#alolan Cave Raichu
pokemon-ash-aus · 2 months
What would Switch!Ash look like as an Alolan Raichu?
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A little sweetheart!
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Intro Post Time!!!!
Hello! My name is Jordan! I'm 22 years old and use he/him pronouns! I'm from Icirrus City in Unova but I've been studying at the University of Castelia to become a Pokemon Anthropologist! For those who don't know, that's the study of how Pokemon have affected human evolution and vice-versa!
My icon was made in a picrew (which can be found here https://www.neka.cc/composer/11762) but it isn't exemplary of my real team! My team so far can be found below the cut!
I love battling but most of my time is spent trying to afford food for these guys researching evolutionary, linguistic, and cultural links between people and Pokemon. I'm not very far into my studies yet (I just transferred from Straiton College which unfortunately closed its doors recently) but I'm very excited :)
(ooc my main is @nerdy-bumblebee)
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Samurott (Sammy) - Been with me since i was 10, my starter and best friend. Very stoic and mellow, but loves a good game of catch <3
Crobat (Barb) - Barb has been with me almost as long as Sammy! She's very oblivious to new things, having been in a cave for her whole life before I caught her, but she's a great listener and sweet as honey (if you dont consider the poison)
Alolan Raichu (Syrup) - Found in a field research overseas; didn't know she was shiny OR Alolan until she evolved! Her name comes from her father, named Pancakes! Funny enough, she prefers waffles, but loves any and all syrup she can get her hands on!
Leafeon (Leif) - I got him as an Eevee as a gift from my late grandma! We had always ummed and erred about what he'd evolve into until I saw a picture of Leafeon in a biology textbook. We didn't know HOW to evolve him, we just knew we wanted to. Then one day I was taking a walk in Pinwheel Forest while visiting the museum in Nacrene and bam! I gave him the option between a bunch of names and Leif is the one that stuck! Very quiet lil guy but good at keeping company.
Arcanine (Ruby) - The most fiery girl you'll meet! I was visiting a friend from Virbank that I room with and found her on a trip to the complex! She basically knocked me into a pipe with how hard she jumped into me and wouldn't leave my side the whole time! I basically had to force her to get off so I could get her in a Pokeball!
Slurpuff (Cream) - Gift from my dad when he went to Kalos! She was actually how he taught me how trading works! He told me to catch a Stunfisk that's been giving us some trouble and that he'd trade me for a Slurpuff! Stunfisk is now our family pet :)
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heavenlyhoundoom · 10 months
Since Sylveon from Courtney (Prodject SNT) has trolled every pokemon, I decided to make my own roasts, starting with Kanto.
Bulbasaur: How does it feel to be the best Kanto starter strategically and yet also the least popular?
Ivysaur: If it wasn't for smash, most people would've forgotten that you exist.
Venusaur: Why do you have such an ugly backside?
Charmander: For the most popular starter, you'd think you would have a more consistent sprite.
Charmeleon: Pikachu being a mouse I get, but how are you a chameleon!?
Charizard: Their category should be changed to "The cash cow pokemon".
Squirtle: Remember when people thought you were part squirrel because of your name and tail?
Wartortle: Who are you again?
Blastoise: How do you grab anything with those stubby arms?
Caterpie: Hello, Wormy from Spongebob.
Metapod: 💤💤💤.
Butterfree: I prefer mine with butter, thank you very much.
Weedle: Well if it isn't the only pokemon who can't learn any normal type moves.
Kakuna: It's slightly more interesting than Metapod, but only slightly.
Beedrill: You look more like a hornet than a bee, so go away!
Pidgey: Baby's first birdie.
Pidgeotto: They clearly dye their head feathers to get that flawless red color.
Pidgeot: Why does the middle evolution have the longer name!?
Rattata: Youngster Joey is the only one who actually likes you.
Raticate: You do look a hairy potato with teeth.
Spearow: How does it feel to have the anime label you all as aggressive assholes?
Spearow: You have to be the worst shiny I ever catched!
Ekans: If it wasn't for team rocket, you'd only be known for your ridiculous name.
Arbok: Seviper is apparently their evolution, no wait, the anime is just full of lies.
Pickachu: They're basically Mickey mouse if he had electric powers.
Raichu: The anime just had to make every raichu an asshole to give Ash's pikachu an excuse to not want to evolve.
Sandshrew: You look more like an armadillo than a shrew.
Sandslash: Your Alolan form is a lot more interesting.(it's my opinion, don't attack me)
The entire nidoran line (both male and female): The fact that nidoran♀ is the only one who can breed with the entire nidoran♂ feels like an unintentional p*dofelic breeding fetish.
Clefairy: I personally think making pikachu the mascot instead was a good call.
Clefable: Remember, the clefairy line walked so elgyem and beheeyem could run.
Vulpix: I've got nothing, vulpix is the best Kanto pokemon.(again, it's my opinion, don't attack me)
Ninetales: Congratulations for having one of the least creative pokemon names.
Jigglypuff: How does it feel to only be known for being a brat in the anime?
Wigglytuff: It's gen one sprite was really something else, and not in a good way.
Zubat: The vermin of caves.
Golbat: How do you fly with that big mouth?
Oddish: "Insert 4/20 joke here"
Gloom: Its name speaks for itself.
Vileplume: I bet it smells as vile as its name suggests.
Paras: Can someone please remove those parasitic mushrooms from its back!?
Parasect: Too late, they've already taken over...
Venonat: The anime also lies about it not being a bug type.
Venomoth: You're only remembered because a dumb theory.
Diglett: Someone pointed out that their nose looks like a mouth with one tooth and now I can't unsee it.
Dugtrio: This evolution is almost as lazy as electrode.(I'm gonna get a lot of death threats with how much I'm bashing gen one)
Meowth: You're the Tom to Pikachu's Jerry.
Persian: Try not to get a big head, okay?
Psyduck: Do you need some ibuprofen?
Golduck: It's the "why isn't this a psychic type" pokemon.
Mankey: The manly monkey.
Primape: How does it learn iron tail without having a tail?(especially if the primape's female?)
Growlithe: Baby's first doggo.
Arcane: The rejected legendary.
Poliwag: Just a round boi.
Polywhirl: Congratulations, you can finally hold things.
Polywrath: Why are you so pissed, man?
Abra: The teleporting troll.
Kadabra: the fact that they used to be a human has very disturbing implications.
Alakazam: The perfect pokemon to eat icecream with.
Machop: Why does it have chest gills?
Machoke: It pisses me off that pokemon like delphox and meowscarada get demonized for being "too humanoid" when this fucker exist!
Machamp: Why does it look like it's wearing briefs?
Bellsprout: Its head sure does look like a bell.
Weepinbell: One of many gen one poison/grass types.
Victreebel: Remember, Victreebel walked so guzzlord could run.
Tentacool: Funny, you're actually not cool at all.
Tentacruel: That name makes more sense.
Geodude: I was gonna say "baby's first rock monster" but that joke has already been used twice.
Graveler: Why did you grow an extra set of arms, only to ditch them once you evolve!?
Golem: Why do you have a lizard face all of a sudden?
Ponyta: Imagine your kid wanting a horse for either their birthday or Christmas and the only option is one that would burn the house down.
Rapidash: You want me to ride on its back!? Yeah, I'll just take the bus.
Slowpoke: No thoughts, head empty.
Slowbro: I can't get over the fact that it's constantly being bitten.
Magnemite: This should've been a gen two pokemon so it could've been a steel type from the beginning.
Magnaton: It's Dugtrio all over again!
Farfetche'd: Was the apostrophe really necessary?
Doduo: "Cause you know two heads are better than one"
Dodrio: They're just a bird version of Cerberus.
Seel and Dewgong: And the award for the least creative pokemon names goes to...these losers!
Grimer: I heard this thing eats sewage.🤢
Muk: It has an unfortunate backwards name.
Shellder: Why is its tounge all ways out?
Cloyster: They knew what they were doing when they paired it with an onix.
Gastly: Our first ghost type was a ball of gas, really?
Hanter: There really isn't anything to roast with this pokemon.
Gengar: You look more like a scrapped grimace design than an actual ghost.(definitely getting death threats for that)
Onix: Pikachu winning against Brock's onix using water sprinklers was a total ass pull!
Drowzee: Mikey's favorite pokemon.
Hyno: They got a lemon for a nose.
Krabby: Mmmmm, crab legs.....
Kingler: If only that kingler curry wasn't exclusive to Japan.
Voltorb: The bomb pokemon.
Electrode: The laziest design.(tied with pawmo)
Exeggcute: Nothing cute about this pokemon.
Exeggutor: I know they're seeds, but how do egg looking seeds evolve into a palm tree!?
Cubone and Marowak: Why would you make a pokemon who's whole gimmick is having a dead mother, you monster!?
Hitmonlee: I have no mouth and I must scream!
Hitmonchan: It does look like it's wearing a dress.(and an ugly dress at that)
Lickitung: In Japan, this is the innuendo pokemon and not bellsprout.
Koffing and Weezing: It's been three years since the pandemic and I still don't think talking about them is tasteful.
Rhyhorn: Again, I'll take the bus.
Rhydon: The first ever pokemon.(created by the developers that is)
Chansey: Stop letting people eat your babies!
Tangela: The only pure grass type of gen one.
Kangaskhan: If the next region is based on Australia, then I hope we get a pokemon that actually looks like a kangaroo.
Horsea and Seadra: I can't roast seahorses.
Goldeen and Seaking: You're more of a collector's item than an actual pokemon.
Staryu and Starmie: Apparently, starfish come from outer space.
Mr.Mime: I read a dex entry about how it slaps people with its big hands and now all I can think of is that Will Smith meme but with Mr.Mime.
Syther: Or alakazam according to team rocket.
Jinx: Probably the most controversial pokemon in existence.
Electabuzz: Prepare to evolve into a very ugly pokemon in gen 4.
Magmar: They got a butt on their head.
Pinser: I can't get over their sideways mouth.
Tauros: Who put astrology into pokemon!?
Magikarp: Keeping using splash, and maybe we can win.
Gyarados: I think the only reason they're not dragon type is so they wouldn't be op.
Lapras: Can't roast perfection.
Ditto: The breeding slave pokemon.
Eevee: The best gimmick pokemon we've ever had.
Vaporeon: This pokemon has been forever ruined for me by a certain copypasta.
Jolteon: Raichu for dog lovers.
Flareon: Aka, Fluffier Eevee.
Porygon: I'm sorry that the pokemon company pinned all the blame on you instead of Pikachu.
Omantyte: This is your Lord? My Lord Lunala would destroy them.
Omastar: Again with the weird mouth.
Kabuto: The most forgettable gen one fossil.
Kabutops: One razor leaf, and you're dead.(again)
Areodactyl: Kid me would be over the moon if she knew there was a pterodactyl pokemon.
Snorlax: Oh look, a discord mod.
Articuno: One rock slide, and you're dead.
Zapdos: Those wings look like poorly cut paper.
Moltres: Who set their rubber chicken on fire!?
Dratini: You sure are teenie alright!
Dagonair: I just remembered that there's a type of lo mein called dragon noodles, while it was probably unintentional, I still thought that was a clever pun.
Dragonite: How can I roast something that's so friend shaped?
Mew and Mewtwo: Why does Mewtwo come before Mew in the pokedex even though Mew came first?
I'm actually gonna do Paldea next , so I can get to the good roasts before Sylveon.
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(Dailycinnamonthealolanraichu) Wow, you are so pretty and majestic! Are you a fast swimmer? You look really sleek I bet you are so fast!! Ooh! Can I hold on to you while you swim fast?! That would be so cool!
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“Hold on tight!”
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jellied0ctopus · 3 years
i've had nothing but hypmic in my head recently so have hypnosis mic characters & their trusted pokemon partners 🤭 full post under the cut
JAKURAI: AUDINO. but like, specifically shiny jakurai-purple audino. it's a healer, but can deal surprising psychic damage. would be a solid partner for jakurai to lean on.
HIFUMI: ROSELIA. is anyone surprised? with his rose imagery & grace & beauty hifumi is clearly a grass trainer. petal dance, charm, roses. plus all the ladies at his host club think roselia is sooo pretty & i like to think roselia helps him out with the house chores like cooking and cleaning
DOPPO: RAICHU. i feel in my heart doppo has an explosive electric type. perhaps hifumi helped pick a partner for him as evident in alolan's raichu's extreme cuteness. can be a little energetic for him at times, but a reliable partner who helps him recharge as needed.
ICHIRO: ARCANINE. someone ordinary and friendly yet intimidating and powerful as need dictates. i believe they met when it was a growlithe & they grew together as partners- perhaps it evolved when ichiro needed it most, when tdd broke up and he strengthened his resolve. a loyal and strong choice.
JIRO: PANCHAM. jiro is an ordinary boy with lots of potential, but ultimately he wants to follow in ichiro'sw footsteps with a similar pokemon. pancham is an average fighting type pokemon. they're equally joyful, quick to fight, & a little absent-minded. like ichiro's pokemon pancham will eventually evolve into a strong, loyal, and big partner as pangoro.
SABURO: EEVEE. saburo's young, the youngest cast member and still a child. he still has a long way to go as the last of the brothers to get a pokemon. a young but capable partner would suit him, able to grow as saburo does. eevee won't grow as big as his older brothers' pokemon, but will evolve into something just as fierce + more mischevious. perhaps a jolteon or umbreon? it would be just as spunky as saburo too.
SAMATOKI + GRANBULL. nemu suggested a snubbull when they were younger half-jokingly because she thought it was cute & it reminded her of him in a way. he caved; that loyal partner has evolved. unique color, which doesn't really go with his scheme at all, but just as short in temper & strong in fist as samatoki. honestly i wouldn't put it past him to dye its fur to fit his aesthetic
JYUTO: HOUNDOOM. it's a cop pokemon. i don't really have anything else to say about this
RIO: SCIZOR. rio is an ex-military outdoorsman, so i felt a steel bug type would fit him well. scizor helps out with the camp & probably performs well in hand to hand combat training. i bet this pokemon also knows how to shoot a g*n. it keeps rio company in the forest.
RAMUDA: SYLVEON. he's difficult because of his complex nature but i ended up sticking with my og choice bc it fits his brand so well- cute fashion designer singing about candy & ladies. don't think however due to appearances that this duo can't fight, they can absolutely obliterate a bitch. sylveon can feel its trainers emotions through the ribbons, so probably helps calm ramuda down from his rages. ramuda gets attached to it even though he knows it's a bad idea...
GENTARO: MIMIKYU. his mc name is phantom- clearly a ghost pokemon fits him well. additionally, gentaro is a mystery wrapped in lies... the mischievous costumed pokemon suits him. it keeps him company as he writes, partakes in his teasing, and lashes out when gentaro does. possibly the only one on the planet who gentaro confides in 100% but even then gentaro probably keeps some stuff to himself.
DICE: ZOROARK. somewhat uncommon, indicative of dice's mystery past...? evolved from a zorua, his closest partner. still mischievous & will occasionally pull pranks; backs dice up in a pinch. protective. you KNOW dice gave it a matching hair chain.
KUKO: LATIAS? briefly ignoring legendary status. it's a dragon type which is his brand, even if it's not the same type as his jacket / speakers. i admit i don't know much about buddhist monks but i thought a psychic type could be a good match. also latias is red lol, though its pretty face doesn't match kuko's filthy mouth...
JYUSHI: UMBREON / SPOINK ?? with him i'm really torn. i can't decide between superficial or significant. visually, umbreon is literally this guy's exact aesthetic- perhaps chosen for the vibe after he reinvents himself. story-wise, i feel i have to stick to the pig theme. ofc, spoink was a gift from his grandmother & he loves her dearly.
HITOYA: MIGHTYENA. a respectable pokemon for a successful lawyer. fierce when needed, but an mature pokemon- they're old friends. also fits the half white / half black heaven & hell aesthetic he has going on. this mightyena has and will again bite someone in the name of justice
SASARA: MR MIME. i'm sorry about this as i'm not creative. comedian character & my first thought is the scary mime. in my defense, imagine them in a comedy duo. i think he could have some kind of lucky cat pokemon instead but i'm not sure who could fit that description.
ROSHO: STARMIE. first of all, it's right next to mr mime in the pokedex (lol). but also it's kind of his color scheme and matches his seeing-the-world-differently energy ?? i originally thought noctowl for him because he's a teacher who wears glasses and his mc name is wisdom, but reconsidered it as too on the nose & not really his exact vibe. i'm not sure if starmie is better but it's 3am
REI: PERSIAN. this sleazy rich person pokemon. team rocket boss has the same one for a reason. rei is also totally the guy to have a legendary pokemon in his back pocket, but he can't exactly reveal that stuff in public as he's more of a behind-the-scenes string puller. if hypmic was in the pokemon universe then he was probably the one to genetically engineer mewtwo tbh
that's all thanks for reading
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sleepy-moron · 2 years
All the poster characters from season four of stranger things but I assign them 1 Pokémon each based on vibes:
Karen- Leavanny: noted for being an exceptionally maternal Pokémon, it even makes clothes out of leaves for its young….also fits the green theming the wheelers have got going on in this au which is fun.
Joyce- Pyroar: Specifically noted as being good mothers and protecting their young extremely fiercely… plus cats are supposed to be able to pick up on things other things don’t so Joyce being a lion fits her imo
Hopper- Camerupt: Hop can have an……explosive temper but mostly I just picture a very unimpressed looking volcano camel following hop around and staring into the camera like it’s on the office. Big crotchety old man vibes and that suits hop.
Murray- Beheeyem: Murray is literally a conspiracy theorist and this is the Pokémon equivalent of the men in black how could I not give him this…..also an underrated personal favorite psychic type
Steve- Floatzel: I sat here for ages trying to think of a Pokémon for Steve and then I realized floatzel works really well+ it’s literally described as making an effort to save people that are drowning so clearly it has the proper protective instincts and I can just see Steve chilling with this dude
Robin- Chatot: A music note themed parrot that can replicate and as they age understand human speech?? Yeah this suits robin pretty well, plus one of its possible abilities is tangled feet which suits Robin’s general lack of coordination.
Eddie- Obstagoon: This is Gene Simmons as a Pokémon….not a ton of lore but it’s a punk used by the “evil” team in gen 8 and it suits him
Nancy- Gardevoir: Looks pretty and feminine (ie pre s1 nancy), loyal and will summon a black hole to protect its trainer, has some knight inspiration as well….overall very strong and cool Pokémon, plus her and mike have Pokémon with similar color schemes
Johnathan- Male meowstic: said to have awakened its psychic powers out of a need to protect itself, and must restrain itself to not wreak havoc with these powers. Males are highly protective of those they care about and are hesitant to fight unless those people are in danger.
Argyle- Alolan Raichu: chill surfer dude vibes and the fact that I can just imagine a lil Raichu floating around next to Argyle while he’s making the grave for the agent man and is helping to decorate it. I just think the energies are the same.
Erica- Galarian ponyta: Look me dead in the eyes and tell me Erica would not have this as a Pokémon……you can’t because it’s true!!
Dustin- Rotom: mischievous electric ghost that possesses electronics and is smart enough to cause havoc….also it’s heavily associated with befriending children with a knack for tinkering and engineering in Pokémon so it’s pretty reasonable that one would take a liking to Dustin.
Lucas- Luxray: (might be a touch of bias because I adore the shinx line and I have a shiny luxray) Lucas is usually the one in the party to scout out situations for danger…..he’s also pretty good at seeing through people and luxray can see through walls which is great for someone who uses long range weaponry
Max- Crobat: Fast and agile flying type that starts out as a super common annoying cave encounter but through the power of friendship evolutions becomes a really cool and powerful Pokémon. The Pokémon I gave Mike is also 4x weak to crobat as well which is funny.
Mike- Chesnaught: literally an armored knight that shields loved ones with its own body, and its (formerly?) signature move is spiky shield so it is spot on for how prickly and defensive Mike is… also I think him and Will both having stuff from the gen 6 starter trio is cute
Will- Delphox is literally a traditional fantasy wizard with fire powers…..The gen 6 starters are literally based around an rpg party it’s too perfect and Will did have a dog at some point so having a fox Pokémon tracks + I gave all the Byers psychic or fire types
El- Type Null or Marshadow: Null makes more sense since it was modified in a lab for use as a weapon before breaking out, and it reaches its evolution through high friendships. Marshadow just really reminds me of s1 El for some reason….both work fine but I would probably say type null is the more official choice.
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retyped-dex · 2 years
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Raichu - Kantonian Form - Rock - Evolves from Pikachu ar level 33
The Armadillo Pokemon
Kantonian Raichu are found in deserts. They spend most of their time lazing about in the sun. If one were to roll into you, it would have the equivalent force of a freight train. If its tail is curled, that means it is happy.
Raichu - Alolan Form - Rock/Fairy - Evolves from Pikachu when exposed to a Shiny Stone
The Crystalline Pokemon
Raichu in Alola have adapted to living primarily in caves. Their shells act as a perfect environment for crystals to grow. When curled up into a ball, the crystals on its shell act as spikes, protecting it from dangerous Pokemon.
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vaugarde · 3 years
For the PMD questions, 5, 11 and 12? (Unrelated but I love your mobile layout! It looks so nice!)
aw thank you!! oneshot is such a pretty game and i really wanted to use it <3
5. Which Pokemon from Gen 7-8 would you consider potential hero/partner options, outside of the regular Starter Pokemon?
ohhh rockruff is def one... spike chunsoft owes me a Puppy hero after not making lillipup a starter option in gates. yamper and impidimp are ideas too... alolan vulpix too if that counts!
11. Any headcanons that take place after the games that you want to share
dusknoir becomes a world renowned explorer again but for real this time, though this is after he makes amends for what he did under primal dialga. he also gives the sableye a home and acts more paternal towards them
grovyle has a long time figuring out what he wants to do, he had hinged his life on his mission and now he feels confused. im thinking he actually does make a full fledged team with dusknoir and celebi and theyre all famous like dusknoir is :D but itd take a bit! he experiments, trying to see what he likes
the future trio time travels to see rin and nimbus again bc i said so
jay and mimi (psmd hero/partner) play a big part in mega evolution research later on in life (but that is tech a spoiler for something so keeping quiet abt it for now)
mimi learns about mewtwo and actively seeks them out. she jokingly adopts them and calls herself their mom, but the two make a genuine bond and it helps mewtwo integrate into pokemon society more after they isolated themself from it
espurr eventually joins the expedition society once she feels confident enough. she primarily becomes mawile's apprentice in archeology, but is also a formidable member in her own right and eventually steps up as one of the strongest members once mawile retires and espurr evolves into meowstic.
azalea (rescue team hero) befriends gengar after the latter takes a major break from the town post-murky cave. azalea had also not been the greatest human before turning into a pokemon, and she genuinely wanted to help him reform once he showed interest/signs of improvement. leopold (partner) takes a while to come around, but a bond is eventually formed between the 3.
eris (gti hero) is eventually trapped in the pmd world due to the dimension being locked, but he's honestly okay with it. his home life wasn't the best and he really only felt the "but we are FAMILY so i cant leave" obligation to return home before. he's since accepted that it was toxic and was honestly just relieved the lock was put up while he was in the pmd universe instead of the human world. he also either never evolves (bc i can never find a thunder stone in gti) or evolves into alolan raichu while his partner elliot evolves all the way into samurott, and elliot lets him ride around on his back. horse.
12. If you could change one thing about your favourite game(s), what would it be?
the darkrai plot hands down. ive rambled before abt why i hate it but basically my idea would be to either keep darkrai as a postgame villain but leave temporal tower and palkia out of it, or to keep his intervention in the main plot but make him a more impactful character. my ideas include
-making him appear earlier ffs. or at least be mentioned/alluded to multiple times in the main story.
-make him more of a character beyond "i want to rule the world" type. like maybe we do go the "tragic villain" route where he didnt HAVE to end up the way he did. like he was feared and hated due to his influence over nightmares that he cant help, but there was also a time related crisis or a drought or something happening at the lakes and treeshroud forest. so darkrai decides to take the time gears from temporal tower to put in those areas, get the lake guardians to look after them, and fix the anomalies there.
-this gets him adoration and love from the region and he's upheld as a hero. he revels in it and loves the affection.
-unfortunately he wasn't aware of the long term disaster of temporal tower's collapse... he panics at the thought of people hating him again once he learns (probably through dialga telling him or something), but then he has a thought like "wait. what if i LET that happen and i can swoop in and save everyone in the aftermath, dont connect it to the time gears and instead make it out to have been this unforeseeable disaster, and he keeps everyone together and they still love him! so he basically leaves dialga high and dry bc he's rather do that than admit his mistake.
-cresselia then tries to stop him and thats how shes involved. maybe he puts her in a nightmare
-darkrai kinda just. REALLY wants to die on this hill basically, hes desperate to keep the love pokemon have for him now and doesn't want to lose it.
-he probably doesnt interfere with the time travel bc darkrais cant naturally time travel. in fact he has no idea what the future is even like. hes CONVINCED hes gonna be this grand hero in the dark future
-darkrai is also seen or mentioned a lot throughout the story explaining his connection to the time gears.
-ofc hero and partner stop temporal towers collapse and pokemon put two and two together abt the time gears and start to be wary abt darkrai again. he starts to despise them and plots for them to be... "removed" from the world so to speak. so in postgame, where his plot usually takes place, he starts trying to manipulate them like he does in main game. but what hes also trying to do is frame them. he puts nightmares in other pokemons heads about hero and partner, exaggerating their space distortion and saying theyll be the end of the world if they arent eliminated. basically he's trying to do what gengar did. i dont think another witchhunt deal will happen both bc the pokemon do genuinely trust and love them + we wouldnt want to just repeat the first game anyways, but it DOES isolate them just enough to create a divide (that wigglytuff/cresselia eventually fixes up) and make the hero/partner really doubt themselves and basically plants that seed of doubt in everyone. darkrai then gets it in his head to ACTUALLY distort space so that the pokemon blame it on hero and partner, and the stuff w palkia happens as it does ingame. darkrai is exposed again by cresselia (idk if azurill gets a permanent nightmare here? i kinda wanna keep that bc i love that dungeon but idk if its narratively appropriate now) and he runs off to dark crater
-basically the dark crater confrontation happens except darkrai doesnt have a band of pokemon. a boss battle happens and he rants about how the hero and partner ruined everything for him, his backstory is revealed, and he says that he wanted hero and partner to go through what he did. everything would've been fine if they hadnt meddled, if they had just stayed put in their respective timelines and let everything go as planned! they didnt have to ruin him a second time! if they had just let time go, he wouldve kept the respect he had, and he wouldnt be an outcast again! he wouldve kept everyone happy even with the ruined world, it wouldve been fine!
-... and then partner drops the fact that they hadn't heard a whisper of him in the future. it's not to rub it in his face, its a genuine question: "if you were supposed to save everyone... where were you? we were in the future... if you had been there, surely you would've been mentioned?"
-this breaks darkrkai. the fact that his future was just a desperate attempt to cling to a fantasy, it makes him realize just how ridiculous he'd been this whole time. all this time, he had just been hurting the same pokemon he wanted adoration from. this is where he flees, maybe into a dimensional hole (palkia might have made it?) and i'm not sure if he loses his memory here, but it does leave him in a place where he can be recruited and reformed if the player so choses.
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selfdestructivecat · 4 years
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Ok so this is gonna be a long list, since my head is only empty when it’s of greatest inconvenience.
Also please read the tags for potential triggers! Lmk if I missed any and I’ll add them right away.
Without further ado, here’s my interpretation of a Sanders Sides Pokemon AU!
* Ok so first of all, the sides are all gym leaders.
* I picture this in the Galar region, but probably with different towns and the like because I don’t remember any of them.
* Basically, just assume that all of the towns are made up, but that Dynamax still is a thing.
* Let’s start with Patton because his story is the least sad.
* His family runs a Fairy Type gym/pokemon nursery.
* Patton is the eldest in a large family, so he eventually became the new gym leader following in his father’s footsteps.
* He has two dads, one who was the gym leader and the other who is a pokemon breeder. They’re both pokemon breeders now and work in a Pokemon Center.
* They are definitely responsible for Patton’s sense of humor.
* Patton and all of his siblings are adopted, but they’re so close that they might as well be related by blood.
* Patton loves taking care of pokemon and would be a pokemon breeder full-time if he could
* But he also loves his family so he continues to run the gym to raise enough money to keep them comfortable and happy
* The Pokemon team I have come up for him is:
* - Togekiss
* - Boltund
* - Greninja (cuz frog)
* - Altaria
* - Frosmoth
* - Hatterine
* (If anyone has any better ideas for pokemon for any of the sides, feel free to throw your suggestions in the notes!)
* Moving on to Logan...
* Like Patton, he also inherited his gym, a Psychic Type gym, from his parents
* However, his family life isn’t nearly as happy...
* Ever since he was old enough to throw a pokeball, his parents have trained him rigorously to become the next gym leader
* They handpicked all of the pokemon in his team
* Except for a Lucario, which Logan caught as a Riolu when he was very young. His parents only let him keep it because of its battle prowess
* So Logan’s team is:
* - Lucario
* - Gardevoir
* - Alakazam
* - Raichu (alolan)
* - Malamar
* - Onix
* (Also this should be obvious by now but not all the pokes will match the gym’s type cuz that’s boring)
* Logan took over the gym when he was 15 and has been running it basically on his own ever since
* His parents still get the final say in all major decisions, even though they don’t really do anything
* Logan resents them, but doesn’t have the courage to stand up for himself
* Logan is at first pretty skeptical regarding Patton, since he doesn’t seem to take his job seriously
* After challenging Patton to a battle, however, that stance changes remarkably fast after facing a narrow defeat at the hands of Patton’s pokemon
* Even so, he tells himself that he doesn’t have time to become more than colleagues. He must be cordial with Patton so they can coordinate as gym leaders, but that’s it
* Meanwhile, Patton takes one look at this emotionally-repressed man and thinks to himself
* “Oh, this is the guy I’m gonna marry.”
* He then takes literally every opportunity to flirt with Logan
* And he is not subtle AT ALL
* Like he literally goes up to Logan one day and is like
* “I know you’re not ready for it right now, but one day I’m gonna marry you and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
* And Logan is VERY confused and VERY flustered because feelings? What is happening to my heart!? Am I getting sick!?
* (And his parents would absolutely disapprove because they are huge homophobes and want Logan to have an heir to pass on the gym to)
* But eventually Patton manages to break Logan’s walls down and they become close friends
* (And eventually more)
* Now, the twins!
* Their situation is pretty similar to Logan’s, at least to a certain point
* Their parents own a Fire Type gym, and were so excited to have a child who would eventually take over the gym
* Two things happened that they did not anticipate
1) They ended up having twins
2) The mother died during childbirth
* Driven by grief, stubbornness, and resentment, the father had the idea that, in order to make the twins as strong as possible, he would put them against each other at every opportunity
* They would constantly be competing to become better than the other, creating an extremely toxic rivalry
* It didn’t work... at least, not at first.
* When they were very young, Roman and Remus were inseparable.
* Even when their father tried to put them against each other, they would rebel against him and not listen
* (Remus had no issue with this, but Roman quietly longed for his father’s approval, even though he knew it was wrong)
* They had a dream that they would run the gym together, and they would talk long into the night about the gym they would create and the pokemon they would train
* That was, until their father started to take a different approach
* He noticed that, despite the two boys receiving the same education and training, Roman had a better affinity for battle (at least when it came to fire types)
* So he started giving Roman more praise and attention
* Roman was thrilled to finally make his father proud
* Remus, on the other hand, was tossed to the side
* Roman was reluctant to give up his father’s attention now that he had received it
* (Looking back, Roman wishes more than anything that he had given it up)
* The twins were driven apart, Roman being trained to take over the gym, and Remus being completely ignored
* One day, Remus ran away, disappearing in the middle of the night.
* Roman was devastated
* He wanted nothing more than to search for Remus, but he knew that if his brother didn’t want to be found, he could vanish off the face of the earth
* Years pass, and Roman takes over the gym
* His father passes away from illness when he was 16
* He can’t find it in himself to grieve
* Roman continues running the gym, hating how quiet the halls are and missing his brother terribly
* One day, he receives news of a new Poison Type gym being established, one heavily criticized for its unorthodox (and, some complain, absolutely disgusting) gym structure and puzzles
* For the first time in years, Roman smiles
* Their relationship is not nearly as close as it was when they were children, and they still have a lot of that competitiveness that was hammered into them, but they’re trying
* And of course, their pokemon teams!
* Roman’s team is:
* - Charizard
* - Wigglytuff
* - Aegislash
* - Milotic
* - Gallade
* - Butterfree
(Maybe he should have more fire types but I like all of these Pokémon for him and they don’t really have a common type among them and ahhhhhhhh...)
* While Remus’s team is:
* - Garbodor
* - Muk
* - Tentacruel
* - Gengar
* - Mawile
* - Venomoth
* While catching up on everything that happened while they were separated, Roman asks Remus how he managed to establish his own gym so quickly
* Remus smirks, saying that he had a little help from a certain dragon...
* And this is where we get into that sweet sweet angst
* Janus was born in a small village surrounded by mountains
* A few months before his birth, a disease spread throughout the village
* This disease would coat the skin in angry red boils and drive the infected delirious with sickness
* One day, Janus’ parents found him shivering with a fever, the left side of his face covered in boils
* Fearing for their lives should they catch the disease, they brought the child into the mountains and abandoned him in an old, dark cave
* He wailed in pain and terror until his throat was so hoarse he couldn’t cry anymore
* Dialga, the legendary dragon-type pokemon with power over time, heard his cries and took pity on the child
* Dialga reversed the effects of the illness, curing the child but leaving shimmering scales where the boils used to be
* Dialga then tasked the dragon type pokemon in the cave to look after the child, not trusting humans to ensure Janus’ well being
* A family of Dreepies, Drakloaks, and Dragapults takes a particular liking to Janus, raising him as one of their own
* Eventually, when Janus is a bit older, he goes to visit the town he was born in (supervised by his dragon family, of course)
* Only to find that the village was gone, abandoned by the few survivors of the horrible plague that spread throughout
* Janus felt no remorse
* He knew that he could only rely on himself, and that if he wanted to survive in this world, he needed to be aggressive
* The following week, he said goodbye to his family, only taking with him his best friend, one of the Dreepies in his family that was now a powerful Dragapault
* It wasn’t easy, as he had to learn the language and social etiquette of the people around him (being raised by pokemon would do that to you)
* He even had to resort to stealing in order to survive, which kept him on the run
* Until one day, he met Remus, another kid on the run
* Together, they were an absolute menace. To this day, the two of them have never lost a double battle
* Eventually, they both opened their own gyms, Remus a poison type and Janus a dragon type
* When not busy with the typical duties required of gym leaders, they’re basically inseparable
* Remus is the one person Janus trusts whole-heartedly
* I headcanon them as either really close friends or queer-platonic partners, but I’ll leave it up to you to decide their relationship!
* By the way, Janus’ team consists of:
* - Dragapult
* - Mimikyu
* - Zoroark
* - Arbok
* - Salazzle
* - Kimmo-oh
* So that leaves one side left...
* Ima be honest, I based Virgil heavily on Piers, but bear with me ok?
* Virgil grew up in a very poor town with his mother, as his dad abandoned them when he was very young
* And when I say poor, I mean that there wasn’t even a Pokemon Center
* Even so, he didn’t wish for anything. He didn’t care about traveling or becoming a great pokemon trainer. He just wanted to be with his mom
* (His anxiety made it hard to leave the house, anyway, so he was in no rush to go on some grand adventure)
* His mom had a dream to open a pokemon gym that both 1) incorporated music and 2) was more down to earth than the grand stadiums that were now the norm for gyms
* When she was pregnant with Virgil, she was more than happy to give up that dream for her family
* However, when her husband, their main source of income, abandoned them, her dream became more of a necessity
* The entire town was on her side, knowing that a gym could bring money to their town
* Their “gym” was nothing more than a small, outdoor stadium, but his mother loved it
* The few curious pokemon trainers who decided to challenge the unofficial gym absolutely loved her, and slowly she started to gain a bit of notoriety
* Virgil was terrified. He was afraid that his mom would get hurt by the powerful pokemon that constantly challenged her
* (And he missed her terribly. She still made time for him, but it wasn’t as much as before she took on the role of unofficial gym leader)
* And so, his mom brought him his very first pokemon: an Eevee that always seemed to know exactly how to calm him down
* He loved his Eevee, and he felt a little bit less alone whenever his mom had to leave for work. He was ok.
* Unfortunately, fate had cruel plans for the young boy
* His town was cast into shadow as a maddened Dynamaxed pokemon appeared a few miles away
* His mom, the strongest trainer in town, left to take it down, despite how much Virgil begged her to not go, or to take him with her
* (She had to go. The second-closest city to the dynamaxed pokemon was still very far away. Help wouldn’t come for a while. She was all her small town had.)
* (...She didn’t return)
* The entire town was in mourning, holding a huge ceremony to honor her memory.
* Virgil was inconsolable, barely speaking and refusing to leave his room for almost an entire year
* If it wasn’t for the people in the town, who cared for him as deeply as they did his mother, he probably wouldn’t have eaten.
* The unofficial gym, without a gym leader, was abandoned, and its small glimpse of fame was lost, plunging the town back into a seemingly inescapable pit of poverty and obscurity
* Until one day, a group of thugs came and terrorized the town, letting loose their pokemon and stealing everything they could get their hands on
* Virgil was terrified, but he couldn’t just stand there while people got hurt. With only his Eevee and his only experience being watching his mom in her matches, he challenged the thugs
* He didn’t stand a chance. His poor Eevee was at its knees within moments
* Virgil was distraught, hating his weakness and how he couldn’t protect the town that had become his family. He tried to fight the thugs himself, only to be knocked back by one of their Pokémon’s attacks.
* He got back up and charged again, tears in his eyes and bile rising from how scared he was
* His Eevee, terrified for its master and inspired by his bravery, began to glow...
* ...and in its place stood an Umbreon, body pulsing with newfound power
* This scene rallied the other people in the town, who banded together to drive the thugs away, Virgil and his Umbreon leading the charge
* From then on, Virgil vowed that he would become a strong Dark Type gym leader and create the gym his mother never got the chance to
* He trained hard, swallowing his fear to capture and train more pokemon for his team
* Which consists of...
* - Umbreon
* - Houndoom
* - Galvantula
* - Gothitelle
* - Corviknight
* - Noivern
* The townspeople, much like Team Yell in Pokemon Sw/Sh, would often go to other cities singing Virgil’s praise and unwittingly causing all sorts of problems
* Virgil has no idea that any of this is happening
* Eventually, word gets out again regarding this unofficial Pokemon gym, attracting the attention of the other gym leaders
* Roman is sent to investigate
* He doesn’t expect much, given the general appearance of the town (it doesn’t even have a pokemon center, after all)
* He’s even more put off when he recognizes the outfits of the trainers in the “gym” as the strange people who have been causing trouble all over Galar
* Even so, he has a job to do, so he dons a disguise and plows through all of the trainers, eager to finish the gym so he can go back home
* His desire to leave vanishes faster than a Pikachu with Agility the moment he lays eyes on Virgil
* Just like his mother wanted, Virgil’s battles take place during a rock concert, so Virgil waiting on a makeshift stage with a guitar in hand
* (Virgil feels like he’s going to explode with nerves, just like he does every time a trainer challenges his gym, but the memory of his mother gives him courage)
* As his Umbreon leaps into battle, he begins to sing
* And holy shit Roman is in love
* The small area is filled with spectators cheering and singing along to the song, and despite it being a far cry from any grand stadium Roman has ever battled in, it has more spirit than anything Roman has ever experienced
* It’s the most fun he’s had battling in years
* Virgil is a tough opponent, a testament to his years of pushing himself, but in the end Roman has more experience
* Virgil is devastated at the loss, knowing it would be a blow against the gym’s reputation, but manages to put on a smile and offers Roman a pin: their unofficial gym badge
* Roman smiles, removing his disguise to pin the badge to his clothes and Virgil is like “holy shit that’s Roman the famous fire-type gym leader oh no he’s really hot oh no what have I done I GAVE HIM A HANDMADE PIECE OF SCRAP METAL OH NO”
* And Roman, ignorant to Virgil’s crisis, is like “cmon, we gotta get the paperwork done to establish this place as an official gym!”
* When later asked, Virgil would firmly deny it, but at that moment he had literally burst into tears
* Roman still wears the badge Virgil presented to him to this day, even though Virgil has repeatedly offered him one of the higher-quality badges they now give out as an official gym
* Virgil’s gym is the only one that doesn’t have Dynamax, since he still has some trauma from his mother’s death
* Prinxiety eventually happens because I say so
* And all of the gym leaders are friends also because I say so
I might add more to this AU if people are interested! And feel free to add your own ideas! I’d love to hear what you think!
Sorry for rambling, but if you managed to get this far, thanks for reading! :D
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Your Muse as Their Team’s Pokedex Entries
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Golisopod - It battles skillfully with its six arms, but spends most of its time peacefully meditating in caves deep beneath the sea.
Ariados - Ariados's feet are tipped with tiny hooked claws that enable it to scuttle on ceilings and vertical walls. This Pokémon constricts the foe with thin and strong silk webbing.
Scizor - Once it has identified an enemy, this Pokémon smashes it mercilessly with pincers hard as steel.
Butterfree - Its wings are covered in toxic scales. If it finds bird Pokémon going after Caterpie, Butterfree sprinkles its scales on them to drive them off.
Shuckle - It stores Berries inside its shell. To avoid attacks, it hides beneath rocks and remains completely still.
Volcarona - As it flies, it scatters its flaming scales. It was feared by ancient people, who referred to it as "the rage of the sun."
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Raichu (Kanto) - This Pokémon exudes a weak electrical charge from all over its body that makes it take on a slight glow in darkness. Raichu plants its tail in the ground to discharge electricity.
Raichu (Alola) - It loves pancakes prepared with a secret Alolan recipe. Some wonder whether that recipe holds the key to this Pokémon's evolution.
Torterra - Small Pokémon occasionally gather on its unmoving back to begin building their nests.
Alcremie - When it trusts a Trainer, it will treat them to berries it's decorated with cream.
Appletun - Its body is covered in sweet nectar, and the skin on its back is especially yummy. Children used to have it as a snack.
Lanturn - Lanturn is known to emit light. If you peer down into the dark sea from a ship at night, you can sometimes see this Pokémon's light rising from the depths where it swims. It gives the sea an appearance of a starlit night.
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Empoleon - It swims as fast as a jet boat. The edges of its wings are sharp and can slice apart drifting ice.
Chatot - It keeps rhythm by flicking its tail feathers like a metronome. It imitates human speech.
Ditto - Ditto rearranges its cell structure to transform itself into other shapes. However, if it tries to transform itself into something by relying on its memory, this Pokémon manages to get details wrong.
Musharna - When dark mists emanate from its body, don't get too near. If you do, your nightmares will become reality.
Abomasnow - They appear when the snow flowers bloom. When the petals fall, they retreat to places unknown again.
Froslass - Legends in snowy regions say that a woman who was lost on an icy mountain was reborn as Froslass.
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Serperior - It only gives its all against strong opponents who are not fazed by the glare from Serperior's noble eyes.
Arbok - With a very vengeful nature, it won't give up the chase, no matter how far, once it targets its prey.
Purugly - It binds its body with its tails to make itself look bigger. If it locks eyes, it will glare ceaselessly.
Gallade - When protecting someone, it extends its elbows as if they were swords and fights savagely.
Marowak (Alola) - The bones it possesses were once its mother's. Its mother's regrets have become like a vengeful spirit protecting this Pokémon.
Mawile - Don't be taken in by this Pokémon's cute face—it's very dangerous. Mawile fools the foe into letting down its guard, then chomps down with its massive jaws. The steel jaws are really horns that have been transformed.
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pokemon-ash-aus · 3 years
So I've seen how your pichu and pikachus look different then canon, and since I love raichu, what would raichus look like in the different colors you have?
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they would a touch bit darker in order to hide better in the underground!
Although- there are no cave Pikachu's in Alola, it is possible to evolve one there and get an alolan cave-Raichu. They however, loose their electric typing and are fighting/Psychic.
There are no Alolan-Cave Raichu's out in the wild, and there is only one in the world underneath Lt. Surge's care.
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fairy-primarina528 · 4 years
Postwickshipping Honeymoon Headcanons
I couldn't resist the urge to make headcanons on Hop and Gloria's honeymoon vacation abroad. I like to imagine them going to Akala Island in the Alola region because it's a popular tourist destination in the Pokémon world. It's also my favourite island in all of Alola and I wanted to have my otp explore the place together.
Hop and Gloria stay at Hano Grand Resort during the nights. Their days are filled with adventure and exploration.
They are both adventurers at heart, so they're excited to go sightseeing around Akala and the Poképelago.
On Poképelago, they spend time hunting for treasure and gathering Poké beans. Gloria found more treasures and beans than Hop, but that's because she used her cave exploration skills (gained from finding Max Mushrooms back on the Isle) to her advantage.
At Heahea Beach, Hop and Gloria had a blast trying out the Ride Pokémon services and learning how to successfully Mantine Surf.
They're both kind of wary towards Tauros and Sharpedo. Although, Hop and Gloria do warm up to them when they learned that the Ride Pokémon are more docile compared to their Galarian counterparts from the Isle of Armour.
On Royal Avenue, Hop and Gloria visited the Malasada Shop. They enjoyed eating the Dry, Sour and Big Malasadas that they bought.
During a short visit to Pikachu Valley, Hop and Gloria befriended a Pikachu. With their new Pikachu's consent, they gave it a thunderstone and evolved it into an Alolan Raichu.
Upon returning home to Galar, the Alolan Raichu got along well with the rest of Hop and Gloria's pokémon, especially with Hop's Pincurchin and Toxtricity.
As a side note from my last point, I headcanon that Hop has kept his Toxel and evolved it into Toxtricity. The Alolan Raichu stays with Hop most of the time, but does battle with Gloria at the Battle Tower when it's in the mood to.
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romeoburg-archived · 4 years
PMD MCSM AU!??!?!?!??!?
team treehouse
jesse (eevee)
axel (rhyhorn)
olivia (pikachu)
team claws
lukas (kanto meowth)
maya (minccino)
aiden (charmeleon)
gill (marill)
team order
gabriel (tyranitar)
soren (dragonite)
ellegaard (manectric)
magnus (golem)
ivor (alakazam) - pre-S1
petra (riolu)
ivor (alakazam) - S1
team beacon
jesse (eevee)
lukas (kanto meowth)
petra (riolu)
ivor (alakazam)
olivia (pikachu)
axel (rhyhorn)
team blaze
aiden (charmeleon)
maya (minccino)
gill (azumarill)
team sky
isa (altaria)
reginald (noctowl)
milo (swoobat)
team builders
hadrian (slaking)
mevia (vespiquen)
otto (magcargo)
harper (rotom) - pre-DLC
harper (rotom) - DLC
cassie rose (espeon)
stampy (shinx)
stacy (rockruff)
nell (alolan raichu)
team beacon
jesse (eevee)
petra (lucario)
lukas (persian)
ivor (alakazam)
radar (togepi)
team redstone (?)
ellegaard (manectric)
olivia (raichu)
team gunpowder
magnus (golem)
axel (rhyperior)
team adventure
jack (machoke)
nurm (wigglytuff)
team operator
romeo (zoroark)
xara (hattrene)
fred (banette)
team keep
binta (breloom)
kent (hoenn linoone)
cam (mimikyu)
team gladiator
soup (helioptile)
val (togedemaru)
team scavenger
porkchop (spoink)
enderman scavenger (inkay)
creeper scavenger (voltorb)
skeleton scavenger (rowlet)
cave spider scavenger (spinarak)
team piecake
stampy (luxio)
stacy (day lycanroc)
nell (alolan raichu)
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johnrave-herrera · 4 years
Evolution of Traditional Media to New Media
What is evolution?
Have you heard of the word evolution? Is it about the Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution where it was stated that we all started out as monkeys? Is it also about Pokemon? Whereas pokemons started out small and eventually evolved and became powerful?
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Well both of what was just stated are correct! Evolution means something that started out not that entirely surprising and amazing but sooner or later evolved and became more and more amazing.
In our previous topic which was the Evolution of Traditional Media to New Media we have tackled the different ages of Media that led us to the discovery of how everything began. It has different ages which has different popularity during each ages.
• Pre-Industrial Age
— This age is way back before 1700’s where they have discovered that there are cave paintings, papyrus and many more that convinced the mass that even before we have existed, media is already present. In Pokemon, we have Pichu who is the first version before it starts evolving.
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• Industrial Age
— This age was the second or the next after pre-industrial age. In this specific age, it has become completely different compred to how it was before. Different mediums in communication such as Telephone, Typewriter, Motion Picture with sound and many more has emerged! In Pokemon, we have witnessed Pichu evolving into Pikachu!
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• Electronic Age
— As for this age, it has complete evolved into something more high-tech! This was the age that Television, Transistor Radio and many more were introduced to the mass. These inventions are still available in some places here in our planet that collects antiques. Again in Pokemon, this is Raichu’s age! Wherein Pikachu has evolved to Raichu!
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• Information Age
— This specific age which started during the 1900’s up to the present time is still continuously evolving. But for now, it has been the last for the current time we are in. A lot of social network or social media apps are introduced to us! Specifically, Mosaic, Internet Explorer, and even this app we are using which is Tumblr. This age has completely evolved and I can say that informations could be known easily due to how advanced this age is! In Pokemon, after Raichu was introduced and was known by many they created a new form of Raichu which was the Alolan Raichu, and I can say that this represents the information age.
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Evolution is present in everything. The mass is continuously thinking of innovating and evolving simpler ideas to a whole new ideas. Even us as a student! We can evolve and become someone that we wanted to be eversince we are young.
With that I conclude that the term evolution has always been present and will never disappear. We should be happy because nowadays, it’s way more easier to know a lot of informations compared to how it was before.
“Pokemon gotta catch em all!”
#MIL #STEM1203
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doubleddenden · 4 years
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I got bored and decided to fiddle around with sprites again
So this time I decided to make me! Or, a version of me if I lived in the world of Pokemon. This is more or less some of my current favs, including the first shiny I ever hatched, an Eevee that evolved into a shiny Umbreon! Included is also my first Pokemon Typhlosion, my favorite water type, Samurott, favorite Mega, Gengar, favorite Gmax and pokemon in general, Corviknight, and my favorite electric type, Electivire.
It was ridiculously hard narrowing it down to just 6. Garchomp, Hydreigon, Charizard X, Dragonite, Sylveon, Decidueye, Alolan Raichu, Sylveon, my shiny mega Gardevoir, Mega Lucario, Zoroark, Dusk Lycanroc, Mudsdale, Haxorus, there's so many more I haven't listed. We'll just say they're in a PC box.
As for my role in the Pokemon world? I think I would travel around doing research and maybe keep a travel blog. I would think I could become champion if the trainers in that world are as bad at team composition as they are in the games or anime, at the least I'd be able to win in Kalos given how easy it is. I would probably be able to keep decent track of my pokemon's needs, given I come from a background of farming and I currently take care of 6 dogs.
Of course, given my bad luck and how accident prone I am, I probably would lose my title very easily if I came across some freak that actually competitively trains, or god forbid, the PROTAGONIST that got their starter like a week ago. I probably get blasted by the Tapus or birds, maybe I accidentally get lost at sea or in that cave in the Sevii Islands, somehow I wind up in the Reverse World or whisked away by a fairy or ghost type. Then I'd go visit my family and let the nieces and nephews pet the Ultra Beasts I've caught.
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zeeyaaa · 5 years
Pokemon Hermits: Doc
Graduated from the same Pokemon academy as Grian but a year earlier
An electric type trainer who wants to become the Champion of their region
Aims to catch a legendary Pokemon so his team is more powerful
Doc is definitely That Guy who IV/EV trained all his Pokemon to maximize their stats
Doc’s Team
Doc’s favorite Pokemon. He uses his Rotom’s ability to possess electric objects to get away with mechanics
Basically his utility Pokemon; Doc can use his Rotom for surveillance by possessing an object in the room or for a traveling fridge
Doc also carries a fan on him in case Rotom needs to change into that form
He found Vikavolt while it was attacking a flock of bird Pokemon and immediately thought “Oh yes”
His most aggressive Pokemon; Doc sometimes has trouble controlling its temper
Raichu (Alolan form):
He caught a Pikachu while he was in the Alola region with Scar and evolved it in the hermit’s regular region, but it evolved into the Alolan form
When he encounters Grian around the world, his Raichu is always excited (it really likes Grian and his Pokemon)
One of his best tanks on the team, and helpful w/ projects that require heavy lifting (Doc likes to build machines during his travels; he’s basically a Clemont lmao)
It can absorb stray electricity into its body so Doc doesn’t get electrocuted
Doc’s ace in his sleeve
Doc knows Grian has a ground/flying Pokemon so he caught Elektross, which doesn’t have a type weakness
Doc also has a water/electric type to counter Grian’s Gligar (in case his Elektross can’t)
Helpful for traveling underwater or seeing in the dark at night, especially in caves
Rivalry with Grian over who will be the first to become Champion (it gets pretty serious with Doc)
He used to travel with Bdubs and Keralis until they became Elite Four members
Went on a few Pokemon legendary hunts with Scar (they didn’t find anything lol)
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