#alpha tendou
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kteabug · 5 months ago
Title: with the ghost of you
Pairing: UshiOi / UshiTen
Word Count: 2,043
There’s an old tradition, now outdated to many, that when an alpha’s mate dies, they mute their scent. It was after all their scent that attracted their beloved so what was the point in flaring it out if their mate wasn’t there to pick up on it?
The tradition, like most do, morphed throughout the years. At first it was said the alpha’s scent was muted until the day they met their mate in the afterlife. Then it became the alpha muted it until their mourning period was over which usually lasted months before it was contained to the grieving period of for weeks. Nowadays, it’s typically muted until after the funeral and then all is back to normal.
But not with Ushijima Wakatoshi. His mate was lost in a sudden and tragic accident two years ago, leaving the alpha beside himself. His mate was the better part of every aspect of him, not only had he complimented him, but he raised him up. Everything that Ushijima ever was was because of his mate and that was all gone.
The two had been so intertwined that the alpha had no idea what his scent would even smell like without his mate’s lacing it. For as long as he could remember, their interlaced scent was his own, and despite it slowly fading away, he doesn’t want to know what his pheromones alone are like. He doesn't mind the staleness of the air around him, he long became nose blind to his mate’s pheromones, so not smelling anything doesn’t matter.
When younger, Ushijima moved after his parents divorce and for a brief time was away from his mate, but he swore the next time he saw him (in high school) he would make up for their time spent separated. And he did — he doted on the omega, gave him a perfect courtship and mating experience. To Ushi, his mate, the omega he bonded himself to for life, was his beginning and end, first and only — no one could simply ever compare. Which is why he can’t just move on like his family wants, for him there is and was only one omega, he was fine being alone.
Why was it so hard for people to understand his loss? That he never got to say goodbye, had no time or warning to come to terms with the fact he’d be losing his everything. He woke up on a regular Tuesday happily mated and went to bed a sobbing broken mess. Some tried telling Ushi it was better that way, that he didn’t have to watch his beloved deteriorate but losing the other half of your soul hurt regardless.
The alpha decided that he needed to get away from the relatives hounding him to stop mourning and find another mate. But his former mate was perfect, there would never be another one for him. Ushijima believed that true love was found once and when he gave his former mate his heart, he never intended to give it to someone else. So he went to the farmers market, a place his relatives wouldn’t go and for fresh air — it was a favorite place of his late mate as well.
The warm breezes danced across his skin as he took a deep breath. The local farmer’s market was often attended by the couple nearly every month. Afternoons spent walking around, looking at various foods and crafts, sometimes they’d even have a picnic to end the day. Someone once told the alpha to never stop dating his partner, so he made sure that bubbly excitement never left their relationship. Everyday was like the first day of their marriage; the two happily entangled within one another.
The alpha gave small smiles as he walked by tables, some knew him by name and offered him small samples — being here makes him feel closer to his mate than the tombstone did. A wind chime filled the air following a light minty scent that immediately stirred Ushi’s alpha. He looked around the stalls before seeing a brunette omega standing behind a vendor stall. His legs just moved, nearly sprinting towards the stand he’d never seen before.
Big brown eyes met his with a huge smile, “hello, would you like some honey?”
Ushi took a moment, honey was the pet name his mate called him by often but then he sees the arrangement of short glass honey jars. The stall had a soft teal sign with little bumble bee decorations — a light color wooden hexagon display houses a few jars and they’re organized by color. Though it was a simple set-up, Ushijima could see the care and detail put into it. There were doilies under the jars that had beautiful ribbon wrapped around the neck and what looked like handwritten labels, describing the type of honey it is.
There’s something warm and familiar about the brunette omega that Ushijima couldn’t help but feel drawn to.
“Oh, uh, no thank you.” He patted his pockets, “actually I ran out without my wallet.” He felt embarrassed for some reason, unsure why because he doesn’t even know them.”
”What about a sample then?” A big bright smile flashed at him and who was he to say no?
* *
That’s how the alpha found himself frequently visiting the farmer’s market every other week. At first he told himself it was simply to buy a jar to pay the omega back in a way and maybe also show he could remember his wallet. But he wasn’t there and no one really knew who Ushijima was talking about. It was a few weeks after the initial run-in when that fluffy brown hair popped back into his line of sight and he swore his heart skipped.
The omega was facing away from him, but once he turned and made eye contact with Ushi, a huge smile beamed at the alpha. A teasing banter ensued between the pair, the brunette asking if he actually had his wallet and to see it to make sure. Ushijima remarked of course he had it, he’s an alpha of his word only to temporarily panic because his wallet was in his jacket rather than his pants. Which got a laugh from the omega, it sounded angelic — like the harmonious sound that came from a wind chime in a spring breeze. To ‘apologize’ for laughing, Ushijima was given another free sample with his purchase.
Without really noticing, Ushijima found himself visiting the farmer’s market on days when he missed his mate the most or on horrible days when he felt he couldn't breathe. He goes on his own birthday because he couldn’t stand the thought of being alone after spending so many birthdays showered in love. He goes on his late mate’s birthday because he couldn’t stand the silence of it now just being a ‘regular’ day and then again on their wedding anniversary. It’s not until the brunette mentioned it that he realized what he’s done.
”I’m glad this place brings you some peace.”
”What do you mean?”
”Most days you visit, right between your brow is always wrinkled tightly, but as you walk around and talk, it loosen up and you seem to relax.”
Suddenly he felt horrible because he looked at all the days he’s wandered around the market and saw the pattern. Though the brunette never said it, the olive-haired alpha felt he’s been using the kind omega to forget his mate — that opened a whole other dilemma. How can his alpha find peace in another omega when he promised his entire life to another? They had spent most of their lives together, their scent so fused together that no one could separate the two yet his seemed swayed. He still had the courting blanket he gave his mate put inside a scent sealing memory box on his dresser so there’s a part of his mate where he could still see him.
He promised forever to one omega, one beautiful and perfect omega — he couldn’t betray them by forgetting them. But his mind often wandered to the minty omega selling homemade honey and found himself wanting to see him. His alpha was alert, a change from its more dormant stance since their omega died — actually excited about the smell of mint and honey. Almost as if it was an old friend rather than a newer scent. It calmed his alpha, excited his alpha and nearly gave his alpha a sense of peace and closure.
This time Ushi found himself at the market purposefully to see the brunette, wanting to get lost in the old comforting scent that let him feel ease. Just like every time before, fluffy hair bounced towards him, a beaming smile with that lovely scent surrounding him. His alpha crooning caused his chest to nearly vibrate with anticipation — it’d been years since he felt such jitters, not since…
He shook his head, while he still adored his late mate, something inside him finally felt okay. This brunette omega had truly helped Ushijima through his darkest days and felt more comfortable being himself again.
“Green tea and cucumbers, my favorite fragrance.” The omega says, surprising Ushijima. It sounds like a scent he remembers, but can’t quite place his finger on it. The brunette leans close, his fluffy hair tickets his jawline and he is very aware of how close the two suddenly are. “Your scent, Ushi — refreshing cucumbers with herbal-earth green tea. It’s restoring.”
Tears prick his eyes, he can smell it — his own individual pheromones without his mate mate’s. Jus this. No sweet honey. No soothing mint. No…he takes a second before it all clicks and when he looks at the omega again, he sees him.
His Tooru.
His heart hammers into his chest, how? How was that even possible?
”For this — to help you move on.” Tooru beams that beautiful smile at the alpha, “it’s time for you to be happy again, Toshi.”
“But you…your here and can stay…we can be happy and and —“
A bittersweet smile graces Tooru’s face, “our time was beautiful and unforgettable, but…”
“You can’t stay. Cause this isn’t real.”
”…no…no it isn’t.”
”I’ll always love you, Tooru.”
“I know and I love you endlessly, but you deserve someone to give all that love you still have to.” A warm breeze wraps around Ushijima, brushing gently against his cheek and he knows in a way it was his Tooru’s way of saying a final goodbye.
“Uh, excuse me?”
Ushijima sniffles before turning around, seeing a redhead standing behind the stand he once saw filled with honey jars.
”Here,” he holds out a cellophane bag with a homemade pastry in it, “you seem like you need a pick me up and sweets make everything better.”
“Oh?” Ushijima picks up on the spicy citrus scent of oranges and nutmeg that comes from the omega and his alpha feels giddy like he first time he saw Tooru all those years ago. “Is that so?”
The redhead’s cheeks start to burn a bright pink, averting his eyes when their fingers touch. “Doesn’t hurt to try, no?”
”No. No it doesn’t.” Ushijima smiles, looking around the booth.
There’s a sign that reads: Satori’s Sweets. Neatly labeled baskets with various desserts in each. There’s also small tags near the baskets with allergen notices and the alternative products used since sometimes there’s adverse reactions to alternatives.
“Uh— you have a uhm, nice set-up.”
Satori’s eyes light up, “thanks! I picked this spot because I was told it’s next to a very popular picnic area.”
Flashes of the many many memories he spent just five feet away from where they stood fill his mind. Ushi smiles for a moment before letting himself picture a certain redhead on one of those picnics.
”Would you like to go out some time?”
The omega seems confused for a second, the question comes out of nowhere from the man he’s literally just met. Subconsciously, cucumber and green tea start to pour out — flaring out one’s pheromones is how one finds a mate after all.
Satori takes a deep breath before humming, “I don’t go out with knot heads who don’t tell me their names.”
”I’m Ushijima Wakatoshi.”
“Tendo Satori and I’d love to.”
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seijorhi · 3 months ago
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the beta fic you have been waiting months for <33 Ushijima Wakatoshi, Semi Eita & Tendou Satori x female reader w.c 6.8k tw: yandere themes, a/b/o, noncon, (sorta) smut, nsfw, one mention of blood and oozing wounds, implied stalking, forced claiming
“They’re good guys – good alphas. This won’t be like last time, I promise. You’ll see what I mean when you meet them,” Ayako murmurs, squeezing your hand in reassurance and offering you a brilliant grin. “They’re gonna love you.”
Love seems a bit of a stretch.
But Aya looks so… hopeful. You sigh. “You really like them, huh?”
“I really like them,” she admits, a pretty pink blush tingeing her cheeks. “You come first, though. You’re my beta, and if it doesn’t feel right, we’ll walk, okay? No questions asked.” 
A promise she’s kept more than once. Too many times. Omegas like Aya, young and vibrant and oh-so-lovely, shouldn’t have any trouble finding a pack to settle down with. Hell, alphas should be banging down the door just for a chance with her – to fuck, to bond, anything and everything in between. You’re the sticking point. The reason why Ayako hasn’t bonded into a pack yet.
Alphas have no interest in betas. They do nothing for them – can’t take a knot, don’t have heats. Betas aren’t durable enough to ride out an alpha’s rut. All that compounded by the simple fact that bonding bites between the two don’t last longer than a few months, so why bother?
You’re dead weight. Aya clings to you anyway. 
She pulls your hand to her cheek, the tender, delicate spot right beneath the curve of her jaw. Scenting, you realise a touch belatedly. Omegas have stronger scents than betas do; florals, spice, indulgent, enticing things – you once knew an omega whose scent reminded you of hot caramel drizzled over apple pie. Ayako smells like lilacs and the rain, a softer scent admittedly, yet one that screams of home and comfort and familiar things. 
Your own scent is milder. Now, on top of sea salt and that faint whisper of summer, you’ll smell a little of her. She’s claiming you as pack, as hers. Her beta, exactly as she’d said
A flutter of warmth blooms in your chest, and you smile back at her, the first genuine one of the night. 
“You look great, by the way,” she tells you. “Come on, Tendou messaged to say they’re running a bit late and we should head on in without them. Ushijima’s practice doesn’t finish up ‘til about seven, so we’ve got plenty of time for the show.” She winks and lets out a bubbling laugh and you kind of feel like you’ve missed the joke.
Nevertheless, you let her tug you into the stadium. The lady behind the ticketing counter slides across two visitor’s passes on lanyards when Ayako gives your names.
“Practices are closed to the public,” the omega explains in a hushed voice while the two of you make your way towards the door for the stands. “Apparently the team get a few passes they can hand out to whoever they like – pack, usually.”
The pass has your name printed on it. Beneath it, in bold; Ushijima Wakatoshi. 
You finger the plastic edges absentmindedly. 
There’s other people in the stands, all wearing the same style lanyard draped around your neck. Some, you think, are partners. Friends and family. Pack, like Ayako said. You spy a woman maybe a few years older than you, bouncing a toddler on her lap and pointing animatedly towards the court, another guy sitting beside her, an arm curled over the back of her seat. Others appear to be there in a more official capacity – staff, you suppose, wearing the same white polo edged in blue and gold (team colours, you guess), talking quietly amongst themselves and jotting things down on expensive looking tablets. 
They pay you no mind. Ayako does the same, dragging you right up to the guard-rail with an excited gasp. You’d been expecting them to be running laps or tossing balls in pairs or something. You weren’t expecting anything like this. 
Without the roar of a crowd, every noise on the court is amplified; the squeaking of shoes, the thwack of palms meeting leather, shouts ricocheting from both sides as they scramble for the ball.
Scramble isn’t the right word, though. It flies through the air between the players, choreographed chaos.
One of the players, a dark haired behemoth, shoots up and connects with the ball, slamming it over the net with a terrifying force – you feel the impact in your chest when it hits the floor.
A whistle rings out.
“Oh my god,” Aya breathes.
The behemoth turns, dark eyes zeroing in on your figure from across the court. His nostrils flare.
Alpha, you realise. He’s one of Aya’s alphas.
Ushijima Wakatoshi. 
“You know he’s one of the top wing spikers in the country, and he’s on the national team? He’s already got like three Olympic medals! Three!” she gushes. “He’s incredible.”
You hardly hear her. The other players on the court, his teammates, are already re-setting, a blond slapping Ushijima on the back, another hurling a teasing jab across the net – earning him a middle finger in response – Ushijima’s gaze doesn’t shift, his attention doesn’t waver. You swear you see his pupils dilate. 
Your breath is caught somewhere in your chest. 
“Are you gonna wave at the alpha you dressed so pretty for?” 
“Would you stop?” you hiss, tearing your gaze away to jab an elbow into Ayako’s side, which she artfully dodges with a delighted giggle. 
“Can’t say I blame you for drooling. I practically melted into a puddle the first time Semi dragged him into the bakery. He’s hot as hell,” she sighs. 
The problem is, she isn't wrong. Weird, heavy, way too intense eye contact aside, Ushijima is the textbook definition of ‘hot alpha’; all tall and broad shouldered, his face hewn with clean, strong lines. Add on the ridiculous athleticism, the muscles that clearly aren’t just for show – yeah, no wonder Aya’s got heart eyes already. 
On the court below, the whistle blows. More cheers. Another point scored. By the time you glance down again, Ushijima’s lost interest, his focus returned to the game, nodding at something one of the (you presume) coaches yells across the court.
The tight, prickling feeling writhing beneath your skin, that doesn’t fade as quick. 
God, you’re way too worked up about this whole thing. 
“He’s very, uh…” 
“Intimidating? No– impressive? Or were you gonna say sexy? All true, by the way. Ushiwaka’s a beast.”
The other two alphas have finally deigned to grace you with their presence. Wonderful. 
Swallowing back a wince, you turn to face the duo. “Good,” you say. “I was going to say he’s very… good.”
Aya had told you the basics, of course; Semi’s the lead singer slash guitarist in a band, Tendou’s a chocolatier. The former used to be a civil servant, the latter recently moved back from a stint in Paris, and both of them played Volleyball with Ushijima in high school. 
You’re not entirely sure what you were expecting. Carbon cutouts of their packmate, maybe, big, brawny, radiating the kind of imposing dominance that forces everyone around them – other alphas included – to sit down and shut up with a look alone. 
The two alphas before you aren’t that. 
The shorter of the two, more wiry in his build than the redhead beside him, smirks. “Good, huh?” 
He’s teasing you. They’re both teasing you. Your cheeks burn hotter. Before you can open your mouth to apologise, try and sidestep you shoving your own foot in your mouth as a first impression, Aya intervenes. 
“You should’ve seen her a minute ago, her jaw was on the ground. She’s playing it cool.”
The sound of her laugh digs at you in a way it shouldn’t. 
It’s not fair, not when you’re the one who’s acting like you don’t have a single working brain cell and she’s trying to cover for you, but it bothers you when Ayako acts like she has to smoothe over your edges, make you more palatable, more pleasing. You’re not an omega, you won’t ever be an omega, and sometimes you can’t help but wonder if Aya’s gonna spend the rest of your lives trying to compensate for that.
Her shoulder knocks with yours, a gentle bump, that same hopeful, painfully optimistic look in her eyes. 
Guilt, an old, familiar friend at this point, washes over you. 
“This is Semi,” she introduces, gesturing at the ash-blond with the ripped jeans, “and Tendou,” the gangly redhead. 
“And you must be our beta,” Semi surmises, slowly eyeing you over. 
The casual possessiveness rankles you, your tight smile freezing in place. Again Ayako simply laughs, her fingers, very deliberately, lacing with yours once more. “She’s my beta, you have yet to win her over.”
Neither alpha appears all that put out by the prospect.
Tendou, eyes crinkling with a wide, eager grin that takes you a little aback, thrusts a hand out towards you, a white gift bag you hadn’t noticed dangling from his fingertips. “Presents help with the whole wooing thing, right?” he jokes.
From your experience, yes. 
Aya’s received plenty. You, as her tag along beta, less so. 
One pack brought you a bouquet of pink and white peonies on your first date. Not quite as  extravagant as the arrangement of roses they presented Aya with, they had a lovely, subtle perfume and when you put them in a vase and set them atop your nightstand, they brightened up the whole room. You could appreciate that they’d at least tried to make you feel an equal part of this. 
They’d been willing to play pretend.
Back then, when Aya first started bringing potential packs around, you were… idealistic. Naive, maybe. 
You watched them dote on her. Lap up Aya’s attention like it was the sweetest fix. You saw the hunger. The arousal that flared, thick and syrupy, whenever she did something unintentionally appealing to the alpha inside of them – a simple stretch, nibbling on her bottom lip while she mulled over a menu, the sway of her hips as she walked up to the bar.
Oh, they were polite to you. Drew you into conversations, chatted about your job, your hobbies, the plans the two of you had for the holidays in a few weeks’ time – all the while tracking every movement of the omega beside you from the corner of their eyes.
They were nice to you. You didn’t want ‘nice’. You wanted what they so freely offered to Aya; hunger and captivated attention, a desire so thick in the air you could choke on it. 
Foolish, pretty fantasies. There’s no competing with biology, you know that. The most interesting, beautiful beta in the room is still just a beta. 
Down below, the court’s quieter, muted chatter drifting up to the bleachers in place of squeaking and thuds and the sharp trill of whistles blowing. Did the practice match finish up?
Aya squeezes your hand. Drops it. As subtle a cue as she can manage. 
Brain kicking back into gear, you step closer and pluck the gift from the alpha’s outstretched hand, an odd little shiver trickling down your spine when the tips of your fingers graze his rough palm. 
“Ah, thank you,” you say, remembering your manners at last.
Tendou’s eyes flutter shut, breathing in deep, shuddering a little on the exhale. When they open again, there’s a giddy sort of satisfaction creeping from his expression. He licks his lips, smiling wide. “Sea salt.”
“… Sorry?”
“The chocolates,” his chin juts towards the gift. “Sea salt caramel. I had a feeling, went with it. I’m not usually wrong.” He sounds absurdly proud of the fact. 
Beside you, Aya looks as lost as you feel. Semi, on the other hand, snorts, shaking his head. “You might wanna ease up on the beta, dude. She met you all of three minutes ago.”
“Yeah, but we’re gonna be besties. I can feel it.” Without warning he slings an arm over your shoulders, dragging you close to smush you into his side, unbothered by your startled yelp, the way the bag of chocolates smacks against his torso when the hand clutching it jerks out to steady yourself. “Don’t be jealous ‘cuz I’m already the favourite, Semi-Semi.”
Semi shrugs, hands shoved into the pockets of his jeans, leaning back against the centre railing behind him. Slowly, a smirk unfurls. A challenge. “For now.”
Plastered against Tendou’s side, swallowed up by the heat of him, the heady scent of cherrywood – of alpha – thick and strong, and with no sign of him letting you go anytime soon, you dart a glance to Aya.
Your best, oldest (admittedly only) friend, watching the three of you with a quirked eyebrow, expression otherwise indecipherable–
And then, she giggles, rolling her eyes with exasperated amusement. “Can we at least sit while you two fight over my well-earned spot?” 
You wonder if they notice the brief look of concern she throws your way as Tendou relaxes his hold and the two usher you over to a seat, Semi snagging the one to your left, Aya taking the right.
Her promise from earlier rings in your head. One word and she’ll walk, no questions asked. 
Aya needs a pack. She wants this one. She likes this one, but at some point, she’ll need one. 
Omegas don’t do well long term without mates. Right now her heats are okay, manageable with suppressants and toys – eventually those won’t be enough. They’ll get worse, come without warning, more frequently. The suppressants won’t help, she’ll ache and burn up, forgo food, water, sleep…
The lucky ones end up hospitalised. The unlucky ones either end up dead or in situations where it’d be a kindness if they were. 
“You okay?” she asks, whisper soft. Her voice won’t carry, the other two aren’t paying attention anyway. Semi’s thigh brushes up against yours when he spreads his legs wide, thumbing out a message on his phone, and Tendou’s leaning over the backrest between you, chin perched on his folded forearms, watching him type. 
One word and she’ll walk, that’s what Aya promised. 
Down on the court below, the players spread across the floor, stretching out and cooling down, half empty water bottles and sweat towels scattered around them. Ushjima’s lying on your side of the court, one thigh drawn over the other, twisting out his lower back. If he realises he’s got an audience in you and Aya, he gives no indication of caring, holding the stretch for a few seconds longer before repeating the motion with the other leg. 
If chocolates and overly tactile besties are what you get out of this, you can manage that. 
While you wait out front of the stadium for Ushijima to finish up, Semi smokes.
A lit cigarette dangles loosely between two fingers, the tip glowing cherry red with every drag. He stands separate from the three of you, a few feet away, because when he’d fished out the slightly crumpled packet from his jacket pocket to pluck one out, Aya’s nose wrinkled. Omegas are sensitive to strong smells at the best of times, and Aya’s loathed the stench of cigarettes ever since she was a kid and her dad would smoke on the back porch of her gran’s place. He died years ago, and to this day she swears up and down that every time she sets foot back there, she smells those Seven Stars.
To her credit, she hadn’t actually said anything, and to Semi’s, he hadn’t kicked up a fuss. He’d shrugged, shuffled on back and lit up anyway. Water off a duck’s back.
Tendou talks loudly and Aya’s giggling laugh echoes louder. Semi watches. Idle – bored, almost. 
Until his gaze shifts to you.
And stays there.
From a young age, you’re taught that alphas are stronger than betas and omegas. They’re quicker. Smarter. In the old days, they tell you, alphas were the hunters, the providers – protectors, when the situation called for it. What they mean, dressing the truth up in nicer, more palatable terms is that alphas are, down to their marrow, predators. 
Those instincts don’t go away just because society’s a little more civilised these days. 
Semi’s expression doesn’t change. There’s nothing particularly dangerous or threatening there, nothing to explain the sudden ball of anxiety that lodges itself in your stomach. 
Yet you can’t shake the sense that with that stare, every ounce of his focus rests solely on you. Every breath, every nervous twitch, shift of your muscles, all of it tracked, analysed. He stares, breathing out a slow plume of smoke, and you feel the physical weight of it bearing down on you.
He won’t bite, lunge for the kill – but he could.
His chin tilts, eyebrow lifting. A flicker of amusement, as if he knows exactly the thoughts running wild in your head. You shake them off, ignore the hammering of your heart to follow the wordless, beckoning call to his side, nudging Aya on the way past so she won’t think you’ve abandoned her. 
“You realise she’s gonna try and get you to quit,” you tell him in what you hope is a friendly, upbeat tone. 
Semi scoffs and takes another drag of his cigarette. You watch, off-kilter, a little dazed as his head tilts back, exposing the long, lithe column of his throat, and he slowly exhales.
With dark, sweeping lashes and angular features, the problem, you realise, is that Semi is distractingly pretty. An artless, grunged up sort of pretty. Pretty like pools of oil on asphalt after it rains. 
Pretty in the way that poisonous things often are. 
“She’s more than welcome to try.” He plucks his cig from his lips and extends it your way, his expression almost… goading. 
You don’t take it.
There isn’t much surprise to be found in your refusal, his pretty mouth pursing as his arm falls by the wayside. “Omega’s got her claws stuck in you good, huh.”
And that’s the rub, isn’t it. What all this boils down to. Right from the start, the very first pack you met and every pack since – Aya’s made it clear from the get-go. They don’t get her without you. You’re her beta. 
“Is that a problem for you?”
You won’t take the cigarette because Aya has issues with it. She won’t entertain you leaving her because the two of you are too fucking entangled in one another to handle extrication.
You’re pack, you’re family, you’re all each other has left, now that her grandma – the woman who essentially raised you and her – is gone. 
You won’t play second fiddle, if only because Aya won’t allow them to push you aside like that. If that’s a problem, a dealbreaker (and, historically speaking, it has been) better they figure it out now, before she – or you – gets too attached and ends up hurt. 
Semi regards you for a long moment, taking one last puff of his cigarette before he flicks it away, grinds the smoldering butt into the cement with the toe of his boot. “Don’t know yet. Guess we’ll find out.”
And you nod, because at least that’s an honest answer. 
“Tendou came back to Japan for her, didn’t he?” It’d twigged when you’d gone to hand back your visitor’s pass and the lady behind the counter made some casual comment about not expecting to see him ‘til next season.
Not back for a visit, back permanently.
Semi shakes his head, “He was always coming back. Paris was only ever a temporary thing,” he corrects. “But yeah, he made the decision to come home early when we realised the opportunity that’d fallen into our laps.”
While you don’t love the way he makes meeting Aya sound, you understand the gravity of what he’s saying. Tendou uprooted his life for her. 
You glance back over your shoulder, fiddling with the handles of the bag of chocolates he’d made for you. They’re still talking, quieter now, both of them subtly – subconsciously, probably – angled towards the two of you; Aya with that same bright-eyed look about her, Tendou like he’s just itching to interrupt and steal your attention back for himself. He, at least, might actually like you. 
“And you? Are you all in, too?”
The words slip out before you can stop them. Semi doesn’t owe you an answer, you know that. It’s not fair that you asked, it’s just– you can’t get a read on him. For all his sharp edges and the smirks that make your insides squirm, you don’t know whether this is what he wants. Wanted, maybe.
Semi surprises you. In a move too quick for you to catch, he closes in on you. He doesn’t pin you down per se. You’re not caged in, trapped between his body and a wall. Physically speaking, there’s nothing stopping you from stepping back and regaining that inch of space as he looms over your shorter frame, tilting your chin upwards with two curled fingers like he’s going to kiss you. 
Nothing except your suddenly jelly legs. 
There’s barely anything separating you. Millimetres. Heat floods your face. Your stomach tightens, blood simmering, writhing beneath your skin. Long fingers encircle your wrist, right where Aya had scented you, his thumb digging in over your fluttering pulse. A noise escapes you then, a distressed sort of whimper you thought yourself above, and Semi’s eyes flick down to your lips, something dark and hungry flaring in response. 
Alpha. Smaller than his packmates, but no less. 
“Who d’you think called him and told him to get his ass back home, little beta?” 
You swallow unsteadily–
“Time to share, Semi-Semi,” Tendou sings, snaking an arm around your waist to haul you away from the blond. To you, he says, “You wanna come say hi to our big, bad pack alpha, don’tcha?” 
It’s then you realise that Ushijima, along with several of his teammates, have finally emerged. While they wave each other off, scattering across the carpark, some heading to their cars, others in the direction of buses and the train station, Ushijima halts near the door – Aya already skipping on over. 
“Ah… yes?”
Tendou snickers. 
“Relax,” Semi tells you with a smirk, clapping your shoulder as he brushes on past. “Ushiwaka doesn’t bite.” 
As Tendou nudges you forward like an errant duckling, you fix Semi with an unimpressed look. He winks. Asshole.
Omegas, especially unbonded omegas, tend to be picky about touch and physical affection outside of pack and family. Aya, for all her moon-eyed infatuation, doesn’t throw herself at the alpha. Ushijima offers a single, wooden pat on her head, the edges of his mouth lifting in what you suppose is an approximation of a smile.
She beams all the same.
“– and this is my beta,” she introduces. 
You’re not anticipating an overly warm welcome. For one, he looks stiff enough smiling at Aya to suspect he’s not practised with the expression, for another… the whole, weird staring thing from earlier sits all too fresh in your mind. If he’d heard your awkward fumbling with his packmates in the aftermath, you doubt that’s helped endear you to him any.
Nothing prepares you for the way he turns, every speck of goodwill falling from his features when your scent finally reaches him. Cold, remote stone, eyeing you down. 
“You smell like lilacs,” he grunts, like the very concept offends him. You, a beta, wearing his would-be mate’s scent. 
The izakaya the alphas take you to is only a few minutes walk from the stadium, and each one of them passes in near unbearable, stilted tension. 
Aya doesn’t question you when you make a bee-line for the bathroom rather than following the others to a table, though the small furrow between her brows says plenty.
You just need a minute.
The single unisex stall offers spartan amenities at best – a sink with a cracked mirror hammered into the wall, paper towels, and a lone, flickering light above. 
Braced over the porcelain vanity, eyes closed, shaking like a leaf with remnants of ice-cold water dripping down your face, you will the frantic, sickening churn inside you to ease. 
What’s wrong with you?
Ushijima could barely stand that Aya had scented you, and you’re supposed to believe he’d let you bond into the pack with her? And if he did, what kind of life would that be? You, forever on the outside, pack but not really, not in the ways that matter. 
What place does a beta have between alphas and their omega?
More to the point, how, after all the packs you and Aya have tried this with, all the the indifference and dismissal you’ve weathered, the cruel insults you weren’t supposed to hear–
Think of it this way, dude; it’s a spare hole for you to stick your cock in while the omega’s busy bouncing on my knot.
–how are you still surprised that they don’t want you?
You let a slow breath out, shoulders sagging. Okay. 
Straightening up, you rip a sheet of paper towel from the dispenser, dabbing to remove any trace of distress from your face. You can do this, you tell yourself. Smile, play pretend. A few drinks, some dumplings, yakitori – two, three hours max.
Nothing’s changed.
The alphas want Ayako. Ayako wants these alphas.
In spite of that, in spite of the blushing and fawning and big, lovely doe eyes that bat ever so prettily for her alphas, she’ll hold true to her promise if you ask it of her. 
No questions asked, without an ounce of resentment, she’d walk away from them. She’d choose you. 
It’d be a few weeks of moping around, picking each other up and dusting yourselves off. There’ll be other packs. Aya’s got a few years yet before her heats really become an issue. You can always try again.
The thing is… you don’t want to anymore.
They like you as a friend. You’re in the way. They wanna fuck you, but only if the omega’s otherwise occupied. You can take care of the household stuff during heats and ruts, right? Maybe one day there could be something more. 
They wouldn’t look twice if it wasn’t for Ayako. 
Every time it hurts, like clawing out pieces of yourself, and you just… you can’t anymore. You won’t.
So tonight, you’ll be the bestie. Let her have her fun, flirt with the big, strong alphas she’s so enamoured by, and then tomorrow… tomorrow you’ll find a way to cut yourself loose from all of this. Aya gets her pack and you can find a nice, normal beta to settle down with. You’ll both be happier for it in the long run. 
Wiping a smudge of mascara from under your eye, you suck in another fortifying breath, nodding at yourself in the mirror. A few hours of pretending is nothing. A piece of cake.
Focused entirely on the veneer you have to slip into, you don’t notice the large, muscular frame blocking the door until you quite literally collide with it.
“Oof– Sorry, my b–”
The words wither like ash on your tongue when you look up to find Ushijima standing over you.
Despite the resolution you’d come to mere moments ago, you’re not feeling particularly charitable towards the hulking behemoth of an alpha, and you have every intention of wordlessly skirting around him to head back to the table and join your friend, civility be damned. 
You make it all of a single step before a change sweeps over him and he stiffens, nostrils flaring like they had back on the court. His eyes bleed black, and that’s the only warning you get before he seizes your wrist in one giant hand and starts to haul you back into the stall, slamming the door shut behind you both. 
“What the hell are you doing?!” you hiss. 
“She scented you,” he growls, looking angrier than he did before. “You smell like omega.”
No, this isn’t anger. Not exactly. Ushijima’s shoulders heave with every breath, his whole frame almost shuddering, pulled taut like a bowstring primed to snap–
And that’s when realisation hits. 
“You’re in a rut,” you whisper, eyes going wide in horror. “Ushiji–” You don’t get to finish the sentence. 
Big should mean slow. Clumsy. Ushijima’s neither. 
In an instant he surges into motion, one hand clamping down over your mouth, the other shoving you forward, trapping you on the tips of your toes between his hulking body and the vanity that was your lifeline five minutes ago. Just like then, your hands automatically reach out, clutching the edge of the sink to steady yourself. Stupid, when the full weight of Ushijima pins you precariously in place anyway.
Your heart hammers, panic and terror clawing at your stomach. You aren’t an omega, you can’t take a knot. If Ushijima tries to fuck you like he wants – like his instincts are driving him to – he’ll tear you apart. He’ll break you. 
But if any part of the mindless, snarling alpha behind you recognises that, he doesn’t care. The warm body in his grasp smells like lilacs, like the omega outside, and that’s good enough.
He noses at your hair and pants, yanking your skirt up to rip at your underwear. The fabric gives easily.
While he rips and claws at his own clothes to free his cock, Ushijima stares at your reflection, watching you shake as the tears well up and spill over. There’s nothing human there, nothing cognizant. The black pits staring back at you are pure alpha, consumed by the need to fuck and breed. 
You have seconds – seconds – to brace yourself.
Ushijima drags the head of his cock along your slit just once, bends you over, and without warning or preamble, splits you in two. 
Omegas have slick to help with sudden ruts. You don’t. 
It doesn’t matter that you’re not prepared to take him, that it hurts worse than anything you’ve experienced before and you’re choking on tears and muffled wails. You scream into his hand and Ushijima grunts, bullying his cock into you one agonising millimetre at a time. 
He fucks into you like you’re made to take his cock, every thrust slamming you into the unforgiving edge of the sink while your legs scramble for purchase. You’re fairly sure you’re close to passing out when you feel the swell of his knot start to catch. 
Oblivious to your panic, the wheezing cries and pleas dashed against his palm, the alpha snarls in open-mouthed pleasure, his spare hand coming down to cover one of your own, braced against the sink. “Mine.”
With the added weight, the vanity unit rattles against the wall, and you pray that someone’s walking by and hears it, cares enough to come investigate.
You aren’t that lucky, though.
Ushijima hauls you back upright, and as his knot swells, thick and pulsing, stretching you to breaking point and spurts of hot cum coat your insides, you cling on to consciousness just long enough to watch him tilt your chin to the side, lap at a bead of sweat trailing down your neck, and bury his teeth in your skin. 
Three days after your release from hospital, you wake to Aya knocking at your bedroom.
“S’posed to be at the bakery,” you mumble, curling tighter into the warm cocoon of your sheets. Soft morning light spills into your room. You can’t be bothered reaching for your phone to see the time, however your internal clock tells you that whatever the time is, it’s too early.
Aya sighs, taking that as an invitation to slip inside and plant herself on the edge of the mattress beside you. “Soon. I swapped shifts so I could start a bit later. I didn’t want…” she seems to struggle to find the right words, her shoulders rising and falling in a helpless shrug. “You know I love you, right?”
“I know.”
That isn’t the problem. 
“You remember the day your mom left?” The stark flinch beneath the covers must serve as answer enough. “You wouldn’t stop crying. Gran was so worried you’d make yourself sick, kept bringing you tea, bottles of water, anything to keep you hydrated.” 
An omega like her granddaughter, the last of her alphas having passed away a few years before, she’d paced fretfully outside Aya’s bedroom door for hours while you’d sobbed into your best friend’s arms, an absolute wreck. 
A bittersweet feeling floods your heart at the memory. No one ever loved you like gran did. 
Aya continues, “I made a decision that day. I wasn’t going to leave. I wasn’t going to run off with a bunch of alphas to live out some fairytale happily ever after and leave you behind. You can blame me for what happened. I get it. If I hadn’t scented you, he–” she breaks off with a sharp inhale.
He wouldn’t have tipped into a rut.
Wouldn’t have fucked you.
Knotted you.
Bit you. 
“You can blame me for it,” she repeats, though her voice shakes and her eyes shine with tears she won’t let fall. “Hate me for it if you have to, so long as you know I’m not going anywhere. You’re still my beta, my best friend. All I wanted was to keep us together.”
Aya waits for you to say something. To forgive or condemn, and you try– you genuinely do, because blaming her isn’t fair, and you could no sooner hate her than you could carve out a lung. 
Only… you open your mouth and there’s nothing. 
The way her expression collapses before she has a chance to plaster over it hits you like a punch to the stomach. 
“Alright, lovely girl. I’ll see you when I get back – four-ish probably, unless we get hit with a late rush. I’ll try and steal some of those mini strawberry cakes to bring home too, I know how much you like them,” she rambles, patting your blanket covered knee and rising to her feet. “Call me if you need anything.”
Already halfway to the door, she turns, perfect brow arched, “Hm?” Like she’s expecting you to ask for another blanket. Some tea. Nothing wrong, nothing amiss. 
“Love you, too.”
And it’s like the sun coming out from the clouds. Aya beams a watery smile, and quietly closes the door behind her. 
Sleep drags you back under before you hear the front door click. The doctors warned you about that; one of the many charming side effects you’d be subjected to over the next few weeks.
Bond sickness, they called it. An alpha’s bite formed a mating bond, and that bond doesn’t respond well when it’s neglected, say by putting several miles of distance between you and the alpha who marked you. For omegas it can be deadly if it goes on long enough. Alphas have a sense of it, but it doesn’t affect them in the same way. They don’t get sick. For you, it means a month or so of lethargy, aches, low grade fevers and chills, nausea, a veritable shopping list of symptoms that’ll ease and fade as the bond itself does. 
None of that had stopped one of the nurse’s at the hospital from suggesting that, despite the delicate nature of the situation, it might be beneficial for your health if you moved in with Ushijima and his pack until it did fade. 
It was Aya who’d jumped down her throat for that one. 
You were still in shock. Numb–
Except for the foreign, slow simmering anger lodged like a thorn between your ribs. A small piece of you that wasn’t you at all. 
Sometime around midmorning, you stir again.
There’s footsteps in the living room, pattering through towards your bedroom. Dancing on the edge of awake, your brain slow and sluggish, jumps to the most logical conclusion. 
You expect your door to open, that familiar bloom of lilacs to spill into your room along with your best friend, a bowl of noodle soup from the shop on the corner in tow, the strawberry cakes she promised earlier, extra pillows, coffee, her laptop with your favourite movie already queued up; comfort things she knows will help.
The door does swing open, and neither one of the tall, looming frames behind it belong to Aya. 
“Sorry to disappoint, little beta,” Semi drawls, crossing the threshold like he has every right to be there. “Your girlfriend’s busy, you’re gonna have to play with us instead.”
The blood in your veins runs cold. 
Drawing your legs up tight to put as much distance between you and the advancing alpha as you can, your eyes dart between the two, Tendou lingering in the doorway, fingers drumming against the jamb. 
“I didn’t report him. I’m not going to,” you tell them, clutching at the blankets around you so your hands won’t shake. “I know how it’ll go, I’m not i-interested in–”
Semi reaches your bed. That look he’d had in his eyes back at the stadium, dark, focused, predatory – it’s there again, sharp and gleaming. He’s smirking. 
“There’s no– you don’t need to threaten me, or-or try to scare me–” His knee hits the mattress and your voice jumps to a squeak as he climbs on up.
You squirm back against the headboard. Semi prowls closer. 
There’s nowhere for you to go. 
Tendou’s not so subtly placed himself between you and the exit, and even if you could launch yourself out of bed without Semi catching you – without your head spinning and stomach threatening to upheave – they’re alphas. You couldn’t outrun them on a good day, you sure as hell can’t fight them.  
“Please. You can go. I-I won’t say anything.”
“Fuck, that’s cute,” Tendou shivers, the deep red of his iris nearly swallowed by black. His fingers aren’t idly drumming anymore, they’re digging into the wood, splintering it beneath his grip. 
Inches away from you, Semi suddenly freezes, his attention snapping downwards to focus on something near his right hand. His nose wrinkles, lip curling. “You wanna know what I liked best about the omega?” he asks, lifting his gaze back to you. “I don’t think you really believed me back at the stadium.”
You shake your head. You don’t want to know. If they aren’t here to scare you into keeping your mouth shut about Ushijima, then–
A low, husky chuckle comes from the doorway. 
“When she’d show up smelling like the sea in summer.” 
He strikes hard and fast – seizing your ankle to yank you under him. His mouth finds the soft curve where your neck meets your shoulder and he bites down. Hard. 
Agony washes you over you, chased by fire. 
Panting wildly, your body locks up, arcing against him; against the warmth that crowds you, the hard muscles that cage you, the face now tucked into the crook of your neck, licking at the bloody, oozing wound. 
He’s there inside of you, too. Buried beneath your skin, brimming with smug satisfaction. 
“Bite her and we’ll take her home to the nest. I’m not fucking her here,” he calls over his shoulder, keeping his eyes fixed on you. He pats your hair, strokes your cheek. “Little beta needs her mates, don’t you?”
“Course she does!”
You’re gasping for air that won’t come, trembling, heart beating so frantically inside your chest you worry it’ll give out.
Tendou, bounding over with puppy-like eagerness, jumps on the bed and shoves his fellow alpha out of the way. 
“A…ya,” you rasp, weakly pushing at the large body crawling atop yours. You’re not sure whether it’s a question or a plea, but you get the sense that it doesn’t actually matter either way. 
Semi rolls his eyes – you can feel the flicker of his irritation – while Tendou, pawing at your sleep tee, pushing it up and shoving his face into the soft skin revealed there only groans, huffing at your scent like he can’t get enough. 
“Pretty omega like her? She’ll have her own alphas to worry about,” Semi dismisses, a faint frown marring his pretty face as he zeros in on the bandage over your neck. 
A split second too late, you realise his intentions. 
“No, don’t–”
He rips off the gauze.
Ushijima’s bite is puffy and inflamed. Calloused fingertips drift over the edges of the wound, Semi’s eyes boring into you as you let out a low, anxious whine. As Tendou licks and nips at your chest, working his way upwards, the blond increases the pressure, digging in.
You choke on a cry, pleasure, rather than pain, flooding and overwhelming your senses, and deep in your core, the answering surge of rabid need rips through you so viciously it punches the air from your lungs–
“We don’t fucking share.”
–and you scream as Tendou’s teeth sink into the curve of your breast, claiming you one final time.
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northescere · 10 months ago
haikyuu!! as things my friends and I have said: part 3
part 1, part 2
I’m coming to realise that the interactions between my friends and I are very shiratorizawa coded.
Anyways dirty jokes ahead don’t read if you aren’t comfy with it
Tendou: So I was watching a show about the lift on the cannibalism ban in Thailand—
Ushiwaka, mildly horrified: Cannibalism?
Tanaka: I’ll swallow your brains whole
Nishinoya: What brains
Tanaka: Oh yeah what brains
Nishinoya: We don’t have brains
Bokuto: What did he say? That he’s a penis?
Kuroo: (wheezing) he said he’s a pianist
Bokuto: OH
Tendou: Reon, tell him that I don’t have rabies
Reon: … (turns to Semi) I think he has rabies
Tendou: Betrayal
Kageyama: I had an alpha fish—
Tsukishima: Alpha fish.
Kageyama: No wait I meant betta fish
Tanaka: My entire life is a joke
Nishinoya: It’s okay, life is a circus
Ukai Keishin: (taking a picture of Karasuno) Looks like a volleyball cult group 
Atsumu: I’m the smartest
Osamu: No me
Atsumu: monke
Atsumu: SHIT
Atsumu: *NO ME
Osamu: ???💀
Tendou: I have MAD skills
Shirabu: You don’t have mad skills you’re just mad
Kuroo, climbing down the stairs: HYDROGEN
Kenma, turning around to look at him: Bitch what the fuck
Daichi: I need to go to dunkin donuts to redeem a voucher
Hinata: You need to redeem a wild teacher??
Kageyama: You need to redeem a vulture???
Sakusa: I think one day I’m gonna have to put you on a leash
Atsumu: (raises eyebrows)
Sakusa: NO 
Sugawara: No but Canadians speak French
Nishinoya: What? Really? 
Sugawara: Yeah?
Nishinoya: I thought they spoke maple leaf or something
Tendou: (checking receiptify) The fuck is Norwegian indie
Semi: Do you stan anyone from Norwegia?
Tendou: (wheezing) NORWEGIA???
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bluestarjay · 10 months ago
Oooh I am so tired of the twinkification of haikyuu characterssss Istg if I see one more fanart of Ushijima where he looks like the love interest of a shoujou anime, and is lean/skinny I'm gonna actually scream wth guys he's beefy he's MUSCULAR he is a professional athlete and is like 6"4 I keep seeing fanarts where he has more of Tendou's physique and it bothers me sm like I always see fanart of him and I don't recognize its him cause he's so skinny and I'm like "Who is that? He's wearing the Shiratori- Oh my God, that's not Ushijima, is it????" And then I check the tags, and it is, and I'm like ???? Like, I'm all for drawing characters according to your headcanons, but Ushijima??? Lean??? And I'll go on Pinterest to get ship stuff bc it's less organized and lowkey easier to find stuff since it's just pictures, yk? But I'll look at it, and it's all that weird ass 2000s-2010s artstyle. Take Tsukihina, for example, and Hinata looks like a child. Like Tsukishima is HUGE, and Hinata is TINY!! Their height difference is not that big. And I feel like a lot of it is from comics or doujinshi, and the style just looks like it's from something R rated ykwim???? Like all of it is just helpless baby Hinata 🥺🥺 and his huge tall 'alpha' bf Tsukishima who hates everybody but him. Like they just take random characters and twinkify them; they make them overtly feminine for no reason and it makes me sooo madddd I am sick of fuckin Thumbelina Hinata and Levi Ackerman Ushijima make it stop!!!! OR THE OPPOSITE WHERE THEY MAKE RANDOM CHARACTERS SUPER DOMINANT AND SEXY AND WEIRD BC 1 THEY ALWAYS USE THE HIGH SCHOOL VERSIONS OF THEM AND 2 THEY ARE FUCKING LOSERS AND NERDS THEYRE NOT CALLING A GODDAMN SOUL "BABYGIRL 🫦😩" THEY ARE CALLING EACH OTHER MORONS AND INSULTINF THEIR HAIRCUTS **edit, I just wanted to add that all the fanarts I see of the popular characters, e.g ushijima, atsumu/osamu, oikawa, etc, all have the same exact face toooo, And I actually HATE the kind of art where people make them *so* buff they look like a Jojo or DBZ character,, someone who reblogged brought that up a bit and REALLL I hate it. And this is kinda irrelevant, but I think people also forget that people's body types change over time. Changing a characters body type (at least according to the character/source) should be fine, as that's what happens as you age. A character from an apocalypse show probably isn't gonna be super buff, but rather lean bc yes they are technically working out in the fact that they are traveling a lot and idk like killing zombies or whatever the basis for the show is, but there's also gonna be a loss of food yk, so they'd still be rather skinny. And that'd be the case for any body type. A high schooler isn't gonna have the same body as an adult, and people don't usually account for that, which is fine, I'm not saying anybody has to because it's such a small thing usually, but it's just a small pet peeve of mine. (I want a muscular post time skip Osamu with some chubbiness so bad he loves to eat, but he does still like working out. I just know that man has some chub on his stomach and I want it 😩😩)
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gaygentbrontosaurus · 2 years ago
what Haikyuu characters smell like
…. because i’m sick of the sandalwood - vanilla bullshit, they're all in high school, they all smell like Axe or sweat
Hinata Shouyou
doesn't shower, but probably still has baby sweat so he doesn't stink
Kageyama Tobio
smells like Nivea cream. Very clean, very nice but also big baby vibes
Tsukishima Kei
showers with what his mom packed him so probably some organic oat-scented shit
Yamaguchi Tadashi
actually cares about his products and smells nice for a teenager but nobody notices
Ennoshita Chikara
Axe. Because everyone is using it, not because he thinks it's cool.
Nishinoya Yuu
doesn't shower. Also Axe.
Tanaka Ryuunosuke
showers sometimes, but only when his sister says that he stinks. Axe.
Azumane Asahi
one of the only people that actually smell attractive. definitely had an Axe phase in middle school tho. 
Sugawara Koushi
the only one on the team with a fresh shirt every practice, smells like fresh laundry
Sawamura Daichi
dad smell, like 3 in 1 hair, body, face and working in the garage
Iwaizumi Hajime
responsible adult, has a nice cologne and doesn't use too much of it, just enough. buys body wash in bulk because it’s cheaper and more convenient.
Oikawa Tooru
smells like everything. has a nice (in his opinion) perfume, strongly scented floral body wash, citrusy shampoo and coconut body butter. he is living his best life but everyone has to deal with his smell that enters the room before he does.
Matsukawa Issei & Hanamaki Takahiro
bought Axe and “manly man” body wash for shits and giggles and “ironically” use them. but in the end they still smell like Axe. also yes they bought one of each and share everything.
Yahaba Shigeru
easily impressed by Oikawa, also experiments with different smells but thankfully he’s more subtle with it
Kyoutani Kentarou
Terushima Yuuji
Aone Takanobu
nice, subtle scent, smells cozy.
Ushijima Wakatoshi
soap is soap, so also Axe.
Tendou Satori
either washes with just water or has a very specific and complicated hair care routine. there is no inbetween. smells like sandalwood and no one knows why.
Shirabu Kenjirou
Daishou Suguru
you would think he’s edgy and different, but deep down we all know he uses Axe.
Miya Atsumu
Axe. He is THE prime Axe user. if someone thinks it's cool and manly it's Miya Atsumu.
Miya Osamu
Axe. but one of the milder ones
Suna Rintarou
doesn’t care. Axe.
Haiba Lev
stole his dads fancy cologne, which would be nice and all if he didn’t shower with a chocolate-scented body wash.
Kozume Kenma
long haired gamer. doesn’t shower. probably borrows deodorant from someone on the team because he didn’t pack any and doesn’t care how he smells. so Axe.
Yamamoto Taketora
doesn’t shower. Axe.
Kuroo Tetsurou
token “manly highschooler smell”. overuses Calvin Klein cologne. but shower gel? Axe. ironically watches the alpha male self care routines but secretly notes the shit down.
Yaku Morisuke
buys his products in those mom shops, all his products smell nice like lavender, jasmine or cotton and are vegan, clean and non-gmo.
Akaashi Keiji
takes care of himself. uses basic products, but has a separate product for everything, doesn’t believe in the 3 in 1 (actually uses a conditioner and face wash). smells like he showers regularly so the rest of the team is greatly impressed.
Bokuto Koutarou
Axe. douses himself with the deodorant. definitely had a tutti frutti phase in the past 2 years.
Sakusa Kiyoomi
rubbing alcohol, uses only hypoallergenic, non-scented products.
Yachi Hitoka
bought a strawberry-scented soap because it looked really cute. doesn’t like the scent at all but still uses it because she is anxious to tell her mom to get her a new one.
Shimizu Kiyoko
smells very feminine, uses fancier brands with floral smells.
Ukai Keishin
cigarettes. bought cologne to impress women but rarely uses it.
Takeda Ittetsu
laundry detergent. always has clean clothes and changes often.
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bugtransport · 5 months ago
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heartofjasmina · 2 months ago
Current Works In Progress
Eden - Gardener Reader x Pro Hero Bakugou Katsuki
You're too Sweet for Me - Chef!Bakugou Katsuki x chubby reader Untitled #1 - Pagan reader x half giant Ushijima who takes them in after reader runs away from abusive step family Kneel - professional Dom!Iwaizumi x new sub reader escaping an abusive ex Untitled #2 - pro athelte Alpha!Ushijima x "broken" omega/manager reader who's brash and loud and not submissive in their day to day life
Keeper - Aomine x Kuroko x Kagami fix it fic where Kagami comes back for Kuroko only to find Aomine has taken the opportunity to win Kuroko back
Hot Heads - enemies to lovers with Aomine x alt reader who is just as cocky and brash as him, and who loves to tease him until he wants to strangle you
Learning to Obey - Pro athelte Ushijima x dom!reader Meet after tendou decides Ushi just needs something different than fangirls
Surrender - Pro hero Amajiki x dom!reader (with a splash of Miritama) who gets saved by him in a villain rampage and gives him her number
Sweet Tooth - Murasakibara x childhood friend home cook reader who's had a crush on him for years
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detectivesparrow · 3 months ago
A masterlist of all my works
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Bounded By Resolve Platonic!Saiyuki x Reader, group, fluff In Good Hands Saiyuki x Reader, individuals, fluff Mine Cho Hakkai x Reader, smut
Princess Mononoke
Love in the Shadows Ashitaka x Reader, fluff
My ALL time favorite fic ❤❤❤
All In Alpha! Ushijima, Tendou, Semi x beta!reader by @seijorhi , omegaverse, abo
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honeesucker · 2 years ago
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♡ = NSFW / Explicit / 18+ ONLY
☠️ = Dark Content / Problematic / READ STORY TAGS
☁️ = Fluff / SFW
🐾 = Alpha / Beta / Omega dynamics (Omegaverse)
🐕 = Puppygirl
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➤DynaMight | Katsuki Bakugo
・(Bone) Appétit ♡🐕 
     ○ Prelude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
・ A moment in time  ♡
・Bakugo Thirsts / Drabbles / Etc.  ♡
➤Eraserhead | Shota Aizawa
・Safeword ♡
➤Shigaraki | Tenko Shimura
・Darling, Dearest ♡ ☠️ part 1 part 2 part 3
➤Dabi | Touya Todoroki
・Flight ♡ ☠️
・ Haunted by a Shadow (ft. Shoto Todoroki) ♡ ☠️
➤ Hawks | Keigo Takami
・ Gliding Into You | RomCom Collab ☁️
➤ Fatgum | Taishiro Toyomitsu
・ Heart-Shaped Castella | RomCom Collab ♡ ☁️
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➤Haikyuu boys reacting to you texting them *~spicy photos~* and then falling asleep…
・ Iwaizumi Hajime  ♡
➤ Haikyuu boys reacting to your hand on their thigh… ♡
・ Semi Eita
・ Kenma Kozume
・ Ushijima Wakatoshi
・ Tsukishima Kei
・ Akaashi Keiji
➤ Haikyuu boys reacting to you calling them ‘Daddy’… ♡
・ Bokuto Kotaro
・ Ushijima Wakatoshi
・ Daichi Sawamura
・ Akaashi Keiji
・ Iwaizumi Hajime
・ Tendou Satori
・ Tsukishima Kei
➤ Bokuto Kōtarō
・ Sugar Coat ♡ 🐾
・ Bokuto x Puppygirl PWP ♡ 🐕
・ Bokuto X Fem!reader PWP  ♡
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➤Coming soon!
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➤Coming soon!
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➤Coming soon!
Call of Duty Thirsts / Drabbles / etc.  ♡
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woahjo · 1 year ago
works in progress ᡣ𐭩
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i mostly write long fic and i do take a little while, so please be patient with me!!
bird of prey (tendou x reader) - on going series currently working on chapter 4 — wc: 3.1k
Synopsis: Satori Tendou is your best friend, but you fuck for fun. *posted chapters are in the series masterlist on my blog or on my ao3
idol (gojo x reader) - idol au current words: 2k — projected 10k
Synopsis: You are one of the world's most successful idols. Your stage name Akari, is known around the world and your face is one of pop culture's most beloved. Satoru is a chart topping male idol with an obsession with the lights, fame and fortune. Being a perfect idol is a lonely, full time gig and you love every part of it.
"Most of the idols that people love and worship are awful people. That’s just the name of the game. Sex scandals, cheating, womanizing, drugs, the whole lot of it. It’s more common than most people would think. Some idols, in their free time, like to see just how much shit they can get away with without getting caught, and it’s actually a lot. So much gets swept under the rug all because someone has a pretty face.  You pride yourself on being a little better than those people, a little better than every other idol in your industry or employed by your agency. Sure, you cause your fair share of trouble away from the public eye, but your superiority complex doesn’t come from the shit you do behind the complex, it comes from what you do in front of it. You’re magic. No really, you are. There is something about you that other people lack. Some intrinsic aspect of you that sets you apart. Call it star-power, charisma, whatever. All you know is that it makes you a damn good liar and an even better idol."
what else is there to do when you're dead? (ghost!tendou x reader) currently working on chapter 3 - last chapter, projected wc 5-7k (?)
Synopsis: A haunting was not included in your picture-perfect, odd-ball, antique store dream. It also wasn’t in the lease agreement.
a/b/o roommates au (alpha!katsuki x omega!reader) wc: concept only, projected ??
Synopsis: You and Katsuki have three rules for keeping the peace. Mind your business, keep the pheromones under control, and friends don't fuck each other. The arrangement works... sort of. *Synopsis subject to change as the story is written, but the concept will stay the same
the people we left behind (bakugou x reader) - zombie au prequel current wc: 643, projected ?? + 5 chapters
Synopsis: Before the world ended, you used to be someone else. You'd given up entirely on that person, until you met Katsuki at the end of the world. How close had you been to meeting him before all of it? Set a few months before the events of The People We Became.
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macrocore · 9 months ago
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My 1/2 Life! (Seme!MaleReader X Various) - Chapter 4 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/424004009-my-1-2-life-seme-malereader-x-various-chapter-4?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading Hi! (M/n) Saotome, here! I finally found my Master, Ranma Saotome and his Dad, Genma, in this place called the Tendou dojo. I wonder how my life is going to be as we live here with these people! Oh! KuroRyu-chan told me to say that I'm the seme...does that mean I'm a Alpha?
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delugedecade · 1 year ago
Deluge's Pokemon
(Collected over many asks)
Shinx Mun (Of course I know him, He's me)
Tinka Mun (DnD Mode Mun)
Bagel the Espurr (The Voice of Reason and Chaos)
Humidifier the Ghastly (Encounter from FreeUseMuses)
DenDen the Shiny Shinx (Gifted by FreeUseMuses)
BiriBiri the Shiny Shinx (Gifted by FreeUseMuses)
Yuki the Alolan Vulpix (Encounter from FreeUseMuses)
Gabutan the Heracross (Gifted by FreeUseMuses)
Gecko the Flygon (Encounter from FreeUseMuses)
Cotton the Shiny Stufful (Found in FreeUseMuses' laundry)
Mama the Bewear (Mama to Stuffel)
Egg the Shiny Swablu (Found resting after migration by FreeUseMuses)
Minerva the Buneary (Encounter from FreeUseMuses)
Caesar the Leafeon (Caught sleeping by FreeUseMuses)
Ciel the Glaceon (Snowing with FreeUseMuses)
Coal the Flareon (Warming up thanks to FreeUseMuses)
Delphi the Shiny Sylveon (Encounter from FreeUseMuses)
Fuzzles the Eevee (Gifted by RPKing99)
Wahsp the Beedrill (Encounter by FreeUseMuses)
Ketchup the Pikachu (Gifted by FreeUseMuses)
Moon Bright the Teddiursa (Gifted by FreeUseMuses)
Tendou the Kabutops (Gifted by megareader)
Chorizo the Charmander (Gifted by FreeUseMuses)
Buba the Bulbasaur (Gifted by FreeUseMuses)
Beeg Quilin the Alpha Cindaquil (Gifted by FreeUseMuses)
Pikmin the Chikorita (Gifted by FreeUseMuses)
Totoro the Totodile (Gifted by FreeUseMuses)
Tom Tom the Turtwig (Drumming with FreeUseMuses)
Nebby the Cosmog (Failed to get in bag from FreeUseMuses)
Luminaire the Articuno (From FreeUseMuses)
Barret the Zweilous (Stolen Catch, Later Traded from FreeUseMuses)
Garret the Shiny Deino (Gifted by FreeUseMuses)
Turret the Deino (MORE!!!)
Jaden Opals
Kanga and Roo (Kangaskhan) (Kangaroos)
Jasmine and Jasper (Nidorans) (Echidnas)
Yor Briar
Brulee the Growlithe (Caught chewing on daggers by FreeUseMuses)
Omelet the Growlithe
Tamago the Growlithe
Mama Flambe the Arcanine (Full Family)
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seijorhi · 3 months ago
(long post ahead)
I'M GNAWING AT THE BARS FOR THIS FIC RHI. There's so many components I love especially with the hyper-aware and insecure MC towards the system and that being her blindspot three alphas' infatuation with her. Even if she is a beta, it's pretty clear that she's entangled in the system even if she doesn't want to. That's one part I always like about outsider MC tropes since they aren't always spared from these hiearchies, which is why I deeply adore the portrayal of a beta MC amongst a sea of omega MCs (no offense to the writers tho!)
I feel like the fic was also a good combination of standout parts from Powder Keg and Means to an End with the Ame/Aya similarity and the climax ending at the hospital. I wonder what other readers' interpretation of Aya would be like especially since Ame got negative reception at her naivety and her blind desire to be with the boy/s. I think they're both buffers in the sense that if they were gone, a lot of the tension would be removed as the boys would have taken a more straightforward and drastic approach.
To me, I feel like Aya's character was very interesting especially since her outright flaws in the fic could be attributed to her omega nature. It's understandable that she would have a tunnel vision to getting a pack. It's also pretty clear in the fic that Aya was willing to walk away as long as MC communicated it to her, which makes MC's discomfort and eventual assault by Ushijima all the more painful. I've made this review solely centered on the girls since they're very complex leading ladies, but the alphas oh my god...
We've already seen a team up with Ushijima and Tendou before, but Semi is such a good addition to the mix. He reminds me of a mixture between Matsukawa and Kuroo through his vibes, and he was really intimidating/pushy at simultaneously luring and taunting MC in their solo convo. Aside from that, Ushijima's scenes were an unexpected part of the fic since he always seeemed composed and cold until he isn't. I just want to look into his head during the match since he was staring at MC so intensely. Also, Tendou's part was interesting since he was just playing Aya at the tips of his fingertips. It's a nice change for him to just manipulate another person so easily for the sake of his goals.
If you don't mind this very long post, I have a few questions to ask since I love the fic and I want a new trend of beta readers to come out in the a/b/o fics 🙏
- What was the three's first impression of the MC when they actually met face-to-face during the game?
- What were Tendou and Aya talking about in their solo conversation?
- What's their endgame? Would they be willing to expand their pack so that other alphas, omegas, and betas can have a taste of MC?
- The three wanted to keep Aya as a back-up, but would there be a line she could never cross or she'd get removed from the arrangement entirely?
- Maybe it's just my ass being delusional since Aya and MC have a close relationship, but did Aya ever think of pursuing things with her romantically even with her status?
ty my love!!
it's funny you bring up ame, because after the backlash with her character in means to an end i tried to make ayako at least slightly more sympathetic?? she's not perfect by any means, but at the end of the day she's just a girl who loves her best friend. she's balancing her biological needs – a veritable ticking clock – against the risk of losing the only person she cares about, and it goes catastrophically wrong
okay onto the questions;
i think ushijima's reaction speaks for itself. if there was any doubt she was it, it pretty much evaporated right then and there.
for semi, it's her first time meeting him, sure, but with the most free time on his hands, he's pretty well acquainted with their little beta.
with tendou, what she attributes to friendly enthusiasm is...well, barely repressed horniness. he wants to bend her over so bad
2. it's mostly smalltalk and funny stores, tendou prying into her life with the reader between anecdotes of his own and aya giggling along. his attention wanes pretty quick without the reader
3. their pack is perfect as is. three alphas and their beta mate. at one point they were willing to potentially include aya in that, but considering ushijima completely lost it over the omega scenting her and semi's own simmering jealousy (which i think comes as a surprise to him as well), those plans were quickly abandoned. they're too possessive to share, even on a limited basis.
4. i think even if they'd gone ahead with the plan, the end result would've been the same, just a slower process. the limits to the levels of contact they'd accept growing smaller and more restrictive day by day.
5. the first draft was very, very gay. like almost overtly. jennifer's body levels of 'gay for your best friend'. i ended up dialling it down to make it more open to interpretation, but i think that ultimately, no matter how you read it, if aya could deal with her heats entirely on her own, she'd be more than happy to live out her days just the two of them.
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ao3feed-iwaoi · 2 years ago
Abrazos de Aire
Read this masterpiece on AO3 at https://ift.tt/BWtlgXQ
by LemonadeofTears08
El mundo era biológicamente incorrecto, o al menos esa era la conclusión de Tendou despues de años de ser expuesto a la realidad.
Entre alfas, betas y omegas aquellos llamados "Almas gemelas" son extraños espectadores bendecidos que solo pueden mirar desde un lado de la carretera.
Personas que no pueden ser doblegadas por "la voz" ni a sus propias hormonas, almas viejas.
"Eres un monstruo, y por eso Sartori, estas bendecido"
"lo se, por mi chico milagro"
Pareja: Ushiten (Ushijima Wakatoshi & Satori Tendou). Anime: Haikyuu.
Omegaverse & Soulmateverse.
Words: 6499, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Español
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Tendou Satori, Tendou Satori's Mother, Tendou Satori's Father, Tendou Satori's Family, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Ushijima Wakatoshi's Mother, Ushijima Wakatoshi's Grandmother, Iwaizumi Hajime, Iwaizumi Hajime's Mother, Iwaizumi Hajime's Family, Oikawa Tooru, Oikawa Tooru's Mother, Oikawa Tooru's Family, Semi Eita, Shirabu Kenjirou, Oohira Reon, Yamagata Hayato
Relationships: Tendou Satori & Ushijima Wakatoshi, Tendou Satori/Ushijima Wakatoshi, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime & Oikawa Tooru, Semi Eita/Shirabu Kenjirou, Oohira Reon/Original Character(s)
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Omega Tendou Satori, Alpha Ushijima Wakatoshi, Omega Oikawa Tooru, Alpha Iwaizumi Hajime, Beta Semi Eita, Omega Shirabu Kenjirou, Alpha Oohira Reon, Alpha Yamagata Hayato, La amistad entre Oikawa y tendou, Original Character(s), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, compatible con el canon hasta la preparatoria, se van a ir agregando parejas y tags, ushiten, iwaoi - Freeform
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/BWtlgXQ
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stickers-on-a-laptop · 5 months ago
really hope in the next 45m that is tendou an alpha beta or omega poll ends up in a tie
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lizandbo · 11 months ago
Will write for:
I love doing fluff but I also will allow angst and semi-smut
Haikyuu: all of Karasuno, all of datetech, oikawa and iwa, lev, kuroo, Kenma, tora, ushiwaka and tendou, Bokuto (my love) and akaashi, and all of inarizaki
MHA: all of class 1-A and tetsutetsu, the big three and aizawa and fatgum
Wont write for:
I’m not much of au person really- except for a few
Also I will not ever ever do alpha omega and yandere type shit I absolutely HATE that
Ummm when I say semi-smut I don’t mean like no very highly suggestive stuff I just mean no harsh sex
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