#also I like writing andrew
ashestoashes7 · 2 months
has no one asked you about Interesting (AFTG Olympics Andrew POV) yet??
One person already has but seeing all the Olympics stuff going around the idea has just gotten stuck in my head. Any scenario of them at the Olympics is just all so intriguing to me—watching? Playing? Any of them really—and I was thinking of Andrew at the time so I decided he gets to go to the Olympics and make it interesting for him (and make history in the process haha).
WIP Game
— Interesting —
Kevin was a liar and not even a good one. He sounded like a broken record, preaching about promises and potential until Renee’s unrealistic optimism had been supplanted. The new first-place contender was as unwilling to be there as Andrew was unwilling to listen to another one of his starry-eyed rants. People like Kevin shouldn’t start looking for things in people like Andrew, disappointment is inevitable.
Kevin was a liar until he wasn’t. Andrew was fine—fine, he says—drowning himself in certainty and self-destruction but then impossible became a shutter he deployed to shield himself from the blue eyes of the striker Kevin never should have brought. That was the beginning of the end.
Not quite Court, not yet, but the unveiling of something Andrew never expected to have. A deal complete with an unfortunate but survivable side effect—Exy.
Andrew Minyard was never supposed to compete in the Olympics the same way Neil wasn’t meant to stay and Kevin wasn’t meant to reach for anything beyond second place. Assumptions are forever fragile. Press too hard on a crack and it all comes crashing down.
Getting Andrew to the Olympics had been a full frontal assault by the two most determined idiots he ever had the displeasure of meeting.
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deklo · 11 months
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my interpretation of adoptive bee :’)
pls don’t repost!
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biggestwilliamfinnfan · 2 months
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good morning fun fact i am not normal about them in any capacity
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Andrew getting hurt midgame in an important match and needs to go to hospital
Neil wordlessly and immediately starts taking off his own gear to go with him
Kevin stops him
"what are you doing Neil why are you taking those off? you can't go with him, i care about him too but he'll be fine there. Abby and coach got him."
Neil doesn't answer, in fact, he acts like kevin doesn't even exist. he finishes taking off his gear and goes to grab his duffel
Kevin snatches Neil's duffel before he can grab it
"Neil, don't be stupid, what about exy?"
at this moment, Neil looks at kevin, gives a maniac laugh, and there, kevin sees pure urge to kill
Neil gives him his most murderous look, already angry at who ever jump at Andrew on the court
"Oh poor Kevin, FUCK EXY, FUCK YOU, AND FUCK WHOEVER OPENS THEIR FUCKING MOUTH NEXT. anything happens to Andrew and then you, this whole fucking court with every single fucking person in it is going to fucking burn down to fucking hell"
(Afterwards, Alison wins a bet as someone who insisted Neil cares about Andrew more than exy)
when Andrew was conscious enough Nicky told him what happened 5 times over and over("have u ever heard Neil say fuck exy?? it was awsome. i wish i had it recorder, u could set it as ur ringtone")
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sharksliveontrains · 2 years
aftg is wild because kevin says "give your game to me." and "close your eyes and tell me what you see" and neil just says "you." and andrew has to watch the whole thing. and then andrew is the one he falls for.
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knox-knocks · 1 year
As much as I love writing from Andrew’s perspective, sometimes it’s sooo hard to get into his headspace and capture his voice. whereas Neil is a little easier because no matter what’s goin on around him he’s always a bitch at heart
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emry-stars-art · 1 year
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So if you’ve read this scene of the royal au you will remember the prince getting a little slice on his neck
I was again chatting with @paradoxolotl about it and all they had to say to make me lose it was “Neil covers the scar with his thumb” and I finally found a good pose for it. Andrew carries no emotion about it, he would never hold that incident against Abram, but Abram still sometimes has a hard time with it :,)
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prongsmydeer · 8 months
Things I Loved About Fleabag (2016):
The careful balance of spiralling and sincerity that keeps you rooting for resolution and relief, despite the show intentionally framing itself around grief
The way that it is clear based on the way that they talk about her that Fleabag is a great deal like her mother (her off-colour jokes, her charisma, even hints of difficult friendships through the Godmother) but they don't have anyone make that comparison until the last episode of S2, with, "You are the way you are because of [your mother]" and the look of surprise on Fleabag's face when she hears it
"Don't make me an optimist; you will ruin my life," being such a telling line, because as you fall in love with the Priest, and Fleabag, you want to believe that things will work themselves out
The love in Claire's line to Fleabag, "The only person I'd run through an airport for is you," and the delightful contrary optimism of her deciding to go to the airport anyway
The revelation that Boo had offered to take Fleabag's love for her mother, intertwining both losses
The way that the Priest not only breaks through the carefully constructed narrative relationship that Fleabag has with the viewer, but also himself directly looks toward the audience on a separate beat as he tries to understand her more ("You don't like answering questions, do you?")
The entire sequence of the last few scenes, "Being a romantic takes a hell of a lot of hope," to "I love you." "It'll pass," to Fleabag walking around with a statue that is, in some ways now, a physical representation of the love she is carrying around. Because while the show is about grief, and love, it doesn't feel like it is asking you to overcome those things, but to learn to live with them while moving forward
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hagnoart · 3 months
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Happy belated pride from these two; i need to post here more often but yeah for now there you go - Neil and Andrew :)
I should draw Jean and Jeremy soon agghh
Also it is glazed - that’s why there are these tiny little lines on it etc etc
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Fluent Freshman - Part 20
FF had watched more than a few self-defense videos when he believed that Andrew Minyard was looking for a dark alley to stab him in. He had learned how to turn the attacker’s momentum against them. Had learned about disarming the person trying to stab him.
He’d even had Matt teach him a few punches claiming that it was for the dust-ups that tended to happen on the court.
He, naturally, does not use any of that knowledge because his mind immediately reverts into Lizard panic mode the moment Jackson Plank takes another step forward with a knife (HUGE. Is it wild that he is thinking about Crocodile Dundee right now?)
“If you come quietly you won’t get hurt.” Jackson says and he reverts to who he is as a person and he freezes. His bravery was used up maybe it was only ever tied to great pump up songs and now in the silence of the alley he is back to being Stone-Faced Smith.
“You’re going to dial up Wesninski and if you don’t say EXACTLY what I tell you to then I’m going to have you SING in agony.”
Y’know in that moment he stops thinking about Crocodile Dundee.
He thinks about a movie that is far more ingrained in his mind than any number of self-defense videos or one-off lessons with Matthew Boyd where he’d been trying not to flinch. A movie he had watched in better days with his family and had been a favorite of his Grandma’s (and his).
He thinks about Miss Congeniality.
Sandra Bullock as Gracie Hart has taught him everything he ever truly needs to know when he takes a step back and Jackson comes at him.
He strikes right at Jackson’s nose with the palm of his hand.
The knife is dropped and FF kicks it under a dumpster.
FF grabs the single weapon he has on his person.
The McDonald’s Megamind Happy Meal Light Effects Brainbot.
He points the LED light straight at Jackson’s eyes and just like Aaron in the car on the way back, “Shit, that’s bright!” And now completely blinded by a combination of watery eyes and LED McDonald’s toy he proceeds to SING just as Gracie Hart had taught him.
S - Solar Plexus. He punches Jackson there as hard as he can.
I - Instep. He smashes his booted foot down on the inside of Jackson’s shoes (who the fuck wears LOAFERS to a kidnapping?)
N - Nose. He’d feel bad about hitting it again if Jackson wasn’t y’know…a hitman out to hurt Captain Neil.
G - Groin. He may have to give himself just half a second to apologize to all of mankind for what he is about to do. His step brothers had definitely kicked him in the groin plenty of times to try and get a reaction. It’s an art to not let anyone know that your ball has retreated up into lower intestine. He kicks Jackson as hard as he can (collegiate athlete) with the boots that Nicky had let him borrow. He is right on target with the toe of his shoes.
Jackson goes down.
The next thing he does is not something Gracie Hart had taught him but does still feel like the right thing to do in this situation. He kicks Jackson in the head and the man goes limp.
If FF throws both hands up in the air and lets out a “I am Miss Congeniality!” Victory cry into the alleyway well no one is around or awake to know that.
He feels like he deserves a sash and a crown and some flowers.
He looks down at Jackson and then over at the van the man had hopped out of. He was definitely PLANNING on kidnapping Captain Neil so he probably has like…some kind of restraint?
Well, better to completely subdue this guy before he tries to figure out the game plan for Romero. Wait, what’s that next to the Crocodile Dundee knife, are those...?
Roland is calling for a second time.
Andrew had let it go to voicemail the first time. It was usually Roland complaining about Nicky, Aaron, or Kevin doing something exceptionally stupid in their inebriated states. They have a system. Roland will call and leave a voicemail detailing the dumb shit his family has gotten up to and then he’ll let it go.
If Roland calls twice then there’s an issue.
Arm still around Neil’s shoulders he answers the phone, “What.” He asks.
“You need to help your new friend. There’s some guy following him, he’s armed and dangerous and looking for someone to grab to get Neil’s attention. He tried to lead the guy outside but he’s standing watching it for now so there might have already been someone waiting?” Roland gets out in a rush and Andrew is up and moving towards the stairs even as he’s closing the phone to disconnect the call.
Neil, of course, is right on his heels. “What is it? Did something happen?” Neil asks and they are up the stairs and pushing past Frank and his stupid pineapple shirt. Andrew spots Nicky and he spots Aaron.
“Get Nicky and Aaron somewhere safe. I need to go help Smith with something.” He says because whoever this is wants Neil and Andrew will not let Neil get within grabbing distance and won’t mention it. Neil, blessedly, does what Andrew asks without question.
Andrew scans the crowd and finds a man whose gaze goes between his phone and the back door.
A face that Andrew had memorized.
One of Nathan’s surviving men.
In the same Zip Code as Neil.
And that man has the audacity to still be breathing.
He looks and Nicky and Aaron (drunk, drugged, and useless because Andrew had wanted them to be) are with Neil and Roland is directing them to the backroom.
Andrew goes out the alley and can feel Romero’s eyes on him.
He’s prepared for a lot of things to see out in that alley. He’s angry that FF hadn’t just come down and grabbed him and Neil (he does not need TWO martyrs) and he wants to know what the fuck FF was thinking (or if he was thinking at all). Even with that anger he does not wish to see FF’s blood spilled all over an alleyway because Andrew’s family needed to be protected and FF was the only one sober enough and aware enough to do it.
He knows what Nathan’s men are capable of.
Knows that Romero was one of Nathan’s best so if there is someone out in the alleyway then it’s likely one of his other bests.
FF doesn’t even know how to use a knife. He had asked and FF had firmly declined every time Andrew had brought it up after the first fainting incident. “I’m not interested in learning that. No.” Had been the standard response.
He knew FF had at least taken a lesson or two from Boyd on throwing a punch considering the one he shot out a week ago when a Striker came at him after the third time FF intercepted a pass.
Still, Andrew had not anticipated coming out into the alleyway and finding an unharmed FF securing an unconscious Jackson Plank’s arms behind his back with fuzzy handcuffs.
“Am I interrupting something?” He asks and FF looks up at him with a flush on his cheeks.
“It’s not my fault this is a weird sex alleyway! They’re the first thing I found on my way over to the van to look for actual restraints.” FF says immediately and Andrew almost laughs at the insanity of it. “Wait, where’s Captain Neil?” FF looks around nervously.
“He’s with Aaron and Nicky in the backroom. Roland gave me your S.O.S.” Andrew says even as he quickly makes his way away from the door and towards FF. “Romero is watching the door. Let’s give him a reason to come out.” He says going over to Jackson and when he rolls the man over he raises an eyebrow at the piss stain on his pants and the blood dripping down his nose.
He looks to FF who resolutely does not look back at him.
It’s a story he’ll get out of his friend eventually. Looks like FF didn’t really need those knife lessons. Something settles a bit more in Andrew, it’s nice to have someone else in their group that could handle themselves in a fight.
Andrew finds a phone and FF rolls Jackson back onto his stomach, “He could choke on his own blood.” He shrugs and Andrew wouldn’t care if Jackson choked on his own blood in fuzzy handcuffs in a back alley but he can understand FF not wanting a murder charge.
Andrew looks at the phone and sees the the swipe pattern clear as day. It takes him two tries to get the order right but then Jackson’s phone is available for him to get over to the texting app.
The texts he reads there make him angry. There were a lot of plans on what the two of them were going to do to Neil before his body was offered up to a different crime family to show that Romero and Jackson had no loyalty left to the Wesninski line.
He types out a text to Romero that will have the jackass come out thinking everything had gone well and they had two hostages. He looks over to FF, “You ready for round two?” He asks.
“There isn’t a tap out option right?” FF asks and Andrew laughs at the joke.
Always cool under pressure it seems.
“Then yeah, I guess just hit send.” FF says with a shrug.
Andrew does just that.
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Didn’t wanna leave ya’ll hanging on that particular cliffhanger for too long ;)
@i-have-three-feelings @blep-23 @dreamerking27 @andreilsmyreligion @belodensetdust @rainbowpineapplebottle @yarn-ace @iwouldlikesometea @lily-s-world @obscureshipsandchips @booklover242 @whataboutmyfries @sahturnos @pluto-pepsi @dreamerthinker @passinhosdetartaruga @leftunknownheart @aro-manita-muscaria @hologramsaredead @Chaoticgremlinswishtheycouldbeme @tntwme @tayspots @nick-scar @crazy-fangirl2524 @blue-jos10 @stabbyfoxandrew @splishsplashyouropinionistrash @sammichly @the-broken-pen @bitchesdoweknowu @very-small-flower @ghostlyboiii @its-a-paxycab @bisexual-genderfluid-fan @cheesecookie @theoneandonlylostsock @foxsoulcourt @blueleys @adverbialstarlight @elia-nna @can-i-just-stay-in-the-corner @nikodiangel @foxandcrow-inatrenchcoat @hallucinatedjosten @satanic-foxhole-court @vexingcosmos @chalilodimun @insectsgetcooked @angry-kid-with-no-money @queer-crows @lillyndra @themugglemudperson​ @readertodeath @apileofpillows @mortalsbowbeforeme @hellomynameismoo​ @next-level-mess @youreonlylow​ @interstellarfig​ @notprocrastinatingatalltoday​ @percyjacksonfan3​ @queenofcrazy27​ @bsmr261 @ghostlyscares​ @spencellio​ @adinthedarkroom​ @harpymoth​ @sufferingjustalilbit​ @anxietymoss​ @oddgreyhound​ @ohno-myhyperfixation-itsbroken​ @ken22789​ @atiredvampire​ @isoldescorner​ @not--a--pipedream​ @azure-wing​ @bushbees​  @roonilwazlib-main​ @crumplelush​ @foldedaces-paperbirds​ @thesenseinnonsense​ @let-tyrants-fear​ @ketchupfriesandallthingsnice​ @legowerewolf​ @deadlydodos​ @but-we-respect-his-craft​ @cariniqe​ @zanypersonapricotbiscuit​
The requests to be added to the tag list keep being spread out across a few different areas. If I missed you please just ask again in the replies I promise I just missed you.
As stated before if you’re up here and I spelled it  right but you didn’t  get a notification there might be something  switched around in  your settings that won’t let me tag you properly?
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lorethebookworm · 3 months
Are u ever out and about on ao3 and stumble upon something that is so batshit you have to stop for a moment and question just how??? how did someone come up with this?? I'm not even referring to weird sexual stuff but just general concepts that have nothing to do with each other?? and yeah, I probably end up reading the fic anyway but my flabbers will be gasted the whole time
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bicheetopuff · 1 month
All Might makes a cameo in the Deadpool Samurai manga and Horikoshi has kinda confirmed that Spiderman exists as a hero in the US. So that means there’s at least a few different universes, if not the canon universe, where marvel characters exist in the bnha and/or bnha characters exist in marvel universes.
So if that’s the case, does the TVA also apply to the bnha-verse? If so, literally what’s stopping me from writing a canon compliant fic about Izuku dying and Katsuki pulling a Deadpool/Miguel O Hará and traveling across the multiverse to find an Izuku variant to replace his? Like, imagine the angst opportunities.
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lieutenantselnia · 28 days
Hogan's Heroes LGBTQ Headcanons
I don't know why, but I've been wanting to share my headcanons for these guys for a while now, and since I'm apparently going through a Hogan's Heroes phase again at the moment I finally got myself up to actually write them down (I've kind of wanted to do this since forever I was just lazy🫠 but I also didn't want to wait with posting them until next pride month). I apologise if the tone of my writing changes like 5 times throughout, I wrote them kind of scattered and partly sleep-deprived😅
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Mind you that these are just my headcanons, you don't have to agree with them, just be respectful! I feel like some of these are pretty widely accepted in the fandom anyway, but there are also some that I haven't seen mentioned as frequently.
Also I've mainly focused on sexuality headcanons here, since when it comes to gender I still see most characters as cis. After thinking a bit about it I could see Carter as being agender though, in the kind of way that he just doesn't really care about his gender (like upon being asked what his gender is he'd say something like "I'm just Carter. Why does that even matter?"). Also this is more gender expression related but I can imagine that Newkirk at some point discovers he actually enjoys crossdressing, after having to disguise as a woman multiple times for secret missions. I also feel like Schultz would be the type who doesn't particularly care whether he's gender-conforming or not (he didn't really seem to mind when they put him in a wedding dress that one time), he doesn't actively pursue nonconformity, but he also doesn't take an issue with it, all in all he's just really chill about it.
Feel free to let me know what you think of them :) (As long as it's respectful of course!)
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kevinsbitch-panini · 29 days
fanfic friday: aftg edition
i don't wanna keep secrets just to keep you by kirakrs (@kirakrs)
Summary: Kevin goes to California for his and Jean's interview. Andrew and Neil tag along. The Trojans have a cultural shock from the Foxes and find out more of the truth. Chaos ensues.
Tags: Post-Canon, Canon-Typical AFTG Warnings, nothing too graphic i promise just mentions, Friendship, Healing, Post-Book 4: The Sunshine Court (All For The Game), Soft Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard, Neil Josten Being Neil Josten, Neil Josten is a Little Shit, Protective Andrew Minyard, POV Jeremy Knox, POV Jean Moreau, Found Family, USC Trojans (All For The Game), Domestic Fluff, Canon Compliant, Protective Neil Josten, Neil Josten & Jean Moreau Friendship, Humor, Developing Relationship, between jean and jeremy ofc, Canon Continuation, maybe i focused too much on neil and andrew idk, i wanted an outsider perspective at them, Tags May Change, POV Outsider, nothing bad happens, Mutual Pining, Fluff and Humor, No beta we die like riko, Spoilers for Book 4: The Sunshine Court (All For The Game), Light Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Feels, mostly jean tbh, He's dramatic, no archive warnings cause it's aftg you know you warnings, but none of those warnings happen things just might get mentioned, Neil Josten is a Menace
Words: 18,372 Chapters: 2/?
i am not one to recommend wips* (mostly because i only read oneshots so i don't really read them at all) but this one is absolutely fucking fantastic!!! it's set post-tsc and it feels so in-character and everything that istg im just gonna believe this is canon till nora publishes the next book. andrew and neil look feral from an outside perspective, there are frequent reminders to speak in english, and the trojans are (rightfully) very confused and concerned. it's amazing and will probably make it into my top fave aftg fics
*i want to acknowledge that this post is queued like 2 months into the future. it may no longer be a wip by the time you are seeing this. currently this fic has 2 chapters so i wish you (and future me) a very happy time reading whatever is published btwn now and late august
also go look at the author's tumblr and ao3 <3
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mauvemischief · 2 months
hey guys how are we feeling about me maybe actually drafting my shitstorms of an Andreil!bodyguard Au hmm 👀👀👀
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jordanshenessy · 2 years
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Even more tattoo artist!neil AU✨ these aren’t really parts but here’s part 1 and part 2
I’m so serious rn I need someone to write it for me I’ll pay you in kisses and drawings slskfkjfkd
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