#also I'm sorry for the random book recs. it will happen again.
essektheylyss · 10 months
I might be wine drunk right now bit how chill you are with wasps even though one is bugging (hehe) you and you have been stung before just seems so good to me!! Like I donot know you but I feel proud thst you care enough about a wasp to stay kind! I always freak out cause I was stung omce and now these critters scare me but, I'm trying, and I think I wanna be able to act like you. Around wasps. Very positieve sweet post, thanks :) Just wanted to say, I like your attitude about them little yellow bugs :) (I checked for spelling errors but there might still be many, sorry)
Haha I'm glad it was appreciated! I don't know when I became really chill around critters, but I did realize recently that I have become that person who's like "Ugh it would be so much simpler to just kill this bug in my house because it's in an inconvenient place, but no, I feel morally obligated to catch it and let it outside 🙄" haha. The thing about a lot of stinging flying insects is that they generally won't sting unless they're disturbed (i.e. a bee had climbed into my jacket sleeve in an orchard, so when I put it on, it freaked out, validly—though there are some hornets that are a bit more aggressive) so I try to keep it cool and stay aware of where they are near me, and it's worked pretty well so far!
We did have to get rid of a hornet's nest recently that was next to the front door, which I did not enjoy, but there are limits to interactions. Actually, I just read A Honeybee Heart Has Five Openings and am currently reading Braiding Sweetgrass, and both of them have some applicable discussions of interacting with nonhuman life (and the first with bees in particular), so highly recommend checking one or both of those out if you're interested!
In general though I tend to let the urban wildlife do what they're doing, and don't move too quickly around them, and normally that cuts it, though I do draw the line at the squirrel that tried to steal my lunch the other week. -_-
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absolutebl · 1 year
Hi, absolutebl.......Do you mind if I ask you some random thing? I used to love shoujo/josei manga and het romance kdrama equally....But ever since I found BL manga 3 years ago, my interest in shoujo and het romance decrese a lot, and what I search for is just the dynamic between mc (male) and male lead...I don't want to read or watch mc (female) and male lead or mc (male) and female lead...
What do you think happen to me? (Sorry for this weird ask)
Really love your blog....Thank you so much, for sharing your BL analyses, reviews and recs. I learn a lot from you. Some of my fav BL series, I found them from you.....Thanks.....
Do you mind if I ask again for BL recs? Because I know here are users that did not want to receive different asks from the same person.....
Also, have you watched dmbj or read orv? Both series based on a novels that have very strong bromance vibe.....
Do you know that sotus, manner of death and 2together are adapted into manga? Before I found your blog, BL that I read are from manga and manhwa, and I was surprised when I knew that the series above are from thai drama (I know the manga first, sorry).....
Last ask, what do you think about BL or GL that make it better than het romance? Do you feel that too?
Sorry for this very long ask, if you mind, I will not ask again......Hope you have a wonderful day.....
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Honestly I don't know. But I can say it happened to me with manga a very long time ago. I switched from reading bodice rippers to yaoi and pretty much stopped reading anything het romance after that. (I still read scifi & fantasy that's not primarily romance, although not as much as I once did.)
Fortunately for me, the M/M self publishing revolution, and then BL, came along.
That said, I did pick up Kdramas (via Kpop), and they are now the only het I watch.
I've gone through phases where yaoi or m/m or BL was ALL I was consuming for a couple years. And then just stopped. Stared reading more widely for a while. (I'm making the comparison with books because I have never had the opportunity to do this level of obsession with cinema before, there has never before been enough on screen queer romances for me to just watch those and nothing else until 2020. Now there is.
Honestly, I don't know why this happened or me, or anyone else.
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To understand why we like a thing, let alone obsesses or fixate on a thing, is so complex. Maybe it's because I come out of kink but I've learned to just go with the fetish... as it were.
It's like trying to understand why you like a particular dish, song, fashion, color, painting, architecture, even a plant or animal. I mean we can come up with explanations, flavor profiles, childhood formation of taste, family backgrounds, and so forth. Or academic analysis to do with disenfranchisement and the psychological appeal of narrative and beauty.
But sometimes often we like a thing because we like a thing.
I know, for humans, the "why" is our most powerful question. (Marketing also knows this, incidentally.) One of the reasons we tell stories AT ALL (to ourselves, to others, around a campfire in ancient times) is our search for the eternal why. It gave us mythology. It gave us religion.
But sometimes, especially with art, I feel like it's better just to dwell in wonder and grey spaces. The awe and the enjoyment itself, without understanding, it part of the experience.
Worship at the church of BL? Is that what this is? Maybe?
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Some kinda thoughts anyway?
Generally these narratives provide a sense of comfort. Perhaps our love is something to do with characters who normally struggle (and usually are marginalized, tortured, killed and/or miserable) getting their happy evers? Perhaps it's because it's pure fantasy in terms of relationship. (I think for a lot of straight women there is something profoundly alluring in a gay relationship that they had/have no chance of every experiencing or being part of, the otherness itself is part of the appeal.) Perhaps its the lack, we never before had enough content to get obsessed over it to this level. (Let's not talk about the number of times I rewatched Latter Days after I got it on DVD, okay?)
I mean it's worth putting yourself through a thought experiment. Write down a list of ten things you like about BL that make it differnet from other kinds of media.
But you may find it's just like "why do I eat at Wendy's instead of Burger King?"
Because I like it better. They do the thing I like. (Spicy chicken sandwitch, FYI).
Perhaps it's something more profound, a kind of narrative sexual identity. It's the thing you desire. Then again, I'm pretty fluid in my desires, so I am comfortable with the idea of being attracted to different people at different points in my life. Just like being into different kinds of media at different times in my life.
I wouldn't worry about it if I were you, so long as:
It's not to addition level (damaging your emotional/financial well being)
You're comfortable with the notion that your tastes may change again
Other Questions
Do you mind if I ask again for BL recs? Because I know here are users that did not want to receive different asks from the same person.....
I am always happy to give out BL recs! The more specific the better. I consider it my primary service to humanity, at this juncture.
Also, no offense but I get so many asks from so many people I rarely remember who's asked me stuff before. Unless you have a very notable icon or style of writing, or interact with me regularly in comments & DMs. My memory is CRAPTASTIC. And I run multiple social media accounts several of which have much higher volume interactions than this one. It's not you it's the law of Dunbar's number. The human brain only really has the capacity for 150 social connections. And frankly, I don't know if I can manage even that many anymore.
Also, have you watched dmbj or read orv? Both series based on a novels that have very strong bromance vibe…..
Nope. I don't watch bromances if I can help it. Too much actual kissing these days to distract me, and I am one of those who wants some kissing for my queers.
Do you know that sotus, manner of death and 2together are adapted into manga? Before I found your blog, BL that I read are from manga and manhwa, and I was surprised when I knew that the series above are from thai drama (I know the manga first, sorry)…..
Yes and Yen Press picked up SOTUS for the USA print market. I'm hope to read that someday. I haven't tried MoD or 2g. I tend not to read reverse adaptations in general, not sure why. Also, I went off manga when it went primarily online. Never even experienced the manwha revolution. I'm old school enough to not enjoy graphic media scrolling. I miss turning pages "backwards" and getting amused my misstranslations.
Last ask, what do you think about BL or GL that make it better than het romance? Do you feel that too?
I don't like a value judgement like "better" on pop culture. I would just say "I personally enjoy it more" so I guess "better for me" would be how I might put it?
In my case? I think it's primarily that I spend so much of my life with little to no queer romance in it. And I mean modern romance all sappy and happy and cheesy and safe. It's just pure joy to have it available to me in such volume on my screen with such pretty trappings, flawed as it may be.
But also.
I just like it.
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the---hermit · 2 years
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New books (and random bookish rants)
I normally talk about the new books I get in my daily posts, but today's post is quite long and I need to rant on something, so there's how this post took form.
I got the first two volumes of Something Is Killing The Children (and I read the first one already, I know I have a problem, it's not been in my possession for 24 hours yet). The bookstore I found them in also had the fourth volume but I didn't get it because there was not volume three, so that would have been useless. The other two books I got are The Missing Girl by Shirley Jackson and The Exorcist by W.P. Blatty. I have read two other books by Jackson, and really liked them, so I got this very tiny book without knowing much about it other than it contains three stories. The Exorcist on the other hand was one of the few horror books I managed to find other than King, and I got it out of desperation for lack of option. I have heard very good things about it, maybe I have finally found a book that will actually scare me. I know very little about it, I have never even seen the movie, but I'm pretty excited to read it. Mostly because it's so famous, I'm pretty sure it's considered a modern horror classic, and it's going to be one of the next books I'll pick up.
Under the cut there's a big paragraph of me complaining about the lack of horror books in bookstores, and most importanly of the lack of a horror section. Was it necessary? Proably not, but I needed to rant, sorry in advance.
I wrote this part before what you just read, I then realized it was way longer than expected, so I decided to change things up and put it under the cut. Have fun reading about my rants.
I went to different bookstores with the goal to get a few horror books. I also asked for recommendations on here (thank you for the recs btw they were very helpful, and now my wishlist is longer than before). I have a general problem with bookstores and horror books, and I thought going to the city would have fixed it a bit, but nope. The thing is all bookstores I have physical access to, closer to where I live and even a bit more far like those in which I went yesterday lack of a horror section, and where there's one it's maily Stephen King. This thing is staring to be frustrating, I am making a effort to buy books in physical stores, but the conditions aren't helpful. Of all the bookstores I visited yesterday only one had a horror section, in which, as I said, there was mostly Stephen King and just a couple more books. Between these there were classics like Dracula, and I get it, it's technically horror, but I would personally put it in the classic section, same for H.P. Lovecraft, which is the other thing I find in horror sections with King. I have to say I do like King, he has written some books I loved, and there's quite a few of his other novels in my tbr, but I would very much like to read some other author, as he's not the only writer in this varied world of ours. The lack of a horror section in the majority of bookstores (and often on their websites too) makes everything a nightmare. I do not always have in mind a specific book or author, and having horror authors mixed with mystery and thrillers all together makes it impossible to find something. I even found a bookstore that had their few horrors, mostly King again inside the fantasy section. If you can't tell I am very upset about this all thing. Next time I'll try to look for books on websites of local bookstores, but my hopes aren't too high. I am honestly really curious to know if this is something that happens only in Italy? or at least in my region, it's probably some fellow Italians are luckier than me.
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queen-haq · 2 years
Not to sound like a lunatic but I really hate that most of the billy russo fanfics either create a babied version of him where hes all soft and sweet and a bit of a simp. Or a crazed killer billy that has no remorse. Not to say i’m a killyrusso stan bc i’m fr not😤 but i like the middle ground where he’s not exactly a sociopath but not a big pushover (Ofc everything is an AU where franks family is alive but like. I’m trying to say he’s such a nuanced character because of his trauma but he’s also kind of a possessive piece of shit? Or maybe that’s my interpretation.) all this to say i usually steer clear of the murder fics but something about aws just pulled me in! I’ve been hooked, and the way everybodys saying RIP Roger i’m like nooo cus i’m really just waiting for Krista to get hers, and i know were probably far off from that happening but just now i’m waiting here, rubbing my hands together like a mob boss waiting for the Krista chapter 😈 even though ch 17 was short i loved the flashback :( i love to see them in love and in my head i think not only are we learning about the flashbacks but so is Billy. Like he’s also remembering random memories that kind of line up his recollection of before the accident.
Anyways, sorry i spoke so much but i Hope your humpday is going well!! Are you watching/reading anything atm? I know this is mainly a fanfic blog but i love your little life updates! Glad to hear your dad is doing ok!!!
I don't think you're a lunatic! I think we all have preferences when it comes to reading materials. I myself can only handle soft Billy in small doses, so I tend to go for stuff where he's more snarky than soft and earnest.
Im happy you gave AWS a chance but I do have to warn you - there's going to be major violence coming up in future chapters. Both Billy and the Reader have a propensity for violence, even though they go about it in different ways. In AWS, Billy is very methodical about how he uses it, he'll make sure the enemy is completely weakened before he attacks. He doesn't believe in fair play. Whereas Reader would prefer to use other measures to attack (blackmail) over violence because murder is too big of a risk to take 😆 I've thought a lot about these two, they live rent free in my head.
Thank you for the well wishes about my dad. He's back to lecturing me about taxes over text so he's fine 🤨
End of the month is usually crazy for me work wise so this week has been hectic. But I'm so used to it now that it doesn't even faze me lol
How's your week been so far?
I got back into reading romance novels again because of a tik tok rec. They recced some groveling trope books which I was in the mood for. But nothing so far has hit the spot.
Thank you for the wonderful feedback 😀
PS - if you have any recs for books, let me know!
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experiment-000 · 3 years
My Top 10 Ships of 2020
It's been a weird year but I've seen other people doing this. Plus this year I've been way more into gen fics (love a bit of found family especially in clone wars and marvel) than anything shippy. So I genuinely don't know what imma put on here aside from two ships for sure. Sorry this post is super long idk how to do the below the cut thing and I've had this app for 5 years...
10) Viktor Nikiforov and Yuuri Katsuki - Yuri!!! On Ice
It was a real toss up between this, supercorp, kanera and wolfstar cos they're all very integral ships to my fan heart but this son because of the Yuri on Ice fandom's rebirth this year. I've never stopped shipping this, never stopped reading fanfic of them for any extended period of time, they're still my most bookmarked ship on ao3 (although I think now star wars - all media types may have overtaken them for fandom). They were one of the first things I watched where the queer ship I loved became canon and I can't wait for the film (and hopefully someday a season 2). Heck I even made my mum watch Yuri on Ice with me so I think that says it all.
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9) Edelgard Von Hresvelg and female Byleth - Fire Emblem: Three Houses
My first fire emblem game was fates when I was like 14 (and finally gay awake lol). I was so disappointed that I had to be with a guy character because the only female option was kinda creepy and also I wouldn't get the character of kana. So when three houses came out I was so happy because finally there were beautiful incredible female characters my female byleth could romance (I'm so sorry mlm you deserved so much more than you got). I got the game as soon as it came out (had to search a lot of shops let me tell you) and started on black eagles. I was actually kinda disappointed back in 2019. I didn't like the explore the monastery bit (still find it kinda tedious) and the battle mechanics weren't quite the same as fates (no pairing up?! Aka my main battle technique for protecting the weaker units). So I got like 20 hours in and put it down. Came back to it in lockdown and finally finished it! I'm so proud of myself I virtually never finish games. And I fully fell in love with the useless lesbian edelgard in the process. When I started back playing in 2020 I was like eh I wish I'd picked a different character to romance (like shes an emperor that's morally very shady) but then the romance stuff started with edelgard and I fell the heck in love.
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8) Cory Matthews and Shawn Hunter (and Topanga Lawrence) - Boy Meets World
Disney+ was released in the UK this year and I finally got the opportunity to watch boy meets world in its best quality (aka not on YouTube). I watched it back when I was like 12 or 13 and it's such a nostalgic show for me. Watching it again I still absolutely adore it (and my bi ass was low-key crushing on Shawn especially in chick like me - I'm 18 btw and I got so scared for a sec but rider strong was 18 when chick like me came out so it's fine woah). And of course now I see the possibilities of the beautiful Cory and Shawn relationship like they were so bromance it was basically romance and throw in topanga it's the perfect ot3 (but I'm also fine with just Cory and Shawn or just Cory and Topanga). Read some good fanfic for them this year. My favourite was one about Shawn stealing makeup and stuff and exploring gender (need more fics like this I'm biiii).
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7) Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes - Marvel Cinematic Universe
I rewatched all the MCU films this year too. And got really into Peter parker whump and irondad. Plus my eternal obsession with identity and relationship reveals of course led me from Spiderman identity reveals (and found family cuteness) to stucky coming out. Especially when it involves the internet and social media. Not my favourite ship but it's been significant to my year due to the sheer amount of marvel stuff I've read.
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6) Satine Kryze and Obi Wan Kenobi - Star Wars
I rewatched clone wars in prep for season 7 and wow Satine's death was sad and sudden. She first appeared in S2 E13 I think and just the sheer sexual tension of their bickering. "The sarcasm of a soldier. The delusion of a dreamer." Just ugnnhhh my bi ass can't take much more of this. And Anakin just sipping his wine in the background grinning. And I fully believe korkie is a Kenobi.
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5) Commander Cody and Obi Wan Kenobi - Star Wars
I am very much an Obi wan multishipper. I don't really have a favourite but I fully believe he was with satine and Quinlan in his life. I don't think be would've actually done anything with Cody because of the whole superior officer thing. And this probably isn't even my favourite Obi wan ship - that honour probably goes to quinobi or obitine. However the most popular ships in the fandom are codywan, quiobi and obikin. No offence to anyone who ships these they're just personally not to my taste, but I can't stand quiobi, and obikin I find only slightly more tolerable and I think that's just because there's so much obikin content so if I like the concept of a fic that happens to be obikin I'll read it. I'm just not a fan of the mentor/student relationships. So I generally favoured the codywan fics when there was shipping involved meaning I read a lot of them this year. Needed that nice fix it content post season 7.
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4) Zuko and Katara - Avatar: the Last Airbender
Again I am a multishipper I have nothing against zukka it's cute. But I'm a zutara shipper first and foremost because when I first watched avatar I was like 13 and denying my gayness and gayness in general so I shipped the straight things and the straight things only. Most of these ships I stopped shipping - dramione, spuffy, some my little pony ones which we don't talk about. Zutara stayed. (I have nothing against any of the things I used to ship I just stopped shipping them so much/shipped new things more). I've continuously shipped zutara since I first watched avatar even if I didn't necessarily spend that much time on it it has always been here as one of my favourite ships. It has such good fanfic I swear including my favourite ever fanfic from any fandom - love thy enemy. Plus like the black games (reread this for the millionth time this year), a delicate subterfuge (which I read for the first time this year and damn it's so good) and so many more. With the avatar resurgence this year I haven't actually rewatched avatar aside from my normal random episode every now and then when I feel like it. But there's been a lot of avatar on my dash from people I follow getting into it and people I followed for avatar returning so naturally I returned to the fandom and read quite a lot of fanfic. I also read just a lot of avatar gen fics which were great at the whole found family thing I've been so obsessed with this year.
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3) Catra and Adora - She Ra and the Princesses of Power
Catradora is canon! They kissed! What more is there to say. Arguably they should've been top but I never shipped them that much since I was always very much a multishipper when it came to she ra so yes I was very happy it became canon because we actually won for once but also I've never read much fanfic for them etc. But they are very much a dynamic I love and watching she ra all again in prep for season 5 I really enjoyed the build up of their relationship. The other two only go above because Buffy is my favourite show ever and damn there's some good fuffy fanfic and Aphra and Tolvan is both fresh in my mind and star wars owns me. Would love some catradora fic recs btw if anyone has them tho.
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2) Buffy Summers and Faith Lehane - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
I didn't realise it was last year that I got super into them but according to my ao3 bookmarks it was lol. 2020 I swear it's lasted an eternity. I got into them about a month before lockdown (which feels like another lifetime). I've loved Buffy since I first watched it when I was 13. It's arguably still my favourite TV show. I've been through a lot of ships for Buffy - bangel to spuffy and now fuffy. I still think angel and her were a beautiful ship back in season 2 and especially in the angel episode I will remember you. But faith and Buffy had so much chemistry in season 3 - she would've been a fresh start for Buffy and the amount of fix it fics I read I swear. My favourite has to be one where they met in LA during Anne and how that changed everything feat Buffy's internal homophobia.
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1) Cheili Lona Aphra and Magna Tolvan - Star Wars
I read Darth Vader (2015) and Doctor Aphra (2016) for the first time at the end of 2020 (got a comic subscription which has served me very well already I've nearly finished the star wars canon comics). Just to see canon queer ladies in star wars was so magical for me as a queer lady. I didn't think star wars would be so overt yet as to have a queer kiss in canon (even if it's in the comics) and especially not with the main character of arguably their main comic series. Now we just gotta hope that we'll get it in live action someday soon. They weren't the ship I consumed the most content of in 2020 but they were the highlight of my 2020 because star wars did that and I finally found out about it
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Honourable mentions: Vivian and Elle - Legally Blonde, Candace and Vanessa - Phineas and Ferb, Stevie and Alex - Wizards of Waverly Place, Xander and Spike - Buffy the Vampire Slayer (I actually don't ship this but damn some authors are good - this was the ship that made me realise I don't need to like a ship if the author is good enough to write it well), Eli Vanto and Mitth'raw'nuruodo - Star Wars (started reading the books last year but finished this year and only started with fanfic this year), Villanelle and Eve - Killing Eve, Kanan and Hera - Star Wars, Barriss and Ahsoka - Star Wars, Remus and Sirius - Harry Potter, Kara and Lena - Supergirl (let's hope this becomes canon next year!) (Those last four are ones I've shipped forever some of my og ships but nothing particularly big has happened for me this year with them so)
I got Disney+ this year so rewatched a fair few things from my youth and though hey my obsession with that character may have been a little gay.
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kingsofeverything · 3 years
hi Lauren! just saw your post about being uninspired/unmotivated and wanted to tell you how much I love your writing. It probably doesn't mean that much, coming from one random person but your fics give me so much comfort and I always go back to re read them (some I've read like 4 times and I'm still not tired of them) and I just wanted to tell that to you. Also, I've been feeling the same way and I took a break from overthinking that I wasn't able to write anything I liked AT ALL and fell in love with reading again and now I feel really inspired and excited to start writing my own stuff again. I'm sorry for rambling a bit, but I'm in a mood and felt the need to show you my appreciation. Anyway, sorry. Have a nice day! :))
Thank you. It does mean a lot, actually! It still floors me and forever will that anyone enjoys reading anything I’ve written. Re-reading is mind blowing to me! And the biggest compliment. Definitely don’t apologize for rambling!
I’ve been reading more recently (not fic) and it’s nice to sort of go away with a story like that. I don’t have the focus I used to where I could read a novel in one evening, so I’ve been reading some short stories and some nonfiction that I can digest in bits and pieces. My local library has started using hoopla for ebooks which is great and I love it.
ALL of that to say that I think more than anything I miss the feeling I get from writing. It’s different than the feeling I get from drawing or crocheting (which I haven’t been doing much of either). Idk why but the process of writing is more fulfilling for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I do wish one of my ideas would coalesce into something, but it’s not happening.
I need to search my blog for book rec lists because I know they’re there lol
I’m glad you got your inspiration back, L💫! I hope mine returns soon.
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caspianxth · 3 years
hi em! again sorry abt the delay in asks haha hopefully i'll be able to send them consistently up til christmas though!! only a couple days left!! i read comics for a bit a year or two ago but kind of fell off haha. i read a couple batman stories and enjoyed them well enough, i just got a little distracted after a while and dropped it, do you have any recs? also great taylor lyric choices, she really is the greatest so i understand it's hard to pick!! also i've gotten many friends into her by sheer persistence so it can be done!! just keep being annoying!! some more random qs: what's your favorite color? favorite book? -🍒
hello!!! it's ok!!! I hope that things are calmer and that you can truly enjoy the holiday season!! I was way better at reading comic books in high school but I kinda fell off it too. but there's a couple I want to get like dark knights of steel, it's the dc heroes but in medieval times! seems fun! I haven't read it yet so I can't say for sure if it is but nico showed me smth from it and 👀. I also want to start reading the new wonder girl and wonder woman, yara flor and nubia seem fun too. I would say my biggest recommendations would be: batman hush (batman, 2 volumes) and blackest night (green lantern, 1 volume but like, all the justice league heroes of that time are in it). I didn't like brightest day as much (the epilogue to blackest night). also if paul dini wrote smth I am generally interested, he wrote my favorite episode of batman the animated series (heart of ice) with mr. freeze that I think about a lot. he had so much depth for a villain on a 22 minute show and batman beat him with a thermos of soup. I also liked the new 52 runs of the flash, green arrow, and wonder woman, but I only got to volume like 6 or 7 for them. as u can likely tell it's been a while since I got any bc new 52 was like 2011-2016 sjgjsldjgskakfjsxk
favorite color: tie between pastel pink, lavender, and pastel blue. pastel bi flag essentially!!
favorite book: you'll never believe what happened to lacey. I love amber ruffin she's so funny so I was so interested in reading her book and some of the shit that happened to her sister is absolutely *disgusting* and fucked up but she and her sister really are so funny in recounting it.
tbh I don't read a ton anymore because I like to write (mostly fanfics) in my free time (I probably have a modest 15 different works in progress, most all are titans fics, a couple works are original stories tho) so I mostly reread what I write bc I'm continually editing and reworking things. my longest work rn is a titans fic that has 24,341 words in the 'main' story then there's one part that I'm reworking that only has 2290 words bc it's being redone and has to get put back into the main story, then I have a big work of 'this will go somewhere in the main story idk where yet but I had this idea' doc that has 13,923 words so total my biggest work has 40,554 words as of today! I don't post my writings anywhere at least rn I don't, I mostly just do them for my own entertainment. mayhaps when I know who u are I can send u a part on discord if u wanted to read it (don't feel obligated btw, like only two people have laid eyes on a single part of a fic I've written, I really just do them for me. also dw there's nothing nsfw in anything I write bc I am not good at writing that stuff so I don't). I struggle with like, descriptions of shit so I want to work on that, a lot of my works are dialogue based esp with fanfic so that's a goal with my writing. I don't wanna drone on for pages like f. scott fitzgerald but a little more description would help things prolly. I say as I drone on for this ask lmaooo
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