#almost used number three under angst smh
adorablele · 4 years
hi!! im so glad i found your blog i really love what you've written 🥺🥺🥺 from the prompt list in your navigation, could i request fluff no 3 with mark? thank u so much 🥺💚
thank you for requesting cutie!! I’m happy you love what I write 🤧🤧
[9:24 am] “have you seen my hoodie?” mark called out, walking to the kitchen.
you pushed up the sleeves of the comfy clothing as the pancake sizzled softly on the pan, “nooo.”
“you’re wearing it, aren’t you?” he sighed, leaning against the doorway to the kitchen.
oddly enough, satisfaction swirled in his stomach at the sight of your body swallowed by his hoodie. you didn’t acknowledge him, continuing to flip the pancake.
“I need my hoodie,” he finally said.
“your hoodie?” you turned off the stove, shaking your head, “I’m pretty sure this is mine.”
mark was silent as you turned around with a plate full of steaming pancakes proudly extended towards him. his heart skipped a beat as you cutely grinned at him with sweater paws and messy hair.
you pouted when your roommate didn’t react. you walked past his motionless figure, placing the plate on the kitchen table and reaching for the syrup. “okay, okay, I’ll give you your hoodie back.”
“but,” you added, flipping the cap of the bottle open, “you got to eat breakfast with me first.”
what was with him this morning? all you did was invite him for breakfast, so why was his stomach fluttering so much? mark shook his head, he couldn’t be late.
“as much as those pancakes smell delicious, roomie, I have an important project at the library to do today,” he sadly smiled, making his way closer to you, “so I’d appreciate it if you gave me back my hoodie.”
“mmm,” you hummed, ignoring him as you chewed the fluffy pancakes that you cooked, “these pancakes are scrumptious!”
you cut another piece, shoving it in his face, “try my delectable pancakes!”
he wanted to say no, but something about your soft, sparkling eyes made his knees weak and he found himself saying, “okay.” giddily, you fed the pancake to him.
maybe he could spare a few minutes.
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btspremiumtrash · 6 years
ʝυѕт уσυ ➵ ϼ.ϳɱ (01)
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⇓ Ship: Jimin x Reader
⇓ Genre: Assassins! AU, College! AU, Smut, Fluff, Angst-y
⇓ Summary: What began as you trying to top Park Jimin in becoming the number one assassin in your guild spiraled into an all-out war. All for your hand.
⇓ Word ct.: roughly 6.7k
⇓ Warnings: Shower sex, fingering, sensory deprivation, handcuffs, dom! Jimin, unprotected sex, semi-public sex if you squint
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It started at a frat party.
What was supposed to be for one of your best friend’s, Kim Taehyung’s, excuse to not come alone, turned into one of the best nights of your life. All from a couple of drinks nonetheless.
When you and Taehyung arrived from your dorm to the frat house, the music was blaring so loud that it could be heard clearly without even going inside. The two of you made your way inside and tried to blend in with the crowd. Half-naked women dancing on dudes to get their attention. Some sitting in the kitchen and drinking. Others, who are either sober or didn’t desire to dance, were also in the kitchen. Taehyung already had about four girls wrapped around him while you took a seat in the kitchen and watched from afar. Truth be told, you had work to do. But you needed a break. Or so Taehyung kept telling you.
“You’re getting bags under your eyes from sleeping so late (Y/n)!”
Guess sleeping late is the price you pay for overworking yourself. It’s tough getting to the top rank of your assassin guild, the Black Carnations. With Jimin around, it’s nearly impossible. He’s always three steps ahead of you. But that didn’t discourage you from trying. It only fueled the flames. Not to mention the fact that he was deadly handsome. Trying to dethrone him always fired you up. In more ways than one.
The plan was to just stay here until Taehyung passed out on the floor or until he got bored, which didn’t happen often so you relied on the former. But running into the top assassin himself certainly was not. Yet that’s exactly what happened.
He was propped on the wall of the kitchen, eyeing the living room and activities occurring in there while sipping on some wine. But pretty soon his eyes caught yours starring at him and he made his way over to you. Fuck.
Once he took the empty seat next to you, he smiled and said, “Never thought I’d see you here (Y/n). It’s not like you to miss a day at being better than me.”
The fact that he knew you were trying to take his spot made your heart jump. Was I really that obvious? Nevertheless, you chuckled and pointed to Taehyung who was currently surrounded by six women. “He dragged me here. Trust me, I never thought I would see me here either.”
He laughed at your response and you joined in too with that contagious laugh of his. After taking another sip of his wine, he offered his cup to you, to which you accepted and downed the rest of it. You handed him the empty cup back and he made a sarcastic remark. “Glad that was my fifth cup already.”
A few minutes of silence—Well between the two of you—and Jimin broke the ice once again. “It’s getting pretty cramped in here. Wanna come outside with me?”
You shrugged, accepting his offer and following him out the house. You didn’t go too far away, just to the pool located at the back. You took your seats at the edge of the pool. You looked up at the night sky. Usually, you would be too busy killing people about now to realize how beautiful the stars and the moon were. You glanced over at Jimin, who also looked at the stars. That made the reflection of his already perfect irises starry. But he turned his attention to you once more.
“So answer me this (Y/n),” he prompts, tilting his head so that he’s facing down at you. “Why is it that you wanna be the top assassin? It’s not an easy task. Yet, you still want to.”
You look down from his gaze, but you could still feel him looking at you fidget with your fingers. “Because I like a challenge. Plus I wanted people everywhere to know my name. That’s why I joined the Black Carnations. They were and are the top known guild in all of New York. Feared even. So I worked my way up. But I can never seem to beat you.”
When you looked back up to see his expression, he was confused. But that confusion soon turned into laughter as he said, “And here I thought it was just to piss me off. You make me work three times as hard as I used to before you joined. If you didn’t come here tonight, you probably would’ve finally gotten your wish. Guess that means more missions for you darling.”
The sudden pet name set your heart ablaze. Judging by Jimin’s sudden devilish smirk, he knew it did something. “Do you not want me to call you that?”
“N-no... I like it.” You admitted while stuttering for the right words.
“Good.” Was all he said before he crashed his lips onto yours. You thought you were in a dream. Or maybe he was too intoxicated from the drinks he had earlier to think clearly. Either way, you gave in and kissed him back.
You felt his hands snake around your hips. One placed on your back while the other went toward your inner thigh. You parted your legs slightly in hopes that he would touch you where you were increasingly begging for him to touch as every second your tongues danced in perfect harmony.
You heard him chuckle as you opened himself to him and he felt where you were growing needy for him. Just from a sudden kiss. You moaned into his mouth as he kept toying with you. But, like with most good things, it doesn’t last long.
Jimin parts his lips away from yours, but his hand still lingers on your inner thigh. “If I knew that all I needed to do was kiss you to get you this wet...” He trailed off as he bit his swollen bottom lip.
Your face was heated. So was your entire body. You were at a loss for words. He’s drunk. He must be. Why else would he kiss you? But to put your mind to shame, he leaned in your ear and says to you in a husky, deep tone, “Before you start getting any ideas darling, I was sober this entire time. I have a high alcohol tolerance. It takes more than a few drinks to get me drunk. Although that kiss might’ve done it.”
Truth be told, he’s always had a thing for you. Since the moment you joined the guild in fact. Albeit, this wasn’t your first time meeting him. You don’t remember him from your elementary nor middle school days as he shut everyone he knew out of his life. But now that you’re back in his life again and he’s moved on from his past, he wants nothing more than to be with you.
He’s been subtle about his attraction towards you. Such as offering to help you on certain missions, to which you would decline, your determination only adding to his attraction. Even moving his seat next to yours in the only class you two share together. But tonight was the first time he was this forward. Although the alcohol didn’t render him drunk, it did make him bolder.
You looked down to see if he felt the same way you did and sure enough, he did. His hard-on was clear to see from his tight black jeans. You felt a little more confident. Confident enough to say something back. “You never finished that thought of what you would do to me Jimin. If you knew that a kiss was all I needed to get this horny.”
Jimin smirked and tsked. “Naughty girl. Why tell you when I can show you?”
But before that could happen, a couple of students came from outside the house and started to occupy the pool. Why now of all times? Yet, that smirk never left Jimin’s face. He winked, “Maybe another time (Y/n).”
You rolled your eyes at him as he got up, reaching a hand to get you up. “You’re such a tease.”
Once you got up you both walked back inside to see that Taehyung indeed passed out on the floor. Jimin agreed to help you back to his dorm and also walk you back to yours.
Opening the door to your small apartment, you thanked him and he nodded, wishing that you slept well and you did the same. After you closed the door, you immediately went to take a shower. The sins that you were thinking of doing to that man made your skin tingle. If not for you having some consciousness left, you would’ve invited him to your bed instead of just the apartment. But thank god you weren’t too drunk on lust to do something that stupid.
But that begged the realization...
Jimin. Park Jimin. Your rival. Had a thing for you. Just me.
At least you hoped so.
The next day arrived and you woke up to a barrage of text messages from Taehyung.
[10:30am] Lil Tae: Don’t think I didn’t see you walk out with Jimin
[10:30am] Lil Tae: Whatever you two did I wanna know all about it
[10:30am] Lil Tae: Don’t leave anything out
You rolled your eyes at Taehyung’s persistence.
[10:31am] Me: We kissed. That’s it you perv
He responded back within seconds
[10:31am] Lil Tae: Okay first of all Im not a perv Im just curious
[10:31am] Lil Tae: Second, that’s all y’all did? You ditched me for just one kiss with him? At least tell me youre underexaggerating
How the hell did he catch your bluff?
[10:33am] Me: We made out. I got way hornier than I meant to...
[10:34am] Lil Tae: Ooo (Y/n). Smh
[10:34am] Me: Wym smh? Youre the one that invited me
[10:34am] Me: If it makes you feel better, I almost got fucked at the pool by him. But ppl came out so he just took me and your passed out ass home
Taehyung stopped his quick replies. It took him a whole three minutes until he could say something back.
[10:37am] Lil Tae: Oh I did pass out. I thought I knew my limit. Guess I’ll try again nxt time. Btw the leader has an assignment for you and Jimin. He said for the two of you to say after his class to get it. I already texted Jimin about it.
You cocked your head in confusion. Usually, the leader of the Black Carnations, Min Yoongi, would just text you personally about your mission. But then again this would also be the first time you would be working with a partner. With Jimin of all people.
Looking at the time on your phone, the realization hit you that you might be late for your class. It starts at 10:45. Not to mention that you still have to get ready. Good thing you took a shower yesterday. All you needed were clothes.
You hopped off your bed and toward your barren closet. A black cami with ripped jeans and a black leather jacket? Sounds like a plan to me. Not to mention the leather boots you bought at a sale that came with the jacket. Now it was just a matter of getting to class before the late bell rang.
The day went on like any other day. Until it came to your last period class, which was shared with Jimin. You took your seat next to him. As if your thighs were magnetically pulling his hands towards them, he immediately placed them there. Never had he ever advanced so far. That was until yesterday. Almost all the boundaries were broken. He looked at your face to see your expression. “Too much?”
You shook your head and you could hear his low laugh. All he did was rub your thigh and you were already heating up. Every small intimate action raised your body heat. He knew this. Which is exactly why he continued to do it.
Your mind drifted to that sinful place once more as he trailed your upper thigh. He kept it there though, not wanting to go further. You almost whined but caught yourself just in time before you let the sound escape your mouth. His laugh was dry. He knew what he was doing to you. You didn’t even need to make a sound. Your body gave it all away.
As Yoongi strolled in, along with some students who missed the late bell, the class finally began. Jimin sighed, “Shame. I would’ve loved to hear those moans from you again (Y/n). I couldn’t get them out my head since last night. You were the only thing on my mind. Hell, you still are. You always have been. It’s just you.”
Wait. Did I hear that right? “Just me?” You repeated aloud.
He nodded. “Just you.”
Something about those two words had your heart doing backflips. Maybe because you were the only female that came to his mind. Everyday. Every night. No one else but you.
“You have too...” you sheepishly admitted. “Not just beating you either. More than that.”
And with those exchange of confessions came time for the class to actually start. Although you, along with all the other assassins in Black Carnations knew Yoongi personally, you all also knew not to talk while he was talking. If anyone was caught doing so, pray to your god that all he did was keep you after class. It was the same with your first-period teacher, Kim Seokjin. Anyone caught slacking off or talking above him was immediately written up and sent to the office. Or worse.
Throughout the entire class period, Jimin’s hand never left your thigh. He would give it the occasional squeeze just to see you tense under his touch. Damn him for being such a tease. But you decided to play along with his game.
Your hand made its way to his crotch. You felt him stiffen at the sudden feeling of your touch. That made you smirk and added more confidence in what you were doing. You slowly rubbed up and down, watching his facial expressions as you did so. He bit down on those plump lips of his to not let a sound out. Now you knew why teasing could be so much fun.
He looked over at you while you continued pleasuring him through his pants. He gave that same sexy smile that you saw last night. You couldn’t get it out your mind. It was practically tattooed. And now here he is again. Seeing Jimin almost lose himself—in public nonetheless—was enough to send the excitement to your now damp panties. His tent was clearly visible. You wanted to help him get rid of it, but before you could, he brought his hand down to grab yours, shaking his head no.
If you were to have continued, Jimin would’ve definitely caused a disturbance in the class.
You pouted, bringing your hand back to your own person. He smiled at you and mouthed “next time baby”. Can next time be sooner? Lord what you would do just to have that kind of power again. It was exhilarating.
When the class ended, everyone was dismissed. Jimin and you stayed after to receive your assignment from Yoongi. It was a simple search and kill mission. The two of you looked at each other and back at Yoongi. He rolled his eyes at you. “I know that this is pretty standard for the two of you but this is an attack on one of the guilds that threaten our spot at being the best: Red Roses. Some of their men are going out tonight, possibly for some more weapons to fend against us. Kill them, get the weapons, report back to me. Understood?”
You nodded your heads simultaneously. He gave you two that famous gummy smile that only his favorite people get to see. “Good. I’m counting on you two. You are both my best assassins and I trust you both immensely.”
He dismissed you and Jimin with a farewell and then went outside. But not without Jimin pinning you down the moment you stepped out the classroom to the nearest wall. Good thing the hallways were empty already. “I bet you enjoyed that stunt you pulled earlier. Don’t think I won’t punish you for it.”
You smirked at the aforementioned punishment. “Oh yeah? What punishment?”
“Eager are we,” Jimin questioned while coming closer to your lips. “After this mission, you’re coming home with me. Then we’ll see to it about those punishments. How does that sound baby girl?”
At first, you thought that the boss was joking when he said that two people were needed to get this mission done. But the Red Roses actually proved to be a challenge. Without Jimin you didn’t think you would’ve been able to do this all by yourself.
When you and Jimin made it to the drop-off where the weapons and the assassins would be, you planned for what to do.
“You take out the ones in hiding. I’ll distract them as best as I can,” Jimin ordered.
You nodded, adding your own strategy to his. “We’ll double-team the rest of them. Good?”
He inclined his head in agreement. You both heard some whispering which signaled for you to start the mission.
Jimin jumped down first, stabbing two members in the back and motioned for you to join him. You flipped down and he rolled his eyes at your extraness. You stuck your tongue out and then the two of you split ways. The fact that you could be childish while killing made you smirk as you sliced open an assassin’s neck.
Two more assassins came from behind, to which you jumped in the air and landed behind, placing two shurikens dead in their necks.
Jimin, on the other hand, had five more assassins to deal with. He toyed with them. Whistling in one direction and stabbing in the opposite. One by one, they all met their untimely demise. With a smirk, Jimin caught sight of you, along with the main reason for coming on this mission.
He whispered for you to join him near the weapons cache. Only one member to go. But... You recognized that last member.
He was Kim Namjoon. Your high school best friend. Your best friend to this day. Despite going on separate paths, you didn’t let the mere fact of you being in different guilds deter you from seeing each other. But now... Now you had to find another option.
Before Jimin could make his way towards Namjoon, you stopped him. “You can’t kill him Jimin.”
He thought you were joking and scoffed. “You really wanna take away all the glory huh?”
“No. It’s just... I know him. He’s my best friend.”
His bewildered face looked at your somber one. He knew you were telling the truth. Sighing, he put his knife in his pocket. “Fine (Y/n). Find a way to get those weapons from him. We can’t go back to the boss empty-handed. If you can’t find a way then--”
You cut him off before he even mentioned his alternative. “I got this.”
Walking over to Namjoon, he put up his defenses, only to put them down and cocked his head to the side out of confusion. “(Y/n)? What are you doing here?”
You motioned your head to the cache behind him that he was currently guarding. “The boss assigned me on a mission to get those weapons for our guild.”
You made sure not to give away the fact that it was a two-man mission, leaving Jimin’s name out of it. “That would explain the blood... But there were about maybe ten men covering this place. You killed them all?”
You nodded, looking off to the side. But he wasn’t having it. Damn his bullshit detector. He raised an eyebrow at your bluff. “You do realize I can tell you’re lying right? Listen, I don’t wanna fight, especially not you. Just tell me the truth and I’ll hand you the weapons. Were you working alone?”
Well, when he put it like that he sounded like the older brother you wished you had. “I had help...”
The hairs on the back of your neck stood. Jimin gripped the knife in his pocket at the mention of his name leaving Namjoon’s mouth. He’s known Namjoon way before you met him. You met a changed Namjoon. Jimin was friends with the original one. The one who was sweet, pure, innocent even. The one you talked to was none of those things. Then again, Jimin was different too. The two have changed immensely from their childhood. In more ways than one. Not just because they fight for different guilds. Although that does make them wanna rip each other’s heads off even more. No, a much bigger reason took away their innocence. Right around when you came into both of their lives.
“Wait just a damn minute, Joonie,”—he cringed at the nickname you still called him—, “How the hell did you know that I was working with him?”
He chuckled. “I didn’t. I was going off of a hunch. You just confirmed it. The tension between our guilds has been getting higher and higher. It was only a matter of time before something like this were to occur. Ah well.”
Namjoon kept his word and handed you the cache of weapons with no bloodshed with his cute dimple smile that made you wanna pinch his cheeks. “The boss will be mad at me for this one. But I can deal with that later.”
You thanked him and then parted ways. You heard him say, “See you tomorrow (Y/n)!”
Jimin saw you coming toward his way and calmed himself, taking his hand out of his pocket so that you wouldn’t suspect him of any sort of bad intentions he had for Namjoon.
Returning to the rendezvous point where you left Jimin, you handed him the cache with a shit eating grin on your face. “Told you I could do it.”
“Never doubted you for a second.”
After returning the new weapons to Yoongi—he congratulated you by putting more money on your credit cards—you made your way back to Jimin’s place via his Bugatti Chiron 2018. You’ve never been more excited to get punished in your entire life.
He lived by himself off-campus in a nice sized house. Goddamn, he was filthy rich. This is probably all the money he got from being the top assassin. Or maybe his parents. Maybe both. Questions for another time.
He caught your awe-shocked look and laughed. “You like what you see?”
You were too busy gawking at his house to even catch yourself from speaking what was on your mind. “Hell yeah. I would live here forever if I could.”
At the possibility of you living with him, Jimin grabbed your hand and led you around, showing you his kitchen, living room, upstairs, bathroom, and most importantly his master bedroom. The curtains were white. The wall and carpet were black. He had a king sized bed with monochrome sheets. His entire bedroom was just as large as your entire dorm room.
The raven-haired male let go of your hand, the warmth fading much to your dismay. He walked over to his closet and pulled out two sets of pajamas along with two sets of towels. “We should take a shower. To get this dirt and stuff off.”
A shower. A singular shower. “You mean together?”
He paired his sarcastic remark with a cold piercing stare. “Did I stutter?”
You raised your hands in surrender, not wanting him to ever look at you like that again. That look terrified you. He starred right into your soul. With one glance.
But that look was replaced—Thank God—by a smile. “I’ll get the water ready.”
And with that, you were left alone in Jimin’s bedroom. The duality of that man will never cease to amaze me. You gripped the bedsheets. Soft. The pattern of his pillow cases was very artistic. They were monochrome as well. You want to just sink down and lay there. But you waited for Jimin to get the shower ready.
Seconds felt like hours. Anxious hours of waiting. The thoughts of what could happen began to flush through your mind. You would see him in all his naked glory. He would see you in yours. You would be wrapped around each other...
Jimin voice from the bathroom snapped you back to reality, which you were still rendering if this was indeed reality. You quickly undressed and wrapped a towel around your naked figure to meet him where it wasn’t a shower but instead a bath.
He grinned, looking at your figure enwrapped in his towel. “You didn’t think of getting my towel huh?”
You felt your face heat up from embarrassment. You were too busy in your own thoughts to even bring him his towel. “I wasn’t thinking...” Was all you managed to say as an apology of some sort.
“No worries. I have no problem sharing darling.”
The silence set in. As if this wasn’t awkward enough. But thankfully Jimin broke it. He inclined his head toward his bedroom, “I’ll undress out there and meet you in the tub. Cool?”
“Y-yeah... Cool.”
He left the bathroom while closing the door on the way out. You unwrapped your towel and placed yourself inside the tub. The water wasn’t burning hot but felt like a hot spring. Still, it was enjoyable. You let yourself relax against the back of the tub, waiting for Jimin.
You almost fell asleep if it weren’t for the gentle touch placed on you to scoot up. Once you did, Jimin placed himself right behind you. Your heart was beating ten times faster than it was supposed to. Your body automatically tensed up from the contact of your bodies touching.
“Waiting long?”
Shaking your head, he wrapped his arms around your figure and pulled you closer to his frame. You could feel his well-defined abs. He moved one hand down to your nether region. “You need to relax a little.”
He skillfully plays with your clit as a means of helping you relax. Rubbing that sensitive bud with one finger while sliding up and down your slit using two others. Since this wasn’t the classroom, you had the freedom to let him hear those moans that he’s dreamed about emitting from you for months. And they were better than he could’ve ever imagined.
He bit down on your earlobe, causing you to wince in slight pain. “God, keep those moans up, baby. By the time we’re done, I want this entire neighborhood to know who’s fucking you so good. Can you do that for me?”
The nod you gave him had his evergrowing erection grow even harder. You could feel it poking at you, causing you to arch your back away from his frame. But your arching was short-lived as Jimin dove two fingers into your cunt. You sunk back, resting your head on Jimin’s shoulder as he continued to make you relax, your moans unstoppable.
Your hips bucked to try and match his rhythm. He looked over at your fucked out expression, eyes shut tight and mindlessly moving your body, and wondered if you could handle what he had in store for the remainder of the night if you already looked this way right now. Regardless, he sped up his pace, adding in another digit.
You felt yourself get close. You clenching around Jimin’s fingers also let him know that your end was near. You managed to look at him and say, “J-Jimin. I’m so close. Please... Don’t stop.”
Jimin’s lips grew into a devilish smirk, halting his movements and bringing his fingers languidly out of your folds. “Hmm... But that would ruin what I had planned for tonight.”
You whimpered at the loss of his fingers. You were so close yet so far. “Was that my punishment for what happened in class?”
The male shook his head, that smirk never leaving his beautifully crafted face. He left the bath, drying himself up with the towel you brought for yourself. “I’m just getting started baby girl. I promise that you’ll be begging for more than my fingers before I even finish.”
The sinful thoughts danced around your mind. You couldn’t even begin to imagine what Jimin had in store for you. Especially if you were on the verge of an orgasm just from a few fingers. Maybe one more stroke and you would’ve cum instantly.
Jimin helped you out of the tub. He used that same towel to dry your body as well. Your eyes traveled down to that same cock that was poking your back earlier. The one you tried to give a handjob during class. This was the first time you’ve ever seen in and it made you blush.
You were so in a trance that you failed to realize you were until Jimin snapped you back into reality. He grinned, finishing up with drying you off. “Don’t worry love, you’ll get this soon. After your punishments.”
That orgasm denial was punishment enough. But not in Jimin’s eyes. If only you knew just how much he pines for you each and every night. He was a fool for not getting with you during high school. But he was going through something. He blamed himself for an event he could not control. So now that you’re here, he’ll make the best of this night.
He led you back to his king-sized bed. “Sit. Eyes closed darling.”
You obeyed, curious as to why you would need your eyes to be closed. You’ve seen every inch of him. Every inch of him that you fantasized about for months. The fact that this is happening is still a blur to you. Nonetheless, you’re not complaining one bit.
Jimin left your side to go in his closet and pull out his first toy for tonight’s round of punishments: a black velvet blindfold. You felt the bed dip as he shifted himself behind you to place the blindfold on you. Suddenly you wish you had the ability to see the smirk plastered onto Jimin’s face.
“No fair.” You huffed out.
As Jimin left the bed to kneel down in front of your entrance, you heard him laugh just a little. Although the chuckle that followed your bratty behavior was low, you still heard it, your other senses being heightened from the loss of a major sense that you took for granted.
Biting down on your inner thigh, he retorted to your comment. “Life isn’t fair.”
You thought you’ve seen it all. Oh, how wrong you were. If only you could see how Jimin teases his way into your cunt using only his tongue, you’d probably cum at the sight. It has you becoming that moaning mess that you were in just minutes prior. He flicked that sensitive nub with his skilled muscle, which sent your hands straight to that full head of raven dyed hair. He was just getting started.
He decided to stop teasing you though and inserted that sinful tongue inside you. He mentally kicks himself for not doing it sooner as he tastes just how sweet you are. “Fucking hell (Y/n),” he moans. “You taste so fucking good. I could eat you out for fucking hours.”
Those praises have your pussy spilling more juices, which Jimin happily laps up and enjoys every last bit. You throw your head back in ecstasy. Your hips rolling into his tongue to get him deeper inside you. His tongue almost reaches that spot that would have you screaming his name at the top of your lungs when he curls it upwards. A spot that he will be reaching later tonight.
You felt yourself build up again from your first denied orgasm. Jimin’s tongue went limp, leaving you to chase your high on your own. With your fingers already entangled in his locks, you grind yourself onto his face. “Oh f-fuck! Ngh—shit! I’m close. So fucking close, Jimin—fuck! Feels so good.”
He didn’t even need to ask for praises. He moans, causing the vibrations to be what undoes you. You let go with a bang, your top half collapsing onto the bed while releasing yourself into Jimin’s open mouth. He was careful not to let any drip, savoring the taste of your sweeter than sweet cum.
Jimin stood up, not even wiping his face before taking off your blindfold so that you can see the mess you made of Jimin. Not that he was fussing. Sweat made his black hair stick to his forehead. His plump lips swollen from devouring you like a starved man. Some of your juices could be seen on his chin. God, even with all of that, he still looked sexy. You might argue and say more so.
“Ready for your second punishment?”
You almost choke, forgetting the reason why you had the blindfold on despite it being taken off seconds earlier. Your body hasn’t felt this way in a long time. So for it to be able to withstand Jimin’s punishments was enough for you to nod your head, eager for whatever else Jimin has to throw at you.
And throw he does. He goes back down to obtain a pair of handcuffs from underneath his bed. You begin to wonder aloud, asking without thinking, “Where do you get these things from?”
“Online.” He answers bluntly as if his kinks were nothing special. You, on the other hand, were awestruck by the many toys he collects. You didn’t expect a man like Jimin to be into these sort of things. He seemed suggestive, sure, but no amount of that could’ve led to him being possibly the kinkiest man you’ve seen in your life. Even kinkier than Kim Taehyung himself and that’s saying something. Albeit you’ve never slept with the man, you could only imagine him doing these acts with the women he brought home with him after parties.
But as you distracted yourself from Jimin, you found yourself pinned against the bed. Not by Jimin’s hands, however. You strained against the cuffs, only then realizing your situation.
Those soft, delicate hands that you thought were holding you against your will were currently roaming your body. Jimin made sure to let you know just how beautiful you were. Kissing from your collarbone to the valley of your breasts, each kiss igniting a flame that he would soon put to rest, he muttered, “Not even my dreams could amount to how gorgeous you look right now (Y/n). Every night I imagined you here with me. Tied up against my bed. Begging for me to fuck you senselessly.”
His confessions are making you feel dizzy. There’s no way that the Park Jimin just admitted to saying that he dreamt of this moment. Possibly since the day you joined the guild. But that would mean that there’s no way that the Park Jimin is getting his darkest fantasy fulfilled. Either way, he had you moaning his name. Not as loud as Jimin would’ve liked it, much to his dismay. That only pushed him further to your limit.
You were almost out of it until you felt his tip gliding in and out of your slick folds. You whimper, wanting to feel all of him. Right then. Right now.
Jimin caught that whine and used it as an excuse to bend you to his whim—as if you weren’t already. He leaned closer to your ear, his hot breath on your skin once more caused you to strain against the handcuffs in an effort to touch him. “Tell me what you want daddy to do.”
When he referred to himself as daddy, it set you off the edge to the point of no return. You answered him with no hesitation, desperate to climax for the second time tonight if Jimin were to allow it. “I want you to fuck me. Please, Jim—”
“Hmm?” He cut you off when you almost addressed him by his real name, to which you corrected yourself after gulping down your own saliva.
“Please, daddy. I need you inside me. Fucking me until I can’t walk straight.”
He chuckled, slowly entering himself inside your cunt. You had an unforgiving grip on his cock with him stretching you out with each inch. Both of you let out a loud moan when he was finally buried inside you to the hilt.
Jimin stayed in that position, waiting for you to give him the go ahead. The unrelenting vise of your pussy started to ease up, giving Jimin the opportunity to almost take himself all the way out, only to slam his hips against yours mercilessly.
You practically screamed for him to go faster. Harder. Whatever he needed to do in order for you to get your wish of not being able to walk in the morning. You could already tell that the handcuffs were going to leave a noticeable bruise on your skin. Hopefully, you’ll be able to hide them from Namjoon so that he doesn’t get suspicious. Too bad his middle name was pretty much suspicious and he was going to end up finding out what’s going on one way or another.
But that was for tomorrow you.
Tonight you... Tonight you wanted nothing more than to be with Jimin—who was currently fucking you so rough that you could swear you were seeing stars.
Jimin, the male who has been in your life since you were in kindergarten. Although the only memorable face you could recall from such a time was Taehyung. He was the first one out of seven boys who had an eye on you to interact with you. You have yet to meet all of them, but all of them knew you. And if only they knew just how heavenly you felt being fucked this good then they would’ve had taken their chances a long time ago.
The pit beginning to form in your lower region made you realize that you were close. You moaned for him in your time of need. “Fuck—J-Jimin! Please please don’t stop. I want to cum. S-so badly.”
“Anything for you, my darling (Y/n),” he whispered in your ear. You squeezed your eyes shut as you came all over his cock that was still drilled inside you. A few strokes later and Jimin followed suit with his load.
He collapsed onto your chest, heaving from such a good workout. You too were out of breath and also at a loss of your voice from using it too much. You felt Jimin take the handcuffs of you and immediately your hands went to embrace his worn-out body.
You traced circles on his back as he squirmed. “Hey, I’m ticklish.”
A small smile crept up on your face as he kept himself from laughing while you continued to tickle him. His laugh only made you join in and soon you both were in each other’s arms. Except he was the one spooning you as you felt yourself drift off to sleep. Jimin rested his chin on the top of your head, slowing heading to dreamland himself.
What an eventful night to say the least.
Namjoon returned to the hub for the Red Roses. He was greeted by Roseanne Park, the third top assassin in the guild which ranked her only two positions lower than him and who always had something smart to say to him.
“I don’t see the other assassins with you.” She motioned her head behind him. “Did you get them killed?”
He rolled his eyes, not wanting to further indulge in conversation with the woman. Walking past her, she snickered. “You’re lucky the boss has a thing for you. I would’ve cut you off a long time ago. Top assassin or no.”
The male stopped in his tracks to retort. Not facing her, he stated, “Yet if I were the boss you wouldn’t be standing there addressing your superior in such a way. You’d be dead. Or worse. But we can’t all have what we want right, Rosé?”
She tsked, which meant that Namjoon won and so he continued to walk into the boss’s office. Seokjin would understand, right? If he told him it was (Y/n), then he would be more lenient. Namjoon could only hope so.
When he entered, Seokjin was busy looking over papers, possibly from the first-period class that he taught at the same school he went to for college. He already looked stressed, but the news needed to be reported.
“Can’t this want until the morning?” Seokjin groaned in frustration. “I’m a little busy grading these shitty papers.”
Namjoon couldn’t help but feel sorry for the man. He also couldn’t help but comment on his situation. “To be fair, you were the one that assigned it to us.”
Seokjin balled up a student’s work in his hand and threw in Namjoon’s direction. It missed. “Yeah, but I didn’t know you guys would suck so badly. Now I’m forced to read over these god-awful stories and not one of them has made the last miserable hours of my life that I'll never get back worth it.”
“Well, how was mine?”
The boss covered his face with his hands and sighed. “Just... be lucky you know me so well. I gave you the highest grade I could possibly allow you to have without looking like you’re my favorite student.” Bringing his face away from his hands, he took a deep breath. “But enough about my sorrows. What brings you to my office?”
Namjoon cleared his throat, bracing himself for the reaction that Kim Seokjin would no doubt go over the top about. “It’s regarding the weapons cache. The Black Carnations got word about it somehow and acted. They sent their top two assassins. One of them being Jimin of course. But the other being (Y/n). I didn’t get to see Jimin, but I did see her. I gave her the weapons if she told me that she wasn’t working alone. She admitted to having worked with Jimin. Unfortunately, she didn’t mention who told her about the weapons.”
Seokjin’s heart skipped a beat at the mention of (Y/n)’s precious name escaping Namjoon’s lips. He has never made a move on her but always wished he had. News about her being one of the top assassins in the same guild that his former best friend, Min Yoongi, is in made his heart sink at ever having a chance with her.
It took all of Seokjin’s strength to not strangle his most beloved assassin. He ignored the fact that Namjoon possibly jeopardized any chance the Red Roses had at becoming the top guild. “So what you’re saying is,” Seokjin started, “we have a traitor inside our walls.”
Namjoon nodded.
His eyes turned cold. “Then do me a favor and dispose of this problem. We can’t have another incident happen like that again. We are at war with the Black Carnations and the last thing we need is for them to get the upper hand.”
But the upper hand wasn’t the weapons. It was you. None of these men would dare kill you. And for that reason, the Black Carnations would stay in power.
Although it didn’t hurt to find other means of being the best. And so Namjoon went out to find the one responsible for leaking information. Starting with none other than Roseanne.
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