#alpine white
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garageoshi · 2 years ago
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@vlad23i ‘s BMW M3 (E90) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp-uHTAs6r3/
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taevisionceo · 2 years ago
TAEVision 3D Mechanical Design Applications Automotive BMW Bayerische Motoren Werke BMW "aus Freude am Fahren" BMW 5-Series 528i 4DR Sedan Rear-Wheel Drive [2010 Body] Alpine White III [300] "DREAMS IN THE HEART OF AUTUMN" ▸ TAEVision Engineering on Pinterest ▸ TAEVision Engineering on Google Photos
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Data 566 - Aug 26, 2023
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specific90saesthetics · 2 years ago
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colors357 · 8 months ago
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elleniemae · 8 months ago
Rewatched CATWS, fell down the Bucky Barnes Brainrot rabbithole again, and discovered, for the first time (somehow), that in the comics, BUCKY HAS A FREAKING CAT.
Anyway, I ask forgiveness for my lack of Comic Bucky knowledge with this drawing of Bucky and his (emotional support) cat.
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(Manifesting, PLZ MCU give him a cat)
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patches4thechaos · 6 months ago
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I just want him to have his cat pleas (and maybe grow out his hair again 🧍‍♂️ but on his own accords)
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rosebladelive · 17 days ago
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I belive in Alpine supremecy so heres a quick Bucky sketch with Alpine.
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lavenderpanic · 1 year ago
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wintersxldiers · 3 months ago
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honestly I'm so sorry it took me so long to write this but here it is and I hope I did it justice but I'm not sure. I'M SORRY!
warnings: not proofread, quick paced, kinda rushed ending I guess? FLUFF, one tiny tiny kiss, female reader, use of Y/N, Hint of future angst
Word count: 1431
summary: You're a student in college and you get a new History professor but you were not prepared at all for what he may bring to the table, or rather to your heart.
You walked into your favourite class, History. You walked in, clutching your books close to your chest when you noticed something strange. Instead of your usual teacher at the desk there was a young man. He had to be mid twenties, no more, no less. The man had a defined jawline, a scruffy but tidy beard alongside the nicest mop of tousled hair you had ever seen. His glasses sat low on his nose as he looked around the classroom, gazing at every student who walked through the door of the lecture hall. After the majority of the students had entered he began speaking. “afternoon students, my name is Professor Barnes and I will be your new History teacher. A little bit about me, I'm twenty five and just finished my training for teaching, so here I am.” Mr Barnes glanced around the room often catching the majority of the female audience gazing at him with heart eyes. That is apart from one student. You. He kept his gaze on you before speaking up again to take attendance. As he does, he scans the room, focusing on each student as he calls their name. Then it was your turn. “Y/N” he calls out and you raise your hand in response.He averts his gaze back to his paper and smiles to himself, a beautiful name for a beautiful lady.
For the next couple of lessons and lectures you have with Professor Barnes, you can’t help yourself and start to feel yourself becoming more intrigued with him and wanting to talk to him more. One lesson in particular you catch yourself staring multiple times as your professor explains about the Civil Rights Movement. You blush when you realise and you mentally facepalm yourself. You point your gaze down towards your desk for a while before you look up after a while and when you do, you lock eyes with the handsome man that is your professor. You blush slightly and look down, not wanting to make it apparent that you’re flustered. You would rather die than let your professor of all people discover the huge crush you had harboured on this man. 
You had a few small bantering conversations with him, in and out of class. It started with those longing glances, then it was you lingering around his Lecture hall during your free periods and breaks just as an excuse to see him. You always stared at him from afar, sporting heart eyes every time you saw him. You found him funny, both of you sharing the same sense of humour. You would sometimes sit in his class and talk to him about random things, just having small conversations about anything you guys could think about. These conversations never lasted long, fifteen minutes at most, you with your social anxiety couldn’t deal with carrying on a conversation for any longer than that.
However after one particular lecture with him you stay back after class. Upon realising you had stayed back your professor took extra care to usher everyone out of the class. You didn’t really talk much so you wanting to voluntarily stay back and speak to him gave him an overwhelming feeling of dread mixed with excitement at what you wanted to speak about. He wished it wasn’t anything bad though, such as you not enjoying his class or wanting to drop out.
After everyone had been cleared out of the class, you approached his desk. “Professor, I was wondering if I could talk to you about the syllabus and the exam?” you ask nervously, anxiously picking at the skin of your fingers while biting your bottom lip slightly. Both were nervous habits which you had picked up from childhood and you couldn’t seem to let them go. You nervously adjust your glasses and take a breath which is when he responds. “Of course you can, what's going on?” He asks, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against his desk, making direct eye contact with you. You take a deep breath and start asking questions about the syllabus and exams. 
After a couple of minutes of you rambling you start to feel your eyes brim with tears. That was strange, you knew you were a sensitive soul when talking to different people for extended periods of time, because of your social anxiety, but this was next level. You try to blink away the tears behind your glasses but the overwhelming feelings of stress and anxiety alongside social issues  with your friends were eating you up inside and you couldn’t hold back anymore. You felt the hot tears streaming down your face as you tried to wipe them away with the oversized sleeve of your hoodie.”I-I’m sorry sir” You mumble out, wanting the ground to swallow you whole at that point.”hey its okay…” He says softly, as a new teacher he didn't have much experience with dealing with student home issues and feelings, especially that of a teenage girl. “Wanna talk about it?” He asks slowly, wanting to help you but also not wanting you to feel like you’re being forced to confide in him. 
You take a deep breath and start rambling about your problems, Your stress from school, your issues with friends and your anxiety that has been bubbling up inside of you. When you’re done rambling you paused and took a breath and looked at him. You wiped your tears and locked eyes with him “I’m sorry i just dumped that on you…” You mumble and sniffle through your tears, not wanting to come off as unhinged or mentally unstable. “Hey it’s okay Doll, you don’t have to apologise for anything” He reassures you, the nickname ‘Doll’ slipping off his tongue like it's second nature. “I’m your teacher and I wanna help you, that's what i'm here for” He smiles at you, desperate to reassure you that there's no shame in confiding in him. 
He sighs “Y/N I don’t wanna see you like this, it's not a good look” He says and you gulp, fearful of his next comment. “You don't deserve that treatment and you should look for more ways to relieve your stress. You’re a smart woman Y/N, you should give yourself more credit than this…” He comments softly “I really want you to be more confident in who you are Y/N, you’re an amazing person and you need to see that…you need to be shown that.” You don't realise but you start tearing up again at his words, your body slowly gravitating towards him more as he speaks, subconsciously wanting more of his comfort, as much as he could potentially offer. 
He continued to speak about developing your confidence skills and believing in yourself more while you gulped the tears and emotions back down. Your eyes begin to roam freely around his body and face. Both looking like they had been sculpted by the Gods, this man was a work of art and most students knew it. Then, your eyes land on his lips, you knew it was wrong enough to even look at this man in an aspect that he became a hardcore crush, but now? You were screwed, the way you stared at his perfectly round lips as they moved during his motivational speech to you, the way showed how he cared. The admirable way he remembered the little things about you. The way he treated you with kindness and respect, not treating you as inferior to him as a student but as an equal. It felt…comforting in a way, knowing someone was on your team, on your side. 
You slowly bought your gaze up to his eyes instead and locked gazes with him. He looked at you in the eye, "need a hug Doll?" He asked and you hesitated, not knowing if you could control yourself and keep it at just a hug. You nodded after a second and he wrapped you into a bear hug, your head on his chest, directly on top of his heart.
After a while you break apart and your faces are inches apart. You can feel his breath softly fanning your face and you scream internally. You close your eyes and don't speak before you hear him whisper. "Can I kiss you Doll...? please...?" You don't need any form of persuasion before nodding and leaning forward, pressing your lips against his.
He grabs the base of your neck as you kiss before the door of the lecture hall slams open. "what the fuck?!" A voice calls out. Shit.
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ukulelekatie · 6 months ago
buying a giant block of cheese from costco is all fun and games until you are humbled by the knowledge of just how quickly you are capable of singlehandedly consuming an entire giant block of cheese from costco
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alpine-stims · 1 year ago
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Blue jay 🪺 • source
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katdavina8 · 6 months ago
Everyday I curse God for giving Sebastian Stan a cat allergy, leading to us never getting to see Bucky with Alpine.
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carmen-art · 2 years ago
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The Red Peaks - Dolomites, Italy 2023
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grandboute · 4 months ago
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c'est le WE ...
let's go to the mountains
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dearstvckyx · 1 year ago
neighbor!bucky who runs into his neighbor (literally runs into them)
neighbor!bucky who gets home early in the morning and isn’t watching where he's going causing him to run into you and knocking you down
neighbor!bucky who keeps apologizing and helps you up with his human hand. literally won’t stop apologizing.
neighbor!bucky who makes sure your okay and then hurries into his apartment leaving you by yourself, confused.
neighbor!bucky who sits at his dining room table and tries to calm down, only to realize he never caught your name.
neighbor!bucky who gets your mail and holds onto it for 3 days because he doesn’t know how to give it back
neighbor!bucky who just ends up sliding your mail, from a week ago, under your door.
neighbor!bucky who’s relaxing on the roof of your apartment with his cat alpine, when you join them.
neighbor!bucky who finally introduces himself as well as his cat.
neighbor!bucky who talks to (more like listen to) you and realizes how late it was getting.
neighbor!bucky who walks you down back to your respective apartments with alpine perched on his shoulder.
neighbor!bucky who offers help if you ever need it.
neighbor!bucky who gets all flustered when you give him a kiss on the cheek and thank him.
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white-wolf-actually · 1 year ago
Apparently, the avengers have a game they like to play that Sam invented.
It’s called “Steve or Alpine” and they have to guess who I said what to.
Sam is a dead man
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