#ally mathews
midnightsnyx · 3 months
girl at home | mat barzal | part 10
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pairing: mat barzal x fem!reader
warnings: swearing, angst, mentions of alcohol and vomit & fluff and not edited!! word count: 2.6k
a/n: so obviously this is fiction and we don't actually know what Mat or Liana or his parents personalities are actually like but I took some liberty with Liana's personality. see end for more notes cause I don't want to spoil anything :) also sorry this is so late!! i went back to work and then had trouble with this chapter. i hope you all enjoy! likes, reblogs and comments feed my writing soul so let me know what you think <3
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Liana texts you the day after your meet-up with Mat at the park, apologizing for getting angry with you and asking to go out for drinks. You don’t have it in you to still be upset with her for yelling at you because she was always the little sister you never had and just because you and Mat are having problems, doesn’t mean it should affect your relationship with her. Sometimes you wonder if you’re too quick to forgive and forget but you know that this is an exception. 
“It’s just weird, y’know?” Liana mutters, laying her head on the dirty bar table. She’s on her third drink and you’re close to cutting her off. “I’m going to be an aunt again, but I have this odd feeling about Calista. Like she’s not telling the entire truth.” 
You startle when she suddenly bolts upright and looks at you with wide eyes. 
“What if Mat’s not the father? That would make so much sense!” 
“How so?” you ask carefully. So far, you have successfully kept the fact that Calista is not pregnant a secret. It’s a secret you will have to take to your grave because you can’t let Marlee get in trouble when all she was doing was trying to help you. The truth might come out some day, but it’s something you will deal with then. 
“Mat is just being weird about the whole thing, like he’s hiding something,” she says. “Well, besides the fact that he hasn’t told mom or dad… but there’s something else.” She picks up her glass and drinks the last of her martini before signinally the bartender for a refill. 
“I think it’s time we switch you to Shirley Temples,” you say gently, asking the bartender for a couple glasses of water. 
She tries to wave you off when you push the water towards her but you give her the all too familiar look that you used to give her when you were both younger. 
“Fine, but if I’m getting cut off, so–” she stops talking abruptly, suddenly focused on something across the room. You turn and see a familiar face that makes your heart drop into your stomach because there’s no way she’s that stupid and you’re about to say something but Liana hops off her barstool and before you can stop her, she’s marching across the room to where Calista is sitting. She’s surrounded by a few other people, one of them being a guy you can’t quite place but definitely isn’t Mat, but the real kicker is the drink in her hand. 
You’re not in the business of accusing people but the way she’s laughing loudly and swaying a little in her seat makes you think that it’s not a non-alcoholic drink. You stare a little too long because when you snap out of your stupor, it’s to a loud shriek and shouting. Nearly tripping over your own feet, you rush over to find both Calista and Liana being held back by people and shouting at each other. You manage to drag Liana out of the hands of the person holding her back but you can’t help but stare at Calista in shock. You know she’s not pregnant but you didn’t think she was stupid enough to test her luck by getting drunk at a bar and possibly being seen by people who think she is.  
“I knew something was off about you,” Liana shouts at Calista who only now seems to realize that you are also in the room. Her face, which was red, pales considerably and her eyes widen when she looks at you.
“You are pregnant!” Liana shrieks and when you hear people gasping and the whispers start, you know you need to get Liana out of here now. 
With strength you didn’t realize you have, you drag her outside. She shakes you off as soon as you’re out the doors and promptly throws up all over your shoes. You don’t give yourself time to be grossed out, pulling your phone out of your pocket and calling the first person you think of.
“Hello?” Jax mumbles and you’re panicking enough that you can’t feel sorry that you woke him up. 
“I need you to pick us up,” you gasp and suddenly you’re sixteen again, calling him to pick you up from a party that you snuck out to. 
Jax doesn’t hesitate before agreeing and asking where you are. You rattle off the name of the bar and he says he’ll be there in ten minutes even though you know his apartment is at least twenty minutes away. You’ve never been so grateful to have him as a friend. 
“You didn’t call Mat, right?” Liana asks quietly and you look to see her sitting on the curb, looking absolutely miserable. Her eyes are filled with unspilled tears and you can only imagine what’s going on in her head. 
“No,” you tell her, sitting down next to her and wrapping an arm around her. “I called Jax.”
She nods and leans her head on your shoulder. You sit in silence for a few minutes before she speaks and her voice is quiet and shaky. 
“She was never pregnant, was she?”
Maybe it’s the natural motherly instinct in you, but you realize you can’t lie to her when she’s so upset.
“No,” you tell her and then she’s crying. You know that she’s drunk which makes her more emotionally vulnerable but you also know how sensitive she’s always been and it’s not a weakness. She wears her emotions on her sleeve and it’s only ever made her kinder and wiser than she should be for her age. 
“I’m sorry,” she sobs. “I shouldn’t have taken my anger out on you when Mat told me but I was so confused and upset that he was keeping it from us.” 
Then she’s crying even harder. “Oh god, what are we going to tell Mat?”
Truthfully, in the chaos of all this, you haven’t had the chance to think about what you’ll do about Mat. You know Liana won’t keep the truth from him and even if she did, word travels fast and he would eventually find out. You’re not certain he can mentally handle this, not with everything that’s going on between the two of you and his fragile relationship with Nora. He was just getting used to the fact that he has a daughter when Calista dropped the baby bomb on him and now to find out that it’s been a lie? You’ve no idea what he will do. 
“I don’t know,” you tell her honestly and sigh in relief when you see Jax’s car come into view. You stand up, helping her back to her feet just as Jax parks and gets out to help you. 
He looks worried but doesn’t say anything about yours or Liana’s appearance. Once you’re both settled in his car, he tells you he’s going to bring you both to his apartment for the night, obviously not feeling comfortable dropping you home when you’re upset and intoxicated. You know he’s right but all you want to do is curl up in your own bed. 
“Alright,” you agree eventually and he nods, starting the drive back to his place. You must nod off because the next thing you know, Jax is gently shaking your arm, waking you up. 
“I can’t carry you both in,” he jokes and you look back to see Liana completely knocked out. She grumbles when you wake her but she’s coherent enough to walk.
Jax’s boyfriend, Eli, already has their guestroom set up so you get Liana in the bed and then situate yourself on the air mattress. Jax leaves with a promise to check on you both throughout the night and if you weren’t so worried about Liana, you would tell him not to worry but you’re not taking any chances with her.
You lay awake for a while, not able to get the image of Calista drunk and with another guy out of your head. You don’t know how to tell Mat about it and Liana probably won’t either but eventually you drift off to sleep.
. . .
The next morning, you wake before Liana. Jax came in and checked on you both a few times before deciding that it was okay to leave you so you’re surprised to find him awake when you make your way out to the kitchen. It’s just past 8 o’clock but he’s cooking breakfast, singing off tune to Taylor Swift.
“Hey,” you say softly, sitting at the breakfast bar. You know he’s going to want an explanation because even though he let you off the hook last night, he’s going to want to know why Liana was crying and you had vomit on your shoes when he picked you up. 
“Morning,” he replies, placing a coffee in front of you and a piece of plain toast. You can feel his eyes watching you eat and once you’re done, he looks at you expectantly. 
“We saw Calista at the bar last night,” you explain. “Drunk and with some random guy.”
“Huh,” he says, so you look at him. His face is neutral, not showing if he’s surprised. 
“What does huh mean?”
“I mean, you did say something was off about her.” 
That was putting it lightly because although you couldn’t tell him the full story in fear that Marlee would lose her job, you did express your concerns about her without telling him that you knew she wasn’t pregnant. 
“Yeah,” you sigh. 
You hear shuffling from the guest room and look to see Liana walking into the kitchen. She plops down next to you and groans.
“I’m never drinking again,” she says and you can’t help but chuckle despite the circumstances. 
“Said every hungover person ever,” you say and a small smile crosses her face before she frowns, clearly remembering last night's events.
“I have to tell Mat,” she says. “It’s not fair to him that she lied.”
You sigh but nod in agreement. 
“I have to pick Nora up from my moms,” you tell her. “Are you okay to tell him yourself?” 
You really don’t want to be there when Mat finds out, not when you’re dealing with your own feelings towards him. 
“Yeah,” she says, eating the toast Jax offers her. 
You both finish your coffee and then Jax drives you to your apartment and you drop Liana home before picking Nora up. 
She’s ecstatic to see you, telling you everything she did with grandma from the moment you dropped her off until now picking her up. 
“And then, Millie hissed at me but Gizmo barked and scared her away,” she takes a deep breath before continuing her ramblings. “Can we get a kitten?” 
“You’re allergic, remember?” You remind her, and then a thought pops into your mind. Where did she see your mother’s neighbor's cat? “Where did you see Millie?” 
“Mrs. Turner invited us over for tea,” she tells you and then offhandedly adds: “she asked about you and Mat.” 
This doesn’t surprise you because Mrs. Edna Turner is quite the gossiper. You have trust in your mother that she didn’t tell Edna anything private but you’re still curious what exactly they talked about and you know that your child can be sneaky when she wants to be. 
“What did Mrs.Turner ask?” you ask, rolling your eyes when she sighs dramatically and puts her tablet away. 
“Well, first she asked if Mat was really my daddy and when Grandma said yes, she said ‘that poor child’,” she says, face scrunching up in confusion. “What does that mean?”
You make a mental note to talk to your mom about bringing Nora to any future tea parties at Mrs. Turner’s. 
“Nothing,” you assure her. “What else did she say?”
“She told grandma that if she were you, she wouldn’t move me to New York.” Her eyes narrow and she frowns. “I thought you said we weren’t moving to New York.”
“We’re not.”
“Then how come Mrs.Turner said that?” she demands.
“‘Cause Mrs. Turner doesn’t know how to mind her own business,” you mumble and then sigh, looking at Nora so she’s listening. “We’re not moving to New York, okay?” 
She nods and then smiles. “Can we go get ice cream?” 
“Yeah, we can go get ice cream,” you tell her even though it’s nearly dinner. 
Every once in awhile, ice cream for dinner is in order.
. . .
It’s past midnight when there’s a quiet knock on your door, and the only reason you’re awake to hear it is because Liana let you know she told Mat the truth about Calista. She told you that he had left the house as soon as she told him that morning and hadn’t returned home all day. You were expecting a text from him but your phone was silent and that worried you even more.
So, when you open the door to find Mat standing in front of you, red rimmed eyes and looking about two seconds away from crying, you don’t hesitate to let him inside. He slips past you and toes his shoes off before going straight for the couch and sitting down on it. You hesitate, but eventually settle down next to him. 
He’s resting his elbows on his knees, hiding his face in his hands and it takes you a minute to realize he’s crying silently. 
“I just - fuck, I thought that this was my second chance, you know? It wasn’t ideal but I would get to do all the things I missed with Nora,” he says, scrubbing his hands over his face. “I was such an idiot.”
It’s not a dig towards you but you still can’t shake the guilt you always feel when he talks about everything he didn’t get to see. Her first steps, first words, first day of kindergarten. All the things you can never get back. 
“It’s not your fault,” you say gently. “You couldn’t have known.”
“I should’ve,” he mumbles and before you can say anything, you hear soft footsteps coming down the hallway. You look to see Nora, rubbing her eyes sleepily and frowning when she sees Mat. 
When he realizes she’s there, he wipes his eyes hastily but it’s not fast enough because Nora walks over to him and deepens her frown.
“Are you okay?” she asks quietly, reaching out and touching his cheek that’s still damp. 
Mat looks like he’s going to say that he’s fine but seems to change his mind last minute. He smiles sadly and shakes his head.
“Not really, peanut,” he tells her and the frown on her face deepens even more than you thought possible. 
“Mama says hugs make things better when you’re sad,” she says, sounding much wiser than a six-year-old should sound. Then, without asking, she climbs up onto his lap and wraps her tiny arms around his neck and hugs him. You can see the moment Mat breaks, hugging her back gently and it’s like all the tension drains from his body. 
You call it the “Nora Effect”, because her little hugs always seem to make you feel better.
“I’m so sorry, Nora,” you hear Mat whisper and you know he’s going to beat himself up over everything that’s happened with Calista - and Nora deserves his apologies, but your kid is one of a kind and you know that she will forgive him.
With time, if he proves himself, he’ll have a place in her life and you can’t wait to see what the future holds for them. 
authors notes: so calista is goneeeee FINALLY. she wasn't supposed to be here as long as she was but I got too carried away with that storyline and i'm glad it's over lol also, I had mixed thoughts about having mama be the one who told Mat that Calista was lying but I just couldn't get it right so I figured next best thing would be Liana! ps: millie is named after my own cat who i will put a pic of in the comments below
tag list: @literatureluster @dasiysthings @diary-of-jj @heatherawoowoo @fallinallincurls @lovinbarzal @whatthepuckisgoingon @teapartydreams @alilstressyandlotdepressy @keiva1000 @hischiershoe @bellstwd
@alwaysclassyeagle @brrbrina @nonsensical-nonsence @love-like-woaah @swift-sos @barzygirl13 @ilyrafe
if you want to be added or taken off the list, please let me know :)
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thirdlotusprince3 · 1 year
Canada: I never know what to say at funerals
America: just say “sorry for your loss”, then move on
[later at a funeral]
Canada: I’m sorry for your loss, move on
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chained-sweater · 1 month
my up-to-date headcanons of TO (the curtis gang)
⇆ㅤ ||◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷||ㅤ ↻ 𝓃ℴ𝓌 𝓅𝓁𝒶𝓎𝒾𝓃𝓰. . .
· ponyboy curtis
- gender: amab → identifies as demiboy
- sexuality: bisexual (no preference)
- ethnicity: polish/irish roots. (mother and father's side)
- pronouns: he/they
· steve randle
- gender: amab → identifies as male
- sexuality: gay
- ethnicity: german/french (german on father's side, french on mother's)
- pronouns: he/him
───── ° ❤︎ 。 ─────
· dallas "dally" winston
- gender: amab → identifies as male
- sexuality: bisexual (male preference)
- ethnicity: russian w/ scandinavian roots (father had a scandinavian mother and russian father. mother was russian.)
- pronouns: he/him
· johnny cade
- gender: afab → identifies as transgender male
- sexuality: gay
- ethnicity: mexican/italian (mexican on mother's side and italian on father's)
- pronouns: he/him
· sodapop curtis
- gender: afab → identifies as transgender male
- sexuality: bisexual (female preference)
- ethnicity: polish/irish roots
- pronouns: he/him
· keith "two-bit" mathews
- gender: amab → identifies as genderqueer
- sexuality: straight ally
- ethnicity: irish/french canadian (irish on mother's side, french canadian on father's.)
- pronouns: he/they
· darrel "darry" curtis jr.
- gender: afab → gender dysphoric, but currently identifies as transgender male.
- sexuality: gay
- ethnicity: polish/irish roots
- pronouns: he/him
[■■■■■■■■■■] 100%
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whencyclopedia · 2 months
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Herod the Great
Herod I, or Herod the Great (c. 75 – 4 BCE), was the king of Judea who ruled as a client of Rome. He has gained lasting infamy as the 'slaughterer of the innocents' as recounted in the New Testament's book of Mathew. Herod was, though, a gifted administrator, and in his 33-year reign, he was responsible for many major building works which included a rebuilding of the Temple of Jerusalem, several aqueducts, and the massive fortress known as the Herodium. Historians have re-assessed his long-held negative reputation and now credit his reign as having had at least some positive effects on Jews and Judaism in his kingdom.
Accession to the Throne
Herod was a client king (or close ally) of Rome, but his route to the throne was not a straightforward one. His father Antipater the Idumaean made him governor of Galilee in 47 BCE. On the death of his father, there followed a turbulent period of in-fighting involving his brother and various Roman factions. In 40 BCE the Parthians attacked both Syria and Palestine, taking Jerusalem in the process. Herod's brother was taken captive, and he committed suicide shortly after. Herod was thus forced to flee to Rome, and Antigonus of the Hasmonean dynasty was installed as ruler at Jerusalem.
In Rome Herod gained the favour of Octavian and Mark Antony, with whose support the Senate was persuaded to install Herod as the king of Judea. In practical terms, though, this did not solve the problem of Antigonus and the Parthians. Mark Antony was therefore dispatched to the region and he swiftly cleared it, forcing the Parthians back to the eastern side of the Euphrates River. Meanwhile, Herod, with the aid of the Roman general Gaius Sosius, led a force and retook Jerusalem in 37 BCE. Finally, he began what would be a long and prosperous 33-year reign as king of Judea, or 'the land of the Jews' as it was often referred to.
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How would the allies do with a super wealthy s/o (another country) who likes to spoil them? Their s/o gives them gifts, takes them out to dates and if they want something their s/o will get it for them regardless of the price
This is so cute, boys definitely deserve to get pampered too
America • Alfred Jones
Frankly, he revels in this sort of treatment and quickly finds himself liking the presents, dates, and overall positive attention
While he doesn't do it too often, he's really one of the only countries who will ask you for things (he makes it quite clear that you can and should do the same too)
Definitely makes jokes about being your future trophy husband
Canada • Mathew Williams
He's a bit uncomfortable with the big, expensive presents, and it takes a while for him to be comfortable expressing that to you, it's not that he doesn't like them, it's just that it's a lot at once to get use to
He does like the dates though
While he typically prefers smaller outside dates, when you take him to the sort of restaurants with glittering chandeliers, gorgeous interior decor, and incredible food it makes his heart race a bit
He likes dressing up and going, your arm in his, these kinds of dates make him feel important, loved, and seen
He tells you bluntly that, while he appreciates the gesture, he finds the gifts more on the unnecessary side, and would much rather prefer something that could be useful (he doesn't mind the occasional cute plush though)
He doesn't dislike your attention, but seeing as he's been around for over four thousand years, the drawl of pretty stones or expensive clothing is kind of lost on him
He quite enjoys the dinner dates though
Because he can be quite traditional, part of him finds it a bit embarrassing, especially when you're the one pulling out your card to pay for dinners, his face heats up and he mumbles out a quiet 'thank you, darling'
You will get a similar response if you get him gifts too
He really does love them, he's just not completely use to being treated like that
His favorite gifts aren't the big expensive ones, though, they're the little things you get that make you think of him, like flowers or a book he's been looking forward to reading
France • François Bonnefoy
François adores spoiling his partners, so he'd love nothing more than to date someone who reciprocates that
While he's not someone who gravitates towards things specifically for the price tag alone, he is known for being able to appreciate the finer things in life and he really appreciates everything
As a thank you gift, he will often get you flowers or take you on dates (he loves recieving flowers too though, and would be soaring if his partner got him some)
This is a side note, but if you like the idea, he'd want to get a few coordinating outfits with you, he finds them endearing
Russia • Ivan
Out of the 6, he's the one who likes this treatment the most
The big gestures, the expensive dinners? He very well could pay for them by himself, but it's like you're going the extra mile to express your feelings for him, so he absolutely loves it
He also reciprocates this by giving you equally exorbitant gifts and taking you to expensive dinners too
He wants to make you feel just as loved as you make him feel
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rosetyler42 · 2 months
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Some WIR-Verse Hotel Transylvania pokemon antics!
1. Murray with Harry, Mavis' timid little alolan Marowak back when he was a Cubone. I like the idea of these two getting along, since Harry's a ground type that evolves eventually into a Fire/Ghost type, both if which are pretty up Murray's ally. Plus...this found family seems the type where EVERYONE looks after the kids and pokemon, not just their parents/trainers.
2. Ericka has a female Indeedee named Magenta. Though Mag is probably a MAID at the hotel, female indeedee are supposedly good baby sitters. Ontop of this, both Lurch, Mag, and their daughter Audrey know a pretty powerful Psychic - the pokemon move equivalent of Vampire telekenesis. So, here's Magenta using her powerful psychic powers to stop some of the hotel's smallest residents from causing trouble before throwing them back to their parents. Bonus guest stars include @lovelylivelyv 's Jack Nephalem as a baby, Fiona the Ogre baby, one of the Dronkeys, Nala, Gary the deleted Mogwai, Dennis, Sunny, Winnie, and Meteora Butterfly.
3. Couldn't resist drawing Frank and Dave, Johnny's Low Key Toxtricity (Named after Dave Mathews' band, who's logo is on his necklace.) They just fit together BEAUTIFULLY.
4. Both Incineroar and Zoroark love children, so I had to draw Ericka's Kitty-Cat and Drac's Lulu with some of the hotel Kids. Special guests include Meteora again, Mac from Fosters, Winnie, Dennis, Sunny, Baby Blobby; and Mavis' baby indeedee, Audrey. (Named after Little Shop's Audrey Fulquard.)
@lovelylivelyv @black-ak9 @hotelt-resurrection @serial-serializednovelreader @ssleeping-in-a-coffin @wingingfromthezing @ebevkisk @kittyball23 @deathfangirl9 @heartsong1994
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1cat200 · 2 months
Rise kids:Next gen-part 7
Finally on to Cassandra Jones and my oc Matthew Arnold's kids. Yes Casey jr is in here. After this I'm gonna take a short break and start thinking of some plots for my rottmnt next gen au and will think of some other ocs I could throw in as allies, friends and enemies. Enjoy!
1.Casey jr
•Cassandra and Mathew's biological son.
•Uses he/him pronouns.
•14 years old.
•High school hockey player.
•Often has very weird dreams about an apocalypse and killer aliens that feel like their from....another life?
•He and Makoto are best friends.
•Loves getting taffy on Halloween.
•Roller skating daredevil.
•Has an extreme fear of leeches and will instantly throw up and scream at the top of his lungs and the meer mention or sight of one.
•Had speech problems as a toddler and once said the "F" word while visiting Splinter and Draxum when he actually ment to say truck.
•His weapon of choice is a regular hockey stick.
•Has a pet black cat named Hockey Stick since he was 10.
•Casey doesn't have any mystic powers of his own (yet 😏).
•Hates visiting his Auntie Julia (yes Julia from Cassandra's old brownie clan) because he always teases him that she's his older sister and that Casey is her baby brother which Casey absolutely hates.
•Once found a strange looking hockey mask with red stripes on the eye holes in the attic and showed it to his cousins. His cousins thought that it looked really cool but Leo and Cassandra had the strangest reactions when they saw it.
•Loves rock and heavy metal music.
•Is a bit of a mama's boy at certain times.
•Loves his dad too and Leo is his favourite uncle.
•Casey's birthday is June 9th.
•Cassandra and Mathew's biological daughter.
•Uses she/her pronouns.
•8 years old.
•Casey's little angel sister.
•The day Angel was born,Casey practically snatched her out of Cassandra's arms and refused to let anyone near her.
•Fun fact,it was actually Casey who gave Angel her name LOL XD.
•Angel loves her big brother a lot and looks up to him.
•Is often really clingy with Casey.
•Loves puppies with all her heart but her parents say that they will get her one when she is 15 everytime she asks.
•Angel is a complete mama's girl and also knows 8 cuss words since she was 5 😳.
•Is in ninja training so she doesn't have a weapon of her own yet.
•Has no mystic powers of her own.
•Her favourite colour is dark red.
•Little gremlin.
•Casey WILL murder anyone who dares to try to hurt his little sister so watch out!.
•Angel's birthday is February 10th.
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i love writing because all my characters have interesting dynamics with eachother.
aria and mathew? astrology obsessed enby lesbian who goes on daily rants about how gender is stupid and their white boy best friend who didnt even know you could be anything other than straight for over half of his life
aria and alex? pseudo enemies to forced allies to besties
mathew and alex? best friends to strangers who know eachother all too well to forced allies to something resembling lovers
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scotianostra · 3 months
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On July 12th 1570 Matthew Stewart, Earl of Lennox was appointed Regent of Scotland.
Yes, another Stewart infant King and another Regent!
Matthew succeeded as Earl of Lennox on the death of his father in 1526. His mother sent him and his younger brother John Stewart to France into the care of their great uncle Robert Stewart, 5th Lord of Aubigny, who enrolled them in the Garde Écossaise, which I talked about in a recent post about King Henri II of France.
It’s quite a complicated long story regarding The Earl of Lennox, the long and short of it is, although spending many years in France, surprisingly, he was an ally of Henry VIII of England, he led several invasions of Scotland, but fell from favour when Elizabeth I acceded, because he was a Catholic.
He did however succeed in bringing about the marriage of his son, Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley, to Mary, Queen of Scots.
After Mary’s abdication, Lennox succeeded James Stewaart (the Earl of Moray) as James VI fourth Regent, when Stewart was murdered.
Lennox himself was killed at Stirling by Mary’s supporters in September 1571, being Regent was a dangerous job, of those during James VI early life, two were assassinated, another died of natural causes, but some suspected he was poisoned, and another lost his head on the maiden.
You can read the whole story of Mathew Stuart here.
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midnightsnyx · 11 months
girl at home | mat barzal | part 5
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pairing: mat barzal x fem!reader summary: you’re eighteen when you find yourself pregnant after Mat leaves for hockey. nearly eight years later, Mat finds out about your daughter and you have to deal with the consequences of not telling him about her.
warnings: swearing, angst, food, fluff, not edited word count: 2.3k authors note: it's my bday tmw and i am going out of town for the weekend so i wanted to get this posted!! also, i have no idea how pr management works so i def got everything wrong so pls don't yell at me lol i feel like this chapter is just like a roller-coaster that went off the tracks and blew up and someones trying to put it back together with tape from the dollar store so im sorry but i hope yall like it anyway and don't hate me pls <3 send your thoughts or come yell at me about this story bc I LOVE hearing from you guys!! It feeds my writing soul. thank u all for the love on this story so far and lmk if you wanna be added to my taglist. also thinking about doing some smau for this fic and wondering if you guys have any ideas or suggestions?
if you asked to be added to the taglist and didn't get tagged it's cause you didn't show up when i searched for you! so shoot me a msg and we can figure it out. also if you want to be added or taken off the taglist please let me know <3
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You didn’t think the situation with Mat’s statement could get any worse. You were already being pestered by your mom, your friends and even other parents at the day camps Nora attended. Mostly everyone knew that it was true that Mat was her father at that point so the statement caused questions to rise. Ignoring everybody’s opinions about it was easy but six simple words from Nora were what broke you. 
“I thought Mat was my daddy,” she said softly while eating breakfast one morning. She had been quiet since the day before but it continued when she woke up the next morning. You thought maybe she was just moody and tired but it ended up being much more than that.
It took you a minute to answer, trying to figure out where she might have heard or been told that. It wasn’t that surprising that she might have gotten the impression that he was her dad considering how much time Mat had been spending with the two of you or she overheard a conversation. Kids are very perceptive but you couldn’t see how anyone would directly tell her about the public statement and you had been very careful about what you said around Nora and told everyone else to do the same. 
Apparently someone didn’t get the memo. 
You had two options. You could lie to Nora about what was going on or you could explain it in the best way you could to her. Lying to your daughter was the last thing you wanted to do but figuring out the easiest way to explain it so she would understand was hard. How were you supposed to explain that yes, Mat is her daddy but he was a fucking idiot and told the world that she’s not even though he said he wanted to be in her life. It would have been so simple to take the easy way out but it wouldn’t have been fair to Nora so after she finished her breakfast, you sat her down. 
“You’re feeling a little confused, huh?” you asked, watching her fiddle with a loose string on her sweater. 
She nodded, still not looking up at you and not offering her thoughts. It was a bit alarming because she was usually a chatterbox, even when she was upset about something. She would let you know exactly what was wrong. 
“Who told you Mat was your daddy?” 
She finally looked up at you, and the tears threatening to spill from her eyes made you both angry and upset. You were ready to find whoever told her and scream at them but her answer stunned you.
“I heard you talking to Jaxy,” she whispered. “I wasn’t trying to listen but I was coming out to get some water and you said that you were mad at Mat.” 
She didn’t elaborate on what else she may have heard which was unnerving because you probably said a lot of things about Mat that night when Jax came over to talk to you about it. You hoped she didn’t stay long enough for your breakdown where you had cried for thirty straight minutes. 
She sniffled, wiping a couple tears away. “I don’t understand.”
Your heart broke but you still struggled with how to explain everything to her. Telling her in the beginning was probably a better idea but you were so caught up in your own thoughts and feelings, you ignored the person who should have been your number one priority the entire time. 
“Mat is your daddy, baby,” you said. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”
I’m sorry I kept you a secret.
“How come everyone is saying he’s not?” 
Mat should have been the one to answer this question because it was his doing, but you hadn’t spoken to him since the night he was at your apartment and the two of you argued. He had texted you the day after but you ignored it because you didn’t know what you would say when given the chance.
“Well, sometimes people make mistakes and Mat said something he shouldn’t have,” you explained, hoping it was enough and it seemed to be enough at first but then she hugged you tightly.
“I love you mama,” she said and before you could reply, she quietly asked, “Do you think Mat loves me?” 
“I’m sure he does,” you told her and it took everything in you not to cry. 
. . .
Liana: dinner at our place @ 6. bring nora and don’t be late!!!
You’re tempted to decline the request and just stay home but you’ve been promising Liana and Nadia that you would actually visit instead of dropping Nora off and leaving like you’ve been doing. Avoiding Mat is becoming increasingly difficult. It’s been two weeks since he released the statement and a week since your conversion with Nora. She’s been asking a lot of questions, ones that you didn’t plan on having to answer so soon. You expected her to be angry with you for not telling her but she took your confirmation that Mat’s her dad with ease. 
So it didn’t come as a surprise when her first question was whether Mat would be at the Barzal household for this dinner. You hadn’t bothered to ask Liana, mainly because you knew it would definitely impact your decision to agree to go. 
“Did you know that Zoe’s mom and dad aren’t together either?” She says during the drive to the Barzal’s. 
You do know this but you humor her. “Really?”
“Yup. Zoe said she spends weekends with her dad and stays with her mommy during the week,” she explains and then moves on to a different topic. You’re a little curious why she would talk about her friends’ living arrangements but when you finally pull into the driveway, your question is answered. 
“Do I have to stay at Mat’s on the weekend?” She asks and if you hadn’t already parked the car, you would have hit the brakes. 
“No,” you say a little too quickly and sharply because she frowns. 
“How come?”
You don’t answer her question right away, getting out of the car and walking around to the other side. She’s already unbuckling her seatbelt by the time you open the door and she’s still frowning. 
“Just no, Nora.”
“But Zoe does!”
You can’t explain custody agreements to a seven-year-old so you say the first excuse you can think of. 
“He doesn’t live here,” you say, taking her hand and begin walking towards the house. She’s dragging her feet, clearly not happy with your response. 
“Do I have to call him dad?” 
“Just ‘cause,” you say, stopping at the door and turning to her. Her arms are crossed and she’s giving you the look that says she won’t let up until you give her an answer she wants.
“Do you want to call him dad?” 
She pauses, looking down at the ground and frowning. After a moment she shakes her head. 
“No, but Miss. Jones says you’re not supposed to call your mommy and daddy by their first names ‘cause it’s disrespectful.” 
“It’s not up to Miss. Jones,” you say gently. “This is new, and you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”
After a moment, she mutters a quiet “okay,” and then: “do you think Nadia has ice-cream for dessert?”
“Guess we’ll have to go inside and ask,” you reply and raise your fist to knock on the door but it swings open before you can. Liana is waiting on the other side with a big smile on her face. Nora runs straight to her and giggles when the older girl picks her up and swings her around. 
“C’mon in,” Liana says, ushering you inside. So far there’s no sign of Mat so some of the tension leaves your body. After putting both yours and Nora’s shoes aside, you make your way to the kitchen. Nadia is puttering around, juggling a million things but she still smiles softly when she sees you. 
“Can I help with anything?” 
“You can keep me company,” she says and points to a chair. “Sit down and update me on what you’ve been up to.”
You know that you can’t argue with her so you sit and chat idly with her. She doesn’t bring up anything to do with Mat and you’re not sure what to think about it. You almost slip up and ask if he’s going to be here for dinner but decide not to. You haven’t seen him around since you arrived, so he’s probably out. Maybe with a girl. 
Not that you care, obviously. 
Mike eventually pokes his head in the kitchen to greet you and ask how you’ve been. He offers to set the table but Nadia shoos him out of the kitchen, rolling her eyes fondly. 
“Don’t get married, they’re nothing but trouble,” she jokes but there’s a smile on her face that lingers even after her husband leaves. You always admired their relationship, and were certain that you and Mat would be like it some day but it wasn’t in the cards. 
Soon, Nadia calls everyone to dinner. Nora immediately asks why Mat isn’t here and there’s an awkward silence until Liana breaks it.
“He’s busy,” she tells Nora and that must be enough because she just nods and starts eating dinner. Nothing else is said about Mat but just as you’re all finishing dessert, you hear the door open and close and there’s only one person you figure it will be.  
Mat walks into the dining room, clearly caught off guard by your presence. Nora hops off her chair and darts over to him, wrapping her arms around his legs and starts chatting excitedly. He’s trying to give her all his attention but his eyes keep flickering to you. 
When Nadia and Mike get up to start clearing the table and Liana asks Nora if she wants to go watch a movie, you realize that the three of them planned this. It’s almost like you’re kids again, fighting about something stupid and needing his parents to help fix the problem. 
Mat looks at you a little helplessly when the room clears and it’s just the two of you. There’s no way you can yell at him with his family and Nora in the next room and you realize that was also probably planned. 
“Can we talk?” he asks and you really don’t want to, but you realize that eventually you’re going to have to talk to him so you nod. You follow him out the back door and the two of you sit on the porch steps in silence until you finally break it.
“Why didn’t you come to me about what PR wanted to do? We could have figured out something together.”
He shrugs, looking at the ground. “I didn’t think to ask you about it. I just wanted to fix everything before it got complicated. I wasn’t thinking.” 
“Yeah, no shit,” you mutter. “That’s something you’re great at. You don’t think before you do anything.” 
You jump when he stands up suddenly and turns to face you. He’s angry but so are you.
“No, fuck that. You can’t just expect me to do everything right, when a month ago, all I had to worry about was hockey. I can’t be number one dad overnight! You didn’t even tell me about her for six years!” 
You’re a bit taken off guard by his sudden outburst but you can do anger too.
“That is the exact reason I didn’t tell you about her, Mat. Hockey is always going to come first in your life,” you snap. “And I didn’t ask you to be a number one dad, all I asked was that you be sure you wanted to be in her life before you committed to anything because this is exactly what I was worried about.” 
He falters a little, probably not expecting you to return the anger. 
“I didn’t want to post what they asked me to,” he says, sounding defeated. “But I didn’t know how to say no. When PR tells you to jump, you jump.”
You’ve no idea how public relations in hockey works, it’s possible that they would have posted the statement without asking Mat but you’re so damn angry. You’re angry but you don’t know who you’re even supposed to be mad at now. 
“You should have come to me,” you say again. “That’s how co-parenting works, you know.”
His mouth twitches. “That’s what we were doing?”
You can feel the anger slowly dissipating. Mat’s shoulders aren’t as tense and he plops back down on the steps so you sit next to him, letting your shoulders and knees knock against his.
“Well, you are her dad,” you admit. “And she is very concerned about her future living arrangements.”
He looks at you a little confused but there’s a small smile spreading across his face. 
“Does she know?”
“Yeah,” you tell him. “She’s smarter than you expect sometimes.”
“She gets that from you,” he says, poking your arm.
You roll your eyes fondly. “Well she had to get her brains from someone.”
He huffs but it sounds more like a laugh. You watch him look at the ground, brows furrowed and deep in thought.
“I fucked up, didn’t I?”
Here’s the thing that a lot of people don’t know about Mat: he doesn’t forgive himself easily. It’s something you learned the hard way when you were younger and dating. 
So you know he will beat himself up over this until you forgive him. 
“Yeah, but we both did.” You bump your knee against his until he looks up at you. “We can fix it, but we have to do it together.”
He holds out his pinky finger. ”Co-parenting, right?”  
You hook your finger around his and nod, letting yourself relax for the first time in weeks. It’s going to take time, hard work, and you’re both going to have to learn how to trust and communicate better again but you're sure you’ll get there.
“Together,” you agree.
tag list: @literatureluster @dasiysthings @barzyblogbabe @diary-of-jj @heatherawoowoo @fallinallincurls @topguncultleader @shadowsndaisies @lovinbarzal @whatthepuckisgoingon @alilstressyandlotdepressy @teapartydreams @keiva1000
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sarcasticlcves · 2 years
Dating The Aew Women Includes
A/n~ strictly fem x fem
Anna Jay:
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Being in the J.A.S
Being best friends with Tay
Hand holding 24/7
Visiting popular sites everywhere you guys travel
Photo shoots together
You taking pictures of Anna all the time
Anna being very sweet but also cold and closed off at the same time
Allie/The Bunny:
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Allie interfering in your matches to help you
Being friends with Penelope Ford
Both of you loving horror
Having 2 dogs together
Allie being very silent and stoic most of the times
You being the only person she opens up to
Britt Baker:
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Her being the one "in control" of the relationship
Has Jamie follow you around everywhere to make sure your safe
Being best friends with Jamie plus living with her
Britt being very affectionate
You being the calm and collected one in the relationship
Britt throwing hands at whoever does as much as look at you
Overall Britt is a sweet and caring lover <3
Jamie Hayter:
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Her arm around your waist every time you guys are in the same room
Jamie being very possessive
Her getting very jealous very easily
Jamie is very protective over you so get ready to not be able to go anywhere without her
Sweetheart inside and out
Wouldn't do everything for you but damn near close to it
Julia Hart:
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Being a part of H.O.B
Gaining three big brothers in the forms of Malikai Black, Buddy Mathew's, and Brody King
You being severely protective of Julia considering how often she gets knocked out during H.O.B's matches
Her accompanying you to the ring for your matches
She may seem very cold shouldered but she's the sweetest person you've ever met
Kris Statlander:
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Her attacking you when she turns heel
That caused a rift in your guys relationship
Her finally making her way up to you two months later and apologizing profusely
Very long embraces all the time (it's Kris way of saying sorry for everything she's done)
Not much pda
Her going out to your matches to make sure your ok
Your relationship getting better as time passes
Penelope Ford:
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Not clingy but wants to keep a hold of you to show people she's yours
You, Penelope, and Allie being the best women's trio in aew history
Being close friends with Allie
Her being ringside for all your matches
Occasionally will help you cheat
A lot of pda
You have a very sassy confident woman on your hands
Part 2 coming very soon!
And then I'll be finished with hcs for awhile
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thirdlotusprince3 · 1 year
England: Canada, I think it’s time to tell you, your bacon allergy is a lie.
America: Pops made it up, so you’d eat healthier.
Canada: What? No. No, I’m just allergic to a lot of stuff.
Canada: Bacon, donuts, Halloween candy, not saying “thank you”.
Canada: Oh my god.
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theautisticcentre · 9 months
Legit all my Fallout OCs / s/i
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Age: 20 (Technically 230)
Gender and Sexuality: Trans girl + Bisexual
Occupation: Scientist of Vault Tec (Former); General of the Minutemen
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Age: 19
Gender and Sexuality: Trans girl + Lesbian
Occupation: NCR Ranger (Former); Railroad agent
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Age: 42
Gender and Sexuality: Demiboy + Gay
Occupation: Institute Scientist (Former); Atom Cat; Minutemen scientist and soldier
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Age: 34
Gender and Sexuality: Cis man + Straight
Occupation: Brotherhood of Steel soldier
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Age: 16
Gender and Sexuality: Trans girl + Bisexual
Occupation: Farmer; Minutemen ally
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Haylee (Credit to @punkeropercyjackson for her design!)
Age: 24
Gender and Sexuality: Trans girl + Lesbian
Occupation: Raider hunter
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Age: 16
Gender and Sexuality: Cis man + Demisexual
Occupation: Institute assassin (former); Minutemen ally
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Queer Star Wars Characters (Round 4): General Bracket Match 2
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Moran | Identity: mlm | Media: Jedi Survivor
Moran is one of the residents of Rambler’s Reach Outpost, which Cal can have many optional conversations with. He is available from the start of the game, where he sits at the bar, sadly drinking his days away. He is initially rude to Cal, seeing his attempts at rebellion as foolishness. As Cal talks to him more, he reveals more of his past and becomes better inclined to the player. He reveals that he used to be a Republic tax collector, a position he used to cover for a smuggling side business. There he met a man named Dreyo and fell in love with him. When the Empire came to power, Dreyo wanted to leave the business, and when Moran wouldn’t join him, he left on his own. Moran was eventually caught, and he had to flee to Koboh. There he became a fixture in Pyloon’s Saloon, with Greez even allowing him to store his stuff in the back. Cal eventually convinces him to send a message to Dreyo, letting him know where he is. Moran does so, grumbling all the way and letting Cal know that there’s a good chance the message won’t be received. However the prospect of reuniting with Dreyo makes him marginally more optimistic and kinder to Turgle. 
Leox Gyasi | Identity: aro/ace | Media: The High Republic Phase I
Leox Gyasi was the pilot/captain of the ship the Vessel, who ended up entangled in the discovery of the Drengir on the Amaxine station, a diplomatic mission with the Hutts, and the fall of Starlight Beacon, becoming a trusted ally of the Jedi. He was created to be an extreme subversion of the archetypical Han Solo-inspired scoundrel archetype. He’s a space hippie and what you’d get if Yoda wasn’t a Jedi and smoked spice instead. 
He crews the Vessel with his found family consisting of the living rock Geode (who does fuck) and the young Affie Hallow- who became the captain of the Vessel after the dissolution of the Bryne Guild. He’s a fun guy with an appearance inspired by 90s Mathew McConaughey.
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paulinawoodpecker · 2 months
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PAC man and the ghostly adventures: season 3, 4, 5, and finale
About: pac continues with his friends on his mission, a new ally joins him and together they’ll fight ghosts, discover mysteries and save pac world from the ghosts of the netherworld
PAC man: Erin Mathews
Spiral: Sam Vincent
Cylindria: Andrea libman
Pinky: Ashleigh ball
Clyde: Brian Drummond
Inky: Lee tockar
Blinky: Ian James Corlett
Skeebo: Matt hill
Elliptica: Kazumi evans
Spheria: Ashleigh ball
Dr. Buttocks: brian Drummond
Butler: Brian Drummond
Sir cumference: Ian James corlett
Fuzbits: Lee tockar
Spheros: Sam Vincent
Lord betrayus: Sam Vincent
Crystal man: Stephanie sheh
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dramioneasks · 4 months
Hi! i’ve been searching for a fic but i don’t remember much of it so maybe you guys know of it? I thought it was with hermione having a baby (mathew of something??) and i think, but i’m not sure, that it was with harry? bit i don’t think he knew about it. she also had fallen out with all of the weasleys and harry. i think there was also a scene with het helping pansy in an ally who was about to be sa’ed ? that’s how she ended up meeting the slytherins ig…
i’m not sure if this sounds familiar tho, i don’t remember anything else really
Broken By: inadaze22 - M, 36 chapters - He felt something close to pity for the woman in front of him. And while that disturbed Draco to no end, what really disgusted him most of all was the harrowing fact that someone or something had broken Hermione Granger’s spirit beyond recognition.
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