#also “if i had 2 pick a chick” is j perfect
richie-titz · 1 year
richie: from now on, we will be using code names. you can address me as ‘eagle one.’ bill, code name - ‘been there, done that.’ eddie is ‘currently doing that.’ stan is ‘it happened once in a dream.’ bev, code name - 'if i had to pick a chick.' mike is... ‘eagle two.’
mike: oh thank god
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toastycookie1 · 5 years
If I Can’t Have You
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1,067
Description: The reader is best friends with Dean and has developed feelings for him. He recently gets a girlfriend, and the reader can’t get over him.
Warnings: sad feels, angst, more sad feels
A/N: Hi! I’m J! Welcome to my first one shot on this platform. I hope you enjoyed and please leave feedback, I really appreciate it! I just want to thank you so much for choosing to read my work. Also, please bare with me as I have recently returned back to writing and am fairly new to the SPN fandom. Thank you :)
Let’s hope I don’t accidentally delete this for the third time
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Is it too late to tell you that everything means nothing if I can't have you?
They were perfect for each other.
Dean’s girlfriend was so flawless, not to mention that her personality complemented Dean’s. Her understanding and patience for him balanced out Dean’s complexity in a way that made him soft at times. They had been dating for a few months, yet they acted like they were together for years.
On the other hand, you actually knew the brothers for quite some time. You met Sam first at Stanford when you two were partnered up for a class project. You both instantly bonded, and a close platonic friendship developed. One night, you had caught Sam sneaking out in the middle of the night, and that’s when you met Dean. Dean’s car trunk was open when you arrived there, and you discovered they were raised in the hunting life, just as you were. Though, only up until you lost your parents right before college started. Rather forcing you to become a hunter for life, your parents encouraged you to pursue a real education, and that hunting was only a backup or way to defend yourself, kind of like martial arts. You followed what they preferred you to do, but since their death, all you wanted to do was to return to hunting. Yet, you still continued through to college. You confessed to the boys about your loss of motivation for school, and it was enough to convince them to allow you to tag along. Since then, you had only grown closer to the brothers, especially after Sam lost Jess.
Typically after an exhausting hunt, you and Sam headed back to your outdated motel rooms to rest, while Dean went out for a drink. He wanted to blow off some steam by picking up the first woman he found at the bar. More recently, you realized that Dean didn’t go out as often, mainly because you guys had settled down at the Men of Letters’ bunker. Occasionally, Dean would compliment you for fun, and you reciprocated, even though you became unsure of your attraction towards him. Soon though, you would find yourself wishing if those exchanges of flattery could mean more. Sam easily discovered your feelings for Dean, and he fully supported you, encouraging you to confess to him. Over time, you had mustered up the confidence to tell Dean, but as usual, you were too late, a trait you could never shed.
“Y/N?” Sam interrupted your thoughts. You were both sitting in the library of the bunker.
“Everything alright?”
Dean and his girlfriend were about to go out for the night. You watched the couple at the stairs laugh and smile at each other, and your mind wandered to imagine yourself in that place. You let out a big sigh.
Sam lowered his voice, “is it because of them?”
You remained silent.
“Y/N” Sam repeated.
“I’m going to bed. Good night, Sam.”
You woke up Saturday morning and checked the time. 9am. By this time, Dean would be making his Saturday morning breakfasts for the three of you. Sadly, there was no scent of cooked bacon that lingered in the air. No bacon means no Dean. He didn’t return home last night. You shook off the feeling of despair that was forming, and got up from bed. You found a note on your bedside.
Went out for a run, I’ll be back soon. -S
It looks like you’ll have the bunker to yourself this morning. You took a quick shower, putting on some sweatpants and one of your own oversized flannels. 99% of the time you borrowed the boys’ flannels, but sometimes you felt bad. You made your way into kitchen, preparing some coffee and breakfast for yourself. You were able to almost replicate the way Dean made bacon, making some extra just in case he came home while you were eating. Once you finished cooking breakfast, you sat down at the table and began eating. When you were almost done, you heard the door open. Your heart skipped a beat, but you relaxed once you realized it could be Sam.
“Y/N? Sam?” the familiar gruff voice called out.
“Sam went out on a run,” you answered.
Dean followed your voice to the kitchen, his face lit up when he saw you.
“Good morning,” he greeted with a smile.
“Mornin’ Dean. I wasn’t sure when you’d be back but I made you some coffee and bacon.”
“Mmm you’re a blessing, Y/N.”
You couldn’t help but smile. But of course he didn’t mean it the way you wanted him to.
“How was last night?” You wanted to care, even though it was painful to do so.
“It was great, as usual,” Dean replied, sitting down across from you.
That reply stung a little.
“That’s good,” you mumbled, getting up and cleaning yourself up. You hid a single tear that had formed.
“Hey, come sit with me for a while.”
“I have some work I have to do,” you lied. All you wanted was to go back to your room.
“Come on, when was the last time it was just us?”
“Before your girlfriend,” you blurted out.
“Nothing, nevermind.”
You were about to leave the room when a hand grabbed your arm at the door frame. You felt Dean rotate you so that you both were facing each other, but your eyes were focused on the ground beside him.
“Y/N, talk to me, please.”
You stayed silent.
“At least look at me?”
More tears were developing as you felt Dean lift your chin, forcing you to look into his gorgeous green eyes. He immediately enveloped you into a hug, only to find you pushing away. He released you and gave you a confused look.
Dean took a deep breath.
“Look,” he began, “I’m trying my best to divide up my time with the three of you, and if it doesn’t seem like it, all you have to do is let me know. We’ve been over this before.”
“No, it’s not that.” You looked away from Dean.
“Then what, Y/N? I need you to look at me, please. What’s wrong? I’ve had a feeling something was off but you never want to talk with me about it. I just assumed I was overreacting and nothing was wrong.”
You took a deep breath.
“It’s hurts, Dean. I’m hurt. Why? Because I can’t have you as mine, and if I can’t have you, nothing matters anymore.”
Your tears began to blur your vision as you looked at Dean. He seemed speechless. At that moment, you felt embarrassed, so you left the kitchen. As you were dragging your feet behind you in the hallway, part of you wanted him to chase after you. You know, like those cliché moments in chick flicks. He would stop in front of you and give you the look that changed everything. Sparks would fly between the two of you. Maybe he would even break the rules and give you a k-
No. You tried to clear your thoughts, pushing away the moment you have been longing for since you realized how you felt towards him. And you know what happened? He didn’t stop you. He doesn’t feel the same way. He doesn’t care. He just let you go.
A/N: Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it :) Part 2??
QOTD: Do you feel you’re ready for season 15? (in 6 days as of today)
A: Yes but at the same time no! I’m excited to see new episodes but I feel it’ll be over before I know it :(
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tae-spacito · 6 years
sope: a fairytale (pt. 1)
Word Count: 3393
J-Hope (Hoseok) x Suga (Yoongi)
Genre: Fluff; some crack ;)
Warnings: none! just crackhead bs, and kinda sorta fluff? idk 
Summary: So you think you know the story of Cinderella? As children, we all must have read the fairytale, or even seen the Disney movie, I’m sure! But have you heard of the fairytale of how Sope came to be? No? Well kiddos, here we have Hoseok, whose father is always out travelling for business, so he’s living with his step-mother and step-brothers, Namjoon and Seokjin. Meanwhile, on the other hand, we have our very own Prince Charming: Min Yoongi! Now buckle up kids, we’re gonna go on a magical ride! Here is the story of how Jung Hoseok and Min Yoongi lived happily ever after. ❤️
AN: YO WHADDUP TUMBLR!! It’s been a while since I updated with a story here... sorry!! :( I’ve been too busy with university and all, yea I know, excusessssss... besides, I’m now on break! So hopefully I can balance work with writing and y’all can get more frequent updates. Please enjoy this little weird thing I wrote up. It turned out to be way too long so I gotta split it up into 2 parts! Also to those who just finished exams, congratulations! And to those who just graduated, congrats to you all as well! Anywaysss, enough blabbing on my part. Happy reading!! *sends love* 
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Hoseok quickly dashed into his room as soon as his step-brothers left the house. He threw open his closet doors and skimmed through his clothes, searching for the perfect outfit for the party.
“Shit, I can’t find anything to wear! I’m going to miss the biggest party of the year!” Hoseok whined.
Finding something close to suitable to wear in public, Hoseok ran into the bathroom and got ready. Upon coming out of his room, he searched for his favourite pair of shoes, which were nowhere to be seen.
“Argh, Namjoon did not just hide my Balenciaga’s…” Hoseok grunted. He ended up slipping on his worn-out loafers, fixed his orange-dyed hair and left the premises.
He had to make sure no one knew he got out of the house. Not even his step-brothers, Namjoon and Seokjin, or his step-mother. If they did, he’d be done for.
“And so, all eligible sons and daughters may attend the party hosted by Prince Yoongi, son and heir of the Kingdom. Please RSVP as soon as possible, since we need a few days to arrange for the guests.”
Hoseok’s stepmother closed the invitation and carefully placed it back into its thick and cream coloured envelope.
“Well my boys, looks like you two will be going to the party and having tons of fun, right?” Step-mother crooned.
“Hell, yeah mom! I’m gonna pick up some hot chicks and probably, hopefully, really get into something serious with one of ‘em.” Seokjin smirked. Namjoon elbowed him in the stomach.
“OW you idiot! What was that for?!”
Namjoon smiled sweetly and stepped forward, “Mom, I’ll make sure Seokjin doesn’t do anything stupid out there. We don’t want anyone spreading weird stuff about our family, right?”
Namjoon, Seokjin and the step-mother were busy planning about the party, meanwhile Hoseok was in the kitchen washing the huge load of dishes. He sighed and wistfully thought about Prince Yoongi’s party at Club Monaco, which was one of the most prestigious nightclubs in the city. Gathering courage, Hoseok entered the living room and asked Step-mother if he could go to the party as well.
“Huh? Hoseok, you want to go to the party?” Step-mother scoffed, “why, you don’t even have anything to wear!”
“Yeah mom, I know that, I was thinking of using my allowance money to go to the nearest store and buying some—”
“Oh, are you gonna match your outfit with your ugly neon green Balenciaga’s?” Namjoon snickered.
Hoseok gasped, “They’re not ugly! You guys just don’t know how to appreciate true fashion!”
Seokjin cackled, “Yeah f’ing right. You? Fashionable? What kind of delulu shit are you getting yourself into?”
“Boys, that’ll be enough!” Step-mother raised her voice. “Hoseok, if you want to go with your brothers, you’ll have to make sure the entire house is clean, and all your chores are completed!”
“Not to forget, find some other shoes to wear.” Seokjin muttered. Namjoon snickered upon hearing him.
Hoseok felt that he had a chance to prove to his step-mother that he can and will succeed in whatever he puts his mind onto. He had to go to the party, and no one would stop him otherwise.
Turns out, he wasn’t able to finish his chores, as Step-mother kept assigning him more things to do. On top of that, he had so much homework to catch up on but whilst in the middle of all this, he didn’t even touch his school bag. His step-mother had gone out to a friend’s place for a get-together, while Namjoon and Seokjin were on their way to Club Monaco in a luxurious limousine, where they would have the time of their lives.
Hoseok carefully placed pillows on his bed and covered them to make it look like he was sleeping before he left. If his step-mother came home and noticed the bed was empty, he’d be screwed. He left his house and locked the door and searched for a taxi to take him to the party.
It was 9 pm, the party is probably just getting started, Hoseok mused. He searched everywhere on the streets for a taxi, but none were in sight. Having wasted over 30 minutes on his street, Hoseok gave up and decided to walk towards the venue.
Passing by alleyways, Hoseok noticed people hiding around in them doing who knows what. Probably super sketchy stuff. Nonetheless, that meant he needed to get out of the area as soon as possible before he landed himself into trouble. A pungent smell wafted in the air, smelling like a mixture of a skunk’s spray and rotten eggs. The scent became more prominent as if he were coming close to it, or the smell was coming close to him.
Goosebumps rose along Hoseok’s arms and across the back of his neck. Feeling as though he was being watched or followed. He heard footsteps clapping loudly against the stone-cold pavement and heavy breathing behind him. He tries to look behind him without being too obvious and noticed two shadows on the ground. Not knowing what to do, he sped up and ran further away from the men that were following him.
Hoseok kept running, without paying attention to where he was going. His foot stumbled upon a rock and he tripped and fell onto the sidewalk.
“Hey, kid! Watch where you’re going! What’re you doing here anyway?” One of the men grunted.
The two mysterious people stepped closer as they towered over Hoseok, shifting backwards as he was whimpering in fear. Before anyone could take action, Hoseok felt a harsh grip on his arm as it pulled him up and dragged him through one of the shops that were closed for the night.
It can definitely be said that Hoseok was screaming his ass off. Not to mention, clawing his sudden attacker on his neck.
“OW! Hoseok, shut up!” A deep voice exclaimed.
“WhoareyouandwhydidyoudragmeinhereIwilltellyourightnowthatmydadisacopand—“ Hoseok rambled loudly in fear until the lights flickered on and he noticed that he was in fact, safe and sound, and within safe perimeters.
He slowly glanced in front of him and saw his best friend Taehyung sitting in front of him wearing-
“What the fuck Tae! Also, what the hell are you wearing?!”
“OH GEE! I saved you from those weirdos out there, and you attack me, scream in my ear, attack my Gucci apparel, and I don’t even get a freaking thank you?!” Taehyung wailed.
Hoseok sighed deeply as he got up, rubbing his arms and walked towards Taehyung.
“Ok, thank you for saving my life and not letting me wither away out there in the cold and in the presence of those big guys. Also, what’s with the outfit? Trying out to be Gucci’s next top brand ambassador?”
Taehyung took off his oversized sunglasses and cocked an eyebrow. He was wearing an oversized white collared shirt, tucked into khaki coloured pants that flared out. He wore leather slippers, obviously Gucci, and a thick red, green and black striped belt, also Gucci. To top it all off, he had on a purple velvet cloak and a loosened red Gucci tie around his neck.
“Bro please, I was trying to make a fashion statement since I thought I was gonna be alone tonight at the shop. Guess I had some rescuing to do.” Taehyung rolled his eyes. “Besides, didn’t you say you were going to that party hosted by Prince Whoongi?”
“It’s Yoongi, you prick.” Hoseok rolled his eyes.
“Whatevs. Hey, what the heck are you wearing? You call that party wear?” Taehyung asked.
Hoseok flushed, “Y-yeah I was trying to find a good outfit for tonight but… but Mother wouldn’t let me…” He looked down, fumbling around with the hem of his shirt.
“Well Hobi, fear not!!” Taehyung exclaimed, “Wanna know why? ‘Cuz your fairy godmother, Vantae Kim is here to save the day! I mean, night!” He immediately rushed to the back of the room and began to frantically search through hangers.
With mock disgust, Hoseok took a step back, “Bro isn’t that some photographer guy? Did you actually just try to merge your name with his?” He snickered.
“Shut up, you need me the most at this time. Don’t you want to catch Yoongi’s attention there?” Taehyung winked, throwing finger guns at Hoseok.
“Oh, come on man, a prince? Noticing me? Have you been watching too many dramas these days?” Hoseok laughed.
“I may have watched too many dramas, but at least I know what needs to be done in terms of attracting someone into your pants.” Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows, smiling suggestively. He walked over to Hoseok carrying a ton of clothes and dumped them into his hands.
“Try this stuff on, I’ll help you arrange your look afterwards. Go, go, go!” He shoved Hoseok towards the dressing room.
Hoseok tried to speak but Taehyung shut the dressing room’s door on his face before he could even say a word.
Taehyung called out behind the door, “I’ll be here picking out some accessories for you ok? Shout if you need me!”
“OK!” Hoseok called out in response, “Now where do we start…” he murmured, looking at the pile of clothes Taehyung picked out for him.
20 minutes later
Hoseok shifted uneasily as he put his hand on the doorknob. Deeply inhaling, he opened the door and walked outside of the dressing room.
“Ahh, there you are! I was wondering what took you so—” Taehyung turned around and stopped as he took in the view of Hoseok standing right in front of him.
“Oh, daaaamn! Hobi, my man, you look dashing as hell!”
Hoseok wore a crème coloured collar silk shirt with a bow adorning the neckline, slightly uneven, paired with a floral blazer on top, and black jeans. The sleeves of the silk shirt were protruding from the sleeves of the blazer, giving his outfit a classy touch. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously as he tried to avert his eyes from Taehyung, embarrassed by his reaction.
“D-do I look ok?” Hoseok stammered.
“Bro, I think you’re gonna snatch everyone’s hearts once you step into the party. Seriously.” Taehyung smiled his boxy grin, “hol’ up, lemme fix your shirt for you.”
Taehyung tucked in Hoseok’s silk shirt into his jeans and fixed the bow to make it even.
“There, much better!” Taehyung patted Hoseok’s shoulder, “now let’s fix your hair, and then find you some good shoes.” Unbeknownst to Hoseok, his best friend secretly smirked when he turned Hoseok around towards the stairs.
Hoseok was dragged upstairs to Taehyung’s “lair” where he spent 90% of his time designing new clothes and outfits. Not to mention experimenting on his workroom walls with paint. This lair was actually his apartment, which he personally got constructed so he could be close to his business. Hoseok sat down on the king-sized mattress, glancing at Taehyung in confusion as he dug through his personal closet. A few minutes later, Taehyung brings out a small rectangular shaped cardboard box, which seemed to carry a pair of shoes. He sets the box aside as he motions to Hoseok to get up and sit down in front of the vanity.
“This box is for later, let’s not worry about it. First, I gotta focus on making you look presentable.” Taehyung smirked.
Taking out a comb, blow dryer and some unrecognizable hair products, Taehyung began to work away. Not knowing where to look, Hoseok just sat there with his eyes closed. Seeing that, Taehyung chuckled quietly to himself, knowing that once he opens his eyes, he’ll be shocked. A few minutes later, Taehyung steps back to admire the hairstyle he created.
“Yo Hobi, wanna do me a favour and open your eyes so I can get some amazing feedback on the work I did?” Taehyung teased.
Hoseok slowly opened an eye as he looked at the person sitting across from him. His reflection. Having his hair blow-dried as it was styled to perfection. His hair was parted from the right, exposing some of that glorious forehead that Hoseok always covered up with his orange-dyed locks. Taehyung applied some hairspray to ensure that his hair doesn’t become unruly.
“Tae… is… is that me?” Hoseok pointed to his reflection with widened eyes.
“YES!! It is you! Do you like it?!” Taehyung squealed as he drummed his fingers along the desk he was leaning upon.
“I’ll be honest, I’ve seen you work wonders on others when you style them for their shoots but this? This is incredible. I-I don’t know how to thank you??” Hoseok grinned.
Taehyung hit Hoseok’s shoulder as he feigned annoyance, “Listen, did I not tell you I’d be your fairy godmother for tonight? I don’t need anything in return! I just need you to do me one favour though”
“Which is?”
“Go and have the time of your life!!” Taehyung yelled enthusiastically, “Oh, let me take a few pictures of you! You’ll charm everyone’s pants off!!” He grabbed his camera and snapped a few pics, earning a chuckle from Hoseok as he weirdly posed for the camera.
“Oh right! Before we forget…” Taehyung remembered the box he took out of his closet. He walked across his room and fetched the shoe box, and placed it in Hoseok’s hands, “Open it!!!” Taehyung gleefully smiled.
Hoseok looked at him in confusion, shook his head and slowly opened the box. He peered into the box, then suddenly his eyes widen in surprise.
“TAE, ARE THESE THE NEWEST BALENCIAGAS?!” Hoseok yelled. He stroked the smooth leather of the loafers.
“Surpriiiseidiot! I had these shipped in for you so I could give it to you for your birthday next year before these even entered the market. Consider this entire thing my birthday treat for you. You owe me big time, dude.” Taehyung grinned.
“Yo, I’ll make it up to you, big time. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!”Hoseok jumped around.
“No need, my man! I was just joking! There’s no need to owe me back anything at all! Put them on, I’ll go call a taxi to take you there.” Taehyung smiled warmly, patting Hoseok’s shoulder.
Taehyung called a taxi to take Hoseok to Club Monaco, and Hoseok sat down to wear his shoes. The two went downstairs to the entrance of the stores, excitedly conversing about the party. Once the taxi arrived, he hugged Hoseok tightly.
“Also, another thing I must mention to you, as your fairy godmother,” Taehyung put on a serious tone, “this isn’t real life Cinderella, where you need to get back home before midnight, where your carriage turns into a pumpkin, and horses into mice. Go have fun and get some action for once!” He ended off with a cheeky grin.
Hoseok laughed, getting into the taxi, “Okay, bro! I’ll update you on everything! Not, every, every single thing, but anyways, I really wish you could come with me!”
Taehyung shook his head, “Nah dude, I got tons of designing to do for my upcoming clothesline. But definitely next time, we’ll go together!”
Hoseok pouted, “Argh, alright. Good luck! Let me know how things go!”
Taehyung winked, “I think I should be saying that to you, shouldn’t I? Lemme know if you got into someone’s pants by the end of the night!”
“Shut up, Tae! I’m not giving you any details!” Hoseok cringed.
“Uhh, if you guys are done, can we go now?” The driver hesitantly asked, face beet red.
Hoseok and Taehyung turned to look at the driver, and Hoseok choked out a ‘yes’ while his face, in turn, was becoming red. The driver probably thought they were both nuts. In fact, everyone in town thought the two were nuts. Ever since Taehyung made Hoseok run through the town butt-naked, and in turn forced Taehyung to climb the local seamstress’s roof and yodel at the ass crack of dawn. Ahh, just best friend things!
Hoseok shut the door and waved goodbye to his best friend, as the taxi driver drove off into the night.
Approximately 15 minutes later, they drove through a luxurious neighbourhood with lots of expensive cars, flashy outdoor home apparel and huge fountains decorating most of the entrances of the mansions they pass by. Hoseok gaped at the view with his mouth in a slight o-shape. He didn’t realize when the car stopped until the driver told him they arrived.
“It’ll be $15.75 please.” The driver hummed.
Hoseok took out his wallet and saw that he was short of 75 cents, but since the taxi driver seemed to be in a good mood, he accepted the $15 from him and drove off. He turns around and observes his surroundings. There right in front of him was the most prestigious club of all time, Club Monaco.
The club was surrounded by palm trees and soft hues of blue and green rays shone up from the lights embedded on the sidewalk. Hoseok could hear a soft bass thumping noise coming from the entrance, not too loud to deafen his ears though. As he approached the red carpet, he enters a line-up of people that were trying to get in. Still not familiar with the atmosphere, Hoseok kept glancing around and absorbing each and every little thing he could notice. From faint splashing noises, indicating an outdoor pool of some sort, to the people’s outfits, Hoseok took note of everything. He just tried not to show himself as a newbie amongst all the elite people he was surrounded by.
“Heard the bouncer is being quite selective about who enters and who doesn’t…” He overhears a girl talking to her friends. Suddenly getting nervous, Hoseok turns around and asks,
“What do you mean being selective about who goes in? Doesn’t everyone get access to the club?”
The girl shook her head, her long brown locks moving around with every movement, “Not tonight I’m afraid, it’s the Prince’s party, they must have some sort of agenda they’d be following.”
Hoseok sighed, “Well, maybe I should get going. This isn’t a place for some commoner like me.”
“Commoner? Boy, are you out of your mind? You look freakin’ gorgeous! I’m betting they’ll totally let you in!” The brunette replied with a grin, “Am I right ladies?”
One girl gave him a once over and winked, while the other friend smirked and nodded. “You’ll be fine! Say, this your first time at Club Monaco?” The brunette asked, “My name’s Natalie, by the way!”
“Nice to meet you, Natalie!” Hoseok smiled cheekily, “I’m Hoseok, and yes, it’s my first time here. Kinda nervous, but really excited to see what this place has in store tonight!”
Natalie scooted closer, “Hoseok, huh? Let me tell you one thing, don’t miss the chance to check out the outdoor pool they got here! You’ll love it!” She grinned.
The line-up near the entrance quickly started to move, and Hoseok, Natalie and her two friends were at the door. The bouncer looked at Hoseok, giving him a once over and gave a nod, sending the approval for entering. He looks at the three girls and scrunched his nose. Before the bouncer said anything, Hoseok interrupted him.
“The girls are with me.” He smiled suavely, showing off his pearly whites. The man raised his eyebrows and smiled, “Ok, go on in. Have fun ladies!”
Natalie and her friends cheered as she gave Hoseok a hug, “Thanks, love! I believe you saved our girl’s night out!”
Hoseok raised his hand for a high five and Natalie reciprocated, “I believe you three have to go and enjoy your night now, I won’t be holding you back any longer!”
Natalie gushed, “But first, let’s exchange numbers! Let’s not let this be the first and last meeting we have!”
Hoseok, Natalie and her two friends, named Laura and Jasmine, all exchanged numbers and went their own respective ways. Not knowing where to go first, Hoseok opened the first door he saw in his line of sight and entered the room. Muted music suddenly blared into his ears as he cracked the door open. Hoseok’s mind, body and soul were all ready to be engulfed by the music as he got ready to spend one of his best nights at Club Monaco, not realizing how truly amazing of an experience it would be for him.
A/N: end of part one! i apologize if there are any spelling or grammatical errors in here hahaha i will be coming in with part 2 soon! as always, if you have any questions, feedback, or even requests, feel free to send me an ask! take care fellow readers, happy summer! :)
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Eleven Questions Meme
Sorry that it seemed I was ignoring these. I was tagged by @elasticmonk, @like-an-officer-and-a-sergeant and @thatginchygal to answer their questions.  Be grateful for the “Keep Reading” thing. 
@elasticmonk asked:
1. What’s your favorite color? Blue and Yellow. I pick two. Sue me.
2. What’s your top place to travel to?  Of the places I go, I think I’d say the beach house my whole family gathers at each summer.
3. What’s your favorite mode of transportation? Train. 
4. What’s your favorite candy? M&Ms. I mean, I like to eat them and all, but three M&Ms worked miracles with my kids.
5. What’s something that holds a lot of memories and sentimental value to you? A tattered old copy of a book on my nightstand that belonged to my mother called Tregaron’s Daughter.  I found a copy online for my sister, too, so it makes me think of them both when i see it.
6. What’s your favorite game and why? We play a card game every year at the beach called PIG. My kids have to explain the rles to me every summer, but it’s so much fun.
7. What’s been your worst hair cut/style? Way back when, I had a shag haircut. In my defense, I was not the only little girl in my kindergarten class to look like David Cassidy.
8. What’s your family like? I’d say amazing, but I think you mean something else. I’m married with one girl and two boys.  I’m also the firstborn of 3, with one brother and one sister.
9. Where do you come from, in detail? Fugeddaboutit. I was born in Queens, but grew up out East on the Guyland, then went to school far away where I lost my accent.
10. What’s your favorite meal? Anything someone else cooks for me. I swear. It could be a PB&J sandwich and I’d be happy.
11. What’s your ideal pet, personality and all? Frankly, I think I’d make a good pet.
1.  Have you ever been on a camping trip? Yes. All three chicks have been through Scouting, so I’ve camped far more than I really like. 
2. What is your favourite re-make movie (or TV-show), if a re-make is a possible favourite….?   I’m stumped on this one.  Tell you what, Sarge, at 3am I’m sure I’ll wake up and remember.  I’ll post it then. 
3. What is your extreme only-I-wish holiday destination?  A tropical beach, maybe on a mostly-deserted island, with wifi, indoor plumbing and a chef.
4. Which literary heroine you identify with?  Molly Weasley
5. Imagine you’d have to be a British royal person ( alive or deceased). Which one would you be?  Technically this may not count, but I’m a bit fond of Elinor of Aquitaine.  Except for the getting locked up part. 
6. Do you need a proper breakfast to get going? If by proper breakfast you mean two cups of coffee, then yes.
7. Name your favourite fanfic of your own writings (if you don’t write, your fav fanfic).  His Safety Net and A Mission of Hope both have a special place in my heart. (No, I am not above self-promotion. Of course I’ve included a link)
8. What is the most ridiculous thing you have done in your fandomlife? I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about.
9. Which three famous people, dead or alive, you’d like to have dinner with? Eleanor Roosevelt, Gloria Steinem, and my mother.
10. Do you write real letters? Sometimes, but not often enough.
11. Have you ever had an operation? Three cesarean sections.
1. What is the  “craziest”  thing you’ve done for the love  of something?  Reader, I married him.
2. What is your ultimate bucket-list travel destination? London, for about six months.
3. Cats or dogs?  I love both, but my life is better suited to having cats.
4. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?  My bed.  I’m at work, and it’s so dreadfully slow that I’ve broken my no-Tumblr rule and have gone incognito.
5. Write me a piece of advice that you’d go back and give to your younger self.  Get that Masters Degree.
6. Share one sentence of something you’ve written and tell me why you like it. From Catching His Breath: “ His arms had never known the feel of her but he was haunted by the phantom space she left behind.”  A very dear friend quoted this line back to me very early in our friendship, and in that moment I felt like a queen.
7. Can you still love/be a fan of something/someone and be critical of a choice or decision? Why or why not?  Nothing can be perfect.  Recognizing a flaw and still loving is profound.
8. Rogue One. Dead or alive?  ;)   (For non-SW fans:  Pen or pencil to write with?  – see this is why I’m letting ta-dala ask the questions!  ;) )  Pencil
9. You can only eat one food the rest of your life. What is it?  Cheese
10. Give me your Desert Island Discs list. Queen "Bohemian Rhapsody,” The Jackson Five “I Want You Back,”  Aretha Franklin, “Respect,” Adele “Someone Like You,” Otis Redding “Try a Little Tenderness,” Kelly Clarkson “Since U Been Gone,” George Michael “Faith,” and Josh Groban “O Holy Night.”
11. What is your favorite curse word? Oh, I never swear. Dammit.
So here are my questions:
1.  Do you know how to play a musical instrument? If so, which, and how long did you/have you played?
2.  Julie Andrews:  “The Sound of Music” or “Victor/Victoria?”
3.  What’s your favorite scent?
4.  When you were 5, what did you want to be when you grew up?
5.  Someone gives you $10,000 you can’t spend on bills, your family or anything practical.  What will you buy?
6.  What books do you have by your bedside for whenyou need them?
7.  If you could cook me any meal, what would it be?
8.  When do you laugh the most?
9.  Where was the best trip you ever took?
10.  Squirrels:  Cute fluffy forest creatures or Rats With Fluffy Tails and Good PR?
11.  What do you want to be the title of your obituary?
I’m going to tag @ilovemushystuff @mg-bsl381 @sincerelygeertje @awakeandwondering @miss-ute @alice1nwond3rland @flyingnonny @iam-narwhal @dullroarofspace @superfluousbananas @thatginchygal @lovetheturners @turnt4turnadette
There’s a bunch of people I’d like to tag but they hate doing these, so I hope they read this and see how self-sacrificing I am being by not tagging them.
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r-o-se · 7 years
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Produce 101 S2 Episode 9 summary nice nice very nice 10/10
first off the eliminated trainees and LAST SEASON TRAINEES got more screentime than half of the trainees lkrjelj im so mad lol anyways lets do this jake paulers
1.      Oh nice we start with flashback scenes from the last elimination great good amazing I love pain
2.      BoA back at it again with giving kids heart attacks
3.      Oh my fucking god WHAT they’re…. They’re changing the number of debuting people*? Why? What? They’re revealing it after this evaluation…. Why….
4.      Anyways the benefit is 220k votes, 100k for the member who brought in most votes and 20k for the rest PLUS the winning team will get to present their song on MCountdown
5.      Open up team lost so many members they’re left with only 4,everyone from Daniks training group got eliminate. I know you know and Showtime also need one extra member
6.      Oh Little Girl and Never are going to vote people out from the team and the teams that lack members are going to choose new members from the ones who got voted out
7.      Everyone are trying to save their asses to satay in their teams now
8.      Oh my fucking god Minhyun just shaded Haknyeon lmaooo
9.      ‘Ong why did you move are you uncomfortable?’ ‘What am I, an amateur?’
10.   Open up only has Baekho, Danik, Kenta and Yongguk right now
11.   Moonbok gets eliminated from Oh Little Girl riperoni poor dude
12.   Sungwoon, Haknyeon, Youngmin and Seonho get eliminated as well
13.   I feel so so sorry for Seungwoon he tries so hard and his vocals are AMAZING and he looks super cute and is so determined with his skills and he is a great dancer but people won’t fucking give him attention please take better care of my boy he is so cute and so skilled
14.   They actually chose Guanlin over Sungwoon. Why. I love Guanlin but Sungwoon is so much more skilled. This hurts. Let my boy be center. Let my boy sing. L
16.   Danik will choose people now, he picks Seonho, Youngmin and Haknyeon. Why Haknyeon. Pick Sungwoon. Why does no one like Sungwoon. Let Sungwoon sing. Bitch
17.   Jisung chooses Sungwoon as his vocal and Moonbok automatically goese to I Know You Know
19.   Oh Little Girl team is sad and moping and choose the center from Ren and Jihoon. Ren really wants it and honestly he has a good reason to be it since Jihoon is popular and not in danger at all
21.   Anyways they do a blind written vote and Ren became center WOOO BABE GOOD GOING!!!
22.   They have another nemesis as well, Gunhee vs Sewoon for main vocal
23.   Sewoon has never been main vocal apparently??? What is this blasphemy??? Blocked LET HIM SING BUT ALSO LET GUNHEE SING HE IS IN DANGER IM CONFUSED AND SAD
24.   They did a blind vote, Baejy was thee only one who voted for Gunhee, others for Sewoon and Sewoon got the main vocal part. Gunhee takes the sub-vocal part from Baejy
25.   Sungwoon just expressed his heartbreak over being rejected by the Never team, people are laughing with him, offering him the leader spot and he’s like ‘Weeeeeeellll I’d like to be center actually J’ FEARIJKJFEKR I LOVE MY BOY Jisung and Samuel got heart attacks from that I swear to god
26.   Taehyun keeps giving him small snide remarks and it’s BEAUTIFUL let Hotshot live
27.   Anyways the Showtime center is Samuel rip Jisung and Sungwoon
29.   Sammy boyo has problems reaching the high notes poor baby
31.   I hope Donghan can stay center this dude is so good hearted and gorgeous but low ranked he deserves better NVM RIP taedong is center
32.   Kenta and Seonho and Haknyeon all volunteer as Open Up centers
34.   It looks like Youngmin has adopted Seonho this is cute as fuck he keeps asking how others think about him
35.   They are blind voting again, Baekho, Yongguk and Danik choose Haknyeon, Youngmin and Seonho Kenta but….. Yongguk is like…. Entirely edited out from here lol what did he do @MNET STOP HATING ON CHILDREN but at least Kenta has screentime it’s the small things that matter
36.   Haknyeon has a loooot of problems with both choreo and singing and Baekho is guiding him a lot this is so cute ajeofljlkeslvnl
37.   Anyways Never is practicing and Minhyun gets chosen to be the center literally everyone are favouring him
38.   Never team are doing reallllllly well, they have no aired problems lol
39.   Ong is dumb as fuck and just claps slates thanks Mnet true quality content we all needed
40.   Rlaejfoaiejsof Big Woojin is filming Jonghyun who’s like ‘DON’T AIR THIS’ lol too late babe
41.   Someone nominate Woojin for the best cameraman those clips are SO GOOD LET THAT BOY DEBUT
42.   This team is so pure seriously
43.   They are preparing for the stage everyone look so good this is SINFUL KANG DANIEL SIT YO ASS DOWN
45.   Sammy bab is so taken aback by the crowd aw also seriously Jinwoo has gotten more screentime here in the crowd than the rest of the show combined
46.   Anyways back to practicing Triple H is there and literally everyone get so giddy when they see Hyuna SAME TBH but yeah all producers are there
47.   Showtime team really fuckin kills it during the showcase for the producers and Sammy babe gets praised a lot I’m HAPPY!!!
49.   Fiaerjofiej they show the last season trainees more often than they show some of the current ones like damn u ever heard of Kim Yongguk?
51.   Next up is I Know You Know and ppl are cheering really loudly for Hyunbin my heart hurts thank u everyone for loving my tall child
52.   This teams mood is pretty low since they’re all really low ranks I hope they can do alright
53.   The fucking slurping noses they record need to ALL be deleted and burned
54.   The producer for I Know You Know is suuuuuper tight up lol and wants everyone to be perfect BUT HE PRAISES HYUNBIN!!!!!!!! GOOD BABY IM PROUD!!! GOOD KID!!!!!
55.   Akaefhkdifhaseoifd all trainers are praising Hyunbin this feels like heaven I’m crying
56.   This team has the ‘we are probs gonna be eliminated anyways so let’s just have fun’ mentality and honestly? I love it good luck kids love ya do well
57.   Sunghyuk is so cute I can’t get over this small byoo and then theres Hyunbin whose legs are like what two meters long
59.   Haknyeon is really lacking so they gotta change the center. Even Seonho can do it (the choreo and vocals at the same time) so anyways Yongguk is the center now but they didn’t even say his name jesus damn
60.   Never stage is a goddamn bedroom and Seonho pushed Kenta onto a bed and straddled him BOI WYD UR LIKE 12
62.   BAEKHOS VOCALS!!!!!! BRUH!!!!!
64.   It’s time for Oh Little Girl ye boiiiiiiiii
65.   Afijoiajos Jihoon has a new aegyo oaireojfijw it’s the Jooheons baby voice gugugaga thing I for once support Park McWink
66.   Jihoon is dressed up in all pink while others are monochrome black and white aaaaahhahaha
67.   OLG team has some problems apparently plus the center is still not clear. Baejy has problems with his vocals and Sewoon is helping I’m glad
68.   Sewoon does really well and gets praised by the producers and hes all jumpy and cute lil baby overall EVERYONE are doing really well Baejy as well this is so cute what a pure recording session
69.   Minki has prorblems concentrating and Gunhee is being a bit shady and holy damn Jihoon fuckin slammed thhe door and walked out
70.   Sewoon followed him and Jihoon apparently finds the groups atmosphere problematic and Gunhee is like tell us whats wrong?? (To Ren) and Ren walks out and slams the door even harder holy fucking god
73.   Jihoon looks shook af and hides his face in hands and Sewoon doesn’t really realize what’s going on and just claps along and then falls on his back oigjrolawirjo SOFT KIDS
74.   ‘We slammed the door too, this will definitely get into the trailer’
75.   Is eating cake with chopsticks a thing people do
76.   Aejofiejwafofi Jihoon looks like a McDonalds mascot I’m cryin
78.   And Mnet did Ren’s visuals dirty as literally Always
79.   Oh my triple H are visiting the never team and everyone are dying inside
80.   Everyone are freaking out and Guanlin is like oh hyungs came lol
81.   Everyone love the Never team and tbh? They deserve it the song is great the team is good and everything just fits
82.   Guanlin took the Never team to Cube HQ everyone are like woaaaaaaahhhhhh holy shiiiiiiiiiiitttt
83.   His locker is messy as fuck lol clean after yourself boy
84.   Krehhfnlakjwef hes presenting his first evaluation choreo he did with Seonho and others are able to follow it right away this is so funny lol
87.   This team is so giddy at every single little compliment and they’re also treating them as equals not trainees
89.   What the fuck is Hyojong wearing does he even see behind his hat
91.   Minhyun looks so good he has everyone whipped
92.   Ongs ‘everytime, everywere’ is…….. wow…………. Fuck……………. Why is he in danger of dropping like seriously yall he’s so good
93.   The vid keeps freezing every few seconds I hate this I’m just tryna look at Kim Jaehwan is this too much to ask for
95.   Woojin got so much praise by the trainees they personally went down to praise them
96.   The team that got last place is I know you know…….. it only got 83 votes I’m super emo…. They really deserved better this is so sad…. Showtime got fourth with 135, Oh Little Girl got third with 398
97.   The jumps in votes are so fucking massive it feels so humiliating to see them all laid out like this….
98.   Ong repeated his really very totally hella etc etc thing and then Baekho copied it but added Japanese and Chinese as well aaahahah what an intellectual
101.   The overall first place got 205 votes….. the entire I Know You Know team together had 83 votes…….. The entire last row, people like Woodam and Yehyun with two votes, all on the last row have 2-12 votes this makes me so sad poor kids
102.   KENTA GOT RANKED LAST IN OPEN UP IM SAD anyways the others from last to first are Youngmin-Yongguk- Seonho-Haknyeon and they don’t say if the first is Daniel or Baekho it’s the battle of Kang D’s I’m mad lol
103.   ??????? They only revealed where Minhyun ranked what the hell anyways hes 12th L that’s one hell of a fall
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heartsoftruth · 7 years
it's not a montage, woman always gets the blame. Ney is a player, ppl from Brazil who follow this chick say he responded to her stories before. His friend Jota followed, but when drama started quickly unfollowed yesterday so they would all distance from her. Ney didn't follow Adenacia but followed her yesterday when she posted defending him. it's clear they're just quickly covering up their shit cuz they're caught. not the first time he chats up trashy models and few in the past have exposed him
I don’t know if you read my replies to other asks, but no where I blamed her for anything nor did I say it was a montage. ;) All I said was: “If it’s a montage or not we do not know 100%, but I’m sure we all have our opinions about it. One would say it’s real and others would say it isn’t. “
And indeed I know Jo followed her. 
Anonymous said:Brumar has been weird lately every since she (Bruna) posted them damn socks
True, but she is acting or having rehearsal in Brazil for Shakespeare or something… 
Anonymous said:Did you see Neyma’s friend Jota pics and snaps from that yacht party? These boys are all living it up large :)) lol and then ppl are surprised when Ney chats up this slutty models.. it’s all he and his friends are surrounded with…
That was from a few days ago huh? I can’t remember the girls, maybe they were just chilling, having fun. I dont know why they are labelled as slutty all of a sudden just because Jo is on the same boat. They probably dont even know hes bff’s with Ney.. 
Anonymous said:[1/3] I have been following Neymar since 2013 Confederations Cup so I lived through Brumar’s ups and downs. Stuff like what just happened with that Kristy girl pops up every few weeks since the very beginning and unfortunately he seems drawn to this kind of girls (huge ass, big boobs, heavy makeup). Even through he post comments like that under his mom’s/sister’s pictures I find his behaviour unacceptable. He is in a relationship and this is disrespectful to Bruna.Anonymous said:[2/3] I know you and 99% of your anons are team ‘he deserves better than her’ but honestly, he is not this perfect boyfriend you imagine him to be and sometimes I think it’s other way around. When they were previously together it almost looked like he needed her only to keep his bed warm at night, he always picked his friends over her, he took her for granted. No wonder she felt neglected and broke up with him.Anonymous said:[3/3] I really thought he has changed, deleting all this shady girls from his Insta, making an effort of actually spending some quality time alone with Bruna but I guess it is still the same old Neymar. Don’t get me wrong, I love that guy, and I know his heart is in the right place, but unfortunately he tends to think with his dick. I just really feel bad for Bruna (or any other girl he might date) because nobody deserves to live with a constant fear of being cheated on. ~J
I’m not on team 'he deserves better than her’ nor did I ever say that. I’m on team I dont believe in going back to your ex for the 82937 time, because the problems from the past will 100% hunt you down again. As we saw a couple days ago with this new rumor. I know during the last times cheating was also a major subject for the tabloids and their relationship. 
I think he did a better job this time. Like you said deleting people from insta, having her over really often, spending time together. But right now they look weird and off.. Maybe after Sunday we will see them together again in a hurry, but I htougt it was weird that she stayed away for so long, then went for a vacay in NYC and then only stayed for a couple in BCN while he also had an away match. I would say shorten your vacay. 
I think he also tried to spend less time with his friends and more quality time with her. 100%. Of course they’re in Barcelona now and have been for a while (Cris), but with the Copa final coming up I didnt expect something different. and im sure after Sunday they will go on a vacay together. But that has been the case since years. 
I also said in the past staying with Ney must be tough bc his friends surround him 24/7, but Gil moved already. Im sure Jo could stay with him a little while Bru is there, but a the end of the season he has all his friends over always. I mean you also dont wanna break a tradition of your bf… 
And if he really did send that lemme say one thing - and I said that in Dutch even before it all blew up - I would chop that dick offfff xD OFFF. It fucking shady to send that shit. 
Anonymous said:LMFAO funny how Brumars report EVERY little detail of bruna’s social media activity but skipped the part of her liking a pic of marlon(on vogue Brazil’s page)😂😂 I have no issue with her liking pictures of her ex tbh but Brumars CLEARLY have issues with this. If not, why not post it like her other 5466568 likes daily 🤔btw this isn’t the first time of her liking his pic either because they still follow each other but Brumars choose to skip this detail 😂
oh, huh? I didnt know she still liked his pics, bc like you said they dont post that… Hmmm… Interesting... Or weird... Hmm. 
Indeed imagine Ney liking pics of one of his old flings, They would dieeeeee, but with the Ta Gata gate maybe that was her way shady thing to do? 
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lookingglasstheatre · 7 years
1. What are you listening to right now? “Kill V. Maim” by Grimes
2. What song makes you sad? I have a whole playlist called “I Used to Know You, But Now We’re Strangers” composed entirely of songs that remind me of exes or old friends I’m not longer in contact with..
“Gimme Danger” by The Stooges is a big one, along with “Everlong” by The Foo Fighters, which both remind me of very specific relationships. But, my pick for this is “Farther” by Third Eye Blind.. it could apply to a lot of different people..
“And I think about you dying years from now never having known who you are […] All I think about is waiting and all the people we are fading into Farther from you every day..” - “Farther” Third Eye Blind
3. What is the most annoying song in the world? Songs aren’t usually annoying to me unless they’re overplayed. I don’t know, no song is annoying me at the moment. Maybe that song “We Are Young” by fun. I’m not even sure it’s annoying, I just hate it.
4. Your all time favorite band? The Birthday Massacre, probably. That would be the most unique pick. Or Elliott Smith, if that counts.
5. Your newly discovered band is? The Regrettes. It’s amazing to me that Lydia Night is like 16 years old. I hope those kids keep killing it. Good luck to them.
6. Best female voice? Hope Sandoval of Mazzy Star has an amazing voice. I wish I sounded even a little bit like her.
7. Best male voice? So, I don’t think he’s the best.. but holy shit, Ville Valo from HIM has a sexy voice. It’s so sexy as to almost make you forget how cheesy HIM lyrics are. Almost.
8. Music type you find yourself listening to most? Pop music, probably.. and shitty punk rock, lol.
9. What do you listen to, to hype you up? Depends on what I’m getting hyped up for. “Bubblegum Bitch” by Marina and The Diamonds for going out and looking pretty. All of Enema of the Sate by Blink-182 for energy in the morning. Kanye for working out. Aesthetic Perfection when I’m about to hit up a goth club, hah.
10. What do you listen to when you want to calm down? Belle and Sebastian, Slowdive, Radiohead, Lana Del Rey
11. Last gig/concert you went to? My friend’s band, Sleepsnack.
12. Band you find yourself listening to the most right now? My taste shifts once the weather gets warm so; Blink-182, Fountains of Wayne, Sufer Blood, Wavves, Third Eye Blind, My Chem’s Danger Days record.
13. Most hated band? I don’t listen to music I hate unless it’s inflicted upon me by other people against my will. So I’m not good with naming bands I don’t like. As far as bands I hate for personal or political reasons.. I hate ANY band that harasses or condones the harassment of women or minorities.
14. Song that makes you think? “Romeo’s Distress” by Christian Death. It’s such a great fucking track, but I want to believe that it’s anti-white supremacist, instead of the other way around… I have read the lyrics over and over trying to figure out if Roz Williams was actually just racist. I want to believe it was written mostly for the shock value and ultimately a song just telling a story and issuing a kind of warning.. but who knows for sure.. [sigh]
15. Band that you think the world should love as much as you do? I’m always kind of surprised more people I meet aren’t more familiar with Sneaker Pimps or IAMX’s early records. Chris Corner is kind of a hero of mine.
16. Coolest music video? Marilyn Manson’s “The Beautiful People” and the video for Death Cab for Cutie’s “Title and Registration.” “All I Full of Love” by Bjork. There are probably a bunch more I’m forgetting. All Grimes music videos.
17. Music video with the most watch? This question is phrased weirdly. But if you’re asking what music video I’ve watched the most… Malice Mizer’s “Illuminati.” Definitely. LOL. Along with Velvet Eden’s “SAD MASK.” Oh god, KALM flailing around in awful CG fire is what I LIVE for.
18. What do you play/would you play in the bedroom to spice things up? Souvlaki by Slowdive. With candles lit, after smoking together.
19. Ever been in a mosh pit? No. I would die. Look at the fucking size of me. I am a delicate doll.
20. Are you in a band? Nope. Someone start an all-girl Ramones and/or Blink-182 cover band with me.
21. Ever dated a musician? “Dated” would be kind of a strong word for it, but I had an ongoing casual thing with a guitarist in a band.
22. Do you wish yourself that you were a musician? Yes, but only because I wish I were any good at playing one of the myriad of instruments I’ve tried to learn. I wouldn’t want to be famous though.
23. Best all chick band you know of? Sleater-Kinney.
24. Last song that you heard on the radio/cd…etc…? I haven’t listened to the radio in a long, long time. I haven’t bought a CD in many years. If you’re counting any kind of physical media, I’m spinning an LP on my turntable right now; it’s Blink-182’s Enema of The State and “Anthem” just finished playing.
32. What do you think of Classical music? Eh, I can understand why some people find it boring. My mother was a classical pianist and I grew up listening to a lot of classical music. I just developed a taste for it after many years, I guess.
33. What do you think of Country music? It reminds me of growing up in Texas. There will always be at least one or two country songs I like - a lot of which reminds me of middle school dances and crying in the bathroom alone because my crush didn’t like me back. And everyone likes at least one Johnny Cash song.
34. What do you think of metal? I like it. I can only take so much screaming, to be honest.. but some bands I really love can be classified as metal.
35. Last BIG band that you saw live? Blink-182.
36. Are you a groupie? Nope.
37. Do you listen to music in foreign languages? I used to listen to a LOT of J-Rock. I also listen to music in Korean, German, Romanian, and French.
38. What famous musician would you like to “spend the night with”!?
Woman; Lauren Mayberry of Chvrches. She’s a great front woman and so, so cute.
Man; I’d say Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance, but I feel weird about it because he’s also married to another super-crush of mine; Lindsey from Mindless Self Indulgence… so maybe Elliott Smith when he was still alive. I get a strong impression that he respected women.
39. Worst concert moment? Any time someone drunkenly falls all over me and/or hits me. It always seems to happen. Also when I saw Kaya live with my sister there was a guy trying to hit on her the entire time and I felt really bad that I didn’t exactly notice until we were out of the show.
40. Funny concert moment? When I went to see Marina and The Diamonds there was a guy next to me with his boyfriend and right in front of us was a woman with her teenage son. At some point they lit up a joint and offered some to the mom (who honestly looked kind of square) and she and them got high together. It was pretty amusing watching them chill together.
41. Sad concert moment? I went to see IAMX with a boyfriend, who I loved very much, but he didn’t really know the band. A few rows back, my ex (who I had just recently broken up with) was there with a coworker. I was sad we’d gotten to a point where we couldn’t go together or hang out anymore because we have really similar taste in music and that concert was amazing and I was sad not to be able to hang out with him during it.
42. Best local act you can think of? King Woman is originally from this area, I think.
43. If you were a musical instrument what would you be? Vocalist. I suck at everything else. In a perfect world I’d be the guitarist or keys.
44. Do you listen to the radio? Honestly, no, and I haven’t since grade school, really.
45. Do you watch music TV? I don’t have cable.
46. Do you follow the music charts, like the top 40? I did in grade school, but I haven’t really paid attention to music charts since then.
47. Have you meet any famous musicians? Met Kaya at an autograph session at Anime USA. It was at the peak of my Kaya obsession. He told me I was pretty. It was awesome.
48. Are any of your friends/family/etc. musicians? My mom was a piano teacher. My dad is basically tone deaf, haha.
49. Song that best describes your feelings right now? “I Really Like You” by Carly Rae Jepson.
50. Song that describes your life? The ENTIRE record Froot by Marina And the Diamonds. ESPECIALLY “I’m a Ruin” “Blue” and “Forget” and “Weeds”.. and “Immortal” Yeah, I can’t pick just one song… The whole record. Just listen to the whole thing and you’ll understand me, haha. Which I realize, does not paint me in a very flattering light.. but it’s accurate.
“Gimme love, gimme dreams, gimme a good self esteem” -Blue
“Cause I have lived my life in debt I’ve spent my days in deep regret Yeah, I’ve been living in the red But I wanna forgive and forget” -Forget
“I miss all of my exes They’re the only ones that know me And God knows that sex is A way to feel a bit, a little bit less lonely Yeah, I tried to keep it covered up Yeah, I thought I cut him at the root But now I think my time is up Cause he keeps growing back Like weeds” - Weeds
51. Do you know the names of all the band members that you listen to? Not even remotely. There are some exceptions, but for the most part, no.
52. Does a musician’s physical attractiveness play a part? A part in what? I think it plays a role in how popular they become. As far as it playing a role in how much I like them, I appreciate bands with a strong aesthetic, but it’s hardly necessary. Some of my favorite bands I wouldn’t even be able to recognize if I saw a photo of.
53. What famous musician do you want to marry? I don’t think someone’s musical output is a good way to gauge their marriageability..
54. Favourite movie soundtrack? The Scott Pilgrim vs The World OST.
55. Any musician pet hates? Any time musicians are arrogant enough to insult other musician’s work just for their own credibility. Like, you’re not cool for hating pop music, my dude. >_>
56. What do your parents listen to? My mother listens to mostly classical music, my dad likes James Taylor and Joni Mitchell
57. What are you listening to right NOW? Private Affair by The Virgins. I fucking love this song.
58. Do you wear band etc T-shirts? I hate wearing band t-shirts with a fiery passion of a thousand suns with VERY rare exceptions.
59. What do you think of people who do? I’m usually pretty.. not into those people. Like, hate is a strong word… but I’m really into fashion. Band t-shirts are like a really lazy way of expressing yourself to me. And they’re almost always printed on really boxy, non-soft material. Everyone wants to fight me on this.. I just don’t care for them.
60. What music sub-culture do you feel like you belong to? None? I always dressed too goth to really feel like I belong in the punk scene even though that was primarily what I was listening to in high school. I guess goth, but I don’t get along with or have much in common with most of the generic goths I know and I listen to too much pop for them. Is the indie-synthpop scene a thing..?
61. What song is stuck in your head right now? The theme song to Buffy The Vampire Slayer.
62. Do you sing in the shower? When I was a kid I would drag my giant boom box in the the bathroom with me and listen to it while taking a bath; mostly audiobooks, but sometimes music. I usually didn’t sing along though.
63. If so, what? If not, why not? Not sure? I sing in the car a lot. If music is on and I know the words and I’m alone, I’m singing.
66. How important is your partners taste in music to you? I’m really open about music, so whatever they are into I’ll probably get into as well. If we already share a taste in music we can discover more together, which is really fun. As long as they don’t HATE my music, it’s fine.
67. Hanson moves in next door to you, do you go introduce yourself, or do you arrange to beat them up? I’d probably just update my facebook status like, “Hanson lives next door to me. So, there’s that.” And invite them to my next barbecue.
68. Sex, drugs, and rock ‘n roll, you dig? Yes, sometimes, and yes.
69. Do you cook to music? Sometimes, I no longer have speakers right next to the kitchen.
70. Do you sing in the toilet? Nah.
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