#There have been others but Adi and Jance were the first I went into the rubble for
thegoddesswater · 1 year
Tagged by @tc-doherty
Also, encouraged to join in by @iloveyou-writers/ @introducing-writeblr
Rules: fill in the blanks with as much or little detail as you would like and tag some writer friends to play too.
Hello, there. My name is Kacey. I'm a writer of the fantasy genre, with the occasional excursion into the genres of science-fiction and dystopia (and a planned jaunt into something that might be best described as post-apocalyptic cyberpunk) and I love to write about found family, grief, LGBTQ+ characters, and vulnerability.
I am mostly SFW and write all forms of abuse, trauma, mental illness occasionally graphic violence, and death in many forms (illness, murder etc) so just be aware of that. Tropes you will never find in my writing include: The White Saviour, and Bury Your Gays. There are probably others that I can’t think of right now, but it’s hard to eliminate more, since I’ll use things as they make sense for the narrative and really can’t say I’ll never write them.
In my humble opinion, my best work I've posted is probably “Taken” - which is just a teaser for a much larger project - I feel like it sets the scene well for getting the rest of the story underway. An honourable mention goes to: my longest complete fanfiction for a relatively obscure 20+ year old fandom - It’s probably not the the best technically, but I put a lot of myself into it and I loved the result; I still go back in and scour it for typos to make sure I keep it as polished as I can in the event that anyone stumbles across it. Also, my most recent “Best” writing is not available for public consumption, so out of everything available, I’m sharing “Taken” because I can Some of my all-time favourite characters I've made are Maggie Blackwill, Adair Rios, and Marmaduke File, with a special mention to Karn because I started writing with him again last year after over a decade ignoring him and my god how I have missed the child.
Something I'd love for you to know about my writing that isn't listed in this game is that I overpopulate my worlds - almost ANY of my characters could be the protagonist of the story when viewed through the right lens, which is why I will occasionally wax poetic about seemingly minor characters. Also I ramble a lot in the tags of tumblr posts about my characters and will drop fun random facts in there for anyone reading them.
Thank you for reading and now I challenge the following people to fill this out: @wheelybard - Come join in! ...If you want.
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