#also a good excuse to practice backgrounds because boy oh boy did I need the practice
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pianokantzart · 11 months ago
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Mario's normally the last one to stress about visitors. But there are exceptions.
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nervouswhizkid · 3 months ago
i. am so mad. i'm mad at season 4 and at every one of you that interacted with my last post abt vld season 3. i know u were all sitting there giggling at me as i walked into s4 knowing full well it was going to destroy me. no WARNING??? i don't even want to sit down and write about it, i'm gonna start crying all over again
i hate that keith left the team. i have to actually practice breathing techniques right now because it's making me so mad omg. i know i said last time that voltron without lance was unthinkable, but i didn't mean that keith should leave. THAT IS NOT WHAT I WANTED!!!! that also means that there was less keith (and klance) content this season, which i take personally. they did that to hurt me specifically. and on top of that, the team was being so mean about keith's wavering priorities. i feel like when anything goes wrong, with lance and keith specifically, everyone is so mean to them??? god forbid they make a mistake or have personal struggles, DAMN
i feel like this screencap says it all.
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guys how about let's talk to each other instead of being passive aggressive and icing people out (i do want to point out though that lance seems more sad/disappointed here than anything. my little klance heart is breaking 😭) AND THIS SCENE??
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the moment i realized keith was about to walk in my stomach dropped. they all look so angry and here comes Mister Puppy Eyes McGee. i actually can't take it that's my son everyone leave him alone!!! 🤺🤺🤺🤺 i know they had a big group hug after but that's not good enough for me, they should have tied keith up or handcuffed him to the ship, or something. WHY ARE WE LETTING HIM GO WITH THE BLADE OHMYGODDDD
look at this, like??
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the camera setup is what gets me. you have keith smiling with all of his friends in the background and then it swaps to a dark, yawning hallway with the most heartbreaking frown on his face. that doesn't look like someone sure of their decisions to me. this boy is in pain!! i'm also just confused about shiro being able to pilot the black lion. maybe confused isn't the right word, but i'm not sure how to describe it. i'm not convinced?? black already denied him, so why now? i kinda feel like it would've been better had he not tried to reconnect with her at the end of last season, because there was no suspense for me this time. the moment he decided to go try again i was like "oh it's gonna work this time isn't it" i get that it's likely black could sense keith's internal struggles and feel him pulling away and maybe that's why she gave shiro a second chance, but shiro becoming the black paladin again gave keith the excuse to leave, because why do they need him now? they have a black paladin, and it's not him. but to me, it should have been. he went through all of that growth last season, and for what?? just to abandon them when things get rocky?? ugh, i hate this!!
i can't even talk about episode 2 without crying, so just know that i'm sitting here with tears streaming down my face as i write this. i was really excited to finally get some closure on the whole pidge-missing-family mystery, considering that's been a subplot since the beginning of the show. as much as this episode broke my heart, i really did love it. they executed it so well. the scene where pidge lands on that planet with the graves? and they're running and pleading for it to not be true, all the flashbacks of cherished memories and images of matt? dropping to her knees in front of his grave in disbelief??
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now that's fucking cinema. you best believe i was bawling my eyes out the whole time. i have a little sister and our relationship is very similar to pidge and matt's, so this was just excruciating. i'm very glad he wasn't actually dead, but part of me almost wishes he was? that sounds SO dark, i hope you guys get what i mean. they just put the audience through the absolute wringer and then they're like "oh, actually he's still alive LOL gotcha!" and that makes me really happy for pidge, but man, what a plot twist that would have been. they've been searching for their brother all this time, so you expect some kind of payoff for dedicating so much time to that storyline, but what if he was just dead?? and there was nothing she could do?? wow this is painful to talk about why did i start watching this show if there's a fic where someone explores that possibility then pls share, for some reason i want to torture myself again, i just love how they did this episode. it's very trope-y, but sometimes you just have to lean into it and enjoy, and this was one of those times
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the classic fighting-each-other-unknowingly and middle-of-the-fight-identity-reveal? i'll eat it up every time!!
real talk though why is matt so attractive 😏
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soo, zarkon is back. fantastic. do he and haggar just not care about each other?? they haven't mentioned the fact that they're married at all and haggar basically still acts like his loyal follower. i'd entertain the thought that maybe it's been so long that it just doesn't really matter to them anymore, but haggar sounded like she actually cared when she realized they were husband and wife last season. but now it's like nothing happened?? i don't expect them to act all lovey-dovey, but there wasn't even a single line of acknowledgment. and i still cannot understand what lotor's plans are. what is his agenda? he wasn’t bothered at all by zarkon reclaiming the throne, and even went to the trouble to make them think he cared. he got that comet and made a couple of ships, but i still don't know what he plans to do with them. also– i can't believe he killed narti!! i know, i was literally just talking about how she specifically frustrated me, but i was so not expecting their death. i get why he did it, but now the rest of his group doesn't trust him.
i'd say that the one bright spot in this season was episode four. that episode was just so silly and gave me so much secondhand-embarrassment i actually had to look away at times LMAO is this where we got the whole Loverboy Lance and Lone Wolf Keith thing from?? i thought that was purely fandom-made, i was not expecting to hear that in an actual episode. talk about whiplash. and we got this ICONIC scene:
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he did that wayyy too naturally. lance, buddy, got anything to share?
i really would have loved to see keith with the team during that episode. i can just imagine how he would've reacted to having to do all of that stuff. god, that would've been hysterical!! the images of the parasite in coran's brain made me gag though, was that really necessary🧍‍♀️
i don't have a ton to say about the final episodes. i mean, it was two episodes of them fighting on naxzela. it was definitely a bit of an avengers endgame feeling with all people they helped in previous seasons showing up to fight, so that was cool! i'm curious as to what purpose naxzela served to the galra empire though. were they always planning to use it as a bomb? and couldn't they still do that technically? they only broke the witches connection with it, so all they'd have to do is get another ship out there and she could do it again. what do you even do with a planet like that?? just destroy it?? i also just want to point out that lance said they should get out of there immediately, and nobody listened!! and then five seconds later they were like "oh no, we need to get out of here!" justice for lance i stg ohmygod and LOTOR is on their side now?!?!?! i actually can't wait to see how this plays out!! total transparency, i love atla and i could absolutely see this being a zuko redemption arc situation. it's clear his parents don't like him at all (are they actually heartless or something??) so why not join the other side!! I'M HERE FOR IT
i have to be honest, this definitely wasn't my favorite season. we're getting into the later seasons and i've heard plenty about how the writing goes a little left-field (though i'm not sure when that happens. most people seem to agree season 8 is shit, but i've heard complaints about s6-7 as well) so we'll just have to see! i'm sticking it out as best i can🚶‍♀️‍➡️ onto season 5!
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mytaiyakeylover · 2 years ago
forget school, this s’comfier.
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synopsis: you need to get ready for school, but seishiro has other plans for both of you today. well, just like every other day actually.
pairing: seishiro nagi x gn!reader
a/n: believe it or not, but this is my dream scenario🤭 oh, and please excuse the silly dialogue; i know it's dumb😩 also, sorry for deleting the original one. it’s just that tumblr had for some reason decided to label it as mature, so i had to repost it🥺
warnings: none, except for nagi using the word “prostitute” once. i’s not what you think, i swear!😭 there’s nothing suggestive behind it! sei is just oblivious af, srsly.
word count: 1.1k
ps: i want to emphasize that i have immense respect for individuals who persevere through challenging circumstances, regardless of their backgrounds. i don't intend to discriminate or disrespect anyone. this idea just crossed my mind, and i couldn't help but indulge in it. i admire people who continue to push forward despite the difficulties they face, and i will never disrespect them for simply doing whatever they can to overcome their challenges.
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You huffed frustratedly as you tried to squeeze yourself out of the strong grip. Seishiro’s large body was draped over you like a thick, warm, but also very heavy blanket. Usually you would enjoy it, but the aggressive rays of sunshine were just by luck landing on your body, which made the added warmth emitting from your boyfriend only bothersome.
(E/c) colored eyes squinted harshly due to the annoying brightness that was streaming through the window. A grunt escaping your lips as you tried to push the sleeping giant off of you.
“Sei, wake up!” You whined, palms pushing against his chest firmly, but also with a hint of gentleness. The boy, however, only tightened his grip in response as he snuggled closer to you.
“Five more minutes,” he replied, voice muffled and puffs of air coming from his mouth sending ticklish sensations over your neck, causing you to giggle. Alas, no matter how much you wanted to, you simply couldn’t indulge the boy. Your teacher had said that you would be having an exam today and you had been cramming like crazy over the weekend for it.
“You literally said that half an hour ago,” you said, a childish pout etching itself on your lips. His answer didn't surprise you whatsoever; it had practically become a daily routine for both of you.
Every morning, you would try to coax Seishiro into freeing you from his confinement, and without fail, you received the same responses. They always varied between “Five more minutes” and “But you're so comfy, (Y/n).” On some days, when he felt particularly needy, he would say, “Can't you just ask Reo to bribe the teacher for you?”
He would always say that as if he didn't attend the same school or share classes with you. However, the most frustrating aspect was that you consistently stayed in bed, leading to scoldings from the teacher whenever you arrived. Well, Seishiro, for the most part. They weren't as strict with you because, unlike the lazy titan, you always studied hard and achieved good grades.
“Come on, Sei,” you huffed, giving him an exasperated look. “You know how much I’ve been studying for this algebra test.”
“You didn’t need to do that,” he muttered groggily, face nuzzling further into the crook of your exposed neck. “Excuse you, one of us has to go to school to get a degree and then a job. Or did you forget that you need to work to earn a living?”
“Work is such a hassle,” was the only response that you received and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at him. That was just such a Seishiro thing to say.
“I could be your personal prostitute though,” you blinked at that, the boy’s words not fully registering in your brain. Seishiro, on the other hand, was staring at you with his usual nonchalant expression, urging you to believe for a second that it might have been just your imagination. But the clock keeps ticking, and Seishiro is tilting his head as if he’s awaiting a response.
Suddenly, you feel the way your face begins to heat up. A part of you is pretty damn sure that you must be looking like a human-sized tomato by now. You try to speak, but nothing’s coming out, and for the first time since you woke up, you find yourself completely speechless.
“Y’know, ‘cause you’ll be working for us both, which means you’ll basically be paying for me loving you,” he mumbled sleepily, his face now resting on your chest, much to your embarrassment. Your mouth keeps opening and closing, but no words come out, making you look like a fish. Seishiro remains completely oblivious, however, as you start squirming in his strong embrace.
“H-How c-can you sah-say that so ca-casually?” Seishiro arched an eyebrow at you, grayish eyes peering up at you quizzically.
Heart squeezing harshly at the way he was looking at you, beating so loudly you could practically hear it echoing inside your eardrums. You just couldn’t take it, he looked so innocent it almost made you burst. How he could say something like that without even batting an eyelash was beyond you.
Seishiro blinked at you, chin resting on your chest as he gazed up at you lazily. “Aren’t prostitutes paid to love someone because they don’t have a job?”
“Sei,” you trailed off, eyeing him hesitantly as he watched you with nothing but sincere perplexity. There was a moment of silence where neither of you did anything but stare at each other. Then your hand cupped his cheek, thumb caressing it tenderly as you looked at him with a sweet yet awkward expression. Seishiro didn't mind, however, simply leaning into your touch.
“You think prostitutes are actually romantic partners that refuse to have a job?” He tilted his head, his eyelids growing heavier with each passing second, as the softness of your voice worked like a lullaby for the white-haired boy. The blush on your cheeks had long gone fainter, as did the erratic beating of your vulnerable heart. Seishiro hummed at your inquiry, head bobbing sleepily as he was trying to nod in confirmation.
Hands brushing through his snow white locks, your (e/c) colored eyes looked at him with a fond expression. The fact that he managed to doze off so quickly was something you found utterly adorable and you couldn’t help but snicker with amusement at what a big baby he was. But then you paused, which urged the boy that was lying on top of you to furrow his eyebrows in dissatisfaction.
Lips pressing into a thin line, you spoke, “Sei, we still need to get ready for school.” The boy, however, ignored you in favor of his long awaited cuddles — as if he hadn’t been cuddling you the whole evening prior.
“Sei!” you whispered-yelled, right eye twitching in annoyance and embarrassment as the boy nuzzled himself further into your body. A sigh of contentment escaped his lips, and his face displayed nothing but pure bliss, as if he were in heaven. Another blush appeared on your face, and you felt as though you might faint. God, what were you supposed to do with this gigantic puppy dog?
“Don’t fall asleep damn it! We’re going to be late!”
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sukirichi · 4 years ago
— just the two of us
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request: I almost read all of your jujutsu kaisen writings and I love it. Your writing is really good! I do not know if a request about a fics🥞 about satoru gojo who is really in love and not very possessive with an oblivious reader. It will be fun to see Satoru try to flirt with her and she doesn't get it🤣
pairings: gojo x oblivious! reader
notes: THIS IDEA IS SO CUTEEE I absolutely loved every second of writing it! thank you for the request and I hope you like this! 🥞 breakfast has been served!
word count: 3.3k
warnings: none, other than this is unedited and written humorously rather than seriously~
masterlist !
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Gojo doesn’t know whether he’s lucky – or completely cursed – over the fact you’ve got no idea he’s so in love with you.
It’s a bright sunny morning, perfect for outdoor training, and he walks with you all the way to school with his hands shoved deep in his pockets. You stretch your arms out in the sky to bask in the morning glow and warmth of the sun, sleeves pushed up to your forearms to “get that vitamin D.”
Satoru snickers at your statement, because you’d totally be getting a different kind of Vitamin D if only you’d notice him. Sometimes he wonders, if maybe you’d inherited the Six Eyes instead of him, would you finally be able to see him – or would you still remain unaware?
He doesn’t even know where it began. A year ago, Yaga introduced you as the newest staff member. You’d been so fidgety and nervous then, unsure of what to do and worried if maybe the kids wouldn’t love. They did, of course, how could they not. Not only were you extremely fun to be with, you’re also caring, fretting and even crying whenever one of the students got injured over a mission.
Shoko reminds you all the time that this should be normal for you by now, but you always cry every time, sobbing that they’re still only kids and should be out having fun.
Yeah, maybe that’s where it began. Your kindness struck a chord in Satoru’s heart, and before he knew it, he was falling for you. Hard. Next thing you know, he shows up five minutes before you leave for work, mock-saluting you before inviting you to breakfast. He does this every damn day, and you still don’t get a single thing.
“That café was really good,” you muse, fingers stretching outwards and giggling as the sun peeks through the spaces. Satoru sighs beside you, wanting nothing more than to slip his fingers through those softer ones. “We should go back there sometime. Maybe even take the kids with us this weekend so we can all have breakfast together!”
Satoru masks a snicker with a cough. It reminds him of the time Megumi called you mom and dad by accident, to which you happily responded with before tackling the boy in hugs, while the strongest jujutsu sorcerer only flushed in embarrassment.
Him being him though, Satoru played it off cool, flipping his hair before striking a pose. “Huh, a dad?” he smirks, “The only person who gets to call me daddy would be no one else but Y/N.”
The raven haired first year student immediately recoils in disgust. Meanwhile, the innuendo flies straight through you, and you peer up at him innocently with your head tilted to the side. “Daddy? Why would I call you my dad? My father is still alive and well, and I don’t see you marrying my mom or anything,” Just as Megumi nearly howls in laughter – another evidence that you’re really something else to get the usually stoic boy to lose his composure like that – you snap your fingers, the light bulb above your head practically shining. “Oh, I get it! You prefer younger women and you want them to call you that! Kind of like the hype for onii-chan nowadays.”
Hopeless, Satoru wants to say, you’re absolutely, utterly hopeless.
“Hmm, I don’t know,” Satoru shrugs nonchalantly, sending a smirk your way. It usually drives everyone crazy, but you only smile back up at him in the same way you smile with everyone, and he tries his best to not show his shoulders are deflating. Nevertheless, he doesn’t give up. “How about you and I go out somewhere this weekend? The movies, perhaps?”
Say yes, say yes – please say yes.
Really though, he’s waiting for that ‘no’ already. Satoru knows you always go out of town during the weekends to visit your family in the countryside, only coming back on Monday the next week with a basket of fruits and traditional goods that isn’t so easy to find in the city.
But then you clasp your hands together in excitement, lashes fluttering delicately as you beam up at him. “Really? You’d like to go to the movies with me?”
“Of course I would,” Satoru tries not to stutter, hiding the fact that he’s completely taken aback. He’s the Gojo Satoru for heaven’s sake, he shouldn’t be this affected by anyone’s presence. “What makes you think I wouldn’t want to?”
“Oh, nothing, I just thought you were busy. This Saturday, then?”
Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap, it’s actually happening – his mind was barely functioning at this point, and he even slapped his cheeks to snap him back to life. “I thought there was a fly,” he lied with a chuckle, “But yeah, Saturday. I’ll pick you up?”
“Yeah, sure!”
Satoru wouldn’t stop smiling the whole way to the school. Even when Yuuji had face planted into the ground and Megumi sprained his ankle from training, he wasn’t able to get rid of the ridiculously big smile that stretched across his lips. He’s floating in cloud nine, flowers erupting from his ears and heart-shaped emojis bursting in his background.
“Well, you look creepy,” Shoko commented in the faculty room the moment you excused yourself, “Did you land a date with her or something?”
“That I did,” he stated proudly, even banging his fist on his chest like a deranged form of King Kong.
“I can only hope Y/N makes it out alive,” Nanami announces from behind the newspaper he’s reading, legs crossed over another before he peeks above the paper, narrowed eyes dead set on the blindfolded man. “Don’t be too wild with her, Satoru. She’s a gentle soul despite being a sorcerer – I humbly suggest you don’t mess with her feelings.”
“Are you kidding me? She’s the one messing with my feelings by being so fucking cute all the time!”
“Who’s cute?”
Shoko nearly spits out her coffee the moment you enter, glancing around the room and sitting down next to a shock-still Satoru. Nanami only huffs in his seat with a shake of his head. It doesn’t take long before Satoru regains his confidence and recovers from his shock – he’s turned to you with his torso completely facing your way.
You bask in the attention, mimicking the gesture until your faces are mere inches from one another. The fact you’re so responsive and attentive to him yet still painfully naïve strikes a mental war of himself debating whether he wants to kiss you or knock your head upside down. Satoru chooses neither options as he leans closer, his smile growing wider when you don’t pull away, and he doesn’t stop moving until his lips are right beside the shell of your ear.
“You’re cute.”
Shoko shudders at the same time Nanami just gives up on everything, folding his paper and lying that he’s got someplace to go with Ichiji. Satoru patiently waits for your reaction; for you to crumble this time around.
You’re silent for a moment, brows almost right across each other when you register his words. Satoru ends up holding his breath for your next words, wondering: is this it? will she finally understand what I feel for her now?
Even Shoko ends up sitting at the edge of her seat, silently watching the exchange with interest barely hidden in her sparkling eyes. Satoru watches as your lips open, his eyes transfixed on the way the soft flesh moves. They tilt upwards, revealing a set of a wide smile – the smile he can never get enough of. “Thank you!” you giggle at his compliment, “You and Shoko are very cute too! And the kids too, especially Toge! Not that I’m saying he’s my favourite—”
“He’s definitely your favourite student,” snorts Shoko who is ignoring the way Satoru turns completely gray beside you.
It turns out you still haven’t figured it out after all.
“The kids this – the kids that,” the tall, lanky man whines, his head falling back on the back of the leather couch. He looks so utterly defeated you can’t help but lean over him to check if he’s okay, but Satoru pouts and hides his face under his uniform instead. “Why can it never be just the two of us?”
“Sorry, what did you say?”
This time, you’ve kneeled on the couch to hover him. You even pluck one side of his blindfold off to see how he’s doing, and suddenly thankful you can’t see the way his cheeks are absolutely flaming right now. 
“Nothing,” he assures, his smile hidden behind his shirt. You look absolutely adorable hovering over him like that – eyes wide and lips pouty – what he wouldn’t give to kiss those lips right now, but it isn’t the right time, and Satoru just needs to find a better way to tell you how he feels. “It’s nothing.”
It’s absolutely not nothing.
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Saturday couldn’t come faster.
Satoru finds himself willing time to go faster. Once the awaited day finally comes, he wastes no time in choosing his best outfit; an oversized black shirt tucked into black skinny jeans before styling his hair up the way he likes.
He winks at his reflection in the mirror, going ooh and aah at how hot he looks. It’s another reason why he can’t comprehend why you don’t like him yet, when, uhm, he knows he looks damn good? He’s pretty funny too – and his strength and power is already a no-brainer. Satoru can’t wrap his head around any possible reason why you wouldn’t like him; it’s basically a life or death mission at this point.
With that end goal in his mind and a spritz of perfume later, Satoru sashays out his apartment. Even though it’s already dark outside and he spent the whole day walking back and forth in his room trying to come up with ways to confess to you, he acts coolly all the way to your apartment.
This time around, he’s more than confident. He’s going to have you wrapped around his pretty little finger, “Wow,” is the first thing he says, pulling his blindfold down just to look at you.
Satoru feels blessed in that exact moment to witness how the heavens took their time with you, creating only the best out of the best and birthing the most magnificent person ever. Suddenly, he grows an urge to run to the countryside and thank your parents for going funky one night and creating you, because you’re an absolutely magnificent gift and it really baffles him how you’re real.
“Wow,” he repeats again, and you chuckle when he shakes his head. “You look beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.”
“Thank you,” you look him up and down, smiling in satisfaction. “You look very handsome yourself.”
Satoru’s been called handsome a million times before that it’s gotten too much in his head already, but hearing it come from your lips hits different. If he was excited before, it’s nothing compared to what he feels now when you loop your arm through his, dangling off his arm like you were a lover.
He knows it’s not real and this is probably just a friendly date for you – something he intends to clear up later – but it doesn’t stop him from puffing his chest up a bit, almost as if bragging to everyone around you that he was the one you’re with, and that he was the one you’re going to the movies with.
All your babbles about everything goes straight into one ear and out the other. He wants to listen to you, he really does, but he’s so intoxicated with your voice that he just ends up nodding at everything you say; his attention mostly on how sweet you sound and smell.
His feelings only intensify a hundred times more when you finally make it to the theatre. Not only is it dark, but you’re sitting right next to him, arms and thighs brushing against each other. He takes note of every little movement you make, smiling to himself when you don’t pull away from his thigh flush against yours.
In this close proximity, your perfume overwhelms his senses. He finds himself leaning closer just to get a little more taste of it, his arm resting on the armrest beside him and placing his cheek on his open palm.
He doesn’t even know what the movie is about. All he can see, hear, feel and recognize is you – nothing and no one but you. Just as he wanted, it’s just the two of you.
Satoru reaches out to the bowl of popcorn in his lap to distract himself from the need of kissing you already. He was so smug that he’s on this date with you; now he feels like the world is laughing and mocking at him because you’re so close yet so far away. The last thing he wants is to say something weird and have you running for the hills. It’s clear you don’t like him, after all.
You end up reaching for it the same time he does, making your fingers brush. It sends a jolt of electricity down his spine and he immediately retracts it.
Looking up at him with an apologetic smile, Satoru knows he’s messed up. “I’m sorry,” you blurt out, raising your hands in surrender with a nervous chuckle. “I should’ve gotten my own bowl instead.”
Satoru stares at you through his blindfold. You’re close enough that he can count your lashes – both top and bottom row – and he’s so stupefied at this point that he just says the first thing that comes to his mind; absolutely anything just to get your attention. “Cold,” he shows you his hand, “I’m cold.”
“Oh,” you nod and slip your fingers through his. Satoru nearly gasps at how electrifying the sensation is from having your smaller, softer fingers collide with his, your hands fitting perfectly in his bigger, calloused ones. Then, you close your intertwined hands and smush your cheek with it to transfer your heat – completely unaware that Satoru feels like he’s floating in his own Infinite Void right now. “Feel warmer now?”
“Yes,” he replies. “Extremely.”
Something beast-like wakes within him after that. Now that he knows you don’t mind touching him at all, Satoru can’t help but want to take out all his playing cards and just go fuck it. So he does – and he might regret, he might not – who cares? It’s just the two of you, and you’re the only one he ever cares about this much that he’d pretty much let you do anything at this point.
“You know,” Satoru begins, shifting until your joined hands are resting on top of his chest. His heart is just about ready to burst through its confines at this moment, but he holds back. It’s now or never. “Shoko and Nanami are annoyed that I talk about you all the time.”
Your eyes widen at his statement. “Really? Do you talk badly about me or something?”
“No,” he nearly groans in frustration, “You’re really pretty and cool. You’re amazing during missions, too, when you fight, it’s like I’m witnessing a warrior princess. So cool.”
This makes you laugh until the person sitting behind you rudely shushes you. You bow your head in apology, turning to Satoru with a softer smile this time; one that looks reserved and private compared to your big grins. “Oh, no,” he closes his eyes even behind his blindfold, “Don’t smile at me like that. I don’t think I’ll still be cool if I end up stuttering over my words.”
“Satoru!” you whisper-hiss, although your chest is filled with so much giddiness too that you’ve both forgotten about the movie; unaware that the entire theatre was crying over the main character’s friend’s death. “What are you going on about?”
He wants to laugh so damn hard. He thought confessing his feelings for you would end up in a pitiful heartbreak that you’d be weirded out and push him away. For a moment, he forgets it’s you, and that nothing is ever difficult or painful with you – other than, of course, you being oblivious, but that isn’t something he can’t fix. He’ll get you on the train one way or another.
“I have a confession.”
“I was practicing how to ask you out for a whole hour in the mirror,” Satoru whispers, careful to not ruin the melancholic mood of theatre. It doesn’t even surprise him that his world is filled with nothing but sunshine even if the world around you has descended into grief and loneliness. “I also called Nanami on first date tips.”
“Nanami?” you echo with a gasp, “Why Nanami?”
“Because he’s married, that’s why. Mans know some tips for sure.”
“Wait, so,” you chuckle nervously, and Satoru waits, waits for you to pull away or push him back – anything that would indicate discomfort. He’s patient the whole time, watching carefully as you only squeeze his hand and gesture to the both of you with your free one. “This is a date? Our first date?”
“Only if you want to be,” Satoru shrugs, grimacing afterwards at how sappy he sounds. “Well, I actually consider this our first date and I’ve been waiting for this for like forever now, so I sure as hell hope you want this too. I didn’t dress myself up today only to come back home crying.”
Satoru’s heart – if possible – only beats crazier and sings the syllables of your name when you start laughing harder to the point you have to muffle it by burying yourself in his bicep. He feels like his muscles and nerves could erupt at any moment. It’s crazy – absolutely insane – how you have him wrapped around your finger like this. He doesn’t complain though; he never will.
“I’m glad,” you mumble through his shirt, your erratic heartbeat matching kiss when you take the first tentative step of kissing his jaw.
Satoru stiffens underneath you, a low growl ripping from his throat. He’s feral, wild, drunk at the sight and scent of you. You make him feel like he’s fluctuating between dimensions, all the planets just crashing on one another until the stardust is left in your eyes because what else could be an explanation for what he’s feeling other than a supernova collision of hearts?
“You always make me feel so happy when you’re around that I still can’t believe you feel the same way. I was so worried that maybe you wouldn’t get my hints.”
Satoru groans, “What the hell? How long have you liked me?”
“I guess when you started bringing flowers to Megumi randomly just to piss him off.”
Satoru wants to rip his hair out. That was just a few weeks after you’ve started working with him, meaning you both have liked each other this whole time and he’s been suffering and feeling stupid just for nothing?
“God, Y/N,” he mutters to himself, “You really do know how to make a man go crazy, huh?”
That innocent smile on your face lets him know that as usual, you’re oblivious of everything. Satoru is right; he still can’t decide whether he wants to whack you in the head upside down. With a sigh, he ends up choosing the latter, nearly falling over his seat when you let out a surprised yelp at the feeling of his lips on yours.
It doesn’t take long before you grab onto his shirt and cling to dear life, laughter bubbling through your lips as you kiss. The sound is so precious he wants to bottle it up and keep it treasure for the rest of his life, but Satoru doesn’t rush anything.
With you and only with you is he ever capable of feeling like it’s just the two of you in a world filled with chaos and destruction.
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ohanny · 2 years ago
i finally got to sit down and enjoy so here is cutie pie 2 you episode 3 reaction/recap mess :'D
ok i just typed it into youtube search bar and i saw the 3/4 thumbnail of nuer and syn and am screaming already so that's great
zee's hands are large and i am not sure what i should do with this information
kuea exactly how big of a dumb dumb do you feel like right now?welcome to being an adult, where you can have both marriage and a career wow
i am so glad lian is so chill like yes king, communicate, explain to this dumb dumb we are out of high school (also i am glad this is like a 4 episode arc because you know if this was a full 12 episode season this drama would have been milked for hours)
zee's jawline makes me feel things and stuff
kuea is an adorable baby though, practicing his stage presence
lian and yi ahahahaha
bitches do love a good montage. i am bitches.
will these two ever get any cooking done on these counters
oh they are actually planning a barbie dream wedding together. this is such character development. but nooo, is kon diao out of a job now? YOU DID GREAT SWEETIE
lian is working double time being both a dad and a daddy, someone give this man a raise
kuea: i am saving myself for marriage
lian: while i respect your decision, i will make it very difficult
that is going to be one cold shower
whoever swoops max's hair like that also needs a raise
diao: we are so early we're lucky the employees got here first
yi: lian commented on me being late once so now i have the neurotic need to add all potential events from a mechanical breakdown to car sex into the estimated travel time
diao: why are u like this?
diao: i'm just a babyyyy
yi: when did i ever scold you
diao: *whips out a receipt so long you'd think we're watching one of those extreme coupon-ing shows*
wayyyy to change a subject yi
to be fair, if he said my name in the "nong diao" tone i would marry his scolding (hot) ass and red flag trust myself to change this man for the better over time
still holding onto a hope of a grey's anatomy wedding switcheroo :')
diao lowkey pissed about the most unromantic proposal ever
i am not looking at poppy's thighs i swear
when has foei ever been okay lol
the way i thought kuea was wearing taylor swift "blank space" merch for a second there hahahaha
lmfao these two literally have zero clue about what is going on in their own wedding
lian: yi will be here soon
yi: has been there for 5 hours at this point
diao you smol boba ball alskdlaaslkdfj
syn has a cute pout and bangs that tickle his eyeballs and i will literally physically fight anyone who says one bad word against him. i don't care he's fictional. he is my precious.
literally everyone at this wedding:
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foei knows he done fucked up and oh my god, diao officially pulls the best disgusted faces in this show. mention mustard yellow and he looks like you killed his dog.
look at these boys actually participating in planning their own wedding the day before
lian: fix this or you are fired
kuea: babe <3
foei: i love how my financial security is a joke to you all
NUER AND FLOWERS pls it is a crime this couple gets no attention because obviously they be coupling better than anyone
nuer and syn making up excuses to ditch their friends as if they would notice if they suddenly disappeared at this point ◔_◔
i love how yi is just like that's it, i don't want to be sober anymore
OOOH so they didn't just wanna fuck this is a bachelor party, yes yes, i get it now :D
kuea surprised his best friends showed up at his wedding like did you actually invite anyone?!?! how?!?!?!
nuer: i am healed
syn: and i am honest lalalalalala
are you even besties (derogatory) if you don't do synchronized wine sipping at an abandoned pool on the eve of a wedding and express your emotions in the most businesslike manner ever?
again, i do not have eyes and thus am incapable of noticing max's thighs
lian: i am the happiest man on the planet right now
yi: lol let me try and change that
oh yi you need therapy
not nuer and syn and their evening prayers and a pillow wall because of course there is only one bed and no blankets because why would there be
me: you know he can't just kiss it better every time
diao: shhh
ooooh, early season one confident gay nuer making a bold comeback
biting my first, screaming, crying.... you have no idea how excited i am about tutor and yim having their own series
YIM LOOK AT YOU *jumps out the window*
damn nuer, you and your... lessons ˙ᵕ˙
so when is their show dropping anygays? asking for a friend.
ooooooh just casually stargazing here, by the ocean, on a blanket nailed down with lit candles as one does, like a sexy fire hazard
yes, lian is making this waiting for our wedding thing very hard
also zee is like a schrödinger's twink or something because give that man a polo and he looks like a stiff wind could knock him over but have him take his shirt off and suddenly it is laundry day helloooooooo
how on earth can all these people unbutton shirts one handed like what is this skill and on which level of gay do i unlock it???
lian: can i play with you instead?
kuea: hiaaa
gravity: oops ◔w◔
as someone who has done it on a beach let me tell you no amount of blanket will protect you from sand. anakin skywalker hated it for fucking REASON so for once i am going to say keep those pants on, it is not worth it
yes. you do not want a chafed raw booty crack for your actual wedding night.
okay i said you can have a marriage and a career but if i had zee promising to make me the happiest person in the world i would straight up forget cosmic-exo hahahahaha
oh. my. god. they will be in the rain. wet.
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2-cute-4-school · 4 years ago
𝚗𝚌𝚝 𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚌𝚛𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚋𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚠𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚍𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚎𝚡𝚊𝚖𝚜
requested by anonie:  hi if you’re taking requests could you do an NCT Dream reaction to you crying while studying for exams because you’re stressed? thank you !
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Mark Lee
my boi understands the STRESS
he debuted like 6 times and he has more comebacks and schedules than he can count bby is so overworked sometimes  °(ಗдಗ。)
i think you’re probably each other’s safe places
whenever mark catches sight of you he just buries himself in your arms and all his stress and worries melt away as he breathes in your familiar scent (.づ◡﹏◡)づ.
your hugs? his best medicine
so when he finds you trying to muffle your cries in your hands, hunched over open textbooks, a mess of pens and littered papers around you
his heart breaks just a lil (*>_<*)
why didn’t you come to him?? or at least call him??? don’t you trust him?? is he part of the reason of your tears???? what if-
“mark?” ༶ඬ༝ඬ༶
but as your meek voice calls for him he decides that questions can wait
you are his one and only priority
he dashes to your side and engulfs you in his arms─=≡Σ(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
“it’s okay baby, you’ll be fine, i’m here, i’m with you”
you just hide your face in his chest and allow yourself to break into sobs that wrench mark’s poor lil heart while mark caresses your back and head
“just let it all out baby, i’m right here, i’ll always be here”(๑´•д • `๑)
he keeps murmuring comforting words as you slowly run out of tears
once you calm down enough to explain the reason of your breakdown to him, he just presses a kiss to your forehead ლ(´﹏`ლ)
“how about you take a rest for tonight and we’ll talk tomorrow and i’ll find a way to help you through this, hm? does that sound good?”
you make him promise he’ll stay with you for this night he has no objections (ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡
he ends up playing his guitar for you with your head on his lap asfdsfksf until you fall asleep and then spoons you after tucking you in
his softness for you doesn’t prevent him from having a serious discussion with you to make sure you know you can always come to him for anything and then ends up helping you study might end up asking for help as well _(T-T*)
Huang Renjun
this boi seems really chill while at home
so i’d say that he mostly minds his business if you’re busy with school work like he’s probably in a corner painting or sumthin’ the lil artsy fairy that he is (❁´▽`❁)*✲゚*
he does check up on you from time to time to make sure that you’re... you know... alive and breathing?? lol fun times huh
but still, silent comfort IS your love language ∩(︶▽︶)∩
so he kinda assumes that you ALREADY know he’s there for you at any time anywhere in any way you may ever need him
so when he hears a muffled sob from behind the door you’re studying in?
his heart BREAKS ꒰๑˃͈꒳˂͈๑꒱ノ*゙̥
but he also doesn’t want to stress you out even more or scare you so he slowly enters the room to find you hunched over your desk
he hesitates for a moment as his chest just clenches in hurt while he watches your shoulders shake with muffled whimpers ˓˓(ᑊᘩᑊ⁎)
so he walks up to you and lays a gentle hand on your shoulder
he waited for a moment to make sure that you’re comfortable with his presence in such vulnerable moments
and the he just ENGULFS you in a firm embrace and you FINALLY get the chance to ground yourself as you let out all of the pent up frustration in the arms of the person you trust the most (๑◕︵◕๑)
he just pats your head and you bury your face in his chest and you just ✨melt✨ into each other
i don’t think he’d say much tbh (´°ω°`)
there’s a silent mutual understanding that all you need right now is someone- him to lean on when you’re too tired to hold yourself upright
as you start calming down he presses a kiss to your head before speaking softly but firmly
“you’re taking a break, come on let’s eat and then we can have a lazy evening for once” ε-(‘ヘ´○)┓
“oh we can finally try out the fluffy blanket we bought together last week”
you spend the evening wrapped up in each other under your blanket with a forgotten movie playing in the background while renjun hums a lullaby’s tune in your ear
Lee Jeno
he has a sixth sense for you
you can’t get away WITH ANYTHING ¯\_༼ᴼل͜ᴼ༽_/¯
you stub a toe: aw frick-
jeno, thousands of km away in the middle of rolling his hips into another dimension during practice: something’s wrong ಠ_ಠ
so i think he might notice even before you that you’re kinda breaching your limit
but ba(r)bie isn’t sure how to approach you without offending you since you’re kinda irritable because of the stress ofc he doesn’t blame you
so if he fails to stop you before your breakdown he’s gonna blame himself for sure tho so make sure to reassure him once you’re stable he’s gonna keep a VERY watchful eye over you ( ◉  〜 ◉ ) 
he’s 100% READY to be there for you!!!!!
he has fluffy blankets, your favourite sweets and snacks, your preferred take out place on speed dial in case you’re hungry AND your comfort show prepared  (•̀o•́)ง
what he isn’t prepared tho?
his OWN heart cracking at the sight of your pain and exhaustion (ಗдಗ) 
he LITERALLY CAN’T stop the small whine building up in his chest as he strides over to your side for support
so when you wrap yourself around him like a lil koala, trembling in his hold and muttering through tears that it’s just too much-
his ULTIMATE protectiveness kicks in FULL MODE (ಢ⊱ಢ 。)
he just scoops you up and burrito wraps you into the gigantic mound of blankets already prepared for you while pressing a lingering kiss to your forehead i promised i’d make it his trademark so here ;)
he *dashes* to bring over all of the snacks AND is already on the phone if you decided you wanted something to eat
basically bf jeno didn’t come to play ║ * ರ Ĺ̯ ರ * ║
spends the rest of the night literally PAMPERING you in anything you need
and most importantly... LOTS OF KITHES AND CUDDLES!!!!( *¯ ³¯*)♡
his baby deserves a chill and lovely night and he’s gonna provide exactly that and the absolute best for you :<
also jeno will gather all of his remaining braincells to help you the next of the day he really seems a smart kid in my opinion
Lee Donghyuck
hyuck is a LOVELY person don’t get me wrong (๑♡⌓♡๑)
but he’s also a tease so he might unintentionally push you to your limits with a few remarks
poor babe really didn’t realize you were going through it
so just imagine his panic once you just burst into tears after what should have been a harmless teasing from him (╬⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾ Д ⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾)
“ba-babe? what happened, did i go too far?? i’m so sorry my love, i just-”
he keeps on rambling and you just cry even harder cuz come on hyuck is just such a thoughtful boyfriend
“i’m really sorry y/n, please don’t cry, i’ll do ANYTHING-” ٩(´Д` ;)۶
you try to explain to him that he’s not at fault for your breakdown
obviously it’s not really comprehensible but it’s enough for hyuck to understand once he hears the words ‘stress’ and ‘exhausted’
he simply embraces you as tight as he can and reassures you that humans have their own limits (っ⇀⑃↼)っ
and that taking a break doesn’t invalidate your hard work and dedication
he understands how overworking can affect a person so he knows how to handle the situation
he proposes taking a hot bath once you’ve calmed down and he adds extra bubbles and a really nice smelling body wash (╯✧∇✧)╯
and after that- YOU’RE ON BED REST!! no excuses
if you protest? you wouldn’t dare
stops you with kisses all over your face before fully shutting you up with a soft but firm kiss on your lips o┤*`3´*├o
you spend the entire rest of the day restrained in his hugs
you really scared him so he became a lil lot clingy 
need to go to the bathroom? he INSISTS to piggyback you there since ‘you need all the rest you can possibly get’ (∪。∪)。。。
but i reckon you can’t complain since you have the chance to spend some quality time with your also busy boyfriend
my boy will also go to the ends of the world in order to help you the next day to study whether that means burning his own brain or gathering half of nct and his manager to get everything done in time (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و
Na Jaemin
it’s literally NO SURPRISE when i say that he’s PROTECTIVEx1000000 of his loved ones (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
so why would you even bother to hide anything from him??
it’s LITERALLY no use
he’s a very very doting person and he keeps tabs on you no matter what, sometimes even uncounciously
and if he’s not there physically? NO PROBLEM!!
texts and calls between he two of you are a very common occurence bubs just wants to make sure you’re well and happy (˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
so unless you’re a top class at acting, good luck in trying to play off your stress and tiredness
but let’s say that due to busy schedules and different timetables it somehow gets past him
babe will be so heartbroken (๑´•д • `๑)
his worry topples over as he freezes in your doorway for a moment at the sight of your defeated form and tear-stained papers
BUT he does a good job in keeping his composure because he can’t risk letting his emotions get the best of him when you need him ( •̀ω•́ )
so he just trudges up to you and SMOTHERS you in the tightest hug possible, tucking your head in his shoulder so you could cry freely hidden away from the rest of the world
he coos a few words here and there, encouragements, compliments, reassurement that ‘you’re more than enough, you just need to take a moment to relax and breathe’ ✧˖°ˈ·*ε-(๑˃́ε˂̀๑ )
otherwise, he’ll leave the talk for the next day when you’re rested both physically AND mentally 
after you calm down he helps you put away all your school work you wouldn’t dare oppose him on this for the rest of the day
we all know what’s coming up i’m sorry
COMFORT FOOD!!!! (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧
he seats you on a kitchen stool while he cooks whatever you need at the moment, anything his baby wants
honestly he just adapts to whatever you need atm
cuddles in silence? works for him!! wanna ramble? there to listen!! want netflix and chill??? absolutely!!!!
Zhong Chenle
sooo from what i’ve gathered he’s not exactly emotional???
but also have you seen this absolute cutie when jisung was crying at the dream show?? babe was trying so hard to comfort his bff but he also seemed uh.. a bit awkward a bit? in a cute way tho!! (๑⁍᷄౪⁍᷅๑)
but i do think he’ll falter once he catches sight of your state!!!!
so many mental debates too!! (๑′°︿°๑)
‘they’re hunched over, did they fall asleep? wait shaking?? is it cold in here????... fuck no was that a sob?? do i... do i go over to comfort them? but how like do i hug or do i talk or..? what if they break up with me??? shit what have i done recently?? i washed the dishes, i cleaned the dog poop, i took out the trash.. it can’t be this’
my boy is going through THE CRISIS OF HIS LIFE (≖ლ≖๑ )
so he reluctantly walks up to you determined to help
but when he reaches you? *brain fart*
ends up patting your head and rubbing your back, but his touch manages to ground you without overwhelming you even further (っ⇀⑃↼)っ
if you end up pulling him into a hug tho, he won’t hesitate to hold you
while comforting you he finally notices your open notebooks filled with messy writing
he feels weirdly relieved that you’re not breaking up with him and neither is it something *tragic*  •(◐﹏◐)•
he’ll let you cry it out before he asks if you’d like some help with your school work he asked fans to send their maths homework so he must be a nerd enough to be able to help you too
but you’re probably too drained(×ω×)  to do anything so you two just settle for a cuddle session under a mountain of blankets
and daegal therapy!!!!!O(≧∇≦)O who probably loves you more than chenle and he ends up whining jokingly about it
chenle will probably focus on lifting up your mood with jokes and stories and he’d do anything to cheer you up
he might try to spoil you too 
and he’s not letting you refuse the ton of food he orders since ‘you deserve to fill up your batteries’ ~~旦_(-ω-`。)
i’m sorry for your tummies after the ammount of sweets you shared
Park Jisung
ah nct’s certified crybaby(lovingly)
might just start crying with you because if you cry he cries too 
i honestly see him a bit panicky in a delicate situation like this once where he has to deal with *emotions* (。´>д<)っ彡☆
so he watches from a safe distance at first
literally jisung.exe has shut down
but then poor kid starts feeling guilty about just watching you suffer without helping and comforting you but he’s kinda scared that he’s only gonna make it worse (●’Д’●)
‘come on park jisung think!!! what would-... what WOULD JAEMIN DO!!’
*cue lighbulb going off above his head*
cue calling jaemin and getting scolded for being on the phone with him instead of being by your side but still giving his precious baby advice
jisung probably comes up with a speech before approaching you he’s nervous okay? ┌༼ σ ‸ σ ༽┐
he lays a hand on your head, gently caressing you and just as he takes a breath to start his speech, you just look up to him with THE kicked puppy eyes ༼ つ ◕ ‸ ◕ ༽つ and jisung is A GONER꒰ლ✘ㅿ✘ლ꒱ 
he MELTS into a puddle of uwus and just leans into you, opting for silent comfort and that’s how he found out that cuddles>>>>>>words
he kinda babbles a little while holding you words are hard ya know
he kinda rambles after you calm down too so now you have to calm him down you’re both messes but you’re cute so
so what is the most efficient way to shut him up? peck his lips!!!!
and as he melts into your hold he remembers that ‘wait!! i’m the one supposed to comfort them!!!!’ (•̀o•́)ง
so he throws his nerves out the window for a moment and just cups his entire world your face in his hands and pecks your all over your face
you end up watching some compilations with kitties or something on both your phones untill your batteries die so then you switch to another device gen z behaviour 
he also probably gets a call from jaemin too and you figure out that your puss of a boyfriend had to call his friend in order to help you
so you give him that look <(`^´)>
let’s say he’s taking you out for brunch the next day AND helping you with your school work 
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tsunonotarou · 4 years ago
— finding out their S/O’s lockscreen/background is them
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Part one | Part two | Part four
This part will contain Pomefiore and Ignihyde
notes: Ortho's part is going to be platonic!
: gender-neutral reader!
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Vil Schoenheit
Says you have good taste
You know that smirk he has on whenever he's pleased? Yea that. He'll do that when he saw your lockscreen/background
Doesn't mind if it's a public picture of him (from magazines, shows, movies etc where everyone gets access to) or a picture of him sleeping, he doesn't mind
But! he does prefer you putting a picture where not everyone gets access to, a picture only a select few friends know or a picture only the two of you know because he likes the intimacy
Why should you use pictures his fans would use when you have so many other private ones, accessible to only you?
Of course, it has to be beautiful and approved by him
After a while if he sees the same picture on your lockscreen/background he'd advice you to change another one. Surely no one would get bored of the Vil Schoenheit but isn't it nice to start fresh sometimes?
When you innocently say you could stare at the same picture all day everyday, always finding new discovers in that picture or simply got lost in his cute smile, he swore an arrow shot through his heart, in a good way. Rook get out of here
"Do what you want." He replied nonchalantly, turning away to hide his blush from you
You asked him if he could put your picture on his lockscreen and he said no
After your pleadings and whines, telling him to put it on for just a moment, just for you to see how it'd look like, he finally did
And honestly, Vil does not want to change it
He'd quickly click his phone off and brush you away, telling you he has business to do all because he wanted to admire it in private
Even though he said he put it on because you asked him to and that he'll change it immediately after, a few days later, you still see yourself appearing on his screen whenever he clicks open his phone
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Rook Hunt
Rook's heart would react in a way where it would be seen as keyboard smashing.
Of course! He doesn't react in such an unsightly way but his heart flipped so many fucking times and he swear he couldn't take this immense happiness he feels right now
It might not seem much but the act is so sweet! Setting him as your lockscreen and background? To see him everytime you click open your phone? Reminding yourself that he is yours? Absolutely romantic.
Rook loves taking pictures. He loves taking pictures of you. He has thousands and thousands of your photo both in his phone and in his journal. Oh there are some hanging in his room, too! Oh, he has a photo album consisting of only you, too! Oh, there are a few framed ones sitting on his bedside tables too! And-
But to think that you secretly take pictures of him, too?
Rook has really good eyesight, he's also very sharp so he knows whenever you want to take a picture of him. What he does not know that you didn't want him to notice you taking a pictures of him
You thought he looked peaceful reading a book and wanted to secretly take a picture of him like that? He immediately noticed and flashed you a smile. He's so charming! Holding the bow and arrow in the most professional way and his eyes stay focused on the front. You wanted to freeze that moment with your camera? He immediately lowered down the weapon and waved
Well, you took those pictures anyway. But still, you wanted one where he isn't looking at the camera and minding his own business but you never got one
Desperate, you went for Azul's help
The deal was only to work in Mostro Lounge for a month...easy, right?
Well then, you'd do anything for a picture of Rook being unaware of the photographer's presence
It was hard for Jade and Azul to find excuses and cover up when Rook spotted them trying to take a picture of him, and also muffling Floyd when the eel almost blew the plan up, complaining something along the line of "Shrimpy wanted to—"
And also staying hidden because once Rook finds them, he will not stop following and asking questions regarding their real form
(If you think about it the scene would be funny I wish I could draw 🙂)
ANYWAYS so one time Jade finally, finally snapped a photo of Rook
Because the blond was too busy admiring you
Rook's cheeks were slightly pink, eyes in beautiful cresent shapes with a hand supporting his chin, the hunter was lovestruck
Now that you explained how you got this precious photo, his heart bursted even more in happiness
You went through so much just for a picture of him? Technically the octatrio suffered most but we don't talk about that
"I am not embarrassed being caught red-handed staring at my love. Why would I?"
This man never fails to make you fall in love with him all over again
After that he'll (have a hard time) choose one photo of you to set on his lockscreen, having another internal crisis when choosing another photo for his background, because he loves each and every one of the pictures of you!
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Epel Felmier
Cries so hard this boy is so embarrassed
It was a picture of him struggling during the daily dance practice with Vil
Composure: gone
You took it when Vil surprisingly lets you stay in Pomefiore's ballroom and stay until Epel's practice is over since apparently the boy does better when you're there
Prefers you taking a "manlier" photo of him as your lockscreen but when you told him he looks cute like this and you like it, a small pink tinted his cheeks
Whatever makes you happy
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Idia Shroud
W-What's this? He's seen a lot of shows that couples put their partner's photo as their lockscreen, but people in real life actually do that?
Before he met you, he definitely thought it was a little cringe at first, because why would you want to show the whole world who you're with!? Don't they know that some people don't have a significant other and are lonely!?
But it's just so cute when you does it
Someone is actually willing to see his face whenever? Even putting it as your lockscreen!
He's a blushing mess, it's not even exaggerated to say he fainted after stuttering nonsense
Oh...it's a picture of him sleeping while he was cuddled into you
Idia.exe stopped working
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Ortho Shroud
(Platonic! Ortho's reaction to his best friend having their picture together as their lockscreen 🥰)
Is so surprised! It was a picture the two of you took on Halloween Week in NRC, doing the 'gao' pose
Does Ortho has a phone? He could do every research he needs on himself so...
But if he does, he'll definitely whip it out and show you that he has your photo together as his lockscreen too!
After that the two of you will definitely take more pictures together
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certifiedskywalker · 4 years ago
Dating Sam Wilson Would Include...
Here’s some love for our Captain Falcon? Just Falcon? Captain Bird? Sam. Here’s some love for our Sam. 
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You wanted revenge. 
When Steve invited you to jog with him, he said that he would keep pace with you.
He was a man of his word, but he didn’t even break a sweat while you were gasping for breath with your burning lungs.
You wanted revenge, and to see Steve sweat.
That was all!
Your return to the National Mall’s park of monuments for a practice jog was your training for that revenge.
It had nothing to do with the handsome, fellow jogger you and Steve had seen before.
When he happened to be there again, you thought you might as say hello to him.
Steve jogged at the crack of dawn each day and this mystery jogger seemed to have the same habit.
Odds were you would see the man again and if you were with Steve, you would want to be able to explain why you were so easily left behind in his dust.
He was easier to catch up with than Steve, though you were breathless by the time he glanced over his shoulder at you.
It took all you had not to stumble over your own feet when his dark eyes met your gaze.
All thoughts and want of revenge were forgotten: it was only you and….him….what was his name?
You needed to know but, talking to him? How could you!? You were already out of breath and he...he was looking at you like...
“You alright?” 
His voice, laden with concern, brought you out of your reverie.
Heat rushed up to your face and, for the first time, you were happy that you were flushed from running.
“Uh, yeah,” you said through little pants of exertion, “sorry...I…”
You were loosing steam, physically and mentally.
You were embarrassed he had caught you staring, a stranger! 
Talk about weird and creepy.
But the man gave you a half smile, a hint of hope that you didn’t royally mess up your chances.
He stopped jogging and, relieved to find an excuse to stop, you followed suit.
“You sure you’re alright?”
“Y-yeah,” you wheezed, “you’re just, you’re fast.”
“Tryin’ to race me then?”
You glanced up at him and nodded, “a race, sure.” 
Your heart beat like a jack hammer; though you weren’t sure if it was because of the running or if you were nervous.
All you did know was that you were light headed and there was a good looking guy standing before you, worried about you despite the weirdness.
When you finally were able to fill your lungs with a decent amount of oxygen, you straightened your posture and met the mystery jogger’s gaze.
“I...do you want to get coffee sometime, or something?”
Had you really just asked that? Right now?
You were about to throw your arm over your face to hide your shame.
Just as you tried to think of other places you and Steve could jog, the man laughed.
It was a heart sound that warmed your chest, and his smile?
You had never seen anything quite like it: wide and pure.
As you shyly met his gaze, you realized it reached his eyes.
“How about water, like right now?”
“Yeah, now.”
The rest was history, simple as that.
He met Steve and Sam became a fixture in your life; and you in his.
Dates became missions and, before long, you shared a room at the Avengers compound.
You and Sam meshed on some silent level, beyond your shared understanding.
He could tell when you were off and you could read him so easily.
“Hey, you okay?”
“Rough day.”
“How about a flight to clear your head,” you suggested, handing him his goggles.
“As long as you’re coming with.”
He holds on to you so tightly as he flies through the city. 
The trust you put in those metal wings to keep you both aloft was otherworldly
But never once did you doubt Sam.
He would never let you down.
Only lovingly embarrass you in front of friends and family. 
When Sam retells the story of how you met to his sister Sarah, years later, he jokes about how he had never seen anyone looked more shocked in his life.
“I’ve been through war and Avengers training, so when I tell you I’ve seen people look like they’re about to shi-”
“Hey! The boys!”
At that same table, you hid your face and shook your head.
“I was scared I was going to creep you out.”
“Oh, you did,” Sam said with that wide, unabashed smile on his face. “But you were charming about it.”
He tells the story of how you met when you meet his family.
He doesn’t tell them about Hydra, about Bucky, or even the danger your jobs put you both in.
Sarah seemed to know it, and Sam’s nephews were too young to understand.
You get to see a side of Sam that he didn’t show the rest of the team.
“It’s funny.”
“What is?” He asked, drying the dishes you had just finished washing.
“They call you ‘Uncle Sam’, like the propaganda cartoon.”
“Cause we work with Captain America?”
“Yeah,” you said, nudging his shoulder with yours. “It’s funny.”
“It’s not, but it’s fun to see you try to be.”
With a gasp, you tossed a handful of soap suds at him. 
White bubbles clung to his shirt and, after he collected himself, Sam looked at you with a playful fight in his eyes.
“Oh, it is so on.”
You both end up covered in suds and cleaning Sarah’s kitchen.
Whenever you and Sam aren’t in New York (for Avengers business) or in D.C. (for state business), you’re at his childhood home in Louisiana.
Sarah and her boys become your little family as you and Sam grow closer.
It’s strange, you’re not sure when you realized you were in love with him 
Though, one night sticks out in your mind.
It was just you and Sam, sitting on the dock, basking in the orange light of the sunset.
“Thanks for coming down here with me. I know our missing person search is important, but I had to-“
“No, I get it,” you rested a hand on his muscled upper arm. “Family first.”
It’s then, when the silence falls over you both, that you realize Sam's staring at you 
And you’re staring at him.
You’re desperate to break the sudden tension so you blurt out your first thought.
It seems that Sam did the same as you both say:
“You’re my family.”
Sam smiles, a soft smile, not the wide grin you loved; though, you loved this expression too.
Without a word, Sam leans in and presses his lips to yours.
He tastes like beer and the brownies Sarah made for dessert.
His hand cups your cheek and your fingers wrap around his wrist, holding his palm to your skin.
The kiss is gentle, though everything Sam did with you was gentle, as if he didn’t want to risk breaking the thing you had built together.
Not that he could break it.
Nothing could, not really. 
When Sam pulled his lips from yours, a smile spread along your face. 
“Plus, I get to see your baby pictures which gives me all the blackmail I could ever want.”
“You’re kidding me, right?”
“Only a little.”
He kissed you again, harder this time.
“I love you,” Sam mumbled against your lips.
“I love you too.”
Banter is a big part of your relationship.
Sam is always one for teasing and cracking jokes to keep people at arm's length.
But with you, while he still teases, he’s more careful
He’s not afraid to just stay quiet, savor the fleeting moments between missions with you.
During those ‘between times’, you and Sam stay in.
Work, missions, what have you, takes you both across the globe
So, when there’s peace, you both hunker down in the Avenger’s compound or visit his family.
Sam is an early riser due to his past in the military and is always awake before you.
He’s a sucker for breakfast food? 
He’s always making it as you climb out of bed.
“You hungry?”
“Is that-”
When you help him cook, Sam likes to put music on in the background.
You swear he does it on purpose because, when he inevitably starts to dance, he pulls you along with him.
Depending on the music, Sam will hold you close, sway with you in his arms, or shimmies around the kitchen until you become a giggling mess.
“Join me! You know you want to!”
“The food is going to burn!”
“Sure is! Now dance with me, baby!”
How could you not when he gave you that smile of his?
When things started to grow more heated, after Ultron, after Sokovia, your kitchen dance parties became rare.
You stayed with Sam, sided with Steve and you both paid the price for it.
It was only a few days before Steve came to save you all from the Raft but it was pure torture.
You were in the cell across from Sam, watching him pace the floor and tense up with anger.
The moment you were freed, you ran to him.
Being on the run with Sam added a new layer to your relationship.
It didn’t come without its challenges as being a wanted criminal was easy on no one.
There were nights where you and Sam would sleep with your backs to each other.
It was the stress of running that crippled you both on those nights, made everything, every worry and doubt, difficult to talk about. 
But it was also running that brought you together, that kept you together too.
You and Sam would run to the rescue of some poor souls
And promptly run back to each other. 
When Steve wasn’t around to keep you both in check, you and Sam would explore whatever country you found yourselves in.
Trying all sorts of different foods with him.
“What is that?”
“Delicious, so, does it really matter?”
Late night flights under the stars and holding each other close in the quinjet.
And, despite all his carefulness and his holding you close, Sam was gone
For five years, you had no one to run with or to
You stayed with Natasha in the Avenger’s compound and tried to help Sarah with the house and her boys.
Whenever you went to Louisiana, you came back in tears.
“You don’t have to go back, you know,” Sarah said one time. “You’re always welcome here, Y/N. You’re family.”
It took all you had left of your strength to not break down in her living room, to not cry clinging to an old photograph of Sam in a baseball uniform.
“That’s why I need to go back,” you whimpered, “so we can try to get him back to us. His family.”
It’s a misty-eyed flight home.
Flying is not the same without Sam; the sky is emptier.
It felt like the thing, the love you had built together was about to break when Scott rolled up to the door of the Avenger’s compound with his ‘time heist’ in hand.
It gave you hope and, eventually, it gave you Sam back too.
“It’s been five years right? You haven’t aged a day.”
His joke brings you to happy tears before you fall into his arms, caked with grime from the battle. 
“I got you, I got you.”
After Tony and Steve’s strange send off, you and Sam took a stay-cation. 
Most of the time, you two stayed in bed, unwilling to let the other go in case something tried to snap reality in half again.
“I don’t know what he wants me to do with it,” he says, eyeing the bagged up shield propped up against your bedroom wall. 
“You know,” you replied, lifting your head from his chest to look into his eyes. “He wants you to keep fighting. Be ‘Uncle Sam’.”
“It’s still not funny.” 
You shake your head at him before leaning down to kiss him.
You’re careful, just as he was all those years ago on the dock. 
When you pull away, you explain, “it’s not meant to be.”
Sam smiles at you, that same wide, pure smile that won you over the day you first met.
No matter what happens next, you know that, as long as you can see that smile, you’ll make it to fight another day.
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heezoneie · 4 years ago
Hi, can I request a SKZ and Enhypen legal line reaction to you doing WAP or twerking out of nowhere?
i though this one was fun to write 😆, thank you for the request! <3
group: enhypen & stray kids
member: enhypen legal line & all of stray kids
genre: crack(?), fluff, possibly suggestive at times
Enhypen Legal Line
• you guys had been just chilling on the couch at the dorms, the other boys no where to be found.
• your head rested on heeseung’s lap as he scrolled through his phone. “hee, i’m bored” he looked down at your face upon hearing your statement.
• “well there’s not much we can do right now, maybe when the boys get back.” he stated playing with your hair.
• growing impatient, a mischievous idea popped in your head. sitting up from his lap, you go to set your phone on the tv stand directly in font of the couch.
• you were about to do a challenge that has been going around tiktok for quite a while. you were not one to do tiktok challenges very often, so this would come as a surprise for heeseung.
• seeing you stand up got heeseung curious. he watched your every move as you setup your video.
• when the familiar “WAP” began to play through your phone speakers, heeseung’s eyes widened.
• as soon as you started actually doing the dance, he would be so flustered. face beet red, but bby would not be able to take his eyes off you.
• he thought you did such a good job, even if the dance was a bit “pRoVOcAtIve” so after you finished the dance and walked over you him, he immediately buried his head in your neck.
• “that was so good baby, but try a less inappropriate dance next time? okay?”
• you and jay were in the practice room at the company because he decided to stay back to get some extra work in.
• he asked you to come keep him company, since he didn’t want to be alone. ofc you showed up, bc who wouldn’t want to watch their boyfriend dance.
• after a while of practicing, you and jay decided to just listen to music over the speakers, until a rather seductive song came on.
• feeling bold, you decided to dance a little to it. swaying your hips side to side, twerking, anything to match the mood of the song.
• jay’s eyes darkened at the sight of you dancing like that. he didn’t know you could possibly be any sexier.
• jay watched the way your hips moved, your face, your legs. he made sure to take in every little move you were doing.
• after the song ended, he came up behind you and grabbed your hips. he pushed you against the wall and turned you to face him.
• “my pretty baby. that was rather bold to dance like that when anybody could walk in and see you.” he leaned in to your ear, “i think you should dance for me like that back home....but with less clothing.”
• jake had just got finished with a long day of practice, and wanted nothing more than to come home to his amazing s/o.
• you however, had been lounging around the house all day. you were scrolling through your phone, when you decided you would past the time by making some tiktoks.
• you had been midway through doing the “WAP” challenge, when your boyfriend (with amazing timing) walked in.
• jake kinda just stood there flustered, not knowing what to do. he really said some “🧍‍♂️”
•getting up from the ground, you grabbed your phone and rewatched the tiktok. seeing jake’s reacting made you laugh.
• you turned around to him, where he still stood just staring at you. (bby malfunctioned)
• “jake? you good?” blinking a couple times, he finally snapped out of his daze, “OH, uh yeah i just- uhm. you were good, i just didn’t know you could dance like that.”
• smiling you went to give him a hug, “i could dance like that more if you want 😉”
•this boy d r a g g e d you back to your room with the biggest smirk on his face.
• okay, so this boy is a little 🤏 a w k w a r d
• when you stated twerking in the middle of the kitchen he didn’t know what to do
• it’s not that he didn’t like it, cause he most definitely did (possibly got a little turned on)
• it’s just he didn’t know what to do or what to say, so he kinda just...walked out?
• you followed him into the living room where he just sat on the couch thinking about what to say.
• “ you okay hoon?” he looked up from the couch, “ i need a second to process what happened.”
• after a couple of minutes of silence he grabbed you and pulled you onto his lap, with each of your legs on either side of him.
• “how about you do it again, but this time i want to feel you.”
Stray Kids
• you guys were in his studio, while he was working you decided to tease him a little bit ;)
• you got off the couch and slowly walked up behind his chair. you proceeded you slowly turn his chair around to face you.
• you stared to dance/twerk very sensually in front of him. his eyes said “👀”
• he thought you looked so good, like his baby dancing for him? pure bliss.
• he watched you so closely, just admiring the way you moved your body. you put him a whole trance.
• bby chan did not know how to control himself after seeing you dance like that.
• he took of his headphones, and took you to the couch, let’s just say your teasing worked very well ;)
• this was actually a dare you had gotten from felix. being the tiktok king he is, he dared you to do the WAP in front of minho.
• you obviously couldn’t turn down a dare, so you agreed. felix helped you plan how to make it seem less forward.
• you were gonna go into the practice room while minho was in there, and ask him if he wanted to do some tiktoks with you (you knew he was gonna say no, cause he was most likely going to be tired)
• minho enjoyed watching you do tiktoks, bc he thought you were the cutest little thing, even if he would never say it.
• he thought you were gonna do some innocent dance like the renegade or another challenge.
• when he saw you start getting on the floor and twerking his mind went completely blank.
• that was until he remembered you were filming. he immediately ran to turn off the camera.
• “that’s only for me to see baby, but could you send that video to me? for research purposes😇”
• changbin had called you to come hang out with him at the dorms, cause why not?
• when you got to dorms you noticed none of the other boys besides changbin himself were there.
• “where are the other boys binnie?” you asked while going to give him a hug. “i think they are all at the company, they still had some work to do.”
• after releasing from the hug, the both of you went to cuddle in bed. curling up into changbins side, you got an idea.
• “hey binnie?” he looked at you, “do you want to see a dance i learned?” surprised, he quickly nodded his head and sat up against the headboard.
• you got off the bed and began to slowly walk up to changbins side of the bed. he looked you up and down while licking his lips.
• you began to dance a special dance you made just for him. he closely watched the way you moved against the floor, and eventually the way you moved against him.
• once you finished he grabbed your hips and pulled you closer, “your lucky we are the only ones home.”
• we all know this man would be so vv shocked when you started slowly twerking on him the middle of the dance room.
• ofc he loved it, but he was so surprised he pushed you off 😔
• you kinda just stood there embarrassed, like you took a bold move and failed (r.i.p y/n)
• but he eventually he pulled back by the hips, and started to move against you as well.
• he guided your hips against his, and you both were lowkey just grinding against each other in the private dance room.
• mans got super turned on, and immediately took you home where you both could have some more fun ;)
• bby would hype you up, he’s your personal hype man for sure.
• as soon as you started dancing for him he would be cheering you on, dancing with you, you name it.
• he would be so excited bc he just lives to match your vibe :(((
• would 100% video tape you so he can watch it later when he’s feeling sad.
• would definitely admire the way you move, and be so shocked, like he never knew his bub could dance like this???
• he would ask you to teach him the dance, and probably end up having a dance party with you.
• this babe would join you, as soon he saw you setting up the phone. he jumped from his place on the couch.
• “Oooooo, what tiktok are we doing???” he would be so eager to make every tiktok with you, cause he love bonding with you :((
• when y’all started doing the “WAP” he got excited cause he knew the dance already. he was also excited to see you dance to it.
• probably had small naughty thoughts going through his mind while watching you, but for the most part he was happy seeing you enjoy yourself.
• when it came down to actually filming the tiktok, yall would be goofing off so much to the point you had to film it multiple times.
• just saying, the final product? y’all slayed.
• okay, so i feel seungmin would act like he didn’t care, but hear me out.
• he would definitely be eyeing you the whole time your dancing, and be lowkey jamming in the background.
• but the second you look at him he’s this “😐”
• he doesn’t want you to know how much he’s actually enjoying watching you move your hips in that way.
• he would probably act annoyed, and tell you to hurry up, but would 100% love watching to dance.
• definitely sent himself the video of you dancing when you weren’t looking :)
• he would, with no doubt, act disgusted. is he actually? no way.
• would absolutely NEVER let you know he really enjoyed watching you dance in a sexy form.
• would probably get embarrassed, and tell you to stop (he doesn’t actually want you to tho, he just doesn’t want anyone else to see you dancing so seductively)
• lowkey possessive, but in a cute pouty way, which is why he used the being disgusted as and excuse to get you to stop.
• would probably end up still getting turned on, and his face would turn so so red when you figured out the effect you were having on him.
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years ago
being the MSBY Jackals’ physiotherapist
anon: HEY BOO! LISTEN BEING THE BLACK JACKELS PHYSIOTHERAPIST! I can imagine a lot of damage I- bye 😽 I could I please have that as a headcanon 👉👈 thanks! ❤️ (that is a If requests are open..)
they are most definitely open and OH MY GOD THIS IS SUCH AN AMAZING IDEA WHEN I GOT THIS I COULDN’T WAIT TO START. i’ve been watching a lot of vids on what physical therapists do too and i hope you like this it was so fun to write !!
Bokuto Koutarou:
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he deadass got you mixed up with the sports psychologist
when he walked into your clinic he was all ‘ah, hey there’ before lying faceup on the cot and just talking about his problems
and at first you were alright cause good to make conversation and everything until you realized.... “this guy thinks i’m the therapist”
bokuto: people always assume that i’m really naive and i kinda am but--
you: bokuto,,,, i’m not the therapist
bokuto: oh 👁👄👁
you: does it, um, hurt anywhere?
bokuto: *points to his heart*
after directing him to therapist’’s office, you finally clear up his misconceptions on what you’re supposed to be
you did hear about bokuto but what you didn’t expect was that he was An Actual Ray of Sunshine
whenever he comes to your office for his weekly check-ups, he always brings some sort of present
he likes to bring a package of cookies and the two of you eat them while you have your session
bokuto still uses the term ‘ouchie’ and it’s adorable
he takes really good of himself and his body so he isn’t prone to serious injuries. as soon as he knows something feels off, he’ll stop himself from working and come to your clinic
except,,, he comes way too often
you: you’ve... never popped your fingers before?
bokuto: you can POP your FINGERS???
in interviews, bokuto loves to mention all the people who helped him on his journey and ngl it’s a REALLY LONG LIST but he always, always mentions you as ‘the best physical therapist ever!!’
and it makes you so soft you love your job so much
he actually ends up recommending you to his friend, akaashi keiji, because bokuto knows his shoulders and back hurt 
akaashi comes into your office and just goes: “can you crack my back and shake me like a glowstick?”
you: i think you’re looking for a chiropractor
akaashi: ...
you: okay, lie down. i’ll see what i can do
Hinata Shouyo:
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like, you were checking your watch wondering where your client was before he burst into your clinic thirty minutes late
also for some reason he was really nervous to see you poor baby he had the misconception that you were there to find what was wrong with him and then after he wouldn’t be able to play again
so he was genuinely surprised after you just made him do a few stretches for him, recommended some ways to move his body to utilize it better, and just sent him off
hinata: just... just like that?
you: yeah, pretty much. unless you feel that something else is wrong
after that he’s not so afraid to visit your clinic. in fact, he enjoys it quite a lot!
hinata really takes note of the advice you gave him (he brings a notepad and everything) and he likes to call you up to let you know that they worked
he actually calls you A LOT, like you’re probably the person he texts and calls the most other than natsu
at one point he was calling you every single day asking about what to eat until you decided to make a whole-ass weekly meal plan for him to just cycle through
 he’s actually quite flexible (not as much as sakusa though) and he’s so proud of being able to reach farther than his toes
when you’re not looking though he measures himself against the height chart on your wall and you think it’s absolutely adorable
hinata knows how to take care of his body and TRIES not to overwork himself but sometimes he gets really impatient about wanting to improve so he’ll stay late in the gym, practicing his spikes and serves
BUT since his teammates know hinata listens to you they’ll threaten to tell you when he’s overworking
sakusa: hinata, if you don’t leave the gym right this instant i am calling y/n
hinata: just five more minutes!!
sakusa: *pulls out his phones and presses some random numbers in*
it’s kind of like the adult version of your parents calling the doctor when you don’t want to eat
also you have no idea that this happens
even though he’s moved on from it, hinata still gets a bit paranoid about playing a major game while being sick
you’re always at their games as part of their medic crew and before it starts, hinata always comes up to you and asks if you can take his temperature
you didn’t know why until atsumu explained everything so now you make sure to always have a temperature on you for hinata’s peace of mind
Atsumu Miya:
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someone who actually knows what physical therapists actually do thank god 
ngl you’re kinda shookt at how large he is in real life when he walks into your clinic 
he also assumes right away that you want an autograph so he gifts you a signed picture of himself which you always have on your desk from now on because come on you are a fan
atsumu’s really nice to talk to, he does flirt quite a bit but he genuinely asks about how you are too or if your family is doing alright
such a sweet boy
atsumu’s the one who visits your office often but for reasons that are actually relevant to your job because this man just overexerts himself too much
and he keeps brushing it off and saying that he’s alright but you know better you’re a physical therapist for god’s sake
atsumu: i’m telling you. it’s just a sprain!
you: *pokes his ankle*
atsumu: aaaAAAAAAHHHH
he’s the one that you have to constantly keep tabs on and thanks to the help of his teammates and a spare key, you’re able to drop by his apartment once in a while
but no matter how much of a pain in the ass he is you still can’t help but want to take care of him. whenever you make yourself dinner you find yourself making seconds for atsumu
before you know it, you’re making dinner for your favorite MSBY boys because you don’t want them to feel left out
you also have to stop atsumu from overdoing on the protein shakes and drinking vitamins
because he’s addicted protein shakes especially the strawberry-flavored one but you’re the only one who knows that so shhhhhh
atsumu: if one vitamin capsule makes me healthy, does that mean drinking more will make me even more healthy ??
one time you got a call in the middle of the night from atsumu saying that he ate an entire container of gummy vitamins and you had to run to his place in your pajamas
idk you just see him so much because he keeps getting injuries and it’s hilarious
atsumu, walking into your clinic: hey, doc! they sent me here cause my back hurts from carrying the entire team!
you: atsumu, you dislocated your shoulder
Sakusa Kiyoomi: 
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probably your most normal client among the four of them but that doesn’t mean you don’t enjoy his visits to the clinic 
well, actually when he first visited your clinic, everyone else stalked him because they wanted to see his Flexible Wrists in action
you had to chase them out
sakusa is SO HAPPY that you just took one look at his Flexi-Wrists and noted it down without going batshit over it
you always spray the cots and your instruments with alcohol before he comes in and sakusa knows cause he smells it and he appreciates that so much
one thing that you do notice is that sakusa,,, frequently glances at the jar of lollipops you keep on your desk and give out to your kid patients
and after a session he just lingers for a bit before saying good bye and leaving so one day you just take a chance
you: would you,,, like a lollipop?
sakusa: .... yes please
he chooses a cherry flavored one and is about to leave when he sits back down on the chair
sakusa: they’ll never let me hear the end of it if they see me
so you let him stay in your clinic for a bit longer before deciding to also get a lollipop and that’s how the two of you end your sessions
no talking. just lollipop eating
(i know how it looks but pls don’t add sexual connotations i jus want sakusa to enjoy a fricking lollipop)
he actually likes to remember the scientific muscle names and everything just to impress you 
also, he doesn’t want to give you a hard time but he also likes visiting your office and talking to you (and eating the lollipops) so he makes up all these excuses to come by your clinic
sakusa: i hit my toe on the table
you: okaay, do you need a bandaid?
sakusa: it was the small toe
sakusa’s quite selective about the people he’s with so he’s kind of attached to you now. like it or not, you’re his personal doctor
prepare to receive texts like ‘y/n, i have a cough. what should i drink?’ 
you: sakusa, i’m a PHYSICAL THERAPIST
you: also, ginger tea is supposed to be good for you
he’s actually your eyes and ears when it comes to monitoring the team. kind of like the kid who tattles to the teacher in pre-school
sakusa: y/n, atsumu’s overdoing it again
you: is that so?
atsumu, in the background: NOOOOO NOOO I’M NOT !! SAKUSA’S LYING
you have such a soft spot for sakusa. when he had to be confined at home for breaking his ankle, you sent him a whole jar of lollipops
he ate them all in one day
taglist (still open to anyone who wants in!): @montys-chaos​ @miyumtwins​ @strawberriimilkshake​ @pocubo​ @sugawara-sweetheart @akaashisbabydoll @laure-chan​ @therainroguefanfiction​ @atetiffdoesart @stephdaninja @oikaw-ugh​ @charliefredb​ @dramaqueenweeb1469 @tremblinghearts @applepienation @doodleniella @haikyuu-my-love @waitforitillwritemywayout @kattykurr @tpwkatsumu​
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hanibalistic · 4 years ago
genre | fluff, high school au, faint mutual pining, implied rich kid au
word count | 2190
warning | fighting, mentions of injuries
tag | @fluffyskzclub​
note | i miss hyunjin pt.2 // maybe a universe?
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the first thing that popped into your head when you saw students running toward the school courtyard, whispering and chanting about a fight that had broken out, was that the person better not be hyunjin.
you knew hyunjin ever since middle school but you two only recently introduced yourselves to each other when your homeroom teacher made it your responsibility, as the class president, to keep track of him—both his poor grades and his even poorer conduct.
you two never had to chance to speak to each other before the beginning of your tutoring sessions. surely, even if you had the chance to talk to him, you would not have taken it with his rebellious reputation contrasting so stronger your clean-slate one. most of your encounters were of you frowning and sneering at him whenever you saw him get taken away to the principal's office, or when he and his friends create a ruckus during school assemblies.
your poor impression of him stayed long even after you began tutoring him in the corner of the school library, afraid that you would be seen together. he was always late, sometimes with a hazy attitude and sometimes with bruises and cuts on his face. he was always late to the sessions, but he was also always present.
on his third failed calculus test hyunjin came around.
you never knew why but he suddenly did a 360-degree turn and he came around. he started to pay attention in class and he paid attention to you, he did his homework and the additional questions you assigned him, he jotted down notes and read them during his free time. with the third failed test, he decided he would work hard for some reason.
he was still late to the tutoring sessions, though.
but! with his newfound motivation, you, too, came around and began seeing him in a much friendlier light. you greeted him in the halls, you talked to him outside of the library and about topics other than academics (like his adorable puppy kkami, who you adore more than hyunjin, not that adore the boy or anything), you two moved from the corner to the main study center of the library, and you learned to treat his wounds whenever he has them.
hyunjin became a good friend of yours, and he only listened to you, which you realized after a friend mentioned it to you. you thought it was preposterous, but the thought of it made your stomach flutter with faint romantic delight anyway, the knot in your throat refusing to admit out loud that you might just find him the smallest bit attractive.
like when he would smile confidently at his practice test as he hands it to you, only for it to turn into a cute frown when he watches you add cross after cross on his answers. or when he would arch one brow at you in acknowledgment, a boyish smirk playing on his lips, after you accidentally catch his eyes in the classroom during a long lecture. or when his solid, pressuring gaze lays itself on you as you tend to his wounds outside in the school garden, his eyes holding the gentlest of affection as he looks to you as the only person to have ever existed on this earth.
no, you are not attracted to him. not at all.
"excuse me–i'm sorry, excuse me!" you said as you pushed yourself through the overly excited crowd.
once you made your way to the front, your jaw clenched and your brows furrowed. there hyunjin was, hands clutching a poor student's wrinkled collar, and the scar under his eye reopened. it was him who got in a fight! you did not know why you hoped for an alternative.
there was a glint in hyunjin's eyes—something akin to happiness, a thrilling excitement, perhaps, like the freeing of his soul being trashed into the depths of his easy insults and clenched fists. there was no anger in him, not an ounce. you knew what his anger looked like when it was directed to another, and this was not it.
this was free will. he was fighting because his body could and he yearned for the temporary excitement of it.
you felt your heart sink a little. out of everything that could make his face light up like this, fighting people has to take the crown? you wanted hyunjin to be happy but not with such a method! you also don't want to completely strip the entertainment away from him either!
if you wanted him to stop, the best way would be to find something else that can make him feel as excited as he does now, but what could it be?
"hwang hyunjin!" you hollered when you saw him throw a punch at the other student, your thoughts vanishing immediately.
stomping forward, you grabbed onto the back of his shirt and yanked him behind you. you pushed the other student away, glaring at him to run away before you turned to hyunjin. you tilted your head then, looking at him carefully, then you walked toward him.
"oh, come on, [name]," he whined, preparing to move around you. "don't ruin the fun!"
"hyunjin–hyunjin, look at me," you said, putting your hands on his shoulders and stopping him from side-stepping you. when he focused on you, his eyes turning soft, you smiled. "stop."
he stayed silent for a second before he sneered. he tried to shove you aside. "move away–"
"hyunjin," you sighed, feeling the longing for movement in his body. "do you understand you did something bad."
"if you are trying to talk me out of fighting–"
"you understand," you interrupted him, "that you did something bad."
you could hear voices in the background criticizing you. you were unsure of what, exactly. it was either of you stopping the fight or of you assuming you could stop the fight by talking. you ignored the background noises and focused on hyunjin, looking at him expectantly. you just needed him to tell you he understands.
"jesus, yes! now move away–"
"great. then i'm so sorry about this."
hyunjin was about to side-step you again, adding force into his hands as he pushed you aside to search for the kid who ran off, but you removed your grip on him and took a step back to get into position. his confusion worked in your favor when you anchored your weight on your feet, and with a strong swing, you punched him square in the face, knocking him down.
you grimaced at the pain that reverberates through your knuckles, while hyunjin laid on the floor with his face covered by his hands.
"what the fuck!" he yelled into his hands, his head pressed against the grass field with a pained look.
you scoffed at him as you rubbed your hands together. you felt worried for a second, but then it cooled down when you came to terms that he has got to have experienced worse. it was not the impact of the punch that made him dramatize his reaction (although, surely it did hurt his pretty face) but the unpredictableness of the punch that did so.
he would be fine. he always was.
you looked around you, glaring at everyone who came looking for a show, and you waited for them to disperse before you return your attention to hyunjin.
"come on, let's go to the nurse's office," you said as you moved closer to him, knelt, and took his hands from his face.
not a single stain of your punch. it was all just the invisible pain and his tendency to exaggerate.
"you look fine."
"i'm not fine!" he retorted with a whiny shout, snatching his hands away from yours and sitting up. he placed his hand on one propped-up knee and turned to you, annoyed. "you punched me!"
"talking clearly wasn't doing the job, so i did what i had to do!"
"punching me is what you had to do? not call a teacher or something?" he exclaimed incredulously, eyes widening at you in disbelief.
you closed your mouth. you had not wanted to get him in trouble so you resulted in dealing with it on your own. he has a week-long clean streak of not messing with the teacher, you wanted to keep it that way. even though you failed to consider if anybody present would snitch on him, or you, or maybe even the both of you.
"yes...?" you squeaked as you ducked your head, then you slightly eyed up, grimacing at him apologetically. "i didn't want to get you in trouble."
hyunjin watched you through the silk of his long black hair. he took in your words; the way you said it so bashfully, and how you shrunk under the thought of you making a mistake on his behalf. he understood that it was ultimately your good intentions looking out for his own good. your contrasting naivety shone into his eyes, and he wanted to cradle your face in his hands and be gentle with you.
heaving a sigh, he leaned on his hand that supported his torso up. licking his lower lip, he shared a knowing look with you and asked, "you know how to throw a punch."
you scowled lightly then, playing with your fingers as you sat on the grass field. "yeah, my mom had me learn how to fight ever since i was young."
"that makes sense. self-defense is good."
"yeah," you breathed out a laugh, "a little more than that."
"my mother has a very odd job."
hyunjin smiled questioningly but he didn't ask. he merely took a look behind you at the grand structure of the school he stumbled upon after his parent's death and he nodded in acceptance.
he was never supposed to enter an elite school like this, where every student seems to have some dark family secrets down their sleeves. dark secrets not as in family feuds and estrangements (although those were certainly present as well) but dark secrets as in blood money and corrupt authorities.
rich people problems, but make it guns and roses.
he would not be surprised if your family had some weird history hidden in the closet. what he was wondering about was how you got stuck in a normal middle school with him.
"is your nose okay?" you asked timidly, facing forward at him.
your expression made him recall the time he found you wiping tears from your eyes at the library, glaring at his failed calculus test as if it had been your own, and he realized that you did care and you weren’t doing this because you were asked to.
it made him remember how most things he has done—studying, paying attention, staring at you, not getting into trouble—have been for you.
he just could not control his habits sometimes and he hoped you wouldn’t get too upset with him today for missing the tutoring session.
hyunjin hummed. it was fine, the pain subsided long ago, but he would be damned to not take your concern to an advantage. pouting quickly, he twisted his torso and let himself fall on your lap. he could feel you panic above him and he giggled lowly to himself, his eyes closed.
"i feel dizzy, you might have given me a concussion," he said.
you gasped a little, then you denied, "no way, that can't be possible."
"don't invalidate my concussion," hyunjin said. "it is what i feel."
you sucked in a breath.
there is no point treading through that territory with him, there is no point treading through that territory with anyone.
sensing your silence, hyunjin dared to open one eye to peek up at you. you were staring down at him, eyes ablaze with curiosity as you waited for him to speak.
the sunlight fell like gold sand and split when it reached your head, casting sparks over you. almost a spitting image of an angel, if he knew what an angel looked like. 
your innocence was as gentle as his mother once was, and your determination a faint recall of his father's brightness. but your face was entirely your own; your eyes, nose, cheeks, lips. a kind face, a calm face, a face of someone he has come to fall catastrophically in love with.
hyunjin felt his eyes waver, he felt the warm watery dust his in eyes waver like flashes of lights seeping through gaps of leaves on a tree. his fingers itched to reach up to your face, to cradle you, to be kind to you, but he pressed them to his sides and only allowed himself a smile at your direction.
"i'm going to rest my face," he said.
you frowned, but the guilt of punching him asked you to stay with him, so you nodded. "okay."
hyunjin relaxed on the ground. his eyes were closed, but if they weren't, you would have seen—the thrill in his eyes of being able to be with you, the excitement of being close to you.
it would not be something akin to happiness, it would be happiness.
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mcwriting · 3 years ago
A Science Project for the Ages
Big thanks to this anon for this request! Sorry it's taking me longer to fulfill my requests from when I was in quarantine but I'm trying to get those done soon!
This is a slight continuation of lab partners but can definitely be read alone :)
Ship: SoftNerd!Tom Holland x Reader
Word Count: 1883
Warnings: one blink-and-you'll-miss it bad word
There was a loud buzz as your phone vibrated against the wood table in the science library.
You quickly picked it up, trying not to disturb the few other students around as you looked down at the screen.
Though you were together now, he very rarely called at this time. He knew you always studied here before dinner time and respected that.
You grabbed your notebook and bag and shuffled into the hall to answer.
"Tom? Is everything okay?"
"Hey, um. So sorry to bother you, but you've finished your science expo project, right?"
You furrowed your brows as you slid down the wall to sit and stuff your notebook back in your bag. You knew this conversation was going in a weird direction already. You could hear a faint beeping in the background.
"Uh, yeah..?"
"Right, and what was that project over again?"
"I did an analysis on light absorption of different common solutions and then compared them to the color they turned when I lit them on fire. I thought we already talked about this the other day..?"
"Yes, yeah, sorry. So one more question before I tell you what's up. Do you happen to know how to bake?" Tom asked quietly.
Suddenly you remembered what all his project was on.
He was doing a food chemistry project, explaining certain phenomenons that happen when you bake. He had hoped giving people baked goods would make them like his project more.
"I- Tom I told you I would help you but you said it would be fine," you said flatly."
"Well..... Now it's not fine, and Alex isn't here to help me. He went to his girlfriend's."
Tom's roommate. He was usually pretty patient with Tom's clumsiness, but sometimes he just had to get out and enjoy a day off, too. Tom understood, but now the burden fell on you.
"Fine, I'll be there in a little bit. Text me if you need me to bring anything."
You walked in to the smell of burnt. It was overwhelming and you choked as you rushed to the window to air out the apartment.
"Hey, sorry about the smell," Tom said nonchalantly from the kitchen.
You turned to see the situation at hand, which was definitely... a situation.
It was like something out of a movie. Messy bowls and utensils littered the sink. There was cake batter splattered across the counters. Finally, the culprit still sat in a muffin tin on the bar: a dozen very black cupcakes.
You sighed.
"Forgot to set the timer?"
"And let me guess. This was your first experience with baking?"
"That's exactly right."
"Of course," you muttered, but then clapped your hands together enthusiastically. "Well, then. Let's try and fix this, shall we?"
You leaned up and pressed a quick kiss to Tom's cheek, then brushed past him to grab the tray.
"First on the agenda, we are going to take off the papers and chuck these off the balcony to let out some frustrations, alright?"
You were lucky in that Tom's apartment was on the top floor, and his balcony faced a wooded area. The only thing he could hit was a tree and the food would eventually biodegrade into the soil.
You both tossed them, competing to see who could throw the farthest. It let Tom blow off some steam, and also gave more time to ventilate the place before you went back in.
After the last cupcake (if you could call it that) was tossed, you got started on cleaning everything up. He had used a lot of bowls for one boxed cake mix, but you didn't ask.
It took a while to make sure things were sufficiently clean, but finally everything was ready to make a new batch.
"Oh one other thing before we start. Have you ever made a meringue?" Tom asked as he preheated the oven, which you carefully supervised to make sure it was right.
"I mean, I've made some before. Why?"
"Well part of my project was talking about how egg proteins bind. They sound pretty easy. Just eggs and sugar, right?"
Your hand covered your eyes in disappointed surprise.
"What? No. Tom, meringues are like, notoriously one of the hardest things to get right. They land just before macarons, and meringue is one of the main parts of a macaron!"
"What are you talking about? How can something with two ingredients be that hard to make?" he tried to argue, but you weren't about to let him trick you into making something so difficult.
"Did none of your research explain how moisture, temperature changes, utensils used, and method of cooking affect the outcome."
"...Uh... no."
"Were you planning on using the Swiss, Italian, or French technique?"
".....I didn't know there was more than one."
"Well then you might go do a quick search to add to your presentation while I cover the cupcakes."
While he did that, you made up the batter and got the cupcakes in the oven (set at the right temperature for the right time), then got started making some frosting.
"Hey, y/n. Did you know you aren't supposed to make meringues in a plastic bowl?"
"Yep. Plastic can retain lipids which prevent proper binding. Same reason you can't whip the yolk."
"That's what this says! How did you know that?"
You shrugged.
"I like to bake. By the way, you better credit me as your pastry chef on the presentation."
"Will do."
He made some edits on the page and found a recipe claiming to be the easiest method, so you caved and agreed to help him make them when the cupcakes were done.
As you measured sugar and got the whisk attachment ready, you looked over and admired Tom as he meticulously separated the eggs.
You couldn't help but fall head over heels for him all over again seeing how he did each step carefully, all his focus on each little egg.
Sure, he was a little clumsy sometimes, but he was precious and cared about whatever he did.
It took what seemed like hours to get the egg whites whipped properly (and lots of arguing with Tom about what "stiff peaks" meant), but finally you had them in a piping bag and on a pan to bake.
You couldn't help but wait by the oven in anxious anticipation for the meringues to come out, even though they'd be in there for a while.
Tom sat right next to you on the (surprisingly) clean kitchen floor as you stared at the oven.
"Babe?" he asked softly, leaning into you.
You hummed a response, taking the opportunity to rest your head on his shoulder.
"Thank you for coming and helping me. I know you value your library time."
You smiled and sat back up, looking Tom in the eyes.
"You know, I wasn't really studying anyways. I was watching youtube videos with my headphones in because I didn't want to go home yet."
Tom had a mischievous grin and furrowed brow.
"So you just go there as an excuse to get away from me?!"
You laughed and knocked into him slightly.
"No! I just got done with my homework and wanted to hang around campus for a while... and I had a feeling you'd call eventually."
Tom gasped.
"You didn't trust me!?"
"Now that I can answer truthfully..." you started, causing him to pout. "I'm not saying I didn't trust you at all, it's just that I had never once heard of you baking and figured I would prepare myself accordingly."
"Does this mean that Alex knew too?"
"I can't speak on his behalf, but I'm glad it was just us anyways. I like getting to spend time with you like this." You paused to peck him on the lips. "Want me to read over your project? I know those spelling errors can slip by sometimes."
Tom grinned, wordlessly getting up and offering you a hand.
The expo was in full swing and you nervously stood on the other side of the room as your project to watch people walk by and observe your findings.
You had already given your presentation to the judging panel and now the expo was open to the public, so you tried to avoid stressing too much as you talked with some friends.
Suddenly a pair of warm arms came around your stomach and Tom's scent enveloped you.
"Hey baby, how ya feelin'?" he asked, resting his chin on your shoulder as your thumbs rubbed over his hands instinctively.
"You know me. A little nervous." You flipped in his arms to face him. "And what about you? The judges like our sweet treats?"
"They sure seemed too. Dr. Grand liked the meringues so much she asked for another."
You smiled.
"Well either way, I'm proud of us both."
"Thanks again for helping, I couldn't have done this without you. I made sure to emphasize how difficult meringue making is during my presentation thanks to you."
Finally your friends had enough of the cutesy bullshit and convinced you and Tom to rejoin the conversation, both of you with arms around each other as you conversed.
Time passed and eventually they gave prizes to the best projects of the expo. You knew you wouldn't win anything, there were some far better projects out there that included heavy research.
"And in first place, 'Science around us: the chemistry of baking' by Mr. Tom Holland! Congratulations! If all of our winners could come pick up their ribbons and get a photo for the newsletter, that would be great."
Tom stayed casually next to you, so you had to shake him and get his attention.
"Did you hear that Tom? You won!"
Tom blinked a few times, then gasped.
"I won!? I mean, we won!!?"
You rolled your eyes and pushed him forward.
"Go on, get your blue ribbon, baker boy."
He excitedly rushed up to the table where his prize awaited (tripping a few times, but you ignored that) and bounced on the balls of his feet as someone pinned the ribbon to his shirt.
You could see the sheer delight on his face as the winners took a group photo, and he practically skipped back to meet you.
You and your friends gave him congratulations as he happily looked down at the blue piece pinned to him.
He then unpinned it and tried to hand it to you.
"Now, don't congratulate me, y/n gets all the credit for making everything."
"No, no. It was your idea and you did the research. You deserve that more than anyone else. And plus, you were right. Baked goods did give you an edge over the competition."
"Well I say it was a science project for the ages!" he exclaimed, holding up the ribbon. You and your friends cheered to that.
"How 'bout we go celebrate your win over lunch, hm? The cupcake I had isn't holding me over and I'm starving."
"Sounds perfect, darling. Lead the way."
You happily headed off towards the nearest place on campus, completely oblivious to the fact that Tom had pinned his blue ribbon to your backpack.
He quickly made up time and slipped a hand into yours.
If nothing else, he was the boyfriend of the ages.
A/N: thanks to the anon who sent the request for this! I really enjoyed writing it! I think I could've improved some things but overall I'm pretty satisfied with it, and I hope you are too!
Permanent Tag List
Send a message or ask if you’d like to be added to my permanent or series taglists so I can verify you’ve been added!
@jackiehollanderr, @one-big-fangirl, @agentnataliahofferson, @spider-babe, @justafangirlduh, @hollandswife
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thebeautyoffanfics · 4 years ago
hello there! your writing is amazing so i was wondring if you could do a tbhk x reader💙💙i was thinking a s/o with really bad social anxiety like.. really bad and they just feel so different because they can see others effortlessly speaking about their presentations or see their classmates confidently performing in drama class. one day a teacher makes a rude comment on it and it just sends them into panic . i struggle with anxiety like this and i need my boy tsukasa and others to comfort me💜💙
tsukasa yugi x gn!reader, kou minamoto x gn!reader, (alive!) mitsuba sousuke x gn!reader
a/n: hihi!! thank you so much for the compliment, and sure thing! i do hope youre doing well, because i know from experience how crippling anxiety can be :(( rude, inconsiderate people like that only make things worse- but!! Tho i can’t do much, i hope these are at least a bit comforting!! You only specified tsukasa, so i threw in a few personal favorites as well, i hope that’s alright <33 if you’d like anyone else, simply let me know! oh and! Thank you so much for requesting <333
please i kinda realized that- whenever i write for kou it’s lowkey biased i just,,,, i love him a lot
warnings: social anxiety
word count: 1,846
Tsukasa Yugi <3
To be completely honest, he doesn’t fully get it. The best he grasps it is “(Y/N) can’t handle social situations”, not meaning it in a derogatory way. Just that it’s something that makes them feel very uncomfortable!
One thing is for sure though! He’ll take it very seriously, and does his best to keep you out of situations that may be less than ideal. He also will fight anyone who pokes fun at you- it isn’t funny, and that’s coming from a boy who practically thrives off of pain. Not your pain though. Nope- no one should dare upset you, or cause you any sort of pain or distress. You’re his precious s/o.
When he sees you getting uncomfortable, Tsukasa is honestly just the type of dude who grabs your hand and drags you away. Heck, it’s not like he wants others talking to you anyway :D! His s/o, not theirs!!
If you aren’t fully in panic, or have calmed down enough, he doesn’t pester you or make a big deal of it. He’ll ask if you’re okay, and sort of… leaves it at that. He doesn’t want you to be reminded of anything upsetting, and he doesn’t want you to feel like you have to talk about it. If you want to, he’ll listen of course.
Tsukasa… isn’t the best comforter. If you start to have a panic attack, he’ll stay with you, sitting next to you and rubbing your back. However, he isn’t sure what to do outside of that. He may try to converse a bit, hoping to maybe distract you? Either way, once you calm down, he’ll ask what he should do, and will very obediently do it. Though Sakura compared him to a cat, he’s almost like a dog at times-
Tsukasa definitely notices if you start comparing yourself to others, and will do his best to stop that. He’ll grab your face in his hands, look you in the eyes, and declare that you’re perfect the way you are!! You can’t help your situation! SO, don’t feel bad!
Of course, having someone say “nooo, don’t do that!” doesn’t automatically fix your problems- while Tsukasa wishes it was that simple, he keeps up his encouraging you whenever you need it.
Oh boy though- the moment he heard those rude words leave your teacher’s mouth, he was ready to throw hands. Like, genuinely, put ‘em up old man/woman/person. Tsukasa isn’t the type to lose his cool when it comes to anger- it’s more weird/strange things for him, y’know- but he’s genuinely angry at that.
Yet, because you’re his priority, he does focus on you. He’ll grab your hands, and pull you out of the classroom. Tsukasa will then sit with you, hugging you if you’re okay with it, and rubbing your back.
“Don’t listen to them, (Y/N). That’s so dumb!! You can’t help that!!! They don’t understand, and they aren’t trying, and it’s stupid. I’ll take care of it! I’ll fight ‘til the death-!!!!”
“You’re already-”
Overall, even if he doesn’t intend or realize it, Tsukasa does try to help you through humor. He attempts to comfort you, rubbing your back, telling you the plain facts- that it’s so dumb of your teacher to say something like that, how inconsiderate it is, how it’s ridiculous that they don’t even try to understand where you’re coming from- that you’re perfect the way you are, and you good and well don’t want social anxiety so, my goodness, people need to stop treating it like it’s your choice. But! It’s also a whole lot of rambling, pouty expressions, and hugs-
Kou Minamoto <3
Like Tsukasa, Kou doesn’t fully grasp it. However, he does a lot of research, and will side with you no matter what! He doesn’t see you any different, but he does do his best to keep you 1,000% comfortable. If he notices you getting uncomfortable, he’ll excuse the two of you, and immediately ask if you’re alright.
Bless his sweet little heart, he does worry for you a lot. Whenever you’re uncomfortable, Kou instantly feels uncomfortable as well. So, getting out of those situations is always beneficial for the both of you, pfff-
Although, should you be put in a situation that you can’t slip out of, Kou will try and take over the conversation in your place. Sort of get the attention directed away from you, in hopes that it provides some sort of comfort. As soon as the conversation is over, he’ll do as he always does- turn to you, a precious worried expression on his face, as he asks if you’re alright.
Should you start to have a panic attack, though he’s on edge the entire time- he just wants you to be happy and comfortable after all- he stays with you, and looks surprisingly calm. He’ll place a hand on your shoulder, or hold you if you’d like. Kou will do breathing exercises in hopes that it calms you down, and is so proud of you once you’re back.
After moments like those, he’ll also run to get you water, then sit with you for as long as you need. He doesn’t mind if you just want to sit in silence, but he’ll probably sit there carrying a conversation primarily with himself. Consider it… background noise, I suppose? He understands if you don’t feel like talking, or even listening, and won’t hold anything against you. It’s mainly a way for him to calm down, to be honest- good ol’ nervous rambling.
Much like Tsukasa, Kou will admittedly fight someone for you. Is he a precious boy, who wouldn’t want to hurt a human? Yeah, of course! Is a human anything more than an evil supernatural in his eyes, should they intentionally upset you? Nope, of course not!
Kou usually sits next to you in classes, simply because he’s your friend and boyfriend. However, in that moment, it provided him enough to know whether you’re alright or not.
Kou’s face the moment he heard those words leave the teacher’s mouth was pure… confusion- anger- the perfect “?!” expression. He wasn’t focused on what he looked like though- he was focused on you. That was enough to hurt his feelings, so he couldn’t imagine what you were feeling.
At seeing that pure panic on your face, Kou stood up, and stepped over to you. He grabbed your hand, carefully ushering you out of the room, offering the teacher nothing more than an, avoiding eye contact and barely turning himself to face the teacher, “excuse us.” He couldn’t give two cares about whether or not it’d get him in trouble. Right now, the teacher was scum, and you needed to get out of there.
Kou would sit with you, comforting you in the same way he did any other time, hugging you and rocking back-and-forward slightly, hoping that it helped. If it didn’t, he’d sit back, still offering any other forms of comfort he could. Once you calmed down as best you could, Kou would hug you/tighten the hug (if it was alright with you) and, similarly to Tsukasa, tell you plain facts.
“I promise you, (Y/N), what they said isn’t true. It’s inconsiderate. It’s- not right. You’re doing your best, and if they can’t see that, then- then? I… I don’t know. They should keep their mouth shut and try to understand. Put themselves in your shoes… I’m sorry- I’m sorry that you had to deal with that, (Y/N). I’m really sorry.”
Mitsuba Sousuke <3
He’s your #1 defender. It’s well-known that Mitsuba isn’t afraid to speak his mind- and is also pretty good at making someone feel guilty. He’d never use that skill on you, of course. He saves it specially for jerks that provoke you like that.
He doesn’t personally suffer from social anxiety, but he does understand it better than the other two. It’s completely rational in his eyes. He understands it just fine, and it frustrates him when others don’t. It especially frustrates him when others don’t even attempt to understand.
Mitsuba isn’t extremely fond of talking with others- once he befriends you, he sort of keeps to you and him. He’s content with that as well, and honestly dislikes it when others try and intrude on that. People like Kou or Kou’s friends are slight exceptions, but none of them are as close to him as you are. No one tries to understand him like you do- and he likes to think he understands you a bit more than they might.
When you get uncomfortable, Mitsuba will tell the other person directly that they’re disturbing the two of you, and that they should hurry up, or simply go along on their way. Like I said, Mitsuba isn’t afraid to speak his mind, even if his mind is a bit ruder than others’. Heck, if someone doesn’t get the very obvious hint, he'll put it even blunter for their small minds to understand. All in all, he doesn’t want you to be uncomfortable, and uses his questionable social skills to his advantage.
Despite his ability to get you out of situations, he isn’t the best at dealing with the panic that results from the situations. He does have a decent grasp on what he should do, but his slight tsundere tendencies make it difficult.
So! Mitsuba will sit there, next to you, probably with his shoulder pressed against yours. He sort of… talks you through a panic attack? He isn’t entirely sure how to help you out of one, but he’s decent enough at keeping you grounded. Plus, even if he doesn’t help tremendously, he at least shows that he cares. Heck, if he’s feeling generous, he may even place a fleeting kiss on your shoulder as a “reward.”
One thing especially keeping him tied with the other boys, is he’s fuming the moment your teacher makes that comment. As soon as the words leave his mouth, Mitsuba is sitting there, practically forcing himself to keep some sort of composure.
“Tch. The crap? What kind of audacity do you have to disregard a student’s mental health. What’s wrong with you? How would you feel if I made a comment on your receding hairline, hm? Oh? Oh, that’s not something you can help, hm? Well, whether it can get through your thick skull or not, (Y/N) can’t help it either. So, unlike your forehead, which will continue- why don’t we leave it at that?”
Mitsuba doesn’t really bother to excuse the two of you- heck, after that, he’s already confident he’s in deep trouble. It’s not as if he cares though- no, he’s perfectly content, as he takes your hand and guides you out of the classroom.
Mitsuba, as he usually does, sits with you, letting you cry as much as you need. “Don’t worry, (Y/N). If that much didn’t get through to them, I have a few more choice words I’d be glad to share. No matter what, it’s not your fault, and I’ve got your back.”
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pink-flame · 4 years ago
Like You Could Love Me
So...the Angry Flower Squad was making me SO soft over gifs and @mamirugbee wanted porch fluff with kissing and I remembered that @thedeathdeelers and @missjoolee liked my idea of using this post as a Juke prompt and here we are. I wrote this from 12-2am so it’s quite possibly incoherent and I’m not checking for mistakes until tomorrow so take it for what it is, a late night labor of love. Enjoy! 💜
Julie hadn’t slept for almost 48 hours. 
Her school was hosting a Los Feliz High After Dark event for the lower grades who didn’t get to attend prom. It was pitched as being just as exciting as the dance but in practice was known to be little more than a glorified sleepover in the school gym with PTA members for chaperones. Flynn had been determined that that year would be different, and had talked Julie into joining her on the planning committee. 
The good news was that Flynn had a real flair for party planning and decorating when she was actually invested (see the difference between the dance they tried to forget and the way she had helped Julie’s dad throw together an epic garage party in less than 24 hours). So by the time Julie and Flynn and the other volunteers were done the gym was fully immersed in a carnival theme full of cute booths filled with potential activities and cute backgrounds to take pictures in front of. It was definitely an improvement over the year before which had been an under the sea theme which had consisted mostly of a few blue streamers and Mr. Weaver walking around in an inflatable Nemo costume. 
The bad news was that it had taken a lot longer than they had anticipated and they hadn’t fallen into bed the night before the event until close to 2am. Julie hadn’t been able to sleep even after she slipped into bed next to Flynn and heard her best friend start making the small whistling noises that indicated she was out cold. Julie had been kept up with thoughts of what her bandmates were up to without her and if they had lingered a little longer on what Luke in particular was doing right then, well that wasn’t that surprising. 
She loved Alex and Reggie but neither of them had attempted to hold her hand and remarked on their “interesting little relationship” or suddenly developed the ability to touch her and instinctively joined her in reaching out to gently cradle the other’s face. 
No, Luke was different, not that she wanted to say that in front of him unless she was sure he felt the same overwhelming feelings she did Oddly enough she was much more concerned about the possibility that he didn’t than she was about the fact that he was still..well, a ghost. It wasn’t that she was unaware that his ghostly status could lead to heartache for her later on, of course she was. It just didn’t seem so important suddenly. After what had happened with her mom, what had almost happened with the guys only a couple of months ago...anything could happen at any time. Tomorrow wasn’t guaranteed anyway so why deny herself happiness now if she could have it? If she could have it. Because that was still the question. 
Because Luke obviously liked her but did he like her? That sounded so juvenile but to call it anything else...well, that was really scary. Evil ghosts and the looming possibility of their return had nothing on the insecurity that came with not knowing exactly how the boy you lo...liked felt about you. 
So Julie didn’t get much sleep that night, Flynn’s alarm seeming to go off only moments after she finally drifted off. She had dragged through school that day, trying to match Flynn’s excitement for the night’s upcoming festivities though her own enthusiasm had quickly drained out of her altogether along with her energy. In the end it had been as fun a night as it could be with Julie spending most of it in a semi-exhausted haze. She and Flynn had played some of the games they had set up, and danced to the music they both agreed would have been better if it had been either DJ’d by Flynn or performed by Julie’s band, and when Carrie had sneered something about how tacky the theme was even that had been half hearted and without any real bite. 
So it was a pretty good night all things considered and Julie was in a good mood despite her complete exhaustion by the time Flynn’s mom dropped her off early the next morning. Ok, so maybe part of her good mood was actually because of her exhausted state by that point as she found herself feeling giddy and her mind had gone sort of pleasantly fuzzy. That was her excuse for how she found herself half-skipping up the path towards her front door, singing to herself. 
We create...perfect harmony 
“Somebody had a good time.” 
Julie’s head snapped up to take in the figure of the boy who leaned against the pillar of the porch in front of her, a small smile bordering on a smirk tugging at his lips. 
What was he doing there? 
Was he waiting for her?
She had to play it cool. 
She had to be normal. 
She had to not give away all the feelings that had been swirling around inside of her for the last couple of months since they first gained the ability to touch each other whenever they wanted and promptly both became too awkward to touch each other at all. 
She had to…
“I missed you,” She blurted. 
One of Julie’s hands flew up to cover her mouth as she took the last few steps up onto the porch, trying and failing to ignore the way Luke’s eyes widened even as that vaguely infuriating smirk grew larger. 
“I didn’t mean that,” She insisted once her hand had dropped back to her side. “I mean...I didn’t not mean it but...I just meant it would have been fun if you could have come. Any of you. All of you. Um...yeah.” 
Luke let her dig herself deeper, waiting until her stream of words had come to a complete stop. When they finally dried up he pushed off of the pillar with one of his signature little bounces, letting his momentum carry him to within a step of where she stood awkwardly on the porch. 
“Did someone spike the punch at this dance?” He asked her, amusement clear in his tone. 
Julie shook her head a little too fiercely, indignant despite the fact that she couldn’t exactly blame him for suspecting that she was drunk. 
She felt a little drunk. 
Not that she knew what it was like to be drunk but she was pretty sure it was similar to this. 
Not the point. 
“It wasn’t a dance it was a school sanctioned slumber party,” She corrected, focusing all of her energy on not slurring her words or otherwise embarrassing herself. “And nobody spiked anything. And actually nobody drinks punch anymore. Just so you know.” 
Luke held up both hands as though he were surrendering but that smirk of his was impossible to deny at this point, a fact that both made Julie incredibly irritated and simultaneously fighting the urge to lean up and kiss it right off his stupid face. 
Ok, that was not helpful. 
“Not a dance, no punch. Got it,” Luke said, his voice just soft enough to keep her annoyance more or less at bay. 
“Why are you out here anyway?” 
Julie hadn’t meant to ask that but it felt like any filter her brain generally had was long gone at this point. 
Luke tilted his head slightly and reached up to scratch at the back of his neck. 
“Oh, you know, just taking in the view.” 
Julie frowned skeptically. 
“Taking in the view?”
“Yeah,” Luke said, gesturing out at the plant filled yard. “Just communing with nature you know? Honestly, I forgot you were even out last night.” 
Julie dipped her head a little so she didn’t have to look directly at Luke as disappointment rushed through her. She was pretty sure she was too tired to keep the evidence of that emotion from being completely visible. She was so frustrated with herself for caring at all. He wasn’t her boyfriend after all. Why would be be waiting for her?
She reluctantly raised her head to meet Luke’s gaze which was fixed insistently on her. His smirk had fallen away leaving behind a look at once more open and somehow harder to read at the same time. 
“I’m kidding,” He told her as he took a half-step closer to her, so close that she had to tilt her head up further to maintain eye contact. “I was waiting for you.” 
“Oh,” She said again, very aware that she seemed to have lost the ability to say anything else. 
She reached deep down inside and mustered up the strength to pull out one further word. 
His eyes somehow managed to soften even more and his voice was oddly breathy when he answered. 
“Because I missed you too.” 
And Julie knew that the most prudent thing to do was tuck that phrase away as something warm, and happy and precious to examine more closely when she had slept and had the mental prowess to actually determine what it meant for their interesting little relationship. 
She knew that. 
But she was exhausted not only from lack of sleep but from months spent questioning where they stood. She was happy to hear him say that he had missed her, of course she was. But she also found herself feeling strangely...angry. 
How dare he look at her with those big soft eyes and stare at her like that if he wasn’t ever planning on actually putting her out of her misery by telling her how he felt or didn’t feel?
“I wish you wouldn’t look at me like that,” The words burst out of her without her permission. 
Luke was clearly taken aback by her words, his eyebrows shooting up his forehead. 
“Like what?” 
“I don’t know,’ She hesitated, just enough awareness seeping back in to make her realize what a truly stupid thing she was about to say. “Like you could love me.” 
She watched as a whole range of emotions rushed over his face too quickly for her to decipher exactly what all of them were. 
“Forget I said anything,” Julie interrupted, turning towards the front door with every intention to flee the situation. “I’m just really tired.” 
He said her name more forcefully that time and she froze. She didn’t turn back to face him though, the pounding in her chest and the heat spreading across her face giving her all the incentive she needed to keep her head facing away. 
Luke wasn’t having any of that though. 
He reached out to gently tug her back towards him, one hand settling on her cheek while the other rested on her waist. 
If she hadn’t been blushing before she certainly was now. 
“Do you not want me to look at you like that because...because you don’t feel the same?” 
Luke’s voice shook a little as he gave voice to that question, his thumb seeming to stroke across her cheek without his permission. 
Julie was reeling, everything feeling surreal and dreamlike anyway because of her lack of sleep but when combined with Luke’s gentle actions it felt more and more unreal. She couldn’t help but remember the last time he had touched her face, how they had clutched at each other thinking it was the only chance they would ever have. Now they had new chances every day and they had been wasting them. 
Why had they been wasting them?
“Wait...feel the same as what? Feel the same as who?” She asked as her brain finally caught up with what he had actually said. 
He visibly swallowed and she took some comfort in the fact that apparently he was nervous too. 
“The same as I feel,” He paused. “About you. I...I love you, Julie. And if that makes you uncomfortable I never have to say it again, ok? But it’s how I feel and I just wanted to say it. Once or whatever.” 
“But…” Julie felt a giggle rising up inside of her as exhaustion and the pure absurdity of the moment settled in. “But I love you too.” 
Luke’s thumb froze on her face as his eyes lit up with something close to hope. 
“You do?” 
Julie nodded, the giggle finally bursting out of her only to be met with a grin from Luke so radiant she wished she could capture it in a photo to look at later. 
“You love me,” Luke said again as though he needed to confirm beyond any shadow of doubt. 
“I love you,” Julie repeated agreeably. “And you love me?” 
Luke nodded, bouncing a little on his heels as he somehow managed to step even more into her space. 
“I love you.” 
“Well…” Julie sighed happily. “Well, that’s great then.” 
Luke let out a bark of laughter that probably would have been loud enough to bring her dad to the porch if anyone but her had been able to hear it. 
Before she had time to remark on how obnoxiously loud he could be he was crowding her back until she bumped into the pillar he had been leaning against when she got home. The moment her back made contact with its firm surface he was bringing his other hand up until he was cupping both of her cheeks. She barely had time to adjust to that very much welcome sensation before he was lowering his head and aligning his lips with hers, pressing them together in a chaste peck that was still enough to send her heart racing. He started to pull back as if to gauge her reaction but she was having none of that. She had been waiting for this for so long and as previously established she had absolutely none of her usual ability to deny herself what she wanted. 
And what she wanted was her hands on Luke Patterson right then. 
She reached up and latched one hand on the back of his neck and the other threaded deep into his hair giving it a little tug just because she could. She had been wanting to touch him so badly ever since that night in the garage when she’d almost lost him and she’d been wanting to touch his dumb, messy hair ever since “I’m Luke by the way”. So she did. 
He let out a little pleased sound that was cut off when she stretched up to press her mouth back to his, this time with twice as much force and no intention of separating anytime soon. To his credit he took the hint pretty fast, his hands dropping from her face to wrap around her waist tugging her body to press against his as he moved his lips insistently against hers. And wow...that was something, the sensation of almost all of her pressed up against almost all of him. 
He wasn’t warm, not exactly, but he wasn’t cold either like she had feared he would be. It was more like his body was mirroring back exactly her own temperature, leaving it hard to determine where one of them began and the other ended when her eyes were closed as they currently were. 
Or maybe that was just them. 
Maybe it was like that quote she always saw floating around online about souls being made of the same stuff. 
When she was well rested and thinking rationally she had always rolled her eyes a bit at stuff like that but now...she was beginning to see the appeal. 
Julie massaged absentmindedly at the back of his neck as she drew his lower lip into her mouth, the sound he made in response enough to have her pulling back with a giggle. 
“Come back here,” He mumbled, his lips chasing hers even as she turned her face away leaving him to press soft, wet kisses to her cheek. 
“Now you sound drunk,” She told him, turning back to face him and looping both arms around his shoulders. “My dad will be up soon and I have no idea how I’d explain...this...when he can’t even see you.” 
Luke groaned as he leaned down to rest his forehead against hers. 
“You’re right.” 
“I’m right,” Julie echoed. 
It was true but that didn’t mean she was happy about it. 
They stayed like that for another minute or so, just enjoying being this close to each other with nothing to hide. They might have stayed like that longer but Julie suddenly let out a yawn she couldn’t contain directly into Luke’s face. 
Luke pulled back sharply but the soft smile that seemed to always be reserved just for her remained in place. 
“You need to get some sleep,” He told her firmly. 
She wanted to argue but all that came out was another yawn. 
Ok, so there was no arguing with that. 
“Goodnight,” She told him, suddenly feeling shy as she backed towards the front door wanting to keep him in her sight just a little longer. 
Luke gestured around them to the soft light spilling around her yard. 
“Good morning,” He corrected with a grin. 
Never one to let him have the last word, certainly not when she was too tired to be embarrassed, Julie leapt forward to press one final lingering kiss on his lips, retreating before he could do more than return the pressure.
Julie backed towards the front door, the grin now firmly on her face and a rather dumbstruck one adorning his. 
“Band practice later,” She reminded him. “Don’t be late.” 
Then she slipped into the house and up to her bed, incredibly tired and pretty sure of exactly  what she would be dreaming of. 
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neoheros · 5 years ago
how would haikyuu boys handle falling in love feat. kuroo + akaashi + tsukishima !!
kuroo tetsuro
being in a relationship with him is just a pretty chill experience tbh
i feel like kuroo wouldn’t really date anyone he’s not close to on a comfortable level
people be like: omfg he looks like a player tho
he’s literally not ???? like y’all telling me this man doesn’t look like the idea of having to interact with people he doesn’t know repulses him ? bye
he’s not ignorant, he just isn’t the type to get out there unless necessary yk?
he’s got a good friend group and he’s totally satisfied with that !!!!!!
so when he was 100% sure that he saw you as somebody he’d want to be more than friends with he was just like :0
kuroo at 5:37 am, thinking of that one time you handed him a bottle of water first: oh— oh shit
he doesn’t act on it first though because y’all have been friends for so long and what if you don’t like him back ???
he didn’t wanna ruin the thing he had with you because you were literally the only one who tolerated him sending tiktoks at 4 am in the morning
kuroo: omfg have you seen this one yet
you: bro it’s almost 5 am are you on crack
but eventually he got tired of just staring at you and admiring you from afar and having to make up some excuse when you catch him cause he just really likes looking at you :(
you: bro stop staring at me
kuroo: no, your face bothers me
you: due to personal reasons i will make you pass away ❤️
so one day he just decides to shoot his shot yk?
if you reject him that’s fine, he’ll just have to send numerous tiktoks to wash away the awkwardness afterwards
like he’ll be upset about it because holy crap he flat out adores you at this point but he’s also got a sense of boundaries and will totally respect your decision
BUT !!!! when you told him you liked him too he just 🥺👉👈
this man had the goofiest grin on his face for weeks on end and his heart is all over the place because all the things he imagined in his head to do with you is finally gonna come true !!!
don’t be fooled though !! nothing will change from your friendship !!! you’re still both really chill with each other except now y’all can hug and kiss and !!!!!
kuroo: don’t i look kinda good in this picture though
you: not really, let me take a better one
kuroo: stop taking me out of frame
in retrospect, it’s really fun to be in a relationship like the one you two have because there’s not much things to disagree on and the dynamic you both have just go so well !!!
there’s also not a lot of new things to do or be uncomfortable about because y’all have already done everything as best friends !!!!!!! it’s 🥺
you, seeing kuroo staring at you: what’re you looking at me for
kuroo, unnerved: you’re so pretty
you, caught off guard: it’s my time to pass away now i see 😌
you two joke around a lot but that doesn’t mean you two take whatever you say to heart
somewhere along the line, this made kuroo a bit worried on how you took his intentions though
he knew you were cool with messing with him but sometimes he wonders if what he says ever gets to you
so one night while the two of you are eating frozen yogurt in his car, you in his hoodie and just straight up vibing to the tiktoks that played as background music
he looks up, spoon in his mouth, “you know that i love you, right?”
“you’re so cheesy,” you tell him, laughing while you scroll up to the next video on the fyp
he leans back in his seat, eyeing you under the single yellow light of the car
you, barely looking up from your phone: i love you too though
akaashi keiji
being in a relationship with akaashi is quite literally the most gratifying thing
he’s 97% of your wise decision making and you’re very much thankful for that
when he first met you he honestly didn’t know what to think
his first impression of you? an indecisive impulsive mess
his second impression of you? a very cute indecisive impulsive mess
there’s not a single doubt that he was crushing on you H A R D
he doesn’t pay attention to it though because he knew how crushes often worked and most of the time they didn’t really work out
but the more he looked at you or stared at you from afar with a silly grin that he doesn’t even realize, everyone around him notices just how silent you make him
leave it up to the fukurodani volleyball club to be the best matchmakers in the world
so one night while akaashi was chilling in bed he gets a text from bokuto telling him about an impromptu team hang out sesh
akaashi: it’s 7 pm ..?
you, in the group chat: theres never a wrong time for milk tea !!!!!
when you sent that everyone else in the chat was just so frickin ecstatic because now that you’ve confirmed you were going, it’s obvious that akaashi was now too
he arrived like 2 minutes early from the designated time and the way it wasn’t at all shocking when no one else arrived except for you
akaashi: well they totally bailed :/
you: hey at least now we have a list of people to take revenge on when the purge strikes
it’s okay though because the two of you make most of the night anyways !!
you never thought sitting outside of a 7/11 at 7 pm on a friday could be fun but as you sat there with boba tea and a ramen cup with one of your closest friends next to you, you were just !!!! so frickin soft
akaashi on the other hand didn’t feel anything but utter nervousness the whole time
it was so cold under the night sky and you were so close to him, he’s praying that you take the redness on his cheeks from the weather and not from the rapid racing of his heart
bokuto texting him: bro i swear to god if you’re not taking this chance to shoot your shot i’m >:(
he’s so nervous because it actually was an ideal time to tell you how much he liked you
plus he’s pretty sure that you were eventually gonna notice just how often he glanced at you whenever you came to their practices or in general
so he’s like fine then !!! he’s gonna do this tonight and if you reject him then he’s just gonna have to deal !!!!
akaashi, anxious: hey i really li—
you, cutting him off: i like you a lot and i’m pretty sure bokuto did this on purpose because he knows and i’m sorry if it wasted your time !!!!
akaashi, less anxious: oh
he just smiles softly and tucks your hand in his and tells you he’d like to walk you home that night
after that something just changed between the two of you
suddenly he’s walking you home everyday with little forehead kisses before he leaves
going grocery shopping with him when you run out of food at home because he’s the only one who knows about your secret snack stash
akaashi: you don’t need that much yakult
you: ? don’t be alarmed but i think we just found the reason of our first fight
whenever you go out with him to shop for anything at all, he always has to be the person in front when you walk because he’s the one pushing the cart with his left hand while his right is tightly interlocked with yours
you just stray behind him, pointing out all the things you’d like and he’s the one who decides if it’s worth to buy because you’re absolutely sure that you’d be dead broke if you were left alone
akaashi: this hoodie looks cute, do you wanna try it out
you, recalling the four sweatshirts you haven’t returned to him: nah i have enough
sometimes you’d get in the cart whenever the grocery store you’re in is mega big and he’s just gonna have the most unbothered face as people eye him because he’s pushing a fucking cart with a person in it
you’d get worried though thinking that you’re too heavy for him to push around so you insist to get off but he just doesn’t let you because you were so cute and 😤
akaashi is just so frickin soft when it comes to you like most of the time when someone idly mentions your name a smile immediately comes up to his face and he doesn’t even realize it
he also almost always wake up to numerous snaps of you at 3 in the morning just doing the most random things
he goes through them with such a silly grin and has to fight the urge to screenshot all of them cause u were so FRICKEN cute
akaashi, looking at a photo of you with tears down your face from 4 am: that’s my baby 👉👈
everyone around y’all are just on the fence about the two of you dating since neither of you really cleared what was going on ???
you were scared to call him your boyfriend because there was never really a discussion about it and you didn’t want to come off as assuming
but one afternoon right before he left when he dropped you off at your house, he just stopped and looked at you and you were so confused
akaashi, taking off his sweatshirt and giving it to you: the news said it gets cold tonight
you, on the verge of tears: oh 🥺
tsukishima kei
he’s a salty little shit who complains 24/7 and that’s about as canon as it gets
BUT but !!! if there’s anything tsukishima is good at and i mean anything !!! it’s being observant and keen on the people around him !!! ESP TO YOU !!!
at first you were always just kinda there ?
like he noticed your presence cause you shared classes with him and you were also at his practices a lot cause you and kiyoko would walk home together
so he knew of you but didn’t really know know you, yk?
but then one day yamaguchi came to him introducing you because apparently he’s the only one left on the team who hasn’t met you and it may or may not be because you were low key scared of him
it’s all good though cause once you two shook hands and talked he became more open to actually including you in his life
you guys made out to be good friends considering that you balanced out his snarky attitude with your even worse comebacks
like they weren’t really all that clever but it’s annoying enough to get him to shut up when you want him to
everyone on the team was super surprised at the fact that you were able to talk to tsukishima like that but also they were like: “please don’t ever stop???”
so you became from someone he barely realized was there to always looking for you first when he enters a room
yamaguchi: you know some people would call that having a crush 😗
and he’s all confused cause he knew that the possibility of him getting through high school without having a crush was very slim but jesus christ a crush on YOU??
tsukki, internally: god has favorites and it is not me 💔
but when he gets over the idea that it’s completely revolting to like you like that he realizes something click and suddenly it wasn’t an annoying idea to see you romantically
so in full tsukishima style he asks you out and was pretty surprised when you said yes but you weren’t cause he wasn’t even mildly subtle at hiding his intentions
you: does this mean you won’t be mean to me anymore 🥺
tsukki: no but that’s a nice try ❤️
even when the two of you started dating, he didn’t really want anything to change cause he liked the dynamic he had with you
he was very relieved that you weren’t easily offended and you didn’t really get on his nerves a lot
you guys were hot heads but you also respected each other 🥺
something you quickly became accustomed to after dating though is being codependent when it came to sleeping
you’re usually always over at each other’s houses and his mom is totally over the moon at the fact that his son found someone like you
so every afternoon after school you two are at either houses and just chilling and vibing because school do be very tiring tho
most of the time naps happen and even if it is super hot outside and you’re on the verge of a heat stroke, you just can’t get comfortable unless you’re touching him yk?
tsukishima’s probably the same since he really likes it when his leg is over yours or when his arm is touching your arm
you, under a blanket against tsukki’s back in extremely warm weather: it’s hot
tsukki, sweating: yeah
you: so anyways
he didn’t even realize how much he’s used to you being there when he falls asleep that at night when he actually needs to rest and you’re not anywhere near him he just can’t ???
tsukishima, snapping you a picture of him with tired eyes at 2 in the morning: you ruined my life
you, just as tired, quickly replying: uno reverse card bitch
so it’s 2 am and neither of you can fall asleep and it’s just an entire frenzy of tiring yourselves out
the two of you end up facetiming and just talking endlessly about random thoughts and perspectives on people
his voice is 100% groggy and every 2 minutes he’s yawning but he really likes it when he’s talking to you because it’s always better when it’s you in the mix
he’s telling you all about how he thinks dinosaurs are super cool and fantastic that when he realizes you’ve fallen asleep he’s just like 🥺
he stares at the screen for a while, suddenly regretting that he wasn’t there to make sure you were comfortable
he’s got the softest smile on and he doesn’t even care that he’s staring at you while you’re asleep cause you just looked so peaceful and warm and sweet
tsukki: that’s my baby 🥺
he feels another yawn come up and he ends the call, hoping that the tone won’t wake you up when he does
at this point he’s also on the verge of falling asleep and he’s very glad that he talked to you because you always knew how to get him out of things like this
tsukki, texting you: thanks for falling asleep on me SNAKE
tsukki: love you, gn <3
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etherealxgenie · 4 years ago
Why Lila is Marinette’s Own Fault || Miraculous Why?
(Before I begin, note that this is my opinion over the topic and am no way am bashing anyone’s love for the ship and/or character. I respect who and what you like, therefore expect the same courtesy. However, if this is something you cannot handle, please click the back button as this will be a heavily discussed topic. No flames allowed. Other than that, enjoy.)
So usually in the story, there’s always one or two mean girls who is out to get the main character for some kind of superior reasons to justify. And there’s no reason as to why they act this way just for the sake of being mean.
Like the Ashleys from “Recess”, who tend to pick on kids just for the fun of it sometimes or cause they’re popular.
Same can go for Libby from “Sabrina The Teenage Witch” who was out to get something for what she wants or just to be superior to the other kids in school.
For Miraculous, we already have that kind of character, Chloe Bourgeois, who is the daddy’s girl of the Mayor to get what she wants. And until we had some small character development in season two (which season 3 took it away!!), we had no reason feeling sorry for her and she was just for the convenient plot in the social life for Marinette in the series.
And then… there’s Lila.
Before I get into hand in this, let me note that Lila is not a good person at all in the show. She’s a liar, a manipulator and will do whatever she can to get what she wants. She breaks into homes, steals and molests pretty models. She’s been pretty shown to be just selfish without consequences and unless we get a background story of why she acts this way, she has no excuse. Especially when she teams up with hawkdaddy to now have permission to invade and spy on Adrien whenever she wants? Fuck that.
So in Volpina, Lila is introduced as this pathological liar to get attention in season one. She obviously goes for Adrien cause he’s the famous model after all. Reasonable considering as the new person looking for attention, you seek out the most popular/famous person in the school. That would Adrien.
Though considering with her connections, it would’ve been smarter to try and impress Marinette instead if Lila did her research before she came into the scene. But of course, new person so she wouldn’t know, but whatever.
And we can see Lila easily just says things just to get Adrien’s approval and such.
And so, Marinette follows them around (stalking? really?) because Tikki points out Lila has the book Adrien took from his father’s vault and threw it in the trash.
Now the SMART thing to do would’ve been to see how Adrien would handle the situation and wait for him to leave, if to acknowledge Adrien has a mind of his own and knows when to walk away (which he does). Or at the very least, try to distract them as Marinette while Tikki retrieved the book.
But… no. You transform into Ladybug to lash out at a girl PUBLICALLY, for anyone including Adrien to hear, just to embarrass her and call her out on her lying because she… “hates liars”.
Marinette, you fucking lie ALL the time! Most of those times to Adrien! And I’m not just talking about when in regard to being Ladybug, you hypocritical- (groans)
I can list plenty of episodes: Gamer, Aninmaestro, Ikari Gozen and hell, even Reverser counts! If she hadn’t lied about Marc’s book, Nathaniel wouldn’t have torn it! (sighs)
And before you all start jumping at me saying Lila got what she deserves, I only agree partially. Ladybug, as a public figure and heroine, practically the face of Paris, acted irrationally lashing out at a bystander because of lies which were or were not believable. Lila was broadcasting a post or making the news, she was trying (poorly) to impress a boy. Ladybug gave Lila the Regina George treatment.
Yeah, so you caused an akumatized situation and Lila hates your guts. Hell, I would hate you too. That’s like a celebrity jumping at an innocent bystander when they’re whispering to their friend about a rumor that only the two of them were talking about. You can’t jump to try and stop them and should just let it dispel on its own. At that point, Lila had no real power but you just influenced her.
And… oh boy did things get worse because of this.
Look season 3 was trash (except for moments in certain episodes) and I feel talking about the infamous ‘Chameleon’ physically hurts me but… yeah gotta point out a few things. The whole episode was unrealistic, and it was an obvious ploy to be sympathetic to Marinette with Lila back… but… you’re not fooling me.
So, Lila is still on her lying game, being able to fool the students and the staff?! Okay if you believe a student has so many disabilities without any paperwork proof, you can actually get fired for that for fraud. As someone who worked with education before, that’s just pure incompetence.
So yeah, Marinette comes to school seeing the seats changes to accommodate Lila and upright begins to plot to discredit her for her lies. UM… what happened to trying to start over with Lila after failing to do so the first time?
Oh, that’s right. She gets that way (at least partly) because Lila is sitting next to Adrien. I can understand if it was because they rearranged the seating without her say so but let’s face it. Lila sitting next to Adrien was her real trigger.
So since Marinette failed to acknowledge her mistake the first time, she spends all day trying to prove Lila is lying and in return the class is angry at her. Alya even comes to point out that Marinette is jealous of Lila.
And you know what? Alya is right.
Alya knows at least what Marinette is capable of doing so when it comes to Adrien and how far she’s willing to go. Remember that Alya is the one who encouraged her to break into his locker and steal his phone. So of course, she’s worried Marinette is gonna do something to the new girl.
I don’t blame Alya for doing one of the most competent things in the show: Warning Marinette to NOT go off the handle without proof and not make herself look bad in the process.
And because Marinette failed to do so… she made Lila her enemy AGAIN. It was bad enough you had her as your enemy as Ladybug, but now you get to deal with twice the drama!
Your own fucking fault, Marinette.
Also, the advice Adrien gave? I don’t blame for him for it and neither should you. Yes, his advice is not perfect, but with the options he has on his plate, its hard to do something otherwise.
For every encounter Adrien has had with Lila, it ended up with her being akumatized or a disaster no matter how he tried to handle her. We didn’t get to see how he would resolve in Volpina because of Ladybug’s intervention, but he would try at least in Chameleon and try to get her to see she didn’t need to lie and actually tried to befriend her. At this point, Lila was already triggered by Ladybug and Marinette so she just might have to take Adrien by force instead.
At that point, Adrien just wants to stay away and which he was trying to tell Marinette don’t interact with Lila or confront her cause there’s no way to do so at this point. Maybe he was trying to tell her to wait until her rumors got discredited, but he didn’t say it clear enough for her to understand.
And keep in mind, Adrien is a sheltered child with little to zero social skills taught to him by Nathalie and Gabriel. Hell, we don’t know how his childhood was really like even with Emelie around either and Adrien seems more like the pacifist unless he needs to absolutely step in. And he did by cleaning up Marinette’s mess in ‘Ladybug’. So now he’s gotta suffer being around Lila more because of Marinette making Lila her enemy.
But once again, this is bad writing as the writers of the show obviously forgot what it’s like to live in reality. In the real world, Lila would be immediately discredited without any proof the moment she came back. Not to mention, some of the class have their own connections and have more braincells proven in the previous episodes. Google search and such. A 5-year-old wouldn’t believe these lies in these times. Hey, I believe that because I once had a kid in kindergarten during my time as an afterschool art teacher look at one of my books I illustrated before and said they liked the ‘graphics’.
Kids are fucking smarter nowadays than you think.
The only reason anyone would believe Lila’s lies is if she’s magically influenced with some kind of ‘silver tongue’ spell or something and honestly? It looks like that’s the reason.
I dunno if Thomas Astruc or Zag is trying to insult the kids/adults or insult themselves to say Paris people aren’t that smart. If it’s the latter, you should see what you are doing because I don’t want to believe that because that’s disrespectful.
I know it seems I’m trying to stand up for Lila this portion, but I’m just looking things in a  more realistic and logical way. Did Lila take things too far? Yes, waaaayyy too far and should be arrested for it since she works for Hawkmoth. But it could’ve been handled better and that makes Marinette at fault too.
Part of me wonders if she’s done this before because in Zombiezou, she also causes Chloe to ruin her gift for Ms. bustier. If Marinette didn’t antagonize Chloe in the locker in front of the class, maybe she wouldn’t have done anything. Again, I’m not saying Chloe was justified, but if that was the reason, yeah I can see her doing it for payback.
So to all those fics where I’m supposed to be ‘Boo-hoo’ for Marinette because of what Lila did? Fuck you guys because you need to dig deeper into the story to see both sides and not just make it a pity party where Marinette is the innocent victim.
It’s called “Cause and Effect”.
And considering she made Lila her enemy, Marinette is gonna get effected enough because that’s how karma works.
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