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theunknown-ericfanfiction · 7 years ago
The Unknown Chapter Index.
Unexpected Chapter Index
"What do you want to snack today Aleks?" Morgan said opening the fridge, she took two containers and turned around to Aleks, kneeling next to him. "Fruits or cereals?" She motioned at both the containers.
She saw Aleks' big blue eyes move between them, his little backpack hanging by his shoulders.
"Fruit" he said pointing at the right. Morgan smiled and put the cereals away.
"This one's got banana, apple and strawberries, do you like those?"
"Yes Mommy" he replied while Morgan opened up his backpack and stored the fruits inside them.
Morgan checked that he was well dressed, that his shoes were tied and his backpack closed.
"Looks like we're good to go buddy" she placed a little kiss on his forehead and stood up, taking Aleks by the hand and walking out of the house.
Aleks had grown so fast in Morgan's eyes, she couldn't believe he was already in day care. They took him off to the city to attend some activities with the other kids of the other factions, and knowing that Aleks was getting bigger and bigger he was developing his sense of community and his social skills fast. But the adults in dauntless weren't a good example of socialization. Specially with Aleks being a little boy.
Morgan walked with him towards the bus where they usually  picked up the kids in dauntless.
Morgan held Aleks by the hand while they waited, but soon enough she felt Aleks tug her down. She kneeled next to him and held him by the waist to her chest.
"What's wrong baby?" She asked, giving him a little kiss on the cheek.
"What happened to that girl?" He said, looking straight ahead, Morgan moved her eye to where he was looking, and recognized the question.
"That's what happens to mommys when they have a baby in their belly" she looked at Aleks, who was silently staring down at the woman. Then he turned to her.
"Like you?"
Morgan's mouth slowly opened, but the screeching of the bus made her stand up without saying a word. She bent over again to kiss Aleks on the crown of his head, then watched him run towards the bus as the other kids hurried to get in.
As soon as Morgan saw the dauntless guards get in the bus and made sure everyone was seated and ready to go, she walked back to her place.
She searched around Eric's office for a calendar, and when she had it she counted.
The last 10 months hadn't been nice to her at all. After she confronted Eric about needing time to have another baby, he didn't mentioned the subject again, and didn't push for Morgan to stop taking the shots.
The first 6 months had passed, and after Aleks' 3rd birthday she quit the shots, bit didn't tell Eric about it, hoping she could make the announcement be a surprise.
What happened was that the first month she tried, her period came, then the second month was delayed only two days, making her eager to take a pregnancy test. She took it at home when she was alone, finding the single red line too disturbing. By the third month, when she took the test again, she could help but to crumble down on the bathroom floor after throwing the negative result across the room.
She was in the bathroom for an hour trying to compose herself, and by the time she came out it didn't pass Eric's inspection the fact that she had been crying.
Those months she had accounted for, the next one was the one she wasn't aware of.
After Aleks became too big and too slippery for the crib, Morgan and Eric set up a little bed in his room, and it wasn't longer before Aleks began jumping on the bed, despite Morgan's and Eric's constant scoldings about not jumping on the goddamned bed.
One particular night, Morgan and Eric were sitting in the couch, mindlessly talking about nothing before she had to get up and cook something, then they heard the sickening thump on the floor, then Aleks' pained shriek across the house. They jumped on their feet and ran to the bedroom, finding Aleks holding his head where he had hit himself. What they didn't expect to find was blood on his hand when he pulled back.
He caught the side of the nightstand with his head, barely missing the corner. That earned him 5 stitches and a still to this day reprimend from Eric.
Thay whole month between checks to Erudite's doctors and such was the month Morgan hadn't accounted for, and now she was staring at a month gap between her last period and the next one ready to happen.
She tried to make memory on what day she could've had sex with Eric that could count for her to get pregnant while she walked down the infirmary.
She had her arms crossed at her chest, and as soon as she was tended by the dauntless nurse, she just requested a routine check out, not wanting to ask for a pregnancy test right out of the bat, knowing that if she did the news were going to spread even faster than she could tell Eric about the result.
She waited that full day in the infirmary, sitting in the waiting room, then she was handed a thick envelope. She took it back to her place and took a deep breath while closing the door behind her, what she didn't expect was for Eric to be at the house.
"What are you doing here?" She asked, trying to not make him pay attention at the too obvious envelope.
"Came looking for you" he said walking to her, looking at the envelope on her hand "haven't seen you all day, where were you?" He held her by the waist and pulled her in. Morgan threw the envelope on the couch and held Eric by the shoulders.
"Went to drop off Aleks at the bus stop, then I was called by Stella, she had the result of Aleks' last check up and I went to pick it up" she said hoping Eric would buy what was in that envelope
"Mm" he hummed and leaned in to kiss her shortly. Then began walking with her towards the front door. "Elise came to see me at the office. She asked if we could take care of Leah tonight"
Well, that wasn't good. If the results was negative it would mean that she would more than likely spend another hour in the bathroom crying, that was something she couldn't handle. The fact that when she had Aleks she wasn't looking for him and now that she was actively searching to get pregnant but nothing happened, that killed her.
Still, she was thankful she'd made the decision of not letting Eric know she was off the shots, having Eric's constant expectations pressuring her and having to look at the disappointment and hurt in his face was something she wanted to spare herself from.
"Morgan" he said, looking down at her, stopping in the middle of the hallway nearing his office. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah" she dismissed "I'm fine"
"You're distraught" he cupped her cheek and brought her closer "you sure? Let me know if i can do anything to help"
"I will Eric" she assured, then tiptoed to meet his lips. "I'll make sure to pick up Leah from the bus with Aleks, and more then likely will end up back at the house to take care of them after that"
"I'll have everything wrapped up early and come meet you guys" he kissed her again and turned around, walking back into his office.
Morgan took care of her rounds, the results of the test still swirling in her head.
In the meantime she was looking for that baby, Eric had taken Leah under his wing. He took care of her as if she was his own, he played with her and Aleks if she was ever at the house, and made sure to keep in touch with Elise to be informed if Leah ever needed a check up or anything he could help with.
Morgan not only knew Eric was trying to fill the other baby space, but the other baby girl space. Leah was a sweet little baby and Eric had heart eyes everytime he saw her, knowing that a girl was all Eric wanted next.
When she finally had to pick up Aleks, she quickly ushered him into the house and had him settled with Leah to do a jigsaw puzzle, they loved to do those.
Morgan took the results back to her room and sighed. It was now or never, she couldn't afford another interrogatory if Eric saw her eyes red again.
She didn't close the door of her bedroom all the way down, making sure she could still hear the kids on the other room.
She sat on the bed and opened the envelope, scanning fast the results of the different test, the blood work was the one she was interested.
She scanned with her eyes the different medical terms until she found the one hCG, positive.
She let out a shaky breath as she passed the pages to the urine test. hCG, positive.
Another shaky breath as she let the papers fall on the bed and stood up.
She chuckled and placed both hands on her head, she couldn't believe it. She was pregnant.
Morgan heard the front door smash closed and Aleks' happy shriek as he ran to his dad, hugging him by the legs. Eric ruffled his hair and gave Leah a quick look, who just gave him a little wave and turned back to the puzzle.
"Where's mommy?" Eric asked, Aleks double back to the table while he said
"In her bedroom"
Eric walked towards the bedroom, finding Morgan with tears in her eyes. He walked quickly to her with a worried frown.
"Morgan what's wrong?" He said holding her by the shoulders. Morgan couldn't help but let out a happy laugh and picked up the papers, handing them to Eric.
Eric scanned them fast, trying to find the answer.
"What's all this?" He threw the papers on the bed again and held her by the shoulders "Morgan talk to me, what's-"
"I'm pregnant" she said happy, jumping on Eric's arms and placing her hands on his neck "Eric I'm pregnant" she downed her lips to his once.
When she pulled back, she saw Eric's starstruck face, looking up at her.
"What?" He whispered, pulling her down and holding her by the waist.
"I got tested today and everything is positive, you're going to be a dad again baby" Morgan rounded his shoulders with her arms, Eric moved his eyes over hers, and Morgan saw his gaze move down to her stomach.
She took Eric's hands from her waist and placed it on top of her stomach.
Eric looked at her again, tears starting to form on his eyes.
"Really?" He whispered, Morgan chuckled and kissed him one more time while nodding.
"Yes baby, yes, yes, you're going to be a dad again" she whispered against his lips.
Eric hadn't closed his eyes when Morgan kissed him, instead he looked at her own, still having a little frown on his face.
"Eric" she said looking longingly at him "Eric everything came out positive, we can go to the doctor if you don't-"
Morgan was interrupted when Eric dropped to her knees and moved her shirt up to kiss her stomach.
Morgan was pushed down on the bed and she laughed holding Eric's head close to her stomach as he left little kisses on her. He stopped to look up at her again and Morgan could see tears streak down her eyes, and she assumed she had as many as his. She slowly cleaned his cheek and smiled at him, moving forward to kiss his forehead.
Eric sighed and leaned back on her stomach, hugging her and knealing in front of her in between her legs. Morgan ran her hands on his neck and his back while Eric continued hugging her by the waist.
"Are you happy baby?" She asked, Eric instantly nodded, hugging her tight. "I'm sorry I made you wait for so long. I promise I dropped the shots when I said I would"
"That time" he said leaning back and clearing his throat "that time I found you in the bathroom, you were crying because of this?"
"Yeah" she admitted "I made a test and it came out negative, and it wasn't the first"
"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, his hand moved to her still flat stomach and slowly caressed it.
"I wanted to surprise you"
"And you did" he said, giving her a chuckle.
"We can set up an appointment tomorrow to have all the checks needed, I don't know how far along I am but I'm guessing 6 weeks so.... I know it's too soon-"
Eric interrupted her when he leaned in to kiss her lips quickly, making her wipe away any doubt in her mind.
He looked down at her stomach again and smiled, leaning over to it and kissing it.
"Hi baby, it's your dad" he cooed into it, holding Morgan by the waist again and letting out a content sigh "I've been expecting you"
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theunknown-ericfanfiction · 7 years ago
Alternate Reality (2)
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EricxMorgan Pairing. 2577 Words. 2/10
"Would you consider cheating if I end up fucking you in there as well?" Eric asked, holding Morgan by the hand and walking into the Sim room, the new machine waiting for them.
"Of course I will"
"But it's you" he fought back
"It doesn't matter if it's me or not, why would you want to fuck me in that reality knowing that you can fuck me perfectly fine out here" she complained, turning on the computer "you said you were going to help me and that's it"
"And I am" Eric assured "I'm just curious, what if we end up in that kind of situation? Besides, it's a dream, I'm not physically fucking another version of you"
"Why do you want to fuck Erudite me so badly? Is it because of the glasses? Because I can get some glasses if that's a turn on"
Eric chuckled and leaned in to steal a kiss from her while she got the machine ready and the serum checked.
"I just want to have you all for myself in every reality"
Morgan twisted her lips and motioned at him to get on the step.
"Assuming you can get into my pants in the hour you have in there, be my guest, it's not like I can blame you for what happens in your head, and besides, I'm not competing with a figment of your imagination alright? I'm 5 months pregnant, I don't have time for this bullshit" she said placing the electrodes on his neck and chest like she'd been taught. "And if I see something weird, like if you get hard on and start moaning, I'll pull you out before you can finish" she said with a smirk and pushed the serum to his arm.
Eyes closed.
Eyes open.
Eric puts the glass down in the table and looks around, checking his surroundings, he's in a bar. He checks his watch, it's 9 am, too early for a drink, even in this reality.
He walks out of the bar and notices a shining light coming from below his slseve, he moves it aside and sees a clock emmiting from the skin in his wrist, must be the time tracker they programmed to let him know how much time he had before being pulled out. 58 minutes.
He set in motion and takes the train to Erudite, looking for Morgan again, trying to find out about this deal and how can he help her.
As soon as he reaches Erudite again, he knows that he has to work quickly, given that the actions from the day before have repercussions.
He demands to be taken to some dauntless guards that were being hospitalized, and in the room he hacks into a nearby computer, finding the citizen's records just like the ones he has in dauntless.
Quick search, Emily Whitefield. Morgan's face pops up and he reads the information.
Married to this bastard, parents alive, place if residence two houses down from where her mother lives. Cris is the lead researcher in a pharmaceutical company, the ones that develope the cures and medications for the diseases in the city. The former lead researcher was Morgan's dad.
Eric thought Morgan must be in an arranged marriage of sorts. They join the families through her children to make sure the trespassing of the lead researchers from one family to the other isn't that random, just a common decision to pass the reigns of a company from one man to his son in law, given that a woman isn't fit to run a company in Erudite's mind.
Bastards, all of them. But how was he going to get Morgan out? He couldn't kill the parents and Cris. Well, he could, but not without arising suspicions as to why he'd made that decision. Not with Jeanine up his ass.
And even if he could get Morgan out, she was in Erudite, and he was in Dauntless, they couldn't be together either way.
Eric undestood that the whole thought process sounded very stupid now, but his heart ached for what was happening to Morgan in this reality.
He decided to go to her place, given that apparently she'd taken a day off and Cris was working in the lab, or so the documents said.
He walked to her neighborhood, no one was looking out if he was here, everyone should either be working or in school.
He knocked on her door and had to wait a while for her to come around and open the door.
Slowly, the door opened just a bit, but when her eyes landed on him, she moved to close the door on his face. Eric stopped it and pushed it open, Morgan didn't have enough strength to push him away.
"Please, leave. You've already gotten me into enough trouble" she said looking to the side.
Eric's eyes fixated on her cheek, how it was red, but then, his eyes moved to her eye, and he knew better than to be fooled by make up on a bruise.
Eric felt his heart clench, and he wanted to lean in and hold her, tell her everything was going to be fine.
"I know" he said, keeping his distance "I came here to apologise, I know what pain I must've caused you"
"No you don't, now leave" she said between teeth.
"Yes, I do" he took a step to her. Morgan cowered back and stumbled with the chair from the kitchen. Eric hated this version of Morgan, so vulnerable, helpless, she'd lost her strength to fight. She'd given up, just as much as he. "I know about your family. I know about your deal with Cris"
"You know nothing"
"Yes, I do. I know you were forced to remain in Erudite the marry him, I know that they only did it do that way your dad could pass on the Leadership role on the lab to him. I know that he doesn't treat you right I know everything Morgan"
"My name is Emily" she spouted back, Eric leaned in and grabbed her by the arms, she squeezed her eyes shut and shrieked a little in pain.
Eric just then realized that Morgan was hunched to the side, he loosened his grip on her arms until it was just a feather touch.
"No. You're not you, you're not the one you could be. You could be fearless, and brave, you could take me down if you wanted to. And not just with violence but with one single look"
She frowned, looking up at him.
"What?" She asked in confusion.
"All I'm saying is, is that you could've been so much different if you hadn't chose Erudite. All these years of torment, Cris, your parents, your bitch mom, all of that could've been avoided, if you'd just picked dauntless" he lamented. "but just because you didn't pick it doesn't mean you don't deserve happiness. I'm going to get you out of this situation, no matter what I have to do"
Eric led his hands to her neck, Morgan's eyes looked at him with tears forming in them, she probably had never been told what he just told her, no one had made her feel loved or wanted or needed. She was just a pawn, a pieces to be moved. She was nothing in this reality, a trophy wife.
"You deserve a lot more than what you're getting, and I'll make sure you start feeling like your life has some value, because it does. You are..." Eric stopped, because if he told Morgan how much he loved her, if he told her about the alternate reality, he would lose all the credibility he was getting from her right now. "You're strong, Emily, stronger than you think. I'll help you in whatever way I can"
He couldn't resist, and pulled Morgan in for a short kiss. Her lips tasted just like the real ones, her hands on his when she moved them up felt just like hers.
Morgan startled back when she heard a thud outside her house.
"Cris is back" she whispered, her eyes widening into panic. "You have to leave" she urged.
Eric only nodded and walked a step back, looking for a way out. All houses in Erudite had to be the same, so there should be a back door entrance he could use to get out.
With one last look to Morgan, one look that told her how much he hated himself for leaving her alone with Cris, he turned back to leave.
"Thank you" she said in a low voice. Eric stopped dead in his tracks and turned back to face her.
"Fight him, you can do it" he said determined.
He turned around and left, closing the door just as he hears Cris great Morgan as if nothing had happened, as if he hadn't beaten the shit out of the the few hours after he confronted him en Erudite HQ.
He looked down at his watch. 24 minutes.
He rode back to dauntless, this time to do something about his daughter.
As soon as he entered his apartment, he saw the nanny put the baby in her crib, along with the loud moaning and banging coming from his bedroom.
He doubled back before going in to confront his slut wife, and checked the available rooms in dauntless, taking one spare one near the fire escape, with easy access to it from the window. He figure he would need a fast way out if he ever needed to go and visit Morgan at night.
When he came back, he pushed the door open and handed the key to the nanny, giving her instructions to sit in there with the baby until he came around.
Once alone, he walked to the bedroom, the moaning and grunting increasing in volume and speed as he came near.
He opened the door, not bothering to check with them.
"Hey dude what the fuck?" Said the man that was currently ramming Briana from behind. Eric turned his hand into a fist and in one quick move, he flew it to his cheek and made him stumble back, knocking him out cold into the floor
"Eric what the fuck!" Briana shrieked from the bed, pulling a sheet to her chest "what the fuck Eric we have times set up for-"
He interrupted her, his hand crawling to her neck and pulling her up, squeezing so hard he left her without air in a second.
"Listen carefully you fucking bitch" he whispered, pushing his lips to her ear, her fingernails clawed into his arm and hand, but he didn't losened his grip on her throat. "I'm letting you live only for you to tell Jeanine that I'm done. I'm backing out from this deal" he pulled back to find her face turning purple quickly "and if you come near me or my daughter, especially my daughter, I'll kill you"
He pressed his other hand to her neck, painfully digging his nails on the connection of her head to her spine. He saw her eyes roll back and her hands slowly drip from his hands.
He wanted to kill her right there, but what good would it do? She had to deliver the message to Jeanine.
He stopped, making her body fall limp to the bed again while she coughed heavily, taking deep shallow breaths.
He doubled back and left the room, going upstairs to his new place. Once there he dismissed the nanny and held his baby to his chest, slowly rocking her.
Looking at his watch, 3 minutes remained for him to be pulled out. He looked for a piece of paper and wrote down on it.
"You better take care of this kid, or I'll kill you myself"
He still didn't know how the world continued once he got off the simulation, did he revert back to what he was, or did something changed inside him based on the new decisions he made?
He wasn't sure, but for now, he'd done all he could.
Opening his eyes again, he found himself a lot more calm than the last time he was in the simulation.
He looked to his side to find Morgan standing next to him.
She pushed the button to move him back to a standing position while she unhooked the electrodes.
"And?" She asked. "How was I?"
"Beaten" he said, stepping up and looking to the machine himself "you have a deal" he said taking her by the hand and leading her out "with Cris and your family, apparently you're just there middle man to help Cris get into the leadership of a pharmaceutical company, taking it over from your dad"
"Badly?" She asked, Eric looked down at her with a questioning look "badly beaten?"
"Yeah. But it's okay, I gave you a pep talk, I hope you can hold off until I can come back"
Morgan sighed and pressed herself to his chest.
"And your baby?"
"Pulled her away from her mother, and I hope my other me can take care of her after this. Almost got her killed, but I made her deliver the message to Jeanine that I wasn't going to keep going with the deal"
"Mmm. And when are you coming back?"
"Don't know, when are you letting me come back?"
"If it's literally like five minutes like you said, I can let you go back more often. But, when this gets harder to deal with" she pointed at her stomach "you cut the shit. Besides, it's kind of exciting, like a novel"
"I'm in a time line then" he said, stopping to lean in to kiss her stomach "I'm waiting to meet you more than anyone on the world baby girl"
"And that, we have to start picking names for her"
"I'm sticking with the one I picked when we first looked for Aleks, Laurelei."
"Then I'm sticking with mine, Sia"
Eric smirked and leaned again, kissing her stomach one more time.
"Now, let's get working on real world problems"
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theunknown-ericfanfiction · 7 years ago
Chapter Fifty-Five.
The Unknown Chapter Index.
Unexpected Chapter Index
There was a particular night where Christine didn't feel good at all, she'd noticed that her sleeping pills had also numbed her legs a little, she'd tried to massage them and when she stood up from her bed to walk, her legs couldn't hold her up. She sat down in the bed, frowning in confusion.
Then another wave of numbness hit her, it was slowly spreading up her torso, and when she reached her communicator to ask anyone for help, her hand didn't respond. She fell sideways on the bed, and with a look of horror in her eyes, she looked around the room for help, finding a figure staring back at her from the love seat on the corner of her bedroom.
Her breath was picking up she couldn't feel her body, and she was pretty sure she could also feel her organs shut down one after the other.
She saw the figure stand up from the chair, and when it walked near the light, she saw her.
She tried to speak, but at the attempt Morgan simply chuckled.
"You more than anyone should know that sleeping pills in a high dose can cause a progressive system shutdown. They're usually used in suicide for most women, it gives them a nice lullabied eternal sleep. But when you're not actually expecting it it can be quite terrifying"
Morgan took the pill bottle from the nightstand and opened it, Christine noticed she was wearing thick surgical gloves.
"You must be thinking, while you still can, how could this happen, I only took the dose that was in my pill case? Well, someone should've know that you stored your dosage in a pill case and leave it in the bathroom, and some should've also slipped a modified pill inside the case, replacing it with your own" Morgan dropped half the bottle of pills on her hand "which would make it seem like you took a higher dosage. And when they find your pill bottle damn near empty, that's what they'll deem it, suicide"
Morgan left the bottle exactly where she'd found it. Making it seem untouched.
"It wasn't easy, it took me almost a year to stage this, but your death is not the only think I staged" Morgan saw Christine's eyes drop, then heavily open up, she wasn't breathing as labored, but instead in fast short breaths, trying to overcompensate the lack of oxygen she was feeling. Soon enough there wouldn't be enough oxygen reaching her brain.
"There was a little girl in Erudite once, who wanted to switch to Dauntless when her decision came. But her parents and the leaders of Erudite saw that her IQ was actually quite high for her to waste it on dauntless, so they forced her to stay. I spent months reviewing candidates to take over your place, and when I found her, I knew she was perfect. So I did what you did to my husband, and trained her for her to take Erudite, you probably know her, and she's probably your favorite new leader because that's what she was meant to be. And once she takes over your place in Erudite, she'll help serve dauntless' purpose, not the other way around."
Morgan saw her eyes drop again, heavily, and this time she didn't open them again.
Morgan gave the room one last check before exiting the house, climbing on the train back to dauntless before sunrise.
Once Morgan was inside the house, she gave Aleks a quick check before, walking to her own bedroom. Thankfully Eric hadn't moved from the position she left him in, knowing that the day had work him out so much he would be in very deep slumber. She'd made some excuse to him that Aleks wanted to spend the day with him, that she'll take care of
everything in dauntless for the day.
She secured the cameras for the night, made sure the next leader in Erudite knew her part, and of course she had an alibi for that night.
Being with Aleks was an exhausting task, taking care of a two and a half year old was a challenge on itself. Aleks spoke a lot more now, but that meant they'll have to constantly translate his works to something with sense, and Aleks spoke a lot because he was being spoken to a lot.
They had a routine that would soon change, since Eric and Morgan agreed that he should start daycare at 3 years old, to start socializing with other kids. But that didn't meant Aleks was secluded. Morgan took him after their breakfast for a stroll in dauntless, and the son of Eric still was a novelty. Everyone stopped to high five him or to talk to him just a few words, hoping to get something back. Aleks was a little reserved outside in the compound, but in the house he wouldn't shut up about anything. He always narrated what he was doing or played with his toys talking or even screaming.
After lunch he would usually hang out with Eric in his office, and Eric had prepared a little game for him, otherwise Aleks wouldn't let him work.
He had color coordinated the departments of Dauntless, and with every report he got everyday, he would have Aleks match the color to file the reports in the cabinets. Eric could tell that Aleks loved puzzles and color coordination games, and helping daddy was also something he loved to do.
Having spent a whole day walking behind Aleks, dealing with his little temper tantrums and such really work out Eric that day, and when Morgan came home that night she could tell Eric needed some silence.
When Morgan woke up the next day, she could tell that Eric had been really exhausted, he didn't wake up with her and didn't sense that she was out of bed and followed either.
As much as she would like to stay in bed all day with him she had to get her day going, knowing that Christine's death was something that would surely shake up some trees.
She took a fast shower while Aleks was still asleep, then got dressed and headed to the kitchen. She set the coffee maker and looked inside the fridge and looked for the milk, taking out the hot cake batter from another cabinet. Aleks loved hot cakes and he loved to make them with Morgan, throwing in the chocolate chips and such.
She before she got to do anything she heard Aleks calling her from the bedroom, quickly walking to it before the yelling woke Eric up.
When she walked in she saw him standing on the crib, holding himself up. She smiled and walked to him, picking him up and taking a blanket to cover him up.
"How's my baby boy huh?" She cupped his cheek and brought him in for a kiss. Aleks rubbed his eye with his hand and pressed himself to her chest.
She walked with him to the kitchen, carefully placing him on his chair.
"What do you want to eat baby?" Aleks replied to her in a made up baby way of saying hot cakes and juice, which turned out to be akes and ooze. She walked to the fridge and opened it, taking out the juice and pouring it in a cup to him, then mixing the batter with the milk and pouring the mix in the hot cakes machine. She walked back to the fridge and opened it, taking out two fruits "apple or banana?" She showed him, Aleks pointed at the banana, but Morgan still insisted "and what's this called?" She sat down next to him and peeled the banana while she looked
"Nana" he replied, looking at Morgan and feeling a little proud when she smiled.
"Yes, banana. You're a smart baby boy" she cut the banana in half with her hand and handed him one piece, leaving the other on the plate on top of the table.
She busies with getting done with the hotcakes and her tea, when it was all finished she took it all to the table.
She cut a piece of hotcake to Aleks and left it in his plate.
"Daddy?" He asked, looking at Morgan.
"Daddy's sleeping" she replied.
"Up" he made a motion with his little hand, Morgan smiled.
"No, we're not going to wake him up, he's tired" she motioned at the food in front of him.
"Ork fiz" he babbled.
"He does have to work in the office, but later. Now we have our breakfast and leave, sound good?" Aleks went back to finishing his breakfast.
Morgan could tell how this was a strange occurrence for Aleks. Eric was always up by the time Aleks woke up, and while Morgan finished preparing breakfast Eric was already out starting his day. Morgan usually staid back with Aleks until he finished, then dressed him up and headed out.
She had mentioned to Eric that it was important to have breakfast all together, that was Aleks could built his sense of a routine and family activities, and even though Eric loved Aleks with all of his being, waiting half an hour for Aleks to finish with his breakfast was something he would not do, unless he absolutely had to.
Morgan cleaned up and changed aleks to head out, and when she was at the door Aleks just awkwardly stood in the middle of the room.
"Daddy?" He asked.
"Daddy's coming later, let's go" she opened the door, hoping to distract him into leaving Eric to sleep.
But Aleks just looked to the direction of the bedroom, and Morgan rolled her eyes a bit while closing the door.
"Fine, we'll say goodbye to dad and head out alright?"
Aleks made a dash to the bedroom, knowing that Eric had been very strict with him not going into the room without permission. Aleks could sneakily hop off the crib and walk around, and one time he caught them mid frantic sex, so Eric knew that he'll have to teach him about privacy and how forbidden their bedroom was.
Morgan opened the door for him, and Aleks walked to the side of the bed where Eric was laying face down, one of his arms fell down the side of the bed and touched the floor, and he looked out as a light.
Aleks curiously stared at Eric, and even pressed his little hand to his arm whispering daddy.
"Give him a kiss and let's go" Morgan whispered at him, but Aleks instead moved Eric.
Eric took a sharp breath and leaned his head up, looking at Aleks through his lashes.
Aleks just gave an innocent smile and leaned in for Eric to hug him. Eric leaned back on the bed and his arm wrapped around his little body.
"Daddy ork?" Eric let out a little smile and nodded.
"In a mintue champ"
"You saw dad now give him a kiss and let's go" Morgan said grabbing Aleks by the hand. Aleks leaned in waiting for Eric to kiss him, which he did as he hugged him tight.
Once he let him go and Aleks' hand was still holding Morgan's, she pulled him to the exit. Aleks waved at Eric goodbye, even though Eric was still with his eyes closed.
When they were finally out, Morgan made sure to take care of everything that had to be taken care of in the mornings, and given the timing, they had to worry about the finishing touches of initiation.
She couldn't hear anything about Christine until after lunch, when she walked to Eric's office with a food container, given that he hadn't come down to the dinning room for lunch.
Aleks was walking ahead, ready to knock on the door, but unfortunately someone was going out to the office the second he raised his hand to knock, Aleks liked to answer who was behind the door.
Liam came out, giving Aleks his hand for a high five, which obviously was successful, Aleks gave him a little shy smile before entering the office with a dash and cling to Eric's leg.
Morgan came into the office just to see Eric lift up Aleks and plant a kiss on his chubby cheek.
Aleks wiggled to be put down, and since Eric had a box of toys to entertain Aleks while he was with him, he busied himself with that while Morgan left the container on her table, Eric was standing in front of the desk, paper in hand, but when Morgan got closer he trapped her in his arm and leaned on the desk, holding her to his chest.
"You were out as a light, Aleks actually thought you were dead when he saw you weren't waking up at breakfast"
Eric smirked a little, and his eyes moved on Morgan, which made her a little uneasy, but still made her lift her arms up and place them on his neck.
"What's wrong?" She asked, Eric left his waist for a second and showed her a piece of paper
"It's a letter from Erudite, but I bet you already know what it says"
Morgan just shrugged and held herself closer.
"Maybe I don't. What are you insinuating?"
Eric looked down at her, then his eyes moved to her lips, when he saw them twist in a little smirk he leaned down to trap them in a kiss.
Morgan ran her nails on his scalp while Eric slowly moved his hands down, and with one last nib of her lower lip, he gave her asscheek a sheeze and pulled back, moving Morgan from his side and walking around the desk to sit down.
Morgan took a handful of reports that needed to be filled and began walking to the door of the office.
"I'll finish this and catch you two later alright?" She said over her shoulder, opening the door. Eric just hummed in agreement and when Aleks looked up to see Morgan leaving, he quickly stood up and ran to her.
"You're gonna come back and clean all this shit up do you hear me?" Eric said to Aleks, the little one turned to him a gave him a little shy smile, then said
Eric lifted an eyebrow at him and Morgan smiled amused.
"No?" Eric asked.
Aleks cowered behind Morgan's legs, holding one with his arm, then began to laugh nervously.
"No" he said with a laugh, and Eric made a fast move to get up.
Aleks screamed a laugh and took off running in the hall. Morgan chuckled when she saw him book it, then turned to Eric who also had a little smile. After that, she closed the door.
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theunknown-ericfanfiction · 7 years ago
Chapter Fifty-Six.
The Unknown Chapter Index.
Unexpected Chapter Index
"How'd you do it?"
Eric was looking out, seeing the city fly by from inside the train. Morgan was sitting in the floor of the wagon, legs dangling down the side.
"How did I do what?" She asked. Eric looked down at her and crossed his arms at his chest.
"How did you kill Christine?"
Morgan gave him a little shrugg.
"I didn't kill anyone. She OD, it's on the report"
Eric moved to sit down next to her, placing a hand behind her, on the floor of the wagon.
"Fine, how did you have her OD"
Morgan gave him a little eye roll and sighed, pulling her feet in and placing her heels on the floor of the wagon, caging her legs with her arms.
"I didn't strap her to a chair and forced pills down her throat if that's what you're thinking. I made a plan and it worked"
"Tell me about it"
Morgan chuckled and shook her head at him.
"Why are you so morbidly interested on how I killed your mother?" She joked.
Eric placed his hand on her waist and pulled her in closer, taking her legs and laying them on top of his. Morgan laid back on the door of the cart and gave him a little smirk.
"Okay fine, since you're so interested to know the extent of my malicious intelect, sure. I looked for a candidate to take over Erudite first, going through years and years of records. Aptitude test records and final faction pick. I found a girl, Myra, who is extremely smart, but she wanted to be dauntless. Her aptitude test came out dauntless too. But apparently she was pressured to stay in Erudite, quoting that her "IQ would be wasted in a faction of caveman like ours". So she staid in Erudite"
That was the first step, slowly working her up until I could propose her to take over Erudite as the new leader, that way she could help and be as much of a dauntless member as she could, given that she can't actually be in dauntless. She did the rest"
"What was all that rest?"
"She slowly built a relationship with all the other leaders, getting closer to Christine was the primary goal. Whatever she did eventually worked out, and Christine was quoted numerous times that Myra was her right hand, her second in comand. That made thing easier, if anything happened to Christine obviously everyone would turn to choose her second in comand as her successor."
She made the pill, somehow elevated the dosage without having to extend the volume of the sleeping pill she took. I think they actually had a thing, that's how Myra managed to slip the pill in her case. Can you believe that? Your own mother out of all people was a lesbian."
Eric snorted and shook his head a little.
"And since Myra couldn't be seen with her the night she was going to be killes, just in case they strapped her to an investigation that would escalate in a truth serum dosage, so I was the one who slipped into her house, took pills from her bottle to make it seem like she'd taken a bunch, then left."
"And it had to be you? You made sure-"
"Yes I made sure, Eric" Morgan interrupted "I've been at this for a year, I've not left a stone unturned. Everything came out accordingly. And yes, it had to be me. I wanted to see her die for everything she did to you" she said between teeth, then took a deep breath and let it out in a sigh.
Eric placed his hand on her thigh, squeezing.
"Thank you Morgan"
She smiled at him and stood up, leaning to him and kissing him on the lips.
"Anything for you"
Eric stood up as well, knowing that they were close to Erudite HQ. They jumped off the train and while Eric grabbed Morgan by the hand, they walked the remaining distance to the main entrance.
There was going to be a little welcoming ceremony for the new Head Leader of Erudite, Myra, and at least one member of each faction had to attend. Morgan and Eric were a team, and given that Morgan already knew her, she wanted to introduce Eric to a hopefully very beneficial relationship with Erudite. One that would definitely not involve Eric being a pupet and follow orders, but one were they could work together out of pleasure.
Eric had to admit that Myra was a lot more charismatic than Christine, rolling over the fact that Erudite were supposed to be stiff and profesional, scientific and factual.
There was a young girl that acted as the host and she introduced the members or the faction to Myra, and when it got to be Morgan and Eric's turn she shook both their hands and inconspicuously told them that she was looking forward to working with them for the sake of the city.
Once out of the formalities, Morgan and Eric trekked back to Dauntless, given that they hadn't left Aleks with another person for more than 1 hour before and they didn't know how he could react.
Inside dauntless, Eric couldn't help to ask himself something, and once they had Aleks and were back in their place, he asked.
"So she did all of that by herself without asking anything in return but help? That sounds sketchy."
Morgan gave him a little frown and left Aleks on the floor of the party while Eric closed the door behind him.
"She did ask for things, she's not stupid"
"Well, what does she want?"
"She wanted to be part of Dauntless for a day"
She walked to the bedroom behind Aleks, seeing that he had dashed off to his own bedroom and presumably was making a mess.
She leaned in the doorframe and looked at him, opening his toy chest.
"Don't make a mess, alright? We're about to head down for lunch"
"Kay mommy" he replied, not looking at her. Morgan smiled and turned around, meeting Eric's chest with her arm.
"What?" She questioned while walking to her own bedroom.
"How are we-"
"Eric" she interrupted and turned around to meet him, she pressed her hands to her shoulders and jumped, wrapping her legs on his chest and pulling him in for a kiss. "You've got nothing to worry about" she whispered on his lips, then kissed him again.
"Nothing?" He asked
"Yes, nothing" she clarified, leaning back to give him a scolding look.
Eric walked forward, leaking Morgan over the bed and laying her, sitting between her legs and pressed himself over her body then laid on top of her.
"So we're settled?" Eric asked, hiding his face on her neck. Morgan placed her hands in his neck and jaw.
"Yeah, we are. We've got nothing to worry about. Not the settlement, the department, the divergents, the factionless, Christine. We've picked them all off" she placed a little kiss on his forehead.
"When are you gonna give me that baby then?"
Morgan rolled her eyes and sighed.
"Stop with the baby thing, alright?"
"You said when Aleks is 18 months, he's 30 months now. That's 12 more months"
"Yeah, I know math too"
"What are you so afraid of?" He said leaning back on his forearms and looking at Morgan.
"I'm not afraid of anything, I just want things to be done right. The next baby is not going to be like Aleks, quiet and sweet"
"You don't know that"
"You're right I don't but-" she sat down on the bed, rubbing her forehead and making Eric lean off of her.
"I'm not-" Eric stood up and turned on his heels "I'm not ready for another kid" she confessed, still rubbing her eyes with one hand "I'm not trying to be a bitch or anything, but I... Can't, right now" she sighed and stood up as well.
She began walking to the exit, but Eric stopped her with one arm around his waist. Morgan avoided his look.
"I'm sorry if I'm being a pest" he murmured on her ear, then placed a kiss on her temple "take your time"
Eric moved away, making Morgan hold him by the hand and stop him from leaving her like that.
"Eric I'm trying to do what's best for all of us, for Aleks as well"
"I know you are" he said lowly, giving her hand a little rub "I promise I'm not mad, I'm just... I want another baby"
Morgan felt his heart squeeze a little when Eric left his hand. Moving on the hallway and walking towards Aleks' bedroom.
"Fix everything a little and we'll have lunch champ okay?" Eric said from the door.
Morgan followed him to the living room, where she again held him by the hand and made him look at her.
"Morgan" he said grabbing her by the waist "forget I ever mentioned anything, you-"
"Just give me 6 months"
"I don't want another kid to be an assignment that you have to submit on a deadline Morgan I want you to want to have one"
"I do want to have one" she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulling him to her, making their chest collide. "What I don't want is for Aleks to feel jealous of the baby, and having to take care of his tantrums while pregnant, and being stressed out or worried does affect the baby too, I just want him to be older for him to understand. I've read about this and believe me, I do want to have one, but I don't want to be irresponsible about this, okay?"
Morgan got a little relieved when Eric wrapped his arms around her waist and held her, looking down for her eyes to match his. Eric's wasn't that much of a expressionist, but his eyes refected his emotions pretty well, and Morgan was luck she was the only one Eric would ever want to look at forever.
He leaned in, giving her a kiss on her lips, then moved his lips to her forehead.
"I understand."
"Thank you" Morgan looked down at his lips, then smiled while tiptoeing to them. "Now give me a kiss"
She saw his lips curve into a smirk, then lean down to trap her own, moving his hands from her waist to her asscheek, then lower, gripping her thighs and making her wrap her legs around his waist.
Before he could take her to the couch for a much deserved make out session, he heard Aleks' feet move quickly on the hall, until he was in the kitchen with them.
Eric lowered her back on the floor, but still gripped her by the waist and kept it pressed to his side.
"Done buddy?" He said extending his hand for Aleks to grab. Aleks clung to his fingers with his little one as he nodded, but his other hand went to Morgan, and they had no other choice but to split off to the sides holding Aleks in between them.
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theunknown-ericfanfiction · 7 years ago
Chapter Fifty-Three
The Unknown Chapter Index.
Unexpected Chapter Index
Eric hated with all of his heart the beds in Erudite, and sleeping in the after so many years gave him bad memories. They were all supposed to be for improving the posture and increase the amount of deep slumber in the night, but for Eric it did the exact opposite.
And when he turned around and slid his hand on the other side of the bed, the fact that it was empty made him more angry. He let out a frustrated sigh and forced himself out of slumber.
“I went to the bathroom, God” Morgan said slipping into bed “you’re so annoying with the whole ‘dont like to wake up alone’ deal”
Eric held her by the waist and pulled her close. The scent of her hair shampoo and her skin did a lot to cover up the pungent smell of chemicals with which they washed the sheets.
Eric accidentally fell asleep again when Morgan began to run her hand along the base of his neck and up to his scalp.
When he woke up there was a piece of paper on the bed, it read that Aleks had been left with Creed and Morgan had left to the fence to wait for the people in the Department. He was mad about it, but he knew there was not much he could do. Morgan had been sitting in Erudite, underground, while Eric took care of the settlement and the threat in the city, and that made her feel useless.
He showered and headed up to get Aleks, who he knew for a fact was in the nursery with the other kids and the Amity caretakers.
He pleased himself when he saw Creed just stand there, in the doorway, looking inside.
He walked to him and stood next to him, looking in to find Aleks stand up with other kids, though he had a bottle he was currently feeding off of.
Eric then looked to Creed and tried to get a look of the side of his neck.
“How’s that coming along?” He asked, Creed just turned his head to him, showing his the almost healed cuts, though there was still a big black and blue on his side.
“As good as it can be. Still hurts when I move my head around”
“When we go back you can take a leave if you need it” Eric said looking at Aleks.
“Awww, he likes to take care of me” Creed said leading his hand to pinch Eric’s cheek, but Eric swatted it mid way with a quick annoyed look, Creed just chuckled. “And where’s Morgan?”
“She’s off, dealing with the Department”
“Huh, didn’t thought you’d let her go by herself to that thing”
“I didn’t, I was sleeping when she made that decision”
“Well, Morgan does have a lot more handlag with them, and she would do or say what you would do or say”
“I have a meeting to take care of” he said getting ready to walk out “can you handle him for an hour?”
“Sure man” Creed patter down Eric’s shoulder when he walked past him, and Eric was off to get ready the voting meeting to have the voting as soon as Morgan was back from the fence.
Morgan got off the truck with a little jump and set in motion towards the entrance of the fence.
She was being accompanied by 4 dauntless guards and a team of shooters was placed just above her, coving the meeting from the top of the fence wall.
Morgan hadn’t let the truck with the purple from the Department come into the city, she traveled down to the fence where the convoy had been stopped.
Once the heavy door to the outside of the city opened, Morgan walked out with two dauntless guards at her side, and the other two were waiting near the entrace.
Even though Morgan had specified no weapons, she had to be intimidating now.
“What the hell Morgan? Why can’t we get in?” Nita said walkinf from one side of the truck, in which she was previously just looking annoyed.
“What the hell indeed Nita. You can’t get in because this is where we end up” Morgan said stopping in front of her
“What do you mean?. I’m sorry we didn’t reply to your messages okay, we were too far away when the attack happened and you held off okay, we were worried we were going to be attacked too so we held off our own base”
“So you were receiving our messages even before we lifted the jam from the settlement” Morgan confirmed. “But you know, thats not what I’m angry about. You lied to us about the resistance that had it’s base in that settlement over there” she motioned with her head at where the settlement used to be.
“We found” she motioned at one of that dauntless who was with her and was carrying some papers for her, she received the folder and opened it “- some troubling information” she lifted one sheet of paper and showed it to Nita, then threw it on the ground in front of her “names upon names of divergents, and with a list of termination or activeness. We crossed referenced some of the names and the most recent terminated ones were from Amity, who by the way, was brutally slaughtered. Just in case the had the person wrong, they killed everyone” Morgan kept throwing the sheets of paper in front of Nita until she ran out. Then, searched inside her jacket pocket a little flat device, showing it to Nita as well.
“This is part of the shield defense system they had in his compound, similar to yours don’t you think?”
“Fine” Nita said crossing her arms, looking miserable “we did lie to you”
“The settlement wasn’t a threat for us, it was a threat to you and your divergents, you made it our problem, and now people, a whole faction in my city paid the price” Morgan said between teeth. “They had surveillance from us that dated back years and years, where did they get that from?”
“I don’t know!” Nita defended.
“Do you have any idea how much stress I was in while training you people because you lied? How many fights I had with Eric? One of your psychos pointed a gun at my fucking kid and I don’t appreciate that one bit. We’re through here. We’re closing the city and we will only let the divergents out once a year, in choosing Ceremony when they’re detected. And don’t you fucking dare to try me because dauntless overtook the Department in ten minutes. The fact that I trained your troops is a disadvantage to you”
“Morgan you can’t do this, we need a fluid entrance to the city now that is no longer under experimentation and the divergent flux is larger than other cities. I’m sorry about Amity”
“You’re not sorry. Not yet. We’re not going to listen or interact with you anymore, our city was good before all this other threats came up, and they weren’t even threats to us. Now get the fuck out of my sight before my snipers blow your head off”
Eric was sitting in the meeting room in Erudite. He had a just showed the footage of Nita confessing that they had lied about the info they gave the city about the settlement and their purposes.
For the first time since the attack, he had had a moment to speak with the current Head Leader of Amity, and extend an apology for not being there when the faction had been attacked.
He knew that had been a failure in his Intel, and as soon as he got the chance he would establish checkpoints around the city to ensure everyone was protected, not only from the outside but from eachother.
In exchange, he had been invited to the ceremony in which they conmemorated the dead members. Eric 100% didn’t wanted to attend, but he was going to out if respect.
As soon as he saw Morgan cross the doorway and enter the meeting room, Eric spoke, since she was the only one left arriving.
“Okay, we’re going to do this fast and simple. Who does not agree to the city being closed down?”
Of course, only Christine and the other leaders of her faction lifted their hands.
The only benefits of the outside were to them, the research and knowledge and all that. The resthad learned that it was a danger for them.
“City gets closed down from now on until we consider that the benefits triumph over the risks. I’ll send for a complete city search of anymore members of the resistance, if all goes well, we’ll be back in our respective factions by tomorrow morning.”
He stood up from the seat, setting the end of the meeting, then began to walk out. Morgan, who was at the doorway still, followed by when Eric grabbed her by the hand and pulled.
“You handled the situation with Nita nicely enough”
“Should’ve killer her” Morgan said shaking her head.
“Yeah, you should. That’s a fight for another day. Now, I want to get the fuck out of this faction.” He let out a tired sigh and pulled Morgan close, hugging her by the waist.
“I’ll go and get Aleks while you talk to the teams. He didn’t sleep well last night”
“None of us did” he muttered. He placed a little kiss and split off to the next hallway that lead outside. Morgan continued walking towards the lower levels to get Aleks.
He was, as she assumed, sleepy, rubbing his eyes and sitting up in a playmat with other babies. She walked up to him and bent down to pull him to his chest.
His head fell to her shoulder and one of his little hands caught her shirt, Morgan walked out of the nursery, and took Aleks back to their bedroom.
As soon as she laid him in the bed next to her, he fell asleep, and Morgan had a little time to relax next to him, slowly running her hand along his head.
With every passing day, Morgan had to admit that Aleks looked a lot like her, but he was going to have Eric’s defined jaw, that much she knew.
She managed to take a little nap while Aleks slept.
When she woke up after she assumed less than an hour, Eric was sitting in the bed, on Aleks’ side, looking down at him with heart eyes and a little smile. He placed his hand on Aleks’ arm and slowly stoked it down, then touched his forehead.
He noticed Morgan was awake and looking at him, and while he touched Aleks’ head he said
“Sometimes it hits me so hard to look at him, to look at him in detail, to see how big he’s gotten” he looked up and down at him “I remember so clearly when I first held him up in my arms and… He’s growing too fast for my liking”
He slowly leaned down and kissed Aleks on the temple.
Morgan watched him get up from the bed and let out a sigh as he unzipped his jacket and threw it on the table on the side.
“Eric” she called him quietly, he turned around to look at her “what you said yesterday, about Christine being your mom, that doesn’t change anything. I’ll still kill her”
“Yeah. I’m counting on it”
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theunknown-ericfanfiction · 7 years ago
Chapter Fifty-Five.
The Unknown Chapter Index.
Unexpected Chapter Index
There was a particular night where Christine didn't feel good at all, she'd noticed that her sleeping pills had also numbed her legs a little, she'd tried to massage them and when she stood up from her bed to walk, her legs couldn't hold her up. She sat down in the bed, frowning in confusion.
Then another wave of numbness hit her, it was slowly spreading up her torso, and when she reached her communicator to ask anyone for help, her hand didn't respond. She fell sideways on the bed, and with a look of horror in her eyes, she looked around the room for help, finding a figure staring back at her from the love seat on the corner of her bedroom. Her breath was picking up she couldn't feel her body, and she was pretty sure she could also feel her organs shut down one after the other.
She saw the figure stand up from the chair, and when it walked near the light, she saw her.
She tried to speak, but at the attempt Morgan simply chuckled.
"You more than anyone should know that sleeping pills in a high dose can cause a progressive system shutdown. They're usually used in suicide for most women, it gives them a nice lullabied eternal sleep. But when you're not actually expecting it it can be quite terrifying"
Morgan took the pill bottle from the nightstand and opened it, Christine noticed she was wearing thick surgical gloves.
"You must be thinking, while you still can, how could this happen, I only took the dose that was in my pill case? Well, someone should've know that you stored your dosage in a pill case and leave it in the bathroom, and some should've also slipped a modified pill inside the case, replacing it with your own" Morgan dropped half the bottle of pills on her hand "which would make it seem like you took a higher dosage. And when they find your pill bottle damn near empty, that's what they'll deem it, suicide"
Morgan left the bottle exactly where she'd found it. Making it seem untouched.
"It wasn't easy, it took me almost a year to stage this, but your death is not the only think I staged" Morgan saw Christine's eyes drop, then heavily open up, she wasn't breathing as labored, but instead in fast short breaths, trying to overcompensate the lack of oxygen she was feeling. Soon enough there wouldn't be enough oxygen reaching her brain.
"There was a little girl in Erudite once, who wanted to switch to Dauntless when her decision came. But her parents and the leaders of Erudite saw that her IQ was actually quite high for her to waste it on dauntless, so they forced her to stay. I spent months reviewing candidates to take over your place, and when I found her, I knew she was perfect. So I did what you did to my husband, and trained her for her to take Erudite, you probably know her, and she's probably your favorite new leader because that's what she was meant to be. And once she takes over your place in Erudite, she'll help serve dauntless' purpose, not the other way around."
Morgan saw her eyes drop again, heavily, and this time she didn't open them again.
Morgan gave the room one last check before exiting the house, climbing on the train back to dauntless before sunrise.
Once Morgan was inside the house, she gave Aleks a quick check before, walking to her own bedroom. Thankfully Eric hadn't moved from the position she left him in, knowing that the day had work him out so much he would be in very deep slumber. She'd made some excuse to him that Aleks wanted to spend the day with him, that she'll take care of everything in dauntless for the day.
She secured the cameras for the night, made sure the next leader in Erudite knew her part, and of course she had an alibi for that night.
Being with Aleks was an exhausting task, taking care of a two and a half year old was a challenge on itself. Aleks spoke a lot more now, but that meant they'll have to constantly translate his works to something with sense, and Aleks spoke a lot because he was being spoken to a lot.
They had a routine that would soon change, since Eric and Morgan agreed that he should start daycare at 3 years old, to start socializing with other kids. But that didn't meant Aleks was secluded. Morgan took him after their breakfast for a stroll in dauntless, and the son of Eric still was a novelty. Everyone stopped to high five him or to talk to him just a few words, hoping to get something back. Aleks was a little reserved outside in the compound, but in the house he wouldn't shut up about anything. He always narrated what he was doing or played with his toys talking or even screaming.
After lunch he would usually hang out with Eric in his office, and Eric had prepared a little game for him, otherwise Aleks wouldn't let him work.
He had color coordinated the departments of Dauntless, and with every report he got everyday, he would have Aleks match the color to file the reports in the cabinets. Eric could tell that Aleks loved puzzles and color coordination games, and helping daddy was also something he loved to do.
Having spent a whole day walking behind Aleks, dealing with his little temper tantrums and such really work out Eric that day, and when Morgan came home that night she could tell Eric needed some silence.
When Morgan woke up the next day, she could tell that Eric had been really exhausted, he didn't wake up with her and didn't sense that she was out of bed and followed either.
As much as she would like to stay in bed all day with him she had to get her day going, knowing that Christine's death was something that would surely shake up some trees.
She took a fast shower while Aleks was still asleep, then got dressed and headed to the kitchen. She set the coffee maker and looked inside the fridge and looked for the milk, taking out the hot cake batter from another cabinet. Aleks loved hot cakes and he loved to make them with Morgan, throwing in the chocolate chips and such.
She before she got to do anything she heard Aleks calling her from the bedroom, quickly walking to it before the yelling woke Eric up.
When she walked in she saw him standing on the crib, holding himself up. She smiled and walked to him, picking him up and taking a blanket to cover him up.
"How's my baby boy huh?" She cupped his cheek and brought him in for a kiss. Aleks rubbed his eye with his hand and pressed himself to her chest.
She walked with him to the kitchen, carefully placing him on his chair.
"What do you want to eat baby?" Aleks replied to her in a made up baby way of saying hot cakes and juice, which turned out to be akes and ooze. She walked to the fridge and opened it, taking out the juice and pouring it in a cup to him, then mixing the batter with the milk and pouring the mix in the hot cakes machine. She walked back to the fridge and opened it, taking out two fruits "apple or banana?" She showed him, Aleks pointed at the banana, but Morgan still insisted "and what's this called?" She sat down next to him and peeled the banana while she looked
"Nana" he replied, looking at Morgan and feeling a little proud when she smiled.
"Yes, banana. You're a smart baby boy" she cut the banana in half with her hand and handed him one piece, leaving the other on the plate on top of the table.
She busies with getting done with the hotcakes and her tea, when it was all finished she took it all to the table.
She cut a piece of hotcake to Aleks and left it in his plate.
"Daddy?" He asked, looking at Morgan.
"Daddy's sleeping" she replied.
"Up" he made a motion with his little hand, Morgan smiled.
"No, we're not going to wake him up, he's tired" she motioned at the food in front of him.
"Ork fiz" he babbled.
"He does have to work in the office, but later. Now we have our breakfast and leave, sound good?" Aleks went back to finishing his breakfast.
Morgan could tell how this was a strange occurrence for Aleks. Eric was always up by the time Aleks woke up, and while Morgan finished preparing breakfast Eric was already out starting his day. Morgan usually staid back with Aleks until he finished, then dressed him up and headed out.
She had mentioned to Eric that it was important to have breakfast all together, that was Aleks could built his sense of a routine and family activities, and even though Eric loved Aleks with all of his being, waiting half an hour for Aleks to finish with his breakfast was something he would not do, unless he absolutely had to.
Morgan cleaned up and changed aleks to head out, and when she was at the door Aleks just awkwardly stood in the middle of the room.
"Daddy?" He asked.
"Daddy's coming later, let's go" she opened the door, hoping to distract him into leaving Eric to sleep.
But Aleks just looked to the direction of the bedroom, and Morgan rolled her eyes a bit while closing the door.
"Fine, we'll say goodbye to dad and head out alright?"
Aleks made a dash to the bedroom, knowing that Eric had been very strict with him not going into the room without permission. Aleks could sneakily hop off the crib and walk around, and one time he caught them mid frantic sex, so Eric knew that he'll have to teach him about privacy and how forbidden their bedroom was.
Morgan opened the door for him, and Aleks walked to the side of the bed where Eric was laying face down, one of his arms fell down the side of the bed and touched the floor, and he looked out as a light.
Aleks curiously stared at Eric, and even pressed his little hand to his arm whispering daddy.
"Give him a kiss and let's go" Morgan whispered at him, but Aleks instead moved Eric.
Eric took a sharp breath and leaned his head up, looking at Aleks through his lashes.
Aleks just gave an innocent smile and leaned in for Eric to hug him. Eric leaned back on the bed and his arm wrapped around his little body.
"Daddy ork?" Eric let out a little smile and nodded.
"In a mintue champ"
"You saw dad now give him a kiss and let's go" Morgan said grabbing Aleks by the hand. Aleks leaned in waiting for Eric to kiss him, which he did as he hugged him tight.
Once he let him go and Aleks' hand was still holding Morgan's, she pulled him to the exit. Aleks waved at Eric goodbye, even though Eric was still with his eyes closed.
When they were finally out, Morgan made sure to take care of everything that had to be taken care of in the mornings, and given the timing, they had to worry about the finishing touches of initiation.
She couldn't hear anything about Christine until after lunch, when she walked to Eric's office with a food container, given that he hadn't come down to the dinning room for lunch.
Aleks was walking ahead, ready to knock on the door, but unfortunately someone was going out to the office the second he raised his hand to knock, Aleks liked to answer who was behind the door.
Liam came out, giving Aleks his hand for a high five, which obviously was successful, Aleks gave him a little shy smile before entering the office with a dash and cling to Eric's leg.
Morgan came into the office just to see Eric lift up Aleks and plant a kiss on his chubby cheek.
Aleks wiggled to be put down, and since Eric had a box of toys to entertain Aleks while he was with him, he busied himself with that while Morgan left the container on her table, Eric was standing in front of the desk, paper in hand, but when Morgan got closer he trapped her in his arm and leaned on the desk, holding her to his chest.
"You were out as a light, Aleks actually thought you were dead when he saw you weren't waking up at breakfast"
Eric smirked a little, and his eyes moved on Morgan, which made her a little uneasy, but still made her lift her arms up and place them on his neck.
"What's wrong?" She asked, Eric left his waist for a second and showed her a piece of paper
"It's a letter from Erudite, but I bet you already know what it says"
Morgan just shrugged and held herself closer.
"Maybe I don't. What are you insinuating?"
Eric looked down at her, then his eyes moved to her lips, when he saw them twist in a little smirk he leaned down to trap them in a kiss.
Morgan ran her nails on his scalp while Eric slowly moved his hands down, and with one last nib of her lower lip, he gave her asscheek a sheeze and pulled back, moving Morgan from his side and walking around the desk to sit down.
Morgan took a handful of reports that needed to be filled and began walking to the door of the office.
"I'll finish this and catch you two later alright?" She said over her shoulder, opening the door. Eric just hummed in agreement and when Aleks looked up to see Morgan leaving, he quickly stood up and ran to her.
"You're gonna come back and clean all this shit up do you hear me?" Eric said to Aleks, the little one turned to him a gave him a little shy smile, then said
Eric lifted an eyebrow at him and Morgan smiled amused.
"No?" Eric asked.
Aleks cowered behind Morgan's legs, holding one with his arm, then began to laugh nervously.
"No" he said with a laugh, and Eric made a fast move to get up.
Aleks screamed a laugh and took off running in the hall. Morgan chuckled when she saw him book it, then turned to Eric who also had a little smile. After that, she closed the door.
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theunknown-ericfanfiction · 7 years ago
Chapter Fifty-Four.
The Unknown Chapter Index
Unexpected Chapter Index
Aleks was more excited than anyone to be back at dauntless, his home.
As soon as they closed in on the compound, Aleks just pointed at the big building and squeaked, looking at Morgan from Eric's arms.
As soon as they stepped into their home, Aleks wiggled to be put down and when he did, he ran towards his bedroom screaming happy.
Morgan and Eric let out a little laugh as they finally relaxed back at their home, back in dauntless.
Morgan walked to check on Aleks, when she got to the doorway, she rolled her eyes at Eric, who was right behind her, and waved at Aleks.
"All yours dad" she motioned at the bedroom. "I'll take a bath"
Eric nodded and walked a little step further into the bedroom. He looked to Aleks and how he was pulling out all of the toys.
"What the hell are you doing?" Eric asked, looking at Aleks from the doorway. Aleks looked up at him, the let out a little playful smile "you're going to put all that away when you're done right?"
Aleks looked down at the toys and sat on the floor taking one of the toys.
"Aleks" he called back, Aleks looked to him again "you'll clean up yes?" Aleks nodded
"Mommy?" He asked, Eric loved when Aleks called back at him or Morgan. He just loved Aleks, period.
"She's taking a bath"
Aleks quickly stood up and dashed out of the room. Bath with Morgan meant in the bathtub with bubbles, and Aleks loved bubbles.
Eric took to quick steps to him and swopped him off his feet, carrying him the other way.
"Leave your mom alone for a while, let's go out"
Aleks also loved going out, because everyone in dauntless stopped whatever they were doing to say hi to him and talk to him, trying to get him a few babbles.
Eric just let him down and followed him as he walked aimlessly around dauntless, he liked to watch Aleks waddle and look around, how he high fived everyone.
What Aleks didn't like was the Chasm. He always stopped dead in his tracks when he heard the running water ahead and Eric had tried to get him to walk through the rail by himself, The Chasm was a big part of Dauntless and Aleks shouldn't be afraid of anything, he was barely one year old, one year olds had no fear. Aleks didn't like it at all.
Once they closed in Aleks doubled back and ran a few feet back to Eric, who picked him up and crossed the sidewalk with him on his arms. Once on the other side, Aleks wiggled and was put down again.
Eric walked a few feet behind Aleks and watched as how he looked up and threw his hand up to the person who stood next to him.
Once the person bent over, he noticed it was Morgan, fresh out of her bath and back at it, with a paperclip below her arm and an ice cream cone on her hand.
Aleks tried to take it from her, but Morgan motioned that she would give him a spoonful. Eric could see Aleks' face light up at the flavour and leaned his hand back to take the cone. Morgan fought him off until he let out a little shriek of complain and Morgan reluctantly gave him the cone.
Eric smirked while Aleks walked away from Morgan, still eating the ice cream. He walked a few steps while Morgan stood up with a frown
"He stole my ice cream that little shit" she complained. Eric chuckled and held her by the waist, pulling her to his side.
"He stole you from me, so yeah, he's a little shit"
"He didn't stole me" she looked up at him with a little eye roll.
"He makes you wake up in the middle of the night, doesn't let me kiss you or get close to you, he's with you all day, doesn't let me fuck you at night"
"That's your own fault, don't blame him" Morgan poked at his sides.
Eric let out a little smirk and kissed her on the temple.
It took a while to everything to snap back to normal, and Eric was surprised when Morgan began talking a particular night in his office back at home.
Eric still liked to drink his scotch just before bed, and Morgan sometimes accompanied him.
She sat over his lap and leaned her back to his chest, relaxing as Eric wrapped her waist with his arm.
"I think we need to start playing their game if that's what they want"
"They?" He asked nuzzling on her neck.
"Yes, they. Erudite" she said moving her head out of the way. "This is serious talk right now"
Eric leaned back on the chair and rolled his eyes a little, taking the glass to his lips
"I'm listening" he sipped the drink.
"What I'm saying is once we take Christine out, we need to make sure the successor isn't someone who is going to be against us. The next organization needs to understand you won't work for them anymore"
"What you're saying is we should do to them what they did to me"
"If by that you mean I'm going to train my son to change factions and take over Erudite, then no, that's not what I mean. What I mean is to look for someone already inside, and butter them up to take leadership on our own terms"
Eric left the glass on the desk and Morgan moved to face him, wrapping her arms around his neck
"What do you think?"
"I'm thinking I want you to stop talking so I can take you to bed"
Morgan puffed and rolled her eyes a little.
"About the plan"
Eric stood up with her on arms and grabbed her legs, pulling them to hug him by the waist.
"I'm thinking I don't have the time or motivation to do any of that"
"Who said you'll be the one doing it?"
"Or you for that matter" 
"Do you agree or not?"
Eric plopped her down on the couch he had in his office and positioned herself between her legs, lowering down to kiss her.
"I'll think about it"
He leaned down and trapped her lips with his, Morgan slowly ran her tongue on his lips, tasting the alcohol in them.
While Eric hooked his fingers in the rim of Morgan's pants, he heard the faintest sound behind him, and then, the long "daaaad" mewl resonated in the quiet house.
Morgan just chuckled against his lips, but Eric didn't find any of that funny. Instead, he pulled back with an angry huff and stood up.
Eric walked to Aleks' bedroom, finding him sitting up on his crib, rubbing out his eyes.
"The hell do you want?" Eric asked walking to him.
Aleks threw his arms at him, and Eric reluctantly picked him up, knowing that he wasn't doing any good. He was supposed to lay him back on the bed and shushed him to sleep, but he also wanted to make him sleep fast so he could go back to do what he was doing.
He saw Morgan peek on the side of the door as he picked up a blanket to wrap Aleks with.
"We're not done" he warned, then sat down at a one piece couch cradling Aleks to his chest.
"You're an asshole, do you know that?" He said to him, looking at how his head landed on his bicep and looked up as Eric talked to him. "Do you think you have me twisted on your finger? No sir, I know what you're doing. I read how to handle your little brat ass, don't even try any shit with me because I'm not going to be outsmarted by a goddamned 17 month old. Self soothing it's called, and we'll start tomorrow. I have more important things to do, like fucking your mom, that's the top one"
"Can you fucking stop?" Morgan entered the bedroom letting out a little amused chuckle. "Don't tell him that stuff, he doesn't need to know"
She had Aleks' pacifier on her hand, leaning to place it on his mouth.
"He doesn't understand any of it" Eric excused himself.
"It doesn't matter, stop" she playfully warned, deep inside she loved how Eric tried to mantain his stif demeanor. She knew very well Eric was so head over heels for his baby that he wouldn't hesitate to do crazy shit for him.
Eric saw Morgan turn around and leave the room, dimming the light to make Aleks go to sleep faster. Eric tapped Aleks on the back while he looked down. His big blue eyes were staring back at him, and Eric couldn't help to smile at his little boy. Eric slowly craddled him to sleep, and left him back on the bed, making sure that he was going to remain asleep.
Once out of the bedroom, he walked to his own, already defeated that he wasn't going to fuck Morgan that night.
When he opened the door, he found the exact opposite, Morgan was almost naked, except for her thong, she was laying face down and presumably sleeping, but Eric knew if she had settled to sleep in that position, it was because she didn't expect Eric to leave her be.
He undressed completely, then climbed up on top of her, sitting on her legs and positioning his hard member pressing on her asscheek.
Morgan lifted her head up, waking up immediately, Eric gave her a smirk and leaned to her, pressing himself again on her ass, she gave him a sly smile and grinded her hips harder on him. Eric pressed a hand on her lower back, making her stop.
She looked at him over her shoulder and threw him a pout, Eric leaned in and trapped her bottom lip with his, grinding faster on top of her.
He ran his teeth on her jaw and moved down to her shoulders, her back, then finally grabbed her by the legs and pulled her ass up, diving into her core tongue first. Morgan responded with a throaty moan as she clutched the sheets below her. Eric didn't dwell on eating her out that much, he wanted to have her more urgently. He pushed her ass down on the bed where it originally was and in one swift move he slid in, not stopping until he was buried to the hilt on her. Morgan gasped when she felt him fill her fully, but she didn't have much time to adjust, Eric began to trust into her deep, with strong decided thrusts. He held her by the shoulder while he continued, making Morgan drown her moans on the pillow below her. Eric didn't like it at all when Morgan didn't moan everytime he thrusted, but having Aleks wake up on the again was a no go.
Still holding her by the shoulder and now her waist, he continued with his hard and deep thrusts, making Morgan out the sudden come, she clenched Eric's length with her walls and that made Eric stop to enjoy that for a few seconds.
He looked at Morgan, who had her eyes closed and mouth slightly agape. Eric moved his hand from his shoulder down her spine, and when he came down to her ass he gave it a strong slap. Morgan smirked at him.
Eric turned her around, making Morgan trap his waist with her long legs, Eric positioned himself again on her entrance and slid in.
There was always that position in which they had a little love making on between the senseless fucking, and that certainly was missionary. Eric could control the tempo of his thrusts while kissing Morgan, fell her hands on his body, her nails on his back and arms, he could dip down to suck on her breasts, and when he got enough of worshipping her body he could increase his thrusts at will, having front row seats watching Morgan slowly come undone before him, how her breath picked up and she closed her eyes everytime he hit her on the right spot.
But the position in which Eric liked to finish had been cowgirl lately, he just loved how even though Morgan was spent after the second or third orgasm, she always delieved on a good ride, her hips moved in circular motion on top of him while Eric's hands gripped her asscheek, Morgan had placed her hand on his neck while the other one got leverage on his chest while she rode him. Her lips were sealed to that spot beneath his ear, and when she gave him quiet and moans that were meant just for him to ear, he came inside her, giving one grunt while gripping her ass harder.
Eric could listen to Morgan's unsteady breathing, and when he came out of his high, his hands moved from her ass upwards on her back, making her stop shaking from the orgasm that his had triggered.
He felt Morgan's lips press to her neck in wet kissed, going up to his jaw, then back on his neck. She was exhausted, but Eric didn't wanted to lose her body heat next to him, so he slid here to his side and held her with his arm, her whole chest pressed against his side. He placed a slow kiss on her forehead while Morgan adjusted herself to sleep on his shoulder, then  sighed content and fell asleep.
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theunknown-ericfanfiction · 7 years ago
Chapter Fifty-Two.
The Unknown Chapter Index.
Unexpected Chapter Index
“I don’t think you understand the repercussions this you’re proposing will have” Christine said with a big angry frown.
“There will be no repercussions, we will scale back to our original faction system, divergent will be taken out off the city towards the colony in the Department and that is it” Morgan tried to reason.
They knew Christine would not take it lightly that the city was going to be closed down. Her faction was the one who lost the most. Expeditions would no longer be, the research the Department provided, the different courses they were setting up to have people in the Department come and teach in the specialized schools in Erudite.
“Not to mention that not once the Department showed any interest or concerns during and after the attack” the Candor leader said.
Eric knew he had them all in the bag, besides giving the currently status and the decision to close the city down, he hadn’t said much. He didn’t need to give explanations.
“And not to mention” Morgan said angry “that they fucking used us, took advantage of out hospitality in dauntless. We trained them for them to help us in cases like this. Amity was decimated”
“And whose fault is that?” Christine tried to spun around on Morgan.
“The department’s. We reached and agreement, the conflict outside the borders were theirs to resolve, had we had a fair warning of what was coming out troops would’ve mobilized and acted fast, avoid casualties.”
Eric stood up from his seat and looked at the leaders.
“This matter will be resolved with a votation after I come back from the settlement. Let’s meet back tomorrow at this hour, make sure all your leaders are briefed of the situation and be ready to cast a vote”
Eric surrounded the table and walked out.
Morgan was going to stay back to talk to the other leaders, specially Amity, but she walked after Eric to see him before he left.
She caught up to him on the hall, holding him by the hand
“Though you were falling back” he said, pulling her closer and holding her by the waist.
“I was, I just wanted to see you out, make sure to remember you that you have a wife and baby waiting for you so don’t do any stupid shit while you’re out there”
Eric let out a little smile and stopped in front of the main door out of Erudite.
“I’ve been voted out of the first wave by every team” he said, pulling Morgan to match her chest with his.
“So you’re not going out there?”
“I will, just later, once I’m being given the confirmation the threat has been put down. I’ll track down any kind of information I can get to bring back. Maybe I’ll scope out the Department while I’m at it. If I’m in the mood I might kill everyone there, we’ll see”
“I’ll like to speak with them before, so please don’t”
Eric nodded and placed a short kiss on Morgan’s lips.
“I’ll be back before dinner. Take care of everything around here okay?”
Morgan nodded, giving Eric another kiss and letting him walk out.
As soon as Eric got in the truck towards the fence, Morgan walked to the nursery to quickly check if Aleks was alright, he didn’t seem to mind baou anything and was quietly playing with moving blocks on top of a mat.
She headed to the control room in Erudite and indicated the dauntless guards that had taken over to do anything they could to establish communications with the Department. She told them to send a distress signal that if they didn’t reply back in the next 12 hours there would be serious repercussions for them.
After that, she waited for a reply.
Eric on the other hand was looking through the binoculars, checking how the dauntless were taking over the settlement in the distance. He could faintly hear the gunshots cut the air, and it wasn’t longer than 10 minutes until he was called and told the settlement had been cleared.
Another team of dauntless rode there first to confirm, and after he got his pass, he traveled down along with another group of dauntless.
“I want the bodies checked, weapons taken, and the camp completely dismantled by the end of the day, check for another possible hiding spots, I don’t want to have to deal with a resurgent group.” He comanded while holstering his weapon to his front.
He walked inside the biggest tent he found in the middle of the compound.
They had computers, camera surveillance in the city, files upon files of intel, he began to search through them and found some special ones that unnerved him.
The binders were a different color, and while he motioned at one team of dauntless to pack the Intel to take it back to the city, he fisted the different colored files and opened them, an extensive listen of names along with a ‘Terminated’ or 'active’ tag presented itself in front of him. He began to read through the names and recognized only two, Four and Tris’, along with an 'Active’ tag.
He switched files, and when he opened the next one he froze, it was a file on Christine, along with medical records, pictures, old ones at that, and a big red stamp that read 'non-divergent’.
He switched to another one to find a file on himself, also along with more detailed medical records, his routine, even a list of women who he had slept with, the red non divergent stamp was also there. What made him stop looking at his own file was the fact that it had attached pictures of him at bars with everyone of those women, and at the end a picture of his own son sleeping soundly on his crib.
They’d been watching them for a long, long time.
“Sir” he was interrupted. He closed the file and looked at the dauntless who was sitting at one of the computers and skeeming through it. “I found the jammers of our communications and switched it off. Also, there’s a similar software for shields like the ones in the Department.”
Eric looked at the screen, seeing the program indicate the shields were down.
“Copy the program and let’s take it to the city, I want this program to work on disabling the shields in the Department for the eventual take over”
“Yes sir” he replied, then got to work. Eric held onto the files and collected the ones with the same dark red color.
Once the files were secured in the truck and a fourth team of dauntless had joined to work on the camp, he turned around towards the city. On the drive there he continued to check the files, most of the red ones were from the Leaders of the city, but he was more concerned about the one that seemed to have details about the divergents on the city.
He concluded that the incial information they had about the settlement was wrong. The settlement was supposedly against the experiments, wanting to kill the non divergents and take the divergents under their wing. So why did they have a file exclusively with the label 'Terminated’?
He didn’t care he didn’t had all the pieces, something was very clear for him.
He’d been used, the city had been used, his time had been wasted.
“My inicial impression is that this settlement” he threw some of the files on the table in front of the other leaders in a later meeting “is not what we were originally told it was. I believe that the department made us believe this was a threat to us, when in fact it was targeting them, their divergents”
“That doesn’t explain why the attacked and why they killed 60% of the occupants of Amity” Christine said, always taking the side of the department to not loose the privileges she got from them.
“They’ll have their opportunity to explain themselves, as soon as the jammers went down the message went through. They’ll be here tomorrow morning” Morgan said on the other side of the table.
“Too fucking late for that, we’re still voting to close the city and turn back on our old structure” Eric said, extending a look to the other leaders.
The leader of Candor was not happy with life at this moment, all this information was a huge slap on the face for him. Amity, even though she appeared like it was all fine, everytime the attack on their faction was mentioned she couldn’t help herself from get sad, if not angry. Abnegation was totally biased as in what to vote for and of course Christine was pulling in Eric’s opposite direction.
Eric knew he wouldn’t have it easy, but if he’d wanted it easy in the first place, he would’ve chosen Amity.
While walking down the hall towards the nursery to check on Aleks, Eric knew this was probably the best time he could find to finally tell Morgan about him and Christine. The stakes were too high and if she found out by someone else it would be for trouble.
He knew throwing the files with the information on the leaders on the table could flip on him if Morgan found out, but he was sure Christine wouldn’t live to give a speech in another Choosing Ceremony.
When they were back at the bedroom, Aleks on arms, Eric set him down and Aleks quickly busied himself with a few toys they’d brought it.
Morgan just rested on the bed and sighed, placing her hand on her forehead.
“You okay?” He asked, sitting on the bed next to her and placing a hand on her side.
“Yeah it’s just” she shook her head a little and sighed “I’m tired. I’m tired of the troubles and the lies and… Having to always distrust people, is it too much to ask for us to be left alone?”
Eric hated when Morgan sounded defeated. Morgan was his rock, and if she quivered Eric would instantly fall, he needed her strong.
“I’m doing all I can to make that happen for us Morgan” she looked at him and placed her spare hand on top of his, rubbing his knuckles
“I know you are. And I appreciate it”
Eric took her hand and led it up to his lips, kissing her tenderly.
“About the lies and trust” Morgan rolled her eyes and covered her eyes with her hand
“What did you do Eric?” Eric smiled and kissed her hand again.
“What I didn’t do was tell you something. Something important” Morgan sat up on the bed next to him and looked up, Eric held her by the waist and looked down at her. “Christine” he said, Morgan rolled her eyes again.
“What about her?” She said disinterested.
“She’s my mother”
Morgan straightened up and looked at him with a serious frown.
“That uh… Explains a lot actually”
Eric leaned back on his arms and sighed
“Well, now you know. You know why I don’t like talking to her, or seeing her or anything. I’ve been groomed and trimmed and set up to be this” he motioned at himself “for as long as I can remember. Trained, then forced to take over Dauntless to continue to serve them. They even sent another transfer the next year to be my partner, my wife or whatever”
“And what happened to her?”
“Told her to fuck off. She was too stiff, to judgemental… What’s the point of she couldn’t at least fuck right?”
Morgan snorted a laugh and shook her head. Eric was still a man deep down, and sex was a primal thing in dauntless culture.
“They sent more, every year I could just tell who it was, how they tried to control me through a woman” he sat silent for a while until he wearily asked “you weren’t sent by them were you?”
“Of course not” she said with disdain. She saw how Eric let out a big relieved sigh and he relaxed on the bed.
“That’s something I’ve been asking myself ever since I saw you, you know, because you came from Erudite. I always looked at you and thought 'is this it? Have they finally found out how I liked them?’”
“I wasn’t paid much attention here in Erudite” she dismissed “I never had leadership qualities or the likes”
“Doesn’t seem like it”
Morgan smiled at that sweet comment and leaned in to kiss Eric on the lips. He leaned back on the bed and hugged her close, trapping her lips in more demanding kissed, but we’re interrupted when Aleks let out an angry shriek and slapped Eric in the leg to let Morgan go.
They laughed over eachothers lips and continued kissing, just to tease. Aleks again hit Eric on the leg as he complained, then began pushing on his leg as he was about to start crying.
Morgan retreated back and stood up from the bed to hold Aleks on her arms.
“Don’t be jealous you know you’re my favorite boy”
Morgan kissed Aleks on the cheek and held him, sitting again on the bed next to Eric.
“We’ll be back home soon champ, we don’t like it in here anymore than you do” Eric said touching his cheek slowly.
They settled in for that night, and Eric did eventually turn back to check the fence, see how they were patching up the big hole on the side.
If he looked out in the distance, the tents of the settlement were almost all down, which made him a little more relieved.
Still, he didn’t let his guard down. He still had to deal with the Department. But that was tomorrows fight.
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theunknown-ericfanfiction · 7 years ago
Chapter 49.
The Unknown Chapter Index.
Unexpected Chapter Index
"These are the feeds to outside, there's been movement all day in the settlement. We've seen soldiers go into trucks and wait there, they're armed. We've also counted up to ten military vehicles with heavy artillery in the roofs of them"
"Wait" she pointed at the screen "which feed is that?"
"South entrance, in the fence"
Morgan kept looking at the screen. It showed what appeared to be a man of a superior rank going inside a tent, people were walking around him. He didn't come out, a minute later he came around the corner again and entered the rent one more time.
"The footage is looping" she said "we've been hacked".
Morgan walked out of the control room and grabbed the walkie of one of the guards.
"Control room to fence gate 3 respond" Morgan kept walking down the hall towards the stairwell that lead up to the roof of the compound
"Fence gate 3 come in" the walkie shouted back.
"Your feed is looping, I need visual confirmation that everything is okay."
"Visual confirmation in process"
Morgan was halfway up the ladder when the walkie sparked up again.
"Morgan switch to frequency 202.1" Eric said.
She moved the dial to the frequency and got off the ladder.
"What's wrong?" She asked, opening the door to the roof.
"Come back to the apartment. I'll go to the fence and-"
Both of them were interrupted when the south entrance of the fence expanded into an explosion, then lit up on fire. Morgan felt the expansion wave hit her all the way up, she looked at how the trucks began to pour in in the distance. A siren began to blare through the city.
Morgan watched as how the dauntless trucks began to march to the fence, but by the time they reached up there, Amity would be attacked.
She turned on her heels and ran down the stairs as fast as she could, meeting up with Eric on the way to her apartment.
He handed Aleks and took Morgan by the arm to make her listen.
"Get to the shelter in Erudite, make them be prepared just in case we need to start tending to wounded people. Try to make contact with the people in the department and request backup" he said, then moved Morgan to walk down the hall towards the train.
Another explosion resonated in the compound, making people start to exit their apartments and head to the halls and walk outside, dauntless guards were adjusting their equipment.
"Armory come in" she heard Eric said behind her, keeping his hand on her arm and making her walk, she was holding Aleks, and the little one didn't seem to comprehend what was going on.
"Armory, this is Craig, come in sir"
"I need Creed in the train, right now" he said in the walkie.
They stopped at the line to board the train. The men had to stay back and dauntless, and the woman needed to make sure the children were taken care of before joining in battle. The initial plan dictated that the children should be taken care of by the woman of Amity, but that seemed impossible on its own. Amity was in a lot of trouble.
With the mothers taking care of the children Eric was down on fighting power by a 48%. He didn't like those odds.
"Can't fucking believe it" he scoffed, aside from the noise around them, Morgan heard him. "The Department was meant to be the first line of defense, and we were going to be told if we needed to strike. We were given no warnings at all. And where are they now huh?"
"If they hacked our feeds they could have shut down our communications"
"And then there's that, how the fuck did they hacked us?"
Morgan could only shrug. She saw Creed making his way down the crowd towards them. Eric held her by the base of her neck and made her look at him.
"Morgan, I need you to be safe in Erudite, I can't be worrying about you and your guy's safety and take care of this. I need you safe"
Morgan swallowed nervously. Eric placed his other hand on her neck. Morgan just nodded, and Eric leaned her to kiss her on the lips.
He gave her another kick kiss on her forehead and looked at Aleks.
"I'll come by as soon as I get the chance, in the meantime, help me from Erudite." Eric felt a hand on his shoulder, Creed came around and looked at Morgan and Aleks.
They didn't need to talk, Creed knew what Eric wanted from him.
Morgan reluctantly got in the train, Creed followed behind her, and before the train began its course, the heavy metal doors were closed, something Morgan had never seen happen.
Aleks squirmed in Morgan's arms and moved to grasp Creed by the shirt. She passed Aleks to him and sighed. The little one bussied himself with Creed's studs on his vest.
"Where were you when it happened?" Morgan asked, crossing her arms.
"Wrapping out the day, heard the explosion all the way down the hall and all the cages opened automatically. I was handing out guns and vest when I got called. You?"
"In the roof, I found out that the footage was looping"
Creed frowned in confusion"
"There's roughly a 20 minute drive from the settlement to here, the department should've seen the movement and act"
"They should have, and I'm going to find out why they didn't"
The whole wagon jolted to the side, making Morgan crash to Creed's side, pushing him to the next person and so on. Morgan checked on Aleks, who was startled by the sudden jolt. The train came to a sudden stop.
Creed zipped down his vest and secured Aleks inside it, zipping back up and holding him to his chest.
"Open the door and see what happened" Creed said, Morgan walked to the side of the train and pulled the handle to open the door.
There was fire covering the first wagon of the train, the doors were opening and people were coming out of the wagons, the train was at a stop, and there were already too far from dauntless to hike back. The safest place to run was into a little wooden area and into the nearest ruins in the city.
Morgan watched as another misil hit the second wagon, she startled back as the expansion wave hit her, watching the whole thing engulfed in flames.
Morgan turned to the other side of the train and opened the door.
"Everybody out of the train, into the city, find shelter in the ruins or a building, dauntless escort will come down as soon as they can." She jumped out of the train being followed by the other dauntless, the other wagons were also being emptied.
Creed jumped down and began to walk fast into the first set of woods when he felt Morgan not follow him. He turned, Morgan was helping other dauntless get out of the train. Creed doubled back and got to her, holding her by the arm and pulling her away
"Let's go Morgan, you want to be near this train when it gets hit again?"
Morgan didn't wanted to let her people have to fend for themselves, but sadly it's what she did. They jogged, along with other dauntless trying to get out of the line of fire.
As soon as Morgan got in the train, Eric took a truck towards the fence, he was near where the first attack had happened, and while the dauntless fought  the resistance, he climbed up to the top to look at the horizon towards the settlement, the camp seemed to have expanded in size since he last saw it, and more trucks were heading towards the city. He moved this binoculars towards where the Department should be, he didn't spot them. He thought the shield should be up.
"Sir" he lowered the binoculars and turned to the dauntless who was standing next to him. "The train towards Erudite was attacked."
Eric felt his stomach turn, he walked past him and stood near the edge of the fence. He couldn't see the train, but he could see the black mass of smoke that rise up from the ground in the distance.
"Only the first and second wagon where hit, we've got a visual and there's no one else in the perimeter"
He felt his heart slow down to a normal rate, Morgan was in the four of fifth wagon that he remembered, but now, if she wasn't in the train, she was out there in the city, and the resistance might be in the city as well, and that didn't bring him any peace.
"And the casualties?"
"If the wagons were at full capacity, 690 dauntless, without counting the children"
Now that Eric was a dad, the children hit him hard. He tried to make it seem like he didn't care, like he could keep a leveled head in this situation, but the spare second the image of kids and babies crying desperately as a war was being fought around him, that killed him. And he hadn't even begun to this about the people in Amity.
Eric turned his head just as another explosion hit below him, the trucks that were coming down the trail were launching explosives to open the gap in the fence and get in.
While in the top of the fence, it was required to use a harness to attach oneself to the security rails. Of course, dauntless didn't use them, but Eric knew he wasn't allowed to die, and good thing that he was using it. When the explosion hit the fence, Eric was in the edge of the fence, he lost the footing and fell down, being gripped by the hook on his belt he slid down the wall until the line finished, and with a jolt he crashed to the wall.
One of his hands caught the line and his feet held him straight in the wall, he watched the truck from the resistance march in the city, another two following behind.
Eric couldn't risk a shot, he was wide in the open, and climbing up the wall of the fence while taking fire was going to be difficult.
Eric climbed up while the trucks were still pouring in.
When back on the edge again, he took the walkie talkie from the other dauntless and spoke into it.
"We've got more incoming, another three trucks entered in the South entrance, be careful and eliminate the threat quickly."
He climbed down to the bottom of the fence, where other dauntless that had been there when the explosion hit. They were healing themselves as good as they could to head to Erudite to take care of themselves.
Eric was still being followed by the subordinate who had given him the news about the train. He turned to him and spoke slowly
"I'm going to task you personally to take a truck with dauntless and follow the trail the people in the train took, and you'll let me know the second you have a visual on Morgan and my son"
The subordinate gave him a sharp nod and turned around, walking towards the hall of the fence back to the first group of dauntless he could find.
Morgan and Creed were still jogging, now on the city, and closer into some kind of shelter.
There was a group of dauntless men who had gotten assigned to escort everyone safely, and they took in their hands to clear out a building and secure the members.
While they pried open one of the doors to an old building, the explosion back at the fence was heard all the way into the city.
Morgan was a little deafened by the earlier explosions near her, and she couldn't imagine how Aleks was.
She led her eyes to him, still strapped to Creed's chest. His hand was pressed against Aleks' head, holding him to his chest and covering his ears.
Once the door was open and the building clear, Morgan found the quietest spot she could find, but between the fight outside and the commotion inside the building, that wasn't the case.
Creed unstrapped Aleks and handed him to Morgan, going to check the perimeter himself.
Morgan put Aleks at her eyelevel and looked at him, he was oblivious to anything, but there was a path of dried tears in his cheeks.
Morgan held him close and kissed him on the forehead. Outside, tires screeches resonated in the quietness, then, gunshots.
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theunknown-ericfanfiction · 7 years ago
Chapter Fifty-One
The Unknown Chapter Index.
Unexpected Chapter Index
Morgan hadn't moved passed the chair next to Creed's room. Eric had come and gone during the day, checking on Aleks, then overseeing the progress in the fence. No new trucks or people from the resistance had shown up. They were holding off okay, the people in the fence had already swapped to eat and rest, the people who had been wounded and then healed were also back on business.
Last time he had checked on Aleks, he was eating again but he looked really tired. Eric stayed to make him sleep, then left him to go back to Morgan. He had a dauntless set up in every room in the shelter.
When he walked towards intensive care he saw Morgan standing in the doors trying to look in from the circular window.
Eric walked faster to her and stopped to look in as well.
"What happened?"
"I don't know, there's only two doctors in and one came in with a case. No one came out to say anything" Morgan had her arms crossed at her chest, and worry was still written all over her face.
Eric placed a hand on her shoulder and neck and squeezed.
They took a step back when the remaining two doctors came out. Morgan moved one of her hands to Eric's and held tight.
"And?" She asked impatient
"It was a long and stressful 10 hour procedure but we've extracted all the shell casings from his neck and shoulder. He's lost a significant amount of blood, but we were able to counteract the loss with almost 6 units of blood. He's unconscious for now, the lower version of the serum we gave him will heal him, but not as fast to help him recover with time."
"So he's okay" Morgan concluded
"For now"
Morgan let out a big breath along with the tightening on her chest that had been there ever since she saw Creed stumble down on the wall. She let out a happy laugh and Eric pulled her to his chest, hugging her. Morgan felt Eric's fast beating heart come down to a normal level. Eric was also very much relieved that Creed was fine.
He gave Morgan a kiss on the forehead and took her by the hand.
"We need to let him rest, and you need to rest too."
Morgan reluctantly looked back at the door. One of the last doctors came out of the room and Eric let Morgan go to talk to her.
"I want a doctor in the vicinity of this room at all times, just in case something happens I want him to have a constant and fast response."
"We have another wounded to tend" she excused with arrogance. Eric grabbed her by the arm and kept her in place.
"Let them die, I don't care. You don't want to know what happens" he squeezed her arm harder "when people cross me"
Morgan placed a hand on Eric's arm to stop him, Eric didn't let go
"Are we clear?" Eric said slowly. The Erudite doctor swallowed her pride and nodded.
Eric let go of her arm and turned to Morgan, holding her by the hand and walking away from the room.
Eric had a special room prepared, just like the other leaders of the different factions. It was a little room with a private bathroom, a bed, a crib for Aleks, and a table propped in the corner with a light. Morgan and Eric headed to the nursery to pick up a still sleeping Aleks. Given it was already 2 am he would sleep soundly till tomorrow.
Still, Morgan didn't out him in the crib. She laid him in the bed with her and covered them both with a blanket. She gave the little one a kiss on the forehead and laid in her side, facing him and holding him by the side, caressing his chest while he breathed in and out.
"I'm sorry about Aleks but..." she whispered, she knew Eric was listening to her. She felt the matress move next to her, Eric laid on the bed and sighed. "Creed just... Have you ever had someone you care about shot right in front of you? Have you seen someone's eyes plagued with fear, and they slowly lose life and began to close?"
Eric could hear Morgan's voice quivered. He placed his hand on her hip.
"I've had it with you, and it hurt so much. And it hurts just as much with Creed. And I know maybe you've acted differently but I rathered have Creed alive"
"I'm not judging you for what you did Morgan. You handled it as best you could." Eric interrupted her. "I'm not angry at you. I'm angry at the people in the resistance, I'm angry at the people in the department. People, kids in Amity died. Maybe I'm getting a little too soft now that I am a father but... Those kids in Amity, the people and the kids in my own faction don't deserve whatever we have coming to us. As soon as we eliminate the threat, I'm closing down the city again. And we'll revert to what we were used to. Faction system and divergent hunt."
"I agree" she said, she turned to him and laid on her side "people have used us the department most importantly. You have to convince the other leaders"
"That won't be hard"
"You'll have to convince Christine" Eric rolled his eyes and then closed them.
"I'm not worried about Christine, we'll probably have to vote for this, and I know for a fact she'll be the only one to want the city to continue open. She doesn't have a shot at winning"
Before giving in to sleep Morgan leaned to Eric and kissed him on the cheek, making him throw his arm back and hold her by the shoulders, pulling her to his chest.
The next day, Eric left Morgan and Aleks sleep while he had a little reunion with the team leaders outside of Erudite. There hadn't been any more movements or more trucks from the resistance, but Eric wasn't going to sit tight.
He instructed to have the troops ready by after breakfast to make a little scout towards the settlement to eliminate the threat once and for all, he wasn't going to wait until more of them came out of the woodwork.
After that he walked back towards the room, finding Morgan and Aleks walk out of it.
The first time Aleks had taken his first steps, Eric was walking out of his office in dauntless, the little one saw him and released Morgan's grip, charging as fast as he could towards Eric's arms, he couldn't be happier when the happened, or so he thought. Two weeks after that and a week shy of his eleventh month Morgan was making him practice words, the easiest ones being mommy and daddy.
Morgan had spent a big amount of time pointing at Eric in meals and saying 'Dada' over and over again. When Aleks actually said it out of nowhere when they were having breakfast a month ago, Eric sat there paralyzed, Morgan face lit up and she clapped at Aleks to congratulate him for his first word. Eric just sat silent there, looking at his baby, he spent the rest of his day with him, not really working, he just carried him around and would often make him say Dada to show the other dauntless Aleks' first words. Momma wasn't far after that one.
Everytime Eric sat Aleks and saw the progress he was making he couldn't help himself to think it was a little step forwards in his development, and another step forward until he could have another baby. He wanted another kid desperately, as desperately as he needed Aleks when that idea climbed into his head the first time. Morgan had been very straight forward about that, no babies until Aleks was well into his 18 months or more.
Despite all that, Eric was enjoying way too much this new chapter in Aleks' life.
As soon as Aleks saw him he charged at him with his little feet and a big smile. Eric bent over when he was near and picked him up, trowing him up and catching him again, Aleks let out a laugh when Eric put him back down, his little fingers clasped to his own and Eric waited for Morgan to continue walking.
"We were called to a meeting after breakfast"
"Hello to you too" Eric said, Morgan rolled her eyes a little and leaned in to kiss him on the lips shortly. "It's probably a briefing meeting" he dismissed "I'm sending some troops towards the settlement, I need to assess the situation there and when I come back we'll shut down the city and work on repairing the fence"
"Okay. Are you taking him for breakfast?" She motioned at Aleks "I'm checking on Creed"
"Are you not having breakfast?"
"I'm not hungry"
"You have to eat something" Morgan turned to the corridor and let out a sigh.
"Fine dad, I'll eat something"
"I'm not being annoying, I need you well to help me from here" Morgan stopped looking at him to look at Aleks. Sometimes Eric took him to his round and sometimes Morgan did. Aleks was used to splitting off with one of his parents, and since he was holding Eric's hand he waved at Morgan goodbye.
She chuckled and kneeled to kiss him in the forehead.
"Once you are done with breakfast you can drop him off at the nursery, they'll keep him entertained for a while"
"I care for Creed's sake as well, but don't leave Aleks alone too long"
"I got it" Morgan stood up turned on her heels to walk down the hall
"Aren't you forgetting something?" Morgan let out a little smile and turned back on her heels to Eric, she walked a few short steps and gave him a long kiss on the lips. Once they parted Eric began walking "that's better" he said smiling back at her.
Morgan smiled back and continued her trek towards intense care where Creed should've been, except he wasn't.
The nurse that was cleaning up the room quickly as another patient was about to be admitted told Morgan that Creed had signed a voluntary leave to be discharged early in the morning. He hadn't made a full recovery, he still needed to be bandaged and not take any more damage, but aside from that he was making good time on the healing.
Morgan walked aimlessly looking for Creed, and if she didn't find him she would go and get Aleks.
Luckily she found him on the cafeteria they had set up on one big common area. She jogged to him and when she reached him she looked at him worried
"The hell are you doing you're supposed to be resting" she said, Creed only looked down at her with a cocked eyebrow and threw his arm around Morgan, leading her to the table
"I'm fine" he said with a hoarse voice. Morgan made a grimace and hugged him by the side, making him stop to hug him properly.
"I was worried about you. You could've died"
Creed let out a sigh himself, then hugged Morgan back running his hand on her back.
"The doctor said that I wouldn't have made it if you hadn't kept pressure on my neck, the blood loss could have been more serious if you hadn't"
Morgan smiled on his chest, then moved back.
"You took a shotgun blast for me"
"Because I know you would take one for me too"
"Of course I would" Morgan confirmed. Creed held her by the shoulders again and led her to a table
"And Eric?"
"Fine, he's trying to deal with this as fast as possible. And he's really mad about the whole thing"
"He's gone soft, that's what happens"
"He has, I'm not denying that"
Creed slowly sipped his coffee while Morgan looked behind him to find Eric walk toward them. Eric placed his hand on Creed's good shoulder and looked down at him.
"You okay?" He asked. Creed nodded while he took another sip
"I might need a few days off, maybe a raise, a bigger apartment"
Eric rolled his eyes and patted him carefully on the shoulder
"I'll get you a pre-war purple heart and that's it" Creed chuckled and looked at how Morgan smiled a little.
Eric extended his hand to her, Morgan took it and stood up from the cafeteria seat.
"Let's go and fight some people on the leadership reunion"
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theunknown-ericfanfiction · 7 years ago
Chapter Fifty.
The Unknown Chapter Index.
Unexpected Chapter Index
Morgan heard the tires screaching and retreated back, further into the building.
The gunshots began to resonate outside the building.
Morgan couldn't leave Aleks to go out and fight, but she couldn't let anyone get in the building.
"Make sure all entrances are covered, in this floor and in the upper one, if the floor upstairs is covered we move to higher ground" Morgan said.
The people inside the building were mostly woman, but that didn't mean they weren't trained the same or harder than the men. Everyone got on their feet and started to do something, Morgan watched as a group of them guarded the kids in a little corner and used their bodies to protect them.
Morgan's chest tightened when the thought of leaving Aleks alone came to her, but she didn't have a crown just because she was Eric's wife, Eric was out there fighting with the other dauntless and so would she.
She approached the woman and handed Aleks to one of her, giving her a determined look that didn't require any more words or commands from her.
She heard Aleks whine but she quickly stepped back and walked to secure the upstairs.
When she reached the next floor she made sure she could move everyone upstairs. When she walked to the windows to look outside she watched the trucks of the resistance, people hiding behind them and taking fire.
Morgan jogged downstairs and instructed the woman and children to head up.
She was walking away from the group and helping secure the last door, she was near the girl that was finishing with the barricade when she was blown backwards, blood spurring out of her chest.
She fell on her back, Morgan stumbled back, then a man came into the building with his gun raised. He hadn't seen her, and when he pointed to another girl to his side Morgan quickly charged and kneed him in the ribs, taking the gun, he didn't let go, Morgan kneed him again, but he didn't stutter. He threw the butt of the shotgun to her cheekbone, but Morgan didn't let go.
She heard her name being called, and in the split second she let her guard down, the man raised his gun to the side and shot.
She didn't get hit, but it was almost as if she was. Creed stumbled back into a wall and fell down, a spur of blood painted the wall behind him and a trailed down to where he now laid.
Morgan kicked again and in a fast move she moved the barrell of the shotgun to the man's face and shot.
The two proximity shots deafened her bad. When the guy fell after having his face blown off with a shotgun blast, she fell to her knees next to Creed.
The blast got him in the shoulder and a good portion of his neck, blood was spilling non stop. She pressed her hands to the wound and didn't know if she was talking or screaming, she was definitely crying, her chest was tight like no other time before.
She felt a hand take her by the shoulder and making her turn to whoever was grabbing her. Another dauntless was talking to her, she could faintly made out that they were okay to start transportation in the vehicles, dauntless' and the resistance's.
Morgan didn't left the grip she had on Creed's wounds, she helped get him into the truck and got a quick glimpse of Aleks as he was being taken in the truck with her. He was crying, but at that moment she allowed him to cry a little if that meant it was going to save Creed's life.
He had a faint pulse, Morgan could feel it when she pressed her hand hard enough on his neck. Her hands were covered in blood, she still couldn't hear herself, but she knew that the whole way down to Erudite she was whispering "please be okay, please be okay".
"Guard 18 in Erudite come in" Eric felt the voice in his walkie.
"Eric, come in, do you have a visual?" Eric was with Johan taking care of holding the force in the gap in the South entrance in the city and as of now, they were holding off okay.
"I have a visual on the baby"
"What? Where's Morgan"
"Hold on, they're coming down the truck. Oh shit" the guy whispered "uh she's fine but the blonde guy she's with, he's in a bad bad shape sir"
Eric lowered the walkie and looked at Johan.
"Blonde guy is Creed?" Johan asked. Eric reluctantly nodded and let out a sigh "we can hold off, go"
Eric hated strongly every disgusting feeling that came with the choice of letting someone in. He hated having this pit in his stomach as he traveled down the Erudite. The fun, the gathering, having beers, talk, all that he enjoyed. But everything else, situations like the when you could be told the person you cared about was no longer going to be with you, in your life, that part he hated.
He knew no one in the faction was going to let Morgan or Aleks get hurt, he knew they were protected and going to be fine, but a friend as unconditional as Creed was was going to be hard to find if he died.
He pulled into Erudite with a jolt and hopped off the truck towards the entrance. As soon as he stepped feet into Erudite it was chaos, medics and nurses were running around, people were screaming in agony or crying out of desperation.
Even though he was a leader no one was going to stop to give them directions to where Morgan was, so he walked straight to intense care where Creed should've been taken, and there they were.
Someone he didn't know was holding a still crying Aleks, and Morgan was sitting in the floor, legs bent over and her elbows resting on her knees. Her hands were filled with blood that ran down her arms.
He walked quickly to Aleks and at the same time he was relieved he was fine his heart broke when the little one reached his arms to him. Eric held him and pulled him close to his chest, holding him tightly. Aleks cried in his chest while he tried to shush him, kissing his forehead and telling him everything was going to be fine.
He was mad at Morgan, but when he saw her face, lost, tears and blood smeared on her face from cleaning said tears, he knew he couldn't ask much of her.
"There's an optometrist coming down to check them, Morgan took two close proximity shots and is still deafened. And aside from the psychological trauma, Aleks is fine"
"He's not making memories, hell be fine, any news about Creed?"
"No one has come out, there's got to be at least five of six people in there working on him"
Eric sighed and looked down at Aleks, he touched his head and ducked down to look at him in the eyes. Fortunately he had stopped crying.
He looked back at Morgan, still sitting there, not realizing or caring that Eric was there, one of her hands was holding her head up while the other was balled into a fist.
Eric left her be, knowing that Aleks needed him a little more urgently.
He walked down the hall and into one of the rooms they had prepared with food in cases like this. He took a bottle and prepared baby formula for Aleks.
The little one grabbed the bottle with both of his chubby hands and tilted it up to eat away.
Eric was worried sick, and tried to stay away as far as he could from Morgan and the room where they had Creed, that whole area meant bad news and he wasn't sure if he was ready to deal with them.
Instead he headed down into the secured areas that had been built a long time ago to secure the population in case of an attack in the city. Aleks was still eating when he heard the noise coming from one of the rooms.
Eric knew that there were planned activities and roles everyone in the different factions should take. He knew that Amity was supposed to take care of the children and tend the wounded in this situations. He also knew that Amity had been decimated, being the first faction that got hit, and the people who were alive were the ones who weren't in their compound when the attack happened.
What he didn't know, or rather couldn't understand, was how on Earth, after the death and destruction had gone past their faction, the members of Amity were still happy and cheery, singing and dancing to the kids they were supposed to take care.
Aleks began to bounce on Eric's arms at the rhythm of the songs they were dancing. Eric couldn't help to smile and kiss his chubby cheek while Aleks kept being drawn to the environment.
He wiggled to be put down, Eric obliged and let him down, taking him by the hand and leading him in.
One Amity girl approached him happily and silently asked Eric for permission to take Aleks.
Aleks couldn't be bothered and easily switched his grasp from his dad's hand towards the Amity girl. She took him to the other kids and another song began.
Eric didn't know if he should leave Aleks behind, but then again, Morgan wasn't in shape to take care of him either.
He decided to leave him for an hour. When he headed back upstairs to where Morgan was, he deviated towards a bathroom in Erudite, he damped a towel and walked to where Morgan was.
Now, she was sitting in the chairs nearby, balled up on her own stomach, elbows resting on her legs and face hidden in her hands.
He walked to her and bent down to her level, placing a hand on her head and making him look up at him, Morgan was crying again. Eric didn't wanted to hear the end of it.
"Any news?" He asked weary. Morgan cleaned her tears again and took a deep breath.
"The doctors told me they couldn't give Creed the serum"
"Like hell they can't"
"Yeah, that's what I told them. They gave me some bullshit explanation" while Morgan continued talking Eric ran the damped cloth on her hands, cleaning the blood off her hands and arms. "They told me that the shards from the shell casing of the shotgun embedded deep into his muscles and if they gave him the serum, the tissue would start to heal fast, and if they caught another shard they didn't take out before they would have to start cutting in already healed tissue. They're waiting to get everything out before giving him the serum. But then he's also losing a lot of blood, being open like that"
Eric could understand the procedure, but he also wanted to get everything done and over with.
He finished with her hands and turned the cloth to a clean spot, then ran it in her cheeks, her forehead and part of her neck.
Morgan had been avoiding eye contact, but when Eric finished cleaning her up she looked at him, knowing the second she did she would start crying.
"I don't want him to die" she whispered, her chin trembled and she looked away to stop her self from crying again.
Eric sat down next to her and pulled her to his chest, running his hand down her back, then up to her neck. Morgan cleaned her tears and laid her head on his shoulder. Still, Eric could feel his shirt dampening little by little.
Of course, Eric didn't wanted Creed to die either, what worried him was the state he would end up when he survived, because he was going to make it. One way or another, by his own or with Eric's and Morgan's help. He wasn't dying.
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theunknown-ericfanfiction · 7 years ago
Chapter 47.
The Unknown Chapter Index.
Unexpected Chapter Index
Eric opened his eyes, turning around on the bed and sitting on it. He moved his arm around, not feeling one ounce of pain unlike yesterday, or he assumed yesterday.
He turned around to find the bed empty, it was 7 already. He stood up from the bed, moving his arm around as he walked out of the bedroom.
Of course it had been Morgan, who else? But how did she get the serum it was denied to him the first time? If she took one of the emergency ones she was going to be in trouble.
He reached the end of the hall and looked to the side of the kitchen, where Morgan was setting down her cup while Aleks sat on his little high chair.
He looked how Aleks made eye contact with him and let out a smile as he wiggled his legs, thumping on the base of the chair.
"Oh my God daddy's alive!" Morgan proclaimed as she gave Eric a quick look, then back at Aleks, who let out a little happy shriek that made Morgan smile.
Eric walked to both of them with a little smile, but before he could hold Morgan's body to his she handed him a little bowl
"Daddy's totally going to feed you while I take a shower"
"We're feeding him now?" He asked taking the bowl and looking down at it.
"Yeah, it's about time and I was hoping you woke up early to feed him yourself"
Eric sat down in the kitchen stool near Aleks and set to bowl down.
He heard Morgan slid one cup of coffee to him and sit down next to him.
"How did you get the serum?" Eric asked, moving the mixture that he was going to give Aleks around with a spoon.
"I hurt some egos"
He felt Morgan's body lean to his, her hand came to one of his biceps, while the other one crawled from his lower back upwards on his spine.
His head moved to her, and Morgan was fast to catch his lips with hers. Eric left the bowl on the table and turned his body to grab Morgan and pull her over his lap.
They shared a few short kisses before Aleks began to complain next to them, and Morgan knew because; one, he was hungry; and two, he didn't like it when they kissed.
Eric didn't let her go so easily, he pulled her kitchen stool closer to him and sat her down, her legs still remained on his lap.
Morgan watched as Eric led a spoonful of apple squash to Aleks' mouth, and how the little one nommed happily. Eric couldn't contain a smile as he continued to feed his little one.
"Yesterday he slept for 16 hours and now he's eating" he said, scrapping the last bit of apple with the spoon. "Only 12 months until we can have another baby"
"Ha" Morgan said as she rolled her eyes "it won't be mine" she shook her head
"Well, I don't know who else's it would be, you're the only one I'm currently fucking"
"Yeah well, 18 months it's still to early to have another baby"
"When do you want another baby then?"
"When he knows how to walk and talk"
"He'll do both at 18 months"
"Properly talk"
Eric did a little eye roll himself, then stood up and took Aleks on his arms.
"You want a brother don't you" Aleks just looked up at him with no expression. Morgan chuckled then stood up, taking the cups and bowls to the sink. "Fine, I'll look for another woman to get me another baby"
He walked down next to Morgan while she rinsed the cups
"Good luck, considering how annoying you are"
"I compensate with a good fuck" Eric said standing behind her. Morgan chuckled and shook her head a little while she finished with the plates. "I think I'll take him today"
"You sure?" She turned to both of them and squeezed in a little spot next to Aleks to hug Eric.
Eric wrapped his arm around Morgan and pulled he close, running his hand up and down her back.
"Maybe I won't go anywhere, I don't know" he lifted his hand to slowly caress Morgan's cheek and jawline. "You do whatever you want today, and I'll take care of him"
"Okay" she said a bit reluctant. Eric kissed her on the forehead and slowly peeled away to change Aleks.
There was always a little feeling of accomplishment whenever Eric closed the door of the apartment and Aleks didn't instantly began crying as if he knew he wasn't going to be seeing his mom.
Eric took his to his office, roamed around his papers with his baby on arms, then began stroling on the compound, not really needing to do anything besides remind people that they should be working instead of doing whatever.
Saldy, having Aleks around didn't intimidate people, they all gathered around him to coo and make him laugh, and if there was a thing that Eric couldn't help to smile at was when Aleks smiled.
It was nearing down to lunch and Eric hoped he didn't run into Morgan in the dinning Hall, knowing that Aleks could easily dismiss him and launch himself into Morgan's arm.
He caught​ a quick glimpse of her sitting at a table with his friends and decided to let her have this day.
He returned to his office with his lunch and with a bottle for Aleks. Positioning the little one on his arm with holding the bottle with the same hand he quietly had his lunch, really enjoying the quietness around. Between the noise of the usual dauntless life and the noise he had in his house when Aleks trows toys around he, he enjoyed a lot the quietness. Especially because now he had associated quietness with being with Morgan.
When he finished and reclined on his office desk, looking down at Aleks finish his meal, the door knocked.
"I'm busy" he said to the door, hoping it didn't open. He heard footsteps leave. That same phrase was uttered during the day.
He laid Aleks on a rug and threw him a bunch of toys for him to play, and spent his afternoon like that, playing and watching over Aleks. Eventually the little one settled for a nap, and Eric had time to do some actual work.
Morgan on the other hand had also been rejected by Eric when she knocked on his office door, with all her free time on her hands and initiation coming to a close, dauntless was chill.
She headed to the gym, where she found her usual group of friends.
"I didn't know you guys trained at this hour" she mentioned, walking to Johan, Creed and Peter.
"I don't know how you would, you are locked in in your house all day"
"I take care of my son and occasionally husband"
Morgan jumped into the mat with Creed, Johan joined Peter on the side.
"Bet I can still beat your ass though, even if I'm a little rusty"
Creed smiled a little and finished wrapping his hands at his knuckles.
"I don't think you can handle​ me, I go all out"
"I've handle tougher" she kicked her boots off the mat
"Like your boyfriend Eric? I'm sorry but he lets you win most of the time"
"Sound like he should learn a thing or two from you" Morgan began circling him, Creed just lifted his eyebrow at her
"I'm not fighting with you Morgan"
There was a long, mocking "ooooohhh" coming from Peter and Johan. Creed chuckled and let his arms fall loose at his sides
"Ok, you asked for it"
Before Morgan could position herself, Creed lounged at her, missing her for a few inches while she ducked to the side, expecting her to dodge that punch he quickly threw his elbow back and hit her below her eye.
Morgan stumbled back and quickly touched her cheek, she smirked and got in stance to fight.
Between the comings and goings, the punches, grunts and hard hit in the mat, hours must've passed. She finished curled up on a ball on the mat after being thrown over Creed's shoulder, breathing heavily with a big headache.
"She better be okay or I'll straight up murder you" she heard Eric say from behind her.
"It wouldn't be my fault, her right leg balance is terrible" Creed excused. Still, he bent over to check on her, and when his face was close to her, with the little strength she had left she flew her hand to his cheek, backslapping him.
She chuckled under her breath and watched the guys also laugh, though Eric definitely wasn't.
She sat up on the mat and slid to the side.
"I won 4 of 5"
"Fuck off, you didn't" Morgan said as she put her boots back on, then walked to Eric. Before she could get ahold of Aleks he grabbed her by the jaw and twisted her head around, probably checking her cheek and near her temple where she'd also been hit.
Eric exhaled a little angry and handed Aleks to Morgan, grabbing her by the waist to walk out, not before saying
"I should beat you up still"
"Do it pussy" Creed challenged.
Eric slowly turned back to him, Morgan smiled a little when Eric kissed her forehead and left her, walking back to the mat.
Morgan didn't stay back to watch Eric and Creed have at it, but she was happy Creed had gotten Eric to fight a little. She knew Eric needed it, it was all he had been taught and instructed to do, but now that he was the Head Leader he was very far away from all the things he wanted to do.
Thankfully, Aleks had spent all of his energy with Eric that day, so when she got back home she fed him, held him while sitting in the sofa, then put him to sleep.
It was well past dinner time when Eric arrived back home with a little less bruises than Morgan, but still, he had some.
He checked that Aleks was asleep, then walked to the bathroom to take a hot shower.
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theunknown-ericfanfiction · 8 years ago
Chapter 45
The Unknown Chapter Index.
Unexpected Chapter Index
It was early in the morning, and Eric was up as usual, though this time he had to wake Morgan up too. They had to greet the newest members into the faction and begin training on yet another initiation.
Luckily Morgan and Eric had gone through a month without any kind of problem, and things seemed to have fallen back to normal, after the whole thing with the outsiders the next batch seemed a lot more compliant, none of them wanted to have their brains bashed in by Eric.
Morgan’s strategy seemed to have worked and the supposed abuse had stopped, they had set up a group of dauntless trained in therapy to help the victims, but not new cases or incidents had arised. They had everything under control, which was a relief in Eric’s eyes, he was really glad Morgan had stepped up and helped him figure things out.
He didn’t like the summer much, every time he worked out it was three times the amount of sweat, and there was unusually cheery people on this time of year, but there was one thing he loved about it, and it was Morgan on summertime.
Morgan on summertime meant Morgan sleeping naked, no underwear over a loose shirt if she was at home, and when she had to go out she wore summer dresses, or skirts. Easy access and a great view, that was his favorite thing.
Eric had been very clear with Morgan that she didn’t really had to work if she didn’t want to, and he hated to admit that after Morgan had been pointed at by the outsider, Eric retraced every conversation or action towards Morgan, and he had to admit that he was maybe a little too controling, that he had obliged Morgan to do a lot of things she didn’t wanted to do.
He retracted on everything and now he let Morgan do her thing, so she wasn’t working much. Except on those days when Aleks preferred to be with him, she spent her time at home or out in the compound, showcasing his son around dauntless.
She helped with initiation to an extent, and she was going to oversee the dauntless born that year, just the paperwork.
Still, she had to be there on the first day on initiation.
He sat next to her on the bed, she was face down hugging he pillow below her face, Eric slowly traced her spine, watching how her tattoos moved as her shoulder blades shifted and she turned her head around to look at him.
He trailed his hand downwards as he gave her a little smile
“Hey gorgeous” she smiled and moved to lay her head on his thigh, Eric’s hand moved up to touch her head and neck
“What time is it?” She asked sleepy.
“Too early for your liking. But it’s initiation day and we have to go to the ceremony”
“Ugh” she complained “do we have to?”
“I thought it would be nice for Aleks to get out of the compound” she snorted and looked up at him
“Show off. You just want everyone to be like ‘oh what a cute baby’”
“You too”
“Yeah, me too” she admitted, then smile and lifted herself up, her lips met his in a kiss as Eric pulled her to his chest. “Is Aleks asleep?”
“Yeah” she said against her lips. Morgan smiled and broke the kiss as she stood up from the bed and took Eric’s hand.
“Let’s have a quick one in the shower” Eric smiled and followed her, even as he took off his shirt he didn’t mention that he had already taken a shower.
When going out to special events such as these, Eric always wore the jacket with the dauntless simbol, not bothering if it was hot or cold out. Morgan also had to use it, and she complained a little and ended up tying it to her waist. They had even bought one to Aleks, and he looked badass with it.
Eric was waiting for Morgan to finish with her clothes and he fed Aleks, tilting the bottle to his mouth with one hand while the other took his coffee up to his lips.
“Eric” she complained as she walked into view
“What?” He asked with a shrug
“I had to feed him, look at my boobs” she complained while touching her breasts.
“They’re big” he pointed out
“They’re full of milk he was supposed to drink”
“He told me he doesn’t want that anymore, I told him your tits are mine and he understood”
Morgan rolled her eyes and looked down at Aleks, who was halfway through the bottle.
“And he’s actually six months old now, so he doesn’t get to eat much milk anymore. Got you a book” he said, taking a book from below his papers and handed it to her.
“Awe” she said taking it, then leaned on him to kiss him on the temple “thank you baby”
Morgan busied herself with the book while she had her breakfast, then the whole family headed out to the train.
There was a big tumult of people by the train, mothers hugging their sons or daughters as if it was the last time they would see them, and for some of them, it actually was.
Eric had taken care of taking Aleks, Morgan had noticed Eric always wanted to hold him if they were out, so she let him, they looked good together anyway.
“What are you thinking about?” Morgan said, seeing that Eric was looking out to the scene in front of him.
“Nothing” he said, looking at her.
“You’re not thinking about how it will be when it’s his initiation time?”
“No” he shrugged
“You’re not worried, like… What if he leaves?”
“He’s not gonna leave” he said looking down at Aleks, he shook him a bit and Aleks let out a smile.
Morgan and Eric boarded the train, Aleks looked at the city outside with big curious eyes. They needed to go out more.
Once they were in the building where they celebrated the Choosing Ceremony Eric handed Aleks to Morgan, who was instantly swarmed by the leaders of the other factions.
Last time she’d seen them all Aleks was just a few days past his first month, and now he was sitting up straight, saying a few syllables, making noises, eating.
“He’s developed properly” Eric heard from behind him, he rolled his eyes and continued to look at Morgan from a distance, trying his hardest to ignore Christine “I don’t understand why you never brought him to erudite”
“And why would I do that?” He said over his shoulder
“Because, he’s my grandson”
“Whatever your purpose is for having a relationship with my son it’s not happening. I’ll do everything in my power to keep him away from you” he said between teeth, still looking ahead.
“You’re probably right, he won’t be as docile as you”
Eric’s jaw tightened and he had to use a lot of will power to stop him from turning and hit her square in the jaw.
The sight of Morgan smiling down at her baby, and apologetically trying to untagle Aleks’ hand from the collar trinklet that hung from the Amity leader seemed to do the trick. Instead, the Amity leader took the collar out of her person and handed it over to Aleks, who instantly put it in his mouth.
Morgan knited her eyebrows and Eric read her lips as she apologized, but Amity seemed very happy to have made the little one happy.
There was an announcement on the speakers of the room and Morgan looked around for Eric, finding him when she looked to her right.
The other leaders also gathered and walked to their respective places on the auditorium. Usually the leaders and parents sat before the kids that were going to choose, Eric and Morgan being leaders, sat on the highest road of chairs, overlooking everyone.
“Want to show daddy what you stole?” Morgan said sitting Aleks on her lap and looking down at him.
Eric always filled himself with pride when Morgan called him dad and Aleks’ eyes landed on him. He recognized him not only as the other dude that takes care of me, but as his dad.
He pinched his cheek with his fingers and Aleks continued to bite at the collar.
By the time they all sat Eric knew that they were halfway through the aptitude tests, so they had to wait sitting for another 30 minutes at least.
“I hate coming to this things” he said under his breath, Morgan rolled her eyes and nodded
“Me too, which is why I never come. Not only it’s tedious to have to see them swap factions we have to hear Christine talking”
Eric looked to his side at her and placed his hand on her thigh.
“You were pregnant last year” Morgan smiled and looked down at Aleks.
“I was, and now look who’s here?” She nuzzled on Aleks’ neck, then kissed him on the cheek.
Instead, Eric lifted his hand up to caress her cheek and Morgan gave him a smirk and a little loving look.
“Let’s make a bet” she offered, taking Eric’s hand and intertwining their hands together. He wished strongly that the seats they were occupying were mobile, but they weren’t, so he had to sit uncomfortably away from Morgan, he liked to hold her by the waist if they were sitting. Even if it was just a few inches away it bothered him.
“What kind of bet?”
“Let’s bet how many transfers of what kind will be switching to dauntless, and how many dauntless are leaving”
“That’s cheating, you already know how many are leaving, you talk to all of them”
Morgan pouted in faked annoyance, then smiled and rubbed her finger on his hand
“Fine, I say plus 20 transfers. Less than five Amity, less than five candor, less than ten erudite. No abnegation like always”
“That’s not specific enough”
“Fine, 3, 4 and 13”
“Okay..” He overlooked at the auditorium and glanced at all the parent couples out there. “I say 6 amity, 7 candor and 11 erudite”
“But that’s more than 20 transfers”
“We’re not going to have 20 tranfers, the groups have been getting bigger and bigger every year. If last year we had 30 this year the number with be near that”
“We’re still doing the thing with the joint Sims for the divergents?”
“Yeah” he said dismissive, looking down at how Aleks threw the collar on the floor and looked up at Morgan
“You threw that” she told him, he gave him a smile, showing her his two growing teeth “you’re not gonna buy me with that smile” she still smiled.
Aleks seemed to forget about the collar that Eric later picked up but didn’t gave back to him. He was quiet and observant, until Liam sat down next to him.
Eric knew that Morgan took Aleks out in the compound and that everyone got a glimpse of him, but the person with who Aleks interacted the most were Creed and Liam. Creed was fine, he was Eric’s friend from a long time and Eric didn’t mind if Aleks ended up in his arms… But Liam, Eric hated Liam, because he knew that he had a thing for Morgan, he knew that Morgan would never cheat on him with Liam, but it really, really pissed him off when Liam took Aleks on his arms.
They had thing thing, Aleks and Liam where they would scream with their tongues out, seeing Aleks do that was cute in Eric’s eyes, IF he did that with him. But seeing him do that to another male sparked up jealousy to a whole new level.
Sometimes he wished he was as lot more goofy and talkative and an all around cheery father to his baby, but his personality, his whole didn’t allow him to do that, and that upset him.
Morgan knew very well that Eric didn’t like anyone but her to carry Aleks, so she maintained him sitting on his lap while Liam made him faces and made him laugh.
The ceremony started and Morgan soon got Liam in a her bet as well. Eric couldn’t care less of the swap or the bet. He took care of Aleks while Morgan and Liam were concentrated counting, Eric entertained himself with Aleks standing up on his lap and clapping when the other dauntless cheered.
Aleks’ leg muscles were becoming stronger and stronger, and he was turning into a very, very restless baby. They didn’t hold him baby style anymore, Morgan had him do tummy time everyday and he developed a lot of movement. Eric knew babies weren’t supposed to walk before the year, but at this rate he knew Aleks would be walking in just a few more months.
When he tuned into the swap again, it was nearly finishing, and Morgan looked worried.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’ll say about 75% of the initiates of this year’s ceremony chose dauntless” she said, still looking at how the last girl also let her blood spill in the burning coals.
Eric stood up from his seat along with all the other dauntless, who exited the auditorium with loud cheers and fast stomps outside. Liam was supposed to go with them on the train, and Morgan and Eric were taking another quieter train back to dauntless.
“I’ll say they finally realized we’re the only useful faction in this city”
He held Aleks to his chest while his other arm ended around Morgan’s waist as they walked out.
“Maybe… I mean, don’t they know that you’re around?” She joked, looking at him from the corner of her eye. Eric let out a little smirk and looked down at Aleks.
“She thinks she’s so funny doesn’t she?” He told him, as if he could understand, Aleks just looked at him for a brief minute and then looked to the side to glance at the buildings as they came into view “she doesn’t think it’s fun anymore when I have her bent over the armrest of the couch as I fuck her from behind”
“Eric” she complained “don’t tell that to the kid”
“He’s not making memories, he doesn’t care” he dismissed, pulling Morgan closer.
She also hooked her arm to Eric’s side and walked with him towards the train station.
“Let’s see how this year’s initiation goes, given that we have two different groups to supervise”
“I’ll help you if you want” she offered
“You help if you want. Last time I checked some asshole tried to get you away from me when I told you what to do”
Eric didn’t talk with Morgan about the aftemath, he just gave her general information of how they were going to continue training, but he’d never told her how upset he was after the whole thing. Judging by how broken his hand was, Morgan assumed he was really, really upset.
Still, she continued with her thing, still beside him every step if the way.
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theunknown-ericfanfiction · 8 years ago
Chapter 46
The Unknown Chapter Index.
Unexpected Chapter Index
Eric grunted as he let the weight fall in the floor with a big thud and a little rumble on the floor.
He hand shot up to the pain in his shoulder and he massaged the spot.
Lately, he’d been taking care of the initiates and the batch of outsiders, supervising their respective trainings. On top of that he had been taking care of any and all faction management he came across.
Every time Morgan showed up asking him if he needed help he just told her he had everything under control, that there was nothing left to do, when in reality it was the exact opposite. But after that month Morgan had trained the outsiders he couldn’t make Morgan work, not because of the work itself, but because he didn’t wanted to see that sad brow or twist of her lips when she had to leave Aleks behind. He couldn’t do that to her.
So, he took care of everything and that meant he was over working himself, which often lead him here, to the gym, where he pushed up and heavy weighted his frustrations away.
It was the beginning of the week and Eric had had to deal with a lot of drunk initiates during fights and that frustration had led him to lift up double the amount of weight he was used to, so now, he was holding his shoulder in pain, praying that it was just a bad movement and nothing serious.
Given the fact that he was bent over with his hand on his knee while he still grabbed his shoulder in pain, it was pretty serious. Reluctantly he headed to the infirmary to get injected with the healing serum from erudite and get things finished.
That was not what happened.
“What do you mean they’ve been holding back on it?” He asked a little angry at the nurse that was attending him, he was more in pain than mad
“That’s what we’ve been told, I can give you one of the emergency ones if you really need it” she said a bit weary, everyone had to really do their best when attending Eric in the infirmary, otherwise they knew they could end up in the morgue.
Taking one of the emergency healing serums meant sliming down the chance of someone badly injured of making it. Eric sighed, his conscience heavy on him while he shook his head “Just give me the painkillers”
“You should have it restrained, another bad movement and you can end up with it sprained or broken”
“I’ll take my chances this way” he swatted the bottle of pills from her hand when she handed it to him and turned to leave.
He headed back to his place, getting ready to be submitted to an interrogation on Morgan’s behalf, he hadn’t noticed how tired he was until he reached his floor, those painkillers worked quickly.
He opened the door and slowly opened it, checking for Aleks on the other side. Morgan had gotten the little one a walker, and he didn’t know how to walk much, but he could move himself little by little to the other side of the room. The carrier was a relief, now they had more freedom to do other chores while Aleks entertained himself.
Eric saw him on the other side of the room, playing with the mobile on the walker.
“Hey” he saluted, making Aleks lift his eyes to him and then let out a squeak of happiness when he saw his dad approaching him. It was the most heartwarming gesture ever, and Eric couldn’t get enough of it.
Aleks lifted his hand to him while Eric bent over and ran his hand on his hair.
“Where’s mommy?” He asked. Aleks looked to the side, to the hallway, watching how Morgan exited the bathroom.
Instantly, Morgan knew something was wrong.
“What happened?” She asked worried, seeing how Eric winced when he moved and how he was slouched to the side.
“I made a bad move. I just need to rest”
“Okay” she said, not believing him, but still turned and walked with him to the bedroom, where Eric laid on his good side. He closed his eyes with a sigh and Morgan carefully ran her fingers on his arm “want me to get some ice for that?”
Eric just nodded and let out a little grunt as he struggled to get comfortable on the bed. Sleeping on his side wasn’t his favorite thing.
He closed his eyes, hearing Morgan talk whatever to Aleks while she walked back to the bedroom. She wrapped some ice cubes in a towel and pressed it to Eric’s back, in the spot where his shoulder met his back.
“You didn’t take the serum?” She asked, running a finger of her free hand on his jawline.
“It’s not that bad” he excused “Aleks is too quiet”
Any kid being quiet never meant something good, but Morgan and Eric had made all the arrangements in the house to make it kid safe.
“Aleks!” She called from the bedroom “come here I’m going to give you something”
Eric could still hear Aleks shuffle his way to the bedroom, bangin the sides on the walls as he walked to his mom and dad.
“In the six month check up the pediatrician told me the walker was not a good idea, because it doesn’t help him strengthen the muscles on his legs by himself”
“She was probably an Amity whose parents had all the time in the world to take care of their babies, but we’re leaders and we need some help from time to time” he tried to put Morgan at ease.
Eric heard how Morgan snorted a little laugh when Aleks finally approached her. She moved her free hand to the nightstand where she usually kept all kinds of toys for Aleks. She fished one and handed it to her, Aleks quickly snatched it from her hand and led it to his mouth.
“Other than that, she said he’s fine to start eating some solids, she gave me a list. I was going to prepare something today but…”
“But?” Eric asked, closing his eyes, tiredness getting to him.
“I rather take care of you so you can be at your 100%.”
“If you take care of me I sure will” Morgan smiled and leaned in to kiss him on the temple.
She used some pillows and held the iced cloth on his middle back, then slowly back off to have Eric rest and Aleks not bother him for a while.
Eric felt himself getting more and more sleepy, until he fell asleep. What he didn’t expect was him going to sleep for the whole day and the night, waking up at 6 the next day.
His eyes opened to find Morgan sitting on the bed, pulling a shirt down her body as he heard Aleks’ faint cries from the other room.
He moved his arm to reach out to her, but a sharp pain and a tug on his muscles made him pull back his arm with a fast move, that also caused him pain, he grunted and clutched his arm back on his chest, his eyes closing forcefully.
“Eric” Morgan said a little scared, she moved over the bed and before she could tend Eric he dismissed her
“I’m fine, go get the baby”
Morgan heard Aleks cry again from his room, she quickly walked to him and pulled him out of his crib, then walked back to Eric, who was still with his eyes closed and very much in pain.
Eric was still clutching his arm to his side as his eyes were closed. Morgan managed to get more ice and get Aleks to sit down on the bed with a few toys while she tended to Eric.
“You have a massive bruise here” she said lifting up his shirt. “It’s in between you spine and your shoulder”
“It hurts because I haven’t been taking the painkillers, just give me some and I’ll be fine” he dismissed
“I’m going to get you the serum”
Morgan lifted herself from the bed and took Aleks on her arms, walking to the little ones’ bedroom and quickly changing him. He began to squirm and whine a little, and Morgan knew he was getting hungry.
She clasped him onto her breast and while she held him she walked back, Eric had gone back to sleep. She saw the painkiller bottle on the nightstand, then sighed.
She finished feeding Aleks, then sat him down on the bed as she changed.
She saw the little one roll to his side and lift a hand up to Eric’s face. They hadn’t seen each other all day yesterday, and Aleks always spent time with Eric when he returned from work.
Morgan took Aleks back on her arms and gave Eric one last look before walking out of the apartment.
She walked straight to the infirmary, when she was met with the same answer it was provided to Eric yesterday.
“There is no more left, we only have 5 emergency ones, I told your husband yesterday” one of the nurses said.
“And Erudite hasn’t send more?”
“No, they’re holding back on it I guess. People are becoming more reckless with what the do, they get injured more knowing that they can just get he serum and walk out the next day.”
“People are not getting injured because of stupid shit, we’re working to protect the city” she excused.
“That’s what I’ve been told Morgan, there is no more. I’m sorry”
Morgan headed to Eric’s office, and in there she asked for Stella, one of the leaders who took care of the meetings with Erudite.
“They kind of screwed up” Stella excused once she was sitting in the chair near the desk, Morgan on the other side of it.
“Kind of?” She repeated
“Well” she sighed and moved on the chair to talk “they wanted to start making the serum into another ways of applying it, like a spray or a cream, because there’s a lot of people afraid of needles. The effects of the spray were numbing and not necessarily of fast healing, and the cream was an all around mess. The results is that they used almost all of the serum supplies to make them into these new formulas and they have to wait until the components of the serum can be reproduced again.”
“What the fuck?” She asked frowning “with all that’s going on? The resistance? The settlement outside? If we get fucked we have no way to keep fighting?”
Morgan sighed and leaned back on the chair, she knew Stella was just a subordinate who ping ponged news between factions, there was no point taking her rage out on her.
“When you see Christine, tell her she’s not so perfect after all, and that if anything happens and everything goes to shit I’m blaming her”
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theunknown-ericfanfiction · 7 years ago
Chapter 48
The Unknown Chapter Index.
Unexpected Chapter Index
Eric opened his eyes, turning around on the bed and sitting on it. He moved his arm around, not feeling one ounce of pain unlike yesterday, or he assumed yesterday.
He turned around to find the bed empty, it was 7 already. He stood up from the bed, moving his arm around as he walked out of the bedroom.
Of course it had been Morgan, who else? But how did she get the serum it was denied to him the first time? If she took one of the emergency ones she was going to be in trouble.
He reached the end of the hall and looked to the side of the kitchen, where Morgan was setting down her cup while Aleks sat on his little high chair.
He looked how Aleks made eye contact with him and let out a smile as he wiggled his legs, thumping on the base of the chair.
“Oh my God daddy’s alive!” Morgan proclaimed as she gave Eric a quick look, then back at Aleks, who let out a little happy shriek that made Morgan smile.
Eric walked to both of them with a little smile, but before he could hold Morgan’s body to his she handed him a little bowl
“Daddy’s totally going to feed you while I take a shower”
“We’re feeding him now?” He asked taking the bowl and looking down at it.
“Yeah, it’s about time and I was hoping you woke up early to feed him yourself”
Eric sat down in the kitchen stool near Aleks and set to bowl down.
He heard Morgan slid one cup of coffee to him and sit down next to him.
“How did you get the serum?” Eric asked, moving the mixture that he was going to give Aleks around with a spoon.
“I hurt some egos”
He felt Morgan’s body lean to his, her hand came to one of his biceps, while the other one crawled from his lower back upwards on his spine.
His head moved to her, and Morgan was fast to catch his lips with hers. Eric left the bowl on the table and turned his body to grab Morgan and pull her over his lap.
They shared a few short kisses before Aleks began to complain next to them, and Morgan knew because; one, he was hungry; and two, he didn’t like it when they kissed.
Eric didn’t let her go so easily, he pulled her kitchen stool closer to him and sat her down, her legs still remained on his lap.
Morgan watched as Eric led a spoonful of apple squash to Aleks’ mouth, and how the little one nommed happily. Eric couldn’t contain a smile as he continued to feed his little one.
“Yesterday he slept for 16 hours and now he’s eating” he said, scrapping the last bit of apple with the spoon. “Only 12 months until we can have another baby”
“Ha” Morgan said as she rolled her eyes “it won’t be mine” she shook her head
“Well, I don’t know who else’s it would be, you’re the only one I’m currently fucking”
“Yeah well, 18 months it’s still to early to have another baby”
“When do you want another baby then?”
“When he knows how to walk and talk”
“He’ll do both at 18 months”
“Properly talk”
Eric did a little eye roll himself, then stood up and took Aleks on his arms.
“You want a brother don’t you” Aleks just looked up at him with no expression. Morgan chuckled then stood up, taking the cups and bowls to the sink. “Fine, I’ll look for another woman to get me another baby”
He walked down next to Morgan while she rinsed the cups
“Good luck, considering how annoying you are”
“I compensate with a good fuck” Eric said standing behind her. Morgan chuckled and shook her head a little while she finished with the plates. “I think I’ll take him today”
“You sure?” She turned to both of them and squeezed in a little spot next to Aleks to hug Eric.
Eric wrapped his arm around Morgan and pulled he close, running his hand up and down her back.
“Maybe I won’t go anywhere, I don’t know” he lifted his hand to slowly caress Morgan’s cheek and jawline. “You do whatever you want today, and I’ll take care of him”
“Okay” she said a bit reluctant. Eric kissed her on the forehead and slowly peeled away to change Aleks.
There was always a little feeling of accomplishment whenever Eric closed the door of the apartment and Aleks didn’t instantly began crying as if he knew he wasn’t going to be seeing his mom.
Eric took his to his office, roamed around his papers with his baby on arms, then began stroling on the compound, not really needing to do anything besides remind people that they should be working instead of doing whatever.
Saldy, having Aleks around didn’t intimidate people, they all gathered around him to coo and make him laugh, and if there was a thing that Eric couldn’t help to smile at was when Aleks smiled.
It was nearing down to lunch and Eric hoped he didn’t run into Morgan in the dinning Hall, knowing that Aleks could easily dismiss him and launch himself into Morgan’s arm.
He caught​ a quick glimpse of her sitting at a table with his friends and decided to let her have this day.
He returned to his office with his lunch and with a bottle for Aleks. Positioning the little one on his arm with holding the bottle with the same hand he quietly had his lunch, really enjoying the quietness around. Between the noise of the usual dauntless life and the noise he had in his house when Aleks trows toys around he, he enjoyed a lot the quietness. Especially because now he had associated quietness with being with Morgan.
When he finished and reclined on his office desk, looking down at Aleks finish his meal, the door knocked.
“I’m busy” he said to the door, hoping it didn’t open. He heard footsteps leave. That same phrase was uttered during the day.
He laid Aleks on a rug and threw him a bunch of toys for him to play, and spent his afternoon like that, playing and watching over Aleks. Eventually the little one settled for a nap, and Eric had time to do some actual work.
Morgan on the other hand had also been rejected by Eric when she knocked on his office door, with all her free time on her hands and initiation coming to a close, dauntless was chill.
She headed to the gym, where she found her usual group of friends.
“I didn’t know you guys trained at this hour” she mentioned, walking to Johan, Creed and Peter.
“I don’t know how you would, you are locked in in your house all day”
“I take care of my son and occasionally husband”
Morgan jumped into the mat with Creed, Johan joined Peter on the side.
“Bet I can still beat your ass though, even if I’m a little rusty”
Creed smiled a little and finished wrapping his hands at his knuckles.
“I don’t think you can handle​ me, I go all out”
“I’ve handle tougher” she kicked her boots off the mat
“Like your boyfriend Eric? I’m sorry but he lets you win most of the time”
“Sound like he should learn a thing or two from you” Morgan began circling him, Creed just lifted his eyebrow at her
“I’m not fighting with you Morgan”
There was a long, mocking “ooooohhh” coming from Peter and Johan. Creed chuckled and let his arms fall loose at his sides
“Ok, you asked for it”
Before Morgan could position herself, Creed lounged at her, missing her for a few inches while she ducked to the side, expecting her to dodge that punch he quickly threw his elbow back and hit her below her eye.
Morgan stumbled back and quickly touched her cheek, she smirked and got in stance to fight.
Between the comings and goings, the punches, grunts and hard hit in the mat, hours must’ve passed. She finished curled up on a ball on the mat after being thrown over Creed’s shoulder, breathing heavily with a big headache.
“She better be okay or I’ll straight up murder you” she heard Eric say from behind her.
“It wouldn’t be my fault, her right leg balance is terrible” Creed excused. Still, he bent over to check on her, and when his face was close to her, with the little strength she had left she flew her hand to his cheek, backslapping him.
She chuckled under her breath and watched the guys also laugh, though Eric definitely wasn’t.
She sat up on the mat and slid to the side.
“I won 4 of 5”
“Fuck off, you didn’t” Morgan said as she put her boots back on, then walked to Eric. Before she could get ahold of Aleks he grabbed her by the jaw and twisted her head around, probably checking her cheek and near her temple where she’d also been hit.
Eric exhaled a little angry and handed Aleks to Morgan, grabbing her by the waist to walk out, not before saying
“I should beat you up still”
“Do it pussy” Creed challenged.
Eric slowly turned back to him, Morgan smiled a little when Eric kissed her forehead and left her, walking back to the mat.
Morgan didn’t stay back to watch Eric and Creed have at it, but she was happy Creed had gotten Eric to fight a little. She knew Eric needed it, it was all he had been taught and instructed to do, but now that he was the Head Leader he was very far away from all the things he wanted to do.
Thankfully, Aleks had spent all of his energy with Eric that day, so when she got back home she fed him, held him while sitting in the sofa, then put him to sleep.
It was well past dinner time when Eric arrived back home with a little less bruises than Morgan, but still, he had some.
He checked that Aleks was asleep, then walked to the bathroom to take a hot shower.
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theunknown-ericfanfiction · 8 years ago
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Unexpected: Part 42
The Unknown Chapter Index.
Unexpected Chapter Index
Morgan had a little smile on her lips when Eric walled to the kitchen, she had Aleks sitting on her thigh as she was taking her morning tea.
“Did you sleep well?” She asked, Eric just nodded and headed to the poured cup of coffee. He looked at Aleks staring at his doll in his hands. “You don’t remember what you said last night do you?”
Eric frowned and shook his head.
“I passed out, that’s what I remember” “Well, not exactly, but it’s OK. I’ll hold onto those words” Eric tried to make memory, but after her reached his end buried deep into Morgan he didn’t remember anything else.
“Well what did I say?” He still wanted to know, he might have promised something while letting his sex-drunk mind speak for him.
“Something really lame, you’ll be embarrassed of yourself”
Morgan sat in the kitchen island and Eric sat next to her, they had their breakfast together, Aleks was quietly sitting at his baby seat looking at the doll still.
“Are you working OK with him?”
“Besides the people who come and give me reports yap at him for twelve hours, yes I’m OK. He’s not that much trouble being with, but it’s… Exhausting. Mentally exhausting”
“Why?” She took a sip of her tea and leaned closer to him.
“I don’t know, I worry too much. I worry if he’s hungry, if he’s sitting comfortably, if the straps on this thing aren’t hurting him, if he’s sleeping well, if he’s sleeping too little or too much”
Morgan smiled and leaned her head to rest her cheek on his bicep. They both looked down at their baby, who looked at them back and let out a smile while wiggling the doll on his hand.
“I don’t think I ever told you, but I think you’re a great father” Morgan said. She looked up at Eric, who gave her a little smile and a kiss on her forehead.
“Normally I wouldn’t need validation of how I’m doing things. But about this I do”
“Well, I’m telling you, you’re doing things great” she kissed his shoulder and moved to take her cup to the sink. “Okay, let’s see how today goes, I have target practice, depending on how they’re on that I’ll check if we can cut the training time.
"Cut how?” Eric turned to her, she walked to where Aleks was laying over the kitchen island and gave him a kiss on the forehead.
“Well, if they only need hand to hand combat training I’m doing just that, I’m not going to waste my time in teaching them things they already know.”
Eric nodded, Morgan leaned in and kissed him on the lips
“I love you” she said against his lips. Then she began to walk out the apartment.
When she closed the door Eric looked at Aleks, who was looking at the door Morgan had just gone out from. He stood up from his seat and picked him up in his arms.
“Come on now champ” he picked up the rag puppy from the seat and handed it over to Aleks, he clasped on it with his little hands"I know you like hanging out with me better"
A week passes by and Morgan was getting slightly irritated by the outsider who had taken a liking to her. He often strolled back to talk to her, clean up after the training. Morgan thought it was inoffensive and gave him a little wiggle room for him to talk to her. But after one particular encounter he witnessed there was one subject he wouldn’t let off.
“Morgan if some of the outsiders tell their superiors that you’re not training them they’ll withdraw on out arrangement”
“I was away two hours to take care of something urgent” she fought back
“I don’t care if it was urgent, unless it has something to do with our kid I don’t want you doing anything else but train”
“Liam had it handled”
“They don’t want Liam, they want you” he took a step closer to her “I know you’re tired of doing this but if they draw back on this, it’ll be on you” She looked away and let out a sigh as she crossed her arms at her chest.
“Don’t make me repeat this conversation again, are we clear?”
“Yes” she said, clenching her jaw.
Eric leaned to take Aleks from the handle of the baby seat and began to walk down the hall.
She cursed lowly and turned the other way around, Tanner was hidden in the adjacent hall, listening to the conversation, he was there when she turned around. She walked past him without saying a word
“You got scolded for going to check the fence cameras?”
“Go back to your room Tanner I’m not in the mood” she commanded.
“And who is that anyway?”
“He’s the head leader on dauntless” she replied shortly.
Of course, Morgan had told him that she was married with the head leader of dauntless. He grabbed her by the arm and made her stop.
“Don’t touch me” she said pulling her arm free of his grasp
“That asshole is your husband?” He didn’t leet her finish “how can you be with him? He treats you like shit”
“He treats everyone like shit, I don’t flatter myself too much”
“But he’s your husband, he should be more mindful of you”
“Things are getting hectic outside, I shouldn’t have gone to check and he’s right. If you people tell someone that I wasn’t in the training then we’re fucked”
“See, that’s the kind of behavior that a person in an abusive relationship suffers, you blame yourself. Does he hit you or-”
“Listen, Tanner, my personal life is none of your business” she cut him off. “Now go to you room”
With that, she turned around and walked.
The training of the outsiders had been stopped because of the sudden movement of the resistance camp outside.
Morgan knew Eric would surely take care of it, but lately she had been looking for any and all excuse to stop training the outsiders. Liam and the other trainer they’d picked, Brock, were doing a good job teaching them Morgan’s ways.
She walked to Eric’s office to pick Aleks up and take him home while Eric was still on high alert.
He returned late at night, when Morgan had already put Aleks to bed.
He went straight to the fridge to get himself a beer, Morgan quietly entered the living room and looked at him, sitting in the kitchen stool.
“What happened?”
“Movement ceased, I think they were just practicing some kind of drill, but we’ll keep an eye on them.” Morgan nodded, he made a gesture for her to come closer. She did and ended up pressed against his side, his hand going around her waist. “I’m sorry, I was an asshole today”
“It’s OK” she dismissed
“But I need you where you are. Training the outsiders”
“I know. And I’m sorry for that” she apologized. She leaned in and kissed him slowly. Eric ran his hand up and down her back while he moved his lips on hers
“What about the training, how’s all that?”
“I think we can shorten the time to two weeks. They are quite good at the shooting and basic team work tactics”
“That’s a relief. I know you don’t want to train them anymore and I don’t want you to spend so much time away from Aleks, he misses you”
Morgan tightened her lips and nodded slowly.
“Let’s hope the department is OK with how the group comes up. And since we now know what to focus on, I think we can shorten up even more. Do an intensive training for a week. And I won’t even have to be in it. I can tell Nita that the guys trained the team and it wasn’t a matter of ‘who’ but 'how’. Maybe they’ll agree and we can keep training them without me being so present”
Eric nodded and swigged down his beer to finish it
“Let’s hope they hear you”
He stood up, Morgan still held by the waist, and he walked down with her to the bed. Once they were laying down and in each other’s arms Morgan looked up at him
“Tomorrow is Sunday” she said, Eric was slowly touching her back, eyes closed
“And…” He beckoned her to continue
“Can’t we lazy up tomorrow?”
“I still have to check the settlement”
“Come on” she wined a little “just cuddle with me for like an hour before the baby wakes up”
“By cuddle you mean fuck?”
“Maybe” Eric smiled a little and pulled her closer, her leg crept up to lay on his stomach.
“Fine, you’ve convinced me”
They heard a faint cry from the baby monitor, and Eric sighed a little annoyed.
“I’ll get him” Morgan said slipping from his side, giving him a short kiss before getting out of bed.
Eric didn’t hear the end of it, he fell asleep as soon as Morgan was out the bedroom.
Morgan in the other hand was holding Aleks on her chest, swaying slowly. Unfortunately he was starting to teeth, and Morgan had been warned by sudden fussiness, trouble sleeping, irritability. He also spiked a slight fever. That was going to be a long night.
After much whining and sudden yells by Aleks Morgan finally found a good way to keep him calm. They were sitting in the couch in the living room, she was holding Aleks and had placed a damped cloth on his forehead to keep the fever at bay, then she had filled a glass with water and a lot of ice, she dipped the pacifier in it for a few seconds and then gave him the cold rubber for him to chew, and apparently that had done the trick.
It was four AM when she finally hit the nail on that, and both Aleks and her were exhausted.
She was looking down at him, smoothing down his hair while he chew down on the pacifier. His eyes were starting to droop, she smiled sweetly at him and snuggled him closer to her chest.
“Those teeth sure are assholes right?” She tapped his nose, his eyed closed involuntarily, but he still whined when his gums started to itch again, she shoed him as she dipped the pacifier in the cold water, and as she waited for it to cool down she checked the cloth. Luckily by this time the fever had gone down, she patted herself in the back for that one.
She took the pacifier and gave it to him again, shutting down his little whine
“What’s wrong with him?” She turned her head to look at Eric, still half asleep, but he must’ve heard Aleks whine from all the way back to the bedroom.
“He’s teething and I think it hurts. I’ve been trying to calm him down” she said, looking back at Aleks. He hoped over the couch and sat next to them, then he rubbed his eyes and let out a sigh. “Go back to bed, I’ve got him”
He snorted and looked at her.
“You are the one that needs to go back to bed. Him too, he looks exhausted”
“He’s had a fever and he’s probably with a headache” she looked down at him and pouted “my poor baby” she cooed, touching his cheek slowly.
“Still, we should head to bed, maybe he’ll catch some shut eye”
Morgan nodded, the stood up, Eric led her to the bedroom by the low of her back.
Aleks didn’t wanted to have anything to do with going to bed, as soon as Morgan laid him in the bed in between them he began to whine and trash his arms around.
Eric had never seen him so irritated, he felt useless, he wanted to go against everything, to do whatever to stop Aleks from crying. Besides the whines and the fuss he’d never seen him actually shed a tear, let alone shed as much as he was crying now.
He admired Morgan though, how she quietly picked him up and laid him on her chest, patting his back and leading one finger on his mouth, he bit into it, calming down.
Morgan sighed in a mix of tiredness and anger. Half sitting in the bed with Aleks on her chest, Eric covered her with the blanket and sat next to them.
“I’ve never seen him so upset” Morgan quietly nodded and sighed again.
“It’s this kind of things that make being a parent suck. Because we can’t do anything about it, we have to ride it out and I don’t want him to be like this, tired, in pain”
She was absentmindedly tapping on his back with her spare hand, Aleks was looking out in the distance as he continued to chew on Morgan’s finger. He was bitting pretty hard, but she didn’t complain.
“So that calms him?” He asked softly, Morgan looked at him and nodded
“When he’s chewing my finger to the bone? Yes” she let out a little smile
Eric stood up and walked to the bathroom, he washed his hands and then returned to the bedroom.
He sat next to Morgan and then motioned at her to pass Aleks to him. She reluctantly did and he whined a little, being pried from his mother’s arms. Eric laid him on his chest, just like Morgan had done and led his finger in his mouth.
Morgan looked at him weary, but when he settled for bitting his dad’s finger, she let out a sigh and closed her eyes, laying on the bed.
“I’ve got him, you two need to sleep”
“So much for relaxing on a Sunday huh?” She mocked, laying beside then and leading her hand to tap Aleks on the back, watching how his eyes droop down.
Thankfully it didn’t took long after Morgan damn near passed out on the bed that Aleks did the same. But by that time it was already 7 in the morning.
When Aleks was fast asleep he removed his finger from his mouth slowly, but he didn’t dare move, he was going to stay like that all day if he had to.
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