#also a group one for people (me) who can’t decide a fave
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pasta-connoisseur · 1 year ago
As promised, the yes collages! ✨🌼🌞🌙⭐️🌎🏞️
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famemonsterrr · 2 years ago
Astrology observations part 11;
(Don’t copy my work pliz and these aren’t facts but what I have seen and experienced in my life. If you can’t relate to any of these. It okay we are all different)
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-Pisces are really good gaslighters like they argue and they know they losing and then boom…you are the one who is crazy. (Girly pops how about stop it)
- speaking of Pisces…maybe I’m saying it from personal experience but I can’t keep an aesthetic and even when I have find a aesthetic Im changing again. It’s endless circle…I hope another Pisces can relate with me:)
- i have seen an Aquarius women being so quick minded and have unique takes but also I have seen Aquarius women being really shy and slow to talk. There is no between with them.
- y’all think that Taurus are the lazy and don’t like to work out but they are so active and most of them love sports or gym.
- the second best venus is cancer…soooo giving soooo sweet and lovinggggg 🥰
- Aries placements show PASSION in any planet/house they are placed . Like if you have Aries moon you will be really vocal about ur emotions. If you have mercury then you will be passionate about ur opinions ect.
- Taurus and libra are the type of people who are seductive and flirty so naturally but if doesn’t work out they will be so pissed.
- Pisces are insane when they getting obsessed with something they like. They will make sure everyone in their group will know what new show/book/character ect. they started liking.
- Aquarius placements are the type of people who love anything that has to do with universe,planets ect. (Some of them people I know they follow on Instagram space accounts or nasa)
- Capricorn mars are workaholic…they always do things right to get where they want. (A placement that I kinda wish i had) "money money money must be funny in the rich man’s world"
- It’s from my personal observation but we tend to connect mostly with singers that have the same moon sign as we do. Maybe I’m the only one but from day 1 I loved they way Ariana grande was expressing her emotions through music and then I released we both have libra moon. So next time check the moon sign of ur fave artist 🤌🏻 (it’s my showing that I’m a big Ariana girly)
- Scorpio Venus people are my favourite cause they like you a lot and they know it but you don’t know it. They will not let you go and if they do they will return back to you no matter what. They will know everything about you and ask a lot about you. They will care about your opinions (when they really don’t care about others). They will share the darkest secrets with you,they personal/family traumas. They are consumed by your existence. (if they have Sagittarius placements maybe they will pretend not care at the same time so you might think u are just friends)
- speaking of Venus…if you are a Scorpio pliz find a Pisces Venus for you. Like insane connection. Soulmate energy and both consumed by each other. (My personal fave duo)
- Gemini Venus need to be studied cause they rush into love and at the same time they can’t settle. (Girly pops maybe decide for once but men are the worst)
- cancer mercury is more dramatic than a Leo but they don’t show it that easily.
- they say don’t date someone who has the same moon sign as you…but I disagree. You will be the same page and react the same way. Understanding from both sides. ( my ex bestie has libra moon and we understood each other so well). Maybe date or hang out with people that have the same moon as you.
- Sagittarius mercury/Venus flirts for joke but they do it so well that you fall for them and then they have to run away from you.
That’s all💙
Here is my masterlist
Thank you for reading my blog so far. Really grateful about that 🫶🏻 and sorry if I do spelling mistakes but I’m not Native American speaker so I try my best. Stay hydrated and healthy 💙
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saintsenara · 11 months ago
How are you able to enjoy toxic/unhealthy/“problematic” ships/characters without feeling weird (for lack of a better word) about it?
I ask this because I want to be able to do this myself as it seems like a much more enjoyable way of engaging with fiction to me. I can get over some ships just being toxic and the characters not being good together and still enjoy their dynamic but I have trouble with the other ships that feel morally wrong. I know it’s just fiction but I can’t seem to get over the ick feeling I have when I think about those ships/characters. I feel like I’m being too puritanical about these things but I don’t know how to stop feeling like something is gross when I feel it’s gross…
Do you have any tips to stop jumping to moralizing ships/characters?
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
i'm going to be upfront that this reflexive gross feeling isn't something i've ever really struggled with - both in fic and more broadly. this is due to various personal idiosyncrasies, above all the fact that i've got disengaged boomer parents who didn't police our media consumption [my favourite book when i was eleven? lolita...] and that i'm a doctor, which is a profession which requires you to develop a very high threshold for what you find disgusting. the human body - at all stages of its life-cycle and its cycle of decomposition - produces a lot of different fluids... and it's also the case that [just as if you can think of it, there's porn for it] if an inanimate object exists, somebody somewhere has got it stuck inside them...
and so the situation that i find myself in is that i consider it infinitely less weird that i enjoy the odd bit of hot tomarrymort action than that i actively enjoy cutting through bone with a saw...
but, obviously, "get a medical degree" isn't particularly helpful advice...
i am a ride-or-die fan of the concept of stepping outside of your comfort zone. this is why i'm such an avowed multishipper - i think it's good for us as fandom citizens to examine the potential of our faves in relationships [romantic or otherwise] which are either not their canon endgames or which aren't our preferred pairings, and in situations which don't align with their canon experiences [whether that means making them suffer or giving them full-on fluff]. it draws out the multiple aspects of a character to consider them from these different angles - and it prevents us from getting so stuck in one interpretation of a character or configuration of a ship which means that it puts our backs up to stumble across stories which approach things differently.
but stepping outside of your comfort zone doesn't mean that you have to go enormously far. it may be that a reader decides - having only ever read teen-rated fics where characters' sex lives don't extend beyond hand-holding and forehead kisses - to take the plunge into an explicit piece filled to the brim with watersports and age play. it may be that a reader decides - having only ever read teen-rated fics for one canon pairing - to read a teen-rated fic for a non-canon alternative. both of these are entirely valid approaches.
by which i mean, our comfort levels and our thresholds for discomfort are subjective, they're personal. if there are ships or themes or characters you don't want to read about because they don't feel good... you're not doing something wrong if you avoid them. exposing yourself to fics you expect to make you uncomfortable can be useful - and fiction is certainly a way to explore discomfort which gives you much more control over the experience than encountering it in real life - but it's not something you're obliged to do to be active in fandom.
the thing you are obliged to do to be active in fandom is to be nice to other people, no matter what their tastes in fiction. this means, at its fundamental level, that when you see people who ship pairings or like themes which make you think "ew"... you keep it to yourself/the group chat rather than putting it on the timeline.
but, once this is something you've got the hang of [which takes a bit of time! but practice makes perfect!], something i feel can be a really useful way of overcoming a tendency towards knee-jerk moralising reactions is to just vibe in the vicinity of people you know like the content you instinctively feel is gross.
this doesn't mean you have to read any of this content - but you'll learn just by hanging out near them that the people who do are just... normal. one minute they might reblog a rec for a pairing you think "absolutely not" about, the next they might reblog a cat picture which makes you squeal with delight. you'll like some of their content, but not all. you'll agree with some of it, but not all. you might like progressively more of it as you spend time in their orbit - maybe they'll explain why they like the pairing or character in question and you'll think "huh, i've never looked at it like that" - or you might not. this is absolutely fine.
all of us - at one time or other - have made a black-and-white moralising pronouncement: people who think x are gross; people who like y are fucked-up, you'd never catch me doing z. and these pronouncements are different from our wider, societally-influenced moral codes - which are good things, otherwise we'd live in the purge - in that they're fundamentally ways for us to feel good about ourselves and our families and our friends by defining ourselves as better than a faceless other. we say "you'd never catch me reading that, it's foul" when we know [or think we know] that the friend we're talking to would agree with the statement. we are far less likely to say it if we know that the friend - whom we see as a human being who is beautiful in their imperfection and inherently worthy of love simply by virtue of being alive - was reading and enjoying that just the other day.
and so the best way to train yourself out of reflexively moralising ships or characters or tropes is to put a face to the faceless other who likes them. be intentional in sharing a space with fans of the stuff you feel uncomfortable with and, eventually, it just becomes background noise. you'll scroll on tumblr, say "well there we are, jane's written some more of her sirius/harry piss kink fic - although i'm not interested in clicking on it" and go on with your day.
because the other thing i think it's really useful to do is to train yourself into reframing your disgust as disinterest. there are plenty of things which i don't seek out to read - and some of these topics are completely benign and some are darker [i don't enjoy reading explicit non-con, for example] - but this is because i try to frame it as that i don't think these things would interest me.
this is still the maintenance of a personal comfort zone, but thinking of the content outside this zone as something you are disinterested in turns it into something neutral. when you think of it as something to be disgusted or grossed out by, it naturally provokes a visceral response which makes you look through a moral lens. thinking in terms of disinterest, instead, gives you sufficient detachment from this visceral response to recognise, interrogate, contextualise, and control it.
and - in time - this neutral reframing may result in you feeling more interested in taking the plunge into the ships and characters and stories you currently don't vibe with, once you don't have an instinctive disgust response as a barrier.
or it may not. and this is absolutely fine.
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ladyloveandjustice · 8 months ago
Spring 2024 Anime Overview: Girls Band Cry and Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night
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Girls Band Cry
GBC was definitely my favorite new show of the season…and, for some reason, it wasn’t picked up for streaming. It’s one of the many Girl Band Stories that came out this season, but it was the best one. The characters were messy in a way I loved, especially the main character Nina, who’s a complete disaster, angry and loud and sometimes annoying, but so completely real to my experience as a teenage girl who was bullied.
Nina was bullied badly in school, and she’s a high school dropout as a result. Her favorite band helped her get through everything and stand her ground, “saved” her when she was on the verge of giving up on life completely. So when she sees that her fave singer Momoka ended up leaving her band Diamond Dust after the band went in a more commercial direction, the two of them decide to start their own band. Nina is ready to get back at all the people who looked down at them, but Momoka has more complicated feelings about her former bandmates.
Nina being powered by spite—and the series valuing that stubbornness and anger—is what made the series stand out for me, especially because the series just let her be extremely obnoxious sometimes without worrying about her “likeability”,--it made her feel ‘real’ and kind of refreshing. This is a series that starts out with girls going around flipping off people multiple times. The dynamic of the whole band, despite them constantly butting heads, is entertaining. All the characters have rough edges and broken pieces, but they end up fitting together.
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The dialogue is fun, the music rocks, the CGI animation is actually super good and expressive. The fact the girls they chose are new to voice acting actually led to some offbeat performances I really liked—the fact it wasn’t as polished as other voice acting fit the characters and honestly made them feel a little more authentic.
The pacing does drag a tiny in the middle, but the climax is explosive and exhilarating. It’s also kind of gay, but in the form of a love confession that’s never really followed up on, (probably so they can have wiggle room to be like ‘how ambiguous was it platonic or romantic maybe she meant she loves ~her music~’) so I don’t count that. But at least it’s the confession isn't completely forgotten about in favor of putting the girls with "appropriate" male love interests (coughs in Sound Euphonium) because the only man on the show of any significance is Nina’s father.
Wholeheartedly recommend the show though, I love these charming disaster girls playing rock songs that slap, finding socially acceptable ways to flip people off, and kicking doors so hard they break them.
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Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night
Speaking of gay girl band stuff where romantic tension is never followed up on! I binged Jellyfish while I was sick so I guess it counts for this review. It wasn’t nearly as strong as Girls Band Cry but it had stuff going for it!
The premise of this girl band show is that Kano, a former idol who left her career behind after a scandal where she punched another member of her group, runs into Mahiru, a former artist who stopped drawing after a disheartening experience with a jellyfish mural she created. But it turns out Kano loved that mural, and she wants Mahiru to be official artist for her anonymous internet musician persona, JELEE. JELEE picks up other members along the way, including hikikomori VTuber Kiui/Nox Ryugasaki and fangirl pianist Kimura.
Jellyfish had a lot going for it. It wanted to explore the competitive idol industry ruining girls’ lives, abusive parents pressuring their children into becoming extensions of themselves, the budding romance between Kano and Mahiru, the struggle of being trans in a society that forces one into a rigid role and objectifies those it perceives as women, and struggles of remaining creative when often faced with negative feedback.
And uh.... It pretty much fumbled everything but the last two. Granted, it's a soft fumble. A gentle fumble. I can't be too mad about it.
Let's start with the plotline I think it nailed though: Kiui/Ryugasaki (they seem to still use their original name even at the end but also use another name, so that’s what I’m going with) is great, and pretty much the main reason I’d recommend the show.
They’re as blatantly nonbinary as can be without actually saying the word (genderfluid or bigender is also a possibility. But very blatantly trans, either way). They’re also very fun with their over-the-top superhero fantasies. And the storyline where they use their VTuber persona to be comfortable with themself and present themself in the way they want is super compelling and interesting. There are a lot of really moving moments with them, including them shutting down some transphobic bullies (and I mean blantantly transphobic). And we get to see one of their friends enthusiastically support them.
On the other end of the spectrum, the idol and abusive parents subplots were pretty badly handled—we had the usual plot where said parent doing one act of kindness redeems them and things never have to get messy, and the idol plot seemed like it was going somewhere in critiquing how the industry fosters competitiveness and comes down way too hard on its idols for minor misdemeanors or things that shouldn’t be an issue at all, like dating. But then it just kind of ended with a “well internet harassment and destroying lives is bad, but like, we’re all troubled, aren’t we. don't we all vent sometimes." (???)
The plot between Kano and Mahiru…basically there was cheek kissing, blushing, very blatant flirting...and then a big nothingburger of a finale. But hey, Kano does have a gay pride and trans pride patches on her bag, so there’s that.
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There's also one absolutely bizarre moment I have to warn about. In one of the episodes the girls run into an adult woman who's had a lot of plastic surgery done. Said adult woman invites the girls to touch her naked boobs (on the pretense of showing them was augmented boobs feel like? Or something?). And they do. As a group. As the woman thinks "they're high school girls, I hope this isn't illegal." IT IS, LADY. VERY ILLEGAL.
It's so out of nowhere that I originally forgot about it writing this, like my brain blacked it out. And then we (thankfully) never see this woman again outside a two second cameo in the finale. Unclear why any of this needed to happen.
So yes, this is basically the Jellyfish experience. The writing of the show was often uneven, it could be really good one second, and rushed and forced the next second. And there are a couple of absolutely baffling moments,
But I'd say on the whole the show is a positive, mostly thanks to Kiui/ Ryugasaki. When it hits, it REALLY hits and the characters are all very loveable. So I give it a reccomendation with a few warnings attached!
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newvision · 1 year ago
Poems/books for being seventeen?
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Silas Denver Melvin, from Grit
I saw an exquisite pink and blue shell on the sea-bottom. I dove for it, and held it, smooth and hollow in my hand all the morning. I decided it was a lucky charm, and that I would keep it. I am surprised that I have not lost it, for I lose everything. Today it is still pink and warm as it lies in my palm, and makes me feel like crying.
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Françoise Sagan, from Bonjour Tristesse (1954) // movie still from Bonjour Tristesse (1958)
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Kara Jackson, Teenagers Are Not Exempt From Poetry (read full prose piece here)
Some recommendations of books I’ve read that deal with girlhood or being a teenager (not my faves, but enjoyable. Probably wouldn’t read them again, but objectively literature that might be of interest to you):
Brutes — Dizz Tate
The Virgin Suicides — Jeffrey Eugenides
The Ice Palace — Tarjei Versaas
Teenage Wasteland — Anne Tyler
Normal People — Sally Rooney
My Dark Vanessa — Kate Elizabeth Russell
We Were Liars — E. Lockhart
my notes on each recommendation:
SEVENTEEN: Exactly what being seventeen felt like to me. He has absolutely beautiful poetry on age, Seventeen is the first of those in the collection. I’ve loved measuring my growth by how I relate to these poems. You can download the entire collection for free, just check out his account @sweatermuppet, I’m sure he has a link somewhere (or drop him an ask)! One of my favourite collections, it really embodies the feeling of being young, so the rest of the poems might also be of interest to you. I find myself rereading them all of the time. Love your work, Silas! Can’t wait for more poetry
BONJOUR TRISTESSE: I don’t remember the protagonist’s age exactly, but the author was seventeen when she wrote it. Very breezy, very summery, contains the whole spectrum of teenage emotions, from raging anger to audacious freedom. The protagonist is both astute and very childish. This book is so obviously written by a teenager, and I mean this as the highest compliment. You don’t get adults writing about being seventeen like that. She is seventeen. Seventeen is this story’s essence. I haven’t seen the movie, but it’s on my watchlist. Heard it’s good though!
TEENAGERS ARE NOT EXEMT FROM POETRY: I read this the other day and think it would have been very affirming for teenage me, who felt insecure about reading and writing poetry. Some lines really stuck with me and I think the writer’s youthful voice captures the solace teenagers might find in poetry very well. There is a freshness to that discovery. I remember reading Ginsberg for the first time and life feeling ten times wider even though my English was not broad enough for me to understand his work in its entirety. Discovering art at that age is a privilege, I believe most people will struggle to feel the same awe and wonder in later years. The author of this prose piece mentions many different poems that might interest you!
BRUTES: Read it last year and honestly found it kind of disappointing. Very interesting style, though, as most (all?) of it is written from the perspective of a group of teenage girls, using ‘we’ and ‘us’ instead of ‘I’ and ‘me’. I think I would have liked it a thousand times more, had I read it earlier in life. Fantastic book cover
THE VIRGIN SUICIDES: Very obviously written by a man, but nevertheless an interesting study of teenage love and obsession (there’s an excellent movie adaptation by Sophia Coppola!)
THE ICE PALACE: If I remember correctly, the protagonists are younger than seventeen, but it’s a very moving story about how young people grieve. Norwegian author, which I found very interesting, as I haven’t read a lot of Scandinavian literature
TEENAGE WASTELAND: Not for me, this one! But you might have different taste. After reading some reviews, it seems like people either hate or love this short story
NORMAL PEOPLE: I am not a huge Sally Rooney fan, but I do understand why people adore her so much. I thought Conversations With Friends was a better book, but that’s partly because I found it more relatable. Normal People is a very intelligent story on young love, class differences and the reality of many relationships. The opposite of a ‘happily ever after’ book, left me feeling unresolved and unsatisfied, as I believe it intended
MY DARK VANESSA: I’m not sure if recommending this too a teenager is wise, but it is certainly a very good book. Heavy stuff, though. Deals with emotional manipulation and violence directed at a teenaged girl in form of a predatory relationship. Rarely read something that made me feel so uneasy by manipulating me as the reader. I read it as a teen and it impressed me very much! Be safe, please. If you are easily disturbed, check any content warnings!
WE WERE LIARS: Something suspenseful that will suck you in, a summer-y and kind of light book. Definitely entertainment literature, but there’s nothing wrong with that. Probably won’t change your life, but also won’t bore you. Cool friendship dynamics between teenagers!
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judeesill · 2 years ago
tbf i still find non radfem books like who cooked the last supper, invisible women, the feminine mystique, the second sex etc good recs for girls/women interested in radical feminism. sort of like an intro class to feminism in general before you focus on actual radfem literature. you can't go from 0 feminist readings to gyn/ecology overnight... it's not a given that gyns who find themselves on radblr will have read basic feminist texts
yeah that’s a really good point! I think a lot of the problems on radblr come from the fact that most women come to it without any knowledge about feminism, much less any organizing experience. that’s fine, and to some extent should be expected given the current states of the broader left (weak, disorganized, overrun with liberalism/ anarchism) and the feminist movement (functionally non-existent). That’s just the way it is across the left — I can’t tell you how many so-called socialists I know who couldn’t even tell you what class struggle means. In our case, though, I think it’s especially problematic, because a lot of women are “radicalized” by disillusionment with trans politics (or discomfort with trans people 🙃) — and without a proper grounding in feminist basics, it’s really, really easy to at best lose focus on women’s liberation, and at worst just become a reactionary. lol.
So, I totally agree that some feminism 101 is in order, so we’re all at least speaking the same language when it comes to the messier ideological debates about and within radical feminism.
I think a big part of the problem, though, is that … it’s not a given that women who find themselves on radblr will EVER read basic feminist texts, or even radical feminist ones. it’s pretty obvious from the way people talk about lesbian separatism and political lesbianism that, like, no one knows what they’re fucking talking about. and how could they, if they’re just reblogging quote posts and the same handful of master lists with a whole bunch of random pdfs with no context or commentary? hate to break it to ya, ladies, but all your faves were political lesbians. like, literally all of them. And this is actually pretty clear from the things they write!
I’ll save my takes on radblr’s fundamentally incoherent lesbian politics and the fact that separatism has NEVER been a settled question in radical feminism and the fact that political movements need GOALS and STRATEGIES and DUES BASED MEMBERSHIP ORGANIZATIONS for later. Suffice it to say, we need to stop being so content to let tumblr thought leaders pulling evocative quotes from PDFs decide what we think, and start getting serious about political education.
I don’t think every woman on radblr needs to do a PhD to be able to weigh in on things, but I do think those of us with the time/desire to make intellectual interventions, create syllabi, and/or start cohering some democratic organizational infrastructure (or at least some more discussion groups) can and should step up. Obv people are and have been doing this, but if we want to ever do anything more than snipe at each other online, we gotta get movin.
Thanks for letting me grandstand on ur ask, i just have a decade’s worth of frustration built up about this 🙃 always more to say. (like, I also don’t think we should be so into gyn/ecology at all, actually … but more on that later (-:< )
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bohemian-nights · 1 year ago
Must be sad for you that even Matt Smith likes Daemyra :/ That you want to admit it or not, GRRM wrote Daemon for Rhaenyra and he stated that one of his favorite things about him is his relationship with Rhaenyra. Whereas Matt and Ryan Condal have both said Daemon loves Rhaenyra. Ryan even said Daemon killed Rhea because it prevented him from marrying the ‘woman he actually loves’. He also backtracked from the choking when Matt admitted he didn’t understand that scene and didn’t want to do it (with Emma) sooo. Stay in your delusions and hatred for Rhaenyra and Daemyra but I promise you: the things you want and hope for Nettles and Daemon isn’t happening.
Also, you can claim as much as you want that you love Nettles just as an individual character but no one is stupid. Every time you bring her up its either to talk about Daemon or Rhaenyra. Be serious
This is the third Dumbnyra anon(and the second one trying to use Matt to prop up your dying/dead ship) within less than 12 hours(these anons were literally sent in the wee hours of the night/early morning where I am. If you are living anywhere in US of A this is extremely pathetic behavior especially since it’s a holiday) so to save myself some effort I’m going to do this:
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Y’all need to decide if Ryan is trying to “ruin” your ship or not and stick to it because the back and forth is exhausting.
Sweetheart, what will happen will happen and the only way what you want to will happen is if Nettles is cut completely(not just from this upcoming season boo boo) from the show.
The show is heading towards Maidenpool. We all know what happens in Maidenpool😗 If you actually believed what you people say you wouldn’t be sweating it or spazzing out in my inbox right now.
And if you want to ignore all the moodboards, edits, fics, fancasting, character analysis, and gifs (I even created gifs for her mother who isn’t even a character) I’ve done for Nettles, knock yourself out my friend, but the only one here who doesn’t value Nettles as one of the most compelling characters of the Dance is you people.
As for GRRM, he never said what y’all are saying which is why y’all can’t even produce a source(an article or a video) for him stating he created Daemon for Rhaenyra and that she’s his great love. He’s talked about his love for Daemon(he loves his grayness and Rhaenyra is part of that grayness since he flips on her when she needed him the most to save who again?), but not that.
👆🏽Look I provided the actual source for the chocolate you are trying to make out of cow dung.
George doesn’t even agree with your a**es about Nettles being nothing special since he has expressed his interest in writing a whole novella about her😚
You people can call me crazy and delusional all you like, but don’t go saying I’m a fake fan. Nettles is freaking awesome. She's the sole reason I’m still watching this crap show.
She comes from literally nothing and ends up not only surviving the Dance with Sheepstealer but also becoming a goddess-like figure to a whole group of people. I find it strange how she has haters in the first place.
I haven’t had to constantly lie for my fave or my ship(which is why you people get mad when I bring in the text), but y’all literally make up sh*t(fake leaks, changing the lines, removing texts, taking texts out of context, saying one of the few characters who survives the dance is irrelevant and can be replaced with anyone Black) every five seconds to prop up your delusions.
Now I’ve been nice enough to throw some crumbs to you pigeons since you are begging for my attention, but the next anon who wants to start some sh*t in my inbox is getting blocked.
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krisssssssy · 10 months ago
Hit me with more FFXV astrology headcanons 💯
Alright so Ignis is my third fave, he is an Aquarius, born February 7th with the same birthday as Aerith Gainsborough from FF7. Ignis definitely radiates Aquarius vibes, which is Saturn-ruled, and tho Ignis is younger than Gladio, he definitely gives dad energy, and is 100% the Dad (or mom?? Parent I guess) of the group.
Aquarius Sun would give a Pisces, Aquarius, or Capricorn Mercury. I think Ignis is a lot more sensitive than we give him credit for, so I think Pisces is possible, but his method behind things is very Saturnian, meaning he’s methodical, hard working, serious - I mean, look at his outfit! That can’t be easy to run around in, but he’s gotta look business profesh at all times. So I think he’s got some Cap placements (or Aquarius, since both cap and Aquarius are Saturn ruled).
Also, he’s the only one even mildly aware of who tf Imperial Chancellor Izunia is lmao, when Ardyn decides to introduce himself while Titan is having a rampage, and Noctis is like “huh” so Ignis really is the only one who knows what is even going on at any given time lol. This just speaks to his maturity, he also absorbs a lot of knowledge easily - perhaps having a Virgo placement somewhere, or Gemini (both Mercury ruled). Like seriously imagine Noctis just flailing around WITHOUT Ignis or Gladio or Prompto lmaooo. He’d be a mess. But yeah Saturn gives people like “old soul” vibes or like, seeming way more mature for their age.
I FORGOT in my discussion of Prompto, but I’m going to insert it here lol. Every one of them is sus of Ardyn, EXCEPT PROMPTO LMAO, and he is like “maybe we can ask Ardyn for help” at some point, and it always makes me laugh. That blind trust feels very Libran (also Piscean, but I digress) and Libras CAN be more naive and try to see the good in everyone bc they are so instinctively drawn to partnering with people and building relationships. Poor Prompto 😭
I do think with Ignis’ cooking skills he has some Cancer placements. He isn’t cooking for himself, he’s cooking solely for his friends to increase their strength and skills. This is so Cancerian and speaks again to his being the dad of the group. So maybe he’s got a Cancer moon, or something.
I have a friend who is a Capricorn rising, with Cancer Sun, and Aquarius moon, and he’s SO like Ignis, and so I think Ignis would have some mix of Aquarius, Capricorn, and some Cancer. POSSIBLY Virgo from how fancy and proper he is (altho that could be the Capricorn influence).
I do want to talk about both Noctis and Lunafreya being Virgos, which feels like a weird choice, but I’ve rambled long enough lol.
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gffa · 2 years ago
What do you do when you start hating/gets annoyed with a character that you previously liked/was cool about bc of bad or "i personally don't like it" writing? I loved the mandalorian, but since the slight at the jedi in that random episode in the middle of tbobf i'm so bitter about him, i can logically reason with myself that he's being kinda prejudiced since he doesn't know shit about jedi but i just can't get over it and i feel stupid tbh. That's also happening with ahsoka and i'm sad about it
It can be hard to get over a character bashing other faves or when they’re used as a weapon against your other faves and I don’t have a perfect answer, I still have to work at it and I can’t always get over it. But a few things help me: - I have friends who like those characters, like Din or Ahsoka or Qui-Gon, and they also like the Jedi at the same time.  I think of their affection for those characters and I want to be on their side, I want to share in that joy, so I determinedly look at the bad writing as “how dare you do this to my friend’s Blorbo!” and focus back on the things that they love about those characters. - I stop and think about:  What do I really want out of my experience in Star Wars fandom?  Sure, I get mad about Felony’s writing sometimes or I get mad at how people try to use Qui-Gon as a weapon against the other Jedi, but then I try to take a step back and ask myself if I really need the whole of fandom to be my playground.  Hell, do I even need the newer content to be my playground all of the time? And the answer is that I don’t.  I have the movies and TCW.  I have my group of people who like the same things I like and enjoy the characters in a fun way.  In five or ten years, when I look back on my time in this fandom, I want that to be what I experienced.  Because when I look back at my fandoms from 10 years ago--that’s what I remember.  Hanging out with funny people in our little corner of the fandom.  I don’t remember the vast majority of dumb things people said or the things that annoyed me about the writing, I remember chatting with people about character interpretation or what if ideas. The entirety of Star Wars doesn’t have to be for me.  I can just mentally snip out the parts I don’t feel like dealing with, nobody can stop me from going, “Felony has to prove himself to me with each episode and he failed on that one, so NOPE bye bye to that dumbass interpretation.” - Fake it until you make it.  We’re all human, we all have our salt days, we all get annoyed by stuff, but the more we focus on those parts, the bigger they loom in our minds.  I find that it actually genuinely does help to just say nice things about the character!  I find myself annoyed by how fandom uses Ahsoka as a weapon against the Jedi sometimes, I find myself salty every time I try to talk about Filoni’s writing of her, so when I got a lovely ask about her relationship with Obi-Wan in season 7, I decided I was determinedly going to talk about her with as much sympathy as I could.  And you know what?  By the time I was halfway through that, ruthlessly snipping out any parts where I started to get salty about her or complain about her writing, I was back on the Ahsoka Affection Train! Writing something that is purely affectionate about those characters can genuinely help.  All you need from fandom is the corner of people you surround yourself with, and if you’re surrounding yourself with people who love Din or Ahsoka or Qui-Gon and who love the Jedi--that’s what the Star Wars fandom experience is.  You don’t have to “win” at the source material or anything, all you gotta do is “win” at fandom, and you can do that by building the space you want around you and just going, “Nah.” to the rest of it!
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heyhoneyybunn · 3 years ago
You Take a Love Test !
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Characters:  Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime, Kuroo Tetsuro, Bokuto Koutarou
Warnings: fluff
Feel free to take the test with your fave here -> LOVE TEST Tag me in the results!
| Part one | Part two |
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- O I K A W A – T O O R U -
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Does the test on your behalf, probably to try and prove that you were a power couple.
Fully confident as he presses ‘calculate’, waits with a small smirk as he watches the percent rise and rise and then…stop.
His eyes bulge widen comically as he shoots you a text to tell you about it, when you don’t give him the response he desires, he turns to his poor unsuspecting friends.
Forces them all to take the test and when they all get better scores than him he gets pouty, especially if they aren’t even in a relationship.
Comes to the conclusion it’s rigged (Like really Oikawa you’re just now figuring this out) and it hates him.
Whines all night and you’re so tired that you’re left with no choice but violence, “I swear Tooru, if you don’t go to sleep, then you’re staying on the couch.”
- I W A I Z U M I – H A J I M E -
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This man is unbelievably unbothered about participating in the test, watches all of his friends do it and laughs at Oikawa’s dynamic range of expressions.
He’s eventually forced to do it, grumbling all the way.
But he is pleasantly surprised to see that he got 78% – the highest score in the friend group.
Teases Oikawa cause it’s easy and why would he ever pass up on a free chance to bully him?
You have no clue what had happened that day but you get extra kisses which made you very happy.
- K U R O O – T E T S U R O -
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It’s the weekend and the weather outside sucks ass, so you and Kuroo decide to stay home and play some old cartoon games from when you were younger, that’s when you stumble across the gem.
Both do it to reminisce back to the old days.
This nerdy guy starts to explain the logistics of the site and how it literally means nothing no matter what score you get.
Eagerly watches the score increase and as it surpasses 50% you begin to cheer loudly, yelling at the screen.
When it finally stops at 90% he pulls you into his chest sweetly, “Told you baby, there was no doubt in my mind.”
- B O K U T O – K O U T A R O U -
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You had done the test on your laptop as after your friend sent you the link for a laugh. To your surprise but utter glee you managed to get a score of 100%.
Although it was small and insignificant, it had a nice impact on your day.
When Bokuto came home from work you asked him to shut your laptop down which was in the living room as you were already tucked into the bed like a little burrito.
Suddenly you hear an all-out girly scream and you can’t quite believe that that sound exited your lover.
“Bo? Are you okay?”
He scrambles back to the bedroom beaming from ear to ear, and begins to talk absolute nonsense, “This is a sign, will you marry me?”
“Bokuto, go to bed.”
He is unbelievably happy about the perfect score, will mention it to anyone and everyone who doesn’t ask. He also loves to make other people take the test and when they get less than 100% he feigns sympathy and says something like, “Well, not every couple can be perfect like me and my baby.”
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izzabeean · 3 years ago
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featuring : my faves, the seijoh four
warnings/tags : written with fem!reader in mind but can be as gn!reader
genre : fluff
a/n : trying to write my way out of writer's block. but I also tend to daydream about these -- can you tell who is my favorite. also why do all of these just make me want to write individual stores for each character! may write more if people would like to request characters xx
Part II ✧ Karasuno
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Second Chances; Oikawa is the high school sweetheart who you broke up with because he was too obsessed with volleyball. He's the one you'd always wondered ‘what if.’ What if you have stayed together and sorted through your differences? What if you were patient and tried to understand his point of view? What if he was the one that got away? Thoughts of him come and go, but nothing sticks until you are on vacation in Argentina. It could have just been a passer-by, a stranger that caught your eye in a crowd, but your heart was telling you something else. It was telling you to double-check who he was. And at that moment everything was in slow motion. He too looks back, chocolate brown eyes engulfed in awe and surprise. The unspoken regret focused on one look before you both greet each other with open arms and smiles. He looked like the same Oikawa Tōru you knew, but more mature and even more handsome than ever. You can’t contain the heat rising in your face as you relay the possibilities of this moment – it feels like it’s been written in the stars. And yes, you are aboard. Yes, this might be a temporary moment. But as you stare into each other’s eyes, it feels like there’s more to it than just that.
Drunk Confession; Iwaizumi is the loner you met in college who was very unapproachable with a stoic and intimidating expression wasn’t something you intended to break with small talk. But once you were assigned to work in a group project with him, you knew you had to uncover the person underneath the solemn face. Things go a lot better than expected and it doesn’t take long before you’re both seeking out each other’s company. You started to sit in class beside each other, study silently in the library together, and treat each other to caffiene when spirits were low. It’s not until after finals that you decide to both celebrate by going out for drinks together. It’s all fun until you’ve noticed had one too many and you’re trying to hold back your insane attraction to him, worried that it isn’t reciprocated. When he offers to walk you home, tension and silence build that’s only broken with Iwaizumi nervously mumbles he has something he’s been wanting to tell you for a while. You know you’re drunk but your heart begins to race uncontrollably. He takes a deep breath, then turns with caution and fear in his eyes. “I like you... like more than a friend,” he says and you think you’ve misheard him but his embarrassed expression tells you otherwise. “I like you too,” you reply with a smile.
Fake Dating; Hanamaki is the new co-worker who talks to you too much. He’s the one that always gets you in trouble and you tell him you’re going to kill him if he gets you fired - he holds you to it. One day he asks you to do him a favor, though you don’t owe him anything, he somehow ropes you in pretending you’re his girlfriend when his best friend visits him at work. His best friend teases him and asks him how he could ever score a catch like you and you can only think of unkind words to say, so you bite your tongue. But the hoax doesn’t stop there. Of course, his best friend invites you both out for drinks. You think you can excuse yourself then Hanamaki answers for you. The extreme frustration boiling inside you almost unleashes until he offers to pay for you. Your fake relationship lasts longer than anticipated until the point you don’t despise his company. After a couple of months, he invites you to a festival. You dress up in a beautiful yukata which makes Hanamaki speechless at first sight. The evening is filled with vibrant lights and delicious food. Near the end, you decide to watch the fireworks. You feel your heart drop into your stomach as you both gaze up at the sky. Suddenly you can feel his hand touch yours and electricity courses through you. Somehow you want to stay like this forever.
Unresolved Sexual Tension; Matsukawa is your friend you have always been overly flirty towards. It's like a game, enjoying the banter that overcomes between the two of you while softly touching his arm and in return, he shoots you one of his smug smiles, basically knocking the air out of your lungs. The flirting never fizzles but evolves into tension every time you see each other. His eyes were a lot softer, his gaze always falling to your lips and he knew that you knew he was obviously looking. Not in the same innocent way he used to look through – there was more desire behind those eyes than friendship. And you wanted more, but whenever he got too close, you’d get scared making up some sort of excuse to be out of reach or revert eye contact while changing the subject. You didn’t fear getting hurt, but feared that going a step further wouldn’t match what you’d imagined. So the two of you lingered between just friends to what could be more. Until one night. You spent the evening out with friends, they wanted to go clubbing, you wanted to spend the night in, you were outvoted. You tried to give the plans a chance, dressing up in a dangerous dress you’d never wear otherwise – perfectly accentuating your most glorious assets, unsure if you were confident enough to pull it off. But you wore it and joined with your friends. The night was so agonizingly boring, you were texting Matsukawa the entire time, both trying to plot your escape. Finally, a ploy was devised for him to pick you up as an emergency. You didn’t think it’d work, but your friends didn’t seem to mind that you were being taken away by a tall dark, handsome man. He helps you get home safe, standing in your doorway as you thank him for his courageous act of service. You both gaze for a moment too long at each other. He’s about to take off, but you don’t wish him to go, so you ask him if he would like to come in. He looks at you in surprise seeing the needy look in your eyes that he so undoubtedly makes him fall further every time. And he says yes, crossing into the threshold. 
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the-unpopular-opinion · 2 years ago
I see people saying How they reblog and comment on their favourite authors.
It’s really kind of you that you reblog and comment.
But there is a thing though…
if people only reblog people they like personally, it’s gonna end no where in the long run.
Because everyone who is not “liked” will still stay in the shadows and will quit all the same.
That happened to me.
I had one fic and I only posted it because I thought I have friends, at least 4 people, who would read and comment.
I was not for popularity I only wanted to share and get some feedback.
Turns out I have NO friends.
They would reblog someone else in the blink of an eye, but think forever for rebloging me. Then they didn’t anyway.
People who can’t stop talking under other people fics, slap me like for trying, and are done.
My fic was not bad based on other popular things but nevertheless. I was ignored. I had not a single comment on my 20 chapters. It was 20 weeks of my time I threw for nothing into creating a story.
And they don;t even make a constructive critic.
And on top of that humiliation - my ex-fave author, one I was heavily rooting for and recommending to everyone, just dumped me like nothing when I told one of their friends not to use my deleted gifs for their fic.
I deleted my work after those 20 weeks so it was not the problem.
Then I got depression and PTSD - and no, I’m not joking- because of the silent rejecting and people treating me like I do not exist.
I wish I knew how bad it is before I get involved, because I have anxiety and rejection sensitive dysphoria, and if I knew I would never post for my own protection.
Writing and my other work was my only way to find people to talk to, and that fandom just decided to ruin my only joy.
While they were enjoying their popularity and attention.
But no one warned me what’s what and at the end I paid the price of the human indifference.
The other problem is that after I was posting, I was always seeing people who write at the same level as me , and even people who write worse than me, but all of them were getting hundred of notes.
800 notes, 200 notes.
And me - I was getting 10 likes for all my hard work. I mean likes.
Why? Because they are liked, popular and etc.
And I am not.
And what about me? Why I do not deserve to be seen ?
After all that begging and and after additional unneeded drama I quit.
But  what I say is that:
Unless  the new and the not popular fan fic authors get more exposure, and the popular blogs and liked people themselves, are willing to recommend people, who they don’t personally know/like/read, for the mere fact of those people to gain visibility - nothing’s gonna change.
And to everyone who is willing - please - recommend and support NOT ONLY people you like or know, but also people who need help to be seen.
A side blog is always an option and so is a good word.
And at the end everyone deserve to find their people.
Which could only happen with group effort.
There is no other way.
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scarletwinterxx · 4 years ago
voted most likely to run away with you
Okay but this is probably one of my most fave one? 😂 I do apologize for the slow updates but I’ve been very busy this past few weeks. I hope you like this one!
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2020 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
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It’s always nerve racking on your first day of school. Especially now that you’re the new girl on campus, you can feel the anxious to the tip of your fingers. 
You made sure you got to your first class early so you don’t have to awkwardly enter the room when there’s too many people. Sitting quietly on the side as few more students walk in. 
You were too lost in your own world to notice someone standing by your table, you only looked up when someone cleared their throat
“What do you think you’re doing?” the girl asked
“Uh sitting”
“Was that suppose to be funny?” she sasilly asked, not knowing what to say back you just gapped at her. She was about to say something when someone spoke from the back of the class
“What are you doing?” the guy asked, you looked over to see a very unimpressed but veru good looking guy
“She’s sitting on your seat” she answered, crossing her arms and sending you a glare
“I don’t know there was a sitting arrangement” you mumbled, feeling embarrased. Thankfully someone saved you from your misery, 
“No we don’t, you can seat there sweetheart. Stop bothering girls who come close within Jeno’s radius, will you” he sassily told the other girl, feeling like you’re in the middle of a fight 
“Leave her alone”
“Yea Haechan, leave me alone” she smirked but the boy, Haechan, just smirked back at her
“I was talking to you, leave the new girl alone” Jeno, you guess, told the girl. 
You weren’t sure how your first day was going to go but that was definitely not how you imagined it would go.
Jeno took the seat behind you, not sparing anyone in the room a single glance. It was like nothing happened just moments ago,
“Thank you” you mumbled to him, he looked up at you with a blank look on his face
“I don’t like being bothered early this morning”
Oh okay then, you nodded then turned your attention to the front. 
You didn’t see the way Haechan shot Jeno a look, the latter shaking his friend off ignoring him completely. 
That was the first encounter you had with Lee Jeno. 
As the weeks passed by you learned that he’s pretty much the most popular boy on campus, along side his three bestfriends. It’s like something straight out of a movie, whenever you see them walking down the halls, there’s a guarantee that heads will turn their way. 
You’re no exception. but not for the same reason the rest of their fanclubs have. You were just curious about them. 
The first one you met was the mood maker of the group, Lee Haechan. He’s pretty much friends with everyone. He was also the one who stood up for you on your first day. Pretty much since then you’ve considered him to be a friend too. There was something light about him, like you want to be friends with him. The second one was the foreign artsy boy, Huang Renjun, you always see him and Haechan arguing. Jokingly ofcourse, it’s always funny to overhear them argue about something pointless while waiting for your next class. The third one was a bit intimidating, Na Jaemin, He always have his earphones on with a blank expression on his face not really paying attention to his friends or at anything really. But when he’s with friends he can get just as rowdy. In contrast to his resting bitch face, he’s actually quite a sweetheart..
The last one, you aren’t going to lie, caught your eye the most. Lee Jeno. Although his initial appearance looked very intimidating, there was something comforting about him. He feels safe. That doesn’t make any sense since you don’t even know him or any of them, but that’s your initial impression on them.
You’ve mostly kept to yourself, you occasionally hangout with your classmates but most of the time you roam the halls or stay in the library by yourself. You don’t mind. 
It was currently vacant time for you so you decided to go outside and sit on one of the benches. Pulling some of your notes out to study for a bit before your next class. 
Too immersed in your reading, you didn’t notice the looming figure on the side. Totally catching you by surprise, making you jump up your seat
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you”
“No, it’s fine” you smiled up at him
“Actually I have something to ask you”
That caught you by surprise, “Uh sure what is it?”
“I was just wondering if you wanted to go out with me some time?”
“What are you doing?” You hear someone ask from behind you, looking over to see Jeno looking straight at Hyunjin
“Nothing that concerns you”
How you always end up in middle was a mystery to you, “He was just asking me something”
“If you think you can even get close to her, get lost” your eyes widened at Jeno’s words. 
Is he angry? at you? at Hyunjin? What is he talking about?”
Hyunjin took his gaze off of Jeno then to you, you feel him stand closer behind you until you’re practically between the two boys
“Uh I think it’s time for one of you to go, or maybe I should” before you could stand up, Jeno’s hand land on your shoulder. Gently. 
“He’ll go, right Hyunjin? Your presence is not needed here anymore” 
The guys exchanged looks before Hyunjin walked away without another word. 
You looked over at Jeno to ask him what just happened but he was already walking away, quickly gathering your stuff you jogged quickly after him. 
When you got close enough, you pulled the back of his jacket making him halt his steps
“What the heck was that about?”
“Don’t worry about it”
“I think I should, since I feel like it concerns me” you told him ,feeling a bit aggravated with the way he was acting. 
Not knowing that the guy across you is thinking just how cute you looked, glaring up at him like you could take him on.
You’d probably win. 
“If he bothers you again, tell me”
“That doesn’t explain anything, Lee Jeno”
“If he bothers you, tell me” he repeated his words, making you nod in agreement
“Okay good, now go study in the library. It’s colder in there anyways” he said then walked away.
Few days have passed since that incident, Hyunjin acted like it never happened. Like you don’t exist. It’s still confusing just what went down that day but what’s more confusing is the boy sitting behind you. 
Lee Jeno changes his mood like the weather, you’re never sure just what it will be the next day. One time while waiting for class you start, you were sitting on your seat skimming through your notes, your hair kept falling on your face so you keep tucking it behind your ear. It went on and on. 
Then suddenly you feel someone tug on your hair, catching you by surprise
“Do you have a hair tie?” Jeno whispered by your ear, at this point you’re pretty sure the whole had their eyes on the two of you but that was not where your attention was. 
Jeno was literally so close to you, you can feel his breath on the side of your face
“Huh?” you dumbly asked making the boy chuckle, “You know those things you use to tie your hair”
It was mistake to look to side and be face to face with him because he was literally right on your face. Your cheeks burning at this point. Not being able to form any words, you just held your wrist up showing him the hair tie. 
He smiled then took it from you before leaning back on his seat. You feel his fingers weave through your hair, “What are you doing?”
“Braiding your hair”
“You know how to?”
He didn’t say much after that, you didn’t say anything either. Still on the process of trying to calm your raging heart. Meanwhile Haechan was trying to hold back his laughter, Jeno shooting him a quick glare to keep him quiet. 
That’s when the rumors started. 
The new girl got the It Boy. 
You’re never one to mind what other people say about you. That came in handy during these times since you can practically feel the daggers coming from Jeno’s fangirls. 
Planning to talk to him about it, you tracked Jeno down after class one day. Finding him by the parking lot with his friends. Renjun was the first one who spotted you walking towards them, patting Jeno on the arm making the latter look over. 
“Hi, uh can we talk” feeling a bit intimated when all four pair of eyes landed on you, keeping your gaze on Jeno
“That’s our cue to leave” Haechan said, pulling Renjun along with him. Jaemin shooting a smile before following behind the two boys. 
“You said you wanted to talk?” Jeno asked when you didn’t speak again
“Uh yea well, can you like tell your fanclub we’re not like dating or anything like that” at this point you wished the ground would open up and swallow you whole. You can’t believe you just asked him that, he probably doesn’t even want to be acquianted with you like that either. 
“And if I don’t”
“Sorry, pardon?” you leaned your ear closer to hear him clearly
“I said, what if I don’t?”
“Don’t what?”
“Don’t want to tell them that” he said with an amused look on his face, finding your expression cute. There’s that glare again, looking like you can take him down. 
You already did.
“But we’re not dating. Come on, Jeno please” you exasperatedly said
“I don’t really care what they say, why do you?” it took you a few seconds to answer, gathering your thoughts to give him a coherent one
“And why would you want to be acquainted with me? I’m like-”
“Like what?” he asked like he was challenging you
“I’m me, you’re you”
“That’s not a very solid argument” he laughed, making you sigh out loud
“Please can you just tell them that, I’d very much appreciate it if they don’t glare at like like their ready to jump me every time I walk in the room”
 He walked towards you, crouching down until you were eye to eye
“I don’t know, I kinda like it though”
“Whyyyy” you grumbled, even stomping your feet 
Jeno wanted nothing but to keep you in his pocket, if he could. You were being so adorable, it took every bit of self control not to gather you in his arms and whisk you away. 
“Because maybe I do want to date you”
You looked at him with an unimpressed expression, rolling your eyes at him
See, the cutest. Jeno thought. 
“You’re weird you know that” now that’s not the response Jeno was expecting, but it was so you to say that. 
“I’m weird because I like you?”
“Stop saying that” you’re now a blushing mess, that was the final straw for him. 
He pulled on your arms until you were flush against him, 
“And I don’t?”
“You’re driving me crazy, Lee Jeno” you grumbled then pushed him away, walking off leaving him behind. 
“You’re driving me crazy, too” Jeno said as he watch you walk across the lot, a small smile playing on his lips. 
From that day one, it seemed like you can’t get the boy off your mind. Much like he can’t keep you off of his. 
But unlike you, he wasn’t afraid to show it. You were shocked when he suddenly sat across from you during lunch, 
“What are you doing here?”
“I can see that but why are here? Your friends are right there” you said while pointing to where the other three guys were sitting, 
“I want to sit here though” he shot you his very adorable eye-smile before he resumed eating
“I have a question” you told him, “Sure, I'll go on a date with you” you just shot him a glare, him showing you another smile
“Remember when you said to tell you if Hyunjin bothers me again?”
“Why? Did he? When?” he asked, his expression and posture completely changed
“No no, he didn’t. He hasn’t since that day, really. I was just wondering what was that about” you told him, watching Jeno relax once again but not missing the way he clenched his jaw when you mentioned that incident
“I overheard him and some other guys betting on you, saying he could make you go out with him then not show up” 
That was what it was about? Why would Jeno care though when he barely knew you back then
“Why did you stop him though?”
He looked over at you, eyes on yours like he was trying to say his answer without actually saying it out loud
“I can’t read minds, you know” you mumbled, breaking the tension. Jeno chuckling at your statement. 
“No one deserves to be treated like that, first of all. And secondly, have you ever thought I meant it when I said I like you?” he asked you
“You’re being weird again” was all you said back to him
“Careful now, next time you call me weird I might have to prove you wrong” he smirked at you. You didn’t how he’ll prove you wrong, worried your pretty little heart might not be able to handle it. 
You just bit your lip and look back down on the table, feeling Jeno’s gaze still on you. Not knowing just how weak you’re making him right now. Just how much power you hold over him. 
“Tell me again why you called me to talk at this time of the night?” You asked Jeno who was walking beside you, 
“Just cause”
“And you happen to bring this bottle of goodness with you?” you asked, holding up the banana milk he just gave you
“Knew you wouldn’t say no if I give it to you”
You really didn’t have any destination in mind, just walking along the streets. You didn’t actually mind that he called you. It was the weekend, you don’t have any  plans beside staying at home and watching some shows. 
“Hey, wait” Jeno said making you halt your steps, then he was crouching down in front of you
“Yah what are you doing?” you asked
“Your laces are untied” he answered as he took your shoelaces and tied them back together. “There” he said when he was done, smiling up at you. 
Just then you swear you felt your heart skip a beat.
Who knew this intimidating, scary, cold looking guy was such a sweetheart?
“Why are you looking at me like that? You’re worrying me” he chuckled at you, standing back up so now you’re face to face
“Lee Jeno”
“Mhm, that’s me”
“You’re very weird” you whispered, then his arms were around you. Tangling around your waist until you were flush against his chest. Your heart hammering away in yours. 
“You want to say that again, sweetheart?”
“You’re weird, Lee Jeno” then his lips were on yours. You didn’t expect him to be so gentle, but he was. His lips were as light as feathers on yours, the taste of the sweet drink still on his lips making you smile
When the two of you broke apart you were still smiling at him, 
“What?” he asked
“Okay maybe now I believe you” you told him, “That’s all you needed? I should’ve kissed you back then” that earned him a smack on the arm
“Shut up”
“You like me”
“Unfortunately” you said then started to walk again
“Hey, no running away from me now”
You looked over to him, seeing the smile he had on was enough to convince you. Holding his hand out for you to take,  
“Want to run away with me instead?” 
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baku-bowl · 3 years ago
broke 1,000 followers (the fuck? I don't even make content people), so decided to write up a list of some (but not all, I'll make other lists later) of my favorite Bakugou-centric fic recs. my tastes run towards hurt/comfort, as you'll probably figure from the list. if there are some Baku-centric fics that you've enjoyed that aren't on here, please add them - this is definitely not a complete list of the ones I've read and love, but I'm always up for some recs. <3
fair warning, most of these are wips.
Social Media 101 by WindsChild8178
Part 1: Survival Guide to Fucking Up
[Solely Bakugou’s point of view]
Katsuki Bakugou doesn’t have a gentle bone in his body. He’s aggressive in everything he does and does everything with 100% of his heart in it. After the Sport’s Festival, Katsuki starts to get harassed by strangers for his unheroic demeanor. It starts with letters but it doesn’t end there. The moment Katsuki realizes the harassment has entered dangerous territory and he needs to tell someone, it’s already too late.
Part 2: Post Traumatic Life Disorder
[Point of View opens up to Bakugou, teachers and classmates]
When the Dorms are finally built, everyone is settling in well, but things become tense as people begin to realize something isn’t right with the recently rescued Bakugou.
[Cannon compliant right up to after the License Exam]
hands down my favorite fic in the fandom right now. it’s the one that converted me into a Bakugou lover. if you have any fondness for Bakugou as a character then it’s likely you’ve read this one already, but if not, I can’t recommend it enough. incredibly depressing, but with the hope that comfort is coming soon in the next few chapters.
The Kids Will Be Alright, Eventually by NotWithThatAttitude
Bakugou is spiraling in the aftermath of Kamino and his friends are starting to notice. He's stubborn, aggressively independent, and less than willing to dig into his past, but after a breakdown that ends with a painful secret revealed, he starts to get help.
Whether he likes it or not.
Meanwhile, a new kind of villain threatens an uneasy peace following the loss of Allmight. Whispers build as a new narrative slowly takes shape:
Hero society needs to change.
Feat. Therapy, Dadzawa, best boy Kirishima, dysfunctional families, healing, growing up, and the mortifying ordeal of being known
guys.. the medical accuracy of this fic is just... *chef’s kiss*
I rarely see mental health genuinely handled well in fics, but this one goes above and beyond. kudos to the author for doing such excellent research into psychology, and making the application of it in here not-boring. also, while this one does have abusive!Mitsuki, it’s done in a way that feels realistic, and how I usually will see it occur in real life, rather than just for the hurt/comfort feels.
fair warning, the fic can be incredibly triggering (themes of severe depression, PTSD, panic attacks, rape survival, abuse survival, suicidal ideation/attempted suicide, among other things), so be safe and heed the tw’s if you decide to read. legitimately one of my Top Favorite fics in this fandom.
Lock and Key by autochorystalize
Bakugou made a choked, gravelly noise before croaking out a low, “You can’t be serious.” His fingers ached to blow up everything in the room.
“I’m sorry, young man, but you can’t change reality! This sometimes happens.” Recovery Girl clicked through his file, adding a new symbol in a previously empty slot.
- - -
A pair of eyes discreetly locked on to an explosive blond plowing his way forward, parting people in his path. He recognized the kid, of course. Anyone in the underbelly of society would recognize him, after the publicity of both UA’s Sports Festival and the events leading up to All Might’s fall. The uniform he was wearing cast away any doubts about the young man’s identity.
It was a bit of a surprise that the little firecracker presented as an omega.
- - - - - - - - -
Or: there are certain types of evil that seemed too distant, archaic violations and perversions that would never actually threaten bright-eyed heroes-in-training in the clean, modern world...but sometimes those evils aren't as distant as one might think.
remember when I said that I love a/b/o fics that are full of plot and world-building and gender-induced tension? that’s this one. the OC’s are fabulous and you love to hate ‘em. also, it’s the fic that made me fall head-over-heels for the TodoBaku dynamic, so it’s got a special place in my cold, dead heart. 
be warned, there are rather explicit non-con scenes between an adult (OC) and a minor (Bakugou) in this one, but the author warns for them in advance, and you could likely skip those parts without missing too much if you need to.
Never and Always, Eventually by Wawa_Boonliang
"Katsuki can remember the exact moment that he and Deku…that he and Midoriya Izuku became friends. He can also remember the moment he and Izuku became fierce rivals, a time when they were almost enemies.
However, what he remembers most clearly about their relationship is the moment that they moved passed rivals and became something more close than mere friends. Something more like brotherhood, something forged in fire and secured in the middle of a battlefield or in the midst of natural disaster where the number of the dead was climbing ever higher. And then it was torn from him."
Katsuki is given a second chance. A chance to save everyone. A chance to change everything.
But should he?
y’all. I’m a slutty, slutty whore for time travel fics. a time travel fic with autistic!coded Bakugou? it was love at first read.
Lessons Learned by Sif (Rosae)
Rather than the police station, Katsuki's friends bring him to a hospital after rescuing him from the villains. His wounds were minor, but it didn't make having them treated any less important. As it would so happen, Best Jeanist was also brought to this hospital after the attack.
Sometimes, small choices have a big impact on how a story plays out.
classic Bakugou hurt/comfort. this fic opened me up to the potential that could be a genuinely good Best Jeanist & Katsuki mentor-mentee relationship, and I kind of dig it and search ravenously for it in other fics now. I’m also a huge fan of the behind-the-scences Pro Hero Chat group.
Slope by sunfleurmoon
“I’m not a hero. Or a good person,” Katsuki says, giving Aizawa a pointed look, “So leave me alone. I don’t care about the League or UA, or you—” The two years he’s been away have been fine, more than fine, fucking fantastic actually if you ignore the bi-monthly near-death experiences. He doesn’t need this place. He doesn’t miss this place.
And yet, longing, a childish desire to tear up, or maybe blow something to bits, they all twist in his chest like a band of traitors regardless. “—I just want to go home.”
Or: the one where Katsuki and Izuku fail the first term exam, Aizawa discovers their pasts, and Katsuki is booted from UA. Featuring questionable descriptions of villain organizations, a slightly illegal moving shop, and your favorite emotionally constipated badass in distress with a newly discovered penchant for collecting strays.
paaaaaaiiiiiiiin. the hurt is ALIVE in this one. lots of tortured, angsty exploding child goodness. the OC’s are excellently crafted, and the Bakugou & Eri relationship? beautiful. definitely deserves a read.
Ground Zero by WindsChild8178
In the wake of Kamino, Katsuki is tested more than anyone could imagine. Bound by a villain’s quirk to keep his silence or die, he lives each day knowing it might very well be his last. He continues to work towards becoming a hero, keeping his secret from his classmates and teachers, focusing on making it through each day and trying not to allow the panic or depression to get the best of him. When the villain finally corners him with demands in exchange for his life, there is really only one answer Katsuki Bakugou can give.
honestly don't know which I want updated more - social media 101 or ground zero. this author's fics are amazing, and I really wasn't expecting the twist in this one. can't wait for windschild to come back to this fic some day.
The Defect by LadyGreenFrisbee
"Why do you want to win the Sports Festival so badly?" 
Because I want to see if the defect could usurp the masterpiece.
(In which Endeavor holds a terrible secret and Bakugo has to suffer since childhood for it.)
a great concept, and I adore the shouto and Katsuki sibling interaction here. hoping the author will come back to this one some day.
A Name That You'll Remember by Heronfem
Kirishima Eijirou is a Hero. Bakugou Katsuki... is not. Trapped in his toxic workplace and increasingly desperate to get out, Red Riot's days are only brightened by a new villain known as Caution, who's not exactly villainous and keeps accidentally doing good deeds. But when a real villain appears, a threat from the past that demands that Red Riot make the ultimate sacrifice to keep the public safe, Bakugou is forced into saving the day... and eventually, Red Riot himself.
sob story good guy villains are my weakness, this fic is a gem, and I'd kill for the sequel.
Our Hero by AnonymousTwit
He felt everything jerk to the side and throw his balance off before he saw anything, dust clouding his vision and irritating his lungs as the earth itself opened up to swallow them whole. For a single moment, in a millisecond's time, his wild eyes locked with Raccoon Eyes', hers alight with fear and adrenaline-fueled desperation. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he realized that it was the first time she'd looked at him with something other than long-deserved hatred in days.
And then he was free falling.
After a particularly nasty encounter between childhood friends, the class learns about Bakugou and Midoriya's dark history and practically ostracizes Bakugou while trying to defend Midoriya. An earthquake during an outing has all sides regretting their decisions.
just fucking tear apart my self-sacrificing faves in every way imaginable while their loved ones watch on in terror. 💖🥰💖 this one is heavy on the Bakusquad and Class-1A feels, and VERY heavy on the Mina & Bakugou relationship (platonic).
Running back the tape, watching it replay by Faralyne
For someone ripped from their time, ripped from the few but strong relationships built by time and personal development, by self-reflection and swallowed pride, ripped from the one thing that made him feel worthwhile and needed and put-together, and forced to forge everything over again—Katsuki thinks he is handling it pretty fucking well.
A villain’s quirk sends a 29-year-old Bakugou back in time to his middle school days.
am I a sucker for time travel? yes. am I a sucker for vigilante!bakugou? also yes. am I a sucker for this fic? literally refreshing the page in wait for an update as we speak.
Liability by sandelf
After All-Might dies rescuing Bakugou from the League, Bakugou is determined to prove it wasn't for nothing.
But the world is against him, his grief is overwhelming, and his stability is splitting at the edges.
very self-indulgent bakugou angst. tw for harassment, severe depression, and suicidality.
Special Mentions:
How To Win The Sport Festival: A Step By Step Guide by mhwright
Short re-imagining of the Sports Festival Arc if Shinso had planned a little better and worked a little harder to win the Sports Festival and if the match-ups had been slightly different. Self-indulgent fic of watching him succeed.
this is completely Shinsou-centric, not Bakugou-centric, but I love and adore it and am dying for a sequel. Shinsou is Best Boy here and you'll be rooting for him the whole time.
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shivology · 2 years ago
for the character ask do roman pls :)
1: sexuality headcanon: same w/shiv i can’t decide if he’s gay or bi 
2: otp: gerri lukas eduard tabitha 
3: brotp: the answer to this is always gonna b the sibs! and also tabitha! 
4: notp: iii don’t know, actually. he’s very shippable 
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: he has brunch with a group of old ladies at the country club twice a month where they talk shit about everyone and drink mimosas 
6: favorite line from this character: it’s a coin toss between “so, what? i can't tell the president to blow me? 🤨🙄 .. MR PRESIDENT hEy- 👁👄👁” or “we do hatespeech and rollercoasters(:”
7: one way in which I relate to this character: hes Literally Me in ways i do not and cannot describe or comprehend 
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: dickpicgate 
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? more problematic than a fifteen year old who yells homophobic slurs at people while playing call of duty 
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n0bamak1s · 4 years ago
distracted - mai zenin x reader
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request: “could you write a fluff for mai please? also can the reader be gender neutral? thank you have a nice day.” - @hitchsimp
summary: reader and mai are interrupted in their baseball practice when mai’s daydreaming about the reader causes her to get hit in the face by a baseball and reader tends to her injuries. takes place before the baseball game in episode 21. (genre: fluff, friends to lovers, slice of life-ish)
word count: 1.1k
warnings: mentions of violence and blood (nothing graphic), a couple swear words, lowkey oblivious reader lmao, the tiniest bit of angst
a/n: since the request was pretty broad i decided to go with some friends to lovers since it’s one of my fave fluffy tropes but if u wanted just general fluffy hcs or something else feel free to let me know!!
“hey! wait for me!” mai heard your all too familiar voice behind her as you jogged towards her to keep pace. your cleats dug into the dirt with each step, and mai could feel her steps halt as she waited for you. personally, mai felt that the baseball game was a stupid and childish way to determine a winner to the exchange event, but that didn’t seem to stop her from agreeing to practice with you in the days leading up to the ‘big game’ as you liked to call it.
truth be told, if it had been anyone else asking her to practice, mai would have probably scoffed and chosen to practice on her own, or even not at all. but for some reason, she couldn’t seem to help herself as she followed you to the small baseball field that went mostly unused by the school.
she’d always seemed to have something of a soft spot for you, that everyone else seemed to notice but you. the usually blunt and sometimes rude girl let her guard down around you, allowing you to see her soft side.
however, even you seemed to test her patience a little bit now that you hit her square in the nose during your practice.
to be honest, it was more so her fault, though she’d blame it on you, saying you distracted her. as you began to warm up with a simple game of catch, mai felt herself zoning out. it wasn’t her fault you looked so damn good in that baseball uniform the school had gifted everyone for the game. her baseball glove stayed up, sure, but she let her mind wander when her eyes glanced from the hair that peeked out from your cap, to the way your uniform hugged your body so well. she swore you were gonna be the death of her.
except, you might literally be the death of her after the ball you tossed to her bounced off the top of her glove and hit her straight in the nose.
“oh shit! are you okay?”
immediately, you rushed over to her side as she clutched her now bloodied nose. pulling off your glove, you grabbed her free hand in yours.
“i have a first aid kit in my dorm, it’s the least i can do to say sorry.” you said, your voice filled with concern.
“don’t worry about it,” mai muttered, hoping that her flushed face could be attributed to a bruise, rather than her embarrassment at how casually you held her hand “i’ll sleep it off, it’s no big deal.”
“ah, come on! we can’t have our star player being injured, can we?” you turned to her with a smile and gave her a wink. she tried her best to seem nonchalant as she let out a scoff, despite how she let you tug her along to your dorm. she hoped that you would also ignore the sly look todo gave the two of you as you made your way down the hallway hand in hand.
once you entered your room, you gestured for her to take a seat on your bed and gave her an ice pack to keep her nose from bruising, which she did without protest, surprisingly enough. meanwhile, you rifled through your drawers looking for some tissues, holding them up triumphantly when you managed to fish them out.
she felt the weight of the bed shift as you took a seat next to her, and turned her gaze to make eye contact with you. with a surprising amount of gentleness for a jujutsu sorcerer like yourself, you grabbed her wrist and moved it from its spot hovering over her nose so you could move to stop the bleeding. her breath hitched slightly when you leaned in even closer to dab her nose with a tissue.
“sorry again about this.” your voice is so soft that she can almost feel it on her face due to the close proximity of you too. sure, she was used to her injuries being tended to, it was only a part of daily life as a sorcerer. but there was something so different about when you did it, rather than a school nurse. you were so gentle, like you were afraid that one wrong move could break her. it was so refreshing to her, growing up around maki, who seemed to only want her to toughen up, you on the other hand just wanted her to feel cared for.
truth is, the reason mai has such a soft spot for you is that you’re one of the only people who makes her feel like a teenager. you aren’t so stuck up about your status like some of your other classmates, you just want to enjoy life. to her, you’re so comforting, because she feels she can be her true self around you instead of putting up a ‘tough’ front.
snapping her out of her daze, you waved a hand in front of her face. “maiiiii?” you drew out her name as you said it, “don’t tell me i gave you a concussion or something.”
she wordlessly raised an eyebrow at your teasing smile.
“you know, now that i think about it, you’ve been kinda spacey all day. do you need to see a nurse?” despite your lighthearted tone, she could tell you were legitimately concerned that she may have hit her head during the group battle.
mai broke eye contact, worried if she looked you in the eyes you’d completely break down her tough exterior. “just some bruises, no big deal.”
you put a finger to your chin in thought for a moment, before looking up, clear that you’d come up with an idea. “i’ll kiss it better for you!”
now this got mai’s attention real quick. she turned her head so fast she might as well have gotten whiplash. “what?!”
“well when i was younger my mom would always kiss my bruises better, it always seemed to work for me!” you said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. mai shrugged in response, figuring that if she remained stoic, she could indulge in this moment with you, even if it was just for a few seconds.
she fluttered her eyelashes closed as you leaned in, expecting you to kiss her on the nose where the bruise was. what she was not expecting, however, was the feeling of your lips pressed against hers. not that she was complaining, obviously, she was quick to kiss back, as if it was her only opportunity. she felt you smile into the kiss, signaling that you knew the feelings were mutual.
“by the way,” you said as you pulled away “i think you look really cute in your baseball uniform too.”
god, you really were gonna be the death of her.
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