to the ground. 
“No, it’s fine. Anyways, are you dead, too?” I repeated one of my burning questions. 
“No! I am very much alive. Well, I think so. You can kiss me to find out, though,” he flirted. 
I felt the tip of my ears grow warm as his suggestion. “No, thanks.” 
“Oh! I’m doing it again. God, sorry. You are just so pretty and i get nervous when I’m around girls. Especially ones like you.”
I chuckled, my grip on the shopping cart tightening. “So, you said you have been lonely. For how long, exact?”
“Long time. I’m not sure. It’s 1994, though,” he explained. 
My eyes bulged out of my head. “What?! It’s 1994?”
“Yep. There’s literally newspapers everywhere,” he snorted. 
“Well, I haven’t really been observant, I guess. What are we doing in 1994?”
“We’re stuck!” He explained. “Oh, damn,” I muttered. 
“Yeah, it sucks, but now you guys are here to keep me company!” He grinned. 
I smiled politely at him, getting ready to turn around and go back home. “Right. Well, I gotta go. My friends are expecting me for dinner. Maybe you could uh… You could um, come to dinner?”
His eyes widened in surprise. I kept on my smile, shifting the weight in my feet. 
“Really?” He asked. 
“Yeah, why not! Um, chilli sound good?” I asked. “Perfect. I’ll bring drinks,” he suggested. 
“Sounds great. Well, um, see you later?” I proposed, getting ready to turn around. 
“Yep,” he smiled. “Great,” I chuckled, looking down shyly. I began to turn around, but Kai stopped me. 
“Why don’t I drive you there? It’d be tedious of you to carry the cart all the way home, right?” Kai asked. 
I turned back around, “Um… Yeah. Yeah, you’re right. Are you sure, though?” 
My smiled widely, giggling a little. “Well, yeah, I’d really appreciate it.”
“Great. My car’s over here,” He said and pointed to a dark blue Chevy. 
“Wow, this is a really cool car,” I said, wheeling the car to it. “Yeah, I know,” he smiled, shoving his hands in his pockets. 
I opened up the trunk and loaded the groceries in the car. I then walked over to the passenger seat and got in, buckling and waiting for Kai to get in the driver’s seat. We got to Damon’s place in 10 minutes. I was very thankful I had met him, even though he was a little bit of a weirdo. Kai parked in the entry way and he helped me take in the groceries. 
“Hey, Damon! Is Bonnie home yet?” I called out. 
“Yeah! I am,” Bonnie came out from the kitchen. Her smile faltered as he saw Kai standing next to me. “Who, uh, who is this?” “Oh!” I giggled. “This is Kai. We met at the supermarket.”
“Oh, really? Hi, Kai,” Damon narrowed his eyes at him. 
“Hi, Damon!” Kai said cheerfully. “How the hell do you know my name?” Damon asked. 
“Oh, he’s just uh… He’s just been observing us and stuff,” I explained. 
“Hm, not creepy at all,” Damon muttered. “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Kai. Are you joining us for dinner?” Bonnie asked. 
“Yeah, I hope that’s okay,” Kai said. “Yeah! It’s fine, guys, right?” I asked. 
“Sure,” Bonnie nodded. 
“Great! I brought drinks, too,” he said, holding a bag filled with bourbon and whiskey. 
“Great, but we already have some,” Damon said, gesturing to the liquor cabinets. 
“Oh,” Kai frowned. “But it’s fine! We’ll drink your’s,” I said. 
“Great,” Kai perked up again. “Let’s get dinner started, yeah?” I suggested, walking over to the kitchen. 
Everyone nodded in agreement and helped with dinner. Kai mostly helped. Damon got bored in the middle and went to his room to do God know’s what, while Bonnie went to sit on the couch and watch 90′s classics. 
“Thanks for helping with dinner,” I said. “No problem. You are an amazing cook,” Kai complimented. 
“You haven’t even tasted the food,” I chuckled. 
“Well, you seem to know the recipe and whatnot. And it smells amazing.”
“Well, thank you,” I smiled, turning and looked at him. 
My eyes met his and a wave of butterflies washed over me. I looked into his mysterious blue eyes, getting lost in them quickly. 
“Is dinner done yet?” Damon asked, interrupting the moment. 
I jumped away from Kai in an instant, hanging my head low in embarrassment.
“Yeah,” I muttered, walking away and getting bowls out. I poured the chilli in each bowl, bringing them to the table with a glasses of Kai’s alcohol. 
“Dig in.” I sprinkled cheese over my chilli. 
“Let me take a sip of this bourbon first,” Damon said, holding the glass up skeptically. He brought the glass up to his lips, taking a slow and small sip. As soon as the bourbon touched his lips, he dropped the glass on the floor and his hand flew to his throat. 
“Oh, my God. Damon, are you okay?” I jumped up from my seat, running over to him. 
“V-Vervain,” Damon gasped. “Vervain… What?” I gulped, my eyes immediately meeting with Kai’s. 
“You!” I pointed. “Oops,” Kai chuckled, getting out of his seat. 
“Not so fast,” Bonnie said, grabbing his arm to sit him back down. Kai grabbed her arm, too. Bonnie started screaming and holding his hand in pain. 
“What? What are you doing to her!” I exclaimed, going over to them. 
“Taking her magic,” Kai shrugged. “What! B-But… How?” I asked. 
“She’s a witch, so am I. Well, not exactly. I’m more of what you say… a siphon,” he explained as if I was supposed to know. 
“Well, whatever are you, get off of her!” I yelled, taking ahold of his jacket and pulling him away. I stumbled back, still holding onto him. 
“I wasn’t done yet!” Kai whined. 
“I don’t care! You were hurting her,” I glared at him, shoving him out of the way and going to Bonnie. 
“Hey, did he burn you? Let’s get your arm under some water,” I said, grabbing her shoulder gently. 
“No, I’m not burned. It just hurt like hell. Ugh! Why did you do that?!” Bonnie exclaimed angrily at Kai. 
“Because I needed the power to do this,” Kai said, holding up his hand. He made the bottle of bourbon float up and poured it all over Damon. 
“Stop!” I shrieked, running over to shove his arm down, but he sent me flying across the room with his other hand. 
“Sorry, princess, but I can’t let you ruin this,” Kai said. 
I groaned, holding the back of my head. “Screw you.”
“Oh, I wish you could,” Kai winked at you. 
I gagged in disgust and got up slowly, groaning at the paining my back. “Not anymore.” Kai chuckled will finishing pouring the bottle of bourbon on Damon, then lifting him up and throwing him against the wall.
“B-Bonnie. D-Do mag-gic,” Damon whimpered.  “Yeah, please do,” I nodded, balancing myself on the island counter. 
“Yeah, please do, Bonnie. Please humiliate yourself in front of your friends. It’s so sad that you can’t do magic. I’ve been watching you for weeks now. What’s even the point of you trying? What’re you gonna do, fail at me? It’s embarrassing. I’m embarrassed for you,” Kai taunted her. 
Bonnie gave him a death glare and looked around the room, spotting a few candles. She closed her eyes and held up her hand. “Phasmatos Incendia.”
I watched in amazement as the candles lit. Bonnie then turned to Kai, who had a shocked look on his face. She grinned at him, cocking her head to the side. 
“I’m embarrassed for you,” she mocked him. 
“Dammit,” Kai muttered. “Looks like I have to kill you now. I was planning on for that to be later.” “Oh, no you don’t,” Damon remarked, getting up slowly. He then sped over to Kai and before Kai could react, Bonnie held Kai’s arms back while Damon punched Kai. 
“You’re going down, wacko,” Damon muttered, taking Kai’s head in his hands and slamming him down on the floor, knocking Kai out. 
“Are you okay, Damon?” I asked immediately. “Yeah, I’m fine. Let’s get him chained up,” Damon said. 
“Yeah, okay,” I nodded, going over and lifting Kai up form under his arms. 
“Good job, Bon-Bon. About time,” Damon patted Bonnie on the back. 
“Thanks,” Bonnie gave him a small smile. 
Bonnie helped me chain up Kai to a chair, Damon going on the couch to heal and rest. 
“I can’t believe you liked him,” Damon spoke up after a while. 
“I didn’t,” I protested. “You sure? You were drooling all over him when he first came into the house. You're type is crazy,” Damon smirked. 
I rolled my eyes, wanting to change the subject. “I think the whiskey he brought also has vervain in it.”
“He’s right, Y/n. You have horrible taste in guys,” Bonnie teased. 
I scoffed. “Un-called for! Damon’s supposed to be the rude one.”
“It’s not being rude if I’m telling the truth,” Bonnie smirked. “Yeah, well, I guess I liked him. Not anymore, though,” I sighed, sitting down on the couch next to Damon. 
“Good. We would definitely have had to take you to therapy,” Damon smirked. 
I laughed with him, letting out a long sigh. “I just still can’t believe there is someone here with us.” “Yeah, and he’s a psycho,” Damon spat. 
“What're we gonna do with him when he wakes up?” I asked. 
“Interrogate him. See what he knows, what he wants, how to get out of here,” Damon answered. 
“Well, I know a little bit about what he knows,” I said. “We’re in 1994.”
“Yeah, I know,” Damon muttered. “What, how?” I asked. 
“While you were gone we found a newspaper. Apparently, we have been re-living May 10th since we got here,” Bonnie said sourly. 
“Oh. Great,” I shook my head. “Anything else you guys found out?”
“Yes, actually. Kai is a murderer,” Bonnie said. She grabbed a newspaper from the coffee table and held it up to my face. She pointed to the left side where there were four headshots of teenagers. 
“Family Massacred in Portland. The only one missing was the oldest boy. A 22 year-old named Malachai,” I read aloud. I then looked up to Kai who was still knocked out. “I-Is he Malachai?”
“All signs point to yes,” Damon said. “My God. I liked a murderer? Jesus, what is wrong with me?” I muttered, setting the newspaper down. 
“Really? Your type in men is what you’re worried about?” Damon scoffed. 
I smiled a little. “No, no! It’s just… Weird to me. Anyways, if he knows the way out, we have to get out without him, okay?”
“Deal,” Bonnie nodded. 
“Do you guys want to go to bed?” I asked. “Well, someone has to stay and watch,” Damon gestured to Kai. 
“Why don’t you. You’re the immortal,” I nudged his shoulder. 
“Fine. I’ll alert you guys when he wakes up,” Damon said. 
“Great. Thanks, Damon,” Bonnie smiled. “Mhm. No prob!” Damon exclaimed as Bonnie and I climbed up the stairs. 
“He is kinda cute,” Bonnie said once we reached one the guest bedroom.
“Who? Damon?” I asked. “No, Kai,” Bonnie explained. 
I raised my brows, my mouth formed in the shape of an ‘O’. 
“What?” Bonnie asked. “I cannot believe you just said that about our enemy. You’re never this two-faced,” I smirked. 
Bonnie rolled her eyes, “Yeah, well, he’s still a sociopath.”
“True that. Hey, wanna have a sleepover? Maybe have some fun,” I suggested. 
“Yes! Oh, I wish that Care and Elena were here,” Bonnie sighed. 
“Me, too, Bon. We’ll get to see them soon, though.” I put a hand on her shoulder. 
“I hope,” Bonnie smiled.  I smiled back and went to the closet, finding a pair of sweats and a tank top. Bonnie and I got ready for bed, staying up for a good hour talking, finally passing out across the bed. 
I was the first one to wake up. I rose up slowly and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. Once I opened them fully, I looked around the room with complete confusion. Once I looked at the clock, though, I finally realised that I was in a repeating loop of May 10th, 1994. You’d think waking up for months in this place, I would get used to it, but I really never have. Not yet, at least. 
“Disappointing, right?” Bonnie spoke next to me. I turned, chuckling in agreement. “Most definitely.”
“At least we got a full night’s sleep. It’s 10 AM,” Bonnie said. “True,” I nodded, getting up and stretching. 
“Let’s go and see the sociopath living downstairs,” I groaned. 
“I’ll need coffee before I see him,” Bonnie said, getting up and putting on a robe.
“Oh, me, too,” I chuckled. 
We both went downstairs after freshening up, going to the kitchen immediately.
“Um, hello? Did you forget about us?” Damon asked form the living room. 
“Yep,” Bonnie smiled at him. Damon rolled his eyes, going over to us. 
“Hurry up, sleeping beauties. Malachai is awake,” Damon said, his eyes going wide as he said Kai’s full name. 
“Please, it’s Kai,” Kai said. “Hm, nope. I read Malachai in the newspaper,” Damon gave Kai his signature sarcastic smile. 
Bonnie and I laughed at Damon defying Kai. I poured myself some coffee and made myself some eggs and toast before going over to Damon. 
“Alright, I am ready to get this interrogation on,” I smiled, sitting down on the couch. 
“Me, too,” Bonnie said, sitting next to me. 
“Wow, you look beautiful when just waking up,” Kai complimented. 
“Drop the act, weirdo,” I rolled my eyes. 
“I was actually talking to the green-eyed beauty next to you,” Kai grinned. 
I couldn’t help but frown. My heart sank to the bottom of my stomach and I looked down at my food, picking up the toast and nibbling on the crust. 
“You can still drop the act. We want answers,” Bonnie demanded. 
“Ooh, you are so sexy while dominant,” Kai winked. “And you are so gross and desperate,” Bonnie stated. 
“If you don’t give us answers, I’ll snap your neck,” Damon threatened. 
I looked up and saw Kai pursing his lips. 
“It’s so funny,” Kai stated. “What is?” Damon asked. 
“Well, you three seem to hate me, yet you haven’t killed me yet,” Kai explained. 
“Because we need information from you, and you are withholding for no reason,” Bonnie explained further. 
“Fine. But I want Y/n to ask the questions,” Kai said, his blue eyes landing on me. 
I glared at him right away. “Why me? You seem pretty infatuated with Bonnie.”
“Jealousy is not a good look on you, princess,” he spoke playfully.
I had to fight the butterflies that were swarming in my stomach. “And being annoying is not a good way for us to not kill you.”
Kai laughed, “Fair. So, what do you guys want to know?”
“Why are we here? Is this my personal hell?” Damon asked quickly. 
I furrowed my brows and looked up at  him. “Why do you think this is your personal hell?”
“Well, first of all my car is parked in the entry way. Yeah, I noticed that. And second… There was something bad I did during May 10th, 1994,” Damon sighed. 
“Damon… What did you do?” Bonnie’s voice wavered. “Yeah, Damon, what did you do?” Kai pressed on. 
“You,” Damon pointed to Kai. “Shut it. And… You guys would hate me if I told you. Like, hate me for real.”
“Oh, I bet it’s not too bad,” I smiled comfortingly. 
“Nope, it’s bad,” Damon sighed. “Well, then tell us,” Bonnie pushed. 
Damon sighed, walking from the back of the couch to the armchair. He slumped down. “I… I killed a pregnant woman.”
The plate that was once in my hand clattered to the ground. 
“You what!?” Bonnie exclaimed. 
“Not one of my best moments,” Damon sighed. 
“W-Why?” I stuttered, racking my brain for any type of logical explanation. 
“Cause I was mad at Stefan,” Damon shrugged. “And that justifies the fact that you killed a pregnant woman?” Bonnie shouted. 
“Yeah, yeah, I know! I’m a horrible person, okay?” Damon exclaimed, shooting up from his seat. 
“You’re worse than I thought. How can Elena love you!” Bonnie scoffed. 
I stood up in-between them. “Okay, not the time, guys. We need to ask Kai questions.”
“And before you do that, I need you guys to get a few things for me,” Kai said. 
I groaned, “What now?”
“Well, I need to make a list, and I can’t if I’m all tied up.”
I rolled my eyes. “Fine.” I went over to him, untying the rope. I then got a paper and pencil and handed them to him. 
“Thank you, honey,” Kai gave me an eye-blinding grin. 
“Yeah, whatever,” I muttered, going to the kitchen to get a dustpan to sweep up the broken pieces of the plate. 
“Alright!” Kai announced after a few moments. “All done.” “Great. I’ll go out,” I said, going over and taking the paper out of his hand. Kai reached out to stop me, though. 
“Nope. I want you to stay,” Kai said. “Why?” I asked. 
“Because you’re so cute,” he complimented. “Shut up. I will kill you,” I sneered, jerking my arm out of his grasp. 
“I’ll go. I don’t want to be around Damon,” Bonnie snarled, snatching the piece of paper. 
“Bon, c’mon,” Damon said helplessly, following her to the door. 
They both went out of the house. I could hear Bonnie shouting from the outside. 
“Finally alone together,” Kai said. 
“Yeah, no. I’m going upstairs,” I said, turning on my heels. 
“If you stay I'll tell you everything,” Kai said. 
I stopped in my track, turning back to him slowly. “Really?” 
He nodded. “I promise.”
“Fine,” I sighed, sitting back down on the couch. Kai got up and walked over. He sat down right next to me. 
I huffed and got up, sitting in the armchair. 
“Fine, I’ll talk to you this way, I guess. So, what do you want to know?” Kai asked. 
“Why did you kill your family?” I asked.  “Well, I was born into a coven of witches. The Gemini coven, to be exact. I was the black sheep of my family. The one whose magical ability was sucking the power out of people. My family hated me. My father hated me. He never showed me love or tried to understand me,” he explained. 
“And that’s why you killed your whole family? Because you never got love?” I asked. 
“Yep. Basically,” he shrugged. “Not a good enough reason,” I shook my head. 
“Well, what were you expecting?”  
I sighed, “I don’t know.”
“Precisely. Anyways, that’s why this is my personal hell. Not Damon’s.”
“How do we get out of here?” I asked. 
“Well, there’s this thing called an ascendent. That will take us home,” he explained. 
“Okay, what is it?” I asked. 
“A mystical relic that was created by my family. It can harnesses the power of a celestial event and creates a portal, to which we can all then go home.”
“And where is the ascendent?” I asked. “I have no idea,” Kai smiled. 
“Ugh! Seriously? How are we going to get out of here now?” “Well, the stuff I asked Bonnie to get will help us. Don’t worry,” he shrugged. 
“Okay, well, I’m going to go and get ready for the day,” I said, standing up. 
“And you’re going to leave me here alone? What if I kill you in the shower?” Kai asked. 
“Well, I need a shower. So, if you do, at least I’ll be released from this world,” I smiled sweetly, walking off. 
I heard him chuckle behind me. I sighed quietly and climbed up the stairs. I could not wait to get out of there. 
I came back downstairs after 30 minutes. I first looked in the living room, seeing Bonnie and Damon with Kai. 
“Took you long enough,” Damon said.
I rolled my eyes, “I assume Kai filled you in?” “Yep. I have to do a spell now to find the ascendent,” Bonnie nodded. 
“And we’re gonna do that with Kai having jam on his fingers?” I asked, pointing to Kai was scooping out jam with his hands. 
“Well, I’m not gonna do the spell. Bonnie will. I’ll just guide her,” Kai explained. 
I hummed in reply and nodded. “Alright, well, let’s get started then.”
Bonnie and Kai went to the dining room table to work. Spreading out a big map and putting some of Kai’s blood on the paper to do a locator spell. 
We watched as she tried a few times before she realised the blood wasn’t moving. 
“It doesn’t feel right,” she sighed. “Maybe I need bigger map.”
“Maybe you’re just out of practice, and you suck at magic now,” Damon said.
“Ignore him, Bonnie. Pretend he’s a white noise machine,” Kai said. “That’s how I used to tune out my siblings.”
“How many siblings?” I asked casually. 
“Seven,” Kai answered. “You know, all of them constantly yammering. But it, uh, taught me how to focus.” He went by Bonnie, looking her in the eye, his gaze traveling down to her lips. 
A pang of jealously hit my heart. I looked down at the ground, not wanting to see them kiss, if they did. 
“Easy there, big brother,” Damon remarked. “She doesn’t know you. At least buy her a drink.”
Bonnie and Kai chuckled, looking at each other. I groaned quietly, going to the kitchen to get myself a drink.
“Hey! Where are you going, princess?” Kai called. 
“Somewhere where you’re not,” I grumbled. 
I got out a bottle of scotch, taking a swig from the bottle. 
“Woah, easy there, princess,” Damon mocked the nickname Kai had given me. 
I glared at him. “Do not call me that.”
“What, I can’t, but Kai can? Sounds like someone still has a crush,” Damon sang. 
“I do not!” 
“You sure you don’t like him? Cause I think you two would make a great fit. He’s crazy and well, you seem to like crazy.”
I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, like you and Elena are a great fit, right? You being the one who keeps breaking up with her and all.”
I then walked past Damon and back into the living room, earning a glare from him. 
“The blood’s moving towards Virginia. Can’t be right,” Kai said. 
“Mm-mm. Spell’s working. It’s showing me Mystic Falls. It feels so… close,” Bonnie said, putting her hand on Kai’s jacket, candles lighting up. 
“It right here,” Bonnie said, pressing her hand into his chest. 
Kai took out the ascendent from his jacket pocket, an expression of shock on his face. “Very good.”
“That’s the ascendent?” I asked. “The one and only,” Kai smiled. 
“Thanks for the mind games, jackass,” Damon said. 
“It was just another little test. To make sure Bonnie’s magic was precise enough for the spell,” Kai explained. “I do believe we’re ready. Pack your bags, we’re going home.”
Kai then walked out of the house and to the front yard, stopping every few moments. 
“You’re wandering around like a crazy man, why?” Damon asked. 
“I’m looking for the exact right spot,” Kai answered, holding the ascendent up to the sky. “We need to find where the power of the eclipse is focused.”
“You know, you could have just showed us the ascendant to begin with,” Bonnie said. 
“Yeah, but I wanted to feel your hand on my chest,” Kai smirked. 
A frown rested upon my lips and I looked down at the ground. 
“He is so annoying,” Bonnie muttered. 
“You’re just not used to guys hitting on you,” Damon said. “You know, I can’t wait to get out of here,” Bonnie glared. 
She then went next to me. I held my head back up, but not looking at her.
“Hey, how you holding up?” She asked. “Oh, fine,” I shrugged. “I’m getting kind of bored, though.”
“Yeah, I feel you… Hey,” Bonnie said, putting her hand on my arm. I turned to her, “Yeah?”
“Kai is a sociopath. He’s just flirting with us to get a rise out of each other. I know you don’t like him anymore, but that attraction you felt to him is probably still there. Let’s not let him tear us apart, okay? We’re stronger than some guy,” she smiled. 
I smiled with her, perking up. “Yeah. You’re right. Sorry, just between him calling me pet names and the fact that Damon is always so pissy, it’s hard to be optimistic.”
“Well, I can do magic again now, so there’s one reason!” “Very true. Good job, by the way,” I complimented. “Why, thank you,” Bonnie chuckled.
We followed Kai and Damon, beginning to talk about our plans for when we got home. I looked down at the ground as she talked about her plans with Jeremy. I kicked around a rock, a pair of shoes appearing in front of me. It was Kai. Before my body could stop, I knocked into him.
His hands supported my waist, holding me up. My eyes met his and for a split second, I could see the human in him. I pushed him away though, scoffing in the process. 
“A little warning next time?” 
Kai just smiled down at me, then looking up to the sky. “The eclipse will happen directly overhead. In perfect alignment with the Gemini constellation. You need to dig under the tunnels below us. We’ll do the spell here,” Kai said 
“Wait, why do we have to dig?” Damon asked.
“Have you never portal-jumped through an eclipse before? Okay, look, the light of the eclipse will shine down and activate the ascendant. You spout a little witchy woo and then, poof! Anyone standing in the circle of light holding the ascendant goes home,” Kai explained. 
“Let me see the spell,” Bonnie said. “When the time comes,” Kai smiled.
He then walked past us three. 
“Where are you going?” I asked. “Into town. I need to gather some important supplies,” Kai explained. 
“Y/n, why don’t you watch over him to make sure he isn’t planning to kill us,” Damon said. 
“What! No!” I protested. “You really want to be stuck with us? Digging a hole?” Bonnie asked. 
“Not really,” I sighed. “Fine, I’ll go. See you guys later.” 
“Have fun,” Bonnie smiled. “Oh, you know I will,” I smiled sourly as I followed Kai’s path. 
I jogged to catch up with him. “Hey, Kai! Wait up.”
Kai stopped in his tracks, turning in surprise. “Stalking me?”
“Nope. More like babysitting.”
“Hm. Well, I’m older than you, so technically I would be doing the babysitting,” Kai said. 
“Yeah, like you have any parental instincts. So, where into town are we going?” 
“I thought you hated talking to me,” Kai said. “Just answer the damn question,” I glared. 
“I’m picking up some personal belongings,” Kai explained. 
“Why?” You asked. “Because 1994 has been my home for most of my life. I don’t want to get homesick when I go into the 21st century,” Kai answered.
“Hm, I see. Well, a lot has changed in the last 18 years,” I said. 
“So I can see. They obviously didn’t make girls as pretty as Bonnie back then,” Kai smirked. 
My lips pulled down into another frown. Him complimenting Bonnie was like a stake to the heart. I didn’t know why, but it bothered me a little too much to hear him talk about other girls. It was even worse considering that the girl he was talking about was my best friend.  
“Hey, don’t be so sad. You’re pretty, too,” Kai nudged my shoulder.
“Wow, thanks,” I rolled your eyes. 
“I’m serious! You’re more pretty than Bonnie!” Kai said. “Just want I wanted. You dragging my friend down so I can be complimented,” I hummed. 
Kai rolled his eyes. “Women are so difficult. Look, I meant that you’re really pretty. Bonnie is, too. Just accept the fact I think you’re pretty!”
My face warmed up quickly and I hung my head low. “T-Thanks.”
“Let me guess, not a lot of guys compliment you?”
“They do, but doesn’t mean I don’t get flustered.”
“You seem pretty outgoing to me,” Kai said. 
“Well, that’s probably because I hate you. I’m shy to guys I like,” I explained, putting my head back up. 
“Hm… Or you just think that. You know, girls can be mean when they like a guy.”
“Yeah, in elementary school. Look, I’m not 8 anymore. I know the difference between love and hate and trust me, my feelings for you stand on the hate side.”
“Keep saying that, princess,” Kai remarked. “And stop calling me princess! God, it’s so annoying,” I groaned. 
“C’mon, I know you like it, princess,” Kai teased, poking at my arm. 
I swatted his hand away. “For someone who is a sociopath, you sure like to flirt a lot.”
“I am not a sociopath,” Kai said. “You sure are,” I chuckled. 
“I’m not. I was just treated like the biggest embarrassment and disappointment of my family, and I’ve been stuck here for 18 years. It’s not fun going through what I did,” Kai argued. 
I softened up a little. “Right, yeah. So, how long do we have to walk for?”
“Not very long,” Kai said. 
We walked in a weirdly comfortable silence for 10 more minutes before arriving at a house. 
“This your place I assume?” I asked. 
“Yep. Not the place I grew up in, though,” he said, walking up. “Because you were born in Oregon?” I guessed. 
“Yep. Wow, you pay attention to what I say. So sweet.” I huffed, “Just hurry up.” 
“Yes, ma’am.” I waited for him outside the house, beginning to play with the locket around my neck. I took it off, opening it and smiling nostalgically.
“I miss you guys. I wish you were here,” I said to the pictures, running my fingertips on them. 
“Are you talking to yourself?” Kai’s voice sounded out of nowhere. 
I jumped, immediately shutting the locket. “No. Are you finished?”
“Yep,” he nodded. 
“Good, let’s hurry back.” 
“Who were you talking to?” He asked as we started our journey back to Bonnie and Damon. 
“Nobody,” I answered. “So you were talking to yourself?” Kai pressed. 
“Yeah,” I admitted. “Why?” He asked. 
“It’s none of your business,” I said quickly. I hoped he got the hint that this was something that I would never share. 
“Oh, please? You know, like, everything about me!”
I groaned, “No, Kai! Stop it.”
His eyebrows raised, his lips curling up into a smile. “Alright, Miss Fussy.”
I went in front of him, walking fast. We finally got back to the big hole that was now in the middle of the forrest. 
“Now will you show us the spell?” Bonnie asked, panting. 
“Not yet,” Kai said. “Why? We’ve done everything you want. Just get us out of here,” Damon said. 
“I just… I can’t. Not yet,” Kai shrugged. 
I scoffed, “Now is not the time to be a dick.”
“Wait,” Bonnie said, staring hard at Kai. “He doesn’t know the spell. Which means we don’t need him. Motus.”
Suddenly the pickaxe that Damon had flew up and plunged Kai in the heart, missing my arm by a centimeter. 
“Bonnie!” I shrieked. 
“What? You never liked him anyways,” Bonnie shrugged. “I have my grimoire right here, I’ll find the spell.” Bonnie pulled out the spell book from her backpack. 
“Yeah, and how long is that gonna take?” Damon asked. “Not long if you two let me concentrate,” Bonnie said. 
Damon groaned and walked over to me. “She seems way too calm.”
“She’s not one to freak out like you or Caroline. I’m a little mad at her, too, but I know she’s got this,” I shrugged, taking a seat on the dirt. 
“Find the spell yet, Bon-Bon?” Damon asked, leaning against a tree. 
“It’s been 2 minutes,” I swatted Damon’s leg. “No, but I think the Gemini coven used a Bennett spell to create this place. That's why my grams sent me here,” Bonnie explained. 
I smiled at her, “Great thinking!”
Bonnie thanked me with a nod, holding the ascendent up in her hands and muttering an incantation. My jaw dropped as I saw the ascendent move outwards. 
“And this is why Kai never killed me. He needed a Bennett,” Bonnie smiled triumphantly. 
“See, I told you she knew what she was doing,” I smiled up at Damon. 
“Yeah, well, I did, too. I was just giving her a hard time,” Damon shrugged. 
Bonnie chuckled. “You guys ready to go home?”
“Hell yeah!” I exclaimed and jumped up. 
We all jumped down the hole that Bonnie and Damon dug up, landing in a cave. Bonnie wasted no time dropping her blood onto the ascendant. She muttered the spell, the ascendent winding out further. 
“Ready, guys?” Bonnie asked. 
I nodded, walking up to her and putting my hand under her’s. Damon put his hand under mine. 
“Let’s go home,” I smiled, tears threatening to fall out of my eyes. 
As Bonnie was about to say the spell, an arrow struck just right under my heart and sent me flying. Another arrow also hit Bonnie. I hit a pile of rocks, my head turning to whoever hit me. It was Kai. 
“Forgetting someone?” He asked. “Did you really think I haven’t tried to kill myself before? Because I have.” He loaded up the crossbow again. 
Damon made a move for the ascendent that was now on the floor. 
“Grab that or the next arrow will be in their hearts. Your choice.” Kai threatened. 
Damon sighed and sped over to Bonnie, pulling the arrow out from her body. She screamed in pain, my eyes widening as I watched Kai take the ascendent. 
“Damon!” I exclaimed as Damon as about to feed us his blood. 
Damon fed Bonnie his blood quickly and ran up to Kai, knocking the ascendent out of his hand. My eyes fell to the ascendent as it was close enough for me to try and grab. I tried to reach, but Bonnie was a few steps ahead of me. She then bent down to me, ripping the arrow out of my side. I screamed in pain, tears streaming down my face. 
“We’re gonna get you out of here, okay? Just put pressure on this,” Bonnie said, grabbing her jacket around my wound. 
I shook my head, smiling sadly. “No, I-I won’t make it. You and Damon go. You guys have too much to live for. Me? I have no family there, and we all know Caroline and Elena miss you more.”
“That is so not true,” Bonnie said. “When you were gone at camp for those 3 summers, all Care and Elena could take about was how much they’ve missed you. And I know for a fact that Tyler, Matt, and especially Stefan miss you, too. We are getting you out of here.”
“We are, Y/n. Otherwise Elena would kill me,” Damon groaned from behind me. “I would rather be killed by my hot, vampire girlfriend instead of this psycho. A little help Bonnie?”
Bonnie nodded, muttering a spell that sent Kai flying back. Damon then came over and lifted me up, carrying me over to Bonnie. We stood under the light and I looked up, smiling happily. 
“I’m getting out of here,” I sighed. 
“Not on my watch!” Kai exclaimed. As soon as we started to float up, Kai ran over to Damon and knocked me out of his arms.
“No!” I screamed. 
“Y/n!” Bonnie exclaimed as she shot up in the portal. 
I watched with hot, burning tears as Bonnie and Damon disappeared. I sobbed in pain and sadness, looking at Kai with a watery gaze. 
“Why?!” I screamed. 
“Because like you said, you don’t have any family there. Me neither, so there’s no reason for you to get back to your home,” Kai explained with a shit-eating grin. 
“Screw you,” I muttered distantly. I felt my eyes begin to droop. My breathing was so shallow, I could barely feel my heartbeat. I looked up to the light that was shining down. Where my friends once were. 
“Sleep well, princess. I’ll see you soon.” Was the last thing I heard before I lost all consciousness. 
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acenancy · 3 years
The Ace x Nancy x Tamura of It All
I’m here as a hardcore Nace shipper (see the URL) to throw my two cents into the Ace x Nancy x Tamura discussion.
Some of you straight up hate Tamura and that’s cool, I get it, no judgement, but I personally like him a lot as a character. And I LOVE the connection he and Nancy have. Their repartee is entertaining, they share a passion for solving mysteries which is key to being Nancy’s friend, and their very different life experiences help balance each other out. 
You know, since one of them is grounded in reality and the other is navigating through life in a supernaturally charged hellmouth.
That being said, I hope they grow closer during S3 WITHOUT becoming explicitly romantic. And I think that may be exactly what happens! At most, I think that while solving magical mysteries, Nancy and Tamura will engage in a fun little flirtationship  that will lead to genuine friendship. His partnership with Nancy would be solidified this way as well as his honorary membership to the Drew Crew. This could serve three purposes: 
Forcing Tamura to accept the supernatural elements of Horseshoe Bay, thus weaving him more intricately into the plot.
Creating tension between Nancy and Ace 😏
Exploring and adding depth to whatever sort of relationship they’re trying to establish between Tamura and Ace.
I see all of this playing out fairly simply: while Nick and George are busy juggling real life and a wedding, while Bess devotes her time and energy into researching her family history and finding love, and while Ace prioritizes Amanda, Nancy finds herself without proper backup. So! Perhaps unintentionally, Nancy gravitates to Tamura. There's crimes and mysteries to be solved and since her friends are not fully available to her, who better to turn to than the guy who’s job it is to investigate these things? And so begins the Nancy and Tamura buddy cop comedy that is both dreaded and highly anticipated depending on what social media outlet you’re using.
Though let me repeat: BUDDY COP. 
I really don’t think we’re going to have an Ed and Lorraine Warren situation on our hands with these two. Truly, if the S2 finale is anything to go by, I think S3 will allow Nancy to grow into herself outside of a romantic or sexual relationship. She’s not running from herself and into someone else’s bed anymore. She’s embracing and learning to love herself. I’d even go so far as to say Nancy’s love interest next season will be...Nancy lmao. 
As for Tamura, if they decide to give him a romantic interest, I think they would either have his ex-fiancée reenter the picture or maybe even do him dirty and stick him with Temperance for plot reasons. A doomed Tamura x Temperance romance would actually be fun to see, in my opinion, and would be a great way to open Tamura’s eyes to the supernatural. That’s just me spit-balling, though. Whether it’s because of Temperance or not, I think Tamura is finally going to have to accept ghosts and witches and magic are real this season. It’s just a requirement for working with Nancy Drew.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, we have to address the Nace of it all. Sorry to Tamura but I do believe you’re being used as an obstacle in True Love’s way next season. I think fandom’s general consensus is that the more time Nancy and Tamura spend together, romantic or not, the more jealous Ace will become. While I agree, I think Ace’s jealousy will stem from somewhere a little deeper than just seeing Nancy with another guy. 
Take Gil, for example. Ace was sort of jealous of Gil, but more than anything he was wary of him and concerned for Nancy’s wellbeing when she was with him. Unlike Ace, Gil never had anything to offer Nancy except for sex and a getaway car. He sure as hell was never her number one person. In fact, he wasn’t even Nancy’s number five person. There was never a reason for Ace to be envious of him.
Tamura, on the other hand, can prove to be just as much of an equal to Nancy as Ace is. As chief/lead detective, he also has power and influence that Ace and Nancy do not, and access to people and resources that Ace does not have (unless he can hack into them). Tamura can help Nancy bend and break the law without consequence if need be, too. And, although naive in regards to the mystics of Horseshoe Bay, he is just as smart as Nancy and has, on the rare occasion, even been one step ahead of her. Tamura is an asset, to say the least. Together, he and Nancy make a formidable duo.
That’s what will make Ace jealous. More than the prospect of romance between Nancy and Tamura, I think that Nancy finding another intellectual match is what will rub Ace the wrong way. They’ll find themselves at a brief moment in time where Nancy will turn to Tamura for assistance before anyone, including Ace, and Ace will realize he absolutely hates that someone who is not him is Nancy’s partner in crime now.
Maybe Nancy won’t notice, but Ace will probably realize his love for her is not of the philia sort. I’m sure Amanda also will. And? Maybe Tamura will see it too.
Which brings me to one of my favorite dynamics of the show: Ace and Tamura’s.
I’m not gonna sit here and spin my crazy conspiracy theory that they’re brothers. Though that idea will always hold a special place in my heart, slowly but surely I am accepting that Ace’s long lost brother really is Grant. I’m being a total grownup about it. I swear.
Nevertheless, I do think they’ve been trying to build some kind of relationship between Ace and Tamura since before Tamura even met Nancy. What sort of relationship? God, I wish I knew.
They meet each other first, which doesn’t necessarily mean a lot, but it’s worth noting that they’re on each other’s funny little shit lists before Nancy even enters Tamura’s picture. It’s also Ace and Ace alone that hears from McGuinness that Tamura will be replacing him in the same episode. Then, of course, we have that crazy Shabbat dinner in 2x03 that exacerbates their antagonistic relationship further. Then there’s their snarky banter and all of those totally unnecessary side-by-side shots of them saving Noah in 2x10. Apart from Nancy, Ace is the only member of the Drew Crew that we’ve seen Tamura develop a real connection with, even if it is an unfriendly one. And, as of now, their relationship doesn’t even have anything to do with Nancy.
So where are the writers going with this hilarious and hostile bond between Ace and Tamura? Has all of this really just been buildup for a romantic rivalry? Hey, maybe! I really can’t figure out another reason why the writers have gone out of their way to create their dynamic since the Brother Theory has been disproven. But something tells me this may be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
And when I say “this”, I mean Tamura taking a step back from Nancy once he realizes he may just be filling in the love of her life’s shoes. Because that’s where I think all of this is going. Not necessarily anywhere romantic between Nancy and Tamura, but somewhere more friendly between Tamura and everyone.
At the end of it all, Tamura is going to finally embrace the supernatural, he’s going to become an ally to Nancy, Ace, and the rest of the Drew Crew, and, when the timing is right, he’s going to hop onboard the Nace ship with the rest of us. 
Side note: this is just where my head is at. I truly respect all of your opinions and ask that you respect mine too. If you agree with what I’ve said and want to talk, let’s talk! If you disagree and want to talk, we can talk too! Please, just don’t get nasty with me. This is a television show about fictional characters at the end of the day, and I am a real person. Much love to you all. ❤️
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tomtenadia · 3 years
A Little Braver - Chapter 14
It’s Monday and it’s new chapter time.
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First of all... the gif above is one of the most hilarious scenes in Top Gun, so when i started writing this chapter I knew I had to re-enact it. The manoeuvre is called buzz the tower. 
This chapter is a moment of respite from what’s going to happen next. it’s a bit angsty at the beginning, but then it gets lighter.
CW: hurt/comfort,  PTSD, panic attacks, and also a bit NSFW,
She was in a room, of that she was sure. The heat was becoming unbearable by the second and the smoke enveloped her in a tight grip. Her eyes burned and she felt lost. Everywhere she looked there was smoke. Slowly she walked to a door and once she opened she saw fire. She walked in. She had to find him. She moved a step and her skin felt on fire. She walked and walked.
“Help,” she heard a male voice. She moved towards it. But when she found the person she noticed it was too late. She could still recognise his features: Sam. He was dead and she was too late. She started running as the tongues of fire chased her and the sense of being lost got worse. She ran and collided with something metallic. It was a plane. Its wings were broken, the canopy smashed. She noticed a figure in it. She walked to the aircraft and her heart stopped when she noticed the silver hair: Row— an explosion filled her ears.
Aelin woke with a scream, she threw the duvet aside and launched herself off the bed, crashing on the floor and then ran for the bathroom to empty the contents of her stomach in the toilet. Over and over again. Tears pricked her eyes and she noticed her hands shake visibly. Exhausted, Aelin plopped on the floor and let the tears fall. It was just a bad dream. Just a bad dream. But she could still smell Sam’s charred skin and the odour of kerosene. Her sobs intensified and when she started hyperventilating she realised a panic attack was building up.
“Rowan…” she called but remembered too late that he had gone out with Aedion. She tried to bring her breathing under control but failed and the sense of terror grew stronger. Slowly, trembling she dragged herself back to the bedroom and once she reached the nightstand, with trembling hands, grabbed her phone and called Rowan.
His answer was immediate “hey you, miss me already?”
Aelin could not reply straight away, she tried to calm her breathing “I…” she started sobbing again “I am scared.” Was all she managed before her sobs took over completely.
“Aelin, where are you?” Rowan’s voice was panicked “Are you at home?”
He and Aedion had driven her home before going for their night out.
“Yes…” he voice barely audible.
“I am on my way.” And he closed the conversation.
Aelin dropped the phone and collapsed exhausted on the floor.
Rowan had cut his night short and drove back home like a madman. He should have never left her alone. He knew she was suffering from nightmare and panic attacks. But the idea of going out with Aedion had been very tempting. They had a great night and they had a fascinating chat that helped him a lot. His heart raced and growled at every single set of traffic lights. He had to be back home quickly. Aedion had mentioned to keep an eye on Aelin for PTSD. He hadn’t told the man that Aelin was already showing two symptoms. The nightmares and the fact that at night she struggled to sleep. He was getting really worried and his finger tapped nervously on the steering wheel.
He finally made it home and ran in the house, sprinted to the bedroom and found Aelin on the floor. Her mobile had slipped from her hands. He hoisted her in his arms and took her to the bed noticing her clammy skin. Gently he deposited her on the bed and went to the bathroom to grab a cloth. With it he brushed her face and cleaned it. She had been sick. He stood again and went to grab a fresh pair of pyjama and changed her making sure not to cause any more injury to her arm. Gently he tucked her under the blanket. She was sleeping and he did not want to wake her. He kissed her head and then he went to get himself ready for bed. Once he joined her under the blankets he pulled her to his chest and enveloped her body with his. His strong arms looped around her frame and his leg draped over hers in a protective embrace.
It was early morning when he woke, kissed Aelin’s head and brushed her blonde hair away from her face. She had managed to sleep throughout the night and he relaxed. She must have been exhausted after whatever happened. He imagined she had another nightmare and a panic attack. She was his brave and fierce Fireheart and it destroyed him to see her like that.
Rowan felt her move and slowly shift to awareness, her body turned and blue, beautiful eyes met his.
“Morning.” He smiled at her and kissed her briefly.
“You are here.” Her hand brushed his face.
“Of course I am here.”
“You…” but she stopped and shook her head “it’s nothing.” And she turned.
“What is it, Aelin?”
“Nothing.” She repeated and curled in a foetal position turning her back to him “you will leave me eventually. Everyone does.” He heard her cry.
He rolled her over and made sure she faced him “I am not going anywhere.”
“You will leave me, just like Sam did…” she whispered against his chest “and I will be alone again.”
His heart ached painfully. He wanted to make her a promise that he would always come back but his job was just as dangerous as hers and he could not utter that promise and lie to her.
“Do you want me to give up my job?”
She looked up at him “no.” she kissed him “no, I could never ask you that. No matter how much it scares me.” She leaned a bit more into him “Just come back to me.”
“It will be my pleasure.”
They remained in bed holding each other for a while. Aelin had told him about her nightmare and telling him felt good.
Rowan looked at his phone and groaned “damn I need to go to work.”
Her face turned sad and he kissed her pout away, then he had an idea “Come with me.”
“You are still a consultant. I know that Lorcan has continued our project with Aedion. But you can come and see for yourself what we have done.” Then he gave her a big smile “you can see me fly as well. The guys and I will be probably running some drills as well as we have a performance review coming.”
The smile that she gave him almost made his heart melt. With renewed energy she jumped off the bed, ran to his side and began pulling him out of bed “come on, shower and we are going.”
“Fine, fine,” he complained and dragged himself out of bed, then he grabbed her and carried her to the bathroom sack of potato style. Aelin trashed in his arms, he pinched her buttocks in reply and she squealed. He deposited her in the bathroom and once free he started to undress and Aelin stared at him while leaning against the sink with a wanton smile on her face.
She peeled off her clothes and walked to him. Her hands brushed his chest, following the lines of his tattoo and then her tongue traced the same path. He folded his arms around her and pushed her in the shower and opened the jets. Another step and she was pinned to the wall. Aelin looked up at him “I do love a good wall in the morning.”
In a second his mouth was on hers, a hard demanding kiss. Her mouth opened to him and his tongue brushed against hers “well, let’s try and not disappoint you.” He pulled her legs around him and with one thrust he was in her.
The shower took longer than expected but it had put Aelin in a better mood and that’s all he cared about. He was getting ready in his uniform and smiled when Aelin hugged him from behind “What?” He asked softly while tying his tie.
“Thank you for being at my side last night.”
Rowan stiffened “I should have been with you all night, but I didn’t.”
Aelin placed a kiss on his back “but you came back straight away and it helped. In your arms I slept peacefully. You made me feel safe.”
“Well,” he turned and faced her “I need to make sure we do that every night.”
Aelin nodded and went to her side of the closet to grab her clothes “did you have a nice time with Aedion?”
“I did. And he helped. He went through this a few times and well, it felt good to talk with someone who could fully understand.” Then he stopped and looked at her “I don’t mean that you can’t. You have been supportive and amazing.”
Aelin stepped up to him “I know, but Aedion has been in the military. I haven’t. He can help you talk about things I might not understand. That’s why I asked him to take you out.”
“Thank you.” He said leaning over for a kiss “Are you ready?”
Aelin twirled in front of him, she just had jeans and a hoodie and he still thought she was the most stunning creature he had ever seen “I am, captain. All ready to see my top gun in action.”
My. Rowan felt a tug of deep joy at hearing her using that possessive for him. Since she forced the topic after the opera he realised that he had been fooling himself when he tried to convince himself he had no deep feelings for her. He wanted her. To be with her. To commit to her. And he was going to show her just how much.
He took her hand and together they walked out of the house.
They arrived at the base not long after “do you have your badge?” He told her as they reached the first check point.
Aelin fished it out of her bag and showed it to him.
“Captain,” the man in the booth said acknowledging Rowan “captain.” He added towards Aelin.
They drove through the second check point without being stopped and then Rowan parked in the staff car park. Aelin put her lanyard with her badge around her neck and followed Rowan inside, taking his hand.
They walked into his office and Aelin took in the room. She had been inside the first time she had visited him but not bothered to notice anything around. The place looked immaculate and super organised. A big filing cabinet at his back and a bookshelf full with books. Aelin went to have a look and discovered they were all books about flying. Then at the top of the shelf she noticed metal planes all lined up.
“This one,” he said, pointing to a plane with propellers “it’s called a spitfire. It’s quite an epic one.”
“Did you fly it?”
Rowan laughed “No, it’s an old plane. I wasn’t even born when it was used but it’s just gorgeous.”
“It looks cool,” said Aelin looking at the other models.
“These are some of the other planes I have flown.” He pointed to the remainder ones. 
“And this?” She took in her hand the model of an aircraft carrier.
“That is the first aircraft carrier I have served on. I met some great people there.” And lost a lot as well, but he did not say that out loud. “It was my first mission and like a proper newbie I was all excited and eager to prove myself.”
Aelin smiled and then her eyes noticed a picture on the wall behind his desk “is that you?”
Rowan nodded and walked closer to her “the day I graduated from the academy. I was nineteen.”
She took his hand feeling the anguish in his voice “you look quite dashing.”
“I felt smug as fuck and invincible. I had finished the academy at the top. I came out number one.”
“Such a nerd.” She gave him a smile.
He turned her and grabbed her shoulders “don’t tell me that you were not a competitive brat at the academy.”
“I was the only woman at the time. I had to fight twice as much. I showed them all and I finished at the top as well and I made captain well before some of the morons who thought that they were better than me because they allegedly, had the correct reproductive apparatus.”
Rowan snorted and Aelin glared at him “don’t tell me you are one of those because I am going to dump your arse so hard you have no idea.”
He kissed her “No. I have been fighting with Lorcan for a while to get women to serve in the airforce if they want to. The navy has them, the army does as well. We are the only corp that doesn’t and I have been losing this battle for a while. Lorcan is one of those and since he doesn’t believe in the fact that women should be allowed in the airforce he never brings the fight to the higher levels.”
She kissed him and she felt like her heart could explode with love for him.
“He really is an arsehole.”
“I am not his biggest fan either recently.”
“Can’t you take the fight higher up? Go over his head?”
Rowan sighed “we are run by a bunch of old fashioned mummies who are even more retrograde than Lorcan.”
Aelin was about to reply when someone knocked at the door. At Rowan’s invitation she saw the man called Gavriel enter the room “We are all ready to go. We got clearance from the tower and the guys are getting changed now.” Then he noticed Aelin and gave her a big smile “hello, captain.”
“Hello, Commander,” she greeted him remembering his rank. She had liked the man from the start.
Rowan kissed her “I’ll be back in ten minutes. I need to get changed. I’ll come and get you.”
Aelin nodded and he left with Gavriel.
“So, you finally decided to do the right thing,” said the other man to Rowan.
“Stop grieving and being scared and finally try to be happy.”
Rowan gave him a tight smile “she is worth it.”
Aelin waited in his office and when she got bored she grabbed one of his books about flight and started reading. She had been doing some research on her own to understand his job a bit more. She grabbed one that seemed to start from the basics and began reading how a plane did manage to stay in the air. She was so engrossed in the book that she missed him coming back. When she lifted her eyes she saw him standing in front of her in his flight suit. Gods, he was… she had so many naughty thoughts crossing her mind.
“What are you reading?” He asked her, noticing the book abandoned on the desk.
“Oh…” she cleared her voice “just discovering how a plane can stay up.”
Rowan laughed “four forces: thrust, lift, drag and push or gravity” he told her with a smug smile and then he offered her his hand “come on.”
She followed him and they walked to the hangar and every so often she checked him out. In the jump suit he was even hotter than usual.
They entered the hangar and Aelin noticed a lot of people swarming around the five jets “the engineers are getting the planes ready,” he explained her as they got closer to his.
They stopped and Rowan got to open the canopy and finished to dress by adding what he had told her was a G suit used to help with the pressure with manoeuvres where they had to pull a lots of Gs. She stared at him doing all the checks to his suit and then gave a man at her side the thumb up.
“This is Greg,” said Rowan nodding at the man at their side “he is my engineer. Once we are ready to go he will take you to the observation tower.”
Aelin smiled. She was really going to see him fly.
“Give me a have fun kiss,” he said leaning into her.
Aelin brushed his hair and kissed him deeply, then she broke the kiss and her forehead was against his “Be safe.”
He kissed her nose “I love you,” he said very softly.
He left her and climbed into his jet. She studied him finishing to don his helmet, do some checks and then he waved at her. He gave Greg a thumbs up and Aelin saw some other people take the jet away. No taxi, she corrected herself using the right term.
“Miss, you can come with me. They are taxing out and it’s going to get loud in here.”
Aelin nodded and followed the man, casting a glance ever so often to where Rowan had disappeared.
They climbed up the tower and Aelin gasped at the view. She could see the jets lined up on the runaway.
“They are waiting for final clearance from the tower. They will go that way for a bit, but eventually will come back here.” He passed her a pair of binoculars “these are handy.”
Aelin thanked him.
“Don’t leave until someone comes back to collect you. Probably captain Whitethorn will come himself. You are safe up here.” He explained her and Aelin nodded.
The man disappeared and she leaned against the wall. She stared at the jets and then realised she had no idea how to tell them apart.
One at a time all the jets took off, they disappeared at the horizon and eventually came back a flew by the tower. One of them rolled its wings up and down and she had a feeling that was Rowan.
She giggled and grabbed the binoculars.
A moment later she felt a presence at her side. Lorcan had joined her with a thermos of coffee in his hands “Enjoying the view?” He asked in a bored tone.“The fun should start soon. Whitethorn is probably explaining the parameters of the exercise and creating the two teams, that’s why they are still in formation. As soon as the game starts you will see them veer up and break into two groups.”
“How can you tell them apart?”
Aelin rolled her eyes.
“Whitethorn is that one,” he pointed at the jet at the head of the formation.
“That’s it.” Said Lorcan and Aelin saw the team break apart like he had told her.
Lorcan brought out a radio and he changed to a channel that allowed him to listen to radio chatter of his pilots.
“Do you do this often? Coming up here and watch them, I mean.”
“Every time they are out. I am not as much as a monster as the captain depicts me.” He sighed and looked at his pilots “I care about them. They are my team.” then he chuckled and pointed at the jets in the air “Fenrys is already trying to get a lock on Whitethorn. Can you see how he is flying?”
Aelin followed the scene with interest and the radio went silent as the man probably concentrated on their job.
“Moonbeam is sneaky but there is a reason why Whitethorn is the best.”
“I got your arse, Iceman.” She heard Fenrys over the radio. Then something amazing happened. She saw the jet in front of the young lieutenant pull up in a vertical and breaking and letting the other jet pass him the he pulled down and Rowan ended up behind him and over the radio she heard a noise.
“Another time, wolf.” She heard Rowan laugh and the sound warmed her heart “you can sit this one out, pup.” 
“That was awesome.” Said Aelin in awe.
“Whitethorn is not an easy one to get. I think in many years of drills only Gavriel managed the feat a few times. And we all believe it was because well, he was not himself.”
Aelin had an inkling she knew when that was. 
“I think he needs this today. Losing that student has sent him back to a dark place.”
“How so?” Asked Aelin curious.
“Not my story to tell.”
They went back watching the exercise “that is a high G barrel roll, isn’t it?” She remembered it from thew video.
“Well done, captain.”
“Rowan has told me about some manoeuvres.”
“You see why he did that?” Lorcan pointed at the jets.
Aelin nodded, “the plane behind him is too close for comfort so that is an option to shake him off.”
Lorcan nodded “That is Gavriel. He probably painted him once already and had Rowan’s tail and a firing solution as well so Rowan pulled that manoeuvre to get rid of him and succeeded.”
“That’s Connall being his wingman. And Vaughan is with Gavriel.”
Then she gasped. Rowan had just flew in between Vaughan and Gavriel in a vertical line then she saw him bank and get back in formation.
“That’s Connall gone as well. It’s just Whitethorn against Vaughan and Gavriel.”
Gavriel was fast and sneaky. Even someone like her could see that. 
Rowan was on his own but Lorcan did not seem worried. His planes flew mere metres from a second one, their bellies almost touching. He rolled away and then pulled into a dive chasing the plane that was trying to escape. He stood at the other person’s tail playing chase until she heard over the radio curses coming from Vaughan and she knew the man was out as well.
“Now things get interesting.” Commented Lorcan who seemed cheerier all of a sudden.
“Rowan told me you are against the idea of having females in the airforce.”
His face turned hard again “I was just starting to like you, captain.”
“What is your problem with our gender?”
“You cannot do that.” He pointed at the fight scene in front of them.
“That is exactly what I heard all throughout the academy. I was the only woman at the time. I was told I did not have what it took. That as a woman my body could not sustain the heavy training regime, that I had no chance of becoming just as good a firefighter as a man. They thought that me being born with a vagina prevented me from being a firefighter.” She explained, not removing her gaze from the two remaining planes “I proved them all wrong, sir. I finished the academy at the top of my class. I set the record in one of the exercises and no one has broken it just yet. I made captain before many of those pricks and I am still to this day the only woman who did so.”
“This is a dangerous job.”
Aelin scoffed and showed him her bandaged arm “I almost died after running into a building on fire. And I do that on a daily basis. Don’t talk to me about a dangerous job.”
Lorcan breathed out “you made your point.”
“Elide has her own ideas as well on the matter. She might be tiny but she is one scary woman.”
His face all of a sudden lost its hard edges. Oh look, the man had feelings.
“She is quite an amazing woman.” He confessed.
“You’d better remember that.”
“She told me about… her past.”
Aelin knew. Elide had told them.
“It doesn’t bother me. I mean, it bothers me what the fucker did to her but not that she… has no experience.”
“Good, because Elide is very nervous about all that stuff.”
“When she is ready.”
Aelin nodded and went back to the fight. It looked like Rowan was trying to get on Gavriel’s tail. The older man pulled into a vertical but Rowan never left him. Aelin stared at the climb and wondered how many Gs they were pulling. The jet flew with the canopies facing each others. Aelin then noticed Rowan’s plane break formation. Pull, again the strange breaking manoeuvre and make a precise loop that landed right on Gavriel’s tail. 
A moment later she heard the long beeping sound and soon after a barrage of curses from Gavriel.
“That was damn sneaky.”
Aelin laughed and waved at him, not sure he could see her “That was awesome.”
“Oh, they are not done yet. Rowan’s drills are quite intense. We are in for much more fun. Now they all want revenge.” Added Lorcan leaning again against the wall and taking a sip of coffee from his thermos. 
“He really is good.”
Lorcan nodded “he was the best since flight school. And his cool temper helps him to be great in a situation of great stress. That’s why we have been fighting recently. He has been rash and impulsive. That is not him.”
Aelin did not make any comments on that.
“Rowan and I have known each other for a very long time, since we were both still in Doranelle.” He told her “he is very respectful of rank and etiquette but with me and in private he had always spoken his mind and a few times he had pegged me down a few notches. We both have clashing tempers and it tends to end badly at times.” He sighed “I had no intention of suspending him but I had to. And I have a feeling he looked for a fight on purpose to get suspended. To be with you.”
Aelin gasped. She was not expecting such revelation. She had assumed Lorcan had followed the rules.
“I hope you realise he put his career in jeopardy for you. A captain pulling a stunt like that and breaking aerospace lockdown was bad. And leaving his post at the airbase in Doranelle was just as bad.”
“I am grateful that he did, though. I might be selfish but he helped me greatly and he is still doing it.”
“Don’t fuck up his life, captain. One woman did it already and I think it’s enough.”
Lorcan’s words toward Lyria sounded quite harsh.
The exercise eventually came to an end but Lorcan stood there with her.
She heard Rowan ordering the team to go back to base.
“Tower, this is Iceman, requesting permission for a flyby.”
“Request denied, Iceman.”
“Get your arse back to base, Whitethorn,” shouted Lorcan over the comms.
Aelin stared at Rowan’s jet, the only one still in the air and looked at the very strange trajectory.
Then it was a matter of a second and a deafening noise startled her and a second later she heard a curse. Lorcan had spilled his hot coffee on his uniform and was now threatening the worst punishments for Rowan. She wanted to laugh but she restrained herself.
“Let’s go back down, captain. Your boyfriend is in for a treat.”
They got back inside and by the time they were back in the hangar the five jets were parked as well and Rowan was complimenting his team for a nice training session.
“Whitethorn.” Shouted Lorcan marching up to him “The tower clearly denied you the flyby. What is your problem?”
His green eyes landed on her and she saw a flash of amusement in them. 
“I should ask you the same thing, sir. Your uniform needs a change.” With his head he pointed at the stained clothing.
“Your arse in my office. Now.”
Rowan stood to attention and followed Lorcan. He looked at Aelin and winked at her.
“Did you enjoy that, captain?” It was Gavriel’s voice at her side.
“Immensely. It was super fun to watch.” She sighed “I know that when you guys do it for real is not fun, but this drill was awesome.”
She turned to where Rowan and Lorcan had disappeared and got worried “Will he be okay?”
It was Connall who answered “they will yell at each other for a while. Lorcan will call the captain reckless. Explain to him what regulations say with regard to the dear practice of buzzing the tower.”
“What’s buzzing the tower?” She interrupted not recognising the expression.
“The manoeuvre the captain did. It’s a very low pass made to startle or frighten someone. The noise of the jets, as you have experienced is quite high. The captain knew the commodore was with you and very likely had coffee.”
“It was a stupid thing to do.” Added Gavriel not happy “he knows that manoeuvre is dangerous.”
“Let the man have some fun. With all the shit that is going on he has been in a foul mood.”
Gavriel growled at Fenrys “first of all, our job is not to have fun. If that’s what you want, well I have got news for you, boyo. You are in the wrong job.” Gavriel moved closer to the young lieutenant “the captain has lost a student. Have some fucking respect for someone who is grieving.”
Gavriel shouted some orders to the ground crew and moved away “it was a pleasure to see you again, captain.”
She waved back at the man. She liked him. The three young men followed as well.
Not knowing what to do she found her way back to his office, thinking it to be the best and safest option. He came back to her half an hour later and he did not seem too mad.
“Are you two still alive?” She asked him as he walked into the office and lay down on the sofa.“Yeah, he is still alive. I told him to fuck off only once.”
She stood from his chair and walked to him “buzzing the tower was not a great idea.”
He looked at her with curiosity.
She tilted her head “they guys explained the manoeuvre to me.
He stood, closed the distance and his arms went around her waist “I was saying hi to you…” he kissed her “and when I saw Lorcan I knew he’d have coffee with him. He always does.” He kissed her again “and can I add how much of a turn on is when you use technical terms?”
“You are evil.” She poked him in the chest.
“No news there,” another kiss “did you enjoy the show?”
“It was awesome. So, so awesome. And you are quite incredible, captain. And I also recognised one of the manoeuvres from the book you were reading on the beach.” She told him all excited.
“Which one?”
They were so close their bodies were now touching “the high G barrel roll when Gavriel painted you.”
His jump suit was unzipped down till his navel and her hands landed on the t-shirt he wore underneath and he had the suit sleeves rolled to his elbows. He was stunning.
“So… so turned on just now…”
She pressed against him, his hands found their way in her hair and pulled her close for a hot kiss.
“I have so many naughty thoughts as well…”
“And I feel like breaking another rule…” he whispered in her ear and Aelin felt heat pool at her core.
He went to the door and locked it and when he turned he saw that Aelin had removed her hoodie and t-shirt and was sitting on his desk with just trousers and a bra.
Rowan closed the distance in a second, and his mouth claimed hers with an intensity that took Aelin off guard. She had quickly learned that sex with him was never boring and that the man had the power to reduce her to an exhausted mess. Not that she complained…
“I love naughty Rowan,” she teased with a finger on her lips. He moved between her legs, pulling her closer and took the finger in his mouth sucking it and licking it suggestively.
Aelin removed her bra and heard his gasp, then she proceeded to free him from the jump suit and leave him in his black briefs and his grey TAF t-shirt. She looked down and discovered him hard for her. He grabbed the back of his shirt and tugged it off.
“Are we doing something about those trousers, captain?”
Aelin smiled and slowly and with provocation unbuttoned her jeans and started lowering the zip. In a swift motion he pulled them down and away, taking her underwear with them, leaving Aelin stark naked “in a rush, captain?”
He bit her earlobe “the door might be locked, but people might still come and look for me.”
“Well, we better be quiet and pretend there is no one in the office.” And she kissed him eliciting a moan from him “I said quiet, captain.”
Aelin jumped off the table and a moment later was on her knees in front of him. Her hands grabbed his butt and then pulled down his briefs “lean against the table, sir.” He did so and a moment later her mouth was on him and he had to restrain himself to stifle the loud moan that threatened to escape from him. She looked up at him in his green eyes and with her tongue licked the tip.
“Fuck,” swore Rowan never breaking eye contact with her. She looked at him and could see lust in his eyes. Her tongue licked the length of him and then she took him in her mouth fully and Rowan let out another curse “If you…” his hands tightened on the desk when she added a hand “continue like this I might not— ” and his protest was cut off when she gently added teeth as well. She still looked at him in challenge and then sucked hard and that was Rowan’s undoing. He pulled her up and deposited her on the desk on her back, her legs wrapped around his waist.
“You wicked, wicked woman…” he told her silencing her protests with a sizzling kiss while a finger slipped into her and Aelin’s back arched at the feeling he coaxed from her. With her legs, she pushed him closer and felt his hardness nudging at her entrance and pulled a bit more as if to tell him what she wanted. He kissed her and his finger hooked inside her teasing that sensitive spot inside her.
“Whitethorn,”she ordered him.
“Such a demanding woman,” and with those words he pushed into her and Aelin had to cover her mouth with her hands to stop the indecent moan that was about to escape from her.
It hadn’t take them long to reach their peaks and now Rowan was leaning on top of an equally spent Aelin. It had been short and intense.
He kissed the space between breasts “I didn’t even have time to greet your friends here,” he added posing gentle kisses on each breasts.
She pulled him in for a kiss “it’s okay… this woman here feels very pleased and satisfied.”
He smiled at her “we better get dressed again. Just in case.” Very quickly they got their clothes back on then Aelin walked to him “I blame the jump suit.”
He raised an eyebrow “not the amazing content inside?”
She kissed him “the jump suit makes the content tastier.”
“Come on,” he took her hand, unlocked the door and walked out of the office “I promised to show you what we did.”
Aelin squeezed his hand and followed him. He took her around the airbase and they covered all the places that she had mentioned needed changes. The works on hangar bay 2 were almost over and the place was still empty but in far batter shape that last time she had seen it. Aelin walked closer to the walls and touched them “fire retardant paint?”
Rowan nodded “Aedion suggested it. The whole of hangar 2 is painted in it. And once the works here are all done, we will do the same in the main hangar.” She walked around impressed that they had taken on board every single suggestion she had made “I am impressed, captain. The place looks amazing.”
“Given the budget we got, Lorcan had ordered to do the same in the main hangar.”
“So, the man can do his job. Good to know.”
Rowan took her around the rest of the base and Aelin approved of what she had seen.
“What time is your doctor appointment?” Asked Rowan as they got back to his office.
“I will need to go soon.”
“Will you text me?” He asked her brushing a wild lock of hair from her face.
“I will let you know.”
She had a meeting with a doctor about her return to work. She knew it was only for desk duty but the idea of going back at the station was quite exciting.
Rowan pulled her into an embrace “go get them.” In response she kissed him.
“Don’t kill Lorcan, captain.”
He gave her a huge grin and she left.
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the gif above gives you an idea of one of the trick our bird boy pulled.
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