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mostspecialgirl · 11 months ago
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6 monsters doodles
as it usually tends to happen, some rambling under the cut
i’ve been revisiting the concept of 'straychildren', initially intended to be introduced in I AM GARY, being the potential product of the class of relics (is this the first time i’m actually talking about relics on here?) which are able to harbour wills of their own, (heirlooms) that hold the unique potential to subsume canvas energy by weaning off their user, all for the purpose of 'becoming complete' (seeing as relics themself are all but incomplete lumps of latent canvas energy able to manifest in a more meaningful form) leading to 'heirloom blossoming', a state where a relic is able to to 'properly come to form', typically disturbing fate and causality within a plane, much to the tune of sinai being birthed from primordial pools. straychildren are walking natural disasters whose very existence threatens the stability of their plane, sentient piles of existential irradiation who eat away and rewrite the very lines of destiny so cherished by the conductors. tldr; it’s cool shit!
on revisiting this concept, i was like, wow, straychildren are as cool as always, but they’re purely theoretical existence, seeing as rigel and spica are heirloom killers in the plane that holds the greatest abundance of heirlooms which are already a rare existence as is. Until i considered: what’s separating someone like Omecroth, a treasure automaton who has reached the peak of treasury, being classified as a Relic Automaton from being considered a heirloom? the answer? one was created by paris, and that’s it. there is NOTHING stopping omecroth from blossoming into a straychild. if anything, that’s probably what omecroth WANTS at the end of the day; if sheNs on the hunt destroying inferior treasures and relics, isn’t all that canvas energy she’s picking up on the way eventually going to cause her to undergo heirloom blossoming?
so, i think i’ve started to fully recognize the potential behind omecroth’s character arc within stories containing the 6 monsters. i think that’s neat!
i also wonder if i should change the name of straychildren seeing as the kpop group straykids is now a thing. I dunno! i’ll work something out, even if that 'something' is settling for nothing! thanks for reading this far why would you do that this is nonsense
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s0fter-sin · 2 months ago
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idk why it wouldn’t let me answer this @kissmesharman but i absolutely love this, ghost not knowing how to process his omegan traits, to allow himself to be the one who is vulnerable and be protected instead of protecting is so ‼️ being soft, being open and accepting always came with consequences; it was always met with pain and betrayal and you only have to learn a lesson so many times before it sticks
the insidious ways roba and his ilk tried to force him into complacency, using their pheromones and rumbling and scruffing to trick his instincts into submitting- all they did was make ghost bury his omega so deep inside, he almost laughed at the irony of his own burial. even after he’s exhumed, he doesn’t hear it for years; naturally doesn’t heat even without suppressants, doesn’t purr, doesn’t feel that innate safety an alpha’s presence is supposed to bring
just being near other designations calms you down, whether they’re family, pack or even strangers thrown together in too-cramped barracks. it levels out your hormones, gives you people to act your instincts out on, and it’s never a surprise to walk into the cherries’ barracks and find them all tucked inside the resident omega’s nest; discordant purrs and chuffs layering over each other, too-big feet tangled together, still young enough for the milky smell of pup to cling to the edges of their scent especially clumped together like this. a lot of them won’t make it through selection, won’t find pack in each other but it’d be cruel to strip them of this simple comfort
ghost hasn’t stepped inside a nest in almost a decade
hasn’t felt the desire to build up softness and safety, to spread that feeling of home to the 141 even after he admits to himself that they’re pack. even after months of rejection - growling at soap’s happy chuffs whenever he saw him, pumping off bitterly aggressive pheromones to drown out gaz’s pack?home?safe?good? scent until he knew the beta felt sick with the sour poison, avoiding price whenever he was in pre-rut despite it being the most tempting and warm time of year for an omega to be near an alpha, those days before the terrible need when alphas are all affection, rut drunk with the happiness and safety of pack - they still welcomed him with open arms and bared necks as if he were a second pack alpha and not an omega
he’ll posture and loom over any unfamiliar presence, anyone that could potentially be a threat to his pack; his growls a thunderous undercurrent that shakes the very ground and makes anyone who hears it submit on instinct. soap and gaz happily submit to him; almost vibrating in place when he scents them, enduring their appeasing nibbles and licks at his hidden mouth, falling to heel whenever he decides to take over a situation. price shows it in other ways; nose blind after too many breaks and too many cigars, he lets ghost gentle him when his stress reaches its peak, hangs his head and just breathes as ghost threads his fingers together and cups them around his neck, squeezing his scent glands with his palms. ghost bumps their temples together and they’ll just stand there until the burnt scent of tension leaks out of the air
they’re not shy with their submission until most people just assume ghost’s an alpha based purely on the actions of his pack
they’ll never point it out, but the 141 has never suffered for lack of a pack nest. bc ghost unknowingly makes individual nests wherever they go
he’ll push soap into the comfiest sofa cushion after scoping out a safe house, tug gaz’s jacket straight when he uses it as a pillow and eye mask in one, pace in front of the bedroom price claimed to ensure his pack alpha is safe inside his den. he divies out rations, always opens them and switches the desserts so gaz and soap don’t argue over who got the better one; takes the instinctual first bite of anything scavenged or hunted to know it’s safe just to wait until everyone’s done eating and full before taking his own portion. they all present themselves for ghost’s inspection after missions; lets him run his hands and nose over them to check for injuries and it’s ghost who more often than not ends up taking care of them instead of sending them down to medical
they’ll never tell him, never make him face his own behaviour before he’s ready to come to terms with it himself. as much as ghost’s convinced himself otherwise, his omega is alive and well and his pack will welcome his shy return whenever he feels ready to step back into the light
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mreowyska · 2 months ago
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An Icon Match I made of Alphinaud and My wol! to use with my boyfriend in Discord, ehe... ówò, I used a base that I found in pinterest...
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lifewithaview · 1 year ago
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Space: 1999 (1975–1977) End of Eternity
While exploring a cavern in an asteroid, the Alphans release Balor, a sadistic alien who has achieved immortality.
*Helena's line, "We know immortality is possible," refers to the Alphans' previous encounter with the Earth survivors in Death's Other Dominion (1975); a rare reference to an earlier episode other than the first, Breakaway (1975).
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starxcrosser · 1 year ago
ChouGAMER!! Pretty Cure Info Post
This is not comprehensive, and I'm missing a lot of nomenclature for transformation items, finishers, and alternate forms/styles. I'm also lacking visual references for a few of the villains.
Let's start with the Cures!
The Pretty Cure are the legendary gamers of Virtua Land, who even have a temple to enshrine the new incarnations of each of the four Legends. The temple is overseen by the Grand Wizard, whose duty is to find the next generation of Pretty Cure should crisis befall Virtua Land.
To transform, the Cures need two things: their Check Pendant, a necklace/communicator that contains their "save data", and one of three Game Cards, devices that resemble train passes and contain the "game data", including a piece of equipment unique to each Cure. Every Cure begins at Level 1 and gains EXP via prevailing in combat against the Guricchu. As the "season" progresses, the Cures unlock progressively stronger equipment, finishers, and eventually unlock their second and third Game Cards.
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Yuuki Igarashi is our white lead Cure, Cure Legend. Her theme is classic JRPGs such as Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. Though she strikes a very gyaru-like image, don't be fooled—she's a hardcore gamer, though she initially keeps that side of herself hidden from her classmates. Her friends call her Yuu-tan. Her initial Game Card is Innocent Fantasy, which comes with the equipment Brave Sword.
Yuuki is 5'3", weighs 104 pounds, has an AB blood type, and her three sizes are 83-57-84. She is 16 at the start of the "season", and her birthday is January 1st.
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Kaya Karizaki is our blue Cure, Cure Bullet. Her theme is shooter games, both military-style FPS-es and bullet hell games. Kaya is quite egotistical and self-absorbed due to being a champion eSports player, but she's also a fiercely loyal friend who's not afraid to throw hands to protect those she loves. Her initial Game Card is Dangan XX, which comes with the equipment Buster Shot K.
Kaya is 5'5", weighs 113 pounds, has an O blood type, and her three sizes are 82-55-82. She is 17 at the start of the "season", and her birthday is October 10th.
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Mika Hayase is our red Cure, Cure Turbo. Her theme is racing games, specifically arcade-style racing games. In comparison to the outgoing Yuuki and the loud, boisterous Kaya, Mika is extremely shy and difficult to approach, let alone talk to. Her family owns an auto repair shop with an attached junkyard, and she's spent several years working on cars and fixing up junkers for her parents to sell. Despite her shyness, she gets extremely intense when playing racing games. Mika's initial Game Card is Gekisou Full Throttle, which comes with the equipment Turbo Rusher.
Mika is 5'4", weighs 119 pounds, has an A- blood type, and her three sizes are 87-58-89. She is 18 at the start of the "season", and her birthday is on August 8th.
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Ren Tatsumaki is our yellow Cure, Cure Dragon. Her theme is fighting games, specifically arcade-style fighting games. Ren is a strange individual in every conceivable way, from being notably very tall to not understanding what should be basic common knowledge. Frankly speaking, she's simply an eccentric weirdo that's difficult to understand, but her skill at fighting games is unmatched. Ren's initial Game Card is Kachidoki Prizefight, which comes with the equipment Champion Knuckle.
Ren is 5'10" and weighs 122 pounds, has a B+ blood type, and her three sizes are 80-56-82. She is 17 at the start of the "season", and her birthday is on July 7th.
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Fia is our mid-season redeemed villain purple Cure, Cure Fever. Her theme is twofold: rhythm games and puzzle games. As a former agent of the Guricchu, Fia has a difficult time understanding almost everything about human culture, and her seeming inability to express emotion compounds that. If you do get a rise out of her, woe unto you.
Fia is 5'2" and weighs ??? pounds, has a ?? blood type, and her three sizes are ??-??-??. She is ?? at the time she joins the team, and her birthday is on November 11th.
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Arcade is not a Cure in and of herself, but rather is the Cures' token helper from another world. She's a level 1000 Grand Wizard and keeper of the Legendary Temple in Virtua Land, which has been invaded by the Guricchu. As the keeper of the Legendary Temple, it falls to Arcade to find the four Legendary Gamers, the Pretty Cure, and save Virtua Land.
Arcade is a prodigy, being the youngest Grand Wizard in Virtua Land's history, and that comes with a bit of an ego. However, she cares deeply about games, and Virtua Land as a whole, and as such takes her position as aide to the Legendary Gamers very seriously. She also talks quite archaically, funnily enough.
Arcade is 4'9", weighs 94 pounds, has a ?? blood type, and her three sizes are 78-54-79. She is ??? at the start of the "season", and her birthday is December 12th.
Now for some villains!
The villains in ChouGAMER!! Precure are the Guricchu, an insectoid alien race that harvest negative feelings that stem from people playing video games, whether it's anger, sadness, or anything else. The monsters they summon are called Fukoheida, and the grunts that accompany Fukoheida are called Chumins.
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Gokipunch is the first and most prominent general in the "season". Though quite weak at first, Alphan's philosophy of winning through trickery spoke to her, and she opportunistically took advantage of several moments of weakness among her higher-ups to get promoted to one of Alphan's generals, something unheard of among her caste of Guricchu.
Gokipunch is quite mean-spirited, often mocking the Cures or picking at their individual insecurities to get them to falter in battle. She also has the ability to inflict [Charm] status on civilians, causing them to follow her orders until the spell is broken. Her Fukoheida have her antennae and bright pink eyes, while her Chumins are all cockroach-inspired. Gokipunch herself is loosely themed on dating sims and visual novels.
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Mothrom is the second of Alphan's generals to appear. Though seemingly disinterested and lethargic, she's arguably more sadistic and cruel than Gokipunch, using her associated [Poison] status on civilians and Cures alike to harvest higher quantities of negative energy and summon stronger Fukoheida.
Mothrom is loosely themed around tabletop games, and many of the Fukoheida she summons are with the aid of painted miniatures that she's often shown working on during the "episodes" she appears in.
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Fear is Fia pre-redemption, and serves as the first dark/evil Cure figure for the girls to fight. Her battle form is themed off of horror games, from slasher thrillers to zombie games to survival horror. Eventually, she's defeated by the ChouGAMER!! team and later joins them.
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Deadhand is the second humanoid general and quasi-dark/evil Cure figure. Deadhand is Alphan's hunting dog of sorts, and is originally summoned to recapture Fia and bring her back, but eventually Alphan orders them to destroy the Precure. The resemblance to Kaya is quite uncanny, and mentioned several times over the course of the "season". Deadhand's combat abilities are themed around card games, and they have a deck of ability cards they swipe through the card reader on their wrist to fight with.
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Alphan is the leader of the Guricchu. She shows a fondness and even care for her subordinates, but when it comes to Earth and particularly the Precure (and those they love), the best way to describe her is heartless and cruel. At the end of the day, she wants them to suffer and harvest their energy.
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yugioh-kin-hub · 2 years ago
How about Gagaga Magician or Super Quantal Fairy Alphan?
Super Quantal Fairy Alphan
Fairy/Effect || ATK 0 DEF 0
"Once per turn: You can target one "Super Quant" monster you control; all face-up monsters you currently control become that monster's level. You can tribute this card; reveal 3 Super Quant monsters with different names in your deck, your opponent randomly picks one to Special Summon to your field, the rest are sent to the Graveyard. You can only use this effect of "Super Quantal Fairy Alphan" once per turn."
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the keyword was "try" 😭
what a silly little thing, i love this one (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠) thank you for the ask!!
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writerystuff · 12 days ago
Expensive--but if you're interested and can afford it, I bet it'll be great
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rayhaber · 5 months ago
Discord'a Türkiye'de Erişim Engeli ve Uzmanların Değerlendirmeleri
Discord’a Erişim Engeli Getirildi Dünya genelinde yaklaşık 150 milyon aktif kullanıcısı bulunan ve ABD merkezli bir iletişim platformu olan Discord’a, Rusya’da uygulanan erişim engelinin bir gün ardından Türkiye’de de benzer bir karar alındı. Bu engelleme, Ankara 1. Sulh Ceza Hâkimliği’nin verdiği karar doğrultusunda, Bilgi Teknolojileri ve İletişim Kurumu (BTK) tarafından hayata geçirildi. Son…
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malereadermaniac · 9 months ago
Moon Cycles ~ Alpha!Bokuto x Omega!Male!Reader
1 fic split into two! p1: Bokuto's ruts & p2: Your heats word count: 2.7k Nsfw / MDNI ~ amab m!reader / FDNI
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Bokuto's Rut(s):
Entering your apartment, all of your senses were immediately overwhelmed and dominated by your alpha's intoxicating pheromones making every particle of air in your apartment feel heavy and thick. Luckily, you were smart enough to have placed scent patches over your scent glands before going home to an alpha who had to take the day off due to his rut; preventing Bokuto's musky scent of sweat and leather from triggering your own heat early, however that didn't prevent the inhalation of his strong scent, which had already started to make you feel woozy. Quickly throwing your keys onto the counter and stripping off your jacket, you make your way urgently towards the bedroom - your inner omega screaming to aid your poor, hormone-ridden alpha.
The moment you had opened the door, the intensity of your Alpha's pheromones had doubled, forcing a blush to hit your face and your blood to rush to certain areas. Your eyes darted to the naked volleyball player on your bed, a discarded and leaking fleshlight tossed beside him while the muscular man laid on the bed in a starfish position; his body sweating profusely as the alpha was panting, lightly pink in the face. It didn't take long for Bokuto to notice you, or rather your comforting scent which you hadn't even noticed you were releasing. You smiled at your exhausted looking alpha as he perked his body up, using his built arms as leverage to hold him up, a lovestruck yet lustful smile on his face; the alpha's veiny, hard dick twitching at the sight of you.
You both let instinct drive you to the position you were now in, your bottom half completly naked with your dress shirt unbuttoned, your smaller body laying on top of Bokuto's, your body cooling off the Alpha who had been boiling alive since this morning. The usually strong and effortlessly dominant alpha was reduced to a trembling, hot mess as the pit in his stomach was eating away at him, his eyes begging you to do something instead of his mouth; as the only words he were capable of barely saying were "O-mega", "Fuu-ck" and "Good". You gently ran your hands over Bokuto's muscular, olive body, soothing him as you grind your dick against his much larger one - The alpha groans as his masculine, rough hands are almost magnetically pulled towards your soft ass, gripping at the plush skin and pushing you to grind against him harder; desperate for any form of pleasure from the omega he had been craving all day, his omega.
"Shhhh... I'm here, alpha" you coo as you gently lick at Bokuto's very wet scent gland when the man tries (and fails) to string a sentance together, too overwhelmed by the burn of his rut.
The sounds that erupted out of Bokuto when you re-ajusted so that your slick-leaking ass was grinding against his alphan cock were to die for. Along with the usually spikey hair of your alpha, which was now drenched in sweat and sticking to his forehead, and his panting, sexy face, the sight was heavenly.
Again, you're ever so glad for that scent patch on you, because you get to consciously remember Bokuto's ruts, and boy were you lucky to experience them. The first round is always the most effort for you, the alpha worn down by his useless attempts at pleasuring himself throughout the day, along with his intense rut, having tired him out; meaning that you have to do all the work for your cute alpha as to not keep him in discomfort any longer. Riding him was always fun though, despite how tiring it could get; Bokuto's firm grip on your ass and waist grounding you and him as you ride his massive cock like no tomorrow, the veiny thing pounding against your prostate and kissing your walls so nicely as your dick bounces onto Bokuto's abs - you give him quite the show, pity he barely ever remembers it after his cycle. After the alpha finally knots your tightening hole, his body finally starts to cool down, the gnawing ache in his stomach dissipating as he locks his body within yours and absolutely fills you with his thick, fertile cum - but that's just the start of his rut, not only do you have more rounds that day, but you have an average 4 more days left in the week! Nevertheless, after Bokuto falls asleep and finally slips out of you, you use up the rest of your energy to make the starving alpha something to eat; your silly alpha having spent the day trying to relieve his rut rather than eating! And after the Alpha wakes up conscious and digs into whatever delicious meal you'd prepared for him, that's when the roles reverse. The rest of the rounds that night pretty much go the same, the alpha manhandling you into multiple different positions as you let Bokuto fuck you absolutely senseless, his knot having locked the two of you together at least 4 more times that night alone and your neck and body looking like they've been mauled by a dog from the amount of lovebites and hickeys all over you.
short Bokuto-rut headcannons:
His nests are made really poorly (like most alpha's are), just a shit ton of your clothing spread around the bed with various bodily fluids soaking them - not even a blanket in sight... Typical of alphas, only thinking of what gratifies them rather than their comfort or their omega's comfort!
Bokuto's a real kisser during his ruts as well. He's a clingy alpha who just wants to show his love for you, and that love is multiplied by 100 when lust is mixed into it! That man will be thrusting into you while your in an uncomfortable mating press with cum on your face and his will still kiss you deeply with tongue - you can't be mad though, it is quite sweet, and it relaxes your body, which is very needed after what this flexible man puts you through during his cycle!
Breeding. Kink. Need I say more? Yes I do. Of course, all alphas want to breed their omega, especially during their rut. But holy shit does Bokuto not stop mentioning it during his - whether he's doing the deep and whispers in your ear "Gonna get you full of my pups, pretty boy", or roaring "Take my fucking cum, babe! GET FUCKIN KNOCKED UP" as he's knotting you, or even during aftercare as the man rubs your abdomen gently and blurts out baby names; Bokuto is always mentioning knocking you up
Near the end of his Rut, Bokuto likes nothing more than laying you in his shitty nest and eating you out for hours... His thick tongue making you cum as he devours plenty of the tasty slick you just keep on producing
Oh and after his rut? Bokuto is literally the perfect boyfriend, more than he already is! You need an icepack? Done. Food? He's whipping ten meals up in the kitchen. The volleyball player apologises if he was too rough as he kisses you gently and gives you a massage. And when this man returns to practice, fucking hell does he look like he's glowing, professing to everyone how he has the best omega in the world which he loves more than anything (and gloating that he gets the best action ever, but he doesn't mention that part)
Your Heat(s):
Bokuto can always tell when your in pre-heat, he knows his omega too well, so he's already taken the week off work even though you deny the fact that you're going into heat - despite your constant, slightly flushed complexion and your lack of control over your pheromone. So when you start to nest, Bokuto is ready to go! That man has breakfast bars and 6 bottles of water ready in your nightstands and has started releasing a comforting scent of leather and musk before you even start to call for him!
Once the muscular alpha hears your whiny call for him, Bokuto gets instantly hard; making his way towards your shared room as he struggles to strip his joggers and shirt while walking. But just because the man is eager to pleasure you until you pass out, that doesn't mean he wants to rush things - and that includes his teasing.
"Aw... are you okay, baby? What do you need?" The volleyball player would coo at you in a very slightly mocking tone as he makes his way towards your nest. Bokuto would gently hold your searing face in his huge hand and caress your cheek with his thumb as he smiles at your pout, holding back a laugh.
"Shut up... please just hurryy~" You whine, reaching out to touch your alpha, rubbing your hand down his naked abs and towards his cock which was standing loud and proud.
After a little more teasing, Bokuto decides to show mercy, noticing how your panting increases in pace, how your scent of sweet, intoxicating caramel fills the room, and how your knees trembles on the bed as slick gushes out of your hole. Because of your rapturous heat, your vision is hazy and time slows down yet speeds up at the same time, so you had really no clue to how you ended up with your legs up on Bokuto's broad, muscular shoulders, his dick already in you and moans spewing out of your mouth as if you were in pain. But you sure as hell didn't mind that, as long as your alpha was soothing the pain searing across your body and making you feel pleasure beyond that of this world - you really couldn't give a fuck if you knew what was happening or not.
Sweat, musk, cum and a harmonious mix of your pheromones and Bokuto's filled the air, adjacent to the sounds of sweaty skin slapping against sweaty skin. All that was coming out of your mouth were the words "Alpha" or "Good" or "Yes" along with plenty different whines, and moans and whimpers which sounded straight up pornographic, and your sounds worked beautifully well with Bokuto's loud roars of pleasure and groans and moans - his dirty talk on another level as he drills his dick into you in missionary. After making your vision go white, your infertile cum shooting all over your body and Bokuto's rock-hard abs, your alpha ensured that you caught your breath and forced you to drink some water - the sweet, caring man not even giving a shit about the fact that his dick was still hard as shit and that he hadn't cum yet; which was a surprise by the fact that your sloppily, slicked-up hole, tight, boiling walls and sexy moans and look was usually a cocktail for disaster with Bokuto. But Bokuto would experience the immense pleasure of knotting an omega in your next round - and not just an omega, but you, his bonded, mated omega which he loved more than life itself.
With that said, once you had caught your breath and the heat began to pool in your stomach once more, Bokuto took that as a sign to use his rough, massive hands to re-position you. With your arms hugging one of the many pillows in your nest and your chin resting on it, Bokuto was kneeled on the bed behind you; both of his massive arms wrapped around your waist as he pounded into you like a fucking animal. With your knees spread and your back arching downwards towards the bed as Bokuto's fat dick drilled against your pleasure spot, you moaned and cried out your alpha's name like a mantra - your dick dangling below you, your dickhead lightly rubbing against the best, sending shivers down your spine. All you could hear were Bokuto's rough grunts and moans of your name in your ear along with his hips smacking against your plump ass in the background - your voice raspy and airy from how much you had been using it. Along with some dirty talk (along the lines of "Fuck baby, so fuckin' good and tight for your alpha aren't ya?") Bokuto would raspily groan out an "FUCK- Gonna fuckin' cum-! Gonna knot you- omega- my fuckin' omega-" - Bokuto would become the opposite of his cute, gentle self when he was so close to his orgasm, and fuck, you loved it. You could feel the alpha's knot swell, his already huge cock becoming even harder to take, but your heat was helping you make space for him - but you still couldn't just idly sit and take it!
"HAAAA~ Soo big, alpha! TOO- BIG!~" You cry whorishly, the immense pleasure flooding your body at an alpha knotting you making you overwhelmed, forcing your body to move around and try to escape the overstimulating pleasure - however that is a) not easily done and b) painful as shit for the both of you.
"SHIT-! Don't move while I knot you, (Y/n)!" Bokuto groans, the pain and pleasure of his knot forcing into you pushing him over the edge.
To keep you in place, the massive alpha pushes his whole arm down on your neck and his massive, rough palm on the arch of your back to keep you in your place, to take his viscous seed like a good omega. With Bokuto's knot swelling to full mast, the man's grip tightens around you as he shoots his huge load, filling you up and cooling your heat down to a mild kindle despite the searing temperature of your alpha's cum. You on the other hand were screaming your head of with moans from the immesne pleasure of an alpha knotting you (especially during your heat), your cocklet shooting ropes of thin jizz onto the bed below you as your walls clamped down on Bokuto even tighter. Panting was all that could be heard in the room as the two of you lied down together, your massive alpha crushing you beneath him, but you couldn't complain. Bokuto gently started to kiss you once he was able to think of anything other than the pleasure of cumming inside of you, nipping at the bite's he'd left on you and licking at your exhausted scent gland, admiring the mating mark on it.
short Heat headcannons:
It's a basically instinct for the two of you to like the fact that, as an alpha, Bokuto is larger than you as his omega - which isn't hard with the man being fucking huge. But my lord does that little size kink go fucking haywire during your heats - Bokuto loves to look at how his hands hold your waist, not entirely but just enough, while you in your heat-drunk haze think about how the massive man could literally crush you in his grip - the though making your dick twitch. The man isn't even that much larger than you! But give him an inch and he'll talk a mile (or whatever that saying is)
Scenting is one of your big things during heat. In an sfw work you scent everything that Bokuto owns before you go into heat, and you grab anything that smells remotely like him for your nest. But when the man is fucking you until your last breath, you can't get enough of your alpha's scent - practically begging him to rub his scent gland against yours
That's another thing, your usually snarky or even bratty behaviour goes out the window during your heat, your body controlling your words and behaviour; resulting in pretty begs from your mouth which stroke Bokuto's ego ever so nicely, who's he do deny you of whatever it is that you desire?
Bokuto's aftercare is also top notch, In between round the man is cooling you off and cleaning you while ensuring that you eat and drink. And near the end of your heat, when it's more lukewarm, Bokuto draws a bath and bathes with you, caressing your body softly and scrubbing the smell of sex off of your skin. But your heat is forced into its final hurrah when Bokuto uses his long, masculine fingers to clean your loosened up hole of his thick cum, his comments of knocking you up sending you over the edge and into the final hour of your cycle~
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spacenoirdetective · 1 month ago
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Android art by Davis Meltzer, cover art for "Clans of the Alphane Moon" by Philip K Dick, 1972
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mostspecialgirl · 1 year ago
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various doodles under the cut
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with this the metal angel line is finally complete (sort of)
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(she’s giant, by the way)
i’m probably going to chip away at zayin’s compressed form tonight too (so she can wear some clothes) and maybe alphan’s humanoid form. then i’ll draw all three of them doing something together despite the fact omecroth has only wished death upon both of her sisters (hanging out with agenor mellowed her out, and they’re very forgiving relic automatons)
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thank god igold is here to hold this freak back
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i only designed zayin tonight cuz i wanted to get their group picture done lol
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aethon-recs · 2 months ago
This Week (x2) in Tomarrymort (7 – 19 December 2024)
Last week, the Tomarrymort tag on AO3 has officially surpassed 15,000 fics — congratulations to all the authors on their contributions! And the completed fic this week has also been super impressive, including a 152k longfic drop. Onto the updates!
Completed Fic:
Burning the Animal Skin by beetaker (E, 152k, complete)
Harry can't believe he Imprinted on Voldemort, his body apparently so desperate for a guide in navigating these strange Alphan waters that it latched onto the first one it could find. Never mind that this Alpha wants to kill him.
Machine Men by @izharmilgram (E, 5k, complete)
Harry discovers Lord Voldemort is transgender, and he's really fucking hung up about it.
Extenuating Circumstances by Origin_Of_Symmetry (M, 87k, complete)
“You’re really quite a delight, Harry. I can’t believe I went weeks thinking you were useless and boring.” Somehow, unwittingly, Harry finds himself engaged to Tom Riddle. He’s not entirely sure how that happened.
In the Shape of Fear, Erised by @rowena-rain (E, 16k, complete)
Harry sneaks into Lupin’s office late at night, determined to banish his recurring nightmares of a certain devastatingly handsome future Dark Lord once and for all. But things quickly spiral into depravity, and before he knows it, Harry is getting thoroughly railed by a boggart in the form of Diary Tom Riddle... Or is it?
Tomarrymort One Shots and Completed Fic
Complete | Chapters 1 through 10 of Burning the Animal Skin by beetaker
Complete | Chapters 1 and 2 of Machine Men by @izharmilgram
Complete | Chapters 1 and 2 of Extenuating Circumstances by Origin_Of_Symmetry
Complete | Chapter 2 of In the Shape of Fear, Erised by @rowena-rain
One Shot | misconceiving by @satflesk22
One Shot | To be Watched by @cyandenial
One Shot | Ceaseless Appetence by Lytri 
One Shot | Bay Tine by @cindle-writes
One Shot | Head injuries and hot cocoa by @theonceandfuturequeenoftarts
One Shot | Customer Service by lilacscented
Tomarrymort Ongoing Fics
Chapter 23 of What In Me Is Dark, Illumine by @telelli-writes
Chapter 12 of Strings of Fate by @solelyseeking
Chapter 17 of the stars, my destination by @milkandmoon-ao3 
Chapter 14 of Ills of Murder by @shadow-of-the-eclipse
Chapter 10 of Stygian by @crowcrowcrowthing
Chapter 1 of conditional decay by @duplicitywrites
Chapter 11 of Anytime, Anywhere, Always by @moontearpensfic
Chapter 10 of you speak of the devil (like he's not your friend) by @amuria
Chapter 17 of Hole in the Wall by @elddrmot
Chapters 138 and 139 of Liquida Tenebris (Remastered) by @dymis 
Chapter 5 of Goodbye Evergreen by @v33r00 
Chapters 3 through 5 of the night is cold in the kingdom by @girl-with-goats
Chapter 20 of with eyes like these (who sees anybody else) by @cealesti
Chapter 4 of Solitude by TimaeusKosmou
Chapter 9 of Fractured Souls by moonyunoo
Chapter 27 of Time Stumbler by @wintumnly
Chapter 2 of Part Two - To Grow a Heart by @iseliljathedreamer
Chapters 22 and 23 of Date Ideas for the Linguistically Inclined by Antique_Mango
Chapter 1 of Asynchronous by beanclip 
Chapters 9 and 10  of we made universes out of bitten lips and broken hands by @boyneptunee
Chapter 19 of Saint Harry by @alenablack @chaos-bear
Chapter 12 of Venom or Valor by @lightningant
Chapter 2 of baby, turn the bright lights on by @ictyn
Chapter 2 of The Stubborn Hunger by @marrythemonstersao3
Chapter 9 of Fetters of the Damned by @sc0rpiflow3r
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miguel-owhora · 10 months ago
dragon!price who's an alpha—a lonely alpha. he's been alone for quite some time now, his nest barren and empty, no mate to sing dragonic songs back to him miles away, no mate to rekindle the embers in his heart.
his hoard—sorry, the 141—help him fill these empty spots. soap's rambunctious attitude and gaz's encouragement and ghost's dryly amused comments fill in the lonely parts, bringing him down from the soaring heavens and back to the ground, where price hears the thumping of the earth's core if he falls back into his dragonic instincts deep enough.
dragons are rare to come nowadays. most spend their lives in secrecy, in some rural land most would struggle to pronounce the names of, spent hiding in either solitude or with their mates—and in certain cases, families.
so imagine price's surprise when laswell drops in a new member into his little hoard. she says it's temporary, but there's a glimmer on her eyes when she says it, one that makes sense when price sees you—another dragon.
an omega, price's alpha brain tells him, awakening with glee at another dragon hybrid, at someone who could complete him. a potential mate.
price's alpha instincts are purring when he introduces himself, and he must look like a fool, when he hears his boys sniggering in the background. something lights up something in his chest, instincts roaring to life, when you smile at him and shake his hand. your hand makes his burn, hotter than anything else, hotter than the fire he hatched out of.
it comes to no surprise to him when you're even more reserved than ghost. dragon hybrids are already secretive as they are; omega dragon hybrids are worse. but eventually, price worms his way past the walls you've put up and the fun part comes: courtship.
for every type of naturalborn hybrid that roams earth, they each have their own courtship rituals. for many of them, alphas must prove their worth to their potential mate. werewolf hybrids will bring back game, will defend territory; harpies—depending on which region they live in—will also prove their worth by bringing back prey and helping to build nests.
price can recall the number of times soap had dragged in the corpse of a deer, still warm and fresh to ghost, or how gaz had proudly weaved a wall of brambles and sticks (nevermind the nails and sharp blades) outside ghost's private room. it amused him to no end, seeing them fall prey to their instincts.
but price isn't laughing when he succumbed to his own instincts.
your introduction to the team and you letting price get close to you already had his dragonic alpha mind reeling with excitement. even moreso when you approved of him courting you.
now, dragon hybrids were something else. oftentimes, they were more older than the other hybrids, more ancient and forged deep within the earth's core, connected to mother earth like no other. as such, their courting rituals were more.. barbaric, in other words.
price feels alive when he has to fight you, when your claws dig at his skin and his teeth at your shoulder, near your bite mark. when you roar with fury and punch him away, when your omegan sex has his alphan sex pumping with life. when you both tear up the training room, your set of wings flapping and glittering underneath the artificial lights, when price finally pins you down, when you give a purr of approval.
price finds the prettiest items and gifts them to you, when he dances between feeling overjoyed when you accept it, feeling like he's been stabbed when you reject it. gift by gift price feels pride bloom within him when he sees your little gift hoard grow. when he gifts you a pack of his cherished cigars and gives you his signature hat, he has to go outside and do circles in the heavens when you accept it with gentle hands and carefully guard it.
all of his hard work pays off when you tug him by his scruff and take him to your bedroom, where your bed is carefully nestled with different blankets, with clothes that reek of him. he feels like the luckiest man when you strip yourself of your clothes and lay on the bed, letting your wings—gorgeous things they are—spread out underneath you, take up the bed. your cock, hard and leaking and big, lays on your belly, cum pooling like ichor.
you spread your legs, the scent of an omega ready to mate and take what's theirs, registering in price's brain. it's all he needs before he's racing to tear his clothes off and climbs on you.
he's purring loudly when he touches you all over, dipping his head to kiss at your body, thankful that you gave him the chance to prove his worth. your scent is thick and heavy, musk strong. it makes the embers in his chest flicker and grow to a small fire.
the fire grows when he slips his cock inside, shuddering at how tight and hot you are, burning him. you don't help him, content to lay back and let him figure it out, but price is more than happy to do it by himself. anything for you.
he gets you to cum several times, spilling all over your belly, makes you whimper his name, dig your claws into his back and pull him close to kiss him hard.
price is only ever given permission to cum when you decide he's worthy. your claws dig into your chest and rip it open, an ancient heart beating, cracks of old magic glowing an unusual color. price knows what's to come, but he still grits his teeth when you also rip his chest open.
his knot is forming, catching on your hole, when the two hearts—ancient and waiting for each other after so many years—intertwine together. price pushes his knot in and finally cums, fuck, he shudders and moans, in pleasure and in pain when he feels your anal barbs dig around his cock and knot, making sure he's secured for a while.
the world seems brighter when he collapses on you, open chests bleeding together. he gives little nudges of his hips, cockhead kissing your womb, brushing against your prostate. he feels you sigh contently, and price's heart is a wildfire.
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lifewithaview · 2 years ago
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Joan Collins and Martin Landau in Space: 1999 (1975) Mission of the Darians
The Alphans encounter a miles-long ark from the planet Daria, where the inhabitants have a very distinctive class separation.
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phantastische-illustrationen · 11 months ago
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Philip K. Dick - Clans Of The Alphane Moon (1975) (Peter Andrew Jones)
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malereadermaniac · 10 months ago
Betrothed ~ Alpha FireLord Zuko x Omega male reader
Even after his father had been overruled, Zuko couldn't experience true freedom; bound by his duty as firelord Part of that duty was of course, as an Alpha, to find a mate and continue the lineage of the fire nation But when the firelord is brought a familiar face by the royal matchmaker, he's put at ease word count: 3.1k Sfw & Nsfw / MDNI ~ amab m!reader / FDNI
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Zuko felt uncomfortable - both physically and emotionally. Physically, the firelord was uncomfortable from the head to toe firelord get-up; his advisors insisting he wears traditional Alphan fire lord clothing to his matchmaking appointment. He was deemed one of the luckiest men in the world, an Alpha born into not only wealth but royalty, but those blessings came with their own limitations. Zuko wanted to choose his partner, he wouldn't care of their secondary gender or status, the alpha just wanted the real love he had been deprived of all his life - and that was the root of his emotional discomfort. But nonetheless, as FireLord, he had a duty to his people and his honor, so Zuko was willing to go through with whatever was about to come.
As the matchmaker walks into the arranged meeting room, Zuko's nerves turn 10 fold - but he, of course, doesn't let that show, a simple chill running up his spine instead. He watches as the evidently Beta woman places down her folder and a packet of scent patches, sneaking a peak at her notes when she opens her folder; many graphs of scent compatibility catch Zuko's eyes along with his profile, clearly this woman takes her job seriously. After the matchmaker introduces herself, she hands out scent patches to any Alphas or Omegas in the room, allowing for Zuko to only be able to smell his soon-to-be mate and as to not overwhelm the Omega - afterwards, the woman starts to give a brief rundown of what will occur. Zuko listens attentively as he fidgets with his fingers beneath the table: the omega will walk in, she will read his brief information, the two will greet and scent each others wrists, if Zuko accepts the Omega then any advisors and herself will leave the room for the two to talk. It felt like the woman was talking forever, the FireLord's heart beating quicker and quicker by the second, but once she finally stopped, Zuko's head snapped to look at the door as the matchmaker stood up to let his future mate into the room. The last thing Zuko expected to see was his childhood friend - you, (y/n) (l/n).
"(Y/n)?!" Zuko stutters out, going to stand up but his advisors easing him to sit back down
"Ah! Zuk-..." you stopped yourself when you saw the matchmakers face, procedures had to be followed to a tee according to her. You make you way to the table Zuko was sat at and bow with grace
"FireLord Zuko, it's an honor"
Holy shit, your voice had such an immense effect on Zuko, the title of FireLord rolling off of your tongue perfectly. You were dressed in traditional clothing, ridiculously adorned with fire nation accessories, the sleeves of your clothing long enough to cover your hands as you nod and bow - you looked enthralling. Zuko had never seen you in this light, his contact with you having been cut before your secondary gender had shown itself, but man, did you really grow into a full Omega. Your scent was surprisingly the last thing the Alpha had noticed, but once he took a note of it, it was all the man could think of; a soft smell of flowers and cotton, it reminded Zuko of the happy portion of his childhood, but most of all it made his inner Alpha flare up like mad. The matchmaker starts to read off your information as you sit down in front of the royal, the both if you fighting smiles.
"(Y/n) of the affluent fire nation family of (L/n). Overall healthy with a blood type and astrological match with the FireLord. Most importantly, a 98% match between their pheromones. His fire bending is passable, but he passed top of his class in fire-healing. He has etiquette training, cooking, cleaning, and even medicinal skills as well as a fertility of 0.7 - one of the highest in the nation."
You cringed at all of your personal, embarrassing details were read off and watched as Zuko's advisors checked off on their little clipboards - but all of your negative emotions vanish when you catch Zuko's eyes, the warm smile on his face putting you at ease immediately. His scent was not only calming and anything but overwhelming, but it also felt like it was perfect for you, it was like gold was running through your veins every time you took a breath. The two of you snapped out of your infatuated dazes from the matchmaker coughing to draw attention. Zuko's advisors mumbled amongst themselves and then one whispered to Zuko, which resulted in a smile from the handsome Alpha which was followed by a nod - then, the next thing you knew, Zuko was holding out his wrist.
"May I scent you, (y/n)?" Zuko asked, initiating the scenting with his voice smooth like silk. You immediately agree and rub the scent gland on your wrist against Zuko's, your muscles instantly fully relaxing as his scent sticks to your gland. The two of you watch as all surrounding people leave the two of you alone and sit in a brief silence; that is until Zuko softly breaks it. Usual small talk turns into friendly catching up, Zuko interested in your life after the two of you were forced apart by life - you'd both talked about missing and thinking about each other and how you'd even witnessed Zuko's Agni-kai with his father. Over the half an hour that the two of you talked, your hands slowly crept closer together until Zuko's strong hand had its slender fingers intertwined with yours. Just before his advisors interrupted the two of you, Zuko had asked a question that shocked you
"Do you want to be my mate?"
Zuko knew the two of you had no choice in the matter, but because of his history with you, his previous and current soft-spot for you, he would want anything but to keep you in a forced relationship for his own benefit. After a short silence, a soft nod from you put Zuko's heart at ease; but that peace was only shortly lived until his advisors walked in and had you two follow along, the life of royalty barely giving the Alpha a chance to breathe. The two of you walked behind Zuko's head advisor, his other few trailing behind you both - and even they couldn't help but notice how right you two looked walking next to one another. After being escorted to your new shared bedroom, Zuko's advisors planned to take Zuko away to further discuss your relationship; however a wrench had been thrown into their plans when Zuko immediately disagreed, demanding that a discuss that surrounds you should include you. The way that the Alpha stood up for you made you beam internally, a small smile making its way onto your face, and with no room for argument, you left the room with Zuko and his advisors towards the meeting room. Passing by the throne room, the two of you notice some workers build you a throne as they did for Zuko - those advisors work really quick it seems - the both of you take into account how Zuko's is taller and positioned just a little higher than yous...
"We propose that the wedding happens by the end of the month" the lead advisor begins the discussion. The scene isn't necessarily foreign to you, your father having you sit in on meeting with the previous FireLord in this very room, a large table sits in the middle of the room, Zuko is positioned at the head with you next to him (kneeling in the floor) as his advisors sit at the opposite end.
"Isn't that a little too soon? Can't we have it by the end of the year?" Zuko argues, clearly not wanting to rush a delicate process
"One month is quite generous already, Lord Zuko... You must pull your nation together, a royal wedding is the type of celebration you need - the sooner the better, ten months is far too long" another advisor pops up
"One month isn't even enough time for me to properly court (y/n)" Zuko fights back, a calm demeanor on his face as he looks towards you and smiles
"My Lord, the Omega isn't the priority at this point in time, keep in mind you also need to provide an heir" the main advisor explains
"An heir? I understand the wedding, but the throne will receive an heir when the two of us so wish!" Zuko's tone shifts, clearly offended at the suggestion that your purpose in this marriage is to pop out pups
"Why don't we compromise to five months?" You pipe up, fidgeting with your sleeves as you look at the advisors
A short silence fills the room
"Don't speak during meeting, Omega" one of Zuko's advisors says to break the silence. All of then were thinking it, he was just stupid enough to say it
"I beg your pardon? Leave" Zuko demands, his tone devoid of emotion, and when the advisor protests, one look towards his guards has them remove the advisor from Zuko's meeting room.
"U-Uhm- Five months is acceptable, thank you" the lead advisor acknowledges your point, the first time you'd even been looked in the eyes by one of Zuko's trusted men
After the awkward meeting that surrounded your near and far future, the rest of your day reflected the whirlwind prior, sorting out royal duties and meeting Palace staff. But as the sun began to set and you made your way back to your room, Zuko stopped you
"Yes, my Lord?" You ask, looking up into Zuko's eyes with soft, tired eyes
"Y'know you can just call me Zuko..." the alpha blushes, the title really affecting him only when it came from your soft lips
"Haha... sorry, guess my training really did work" you chuckle
"Hmhm... was it really that intense?" Zuko asks as he starts to walk with you to the royal bedroom
"I mean... if you'd say 4 hours of etiquette training and 3 hours of learning how to please an Alpha a day is intense then yeah" you say with a sly smirk, the sarcasm in your voice evident
"Wow... I didn't even know... I've only ever had the regular royalty lessons" Zuko mumbles, closing the door behind you
"Yeah... even if I come from an affluent family, my secondary gender makes me get treated like a mutt" you say with a smile
"Well I promise you... I won't let that happen around here if I can help it." Zuko says sincerely, holding your hand in his firmly. The sweet gesture makes you blush, your words failing to come out of your mouth; your scent glands running rampant from receiving basic respect for once in your life! After a few minuets of silence, looking into each others eyes while blushing and breathing in each other's scents, Zuko suggests the two of you get to bed. You have to rip your eyes away from the Alpha as he let's his hair down, stripping off his heavy attire to his bare chest.
"Ah! Sorry! I'll step into the bathroom if you need" Zuko says with a worried look on his face as your insane scent snaps him out of his thoughts; your blushed face and eyes fixed on his toned body really giving away that your instincts were taking over.
"No! Sorry! Oh my, I'm so sorry!" You shout, tearing your eyes away and turning around embarrassed. Zuko chuckles and continues to change, but the same ordeal repeats when you begin to change - however, it was even more intense as the Alpha was practically drooling at the sight of your bare skin.
Sleep was very needed after such a chaotic day, and after a chaotic week, and a chaotic month. At some point, Zuko asked for your permission to court you, proposing with the crown given to the FireLord's mate; and of course, you agreed. Life started to seem less chaotic after that. Zuko would shower you with gifts every day and ensure to spend at least 4 hours a day with you, taking you out on dates to prestigious restaurants and on smaller dates in the Palace Gardens; it was enjoyable, it was the secondary school experience the two of you never had, having either been in private tutoring or single gender private school. It was also very evident that the two of you had never had your firsts in everything, of course, because of valid reasons; Zuko had been exiled near the time his secondary gender had come through! And you were under strict orders to stay untouched until you were mated, being collared for most of your life. But still, it was very evident that you two were massive virgins.
Point A: When Zuko proposed to court you with the priceless, beautiful artifact of the Royal family, you hugged him. The way that the Alpha turned red within seconds, his pheromones suffocating you, Zuko desperate to keep you in his touch as he scented you. It was clear that the young FireLord had never had even physical contact with an Omega.
Point B: The first kiss that the two of you shared. On a small picnic date in the gardens of the Palace under the moonlight a month into the alpha courting you, Zuko asked to kiss you. And holy shit when he did, the two of you were inseparable. Your lips were stuck to Zuko's for an entire half an hour, his tongue devouring your mouth as Zuko was taken over by his inner Alpha, pushing you gently to the ground and hovering above you. Your pheromones and his were running rampant, mixing in the air to make a stunning aroma, your moans were music to the Alpha's ears as your stomach did flips just from kissing Zuko. You could feel how hard Zuko was as he was grinding against you, desperate to feel you, desperate to have whatever he's been craving since he presented. Luckily, some guards stopped the two of you from doing anything that would get you into trouble.
Point C: Zuko is only 20, jealously is understandable. So when Sokka paid a visit to the Palace and required you healing after doing something stupid, Zuko had never felt what he felt in those few minutes. You, seeing another Alpha naked, touching his body to heal him with your fire, you'd never done that for Zuko! His pheromones were sour and his chest hurt, and once Sokka made his way to the guest room and you and Zuko to your own room, the Alpha demanded to know if you were infatuated by his water tribe friend. It was so evident that even seeing someone else's naked body was a high level of intimacy to Zuko, and even to you, it was at the time. But after kissing for the whole night, the Alpha's hands roaming your body gently, his jealousy faded away.
Eventually, the two of you made it official, Zuko's advisors already scheduling the wedding for the end of that week. The nation was ecstatic, hundreds of thousands of people either showed up or read about your wedding and mating to the FireLord. And that night, after finally getting permission from his advisors, Zuko set his eyes on marking you...
That night was intense, and it went on for ages, so here's a brief recap:
Once the two of you were basically locked in your bedroom by your advisors, Zuko decided to initiate
He held you against the door, and after gaining permission from you, looked down into your fucking sexy eyes, held your chin up to him and quickly started to kiss you
The Alpha held your waist and you chin, his tongue dominating you along with his insanely powerful and attractive scent
The two of you made your way to the king-sized bed without breaking the kiss once - Zuko on top of you as he undresses you
Once the two of you were naked, all hell broke loose
Your legs were placed onto the Alpha's broad shoulders, his two slender fingers immediately going to your slick-leaking hole
Moans filled the grand room along with a rich aroma of your scent mixed with Zuko's
You had cum already just from Zuko's fingers, and once he had licked up all of your sweet, sterile cum, Zuko aimed his huge Alphan cock at the entrance of your hole
The two of you went at it for what felt like hours, your bodies covered in sweat and scent glands releasing so many pheromones that they were beginning to liquefy and pool by your glands
Your hole had been stretched long ago, taking the shape of Zuko's huge, veiny dick
Eventually, Zuko couldn't hold back anymore, knotting you and cumming in unison with his Omega - the two of you taking the opportunity to fulfill your duty and mark each other
With that out of the way, the two of you spent the rest of the night making passionate love to one another, pleasuring each other in so many ways that your combined orgasm count for the night was 17! Luckily you two are literally built to have shit tons of sex!
And after that night, the two of you couldn't get enough of each other after finally tasting what you had been missing
For now, you were on the most expensive birth control - pills made in the earth kingdom using natural herbs and minerals that are almost 99% effective at keeping you and Zuko from providing an heir a little too early
So with the worries of pups out of the way, you two would go at it like... well... Alpha and Omega
Heats were insane but well spent with Zuko, the Alpha eating you out and fingering you for and hour minimum, making you orgasm plenty of times before satisfying the burn in your stomach with his huge cock
Zuko's ruts were when shit really hit the fan, his advisors would have to leave the palace and have it guarded for the week it lasted - luckily they were more rare than your heats
In summary, your Chambers walls have seen many things: from you worshiping the Alphan firelords body to Zuko letting you, the light of his life his Omega, ride him like a toy without permission to touch you
And in the future, once you two are ready for pups, Zuko can't wait to be the father he never had - and he knows that seeing you as a dad and care for his pups will further awaken something within him he never knew he had before meeting you
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