#already thinking ab how I’m gonna eat so much tomorrow on my lunch.
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The world without Valentina hot sauce… don’t even want to imagine it!!!!
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-Little Crosby- |D. Cozens| [Part 5]
Part 5 is here! This part was so much fun to write and I can’t wait to see what you guys think! @prettyboycozens and I had so many ideas for this part and it was so much fun to write them! Enjoy!
“You-You came!” I stutter as he pulls away, finally catching my breath.
“You really think I would miss one of my girl’s biggest days?” He asks, his arms still wrapped around my waist, keeping me pressed against him.
“Hi Dylan.” Carter says, gently squeezing his arm as she walks past. He nods, glancing back at me.
“She’s doing okay? After everything?” Dylan asks, looking down at me as I rest my head against his chest. I nod, taking a deep breath to regain my composure.
“Glad to have you here. We would’ve missed you today.” Dad says, walking up and squeezing Dylan’s shoulder. Dad’s finally started to really warm up to the idea of Dylan being around. And while he hasn’t really been “around”, Dad and him have actually started texting and talking when I’m on the phone with Dylan every night. Usually I get Dylan for the majority of the night but Dad usually steals him from me for at least an hour. They talk hockey and all their boring guy stuff that I choose to not listen to.
“I’m glad I got to be here for my girl’s special day. But Avs, I wish I could stay longer. I have to be back tomorrow morning.” With that, my heart falls a little.
“So you’re only here for the night?” I ask, looking up at Dylan. He nods, leaning down to drop a kiss on my forehead. Dad ushers the rest of our family away and leaves Dylan and I to talk.
“I really need to spend some time with my girl though, so what do you say about heading home?” And head home we did. From the time we got home at 2:30 that afternoon to 5:30 in the morning when Dylan had to leave for the airport, I was attached to him. It was the shortest 15 hours of my life and I didn’t want it to end.
“Baby, I gotta get up.” Dylan whispers, gently pushing my hair out of my face. I sigh, realizing that my time with my boyfriend is coming to an end.
“I hate this just as much as you do. But it’s only a little longer. Just a couple more weeks.” Dylan says, letting me cuddle into his chest.
“Can you just hold me a little longer? I need something to hold me over till the draft.” He nods, his arms wrapping around me and lacing our fingers together. The next time Dylan and I would be together would be in June for the draft, a little over a month away. I had been away from him for longer before but getting him back, even for a little bit, would make me miss him more.
“You know you can call me, text me, anything, whenever. I’ll always answer. Well unless I’m busy but I’ll always make time for you, Sweetheart.” I nod, looking up at him. He smiles and kisses the tip of my nose.
“You’re beautiful.” Then he kisses my cheek.
“You’re smart.” He kisses my forehead.
“I’m in love with you.” And then, his lips ghost over mine.
“And I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” He whispers against my lips. His hand cups my cheek and he kisses me. It’s soft, gentle and loving.
“You make me not want to leave.” He whispers against my lips. I sit up and look at him, admiring him lying there in my bed.
“I like seeing you lying in my bed.” I whisper, tracing my finger down his chest. He smirks as I trace the outline of his abs.
“I like lying in your bed. Especially when you’re there with me. But, on that note, I need to get going. My flight leaves in 2 hours.” He says, punctuating his sentence by kissing me. Again, I sigh and he untangles his body from mine. As I sit up in bed and pull my knees into my chest, he starts moving around the room and gathering up the few things he brought with him.
“Hey I’m leaving this here. I want it back when I pick you up from the airport in June. It’ll be like I’m there with you at night.” Dylan says, holding up one of his Lethbridge Hurricanes sweatshirts. I lay my head on my arms and watch him, smiling.
“We’re gonna be okay, Kid. It’s gonna be alright.” He says, bending down to look at me.
“Ava Grace, I love you.” He says, kissing me again. I run my hand through his hair before he stands up and gets his bag.
“I love you too, Dyl. See you in June.” I say, finally climbing out of bed and hugging him. He lifts me off the ground and I wrap my legs around his waist. After savoring having him close one last time before he leaves for the airport, he sets me down on the ground and kisses me one more time.
“The month is gonna fly by. Before you know it, I’ll get to kiss you again.” And those words were what kept me going for the whole month we were apart. Plus too many facetime calls and text messages. And finally, after way too long, I collided with Dylan in the middle of the airport.
“God, you guys must’ve missed each other or something.” Kirby says, from behind him. Carter coughs and Kirby’s eyes meet her’s. Dylan and I watch the exchange, his arm resting around my waist.
“Uh, hi...Carter.” Kirby says, looking at her. Neither Dylan or I had thought about the fact that Kirby and Carter hadn’t seen each other since they broke up. But I don’t go anywhere without Carter anymore and Kirby is being drafted too so we were bound to see him.
“Hey.” She says, running her hand through her hair and avoiding his eyes.
“So...Where’s the sweatshirt?” Dylan asks, looking down at me as we walk out of the airport, my duffel bag in Dylan’s hand.
“The sweatshirt is in the bag, and it doesn’t smell like you anymore so please fix that.” I say, looking up at him. He smiles and leans down to kiss my temple.
“I missed you, Baby.” He says, pulling me into his side as we head to the car. Even with the awkwardness of Carter and Kirby, it’s still the 4 of us. We’ve spent the last 2 years together and I was beyond thankful that what had happened between Kirby and Carter hadn’t changed our friendship.
The two days leading up to the draft were spent wandering around Vancouver, just Carter and I since the boys had interviews and meetings with important NHL people. But every night, Dylan came back to the hotel and me. We spent the nights watching movies, eating room service and cuddling. Carter and Kirby avoided each other at least the first day but then Kirby asked her to get coffee with him one morning and now I know they’re at least on talking terms.
As I roll over in the bed Dylan and I have shared for the last two nights, I get hit with the realization that today would decide Dylan and I’s future.
It was draft day, probably the biggest day of his life. He was hiding how nervous he was really well, all things considered. We knew he would get picked pretty high, hopefully within the first 10 picks but we had no idea when or where he would go. But before all the fun and excitement could begin, he and I were going to lunch with his parents and brothers. This would be my first time meeting his family in person, instead of just over the phone or on facetime. I was a little nervous but Dylan said they all loved me already. Carter had disappeared around 11 last night and wasn’t in her room, which was connected to our’s, when I woke up to check at 4 in the morning. She and Kirby had seen each other for the first time in months two days ago, and I almost wonder if she ended up in Kirby’s bed last night. I shrug off the blankets and get out of bed. I still needed to shower and get ready before we met up with Dylan’s family.
“Come back!” I hear Dylan whine from the other side of the bed as I walk towards the bathroom.
“I have to get ready. We can cuddle later.” I say as I twist my hair up and clip it back out of my face.
“But I wanna cuddle now.” He complains, tossing a pillow in my general direction. I shake my head and disappear back into the bathroom. As I finish getting ready to get in the shower, I hear him finally get out of bed and start moving around. Suddenly, right as I’m about to get in the shower, the door flies open.
“You didn’t kiss me good morning.” He says, crossing his arms and looking down at me. I clutch the towel I have wrapped around me a little tighter and rise up on my tiptoes to kiss him. As I pull away, I roll my eyes and nudge him back out of the bathroom.
“Get ready while I’m in the shower please?” I call as I drop my towel on the counter and step into the shower.
“Okay miss bossy!” Dylan yells back, earning himself a smirk and another eye roll.
“You’re lucky you’re cute!” He calls as I turn the water on. I shake my head and focus on showering.
It’s fun being with Dylan. This is the longest we’ve spent together since graduation in May and I’m enjoying every minute of my time with him before the chaos that will be when we head to Buffalo. We’ve also been talking about our future together a lot lately. And I really love the idea of a future with him. Living with him in the summers, finishing school and becoming a nurse, getting married one day in the future, having kids. It sounds like heaven and the future I want more than anything. I want it all with Dylan. As I think about what that future will hopefully be like, Carter bursts into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind her.
“Ava!” She says, pushing herself up onto the counter.
“Hi? Where were you last night?” I ask as I rinse the shampoo out of my hair.
“I may have ended up running into Kirby in the hallway…” I raise my eyebrow, opening the curtain a little to stick my head out and look at her. From the grin covering her face, I assume things went well.
“So you slept in his room?” I ask, returning to my shower.
“Well, there wasn’t much sleeping…” She says, giggling. I groan and shut the shower off.
“Carter Marie, hand me my towel. I don’t wanna hear the details of your night adventures with Kirby.” I say, sticking my hand out of the shower. She laughs, hands it to me and starts to ramble on about his mouth and fingers. I pretend to gag as I wrap the towel around my body.
“Please for the love of God stop!” I shout, rushing out of the bathroom and away from her. Dylan looks up from where he’s sitting on our bed and raises an eyebrow.
“Do I even want to know?” He asks as Carter follows me out of the bathroom. She smirks and shakes her head.
“You two are going to lunch before the draft right?” Carter asks, flopping onto the bed behind Dylan as I dig through my suitcase for the black skirt and white long sleeve shirt that’s open in the back I packed to wear to lunch. Dylan was just wearing ripped jeans and a black t-shirt, keeping it casual since it’s just his family.
“Yeah. We’ll be out till like 1:30ish and then come back here and start getting ready then and leave around 3ish to go to the arena.” Dylan answers. Carter nods, watching me attempt to get dressed without flashing her and Dylan.
“So we have to be ready by 2:45?” I ask, checking my outfit in the mirror. As I’m heading back into the bathroom to start doing my makeup and hair, there’s a knock on our door. As I start blow drying my hair, Kirby walks past and waves. The 3 of them spend the next 45 minutes hanging out while I get ready.
“Stop freaking out Ava. They’re gonna like you.” Kirby says as he and Carter walk with us down to the lobby of the hotel.
“You’ve already met all of them over the phone. What’s different now?” Carter asks, leaning against Kirby as we stand by the door. Dylan’s arm is around my waist and he seems to be thinking about something.
“Go have fun you two! Ava, you’ll be fine!” Carter calls as we head out to Dylan’s car.
“You seem so calm today. I’m the one freaking out. Or are you super nervous and just hiding it?” I ask as he opens the passenger side door for me.
“I honestly haven’t thought about it a lot today. I know I’m going 1st round and that’s all I care about. Plus you’re here, with me and honestly, that’s all I care about.” He says, smiling and leaning over to kiss me softly. My hand cups his cheek and as he pulls away, he smiles.
“I love you. But I’m still freaking out.” He rolls his eyes and starts the car. We’re going to a restaurant in downtown Vancouver, some place that Jack’s older brother recommended. It’s about a 20 minute drive from the hotel and Dylan’s hand doesn’t leave mine. We’re going through another phase where we have to constantly be touching each other. For me, it’s mostly just reassuring me that he’s actually there with me and it’s not all just my imagination. He just enjoys the fact that he can put his hands in places and get me to blush. Last night, while we were watching some show he had picked off of Netflix, he had stolen a kiss but just as quickly as he had pulled away, things heated back up. I ended up straddling him, my fingers in his hair and his hands resting dangerously close to my ass. I was willing to keep going with him but he stopped, looked at me and sighed.
“I want the first time with you to be perfect. You deserve it. But I wouldn’t mind making out with you a little more.” I smiled and leaned in to kiss him again, the show on Netflix long forgotten.
“Ava and Dylan are here!” Luke yells, running towards the two of us as Dylan and I climb out of the car at the restaurant. He immediately hugs Dylan and then turns to me.
“She’s hot.” Luke says, looking over at Dylan. Dylan shoves his brother and smirks.
“I know she’s hot. She’s my girlfriend.” Dylan says as he takes my hand.
“Hi Mom, Dad. What’s up Connor?” Dylan says, hugging his parents and then dabbing his brother up.
“Hello Ava, nice to finally meet you in person!” Dylan’s mom says, reaching out and hugging me.
“Hi Mrs. Cozens! It’s so nice to finally meet you!” She pulls back and looks at me.
“Sweetheart, you can call me Sue. You’re practically family anyways.” I smile and look back at Dylan who is grinning. I slide back over to his side and look up at him.
“I seriously love you so much.” He says, kissing the top of my head and following his parents into the restaurant. His brothers bombard me with questions the whole time, making sure my face does not fade from bright red. Dylan just laughs, occasionally defending me every once in a while. His parents are absolutely amazing and the sweetest people.
“You know, Ava, I’m a really good hugger. And cuddler.” Luke says, crossing his arms and looking over at me. Dylan coughs, choking on the drink of water he had just taken.
“Oh are you? Better than Dylan?” He nods, a smirk growing on his face. Dylan’s two little brothers look alike and both look like him. They’re obviously close and love each other a lot. Both of the younger boys look up to Dylan a lot, that’s obvious from some of the things they’ve said tonight while talking about the draft.
“I’m much better than Dylan. Plus I’ve got the muscles. Dyl doesn’t have that.” I laugh and smile, patting Dylan’s thigh.
“I might have to leave you for Luke, Honey.” Dylan pretends to be sad and everyone laughs. The rest of the time is spent laughing, joking and just getting to know each other. I love being with their family.
“See? I told you you had nothing to worry about.” Dylan says after we part ways with his family for the next few hours. It’s time to head back to the hotel to get ready for the draft and honestly, I’m getting more and more nervous for Dylan. He seems perfectly calm, cool and collected; just like he always is. Carter meets the two of us back at the hotel and helps me get ready. She picked out a navy blue wrap around dress with a lower cut in the front, and black heels. She manages to get my hair to hold curls for longer than 30 seconds and works her magic on my face.
“I swear, you’re a magician.” I say, glancing in the mirror as she stands behind me, smiling.
“No, you’re just that pretty.” She says, hugging my shoulders. Kirby, Dylan, Carter and I are all riding the NHL charter bus to the arena, since the boys both are being featured in some welcome to the NHL thing. Dylan keeps me by his side at all times, even during all the interviews and important things before the draft. But eventually, he gets pulled away and Carter swoops in to wander around with me.
“I know I’ve told you at least 10 times but you look hot.” Carter says, nudging me as we walk into the arena.
“Only because you’re my personal stylist.” I laugh, linking my arm through her’s. She flips her hair and we both laugh.
“Hey Ava, Carter.” Jack says, nodding at both of us as we walk past.
“Okay I know I’ve said this at least 10 times but he’s hot too. My God.” Carter whispers, watching Jack walk away. I roll my eyes and laugh. About 20 minutes later, Dylan and Kirby find us and take us to our seats for the night. Everything seems like a blur after that. The first 6 picks come and go and Dylan is still sitting next to me. His knee is shaking and I press my hand to it, causing him to freeze and look at me.
“You’re okay, Honey.” And as he looks at me, the definition of love in his eyes, the Sabres logo goes up on the screen.
“To announce our 7th overall pick, please welcome to the stage 1st overall pick in the 2005 draft and captain of the Pittsburgh Penguins, Sidney Crosby.” The Sabres’ GM announces. Dylan looks over at me, a confused look covering his face. Both his parents and his brother are whispering back and forth. The whole arena is buzzing, trying to figure out why Sidney Crosby, a Penguin, is announcing the Sabres’ draft pick.
“With the 7th overall pick, the Buffalo Sabres select from the Lethbridge Hurricanes, Dylan Cozens.” Dad says, smiling and stepping away from the podium. Dylan stands up, a huge grin across his face and pulls me in for a hug.
“Did you know about this?” He asks as he hugs me. I shake my head and bite back the urge to cry. As he hugs his parents, Dad happens to look up to where we’re sitting. I wave and blow him a kiss. I had no idea about him announcing Dylan’s draft pick but it makes me smile so hard. Dad really has accepted Dylan as part of our family and I know he loves the idea of Dylan and I having a future together.
“Did you know your dad was announcing Dylan’s pick?” Carter asks me, dragging Kirby behind her as we meet up after the draft.
“No! I didn’t even know Dad was coming up here!” I say, looking behind me as Dylan’s arms encircle my waist.
“Your dad is looking for you.” He says before kissing my cheek. I turn in his arms and slide my hands around his neck, pulling him down to kiss me.
“Congratulations, Baby.” I whisper, kissing him again. He still has a goofy grin plastered on his face as my dad suddenly appears next to us.
“Daddy! Why didn’t you tell me you were announcing his pick?” I ask, hugging him and then looking up at him.
“It was supposed to be a surprise. Congratulations, Dylan. You’re going to do great things in Buffalo.” Dad says, surprisingly hugging Dylan. I try to hide my surprise and cover my mouth. Dylan steps away from Dad and grins.
“Thank you, Sir. It means a lot, hearing you announce me being picked.” Dad smiles and then gets pulled away to either do an interview or talk to some important person. Dylan returns to me and I attach myself to his side.
“I’m proud of you.” I say, looking up at him. He smiles and traces circles on my back. Carter and Kirby are off, talking to Kirby’s parents. Kirby keeps glancing down at Carter who is talking animatedly to his mom and has this lovestruck grin on his face.
“Hey, I’m getting tired and I’m done with everything for the night. Ready to head back to the hotel? Our bed is calling my name.” Dylan says, pushing my hair behind my ear as he strokes my cheek. I nod, leaning into his hand. He interlaces our fingers and leads me out of the crowded room. The walk out to our car is short and the drive to the hotel only a few minutes but it feels like an eternity. Dylan and I have been around people all day and I’m ready for it to just be the two of us. He opens the passenger door for me, helping me out. He immediately pulls me to his side and we head into the hotel. Dylan’s hand rests dangerously low as we walk back into the hotel lobby. People keep coming up and congratulating him, which makes his smile grow every time. I’m so proud of him and I love seeing him this happy. But as his hands settled on my hips, tracing lazy circles, as we waited for the elevator, I start to think. The elevator doors open and he tugs me into the elevator, keeping me pressed up against him. He starts to kiss the side of my neck as I smile, thankful there’s no one else in the elevator but us. Carter and Kirby had disappeared not long after the draft ended, Dad had said hi to us then got on a flight to my grandparents. Dylan’s family had gone out to dinner with Kirby’s family so we had no responsibility and didn’t have to be anywhere.
“Did I tell you how good you looked tonight?” He whispers, his voice making me shiver.
“Y-You did.” I stutter, giving away what he was doing to me. As the elevator dings, meaning we arrived at our floor, he leaves me, leaning out the door to make sure no one is in the hallway. He then scoops me up and carries me to our door, only stopping to unlock the door. Dylan drops me on the bed and hovers over me, his biceps flexing as he holds himself up.
“Hi.” He says, smiling at me.
“Hi bub.” Our eyes lock and his flick down to my lips. He bites his and I sit up on my elbows and kiss him. His hands come up and cup my cheeks, deepening the kiss. I pull away, his hands still on my face and I smile.
“I wondered if you were feeling how I feel.” He says, stroking my cheek. I lay back down on the bed and he hovers above me.
“So is this how we’re celebrating?” I ask, looking up at him innocently. He looks up through his eye lashes, making sure the door to Carter’s room is shut, and then back down at me and nods. I pull my feet up under me as he steps back and shrugs off his jacket, loosening his tie and tossing it to the floor, then starting to unbutton his shirt. I watch him, untying the tie on my dress and letting it slowly fall off my body, keeping direct eye contact the whole time. Dylan smirks as he unbuckles his belt and unzips his pants.
“You’re beautiful.” He whispers, moving towards me tilting my chin up to kiss me. He pulls away slowly and sits down on the bed next to me and I climb onto his lap. I wrap my legs around his waist and tilt his chin up to look at me. He kisses me and then slowly, I lay him down on the bed. His hands are on my hips, holding me close to him. I sit there, straddling him as his lips trail up and down my stomach. I grind my hips slowly against his as he moves us up the bed, one hand pressed into my back, keeping me on top of him, until he’s resting against the wall behind the bed. My hands, which had been pressed into his chest, are now pinned to the sides by his hips. His arms, strong and skillful on the ice, and his fingers, just the same, are even better in bed. He uses them to hold my hands down while he leaves marks in places only we can see. His name escapes my lips and my head falls back. Everything blurs as his hands explore more and soon, the few remaining clothes are scattered around the room and we’re both breathing hard. As I lay there, listening to his heartbeat and held close to his chest, the world seemed to stop. But not in the way you would think. It felt like everything fell away, that all that mattered was being here, with Dylan.
“I love you, you know that right?” I asked, looking up at him. His face is covered in a peaceful smile, a few strands of my hair twisted between his fingers.
“I know you love me. And you know what? I love you.” I smile, burying my face in his neck and closing my eyes.
“I’ve never doubted it.”
Tag list:
#sidney crosby#dylan cozens#nhl#nhl hockey#nhl imagine#Dylan Cozens imagine#hockey imagine#nhl fanfiction#hockey#hockey boys
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Ice Cream Talks
Requested Anonymously!
[Ichigo Kurosaki ; "Marry me"]
The first time he met her, she'd transferred to Karakura High School. She wasn't anything special to look, pretty average looking yet she somehow drew in those around her. Was it her mysteriousness? After all, who transfers mid-year? Y/n made quick friends with Orihime and Tatsuki, later becoming friendly with Uryu and Sado. But for some reason she kept her distance from Ichigo. Why? Was it his hair color? Did she judge him based off that? She didn't have very high reiatsu, so she didn't know why the others would suddenly leave class. She didn't know about the world of Hollows, Shinigami and Arrancar. Ichigo was glad for this, not wanting to rope in yet another person into such a dangerous world. But that all changed when she was attacked one night while walking home with Orihime. She couldn't see her attacker yet Orihime seemed deathly terrified, screaming for her to run away while she took care of it. Thankfully Ichigo came to their rescue, saving both of them and defeating the unknown assailant. She was thrown into the world of Shinigami and hollows, that night and yet, despite being a mere human, she decided she'd do what she could for her friends. When they would return injured, Orihime would heal them and Y/n would keep them fed and hydrated, helping them fully recover. She cheered for them, did her best to keep them updated on school assignments and overall, just did what she could for them. So when Ichigo and the others returned from their fight with Aizen, she could see something had changed between them all--well, mostly between Ichigo and the others. She learned Ichigo had sacrificed his powers while defeating Aizen, and now he was a normal human. And as one might've guessed, though he tried to put on a brave face, he was depressed about it all. His friends walked om eggshells around him, while his family acted the same, not having any idea about his second life. Y/n could tell he was having a rough time with understanding it all and trying to adjust to his new normal life. As a fellow human, she understood what he was going through, having felt the same things whenever the others would rush off into battle and she was stuck watching helplessly. It started off subtly, her wanting to cheer him up. She didn't want him to feel like she was pitying him, so she opted in doing small things for him. Whether it was leaving candy on his desk for him, walking to school with him after accidentally bumping into him on the way there, or even just stopping by his house after work to drop off some sweets for him and his family. She did all she could to try and get his mind off being normal now, but she couldn't tell if it was helping, Ichigo was still so sad. Along the way, she sort of fell for the orange haired male, making her feel even more hopeless. He was kinda different than his usual self, even though it'd been almost a year now that he'd lost his Shinigami powers. What else? What could she do? She felt helpless as she watched him attempt to starve off his sorrow with odd jobs here and there, and even joining different clubs as long as they paid for his services. She understood this was his way of accepting he'd never get his powers back, trying to move on, but was this really the way? It was as if he was just pushing it all behind him, not even trying to fully accept it. Frustrated and filled with sorrow over seeing the person she loved in such a state, she woke up one day with the resolve to at least ease him of his pain. She thought about confessing but wondered if that'd put pressure on the male. 'There he is! Okay, Y/n, you can do this!'. "I-Ichigo!" She called after him, glad that he was walking alone. He raised an eyebrow, turning around as she ran to catch up to him with a smile on her lips, a bag in hand "Y/n-chan?". "Sorry..this is random but..do you want to eat ice cream with me in the park?" She asked with a softer smile as she held the bag up "We..haven't talked in awhile since you've picked up that part-time job..". "Hm..sure" he gave in, hands in his pockets "Here, I'll hold the bag". He gently took the bag from her with a smile, "You're hair's gotten longer, huh?". "Y-yeah" she said with a grin, "I was thinking it was too long and it's a pain in summer..but I like it!". They ended up in the park in no time, sitting underneath a tree for shade and enjoyed the nice breeze it produced at they ate ice cream. He stole a glance at her, always curious as to why she was trying to hard to cheer him up. It's one of the reasons why he chose to move on rather than mull over his lost powers, he felt bad seeing her try so hard for him. He looked away, but he felt that simply moving on wasn't what she wanted from him. "Ichigo" she suddenly spoke up, his eyes trailed back over to rest on her, she didn't look over at him but kept her eyes glued to her half-eaten ice cream in her hands. "What's up?" He asked. "..I can't say I know exactly how you're feeling" she started off with a sad smile, "I didn't have any powers to begin with, so I won't try to sit here and tell you that I felt the same way...but, I can say that I think I know a little of how you felt". His eyes widened, "..Y/n-chan? Where's this coming fro--" he was cut off by her. "I didn't have any powers, I couldn't kick ass like you Ichigo. Or heal wounds in an instant like Orihime. I don't come from a special lineage like Uryu ad I don't have any secret powers like Sado....all I could do make sure your wounds were wrapped, make sure you were hydrated and fed..even with my pathetic skills, you and the others took me in" she smiled, eyes lifting to look at the orange and pink sky as the sun prepared to set "I'll always be grateful to you and the others..I'll always do my best to be of some use to you all. Ichigo..you probably think that you've lost the only way to protect those around you..but you're wrong. You're strong, and brave, you didn't lose those along with your powers, they're still there". She gave him a closed eyes grin, turning her head towards him "Don't lose hope, Ichigo! I think..things happen for a reason! When a door closes, another will open and who knows? Maybe it'll be an even better thing than the one you lost! A-anyways, I wanted to have this talk with you..I hope you don't think I overstepped any boundaries or anything..I'm just a concerned friend!". She got up from the bench, "Thanks for sharing ice cream with me! I'll see you tomorrow in school" she laughed softly, walking away. To say he was shocked at what she'd said, was an understatement. He hadn't expected her of all people to think about that stuff, he figured she was just worried about him. He had no idea that she felt that way about herself, never even giving it a second thought as to how she felt when she was always left behind during battles. She felt..the same way he did when he first lost his powers, how he still felt. "..hah..I've been worrying Y/n-chan all this time" he let out softly, eyes glued to his ice cream. It was times like these that made him fall in love with her even more. It was her bravery and perseverance that made him first see her in such a light, she was a normal human who couldn't fight hollows or defend herself against them, but she didn't let that stop her from helping him and his friends. After that, he found himself falling for her even more but with his duties as a Substitute Shinigami, he couldn't bring himself to put her into anymore danger than she already was. He was more than grateful when she stuck by his side after his battle with Aizen. He sighed, thinking back to what Keigo asked him on the rooftop during lunch. Have you thought about what you're gonna do after high school? He still had time to think about that stuff, not like he had anything else to do. There was also the fact that he really had no idea what he wanted to do. Truthfully, he thought he'd be a substitute soul reaper for the rest of his life. But, there was something that popped instantly into his mind when he thought about his future. He wanted to still be around his friends, even if he couldn't fight with them. But more than anything, he closed his eyes with a smile on his lips as he got up from the bench ".....I won't let her slip from my hands..". He tossed the ice cream into the trash can as he took off running, eyes glued to the girl's figure as she walked. "Y/n-chan!" He yelled after her, "Wait, Y/n-chan!". The girl halted, turing around with wide eyes. He panted as he ran, catching up a moment later as he held his hand out towards her "Y/n-chan...ab--..about another for opening for me with something even better..it opened for me long ago..even before I lost my shinigami powers". "Ichigo?" She let out confused "What're you talking about?". "You aren't pathetic, you aren't weak" he let out as he caught his breath " To me, you've always been brave and strong, even with no fighting abilities". Her eyes widened, cheeks growing warm as he continued on. "I've always thought that about you, whenever I'd get into a battle that I thought I couldn't win: I'd think about my friends who were fighting..I thought about you cheering me on from home..Y/n-chan, I haven't given much thought to what I'll do after I graduate but there’s one thing I know for sure that I want to be present in my future...I don't have anything to offer you...but, as of right now, I can offer you a pair of arms to come home to! And I swear to make you happy, no matter what!". He had a blush on his cheeks, as did she, "Ichigo..you..are you saying?.." She trailed off, unable to eve think straight. "I like you a lot, Y/n-chan, I have ever since we came back from saving Rukia...and I don't want to lose you..ever..." He cleared his throat before getting on his knee. "Y/n-chan!" He blurted out "Marry me!". Her eyes bulged from their sockets, "W-what?!". "I..is that a no?" He deadpanned, half-embarrassed and half-worried "I'm..a idiot..". She laughed as he got up, "N-no! That's not it, it's just that...you skipped the whole dating part and went straight for marriage". He blinked a few times, "...I did! Oh, then, will you go out with me Y/n-chan?". She grinned, "Yes! To both questions!". And she walked away happily, "C'mon, let's get some more ice cream!". "Wait..to both..questions?" His eyes widened, running to catch up to her "You'll marry me then?!".
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Love, Huh? - Chapter 6
Finally today arrived. The day you were meeting Yixing. After the dinner with the Oh’s, you texted him you were free the next day, but he had to be in China for a family wedding for a week. You met Yixing back when your ex was finding businesses to invest in, and his club was one of them. You didn’t instantly become friends with him, other than the fact that your ex was super jealous, Yixing was kinda scary at first. He had this intimidating aura, even your ex agreed. But you got closer. In secret though.
For the past week, the boys have barely left you alone. They would try to arrange their schedule so at least one of them would be home. You know they have many friends, especially Chanyeol. Even Kyungsoo has his routine hangouts with his group. And Sehun who likes to drink outside. But lately they’ve just been at home a lot. You overheard Chanyeol couple days ago talking to his friend, “Sorry babe, a bit busy tonight, the comeback is near. But I’ll see you next week at the show okay?” or when you unintentionally and accidentally saw a text message on Kyungsoo’s phone from ‘Kwangsoo-hyung’ that read “We miss you Soo-ya. Hope you can come next time!” when both of them (plus the youngest) were schedule-less and spent the whole night at home drinking with Sehun’s newly bought whiskey.
When all of them had to leave altogether one day, they called and texted you (or facetime at the clingy maknae’s case) all day. You wanted to tell them that you were okay, and to be alone for a couple of hours is totally manageable. But you didn’t, knowing that they still felt guilty (when they shouldn’t have) they couldn’t be there when you needed them. So you let them, do things that would ease their minds.
You told them about your plan today, since they had to finish everything up for their next week’s comeback. Like expected, when you were getting ready to meet Yixing, you checked your phone to find a lot of texts already came in the group chat, the one they already had before they added you in.
Yeollie [10:16] :
Hey @you awake yet?
Se [11:03] :
Sleepyhead wake up
You [12:24] :
Sorry just checked my phone. Been awake since 10 you ass @Se
Almost ready to head out tho, leaving in about 15 minutes. So excitedd!
When are you guys coming home tonight? I was thinking of Ramyeon night?
Kyungsoo [12:26] :
We should be home at around 8 or 9 I think. Don’t wait for us to have dinner. Chanyeol would pick a movie for tonight, but if you’re tired you can go to sleep early. Have fun with your friend and be careful.
Yeollie [12:26] :
At 8!
Oh Soo answered that already lol :p
Have fun we miss youuu!
Wait I thought you were meeting him at 1?
Se [12:27] :
My ass is great, you just jealous
You [12:27] :
@Yeollie always the sweetest! I miss you guys too! And this morning when Xing told me the address, turned out the café is just a couple blocks away, so I’m walking there!
@Kyungsoo yes sir!
Se [12:27] :
Hmm.. Kinky
You [12:27] :
Shut up, you’re the only kinky ass in this gc fool, my eyes are still suffering from what I saw
Se [12:28] :
Okay I’m shutting up
Yeollie [12:29] :
Ohh! Tell me! I wanna know!
You [12:29] :
If Sehun continued being a brat I would happily tell you :)
Kyungsoo [12:29] :
Back to actually important thing, you’re gonna walk there? Can’t he pick you up or just take a cab instead. It’s safer.
You [12:30] :
I think I could walk just fine, Soo. No need to be paranoid. I’m not dying or anything. Gonna keep annoying your asses for a long time so count on it!
Se [12:31] :
You’ve been saying ‘ass’ waaay too many times today. Didn’t know you’re an ass-kinda girl
You [12:31] :
Sehun, I’m thiiis close to type in what I saw 3 christmas ago in your room when both your hyungs were visiting their parents
By the way, aren’t you guys supposed to be working now?
Get off of your phones! If they fired you and you’re jobless who’s gonna feed me :(
Yeollie [12:32] :
I’m lunching and Soo’s at makeup and Sehun is messing around like usual, we’ll keep our job just fine and you’re gonna be eating good food for the rest of our life!
Oh and by the way, we’re watching Captain America tonight ! But like Soo said, if you’re tired you could just go to sleep!
And please Sehun, keep being annoying. I can’t wait for when she’s fed up with you and finally tell us your kinks.
Se [12:32] :
Yes mommy
@Yeollie interested much ???
You [12:32] :
Ooh, I see, another kink. I’ll keep that in mind, baby ;)
By the way @Yeollie I still find it weird you’re Team Cap but ordered Iron Man costume instead. And don’t worry. I can sense it’s close to when I finally do :)
But not complaining about the movie tho, I got to stare at Chris Evans’ face (and abs and arms) for 2 hours, I don’t even think I’m gonna be sleepy.
Se [12:33] :
Why are you only mean to me :(
He’s weird that’s why! Everyone who’s Team Cap is weird!
You [12:33] :
Faulty logic. You’re Team Iron Man but still the weirdest out of all of us
Yeollie [12:33]:
*online high-five*
And Team Cap rocks!
You [12:33] :
Se [12:34] :
@Kyungsoo hyuuung help me they’re bullying me :(
Kyungsoo [12:34] :
Oh I didn’t tell you? I’m also Team Cap.
Se [12:34] :
You [12:34] :
Should we change this gc name to ‘Cap’s bitches’?
[12:35] Yeollie changed group name to “Cap’s Bitches”
Se [12:35] :
Kyungsoo [12:35] :
At this point you were laughing close to tears. You continued eating your lunch, a text came in, from Kyungsoo.
Kyungsoo [12:37] :
Hey you had lunch yet?
You [12:37] :
Eating rn!
Kyungsoo [12:37] :
Good. Don’t forget your meds too
You [12:37] :
Yes daddy
Kyungsoo almost choked on his drink, that his makeup noona looked at him weird.
“Funny pic,” he half-assedly explained.
You [12:37] :
Wait that came out weird
Sorry lol
Kyungsoo [12:38] :
You should thank God this is not the gc
You [12:38] :
Sehun won’t let it go I know :)
Hell I think Chanyeol would also tease me about it
By the way I’m gonna head out shortly
Have a fun day at work! See you tonight! xx
Kyungsoo [12:39] :
See you, and be safe.
Leaving Kyungsoo and the group chat (that was just filled with Sehun’s whining at this point) on read, you finished your dishes and went back to your room to grab your bag. Picking up the phone you left on the counter, you saw the last messages on the group chat.
Se [12:44] :
I hate everyone
[12:45] Se changed group name to “im leaving the band”
A laugh came out from you. Finally things were starting to be normal again. Except of course the constant nagging and worries from them. But you found yourself liking it, that they care about you. And of course, it did feel nice to bicker with Sehun after so long.
“I miss your bratty ass,” you smiled mumbling to no one.
When you were checking out the chat, someone rang the doorbell. Weird, no one was supposed to come over.
You [12:45] :
Hey anyone expecting someone today?
I thought the cleaner was supposed to come tomorrow?
After the quick texts, they didn’t answer and the bell rung again. So you took a look at the peephole, and found the person you didn’t expect standing in front of the door.
“BAEKHYUN!” you exclaimed.
“GIRLIE I MISSED YOU!” he then proceeded to hug you.
“What are you doing here?!”
Baekhyun let you go before answering, “Your boyfriends told me you needed company today!”
Ah, of course. The boys.
“They told me to come last week too, but I was busy so I couldn’t. I was so sad I couldn’t see you earlier. It’s been sooooo long!!” he explained.
You hugged once again, indeed, missing him. Before the shitshow happened, he was one of your closest friends other than the EXO, the boys’ band. You then told him you were meeting Yixing and he was more than happy to come with you.
So you walked with him to Yixing’s café. He started to talk about the things you missed out about him, like how he became the million seller with his last album, the first Korean solo artist to do so in 19 years (yes go off king), and some of the guys he dated. He also mentioned his plan to collab with Kyungsoo again and how he had high hopes about it, since the first made him got a best friend in the latter and also in you and the two others.
It took him about 10 minutes before asking, “So what happened?”
“Bad relationship, and like usual, they were there to pick up my pieces,” you answered with a sincere smile.
Baekhyun didn’t pry. And that was really what he really need to know. That you were okay.
15 minutes of walking and you finally arrived. And you didn’t even have to enter the café to find Yixing, he was standing on the entrance looking down to his watch and phone. He only looked over when you called his name, and you launched into each other’s arms.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered as he held you.
“Again, not your fault, and never will be.” You stepped back from him and introduced him to the other person. “This is Baekhyun, and this is Yixing,” you said to both and Yixing offered his hand. Baekhyun zoned out for a minute before shaking the other’s hand.
“Come in! And choose your favorite treat please!” the tallest welcomed you in.
After choosing the mouthwatering red velvet cake and rose tea for yourself, all three of you were seated in one of the tables.
“So I never knew you had a café,” you said to Yixing.
“You know I’m a sweet tooth. Once I’ve saved enough, this happened,” he gestured the café. “Have you been okay?”
“Yes, how ‘bout you?”
“Me? I’m okay. Well not really. I’m drowning in debts cause I made a leap of faith when this lot became available couple of months ago, so,” he laughed.
You laughed with him too, “Your parents are rich, Xing. You need to worry about nothing.”
“Exactly why I’m not depressed about the debts,” he paused to take a sip of his drink. “Is this one of the guys you live with?” he asked pointing at the guy sitting next to you, currently head deep in his strawberry watermelon cake.
You chuckled seeing Baekhyun’s excitement eating the treat. “No. He’s their friend though. Mine too.”
Realizing he was being talked about, he looked sheepishly to the both of you. “Sorry, this is really good,” he talked with his mouth full.
“By the way, where do you live? You said it’s not far?” Yixing asked you. When you told him the name of the building, his eyes widen. “No way.”
“I live there too!”
“No way.”
“Do you live there too?” Yixing asked Baekhyun this time.
“Sadly, no.”
All of you ended up talking about music, with Baekhyun giving songs recommendation for Yixing to play in his café, most of them are his songs though. Not that anyone complained, his songs are bombs. Baekhyun also asked about business things, turned out he was thinking about opening up a clothes store for his brand.
“Sorry I have to take this,” Baekhyun said when his phone rang, and he walked out of the café.
“Does he know?” Yixing asked once Baekhyun left.
“A little bit.”
“The other guys?”
“They know.”
“Good. You need the support.” He paused again. “I’m really sorry though. I didn’t know it was that bad.”
“Like I’ve said over and over again, it is not your fault.”
“His mom called a couple days ago.”
Your breath hitched. “Why?”
“He’s been spiraling out of control.”
Your heart skipped a beat. “But why would she call you and not his friends?” They were friends yes, Yixing and your ex. But not that close.
“She asked my number around, knowing I know you, to ask me to tell you. She’s his mom but still a woman. She couldn’t ask you for this.”
“For what?”
“A call. To him.”
And this time you were sure you weren’t breathing. “What happened to him?” you asked him with your head hung low.
Yixing took your hand in his, “Drugs.”
Your head snapped up. “What?”
He took a deep breath before continuing to explain, “He did drug business behind my back at the club, another reason I closed it down other than the fact that all the investors left after what happened. And the police knew. That’s why they tried to push you into suing him, cause they don’t have enough proof to put him behind bars. He never used them before. But his mom told me he’s been doing it. And she begged me to let you know, to ask you to call him. Just once, to tell him to stop.”
Your head fell again, you were holding back tears. You were afraid, of him. You were afraid of what he did to you and also about what would happen to him.
“You don’t have to do it, not after what he did to you.”
“I… I’ll think about it,” you replied weakly.
“Don’t think too hard. I don’t agree with this too. I only told you because his mom literally begged me on her knees to let you know. But you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, okay?”
You just nodded. When Baekhyun came back, you tried to fake a smile and masked your feelings. After about another hour, with promises of visiting in the future, you left. As both of you walked out of the café, you turned to your side to the guy who spent the last hour staring at your friend, “You know, he’s gay, he’s single, definitely ready to mingle, and I also noticed his interest in you” you watched his eyes twinkled, “Go get that dick,” you lightly smacked his bottom as he blushed and walked in once again to face the guy behind the cashier. You saw them pulling out their phones, clearly exchanging numbers. “Happy?” you asked as Baekhyun came out smiling wide.
“I just got myself a sugar daddy, of course I’m happy!”
“Oh don’t even try. He’s my sugar daddy.”
“Honey, you already have 3, you don’t need more.”
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Good ol’ Freaky Friday

So this is for you @cutelittleriot !! You didn’t specify if you wanted naughties or not some imma just have some hints of that in there. I hope you enjoy this!
Though it would have been perfect if this had happened on a Friday, it didn’t, it was Tuesday. The day before, you were sitting in class, zoned out and looking through the window. You had been so out of it that you didn’t even realize that class had ended and Bakugou was stomping over to drag you to lunch. “Y/N!” He barked once he reached you. You jolted up from your seat and swung your head around to face him. “Oh, thank goodness class is over, I totally wasn’t paying attention.” You laughed. “Gee, I couldn’t tell.” He said with a smirk and an eye roll. You grabbed your bag and followed him to find a place to eat lunch.
You guys finished lunch, which usually consisted of shoving food in each other’s faces and cracking jokes. So when you guys had a little time left in lunch, you were both surprised you both hadn’t “wasted” it talking and laughing about shit that no one else would understand. That’s when Bakugou proposed a challenge, big suprise right? He said, “Y’know, you’re cute, too cute to win in a spar with someone like me.” He finished with a cocky smirk, hoping to gain some more precious time with you the only way he knew how. You looked over at him with an icy glare and said, “Do I still look cute to you now?” He wasn’t gonna lie, that gave him some goosebumps. But as expected, that just riled him up even more. “What changed?” He asked with a shit eating grin. “Fine! Tomorrow after school, loser. I’m gonna grind those teeth of yours into paste!” You boldly claimed, standing up and walking off to class. He gave a light snort watching you storm off like that, “I’d love to see you try.”
‘What an ass!’ You thought to yourself, stomping about your room. ‘I can deal with his normal asshole behavior but I never thought he’d disrespect me like that.’ You figured bakugou wasn’t the type of guy to whip out an antaginozation like that. It really wasn’t even that bad, but you figured it struck a cord just because it came from him. ‘I’d like to see him walk a day in a girl’s shoes.’ You huffed, whipping your hair up into a bun and settling into bed.
Bakugou didn’t know what the hell he did to get a reaction like that from you. He wasn’t really complaining though, it made him excited to see you with such an intense and fierce look in your eye. ‘That’s my girl’ he thought to himself after recalling the event. He was very much looking forward to tomorrow, and he knew very well that you could hand his ass to him on a silver platter but he just couldn’t help himself. He was determined to learn everything he could about you, and that emotion he evoked in you today was priceless. Though if you ever used a glare like that on anyone else, they’d be dead before you could blink those pretty little eyes of yours. One day he’d get the nerve to ask you out, but for now he would just look forward to seeing you tomorrow.
“Uuuuuugghhhh” you groaned at the unfamiliar and very annoying beeping sound, flapping your hand around to find your phone to see what it was. Again, you groaned because you could not find it without opening your eyes but when you did, you thought you might still have been asleep. “What the f-“ you began to say but instantly slapped a rough hand against your mouth after hearing a deep male voice protrude from it. And then slapped that hand away because you thought it was some random persons hand against you- and that voice sounded like.... “NONONONONONONONO” you muttered, yeeting yourself out of bed and running into an unfamiliar bathroom to the mirror and saw Bakugou staring right back at you. But where were you? You turned your head frantically and quickly noticed that his moves were mimicking yours in the mirror. “No. This is a dream. Let’s give ourself a slap and we’ll wake up and everything will be peachy again.” And so you did, and when it didn’t work, you did so again until it hurt and then slumped to the floor in disbelief, elbows on your knees with your head sunk down. And that’s when you realized-“No. I’m never going to the bathroom again, they’ll have to cut it out of me.” And that’s when you also realized that if you’re in his body then he must be... “Oh mY gOsH, I know I wished for him to walk a day in a girls shoes but not mine!!”
Meanwhile, over at your house Katsuki was sleeping like a log, reveling in your soft and plush bed. Then, he too was rudely awoken by an unfamiliar alarm, and went to grab his phone to turn it off. When he couldn’t find it where he usually does, he huffed and opened his eyes, outstretching his hand with painted fingernails slapping around to find it. Wait. Painted fingernails? Instantly he saw red, there could only be one culprit. “MO-m” he bagan to shout but quickly slapped a hand over his mouth. That didn’t sound like his voice...painted nails, different voice - he looked around the room, not recognizing it, he walked over to the bathroom attached to it and looked in the mirror. “NONONONONONO, THIS CAN’T AND SHOULD NOT BE HAPPENING!!” He gave himself a slap and was about to give another one when he realized he was actually slapping you, which was him and your skin was really soft and your hands were so much nicer than his and your hair was messy and cute and.... you were wearing nothing but a pair of panties and a revealing tank top. (It might not have been revealing the night before but he doesn’t understand the struggle of a girl sleeping in a tank top.) He INSTANTLY blushed and fumbled over himself and just as quickly realized and said to himself, “Nonononono, not going to the bathroom, not gonna look at anything, not gonna take a peek at that marvelous ass I know you under your skirt at school...” he trailed off and shook his head. ‘It’s time to get serious Katsuki. From here on out, it’s Mission Impossible, The Escape From (Y/N’s) house.’ First step, getting dressed while trying not to invade your privacy. He looked down at his (your) chest and looked away just as quickly, blushing profusely because he noticed you weren’t wearing a bra. ‘Too bad, you’re going commando there today Y/N.’ Thankfully for him, your uniform was already hanging up and he slipped it on, secretly enjoying the breeziness of a skirt-not that he’d admit it to anyone, not even himself. But when it came to socks, he knew he had no choice but to dig around. He went straight for your dresser and popped open the top drawer, bingo. He picked out a pair but something bright and colorful caught his eye and he turned towards the left. And there were all of your panties. He was unable to stop his horny boy mind the inevitable pictures floating in it of you wearing them. Those ones were really cute...surely you wouldn’t mind if he changed into those for you right? Before he realized what he was doing, he was already slipping on the new pair and instantly regretted it the second he felt them flush against your most private area. Okay, 1. What the fuck, I want my dick back. 2. Oh my gosh if she notices I changed them, she will most definitely kill me. And 3. How the fuck does she tolerate wearing shit like this? He slipped your feet into the socks and went back to the bathroom, finding your toothbrush and brushing your teeth, stopping to linger at your lips after he had finished rinsing your mouth out. You were so gorgeous. Honestly, any boy would die for an opportunity like this but he respected you too much to mess around with your body like that. He reached up to try and make your hair look a little less disheveled, for you not him because he thought it was cute, but backed away because he had no idea how scrunchies work so he left it, settling to tuck some pieces of hair behind your ears. Katsuki had never entertained the idea of being a girl or what it’s like to be one, but he definitely had a newly found respect for them, from the underwear alone. He took a deep breath, preparing for the inevitablity of having to go downstairs and possibly run by your folks. Thankfully, they had already headed off to work so he grabbed some fruit and grabbed your bag at the door, making sure to lock it behind him.
Things had pretty much gone much the same for you, got dressed, put on his deodorant, brushed his teeth, tried not to stare at or go to feel his abs, which was incredibly difficult to do. Also, you were terrified that if you got excited from it, you would have to deal with a whole entirely different kind of problem, in the downstairs department. But you didn’t think he would mind if you got to ruffle around in his hair so you did, enjoying the fluffiness of it. It was kind of hard for you to walk, not used to having such a straight body but it wasn’t enough to hinder you. You made it out the door with no complications and headed off to school.
The first thing both of you did when you reached school, not in time to catch each other walking in, was head straight to Recovery Girl’s office. You made it there first and she warmly greeted you. You explained the situation and she cackled, your sounds of embarrassment and fluster only fueling the fire. Once she had calmed down she explained to you that she received an email in the morning explaining that a villain popped up and has been doing this all over town. She said that you two could wait it out or...you two could kiss and change back. You turned red at the thought of doing so but there wasn’t really any downsides to it, unless he didn’t feel the same way about you. You both turned your heads to the sound of a knock at the door and Recovery Girl called for them to come in. Aaaand it was odd, to say the least. You didn’t exactly get to look at yourself from somebody else’s view very often. “Oh my gosh why the hell did you bring me to school with my hair like that?!” You yelled at him. “Shut up dumbass, don’t act like this ruins how fucking beautiful you are.” He retorted angrily at you, and you both turned red at the words that had slipped out of his mouth. “Well Bakugou, I just finished explaining to Y/N that this has been happening all over town. You two can either wait this out, or a simple kiss will turn you two back instantly.” She said, watching in amusement. “Whatever, lets just get this over with.” He said. “No, I’m not gonna kiss myself with yourself if you’re gonna be like that Bakugou.” You huffed. “Look Y/N, I really like you, and it’s been tough today keeping myself from invading your privacy because I want to learn about you from you, not from this situation. So get the fuck over here and kiss me.” He said, crossing his arms. You gave him a devious look. “Your wish is my command princess.” You said, and then leaned down, hugging around your waist and kissing yourself, no...you were kissing him, and it felt like bliss. Not only to be back in your own body, but that at long last, you got to kiss him and he felt the same way about you. You opened your eyes as you pulled away from each other. He gave you a squeeze on your love handles and said, “You’re gonna regret calling me a princess, princess. We’ve still got that spar to look forward to.” You snickered, thanking recovery girl and making your way to the door, on your way out to turned your head back and told him, “Bitch, I’m a queen.” And slipped behind the door with a smile.
‘That’s my girl’ he smirked. Then he turned around to thank Recovery Girl as well and realized, asking her, “Wait, what if there were family members who got changed and they didn’t have time to wait it out?” She served him a devilish smile and said, “Oh, they don’t have to kiss, as long as they make contact with the person they switched bodies with, they will return to normal. But it wouldn’t have been very fun if I had told you that now would it?”
Well, I hope I satisfied your request! Sorry if it was too plain or not well written, but I’ve only ever used my writing skills for school so I hope you found it tolerable. If you had something else in mind when you were asking, please let me know so I can do better the next time around!
#bakugou x reader#katsuki bakugou#katsuki bakugo x reader#katsuki bakugou x reader#bnha x reader#katsuki x reader
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Afternoon Delight || Puckenna
Tagging: @thepuckrmn & @mckennaisabelle
Location: Puck’s studio
Timeframe: May 14th
Notes: Lunch and some softness but don’t tell Puck.
Warnings: Nothing!
Kenna had been waiting to go to lunch for the longest, and to be honest, spending it with Puck sounded like a pretty great way to do things. After she picked up their food, she swung by and grabbed herself an ice cream before parking her car and walking into the studio. Looking around, she always found herself to be distracted and wanting a tattoo and at this point, he'd have her covered if she let him. Making her way back, she walked to the office door, using her foot to open the door and shut it with her hip as she smiled over at Puck. "Food delivery!" She spoke in an excited tone as she walked over to him, placing the food on his desk and leaning up against it while she licked her ice cream cone. "I got you two burgers, cause you might get hungry later, too."
Puck worked on paying off the utility bills and ignoring the rumbling in his stomach. Hearing footsteps approaching, he glanced up from his work as he watched his roommate enter the office. “About time,” he joked as he pushed his work away to make room for the food. “Two burgers?? You’re the perfect roommate.” He reached into the bag and pulled out a burger and the fries. He popped a couple fries into his mouth and leaned back in his seat. “Did you not get actual food for yourself?” he asked as he looked over at her.
Rolling her eyes at his comment, she scrunched her nose for a second and stuck her tongue out at him playfully. "It's not my fault that they took forever," she chuckled and watched him grab out his food. He looked like he had been busy, just because of what he was doing whenever she walked in but if anyone could handle the busy pace, it was him. "I know I am. I'm kinda perfect at a lot of things," she joked. Whenever he asked about food for herself, she pointed at the bag and reached in to grab out a burger. "I just wanted a burger but I also wanted ice cream so I had to eat it first, that way it doesn't melt." Holding it out, she raised her eyebrows. "Want some?"
He unwrapped his burger as he listened to her and chuckled before taking a bite. He nodded approvingly when he realized she remembered the extra pickles on his burger. Shaking his head at her offer, he pushed his seat away from his desk to give himself a little room. “Not really an ice cream guy,” he replied. Puck pointed down at his lap and smirked up at her. “This is available for you whenever you want by the way…or you can just grab a chair from over there.” He gestured over at the chair he had sitting in the corner. “You got any big plans this weekend?”
Finishing off her ice cream, she shrugged her shoulders and looking around his office quietly for a moment before letting a shiver take over her body. Grabbing her burger from the table, she unwrapped it and took a bite while she thought about her options. Tapping her temple with her finger, she stood up and moved over to him to sit down on his lap. She was just comfortable with him, it wasn't anything that was new or shocking. Her legs crossed over the other side and she crossed her ankles while looking at him. "This is a good seat. Comfy, better than that chair." Whenever he asked about her weekend, she shrugged. "Not really. I'm off, thank god so I think I'm just hanging out. What about you?"
Smirking, he leaned back and gave her room to sit on his lap. Shifting his burger to one hand, Puck kept his free hand respectfully on her waist to give her support as she perched there. “Yeah that chair is crap,” he joked as he took another bite of his burger. Puck shook his head at her question. “I’m working all tomorrow night. I think I might take Saturday afternoon and night off. We’ll see. Definitely have Sunday off. Might go out to the beach if the weather is chill. Or driving out to a hiking trail. Pretty much anything outdoors.”
Kenna smiled as he supported her place and she finally took a bite of her burger while listening to his options for what to do for the weekend. "I am supposed to go to the beach with Lizzie around noon on Sunday. Maybe we could do something before then if you want to? Though, I highly doubt that you wanna drive back to bring me home if you go to a hiking trail if you don't wanna come back that soon. If you want company that is," she added to her thought. She knew that she needed to get herself back into their morning runs, it'd be about a week and she'd lost the motivation for a bit but she was ready to do it again. "I gotta start running again, next week I don't have to go in until seven so it won't be so bad."
“I mean I’d love the company but yeaahhh we’d have to leave at like 4am to get a good hike in and I’m not tryna start my Sunday that early. You think Hendrix could hang on a hike? Or are his legs too tiny? I could get one of those dog backpacks and carry him if he gets tired,” he reasoned out loud before reaching over to grab a fry and put it into his mouth. Puck chuckled at her comment and pretended to struggled with her weight on his lap. “Oh yeah. Better start running again before you crush me the next time you sit on my lap.” He playfully squeezed her side before taking a bite from his burger.
Pursing her lips, she nodded her head while taking another bite of her burger. "I'm sure that Hendrix could hang but you should take one of the backpacks in case he starts struggling. I'm sure that he would love to get out of the apartment and adventure but just know, I'm gonna want all of the pictures of you two. It'll be your new contact picture in my phone," she teased and then found herself leaning over into him a little whenever he leaned over to grab a fry. Then he pretended to struggle and she laughed, shoving his shoulder. "Oh hush," she squeaked as he grabbed her side and jumped a little. "That's my ticklish spot, so be careful but I gotta run! I gotta keep the abs up, y'know? They don't look this flawless on their own!" She admitted, looking over at him again.
“I’ll see if I can wrangle up a dog backpack by Sunday. I make no promises about the pictures though,” he added before returning his attention to finishing his cheeseburger. Crumpling up the wrapper, he tossed it into a nearby trash can before grabbing his drink and taking a sip. He chuckled as he watched her react to his touch, mentally filing away that bit of information for the future. “You do have great abs,” he agreed with a nod. “I mean you’ve still been getting in all of your cardio even without your runs...your bed has been quite empty these nights.” Smirking, he winked at her before grabbing some more fries.
"I think I might have one in a box somewhere, but I can fact check that before I try to confirm. I'll just sneak one of you two," she teased and then watched his movements. Once she was finished with her burger, she tossed her trash and then watched him grab his drink. Leaning over, she took a drink from his after he finished and grabbed his fries from the desk and held onto them in front of her so he didn't have to reach over for them. Laughing, she shook her head and then laid her head over onto his shoulder and closed her eyes. "Look. I'm not gone every night! Though, you go do stuff a lot, y'know. Sometimes you aren't home until like much later and I'm already knocked out." Reaching over, she poked his side playfully with her free hand. "I do get my cardio in, I know how to do that."
Puck ate the fries that she held out for his. Grabbing one, he held it up for her to eat. “Mmmm I dunno. You’re gone almost every night. And let’s not forget that I’m still mad at you for banging Madison in my apartment when I wasn’t around to bring you guys drinks and snacks,” he joked. Puck took the empty fry container out of her hand and tossed it away as well. He laughed as she poked his side. “Oh I know you know how to get your cardio in.” Wrapping his arms around her waist, he rested his head against hers. “You working late today?”
Eating the fry that he held up for her, she smiled a little up at him and then shook her head again. "I am not! We should have like a weekend where we stay home, but I don't know if you can handle that. Also!! It wasn't really planned! It just kinda happened," she laughed. Her body rested against his and she smiled contently whenever his head rested on hers and her hand gently moved on his side while she just relaxed with him. "I'm just really good at that without even trying, but no. I get off at seven tonight. Thankfully. I plan on trying to stay off nights for as long as I possibly can. You working until eleven tonight?"
“I would definitely get bored if we stayed in the apartment all weekend. I hate getting cooped up.” He laughed as she defended her hookup with Madison. Puck nodded at her question. “Yup. Working until close. Gotta make that money.” He shut his eyes for a moment and held her close. Squeezing her tightly for a moment, he sighed before letting her go. “Alright. Get outta here before people see me being nice. Got a tough reputation to keep around here.” Puck patted her side softly before moving her off his lap. “Thanks for lunch though.”
"Exactly my point, see? I get bored sometimes, but I can also distract myself with movies or things like that," she laughed and then shrugged. "You act like it's hard, you can get literally anyone in here to do it because you just smile." Standing up whenever he helped her up, she yawned before turning to look at him with a soft smile. "Oh right. Sorry. Mr. Tough pants. Can't ruin that," she chuckled then leaned over to hug him gently and grabbed her keys off his desk while turning to the door. "You're welcome. It was a good lunch. See you at home tonight?" She asked, opening the door and then waved back at him.
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You Gonna Tell Him?
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Word Count: 2643
Warnings: Smut (not that graphic), language but y’all should know me by now. I think that’s it.
A/N – This is one of two of my submissions for Ang’s 2K GIF Challenge (@atc74 ) I’m really leaving these to the last minute and I apologise. Prompt was the Sam gif below, the Jensen gif was just a bonus for y’all and just to show you the expression I meant.
This was also a request by @feelmyroarrrr who said: Oh sam x reader, and she’s got a history of running that he doesn’t know about but dean does. He challenges her to a race after some banter and gets trounced!!!
‘God! I’m so hungry.’ You whined to Dean just as Sam walked in, drenched in sweat from his morning run. ‘Hey handsome.’
Shaking his head at you, he sauntered over to you, bending over so he could plant a kiss on your lips.
‘Hello beautiful.’ He whispered as he pulled away after Dean faked a gag. ‘But, baby, how can you be hungry? By the looks of it, you and Dean already ate.’
‘Oh no, I just got up, this is all Y/N.’ Dean defended himself, raising his palms up in surrender then pointing at his coffee, telling his brother that it was all he had so far and he was threatened by you if he even so much as looked at your plates of food.
‘Well, I need to keep up that stamina to keep up with you, don’t I?’
A cough from Dean.
‘TMI, Y/N.’
‘That’s not what I meant, get your mind out of the gutter.’ You rolled your eyes at Dean then turned to Sam. ‘I meant on hunts, I need to be able to keep up with you guys and I need to keep to a high calorie diet if I’m going to burn it off later.’ Nonchalantly, you shrugged at your boyfriend.
‘Well then, no more of this crappy junk food. Have a banana. Or a salad. Just don’t eat like Dean!’ He shouted over his shoulder as he left the kitchen, mentioning that he was off for a shower.
‘Hey! Don’t mock the warrior!’ The older Winchester huffed out, turning to you to catch you stealing the last mouthful of his coffee. ‘How dare you?!’
He checked the hallways to make sure that Sam was out of earshot. ‘You gonna tell him?’
You thought about it, thought about telling Sam about your previous profession but, ‘nah, gonna issue something to beat him and let him find out the hard way if he comments on my eating habits again. Can’t believe you knew about me before Sam did.’
‘I was channel surfin’ and you were on TV. You were hot so I thought fuck it and damn, it was a good day.’ A dreamy look on his face as he recalled that day.
Groaning, you tossed your head back and glanced at the ceiling, ‘You are such a perv. You know that?’
He shrugged.
‘You know for that, I’m gonna tell you that I’m going to get in the shower with your brother and it’s going to get pretty hot and steamy in there, not because of the water-’
‘Alright, alright. I got the picture.’ He shivered, the image you had described, now in his head.
Giving him a cheeky grin, you turned on the ball of your heel and exited the kitchen, keeping a light jog so you could catch up with Sam and join him in the shower.
Thankfully, when you twisted the door handle, you found it unlocked so you entered the room and stripped out of the pajamas you were still wearing and climbed into the shower with Sam.
You made good on your promise. You and Sam tangling your limbs together as your bodies became one. Low moans escaping you as Sam entered you, his strength amazing you as he effortlessly hoisted you up and wrapped your legs around his waist. His kisses against your lips were harsh and hungry, yours equally so.
The water that was cascading over the both of you was forgotten as the two of you got lost in each other.
Sweat beaded across your forehead but remained unseen as it mixed with the water and the steam of the shower. Sam pinned you against the porcelain white tiles, a contrast against your darker skin, the two of you rolling your hips to gain as much friction from each other as possible.
It caused him to find the sweetest spot inside of you, the one that caused you to quiver and come with no complaint, every single time.
Finally, after a few hours, you had convinced Sam to sit with you and endure a movie night, just the two of you; a night without Dean where the you didn’t have to hear Sam complaining and grumbling under his breath about another one of Dean’s cowboy movies.
You settled on something that both of you could enjoy.
Action packed and full of hilarious moments.
Central Intelligence was a wise decision, if you did say so yourself. You and Sam had laughed until your abs had contorted and your stomachs had hurt from laughing so much.
Halfway through the movie, you untangled yourself from his embrace, leaning forward and pausing it. When doing so, Sam had playfully whacked you on your behind, a squeal and a yelp bubbling over and spilling out of your lips at the sting.
‘Would you give me a second? I’m going to get food. I’ll be back, gigantor.’ Rolling your eyes and rubbing a palm over your now sore tush.
‘No chocolate coated popcorn, you’ll be worse than Dean.’ Sam said, not realising that he had commented on your eating habits once more.
‘I eat what I want, Samuel.’ You smirked as you chose your next word carefully. ‘Besides I’d beat you in a race any day.’
‘It’s Sam and you can’t.’ He replied, his lip curling up into a challenging smile, thinking he had the upper hand in your little battle of dominance on whether or not you could beat him in a race.
‘DEAN!’ You yelled at the top of your lungs, you fold your arms in front of your chest. The smile on your face as you heard the heavy clanking and thudding of his boots hitting the floor as he charged towards you.
Dean’s face was beet red, a gun raised in his hands and his finger on the trigger ready to shoot.
Once he had surveyed the area and calmed down, he realised that there were no real threats upon you or his brother.
‘Why the fuck did I just run half way across the bunker, ready to shoot anything that posed a threat for your freaking smug face?’ Dean breathed out, holding onto the door frame and placing the gun on the top of the drawers next to the door.
After Dean realised what expression your face held, ‘he said it didn’t he?’
When you gave him an affirmative nod, Dean turned to your boyfriend, he sucked in a breath and bared all his teeth an attempt to silently reveal to Sam that he had made a big mistake.
A huge one.
‘Oh yeah! Told him I could beat him in a race and issued a challenge so I took it.’ Unfolding your arms, you walked over to Sam, fear speckled in his kaleidoscopic eyes. Surprising him, you pressed up on your tip toes and slanted your lips together in a quick, feather light kiss. Pulling away, you whispered, ‘good luck, baby.’
‘You are going to need it, brother.’ Dean laughed. ‘When is this going down? I have to watch this.’
‘Whenever Sam’s ready.’
‘I guess I’m training.’ Sam huffed, ripping off his jacket and beginning to unbutton his grey flannel. ‘We’ll do this tomorrow, 8am.’
With the time and date set, you changed into your jogging gear and began some secret training of your own. 12 hours until the race. You had plenty of time to kick Sam’s ass, even if it was a perky one.
You joined him in bed, early in the morning, exhausted from working out, finishing the protein bar that was in your hand.
The next morning, you woke as usual, tangled with Sam, your hand over his chest and your fingers running through the smattering of his curly chest hair.
Hiking you leg up, you allowed it to rest on the long length of his torso and drape over his hip.
Fingers traveling to his face, they smoothed out the crease in his brow, before they moved on their own accord down his perfectly straight nose. When he lightly stirred, you knew you had roused him from his sleep.
His pink lips twitched into a smile; it disappeared just as quickly as it appeared. Not even a second but you caught it.
Your fingers once again made their descent, down to where you had memorised their exact position. From what you could tell, they liked it when you touched them, they came out of their home in Sam's cheeks and making an appearance through his growing beard.
A groan.
An arm tighter around you as the other wound around your back.
Oh yeah. He was awake.
Carefully pushing up, you pressed a kiss to his lips, your fingers threading through the longer strands of his hair at the nape of his neck.
His eyes remained closed but his lips did all the work, pressing harder onto yours and deepening the kiss.
Without breaking the connection between yours and Sam's lips, you rolled so that you were on top of him. Your chests, hips, and lips molding into one.
When you pulled away, you licked your lips and smirked. ‘You ready to lose, baby?’
He drug his teeth across his bottom lip, a slow smile appearing on his face as he remembered your little bet, challenge, whatever you want to call it.
He had no idea what he was in for. ‘I'm going to win so no, sweetheart, I’m not ready to lose because it's not going to happen.’
‘Okay, Mr So Sure Of Himself, you'll have to wait and see then won't you.’ You patted him on his chest before you rolled off of him and the bed. When you made it to your feet, you held out your hand so Sam could accept it. ‘Shower first?’
Needless to say, it was a shower that got you dirty rather than getting you clean.
Dean was up and raring to go. His alarm clock blasted through the walls of his bedroom but this time, instead of his usual groan, he was out of bed faster than the flash, ready to watch the race between you and his brother.
With a smile on his face, Dean left his bedroom after he got dressed in a hoodie and sweatpants.
Today was going to be a relaxing day after all.
When he walked into the kitchen, a huge grin mounted on his face. A breakfast burrito made for him, a note left just under it.
Enjoy it because you'll be making me a victory breakfast, lunch and dinner of champions.
I would ask Sam but he's not that domestic and we will be celebrating.
Y/N :)’
Dean rolled his eyes and shivered in disgust as he read the words and what they insinuated.
‘You guys know where you're going right? The tree with the red tie, exactly half a mile out then back here.’ Dean points to the space he's marked out with tape. ‘My eyes will be on you both so there will be no cheating.’
‘Why do you look at me when you say that?’ Sam says and Dean shrugs. ‘Ready?’ Sam turns to you and asks with a teasing smirk.
Oh he was so going down.
‘Ready on your mark, baby.’ You got ready and into position wait for either of the brothers to call the start.
You're knees were bent, feet facing in the direction that you wanted to got and your fingertips just scraping against the concrete floor.
Sam just opting for knees bent and a little squat.
When he was in position he gave a nod to Dean, where he was adjusting his watch to set a timer - which he could have done on his phone but you didn't want to correct him at this point; not with the wager you had set.
‘Run around the tree then back here. 3...2...1...GO!’ Dean barked.
Sam rushed ahead of you, gaining the advantage he needed to beat you. He was in front of you by three quarters of a meter, not that far but far enough for him to be competition; you’ve dealt with worse.
The rumble of a motorcycle echoed behind you, you should not have got distracted but you couldn’t help it, it just sounded so beautiful.
Making the mistake, you twisted your head to see the beauty it belonged to, an old school Harley Davidson. Oh bloody hell, why did Dean have to be the one riding it?
Sam’s breath was becoming a little ragged but he saw your distraction and picked up the pace, trying to stay in the lead of your race.
Now two meters ahead, Sam began to slow his speed but that was a mistake on his part, your distraction of the motorcycle was no more, you wanted to kick Sam’s ass in the thing you were good at, and not it was not eating - although you were looking forward to the three courses that you hoped Dean would see through -it was running. You loved to run, it was thrilling, exhilarating, but you hadn’t let Sam in on your little secret. You were behind your boyfriend on purpose.
Six minutes later the two of you had the tree with the red tie in sight. Dean had spun the motorcycle from the bunker around but turned his body to face the direction of the tree where he would see the two of you following the rules and coming around the tree.
Instead of speeding back to the starting and finishing line, Dean leisurely enjoyed the motorcycle and her purr but nothing could compare to his precious Baby.
Another three minutes had passed and you thought enough was enough, you had to teach your man a lesson in instigating a secret challenge you had imposed with his brother.
Your calves were burning because you hadn’t done this in so long, hadn’t competed in so long but damn it still felt great.
From the corner of your eye, you saw Sam’s mouth drop as you overtook him, zooming passed him with a speed he had never seen from you before. Just because he hadn’t seen it, doesn’t mean it wasn’t there. It had always been there.
What should have taken six minutes in total to get back, only took you four.
Sam couldn’t even finish the race without shouting, ‘what the hell?!’
Grinning, you looked at Dean who gave you a nod, silently telling you to put his brother out of his misery.
‘I’m a professional runner, you ass.’ You giggled, sitting backward on the motorcycle so you could catch your breath.
Sam had collapsed to the floor realising his mistake, he thought he could beat a professional in their own field.
‘You little- you tricked me!’
Tilting your head to the side, you pursed your lips and waggled your finger at him. ‘I didn’i trick you. I just didn’t tell you because I liked that you didn’t know who I was and didn’t treat me any different. I liked that you liked me for me and not who I was and what I could do.’
Sam jumped from his spot on the concrete floor, a finger to your lips in efforts to stop you from continuing any further. ‘I don't just like you, okay. I love you and you being a professional athlete won't change anything especially my opinion of you.’
His finger skimmed across your cheek so he could cup it, the other joining his twin on the opposite side of your face. His lips press against yours but it's soft, much different from the others the two of you have shared. It was a promise, a promise to you that nothing would change between the two of you, other than the fact that he would love you more and more with every passing day.
Lemme know what you think...
@thorne93 @becaamm @you-know-whodoesthat-crazypeople @jotink78 @love-kittykat21 @jensen-jarpad @hymnofthevalkyrie @capsheadquaters @kurosaki224-new-blog @supernatural-jackles @cyrilconnelly @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @iwantthedean @goody2shoessmut @super-not-naturall @mrswhozeewhatsis @feelmyroarrrr @redlipstickandplaid @mogaruke @sometimes-iwrite-blog @pureawesomeness001 @mizzezm @jpadjackles @winter-in-wakanda @jesspfly @urpeachess @skybinx-blog @plaidstiel-wormstache @lilasiannerd @ladydork @be-amaziing @purplediamon @graceforme86 @its-my-perky-nipples @dalikah3 @nervousmemzie @mrsbatesmotel53 @lavieenlex @percussiongirl2017 @oneshoeshort @whit85-blog @muliermalefici @emoryhemsworth @reallyverynodansi @captainradicalpassion @captainemwinchester @ilsawasanacrobat @alicat-life @essie1876 @dancingalone21 @dslocum89 @atc74 @superwhomerlockinuum @spnbaby-67 @anitalasirenita @queencflair @weasleywinchester-blog @ria132love @spn-fan-girl-173 @nightlyinsomnious @easelweasel @grace-for-sale @roxyspearing @cassieraider
@jessilliam-caronday @caplansteverogers @ellen-reincarnated1967 @tardis-full-of-fallen-angels
Those who I thought would be interested: @katymacsupernatural @impala-dreamer @impalaimagining @sincerelysaraahh @luci-in-trenchcoats @teamfreewill-imagine @percywinchester27 @moonlitskinwalker @supernaturallymarvellous @frickfracklesackles @idreamofhazel @queen-of-deans-booty @beckawinchester @just-another-busy-fangirl @winchesterprincessbride
#angelina's 2k gif challenge#sam x reader#sam winchester x reader#samxreader#sam x you#sam x y/n#you x sam#y/n x sam#sam x reader fanfic#sam x reader fanfiction#sam fanfiction#sam fluff#sam winchester fluff#sam x reader fluff#sam smut#sam winchester smut#sam x reader smut#sam oneshot#sam one shot#sam imagine#sam x reader oneshot#sam x reader one shot#sam x reader imagine#supernatural fanfic#supernatural fanfiction#supernatural oneshot#supernatural one shot#spn fanfic#spn fanfiction#spn oneshot
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Adam Cole imagine
Mentions of an eating disorder, depression
I was feeling extremely insecure. i guess that’s what happens when your social media is full of the most gorgeous girls, with perfect bodies. all i wanted to do tonight was lay in bed and not move. Thankfully my boyfriend wasn’t home. he was at Full Sail for the NXT tapings. he had invited me to come with him, but i had told him i wasn’t feeling the greatest and just wanted to stay home. i knew he would be coming home soon, and as per tradition he would be bringing his friends with him for a guys night. which i was fine with. it gave me a chance to just lay in bed.
my phone buzzes beside me, i look to see there was an unread message from Adam.
‘hey babe i’ll be home in about 20 minutes, you care if the guys come over?’
‘i don’t care, i’ll see you when you get home’ i quickly text back
‘we’re gonna stop and get dinner, what do you want?’ he asks
‘nothing, i already ate’ i text back, hopefully he doesn't realize that i’m lying.
‘okay, i’ll see you soon, i love you’ he replies
Adam doesn’t realize that i haven’t eaten anything since dinner last night. when i woke up for work this morning, i packed a protein bar, that i never ate. and when i got home, i just fell asleep.
i decided to walk into the kitchen to get some more water, of course that was when Adam and the others walked through the door.
“hey y/n” Bobby, Kyle and Roddy say as they walk by me and into the living room
“hey guys”
“hey babe” he says smiling. he walks over to me, wrapping me tightly in a hug and kissing me
“i missed you” i say
“i missed you too, you feeling any better?” he asks
“not really” i say
“well i brought you home some food. i know you said you weren’t hungry, but you can eat later” he says handing me a McDonalds bag
“thank you love”
“you can join us if you want, we’re gonna play video games” he says
“i don’t wanna ruin guys night, i’ll go do some homework” i say
i take my food, and my water into our room, where i sit at my desk, slowly eating and trying to finish my Algebra homework. after trying to do the same problem for the 5th time, i gave up. shutting my textbook, i took my trash into the kitchen to throw it away.
“hey gorgeous”
i turn around to see Adam walking toward the trash can, arms full of empty food bags.
“hey love”
“you alright?” he asks
“yeah, just annoyed with my algebra homework”
he hugs me tightly. “you’ll get it love, just take a break. how about you go take a bath or something” he suggests
“i need to get this done babe, it’s due tomorrow. and i have a test over it tomorrow”
“how much do you have left?” he asks
“i just started it. I've literally done the same problem 5 times, and i get a different answer every time. i feel so stupid”
“you aren’t stupid baby, far from it. who needs math anyway” he says which makes me giggle
“i need to get back in there and try to finish it”
“well when you get done, or give up, come join us, we’re playing your favorite game”
“i’ll think about it.”
he kisses my temple, before i walk back into our room. reopening my book. but i wasn’t able to focus. i could only think about how dumb i am, for not being able to do a simple math equation. i had reread the lesson a couple of times, but i still wasn’t able to understand what i was doing. i had accepted the fact that i would fail the test tomorrow, and i wasn’t going to be able to finish the homework. i felt like a failure. i once again shut the book. this time throwing it across the room. tears flowing down my face.
“babe you okay?” Adam asks gently knocking on the door
“yeah i’m fine”
before he could come in and see my crying, i walk into our master bathroom. locking the door behind me i decided to take a bath hopefully to calm myself down.
as i took my clothes off, i looked down to see my chubby stomach. i sigh, knowing that i had messed up by eating. no wonder i didn’t have abs like the other girls. i put my knees to my chest, and i began to cry. i began to wonder why Adam was with me. who wants a girl like me? stupid, chubby stomach, a self conscious depressed mess.
i sat there and cried for a long time, until my body had begun to become wrinkly. i knew it was time to get out. i dried off and put my pajamas back on. making sure that i didn’t look like i had been crying, i walk back into the bedroom, to see a shirtless Adam sitting on the bed.
“why aren’t you with the guys?”
“they left, so i came to see my girlfriend”
“sorry, you could have told me you were sitting here and i would have gotten out sooner”
“you needed to relax love” he says
“i’d rather spend time with you”
he smiles. “maybe next time i’ll join you”
“i’d love that”
“but for now, i just want to cuddle my gorgeous girlfriend”
“i still have homework”
“you never finished it?” he asks curiously
“no, i tried, but i still don’t understand it. i got so mad i threw my book earlier”
“let me see if i can help” he says
i reluctantly open the book and show him what I've been trying to work on.
“this is easy babe, here let me show you” he says. within 2 minutes he’s solved the problem it took me 3 hours to do, and 7 or 8 failed attempts.
“you understand now?” he asks
i nod, taking my stuff back over to the desk and continuing to work on the problems. it takes about half an hour, but i finally get everything done.
“done?” he asks. i nod
“good, now we can cuddle” he says wrapping his arms tightly around my stomach.
thankfully i was faced away from him so he couldn’t see the tears coming down on my face.. i felt so stupid, so insecure. i had tried to move away from him a little bit, hoping he would loosen his grip on me, but he didn’t.
“you okay?” he asks
i remained silent. not wanting him to hear my shaky voice. i moved a little further away, to the edge of the bed. making him let go of his grip.
“babe what’s wrong?”
“please don’t touch me”
“babe look at me”
when i didn’t roll over, i felt him move closer to me.
“why are you crying?”
i finally broke down, crying harder.. i knew i had to tell him. i roll over to finally face him
“i don’t feel good enough for you, you could have anybody you wanted, so why chose me? i’m overweight ad don’t have abs like other girls, i’m not as pretty, i’m stupid. i’m a depressed, broken crying mess half the time. why did you chose me?”
his face falls “you wanna know why i chose you? because i love you, i don’t care if you have abs or not. you’re gorgeous just the way you are, i love your stomach. you aren’t like other girls and that’s okay. and baby you aren’t stupid, Math is one of the hardest subjects to learn, you’re a history genius, and great at writing papers, something i could never do. you are so damn beautiful, not only to me but so many other people. i’m so damn proud of you for pursuing your dreams, despite everything you have been through. i’m always going to be here to support you. i’m glad you’re not like other girls, because they couldn’t compare to you. i love you damn much”
“i love you too”
“if you want to lose weight and tone up i’ll support you 100%, but know starving yourself isn’t the way to do it”
“how did you know?”
“you didn’t eat breakfast, and i know you didn't buy lunch, then there was no mess in the kitchen from this afternoon”
“before you brought me home dinner i hadn’t eaten since last night” i admit”
”you gotta stop that babe, its only gonna hurt you worse”
“will you help me?”
“of course gorgeous. i want you to love yourself, if that means eating healthier, and going to the gym with me, then we’ll do it”
“thank you”
“no need to thank me love, now, my girl is sad and i want to help her feel better, so scoot over here and let me cuddle the sadness out of you”
“you’ll be holding me forever”
“i wouldn’t have it any other way”
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Lisani! 2010 Pamphlet - Kalafina Q&A 50 Translation
Hey! ( ・ω・)ノ Yesterday @mistress-of-the-obvious was kind enough to share her scans of the pamphlet and after quickly browsing through these questions, I thought it would be quite fun to translate them so you all know what’s going on ^_^. Of course we know a lot of this stuff already but all in all, the Q&A was quite insightful and there were a couple of new facts here and there. Please enjoy!
1. What was the first CD you bought? "口マンスの神様/Romance no Kamisama" by Hirose Kōmi and "パラシューター/Parachuter” by Folder (W) "BOY MEETS GIRL" by TRF (K) A Destiny's Child album (H) 2. Which song do you have on repeat right now? Kalafina's new song (W) Makihara Noriyuki’s "SPY" (K) Acid Black Cherry’s "Maria" (H) 3. Which artists do you look up to? Celine Dion (W) Ozaki Yutaka (K) DREAMS COME TRUE, Beyonce (H) 4. Who would you like to have a singing session with? Celine Dion, Spitz, Joe Hisaishi (W) KARA (K) DREAMS COME TRUE, Beyonce, Acid Black Cherry (H) 5. Who would you really like to meet? Hayao Miyazaki (W) Girls' Generation (K) Myself from a previous life (H)
6. What’s your favourite anime? All Ghibli works, "Evangelion" (W) "One Piece" (K) CLAMP's work (H) 7. What about your favourite manga? "Honey and Clover", "NANA", "We Were There", "Love★Com", " Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind ", "Oishinbo", "Monster", "Slam Dunk" "Evangelion", "Kyou no Nekomura-san " (W) "One Piece" (K) Works by George Asakura, Hidaka Banri, Mitsuki Kako etc (H) 8. Now your favourite game! My specialty is watching others play but I like "Final fantasy" and "Dragon Quest" (W) "Pokemon" (K) "Nonograms" (H) 9. What’s your go-to song at karaoke? "LOVE" by Nat King Cole (w) "喝采/Kassai" by Chiaki Naomi (K) "未来予想図II/Mirai Yosouzu II" by DREAMS COME TRUE (H) 10. Which songs would you like to cover someday? All the popular oldies (W) Ozaki Yutaka's "OH MY LITTLE GIRL" (K) Song with English lyrics (H) 11. A story hero you look up to? Ashitaka, Kaito Kid, Lupin III (W) Sailor Moon's Tuxedo Mask (K) Mickey Mouse (H) 12. A story heroine you look up to? Nausicaä, Sailor Moon (W) Sailor Moon (K) Sakura (H) 13. What do you most enjoy doing right now? Doing research for my cooking, exploring the city with by bike (W) Doing lives (K) Talking with the other members (H) 14. How do you relax? Reading a book while nestling into my bed (W) Yoga (K) While I am taking a bath (H) 15. What are you doing first thing in the morning? Mute my alarm at least twice (W) Open my curtains (K) I rub at my eyes (H) 16. What would your ideal off day be like? I’d take my time getting up, enjoy a relaxed breakfast, then I’d go see a movie and do some shopping and lastly, I’d have some fun in Disneyland! (W) I’d do some yoga and take a walk, I’d enjoy lunch on my open terrace and at night I’d have dinner with a good friend (K) I’d spend the day sleeping (H) [Surprise, surprise XD] 17. What made you cry lately? I got very emotional while talking to one of my friends (W) When I finally found a solution for something that was troubling me, I cried out of relief and immediately felt refreshed *laughs* (K) During an interview I was talking about our live performances, the thought of all these people coming to see our lives made me incredibly happy and brought tears to my eyes (H) 18. What’s something that surprised you lately? The high quality of children's clothing (W) A friend started to work on her abs and now her midsection is super thin (K) A bug was flying right at me (H) [Keiko as always obsessed with fitness! LOL at Hikaru being attacked by bugs] 19. What’s the most embarrassing thing that happened to you recently? When I tried on the aforementioned children’s clothing *laughs* (W) Eh? Nothing comes to mind... (K) Slipping even though there was nothing on the ground (H) 20. Is there anything you would like to start doing? I’d like to improve my English conversation skills and I would like to start mountain climbing (W) I wanna take cooking classes (K) I’d like to work on my tolerance for spicy food (H) 21. One of the things you like about yourself? I am not shy in front of strangers (W) I am very positive and proactive (K) I think I have a very calm nature (H) 22. One thing you do not like about yourself? I worry too much about everything (W) I don’t think I am very smart (K) I am too indecisive (H) [You underestimate yourself, Keiko!!! You are always eager to learn new things!!] 23. What’s one of your habits? Pinching my nose after yawning (W) Putting on lip balm even though my lips aren’t dry (K) Talking in dialect. (H) 24. What can you not live without? Lip cream and a pair of fashionable glasses (W) Lip cream (K) Afternoon tea (H) 25. One of the “best” moments for you? When I am waving my arms and singing together with the audience (W) When I managed a smash while playing tennis! (K) When the three of us harmonise perfectly (H)
26. What’s something you are very particular about when it comes to yourself? I need to wear my favourite pyjamas when I am sleeping (W) The length of my bangs, down to the last millimeter (K) My eyebrows (H) [I wonder what Hikaru means by that? Does she always take extra care of her eyebrows? Or does she want them to look a particular way? o.O] 27. A daily habit of yours? Gargling (W) I always eat soup and yoghurt (K) Listening to music (H) 28. What’s something “weird” about you? When I am alone at karaoke, I will try to do some strange imitations but it won’t look anything like the original (W) Pretty much all day I am curling my toes. It’s rather troublesome (K) My sense of humour (H) [LOL at all three replies. I wanna see Wakana acting all weird and crazy in a karaoke room] 29. Something you can cook well? Spaghetti aglio e olio, simmered chicken with lemon cream (W) Spaghetti Napolitan (K) Amberjack Teriyaki (H) 30. What is your favourite fashion style? Black tights + shorts + tunic dress + jacket + fur muffler + beret + boots (W) An edgy rock style and a doll-y look (K) Cute + sexy (H) [Yup, Hikaru is always dressed in a very sexy way with all those see-through tops and such. I wouldn’t call her style cute tho. It’s more edgy and casual with a hint of sexiness if you ask me.] 31. Do you have any cosplay you'd like to try? Sailor Moon (W) Ruffy (K) · Cat (H) 32. What did you want to be as a child? Manga artist (w) Radio/TV announcer (K) Singer (H) 33. Where would you like to go on a date? Disneyland or a road trip (W) A place where it’s quiet and cosy with lots of greenery (K) Going to the places we both like (H) 34. What would a perfect proposal sound like? Something simple without being too stiff or too elaborate (W) "I want to cherish you for the rest of my lifetime" I really want someone to say this to me *laughs* “I would love to spend the rest of my life at your side” (H) 35. A place you wanna visit? Egypt! (W) L.A. (US) (K) Switzerland (H) [Yes Hikaru, come to Switzerland. It’s just a short trip to Austria from there XD] 36. Are you more of an “uke/passive” or “seme/active” type? Seme (W) Sometimes seme, sometimes uke (K) Both *laughs (H) [One track mind. All I am thinking of is yaoi/bl XD; I am actually surprised Wakana is the only one who sees herself as exclusively “seme”] 37. You are running late! What’s your excuse? I’ll apologise and come up with a tiny little lie along the lines of, "Sorry! I missed my stop!" (W) “I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I am sorry!” (K) Sorry I am late, I lost track of time looking at cute clothes (> _ <) (H) 38. You just won a hundred million yen in the lottery! What are you gonna do with it? I’ll put half of it aside for my savings, with the other half I’ll buy a house for my family and I’ll travel overseas with the members of Kalafina and our staff (W) I’d buy a plot of land (K) I’d save all of it (H) 39. You are in a tough spot and in need of help! Who do you want to come to your rescue? Doraemon (W) Ruffy (K) My family (H) [LOL at Kei’s and Wa’s answers] 40. What do you associate with the word "Love"? Victory! (W) Patience (K) Doesn’t want anything in return (H) 41. What do you associate with the word "Music"? Kalafina’s song "Ongaku" (W) Being tied together (K) Connections (H) 42. How would you encourage someone who is dealing with a difficult situation? It’s okay, you don’t have to say anything, don’t push yourself too hard! (W) I will be there for you when you are ready to talk (K) I know it hurts right now but things will get better! (H) 43. If you could make one wish, what would it be? I want to be able to fly up into the sky (W) I want peace for everyone on earth (K) Please let me live a good life! (H) 44. If the world were to end tomorrow, what would be your final meal? Gyoza! (W) Chirashi Sushi made by my mother (K) A meal surrounded by all my loved ones (H) [No surprise there at all, Wakana XD] 45. Please share a secret you have never shared before! I am a big old scaredy-cat! (W) It’s a secret (K) Truth is...I have a big mole on the sole of my foot (H) [Why so secretive, Keiko????] 46. What is your best memory in 2010? All our live performances!! Our lives in Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka and of course our first Asia Tour!! (W) Having met so many people through Kalafina’s music, I feel like each and every person has become a part of me (K) Being able to meet so many people (H) 47. Describe the year with a single kanji/word! 充実/Completion! (W) 学/Studying (K) 寅/Tiger (H) [No idea how to inerpret Hikaru’s answer o.O Edit: I should have made my troubles clear here. I am aware that Hikaru refers to the Chinese zodiac year, the kanji cannot be understood otherwise but I wonder how to interpret that. Does that year encompass certain things? Obviously with all kinds of zodiac signs, there are certain predictions and such but does she really refer to that? Seems like something Wakana would do o.O ] 48. A brief comment regarding Lisani! LIVE 2010!! Lisani! LIVE is the best! (W) For this final event of the year, we would like to sing for everyone and have fun together so that all of us can feel united! (K) I am happy to be able to participate in such a nice event! (H) 49. A brief message for all the fans who came to see you! Thank you everyone for coming!! Let's make it a memorable day!! (W) Thank you! I feel incredibly happy that I could spend these precious moments together with all of you! Until next time! (K) Thank you for coming to see us! I am happy that I can meet all of you! (H) 50. How are you gonna celebrate the finished event? Karaoke, Disneyland, Onsen! (W) At a restaurant that serves some good and dry ginger ale (K) Anywhere, as long as it’s fun! (H)
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another anon request: MORE OF WEREWOLF!JUNGKOOK AND VAMPIRE!OC😭💖 some fluff would be really nice,,,,,maybe a confession??? and a cute kiss with them accidentally bumping fangs omg😭😭😭😭 thank u so much, i love u and your writing, bless you!!🙏💕
Moonlight In Your Hands
Summary: You and Jungkook have long conquered your fear of talking to each other and becoming friends. Now it’s time to conquer the next one (vampire!au; werewolf!au)
“Senior year.”
“I know. Can you believe it?” Jungkook turns to look at you, grinning. “The vampire princess is part of the fucking upperclassmen.” You’re quick to punch his arm, but he’s hardly phased as he laughs heartily, the straps of his bag almost slipping clean off his shoulders.
“Shut up, you mutt,” you retort, frowning as you fix your sunglasses.
“Ooh. Feeling feisty today?”
“Shut up.” Jungkook all but cackles as he follows behind you, draping his arm over your shoulders when he catches up. “Jerk.”
“I’m kidding,” he says, nuzzling the side of your head with his nose. “C’mon. I’ll buy you a snack before class starts.”
You noisily sip at your smoothie, sitting under the shade of a tree as you watch Jungkook and Taehyung play wrestle on the grass.
“Idiots,” Jimin says, laughing beside you as he steals your drink and takes a sip. “It’s as if they think they’re still a pair of pups.”
“How embarrassing,” you reply. “I can’t believe there was a time I thought Jungkook was too cool to talk to.” Jimin hums in agreement, leaning back against the tree trunk behind you both.
“And look how far you’ve come.”
“_____!” You turn your attention back to the two wolves, hair disheveled and covered in strands of grass. “Keep score,” Jungkook calls out. “The loser’s buying dinner.”
“And exactly how do I keep score?” you ask. “I have no idea how this works.”
Jungkook is about to reply, but a snarl from Taehyung cuts him off, and he’s flipped over onto his back by the elder, hitting the ground with a quiet thud. You and Jimin share a look before rolling your eyes.
“Evening, son. _____.” Jungkook’s father stops in his tracks, stepping back to peer into the living room once more. “_____?” Quickly, you rush to your feet, bowing politely in greeting.
“Good evening, sir,” you greet, smiling a little.
“I wasn’t expecting to see you here tonight,” he replies, reaching his hand out to shake yours. “How are your parents? Are they well?”
“Yes, sir. Dad says he’s looking forward to another round of midnight golf with you next week.”
“Ah, yes.” Jungkook’s father chuckles, and you watch as the moonlight pouring in from the windows bounces off his canines. “Tell him to bring his A-game with him. I have no intention of losing twice in one month.”
“Sure thing, sir,” you reply, bowing again as he waves you off, motioning for you to return to the living room with Jungkook.
“Pfft. Golf,” Jungkook mutters as you sit back down next to him, not taking his eyes off of the television screen, thumbs frantically mashing at the buttons on his controller. “What an old man game.” You snort and pick up your textbook again, resting it on your lap.
“Tell me about it.” You flip through pages, blindly reaching out for one of your blood-infused gummy bears. “Are you not gonna study too?”
“Nah,” Jungkook replies, eyeing your hand as you reach out for a snack. He can see that your hand is not moving in the direction of your snacks, but of his – his meat chews. “Human anatomy’s always been a breeze for me, and if anything confuses me… meh. I’ll just borrow your notes.”
“You know what? Normally, that’d annoy me. But that’s how I feel about the blood and plasma mod–”
Jungkook desperately tries to hold back his laughter when you suddenly stop talking, frozen in your spot as the foul taste of raw meat surely starts to sink into your tastebuds.
“What. The. Fuck,” you say, spitting out the meat chew, disgust written all over your face. At your expression, Jungkook just can’t hold back anymore, falling onto his back and laughing, controller clattering against the hardwood floor when he drops it. “What the hell is this?”
His booming howls fill the room as you stare incredulous at the two bags of snacks lying side by side on the floor in front of you. The taste lingers in your mouth, and you search frantically for something to wash your mouth out with.
“You– I can’t believe– oh my god,” Jungkook pants, sitting up as he wipes the corners of his eyes where tears had begun to form, slightly breathless.
“Did you do that?” you ask, eyes narrowing with suspicion.
“Woah, hey. You can’t blame me for your own stupidity, _____.”
“That was totally you, wasn’t it? You moved your bag closer to mine so that I’d end up eating one of your nasty-ass meat chews.”
“Did not.”
“Did too.”
“Did not!”
“Did too!”
Annoyed, you lunge forward, tackling Jungkook to the floor, pining his wrists to the ground as he struggles underneath you. He continues to protest, but the way he chuckles in between words lessens his chances of you believing him. You let your eyes flash red in the hopes of frightening him, but he’s long gotten used to you in all forms, barely flinching at the change in your eye colour.
“I didn’t…” All of a sudden, you feel yourself leaning to the side, and before you can even blink, you’ve been flipped over, gasping as your back hits the floor. “Do it.”
Jungkook’s warm breaths fan across your cheeks as he pants above you, holding you down by your shoulders while your chest heaves as you lay exhausted from having to keep him down.
The air around you both changes immediately, and Jungkook watches the red of your eyes slowly fade back to brown, fangs retracting. The sounds of Jungkook’s video game have turned into background noise and you watch his throat move as he swallows thickly.
This is the first time you’ve looked at Jungkook so closely, and straight away you’re noticing things you’ve never seen before: the small scar on his left cheek that hasn’t fully healed yet, the little mole beneath his bottom lip, and the barest hints of stubble on his chin.
This is strange. There’s a weird sensation in the pit of your stomach, and you swear he leans forward just a fraction.
“Um. Jungkook?”
“Mmm?” He blinks silently, and then, as if something clicks in his head, Jungkook bolts up, pushing himself off of you before you can say anything else.
His eyes shift around the room, scratching his head and avoiding your gaze as you sit up, smoothing out your hair and fixing your sweater. You both move back to where you’d been sitting, Jungkook picking up his controller again but hesitant to start another game as he watches you drum your fingers against your textbook cover.
“Um.” You’re the first to break the silence. “I… I should go.”
“Yeah,” Jungkook replies, voice soft. You pack up your things in silence, not forgetting your back of blood-infused gummy bears. You smile a little when you both meet each other’s eyes, giving him a small wave goodbye. “See you tomorrow.”
“Yeah,” you say. “G’night, Kook.”
“Woah, woah, woah. Hold up,” Taehyung says, holding his hands out in front of him as you take a seat at the table beside Jungkook. You watch as he sniffs the air, Jimin turning to look at him confusedly.
“What? What’re you smelling?” he asks, watching Taehyung’s eyebrows furrow as his nose twitches.
“It’s weird. I think… I smell pheromones.” Jimin raises an eyebrow.
“Tae, there are couples swarming in this cafeteria. That’s not really something new.”
“No, no, no. This is different. I haven’t smelled this before. Do you smell it too, Jungkook?”
Jungkook looks up, spoon hanging out of his mouth as he sniffs the air.
“I don’t smell anything,” he says, turning to you. “Do you smell something?” You snort and lean back in your seat, sipping on your lunch.
“Yeah. I smell wet dog and the beautiful aroma of type A blood.”
“How do you always have A with you?” Jimin groans, leaning over the table to grab your drink from your hands. “Gimme a sip. Have mercy on this peasant, vampire princess.” Jungkook looks at you both with disgust, Taehyung still busy sniffing the air. Jimin all but moans as he takes a sip of your drink, sinking in his seat.
“You guys are nasty,” Jungkook says.
“Shut up. I only ever get to drink A on my birthday. Let me enjoy this.”
“Wait. If you drink A all the time, what were you drinking on your birthday last year, _____?”
“AB,” you reply, reaching into your bag for another bag of blood (Jimin makes sure to make an indignant sound at another full bag of A in your hands). “But AB’s kinda gross. I don’t understand how my parents love it so much.”
“Okay, seriously,” Taehyung interrupts, hands flat on the table. “Is no one else smelling that?”
“Calm down and eat your lunch, hyung,” Jungkook replies, rolling his eyes.
(What Jungkook won’t admit is that he does smell the pheromones Taehyung is talking about – and he knows exactly where they’re coming from.)
“Jungkook? Jungkook.”
“Huh?” Jungkook stops staring at the whorl in the wood of the dining table and looks up to find his parents and older brother looking at him expectantly. “Sorry, hyung. What’d you say?”
“I asked if you’re still down to go hunting this weekend with me and dad,” Junghyun replies.
“Oh. Yeah, of course, hyung,” Jungkook replies, smiling a little as he turns his attention back to his food.
“You seemed to be awfully distracted lately, sweetheart,” his mother says, head tilted slightly. “Is there something on your mind?”
“I’m fine,” he answers back, a little too quickly for his liking. “I’m fine. Just… you know… school and stuff. Assignments and whatever.”
“Ah.” He listens to his mother sigh wistfully. “I can’t believe my little pup’s already a college senior.”
“Mom, don’t be gross.”
“I feel like it was just yesterday that I had to feed Jungkook with my own b–”
“Mom, please.”
“Honey, not at the table,” his father says, laughing heartily around a mouthful of veal.
“Yeah, mom. I’m eating,” Junghyun adds, scrunching up his nose in distaste.
“I just can’t believe my boys have grown up, that’s all.” Jungkook looks over at his brother, and together, they share a knowing look between them.
“O…kay. Well, can I be excused? I have a paper due on Monday that I still need to work on,” Jungkook says, already standing and picking up his empty plate.
“Sure, son,” his father says. “Call out if you need a hand with anything.”
At his desk, Jungkook sits at his chair on the verge of falling asleep, his pen already slipping from his fingers’ grasp. But when the piercing ringing of his phone cuts through the silence, he bolts upright, answering the call and bringing it up to his ear.
“Were you asleep?” you ask, chuckling quietly. “Sorry.” Jungkook is now properly awake.
“Nah, I wasn’t sleeping,” he replies. “What’s up?”
“Page forty-two. The question about chemical compositions in humans.” Jungkook laughs, reaching for his textbook and flipping through the pages.
“It’s been three years and you still can’t get the hang of ‘em?”
“Hey, shut up. Their blood is my only concern, okay? I don’t care about the calcium in their bones.” He can’t help but smile when you sigh. “I don’t even know why I decided to take this stupid class.”
“Why did you decide to take up Advanced Human Studies?”
(You know exactly why you’d taken up the class, but you don’t have the guts to admit it to him.)
“Who knows…���
It’s Saturday night, and you have absolutely no desire to study.
For some reason, everyone has decided to congregate in your home while all your parents have left to play their weekly rounds of golf. During the earlier half of the evening, Taehyung had still been insisting he was smelling something strange, his protests only encouraged when Yoongi and Hoseok seemed to share the same thought.
“Yeah. I mean, I can’t believe I’m actually saying this, but I agree with Taehyung. There’s a different smell in the air,” Yoongi says, eyebrows furrowed. “Did you guys redecorate in here or something?”
“No,” you reply. “Well, I mean, I’m just assuming my mom hasn’t gone decorating crazy again. Me and dad just kind of let her do it whenever, you know?”
“I’m surprised Jungkook’s the only one who can’t smell it though,” Hoseok says. “You have the most sensitive nose out of all of us.”
“I can smell it,” Jungkook says. “I’m just mature enough to ignore it.”
“Ooh. Mature.”
“Wait.” With narrowed eyes, Taehyung crawls over to where Jungkook is sitting, sniffing the air around him. He yelps with surprise and leans back, nose scrunched up. “It’s you!”
“What?” Jungkook asks.
“It’s you! You’re the one who stinks! Smell him, hyung.”
Hoseok leans forward, nosing at Jungkook’s hair, even as the younger tries to push him away, nearly bumping into you in the process. Hoseok’s eyebrows rise with surprise.
“See?” Taehyung cries out. “That’s probably why I could smell something in the cafeteria the other day too.”
Curious, Yoongi leans forward too, immediately drawing back not long after getting a sniff of Jungkook.
“Woah. Jesus,” he mutters.
“I haven’t smelled something like that since…” Hoseok’s words trail off as he transitions from thoughtfulness to realisation.
“Since when, hyung?” Jimin asks.
“Since Yoongi hyung started dating Namjoon.”
Everyone freezes, all eyes turning towards Jungkook.
Taehyung is the first to break the silence.
“You dog!” he cries, tackling Jungkook to the ground with a laugh, the younger’s head only narrowly missing your knee. “Who is it?”
“What the f– hyung, get off me!” Jungkook cries, growling beneath Taehyung as he tries to push the elder off. The room is filled with laughter as the rest of the guys watch the two wolves wrestle.
“I will, right after you tell me who you’re dating.”
“No one!”
“Your scent says otherwise, brat.”
“I’m not dating anyone, I swear!”
“So you have a crush on someone then,” Yoongi says with a chuckle as Taehyung relents and sits back, letting Jungkook sit up again. Jungkook sends a snarl in Taehyung’s direction when the elder gives him one last playful shove before returning to his place beside Jimin. “Who is it?”
“Who’s what?” Jungkook mutters, grumbling as he settles himself next to you.
“Who do you have a crush on?”
Jungkook scans the room, meeting everyone’s eyes with a strong gaze. When he reaches you, however, he doesn’t seem to linger as long, and you raise an eyebrow, confused by the way he quickly turns away from you to look at Yoongi.
“No one,” Jungkook says, voice stern.
The shrill ringing of your phone cuts through the tension in the air, but hardly anyone flinches.
“Uh… be right back,” you mumble, grabbing your phone off the coffee table and disappearing into the kitchen.
“Hey, sweetheart,” your father says. “Just checking to see that you, your friends and the house are still a hundred percent intact.” You roll your eyes and chuckle.
“We’re fine, dad. Nothing’s broken, and no one’s missing any limbs. Yet.”
“Yet,” he repeats with laughter. “Let’s try and keep things the way they are, shall we?”
“How’s the golf going?”
“We’re up three-to-one. Jeon’s is getting annoyed, I think. But the night is still young. I don’t wanna jinx anything and speak too soon.” You hum in reply. “Oh. Speaking of the Jeons… everything okay with Jungkook?” You furrow your eyebrows.
“Yeah? What do you mean, dad? Jungkook’s fine.”
“It’s just your mother was talking to his mother, and it seems as if he hasn’t been himself at home for the last week or so. Just thought I’d ask you and see if you know of anything that’s happened.”
“Nothing’s coming to mind right now. What’s Mrs. Jeon been saying?”
“Something about Jungkook being a little more distant and distracted than usual. He says it’s just school and whatnot, but she’s not so convinced anymore. If you have a moment, maybe pull him aside and talk to him, sweetheart. Maybe he’ll be more willing to talk to you than his parents.”
“Sure, dad. I’ll give it a shot.”
“Thank you. Alright. I better go before Jeon drives another golf cart into the sand pits again. Your mother restocked the fridge with some more blood bags and some venison if you kids get hungry. Call if anything happens.”
“I will. Knock ‘em dead, dad.”
“You betcha.”
As you hang up, you linger for a little while, your tongue rubbing against the tip of your fang as you think about everything that’s happened in the living room. There’s a weird sensation in the pit of your stomach as you recall the way Jungkook had looked you in the eye, or rather, almost refused to look you in the eye earlier.
It’s strange to think of Jungkook dating anyone, much less having a crush on someone, but the more you dwell on the thought, the more that feeling in your stomach seems to intensify. As you start to make your way back to the living room, you catch a glimpse of yourself in the refrigerator door, surprised to find your eyes a bright red. You blink and blink, rubbing your eyes with a clenched fist until you watch them fade back to their original colour.
All eyes are on Jungkook, no one moving even when you leave the room. It’s a good half minute, with your voice muffled by the walls, before anyone speaks.
“It’s _____,” Yoongi says.
“What?” Jimin asks.
“It’s _____. The smell isn’t as strong anymore now that she’s left the room.”
Jungkook doesn’t flinch, even as Taehyung leans forward again to sniff the air around the younger, but his jaw clenches as he tries to hold his tongue, watching as Yoongi seems to relax, leaning back into the sofa and turning his attention back to the television, as if nothing had happened.
“Interesting,” Hoseok croons, settling back against Seokjin’s legs with a quiet chuckle.
“How long have you liked her, Kook?” Namjoon asks, reaching out to ruffle Jungkook’s hair with a smile; Jungkook is quick to push his hand away.
“Who says I like her?” he mutters, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Please,” Taehyung laughs.
“Fine.” Jungkook huffs. “I like _____. So what?” Everyone shrugs, replying with unassuming hums. “Whatever. I need some air. It smells like mutts and blood in here.”
Tucking your phone into the pockets of your sweatpants, you return to the living room, only to find one person missing.
“Everything okay?” Seokjin asks.
“Yeah,” you reply. “Dad said there’re blood bags and some venison in the fridge if you guys want any.” Everyone gasps and turns to look at you.
“A?” Jimin asks excitedly; you roll your eyes.
“Probably. I told mom about your weird obsession with A.”
“It’s a healthy obsession, thank you very much,” he replies, already standing to run into the kitchen. Taehyung follows right behind him.
“Hey, hey! Bring some to me too,” Yoongi calls out.
“Where’s Jungkook?” you ask.
“Uh,” Namjoon replies. “He said he needed some air. He might’ve gone out the back to the pool.”
“_____,” Jimin says, sticking his head out of the kitchen door, a blood bag held between his teeth. “Do we need to save you some?”
“I already ate before you guys got here,” you reply, shaking your head.
“Hey. You better save some for us though,” Seokjin says.
You’re making your way to the doors leading to the backyard when Taehyung and Jimin jog past you, Jimin clutching armfuls of blood bags, and Taehyung with the entire platter of venison in his grasp.
You shove your hands into the pockets of your hoodie while you walk over to where Jungkook is sitting at the edge of the pool, drawing circles with his feet under the water.
“Hey,” you say, sitting down next to him with your legs crossed.
“You okay?”
“Yeah.” He sniffles leaning back on his hands. “The hyungs were just being dicks. I needed to get out of there before I ended up destroying your living room.” You chuckle quietly. “Assholes.”
“You sure you’re okay though?”
“Yeah, why?”
“My dad called and he said that your ‘rents are a little worried about you. Something about you being out of it all the time.”
“Yeah.” You sense his hesitation, watching his feet still completely, eyes glued to the water. “If it’s nothing though, forget I asked.”
“It’s… kind of related to what the hyungs were going on about in there.” Jungkook reaches up to scratch his head, and that weird feeling in your stomach comes back.
“Oh. So… you’re dating someone.” Jungkook shakes his head. “Like someone?”
“Yeah,” he sighs, tilting his head back to look up at the stars. “And I don’t really know what to do about it.” He sighs again, before lowering his head to look at you. “Got any advice? I don’t really wanna ask anyone in there because they’re just gonna tease the shit out of me instead of telling me something I could actually use.” You drag your tongue across the tip of your fang.
“You could tell them,” you suggest, looking out at the pool lights and avoiding Jungkook’s eyes, desperately trying to ignore the feeling in your stomach. “It’s probably the last thing you wanna hear, but… you won’t know what to do next until you tell them. Try and keep yourself sane, Kook.”
There’s a beat of silence, and then…
“Alright.” Jungkook takes a deep breath before nodding his head once, turning slightly to face you better. “_____. I… like you.”
With furrowed eyebrows, you turn to look at Jungkook.
“I like you.”
“Jungkook, what’re you doing?” you ask, chuckling nervously.
“I’m taking your advice. I’m telling the person I like that I like them and finding out what I need to do next.”
You gape, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water when you’re at a loss for words. “Huh?” is all you manage to say. How eloquent.
“_____. I like you.” Jungkook lets out a sigh of relief, falling back to lie on the grass, chuckling softly. “That feels really good to say out loud.”
You feel as if all the wind has been punched out of your lungs while you stay completely still, staring at the tiles that line the edge of the swimming pool. The weird sensation in your stomach has started to change into something warmer, and you can feel your insides flutter as you replay Jungkook’s words in your head over and over again.
“You, um… it’s fine if you don’t like me back. I’ve imagined this happening a million times, and most times I’ve imagined you rejecting me, so I think I’m ready. But still. Go easy on me if you can.”
In the distance, you can hear chatter from inside the house, something rowdy surely happening in the living room. It all becomes background noise quickly, however, and all you can concentrate on is the quiet chirping of crickets and the deafening thump of your heartbeat in your ears.
With your fangs digging into your bottom lip, you slowly fall back too, until you’re lying beside Jungkook with your hands still buried in the pockets of your hoodie.
“I.” You pause to clear your throat, not liking how nervous and shaky your voice sounds. “I, um… might… like… you too?”
There’s barely a sound from either of you for what feels like an eternity.
And then, there’s a gentle rustling as Jungkook turns onto his side, propping his elbow up and holding his head in his palm.
“Gross. The vampire princess likes me.”
You turn your head immediately, coming face to face with his cheeky grin.
“Fuck off,” you reply, but you can feel the laughter bubbling to the surface. “You confessed first.”
“Yeah, but you reciprocated. That’s worse.”
“You mutt.” Jungkook laughs and falls back onto his back. “So. What’re gonna do next, werewolf prince?” He lets out a thoughtful hum.
“Can I kiss you?” If it’s possible, the fluttering inside you seems to intensify just that little bit more.
The rustling returns as Jungkook rolls over until his torso hovers above you, his knee pressed up against your thigh. A million thoughts seem to fill your head as he starts to lean in, suddenly all too aware that your lips are a little chapped, that you have no idea how to angle your head, or purse your lips, or how long the kiss should even la–
The both of you flinch, and you scrunch up your nose at the weird feeling caused by your fangs colliding with Jungkook’s canines.
“Sorry,” Jungkook says, chuckling nervously. “I’ve never kissed anyone before.”
“It’s okay,” you reply, smiling. “Neither have I.”
“Um, take two?”
You nod back, and this time, you’re a little more ready for when Jungkook leans in, retracting your fangs as much as possible. He tilts his head before pursing his lips and pressing them to yours gently, careful to avoid another collision. Jungkook’s eyebrows furrow while your eyes flutter shut, one hand reaching up to slide into his hair.
For a few moments after you both break the kiss, you can’t seem to open your eyes, too lost in the feeling that’s clouded your head all of a sudden. It isn’t until Jungkook starts to nuzzle the side of your head with his nose that you seem to ground yourself again.
“We should go back inside,” he mutters, sighing quietly against your jaw.
“I guess, yeah. Better go and check on the damage those guys have done to my house.”
“I bet they didn’t even leave me any venison.”
#jeon jeongguk#jungkook#bts#bangtan#bts scenarios#vampire!au#werewolf!au#r#anon#i didn't realise how much i love this AU until i got more requests for it#me: is already thinking of the next piece to write
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february: week 3
13: it was a pretty busy work from home day. we made egg mcmuffins for breakfast, went to work for a bit, and then kevin cooked the bulgogi and i made the rice cake soup when he had to get on a call. i worked until past 5 pm and then i rushed to get ready for the museum of science chocolate night. kevin and i argued a bit on our way out and our way there. :/ it was because expectations and assumptions weren’t made clear, but even if we’re mad, holding hands makes everything better, ahah. we walked to the museum -- bad idea because of the wind T_T we made it in one piece though! there was so much chocolate. there were chocolate fondue fountains, little bites, cheese and cracker and veggie plates, and there were a lot of activities too. kevin and i didn’t get anything from the bar haha. we participated in a scavenger hunt which led us to exploring the museum more and we participated in a create-a-claw competition. our machine got the most hearts and we got added to the board. our claw machine was called the “winnie the pooh” claw :3 lol kevin irked me at some points because he was too into making it and he also left me at a chocolate wall picture area for food so when it was my turn, i was alone :( we did take a picture there though.
my favorite exhibit is the playground one. i loved running and swinging and etc. i got super dizzy from the spinning machine though. we got some goodie bags from the innovator’s table after handing in our scavenger hunt and then we ate our last chocolate covered strawberries before heading out. i got a penny/coin thing for boston now! we decided to walk off our sugar and took the red line back home. kevin got me a valentine’s day gift and couldn’t wait until tomorrow to give it to me. apparently, it was left in the package center for a few days because he couldn’t sneak it up due to our wfh days ahaha. my bear got me cozy bear socks! <3333 i mentioned it maybe a few weeks ago and i guessed he just got it for me so my feet wouldn’t be so cold all the time <33333 i have the best boyfriend (: i also picked up my victoria’s secret package and idk how to feel about their seamless underwear. anyway, i worked when i got back and kevin did the dishes and gamed. i skipped my workout today because i had to get work stuff done. we also did a good amount of walking so i didn’t feel as bad. then i showered and slept at like 1 or 2 am after talking to kevin for a bit before falling asleep. :P
14: waking up wasn’t terrible! i rushed a bit to make myself an egg mcmuffin but i made it to my regular train on time. the office was pretty full today, which made me happy. yay, i’m back in the office! i also got my business cards ;D i went straight to work because the deadline was at 1 pm. i got everything done but there is still something in the journey map that is bothering me. i’ll definitely fix it for the future or find a better solution. i ate lunch at the desk and then went downstairs to get foumami for dinner. the rest of the day were calls on calls. laurie came into the office today and organized a welcome lunch for all of the new hires in boston. apparently, we make up almost half of the office -- that’s crazy. i guess everyone else works in new york. i met up with kevin at the train station and then we ordered dinner at the fat cat. i got a side of fries to go with my salad that i devoured when we got back home. i got a bibimbap salad and they just drenched it in gochujang and i don’t think i’m going to finish it. x__x;
we drove to pick up food from fat cat and thanks to my terrible navigating skills, we had to drive around to get to oh my tea. they ran out of green tea (LOL gg) so we ended up getting just a rose tea with boba. it was alright. we quickly ate (the fries are so bomb) and then headed to cafe artscience for our three course dessert. it was a pretty bad ride because i am a terrible navigator and then i froze up because we kept missing our turns and stuff. we did get there a bit late but more or less on time. sigh. i almost had a panic attack -- i was so shaky from freaking out about boston’s windy ass roads. we sat at the bar, ordered a drink we didn’t finish, and finished a dessert alcohol a bartender gave us for funsies. kevin and i talked about some sad things, actually LOL. we drove home and then watched an episode of supernatural. i fell asleep and then woke up, showered, and got ready for bed. i was so tired.
15: the office was full today because we were getting a free lunch today LOL. it was a frustrating morning thanks to the project i’ve been struggling on and trying to fix. i kind of got it, but it’s just finicky. i worked on that until lunch and then we all went to bostonia public house. i met andrew and cole and i talked with him along with charles and kien. oh, i finally got to see cole again. when i walked into the office, he scared me awake LOL. i had to leave for a 1 pm call so i didn’t get to eat in the restaurant :( john left early too and asked me if i was going and then i told him i didn’t get my food yet and he just laughed at me LOLOLOL. he had gotten his food already and ate it. x_x i walked back with josh, a new developer. i got back a bit late and i had to take a bathroom break in the middle if the meeting, but it was ok. i caught up with phil and then i switched tasks for the day. i finished up right at 5 pm, talked with laurie and cole, and walked to south station with cole. then i got on the train and just bummed when i got home. i got my rotofugi package today: cute dino pin for my book bag, a mitten shaped tea infuser, and one of mary’s jade evolved rock figures! i also switched my side cabinet with charles’ because he wasn’t using his for any protective storage and i wanted to leave my laptop. so i took the key and locked up my pc laptop in the office. yay, now i can store things in the office without being suspicious or worrying.
oh, i got sprayed with water because boston drivers are assholes. i got hit 3 times basically and the water soaked my leggings and boots. -__-” kevin came back from climbing, we watched supernatural and then i did a bit of exercise because i haven’t been doing that these past two days D: sigh. i’m on such a sugar high/craving right now... well, i combated that with kickboxing today! it was much fun~ then i washed my hair and while it dried, i got two groupons for me and kevin to go to new england’s dessert showcase and for a sunset boat tour on the st. charles river~ i still have hillary’s gift card and i wonder if i should spend it on a maybe (need to call and ask) glassblowing class and/or pottery decorating class~ then i blow-dried my hair, brushed my teeth, and hopped into bed at the usual time -- around 1 am. haha.
16: when i was about to leave, i got a call from a client and helped her out with ux360. this was my first support call and it was so out of the blue. i think i did a pretty good job, and i loved helping her. i know that this job will test my communication skills and help me become better at giving instructions. i feel like i don’t explain myself well sometimes because i just assume others (especially ones that are close to me) know what i’m talking about and why i am talking about it. i often go on tangents when i speak to people so, i need to work on that. anyway, i helped her and then went on over to the office. i was supposed to go to kane’s donuts with cole in the morning but since i was late, we pushed it back until after his standup meeting. it wasn’t busy when we walked in and i bought 6 donuts for the office: chocolate orgasm, red velvet, boston cream, honey dipped, cinnamon, and creme brulee. mmm. obviously, cole got the boston cream for himself. haha. everything was pretty much gone at the end of the day; i took home like 1/3 of the creme brulee doughnut for kevin. i don’t think anyone except me touched the creme brulee...LOL.
work was nice and busy. i went to get lunch with cole at sabroso taqueria and got their salad with chicken. omg it is such a good and filling salad. it’s just romaine lettuce, pico de gallo, and black beans. mmmmm. i worked until 4:40 pm or so and then headed back home a bit early. i forgot to check in with phil so when i got home, i skyped him and caught up for tomorrow morning. i’m planning on maybe taking wfh days once a week, but i’m not sure yet. i got my pouch from india hicks today. i’m still feeling akjfnsjkdf about the price but i don’t want to return it because i would have to pay another $6.95 for return shipping -_- so i’m kinda forced to keep it. the good thing is that it fits all of my cables and adapters! i chilled for a bit and then started cooking dinner. i made our usual coconut kale fried rice. then kevin came back just as i finished washing the dishes and we ate dinner. i had to finish up some leftovers of the rice cake soup and then i ate some of the fried rice. we are officially caught up with supernatural :O idk what we’re gonna watch now...maybe we’ll catch up with criminal minds? kdjnfskjfs.
kevin went to shower and then i bummed around a bit to digest my food. then i did some ab workouts. for some reason, my abs have been constantly hurting? maybe i’m working them out via cardio without me noticing... i did 25 min of pure ab toning, 7 minute of hip hop cardio (wanted to dance to this one new video), and 45 minutes of kickboxing. kickboxing is so much fun and i’m sore all over right now. x__x; i showered right after and then went to sleep. i was so tired. zzzz.
17: i felt so sore and tired waking up today. i still went to work because i love my team, haha. it was a pretty slow friday though. it did pick up near the end of work with a good amount of meetings. i ate lunch at my desk and after the meetings, i felt a bit lightheaded and i was super shaky. it might have been the intense thoughts i was having about adulting at that moment that caused it. it could have also been the black tea and the amount of sugar and salty snacks i’ve had this week. i didn’t snack anytime during the day so my body kind of shut down. i asked the front where the vending machine was and i had to take the shady af freight elevator down to the basement and walk to a corner to get to it. i got something salty and sweet: jalapeno cheddar puffs and nature valley honey oat bars. i ate it while going up the elevator. kevin was worried about me haha. i felt a bit better after eating. there wasn’t much to do afterward so dave told me to go home early LOL. i still waited for phil and kevin to get back to me though. i had a chance to talk to phil for about 10 minutes before hopping off and meeting kevin at the train station. i was still there before him even though he left earlier and i gave him time? so confused.
we got home and started bumming. i love fridays because i get to spend some downtime with kevin (((: we talked about how i was feeling about people working just to work vs people working because that is their life. i’m someone who makes work their life passion because we spend so much time working, i feel like it’s a waste to not do something you love with that time, you know? i don’t think it’s a good thing either -- i stress out a lot and etc, but idk i like being busy for a purpose and feeling like i am adding to something to society. i do understand why some people just work to work and have a life outside of it though. it’s just not my style. anyway, we talked about that and then we talked about maybe heading to new york for the first weekend in march. we also talked about a vacation in the summer...maybe a cruise? maybe paris?! kevin and i want to do an international trip together but i don’t have enough pto time accrued to do that this year T___T we’re both down for an off-season trip though. we’d both love to go to iceland. anyway, i sprung this on kevin too fast so he has the weekend to think about it (mostly just the ny trip though).
i somehow ko’d and fell asleep for an hour...i woke up when kevin just started cooking. i woke up hungry so i ate some leftovers and snacked a bit. then i helped prep some food, make the sauce, etc. i ate a bit more with kevin while watching a dota 2 stream. then i took it easy and did 45 minutes of hip hop cardio. i wasn’t feeling it. i went to shower and went to sleep pretty early. i just sleep during the weekends to recharge lol.
18: mmm... i woke up at 7:30 am then went back to sleep and woke up at 10 am and then went back to sleep and finally got out of bed at like 12 or 1 pm LOL. my life is truly bummy on the weekends. kevin was supposed to climb in the morning, but obviously that didn’t happen. so we ate brunch, went to kam man to get rice (omg it was so packed because it was nice outside and we went there at like 2 pm), got tickets to see ‘split’ at the movies, and then drove across the street to the mall so i could return my hdmi adapter and exchange/find seamless underwear. the return happened super quickly. i caught one of the workers at the door and he helped me out. then we stopped by a new thinkgeek store! yassss. they had some cute stuff in there. then we went to aerie to see if their seamless underwear was actually seamless. mmm, i asked one of the store associates and she didn’t convince me so we left and headed back to victoria secret. kevin went to target to look for bigger containers so we could access our rice easier while i looked for the seamless underwear i wanted.
it was packed in there and i could not find the ones i was looking for until i found someone and asked and she took me straight to the small table in the corner LOL. i got a better deal here than online so i picked neutral colors, got in line, kevin found me and i apologized for taking so long, and then i got my seamless underwear (FINALLY). i could have gotten another pair if i were a cardholder/printed out a coupon from pink but i didn’t know until later T__T it’s kinda still bugging me but eh it’s done. we went into target together and ended up buying cute colored stoneware containers, a cake stand (for our fruit LOL), and containers for rice. omg. hahaha. this is why we never go out of our way to go to target. then we drove back, kevin went climbing, i washed the dishes and all of the new stuff, put rice in the new containers, turned on the most recent episode of jane the virgin, moved our hard af brown sugar into one of the stoneware containers with a knife and a measuring cup, and then microwaved leftovers for dinner before heading out to the movie. haha.
kevin took a bit longer than expected so we were rushed to get out of the apartment. we packed some chips and pretzels in snack bags to eat at the movie. we got there about 5 minutes before the movie started. the movie was pretty interesting and creepy if you keep thinking about it, but it was hard to get in the mood because there were these teenagers (i sound so old) in the front who kept giggling, making childish comments, and were on their phones the entire time -__-” me and kevin were like wtf. we found out that the movie is rated pg-13 so yeah... we’ll only go to rated-r movies now LOL. we got back, cuddled, and then kevin annoyed me LOL and then went to game. i finished watching ‘reign’ and then forced myself to do some exercise even though i felt tired and bloated. i really need to stop snacking T__T it’s making me feel terrible. then i showered and ko’d at like 1 am or even before that.
19: mmm got up late again. i’ve been feeling very tired lately. it’s probably the mix of my diet and new exercise routines. x__x i started laundry right away, ate breakfast with kevin while watching a pokemon showdown stream. then i cleaned the kitchen and bathroom while listening to music. then i curled my hair and tried looking for something to watch on netflix but they took down all of the cooking shows T____T i watched youtube videos instead. then i folded laundry and kevin and i went grocery shopping! lol we went pretty late because he wanted to game a bit longer. we stopped by oh my tea first and i got the aloe honey green tea bubble tea (hot) and i got kevin a pineapple green tea with bubbles and lychee jelly. they were both really yummy. then we drove to kam man and it was practically empty. we stopped by bj’s before it was about to close for the day and then we made it home at like 7 pm? lol kevin was hungry and wanted to buy so many other things that we didn’t need.
we microwaved leftovers and watched the latest episode of supernatural on the cwtv app and then started watching ‘izombie’ while cuddling and just relaxing. i think we have a new series to watch for now. it’s not the best but it’s entertaining. we then prepped the veggies for tomorrow’s ratatouille pasta and then i just prepared for working from home tomorrow. i wasn’t feeling well still... then i showered and found out that it’s that time of month but it’s been hurting a lot more than usual. ugh. so i just went to sleep and tried to make the pain go away :(
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Unexpected: Part 23
The Unknown Chapter Index.
Unexpected Chapter Index
Morgan was the last to wake up, she stired in the bed while sighing. It was cold outside, nearing the end of the fall, it was one of those days to stay in bed covered in blankets and an occasional cup of hot cocoa.
She was about to do that, until responsibility hit her and she had to force herself out of bed.
The other side of the bed was empty. And when she put on her shoes she heard the door in the front opening and closing.
She walked out the bedroom and saw Eric taking his coffee from the tray and sitting down in the chair, the tray full of breakfast waiting for Morgan in front of another empty chair.
Morgan decided in that moment to say fuck it to everything, and let Eric take care of her and decide.
She walked out, looking at the tray and finding the dreamt of cup of hot cocoa. She smiled fully and took it, sitting down next to Eric.
He glanced at her and continued to read the report on his table.
“Hello to you too, or did we sleep together?” Morgan said.
“Technically” he replied and left the coffee on the table “Morgan ab-”
“No” she interrupted “don’t say anything, don’t apologize. Yes I think it was uncalled for that you went to erudite and to speak with the fucking devil. But I don’t care” she shrugged her shoulder “I really don’t. I just want to be calm. And to be calm, I need to stop doing what I usually do, which is over think shit. So, I’ll do what you ask of me, and what you think it’s best. If you don’t want me to work I won’t work, if you want me to not go to Erudite anymore I won’t”
She finished, taking the cup again and looking at Eric, waiting for an answer. He just let his shoulders down and sighed. He left his cup and leaned in to place his hand over Morgan’s stomach, drawing her close and hiding his face on her neck.
“I’m trying to take care of you two, OK?” He said.
“I know. And I know sometimes I can be a pain in the ass as well”
“And the little times when you are a pain, you are right about what you complain about” he said looking at her “I don’t want to restrict you. But I want you safe too, and believe me, the things that she says to you are bound to start getting to you, whether you like it or not. They always get to you”
Morgan looked at Eric in the eyes. Christine had spoken some words to Eric, and she thought that the whole performance thing came from a long time ago. Maybe Eric was trying to convince himself that he didn’t have to be perfect, but every time Christine came into picture, she shattered everything.
“I’ll let you sugar coat me these next seven months, but I swear to god if she talks shit about you again in my presence she’s done for”
Eric smiled, making Morgan lean in and kiss his lips slowly.
Eric’s hands moved from her stomach to her thighs and turned again to finish his coffee. Morgan did the same with her gigantic breakfast.
“What did you do last night?” He asked casually. Morgan chuckled while sipping her cocoa.
“I beat ass in Doubt, Johan cooked me a steak because I missed dinner, and I got to hang out with Creed’s girlfriend”
Eric hummed in acknowledgment.
“And how is she?”
“Creed is a boob person I realized, and she’s actually pretty cool, she tells embarrassing stories about him. I laughed until my stomach hurt last night.”
“I’m glad” he said. Morgan looked at him and smiled, leaning in to place her chin in his shoulder.
“It’s getting cold, can I stay in bed all day?”
“No, but we can come up and take a nap when we finish lunch” he said turning his head to her, Morgan smiled and nodded “for now I need you to pick me some more leaders, one to take care of the meetings with Erudite, and after that I need stuff sorted for the choosing ceremony next week”
“You got it” Morgan said and stood up from her seat. “I’m taking a shower and we can head to work OK?”
She turned and walked towards the bedroom. Eric swept down the rest of the tray and placed the uneaten stuff in the fridge, maybe Morgan could eat it when she was feeling like eating a snack.
“I actually like the winter, and I think it’s great to wear baggy clothes that conceal stuff” Morgan said exiting the bedroom, pulling down a sweat shirt over her long sleeved one.
“Conceal stuff?”
“Well yeah. No one can know about the baby until next month, and I’m sorry to break this down to you, but my flat stomach is gone after the next week”
Eric smiled, Morgan walked to him and waited for Eric to open the door to head out to work.
“I was actually thinking I should go to Erudite and pick up some parenting and pre natal books, but now I don’t thinks so. People could see me”
“Why don’t you ask Anne for some, I bet she has something, or she can retrieve them for you from the Erudite library” Eric said holding her hand and walking down the hallway towards Eric’s office.
“You’re right, she could do that” Morgan said in realization, letting a smile escape her as they came to the hall where they had to split up. Eric turned to her and kissed her lips slowly.
“We’re OK right?” He said. Morgan frowned and smiled.
“Of course we’re OK” she leaned in to peck his lips again “busy day today, I better get to it. I’ll see you after lunch” Morgan surrounded him and began walking down the hall, Eric watched her go until she turned to another hallway and disappeared.
Morgan figured she would start with a list of possible candidates by looking at the files of previous years initiations, she busied herself with that and once she had a good list of 7 or so names she set out to look for said people.
She knew she would need one person to cover for her in Erudite, one more person to oversee the fence border, and one more person to start learning the basics of the rounds she did at dauntless, making sure she already had a backup for when either she felt sick or when she got big enough to not be able to work as much.
While looking for the people in her list she pondered at what would be the work outs she could do, knowing that sooner or later she would start to pull weight. She straight up hated yoga, it was all calmed and peaceful, and knowing her the only kind of workout she knew was in combat. Maybe she got a little bit carried away by all of those things, by the time she came back to reality it was already lunch time. She hadn’t eaten and hadn’t succeeded to find the people on her list.
In fact she was walking the opposite direction the whole time.
Morgan frowned at her own obliviousness and headed to the dinning room, it was filled with dauntless already, and she wasn’t feeling like making the line to eat, but she needed to anyway. It wasn’t about what she wanted to do anymore, it was what she had to do.
“Hey Morgan” she was saluted from her left, she turned and smiled at Bobby.
“Hey Bobby” she looked behind her at Creed “and her faithful peasant who sucks at Doubt”
“First of all fuck you, I won most rounds, second of all, I’m still mad about last night so don’t talk to me” he responded monotone.
“He gets grumpy when it’s cold” Bobby whispered at her.
“Why?” Morgan’s turn finally came, she scanned for items to eat, getting meat for protein, some salads, and a delicious chocolate brownie.
“He has some scars and broken bones that hurt when the temperature changes” she explained.
“I’ve never heard of such pain.” She replied.
“I already got you your lunch” Morgan recognized Eric’s voice from behind her. She turned and frowned at him.
“For you to not make the line”
“Fine then, but I’m taking the brownie” Morgan said taking the plate with the brownie and moving backwards to get out of the line. She smiled at Eric knowing that he probably didn’t like her eating that, but she could call it a craving and still win.
“Sorry guys” she apologized to both Bobby and Creed, hoping that she could’ve eaten with them “I’ll get you something for that pain Creed” she promised as Eric held her by the waist and led her away from them.
Morgan looked at him and smiled.
“You’re such a gentleman” she said while kissing Eric’s jaw. Eric smiled down at her and led her towards the table.
One they were seated and Morgan began to eat her lunch, Eric leaned in to whisper in her ear
“I already got you some books”
Morgan smiled widely at him and pecked his lips
“I love you” she said snuggling closer to him, Eric’s hand coming around her waist and landing on her stomach.
“Did you get anything done?”
“I have a list, I guess I can pull it together tomorrow. Now I’m just thinking too much about everything and I get distracted”
“If you wanted I can take care of that”
“No, thank you” she said as she continued with her lunch. Eric continued to watch her, her eyes scanning the food, her lips twitching in content, her cheeks flushing pink as she eyed him from the corner of her eye.
“Stop” she said, Eric smiled at her and leaned to kiss her cheek, then her neck
“Can I not look at my beautiful wife?”
Morgan smiled down at her lap as her cheeks redenned. Her neck unprotected for Eric to bite it softly, he didn’t intend to leave a mark, knowing that Morgan didn’t like the aftermath of the burn and itching at all times.
“Finish that so we can head up” he said letting her finish her meal.
“I’m already half passed out, trying really hard to keep my eyes open”
“Did you not sleep well last night?”
“I did, I just went to bed late and woke up early today. I didn’t get much of it”
“That’s a habit you’re gonna have to start changing”
“Yeah” she sighed as she finished “I know. Whatever, I’m done” she said pushing the tray away from her and standing up.
Eric stood up after her and both of them walked out the dinning room hand in hand.
“Can’t you carry me up?” Eric didn’t say anything and swooped Morgan off her feet “no I meant like on your back”
She tried to shimmy out of his grasps
“It’s easier like this” he fought back.
“I want piggy back though” she complained.
He put her back down in the floor and walk a few steps ahead, stopping and lowering himself to catch Morgan when she jumped on his back.
“I swear to god if we crush the baby….” he muttered low enough for her to hear him when she was holding herself against his chest, Eric’s arm hooked below her knees and carrying her this way
“It’s the size of a fucking pea can you relax?” She said, placing a kiss on his neck afterwards “you’ll work out like this, you kind of need it”
“Are you calling me fat?”
Morgan chuckled and kissed Eric in the neck again.
He climbed up the set of stairs with Morgan on his back, never once complaining. When they got to the apartment he headed for the bedroom and left Morgan in the bed carefully
“Thank you” she said talking the covers and covering herself, Eric laid next to her but didn’t slip under the covers.
Morgan’s scooted closer and held Eric by the neck with one of her arms, Eric held her back by the waist, his hand coming up and down her back soothingly
“You get the husband of the year award” she muttered against his lips, then leaned in to peck them “I love you so much” she closed her eyes and sighed tired.
“I love you too” he said, closing his eyes as he rubbed Morgan’s back
“Two or too?” She asked, Eric chuckled and turned his head to kiss her cheek
“Two and too” he replied “I’ll wait for you to fall asleep then head out to finish some things”
“Can you leave me your watch so I can set the alarm on it?” She asked still with her eyes closed.
Eric hummed in reply and unhooked the watch from him wrist, he set it and slid it into Morgan’s wrist.
“Now rest baby” he said and kissed her cheek again, rubbing her back and listening to her breathing turn more and more rhythmicall with every passing second.
#unexpected#eric fanfic#eric divergent#ericxoc#ericxmorgan#eric coulter#eric#fanfic#divergent#dauntless#jai courtney#jai courtney fanfic#gal gadot
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