#allowance theory
About Harry's comment that he was "literally" cut off financially -
This is just my speculation, but like you, I also assume that Harry still gets some sort of annual allowance from Charles and that he absolutely lied in the Oprah interview.
What I think he meant is that-
1. Part of their salary, their allowance from the Duchy of Lancaster (at the time, under the Queen) was stopped. Obviously, because they stopped working for The Crown.
2. Their salary from the Duchy of Cornwall (at the under Charles) stopped. Read somewhere that this was in the range of 3 to 4 mil.
3. Their official expenses for their staff, likely being covered separately by the Duchy/BP stopped.
4. Their upkeep expenses like travel, housing etc, being covered by the Duchy/BP stopped.
5. Their official security, being covered by the govt, stopped.
6. Whatever perks their diplomatic status afforded them, stopped. I'm assuming this is what Canada/Trudeau said he won't be covering post March 2020. And so they fled to USA.
7. Private expenses - household, lifestyle etc, being covered privately by Charles via the Duchy stopped. I'm assuming this included clothing allowances, holidays that weren't comped by friends, rentals or lease for homes anywhere other than crown property, like their Cotswold home.
Like you said, I do think Charles privately funds Harry. Either via a trustfund that may have been set up ages ago, and so Harry takes that for granted and it doesn't count in Harry's mind. Or, Charles gives them an annual lump sum.
Of course, he may very well be spending his inheritance from Diana or the Queen mother as well. But both harry and meghan live their life like they don't much care about where their money comes from. They also doy seem to much effort into their Netflix, Spotify deals. We know they don't have any brand deals. So the money must come from somewhere.
And Harry keeps going over the UK every year around the same time each year. It can't be as simple as just a layover enroute to Invictus. My personal conspiracy theory (I have no rational explanation for it) is that he goes to UK, and stays at Windsor, to sign whatever documentation in person, so he can recieve this money from Charles.
Maybe part of the deal is that he comes and sign for it in person. And staying at Windsor makes it easier to meet with the lawyers or staff that handles this for him. He usually comes around April or May. His megxit trial separation review was March 2021. In my mind atleast, his annual trips in April or May along with that review date.
Another thing is that it was around this same time last year, in 2023, that negotiations for Harry's coronation appearance were happening. The result of which was that Meghan was absent (disinvited?) and Harry, quietly, weekly, came and went and did not create much of fuss for the way he was completely excluded from the coronation pomp. I think he may have got some money back then as well, and likely, got a bonus due his dad's promotion.
Old ask from June 2nd
I suspect Harry was given some money around the coronation too, and I feel like there might’ve been a condition that required Meghan to be radio silent for the whole weekend.
We talked about it at the time, but it was *very* strange, and very noticeable, that she completely disappeared for Coronation Weekend, considering that her usual MO is to smother us in PR any time the BRF steps out as a family - like trooping, Remembrance Day, post-summer holidays, the Platinum Jubilee, The Queen’s funeral. (Yes, she papwalked the first second she could, during the coronation concert, but by then most of the official festivities were over and no one really cared.)
I suspect maybe Meghan had gotten some kind of money for the coronation too. Probably a “half now, half after if you cooperate” kind of deal as I think that’s the only way Meghan would agree to anything. Or maybe Charles’s letters she leaked about just before the coronation (the ones where she claimed Charles names the racist royals) actually worked and they paid her for her silence. 🤷‍♀️
But anon picked up something I hadn’t — Harry really does have a pattern of going to the UK in the spring and what if it actually is tied to him getting the allowance from Charles?
Let’s review:
March 2020 - Sussex “farewell” tour
April 2021 - Philip’s funeral
April 2022 - secret Windsor visit on the way to The Hague Invictus Games that Meghan leaked because no one actually saw them. They reportedly wanted a meeting with The Queen, but she required them to meet with Charles and Camilla first. Supposedly they were late and never got to meet The Queen. I think this is the visit where Harry claimed he was making sure The Queen was protected and had good people around her.
June 2022 - Platinum Jubilee visit
September 2022 - Sussex “revenge” tour, overshadowed by The Queen’s illness and passing, royal mourning, and the funeral.
May 2023 - Harry returns for the coronation
June 2023 - Harry returns for lawsuit hearing/trial. Conveniently he’s in the country the same time that Charles is traveling and named Harry as a Counsellor of State.
February 2024 - Harry returns to see Charles after cancer diagnosis. He tries to see Kate but William blocks him.
May 2024 - Harry returns for 10th anniversary Invictus Games service. He doesn’t see Charles because Charles didn’t read Harry’s mind that he wanted to be personally invited by him despite an offer being made through staff. He tries to see Kate again but William blocks him.
I’m going to have to remember this theory next spring to check if the pattern continues.
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ohhh hell yes
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acheronist · 3 days
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ahem. I present to you: the peglar papers (the unofficial visual transcription), my freak pet project that's taken over a lot more of my life than I would like to admit!!
the idle thought of "I wish I could read these damn pages more clearly" took hold of my brain and wouldn't let me rest until I had traced over every page within the wallet and uhhhhhhhh. well here we are. the process of actually editing the scans to darken the script, tracing over it all, and then documenting the damage stains and holes on each page etc took about total ten months-ish to evolve into this monstrosity, so I'd appreciate it if someone could clap!!! I've been working really hard on this niche ass project for a long time!!!!!
anyways........ this is (nearly) every page available on the royal museum greenwich's online collection, AFTER I spent an agonizingly long time picking through each mark of the incredibly faded victorian cursive. (I've still yet to do henry's printed navy ID paper. It's in such bad shape, there's really not a lot I can confidently make out and all attempts thus far are incomprehensible 😔👍)
I anticipate there are some mistakes & misreadings in here somewhere, but I truly did use my very very very best efforts to stay faithful to what the marks upon the page looked like as they were made. I really hoped to get a typed up / deciphered transcript done as well, but unfortunately I don't have the time for such a thing right now due to The Rest Of My Life Is Still Happening, so this will have to do for now!! someday I will have a pdf and a transcript available, but everyone will have to bear with me until then.
Feel free to use these for.... whatever.... you need them for? If anyone else wants to take a stab at deciphering the backwards pages, or type up anything to make it more readily available and understandable, I'd love that and would love to see that!!!! very very much!!!!! as much as the ghost of tom armitage and I enjoy being the active crypt keepers for henry peter peglar (february 22, 1812 – c. 1849), it'd be lovely to have extra help with working out what the fuck he was saying in some parts 🫶 ok sorry for the long post, thanks for reading, mwah
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mftm1987 · 2 months
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for your consideration
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racke7 · 27 days
Ectoplasm and Jason Todd
Danny is wandering around Gotham (visiting, chasing a ghost, running from GIW, attending college, etc) and stumbles across Jason.
Jason who is flaring his ecto-signature like a madman (is he trying to get into trouble?).
Danny drags the guy into a nearby alley to give the guy some kind of crash-course on how not to do that.
Jason isn't sure why this guy grabbed him and dragged him into an alley, but if it's a fight he wants, Jason would be able to fight more freely in an alley, so he doesn't struggle. (Does he know that Jason is Red Hood? Does he think that Jason is a random civilian? Is it just him, or does this guy have really cold hands?)
Jason isn't sure why this guy is now trying to... ask him to meditate? The fuck is going on? But if it's not a fight, then... maybe it's fine to just listen to the weirdo? Taking a few deep breaths isn't going to hurt him.
Danny is very proud of himself for guiding the ecto-flaring guy through how to not flare his ecto-signature. He's such a good teacher.
And then Jason collapses.
Turns out, Jason has been using his anger to create a feedback-loop that artificially raises his ectoplasm-levels.
Ghosts need ectoplasm to live, but they'll also produce ectoplasm when feeling strong emotions. For most ghosts, this a bit like saying "everyone needs a good cry every now and then". For Jason, he's been basically aiming a gun at his own face for the adrenaline-rush. Constantly.
So, Danny is now holding onto a barely-conscious person who desperately needs more ectoplasm. As in, this is a medical emergency, and every second probably counts.
Danny, being that he wasn't planning on needing to carry around some kind of ectoplasm-container at all times (who the fuck does that? His parents, that's who), is now desperately trying to problem-solve this.
Danny realizes that, actually, even in his human form? Danny has a lot of ectoplasm in his body. Enough that he could probably save this guy by... feeding him his blood.
Cue intimately sexy reverse-vampire scene.
And oh boy, if Danny's blood doesn't taste fantastic to Jason's ecto-starved self.
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luckycharms1701 · 8 months
Just read Mikey’s mating season, would write one for Raphael?
of course i will, anything for our boy in red! i will say that bay raph in particular is hard for me to write, so i hope this is decent
again, it's a lil spicyyy 🌶️ reader beware!
The first time it's brought up, Raph absolutely refuses to allow you to spend his season with him. Won't even have the conversation. Not even Mikey can convince him to just talk to you. It takes a literal act of God to force him into it- stranded in your apartment together while a late snowstorm rages, just as his season is starting.
Raph is naturally afraid that he will hurt you. But what he doesn't tell you is that he is afraid of the vulnerability. Raph's season is a highly emotional time for this passionate guy. He knows that he'll be more open- generally the first sign that his season is starting is when he admits something to one of his brothers that he doesn't actually want them to know. So forced into close quarters with you, alone- he's afraid of what he'll say, afraid that the depths of his feelings will drive you off.
He is shocked that when the time comes, his anger doesn't overwhelm him the way it normally does. Instead, it is his love for you that takes over. He finds himself feeling incredibly affectionate. He even chirps for you. (Once it's over he's mortified and you have to swear that you'll never tell anyone ever). The sadness he associates with this time? Again, all gone, because you're here.
The cuddling is real and it is. Frequent. Raph doesn't like to let you go and will often carry you around if you need to move from the bed. But good luck getting him to agree to let you leave the bed. He likes you there and he does not want you to leave. Surely he can go get whatever you need? You belong in his arms, as far as he is concerned.
So, Raph. Once you get him on board, he has rules. These are non-negotiable, because not following them could possibly result in him hurting you and that Will Not Happen. The biggest rule is that you cannot tease him. Teasing riles him up like nothing else and if he loses control and hurts you... no. It Won't Happen. He'll lock himself in a different room and take care of himself before he'll let you break one of his rules.
However, that doesn't mean that it's not a good time for both of you. It's hard at first, because Raph is so afraid to let go, but once he does? Once all that passion is set free and focused on you? It is absolutely some of the most intense lovemaking you've ever experienced in your life. And that's what it is- lovemaking.
All of Raph's affection and tender feelings take over, and he is intense but so gentle at the same time. When it's not mating season, he can be rough sometimes, although never more than you can handle. Not so during mating season. Even when he's pounding into you, driving you wild as you writhe under him, he doesn't hurt you. The only bruises you come out with are in the shape of his hands on your hips.
He is surprisingly quiet when he fucks you. Everything in him is so focused on you that he barely notices his own pleasure. He does chirp a lot, and when it happens the churring practically vibrates the whole bed. He prefers to draw sounds out of you instead. There is a certain dark chuckle he gives that warns you that you are about to get loud. He loves to quiet down so he can catch the nearly silent gasp that comes out of you when his fingers hit that spot deep in you.
He becomes an anxious mother hen when it's over. He hovers. It's a little maddening but he needs you to indulge. He needs to be able to make sure that you're okay, that he didn't hurt you. He is of course worried for no reason, you're fine. But he's still a little cuddly, so you enjoy indulging him.
head bonks: @yorshie @avery73 @justalotoffanfiction @thejudiciousneurotic
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tio-trile · 3 months
A section of the storyboards I did from Jurassic World: Chaos Theory season 1 episode 5 "Halfway House"!
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kyouka-supremacy · 4 months
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Me doing the mental math to place together how this can explain Akutagawa being still alive
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swan2swan · 3 months
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I know "Images you can hear" is a thing, but do you ever find images you can feel?
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tomurakii · 11 months
The worst part about the "mansplainer Gale truthers" is that it comes with a fundamental misunderstanding of what mansplaining is. To mansplain is to have a subconscious bias against women or queer people that makes a (cishet, white) man assume he knows better than someone else without evidence (or despite evidence to the contrary), and as such condescendingly over-explain common or industry-standard information to them. One of the formative essays on the topic, published in 'Men Explain Things To Me' by Rebecca Solnit, is about an anecdote wherein the author introduced herself as a writer to a man who then explained her own essay to her, while bulldozing any attempt by her and a female friend to reveal that she'd in fact written the book that he was pretending to be an expert on. The man listened to her introduce herself as a writer on a particular topic, and had so little respect for her intelligence that he thought he would explain the subject to someone that had just told him she was an expert, while he himself admitted to only ever reading the blurb of her book.
While Gale being condescending is to some degree a matter of interpretation, it is objectively true that he knows more than the player, regardless of class choice. He was an archmage and Mystra's chosen, if the player was anywhere near his level of expertise he would've known about them already, especially if they're a wizard (which is the only magic class that goes through formal educational institutions and could be expected to know the things he lore-dumps about). Beyond that, in most of his lore-dump scenes he is addressing the entire party, the only magic user of which (Shadowheart) is also an amnesiac. It's safe to say his assumption that he knows more about magic/magic history than the rest of you is both valid and accurate.
It isn't mainsplaining when literally one of the top 10 experts in a given field explains something to you, and misusing the term just invalidates people who actually experience and try to call out mansplaining. Mansplaining originated in an uneducated guy believing he had the right to explain a subject to a woman he knew to be an expert. Literally all Gale's done his entire life is study magic, let the man infodump.
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hazbinshusk · 19 days
okay, but... angel doesn't know how alastor treats husk. not really, not yet.
yeah, he know he owns his soul and that's never a good thing, but he's never seen alastor abuse him, and husk isn't airing those troubles out to the others. and we know this because
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that face ^ that face right there? that's not how you look at the guy who you know is abusing your friend/the guy you're attracted to/in love with.
so I feel like, especially with the next season apparently delving into alastor's backstory and everything, there's a strong possibility that we're going to get a huskerdust storyline (at least in one ep) where angel has a particularly rough day at work and when husk tries to help him by empathizing, angel might blow up at him.
he'll say something along the lines of how husk has no idea what its like, how he's got a sweet gig with alastor and he has some nerve trying to tell him he understands. and it'll somehow come to light - whether by husk showing or telling angel some of what he goes through, or by angel witnessing something between alastor and husk - just how bad husk has it with alastor. maybe it's not exactly comparable to what angel goes through with valentino (at the very least, it's not sexual assault, but I don't doubt for a second that torture is something alastor enjoys), but its enough for angel to gain a new level of understanding, both of husk, and of just how bad alastor is.
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sausage-rolll · 5 months
thinking long and hard about Godwyn and Fortissax's friendship like
>the dragons begin a war with the golden order
>Godwyn and Fortissax become “good friends” which brings an era of peace between the golden order and the dragons
>Godwyn goes on to begin the golden lineage with a completely unmentioned partner
>dragons are known to take the form of humans and even have relations with them, as seen with Vyke and Fortissax's sister Lanssax
>One of Godwyn’s many descendants is Godrick, who refers to the dragon in his arena as “kindred one”
>While Godwyn was the first demigod to fall during the night of the black knives, it’s implied that many others followed at the hands of the assassins. Due to the rest of the known descendants of Marika being alive, and no one else having a child pre-shattering it can be inferred that Godwyn's bloodline was specifically targeted for some reason. Since those are the only other demigods that existed at the time.
>Godwyn is assassinated and because him and Fortissax are such “Good friends” Fortissax proceeds to enter godwyns mind and spends decades, possibly centuries attempting to fight off the deathblight from within him, eventually succumbing to it themselves but still unwilling to abandon their “good friend” regardless.
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sashayed · 4 months
"why would king charles commission this portrait" listen man idk but as someone born inside the spiked crown of the death machine, as someone whose kindergarten classmates were the heirs to the american empire, i suspect that the very privileged cannot imagine how to take responsibility but DO want to tell you that they know they should. sometimes powerful people want to believe that acknowledgement is as good as atonement, or that recognition is as good as reparation. the "sry 😔" of royal portraiture. i think plenty of the old men who pilot the dragons gnawing the heart of the world are HOPING to dissolve into a fine red mist. i think they know that fading into their own bloody ancestral legacy is probably the kindest fate they can ask for. they are glutted and exhausted and full of flesh and they know it's their turn to be eaten, but still, they'd really rather you do it symbolically. "look at this painting, isn't that enough? isn't that what you wanted? will you please stop being so angry now?" edit of course also he might simply be very stupid
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littlelightfish · 5 months
This half-foot. Dandan.
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Looks preety similar to this lady here (I'll put them together so you see):
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Half-lidded eyes, black hair&eyes, small eyebrows, curly hair... Dandan's skin is lighter probably because of low sun exposure (dungeon), and he has tons of freckles because he preety.
This two are clearly relatives if not siblings.
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Flertom is a mirror image of the lady up there. She got Chil's eyes. She even has almost the same haircut (a bit longer). She's clearly the mother. We've solved Chilchuck's wife mystery.
But this wasn't what I was going to say.
This implies that Wife and Dandan both knew Chilchuck since their childhood. Because there's no way that Chil was just friend of the sister. They're both close to the same age, and I'll say Dandan is a Younger sibiling (she gives big sis vibes, and he gives young bro vibes). So either she introduced him to her brother or he introduced him to his sister and they became best friends as kids.
Could you imagine how their relationship was after Chil's Wife left him?
He knows he has to say something, but he doesn't want to end his relationships. At the end he takes his sister's side. He distances a bit from Chilchuck, calling him an "aquitance" rather than a friend. It isn't that he hates him, is just that it's complicated. And they both know it. They're in good terms tho, they just aren't best friends anymore and they don't talk about it. Their worry is the guild, not their personal stuff.
That's why Dandan introduces Chilchuck to Laios. If they were in bad terms, he would've suggested any other half-foot. They both priorize the guild and general safety of their own race. That's why Dandan suggests Chil instead of a less experienced hafling. He cares about the union and respects Chil's time and experience in dungeons. They're on good terms, at least good enough. Summing up, I get the feeling Dandan doesn't particularly likes Chil after what happened with his sister, but he respects him at least.
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sabertoothwalrus · 2 years
predictions for rest of Owl House season 3
I can't see an ending to this show not somehow creating a permanent bridge between the Human and Demon Realms, but how are they gonna get there? I think the answer is in...
✨The Stars✨
One of the first things that brought this to my attention was in Reaching Out, when Luz & Amity send a flower into the sky, and it's directly paralleled by Camila's flower vase:
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Amity: Do you think they'll reach the Human Realm? Luz: Probably doesn't work that way, but... it's a nice thought, right?
Now, in Thanks to Them, we have TWO scenes where Luz literally reaches for the stars (the sun a clear reference to the Collector), MULTIPLE shots of light spells floating upwards (into the sky), Gus and Hunter discussing space travel, and the very last shot of the special itself panning up from the cemetery portal to the night sky.
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But, how DO they reach the stars? I highly doubt this show would go towards a literal space travel route. I think, obviously, the Collector is a part of it, but I think it's also a matter of someone getting high enough to reach.
Perhaps maybe.... as tall as a titan?
Clearly, there's a lot of shared history between titans and the Collector. And titans themselves have their own fair share of celestial imagery:
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Perhaps this is why the titans and the Collector have been at odds. Maybe, the titans could use the stars to travel, and for whatever reason, the Collector didn't like that.
And if titans can travel through the stars, it might also solve the mystery of King's mother's whereabouts.
We know the Boiling Isles titan is King's father. And the Boiling Isles is OLD. The Hecktaceous Period is a really vaguely ancient era that doesn't directly parallel one specific era on Earth, so it's hard to put a time frame on it. Either way, all life on the Boiling Isles evolved FROM the Boiling Isles, and did not exist prior.
But..... Bill saw a titan somehow? Bill isn't from the Boiling Isles, and he's old, but it seems unlikely that he's older than literally all life on the Boiling Isles. And King HEARD a titan, who roared, "son". King is about 8 years old, but we don't know how long he was in his egg before he hatched.
It SEEMS implied that "the last titan" the trappers were after was supposed to be King, but that might not necessarily be the case...
Bill: But if you think Belos is evil, you've never seen a live Titan. The children out there haven't either. [The trio looks outside the window, but Hooty notices something to his right and stretches towards that direction. Cut to the King lookalike demons cheering at him as he stands in front of a waterfall.] Bill: Don't know a thing about their ravenous appetites, or their terrible cries! Even their babies act like little monarchs. The last living Titan, I saw it once before it disappeared. Its hateful roar blew out my eardrums. How did it go? "Weh!"
Bill: [Rolls up his sleeve.] You like our disguises? [Takes off his glove to reveal a hand.] You gotta look like a Titan to trap one. [Puts on his glove back.] But if I ever find that missing Titan, I'd hunt it down, tear it limb from limb, and mount its head in pride as we release the Huntsman! Then... we can finally go from being Titan Trappers to Titan Slayers! Say, who's your buddy's tailor? His costume looks so real!
it sounds to me like there's a titan Bill saw that isn't the Boiling Isles or King.
And if you look back at the mural of the trapper fighting a titan, the titan is depicted with a longer face than what the Boiling Isles actually has. Maybe.... *that's* King's mother?
So, where did she go? The stars? But if they connect to the Human Realm, where would she be?
Funnily enough, in Connecticut (you know, the state Luz is from), there's geological structure called The Sleeping Giant.
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Just a thought.
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aro-culture-is · 25 days
aro culture is getting really annoyed with the relationships unit in your sociology class because the whole thing is just 100% amatonormativity.
if think your teacher, professor, and/or TAs might be interested in discussing the concept, I have some idea of bringing up the topic?
I'd personally say something like, "Hi, During our section in sociology around relationships, I couldn't help but think it would be interesting to discuss how a sociological theory called "amatonormativity" might relate to these lessons. I gathered a few sources from the professor who coined it, a thesis written on it, and a law review written about the connection between it and laws in the USA. There's some connections between its use in feminist thought and in queer theories, and I'd love to know your thoughts about it. I personally was thinking of when [specific statement] was said, and how I would apply this theory. I hope it's as interesting to you as it is to me."
Coiner's current webpage: https://elizabethbrake.com/amatonormativity/
Thesis: https://vc.bridgew.edu/honors_proj/330/ (click download in upper right hand corner for the PDF, depending on the individual it may be worth downloading and sending that rather than a link)
Law Review: https://uclawreview.org/2022/06/09/amatonormativity-in-the-law-an-introduction/
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