#also I can’t believe I forgot to post this on the hellsite
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uc-beepboop · 2 years ago
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permanentreverie · 2 years ago
Heyyyyyy bestie!
Occasionally, I have the desire to pop onto Tumblr and attempt to relight the candle within me that still loves this hellsite and longs to return, and apparently this is one of those times. So tonight, I decided to come into your inbox and ask you a random question like old times,,,,, pray to god the ask doesn’t get eaten by the tumblr gods, depraved though the may be,,,,, anyway, here’s a thought, perhaps inspired by my impending SKZ concert (still screaming, crying, throwing up, wanting to eat glass, and commit murder over such a statement. Can you BELIEVE it’s actually gonna happen!!!! This isn’t just the fangirl pipe dream it usually is!!!!):
If you could attend any concert (past, present; not even currently in the works, outside of the majesty of your imagination), what would it be?? But like,,,, top 5 concerts because I know you have too much love in your heart to ever possibly choose just one <3
Also, I’m still exploring ATEEZ but I think it vital you know that I was seriously considering just making hongjoong my bias today and sticking by it, and then I found out,,,,,, he’s the shortest member of ATEEZ,,,,,, it was a joke I love my short kings, but idk how much of a joke it truly IS, anymore. I can’t deny the facts that beyond Namjoon, all my biases are the short ones,,,,,,,
Oh, lol, I forgot to share at least some of my ideal concerts:
Bastille for All This Bad Blood and/or Doom Days
5SOS for Youngblood and/or CALM
BTS for literally anything ever (they could make music with those free sound effects you can use for video editing and I would eat it up 😤😤)
Coldplay for Viva La Vida or Death and All of His Friends
Dvicio for literally any album/era post 2016. (I just haven’t given Justo Ahora enough plays to really get into it the way I currently get down to Impulso, Qué Tienes Tú, and EL LABERINTO)
Special shout out to Hozier, Depeche Mode, The Rose, Backstreet Boys, Billy Joel, Panic! At The Disco, and ONEUS <3. They would also be a dream, but I gotta prioritize at some point, and I might as well mention the less attainable concerts first 😭 rip to my favorite eras of these bands and/or the fact that they’ll never tour by me (dvicio come closer than Mexico City challenge,,,,, it’s hard enough to convince me to cross state lines,,,,)
ma'am I am blessing you kissing you tenderly for sending me this, I have been pondering this these past few days and I'm honestly just getting salty that no artist wants to come to Canada, let alone my province rip. Without further ado, here are my Top 5 Concerts:
BTS (I would agree I would literally not care whatever era, for whatever setlist, but if I have to be 100% honest I'd kill to go to their Love Yourself tour, every fancam I've seen, every performance we've gotten filmed, I NEED!)
Taylor Swift - Eras Tour (there still might be a chance for me to attend. Please miss blondie release the international dates I will commit crime to get hands on tickets)
Agust D (can you believe Yoongi is going on a world tour and going to like 10 countries. Askjfs I get it with his enlistment and all and we're for sure getting concert clips but I WANT TO BE IN THE ROOM WHERE IT HAPPENS!!! Plus I'm 90% we're gonna get Tony Montana with Jimin and I would and will go insane when that happens)
Seventeen - Be The Sun Tour (I got legit post concert depression when this ended and I didn't even attend
Twenty One Pilots - The Bandito Tour (bruh I sooo should have caved and got tickets back in 2018. Every single time I listen to Trench - one of my favourite albums of all time - I constantly think of how amazing it would be to hear live. and then I die a little inside knowing I'll never get the chance)
honourable mentions are: Coldplay, Conan Gray, the 1975, Arctic Monkeys, ONE OK ROCK, Nothing But Thieves, Hozier, NF (again), Stray Kids, The Rose, Bastille, The Weeknd, 5SOS, Chase Atlantic, Panic! At The Disco
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sarah-dipitous · 2 years ago
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 69 (Nice!)
Yellow Fever/Evolution of the Daleks
“Yellow Fever”
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: oof, probably not. Omg wait…I honestly have no clue. Like, here’s the thing, anything that would have this kind of effect on Dean would probably take me out
Dean’s enjoying the mortician being mean to Sam just a little too much.
Loving the tension between Dean and the sheriff. Dean’s not taking any of this seriously and that’s all the sheriff CAN do
Omg yes. Whatever is causing this has infected Dean too and I’m ecstatic. I only VAGUELY remember this episode, but it’s good
So the thing is…if I’m expecting to be touching a snake, no problem (not a euphemism). But if it sneaks up on me? Yeah, Dean’s reaction is entirely rational
“Am I haunted?!” Is he tucking possessed?! He used to be Sam’s brother! Next thing you know, he’ll be listening to nothing but Jimmy Buffet
I forgot this was the episode with Eye of the Tiger yesssssssssss
These are the worst-best softball team names ever. Game cocks? Corn jerkers??
I’m so sorry. To read “you’re dying. Again. Loser.” As a hallucination in a book after what Dean has gone through shouldn’t be this funny. This book is BULLYING HIMMMMM
“I dunwanna be a clue,” he’s so pathetic. I adore him
You’re taking your brother, infected with ghost sickness who has under a day to live before he literally DIES OF FRIGHT, into aN ABANDONED LUMBER MILL??? Yeah, this can only go awesome
I’m sorry for putting so many out of context quotes, but I will keep doing it because “I’ll man the flashlight,” is so goddamn cute. Because…a gun can go off (like he’s not usually the one insisting on bringing a gun to whatever fight they’re in).
The blood curdling scream upon seeing a rat followed by “that was scary!!” I cannot. I literally can’t.
I can’t fault him for running out like that. I would have been long gone way before that
Oh, sheriff’s infected too…
I love Dean worrying about the legality of posing as FBI agents…omg…
Omg…the ghost’s story is so sad…
Oh I wanna hug Dean. He’s really goin through it right now. Just absolutely freaking out and not without good reason. But GOD is it so sad to see
Not complaining but I thought he had way less time than this…
You are not helping by not telling Dean the plan. I want you to know that, Sam. There is nothing more panic inducing to someone who worries than hearing “don’t worry about it” ESPECIALLY when their life is on the line
Oh no. Competing hallucinations. And they both only have a little bit of time left…well, now only Dean does
On one hand, of course it worked, but on the other, I can’t believe they actually scared a ghost to death. On a secret third hand, it’s terrible that they had to use this sad man’s horrific death to scare him AGAIN
I’m here for Sam and Bobby roasting Dean afterward
You guys are so bad at being honest with each other…
And the iconic post-episode “by all means should have been just on the dvd extras but I’m SO GLAD IT ISNT” Jensen performing the ever loving shit out of lip-syncing Eye of the Tiger
“Been On My Mind…”: Nope. 9
“Evolution of the Daleks”
Say what you will about the costuming and makeup in this part of the series, they’re trying something at least. They’re putting EFFORT in
Omg are we gonna reset the counter? Is this gonna happen every time we meet the Daleks?? He gets really riled up when they show up. Just sayin
Yeah, your mistake was thinking you could convince the Daleks to exhibit compassion.
Why does Dalek Sec want the Doctor alive??? Omg could you imagine if the combined a Dalek and a Time Lord??
I feel for Martha here. The Doctor hasn’t been as open with her as even Nine was with Rose, and he’s just expecting her to figure it out like they have the rapport Ten and Rose had. It’s not fair to her
Mmmm, Dalek Sec’s gonna get got by the end of this, aren’t they?? (Also, autocorrect, it’s definitely Dalek Sec, not Dalek Sex…that’s…something I don’t want to think about lmaooo) BECAUSE they’re showing too many human traits, not Dalek enough
But of course, Martha figures it out anyway. Good for her
Bye, Dalek Sec…or not??? And the Doctor’s gonna help them? I don’t believe it
I love that this woman thinks aliens have only come to New York City and only now
Mmmm, the other Daleks are getting suspicious
Martha’s so wonderful. She just wants to be appreciated for who SHE is. Sure, she also has a crush on the Doctor, so many people who meet him do, but she just doesn’t want to be CONSTANTLY compared to Rose
Okay, NOW bye, Dalek Sec. “you told us to imagine, and we imagined your irrelevance.” What a line.
Like…honestly though, were all these characters necessary?? Laszlo doesn’t look like he’s gonna make it, though………
Dalek Sec is STILL ALIVE??? They haven’t just killed him?? Unless they need to put them through some kind of trial because they can’t JUST KILL a member of their own heavily dwindled race
There it is. Gave their life to save the Doctor
Episodes Since the Doctor’s Last Attempted Genocide: 2 (there was a genocide but it wasn’t the Doctor’s fault. There’s also only one Dalek left, which wasn’t the Doctor’s intent or fault either)
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that-house · 5 years ago
Hey so I hit 100 followers today!
Buckle up, this is gonna be a LOOOONG post.
I quite honestly expected it (while my ego is a little smaller than my jokes make it out to be it is definitely present), I didn’t expect it to happen so fast.
It’s not an insane milestone, plenty of people have 100 followers. A hefty portion of my followers are bigger than me. But it’s still important to me. Knowing that there’s 100 people out there who enjoy my shit makes me happy.
First and foremost the credit quite honestly has to go to ahegao George Washington. No, I’m not joking. Until I posted on r/tumblr about my desire to draw that, I had 0 followers. I jumped to like 10 overnight, which was awesome. And then those new followers helped me spread my posts and get more attention.
Secondly I’d like to shoutout @imaverysadgirl and @themeaninglessjumble. You two were my first real tumblr frens. You were the first of my followers to really interact with me. Ember, I’m super happy you’re alive to see me hit 100 followers. Jumble (I don’t know your name unless I forgot it), your art and creations are great and you deserve way more attention.
To all the rest of you, you guys are great, too. Every new follower makes me happy. I’d say I don’t deserve you all, but my colossal ego says I do. Regardless, being nemesi and getting called out for being horny on main and sending and receiving asks has made this last month or so great.
Finally, for all the shit it gets, and for all the shit it pulls, [tumblr] really is pretty dope. I got to meet you all, and it’s actively making me a better person by exposing me to groups of people I’d rarely interact with in real life.
Why does it feel like I’m saying goodbye? I’m not, don’t worry. I plan to stay, and neither death nor pain shall drive me from this hellsite. I’m just saying thanks.
Now with the thanks out of the way, I want to talk about myself a little. Just the stuff that I’ve always wanted to say and never quite gathered my thoughts and found the time to talk about.
You’re gonna get to know me so well! This is like a mini autobiography!
First off, my mental health. This is something I don’t talk about much on this blog, mostly because it doesn’t need much talking about. I’m doing pretty well, to be honest. I have a smattering of anxiety and I’m maybe a little too introverted for my own good, but I’m not suffering from depression and the only time I ever even remotely considered suicide was when I just really really didn’t want to go to French class. COVID has been great for me, since I don’t have to see people. I suppose I’m not a great person to talk to if you’re struggling with depression or suicidal thoughts, seeing as I can’t personally relate, but I’m still always here for you guys if you need me. Just because I haven’t lived through your experiences doesn���t mean I can’t try to help.
Next up I want to talk about my sexuality. This one’s a bit of a mystery. For the past 16 years of my life I’ve considered myself 100% straight. But lately (let’s be honest, following the release of Spirit Blossom Thresh) I’ve been wondering if I might be bi. How many times can I joke about wanting to smash sexy boys before it’s not really a joke anymore? And if I am, a lot of things would suddenly make a lot of sense. But every time I think I have it figured out it suddenly feels like I have no clue what’s going on. Regardless, my sexuality has honestly never been a massive part of my identity (though I’m definitely not asexual, my friends can attest I’m far too horny for that). I have no clue if I’m bi and for now it’s kind of a fun little adventure!
I guess I’ll talk about school and stuff now. Believe it or not, I’m kinda smart. I’m taking a shitton of AP courses this year. But I simultaneously feel like it’s too much and not enough. I’m smart, but I’m not a great student. Compared to my dad, who graduated college with a 3.98 GPA (and his only B being in History of Canada as an American) and now has a super well-paying government STEM job that he loves, I feel like even if I work my ass off I’ll never quite measure up. And my parents have had super high expectations of me, and it’s only recently that they’ve started to accept that I might get some B’s here and there. I’m worried about all the homework this year. I’m a year ahead in Math but I don’t feel good enough at math to be taking AP calculus junior year. I’m worried I’m going to get like a C. But for the most part school is alright, too. That’s sort of the trend in my life. Everything’s alright.
Time to talk about my love life! I have no love life! I’ve been single for 17 years and probably stand no chance of changing that until at least college! Haha I’m so alone! But I can live with it. Growing up an only child with a few friends means that I’m pretty good at functioning without a ton of social interaction, and, while I’d like a partner someday, I’m not desperate. I can wait until I find someone. Pretty much my goal is not to die alone.
Onto sports maybe? I played soccer for most of my life, and was always the worst player on the select team. I was too good for the normal team and not good enough for the select team (kinda like math). Soccer was really toxic, especially when you’re the worst player on a team of high school jock drug addict boys. So I quit, and started playing frisbee! It’s a lot better. The people are nicer! But my first season never happened because of COVID and now I’m in my Junior year and haven’t played much frisbee! So I kinda suck! But I’m physically fit and that’s good enough for me! On my own time I bike and run to stay in shape.
Are you still with me? Now I’m gonna talk about my hobbies and things!
I’ve been playing video games for a long time. I kinda suck at them to be totally honest. I probably have below-average reaction time, and my parents only let me play 15 minutes a day for most of my childhood, so I have a lot less practice than most of my friends. I’m pretty slick with Swain in LoL tho.
This next part is borderline shameless self-promotion, but since the Kickstarter isn’t live yet I guess it doesn’t count. I’m making a tabletop role playing game! I’ve been working on it for the past few years. My goal is to launch the Kickstarter prior to my college applications, because that’ll look sexy as fuck to potential colleges. It’s a post-apocalyptic sci-fi game where you play as supersoldiers trying to reconquer the wastelands of Earth for humanity. I’ll do a big post on it when I launch the Kickstarter, and I guess that’ll also be a full name reveal (kinda spooky since my full name is ENTIRELY unique and one-of-a-kind. More ego boost lmao).
And finally I want to talk about my art and writing. I’ll start with my drawing, and finish off with my writing, since that’s what I’d most like to be known for on here (but that’ll never happen because my caveman brain shitposts are too funny).
So I’ve been doodling for a long time. I briefly got formal art training but sacrificing my Saturday mornings to draw what someone else wanted me to make so that I could make better stuff in the future didn’t appeal to my 8-year-old brain. I draw in the margins of worksheets. I draw on random sheets of paper. Recently my parents bought me a drawing tablet, and I’ve been trying to improve at digital art. I’d say I’m getting better, but I don’t practice nearly enough. All in all my art serves its purpose. It makes people laugh and can sometimes creep people out. It’ll never go in a museum, and I’ll never make money off of it but whatever.
And finally, my writing.
How can I talk about writing without talking about reading? I’ve likely read more books than both my parents combined, and if not, it’s close (and my mom is a prolific reader too). I have three bookshelves in my room and books on every surface. You can’t follow me for long without seeing a post ranting about my latest read. I love to read and I read incredibly fast. Reading spurred my love of English class, which in turn helped me write.
And finally, we get to writing in and of itself. I’ve been writing stories since I was a little kid. I’d like to think I’ve improved a fair bit. I’m still no novelist, but I consider myself a fairly adept short story writer.
But I suppose where my writing really stems from is my bed. Every night while I’m lying in bed, I tell myself stories until I fall asleep. I work on a story until it’s done or until I get bored of it. Along the way, in the shower, on my bike, I build the world of the story, crafting the plot. Sometimes the stories are elaborate fanfictions of my latest reads. That’s probably how they started. Often, they’re unique worlds all of their own. My current writing posts are about the City of Mammon, but my current story in my head is about some vampires who hunt other vampires in Victorian England.
And now we get into the process of writing. It’s fun! I sit myself down with an idea in my head, and use all the fancy words I picked up from my books to convey the vibes I want. I honestly wouldn’t be a great writing teacher. It’s just a skill that comes naturally to me as a result of what I’ve been doing with my free time my whole life. And it’s beautiful. And every time someone compliments my writing or reblogs it, I love writing just a little bit more.
Well I guess this is it. The 100 follower special. I wonder how many of you guys will take the time out of your day to read this. Hopefully a lot!
James (or That House) signing off for the night!
<3 thanks guys
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theatrelove3000 · 5 years ago
Be By My Side
I have decided that if I am going to start posting my fics again, I should probably catch up on what I have already written. SO! Enjoy the spam of older stuff while I release all of my old docs on this poor hellsite.
These fics can be read as oneshots but make a lot more sense if you read them together. It is not necessary though so no worries!
I was also told to tag @just-the-hiddles if I start posting again so this is me following directions XD. Thank you for being interesting in the first place, friend! Let me know if you want to be tagged in all of these older ones or just a few!
Background: Noelle and Loki were “Bound” by a witch in Alfheim after a battle they fought in. This means that the witch split each of their souls in half and one half switched places. Noelle has half of Loki’s soul and vise versa. They can feel each others emotions and hear each others thoughts.
Summary: Noelle and Loki on the ship heading back to New York after Ragnorok. (Thanos doesn’t come because they already killed him. That is explained briefly in another fic that is not Loki x OFC.) 
Warnings: Implied smut, blood, cursing.
Be By My Side
Noelle PoV:
"Terribly sorry, my lady. I did not mean to cause any discomfort." The young woman in front of me bows her head.
"Oh, no, please. It isn't your fault. It's a wound. It is bound to cause pain, no matter who is wrapping it." I tell her, "and please lift your head. You needn't bow to me. I'm not royal."
She looks up at me, opening her mouth to respond. Before she can, though, she shuts it quickly, spotting something over my shoulder. I furrow my brows in confusion and look behind me to see what caused the healer distress.
At my shoulder stands the ever-regal and slightly intimidating Loki. Well, intimidating to everyone but me. He has caused me distress a few times but it has been few and far between.
My lover puts his hand on my shoulder. "You mustn't believe you are not worthy of a bow or curtsy, darling. You are consort to the prince of Asgard, rightful king of Jotunhiem." He mutters as he leans down to kiss my temple.
I roll my eyes at him and his ego. He forces eye contact with the healer and waves his hand, gesturing for her to move aside. She does so quickly and he replaces her at my feet, taking over the wrapping of my wounded and bloodied leg. The girl begins applying salve to the other cuts and bruises I got in the battle.
"If I may, my prince," she squeaks out. He nods, letting her know that it is alright to continue. "This ship you arrived in is very well stocked with medical supplies. I was just wondering where it came from to be so well stocked."
"It came from a distant planet. We didn't come by it in honorable fashion so do keep that to yourself." He responds coolly, raising an eyebrow at her. She cowers slightly under his gaze.
I take her hand gently, "What's you're name, my dear?"
"Anna Marie, my Lady."
"Well, Lady Anna Marie, I will let you in on a secret. You can't repeat it, of course." She nods vigorously, "Prince Loki seems cold and cruel but he is truly very warm and protective. And he cannot do anything to harm you, especially in my presence. You are under my protection." She smiles gratefully at me. I pat her hand and let her continue her work.
Glancing at Loki, he is scowling at me but I just smile and it melts off his face. He finishes wrapping my wound and rests his head on my knees. I turn to Anna Marie. "I know that you are not used to this level of public displays of affection so I apologize of you are uncomfortable. You have to realize, though, we just got out of a battle with the Goddess of Death. We need comfort." She smiles and nods.
Loki takes one of my hands and brings it to his lips. 'Are you alright?' I ask through the connection.
'I-' he takes a breath, 'I do not know. I am filled with emotions I didn't know I would feel.'
'It's understandable.' I tell him. 'You just watched the place you were raised go up in flames. You should be feeling a lot. It means you're still alive.'
He lifts his head and looks at me. 'Are you alright? I have been trying to shut my own emotions out that I almost forgot yours. How are you feeling, love?'
I think for a moment. 'I am sad, I suppose. Not as upset as I should be but still sad. I guess Thor will find a place to put the Asgardians and we will go back to the tower.' I shake my head laughing slightly. 'We might just have to tell them. I like being able to hug you in public.'
He smirks. 'Darling, I'm pretty sure FRIDAY has already told the Man of Iron. He has been asking questions.'
'Alright then. You tell him and he will tell everyone else. I will tell Wanda and Nat though. I really don't want them to be mad at me.'
He nods. He starts to say something else but I am pulled out of my daze by Anna Marie tapping on my shoulder. "Is there anything else I can assist you with, my Lady?" She asks politely.
"No, thank you, Lady Anna Marie. I'm very grateful for your help." I tell her as I stand, Loki standing with me. He puts a hand on the small of my back gently.
"It was my pleasure, my Lady." She curtsies to us and we leave the infirmary. We get out into the main deck of the ship and go straight to the King.
"Ah! Loki! There you are! And I see now why I couldn't find you. Hello, Lady Noelle."
"King Thor." I give a mocking, dramatic curtsy. He rolls his eyes and stands to hug me.
Loki has been helping support me since we left the infirmary so when Thor notices I'm not pulling very far from his brother, he makes a snap decision that Loki couldn't escape from. We are both pulled into a bone crushing hug.
"Release me, you big oaf. I can't breathe!" Loki struggles, trying to get out of his grip. When Thor finally let's us go, I hiss in pain, having been abruptly dropped on my feet. Loki catches me before I can fall.
"What happened to you?" Val asks.
"I was fighting the undead soldier dudes and one sliced my leg from behind. I'm fine, just a lot of blood. It is a long cut, not particularly deep though."
Thor mutters an apology. I smile at him and pat his head. He blushes a little like a child being given praise by his mother. We stay and discuss the plans for a while before Loki asks Thor something that had been on my mind for the passed few minutes.
"Brother. I hate to bring this up but where is Lady Sif? I have not seen her while we have been aboard and I assume she would have found you by now."
Thor looks at his hands for a moment, "I was wondering that as well. I talked to Heimdall. She was on the front lines when Hela arrived."
I step away from Loki and put a hand on Thor's arm. Before I can say anything he looks at me, "It is alright, Sister. I know that you know how I feel right now but you must remember that Sif and I broke off our engagement a year before this. I feel as though I have mourned her already." He gives me a small smile.
"You know you can come to me if you need someone to talk to. I'm sure Loki would be willing, too, if I'm not available." Thor pats my hand and smiles bigger. I wait a moment, thinking about what he said. "Thor?"
"You called me sister."
"That's what you have become to me."
I grin widely and hug him around the neck. He hugs back, softer this time than the first hug.
I feel Loki pulling me back by my waist. "Come with me." He whispers in my ear.
I nod and turn to Thor. "We take our leave, King Brother."
He chuckles loudly, winking at me and waving his hand in a dismissal.
Loki takes my arm and leads me to an empty room. It has a glass ceiling, exposing the galaxy around us. Loki walks us to the big window on the other side of the room, helping me get situated. He remains standing. He paces before me for a bit, hands behind his back, as I watch the stars and planets passing us.
He takes a breath before speaking, drawing my eyes back to him. "Perhaps you are wondering why I brought you in here, but its quite simple. I've been pondering over something... very critical to my own existence." He stops his pacing and looks at the floor, spaced out. "I always thought I could never find love." He shakes his head minutely, scoffing as he starts again. "Hell I couldn't find love in my own family. How could I find it out there?"
He is still close enough for me to reach for his hand, kissing his knuckles comfortingly. He looks down at our hands, taking a breath. "But after making amends with my brother and coming back to you," he makes eye contact with me for the first time since we entered the room. "My mind has been persuaded and I realized that my destiny is in my own hands. And I can change it if I want to. IF I want to."
He kneels in front of the bench, the second time today he has been on his knees before me. He takes my other hand in his, hold both my hands kissing my fingers lightly before turning his gaze back up to me. "You taught me that it wasn't too late turn back." He chuckles darkly. "To be on the good side." His small smile slips from his face, "but I wonder 'is it, though?'"
He shuts his eyes, as though trying to forget the memories. "After everything that I've done, you're telling me I can just... waltz my way back into the light as if it never happened." His grip had tightened significantly. I run my thumbs along his fingers trying to calm him enough to loosen his hold. He does a little, still holding on tight to get through this part of his speech. "All those lives. They went through hell because of me." His voice softens at the end. "And I'm supposed to pretend like it never happened, live my true happy ending. No! There's a price for everything that you do."
He opens his eyes again, gazing at me again. "I hope that I have finally paid it. I believe that I have, looking back at the passed year. And now that I am indebted to no one, I want you to be along side me. I want you to fight alongside me. And to actually be by my side." He drops his gaze to our hands again. "I know this is out of no where but-" he takes a deep breath. "I want your hand in marriage." I must look shocked or confused or something because he reiterates. "I'm asking to marry you." I just stare at him. "I have my eyes on no one; no one but you. And its been this way for a long time... a very long time. I just haven't had the words to say how I felt... but now I do. And if I'm not too late," he meets my eyes once again, "I'd like to go back. I'd like to see what the light side looks like. With you."
I don't really know what happened after but I know that suddenly my lips are on his, pulling him deeper. I pull away after a moment, keeping barely 2 inches between us. "You are good, Loki. You are beaten and broken but you are still good."
"Do you really-"
"Yes, I really believe that. For such a observant man, you certainly can be oblivious."
He laughs, some of the tension leaving his features. "You're so witty, I love it. You always know what to say and how to say it." He smiles at me, brushing a lock of hair behind my ear, "I've always loved that about you." I lean my face into his hand, holding it there with my own.
"I'm taking that as a yes." He cocks an eyebrow at me.
"Um, yeah, please do!"
He laughs loudly this time. I grin and scrunch my nose at him. He pulls me closer and kisses me deeply again. He pulls away for a moment to mutter, "Well, I'm as happy as I can be." He breathes a laugh.
I wake up to loud knocking on the door. I groan and roll onto my stomach. I hear chuckling beside me before a rustling of the sheets.
Loki puts on some pants and opens the door slightly.
"Good morning, Loki!" The thundering voice of Thor cuts through my already broken sleep cycle. "Are you just waking up?"
"I had a late night." He replies coolly. I try not to laugh and turn my face into the pillow.
"I see. Working hard as the King's hand will keep you up, I suppose."
'Or a fiancé's vocal range.' He whispers in my mind and this time I can't hold back my laughter. This brings Thor's attention to me.
"Good Morning, Elle!"
"Good Morning, Your Highness." I send back.
He tries to push into the room but Loki stops him with a hand on his chest. "I don't think you want to do that." He says lowly.
"I think I do. I have much to discuss with the both of you."
I stand up, wrapping the sheet around my body as I do so, and stand at Loki's shoulder. "Will you at least let me get some sort of clothing on first?" I ask him innocently.
His face burns bright red and he looks at the ceiling. "That would be good."
"Just put my shirt on, and a pair of shorts." Loki mutters to me, closing the door on Thor, who stays just outside it and waits for us. I do as I'm told quickly. Loki just watches me move about the room, collecting miscellaneous clothing. I sit criss crossed on the bed as I finish buttoning his shirt over my shorts I wear under my dresses. Loki opens the door and let's Thor in. He sits in the chair Loki magics out of thin air and Loki crawls back onto the bed with me. He sits slightly behind me, running his fingers through my hair.
"So, we have been thinking about where to go." Thor starts. "Midgard seems to be the wisest and most suitable choice. I would like to hear your thoughts."
"Well, while Earth is very similar to Asgard in terms of gravity and oxygen levels, it's very different in the ways of... societal norms." I say. "I think if you can find a chunk of land that could fit all of the people, you could rebuild from scratch."
"That is what I was thinking. I need to send a message to Stark so they don't panic when a strange vessel flies into their atmosphere over New York once again." Thor scratches at his newly shaven beard.
"Perhaps, Brother, we should land in the upstate area of New York. Have Stark meet us there; it will be better to not arrive in such an abrupt way with this obscene number of people." Loki's logic brings something else to the forefront of my mind.
"He is right. You not only have those on this ship but a second ship as well. The population of Asgard is much bigger than I thought."
The King of Asgard nods thoughtfully. "I will see if Banner can get a message to Stark. He will know how to do it, I'm sure."
"Grand. Its been wonderful talking to you, Thor, but are we done here? I'd like to sleep a bit more. I'm sure my fiancé feels the same. That battle was tiring for you and I. Imagine the effects on someone less immortal than us." Loki stands again, ushering Thor out. When they reached the door, Thor stops himself from being shoved out of the room by his brother by placing his hand on either side of the doorframe.
"Fiancé?" He looks at me questioningly. I raise my left hand for him to see the small black markings on my ring finger. We drew it on both our hands last night with a sharpie that I managed to conjure. Loki raises his hand to show his similar but not identical markings on his own finger. "You didn't even get a ring? For shame, Brother!" Thor whacks Loki upside his head. I laugh, Loki doesn't. Thor leaves and Loki closes the door behind him.
He climbs back onto the bed with me and immediately pushes me over so that I am laying on my back again. "You said you were tired." I laugh and let my fingers tangle in his already knotted hair, courtesy of last night's activities.
"I am, but I do believe that I am hungrier than I am tired." He says, beginning to kiss my jaw, working his way down.
"Oh, so we are hungry now?" I chuckle.
"Ravenous." He responds, kissing and nipping at my neck.
I sigh dramatically, "I suppose I could go for some breakfast."
He growls and moves back up my body to my lips. I wrap my legs around his waist and pull him as close as I can.
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creepweirdo · 4 years ago
hey emily, i wish we could swap climates we’ve got snow! snow! no one wants snow i almost fell just putting stuff in the bin dfnjsk i think any cql/mdzs spinoff would be good. imagine a baby xue yang one, or koi tower from mianmians point of view. (ok i’d watch anything tbh). yeah i’m hoping 2021 will be better! it was nice seeing my friend today but i miss us going to the cinema or out for food. just things that aren’t normal any more. i love your travel vouchers tho, that’s so cool! do you
have any ideas of what to do? my government are fools, so they would never, but i like your optimism. omg videos on facebook haha i think i found it on viki or somewhere, but i don’t remember? it wasn’t easy to find. i would love to see all your facebook friends freaking out at your zombie cultivator film ahh i love that we had the same ideas about sects! i didn’t know it about the jiangs until i looked it up, (idk if it’s in the book i don’t recall it?) but the wens have long been 🙄
i think while wwx was dead, nhs was pretending to be a fool but now he’s been exposed he is absolutely the best by far. i would love to see him helping out lwj in his chief cultivator role, all behind the scenes of course. poor jin ling! you’re right, but also that poor kid haha. i kind of wondered about the lans, much as i love them, who is leading them post cql? is lxc in seclusion? is it lqr still?? omg i forgot i had one before this one was well. but wow you’ve really stuck around!
it’s a hellsite but i love it. where else can i make gifs and scream about current obsessions and contribute to fandom. i just went into archive and i made this in jan 2016. wow. ok last set before the reveal!! (i stole this one from someone else bc i love it) who are you bringing with you on a roadtrip, cql edition? who is riding shotgun? who is driving? who is asleep and/or snacking non-stop? who is in control of the music? who is the navigator? and where are you going? and for non-mdzs tell
me three things that you are happy about or proud of yourself from 2020! let’s get positive before 2021 hits! or if that's hard - i know i didn't do as much as i wanted - any resolutions for 2021? /your cc💜💜
hi classified cultivator!!!!
lmaooo the visual of slipping while taking the bins out 💀😭 OMG a baby xue yang one!! please!
oh yeah! yay i’m glad your catch up went well ❤️ ahh so true - i honestly can’t believe that 2020 made going to the cinema and going out for food with a friend impossible/illegal! like WHAT.
if i could drive i would totally get a travel voucher and organise a road trip and winery tour or something!! ahahah there’s also this place in my state where it’s a “open-air museum” (according to wikipedia lol) made to be set in 1850s australia during the gold rush. i’m pretty sure ALL melbourne primary school aged kids have a school camp there and i would LOVE to go back. so yeah lmao the victorian government can fund me trying to relive my childhood HAHAHA.
LMAOOO maybe they’ll be inspired by australia 🥺💀 (also lowkey i think the two of us jinxed the 60 day no covid community transmissions because i JUST found out that there have been 3 locally acquired covid cases discovered today 😳🧍🏼‍♀️)
HAHAHA omg 💀💀i’m so so so tempted to put it on their feed and then see if anyone asks me about it. and yesss our minds ❤️ omg yes nhs helping lan zhan with the chief cultivator role would be so nice! HAHAH there are so many questions about post cql 💀 this is why fanfic is the best honestly
“it’s a hellsite but i love it” so so true 💀❤️ i recently acquired more brain rot - shipping luke skywalker and the mandalorian 😭😭 i’m actually obsessed. people’s minds are so massive.
ahahah omg perfect question ❤️ so with the travel voucher given to us by the victorian government, myself, nhs, mianmian, wen qing, and wwx would go on a road trip and spend a weekend getting absolutely wrecked at a winery (hopefully a cider brewery too bc i don’t like wine 💔) 💀 wwx would probably ride shotgun bc he’s needy like that but nhs, mianmian and i would have more fun riding in the back so it makes wwx sad LMAO wen wing of course is driving and navigating using the gps bc she doesn’t trust anyone and also is in charge of the music but she has taste so it’s all good. wwx is either snacking non stop or asleep there is no in between.
ooo that is hard!!! i’m totally blanking while trying to think about three things i’m happy/proud of 😳 like i know i must have achieved things but uhhhh mind empty 💔 i might go with the resolutions ahah!
my resolutions are to do driving lessons, get my license, and buy a car. i’ve been saving all year for a car 😁 i just need to actually learn how to drive 😳 all the experience i have is that i’ve sat in the drivers seat and driven like 5 metres LMAOOO.
that road trip question was so good!!! bahaha i stole SO MANY questions from other people and asked them to my partner ahaha. i mean uhhh, i got inspiration 🧍🏼‍♀️
how would you answer the road trip question, and what are you proud of/what are your resolutions for next year? ❤️😁
thank you for the questions!!
(omg ALSO I NEARLY FORGOT TO TELL YOU!!! i read a mianmian/wen wing fanfic the other day and it was really good!!! i’ll link it here!! it’s called for the peace inside my mind. it’s an arranged marriage pining everyone knows they love each other stupid gay people one)
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princesscas · 5 years ago
Being late to the party and joining a new fandom after the series has (mostly) finished and the fandom is in chaos with mixed opinions on the ending and you still don’t fully know how to feel plus there’s a divide in the fandom with hate for certain characters/pairings and you’re just like 
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Me, pictured above, with gifs and edits looking at the Marvel fandom like ‘you guys like headers???’ 
I’m gonna go on a rant under the cut and pretend this is a journal that I can throw into the void because I can’t keep all this in as I browse the fandom depths of Tumblr. 
I really do take the Spnfamily for granted sometimes and that time is now. We really do feel like a family. At times I feel like we’re a big fandom but once you go outside that bubble, we’ve very small compared to other fandoms. I guess the bigger the fandom, the most hate and drama there will be. 
ANYWAY I got back into Marvel 3 months ago, finished my binge, began reading fanfiction, soon after that I was invested. Then a month ago I started a Marvel blog, started following blogs, making and posting edits/gifs, browsing the tags etc. And oh my god, I forgot how chaotic some fandoms can be.
In the past weeks I’ve seen character hate, ship hate, cast hate, hate for others who like a certain movie, an ending, a characters personality, traits, decisions, etc. Its exhausting, how do people do it? Maybe I’m just not that kind of person. I don’t have the energy for it, I just ignore the negative and read fanfiction oOP
I also think I’m starting to become invested in Stucky like when I started with Destiel 5/6 years ago and that’s saying a lot, destiel is my eVERYTHING. 
I wasn’t interested in Marvel last year when EG was coming up bc I was too lazy to watch 20+ movies to catch up, so all my exposure to it was Reddit since I go there for news/vidya games. So for the most part, I assumed it was a positive reception and an very emotional heavy movie. (and it is emOTIONAL) But man, the difference of options on it between platforms.
But I feel like I’m the 1% in the stevexbucky side who is at least, neutral on Endgame. I think 15 seasons of Supernatural has ruined me for endings and character deaths that my expectations are always low. There’s like, a divide between the fandom and it highkey makes me nervous for Supernatural’s ending.
I watched it, was an emotional mess and for the most part I liked it. I still think Infinity War was a better movie but Endgame got more hype. My top 3 MCU movies is still IM3, CATWS and Ragnarok. 
The biggest divide about it that I’ve seen on this hellsite is Steve’s ending. Quite honestly, I’m not reeealy a fan either. (Although I am VERY excited for Sam and Bucky to get their own show) I’ve thought about it, took my shipper goggles off, looked at it through different perspectives and I get it on one hand but on the other ehhhh. I still think, the dynamic between the two characters, Steve and Bucky, was lacking in both movies. The negative part of having a movie with dozens of characters in it is the lack of screentime for a lot of characters. 
But then, clearly my dislike for it is rookie numbers because man some people like to passionately hate others for not doing the same. Yep, saw posts described exactly like that. And now I’m reminded why people hate Tumblr so much! 
Honestly at the end of the day, everyone will have a different perspectives on fictional media and the best thing everyone should do is not hate others for having an opposing opinion. Recognize your differences and respect it. Also fanfiction is A GODSEND. 
WOW that got very long. Hi if you’re reading this! This makes me nervous for what’s to come with the Supernatural ending and that hasn’t really occurred to me yet since I’m still on the emotional ‘I can’t believe its ending’ phase.  
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hellcures · 5 years ago
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both me and my hunting angel right here are turning one year older, and hasn’t it been a wild ride.  i am about to finish my first semester at college, have been a member of a dream come true contemporary singing choir for months now, lived through graduation, and found amazing new friends to share the journey’s beautiful highs and necessary lows with.
lana, on the other hand, has found a new life here, coming back to the fandom, getting back into gear with new verses, new stories and new partners in her adventures, which is why i feel like doing something special for her this year. for the first time ever i’ll be taking birthday starters for lana from jan. 9th to jan. 16th, so if you wanna show us some love, i’ll prioritize and post those as i queue other drafts before my finals start in a couple weeks. now, i’ll take this chance to spread some well-deserved love and do a little follow forever under the cut for the people without whom this wouldn’t have been the same for us, but for those leaving here, thank you for the ride and another wonderful year.   ©
@helllore​​.  my ride or die kate, you know i’ll never find a writing partner like you. you were the first person since i revamped my lana that made us feel cherished important, like we really had found a place here, and ever since you’ve remained my absolute main.  every word you write and every dynamic we’ve developed with these two feels canon to me, you’ve given me priceless memories and shipping rants, and just like lana will always be sam’s, i’ll always be here, waiting impatiently for us to keep making magic together. i love you.
@huntmyth​​. jay.  you’ve been here since the very beginning, and i remember being so starstruck that you digged my little female oc and ended up being mutuals together.  despite my hiatus and losing track of each other for a bit of time, i’ll never not be excited about a meme of yours in my inbox, or plotting crazy au’s, or anything really.  i’m so happy you made this list years later, and i hope you know how much you and your deano still mean to me.
@prophetduty​. SARA, MY GIRL, OUR PROPHET BESTIE!!!  y’know, it’s very likely that we wouldn’t have come back from that hiatus if i hadn’t seen you and angie still around.  you’ve been this breath of fresh air both on my dash and in lana’s life, and i couldn’t imagine writing her without acknowledging your babe and the fluff, angst and action she shoots into her person.  you are the ying to her yang, so do not ever make me find out what this blue hellsite is without you or we’ll hunt you down.  literally.
@tobeblamed​.  lou!!  my crazy excited, keyboard-smashing, rocket-speed reply fangirl, lou.  you’re tobeloved ( see what i did there )  'till the end of time.  in a few weeks you’ve given me not only an amazing, wholesome, pre-series universe that feels like the only truth to lana’s rookie days, but you’ve been my friend, standing me and my pointless exams anxiety, always believing in me.  i’m so happy that after being mutuals forever we grew so close so fast, and it fills my heart to think of all we still got yet to do and live through together.  you reminded me why i fell in love with dean back in the early seasons in the first place. so, bottom line?  i just think you’re adorable.
@destinedgreat​. louise.  the angel behind the hotel reception i always envisioned as a kid.  you’ve gifted us a precious familial dynamic lana thought she’d never be able to have, and she’s thriving helping someone shape their own destiny the way no one helped her.  plus, she’s def the cool aunt, let’s admit it.  you are a ray of sunshine and we wouldn’t give you up for the world, hon.  can’t wait to keep writing together.
@damnedtm​.  kiki!!  i told you this just a few days ago, but you’re the real mvp, honestly.  you’ve forever been doing teen!lana threads with me, and don’t think for a second i forgot about that new years kiss meme. these two cute dumbass idjits need to smooch already.  you’re so original with your sam, you blow me away all the time, and i can’t wait for that seals plot we discussed.  seeing you around is always such a treat, you’re such a talented writer and such a pure human, i send you the best of vibes. thank you for giving my girl a chance back in the day, hon, truthfully.
@compaession​.  anna.  the kickstarter for my newfound passion on my tvd verse.  your elena is so clean and pure and perfectly flawed in the most human way — one could think that’s because of the muse, but despite not having a doubt in my mind that you portray her so well on purpose, i think she takes after the mun.  you’ve been an amazing new addition to my fam here and i look forward to having you on more follow forever’s like this one.
@unrepent​​.  kat.  unironically, my dream katherine.  ever since i conceived lana into the tvd universe, i’ve looked for a katherine to develop this complex, layered dynamic with.  it’s founded in circumstance and manipulation, but rooted in empathy, vulnerability and depending on one another in the end.  so i looked for a katherine whose dialogue would give me chills, whose mannerisms and motivation weren’t watered down at all, and with her wounded heart and sass intact. and depite having admired you from afar for years, now that we’re mutuals, it’s clear as water. there’s no one better for that one woman job than you.  you’re also such a welcoming sweetheart with such a genius mind, and your interpretation of brooke? top-notch.  i hold very high hopes for us in the future and i can’t wait to know you better and better with each passing plotting rant, if you’ll let us. 
@fatalhell​.  NOSTA!! our hell queen, honestly.  never in a million years would i have imagined ruby’s to be one of my fave dynamics, but you’re just that special.  you balance her out so exquisitely, it’s impossible not to love hating her.  it’d break my heart to ever watch such a one in a million portrayal leave, and such a dedicated, welcoming soul too. we love you way too much for our own good.
@downspiral​​.  raz.  i know, we’ve only been mutuals for a few days, but just like i’d been looking for forever for a main katherine to develop that tvd dynamic with, a damon blog who’d take a chance on us was my wish for ages.  and then you came out of nowhere, followed us back and lightened up our hearts making perfect carbon copies of his snarky, spot-on one-liners and his complicated psyche. despite the fact we still have a lot to do and have only interacted through im’s and memes and such, i just had to let you know how much i appreciate you and that your blog is one i check very often ‘cause i know the content is quality, ‘kay. 
@holykissed​​​.  jessi.  you and i go way back, to when i saw @sulfurbraved​ on my dash and drooled over all your amazing female spn muses, including some dope oc’s.  so imagine my content when i saw you’d revamped and kept a lot of those amazing muses. i was THRILLED, and i still am.  we haven’t missed a beat and it’s so nice to be interacting with you again, so just know i’m super excited to follow through on all those plots we never had the chance to write back in the day.
some special mentions are @ichorimbrued​, @seesgood​, @unfamiliarties​ /  @spitfcre​, @streetcop​, @gaebrel​, @graveburns​, plus all my mutuals ‘cause i love you all to the moon and back ( this is not a drill ).
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emotionally-imbruised · 5 years ago
Hello I’d like to take a moment to wish the happiest FREAKING BIRTHDAY TO SOMEONE WHO LIGHTS UP MY WORLD LIKE NOBODY ELSE @always-jackedup 🥳💕🎈🥰🍒. I say this on every birthday post I make but I deadass cannot believe this hellsite brought some of the greatest people I’ve ever known into my life. Unfortunately for Sarah, she was one of the very first friends I made on here and has stuck around since. Shoutout to her for being one of the kindest, funniest and most creative people I have ever met even though her Capricorn ass would never admit it. She never fails to blow my mind with literally everything she does and just how kind she is to literally everyone she interacts with always. I know my life would be a whole lot duller without her in it so I for one am very thankful for this day and can’t freaking WAIT to tackle her to the ground in a hug when we meet in July.
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shadowed-moonrise · 7 years ago
ooc: elia and ashka chat logs
[ooc comments supposed to be removed but i might have missed some. there is a Lot of logs bc we forgot to post until now]
oh my god what is WRONG WITH SOME PEOPLE
i got some horrifying anons!!! theyre so horrifying!!!!!!!
hang on let me turn off my blacklist for a moment
quick question: what the fuck
(not directed at you!)
i just
they sent me a followup ask like 'didnt you read what i said, my gf likes it'
and............... i dont....... think she does
like that does not sound like a healthy relationship and i hope they just made it up to creep on me
"hi i'm a rapist"
"no but she likes when i rape her"
i just
*what the fuck*
i was just talking earlier abt how i dont actually like that anybody can read my hyper posts but i make them on publicblog for like Awareness right?
and i thought i meant like abstractly, like maybe theres somebody reading them and cackling bc they dont agree w/ my politics or whatever?
people will send me creepy asks about raping their hyper gf
some people are just really terrible?
i guess?
what are they even getting out of this?
i think some people just........ enjoy making other people suffer????
or maybe somehow they thought i would be like "i think this is hot or a good thing to do or whatever, thank you for your service to the hypersensitive community"
i dunno what goes on in these peoples head
maybe tumblr just hates hypersensitives or something
it would explain a lot
like, okay, but what would you hate hypersensitives for
like theres somebody who hates hypos (and IS A NAT THERAPIST, AUGH) for.... not hating pollution enough, i guess
but hypersensitives are boring? we dont go outside much bc the outside is fully of scary?
maybe tumblr is just weird like that?
or maybe we're easy targets?
oh yeah that makes sense
most meso folks don't have a button they can press to get a reaction out of us
if you wanna make somebody suffer its so easy to target people with a big 'make me suffer' button
ugh im sort of regretting making it public
i could have just not mentioned it and had a really good blacklist
most of the time people aren't that bad
and then there'll be a week or two
where people send you nothing but asks about pollution
i blacklist some stuff but im generally okay talking about pollution if its like, abstract, so i dont do it that aggressively and then........ sometimes............. people take advantage of that
i wish you could like, have vulnerabilities without people just randomly deciding to fuck with you for no reason
hang on
i just scrolled down
>i’ll put my foreign object ;;;;) in your body ;;;;) ;;;;)
***what the fuck***
oh GOD
i just got
oh no
how bad is it
bad enough im not sure i should tell you what it says
my brain is helpfully providing suggestions
why is it like this
are you okay
im.... probbly going to be in a minute
"the last "person" to hide their caste on this hellsite turned out to be red. i bet you aren't even hyper, you're just pretending so people won't suspect. i know what you really are."
thats what it says
what the fuck
why would anyone send that to you
i dont know
i dont know
what did i *do*
i don't know
i guess if they think you're red that would explain why they hate you?
but seriously
what the fuck
i'm so sorry
why would anyone say that
anon hate doesnt usually get to me like this but
the fuck
i dunno if they even really think that or they just want to upset me
i don''t
i don't know
fuck i'm so sorry
are you going to be okay
yeah. yeah.
is there anything i can do
i dont
think so
other than not be the sort of terrible person who would send those messages
thamk you for not being htat sort of person!
im so glad most people arent
it's really not hard
oh i can... go take some eytelia right now
it will only help in 40min but i might still need it then
ok back
anyways what the fuck
someday i will have coping mechanisms other than "get high in a way that coincidentally also helps"
i mean if it helps
then that's a lot better than nothing
yeah it is
im gonna go curl up and not look at the Fuckening Internet, i guess
seems reasonable
ttyl <3
ttyl :)
hiiiiiiiiiiii im back im not sad anymore because im so high
i got another horrible anon and i dont even caaaare
i'm glad you're feeling better
sorry about the terrible anon
also did you know art is pretty
its so pretty
i saw a video of a yellow playing the yellowest instrument ever and i wanted to send it to you but tumblr messages werent working on my everything
maybe i can find it again..........
http://theyre-a-geeky-witch.tumblr.com/post/138457594516/ here
that's actually really pretty
anyways what's up
i gotta work in a couple hours
by which time hopefully i will be able to handle it
idk i dont HATE it but its hard on the badbrains
i can imagine
like i feel ok now bc hiiiiiigh but im not very excited about leaving the house and going places
there will be a green party where im supposed to just pretend to be green tho!
i like those
that part sounds nice
at least
ive been thinking & writing a lot about how thinking-on-drugs works and greens always wanna talk about that
one time a client had me go to a thing pretending to just be green and it was nice and then she *told everyone she hired me* while i was in the middle of talking about my cs paper (my actual cs paper, which i actually wrote, and she implied i didnt even though i CLEARLY THOROUGHLY UNDERSTOOD IT)
why would she do that??
i wish i had just walked away but i didnt know what to do
some people....... have a humiliation kink
and like, okay, ill do that if you WARN ME, but you cant just spring it on me???
i am super not a sex worker but "tell people in advance" seems really obvious
i didnt really say anything at the time bc i was so shocked but later i like messaged her and was like 'thats super fucked up'
she didnt really get it but she agreed to pay me extra for like, i didnt know what service i was providing beforehand & thats more costly
but she only engaged with it in like, super businessy terms
how does she not get it
this does not seem particularly hard to understand
i think she was like 'im paying you for both sex work and going to a party so i can just like do whatever, right?'
and there was also some like 'greys are toys'
fucking blues
i do not usually go in that much for caste solidarity because im so bad at grey + greys are not great about that but in that moment if somebody asked me i would have supported a military government
i could explain 'pay people for services and also lay out terms beforehand' but not 'greys are.... people..... dont be a fucking asshole'
i don't think i've ever actually talked to a blue
at least not to say more than "excuse me, can i get through" or "the soap is in aisle five"
there... exist blues who are okay
there even exist blues who are okay and hire sex workers and do kinky things about castes with them
i believe you
like 80% of the people who hire me are entirely fine?
they can't possibly all be terrible
otoh a terrible blue can screw you over a lot more than a terrible purple
im not sure what i would do if a blue client did something illegal to me because...................................... im not sure what i CAN do
probably depends on how illegal
and who they are
there are supposed to be reporting systems in place if they try to pay you to kill someone or something
idk if they actually do that
nobody has tried that and i havent heard anybody talking about that but im pretty niche and a lot of my family is green, idk
i feel like if somebody wanted to pay a grey to kill somebody theyd pick one who has ever held a gun
but yeah, i'm guessing if you made an important blue mad they could screw you over pretty badly
ugh sorry ive been talking about my shit this whole time
it has been kind of A Day i swear i am usually better at conversation
it's totally fine!
how is your day anyay
it's been okay
mira and i went to check out that social-dancing place
what kind of dance is it?
i guess i might not know purple dances??
i don't know if the name will translate
it's mostly the kind you do in a group with other people that's really traditional
group dances are great
if you have... similar amounts of motor skills to the other people
i haven't done anything like it in years and i'm really bad at it but it's still fun
and i'm not bad at it in a stepping-on-feet way
which is probably good, idk
im pretty sure not stepping on feet is strictly better than the alternative!
omg babybro is home <33
he is so good!!!!!!
he taaalks and he plays with me and ive been teaching him abstract concepts bc i find it really exciting when he knows abstract concepts
tell me more about this baby
he can do numbers up to twelve and circles and triangles and 'many' and 'other' and i asked him what one plus one was and he said 'two ones' which means he *actually understands what it means*
he has adooorable curly hair
and a little nose
and he will boop my nose with his nose if i ask him to
and he loves my weighted blanket
what a good baby
i guess at this point he might not 'technically' be a baby anymore? but hes a baaaabbbyyy
[lemme edit a picture of my irl little brother to have green hair]
baby!!!! <333
second picture featuring Grey Grandma
he's so smol
so small!!!!!
and smiley!!!!
happy baby!
i hope he is happy foreeeeever
his lil nose is tan bc it gets in the sun more than the rest of his face
bc he has a little baby face!!!!!!!!!!!
little baby face on the little happy baby!!!!
he's so good
hes next to me playing with my blanket
i looove him
what a good baby
i told him i was talking a friend and he says hi
although im not sure he really gets the idea of the internet yet
he seemed kinda confused
hi baby-sibling-of-ashka
he's such a cute baby
his name is avidik
we keep arguing about whether to use avi or idi as a nickname
hi avidik!!
oh no he spilled water on the carpet
its alright its a pretty waterproof carpet
he ran at me and jumped in my arms
so!!!! good!!!!!!!
good baby
oh also have you seen this yellow violinist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGhPGH2YROA
seems like your kind of thing
wow that's pretty
oh i could take a picture of avi with my violin
he is not green, technically
although he also does not know how to play even a little bit
do you play violin too?
a little
im not like good at it
but it is fun
rn i am mostly actually learning to sign but i dont understand how notes correspond to mouth sounds so if i need to sightread i play songs on the violin first and then once ive heard them i can sing them
violin is great
it is!!!
i always felt like i should learn piano bc its easy but i like violin so much
one of my other brothers writes a lot of synth music
its really good
he plays it without telling us it's his to get unbiased answers and then he tells us and were like HOLY SHIT
that's really sweet
ok i’m not really online but I TAUGHT AVIDI A LETTER
i’m so proud of him
hi hi
a letter!
what a good smol!
which letter is it?
i guess it might not be a letter orvaran has
it's [forcetranslate]a[/forcetranslate]
or uh
idk if that worked
we have that sound but it's written differently
it's the last one in my name
[preservecharacter] a [/preservecharacter]
i wonder if its always the same sound
i think it can make a couple sounds in anitami
just one in orvaran
maybe two
i'm not sure if they're technically separate sounds
and then there's accents and things
idk if i should try to teach him to read in valtaz
he speaks some but tbh there is just no situation where you even need to be able to read valtaz
maybe someday he'll want to swap to yvalta
for some reason
.............i really doubt it?
i guess if he wants to retire in the Old Country
i hear older people sometimes swap for the weather
or something
there are apps to machine translate physical signs and stuff but i guess theyd be annoying to use all the time
if he knows valtaz he can learn to read it if he ever wants to
i'm not really sure how this works
'how to teach your family foreign languages' wasn't really covered in purple school
i think i should probably teach him the alphabet but not like focus on it
yeah my parents swapped out of yvalta with some retirees who wanted to go there for the weather and were unaffected by the horrible contract system bc they were too old to have more kids anyway
i can't really think why else you'd want to live there
lineality maybe
but there are other matrilineal countries
arent most countries matrilineal?
i think historically matrilineal was easier because like..... there can be ambiguity about who the father is if you dont have good genetic testing (and a database, in some cases), but you can always tell which person a baby literally just came out of
that makes sense for why
we're matrilineal
maybe someone who lived in ceredan would swap to yvalta for lineality, ceredan does permissions anyways
except for blues i think
how do blues even have kids in permissions countries
"ashka your family is from a permissions country" its not like they talked to blues a bunch
i think they have to impress other blues
probably they don't let you give yourself a permission
because then everyone would just do that
.....how many kids does the most important blue get to have tho
no idea
i think it varies by country
the one with the bears and no greys makes a big deal about the monarch only getting two
i guess with blues its always more "how many kids is it a good idea to have so that they can give them all a good inheritance" than "how many kids can they literally afford"
aww thats kinda cute
if i lived in a country where the king had like six kids i would be pretty pissed
good inheritances might be less important in permissions countries
i bet the way you impress people is with politics
or maybe real estate if you're bribing people, idk
it’s impressive that most permissions countries basically function okay
cuz like it seems like blues having to care so much about impressing other blues would mess with things
i don't think they function as well as most places
but that could just be propaganda
yeahhh idk how to tell the difference between “permissions countries kind of suck” and “permissions countries are usually small, often ex-oahk, etc, which makes stuff harder on them” and “our governments just don’t like them”
i’m low key impressed that blues in auction countries don’t make too many blue credits so they’ll be cheaper, tbh
i guess they super don’t make those decisions in spring + the international community would not be too happy about it
everyone i know from a permissions country says they suck but that's like two people
and if you increase blue credits everyone who isn't blue gets mad
my parents say yvalta sucks and i believe them but like idk how much it’s yvalta’s *fault*
i think the big thing is if for some reason a blue hates you a permissions granting blue can screw you over way more than a credit country blue
yeah that’s a big deal
idk a credit country blue can probably get you sterilized if they try really hard but it would take them more trying
yeah maybe
i've never heard of that happening in a credit country but that doesn't mean it never does
anitam is trying out a first child subsidy
which is neat i thin
are they subsidizing the whole credit?
or just some of it
noooo theyre starting with like 4%
and increasing gradually
bc you know how changing laws goes
sooooo sloooowwwww
i guess 4% is better than nothing
but eventually it will be a substantial fraction of the credit i think
but probably good not to do it all at once
i know there's some countries where everyone gets one and the rest are auctioned
first kid free just seems so much more humane? like i understand why credits are useful and stuff but people *just not getting a kid at all ever* is awful
summary bank says alavet, av valdin, celenta, fnr, ochero, qoloc
maybe some random tiny countries that no one bothered to include
on the list, i mean
and yeah, i see what you mean
i wouldn't want to live in a voan country because i like knowing that if i work really hard i could get three
but it makes me sad to think about people with zero
i mean probably some people should get zero, like child abusers, but an auction's not going to stop them
hm i bet in voan/first kid free systems there’s probably a lot of four and five year olds impulsively having kids that they’re not entirely ready for but idk like maybe that’s just something they get to do
okay i'm looking at the summary bank article about the voan system
and the age when the most people have their first kid is five
but that's not most of the people
if that makes sense
i know when i was almost-four they made a big deal in school about how we should all get long-term all-spring birth control
i bet they do that in voa
i guess i don't know for sure
i saw someone on tumblr talking about how they usually get the long term birth control and they get went on vacation to the southern hemisphere and just didn’t remember that they didn’t have the birth control and got pregnant
(they were asking if you can still get aftermarket credits in the *fall*)
that must suck
i hope they managed to get an aftermarket credit
i bet they're cheaper in fall
since most people aren't getting pregnant
i definitely wouldn't want to have a kid with anyone i dated when i was four but maybe some people get really lucky there
yeah that’s a lot of what i’m thinking about like.... most people don’t know people who are definitely good coparents for them when they’re four
because it just takes time to figure that out
i'd've also been a really bad parent when i was four but some of that is me-things
yeah that toooo
i’m four and i’m super not ready to be a parent!!
i feel like i know how to be a good parent in THEORY but in practice i don’t like have the energy or emotional stability
avidi was born the spring i turned four, which was really good <3
that's so good
when i was four i was living with a friend rather than my parents
but if someone had dropped a baby on me i'd have been so unprepared
and my friend was living with their parents
so there were actual responsible people in the apartment
fall/winter when i was three i was spending a lot of time with friends in other cities and stuff to get awaaay but then they there suddenly like “you know what, we’re having another baby this spring” so i came back
there are some upsides to the fact that my green mom has grey babies.......
i have a little sister
i've never actually met her
maybe someday i'll be able to make myself
oh wow i’m so sorry
it's not your fault
if you want to talk about it, or be distracted from it, or whatever-
if you want the story today's a good day for me to tell it
otoh it's definitely pollution-adjacent and i don't know if it's a good day for you
i think i can handle it, it is a good hypersensitivity day for me
so during the voan food crisis we couldn't afford clean food past the first couple months
you'd think living on a farm would help but it had been a bad year the previous year and none of our crops were coming up that season
oh. oh.
and i tried to force myself to eat the polluted food but i couldn't even make myself touch it
that's not the thing yet
so i was at risk of starving to death
and my mom got one of the neighbors to give her a super sketchy probably-illegal loan
because otherwise i might literally die
fast forward to 3423, the neighbor comes and asks for the money back
actually he'd been doing that for a while but she'd been able to put him off
we were super not going to be able to pay it back
and the loan was sketchy enough that she wasn't really sure what would happen if she didn't
just that it would probably be worse than normal
i told her i thought it would be okay
when she asked
if she
people remember fall 3422 as the introduction of the orvaran system
that was just lathande
spring 3423 was when they rolled it out everywhere
even small farming towns need someone to collect garbage, and the jobs paid really well
they had to, if they wanted to find enough people
i thought i'd be okay
i was really really wrong
so wrong
......yeah wow
that's why i wound up moving in with a friend, if i'd stayed there a week longer i'd
it wouldn't have been good
they didn't try to stop me
which is good
would've been silly for them to go to all that work just for me to end up dead anyways
hey you survived
i did
it was super worth it for them to do it becuase you survived
i know intellectually she's clean
but trying to be in the same room as dad or my older brother is about the same as lighting myself on fire, brain-wise
and if it's her it's worth
can you talk to them online or does that not work either
not really
they have my email address
they tell me things like 'you have a sister now'
she tried leaving the job once she had enough money to pay the guy back
to see if it would help, you know
it. uh. didn't.
i was born in 23, which. is good. because if i found out i/my parents had eaten polluted food when i was a baby
colorjustice says that almost all unverifiable food was actually not polluted but
well maybe if i payed them enough i could go through the like fucking six month cleaning process? and maybe after that it would be okay?
but im not sure it would be enough
i know what you mean
if i'd been a year younger and they'd told me it was clean i'd've believed them
if i'd been a year older i'd probably just have killed myself
one of my friends from the treatment program
didn't make it
i had a friend in school
who was hyper, worse than me
way worse
he was *going to school* but just barely, he had to take a bunch of meds with a bunch of side effects to get out of the house at all
and he was a year older than me
oh no
so their class learned about the food crisis? and he left school that day like normal and he took the train home and he got in the shower with his clothes on and took all his meds at once
oh no
they told me he killed himself but nobody would *tell me why* because like i was hyper too and they were worried about copycat stuff
i stayed in touch with his mom, she told me later
she FOUND him
i'm so so sorry
i cant imagine
finding your dead child
it was pretty hard on me but she was really never the same
i don't really have words
:( :( :(
he was an only child
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
i think they were sort of saving for another credit but they ended up spending a lot of money on like, building a room for him where he would feel clean, and stuff
and afterwards, it's not like she was going to have another kid after what happened
they wanted to take me out of class for the segment on the food crisis for, you know, obvious reasons, but that was winter when i was three and i’d already found out from like being online and reading stuff so i guessed what it was? and they freaked the fuck out when i was like “are you just worried about me finding out about the voan food crisis”
were they hoping to just ... pretend it never happened? forever?
it's not like it's easy not to learn about, if you use the internet
i guess i was going to Find Out When I Was Older
or something
i mean i understand the thinking there, like the last time was horrible and i could really just have found out later
the last time being my friend
i see where they were coming from
my school kept me out of class for anything pollution-related but obviously they weren't going to stop me from finding out about the food crisis
i am so sorry you had to live through that
my parents thought about having me do online school while it was happening
it was like really really irresponsible to just tell my friend and i’m like not sure what happened there
i don't know
mesosensitives can be really bad at guessing what's going to hurt us
part of it is just that grey schools aren’t that well equipped for..... dealing with....... disability, i guess?
i had a classmate who thought it would help me not starve if she vividly described what it was like to eat polluted food
i mean, i guess it’s good that they tried to help
but. WHAT
our teacher moved the seating chart so i wouldn't have to sit next to her
and gave me permission to not go to the cafeteria during lunch
but yeah, i am really not sure how she came to that conclusion
yeah wow
i guess if she thought i was going to starve to death unless she did something
sometimes i wish i could just live in a hyper colony
even though like i’m sort of a weird hyper? they might have called it sensitivity disorder nos if i didn’t take so many decontam showers for no reason
but it would still be BETTER
there would be a lot of nice things about that
on the other hand sometimes i hear about a hyper person thinking something is polluted and my brain decides 'oh, they must be right'
even though it was fine before
and i bet that would happen a lot more
oh no
if we all thought that the UNION of the things we thought were polluted were polluted.......
we would die very quickly, i guess
“oh this one guy (MADE UP) said water is polluted so uh goodbye cruel world i guess”
and even without that we'd need robots or something
to take care of garbage
i think robots are more of a political problem than a technological one, maybe we could get away with “look we’re a hyper colony we can’t even TALK TO THE OUTSIDE WORLD most days much less murder anybody”
i think it's like
if people spent a decade developing them then they'd have them
but they aren't mostly, because of the politics
right that makes sense
i'm fine with mesosensitives most days, but then *sometimes* it's like they decided to figure out how to be maximally terrible
honestly so many jobs should be automated not bc pollution but just bc they could be and those people could then do a more skilled job or live in the country and make art or whatever but we can’t build robots at all bc of the political thing
like assembly lines could go a lot more automated than they are and then we’d just be richer and fewer as a society
i feel very Solidarity with hypos but sometimes..... they too........ are the worst
maybe we could get nice hypos for our colony to take care of us
there are totally nice hypos but there are also hypos who do things like put untagged photos of pollution on the internet
yeah it really varies a lot
sometimes talking to hypos is calming bc mesos are like “but MY pollution instinct says this isn’t polluted” and that doesn’t help me at all but i have an amateur theologian hypo friend who can just talk me through the theological position and that helps a lot more
it's good that you have that
and we're not perfect either
there are hypersensitives who think orvaran system workers need to all be executed
or that if you don't do [insert absurdly specific thing here] you're not really hyper
like i can't handle being around mom but i don't want people to murder her
i definitely like
think that there’s an objective position on pollution
and it’s probably not exactly the theological one but it’s closer to that than to my paranoia
and honestly like... i *get* it but it just takes an insane amount of arrogance to be like, “of all the billions and billions of people with pollution instincts, mine is the objective truth and everybody else, including an entire scientific field, is wrong”
oh i also saw this one person saying everyone alive during the food crisis needed to be executed
that one was "fun"
oh my fucking
fuck that person so much
also how are they planning to run society after they’ve killed everyone over four???????
i don't know???
also i feel a lot of people with proposals involving doing lots of murder........... fail to account for the fact that corpses are polluted
how's life been
a WONDERFUL PRETTY NICE blue hired me and i might maybe have a crush
eeeee congratulations!
i don’t know how to approach this tho
“hey baby...... i would have sex with you for free (on a good day)”
if they've hired you a couple times you could ask? or something?
i am kind of bad at relationship advice
yes i think that i will actually do is like
wait a while and see if he contacts me
and then maybe ask him out or something
good luck!!
how’ve you been
also, i saw you post an out of stock green and purple scarf and i could try to make you something like it
i can’t do literally that but i’m thinking like getting some white silk and waxing designs on it and then dyeing it one color and then drawing on the designs in the other
this might be totally the wrong way to go about it but it sounds fun
gosh, that's really nice of you
if you ended up doing this i'd have a couple of sensitivity-related materials requests but i don't think any of them would actually make the project impossible
i think that kind of project would be fun rn, what are your materials requests?
the main one is not from [link to list of countries that have done cleaning and integrated ex-reds]
or eles decontaminatable
but i think that might mess up the dyes?
ok i can do that
yeah i think it’s probably easier to just buy from not those countries than to try to... decontaminate..... dyes
like most commercial clothes are decontaminatable and........ have colors but they know what they’re doing and i do not
now i want to do something nice for you, help
umm i really like [space shoenberg], you could record yourself playing one of his pieces? although idk how much you can do that on just violin
i'll try my best
maybe i can find an arrangement or something
that’s so nice of you
you don’t have to, i’ll like, enjoy the project anyway
i’m not sure how to make green and purple work well as a color combo, do you mind if there’s other colors?
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nohshinwoos · 7 years ago
so.. i didn’t know if i wanted to make this post or not but - here i am, making this post
today, january 9th 2018, marks my one year anniversary of watching skam and i wanted to at least acknowledge it somehow - because it did lead to so much more than just being ‘a tv show’. i started s1 on this very day, s2 the next and s3 the day after that - it was an emotional roller coaster to say the least.
(i need to learn to shut up omg 😖 i put this under read more)
i honestly feel so overwhelmed when i think back, so much happened last year that started with skam and turned into so much more, that i don’t even know where to begin!
but i guess i gotta start somewhere... first of all, i have never gotten into a fandom that’s as open and welcoming as i found the skam fandom being. i felt so warm when i got on here and found the most amazing people to talk to. (shoutouts further down for whoever is interested.) also, getting back onto this hellsite is included here - because without skam i wouldn’t be back on tumblr and i wouldn’t have met anyone at all!
second of all, i’m very grateful for skam, because i finally got back to giffing and photoshop. creativity is one of the best things i know, so to finally get to learn more about photoshop and let the creativity just flow was hands down one of most fun things.
the third thing kind of goes with the second thing in a way, because it’s creativity too. i started writing again, because of skam. i wrote my very first skam fic (is it gravity, or are we falling in love?) and i’m writing my second one now! although i’m a slow writer and it’s gonna take forever, but the point is that i’m really doing it - and, i’m really enjoying the creative process of it. another thing, i actually started reading fanfiction - both skam and phan - and that’s a thing i now really enjoy!
and fourth and last thing, all the friends i made this past year - no matter if we still chat or not, i will always consider many people on here to be my friends!
later this month, january 17th, marks a one year anniversary of something else: meeting my best friend @tarjeiandhenrik! viki, my sunshine, my rock, den beste i livet mitt. i can’t believe i’m lucky enough to know you? to call you? my? best? friend? i also can’t believe we have been able to keep a conversation going for every day for (almost) a whole year - must be a guinness world record by now! there’s honestly so many things i could say about you, we’ve made so many memories this past year and that’s just insane. i really can’t believe how much we have in common and how much we feel the same about - at the same time, even. i’ve never felt this close with anyone ever before, this special bond - i’ve never had a best friend before. i’m just so so happy we are part of each other’s lives! and i’m probably forgetting half of what i really wanted to say right now but... thank you for always making me laugh until i cry, or turning my tears into laughter instead. i love you to the end of the universe and back but the universe has no end so i love you infinite. (and that is a line i will forever use because i’m so proud of coming up with that myself wow.) here’s to many more years of friendship 💖 i also hope this is the year we get to meet because that would be so iconic 💖
later in 2017, on september 29th, i made another new friendship and it wasn’t really because of skam (even though we both actually do love skam and i guess i followed you because of skam...?), but it was because of dan and phil. sari, @lionheartnking, i’m so happy i started talking to you! i’m also very happy it’s kinda my fault you fell into this dnp hole... the wildest thing we’ve done (so far) was thinking 20 minutes before dnp dropped tickets for “interactive introverts” in stockholm/malmö that, “hey, maybe we should both try and get tickets for one town each and then decide which city we go to”.. and then exactly 5 minutes before the tickets dropped, we really decided that we would do that. and now... it’s exactly 158 days left until we meet, then meet dip and pip and see them not only once, but twice in the same day! it’s gonna be so much fun! thank you for making me laugh a lot, for fangirling with me (or well... more like caps lock screaming i guess) and for generally being a very good friend, one of the best people i know. i love you 💖
💖 some more people i really love, in no particular order 💖
@jonasnoahvasquez // @cheekyeven // @valttersen // @tessalabessa // @skamly // @theleavesoflorien // @greathalesonfire // @naesheiims // @jinglebanerock // @linneaxskam // @enbynate // @jokahnwald // @tiptopevak // @skamisako // @evennies // @v-ltersen // @isaksredscarf // @deepinskam // @evenskindness // @emmanette // @warlocksarcher // @manonsblackbeak // @dagfordag
i’m sorry if i forgot anyone, my memory really sucks sometimes, but i really love all of you guys so much - thank you to every single one of my followers or anyone who’s interacted with me ever, you guys rock 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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sarah-dipitous · 2 years ago
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 67
Metamorphosis/Daleks In Manhattan
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: I would legitimately never be in this situation, so sure
ooooooo now we get to find out all the things Sam’s been up to…and so does Dean…
This is only slightly more awkward and strained than the McElroys’ “don’t do a hit” PSA. Maybe both of these are signs to separate business and family
This show’s so fucking weird. They spent the first three seasons either ignoring the existence of a god or just flat out not believing in one, but now…NOW god does not want Sam to be doing what he’s doing
Whatever is happening to this man is really difficult to take while I’m eating lunch and having the sound pumped directly into my ears. It’s like bones cracking or even breaking. Eugh
I forgot Dean didn’t know Sam knew about the demon blood……it’s getting FAR more awkward than “don’t do a hit.”
Ew. Dude, is that RAW MEAT??? I hate watching this on my lunch. It’s always the WORST episodes…
They really use the most thinly veiled metaphors to parallel whatever conflict is going on between Sam and Dean, like, one sheet of saran wrap thin
I miss the days when they’d pull off to the side of the road to have nice little heart to hearts not yelling “I’VE GOT DEMON BLOOD IN ME, DEAN!!”
How long after hearing the phrase “long pig” did Dean start to come up with alternatives like “manburger helper”?
It’s not funny to have two men in their mid to late twenties carrying makeshift flame throwers break down your door, but hearing “we’re here to save you…I guess” and “we should leave” “yeah” almost immediately after kinda is. It’s only funny because the audience knows Sam and Dean
Aw, fuck. The other hunter’s gotten involved now…noooo, is this guy’s wife pregnant??? Fuck. Fuck. Fuck…
It’s the gross, wet sounds of this dude LITERALLY feasting on this hunter for me…can’t blame the wife for running away screaming after watching that
The boys showing up 15 minutes late with Starbucks…ooooo, a floor fit for a children’s hospital (how many times will this show give me the opportunity to use that joke??)
Well, that COULD have been a nice moment for Dean to reassure Sam if Jack hadn't attacked.
I’ll have to find it (maybe) but I once read a post about how Sam’s storyline in these first seasons especially tells a very queer coded story, and this episode really really hits you in the face with it. Like, yes, bi Dean and whatever…but there IS something to the heartache that Sam feels being othered to his own family by this thing he had no control over. This wasn’t his choice. It’s really resonant when Sam makes the decision to stop using his psychic powers because they made Dean uncomfy...Dean who has used "god doesn't want you doing this" but also only very recently started MAYBE believing there's a god? Sam think Dean believes he's a freak and less than human or at least other than human, sometimes saying that he's getting closer and closer to the things they hunt instead. I just...I see it.
“Been On My Mind…”: I think I’m gonna do a countdown…if in 10 episodes’ time I haven’t had a yes? I’m discontinuing this segment
"Daleks In Manhattan"
Lazlo should watch Supernatural. Then he wouldn't have gone investigating that weird noise and not gotten turned into a strange pig hybrid
I have a terrible feeling this is one of those two part episodes based solely on the fact that I'm struggling to say anything about this one. The Doctor and Martha are in 1930 NYC, and we're getting a lot of character introductions: the people and specifically the leader of Hooverville, the workers at the Empire State Building, the theater workers (performers and backstage), but nothing's really HAPPENING yet. Though, we're about to get our first glimpse of the Daleks, so that's something at least
There are so many times I'm glad I accidentally fucked up the scheduling and missed an episode of spn because having to hear the term "long pig" all during my lunch and now having these human/pig hybrids has mad that incredibly worth it, and there have been so many other small things that have lined up
Awww baby Andrew Garfield. He's precious, lookin' out for Martha
Somehow I think this foreman trying to get the Empire State Building built for the Daleks is gonna get either killed or turned into something at least close to a Dalek...either way, it's not what he thinks he's gonna get
Nooo, poor baby Andrew Garfield.
oh. that's equal parts terrifying and terrible...the guy who was getting "rewarded" by the Daleks just got...absorbed?? by one? And the CGI!!! Simply atrocious (affectionate)!!!
The showgirl did NOT sign up for all this...well, she's signing up for it NOW, I guess
I can't take this seriously...this is one of the weirdest story lines they've done and......the costuming...again, atrocious (affectionate) The guy who got combined with a Dalek? it looks so bad...
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milkovichys · 7 years ago
🎉💕Friends appreciation post 💕🎉
So… for some reason you guys decided i deserve 3k followers! AND I DON’T KNOW WHY! but i love each and every single one of you so much. And I made some wonderful friends here, so this is a long long appreciation post, and maybe a promo post as well because this amazing people deserve the world and you should check their blogs. Okay so let’s go! (If you feel like I forgot you just hmu!)
@johnlupin REMUS TO MY SIRIUS, MY BABY, MY SUNSHINE. I love you so damn much, you make me smile, talking to you is like coming home after a long day. We’ve known each other for what, a year now? You are like my oldest friend here and this means the world to me. ALSO, WHAT A TALENT your works are pure art.
@smallbyers CLARI, MY XUXU. You are such an amazing person, I’m so glad we met and became close, also, thank you for supporting my shitty writing and all of my shitty works. I WANNA TALK TO YOU ABOUT BYELER ALL THEY LONG. Te amo.
@heterophobicbyeler YES THIS IS SUPER DORKY AND GAY I KNOW IT YOU DON’T NEED TO TELL ME. But I love every single thing about you, especially your down to earth way and your weird ass way to show love. You are so talented and I’m so proud of you. So proud. Te amo, nenê.
@stannuris LUCE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH and I want to spoil you with a lot of Stenbrough because you are the sweetest person on this hellsite and you deserve the best and stenbrough is the best (see what i did there?) ALSO I LOVE YOUR HEADCANONS
@the-taste-of-silence JULIE I CAN’T BELIEVE HOW WONDERFUL YOU ARE TO ME I TRULY DON’T DESERVE IT. Like, writing my name on the snow? CUTEST THING ANYONE HAS EVER DONE FOR ME. I don’t deserve you. I love you so much.
@poedad EM YOU ALWAYS MAKE ME LAUGH and i love you for that. You are so pretty and funny and thank you for following my insta stories even though you can’t understand what the fuck am i saying ALSO YOU HAVE THE CUTEST CAT AND PLAYING THE UKULELE IS THE MOST GORGEOUS THING
@asteroidbill SHANIA YOU ARE SO SWEET AND LOVING I love talking Drarry with you (otp for like, 7 years now) and I love how kind you are to me
@gingerbreddie AL YOU ARE SUCH A FUNNY TALENTED HUMAN BEING i love writing with you, batman to my robin. Also you are so pretty you make me want to cry.
@biwheelers MISHI YOU ARE MY FAVORITE WRITER. For real. And you like me for some reason I don’t understand but I love that so much and I love you so much. AND GUYS, FOR REAL, AMAZING WRITING RIGHT HERE.
SO this are a few people I want to show my love to, and you guys should definetely give check their blogs because they are beautiful amazing humans and I love them so much. AGAIN if you feel like I forgot you 1) don’t be mad or upset my memory is pure shit and 2) hmu! don’t be shy, just tell me “debs what the fuck did you forget me?”
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valkyrr · 8 years ago
1-96, just because :P
-cracks knuckles- OH BOY alright, let’s do this
full meme under the cut 
(1) Do You Sleep With Your Closet Doors Open Or Closed?
my closet doesn’t have a door!
(2) Do You Have Freckles?
YEA but they’re really faint unless i’ve been hanging out in the sun for a while
(3) Can You Whistle?
NO and I’m bitter
(4) Last Song You Listened To.
God Only Knows - The Beach Boys
(5) What Is Your Favourite Colour?
atm it’s blue, but it changes often
(6) Relationship Status.
single and kind of ready to mingle i’m not really sure just gonna see how things go
(7) What Is The Temperature Right Now?
66 degrees F
(8) Did You Wake Up Cranky?
(9) How Many Followers?
(10) Zodiac Sign.
(11) What Is Your Eye Colour?
Hazel I think,,
(12) Take A Vitamin Daily?
if you’re talking abt a daily multivitamin and not medication then NO that’s a level of health I am Not At
(13) Do You Sing In The Shower?
ofc, i’ve figured out how to balance my phone on the shower ledge w/o it getting wet so i can sing to songs lmao
(14) What Books Are You Reading?
none atm
(15) Grab The Book Nearest To You, Turn To Page 64, Give Me Line 14.
Ferahgo watched him intently and commented, “What’s that noise? Has one of your teeth broken? Oh look, it’s fallen out. (...)”
(16) Favourite Anime?
Lupin III 
(17) Last Person You Cried In Front Of?
my mom
(18) Do You Collect Anything?
(19) What Did You Have For Lunch?
Crackers that may have been sitting in our pantry for ~4 months now
(20) Do You Dance In The Car?
nah, but i’ll sing
(21) Favourite Animal?
(22) Do You Watch The Olympics?
YEA I love the Olympics!
(23) What Time Do You Usually Go To Bed?
1 AM - 3 AM
(24) Are You Wearing Makeup Right Now?
(25) Do You Prefer To Swim In A Pool Or The Ocean?
(26) Favourite Tumblr Blog?
all of my mutuals tbh.....
(27) Bottled Water Or Tap Water?
(28) What Makes You Happy?
(30) Do You Study Better With Or Without Music?
with, but it’s gotta be classical or smooth jazz or Chill Anime Beats 24/7 or something
(31) Dogs Or Cats?
b o t h
(32) If You Were A Crayon What Colour Would You Be?
(33) PlayStation Or Xbox.
used to be team Xbox, i’m PS now bc i’m a traitor
(34) Would You Swim In The Lake Or Ocean?
(35) Do You Believe In Magic?
depends what kind!
(36) What Colour Shirt Are You Wearing?
(37) Can You Curl Your Tongue?
(38) Do You Save Money Or Spend It?
try to save it as best i can!
(39) Is There Anything Pink Within 10 Feet Of You?
(40) Do You Have Any Obsessions Right Now?
I’m back on my Bloodborne bullshit rn but besides that I’m really getting into Kings of Convenience as a band and i’m digging their music??
(41) Have You Ever Caught A Butterfly?
YEA kid me used to chase them around, keep them for a little bit, then release them
(42) Are You Easily Influenced By Other People?
ye, please be aware i’m gonna copy personality traits if i’m around the same person for a while
(43) Do You Have Strange Dreams?
lately yeah?? but i can’t ever remember them tbh
(44) Do You Like Going On Airplanes?
(45) Name One Movie That Made You Cry.
Good Will Hunting
(46) Peanuts Or Sunflower Seeds?
(47) If I Handed You A Concert Ticket Right Now, Who Would You Want The Performer To Be?
honestly I still wanna see Fleet Foxes live but i’m ~salty~ because they just came to detroit @ a venue i’ve been at before and really liked and i was busy the day of their concert
(48) Are You A Picky Eater?
not rly unless it comes to texture
(49) Are You A Heavy Sleeper?
tbh an atomic war could happen and if I was sleeping i’d be none the wiser
(50) Do You Fear Thunder / Lightning?
every time a thunderstorm happens i get 100% stronger
(51) Do You Like To Read / Write?
yea if i’m in the mood for it!
(52) Do You Like Your Music Loud?
also depends on my mood
(53) Would You Rather Carve Pumpkins Or Wrap Presents?
Carve pumpkins
(54) Put Your Music On Shuffle, What Is The First Song That Came Up?
The Growlers - Love Test
(55) What Season Are You In Right Now? (Weather)
Summer still, but it’s starting to feel like Fall in the evenings
(56)What Are You Craving Right Now?
(58) What Is Your Gender?
Cis girl
(59) Coffee Or Tea?
Tea all the way
(60) Do You Have Any Homework Right Now? If So, What Is It About?
No thank goodness
(61) What Is Your Sexuality?
Super Ace
(62) Do You Make Your Bed In The Morning?
I wish;;
(63) Favourite Pokemon?
Entei/ Aggron
(64) Favourite Social Media?
This hellsite
(65) What’s Your Opinion On Instagram Stories?
They’re cool, never use them though
(66) Do You Get Homesick?
All the time
(67) Are You A Virgin?
(68) What Shampoo And Conditioner Are You Using Right Now?
Idk i think it’s like “Maui moisture” or somethin, i just picked it bc it smelled pretty good
(69) If You Were Far From Home And Needed To Sleep For The Night, Would You Choose To Rent A Crappy Motel Room For $60 Or Sleep In Your Car For Free?
Sleep in my car, i’m a huge germaphobe abt motels/hotels in general
(70) Are Both Of Your Blood Parents Still In Your Life?
yes, thankfully
(71)  Whats The Next Movie You Want To See In Theaters?
idk, the last one I wanted to see was Baby Driver but i don’t think it’s in theaters anymore?
(72) Do You Miss Your Ex?
i only have one(1) ex from like...... grade school. lmao. i completely forgot about him ‘till this question
(73) What Is Your Favourite Quote Right Now?
(74) What Eye Colour Do You Find Sexiest?
Brown eyes are VERY underrated
(75) Did You Like Swinging As A Child? Do You Still Get Excited When You See A Swing Set?
(76) What Was The Last Thing You Ate?
Tuna + Peaches
(77) What Games Do You Have On Your Phone?
i have Fallout Shelter but i’m thiiiiiis close to deleting it because it’s stressful af and i get way too attached to my dwellers
(78) Would You Give A Homeless Person CPR If They Were Dying? Why Or Why Not?
yea of course lmao I can’t see a reason why anyone wouldn’t???????
(79) Been On The Computer For 5 Hours Straight?
I used to pull internet marathons like that when I was in high school but I’m kinda over it
(80) Stalked Someone On A Social Network?
never in a creepy way, but i follow a ton of bands i like on instagram and i get unreasonably exited when one of them posts something to their story
(81) Do You Like Meeting New People?
(82) Do You Wear Rings? If You Do, Take A Picture Of Them.
Not often
(83) Do You Sleep With Your Bedroom Door Open Or Closed?
(84) What Are Three Things You Did Today?
got in touch w a friend i hadn’t talked to in a while, did some laundry, drew a bit!
(85) What Do You Wear To Bed?
usually pj shorts and a t shirt
(86) List All Of Your Different Beauty Products You Have Right Now.
 I have a ton of lipstick from Colourpop, a bunch o’ e.l.f. stuff, and some other misc things
(87) Are You A Day Or Night Person?
(88) List All Of Your Video Games On Your Phone, Console Etc.
there’s......... so many tbh
(90) Favourite Soda Drink?
Cream Soda 
(91) What Sounds Are Your Favourite?
Rain on the window, cars passing on the road outside, running water
(92) Do You Wear Jeans Or Sweats More?
(93) How Do You Look Right Now?
probably Bad, just chillin in my pjs 
(94) Name Something That Relaxes You.
(95) What Tattoo Do You Want?
Okay I’d love to get something in the traditional style but I’m also one of those people who would prefer a tattoo w meaning and I don’t really know of anything I’d put on my body permanently yet?? Might change down the road idk
(96) Favourite YouTuber?
I’m only rly on YouTube for the music 
thanks for the asks :)
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caserobard · 8 years ago
All the questions you haven't answered ;)
lmao katie ilysm
this is hella long, answers are short and sweet bc I did them on my lunch break earlier and not formatted nicely but whatevs still fun innit
answers under the cut bc this is long
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? Spotify!
is your room messy or clean?Clean, can’t deal with messy
what color are your eyes?Brown
do you like your name? why?Yes! There’s a lot of variations I can do with Katherine (hence Katii) and also this better than Margaret which was originally my first name lol 
what is your relationship status? In a queerpaltonic relationship with this lovely bean 
describe your personality in 3 words or lessIt’s difficult to put into words.But if I had to choose three, I’dsay ‘really, really gay’. Wait,that’s two. How about ‘really, verygay’? (10 points in you get the reference losers) [EDIT: I FORGOT TO CHANGE THE WORDS WHEN I COPIED THIS QUOTE WAS MEANT TO BE A JOKE ABOUT HOW GAY I AM EVERYTHING IS A-OKAY AND I’M NOT SAD OOOPS]
what color hair do you have?Brown, might get it dyed in October though! 
what kind of car do you drive? color?n/a
where do you shop?Online mostly lol. Also anyway that sells clothes or beauty products bc I’m weak for them 
how would you describe your style?Gay (I flit berween femme and soft butch, but mainly soft butch at the min)
favorite social media accountThis hellsite which for me isn’t so much of a hellsite now I’m unfollowing people who post things I don’t like and following more blogs that post stuff I want to, highkey recommend being proactive in making your experience on tumblr dot com the best it can be if you think it’s a bit shitty tbh bc now I love it
what size bed do you have? Double  
any siblings?One brother
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?Um idk? Somewhere similar to where I am right now I guess 
favorite snapchat filter? That one that smooths your skin out a bit and makes you look extra pretty
favorite makeup brand(s)I’m digging this wonderful palette from Two Faced at the minute even tho they’re hella expensive
how many times a week do you shower?4-5 depending on when I can be fucked lol 
favorite tv show?At the minute probs Brooklyn 99, I’m also rewatching Gavin and Stacey though which is my childhood and a British gem tbh
shoe size?5
how tall are you?5"3
sandals or sneakers? Sandals maybe?? idk
do you go to the gym? NAH
describe your dream dateme and u doing p much anything lesbihonest how gay is that
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?£20, some change and like $40 leftover from our holiday lol 
what color socks are you wearing? Black tights 
how many pillows do you sleep with?Just the one 
do you have a job? what do you do? Technically my title is managing director but that’s not actually what I do lol, I do purchasing and PA everybody 
how many friends do you have?????? Idk bro like a few????? Half of them I never really see so 
whats the worst thing you have ever done? Does dating count lmao
whats your favorite candle scent? There’s this Moroccan blush rose one we have at home and it’s gorgeous 
3 favorite boy names/3 favorite girl namesI don’t really have favourite names so???????
favorite actor? DEREK KLENA
favorite actress? CHRISTY ALTOMARE 
who is your celebrity crush?Derek Klena or Christy Altomare
favorite movie? Peter Pan 2003
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? Yes! And my all time fave is The Night Circus, other current faves include Harry Potter (as always), The Raven Cycle and the Shades of Magic Series
money or brains? Money lmao I’ve already got enough brains thanks
do you have a nickname? what is it? I have a few! The most consistent one is Kit Kat 
how many times have you been to the hospital?A lot man bc disability lmao
top 10 favorite songsum idk the entirity of the Anastasia Boradway soundtrack?
do you take any medications daily? Nope
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)Oily
what is your biggest fear? Not being in control lmao  
how many kids do you want? None
whats your go to hair style?Literally get up, brush it and maybe shove some dry shampoo in it and make sure I’ve got no weird flicky bits 
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) Semi detached 
who is your role model? Myself lmao
what was the last compliment you received?“I love your nail polish!”
what was the last text you sent?“On the train x”
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?Like 8 or 9?
what is your dream car?I guess a Mini??  opinion on smoking?No thanks 
do you go to college? Nopewould you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? I’m not too fussy but I guess rural?
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? Always
do you have freckles? A few
do you smile for pictures?If it’s a selfie then I pout but if someone else is taking it I smile 
how many pictures do you have on your phone? Currently 155
have you ever peed in the woods? Probably 
do you still watch cartoons? Yeah 
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?Macca’s since we don’t have Wendy’s over here
Favorite dipping sauce? Sweet chilli 
what do you wear to bed? Pajamas
have you ever won a spelling bee?Nope 
what are your hobbies?Sewing, reading, crying about fictional characters 
can you draw? No chance 
do you play an instrument?Nope
tea or coffee?Neither 
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?Neither 
do you want to get married?To you ;)
what is your crush’s first and last initial?DK (Derek Klena) or DB (Delilah Bard….fictional characters count, right???)
are you going to change your last name when you get married? No bc then we might both have the same name lmao
what color looks best on you? Black 
do you miss anyone right now? I miss Derek Klena lol
do you sleep with your door open or closed?Closed
do you believe in ghosts?Yeah 
what is your biggest pet peeve? I don’t really know??last person you called?My dadfavorite ice cream flavor? Mint chocolate 
regular oreos or golden oreos? Regular 
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? 🌈what shirt are you wearing? My work polo 
what is your phone background?Christy Altomare 
are you outgoing or shy????? Idk
do you like it when people play with your hair?Yeah it’s alright I guess 
do you like your neighbors? Love them!
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?Yes to both
have you ever been high? No
have you ever been drunk? No
last thing you ate? A Kit Kat chunky 
favorite lyrics right now“there are some who survive, some who don’t. some give up, some give in. me, I won’t.”
summer or winter? Winter  
day or night?Night ????? This changes on the reg lol 
dark, milk, or white chocolate? ALWAYS MILK
favorite month? Don’t really have one???
what is your zodiac signAquarius 
who was the last person you cried in front of? Idek???????? Maybe you??????? We both cried at Anastasia so probably you tbh
Second one is coming your way at some point!! xoxo 
0 notes
froggybangbang · 8 years ago
@ashes-and-dust​ tagged me (eons ago) in a thing that starts personal and then degenerates into tv show stuff?? and... well here it is
1.) Why did you choose your URL?
You must all know this by now, lol. Okay so 1-I’m French Canadian, a popular insult for us by the English is “Frog” and I highly believe in claiming back insults.2-The first online url I had (well second. I had wolves has my special interest back when I was 12 so ‘wolfy136′ was the first, fleeting url I got) was after I joinned the HP fandom, with my favourite character, thus Lunard136/Lunard1 was born (that’s moony. my wolf special interest faded in the background but it’s still there to show lol). I started going to other websites than HP ones and I was starting to feel like that url wasn’t good for those so I thought long and hard about something I could be me and not fandom related so I wouldn’t have to change it again (because change is good but I hate it) and I came up with “Froggy”. Only to find it was used already. I was tired of the old 136 so I decided to had something about me in the url, something about my temper (I’m definitely a fire sign) and added the “bangbang” because I catch like a barrel of powder. (you dirty mind you if you thought I’d use it as a sex reference! Shame on you! except lol yeah I knew how it sounded and I was fine with letting people who don’t know me think I’m a nympho. what better way to hide I’m not really all that interested in sex, which is weird and not normal, right? right.)
2.) What’s your middle name?
Very few Quebecois have one, those who are afflicted by the old tradition, weather because their parents are religious or because it’s a tradition and nobody questions it have (for girls) Mary Godmother’sName FirstName LastName (for boys) Joseph Godfather’sName FirstName LastName. That’s the format and absolutely nobody goes by the first two to the point that my passport doesn’t even show them because I was told not to put them in if I’m not using them (???!!!? but okay!) anyway my are Mary Diane Kristine LastName
3.) If you could own a fairytale/fictional pet, what would it be?
I’d love a tiny dragon? I’m pretty sure I said “I want a X now!” a few onth ago but I can’t remember what it was... But honestly if I can, in my life, befriend a corvid that’s like. the dream goal. It has been for ever.
4.) Favourite colour?
hmmm I really love orange. every shade but especially the dark burnt one. I also like dark green, dark blue, dark teal and dark purple a lot? I’ll go with orange
5.) Favourite song?
That’s.... not something I can answer. Honestly how can you pick one? IDK I really love In Hell I’ll be in Good Company these days? I really love Phillip Glass’ Violin Concerto No.1 2nd Movement if you prefer no voice. Also Dream Fragment from the Chrono Cross OST because I’m a sucker for music box.
Here are a few of my Spotify playlist, for those interested.
A Little Bit of Everything is pretty much all the songs I like and remember to put on spotify (if spotify has them. They lack in Quebecois music)
Music Rec is songs that you might not know about that exist and you should listen to them, but this doesn’t get updated very often
RN is the playlist that keeps changing. My current obsessions are on that one
In the Summertime are songs for a nice warm summer day with a light breeze and a hammock (or something. maybe a few friend in the backyard and a beer.)
And Sunday Mornings is the playlist I’m listening to mainly on sunday mornings (It’s playing right now) because it fits the vibe of a sunday morning when you start your coffee and still might have an eye glued down
6.) What are your top three fandoms?
errr I’ll go with HP, 1D (*glares at @ashes-and-dust​*) and....hmm. I’m not really active in any of the others anymore. but I guess Sherlock?(though Pacific Rim or Cabin Pressure also fit third place but I think I still read more sherlock fic than I do PR or CP)
7.) Why do you enjoy Tumblr?
This hellsite is my main place for interacting with sensible human beings. I also LOVE *those* posts. you the ones where one person asks a questions/ places a random thought and then.... it just. takes a life of its own? and everyone knows them? The Guam Cookie post is one. The many Aliens finds Humans Weird also. but then there’s the smaller ones like just. They are exactly the kind of stuff I’d be saying with my (ex? maybe?)friend in Rimousky like you say something, and they add something in a deadpanned way that is bviously exagerated/insane and then you add on it and they add on it until you are at the stage that you won’t be buy mayo because, really, having to marry someone from an island so you could get away with murder is much too much effort. That’s why I love tumblr.
ugh I very rarely watch tv anymore these are hard.
1. Merlin
2. Doctor Who (until season 5/6 anyway. Moffat killed it)
3. Torchwood
4. The X-Files (haven’t seen the reboot but I’d love to!)
5. ...... Sherlock (I guess? But I still haven’t watch the last xmas special nor the last season? Moffat killed it?)
hmmmmm..... *shakes the Ponds, Martha Jones and Dona Noble in her hand to see which will get out* I’m going to go with Dona. I’m not so in your face, but I really relate with her and she had an awesome friendship with 10, not afraid to give him a good earful if he went overboard.
Shit idk. I mean Uther and Morgana where mean shit but I loved their characters for what they were..... I’d say between Uther and Mordred? idk. 
Oh shit. Dude do you have any idea how many episode there is of the xfiles?? I’m going to go with the one on the boat, because that’s the one that popped into my head right now (immediately followed by that black and white one when Mulder meets the Gunmen for the first time... that CELL PHONE OMG) and any moment when Scully and Mulder have SASS going on.
The first season is the best without a doubt. I’ve loved the second season but in the first one the story were even more concentrated on one story per episode and it was very well thought off and they didn’t overdo it yet, which they tented to do afterwards, as well as letting more episode be one story and not following canon anymore. I’m actually sadden at my lack of consistency at following Elementary.
Oh. er... Ianto/Jack. but. like. I don’t like to think about that because of children of the earth.
I know it sounds weird but I really see Arthur and Gwen as bromance who agreed to marry because throne? They have a great chemistry but I just don’t buy it.
The first episode I’ve seen was on TQS with the french dubbed version of the first episode we see the guy that can dislocate every bones in his body to crawl in small places. then I got hooked and rented the VHS of the series, bought books of the series, the official magazines, unofficial biographies (my gosh is the internet cheaper) and watched every episode (at some point switching in the English version on Fridays) until Mulder got abducted. Tried to watch that season but didn’t care to not miss an episode... then I just... forgot to tune in. so that’d be since.... according to WIKI the first episodes in French were in 1994 and “squeeze” is the third one.
Because of Doctor Who.
Grahhhhh okay I’m going to go renewed series because fhjdsahlsb and it’s still hard but I think I’ll go with David Tenant. Tough Karen Gillan is good too. Oh! fuck and John Simm fuck I forgot John Simm and Life on Mars! damn. Okay John Simm
You drive a hard bargain. I’ll go with the X-Files; 4
as in proportionally? because I’ve see all of them, but I *think* merlin has more episodes? Though I’ve watch Torchwood more often I think?
I’m not sure I’d like to be anyone on the x-files that sounds like a very dangerous life. although wait no not true! one of the gunmen! They have the coolest job in the series.
*stares* Not like that. 
HAHAHA well. YES, mainly because IT IS a thing between DW and Torchwood.
The Master and Donna? If, you know, the Master got his murdering tendencies in check. idk I’m not good at pairing people. I pick and chose those who exist in the fandom.
Damn.... I mean Andrew Scott alone.... but then it got cringey... but I don’t particularly like Gwen but I’m pretty sure it’s not the casting..... I’ll go with Torchwood.
I do not know Merlin’s Soundtrack well enough to comment on it and I think the X-files’ is pretty lacking, but Sherlock has some very good music, the Irene piece is on of my favourite.
Blergh. I don’t want to tag because lazy. go ahead and give me the answers, though. Especially the music ones I’m always interested in finding new music!
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