#alpine goat breeds
sparklehounds · 2 years
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did someone say cow
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pandafishao3 · 3 months
TEASER Breeding/Lactation
YOU GUYS I went right ahead and did it, didn't I. I wrote an AU for my Milk Farm AU where Steve has Bucky as a private little cow hybrid in his own farm instead of a big factory and I am NOT SORRY. The full thing will be posted during Kinktober but for now, please enjoy a little teaser! I am seriously so excited to share this with you all, I cannot WAIT till Kinktober!
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Steve yawned as he poured coffee into a cup and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. The mornings started early out on the farm. The sun had just started climbing over the treeline across the golden rye fields, and it made the rustic kitchen warm and cosy. The little cottage had been in his family for generations, but Steve really felt like he’d added his own personal touch to it by re-painting the kitchen a soft green and building a proper dining room table out of sturdy oak wood. The clunky ceramic cups and white, embroidered curtains all spoke of the work of his mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, however. Steve liked the reminder of them, especially now that he was left to manage the farm alone.
The sound of his cat Alpine jumping on top of the counter and chirping as she trotted towards him made Steve smile. He reached out his hand and she immediately buffed her fluffy, white head against it in a friendly gesture.
“Hi Al. Where you’ve been? Out wreaking havoc in the stables?” he winked at her and she promptly sat down and started licking her paw like she’d never done anything wrong in her whole life. In her mind, she probably ran the whole farm.
Steve huffed out a warm laugh to himself and went back to his coffee. But when he reached into the fridge, he noticed that he was completely out of milk. Oh well. He was heading to the barn anyway – the only reason he was up with the rooster was so he could get the milking done. After pouring Alpine some wet food, Steve took his coffee cup and went outside.
The flannel shirt he was wearing over his worn, patched jeans would be too hot in a few hours, but for now it was just perfect. Steve fondly watched his chicken pick at the corn on the ground as he walked past, and made a mental note to himself to go check on the rhubarb after this. He would need to tinker with the tractor too, since it had been acting up lately and it almost time to bring in the very first harvest of the summer. The barley would be done in a week or so.
But before that, he looked forward to spending the morning with his favourite pet.
“Good morning, my little moo. You up yet?” Steve smiled as he walked into the small barn. In the corner, his two goats and their babies looked up at him lazily and then went back to resting. The kids bleated and then ran out of their hatch to play outside, so Steve was in no hurry to take care of them. They pretty much took care of themselves, and he mostly used them for company and as lawnmowers.
But his little moo was a different story.
“Bucky? Where are you, honey?” he sing-songed as he walked further down the aisle. There, in his stall, his beautiful cow hybrid looked up from the mound of straw and blankets where he slept. His pretty little face instantly lit up in a bright smile and he mooed in that adorable way that only he could. “There you are! Are you still sleeping?” Steve teased him softly and leaned his elbows on the wooden door so he could watch Bucky struggle to get up.
Please let me know if you want any more of these teasers! Love you all <3
“Nooo, m’awake!” Bucky insisted with a cute pout and hurried to untangle himself so he could get to his owner. It wasn’t easy with his little hooves slipping on the floor and his tail getting caught up in the blanket, but he managed to get to his feet and tiptoe all the way to Steve. There, he immediately pushed up against the door and buffed his head against Steve’s chest, cooing happily all the time.
Credit for the header: Evangelitaa on Pinterest
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ekster--exotic · 3 months
The people have spoken, and they wish for Caprine art :)
The winning option for my drawing vote was for goats, and I don’t blame em lol
So, you’re getting daily goat art! :)
This is Day One of drawing one or two goats for a week, enjoy >:)
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Today I went for the two breeds I have on my farm; Alpines and Boers! Personally, I like the Alpines more, but both are wonderful :)
Quick Facts! -Boer-
Boer goats originate from South Africa, and are one of the most lucrative breeds for meat production. Both male and female goats can grow horns. Boers are known for being very docile.
Quick Facts! -Alpine-
These goats came from the Alps, no surprise there, and are highly sufficient in making rich milk. They’re more slender than Boers, along with upright ears. Alpines come in a wide variety of colors :D
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crowsyart · 11 months
Never actually listed everyone out before so here’s the list!
Maka - Desert Hare/Red Fox
Soul - Arapawa Ram (with distant unknown wolf lineage)
Black☆Star - Indian Peacock
Tsubaki - Black Leopard
Kid - Swamp Deer
Liz - Coyote
Patty - Coyote(maybe mixed with terrier breed? Coywolf?)
Crona - Lavender King Snake
Ragnarok - Shield nose cobra
Medusa -Rhinoceros viper
Marie - Cheetah
Stein - Gray Wolf (reptile lineage)
Spirit - Red Fox
Death - Irish Elk
Justin - Alpine Goat
Giriko - Golden Jackal
Eruca - Glass Frog
Mifune - Arctic Fox
Sid - Belgian Draft Horse
Naigus - Gemsbok
Asuza - Border Collie
Angela - Carpet Chameleon
Hero - Lion
Joe - Golden Mole
Arachne - Spider Tailed Horn Viper
Asura - Fallow Deer
White Star - Albino Peacock
Kilik - Asatic Golden Cat
(His weapons) - Flat Headed Cats
Kim - Galapagos pink land iguana
Jackie - Greater rhea
Ox - Yorkshire pig
Harvar - Giant anteater
Vajra-Nilgiri marten
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weedhillfarm · 4 months
Insane how excited i am about martha babies next year… i have to figure out what we’re doing about that though. The plan was to breed her to rockandroll (agnes and santanoni’s father), buuut it would be really nice to be able to keep a doe from her and breed it to santanoni because he’ll be here and it’d be the easiest. I mean, we’ll have agnes who will also need a different buck, so it wouldn’t be a huge deal, but we’d need to find one or figure out ai. ALSO esther is from early this year and is super big and healthy, we could breed her this year too… and santanoni wouldnt be too small for her (martha would be too big for him this year). The other issue is that we’re already at 6 goats we’re keeping, and thats not a lot, but we weren’t really planning on that. We’ll seeeeeee. Also really depends on how hard it’d be to sell kids and how much they’d go for. Last year we didnt have a problem selling roxanne and rudy, but we’re having a lot of trouble finding people for the two alpine bucks we have. It seems like generally nubians sell a lot easier because theyre cute, so that’s good. Showing might also help a bit with trying to find a market for babies
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pleistocene-pride · 5 months
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The Alpine, also known as the french alpine or alpine dairy goat is a breed of domestic goat which originated in the French and Swiss Alps. They are well known for there lean meat, docile temperament, large high quality milk output, and long lactation. Said milk is low in fat and high in sugars, making alpines highly prized and popular dairy goats. They are hardy animals that thrive in a variety of climates, and can be trained to be reliable pack animals. Females reach around 28 to 32 inches (70 to 80inches) tall at the withers and 110 to 155lbs (55 to 70kgs) in weight whilst males are 32 to 40inches (80 to 100cms) tall at the withers and weigh 170 to 220lbs (77 to 100kgs). They are a slimmer, medium sized, graceful yet strong breed characterized by there deep chest, wide hips, straight legs, voluminous udders, straight nose, horns, and large erect ears. The color pattern may range from pure white through shades of fawn, gray, brown, black, red, bluff, piebald or various shadings or combinations of these colors. Both sexes are generally short haired, but bucks usually have a roach of long hair along the spine. The beard of males is also quite pronounced, females may also sport beards. Breeding may occur year round and after a 145 to 155 day pregnancy a mother alpine goat may give birth to 1-2 kids. Under ideal conditions an alpine goat will reach sexual maturity at around 4 to 6 months of age and may live up to 18 years.
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spidermilkshake · 2 years
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Ancardia's Unusual Animals--the Sabrecat (Sabertoothed-Lion, or Nian)
Classification: Beast (feline)
Habitat: Steppe, prairie and highlands throughout the Heartland, northern Akimmia, southern Tvearban, and the West Drakalors.
            Among the largest of Ancardia’s feline species, the Sabrecat (also sometimes called the Sabertooth Lion, and named the Nian in Akmmese) is a solitary predator of the numerous megafauna throughout the open lands and mountainous areas in its range. Its most common prey species are animals like auroch, bison, moose, and mammoth juveniles, though it will also pursue wild boar, bears, horses and other larger animals if it needs to. It is also one of the only wild predatory animals known to intentionally pursue the giant species; it generally ignores all creatures weighing in less than 200 pounds, as they’re not worth the energy of pouncing. The nian varies somewhat in size between an open lands subspecies and an alpine one—with the former being larger by about 20%, and the latter still being an impressive 2.4 meters from nose to tail and weighing an average of 650 lbs. This beast is relatively antisocial, only spending much time around others of its own kind during the mating season and when raising their cubs.
            Nian are broadly built and much more muscular than any other pantherine species, and lacks somewhat in endurance. Instead it relies on the superior stealth given by its gray and brown dappled coat, along with a single speedy charge at less than 10 meters distance from their prey. In a dead sprint the nian can achieve speeds of over 50 mph, though it can only sustain this speed for about ten seconds of so at a time. They spend most of their time resting, very similarly to savannah lions further south, and usually have between 2 and 6 cubs in the mid springtime. The cubs have a far different, almost matte black coloration, and lay hidden from potential dangers while the mother hunts. The cubs will nurse for about six weeks, growing rapidly, before they begin to eat solid food brought to them by their mother. At about five months of age, the nian cubs begin to shed their darker coats and start hunting small animals like marmots, rabbits, and wild goats, though they still rely on their mother very much for protection and food. At about 1 year of age, the nian cubs are mostly full grown, though they aren’t considered of breeding age until they are 2 years. The half-grown cubs disperse from their mother’s territory as soon as they are able and begin hunting for themselves full time—though, youthful ineptitude and an opportunistic habit may mean that the youngest sabrecats are prone to scavenging carrion, chasing smaller predators from their kills, and attacking livestock. If a sabrecat survives to be 2 years old, it can generally be expected to have a lifespan between 12 and 20 years, barring accidents in hunting the giant animals of its range.
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magdasabs · 2 years
"In 2005, as the winner of the downhill at Val d'Isère, Vonn was offered a pregnant Tarine cow, a locally popular dairy breed. As most skiers do not want to keep livestock, she was offered the option to sell the animal immediately back to the organizers for EUR 5,000. However, Vonn decided to keep it, as she knew a farmer in Austria who would be willing to take care of the cow, who she named Olympe. In 2009, she won a goat, which she gave to a different farmer in Austria. In 2014, she won a calf in Val d'Isère, which she kept as well. As of 2014, she owned a small herd of cows on the farm."
alpine skiing prizes just hit different
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rabbitcruiser · 3 months
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Food on Board
Switzerland has a strong and ancestral dairy farming and cheesemaking tradition. The breeding of cattle, sheep and goats for milk is attested in the Neolithic period and, since Antiquity, cheese has been exported from the Alpine regions. The rugged nature of the country makes approximately 80% of the agricultural land unsuitable for cultivation, which is therefore mainly exploited for cattle and sheep farming. This mode of exploitation has forged a large part of the Swiss landscape, in the Alps, the Jura and on the Swiss Plateau.
Today, cheese dairies and mountain pastures in Switzerland produce nearly 500 varieties of cheese, not counting fresh cheeses. Most of these, and all the ones very well known internationally, are semi-hard Alpine or Swiss-type cheeses such as Emmental and Gruyère. Dairy products in general are highly appreciated throughout the country, with butter and cream being classic ingredients of Swiss cuisine.
Cheese is a food of high nutritional value, composed of proteins, lipids, water and mineral salts, made from cow's milk (cattle), sheep's milk or goat's milk, to which has been added lactic ferments or rennet. In Switzerland, over 475 varieties of cheese are produced, in a wide variety of flavors, textures, and forms. Cow's milk is used in about 99 percent of the cheeses Switzerland produces. The remaining share is made up of sheep milk and goat milk.
Cheese is considered to be part of Switzerland's national heritage. It has become, together with chocolate, an archetypal Swiss food product. Swiss cheeses are known around the world for their flavour and authenticity. The export of these cheeses, some 40% of production in 2019, is also economically important for Switzerland. Each year, the Swiss themselves consume at least 22 kg of the dairy product per capita.
The best known Swiss cheeses are of the class known as Swiss-type cheeses, also known as Alpine cheeses, a group of hard or semi-hard cheeses with a distinct character. These notably include Emmental, Gruyère, Appenzeller and Sbrinz (the hardest), among many others. These are traditionally made in large rounds or "wheels" with a hard rind, to provide longevity to the shelf-life. They were also robust enough for transportation. Gruyère and Emmental are sometimes referred to as the "kings of cheeses".
Among notable hard but softer cheeses are Vacherin Fribourgeois and Raclette. A large number of other cheeses, called Mutschli are also made throughout Switzerland. In the same category is the Formaggella.
Soft cheeses notably include Vacherin Mont d'Or. Numerous local variants of Tommes are also made in western Switzerland.
Ziger or Sérac is the most notable example of fresh cheese. It is the by-product of the manufacture of cooked pressed cheeses, such as Gruyère or Emmental. It was also a staple food for mountain dwellers. Goat milk is often used for fresh cheeses, especially in southern Switzerland. Quark cheese is also very popular in Switzerland.
Cheese is commonly used in Swiss cuisine. Fondue and Raclette, which are melted cheese dishes, have become among the most popular dishes in the country.
Source: Wikipedia
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aquatigermice · 2 years
Re: New Years Goals: 2023
Progress: As Jan 26 2023
Need to Finish:
Stucky war/recovery story.  Part 1 Words: 8184
Joe\Mimi story that been working on since 2001 Word count NA 41pgs written double sided 
Blue       Words:1710
Circus      Words: 1391
Horse 2   Words: 1616
Tsum     Words: 1400
Rain2    Words: 612
Crowley 1,2,3    Words: 2000
Sbt abo        Words: 7221  
Goat Steve      Words:1743
Ruq      Words: 2461
A/B moon       Words: 4447  
Adoc      Words: 5291
Mamb 2022       Words:2386
Baby clone     Words: 1795
Alpine       Words: 679
Cas      Words: 1804
Chris baby       Words: 9421
Ralsbeck     Words: 761
Aot p2    Words: 4212
Freakin done son!!!:
Bond ballet      Words: 21228
Gif     Words: 40733
Beast      Words:14581
Pooches 3     Words: 14156
Pooches 2      Words: 12482
Pooches 1      Words: 14256
stucky war pt2     Words: 39852
soulmark      Words: 3352
ao      Words: 6940
wolf     Words: 4064
lib      Words: 12535
Ride 2      Words: 2177
Since we didn't do an update in 2021 or 2022 I am doing that now.
When Your Isosceles Triangle Turns Out To Be Equilateral aka val 1   Words: 2845
Coming Home aka 7 pbge   Words: 7996
The Long Hours to Dawn. aka Fix 2  Words: 4258
Got to See a Man About a Haircut aka Fix 3  Words: 1645
Thunder Off the Rocks  aka fix it 4 thor  Words: 3430
A Matter of Pride aka lion king    Words: 5877
The Woes of the Ice Planet Saga: Part 2  aka Wotips   Words: 4780
Baby, What Can You Do With Those Arms? aka Hog1   Words: 4141
We Are So Much More Than What You Can See. aka hog 2   Words: 7504
What Would You Do For Your Love? The End aka runt 3   Words: 5,221
Anthony Stark and the Monsters of the Deep aka ray steve Words: 6597
The End   Words: 7,254
A Warrior's Love and A Wizard's Path aka wizard tribe   Words: 28563
Point Me Home aka time     Words: 6828
Only in My Dreams Am I Happy  aka mate   Words: 6562
Where There is Light, the Darkness Follows aka soldier    Words: 2919
Under Your Lights aka Gus    Words: 5031
Summer's Moon and Winter's Sun aka Sbtl/ Supernatural        Words: 14297
The Cold Isn't All That Bad aka hitlikehammer    Words: 7502
Why Did the Falcon Climb the Tree? nest 2    Words: 1594
Beauty With Brains a Dangerous Combination aka loki.     Words: 7529
A Place of Our Own aka viz wand     Words: 12907
Reading a Shadow aka Shadow       Words: 7554
On the Edge of Time and Space aka sheRa     Words: 29075
Goose games     Words:1849
A Prince's Winter Wonderland Challenge aka Goldilocks      Words:14563
The Assessing and Acquisition of Assets  aka team16     Words: 24671
Reclaiming Our Place in the World aka team47     Words: 32408
America's Ass  aka Ass      Words: 4581
The Bond Between Caretaker and Animal aka Breed 2    Words: 11522
Calendar Pets aka Calendar      Words: 8915
Not All Fires Are Bad aka Fire dog      Words: 10010
I Volunteer!!!!  aka volunteer          Words: 20562
Read It In A Fic Once aka fan fic    Words: 8955
Devotion aka breed 3  Words: 2940
• solar system
• Angels, demons, and humans
• God Thor
• Gkotm (really excited to start this one)
• Other ideas in the handy dandy notebook. Combining some ideas
Charities stories:
• Destiel handprint 
• Stucky Nemo
• Plums this one in the works. Already posting :)
• White wolf
• Dragon 
• Goose 
Charities art:
• Godzilla
Other stuff:
• I want to support at least 2 charities. 
• Co-write a story
• Post 12 story. 
• Be in a 4 fan event 
• Make a zine :)
Most important must do no ifs and or buts:
1. Stop starting stories until I finish some more: Have 20 starts. Lots of notes. not doing better Lol 
2. Finish typing pooches: 3/4 done
3. Finish Stucky war/recovery story pt 
4. Start part twos to stories: (Rain, horse (started), pooches 4, fix it 5, fanfic 2) 
5. Comment more on the stories I read Even if it is great read or good story:   :) doing this well..
6. Keep page for Tsums going: Still on Instagram 
7. Be in an auction: did in 2021
8. Clear out old stories: working on
9. Talk to more authors: Have joined four new discords :)
10. Edit all posted works: done
11. Do a whole year event: in progress
0 notes
downtoearthmarkets · 2 years
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It’s time to say “Cheese!” and bask in all your greatest cheesiness glory because it’s National Cheese Lover’s Day tomorrow, Friday, January 20th! Fortunately for all the cheese fans out there, locally produced, artisanal cheese is a mainstay at your local farmers market throughout the year, with the colder months being a great time to indulge in an array of fromage-forward delights and recipes. Cheese has been produced in this country since the early 17th century when English Puritan dairy farmers brought their cheesemaking techniques with them from the Old World to the American colonies. Cheesemaking has a long history in the northeast region stretching all the way from Vermont’s green mountains to the verdant pastures of New York State’s Hudson Valley. These days, you can find award-winning cheeses at your local farmers market that will rival even the finest European imports. These unique artisanal creations will delight your palette while adding plenty of flair and distinctive flavors to your next cheese board or cheese-based recipe: Specialty Cheese Today’s American cheesemakers are not controlled by the same traditions and regulations that govern much of European cheesemaking. This broad creative license has allowed entrepreneurial artisans to experiment with and invent highly specialized cheeses that are typically handcrafted and only produced in small batches. Their cheeses are made using high quality milks sourced from nearby dairies which imbues their creations with unique flavor profiles evocative of the local terroir, much like wine. Farmers markets provide these local cheesemakers with an ideal venue through which to introduce their niche offerings to a broader audience of enthusiastic, gastronomically minded shoppers. Perhaps no one embodies this epicurean phenomenon better than Hudson Valley-based cheesemaker Colin McGrath, whose singular creations have garnered him a loyal following amongst market regulars. A visit to the McGrath Cheese Company booth is always a must-do in order to sample their range of delicately complex, beautifully wrapped and descriptively named cheeses including Rascal (semi-firm, elastic, nutty, mild, alpine-like), Hootenanny (semi-firm, beer washed) and Bambino (soft, pungent, washed rind). Mozzarella Mozzarella is traditionally a southern Italian cheese made from milk produced by a breed of water buffalo indigenous to the Italian peninsula. The variety that you’ll find in your farmers market is typically made from cow's milk or a mixture of cow's and goat's milk sourced from local dairies, as very little water buffalo milk is commercially available in the United States. This versatile cheese is handmade by repeatedly kneading and pulling on curds during a process called pasta filata that results in its signature stretchiness. Mozzarella fresca is then formed into round balls that are packed in brine, whey or a water solution to retain moisture and shape. If you’re looking to indulge in a truly dreamy treat, Stracciatella cheese takes mozzarella to the next level in terms of its sheer decadence and milkiness. Stracciatella is made by soaking pulled mozzarella curds in vats of heavy cream. Amp up your next cheese board by including a bowl of farmers market Stracciatella drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with a little sea salt and freshly ground black pepper for dolloping on crackers or slices of crusty bread. Alternatively, you can serve spheres of delicate Burrata which burst open to reveal a creamy Stracciatella filling encased in an outer shell of mozzarella. Burrata is delicious as an accompaniment to roasted vegetables or spooned over hot pasta and soups. Cheddar Originating in the quaint English village of Cheddar in Somerset, cheddar cheese is now produced all over the world and is the second most widely consumed cheese in the United States after mozzarella. While some processed and packaged cheese sold in supermarkets is labeled as “cheddar”, the kind you’ll find in the farmers market is typically handcrafted using only the best milk sourced from small New York State dairies and aged for several months to achieve its complex flavors. You will sometimes discover unusual cheddar varieties in the market such as farmhouse style, dill and smoked. Thanks to its savory heartiness, cheddar is the perfect candidate to use in a variety of winter comfort foods such as baked mac & cheese, potatoes au gratin and grilled cheese sandwiches. Alongside the slabs of cheddar cheese on display in the farmers market booths, you’ll often find tubs of “cheddar bites” for sale. To make these scrumptious little snacks, cheese curd is pulled from the vat during the cheesemaking process before its pressed into blocks for aging, then salted and cut into bite size pieces. Rubbery, buttery cheddar cheese curds melt beautifully atop poutine and work great as a substitute for gruyère in French onion soup. Feta and Goat Cheese One of the oldest cheeses in the world, feta is a crumbly, white-colored Greek cheese. It is traditionally made using sheep or goat’s milk but can also be made from cow’s milk which is the most common variety that you’ll find in the farmers market. Feta is typically packaged in small blocks submerged in brine in order to intensify flavor, retain softness, and extend its freshness and lifespan. While most people associate feta with a classic summery Greek salad, it is also delicious in a variety of hot dishes including Spinach Feta Grilled Cheese, Tiropita (a layered Greek cheese and egg pie) and in this Baked Feta and Butternut Squash Pasta with Sage and Garlic recipe. If goat’s cheese is what you seek, you can typically find a range of soft and spreadable artisanal chèvre in the farmers market, from plain to flavored varieties made using locally sourced ingredients. Share
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kariachi · 2 years
I am still on the critters on Mari’s farm so...
The pigs are easy. Originally she did berkshires on pasture and silvopasture, fresh out of college, then added tamworths, then Triath followed her home and now she does tamworths and berkshire/whatever-the-fuck-Triath-is crosses. At best he’s a feral hog (far removed from where they’re common...) and at worst he’s some sort’ve not-pig that’s decided he likes Mari. Normal numbers for the breeders are two boars with seven sows each, which doesn’t sound like much but at about 8 piglets a sow twice a year that’s about 220 piglets a year she’s breeding out. There’s a reason she eventually cracked and hired somebody on. Some piglets get sold as breeding stock, show stock, or feeder pigs (Triath’s get are in high demand as breeders, they grow well and somehow have good temperaments) but the vast majority go to the butcher and are sold as either basic cuts, sausage, or smoked meat- the latter two she does in-house with a portion of the meat she gets back. Most of the meat is sold- local farmers’ market, pre-ordered by local buyers, shipped to restaurants, shipped to non-local buyers (fun fact: in the ‘present’ Monette only buys pork products from this farm for Monette Reasons)- but in true country fashion some of it is traded for things, some goes in the freezer, some goes to charity. She also sells lard, fat for making lard and soap, soup bones, skin, cracklins, and offal- mostly in the form of dog food because that’s the local market and it does her well.
The goats are inherited, technically. Her grandmother kept goats and she’s attached to the whole ‘having goats around’ thing. Plus, she’s developed a taste for goat milk that grabbing cow from the store cannot satisfy. Keeps alpines, four does that she AIs once a year, averaging eight kids between them. The milk she doesn’t use in-house gets turned into butter and cheese which is also used in-house or sold, with the leftovers from that supplementing the pig feed. Lowers costs some. Most of the kids get sold, either post-slaughter or live animals, and whatever of them she can’t sell also go in the freezer.
And finally the chickens, which mostly free range. They’re not Marian’s, they’re Jadie’s, but they live on the farm because, fuck it there’s space and Jadie lives there too. Right now primarily they’re working off a neighbor’s old flock- decided to move nearer to the grandkids and sold the flock off cheap- about ten hens, a mix of orpingtons, rhode island reds, wyandottes, and a single easter egger. They also order in about two dozen delawares every year to raise up for meat. They sell most of the meat, with a chunk going to family- sort’ve a ‘I know you don’t know I’m working as a farmhand but sorry for quitting my job and becoming a farmhand’ (as far as their family knows these are all the chickens they raise and it’s a hobby the farmer they’re doing marketing for helps them with)- and the eggs that aren’t used in-house (they eat about a dozen a week, they get ~5.5 dozen while the hens are laying) are sold. Mostly as homemade mayonnaise, but also they’re gauging interest in prepared eggs (pickled, smoked, salted, etc). Only offering pickled right now (they tried for more ‘exotic’ fair straight off, but no dice, gotta ease these country folk into it) but they’re selling out of them so it’s a start. The things you do when the fresh egg market in your area is swamped. They sell their products at the farmers’ market, same booth as Marian’s shit. The plan is to expand the business over time, eventually get their own self-sustaining dual-purpose flock together.
All together they’re both making a profit. Not much of one on Jadie’s end just yet, but Marian is making enough to set aside some decent savings for the future- whether that bring emergencies, a family, or just having to retire- while being able to insure Jadie and pay them slightly above the average wage for a farmhand in their area. Thankfully Jadie doesn't have to worry too much about bills, they’re living on the farm free of charge and have no college debt, so they’re working on a pretty nice nest-egg themselves to be used either to start a family someday or handle emergency expenses or buy a farm of their own.
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chickens-farm · 3 years
An original breed of goat, the French-Alpine hails from the Alps. Compared with Swiss goats imported from Switzerland, Alpine goats imported from France show more variation in size, uniformity, and production.
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broodygaming · 3 years
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So Ava is due in like 5 days. ❤️🐐❤️
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ainawgsd · 6 years
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The Oberhasli is a modern American breed of dairy goat. It derives from the subtype of Chamois Colored Goat from the Oberhasli district of the Bernese Oberland in central Switzerland. All purebred members of the breed descend from five Chamois Colored Goats imported to the United States in 1936. A breeder's association was formed in 1977, and a herdbook established in the following year. Until then, goats of this type had been known as Swiss Alpine, and interbred with Alpine goats of other types.
Standards for the Oberhasli are published by the American Dairy Goat Association and by the American Goat Society.
The coloring of the breed is called "chamoisée" or "chamoisee" for its perceived resemblance to the colors of the wild Alpine chamois. The coat is bay or mid-brown, with black markings consisting of two black facial stripes through the eyes to the muzzle, a black forehead, a black dorsal stripe or mule stripe, and black belly and lower limbs. Does, but not bucks, may also be solid black.
Mature goats are medium in size. Bucks range in height from 30–34", and does 28–32", with weights of 100–150 pounds. While the does are a dependable source of milk, bucks and wethers are also useful as pack animals because of their strength and calm demeanor. Some goat packers prefer Oberhaslis because they are said to be less fearful of water and other trail obstacles than are other breeds.
Oberhasli goats were first imported to the United States in the early 1900s, though it was not until 1936 that purebred herds were established and maintained. The breed was initially called the Swiss Alpine. Its registrations were included in the Alpine studbook, and its genetics contributed to the Alpine breed. In 1977, the breed name Oberhasli was adopted, and registration records were separated from the Alpines. This evolution of the breed’s name and identification has been one reason that its population in the United States has remained fairly small. 
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gwendolynlerman · 2 years
93 English words that derive from place names
This is not a comprehensive list and focuses only on Europe and Mediterranean countries. It excludes cheese and wines.
All definitions taken from Wiktionary, excluding definitions that refer to nationalities.
academia (the Academy, Greece, an Athenian gymnasium where Plato taught): the scientific and cultural community engaged in higher education and research, taken as a whole.
afro (Africa): hairstyle characterized by tightly curled locks and a rounded shape.
alpine (the Alps): of, relating to, or inhabiting mountains, especially above the timberline.
Alsatian (Alsace, France): a German shepherd dog.
angora (Ankara, Turkey): an angora cat; a goat of a domesticated breed that produces mohair; a rabbit belonging to the Angora rabbit breed, one of the oldest domestic breeds of rabbits in the world, raised chiefly in Europe for its silky and long hair (a subspecies of the European rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus).
Armageddon (Tel Megiddo, Israel): (Christianity, Islam) Mount Megiddo, the site of a prophesied final battle between the forces of good and evil; (by extension) the battle itself.
Armagnac (Armagnac, France): a brandy made in the region of Armagnac.
attic (Attica, Greece): the space, often unfinished and with sloped walls, directly below the roof in the uppermost part of a house or other building, generally used for storage or habitation.
badminton (Badminton House, an estate in Gloucestershire, United Kingdom): a racquet sport played indoors on a court by two opposing players (singles) or two opposing pairs of players (doubles), in which a shuttlecock is volleyed over a net and the competitions are presided by an umpire in British English and a referee in American English.
balaclava (Balaklava, Ukraine): a type of warm headgear covering the neck, head, and often part of the face, with apertures left as necessary, often made out of wool.
bayonet (Bayonne, France): a pointed instrument of the dagger kind fitted on the muzzle of a musket or rifle, so as to give the soldier increased means of offense and defense. Originally, the bayonet was made with a handle, which needed to be fitted into the bore of the musket after the soldier had fired.
bedlam (Bedlam, United Kingdom, alternative name of the English lunatic asylum, Bethlem Royal Hospital): a place or situation of chaotic uproar, and where confusion prevails.
beyond the pale (The Pale, Ireland): of a person or their behaviour: outside the bounds of what is acceptable, or regarded as good judgment, morality, etc.
Bible (Byblos, Lebanon): the main religious text in Christianity.
bohemian (Bohemia, Czech Republic): an unconventional or nonconformist artist or writer.
bolognese (Bologna, Italy): an Italian sauce made of ground meat and tomato.
bugger (Bulgaria): a heretic; (Britain law) someone who commits buggery; a sodomite.
Byzantine (Byzantium [present-day Istanbul], Turkey): overly complex or intricate.
cardigan (Cardigan, United Kingdom): a type of sweater or jumper that fastens up the front with buttons or a zipper, usually machine- or hand-knitted from wool.
Caucasian (Caucasus): of a racial classification pertaining to people having certain phenotypical features such as straight, curly, or wavy hair and very light to brown pigmented skin, and originating from Europe, parts of Northern Africa and Central, South, and Western Asia.
chartreuse (Chartreuse Mountains, France): a yellow or green liqueur made by Carthusian monks; a greenish-yellow colour.
coach (Kocs, Hungary): a wheeled vehicle, generally drawn by horse power.
cognac (Cognac, France): a brandy distilled from white wine in the region around Cognac in France.
cologne (Cologne, Germany): a type of perfume consisting of 2-5% essential oils, 70-90% alcohol and water.
copper (Cyprus): a reddish-brown, malleable, ductile metallic element with high electrical and thermal conductivity, symbol Cu, and atomic number 29.
cordovan (Córdoba, Spain): a leather from Córdoba originally of tanned goatskin later of horsehide.
cravat (Croatia): a wide fabric band worn as a necktie by men having long ends hanging in front.
Dalmatian (Dalmatia, Croatia): one of a breed of dog with a short, white coat with dark spots.
damask (Damascus, Syria): an ornate silk fabric originating from Damascus.
Danish (Denmark): a sweet and flaky yeast-raised roll made from a dough using butter or margarine and filled with remonce (butter and sugar) or custard.
denim (“de Nîmes” [from Nîmes], France): textile often made of cotton with a distinct diagonal pattern.
derby (from the Epsom Derby horse race, in Derbyshire, United Kingdom): any of several annual horse races.
dollar (Joachimstal [present-day Jáchymov], Czech Republic): official designation for currency in some parts of the world, including Canada, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, and elsewhere. Its symbol is $.
duffel bag (Duffel, Belgium): a large, cylindrical, duffel cloth bag used to carry personal gear, especially by soldiers. 
fez (Fez, Morocco): a felt hat in the shape of a truncated cone, having a flat top with a tassel attached.
frankfurter (Frankfurt, Germany): a  moist sausage of soft, even texture and flavor, often made from mechanically recovered meat or meat slurry.
frankly (the Franks, France and Germany): in a frank or candid manner, especially in a way that may seem too open, excessively honest, or slightly blunt.
geyser (The Great Geysir, Iceland): a boiling natural spring which throws forth at frequent intervals jets of water, mud etc., driven up by the expansive power of steam.
jeans (Genoa, Italy): a pair of trousers made from denim cotton.
jersey (Jersey, United Kingdom): a garment knitted from wool, worn over the upper body.
hamburger (Hamburg, Germany): a hot sandwich consisting of a patty of cooked ground beef or a meat substitute, in a sliced bun, sometimes also containing salad vegetables, condiments, or both.
hollandaise (Holland, the Netherlands): an emulsion of butter and lemon juice using egg yolks as the emulsifying agent, used in French cooking.
italics (Italy): letters in an italic typeface. 
laconic (Laconia, Greece): using as few words as possible; pithy and concise.
lesbian (Lesbos, Greece): (of a woman) homosexual, gay; preferring mostly or exclusively women as romantic or sexual partners.
limerick (Limerick, Ireland): a humorous, often bawdy verse of five anapestic lines, with the rhyme scheme aabba, and typically having a 8–8–5–5–8 cadence. 
limousine (Limousin, France): an automobile body with seats and permanent top like a coupe, and with the top projecting over the driver and a projecting front.
magenta (Magenta, Italy): a vibrant light purple, purplish-red, reddish-purple, or pinkish purple color obtained by mixing red and blue light (thus a secondary color), but primary in the CMYK color system used in printing.
magnet (Magnesia, Greece): a piece of material that attracts some metals by magnetism.
Maltese (Malta): a small breed of dog with a long silky coat.
marathon (Marathon, Greece): a 42.195 kilometer (26 mile 385 yard) road race.
mausoleum (Mausolus, ruler of Caria, Turkey): a large stately tomb or a building housing such a tomb or several tombs.
mayonnaise (Maó, Spain): a dressing made from vegetable oil, raw egg yolks and seasoning, used on salads, with french fries, in sandwiches etc.
meander (Büyük Menderes River, Turkey): one of the turns of a winding, crooked, or involved course.
muscovite (Moscow, Russia): a pale brown mineral of the mica group, being a basic potassium aluminosilicate with the chemical formula KAl2(Si3Al)O10(OH,F)2; used as an electrical insulator etc.
muslin (Mosul, Iraq): any of several varieties of thin cotton cloth.
Neanderthal (Neandertal, Germany): old-fashioned, opposed to change.
Nokia (Nokia, Finland): a phone produced by the Nokia company.
Olympics (Olympia, Greece): an international multi-sport event (inspired by the ancient festival) taking place every fourth year
ottoman (Turkey): an upholstered sofa, without arms or a back, sometimes with a compartment for storing linen etc.
paisley (Paisley, Scotland): a motif of a swirling droplet.
parchment (Pergamon [present-day Bergama], Turkey): material, made from the polished skin of a calf, sheep, goat or other animal, used like paper for writing.
peach (Persia [present-day Iran]): a tree (Prunus persica), native to China and now widely cultivated throughout temperate regions, having pink flowers and edible fruit.
pilsner (Pilsen, Czech Republic): a pale, light lager beer.
polonium (Poland): a rare, highly radioactive chemical element (symbol Po) with atomic number 84.
Pomeranian (Pomerania, Germany and Poland): a breed of small, fluffy, energetic toy dogs in the canine family of spitzes. 
quince (Kydonia, Greece): the pear-shaped fruit of a small tree of the rose family, Cydonia oblonga.
romantic (Rome, Italy): of a work of literature, a writer etc.: being like or having the characteristics of a romance, or poetic tale of a mythic or quasi-historical time; fantastic.
Rottweiler (Rottweil, Germany): a very large muscular breed of dog of German origin with black fur and tanned markings.
rugby (Rugby, United Kingdom): a form of football in which players can hold or kick an ovoid ball; rugby football. The ball cannot be handled forwards and points are scored by touching the ball to the ground in the area past the opponent’s territory or by kicking the ball between goalposts and over a crossbar.
samaritan (Samaria, Palestine): a person who gives help or sympathy to someone in distress.
sandwich (Sandwich, United Kingdom): a dish or foodstuff where at least one piece, but typically two or more pieces, of bread serve(s) as the wrapper or container of some other food. 
sardines (Sardinia, Italy): any one of several species of small herring which are commonly preserved in olive oil or in tins for food, especially the pilchard, or European sardine Sardina pilchardus (syn. Clupea pilchardus). The California sardine Sardinops sagax (syn. Clupea sagax) is similar. The American sardines of the Atlantic coast are mostly the young of the Atlantic herring and of the menhaden.
sardonic (Sardinia, Italy): scornfully mocking or cynical.
scotch (Scotland, United Kingdom): whisky distilled in Scotland, especially from malted barley.
sienna (Siena, Italy): a form of clay containing iron and manganese.
solecism (Soli, Turkey): an erroneous or improper usage. 
spa (Spa, Belgium): a health resort near a mineral spring or hot spring.
spaniel (Spain): any of various small to medium-sized breeds of gun dog having a broad muzzle, long, wavy fur and long ears that hang at the side of the head, bred for flushing and retrieving game.
spartan (Sparta, Greece): austere, frugal, characterized by self-denial.
spruce (Prussia [present-day Germany]): any of various large coniferous evergreen trees or shrubs from the genus Picea, found in northern temperate and boreal regions; originally and more fully spruce fir.
suede (Sweden): a type of soft leather, made from calfskin, with a brushed texture to resemble fabric, often used to make boots, clothing and fashion accessories.
swede (Sweden): the fleshy yellow root of a variety of rape, Brassica napus var. napobrassica, resembling a large turnip, grown as a vegetable.
tangerine (Tangier, Morocco): any of several varieties of mandarin oranges.
tarantula (Taranto, Italy): any of the large, hairy New World spiders comprising the family Theraphosidae.
Trojan horse (Troy, Turkey): a subversive person or device placed within the ranks of the enemy.
turkey (Turkey): a bird in the genus Meleagris with a fan-shaped tail and wattled neck, especially the wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo, now domesticated).
turquoise (Turkey): a sky-blue, greenish-blue, or greenish-gray semi-precious gemstone.
tweed (River Tweed, United Kingdom): a coarse woolen fabric used for clothing.
vaudeville (Vallée de Vire [valley of the river Vire], France): a style of multi-act theatrical entertainment which originated from France and flourished in Europe and North America from the 1880s through the 1920s.
volcano (Mt. Etna, Italy, believed to be the forge of Vulcan, the Roman god of fire): a vent or fissure on the surface of a planet (usually in a mountainous form) with a magma chamber attached to the mantle of a planet or moon, periodically erupting forth lava and volcanic gases onto the surface.
wellies (Wellington, United Kingdom): Wellington boots
wiener (Vienna, Austria): a sausage made from beef, chicken or pork.
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