#also I'm such a slow writer too lmao
soratsuart · 1 year
No, cuz the angst potential of the whole Nightmare Stalker Situation makes me want to rewrite the entire scene, but also, I'm sure lots of people have already done that so what should I do
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fbfh · 1 year
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str4ngr · 10 months
honey [ keegan p. russ. ]
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cw: suggestive, voyeurism, sex tape, masturabation, established relationship, fem! reader
requested by @thedoveesquire.
Spring cleaning, albeit summer, was more than necessary in your home. Especially since your husband had just returned, and to stay for quite a while, you really had no excuse to push off cleaning any longer.
You sighed as you finished up wiping down the bathroom tub, happily gazing at the sheen of cleanliness adorning the simple tile. Leaving the room, you realize your husband wasn’t where you had left him, repairing the hinges of his squeaky office door. The door moved with out sound, and you thanked Keegan under your breath, your eyes still fanning out to find the man. 
Behind you, the carpeted hallway led to soft sound beyond the familiar door of your bedroom. Your brows furrowed in confusions mind seeping with explanations as your lazy hips swayed in thought. Pressing your ear to the door, you listened with a strained ear as you tried to figure out the strange, quiet noises coming from a crackly speaker. 
Keegan was in awe. Complete and utter amazement as he stared at the video playing across his old laptop. His pants tightened like a vice as blood pumped away from his head, his mind completely engulfed in the video. 
An old one, one from the honeymoon phase after your wedding. Both of you fucked like bunnies for the following weeks after your ceremony, not as though that’s changed any. 
But, God, was it mesmerizing, watching the way his shaky camera-work captured your sweet skin, body spasming, audio muddled with the overwhelming moment of desire that thickened the air. Even with such amateur filming, you look divine; sweaty, naked, lear stained cheeks that led to lips puffy and red as your silky voice moaned his name like an angel. 
Peeking through the door that you thought innocently of, seeing your husband touching himself. Your panties began dampening, sticking to your flesh as your wide eyes watched the screen, enthralled by the way your bodies moved together in perfect them of lust. His volume was low, your straining ear focusing on his growling grunts as his hips slammed so perfectly into you. You swayed, imagining the same movements happening as if they weren’t on the screen. You breath was heavy.
So was Keegan’s. His struggled to keep himself together, biting into his lip to keep any noise from seeping past his lips. 
Your breathless voice, a low tone of lust bleeding from each word as your eyes met his, both filled with surprise. Keegan, being the bastard he was, grins, staring at you from where he was seated at his desk,
“Hey there, honey.” He sits up straighter, his pants not too fixed up from his previous moments. His eyes were dark with desire, gazing over your body, covered in skimpy pajamas as your cute thighs rubbed together, “come ‘ere.” 
You leaned against the door frame, mind spinning with possibilities as you gingerly approached him. You husband watched you, his hand not stopping its movement against himself. Flustered, almost shameful, you stand beside him, saliva building on your tongue as you stare at the screen, the video continuing to play. 
Keegan grinned, his resting hand slithering around your waste as he pulled you against his seat, lips pressing into your side,
“Wanna’ recreate this with me, honey?”
thank you sm for the request <3
3 i'll also be writting a full fic for this but i'm a slow writer so... idk when its gonna come out lmao.
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custardcrazy · 1 year
i have a Ted logan request! it’s kinda inspired by the tutor piece you wrote but instead of being Ted’s tutor she’s Deacons tutor (or babysitter) instead and she comes over to the Logan household and Ted sees her there and is immediately head over heels for her and is constantly trying to find an excuse to go to whatever room she’s in and stay there much to the annoyance of Deacon and their father on occasion
sorry if i got to specific but you’re my fav Ted Logan writer and I’m happy his requests are open!!!
young as we are
summary: you're deacon logan's new babysitter. it doesn't seem like it'll be anything too special -- until you meet his cute older brother, that is. (gn!reader)
wordcount: 3.8k
A/N: okay so I might've changed around the prompt a teensy bit, but hopefully it still fits what you wanted. i'm no good at writing slow stuff so i got kinda impatient lmao (also. i'm?? your favorite?? you have no idea how genuinely happy that makes me. i'm smiling like an idiot. thank you so much.)
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You checked the note you'd written the address down on to make sure you hadn't gotten the wrong house -- okay, all good -- before ringing the doorbell. 
The house itself was pretty nice, just looking at the exterior. One of the perks of babysitting in a somewhat well-off area like this one was that you usually got paid decently for your troubles; and it wasn't nearly as bad as working retail, if the stories you'd heard from your friends were anything to go off of. And kids could be sweet, unlike food service customers. 
It was only half a minute before the door was answered by a balding middle-aged man with a stern expression. Mr. Logan, you presumed; it was probably his voice you'd heard on the phone. 
"You must be the babysitter," he stated directly, not giving you time to answer, "come in, then. I have some things I have to inform you of." He didn't wait, disappearing into the house and leaving the door ajar behind him. Feeling slightly awkward, you followed. 
Once you entered the foyer, he began speaking again. "Deacon's probably in his room right now. He has to be in bed by nine P.M., and he knows that, but I don't doubt that without me being present he'll try to stay up." Indicating some bills on the counter, he continued, "there's some money for a pizza. The number to call is on the refrigerator. Dinner should be at six." 
"Oh, and my … eldest son, Ted." If it was even possible, his tone became more snide. "He should be back in an hour or two. Don't let him bother you at all -- if he gets too annoying, just let me know when I get back later in the evening, and I'll deal with him." 
You barely got out an "uh, okay, thanks" before Mr. Logan was yelling for Deacon. 
He was maybe around twelve, you guessed. It was obvious that he was reluctant to come downstairs, but did so after a look from his father. You smiled at him, but he didn't return it; you didn't really mind. He was at that awkward age, after all. And if your instincts were correct, an overbearing father could inflict a number on any kid. 
It wasn't that you weren't familiar with strict parents -- but it was near-impossible to get entirely used to them. Being in charge of their children meant that you had to be extra careful. You couldn't trust a young kid to not tell on you if you were a little lenient when it came to bedtimes, and you couldn't trust an older kid to not try and put the fact that you were more easy-going than their parents to the test. 
Still, once Mr. Logan had left, you immediately relaxed. 
And so did Deacon, by the looks of it, because suddenly his tense demeanor all but disappeared. 
It was almost frightening how abruptly he turned his attention from his father's car pulling down the driveway to you. 
"You ever watched RoboCop?" 
He asked, with a certain bluntness only preteen boys were capable of. 
"No, I haven't." Encouragingly, you smiled again. "What's that?" 
"I have the tape," and already he was turning away, "gimmie a sec." 
You had the sneaking suspicion that his father didn't have the same enthusiasm for science fiction movies.
And you were right; even during the movie he spoke up now and then to tell you stuff about the characters or the plot. About how "RoboCop could probably take down an entire army by himself". You thought it was kind of spooky how the titular protagonist was a reanimated guy forced to follow cyborg programming to uphold "justice" in an already-corrupt city, disregarding any humanity he once had. 
… Or something like that. Deacon just found the guy "badass". 
By the time that you'd nearly reached the ending of the movie, you were invested. 
But not too invested to not look up when the front door opened, and thus you made eye contact with probably the prettiest guy you'd seen in a while. 
He froze midway through his path to the stairs. 
For a moment, both of you just looked at each other. He looked familiar. 
Oh, yeah, you'd seen him at school a couple times. Passed by him in the hallways or in the cafeteria, maybe. You hadn't really noticed him before, but maybe that was because you hadn't gotten a good look at him. Like now. 
And then Deacon took notice, coughing in an awfully non-subtle way into his fist, and you realized that maybe you shouldn't stare like a creep. 
"Uh, you must be Ted, right?" You laughed semi-awkwardly. "Hi. I'm just gonna be babysitting Deacon until your dad gets home." 
Hopefully you remembered his name correctly. From the way his father had said it, you had expected him to be some flavor of delinquent -- piercings, leather jacket, all that stuff that an uptight man like Mr. Logan would disprove of. A high school dropout who was bumming around in his dad's basement without a source of stable income. 
That couldn't be further from the truth; the Ted you were seeing now was a slightly gangly, floppy-haired boy your age who was looking at you like he'd seen an angel. 
It took him a moment, but he nodded vigorously in response to your question. 
"Yes. Yeah. I'm -- that's me." Ted glanced away, finally breaking away your gaze. "Um. What's your name? I - … I don't think we've been introduced before, dude." Even from your position on the couch, you could pick out spots of rose pink on his cheeks. Even as he focused determinedly on the ground. 
You couldn't help but be hopelessly endeared, so you gave him your name. 
He gently repeated it once, as if trying out how it felt on his tongue. "Oh. Radical." 
There was another brief moment, in which the movie still playing on the boxy television faded into the background. Then, his eyes were back on yours; they were a warm brown, you noticed. 
Apparently, Deacon had enough of his older brother interrupting his sacred movie, because he spoke up again, breaking the silence. "Ted, don't you have stuff to do?" 
You wanted to reprimand Deacon for his less-than-polite tone, but didn't have the chance, because Ted responded first.
"Oh." Seemingly snapping back to reality, he glanced away. "Yeah. Sorry 'bout that." 
Before you could tell him that you were going to order food later, he'd bounded up the stairs, taking them two at a time. You heard the far-off shutting of a door; and then a little later, muffled music that had a lot of distorted electric guitar and drums. 
Deacon scoffed to himself, but settled further into the couch cushions. 
You didn't see Ted again that night. He didn't even come downstairs to snatch a slice of pepperoni pizza, and just remained in his room. Maybe he didn't want to bother his little brother anymore, you thought, trying your hardest not to feel disappointed; even if you'd barely had any sort of conversation with him, there was something … Something very magnetic. 
Mr. Logan was back at around eleven, and by that time you were seated by the television once more. Alone, because you'd miraculously managed to get Deacon to go to bed. 
"I'm guessing everything went fine," remarked Mr. Logan, taking off his cap. You were beginning to get used to his clipped tone, and shut off the terrible sitcom you'd been killing time with. 
"Yeah, I left the change for the food on the counter." 
He pulled out his wallet, counting out crisp bills. 
"Did Ted give you any trouble?" 
Taking the money, you made sure it was the correct amount -- why'd you even bother, a man like Mr. Logan must've been specific about everything. "No, not at all. He barely said anything to me, actually." 
He only gave you a noncommittal hum in response to that, not even looking in your direction as he headed for the counter; probably to make sure you weren't stealing any of the change. "Well, good night." 
It wasn't a thank you -- not even close, but you'd take it. You'd been paid, after all.  "Good night." 
Ted's face upon seeing you still was fresh in your mind as you made your way home. And during the next several days that passed. It wasn't surprising, really. Nobody had ever looked at you like that; nobody had ever looked in awe of you on sight. At least, not anybody that had really caught your attention. 
Eventually, Mr. Logan called again. Apparently he had another work thing to do -- not that you were listening closely when he mentioned it. Your heart jumped at another opportunity to see Ted; it was a little embarrassing, really. You weren't some boy-crazed lunatic, pining after a guy you barely knew. 
Well, pining was a strong word. But you did pay extra attention when walking around at school, trying to catch a glimpse of him on your way to your classes. 
(You didn't.) 
This time, your pulse picked up when you walked up to the house. You even hesitated before you rang the doorbell again. But when you did, you heard some general commotion from within the house before Deacon answered the door, looking a little annoyed. 
"Hi," he said, "Dad's getting ready or whatever." 
He stepped aside to let you in. "I thought Ted was gonna answer the door. But he ran off as soon as he heard the doorbell." Sighing, he flopped down on the couch. "Lazy ass." 
As if on cue, Mr. Logan entered the living room, fixing his hat. You idly wondered if he wore it to hide the fact that he basically lacked all of his hair except for on the sides and back. 
"Deacon, watch your language." 
"Sorry." Even though his voice was muffled into the cushions, he didn't sound apologetic in the slightest. 
Mr. Logan turned his attention to you. "You don't need a refresher on anything, right." It sounded more like an order than a question, but you chose to look past it. At least he had offered to jog your memory if needed. The bare minimum was nice sometimes. 
"Yeah, I'll be fine." 
He gave you a curt nod. It wasn't until you heard the garage door shutting behind his car that Deacon sat bolt upright, suddenly energized. 
You looked at him expectantly. 
"Let's watch Ghostbusters," he declared. "Dad thinks it's stupid." 
And so, with little fanfare, you were basically doing the same thing as last time. But instead of dystopia, the setting was mildly less disturbing this time. And the main protagonists were human and likable. No offense to cyborg cops, but he didn't offer much in the way of personality -- so nobody could blame you. 
You were sure you'd seen this movie before, but the memory was vague enough that most of the events were new to you. However, even though you were focused on watching the film, there was something else on the back of your mind. An underlying antsiness; and you had a good idea why. 
Said antsiness was confirmed when, about half an hour into the movie, you heard footsteps coming down the stairs. It took all of your willpower not to look, but you knew who it was. 
It was only until he breached your peripheral vision that you allowed yourself to smile. 
"Hey, Ted." 
Today, he was wearing all loose clothes -- a baggy tee shirt with BLACK SABBATH printed on it in slightly distorted purple font, and what looked like sleep shorts. All in all, it made him look very soft. Like he was planning to do nothing but lay in bed for the entire day. Even his hair was kind of mussed up, a curl or two (or three) sticking out from the rest. 
He returned your smile tenfold with a near-blinding grin. "Hey." 
Deacon, unlike you, didn't have to hide anything. 
"Are you just gonna stand there and stare at the babysitter?" 
Delightfully, Ted flushed, hand flying up to fiddle with his hair. "Uh. No. I was just wondering if I could -- " he hesitated, before continuing, "if I could watch the movie too, y'know. I think Ghostbusters is a totally exceptional example of cinema." You didn't catch the way Deacon narrowed his eyes at his older brother. 
"Okay. Just don't interrupt too much." 
" 'Course." 
You were mildly startled when Ted sat down in the middle of you and Deacon -- you'd expected him to sit on the other side, but apparently that wasn't the case. The younger Logan let out an audible sigh and scooted further away. 
True to his word, Ted didn't speak up for the majority of the movie. But you were aware of his presence in a way that was almost comparable; since you were mere inches apart. He didn't sit still, and adjusted his position every so often, but you had the feeling that was the norm since Deacon didn't mention it. 
However, it seemed by the near-ending Ted reached his limit on not making at least one comment. 
"Dude. I forgot how impressive the special effects are," he mused in his best attempt at a hushed tone. "Must've taken them ages to do this stuff." 
"Yeah," you agreed, glancing over, "it's pretty cool. Slimer really gives me the creeps." 
Ted opened his mouth to respond, but shut up when a loud "shhh!" came from Deacon's general direction. 
For a moment, you and him just looked at each other. Then, not able to stifle it in time, you snorted; he lapsed into a fit of giggles, and as a result of that so did you. It wasn't really your fault -- his laugh was very contagious, even muffled like this. 
Somehow, you managed to get through the rest of the movie without much more incident. Even if your heart lurched every time Ted's arm or leg accidentally brushed up against yours with the way he was fidgeting. 
By the time it was over, it was around six, and so you called to order a pizza. Ted didn't retreat back upstairs, much to Deacon's disappointment, and pretty much hovered around you as you all waited for dinner to arrive. Not in a weird way, not at all -- he just resembled a puppy trying to get attention, really. 
"What'd you think of the movie?" He asked, just after you'd gotten off the phone with the pizza place. 
"It was pretty good," you hummed, putting down the receiver. "A couple moments were slow, but overall I enjoyed it. What's not to like about some guys capturing ghosts and defeating otherworldly entities?" 
"An excellent way to phrase it," grinned Ted, "and I agree most wholeheartedly. The ghost-buster dudes are impossible not to root for." 
You chatted a little more about it with him; his way of talking was a bit unique, but somehow you found it just as attractive as everything else. Sadly, your conversation was cut short by the doorbell. As soon as you'd taken a single step in the direction of the door -- 
" -- I'll get that!" declared Ted, with an enthusiasm that was a little frightening, already moving to grab the pizza. 
"Hey, wait, there's money on the counter!" 
"... Oh." 
Backtracking, he grabbed the cash and resumed his course to the door, covering the distance with long strides. 
It wasn't long before the food was gone; and you unceremoniously stuffed the ripped-apart cardboard box into the recycling bin like last time, hoping Mr. Logan wouldn't take issue with how you'd basically just jammed it in. After Deacon had wolfed down maybe three slices, he'd disappeared somewhere. Probably to his room -- you  reminded him to be in bed in time, lest Mr. Logan stop letting you babysit, and he'd only replied with a dull "okay". 
You were practically alone with Ted now. 
"So, uh." He broke the silence as soon as you returned to the living room. "... Wanna go upstairs? There's not much to do down here 'sides watching more movies." 
"I don't see why not," you said without thinking. 
For a second, he looked caught off-guard just as much as you were, (seriously, what) but recovered quickly. "Cool. C'mon, dude." 
Beaming, he motioned to you, and you were helpless to do anything but follow. 
His room was a bit messy, but you would've found it strange if it wasn't. Posters were all over the walls, Metallica and Van Halen and other assorted bands and movies. In the corner was a shelf filled to the brim with various memorabilia; action figures, guitar picks, markers and books that looked kind of dusty. His laundry bin was overflowing a little, but at least it was confined to another corner. Everything was just so Ted and that was probably the best way to describe it. 
He made his way over to the window, opening it just a crack. "Let's just keep the window open so we can hear Dad pulling in the driveway. His car is super loud -- I think he'd go ballistic if you were hanging out with me." 
You knew he was right, but it still struck a minor chord on your heartstrings -- which you attempted to move past as fast as possible. "Oh, yeah. Good thinking." 
At your compliment, he was all smiles again. 
You felt yourself melt a little, and sat on the bed before your knees gave out or something. 
Before long, you were both sprawled out on the carpet playing a serious game of Uno. For a guy who you were learning wasn't the sharpest crayon in the box, he was pretty good at making you question your own abilities; either that or he was just extremely, ridiculously lucky. He did have an awful poker face, after all. 
He snickered every time he drew a plus four or plus two card, and blanched whenever he didn't have a playable card. Which was cute, but also pretty advantageous for you. 
After a frustratingly long time of going back and forth; of him denying you every single time you dared call Uno, you finally won. 
"Dude!" Ted exclaimed, throwing down his hand as if deeply and truly offended, but you could see that he was grinning again. "That was totally 'cause I let my guard down." 
"I don't know," you teased, "or maybe it was because of my great and unbeatable card-game skills." 
He hung his head in mock-shame. "You're right. I suck." 
You were conflicted between bullying him a little more or comforting him to lessen the blow of your victory, but before you could decide, you both heard the tell-tale sound of tires crunching on the pavement and the whir of the garage door opening. Ted scrambled over to the window, peeking through the small opening he'd left earlier. 
"He's back," he announced, turning back to face you. 
"Okay," you said, getting to your feet and making sure you hadn't dropped anything. "See you later, Ted." 
" 'Bye!" He called after you.
Thankfully, you managed to make it down to the living room, jump onto the couch, and fumble for the remote just in time to turn on the television a good minute before Mr. Logan entered. During that brief time, you felt strangely like you were a spy, a double-agent -- that if you were caught fraternizing with the enemy, you'd be given grave consequences. 
It was hilarious, you had to admit. 
Mr. Logan didn't ask you about Ted this time, just cutting right to the chase and taking out his wallet.
"Is the change on the counter again?" 
"Yeah," you answered, giving him a "thanks" as he handed you a couple bills. You marveled again at how clean they were -- it almost felt criminal to stuff them in your pocket, but what else could you do? 
Once more, Mr. Logan turned away, going for the counter. "Good night." If he was as disinterested as he sounded, it was no wonder why he didn't try to make small talk with you at all. And you were grateful for it; you were sure that it'd just be awkward and nothing else. You rushed a little to leave. 
But just as your hand turned the doorknob, you were stopped in your tracks by a shout. 
Apparently, you and Mr. Logan were both equally shocked, because he also whipped around mid-action. 
In Ted's hasty descent down the stairs, he nearly tripped over himself, but regained what little composure he'd been holding onto, and jogged over to you. Either he didn't notice his father standing there, looking utterly baffled; or he just didn't care. In his hands he was holding a cassette tape. 
He held it out to you, still catching his breath. The color in his cheeks could be attributed to his rush downstairs, but you had a sneaking suspicion that wasn't entirely the case. "Here. Sorry. I was gonna give it to you earlier," bashfulness showed clearly in his expression, "but I forgot." 
It was only a second before you realized that you'd have to exit the situation to avoid any questions from his father -- whose eyes were darting between the two of you in an extremely worrying manner. So you took it from him, even whilst having absolutely no idea what it was. 
And with that, you were out the door. 
The second you got home, you got a good look at the tape. 
On the outside, written in an untidy scrawl in black Sharpie, was your answer. It was a mixtape. How much time had he spent making this for you? Your mind conjured up an image of him sitting by the record player you'd seen in his room, painstakingly selecting his favorite songs to record. 
Flipping it over, you realized there was a scrap of paper taped to it -- a note. 
You hardly had to think about the question hastily written on it with a bright pink marker, with little stars doodled around the edges. 
It was the only thing that was running through your mind for the rest of the night. They were agonizing, the few days that passed before you finally received a call from Mr. Logan again. It was probably the only time ever that you were glad to hear his voice. 
Deacon was a little disappointed when you told him to wait a minute to watch Raiders of the Lost Ark.
"Don't start loudly making out or anything," he said, sulking as you quickly ascended the stairs. You wanted to scold him for the sake of preserving your own dignity, but you had more pressing matters to focus on at the moment.
"So," Ted began sheepishly, after you entered his room. "You got my note, right?" 
"I listened to the tape, too," you answered near-breathlessly. "Yes. I'd love to spend more time with you, Ted." You smiled broadly. "You're really sweet, you know that?" 
He went bright red in response. 
And then ducked behind his bangs. 
It took him a little while to speak, but you were patient. 
" … thanks, dude. I'm really glad," he finally murmured. "I spent ages making that tape, but it wasn't until I was gonna give it to you that I realized that. Like. Just hanging out like this wasn't gonna be enough. At all."
Right now, the main emotion your brain was registering was giddiness. 
"I'm really glad, too."
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skyfallscotland · 4 months
@heartfeltletters-written asked me 💥 How do you feel about criticism? and it felt like something that needed its own post, so here goes: the hypocrisy of critics in modern fandoms, an essay.
Criticism. I don't like getting it or giving it when it comes to writing. I struggle to even gently give it to friends, even when they ask me what I think of their work. Writing is such a personal thing that we pour our heart and soul into and like you say, many criticisms aren't necessarily valid. By that I mean, there's a difference between "Amy you use em dashes a lot babe" (I do) and "This story would have been so much better if Remi were a virgin" (actual criticism I have received, lmao). 
Unlike traditional authors, we will never make money from this, we do it for the love of it and it's time we will never get back. For some of us, it's time we could be working on our own original manuscripts too. I don't think people who give the second type of criticism are writers, generally. They don't understand the craft and what goes into it. Whenever I post and someone says a chapter was short or they immediately ask when the next one is, and that's all they say, I die inside a little. I try not to take it personally, but it's hard.
Personally, I think fandom behaviour is getting worse and that flows over into our comment sections and tumblr asks. I have a whole other dissertation on this that we’ll call ‘the slow death of fandom as we know it: an essay’, but that’s perhaps for another post. I don’t know how welcomed that commentary would be. 
You said the word ‘entitled’ in your original ask and I think that’s spot on. People have become more entitled in general and downright rude (which is not restricted to online spaces, by the way). I write for ACOTAR, but you’ve never seen me discuss it here because no matter what you say in that regard, you can’t win. Someone will always attack you and I do mean attack. Even in regards to Fourth Wing, I don't talk about my opinions a lot outside of my own little bubble of friends and readers.
And that's the kicker to this whole conversation, really. If I were to criticise Iron Flame/RY everyone would jump down my throat (as has happened on other platforms), even though I'd never say it to her face. Do I stand by my opinions? Absolutely. But it would be rude to tell her them, unless asked. I’m not allowed to (validly) criticise certain elements of her story, a published novel, without being attacked for it, but those same people are fine criticising my work directly to me. Hypocrisy at its finest.
There’s a new influx of people to fandom spaces who are completely unwilling to integrate and completely unwilling to be kind. You mentioned those who criticised your work could have saved themselves the trouble and read the tags, but the thing is: they don’t want to. They can’t be bothered to take five seconds and figure out how they work, to curate their own experience, because that’s what half these people are like. They want an algorithm to do it for them, gods help us.
For me, personally, I'm my biggest critic. I also have raging generalised anxiety, so just posting on the internet is enough to send me spiralling (seriously, I feel sick just typing this out). It's very, very out of my comfort zone and I've been very, very lucky so far to have cultivated the readership I have, full of very like-minded people. Perhaps due to some of the darker content matter. But the second I get harshly worded comments, I get upset.
I don't say that to elicit sympathy, it's just a fact. I get upset about it the same way I would if you were standing in front of me saying it to my face, and for someone with depression and anxiety, that lingers. I'm getting better at laughing at them, but it's like when someone tells you they don't like you and your mum says "just ignore them"—not that easy, right? 
So yeah, I don't mind if you want to tell me I use a lot of em dashes, or that I've used a word incorrectly in context, but I don't need to hear how much you hate original character fic when you could just use your last remaining braincell the back button and continue on with your day. Just be kind, is all I'm saying.
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yeyinde · 1 year
Just saw a TikTok where a kid send their favorite stuff animal to his dad who's deployed. Just imagine this happening with 141 🥺 (I'm actually sending this to my favorite writers hoping I can get a cute scenario 😅)
I admire your honesty lmao. So. Here ya go:
—Gen. Reader (but tbh, *you're* a very minor part of this). Child is not named or gendered, either, and can easily be read as adopted instead of bio (with cheeky little hints geared toward this). Fluff(ish).
—I'm not really sure if this constitutes as cute but I wanted to try and write something that was extremely vague but also incredibly...not vague. Transparent, almost. This is that. A thought experiment. Enjoy.
On the surface, the package isn't anything special. Nondescript beige. Square. It's a bit beat up from its journey, bruised and dented like most boxes shipped halfway across the world tend to be, and much too light to be a care pack. 
He sits in his assigned cot with a heavy sigh that creaks through aching bones and tender muscles, eyes already half mast from a day staring at sand dunes and trying to divine answers in gunpowder, reading bullets like tea leaves. Sleep isn't beckoning, it's screaming. Howling loud in his ears and knocking all his thoughts asunder. 
He has half a mind to tuck the box aside, lay down with his boots still on, and sleep until it doesn't make his head split at the seams to keep his eyes open. It's needed, too. They head out tomorrow. Sure, firm, and bound in brass. An unavoidable calamity as they chase shadows with grasping hands, fingers always a hair too short to reach. He might, yet, he thinks, but the box is nearly weightless in his hands, and despite its featherlight heft in his lap, it calls to him. 
If he waits, it'll never leave the sanctity of this safe house. It'll get lost in the shuffle. In the tumult tomorrow morning, a breath before dawn, will surely bring. 
So, he opens it. 
Clumsy fingers, numbed from curling around the butt of a gun all day, paw at the tape until it unravels in a messy cluster, sticking to the palm of his hand. He presses it to the side before slipping his fingers through the flaps. 
It might be a letter asking for a divorce. He thinks about laughing, maybe, but the humour is bereft of reprieve. 
You'd hit him, he thinks. Smack him upside the head for the very thought. 
(Maybe dislodge the monsters in there, too.)
But when he peels back the lips, and peers inside, it isn't a letter. It's a bear.  
Pocket sized, he remembers saying. A negotiation tactic in the middle of a toy aisle to keep the tears from flooding over a glistening lash line. It was as effective as he expected it to be, but the compromise, however shaky, was reinforced with the promise of McDonald's if they didn't cause a scene in the middle of the shops. Sniffles meet his ears still, but they slow, considering the offer. Head tilts adorably to the side (ladies in the aisle over coo). Then, sticky, wet fingers slapped his palm. Deal made. Done. 
The bartering tool—a subpar toy for less than twenty dollars in lieu of a roaring dinosaur that was nearly seventy (Jesus fuckin' Christ)—becomes a reluctant ally against a set of imagined enemies, and then trusted friend. A companion, one carried everywhere—the bath, school, bed—and its loved state is shown through its disarray. Carried in patches of scant fur, in a nose that lost its glossy shine from too many kisses at night and in the morning, and just because ("because he's cute and he needs a kiss!"), and from rips and tears, and clumped cotton when it was hung to dry lopsidedly after spending a day at the beach. It's in the missing button on the little dungarees it wears, and the loose threads that split the seams. 
It's just a bear, but—
"If anything happens to Mr Bear, I will die, dad!" 
Little feet pounding the pavement, frantically searching for the fallen friend who slipped from the basket after a walk to the park. Eyes wide, wild, and filled with tears. Head swivelling in all directions. 
"Why will you die, exactly?" He hedges, brows drawing taut. He's not versed in this well enough to know if this is alarming yet. Maybe. He thinks it might be, has a nagging suspicion that it is, but you offer a shrug in response, and he's calmed a bit by your nonreaction. Normal, then, he thinks, and turns back the way they came, peering at the grass for any signs of an ugly little bear. 
"Because!" It's snapped in that waspish huff only children can muster—the one that says, duh! despite the absurdity of it all. "We share a heart. That's what mum says. And if a cat got him and he's all chewed up, and—"
You have the wherewithal to be a little bit sheepish when he turns to you, mouthing the words back. 
"It was—," you start, shrugging. A touch embarrassed. A little flustered. It suits you, he finds. You wear it like an endearing garment. "It was just a joke, but kids take everything so literally, and so now—"
"Mind, body, heart, and soul!" 
More little stomps. A pout forms. Wobbles. He bends down before the tears fall, gentle as he thinks he can be (and gentler some, because if parenthood has taught him anything, it's that his patience for a little being that picked him, that looked at him and said, you, you, you; I want you, is infinite) he places his hands on trembling shoulders, and tries to soothe the pain that etches in glossy eyes. Hand bearish and uncertain, but quivering from holding back, from offering nothing in this moment except liquid adoration and unfettered devotion. He feels it writ across the lines in his face.
"It's alright," he gruffs, and then hides a wince when the boney, fragile shoulders beneath his hands tense, shake. Soft as smoke, he adds: "we'll find the bastard—"
"—the bear."
A sniffle. "His name is Mister Bear and I love him to the moon and back."
It melts him in ways he never expected. Unthaws tundric parts of himself he thought were lost to permafrost; empty and void of life. It cracks, shatters. He moves, tugging the little body wracked with sobs tight to his chest as if he means to tuck them between his rib cage where they'll stay, a little bird safe and sound and untouched by the uglier parts of the world that wants to maim and hurt. Gentle shushes fall from his lips. Clumsy affection he doesn't know how to give but will learn if it means he can whisper the same words—to the moon and back—until his throat rots and his words turn to ash. Until his bones are brittle and weary, and the earth reclaims his life. 
He says them, then, stilted and unsure, but firm. Heavy. 
"Love you, little bird," he rasps, lips pressing tight to a plump cheek. "Now let's find that Bastar—" ahem! "—bear. That bear. Okay?"
The bastard was in a pile of rubbish by the side of the road. His ear was lost to the many washes he went through to rid the stench of trash and cat piss from his fur. 
You'd scrubbed the bear in the sink before, it's little dungarees hung up to dry in the garden. He startled you, then, when his hands wrapped around your middle, tugging you tight to his chest. Your ring caught, cutting a clean stripe through the one beady it had left. 
He paid it little mind at the time, too busy nipping the nape of your neck as you offered weak protests that fell apart when you arched into him. Pretty and wanting. 
"Maybe another?" He'd rasped into your ear, eyes drifting down to the ugly, sodden bear in the sink. "Call up the stork and have one delivered tomorrow, mm?"
"You're ridiculous," you huffed but it wasn't no. 
And it wasn't meant to be, either. He was called away three days later, the words murmured out while you stitched up the misshapen mess of a teddy bear in the living room. Patient to a fault, you'd simply smiled at him, taut and painful around the edges, and said, be safe. 
The announcement of his departure wasn't nearly as smooth, though. A tantrum, fraught with heavy sobs and howled no's seemed to threaten to topple the house down over them all. 
But you'd spoken words he couldn't hear, and moon-shaped eyes turned to him, fogged over with tears. There was acceptance buried in the webbing nebula, but it was shaky. Tenuous. 
Childish hands hold him tight before he leaves. "Mr Bear always keeps me safe.
The sentiment was overlooked at the time. A passing murmur that was lost in the shuffle of packing, leaving. Kisses and whispered worries in the middle of the night. 
But he thinks about it now, and tries not to laugh. 
At the bottom of the box is a note. He'll keep you safe, too! Love you to the moon and back.
He tucks the bear into his breast pocket where it'll be the safest on this journey, and wonders what you thought about the whole mess. It makes his lips curl. 
Halfway across the world, and they still make him smile. 
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ddeongies · 1 month
hello my fav writer, im curious abt ur top 5 ryeji fics 🧐
OKAY this was both hard to answer and easy to answer bc i'm good at remember to bookmark my faves (and also reread them all LMAO). that being said!! the below list is not in order, there are honorable mentions, and there's just so much incredible ryeji fic out there that it feels wild to just say 5.
what’s in a name by snowandwolves
if you haven’t read what’s in a name and you read ryeji fic…… please read it right now? it’s not only my favorite ryeji fic, it’s one of my fave stories of all time (including published shit like this fucking fic is a tour de force). it’s simply one of the most beautiful things i’ve ever read and i could not recommend it enough. (this author’s writing is so good i started watching warrior nun just so i can one day enjoy their warrior nun fics i’m so for real right now)
all or nothing (unfortunately orphaned 😭)
all or nothing is one of my comfort fics. it’s a perfect little two shot and idk how many times i’ve read it. the characterization is just lovely. the ryeji relationship is warm and soft and slow and sweet and inevitable (which you know is just how i like it). perfect amount of getting to know each other, perfect amount of pining, a dreamy dreamy yeji it’s just elite
call it fate, call it karma by crushpdf
this fic….. read it please if you haven’t it’s criminally underrated. the fact that it has fewer than 2k hits is actually insane to me. idol yeji and producer ryu and they just fall in love and it’s low drama and perfect and another comfort fic of mine. idk what to say, it’s a 6k one shot, so honestly just read (or reread) it now and thank me later
muse by qaisal
i was considering not including a qaisal fic on this list, but that doesn’t feel right or honest, like there’s a reason they’re top of the tag!! i think muse is my personal fave (and one of the first ryeji fics i’ve ever read, which is probably true for many! if you’ve somehow read my fics and haven’t read muse i am confused, but it’s just cute as hell! i’m too old to write a high school au, so it’s very nice to have an elite one like this to read and reread when i wanna feel warm and fuzzy inside
you’re a mean one by snowddeong
this fic…. also one of the first ryeji fics i read. i don’t generally read gp, but when it’s good it’s good, and YAMO is so fucking good. idk how many times i’ve read it. snow has this unfair ability to tie like so much yearning and history and backstory and tension in these simple moments. and then they combine it with some really hot shit? elite smut fic like it’s an all time classic!!!
honorable mentions:
wheel, snipe, celly by lonewolflink
bite me by hwang_yeddeong
cartwheel heart by aprilflower
step by step (then a leap of faith) by snowandwolves
good boi by hwangdroid (also snow)
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honeyhotteoks · 2 months
hi friends.............. a quick update and a hard hours announcement!
as far as fics (tnt, aurora, and one shots) i have been writing! it's just slow going with work. i hope to post some more very soon x
however..... when i take big breaks from writing it always takes me longer to get back into the swing of things. i wanted to play around with the idea of opening hard hours (and soft too, yk im a romance and angst girlie at heart) - so if that's something you'd be interested in, check out the guidelines under the cut!
ask guidelines:
groups i'll respond for: ateez, seventeen, stray kids (i accept any member)
these are hard hours/soft hours etc., not fic requests. i won't be responding to messages that say "can you write x member doing xyz" but what i will respond to are more casual things like 'can you imagine x member doing xyz'
i get a lot of asks whenever i open, please don't be offended if i take a long time to answer, i promise it is not personal
if you send a nsfw link, that's totally fine! please just let me know so i don't accidentally open it in front of someone irl lmao
while i love nsfw, i also just love talking about kpop boys. if you want to send in an ask about how sweet and lovely you think a member is..... do it! i can and will scream about it with you
content i will never respond to:
actual age play (i'm fine with daddy and babygirl as petnames, but iyk age play then yk)
noncon (dubcon/cnc/somno is fine but fr noncon is a no-go)
anything that brings me (the writer) into the mix. there are some nsfw blogs that have a particular relationship with their readers..... but i'm not comfortable with that for me. this is no shade to them at all, but if we're talking about smutty fantasy things, leave me out of it and lets talk reader x kpop boy
if you want to send an emoji so i know who you are on an ongoing basis, please do that! i'm going to create a masterlist at some point, but it's been a while since anyone's sent in emojis so we're gonna wipe the slate clean and start fresh
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teaxeee · 9 months
MeanDom!Jiwoong x Sub!Reader - Fisting, toys, overstim, dumbification, slight bondage (only really mentioned once), stop light method, aftercare, lover!reader, gn!reader, GoodDom!Jiwoong
Reader being needy and subby so Meandom!Jiwoong leads them to the room, ass up and hands tied behind their back.
Unbeknownst to reader, meandom!Jiwoong isn't letting them cum and instead works reader up to his full fist and two fingers in the ass, overstimulating reader to the point of going dumb and begging to cum.
Meandom!Jiwoong denying reader's release so he pulls them back toward him by their hair, stops his fingers and whispers
" are you questioning me slut? and if i pull my fingers out and leave you here all dumb and useless? then what? are you gonna be needy and come crying to me again?"
"no sir.." reader says in a whisper, tearing up but not forgetting his 4 fingers burried deep inside them,
"no what exactly?" meandom!Jiwoong says, looking like he's losing his patience,
"no i'm not questioning *hiccup* you sir.."
Meandom!Jiwoong lets go of reader making them flop down into the pillow and continues fingering both of their small tight holes.
He finally makes it to a full fist and starts mercilessly pounding into readers hole while reader starts screaming and crying tears of pleasure and overstimulation
"please sir please can i cum sir PLEASE sirrr"
Meandom!Jiwoong ignores their begging and pulls his fingers out their ass, replacing them with a long thin silicone vibrator custom made to reach the prostate and plug the ass in the process. He puts it in slowly and continues fisting the reader,
After a while of fisting, the reader can no longer form coherent sentences. All thats coming out their mouth are please and mumbles. Meandom!Jiwoong stops his fist and leans down to the reader
"color baby?" he says in a sweet whisper, drastically different to the last time they spoke.
"green honey please don't stop" reader says back gently, but he notices how worn out they sound.
Meandom!Jiwoong slowly starts his hand up again, this time going in deeper and more toward the g-spot, having reader moaning and begging again in no time.
He starts up the prostate vibrator on high level making the reader scream. He starts pounding the readers g-spot accurately at a good pace,
"cum when you like, i wont be holding back" He says shortly.
"please sir please sir i need to-" reader gets cut off by a harsh slap on the ass
"cum i said." Jiwoong says, speeding up his hand.
Reader cums, eyes rolling back, spasming and squirting all over when Jiwoong pulls his hand out. Jiwoong leaves the plug inside, turned off, because the reader likes feeling nice and full.
Jiwoong gets the reader nice and cleaned up, peppering them with kisses and cooing. He gets in bed alongside them, pulling the plug out and putting his cock in, cockwarming while cuddling them to sleep.
"did i go too hard baby?" Jiwoong says softly, trying not to disturb readers peace.
"no my love, it was perfect" reader reassures him, kissing his nose bridge and cuddling closer to his neck. "you know i'd always tell you if you were making me uncomfortable"
"i know honey" Jiwoong says falling asleep with his content lover in his arms and a smile on his face.
·͜·ᰔᩚ omg i hope this wasnt too much.. i was flooded with Jiwoong brain rot 💀 i was wondering if you could maybe rewrite/refrase and expand on this a bit? I'm a really bad writer lmao 🫂
( i love your work btw, you always end up having something in looking for 🙈🫂❤️)
HELLO?! YOU SHOULD BE A WRITER THIS IS PRE GOLD!! Also I wanna apologize for not answering your ask so soon anonnie, had a lot going on.
I feel like Jiwoong really likes seeing you unable to move as he uses both of your holes. He'd start off slow at first, 2 fingers inside your ass and his cock in your cunt, as he fucks and preps you at the same time, watching how you fall apart from the double penetration. He slowly works his way from 2 fingers, to 3, 4 and finally a full fist, which makes you scream and cry out from the sudden feeling of being full, becoming overstimulated and overwhelmed with pleasure. After a while he pulls out from both of your holes, leaving you empty and begging for more, as he replaces his fist with the plug, as he assaults your hole, his other hand moving to toy with your clit, causing only pleas and soft cries to fall past your lips. He asks and makes sure you're alright, before he allows you to cum. After he's finished with you he makes sure to be very gentle with you, as he kisses all over the places he bruised as small apologies leave past his lips, before he pulls you close and lets you cockwarm him, as you both fall asleep.
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maddsmallow · 3 months
madyy do you have any hankcon fics for me im on a kick ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ
@subway-dove i went thru my ao3 bookmarks, here's literally all of my favorites that i can remember by the plot summary LMAO
just a little scheme-lady drace
found (my) family (in the woods)-lady drace
aging with grace-trash_heap
stupid sexy priest-connorsjorts
ruining a perfectly good mattress-lady drace (NSFW)
calling in a favor-halcyandream (NSFW)
red all over-ghost_teeth (NSFW)
7 human habits you should try at least once-moonwalkingcrab (i dont remember the plot of this one but i have a feeling i really liked it) (NSFW)
promise-jerk3max (FUCKING SAD BUT GOOD)
dieu et mon droit-plutoandpersephone (NSFW) (also this one is a staple hankcon fic)
two different stars in the same sky-blackeyedblonde (NSFW)
the mermaid of fox creek-atropaazraelle
blue canary-beepgrandcherokeeper (NSFW)
though bright be the morning, brighter still be the stars-bibliomaniac
bend, twist, and shape-dbhprincess
the other way to someday-bigspoonnoya (NSFW) (this one is also another staple hankcon fic)
bound to you-mango_lioncat (NSFW) (this was a twitter fic and it's written in a way that makes that super obvious lmao, but the story is still really good imo despite that)
a tourist in a dream-octobig (NSFW) (this fic was technically never "finished" because the writer didnt really have an end in mind, but it leaves you very happy even so! no major cliffhanger or anything)
the gap in between-molias (NSFW) (another staple fic)
lilacs in bloom-molias (NSFW) (again, another staple fic—to be fair, basically all of this person's fics are fucking fantastic)
too much, never enough-jolli_bean (NSFW) (this is another hankcon fic writer whose fics are like ALL staple hankcon fics)
he's making a list; i'm checking him out-connorsjorts (NSFW) (ABSOLUTE STAPLE FIC)
blue skies, white slopes-highlyexplosivecontent (NSFW)
peppermint mocha-gildedfrost (NSFW)
the copper valley cowboy-highlyexplosivecontent (NSFW) (i made some art kinda sorta inspired by this for an art exchange!)
be brave, my heart, winter is coming-lady drace (not really nsfw but makes references if i remember correctly) (ALSO THIS IS MY FAV HANKCON FIC OF ALL TIME)
getting home-atropaazraelle (NSFW)
H & C, '39-blackeyedblonde (NSFW)
downloading to paris-sevdrag (the fact that this fic still isnt done is kind of a meme at this point. feel free to bully sev about it 👍 (only slightly joking LMAO))
eighteen wheels on an uphill climb-blackeyedblonde (NSFW) (this is like THE staple hankcon fic)
from the window-sumoattack (NSFW)
slow down, you're doing fine-jilliancares (NSFW)
i'm sure there's been plenty more that i have enjoyed, but if they're in my bookmarks, i didn't remember the story by the summary 😅 enjoy!!! if any of my mutuals have any to add, go ahead!!
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richonnesbitch · 5 months
Oooh ok now we know your fav TOWL kiss(es) so the logical next question is what is/are you favorite TWD kiss(es) ???
And between your fav TOWL and fav TWD kiss… which one wins 😈
Just wanna start this off by saying I'm sorry I took so long to get to this! I've been busy lately but I wanted to give this question the time it deserved because I could really go on and on about every richonne kiss. But I am going to limit myself to my top 3. I would do more but currently I'm not in the hest headspace so its hard for me to think! This is in no particular order because it's hard as hell to pick favorites! Anywayyyy let's get started.
1. Have Your Mints
Okay so before richonne I wasn't really one of those people that shipped couples, okay? Of course I loved the chemistry between richonne but I wasn't as hardcore about it as I am now. I remember where I was when this moment happened. When I say it changed my life, it changed my entire DAMN life. Like, I was shell-shocked in the most amazing way possible. Never have I felt such euphoria in my life than I did when Rick and Michonne finally happened! I immediately became a VERY hard-core shipper. I would literally rewatch this kiss on repeat for HOURS for MONTHS straight. Obsessed was not even the word. Like it was straight up addiction the way I would watch it. Naturally it would have to be my favorite kiss! It's just so beautiful and romantic and sensual and tender, etc, etc, etc. I've never seen anything else like it. To quote Scott Gimple, "These are two people who have found kindred spirits in each other, strength, respect, support, loyalty. But the world has been screaming in their faces and clawing at them for a good part of their acquaintance. For all they’ve been through, when the world stopped screaming and clawing for them, they realized what they had." Wooooo! What a gorgeous quote. Basically, this kiss invented romance for me and changed the entire course of my life. I had to give it the #1 spot, I had to. I had to!!!
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2. The Triple Kiss
This kiss is just too damn cute. If I'm not mistaken, it's the only casual kiss we ever get between richonne. Most of the time they're making out lmao! But it just goes to show how life has slowed down a lot for them and now they're fully able to enjoy their time together and they can take time with their kisses. It's so domestic. Also find it cute how Rick knows Michonne likes too work hard but kinda softly tells her to take it easy for the night because he wants to cuddle her to sleep. This whole scene is too good.
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3. Hearts Still Beating
Well, this kiss was almost too dark to see but from what I did see it was sexy as fuck! And also very loving at the same time. Richonne is so good at that. I love love love LOVE Michonne's speech. She has such a way with words, her thinking about becoming a writer at one point in her life makes SO much sense. The way she talks about how she doesn't wanna do things her way. she wants to do it her AND Rick's way. She doesn't wanna do anything without her man by her side. The way she not only convines Rick to fight the saviors but also uplifts him in the process.... she is so one of a kind. And the way Rick listens intensely and values each and every word. This scene is also extra sweet because not only does it drive the narrative forward but it's also a makeup scene for Rick and Michonne who have been at odds! Whenever she starts crying and he cups her face and kisses her.... ughhhh you can just FEEL the yearning they've been experiencing over each other. They missed each other so bad and it feels so good for both of them to be back on the same page. This isn't an actual picture of the kiss but a still from the same scene. WHY IS THE STILL BRIGHTER THAN THE SCENE IN THE EPISODE!?!?! Lowkey I feel like someone on set was trying to sabotage them.
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Now.... how do these compare to TOWL kisses? Well, this is kind of like asking a parent to pick their favorite child. How can I choose when they're all so perfect?!?!?!?! But seriously if you really want me to choose.....I have to go with the "have your mints" scene. I'm sorry! I just do. I mean... it's where we all started. It's what turned me into a shipper and kicked off the greatest love story of all time. Did I mention it was all done in one take and Danai and Andy essentially took their own direction for the scene? Meaning everything they did was unscripted and yet it still came off as the most natural thing in the world.... how can it not win?!?!
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fatuismooches · 11 months
And... that's it! Kabukimono's "The Puppet's Lessons" series is over! Phew, that was a long journey. A total of 20.7k words and 49 pages on my Google Docs. June 6 to November 3rd... wow i am a slow writer 😍 He's very thankful for all the things you've taught him! I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did, it was a pleasure to write. Seeing all of your comments and reblogs made me incredibly happy, i am overjoyed you all loved it that much, it was all worth it ❤️ (Also is this a sign for me to start writing angst more?? I'm genuinely blown away by how much comments the last few lessons got, like shit y'all want me to make you sad?? 😭)
Though, I hope I didn't focus too much on other characters outside of Scara and you. I just find writing about how other characters view you a very interesting and fun thing to do. Specifically Traveler lol. And Nahida, with Scara’s and Dottore’s partner. Scara because you’re dating her nephew… she gotta know you! Dottore because even though she wouldn’t like either of you, she can’t help but want to study you since it’s fascinating to her that someone has the capacity to love Dottore and that Dottore has the capacity to genuinely love. Ei and Yae's thoughts on you would also be interesting. And i hope it didn't get too lore-ish? I'm not sure if people find incorporating lore boring but yea lmao.
And now that the Kabukimono series is over, I kind of want to start a new one. Initially I was thinking of a single drabble thingy regarding the message of “Dottore knows he’s a monster but when he’s with you, he feels more human than he wants to admit” and I was like, that can apply to all of them, so maybe I can make the series of them realizing you’re the reason why they have some ounces of humanity left. I don't actually know what I would write but it's something 😅
I've also contemplated doing a series with Akademiya Zandik but i have no new ideas and I've talked about him way too much lmao. He's in time out for a bit. If you have potential series ideas for one character or all the harbingers I’d love to hear them 😊 (please give me ideas. 😛😛)
Now, I return back to my Dottore fic (which is now 16k+ words, with no end in sight <3) (Also, if you thought the Kabukimono series was sad, wait until you read the ending of this fic, hahahahahaha- the urge to drop the snippet is so much but i can't spoil this. nope. I also will have to end up splitting the fic into parts though because i know no one is gonna sit here and read through all of that.)
Also i sincerely apologize for not answering asks for a while, I'm just trying to make time for my college assignments, my job, personal life, and also finding time to write actual fics too sooo I'm really sorry 😭(This got way too long.)
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pricegouge · 6 days
yay i’m so happy you responded!! i was the anon also talking ab what they’d be like with a chronically ill doll. idk what was up with my spelling in this ask but anyway. love your take 🤤 mad at myself tho because i meant what if price fucked DOLL while she was playing with chick 🙂‍↕️. anyway i love this because im very bisexual. could i be 🌪️ anon pretty please?
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Hi hi! Sorry it took me so long! I have a bad habit of holding onto asks I wanna write for but I'm a very very slow writer so the requests are piling up and burying quick answers, oops lmao
So the thing is, I think price would have a real crisis of faith because on the one hand, hot, but on the other hand, I think he would genuinely be pissed if doll wasn't paying full attention to him while he was actively inside her lmao. He'd be working so hard to get you all stupid and brainless but if that didn't work he might have to resort to slapping :(
You're right about Gaz though fs. He'd use her as leverage any way he could because he doesn't care about her and it pisses him off to see you loving up on her her and not him all the time
Simon on the other hand would find your relationship with your own little dolly cute. He'd always want the two of you together, would probably make fun of you both for trying to find comfort in each other in a hopeless situation. You were never sure what was so funny about it until they started playing with Chick a little too hard and hen all of a sudden your feelings were being used against you
Soap is a dog as usual. He's the meanest to poor Chick, at least physically. I think she's probably just as mean, digging her own grave worse because Soap definitely likes when his toys fight back. None of the other boys ever seem to care and they don't offer help pulling him off her until you try it yourself one day and catch an accidental elbow. You and Johnny are both punished for carelessness after that
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msnihilist · 7 months
Person Who Has Never Watched the Reboot Decides to Liveblog Alien-X-Tinction
First scene and I already hate Max's voice. #NotMyGrandpa
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idk what alternate universe this is yet, but I like 1) that Ben is sad :), and 2) that his Omnitrix looks like that??? It really sells the idea of a prototype 🥺
"resistance will only beget pain" — villain who is smart enough to know that Ben doesn't know what "beget" means
"you always try to interrupt" okay, ouch, I actually love that angst (I already know who the Alien X is and what he's been doing to alternate Bens (I'm only watching this because the Wiki page for the special was interesting to me), so this is lovely :3) Max always tries to save his grandson and he never succeeds </3
Side note: evil Celestialsapien is a cool idea, and I like that this one is taking a "hands on" approach. It's about the thrill of the hunt :) And loving making people suffer
"oh, no, not again" LMAO, the dimension-hopping Max sounds soooo mildly inconvenienced
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WAIT, DID THE ALIEN X RIP OFF BEN'S ARM??? I can't tell what happened here?? Fuckin' kid's show censors 😭
Max's face when Ben hugs his grandpa…… I love suffering 🥺
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"you'd think I'd be used to it all by now" coming from a man who lost his grandkids and tortures himself by watching it happen again and again in other timelines hurts so good 😭 😭 I also love that they let Max cry about it. It's a small thing and it only lasts a second, but in the Classic continuity, Ben only cried on screen TWICE, both when he was 10. Letting an aged man hurt like this without making a joke about it is good to see <3
Back in the Real Timeline, I guess, lmao. I love that Gwen is tied up and just looks so bored with the whole affair
GWEN'S VOICE?? #NOTMYGWEN (I like that Zombozo is voiced by Drakken, tho)
Hm. I kinda like this angle with Ben's frustration. He feels like he's not living up to his full potential as a hero because he always has Gwen and Max helping him. It's different from when Ben would get cocky in the OG, and I think it's an interesting point, too :p This blatantly isn't about being a hero, it's about the thrill, which is something that ten-year-old Ben consistently struggled with
Still hate reboot Heatblast, but whatever
I definitely don't like how the fights are animated? It feels... slow. And I get part of that is to build up suspense/show of Alien X's abilities, since this show is aimed at a younger audience who wouldn't be familiar with the Classic continuity, but still :/ I don't like the flat camera angles and the hits don't have a lot of weight to them
Love that Alien X is killing off Ben's, though — something Eon was always too pussy to do
I hate this art style, but I appreciate that the writers are trying
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I love villains who are obsessed with Ben Killing him, hunting him down, whatever. Watching villains shove aside whatever or whoever gets in their way to pursue Ben with single-minded fervor always hits good.
This fight between Ben and Alien X, up until he loses the Omnitrix, is probably my favorite fight in the special. Alien X was at his coolest and Ben really gave it his all, no matter how badly he got beat in return.
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"there's no omniversal road-side service that drops out of thin air" — man who has forgotten that this is Ben he's talking about
BRO, THEY'RE PLAYING THE ALIEN FORCE THEME SONG WHEN OLDER BEN STEPS OUT OF THE PORTAL 😭 Okay, even though AF had kind of a lame opening, I'll admit: that was pretty hype
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Holy shit, wait, the reboot has been going on for five seasons and this Max STILL hasn't told his grandkids about the Plumbers??? I hate him, worst grandpa
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LMAO, Maximillian calling Ben a stubborn brat <3 AF Ben looking away in embarrassment because he knows it's true (he literally JUST tried to walk off and go it alone for?? no reason, literally), I love them. They're a family in every dimension
I think it's cute that Gwen already likes teenage Ben <3
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Alien X: "You're in the wrong dimension." Ben, who's relaxing nonchalantly waiting for his plan to pay off: "Is that why my keys don't work?"
AF BIG CHILL DESIGN + VOICE, MY BELOVED!!! They even kept Ben shouting out his transformation's names, nreulgneklge. That's some attention to detail that almost makes me forgive the art style <3 (almost)
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"little me," omg, he's such a fuckin' dork
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I love that when Bens get together, they literally just love each other, it's so so sweet <3
"I should rethink my prior mercy." "Your generosity will not go unappreciated… or unpunished." ngl, this guy is a sick villain
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Okay, this made me love him. And Gwen's faith in him is sooo <3 Truly the best cousin of all time
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"Are you okay?" "Better now that you're back, cuz." Ben and Gwen are so fucking cute in the reboot, I love them 😭 🥺
I love that Gwen 10 goes, "And, yes, we're [Gwens are] better" and then fucking picks Ripjaws for a fight in a rocky desert, sfbrygbrku. She's such a dumbass I do love her Ripjaws design, tho!! Love that they avoided the Omniverse problem of making the female aliens excessively feminized. ALSO OG HEATBLAST, MY LOVE
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OV Ben ruffling younger Ben's hair 🥺🥺
AHAHA, OG Ben immediately assuming that this Gwen is also a magic user, pfft. Even in a dimension where they don't get along as well, he's got so much faith in his cousin <3
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Gwen's little watch tech is like her UAF powers!!
Of course OG Ben would get pissy about someone picking the same alien as him 😭 He's so chronically ten years old
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"But I'm not your Ben." "You're all my Ben." Okay, maybe this Max is actually the best one 😭 🥺
Jeez, that tragic backstory was pretty fucking brutal. Vilgax straight-up just vaporized Gwen and Max. I love the idea of an evil Ben who's lost everything, though. His Max and Gwen are dead, what more can they take away from him? Eon could never
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LMAO, MAX JUST FORCIBLY ADOPTING EVIL BEN AT THE END. Ben is so unenthused, he's gonna get loved whether he wants to or not!!
Okay, just finished it. Final thoughts? It was really cute. Is it good enough to get me to watch the rest of the reboot? No. It's definitely not as hype as some of UAF/OV's high points, probably in part because I still can't get into the art style and also because the fight scenes just aren't as good.
It had pretty good pacing! I was surprised by that, I thought 45 minutes was gonna be too short, but it ended up feeling right. (Also, I'm upset to say that Max's voice grew on me. Gwen is on thin ice.)
You can tell that this was made with a lot of love, both for the characters and for Ben 10 as a whole. It really does feel like a love letter to the fandom, and for that, it was a good watch :)
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Final score: 7/10, not NEARLY as bad as I was expecting, worth a rewatch <3
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bi-buckrights · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by the lovely @hippolotamus thank you my friend 💕
How many works do you have on ao3?
Just 12! I started writing almost a year and a half ago and I am very slow lmao
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Just 9-1-1! Honestly haven't felt the urge to write for any others.
Top five fics by kudos:
Bottled Poetry
Pick a Star on the Dark Horizon (Follow the Light)
You and Me Here (underneath the mistletoe)
Home is Just Another Word for You
Kiss Me Before it's Over (If Only for a Minute)
Do you respond to comments?
Yes!! Comments make my day so I love responding to them! Although I am very far behind...
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I have to have write happy endings so I can't really answer this 😂
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Also difficult to answer since they are all happy endings... but I think that Pick a Star on the Dark Horizon (Follow the Light) has the most rewarding happy ending after all the angst I put them through 😅
Do you get hate on fics?
Mehh I've gotten a few somewhat rude comments but thankfully nothing notable
Do you write smut?
I dabble... particularly in my FWB baseball au 😏 and my upcoming pirate au 😌
Craziest crossover:
I don't foresee myself writing any crossovers asdkfjh
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of...
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so, but I would be honored if someone wanted to translate one of my fics!
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
No, my writing schedule is too unpredictable and I feel so bad if someone is relying on me 😭
All time favourite ship?
Buddie!! Obviously. But I have been loving Bucktommy, and Destiel will always have my heart.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don't know if my beloved wedding fic will ever return to from the war... Different first meeting, Buck and Eddie reunite at Madney's wedding.
What are your writing strengths?
Umm. uh. pass? I honestly dont know adsfkjh but I like writing multichapter fics and weaving the different parts of the story together (idk if I'm any good at it though lmaooo)
What are your writing weaknesses?
Actually writing... asdfkjlh
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I've never added it but I know if I ever needed to include it for any reason I know I could consult my lovely spanish speaking friends <333
First fandom you wrote in?
Favorite fic you've written?
ohhh not to be repetitive about this fic but probably Pick a Star on the Dark Horizon (Follow the Light), my army marriage of convenience au which is very personal and special to me ❤️
Tagging @monsterrae1 @prettyboybuckley @rogerzsteven @loserdiaz @saybiwithme
@spotsandsocks @eddiebabygirldiaz @hoodie-buck @exhuastedpigeon @bidisasterevankinard
@bekkachaos @loveyouanyway @elvensorceress @spaceprincessem
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ardenrabbit · 5 months
Heyyy! Just wanted to say I adore your fics! They literally keep me going some days and I've reread so many chapters so many times.
Was wondering if you could give us a hint like a teaser of what's coming up or about when the next chapter is up?
Please don't take this as a demand or anything I don't wanna pressure you, you and your happiness and health come first!
It could be in a year from now and I'll still wait for it <3 ILY TY FOR DOIN GODS WORK <3
Aaaah thank you so much!!! 💜🥺💜 I'm so happy you're enjoying them and that I can add something to your day! Tbh writing keeps me going too 💕
I'm clawing my way out of some writer's block and still rereading some stuff to get context and clarification on some things, but progress is being made! I can never guarantee when I'm going to update but I hope to get something posted within the next couple weeks. I promise I look forward to updating as much as you do 😭 Having multiple projects is helping keep me invested in them too lol, it keeps things fresh c:
Thank you for asking in such a kind way! I sincerely enjoy the engagement! Lemme see what I can share uhhhh...
ALaSR: Next chapter is gonna be Hua Cheng POV! Their POVs are gonna be alternating every chapter for the remainder of the fic. This recovery isn't Xie Lian's alone 💕 We're also gonna get some Mean Hua Cheng coming up and I'm very excited lol. Honestly I think alasr!XL hasn't really had exposure to the fact that, yeah, HC is a calamity and uses his power how he wants and also doesn't like everyone that XL likes. I crave conflict and I finally get to write itttttt 💖💖💖
TWoF: This whole fic is gonna be solely HC POV. Next chapter is gonna pose a lot more questions than answers, cause it's only chapter 3, but it'll give a lot more context about the life that this au's HC is living. (Honestly, I'm enjoying that this HC has such a chip on his shoulder lol, speculating on how his personality and worldview would be if he hadn't met Xie Lian early on.) This fic is...not gonna have the kind of fluff alasr has lol. But it will end happy!!
I also have an MDZS fic that I posted one chapter of and then dropped on hiatus 😬 Really wanting to get back to that one soon but the amount of research I realized I'd need to do to write it in a way that satisfies me is sort of paralyzing 😅 I either have to do yet more reading or lower my writing standards, so, I'm reading lmao. But TGCF is as long as it is, so it's taking a while to finish rereading it, and THEN I can read this collection of material on the entire history of China I've gathered. Sadly, despite best efforts, I'm an extremely slow reader 😣
Thank you so much for the ask! I'm excited to keep working on these! 💜
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