#also Marisol is not Inquisitor
skinwalkingxana · 20 days
Coffee Smell
From @creativepromptsforwriting 's September Monthly Prompts!
This one got away from me a bit (just over 1,000 words!). Featuring my OC from my MgiT/Isekai Dragon Age fic Chaos Theory! I may end up incorporating this into it one day ( or maybe not!)
Why the other three advisor's agreed to hold a meeting this early, Marisol would never understand. The sun wasn’t up yet, and even Chief had grumbled at her, turning around in his bed to go back to sleep instead of his usual demeanor while she got ready for the day. She almost took a blanket with her to wrap herself up in, but could already hear the lecture from Josephine about walking around . So, instead Marisol dressed in the warmest clothes she could and began her trek through Skyhold. The second she pushed the heavy wooden door open, all three sets of eyes fell on her.
“Sorry,” Marisol murmured, voice still heavy with sleep as she tried her best to shut the door behind her as quietly as possible. She failed- the door was so old the hinges let out a long and loud creak, causing her to wince, “ I’m not late am I?”
“No. You’re right on time, actually.” Josephine replied through an exasperated breath.
Marisol knew her well enough now to know that was code for ‘We almost sent a runner after you’. If you’re on time you’re late, if you’re early you’re on time. She hated being late, hated the feeling of making other wait for her, but it couldn’t be helped. She no longer has the luxury of an alarm, and Chief has a routine time he sticks to for his morning walk.
“Yes well, shall we begin?” Leliana took a sip out of her mug after she spoke, delicately cradling it in her hands as she raised an eyebrow signaling for Cullen to begin.
“As you well know, Arl Teagan has offered use of Mulligan’s Quarry so long as we can reclaim it from the bandits that have taken residence there-“
Marisol knew she should have been paying attention, but she felt exhausted. She’s fairly certain this is the earliest she’s ever had to get up. Normally there would be enough time for her to grab breakfast, but it would be some time before that would be served in the hall. It’s been months since she’s had a cup of coffee, too. She could finish an entire pot on her own before, an occasional habit that became more regular when she began her Master thesis. Abuelita used to send her care packages with bricks of Cafè Bustelo, even though Marisol could just as easily walk to the bodega to buy it herself.
Maker, she could smell the smoky boldness of it now, almost taste it even. The memory was so strong Marisol swore the whole war room smelled like coffee. She remembered getting headaches back in Haven from the lack of caffeine, but she’d never hallucinated smelling it. Besides, tea had just enough caffeine that it dulled any sort of withdrawal headache Marisol had.
Josephine had a cup similar to Leliana’s that she was carefully nursing. She brought it to her lips, took a sip, then closed her eyes as if savoring the moment. Suspicious. Marisol watched the two for a moment, then two, before the realization hit her.
“Wait, is that coffee?” Marisol blurted out, interrupting Cullen mid-report.
“It is. My mother just sent a small shipment from our family roaster.” Josephine replied .
“Roaster? Your family has their own personal roaster?” There was no sense in Marisol hiding her disbelief.
“Well… not exactly. The Montilyet’s may be known for our wine, but we also have a smaller investment in a specialty blend of Antivan Roast Coffee. “
Marisol wasn’t sure if what she felt was disbelief that coffee existed in Thedas, or if it was betrayal that it took this long for her to find out. All those months going through withdrawal headaches when there was a source for coffee standing right in front of her.
“Can I.. Have some?” Marisol managed to ask.
“Oh! Of course. Have you had it before? Is this something you had back in your homeland?” Josephine turned to a small tray on the table, pouring Marisol a cup, “I do hope you don’t mind it black, we still don’t have a steady enough supply line for cream but there is some sugar-“
“Josie, I used to drink a pot a day in college by myself.” Marisol took the plain cup in hand, breathing in the scent as she fought the urge to down it in one go. “ If I couldn’t drink coffee plain I don’t think I would have survived.”
“Truly? An entire pot?” Josephine looked surprised. “How did you sleep at night?”
“Well, when you get used to it doesn’t always have the same effect. Whenever I had to pull an all-nighter I sometimes had to have two pots to stay awake, or switch to espresso.”
“I... see. Well, in that case, feel free to help yourself.”
The smell alone was enough to invigorate her. Marisol inhaled the scent one more time, noting a faint nuttiness before taking a small, appreciative sip. It didn’t have as bold of a taste as she was used to, but it was still full-bodied, with a tender note of cinnamon-sweetness to it. It instantly brought a warm smile to her face.
“Oh sweet Maker, not you too,” Cullen rolled his eyes.
“The Commander does not like it.” Leliana bemusedly spoke over her own cup.
“Like it? I don’t know how any of you drink it! It tastes burnt.” He argued.
“Sounds like you haven't had good coffee then,” Marisol took another sip, “And this is good coffee.”
Cullen scrunched up his face in response. “There’s no such thing.”
“That’s fine with me, it means we don’t have to share.” Marisol protectively hid her cup away from Cullen as if he would take it from her as she finished it off.
She hip checked him,-ignoring the fact he was twice her size and wearing metal armor-, before immaturely sticking her tongue out in the process. She moved between where Cullen and the tray of coffee sat, then turned her back to him before topping off her cup.
“Josephine, I will name my firstborn after you if you can get us a regular supply of this.”
The proclamation brought a small blush to the ambassador’s cheeks, “I will see what I can do.”
Marisol heard a rustling of papers behind her before feeling a small whack atop her head. “Hey!”
She turned to Cullen, seeing him fighting a playful smirk behind mock-anger, “Need I remind you we have work to do?
“Does that work involve more coffee?” Marisol managed to raise her arm in defense before Cullen could swat at her again. “Kidding!”
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inquisimer · 11 months
✨20 Questions for Fic Writers✨
thanks @nirikeehan for the tag!
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Mostly Dragon Age at the moment, plus a hint of Dishonored. In the past I've also written for The Mortal Instruments/Shadowhunter Chronicles and MCU.
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
Grace In Denial: oneshot, f!Hawke x Anders - mostly fluff with a hint of emotional hurt/comfort Ended in Love: oneshot, f!Trevelyan x Cullen - some classic mage-Templar angst (cw: forced sterilization, abuse) Lamentations of the Living: oneshot, f!Mahariel x Alistair - the Dark Ritual/Ultimate Sacrifice debate It Will Have To Be Enough: oneshot, f!Lavellan x Cullen - Cullen waits for her to come back at Adamant Conditionally: oneshot, f!Lavellan x Cullen - Lavellan's clan does not approve of her relationship with a human
5. do you respond to comments?
I try! But I am very slow at it, and when the backlog gets too much I psych myself out about it. Currently working on convincing myself that it's not weird to reply to comments from many months ago😅
6. what’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Mostly A Lie,about an Inquisitor who breaks up with Blackwall at his judgement and a Blackwall POV of her subsequent relationship with Cullen
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Apple Whiskey, which is an all around fluffy fic about Alistair helping my Inquisitor Neria escape one of Josephine's parties.
8. do you get hate on fics?
I haven't yet, nope! And I know that if I did, I would bitch about it to my friends, block the user, and delete the comment. So what if we just didn't, hm?
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
A bit, perhaps. It's an eventual goal of mine to be more comfortable writing it, but that's definitely a work in progress.
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Nope! Personally not a fan of crossovers.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
Sort of, as I participated in the DAFF Discord Server round robin anniversary event where we all popcorn wrote a crackfic. Other than that, nope! I think it could be really fun, though :3
14. what’s your all-time favorite ship?
Horation Caine x Marisol Delko (CSI: Miami - I will never write fic for them but their canon story makes me f e r a l)
15. what’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
My Inquisitor!Carver AU. The idea is compelling af, but I have other DAI retellings that I want to write more.
16. what are your writing strengths?
Character backstory, description in general
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
DIALOGUE, dialogue tags, making endings (to chapters or oneshots) sound like endings without being cheesy AF
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I like it, both as a reader and a writer! It can be used well for character flavoring, but is also frequently misused in a way that makes fic harder to read. If it's large chunks of text, especially with plot relevant information, I prefer another indicator that the language has shifted, like italics or a dialogue tag. I think it works best when the author has a reason for it besides "they're speaking another language", like they don't want the readers to understand what's being said, or the character is trying to deceive someone who doesn't speak that language.
19. first fandom you wrote for?
MCU Avengers
20. favorite fic you’ve ever written?
HMMMM probably a toss up between Inquisitor as a Companion: Neria Surana Lavellan (faux DA wiki page entry for my inquisitor) and after all this survival (a snapshot of Siobhan Hawke as Viscountess in Kirkwall)
Blank template below the cut! Tagging: @oxygenforthewicked | @rosella-writes | @demarogue | @plisuu | @exalted-dawn-drabbles | and anyone who wants to use me as their excuse to do this :3
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
5. do you respond to comments?
6. what’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. do you get hate on fics?
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. what’s your all-time favorite ship?
15. what’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? T
16. what are your writing strengths?
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
19. first fandom you wrote for?
20. favorite fic you’ve ever written?
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lyradrawings · 1 year
OC Tag Game
Tagged by @debaited thank you so much for tagging me <3
tagging: everyone who would like to join in on the fun!
A little disclaimer I haven't posted many oc's on this site! I'm more active on the bird app but I will be posting more here <3
So, this a bit of a sneak peek into my oc's :))
Favorite OC: This is so difficult. My Dragon Age Inquisitor has a special spot in my heart because she was my first oc I posted online and I really grew with her! Also my druid, Rhea is very important to me because she was my first ever dnd character and made me fall in love with dungeons and dragons.
Newest OC: My oc Marisol (or Phoenix) I created her for Baldur's Gate 3! I just made her today xD I can't wait to play her when the game releases.
Oldest OC: My own story oc's but I don't post them online much! but after that it's Rhea!
Meanest OC: Khaela ( my green haired wizard) or Rosalie (a dragon age oc, that romances Vivienne in my headcanon)
Softest OC: Rhea and Andromeda, thats also totally not why they are my favourite (it totally is) I just love soft characters.
Most Aloof/Standoffish OC: Velara, my trevelyan dragon age oc. She doesn't trust ANYONE and she doesn't let anyone get close to her. I takes a while for her to start any form of relationship.
Dumbest (affectionate) OC: Probably Merya (she is my Monk, way of the four elements) She grew up in a monastery behind closed doors so she has no experience of how the world works.
OC I'd Probably Be Friends With: Andromeda and Rhea! We all love nature, animals and hate conflict! I think we would all would be best friends.
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livcosmos · 5 years
Lord of Shadows booktalk
I finished Lord of Shadows about 6 weeks ago but I didn't had the time to write this review but as the memory of it is still fresh in my mind and I have the time now let's get started. I think it is not necessary to mention how much I loved this book because it is obvious but I am going to say it anyway IT WAS AMAZING AND I LOVED IT. Thank you, dear Cassandra Clare, for giving us such wonderful pieces of pure gold. ( I am going to start Queen of Air and Darkness today and I am more than excited ahha I am going to see Julian again I can't wait.)
Alright so let’s start with my favorite thing, the London Institute as I said in the Lady Midnight review where I had the feeling that they were going to London, I wasn't ready it is way too much for me. I am not recovered from the Infernal Devices and beeing in London again seeing Jasmine oh God I cried so much when Jasmine was talking to Kit and when Emma was sleeping in that Carstairs room and saw the Initials on the wall and found those photos it was just too much I was crying like a baby once again. Ah and Bridget it is the same Bridget from the Infernal Devices how is that possible what does this woman eat??? Why is she still alive and not Will, Sophie or Charlotte??? Anyway so I was very emotional while they were at the London Institute but I enjoyed beeing back even if it hurt. Ah and I forgot the poetry book that Kit found with James’ Initials on them how sweet was that. I don't know everything related to the TID really gets me. But to move on let's go back to the beginning, with the Emma and Mark thing it wasn't as bad as I thought it will be. It was so incredibly sad when we got to know that after Mark said that thing with “Why just pretend?” and they kissed but Emma started to cry ah that was so sad. And I liked how their friendship developed how they have become each other's best friends and they were talking to each other into the night. And I also must say I am really glad that Christina knew the truth about them, that they aren’t really together. AH, and it was also kind of funny how Mark tried to be Emma's boyfriend in front of the others he was acting so weird. But poor Jules didn't thought it was that funny and he suffered, but I am glad that things cleared out in the end and that Emma told him the truth and that they talked about the problem that was the best thing they could to they should have done it earlier. And so the problem is now very big and very serious they CAN NOT THEY CAN ABSOLUTLEY NOT break all the Parabatai bounds they just can't it's not right. I mean Clary and Simon Jace and Alec and don't get me started about the Parabatais of all ParabataiJem and Will, what will Jem say they can not do that to him. In honor on Jem and Will, they can't do that. of course, I want Jules and Emma to be together but they can't break all the bounds. And anyway I hope that after Jules and Emma aren't Parabatai anymore... I hope Christina and Emma will become Parabatai I don't know these are all hopes I know there are not going to become reality because it will be too good to be true. But I am so glad that they talked to Magnus about their problem (and can we just talk a second about how Magnus has walked in on all, Will and Tessa, Jace and Clary, and now Julian and Emma ... there is only Jem and Tessa missing and it would be all complete, the poor guy has seen everything you could say) and I was so happy when they had the idea with Robert and the exile but we all knew that it was too good to be true it would have been too great if that would have happened. And I knew something was going to happen with Robert I knew it and ahhhahah it is so sad because I started to like Robert he was on a good way his relationship with Alec was good and after he became a grandpa I started to like him. Poor Izzy and Alec I don't even want to know how much they are suffering. Robert was Emma’s and Julian’s only hope that is now gone. And to make things worse the Inquisitor post is now free how is going to take it I have a very bad feeling about it. I just hate it when characters survive their series but die in another you just don't do that it is awful. That we started to talk about deaths, lets move on with Livvy....aaaa poor sweet Livvy I really liked her she was so cool and I shipped her with Kit even if that wasn’t a thing anymore very quickly but I was so sad when she died and I don't want to now how Julian feels, how devastated he is and how he will react and behave I am so scared. And Ty poor Ty she was his twin it is so sad and I am so afraid. Oh goodness and Jace’s and Clary’s appearance in the beginning, I loved how Jce was there for Kit and I am always happy to see him and Clary but I could take Clary’s story with her dream where she dies I just couldn't take it so I googled and I am happy that everything is going to be just fine but I must say Clary is so incredibly brave how she wanted to face death so bravely I admire her so much. And I am very interested in the Thule story and what is the thing with it. Is Thule maybe the place where Dru went when she touched Jamie’s weapon (side note I kind of liked Jamie I want to see more of him but I don't ship him with Dru), was the boy she met there maybe Sebastian’s evil son? If you ask me I think it was him, I am very curious to find out but that scene with Dru was scary I have to say. Alright so if we touched the Jamie topic lets move on with his brother Diego I was so mad at him and I loved how Emma got her revenge without touching him it was so funny but know we know better and I must say I HATE ZARA I HATE HER SO MUCH excuse me for what I am going to say but she is such a bitch, ah and her father I hope he is not going to be the Inquisitor please don’t let him be the new Inquisitor please. Ah and the Cohort are those people crazy are they out of their minds??? And what is happening with the warlocks what makes them sick this can't be good does it has something to do with the black book or that Unseelie king? The whole no runes and no seraph blades thing freaks me out anyway and now the warlocks are sick oh it's going to be bad its all going to be so so bad. I mean if Magnus were there with Annabell she would have gone crazy and Livvy and Robert would be alive now but no... And what do you mean Tessa is sick I cried again when I heard that I don't want her to be sick no just no. I know I am jumping up and down on the scenes but I write everything down as it comes into my mind. So I was happy to see John, Simon’s “friend” from the Academy but I was so so sad when he died poor Marisol I feel so sorry for her and I am sure Simon is also sad. Let’s quickly talk about Diana, I am so glad that we found out she was hiding and that it wasn't anything bad, her story was so emotional and I have to say I ship her and Gwyn I want them to be together. I also liked Gwyn, I liked that we got to see the human side of him, it was very nice. And Catherina omg she is so so kind, this woman not only helpt that lost Herondale she also helped Diana and she took care of Simon while he was at the Academie, she is such a kind and loving person I love her. Now it is time to talk about the trip to faerie land ah so for the beginning if I didn't mention it before, I love Christina she is awesome and the power of her necklace is so cool I definitely want to know more about the Rosales family and their relationship with the faeries. But why on earth didn't they stay together in faerie land I mean I thought the necklace workes if you stay near her why were they all running around by themself there, Julian, Emma, and Christina then went with Mark to that Faerie party like have you all lost you. minds? How those the faerie time thing wor anyway? And Christina and Mark danced at that party and I almost lost my mind like you don't dance at faerie parties it is too dangerous because you could dance till you die and another thing that everyone knows DONT DRINK OR EAT ANYTHING from a faerie because you will be stuck there in faerie land and what does Christina, of course, she drinks something I would have never thought that she would do something like this because Christina isn’t like that but anyway I am glad nothing too bad happened and I am glad for the kiss between Christina and Mark because I ship them. So and Kieran I don't know what to say about him because now I am not sure anymore of what I should think of him because as you r=might remember I hated him because of what he has done to Emma and Jules but now in this book he was kind of nice, I don't know we will see what is going to happen. To move on, we can talk about Emma and Julian now so first of all when they were there at the gate to faerie land and that faerie wanted a special object from all of them and Emma had to give him her Stele, the Stele that Jace gave her I was screaming I dint want her to loose that Stele it was so important for her and you don't give up a gift from Jace but anyway there is no going back it is very unlikely to get that Stele back. Alright but one of my favorite parts where when there were all sleeping there on the grass and Emma and Julian fell asleep with a lot of distance between them but when they woke up they were holding hands, that is so sweet I cried when iI read that I don't know why it was so emotional. Ah and another acne that I loved was the scene on the train with Jules and Emma where Emma was like “Draw me like one of you frech girls” and Julian was like “you know I hate that movie” and she said “ the first time you saw Titanic you cried”, that scene was so adorable and funny, I loved it.Oh my God, that scene where the Seelie Queen wanted to see Julian come one that woman is so shady you can’t trust her and I was screaming at Julian not to listen to what she was saying I was begging him to go away from her but he wouldn’t listen. I hate her even more than Zara she freaks me out so much. And with her glass bowl thing hjsadhaskjh she is so manipulative. That glass bowl freaks me out so much she must be watching them all the time with that thing. And please they can't give her the black book Imean yes they don’t have a choice but it’s not going to bee good if they give it to her yes the Cold Peace will end but she could start a war. YOU CAN NEVER TRUST A FAERIE ESPACIALL NOT THEIR EVIL QUEEN. And when Emma was batteling with that faerie and saw that it “was her dad” what was her problem she knew they were on faerie land and that everything there is shady and ahahaha she knew it wasn’t him but still she couldn’t fight. Ah, and Arthur lets talk about how underrated he is I felt so sorry for him dying it was so sad I mean he has no fault for his mind and he died so brutally. And that Annabel I hate her too, I mean I can understand why she was so angry with Malcolm and why she killed him and I can also understand why she freaked out at the consul meeting but there is no justification for her actions. And anyway what is the deal with her and the Unseelie king and she still has the black book and the Unseelie king took her so that means the king has the book now and that means no good oh God that also means that the Seelie Queen will be very angry oh godness I think things are going to be very bad.Now I am asking is there some sort of deal between the King and Annabell what is happening? And the Mortal Sword is now gone, Cortana broke it does that mean that the Clave will take Cortana away from Emma to use it as the mortal Sword because Cortana absorbs power? Is Cortana the new Mortal Sword? Cortana is very powerful and if it gets `in the wrong hands then there is going to be more trouble than it is going to be anyway. And I almost forgot to say something about that anonymous green warlock who helped Ty, Kit, and Livvy at the Shadow Market, I am pretty sure that that warlock is Ragnor Fell and I am not sure what to think of it.
So all in all as I said this book was amazing I loved it and I am excited for the next one. But I must say that I liked Lady Midnight bit more, of course, it was great but Lady Midnight felt a 100% right and Lord of shadows only 99%. Alright that's it for this review than’s for reading! Bye
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kaaras-adaar-a · 7 years
😨 - Run head first into my muse’s chest [@earthshining]
Embarrassing Starters
It wasn’t rare that the Inquisitor was walking the halls of Skyhold. He often made his rounds to check in on his inner circle, as well as how the castle was going overall. Morale was important, and so was training. Everything. Everyone did their part here within the Inquisition, even the smallest of people, and the smallest of tasks.
He’d just rounded one of the corridor corners when he stopped dead in his tracks, gasping when someone had come rushing about and smacked right into him. Thankfully, Kaaras was taller than them and they didn’t hit each others heads. Kaaras, also, didn’t feel much of the impact no thanks to how thick and taller he was. However, the other person was knocked right onto their backside and Kaaras realised quickly who it was.
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“Maker’s breath, Marisol, are you alright?” he asked, leaning down to help her back to her feet. Just because he’d not taken much damage didn’t mean he should just stand there. Why in the hell was she running through the castle anyway?
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jinareads · 7 years
LET’S TALK: Lord of Shadows by Cassandra Clare
I've finally finished Lord of Shadows, the second book in The Dark Artifices trilogy by Cassandra Clare. It was beautiful and heartbreaking and hilarious, and I don't think I've felt that empty (in the best way possible) since I finished Clockwork Princess.
Trust me, you DO NOT want to read this if you haven't read all of the Shadowhunter books by Cassandra Clare.
Lord of Shadows continues after Malcolm Fade's death, which has given rise to a bunch of Teuthida demons in Los Angeles. Jace and Clary visit the Los Angeles Institute, and since they can't stay because of a top-secret Clave mission to Faerie, a group of Centurions (graduates of Scholomance, an elite Shadowhunter school) arrive to lead the search for Malcolm's body and stop the sea demons. We're then introduced to Perfect Diego's friends, who are definitely less than friendly--and Diego doesn't look so perfect now, either. His recently rekindled romance with Cristina comes to a screeching halt when we find out that he's engaged--and with the heavily prejudiced Zara Dearborn, who wants to take the Los Angeles Institute for herself and for the Cohort (an anti-Downworlder hate faction of the Clave). And in the middle of all this, Emma, Julian, Cristina, and Mark go on a very illegal rescue mission to the Unseelie Court to save Kieran, who has been sentenced to death for the death of Iarlath (this is the Faerie who whipped Emma, nearly to death). And so they save Kieran, and are unexpectedly rescued themselves by a member of the Seelie Court and Mark's aunt, Nene. Here, the Seelie Queen shows Julian what's going on in Los Angeles: Arthur Blackthorn, in his last lucid moments, has decided to sacrifice himself to Malcolm, and a successfully revived Annabel awakes to kill Malcolm and take the Black Volume of the Dead. The Seelie Queen then offers the team her soldiers to help defeat the Unseelie King alongside the Clave--but more importantly to Julian, she says that she knows a way to break the parabatai bond--in exchange for the Black Volume. And so Julian and Emma go to Malcolm's cottage, while Ty, Livvy, and Kit venture off to Blackthorn Manor in hopes of discovering more about Annabel. An ancient and deadly group called the Riders, as ordered by the Unseelie King, are now tracking the Blackthorns to bring back the Black Volume to the king, and at the end of a battle that nearly kills all of our main characters, Annabel appears. Julian persuades Annabel to testify in front of the Clave and turn over the Black Volume in exchange for Blackthorn Manor and reinstatement of her honor, and everyone travels to Alicante via a portal that Magnus Bane opens up (with great difficulty, since his powers have been used thus far to help heal and protect the Blackthorns). So the Blackthorns, Emma, Kieran (who will also testify against the Unseelie King), Annabel, Alec, and Magnus are all in Alicante, awaiting the trial that will determine the fate of the Los Angeles Institute. Following Magnus's suggestion, Emma and Julian go to Robert Lightwood (the Inquisitor), asking that he send Emma into exile to deaden the parabatai bond. Robert agrees, and shortly after, the trial is underway. This is where everything falls apart: Annabel is unexpectedly questioned under the Mortal Sword, Magnus collapses due to his hidden sickness, Annabel kills Robert with the Mortal Sword, Annabel kills Livvy, and Emma shatters the Mortal Sword with Cortana. The book ends, with Julian clutching yet another member of his family lost to him.
Okay, so it's really hard to summarize what happens in Lord of Shadows because it is a MASSIVE book--both in terms of page number and plot content. So much happens in this book, and I want to discuss some of the finer details a little bit further.
Emma's humor.
“‘You’re my mother’s sister?’ [Mark] said incredulously. ‘I think they usually call that your aunt,’ said Emma. Mark gave her a dark look.”
“‘I am Sabnock of Thule. How dare you stand before me, ugly human?’ ‘How personal,’ [Emma] said. ‘I’m hurt.’“
“‘In all our lives there has only been one thing we have sought and not found.’ ‘A sense of humor?’ Emma suggested.”
Kit's mundane knowledge. Things like cancer and autism aren't talked about in the Shadowhunter community, and it’s so interesting to see Kit react to their dangerously traditional way of rejecting mundane medicine and treatment.
Diana's history. Cassie did such a beautiful job in allowing the reader into Diana's past, and we finally learn her secret: Diana is a transgender woman. Since mundane medicine is forbidden by the Clave, she was living in mundane society until the war, and is now living as her dead sister, Aria. I love that we got to understand why Diana refused to become the Head of the Institute, despite her absolute love for the Blackthorns and Emma. 
Gwyn ap Nudd. I was 100% intimidated by Gwyn until he started making his moves on Diana, and their interactions turned into some of my favorite moments. Especially when he casually quotes Shakespeare.
Some idiot put “Will H.” on all the rare first editions in the library.
Cristina. I can’t believe I almost forgot about Cristina!! I was really into the whole Mark-Cristina-Kieran thing going on in the book and how Cristina and Kieran were very patient with Mark figuring out what he wanted. Also, I loved how irrelevant Diego was to Cristina after she found out about Zara (ok I know he had good intentions with the whole thing but whatever)
what the fuck:
Sidenote: Ok, Jace technically died during TMI--we can totally bring her back nbd
Cortana. Cortana cuts through a lot of stuff that normal weapons shouldn’t be able to cut through--exhibit: the death of one of the seven riders (which was actually thought to be impossible). Also, I didn’t even consider that one of the Mortal Instruments could be destroyed. Does this mean Cortana can now compel people to tell the truth???
Theory: Can Cortana somehow cut the parabatai bond, since it can apparently cut through everything?
Annabel’s murderous rampage at the end. I 100% did not expect her to kill everyone at the end???
Tessa and Magnus. WHAT IS WRONG WITH TESSA AND MAGNUS??? The whole time Magnus was working his magic, I was getting worried because while he’s one of the most powerful warlocks we know, HE HAS LIMITS. And they kept. pushing. him.
Livvy’s death. I HATED that this happened to the Blackthorns, especially since they’ve already lost so much and they only had each other left. At the same time, I kind of saw it coming, especially with Kit entering the picture. I’m really glad that Kit and Ty have formed a relationship so that Ty will have someone to support him through this in the next book.
Robert’s death. I finished the story with Robert and Michael in Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy after I finished LoS, and it was SO MUCH MORE DEVASTATING that he died. Not only did Emma and Julian lose the one person who could’ve helped them through the whole being in love with your parabatai thing, but just THINK OF ROBERT AS HE HEARD THEIR STORY. Robert can’t go back in time and make it up to Michael, but he could’ve helped another pair of parabatai
Jon’s death. I really didn’t mind this until the last couple stories from TFTSA, but it def hit me when I thought of him and Marisol, and how little time they had together.
Arthur’s death. I ALMOST FORGOT THIS HAPPENED. Arthur has such a twisted history, with his imprisonment in Faerie while his brother fell in love (please read TFTSA). I honestly felt so sad that Julian had to take on the responsibility of being a father and Institute head at such a young age, but I’m so glad that Arthur had a final moment of awareness--I hate that he sacrificed himself, but it was beautiful that during his moment of clarity, his mind focused on saving the people he loved the most.
things that I don’t know how to feel about yet:
Jaime. I’m still really not into him or Diego yet, despite all their talk of good intentions. His interactions with Dru made me think of the Nate-Jessamine relationship for some reason??
Sebastian + Seelie Queen child. I’ve seen this theory around the internet so many times, and I am worried. I am worried because of Dru’s little trip to Faerie involved a BOY WITH WHITE-BLOND HAIR AND GREEN EYES--aka Ash. And he asks about his mother; could it be that the Seelie Queen is hiding him away from everyone else, trying to keep him a secret? Or maybe he’s been kidnapped by the Unseelie King?
And it’s mentioned that he’s around 13, but let’s not forget that a day in the human world was 7 years for Andrew and Arthur when they were trapped in Faerie.
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lunachosen · 7 years
Wrongly Accused
Teeth bared, eyes flashing in anger. Down on her knees with her arms chained behind her back. 
Marisol was not pleased at all.
She was being falsely accused of murdering some people in a nearby town which wasn’t the case! There were claims of a beast roaming around that kept to the woods and yes Marisol usually was in the woods as well. Hunting mostly, but it was also where she felt the most comfortable. It wasn’t her who had killed those people but with the rumours abound and her presence in the woods, “lurking near the town suspiciously”, here she was before the Inquisitor.
“You’re wrong you know.”
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kaaras-adaar-a · 7 years
🎊 👍 👌 💭 ☺(well their developing ones)
Munday Interactions
🎊 I’m happy to have met you.
👍 You’re doing great! Keep it up! 
👌 Your character portrayal is amazing. 
💭 Your thoughts on our threads? 
☺ I love our muses’ relationship! 
// Awwww thank you, C
As for our threads, I really enjoy getting to learn about your muses. I love getting to write with Marisol, because I get to also write Kaaras in his werewolf verse, and honestly, I kind of love how hot headed they are together, but also that they are very slowly growing to know each other, and that’s cute.
Harlequinn is a little ball of flirtatious energy, and I love that I am getting to write with him as a companion with Kaaras and as the Inquisitor with Finn. I get to see both sides of him, and that’s going to be interesting. I’m REALLY excited to get to see how he and Finn develop as well, considering I’m still learning a lot of Finn, and I’m also still learning a lot about Harley as well. :D
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kaaras-adaar-a · 7 years
For every 🎊 I get I’ll recommend a blog
(( omgosh so many! This one will be a little shorter sorry! There’s a lot here and I don’t want to make the post too long, also I’m getting tired :’D )) 
One of the very first people I ever got to RP in the DARP community with, and we’re still Rping. :3 I think that says enough, really. Tai mod’s blog is filled with a lot of good Dragon Age content, not always towards the muse, but if you’re looking for some good, funny DA content, then this is a really good blog to be following! 
Tai is a really interesting character in the sense of what happened to him at the Conclave, and how he changed as a person, and of course some other headcanons I won’t spoil and go into right now.
Tai mod has always just been an overall great and supportive friend since I’ve joined the DARP community and that means a lot. Always coming into my IM and poking me and telling me funny things, or chatting about the muses. Honestly, you’ve been supporting Kaaras EVER since we started Rping on this blog, and that means so much to me. Thank you for being there through everything the last few years, the good and the bad. You’ve been a really good bloke! 
Go check Tai out and give him a poke. :D The mod is always looking for new folks to RP with! 
I ALWAYS will love people who take the smaller, side characters and flesh them out to perfection, and honestly, that’s what Freddie mod has done. Seriously, I love their take on Frederic, you have absolutely given him a real personality and made him shine and given him LIFE! 
Mod is great to talk to, toss headcanons back and forth with, and their art is adorable as fuck! Go and commission them, because they’re really cute! :D 
I love Freddie’s and Kaaras’ relationship, and the DERGS, all the goddamn dergs everywhere. Also, mod posts lots of birds so HELL YES that’s a bonus for me! :D 
Merill mod is an absolute darling.
Merrill mod sticks to the true nature of the character, keeping Merrill shy but not really innocent. There’s confusion and misunderstanding because of the culture differences, and honestly, I love that. I love that you keep Merrill as having this sense of family with Hawke and the companions of DA 2 as well, and they are willing to play DA:I timelines and everything else as well.
Seriously, go and check out their Merrill, they’re really adorable and the mod is such a sweetie!
Another person who has been following me and Kaaras since the dawn of time. Omggg, I love Krahel SO MUCH. And I will forever be laughing at the fact that Kaaras was the reason Krahel started exploring his sexuality more, and I LOVE THAT XDD I love that a muse can GROW from something like that, and that’s what Krahel has done.
What’s not to love about more qunari? Give me ALL the qunari muses okay!? I will horde them all and snuggle them to pieces, even if Krahel would kill me. :’D 
Seriously, Krahel is a big grump who is a softy down at heart, and I love those muses. But Krahel isn’t one of those muses who just suddenly becomes soft overnight, you have to REALLY pick at it and work with him, and that’s keeping him true to his character. I love that he’s a big arse grump.
Probably the best Zevran I’ve ever Rped with. And I miss youuuu and miss Rping with your Zev. Zev mod is an excellent writer! One of the first writers who I honestly looked up to a lot here in the DARP community because your writing is just so damn good and I love it. So poetic and descriptive and just full of life.
Your Zevran was incredibly IC, and this was before I even played DA:O and I already KNEW who Zevran was JUST because of the way you write him. So that says a lot about your writing and how well you Rped this muse.
Can I just say one of the most IC and wonderful Bull’s I’ve ever come across. I kind of jump every Bull I can to see how much I wanna Rp with them, and I’ve ended up unfollowing a fair few. But your Bull is absolutely amazing! I also love your other muses who I was lucky enough to RP with
Seriously, though, your Bull is really amazing, and some of the headcanons we’ve discussed I absolutely and positively agree with, and I am so happy to see someone treating Bull the way he deserves. That he’s not this perfect, big barra bear, that he has these demons he struggles with, though he still fights through them and he always keeps his chin up for the boss and his friends, and the people he cares for.
I love your Bull, he’s fantastic, and your writing is gorgeous. It’s long and descriptive and you paint such pretty pictures. You’re also not shy to keep out the nitty gritty details, and that’s something I LOVE in writing. A lot of people aren’t bold enough, but I love when people keep them in there.
I’m sure you’ve already got a fanbase following you, because you’re amazing, but anyone who isn’t following, go and do so now! :D 
I haven’t had the opportunity to talk a lot with the mod (I blame myself, I’m super bad at approaching people >.
Each reply the mod gives, leaves you with something to work with and they write novella as well, which is always a delight for me.
Mod is super nice and I know from afar that they’re incredibly supportive of their friends and the people that they care for. :) 
We’ve not spoken a lot OOC, but I reaaally like our threads! At first I wasn’t sure how Kaaras would handle being around such a younger muse, as so many of them in the past have easily gotten on mine, but I really like Pelle, and I think you have a really good way of expressing him in your writing.
A lot of the time, I don’t realise I am Rping with a muse who is so much younger, and Kaaras often thinks that Pelle is very mature for his age--which is a good thing in his books. XD 
I think you’re a very sweet mod the times we have gotten to talk, and I find that our threads are always oddly soothing and calming, which is very nice considering sometimes Kaaras’ threads can be super chaotic. XD 
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