#also I adore love and rockets bye
enteringdullsville · 5 months
Underrated Real Time Fandub Lines 2: Subspace Dubbed Over
“That’s one Reddit upvote right there!”
I had to read the transcript for this humdinger, said as Wario turns Zelda into a trophy.
“Woah! That was Wario and he won…”
That’s probably the best way to cap off Wario’s first appearance.
“My name’s ‘Pit’, like under the arm?”
“Exactly like that.”
There’s a lot of times where someone says something and somebody else’s response is drowned out, such as Palutena’s incredibly blunt response to Pit’s question.
“That’s the weirdest airplane.”
It deserves a prize.
“AAAAUUGHH! I remember when that happened!”
Wasted opportunity not to say “Looks like Team Rocket’s jacking off again”.
The Halberd’s sole line of dialogue, coupled with Fox’s hilarious nonplussed reaction.
“What are we, some kind of Subspace Emissary?”
Because we’re…Super Smash Bros!
“Take that, TUUURTLEEE!”
It’s the weird added emphasis that seals the deal.
“You can’t shoot Donkey Kong!”
DK, as he’s actively being shot at.
“I don’t like the cut of your jib!”
DK, you’ve known Bowser for how long now?
“I did that on purpose!”
As the dub goes on, it becomes obvious that Wario’s the army’s most competent general.
“Am I a f***ing draaagon?”
I like to think the only reason Ray talks like that is because Holly’s voice is shot from Wario’s last scene.
“Tha…at’s right.”
“Pokémon Tower! Not Trainer, Tower!”
“Now I have it-ZELDA.”
Any time the characters acknowledge the character screens.
“I’m back with my GUN THAT KILLS PEOPLE!”
…As opposed to…
Porky, seconds before Ness sends him flying.
“I thought that guy was supposed to be Mario, bye!”
This wouldn’t be nearly as funny if Wario wasn’t screaming his name nonstop.
“Did you have lunch today, R.O.B.?”
“No, R.O.B., I didn’t have lunch today!”
The delivery on R.O.B. 2 is what kills me.
“It’s like-a the better pizzuh.”
R.O.B. lets his one guest appearance in Mario Kart go to his head.
“Why is it purple?”
“Because purple’s my favorite color, dumbass.”
“It’s a baaad color!”
“Stupid idiot.”
“Red’s better!”
This’ll be important later on...
“Dude, cookoldry-never mind.”
Hey, reference!
“Nyehh, oh, I’m not even supposed to be here!”
Another gem from “Bozo Dubbed Over” that doesn’t get enough appreciation.
I quote this constantly.
“We’re Kirby.”
That’s oddly daunting coming from a bunch of Waddle Dees.
“Whoa, deja vu!”
“It’s happening again!”
Again, I quote Dedede constantly, intonation and all.
“It’s because I’m so scared that I did it!”
Luigi’s voice is just the best thing.
“F***ing, f***ing, f***ing, f***…I GOTTA WIN!”
Wario gets beat up so hard it causes him to talk normally.
My favorite version of the episode’s running gag.
Navi’s sole line of dialogue, and she’s inebriated.
“OHHH, that smells so bad! Did you do that?”
I adore the quick, off handed way Link says it.
“Who goes there? It’s me!”
Out of context, that’s an incredibly cool one liner.
“He speaks!”
Somebody in the background, talking about Pikachu.
“I think I found the computer room.”
“That looks like OH, IT’S ME! KIRBY!”
Mar switching characters mid sentence.
“I think this guy’s about to kill you.”
This line plagues my mind and I love it.
“I killed you.”
Bowser and Bowser, Bowser’s Inside Bowser.
“I’m here again! BOWSER! I GOTTA WIN!”
Must be a Subspace Army thing.
“Ahh, it’s me! Zelda!”
“Oh no! It’s him! Zelda!”
Bonus points for being the second or third intelligible things Peach says.
“They killed Link! It’s so funny she died!”
‘Zelda’ kind of sucks at his job.
“Oh, I know this guy. He jump on me.”
“Dude, you ever noticed I’m f***ing green?”
“I’m here too; f***!”
“I’m a f***ing animal!”
Yoshi in general is gold.
Kirby’s very abrupt and dynamic entrance on the Wariomobile.
“Well! It’s a good thing I fixed my roof and got Bowser outta here!”
I love the implication that all the branching timelines are literally occurring back to back.
Bowser takes a page out of Dedede’s book.
“That’s my girlfriend!”
“Don’t kill your girlfriend! That’s my job!”
“That’s my job!”
Same two characters, different princesses.
“Tuck my hand on my head! Hope my hair isn’t gay…”
“His hair is so stupid.”
The first line is funny enough coming from this version of Marth. Ike, however, I’m only just hearing his aside for the first time.
“My main goal is to blow up!”
Tower, you’re pure evil.
“Beep, boop. We’re opening the doors! Come on in!”
“I don’t know what they were talking about, but that’s okay.”
The Wall-E Squad provides some of the series’ best nonsequiturs.
“Hey, you stop that, dumbass!”
Not so funny now, is it R.O.B.?
That would be his cousin.
This guy’s about to…
“Now I’m a robot!”
I’ve got nothing. Sam’s incredibly proud delivery is just great.
“How’s the weather up there?”
Pikachu also gets a good burn in.
Hello to you too, Falcon.
“Get the F*** OUT!”
Falco cares not for Diddy’s eccentricities.
“Okay, I’m-I’m sick of this.”
MK serves as a great voice of reason to the crew.
“That is un dog!”
“Iiii’m a furry.”
Because dogs aren’t furries!
“What the heck’s going on down there?”
“I’m also here!”
“I’m not supposed to be here!”
Our heroes.
“It’s okay, we’re almost done.”
“Kept ya waiting, huh?”
A golden bit of timing right there.
“I’m in disguise now!”
Sheik, making no attempt to hide their distinctive voice.
“I’m in love with Samus, actually now!”
“I’M NOT!”
“No, not as much as I am, look-”
“Do I get a say in this?”
You’d think being his species’ only dude would teach the Gan-Man some respect.
“This guy’s so horny, let’s kill him!”
R.O.B.’s immediate response to the above.
“That’s your f***ing name? That’s stupid!”
Falcon to R.O.B.. Three guesses as to who voices Falcon.
It’s totally the riddle guy behind you.
Kirby’s freaking pissed.
“My Michael was muted.”
That’s the most adorable way to refer to a microphone.
“You can’t kill me I’m so much too powerful f*** you to death.”
The lack of commas both deliberate and optimal.
“There shalt be no jacking off today…JACK ME OFF!”
“I’m jacking off!”
The climax of the dub, as narrated by Falco.
“Now I’m back alive. WHYYY!?”
Doing things in twos is just the Dedede way.
You like his quote?
“Wario’s gotta lose!”
Luigi finally grows a pair.
The last intelligible thing we hear, presumably Jigglypuff, before Penny banishes everyone for their hubris.
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cherry-dr0p · 8 months
Im not gonna lie, the start kinda had me like "This is what I waited ages for?" But then when the animatronic testing came around, thats when my interest truly started to pick up.
First of all, WHY WOULD YOU TGINK THAT FACIAL RECOGNITION FOR ANIMATRONICS IS A GOOD IDEA??? GENUINELY DID NO ONE HAVE THE COMMON SEMSE TO GO "HM, THIS MAY END NOT GOOD". Like I kind of understand the appeal for it because they may want the kids to feel,, more connected to the animatronics?? I dunno. But like?? I can understand for that time period the desire to have the animatronics interact with the audience (Not saying its a good idea but at least I can understand with this one why they may think it is in my head), but cmon..
Then from what I remember, the sprites came. And Good god did they creep me out slightly when I first saw them, especially Edd and Molly. I dunno, there was something extra creepy in my eyes seeing kids' faces messed up like that. Crazy. I also screamed when I finally saw "Bon" because Ive been keeping up with the Twitter TWF community somewhat, which means I already technically knew about "Bon". It was pretty cool to have him finally introduced in the actual story himself. Also Charles and Susan talking about Felix's addiction and if they should tell Rosemary and Jack(?) is crazy.
Aaaahhh but then the scene with Jack came around. Was rooting for him ngl. I honestly thought he died at the well scene but I dont see any correlation to that quite yet,, mayhaps. Felix almost jumping did make me feel a tiny bit bad for him bit like,, still. Fuck you Felix. I still hate him and 100% think hes getting what hes deserving. He feels guilty? Good. He should.
I cant remember if the Susan scene comes after this or not but I erm uh,,, That was VERY well done!! It gave me chills how you could still hear her breathe. Genuinely. The blood as well and Rocket closing their eyes?? Crazy. The jittery animation drove me insane, it was such an amazing detail that made things far more uncomfortable.
I cant remember where abouts the other Felix scene came but,, HE DOESNT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH ROCKET. I DUNNO,, DO ANYTHING OTHER THAN TAKE IT WITH YOU?? PUT IT IN YOUR HOME OR RESTAURANT?? WHY DID YOU THINK THAT WAS A GOOD IDEA. I SWEAR, MY GUY HAS NEGATIVE BRAINCELLS... But I also think we all know why he's so attached,, him getting haunted by the kids is wild.
The last scene very much makes me think "Bon" is Jack. I unno, very much could be wrong but just the way he talks and is dressed makes me think he is. The fact that he knows so well of what hes talking about and the voice,, maybe the general face shape too. Me thinks its either Brian(Ive saw that theory floating around) or Jack, but Im more leaning towards Jack. It also freaked me out slightly the way Susan came on all deformed too, that was freaky. The voices of all the characters in this new afterlife were very VERY cool too. And the whole mask being given and "Bon" talking about making her "beautiful" too? That was cool. The scene with Edd and Molly debating whether to save Susan too filled my heart with a weird sort of awe. They have a great relationship as siblings together imo, I do very much love their dynamic.
It'd be cool to see the other two episodes for the finale which I think are coming out very soon!! Which is very exciting!! I 100% reccomend TWF4, it's phenomenal and the wait was 200% worth it in my eyes. You can definitely see the developers heart and soul being put into this project, which is very nice to see. In my eyes, you dont see it often. I dunno if I missed out a scene or two from my rant but overall? I adored watching this (Ive already told some of my friends to watch it >:3).
Rant over anyways, buh bye for now :3
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dilfdoctordoom · 1 year
The prompt you got about justice for Peter perfectly illustrates exactly what's wrong with vol 3. The movie focuses on abuse victims getting healing, closure and set on a new path they deserve except Gamora who it blissfully ignores is one of the biggest victims of all.
She's not given multiple scenes to explore how she feels about a family she was robbed of. She's not given any scenes about what it was like to be 9 years in the future, find out her abuser murdered her and that she would have to build a new life while lots of other people know her as a guardian never got to be. Her own struggles are absent in vol 3 and that echoes through the fandom/audience.
You mentioned some people think this is feminist because she doesn't end up with Peter and that's really sad. Being single doesn't equal automatic feminist win and if people's feminism isn't intersectional or taking context into consideration they're doing it wrong. Gamora being loved, supported and fought for by Peter and the rest of the guardians in the other movies was not anti feminism. Especially with her being played by a woc. It's more obvious when you see people absolutely adoring how all of vol 3 is about Rocket getting loved, supported and saved by everyone.
Being sidelined, kept away from regaining her superhero team, having no arc of her own and miniscule representation on merch is also not feminism. More women, more poc, more diverse heroes, more women included on merch etc are all things fandoms have said they want and vol 3 said bye bye bye to a lot of that with Gamora. It's as if more people are happy she's not with Peter due to troubling concepts of what makes a strong female character than angry she was murdered. That's the exact opposite of feminism.
I'm sorry if this reads as ranty. I don't mean for it to. It's just getting harder to be at peace with this being the end of the road for Gamora. I don't think she was a perfect character but I do believe she was one of the best they had in the mcu before her murder. I am still trying to grasp what it means that they wanted to murder the first woc lead character we had so her abuser could advance and what it means that nothing about vol 3 portrayed this as something heinous we should all be upset about it.
This does read as ranty and this is the perfect place for that as I am consistently ranting about how Gamora was ultimately treated.
Gamora's very presence ruins everything Vol 3 aims for. The message of escaping your abuser and living your own life, becoming your whole self, falls hilariously flat when she's included. You cannot try to have that message alongside fridging a woman to make her abuser more sympathetic.
Add in how this movie even brought up Thanos's abuse-- it's treated as a punchline for the most part. The only time it isn't a joke (like with the eye scene between Nebula, Gamora & Peter) is when Nebula says "it's worse than what Thanos did to me" after finding out what happened to Rocket. That line drives me crazy; abuse isn't something that can be measured, as a basic thing, and if Gunn really wanted to try that... tell me which one of these characters is 70% cybernetics.
Gamora's such a non-entity in this film. Of course she gets to be mad at Quill-- but she doesn't get to speak to the others Guardians, doesn't get her new relationship with Nebula fleshed out, gets a single throwaway line about her alternative self having escaped Thanos. Does she know the details of how she died? Does she know she sacrificed everything for Nebula? Does she know she begged Peter to kill her?
We have no answers. Fuck, it's barely acknowledged that she knows Thanos murdered her.
I get that Gamora is green, but people really don't seem to get that she's played by Zoe Saldana, a woman of color, and how that does impact things. WOC get held up to very different standards and while there is obviously overlap in harmful tropes, it's insane to pretend that there aren't different ones applied to women of color. Acting like Gamora being robbed of a love interest that brought her true joy is feminist isn't a girlboss move; it's fulfilling a trope that women of color don't "need" a love interest.
What happened to Gamora was just sickening and so was the fandom response. There are a million think pieces on why what happened to Natasha was wrong; there isn't even a quarter of that for Gamora, when hers was, objectively, worse. I despise what happened to Natasha but god, at least it wasn't done to uplift her abuser.
I think it's also very telling how these characters have been treated post-mortem; Natasha received a solo movie & was memorialized in Hawkeye. Gamora... gets everything that mattered to her stripped away like it's nothing, her most important relationship (with Nebula) goes stagnant, and her horrific murder is brought up as a silly little joke.
Yeah, Gamora's treatment is rooted in a lot of sexism, but also a lot of racism and it's that second bit that has heavily impacted how the fandom reacted.
There's a lot of overlap between misogyny and racism in regard to the Guardians women, specifically, Gamora and Mantis, and there's also this strange refusal to see it addressed.
Seeing the interview Zoe Saldana gave recently really made it worse, IMO. She spoke about how even she wanted Gamora to return to the Guardians, but that wasn't the story Gunn wanted to tell... so now, just like us, she's left hoping that maybe in the future, Gamora gets to have her family back.
The Gamora aspect honestly killed the Guardians trilogy for me. I think it breaks the established pattern of the past 2 movies in a bad way, is nonsensical a finale to that story, and is overly reliant on downplaying the suffering of women to glorify a fucking raccoon.
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13docwriting · 10 months
'Ello! It's me again, giving my VERY long live stream review of Doctor Who, the Wild Blue Yonder.
(I don't do trailers or ANY spoilers for episodes, so it's an honest, gut reaction review RIGHT out of the gates for this one haha)
Once again, my first essay is this: I really, really miss watching it "live" with other fans. And, after a whole week of being active with the fandom, I've realized that spoilers are INSTANT. I couldn't watch this episode right when it was released on Disney plus and I was spoiled JUST by opening Tumblr to start this post. Could I have blocked the tags? Yeah, but I was going to watch the episode only three hours after it had went up, so I assumed I could avoid the worst of it. ANYWAY, my point stands... I'm really going to miss watching it with other fans because I have to make posts like this AND because spoilers are a problem.
2."But don't worry. He's got a time machine, which means he can blame me for all eternity." Donna Noble, stay sassy forever.
3. I CALLED NEWTON. Heck yes!!!!
4. Donna's and the Doctor's chemistry really reigns supreme to me. Now, I wouldn't necessarily pair Donna with 11th or 12th, the dynamic would be wildly different (huh, one day I'll write an essay about that), but the tenth Doctor needed Donna and the fourteenth Doctor appreciates that. It's really, really interesting and so lovely to see, honestly.
7. "The TARDIS played us a war song". Woah boy, here we go, PLOT.
5. It would be the Doctor to mess up history to THAT sort of extreme, wouldn't it lmao. "Mavity" to "gravity" is just too great. Aww, bye Newton! I wish we got more of him.
6. Yo the TARDIS is PISSED!!! Jeez, of course it's possible to have literally ANYTHING happen to the TARDIS, but I never consider "giant flame the likes of which a rocket could fly from" on the docket.
8. Ya know, I can't remember if I've ever seen the TARDIS's top light go on. And also, kudos to the TARDIS for the adorable "ding" noise when it did so, made me smile.
9. Bu-bu-budget. Holy. Cow. The space ship looks so good! Just insane.
10. Donna: "Was it me, or was Isaac Newton hot?" The Doctor: "He was, wasn't he... Oh, is that who I am now?" .... Donna: "well it was never that far from the surface, mate." RTD, as always, SAID "GAY RIGHTS" and I'm here for it. Very much reminded of the Doctor's infamous Shakespeare episode with Martha. "56 academics just punched the air"! But really, if I had heard a conversation like this when I was younger, I would be sobbing. Even if I'm a woman, just having a casual conversation in terms of liking the same sex is so valuable.
11. Why are we constantly losing the TARDIS. 13's era was also infamous for it.
12. Aww them fighting hurt... And you know what hurt more? Watching the Doctor comfort Donna. I mean, it was perfect, but it took SO LONG for the Doctor to be wiling to get there. I love character growth, even 15 years later.
13. "Go and kick its arse" HECK YES, DONNA. You got that right!
14. Doctor: "I know 57,000,000,205 [languages]." MY HEADCANON. Oh, my good old headcanon. So the TARDIS translates for humans but the Doctor knows the languages! I MEAN. It's confirmed!!! AH. I feel like some people would be disappointed by that but it's still cool to know that the Doctor DOES speak different languages. (Yo, my Academy Era fans, could you imagine the Doctor learning all that with the Deca? The Master is losing his mind as we speak.)
15. Once again, a million gold stars to everyone who did the music. It's so FULL.
16. This is a personal thing, but I love when the Doctor has moments that make the title "Time Lord" make sense. The whole "maybe time slowed down?" "No, I'd feel it in my bones." Like, YES, a Time Lord feeling that kind of thing makes sense, thank you!
17. "Allons, as idiots say, y!" oh my god Donna I'd marry you, I swear. Thank you for the sass. Also love the fact that Donna is driving the cart. No idea why, it just makes total sense.
18. Donna: "That's my family over there [one hundred trillion years away]". I have words about Donna having a family, I swear to you, but mostly it's this... Donna's dedication and love for her family is exactly what she needed in her life and I support her whole heartedly. It's beautiful, and perfect, and I do wonder how much of that dedication to keep her family safe comes from the Doctor.
19. I don't know if it's specifically a call back, but 14 licking the "dangerous" thingy felt like a 13 moment and I damn near teared up. Now, him faking being hurt by that? That was either 9 or 12, I can't decide lmao.
20. I'm about 25 minutes into the episode but I sincerely don't know what way this plot is going. We got a goal of "find the TARDIS by removing the danger", we've changed the word "gravity" to "mavity", and we're stuck at the edge of the universe... Love a good mystery, but I'm really wondering where this episode is going.
21. I'm unsure if David Tennant filmed the second season of Good Omens before or after DW, but I JUST saw Crawley's iconic swagger as he was walking away from Donna and I'm here for it haha.
22. I'm getting "half the ship inside a warm hole / Missy, the Doctor, and Bill's" plotline vibes. Does time move differently throughout the ship, just as Donna thought?
23. Donna: "Do you miss home? Gallifrey?" Doctor: "I suppose... But that got complicated." SAY IT, DOCTOR. Please, please, PLEASE. I'd love to hear that parts of 13's plotline live on, PLEASE. I know that's my desire, personally, but I'd kill for it. *Sigh*... But by being cryptic, it might make fans go back to watch her era, and I'd love that too.
24. Hmmm going off of #22... I'm thinking clones instead? OH NOT CLONES. NOT CLONES. Aliens! For sure aliens!
25. Can we talk about the cgi? I mean, it's pretty damn good considering what we had in the past. How crazy is that? Good cgi? Also, kudos to our main leads for their acting here! Always fun to see actors doppelgange themselves lol
26. I am SO FREAKED OUT RIGHT NOW. I didn't know this was a horror movie thing! It's December!
27. WE KEPT THE FLUX. WE K E P T T H E F L U X. We have the Timeless Child AND the Flux! We have the Doctor being so, so heartbroken about the Flux, out loud! Oh my god, I could cry. Really, I could give a great big shout. I know RTD mentioned that he was going to keep it, but he didn't have to do it so blatantly and make it a plot point! That's so, so g r e a t. AND- AND it leaves no room for discussion about 13's era! It still has continuality - it's engrained into the Doctor, even with a new writer and the next new writer and the next Doctor!!!! NO ONE CAN TAKE THE TIMELESS CHILD ARC FROM ME IF IT MEANS IT LIVES ON IN ANOTHER DOCTOR. HA.
I will write more about that because, really, it's so important to me. It such a small thing, but 13 Doctor fans can have a good cry tonight. It's so validating.
28. Oh wait, nope, hold on... Not done with point #27. The Doctor punching at the walls after hearing about the Flux and the Timeless child again? Screaming in rage, in pain, in everything that 13 couldn't do - that 13 refused to do, because she couldn't let anyone know she was hurting? 13 kept her walls so high that she tried to convince herself that everything was alright. 14 is the effects of that, a complete change, a metamorphous into that pain and I am LIVING for it. 13 couldn't scream, not properly, but 14 can.
29. Hehe. The Doctor's biggest strength, their intellect, needed to be squashed to save the day? Nope, no way, not in a million years could ANY Doctor do it. One single question and they've gotta solve it until it's done. Side note, if any reader can't tell, I am having a GREAT time. I may not have expect to be scared, but I'm loving it!
30. WILF. WILF. OH MY GOD. Aww wow, just amazing. Just amazing.
Summary: It's nothing like I ever expected. No one was given any hints about this episode and I find myself... Pretty happy with it. It's a convoluted plot, that's for sure, but it was fun as all heck. Scary! I mean, heart pounding, VERY close to the Midnight episode scary, but good! Random! Oddly randomly, I really don't know where to rank this episode. It feels a bit like it was thrown in just to have an episode, but that also doesn't necessarily make it bad.
I do think a lot of it was cushioned by some really good acting and characterization. The plot was slow going in a strange way, once again cushioned by nostalgia and everyone's need to see the tenth Doctor and Donna again. BUT, episodes like this make me excited (and nervous) to see how RTD is going to handle a brand new Doctor.
I will have a speech about RTD keeping the Timeless Child. A very long speech. But know that I, personally, am very thankful.
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monstersummongenre · 2 years
Faves So Far - Pokémon Indigo League
Favorite Two Episodes (out of 20)
Episode 11: Charmander - The Stray Pokémon
This is an emotional episode. It also just feels important too. It’s just so incredibly sad to watch Charmander be so willing to die waiting for it’s trainer on that rock. And the team racing through the rainto save Charmander just for it to go back to the rock in the morning is just T^T. It’s got me in near tears just typing this. But yea, this episode puts us in our feels completely.
Episode 16: Pokémon Shipwreck
This episode is solid and extremely funny. It’s opening scene of Officer Jenny pronouncing the main characters dead and tossing a bouquet into the ocean makes it honestly one of my favorite opening scenes, especially with the way that no one even tried a search party of any sort. Then the fact that twice in the episode the main three sent a Pokémon to find a way to safety and they instead found and brought back nearly dead Team Rocket, that’s comedy. I could go on, honestly.
Favorite Two Recurring Characters
Butterfree is a character that won our hearts from episode three: Ash catches a Pokemon, when it was still a Caterpie. It’s such an earnest Pokemon that we felt for it as it longed to be a Butterfree and couldn’t win Misty’s affection. Watching it’s journey to become a Butterfree and seeing how much Ash adores it makes it’s good bye in Bye Bye Butterfree all the more heartfelt/heartwrenching. Especially since it’s something they spend the whole episode to make a happy and successful event only to be hit by the sorrow and the other meaning behind it at the end of the episode.
Squirtle’s introduction episode, for starters, was a lot of fun. Plus KK has just always had a soft spot for Squirtle growing up, and there’s no real reason to question why, Squirtle’s great! From being the cool leader of a group of abandoned Squirtles in Here Comes the Squirtle Squad, and the sweet hug it gave Ash at that very same episode while being accepted into Ash’s group, to it’s sense of humor in Island of Giant Pokemon. It’s sense of humor may not have been appreciated by it’s peers but we thought it was funny. Also it was nice how willing it was to try talking to the Giant Blastoise, seeing it as basically family already, and funny how unimpressed it was with Bulbasaurs’s refusal to try to talk to the Giant Venusuar. Overall, Squirtle is funny and a pleasure to have around.
Favorite Two One Time Characters
The Tour Guide at the end of Episode 17: Island of Giant Pokémon
I just think she’s neat. lol but no seriously she’s on screen for less then a minute and just puts on full display as to what a professional is and you gotta give her props for that. She saw the mechanical pokemon in shambles and quickly recovered informing the passengers that they’re out of order like it was a regular Tuesday. Kudos to her. I hope she’s having a good life.
Gastly and The Maiden(’s Ghost) from episode 19: The Ghost of Maiden’s Peak
Part of the reason we love Gastly is just that it was a lot fun to have around. But another thing we love about Gastly is that it’s genuinely friends with the Maiden and we can tell they value each other and that’s the kind of stuff we love and enjoy.
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geodetojoy · 1 month
They're going to be Pokemon related because you have infested me with pokemon brainrot
Some of your favorite Pokemon of all time + why? (doesn't have to be any specific number however many you want to add :3)
Favorite character in any of the pokemon series that isn't Ash?
Any specific Pokemon episodes that stick out to you for whatever reason or that you put on to make yourself feel better?
Favorite Pokemon of Ash's in Sun and Moon?
Similarly, favorite Pokemon of Ash's in XYZ?
Ideal pokemon team?
Favorite Pokemon theme song from any of the shows?
If you had to pick three Pokemon to have as pets, which ones would you want?
Favorite Pokemon game and what ones have you played?
Pokemon that you HATE?
Favorite eeveelution?
Favorite Pokemon type?
What Pokemon do you think would be the softest/cuddliest?
Aaaaand favorite Pokemon side character? (Basically not ash or any of his companions that travel with him)
ok ok here we go
LUXRAYYYYYYY you know i love my boy luxray <3333 I feel like half of my answers here are gonna be luxray
Also Mimikyu, Greninja, Garchomp, VULPIX (specifically alolan, but i love the other one too), Leafeon, Glaceon, Lampent, Chinchou, Celebi, Metagross, Aggron, Altaria, ABSOL, Houndoom, Groudon, Zygarde, and Darkrai in no particular order are some honorable mentions :DDD
2. Im a HUUUUGE Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie enjoyer!!! I also really like Friede and Murdock from Pokemon Horizons :P
But if I had to pick a singular favorite I think id have to go with Bonnie hehe
so i dont know all of the titles and i couldnt be bothered to go and look them up lmaooo so ill just describe them all :DD
ok starting with XY/XYZ, I LOVE the two where Froaky/Frogadier evolves and we learn abt the bond phenomenon :DDD
also the one where they go into the gadget place and Jesse keeps confusing the words gadget and budget i love that one i love when Clemont gets to shine - this is my main go to
ooh the ball one where ash and serena have a double battle!! makes the amourshipping part of my heart happy. AND SYLVEON <3333
okok then journeys (im sorry sun and moon its been so long since ive rewatched i dont remember individual episodes just the overall plot mysti you have permission to burn me at the stake)
ok i think all of these are from ultimate journeys, the last one where he battles the master 8
the aura one where greninja makes a return :3333
the pokemon competition one where serena makes a return :333
and honestly all of the battles in the masters 8 tournament watching the animation and strategy in pokemon battles is a surefire way to distract me and calm me down
4. Id say Solgaleo if that counts lmaooo but i gotta go with lycanroc <333
either mimikyu or inkay :333 and ofc meowth i adore meowth
7. ooooo ok im not great at building teams based on actual like. strategy or anything but here we go
Luxray, obvi
8. i honestly adore the original, but Be A Hero, Stand Tall, and the sun and moon one where they say all the tapu names at the beginning are really good ones too :D
9. I mean. Luxray LMAOO but for the rest hmmmm
imma make a whole list and choose two others from it
rockruff, vulpix, eevee, zorua, minccino, joltik, snom, fletchling, dedenne, litten, scorbunny, and sprigatito
hmmm ok i think ill go with Luxray, Dedenne, and Vulpix
10. I. do not know anything about the games. I have not played a single one. Ive played the actual card game and pokemon go LMAOOO so i genuinely have zero opinion on this
11. oooo baby ive got a whole LIST of ones that just piss me off, sometimes for genuinely no reason lmaooo
M U R K R O W.
those three fuckin monkeys you know the ones the green red and blue they dont deserve their names listed out
12. oooo between leafeon, glaceon, and sylveon. probably leafy :3
13. ooooo! hmmm i really like electric, steel, ice, and dragon. idk if i can choose a fav out of those
14. i feel like snorlax is the correct answer but im gonna go with Cinccino :D
i really like corrina and alain, also acerola, kahuna hala, gladeon (idk if he counts as a companion lmao), delia, diana, leon, and both prof sycamore and kukui :DDD
i cant choose just one itd have to be between alain and kukui
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s-lay-ing · 7 years
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I’ve been tagged on the bias tag so many times, yet I refuse to do it with hannie ‘cause I hate him 🙃
anyways...I was tagged by three wonderful people who I adore aka @sambashua @kyungminie and @angelyoons (thank you all ♡) to do two similar games: Mir and Emma tagged me to post a screenshot of my lockscreen, homescreen, last song I listened to and a selfie & Liv tagged me on the ‘bias selfie tag’ which also requires for a selfie and I’m so sorry for taking so long! I was sick last week and not decent enough for a photo so yeah...that 😜 I’m still not fully recovered so I improvised a ‘no makeup’ look, hence why the pics look so weird 😂
Tagging: @dabon97line @aceshua @bubkwan @jeongjarsofhannie (gotta see if hosh really won over hannie as your lockscreen/homescreen 😈) @mingowow @sukebanned @minqhyuk @wonwootie @scoup-dumplings @rap-monstax @sammiesparrow and whoever wants to do this! you can either do one (screenshots + selfie or bias tag), both or none! it’s up to you :D
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lunagalemaster · 4 years
You ever think about how genius the Pokémon anime is from an adaptation perspective?
Think about it, it's 1997 and you've started that while you don't know at the time is the biggest franchise in the world, but you know you've got a star hit. Now you've got the opportunity for an anime, which you know if done well, could be a cash cow of merchandise and future franchise viability. The stakes are high.
So, what do you do? You've got a game about catching Pokémon, with all these potential battle strategies. Ten year old protagonist who doesn't talk much. The point of the game is to use your team and use the best type advantages against your opponents. There are eight gyms, the elite four, the champion, your rival, and Team Rocket Shenanigans.
Theoretically, you could adapt this all directly. They did eventually, and it could have done well enough.
But that's not what they did.
See, the Pokémon anime is genius because instead of making a one to one replica of the games, it decides to take the concept of the game and the world, and then bring it to life.
Ash? Loud mouth kid that absolutely adores Pokémon. Will put his life on the line for them. More specifically, he basically treats Pokémon as much respect as he would a person. Meaning, the POKEMON get more opportunity to interact as people as well. The Pokémon's desires are just as important as the people, if not even moreso because there are so many plots that are around upset mons, Pokémon that do or not not want to evolve, Pokémon that want to do something different than what their trainers want, the emotional consequences of training mons, etc etc. Not only that, the entire world has accommodations for Pokémon as well, are built around them.
And think about where the games started!!! Yes, there is love for mons in the Pokémon world, but in game, it's more a rock paper scissors battle simulator. It's not cold by any means, but especially in gen 1, it's so simple and more strategic than emotional.
And the choices the anime makes!!! The entire Bye Bye Butterfree episode wrecked so many kids, Jessie, James, and Meowth as concepts to keep the idea of Team Rocket alive while also keeping the show light hearted, the fact that Ash doesn't fight Gary in the League bc Gary LOSES (when the end of the games, your rival being the Champion is the BIGGEST deal!!!), and ASH LOSING THE LEAGUE IN GENERAL!!!! Yes, Ash losing is a well known meme at this point, but at the time it's kind of bold??? Because 1) the protag can lose matches before this but this is a HUGE match to lose and far more interesting than a straight up win would do and 2) again, the in main games, you beating the champ is the whole point!!!!! So for Ash to not beat the champ is BOLD.
I could go on, but the anime is such a fantastic adaptation because it gets the concept of Pokémon but made it its own. It takes the feelings of companionship of Pokémon and ramps it up to the max to create a real feeling breathable world. Ash as a protagonist wants to see the entire world, wants to understand Pokémon and their quirks, but also wants to achieve everything he can. As a result, he shows off every element of the world that is unique to it and carries us along for the ride. It's a good adaptation because it doesn't limit itself to just the source material, but rather, takes all the elements of the source material and uses the animated medium to its full potential.
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its-an-obsession · 3 years
Christmas with Him
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Marvel Masterlist | Full Masterlist
Summary: Growing up, the holidays in your family were a big deal. Your parents would spoil you and your sister with gifts or plan extravagant trips where your parents would leave you and Sarina to do your own little thing. After your sophomore year of high school, your parents split up; your father moving to Chicago while you and your older sister lived with your mother in NYC. Now, Christmas isn't such a big deal given the memories behind it. Your best friend - Peter Parker - makes it his responsibility to give you the best Christmas.
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
Sarina -> older sister's name
Mentions of divorce/parents splitting up
You know that Peter Parker is Spider-Man
long imagine
kinda sad?
Peter Parker x-reader
White flurries fell from the clouds of Manhattan, New York. The snow hit the window to the right of my bed as I sat there. My head sat against the silk pillow with my eyes focused on the small droplets of snow that were melting from the window. I could see people rushing down the street, making their way towards the nearest store for last minute gifts. My mother hadn't even bothered to decorate the house for Christmas, except the occasional candy cane or string lights around the house.
Sarina had taken extra shifts this week to help our mother pay for gifts. Ever since our parents split a little less than a year ago, our mom had been more quiet and reserved. Luckily, she was still showing up to work; spending longer hours at the hospital as a nurse and not just sitting on her ass. The three of us hadn't heard from our father, last we heard was that he began dating some girl much younger than him.
I hummed to the tune of Sedona by Houndmouth, trailing my finger down the droplet of water as it ran down the window. I pushed my glasses up to the bridge of my nose and sat up from the bed, deciding to get out of my room for the first time this morning. Peter Parker - my best friend - had promised that he'd come bye and help me with homework.
Mr. Longingdale - our Chemistry teacher - had decided that it would be a fabulous idea to assign us a shit town of lab work over winter break. Being the wonderful friend he is, Peter stated that he'd be with me every step of the way. In addition to being besties Peter Benjamin Parker, that also came with the knowledge of his alter ego: Spider-Man. It didn't take long for me to accidently encounter who he was truly hiding behind the mask:
[Third Person View: Three years ago]
Y/N sat on the corner of Peter's bed, bouncing a rubber ball on the ceiling beside her. Her feet were propped up against the wall with her legs extended. She let out a heavy sigh, checking the time on her digital watch for about the hundredth time. Peter and her would usually meet one another at either house to do homework or just talk about random stuff. It was Y/N's favorite part of the day given her growing feelings for the boy.
Of course, falling for Peter Parker wasn't rocket science. If it weren't for people judging him for no apparent reason, all the girls would be over the moon for him. Y/N thought he had the perfect personality as well as his brown hair that she loved to play with whenever they'd have their weekend movie nights; mainly consisting of re-watching the Star Wars or Batman movies.
She adored everything about him: the way his nose crinkled up when he shocked himself with his inventions, the way he'd take pictures of anything that caught his eye (mainly her striking smile), and you can't forget how he took care of Y/N. Peter would go out of his to make sure that his best friend was alright. Y/N swung her legs over so the bottoms of her converse hit the carpet.
"Peter where the hell are you?" she muttered with her Y/E/C eyes wandering over the different variety of posters Peter had decorated his bedroom with. She smiled at the sight of a photo of him and her at their middle school graduation. Peter had his hand on top of Y/N's head while she was flipping him off with a smirk on her face.
The high school girl chuckled, remembering how her mother and father had given her a scolding while her older sister thought it was hilarious. Y/N's attention was pulled away from the picture frame at the sudden sound of Peter's window being opened. She rushed towards her backpack, reaching for her pepper spray in the front pocket of her bag. She whipped around with the weapon ahead of her. Y/N turned her head to the left, making sure the spray didn't get in her own eyes.
Unbeknownst to her, Peter Parker - Spiderman - was the stranger. He let out a horrible scream, luckily Aunt May wasn't home. Y/N dropped the pepper spray and stared at her best friend as he clutched the superhero mask to his bright red face. "Oh my god, oh my god," Y/N repeated, "Peter, I'm-" He stumbled and fell onto the edge of his bed, still using the mask to wipe his face. Y/N ran a hand through her hair and knelt down in front of Peter.
She felt her heart beat quicken at the sight of his red eyes. She cursed underneath her breath. Before hopping up from the ground, she told Peter to hold still for a hot second. Y/N ran to the nearest bathroom and rummaged through the cabinets in hopes to find a small bottle of saline solution. She finally found the container and rushed back to where her crush was.
"Tilt your head back," Y/N directed. She set a hand on top of Peter's head and helped him tilt his head back. Peter set a hand on Y/N's hip, pulling her close. She felt her cheeks rise to a light pink color at the feeling of his hand on her hip. Y/N set the drops into his eyes and stepped back. He winced slightly, causing his grip on Y/N's hip to tighten. Y/N bit her lip subtly. Peter let out a shaky sigh of relief, raising up his arm to pat Y/N on the shoulder. Y/N twisted the cap on and set it on the side table.
Y/N breathed heavily, still trying to process what the hell just happened. Peter leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees with his hands in his straight brown hair. Y/N looked around the room and found her water bottle sitting beside her backpack. She picked it up and handed it to him, shooting him an apologetic smirk. Peter thanked her and drank the rest of the water.
"Thanks, Y/N/N," he said, wiping his mouth with the back of his gloved hand. Y/N replied with a smile and sat down beside him. An awkward silence settled between the two of them, not knowing what to say. "So, you're Spider-Man? That's new," Y/N spoke and looked up at him. Peter chuckled and shook his head.
He crushed up the water bottle, reaching his arm out to throw it into the trash can. He swung an arm around Y/N's shoulder, bringing her close so her head rested on his chest. "Still don't appreciate you pepper spraying me," Peter said. "Yeah, sorry about that," Y/N replied, chuckling nervously. He shook his head and kissed her on the top of her head.
[Y/N's point of View]
I walked down the stairs, heading towards the kitchen. Sarina stood behind the counter, waiting for her bag of popcorn to finish. The TV across from our kitchen played the morning news, mainly speaking about what Spider-Man had down as well as the weather for the week. I looked around and took notice that my auburn haired sister had somewhat decorated the house.
She had put up stockings with our names embroidered on the top, mine being the green one, hers the red one and our mother's the white one. A small tree had been set up at the corner of the living room with seven presents circling the trunk all in different sizes. I walked over and admired the colorful ornaments. Many of the little decorations were from when my sister and I were younger including some family photos or Christmas cards from relatives.
I was hoping that my mother would be here that way we could go into town, maybe look for some ingredients to make Christmas dinner but of course she was at work. "Morning sleepyhead," Sarina greeted, walking into the living room with a large bowl of popcorn in hand as well as a glass of water. She ruffled my hair and plopped down on the leather couch.
"Nice decorations," I complimented, pointing to the tinsel that hung from the fireplace and the top of the kitchen cabinets. She smiled and shoved a thing of popcorn into her mouth. I grabbed some popcorn before walking into the clean kitchen. "Thanks," Sarina said, "Went this morning. Saw Ms. Parker, she says hi by the way." I smiled and grabbed a bottle of water and an apple.
My older sister set the bowl on the coffee table that had a bunch of holiday magazine's and a lit pine candle. I had never seen the townhouse this festive. It was a nice change especially since we hadn't done the normal traditions in awhile. "Hey, Peter's coming over later. Don't embarrass me," I spoke and sat beside her. "Since when do I ever embarrass you?" she questioned with a raised brow.
"Hmm, let's see," I said and tapped my chin, "When Peter took me to prom, you took pictures of us nonstop, claiming that we were a great couple. When Peter slept over for the first time, you said no funny business in reference to sex. Oh! And when we celebrated New Years last year, you pulled Peter away from me because you thought he was gonna kiss me."
"He was! You didn't see the way he looked at you, dingus!"
I rolled my eyes and bit the red apple. Sarina turned up the volume of the news, setting the TV remote on the arm rest of the couch. My hand rested on top of my chin as I lazily watched the news.
(Time Skip: 6:30 pm)
Peter sat in front of me with our notebooks scattered about my bed. His back rested against the wall, his arms crossed. He tapped his chin with the eraser of his pencil. I huffed in annoyance and laid back with my arms finding their to the back of my head. "I say we just call it quits. Maybe go to Mr. Longingdale? Bring Spider-Man along, scare the shit out of our teacher," I stated.
My bestfriend whipped his head to me with his brows raised, his pencil away from his face. Peter sent me a look and shook his head in disagreement. "Tough crowd," I said, sitting up from my bed. Peter let out a sigh and closed his notebook. He set it into his backpack then grabbed his phone from the side pocket of his bag. I rummaged through my dresser to find a sweatshirt.
"Bingo," I muttered, finding my favorite black sweatshirt.
"Hey, you wanna go to the tree lighting downtown?" Peter asked, "They've got a bunch of cool food trucks coming. Your favorite grilled cheese place is gonna be there." I shrugged my shoulders and slipped the sweatshirt over my head. I pulled my hair out from underneath the collar.
"Not the answer I was hoping for," Peter said, going back to look at his phone. I pushed the desk chair underneath my desk and took a sip of my water. "Why don't you wanna go? It used to be your favorite thing to do when we were kids," he said. "I just-I don't wanna go, Pete," I said, shrugging. His brown eyes followed my figure as I hopped on my bed with my phone in hand. I ignored his gaze and flipped through Pinterest.
Without warning, Peter reached over and yanked my phone out of my grip. He stuffed it into the pocket of his jacket, jumping off the bed causing the books to fly off. "What the hell! Peter!" I exclaimed. I lunged forward to grab my phone from his pocket, but he was faster. He swiftly took ahold of my wrist and pulled my arm back. "We are going to that tree lighting whether you like it or not," Peter said.
He let go of my arm and slipped his arms through the straps of his green Jansport backpack. "Put something nice on, I'll be waiting downstairs," Peter said as he walked towards the door, "Hurry it up, sunshine." He closed the door from behind him. I groaned and walked towards my closet, opening it up to check what I had to wear. After many outfit changes, I finally decided on a brown sweatshirt, a pair of blue jeans and my favorite pair of white Keds.
I walked downstairs with my black purse hanging from my shoulder. Peter sat on the couch, flipping through some website on his phone. He looked up and smiled at the sight of me. "Well don't you look presentable," Peter said, hopping up from the couch, stuffing his phone into the pocket of his collared jacket. "Oh, shut up," I replied, grabbing my black beanie from the coat rack.
"Can I have my phone back?" I asked.
"Of course, sunshine," he said, handing me my phone.
I set my phone into the pocket of my purse. My best friend made sure that I locked the front door before walking towards the event. Memories upon memories flooded over me as we arrived at the Christmas Tree lighting. I withheld the wash of emotions, not wanting to relive the memories. Peter knew about what happened, but he never knew how hard it hit me.
Coming back here just brought back memories I didn't want to think about. I forced a smile, looking at the people that migrated around different holiday themed food trucks. Peter removed his arm from my shoulder to connect our hands. He brought me over to a hot chocolate stand. "Two hot chocolate's please," he ordered, setting a ten dollar bill onto the counter. The women smiled at him and began creating the drinks.
"Go stand over there, I'll be right over," Peter said, pointing to a seating area. I nodded in response and strolled over to a brick wall that surrounded a couple of thin decorated trees. Goosebumps rose on my skin at the feeling of the cold concrete hitting me. That hot chocolate sounded really good right about now. I sniffled from the cold and set my hands in between my legs, regretting not wearing any winter gloves.
My eyes watched as the little kids had the time of their lives with their parents. A young girl with curly hair ran in front of me, heading towards her father with opened arms. I smiled at the two and turned to look away before my tears from earlier made their appearance. "One hot chocolate madam," Peter said in a posh accent, "With extra, extra marshmallows just how you like it."
I thanked him with a smile and grabbed the warm drink from him. My smile stayed on my face at the feeling of the beverage warming me up. Peter glanced at me, smiling when he noticed me softly grinning (GIF Above). Again, my eyes found their way over to a happy family, swinging their kid back and forth with their hands gripping their little girl. I quickly wiped away a tear with the back of my hand in fear that Peter saw.
Unfortunately for me, he did.
"You okay?" Peter asked. He nudged my shoulder, careful that he wouldn't knock my drink over. I hummed in response and looked at him. "Are you okay?" he repeated. Peter raised a brow when I nodded, he didn't believe me. I turned back and waited till they lit up the tree which would happen in about a minute or so.
"Y/N/N?" Peter questioned.
He waved a hand in front of my face and caught me staring into space. I looked up at him. "Tell me what's wrong. You're scaring me," he said. I wiped away another tear, taking the last sip of my drink. Peter waited till I answered. I opened my mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the announcer welcoming everyone to the tree lighting.
Everyone around Peter and I began clapping. "Thank you to everyone who came tonight. Lighting the Christmas tree had always been my favorite tradition, and I hope it is yours too," the women said, "If everyone could stand up and count to three with me."
The crowd of family's obeyed her statement. Peter and I stood up from the small brick wall. He gazed at me, expecting me to take my attention away from the announcer to answer his inquiry. "Three, two!" the large friendly group called slowly, "One!" Suddenly, the tall bushy Christmas tree lit up with bright colors cascading from the top of the tree to the bottom.
Everyone cheered and clapped at the beautiful sight. I felt my heart clench, remembering how my father would set me on his shoulders to get a better look at the tree. Peter let out a small sigh as he connected the dots. He grabbed my hand and led me out of the community area. He squeeze my hand in a reassuring manner. Once we were away from the large crowd of people, he threw his arms around me, bringing me close to his chest.
He kissed the top of my head, lingering for a moment before pulling away. I looked up at him with my chin resting on his chest. "I'm sorry, I knew you wanted to be there," I said. Peter tucked a strand of hair behind my hear. He smiled when I leaned my head closer to his palm. "Doesn't matter. What matters is that you're alright," Peter said. I smiled and rested my head against his chest again. He tightened his grip on me, not wanting to let go.
"I love you, Y/N," Peter said.
"Love you too, Peter."
Taglist: @arabellelancastersstuff @transias @kasidy709 @carmellasworld @sh-tposter2021 @midnightstar-90 @ramaalkayyali @nix-rose
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leetotters · 3 years
could you do a peter parker x reader where she can control her hair? and it can be any length she wants but prefers the length mid thigh and its and its unbreakable? so like fury asks if anyone in the team knows anyone they could recruit and he suggests her and all the avengers go meet her at a tailors shop she owns while she's cleaning and she shows her powers? please and if you do it, thank you
note: i hope you meant the powers to be reader's hair bc that's what i used it as lmao. also i used the gif because this is kinda how rocket got smacked with your hair. thank you for requesting<3
warnings: kissing, curse words
peter parker x reader
summary: something like request^
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The swooshing of the broom and the melody of a random song played through the speakers of your tailor shop while you swept the floor. The small lengths of wool and silk thread tangling on the broom bristles as you scooped it up. The racks and unwanted pieces of cloth laid on the marble floor making you let out a sigh of exhaustion.
A knock on your glass showcase window made you jump. The movement making your hair disentangle from the neat twist plait. You lowly cursed as your hair touched the floor, the belly laugh behind the window noted you that your bestfriend was the person responsible for your little mishap.
"Couldn't you ring the bell like a normal person!" You annoyingly exclaimed, closing your eyes and controlling your hair to stop at mid-thigh length. Your preferred length. You picked your broom up and teasingly shook your head when Peter told you open the door. "I think I'm gonna leave you outside tonight, just for scarring the life out of me and my hair."
You resumed your previous activity, counting the numbers in your head until you heard the lock on your ceiling window open. The sound of Peter's displeased voice and childish complains filling your storage room.
"Can't keep me outside Y/L/N, I'll always find a way." He proudly dusted his shirt, taking the scoop from your hand while you grabbed the racks and placed them in your extra closet.
"Thanks to your super spidey powers." You teased, thanking him when he returned the dustpan. "Anyway, why are you here?" You inquired, curious why your best friend decided to stop by your little, tailor shop.
"Well I- wait," Peter scrunched his brows. "Can I not drop by to visit my bestfriend?" He sassed, hand on his hip giving you a quizzing look.
"Oh please Peter, you only stop by when you need something." You remarked, returning a pointed stare before you began to reorganize the formal wear you were currently adapting. "And that something is usually to stitch those huge ass holes in your spidey suit."
Peter didn't respond immediately, because you were right. He did stop by your shop for you to mend his suit. Because one, he loved your company. And two, you were the only person who knew his secret other than the avengers, Ned and MJ.
"Fine! fine!," He huffed. Not so discreetly looking over his shoulder as if he was giving someone a signal. "You're right-"
"I always am Parker." You boasted, using the ends of your hair to move the sewing machine and pins to there rightful place.
"Yeah- okay, but I really came to tell you life changing news!" Peter amazed, a gasp leaving his lips when he saw the movement of your hair. It never ceased to amaze him how your hair was basically magical. Being able to move stuff with your command, grow at whatever length you wanted, heal others and even be unbreakable. Epic, really.
"And what is this so great news-"
The words didn't leave your lips properly as your tailor shop entry door was suddenly yanked open. Your door handle and lock was surely broken, at the loud eerie sound of a metal crunching noise.
"Get out of my way Tony!" Stephen scowled.
"Shut it wizard dude, I'm the leader here not you." Tony rolled his eyes, removing the pair of expensive shades from his face.
"Since when? Fury sent all of us Tony." Rhodey said, dusting his shoulder.
"I wonder how much she makes in this shop, not much I bet." Steve scrunched his face, eyeing your little shop.
"Did we really have to bring Groot?" Clint groaned, flicking baby Groot off of his shoulder when he tried to grab one of his arrows.
"He's a baby, Clint. We can't leave him at the compound alone." Gamora remarked, tickling Groot's tree stomach as she picked him up.
"Okay if she does joins us, we will have to ask her to design new clothing! Look at this!." Wanda marveled, showing off the mid thigh silk dress.
"I should get this for the recruiting party Tony is planning for her." Natasha thought out loud.
"What the fuck!" You yelled, glaring at the talkative avengers standing before you. Looking mighty and high as always. "I just fixed that lock dude!" You whined, sighing gallingly when you saw the chunk of metal by Thor's feet. "You're repairing my lock, hammer man."
"Ah yes, I will have the Man of Iron restore your brittle lock Lady.."
"Lady Y/N." Thor smiled.
Peter let out a small chuckle, rubbing the back of his ear and looking at you sheepishly. "Surprise?"
"Surprise my ass Parker! Why are the avengers in my tailor shop and why is this raccoon trying to cut my hair?!" You moved your hair with your mind, smacking the animal avenger with your y/h/c locks.
"Woah, did she just-" Bucky froze, mouth agape.
"Control her hair to hit Rocket, yeah." Peter Quill laughed at his co guardian misfortune.
"Okay her hair is very much un- unbreakable," Rocket coughed out, holding his stomach. "And strong."
"I am Groot." ˢʰᵉ'ˢ ᵃ ᵇᵃᵈᵃˢˢ
"You can not say that word Groot, but I do agree with you." Gamora smirked, finger bumping the cute tree.
You were mad, really fuming. You spent two hours cleaning and by the looks of it you'll have to do it a second time. So yeah, you wanted an explanation.
"Okay don't get upset." Peter spoke calmly. Holding his hand out and gesturing towards the superheroes infront of you, who had the same impressed expression on their fanciable faces.
"This is the life changing thing I was talking about," He paused with a smile. "You're joining the Avengers!"
"What?" You were officially bamboozled, with everything. One minute you were simply tidying your shop and next, half of the avengers are occupying your shop. Quarreling and interfering with your stuff.
And not to ignore the fact that your best friend just blurted out four questionable words to you.
"You're going to be an Avenger, Rapunzel." Tony repeated, strutting to you with short steps. "If you want to of course, sidey here told us your hair power thingy and though I was a little iffy about it at the beginning, it looks like your power is truly powerful." Tony patted your shoulder. Looking over at Rocket, who was being assisted by Drax.
"As much as I would like to say it's an honor to be in your presence," You said. Controlling your hair to grow back at mid-thigh. "Why?" You faced Peter, inquiring him with the plain word.
Peter shrugged, giving you a bashful look. "Fury asked if we knew anyone who could be recruited, and without thought I suggested you." He sighed, feeling completely awful for the situation he put you in.
"And I know, I should've asked you first but I know how much you adore helping others and the money here isn't enough for your college tuition Y/N." Peter ignored the awkward silence in the room that was loud seconds ago before continuing. "I thought this would be a way to assist you."
You physically softened at his words. He was too kind and caring for his own good. You could never be upset with this idiot boy.
"I'm sorry-"
Peter didn't finish. His apology was muffled by your lips pressed deeply to his frowny pink ones. He was slighty awestruck, the feeling of your lips were breathtaking. He swore he could kiss you forever. His hands found your waist pulling you in closer, even including a little tongue movement inside your mouth.
As if reality kicked in, a teasing 'ohhh' sound came from a few avengers. Causing you to shyly pull away from Peter, who loudly groaned at the lost contact of your plump lips.
"Looks like Spidey is getting a little too handsy." Sam quipped, chuckling when Peter told him to shut it and hid his face in the crook of your neck.
"So is this a yes?" Peter hopefully asked.
You feigned ponder. "Yes."
Peter pecked your lips, mumbling a short 'yay' attempting to deepen the kiss.
"That's enough smooching spiderling." Steve uttered, obviously not enjoying the PDA.
A beeping sound came from Tony's watch altering the team about an upcoming mission.
"Looks like we gotta go," Tony spoke with a serious voice before turning to you. "Glad to have you on the team Rapunzel."
"It's Y/N." You corrected.
"Okay, I'll send some people by tomorrow to pick up your stuff. See ya soon, Rapunzel." Tony winked, exiting your tailor shop.
"He's not gonna give that up." Peter laughed, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
"I oddly don't mind." You responded, waving bye to the others. "Thank you Pete."
Peter grinned. "I didn't quite hear that, say it a little louder baby."
"Thank you mister Parker." You kissed his lips, playfully rolling your eyes. But you weren't that distracted to miss Thor stealthily trying to leave your shop.
"Hey hammer God! Don't forget to fix my lock."
"I will have Stark right on it Lady Rapunzel!"
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theultimatewildcard · 3 years
Favourite riverdale episodes from any season?
there are many episodes i love but here are a few that are closest to my heart and the main reasons i love them (in chronological order)
2x11 - insanely homoerotic high school wrestling team + stolen land plot (both given equal weight)
2x14 - core foursome ep <3 also gay cheryl
2x18 - carrie musical episode!! started the tradition of musical episodes which i adore also gave us annoying theatre kid cheryl which is so personal to me
3x04 - midnight club. no explanation required
3x07 - jarchie gay roadtrip <3
3x16 - heathers musical ep!! i'm a big fan of heathers the musical so this was a dream come true for me
3x21 - daddy lessons scene speaks for itself. also betty serial killer genes reveal
4x03 - "evelyn is going to drive a bus of farmies of a cliff as a distraction while [edgar]..." "what?" "takes of in his rocket." "what???" "yeah."
4x04 - veronica sets a serial killer on fire after he attacks her while she's at work. this is the d plot.
4x17 - HEDWIG MUSICAL EP! this is just super fun and definitely one of my favourites overall. i remember finishing it for the first time and being content but energised and excited. also origin of love riverdale cast recording changed my life bye
4x19 - murder betty <3 (within a work of fiction but still)
5x04 - time jump introduction. i thought this was exciting and to me it was done pretty well. insane to have homages to films such as portrait of a lady on fire, silence of the lambs, and.... uncut gems?
5x10 - the definition of "everything happens so much". also WHERE is the glaad award for chicles wedding?? (i am being dead serious chicles invented love #endgame)
5x12 - hiram backstory that didn't really explain any of his actions for the past 10 years but did draw a bunch of parallels between him and archie. convinced us he was a poor little meow meow right before he shot an elderly man point blank in his sleep
5x14 - (almost) murder betty <3
5x16 - witch cheryl real not clickbait??
5x17 - witch cheryl real not clickbait pt. 2 confirmed??
5x18 - rivernormal. completed my conversion to a fan of jabitha
all of the rivervale special (6x01-05) but especially 6x03 - veronica in league with the devil and also murder betty <3
this is probably more than what anyone cared to read but this show is a masterpiece so there's a lot of good episodes
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genesisrose74 · 4 years
A/n: This idea just popped into my head this morning and I needed to write it out, guess who finished in one day instead of focusing on summer school aha ha...so here’s the next edition of Class 1-A quarantine hc’s! I think I’ll include a bit of background for all of these, just for future reference if anyone likes them lmao. Today we have everyone’s favorite nitroglycerin king, Bakugo Katsuki! Hope y’all enjoy cause I’m honestly so soft for this one okay BYE-
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Surprisingly, you’re initially part of the Dekusquad, but you’ve always been close with Kirishima and Mina and feel comfortable hanging out with their group as well so you start gravitating to the Bakusquad 
At first, Bakugo is really standoffish because, “You’re seriously friends with that damn nerd Deku” - wow everyone be hating on our cinnamon roll smh
But then he sees how much the rest of Bakusquad likes you and he starts warming up
It starts with small little things like not hogging all the space on the couches in the dorms and having you sit beside him
Then he notices that you’re very forgetful of your jacket and he ends up keeping a spare in his bag just in case the weather gets really bad
“I mistakenly grabbed two this morning, so lighten my load and carry the jacket—I don’t give a shit if you put it on, just hold it will you!” 
He’s acts all aggressive whenever he tries to be subtle and someone calls him out on it pffft- 
“What the hell are you talking about? You trying to get punched in the face?”
And his feelings are emphasized when the whole class is allowed to use the pool one afternoon and you’re pulling up with Mina and Momo
You’ve got a cute swimsuit and a sun hat on, and King Explosion Murder starts sweating a dangerous amount of nitroglycerin 
Bakugo Katsuki has a thing for soft girls who can pull a one-eighty and kick ass no I do not take criticism
The class wants to play chicken and everyone is choosing partners, but in the corner of his eye Bakugo sees you getting cornered by Mineta 
You’re usually able to handle the horny tornado but you’re feeling a bit too exposed in a bathing suit and start losing your cool
When I tell you the whole Bakusquad BOLTS to come rescue you-
Mineta is literally launched out of the pool by Sero like a rocket ship in orbit and the rest of the group is in this protective barrier formation around you (yes the squad has protocols for this kind of thing don’t even deny it)
Bakugo is beside you in a second with his hands secured on your waist because no one is coming near you like that when he’s around
“Why don’t you be my partner, yeah?”
And that's the story of how y’all destroyed everyone at chicken with absolutely no mercy and Bakugo finds your competitiveness that entire day attractive as hell
Walking back to the dorms afterwards, he pulls you away from the group and the look he gives you is  s e a r i n g
“For the love of God, go out with me” and he does not have to tell you twice
Literally the entire class is SHOOK because you’re actually pretty mellow and Mr. My Only Vocabulary Word Is Die is...ya know...✨volatile✨
But let’s be honest he’s actually a softie if you’re close enough to him (sorry Deku you’re the exception but we still luv u) and everyone ends up adoring y’all being together
When quarantine rolls around and you both have to live back at your respective houses, everything is decently calm for about two days and then you both start getting bored as hell
Honestly longer than you expected 
Bakugo hates social distancing with a passion but he agrees to abide by the rules and ends up asking you to Facetime at least twice a day
His bedroom is actually very tidy ‘cause Bakugo hates clutter, especially when he’s doing schoolwork
I wholeheartedly believe that Bakugo is a beast in the kitchen and y’all can fight me about it because his knife skills are canon and you best believe he learned it to be more independent 
He’s been experimenting with new cooking recipes and is a master at making something out of practically nothing in his fridge, which is really handy when a trip to the grocery store is long overdue
He sends you pictures of his dishes and your responses are all praise and none of it’s exaggerated either; this boy can COOK 
Netflix Parties with the Bakusquad — the chat gets loaded with Denki and Kiri spamming and Bakugo yelling at them in all caps to shut up
Your lock screen is a picture of the group on Facetime and you all have filters on (somehow you got Bakugo to use one don’t ask how); literal friendship goals
And then it’s been about a whole month since quarantine started and Bakugo wants to come visit you, but his mom shuts that down quicker than Barry Allen in the Speed Force
He’s pissed because he and his family feel perfectly healthy but his mother will not let him leave under any circumstances
So when his parents go to visit some relatives who were more susceptible to the virus and needed help with a couple basic tasks you decide to sneak out to see him (in good health of course)
Imagine his surprise when his typically rule-following girlfriend calls and is already standing in his backyard, bags of groceries in your possession
Bakugo shot you an incredulous look as you sat at the kitchen table. “You know I could have just opened the front door for you.”
“Yeah, but going through the window was way more fun,” you defended. “It’s not like I’m very rebellious at any other time, so might as well live it up while I have the courage.”
The blond snorted, sifting through the numerous bags you brought along to his house. They were filled with an assortment of foods: vegetables, meat, rice, sauces and the like. 
“What’s all this for?” he inquired, pulling out a bottle of teriyaki sauce.
You couldn’t help the small smile that grew on your face as your boyfriend curiously examined the items. “It’s for you to cook with, duh.”
“And how am I supposed to explain the new abundance of food in the fridge to my parents?”
“Say that I had it sent over through Postmates or something. Even I thought of that, Katsuki.”
He rolled his eyes as he placed down the last bag of items. “I can’t believe you snuck out and brought all this stuff,” he murmured, leaning over to kiss the top of your head. “Thank you, babe.”
A faint blush rises to your cheeks, despite the fact you’ve been dating the first year student for a few months now. Girlfriend or not, verbal thanks from the King Explosion Murder was rare. “You’re welcome.”
Bakugo turned to the stove and started organizing a number of ingredients on the counter beside it, pulling out kitchenware from cabinets as he went.
“Since you’re here and all, I suppose I could make your dumb ass something,” he remarked. 
Your eyes practically sparkled with excitement at the offer; you were hoping the blond would make you one of his iconic dishes eventually. A ghost of a grin was present on Bakugo’s face at the cheer that left your mouth, his back facing you as he got started. 
You were quick to situate yourself on top of the kitchen counter, Bakugo lifting you by the waist to place you farther away from the flaming stove but still allowing you to watch as he worked. His knife skills were almost scary when chopping up the vegetables, the pace at which he was cutting them astonishing you, and the overall aroma of the space had your mouth watering before he was even close to finishing the meal.
“I feel like a judge on Master Chef,” you giggled, and the boy shook his head at the comment as he eyed a timer he had set for the pork he put on the stove. 
“I’m pretty sure my girlfriend of a judge would be a bit biased over the contestants,” he pointed out. 
You hummed thoughtfully. “I mean, if he keeps looking this attractive while making food I think my bias is justified.”
He glanced at you perched on the counter top, and took a few steps in your direction, cupping your cheek in one hand to kiss you quickly. 
“You’re distracting me,” the first year mumbled, running a thumb over your jaw. “Quit being so cute, dummy.”
You saluted playfully. “Yes, chef.”
He let out a soft laugh before moving back to silence the timer that had started beeping, alerting him that the pork on the stove was ready to go. The blond shooed you away and had you sit at the dining table as he took the skillet and turned off the stove flames.
As you waited patiently for Bakugo to finish up, you sang under your breath and set two spots at the table directly across from each other. By the time he was done, two plates of steaming food in hand, you were already sitting down and twirling a fork between your fingers. 
“What did you end up making?” You asked as he set a plate of rice and pork in front of you. 
“Tonkatsu,” he replied nonchalantly. 
It smelled like absolute heaven, and your hunger was only emphasized in the midst of the fast food you had been surviving off of during quarantine. This boy was even good at presentation, and you began to wonder if he was just talented at everything he tried.
Bakugo took the spot across from you and watched as you took the first bite. He wouldn’t admit it, but he felt a bit nervous that you wouldn’t like what he made. But that thought dissipated as quickly as it came once your fork flew into the meal for a second time, and you shot him a wide-eyed look.
“So good!” you exclaimed with a stuffed face, a few grains of rice falling from your mouth and back onto the plate.
“Don’t speak with your mouth full or you’ll choke, stupid,” he reprimanded, but your praise had an evident effect on the male as a smug smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.
“I expect gourmet lunches from you at least once a week when school starts again.” 
“Not a chance in hell that I’m doing extra work in the mornings.”
“I’ll buy you all the ingredients you want~” 
“...I’ll think about it.”
Next thing you knew, all the food on your plate was gone, gladly relocated to your stomach. Rounding the table, you wrapped your arms around Bakugo’s shoulders as he also finished eating. 
“Thank you for dinner, Katsuki,” you hummed contentedly, resting your chin on his head. “It was seriously masterclass, especially after all the takeout I’ve been eating.” 
“Yeah, yeah, you’re welcome,” he waved it off. “I think a movie of my choosing is in order.”
“After we clean up, hot shot. Your mom would kill you if she realized someone was over.”
“Why wouldn’t she kill you too?”
“Please. Your mom loves me.”
The blond barked out a laugh before standing up and holding your waist, ushering you back to the kitchen. “True.”
Cleaning up was quick and easy with the both of you working together, stocking away dishes and remaining groceries. The evening sky, visible through a large window in the living room, glittered with stars as you sidled next to your boyfriend on the couch, the kitchen and dining room returned to its normal prestige.
“Katsuki?” you murmured, voice laced with a touch of contented sleepiness.
He turned his head from the television screen to face you. “Hm?” 
“I missed you, silly.” 
An arm was thrown around your shoulder and you were pulled closer to the male, who gently kissed your temple. 
“I missed you too, dummy.”
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ridiasfangirlings · 3 years
I kinda like the idea of Munakata and Fushimi just doing some elementary science experiments/projects together as a bonding activity, like how little kids would make elephant toothpaste, or volcanoes out of baking soda and vinegar, snow from baking soda and hair conditioner, white flowers turn all colors due to dyed water, building model rockets, growing bacteria in a petri dish, whatever. :D
This would be adorable and I love it. Can you just imagine how excited Munakata would be to try out all these fascinating new experiments, while Fushimi is just getting dragged along in Captain's enthusiasm and watching it all with dead fish eyes (but then imagine he starts getting into it despite himself after all). Like maybe Munakata's niece and nephew participate in a school science fair and they want 'Uncle Reisi' to attend, while there Munakata gets to see all these super amazing science experiments. Of course this being an elementary school science fair it's largely basic kids' stuff like baking soda volcanoes, growing bacteria in a dish, kaleidoscopes made out of chip cans, homemade play dough, all the things that kids usually do in elementary school science class. Except as it happens Munakata himself has never done such things (maybe his school quietly canceled their science fair for a few years until Munakata-kun moved to middle school, they were worried that given the chance he might create a homemade fusion reactor or something scary like that) and now he thinks wouldn't it be fun to bond like we were in school again and do such experiments. He mentions his trip to the alphabet squad and they all reminisce about their own school experiments, Fushimi however just clicks his tongue and says he never bothered with any of that stuff, not noticing how Munakata's glasses suddenly shine in interest.
So then the next day Fushimi is summoned into the common room of the men's dormitory and just imagine him walking in and there's Munakata with a table set up in front of him, Munakata's wearing a lab coat and glasses and rubber gloves and he's got like bubbling beakers of homemade dry ice in front of him and he just looks like a total mad scientist. Fushimi immediately turns around like 'bye' and Munakata calls him back, he's decided that this would be an excellent way for the two of them to bond. Fushimi's like 'no thanks' but Munakata is very insistent, this is part of Fushimi-kun's job as well. Fushimi mutters under his breath 'what part of this is my job' even as he reluctantly returns to where Munakata's standing. Munakata hands him a nice lab coat and some safety goggles (safety first, after all, and Fushimi's just like 'these are experiments for children, Captain'). A couple of the alphabet boys walk by the doorway, see Munakata looking like a children's TV scientist with his gloomy assistant Fushimi, and decide by mutual silent agreement to just keep on walking and pretend they never saw anything.
Munakata starts doing a few experiments and at first Fushimi is totally bored, like he doesn't see why making your own play dough or toothpaste or fake snow is all that interesting. Imagine him slowly getting into it despite himself though, like Munakata decides to do a few 'exploding chemical reaction' experiments that require some precise measuring and Fushimi ends up being at least caught up in it enough that he forgets most of his earlier annoyance. Of course the 'big' experiment is the volcano, Munakata is very excited about his paper mache volcano that he's going to make erupt. He's explaining the science of it all to Fushimi, who's staring at the volcano like he kinda wants to see it explode but also he's getting a sinking feeling about all this. This being Munakata maybe he went a bit overboard, like he knows the ingredients he's supposed to use but that won't make a very realistic volcano and he has a better experiment in mind. This leads to a very loud and messy (but realistic!) explosion, the squad thinks a bomb just went off and they run in to find Munakata standing there with Fushimi behind him and a Blue wall separating them from the volcano that's oozing bubbles and gray sludge and possibly actual lava all over the floor (Munakata assures them that all is under control, which is when Awashima walks in and gives Munakata and Fushimi both a look as she wonders who will be cleaning all this up).
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liliesoftherain · 5 years
YouTube Challenge!
Request: Ok so I’ve been watching a lot of youtube couples (not the cringey ones lol) and I reallyyy wanted a head canon for maybe bakugou, shoto, and kiri with a s/o who is a youtuber, and they shoot a couple video like those “my boyfriend rates my outfits” or “chapstick challenge” videos. Could the prompts (42)“(58)(18) Also boys to be pro heroes already...if that’s ok. 
A/N: I hope you enjoy this hun, @pletopliito​ and also as each one is written it gets shorter and shorter lol IM SO SORRY
Prompts: 18. “Have you lost your damn mind?” 43. “Why don’t you kiss me already?” 58. “Are you flirting with me?”
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Reader, Eijiro Kirishima x Reader, Shoto Todoroki x Reader
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Katsuki Bakugou!:
“Hey guys, QueenExplosion here! And I have a surprise! Drumroll… It’s King Explosion, as a guest!”
You excitedly pulled your boyfriend into the chair next to you, laughing as he grumbled about the name.
“Right, right! Sorry Mr. Pro Hero, I meant Ground Zero is joining me today!”
“Against my will, might I add.” 
You smacked his arm without looking for the snide comment,
But knowing your boyfriend,
This video was bound to be full of them
“Alright, so today I look a little bare don’t I? That’s because this hunk is going to be doing my makeup.”
“Get ready to look like shit.”
“ANYWAAAAYS, let’s just jump right in, yeah? So I have all my makeup set out on the desk here, I’m not telling him what does what-”
“Like I need to know, this shit isn’t rocket science.”
“And it’s his job to make my look as fine as I always do.”
You watched as Katsuki faced you, grabbing a random brush and your highlighter.
“This is like the base coat for your foundation crap, right.”
He huffed to himself as you stifled a laughter, side eyeing the camera
He brushed it all over your face before picking up your stick foundation,
“Now this just kinda goes.. Fucking everywhere.”
He narrowed his eyes in concentration and you thought he was adorable,
“What are you doing Katsu?”
“You put dots all over your face. So that, stupid.”
He grabbed the beauty blender and you were shocked to try to see him dab it all over your face
He lightly grabbed your neck to maneuver your position,
Making it easier to blend in the makeup
“Do you think I need this much makeup?”
“You need a fucking crap ton.”
You smacked his arm again at the rude comment,
But you knew he was kidding with the way he was smirking
“Now that your face is done or whatever the hell, guess it’s the eyes.”
He picked up one of your newer palets and your heart skipped a beat,
“Oh man I just got this… Don’t mess it up please.”
“Yea, yea shut up.”
“I’m serious Katsuki-”
“Shitty woman I won’t mess it up. Now quit talking so I can make your eyes fucking pretty.”
“Haha okayy~”
He grabbed a small brush and opened your eyeshadow pallet,
Staring intently at the colors
“What are you glaring so hard for? Just pick one, I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
“You use these two the most. Let’s mix them.”
“Wait, what-”
You watched with wide eyes as he dipped the brush into one color,
Roughly grabbing the powder onto the brush before-
“Have you lost your damn mind, KATSUKI!”
“EH!? WHAT!”
You watched as he selected another color,
Lighter than the first,
Blending them together on the pallet instead of on your eye
“So.. Like this?”
He brought the brush up to your cheek and smeared the makeup all over
“Whoops. Missed.”
Laughing and whining you tried to push him away but he kept sneaking makeup all over your face,
Grabbing your hands and holding them so you couldn’t stop his onslaught
It was all fun and games till you heard a crash,
Looking down you saw your pallet on the ground,
Face down
“... Bakugou Katsuki…”
At the tone of your voice he stopped,
Looking down to where he saw you gaze on your fallen makeup.
“Oh fuck.”
Let’s just say that video ended with a bunch of cut scenes until you said goodbye,
Smiling face full of misused makeup and Katsuki with a smug look on his face,
Even if he did have matching makeup stains where you wiped your cheek against his.
“Fellas, if you’re asked to try this, just don’t-”
“Ignore him!! Thanks for the stopping by and watching the explosion duo! See you guys soon! ”
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Eijiro Kirishima!:
“Hi beautiful people, and welcome back to my channel! It’s your host, RockkStarr here with my own, rock star- Red Riot! And today we are going to be doing the Chubby Bunny challenge!”
“Yosh!! I’m hyped up to eat some delicious sweets, oh, and the marshmallows too.”
Winking at the camera Eijiro pulled you in close,
You laughed and tried to squirm away as he left playful bites along your shoulder
“Oh stop! If you guys are unfamiliar with the challenge, it’s a winner-loser game-”
“That I’ll definitely win.”
“That you win by seeing how many marshmallows you can fit in your mouth while still being able to say, ‘chubby bunny’!”
“Oh then I’ll definitely lose, you see these cheeks? Made for this.” 
Eijiro laughed as you swatted his hand away while he pinched your cute cheek.
“Let’s get onto the marshmallows!”
The first few times didn’t go so well since he kept eating them,
“Ei babe you gotta keep it in your mouth!”
“That’s what she-”
After a few more failed attempts you were both up to five, and you both could still talk pretty clearly,
But Kirishima was not making this easy for you,
“What was that??”
“You heard me!!” 
You covered your mouth as you tried to hold back laughter,
Making it even harder to do so as you saw your boyfriend's cheeks puffed out so wide,
With a pursed smile to make him look funnier
“Say it again!”
After another 4 more you were getting to the limit,
Eijirou was tearing up in laughter about how cute you looked with puffed cheeks,
And every time you opened your mouth to talk they would almost fall out,
“Why don’t you just kiss me already?”
He teased with an almost clear voice,
You rolled your eyes at his smugness but did it anyways,
As soon as your lips touched you couldn’t hold back the giggles,
Spitting out wet marshmallows all over your boyfriend you began dying of laughter,
His shocked and disgusted face made you laugh even harder as his own came out of his mouth
You both ended the video,
Your chin slick with drool and Eijiro covered in soggy marshmallows,
But you were both smiling and laughing nonetheless
“Thanks for tuning in! See you beauties next time, RockkStarr-”
“And Red Riot!”
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Shoto Todoroki!:
“Hello friends, it’s me, IceeBaby! Don’t be alarmed, I know it may be hard to recognize me behind all this Gucci-”
“That’s a store brand tee-shirt, don’t lie.”
“Aaaaaand I’m here with my ice ice baby, Shoto! Thanksforruiningtheintro.”
“Anything for you, love.”
“Thanks babe..  today we are going to have a fashion show of sorts. I'll be trying on my closet for you all to see, and he is taking time out of his busy day to rate them for me!”
“She looks good in anything, so you’re going to get 10/10s everytime.”
“Oh my gosh. Are you flirting with me?”
“I most definitely am.”
“You do know I am dating a top pro hero right?”
“What is he going to do?” 
You giggle as Shoto pulls you onto his lap from, squeezing you tight while he did.
“He can try all he wants but he can't have you back.”
“You’re such a dork-Oh no!! You’ll wrinkle my clothes, let me go!”
“Wrinkled or not this outfit is still a 10 for me.”
You wiggled out of his hold, messing his hair up as you stood.
You tried on a few different outfits, explaining where you got them and why you liked them so much.
“Oh and this shirt-”
“Is my favorite actually.”
“Ohh?? Why is that?”
“This is the shirt you were wearing when we went on our first date.”
Your jaw dropped and Shoto swears there were hearts in your eyes,
“Shoto.. You remember that?”
“Why wouldn’t I? It was one of the best days of my life, you were wearing that shirt and that one pair of jeans that makes your ass look fat-”
“aahhhHHHHHHH! you know about my butt enhancing jeans!?”
“Well, then I didn’t but I know which ones they are now.”
“Kya, you’re so embarrassing~!”
“You were the one wearing them, trying to impress me.”
“Well of course! I was on a date with an up and coming hero, who has tons of pretty heroes who could snatch you from me.”
You pouted looking away from him,
He once again pulled you onto his lap,
“No one is more beautiful than you. I want no one else.”
You looked over to the camera with a smug smile,
“Hear that? Sorry thirsty guys and gals, this man is all mine!”
“Uh yeah, you know how many people thirst over you?”
“Do you know how many thirst over you?”
“Not as many as you, sweetie pie.”
“Whatever you say love, in that case,”
Shoto glared at the camera, shielding you with his body,
“You thirsty people cannot have her either.”
You look up at the camera the best you could, a big smile on your face,
“That’s it for today’s video! Go find other people to thirst over!! But I really hoped you enjoyed this! Comment down below if you’d like more content like this! Thanks a bunchies friends! Icy Hot 1 and 2 reporting for outro! Bye!”
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monaownsmyass · 4 years
Convince Her
Requested fic by anon. (If you have any fic ideas or requests you'd like me to write, you can leave me an ask!)
Book: Queen B
Pairing: Veronica Lombardi x MC (Bea Hughes)
Genre: Fluff but like, a little smutty and angsty?
Rating: Uh... NSFW 🤭 Sexual scenes, strong language
Word Count: 6,793 (explains why I took so long doesn’t it)
A/N: Things seem to be going great with Veronica and MC but when V is forced to choose between MC and her online presence, things get a little bumpy. This is a continuation of Influence Her. This took me so long and so much energy and effort I wanna die 😭 I’ve been writing the whole day so if some parts are off, I’m sorry, I’m a little loopy rn. Anyway, V stans, come get y’all’s feast!
Tag list: @ineedskyecrandall @kamilahsayeet2063 @avalawrencefl @lovekamilahsayeed @thequeenkamilahsayeed @heygmicheelle @djtjsmith14 @jjlover01 @soft-for-drake @dopeyouth @alexroyard @satrinadia @toalltheboysididntlove @mypegasifly @samanthadalton @playallthechoices @queensayeed @fundamentalromantic (lmk if anyone would like to be included or removed in my next fics and if you only want to be tagged for certain pairings.)
2nd 'Date'
"Where are you going?" Zoey asked curiously, eyeing me up and down as I approached the living room.
"Uh, the library, why?" I said, fidgeting uncomfortably.
I definitely was not going to the library but she didn't need to know that.
"The library, huh, babe?" she said skeptically and stood up from the sofa, walking towards me. "Right, to the library... wearing your push-up bra and that sexy perfume of yours."
"Um, yeah?"
"You're definitely not sneaking off to meet a certain someone, hm?" she hummed.
"I have no idea what you're talking about," I played dumb, pretending to busy myself by checking my bag. "I'm just going to... read..."
My roommate started circling me, gazing at my outfit that was the farthest thing from anything anyone would wear to stare at words on some pages.
Why did I say the library? I groaned and cussed inwardly at myself.
"So you're not gonna meet this special someone who so happens to be the queen of social media and is ranked top three in Belvoire and is one of the hottest persons here and also has the hots for you and grew on you only after the first date and made out with you outside our suite, which, I heard everything, by the way, and made you day dream about her for the past few weeks and-"
"I did not daydream about her!" I said defensively then immediately, my eyes widened.
"Oh? So you do know who I'm talking about."
I stayed silent, contemplating my next words as she stared at me.
"I'm talking about one Veronica Lombardi."
"I know who you're talking about," I snapped.
Zoey giggled and gave me a pat on the cheek. "Aww, look at you, scoring a second date with Vivi."
"It's not a date! We're just hanging out."
"Ah, so you are going out with her!"
I bit my lip and sighed. "So what if I am?"
"Eek! I'm so happy for my bestie!"
She crushed me in a hug and which took me aback and left me gasping for air.
"Thanks... Zo...!" I struggled to get out.
"Okay, okay," she pulled back and smooth out my clothes, pushing me towards the door. "Go get your girl!"
"She's not my-"
"Yeah, yeah, we've been through this before, now go!"
I smiled, shaking my head at Zoey before stepping out.
"Oh, and Bea?"
"Yeah?" I turned to look at her.
"If you're gonna shove your tongue down her throat against the door, try not to be so loud this time, okay?"
I grabbed a pen from the side table by the door and chucked it at her. "Zo!"
She clutched her stomach laughing as the pen bounced off her shoulder harmlessly.
"Bye, babe! Have fun," she blew me a kiss as I finally walked out.
5th Date
"Oh! Veronica!"
"I love it when you moan my name," she groaned against my neck where she was left aggressive nips and kisses, no doubt leaving her mark on me. I felt her smirk against my skin. "You sound so hot."
We found ourselves in her car after our date at the park. And yeah, yeah, I admit, it was a date. What was meant to be a sweet, innocent kiss turned into a heated make out session with me on her lap and her hands on my ass, guiding me to move against her.
I ground myself harder into her, her words making me whimper and encouraging me even further. Her lips travelled further down to the exposed skin of my chest that was left uncovered by my buttoned shirt, leaving kisses.
"Mm, V! I need to feel your lips on mine."
My hands that were wrapped around her neck brought her face up to mine and I smashed my lips against hers in a fiery passion. She moaned against my lips and I felt a shot of heat rush through my body at the gorgeous sound, making me groan in return.
I felt a hand slip down to my thigh, giving it a squeeze while the other moved around my waist and pulled me closer into her. She bit my lower lip, making me shiver in her arms.
"Oh, you like that, huh, beautiful?" she teased with a smile.
The hand that was on my thigh quickly moved around to give me a sharp slap on the backside. I collapsed onto her, gasping as I felt myself getting soaked, still grinding against her.
"You liked that too, hm?" she said cockily. "Such a naughty girl."
"God, you're so annoying," I grumbled between breaths and straightened up. "You talk to much!"
I forced her head into my cleavage where she hummed and immediately began nipping at the skin that wasn't covered by my bra. "Thank fuck I found a way to shut you up."
I felt her chuckle against my chest as her hand on my thigh crept up under my skirt, massaging as she went. It approached dangerously close to where I wanted her the most and I was sure she could feel the heat radiating from between my legs. I squeezed them together, wanting to some sort of pressure against my center.
"Please, V," I whined. "I need you to touch me. I need to feel you."
She lifted her face from my breast. "Touch you? Where?" she responded playfully, smiling. Her hand grabbed onto my thigh. "Here?" Then moved up to cup my chest. "Or here?" And then further up to my next to clutch at my throat. "Or did you mean here?"
"Fuck you," I cussed at her but with a grin, grasping her hand and brought it down between my thighs, gasping when her hand made contact with my damp panties under my skirt. "Here."
She kissed along my jaw and made her way up to my ear where she bit my earlobe and whispered huskily into my ear, "You're so wet for me, beautiful."
I let out a loud moan when I felt her hand slip into my underwear, working her hand back and forth. "I've wanted this since we first hung out together."
"Not since you first saw me?" Veronica spoke teasingly into my ear. Her fingers moved faster and I threw my head back with my eyes closed, panting hard.
"No comment," I managed to get out even though my thoughts were clouded in desire and pleasure wrecked my body.
"Looks like you're gonna have to wait a little longer," she smirked and took her hand away. I whimpered from the lost of contact and glared daggers at her.
"What?" she asked back laughing, casually taking her fingers in her mouth.
"You're such a jerk!" I slapped her shoulders in disbelief. "Why can't you just finish me off?"
"Where's the fun in that?"
"God, you're insufferable!" I huffed and got off of her, plopping myself back onto the passenger's seat.
"Aww, you're adorable when you're mad," she cooed and pinched my cheek. "I promise to make it up to you."
I swatted her hand away but felt myself start smiling. "You better watch out, Lombardi. Next time is gonna be hell for you."
She looked at me in the eyes and the intensity in them did nothing to calm my libido.
"Why are you threatening me with a good time, darling?"
I rolled my eyes at her even though I could feel the heat creep up to my cheeks. "I'm gonna tease you till you're begging me to stop."
"And what if I do the same?" She moved in closer to me.
"Then I'd say," I whispered, our lips skimming each other's, not quite touching. "Game on."
8th DATE
"I still can't believe you brought me to an arcade! I haven't been to one since I was a kid."
"You and me both," Veronica laughed as she grabbed my hand, making my heart leap. "I haven't been here in years!"
We played a bunch of games, trying to outdo the other by seeing how many tickets we could get from the same machine. I clutched the heap we won so far in one arm as I giggled along with her, letting her lead me to the next arcade machine. "I definitely won that last one."
"No way! I swear you were cheating."
"How would I cheat at skeeball?" I laughed.
"Maybe you leaned in closer when I wasn't looking!"
"That wouldn't help at all. Plus, I saw you staring at me the entire time." I looked at her pointedly with a brow raised.
"You have no proof."
We laughed and I moved my arm to wrap around her bicep. "What do you think we can get with all these tickets?"
"Plenty of stuff, but we aren't done yet," she glanced back at me with that familiar mischievous glint in her eyes.
"V... What else do you have planned?" I asked cautiously.
"You'll see."
"Are you gonna get us into trouble?"
She gave me a lazy grin. "Maybe."
She brought me to a machine at the corner of the arcade. It was decorated with rockets and stars and anything else to do with space. There was barely anyone around since it was a weekday but this side of the place was completely deserted.
"No one comes to this part 'cuz it's supposedly the hardest games to win tickets," she laughed, shaking her head. "I honestly can't believe it's still here after all this time."
"What do you mean?"
"I'll explain later, right now, I'm gonna tell you what you have to do."
She lead me a few paces away from the machine. "Okay, so I'm gonna do a little tinkering and I'm gonna walk away. After a while, it's just gonna start spurting out a bunch of tickets, so you just gotta take 'em and leave."
"Wait, what-"
But she already started walking towards the machine. She shot me a wink over her shoulder and placed a finger over her lips.
She nonchalantly looked at the machine, inspecting it from different angles. She bent down and reached behind it then under, fumbling around until she finally stood up. She gave it a hard jerk and the machine gave out a loud whirr.
"Hey, you! Stop!"
We both whirled around to see a worker pointing at Veronica and rushing towards her.
She ran past me, smiling. "Well, that looks like my cue to leave!"
"Oi! Get back here!" the worker shouted and started racing after her around the arcade while she laughed joyfully.
I had to stifle my giggles behind a fist as I watched the scene unfold.
God, this was amusing.
Veronica sprinted out of the building and apparently the worker had enough of chasing her. He returned to the machine and gave it a brief check before walking away.
Soon enough, it started shooting out a long stream of tickets that seemed never-ending. I quickly started gathering them in my arms that were already full of the tickets we won.
'V!' I sent her a quick text. 'Get your ass back here!'
She sent me the laughing emoji and I rolled my eyes at the screen but I couldn't help but let out a small smile.
'Alright, alright, I'm gonna try and sneak back in.'
A few minutes later, Veronica was back by my side and helping me stuff all the tickets into a bag which I had no idea where it came from.
"Where did you even get this?"
"I came prepared," was all she said.
I just shook my head at her as the machine continued to spit out the tickets.
After what seemed like forever, it finally stopped and we walked away, giggling and pretending like nothing happened.
"Where did you learn how to do that?
"My brother and I used to do this when we were younger," she explain and reached to hold my free hand. My stomach filed with butterflies as she intertwined our fingers together and I smiled. "We used to come to this very arcade. He taught me how to rig the machine and soon enough, we started doing this every other week. It was our version of bonding time." Veronica smiled at the memory and looked at me.
"I didn't know I've been going out with a felon," I teased.
"Nah, think of it like a Robin Hood situation."
"You gave the tickets to other kids?"
"When we were feeling generous."
"And how often was that?"
"I'm not at liberty to say."
I laughed at her, giving her an amused look as we made our way to the redemption prize centre and looked at the wide range of selection for us to choose from.
"What would you like?" V turned to me and asked.
"Hmm, why don't you pick out something for me?"
She snaked an arm around my waist and bring me into her, making me lose my train of thought for a moment. "You sure about that?" She kissed my cheek.
"Mm, I'm regretting it now."
"Too late," she spoke. She spun me around and instructed me to close my eyes and ears.
"But why?"
"'Cuz I want to surprise you."
I groaned but complied. "This is dumb," I muttered.
"You're just no fun."
"What's that?" I shouted, pretending I didn't hear her. "Did you say something? Sorry, my ears are covered."
She laughed and stepped in front of me, holding the prize behind her back.
"What is it?"
She pulled it out and held it up to my face, grinning proudly at me.
"A board game?"
"For our next date," she explained.
My heart burst with joy at her words. While I was sure it was already a given that we'd have more dates in the future, it was so sweet to see her already thinking about our next one already.
"You're just begging to get your ass kicked again, huh? Today wasn't enough?"
She waved a hand at me. "Pft, as if. I let you win today. Next time, no mercy."
"Is that so?" I moved in closer to her.
"Mhm," she hummed. "Why don't we make things more interesting."
"I'm listening," I whispered and took her hips in my hands, bringing her closer into me.
"The winner has to punish the loser, however they see fit," she smirked.
"I like that idea. You better get ready to lose, Lombardi."
Her face moved closer to mine. "In your dreams, Hughes."
Right before our lips met, we heard a shout that made us jump back.
"You!" It was the worker from earlier.
"Time to get out of here," V tapped me on the shoulder and held onto my wrist.
We both ran out of the arcade, hand-in-hand, giggling as the man shouted after us. I looked at Veronica and saw a child-like gleam in her eyes which was absolutely adorable. It was obviously she used to get up to trouble when she was a kid. Thrill ran through my body as we ran along the sidewalk under the night sky and I could feel the adrenaline pumping in me.
Eventually, we stopped running and looked back. We stared at each other, breathing hard and then doubled over laughing.
I glanced over at her to find her smiling back at me with that heart-stopping smile of hers.
And in that moment I realised, I really liked Veronica Lombardi.
12th DATE!
"Come here."
I grabbed the collar of her shirt and tugged her into me then pushing her up against the wall.
"Yes ma'am," she teased and pressed our lips together. One of my hands tangled in her hair while the other fumbled around, searching for the door knob of my dorm.
"Zoey isn't in?" she asked against my lips.
"Don't know, don't care."
I pushed myself further into her and ran my hand up under her shirt and over her chest, making her groan.
"Why didn't we go to my room then?"
"Mine's closer," I whispered hurriedly as the door clicked open. "And I need you now."
I pushed Veronica past the door, never breaking off the kiss.
"Hey, ba- Oh!" Zoey stopped herself in surprise.
I walked Veronica back to the direction of my room, hands never leaving each other's bodies and lips never parting.
"I'm guessing you guys had a good date, then," Zoey added.
We crashed into the kitchen counter on the way to my room. Veronica's hand were all over me as she kissed her way down my neck.
"Good to know, babe," Zoey replied.
I ignored her and finally pushed V towards my room, finally making our way past the door.
"Have fun you two," my roommate said jokingly as I shut the door behind us and shoved Veronica on the bed, straddling her.
We sure would.
"There she is!" Zoey cheered as I walked into our suite after class the next day.
"Uh, hey?"
"The sex was that good, huh?"
"What?" she asked, laughing. "You're the one that barged in here groping and sucking the soul out of your girl as if I wasn't sitting on the couch or anything."
"I'm sorry!"
I was going to continue but she waved me off.
"I don't need to hear some lame excuse about how horny you were, I heard it all. Till an ungodly hour in the morning too like damn, you both really went at it, huh?"
"Zoey, please!" I groaned and hid my face behind my hands, heat making its way to my cheeks.
I walked towards the fridge and Zoey followed me.
"You're even walking a little funny," she giggled.
"Stoppppp!" I playfully shoved her even though I knew it was true 'cuz I still felt a little sore.
"Aw, no need to be shy! You definitely weren't last night," she smirked at me cheekily. "'Oh, V! Yes! Don't stop, please, god!'"
"That's it!" I walked off towards the direction of my bedroom. "Conversation is over."
"And then she went, 'Mmm! Bea, right there! Fuck!'" Zoey mimicked teasingly.
"Bye, Zo!" I said as I shut my room with her laughing her ass off.
Nth DATE!!!
I woke up to find myself wrapped up in a pair of strong arms. The familiar warmth and comfort of the embrace made me smile.
I felt the arms hug me tighter and a soft kiss was placed on my neck. I sighed in contentment and melted further into her clutch.
"G'morning, beautiful," I heard Veronica's sleepy voice whisper into my ear and my heart swelled.
"Morning, V," I yawned and turned in her arms to face her. She looked at me and smiled.
"What?" I giggled.
"Nothing, you just look really cute."
I felt my cheeks heat up. "God, V, it's too early in the morning for all your cheesiness."
"Cheesiness?" she laughed. "I'm not cheesy."
"You're like the cheesiet person I know."
"Well, even if I were, you're in my bed so it worked, didn't it?" She gave me a crooked grin.
My face was burning at this point. "You're unbelievable," I groaned but the smile on my face gave away my true emotion.
She smirked. "I know, you told me last night, remember?"
Flashbacks to the night before played in my mind and I felt my entire body get hot.
"Veronica!" I grabbed the pillow beside me and gave her a whack on the head with it as she laughed. I looked at the time on my phone and sighed. "I gotta go."
"Aw, c'mon," she said as I moved to sit up and stretched. I glanced back to find her eyes running up me down my bare back. "Can't I hold you a little longer?"
She crawled towards me and wrapped her arms around me from the back, resting her chin on my shoulder. I felt her whole body pressed up against back back as she held me tight.
"You know I wouldn't leave if I had the choice," I moved my head back to kiss her cheek.
"You going soft on me, Hughes?" she teased as I rolled my eyes.
"I could say the same about you, Lombardi."
Our lips met in a soft, sweet kiss but not longer after, I pulled back which made her groan.
"I know, I know," I said as I stood up. "But I have class soon."
Before I could take a step, Veronica pounced on me and wrapped me in a bone-crushing hug.
"Ahh! V!"
"You can't escape now!" she giggled and attacked me with kisses.
"V! Stop!" I laughed along with her.
"Please!" I wheezed out. "I'll make it up to you later, I promise!"
"Fine," she said sadly as she reluctantly let go off me and as much as I was protesting, I was already regretting it and thinking twice about going to class.
"I'll see you later, okay?" I told her as I reached for my clothes, putting on my bra and underwear before reaching for my pants while she did the same.
"Mhm," she hummed.
"V? Where's my shirt?" I asked, looking around.
"I don't know...," she spoke in a low, mischievous tone that caused me to whip my head to look at her.
There she was, one hand on her hip and holding my shirt in the other. She looked at me with a cheeky glint in her eyes and a small smirk on her lips. "Wherever could it have gone?"
"V, give it back," I stepped in her direction and reached for it but she held it out of my reach.
"Give what back? I don't know what you're about." She jogged past me to the other side of her room and grinned at me.
"Oh, that's what we're doing, huh?" I quickly moved towards her but she evaded me and jumped onto the bed instead.
"You're gonna try harder than that," she laughed and jumped off the bed as I lunged after her.
I started chasing after her around the room, the both of us giggling like children playing a game of catch.
"Veronica! Come back here!"
"You wish, Hughes!"
Eventually, I managed to corner her against the wall.
"Got you now," I grinned at her, both hands pressed against the wall to trap her. "Give it back."
Veronica was holding my shirt up, still out of my reach. She gave me an entertained look and shook her head. "No."
I was about to retort when an idea popped into my mind.
"Fine," I said and moved away from her. She looked at me curiously as I walked to her closet and started rifling through her clothes.
"Are you gonna steal one of my shirts?" she asked in amusement.
"Yes, I am."
One particular sweater caught my attention. She always wore it whenever she invited me over to her room. I removed it from the hanger as Veronica crept up behind me to see what I had chosen.
"Seriously? My favourite sweater?"
"Yup!" I tossed it over my head and felt the comfy fabric envelope my body. It smelt just like her which made me smile. "I think it's only fair. Since you're not planning on giving back my shirt, I'm gonna take your sweater then."
"Y'know what, darling?" she asked and pulled me into her, hand still holding onto my shirt. "I think it's a pretty fair trade."
"You do, hm?" I said teasingly. "Why don't we seal the deal with a kiss?"
Her arms wrapped around my neck as I brought her closer to me by the waist. She gave me a brash smile. "Just say you want to kiss me."
"Shut up."
Our lips met in a slow, tender kiss and suddenly, I didn't care that I was running late for class.
"Veronica!" I heard a shrill voice shout from outside my room a while after Bea left.
I sighed and shouted back, "What do you want, Poppy?"
"Let me in!"
I groaned and got off my bed to open the door for her, knowing she would just scream until I let her in anyway.
"Yes?" I questioned, clearly annoyed.
She brushed past me and entered my room. An angel walked out only for the devil to come in. She turned to face me and crossed her arms. "We need to talk."
She rolled her eyes. "Farmsville, duh!"
"Bea, you mean."
"Aw how cute," she mocked with a jeer. "Protecting your little girlfriend."
"Cut the crap, Pops. What is it?"
"Break off whatever fling you have going on with Bea," she said her name with distaste on her lips, cutting right to the chase.
I scoffed. "Why would I do that?"
"When was the last time you vlogged? Or live-streamed?" Poppy asked, ignoring my question.
I paused for a while. "Almost a week ago."
"A week, V. A week," she tsked and pretended to busy herself with the makeup on my dresser. "You used to do it all the time. Speaking of, why haven't you been vlogging or live-streaming your stupid dates? Embarrassed the Veronicats would find out their precious Vivi Lombardi is dating some farmgirl?"
"Oh, but you know Bea isn't just some farmgirl, don't you, Pops?" I smirked, challenging her. "You know Bea is coming for your crown, and fast. You're threatened by her."
I saw her shoulders tense in anger, as if she was gonna blow her lid as she scoffed defensively, "I am not!" She cleared her throat and spoke calmly, "Anyway, you're avoiding my question, V. Afraid to tell the truth?"
"For privacy," I said deadpanned but that wasn't true. If I had it my way, I would've told the Veronicats all about Bea since our first date but I promised her I wouldn't vlog and although it's been months since then, I didn't want to go back on my word even though I was sure Bea would definitely be okay with it.
"You among all people should know there's no such thing as privacy for social media stars," Poppy mocked.
"What's your point?" I asked, getting frustrated.
"My point," she whipped her head around to look at me. "Is that she's a distraction. No wonder you've barely had the attention you used to from your followers. Poor them, too."
I squinted at her. "You don't care about my followers. You never did, you only cared that so many people would listen to me. And in return listened to you. I know why you became friends with me, if we can even call it that, so don't pretend for a second you give a fuck about me or them."
"Oh, so you aren't as mindless as you seem," she raised a brow at me.
"I'm not stupid, Poppy."
"Well, you definitely seem to play that role well."
My jaw clenched in annoyance but I was determined to not give her the satisfaction of knowing it.
"But this benefits you, too, V," she continued in a condescending tone. "If she's gone, you can focus on your," she waved her hand, looking for the right word. "Career."
"You must have gone insane if you think I'm buying your bullshit for even a second."
"Oh, but you will."
"What is that suppose to mean?" I raised a brow at her, tired of games.
"You'll cut things off with Farmsville because if you don't," she paused, giving me a malicious smile. "I'll expose Veronica Lombardi for the fraud she is."
And suddenly, my entire body went cold.
"Veronica!" I heard that familiar voice I've been longing to hear for the past week call out to me and my heart wrenched.
It had only been a week but I missed Bea like nothing I've ever felt before. On top of that, there was also the guilt and shame of ignoring her instead of talking to her like what I should have done.
I wanted to run away on instinct but I forced myself to stay put. I've never felt so unsure in my life which was such a strange feeling since I always knew what I wanted. But this time, what I wanted was a little bit more complicated.
I closed my eyes and exhaled slowly, bracing myself to face her.
"Hey, Bea," I said awkwardly as I turned to look at her which made me even shudder. God, this so wasn't like me.
She looked at me weirdly for a second before concern took over her face which only me feel worse.
"Is everything okay?" Her brows creased as she spoke, her tone laced with worry. "You haven't been replying any of my calls or texts."
"I... I'm so sorry," my voice cracked and I gulped.
"V, what happened?"
The guilt was eating away at me and I couldn't hold it in any longer especially with the way she was looking at me. I looked around and remembered we were still outside the lecture hall.
"Can we talk somewhere private?"
She took me to her room and sat me down on her bed.
"Okay, what is it, Veronica?"
I steeled myself and looked her in the eyes. Then, I spilled everything Poppy said to me. By the time I was done, I expected to scream at me. To shout and cuss at me, to tell me to go to hell and that she never wanted to see my face again. To accuse me of leading her on and using her.
But instead, she was quiet.
I searched her face, looking for a reaction, any reaction, and where I expected to find anger and rage, I found something much worse.
Hurt and disappointment.
"Veronica, no," she said firmly. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I'm sorry, I didn't know how to," I said lamely. 'Cuz honestly, how was I suppose to tell the girl you liked and have been seeing for months that you were torn between choosing her and your follower count? Even thinking about it made me cringe but that's what it was.
"God, V," she spoke sadly. "I don't even care that you're having trouble choosing between me and your followers. I know how hard you've worked for them just to throw it all away." She looked away. "I'm upset that you didn't even think to come to me to tell me about what was happening."
And I felt a million times worse than I already did.
"I could've helped you. Don't you trust me?" her voice cracked. She stood up, not looking at me but I stood with her. "'Cuz I trusted you. And if Poppy pulled some shit like this on me I would've told you. I wouldn't even think twice about it."
I didn't respond. I didn't know how to. It wasn't that I didn't trust her, I just didn't know how to face her.
"Of course I trust you! I was just worried!"
"Worried about what?"
I bit my lip, wondering how I should phrase it. "That you wouldn't understand."
She scoffed and turned to face me. "Yeah, so much for trusting me, right? You didn't even give me a chance."
I knew she was right. "I'm sorry," was all I could say.
"That's all you have to say?" she asked, disappointed. She crossed her arms and shook her head, groaning. "God, I should've known better."
"What? What are you saying?" I asked warily.  
"Of course you were too good to be true. I should've seen it. I knew there had to be a reason I didn't like you when I first saw you." She stepped towards me, tears streaming down her face. "And this was probably why. You run away as soon as things get bumpy and ignore it. So goodbye, Veronica."
Her words were like a knife slicing through me. Piercing and jabbing at my soul but I deserved it. She pointed towards her door, not even wanting to look at me and I felt my heart start to shatter.
"Bea, please, let me explain."
"Explain what? About how I was I fool to think I meant more to you? About how I would've told you everything but you didn't even tell me about this? Save it!" she spat. "I don't want to hear it."
"Please, let me make it up to you," I begged. "Please, Bea."
She sighed. "How?"
"This past week was hell for me. I felt like absolute crap. And I know how that must have felt for you too and I'm sorry. I know it must have been frustrating being left in the dark."
"I was just so worried for you," she admitted in a small voice that made me want to kick myself.
"And I can't apologise enough for it," I continued and stepped closer to her. "And I'm not just saying that, I really do mean it. It killed me, not talking to you for the past week and I know I'm the only one to blame for that. But I felt guilty and ashamed but mostly, I felt so lost. Ever since I started spending time with you, you were like a light guiding me even if you didn't realise it. I opened up more to you than I ever had with anyone and I was becoming more comfortable showing the real me to others. And if there's anything I learnt in the past week, I'm ready, Bea. I'm ready to show my followers who I am."
I cautiously raised my hand to cup her cheek, afraid she would slap my hand away or pull back but she didn't. My palm met her face in a soft caress and I felt butterflies in my stomach. I wiped away her tears with my thumb as I spoke. "And I also learnt that I really like you Bea. Much more than I expected to. And I would give it all up for you. Of course I'm proud of what I've worked for but what's the point if I lose my happiness because of it? And you, Bea Hughes, are my happiness."
She looked at me, her piercing brown eyes bore into mine and I tried pleading with them to her, to show her how honest my words were, how I meant it all.
After what seemed like eternity, she rolled her eyes and breath out, "And you say you aren't cheesy."
Relief washed over my entire body and I let out a huge sigh.
"I gotta do what I gotta do to get you back don't I?"
"God, don't you ever stop?"
I gave her a small smile, feeling incredibly thankful. "Not if I can help it."
She pulled me into her and hugged me, resting her head on my shoulder. I felt chills run through my body as I rubbed her back.
"And for the record," she whispered quietly. "I like you a lot too, V."
My heart leapt in my chest at her declaration and I was so happy, I could cry. "Thank you, beautiful."
"So what are you planning to do now."
I closed my eyes and rested my head against hers.
"Expose myself before that bitch does it first."
"Are you ready?" she asked me as we stepped onto the courtyard. She looked at me to be certain. "Are you sure you want to this?"
I smiled at het softly and took her hand to give it a reassuring squeeze before letting go. I couldn't express how grateful I was that she still by my side. "More than anything if it means I get to be with you."
We walked side-by-side to the middle of campus where a screaming Poppy was scolding a poor freshman for something stupid, no doubt.
"Hey, Glorified Barbie, over here!" I shouted at her.
She shot me a glare. "What the hell did you say to me?"
"Oh, so you do know I'm talking about you then," I laughed.
A crowd started to gather around us and my heart started racing but there was no backing down now. I had to do this. I looked at Chloe who was among the crowd. She held up my phone, live-streaming to my followers the shit storm that was about to happen.
Poppy turned red in the face and noticed Bea standing beside me. "For fuck sakes, V! Are you really gonna throw away all your years of pretending online just for that?" She pointed at Bea with a disgusted scowl on her face. "You must be dumber than I thought."
I was about to shoot back a snide remark in Bea's defense but I felt her hand lightly touch my arm. She knew what I was thinking and shook her head, reminding me not to get distracted from the actual reason we were here.
"If anything, Pops, you're the dumb one here." I stepped closer to her. "I have to admit, you got me there for a second. You really made me believe you had power over me. But you underestimate how loyal and understanding my followers are." I looked into the camera of my phone. "And if they aren't, then I don't think I want them."
"Veronica, you stupid cow! What the hell do you think you're doing?"
"Oh, am I making you mad Poppy? That you you have nothing to hold over me anymore?" I taunted her with a smirk, no doubt infuriating her more. "That you can't control my followers anymore either?"
"This is ridiculous!"
"You heard it here first, Veronicats!" I grinned into the camera, finally feeling free. " Veronica Lombardi isn't who you think she is." I turned to Bea and my face soften looking at how proud she was of me. "Consider this my first step of rebranding."
I held out my hand to Bea and she gladly accepted it with a smile on her face.
"And one more thing," I said and held eye contact with the fuming bitch across the lawn. "Fuck you, Poppy!" I flipped her off and the crowd surrounding us gasped as I tugged Bea into a passionate kiss. One of my arms wrapped around her neck while the other cupped her face, my thumb gently stroking her cheek while hers was pulling me into her by the waist.
Among the sea of people, I heard Zoey whooping and cheering for us. "Hell yeah, babe! Get it!" And just like that, everyone started clapping and cheering along.
I felt Bea start laughing against my lips and I smiled into the kiss. I pulled back to grin rakishly at Poppy who was about to blow her lid off. Her face was red and she stomped her feet in anger. "Veronica! Stop this nonsense right now!"
"Or what? You'll expose me? Oh, wait!"
Bea and I giggled as Poppy shouted, "You better watch your fucking back! Both you and Farmsville! This isn't over!"
"Oh but it is, Pops!" I called out after her. "You have nothing over me now, so go find someone else to blackmail and manipulate!"
She lets out a shriek as she stormed off, leaving us in laughing in each other's arms with a crowd of supporters behind us. I walked towards Chloe and thanked her before taking back my phone to address my online audience.
"Well, Veronicats, there you have it," I gave them a winning smile, trying my best not to look at the comment I was currently being bombarded with. "I know you have a lot of questions right now, so leave 'em and I'll answer them in a Q&A later." I signed off in a much calm and collected manner than the usual high-energy outros I would give them. It was a small step but for the first time in years, I felt like I could finally breathe again.
I made my way back to Bea's side where the crowd started to dissipate.
"Well, you did it!" she cheered with a huge grin as she encircled me in her arms. "I'm so proud of you!"
"Thank you, beautiful." I placed a kiss on her forehead and brought her closer into me to hug her tight, resting my cheek against hers.
"Are you scared?"
"Oh, I'm terrified," I laughed and she giggled along. "But having you by my side definitely helps."
I heard her scoff but her felt her cheek become warm against my own. "Cheesy Veronica is back at it again I see."
"But seriously," I whispered into her ear. "Thank you so much. For everything."
I felt her squeeze me. "Thank you for choosing me."
"You're worth it," I sighed. I thought about all the backlash I would get, from my manager, my followers, the haters, the general public, everyone. I think about all the followers and subscribers and support I'd lose and yet, nothing would be as bad as losing Bea.
So despite my worries and fears, my greatest comfort was in my arms and no matter what happened next, I knew I could face it with her.
"You'll always be worth it."
(More fics!)
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twiceblackvelvet · 4 years
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Early rises and strolls to work for the opening shift are far more pleasant than imaginable. The sun rising slowly over the horizon whilst the pathways are clear of other people and hardly any cars noisily taking up road space. It’s calming, beautiful, in fact, to see the change in hues in the sky from a deep orange to a lighter yellow once it’s high enough above everything else. A camera roll full of pictures taken with the beams blazing down could never possibly do it justice, but it does help take off some of the chills during the winter months just looking at them.
It’s quite an easy job, truth be told, the only complication that ever presents itself is through difficult customers and they are few and far between thankfully. Doing the rounds to turn on all of the appliances and the fridge lights is a welcomed routine compared to the never-ending cleaning that comes with a closing shift. It should be a world record how long it takes to hoover the floors, mop them, and then try not to mess up all of that hard work by creating a shoe path through the wet flooring.
For the last six months, Mina has been working at the convenience store, and taking on every single shift her schedule will allow whilst still trying to continue her studies. Serving customers isn’t the be-all and end-all but she is grateful to have been offered the position with no experience in hospitality whatsoever. The owners had recently had to let go of one of their original employees after he was caught taking money from the register thus she was hired before even sitting the interview out of desperation to replace him.
Whilst there are a few customers who are tough to deal with, there are also the locals who are always full of small snippets about their lives, or, will simply offer a courteous smile if their own day is not going as planned. Her favorite, however, is watching all the young and in love couples enter the store together, there’s something about watching their small yet romantic gestures toward one another, and whilst the green-eyed monster known as jealousy would rear its head for anyone else, Mina merely longs to feel what they are one day with her true love.
A soulmate is a difficult thing to explain to anyone which is why it is taught and told from such a young age. The idea that there is one single individual wandering this Earth who is meant to be just as in love with you as you are them, and no one else seems unreasonable or forceful at best. Every relationship in life is significant and can work if each of you put in the work to make sure that it lasts. Just look at how often people will get attached to celebrity relationships, only for them to break up a few years down the line and people are convinced love isn’t real. In fact, there are many people during her life who have told her it was a crazy idea to hold out for ‘the one’.
However, Mina has always been a hopeless romantic and never been able to grasp the concept of dating multiple people when there is a very clear sign on her right hand linking her to the one she’s meant to be with. The one who will offer her a tingling feeling in the pit of her stomach whenever they exchange so much as a glance. The one who she’ll meet for the first time and something inside of her will click, telling her that they are the one for her. The one who will offer her endless reassurance whenever things in life get difficult. She’s always wanted it all, and more. But, they’ve yet to enter her life and whisk her off her feet.
Her mother would often share tales about meeting her father when they were younger, both of them too scared to reveal their markings, both of which being on their legs in the shape of a tiny rocket, to confirm what they had believed to be true, that they are soulmates. But, one day her father invited her mother to a break from an intense study session by going into his pool. They had both completely forgotten about having not shown their markings but as it turned out, they were the exact same. It was always Mina’s favorite bedtime story to hear about how her parents fell in love with each other, their own firm belief in soulmates only furthering her desire to find her own.
There were plenty of people during her early years that Mina thought were going to be the one, and rather than following entirely in her parents’ footsteps, she’d find any excuse to look at people’s right hand, such as holding their hand as she grabbed a skipping rope from them, or even going as far as gifting the girl next door an orange every single day on the bus to school until one day she took it with her right one. All of which failed miserably but she never gave up hope that one day it would simply happen without her having to think too much about it.
A small four-leaf clover resting directly in the palm of her right hand. It’s beautiful, and Mina often finds herself tracing it back and forth whenever she’s bored. Her father had explained to her that it must mean her life with her soulmate will be full of luck, but finding them alone will require a lot of luck, Mina isn’t so sure she’ll be gifted any more beyond that.
Today is no different from every other morning shift, no one bothers to enter for at least the first hour which means restocks and ordering anything that appears to be running low. The higher shelves she has to grab the old wooden ladders from the storeroom in the back, which, she’s convinced are going to one day give way and break causing her to crash through the display behind her. However, the manager, Mr. Kim,  no matter how many times she asks him to get some new ladders simply states that he’s going to soon. When soon is exactly, Mina has no idea but she doubts it will be soon.
“Is anyone working?” A high-pitched voice calls out close to the counter. From her spot on the bottom rung of the ladders, Mina can only just say make out some brown hair.
The bell for the door to signal a customer had entered has clearly not done its job as Mina quickly rushes around to see who it is that’s waiting for her. Fortunately, it isn’t one of the angry customers who no doubt would have put in a complaint about her for not being at the counter, but instead, it’s Sana who works in the coffee shop just up the street and often calls in for a morning visit when they’re both on earlies. Mina thinks Sana has a sixth sense about this because they’ve never formally exchanged schedules with one another nor do they know each other beyond each other’s respective workplaces.
Sana’s own soul mark is directly under her left eye, a small golden star with sparks flying off of it. Mina adores it and finds that it makes Sana’s already beautiful eyes even more charming to look at.
“Ah, there you are Mina. Here, I brought you your usual. If the morning is kicking my ass, I know it is for you too.” Sana says as she hands over Mina’s usual order of an americano. Her eyes look tired and Mina can tell she isn’t fully present as of yet. “What were you doing? Do you know the bell is broken?”
“Restocks,” She quickly takes a sip of the piping hot drink, Sana subconsciously doing the same but regretting it when it burns her tongue a little. “Thank you for this. It was warm out on my walk-in but those clouds look threatening.” The pair of them look out the window to see the sky now lacking the sun-flamed sky that Mina adores and replaced by dark, overcast clouds. “No, I didn’t know the bell was broken until now, it seems everything is falling apart in here.”
“Did you get your new ladders yet?”
“Nope.” Mina pauses to look back toward where they’re just standing in the middle of an aisle and gives herself a mental reminder to move them once Sana leaves. “I’m thinking about just fetching my own in from home, we’re never going to get them and now, the bell probably won’t be fixed for the foreseeable.”
Sana’s eyes follow Mina’s toward the aisles and then drift up toward the bell above the door. She places her cup down onto the counter and taps Mina’s hand to get her attention back on herself.
“Don’t bring your own. I might know someone who can bring you some and fix the doorbell, you’ll still be here at 1 PM, right?”
“Yeah, I finish at 3, but you know he’ll never agree to pay for any repairs Sana, and especially not ones he hasn’t personally authorized”
“Don’t worry about it Mina, she owes me a favor anyway. Just take it as yet another act of kindness from your favorite and prettiest barista.” Sana chortles, fluttering her eyelashes.
“Oh, Jeongyeon is going to get some new ladders for me? I didn’t realize that’s what you meant.” Mina jokes knowing just how to make Sana a little jealous.
“Very funny, you know I meant myself, not her… Though now you’ve said it, you’re right, it could have meant her.” There’s a quick flash of Sana’s eyes unfocusing and drifting off likely to thoughts of her co-worker who she’s been dating for around a year. They aren’t soulmates but Jeongyeon isn’t a believer and Sana thinks she has too much love to give for one person. However, Mina has often caught Jeongyeon tenderly stroking Sana’s soul mark whenever they believe no one is around.
“Who is it?” Mina queries upon realizing Sana never said who it was that would be her savior.
“Hm? Oh… right. Don’t worry about it, just a friend of mine who can repair it for you.” Sana quickly looks up toward the clock on the back wall and picks her cup up from the counter before shifting toward the door, bell once again not working when she opens it.  “Okay, I gotta go but 1 PM, be here not hiding in an aisle, or next time I might just snitch to Mr. Kim. Bye!” She shouts heading out before Mna can say goodbye in return.
It’s a fairly easy day, the weather does indeed end up turning sour as a downpour quickly starts not long after Sana had left and doesn’t ease up even for a second. There are only a handful of customers who enter and the majority of them are simply trying to escape the rain, which Mina is supposed to ask whether they’re going to purchase anything or not but she doesn’t have the heart to force them out into the cold, thus there was at one point just a collective of people stood by the door hoping for a dry spell that never arrives. They do all fortunately shuffle off one by one, all of which running to their cars or the next building for shelter.
By the time 1 PM rolls around, Mina had completely forgotten about her conversation with Sana. The ongoing entertainment of watching people force their jackets up over their heads whilst trying not to walk into streetlights had provided enough of a distraction for her. So, when someone with their coat up over their head holding a pair of ladders enters the shop, Mina simply believes they’re a customer.
The coat comes down to rest around her shoulders and reveals a face that is small yet striking. Eyes dark and wide, nose bright red from the cold, and the rest of her skin an olive color. She’s tall, quite tall in fact as she stands above the very ladders she’s holding around her left arm. A toolkit rests in her right hand, it’s small but looks heavy, however, if it is, the girl doesn’t let on as she carries it easily. Her frame hidden by the huge coat slumped around her but Mina finds her breathtaking and can’t quite remove her eyes from her face.
“Um… hello?” The girl waves a hand in front of Mina’s face dragging her out of the hypnosis she’s sure this girl had just put her under. “Are you Mina?” Yet again, Mina drifts off elsewhere upon hearing her name exit this girl’s mouth so softly.
“Y-Yes... I am… Mina. Yes. Sorry. I’m Mina.” She stutters, quickly trying to make even a slight bit of sense.
“Yeah, I got it the first time. Sana told me you need some ladders and your doorbell is broke?” The girl poses as a question but quickly gets to work looking at the doorbell which isn’t far away from her head but Mina would struggle to get anywhere close to reaching it. “Those are yours, by the way.” She points toward the ladders. They’re brand new, metal. Far sturdier than the wooden ones.
“Thank you, um…” Mina hesitates, realizing she hadn’t asked for the girl’s name as of yet, nor did Sana tell her who she was.
“Tzuyu.” She states flatly, never bothering to look back toward Mina whose eyes are piercing through the back of Tzuyu’s head never moving.
It doesn’t take her long to fix the doorbell. The batteries inside had managed to corrode and damaged some of the inner-wirings but luckily, Tzuyu had some spare on hand in her toolbox and got it back to signaling the door opening and closing in no time. Mina has no idea what Tzuyu has just technically done as she’s never been the most gifted when it comes to repairs, however, watching her weave the wiring together and connect all of the pieces back together certainly looked impressive.
There’s an awkward silence for a second as Tzuyu steps away from the door to finally look at Mina once again, neither of them knowing how to finish off this unpaid transaction of services.
“Um… Thank you,” Mina starts, but is unsure how to continue, just knows that she wants to continue talking. “So, Sana said you’re doing this as a favor to her?” Mina tries to ask, Tzuyu, however, moves to retrieve her toolkit from the ground.
“Yes. She’s a good friend.” Tzuyu says coldly, turning toward the door to leave but then swiftly back to the counter. “It was… It was nice to meet you, Mina.” Her voice more upbeat this time, yet forced as she outstretches her right hand in front of Mina.
Without hesitating, Mina grasps her hand in her own in a handshake. However, her skin immediately feels an electric shock the second their palms connect with one another, and Mina is stunned into just standing there frozen. Tzuyu is the first to pull her hand away which startles Mina back to reality realizing she wasn’t alone in feeling it. But, before she’s given the opportunity to talk to the girl in front of her the small four-leaf clover resting in the center of Tzuyu’s palm quietens any words that were close to escaping leaving them stuck in her throat.
Tzuyu catches sight of Mina’s same soul mark and immediately rushes out of the door and away from her without a word.
A big part of Mina is telling her not to be stupid, telling her not to risk her job by chasing after her and potentially being seen as a weird stalker. However, the other side that desperately wants to figure out if this moment is the one she’s been searching for, the one she’s been seeking since the very first time she was even told about soulmates. With the consequences for her actions at the very back of her head, she dashes out of the door following Tzuyu and runs to catch up with her, stopping outside of the coffee shop where Sana works as she grabs onto Tzuyu’s arm to stop her, the same shock feeling coursing across her skin as she does so.
“You have it too and you feel it. Tell me… that you feel that.” Mina huffs out, breath struggling to catch up to her.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Tzuyu blurts out hurriedly upon noticing some eyes starting to watch on, her own eyes refusing to look at Mina. “Let me go.”
“No, I know you feel it. I saw you pull away just before… and you have the same mark like me. You know what this means, right?”
The silence between them returns as both Sana and Jeongyeon exit the coffee shop together to watch the interaction between the two girls unfold, a few people stop in the middle of the street to eavesdrop in, one of them even pulling out their phone to record it. Jeongyeon moves to ask them to put their phone away and they reluctantly comply.
“Is everything okay, Mina?” Sana asks.
“Yes, Sana, everything is fine.” Tzuyu answers for her. “Go back inside.”
The two girls shuffle back into the coffee shop, however, they remain by the door just in case whatever is happening between Mina and Tzuyu goes further downhill than it clearly already is even if neither of them will say why.
“Please, just say something… I know you have it too.”
“Look, Mina… I don’t know what kind of fantasy world you’ve created for yourself inside your head that you so clearly live in… but just because you have the same tiny little mark as someone doesn’t mean anything. Yes, everyday people rely on such a silly little thing to determine their entire lives, and good for them if that’s what they want. But it isn’t for me. You’re not for me.” Tzuyu’s voice cold and without any emotion whatsoever, and yet Mina can feel every single emotion inside herself all at once fighting for dominance over which one will retort back to her.
“But…” Mina barely whispers, unable to form a full sentence.
“But nothing, we just met.. You can’t really believe that we’re now supposed to spend the rest of our lives together because of that one single moment.” Tzuyu pauses, waiting to see if Mina will answer before continuing when she doesn’t. “Plus… I already… I already have a girlfriend.”
For the first time in her life, doubt about who she is supposed to spend her life with has managed to creep up and break down all of the previous standards for love Mina had put. Her hand uncurls itself from around Tzuyu’s arm and she sinks down to the floor because she’s right. All this time, Mina thought that having a soulmate or one set person who you’re supposed to always be with was how life is supposed to be, giving it far too much control and power over her to the point where she has likely pushed away plenty of others who would have no doubt made her happy, made her fall in love, and made her look forward to her future.
Instead, she’s given all of the power and control to someone she hadn’t even met yet. Now that she has, she realizes her mistake because Tzuyu could never be the one for her, even if the mark is there. They are not compatible whatsoever, not at this moment. Perhaps, during different times in their lives, they could be perfect for one another, and perhaps they could live out all of the things Mina has dreamed about. But Tzuyu is taken, and Mina is too much of a fantasist.
Mina can feel Sana and Jeongyeon slowly raise her up off the ground, however, her entire focus is on Tzuyu’s retreating figure walking away from her down the street. She can hear them talking to her and asking what has happened but her throat is unable to produce sound. Everything feels so cold and as if she’s surrounded by emptiness.
Perhaps, there is no such thing as soulmates after all. Perhaps, there never will be.
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