#alrighty this covers it i guess
kesujo · 2 months
Unabashed Seduction
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Tags: mommykink (...the rest of the tags are relatively vanilla, I think)
Warning: 17k words
The night was not turning out how I expected it to go.
I was dressed to kill, freshly washed, put on enough cologne to be noticeable but not too much as to be overbearing, spent probably close to half an hour styling my hair, even properly shaved my pubic hair and sprayed some ball toner for good measure too. I even scouted the bar before coming here; some friends had recommended this place as a great new spot to pick up chicks, but there hasn’t been one I’ve talked to that hasn’t been too wasted to feel good about taking back to my place.
“Sorry babe, I’d love to stay and chat some more but I gotta wake up early tomorrow.”
“Aaw, why?”
The girl I was currently talking to was hot, for sure, but I could pretty much smell the alcohol from her breath. “You make sure you get home safely, alrighty, princess?”
“Why don’t you take me home then?”
Her voice was filled with seductive intent, but I was long past the point of interest. “Sorry, sweetie. How about an Uber instead?”
“I’ll make it worth your while,” she continued with her low, sultry tone, but when I didn’t budge, she switched to a whinier tone, “Come on, I’m dying to get fucked.”
I could feel her tits pressing up against my arm, but tempting as they were, there was no way she had the capacity to consent in her current state. “Give me a sec, ok?”
It took a few more minutes to send her on her way back home, leaving me back inside the bar, eyeing the rest of the crowd. There was no shortage of girls, but none of them caught my eye.
Tonight’s not my night, I guess.
Deciding that I better head home before some other drunk-out-of-her-mind chick decides she wants to go home with me and isn’t as good about giving up as the previous one, I downed the rest of my drink. Before I set out to leave, another last-minute scan of the crowd stopped me dead in my tracks when my eyes landed on her.
At first, all my eyes told me about her was that she was a fine piece of ass; the way that spaghetti-strap white dress hugged and accentuated her curves was sublime, the fabric stretching perfectly over her tight, plump ass sitting prettily atop the bar stool that somehow didn’t even seem to crease under her weight. But when she turned to the side to talk to the person next to her, the more than ample amount of cleavage spilling out of the top told me she had curves upstairs too; sure, she wasn’t as big I usually liked them, but the confidence with which she bared them more than made up for that. The side profile or her face told me that it wasn’t just her body that was fire: her lips were full and red, her eyebrows well-manicured and clean, her skin a perfect milky white with thighs that looked as soft as marshmallows, everything even down to her plunging neckline was perfection.
But where have I seen her before?
Before I could fully find the answer to that question, she turned back around, facing away from me to talk to someone on her other side.
Was she famous? She definitely had the looks for it. Or maybe she just had one of those faces that everyone seemed to recognize.
Stumped, I ended up pulling out my phone to take a picture of her to save the query for later. There was no way I would be able to come up with an answer given how buzzed I was at the moment. In that moment, while I was steadying my phone on her, something that I probably shouldn’t have caught on camera happened.
While her left hand was covering the top of her drink, her fingers were slim enough to give way to tiny cracks that allowed for something to be slipped between. She might’ve been secure in thinking that they were small enough to adequately protect her drink, but evidently was mistaken: while she was turned away talking to the gal to her right, the bartender took a quick look around, pulled something out from his pocket, and slipped a small, white tablet into her drink.
What the fuck?!
The tablet dissolved in an instant, the fizzles from the tablet vanishing just as quickly as it was plopped into her beverage.
Seeing that sobered me up pretty quickly. Fortunately, I had the wherewithal to switch to video when I noticed the bartender taking one too many glances at her drink, and recorded the entire ordeal.
Was I seeing things correctly? Were they trying to use a date rape drug on her?
Watching the video over again, now that I was considerably less drunk, the identity of the woman came to me.
Oh shit, that’s Tiffany Young, isn’t it? That K-Pop girl who came to America to release a few English songs or something. They’re trying to pull this shit on a celebrity?
The more I replayed the few-seconds clip, the more certain I became. The amount of secrecy that the bartender employed, how abnormally quick his actions were for an innocent person, even the way the guy on Tiffany’s left seemed to share a knowing glance at the bartender before slipping in the mini-tablet.
However, when I looked up from my phone, to my horror, Tiffany had already placed the glass to her lips and downed the rest of the glass.
Laughter and cheers erupted from the group after she did so, Tiffany smiling along with them.
Maybe I saw seeing things incorrectly. Maybe I was just being paranoid.
The quick glance and smirk the bartender and the guy shared was all it took for me to stand up.
Now that I thought about it, all the guys who recommended me this place weren’t really ones to go to clubs much themselves. I had decided to overlook the rumors of this place’s reputation, of drunk girls often getting taken advantage of, in favor of listening to the recommendations of my friends, but having witnessed it with my own eyes, I now had no doubt those rumors were true. Which meant, if even the bartender was in on it, then calling for security was a gamble that I couldn’t afford to risk.
“Excuse me.”
I could barely hear myself over the overbearing music, and given how far I was from them, it was no wonder none of them reacted to me. From her actions to the way she was slightly slurring her words, I could tell she was already pretty drunk.
If she’s that drunk, then it probably won’t take long for those drugs to kick in.
My walk turned into a brisk pace, pushing and maneuvering through the crowd as I watched another shot disappearing down her gullet.
“Excuse me!”
This time, both my distance and volume were enough to get the attention of all four parties.
The guy sitting next to Tiffany was the one who responded first. “What’s up, dude?”
“What’s up is that you’re trying to fucking slip date rape drugs into this woman’s drinks, bitch.”
He stood up and, in an instant, was right in front of me, bumping his puffed-out chest against mine. Although he stood an inch or two above me, I stood my ground, unphased. “What did you say to me?”
“Exthuse me, wha…?”
“You heard me. Are you really so pathetic that you need to rely on drugs to get laid?”
He raised his arm with a balled fist, but I kept my eyes on him, unflinching. “You just jealous I get to talk to the hottest chick in the club? You trying to play white knight in a pathetic attempt to get into her pants?
“Ex—Excuse me!” The two of us stopped, our attention turning towards the slightly red-faced celebrity. “What did you thay--say? A … date wape—… dddate ww—rrrappe ddrrug?”
I nodded. “I have—”
“Come on Tiffany, are you really going to believe this desperate loser over me?”
“—as I was saying, I have video—”
“You’ve been talking to me all night—” Her eyes flickered back and forth between me and him, and I could tell that he was making good ground in convincing her otherwise. I needed to do something before I let these guys get away with it. “—and you’re suddenly going to trust this random guy who shows up? You’ve been fine so far, haven’t you?”
“Well … yeah, I hhavenn’t—” I shoved the screen with the playing video in front of her without another word. “—what’re—…” she quieted down as her eyes focused on the smartphone in my hands.
Very quickly, I could start to see the panic in the guy’s eyes. “What are you doing, showing her—” the guy swiped at my phone, causing it to fly out of my hands and over the bar counter.
“You saw enough though, right?”
The look she gave the guy was all the answer I need.
“What did—” from how much less she was slurring her words, I became hopeful it was a sign of sobering up after reaching the important part of the video, “—are you in on this with the bb—bartender?”
“What? The bar—no! What are you talking about?”
I couldn’t help but laugh at his stammering. “If you weren’t, then you wouldn’t have smacked my phone out of my hand, wouldn’t you?”
“That’s a load of bullshit, I just knocked the phone out of your hand because—” a pause, a nervous twitch of his eyes and a quick sideways glance at the bartender, who I could tell was very deliberately staying away from this side of the bar considering how closely he was hovering around it not minutes before, before continuing, “—for all I know, you could’ve been showing her some doctored video, or some inappropriate stuff.”
“Right, and you expect Tiffany to believe that?”
The two of us turned to her, who at this point was trying to get the attention of the bartender. “Exthuse--Excuse me, bartender!” Her sharp, loud voice cut through the blaring music like a hot knife through butter, but even then, he barely moved. “Excuse me!” The volume of her voice rose, but still the bartender didn’t budge. She leaned over, the woman on her right having evidently slipped away without my noticing. “Excuse me!”
This time, Tiffany’s voice drew even the attention of the other patrons of the club, who started to glance over. Probably realizing he couldn’t play dumb anymore, he walked over. “Yes, how may I help you, miss?”
“There thoud—” she furrowed her brows, slowing down her speaking rate while enunciating her words more carefully, “—shoould be a phhonne oon the grround sommewhherre near yyou, can you ppick it up?”
“A phone?” He angled his head down and did a quick sweep of the enclosed bartending area, just as quickly looking back up with a shrug. “I don’t see a phone.”
“There must be—” her eyes narrowed, and in the corner of my eye, I could see her pressing her legs together, as if tensing, “—there must be, I saw it get knocked over. Can you look again?” He did the sweep with his eyes again, probably about 0.1 seconds slower this time, but Tiffany didn’t let it slide. “No,” she said, the clear frustration on her face worsening the slurring of her speech, “I mean down look—I mean, get down and look.”
“I’m sorry—was it your phone?”
Tiffany shook her head. I quickly glanced at the other guy, whose face was growing redder by the second. I grinned; checkmate, you fucking rapist.
“No, it was this—” again, a slight stutter in her words, and another quick glance at her allowed me to notice the slightly quicker rate at which her chest was heaving, and the fact that it was heaving in the first place, “—this gentleman’s.”
“In that case, no can do.”
“I noticed the commotion he was causing earlier, and while it’s not my place to take sides in bar-side squabbles—” yeah right, you were the one who slipped in the drug “—what I can do is think to myself, out loud, that him losing his phone is probably not the worst thing that can happen to a man like him.”
“Are you saying you—are you saying that because you were drink—” Tiffany furrowed her brows in annoyance, her speech speeding up in clear parallel with her frustration but simultaneously causing her to trip over her words more, “—you were the one who slipped that white—white thing into my drink?”
Hearing that sentence, as broken as it was, was probably one of the most satisfying things I’ve ever heard in my entire life. And that was coming from someone who has heard compliments from a porn actress that he fucks better than some of her coworkers.
“…Excuse me, what?”
“I saw the video,” she replied, still treading carefully over her words but still speaking with all the authority of a celebrity, “You slipped something between my fingers, into my drink, while I was looking away. I didn’t get to see the entire video because the phone was knocked onto the ground somewhere near you.” At this point, I could tell even the bartender was starting to have nervous sweats.
“I mean, if you let her watch the whole video, maybe she can have some good context as to what kind of a thing you slipped into her drink, right?”
“I’m—no, I’m sorry miss, it must’ve been a mistake. We’re a professional and well-known establishment—”
“Yeah, you’re certainly well-known alright,” I cut him off, poorly holding off a laugh, “well known for taking advantage of drunk women.”
“Bro, stop daydreaming. This is reality, you have to accept the fact that not every fucking woman in the world wants to sleep with you.”
“This white knight bullshit you’re doing is ridiculous, come on Tiffany, let’s—”
The man’s attempt to reach out to grab her wrist failed, Tiffany taking a hasty step back to dodge him, nearly stumbling into a backwards fall. Before I could reach out to catch her, her arm had shot out to the now unoccupied barstool behind her, setting herself back upright.
“No. I’m—” she quickly changed her standing stance, pushing her legs together again; this time, I couldn’t help but notice her face a little redder than before, but even more noticeable were the beads of sweat starting to form on her forehead. Was that the drug starting to kick in? “—I’m—I can’t—” she took another hasty step back, stumbling again. This time, I was ready, my hand shooting out to grab her arm before she could fall onto the ground.
“Let’s get you out of here, first, Tiffany. I’ll call an Uber for you.”
“What do you think—”
“I have that video saved on my cloud. Do anything, follow us, and I’ll send that video straight to the police. Got it?”
The threat caused the pair to freeze in their tracks.
“Tiffany, can you walk?”
She nodded, but a few steps told the completely opposite story. Fortunately, I was prepared to catch her. “Sorry…”
“Not a problem. Let’s go.” I threw her arm around my waist and secured hers with my own arm, pushing through the crowd towards the exit.
We barely made it a few steps before Tiffany pulled at my shirt. “Wait—…”
This time, when I looked at her, I could tell her condition had worsened even more; she was panting pretty heavily now, her forehead almost glistening with sweat, her face beet-red and her legs pressed firmly together. So that’s why it was so hard to walk; why was she so adamant about doing that? Was the drug creating some type of pain there?
“What’s wrong? Do I need to call 911?”
She shook her head. “Let’s sit down for a second.”
I acquiesced against my better judgement, finding a vacated table as far away from the crowd as I could find. As soon as we reached it, Tiffany all but collapsed onto the leather-padded booth seats, pulling me into the seat right next to her. “How are you feeling? Do I need to call anyone?”
“With what phone?”
Shit, that’s right. My phone.
“Eh, it’s not the first time I’ve lost my phone. I can just get another one.”
For some reason, that seemed to pique her interest. “What? ‘First time’?”
I thought back to that incident, where I found out the morning after one of the wilder nights of sex I’ve ever had that she was crazier out of bed than in it. “Never mind that, what’s wrong?”
She turned towards me, a look that was all-too-familiar look on her face. “Me.” She uncrossed her legs, probably the first time she willingly parted her legs ever since the drugs seemed to kick in, slinging an arm across my torso while her leg did the same across my lap. In barely a second, the dark-haired woman was straddling my lap, her arms looped around my neck, and an intense gaze bearing down on me. “There’s something wrong with me.”
My attempts at trying to establish eye contact with her failed, her eyes instead electing to stare directly at my lips. I could slowly feel her pressing herself more firmly against my slowly-growing erection. “I feel like … I need you. Now.”
Oh, fuck.
That desperate lust in her eyes, the way she was starting to grind against my hardening member, the fullness of her lips and the redness of her face and the neckline of her spaghetti-strap top slowly being pushed down and revealing more of her cleavage, it was all getting too overwhelming.
She’s drunk. I need to stop this.
“Just a little bit.”
I took a deep breath, reigning in my raging hormones, everything in my body that was yelling at me to go! “No.”
Calm down.
“You’re drunk—”
“Just a little bit, I promise.”
I was so distracted by trying to gather the strength to push the out-of-control celebrity off my lap that I was almost too late in catching her trying to undo the fly in my pants.
The burgeoning relief in her face was instantly replaced with a frustration as my hands wrapped firmly around hers, bringing them back to her sides. God, I feel like I could accidentally snap these wrists at any moment. “I need you so bad, please…” she whined, grinding harder against my crotch after another failed attempt at advancing her hand towards it. It might’ve just been my imagination, but I could’ve sworn I could feel her arousal leaking out of her and onto my pants in liquid form. “…it hurts so much…”
Jesus, what the fuck kind of drug did they feed her that got her like this?
“Tiffany, you need to go back to your house—”
“No!” Her legs wrapped more tightly around my waist as I tried to slide her off me, simultaneously pressing those bountiful tits against my chest and planting her face against my collarbone. “I don’t—I can’t, not without—”
I took in another deep breath. Control yourself, Damian. Not only is this woman drunk, but she’s influenced by an evidently pretty strong aphrodisiac. She is doubly in no state to properly consent.
“Let’s find you some sleeping pills, then—”
She shook her head against my neck. “No no no, I don’t need more drugs, I need—I need your cock.”
I could just about feel the skin on my palm breaking with how tightly I was clenching my free hand. “Listen, Tiffany, as much as I would love to, you—”
“Then fuck me.”
“Listen to me.” The words unintentionally came out as a growl, and when I realized that, my face morphed into one of horrified realization. “Sorry, I—” And, just as quickly, my face morphed into that of confusion. Why did she look even more turned on?
“Yeah, punish me daddy, I’ve been—”
“No, stop.” I mustered every last ounce of strength I had to capture both of her arms, settling them at her sides. “Tiffany, I don’t mean to be rude, but please don’t interrupt me.” I didn’t know if my frustration was leaking through or if she was going through with the roleplay she manufactured out of nowhere, but frankly, I didn’t care: I was just thankful she had finally decided to settle down. “You’re drunk. You were fed some drug that’s making you like this. That is two reasons you can’t consent when normally one would suffice. Do you understand?” She didn’t respond, unperturbed, as if the words went in one ear and out the other. I did tell her not to interrupt, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t even shake or nod her head. “Listen, you need to go home and get some sleep. Before something happens to you that can’t be undone.” Again, she didn’t respond, maintaining strong eye contact with a smile on her face. “Do you understand?” No response. Was she really intending to maliciously comply with my request for her to not interrupt me? “Answer me.”
“Hm? What?”
I sighed. The words really went in one ear and out the other, huh? Maybe I shouldn’t expect too much out of someone as obscenely drunk as her. “I said—”
“You talk too much.”
“Don’t inter—”
This time, it wasn’t Tiffany’s words that interrupted me, but her actions: namely, when she leaned forward and, with an amount of accuracy unbefitting a drunk person, promptly silenced me with her lips.
I couldn’t help but enjoy the soft, velvety texture of her plump lips for a second, which were every bit as amazing to kiss as they looked, before pulling away.
She manually silenced me again, with such accuracy I was beginning to wonder if she was actually drunk or not. But all I needed to do to answer that question was to taste the alcohol on her lips.
It took a second longer to shake her off again, but she was persistent. “Wait—”
With my hands busy holding her wrists in place, I could do nothing but try to dodge her assault. But, when I realized this scene, of a woman seemingly attempting to sexually assault a man, would only draw more attention, I stopped resisting as much. Tiffany, taking full advantage of the fact, leaned further into the kiss, wasting no time in involving her tongue.
And fuck me if it wasn’t the hottest make out session I’ve ever had, with probably the hottest chick I’ve ever kissed, but the ever-present aftertaste of alcohol ruined any attempt of mine at trying to get into the mood.
When my grip of her wrists vanished, her arms instantly came up, looping around my neck to pull me deeper into the kiss. But despite all the strength she was finally allowed to use, she was still no match for me. “Tiffany, bed.”
Those words were the only ones I could get out before I lost control of her again, but thankfully, she seemed to hear them over the blaring music of the club. “Oh, you’re finally ready?”
I smirked, which apparently was all the answer Tiffany need to climb off me.
And to think I almost retired early to avoid the clingy girls who couldn’t say no, only to end up with one anyway.
“There’s a hotel just down the block.”
Thankfully, this time, Tiffany didn’t protest, obediently following a few steps behind me as we exited the club and into the brisk early-autumn night. Obedient as she was, I could still tell how horny she was by how tightly she clung onto and how she had returned to the strange tight-legged walk, an action that I finally understood the meaning of: she was trying to contain her wetness, something that I confirmed had leaked onto my pants. Thankfully, they were dark enough so as to not be noticeable.
Although the walk was brief, I was thankful we weren’t stopped or even around many other people; the only delay was at the hotel counter, where I briefly considered what type of room I should get before quickly deciding to get the most expensive suite of the hotel. This was Tiffany Young after all, and with what almost happened to her, she probably needed it.
“Thank you for your patronage!”
The lady behind the counter bowed politely, but I could feel her gaze lingering on me as I dragged Tiffany onto the elevator, keycard in hand. I couldn’t blame her; with how heavy Tiffany’s panting has gotten, with how flushed her face had become, with how much she was pressing herself against me, it probably looked like I was the one who fed her that date-rape, aphrodisiac, whatever-it-was drug to her. At least Tiffany noticed too and was thankfully sound-minded enough to quell those suspicions, but even so, I could tell she figured something was off.
The doors to the elevator barely closed before Tiffany was all over me again, lips going straight to my nape while her arms and legs attempted to snake around my body.
“Damn it—” No, I’m pretending like I’m continuing this in the room “—at least wait until we get into the room.”
“Someone might see.”
Tiffany paused for a second, shooting me a dangerously seductive smile. “Let them watch.”
Oh, fuck. I stopped to take a deep breath, again trying to reign in my raging hormones, stifling the image of Tiffany riding my cock in this elevator while the door opened to reveal a horrified yet turned on audience. This woman is drunk and affected by that bartender’s drugs. I can’t—
Out of the corner of my eyes, a glimpse of her cleavage caught my attention. Before I knew it, my eyes had fallen onto them, completely captivated.
It was only when the elevator dinged that I snapped out of it.
I can’t let myself lose control. Fuck, why is she doing this to me? Why do I feel like I can’t control myself when I’m around her?
“Tiff—” I had to almost lift Tiffany up and carry her out of the elevator with how little regard she gave to the fact that we had stopped ascending, “—Tiffany, we’re here.”
Getting to the suite and unlocking it with the keycard was already a decently hard task when a woman was wrapped around me, but even harder when that woman was Tiffany. Every time she pressed her tits against my arm, every time she planted another kiss on my jaw, every time her hands slid across my abs, I wanted to stop what I was doing, pin her against the door I was struggling with, rip that pretty little dress off her lecherous body and ravish her right then and there—but that wasn’t what I was here for.
As soon as the door closed behind me, I squatted down and picked Tiffany up in one fluid motion, a squeal erupting from the surprised celebrity. “Ooh, what’re you gonna do to me?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.”
Thankfully, the walk to the bed was short, so Tiffany didn’t have much more time to respond before I dumped her onto the soft mattress. The light of the half-moon streamed through the huge glass pane in the bedroom, illuminating Tiffany’s figure strewn haphazardly across the white blankets of the bed. In contrast to the beautiful sight was her beet-red face, the sizable mounds on her chest heaving hard enough to be noticeable, her hands already having disappeared under the bottom half of her dress that was barely clinging onto her well-shaped curves. It took me what felt like a full minute to bring my suddenly spiking hormones down to a controllable level.
“Sorry, I need to use the bathroom first. I’ll be right back.”
I was going to regret this. Or maybe I wasn’t.
This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to fuck such an irresistibly sexy and unforgivingly erotic woman, a globally-known singer, known by many, loved by many, and lusted over by many … when was it ever going to present itself to me?
No. I have to be content, knowing that, at least, I didn’t let Tiffany do anything she might regret.
… But fuck, if only she wasn’t drunk, if only she gave me any reason to believe she could consent, then—
“Wait! –you’re lying!”
—then I would— “What?”
“You didn’t even look like you were in a rush.” Her words were spoken slowly, still somewhat slurred, but I could still very clearly distinguish every syllable that was coming out of her mouth. “Are you trying to ditch me?”
Being able to figure that out means that she’s at least sober enough to use her brain enough to properly consent, right?
It didn’t take a second for me to be disgusted with myself for thinking that. With how obviously drunk she was a second ago, there was no way she was sober enough to properly consent—that aside, listening to her speak was already evidence enough for her lingering drunkenness. “No, I’m not ditching you. I’ll be right there, ok, Tiffany?”
“Don’t lie to me!”
It was so hard to continue resisting the urge to give in. It felt like everything was working against me: how horny Tiffany had made me, the feeling of regret for walking away from such a golden opportunity, picturing what Tiffany looked like naked and imagining what it would be like to fuck her, that escalating voice trying to convince me that it was ok, even Tiffany herself was trying to stop me.
Just keep walking, Damian.
“Don’t look down on me just because I’m a little drunk! Is that what you’re worried about?”
I scoffed, turning around. “Please, I fuck drunk girls all the time.”
Apparently, doing that was the wrong move. “See, you’re lying! It’s so obvious!”
Fuck, why did I have to be such a bad liar?
But the fact that she could tell that I was lying was yet another indication that she’s sober enough to consent, isn’t it?
“No, I—” I let out a frustrated sigh. “—I’m sorry Tiffany, have a good night—”
Before I could sprint off, her brows furrowed and she keeled over in pain.
I barely had time to consider if it was an act before I was already at her side, hand gently patting her back. “What’s wrong?”
“It hurts…”
“What? What does?” At least it doesn’t seem like she was acting, with how she hasn’t attacked me yet. “Do you need me to get you some medicine?”
She shook her head. “No.”
“Then what…?”
“It hurts,” she repeated, and when my eyes followed where her arms were leading to, the realization hit the moment she said the clarifying words, “My pussy. It hurts so bad.”
Was that an actual thing? Did there exist such a drug that made a woman so horny, her pussy would start hurting?
“What are you—” I couldn’t even bring myself to accuse her of lying though. With how much she was sweating and how badly she was groaning—either she was one hell of an actress, or the drugs were really hurting her that badly.
See? Not only is she probably mentally sound enough to consent, but she actually needs you. It would be a disservice, both to myself and to her, to just walk away.
For the first time in my life, I conceded to my lust.
“I’ll help you.”
She turned her head towards me, looking at me weakly. “R-Really?”
I reached down and flung the shirt off my body. I could feel Tiffany’s gaze lasering in on my well-defined abs as I climbed onto the bed, one hand landing on her arm while the other on her stomach. “You better not regret asking for this.”
My hands went between her legs, but before they even reached their destination, I could feel the heat emanating from her privates. Holy shit, that drug is really something else…
“No—ah, fuck…” her protest was cut short when my hand found its target, the tips of my fingers instantly getting soaked upon pressing against her burning sex.
“Look at this, you’re so wet.”
“Damian—ah, ah, fuck!”
Her hands fell to her sides, her legs spreading further apart, her dress hitching up to her hips, bucking desperately into my fingers as they played with her soaking wet folds. Her eyes fluttered shut, her back arching slightly off the soft mattress, lips parted and head thrown back.
“It must’ve been hard, hiding all of this—” I withdrew my hand, showing Tiffany, whose eyes opened back up as soon as my hands left her, her slick clinging onto my digits, “—huh?”
“Please, Damian. It hurts…”
“It hurts?”
She nodded, her next sentence cut short with another shrill moan as I pushed three digits deep into her sex.
“Fuck, oh my—oh, oh, fuck—”
Her eyes slammed shut again as I pumped the three fingers inside her, curling them against her fleshy, sticky walls. “Does it still hurt?”
The only response Tiffany could give was the string of moans tumbling out of her mouth, squirming and legs tensing at the feeling of my fingers rubbing the fleshy interior of her vagina. The thumb, having nothing else to do, brushed over her labia, activating more of the nerves on the sensitive part of her nethers.
Tiffany communicated her pleasure well, but I could tell she wanted more. Her sighs and moans seemed to be coming out of her mouth in place of words she wanted to say, her hands were lightly placed at her stomach as if unsure if she should pull me further in or push me out, her eyes looked on at me with lust but also with the same desperation that initially drew me in.
“Dam—Damian, I can’t, I need—” she threw her head back again, letting out something between a squeal and a moan as my fingers curled inside her love canal.
Ah, so that’s her G-spot, huh?
“Oh fuck, right there—” she let loose another loud moan as I again curled my fingers into that spot inside her. That one action caused the idol to completely forget about the request she was about to make, her legs subconsciously spreading further as I continued to rub the sensitive spot inside her.
“What did you need?”
“More—fuck Damian, right there, yes!”
“You like that? When I put pressure right there?”
Tiffany’s only response was to scream out in pure ecstasy. I couldn’t help but grin at that, drinking in the delectable sight of Tiffany squirming on the bed, dress hanging onto her body for dear life, long eyelashes shut, full, red lips parted, every bit of her curvaceous body twisting and turning at my every move. Maybe this night wasn’t going as badly as I initially thought it was.
“Yes! More, please, more!”
To add onto the beautiful sight before me was the equally beautiful sound of her begging, her persistent moans, joined only by the occasional squeaking and shaking of the bed. I wondered if we were disturbing any of our neighbors who almost definitely were already asleep, but quickly realized I didn’t care in the slightest.
“I wonder how many times I must’ve saved the world in my previous life to get the chance to do this to such a beauty like you.”
It felt like barely any time had passed, but I could already feel the pussy of the Korean-American celebrity start tightening around my fingers, hear the increasingly erratic panting and moaning from her lips, the wild ferocity with which her legs thrashed and her toes curled: all the telltale signs of an impending orgasm. And while I would’ve loved to claim it was my immaculate skills with my fingers, nothing else but the interference of the drug could reasonably explain her state of near-climax so soon after I started.
“Oh fuck, I didn’t know fingers could feel so good inside me…”
Her voice was breathless, her forehead glistening with sweat, but this time, instead of a visage of pained frustration that she wore while in the club, her face was now etched with that of pure ecstasy.
“I’m close, a little more, please…”
The words came out almost as a breathless whisper, a final plead for release, the strain in her voice, and the lust pouring out from every square inch of Tiffany’s delectable body; seeing a woman squirm and twist as she succumbed to her orgasm was one of the reasons I became so practiced at using my fingers, but with Tiffany, that feeling turned up to eleven. I didn’t want to just see her cum, I wanted to see her completely lose herself. I wanted to see her become a mess, I wanted her to forget her own name as she squirted all over me, the bed, everything.
That was exactly why, in the final moments before her climax, I shoved my face between her legs, exposing her clit with my thumb, surrounded the sensitive nub with my lips, and gave it a firm suck.
The suite erupted with Tiffany’s ecstatic screams, a translucent jet of her ejaculate hitting me square in the jaw. I recovered quickly, lifting my head out from between her legs while letting her ride my fingers as the singer unleashed a beautiful melody of ecstasy and pleasure. I sat there and watched the beautifully erotic sight before me, of her voluptuous body violently shaking and her head pushed as far back into the pillow as it could go and her legs tensing and vibrating as jet after jet of her cum sprayed past my fingers and onto my arms and stomach.
After she pushed past that peak, her screams and moans turned into sighs and whimpers, the last bits of her cum dribbling out of her womanhood like a leaky faucet.
“Look at you, the famous Tiffany Young, well-renowned global superstar, reduced to a sexy mess. What millions of people wouldn’t give to see you squirting so hard, I wonder.” Her eyes landed on the shirt I was wearing, now shining from being drenched with her fluids. “Looks like you owe me two now: one, for that orgasm, and two, for this shirt.”
It took Tiffany a few seconds to recover, a slight shudder running up her body as I extracted my fingers from her soaking wet heat, but when she did, her demeanor changed on a dime. “I’m so sorry,” she answered with a noticeable pout on her lips, shifting into a sitting position and then into a crawl, facing me. “Let me pay you back for that, baby.”
What is going on?
Very clearly, Tiffany’s desperation vanished—or at least, simmered down—but her confident, very intentionally seductive gaze, her low crawl that gave me an eyeful of her ample cleavage and hints at her light-brown areola, her every movement and action oozed of a sex appeal that my erection roared back to life in response to.
“Poor baby, working so hard for mommy’s sake.” Ok, that was something I was … surprisingly fine with?
Fuck, why does this woman fuck with my head so much?
“Does my baby want a reward?”
“I’m—” it had to be my unfamiliarity with this territory, or maybe a better word was discomfort, that gave me a moment of hesitation. “—um, yes, please.”
“Yes please, what?”
I knew where this was going, but resisting seemed meaningless. Rather, resisting it seemed more painful than trying to change her mind. “Yes please, mommy.”
The word felt incredibly foreign on my tongue and was probably noticeable by how awkwardly it tumbled out of my mouth. Thankfully, it didn’t seem to faze Tiffany; whether it was she didn’t mind or because of how clearly lustful she still was, I wasn’t sure of.
“Good boy.”
I watched her from my seated position, legs splayed out towards her while leaning back on my arms that were planted on the slightly tussled blanket of the suite’s bed, as she prowled towards me like a hungry cheetah stalking its prey. Usually, I liked to be the cheetah, but with Tiffany, everything felt different. It just felt so natural to play the prey. Hell, I wanted her to hunt me down.
I caught myself with that thought.
What the fuck? Why did I just think that?
It felt so incomprehensible to me, the supernatural phenomenon that was Tiffany’s sex appeal. The lustful gaze in her eyes, the seductive way she carried her sinfully sultry figure, the confidence in her husky voice, the sheer desire and aphrodisia in her every movement, her full, red lips, her large and striking eyes, her ample bust peeking through the ruffled top of her dress, the soft curves of her hips and the wider curve of her romp—was it one of these things, or a combination of all of them? Submitting went against everything I thought I knew about myself, but perhaps the more frightening thing was that I welcomed it.
She stopped while hovering a few inches above me, her eyes directed straight down at my crotch. So, it felt pretty fair to stare slightly down and forward, right into the more-than-eyeful of tits that her tousled top bared to me. I could very easily tell that she was probably a B-cup, but they were somehow infinitely more enchanting than the C-cups and D-cups I was used to.
Maybe I was wrong. Maybe B-cups were great too. Or, maybe it was just Tiffany—maybe it was simply the fact that they were hers that drew my eyes towards them.
“Damian, baby, help me with this?”
I snapped out of the trance I was in, my eyes falling further down and falling on Tiffany, struggling with my belt.
“Sure thing.”
Her brows furrowed, her lips pulling into a pointed frown. “You mean, ‘yes, mommy’.”
“Um—” The reminder of my unfamiliarity with this type of roleplay hit me again, but the thought that this would only be a concern for tonight put my mind a little bit more at ease. “—yes, mommy.”
Shortly after my belt flew off, so too did my pants and boxers, leaving my hardened cock pointed straight at the ceiling of the luxurious hotel room. “Aww, poor baby, were you holding this in the entire time?”
I couldn’t get over the motherly sympathetic tone she was employing nor the slight pout on her lips, nor the strangest thing: how much it turned me on.
What the fuck? Am I secretly a sub?
“Um—” I stuttered, my mind slowly trying to piece together the ‘appropriate’ things to say in our current roleplay, “—y-yes, it hurts so much mommy.” Just saying those words, completely undirected, was so cringe-inducing that I nearly physically reacted to them, but seeing the reward in Tiffany’s face lighting up in reaction to them blew that embarrassment away.
“Does my baby want mommy to give the booboo a kiss?”
I nodded. “Please, mommy, it hurts so much.”
The words weren’t entirely false either; my penis was already pretty stiff from seeing Tiffany cum like that, but experiencing the reality-defying whirlwind of Tiffany’s lustful demeanor stiffened my dick even more, to the point of pain.
“Of course, sweetie.” She hardly waited for my nod in response before lowering her head to my crotch, holding her hair with her left hand while the other rested on my thigh to stabilize herself. My breath hitched as she stopped centimeters from my erect cock, the hot air puffing out from her lips hitting my hardened shaft. “Oh my, my baby has grown really big, hasn’t he?”
I grimaced, my legs tensing as her velvety lips brushed the sensitive tip of my dick. Instantly, a sliver of precum trickled out in response; and, just as quickly, Tiffany’s lips parted, her tongue darting out to collect the fluid. “We can’t be wasting any of that, can we?”
The smile she shot at me following, her lips pulled into an upward curve and her eyes disappearing into crescent moons curved the opposite direction, made me completely forget who I was or what I was doing for a second.
“You have such a beautiful smile.”
It took a few seconds to realize the words had come out of my mouth, but when I did, the realization came too late.
Shit, I forgot again.
I opened my mouth to correct myself, but Tiffany beat me to it. “You’re such a sweetie, Damian. Let mommy give you a reward.” Her left hand left the back of her head, her silky jet-black hair subsequently tumbling down the sides of her head, the fingers of her right hand gingerly wrapping themselves around the circumference of my cock. I let out a hiss as her slim digits enclosed it in a tight embrace, her soft palms caressing its length. And while the feeling of her fingers tightening around my dick was pleasurable in and of itself, the visual made it all the sexier: her strikingly flawless face centimeters away from the object of her adoration, her piercing eyes magnetized to it, her beautiful fingers pressed firmly against the now fully erect penis, her lips slowly parting and the gorgeous sheen of hair framing her face as she began to pump it.
“Fu—” This time, I was able to catch myself before I let loose the swear that was building up inside my throat. “—mommy, that feels so good.”
“I’m glad. Do you mind helping me hold my hair, baby?” I happily obliged, reaching around her to collect the amazingly soft curtain of black surrounding her face and pulling it into a ponytail behind her. “Thank you, baby.”
“You’re welcome, mommy.”
I barely noticed how fluidly the words came out of my mouth until after Tiffany resumed her handjob. But I didn’t have anything to worry about, it was just Tiffany that was making me like this. The pleasure and satisfaction I felt being the more dominant and controlling one with all the other women I’ve fucked was very real. I wasn’t a closet-sub, it was just Tiffany that was fucking with my head.
“My baby boy really has grown so big, mommy is very proud of you~”
“Thank you, mommy.”
My fists were clenched and my voice came out strained. The handjob she was giving me, in combination with the lascivious visual of her beautiful face placed so close to my dick and the amount of her tits that became visible from the low-cut of her dress hanging down from her position hovering over me, caused something that should’ve been just foreplay to bring me closer to the edge than I would’ve ever expected a simple handjob to be capable of.
“Did you enjoy mommy’s milk from before?”
“Milk?” My eyes again landed on her tits, her already-erect nipples all but visible with the angle she was at. “Oh!” She meant her cum, not from her boobs. It was a shame, too, because almost since I first laid my eyes on her and that more-than-ample cleavage, I was wondering what those puppies would feel like in my hands. And my mouth. “Yes, I did, mommy.”
The knowing grin Tiffany shot in return told me that she was privy to how much I was lusting after her milk jugs, replying, “Do you want more of mommy’s milkies?”
I nodded fervently. “Yes, please.” My haste stemming from impatience resulted in my blowing over my established role, something that didn’t by well with Tiffany. Her eyes furrowing was the catalyst for remembering, leading me to add, “—mommy.”
Her lips curled back up into a content smile. “Then, you’ll have to pay mommy back by giving her your milk too, ok?”
I nodded with equal fervor. “I’ll try my best, mommy.”
She shot me another heart-stopping eye smile. “Good boy.” Her hands left his penis and down to the hem of her dress, tugging at the spaghetti-strap top to no avail. Her smile turned into a frown, becoming more pronounced with each unsuccessful tug of her dress.
Damn it, she’s too drunk after all?
The sobering thought faded to the background when Tiffany decided to change tactics, her hands traveling up her body, her fingers looping around the top of her dress and pulling it down. Her boobs popped out, the bounce from the release of tension after being freed. I felt my eyes glazing over, gaze stopping at the plump, marshmallow-y mounds of flesh sitting on her chest, adorned with light-chocolate colored areola and darker, swollen nipples sitting atop the peaks.
Actually, you know what, B-cups are just as amazing as C-cups or D-cups. I’ve definitely been too picky in the past.
“Damian, help?”
There was something about the cute sight of her pouty visage contrasting with the erotic sight of her bare breasts sitting a few inches below those pouting lips that stirred something within me. The usage of cuteness in bed was something that always turned me off—women who employed it on me in the past have led me to stop everything on more than one occasion—but with Tiffany, it only turned me on more. At this point, I had grown tired of asking myself why this was happening. It was much easier to just accept it and let myself feel my arousal deepen one level still.
What I was shocked by was how long it had taken me to realize Tiffany needed help with her dress, and how I hadn’t offered to help already. “How rude of me—” Shit, that’s not how I’m supposed to be speaking. “—I mean, of course, mommy.”
I had been so distracted by her tits that I had completely disregarded her struggling, disregarded basic bedside manners, in favor of staring at her boobs. But honestly, I felt like I couldn’t even be blamed; even if they were on the smaller side, they were somehow just as sexy, if not more so. The fullness of its shape, the tautness of the skin, the plush appearance of its texture, the purity of its snowy-white color, the contrasting almond-colored areola and the even more contrastingly darker-brown teats standing up and away proudly from her body, how squeezable and bitable the enlarged buttons looked—remembering the roleplay Tiffany had casted us in was the only thing preventing me from jumping on her and ravishing them.
When the dress came off her body, I couldn’t help but find myself enamored with her legs next; they were on the slim side but had clear hints of muscles in her upper thighs, sloping upwards gracefully for what seemed like miles before curving out at her hips. The skin was just as unblemished, taut, and a perfect shade of pearly-white as the rest of her body, with slight hints of bruising on her knees that made my imagination go wild as their origins. Her legs were just as pleasant to touch as they were to look at; as my hands ran over her shins, up to her knees, and up to her thighs, I relished in the addictingly soft texture of her skin. “Your—mommy’s legs are so pretty.”
“Thank you, baby, but if you want mommy’s help, then you’ll have to be patient for a little bit longer.” I nodded, pushing myself back into a sitting position on the bed as Tiffany shifted into a kneeling position, tucking her legs under her thighs. “Come here,” she said, gently patting her lap. I obeyed immediately, turning around and resting my head on her soft thighs, face-up, with the rest of my body splayed out away from her, my legs dangling off the edge of the bed.
Part of me still felt weird obeying the commands of this mysteriously powerful woman, like some kind of needy puppy, but the bigger part of me didn’t care about dignity, shame, what I thought I knew of my own identity, any of it. Was it truly some kind of magnetic power she had, that drew in an dominated the will of any man she wanted, or was I just too lost in my own lust? Or, was there even a difference?
My obedience was rewarded when Tiffany, after seeing that I was sufficiently settled in her lap, leaned down and over me, presenting the object of my desire just moments ago inches away from my face. I craned my head up but was stopped by the woman whose lap my head was laying upon. “Before milkies, promise mommy that Damian will say when his milk is about to come out. Ok?”
“Yes, mommy,” I replied, nodding eagerly to her proposition.
“Good boy. Here you—ah!” Something between a moan and a squeal interrupted her as I took the erect nub into my mouth and rolled my tongue over it. My hands came around, all but sinking into the plush texture of her tits.
Fuck, they’re so soft…
I became so preoccupied with her boobs that I barely noticed Tiffany’s hands snaking down my torso, only aware of the fact when it stopped at the stubbles of my freshly shaven privates. Without warning, the dainty digits of her hand wrapped around my dick, the resulting surge of pleasure causing me to accidentally squeeze her boobs with an unintended amount of extra force.
“Do you like mommy’s boobs?”
I nodded, each pump of her hand sending a surge of pleasure throughout my body, my toes curling in response and my brain slowly but surely filtering out everything else but the feeling of her tits on my lips and hands and the feeling of her hand on my cock. It didn’t take long for her to pick up where she left off with, inching ever closer to the edge of the peak of the climax her hands were pushing me towards. Where her boobs lacked in surface area, she made up for in the quality of the skin and the softness of the mounds of fat. They gave way so easily to my hands and to my lips, but to also hear the slight moans and sighs that would escape from Tiffany’s lips as my tongue drew circles around her areola and rolled across her nipples and my teeth nibbled at the sensitive skin and the swollen teat.
The main source of my impending orgasm, as delectable her tits were, was her hand; they were tireless, barely stopping to rest, her hand pumping the shaft about twice the width of her hand while the other gently patted my head, as if comforting a nursing baby. Occasionally, she would stop to rest by readjusting her grip at the base and cupping my balls before resuming.
“These feel so heavy. Did you save it all up just for mommy?” I nodded again, hoping she didn’t need audial confirmation. Thankfully, she didn’t, resuming shortly after with a, “That makes mommy really happy. Don’t worry, baby, mommy will make sure to take in all of Damian’s hard work and patience.”
It wasn’t much longer after that when I notified Tiffany of my impending orgasm. To my dismay, Tiffany lifted her upper torso up, scooting to edge of the bed that my legs were dangling off of.
“Make sure to give it all to mommy, ok?” I nodded, fighting back the urge to push her head that was already closing in on my dick the rest of the way. “We don’t want to waste any of it, do we?”
“No, mommy.”
“Good boy.”
The moment my cock pierced her lips and sunk into her hot, tight mouth, I just about lost it right then and there. “Agh—” an incoherent mumble-moan escaped my lips, my fingers and toes curling even more than they were already. Inch by inch, the soft membrane of her lips advanced downwards along my shaft. Inch by inch, more of my penis entered the moist cavern of her mouth, and inch by inch, her tongue lined the surface area of my dick with her saliva. “Fuck—” Shit, forgot, no swearing— “—mommy, it feels so good…”
She tiled her head up, eyes shooting a quick smile at me. She barely got halfway down before she came back up for air, her right hand taking over in slathering the rest of the length with her saliva. “Naughty boy, no swearing. I’m afraid mommy will have to punish you later.”
“I’m sorry, mommy…”
In my peripheral vision, I could see her left hand reaching downwards, buried under her legs. However, visual confirmation wasn’t even necessary to know she was fingering herself; the wet sounds of her fingers pressing and pushing against her sex were evidence enough. And while I liked to think that it was the prospect of giving my dick a blowjob that brought her to such a state, the more realistic explanation was that the drug was still affecting her; after all, her face had taken upon a red hue again. However, the difference was that this time, she didn’t have a desperation on her face; this time, it was a deepened state of arousal.
Tiffany dribbled some more saliva onto my cock, proceeding to rub the slightly viscous fluid along the shaft while her red, succulent lips planted kisses along my length. After a while, satisfied with the amount of lubricant on my dick, her right hand reaching down to cup my balls while her tongue pressed against the long-side of my cock, starting from the base and sliding upwards and ending with a smooch at the tip. There was something immensely arousing about seeing her beautiful face in such close proximity to my dick that seemed to almost make her already small face even smaller and seeing the shimmering length of my cock occasionally accidentally tapping her slim jawline that created an impatience inside me. But it was her next words that transformed that impatience to something else. “It feels so big in my mouth, I wonder how I’ll fit this in my pussy…”
The words seemed to be her inner thoughts accidentally spoken out loud, or maybe a mumble that was spoken a notch too loud. Still, no matter how many times I had been told something similar, no matter how many other women had complimented my dick, hearing the words from Tiffany’s lips felt different. I could feel my chest swelling with pride and my lips stretching out into a satisfied smile—sure, it wasn’t the biggest one out there, but in that moment, it certainly felt that way.
Tiffany repeated the action a few more times before transitioning the smooch at the tip to deepthroating.
“Agh—” I stopped myself before I let out another swear, the suddenness of the action nearly causing me to peak right then and there. In one fell swoop, nearly three-quarters of my dick disappeared into her mouth, leaving me desperately clutching onto the thread that kept me from my orgasm. “Mommy—” words became difficult to form, my mind quickly being filled with nothing but the pleasure from the tight ring of her throat pressing against the circumference of my dick in coordination with the masterful work of her tongue dancing around it.
I wanted to revel in the sensation more. I wanted to continue feeling the immeasurably intense pleasure from feeling her lips now tightly pressed against the base of my shaft, from the tightness of her throat, from the wetness and warmth of her masterful tongue, but every passing second unraveled that thread line by line. When she started moving, her head bobbing up and down and her tongue gliding along the length of my shaft, gagging sounds filling the suite and tears cascading down her tightly closed eyes joined only by the increasingly louder moist sounds of her fingers against her slick, the thread I was so desperately clutching suddenly caught fire.
“—mommy—” The words were stuck in my throat, my mind too preoccupied with the Herculean task of holding back my orgasm to be able to form words properly. “—coming!”
The release of the buildup of tension inside my nethers, the release of the burden on my mind in trying to hold back—while both were cathartic, nothing felt better than the explosive release deep in her mouth, the powerful jet of my seed hitting the back of her throat like a water hose. Her cheeks bulged even more, a sound between a gag and a cough erupting from her throat, rapidly blinking away the tears in her eyes as stream after stream poured into her mouth, but not once did she let up. Her lips remained tightly sealed around my cock, her throat flexing impressively as it took on the assault.
When it ended, Tiffany pulled away, her left hand emerged from down south so that the backs of both hands could be used to wipe away the tears that had been collecting in her eyes. “I-I’m sorry, mommy…”
Her eyes blinked open. “What’s wrong?”
“I made mommy cry…”
I had to admit, Tiffany’s acting ability was top-notch. I was pretty good at acting myself, but the motherly concern that overtook her face in the face of my downtrodden, sorrowful expression made me almost believe it was sincere. “No! Aw baby,” she cooed, joining me on the bed and directing my head onto her bosom, “Those weren’t sad tears, those were happy tears! You really are spoiling your mommy so much, giving mommy so much of your tasty milk.”
She met my gaze with a happy nod. “Yes! But are you sure you gave mommy everything?”
I nodded. “I really tried my best, mommy.”
She separated herself from me, getting back on her knees at the edge of the bed. “Let’s see if Damian is telling the truth or not~” She slotted herself between my legs once again, and, with one boob in each hand, settled them on either side of my cock.
Even though I could feel the post-orgasm fatigue start to hit, seeing her surround my dick with her ample bust gave me a bit of concern. They weren’t large enough to smother the entirety of my size, but that didn’t stop the last two strands of cum to spill out onto her tits after squeezing them firmly against my cock with her hands, starting at the base and working her way out in a milking fashion.
“Oh, would you look at that.”
“I-I’m sorry, mommy!” The panic in my own voice caught me by surprise. Why was I so immersed in the roleplay? “I-I didn’t mean to! I’ll do better next time!”
Instead of reprimanding me, Tiffany looked up at me with a soft smile, scooping up the viscous bodily fluid and directing it into her mouth. Her luscious, red lips closed around her slim digits, disappearing into that dark cavern only to slide straight back out with a nearly audible pop! “It’s ok baby, as long as you keep your promise next time,” she said, her fingers running over the top of her bust again, making sure to direct every last droplet of my seed into her mouth.
I nodded eagerly. “I will!”
Tiffany smiled, licking her lips with an equal amount of eagerness and content. “Even though it wasn’t everything, it was a lot: feeling Damian’s thick, creamy load filling up my mouth and going down my throat was very nice. Thank you for the treat, baby.”
“It was only because mommy’s soft, pretty lips felt really good.”
“Oh, really?” I nodded. “Do you really like mommy’s soft, pretty lips?” I nodded again, letting her direct me back onto the bed, shifting so that I was properly aligned with it, my head all but sinking into the pillow of the luxurious suite. “Do you want more of mommy’s soft, pretty lips?”
“Can I?”
A giggle escaped from Tiffany, probably from the eagerness in my voice and the starstruck attitude I injected into it. Although, while I could definitively say I was acting, it was also true that my real feelings weren’t far from the character I was portraying. “Of course,” she replied, swinging her legs to the other side of my waist so that they were straddling it, hovering a few inches above me with hands flanking both sides of my head on the pillow. “Come here, baby.”
I didn’t know how it was possible, but her lips felt even better than how they looked or imagined. Impossibly soft, just the right amount of sweet, warm, slightly moist—even other things, like the heat from her face, the creamy texture of her palms caressing the sides of my head, her eyelashes brushing against my closed eyelids, the subtle curves of her voluptuous body pressing against mine, my mind had only the capacity to think and process Tiffany. The stillness of the room only interrupted by the sounds of our lips sensually pressing against and massaging each other, the subtle perfume she was wearing that had mixed slightly with a lingering scent of alcohol, the softness of not only her lips but her entire body firmly wrapped up and tangled in mine, the deep pants for air when she briefly disconnected our lips and the hot puffs of breath that tickled my face, the somehow simultaneously sweet yet seductive smile she shot at me before reconnecting our lips … if someone had asked me my own name in that moment, I probably wouldn’t have been able to answer.
It was after Tiffany’s second breath for air that she prodded my lips with her tongue, a request I readily complied with. While the kiss had already been getting hot and heavy, the action caused an instantaneous spike in its heatedness.
The beautiful noise emanating from Tiffany’s throat echoed in the hotel suite, tilting her head and leaning in, her velvety lips massaging mine, her tongue running against mine and brushing against my lips. We kissed—or rather, attempted to devour the other’s lips—with a wild abandon and desperate passion that might make one think our lives depended on it. In that moment, however, that was all that mattered: her curvaceous body shifting and squirming against mine, her lips pressing and moving in concert with mine, her tongue dancing expertly in perfect synchronization with mine. Everything else in the world fell away, even the bed beneath us.
When Tiffany next came up for breath, I could also see the wildness apparent in her actions in her eyes as well. However, it quickly was replaced with a laughter. “Oops, I accidentally gave you some of my lipstick.”
“I don’t mind.”
In the moment, I had become so preoccupied with Tiffany’s lips that I wasn’t aware how hard I had become until Tiffany herself pointed it out. “You’re hard again.”
“So I am.”
“Does baby want another kiss down there?”
She was the one who was asking, but I could tell she was all but ready to do the deed. After all, she had already shifted herself such that my dick was pointed straight at the entrance of her burning core. And, while normally, I might’ve teased the woman who was sharing the bed with me and made her beg, this was Tiffany. Even if the make-out session seemed to also make her forget about the roleplay we were doing for a few seconds, obeying her every command could only be described as second nature. I wanted—I needed—to appease her, to please her, even at the cost of my dignity and pride. “Can mommy do that?”
“Of course!”
“Even though mommy’s lips are up here?”
Tiffany smiled in response. The following question was one that I have been waiting for ever since I decided to play along; but, as eager as I was, I could tell Tiffany was doubly eager for it. “Do you want mommy to show you?”
No matter how obvious it was that Tiffany was holding herself back, as I could surmise from the loud gasp that escaped her lips when, while her hand directed my penis to her slit, its head poked at it briefly and threatened to enter, she stayed true to her promise and removed it just as quickly. Biting back the grimace and the swear that threatened to fly out of my mouth quickly became the name of the game as her flopping wet vaginal lips pressed against my stiff cock, effectively ‘kissing’ it.
“Hm? What’s wrong, honey?”
“Mommy…” Edging was a tactic I was very familiar with as I often employed it with the women I fucked, and the results were often amazing. Of course, when I was doing the teasing, I felt the impatience too, but the effort of holding myself back felt worth it in the end. After all, I wasn’t only after the great sex that followed: watching the woman squirm and beg beneath me was just as much of a desired result as the sex itself.
I wondered if these were the thoughts that were going through Tiffany’s head as she continued kissing my dick with her lips down south. “Does it feel good, sweetie?”
I nodded. “Mo-mommy’s lips feel really good…”
I always figured that the person on the receiving side of the edging had it worse, but I didn’t realize the impatience was this much worse. It felt like it was taking every ounce of strength and willpower to not grab her pillowy ass and shove all six-and-a-half inches inside her all at once. However, I could see the impatience on Tiffany’s face too: the same deep shade of red from back when she was trying to force herself onto me in the club overtook her face, her gasps and sighs gradually growing in volume as more and more of my cock became covered with her bodily fluids.
“Oh sweetheart, you feel so big and thick…”
The softness of her thighs that trapped my member, the rolling of her hips that caused her folds, sticky with her own precum, to slide along the length of my shaft, it was all doing wonders for the pleasure and lust that was quickly building with every passing moment. Even the hot puffs of air hitting my face and the pillowy sensation of her boobs pressed against my chest was aiding the process of deepening my arousal; but however much it made me want to slam her against the bed and fuck her into next Tuesday, I resisted. I could see her getting affected too, and it wasn’t before long when her patience, built up from when she first straddled my lap at the bar, finally broke.
“Fuck, mommy needs you so bad Damian…”
“What’s wrong, mommy?”
“Does my Damian want a baby brother or sister?”
Just the implication of the words made my dick twitch. Another rush of anticipation washed over my body, screaming at my muscles to move on the impulse.
Is she implying what I think she’s implying?
“Really?” I could only hope that the spike in my lust and impatience wasn’t present in my voice. “Yeah!”
“Then make sure to cum lots and lots inside mommy, ok?”
She barely gave me any time to respond before grabbing my cock and directing it straight into her pussy.
If it wasn’t abundantly clear how riled up Tiffany was before, the evidence was now screaming in my face—quite literally, in the form of Tiffany’s loud reaction to succumbing to an orgasm from the simple act of inserting barely half of my length inside her.
“Damian’s cock is stretching mommy’s tiny little pussy out so much! Ah, it feels so good, it feels so good!”
The orgasm seemed to only become more intense as it dragged on, the clenching of her vaginal walls against my shaft making it harder to advance. It seemed to suffice for her intents and purposes, riding out her climax with the upper four inches of my cock buried firmly inside her heat, letting loose a string of mewls and loud moans as she did so.
And, watching the spectacle, I couldn’t help but be entirely enraptured. Out of all the women I’ve seen ride out their orgasms on my cock, Tiffany had to be the most arousing, most beautiful woman of them all: even as she screamed, her lips appeared just as full and luscious; even as her face gave in to her lust, it still maintained its mystical beauty; even as her tits jiggled slight in response to her manic bouncing, they looked no less voluminous and perky; even as her legs tensed, the slight muscle definition to her thighs added to their appeal; even as her juices were splattering out of her pussy, the visual of her flopping folds deepened my arousal even more.
“Mom-mommy? Are you ok?” I wasn’t sure how I managed to stay in my ‘role’. Or, maybe, I did know but didn’t want to admit it.
“Sorry, honey,” she replied, her answer coming out as a gasp, her orgasm having finally subsided, “Mommy is fine. What do you think about mommy’s pussy?”
“It—It feels really good, mommy!”
She simply smiled in response, taking a deep breath before pushing the rest of my length inside her. Another slew of moans and sighs exploded from her lips, shuddering in tandem with me as my cock fully hilted her. When she was finally able to calm herself down, she opened her eyes, leaning forward and planting her hands on my chest. “Now’s time for that punishment.”
“Be a good boy and accept their punishment, ok? Mommy will give you a reward after.”
“Oh … ok, mommy,” I replied with a reluctantly obedient voice, a pouty voice I probably hadn’t used since I was twelve.
With that, Tiffany shifted her position such that her clit brushed against my groin. The contact alone caused her to gasp, which quickly turned into a moan as she pressed her sensitive nub onto the stubbles of my recently-shaven pubic hair.
“What a good boy, keeping yourself so clean…”
As if the suffocating tightness of her pussy wasn’t enough, as if its blistering heat and the wetness from having been brought to orgasm twice already wasn’t enough, as if the grinding motion she began doing wasn’t enough, the visual of her stimulating her clit by rubbing it against my crotch more than made up for the lack of any stimulation on me. The slight jiggling of her tits as she rocked back and forth, the way her Cupid’s bow lips parted as gasps and moans slipped out of her mouth, the swaying of her silky, jet-black hair in tandem with her movement, the pure and utter ecstasy that deepened with every passing moment etched onto her face … it was all too mesmerizing to notice the passage of time until her hands brushed up against mine, which were lazily laying on her legs.
“Do you mind helping mommy a little?”
The question snapped me back to reality. “Um, of—of course, mommy!”
She slowed down slightly, directing my hands to her bosom. “Damian said he really likes mommy’s boobs, right?” I nodded. “Then, here you go,” she said, placing each hand on one of her boobs, “you can play with them however you want.”
The urge to do so was an urge I was holding back the entire time, having only gotten worse after seeing them swaying so much mere inches from my face, but finally being granted permission to do so unlocked a fervor Tiffany was definitely not expecting.
“Thank you, mommy!”
I pressed my index finger and thumb into her areola, the rest of my fingers resting on the pillowy surface of her tits while they rubbed gentle circles around the sensitive skin. The squirming and moaning from Tiffany increased drastically, shifting one hand to the center of my chest while the other dove down south into the tight connection of her labia against the perimeter of my cock. It was the wet sounds of flesh rubbing against flesh that let me know that she was rubbing the widely spread-open pussy lips that were engulfing the base of my cock, something that turned me on even further.
Somehow having withstood the temptation of pinching those delectable nipples that sat at the peak of her tits, the tauntingly squeezable nubs swaying to and fro inches from my face, instead electing to build up the suspense by continuing to rub and massage the sensitive skin around it.
“Oh, sweetie, your fingers feel so good…”
“Am I doing well?”
She nodded fervently. “Yes, you’re making mommy very happy, but…”
Tiffany interrupted herself with another moan, a sound that had been gradually turning more and more impatient. “Hm?” I replied innocently, as if I didn’t know the exact cause of her suffering.
“…but you’re also being a very naughty boy right now.”
I completely stopped. “What? What am I doing wrong, mommy?”
Tiffany opened her eyes, managing to shoot me a gentle smile. “Do you see mommy’s big, swollen nipples?”
I redirected my eyes to them, nodding. “Is—Is mommy going to punish me again for being naughty?”
“No, but only if you starting paying more attention to those too.”
“Oh. Ok!” Shortly following those words, both sets of index fingers and thumbs surrounded the engorged, light-brown buttons and squeezed them.
“Oh!” The electrified moan that jetted out her lips mirrored the shock that surged through her system in response, her arms and legs suddenly tensing and her eyes fluttering shut. “More!”
Just watching her succumb to pleasure was reward enough, but the feeling of the velvety, swollen nipple giving way to my fingers and just how enjoyable it was to squeeze them added onto that pleasure tenfold. That seemed the catalyst for everything intensifying: the vigor with which she grinded her clit against the stubbles of pubic hair on my groin, the volume and frequency of her moans, even the wet sounds of her fingers playing with her labia and rubbing the base of my cock that her labia was encircled around. Although the lack of stimulation for me might’ve ordinarily softened my penis, the sheer spectacle of the lascivious lady relishing in the ecstasy that was so clearly written on her face and in her body that I found myself getting more aroused with each passing moment.
Making sure to switch between kneading motions, rolling the erect nub in my fingers, and pinching them, it didn’t feel much longer until Tiffany finally announced her climax. “Oh, oh god, sweetheart, mommy’s cumming!”
This time, her orgasm came out in more gradual waves, like a boiling kettle with water leaking out the top. Tiffany’s mouth didn’t stop the entire time, letting out a noise between a moan, a scream, and a pant, riding out her climax vigorously, her entire body shaking as more and more of her sticky fluids washed over my cock, bits and slivers leaking out after coming down from that peak.
“Oh … oh fuck…”
The minute or so I spent watching her reveling in lust and ecstasy only made me harder, but was thankfully experienced enough to not let it control me, letting her take a few breathers with her head hanging over my chest and her hands planted on my abdomen.
In the minute or so it took for the Korean-American celebrity to recover, I simply watched her regain her bearings, shuddering every so often as a bit more of her juices trickled out of our hot connection. From watching her cum for the second time that night, I was certainly rearing to go again, and it definitely didn’t help that the fleshy, tight walls of Tiffany’s vagina was still squeezing my cock like it was trying to milk it. However much I managed to keep my lust in check, I could feel it slipping by the second.
“Wow … you have a really nice body…”
It was an out-of-character statement, or so the tone of her voice suggested, but I wasn’t about to let it slip away without my reward first. “Mommy, was I a good boy?”
Tiffany seamlessly slipped back into the role, smiling and nodding. “Yes, you were. Mommy promised you a reward if you were a good boy, didn’t she?” I nodded, eyes shining with anticipation. “Do you like mommy’s pussy?”
I nodded again. “It’s so tight, but it feels good.”
Tiffany giggled at that. “Anyone would feel this tight with how big my baby boy is.”
“Would Damian like to feel better?” I let the excitement I bleed onto my lips. “Would Damian like to cum inside mommy’s pussy?”
This time, my excitement translated into a twitch of my dick. Oh fuck. Was she really letting me do that?
After what has basically amounted to soaking inside Tiffany for the better part of five, maybe ten, minutes, I was raring to have a go at fucking this pussy that has been strangling my cock this entire time. But the prospect of being able to cum inside? That was beyond any fantasy I usually allowed myself to have about my prospective woman for the night. “Yes!”
Tiffany smiled again. “Damian has been such a good boy, I think he deserves his reward.” She wasted no time in pleasantries, lifting her ass off my groin. A sharp breath blew past my teeth, the feeling of her moist vaginal walls gliding along my shaft sending a rolling wave of pleasure throughout my body. And, as quickly as she lifted herself off my dick, she slammed back down, the crisp sound of her plump ass slapping against my damp groin blending in with the groans and moans from both Tiffany and me.
“Ah—” she repeated the action, leaning forward a little more to give herself a better angle to ride me, “—you feel so big inside mommy, honey…”
It didn’t take me long to find her rhythm and match her riding motion with upward thrusts; my hands found themselves planted at her hips, my eyes wandering from watching the wanton expression on her face to watching the slight jiggle of her beautiful tits to watching the up-and-down motion of her labia along my dick, unsure which sight was a more sexually appealing spectacle.
“Shit … you feel so good…”
“Damian, language…” Tiffany’s weak protest fell on deaf ears, all our efforts now focused on the other’s reproductive organ.
Having become lost in my pleasure and watching Tiffany revel in hers, or maybe it was Tiffany fucking with my mind, I hadn’t even realized we had passed the limit of Tiffany’s physical capabilities until I began to notice the increased depth and frequency of her chest’s heaving.
But I wasn’t ready to slow down. Not by a long shot. Not when things were finally starting to heat up.
“Jellybean, I—what are you doing?” Tiffany’s arms buckled as my hands, now placed on her shoulders, pulled her body towards me. “Damian, you’re—” I didn’t listen, Tiffany cutting herself off with a squeal as I flipped our positions on the bed in an instant. From the sparkle in her eye, I could tell the display of physical dominance turned her on. “Damian, you’re being very naughty—”
Even her protest was weak, which only turned weaker as I began pounding her into the bed.
“But isn’t this easier, mommy?”
“Damian, listen to mommy…” the last vestiges of her attempt to maintain her role as the dominant rapidly dwindled to nothing, her own voice even betraying her as a slew of moans erupted from her throat. “Oh, oh god…” Seeing Tiffany start breaking down, especially with how staunchly her stance was in preserving the roleplay, caused a swell of pride and power to balloon inside my chest. The strict ‘mother’, now reduced to a moaning, mewling mess, at the whims of my cock violating every inch of her wanton pussy … in my many years of living and countless women I’ve bedded, few, if any, sights compared in sexiness and how great it felt to know that I was the cause of it.
“See? Isn’t this better?”
Tiffany shook her head slightly, her legs wrapping around my waist. “B-But I was supposed to b-be rewarding you.”
“You are.”
The suffocating tightness was only counteracted by the sheer wetness of her pussy, well-lubricated from her previous three orgasms. Added to that was an overwhelming heat that only added to the heat of our synchronized motion created a symphony of moans, damp skin slapping against each other, the squeaking of the luxurious hotel suite’s bed, and the panting that came between the moans.
“Damian, oh—oh, fuck!”
Tiffany’s moan turned into a high-pitched squeal as my fingers pushed aside her folds to lightly pinch the hardened nub north of our connection.
“You like that?”
“Yes, I—fuck!”
I pinched it again, with a bit more pressure, causing Tiffany’s back to arch well off the bed.
“Hmm, you’re so sexy, Tiff.”
I leaned forward, leaving my fingers at her clit while my lips found hers. While our previous kisses could be described as messy, it didn’t hold a candle to this kiss; it was as wild and sloppy as it was wet and loud, the constant smacking of our lips quickly joining the cacophony of sounds that were echoing throughout the suite.
A deep, guttural moan reverberated out from Tiffany’s throat, her lips unrelenting in their counter-assault on mine. The wet, velvety texture of her lips glided against mine, made more difficult by how the force of my thrusts were causing her body to shake, but they never separated for more than a second.
“So desperate…”
I could feel one hand tightly gripping the back of my head and the other, my neck, the tensing of her legs and the continual strings of muffled moans vibrating from her throat reaffirming the two words I managed to gasp out. However, as accusatory as the words were, the same could be said about me: but with how sweet her lips were, and how soft they felt against mine, and how expertly they caressed and rubbed against and massaged my lips, how could I not become so desperate? I was already kissing her, but I still needed more.
“So good…”
My tongue brushed against the entrance to her lips and instantly, was allowed access. Tilting my head for a better angle, I deepened the kiss, feeling the powerful pink muscle in her mouth coming out to meet my own. My nose was nearly poking her cheek, the hot puffs of air on mine telling me hers was in a similar position, the subtle aroma of her subtle perfume wafting into my nose.
Fuck, I’m going to go crazy.
I was thankful I was experienced enough to let my body go on auto-pilot, because I was beginning to feel dizzy with the overload of stimulation from all sources: from her silky legs wrapped around my wait, from her ample boobs pressed against my chest, from her scent being injected through my nostrils, from her vaginal walls gliding along my cock, from her luscious lips pressed firmly against mine, from her tongue dancing expertly around my tongue, from the squirming of her body as my finger continued to tease her clitoris—
I need a short break.
I pulled away, my hips slowing down considerably as I did so. “Sorry Tiff, I need—”
All my concerns for taking a break instantly vanished upon looking at her face: eyelids half-lidded, tongue now lolling out of her parted lips, chest heaving, the lower half of her body spasming at the orgasm that was currently wracking her body.
“I’m—fuck, I can’t—”
Damn, I knew I was good, but I’m not that good. That drug really is something else, huh?
It wasn’t intentional, but taking advantage of Tiffany in the state she was in felt wrong. Maybe Tiffany herself didn’t feel that way—maybe she was in as much ecstasy as she looked to be in—but having brought her to such a state not by my own efforts, but with the help of a drug, made it not as satisfying. I doubted she would’ve have gotten like this if she was with the man who fed her the drug, but knowing it wasn’t all me made me wonder how much of it was me.
“Ah, ah, fuck…”
The Korean-American celebrity gasped, her words breathy and her half-conscious state only marginally improving.
“Are you ok?”
Even after waiting a minute for her to calm down was evidently insufficient, as she continued to shake, albeit less violently. “Sorry, fuck…”
“Language, mommy.”
Tiffany grinned, the continual orgasms that had wracked her body and brought her to the half-conscious state she was in coming to a halt. “Sorry, baby.”
“Looks like you need a break too, with how many times you just came in a row.”
Tiffany’s eyes narrowed, biting the corner of her lower lip in reaction to the flash of lust that passed my eyes. “Not like you minded, you just continued fucking me like I was your personal fleshlight.”
“You’re saying that like you weren’t moaning up a storm, begging for more.”
“Oh, I never said I didn’t mind.”
Those words, the seductive voice she spoke with, and the sexy smirk that followed, nearly blew away all of the restraint I was employing.
Fuck, she’s dangerous.
“What made you stop?”
“Other than seeing your barely-conscious state?”
“Don’t kid yourself, I know it wasn’t me that caused you to stop. Otherwise, you would’ve stopped a long time ago.”
I almost laughed at that. “You almost sound proud of cumming so much.”
Tiffany shrugged. “Nothing to be ashamed of.”
“I was getting overwhelmed.”
Caught off guard, Tiffany’s eyebrows furrowed together. “Hm?”
“The answer to your question,” I responded, “I stopped because I was getting a little overwhelmed. Although it looked like you were a little more overwhelmed than me. Why didn’t you stop me?”
“No reason to. It felt amazing.” I found myself grinning and opened my mouth to reply, but was cut short by Tiffany, “But I couldn’t help but notice: you didn’t cum yet, did you?”
“Did you really want me to fill up your sore, tiny little pussy badly?”
“Don’t you?” I felt my dick twitch in response to that again. Fuck, why is so so— “I already told you, didn’t I? Cum lots and lots inside mommy~” Tiffany’s response, the cuter, higher-pitched tone she used while doing the roleplay, and the suggestive smirk on her face, acted as the final straw that broke my restraint.
My hands went under her thighs and lifted her legs up, a surprised squeal coming out of Tiffany’s lips as I pushed them upwards into a ‘V’ shape. “You asked for this, so don’t blame me for not stopping until I empty my load inside you, mommy.”
“Yeah, fuck!”
The words came out half as a moan and half as a scream, her back arching as I drilled into her from a downward angle. My knees planted firmly into the mattress and my hands tightly gripping her legs as her body shook with the force of my thrusts, I watched as her face quickly gave way to lust. It didn’t take long for her hands to creep onto her chest to start massaging her own breasts, rubbing and kneading the supple skin like playdoh; her lips her parted, eyes closed, head thrown back, every part of her being proudly displaying the ecstasy she was feeling from the strong, rapid thrusts of my cock in and out of her womanhood.
“How badly do you want this?”
“So badly, mommy needs it, mommy needs your cum—ah!” the last bit of her sentence was cut short by a louder moan when the force of my thrusts caused my groin to press up against her clit. I took advantage of the contact, a grin appearing on my face from the mewling mess Tiffany became upon rubbing the sensitive nub.
The telltale signs of her pussy tightening around my cock and the increasing frequency of her moans told me all I needed to know about her next impending orgasm. “You gonna cum again?”
“Yes, fuck, I’m sorry, I can’t help it, my clit, you’re rubbing it so much, and your cock, oh god—oh, god!”
The sexy sight before me only made me want to work harder, of her body violently conceding to the nth orgasm of the night.
“What a naughty mommy, cumming so many times when she was supposed to be giving a reward to her baby boy.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she panted, barely able to formulate complete sentences from the heavy panting that was disabling her articulatory functions.
I didn’t give her any time to recover from her orgasm, continuing at the same speed and ferocity as before. The squeaking of the poor bed returned, the suite soon filled yet again with the combined sounds of our moans, my balls slapping her wet labia, and that noise, amplified more this time by the additional strength the position allowed me to use.
“God, fuck, it’s too much—!”
It wasn’t so much of me letting her ride out her orgasm as much as it was me chasing after my own. The buildup after all this time, the anticipation from the first time I laid my eyes on her and reigniting when she came onto me strongly in the club, was all coming to a head in every thrust that smashed the tip of my cock against her cervix.
I had a pretty good imagination, but actually fucking her was a million times better than any fantasy I had. Her perfect, beautiful visage ruined by the tongue nearly lolling out of her mouth, her stunning eyes rolled to the back of her head, her flawless, pale skin dotted with beads of sweat, her silky, jet-black hair strewn all over the blanket, all in a lecherous display before me. That wasn’t even to mention her beautiful voice screaming out in ecstasy, her soaking wet yet simultaneously suffocatingly tight pussy massaging the length of my cock as it glided along its walls, every thrust causing a spurt of her juices to land on my growingly damp groin, even the silky-smooth feeling of her tensing thighs in my left hand that defeated the vision I had looking at her.
“You love my cock so much, don’t you?”
With how much of my penis I was withdrawing from her entrance, it was only a matter of time before it slipped out; when it did, I held her thighs with my elbow while directing the drenched rod back inside her, another moan erupting from Tiffany’s lips.
“Yes~” the force used to fully sheath myself back inside her caused the fat on her ass to reverberate, her body jerking upwards in reaction to my vigor, “I love it so much, fuck!”
I took advantage of my hand’s position to reach between her folds and pinched her clit, causing another string of high-pitched moans to echo throughout the bedroom. “Does mommy really want another baby?”
She nodded frantically, yet another impending orgasm causing her to twist and squirm around. “Yes! Please!”
I desperately held my climax back, wanting to indulge in this moment for as long as I could withstand it, but everything was working against me: the sight of Tiffany reveling in her pleasure, the feeling of her body intertwined within mine, the beautiful melodies of moans and screams that continually flew out her lips, even the smell of sex that was gradually taking over my nostrils. “You’re a really slutty mommy, wanting to feel her baby’s cum fill up every crevice of her naughty little pussy, aren’t you?”
“Ye—Yes—Yes!” Tiffany, barely able to formulate words at this point, could only scream out the one word in agreement, the climax that took over her body shortly after turning her into a moaning, screaming mess.
I barely had time to let out a warning yell before my own climax took over, giving her clit one last firm pinch before feeling the tension inside my nethers untangle all at once.
“Fuck, it’s so hot!”
“Here’s your baby you wanted to much, mommy.” My right hand quickly went back to her thighs, holding onto them with both hands for leverage, using her orgasming pussy to ride out my own orgasm, each thrust pushing in the torrent of the sticky substance deep inside the singer’s womb.
“More, please, more!”
The combined climaxes and the resulting creampie brewing inside her evidently extended her stay at her peak, her ability to stay still rendered completely inert by her pleasure sending tidal wave after tidal wave of ecstasy throughout her entire body.
“Ugh, shit,” I grunted, feeling the last few strands of my seed being milked out by the convulsing, fleshy walls of her baby canal.
The following minute was filled with nothing but the sounds of our deep pants, me taking a minute to rest before letting her legs fall back onto the bed.
I looked up to see Tiffany beckoning for me. I obediently leaned forward, letting her hands wrap around my head and pull me down into another kiss. A pleased moan vibrated inside my throat, the feeling of her lips rubbing and massaging mine and her ample bosom smooshed against my chest barely able to fight against the refractory period softening my penis still inside her. She let me go after a few seconds, a lazy smirk on her lips. “Thanks, that was amazing. But, you’re still hard?”
I definitely had the stamina to go another round or two, but just a glance at the drooping eyes of Tiffany told me all I needed about what kind of a person she was: in her heart of hearts, a people pleaser.
I shook my head, only to be met with an indignant, “Yes you are, I can still feel how hard you are inside me.”
“Tiff, I think it’s best that we stop.”
For all the ways the existence of Tiffany fucked with my mind, I was glad this part of me remained unchanged. “Look, you’re struggling to stay awake.”
“No, I—”
“It’s ok, we can continue next morning if you’re up for it.”
She adamantly shook her head, her lips forming into a pout. “I’m fine, you can keep fucking me if I fall asleep.”
Being too exhausted to resist, I had little issue removing her legs that had wrapped around my waist and pulled out of her. A shudder ran up her spine that escaped out her mouth as I did so, a stream of fluids leaking out of her red and battered hole. “Let’s clean you up first, don’t want any UTIs or anything.”
Tiffany continued to pout but obliged, letting me carry her to the bathroom to wash her privates. “Do you have any Plan B pills with you?”
She nodded. “In my purse.”
After feeding the pills to her, I finished drying her up before plopping her back in bed, under the covers. However, before I could leave, I was stopped by her hand, shooting out from under the blanket and grabbing my wrist.
“Don’t go.”
I turned back around in shock, as it seemed like Tiffany’s eyes had already closed when I pulled the blanket over her.
“I’m only going to the bathroom.”
Ordinarily, I would’ve had no problem staying the night with her, but not when it came to celebrities. In those cases, I usually opted to slip out the same night, not wanting to cause a scene or any problematic news articles. Doing so has only backfired once, and even then, the model came to understand my intentions after explaining them to her.
“You already tried that on me, remember?”
Damn it. Why didn’t I turn around when I said that?
“It’s better if I leave now, isn’t it?”
She frowned pointedly at that. “Why?”
My brows furrowed, pursing my lips in confusion. “Well, because you’re a celebrity, and you don’t want to be caught leaving a hotel with a man?”
“We can just leave at different times.” There was no denying that, but still, I didn’t want to take any risks when I didn’t have to. “Plus, you promised me, didn’t you?”
“That we’d continue tomorrow morning.”
I sighed, the twitching of my mostly-flaccid cock catching the attention of Tiffany, who giggled at the sight. “Are you going to insist that I stay?”
She nodded. “Please?”
As much of an admitted playboy I was, the pleading eyes of a beautiful woman was something I had little resistance to; and when that beautiful woman was Tiffany, the queen of being able to bend me to her will, that resistance all but crumbled.
“I really can’t win against you, can I?”
The smile on my face transferred to Tiffany, who opened the blanket covers, scooting over and patting the space she made for me. “Come to mommy~”
I obliged, slipping under the covers with her and letting her wrap her arms around mine, pulling them against her naked breasts, and resting her head against my bare shoulder. While I had no problems with her snuggling up to me like that, I couldn’t help but become a little concerned. “Is that comfortable?”
With her eyes still closed, she replied, “If I don’t do this, you’ll run away after I fall asleep, won’t you?”
I found myself smiling. It was an option I was holding onto in the back of my mind, but Tiffany seemed to be too thorough to let me do that. “Busted.”
She smiled back. “Good night.”
“Good night.”
By the time I repeated the words to her, she had already fallen asleep, and not too long after, so did I.
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sunlitmcgee · 11 months
Okay so. Before I have to pass out and go to bed because work tomorrow. Rapid fire, very surface level, rambly and nonsense messy thoughts on the Lords in Blacks' humanoid forms.
Wiggly looks like a prom king! He rules on high in The Black and White, so it makes sense that even in such a "childish" form he makes it clear he's the leader. He's wearing a visual that the 3 kids will see as someone in a place of authority over them, yes, but he's specifically someone within their social "class" as it were: aka a fellow student. He demands their authority and respect, but oh, they're all fwendy-wends here, so they don't need to be so formal!
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(also he has a lil' plushie mini-him for a backpack and it's making me Insane <3)
Nibbly, meanwhile, is a lil' pinkie girlypop. I don't know a lot of his lore or personality other than he hungry and has a connection to pigs, but just visually speaking, that basic info is conveyed very well through this outfit. The visor hat covers his eyes so you focus on his mouth, which is always all smile, all teeth, gums pulled back so you train on it as his most defining feature. If I had to guess the Lords' ages off of this scene along I would probably assume Nibbly is the youngest one, given how cutsie this outfit is tbh. Very "child who just got dressed up for sunday church by their parents" core but maybe I'm just rambling :")
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Blinky is a grundy Daphene from Scooby Doo <3 he has such a tiny little voice and such a big baggy hoodie that has the hood pulled up so his whole face becomes an eye. I love the soft fur to represent his plushie's belly and the long hair. The glasses are also very fun. I wouldn't be too shocked if the hoodie and glasses are merch you find at Watcher world <3
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As always, Tinky is a little fucked up little scraggly little fucko. He looks like a Danganronpa reject and I love it very much! I can't really say how much I feel this outfit matches his character, because well. Tinky's already Weird even among the lords, what with his Smelly Goatman Time Fuckery thing that makes it hard to link him to a singular theme. But he just looks so Wild and Unkempt that I can't like? see any reason the design DOESN'T fit him. if that makes sense?
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Apparently Pokey is the guy that did the hivemind in Guy who didn't like musicals! With that knowledge, damn of course his ass looks like he waddled out of a ren fair's costume district! His mask, his hat, his face paint. Yep! that's a guy who made freaky hivemind space goop that makes people sing alrighty!!
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anyway ^_^ i love these fucked up little guys
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justcallmesakira · 4 months
sakiii sakii !!! may I request Nikolai going shopping with reader? helping her choose dresses and asking her to twirl for him every time she tries a new one <3 (he pays for everything or just steals it with his ability 😋)
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"Kolya! I want that frilly dress over there right now!" you shouted to the man who was staring at a pinkish dress "Ah! coming, doll"
The man rushed over to you, afraid his ability might cause some attraction in the store.
You and nikolai planned to meet up today, it was the first time seeing him in normal clothes.
Oh and how shocked you were, how can a man who always wears jester clothes to entertain others look like a model in normal clothes.
"alrighty let's try it out" he chearfully pushes you in the dressing room with the dress.
You change and come out, tying the ribbon which came with the dress and twirled around. "What ya think?" you put your hand on your hips which was covered by a colourful tutu like skirt.
"How lovely my girlfriend is!" his loud and love filled voice could be heard through the whole store as he looked you up and down.
"here try this pretty red one with hello kitty prints on it!" gogol pushes another dress infront of you, only this time it looks much shorter than before.
"Um kolya! I can't put on the top, it's kindaaaa tight" you ask for help from the dressing room except before you can look back, his large body is already behind you pushing on the button on your chest.
"WOAH that was fast, almost as if you were watching me" you stated suspiciously as he only chuckles "hahaha come on dove, I just helped you! Plus this dress isn't too tight is it?"
Though you had your suspicions it was nikolai, when does he not lie?
"It is kind of you know? But it's cute I guess" you look at the mirror infront of you and catch a certain pair of gloves hands slowly entice the waistband of the skirt.
"Even if the dress is tight, I will ripping it off of you tonight anyways, love."
His voice whispers in your ear softly which instantly made you push him out of the room.
"wow, didn't knew you were that sensitive to my handsome voice!"
You only heaved a sigh before changing into your normal clothes, feeling a bit flustered at his actions and his hand movement.
You had tried a black maid dress which obviously was nikolai most favourite, another you tried was a parriot costume maybe he got too excited when he saw that.
But to say the least he definitely made you twirl, ALOT.
Both of you walk out of the store hands filled with shopping bags. "You payed for them right, nikolai?"
"uh-huh! Don't worry (name) even though I stole the money from the prime ministers vault at least I payed!" he skips to an icecream shop.
"I mean that's the least terrifying thing you can do i guess." you sigh again, used to his cray cray tactics.
"Hey let's get icecream for all the dresses you tried! It must be hard wasn't it!!" before you can say yes or no, he had already bought the icecream and handed it to you.
"Ooh thank you, nikolai. I told my friends that just because you peeled someone skin off and made them wear it upside down that doesn't mean you can be a great boyfriend!"
you cheerfully lick the strawberry flavored icecream as both of you walk towards the sun, forgetting about all the crazy and jail-worthy crimes both of you committed.
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a/n: sorry this wasn't good asa💔
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holymusicalmothman · 4 months
IM SO EXCITED FOR THE TWO TRUTHS AND A LIE FIC !!!!!! love you and your writing so much !! <3
Hi! You’re literally soooo sweet! Thank you so much! Hope this is what y’all were wanting.
Smosh Masterlist
Word count: 1.1k
Warnings: embarrassing teenage crush on your brothers best friend???
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Today was a big day! Well, in your mind it was. And probably Spencer’s, but he had it easy. He’d be offscreen watching while you played Two Truths and a Lie with Courtney. The both of you had been dating for a few months now, and while your coworkers knew, the fans could only continue to speculate as they always did.
The two of you had been trying to figure out a fun way to go public with your relationship. You didn’t mind if they knew, they had been guessing the two of you were dating long before you ever even got together.
So. Two Truths and A Lie. You guys were set to film it as the last part of the day, and while you, Courtney, and Angela, along with the rest of the crew were present, two members of your peanut gallery were still missing.
So you were all waiting on set for Ian and Anthony.
“You ready, my guy?” Courtney asked you, smiling.
You nodded. “I’m ready to absolutely dominate this.”
“Oh-ho! Hear that!” Courtney called over to Ian and Anthony who had just walked on set. “She’s got this.”
You laughed at your brother. The two of you had always been together, close knit, and you were beyond grateful for his support.
And then there was Spencer. Your boyfriend since your birthday a few months ago, who called you pretty girl because he knew it got you flustered. Who had taken every step of the relationship at a pace that you set. Who had told you he loved you on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
You smiled.
Y’all got into position, glancing over at Spencer who was seated offscreen.
“Alrighty, Smiles,” Anthony said, “you’re gonna give yourself away before we even start filming.”
“Lock it up!” Angela yelled and you all laughed.
You looked away from your boyfriend and took a deep breath, focusing your attention on Courtney as Kiana gave you your cue.
Courtney hadn’t gone easy on you. You hadn’t gotten any of hers correct so far, and she had gotten each of yours correctly, but you knew that your last one would get her.
While you and Spencer had been trying to decide on your truths earlier in the week, you had both come to the realization that the “relationship reveal” had to not be so obvious. Which had lead you to digging deep into an old journal from middle school, and thus providing the perfect truth. When you had told Spencer, he had agreed that it was perfect, and had given you a perfect lie to go alongside it.
You smirked at Courtney, hearing an ‘oh shit’ from Angela at the sight of it.
“Final question, sweet Courtney.”
Courtney laughed, her eyebrows going up and hand reaching to cover her mouth at your antics. She cleared her throat and refocused. “I’m ready.”
“Suuuure you are.” You said slowly before continuing. “I had a crush on Anthony until I was 17.”
Jaws dropped and you heard Angela again.
“No way, no way, no way!”
You pursed your lips to keep from laughing. Ian’s eyes were bugging out of his head and Courtney and Anthony were picking their jaws up off the floor.
You didn’t look at Spencer, knowing the moment you did that you would break. He was the only other person who knew that one. So you continued onwards.
“I have never eaten sushi.”
Final one.
“I have been dating a member of the Smosh crew for the past four months.”
Courtney gave a loud laugh of shock. “Okay. Coming out swinging, my guy!” She went quiet for a moment as she thought. “Anthony, really?”
“Yeah, Anthony, really?” Ian leaned towards you, resting his chin on his fist, waiting for an explanation as he had never heard that before today.
“Yuuuup.” You gave a look towards the camera, purposefully making your smile seem awkward.
You quickly explained how you had completely forgotten about it until you had been digging through old diaries, and that, obviously, whatever infatuation you had once had was loooong gone.
“You’ve never eaten sushi and you’re dating someone on the crew.” Courtney smiled, “Why did I think you’d make this easy.”
“Because it’s me, Court. When have I ever not thrown a monkey wrench of sorts into a game.” You said, your pent up laughter finally escaping.
“Okay, okay. I’ve got it.” Courtney took a dramatic pause. “I’m just gonna say that you never had a crush on Anthony. That one’s just too wild for me, dude. Lockin’ it in!”
A mischievous smile took over your features as you lifted your water shooter and opened fire.
“I have only eaten sushi once! It made me horribly sick, never again.” You announced, grinning over at Spencer. “And I have been in a very happy relationship for the past several months.”
“Did you know about this?” Anthony teased Ian, who sat beside him absolutely flabbergasted. You had told Anthony your plan in private, not wanting to make him feel awkward with the sudden information. He had reassured you that it was alright, after all, being young is weird.
“About having a crush on you or dating Spencer?”
You finally looked over at Spencer, mirroring his mirthful smile at the chaos.
“I mean, we all knew about Spencer, I’m just. I didn’t see that one coming.” Ian admitted.
You and Courtney laughed happily at Ian’s befuddlement.
“Like I said though. Anthony’s just some extra annoying older brother I’m stuck with now.” You reminded him. “It’s like having a friend who didn’t become a sibling until recently.”
Which was true. You hadn’t started viewing Anthony as a second brother until him and Ian had started hanging out again. While your adolescent infatuation had been, quite frankly, ridiculous, you were grateful for what you had now.
“Hey, Spence! Come over here!” Angela said suddenly.
“Ooooooh, yeah!” Ian said, teasingly. “Get Mr. Boyfriend in here.”
Spencer, still smiling, walked on set almost bashfully, coming up behind you and placing his hands on your shoulders.
“Alrighty, everybody. That’s the end of the video! We’ve got two more for you to watch, if you want to! Be sure to like and subscribe and then go have fun on Reddit losing your minds over these absolute truth bombs!” Courtney outroed. “And, as always! Thanks for watching!”
“Now kiss.” Tommy’s voice came without warning from amongst the assembled crew. The camera swiveled to catch him grinning before it swiveled back to face the set.
You felt Spencer’s lips meet your cheek suddenly and your face warmed all the way to the tips of your ears.
“Awwww,”Courtney cooed at the two of you and your face only felt hotter.
Angela laughed. “Everyone say, ‘Thank you, Tommy’ in the comments!”
“I give the people what they want!” The camera flashed back to your tall coworker who only gave a rendition of the Miss America wave. “Bye, bye now!”
And it was done. All that was left was for it to be edited and sent out into the world.
As you reached up to grab Spencer’s hand with your own, turning to smile up at him.
You couldn’t wait for whatever was next.
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24hlevi · 2 years
— 𝐍𝐨 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐞
Bachira Meguru (Blue Lock) X Male!Reader
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: Smut
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Bachira has no shame about you, that's why during your first with him, he makes sure you know how much he loves you
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: NSFW, Language, Praise Kink, First Times, Soft sex, Hair Pulling, Marking (scratching)
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.1k
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“you're so cute, baby, you know that?”
meguru said as he kissed down your neck, straddling your hips on top of you with that same playful smirk on his face, occasionally biting down on your skin just to hear you.
you weren't even able to respond, face flushed, hair sticking to your forehead, and shallow breaths, how could you when you absolutely knew where this was going?
“you wanna try something, baby?”
“you just tell me when you want me to stop, okay?”
you nodded slightly, looking up at meguru who was peering down at you with a small smile on his face.
“alrighty then.”
you could hardly process how fast this was going. one second you were watching a boring movie with your boyfriend, and the next he had you pinned down to the bed with a look on his face you'd never seen before. now, here you were, arms wrapped around meguru’s neck with your face in his shoulder as he slowly eased himself into you.
he was moving so slow you almost couldn't feel the pain, almost. there was still a little bit of pain while trying to adjust, but meguru took his time with his movements until he was sheathed all the way inside.
“are you okay?” meguru asked, pushing some of your hair out of your eyes to see him more clearly.
“mhm,” was all you were able to get out, trying to calm your heart down but it was sadly to no avail. you never thought this day would come, to be fair. you also didn't think meguru could act like this. guess you were wrong on both.
“do you want me to move?” he asked next, his one free hand holding him up so he was hovering above you.
you were only able to nod, eyes screwing shut the moment you felt him slowly move and a low whimper left your mouth, your hand immediately covering your mouth after hearing it.
“don't be quiet, baby,” meguru told you as he moved in and out slowly, “how will i know if i’m doing it right if i can't hear you?” he whispered in your ear.
moving your hand off your mouth, you felt a chill go down your spine at the words.
“i’m gonna go faster now, okay?”
you nodded again, eyes opening to look up at meguru who was still smiling down at you. “great,” he said, one of his hands pinching your cheek lightly before placing it back on the bed next to you to hold himself up.
just like he said, he started to speed up his pace but not by much, just enough for you to get easier adjusted which appeared to be working with the sounds that were falling from your lips.
“good boy, such a good boy,” meguru said with a smile while he thrusted into you, “just for me.”
you could feel your face grow hot at what he was saying, and you put your face back into the crook of his neck, moans and whimpers being your only response.
“don't tell me you have a thing for me saying that kinda stuff,” he spoke quietly while continuing his movements. “you do, don't you?”
“sh-shut up,” you were hardly able to get out in between moans.
“you do, then, great,” meguru’s smile grew bigger and he started to thrust faster without telling you, leaving a louder moan to come from you at the sudden change.
a light chuckle fell from his lips at your reaction, one of his hands moving to your hips and gripping it tightly with his nails, meguru continued, “that's it, baby, you really are a good boy, aren't you? just for me, right?”
“mhm,” you hummed, your hands moving to grab ahold of his hair and tug on it. “j-just for y-you.”
“look at me,” meguru grabbed your hair and made you look at him, “i wanna see how you look when i talk to you like this.”
you whined when he made you look at him, not even being able to open your eyes. you could only feel your face getting hotter the more meguru spoke, and you could tell he knew judging by what he said next.
“aw, you're so cute. looking all flustered just by me talking, you really are something special, ain’t ya?” he teased, his nails digging into your skin more, “tell me how it feels, baby.”
“g-good,” you mumbled out incoherently, “really g-good.”
meguru chuckled again, “yeah? i’m sure it does. i’ll make you feel really good, baby. you know that i love you, so, so much.” he said while continuing to thrust, “i love you.”
“i love you too,” you were somehow able to get out.
he grinned down at you, leaning forward and kissing you while starting to go faster, making you moan into the kiss as he did so. “so good for me,” he mumbled into the kiss, “all for me.”
pulling away to breathe, you felt yourself slowly reaching the edge, with more louder moans spilling from your mouth without much care anymore, you tugged on his hair harder, “i-i’m close,” you whined.
“yeah? you’re gonna cum for me, my pretty boy?” he said teasingly, picking up his pace more to go even faster, “i’ll make you feel really good, baby.”
“p-please,” you whimpered, “wanna feel good, please.”
“i gotcha, baby. don’t you worry your pretty little head,” meguru told you before kissing you again.
moaning into his mouth more, you moved your hands from his hair to his back, scratching at it which made him hiss slightly. more whines spilled from your mouth into the kiss, breathing heavily and out of order, you pulled away from the kiss and your back arched, another loud moan coming from you as you came.
“good boy. that's my good boy,” meguru said, petting your hair lightly and slowly easing out of you. “you did so good for me, baby.”
you weren't able to respond, too busy trying to calm down and steady your breathing that you couldn't even hear what he said. he chuckled again, patting your head and laying down next to you. “you're so cute, y’know,” he added shortly after, “i love you.”
“i love you too,” you responded finally, looking over at him.
smiling brightly at you, meguru leaned over and pecked your lips. “i’m glad you do, cause i love you more.”
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austonwithan-o · 1 year
Summer Job- Trevor Zegras x Reader
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After a certain boy walks into your hair salon. How could you say no to him asking you on a date? I mean customer satisfaction right?
No warnings!
You had just recently moved to Bedford, NY to live with your grandparents. They offered for you to live with them during the summers when it was too expensive for you to fly back to Portland where your parents lived. Attending NYU completely on scholarship you didn’t have time for a job during the school year. You did cut hair on the side for some of your friends and they paid you some which covered some weekend excursions but nothing too crazy. Little did you know that side hustle would lead to you meeting the love of your life.
Sitting in your bed you scrolled through job listings, a lot of grocery stores, gas stations, target, fast food places were hiring but nothing really caught your eye. Annoyed you closed your laptop letting out a groan.
“I refuse to work at McDonald’s mom. I’m not coming home smelling like fries and grease and it’s a whole 40 minute drive from here! There’s literally nothing interesting here.” You were annoyed with the sparse selection of employment available and despite your obvious disappointment your mom let out a laugh much to your dismay.
“Honey I know you don’t wanna come home smelling like a fast food place but you’re gonna have to choose something. Plus it’s just for the summer! Just like what, 2 months? You can survive 2 months y/n or here maybe ask grandma and grandpa if they have any friends who have businesses. They know a lot of people around there.” Her voice rang through the speaker phone on your nightstand, it wasn’t a horrible idea, your grandparents did have a great reputation in the town and a lot of friends.
“Hmm you’re not wrong?” You said picking up your phone, “I’m gonna go talk to them it’s dinner time anyways.”
“Alright sweetie I love you! Have a goodnight and keep me updated on the job hunt.”
“Will do momma! Love you too!” Hanging up and making your way downstairs the smell of your grandmas food was heavenly. You loved it here.
“Oh perfect! I was just about to call you down!”
Your grandpa said pulling a chair out for you to sit. You smiled and thanked him as he pushed it in.
“So grandpa I was on the phone with mom, looking for jobs with her and I was wondering if you knew anyone who would be willing to hire me for the summer? I mean there’s fast food and restaurants and stuff but I just thought maybe you’d have more, I guess, connections around here?” Taking a bite of the chicken on your plate. There was a few seconds of silence before your grandma spoke.
“You know I actually do know someone who’s hiring but are you good with hair? My friend Carla has a hair studio 10 minutes into town and she’s looking for another employee.”
“I can cut hair! I have a little side hustle at school cutting hair for like $10. I mean I’m not professional but I’m definitely not bad at it. I can also style and dye hair too!” This was the perfect job you thought plus the tips would be great!
“Her name is Carla! I’m going in tomorrow to get my hair trimmed. I’ll introduce you to her, she’s such a sweet lady!” Your grandma said, “We will leave around 11? My appointment is at 11:15 and I like getting there a bit early.”
You agreed. After dinner you spent a few hours playing cards and chatting with your grandparents eventually heading up to your room.
You woke up around 10:30am a little tired from staying up watching hair tutorials refreshing your memory on how to cut hair but you didn’t need much reminding.
You showered, got dressed and ran downstairs grabbing the keys to your old Jeep.
“Grandma I’ll drive!” You exclaimed rushing out the door.
“Alrighty I’ll be there in a second.”
The drive was peaceful. Driving through the colorful country you couldn’t help but admire how nice and green everything around you was. Your thoughts were interrupted by your grandma.
“I don’t know if you watch hockey at all but Carla has a little bit of a celebrity customer you know.” She smiled, “I’ve met him before his name is Trevor Zegras. He’s a hockey player. I’m not sure which team but he’s a cutie. Maybe you’ll get to cut his hair.” She shot you a wink making you roll your eyes.
“Ah yes grandma I definitely need a hot hockey player boyfriend to distract me all summer.”
“He’s a very charming young man! I bet you two would hit it off!” You laughed at her statement. A relationship was definitely the last thing on your mind for the summer. Making friends? That would be fun but definitely no boyfriend.
“Grandma you know I don’t need a boyfriend. I mean especially since I would just be leaving to school in a few months.”
“You never know y/n! People come into your life for different reasons.”
You smiled at her words but it was true. You didn’t want a summer fling. It wasn’t your style. If you were gonna date someone it was going to be serious and having a hockey boyfriend was definitely not on your list of things you needed.
You arrived at the hair salon. The sign displayed on top read, “Bedford Village Hair Design” it was a cute little shop. You could see a few workers at their stations and a few customers in the chairs. You both walked in hearing the chime of the bells, “Alice! Good to see you! You’re a bit early but I’ll just get you started over here-“ the woman who you assumed to be Carla gave you a wide smile.
“And who might you be?” She asked pulling you into a hug.
“Carla this is my granddaughter y/n! She’s staying with me for the summer and I brought her here to introduce her to you! She’s looking for a summer job and I think she would be perfect for your salon!” She said as she sat down in the seat, you followed close behind the two, standing beside Carla.
“Well I definitely wouldn’t be apposed! Can you cut men’s hair? I have more and more male clients coming in and I need more help around here!” Carla spoke trimming away at your grandmas hair. She was definitely not new to this.
“Yes! I cut my guy friends hair all the time in school. It’s like a little side hustle so I can make some money during the year.” You explained.
“You know what that sounds great! If you want just swing by tomorrow let’s say around 9:30am and you can start if that’s okay with you? I have someone coming in at 9:45am who you can do. He’s very sweet.”
“That sounds awesome! Thank you so much!”
You waited in the corner for your grandma to be done her hair which took about 20 more minutes and with that you both left after.
The next morning you woke up throwing on a flowy floral dress trying to match the vibe of everyone’s outfits yesterday. You wanted to make a good first impression so you took your time with your hair and makeup. Rushing out the door it was 9:15 by the time you left luckily there’s never any traffic in the small town.
Walking inside the small business you were greeted by Carla and another worker Gracie. She was around Carla’s age and very very sweet as well.
“Hi you must be y/n!” She greeted you giving you a hug.
“Yes! It’s good to meet you?”
“Gracie! My name is Gracie! Well I’ll give you the heads up since you’re new I’m gonna let you take my regular client at 9:45 today. His name is Trevor! He’s very nice so don’t be intimidated and he will let you know how he wants his cut.” She said handing you an apron.
For some reason your heart dropped a bit but you didn’t know why. You hadn’t even met the guy let alone seen his face and already freaking out.
“Are you sure? I mean I can take someone else if you want-“
“Lovely don’t be silly! I insist don’t worry he won’t bite you! I’ll still be here I’ll just be organizing in the back and Carla will be in the front or back with me.” She said and with that the sound of the door opening and the bells jingling made you freeze in your place.
“Carla! Gracie! And new girl?” You shyly turned around to face him. His smiled was so bright and his eyes were so pretty. He walked over and gave Carla a hug all while scanning you up and down. He pulled away eventually giving you a firm handshake. His touch sending sparks up your arm, making butterflies form in your stomach.
Oh my God he was gorgeous.
“Trevor this is y/n! Y/n this is Trevor! She’s gonna be cutting your hair today Trevor.” Gracie said grabbing his hand. His eyes hadn’t left yours and you could sense the nervous energy radiating off of his tall figure. He ran a hand through his dirty blonde hair which fell perfectly back into place framing his chiseled features.
“Oh cool! I’ll get a buzzcut this time.” The two older women let out exaggerated gasps slapping his shoulder making him laugh.
“Hey I’m kidding! You know I’d never do that Carla.” You couldn’t help but laugh as well at their reaction. You were already loving this job and you’d been there for about 10 mins.
“Trevor the day you get a buzzcut is the day I officially quit my job.” She handed you a barbers gown and he followed your lead by sitting down in the chair letting you throw it over him securing it in the back. Your hands were shaking and he could feel it as you tied the back lightly brushing the back of his neck.
“Alright y/n let me know when you’re done, I’m going to help Gracie in the back. Trevor no buzzcuts.” She gave him another light slap on the shoulder and he shot her a wink. The two ladies walked off exchanged glances at the two of you.
“You can lean back and I’ll wash your hair first.” He followed your directions placing his head in the neck rest.
“I’ve been coming here for a long time and I’ve never seen you here or around here for that matter. Where you from?” Trevor asked looking at you. You refused to make eye contact with him because you knew you’d fold under his eye contact.
“I’m from Portland but I live here in the summer times and I go to school at NYU.” You explained as you massaged his scalp with the shampoo.
“Oh that’s sick! Yeah I live here during the summers but I’m in Cali most of the year.” He was very obviously enjoying you running your hands through his hair and you couldn’t deny. You did as well.
“My grandma comes here a lot. She said you play hockey huh? I didn’t know there were hockey teams in California.” You admitted almost feeling a bit stupid letting those words leave your mouth. Trevor grinning at your remark.
“It’s a weird place for ice hockey that’s for sure but yeah the Anaheim Ducks. I’m guessing you don’t watch hockey?”
“Not at all. I’m not huge into sports but I played volleyball in high school.” You rinsed his hair off then wrapped his hair up in a towel and motioned for him to move to the hair cutting seat. His height shocked you a bit more when he stood up letting you really observe him. You caught the smell of his cologne as he walked by sitting down in the chair. You couldn’t get enough of him but you were fighting the feelings.
“I’ll have to get you to watch a few games. It’s important if we’re friends you watch hockey or at least know how the game works.” He stated looking at you through the mirror making it harder to concentrate with his gaze.
“Also, keep the shape but just make it a bit shorter. It’s kind of hard to see now.” Trevor grabbed a front strand of his hair pulling it down his face to see how long it was.
“Oh so we’re friends now?” Teasing him a bit. You snipped away at his hair following his request. You couldn’t help but notice all the tattoos on his arms as well letting your eyes scan his features more.
“I mean I’m trusting you with my hair so of course we’re friends but let’s say I ask you out on a date. Would that make or break the friendship.” The question caught you off guard.
Y/n you just said you weren’t gonna date anyone. Tell him no.
“I mean I don’t see how a date could hurt the friendship. I’m free anytime past 4 when the salon closes.” You couldn’t believe you just said that. It was like you had no control.
“Perfect I’ll pick you up at 4 tonight. What you’re wearing is perfect.” You blushed at his comment. Finishing up his hair and blow drying it. He stood up and you shook the barber cape off. You did a pretty good job you couldn’t lie.
“You know I might have you cut my hair from now on beautiful.” He turned around to face you.
“I mean I charge more so if you’re fine with that I’m fine with that.” Joking obviously you walked over to the wall grabbing a broom to sweep up all the hair you cut off.
“Worth every penny. I’ll pick you up at 4 from here. Leave your car here and we’ll just take mine.” Carla came back to the front soon after.
“Yay no buzzcut! You did really well Y/n.” Carla gave you an encouraging pat on the shoulder.
Trevor made his way up to the front with Carla to pay while you cleaned up the hair on the floor.
“I’ll see you tonight y/n.” Winking at you he left the salon.
“I’m guessing you two hit it off huh?” Carla smirked.
“I mean I wouldn’t deny it.” You blushed at her comment making her laugh.
“He’s a great kid y/n. I wouldn’t let him near you if he wasn’t.” Carla smoothed out her apron retreating to the back again.
This was gonna be a very interesting summer and an even more interesting school year.
Tbh idk how I feel about this one but oh well
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justroaminground · 1 year
heat of the moment (Sam Winchester x Reader)
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summary: you have deep feelings for sam and there is this one point where everything just escalates. it ends in hot and rough sex.
warnings: NSFW, smut, 18+, rough language, getting physical, fluff, oral
Enjoy and if there are any requests feel free to leave them. Sorry for mistakes i am sure you get the point. ;) xx
there are no words in the world to describe how you feel about sam. deep down you always felt so calm and safe around him. the feelings slowly but steady got stronger and without being aware he meant..too much? the topics you two had were always very casual and not very deep. just like the ones with dean. the three of you keep a close relationship and it can get emotional, but you tend to keep it light hearted. the hunting itself was serious enough. you've spent quite some time with the two of them now, but started to have very deep feelings for sam. there was no way for you to ever express them to him. love did and always will make things more complicated, so it seems only logical to simply keep them to yourself.
the three of you were sitting in the library of the bunker, reading one book after the other just to understand what lucifers next steps could be or what the heck the current occasions meant. your head pounded and you startet to squint your eyes from time to time, since it felt like your head was about to explode from getting too much information at once.
"ugh..guys i feel like my head is about to explode!" you grunted rushing your hands through your hair.
"literally have been doing this for ages, but I will never get used to it. so i get it pricess." dean sighed.
sam laughed and smirked like an idiot . "well not to be a know-it-all, but i for sure could do this for years! i guess, thank you to the almost started lawyer career!
"i would have loved to see you in a courtroom" you answered cheekily.
before sam was able to answer a cold breeze streaks your body and uncertain you spun around. Unfortunately too quick and knocked a glass from the table.
"Cas!" relieved seeing him a smiled formed on your lips.
castiel bit his lower lip and took a deep breath. "it confuses me how you guys don't get used to me" he stated in a monoton voice sighting.
you rolled your eyes laughing. trying to get up, without standing into the puddle, to clean the mess. you get pushed back down onto the chair and looked up at a warm smile from sam.
"let me get that for you" he pointed onto the mess on the floor and left the library.
insecure you nodded your head and got out of the space so he could clean it up.
"so?! do you have news or simply showed up to make us jump?!" dean pointed out and got up. he leaned at the side of the table and crossed his arms in front of his chest.
the two of them got into a heavy conversation about the latest news about lucifer pretty quick, but you couldn't really follow. your head still pounded like crazy. you made your way to the kitchen to get some painkillers.
before you got into the kitchen you walked past sam and gave him a little smile.
"everything alrighty?" he checked up on you and eyed you up and down.
you looked at him for a second and let the image of him standing there sink in. the hair falling down on his forehead and hung a bit onto his face. jaw clenched, eyes piercing through you. his broad shoulders and muscular body covered in a dark colored flannel. the strong arms and large hands holding the kitchen cloth. you swallowed hard, but played it cool of course.
"yeah course no worries, just can't see any books no more for today!" you turned your back to him, rubbed your forehead and made it into the kitchen. pressed your lips together and exhaled deeply as you heard him walking away slightly laughing.
"take your time this evening, we will stay at the bunker anyway!" he called back.
you took a pill against the evil pain and made your way out of the kitchen. hearing the three of them talking and you decided to head back to your room.
leaning the door shut, you let your clothes fall to the floor and made your way into your bathroom. since the bunker is so big, everyone of you has their own bathroom. thank god! you wouldn't want to share your bathroom with one of the guys.
dimming the lights in the bathroom you let the water fill up the tube and add your favorite scent. your eyes adjusted and relaxed to the relaxed mood. it has been ages since you took a bath, but need one so desperately. there just never seemed enough time to fully rest, so you always went with the showers. the past few months have been extra rough. not even sleep has gotten you out of the misery.
carefully you slipped into the warm water and let it hug your body. silently hissing and cursing over the pain it gave you when the water reached some wounds or sore spots. finally sitting in there you laid your hands around your body and just let the feeling of calmness sink in.
you may not be feeling the best, but enjoy every second around these guys. cas, dean and sam have been family to you every since. even though there were those feelings about sam you couldn't really get under control. staring at the ceiling your thoughts ran off. the silence was so loud in your head.
you just couldn't help, but think of sam again. how he was standing there. his tall and broad frame. his strong gaze, staring up and down at you with worry in his eyes. he was naturally such a warm hearted person and always made sure each and everyone is okey. taking a deep breath you allowed yourself to sink just a bit more into your thoughts about him.
in your head, you framed him one more time from head to toe. slowly your head falls to the side and you softly stroke along your arm. imagining how it would feel like to touch him. it wasn't like you never touched him, but just never in a deeper..sensual way.
you imagined the same situation from before in your hand. standing in front of him and laying your hand gently on his. softly stroking upwards to his forearm and stopping just above his elbow. feeling his warm skin through the flannel you moved even closer and rested your head on his chest. looking up at him, to make sure he is okey with what you were doing. feeling strong hands wrapping you up safely. you buried your face back into his chest and imagines it so strongly, it felt real.
a well known warmth flowed through you. feeling your body reacting very strong to these thoughts you tensed up, because it felt so wrong feeling all of these things and imagining those situations. getting completely lost in your daydream your body can no longer tell the difference between reality and thoughts.
with that you felt how you were getting aroused, pressing your legs against eachother, sitting up in the tube trying to knock logical thinking back into you mind. "get your shit together" mumbling to yourself you rubbed your eyes.
"AHA! chilling while we're doing the work?!" dean stormed into the bathroom without hesitation and looked at you with a bright smirk on his face.
"WHAT THE HELL DEAN?!" you cried out and some water splashed to the ground. you laughed a bit, but looked back up at him. "i need a break sorry, thought i'd take the night off"
"uh.. I'm sorry just wanted to scare you.." he admits while taking a few steps back. "yeah i get that no worries! sam just told me you weren't seeming okey. i wanted to check up on you."
considering the thoughts you just had, you feelt really uncomfortable. feeling caught in something very private. you were able to feel the heat burn in your checks and looked at dean hoping he would finally leave since scaring you already worked!
"everything is fine just..you know it has been rough" you assured him with a little nod and chewed on the inside of your cheek.
"may i?" he pointed to the bathtube edge.
"yeah sure" you confirmed to him.
settling down next to you he gave you a soft an warm look. you already knew what was about to come, but talks like this were needed here and there.
"sam and i grew up like this. it was always our destiny and it will always be. i told you this many times, but you do not have to do this. you have the choice of having a normal life.." his voice echoing calmly through the bathroom. looking straight in your eyes and making sure you really took in what he just told you.
"dean i choose to do this with both of you. i want to be here. you two are like family to me." trying to explain what is going on in your head you gave him a weak smile and shrugged your shoulders.
while smirking he looked down onto the floor and back at you. he placed a kiss on your forehead and nodded. "stubborn like a winchester."
letting out a laugh you slapped his shoulder and point to the door. "you need to go now! i need some rest from you two idiots! "
dean held up his hands in defense and made his way to the door. "never speak up against a woman" he left the bathroom and closed the door.
letting yourself fall back and sink down into the tube again. silence filled the room and you were able to hear sam and dean talking.
"did she say anything?" sam questioned dean.
"you listened why are you asking?!" dean stated laughing.
"that is not true!" sam defended himself and you laughed out silently. feeling flattered at the fact, sam is checking up on you through dean.
"well ask her yourself." dean insisted.
"dean you know damn well you're having a way better connection to here than i am. she would never open up to me like she does to you" sam explained to dean and you held your breath afraid of not being able to hear everything.
you never really thought about it, but he was right. you kind of kept yourself distanced from sam. being afraid you won't be able to control yourself. showing him too much how you feel about him. so keeping him at distance seemed like the right thing to do.
not wanting to think about all of that anymore you got up and finished the bath with a shower. stopping yourself from listening to the rest of the conversation. making yourself clear again why you are here, here were way more important things to do then to follow your stupid feelings. you pushed them aside like always and distracted yourself.
dressed in a fresh set of pj's you were getting ready for bed. before you left your room you were making sure the hallways are empty and sneaked into the kitchen. you went straight for the kettle to make yourself some goodnight tea. you got disturbed by the other winchester.
"gosh you're still up?" speaking into sam's direction you kept yourself bussy setting up the kettle.
"uh, yeah couldn't sleep yet" he confirmed without looking up from his laptop.
nodding your head, you got back to your kettle and waited until the water was boiling. while preparing your cup and tea you could feel his gaze on your back. you tried to shake it off, but the feeling just got very intense. looking over your shoulder to sam you were looking straight into his eyes.
"would you mind, making me one too?" he asked softly and pointed to the cups.
"course not!" you whispered softly back. kinda disappointed at the fact he was just staring, because he wanted something. you prepared his cup. noticing the teas are empty. you looked for them in the drawer not being able to find one more teabag.
"i think we need to get some. don't find any in here" you told him while searching in the other drawers.
"in the cupboard above the coffeemachine we still have some" sam explained and tipped on his laptop.
"oh right thanks" nodding your head you made your way to the coffeemachine. stretching up to the cupboard trying to reach the pack of teabags.
feeling a warm and strong body right behind yours you completely freez in shock. sam.
"let me get that for you." sam mumbled while reaching up to get them for you.
his body is pressed up against yours which made you grip onto the kitchencounter very aggressively. a wave of heat rolled over your body and you took deep breath. within seconds the body contact stopped and he stepped back handing them to you.
slightly dazed from what just happened you turn to him and took them.
"not everyone was granted to be that tall!" you laughed it off. trying to loosen up the tensed situation you turned to the kettle and took it off the heat.
with a laugh he settled back onto this chair and nods. "well it is curse and blessing" sam spoke up.
you're settling down on the chair in front of him and placed his cup next to his laptop.
"well I think being that tall is always a blessing"
"mhm..help me to understand that?"
"maybe i will find the right words after a good 8 hours of sleep" you laughed and leaned in your chair.
he kept his stupid smirk and looked back down to his laptop and licks his lower lip. you bite down hard onto your molars and followed with your gaze, how his tongue traced along his lower lip. getting to comfortable with watching him like that you nervously got up.
"so i see you're really bussy. don't wanna distract you. i will just head back to my room." bursting out a bit too insecure you pushed the chair back to the table and gave him a tired smile.
"you're not distracting me in any bad way.." he cleared his throat looking at you. "could need a smart head like yours, helping me with these cryptic texts." he pointed to his laptop and nods, pressing his lips together.
"love to solve a good mystery" you confidently talked back and took a seat right next to sam. taking a deep breath you pushed away all disturbing thoughts and settled into working mood.
hours passed by like minutes and you found yourself leaning against the wall sitting on the table and sam walked the kitchen up and down.
"Genesis 3:16 – To the woman he said, “I will make your pains in childbearing very severe;  with painful labor you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.” you repeat the text on the laptop and looked over to sam. "sounds pretty sadistic to me" you added while raising a eyebrow.
"I do not know by any means, why the devil quotes this from the bible and I hope we won't find out." sam let out a exhausted breath while walking towards the table.
"I think you need some rest now, well we do!" you told him while carefully sliding from the table.
"Yeah you're probably right.." sam nodded and smiled.
wanting to make your way to the door, sam grabbed your wrist and softly pulled you into a hug.
"sleep well" he whispers against your hair and you found yourself wrapping your arms around his torso. you buried your face in his chest and inhaled his scent. your body takes in every second, feeling him this close.
"heard you're very tired. take your time and rest." he whispered against your hair and stroke your back. giving yourself completely to him, you can already feel your body craving so much more.
"thank you sam, i will" looking up to him smiling and you buried your face into his chest once again. you left the kitchen heading back to your room. As soon as you got into your room you closed the door desperately.
"holy fuck" you whisper to yourself, locking the door and crawled into bed. at the end of the day you were just human, made of flesh, emotions and consciousness. feeling the need to satisfy yourself you strip your cloths off to the floor and relaxed into bed.
the heat in your body and especially between your legs made you weak. you needed to touch yourself, you had to satisfy your craving. it suddenly felt so hard controlling yourself around sam and you were finally able to give yourself away to those feelings.
your warm hands found their way along your body. stroking it and caring for it. goosebumps crossed your body and a quiet whimper left your lips. imagining those strong hands all over your body you felt your body tens up.
fingers made their way between your legs and fingertips gently stroke your sensitive spot. another quiet whimper left your mouth and your abdomen pressed needy against your fingers.
getting hungry for your orgasm. your thoughts got filthier and your hands rougher. your body winded from one position to the other and literally screamed for more. it was not just your body craving for more, but your soul was begging for more. pressing your face into a pillow you, hunting down your long awaited release. your sweaty body pressed into the mattress, twitching and messed up. you can already feel your walls clench around your fingers.
convulsively you moved two fingers in and out of your wet and heated tightness finding yourself half sitting by now. your head rested on your shoulder and your mouth falls open as you can already feel the heat overcoming you.
"i know now why lucifer quotes the bibel!" fully excited you heard sam knocking on your bedroom door.
full on scared you let out a unexpected scream and your orgasm just vanished. breathing heavy you looked around embarrassed trying to find something to cover up.
"are you okey?!" worried sam knocked one more time on the door and panic arises in your chest.
"sam you scared me! i-i was already asleep what the fuck!" unable to find the right words you stumbled what seems to sound right in this situation and you put you pj's back on.
still breathing heavy you opened up your bedroom door. with flustered cheeks you look up at him. sam stood there only wearing his pj's trousers, shirtless looking at you full on concerned.
"uhm..sure" he raised an eyebrow and eyed you from head to toe. "i didn't mean to..disturb i guess" he added while tracing every detail on your face with his gaze.
"oh shut up, get your ass in here and explain the quote now!" you distracted him from further guessing what you just did and moved back to your bed. cheeks were still burning red from what you just did and to be fair your body still felt kinda weak and your head dizzy.
"i think this can wait until tomorrow. for now you really just need some time off!" sam pointed at you and puts his hand onto his hips.
not really thinking, but just going after your instincts you allow yourself to let your eyes wander along his body. maybe a one time thing won't harm anyone? maybe you will finally realize it's just sex you're in need for and not sam? eyes slowly found their way back up to sam's and you find a very amused grin on his face. your cheeks turned red from zero to ten real quick and you just turned away. it's all or nothing right now right?! whatever you were done with holding it back and decided to let the tiger out.
"no need to be ashamed love. at the end of the day we're all just human." sam filled the silence with this low and soft voice. breaking the carousel of thoughts in your head.
having the strong desire to take control you take a deep breath and moved your body on the bed to the edge. ready to play the game he just started. you bit your lower lip, slightly tilted your head to the side and parted your lips to speak.
"not just, that you're disturbing me while i am enjoying my me-time." you paused to slowly undressing your pj's bottom, to leave you in a oversized shirt, fuzzy socks and a thong. "you dare to come in here with only your bottoms not even wearing a shirt?" sam's face get's from pretty confident to shocked real quick, but that just but's more gas into the fire for you. "how outraged of you to behave like that in front of a woman" taking the soft seam between your fingers and undress your shirt next, which leaves you in only your thong and fuzzy socks in front of him. exposing your body to him. "i am disappointed sammy." the last words leave your mouth as dirty whisper while observing every single facial muscle.
sam is not able to hide his lust in any way. his eyes darkened halfway through your show and his jaw so clenched sonhard, it must be hurting. his dark grey bottoms gave you a very good sight of how hard he got. his clearly visible boner pressing against his sweatpants "never thought that this much of kinky whore sleeps in you, y/n." never in all those years you have heard his voice so deep and raspy, sending shivers through your body. pressing together your tights you couldn't hide a naughty smirk.
"maybe the angels heard my dirty prayers and made them come true." you whispered and gently moved your hips on the bed.
"i don't think the angels work for demons." sam eyed you up and down and bites his lower lip. stroking his boner through his sweatpants he took one step closer to you.
"you're calling me a demon? how can such offending words leave your mouth?" fucking turned on you can't help, but started to stroke your boob with one hand. "i mean i know you're having a sweet spot for demons..sammy"
sam pressed his lips together and it was glas clear you just hit a very sensitive spot. his eyes got darker and it seemed like a switch got flicked. "you sure you wanna play like that? not sure if you can handle that." he turned and checked the hallway to see if dean was somewhere near. he closed the door and locked it, turning back to you.
every step he made you watched him closely. your heart pounded heavy against your chest and you felt tingling in your stomach. "oh..i don't think dean would like the way you're talking to me sammy." with a huge smirk on your face, you bit your lower lip and played with you nipple. a soft moan escaped your lips and your body craved his touch.
"fucking tease, you little whore." he stepped right in front of you and but his hand into your hair at the back of your head. rough but hot he pulls your head back and makes you look up at him. your heart jumped and you couldn't hold the excitement.
"i like your determination. remembers me of the good old days your soul burned in hell." you whispered and placed one hand on his upper stomach slowly making your way down to his waistband. giving him a dirty look while smirking.
he took your hand into his and pushed it aside. he leaned down to you and looked straight into your eyes. you watches his almost black eyes from lust and gazed at him with your purest innocent look. "he's still in here and i will let him play with you tonight. he will fuck the innocence out of this pretty body. "his low raspy voice made you shiver even more and your breath started shaking. he observed your needy body and placed a kiss on your jawline. placing more kisses along your neck. he let go of your hair and pulled you up. you wrapped your legs around his waist and your hands around his neck. crashing your lips hungrily against his. he bit softly onto your lower lip and deepened the kiss. heavy breathing filled the room and your craving got stronger.
"touch me and use me" you managed to plead against his lips and your pressed your chest against his.
"oh i will. i will fuck you like a whore. " he whispered harsh and placed you back onto the bed. he hovered above you and started kissing and softly biting your soft skin from your neck to your boobs. making your body arch up against his in need of his body. you pressed your thigh against his crotch feeling his hard member.
sam's hand roamed along your body and cared for every inch in need of his touch. he got up and took the back of your knees, pulling you to the edge of the bed.
"sit for me like a nice angel." he growled and got down onto his knees.
you sat up feeling weak and dizzy from all the hormones rushing through your body. "as long as you fuck me like the devil.." you sweetly talked back and supported yourself with your hands in the mattress.
he literally ripped off your thong and just threw it to the side. his hands push your thighs apart and his head buried between your legs. his warm breath and soft tongue made you explode on the inside and you couldn't help but let out a moan full of relish while gripping his hair.
"oh fuck sammy!" you moaned under your breath and pushed his head a bit more against your wet center.
his fingers grab hard onto your thighs and you could feel his tongue slipping into you, just teasing you as he pulled away and made you look at him.
"call me sammy one more time and you will regret it." he stated and got up.
Needing a moment to process what he just told you, you nooded quickly and watched him getting up.
"please let me taste you." you whimpered quietly at the loss of his touch and your facial features showed pure innocence. very turned on by this sam. he lays one hand onto your cheek and strokes over your lips with his thumb.
"you want to suck me cock little angel? then ask for it. be a good girl and ask for it like a decently angel. " sam commands while holding the very intense eye contact.
"l-let me suck you off sammy" not being able to help yourself, but tease him to the very edge.
his hand let's go of your cheek and lands on your cheek with a very dominated slap. your head falls to the side and a filthy smirk crosses your face. it hurt but just in the right ways. a sparkle lights up in your eyes and you looked back at him. his hand stroke over the cheek and to your throat, squeezing it slightly but just enough.
"on your knees. now." he hissed, lascivious eyes staring into your soul. he let go of your neck and pulled his sweatpants down. revealing his rock hard cock ready for you to take every inch of it.
you wasted no second and dropped to your knees. you took his cock into your hand and spit on it. stroking it a few times before you took him into your mouth. swirling your tongue around his tip and full on taking him inch by inch.
"that dirty little mouth!" sam breathed out and grabbed your hair. not just sucking him of but giving him a full on show by playing with yourself and moaning against his cock.
As you felt him twitching in your mouth you took him in even deeper gagging at his length, waiting desperately for him to come in your mouth.
without any warning he pulls you back and shakes his head. "No. you won't get me just yet." he pulled you up onto your feed and pushed you back onto the bed.
"p-please sam just..." not able to finish your sentence you looked up at him helpless gripping the bedsheets.
laying on top of you, he pushed your legs apart from each other with his hands and you let your head fall back to bed. closing your eyes and giving yourself away to sam and trust him with every inch of your body.
"look at me" he demanded. "i wanna see the hurt on your face, when you have to take it all in at once."
your eyes swung open and you looked up at him. your hands rested on his biceps and you wiggled your hips slightly. "fuck me sam!" you begged desperately. he pushed his full length into you and stopped for a minute. your eyes widened and you moaned out.
"fucking -" you clawed into his biceps and felt yourself stretch around him. "use me for whatever you want me.." you breathed out against his neck and sucked on his soft skin.
he started to thrust in and out of you. going faster at times and slowing down thrusting harder into you. with every thrust you felt yourself coming closer. your sight got dizzy and you clawened onto sam. taking him full in, feeling your craving being fulfilled. you felt so many feelings at once it overwhelmed you.
sams grip on your thighs got rougher and his thrust sloppier. "you're so tight, you feel so good my little angel" he moand raspy and moved one hand from your tight to your abdomen. his hand pushed softly down and with his cock he reached that one spot which pushed you over the edge.
"h-holy fuck i'm gonna cum sam" you cried out and he placed one hand onto your mouth.
"cum for me!" he moaned out and gave you very deep and hard thrusts. you rolled your eyes back and your head dropped back onto the bed. with shaking legs you pushed your pelvis up against him and your hands fell weak onto the bed.
he took your pelvis into his big hands and pushed himself a few more times into you. suddenly the time seems to stand still and your body tensed up. your mouth fell open and wave of energy flows through your body. moaning out his name, while your walls tightened around his thick cock you came and it felt like complete ecstasy.
sam pushed himself deep into you and let out a heavy moan. he supported himself with one hand onto the bed right besides your body and the other hand still on your pelvis.
"you drove me crazy, y/n" sam breathed exhausted and his hair hung onto his face.
you looked up at him feeling high and drunk from all of the feelings you just went through. "come here, please" your voice breaks and you try to reach up for him.
he pulls himself gently out of you and laid down besides you. his strong arms wrapped you up safely and hugged you. you pressed yourself against his body closing your eyes.
you gently stroke his chest and placed a kiss on it. "it may make things more complicated, but you don't know how much i craved for this.." without really think about it you confessed to him.
"we do not have do make it complicated. let's see where it leads us." he placed a kiss on your head and let go of you just a bit so he could look into your eyes. "i never knew you felt this way not the slightest bit. to be honest i thought you're into dean."
you laughed embarrassed against his chest and looked back up at him. "i was afraid of losing you and dean. i guess it was self protection?"
"well stop protecting yourself!" he laughed, hugging you closer again and you took a deep breath taking his scent in. you closed your eyes and fell asleep in his arms.
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nctsplug02 · 2 years
Omggh I need more milf reader😫 your last post was so good!!!!
GENRE: fluff and smut
WARNINGS: unprotected sex, flirting, kissing, CNC and hot parents.
featuring: sungchan as their baby, jaemin as their teen son, dreamies (with mark this time) as jaemins best friends.
!REMINDER! there is a slight CNC scene in this post!
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“mom?” jaemin calls out with his friends following behind him. “yes—? oh, hi boys.” your hair was damp and your towel clung onto your figure like a koala on a tree.
“i’m sorry. i just got out of the pool.” you held the asleep 13 month old to your chest. “it’s fine, mom. did you want me to put sungchan down?” you smile, that’s your well mannered boy. “if it isn’t too much to ask.” jaemin shakes his head and rushes over to you, taking the boy from you. “nonsense, mom. i’m always here to help.”
jaemin leaves with the boy in his arms leaving you alone with his friends.
“hey, boys. you guys hungry for anything?” the boys look at each other before nodding. “okay, is there anything specific you boys would like to eat? i could make tteokbokki.. stir-fry, alfredo?”
you slid the towel off and unfolded jaehyuns hoodie.
“s—spaghetti?” mark the oldest, asks. “sure, markie. anything else?” they stay silent. “garlic bread— i make one of the best!” you cheer while slipping on jaehyuns hoodie. “y—yes.” they say and watch as you slip the fabric around your breasts.
“alrighty, you boys get comfortable. i’m gonna start on the garlic bread first.” you disappear into the kitchen and they melt.
haechan presses his cheek against the wall with a moan. “the day mrs jeong and mr jeong get divorced— i’m making a move.” chenle shoves the teen.
“don’t disrespect their marriage like that.” jaemin suddenly pops up. “who’s marriage?” haechan stands up straight. “uh, mine in the future.” he says with a head nod. “o..kay— anyway, let’s go upstairs! my dad got me this sick game yesterday!” they follow jaemin upstairs.
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“m—?” jaemins mouth gets covered and his body is snatched back before he can even enter the kitchen. the others look around the corner to find you against the counter with jaehyun behind you.
“honey,” you giggle. “i have to tell the kids that dinner is ready!” you squeal and then moan when he nips your neck. “mmm, they can wait a little.” jaehyun runs his hands under the large hoodie and pinches your nipples.
you tilt your head back and jaehyun begins sucking your neck. “a—and i have to get sungchan from his cr—crib— oh, my god.” you gasp feeling his hands slide into your shorts.
jaemin finally pushes haechan away and wipes his face clean. “mom,” you and jaehyun quickly pull away. “is dinner ready?” you nod and attempt to push jaehyun away with your knee.
“come help set the table?” jaemin nods and looks back at his friends who gave displeasing faces. “i think i made enough for everyone— hopefully i did.” you say holding the bowl of spaghetti noodles.
“mrs jeong!” you look up to see chenle holding sungchan who giggled while jisung tickled him. “ahh, my baby boy’s awake.” you hand the bowl off to jaehyun and you collect the boy from chenle.
“hi mister! did you have a good nap?” you turn to chenle and you pinch his cheek before rubbing it— soothing the slight pinkness. “thank you, dear.” chenle ignores the burning sensation on the tip of his ears and nods. “of course, mrs jeong! i’m happy to help.”
you look back and step aside when jaemin attempts to slide past you and sungchan. “sorry, mom.” jaemin says and sets down the plates and utensils. “no, im sorry. i was in the way.”
you move to the kitchen where your husband was at, still holding the bowl of noodles. “honey, go set it down.” jaehyun softly chuckles when realizing that he was holding the bowl of noodles. “sorry.”
“now, you.” you sit sungchan down on the island. “should we try eating some peas, today?” sungchan whines and you frown. “guess that’s a no— what about.. ou, banana?” sungchan claps his hands with a forced laugh. “so, a yes!”
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“sweetheart,” you hum— your eyebrows softly lifting up. “it’s time for bed, ma.” you crack your eyes open to see your husband in front of you, his hands holding your jaw.
“the movie’s over, it’s time for bed.” you sit up and yawn, your arms and legs stretching before you sit still.
“sweetheart,” jaehyun pokes your cheek. “bed.” you nod and wrap your arms around jaehyuns neck. “okay.” he softly chuckles and stands up with his hands under your thighs.
he lays you on the bed and you quickly sit up. “the boys—?” jaehyun lays you back down. “they’re in jaemins room. they’ve been in there since the movie ended.”
“and sungchan?” jaehyun kisses your forehead. “i put him to bed before i woke you up.” you sigh and nod. “don’t worry, okay?” you nod and jaehyun joins you in bed.
“love you, g’night ma.” he kisses your cheek. “g’night, baby.”
several minutes your legs are straddling him and his hands on your hips. “stop humping me, babe.” jaehyun laughs and you whine. “it feels good.” you whine.
jaehyun tsks and lifts his hips, his sweats are yanked down before he pulls your shorts down. “this’ll feel better.” you moan when he slips in his cock.
“but, i’m tired?” you whine and sigh. “should i stop then?” you shake your head. “i wanna feel good, jae.” your eyes felt heavy. “want me to continue then?” you nod.
jaehyun moves his hips up and pins your hips down. your eyes close and your body relaxes. “fuck, baby.” jaehyun sighs, pulling your ass more into his palms as he moans into your neck.
“shh, shh.” jaehyun shushes you when you whimper loudly.
jaehyun quickly finishes with a heavy sigh. “i love you, gorgeous.” he whispers and hugs you while slowly drifting off into sleep.
“i told you the sleepovers at jaemins house are the best.” haechan says, removing his ear off the wall— even with jaehyun and your room being across the hall, the walls were slightly thin.
“you guys look like creeps.” chenle says with his head rested on jisung who played the switch.
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dronebiscuitbat · 28 days
Give me a Reason: Chapter 12- "Petals"
Uzi sat on the park bench scrolling through songs on her phone, the air around her was warm and humid, summer seemed to come faster every year and this year was no different. It was marginally cooler in Copper, the valley it resided in shielding it from the sun's rays most of the day, but not by much.
The park itself was nothing special, a small playground in the middle with a few covered seating areas around it, she was just on the outskirts, sitting under a dogwood tree that was spitting it's big, pink flower petals out at everyone who passed it. She'd already had to pick several out of her hair.
And at exactly 6:30pm. A dark grey BMW pulled into the parking lot, and Uzi looked up at it before looking back down at her phone.
N:I'm here! Where are you?
Nvm! I see you!
Uzi blinked, looking back at the fancy BMW that had just pulled in and sighing, oh so N's family had money, money. That made a bit of sense, though she was a little surprised he'd never mentioned it before.
She stood up, dusting herself of and trying to look as presentable as possible, suddenly feeling a little self conscious in her tank top and (currently open) jacket.
A tall woman with long brown hair and gorgeous emerald green eyes stepped out of the sedan, doing a once over of the park before the passenger door opened and out stepped N. A hoodie and jeans despite the temperature. (Though it's not like she had room to talk)
N pointed at her excitedly, which made her freeze for a moment before awkwardly smiling. Stepping up towards them a bit warily.
“Um, heeey?” Oh fuck everything, she was so awkward. Someone please come rescue her from this conversation.
“Hey Uzi! This is Tessa! The chef of the food you like so much!” She winced, they hadn't shared lunch that often, but being put on the spot so suddenly made her heart speed up and breath get caught in her throat.
“Oh-uh, it's nice to meet you. I guess.” She curled in a bit on herself, feeling more out of place then ever. She felt her face getting warm despite her efforts to stop it.
“Oooh, N didn't tell me his ‘partner' was the girl he met on the first day.” She side eyed N, a smirk growing on her face as she turned to him.
“You didn't lie to mom to go on a date did you little bro~?” She teased, earning a squeek as N turned an impressive shade of cherry red, something that seemed to also spread to Uzi, as she looked down to hide her own fluster.
It wasn't a date! It was an exhibition to gather data! No romantic undertones at all! Nothing romantic about hunting for ghosts!
“Tessa!” N seethed, being the first time Uzi had seen him look genuinely upset since she'd known him. “Its-Its not a date! And I didn't lie! She is my project partner!” He defended, fidgeting his hands.
“Riiiight, alrighty then. It's nice to meet you too Uzi, N was right, you are very pretty.” Tessa winked at her, and Uzi felt whatever oxygen she had escape in a tiny gasp as N looked like he was about to perish on the spot.
“I'll be back at ten sharp. Have fun you two!” Tessa waved them off, chuckling to herself at the way she embarrassed her younger brother before hopping back in the car. N was still stuck ramrod straight, face redder then beetroot.
There was a moment of very tense silence, before N cleared his throat, trying to calm down a little.
“Ah-uh… don't mind her, she likes to embarrass me…” He explained, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly, smiling like a fool.
Uzi gave a half-laugh. “I-Its okay. She's your older sister, it's kinda her job right?” Her hands gripping onto the bottom fluff of her jacket as she also tried to coax the heat from her face.
Right. She just likes to embarrass him. He probably never said that about her…
“You are- you are though.” He murmured, looking down at his own feet to avoid looking anywhere near her.
Well that certainly didn't help calm her fluster.
“Oh… thank you?” She managed to get out before she had to look away, a dumb, smiley look on her face. She still didn't know how to take compliments, and this one made her heart feel all fluttery… for some reason.
“You have petals in your hair.” N said after a moment of awkwardly walking back to the bench she was at before. Pointing at the pink petals caught in her beanie and purple locks.
“Huh? Agh! Come on!” She shook her head and huffed, watching as a few petals floated down around her, crossing her arms.
“Uh… there's still… here.” He suddenly stepped incredibly close, hand brushing through her hair as he fished for the final stubborn flower, she almost wanted to yell at him for invading her personal space, instead all she could do was squeak and watch his arm like a mouse watching a cat.
The moment was over quickly. N pulling back with an intact pink flower in his hand, he was beaming, letting the flower float out of his hand and onto the ground gently.
“There! It really wanted to stay with you!” He giggled, fidgeting with his hands again.
Uzi blinked. Before figuratively slapping herself. Pulling herself put of whatever weird headspace she'd just fallen into and clearing her throat.
“T-thanks. Uh, you wanna start walking? The forest is thata-way.” She pointed forward through the park, past the fenced in area of it's well trimmed confines, the forest grew thick and untamed.
“Yeah! Let's go, I love doing anything!”
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twst-drabbles · 7 months
Malleus 14
Summary: It's winter and you're in the mood for burning stuff with Silver's pet Malleus.
(Fun fact, I used to set fire to stuff all the time when I was but a wee kiddo. I grew out of it. Now I just like to watch the fireplace burn wood.)
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Malleus was like you own little mini flamethrower when winter comes with it's snow white embrace. For whatever reason, it seems Silver and the rest of the pets get a little antsy during this time of year, probably overwhelmed by the near pure silence of the part of woods they lives in.
They're so used to living with nature's noises that it has become a habit to basically camp up with you until the end of winter. Or at least until the animals start waking up once more for their usual activities.
All this to say that you like to goof off with Malleus by indulging in a hobby that you used to scare Crowley all the time with: burning stuff.
Not burning houses or causing any sustainable damage, you just make a nice fire pit in a patch of dirt in the backyard, put in some fuel and let Malleus blow green flames right into it.
"Hoho," you laughed as you watch old papers burn, real satisfied with how fast the flames took them, "Oh that's nice. Anything you want to throw in there, Hornton?"
You know his name but eh, you like being silly. Hornton, snuggled deeply into your puffy sleeves, poked out his head before retreating inside as soon as a snowflake landed on his nose. You can only see his horns resting on your wrist and an outline of his wings fluttering underneath your clothing.
"Yeah, I guess it is a bit too cold, huh?"
You heard a huff, but Malleus crawled out in his all his green teddy bear onesie glory. He kept his wings as close to his body as possible as he sat on your wrist. He peeked out at you, visibly brightened at the sight of you with his weird, almost too-wide smile, before pointing to a cardboard box that was once filled with mosquito nets.
"Alrighty," you said and kicked the box into the pit. But the fire didn't catch. It was snuffed out by the wind instead. "Uh-oh. Hornton, mind doing the honors?"
You're pretty sure Silver would be judging you if he saw you and Malleus doing this. Well, actually probably not. More that he'd give a gentle warning but it would feel like he's judging you in some way. Whether that's true or not, you don't want to ponder on that, so you like to burn things when no one is watching.
Well, no one except Malleus.
Malleus crawled back into your sleeve legs first until only his mouth was poking out. He opened up and you aimed at the pit like he was an arm canon. Malleus let loose a powerful torrent of green fire. It covered the entire pit and lit up the box no problem.
When he stopped, you can see his cheeks visibly flushed underneath that smattering of scales on his face. Even his eyes are starting to flutter close.
"Feeling sleepy, little guy?"
A little whiny chap of a noise, soft and quick.
You pulled your sleeve over him.
"Alright, get some sleep then."
You're satisfied with this for now. You can burn everything else tomorrow.
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chaos-chloe · 7 months
A helping Southern Hand
Summary: Kris Statlander isn't available? Don't worry AEW's Southern Belle is always available to help.
OC: Dixie Fae/ Scarlette Price
TW: Descriptions of wrestling, country drawl, possible cursing (I don't remember) hook x oc {if I'm missing anything lmk}
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I’m rushing, running my way to the curtain after Kris texted me that she got stuck in traffic, and needs a cover in the match. She definitely owes me a good dinner for working my night off. I catch my breath as I signal the sound guy to play my music to cut off Anna.
“Aw, did Orange and Hook not find a pretty enough partner?” Anna Jay teases while Angelo and Matt laughed.
“I guess it a handi-” Anna jay gets caught off by music
“I’m a Buckle Bunny
Drive my own truck, got my own money
Bangin' with the chaw, so I talk funny
Rhinestone hat says, "Kentucky"
I'm a buckle bunny.”
I come out around the corner with my hands holding my big buckle that is a floral background with a ribbon in pink text saying “COWGIRL UP”. I stopped at the top of the ramp, to tip my hat to the crowd while they were cheering. I sauntered my way down the ramp, slapping some fans' hands, to the ring. I started to climb the steel stairs, but Hook stuck out his hand to help me up the stairs gracefully, I grabbed his hand winking at him.
“Thank ya, Darlin’.” I greeted him and Orange with a small nod, Orange nodded back
“Well, Well, looky there Taz, your boy has some manners with our Southern Belle Beauty here.” Excalibur claims
“He knows how to treat the women roster.” Taz agrees.
I got behind the ropes, taking off my show buckle as Hook wanted to start the match with Matt. As they are circling around the ring Matt decides to scream in Hook's face.
“LOOK AT THIS IDIOT, HUH!? WHAT YOU GOT HUH?! WHAT YOU GOT? YOU WANT A SHOT? I DON'T THINK SO!” Matt has his arms raised taunting Hook, but he looks confused about where this little speech is coming from. Matt backs up to let Angelo tag himself in the match.  Angelo hops in to start circling around Hook, like a hunter scaring its prey. 
“He’s got this, doesn't he?” I inquired about Orange, he just nodded with a little smile.
“Alrighty darlin’, let's get this match started then.” I commented a little cockily.
Then, Angelo steps back to his corner and reaches his arm back towards Matt to tag in. Anna just stands there clapping to the crowd as Angelo tries to mess with Hook, but he turns things around with a hip toss to get Angelo off of him. Hook looks up to see Matt in the corner waiting to charge at him. Matt rushes him but Hook turns it to a drop sayanagi. Matt ends up with his back turned to Hook, redrum is in place but it's too weak to hold Matt up. Matt scrambles to his corner to tag in Anna, Hook backs off of Matt as Anna enters the ring. Hook starts walking backwards as Anna starts walking towards me. I sat on the second rope with my hand held out to Hook with a smile, he slapped my hand and now it’s time for some Cowgirl Chaos.
“Oh here comes our Southern Belle, entering the ring with Anna Jay.” Tony describes.
“Look at the wicked smile on her face, she is ready for something.” Excalibur wearily says.
As I got into the ring, Anna and I started circling each other waiting for something to happen.
“So you’re the pretty belle in the back, who's gonna get her ass kicked by me.” Anna taunted with a sneer.
“Oh, really now hun?” I questioned her.
Anna then kicks me in the stomach with her left leg, I bent down to play as that kick hurt. She grabs my right arm to try to launch me to the corner, I countered it by slamming my feet to the ground in a squatting position. I shake my head with a smile and then toss her in the corner behind me away from her corner accompanied by a yell of “NO!”. 
I show off my non-show buckle with my hip popped out to the side taunting Anna, I try to go for an elbow strike to her face but she moves out of the way. The funny bone part of my elbow ends up hitting the top turnbuckle, with that static fuzzy feeling going up and down my arm. Anna rushes at me hitting me with a spinning high heel kick to the chest over my breast. I winced and tried to leave that corner, from further damage happening. Anna grabs my right arm again looking for her Jay kick, but I grab her leg to reverse the move. I slightly panicked, reversed into a suplex, but without a struggle I held Anna for 6 seconds then let us drop hitting the mat in the middle of the ring. I got back up to my feet, looking out to the crowd waving my invisible lasso; I darted my eyes over to our corner seeing Hook and Orange clapping for me. The referee runs in front of me to the other corner, realizing that Angelo was getting in the ring, causing a distraction letting Jack Hager come out of nowhere and hit Orange in the face. 
I rush over to see if Orange is okay, grabbing the top rope and observing Orange on the floor holding his head. I turned around to Anna superkicking me to the face, I rolled over to our side trying to gain back awareness. I see that Orange is still down and Hook is walking threateningly over to Jack, who is walking backwards around the ring and Anna ends up getting a tag to Angelo. 
Matt jumps off the apron running towards Hook hitting him with a mean clothesline. I slump down off and out of the ring by steel steps. I watch in pain as Matt picks up Hook and throws him into the barricade. Hooks falls down to the ground only to get picked back up and thrown into the ring to Angelo. Angelo grabs his hair forcing Hook to get up, Angelo pulls Hook into a suplex. He tries to cover Hook, thankfully Hook kicks out at 2. 
I finally collected myself and had my arms on the apron watching Hook getting beat by Angelo with some forearms to the head. Parker then hits another suplex on a dazed Hook, holding his back in pain moving away from danger. Parker follows Hook and grabs his hair again with his right hand, dragging him over to their corner, slapping his left hand with Matt. Matt jumps in and hits a back breaker to Hook, letting Angelo rebound off the ropes running drive by to Hooks head with a god awful sound. 
Orange and I jump up on the apron watching this all go down wincing in sympathy for Hook. Matt goes for the cover, Orange preemptively getting in the ring, but Hook kicks out at 2 again. I cheer and whoop that Hook is still alive with us in this match. I see that Hook looked over to us, I reached my hand out to give him a little bit of encouragement to tag one of us in to save him from this onslaught. Matt slaps the back of Hooks head/ neck, he stumbles over to the ropes to gather himself. Matt then grabs Hook, but Hook is fired up now, he delivers a big knife chop to Matt's chest three times. Matt is tumbling backwards but he kicks Hook in the abdomen to throw him to the turnbuckles. Hook’s back smacks the middle turnbuckle so hard that he falls to the ground. 
“Come on Hook darlin! Let's go!” I yelled over Matt's “Yeah!”
Hook hears me and starts crawling over to Orange and I with help of the bottom rope, yet Matt kicks him down. Hook keeps crawling, but Matt decides to hit Orange with an elbow. 
Matt continues his annoying onslaught to Hook, keeping him away from me. I turned half of my attention to Orange to get a good look at him.  I turned my full attention to Anna Jay, and the ring.
“You ain't nothin’ darlin’, bless your heart!” I yelled over the ring to her with my full southern drawl. 
“STOP!” Anna banshees a response to me as Hook gets whiplashed into their corner.
“We are getting a whole new view of our Southern Belle tonight guys.” Tony Comments on my scream.
“I think we are just seeing her natural response to her new friends getting beat down.” Excalibur responds
Hook falls back down to the mat, as Menard slaps his left hand to Parker's right hand. Matt places his foot on Hook's neck and grabs his left wrist to keep him still , as Angelo gets in the ring. Angelo enters and kicks his left hip hard, I walk over to the left side of the ring trying to rally Hook to give him energy to get to our corner. I walk back to our corner and see that Orange is back, I give him a nod to greet him back. We watch as Hook holds on the bottom rope trying to gather some energy. Angelo then copies Orange’s kicks with his hands in his pockets. 
Orange and I try to start rallying the crowd with slaps to the turnbuckle and claps, most definitely out of beat. I tune back into the match as Hook gets thrown into the ropes, rebounding into a dropkick. We wince and cover our face in slight shock. Parker goes for the cover, I stand on the bottom rope looking over the referees shoulder as Hook kicks out for a count of 2. 
“GET DOWN!” I look up to Anna Jay giving me a look.
“Honey, I think you need to fix your face!” I clapped back and Anna made a noise of frustration. 
I step down off the ropes seeing Hook is in some type of trouble, he ends up doing a back body drop on Angelo Parker. It sends Hook to the ground holding his back in pain. Parker grabs his ankle dragging his whole body to their corner and tagging Matt back in, again. Matt starts delivering kicks to Hooks head, Hook is covering his head trying not to get injured from their vicious attack. Matt again throws into a corner and falls to the ground in pain after trying to get away. 
“COME ON DARLIN’! BRING IT ON HOME!” I try to scream encouragement to Hook. 
I start slapping my right hand to the top turnbuckle, rallying energy from the crowd for Hook to make his escape. Matt has a different idea and keeps his nasty attack going on Hook with Jack Hagers watching proudly from the floor. Hook delivers a surprise left hook to Matt's jaw, giving him some breathing room. Hook starts hitting Matt with out-of-nowhere forearms. Matt found a brief pause in Hook's attack to strike back with his own forearm, sending Hook back to the corner.
Hook ends up finding energy as Matt and Angelo are tag-teaming him in the ring, he takes both of them down with a lariat after rebounding off the ropes. Hook uses his last bit of energy tagging Orange in the match, while falling to the mat away from the match. I crouch down with a hand on his back, checking up on his well being after that awful onslaught. I caress his back till he is out of the ring, either on the apron or on the floor. 
“You gonna be okay, darlin’?” I check on his health 
“Yeah, I'll be okay in a few” Hook groans in pain.
I am slightly shocked that he spoke to me, knowing he has a reputation of being silent, not caring, and eating chips. I smile down at him letting him recover in peace while Orange is in the match. 
Orange takes control real easily of Angelo grabbing his arm then moving his hand to his neck and slamming his head to the top turnbuckle causing him to become slightly dazed. Matt tries to attack Orange as Angelo stumbles away but ends up with the same fate. Just like clockwork, they kept coming back for more and more like they were stuck in a loop. Orange climbs to the top rope ready to deliver a dropkick, but Angelo and Matt cowered away. Orange jumped down and the boys turned around to watch him put his hands up and stuff them in his pockets. Matt and Angelo rush him with a double clothesline but Orange dodges them with a ninja roll. 
Orange turns around to meet them both with a dropkick, to the upper body. I stand back up in our corner just as a caution or escape route for Orange. I see that Hook is struggling to get back up, using the ropes for leverage, I came over and grabbed his free arm to walk him over to post to lean on. 
“Thanks Belle.” I heard Hook whisper, I nodded back to him with a smile and an innocent wink. 
As Orange gets back up to his feet, Angelo rolls out of the ring, Matt is struggling to get back up to his feet; Orange makes a decision to rebound off the ropes and run to hit Suicide dive on Jack Hager. Orange, rushed back into the ring meets with Matt, tries for a tornado ddt but gets blocked by Matt as Angelo rushes back in and attacks Orange's left shoulder. Angelo and Matt go for a double suplex but Hook rushes in and pushes Orange's feet back down to the mat. Hook attacks both Matt and Angelos shoulders, to weaken them for a double suplex of their own. Anna tried to be smart and block Hook’s and Orange’s suplex. I rushed in with a hand on both Orange and Hook to find Anna, I wrapped my arm around her and counted to 3, delivering a suplex to all three of them. 
Hook and I hurried out of the ring with each other, I noticed that his hand was on his abc again. My mom-like instincts came over me and I wrapped my arm around his back, letting him lean on me until we got back to our corner. As I helped Hook back to our corner, I watched Orange take off his sleeve going for an Orange Punch. Angelo sidestepped and snaked his arm around Orange's abdomen letting Matt come over and take him down with a leg sweep. Angelo ran from the corner, stepped up on Matt's back delivering an elbow to Orange's back. 
Orange rolls out of the ring, as Hook runs in and carries through a T-bone suplex to Angelo, catching him off guard. Hook turns and launches Matt through a T-bone suplex as well. He then sees Angelo holding on the top rope in our corner, he inflicts another t-bone suplex, but he throws Angelo onto Matt. They both roll out of the way, out of the ring, just as Anna gets in the ring yelling nonsense towards Hook. 
This causes the referee to get distracted again, so Jack Hager hits Hook with a running clothesline over the top rope. Orange pops back up to hit Jack with his famous Orange punch, knocking him down to the ground with a nasty fall. I clap and holler “yee-haw” to my boys for taking control of the ring again.
“Now you know, think of your actions, hun.” I said menacingly to Jack.
Anna then jumps on Orange Cassidys back trying to lock in the queen slayer, but I come in behind Orange to get her legs behind my head and I hold onto her arms to keep her from hitting me. Matt tries to rush at orange but he side steps sending him to Hook, locking him in redrum. I planted Anna down with a new move called “Muck em”, Matt started fading in Hooks redrum. I pushed Anna and myself out of the ring as Angelo rushed in but was hit with the Orange Punch. Orange rushes to cover Parker and counts 3 as the bell rung.
Orange, Hook, and I all gathered ourselves in the middle of the ring, Hook getting his title. Orange reaches for my hand, I let him grab my hand, bring it to his mouth, kissing the back of my hand and pulling me into a hug. 
“Thank you Southern Belle, for coming to our aid.” Orange thanked me as if I was a princess. I laughed and shrugged my shoulders stating that it was no problem. Hook walked over and grabbed my other hand doing the same gesture as Orange but kissing my hand twice. The crowd is going absolutely wild for both vacant emotion wrestlers thanking me in a very emotion based way. Hook pulls me in a hug that lasts way longer than Orange’s hug did.
“Thank you so much for covering Kris and coming to help us. Meet me in the back, in 30 minutes?” Hook asked as we were pulling apart looking into each other's eyes while I was smiling brightly at him. 
“Of course Darlin’, just come by my locker room then.” i invited hook with a wink
Hook and I pull apart so we can raise our hands together with Orange Cassidy, to celebrate our win.
“Look at what a celebration from a very surprising team that came together very easily.” Tony stating the obvious.
“The boys are just showing our Southern Belle the proper amount of gratitude and respect for her to come out and help them.” Taz explains to the world
“Will we see more romance in the future from them? Is the question, look at how Hook looks at her.” Excalibur points out too
“We don't know, but we will see how this builds in front of us.” Taz commented back. 
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Would y'all like a Part 2? Y'all have idea? Let me know!! <3
I don't own AEW, the wrestlers, the music nor the pictures.
I own Dixie/Scarlette and my work of writing.
Re-blog, like. comment and etc.! No Hate please!
Do Not copy my work and repost it as your own.
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salt-clangen · 1 month
Moon 4 part 3
Alrighty so this is the final part of moon 4!
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The first thing Wolfstar notices when she wakes is the throbbing in her ribs, the dull thump of her heart just agitating the injury. Her nose and throat felt stuffy and rough, she wondered if she’d get white cough soon. Despite sleeping till almost sun high, she didn’t feel rested.
Jade and Lynxkit had gotten up earlier, but had soothed her back to sleep when she tried to follow. Now that she was as awake as she’d get, she left the makeshift nest and stepped into the sun. Lynxkit was investigating some odd plants beside the twoleg nest, her earlier wariness gone to sate her curiosity.
Wolfstar stretched, slowly warming up her stiff muscles under the sun. She tried to remember the routine her and her siblings would do each morning before patrols, their mother guiding them through each movement. Taking time with it, she even rolled her neck like Ashenstep showed her, arching her paws to stretch the forgotten muscles in her feet.
When even her tail felt limber, she shook her pelt out and yawned. It quickly turned into a cough and she finally caught Lynxkit’s attention. The kit bounded to her, clutching fragrant herbs in her mouth.
“Look it!” Her words were muffled but excited. “In my dream Clouddawn showed me what to get!” She dropped the herbs in front of her leader.
“What am I looking at?” Wolfstar asked with a raspy voice, she nosed around the herbs but none of them seemed familiar.
“Bright eye and Tansy!” Lynxkit puffed her chest out with pride. “I still need to find lovage.”
“Wow, I haven’t heard of those herbs before. But I guess I wasn’t a cleric’s apprentice.” She smiled.
“These herbs grow best in two leg places,” Lynxkit explained proudly, chest puffed out. “So we won’t have them in our clan. I hope I can find catmint too! Sage and Jade said I can have as much as I want.”
As if on cue, the sisters strode around the corner talking quietly. Sage brightened when she saw Wolfstar awake.
“Oh darling, you’re up!” She trotted up and bumped heads with her. “How’re ya feeling? Do you need some more rest? Food?”
At the mention of food, Wolfstar’s stomach growled loudly. She flushed as the older molly laughed, beckoning Jade over with a wave of her tail.
“About that.” Jade started with a sigh. “I tried hunting but unfortunately we can’t trust the mice around here to be free of poison and I wasn’t able to catch any birds.”
“Oh.” Wolfstar tried not to seem disappointed.
“I know it’s not ideal for y’all clan cats and Jade doesn’t like it much either, but I have plenty of kibble you can eat.” Sage suggested. “I know it’s break your rules but I don’t think y’all can travel without a meal.”
Wolfstar had only been told stories of kittypet food from elders of her old clan. They said it was dry and tasted so bland that it sucked all the moisture outta your mouth. Not really something she wanted to try but she could see the hunger in Lynxkit’s eyes. Her own belly wasn’t feeling picky.
“Thank you for your help, any food right now would be amazing.” Wolfstar bumped against Sage’s shoulder affectionately.
Just as Sage started to get her food, the entrance to the nest opened and a twoleg with long hair poked its head out. Wolfstar jumped and yanked Lynxkit by the scruff to drag her back to the bush. Sage and Jade sat quietly, chirping little mewls up at the twoleg.
The twoleg made some noises of interest, looking at the bush where the two clan cats were poorly hidden. It reached out and patted Sage on the head, though when she reached for Jade the large she cat ducked away instead. The twoleg made rumbling noise and returned inside, leaving the entrance open.
“It’s alright yall!” Sage called out. “That’s my housefolk, Nora. She’s harmless.”
Wolfstar poked her head out, eyeing the entrance warily. She jerked back under cover when it opened again and Nora sat out several plates. She tsked at Sage and gave her a fond pet down the length of her back. Nora eyed the bush again, but returned inside and shut the entrance.
“Ooooooh look! We got the good stuff! Queen Kitty’s Chicken Entree!” Sage called out, tail up and wobbling. Wolfstar wanted to laugh at the silly name but Lynxkit’s growling stomach pushed them out of the brush.
She kept her eyes on the entrance as she cautiously approached, but the smell of the food was surprisingly appetizing. She glanced down, Jade was already eating off of her own plate, it was a mushed up meat smelling patty. Kinda like when she tried grubcakes at a gathering with a Honeyclan apprentice, but more wet than crispy.
Lynxkit watched and waited, so Wolfstar took the first bite. It wasn’t better than clams but it certainly wasn’t as awful as the stories made her think. Lynxkit sat and ate from her own plate, humming contently.
“Normally I only get the wet food at night, but I guess since she saw y’all she wanted to treat us.” Sage chirped before finally digging into the fourth plate.
They ate in relative quiet, Jade finished first, leaving a few mouthfuls left as she laid down and started grooming herself. She nudged the plate towards Lynxkit and Wolfstar, nodding at them.
“Eat up, kittens.” She smiled as the kit lunged forward to eat more. Wolfstar laughed allowing her friend to eat the extra food. Finishing her meal and licking her lips, she stretched again. Her chest still felt rough but the movement and heat lessened the tightness.
“Sage thank you again.” Wolfstar head bumped the tall she cat with a purr. “I don’t know how we could ever repay your kindness.” Sage giggled, bumping back against the younger cat.
“Don’t be silly! I’m more than happy to help.” She purred, giving Wolfstar a sisterly lick. “The only thing I’d ask is you help out the next cat that needs your help.” Lynxkit finished her food and Sage took the time to give her some licks as well.
“Alright, you lot ready to go?” Jade asked, shaking her coat out. “We got a late start but you should be home just after sunset.”
With Sage watching from the fence line, calling out encouragement, the trio set off again.
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The patrol travelled slowly, taking time to veer off path to investigate the brush for herbs. Jade tucked in the bundled under her cloth scrap, though she called it a bandana when Wolfstar asked about it. They managed to find lovage and catnip, along with more bright eye. Lynxkit commented they would have to return for more in the future, Wolfstar weakly chuckled that it’d be awhile before that could happen.
As they walked, Wolfstar found herself more and more entrapped in her thoughts. The events of the past day was catching up to her, she was a leader. The leader, she was the leader of Saltclan. Of course she knew on some level that she was the clan’s leader, it didn’t feel real before now. Before it’d just been her and Lynxkit hiding away from Duskclan, taking refuge by the sea after being guided by starclan.
But now it was all so tangible, under the raspy breaths and sore muscles, she could feel the change in herself. It was so fast, literally over night she changed completely. She’d skipped being a warrior and a deputy, she’d drowned and died before being resurrected by her ancestor. She didn’t even have a chance to really process this, no one she could talk to about it.
“Yer awfully quiet there, kit.” Jade’s gruff voice broke her thoughts, Lynxkit was digging around under some grass. “Ya wanna talk?”
It was a couple moments before Wolfstar could actually gather her thoughts.
“I’m a leader now. I have nine lives, but I don’t know what I’m doing.” She admitted. “I knew going to the Moon spring was important but I didn’t think I would get nine lives.”
“You said you came from a different clan, yeah? So you have some idea of what’s expected.” Jade said.
“I don’t wanna be like Jaggedstar, she’s the reason we left.” Wolfstar didn’t want to admit that she was also her mother. “I know kinda what I have to do. I run the clan, I assign tasks, I patrol, I go to gatherings, I hold ceremonies.”
“That’s a long list.”
“It’s not even half of what I have to do.” She wanted to cry, Lynxkit returned empty pawed from her digging. Without a word she pressed into her friend’s side, purring so hard she shook them both.
“It’ll be good,” Lynxkit finally spoke. “Right now it’s just us, but soon there’ll be others to help. We’ll learn and grow together, I know we can do it.”
“I wish I could just hear that and relax but I just don’t know what to do next. Once we get home do I just keep hunting and cooking, barely scraping us by? What happens when the other clans find out about us?” She pressed her face into Lynxkit’s little mane.
“You said you were guided by your starclan. That means the other clans will have to accept you.” Jade said.
“Yeah, that’s true. They probably won’t like it, but we’ve set up our territory without anyone noticing so far. How much of a threat could we be?” Wolfstar chuckled. “Thank you.” She licked the top of Lynxkit’s head fondly.
Again the trio continued walking, conversation flowing easily now. And soon it turned to names.
“Alright so I know your name changes a couple times as you grow up, what would my name be if I was in your clan?” Jade asked.
“Umm I don’t know.” Wolfstar laughed.
“Well you should practice!” Lynxkit said. “You’ll be naming me one day and others too.”
Wolfstar hemmed and hawed for awhile, trying to think of something good.
“Well I guess I would name you Jadesight, since your eyes are green. Or Jadecall since you’re such a good speaker, you’d make a great mediator and mentor.” She finally offered.
“Hmmm not bad, I like how personal you made it.” Jade smiled.
“Ohhh what about me?” Lynxkit asked with big eyes.
“Nah uh you can’t sneak a peek at your name.” Wolfstars laugh turned to a cough, but it felt a little drier.
“Aw no fair.”
“What about my gramma?” Jade asked. “What’d you name her?”
“Hmmm so it couldn’t be Capri since that’s not a clan name.” Wolfstar said. “I think Patch something could be fitting. Like Patchtail or Chirp! That’d fit her too. She could be Chirpheart, since she’s so nice.”
“Ha! She’d love that, you’ll have to tell her.”
“Oh that’d be embarrassing.” Wolfstar waved her off, feeling flushed at the attention.
Finally Jade announce they were close, the heat was finally starting to wane and a slight breeze from the ocean met them. Lynxkit had grown tired so Jade carried her on her shoulders, the kit giggling about badger rides. Up ahead they could see the dead monster before they could see Capri. The wind picked up and she caught scent of clan cats.
“Hold on.” Jade had smelt it too, the group proceeded with caution, hoping the winds wouldn’t shift suddenly. “Do you recognize them?”
“No one specific,” Wolfstar scented the air again. “They’re from Oakclan. I’ve only met a few cats from there.”
“Better hope they don’t know you.” Jade warned. “We’re stuck between the thunderpath and the fence line, can’t go around them. Try not to talk too much.”
They entered the clearing surrounding the dead monster, Wolfstar fell behind Jade nervously, feeling more like a scared kit than a leader. But the larger molly took the lead, standing tall as she looked at the cats before them, chatting with Capri over a collection of goods.
Wolfstar looked over them, it was a pair of cats, obviously a mentor and apprentice based on their sizes. The adult was a tall, short haired tom with ginger fur and a basket around his neck. The younger cat was a long furred, brown tabby tom, with a soured expression on his face. The pair watched them approach, the ginger tom raised his tail in a brief, polite greeting.
“Ah Jade,” Capri called out, beckoning the trio forward with her pair. “We have some cats here from Oakclan looking to trade.”
Jade strode forward, Lynxkit still perched on her shoulder, she nodded to the pair. Wolfstar followed slowly behind her, eyeballing the clan cats. The young tom eyed her right back, eyes narrowed suspiciously, his companion nudged him hard and he averted his eyes.
“Names?” Jade asked coldly.
“Jade we’ve met plenty of times.” The adult laughed loudly, but it trailed off awkwardly as Jade just kept staring at him. He cleared his throat, seeming deflated. “I’m Brakentail and this is Shadowpaw.”
“Ok.” She let Lynxkit slide off of her, placing her in the dead monster’s belly. Wolfstar sat next to its large black paws.
“And who are these two?” Shadowpaw asked coolly. “Smell like kittypets.” Brackentail shoved him hard.
“Be polite!”
“You’re not my mentor,” The apprentice muttered. “It’s a fair question.” He got cuffed harshly on the ear again.
“That’s alright,” Wolfstar laughed nervously. “I’m uh Woof and this is… Licks.” She shot Lynxkit a sharp look, making sure she stayed quiet.
There was a long pause before anyone spoke again, though Shadowpaw seemed content with the answer, she guessed they must smell like kittypets after spending the night with Sage and sharing a meal.
“Yeah, Woof and… Licks here are new around here so I was giving them a tour.” Jade rubbed her eyes exasperated.
“Nice to meet you,” Brackentail said politely. “Have you learned about the clans yet?”
“Uh yeah Jade told us.” Wolfstar answered carefully.
“Well if you’re ever interested in joining, we’d be happy to have you in Oakclan.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
“We could take you for a tour now if you’d like.”
“Thanks… I guess, but we’re ok, just visiting Capri.” She said, feeling a bit annoyed, she’d heard Oakclan was pushy but this was annoying. Lynxkit yawned, feeling tired from the long trip.
The conversation fell off from there, but Capri redirected them back to trading. The Oakclan cats had brought some pottery to exchange for some twoleg tarps. Wolfstar loafed akwardly, waiting for the pair to be done. Jade gave them a bowl of fresh water to sip from, after which Lynxkit curled up for a late afternoon nap.
Wolfstar felt exhausted, suppressing the frequent coughs that tried to rattled her chest, around the back of the monster she caught Jade placing the herbs they’d gathered in a small basket. Looking back at the trade discussion she caught Shadowpaw’s gaze, he was staring intently at her, she tried not to flinch away. Holding his stare, she tried to look as unassuming as possible, she even nodded at him politely.
His face didn’t change as she did, but his mentor asked him a question, drawing his attention back to the trade. The apprentice seemed annoyed at everything, the other cats, the trade, the conversations. She wondered what his role was. Probably not an artisan or mediator, he was likely a general warrior or perhaps a code keeper. If she hadn’t known better, she would’ve thought he was a Duskclan cat, dark thick fur, icy demeanor, and heavy build.
As the trade wrapped up, Wolfstar felt her eyes get heavy, she let out a hoarse cough. The pair of Oakclan cats eyed her warily, probably worried about greencough. Capri thanked the pair for their trade, Shadowpaw muttered under his breath but nodded politely anyways.
Jade hopped onto the roof of the dead monster to watch them leave. Finally she nodded to her gramma.
“Seems like y’all had a busy day huh?” Capri gestures towards the sleeping kit.
“Yeah, we got to the Moon spring and I’ve become the official leader of Saltclan.” Wolfstar said weakly, muscled turning to liquid as she rested.
“That’s a lotta responsibility for a young cat.” Capri said while digging around for a snack. “Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll do well. Ya seem like a capable cat.”
The compliment warmed and reassured her, but she still felt like she was missing something.
“Ya figure out what you’re gonna trade?” Capri asked, loafing beside her now.
“No clue, hadn’t thought about it.” She admitted. “We have black clay, we could trade with that.”
“Hmmm not bad, but Oakclan has the strongest paw on that racket.”
“Well… we have clams and other fish.”
“That’s a good idea, but I got plenty of loners and kittypets that bring in seafood. What’s unique to your clan?”
It felt like Capri was trying to lead her to the answer, but Wolfstar was too exhausted to think. With a sigh the elder cat went on.
“Duskclan trades herbs, oakclan trades crafts, Honeyclan trades honey.” At Wolfstars blank stare she continued. “What could Saltclan trade?”
Suddenly it felt like a spark reignited in her chest and Wolfstar sat up straighter.
“Oh! We could trade salt!”
“There ya go!”
“How would we get it? In Duskclan we made it out of coltsfoot and only rarely used it. The ocean water is salty, but how would we separate it?”
“Hmm don’t know, you’ll have to figure that out for ya self.” Capri laughed. “I’m just good at trades, I don’t know nothing about them inventions yall work on.”
“Thank you for the help.” Wolfstar smiled, it fet nice to have some sort of idea on what to do next. She only hoped Starclan could shine light on what else is expected of her.
Eventually the sun dipped down and Wolfstar had to carry a snoring Lynxkit home. Capri gave her a basket full of their herbs and a few strips of dried rabbit meat, before sending them off with a fond tail wave. Jade escorted them over the thunderpath again and gave them both head bumps as goodbye.
The walk home took a while and the tides were high so she had to straddle the cliffs edge, nearly crossing over into Honeyclan’s territory. The sight of the camp almost made Wolfstar cry. It was her camp, her clan.
She rested Lynxkit in her nest, tucked the basket of herbs away and quickly scarfed down a few strips of meat. Finally she returned to the nest, her limbs throbbing with every step and chest feeing worse than ever. But as she laid down and felt Lynxkit’s gentle snores beside her, she finally felt at ease.
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It had been a quarter moon since her visit to the Moon spring and Wolfstar was feeling antsy. She’d resumed her regular tasks, hunting, cooking, and patrolling. But she felt a looming sense of malaise, like something was coming. Her chest slowly felt better, Lynxkit making her tea out of the lovage and bright eye.
No Starclan cats had visited her yet and her dreams had been dull and non prophetic if she even had any. So she busied herself with the many tasks it took to run the clan.
It was just before sun set when she set out to the training pools with Lynxkit. That was what they’d decided to call the cluster of tide pools on the far side of Rock falls. The past few days Wolfstar had supervised the young kits swimming lessons and usually managed to catch something to cook too.
“Wolfstar! Look!” Lynxkit dashed ahead of her, running towards a white hunched figure laying at the edge of the cliffs bordering Honeyclan. Wolfstar tried to stop her, but the kit was faster. They came upon a she cat, trembling and bleeding from her head.
“I-I left… I-she, she said.” The molly stuttered, eyes shaking rapidly. “My clan- I can’t.”
“Your clan?” Wolfstar stood in front of Lynxkit, eyes wide. “Who are you?”
“I can’t go,” The molly was crying now, blooding dripping into her eyes. “Back, back to them.”
“We have to help her.” Lynxkit tugged on Wolfstars tail, together they carried the vestibular cat back to camp.
Characters shown:
Wolfstar- white tabby molly with short fur, heather blue eyes, and a notch in her right ear. 10 moons. Saltclan, leader. Nervous, compassionate, oddly observant.
Lynxkit- blue point molly with long fur and blue eyes. 5 moons. Saltclan. Quiet, sweet, quick to help.
Capri- black and white molly with thick, short fur, green eyes, and a large scar covering the right side of her face. 136 moons. Loner, trader. Loving, shameless, excellent teacher.
Jade- red and cream trans molly with thick, medium fur and green eyes. 40 moons. Loner, trader. Cold, responsible, great kitsitter.
Sage- ginger and tan molly with thick short fur and green eyes. 40 moons. Kittypet. Playful, sincere, good teacher.
Brackentail- golden brown tom with sleek, short fur and yellow eyes. 19 moons. Oakclan, artisan. Bold, strict, good potter.
Shadowpaw- dark brown tabby tom with long fur and green eyes. 9 moons. Oakclan, warrior apprentice. Bloodthirsty, faithful, good swimmer.
Snowspeckle- white molly with short, soft fur, blue eyes, and cream freckles. ???. ???, ???. ???, ???, ???.
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fbpsdumbtklblog · 4 months
wsg chat i wrote a lightbrush tkl fic :]
idk where else i can rlly post this so i guess itll just be here lol
Happy Little Accident
(title suggested by @giggleeqween)
post s3/2 ii tickle fic
lee: lightbulb
ler: paintbrush
summary: lightbulb accidentally gets a ton of paint on herself, and paintbrush helps her wash it off- leading to some unintentional tiggles
word count: 807
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Paintbrush closed the lid on a can of paint and shoved it into their arms with the other ones they were holding. They had just finished a painting session with Lightbulb in the hotel’s art room and the two of them were cleaning things up now. “Here take these and I’ll get the rest of them.”
“Alrighty” Lightbulb held her arms out as Paintbrush handed her the paint cans. They grabbed the rest of them and they both started walking to the other side of the room to put them up.
“You got all those?” Paintbrush asked, noticing how Lightbulb was struggling a bit to keep all the cans in her arms.
“Mhm” Lightbulb nodded, trying to focus on keeping them balanced. She suddenly slipped on a stray piece of paper on the ground, letting out a startled yelp as she fell forward. The cans clanged loudly against the ground, busting open and quickly covering the floor in paint.
“Oh shit-!” Paintbrush swiftly but carefully set down the cans they were holding and helped Lightbulb up. “Are you okay?”
Lightbulb stumbled to her feet. “..Uh- y-yeah, I’m alright.” She rubbed her arm, which was a bit sore from the fall. A bit of paint smeared onto her hand, and she realized she was covered in it.
“..Yeesh, uh- here- lemme clean the cans real quick and we’ll get you washed up.” Paintbrush quickly explained, putting the lids back on the paint cans and setting them upright on the ground. They ran over to the counter and grabbed a few paper towels, tossing them onto the spilled paint as an extremely temporary ‘fix’. Meanwhile Lightbulb stood there awkwardly with her arms half-raised and away from her body, the cold paint feeling very uncomfortable.
“Okay okay c’mere” Paintbrush brought Lightbulb over to the counter and opened the cabinets. They grabbed a small bucket and filled it with soap and water, taking out a scrub brush and dipping it into the bucket. “Gonna have to scrub that off- bear with me here this is gonna take a little bit.”
Lightbulb gave a small hum in response, letting Paintbrush hold her arm and begin gently washing the paint off. It felt a bit tingly, but she didn’t pay it much mind. That is until the brush moved up to her wrist and hand. A wobbly smile started forming on her face as the tickly feeling became more apparent. She snickered a bit, which Paintbrush picked up on. “Oh yeah I forgot you’re ticklish, uh.. that- that’s probably gonna make this a bit difficult..”
“..Oh, hm..” Lightbulb mumbled, tensing up a little as Paintbrush continued. She honestly didn’t mind it much, it was just a bit unexpected. Paintbrush got the rest of the paint off her arm and dried it with a paper towel, repeating the process on the other arm. Lightbulb shivered as the brush was moved to her neck. She did the stupid t-rex arm thing and tried to hold in her laughter.
Paintbrush smiled at her, finding her reactions cute. They gently dried the area with the paper towel and moved the brush down to her torso. They barely even touched it before Lightbulb flinched and recoiled back, curling in on herself. The two stared at each other for a moment, Lightbulb’s face turning red.
“..So uh.. maybe, uh- maybe we should do this some other way. ??” She suggested, smiling awkwardly.
Paintbrush raised an eyebrow and smirked at her. “C’mon Lighty we gotta get this done.” They tried to keep scrubbing the paint off but were met with the same reaction. They laughed in amusement. “Does it really tickle that much?”
“Yes!” Lightbulb was laughing with them.
“Hm… okay hang on I’ll try to make this quick.” Paintbrush pulled Lightbulb into their arms with her back against them.
“WaitwaitwAIT PAINTY-!!” Lightbulb squeaked and fell into hysterical laughter, flailing around as Paintbrush quickly scrubbed the brush on her torso. “Sorry- try to stay still!”
“I CAN’T!!” Lightbulb tried her best to stop moving so much, but it wasn’t working. She wouldn’t even be able to stand if Paintbrush hadn’t been holding her up.
“Okay okay hold on I’m just about done.” Paintbrush finished washing the paint off and set the brush back on the counter. They let go of her and let her recollect herself. Lightbulb flopped onto her back on the ground, taking her time to catch her breath. Paintbrush gently pat her head. “You good?”
Lightbulb gave a thumbs up in response. Paintbrush smiled at her. They grabbed another paper towel from the counter and handed it to Lightbulb. “You might wanna just do that yourself”
“Yeah probably” Lightbulb sat up and dried the soap and water off. Paintbrush grabbed her hand and helped her up after a minute. “Alright now help me clean up the floor.”
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ty for reading!
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ostrichmonkey-games · 26 days
FitD Settings and Unnamed Furry Crime Game and You
Alrighty, as promised, time to talk about Setting Stuff.
This is a post both about what the setting for (the still!) Unnamed Furry Crime Game is going to generally be like, and also a bit about settings in Forged in the Dark games in general. 
Okay so, let’s define Forged in the Dark games as ttrpgs that cover Blades in the Dark and any game that uses the same general engine and setup. Blades is the progenitor, and a lot of FitD stick relatively close to its formula (but not all, there’s plenty of room to poke around and rearrange things), and one of the more important elements, I think, is the “powder keg sandbox” setup.
In Blades, the players are underdog criminals doing underdog criminal things like causing problems on purpose. Those problems cascade, intersecting with the different factions/characters present in the setting, and usually then creating more and more problems for the players to deal with. That’s the powder keg sandbox — a relatively open setting, filled with kindling (factions/characters with conflicting and interesting goals and motivations), and then the players are dropped in the middle of it, and positioned in a way that no matter they do, they are going to be conflicting with at least some of those characters/factions, thereby igniting the kindling and making the whole thing explode in a blaze of fun. It’s great.  
So, in short, the purpose of a setting in a FitD game is to create that powder keg sandbox. It has to be filled with interesting characters/factions that are both compelling (to encourage players to interact with them) and conflicting with each other and players (so that when players interact with them, explosions happen!), while still providing enough purposeful space so that there’s room to be flexible as players start interacting with everything and changing the world around them. A good sandbox has plenty of room to play and dig around in, and then to make it a powder keg, just bury some sticks of dynamite in there and hand the players a bunch of lit matches. Boom.  
Now let’s talk about Unnamed Furry Crime Game (UFCG because I’m done typing all that out and I don’t want to think about coming up with an actual title right now). I don’t mind wearing my influences on my sleeves, and the biggest one here is Lackadaisy. I mean, the whole concept of the game was sparked when the animated pilot first released and I did a reread of the webcomic (pretty sure I first found it around 2009, which is wild to think about), and what’s more fun than a bunch of anthropomorphic animals doing crime things in a period setting? So, the initial spark for the game was Prohibition era Crime Time, but with furries (not just limited to cats, as a way to distance the game more from the initial inspiration and also because it’s fun). However, this was never going to be a purely historical game, it was (and still is!) going to be set in a fictional city in a fictional world — so more historically inspired than truly set. 
This was done to free myself from doing too much research (there’s still necessary research though), and also to give myself more creative freedom. From there, the premise started to turn into “What if the Prohibition hadn’t ended? What would that look like?”. And that’s still part of the core premise. So I guess, it’s a speculative alternate fictional history thing?
Freed from any truly historical restraints, I started tossing in other extras that could be fun. Like, what if airships/dirigibles were still in major use? Yeah, let's go for it. What if the city the game takes place in draws from classic Hollywood and noir? Yeah, let’s go for it (also at this time I had watched Babylon, which, not going to say was good, but the vibes are fun). What if I also pulled aesthetically from Gotham, specifically the Batman: The Animated Series version? Yes! Now we’ve got a setting of glitz and glamor and shady hard-boiled grit. Which is a great setup for Crime Time. 
Being less historically strict, also gives me more room for exaggeration and over-the-top-ness. I want UFCG to be characterful. I want there to be an emphasis on larger-than-life elements, both player characters and all the factions and NPCs. Especially in the case of the factions/NPCs, they need to be chunky and discrete blocks that are easy to instantly grab onto and pick up and play with. This loops back to filling your sandbox with cool things, and if the sandbox itself is cool, then that’s going to rub off on the stuff buried in the sand. More exaggerated components make for more flammable kindling. 
This is another reason having just a singular city-setting tends to work well for a FitD sandbox powder keg — a city is just naturally densely packed with stuff (now, the hard work will be writing all that stuff, but I’ll get to that bridge eventually). In a densely packed space, it’s also very easy to make everything connected to each other. Which means it’s going to be very difficult for players to make a move without impacting someone or something else! Again, boom. 
So then, why furries? Well like I already said, it’s fun. That in and of itself is enough reason, but also, I think it creates a useful level of abstraction that makes creating exaggerated characterful characters more easily. It’s easier to be a little more goofy without breaking things when you have a bunch of animal people running around. 
That’s the general gist and thought process behind the setting I’m assembling. There’s still most of it to actually write, but you do need a fun concept to make a fun setting, so it’ll get done as it needs to get done. 
I am still a little unsure of what I want to do for something weirder within the setting. Should magic be real? There’s plenty going on that it doesn’t feel super necessary. Or, what if magic is not real, but that doesn’t stop the existence of various occult-y factions/organizations from springing up, and maybe they think magic is real (or even leave it ambiguous). On the opposite end of the spectrum, what if I tossed in some dashes of retro-future-y superscience? Atomic Robo style maybe. Basically, I’m still exploring what the line is for pushing things too far. 
With all of that said, what is the text of the game going to provide in terms of setting? What I’m picturing is probably pretty similar to Blades, but maybe with less overall exposition and pulling the most useful setting-building stuff from various N/OSR stuff I like. You can convey a lot of setting information in relatively compact ways that also double as tools to use at the table (i.e. random tables, my best friends). The city will have various breakdowns on districts, notable locations, individuals, etc etc. Factions will have clear goals, conflicting with each other so as to create a web of Problems. Plenty of little miscellaneous details on “life in the city” to function as small nuggets of information and flavor. 
The hardest part will be striking the correct balance of information. You’ll need enough to feel comfortable playing in the setting, but not too much that it starts to feel like homework to run it. Figuring out what’s the correct amount of sand and all that. 
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I live for Lee pomni and lee ragatha and jax OMGGGG the jester needs to get wrecked go ham write anything mwuahaha
I’m guessing you meant Lee Pomni and Ler Ragatha and Jax?
Small C.W: Swearing (it’s censored though), gets a lil intense at the end
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Summary: Having just appearing in the new Digital World Pomni’s new friends Ragatha and Jax help her take some of the stress off her shoulders
It was active in the circus tent today, everyone was doing something surprisingly. Kinger, Gangle and Zooble were talking with each other, likely about Caine’s last adventure.
Caine and Bubble were planning a new adventure and Ragatha was reprimanding Jax, apparently the purple rabbit had slipped a fake centipede in her hair, she was not too happy about that.
And as for Pomni, the poor jester was wandering around with a paranoid look on her face, hands wrung together and her eyes wide in caution, the girl was practically a walking ball of fear and suspicion.
Although you couldn’t blame her, she’d just survived Abstracted Kaufmo’s attack and she still seemed a little traumatized from that, it was her first day after all.
“Jax you can’t keep doing that!” Ragatha told the rabbit, smacking him on the arm to get her point across. “It’s fine Dollface! It’s just a bug~” Jax taunted with a grin before fishing another centipede out of his pocket making the girl jump back with a scream.
“Jax!!” Ragatha yelled at him making him laugh, “Yohou should’ve seheen your fahahace!” Jax laughed at her and she huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. She was getting ready to yell at him again when he suddenly rushed forward and covered her mouth with one of his hands.
“Mmh?” Ragatha made a confused noise and shoved his hand away, “Look.” Jax commented, pointing over to Pomni who was walking around, jumping at every little startling noise.
“What’s up with her?” Jax questioned, watching as she walked around the tent. “I’m not sure why don’t we go ask her.” Ragatha replied, walking over to Pomni with Jax in tow.
“Pomni?” Ragatha asked as she approached the jester, Pomni yelped, jumping a few feet away from the pair and watching them with wide eyes. “O-Oh it’s you two, s-sorry..” Pomni trailed off.
“Y-Your name was Ragatha right?” Pomni asked her and she waved, “The one and only.” Ragatha joked, hoping to bring up her spirits a little and was happy to see a small smile lifted in her face.
“A-And you’re Jax?” Pomni asked, turning towards the purple rabbit who held up a peace sign with a grin. “Alright well, what are you two doing here?” Pomni asked them once more and they exchanged glances.
“We came over to check up on you New Stuff, you’re walking around looking at everything like it’s going to jump out and bite you.” Ragatha explained, “Well at this point if something did I wouldn’t be surprised.” Pomni deadpanned making both of them chuckle a little.
“Loosen up a little kid, we don’t bite.” Jax told her, smiling and placing his arms behind his head. “I don’t think it’s that easy.” Pomni told him and he shrugged, “Sure it is, your posture’s all coiled up, let me help with that.” Jax told her and pulled a roach out of nowhere and threw it at her.
“Jax!!” Pomni and Ragatha shouted simultaneously, the little jester jumping back and scurrying to Ragatha’s side as the bug scuttled off.
“Jax that’s not how you help someone loosen up!” Ragatha reprimanded him again and he only shrugged once more, “You people are boring.” Jax commented and Pomni shot him a wary glance.
“I’m gonna go back to my room.” Pomni remarked, leaving Ragatha’s side and heading towards the large staircase that lead to the rooms. “Alright have fun!” The doll called after her but she made no signs of acknowledgement.
“Don’t get lost on your way there!” Jax called and Pomni snickered a little at the sound of Ragatha smacking him again and a halfhearted “Ow Dollface!” From the rabbit.
Back in her room Pomni sighed and collapsed on her bed, lying on her back and looking up at the ceiling. “What should I do?” Pomni thought to herself, she didn’t want to shut them out they were trying to help, well..Ragatha was.
She didn’t want to keep pushing them away but still this whole thing was so surreal. They’re trapped in this digital world with no way out, what kind of luck was that???
Pomni sighed and rolled onto her side, thinking. “What can I do to help myself calm down..” Pomni thought and looked at the items in her room. A few blocks, some bells, and ah! She had crafts! She could do that, those usually helped calm her down when she was still in the normal world.
Pomni pushed herself up and walked over to her dresser where a ball of yarn and two needles sat, she always loved knitting. The jester picked them up and walked back over to her bed, sitting down and wrapping the yarn around her fingers and beginning to knit, this would do it.
“JAX!!” The other circus members watched in confusion and slight concern as Ragatha chased Jax throughout the circus tent, the rabbit had apparently put centipedes all over her room and also slipped one down her shirt so when she finally got it off and went to her room to shower she was in for a surprise.
She was currently furiously chasing him while he was running backwards laughing and making faces at her. “Jax just wait till I catch you!” Ragatha yelled at him and he laughed it off.
“Oh no I’m so scared what are you gonna do? Tell me to stop?!” Jax yelled back at her, and she growled frustratedly at him before picking up the pace.
At this point the only thing keeping Jax ahead and safe were his long a(Bong!)s legs as he also ran faster, trying to escape her grasp. “Now now Ragatha I’m sure Jax didn’t mean it.” Caine told her, suddenly screeching to a halt as the ringleader appeared right in front of her.
“Come on Caine don’t be silly this is Jax! Of course he meant it.” Ragatha told him and he looked back just in time to see Jax making a face at her. “Apologize Jax.” Caine told him and he folded his arms over his chest with a scoff.
“No way! Did you see her reaction when I did that? It was way too funny to apologize.” Jax told him and Caine only shrugged before floating out of the way and re-freeing Ragatha’s path to Jax.
The doll grinned as Jax’s face quickly became panicked before he bolted away with Ragatha on his heels. “GET BACK HERE JAX!!” She shouted at him.
Pomni was bored again, she was still understandably nervous and she had already finished with her knitting so what should she do now?
She supposed she could go down and see the other members again. So she pushed herself out of bed and started towards the door, opening it and stepping outside, closing said door and starting down the hallway.
She had gotten maybe about 10 steps down the hall before she heard pounding footsteps and unintelligible shouting making her stop in her tracks. Oh god what if it was another abstracted member??
She was about to bolt down the hall as the footsteps got louder but that was when Jax came skidding around the corner with Ragatha on his heels still. “Pomni!” Jax called out to her and ran and hid behind the little jester.
“Huh..?” Pomni uttered in confusion, looking up a Ragatha who was now staring at Jax hiding behind Pomni. “Jax what did you do this time?” Pomni muttered, turning around to look at him.
“Centipedes.” Ragatha stated and Pomni turned around to look at Jax after looking at Ragatha after her answer. “Sorry?” Jax smiled before jumping up and bolting again, both of the girls chasing after him in hot pursuit.
“What happened to Ragatha and Jax? I hope they’re okay…” Gangle spoke, wringing her ribbon hands together nervously. “Did you say something about an insect collection?” Kinger asked her, turning towards Gangle who replied with a sob.
“No she didn’t, she was asking about the doll and the nuisance.” Zooble told the chess piece and he nodded. “I’m sure they’re okay Gangle.” Kinger told the girl, placing a hand on her shoulder.
Then Caine floated over and caught their attention, “Have any of you seen Ragatha or Jax? I would like to make sure she didn’t kill him..” Caine trailed off with a laugh and they shook their heads.
“We haven’t seen them sorry Caine.” Gangle replied, but Caine waved her off, “It’s quite alright Gangle, I shall go find them myself!” The ringleader exclaimed before Jax came running into the large area where everyone was with Pomni and Ragatha close behind him.
“Well we seem to have found them.” Caine remarked, smiling as he saw those three partaking in an ‘activity’ together. “You…are a heathen….” Ragatha breathed out, grinning wide as Jax started snickering.
“Not my fault you guys are slow~” Jax taunted, “You feeling better new stuff?” Ragatha asked Pomni who looked as her feet. “I’m not sure yet.” Pomni murmured and Ragatha looked at her sympathetically.
Jax thought for a moment before getting an idea, he sauntered over to Caine and waved him down from his place in the air, Caine noticed this and floated down to Jax’s level.
“Caine I need your help here. Me and Dollface are trying to get the new kid to chill out but it’s not that easy, any pointers?” Jax explained, shooting a glance over at Pomni who was now chatting with Ragatha.
“Hmm…” Caine began, placing a hand on his bottom set of teeth in thought before snapping his fingers together. “I have an idea, if you would like to attempt it our dear Pomni is rather ticklish.” Caine told him, Bad. Move. Caine.
Jax’s face immediately lit up and his grin grew as he flicked his gaze over to Pomni. Oh this would be fun. “Alright thanks dentures.” Jax called over his shoulder as he began walking away and over to Ragatha and Pomni once more.
Jax walked up to Ragatha and pulled her aside to talk as Pomni wandered over to chat with Kinger and Gangle. “Hey Doll guess what I just found out.” Jax asked her and you could hear the mischief in his voice.
“Oh f(Sproing!)k do I even want to know?” Ragatha swore and he grinned wider, “Oh trust me this is something you’ll want to know, you know how we’ve been trying to get new kid over there to chill out?” Jax asked her and she raised a brow in confusion.
“Yes? What does that have to do with anything?” Ragatha asked him and he looked at Pomni and back at Ragatha, “Pomni’s ticklish according to Caine.” Jax informed her and her face lit up like his did, just without the mischief.
“Alright that changes the game.” Ragatha grinned and so did he as he meandered over to Pomni. “Come on Pomni, me and Dollface want to show you something.” Jax told her and she narrowed her eyes at him. “I don’t trust you.” Pomni commented and he jabbed a thumb behind him at Ragatha.
“She can back me up if you don’t believe me but this is something you’ve gotta see.” Jax told her and her expression softened as Ragatha nodded in confirmation behind Jax. “Alright then let’s go.” Pomni spoke warily and walked with Jax and Ragatha towards and up the flight of stairs that led to the bedrooms.
“You’re taking me through the living quarters?” Pomni asked them, clueless as to what was happening, Ragatha was on her left and Jax on her right as they walked, “Yep, you’ll see new stuff.” Ragatha told her if it was any reassurance, it wasn’t.
They got about halfway down the hall before Pomni noticed that Jax had disappeared from her right side, “Hey Jax is..gone?” Pomni trailed off as she felt Ragatha’s plush hand grab her wrist. “R-Ragatha..?” Pomni asked, fear seeping into her voice, what was going on??
“You’re gonna have to trust me here New Stuff, you’re not in any danger we just want to test something.” Ragatha explained and Pomni relaxed, okay this wasn’t so bad.
“Alright what are we testing?” Pomni asked her and the doll spun her around and pulled the jester into her chest before backing up till she felt her back hit the wall.
“Nothin big, just wanted to see if this was a sure fire way to help you chill out.” Ragatha told her and before Pomni could question what that meant she felt her friend’s fingers rest on her stomach.
“R-Ragatha?” Pomni stuttered, not entirely sure what was happening. “Let’s see if this works shall we?” Ragatha murmured to herself before moving her hands, scratching lightly and fluttering her fingers over the fabric of her jester shirt.
Immediately Pomni bit her lip and tensed up, “So Jax wasn’t lying…” Ragatha chuckled, moving over to trace ovet the jester’s sides, the featherlight touch making Pomni squirm, her shoulders shaking with suppressed giggles.
“S-Speheaking of JaHAX where is hehe?” Pomni pressed out , trying not to let many giggles slip through, “I’m not sure Giggles, guess we’ll have to wait and see.” Ragatha teased, “Whahat does that mehean?” Pomni asked her but she only shrugged, refusing to offer context on her previous statement.
Then Ragatha moved up again to flutter over Pomni’s neck and the jester let her head fall back onto Ragatha’s chest and scrunched her shoulder up, giggles pouring out of her like a faucet. “How cute!” Ragatha exclaimed making Pomni’s face flush red.
“Ihihim not cuhuhuhute!” Pomni giggled but her face told the doll otherwise. “Mhmm sureee.” Ragatha teased her, moving her hands again and very lightly raking her fingers up and down Pomni’s ribs making the jester flinch at the change but quickly settle and get used to the new sensation.
“Are you feeling better Pomni?” Ragatha asked her as she continued the gentle tickles. “Meheheheh..” Pomni still managed to sound sad even through her giggles.
“See now that’s proof you’re doin it wrong Doll.” Jax suddenly spoke up, walking around a non-existent corner. Now Pomni has seen Jax tickle others before, she’s seen how ruthless he could be so as soon as Pomni laid eyes on him she wriggled out of Ragatha’s grasp and bolted down the hall.
Quickly she heard Jax start chasing her and she broke out into panicked laughter, “Wahahahait Jahahax nohoho!” Pomni called behind her. “Gotcha!” Jax exclaimed, reaching the jester and picking her up from behind.
“Nohohohoho lehehet me gohohohoho!” Pomni giggled, thrashing and kicking her feet in his hold in an unsuccessful attempt to get away. “I hahaven’t eheven touched you yet kihid!” Jax laughed along with her.
“Buhuhut you’re gohohoing to!” Pomni argued and he shrugged, “Yeheah you’re right.” Jax replied and dug into her stomach as he carried her back to Ragatha causing the jester to kick and burst out into loud laughter, squirming a lot to try to get away.
“That’s not going to work Pomni~” Jax teased her, moving up to scribble over her ribs. “Be nice Jax.” Ragatha chuckled and watched as Jax tried to cheer up the now giggly jester.
“JAHAhahahahAX!!” Pomni yelped, still kicking her feet and even managed to hit Jax in the leg once or twice but being the tall a(Boing!)-hole he is he was mostly unfazed, continuing the playful torment in an attempt to make her chill out.
“Doing okay Pomni? You need a break?” Ragatha asked her, “Nohohohoho I’m fihihIHINE!!” Pomni jumped as Jax hit a particularly sensitive spot on her upper ribs. “Little sensitive there kid~?” Jax taunted her and she shook her head.
“Nohohohoho I’m nohohohot!!” Pomni protested but it fell on deaf ears as Ragatha started tickling her as well. The doll had walked closer and resorted to fluttering over her thighs, “Tickle tickle Pomni~” Ragatha teased and the jester snorted, shaking her head.
“Noho way you snort when being tickled?!” Jax exclaimed, a large grin playing across his features. “Nohohohoho I dohohohon’t shuhuhut the f(Bonk!)k uhuhup!” Pomni denied but Jax only shot Ragatha a look and she knew what to do.
She balled her hands into fists and kneaded her outer thighs and immediately Pomni kicked, yelping loudly with a snort before covering her face and giggling harder, fully expecting what Jax was about to say. “Soooo that’s a no then?” Jax teased and she reached back and smacked him.
“Shuhuhuhut uhuhuhup!” Pomni snarked, giggles turning to laughter as Jax’s hands moved higher to claw at her underarms. Pomni instinctively clamped her arms down effectively trapping Jax’s hands but the rabbit wiggled his fingers and she curled up on herself.
“Jahahahahahax!!” Pomni laughed, breath hitching and her laughter picking up as Jax pulled her arms above her head with one hand and whispering in her ear. “Get ready to laugh because me and Dollface here will make sure you’re cheered up.” Jax grinned and looked at Ragatha as a silent signal to go ahead.
Before Pomni could even question what that meant, again. She felt Ragatha actually tickle her this time, her balled up hands kneading into her thighs as Jax switched to scribbling over her ribs again.
Immediately Pomni broke out into loud laughter, thrashing about to try to escape them but her tiny body wasn’t much help. Ragatha would be concerned by how hard she was laughing if it weren’t for the fact that Pomni didn’t look uncomfortable at all, she looked happy, like she didn’t mind this whatsoever.
“RAHAHAHAGATHAHA JAHAHAHAHAX WAHAHAHAIT!!” Pomni cackled and they exchanged glances, “I’m not sure what we’re waiting for, do you Jax?” Ragatha remarked with a grin, “Nope! Unless of course Pomni is ready to admit that we cheered her up~?” Jax taunted and she shook her head.
“NOHOHOHOHO WAHAHAHAY!!” Pomni remained defiant although, she would admit that they did cheer her up, she was feeling a lot better but this was fun! It’s not everyday Jax and Ragatha got along even if it was at her own expense, but still she found this fun, but she was getting a little tired.
“Are you suree?” Jax grinned at her, moving up to re-attack her underarms, “OKAHAHAHAY I AHADMIT YOU CHEHEHEERED ME UHUHUP NOHOHOW LEHET ME GOHOHO A(Sproing)-HOHOLE!!” Pomni exclaimed and finally they stopped.
Ragatha retracted her hands and Jax placed Pomni on the ground as she stumbled right back into him as she looked up and glared at him, “Thihihihis is yohohour fahahahault! Yohohours tohohoo!” Pomni switched glances between Jax and Ragatha.
When she finally regained her balance and calmed down she turned to Ragatha with an eye for revenge. “Hey Ragatha, have you gotten Jax back for that centipede incident you told me about earlier today?” Pomni grinned and both of their gazes shot to the now nervous rabbit.
“Oh f(Bonk!)k you, but touché.” Jax muttered before taking off down the hall for what felt like the hundredth time today, Pomni and Ragatha following him close behind.
Well, at least they knew that method worked.
(Woah long one! I hope you liked it! I certainly did writing this one was fun! ^^)
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kaoharu · 6 months
hello friends welcome to my milgram outfit observations 👍 im your host yves and im a totally seasoned clothing analyzer
anyways onto the observations themselves warning for incoming long post cause im a rambler o7
tagging @urrvw & @monopoisonous ^–^ !!! hi guys
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alrighty now then as you can see in the newest milgram art, all the male prisoners seem to be wearing the Exact Same suit at first glance however there are some stark but also miniscule differences in both the type of suit and style of the outfits as a whole on each of them ( at least to me anyways )
some of the more noticeable parts of the suits that are different for each would be the pockets , buttons , and vents while some smaller things wld be the lapels , shoulders , seams , and collar type + tie as well as shoes
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( i drew up a helpful graphic for the suit jacket parts for your convenience using fuuta as an example since we can see the most of his suit 👍👍 )
so based off the details we can see of mikotos jacket, he is Most Likely wearing some variation of a two / three buttoned single breasted notched or closing front lapel sports jacket or blazer with flap pockets. he also has front darts ( front seams ) going up the whole front of his jacket, as opposed to the side seams i highlighted on fuuta's jacket
his jacket also appeared to be a fitted silhouette as the shoulders are sligjtly defines and lifts slightly up, unlike a structures or sack jacket. as for his shirt, he seems to be wearing some type of cutaway collared shirt with a four in hand knot tie ( its very hard to tell to be honest im guessing on the general size of the knot ) his collar is neatly done and more reminiscent to how an office worker might wear theirs
finally we have his shoes, seemingly very similar to harukas, but i believe they are plain toe derby loafers since the shape is more rounded than it is sharp like a wingtip
next we have kazui who im guessing is wearing two button single notched lapel suit with jetted pockets. the jacket is prob a fitted silouhette as it goes across the shoulders in a relatively straight line but kinda ? showing off his shoulders in a way. i believe he has side seams as well if you look closely to his shoulder not being covered by the bouquet 👍
his shirt seems to be a (semi)spread collared shirt with a (?) half windsor knot <- once again its hard to tell really 🤷‍♀️ then unlike all the other dudes, kazui actually has a suitvest underneath his jacket this is usually only done for formal events such as weddings, galas, or high profile business meetings . . . his collar is neat and closed tho not as much as shidous
then we have his shoes, which i think are cap toe derby loafers, his shoes are very similar to shidou, like how mikoto and haruka had similar ones, but the overall shape of kazui's shoe suggest a more casual derby rather than an oxford
shidou has a six buttoned double breasted notched lapel blazer jacket with jetted pockets. the jacket seems to be a structured sihoulette since the shoulders go pretty much straight across rather than dipping at all. he also appears to have front darts starting from his breast pocket, tho it doesnt span the whole front like mikoto
his shirt wld appear to be either a classic or spread collared shirt and an oriental tie / simple knot 👍 this a knot that is often done by wives for their husbands iirc . hrm !! his collar is completely closed as well
and like i mentioned in kazuis section, i believe shidou has cap toe oxford. these are often seen and worn in mainly formal settings
fuuta has a two buttoned single breasted notched lapel blazer jacket with flap pockets. it would also appear that it has a fitted silhouette, and as pointed out in the graphic i drew he has side seams running from around the underarms to the bottom of the jacket
his shirt underneath is most likely a full cutaway w a four in hand knot ? its tied rather loosely compared to the other tho as uu can see his collar is more open than kazuis
fuuta is so silly cause he has pennyloafers ( i love these shoes btw theyre basically slip ons and once broken in theyre very comfy in my experience 👍 anyways tho ) these are often worn in business casual setting
haruka has a three buttoned single breasted notched lapel sports jacket with flap pockets, tho he has a noticeable lack of seams that are used to fit the jacket on a perskn better. this makes the jacket look slightly ill fitted to him but it cld also be intentional as the shoulders imply that its a sack silhouette type
as for his collar, it looks most similar to a classic one w a kelvin knot, done a bit looser than normal but still tighter than fuutas tie
finally, im pretty sure haruka has wingtip derby loafers, as mentioned in fuutas section, as overall design of the shoe is similar to fuuta but the tipe is slightly more pointed looking
aaaaand thats pretty much it ❓️ i dont have any connections to make so yepp . . . sorry these got shorter and shorter LOL
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