Pookie's Diary
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24 | She/Her | MDNI | 18+ |
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pookiesdairy · 1 year ago
GenV: Marie Moreau x Jordan Li
Part 1
Summary : The class schedules are out and Marie finds out that she’s not enrolled into the crimefighting programme. She goes to the school to find out of if there’s been an error on her timetable. When she reaches the office she comes into contact with Professor Brink’s T.A. Jordan Li.
wordcount: 1.6 k
They/them pronouns used for Jordan Li.
currently unedited...
Author's notes: this is just my interpretation of what went down in the first episode lol. The other parts will drift off from the main plot of the show and will contain lots of smut hehehe. Enjoy xxx
Trigger Warning : 18+ only!, corruption kink, power dynamic, public humiliation, angst, punishment undertones, undertones of smut, intense!Jordan, desperate!Marie.
This Fanfic contains A LOT OF SPOILERS BEWARE
Marie takes a deep breath as she steadies herself before opening the main entrance door to the reception area, where she finds someone hunched over the desk leading to the professor’s office.
The person looks oddly familiar. It’s a woman, dark hair cut short, with a round face, delicate soft features with little to no makeup on. Despite herself, Marie sucked in a sharp breath at the sight of her. She had never seen a more beautiful woman, even with a fuckass bob, an oversized sweater, a pearl chocker necklace, and large, obnoxious golden rings on. She can’t stop staring.
Walking closer to the desk, Marie immediately knew damn well who she was. She knew what they were. Yet it didn’t stop her from confirming. "Jordan, right?" Marie asks in awe and continues nervously, “Jordan Li... First of all, you’re awesome—I mean, WOW! Ranked number two in the whole school... I”.
Jordan bored out of their minds and says, `“Yeah, if you want Professor Brink’s autograph, you gotta buy his book”. They must have felt her eyes on them, but they don’t even bother looking up at her as they continue ruffling through papers on the desk. Jordan’s expression remained indifferent, in stark contrast to Marie’s quiet determination.
Marie, still staring intensely and feeling slightly embarrassed, awkwardly stutters, “Oh. No, that’s not why I’m here. Um Uh. There’s clearly been a mistake. I-I signed up for Brink’s Freshmen Intro to Crimefighting, but it’s not in my schedule”. She had only seen Jordan on TV, and this was the first time seeing them in person, so she felt slightly intimidated.
“What’s your name?” Jordan asks her, slowly turning to the computer. "Moreau...Marie" keys immediately start clacking as Jordan looks her up in the system. “Marie Moreau”.
A little smile forms on Jordan’s lips, and they say aloofly, “Oh, yeah, I see the problem. You were rejected”. Marie can barely focus as she stares at Jordan's juicy, plump lips, but the words seem far away. Her skin felt flush.
“Wh-What? What do you mean? I-I , like, quadruple checked the forms,” Marie says pathetically with a look of disbelief all over her face.
Jordan chuckled, eyeing Marie up and down “Yeah, we just don’t have space for everyone”. Marie tensed at the eye contact, her heart racing.
In that moment, Jordan really looked at her and realised how cute she looked, all flustered and desperate. Her little reactions: her fists balled together, legs fidgeting, nose all scrunched up, lips parted, eyes wide and pleading. They felt an odd little rush of excitement in their chests as Marie continued begging and started walking even closer to the desk. “No, but I have to take... Intro. Everyone who majors in crime fighting takes Intro”.
Jordan might have pitied her if she hadn’t made this harder for herself and too easy for them. Everyone knew to never bother Jordan Li and to never waste their precious time. Marie’s pretty little head hasn’t registered it yet.
“Look, most freshmen show up; they think they’ll major in crimefighting, crush their combat and forensics classes, and score a city contract, but they won’t. I mean, you’re competing with kids who have cleared homicide cases and who have over a million followers”.
Jordan inhales deeply and sighs, “And you..." before looking back at a spreadsheet with all of Marie’s stats.
“You don’t even have an Insta” they chuckle mockingly and go back to typing, shooing her with, "Now, I kind of have to get back to this ”.
The harshness of Jordan’s words hurt but also made Marie's stomach flutter and her thighs squeeze together. With a look of annoyance on her face, she asks, “Can I talk to Professor Brink about this?” Jordan immediately responds with a "no," still typing. They then look up at Marie deadpan and say, “I made the call. I’m his T.A.” before going back to looking at the computer. This didn’t stop Marie from arguing with the devil’s shadow. Her stubbornness had already gotten her this far.
Pausing at their words, Marie’s face hardens. “Hold on. This was your  decision?" . There is growing tension in the air as she leans towards Jordan loudly asks, “Who are you to reject me?”. In that instant, Jordan wanted to bend her over their lap and teach her a lesson.
“His T.A.” Jordan retorts with a sexy but smug smile. Marie felt her cheeks heat up at their facial expression and the heat of her arousal in the pit of her stomach, which only made her feel hotter.
The sound of the professor’s door opening cuts through the tension between the two, and they both turn to look at it just as Professor Brinks walks out with a shotgun pointed directly at Jordan.
"Jordan,” the professor calls out, walking towards them before he proceeds to shoot them in the chest.
Jordan leans back, quickly switches to their masculine side, and gets hit with the bullet. They barely flinch and smirk as they move their now large, veiny hand to grab the bullet shell off their sweater and drop it on the desk.
Marie jumps and exclaims, “What the fuck?" in utter shock and horror.
Marie gasps at the sudden transformation. She didn’t want to, but she couldn’t stop herself from noticing Jordan’s hair is even shorter and slicked back, his jaw sharper, his eyebrows thicker, his shoulders broader, and his chest filling out the previously baggier sweatshirt. With a very obvious tent poking his pants. No doubt, Jordan made a very handsome man. Their handsome face was making Marie even more flustered.
Brink laughs heartily: “Goddamn, that’s the fastest draw I’ve ever seen”. Jordan, smirking mischievously, dusts himself off before pointing to the hole in his sweater and saying, “Uh, you're going to need to buy me a new shirt, Professor”. Brink chuckles, "Oh, hey, sorry, champ,” and looks at Jordan he's shadow adoringly before he pulls a white handkerchief from his pocket and begins to wipe his shotgun.
Jordan, in turn, nonchalantly picks up a diary from their desk and starts reading out the professor's schedule. “Good morning, America wants to interview you about ‘how Brink’s technique with super kids can help you with your kid's.".
The professor says, bored “Tell them to read my book”. Marie forced her eyes away from Jordan and quickly said, “I’ve read your book,” staring desperately at the professor. The professor finally looks up from his gun and acknowledges Marie. She continues, “I’ve read all of your books." Jordan rolls their eyes, interrupts her, and says “I’ve already handled this, sir”.
Marie says, “Sir She...” and Jordan sharply looks at Marie, and she looks back and quickly changes her words, “I mean, he... they..." before turning to the professor and finishing, “Rejected me into your intro class. But they’re dead wrong. They don’t know meee”. Marie couldn’t help but let out the whine working its way into her voice, despite her best efforts to hide her simmering anxiety and arousal.
“That so?” The professor replies before shooting Jordan a knowing look of amusement and entertaining her little rant.
He slowly begins to angle his body towards his office as Marie says, “It’s not about the talent; it’s about the drive. Right?” nodding her head in desperation, hoping and longing to hear her childhood hero confirm what she believes to be true. And he nods back, and a glimmer of hope and determination enters her eyes as she says something ragged and desperate. “And that’s me. I could go all the way. I just... I just need a chance ”.
He looks at her with pity, softly pats her head, and says, “Performing Arts is a fine programme," before turning full, walking into his office, and closing the door behind him.
Marie turns to Jordan with a look of dejection in her teary eyes, and she finds them with a full-blown smile on their faces, all their front teeth gleaming under the florescent lighting. Jordan can’t help the laughter that escapes them.
“Fuck you, Jordan." Marie chokes out as Jordan winks at her "Gladly Sweetheart” and gets back to typing as she angrily flips them the bird and stomps out of the office humiliated.
Jordan feels an even larger tingle in their chest and an unfamiliar knot twisted in their neither region. And they assume it’s coming from the adrenaline from getting shot by his mentor. But Jordan has been rock hard for the past 30 minutes.
Staring down at their crotch, Jordan realises that he might have just found something—no, someone—better than the drugs and school ranking—a much more rewarding conquest. How beautiful… How foolish of Marie to almost make an enemy out of the future number one of the school!
Jordan wanted to make her beg. They had to make Marie theirs. They needed to corrupt Marie’s pretty little head and make her know her place. With her kneeling and her chatty mouth snug on their cock and clit.
Jordan knew just who to call to help them with this particular dilemma. They would call Cate. Cate Dunlap.
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