#already not liking that they changed the location to atlanta
plaidjazara · 5 months
I'm late to the party, but I've started watching The Circle and it's introduced me to a category of person that I've never encountered before: woman-hating lesbians.
They call women "females" and say they're all catty and shallow. They want to buddy up with the men and make an alliance against the women. They never believe the women are being sincere. When the top two block a player, they say the man had nothing to do with it and it must be all the woman's fault.
This has been a pattern and I hate it.
How are you gonna identify personally as a woman, claim to love women, and then hate women?
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cats-and-fiction · 2 years
Heya! I request Daryl x female reader please 🥺 He comforts her after she had a fight with Andrea because Andrea endangered the group. Thank you!
Here you go, Hope you enjoy it! You got into an especially nasty fight with Andrea after she did once again did something stupid but this time it endagered the group. While the others did seem to be not happy about it they didn't confront her like you did. You had left your old camp near Atlanta and had driven towards the CDC, right after entering the city you split up to gather some food and other resources. To your delight she grouped up with you and Daryl.
You three had swept some houses finding only minimal useful stuff as most of it had already been raided and taken. One can of beans would definitly not be enough to feed all and with a quick look of it the 2 years of it already been expired would add a special kind of note to the taste.
Silently the three of you made your way back to the rest of the group holed up in a old building that had been left to rot even before the Walkers started to happily chew on friends and family. You came the same way in that you went out though this time talking abit knowing that the perimeter was clear. Thats what you thought. A old door, unnoticeable with the first look swung open after the last person had passed it, Andrea. As ahe was grabbed from behind and the Walker stumbling out of the closet was trying to get to her she screamed.
Daryl holding up his crossbow and your trying to help Andrea get rid of the walker with a knofe ready in your hand a loud noise rang out almost right besidw your ear. Confused you stbled backwards, looking at her holding her damned gun in hand. The walker was toppling backwards with old dark blood gushing out it‘s rotting head.
After the shot the group had scrambled everything up and changed locations just to be sure that they wouldn‘t be surprised by any of the walkers friends. And you sat fuming in a corner staring Andrea down. Who was fussed around by Carol to make sure she was okay. While they did ask if you were okay too you had to admit you didn‘t leave them any chance as you had strut away into the corner immidiatly. Daryl had been with you some time before he was called over by Shane and Rick to discuss what to do next.
Andrea noticed your stare and she got up and calmy walked over to you. She had a smile on her face. A fucking smile and her eyes spoke words of being appearantly sorry but you were sure she wasn‘t she hated you as mich as you probably did her now. „Look, I‘ms orry y/n but I got scared and didn‘t know what to do.“, she had a pasaivly friendly tone in her voice. Belittling you. Sounding as you were in the wrong and whatever she had done was okay. „Yeah sure. Thats what you think. If you had trusted Daryl and me and ounce you knew we wouldn‘t have let that thing bite you. But no little princess didn‘t trust us“, she didn‘t trust you. Thats it. She trusted Daryl but didn‘t trust you and Daryl couldn‘t have shot without hurting her too.
„And with that fucking shot you endangered all of us. What if there had been more around the corner? Imagine that, we could have all died because you got scared and didn‘t think about using that damn knife you have“, you stood up in anger and pointed your finger at her. Angrily you exhaled your breath before turning around and just going away into another room. You couldn‘t talk to her now without spitting more bad words. Maybe you would go later to talk to her reasonable, who knows, but not now.
In the room next door you had pullee one of the old and dirty chairs to you, sitting against the wall and with the door in your view. So much stuff had happened in the last couple days and you just felt like you could explode with every little thing that happens. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Daryls form appear in the doorframe. He stood there musterung you before coming closer, a metallic plte in his hand and a spoon inside of beans. „Are thise the ones we found?“, you laugged as you took the plate. „If you want I could make those for you if you want?“, he pulled one of the other chairs to sit beside you. The room must have been some sorr of meeting room before hand. A long table laid sideways in the middle, chairs on each side of the door. A whiteboard explaining what sorts of sales the corporation had done. They had seemingly rocked the bread market.
„are your ears better?“, you nodded to answer his question as you ate the food he brought you. „Your right. With Andrea. Ahe shouldn‘t have used that gun.“, Daryl nudged your shoulder with his. You put the plate down into your lap. „She is just so…ugh. So annoying?“, now you looked up at him. With a sigh you leaned your small frame against his and chewed on another spoon of beans. How you hated them, what wouldn‘t you do for a good meal that didn‘t include beans or any sort of canned goods.
Daryl laied his arm around your shoulder and rubbed it. The evening would be only the two of you in that room.
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
hi some twitter users are saying that the pre-production of st will start in late october :( we have to wait for so long…
Regardless of whether this is true or not, this is a possiblity. I'm like 50/50 rn, considering Netflix said they had 6 months of backlog at least, they’re presumably willing to hold out that far on their end at least.
Although even still, I have been cautiously hoping that the writers could reach a fair deal with the studios sometime in late July/August, but that’s still a best case scenario rn.
It’s possible the strike could end sooner than October, as nothing is set in stone obviously, beyond Twitter speculation.
The reality is, the writers have no intention of dropping all of their demands anytime soon if it means returning to work without any changes. That would make the strike thus far pointless. With how far they’ve come, it only makes sense to keep going and see it through until they get something fair out of it. And that could mean holding out for longer than any of us want.
It’s probably not sustainable for ALL writers across the board to strike for 6+ months, without pay, nor do I think the studios would be willing to have production halted for over half a year and potentially beyond that. This is why late October has always been a possibility, bc that is the 6 month mark. I think by then not only would writers be ready to make some sort of deal, but the studios would also be desperate presumably by that point, so hopefully by then they would be willing to get closer to meeting their demands so that writers can get back to work and do what they love.
If ST5 didn’t start filming until late Oct this year, that would mean filming would go until Oct 2024. This is because it was already stated by multiple sources that filming for s5 was originally going to be from June 2023-June 2024 before the strike, so a year of filming was already in the cards.
I know most fans hear one year of filming and freak out, without understanding what warrants that much time for filming in this case. This does not mean one full year of nonstop filming for every actor. It means that the massive cast will have to plan a schedule that allows their availability to align with the other actors, so that they can accommodate and make production go a lot smoother, throughout a whole 12 month period.
For example, while the Duffer’s did say Amybeth (Vickie) would play a major role in events to come, and so she will presumably have more scenes in s5 than she did in s4, that doesn’t mean she’ll have anywhere close to as much screen-time as someone like Millie. This means that Amybeth won’t need to be on set near as much as the main cast. All it means is that she needs to be available when the other top billed cast is available, specifically whoever she is slated to have scenes with. It costs money to house an actor for days, weeks, months at a time so that they can be near the production location(s). Someone like Amybeth who is based in London, is obviously not going to be in Atlanta the entire run of filming. From what I recall, when filming for s4 Amybeth was only in Georgia for like 2 weeks, and I’m guessing that she was only filming for half of that time.
It makes sense that the top billed cast, who needs to film the most, gets first priority, and as it goes down the line, the actors with less screentime are going to be working around that, also assuming they have much more open schedules because they're also not as high in demand as the top billed cast.
In a perfect world, if everyone in the cast was available at a moments notice, maybe they could film s5 in about 8 months. But adding another 4 months to sort of make up for holidays and other contractual obligations, like cons or any other filming/work priorities, makes up for all of those short and maybe even large breaks in between for certain cast members for various reasons. There's people like David, who has said he was going to have to film Thunderbolts simultaneously while filming ST5. So there we have the second top billed actor needing to make his schedule align in that regard. Then there's Noah who attends Penn during the school year, and while I think it's likely he was probably planning on taking classes online this next upcoming year, it's also possible they were making a point to rush him to start filming s5 as soon as possible so that maybe he could have more time off set later on (hence why he might have been one of the few to start in May).
All of those schedules need to overlap based on who has screentime together basically.
So while I'm not a Finn and Noah were 100% going to start filming in May truther, I don't think the arguments against it were all necessarily based in the reality of the magic of film.
The beauty of film, is that it makes its own rules. You you could literally have actors who are in the same scenes, not filming on the same day, in the case they’re not in the frame at the same time.
One example of this from Stranger Things is the reunion for Mike and El at the end of s2. The Duffers made a joke that they 'ran out of Finn time', meaning that he was unavailable to do those scenes when the time came, which meant they had to wait. But then Millie insisted they do it anyways because she was available.
Not to mention, again, you don’t need every actor available 24/7 to film, which is why Finn and Noah in particular filming in May, as they both said multiple times they would have started then, was entirely possible. They could have scenes together or on their own with no other actors, and it could have taken like 2 weeks to complete them, right in time for June when some of the other actors availability opened so they could then join the mix.
I just remember Redditors specifically getting all up and arms like it wasn’t possible for Finn and Noah to start in May bc certain other actors weren’t available, but that’s not how it works always. I mean, even with filming starting in June, Sadie was always going to be unavailable to film ST during that time bc she was going to be out of the country filming for a different project until July. That doesn’t mean the actors that are available couldn’t film some scenes that they have together and that don’t include her.
I think those fans just got upset bc the possibility of Finn and Noah filming on their own for a week or two, might mean they have multiple scenes alone with no one else, and that terrified them. It’s funny though, bc I’m certain that if Millie and Finn were said to start in May before the others, it would have been quite easy for them to consider the reality of what that meant, being that they presumably had multiple scenes alone together. But in this case, they weren’t willing to even consider it.
Basically filming is complex and to think that it should be done all at once with everyone present is not realistic.
So while I know the 1 year timeframe is daunting to many, know that it's for good reason. Actors don't need to be overworked, nor do those invovled BTL making it happen. The production value from s1-s5 is just not even in the same wheelhouse, so using past metrics from past seasons as to why s5 will be faster to film is not based in what is actually most likely to occur because of so many different factors that are out of anyones control rn (some factors however are...Netflix... PAY YOUR WRITERS!).
There is a light at the end of the tunnel with this news though, believe it or not.
With the strike going on, many fans have accepted that Summer 2025 is the most likely scenario right now. This means that even if filming takes a year after Oct, that puts us at filming ending and post-production officially starting in Oct 2024, which is the same time roughly that s4 filming ended (Sept 2021). And in that case they managed to have s4 premiere the following year with Vol 1 in May and Vol 2 in July.
So even with filming not starting until late October, we're still likely looking at ST5 premiering in summer 2025, maybe with a June/August release if it's two volumes. Or maybe just July/August with one season on it's own.
Right now, I think it would be wise of fans to think about what they want to be doing long-term. In the case that filming doesn't start until October, what do you want to be doing in the meantime while you wait?
You do not have to be here if you don't want to be. Fandom shouldn’t be an obligation. Take a break.! I know I should... But I don't want to, so... yeah.
ALSO I think that realistically, with the strike going on, there could be some stuff we as fans could focus on highlighting in that regard. I know we're not very united or anything, but I've seen fandoms like LOTR and OFMD and even more recently Julie and the Phantoms coming together to fundraise and support the strike. For those that don't know, Julie and the Phantoms literally got cancelled after like one season... So the fact that they're out here supporting writers while the ST fandom, with one of the biggest audiences in the world, is mostly silent beyond acknowledging the strike happening, is sort of embarrassing...
Now this is NOT me saying that each of us as individuals is bad or anything, we're all just existing and I do think that accepting whats going on as this sort of reality has been our way of coping with something we feel like we can't impact at all. And again, we're not very united, which I think is important if you want to see an impact at the scale we are capable of, but are not able to achieve for obvious reasons.
Still I at least wanted to throw this out there, that if we know we're going to be here for a while, might as well make the best of it and support the writers, so that when they do come back it will be a feeling of like relief and excitement to return to writing these characters and their endings, as opposed to like just disappointment from the literal biggest fandom in the world being mostly silent about it.
To be fair, the writers themselves have been very cryptic about it compared to other writers from other series. Of the two pictures we've got from them, they did not show their faces. We have not seen any of them at the picket lines, which is something that I think if they did do it would actually get fans hyped up enough to do something more substantial. I know it's complex, but it is sort of a confusing situation right now, with how they're handling it and how they presumably would like for us to handle it.
In the mean time, I'm just going to go with the flow and accept everything as it comes to us.
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bodyalive · 5 months
“NeuroMuscular Reprogramming NMR® has been requested to come and teach in Atlanta this year with it's founder, Jocelyn Olivier. We’d like to hear from all interested people what month might work best for you? July 12 - 14? or July 19 - 21? Classes are 18 hands on CEU and run Friday night 7-10 and 9-6 on Saturday and Sunday. Mention your preference in “Comments” and we’ll total up what’s best for the most folks.
Location may depend on the number of people interested. We are looking at a DeKalb County location and a backup Cobb County location.
NMR is a game changer in producing results for your active clients and your own assessment skills. It applies to every other modality you already know as it engages the body's coordination system to change dysfuntion to function with less efforting. Learn how to connect the lines!
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michellexyoon · 6 months
WITH: @sethelmasry LOCATION: coffee shop, atlanta
Michelle had never been arrogant or prideful. In the past, if she turned down a role, it was only when it felt like a step back in her career. Pursuing her dreams came at a cost. She’d seen what it was like living with very little after having grown up well to do, even if she was not the richest in her hometown. In New York, there wasn’t a role that she wouldn’t have accepted. The same was true when she first stepped foot in Los Angeles. Doors were opened for her and she was grateful for every single opportunity that fell into her lap. Undiscerning and utterly naïve, she counted her lucky stars for the change to actually appear on the big screens, no matter the nature of the role.
It was only as she saw some fame, saw the praise that her performances earned that Michelle became selective. Not because roles were beneath her. But because, if she were to command respect in an industry that already was willing to sideline female actors, especially those that were not yet ‘lead role material’ as she’d been told, she needed to advocate for the types of roles she wanted. Not accept anything that people thought she could fit.
Ironically, now, when she was being offered even fewer roles courtesy of her darling ex-husband and his family, she found herself back in the same position as she’d been a decade earlier. 22 and unknown. Now, she was 32 and close to being forgotten. Which was the reason that she found herself in Atlanta, having finished a shoot for an advertisement. Her shoot was fairly quick, and they let her pack up after a few takes. She walked by a few trailers for another shoot that was happening close by. Though curious, Michelle didn’t bother to stop and investigate further. Instead, she stood in line at a café around the corner, tapping her foot absentmindedly as she texted her agent.
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shallowseeker · 1 year
Jody’s character feels so retconned from when she first appeared. It’s easy to forget she lost a child and a partner - we have the smallest glimpse of that when she says she can’t lose Claire too during the Wayward Sister episode. I’ve actually read a fic where Cas visits her after Jack dies in S15 - this is unexplored topic in its own right. But now you’ve got me thinking about the cross country trip in Patience with Jody and Dean and how she would’ve approached him during those long hours driving to Atlanta.
NGL, I've struggled with Jody, too! A couple of months back I did a Jody deep-dive to try to help myself get into Wayward headspace.
You're right that it's easy to forget how she's suffered because she doesn't wear her suffering very openly. Had we gotten a green light on Wayward Sisters, we'd have seen Jody's desperation to protect the girls and deep-seated anxiety played like a fiddle, I bet.
And yes, 13x03 Patience was so interesting!
The script is loaded with some good stuff re: the Jody-Dean interactions. Dean isn't as forthcoming as you'd think he'd be, but then, the thing with Cas is still so raw. I think Jody navigates it pretty well. She pokes but she doesn't force the issue. For example, she allows a subject change to Claire at once point:
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JODY: You--lost your family? MISSOURI: (rueful, cryptic) In a manner of speaking. Hunting...takes its toll. (She looks at Jody.) But I can see that you already know that. On Jody, a bit rattled at being "read" that way-- then--
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MISSOURI: Oh. Honey. I'm sorry. (off his look, she's sincere) For your losses. On Dean-- a quick flash of discomfort, then a smile.
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Dean and Jody hug-- she knows what happened to him. JODY: You okay? DEAN: Dandy. Dean pulls away-- deflects. Turns to the scene--
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JODY: Dandy, huh? On Dean-- knew this was coming. What's there to say? DEAN: Cas is dead. Mom's dead-- JODY: That's not what Sam says. DEAN: Yeah, well, Sam's living in a dream world. Changing the subject-- DEAN: Heard from Claire? JODY: Subject change, huh? Dean gives a terse nod: yep. On Jody, okay then--
Quick aside// We also get this nugget about Jody's girlhood! It seems that Jody was also a troubled teen, maybe?
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JODY: ...I shoulda known that wouldn't work with a girl like Claire-- Hell, I was a girl like Claire. And now...she's gone.
This is the one I was looking for, though! This bit of script is lovely! -> -> -> ->
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Early morning. Dean and Jody lean against the impala. JODY: Way you handled that wraith-- you still got it. On Dean, quiet-- not as satisfied as he thought he'd be. A beat, then-- DEAN: Guess so. JODY: No cure for grief though, huh? (off his look) I know this is hard, but you're gonna...you can get through this, Dean. I know you can. On Dean-- grateful, but unconsoled. But before he can answer, Patience steps outside-- approaches them.
Then, we get this;
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On Jody, doubtful. But Dean speaks first-- DEAN: He is. (then) This life? Hunting, monsters-- there's no joy in it. Just pain, horror, and death. On Jody, surprised by his advice.
Yeah, Dean would probably be intractable for a while with his grief, even with Jody. But their interactions are definitely more careful and honest. I like them.
In earlier seasons, it strikes me that Jody was trying her best to carry on working and even tried to date, but she was just...grieving. She had to be grieving that whole time, didn't she?
That's what her church thing was all about. I noticed that Jody longs to have familial support but lacks it. Jody notes that Sam still has a living family member to rely on, but Jody? Jody only seems to have the church. It's comfort and support in a very traditional, old-school kinda way. The church is a substitute family.
(Text Attributions// Supernatural scripts here via @spnscripthunt. Transcripts are located here via SPNWiki. Visit their Tumblr to donate.)
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pech-es · 2 years
why did you turn it down ??
and i assume you're from atlanta then ? do you have any tea about t-z wandering around atlanta over the years 👀?
it was filming in the summer and i already had plans out of town that i technically could have changed, but they were important to me 🤷🏻‍♀️ it was a heartbreaker at the time (and still now) bc i was already a huge spiderman fan
and yes i’m from atlanta (don’t live there anymore) and i have no tea about them :(((( it kinda feels like i have reverse tea, like i rember when we got those nwh behind the scenes pictures of tom it brought back memories of tea from my life that happened in those locations lol
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readingsquotes · 4 months
“I had now seen at close quarters the haughty white men who made the laws; I had seen how they acted, how they regarded black people, how they regarded me; and I no longer felt bound by the laws which white and black were supposed to obey in common. I was outside those laws; the white people had told me so.” –Richard Wright
In Georgia, a domestic terror statute from 2017 provides a noteworthy example of how the law bends toward injustice. Legislators passed it after the white supremacist Dylann Roof massacred nine Black parishioners at Emanuel AME Church. Supporters of the law initially said that this definition of domestic terror was not intended to encompass peaceful protesters. Yet, less than a decade later, that changed. State prosecutors most recently—and for the first time—used the law to target the Defend the Atlanta Forest activists in their resistance to the militarized police facility known as “Cop City.” Notably, Georgia authorities fortified their efforts with historical broadness used in terror law. That broadness is directly connected to the anti-anarchist sentiments of the First Red Scare and international repression. That much is relevant because lawmakers already rooted terrorism in historical radicals pursuing liberation. Older laws are not immune, either. 
In North Carolina, politicians are resurrecting public masking rules from laws meant to suppress Ku Klux Klan activity. This ableist attack on immunocompromised people and collective consciousness is meant to send a partisan message at the expense of public health. The 1953 legislation that supposedly targeted the Ku Klux Klan included loopholes Klan members were able to exploit, and the new legislation fails to address these exemptions. Now opponents worry that this might give police a new excuse to target those they would profile anyway. Other examples show that this isn’t merely a coincidence but a part of the contemporary moment to exact political vengeance during rising fascist tides. 
Decisions like these remind us why it was at the top of former President Donald Trump’s agenda to reshape the federal judiciary. Furthermore,  conservative legal “activists” like Blum are the epitome of turning even nominal legal protections and civil rights laws against their target populations. Blum is behind the gutting of the Voting Rights Act and the targeting of affirmative action, race-conscious admissions policies, and diversity policies. During a period where a Black woman was targeted for de-arresting someone with an anti-lynching law and an Arizona abortion law from 1846 was invoked after the collapse of Roe v. Wade, we have to see the law for what it truly is. 
The law is not a location where justice is doled out equally. It’s a place where the ruling classes, economic institutions, religious institutions, and ruling parties name their interests as a universal morality. The foundations of the many nation-states we live in are riddled with genocides, land theft, dispossession, deportation, and territorialization. The U.S. is not unique in that.
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Atlanta Wedding Photographers capture Beautiful Day at Historic Wedding Venue
This week’s Atlanta wedding photography blog is Jessie and Matt.  They had been planning their wedding for over a year.  Jessie and Matt are great planners and so the big day went smoothly.
The wedding venue is Wild Flower 301 in Greensboro, Georgia.  The historic venue was built on property purchased by the University of Georgia in 1803 in the hopes of making it a UGA campus, however the towns folk had other ideas and the property was sold to a mill owner who built the southern mansion that is there today.  The 5,000 sq. foot estate sits on 2 acres of English style gardens offering on-site accommodations, alongside an additional 7,000 sq. foot wedding venue includes bourbon gardens, first look platform, a private 2 story Newlywed’s Cottage, and Magnolia Terrace. This makes for an ideal backdrop for wedding photos.
I arrived early to survey the property since I had never been there before.  The wedding planner was there and gave me a brief tour of the Wild Flower Estate.  
Tara, the second photographer, arrived and started working with the ladies. They were getting their makeup done by Bombshell Creations upstairs in the main house.   I started on the detail shots of the flowers from Best Life Designs, the in house florist at Wild Flower.  Also at the same time the Dj from Dj Connection was setting up for the ceremony and reception.
Once Jessie was ready I got Matt and got him ready for the first look in the garden on the right of the house.  I oriented him so he would be facing away from the front entrance.  Matt anxiously stood there while Jessie came to meet him for the first time in her wedding dress. She lightly tapped him on the shoulder and turned around.  He was in awe of his beautiful bride.  They then shared letters that they had written each other for the wedding day.  Once they composed themselves we started on the other photos.  
We did a few posed photos with individuals and family.  One of the photos the couple shared with me had a bottle of champagne in it so I brought a bottle of champagne for a fun group photo.  I took the group to the ceremony area and gave the bottle to Matt then told everyone to line up behind him.  He opened the bottle of champagne and shook it, spraying the champagne at the camera.  It was a joyous start to a wonderful day.
When we finished the bridal party went inside the mansion and the guests started to arrive.  They entered through the side garden entrance by the road.  They were greeted with a polaroid camera to take photos with and some cool drinks to take with them to the ceremony area.  Once everyone was in place the bridal party lined up and entered.  Then Jessie’s father escorted her down to Matt who was already on the stage next to Jessie’s brother who performed the ceremony.  It was very sweet with vows written by the couple. Within a few minutes they were pronounced husband and wife.
Everyone went to the reception hall, located in front of the mansion.  Inside there was Melissa Munger a wedding artist who paints your wedding the day that it happens.  Everyone strolled around her canvas and was impressed with the work of art that captured the couple.
While the guests were in the reception area the bride and groom went to the Bourbon Garden.  In the garden Jessie and Matt buried a bottle of bourbon a year before when they visited the venue.  Burying a bottle of bourbon at your wedding location is a southern tradition that is supposed to bring you good luck and great weather on your wedding day.  I must say that they could not have had better weather on the day of their wedding.  They recovered the bottle of bourbon and took a toast to celebrate.
The reception was unique just like the couple.  They had doughnuts and baklava for the dessert table.  For their first dance Jessie changed to a fun spring outfit with custom bridal Air Jordans.  Friends and family celebrated their love by dancing and toasting to the newlyweds.  It was a beautiful ending to a beautiful day.
Thanks for checking out this Atlanta wedding photographers blog! I hope you enjoyed the read and found it interesting! Make sure you keep coming back to our blog to see what the Atlanta wedding photographers at Atlanta Artistic Weddings get up to! If you’d like to contact me go to the contact page and drop me a line at https://www.atlantaartisticweddings.com/contact-atlanta-wedding-photographer. I would love to hear from you!
Thanks again!
Source: https://www.atlantaartisticweddings.com/
Source: https://www.atlantaartisticweddings.com/
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tessabhrams · 9 months
location: her house in avonlea terrace, after dinner + getting waverly to bed
status: closed for @leviabhrams
Baby steps. 
When it came to reuniting the Abhrams family - hell, even just the siblings - that was Tess’ plan of attack. Baby steps. 
She vaguely remembered some far off, hazy point in her childhood when they’d all been thick as thieves, but that was before. Before Benjamin’s losses. Before his rage turned outward. Before Tess, only nine, had to step into the role of third parent because their dad (if he ever deserved that name) was unhinged and their mom… Well she liked to think Delilah had been trying. 
Or maybe that delusion just helped her sleep at night. 
Either way, mornings spent stealing bites of each others breakfast and binge watching Saturday cartoons were long gone. They'd all grown up, grown apart, grown a little too used to coping alone instead of coming together.
That was about to change.
"So." Cradling a glass of wine in her hands, Tess fixed her little brother with a look. With the look. Because yeah, overdue calls and far too few visits aside, she'd heard the rumors. And did it irk her that Wyatt probably already knew the situation with this... woman? Yep. Would she let it show? Not a chance.
She just smiled - a little too serene, a little too innocent - and waited for him to either fess up or tie a noose of lies around his neck.
"Talk to me about Atlanta."
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georgesmith00x2 · 9 months
Best Hose Repairs Services in Atlanta
When positive household appliances which might be used often come to be faulty, you're left and not using a desire however to repair them. Considering that home equipment are high-priced to update, repairing is generally the excellent alternative. The properly issue about repairing is that it ensures that the equipment remains practical and dependable for the longest time possible. Therefore, when such unexpected faults occur, it’s nice to select a trusted equipment restore service company who will use the proper repair procedure to make certain maximum performance of your home equipment.
Repairing and preserving an appliance expenses a fraction of the cost of changing the unit altogether. And while equipment restores services mean smooth laundry, germ-loose dishes, and simply cool air, that minimal fee is properly worth it! Whether you're a homeowner or the owner or manager of a commercial enterprise, there are myriad reasons why you may need an equipment fixed as quickly as feasible.
Everyone can discover a legitimate expert appliance agency in their locality even if there are such a lot of unlicensed groups throughout. Your goal is to locate a real professional you may installation a ordinary dating with when you consider that your restore desires will crop up always. If you're searching on-line be very cautious. The following guidelines assist you to get began.
Considering that many home equipment gets used almost each day, it's inevitable that your family will need a Hose Repairs Services. Appliances are commonly long lasting and final alongside time, however everyday wear and tear will take their toll on even the first-class once. Appliance maintenance are a top-notch way to shop cash. If you manage repairs right away, you could not have to buy pricey substitute appliances.
There are pretty some obvious signs and symptoms which you need appliance repair in your house. For instance, some of your appliances may prevent working altogether. Your dishwasher won't activate, or your refrigerator may additionally forestall operating correctly, then you are aware of its time to lease an appliance restore organisation. While you may think that via casting off your dishwasher repair with the aid of washing your dishes with hand you could shop a few cash, the fact is that you can grow to be paying greater on your water payments when you consider that maximum dishwashers are extra efficient than hand washing. So, it’s obvious that when your dishwasher is broken, then you need to at ease expert Hose Repairs Services provider proper away. Having your machine up and going for walks once more could be a good deal extra strength green and will also cut down to your water usage. You also gained need to spend hours washing your dishes with hand. You also can store a huge amount on a substitute unit.
Ensure which you perform an extensive research at the to be had and capacity hires which might be to your area. Having a large wide variety of corporations to select from guarantees that you can select wisely and get the quality. Some of the elements you may use whilst deciding on a business enterprise are like if they have the available parts for your equipment and the hard work. You also ought to look at the experience of the organisation by way of within the enterprise of appliance repair. To also gain more understanding approximately an organisation you could examine the diverse critiques left through customers who have already worked with the agency. If it is possible, you could additionally speak with beyond customers which will get the actual records about the corporation.
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lawyersdatascraping · 11 months
Pennsylvania Lawyers Email List
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Empower Your Legal Marketing Campaign with Pennsylvania Lawyers Email List by Lawyersdatalab.com
In the ever-evolving landscape of legal services, one thing remains constant: the need for effective marketing strategies. Law firms and lawyers' marketing companies are constantly seeking ways to connect with potential clients and stand out from the competition. This is where Lawyersdatalab.com's Pennsylvania Lawyers Email List comes into play, offering a game-changing solution for targeted and impactful marketing campaigns. Pennsylvania, being a hub of legal activity, hosts a diverse array of law firms, solo practitioners, and legal professionals across various practice areas. However, reaching out to this vast network of legal experts requires a well-structured and reliable database. Lawyersdatalab.com's Pennsylvania Lawyers Email List serves as a strategic tool to bridge this gap.
Imagine having access to a comprehensive and accurate email list of lawyers and legal professionals in Pennsylvania. This list not only includes contact information but also essential details such as practice areas, firm names, and geographical locations. Such data is invaluable for tailoring marketing messages, crafting personalized pitches, and directing your campaigns towards the right audience. The benefits of utilizing the Pennsylvania Lawyers Email List are manifold. Firstly, it saves you precious time and resources that would otherwise be spent on manual research and data collection. With this readily available database, you can focus your energy on creating compelling content and strategies that resonate with your target audience.
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jzontheazarian · 1 year
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How to Save Money and Food with the Too Good to Go App
Have you ever felt guilty about throwing away food that you couldn’t finish? Or wished you could save some money on your next meal while supporting local businesses? If you answered yes to either of these questions, then you might want to check out Too Good to Go, an app that connects you with restaurants and cafes that have surplus food at the end of the day. You can order a mystery bag of delicious food for a fraction of the price, and help reduce food waste and greenhouse gas emissions. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, it’s not. In fact, Too Good to Go is already operating in 17 countries and has saved over 100 million meals from going to waste. And now, it’s finally available in Atlanta. In this interview, we’ll talk to Sarah Soteroff, Senior PR Manager of US & Canada for Too Good to Go, and find out how this app is changing the way we look at leftovers while driving business to small business owners.
Jzon Azari: What are some of the benefits of using the Too Good to Go app for customers and businesses?
Sarah Soteroff: By using the app businesses can recoup some revenue from food loss and waste, consumers can eat great food for less and everyone can help to lower the harmful impacts of food waste on the environment. With food waste contributing to 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions, it's a win-win-win. 
How does the Too Good to Go app work? How do you order and collect food from the app?
Too Good To Go connects businesses who have surplus food with consumers who buy Surprise Bags at ⅓ the retail cost. Signing up is simple: Download the Too Good To Go app and register for an account. Once you’re logged in, you’ll be able to adjust your settings so that the app can locate participating businesses within a specific distance, as well as those that are offering pickup times within your preferred time frame. Businesses are often listed under categories like “Recommended for you” or “Pick up now,” but there’s also the option to “see all” and scroll through every participating food business in your area. Once you’ve selected your pick, reserve and pay for a bag, then head to the business at the stated pickup time to claim your food.
What are some of the challenges or risks of using the Too Good to Go app? How would you overcome or mitigate them?
There are no risks with using the app. All food in our Surprise Bags is perfectly good to eat and simply didn’t get sold during the course of business.  Our partners adhere to all the same safety standards as any other purchase from the store.
All of our partners are regulated by the relevant food safety and hygiene authorities. We are glad to say that relative to the millions of meals our community saves each week, we have had very few instances of compromised food safety. If a consumer is having challenges navigating the app’s interface, we encourage them to reach out to our customer service team.
How would you promote the Too Good to Go app to potential customers and businesses in Atlanta? What strategies or channels would you use?
We drum up excitement and drive awareness in our launch cities through social media, PR, direct to consumer and social marketing and on the ground word of mouth.  
How would you measure the impact of the Too Good to Go app on food waste reduction and customer satisfaction in Atlanta? What metrics or indicators would you use?
Food waste is a time-sensitive issue and unpredictable.  We provide an easy to use, simple solution to help businesses make money off of their surplus in minutes. Our platform is flexible and tailored to each store on the app. We look at key metrics such as meals saved, supplying stores, and unique paying users. 
How familiar are you with the local food scene and culture in Atlanta? What are some of the popular or unique cuisines or dishes that you would like to try or recommend from the Too Good to Go app?
We are thrilled to launch in a city known for its vibrant, diverse food scene. Bringing a food waste solution to Atlanta gives us the opportunity to partner with local businesses and connect with community members that align with our mission of environmental and social impact. The sandwiches at Cubanos ATL do not disappoint, and if you’re looking for outstanding sweets, Kupcakerie is the spot! 
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How do you feel about eating surprise food that you don’t know what it is until you pick it up? What are some of your favorite or least favorite foods?
We look forward to the surprise! Humans are creatures of habit so we like knowing what we’re going to get. But sometimes, a little change can be a good thing. You can’t always be sure what will be in your Surprise Bag. That’s the surprise of it! It’s about saving what’s left at the end of the day - and if it’s not really your taste, maybe you know someone who’ll love it? The Surprise Bag also represents the unpredictable nature of food waste. Stores are not always going to know the exact breakdown of their surplus; the surprise is part of the fun and gives consumers a chance to get creative with the items they rescue. Some of our most compelling social content is consumers showcasing what they created with their Surprise Bag hauls. 
How do you handle food allergies or dietary restrictions when using the Too Good to Go app? How do you communicate with the businesses or the app about your preferences or needs?
We prompt all users in every single transaction to make sure they request information about allergens and ingredients of the surprise bag when they come to the store (actual information will typically not be available before). There are in-app search filters for vegan and vegetarian surprise bags, which we help the store to set, but they then have the responsibility to adhere to this when packing the bags.
How do you balance saving money and eating well when using the Too Good to Go app? How do you plan your meals or snacks around the availability and quantity of food from the app?
With the Too Good To Go app, you can eat well while making an impact. The app lets you save Surprise Bags of good food at an even better price from restaurants and shops near you.
How did the idea of the Too Good to Go app come about? What inspired you to create a platform that connects customers with surplus food from local businesses?
Too Good To Go was founded in Copenhagen in 2016 by a group of five young entrepreneurs who saw a clear need for a solution that could connect people with surplus food, to stop it going to waste. 40% of all food is thrown away, and attacking this problem is the number one action we can take to reduce global emissions. Businesses across the globe are in need of better ways to manage and reduce their waste, and Too Good To Go provides an end-to-end solution that solves this problem.
What were some of the technical challenges or innovations involved in developing the app? How did you ensure the app was user-friendly, secure, and reliable?
We're always working to improve and optimize the app. The app is also constantly changing because we sign new partners every day. 
How did you test and validate the app’s functionality and impact? What feedback or data did you collect from users and businesses?
We are constantly iterating and improving the app. We seek and respond to feedback from consumers to add in new features to make it more responsive to their needs. We recently added an individual impact tracker, which allows each consumer to see their up to the minute savings and environmental impact, and we are working to provide more information to businesses via consumer feedback. It’s important for our app to be visually appealing, user-friendly, and functional. We have found that the app effectively communicates with users and businesses in a friendly and clear manner, making it easy to understand each page’s content. 
How did you choose which markets to launch the app in? What criteria or factors did you consider?
We choose which markets to launch based on opportunity size for TGTG and existing brand awareness.
Why did you decide to launch the app in Atlanta? What are some of the opportunities or benefits of expanding to this city?
Our goal is to eliminate food waste globally. We are methodically expanding throughout the US to ensure that we can provide a food waste reduction strategy for every American. We chose to launch Atlanta because there was a lot of opportunity to grow and an already existing demand to fight food waste.  
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How do you plan to adapt the app to the local context and culture of Atlanta? How do you account for the diversity and preferences of customers and businesses in this city?
Bringing a food waste solution to the city gives us the opportunity to partner with a diverse range of local businesses and connect with community members that align with our mission of environmental and social impact. The app is fully customizable, each user a filter based on his or her preferences and businesses are encouraged to update their description and bag offerings when they change to provide greater transparency for consumers. 
How do you measure and communicate the social and environmental impact of your app in Atlanta? What are some of the goals or indicators that you track or report on?
We look at key metrics such as meals saved, supplying stores, and unique paying users.  Consumers can also look at the "My Impact" section under the "Me" tab on the app, which lets users see their personal metrics for bags saved, money saved and environmental impact.
How do you ensure the quality and safety of the food that is sold through your app? How do you handle any issues or complaints that may arise from customers or businesses?
Firstly, the safety of our consumers is our utmost priority. As a marketplace we rely on our food selling partners to ensure consistency of quality and food safety . The consumer’s right to know which allergens are in their bag is the same as with any regular purchase from the same store. We want this to be easy to access, so the descriptor of the surprise bag opens a pop up notification informing users that they should ask the store for clarification if they have any allergen concerns.
How does the app help consumers save money and reduce food waste in Atlanta? How much can consumers save on average by using the app?
By using the app, consumers in Atlanta can eat great food for less and help to lower the harmful impacts of food waste on the environment. Globally, we have helped businesses earn more than $900M in partner earnings and $2.8B in customer savings.
How does the app provide consumers with access to a variety of food options from different cuisines and businesses in Atlanta? How do consumers discover new or hidden gems in the city through the app?
Consumers can easily discover local gems with incredible food that will make them wonder “how did I not know about this place?!” By picking up Surprise Bags from “new-to-you” businesses, you’ll discover great restaurants, cafés, and grocery stores that may become staples! Explore the city, try new food, and save money all at once!
Local businesses like Cubanos ATL, Kupcakerie, Yay Beignet and Bistro, Land Of a Thousand Hills Coffee, and The Vegan Sweetie Bakery have already signed on. With more partners added weekly, consumers are encouraged to check back often to see what new stores and categories have joined. 
How does the app enhance consumers’ dining experience and satisfaction in Atlanta? How do consumers enjoy the surprise and excitement of getting a mystery bag of food from the app?
The app allows consumers to explore new stores and restaurants in their cities while also rescuing unsold food from an untimely fate. The surprise element adds to the fun as our community really enjoys this. We have high engagement on social media with people sharing the contents of their bags with us and amongst themselves.
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How does the app empower consumers to make a positive impact on the environment and the community in Atlanta? How do consumers learn about the environmental and social benefits of reducing food waste through the app?
We recently launched the "My Impact" section under the "Me" tab on the app, which lets users see their personal metrics for bags saved, money saved and environmental impact.
How does the app cater to consumers’ preferences and needs in Atlanta? How do consumers customize their orders and preferences on the app? How do consumers communicate with the businesses or the app about any issues or feedback?
Firstly, the safety of our consumers is our utmost priority. The consumer’s right to know which allergens are in their bag is the same as with any regular purchase from the same store. We want this to be easy to access, so the descriptor of the Surprise Bag opens a pop up notification informing users that they should ask the store for clarification if they have any allergen concerns. There are also in-app search filters for vegan and vegetarian Surprise Bags, which we help the store to set, but they then have the responsibility to adhere to this when packing the bags
How does the app foster a sense of community and connection among consumers and businesses in Atlanta? How do consumers interact with other users or businesses on the app? How do consumers share their stories or recommendations on the app or social media?
Our community on the app feel empowered because this is something concrete they can do to make a difference in the climate crisis. Saving a Surprise Bag is very tangible– right there in front of you is the food that would have gone to waste had you not saved it. It is gratifying. The surprise element adds to the fun– people really enjoy this. We have high engagement on social media of users sharing their bags, with us and amongst themselves. It also creates a new community because they are discovering new stores in their local area.
How does the app respond to consumer demand and feedback in Atlanta? How do you monitor and evaluate consumer behavior and satisfaction on the app? How do you improve or update the app based on consumer input?
We value that we have such an engaged community willing to take time to leave feedback. This is very important to us. We are always monitoring consumer and partner feedback in our new and existing markets. In addition, we handle all customer queries in-app. Our customers have different motivations for using the app, but for us it will always be about reducing the environmental consequences of food waste.
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How does the app align with consumer values and expectations in Atlanta? How do you build trust and loyalty among consumers on the app? How do you communicate your mission and vision to consumers on the app?
When expanding to a new market, our goal is in our mission, visibility and viability. We have a tried and tested playbook for approaching new partners when we launch in a new city. It’s a clear value proposition, and we focus on independent neighborhood stores at first. This helps us connect with and understand the community around us, and also makes sense because we are building supply before demand.
If you want to learn more about the Too Good to Go app, you can visit their official website or download the app from the App Store.
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shamisxgentile · 2 years
Girl Going Through $300k Lawsuit For Allegedly Renting Her Nyc House On Airbnb
In 2018, a Louisiana couple died in an Airbnb in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, from carbon monoxide poisoning, and the company then mentioned it would let friends know before they booked if a place didn't have a carbon monoxide detector. Charles Bennett is a Plaintiff’s trial attorney and trial consultant based mostly in Dallas, Texas. His law agency, Bennett Injury Law, is a private damage plaintiff’s law agency that specializes in 18-Wheeler and Commercial crashes, Wrongful Death, Traumatic Brain Damage, Motor Vehicle Crashes, and Workplace Injuries. Cases Charles has consulted on in 2019 have gained over $35M in verdicts. On New Year’s Eve in 2015, an Australian girl and her friends arrived at their New York City Airbnb.
It just isn't confirmed whether the rental that Angélica died in was listed on Airbnb. Attorney L. Chris Stewart of the Atlanta-based law agency Stewart Miller Simmons Trial Attorneys additionally stated that a wrongful demise lawsuit is being deliberate towards Airbnb as a result of the incident. "Book a property at first that is instant book, the place there is not a screening. There isn't any chance of discrimination at first," stated Shatford. "Have a great expertise. Ask for an excellent evaluation from that individual airbnb lawsuit and as quickly as you might have one or two constructive evaluations, people are going to be much more likely to simply accept your reservation request." There are greater than two million listings worldwide and more than 60 million people have booked stays since it first launched in 2008. The state of New York already tightened the principles in 2016, slapping steep fines on those who let out unoccupied flats for fewer than 30 days—which is towards the law except the proprietor or lessor is present.
That is solely the accountability of the rental property proprietor which suggests you will get sued if the guest will get injured in your property. Airbnb solely requires smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors at higher-end Airbnb Plus rentals and in locations where native laws require them. Family members whose family members have died from CO poisoning at Airbnb properties have spoken out within the media to name on the corporate to make changes to protect future renters. After New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed legislation on Friday imposing pricey fines onto individuals who promote unlawful rentals online, the housing web site Airbnb sued, contending that the law violates freedom of speech and is unconstitutional.
Mr. Gunn did an awesome job representing us and maximizing our settlement. Strongly encourage others to hunt him out when an legal professional is needed. Though the case meandered alongside for fairly a while due to the different get together's actions - or lack of actions, Mr. Gunn represented my pursuits nicely, up to date me of progress along the finest way, and was skilled airbnb lawsuit throughout all aspects of the case. My spouse was hit by a Truck in August 2017 and we hired Mr Gunn to represent us. We have been more then happy with the settlement Mr Gunn received us and the deep concern he had for my spouse and me. I would recommend Mr Gunn to anybody that needs a fantastic lawyer to symbolize them.
Bicher has confronted a quantity of lawsuits in the past, and a minimum of two had been dismissed after the owners concerned were unable to locate him to give him courtroom paperwork. Now let’s see how one can avoid getting sued and continue managing your rental property as peacefully as attainable. Marco and Andrea stayed in the hospital for four days to receive remedy for CO poisoning. Their dad and mom traveled to Mexico City from San Diego to convey Angélica home.
However, public locations like hotels, spas, and hospitals may be hotspots for the bacteria to grow if proper sanitation just isn't enforced. In addition to sizzling tubs, humidifiers, air conditioners, and old showers could additionally harbor Legionella micro organism. However, in lots of Airbnb assault instances, survivors have also named Airbnb as a defendant. Survivors have sued Airbnb for his or her negligence in preventing assaults and their mishandling of reported assaults. For many assault survivors, taking legal action is one important step in the therapeutic journey. Survivors could discover aid and a sense of justice via the legal course of.
The high-profile unicorn is battling cities from Boston to San Diego over collecting taxes and enforcing zoning rules. Renter’s insurance is property insurance coverage that covers a policyholder’s belongings, liability, and presumably residing bills in case of a loss event. So don't assume that renting your home in your space is authorized simply because Airbnb allows you to use its service.
He used to be an occasional Airbnb host himself—and paid occupancy taxes—when he lived in Tiburon, California; then he was tapped to help native officials quantify Airbnb’s business on the town. He says cities are sometimes overmatched by Airbnb, partially as a end result of the company periodically tweaks the location in ways in which impede tax collectors and enforcement businesses. Nulty says that Airbnb makes it clear to hosts which taxes it collects through this webpage, which lists areas with VCAs and what taxes they cowl. The page doesn't airbnb lawsuit explain which taxes hosts are required to collect on their own. A completely different Airbnb page instructs hosts to inform friends to deliver extra cash when checking in so the host can acquire taxes in particular person. Riegelhaupt-Herzig says that isn’t efficient, as most friends are cautious of paying an additional 6 or 10 % on to the host, along with the booking costs they paid online by way of Airbnb.
You can report an assault to your local police division, by phone or in individual. One of probably the most well-known Airbnb murders occurred in Orinda, California. In 2017, a number in Florida was arrested and criminally charged with video voyeurism after Airbnb friends identified a hidden digital camera in the bedroom smoke detector. Apart from sexual assault, some Airbnb hosts have been charged with video-related voyeurism. “Airbnb needs to return the money Airbnb took from hosts, and start residing as much as its contractual obligations,” Schaefer said.
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arpov-blog-blog · 2 years
...."As always, Republicans vastly underestimated black voters, who failed to support Walker from the beginning, rightly looking askance at his MAGA ties and being put off by the myriad indicators of his total unfitness. Black folks are particularly good at assessing the potential harms political candidates will do, a self-preservationist calculation black voters have always had to make. Walker failed on every count.
But those GOP strategists were right in predicting their overwhelmingly white base would embrace a black candidate whom they saw as promoting their agenda, which is rooted in anti-blackness and revanchist white supremacy. According to exit polls from NBC News—which will likely change in the coming days and weeks, but not so much as to undo the primary takeaways here—70 percent of white Georgians chose Walker to represent them in the Senate, compared with just eight percent of black voters. More than 70 percent of white male voters and 68 percent of white women voted for Walker, while just 12 percent of black men did the same. Black women—consistently the most reliable rejectors of GOP white supremacist nonsense—gave Walker just 5 percent their votes.
“[GOP backers] figured being famous and black would be all it took to peel off enough African-American support for Warnock to secure a Walker win.”
It’s also notable that a staggering 88 percent of white evangelicals, or nearly nine out of 10, cast their ballots not for Warnock—a true religious scholar who holds a doctorate in systematic theology and the pastor at one of Atlanta’s oldest and most revered black Baptist churches—but instead chose Walker, whose naked hypocrisy in pursuit of political power is a shared trait. It’s likely that those same white conservative voters shrugged off Walker’s moral failings, not just because it’s politically convenient, but because it jibes with the racist views they already hold about black folks. (It’s hard not to remember that Trump was absolutely enraged by Barack Obama’s successes. He’s probably happy to promote a black candidate who doesn’t threaten his confidence in innate white supremacy so thoroughly).
Between now and the December 6 runoff, there will be much pontificating in the media about why this race looked like it did.
I can’t help but suspect some media types will contend that Warnock should’ve shook more babies and kissed more hands, crisscrossed the state more, made his policy stands clearer, or even—in the dumbest takes of all—done more to reach out to Republican voters. But at a certain point, the realities are located in the truths about us, meaning who we are as a country, and where we are at this moment.
Sure, Warnock is progressive on issues that conservatives oppose, but the devil here is in details of race, a changing Georgia, white fears of status loss and a black candidate who they entrust to do the GOP’s white supremacist bidding. That’s how we got here, despite Warnock being so much more qualified than Walker that it’s maddening the comparison is even being voted on.
And even knowing this, there’s still no guarantee Georgia will do the right thing. Should Warnock win, it’s still mortifying for us as a nation that it was ever this close. But in the event Walker wins, it’s a national shame. Either way, it should never have been this close."
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blaqtarentino · 2 years
How I Made a Music Video in my Living Room
No money, no friends who want to be on camera, and an idea that I know will blow. 
Problems, meet solutions. 
Stargazing is a 2022 song by Atlanta Afrobeats artist Apollo Omenka. Upon first hearing the song a tale of lovers separated by a wartime draft came to me and was quickly placed in my notes app until the future, which is now. 
First things first, was the shotlist. My process is very fluid. I walk around and talk to myself when brainstorming and will either write stuff in my notes app, or on physical sticky notes. Thanks for this tip, Mom.  
For Stargazing, I knew parts of the idea in my head and made great care to write those pieces down for when I was going to eventually execute. When I was ready to begin production and make the shotlist, I had planned to have a session later in the evening to write it out, but the idea was really fresh in my head earlier in the day, so I quickly grabbed my camera and started reciting out the shots I saw in my head as well I could for my future self to jot them down. 
Having a quick and broken up format to describe my story was very helpful when on set and having to snipe out each scene. Organization is key to not losing your mind when making films. The best thing you can do for yourself is know it will be made and believe that shit. The second best thing you can do is be prepared. 
I’ve provided a free shotlist template, as well as a slightly modified copy of the shotlist I used at the link below.  
With a fun and relatively descriptive shotlist, we move into storyboarding.
Storyboarding is going to change your life. I’ve heard old niggas talk about the importance of storyboarding my entire time liking this film shit, and while I love to draw, the daunting process of drawing out my entire film made me sick. It’s as though I’m making my film twice- the exact benefit of doing them. This point was best illustrated to me by a video Kent Lamb did on Standard Story Company’s site, regarding animatics: https://youtu.be/Diu_Gj7p_50?t=357
“Who wouldn’t want the chance to see their movie before they make their movie?...It’s the director’s job to be the most well prepared person on set. How can you be anymore prepared, than if you’ve already made your film before you even showed up on set?” (Lamb).
Your form doesn’t need to be at a master’s level to get out the general location you want each actor or item in the shot. You could use squares saying what they are supposed to be, or perfect sharpie renders of each actor, the choice is yours. You simply just need to know where the important parts of the frame are and should be. I used two dedicated days and 55 sticky notes to create the storyboard for Stargazing. I already knew how I wanted to approach shooting, so the conclusion of storyboarding quickly transitioned into planning. 
A snag I knew I would run into was filming myself and the other actor in the video, my wonderful girlfriend, Sonya. Through a chance encounter, I met a photographer at an event and enlisted his help in the shoot. Sending him, my shotlist, storyboards, and inspirations I prepared for the shoot day. 
I drew lighting diagrams based on tests I had run a few days in advance to follow on the day. I used two Neewer 660 colored lighting panels. I used umbrella diffusion on one, and let the other shine raw, primarily using the diffused one as my main light for the subjects, with the raw light acting primarily as a backlight in most of my setups. This is the page from my notebook with the diagrams I used on set, primarily noting the color temp that I was going to use. I likely kept my intensity percentage consistent, a little under 30%. I was mostly concerned with matching the warmth of the backgrounds as much as I could. 
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The backgrounds for the shoot were generated using Midjourney AI. The application exists in a discord server, allowing a user to enter a prompt that the AI, using a database of reference, will build into an image. Following my multi day experiment turned existential crisis using it, I saw potential in its use to generate backgrounds, initially, for animated projects. I would come across a video from Film Riot making me realize I could take it a step further. The video, (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtzrU-6-Y0Y) served as a heavy inspiration for my shooting process going forward. Iterate through backgrounds I would need based on my shotlist and storyboards, and prepare to light my scenes to match. I’ll likely do a deeper dive into Midjourney over time, but I recommend it highly. My only caveat will be to remember that as a computer, it will be limited by what you feed it and what you expect to be given from it. 
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Shoot day was fun, my only advice simply to be as prepared as you can. The difference between this shoot and others I’ve done is that I finally organized my process from ground floor to the day of, allowing me to simply cross each shot off the list. The passionate artful fun is only eased through not having to think of all the rigid logistics. Things will always go awry when making films, but if you have a plan, confidence, and flexibility- then you’ll be just fine. 
Next week I’m going to break down how I edited the video, including compositing and file organization. In the meantime, feel free to watch the final video here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=478jMjOjN5Y). 
Thanks for having a look in and I’ll see you soon. 
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