#also I thrive on comments with positive feedback
frownyalfred · 1 year
I don't think you were being overdramatic or complaining too much, people shouldn't have been rude in the comments, clicking X is the easiest thing in the world and if a person doesn't have anything nice to say, then they should say nothing
If those sort of comments continue, have you considered limiting comments to signed-in users? I think it would help ward them off
Thank you! I appreciate the support.
I have considered that, but I'm not sure how I feel about it. I've also noticed that a lot of questionable/rude comments do come from signed-in accounts, not just guest ones.
My new strategy has been immediately deleting the comments and/or muting the account in question. Trying to reason with people has kind of been burning me out emotionally.
Sometimes I feel like I can either be a writer or a moderator, and not both at the same time. I need to work on that.
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 11 months
Downhill (Preview)
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Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader
cause I went downhill at such steep incline...
Word Count: 2,080
This is a fanfic preview! So feedback and comments are greatly appreciated. Writers always thrive on feedback <3
Warnings: this takes place during Half-Blood Prince - there are mentions of Draco's mission to kill Dumbledore and him being tasked with fixing the Vanishing Cabinet to let Death Eaters into Hogwarts, mentions of Draco being forced to become a Death Eater (mostly against his will, with the emotional pressures of 'family duty'); mentions of death/murder in line with the HBP/DH themes; the reader and Draco are engaged - arranged to be married because they are both purebloods (the reader is an orphan and her only living caregiver 'sold' her to the Malfoys to be married to Draco, but her and Draco have grown emotionally close because of this); mentions of dead animals - more specifically a dead bird (the bird that dies in the Vanishing Cabinet); passing mention of Cedric Diggory's death; general emotional angst from Draco's perspective because he is feeling very trapped and hopeless because he feels that he will not be able to complete his mission successfully and he will be killed (and get the reader killed in the process); passing mention of the reader having lived in New York before she met Draco; passing mention of the reader 'wearing' Draco's jacket (over her shoulders, not putting it on, and it specifically says that it doesn't fit her well); there is an argument where Draco takes out his fear/frustration on the reader verbally and he grabs her arm roughly - this is not healthy in a relationship, but they are both trying to function under severe circumstances (also it only happens for a moment and it's not a pattern); mention of Draco being thin/losing weight due to improper eating (from stress); this part does not have smut but the longer/full fic will have smut once it is finished and posted. I believe that's everything for now.
A/N: This fic is titled after the song Downhill by Lincoln, so if you want to know the vibes of the overall fic, definitely listen to that song. It's a very Draco song with the 'if I meant every word that I ever said, you'd probably question the life I have led' - because in his bullying, he probably has just said a lot of harsh things without meaning them. And in this fic, the reader met him after the bulk of his severe childhood bully phase, so she didn't know that he used to be a very outwardly cruel person. I also love the 'I was born into the world on a silken cloud, and I got bored of the world before I hit the ground' - because Draco was born into so so much privilege and he didn't even realize how lucky he was, and now that his privileged position is forcing him to take on a murder and a lot of undue stress, he wants to go back to blissful ignorance. (Basically, it's such a Draco song, and it really really drove home the themes of this fanfic idea for me.) Anyway, I'm really excited about this fic, and I hope you enjoy this preview!
Draco brought you to the back of the large room, and you saw that he had already pulled the tarp off the overwhelming tall, ornate Vanishing Cabinet, so the dusty cloth was sitting in the pile at the cabinet’s feet. Without a word, Draco walked up to the cabinet, moving in stiff mechanical motions as he pulled open the doors. You took a few steps closer to get a better look, realising that he was trying to show you whatever was inside - that must be where the primary problem was located. 
You couldn’t hold in the gasp that broke out of your throat when you saw a dead bird sitting in the bottom of the cabinet. 
A bright yellow canary laying against the dark wood, belly up and completely still with its soft feathers rustled, a few of them missing. You had seen very few dead animals in your lifetime. Aside from the occasional New York City pigeon, laying on the sidewalk in a similar fashion after running itself into one of the hyper reflective windows of the tall buildings. You couldn’t even stand to look at those for too long. You still felt the same deep heartache while looking at it. 
“Oh - oh my.” You gaped quietly. 
Draco was entirely surprised when you shouldered him out of the way, letting his ill-fitting borrowed jacket drop off your shoulders onto the dusty ground carelessly as you crouched down carefully in front of him. You then scooped up the small bird in your hands, cradling it gently as though it were entirely precious. 
He thought that seeing the state of things, you might start suggesting spells, telling him ways that he could fix the obvious problem. But no - you were soft-hearted. The true problem hadn’t even occurred to you yet, because you were so caught up on the sight of a dead bird. You were emotional, struck by the shock of an innocent animal having its life prematurely ended. 
Draco envied you quietly for a moment as you sat on your knees in front of the cabinet, looming in his shadow as you held the bird in your hands. He realised that in order for you to be so startled over this, so heartbroken - it must be one of the first times you had been brushed with death. Draco envied that naivety. 
He wished he could rewind to the version of himself from a few years ago. A version that thought not being able to join the Quidditch team because of an age restriction was the worst tragedy in the world. A version that thought he got everything he wanted because he was genuinely deserving of it. Someone who couldn’t see that he was simply a spoiled brat. 
He wished he could go back to a version that hadn’t seen Muggleborns slain in his family’s dining room, begging for mercy where there would be none.  
When he had first seen that bird sitting dead in the cabinet, a still dead body draped in yellow - for a moment, he had been reminded of Cedric Diggory. Someone so undeserving, lifeless before their time. Used up and gone. 
But now, seeing the way you cradled it, fussing over something already dead and unable to benefit from your care - Draco was distinctly reminded of himself, withering and undeserving in your arms. 
“Draco, do - do you think we should bury it?” You asked, the gentle croak of tears in your voice as you considered a pointless funeral for the small dead thing. 
You suddenly rose up to your feet then, walking around Draco to look for something to wrap the poor bird in - some kind of cloth, or perhaps a small box to place it in. 
This caused something inside of him to snap. The way your sweet demeanour ground against his nerves, his worry, his anxiety about everything mounting suddenly as you fussed over something that truly didn’t matter. 
Your good intentions would get you killed. That gentle touch, that willingness to help - it would get you on the wrong end of a Killing Curse one day. (Especially if he didn’t protect you.) 
“It’s not about the bloody bird, woman!” He growled out, entirely frustrated with your delicate ignorance, your lack of seeing the true point. 
Draco turned to you, and grabbed your arm so viciously that your palms jerked and the small, lifeless body dropped onto the floor without a single bit of grace. It dropped against the cold stone so carelessly, as though it were an object that had not once had any life in it at all. You let out another gasp at this, and looked from the dull tuft of yellow feathers at your feet up to Draco’s face. 
“Draco!” You cried out, protesting against his careless nature toward the innocent creature. 
His fingers were gripping your forearm fiercely, blooming small bits of pain - but you didn’t care. You felt a clench in your gut, distinct guilt overwhelming you. You told yourself that his anger was misplaced. You didn’t have words, especially not while he stared you down so coldly. All you could do was stand tall, and stare right back, even while tears formed in your eyes. 
He tightly clenched his jaw. 
You were surprised when he spoke again. 
“How can you be so daft?” He said, almost choking on the words. 
That was when you knew for certain it was misplaced. He had called you brilliant before - it was one of the only things he had said about you that wasn’t sarcastic or backhanded in some effort to deter you. He didn’t think that you were stupid, not one bit. 
“Look, you know if I don’t get this thing working-” He couldn’t even finish his sentence before his throat closed around the words, threatening harsh sobs that he was desperate to contain. 
Instead, he turned abruptly, letting go of your arm - now completely uncaring of the misplaced conflict. You felt a wave crash into your chest as you realised it. How could you have been so stupid? 
Of course, he had no care for a small animal. 
It was about what that animal represented. His failure. Death looming over his head. 
The bird had obviously died in the cabinet, which meant that a living thing had yet to survive the transition from Borgin & Burke’s into Hogwarts. If Draco couldn’t fix that problem - if there was some sort of problem when the Death Eaters tried to use the cabinet to get into Hogwarts and one of them died, Draco would be on the line for it. If they couldn’t use the cabinet at all, Draco would be on the line for it. 
They would kill him if he couldn’t get this right. 
Draco moved slowly, putting a hand on each of the cabinet’s doors and closing them. 
Then, for a few long, painstaking moments - neither of you said a thing. 
Your chest ached. You wished that you could find something comforting to tell him. For some reason, you knew that simply telling him ‘it’s going to be okay’ just wasn’t going to cut it. You muddled in the silence and you hated it. 
He stood with his back still turned to you, with his arms outstretched, leaning on the tall, imposing wooden object. It felt like a shadow of death looming over the two of you. His shoulders held nothing but pure tension, even as he used the object for support, and he dropped his head between his spread arms. 
After a few moments of that terrible silence, with you staring at his back, tossing your mind for something helpful to say as you chewed at your own lip - Draco took in a shuddering breath. Though you knew he was trying to hide it: he began quietly sobbing. 
You couldn’t help yourself then. 
It was something you knew he pretended to hate, but you knew what to do next. You stepped forward, over the dead bird, your shoes quietly clacking against the stone - and you settled yourself right up against his back, tucking your body tightly against him in a hug. You nuzzled your face into the tense muscles of his shoulders, and as you wrapped your arms around his waist from behind and squeezed him tightly, you felt some of the tension melt away as he relaxed into your touch. 
You did worry about how much thinner he felt in your arms than the last time you had done this - obviously, he hadn’t been eating properly. But you didn’t bother to bring it up, not wanting to start another argument. 
Draco felt a grateful warmth spread over him. But he refused to touch you back. At least just yet. 
He kept his hands on the wood of the cabinet, almost like a bold surrender that he wouldn’t give into your softness. He couldn’t. He let out another shuddering sob - a sound he couldn’t contain with the feeling of your warmth at his back. It was something he hated himself for. 
You hushed him gently. And then, miraculously, you found words. 
“We could leave.” You said quietly, turning your head so that your cheek sat parallel with his flesh, muttering the words against the fine silk of his button up shirt. “We could just… run away together. We don’t have to stay here, Draco. We could get to a fireplace and Floo out of here, or-” 
“We can’t.” Draco replied, his voice just as quiet, throttled by tears. “You know that we can’t.” 
You wanted to argue the point more. Obviously, he didn’t hate the idea. He just thought it was illogical. Likely, he thought it was too dangerous. But what was the alternative - possibly being killed anyway? 
“If we leave, they’ll kill my parents because I couldn’t complete my mission.” Draco sniffled quietly. “At the very least, they’ll haul me in and have my head for being a traitor.” 
Draco straightened his stance then, taking his arms off the cabinet. You thought that he might remove your arms from his waist, finally rejecting your touch. But instead, he began tracing fingers from his right hand along the forearm of his left sleeve, almost scratching at it like it was a terrible itch. 
You had been there the day he had gotten the Mark. You had been brought into the room and forced to listen to his screams of pain before you even truly knew what was happening. When you had tried to comfort him about it, he had pushed you off so roughly that you had almost smacked your head into one of the walls, and you knew that he was taking that fear and pain out on you in that terribly misplaced way. 
But that night, when he had been crying, sobbing and running the freshly scorched skin under cool water - he let you run him a bath with soothing soaps and the two of you discussed Shakespeare’s plays (which you were surprised that he had read) while you washed his hair for him. 
“Now that I have the Mark, I can’t run anywhere.” Draco muttered quietly. “I can’t go anywhere I won’t be found.” 
That part had never truly occurred to you before. 
You knew that the Dark Lord used the Dark Mark as a way for his followers to show their loyalty, and as a way for him to summon them or even for them to summon him. And you guessed that Draco having it meant that he could be ‘summoned’ at any time as a part of the loyalty he had so unwillingly pledged. 
Even if he betrayed the Dark Lord morally, mentally, emotionally, and tried to do so physically by running away, as long as his arm was attached, he would still be in service to that horrible man until he and his followers decided otherwise. Especially because you couldn’t imagine Draco wanting to part with his arm anytime soon. 
“We’ll figure something out.” You told him, having little faith in those words yourself. But you knew it was a truth that you had to speak into existence. 
Then you laid a gentle kiss on his shoulder through the fabric of his shirt, spreading more warmth through him. He clenched his fists at his sides, highly resisting the urge to reach for your hands, but silently hoping that you wouldn’t pull away. 
Draco resented your sense of hope. But these days, it was the only thing keeping him afloat in the chaos seas that his life had become.
Remember, if you want to see the full fic when it comes out, make sure to follow my fanfiction blog @sundrop-writes and turn on notifications there!
Also, this fic is going to be a prequel to the fic I have already written - My Bleeding Heart, so if you liked this, definitely check that fic out.
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elite-7 · 26 days
Out of curiosity, what is it about Callum's character that makes it so hard to let go of the whole "duur he's the worst and so pathetic at everything but he tries his best" despite the fact that hadn't been his characterization in canon for years now?
Hi, Anon!
I know what you're talking about because I have seen people looking at you twitter fandom talk about Callum without actually seeing his character.
It all comes down to growth and how he evolved from a kid that was trying to figure out his place in the world, showing a lack of confidence, to a young man that is confident and who had overcame the struggle of exploring himself. One example is his struggle to be a prince but he figured out that even its stuffy to him it also means he's important to someone, his brother and everyone who knows him.
Not because of his status or anything but because of his personal growth.
Comments like what you're describing can be hard to break out of. Especially if you don't think of the bigger picture that could potentially rise up from that. Think about yourself and the people you look up to. They may have been struggling with jobs that they had trouble learning to do, but once they find something that works for them or another person shows them different ways to do jobs, they thrive. They grow. It doesn't have to be a solo experience, but a group experience to grow into someone you want to be with positive feedback and a helping hand.
Anon, forgive me. This just became a jumbled mess of thoughts. Let me know if it still helped you.
I know others may have better answers to your question and I invite them to post them below!
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wetcatspellcaster · 10 months
How are you faring with fic popularity? Does it feel so rewarding to have so many interested readers and asks, and comments constantly coming in, or is it pressure™? Would you rather write for a less alive fandom or a thriving one?
Hey anon, what an unexpected and weirdly touching ask. Thanks for like, caring to ask the question?
The honest answer is, a mixture of both! I'm not going to sit here and pretend that it's not lovely to be inundated with positive feedback on a scale I've never had before. It gives me a lot of motivation to write and continue writing, and when I get anxious or upset about the quality of my own work - which still happens a lot, I'm only human! - it's easier to fall back on a wealth of other people's nice words when I only have mean ones to spare for myself. I'm not going to be disingenuous or pretend otherwise, in many ways it rocks!
But I do absolutely feel pressure. I get more stressed about the quality of chapters as I post them, bc more people reading means more people to please! I also see the disparity between my fics and agonise over the reasons, on bad days, but that's just bc I'm an anxious person lol. *Drake and Josh voice* I cannot control the rate at which the kudos come!
Often in moments when I don't like my writing or get stressed I fall back to: "Well I'm feeding myself and myself alone, so it doesn't matter, I'll just write the story *I* want to read. " This mental exercise gets harder to do, the more people there is... though not impossible! It is still my go to for "fuck it and post" days.
But so far, it's been much easier when Im in a good mental health place. I had a semipopular fic in another fandom this year, that went on hiatus when I had a big wallop of depression, and that sucked bc I got a lot of "write more" comments... when there was a reason I wasn't writing. This fandom has been a lot more patient with me but I've also been more active, so overall apart from a few blips it's going well and has been a pleasant experience.
Honestly, I think my peak fandom experience was early access bg3 in the early days, which was a sweet spot of "active but not overwhelming"! But this isn't a judgement on current bg3 fandom or an ingratitude for my current popularity bc I am not about to complain! This is just informed by the simple fact that up until two months ago I was a fandom lurker who literally showed up once every 8 months, posted a fic then peaced out lol, and now I have to check my inbox on tumblr *and* ao3. Oh, woe upon me! Not emails!!
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mbti-notes · 9 months
Anon wrote: Hello, mbti-notes. INFJ here. My question is about the low self-worth that accompanies a lifetime of being single (well into the late 20s). How can I stop the fact that I have always been single from affecting the way I view myself? I am starting to feel unlovable and at risk of ending up alone. I have only recently started feeling this way, to be fair - I used to not care too much.
But a recent comment by my dad implying it was shameful to be the only one in my friend group without a partner has brought to my awareness that, on top of all the other implications, I could also be judged for this. As I grow older, as my friends start settling down and living with their long-term partners, I am starting to wonder if maybe there is something wrong with me. I’m embarrassed to say I have no relationship experience and I can feel my self-worth suffer as a result too.
What is your definition of "shame"? You seem to view it as an indication that there is something wrong with you, that you are flawed, broken, or unacceptable in the eyes of others? This way of defining shame is unhealthy and it usually occurs due to self-esteem and self-worth struggles. Self-esteem and self-worth issues should be addressed sooner rather than later, since they are very common obstacles to personal growth. Nobody can make you feel unworthy unless you already suspect/believe you are. As long as you are unstable inside, you will be easily knocked over by outside forces.
All feelings and emotions have something important to teach you. The issue is whether you have the right frame of mind to learn. Shame is what you feel when you do things that are harmful. Shame encourages you to make up for harm, change negative behavior, and behave more morally. Shame teaches you how to be a more proactive, productive, and positive member of relationships and society. Instead of listening to the shame and learning from it, you react against it and can't make sense of it, getting stuck in rumination. It's hard to think straight when you don't know how to process negative feelings and emotions. Thus, improving your emotional intelligence should be a priority in personal development.
Is being single something to be ashamed about? Are you harming anyone? On the surface, no. You are free to choose whatever relationship lifestyle you prefer, are you not? If, of your own free will, you have chosen to be single, what is there to be ashamed of? Why not stand by your decision proudly? Maybe you can't feel confident in yourself because that's not the whole story, is it?
If, like many INFJs, you have struggled with Fe development and it has held you back and held you down in life, then the resultant shame is an important signal to heed. It's telling you that your development has stalled because you are sabotaging yourself. Self-sabotage is something to feel ashamed about only in the sense that you have done harm to yourself and it needs to be rectified. You have not afforded yourself the respect, empathy, care, compassion, and love that all human beings need to flourish and thrive in life. Tell me, is it unreasonable for a parent to feel pained when seeing their child live a life devoid of love?
I don't know your father, so I can't speak to his true intentions, but that's irrelevant with regard to whether he's speaking truth. Negative feedback only sticks to you when there is an element of truth you aren't willing to acknowledge. Immature INFJs with unhealthy Fe tend to be oversensitive and have a lot of difficulty handling negative feedback. They tend to misinterpret negative feedback (via Ti loop) because, unconsciously, they don't want to admit there's a problem (with Fe development), they don't want to feel the full force of the pain it causes, and they don't want to confront the change that is necessary to resolve it. Is this true for you?
I'm not here to make decisions for you or to tell you what you should want in life. Whatever you want, make the decision, commit to it, and stand by it. If you can't do that, then maybe what you want isn't what you actually need. All human beings need care and love. Being in denial of your needs means they'll never get fulfilled. I don't believe that lack of relationship experience is an obstacle, since it is easily remedied by getting out there and experiencing. Perhaps the real obstacle is fear. If that's the case, then you have a choice to make as to whether you want to be trapped by fear for the entirety of your life...
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harmonyhealinghub · 3 months
Embracing Positivity: The Power of Being Aware of Your Thoughts Shaina Tranquilino July 13, 2024
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Our minds are constantly buzzing with thoughts. Some days, these thoughts uplift us, inspire us, and fill us with joy. Other days, however, they can drag us down into a spiral of negativity and self-doubt. What if we told you that by simply becoming more aware of these thoughts, you could drastically change your outlook on life?
The Inner Dialogue: Friend or Foe?
Think about the last time you received a compliment. Maybe a colleague praised your work or a friend admired your latest accomplishment. How did it make you feel? Chances are, that positive feedback brought a smile to your face and a spring to your step. Now, contrast that with the last time you criticized yourself. Perhaps you made a mistake at work, or things didn’t go as planned in a personal project. How did you react? Did you berate yourself, dwell on your shortcomings, or worse, believe that you’re not good enough?
It’s natural to be our own worst critic, but often, we are far harsher on ourselves than anyone else would ever be. The comments we would never tolerate from others, we too readily accept from our own inner voice.
The Impact of Negative Self-Talk
Negative self-talk can be insidious. It chips away at our self-esteem, diminishes our confidence, and ultimately hampers our ability to grow and thrive. Imagine a friend constantly pointing out your flaws or belittling your achievements. You wouldn’t tolerate it, right? So why do we accept it from ourselves?
These thoughts not only affect our mental well-being but also have a profound impact on our physical health. Studies have shown that chronic stress from negative thinking can weaken the immune system, increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, and contribute to other serious health problems.
Cultivating Awareness: A Path to Positivity
The first step to breaking free from this cycle is simple yet profound: awareness. Pay attention to your thoughts. Notice when your inner dialogue turns critical or pessimistic. Instead of automatically accepting these thoughts as truth, challenge them. Ask yourself: Is this thought based on facts, or is it an exaggerated interpretation? Would I say this to a friend in the same situation?
By becoming aware of your thoughts, you gain the power to reframe them. Replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations. Celebrate your successes, no matter how small, and learn from your mistakes without self-condemnation. Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you, and remember to be kind to yourself, especially in moments of difficulty.
The Journey to Self-Compassion
Being aware of your thoughts is not about suppressing negative emotions or pretending everything is perfect. It’s about fostering self-compassion and resilience. It’s about acknowledging that setbacks and challenges are a natural part of life’s journey and that you have the strength to overcome them.
Incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine. Whether it’s meditation, journaling, or simply taking a few moments to breathe deeply, these practices can help you tune in to your thoughts and cultivate a more positive mindset.
In a world where external influences often shape our perceptions, reclaiming control over our inner dialogue is a powerful act of self-care. Remember, you have the power to choose how you respond to your thoughts. Embrace positivity, practice self-kindness, and watch as your outlook on life transforms.
As you embark on this journey of self-awareness, may you find strength in your vulnerability, courage in your imperfections, and joy in the beauty of your own unique journey. You deserve it.
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ladylynse · 1 year
Hi Lynse! If you don't mind sharing, I'm curious to know your thoughts on comments along the lines of "write more of this." Like every writer, I thrive on comments, but I have mixed feelings about those. I'm happy that the commenter likes the story enough to want more and to tell me so, but it also stings when it's the only thing the comment says (especially on longer fics!). I've received them on shorter fics (<2k) and longer ones (>9k), and I never know how to feel! What are your thoughts?
I know exactly where you're coming from, Anon.
Long story short, they're not my favourite, especially if they're on their own, especially if it's on a longer fic.
If that's all that is said--in whatever form, since I've gotten everything from "more" or "MOAR" to "update pls" and "UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE" (ad nauseum) and various iterations in between--then on one hand, you know the 'I liked this' part of the comment is implied, but on the other hand, it reads like a demand. It's not quite as bad if it's with something, because hey, actual interaction with someone, but often those types of comments seem to be on their own.
"Looking forward to more!" or "Hope you're able to update soon!" doesn't read the same way to me as "write more." Those aren't demands for content, which "write more of this" can very easily read like even if the commentator didn't think it would read that way. The first examples read to me as more encouraging and understanding of the fact that I have a life beyond sitting at home all day writing fics and that, even when I do have time that could be designated as writing time, I might be too tired to spend that time writing. To be fair, though, when I get a comment like the first examples, it usually includes something like 'good chapter' or 'nice work' or 'great job' or something a bit longer that otherwise provides a bit of positive feedback, so that might be a bit of bias coming through on the differences in framing there.
I'll be honest here. I know it's unfair, but my brain has never read "write more of this" as anything other than a demand. It's discouraging, because if someone didn't have a single thing to say about the fic itself, then my brain also likes to assume that they're curious enough to want to see where it goes but not invested enough to add a general 'I liked this' to the comment (even if they aren't up for specifics, and not everyone is) and the commenters are simply looking for content to kill the time and just want to see me churning out more content to be consumed and forgotten and never engaged with again beyond another demand for more.
Like I said, logically, I know that's not a fair assumption, but that's what it feels like, and feelings aren't hindered by logic. And sometimes it feels like people think you're a machine that will write on demand. It's even more discouraging when you get 'more' instead of any actual positive feedback that can act as encouragement (I count a couple of heart emojis or "extra kudos" as encouragement, not just specific comments, though of course specific comments are appreciated) or translate to excitement when writing because, look, it's more than just you who's invested in this fic! It's worth the time and effort of writing it down, editing it, and sharing it with others!
To be fair, "write more of this" is better than someone complaining about a narrative choice or a background pairing that was included which they didn't like. I'm personally happy to know about typos and minor little oversights on my part so I can fix them--I know not everyone is--but I'm also firmly of the belief that if you don't like a story, you just stop reading it and look elsewhere and don't complain to the person writing it because you're more likely to drive them away from the fandom (or sharing their fics at all, regardless of fandom) than to convince them to write something to your exact taste. But a demand is only a step above a complaint, and I know some people who are very open about the fact that they either lose the motivation to work on a particular story or deliberately shift it to the back of their 'to write' list when they get comments like that.
Most comments give me that warm fuzzy feeling inside--or reduce me to gleeful cackling when I see some reactions--but while the demands don't cut the same way flames can, something still feels like it twists inside me, and it's not painful, but it's not warm. For me, it's, I dunno, almost like disappointment that you weren't able to write a single thing they could actually bother commenting on? Mixed with the sinking feeling that, to them, you aren't someone who's there to share a story and gleefully talk about it with others, you're just someone who's supposed to give them Consumable Content as if it doesn't take any effort on your part? I've gotten a few comments that were along the lines of "I'm glad you finally updated because I was getting bored and needed something new to read" which does not lessen that feeling.
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clockworkspider · 1 year
I really think for indie works in which creators are on social media and engages with fandom, there have got to be a space where fans can interact without worrying if the creators will interact with it.
Like. I wanted to say not to be creepy but actually. Yes, to be creepy, like shipping ships the creator can never endorse. But also like. To compliment/criticize/rant/review the work with fellow fans without having the pressure to make it feedback for the creators or be polite.
(One of the reason that actually makes fandoms of mainstream works like Star Wars or Marvel fairly easy to participate in is the fact that nobody feel the need to respect the canon or its creators when engaging in fannish activities. Like. Someone can totally cuss out the episode without feeling like it's a personal attack to the creators. I don't think we should be mean about indie works, ever, but even with positive/neutral comments, I would state it differently if I am reccing for others vs. giving feedback to creators.)
On the other hand I know indie works are often works of passion and thrive on feedback and creators like to see fanwork and interact with feedback and testimonials. Totally valid.
I just think like. For every popular indie work there should be a name/tag in which the creator engages with, and a tag in which the creator promises not to engage with, and indie creators can like, maybe help set that boundary when their work reaches beyond their close circle.
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oraclekleo · 2 years
Choi Youngmin (E'LAST) Ideal Partner Tarot Reading
All readings have purely entertainment nature
I don’t know any of the celebrities personally
Don’t base life decisions purely on tarot readings
I can never guarantee any of what’s said in the reading
Before requesting, read the pinned post and appropriate linked post
Tarot readings are my hobby - I’m not obligated to accept any of the requests nor to complete them, it’s my choice, not duty
Waiting time is long, even several months
If you can’t wait, please, seek other tarot reader
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Deck: The Phantomwise Tarot
Spread: Ideal Partner
Celebrity Info:
Full Name: Choi Youngmin
Stage Name: Romin
Group: E’LAST
DOB: 24.04.2001
Blood Type: A
Sun Sign: Taurus
Chinese Sign: Metal Snake
Life Path Number: 4
Masterpost: E'LAST
Ko-fi - Voluntary Tip for Readings
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Choi Youngmin
Romin (E’LAST) - Ideal Partner
DOB: 24.04.2001 Blood Type: A MBTI: ISTP Sun Sign: Taurus Chinese Sign: Metal Snake Life Path Number: 4
Spread / Question: Ideal Partner
Deck(s): The Phantomwise Tarot
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Body - 6 of Swords
Romin’s ideal partner might have gone through a period of time when they were body shamed or they themselves didn’t love their appearance. That’s shifting to more positive self-acceptance now as they start to recognize their own beauty. It’s possible for them to start trying new fashion styles in order to find what suits them the best. They still prefer to keep this transition to themselves, though, not really sharing with others as they are still a little anxious about their looks.
Heart - 3 of Swords
The body image was clearly damaged by someone who also broke Romin’s perfect match’s heart in the past. Maybe they have been through toxic or abusive relationships in the past. No matter the details, their heart is still aching and bleeding but they are aware that the past is over and it’s time to start healing. Romin is probably a patient type of man who can take things slow and help them to reconcile and let go of the past and start trusting people again.
Spirit - XX Judgement
The whole reading speaks of transition and transformation and the spirit of Romin’s special person is no different from that. They are clearly ready to uplift themselves spiritually and let go of what used to weigh them down. They are ready to give their final verdict over the past and release it in order to be reborn anew. I can see a self-esteem boost coming to them, maybe in the form of someone (Romin) to love them unconditionally and the way they truly are.
Soul - XIV Temperance
Deep down in their soul, Romin’s perfect match has found their equilibrium. They have balanced themselves and set up happy mediums in their soul. They found the compromises in order to hold themselves whole and grounded even through the tough times. While treated not nicely, their soul remained intact and unharmed by the outside forces as they always felt the peace and calm deep down.
Time - X The Wheel of Fortune
Meeting his destined lover can be a rather hypnotising experience for Romin. They don’t have to be outstandingly beautiful or impressive in an obvious way, it’s more like a harmony of souls meeting up, the glance into each other’s eyes revealing the divine connection happening by lucky chance.
Place - IV The Emperor
Romin is likely to create a highly safe and secure home for his lover in order to give them a feeling of utter comfort. He might be the one running the home, asserting his dominance and being the master of the show but at the same time, he has the best intentions in mind and creates a true cradle and solid base for them to thrive and develop further. It’s likely Romin’s home is going to be structured and in perfect shape as he’s not really the type to tolerate clutter and mess.
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Im new to the BotW fandom, how do I get more involved? This is the first time I’ve wanted to get involved with a fandom community so I don’t really know how to start :/
Hello! You've already done a great first step, which is asking for help! Fandom and platform policies can change depending on what you're into and where you are.
When I first entered the fandom, I spent a lot of time observing the active community. Notice the patterns and what people seem to expect from each other.
Take a journey through the #botw and #breath of the wild tags here on Tumblr. Find some artists, writers, analysis thinkers, and overall cool people and follow them! AO3 also has a good tagging system so you can search for the Breath of the Wild fandom if you want to read fics. Please kudos and comment if you enjoyed the author's work!
Make sure to reblog content if you like it because that's how you show your support on Tumblr. Likes don't really do anything for creative folks, they don't increase visibility and you're actually likely to be blocked if you don't reblog things. If you want to know more about reblogs vs likes, please check out my #tumblr 101 tag on my blog. I'll have it at the bottom of this post so all you have to do is click on it.
When you reblog, don't hesitate to share your thoughts! In the tags, tell the creator how much you love their work. Positive feedback keeps the community thriving!
If you want to talk to somebody or make a new friend, send them an ask! Nearly everybody on Tumblr craves interaction and would love new friends. I've made many amazing friends just by following them and/or exchanging asks.
Follow the spoken (and unspoken) rules of Tumblr fandoms. If your post is only related to Breath of the Wild, only tag #botw or #breath of the wild. Do not overload your posts with unrelated fandoms such as Linked Universe, Tears of the Kingdom (yes, they are completely different games), or characters who are not mentioned in your post. Tumblr has a very efficient tagging system, which means that people will find your post if they're looking for it. If you use too many unrelated tags, people can even report you for spam.
Most importantly, be polite! It looks like you've got that covered already but you can never be too sure. Don't send hate anons, harass people over their shipping preferences, harass people over anything, or make rude comments about how you don't like somebody's creation. Don't like = don't read = keep it to yourself.
If something or somebody is bothering you, block them. You can block people, tags, and post content to keep your fandom experience safe and happy.
I hope I covered everything! Please let me know if I missed anything, and have fun in your fandom!
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astromechs · 2 years
get to know you questions: what's the NICEST thing anyone's ever said to you in the realm of fandom? could be a comment on a fic, an ask you got, anything!
oh gosh, i'm not sure i can isolate a single one! but just know that i appreciate every single fic comment that i get, especially the ones that pointed out what they really liked about the story. i used to be super insecure and anxious about sharing my writing literally anywhere, but it's in part of the awesome positive feedback that i've gotten that makes me a lot more comfortable sharing now.
and i thrive off of being told that i'm funny — so if you want to get into my heart, tell me that. also anyone who says they started reading nova because of me is, like... a truly great honor.
ask get to know me questions!
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buy-reddit-accounts · 4 months
Top Benefits of Purchasing a Reddit Account: Why It Might Be Worth It
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In today's digital landscape, Reddit stands out as a powerhouse platform, offering a unique blend of entertainment, information, and community engagement. With millions of users and thousands of active communities, Reddit has become a go-to destination for individuals seeking everything from news and advice to memes and cat videos. But what if I told you that purchasing a Reddit account could unlock a whole new world of possibilities? In this blog post, we'll explore the top benefits of investing in a Reddit account and why it might be worth it for you.
1. Instant Access to Established Communities
One of the most significant advantages of purchasing a Reddit account is gaining instant access to established communities, or subreddits, within the platform. These communities cover a vast array of topics, from technology and gaming to fitness and cooking. By acquiring an existing account with a positive reputation and karma (Reddit's voting system), you can bypass the initial hurdles of building credibility within these communities. This means you can start engaging with like-minded individuals, sharing content, and participating in discussions right away.
2. Enhanced Visibility and Brand Exposure
For businesses and brands, having a presence on Reddit can be invaluable for increasing visibility and brand exposure. By purchasing a Reddit account with a history of engagement and a diverse posting history, you can leverage the platform's vast audience to promote your products or services subtly. Through strategic posting and participation in relevant discussions, you can organically integrate your brand into the buy reddit accounts, fostering positive associations and driving traffic to your website or landing pages.
3. Improved SEO and Backlink Opportunities
Reddit is not only a hub for user-generated content but also a goldmine for SEO opportunities. Posts and comments on Reddit often rank highly in search engine results, making them a valuable source of backlinks and referral traffic. By purchasing a Reddit account with a solid posting history and high karma, you can strategically place links to your website or blog within your posts and comments, driving targeted traffic and boosting your search engine rankings.
4. Market Research and Audience Insights
Understanding your target audience is crucial for any business or marketer, and Reddit offers unparalleled opportunities for market research and audience insights. By immersing yourself in relevant subreddits and observing discussions, trends, and sentiments, you can gain valuable insights into the preferences, pain points, and behaviors of your target demographic. Purchasing a Reddit account allows you to access this wealth of information instantly, enabling you to refine your marketing strategies, develop tailored content, and identify new opportunities for growth.
5. Networking and Collaboration Opportunities
Reddit is not just a platform for sharing content; it's also a thriving community where individuals can connect, collaborate, and network with others who share similar interests or goals. By purchasing a Reddit account with an established presence in relevant communities, you can expand your network and forge valuable connections with influencers, industry experts, and potential collaborators. Whether you're seeking feedback on a project, looking for partnerships, or simply want to engage with like-minded individuals, having a reputable Reddit account can open doors to endless networking opportunities.
6. Stay Updated and Informed
In an age where information overload is a common challenge, Reddit serves as a curated source of news, insights, and updates on a wide range of topics. By purchasing a Reddit account and subscribing to relevant subreddits, you can create a personalized feed of content tailored to your interests and preferences. Whether you're passionate about technology, politics, or niche hobbies, Reddit offers a wealth of valuable information and diverse perspectives, helping you stay updated and informed on the latest trends and developments in your areas of interest.
While purchasing a Reddit account may not be for everyone, it offers a myriad of benefits for individuals, businesses, and marketers looking to tap into the platform's vast potential. From instant access to established communities and enhanced visibility to improved SEO and audience insights, the advantages of investing in a Reddit account are undeniable. Whether you're seeking to promote your brand, conduct market research, or connect with like-minded individuals, a reputable Reddit account can serve as a valuable asset in your digital toolkit. So why wait? Take the plunge and unlock the countless opportunities that Reddit has to offer.
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seigell971 · 9 months
Unlocking Small Business Growth with Local SEO Strategy
In the ever-evolving digital landscape, small businesses face the challenge of standing out amid fierce competition. While the global market offers vast opportunities, it's essential for local businesses to establish a strong online presence within their community. This is where Local SEO (Search Engine Optimization) becomes a game-changer, especially when partnered with the top SEO company in Dubai.
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1. Navigating the Local Landscape
Local SEO is a specialized branch of SEO that focuses on optimizing a business's online presence for local searches. When potential customers in Dubai search for products or services, they often include location-specific keywords, such as "best coffee shop in Dubai" or "top interiors company in Dubai." Optimizing for these keywords ensures that your small business appears in relevant local search results.
2. Enhanced Visibility Equals Increased Footfalls
Small businesses thrive on local customers. When your business ranks high in local search results, it becomes more visible to potential customers in Dubai who are actively looking for what you offer. This increased visibility can translate into higher footfalls to your physical storefront or increased inquiries for your services.
The top SEO company in Dubai understands the intricacies of local search algorithms, ensuring that your business is not only visible but also positioned prominently in local search engine results pages (SERPs).
3. Building Trust with Local Audiences
Trust is a crucial factor in any business-customer relationship. Local SEO strategies, such as obtaining positive customer reviews, building local citations, and having consistent business information across online platforms, contribute to building trust within the local community.
The SEO strategists can help your business manage and monitor online reviews, ensuring that positive feedback is highlighted while addressing any negative comments promptly. Trust-building activities enhance your reputation and make potential customers more likely to choose your business over competitors.
4. Mobile Optimization for On-the-Go Consumers
Mobile searches are on the rise. Local SEO goes hand in hand with mobile optimization, ensuring that your website is not only easily discoverable but also user-friendly on various devices. This is crucial for attracting on-the-go consumers who rely on their smartphones to find local businesses quickly.
The top SEO company in Dubai can implement mobile-friendly design elements, optimize loading speeds, and ensure that your website provides a seamless experience across different devices. This enhances the overall user experience and encourages potential customers to engage with your business.
5. Competing Effectively Against Larger Corporations
Small businesses often face stiff competition from larger corporations with more extensive resources. Local SEO levels the playing field by emphasizing relevance and proximity in search results. When someone in Dubai searches for a product or service, local businesses that have optimized their online presence effectively can outrank larger competitors.
An SEO expert understands the nuances of local search competition and creates strategies to give your small business a competitive edge. By leveraging local SEO tactics, your business can capture the attention of potential customers who are specifically looking for what you offer.
6. Cost-Effective Marketing with High Returns
Traditional advertising methods, such as print media or billboards, can be costly and may not yield the desired results. Local SEO, on the other hand, offers a cost-effective alternative with potentially high returns on investment. By targeting specific local keywords and optimizing your online presence, you can reach your target audience more efficiently.
Partnering with the top SEO company in Dubai ensures that your marketing budget is utilized strategically. They can focus on the most impactful local SEO strategies that align with your business goals, maximizing your online visibility within the local market.
In the digital age, investing in local SEO is not just a choice; it's a strategic imperative for small businesses aspiring to make a significant impact in their local community. The top SEO company in Dubai becomes a valuable ally, guiding businesses through the intricacies of local search optimization and ensuring that they not only survive but thrive in the competitive local market.
By embracing local SEO strategies, small businesses can enhance their visibility, build trust with local audiences, compete effectively against larger corporations, and achieve a cost-effective marketing approach with high returns.
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Breaking into the Stream: Your Guide to Starting a Successful Streaming Career
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In the bustling realm of the internet, live streaming has emerged as a vibrant and lucrative career option. With platforms like Twitch, YouTube Gaming, and Facebook Gaming gaining immense popularity, aspiring streamers have a plethora of opportunities to showcase their talents, connect with audiences, and even monetize their passion. Starting a streaming career might seem daunting, but with the right approach, dedication, and creativity, you can turn your love for gaming, art, music, or any other talent into a thriving online profession. Finding Your Niche: The first step in embarking on a streaming career is identifying your niche. What are you passionate about? Whether it's gaming, art, cooking, or music, choose a niche that genuinely excites you. Your enthusiasm will resonate with viewers and keep them engaged. Invest in Quality Equipment: Investing in good-quality equipment is essential. A decent computer, a reliable internet connection, a high-definition camera, and a good microphone are the basic necessities. Clear audio and sharp visuals enhance the viewer experience and make your stream more enjoyable to watch. Choose the Right Platform: Select a streaming platform that aligns with your content and goals. Twitch is primarily gaming-focused, while YouTube offers a broader range of content. Facebook Gaming provides a vast audience, especially if you're looking to connect with people in your existing social network. Craft Your Brand: Create a unique and memorable brand for your streaming persona. This includes your channel name, logo, overlays, and stream design. Consistency in branding helps viewers recognize and remember your channel. Engage with Your Audience: Interact with your viewers actively. Respond to comments, ask questions, and make your audience feel valued. Building a community around your content is key to a successful streaming career. Consider creating a Discord server or other social media platforms where your audience can connect even when you're not live. Be Consistent: Consistency is crucial in the world of streaming. Set a regular streaming schedule that your viewers can rely on. Whether it's daily, bi-weekly, or weekly, sticking to your schedule helps build an audience anticipating your streams. Improve and Innovate: Always strive to improve your content. Analyze your streams, gather feedback, and work on areas that need enhancement. Innovation is also essential. Don't be afraid to try new games, formats, or collaborations to keep your content fresh and exciting. Monetize Your Passion: Once you've established a dedicated viewer base, explore monetization options. Platforms offer various ways to earn, including ads, donations, subscriptions, and sponsorships. Additionally, you can sell merchandise related to your brand, further boosting your income. Stay Resilient and Patient: Building a successful streaming career takes time. It might take months, or even years, to achieve significant growth. Stay resilient, keep refining your content, and most importantly, have fun. Passion for your craft is contagious and will ultimately attract more viewers. FAQs: Q1: Do I need a powerful gaming PC to start streaming? A1: While a powerful PC enhances your streaming quality, you can start with a mid-range PC and upgrade as you grow. Q2: Can I stream on multiple platforms simultaneously? A2: Some platforms allow simultaneous streaming, but it's crucial to read and understand each platform's terms of service regarding this. Q3: How do I deal with negative comments or trolls? A3: Develop a thick skin. Ignore or block negative users. Focus on positive interactions and your supportive community. Q4: What software do I need for streaming? A4: Popular streaming software includes OBS Studio, Streamlabs OBS, and XSplit. Choose one that suits your needs and learn its features thoroughly. Q5: Is it necessary to have a facecam? A5: While not mandatory, a facecam adds a personal touch to your streams, allowing viewers to connect with you on a deeper level. Q6: How can I promote my streams effectively? A6: Utilize social media platforms, join relevant online communities, collaborate with other streamers, and participate in trending events or challenges to increase your visibility. Q7: Can I stream copyrighted music during my streams? A7: It's risky. Platforms have strict policies regarding copyrighted content. Consider using royalty-free music or platforms like Pretzel Rocks, which offer stream-safe music. Q8: How do I maintain a healthy work-life balance while streaming? A8: Set clear boundaries for your streaming hours. Prioritize self-care, exercise, and spending time with loved ones outside of streaming. Q9: What's the best way to engage with my viewers? A9: Address viewers by their usernames, ask questions, play games together, and involve them in decisions related to your streams. Personalized interactions create a sense of belonging. Q10: Is it possible to stream from consoles like PlayStation or Xbox? A10: Yes, modern consoles have built-in streaming capabilities. Alternatively, you can use capture cards to stream from older consoles. Research specific methods for your console model.** Embarking on a streaming career can be a thrilling journey filled with creativity, community, and potential financial rewards. By understanding your audience, perfecting your craft, and staying persistent, you can turn your passion into a successful and fulfilling streaming profession. Read the full article
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maidulislamnaiem · 1 year
Building a Loyal Fan Base on YouTube: Effective Strategies for Audience Interaction
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In today's digital age, YouTube has become more than just a video-sharing platform; it's a thriving ecosystem where content creators can connect with a global audience. While creating great content is essential, building a loyal fan base on YouTube requires more than just uploading videos. It's about fostering genuine connections with your audience and engaging with them in meaningful ways. In this article, I will explore the best ways to interact with your YouTube audience and build a devoted fan base.
Consistency is Key
Consistency is one of the fundamental pillars of audience engagement on YouTube. Regular uploads not only keep your subscribers informed but also demonstrate your commitment to your channel. Create a content schedule that you can realistically adhere to, whether it's posting once a week or daily. Consistency helps your audience know when to expect new content, keeping them engaged and coming back for more.
Encourage Engagement Through Comments
The comment section is a treasure trove of audience interaction opportunities. Responding to comments is a powerful way to build a connection with your viewers. Acknowledge their input, answer questions, and show appreciation for their feedback, both positive and constructive. This not only makes your audience feel valued but also boosts your videos' engagement metrics, making them more visible on YouTube's platform.
Leverage Community Posts
YouTube's Community tab is a valuable tool for engaging with your audience between video uploads. Use this feature to share updates, ask questions, run polls, or even share behind-the-scenes glimpses. This keeps your subscribers engaged and makes them feel like they are part of a community, fostering a sense of loyalty.
Live Streaming
Live streaming is an excellent way to directly engage with your audience in real-time. It allows for immediate interaction through live chat, where viewers can ask questions, share their thoughts, and get to know you better. Plan and promote your live streams in advance to ensure a good turnout. Consider hosting Q&A sessions, gaming sessions, or interactive challenges to make the most of this feature.
Collaborate with Other Creators
Collaborations can introduce your channel to new audiences and strengthen your connection with your existing fans. Partnering with other content creators can be mutually beneficial. Ensure that the creators you collaborate with have a similar target audience to maximize the impact of your partnership. Collaborations can also bring fresh perspectives and ideas to your content.
Create Interactive Content
Encourage audience engagement by incorporating interactive elements into your videos. This can include polls, quizzes, challenges, or interactive storytelling. When viewers actively participate in your content, they become more invested in your channel and are more likely to return for future videos.
Implement a Loyalty Program
Consider starting a loyalty program to reward your most dedicated fans. Offer perks such as exclusive content, merchandise, or access to private live streams to those who join your loyalty program. This not only encourages viewer loyalty but can also provide you with a more stable income stream through platforms like Patreon or YouTube Memberships.
Show Authenticity and Personality
Audiences often connect with creators on a personal level. Don't be afraid to show your authentic self in your videos. Share your thoughts, experiences, and emotions genuinely. When your audience sees the real you, they are more likely to form a meaningful connection with your content.
Building a loyal fan base on YouTube is a journey that requires dedication and effort. While creating high-quality content is vital, interaction and engagement with your audience are equally essential. By consistently engaging with your viewers through comments, community posts, live streams, and collaborations, you can foster a strong sense of community and loyalty around your channel. Remember to stay true to yourself and let your personality shine through, as authenticity is the key to forming deep and lasting connections with your audience. With these strategies in mind, you'll be on your way to building a dedicated fan base that will support your YouTube journey for years to come.
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The Ultimate Guide to Building a Profitable Successful Blog and Making Money in 2023
In today’s digital era, blogging has emerged as a powerful platform for both self-expression and financial success. Whether you’re a passionate writer, an expert in a particular niche, or an entrepreneur looking to monetize your online presence, building a profitable and successful blog can be a game-changer. But with countless blogs out there, how do you stand out and make money? This ultimate guide is your roadmap to unlocking the secrets of creating a thriving blog.
My Best Recommended & Proven Way to Make $100 Daily — Watch THIS FREE Training to START >>
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From finding your niche and crafting compelling content to implementing monetization strategies and optimizing for search engines, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools to build a blog that not only resonates with your audience but also generates a sustainable income. Get ready to embark on a journey towards blogging success and financial freedom.
I. Finding Your Niche
In the vast blogosphere, finding your niche is essential to establish your unique identity and attract a dedicated audience. Discovering a profitable niche requires thorough research, analyzing market trends, and identifying gaps where your expertise or passion can thrive. By carefully selecting the right niche, you can position yourself as an authority and increase your chances of success.
II. Setting Up Your Blog
Setting up your blog is the crucial first step towards building a successful online presence. Choosing the right blogging platform, securing a domain name, and setting up hosting are key considerations. Additionally, designing an appealing and user-friendly blog layout ensures a positive user experience that keeps visitors coming back for more.
III. Creating Compelling Content
Compelling content lies at the heart of a profitable blog. By producing high-quality, valuable, and engaging content, you can captivate your audience and keep them coming back for more. Conducting thorough keyword research, developing a content strategy, and maintaining a consistent editorial calendar are essential for crafting content that resonates with your target audience and drives organic traffic to your blog.
IV. Building an Engaged Audience
An engaged audience is the lifeblood of a successful blog. By implementing effective social media marketing strategies, actively engaging with readers through comments and feedback, and leveraging email marketing to nurture relationships, you can cultivate a loyal community that not only consumes your content but also becomes advocates for your blog, amplifying your reach and potential for monetization.
V. Monetization Strategies
Monetizing your blog is the key to turning your passion into profit. Exploring diverse revenue streams such as advertising, affiliate marketing, and selling digital products allows you to maximize your earning potential. Additionally, collaborating with brands for sponsored content opens up opportunities for generating income while maintaining authenticity and providing value to your audience.
VI. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Optimizing your blog for search engines is essential for driving organic traffic and increasing visibility. By implementing on-page and off-page SEO techniques, conducting keyword research, and monitoring performance, you can improve your blog’s search engine rankings. This results in more exposure, increased opportunities for monetization, and long-term success in the competitive online landscape.
VII. Analyzing and Growing Your Blog
Analyzing your blog’s performance is crucial for identifying areas of improvement and maximizing profitability. By tracking key metrics such as traffic, conversions, and engagement, you can make data-driven decisions to optimize your content, marketing strategies, and monetization techniques. Scaling your blog and expanding your reach become attainable goals as you refine your approach based on insightful analysis.
My Best Recommended & Proven Way to Make $100 Daily — Watch THIS FREE Training to START >>
Finding Your Niche:
In the vast world of blogging, finding your niche is like discovering your secret ingredient for success. It’s the unique angle that sets you apart from the rest and attracts a devoted audience. But how do you pinpoint that perfect niche? In this section, we’ll dive into the art of finding your niche. We’ll explore the importance of specialization, conducting market research, and uncovering your passion or expertise. Additionally, we’ll provide you with seven bonus tips that will help you navigate the process with confidence and precision.
Explore your passions: Start by brainstorming topics that genuinely excite and interest you. Identifying your passions will not only fuel your motivation but also ensure you enjoy the blogging journey.
Assess your expertise: Consider your unique skills, knowledge, and experiences. Look for areas where you can provide valuable insights or solutions to common problems. Being an expert in your niche will help you stand out and build credibility.
Research market trends: Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and identify emerging topics within your areas of interest. Look for gaps or underserved audiences that you can cater to with your blog.
Evaluate competition: Analyze the competition within your potential niches. While some competition is healthy, too much saturation may make it difficult to establish yourself. Find a balance between a niche that has demand but isn’t overly crowded.
Define your target audience: Identify your ideal audience and understand their needs, preferences, and pain points. Tailoring your content to their specific interests will attract a loyal following and increase your chances of success.
Consider profitability: While passion is important, it’s crucial to assess the potential for monetization. Research different revenue streams within your niche, such as affiliate marketing or sponsored content, to ensure there are viable opportunities to generate income.
Test and iterate: Don’t be afraid to experiment and adjust your niche along the way. Blogging is a dynamic process, and your niche might evolve as you gain insights and feedback from your audience. Stay open-minded and adapt as needed.
By combining these bonus tips with a solid understanding of finding your niche, you’ll be well-equipped to discover the perfect niche that aligns with your passions, expertise, and potential for profitability. Remember, finding your niche is the foundation for building a successful and profitable blog, so invest time and effort in this crucial step.
Setting Up Your Blog:
Setting up your blog is the crucial first step towards building a successful online presence. It lays the foundation for your blog’s functionality, design, and user experience. In this section, we’ll guide you through the essential aspects of setting up your blog. From choosing the right platform and domain name to designing an appealing layout, we’ll cover it all. Additionally, we’ll provide you with seven bonus tips that will help you optimize your blog setup for success.
Select the right blogging platform: Research different blogging platforms, such as WordPress, Blogger, or Squarespace, and choose the one that aligns with your needs. Consider factors like ease of use, customization options, and plugin availability.
Secure a memorable domain name: Your domain name is your blog’s online address. Choose a domain name that is memorable, reflects your blog’s topic or brand, and is easy to spell and type. Aim for a .com extension if possible.
Invest in reliable hosting: Opt for a reputable hosting provider that offers reliable servers, fast loading times, and excellent customer support. A good hosting service ensures your blog is accessible and performs well for your visitors.
Choose a visually appealing theme: Select a visually appealing and responsive theme that suits your blog’s niche and aligns with your brand. Ensure it offers customization options and is optimized for mobile devices for an optimal user experience.
Optimize your blog’s navigation: Design a clear and user-friendly navigation menu that makes it easy for visitors to explore your blog. Organize your categories and pages logically, ensuring intuitive navigation throughout your site.
Incorporate essential plugins: Install essential plugins to enhance the functionality and performance of your blog. Consider plugins for SEO optimization, contact forms, social sharing buttons, and security measures to protect your site.
Implement responsive design: With the increasing use of mobile devices, it’s crucial to have a responsive design that adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes. Ensure your blog is mobile-friendly to provide a positive experience for all users.
By following these bonus tips, you’ll optimize your blog’s setup for success. Remember, a well-designed and user-friendly blog sets the stage for attracting and retaining your audience. Take the time to make thoughtful decisions during the setup process, and your blog will be off to a strong start.
Creating Compelling Content:
It’s what captivates your audience, keeps them engaged, and establishes you as an authority in your niche. In this section, we’ll delve into the art of crafting compelling content that resonates with your readers. From understanding the importance of high-quality content to developing a solid content strategy, we’ll cover it all. Additionally, we’ll provide you with seven bonus tips that will elevate your content creation game.
Understand your audience: Take the time to understand your target audience deeply. Know their interests, pain points, and aspirations. Tailor your content to address their needs and provide value that resonates with them.
Conduct thorough keyword research: Identify relevant keywords and phrases related to your niche using tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush. Incorporate these keywords strategically into your content to enhance its search engine visibility.
Craft attention-grabbing headlines: Your headline is the first impression that determines whether readers click through to your content. Create compelling, curiosity-inducing headlines that grab attention and entice readers to explore further.
Use a variety of content formats: Experiment with different content formats, such as blog posts, videos, podcasts, infographics, or interactive elements. Diversifying your content keeps your audience engaged and accommodates different learning preferences.
Tell captivating stories: Humans are wired to connect with stories. Incorporate storytelling techniques into your content to make it relatable, engaging, and memorable. Use personal anecdotes, case studies, or client success stories to bring your content to life.
Incorporate visuals and multimedia: Enhance your content’s visual appeal by incorporating relevant images, infographics, and videos. Visual elements not only break up the text but also make your content more engaging and shareable.
Encourage interaction and engagement: End your content with thought-provoking questions, calls-to-action, or invitations for readers to share their thoughts in the comments section. Encouraging interaction builds a sense of community and strengthens reader engagement.
By implementing these bonus tips, you’ll elevate your content creation and attract a loyal following. Remember, compelling content is about providing value, addressing your audience’s needs, and creating an emotional connection. Put these tips into action, and your blog will become a go-to resource in your niche.
Building an Engaged Audience:
An engaged audience not only consumes your content but also interacts with it, shares it with others, and becomes loyal advocates for your brand. In this section, we’ll delve into the strategies and tactics that can help you foster an active and enthusiastic community around your blog. From leveraging social media marketing to nurturing relationships through email, we’ll cover it all. Additionally, we’ll provide you with seven bonus tips that will take your audience engagement to the next level.
Be authentic and relatable: Share your authentic self with your audience. Be genuine, transparent, and relatable in your content and interactions. People connect with authenticity, and it encourages them to engage and interact with you.
Leverage social media marketing: Utilize various social media platforms to promote your blog and engage with your audience. Share your content, respond to comments, ask questions, and participate in relevant conversations to build relationships and increase exposure.
Encourage comments and feedback: Prompt readers to leave comments and provide feedback on your blog posts. Respond to comments promptly and engage in meaningful conversations. This interaction creates a sense of community and encourages further engagement.
Offer incentives for engagement: Encourage audience participation by offering incentives such as giveaways, exclusive content, or access to member-only areas of your blog. Rewarding engagement motivates your audience to actively participate and share your content.
Collaborate with your audience: Involve your audience in the content creation process by seeking their input, opinions, or guest contributions. This collaboration not only deepens engagement but also fosters a sense of ownership and loyalty among your audience.
Utilize email marketing: Build an email list and use it to nurture relationships with your audience. Send regular newsletters, exclusive content, and personalized messages to stay connected and provide value directly to their inbox.
Host live events or webinars: Organize live events, webinars, or Q&A sessions to interact with your audience in real-time. These interactive sessions create a sense of community, allow for direct engagement, and provide valuable opportunities for knowledge-sharing.
By implementing these bonus tips, you’ll foster an engaged audience that actively participates and supports your blog. Remember, audience engagement is about building relationships, providing value, and creating a sense of community. Put these tips into action, and your blog will thrive with an enthusiastic and loyal audience.
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Monetization Strategies:
It’s an essential step towards building a sustainable and successful blogging business. In this section, we’ll explore various monetization strategies that can help you generate income from your blog. From advertising and affiliate marketing to selling digital products, we’ll cover the diverse revenue streams available to bloggers. Additionally, we’ll provide you with seven bonus tips that will optimize your monetization efforts and maximize your earning potential. Bonus Tips for Monetization Strategies:
Understand your audience’s needs: Get to know your audience intimately, including their pain points, desires, and purchasing behavior. This understanding will help you align your monetization strategies with their needs and provide valuable offerings.
Incorporate display advertising: Join ad networks such as Google AdSense or Mediavine to display relevant ads on your blog. Optimize ad placements and formats to strike a balance between user experience and revenue generation.
Explore affiliate marketing: Partner with relevant companies and promote their products or services through affiliate marketing. Recommend products you genuinely believe in, and earn a commission for each sale made through your unique affiliate links.
Develop and sell digital products: Create and sell digital products such as e-books, online courses, templates, or software related to your niche. Leverage your expertise to provide valuable resources that solve your audience’s problems or enhance their skills.
Offer sponsored content opportunities: Collaborate with brands within your niche and offer sponsored content opportunities. Write sponsored blog posts or create sponsored social media content that integrates seamlessly with your regular content while providing value to your audience.
Implement membership or subscription models: Create premium content or a members-only section of your blog that offers exclusive benefits, resources, or a community for a recurring subscription fee. This model can provide a steady stream of income and foster a loyal and engaged audience.
Diversify revenue streams: Don’t rely on a single monetization strategy. Explore multiple revenue streams to reduce dependence on any one source. For example, combine affiliate marketing with digital products, sponsored content, and advertising to create a well-rounded monetization approach.
By implementing these bonus tips, you’ll optimize your blog’s monetization strategies and increase your earning potential. Remember, building a profitable blog requires a combination of providing value, understanding your audience, and diversifying your revenue streams. Put these tips into action, and your blog will become a lucrative business venture.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO):
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the key to improving your blog’s visibility in search engine results and attracting organic traffic. It involves optimizing your content, website structure, and other elements to rank higher in search engine rankings. In this section, we’ll explore the fundamentals of SEO and its importance in driving targeted traffic to your blog. From keyword research and on-page optimization to building quality backlinks, we’ll cover essential SEO strategies. Additionally, we’ll provide you with seven bonus tips that will take your SEO efforts to the next level.
Conduct thorough keyword research: Identify relevant keywords and phrases that your target audience is searching for. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to discover keywords with high search volume and low competition. Incorporate these keywords strategically into your content.
Optimize your website structure: Ensure your website has a clear and intuitive structure. Use logical categories, subcategories, and a hierarchical navigation menu to help search engines understand your site’s organization. Implement breadcrumbs and XML sitemaps to assist in indexing your content.
Create high-quality, optimized content: Develop valuable, informative, and engaging content that aligns with your audience’s search intent. Optimize your content with relevant keywords, headings, meta descriptions, and alt tags for images. Ensure your content is well-structured and easy to read.
Focus on user experience: Search engines prioritize websites that provide a positive user experience. Improve your site’s loading speed, optimize for mobile devices, and ensure easy navigation. Engage your audience with visually appealing layouts, readable fonts, and clear calls-to-action.
Build quality backlinks: Earn high-quality backlinks from reputable and relevant websites. Focus on natural link-building techniques such as guest blogging, creating shareable content, or collaborating with influencers. Quality backlinks signal credibility to search engines and improve your search rankings.
Optimize for local search: If your blog has a local focus, optimize it for local search results. Include location-specific keywords, claim your Google My Business listing, and encourage customer reviews. This optimization helps attract local traffic and enhances your visibility in local search results.
Monitor and analyze your SEO efforts: Regularly monitor your website’s performance using tools like Google Analytics and Search Console. Analyze data on traffic, keywords, and user behavior to identify areas for improvement. Adjust your SEO strategies based on insights to continuously optimize your blog.
By implementing these bonus tips, you’ll strengthen your blog’s SEO foundation and increase its visibility in search engine rankings. Remember, SEO is an ongoing process that requires continuous optimization and adaptation. Put these tips into action, and your blog will attract more targeted traffic and reach a wider audience.
Analyzing and Growing Your Blog:
By understanding your blog’s performance, audience behavior, and areas of improvement, you can make informed decisions to drive growth and achieve your blogging goals. In this section, we’ll explore the importance of analyzing your blog’s metrics and provide actionable tips for driving its growth. From tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) to leveraging data-driven insights, we’ll cover essential strategies for optimizing your blog.
Define your goals and KPIs: Set clear goals for your blog, such as increasing traffic, engagement, or conversions. Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with your goals, such as pageviews, time on page, or email sign-ups. Regularly monitor these metrics to gauge your progress.
Use analytics tools: Utilize powerful analytics tools like Google Analytics or other third-party platforms to track and measure your blog’s performance. These tools provide valuable insights into visitor demographics, behavior, traffic sources, and more.
Analyze content performance: Identify your most successful content by analyzing metrics like pageviews, social shares, or comments. Understand what makes these pieces resonate with your audience and replicate their success in future content creation.
Optimize for SEO: Continuously monitor your blog’s search engine rankings and keyword performance. Identify opportunities to optimize your content, meta tags, and website structure to improve your search visibility and drive organic traffic.
Engage with your audience: Actively respond to comments, messages, and social media interactions from your audience. Engaging with your readers builds a sense of community and loyalty, encouraging them to become advocates for your blog.
Experiment with different content formats: Diversify your content strategy by experimenting with different formats like videos, infographics, podcasts, or live streams. Assess the performance of each format and focus on the ones that resonate most with your audience.
Collaborate with others: Seek collaboration opportunities with fellow bloggers, influencers, or brands in your niche. Collaborative projects, guest posting, or joint webinars can expose your blog to new audiences and expand your reach.
By implementing these bonus tips, you’ll gain valuable insights into your blog’s performance and strategically drive its growth. Remember, analyzing and growing your blog requires a data-driven approach and a willingness to experiment and adapt. Put these tips into action, and your blog will evolve into a thriving platform that attracts and engages a loyal audience.
You have now reached the end of “The Ultimate Guide to Building a Profitable Successful Blog and Making Money.” Throughout this comprehensive guide, we have covered a range of essential topics and provided valuable insights and strategies to help you build a profitable blog and monetize it effectively. Let’s recap the key points covered in this guide:
Finding Your Niche: Discovering your niche is the foundation of a successful blog. It involves identifying your passions, researching market demand, and narrowing down your target audience.
Setting Up Your Blog: We explored the crucial steps of setting up your blog, including choosing a domain name, selecting a hosting provider, installing a content management system (CMS), and designing a visually appealing and user-friendly website.
Creating Compelling Content: Crafting high-quality, engaging content is the key to attracting and retaining an audience. We discussed the importance of understanding your audience, conducting keyword research, and employing storytelling techniques to create compelling content.
Building an Engaged Audience: Building a loyal and engaged audience is essential for the long-term success of your blog. We covered strategies such as leveraging social media, encouraging interaction, and offering incentives to foster a thriving community around your blog.
Monetization Strategies: We explored various monetization strategies, including advertising, affiliate marketing, selling digital products, sponsored content, and implementing membership models. Diversifying your revenue streams is crucial for sustainable income generation.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Understanding and implementing SEO techniques is vital for driving organic traffic to your blog. We discussed the significance of keyword research, optimizing your website structure and content, building backlinks, and monitoring your SEO efforts.
Analyzing and Growing Your Blog: Regularly analyzing your blog’s performance and using data-driven insights is essential for driving growth. We provided tips for setting goals, using analytics tools, optimizing content, engaging with your audience, and experimenting with different strategies.
By following the strategies outlined in this guide and implementing the bonus tips provided, you have the tools and knowledge to embark on your blogging journey with confidence. Remember, building a profitable and successful blog takes time, effort, and continuous learning. Stay dedicated, adapt to industry changes, and consistently provide value to your audience.
Now it’s time to take action! Start implementing the strategies outlined in this guide, track your progress, and adjust your approach as needed. Stay consistent, stay motivated, and never stop learning. With perseverance and a passion for your chosen niche, you have the potential to create a blog that not only generates income but also makes a lasting impact on your audience.
Best of luck on your blogging journey, and may your blog become a thriving platform that brings you joy, success, and financial reward!
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Source : The Ultimate Guide to Building a Profitable Successful Blog and Making Money in 2023
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