#also I keep finding typos when I go to read peoples tags on them I’m so annoyed 😭 I read this one like 7 times if I see a typo later I’m
sochilll · 2 years
October 23 - “I’m not sure that’s a good idea…”
Day 22 Day 24 All Days (Prompt list)
“Do you think they would notice if we left?” Jared whispered.
“Definitely not.” Evan shook his head.
The adults were reasonably drunk. This was their Halloween party. About a six sets of middle aged couples plus a few single people, their own parents included.
Jared wanted to go to the Halloween party Justin Novak was throwing. Evan wanted to stay home alone.
As it was, they weren’t invited to Justin’s party and Heidi had declared staying home alone to be too sad. So there they were, high school seniors stuck at a Halloween party thrown by and for people in their mid-forties.
Jared looked at Evan. “Stay here.”
“Where would I go?” Evan asked but Jared was already slipping through the room.
When he returned, he was holding two bottles. He stealthily passed one to Evan.
“Jared,” Evan sighed. “I’m not getting drunk at a party with my mom.”
“It’s a wine cooler.” Jared rolled his eyes. “It’s not gonna get you drunk. It’ll just help us have a little fun.”
Evan still looked wary so Jared twisted the top off his own and took a drink. “Tastes like fruit punch.” He motioned for Evan to go.
Evan huffed but opened his own bottle and took a drink. Jared was right, mostly. It was sweet and fruity but there was still an alcoholic bite under it.
They ended up on the stairs of Jared’s mom’s friend’s house. The party raged on in the living room behind them, but it was slightly muffled on this side of the house.
“You’re drunk.” Jared grinned.
“I’m not!” Evan protested. He’d had two drinks and he was feeling a bit weird in the head. But he certainly wasn’t drunk. “I could walk in a straight line right now.”
“Okay. Do it.”
“I don’t want to.” Evan said.
Jared laughed. He was probably drunk too. His face was red and he couldn’t seem to stop smiling.
“This sucks.” Evan said, leaning back so the stairs dug into his back. “We should’ve just figured out where Justin’s party was.”
“You didn’t even want to go to that party.”
“Yeah well, if I’m gonna be stuck at a party I’d rather it be that one. At least I’d know the music there.”
Jared snorted. “Debatable.” He finished off his own second drink. “Well I’m having fun.”
“Yeah right.” Evan rolled his eyes. “We’re sitting on the stairs in a stranger’s house while our parents get drunk. How is this fun?”
Jared shrugged. “You’re so depressing. I’m having fun just hanging out.”
Evan looked at him. He didn’t seem to be joking. He looked surprisingly sincere. His hair was sort of messy from when they were sprawled on the couch. His cheeks were flushed from the drinks. And he had that goofy sort of grin that Evan liked so very much. Evan leaned forward and pressed his lips to Jared’s.
Jared leaned back and suddenly Evan felt very, very sober.
Oh god, why did he do that? Why the hell did he do that?
Jared was looking at him, his face unreadable. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea…”
Evan nodded rapidly. He felt nauseous. He needed to go home. “Yeah no obviously not. That wasn’t even-I wasn’t trying to-I didn’t mean to…”
Jared didn’t make fun of him. It would’ve been better if he did. If he’d grinned and teased Evan for having a crush on him. That would’ve been monumentally better than the way Jared was just staring at him.
“I’m going to the bathroom.” Evan lurched to his feet. He didn’t come out until his mom came looking for him so they could leave.
Evan didn’t have a hangover the next morning, thank god. That would’ve been embarrassing. When he sat up and checked his phone he saw that it was a reasonable hour to wake up and that he had two missed calls from Jared. An hour apart.
He didn’t like that. Jared never called him. Jared calling him meant that something was wrong. But of course something was wrong because Evan had kissed Jared last night like a fucking idiot. The stupidest thing he could’ve possibly done. No amount of alcohol or Jared smiling or constant gay thoughts should’ve been enough to make Evan that stupid.
He jumped as his phone started vibrating again. No way was he answering that. Not happening. In fact, he was going to block Jared’s number and never speak to him again.
The ringing stopped. Evan was weaker than he expected. He picked up the phone and texted Jared.
Evan: What do you want?
Jared: why don’t you answer the phone and I’ll tell you?
Evan: No thank you.
Jared: dude come on
Evan locked his phone and put it under his pillow. This was not happening. He went downstairs to get breakfast. Breakfast was normal.
“Oh, didn’t think you’d be up before I left.” Heidi swept over and kissed his head. “Jared told me what happened last night.”
Evan whipped around, knocking the cereal box over. “What?”
“He told me you two snuck some drinks.” She said, digging through her purse. “He said you weren’t feeling well and that’s why you were in the bathroom.”
“Oh. Yeah.” Evan’s heart rate slowed. “Um… I’m sorry.”
Heidi looked up, smiling. “It’s alright. I was a teenager once, believe it or not. I get it.” She ruffled his hair. “I’m just glad you did it in a safe place with someone who was looking out for you.”
Evan flushed. Yeah, he was definitely moving countries today.
“Alright, I’m off.” She collected her keys and phone. “I’ll be home by six, okay? Have a good day.” She kissed his forehead and walked off.
Evan poured himself a slow bowl of cereal. He heard the front door open.
“Oh!” His mother’s voice echoed down the hall. “Hi sweetie.”
“Yeah he’s here.”
No. No. No.
“He’s in the kitchen. Go on in.”
Evan abandoned his cereal and ran for the stairs. He didn’t make it. Jared was leaning against the banister, as if he knew Evan would run.
The door was closed. Heidi was gone. It was just Evan and Jared. Evan was debating which of them he should kill when Jared spoke.
“You were drunk.”
“No I wasn’t.”
“Evan. You were drunk.” Jared said again, like Evan wasn’t understanding.
Oh. Jared was giving him an out. An excuse.
“Okay.” Evan nodded slowly. “Yeah, I was drunk.”
“Right.” Jared looked at the floor. “So I didn’t want to be the guy that like… takes an advantage of a drunk person.”
Oh. Oooooooh. This wasn’t an excuse. It was an explanation. An explanation for Jared’s actions.
“I wasn’t that drunk.” Evan said because he wasn’t sure what Jared was admitting.
“Yeah well, I couldn’t tell how drunk you were. But I knew you were drunk. I mean drunk enough to… do that. So…” Jared shrugged. He still wouldn’t look at Evan.
“Yeah. I don’t know why I did that. I mean-I don’t… I wouldn’t have…” Every end to every sentence felt wrong. They sounded wrong. He wouldn’t have kissed Jared sober, but not because of Jared. Jared was the one good part, it was Evan’s brain that stopped him. But how was he supposed to explain that without further humiliating himself?
“I know.” Jared nodded. “That’s why I didn’t want to… reciprocate. Because I knew you’d regret it tomorrow. And I feel like we could bounce back from that if it stopped where it did.”
“I don’t regret it.” Evan blurted. Then he felt his face burn. He just couldn’t stand when Jared did that. Acted like he knew no one would be attracted to him despite the multiple people in the past who were.
Jared finally looked at him. He said nothing, just waited.
“I mean, don’t get me wrong, I am extremely-like unbelievably embarrassed. And I do regret… how it happened. And the fact that I just-the way I did it. I regret pretty much everything about the way it happened but just-don’t think-I don’t want you to think I didn’t know what I was doing. It was…. The alcohol gave me the courage not the idea.”
Jared continued to stare. He continued to say nothing. Evan squirmed under his gaze. He had nothing left to say but by god he would start talking again if Jared didn’t.
Luckily, Jared did talk. “So if we were sober, and you were a fundamentally different person, you would’ve still done it?”
“Yes.” Evan said. He was starting to think it was stupid how they wouldn’t just say the word. Like they were ten years old. “If we were sober and I didn’t have to think everything I ever do to death before I can even try and do it, I would’ve kissed you.”
Jared nodded, like that settled the matter. Like things were cleared up now, even though Evan felt more confused than ever.
“Have you eaten yet?”
Evan thought back to his half poured bowl of cereal. “No.”
“Me neither. Let’s get breakfast.” Jared said, like they didn’t just have the conversation they just had.
“I… uh…”
“Get dressed.” Jared instructed. “I don’t have all day.”
“Yeah?” Evan asked, stepping past him on the stairs. “What else are you doing today?”
“Stuff. And things. And also activities.”
Evan snorted. “Sure.” He went to his room and changed quickly.
When he came back down, Jared was waiting by the door, keys in his hand.
“Where are we going?”
“Somewhere cheap.” Jared said, holding the door for him.
“Thank god.”
Evan turned. Jared had followed him to the passenger side of the car. “Yes?”
Jared hesitated, confidence slipping off his face. “Um.”
Realization dawned on Evan, of what Jared was trying to do. “You can do it.” Evan assured him. “If you want.”
“I want.” Jared said, continuing to stand there. Then, all in one motion, he stepped forward, grabbed Evan’s shoulders, and kissed him. Evan barely had time to adjust before Jared was stepping back, clearing his throat, and walking back to the driver’s side.
Evan got in the car and it took him a few seconds to realize he was still smiling like an idiot.
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kittykittyhunter · 6 months
The Archive
Introduction On 14 June 2020, I accidentally deleted my tumblr, wiping out a blog that I had been maintaining since January 2011.  I was distraught due to losing a lot of fond memories – and crushed at the thought of so much of my writing disappearing.  I hadn’t been very disciplined about keeping offline back-ups of my work, so when my blog disappeared, so did a large collection of poems, short stories, vignettes and fanfics.
Over the last few years, I’ve steadily recovered a decent chunk of my writing (about 300 pieces) thanks to my friends reblogging my posts and being diligent with their tagging systems.  I’ve now been able to archive and remaster my poems and prose pieces – though my fanfiction remains in the ether (which, to be honest, I’m okay with). On that note, I would like to express immense gratitude to the people whose blogs I recovered my works from:
I know a lot of these bloggers either are no longer on tumblr or use these accounts (and tumblr wouldn't allow me to tag everyone?); even so, I want to share my thanks. And thank you to everyone else who read, shared or otherwise enjoyed my writing over the years.  I hope that it inspired deep feelings and I hope that it bought you comfort.  I want you to know that I wouldn’t still be pursuing writing if it wasn’t for all the support you sent my way.  I read and savoured your comments and tags and, I promise you, I am grateful for all the love I received. Methodology While it would have been simpler to reblog the old posts, save for those that were trapped under a Read More (and a fair few pieces fell into this category), for this archiving project, I opted to take the opportunity to edit my works (also, I didn’t particularly want to bombard my friends’ notes by reblogging ancient posts).  This gave me a chance to appropriately re-format some works which had, unfortunately, originally looked quite ugly! The editing process was incredibly interesting – I ended up making changes to almost all my posts, so it’s good to know that I’ve definitely grown as a reader and writer over the last decade.  A very small number of the posts were brand new for the blog, but at this stage, I’m happy to count them as part of my archive.  For me, it’s important to compartmentalise and draw a divide between the writing I shared then and the writing that I will, hopefully, go on to pen in the future. I’m still in the process of proofreading: some of my tags have typos and there are certainly some errant dashes, among other issues, here and there.  Nevertheless, I’m satisfied with the state of things for now. Some posts are titled [‘Circa …’].  If I had been savvier about using tumblr mobile in conjunction with the web version, I could have recovered all of the exact dates of my original posts.  However, what’s done is done and I am satisfied with what I was able to accomplish. Statistics I love numbers – here are some interesting graphs regarding my posts:
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Posts by Form - Prose – 37 - Poems – 271 Total – 308
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No. of Posts by Year - 2012 – 1 - 2013 – 4 - 2014 – 21 - 2015 – 61 - 2016 – 114 - 2017 – 44 - 2018 – 22 - 2019 – 16 - 2020 – 20 - 2022 – 4 - 2024 – 1 Total – 308 There’s definitely a lot of writing that I wasn’t able to track down: in 2016, for example, I believe that I posted 366 poems.  Still, I’m pleased with the works that I did find – it was great to rediscover works that I’d completely forgotten about. I think that draws this post to a close.  Thanks for reading!
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11. Polishing your Post 
Publishing your story can be scary because once it’s out in the world, it’s literally out of your hands. 
Like editing, preparing your publication can be a little tedious. I assume you want to post your fic to tumblr, so keep in mind that, although you can always edit your post, reblogs from other people can’t be changed later on. So if you have, say, a typo, you can only change it in your original post. You put so much work into your fic, so it’s only natural that you want lots of people to read it. You already made your draft look nice and proper, but you’ll want to do the same for your tumblr post. Here’s a quick rundown of how to make your post more appealing: 
First things first: Open a new text post. You should be able to just copy and paste your draft from your writing program; tumblr will usually adopt your draft’s formatting (at least when you copy and paste from Google Docs on your computer!). 
Save the post as a draft. As I said before, I suggest you re-read your story again at this point—you’ll be able to see what the post is going to look like once you post it, and you’ll probably find some typos you missed in the editing process. It’s also easier to draft it because you’ll go back and forth fixing and updating your post anyway. 
Tag your post properly. You want your post to reach the right people. I’ll go into more detail about tagging here.
Find a good title for your fic. Titles are the first thing a potential reader will see when they stumble upon your fic, so choose them wisely. A good title can be whatever you deem fit, it’s really coming down to personal taste. I recommend going for something that captures the essence of your draft, but using lyrics, titles of songs or poems etc. is always a safe bet.
Place necessary warnings for your story at the top of your post. The same goes for a short description/excerpt of your story. If you cross-post your work to e.g. ao3, you can embed a link, too. If you have a beta reader, make sure to give them a shout-out, too!
Make your post look nice. Maybe add a banner/GIF/divider/etc.. If you haven’t made them yourself, make sure their creators are fine with you using their work before you publish your post and give credits! 
Tumblr has a “keep reading” tool—use that either right after your header or after the first couple of sentences of your story. It just looks nicer to have a compact version on your dashboard. 
Generally, you want to give your readers a quick overview of what’s to expect in your fic. 
Example (forgive the bad handwriting):
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Now that you’ve done all that, and you’re happy with your draft and your post…well, it’s time to hit post—and voilá! You’ve just shared your very own fanfic with the world. Good job, I’m so proud of you! ♡
Next: How to Tag 
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thegoddesswater · 1 year
Tagged by @tc-doherty
Also, encouraged to join in by @iloveyou-writers/ @introducing-writeblr
Rules: fill in the blanks with as much or little detail as you would like and tag some writer friends to play too.
Hello, there. My name is Kacey. I'm a writer of the fantasy genre, with the occasional excursion into the genres of science-fiction and dystopia (and a planned jaunt into something that might be best described as post-apocalyptic cyberpunk) and I love to write about found family, grief, LGBTQ+ characters, and vulnerability.
I am mostly SFW and write all forms of abuse, trauma, mental illness occasionally graphic violence, and death in many forms (illness, murder etc) so just be aware of that. Tropes you will never find in my writing include: The White Saviour, and Bury Your Gays. There are probably others that I can’t think of right now, but it’s hard to eliminate more, since I’ll use things as they make sense for the narrative and really can’t say I’ll never write them.
In my humble opinion, my best work I've posted is probably “Taken” - which is just a teaser for a much larger project - I feel like it sets the scene well for getting the rest of the story underway. An honourable mention goes to: my longest complete fanfiction for a relatively obscure 20+ year old fandom - It’s probably not the the best technically, but I put a lot of myself into it and I loved the result; I still go back in and scour it for typos to make sure I keep it as polished as I can in the event that anyone stumbles across it. Also, my most recent “Best” writing is not available for public consumption, so out of everything available, I’m sharing “Taken” because I can Some of my all-time favourite characters I've made are Maggie Blackwill, Adair Rios, and Marmaduke File, with a special mention to Karn because I started writing with him again last year after over a decade ignoring him and my god how I have missed the child.
Something I'd love for you to know about my writing that isn't listed in this game is that I overpopulate my worlds - almost ANY of my characters could be the protagonist of the story when viewed through the right lens, which is why I will occasionally wax poetic about seemingly minor characters. Also I ramble a lot in the tags of tumblr posts about my characters and will drop fun random facts in there for anyone reading them.
Thank you for reading and now I challenge the following people to fill this out: @wheelybard - Come join in! ...If you want.
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boundless-iridescence · 11 months
Basic Summary of my Rules
RESPECT: First and foremost, please be respectful when seeking roleplays with me--I am not a machine to meet your fantasy needs, I am a partner to work with and create something fun and mutual with. If it fails to be that, lets let go of the thread or content gracefully, like adults.
HOW TO THREAD: I’m generally laid back, we can start via an ask, so long as you run it by me first! We can plot in DMs and start a thread, or we can do something via responding to a starter! But, generally, at some point, I do prefer to plot. I don’t always just respond at random without ideas in mind, unless its crack lol. If I do not plot and/or have a plan, my interest will dwindle!
SHIPPING: I am all for it! But CHEMISTRY is KEY! Unless talked about, mutually, and agreed upon, mutually, to just go at a ship or shippy scenario without build up, 95% of the time I prefer some reasonable build up to a ship. It makes it better, feels more real and inspiring that way! And for my muses, I’m generally open to a LOT of possible ships, so we can brainstorm and see where things go. But if I inform you I’m just not seeing the ship, or YOU inform me that you don’t see it with my muses? All good! We can just casually toss away that ship, no harm done~
NSFW: I’m more the willing. I’m 25+ and intend to have occasions of playing adult themes, whether they be sexual, violent, or deep and dark emotionally and mentally. Because of this, I do not roleplay with minors, DO NOT INTERACT. But just as with shipping, build up is preferred, and I do prefer to talk through do’s and don’t’s with any NSFW content, so we can have a safe, fun time with our content! I also tag accordingly, and will tend to cut the roleplay from view with the Keep Reading option.
MAINING: I don’t really do that, though I don’t judge those that do. I may have a few favorites, or people I’ve developed more content with, but I am always open to more than one of a particular muse!
VERSES: Given this is a multifandom multimuse blog, my Verses are fairly open, though I do mostly like to have each canon character in their verse, though if we can figure out a fun plot, I can be open to fandom/verse jumping, and I will also be open to non-fandom AUs like fantasy/dieties/modern/ETC sort of thing. Then I do have an OC who is open to generally any fandom, though he has three fandoms he's slotted for, too (look for The Red Noble/Valek). But there may be some fandoms I either am not up for, for personal reasons, or I simply don't have knowledge or inspiration enough to do so no matter the situation, it's up for mutual desire and discussion!
WRITING STYLE: I will say, I am known to typo and I may not be the most professional writer but even so, I have a preference for my partners to be reasonably literate, writing more than one or two liners, and also a preference for Third Person! 
NO NO’S: I will not roleplay with muse-haters, whether it be hating on my muse, or I learn you’ve hated on a fellow partners muse while roleplaying with. If you want to bash a character, find a fellow hater or write or look for fanfiction--I do not tolerate using a mun who has a deep heart for their muse being used as a punching bag. I will not roleplay with anyone I learn has toxic and abusive behavior--it is a waste of my time and effort. I do not deal with bigotry of any kind. I do not hate on ships, or faves. I may dislike a ship or a character, but I will not judge a person for what they like if they aren’t intentionally harming someone, and I will not tolerate it in partners if I notice it. I will not roleplay with partners who harass me, be it for replies if I’m slow, or to force my muse if I’ve told them I no longer wish to roleplay--if you make me feel uncomfortable, attacked, used, or make roleplay into a chore for me, I will be forced to remove you from space. I also do not interact with anti's or ship or character haters--if you disapprove of a character, content, or ships for any valid reason, be mature and avoid it. Block and black list and turn the cheek. I will not tolerate people complaining about fictional content as if it is something someone actually supports and commits IRL. Please learn the difference between fiction and reality, and handling your boundaries like a respectful human being.
~ ~ ~
That will be all for now, feel free to ask me for anything else!
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💞 and/or 🎈!
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(from the fic writer ask post)
💞 what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language? Characters and their relationships. The best aspect of fanfiction for me is being able to take characters I find intriguing or that I can relate to in some way,  put them in a situation that makes them confront their relationship with (an)other character(s), and see how they (re)act. I’m really not a plot-driven writer, in the sense that I don’t have the patience to make things happen unless they directly contribute to developing the relationship I'm interested in. I don’t like writing fic where things happen to people, I usually write fic where feelings happen to people xD (Hence why I suck at writing long stories that require good plot development in order to be good, although that’s also because I have the attention span of a fly and one shots are my friends). 🎈 describe your style as a writer; is it fixed? does it change? I don’t think I can define my own writing style, because I’ve written (fiction) very sparsely in the last 10 years compared to what I used to do before. It makes more sense to say what I admire in (fan)fiction and what I ideally strive for: sparse but meaningful prose with intentionally chosen words, good pacing, sustained tension, good character building within a believable narrative frame. A focus on portraying emotions but in a way that feels restrained; emotions are conveyed mainly through characters’ actions and non-verbal cues rather than dialogue and/or exposition. 🦋what are you most insecure about when you post a fic? Everything lol. From overlooking typos to under/over tagging to will-people-think-this-is-stupid to that-other-writer-is-better-so-why-should-I-bother-to-post-this. 🌻 what makes you want to give up on writing? what makes you keep going? give up: losing interest, life being busy, and obviously limited reader engagement. We all say ‘I write for myself first’ but the reality is that we also want people to read our stories and let us know if they enjoyed them, which most readers don’t do even in the easiest of way (kudos!). I guess reader-only folks just don’t get it, how validation-starved most writers are and how motivating it is for writers when readers actually give a sign they’re enjoying a story. keep going: loving certain characters/ships/dynamics too fucking much and being unable to get over the brainrot in any other way; supportive readers/friends; being in small fandoms (they are a curse too, but small fandoms motivate me more because I know that if I don’t write the thing, there’s very little chance someone else will do it, and I do want to read the thing). 🍉in what ways has writing helped you process trauma and/or navigate through your own life? (thanks for being so considerate, anon!) This is limited to my current fandom, but what I’m writing now reflects (in some ways) my experience as an aspec person who has been in a relationship for a long time (and doesn’t regret said relationship in the least) but that is only now starting to fully realize how being aspec has influenced that relationship and their approach to it (in good and bad ways). Re-engaging with fandom spaces has led to a lot of self-reflection, and now the discourse around aspec identities is much more nuanced than it was when I stopped actively being part of fandom a few years ago, which has led to a variety of 'ooohhh I get it now' moments xD
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dawn-the-rithmatist · 2 years
A little long thing on censorship and boundaries on the internet
Okay prefacing this by saying this post is only written for tumblr and ao3. If you go beyond those I have no knowledge for you unfortunately, but maybe people can chime in in the notes.
Starting off, each person is responsible for controlling their own internet experience. We’re lucky that tumblr does not have an algorithm that forces unexpected things onto your dash (aside from blazed posts and based on your likes, but more on that later). You are in complete control of the content that appears on your dash, based on who you follow. Likewise, on ao3 you’re able to filter searches so you see what you want to see, and no one is making you click on the things you don’t. No one owes you anything with their content, aside from the ability to avoid it if you choose.
Follow up, you are responsible for making your content avoidable for people who don’t want to see it. If you’re writing the kinkiest fic out there, that’s fine. That’s yours to write and share as you wish. But you’re responsible for tagging it so that people who aren’t after that kind of material don’t see it if they want to. That way you get people who are happy to see/read your works, and people aren’t confronted with 50 Shades of Gray when they were really just looking for some PG hand holding.
Basic tags for those who aren’t used to tagging systems are whether it’s NSFW, any particular kinks, and any potential triggers (things like gore, underage, no con, suicide- if there’s an archive warning for it on ao3, it’s probably something you should tag so people can avoid it). Make sure that you spell the thing out without typos or euphemisms or @ny w31Rd $tuff that would lead to it NOT being filtered. (We don’t Unalive here, we kill, and Unalive will show up even when kill has been filtered out.)
What if someone I follow reblogs something that I don’t want to see or find problematic? If it’s something specific you’re trying to avoid, tumblr has tag filtering. You can block tags related to that thing, and it won’t show up on your dash uncensored. In case you ever want to see what’s behind that censor in spite of the tag, you’ll have the option to view it anyway- you won’t miss that the post exists entirely. If it’s something that hasn’t been tagged, it might be a good idea to (kindly!! Respectfully!!) request that the person tag it appropriately. If they refuse, you might want to unfollow them so you don’t have to see it anymore.
I unfollowed someone whose content bothered me, but my mutuals keep reblogging it so I still see it on my dash. You can block them! Then reblogs won’t show up on your dash, no matter how many mutuals reblog it. Blocking someone does nothing to them- try not to see it as something aggressive or offensive. You have the right to control what you see online, and blocking is a way to do that more effectively. You can always unblock them later if you change your mind!
Things from people I don’t follow keep showing up on my dash. This could be a couple of things. If it says “based on your likes!” or “tags you follow”, that’s something you can disable in settings (I can edit this post later with the exact locations) and tumblr won’t show you those anymore. That said, those are still subject to tag filtering, so that’s also a good approach if you don’t want those things to go away completely.
Now that blazed posts are around, there’s a chance you might get something you don’t like through that, but I’m not sure if there’s a way to filter those out. I haven’t seen a blazed post from tags I block yet, so… so far so good? If anyone knows, please chime in!!
Some content shouldn’t exist online, even if it can be blocked/filtered/avoided. This is the most important point on this post. I do think that some things shouldn’t exist online. My mother also thinks some things shouldn’t exist online. However, we don’t agree on what those things are, and we both agree that there are some cases where we would make exceptions to our rules. If we start purging content that we don’t agree with, it’s going to become a question of who is disagreeing with the content. Gotta be honest folks, in that scenario, I’m pretty sure the voices that get listened to will be straight, cis, and white.
TL;DR: Internet freedom disappears when we allow censorship, but we do still need to protect each others’ boundaries when we’re online. The best way to do that is to tag your content (no tag limits on tumblr or ao3, so don’t hold back! Only the first five count for searches on tumblr but the rest can be used for filtering blocked tags), block and filter things you don’t want to interact with, and unfollow or block people who you can’t trust to respect boundaries.
PLEASE reblog this post and add on anything you think is relevant, because this feels more relevant than ever right now <3 thanks friends
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albino-whumpee · 3 years
do you have any advice for younger / newere writers? you write so much and you're very skilled! i'm inspired by you
Aww thanks! Maybe I write a bit too much ahaha.
Well, idrk what you’re searching advice for so I will give general tips.
Before writing:
Do your research. Not only about the subject, but if there’s people out there who have also thought about the idea and have a tag for it.
Set a goal. I suck at this myself, but having a not-rigid word count goal (with timer if it makes you feel more motivated) really get your gears going. There’s a few pages that make it more entertaining too!
Warm up Drabbles. Nothing better than writing something adjacent to what you really want to write just to warm up and get a bit more creative so you hit the zone quicker.
This is optional but if you have time, make a page for your characters and setting. Like a reference page so you don’t go write someone is 160 cm when you have already said they’re 178.
While writing:
Limit your editing. It’s tempting to correct in the moment, (more if you’re unsure about grammar) but sometimes while fixing something you lose your pace and in the worst cases, forget where you were going. Editing can come later.
If you’re gonna have CW at the top, highlight the key words so it’s easier to go through it later.
After writing:
Don’t delete your scrapped ideas. You don’t know when you might wanna use that idea, so even if it’s never used having an scrap document for them is great.
If you didn’t like the end product altogether, it’s fine to put it aside for a while and come back to it later to see if it really should be abandoned in the scrap document or tossed away. Sometimes a little bit of time makes the errors look less severe and fixable and the good things to pop out more. Let it brew!
Pass your text through a beta reader and a program that allows you to correct your grammar and spot typos.
To gain attention:
Quick note here, don’t get discouraged if you don’t receive millions of likes in your first chapter. Sometimes it takes two projects or more to get traction. Keep going regardless of numbers! They don’t dictate how good you are!
Interact with others. Slide into inboxes, participate in ask and tag games, reblog other people’s fics, make collabs. most people are cool with being tagged in games even if you’re not mutuales with them so don’t be shy! Although, Don’t just talk to people to use their following.
Take part in writing/drawing challenges. July has the @whumpmasinjuly event with a prompt list, as there is events like the month of writers, nanowrimo, whumptober, etc.
Keep writing and explore other ideas besides your comfort zone. This started as a whump writing blog, but evolved into positivity, some art and writing (even occasional thoughts and poetry) The variety lends itself to grow your range of public and to expand your creative library.
Promote yourself. Shamelessly self reblog your favorite fics, or just reblog it for the timezone difference. You’re proud of what you wrote and I’m proud of you for writing it, but sometimes tumblr sucks and I won’t see it immediately. So don’t be afraid of reblogging your own things!
Make your own events and ask games. DTIYS, requests, giveaways when you hit a follower milestone. If you have the time for it and have fun doing it, go for it!
This is my personal opinion, but having visuals for your story such as mood boards, picrews, illustrations, etc. Makes me more interested in a story. It’s also an easy way to present your characters to your readers.
Have fun. It’s noticeable when an author is having fun writing it and when it feels like a chore. I’m not telling you to absolutely love it, just to trust in yourself and what you’re doing a bit. If it doesn’t feel right, revision it. If you can’t find it, hand it to someone and ask for their opinion. Not having fun doing what you love hurts like a bitch, and it just rubs salt in the wound when it flops or you can’t stand reading through it. So, explore ideas, maybe go back to your comfort to come back to the new a bit less scared. Or maybe find new inspirations so you can go rush and add new stuff and weed out what doesn’t seem right.
Overall that’s it I think. @ashintheairlikesnow has a great tag for new writers in her blog so I advice to check that out and ask more people. @thewritershandbook is also a good resource place!
Good luck anon! I’ll be cheering on you.
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monstersandmaw · 2 years
hey! I was wondering if you have any advice at getting stories out there? I’ve started a sideblog to practice some writing and I’d love to get some engagement - I’m not even sure if my posts are showing in the tags I’ve used :/
Ooof, it's rough starting out when no one knows your blog name and you have no idea if your stuff is being seen or if it just hasn't found its audience yet. Hang on in there, Anon!
I'd say maybe have a few stories ready to go, and if you've already posted them, create a masterlist immediately before you lose track of where your stories are (searching for stuff on Tumblr is a lost cause), even if it's only got a few things on it to start with. That way if someone does find your work, they can find more of it immediately. Link it at the bottom of every story too, and on your blog.
Make sure your grammar and formatting is as tight as you can get it. People know quality writing when they come across it, and if it's well written and edited, they're more likely to stay than if it's full of goofy paragraphing, typos, and has a jokey 'lol un-edited' at the start (I'm exaggerating for effect, but I have actually noped out of stuff on AO3 after reading that in the author's notes at the start. If the author doesn't care, why should the reader?).
Speaking of AO3, if you have an account on there, so long as you're not taking money for your writing on here, you can also link to Tumblr from AO3 (if you don't know how to code a link, google it, it's really simple - even I can do it!!) and if people don't have to copy paste a URL, they're probably gonna check it out if they use Tumblr too. Same for other socials - link back to here. Use the audience you may already have somewhere else, but don't spam them.
Interact as your blog's name so that people see your name around the place, because tags suck. (I don't follow any tags, I only follow people, so I'll very rarely come across something 'out in the wild'.) Since you're a sideblog, you can always go anon and then sign off your ask as your sideblog's name.
Be patient. It sucks, but don't expect to get hundreds of notes overnight.
Open your blog to all the prompts and challenges that you're comfortable with. Don't burn yourself out, but if people can engage with you and if they get something out of it too, then they're more likely to reblog your work. That's what I did at the start - I just got people to send me prompts for free stories and I wrote for free, for *exposure*, you might say. (Don't write anything you're not comfortable with, obviously, but be open to new challenges and writing things you maybe hadn't thought of).
Participate in fandom challenges if it's fandom you write for, and look for other writing challenges or events. That can help build a sense of community and might bring you an audience that way.
If you're in a server with people whose opinions you trust, share your work on Discord and maybe ask them for feedback and/or reblogs if they're on Tumblr. Only if you're comfortable with that.
At the end of the day, remember why you're writing though. Notes and responses aren't the be all and end all of creating. Create stuff first because you enjoy creating it, and then share it because you want to share it. Don't give up or get disheartened if you don't get much traffic for a long time, and just keep on sharing anyway. That way, when people do find you, they've got a good backlog to go through as well!
If anyone has any more advice to add to this, please feel free to stick it in the notes!
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blueprint-han · 4 years
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[Image ID: A black picture with the title “HOW TO SUPPORT FANFICTION AUTHORS” written in bold caps lock, colored with a winter forest picture. End ID.]
Well, this post has been made countless times, but I’m making one too because I’ve seen a lot of people say they’re new to tumblr and don’t know the whole “reblogging is better than liking” rule and other stuff. So without any further ado, here are ways YOU can support the fanfiction authors. Now keep in mind this applies to almost every author out there, not just the stayblr fandom, so if you’re a silent reader (or even if you aren’t), I advise you go through this post. Warning, this is a fairly long post going into detail, so yeah. I still expect you, the readers to read this, and if you’re a writer, feel free to lmk if i’ve written smth wrong or if you want me to add something! ^^
In this post I’ll go into thorough analysis of the pros and cons of each of the methods listed here and how YOU as a reader can show the authors whose fics you read more love and motivate them to produce content.
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#1 : LIKING !
I think this is basic common knowledge, and a lot of people tend to do this. When you like the post, the author sees it, you see it, and if the author has their liked posts accessible (which majority of the time they don’t), and if someone deliberately goes to check it, then they see it. See why so many authors say just liking does nothing? Only liking says “Hey, I’m gonna tell you your story is not that good by simply liking it and not sharing it with other people. :D”
You’re telling the author that you've read their fic, and either you’ve enjoyed it to a certain extent, or you’re just saving it to read for later.
Likes are seen by you, the author and anyone who has access to your likes (which, most people don’t).
If you ONLY like, you’re not really helping the author’s work reach a wide audience because this site isn’t Instagram. Reblogging is the only way people can SEE our works. I’ll cover more on that in the next section.
In a nutshell, liking is good! But you should most likely use it in a combination with the other stuff I’ve listed below, because just the like itself doesn’t really do much in giving the author any feedback or interaction on their fics.
To clear shit up; I’m not talking about those people who don’t read the story or appreciate it in the first place. I’m talking about those who appreciate the fic, like it, but don’t leave any sort of feedback to show that.
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This is SO, SO important. I cannot stress on this enough. Let me explain WHY so many writers stress on reblogging content: 
Tumblr’s tag system is inherently fucked up, and has grown more so over the year. I’m not kidding, at first, the fic either used to show up in the tags or it didn’t, but now, sometimes your fic can be REMOVED from the tags because of,,, idk tumblr tag shit. Anyways, as you can see, it’s very demotivating for authors at that point, because the major way for people to find their content and expand their blogs has been blocked.  
Due to this reason, tumblr authors need to RELY on you, their followers to help spread their works to a wider audience. Now again, before you get me wrong, I’m not saying you ae forced to rb our works regardless of whether you like them or not. BUT, that being said, if you DO infact like the story, there’s no harm in reblogging, right? By doing this you’re indirectly telling the author — “hey! :D I liked your fic! Which is why I am gonna share it to my followers so they can read it too :D” Trust me, you’re doing nothing but helping the people who produce content for you to read. Seems like a worthy cause to hit the reblog button, right? It’s only a one, or maximum two step procedure.
Leave tags in your reblogs! Trust me, as an author myself and as much as I know from all my author friends, we oft check the tags of your reblogs to see if you found any part amazing or even if you have anything to say about the writing we put so much hard work into. Even a key smash or a “This was so [insert adjective] 🥺” is enough to leave a smile on your authors face. 
♯ PROS :
You’re !! Sharing !! Your authors !! Works !! This leads to them getting more recognition, so for the content they’re so graciously providing for free, you’re promoting their blog and helping them expand it.
If the tags are being a shit, which majority of the time they are, then you’re literally making an author’s day by reblogging! You’re showing them that you, a follower and appreciator of their works are willingly sharing their content because it deserves to be seen by more people. Again before any dumb people decide to attack me, i am talking about people who like the fic but don't bother reblogging and are silent/ghost readers. I am not forcing anyone to read anybody’s work.
♯ CONS :
Literally none, because as far as I remember no author is against reblogging of their works. It’s quite literally the way this platform functions. Reblogging is IMPORTANT.
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This kind of overlaps with the previous section, but THIS IS SUCH AN IMPORTANT STEP !! When you leave feedback, you are directly giving the author something so much more valuable to them than high follower/note counts or money. Your feedback is literally our serotonin. I kid you not the number of times I’ve received a positive comment and smiled and it has made my day. There’s a reason youtubers (though not the best example, bear with me here because it was the only one I could think of) ask people to subscribe, like and COMMENT. The subscription is like a follow, the like is ofc like a heart, and the comment is equivalent to an rb with comments in the tags. 
You might argue and tell me that a comment is basically like an ask so the reblogging step isn’t necessary, but I’m sure 99% of you use YouTube and you know that more comments leads to people’s videos boosted in the stream/trending charts. This is what reblogging does. Reblogging shares the piece with other people like minded, which leads to a boost in reads. You are literally helping your author grow.
It’s quite literally the same thing as youtubers. Youtubers NEED validation to keep their content creation going, so do writers, so do other ccs on this site. This post is however, focused on WRITERS, so keep that in mind.
♯ PROS :
By doing this, you’re giving author valuable feedback! It’s similar to what you do in rbing with tags. Interactivity with their fics boosts their note counts and helps expand their audience, so srsly, now think of it: your one comment is playing such a massive role to help ccs create more content.
Imagine how much of a difference the note counts will be in when every person who simply likes after reading the fic, reblogs, leaves a comment and sends an ask. the note counts would be high on each and every fic, which is validation in itself, but your comments would inspire the writer so much more! Please, don’t skip the commenting part. Even a simple one like: “this is so cute!” is wonderful. 
♯ CONS :
Remember, if you’re gonna give constructive criticism (which I’m sure you all are smart enough to know if different from hate), make sure the author is okay with it. Authors need to be in a specific mindset and must be ready to accept criticism, so if you’re gonna give constructive criticism to them when they’re at a low point, it may demotivate them.
Just commenting, instead of reblogging and commenting in the tags/ reblogging and then leaving an ask in their inbox, while it gives validation in plenty, will not lead to the author’s work being spread. Therefore I suggest either reblogging and commenting in the tags or reblog and then leave an ask, or comment under the fic!
!! reminder; I am not saying that if you don’t rb and just leave feedback, your feedback has no value. We authors truly appreciate every bit of feedback, but this post is aimed to help you learn how to interact with and support authors, and make them feel more motivated, because the current scenario of liking and scrolling is taking a toll on their creative abilities. Take it from a person who’s been writing for a year.
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Before any of you attack me, let me tell you that this is not a step that is 100% necessary to do. ONLY donate if you can and if you genuinely want to, and if anyone is forcing you to pay for something against your will, you need to get yourself out of there.
Regardless, if an author has a kofi and you’re able to and you want to donate, you definitely should! It’s also a valid form of support.
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This is such an underrated option, to be honest. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve seen my fic was recommended onto some rec list and it’s made me smile so hard. If you like some fics, create a rec list! They’re oft very popular amongst the fans too. Making rec posts is such a great way to share your favorite stories with others. 
Rec blogs! I’ve seen a couple going around, and needless to say they are a great way to get someone else to read your favorite author’s work whilst also giving them your own feedback. These blogs oft accept recs via a form or ask box, and they leave your feedback along with their own, or else they’ll oft tag the author in the feedback post, so look! You’re basically helping your author share their fic to many more people, because you’ve given them feedback and a reblog.
♯ PROS :
Validation! Feedback! Reblogs! More exposure! Helping a blog grow! Spreading love! basically a run down of the stuff I’ve said before!
♯ CONS :
Literally no con of this. Unless, a one in a million case, this author says they don’t like receiving feedback/being tagged, and I’m sure NO person has said this before, at least none that I’ve heard of.
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When an author points out about how the interactivity is drastically reducing, don’t just give them blind apologies. Yes, you feel sorry for not interacting as much, we understand, but rather show that you’ll become a better content consumer through your actions. We need to see that we’re not just throwing words into a void and that people are actually trying to be better content consumers. 
Understand the fact that authors don’t get paid for this, and 99% of the time, these authors don’t take commissions either. They’re giving you novel worthy writings for free. Take Percy Jackson: You think the author would have felt motivated to write the subsequent parts, let alone two whole series based off of it if literally no one showed that they were interested? Rick Riordan has sales, he is being paid, there are millions of people and big agencies who provide him feedback. Now take that huge amount and simmer it down to an audience of maybe 10000 people This is what fanfic authors want. They don’t want your money, nor are they telling you to risk your lives for them. All they want is, a reblog, some tags, some feedback, some INTERACTIVITY.  A sign that they aren’t throwing fics into the void and that people actually like them, some motivation to continue. Seems fairly easy to throw an rb with some tags, right?
Don’t bother to tell me that we do this for ourselves and we shouldn’t ask for likes and reblogs and feedback, because 1) you are consuming the content that we “write for ourselves” and 2) writers post their content here for interactivity and feedback. We could just not post and write and save our fics in our dungeon drafts for years. But we choose to post to entertain the readers, the consumers. And we aren’t even asking that much in return.
Don’t give me the whole “I’m scared that authors feel that comments are annoying” excuse either because seriously this has been DEBUNKED SO MANY TIMES. Istg, in the nicest way possible, if you still think writers are annoyed by interaction and feedback, after so many posts, long rants have been posted as to how we’re not, then you must truly be living under a rock. There, I said it. Please stop thinking this way, I’ll say it again, AUTHORS ARE NOT ANNOYED OF FEEDBACK, COMMENTS, TAGS, REBLOGS. WE LOVE IT. Saying this is like saying that the audience in a theatre play shouldn’t clap when the play ends because the actors would find it noisy. 🤡
I’ve seen some people saying they have anxiety issues and such, so pls note that I’m not invalidating your condition. If you’re trying to be more interactive, I really appreciate it! If you can’t, that’s fine too. You’re trying.
But for the people who have no reason other than feeling lazy to rb and comment, your lack of interactiveness is not excused. Please. Tumblr is a reblogging site. If you’re gonna consume content like authors are some sort of machines, I encourage you to go get some more perspective.
This site is not Instagram or the satan bird app. Your likes are appreciated but frankly speaking, they do nothing to the author except tell them “Hey i read ur fic but i'm not gonna support u :D” and honestly, that is detrimental to their creative capabilities and mental health. 
DON’T FOLLOW AN ACC JUST TO MINDLESS RB THEIR SIGNAL BOOST POSTS AND THEIR REBLOGS OF GIFS AND NOT INTERACT WITH THEIR WRITING AT ALL ! Trust me, authors prefer a lower amount of interactive followers than a high count that doesn’t even give them any feedback. Again your follows are appreciated, but when you’re following, you know the type of content the author creates, so the author expects that the more followers, the more interactivity. These days, this is just becoming the opposite. So don’t do it! If you’re gonna follow to read, interact with their works. I promise, this will make both you and the author happy. A win-win situation.
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I will be liking this post here written by the lovely @chaninfused​ and @scriptura-delirus​ . Please take time to read it because if you weren’t convinced by my arguments, you will see how much frustration we as writers face on a daily basis. Please, just show support. Here is the post by @stayndays​ about how to get more people to read your work, because it also has a note on reblogging. Please educate yourself, and put an end to this mindless consuming culutre and bring up some interactivity.
If you’ve read this far, I want you to go to two of your favorite authors and leave some feedback in their inbox, and tag me in it (either tag me yourself or ask the author to do so, they won’t mind). Show your writers that our words are taking effect and you are becoming better consumers. I mean it. I’m serious. I want every single one who reads this post to do this. besides valid reasons, if you’re lazy to do this, you’re a part of the problem. PLEASE get more perspective.
Also, feel free to add to this post! I’d love to read your thoughts too, remember to be kind though. And, if I think your rb is somehow contradicting my points and is bringing down the reason I made this post, I will politely ask you to delete your comment, because this post is about being truthful about the harsh reality of tumblr consumers and how we can change it. I’m sure none of you will let it get to that point, though. <3 love you guys. 💓
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And, just a reminder, don’t just blindly like this too. Do what I said before, and while I am not forcing you, I’d appreciate your reblog, because seriously, it took me 3 whole days to write this, plus, I’m sure this will help more of your followers understand the fault in consumer culture. haha, that’s it! This post was way too long uff.
also, this is ur cue to not be stupid in my inbox. You have something to say? Think I worded smth wrongly? I’m sure it wasn’t my intention to do so, point it out with manners. 
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hkblack · 2 years
Identifying & Asking for the Type of Beta-Reading Your Story Needs
Hi folks! Had a bit of a break last week, but we’re back. This week we’re continuing with our theme of the different types of Beta-Reading. Last time we discussed the specific types of editing Beta-Readers. This time we’re talking about knowing what type of Editing Beta-Reader your story needs and how to ask for it.
Two disclaimers. One, a lot of this post is compiling threads from previous posts and putting it all together. If it sounds repetitive for those of you who have been reading along—sorry ‘bout it.
Two, this was hard for me to write! I kept asking myself “How do you know what kind of beta-reading do you need?” and I kept saying “Well you just read through the descriptions of the types and go ‘yeah that one, I want that one.’ Or even ‘all those, I want all those.’” And then I got stuck in the “identifying” part of the exercise and lost track of the “asking” part of the exercise. All that said, there’s several false starts in the doc where I draft these posts.
So how do you identify what you need? I mean, go back to the last post and read through the descriptions. If you find yourself going “yeah that one! I’d like that.” that’s what you need. If you find yourself going “all these” that’s also valid! If you start going “eh, I don’t know… maybe?” that’s when you should pause and consider what you want out of the beta-reading experience.
I’ve talked before about how in fanfiction spaces especially there are some people who don’t care for beta-readers at all. As in, they don’t use them because they don’t want to. This usually stems from ideas like “This is free fiction I’m publishing online, who cares if there’s a typo?” and it’s a completely valid train of thought! I have written many a tiny-fic where I’ve gone “oh honestly, I just needed this out of my brain, it doesn’t need to be perfect, just post it,” and haven’t gotten a beta-reader.
Like most things I think a desire for a beta-reader falls along a non-linear spectrum. There’s those who don’t care, there’s those who think their story is fine, but they would rather be saved from weird typos/SpAG errors. There’s those who want a little more help with making sure their story can be followed. There are folks who need a brainstorming buddy or a cheer-reader to help them keep going when they get stuck. There are all sorts of writers. So at the end of the day it’s up to you to ask yourself what you want out of the experience, and what you actually think is necessary and nice to have.
Once you’ve figured it out, you then go back to our how to ask guidelines remembering this:
For All Requests Fandom (if not obvious) Major Relationships Quick Summary What I need a Beta-Reader for
For Completed Pieces / Single Section Requests Rating Word Count Archive Warnings/ Content Warnings / Relevant Tags Deadline
For In Progress Pieces / Long Term Requests Expected Rating Current Word & Chapter Count AND Expected Chapter Count All Possible Archive Warnings/ Content Warnings / Relevant Tags Timeline / Deadline Expectations
Let’s pull out What I need a Beta-Reader for. When you’re filling this section out, the more details you can give, the better. Here’s some examples of what you might say, and what you’re actually asking for:
I’m currently in the early process of writing, and want a cheer-reader who can ask me questions about the big beats and help me figure the plot out. (Cheer-Reader and Plot Block beta)
I feel like I’ve been in the same scene forever, and I don’t know how to get out (Flow & Pacing Beta)
What comes next?!? How do I continue?! (Plot Block)
There is a complicated thing happening in my story, and I need to make sure it makes sense (Flow & Pacing)
My characters have run off and now I don’t know what they want me to do (Characterization)
Story is good, I want to post by [deadline] and just want to make sure everything makes sense and there’s no major errors (Bit of SpAG, Final Polish, and some light Flow & Pacing here)
Content warnings?! (Final Polish)
Just need a SpAG! (…SpAG!)
I’ve been staring at this for so long the words are running together (Final Polish if you’re ready to post otherwise, Flow & Pacing and light SpAG if you’re not).
“So should I just put: I need a Flow & Pacing beta reader?” you ask. I mean, it doesn’t hurt. A lot of times when I hear stories about horrible beta-reading experiences, it comes down to a miscommunication on what the writer wanted and what the beta-reader thought they wanted. I think a sentence like:
I’m looking for a Final Polish (SpAG please!) read from someone who is also comfortable with picking up on odd Characterization quirks, and Flow & Pacing issues, just to make sure I’m consistent throughout the story.
is a great way to ask. As is:
I have no idea what is happening in this story anymore. Send help. (and someone to help me get out of this Plot Block and regain my Flow)
However you ask, if there’s certain things you don’t want your reader to comment on, be up front with that.
This story is done. I only want SpAG. Is anyone available?
Or in the DMs, be clear:
I only want thoughts on these two chapters, please do not read anything past this big red line.
I’m really not going back to rewrite anything unless the sentence sounds like I just stopped in the middle.
What I would make sure you avoid is: “I need a characterization beta reader, thank you, goodbye” Give details as to why you think you need something (“I need help with flow and pacing, it’s a fight scene and I don’t know how to fight.”) to help folks figure out if they can actually help you. But also, remember not everyone reads this blog (share with your friends!) and I’m making up words as I go along sometimes. So while these are pretty universal ideas, they may not be universal terms. So give the thing you are struggling with/the why you are looking for, and the term for further clarity. 
Remember that second disclaimer? I actually asked the lovely @ambrasuee to read over this before I posted it because sometimes you need a beta reader for your beta blog, I guess. And we know the rules for giving credit to our beta readers. So major props to Ambra for being the person who goes “get out of your head and post it. It’s good” when I need that kick. But we’re going to end here for today and next time we’re going to talk about how to respond to a call as a beta reader.
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chasingpj · 3 years
"You only want to stay because of your little boyfriend. Is he more important to you than us?“
pairing: percy jackson x child of hecate!reader
words: 5,297
warnings: angsty, mentions of breaking down
timeline: post sea of monsters
if you want to be tagged every time I update this story click here
a/n: i'm so fried after editing this, if i missed any typos, i'm sorry. as always, let me know what you think! i love getting feedback from you guys!
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five
Your siblings sit in a half-circle at the back of the Hermes Cabin, ready for their lesson. James lays out the materials you’ll need for the potion he was demonstrating today: the mortar and pestle, herbs, spell books. He has almost everything except for the sand, which was the most crucial ingredient. So, he had sent you to retrieve some from the dunes since you were the only one who didn’t need the lesson Ernest was teaching.
Ernest stands in front of Sage, Alice, Lou Ellen, and Atticus, lecturing on the properties of sand. Your siblings listen attentively, taking notes in their notebooks, all of them but one. Ernest looks up from reading a part of his book of shadows, noticing Atticus is distracted by his familiar.
"Atticus, are you listening?" Ernest asks, raising his eyebrow as he closes his book. Atticus cradles Harvey in his arms as if he is a newborn baby, his finger scratching his tummy as the animal curls up towards his chest. He doesn’t notice the other staring at him for a few seconds, looking up after realizing he had stopped talking.
"Me? Yeah, dude. I'm listening," Atticus bluffs, and Ernest squints, leaning back on the desk behind him.
"So what did I just say?"
"Atticus, are you listening?" Atticus repeats, smiling as his sisters giggle beside him. The corner of Ernest’s mouth tugs into a slight smirk as he rolls his eyes.
"What did I say before that?" He clarifies. Atticus sways in his place, continuing to soothe his tired familiar, and he hums, trying to recall what they were discussing. He’s quiet for a while before grunting. He really wasn't listening, too distracted by his surroundings to focus. Ernest pretty much lost him at “alright guys, today…” However, he remembers you volunteering to get sand after James realized he forgot to get some himself.
"Ehm… I don't know. Something about sand?"
Ernest sighs, "Yes, I was talking about sand. Can anyone catch Atticus up on the properties for sand?"
"Different sands have various spiritual properties, but the lake sand that you're using today can be used in spells for self-reflection and grounding," Travis chimes in all of a sudden. He's laid down in his bed, holding a comic book over his head as he looks at the group.
James turns away from the materials, amused that the other has probably been listening this entire time. It was the middle of the day, so the Hermes cabin was pretty empty since everyone was out doing their own thing. The only other people in the cabin were the Stoll brothers and a handful of their siblings. James chuckles,
"Travis, you want to be a witch too?" He jokes, and Travis shrugs,
"I practically am already. I'm always listening to your lessons," he admits amused, returning his attention to the comic book he was reading.
"Everyone has a little witch in them. See Atticus; even Travis was listening," Alabaster teases.
Atticus grunts, "Yeah, yeah. I was trying to put Harvey to sleep!"
“You act like he’s a baby that needs to be coddled!” Sage raises her eyebrow. Atticus had always been super affectionate with Harvey. She swears she’s never seen Atticus and Harvey separated for long like the way you and Ambrose have periods where you’ll be apart. When Ambrose knew you were safe, he’d usually wander off to find your siblings or mess around with monsters in the forest, so he wasn’t with you 24/7. But Atticus managed to have Harvey with him all the time.
“Do not judge my parenting! He likes being held,” Atticus defends Harvey, and Lou Ellen rolls her eyes.
“Parenting? You sound like a single dad.”
Alabaster snorts, “anyways," he cuts in, grabbing both of their attention. "we can start the potion whenever Y/n decides to come back with it," he says as he sits down in a nearby desk chair.
Lou Ellen hums, "she's been gone for almost 40 minutes now. The dunes are on the other side of camp, but it shouldn't take her this long?"
"Maybe she got sidetracked?" James shrugs. "We can go look for her if she doesn't come back in another 10 minutes, but I'm sure she's fine.”
"I'm here!" You announce as you burst through the cabin door, Ambrose running next to you. He runs through the wall, rushing to join your siblings. You sigh, your arm coming up to wipe your forehead that was a little damp from sweat, and your cheeks are a little flushed from being in the summer heat.
"Look who decided to come back," James announces, shaking his head in playful disapproval. You smile sheepishly, too caught up in your breathing to say anything as you pass the jar to him. You return to your spot between Lou Ellen and Atticus, hoping they wouldn't ask too many questions.
"What took you so long?" Lou Ellen asks, her voice concerned. You clear your throat, attempting not to sound hesitant as you come up with a lie on a whim.
"Oh uh, I just got distracted… some of the girls from the Aphrodite cabin were hanging out at the dunes, and I got caught up in conversation," you stutter a little, suddenly feeling nervous as Atticus squints at you. You accidentally meet his stare before looking away fast, turning so that your back is facing him.
"You're lying," he declares. You scoff,
"No, I'm not!"
"I'm your twin, y/n. I know when you are lying!" He reminds you, and you groan.
You and Atticus have always had this weird twin sense. You both can tell when the other is lying because you could pick up on each other's emotions really well. You thought maybe if he didn’t see your body language, he wouldn’t be able to pick up on your lie, but of course, he didn’t need a visual to know that you were nervous. You could also feel each other's pain to a certain extent which has always been annoying. Atticus was pretty accident-prone when he was younger and, well, still is. This meant any bumps and bruises he managed to obtain, you would always get dull aches in the same area. The most annoying part of it all was that the more severe the pain, the more you felt. Once you had period cramps so bad, you both had to call out from school because he was also curled up in his bed, declaring that he’ll never make period jokes again in his life.
You weren’t sure why you had this connection with your brother. Since you’ve had it your entire life, you had thought this was a regular thing, but you’ve recently found out that it wasn't normal at all. You just assumed that it came with the quirks of being children of a sorceress goddess. You had to admit that it was cool, but at times like this, you wished you didn’t have it because Atticus called you out a lot.
You didn't want to admit you got distracted by Percy in the combat area. On your way back, you saw him practicing with the test dummies. You watched him practice for a few seconds, and you had no intention of stopping to talk to him initially, but when he caught you walking by, he called you over.
"Admit it, you were nervous," Percy laughs, continuing to tease you about how you ran away from him during Capture the Flag. You scoff, nudging his shoulder,
"Of you? Please,” you deny even though you were nervous about going head-to-head with him, but he didn’t need to know that. “It doesn't matter if I ran away because I still won!” You stick your tongue out at him, and he smiles,
“You should still practice your sword fighting, Y/n. You can’t always run away from a sword fight,” he points out, and you frown,
“I’m not a close-range fighter. It’s just how it is.” After declaring that you “failed” in sword fighting, you were a bit insecure about your abilities. It was a good and bad thing because after your “failure,” you delved into your magic studies, and you were proud of how much better your abilities have gotten. You could confidently say that you are now a more powerful and seasoned witch than you were at the beginning of the summer. The bad part was that you never stepped foot in the combat area again. The dagger you carried around barely saw the light of day, strapped in its holster most of the time.
"Well, one day, you might not have a choice… c'mon Sabrina Spellman, show me what you got," he jokes as he gets into his stance. You smile, putting the jar of sand down before taking your dagger out of its casing.
"I don't got much to show," you say playfully.
You thought that you'd just go one round with him, but the next thing you knew, he was giving you an entire lesson. He sparred with you a few times, analyzing how you fought and he gave you tips here and there. He was helpful and patient, and you did walk away knowing a few new things.
You swallow as you feel the stares of your siblings, now interested as to why you lied. You try not to become more flustered as you recall the feeling of Percy standing close behind you. His touch was gentle, hands slightly calloused as he adjusted the way you held your dagger, and with light fingertips, he moved your limbs, putting you in a stronger stance.
You shake your head, fiddling with your fingers, “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you trailed off, hoping Atticus would drop it. You turn to your brothers, James preparing everything, but Alabaster and Ernest were just as interested as the others regarding where you could have been.
"She was probably with Percy,” Connor mocks, a sly smirk on his face as the whole cabin filled with Ooo's and amused chattering. Your shoulders slouch, head hung low, and you felt like you wanted to crawl in a hole.
"Were you actually?" You hear Atticus asks with amusement in his voice. You don't move from your place, keeping quiet. You knew there was no use in denying it because Atticus would easily sense the lie.
"She definitely was!" Alice squeals when you don’t say anything, and you glare at your sisters, making them giggle.
Lou Ellen nudges your shoulder, "what were you guys doing? You looked flustered when you walked in here,” she teases and winks.
"Probably making out!" Connor butts in before you could answer, and you gasp, snapping your gaze to him.
“We were just sparring!" You blurt out, and Connor laughs at how defense you suddenly became. The last thing you wanted was rumors leaving the cabin, and you groan as your sisters start pestering you with questions, along with the assumptions of your other cabinmates.
"Okay! Okay," Alabaster shouts a little over the chattering. "We need to focus. You guys can talk about that later," he says, and silence falls amongst your siblings. You nod, relieved that you get to avoid the topic for now. You watch as they exchange looks, silently communicating something to each other. You had an idea that it had something to do with you as Ernest’s eyes flicker in your direction and Alabaster’s face hardens. James gave them a dismissive wave with his hand as if he was telling them not to worry before continuing to sort out the materials in front of him.
"Let's start this potion. Some of us have chores to do," James cuts through the silence as he grabs the mortar and pestle and sits down in front of you and your siblings.
As James puts the potion together, carefully showing you how to cut and crush certain herbs, Ernest sits beside him, explaining the steps carefully. You lean a little forward, focusing on the lesson, and you diligently write notes in your notebook, trying not to miss any crucial details.
“Take good notes; I’m copying those,” Atticus whispers in your ear, and you squint at him playfully. His arms were too occupied with Harvey, so he was just watching the demonstration, confident that you’ll take thorough notes for him to copy. You shake your head, turning your attention back to Ernest as he speaks. After demonstrating it, they pass on the materials to you guys, and it was your turn to try it out.
The potion was a little too easy for you, and you find yourself growing a little bored as you put everything together. It annoyed you because you felt like your brothers were going easy on you and you were itching to get into the more advanced stuff such as healing potions or something like a disguising potion.
Out of your three older brothers, Ernest was the most knowledgeable about potions. He was always helping out in the infirmary, making healing potions for the Apollo kids to use. Sometimes the Hermes kids would ask him to make potions for pranks, and you’ve even seen some of the girls from the Aphrodite cabin begging him to make love potions for them. Usually, Ernest would decline their requests, giving lectures, especially to the Aphrodite girls, why a love potion is a terrible idea. But in the times that he has agreed to do them, the results were always hilarious. Once, he made a Hilarity Potion for the Stoll brothers that turned the Ares cabin into a bunch of giggling messes for 24 hours. Until that day, you’ve never seen someone giggle aggressively before.
You were the first to finish the potion, bottling it up in a miniature glass jar before pushing the cork into the top. You carefully wired wrapped the jar, attaching it to a necklace and fastening it around your neck. After being praised by your brothers, you were off to do the chores that were given to you by Connor as repayment for not ratting you out to the Aphrodite Cabin about your spontaneous meeting with Percy at the docks.
You were done right in time for dinner, the time passing as usual as you and your siblings talk and laugh at the table. Soon, you were singing along to the songs at the campfire, and by the time it came to an end, your eyelids were heavy with fatigue. You knew then that you were not going to study into the night as the soreness from sparring with Percy started to settle in your muscles. When you arrived at the Hermes cabin after washing up for bed, you could barely keep your eyes open. The last thing you remembered was mumbling a good night to Atticus and turning over in your bed.
Your dreams were always weird, so when you’re taken to a meadow in the middle of nowhere, you weren’t surprised. Actually, you were pretty content, preferring this scene instead of the bizarre settings you often came across.
You swore you could feel the soft summer breeze blowing on your face, and you take a deep breath, basking in the fresh air. You look out at the grassy land ahead of you, noticing you were standing at a crossroad. Two gravel roads stretched in either direction, one path seemingly identical to the other. You turn around to study your surroundings further. You squint, hand hovering above your eyes to protect them from the shining sun that's beginning to set behind the hills. The valley was still; the only sound you could hear was the wind whooshing past your ears, and you felt safe.
“Come with us, y/n.” A familiar voice cuts through the stillness, and you gasp, looking in the direction it came from. You find Alabaster standing on the left road, James and Ernest standing beside him. You felt your stomach turn as their eyes darken. Your arms wrap around your frame as the once warm wind turns cold. Dark clouds roll in, splitting the sky in half as the right side remains the same sunny meadow. Groans of thunder echoed throughout the land, and you can sense an eerie presence lingering in the air.
“What?” You whisper to yourself, noticing Atticus standing on the right road.
“No! Don’t,” he shouts, his expression glazed over in fear, and you step back.
“Don’t listen to him. We know what’s best for you,” James says, his arm extended out for you to hold, and you shake your head. “Come with us.”
“No! Come with me!”
“Come with us!”
You feel your heart racing in your chest, the screams of your brothers sending goosebumps to your skin. Their voices become more desperate, and you can hear the grief and panic in their voices.
“No, no, no. It’s a dream… you can change it,” you whisper, becoming overwhelmed as the thunder grows louder and so the desperation in your brother’s wailing. You stare down at the ground, and your hands are pressed firmly over your ears. You try to concentrate on shifting into another dream, but before you could, you felt as if your body was sucked into a vortex. A distant voice calls your name, and you groan, your vision blurry as your eyes flutter open.
Alabaster stands over you as he nudges your shoulder softly, whispering your name until you finally wake up. “C’mon, get up.”
You lazily sit up in your bed, your surroundings fuzzy as Alabaster guides you to stand up. You assume that it must be morning as you slip your feet into your slippers and you rub your eyes. It didn’t take you long to notice that it was still night time and you whine softly, confused and annoyed that you were woken up from your slumber.
“Al? What’s going on?” Alabaster doesn’t answer, grabbing onto your wrist, and you were too groggy to protest, following him to the back window of the Hermes cabin. You stumble a little when you land on the grass, Atticus coming to your side and grabbing on to your other hand. You don’t even notice the nervous look on his face or the way his hand was shaking, too busy attempting to stay awake.
Your vision was still fuzzy, and you lay your head against your brother's arm, feeling Ambrose’s mouth tugging on your shirt frantically as Alabaster leads you into the forest. You don’t know what it was, but you had this feeling that something was wrong and a soft sigh leaves your lips as you gather your strength to get out of your grogginess.
“Wait… wait!” You snatch your arm from Alabaster's hold. “What’s going on?” You ask as your brothers turn around.
“We’re leaving,” Ernest says, and you furrow your eyebrows. “We’re going to join Kronos’s army.”
“We? Are you insane?” You felt your heart drop to your chest, and you tried to look for any sign that they were joking.
“Come with us, Y/n,” Alabaster pleads, and you feel goosebumps forming on your skin as you get an overwhelming feeling of deja vu. The tone of his voice, the way their eyes darkened, was the same as the dream you just had. Your brothers glowered down at you, waiting for your decision.
"No… no, this isn't right,” you whisper. You let go of Atticus’s hand, just now noticing how tight his grip was. You wipe your shaky palms on your pants, and for a moment, you thought you were still dreaming. At least, you were hoping that you were still dreaming. You scan your surroundings, trying to find a sign that would tell you that this wasn't real, but you don't find one.
“There is no reason to stay here, to fight on this side. Kronos will win the war. The camp doesn’t stand a chance,” Alabaster declares confidently. Your mind wanders, recalling the dark stormy clouds that loomed over your brothers in your dream and the eeriness that took over. You could practically feel your pulse in your ears, grasping the fact that your dream was a warning.
“And how are you so sure?” Your voice quivers, and you sigh in disbelief.
“Because mother told me,” Alabaster says, and your head jerks back, your eyebrows furrowed.
“Mother? She spoke to you?”
“Yes. She’s fighting for Kronos, and she believes it is in our best interest to join her.”
A wave of emotion washes over you all at once. You were shocked, furious, even a little jealous. Your mother never came to speak to you. You knew that she tended to favor your more powerful siblings. Your older brothers have talked to her a few times, and the reminder made your chest feel heavy. You knew she looked after you, obviously. She had saved your life by sending Ambrose to you and your brother's aid. You prayed to her daily, and she occasionally sent you signs that made you feel she was there with you — but coming to see you? That was a privilege that you weren’t worthy of; at least, that’s what it felt like.
Your fury came from the fact that your mother was the motivator of all this. Why would she persuade your brothers in her own interests? Weren’t there rules that your godly parent couldn’t interfere with certain things? You weren’t sure what the rules specifically were, but this didn’t feel right. You shake your head,
“Mother isn’t omniscient. She doesn’t know who will win.” Your fist is clenched hard on your side, and you watch as Alabaster’s expression hardens,
"You're only fighting on this side because of your little boyfriend. Is he more important to you than us?"
"Boyfriend?! What are you talking about-”
"I'm talking about Percy! Don’t think we haven’t noticed you hanging out with him. Sparring together? In the strawberry fields together? You guys were practically flirting at the campfire, and Connor told us that you’ve been meeting him at night. Is that true?"
You feel your face get hot, but it wasn’t at the accusation of Percy being your boyfriend but the rage that was swirling in your chest. You hated that he thought you would compromise your loyalty to your siblings for a boy. That wasn’t true. In the right circumstances, you would always put your siblings first because you knew they would do the same. But this wasn’t about Percy; you haven’t thought of him until Alabaster brought him up. This was about loyalty to the camp.
"He's not my boyfriend. It doesn’t even matter what side he’s fighting on. I couldn’t care less. Al… this- this is about family!"
"Family?! What?”
“The camp,” you say shakily, and you shift on your feet as a sarcastic laugh leaves Alabaster’s lips.
“The camp? You mean the camp that doesn’t deem our mother worthy of her own cabin? We’ve been trapped in that Hermes cabin since the beginning. Half of us didn’t even have a bed to sleep in the first summer we arrived. You and Lou Ellen had to cram in a twin-size bed the first couple of weeks until you got lucky and something opened up. Y/n, they don’t care about us. They toss us to the side, barely give us a space to learn our magic. This camp isn’t family. We're your family, Y/n. We understand you the most. We share the same powers, the same mother. We care for you."
You look down at the ground, hating that you were unable to deny that the words he spoke held truth. The children of minor gods were treated differently. You didn’t have a cabin dedicated to your godly parent, and that was enough to make you feel lesser than. You remember Ethan Nakamura saying in passing that being forced to sleep in the Hermes cabin was pretty much an odd punishment for not being a child of one of the 12. You remember laughing and brushing it off, not thinking much of it at the moment, but now, it suddenly occurred to you that he wasn’t joking at all. He was dead serious.
You have to admit that the living situation wasn’t ideal. It affected how you were able to study your magic and came with annoying inconveniences. You slept in a sleeping bag for your first summer, tucked away in the corner of the room with Atticus. The system in place for who gets a bed was set up by seniority. The longer you've been at camp, the more secure your sleeping arrangements were. You only got a bed because, at the beginning of the summer, a good chunk of kids had left to join Kronos’ army, which bumped you up on the waiting list.
You almost gave in, only so that you'd be with your siblings. If you stay, most of them will be long gone, and you'll be forced to fight them on the battlefield, but you couldn't leave. It didn’t feel right to compromise your loyalty to the camp. Though there were days where you did feel like an outcast, you couldn’t ignore the times you didn’t. Your friends here were important to you too, and you’ve always seen the camp as your haven. It was the only place where you didn’t have to worry about monsters or entities. Sure, some people at camp saw you as some freak, but you never felt as much as a freak here as you did in the mortal world. In the end, it boiled down to one question. Did you want to fight alongside your friends for a camp that brought you a sense of comfort? Or will you fight for a bitter, greedy titian who’s only using you so he can have the throne?
"No, I’m staying,” you say with a tight jaw, looking up to meet Alabaster’s eyes. You kept thinking of the dark clouds, the thunder roaring in the background, the way the valley darkened. That was a warning. That was a clear sign to run the other way, to not walk into the storm.
"Atticus?" Alabaster shifts his gaze to your brother, who stands beside you. Your entire body tenses up, your teeth chewing at the inside of your cheek.
He couldn't go. You couldn’t bear the thought of being without him. Though you were sure that he would be on your side, it was then you decided that if Atticus left, you were going to leave too. You hated that you were second-guessing him, but you weren't sure what to believe after this whole thing being pulled by Alabaster.
"... I'm staying.” His voice is more confident than you expected it to be, and you sigh out shakily, feeling the weight of dread lift from on your shoulders. You’ll still have your twin, and right now, when you felt like your whole world was falling apart, that’s all that mattered.
"You both are fools," Alabaster hissed, and your fist clenches, gaze snapping up.
"You’re the damn fool. How are you so sure that if Kronos wins, everything will suddenly be better? Alabaster, he’s feeding off your anger for his own agenda. You really think if we fight in his little army, he’ll care about us?” Your voice cracks, you scan the crowd of your siblings looking at you. You peer over at your sisters, who were huddled behind your brothers.
“Sage, Alice, Lou Ellen? This isn’t right. We- I- don’t go, just stay here at camp,” you plead, hoping that if you could persuade them to stay, maybe your brothers will forfeit their plan. “I have a bad feeling. I had a dre-”
“Stop,” James barked. You couldn’t help but cringe; the way his eyes narrowed at you was something you’ve never seen before.
“The odds are in Kronos’ favor. He has a bigger army. His allies are strong. This camp doesn’t stand a chance. You asking them to stay is the same as asking them to die,” he declares. “Mother says if- when he wins, she will take care of us. We can live and study with her, she promised.”
Your eyes sting with tears, and you close them, fingers anxiously peeling the skin around your nails. It was way too good to be true. That’s probably something you’ve always wanted, to live as a coven with your siblings. You only wished for a conversation with your mother, but the opportunity to learn from her directly was tempting. Still, you thought about the chaos that would reign across the country, across the world. You didn’t understand how a world under the rule of Kronos could be any better than the world you had now. And you deduced that it would probably be even worse.
“It’s all bull,” you spat, and you scoff. “I’m asking them to die? Take a look at where you’re taking them! This is mad. Guys, please,” you plead again. You frown as Alice and Sage refuse to look at you, huddling close beside each other.
“I- I’m staying,” Lou Ellen suddenly breaks the silence, and you feel a rush of hopefulness. Her head is lowered in a bow, avoiding the stares of your brothers as she walks to you. You reach out your arms, grasping her hand the moment she was close enough. You hear Ernest scoff, turning around to look at Sage and Alice.
“Anyone else would like to stay?” His tone is harsh, cutting through the night and Alice and Sage stare at the floor. You could tell from their trembling hands that they were scared. If they felt any conviction, any second thoughts, they didn’t dare to speak up.
“Let’s go before we get caught out here,” Alabaster announces, and you meet his eyes one last time.
“We’ll see you on the battlefield, sister.”
The walk back to the Hermes Cabin was silent. You hold on to Lou Ellen’s equally clammy hands, the three of you shaken up from what just happened. A part of you still couldn’t even believe that this is how your night played out. You glance at Atticus, his face expressionless, but you knew his mind was scattered with a million thoughts. If your own grief wasn’t enough, you were met with the burden of the grief radiating off of him.
Atticus coped with things differently than you did. You were quick to cry when you’re sad, scream when you were angry, but he bottled it up. He would bottle it up until all his emotions boiled over the limit. Even then, he was private, never letting it out where people could see him, but no matter what, you felt it, and no matter what, you were there comforting him.
He meets your gaze, and you take in the sadness on his face. The sight of his sorrow made it hard to hold back your tears. You knew that when Al called his name, he felt your panic. He felt your dilemma. You didn’t exactly know his stance on the impending war, but you knew at that moment, Atticus made his decision because he didn’t want to be separated from you. He manages a sad smile as there is a mutual understanding of this between the two of you. He slings his arm around both you and Lou Ellen’s shoulders in a failed attempt to lighten up the situation. He swallows hard,
“We’ll be okay,” he musters out, and as confident he wished to sound, the weakness in his voice was unavoidable. You suppress the sob that threatened to leave your lips, a tear falling down your cheek, and you nod,
“Yeah, we- we’ll be okay.” Your voice falters.
and hopefully, they’ll be okay too.
masterlist taglist: @nct127bee @xxyrr
255 notes · View notes
hanniiesuckle17 · 3 years
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Chapter 7: The Library
A/n: so this chapter has been long-awaited by some and i hope you guys enjoy it! the series will really start moving after this so i would love to hear what you guys think of the chapter! Sorry about any typos- i didn't have time to edit this with all my schoolwork this week! Tag List is Open <3
Tag List: @woodiegochile @mini-meanhoe @leggomylino @hanstagrams @desertofdessert @hoes4hoseok @jeonqqin @geminirules @mrsunshine999 @jisungsjheekies @hannie-squirrel00 @cotccotc @kodzu-ken @konenichi @yangs-jeongin @binniebutter @orangegyu @little-precious-baby @raethethey @sofie296 @hongjoong-a-holic
RBTL Tag List: @bluejayboys @wonderlandless @introverted-stay24  @sunfics​ @deputyjuyeon​  @studioreader​
Warnings: Cursing
WC: 2.9k
Summary: True love has never come easy; life makes sure of that. From unrequited love to missed timing, does anyone have any hope at finding success- let alone pass History at the same time? All these questions leave young people wondering….will they still love me in the morning?
Third POV
Y/n’s eyes grew tired as words about some minuscule event in history floated off the page of her textbook. She closed her eyes, stretching her neck-the bones cracking softly as her stiff neck rolled back. The odd silence drew her attention. Curious, she took the headphones from her ears and listened. All she could hear was the sound of raindrops falling against the large windows of the library.
It became quickly clear to the girl that she was alone and the only light in the room was coming from her little desk. “Hello?” She called out. Her voice echoed out from the second floor and filling the open building. When she heard no response, she shrugged and began pacing up her things to head home.
Though there was no response to the girl’s call there was in fact one lone soul left in the university’s library. One floor directly below Y/n sat a tall and slender boy, books piled high on his desk. Changmin twirled a pen between his fingers before checking his phone. His eyes widened seeing the time. Quickly he stuffed his journals into his bag, leaving his bag only half zipped. Red tuffs of fake hair stuck out as his doll was pushed towards the top of his bag.
The boy did a backtrack wondering if he should put his books away but decided against it knowing if he kept Chanhee and his friends waiting much longer then he might not live to see the midterm. Instead, he turned around and headed for the door- backpack on his shoulder and adjusting the glasses that were falling down his nose. 
It seemed fate was entirely focused on these two tonight. Only the storm clouds had a view of the girl walking down the stairs just in time to meet the boy as he stepped onto the main floor. The two shared a brief look- shocked to see another person at this hour, but continued their way to the front doors wordlessly.
Just the sight of the girl had Changmin’s hands starting a nervous sweat. He tried to focus on anything but how pretty he thought she looked with the dim light from the streetlamps outside casting streams of light over her face. As the two students grew closer to the door the sound of the storm outside grew louder. It was also easier for them to see as they neared the larger windows. 
Y/n reached out for the door. Surprisingly, she found resistance as she pushed. Again the girl tried, sending an awkward smile to the boy behind her. After pushing multiple times she gave up with a sigh.  “I- uh....I think it’s locked.”
Changmin stepped forward and tried his hand at the closed entranced. He pushed and pulled until retreating, brows furrowed. “What you didn’t believe me?” The girl asked with a breathy laugh. Changmin’s eyes widened as he turned to face her.
“What- no! No, not all! I- I- I just...”
“I was just joking, don’t worry.” A timid smile quirked up the corner of the boy's lips. He watched as she shed her bag- placing it against the nearest row of shelves. “Should we try together?” His head moved faster than his mind could process Y/n’s words. He shed his backpack next to hers and the two turned towards the sealed doors.
In his mind, he knew that even with both of their strengths pushing, the industrial locks on the university doors would not break. “I’m Y/n, by the way.” Instead of looking at the boy, she readied herself at the door, palms pressed against the metal bar.
“Oh- I’m..uh...C-Changmin...”
“Well C-Changmin, push on three?” He nodded, finding Y/n’s smile, though small, even more enchanting up close. “One, two, three!”
The two of them pushed with all their might but to no avail. Y/n looked defeated as she pulled her phone out of her back pocket. Her delicate fingers pushed the button but the screen refused to light up. 
Changmin had a similar idea. He reached for his own phone. Both of them smiled as it lit up showing the time and 11% battery left. The grin quickly fell as he realized there was absolutely no signal. Using his long limbs to his advantage he reached up searching one measly bar. 
Y/n ran a hand through her hair. This was the absolute perfect way to end her already stressful and torturous day. She reached for the lamp on a nearby desk but a huge roll of thunder resonated through the building and it suddenly became even darker. 
“Well, this is the beginning of a horror movie if I’ve seen one.” Changmin joked, kicking the door with a grin. His smile fell as he turned to see the fearful look on Y/n’s face.
“Dude- why the fuck would you say that!” 
“I don’t know! I’m sorry!” He mentally hit himself over and over. Why did he say that? There was no need to break the silence. The silence was his safety net right now. If he was silent there was absolutely no way he could appear like some weird Freakazoid to her. He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, casting brief glances over at the pretty girl he had liked for so long.
The two gradually gravitated towards each other. There was really nowhere else to go. Y/n enjoyed the sound of the storm outside, letting it calm her ever-growing nerves. Changmin resisted the urge to engage in embarrassing small talk.
A bright crash of lightning brightened up the room in sheets just as Y/n’s eye fell on the two backpacks several feet away. Her scream echoed off the ceiling as she caught a glimpse of the Chucky doll peeking its head out of the boy’s bag. Instinctively, she grabbed onto the closest thing- which happened to be Changmin’s hoodie.
Heat flooded every inch of his face and he wasn’t quite sure where to put his hands so he settled for keeping them up in the air. Inside his heart was beating faster than he ever thought possible. It was like all of his senses were heightened the moment she touched him.
“What the hell is that?”
“Oh...umm...he’s my Chucky.”
“Your what?” She pulled away from him and Changmin instantly missed her touch. The girl all but laughed seeing the blush on his cheeks and his arms still raised in the air almost in surrender.
“My Chucky. You know- like from the movie...”
“Yes, I’ve seen the fucking movie!”
Nervously he adjusted his sweater before shuffling over and gently tucking his doll safely pack in his bag- out of sight from the still shaken girl. “Why are you carrying that around anyway?”
The scare had seemed to lessen the tension between both of them; though Changmin was still very aware of every word and action towards Y/n. “I was headed to a thriller marathon at my friend’s apartment after I finished some studying.” She nodded but in her mind, she wondered how if he had been studying for as long as she had, he did not have tears running down his face and a massive migraine. “I guess I just lost track of the time.” 
Y/n couldn’t help but smile a the boy’s lopsided grin. She found it endearing how one side was always high than the other. The more he smiled at her the more she wanted to take a picture of his little quirk.
Another weighted silence fell between them. Against his better judgment, Changmin began to speak. “I don’t mean to pry...but what were you doing here so late?” For a moment Y/n had forgotten all about her troubles that had been following her for the past month and a half. A visible heaviness pressed down her shoulders.
Her back pressed against the bookshelf and she let herself slide down to the floor. “I gave up on finding a tutor last week. I was hoping some miracle would happen if I read that stupid book long enough.”
At that moment she wasn’t just the girl he had been pining after since he was in braces. Changmin saw the exhaustion. He saw the complete lack of hope. He moved his backpack- which she had sat down next to and took its place. 
“What book?” He didn’t need to ask but saved her the embarrassment of telling her that he had been in the room for her lecture with Professor Jeong. Wordlessly she pulled out a book, her hand dipping in the air from the significant weight. “Ah,”
“Good ‘ah’ or bad ‘ah’?”
“I’m not sure which the situation calls for?” He said pushing up his glasses with a little smile. 
Changmin’s grin grew a little wider as he heard her laugh. Even sitting in the dark, her smile seemed to fill the room with a warm glow. “At this point, I think I’m just useless.” She pressed her forehead against the cool cover of the book. 
She wondered why she found herself so comfortable with this stranger. It felt easier to talk with this boy she had known for twenty minutes than to talk with her closest friends- even her parents. A small shock of something she could only describe as electricity, raced up her arm as the boy’s hand brushed hers. He reached for the book, gently taking it from her hands and opening it to the tabbed page. 
“You aren’t useless, Y/n,” His words gave her comfort, wrapping around her like a warm blanket fresh from the dryer. Changmin chuckled, turning the page. “However, one might find it useful to highlight only the useful information and not the entire page.”
He found it cute looking down at Y/n’s textbook. Most of the passages were marked with yellow highlighter- easy to see even in the growing darkness. Some lines were underlined in red and there were circled statements with question marks all over the page. It was evident that she was in fact trying. Actually, her notes were in more detail than his. 
“I just don't understand it.”
“All of it.”
“All of history?”
“Sure- let’s go with that.” She shrugged leaning her head back on the bookshelf.  
“I think history can be confusing sometimes too.” Changmin let her textbook rest on his lap. The two of them looked out the huge windows in front of them, watching the storm rage on outside. Occasionally, a flash of lightning would light up the library. “You know, I’m in Professor Jeong’s class too.”
“You are?”
Chanhee was right. She had no idea he existed until now and unless he played his cards right, she would forget about him the moment she left this building. “Yeah...I sit two rows behind you.” He watched her eyes widened a little as if she was trying to recall every face she had seen in that classroom. “Actually...to be fully honest...I knew who you were before tonight.”
Her brows furrowed, creating a small crease in the middle of her forehead. Everything about her fascinated Changmin, even down to her smallest expression. Getting a little nervous, he started rummaging through his backpack. As he chose his next words carefully in his mind, Changmin pulled out a half-full plastic water bottle and portable charger he forgot he carried. 
Interested in the boy’s previous statement, Y/n watched him with intrigue. “I-uh....” His hands shakily turned on his phone’s flashlight after plugging his phone into the charger. “We went to the same high school. You and I have shared classes since grade nine.” Her jaw dropped a little at his words.
“I feel....like such a bitch.”
“Oh no-” He stuttered, trying to balance the water bottle over his flashlight- creating a makeshift lantern. 
“Oh my god, I am the biggest asshole! I’ve never once noticed you in seven years? You must hate me!”
His heart warmed, seeing how bothered she was. He felt a little pride swell in his chest knowing that Sunwoo and Chanee were completely wrong about Y/n. “No, not at all! I just think we had different friend groups that’s all.”
Shrouded in the light from their little water lamp the two of them exchanged old high school gossip that Changmin never quite understood from the outside. “Wait so Miyoung stole Yeonu away from Hajoon?” Changmin covered his mouth in shock, his eyes widening in a cute way. 
Y/n smiled and nodded, hand falling on his knee. “Yeah- I know right!”
“And Yeonu was the guy who-”
“Yeah who sold Class 4B the midterm answers!”
Changmin let loose a huge sigh. “Damn- I missed so much in high school by just studying and playing games.” This time a comfortable silence fell between the two students on the floor. By the way her eyes were drooping, Y/n assumed it was about three am. 
“Nah you just missed....a whole lot of drama.” She yawned shaking her head to stay awake. 
It was then that Changmin’s willpower gave in to the weariness of his body. His brain no longer had control of his mouth at that moment. “What if I tutored you?”
A sleepily smile slid onto Y/n’s face. She turned her head against the shelf to look up at the boy next to her. His hopes fell as she laughed a little. “I need more help than just History.”
“What else?”
“Math, Physics, Psych...”
“I can help you with all of that too!” 
Changmin hated how eager he sounded. “What are you? Some kind of genius?” She smiled even though her back was getting sore and the sound of the rain was lulling her to sleep. 
“No, just a mathematics major whose parents paid for top tutors until he was sixteen.”
The girl stared at him. Her expression was unclear. In her mind, she knew there had to be some catch. No way was this guy going to tutor her in all the subjects she needed for nothing. “What’s your rate, Genius?”
“Like money?
She nodded, turning to fully face the boy. Y/n waited for some terrible number that was hellbent on destroying her bank account. Changmin on the other hand was panicking trying to decipher what number was high enough to get her to say yes but not low enough to make her think that he wasn’t serious. “Um.....$8?”
“An hour? For four subjects?”
Once again Changmin was frozen as Y/n threw her arms around him in a hug. His hands returned to their familiar place- up in the air, shaking, and far away from her. 
The pair spent the next hours with textbooks sprawled around them. Changmin patiently assessed where Y/n was in each of her subjects, surprised how someone of her intelligence was struggling. He found that she was indeed very bright- but simply not understanding the information the way it was being given to her. 
Neither of them noticed the rain stopping or even the sun rising with a pink and orange glow coming over the horizon, morning light sliding across the marbled floor. They didn’t even notice the sound of keys being turned in the front doors hours earlier they tried so hard to open. 
“What are you kids doing here?” The two students looked up to see one of the librarians standing in the doorway, keys in hand. 
They looked at each other before scrambling to grab their things and running out the doors. The warm, wet morning air greeted them as they stumbled outside. The sun was just peaking over the buildings and Y/n smiled at the dew clinging to the bright green blades of grass lining the sidewalks. It was a new day and a new hope filled her chest. “We’re finally out!” Changmin cheered, jumping up and down adorably. 
Y/n found it precious that someone so tall and graceful looking could be so clumsy and cute. “Changmin, I can’t thank you enough. I don’t think anyone could have explained the Joseon Era principles better.”
“Oh- i-it was nothing.”
“Here,” Taking a pen from her pocket she reached for his right arm and rolled up the sleeve of his hoodie. He took the moment to once again appreciate her beauty up close while the girl wrote her number on his arm. When she was done she placed the pen in his large hand and looked at him expectantly. “Aren’t you going to give me yours?”
Changmin vigorously nodded his head ‘yes’ and internally screamed at his brain to remember the numbers to his own phone number. With anything but steady hands, he wrote his number on her forearm and basked in the glow of the smile he received.
“So-uh..I’ll call you? You’ll call me? We can talk about times that work?”
“Yeah! Dates....and what not...Study-dates I mean! Tutoring! Yes.”
“Awesome! I can’t wait! Thank you so much, you have no idea how much you are saving my ass.” Y/n cheered as she started to back away towards her dorm. 
“So you’ll call me?” He called after her. His feet were planted firmly where he stood for he feared if he moved an inch he might float away.
She laughed, her smile even brighter in the growing daylight. “Or something, yeah!”
“Okay!” He watched Y/n unit she rounded a corner before letting all the joy explode from his body in a fit of jumps, hollers, cheers, dance, and maybe what some might consider singing. 
The sun basked in the boy’s glee as he danced and jumped his way down the sidewalk screaming “YES! SHE KNOWS WHO I AM!” His body was no longer sore and his mind was no longer tired. Instead, he ran all the way back to his apartment with a grin that the sun could not compete with. 
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haikyuuuuuhypeeeee · 3 years
Ch. Twenty Two
⚠WARNING: Hospitals, mentions of hospital treatments (ethical and unethical - it is just speculated, there is no graphic descriptions nor is there any unethical hospital treatments used on any characters.)
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You're folding the picnic blanket when you think to turn your phone back on.
Oikawa, Mattsun and Makki are discussing their plans for the rest of the day - they want to keep reminiscing and there’s talks of pulling out yearbooks and photos. You let them plan, knowing you’d be on board with whatever they want.
Your phone fully comes on, and a text pops up immediately.
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Your heart plummets in your chest. You quickly unlock your phone and call Kita immediately. You don’t want to wait long before he picks up.
“Hello Y/N-san.”
“Kita,” you reply. Your throat feels dry as a desert. “What’s wrong, is Osamu okay?”
“Yes, Osamu is okay and not in any immediate danger.” He is quick to quell your fears, not wasting any time with pleasantries. “His fever intensified after he woke up so we brought him to the hospital. He was admitted in the later morning, but the doctor is confident that with plenty of medicine, fluids and rest Osamu will be fine.”
You sigh. “Thank goodness. I’m glad he’s okay.”
There’s a slight pause before Kita replies. “Yes, as are we.”
You didn’t like that pause. Nor the way he phrased his response.
“Kita, what’s wrong?”
There’s another pause before you hear a sigh. Then Kita speaks. “Osamu was admitted for his fever. But he is going to remain in the hospital under psychiatric watch.”
Your heart drops to your stomach. Out of the corner of your eyes you’ve noticed your friends paused in their cleaning efforts and are giving you concerned looks.
“What?” You whisper. “What does that mean?”
“It was at the advice of the in-house psychiatrist that Osamu remained until his parents could talk about next steps, and Osamu agreed. His parents are less than an hour away - we contacted them last night when we came to Osamu’s apartment. He is not a threat to himself at this time but during this limbo they want to keep him under watch.”
Kita speaks in his soothing, calm voice you’ve gotten familiar with and his words are meant to reassure you. But you’re scared, very scared. All you can picture is Osamu locked in a room, alone and chained up and scared. The vision makes you grip your chest.
“I know this is a lot to take in,” Kita says over the phone. “Aran, Suna and I are at the hospital right now. We’re going to greet Osamu’s parents and stay for however long we can remain useful. You are more than welcome to join us.”
“I’ll be there,” you answer immediately. “I’ll be there soon.”
You hand up the phone and finally turn to your friends. They look extremely worried.
“This morning Osamu woke up with a really bad fever and he went to the hospital. I guess the psychiatrist wants to keep him there for observation.”
“Observation?” Makki repeats. “What does that mean?”
“They think he could hurt himself.” Mattsun says quietly. Makki blanches.
Oikawa steps up. “Are you okay?” He asks quietly.
You stare at him, trying to figure out your emotions. “I don’t know,” you say truthfully. There’s really only one feeling you have. “I’m worried about Osamu.”
Your voice breaks on Osamu’s name and Oikawa pulls you in for a hug.
“Are you going to the hospital?” Mattsun asks.
You hesitate, despite giving Kita your affirmation not even five minutes ago. You want to go, and be there for Osamu. But today is for Hajime, and you want to be there for your friends.
“You should go,” Oikawa tells you. You look at him in surprise. He planned this whole day and wanted to spend it with everyone - yes that’s when he was being a bit more of a dictator but you’re still surprised to see his change of heart.
“Iwa-chan would want you to support your friends, all of your friends.” He gives you a small smile. “Go, but text us updates.”
You nod, smiling at him. You turn and start to walk away, but the quick thought of deserting your friends makes you pause.
When you turn around all three of your friends are waving their hands at you. “Go! It’s fine!” Oikawa calls.
You laugh quietly, then turn and run to the bus stop.
The ride to the hospital is short, quick and uneventful. Your mind is whirling and you’re barely paying attention. You spare enough attention to know when to jump off the bus and run into the hospital lobby, dodging other people. As you scan the area you immediately find Kita, Aran and Suna tucked in a corner. Kita stands from his seat as you approach, as does Aran. Suna remains in his seat, exhaustion having taken over his features. Aran also looks defeated, but Kita’s calm and collected expression keeps you from spiraling too much.
“How is he?” You ask as you get within earshot.
“There are no updates since our phone conversation from earlier.” Kita replies. He offers the plush seat next to Suna and you gingerly sit. “All we know is that his fever has gone down and he checked himself in for voluntary watch under self-harm precautions.”
The reminder makes you flinch, still shaken by the events. Kita reaches an arm out to your shoulder. “It will all be okay. We should have some more answers soon - the Miyas should be here any second.”
He barely finished his sentence when a voice called out, making Kita turn to the entrance. Two more people are rushing to your group, a man and a woman. You immediately peg them as Osamu’s mom and dad - besides the fact that you knew they would be joining you all, the woman has the same eyes as Osamu. Now they’re tight with worry and apprehension as she throws her arms around Kita.
“Thank you so much for calling us!” She tearfully cries with her arms wrapped around Kita. The father is currently hugging Aran, both holding onto each other tightly. “I’m so glad we were able to get here so quickly.”
“It was nothing.” Kita answers calmly. The mother jumps over to Aran to give him a hug while the father hugs Kita. Both parents turn and give Suna a big squeeze, sandwiching him between them.
Kita continues talking. “In fact, Y/N here was the one who helped us find Osamu.”
Both parents turn to you, making you freeze in your seat. You swallow thickly, standing up quickly.
“Uh, hi. I’m Y/N. I’m a friend of Osamu’s here in Sendai.”
It’s quiet for another second before the woman launches herself at you. You feel your eyes widen but you’re able to move your arms in time to catch her.
“A friend, oh thank you, thank you!” She is nearly sobbing while clutching onto your figure. “I thought my Osamu was alone in the city, but you’re his friend.” You feel tears on your neck as Osamu’s mom starts crying, but you do your best to pat her back and comfort her.
“Osamu is one of my very good friends,” you say as the mom pulls away. “He means a lot to me.”
She gives you a tearful smile while Osamu’s father speaks up. “If you don’t mind me asking how did you two become friends?”
“It was a random meeting,” you say, not necessarily lying. “But we became good friends because we’ve both lost someone close to us.”
The father’s eyes soften while his face falls ever so slightly. He steps forward and opens his arms. “Can I give you a hug? I like to ask, seeing how my wife just jumps right in.”
You smile but step in for a hug as well. It’s warm and all encompassing, and you feel a bit of tension release from your shoulders. “I’m very sorry for your loss.” He says before pulling away.
“Thank you.” You say earnestly. “And I’m sorry for your loss also.”
He nods. “I’m sure you know how important it is to talk to someone about this, even if you’re just talking to a friend. Having that support is immeasurable. So thank you for being Osamu’s friend.” He gives you a smile. “It means more to me than I can explain.”
You’re slightly taken aback with how genuine he sounds, but you nod all the same. “It was the same for me.”
The dad gives you a smile before his wife comes up to him. “Kita told me we can go see the doctor and Osamu now.”
The father nods at her, giving you a smile before departing. As they walk towards the elevators you see him wrap his arm around his wife’s shoulders and hold her tight.
“Oba-san asked us to stay at the hospital if we could.” You turn and see Kita standing by his chair. Aran has sunk down into his and Suna already looks fast asleep, long legs sprawled out in front of him. “You are more than welcome to stay, but I don’t know how long we will be here.”
“I’ll stay,” you answer. You sit back in your seat next to Suna, feeling the wariness of the day catch up to you. You might copy Suna and let your eyes drift close for a bit. You know it’ll be awhile before you hear anything from Osamu anyway.
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• ────── ✾ ────── •
A/N: I like to think that Kita's typo in his text is because he's stressed out, not because I made a typo when writing this.....anyway, finally we meet Osamu's parents! They're are absolutely lovely people and I can only imagine the pain they've been through in the last few months. Thank you all for reading!!
Taglist Open! Please send an Ask with the request to be added to It’s [Not] Okay Fic & SMAU (bold cannot be tagged): @psycho-nightrose @camcam1617 @kamalymaly @toobsessedsstuff @shookykookie30 @roro-707 @qualitygiantshoepsychic @cerealfrdinner797 @ara-mitsue @gray-444 @tanakasimpcorner @rintarovibes @jellien @everytimeswift @bongofrito @babucrow @beidouluvr @kozuken-ma @imarriedachef @badkarma-a @reina-de-tay @meianshugoswife @creepykawass
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wowbright · 3 years
Fic: Sweet/Tart
Tan Hands and Tan Lines Snarky’s Word Challenge 2021: undulating
Words: ~1000
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: Blaine arrives at church on Easter and is jealous of Chandler’s outfit.
I’m belatedly going through the prompts for The Tan Hands and Tan Lines Summer Event 2021 to flesh out my Mormon!Klaine universe. This vignette takes place after Easter Hunt.
My Mormon!Klaine Masterpost.
Notes: Is this even smoot? My challenge tag for the Tan Hands and Tan Lines prompts is now “thatl” because “tan hands and tan lines” appears to be blocked for some readers on the iOS app. Fun times!  If you have any questions or typo corrections, feel free to use my ask box!
They took the long route to church and did an impromptu hymn sing on their bicycles to help Elder Hummel burn off a little of his Peeps-induced sugar high. But not all of it. He was still peppy and talkative as they locked up their bikes outside the building, his smile almost as wide as his face. That, in turn, made Blaine smile so hard that some previously unknown muscles behind his ears started to ache.
Clearly, Blaine needed to smile like this more often to get those muscles in shape. He trusted that his companionship with Elder Hummel would continue to give him opportunities to exercise them.
“My favorite elders!” Chandler greeted them when they entered the coat closet. He was sitting on a crate in the corner, looking up from the open sheet music in his lap, and dressed head to toe in Easter colors: royal purple shoes, a powder blue suit, a butter-yellow button-down shirt, and bowtie and matching pocket handkerchief covered with tiny pastel flowers that picked up on the other colors in his outfit but was also threaded with a delicious shade of pink that reminded Blaine of SweeTARTS.
It was the kind of look that only certain people could pull off, and Blaine had to hesitantly admit to himself that Chandler had succeeded. In fact, Blaine was right on the edge of coveting the outfit, especially that charming bow tie. He honestly didn't know how he was going to survive the rest of his mission wearing neckties every day.
“Here, let me get your coats!” Chandler hopped up from the crate and offered his assistance to Blaine first, which was a surprise. But maybe that was just so he could linger longer on Elder Hummel.
“You know,” said Blaine, “you don't have to sit in the coat closet.”
“Well, I wasn't sure about protocol when it came to reading in the sanctuary,” Chandler said.
“Oh, that’s fine. And there are the Sunday school rooms, too.”
“Yeah, but I've never been in any of them before. I'd feel like I was breaking in.”
Blaine had somehow forgotten that Chandler hadn't actually been to their church before. And yet he was singing in their choir. How awkward.
“And how is Easter going so far for you both?” Chandler asked, turning to take Elder Hummel’s coat.
“Fantastic!” effused Kurt. “The Easter Bunny—” he nodded his head unsubtly toward Blaine “—visited while I was sleeping and brought dyed eggs that were done so beautifully I wish I could keep them forever, and he hid candy all over the apartment. It was the best candy too. Amazing, American candy.”
“What’s wrong with German candy?”
“Nothing. But this stuff—” Elder Hummel took a deep breath before launching into a fast-paced exposition on the wonders of Peeps, his voice cresting and falling in undulating waves of enthusiasm. “Okay. They're called Peeps, and they're basically this brightly colored marshmallow fluff that’s shaped like little rabbits or baby chickens, and I honestly can't tell you if they taste good on an objective level, but I used to get them in my basket every year when I was a little kid, and when you're a little kid, all you care about is sugar, and every time I eat one, it brings back all those same feelings, and they’re. Just. So. Good! Maybe the Easter Bunny will save one for you and you can try it the next time we see you … if I don't find and eat it first.” Hmmm, so maybe the sugar high hadn't completely worn off quite yet.
Chandler laughed and hung Elder Hummel’s coat next to Blaine’s. He had taken no longer removing it than he had with Blaine, and he hadn’t lingered on Elder Hummel’s shoulders or anything untoward like that.
How odd. Was the crush dissipating? No, that couldn't be possible. Elder Hummel was much too fascinating to burn out on after only a couple of weeks. The thought was downright offensive.
It was more likely that Chandler felt the sacred spirit imbuing the church facilities and had decided to put a damper on his usual over-the-top flirting.
Did this mean Chandler had a suave, gentlemanly side?
And why did that thought make Blaine feel so much more uneasy than Chandler’s previously incessant flirting?
Stop judging Chandler and his outfit and his motives, Blaine silently scolded himself. Admittedly, it was a little difficult to do with the guy standing right in front of him.
“I should go warm up before everybody gets here.” Blaine turned heel into the sanctuary before Elder Hummel could tell him to wait. He just needed to sit down for a couple minutes and run through scales and think Christian thoughts.
Thinking Christian thoughts became easier as other choir members trickled in and Chandler became only one of many competing for Elder Hummel’s attention. It became easier yet when they went through one last run. The choir sounded amazing. Not just Elder Hummel and the sister missionaries or Chandler with his formal training. But all of them. The harmonies were clear and crisp and sent waves of emotion through Blaine’s heart, washing away any residue from the uncomfortable thoughts he’d entertained earlier and replacing them with the joyful peace he’d felt sharing Easter breakfast with Elder Hummel. Each voice built on the next, melding together into something greater than the whole as they brought the stagnant notes of the printed page alive. Blaine was reminded of the concert that took place in that dark tomb on the outskirts of Jerusalem two-thousand years before, when atoms and Spirit and breath conspired together to resurrect Christ from the dead.
Blaine’s hands moved over the piano effortlessly as he listened to the song, his whole being filled with love for each voice and each person gifted with that voice.
Including Chandler.
Today was Easter. Blaine’s Savior was alive. And everything was going to be just fine.
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kjhmyg · 4 years
rough edges pt. 6 (m)
pairing: jungkook | (f) reader genre: college!au, badboy!jk, fluffy too :(  warnings: mentions of drugs, unprotected sex, cursing, violence, alcohol, drinking, death, manhandling, college parties, boys lol  word count: 10.7K
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / part 6 / 6.5
author’s note: hello i love u. first of all welcome to  ♡ libra season ♡ sorry this took so long; it feels kinda short so maybe i’ll post a short 1k chapter next week (part 6.5). i wrote the last half of the last part like an hour ago i hope i didnt make any big grammatical errors or typos lol. also dedicating this to my friend haru who i miss loads.
RE asks tag
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What was a red mark on Jungkook’s cheek, has now turned purple-ish. He promises it doesn’t hurt anymore but you notice him mindlessly touching it at times. So you kiss it very gently each time you say goodbye and he doesn’t stop you.
With one arm around over the back of your chair, he’s feeding himself fries with the other. You lean against his shoulder, watching as he nibbles away. “Can’t keep your eyes off me huh?” He mutters.
“You know I can’t.” You admit, giggling into quick, continuous pecks. He lingers on a little longer on the last one like he always does.
“Will you guys save it for the bedroom?” Jimin asks, face twisted in disgust. He doesn’t really care, but it’s fun to tease Jungkook. “Gross.”
“Gross is you dipping fries in your coke.” Hana shakes her head at the soaked fry between his thumb and index finger.
"Don't be mad you don't have refined taste in food like me." He shoots back. “A soaked fry has equal parts sweet and salty.”
“You’re just gross.”
Hana’s realised it doesn’t take much to get under his skin and is enjoying every bit of it. The irony is that it always starts with Jimin trying to get under Jungkook’s skin. Next to Jimin, Taehyung’s phone has his undivided attention. In fact, he’s been rather quiet today, spending the last five minutes or so frowning at his screen.
“Tae, you alright?”
“No.” He sighs, finally looking up. “I have to get a job.”
“Well I don’t want to.” He says simply. “Can’t believe my parents are cutting off my allowance because I spend too much.” He uses air quotes.
Except for Jimin, the rest of you only manage blank stares, unable to sympathise with his first world problem. "Yeah, I’m sure those thousand dollar Balenciaga sneakers you got last week have nothing to do with it.” Jungkook says.
“Jungkook. They were limited edition.”
“A thousand dollars?” You say. “What the hell dude.”
“Okay can we stop talking about the past and focus on the present?” Leaning back against his chair and looking into the distance, Jimin places a comforting hand on his shoulder
“Don’t worry, we’ll find you a nice job.” Jimin says and he lets out a tiny whine, throwing his head back.
That’s when it hits you. You have no idea how, but it does. And you have no idea if it’ll work but you’re doing it anyway.
A clueless Hana raises a brow in question at the sudden look of mischief you give her. She braces herself for whatever you’re about to do, equally curious and worried. “Actually, you should apply at our café.” You say to Taehyung.
“They’re hiring?”
“Well not yet.” Turning back to her, you widen your eyes slightly, prompting Hana to play along. She quickly does, noticing Jungkook watching her over your shoulder. “I’m leaving soon so they’ll definitely need a replacement.”
“You’re quitting?” Jungkook asks, sitting up straight. “What happened?”
“Nothing.” The little head shake you give isn’t enough to convince him. “I just wanna work somewhere else. Anyway, you’d like working there Tae. It’s nice.” The other boy perks up, seemingly interested.
Hana agrees, explaining the details of your work and what it’s like there. While they talk, Jungkook squeezes your shoulder to get your attention, “Are you sure nothing happened? Creeps harassing you again?”
“No, really.” You say, hand over his cheek. “I just want a change of environment. The job’s getting boring.”
The worry in his eyes gradually disappears as he seems to accept it. He gives a soft okay for now. Looking away, you let out a silent sigh of relief. On the inside, the rational side of you is yelling her head off. What possessed you to decide to quit your job for no good reason? This plan is banking on the chance that Jungkook will let you join him at the club. Which when you think about it, is very unlikely to happen.
Yet, another part of you is excited. Your mind is in a frenzy. Convincing yourself you’ll figure the details out later, you silently thank Taehyung and his Balenciagas for handing you this opportunity.
"Oh hey, we better get going." Jimin says, looking at the time on his phone. "We'll see you guys tonight?"
The girls of Eta Iota are hosting a party tonight. Naturally, the boys get invited and by association, you too. Sunhee’s cashing in on your promise of taking her to one, so you have to go even if it’s just to hang around for a while then leave. You part ways with Jimin and Tae as Jungkook gives Hana and you a ride back. He walks with you to the lobby of your place, where you tell Hana to head up first.
Right by the stairwell, he leans against the wall and holds you in his arms, between his legs. “Are you sure you wanna quit your job?”
"Yessss, I’m sure. I wanna work somewhere else." Resting your chin on his chest, you look up at him. "It's cute that you're worried about me."
“Of course I am.” He kisses the top of your head. “I’ll help you keep a lookout for places that are hiring.”
You smile gleefully up at him. Oh, he’s going to help you get a new job alright. Just not in the way he’s thinking. Already, you feel bad for lying to him. But you keep telling yourself you’re doing this for him.
He doesn’t let you go so easily when you try and remove yourself, not giving up his hold on you. When you pry his hands off, he tugs you right back in, locking you in his arms as kisses land all over your face. “Stop,” you laugh, “someone might see us.” But you don’t look around to check for anyone. He doesn’t care either.
He lifts you up easily, wrapping your legs around him. Switching positions, you now feel the cool wall against your back. “Should we skip the party tonight?” He asks, a hopeful look in his eyes.
“You have to go. It’s part of your fraternity sorority socialising thingy thing.” He rolls his eyes at that. “Plus, I promised Sunhee I’d go with her.”
"Fine. But I’m only going ‘cause you’re going."
“So I’ll see you there, okay?” He nods in response as his hold on you loosens. A peck on the cheek and you’re going up the stairs, one step at a time, hand still holding on to his. As it slips away, he squeezes his chest with his other hand and groans in mock pain.
“Silly,” you mutter between giggles. He breaks character and skips up the steps to get another kiss from you. At this rate he would never leave.
“Jungkook seriously,” you say against his lips, leaning back to separate yourself from him, “you should go now. I’ll see you later anyway.”
He complies and lets you go, but not without releasing a very dramatic sigh. You hurry up the steps before he changes his mind, looking down over the railing as you go, waving your goodbye.
Purple, purple everywhere. The Etas had decided to do their rush party while celebrating their anniversary. Which explains why the decorations are of their ‘official’ colour. Purple balloons, cups, banners, napkins.
“This is so fun!” Sunhee squeals, coming up to hug you from behind. “I’ve made a bunch of new friends!” She squeals again and hurries off elsewhere, leaving you and Hana once again.
“I’m glad she’s enjoying herself.” Hana comments, taking a sip of her drink.
“Aren’t you?” You nudge her side. “You’ve had like four guys come up and give you their number. Don’t act like you’re not having fun.”
“I guess I’m havin’ a lil’ fun…” she mumbles towards the end, sipping on her drink with a tiny smile. She’s holding up much better than you thought she would. Much better than you at least, she doesn’t seem too bothered by the constant yelling.
There’s no reason to worry about Sunhee. She’d clung on to you earlier when you arrived together as promised, like you’re her ticket in. As soon as you passed through the doors, a couple of girls from the host house came up to greet you. While it was a little awkward for you, Sunhee saw her chance and took it. She’s been hanging out with them since.
“Where’s Jungkook?” Hana asks. She’s still unsure about your plan. You had gotten an earful from her earlier on, back at the apartment. Only after you promised, pinky promised and swore you’d be safe, did she finally calm down.
“Somewhere.” It’s crowded enough to not be able to see the other end of the room. You crane your neck to see better. “Don’t know if I can find him with all these people around.”
“Go.” Her pretty, long eyelashes flutter over her eyes as she looks at you. “Don’t worry about me.”
You’re hesitant to leave, but she reiterates that she’d be fine and you finally nod, much to her relief. She has Jimin and Taehyung with her anyway, she says, nodding over to the pair a few feet away.
Before disappearing into the crowd, you turn back to let her know you might not see her for the rest of the night. But she’s read your mind, waving her hands at you. “You’ll be with Jungkook, I know.”
“Text me when you get home. I love you.” You blow her a kiss and watch her roll her eyes, then push through bodies of people to get to a different part of the house. There’s way too many people here. Most of them tower at least a head over you, disrupting your view. Your phone vibrates just as you enter the biggest room of the house which gives you a little more maneuvering space than the previous one.
Jungkook: u look great
Slowly, you turn in the spot you’re in, paying close attention to each section of the room.
Jungkook: i like pink
Jungkook: ur ass looks great in those jeans btw
You: reveal yourself  
He doesn’t respond and you continue to wander around, until you reach a short hallway separating the kitchen area from the previous room. With more room to breathe, you decide to stay put knowing Jungkook won’t keep this up for long anyway. And you’re right.
"Looking for me?" His hot breath tickles your ear.
Spinning around, you're greeted by his wide grin and immediately hate how good he looks in a simple white tee with his house name, Kappa Sigma embedded on the left chest, and tucked into black jeans, "Hey you." He tastes like fruit punch when you kiss him.
Your bodies sway slightly to the music with his hands on your hips and your arms around his neck. He reaches behind, pulling something out of his back pocket and holds it up in front of you. “Lollipop?”
“It’s...purple.” You take it from him, observing its odd colour, wondering if this was even necessary.
“I know.” He chuckles. “They really go all out.”
You shrug, unwrapping the sweet and pop it in your mouth. “So, you wanna get out of here?” He asks.
“But I thought you liked parties,” you blink, “socialising, hooking up.”
“I know you’re making fun of me but it’s kinda hot when you talk like that.” He eyes the way your lips wrap around the lollipop, unconsciously mirroring the movement of your tongue licking the layer of sugar off your lips, suddenly going thirsty.
You shove him in the chest and he laughs, stepping back. “I’ve been here less than an hour.” You say. Although, it’s not like you were planning to stay long anyway. You know that, he knows that.
“You won’t miss a thing, trust me.” He hooks an arm over your shoulder. “Besides, we can get started on the hooking up part.” He winks.
You leave through the back, avoiding the large crowd up front. You quickly send a text to Hana to let her know you’re leaving. Out on the lawn, you walk past a group of guys drunkenly singing to their heart's content and you flash them a thumbs up despite how horrible they sound.
The Eta Iota house is just a few houses down from the boys’ and you walk back hand in hand, swinging your arms as you go. Jungkook watches your smile, and the way you laugh when your arms swing so far back that it throws you off balance and you almost fall. “You look good.” He says, softly.
“I know, you told me.” You say without sparing him a glance. “I look good in pink. And these jeans are good for my ass.”
“No.” His voice is as soft as his smile. Looking at him then, you notice the tender look in his eyes. “I mean you look good when you’re happy. It’s nice. Does that make sense? I don’t know.”
Your heart leaps at the way he looks away almost shyly, focusing entirely on the ground as he walks, his other hand in his pocket. You close the gap between you and kiss him on the cheek. “I’m always happy when I’m with you.”
“I’m happy when I’m with you too.”
The rest of the short walk back goes in comfortable silence, you still lightly swinging your arms. But as you reach the front of the house, Jungkook pauses. It surprises you when he decides to take a walk in the park instead. You give him curious glances along the way, wondering what’s gotten into him. It’s a ten minute walk from his place to a park that’s your go-to for impromptu date nights.
You walk past groups of people hanging around, laughing with food on large picnic mats. Finally you opt for an empty space on the grass, not too far away from others there but secluded enough to have some privacy.
“Oh my god, look at the clouds.” They’re big and fluffy, floating through the dark sky. “I wish we could see the stars. That’d be perfect.”
Jungkook follows your gaze. “There are places where you can do that you know.”
“Yeah, I’d love to go one day.” You say with a heavy sigh.
“We could go together.” Jungkook says, making you look at him. “Like a vacation.”
“Aw. I’d love that.”
He smiles sweetly, then turns in place to face you. “I went to look for places which were hiring earlier.”
“You did? Why?”
“Aren’t you...quitting your job?” He looks at you confused. “Unless you’ve changed your mind.”
“Yeah but, there’s no rush.”
“Just wanna make sure you have something to fall back on.” He says, checking his phone. “So, the bakery right next to the cafe is hiring.”
“Jungkook,” you laugh, “I can’t quit and then take up a job next door!”
“I know but, just in case.” He goes on, looking upwards as he recalls. “The school’s also looking for a part-time librarian⎼”
“Baby no, that’s so boring.” You groan. “I thought I’d look for something more...exciting. Like a routesetter maybe?”
“I didn’t know you rock climb?”
“Oh I don’t.” He looks at you with a blank expression on his face. “What? I can learn to!”
"You're weird." He shakes his head and taps your nose. "Why would you wanna go out of your way for a part time job?"
"Cause...it's fun?"
"Even you don't believe that."
"You're right." The wheels in your head turn at full speed, trying to make this as natural as possible. You have to be careful, Jungkook's way too attentive when it comes to you. "Okay, I'll be honest."
He perks up. Face filled with curiosity, as if ready to say I knew it, that something was up, and that you wouldn't leave your job over nothing.
"I'm quitting because…" You gulp. "I want to spend more time with you."
"Don't be mad." You add in quickly. "I just thought that I'd get to have more time to spare for you if I wasn't always working."
Eyes closed, he lets out a sigh and drops his head with a little shake. The small smile and amused look in his eyes makes you smile too. “Are you serious? Are you running a fever?” He places the back of his palm against your forehead and then checks the pulse on your wrist.
“I’m fine.” You snatch your hand back.
“The Y/N I know wouldn’t make impulsive decisions like this.” He quirks a brow, “You know you need that job. How else will you pay rent? Get groceries? You don’t ever let me pay for anything.”
“I’ll find a job with less hours.”
“Less hours, less pay.” He lifts your chin up, pouty lips calling him in. “Don’t be silly baby, you’re not leaving your job.”
“Too late.”
“What d’you mean?”
“I...may have...emailed my resignation...earlier on.”
He groans and you cringe when he shoots you a look of disapproval. You give your best kicked puppy look which doesn’t work. “This doesn’t happen often but I’m really mad at you right now.”
“Don’t be.” You scoot closer and when he turns his head away, you move onto his lap, forcing him in an embrace. “I’ll find something.”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know yet.”
“Go back to work tomorrow and speak to your manager. Tell him you’ve changed your mind.” He asks seriously. “I’ll go and have coffee during every one of your shifts so we’re technically spending time together.”
“Don’t be silly.”
“I’m the silly one?”
“Okay fine, I’m sorry.” You sigh. “I didn’t think things through…”
“You’re damn right you didn’t.” He rests his head in his palm. “So, what are you gonna do now?”
“Spend more time with you?” You inch even closer, if it’s even possible with how you’re already sticking to him like glue. He doesn’t reply right away but squeezes you in his hold, resting his cheek on your head. “Are you still angry?”
You lift your head off him for a kiss. When he sighs this time, he feels the anger dissipating. At the same time he curses the way his body betrays him when it comes to you. You can barely tell he’s upset with the way he responds so eagerly. The pleased look you give him after has him rolling his eyes. “You can’t be mad at me. I’m cute.”
“True.” He leans back, hands on the grass behind him. “But, we are going to look for job postings online tonight.”
“But mom!” You whine, folding your arms in front of you.
“No buts.”
“Not even my butt?” Blinking innocently at him, you add in a little head tilt until he breaks and starts grinning. “Thought you liked my butt.”
He falls onto the grass, laughing in disbelief and you steady yourself on his chest. “What has gotten into you?” He says, watching as you hover over him. “You’re acting so weird.”
“No I’m not. I’m just happy, like you said.” You kiss him on the nose. “You’re the weird one. Nagging at me about getting a job. Being a responsible adult and stuff.”
He flips over, switching your positions so that he’s hovering over you now. Almost immediately, you’re distracted by how dreamy he looks with the view of the night sky behind him. You run your thumb over one side of his cheek. “You did this to me. Plus I’m just looking out for you.”
“I know. Thank you.”
“Don’t worry. I can pull some strings and get you a job somewhere fun.”
He rolls over to your side and lets you rest your head under his arm, both of you watching the sky. You shift even closer, slinging one leg over his and draw circles on his chest. “Hey I mean, worse comes to worst, I could always come and work for you.”
Surprisingly, he laughs. Really hard. You lift yourself up and rest on your elbow to watch him. “Nice one.” He sighs. Then he notices the way you’re looking at him, face void of expression and brows up in question. “What? You were serious?”
“Slightly offended that you thought it was that funny but yes, I was.”
He raises a brow at you. “You? Want to work at a club? Doing what?”
“Bartender? Cleaner?”
“Don’t even joke about that, our cleaners are our most valuable staff. They clean, sanitise, then double sanitise, wipe up vomit, make sure the booths aren’t lined with nasty fluids.”
Your face twists in horror and he nods, proving his point. “Okay...fine so I’m not qualified enough for that. But bartending? I can do that.”
He gets up and you follow. He ruffles the back of his head and dusts of the grains on his hands. “Baby, you’re not working there. I won’t allow it.”
“Y/N, I said no.” There was no room to argue, not even cheekily. He didn't raise his voice, but the tone he took was enough. Easing the firm stare he gave you as he said it, he turns his attention to his phone as it beeps.
"Lucky for you, I told the manager you just needed a break to focus on school," Hana yawns, pulling up the blanket to her face, "you can come back anytime."
"You want me to give up?"
"Only because your plan is dangerous."
"Hana, I'm not giving up."
She sighs, turning over to the other side. “Let’s talk tomorrow. I’m tired.”
You push yourself off her bed and sit on the edge, thinking. Quietly, you pull open the drawer by her bed, fumbling around until you feel what you’re looking for. The little paper you tore out of Jungkook’s notebook. When he started sleeping over, you had asked Hana to keep it safe for you. You stare at the address. You hadn’t gotten round to visiting the place, especially since you don’t even know what you’re looking for.
“Turn off the light when you leave, will you?” Hana mumbles half-asleep.
You leave the piece of paper and close the drawer.
Two days later, you’re back at his place. The guys are all over, making sure the house is ready for a party tonight. Each of them were assigned different tasks to settle to save time. When you arrived, Hoseok made sure to separate Jungkook from you, for the sake of efficiency, so you’re stuck in the kitchen with Jimin. Helping him with the cleaning, you listen mindlessly as he rambles on about something. He yells at every guy that enters and tries to steal some snacks but sneaks some into his mouth when no one’s looking.
Just as you’re done wiping down the chip bowls, Jungkook walks in with dark stains all over his shirt and face. He chugs down half a bottle of orange juice from the fridge before opening a bag of gummies placed on the table for the party which has Jimin groaning.
“What happened to you?”
“Car oil needed changing. Cleaned up under the hood too.”
“What?” Jimin shrieks. “You were working on your car this entire time?”
“While the rest of us were preparing for the party? Unbelievable!” He huffs, “You were supposed to fix the first floor bathroom⎼”
Jungkook signals for him to stop, holding up a palm. “Fine, I’ll go do it now.” He reaches out for your hand and continues to nod at everything Jimin says as he tags you along, the nagging fading away as you run upstairs.
“You should really go and help out.” You say, plopping down on his bed with a bounce.
Jungkook hums, “I will. Later.”
Sniffing the shirt he has on, he lets out a disapproving grunt. He removes it in one swoop and tosses it into a basket. You watch quietly as he steps closer, eyes fixed on yours. He leans forward and your hands grip the sheets as you lean back, looking at him expectantly. Then his arm moves past your head and reaches for another shirt on the bed, behind you. He snickers and you slap his shoulder.
“I’m leaving.”
“Aw, come on, don’t go.” He jumps into bed and grabs you. He leans on his side, propped up on his elbow, hand on your middle.
“I have to get some groceries.” You play with his hair. “Then I’m gonna freshen up and come back here in time for the party.”
“Great, I’ll drive you.”
“No, you stay. Fix the bathroom.”
“But I don’t want to.” He groans, and rolls over onto you. Almost naturally, your legs wrap around him and he starts kissing your neck, moving down to your chest, pulling down your shirt. You stop him, giggling. “Why do you always wanna leave when we kiss?” He frowns.
“Why do you always kiss me when I’m leaving?”
“‘Cause I don’t want you to leave."
The smell of your skin makes him smile. It smells like...home.
You feel his weight slowly get heavier on you as his body relaxes and melts into yours, nestling his face into your neck. He almost drifts to sleep with the way you’re rubbing his back. When you ruffle his hair, he lifts his head and claims a kiss. “I love you.”
“Love you too. Kookie.”
You giggle as he drops his face in the space between your neck and shoulder. Groaning, he recalls the night Suga found out about the nickname. He has since, constantly used it on Jungkook whenever he can. “He’s never letting that go. Thanks a lot.”
“I’m sorry.” You laugh, chest moving under him. “I was drunk. I didn’t know what I was saying.”
Supporting his weight on one arm, he hovers above you while his free hand brushes past the side of your face. “You don’t remember anything you said that night?”
“No.” That can’t be good. You scan his face. “Why? Did I say something weird?”
“No. Just wondering.” He says gently, expression slowly changing into a smile that makes you forget you were even worried a second ago. “Don’t get drunk anymore. Suga likes you way too much when you’re drunk.”
“Does he?” You laugh, cupping his face. If Suga likes you, you can use this to your advantage. You can’t wait to tell Hana your plan worked.
When Jungkook hears the sound of his name being called from somewhere around the house, he groans and sinks into you again. You push him off you with much difficulty, laughing as he keeps plopping back down into you.
“Okay, they need you. I’m leaving so you can focus. I’ll come back later.” You say, when you finally manage to escape. Reluctantly, he follows behind as you walk down the stairs.
Just as you reach the bottom of the steps, you’re being pulled to the side, against the wall where he corners you into, hands on either side. “I’ll be waiting, so you better show up.” Down your back, up your front, his hands run over your body till they rest just under your jaw, making you lift your chin towards him. Breath hitching in your throat, he carefully brings his lips to yours, teasing a soft touch. Then he lets go.
He smiles like nothing happened and you catch your breath before racing to the front door. You hear a soft chuckle and turn to see him winking at you as he goes in the other direction. Hearing voices from the kitchen where the meeting has started, you quickly close the door behind you, ignoring the pulsing between your thighs.
With a basketful of groceries, you stroll through the store, looking for anything you might have missed out. As you walk, you notice from afar, standing right in front of the refrigerated section your new friend Namjoon. You head straight for him, a little bounce in your step. When you stop right next to him, he turns slowly and carefully.
“Oh. It’s you.” He says as he realises.
“Getting some groceries?” You ask, looking at the shelf then back at him.
“Oh just,” he lifts up a bottle of juice, “getting my orange juice. I see you’re getting your monthly supply. You alone?”
“Yeah I am.” You nod, “My roommate’s busy with school stuff.”
“Right.” He smiles, then it seems like a thought comes to him. “Hey, you’re going for the party tonight right?”
“What? How’d you know about that?” You look at him confused.
“I have friends too you know.”
“But, you can’t come. You’re technically faculty.” You say, putting down your basket to fold your arms in front of you and stare him down. “Are you trying to get us in trouble?”
He chuckles, then points and holds up a finger in front of you. “Actually, I’m an external instructor. So technically, I’m not faculty.”
“How convenient.” You eye him down.
“Fine, fine.” He sighs. “It’s been a while since I’ve been to a party, okay? I just wanna mingle.”
“Hm.” You chew on your bottom lip. Seems genuine enough. You can’t help but wonder if he’s there for something else. How will that go down with Jungkook? “An instructor looking to mingle with his students...definitely no red flags there.”
He rolls his eyes at you. “Come on, I’m not that much older than you. And I’m not that kinda person.”
“That’s what they all say.” You shrug. “Well, I’ll be keeping an eye on you.”
“Cool.” He winks. “I’ll see you tonight.”
He walks off way too quickly, like he’s avoiding something and heads straight for the checkout counter. Of course you know why he’d go to a college party; the perfect place to sell his drugs. You can’t figure out if you should let Jungkook know about Namjoon. But then again, he almost always knows what’s going on. And he’d be uneasy knowing you know so much.
You pick up your basket off the floor and head for checkout yourself. Barely making ten steps, you notice someone leaning against the side of a shelf, watching you with his arms crossed, mischievous smile on his face. Your other new friend. How coincidental.
“Suga.” You say, a tone way too excited for his liking but he nods anyway. You walk over to him and stand awkwardly before him, holding your basket with both hands in front of you. “Hi.”
“Hey cutie.” He searches for someone behind you. “Where’s Jungkook?”
“Oh he’s back at home.” You smile. “They’re getting ready for rush week. And the party tonight.”
“Am I invited?”
“Oh, um…” You can tell he’s joking, but you can’t be too sure. How interesting would it be to have Jungkook, Namjoon and Suga in one place. You wonder what would happen if they met.
You chuckle nervously without giving an answer and he shrugs it off. “I was kidding.”
“I guess you can come if you want to.” You say with a tiny shrug. “I’m sure Jungkook won’t mind.”
He changes the subject almost immediately, offering to help you carry your basket, which you politely decline. He walks with you to the counter. “So who was that guy you were talking to?”
Oh, he’s an instructor from school and also the new drug dealer in town. “Oh him? He’s the new self-defense instructor on campus.”
“Really?” He looks amused, and bites his bottom lip in a half-smile. “Cool. And you guys are friends?”
“Yeah. Kinda.” You place your basket on the counter and help the cashier to unload the items to scan. You don’t notice the way Suga laughs silently to himself, shaking his head.
“You know what, I gotta go.” Suga says, walking backwards towards the exit. You don’t even manage to reply to him before he takes off. “Let’s drink again sometime soon!”
Hana is less than pleased to know about your run-ins. She looks at you with daggers in her eyes. “You have to stop this. He obviously knows your plan."
"Stop overreacting. How could he possibly know that?"
She shrugs. The loud music drowns out your voices from being overheard by those around you. "It's hard to believe it was a coincidence running into him.” She says and you sigh, choosing to ignore her.
The last you saw Jungkook, he was laughing away with a group of people. You didn’t want to bother him, he’d be busy anyway trying to get freshies on his side. But it’s been a while and now you don’t see him anywhere.
While Hana mingles, you go off to look for him. In the kitchen, you find Jimin doing shots of something that doesn’t look edible with a bunch of guys cheering him on. But no Jungkook. You peek out on the deck out back but he’s not there either. A hand on the sliding doors, you sigh and step out into the courtyard, breathing in air that doesn’t smell like sweat.
You pause when you step down the stairs and spot something, squinting at the sight of two guys in the far end of the backyard, right by the bush-lined fence. Recognising that jacket, you realise one of them is Jungkook. He then pulls something out of his pocket and shakes hands with the other guy. You turn back before he spots you. Probably just a polite handshake. Maybe with an old friend. Yup.
Step back inside, you’re being stopped by a hand on your arm. “You look flustered.” He says.
“Hi Hoseok.” You force a smile. “It’s warm in here.”
His eyes flicker over to the backyard and back at you. “This is what he does at parties. It’s how he distributes them.”
“So?” You look around uncomfortably.
“I know you don’t like it either.” He stops you before you can reply. “Can you meet me outside in ten minutes? It’s important.”
“You’re already here, what is it? No one’s paying any attention to us anyway.”
“I can’t.”
The sceptical look you give him has him feeling restless. “Trust me, it’s very important.”
From the tone of his voice, he sounds sincere. You don’t want to, but do you want to risk not knowing something that could help you help Jungkook? You hate this. After a long pause, you nod reluctantly. “Fine.”
Neither of you realised the two figures approaching until they’re walking up the steps. Hoseok and you share a look, as if pleading to the other to act normal. As they reach the door, you see now that Jae is the other guy. He greets you as he walks past, then blends into the crowd. Behind him, Jungkook spares you a curious look at the little exchange. He then notices Hoseok’s presence.
“What’s going on?” He looks back and forth at the two of you. “You look upset.”
“Hm? Oh no, I’m fine.” You muster up your best smile. “We were just talking about the guy who puked in the sink earlier.”
“Speaking of which, I should go make sure he’s not puking elsewhere.” Hoseok says, taking his leave.
You can’t tell if Jungkook bought that but he doesn’t question it. His demeanour changes as soon as Hoseok leaves, directing his attention on you. “He wasn’t bothering you, was he?”
“No.” You smile. “I ran into him while looking for some food.”
He doesn’t get a chance to continue when someone he knows slaps him on the back. They chat for a while as he keeps you close next to him, even when you try to pry his fingers off. The other guy drags him somewhere but before he goes, he turns to you. “Grab some food and meet me upstairs, I’ll just be a second.” He winks, stealing a kiss.
“You don’t have to. I’ll just come find you later on it’s fine𝄖”
“You’re not getting rid of me babe.” He jokes and you let out an awkward laugh as he goes.
You haven’t mastered being in two places at once, you’re not a ninja. And in a few minutes, Hoseok will be waiting for you outside. And Jungkook upstairs. You groan, searching the cabinets for some snacks before heading up to Jungkook’s room.
That’s when you notice a familiar blond head among the crowd you. It distracts you. You could’ve sworn that was Suga. But too many people are blocking your line of sight. As you reach the spot you had possibly seen him, he’s gone. You don’t have time to think about this. Swiftly, you run up the steps and head right for Jungkook’s door. And of course, a familiar face exits the washroom on the same floor.
“Why do you look so surprised to see me?” He raises a brow with a playful smile on his face. “I told you I was coming.
You shake your head and look behind you. “Nothing I was just⎼”
“Hogging all the snacks?” He gestures towards the food you’re cradling in your arms and you laugh.
“There’s more downstairs.” You reassure him.
As if on cue, footsteps move swiftly up the stairs and you glance behind to find Jungkook halfway up, a cautious look on his face as he approaches you. Namjoon nods politely. For a moment it’s like you can no longer hear the music blasting, enveloped by the awkward silence.
“Uh, Jungkook this is Namjoon.” You notice the way his jaw clenches as he takes Namjoon’s outstretched hand in his. “And this is Jungkook.”
“The boyfriend. Nice to meet you.” He flashes a blinding smile Jungkook’s way.
Namjoon reads the room well and you’re thankful for it. He excuses himself, saving you from having to grease the conversation any further. “See you guys around.” He says, leaving.
Jungkook opens the door for you and you drop the snacks on his table. His fingers immediately wrap around you, lifting you up and throwing you onto the bed. “Finally." He mutters pulling you in.
You giggle nervously as he kisses you all over, pulling away from him. He shoots you a confused look. "Wait I...need the toilet."
He throws his head back but moves aside to let you go. "Okay. I'll wait."
Hurrying out, you close the door and run downstairs, rushing past the sea of bodies to the front door. Once outside, you look around scanning the few faces there for him. Hoseok stands around the corner at the side of the house and calls out your name.
The front and back of the house is well lit, but not the sides. Both of you stand in the shadows by the wall, waiting for him to speak. But he doesn't, instead, he looks around anxiously.
"Hoseok, what is it? You said this is important!" You hiss. "I can't be too long, Jungkook's waiting for me."
"Just give him a second, he'll be here."
"He's here." His eyes focus on a man wearing a navy sweatshirt, hoodie pulled up so you can't really see who it is. He only pulls it down when he joins you in the shadows.
"Y/N, this is Seokjin. He works with my friend."
"Oh. Hello." You watch him curiously. If you could describe a smile as being trustworthy, it would be his.
"Thanks for meeting me," he starts, "I’ll make it quick. It's about a case I'm sure the two of you are familiar with. Actually, I'm here to speak to you, Y/N."
"Me?" You ask, worrying.
"As you know we have an agent working undercover. He's seen you around and since you know about this operation, he’s worried you might get too close, given your relationship with one of the suspects involved. We want to make sure you stay out of it as much as possible."
"But I'm not doing anything to jeopardise the operation."
"We know." He nods, "But still, we have to emphasise that these people are dangerous. You do not want to get involved. You shouldn’t know about this operation in the first place, but nothing we can do about that now.”
Hoseok’s eyes downcast and hands hide in his pockets, knowing he wasn’t supposed to reveal anything to you. “He’s okay right?” He asks softly.
“He’s fine. He personally contacted me to speak with you. And he’s sorry he hasn’t answered his phone, it’s too risky.”
“Who’s this guy again? Do I know him?” You ask.
“You already know too much as it is. I can’t reveal the name of our agent. We can’t risk him getting exposed, it could cost him his life.”
Silence ensues. It’s uncomfortable to think about how someone could literally die from an unfortunate slip of the tongue. You wait for someone to diffuse the tension. Hoseok looks like he’s in thought, opening his mouth to speak then stopping. Seokjin beats him to it. “In case it’s not clear enough, your plan ends here Y/N.”
How does he⎼ oh. So that’s why Hoseok looks troubled. You stare him down and mutter through clenched teeth. “You told him.”  
“I didn’t mean to!” He spits out. “When Seokjin called me earlier, I got reminded of you. I had to tell him. And I know you wouldn’t listen to me anyway, so I got him to come here.”
“Listen. I just want to help Jungkook, that’s all.” You sigh. “I promise I won’t get in the way.”
“I get it. Hoseok’s explained it to me.” It’s Seokjin’s turn to sigh. “Doesn’t matter what your intentions are, it’s best if you stay away.”
You look helplessly over at Hoseok, then reluctantly agree with a nod. “I’ll try.”
“No, you see, this isn’t a request. It’s an order. There is a chance you’ll get convicted as part of the group if you don’t keep your distance. Is that what you want?”
“No. But𝄖”
“Good, so we’re on the same page.”
“No, we’re not.” Huffing, you step closer to him. “I’m not doing this for fun. I’m trying to get my boyfriend out of there.”
“I understand. But there’s no telling what could happen. Let us handle it. If he’s innocent, then you don’t have anything to worry about. The most important thing here is that you don’t end up getting caught up in the mess. Do you really want to be associated with criminals?”
“Jungkook’s not a criminal.”
Seokjin holds up his hands in a surrender. “That’s not what I meant.”
Hoseok gulps, gently touching your arm. “Y/N please. Let them handle it.”
“I am letting them handle it.” You say stubbornly before turning back to Seokjin. “Look, I’m just here for Jungkook. Tell that to your guy. I won’t stand in the way of the operation.”
“You do know that this is all off the record?” Seokjin starts, “That means even though our undercover, as well as I, am aware that you’re not involved, if by any chance you’re caught with drugs or anything illegal at the time of the raid, you might get convicted. There will be no records to show that you’re innocent.”
“I understand.”
“Alright.” Seokjin pulls his hoodie back up. Now you can only faintly see the bottom half of his face. “Take care. Remember, no one else can know about this.”
He takes off in quick steps, round the corner and down the street. Hoseok fidgets in his spot, trying to find the right words. “I didn’t make him do this to scare you or anything. Promise.”
“I know, Hoseok.” You smile softly. “But you get it right? Why I’m doing this?”
“Yeah...” he trails off for a moment, then continues. “You saw him earlier didn’t you?”
“I did.” You shake your head with a sigh, “Trust me okay? I’m doing everything I can to help Jungkook, like you wanted me to.”
“I never wanted this. I don’t want you to get hurt if things don’t go as planned.”
“Whatever happens after, I’ll deal with it then.”
Feeling numb, the walk back upstairs feels like you’re on autopilot, barely hearing the buzzing of the crowd. You take a deep breath before turning the knob of Jungkook’s door, willing yourself to forget the last ten minutes ever happened. He’d read you like a book in this state.
But your bright smile is wasted on an empty room.
The next day, you're sitting on the running track, soaked in sweat after a long session of track and field. The coach bids his goodbye as the team continues their cooling down stretches. Hana plops down next to you. “So?”
“You wanna talk about it?” She asks, picking dirt off of your cheek with her thumb. “You seemed really out of it last night. Barely spoke the whole day today…”
“I’m sorry.” You shake your head. “Just thinking.”
You decided not to tell her about Seokjin and everything that was said last night. For now at least. She already has reservations about your plan as it is, telling her about Seokjin would just freak her out even more.
“Jungkook called you yet?”
“Mhm.” Technically it was a text, wishing you good morning with a kissy face emoji. Not wanting to make a big deal out of the night before, you reply as you normally would. “Don’t worry about me, I’m just tired actually.”
She hangs an arm over your shoulder and gives you a side hug. “No more parties for you.”
“Yeah they’re kinda lame aren’t they?” You laugh.
After grabbing your stuff, you’re headed for the locker room. You're too deep in thought to realise the girls on your team giggling around you. It isn't until Hana nudges you then nods to bleachers that you realise your boyfriend is waiting for you. He salutes the other ladies with a winning smile as they walk off, before getting off his butt.
The girls mutter quietly, and you hear the words lucky and they're so cute as they leave you. Hana waves to Jungkook before walking ahead. Jungkook trots down the steps and lifts you in a hug.
“Sorry, I’m sweaty.”
“That’s okay,” he smiles, swaying you side to side, “not the first time I have you all sweaty in my arms.”
“Shut up.”
He laughs, then starts swinging your hands as you walk back. “Hey sorry about last night."
"Oh it’s fine. Don't worry about it." You say, with a shake of your head, looking at the ground. "You're a busy man, I know."
"Can I make it up to you? Tonight?"
"Alright." You nod. "I gotta shower first though. And you have to give me a ride back to get some fresh clothes."
"No need to dress up."
"But I want to." You pout and he chuckles.
The sound of whistling and yelling coming from the field gets your attention. It's the soccer team, practice still ongoing. It only just occurred to you that you haven't seen Jungkook there in a while.
"Why aren't you practicing with them anymore? Did you quit?"
Jungkook looks at you with an amused look on his face. "Y/N, I was never part of the team."
"Huh?" You stop in your tracks. "I'm pretty sure I've seen you on that field running after the ball."
"Yeah but I was never really on the team." He reiterates. Now you're confused. "I only practiced with them so I could watch you during track and field."
"Have you forgotten? I'm on the basketball team."
Honestly, you hadn’t made the connection that it’s impossible for him to be on both the soccer and basketball teams until now. "No wait, you joined them just to watch me?"
"Yes and no?" He shrugs proudly. "At first it was because I got kicked off the basketball team. Then we started dating. I got to see you every practice. Then I got reinstated on the basketball team. And I didn't wanna stop seeing you during practice so I kept going. Until now."
"Jungkook that is𝄖"
"Lowkey creepy."
He lets out a tiny gasp with a look of betrayal on his face. "But...I wanted to see you."
You laugh at the utter disappointment he shows and pat his face, though it feels like a light slap, before running off making him chase after you.
Laying on the hood of his car, with his arm under your neck, Jungkook listens to you talk about anything and everything. In your favourite spot, parked by the beach so you get the cool breeze and the gentle sound of waves crashing onto the shore.
He enjoys listening to you talk about your life; what your childhood was like, what kind of trouble you used to get into, your family. It’s like peeling off a new layer every time. Who knew you used to bully the bully as a kid? And let’s not forget that time you got detention for smoking in school but you only did it to get your dad’s attention so that he would stop dating the evil girlfriend who threatened to send you off to boarding school.
“Baby are you...a troublemaker?” He muses and you laugh.
“Well I was. I grew out of it.” You shrug and look up at him. “Kinda.”
“Would’ve never guessed. You’re so shy. And good.”
“Yeah. Once I realised how my behaviour was affecting people’s liking towards me, I changed.”
He smiles tenderly at you, always so full of surprises. You play with the hem of his sweater, then look up at him. “What about you? You haven’t told me anything about your past.”
Not once has he shared his own stories. You never asked because you didn’t want to pressure him. But you’re almost out of stories yourself.
Jungkook looks up at the sky for a while. You sense the hesitance. “There’s nothing much to say.”
“What about...your family? Do you have any siblings?”
There’s no reply, only the sound of the waves crashing and a distant laughter from a group of friends on the beach. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Okay.” Propping yourself up on your elbow, you see now the faint sparkle in his eyes. Could be the cool breeze making his eyes water. He blinks it away when you stare. “We can talk about other things.”
He smiles as his eyes scan your face before you’re snuggling into his side again. “I like hearing your stories.”
“But I’ve told you everything.”
“What about your first kiss?”
You groan. “I’ve told you that one. It was during camp. He pushed me into the lake after that because it was all a dare.”
“Oh right and then you threw all his clothes into the lake as revenge.”
“Yeah.” You laugh. “It was pretty funny.”
He laughs thinking about tiny Y/N lugging a big bag full of clothes and dumping it into a lake as the owner yells in horror. Who knew you had it in you. You’re always so calm and by the book, it’s almost like a whole other person.
“Can you tell me about your tattoo?” You look up at him.
He smirks, turning his head to the side towards the arm it’s on. It’s a tiger head on the upper bicep of his right arm. Made up of shapes, lines, squiggles, it has sharp piercing eyes. It’s beautiful, really. “It’s just something to represent my loyalty towards my brothers.”  
You’ve never seen this mark on the other frat boys, so you assume he’s talking about his other group of brothers. “It’s nice. I like it.”
“Mhm.” It’s tough to crack him. He never reveals more than what he thinks you need to know.
After a while, you pluck up the courage to ask him about the job. “Have you thought about what we discussed?” You ask softly, playing with his fingers.
“What did we discuss?”
“About the job,” you remove yourself from him again and this time get on your knees, “about me working at the club?”
He sighs, looking at you like the stubborn teenager in your stories. “I already told you no.”
“You won’t even consider it.” You pout.
He smiles, surprisingly. “After careful consideration, I regret to inform you that you’ve been rejected. You don't have what it takes.”
“Rude!” You huff, “I have all that it takes.”
“No, you don’t.”
“Yes I do! I’m tough.” You spit out. You strike an awkward pose, doing something weird with your arms. “I have swag.”
It makes him laugh so hard he starts tearing and almost choke on his saliva. Embarrassed, you laugh along, hitting him on his chest. Cheeks hurting from all that, he opens his arms. “Come here you.”
You drop into him, mostly to hide your face in his shoulder. He holds you tight, a content sigh escapes him as he does. “I love you so much.” He says into your ear.
Lifting your head up to face him, he smiles tenderly at you, softly tracing a finger over your face, the lulling movement making your eyes flutter shut.
“You got a problem with me?” Namjoon says to the smaller guy.
Suga smirks bitterly, unimpressed by how the new guy has no respect whatsoever towards him. “I do actually. What’s your deal?”
“What d’you mean?”
“You appear out nowhere, get dispatched to our district. Same area as Jungkook no less...are you trying to replace us?”
“Hey, I didn’t choose the location.” Namjoon shrugs. “Maybe if you guys didn’t suck so bad they wouldn’t have asked me to secure the bags.”
He braces himself as Suga lunges forward, shoving him against the wall, his collar bunched up in clenched fists. Surprisingly strong for a small dude. “You don’t come work for us and talk shit about us to my face.”
Namjoon tugs on his clothes, pulling them out of Suga’s grip. He clears his throat and tries to calm himself. “My bad. Next time I’ll do it behind your back.”
“What are you up to? You took a job on campus, why? Jungkook’s already got that covered.”
“Like I said, I didn’t choose to. I was sent there.” He steps forward, making Suga take a few steps back.
“Look if you have a problem with it, take it up with the lieutenant.” Namjoon walks off, angering the other guy even more. The nerve of this new kid makes his blood boil. There’s something off about him, there’s no way the bosses would send a new guy in for no reason.
He stomps his way into Kyun’s office, slamming the door behind him. Kyun looks up, sees him, and goes back to his laptop. “What?”
“Don’t you think there’s something wrong with that RM guy?” Suga says, pulling up a chair.
“No. Why?”
“He’s so full of himself.”
“Name one person working here that isn’t,” Kyun says, “besides, you should be thankful I assigned him to you. Jungkook’s been slacking.”
“I told you, the school’s keeping an eye on him. He’s taking it slow.”
Suga can’t remember how many times he’s used that excuse. He can’t come right out and admit that Jungkook has in fact been slacking. Or rather, distracted. Not to mention the time Jungkook considered leaving all of this behind. It’s no surprise the lieutenant’s picked up on it.
“Whatever.” Kyun mutters, obviously tired of having this conversation.
“Wait,” the wheels in Suga’s head turn and he looks curiously at his lieutenant, “you’re not doubting Jungkook are you? Did you send RM in to replace him?”
“If Jungkook’s doing a good job like you seem to think he is, why would you be worried about this?”
Suga purses his lips, “He’s fine. He hasn’t missed any of his shifts. I couldn’t have gotten shit done at the club without him.”
“Numbers are still low though.”
“That’s because you’ve got the new kid stealing all his buyers.”
“RM’s good and the staff there seem to trust him. He stays.”
“Fine. Then get off Jungkook’s back about his numbers. He can’t sell drugs the same as before if you have another dealer there competing with him.”
Kyun thinks about it for a minute, then nods. “Alright fine. Anyway, it’s good that you’re here now. I can run through what boss wants you to get up and running at the club.”
It hits Suga that Kyun having doubts about Jungkook is bad news, at least, if word travels up the hierarchy. While Jungkook had promised to keep up, Suga intends to make sure he actually does. He can’t afford anymore slip-ups. Or distractions, in the form of you. He can’t let anything happen to Jungkook.
Sneaking back into the house at such an ungodly hour, you guide Jungkook in the dark, careful not to make a sound.
Back in your room, his jacket and shirt are the first to go. He lifts you up and carries you to the bed, lips not parting from each other.
Slipping under your shirt, he unhooks your bra and pulls your shirt with it over your head. Lips smiling on yours, his hands knead your breasts and you feel your nerves reacting. He trails wet kisses down your front, fingers undoing your jeans and pulling them off in a single swoop.
He removes his own pair of jeans, leaving him in his boxers. Then, kneeling by your legs, he gently peels your panties off, taking in the view of your naked body, lighted up by the warm yellow of your nightlight. If he could, he’d engrave this image of you in his head.
His eyes wide and lustful, they trail over you. “You’re so beautiful.” He whispers.
Hovering above you, he strokes the side of your face, before pressing his body to yours in a soft gentle kiss. He moves so gently, like you could break at any moment. When your hands wrap around his neck, he grabs hold of your wrists, pinning them above your head. You let out a soft whimper.
Jungkook takes his time, showering your skin with kisses. Starting from your neck down to your navel. He licks one side of your breast, teasingly drawing circles with his tongue along the nipple, then gives the same attention to the other. Your breathing gets hitched in your throat, feeling the blood rush down south.
He brings his mouth lower, hands now occupying your breasts where his mouth was. It sends you butterflies the way his hot breath brushes against your skin. There’s something different about the way he’s touching you tonight.
He spares some kisses down your inner thighs and watches the way goosebumps appear as they try to clam up reflexively.
Hands on your thighs, he pushes them apart and runs a teasing lick over your folds. Then his tongue finds its way to your clit, flicking it gently before his lips wrap around it and he starts gently sucking. You jolt and take in a sharp breath grabbing a fishful of the sheets.
His fingers delicately touch your folds, running a teasing finger over your entrance. Looking up from between your thighs, he watches the way you steady your breaths, eyes closed, brows furrowed.
It doesn’t last long and when you open your eyes, he’s hovering over you, licking his lips. Very eagerly you pull down the hem of his boxers, exposing his hard cock. His own fingers wrap around it, stroking himself gently as he reaches for a bottle of lube. He stares at you with a look you can’t read.
“Something on your mind?” You voice out.
He shakes his head with a gentle smile and takes his position between your legs, your thighs over his. Aligning himself with your entrance, he grips your ankles on either side. Slowly, he enters and you will yourself not to make a sound at the initial stretch.
Jungkook keeps a steady pace, watching intently the way he moves in and out of you. You can’t help but to stare at him and the way his abs clench every time he moves his hips into you. The flexing of his arms every now and then, keeping your legs steady. And the way the warm light casts shadows dancing over his body as he moves.
“Jungkook.” You call out for him, so softly.
He releases your ankles and leans forward, resting his body on yours. Pressing his forehead to you, he admires the look of lust in your eyes and the way you’re biting your bottom lip. “Yes, my love?”
Your fingers run over his face. You’re too occupied with the pleasure of him inside you that your brain refuses to put your thoughts into words. He chuckles when you only manage a breathy smile instead.
Your wrists get pinned over your head once again, and he watches you from above. Every thrust is deep and filling, his hips moving expertly to give you just the right amount of pleasure, leaving you a hot mess beneath him.
You look absolutely breathtaking to him; the parting of your lips, eyes shut and shaky breaths. Your breasts bounce with every thrust and your chest rises and falls with every breath you take. He lets out a low guttural sound and presses his body to yours, devouring your lips in a passionate kiss.
His hips pick up speed, grinding into you with calculated moves. You get lost in each other, a mixture of your quick breaths filling the room. The look in his eyes is mirrored in yours, waves of emotions flowing between both your bodies and soul.
Jungkook can’t describe his feelings for you. It’s something he hasn’t felt in a long time; warmth, love, trust, acceptance. All he knows is to tell you he loves you and hopes you get it.
Your eyes get misty as you let your own emotions get to you, feeling the twinge in your chest when you look at him.
Arms wrapping around his waist, your tongues dance between your lips. He knows all the right spots to leave you breathless. You feel it building in the pit of your stomach, and pull away from the kiss, no longer in control of your actions.
Jungkook feels it too, sensing the pressure between your hips as they wrap tightly around him. He steadies himself and gives you long, deep strokes, as he watches your breaths get quicker. The euphoric look on your face earns a grunt of approval from him.
Not wanting to hold back any longer, his hips grind into yours at a quicker pace, feeling himself reaching his release. His mouth latches on to your nipple, sucking it for a second before he hears small whines leaving you, signalling you’re close.
Willing yourself to keep your eyes open, you place a hand on the side of his face, making sure his eyes stay on yours. It gets blurrier with the way tears start to fill your eyes. “I love you.” You blurt out in a whisper and he rests his forehead on yours as he thrusts hard, one which makes your insides squirm.
Jungkook’s breath hitches in his throat as he watches you. A single tear rolls down the side of your face as you start to reach your high. “I love you Y/N.”  He breathes out against your lips before capturing you in a kiss. With one hard thrust, you find yourself succumbing to the pressure in your middle, unravelling a wave of pleasure that courses through your entire body, chest rising towards him and hands keeping him close.
Watching you, he reaches his own climax, hips bucking wildly into yours, and you feel his warm release spilling inside you, his moans lost in the kiss. It takes a while before his hips slow down into a gentle rhythm. Your body goes limp as you ride it out, drained of energy.
He catches his breath with his head on yours and when you finally catch each other’s eyes, you share a giggle. He shines in his afterglow, a look of pure bliss on his face. But he could say the same for you, thumb running over your cheek to wipe off the tear stains.
In that moment, it feels as if you’re staring right into his soul. He stares back at you, as if trying to say something more than what’s been said, worrying once again about conveying what’s in his heart. But you just smile back.
“I know, Jungkook. I know. I love you too.”
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