#also I’m not homophobic at all but I think that’s pretty obvious
starays13 · 1 month
Finding your blog and the first thing we see is that disgusting flag around Eclipse. Gross. Way to be homophobic. Eclipse is implied canon gay, boo
Omg I’ve gotten popular enough that these guys found me? I’m almost flattered! /hj
This is funny though. First tag on that post was “This is a headcanon”
And people are allowed to have hcs, silly anon. Not sure where you think it was implied he was canonically gay though?? Did we watch the same show?
Are you proud of yourself? Do you think in 10 years you’re going to look back on these posts harassing aspec people for making content about non-romantic things in a little fandom about silly robots and think “Wow, I sure did show them!” ?
Get a grip.
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kateysummers99 · 6 months
Do you think the WWBM Interacial movement has now got to a critical point where momentum has starting to challenge even the majority of White Women now as far as there choices for relationship ? May we as White Males even lose this group of females to African Men more then we keep ourselves ?
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The short answer is definitely yes.
Because of my own personal experiences and also just looking at major social trends, it's pretty obvious that IR relationships (in general, but specifically white girls and black guys) are much more common now than they were 10, 30, and 30 years ago. 
I think there are lots of reasons for this and I’m obviously not an expert (I work in finance, not cultural psychology), but lets just look at the obvious trends:
Girls today are more empowered in general, and especially regarding sexuality and romance. I mention this a lot on this blog, there are less things hold girls back than there used to be. Movies and TV and culture in general are so much more accepting that people can love who they want to love, and that applies especially to society being more accepting of girls expressing their sexuality. I grew up in a time when dating black guys was an obvious but implied no-no, and it's just not the same today. (Note this is NOT true everywhere. Sadly there are racists and homophobes still, but they will probably be holdouts until they die.)
Black men are idolized for their physicality and masculinity by society more and more every day. Sports, music, advertising media, movies, social media and TV shows - you name it, black guys are constantly the icon of masculinity, status and power. This is really true for their masculinity, where we regularly fetishize the sexual prowess of black men in every day culture with phrases like “once you go black you never go back.” 
Porn is free and everywhere. Also something that wasn’t the case when I was growing up, but now you just pick up any cell phone and in a few seconds be privately and anonymously staring at an amazing black man and his huge black cock (or whatever your fantasy is).
Also in the last few years, social justice and institutional racism has become a hot topic, I think a lot of women recognize that the same old white male patriarchy that has been suppressing women since the beginning of time has also been responsible for suppressing Black people. This puts white women and black men on the same side on a pretty deep level, where they see each other in the same existential struggle for happiness against the common enemy that is old white guys.
Another interesting thing that I've read reports about is more and more young white guys who are essentially "staying single" forever, sometimes due to porn addiction. They make a sexual connection with porn that is easy and judgment free, which is the opposite of the real-world dating situation where they deal with complex social dynamics and competition (including trying to compete against more masculine black men who are constantly in movies and music).
So if that's a growing tend... then young women find themselves more free in choosing partners, society idolizing black guys, exposed to IR sex and porn, and more culturally aligned with black guys… and young white guys basically removing themselves from the dating pool.
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As for me personally, I have always thought think black guy / white girl couples are the most beautiful -- there's a special passion and primal attraction that goes deep down that you just don't see with other couples.
So yes, I think black guy and white girl couples are definitely more and more popular. I don’t think we’ll ever get to a point where all white men are unwanted forever (sorry white boys who message me, desperate to live in such a world), but I do think increasingly empowered girls and wider acceptance of female sexuality will naturally trend to more black guys and white girls together - which is all beautiful to me :)
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longstoryshort22 · 5 months
Peter is brand Taylor talking to real Taylor, I Look in People’s Windows is real Taylor talking to brand Taylor (the two were supposed to become one, but the more famous she gets the harder it is)😭😭
The whole theme of the album is Taylor herself and her career and how the industry has affected her, joe/matty/travis/kim are just red herrings bye im gonna go cry listening to Peter
(more details⬇️)
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I’m not saying that some songs aren’t about those specific people, I’m just saying they’re only PART OF the theme, I believe her father (and other big heads in the industry) had a big influence on her career and forced her to stay in the closet from the very beginning, that messed her up, she had to hide her true self and keep bearding, and in 2019 she planned to come out but didn’t because of the masters heist, now it’s because she’s gotten more famous than ever that she has too much to lose. So maybe these men he dated, she did like them and she had multiple feelings when these relationships ended, but it’s all part of who the industry had made her into; she had one true love (maybe Karlie) but she couldn’t be with that person that’s why some songs are about a true deep love lost, but that’s still part of the “her career” theme, because of her career, she can’t be with that person. (more details⬇️)
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What’s really interesting in this theme is that she’s calling out her father in multiple songs because he really made her life harder…
In Cassandra, (the obvious theory is that Cassandra representing gaylors bc we’ve been saying the truth but never believed. And the first verse is about her getting the news of her masters heist just before her coming out plan, and then “stone’s thrown” is referencing Stonewall.) And in the bridge “They knew the whole time that I was onto something. The family, the pure greed, the Christian chorus line. They all said nothing. Blood's thick but nothing like a payroll. Bet they never spared a prayer for my soul” she’s saying her family knew something but said nothing because greed and money, we saw the leaked emails of her father and how he cares more about making money out of Taylor’s career than caring about her as his daughter, so I think this bridge is about her father, also about religious trauma may or may not due to him.
In The Bolter, “A curious child, ever reviled by everyone except her own father. With a quite bewitching face, splendidly selfish, charmingly helpless, excellent fun 'til you get to know her, then she runs like it's a race” she’s talking about herself being a precocious uniquely intelligent ambitious child, which everyone reviled except her father. why? because he wanted to invest money on her, he controlled how she conducted her career from the beginning.
What’s crazier is that Robin may be about her father too. That song sounds like a sweet song but she’s faking it like “all this showmanship to keep it for you in sweetness”. If she’s referring to her father (only wanting to make money out of her career) in this song then “you’re an animal, you are bloodthirsty” makes so much more sense. And the “buried down deep and out of your reach, the secret we all vowed to keep it from you in sweetness” her father probably knows about her queerness but wants her and everyone to keep it quiet.
In But Daddy I Love Him, “people only raise you to cage you” is pretty obvious about her father forcing her to stay in the closet, and “people try and save you cause they hate you” is literally about homophobes. “Dutiful daughter, all my plans were laid” is about her father laying all the plans for her, which isn’t always what she wants. “I'd rather burn my whole life down, than listen to one more second of all this bitching and moaning. I'll tell you something about my good name, it's mine alone to disgrace” reminds me of that scene in Miss Americana where her father was lecturing why she couldn’t public her opinions. “Thinking it can change the beat of my heart when he touches me. And counteract the chemistry, and undo the destiny” is so queer coded. “Sanctimoniously performing soliloquies I'll never see / You ain't gotta pray for me” another reference to religious trauma.
So all of this, about her father, about her lover and other men, it’s all connected to her career and she’s looking back at it, thinking and reflecting on it, that’s it that’s the blog
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randonwilmonfan · 1 year
I'd love to talk more about the locker room scene in S2 E2 of Young Royals, where Wilhelm tries to convince Simon to get back together with him, in the process (sadly) demonstrating that he believes his mother's feeble offer to "talk" about him possibly coming out when he's 18. This takes place after his almost-removal from Hillerska.
Plenty of people have already pointed out how Henry snitched on Wille and Felice’s kiss, but apparently didn’t choose to tell anyone (as far as we’re aware) about Wilhelm almost pleading with Simon to get back together with him during that post-almost-dragged-out-of-Hillerska conversation. And that's definitely an interesting thing to chew on. But there's more...
Here are a few other things that stand out to me too:
First -
I think it’s worth pointing out the obvious — Wilhelm clearly sees Simon in his future long-term (possibly for the rest of his life). The way he casually says to Simon “So, we’d only have to keep it a secret for 2 years” implies three things very clearly.
a) He immediately and easily sees himself together with Simon in 2 years and beyond. Actually, specifically, definitely beyond. Because his eye is on the prize: coming out and living openly with Simon *after* he turns 18 — implying his focus is entirely on the intended afterwards period. He doesn’t even blink at that idea; it’s obvious to him.
b) He also really doesn’t seem to think 2 years is a big deal. For a teenager who’s only lived 16 years on this planet (only approximately ~11-ish of them in a state where they’re forming conscious memories) to think 2 years is just a drop in the bucket is kind of wild. Even 6 months feels like forever to a kid. So Wilhelm — a child — viewing time from this perspective suggests he’s likely balancing 2 years out against a much longer expanse of time; hence why those 24 months would look so minuscule and shrug-worthy by comparison. In other words: he sees himself with Simon in the LONG long term. Two years is nothing if you’re imagining growing old with someone and spending the rest of your many decades on this Earth with them. (All of this is pretty much confirmed later on in S2, when Wilhelm offers to abdicate the throne for Simon.)
c) He also doesn’t seem to think Simon should be appalled by the idea of waiting for 2 years. Yes, sure, we can chalk part of that up to selfishness and lack of mentalization / empathy for Simon’s point of view. But I’m going to suggest it’s more than that. My takeaway is that he assumes Simon also sees them as endgame, and so naturally wouldn’t be bothered by waiting a bit longer in order to spend forever together. (Sadly the conversation does not play out that way for him; ouch. Though no shade to Simon: what he said in response was realistic and fair.)
Second -
I think we have to rewatch his interactions with Simon as Henry slams a door and slowly walks past them with a raised eyebrow. Because, in S1, that Wilhelm would have immediately jumped away from Simon to create distance and try to pretend there’s plausible deniability about what their relationship has been and could be again. That’s (one) part of the whole point of S1: Wilhelm is not ready to be brave enough to face a homophobic aristocratic world and take a bold stance to stand by Simon.
Instead, in S2 E2, he sits still. He stays right next to Simon. In fact, he *leaves his hand resting directly on Simon’s thigh.* And he knows someone is coming their way! He heard the door slam inside the locker room. Obviously he knows someone else is here. But he doesn’t jump. He actually doesn’t really stir much at all.
He sits there like it’s of no importance, and he doesn’t care who sees. Or, even, who overheard this very intimate, vulnerable, and pleading conversation. A conversation in which the future King of their country is almost on the verge of begging his ex to please be his again… not just for now, but for multiple years’ time. I mean we’re like 2 steps away from Wille practically offering Simon a “promise ring” (not sure if that concept holds up in Europe, but it’s basically a very pre-engagement type thing in the US; it’s not common though). (Their convo also makes it very clear Simon was the one who dumped him and that he’s having trouble accepting that and moving on.)
Yet he doesn’t seem perturbed or disturbed by Henry’s presence and overhearing and seeing them. He doesn’t seem embarrassed at all. He’s not ashamed of his love for Simon. Even more specifically, he’s not afraid of people (Henry) seeing him put his heart out on the line, and of them knowing that he wants Simon back - not for just a hook-up, but for a very long-term, serious, committed relationship. And he doesn’t make any moves to emotionally or physically distance himself from Simon, despite Henry’s clear witnessing of this private moment.
This is a subtle way to show that, even though Wille hasn't yet gone through his full S2 journey of self-awareness and self-growth, he has still already begun changing and growing after the end of S1. So he’s at least started to learn some of his lessons about what he needs to do differently.
Anyhoo, the whole point I’m trying to make is… gosh there were so many fascinating things happening in that scene. And they rush right past us in the blink of an eye! But there is so much meaning built into every small interaction and non-interaction there, and into every nonchalant assumption the characters casually voice.
I’m sure there’s more meaning and are more details I missed, too! What did you think? I’d love to learn more from others’ perspectives, too. :)
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eddiegettingshot · 2 months
sorry i have NOTTT stopped thinking about 7x04 but with eddie revealing that he and tommy have been dating the whole time to buck. because first of all buck would blow his top obviously like eddie thinks the freak behavior will end with that but it won’t. for obvious reasons. but also like the thing is that while eddie resigns himself to watching buck go through the paces of another stupid relationship. buck is incapable of doing that. to be honest i’m pretty sure eddie would get tired of tommy in like a month maybe (what you think BUCK is the only one who gets to have a boring first gay relationship? no!) and the second he started dragging his feet, buck, who’s been acting like a freak throughout the relationship, would POUNCE. he’d be like so uh tommy what’s going on with that. how are things 👀 and eddie would sigh and be like yeah they’re fine buck. and buck would be like ok but if they’re not like you can break up with him btw. actually really you should. and i’m not being homophobic Like i just think for the sake of equality if that man is boring and/or stupid and/or not even that good at muay thai and isn’t even turned on when you beat him up then maybe it would be for the best if you just dumped his ass. and eddie would be like. sighs heavily again. 🫤 yeah you’re right buck. thanks. and buck would wag his tail and be like yayyyy eddie and tommy are breaking up!!!! (not homophobic)!!!!
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pairing: yandere!nick nelson x male!reader
summary: you used to think it was purely coincidental how nick had always been there to help you. or even just talk. but you soon discover that it may not be a coincidence at all.
warnings: yandere, obsession, stalking, blood, murder, harry Greene is a warning himself, homophobia, f slur(I promise I can say it), and violence.
It began a few months ago. And at first it didn’t seem that odd. Nick Nelson being constantly there wherever you were. In fact you found it kind of nice.
You had a big crush on him anyways. You had plenty of opportunities to confess. But your friend Tao is convinced he’s straight and also, a bit odd.
“Okay, you think it’s not weird that he’s like everywhere? Tao scoffed. “This is an all-boys school, Charlie reminded him. “So? What do you think y/n? Tao asked, hoping you’d take his side.
“I’m not that bothered, I appreciate your protectiveness but we don’t even really know each other do we? You say, assuring him it was just strange coincidences that may be a blessing in disguise.
Tao rolled his eyes.”don’t say I didn’t warn you.” And then the rugby game. That obviously was a coincidence but you did know he was great at it. And Charlie your friend was in it so you should support him.
“Y/n, hey! Nick said, over by where you were. They were either done or taking a break. “Hi, You say. You were shy and when a popular guy is talking to you? Yeah you’re a bit nervous.
“It is kind of funny we always run into each other, Nick Joked. You laughed.”Tao thinks it isn’t a coincidence.” Nick laughs nervously which you found weird but brushed it off.
“Y/N! Tao whines. You come back over. “Tao’s being dramatic, again, Elle says. This was the time Higgs and Truham were kind of reunited.
“What about this time? You sigh, while smiling. You didn’t mind your friend being dramatic but sometimes he was a bit too dramatic.
“He thinks that Nick’s like obsessed with you or something, Isaac said. “Oh my god, you laugh, finding it funny.”Tao, you’re being a bit dramatic now don’t you think?”
“I don’t care, I’m just looking out for you, Tao said, crossing his arms. You always looked out for him too. “And I appreciate it so much but trust me on this one, he’s just a friend that I occasionally talk to, You assure him.
“Mhm, Charlie teased.”You definitely like him, y/n.” You smile, you didn’t deny it because at that point it was obvious. Why deny anything?
“You’re not denying it! Elle laughs.”So it’s official, you like rugby king nick nelson.” “Just be a bit quieter, I don’t want the whole world to hear, you say softly.
“Sorry, Elle apologized. “You know what? I’m happy for you, Tao said.”still think there’s something off.” Deep down you felt that too but because you really were into him you ignored those feelings.
But the way he played was really good and he was very, pretty. “You’re staring again aren’t you? Isaac chuckled. You sigh.”fine. I am. But look at him!”
“As your golden straight friend I don’t really see it, Tao said. “Well you aren’t gay! Charlie chuckled.”Y/n has good taste.” They were taking a break so Charlie was chatting with your friends for a bit before being called back over.
He was really good at rugby and you couldn’t be more happier for Charlie. He was becoming well liked though some still made fun of him for being gay. You were also gay and got made fun. That’s the bad part about Truham, homophobes.
Speaking of homophobes, you were preparing to leave the school when Harry and his “Mates” come up to you. “Hey Y/n, I’ve got some questions to ask, He says.
“Um, okay, you reply nervously. “Are you like attracted to any of the guys here? Cause you know, it’s an all boys school, He laughed.
“No, You lied. “Well how’s it like being gay? Harry asked. For someone who was asking sexuality questions it seemed like Harry himself was a homosexual. You wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case.
“Or are you just that little fag who likes every guy? Harry said. “Okay, that’s it, you scoff, walking away while he simply laughed at you. You were so annoyed at that point.
You just ignored them at that point. Your walk home wasn’t too far from the school, it was not that much of a walk. But the laughter that was usually so loud stopped.
You could still hear their conversation and at that point mostly everyone had gone home. But your curiosity caught up to you. Besides your sneaking suspicion wanted you to eavesdrop because you also heard Nick pipe in.
“Relax, mate, it was just a joke, you hear Harry say.”And how did you even hear us?” “Well it obviously wasn’t funny to him, especially when you used the f slur, Nick said,
Harry just laughed before saying nick was being sensitive. That’s when you heard someone punch. And you knew it was Nick. He had punched Harry. You thought that’s where it would end. But it didn’t. Not even close. You crept closer and saw the horrific scene.
Nick was definitely punching Harry, who couldn’t even fight back at that point, and his friends had fled in fear you could only assume. Maybe Tao had been right. For once.
You wanted to scream but didn’t. What if he heard you? You decided you had to do the one thing you were horrible at.
That’s something you and Tao had in common. You both sucked at Running. But you ran anyway. You were going to tell Tao he was right and he may or may not be cocky about it.
You remember all the times that Nick had “helped” you. But now it made sense. He had been following you and maybe was right now.
You run straight home and text your friends immediately that it was an emergency.
And in less than ten minutes, your friend group was over. “So you said this was an emergency, Elle said. “Mhm, you reply, fidgeting with your fingers.
“What is it? I was freaked out, Tao said. “Well uh, Tao was right, you finally say. Everyone’s eyes widen, then look at Tao. And like you expected, a smug look forms for a second then it turns to concern.
“Wait so, he’s obsessed with you? Tao asks. “I just saw him pretty much beat Harry to death, or almost, I ran before I could see if he was dead, You admit.
“It’s over now, y/n, Elle assured you.”I’m sure maybe what you saw was a misunderstanding. There’s no way that Tao was right.”
You nodded. Tao scoffed from Elle’s comment but still as concerned. That thought remained in your min though.
And you wondered, did Nick know you had witnessed most of it?
You hadn’t known him to be violent. No, he was nice and caring. Far from that type but you guessed you didn’t know him that well.
You shuddered.”Wait… I think we’re being watched.” “Huh? What do you mean? Elle asks, you go to your window, looking outside.
Perhaps it was paranoia kicking in but you definitely felt like someone was there. “Y/n…. I… wait, I see someone, Elle said.
“What? Charlie, Isaac and Tao say in unison, jumping up to your window. You could see the person too. “Oh my god. You need to report this, Elle said.
“I… what if they hurt me? You say. "I mean yeah I could fight them off but still!” “No, this is the right thing to do, Elle said.
You sigh. "I guess I’ll do it. Especially since that person is acting like Michael Myers with just standing there staring right at me.” "Your Mum and Dad are home, right? Elle said.
You nodded. Elle replies, grabbing your hand, "Come on. you should tell them. You give in."Okay. I guess." You go downstairs where your mum and dad were.
"mum, dad? you say. "yes? your mother responds. "i think someone is following me, you confess. suddenly, your mother and father look more worried.
"following you? your mother says. "we saw him, miss l/n, Elle pipes in. "We believe you, Your Father said. You sigh of relief. they both hug you. "We should report this, Your Mother suggested.
“We should… but right now we should stay inside, you say shakily.”I don’t really want to go outside.” You didn’t even understand why you were so scared when you could take down the stalker if you really wanted to and were fighting for your life.
“Well then, y/n, maybe stay down here so we can supervise you for now? Your mother said. You nodded.
You hadn’t told them the complete truth. That you knew who your stalker was. It made complete sense to be nick, you just knew it.
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thosebrothers · 17 days
These old men just sit in my brain and fester. I have a lot of different ways I feel about Stan and Ford and their sexualities and how they explore it and what they think about it.
First thing is the times. I really don’t think that it’s the most welcoming. I also definitely think Stanley said homophobic shit. Honestly even as an older dude he might but he really doesn’t mean it maliciously. I have a very specific characterisation of this..
Bear with me here. I’m trying to get all my thoughts in order. When they are younger I definitely think that they’re both very weird about each other. They both recognise the way they feel is definitely more than brothers, I don’t know if this is a verbalised or not. It really really depends. I can see them messing around in their teenagers. It’s fun to think about but I also really enjoy that slow burn. Got to say, they got separated. It’s fucked up. I just know during pride month that Mabel mixed pronoun pins and pride flags for everybody she knows.(also does Ford even know that gay marriage is legal? LOL) Mabel would ask Ford if he was gay or bisexual or anything. He’d be so scared like “HOW DO THEY KNOW??” (It’s obvious dude look how you are with your brother) He would see pride decorations in the mystery shack and genuinely think Bill was fucking with him😭
With this being said I definitely know Mabel has asked Stan the same thing. He would basically explain that he is bicurious without admitting it. Like “yeah some dudes are pretty. What’s the problem? Doesn’t mean I’m sucking dick or anything” and then he sits in silence for thirty seconds about this LMAO..
Mabel would freak out and Stan would write it off. She’d be like “oh my God you’re literally describing bisexuality grunkle stan omgomgomgomgomg” Wendy is bisexual and the relationship I characterize between her and Stan I love it so much. He would straight up say dyke and Wendy would be like “fuck yeah Mr. Pines.” I know she is chronically bisexual, but I also think that she identifies as a dyke totally. Stan would be like “can you believe Mabel thinks I’m bisexual? Not everything’s gotta have a label. Whatever.” And Wendy is like “dude. It’s okay.“ and without directly saying we know you have the hugest crush on your brother, Stan knows. Stan knows that she knows. I think it’s sweet. Stan crushing hard on his nerdy brother.
But also genuinely does Ford know it’s OK to be gay?? he would see two men holding hands and just be like “in PUBLIC???” He is so repressed and has been gone for so long and in a. Horrific abusive relationship with a triangle. I just know his ass is like pulling Stanley aside whispering asking if Dippers a fag or not and Stan’s just like “idk idc probably”
Also I think they are all autistic. This doesn’t really have anything to do with anything… Well it kind of does. I feel like nurodivergent experiences of love can be very different than neurotypical ones. I love Stanford so much I need him to talk with his brother about the way they FEEL. UGH.
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it’s 3am I woke up from a nightmare time to post abt my isat fanfic
really this is just notes abt chapter 1 of ouroboros (a not-quite postmortem if you will)
[spoilers for isat and twohats below the cut]
So if you couldn’t tell/didn’t know this fic actually takes place in the version of twohats where you lose the battle against loop! I’ve always kind of liked this version better? I think the emotional impact of loop deciding, even after having siffrin’s life literally within their grasp, that they don’t want to kill them hits so much harder for me. Also, feels a bit more realistic in the context of this fic as a sick/recovery fic. Siffrin definitely did NOT have enough energy to take on a fully-charged and pissed off Loop in their condition.
I’ll probably make a larger post about siffrins physical condition in this fic later, but in the case of chapter 1 there’s a few fun things to note. One is that siffrin’s handle on pain is kinda fucked! “Not as bad as it could have been” is pretty literal in this case. I think they’re simultaneously very desensitized to recognizing and acknowledging their pain but also prone to being acutely aware of it when it’s in tandem with their shitty mental state. When they’re Being Normal it kind of fades into the background buzz, but when they’re spiraling and can feel how close they are to falling apart I imagine it’s a lot more overwhelming and obvious.
the stars and ocean connection to the forgotten island has been pointed out before but I’m being a little more heavy handed with this fic bc. In my mind the reverence for the stars goes hand in hand with the idea of an island where the ocean has a major impact on the daily life??? The idea of stars being used to guide sailors comes to mind, but also the idea of vastness, reflections, and a “void” feeling also feel right. A lot of naval navigation tools have a lot to do with physics, astronomy, and atmospheric stuff, and given the island’s technological and scientific method of displaying the universe I don’t think it’s too far fetched to extend that to the ocean as well!
CARRYING SIFFRIN. BRIDAL STYLE. Isabeau is so fun to write????? I don’t think I expected to enjoy his chapter as much as I did. Reaaaaly leaning into Freaksabeau energy but also. I think a lot about how Isa feels has such a strong protective and comforting personality? Throughout the game it’s expressed a lot, but the fact that it comes out of his deep childhood insecurities makes it feel all the more painful… not to mention that siffrin targeted these insecurities pretty harshly! Even if Isa forgives him, I imagine that it’s very hard for him not to internalize it. He’s a coward, and he knows it, but having someone acknowledge that and show how it can hurt others and himself is an entirely different beast. Hence why Isa ruminates a lot over it during his section.
Odile is THE #1 isafrin shipper. She’s also homophobic/j
Bonnie. Boniface. Bon Bon. My heart and soul. Writing them is so fun. I know a lot of people (me included) have trouble with them, bc writing kids can be hard. Still, I have such a deep respect for their characterization that I really spent a lot of time making sure they felt right. In this case, it was acknowledging that they are!!! NOSY!!! Like many kids are!!! But not maliciously, just out of worry and curiosity! They’re not dumb either! They know that siffrin’s whole situation is fucked- maybe not the fullest extent of understanding, yes, but they seem to grasp the seriousness, even if it is through the forever school metaphor. It was also kinda important for me to show that they take their role in the party as Tonic Carryer and Chef Cooker VERY SERIOUSLY. Odile complimenting them on their foresight is feels all the more genuine that way.
I think by now we all kinda realize that. The idea of camping out in the clock tower. Where siffrin spent countless sleepless nights mulling over their sins. While maybe marginally better than being forced to stay in the house, is…. An oversight, to say the least. See chapter 5 for more context on that. It’s better, yeah but only by proxy of not having hundreds of deaths associated with it.
I’m also gonna be focusing a lot on the inter-party dynamics outside of siffrin in this fic! Because!!! The friendships of the others mean a lot to me!!! Odile and Isabeau’s friendship comes up the most in this chapter; I think Odile has a bit of an inkling about Isabeau being a bit smarter than he lets on, and even if she spends a larger portion of their interactions in game teasing him for his crush, I also think that they have a pretty close bond for Odile to feel comfortable being the one that isabeau goes to about his feelings. So I thinks he has a better read on him as a whole, and does her best to keep him from spiraling.
Bonnie and Isa also come to mind- they aren’t talked about nearly as much as I think they should be???? Like, Bonnie sees Isa as a younger sibling (which. Stares in Middle-Child Isa Enjoyer), and Isa is the other person who uses Bon Bon, which is a pretty important nickname in the context of Bonnie’s character??? They have less interactions than the rest of the party but I like to think that Isa humors Bonnie a lot and also sees them like a younger sibling which makes their whole teasing and nagging dynamic all the more realistic to me!
ah, the Favor Tree Void Space. My sweet beloved. My magnum opus of imagery in this fic. In my mind, this represents Siffrin’s subconscious connection to The Universe and wishcraft, even after the loops. Favor Trees are obviously something culturally important for The Universe (given that the wishes it grants are so powerful and that the book detailing all wishcraft rituals has a favor tree on the cover), so I thought that it would be fitting to place it here. It’s simultaneously part of siffrin’s trauma from the loops, but also a safe space, a haven offered by Loop where they can simply just. Be. At least for a little while, anyways. Also drew back to the ocean/sky imagery with the ground having some kind of water qualities.
writing about the stars, I emphasize the idea of their??? Aliveness very often. As facets of the universe, thousands of granted and ungranted wishes, an audience and plot device in one. I can’t say much on them in this chapter, mainly bc I go a little more into it chapter 3 and onwards, but keep in mind the idea of music and the chorus of a theatre production, as well as a captive audience. That’s kinda the vibes.
anyhoo- I’m tired again. Gonna try and sleep a bit more before work! toodles!
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gottagobackintime · 1 year
I find it fascinating to witness the straight audience of any media not being able to pick up what the makers of the movie/show puts down.
It’s like when people reacted to the “You wear fine things well” scene in Our Flag Means Death with “aw, they’re such good friends” whereas the queer audience went “omg, this is happening”. We all had access to the same scene, we’d all watched the build up to that scene but the straight audience wrongly read it as friends/straight whereas the queer audience had suspected they were building up to a romance but this was the confirmation. Even the creator of the show was baffled that people were surprised that Ed and Stede fell in love. Because he thought they had made it obvious.
And as I said, we, the queer audience picked up on it. And I feel like the same thing is happening with Ted Lasso. Do I know that Ted and Trent will get together? No, I am unfortunately not a writer on Ted Lasso. But you can’t deny that there are clues pointing to it. But the straight audience barely pick up the fact that Ted and Trent like each other, be that in a platonic way or romantic way. I’ve seen several reactions to the last episode of season 2 and ONE of them included the scene where Ted reacts to Trent not being in the press room. All of them severely cut down the scene in the parking lot. One of the scenes most of us Ted/Trent truthers point to as a huge piece of evidence for it going canon. The parallel of them meeting in an empty parking lot, just like Ted and his ex-wife and Roy and Keeley. But because Ted and Trent are both men it couldn’t possibly mean anything. And Ted has an ex-wife and a kid so he can’t possibly be into men, as if there is no such thing as being bisexual. “But I’m pretty sure Trent has a family, he has a kid right?” So? He could be divorced, we also have no idea if his daughter has another dad or a mum. And the same thing applies to him, it doesn’t mean he can’t be into men (take also into account all of James Lance’s interviews, and his choice of shirt in one of them, friend of Dorothy anyone? He's the captain of this ship, we're just along for the ride tbh.)
Then we have the wonderful “I’m so not homophobic, in fact, you are homophobic because you think Ted is gay just because he likes musicals and has ‘feminine’ traits” um no… it’s the fact that he kind of acts in a way that an ally wouldn't. Yeah, he called himself an ally in that one episode. But every single person who is now out as queer who at one point considered themselves an ally because "I’m not one of them but I sure think they're neat" raise a hand 🖐️ (been there, done that. Was very into queer things before I realised I myself am one of them). What it always comes down to is "it's pandering", "it's tokenism" (having the main character on the show be queer wouldn't be fucking tokenism), "not everything has to be gay", "why can't men just be friends, there is a severe lack of male friendships on tv". And like the last one makes me go??? There are a MILLION friendships between men on TV. There are even multiple friendships between men in Ted Lasso. Beard and Ted, Ted and Higgins, Ted and Roy, the himbos and so on. Having Ted and Trent become a couple wouldn't really change anything because there are still friendships between men. They also claim that Ted is needed as the "straight without toxic masculinity" representation. As if Beard isn't right there. The man who has no problem going to an immersive show about the menstrual cycle. Has no problem with shrieking when he's surprised and so on.
I also like that if we'd get Ted and Trent together, we'd get two middle aged queer dads. Which isn't that common. It's not even super common to see people realising they're queer late in life on TV, and yet it happens every day. Because let's face it, most queer men on TV kind of look like Colin, and I don't mean that as a bad thing. And I'm looking forward to his storyline. But it's also nice seeing middle aged or old people finding themselves and being allowed to be who they are (see Ed and Stede from OFMD). Also would enjoy seeing people lose their minds when they realise they've been fooled this entire time. It'll be like Black Sails all over again.
I do not have any doubts about the fact that, had Trent or Ted been a woman and they saw Trent give up his career because of Ted's influence, they sure as hell wouldn't protest people thinking they'd become a couple. But because it's two men it's just delusional for some reason (homophobia).
What I'm saying is, it's clear that the straight audience has a hard time picking up subtext and clues that the makers are planting. Because they've never had to do that. Because they are always clearly represented. They don't have to look for minor side characters and hope that they might be queer. Because the main character is straight and most of the supporting cast too. When you've grown up with a lack of representation or with representation that is meant to be subtext, you'll learn to pick up on it. And you do look at media differently. I just wish that the straight audience could listen to us for once, without getting defensive and dancing around the fact that they are uncomfortable relating to a character that turned out to be queer.
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narrynukezankielover · 5 months
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I know this scene in ep 17 has been talked about before but what I found interesting is that Naomi is talking like she’s getting Cas ready for when he finds the angel tablet and he’ll be forced to kill whoever is with him. She doesn’t specify Dean or Sam yet of course Cas is forced to kill hundreds of Dean clones. This tells me that she assumes Cas will be with Dean whether it’s because he’ll need help and she knows he’s the one Cas will go to because he trusts Dean or Dean wouldn’t let Cas do it by himself and will go with Cas.
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Sam is surprised that Dean prayed to Cas even though he’s calling him an ass. Obviously Sam doesn’t know that Dean has prayed to Cas hundreds of times since he prayed to him every night in purgatory and a bunch of times before and after. It’s only now that Sam realizes that there’s something wrong with Cas yet Dean knew as soon as Cas came back. So Dean knows something is wrong and that’s what’s makeing Cas act weird yet he still trusts Cas to watch over Sam. It’s amazing because Dean isn’t a religious person and he has no faith in god or the other angels. All his hope and faith is in Cas. If Cas dies his hope and faith is gone and he can barely function.
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This scene is amazing. One of the best scenes I’ve seen so far in terms of acting and storyline. Dean tells Cas to get the angel tablet Cas will have to kill him first. That’s usually something someone says if they are planning to fight back yet Dean does nothing but let Cas hit him. It’s beautiful that they won’t fight each other even in a situation like this where Cas is being mind controlled. Then there’s Deans speech. I know you. It’s me. We’re family. We need you (swallow). I need you. The I know you and it’s me is saying the same thing I just said Dean knows Cas wouldn’t intentionally hurt him of all people. Then the we’re family. That’s a big thing for Dean. It means I trust you, I’d die for you and I know you feel the same way. First he said we need you as in him and Sam needs Cas as an angel but then he swallows and gets the courage to say I need you. This is also big. Dean has said this to Cas before but it was different. Before it was a I need you in my life whether you’re an angel or not. This time it was clearly Dean not haveing the courage to say I love you but the next best thing. This time it’s more about their profound bond as Cas said. I know originally Dean was supposed to say I love you but I personally don’t think he’s ready to say that yet. Then Cas goes to fix Dean but Dean doesn’t know if Cas is going to kill him or what he’s going to do yet all Dean does is grab Cas arm.
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The beginning of ep 18. Sam asks Dean if there was anything he wanted to talk about and what had happened with Cas. Dean said like my feelings? Sam said sure if that’s what you want to talk about. Sounds like Sam knows about Deans feelings for Cas and is letting him know that he’s willing to listen. This look was Dean realizing Sam knows but there’s no way he’s talking about it yet.
Lastly I just want to share this. I had a conversation with my friend a few days ago and she watched Supernatural just not the last season (it’s not on netflix or it wasn’t when she was watching it). She also isn’t on tumblr or instagram and hasn’t watched any of the con interviews so she has no idea about what people say about the show. She’s half homophobic. She doesn’t mind gay guys but she doesn’t want to see it. I asked her what she thinks Deans sexuality is. She said bi. I asked if it was because she knows I’m a Destiel fan but she said no it’s pretty obvious considering the scenes. Then I told her about Cas confession speech and how Dean was supposed to say I love you and a bunch of other stuff that was supposed to happen and how the changes didn’t change Destiel at all and she said I knew it.
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gayandfairycore · 1 year
Do you see right through me?
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A/n: I am back! Restarting my streak of posting a fic every few months, XO kitty is my new obsession atm and I have seen no fanfics about the loml, so here’s an unrequested kitty x femreader! This doesn’t really follow everything in the show, but nevertheless I’m happy with it! As always all chaste aged up side note I am curious of your thoughts on the show? I’m sad people disliked the show as much as they did, I actually thought it was pretty alright? cringey at moments, but isn’t that all Netflix’s shows…
Summary: falling in love with kitty covey when she comes to K.I.S.S and your fellow students surprised by your care for the girl. When kitty hears Minho talk about how untouchable you were to anyone. She begins to hope that you feel for her what she feels for you.
Warnings: bullying, panic attacks, mentions of slurs but no actual use of slurs, (not so) unrequited love, homophobia, internalised homophobia, purposely getting someone drunk, daes a smidge homophobic in this fic, this fic is also not proof read because I’m lazy 😌
You knew she was with dae, hell you knew since the moment she met you, rambling excited about her true love, and The fact that she had flown half way around the globe for a boy.
It felt blaringly obvious that if she were to do that there was no way that she would be into women. Plus you’d never. Ever. Want to steal someone’s partner That was just wrong.
So you would watch from afar, hold on to any touches the girl would give you, and you would force yourself to feel happiness for the girl. Force down any feelings of bitterness when she would stare at dae with love in her eyes.
Kitty song-covey was just so magnetic. It was like she vibrated on a whole different plane of existence. No matter how hard you tried You couldn’t stop half of your heart from breaking whenever she told you the details about her quest to get back dae.
You felt anger burn in you, boil your blood at the audacity of the boy lucky enough to hold her heart. To cheat on her it made you feel sick.
She deserved better, you hoped that maybe better would be you… from the moment you saw her she caught your heart. The illusive y/n l/n.
If she were to ask any student at KISS she would find out the rumours of your name. You were the girl who was smoking hot and yet had never had a boyfriend, despite many boys asking you out in grandiose ways.
You were, too many, The untouchable girl.
And for a girl with such a reputation It felt embarrassing how quickly you began to feel things for her. Non platonic things.
you felt a sense of duty when you saw her slip in those cupcakes. you moved without a second thought the click of your heels on the polished floors as you bent to her level.
“Are you okay?” You’d ask the girl
No reply left her lips, with orange frosting sticky and coated to her dress, tears shone in her eyes. As she looked up at you, with a tearful gaze, her eyes glazed over in embarrassment as she searched her surroundings. Staring down the lens of a phone camera she started to think maybe coming to Korea was a mistake.
The girl begun to replay every unfortunate incident over, and over in her head. There was virtually no one good here.
From her meeting with Minho at the airport, being swerved by principal Lim about her mother, meeting yuri, meeting her long term boyfriend again in person only to find him with a different girl she felt ridiculous.
As the lenses of cameras continued to stay pointed at her, kitty appreciated your kind smile as you pushed yourself off from being knelt beside her
“hey! Nothing to see here people. Go about your merry business.” Youd announce loudly to the leering students as they stared at the girl.
Feeling exasperated when no onlookers attempted to look away you spoke again. With a demanding and expecting.
“Go on! Shoo.” Only turning back to the red head once they made hast to look away, sighing and brushing your hair from your face you took the girl by her fore arm and pulled her up.
Before you could speak daes figure had made himself comfortable at her side rambling on about how it wasn’t what it looked like.
Kitty was clearly overwhelmed, from the jet lag, and the terrible experience she endured it was almost as if the room was closing in on the girl, the crushing weight of what seemed to be her mistakes crashed over her in unkind waves.
When the girl looking around the room, daes rambles became almost muted to the girl as the murmurs in the crowd of people were the final straw for the girl. Your hand on her arm the only thing grounding her from her onslaught of tears, And embarrassment.
Breaking your hold on her arm as the girl ran out of the room you sent an angry glare to the boy standing next to you, sending him a look that says something like ‘aren’t you going to go after her??’
Shaking your head at the raven haired boy when he averted his gaze as yuris perfectly manicured hands wrapped around his arm and lead him away sending an almost apologetic smile towards yourself it wouldn’t fix this mess.
Taking a deep breath you made a move to go after the girl, walking steadfast towards the exit your steps only faltering when the murmurs of the party goers no longer pertained to just kitty.
Gossip started far too quickly for your liking, their words thick with speculation as they questioned your sexuality, slurs muffled by hands into friends ears targeted at you made you begin to feel sick.
The beady eyes of students set heavily on you. The air thick, with each click of heels on the floor, and fast beat of your heart you felt bile rise to your throat. panic set deep in your heart.
Shaking your head and taking a breath, you wanted to leave, no. You needed to leave. With every watchful, beady, speculatory eye that stared seemingly right through you.
The thought kept repeating through your head they see right through you. Slamming through the door to the corridor, kitty is of course long gone, yet you still crane your neck in hopes to catch a glimpse of her. When you come up empty you hasten your steps rushing into the stall of the girl’s bathroom setting down the lid of the toilet and stifling your sobs with your hands stop crying. Stop crying. Stop crying.
You repeat it like a mantra, you know you look like a mess, but all you care about is not showing that they’ve gotten to you. Hardening your expression they will not look right through you, you won’t let them. You can’t.
But for this moment you will not hide. Leaning your head against the stall walls, you say it for the first time.
“I’m a lesbian/bisexual/pansexual/your identity”
“I know.” You hear through the door, fear spikes ypur heart jumping to your throat as Q pokes his head over the stall.
“Q? This is the girls bathroom?”
“Yeah…I just wanted to you know make sure you’re alright?”
“I’m not but- how are you in here? Minhos outside distracting the girls from entering the bathroom…”
“Really?” You mutter wiping your eyes with the back of your hand
“Yeah sweetheart, open the door and we’ll take you back to your room.”
“Okay” you chuckle, unlatching the lock the sound of minho frantically trying to come up with excuses as to why the girls toilets are off limits won’t hold out for much longer.
His voice getting increasingly higher as he scrambles to block the door, sharing a look with Q you both grab the door handle, Minhos figure stumbling backwards into your body’s, you and Q both look to the ground grabbing his hand and bursting through the crowd of girls.
Their outraged cries consisting off “was that a boy in the girls bathroom?!?” And “what was he doing in there!” All three of you begin to laugh at your heist.
All three of you trying to catch your breath outside the auditorium, dae comes walking hastily towards your group pointing a finger back in there he asks “why did I just hear one of the girls say Q was in the girls toilets?”
“And that they couldn’t enter because minho said he was hiding a giant cake in the bathroom…”
“A giant cake?” You and Q both ask the boy turning expectantly for an answer
“This feel’s suddenly very judgemental, I didn’t have to help you, you know.” Minho defends, his face hard before dropping his facade after minutes of awkward silence.
Locking arms with the boys you make hast towards the dormitory’s as a teacher locks eyes with the four of you.
“Go, go, go, go” Q pushing, at first your group speeds off with small hurried steps, getting faster until it’s an all out run, when the teacher bursts out of the door. Laughter fills the cool night air as you all rush to your dorms.
The loud ring of your alarm clock waking you up, your roommate still not here, you began to strip yourself of your dress from the night before. Instead sporting the school uniform. Slinging your bag over your back you set off to the cafeteria to buy yourself breakfast.
Your converse scraping against the ground, as you walked the path. A familiar head of hair came into view, biting down your smile you stepped closer.
The sight of Her cannery yellow suitcase bringing a frown to your face, along with the silouette of the boy next to her. You watch in discomfort, hesitant to move, to speak, to breathe. As you watch them embrace, the expression of hesitant love on the boys face is painful. You are painfully aware of just how in love they look.
when the sight of a black car and a silhouette of a girl steps out, you Release a breath you didn’t know you were holding when yuri breaks the two apart and steals dae away. It’s almost as if things aren’t so bad, You suddenly aren’t suffocating. Your converse clad feet walk closer to the red head, calling out her name.
A smile forms on her face as she sees you “y/n! Hey..”
“Covey, it’s nice to see you.” You smile rocking back and forth on your feet. Sizing her up you speak again with a shy smile
“I’ve got to say orange is not your colour.”
your eyes glance down to her suitcase as you tease the girl, any semblance of humour fades as she catches your gaze.
“Oh! Don’t worry!” The bubbly girl reassures “I’m not leaving, atleast not anymore.” She persists smiling with her teeth.
A soft look crinkles your eyes, you’re dead serious when you speak “good im glad you’ve decided to stay here.”
A bashful smile overcomes her face as she takes a look around you both. It’s silent for a few moments. It’s not an uncomfortable silence. Throughout that minute of silence you both seem to rake your eyes over eachother.
You’re the first to break it when you clear your throat. “Um you might want to take your things back to your dorm before classes. here I’ll help you.”
You nod toward her suitcase, and before she can stop you you’re picking up her suitcase, she smiles kindly. The walk to her dorm is quiet, you don’t mention the boys dormitory. Instead you bid the girl goodbye at the door.
And just like that time begins to fly with the girl, Days turn to weeks, stray touches and friendly hugs begin to linger too long. Far too long to be friendly. Atleast from your side.
Something held you back, from telling her, her relationship (if you could call it that) with dae, the fact she wasn’t into girls, or the fear of coming out.
And as Kitty spends her time chasing after dae, you spent your time chasing after kitty, whilst she was determined to be proved right that yuri & daes relationship was fake.
A part of you hoped it wasn’t, it felt cruel to think that as you were actively helping her, but part of you wished on every stray fallen eyelash, and every shooting star you saw. That maybe she’d like you too.
Maybe your touches set her skin on fire like hers did for you. When the day of Minhos party arrives and kitty asks you to do her makeup you jump at the opportunity to be closer to her.
With every stroke of your makeup brush against the apples of kittys cheeks it felt like you were buzzing with excitement just being so close to the girl.
Wanting to savour this moment you went slower, when kitty asked the harmless question of is you could do her lipstick your cheeks almost grew just as red as the blush you applied.
Before you started to dab the red pigment on your finger, tapping it gently against her lips the pads of your fingers bouncing off of her plump lips.
You couldn’t help imagining what it would be like to kiss her, your gaze lingered on her lips as your finger slowed its movement.
Turning your gaze up to meet kitty’s eyes, only to find the girl was already staring back at you.
Q watched intently from the doorway of his room, before he broke your stare on her lips with a “everybody ready?” Both kitty and yourself breaking eye contact simultaneously you Fling yourself away from kitty. Embarrassment begins to creep up your cheeks at being caught.
“You okay Y/n? We don’t have to go if you’re feeling sick.” Kitty speaks her eyes searching yours for any semblance of a lie.
“No, no! I’m alright let’s go.”
And with that you made your way to the door Qs hand gripped your upper arm with enough force to stop you but not hurt
“Hey y/n, yknow I saw you looking at kitty’s lips. If it’s any consolation I think she likes you too.” He smiled, his voice soft and comforting.
You wanted to say ‘really? You think so?
But instead your gaze dropped to the floor and you say an emotionless “she doesn’t like me like that.”
With a sigh from Q he opened his mouth as if to say more, his words dying in his throat as you broke his hold making your way down the hall to kitty’s figure.
Side stepping the girls attempt to hold your hand, her previous excitement dropped from her face for a moment before she cleared her throat “I’ve ordered us an Uber so let’s-let’s go.”
Walking ahead of the girl in a hurry, you miss the disappointed glance she shoots Q he rubs her arm in a comforting manner.
When you arrive to rubik the air is hot and stuffy, sweaty bodies dancing and drinking when florian orders you a fruity mock tail spiking it with what you assume to be vodka you drink it in silence, florian whispering to Q if you were okay.
You block them out, opting to instead dance your feelings away when you begin to dance to whatever was playing you began to feel a sense of freedom, your dance wasn’t anything special, wasn’t even particularly graceful. But you still felt eyes on you, as you turned to look to the pair that was staring at you eagerly you instead are met with the leering face of a fellow kiss student the buzz of alcohol dimming your senses as he leans down to whisper to you.
“We’ll aren’t you just beautiful, tell me can I buy you a drink?”
You don’t think. The alcohol numbing you, all you think is what can you do to take your mind off of kitty.
And before you know what you’re doing you grip his hand and lead him towards the bar, he buys you a drink, the familiar burn of some cheap vodka dances over the back of your throat before youre gripping his hands and you’re dancing with him.
And you dance for what feels like hours, and when you aren’t dancing you’re drinking, the burn of the alcohol stings the back of your throat.
And yet you keep drinking, seemingly oblivious, blissfully unaware of the fact he’s been buying, and buying, and buying, you drinks. And yet he hasn’t once touched a sip of alcohol.
The red flags aren’t red to you anymore, YPU can’t even hear the alarm bells ringing.
Sometime through the night you come to the realisation you’ve lost your friends, you’ve danced for as long as you can your feet aching and now all you feel is sick and exhausted.
“H-hey I think I’m gonna find my friends.” You tell your date, your words slurring together as vomit rises to your throat you take your hands off of the guy.
Ready to go back to your friends, even with dulled senses you’re on high alert when his soft smile leaves his face and his gaze hardens on your chest, his hands spring out to grip your arms in one hand. With bruising force, tugging
before Q sees you begin to wobble as the boy leads you to the exit of the club he walks past Q and florian.
The boys feel an immediate sense of urgency to protect you. They ask if you want to go with this guy, when they get your shaky “no” it’s enough conformation. Florian is pulling you into him as Q is telling the guy to leave you alone.
Breathing shakily, bile rises to the back of your throat, your eyes burning, as you gaze up at the boys their sympathetic faces giving you a once over.
“I just wanted to stop thinking about her.” You cried, slamming your head into Florian’s chest
“Oh dear” florian says looking you over “find kitty.” And just like that Q’s off in search of the girl, when teachers burst through the doors of the club. Principle lim pulling the plug to the speakers.
The club grows silent before the onslaught of people start running for the door, Florian leads you toward the exit. He doesn’t mind listening to your drunk rambles as you walk. Your legs unsteady, your mainly being supported by florian.
Taking the water he hands you with gratitude you take slow sips. Time seemed to barely move, as your memory felt funny. One moment you were in the club a flurry of lights disorienting you the next in your dorm bed room.
Cracking an eye open and groaning from the splitting headache behind your eyes you sluggishly roll out of bed.
Opening the bedroom door Qs figure slouched over the arm of the couch as minhos making coffee in the kitchen.
“Hey, y/n. We have Saturday detention by the way. Since someone got the party busted.”
Watching kitty on the stage her hair pinned up, you think she looks gorgeous in traditional clothing, adoration clear on your face.
Time seemingly slows as you watch her perform, with each movement of the fan your stare is still looking at the girl.
Conflict I’d happening on the stage, you can’t hear what they’re saying but you’re already concerned for the girl. Your heart leaps to your throat as you watch her trip.
Loud cracks of fireworks fill the gymnasium, time stops slowing, your ears block out the sound of scampering feet trying to exit the gym. you’re fully competent and you know what you’re doing when your shoes squeak against the floor you’re running toward the panicked girl.
Ripping off your jacket you throw it over the girls flaming skirt, easing her to the ground as you do so.
Kitty is panicked, frantic breaths leaving in puffed out pants, looking up at her through your lashes, your heart clenches at the sight of her scared face.
“Hey! Hey! I got you, you’re alright.” You state, your fingers that were previously patting wildly at the skirt, stop.
“Th-thank you.” Kitty whispers gratefully, her body visibly relaxing, yet She still looks scared with an emotion you can’t quite make out swimming in her eyes.
you make a move to comfort her more but your hand still’s outstretched towards her when dae comes rushing to her side.
His eyes wild, as he asks the girl if she’s okay, he lets out a breath when she tells him you helped.
“Yknow I would’ve helped her-“ nodding at his words, you feel guilty that you don’t quite believe the boy.
“I know. but I got here first.”
“I’m here now.” He exclaims coldly, his eyes nonverbally telling you to leave, bowing your head you look at kitty,
“I’m just glad you’re okay” and with that you turn and make your way of stage, meeting up with Minho by the door.
A knowing look on his face prompts you to ask “what’s that look for?”
“Nothing! No nothing. Aside from the fact you practically raced up there to save her…”
“You didn’t even think you just…went.”
Trying to no avail to hide the blush dusting your cheeks you cross your arms over your chest “well what’s it too you? I mean you’re famously anti kitty.”
“Mm you’re right, i don’t think she’s right for dae. I think she’s right for someone else…” he trails off making eye contact with you.
He sends you a comforting smile. His eyes flicker to dae as he marches up to both Minho and yourself. slamming Minho into the wooden wall dae sneers out “a you call yourself my friend” In Korean.
Minhos confusion seeps out as he asks “what’s all this about?!?” Also in korean, dae sees red slamming the boy harder into the wood before continuing “don’t pretend like you don’t know!”
Looking frantically around you, you decide to try and pry the boy off calling out a:
“What are you doing dae? let him go!” You cry pulling at the boys arm to get him to loosen his grip. His eyes hard as he turns to you, flinging his arm out, your feet falter at the abrupt movement when he pushes you off him His push sending you colliding with the gymnasium floor. Your hands slap against the ground, tears well in your eyes at the sting of your hands. and the bruise forming on your butt.
Despite your efforts Dae is still glaring at the boy infront pf him, Seemingly not caring that his shove sent you to the floor. “Dae, stop. Stop it! it’s not min Ho!” Kitty cries, “this has nothing to do with him”
“What you’re gay?” Dae laughs, sparing a glance at your form on the floor, Confusion and realisation dawn on the boys face before he mutters an apology to Minho.
sparing a hateful glance toward you on the floor, looking kitty in the eyes, the girl is clearly distraught in her hanbok. Her makeup runs down her cheeks as embarrassment boils. Dae shakes his head as he bursts from the door to the room.
Minho does a double take before giving you his hand, asking tentatively “are you okay?” His eyes rake your figure trying to asses the damage.
“I’m fine, I’m okay.” You stress putting yours hands in the air in attempt to reassure the boy.
“Good, good.”Minho mutters, clearly not believing you in the slightest. pulling you up, He shares a look with kitty watching as she diverts her gaze.
You shoot a glance to the red head, as Minho leads you away. Your concern for the girl outweighs any confusion about dae.
The cool air stings your face as Minho leads you outside, sitting you down on a concrete seat, “are you okay?” He asks.
Sighing shakily you look him in his eyes “yes-“
“And don’t lie to me.” He cuts you off, pointing his finger, he nods for you to continue his hard serious face still there.
“No? I mean! Ugh I really like her? But she clearly likes someone else…and she still has dae. And I don’t know what I’m supposed to do?”
“I’m failing pretty much all of my classes, and I’m gay. But I can’t be.”
“Oh you sweet thing.” Minho says pulling you into his chest, running his hands over your head as sobs break from your chest, wetting the boys suit.
“You know it’s okay to be afraid of your feelings for someone, but I can see it Kitty likes you, Not dae.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“God are you really so oblivious?!?” Exasperation reeks from the boy as he stared at you.
“She’s in love with you, you didn’t see it but her face when you saved her was enough to make dae realise she doesn’t like him anymore.”
“Oh my god. That’s what that was?”you question, your stomach dropping in anticipation. Vomit rising to your throat,
“I have to go!” You call breaking from Minhos hold,
“Another job well done” Minho smiles, shaking his head at the wet patch on his suit.
Your feet slam against the ground as you run to find the girl, bursting back into the gym she of course isn’t there.
Doubling over breathing heavily, panic grips your chest, as you look around. Closing your eyes you feel defeated.
“If you’re looking for kitty she’s in the dorm.”
Your eyebrows furrow, as you turn to face dae, an apologetic and yet reserved expression takes over his face.
“I-what? How did you-“
“It’s pretty obvious… no offence. But hey I’m happy for you.” The boy smiles, before turning to go
“How do you know she’ll like me back?” You whisper, daes steps halt as he turns to look at you.
“I’ve seen the way she stares at you when you aren’t looking, she used to look at me like that…” he looks sad as he remarks the girl’s feelings. but when he smiles at you with a watery smile and the nod of his head it’s his way of giving you the go ahead. And suddenly everything lightens up, the weight on your shoulders suddenly dissipates as you accept daes consent to make a move.
To let yourself be happy.
So you do, turning around you jog up stairs, and dodge various people as you make your way through the crowds of students in the halls.
Making your way to the boys dorm had become like a ritual, it was no longer buzzing with joy and laughter as a game or movie was in full swing Minho cooking something in the kitchen or rambling about the films his mum was in.
Instead the warmth in your chest was no longer there, You suddenly feel apprehension, as you stand there, your hand hovering over the door handle, you question if kitty will want this, if you should just turn around and couch surf until you go home.
When the door swings open to a sad kitty, in comfortable clothing, her hairs a mess, and she’s wearing an old ratty tshirt, but she still looks at gorgeous as ever as she stares up at you.
“Y/n?” She asks, her eyes glancing you up and down.
“Hi.” You whisper, bringing your hand up to caress her cheek, you ask her “can I kiss you?”
When she nods it’s all the permission you need, before you place a passionate yet gentle kiss on the girls lips, you pull away when the girl doesn’t move to kiss you back.
Only to be pulled back in my kittys soft hands against both of your cheeks pulling you in her lips crash against yours, the kiss isn’t perfect the techniques all wrong, and it’s sloppy, but you can’t help caring because you’re kissing her.
Tangling your hands in her unruly hair, you smile into the kiss.
When kitty pulls back, you look alarmed the girl feels a sharp guilt at breaking from the kiss, the pads of her fingers run over your cheek gently as if she is afraid you’ll break. The girl takes a breath in
“I’ve begun to learn a lot on Korea, about my mother, my friends, myself. And more Often then not my friends helped me realise things.” Kitty breaths she looks almost afraid to speak as she collects herself you can visibly see the cogs turning in her head as she speaks.
“And well, Q made me realise my feelings. They were confusing, and fun, and scary? But I think i really like them?”
“I think I really like them as well.” You smile, placing a kiss on her lips before continuing “And hey remind me to thank Q for all this.”
“No need you two, this is all the thanks I need.” Breaking from her hold you both turn to face your roomates their smug (mainly Minho) proud faces staring at you both.
“You know For a match maker you’re a bit oblivious.” Q speaks before planting himself on the couch
“I- what do you mean?” Kitty exclaims offended
“Kitty I’ve been in love with you since the moment I saw you...”
“WHAT!” Kitty exclaims in outrage “but- no- I’m supposed to know these things!!” The girl slumps over dramatically
Sharing content looks with your fellow roommates, none of you can hold it in bursting out in laughter.
It made you realise how much you wish you could stay in this moment forever before tomorrow comes and everything good hangs in the balance…
For now, you all were happy.
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steviesbicrisis · 2 years
Part 1 | Part 2
[TW: internalized homophobia | compulsory heterosexuality | homophobic slurs | domestic abuse | child abuse]
Change doesn’t happen overnight. The day after his talk with Chrissy, he had woken up with a hangover and the instinct to pack his bags and run away.
He hadn’t.
He stayed home and slowly dealt with the consequences of what Chrissy had made him realize.
He would’ve never asked her to stay friends after everything but she did anyways. Eddie tried to rely on her the least possible.
Eddie wasn’t ready to talk about his issues when he reached out to Steve. He had just missed him too much and, sensing that figuring his shit out would’ve taken a long time, he didn’t want to wait as long to have Steve in his life again.
Eddie didn’t mention seeing him in the parking lot, his talk with Chrissy, or the million questions that bombarded his head daily. He had apologized sincerely, and that had been enough for Steve.
A few weeks after their fight, Eddie is hanging out with his group of friends again. His friends and Mark, the guy he had seen Steve with.
It’s awkward, to say the least, Robin needs the whole evening to warm up to him again, and by Mark’s snarky comments he’s pretty sure that the guy hates him. It’s okay since Eddie kinda hates him too.
«He's an asshole,» Jonathan tells him as soon as they have a moment alone, giving him a knowing look «but Steve likes him for some reason, so we're all enduring his presence.»
It’s not easy, being around Steve while he’s aware of his feelings, trying to overcome the idea of being disgusting and wrong, and digging into his past to find out that, like almost every issue in his life, the rotten root comes from his dad.
But time is kind to him, and after repeating to himself again and again that there’s nothing wrong with him, he starts to believe it. He relives his homophobic conversations with his father until he becomes numb to them. He watches Steve being with Mark until there’s no rage left, just sadness.
Everything fades away with time, except his feelings for Steve.
One day, Eddie is finally ready to come out to Steve.
It’s not planned. He had been fantasizing about that moment in the last months but never had the courage to do it. Then, as he was going home after work, he changed routes and ended up in front of Steve’s apartment building.
They’re smoking on Steve’s small balcony. It’s a cold night but Steve hates to have the smell inside.
Steve has sensed he is there to tell him something, so Eddie just cuts to the chase.
«I’m gay.»
«Oh- uhm, what? I mean that’s great! Uh- no like, cool! I’m totally cool with it, well obviously… but I’m also, confused? What about Chrissy? And you know, the other stuff that-»
«Don’t hurt your head too much, pretty boy» he says, smirking. He knows he shouldn’t call him that nor enjoy his blush when he has a boyfriend, but he can’t help it. Months of pining and repressed feelings really do some damage to your brain.
He tells him about everything (minus being in love with him, for obvious reasons): the talk with Chrissy, the realization that he had never liked any of the girls he had been with, the jealousy he had for Steve because he had seen him being so happy with something that Eddie subconsciously thought he could never have.
«And there’s my dad. You know, among the fucked up things he did, I didn’t think about this one as much as I have in the past months. I guess I was repelling it. But uh-» Eddie stops for a second. This wasn't part of the plan, he had decided to come out, give Steve the explanation he deserved months ago and just mention that his dad was an asshole. He had never told this to anyone either, not even Chrissy. The hand holding his cigarette starts to tremble.
One look at Steve is enough for him to calm down. He's staring back at him, he looks ready to change the subject if he can't talk, hold him if he falls, hug him if he cries. Eddie feels safe.
It's almost impossible, how much I love him, Eddie thinks for a second, before taking a big breath.
«One night he came home drunk and called for me. He was completely out of it, barely walking straight, but wanted to tell me about the two fairies he had found that night and beaten the shit out of. He was so proud of himself. I remember his knuckles were red and scraped and he had me locked under his arm as soon as I was close enough. He was telling me how disgusting those two fags were and how they deserved every single punch and kick. I couldn’t breathe. He was so strong and big compared to me, I was just a fucking kid. I guess I zoned out, maybe I was trying to get away- don't remember - and next thing I knew, he was pining me against the wall, his forearm on my neck. He kept asking me if I was a fag too but I could barely breathe, let alone answer his stupid fucking question. He asked again and again and again but I couldn't talk. I stayed there, barely breathing, until he was basically screaming in my face that if I ever turned out queer, he would’ve killed me.»
Only after he finishes talking he realizes how close Steve had gotten, completely pressed on his side, his arm rubbing Eddie's back, knowing how physical contact calms him down.
«His screams had woken up my uncle. He pushed my father off of me and took me away. I've been living with Wayne since then.»
Steve squeezes him as close as he can in a half-hug «Eddie I’m sorry, that piece of shit- you didn’t deserve any of it, I’m so sorry you had a shitty father like him.»
«Don’t be, please. Having a homophobic dad isn’t an excuse for being an ass. And this happened a long time ago, I shouldn’t let him have this much power over me. And yet I couldn't accept who I am because of him, or accept you.»
Steve is conflicted between getting mad at Eddie's father for everything he has put him through and hugging him impossibly tight until all his worries and bad memories are squeezed out of him. But he also knows Eddie well enough to know that, most of all, he feels bad about what happened between them. He wants to fix that first.
«I called Jonathan “queer” once, before we became friends» he admits, without looking at Eddie «I was an ass, I wanted to hurt him and I thought nothing could've been worse than calling him that. Knowing who I am now doesn't excuse how I acted but I've learned to accept it. A part of me will never forgive myself for it but I know I am better now.»
Eddie wants to protest and say that it's not the same thing, that what he did to Steve was worse since they've been best friends for a long time. But the idea of not being alone, of Steve having gone through a similar path, makes him feel a little better. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, wondering if he will ever be able to overcome the guilt and prevent the memory of his father from making him mess up his life even more.
They stay outside, Eddie still squeezed into Steve's embrace, enjoying the quiet between them.
Eddie feels uncomfortable only when he remembers that technically Steve is cuddling with him when he has a boyfriend, so he has to ask «so, how’s your boy? Honestly, I was afraid to crush one of your dates tonight.»
«I broke up with him.»
Eddie turns to look at him, finding Steve's face already in his direction, very close because of their position.
«Holy shit, really? Why?» Eddie tries not to smile but fails.
«He was kind of an ass. Constantly talking about college and he making me feel bad just because I’m not as smart as him. Guess you were wrong, nerds are not my type» he jokes.
«Oh for fuck's sake! You, not smart? he must be the dumbest idiot on this planet for thinking any less of you just because you didn't go to college. And did you hear him talk to Henderson? He could barely keep up with the kid, something you excel at. And as far as I know, that brat is smart as fuck.»
Steve smiles back at him «I know that he was talking bullshit but it's nice to hear that. Thank you.»
Maybe it's the way Steve's looking at him, maybe he doesn't want to waste the chance now that they're both single and in a better place, but Eddie dares to be hopeful.
«That asshole wasn’t a nerd, by the way. He was book-smart at best. You need an actual nerd, like Nancy, Robin or… me» Eddie's voice trembles by the end.
He watches Steve's reaction carefully.
«Oh, really?» Steve's trying to maintain some composure but there's something extremely fond in the way he's looking at Eddie. He dares to hope a little more.
«Yeah» his mouth goes dry, he coughs «a nerd who doesn't make you feel bad because you didn't go to college. Honestly, nerds who are into fantasy games are the coolest ones.»
Steve leans even closer to him «since I need someone who doesn't care about academic achievements, I should go for someone who has failed senior year, let's say... at least twice, don't you think? And the only fantasy game I tolerate is D&D, that is not negotiable. Do you think I'll be able to find someone who fits the job description?»
Their faces are only a few inches away from each other. They're both trying to keep their cool but Eddie feels so happy, so full of love for the man next to him that he can't help but chuckle a little, Steve joining him immediately after.
They kiss with a smile still on their lips, and they break the kiss because they can't stop smiling and giggling. After all the hardships they went through in the past months, they had no idea they could feel as happy and complete as they feel on that tiny balcony on a cold November night.
AN: aaand that's a wrap! I cannot thank you enough for reading and giving me feedback for this little thing. I went a little out of my comfort zone and I hope I did not disappoint anyone! Please let me know what you think. Also sorry again for the emotional damage of thinking Eddie could've actually been straight LMAO Also also, 1 like = 1 fuck you Mark | 1 reblog = 1 fuck you Eddie's dad
Tag list: @funnymagicman-named-dandy @manda-panda-monium @hobbitharrington @lightwoodbanethings @minjintea @ilive4irony417 @sapphirecobalt-1 @kerlypride @bornonthesavage @cr0w-culture @vampireinthesun @samcoxramblings
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odinsblog · 11 months
Hey! Just wanted to clarify something so you don’t spread misinformation. You’re right that the president of Israel did comment that the citizens of Gaza are responsible (or something like that) when a reporter asked if that meant that all citizens of Gaza were reasonable targets, he immediately walked it back and said of course not. What he said initially was terrible, but your post indicated that the Israeli government would not be considering civilians non-combatants and that isn’t true
[re: this post, or maybe this one, Idk]
Yeah, sorry, anon, but it doesn’t work that way. That’s not “misinformation,” it’s literally what he said. Literally. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If a racist publicly announced they thought all Black people were subhuman, or if a homophobe proclaimed they believe that all LGBTQ people are are groomers, and then tried to walk it back, but I posted about what they said, that isn’t “misinformation.”
Misogynist: I hate all women.
Reporter: Really? You hate ALL women?
Misogynist: No, of course not. Sometimes dem hoes be aight.
Anon: It’s misinformation if Odin doesn’t tell everyone that the misogynist said he doesn’t really hate ALL women.
Oversimplified, but hopefully you get my point.
It doesn’t matter if they “walked it back”. They still said what they said, and I am under no obligation to update my post to reflect them trying to put the mask back on after they just went full mask-off.
I’m not their public relations manager.
Here’s something Maya Angelou once said, and I fully agree with her:
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And the Israeli government is currently bombing the fuck out of noncombatant civilians in Gaza, and they have a history of bombing noncombatant civilians, so try to imagine my complete lack of trust when they say they aren’t doing what they ARE doing, and have a long and very well documented history of doing.
Every time the IDF says they suspected Hamas of being in UN schools and apartment buildings, I don’t have to just take them at their extremely worthless word.
Rhetorical question here, anon: if Hamas is coercing civilians for human shields, then which is worse — the terrorist who uses human shields, or the army that bombs the human shields anyway?
Think about it.
Look, I’m a Black man living in America so please believe me when I say that I’ve seen racist politicians, police, and government officials try to “walk back” their racist words my entire life. It doesn’t mean I’m legally required to believe them. What I believe in is actions, not the tepid, strategically timed “walk backs” of an apartheid state.
Anyway, I’m pretty sure I know who this is (you’ve sent me similarly toned asks before), and it’s fairly obvious that we are not going to agree on this, and that’s okay, I guess, but please don’t ask or dm me on this topic again. I’m also not required to respond to every random anon with a keyboard and an internet connection. I have an inbox full of unanswered asks, and I’m doing this whole blogging thing for funsies; I’m not getting paid to answer a long line of asks, and I don’t have the time.
I only just recently turned the anon feature back on. Please don’t make me regret it.
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fanficriter · 1 year
How the BNHA Boys would React to you Coming Out as Bisexual
Warnings - Swearing, mentions of homophobia and bullies, mentions of *whispers* “sex…”
Characters - Bakugou Katsuki, Izuku Midoriya, Shoto Todoroki, Eijirou Kirishima, Denki Kaminari
Notes - Every character in bnha is bi in my little brain :3
Gender Neutral Reader
Bakugou Katsuki
- Let’s be honest, he already knew 💀
- “I know idiot, it’s pretty fucking obvious, but… thanks for tellin me anyway…”
- He doesn’t feel the need to ‘show his support’
- Not that he doesn’t support you, but he just, doesn’t care????
- Like yes go kiss boys and go kiss girls he genuinely could not give a fuck
- Kiss him too while your at it
- He will go to a pride parade with you if you really wanted him too
- If anyone were to bully you, or make some rude remarks about your sexuality, he would be at your side in a matter of seconds
- Explodes them
- “Tch, those idiots are losers… why do they care so much? Fuckin extras….”
Izuki Midoriya
- “Oh wow that’s amazing!! Thank you so much for telling me!”
- Gives you the biggest hug
- Extremely supportive
- Will make you a bisexual cake for pride month
- Will also buy you pride balloons
- Also fully believes that as a straight person, (he is NOT straight) he has to give you money everyday during pride month
Shoto Todoroki
- “I’m sorry”
- Thought you were upset about it
- You had to explain to him you weren’t upset about it
- “Oh, well, thank you for trusting me. Congratulations.”
- Never really mentions it to you
- If someone’s making fun of you for it, he will just pull you out of the situation, make sure you’re okay, then go back to the person and… reform them??
- No one knows how he does it, but every homophobe he’s met has walked away with a gay flag in hand, and a new perspective on life
- “How did you do that…?”
- “Do what?”
- He’ll wish you a happy pride month always
Ejirou Kirishima
- Asks you a bunch of questions
- “Good for you dude! …So like, what gender is better at sex?”
- Overall he’s really supportive
- “S-Slay? I think…”
- He’s trying his best please be patient
- If you get bullied for it, he’s an AMAZING shoulder to cry on
- “Shhh… It’s okay, let it all out…”
Denki Kaminari
- “Oh my gawd yas queen slay!!!”
- You cringed
- “No but seriously, thanks for tellin me! I’m glad you found yourself!”
- Also asks a lot of questions
- He’s supportive as fuck!!!
- He’s literally that one video
- “Happy gay month bc you know you gay n stuff”
- “Be who you are~ for your priiiidddeeee~~~~”
- Forgets what sexuality you are at least twice a month
- “Wait… what letter are you again?”
- If someone’s bullying you, he’ll come over and zap them!
- Will hold house parties for pride month
Feel free to leave requests in the ask box !! (о´∀`о)
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stewieonthewall · 4 months
Ok genuine question. Do you think Paige hasn’t come out because of potential public backlash? Obviously she wouldn’t be the first women’s basketball player to be out, but Paige is very politically aware. She knows how polarized the country is right now, and downright violent. Do you think that plays a part in it at all? Like I just think of how much she loves kids and has so many kids look up to her, and I wonder if she fears people abandoning her or not wanting their kids around her because of homophobia. There’s so many pieces to being comfortable enough to come out and I just wonder if that’s part of it for her, since she is SUCH a public figure atp.
i swear i’ve said this before but you might be new here so
i think she’s effectively out to anyone that’s willing to use their eyes like you can look at literally anything she does and it’s soo painfully obvious (as she wants it to be). a recent example is these photos from ig posts like that is from a gay girl for gay girls and if you’re gonna fight me on that it’s not worth trying to even explain
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there’s been this tradition of white players not being out during their time at uconn so that could have something to do w it but again i would say that she’s been pretty public w classic queer flagging other than actually articulating the words to a large public audience (i say this bc she allegedly said “so glad i’m gay” on one of q’s lives but obviously most ppl aren’t following on that level)
coming out is also scary and can make you enemies bc obviously there are still homophobes out there, but it could also be that she doesn’t even think it’s necessary bc it’s really no one else’s business (and as i said she’s basically out to anyone that’s open to it)
she’s definitely politically aware on some level but she has spoken out before on a somewhat personal topic (granted it was less so than this but still) so i don’t think she’s necessarily worried abt that and she clearly gets sm love and support from her circle so i honestly don’t see that as a big reason
so my two best guesses would be privacy reasons or not wanting to make college-related stuff more complicated 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
to summarize i figure we’re more likely to just get an official pazzi launch and everyone can draw their own conclusions from that than any kind of actual statement
i’m sure she will eventually talk abt her experiences as a queer woman but that could be 10 years in the future so don’t hold your breath!!
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asteria7fics · 3 months
Could you share some EWILY Cartman headcanons with the class? 👀
HAPPILY!! ( • ̀ω•́ )✧
My usual housekeeping: There WILL be spoilers for EWILY through chapter 11. If you haven’t caught up yet, then go read that first! (It’s a lot I’m so sorry)
Also, I’m going to include a few NSFW headcanons here… because I want to. They will be clearly marked though!
Without further ado, some of my Cartman headcanons!
Alright, first and foremost let’s get some of the basics out of the way. When I set out to write EWILY, I had a really specific image of what I wanted Eric to be like. He was actually the first character design I started drafting… while waiting at the hospital for my niece to be born ahaha.
Like, he had to be a bit of a neckbeard, Discord Mod loser. I’m sorry, I simply cannot imagine teenage dirtbag Eric being any other way.
So obviously I've posted the actual illustrations of all the boys, but Eric's appearance was one I was actually pretty nervous about. I don't see a ton of depictions of him having the longest hair, or being a bit scruffy looking in general. Though I agree that he probably does actually have decent hygiene habits typically, he's... Going through it in EWILY.
I also couldn’t imagine him being popular, because despite him honestly being pretty charismatic he’s still a despicable asshole and everyone in town is so used to his bullshit by this point that they’ve all but given up any hope that he’ll ever improve as a human being. His charms have become obvious manipulation by the time EWILY begins.
There is an actual story behind why the main 5 are no longer cool with him (for the most part), as is briefly referenced in chapter 7 before all hell broke loose, but that’s a story for another day.
Unfortunately, I also felt that Eric had to be smart. Is he taking all the same classes as Kyle just to fucking harass him? A little bit, though he would say it’s to ‘keep an eye on that conniving Jew’, but I think it’s pretty clear that he is actually a pretty smart and creative kid, he just doesn’t typically apply himself. Without friends to get into trouble with though, what else is he supposed to do?
I should also probably address the… antisemitism. I mean, it’s literally canon, as is him being a racist piece of shit, among other things. Look, I think there’s a time and a place to sanitize Eric’s character at least a little bit, but doing too much loses a quintessential piece of what makes him tick. I’m not gonna go into what makes people embrace bigotry, but suffice to say I personally believe a lot of his comes from ignorance and fear, especially the latter as he gets older.
On the flip side of that, I thought it would be super funny to give Eric a major fetish for Asian women! Partially inspired by my own love of k-pop, and partially from some comments Trey has made about his own… preferences, at least ones he had when he was younger. I actually pull a lot of inspiration for all of the boys from Those Bastards, despite my better judgement. It does have the nice effect of making them feel more real, though!
It also gave me the opportunity to make a very funny joke about his favorite member of a particular k-pop girl group, who has been majorly blasted online for wearing a shirt with a swastika on it… look, I saw my opportunity and I took it. The kids who got it, got it lmao.
I suppose this is a good opportunity to transition into some NSFW headcanons. This is your warning! I’ll mark the end of the NSFW stuff so you can skip it if you’d prefer!
Despite being pretty outwardly homophobic towards his friends, Eric is not straight lmao. He sure wants to THINK he is, but he’s bisexual at LEAST with a slightly stronger leaning towards women.
Initially, Eric is very confident that he needs to be the dominant one in the relationship. He would prefer women that seem submissive (hence the super racist Asian fetish, oof king just cannot be normal) and can be pretty easily manipulated, which is! Objectively gross! Bad Eric!!
Being one of the most sexual kids in the show (yes I do have a mental ranking), my brother is fucking nasty. Definitely was the one that got Stan mildly addicted to porn for a hot minute there (a headcanon I never explore but definitely need to), has a massive and extensive collection of pornography on his computer, on top of frequenting OnlyFans.
Eventually though, when he finally gets to actually feel the touch of another human being he gets over that need to be on top, literally and metaphorically. He relinquishes control VERY slowly, but eventually with a LOT of trust lets his partner have more power in the bedroom.
Also, his gf eventually definitely pegs him. Try and tell me I’m wrong. Do they get even nastier? Absolutely, but I’ll leave the rest up to your imagination. (˵ ¬ᴗ¬˵)
ANYWAY! Back to the normal stuff. (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
Speaking of his girlfriend, I know it's not popular but I adore loverboy Eric. The idea of him fighting so hard to be a good person just to maintain an important relationship is *chef's kiss*
Now I won't formally diagnose Eric with anything, but he definitely has some... Antisocial tendencies. We see him visit a therapist a couple of times in canon, and I think he would keep that up until about the time his friends ditch him. Entering his social recluse era oof. He definitely stops seeing the point in improving himself when people are going to abandon him anyway.
So of course, he's still not a very good partner. I would get into his relationship with Yen more but, like with all the relationships in EWILY it's... Complicated.
Alright, I’m gonna do some quick-fire headcanons to get the rest of my thoughts out ahaha
Is the shortest of the main 5 - yes, even shorter than Kenny, but only by a couple of inches. This wasn’t always the case though, and was actually the tallest when they were kids. (TSOB era)
He and Butters have the smallest wieners. RIP sorry loser it’s canon.
Never really got over his little crush on Wendy. Funny how he’s still into girls with dark hair… (˵ ¬ᴗ¬˵)
Desperately wants another cat, but Liane has really only put her foot down about this one thing after what happened to Mr. Kitty. Sorry, I had to remind you.
Definitely still packs heat, but doesn’t get away with bringing it to school.
Hardcore schemer still and does all kinds of questionable shit to make money. You know, instead of just getting a normal job.
Wears those super long cargo shorts year-round. Claims he ‘doesn’t feel cold’ but definitely does.
Met Yen in a random Discord server, one he became pretty popular in. Still has lots of online friends that only really know the persona he puts on for them.
Man, what else is there...
I suppose this is a good place to drop some of the other things I've put together for him! You can look at his Pinterest board here, and his Spotify playlist here!
Okay, I seriously need to stop you guys, but I could talk about Cartman all day. Literally my son oh my god he’s so silly!!! I hope this was a sufficient answer for you, dear anon! I’m always happy to share my thoughts and feelings about these dudes!!
Thank you for the ask!! (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
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