#allomancy final round
Best Allomantic power: Would you rather Push metal or time?
--When burning steel, invisible blue lines emerge from the Coinshot and connect themselves to pieces of nearby metal. The Coinshot can then use Steelpushing to push metals away (in a straight line) from their "center of self". Steelpushing allows the user to fly through the air, using only coins or other small metal objects placed on the ground. It can also be used offensively to shoot metal objects as projectiles.
--By burning bendalloy, a Slider can create a bubble in which time passes more quickly. This time bubble is stationary, centered on the Slider, and measures approximately five to fifteen feet across. As long as some part of a person is inside the speed bubble, they will be included in its effect. Events outside the bubble appear to move much slower to someone inside, and objects entering or exiting the bubble are thrown wildly off-course.
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itsbooktimepeople · 2 years
Mistborn: The Final Empire
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The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson is, in short, about a team of gifted lower-class Allomancers and con artists that work together to overthrow the tyrannical government. But it's also so much more than that. It's the story of a former street urchin finding herself and learning to trust. It's the story of resistance and the power of perseverance. And most of all, it's a story of hope for the future, even when the whole world seems bleak. As for what I liked, where to begin? The characters were amazing, for one thing. Everyone's point of view was so distinctive and well-written, and their actions all made sense considering their personalities and situations. Usually I'm a little adverse to the "super special protagonist" trope, but Sanderson subverts it by making Vin distinctive not only for her skill at Allomancy, but also because of her cleverness and activity in the plot. The sentiment goes that, in a good book, a plot can't just be something that happens to the main character—the character has to be the one to drive the plot. This is done extremely well in The Final Empire. It never felt like I was simply looking over a sequence of events. Rather, reading this was like experiencing every setback, every triumph with the characters. It was amazing. And let's take a moment of appreciation for the plot itself. I literally had to do a double take a couple of times because I was so shocked from the twists. Yet none of them felt like they were pulled out of a hat, and, though I'm not meticulous about this sort of thing, I didn't notice any plot holes at all. I hate to use the word "amazing" again, but like, wow. I was afraid to start The Final Empire because it looked like one of those long, boring war novels commonly found at the end of YA series when the author doesn't know how else to wrap everything up, but it wasn't like that at all! Every page counted, without any unnecessary filler material, and for that I think it deserves a round of applause. And the worldbuilding???? Bro. Bro. The whole thing about the ashfall (excited to find out the cause of that in the next books), and the obligators and the way the Lord Ruler controls the nobility, and just everything? It was sooooooooooooooooo good. The setting and political system actually reminded me a lot of the Deltora Quest series, a.k.a. my childhood obsession, so maybe that was why I liked it so much, but beyond the sentimentality the world of the Mistborn trilogy was so developed and Oh, and another thing: I don't usually get scared of books. But the Steel Inquisitors in The Final Empire chilled me to the bone. And that fear meant a lot to me; it was part of what kept me reading all night long. Like I said, my thoughts are only somewhat coherent at the moment because I absolutely loved this book, so I'm going to wrap this up by telling everyone who sees this review to READ THE FINAL EMPIRE. I loved it so much
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puddlejumper38 · 2 years
The Lost Metal notes
I like to keep notes while I'm reading Branderson books, mostly its just me yelling about things. With so many spoilers. Also its a long post and possibly not coherent...
I read the pre-released chapters, so this starts round abouts chapter 19. Again this is just all spoilers. -Trell = Autonomy was actually a spoiler I'd seen. But it makes sense what with Bleeder/Paalm/Lessie shouting about freedom every 5 sec - Return of Duralumin, fantastic: genuinely fantastic, not sarcasm. I like it, it fucks shit up in predictable but dramatic ways. BOOM super allomancy. - of course the evil guys have it, but oh well. - AHHHHHHHHHHH - Death himself !!! - It is MARSH :D - This is earlier than expected - Ah. - Of course Branderson has nerfed him. I knew it. I knew it. He's too powerful otherwise. GOd fucking damn it. - 'its difficult to compound with hemalurgy' says Marsh, compounding with hemalurgy. Well, he'd know I guess. - Listen. Branderson. If you kill Marsh for the third (3rd) time. We will have to have a talk. It won't be polite. - God fucking damn it part 2: we are now losing both Marsh AND VenDell in the same breath. Really? - (just give him atium sazed. hey sazed. give him the atium) - I have more comments but this is supposed to be for the Whole Book..... and I need room left in case Marsh comes back (joking, joking) - I'm fine. - (He still swears using the Lord Ruler's name. Marsh, I love you) - I feel like Moonlight might be Shai, but I'm not sure. I could be missing something really obvious. - I Sincerely hope that the 'three left of the crew' is SAZED, Kelsier and Marsh. I don't like Spook "lets kill the old people with Hemalurgy" Lestibournes. But he did live to be over 100. - Sazed is going to be Discord by the end of this book, isn't he? - To save the world. And everyone's pissed off with his inaction. - 'He will be Discord and they will love him' or similar from HoA has stuck with me. I am waiting. Sooooon. - Damn I forgot I did not like the Ghostbloods. They all have their noses in the air, and not in a fun way like VenDell - Its TenSoon!! Hello there!! - Yeah I figured the set were framing the Senators. - Okaaaay, that thing with the Bands is concerning. What Were They Used For? - Ah yes, Shai. - What was even the point of the Ghostbloods here. They didn't do anything. -Oh Wax just used Hemalurgy. I'm sure of it. Duralumin spike. Don't like that. -Yup. As much as I like Duralumin.... just. Hemalurgy. Y'know? Don't fucking spike yourself. I don't even like the earrings. - They Have Lerasium So Where Is The Atium? How Much Is A Small Amount Anyway? - I'm gearing up to get cranky. I'll put it on hold for now. - Alas, I did not like Wayne and don't care about this development. - I'm so glad Marasi didn't join the Ghostbloods. It suits her better. Its the secrets thing, and I'm glad that was her reason. - Well. At least Sazed said. Not like last time, when it was left a mystery like Branderson had forgotten to mention him. (I don't have to get cranky) - OH! He's baaack. - Hey Marsh what the fuck did that mean? - Hm. So why can he walk around in broad daylight and not get noticed? Would love to find out sometime. - Wax is a mistborn. Does this mean we'll see him again? That epilogue implied we won't. - And, finally, unfortunately Sazed is not Discord. Yet. I'm waiting....
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cosmereplay · 4 months
Happy Fanfic Friday! It's been a hot minute since I did one of these.
Creative Solutions by ModernWaterRider
This is a unique one! It's a story based on a Mistborn RPG campaign called Secrets in Stained Glass.
Rated Teen, 7000 words, set pre-Final Empire, canon compliant, Mistborn OCs. Spoilers up to episode 3 of Secrets in Stained Glass.
Teen-rated excerpt below:
“I’m done with this conversation. In fact, I think I’m just… done. With all of it.” A couple more indistinct statements followed, but Eliane was still trying to process that first one, and suddenly the Rioting disappeared. Everything had gone quiet, and she didn’t think it would be a good idea to stay much longer. She rose slowly from her crouch, holding her skirts close, trying to squish the crinoline against her so its weight wouldn’t push the door open when she moved. But she was paying too much attention to that, and a floorboard creaked, making her wince. Not a second later, the door swung open and hit the wall behind it with a bang, making her jump back so it wouldn’t hit her. Dier glared at her from the back of the room, the door opened with his Allomancy from afar, and she tried to back away. This was none of her business, she hadn’t really seen anything, and she didn’t really want to know what had happened anyways. “Eliane, why don’t you step in here and join us? Shut the door behind you.” She knew without a doubt that he wasn’t asking. Eliane followed the “invitation” and approached him slowly. With a cold sort of fury, nearly reminiscent of their cousin, he pointed insistently at a spot in the floor, eyes tracking her all the while. As she neared the designated spot, rounding the long chaise, she finally caught sight of her father, lying lifeless on the floor, a hole in his head.
Keep reading
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Review: The Mistborn Trilogy
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A warning for the wise: if you have an exam coming up, and need to study, do not read this series. Should you be planning what books to pack for a trip away with friends, put this series down; it can wait. Your social life and your trip will thank you. But, if you are like me and perfectly enjoy stabbing yourself in the foot and finding yourself awake at 3 A.M. the night before a big exam, reading what you swear is the last chapter for the day, then please, pick up The Final Empire. Don’t say I didn’t warn you though.
Mistborn follows the story of Vin, an orphaned street thief who finds herself adopted into a band of thieves planning the biggest heist in recorded history, one which, should all go well, would end with a slave uprising, the fall of the nobility, and the coup of the tyrannical, and supposedly immortal Lord Ruler. The series is well balanced with fast paced action, mystery, and a healthy enough dose of classic fantasy trope subversion to keep readers continuously on their toes. To say anything more would be to spoil, but suffice to say, this was all I required to pick up the first book.
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Set in a grim world only just entering its industrial age, Mistborn lies squarely within the realm of high fantasy. And in that genre, Sanderson effortlessly marks himself out from his peers. His worldbuilding is exquisite: each city we enter feels alive and different, and the different cultures and religions are all superbly fleshed out. Sanderson knows just how long to spend worldbuilding too. He knows just when we require a cursory glance and the illusion of depth, versus the times we require more detail to make the world seem believable. Unlike many authors, he knows not to bore with information dumps, opting rather instead to weave the lore seamlessly into the narrative, occasionally having the characters asking the same questions as the reader, a situation which in less capable hands would seem garish and annoying, but he manages to keep it intriguing.
What is most outstanding about his worldbuilding however is his magic system. I have heard Allomancy to be described as a Full Metal Alchemist-esque magic system, in the way that there are, to an almost scientific degree, rules that both the readers and the characters know of, and yet still enough mystery and vagueness that it remains magical. The rules also make sure that the magic can never be used as a deus ex machina to get our protagonists out of trouble easy. Allomancy is also unique in how it works - it has the benefit of being an incredibly simple idea done very well. And when we start encountering Allomantic fights, Sanderson never once fails to make you feel the breakneck pace of the combat, or the heightened danger, or the incredible power wielded by the Allomancers; and he never slows it down with unnecessary collateral destruction. Pages of fighting flip by in seconds and leave you standing breathless among the corpses of our hero’s enemies.
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Speaking of heroes, the series’ biggest selling point is arguably it’s protagonist. In a genre plagued by the frankly uncomfortable number of male protagonists and underdeveloped female characters, Vin stands squarely apart. She is incredibly well fleshed out: strong, vulnerable, feminine, and badass, with none of the sexist “not like other girls” bullshit. She is her own character, with her own agency, flaws, insecurities, likes and dislikes and is just a very believably written girl, albeit with super powers. The other characters too are never boring or interchangeable, and the character dynamics come across vividly the moment they set foot in the scene. The one gripe I would put forward is that, in concentrating on making Vin a well-rounded character, Sanderson fell victim to the classic blunder of not including many other prominent female roles. While other female characters do exist, it is arguable if all the books pass Bedchel, which although not the best of markers, is still disappointing. Sanderson has, however, expressed his regret at this oversight, and is working to make sure his other books are better. And while this is most definitely a flaw in the series, it is not one I would consider a deal breaker, especially when given how well Vin, and indeed, the rest of the entire series is written.
Another point I would like to touch upon may verge into spoiler territory. I shall be as vague as possible, but if you do not wish your reading experience be tainted at all, I suggest you skip the upcoming paragraph.
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One thing Sanderson did well in this series, which I have seen few authors do this well, is deal with an explicitly mentally ill character. At one point in the series, a character falls into depression. They lose all motivation and purpose in their life, and each day becomes a chore for them. Thanks to the writing, you can really feel the sheer slog of depression, the completely lifelessness of the characters’ existence, get into their skin in a way that is eye opening for those who have never experienced it, and comforting for those who have, altogether without drying the narrative flow, or becoming a dead weight. It is something small, but handled well, and for someone like me who deals with depression, a comfort to read.
Overall, The Mistborn Trilogy is a masterclass in high fantasy literature. The worldbuilding is top notch, the characters are flawed, believable and ultimately lovable, the magic inventive and immersive, and the fights pristine. Whether you are a veteran fantasy fan looking for something different from the classic sword-and-sorcery, or a teenager who needs a good female role model in their books, I could not recommend Mistborn enough. It will grab you tight, and take you on an adventure you will not be able to put down, and leave you three books later emotionally compromised in the best of ways.
Mistborn: The Final Empire: 9.5/10
Mistborn: The Well of Ascension: 9.0/10
Mistborn: The Hero of Ages: 8.5/10
Overall: 9.5/10
(Note: Overall score is not an average, but rather a mark of how well each of the books tie into and enhance each other and how complete the series feels)
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Best Allomantic Metal: STEEL
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With a 56.4% total, out of 117 votes, Steel has triumphed over Bendalloy to earn the title of Best Allomantic Metal. Congrats to Steel and thanks to everyone who voted!!!
But is Allomantic Steel the ultimate metal??? That remains to be seen. Feruchemical Zinc or Gold? is running until 4/2... and the winner of that match will face off against A-Steel for the final round of the tournament.
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Which will be the Ultimate Allomantic Metal????? Vote for your favorite in:
#allomancy final round will run until 7PM EST on Sunday, March 26. Reblogs and propaganda are welcome. May the best metal win!
(And don’t forget about #feruchemy round 3!)
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Allomancy Round 3 / Semi-finals RESULTS
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STEEL beat Brass by a pretty close margin of 57.9%, while BENDALLOY earned a 100% victory over Nicrosil. That’s the only 100% we’ve had this entire competition!!
STEEL vs. BENDALLOY will be the final match on the Allomantic side of the tournament. It will begin tonight, March 19 at 7PM EST, and will be posted under the tag #allomancy final round.
(In the meantime, there are still 3 days left to vote in #feruchemy round 3...)
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The flashiest of Allomancy, or the gold standard of healing: Which power would you rather have?
--When burning Allomantic Steel, invisible blue lines emerge from the Coinshot and connect themselves to pieces of nearby metal. The Coinshot can then use Steelpushing to push metals away (in a straight line) from their "center of self". Steelpushing allows the user to fly through the air, using only coins or other small metal objects placed on the ground. It can also be used offensively to shoot metal objects as projectiles.
--Feruchemical Gold is used to store health. By tapping a goldmind, a Bloodmaker can heal at an accelerated rate or heal from wounds that would normally be fatal. While storing health, a Bloodmaker will be sickly and weak.
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Allomancy vs. Feruchemy: The Tumblr Poll Tournament
It is time to determine which is the BEST METAL!
We will first determine the best Allomantic and Feruchemical metals, and then pit those winners against each other in the final round.
God metals are NOT included. They have an unfair advantage and won’t divide evenly into the brackets.
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Feruchemy FINAL ROUND begins now!!!
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Which will be the Ultimate Feruchemical Metal???? Vote for your favorite in:
#feruchemy final round will run until 12PM (NOON) EST on SUNDAY, APRIL 2. Reblogs and propaganda are welcome. May the best metal win!
(The Feruchemical winner will then face off against the victor of #allomancy final round...)
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Feruchemy: Round 3 (AKA Feruchemical Semi-Finals!!!) begins now
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The match-ups:
STEEL (Steelrunner) or ZINC (Sparker)?
GOLD (Bloodmaker) or DURALUMIN (Connector)?
This bracket will be OPEN until Wednesday, March 22 at 7PM EST.
#allomancy round 3 is also ongoing!
(Follow @cosmere-metals-tournament​ for all the updates, and always feel free to reblog with your opinions and predictions, or just to spread the word and gather more votes!)
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