#already made my hellfire shirt tho
hoteadepresso · 2 years
lmao I randomly remebered about that one time I did Eleven cosplay for Comic Con six years ago
I was like, 17 back then?
Now I would probably make a better one but those pics still bring me joy
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mushiemushroom · 2 years
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Eddie Munson+reader
It’s obvy not done I’m gunna finish it on Wattpad though because I think it’s too graphic for tumblr unfortunately. Does anyone else remember when tumblr was just full of aesthetically pleasing porn. Those were the days anyway let me know what you think
Edit: it’s finished on Wattpad the story is called Summer ‘84
My wattpad bunnnnnnnnnyy
I’ll edit it on there and it’ll be more of a finished version
Warnings: weed, dirty talk, very smutty
Eddie sits on the couch in his hellfire club shirt and pj pants all ready for the sleep over you agreed to. His uncle isn’t going to be here for the next two days and mom thinks I’m at mollies. I walk in after outing my pjs on (tshirt&panties) holding the blunt I rolled up before hand. I go to sit beside him and before I can even get halfway he pulls me onto his lap straddling his thighs.
‘Oh shit I didn’t grab a lighter’ I said. I can tell he’s looking around and all of a sudden he wraps his arm around my lower back as he goes forward and I go back ward as he picks up a light from the floor. I light the blunt inhaling at the same time get a nice long drag making sure it’s going to burn evenly. I hit it one last time and put it between Eddie’s lips. I can already feel the lightness filling my body. Before I get lost deep into the feeling Eddie hands me the blunt and goes right for my neck. Attacking me with little kisses that turns into slow wet kisses. He softly sucks on my neck as he goes down to my collar bone. Leaving a line of wetness with his tongue.
He looks up at me and takes his turn . He leaves the blunt between his lips as he reaches his hands under my shirt to hold my breasts and squeeze them a bit. Then instead of looking at my chest his eyes switch to my face and as he does I can feel a sharp pinch on my nipple making me yelp a little bit and pull back. Just as soon I’m being pulled forward filling the gap between us. Torso to torso. Heart to heart. It’s my turn once more but Eddie doesnt have patience as he pulls my shirt up, his hand still on the small of my back keeping me against him as I learn away. His perfectly pink lips close around my protruding nipple and it makes me feel so heavenly. and I’m so high and my eyes are so dry from the smoke I can only keep them closed as he bites down for a couple of seconds. 1… my breathing hitches and the goosebumps rise 2… his hands on my back keep me from being able to get away 3… I drop the blunt on the couch as he finally lets go.
‘Fuck’ I say totally out of and not expecting that at all. Eddie repeats me when he sees the burning hole on the couch growing in size. He picks it up and puts it out to the right of him.
‘You liked that huh’ Eddie says smiling. ‘You almost started a fire.’ I chuckle right along with him as I pull my shirt above my head. My long ass hair falls over my shoulder but Eddie pushes it back and places his steady hand on my neck supporting me. Or taking control rather. He pulls me in for a deep kiss. The kind that gets your heart racing and your mind on one thing and one thing only. Sex.
See I’ve had sex before but not with Eddie. We’ve made out and I’ve dry humped his thigh before but not sex. At least not yet. Fuck I’ve been dreaming about it tho. His body, his voice, his menacing smile, his big hands. Ik they could take away every ounce of innocence left in me and I’d let him do it over and over again. I’d let him make me cum over and over again. The thought of it sends waves of heat crashing through my body and I moan into Eddie’s mouth. Pushing my hips into his trying to find what I’m looking for.
I can feel it. His hard cock like a thrown made of gold. Once I started I couldn’t stop. It felt so good and I wanted it so bad. Ever since I got with Eddie I’ve been thinking about things like this. And this wasn’t even the best part. The friction, the heat, the pulsing and throbbing was getting to be too much and like a volcano and all came out of my mouth as my head fell back and my eyes rolled up.
‘Your such an eager girl.’ He says as his hand wraps around my neck. The cool of his rings contrasting the heat of my skin “Calm down baby take it slow. We got all night.’ He kisses my cheek and with his hand on my neck pushes me onto the couch on my back. He lands perfectly between my legs his hips against the back of my thighs and I can still feel him. He just looks at me. At us. His eyes going right to the sweet spot. I wore my sexiest underwear. Just plain black cotton. I can feel a cold spot on my pussy lips as his body left my touch and I know what that means. His hands slide down the insides of my thighs stopping right before they get there. He pulls the skin there in the opposite direction hoping something peeks out from my pants. I can’t tell what’s happening down there but his face goes all screwy and he refocuses his attention up at me.
‘Your body is so fucking hot.’ I can just tell he says it with a smile even though his faces is close to my chest. ‘Jesus you even smell delishious.’ He says as he inhales. He once again holds my breat up to his mouth and he sucks on my nipple. So hard I can’t help arch my back. The feeling flows through me and my hips come up a lil bit to find my pussy lips right against his dick. The moment he realizes he’s pushing back into me wether on purpose or not.
‘I’ve been thinking about this moment for so long’ he says as his hips start moving back and forth. The only thing separating us is a couple of layers of fabric. I feel like I could cum with just the slightest touch and here he is basically smashing his dick against my clit. He must’ve been reading my mind because he pulls away from me. Only to come right back down with his head between my thighs. He kisses my thighs starting near the knee and sucks a little all the way down. It turns into biting and me trying to squirm away.
‘Ok, ok’ he says softly holding my hips down ‘this is probably gunna be your favorite part’ he says it with a smirk as he looks up at me his hair and bangs a lil disheveled from my hands. ‘ I know you’ve never done this before so I’ll explain, ok.’ Omg he’s rediculous he knows exactly what he’s doing. Yea so I’ve never had my pussy eaten but he’s trying to embarrass me. He loves teasing just to see how red my face gets. He definitely has a kink for that. He takes two fingers and walks them along my bunking line ‘well, I’ll start at your clit.’ He says as his pointer finger lands right where he speaks of. My hips move involuntarily to rub against even the smallest amount of pressure. ‘I’ll make it nice and wet and rub it with my tongue up and down.’ His finger starts moving up and down making me moan the smallest bit. I’m closing my eyes imaging whats not too far away. ‘Then once you think it couldn’t get anybetter.’ His fingers move downward slowly. ‘I’ll put my fingers inside of you, one at first.’ He circles his finger over the opening of my vagina. ‘Then two if I think you can handle it.’ And finally when your just about to cum I’ll twist my hand upwards and curl my fingers like this .’ I look downward as he makes a becaning motion with his two fingers. His other hand staying where it is on my underwear. ‘That’s when you’ll feel that feeling you’ve never felt before.’
‘I’m gunna take off your panties.’ He says as he sits himself up a bit. I agree and he hooks his fingers around my waist and on both hips and starts pulling as I lift my hips up before I know it my panties are on the floor. Now I’m completely naked at the hands of Eddie Munson. His facial expression turns almost feral as he looks at me. Then immediately back down. ‘Pretty face, pretty pussy.’ He says looking back at me smiling. Fuck I can’t help but smile. His complements always get me
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zombaarbie · 2 years
An Unlikely Friend
Eddie Munson x Reader
Hey, everyone! I have some major Eddie brainrot so I had to get this out instead of work on my homework. All feedback is appreciated :)
Synopsis: Reader begins her senior year at a new school in a new town. She was nervous about the transition. Luckily, she befriends the members of Hellfire.
Friends to Lovers!
A/N: Initially, I thought this would be a oneshot, but as I was writing and the ideas started flowing I decided it will have more than one part! This first part is more of an introduction- establishing a touch of back story, getting to know the reader, and setting up the friendship (eventually relationship) with Eddie. These will mostly be fluffy, maybe a dash of angst and smut here and there. I promise there will only be happy endings because I’m a Weenie Hut Jr. and my heart can’t take sad shit. Enjoy!
*GIF is not mine! He looks fine af tho*
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(Y/n) (Y/l/n) marched through the doors of Hawkins High School with as much courage as she could muster. She was in a new school in a new town. Everything here was unfamiliar to her. She had friends back home and was generally well liked at her old school. Having to start over with new peers her senior year was not something she was happy about, but when a great job opportunity presented itself to her dad she wasn’t given a choice.
Today was her last first day of high school, and instead of excitedly meeting up with her friends to talk about their plans for the upcoming year and gossip, she was nervously making her way to her locker, alone. Fortunately for her, she had gone to orientation a couple weeks before and was able to get to know the general layout of the school. 
With her class schedule in hand she grabbed what she needed, left what she didn’t, and made her way to her first class; hoping if she got there early she’d be able to find a nice, inconspicuous seat in the back. 
As it turned out there had been a few open seats left in the row farthest from the teacher. None of the tables were completely empty, meaning she would have to sit by somebody. So, she bit the bullet and chose the first one she saw. 
Her table buddy was a bit rough looking, to say the least. But (Y/n) wasn’t one to judge. She noticed he has long, dark hair; a leather jacket with a denim vest over top; and a shirt with a devil on it. The look was complete with big silver rings, ripped jeans, and a chain.
“Is this seat taken?” (Y/n) asked with a small smile. He looked up at her, taken aback for a split second before his expression was replaced with a tight smile. He looked somewhat uncomfortable, and she immediately felt bad for asking.
The boy shook his head, dark curls waving about as he did so, “Go ahead.” He gestured for her to sit. She graciously thanked him and took a seat. She figured his awkward expressions were probably nothing, and she had been allowing her anxiety to read into it too much.
That was the extent of their conversation for the next few minutes. She grew more and more anxious in her seat. The silence between her and her new table mate was feeling louder and louder. Class was due to start soon so she thought now was as good a time as any to try to make a new friend, or at least acquaintance.
She turned to face him, a sweet smile adorning her face, “I’m (Y/n), by the way. (Y/n) (Y/l/n).” He had the same look on his face as before. It was almost like he couldn’t believe she was interacting with him. Again, it was replaced almost as quickly as it came. Along with it came a twinge of guilt. Maybe he was shy and she was freaking him out?
A big, goofy smile appeared on his face as he gave her a small, seated bow, “Eddie Munson, at your service.” This made her giggle a little bit. She had a feeling she would get along with Eddie just fine. 
“It’s nice to meet you Eddie.” She smiled and paused, the pulled out her schedule to show him, “Do we have any other classes together?” He examined the piece of paper briefly, “Yeah, a few of ‘em.” 
This interaction was already making her more and more hopeful that her senior year wouldn’t be a bust. “Oh awesome!” She paused, biting her lip nervously. “Today’s actually my first day here.” Another pause followed by a nervous chuckle. “I came to orientation so I-I’m a little familiar with the layout, but...” She trailed off. To her, it felt like asking for help to find her way around might have been too much to ask of someone she just met.
Luckily for her Eddie was ever the extrovert and had no problem offering a helping hand. Smiling once again, “I can walk you to your classes.” His eyes widened a little and he quickly added, “If you want.” 
Eddie was typically not one to get easily flustered. In this moment, however, he could feel his cheeks heating up. This girl was pretty, sweet, and new. She had no idea of his reputation as “The Freak.” He was hoping that, perhaps, if he made a good first impression she wouldn’t head for the hills when she inevitably heard the rumors that were constantly spread about him.
(Y/n) felt her nerves subside at his offer. “I would really like that” Her smile was genuine. Before Eddie could respond the bell rang, signaling that class would officially begin.
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After the first class had ended Eddie made good on his promise to help (Y/n) navigate the school. They had a few classes together that day, but he even insisted on walking her to the ones she didn’t have with him. And by the time the end of those classes rolled around and she made her way to the door- there he was patiently waiting to accompany her to the next. 
Eventually, it was time for lunch. (Y/n) felt the same surge of anxiety that she had felt earlier that morning creeping back up. Sure, Eddie had been very sweet and helped her get where she needed to be, but she didn’t want to expect him to completely take her under his wing. She knew he probably had other friends that he wanted to interact with, as well; and she didn’t want to impose.
After the last class before lunch Eddie was nowhere to be found. She sighed, dejectedly, assuming that he shared the same feelings as she did. 
As soon as she shut her locker she jumped, not realizing that Eddie had been right behind the door. “Jesus, Eddie, you scared me.” She let out a breathy laugh as her hand clutched her chest. “Sorry, (Y/l/n). Didn’t mean to scare ya.” The toothy grin on his face let her know that he was, indeed, not sorry.
“Anyway, I came by to offer you a spot at our table.” He began walking in what she assumed was the direction of the cafeteria. He looked back to see if she followed, slowing down to let her catch up. 
(Y/n) gave him a timid look, “Are you sure? I don’t want to impose or, like, overstay my welcome...” She was a lot more comfortable around Eddie now, and much more comfortable in the school, thanks to him. Still, she didn’t want to take advantage of his kindness or make his friends uncomfortable.
He nodded in response, “Yeah, it’s no problem. You’ll fit right in.” And he hoped she would. He hoped that since they had gotten along so well the same would be able to be said with his friends. Sure, they were a group of nerds, misfits; and she seemed like the complete opposite- pretty, smart, anxious but amiable, and just generally well-rounded, but Eddie could already feel that there was something different about her. 
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The walk to the cafeteria was somewhat awkward. (Y/n) had been silent and stuck in her head the whole way there, scared of meeting a whole new group of people all at once. She knew she was stressed for no reason, she didn’t even know how many would be included in the “we” he mentioned earlier. Normally, she wasn’t such a ball of anxiety but the culmination of fear about college applications, moving, a new school, new friends, new teachers, etc. was overwhelming. 
As the two approached the table she let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding in, telling herself to put on her big girl panties and make a good impression. As she and Eddie strode up she could see the boys at the table stare at her with wide eyes. Of course, this did not help ease the tightness in her chest.
Eddie was the first to speak. Clapping his hands loudly, “Sheep! This is (Y/n).” He grins as he gestures towards her. She gives a shy smile and a wave, looking around at the group in front of her. 
Eddie pulls up a chair next to the empty one reserved for himself and pats it as he sits in his own. She takes a seat and sets her lunchbox down on the table. Looking around, she notices that they’re all wearing the same shirt.
“What’s Hellfire Club?” She asks Eddie, sounding quieter than she had meant to. This question is met with the signature goofy grin he had been sporting for most of the day. “Have you heard of Dungeons and Dragons?”
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The whole lunch period had been not only an introduction to the members of Hellfire, but also to DnD itself. The group explained what they do and what the game is. 
Thankfully, (Y/n) and the boys had gotten much more comfortable with each other by the time the bell rang. Eddie had decided that she would be sitting with them from now on, and much to his delight (and surprise) she had agreed, rather happily, he noticed.
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The end of the day had come quickly. (Y/n)’s last first day of high school was officially over. While she was excited to go home and spend the rest of her day doing as she pleased, she couldn’t help feeling a bit bummed. 
She had enjoyed spending time with her new friend bit more than she’d like to admit, but she figured she should get a start on her studies rather than try to invite herself to tag along with whatever Eddie had planned for the rest of his day.
As she closed her locker and began walking to the parking lot she noticed Eddie making his way over to her. The two chatted for a bit as they walked to her car. Talking about how their days went, and what they had planned for the rest of the afternoon. 
She paused before getting into her car. “Thank you, Eddie, really. I really appreciate you helping me out today.” He felt warmth in his face at her sincerity, “Seriously, it was no problem. I’ll see you tomorrow?” She nodded a bit too eagerly at this, and he let out a soft chuckle.
As he turned to walk away she quickly plopped her bag down on her front seat and began digging around. “Oh, Eddie, wait!” He stopped and turned back to look at her, raising his brow. She quickly tore the corner off a piece of paper from her notebook and scribbled something on it. She mentally cursed herself for how messy her handwriting looked, her hands shook slightly as she wrote; anxiety once again creeping up and settling in her chest. 
“Um...” She began, “This is my home phone number. If you ever wanna talk or hang out or whatever...” (Y/n) tried to sound nonchalant, but she knew her voice sounded unsteady. It would have bothered her more had she not noticed the light dusting of pink on Eddie’s cheeks, or the way his hands lightly trembled as he grabbed the scrap of paper. 
Instead of his signature grin, she was met with a timid-looking smile and a nod. “I’ll take you up on that, (Y/l/n).” And with that he took his leave while she hopped into her car. She hadn’t realized how sweaty her palms were until she grabbed the steering wheel. 
Taking a deep breath, she pulled out of the parking lot and headed home. Unbeknownst to her, a certain metalhead sat in his van staring at the piece of paper the girl had handed him just moments before. He had known since he looked into her sweet (y/e/c) eyes this morning that he was screwed. Only now, he believed he might actually have a chance to become something more than friends.
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Hellcheer AU
Chrissy’s favorite song
Eddie saves Chrissy from Vecna’s curse by singing “Uptown girl” which is Chrissy’s favorite song, how?
she told him her favorite song when they headed back to school that morning after the meeting in the woods
“Oh you were listening music, can I…?” She grabbed the headphones from Eddie’s pockets and puts over her head (in my mind he had his walkman on all the time) Eddie just stare with big eyes and a tint of blush on his cheeks.
“Yes that’s Ozzy he is awesome. Do you like it? “ he needed to ask because well is Crissy Cunningham his crush since middle school and he could tell she liked it by the way Chrissy tried to dance at Ozzy’s rythm.
“Is good, not so heavy from other music I heard out of your van. But I bet you could never guess my favorite song.” She hand him the headphones and continued humming Mr. Crowley. “Well you will never guess so I’m telling you, is a song called Head over heels and the other one is one I dance with my dad is called Uptown Girl by Billy Joel” she giggled and looked away feeling that he was already judging her.
“Oh I’ve heard that song before, uptown girl, I was working on my van and the guys from the mechanics shop played it a lot! And is not so bad actually is catchy”
Chrissy blushed and wanted to kiss him right there, none of her friends or even Jason acknowledge her favorite song and always made fun of her. “Hey Cunningham but if anyone else knows that I, Eddie Munson likes a song that’s not metal you’re so done, you hear me Cunningham?“ he joked treating her with his index finger and Chrissy knew he was just teasing her so she just nodded giggling.
Then at the mysterious ride van he played Billy Joel’ Uptown girl intentionally after Mr. Crowley, and that made Chrissy happy and smiley all the ride.
When Chrissy woke up from Vecna’s curse she ask Eddie if he could borrow one of his shirts because he’s smell made her confortable and that way she could feel closer to him, clean or dirty? He thought (almost all of his clothes were dirty and he just took his hellfire shirt out and give it to Chrissy. “Here, you can have this is not clean tho… but I can …” she placed a kiss on his cheek and smile again. “Is more than perfect, thank you Eddie.”
The way she said his name made him feel like he was someone.
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