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stcries · 1 year ago
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free hand comes up to scratch at the scruff on his chin, feet shifting as he leans against the wall. "hm, could really go for a smoke right now." just his luck, he'd finished the last cigarette in his pack and was now left empty handed. would it do him some good if he laid off them? oh absolutely, but in this place, he'd rather drown himself in nicotine than focus on las plagas. "what about you, señor. need something to take the edge off things too?"
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@alllonsy, starter call.
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frvckles · 1 year ago
“ you’re  from  another  world.   ” it isn't a question. there isn't any reason to doubt or deny. a gobsmacked statement, rather. but everyone knows about aliens, or at least, they should. they just pretend like they don't notice. even with this knowledge, he follows the man into the box. WHAT? he's never seen a spaceship up close before!
call it curiosity.
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“ i thought  you  might  have  been  lying,  or  i  dunno,  it  was  some  pretentious  metaphor ...  but  no,  no  you're  a  proper  alien.   ” @alllonsy
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onestepfcrward · 1 year ago
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Your timelord, hand him over.
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tiimelost · 2 years ago
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@alllonsy asked: ❝ All that ever was and could ever be -- right at my fingertips, ❞ the man begins, pacing leisurely past Rose with a look so sombre it strikes as terrifying. The words are casual, nonchalant -- as if such a fact is nothing in the eyes of the timelord, because in the end, it is. Oh, yes, in the end of all things, it's really nothing at all. One thing is clear as he comes to an ominous stop, letting his words sit in the air -- something about the Doctor has changed. Something has him rattled, but it's a cage he's created for himself to keep others out. The timelord turns slightly, hands tucked into his pockets as he clicks his tongue, walking towards her. ❝ Including the fate of your father. The fate of your mother. Any -- extended family, to be frank. Not actually Frank, but… their deaths. I can make it so they'd never happen. ❞ A pause. After all, hadn't that been what she'd wanted, all that time ago? After all, how could he forget the fate of Pete Tyler? ❝ All that pain and suffering… I can make it vanish. You'll be able to see them again. Both of them. ❞
▬▬▬☆☁ There was definitely something off about the Doctor. She stays silent as he speaks -- his words are beyond concerning. Rose can't help the feeling of fear from creeping into her head. This was so unlike him. There was no trace of the Doctor that she loved oh so much. Other than his face, Rose feels as if she is in the presence of an absolute stranger. It's unsettling && she doesn't like it.
                              She freezes then, his next statement causing her breath to hitch. No, there was definitely something very wrong with him. Yes, of course she had wished that her father was still alive; but she had also seen the consequences of that. It wasn't possible. That's what the Doctor had said && she has long since accepted it. Rose bites her lip, trying to stop the tears from welling up in her eyes. She doesn't like this one bit.
                              ❝ Doctor... ❞ Rose starts, pausing briefly to take a good look at his face. She doesn't recognize it at all.
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                              ❝ You can't. What is going on? This is... this is not you. ❞
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yourflame · 2 months ago
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@alllonsy said: " Who are you to stop me? " / for hero <3
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❝ I'm Sonic, ❞ Answered the misplaced hedgehog, tone robotic and devoid of it's usual enthusiasm whenever he was asked that question. He looks at the timelord... tiredly. Because he is. This is tiring. And he knows the Doctor is too. That ache that never goes away, you carry it with you wherever you go now. There's nothing left for either of them to go back to. Two colossal giants standing on the edge of time, so tired of being fate's play-thing that playing God has become a debate. Sonic continues with a shrug and a shred of sarcasm, fixing the folds of his gloves. ❝ I'm a blue hedgehog that runs fast. I like adventure, I like chilidogs, and I like long naps on the beach. ❞
Then he sets the other with the look. The look of stubborn hedgehog conviction. There's no arguing now. Just another goal at the end of the stage to get to.
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❝ And I do the right thing. Even if the right thing isn't right for me. ❞ Emerald eyes wander to the control deck of the Tardis, a plan quickly forming in his head. Was it a good plan? Debatable. But he had to do something. In a flash, he's there, pressing and pulling random buttons and levers with no rhyme or reason. The Doctor can't do anything if his ship is out of control!
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herleaf · 8 months ago
@alllonsy comforted, "I'm not going anywhere."
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"You're lying -- you always leave eventually. It's a fact, an actual, proper fact. The Doctor always has to run, has to save the Earth. This is not something you can fix -- I am insignificant in the grand scheme of the universe. You don't-- why would you stay here for someone you've barely met?" Oh, she had to be careful here. Time was wibbley-wobbley enough without Clara making it known that she knows more about the Doctor than the average person he meets on his travels. She'd barely met him, had a few runs and investigations together during this specific jaunt of his. How could she know if he recognized her or not from when her Doctor and he had stood on the same ground together, creating a paradox with a pair of Docs. If she made the wrong move, he could come after her earlier. Find another her, hell, go searching too early and where would they end up? Her life and existence is already splintered throughout his timeline, she doesn't know if she could splinter any more. He is the one who makes it out, not her. Besides, this version of her was different. Most other echoes don't remember Clara Prime's life, they usually have their own and get to live whatever life they were planted into. She wasn't so lucky. She knew from the day she could remember that she would run into the Doctor and her life would inevitably be changed forever or cut short, all to protect him. "Go fly off in your space ship, alien-man, and LIVE. Please. If you die, who will help keep the human race in check when we inevitably decide to blow something up and lead ourselves closer and closer to a universal death wish?"
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yoakkemae · 8 months ago
“ i don’t always need you to fix everything. i just— sometimes i just want you to listen. ” / martha!
martha , do this , martha do that. martha has spent her entire life fixing people's problems. ( " martha , you're going to go nuts , " adeola's amused voice had said numerous times. she'd been the only one to try to calm everyone down and not put so much on her -- tish sometimes resented martha , that martha was so dependable and could help everyone. other times , she used it just as everyone else. ). was it no wonder that she became a doctor.
still , it's because of her role in her family that martha can never seem to turn off that part of the brain that came across a problem and thought of ways to make things better. she's struck silent when the doctor complains about her need to fix everything , but ... oddly , she's not hurt. ( vicky's complained about the same thing , after all , whenever she vents about sean. considering the situation now , the irony isn't lost on her ).
martha reaches out to hold the doctor's hand. ' yeah , i can do that. let's just sit and you can talk. '
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skyfcx · 1 year ago
The man is grinning ear-to-ear, a casual statement made almost subtle as he side-eyes the fox, " ... you wanna' know how it works? "
Uncurbable Enthusiasm || Unprompted
     No... it couldn't be—
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     Was it that obvious?
     For the longest time, the fox had been concealing stares tossed here and there, the frantic flicking of twin-tailed namesakes as they got excited over and over again, the curious mind dying for answers subsiding instead on assumptions and scientific speculations all the while. Are you kidding him?! Of course he wanted to know how it worked! That odd and mysterious skeleton key the suited enigma held, it seemed to do a little bit of just about everything!
     It popped locks, it activated and deactivated electrical systems. It apparently had a database it was accessing, too... for often would the Doctor scan an item and divulge information as though he had found its name and number on an expansive documentation of some kind. Yet there didn't seem to be a screen to read off of, nor a voice to verbally convey the information gathered! Just an extension of the small device's neck and a rather distinctive buzzing sound...
     Perhaps the man possessed the innate ability to pull knowledge from the sound waves produced by the instrument? A sonar-like property? Or did certain minute changes in pitch dictate different meanings? Like how we as a society knew to derive the sense of joy from laughter, or sadness from audible crying. You knew to head to the basement when the tornado siren shrieked, it could be closer to that...
     By Gaia, it could even be a whole language going on whenever his item shined blue! Or maybe—!
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     "...Yes. Yes, I would like that very much." No point in being coy about it now. The cat couldn't be any further out of the bag.
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wasme · 1 year ago
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➜ " hey , don't look at me ! i didn't invite them ! " asked @alllonsy .
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" and i'm supposed to believe you , am i ? " maybe he should . maybe he should believe younger version of himself . yet he can't . hell , he lies to himself often enough , what's to stop it happening this way , too ? " someone invited them . and it wasn't me . i know that for a fact . "
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badwolftylcrr · 1 year ago
" What's so funny? " He's standing there bewildered, blinking at her with wide, innocent eyes and a complex device sitting in his left - of course, he fails to notice the twig protruding from his mess of hair. Abseiling forestry isn't the easiest! He thought he did very well, thank you.
EYES  narrowed,  lips  pressed  into  a  fine  line,  she's  trying  her  hardest  not  to  erupt  into  laughter.  that  twig's  blending  right  in  with  his  hair,  it  is  !  (  it's  not  even  THAT  funny,  she  has  to  admit  -  it's  the  way  he's  so  absolutely  clueless  that  makes  it  hilarious  )  '  nine  hundred  years  old  ',  '  last  of  the  time  lords  ','  the  oncoming  storm  '  rose  tries  her  darndest,  but  the  corners  of  her  lips  twist  up  on  their  own  accord.  "  oh,  nothing.  nothing.  "  got  her  gaze  focused  on  the  floor  now.  just  don't  look,  don't  look.   "  it's  just  -  you  look  a  bit  like  my  year  five  geography  teacher  right  about  now.  spittin'  image,  actually.  "  (  this  is  where  she  takes  pity  on  the  poor  guy,  hand  coming  up  to  disentangle  the  solitary  twig  from  the  nest  he  calls  hair  )  "  he  went  along  on  a  day  trip  to  banstead  woods once.  missed  a  step,  went  face  down  into  a  bush.  when  he  came  back  out  he  looked  like  he  was  part  bush  himself,  he  did.  "
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stcries · 1 year ago
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rp muse valentine's application, accepting!
@alllonsy wrote:
your name: Doctor =) Romantic or platonic?: uhhhh we'll figure it out?? A night in or dinner out or an activity?: fun things I like fun things. oh, there's this one planet I know where everything functions entirely upside down -- then again not exactly ideal food wise, hm? Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: ice cream!! What's your perfect date?: you? ;D ... too cheesy? too cheesy Would you cook for me?: uhhh yes but i cannot say i'm fantastic at it? Would you let me cook for you?: ... as long as its not a bioweapon cheesecake or something Can we make-out?: ... maybe Make out in private or in public?: somewhere quiet Do you like to cuddle?: yes Blankets or no blankets for cuddling?: excuse me i have five billion blankets and we're not utilising them??? Couch or bed?: probably the bed, it's always a death fight for space on the couch getting comfy What are at least 3 hobbies of yours?: reading, doctoring, and playing guitar... or dancing? depends on the day and mood and spoken doctoring Tell me something about you no else knows: I could destroy everything without lifting a finger. I mean wait what Why do you want to be my valentine?: you science good What makes you a good Valentine?: i science good?
for wesker fdjgnffng
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for a long while, he's simply rereading over the application, expression somewhat unreadable thanks to the dark shades that covered his eyes. why would anybody send him one of these? quite frankly, if someone didn't have their use, then albert wouldn't pay them any mind.
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eventually however, there's a crack of a small smile upon wesker's face. "hm, destroy everything without lifting a finger, you say? well well, doctor, aren't you just full of surprises." good job, you've gotten his attention, but is it in a good or a bad way ... "i suppose we could test this hypothesis of yours."
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frvckles · 3 months ago
@alllonsy said :: 🎁 !! ( shuffle - 81. the grudge - olivia rodrigo )
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❛ it   takes   strength   to   forgive   but   i'm   not   quite   sure   i'm   there   yet. ❜
spotify wrapped sentence starters ➭ always accepting
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nineandrunning · 2 years ago
“ there’s something that doesn’t make sense… let’s go and poke it with a stick. ” / nine! | @alllonsy
"you mean other than your. . . everything?"
it's said mostly lightheartedly, but there's no denying that he's on edge. running into yourself is always hit or miss, and he doesn't like that he's on this end of it. trying to sort out how your future will react is a fool's errand, and it means the other has an upper hand.
if an upper hand even exists.
"i've been poking around for a bit, there's nothing immediately wrong. just the vibes. can't put my finger on it yet, but there's definitely something going on. ideas?"
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onestepfcrward · 2 years ago
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@alllonsy​ said: " I knew someone like him. Full of untapped potential, opportunity to commit so much good to the world -- but using it for all the wrong reasons, because it's all they've known. " A pause and the man tucks his hands into his pockets. " Just breaks your hearts in two. Tragic waste, that. Not that they'll listen. " //hmmm
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“ ... It’s my fault. ”
The words feel like lead, heavy on his tongue. It’s the first time he’s vocalizing these thoughts, such things are usually kept to himself when the memory of his adversary crossed his mind. So it surprises him, when Shadow finds himself continuing, opening up to this stranger he’d only just met. He’s not sure why. Something about the man reminded him of someone he knew once. But that was a long time ago... “ He threatens this world’s existence. He threatens my purpose. But when there was a chance to steer him away from this path... I didn’t take it. Instead, I only sealed his fate. ”
A sigh passes through him, and Shadow looks up. He remembers that night, in the base underneath Soleanna’s old castle, the Duke handing him that cursed scepter. He remembers his arrival on Earth, the Professor’s reassurance that everything would fall into place, soon.
He grimaces.
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“ It’s too late to try to help him, even if I want to. The world takes priority over comradery. We are much the same, in that way... ” 
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cynicallyscorned · 2 years ago
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@alllonsy said: ♦ just blurt it out. (accepting.)
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" Nerd. "
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heavenprotectarc · 1 year ago
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it's always nice to meet someone who maintains a somewhat calm demeanor despite the horrid situation around them. granted usually that tended to mean that the individual is somewhat involved in creating said horrrid situation but steve likes to believe the alternative more often, there's no fun in paranoia after all.
"whenever they give me permission to come out here instead of being stuck back at the office." it's nice to have options, not to mention being at the office means getting a chance to snoop around. "either way, it keeps me busy." leading his new friend in the direction of less chaos, the redhead pulls out a pistol, checking if it's loaded before holding it out for the doctor. "can you handle a pistol?"
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" 2016, 2016… " the man repeats in mantra, eyes darting around their surroundings as if trying to recall something. Tragedy on this planet is neverending, bleeding all together in some wrought mush. Making sense of the events took him a moment, one presently stolen by Steve's question. " Ah, yes, probably… best not. "
They hardly wanted to be sitting ducks against an onset apocalypse. The strange man paces forward briskly, though stops when he remembers the other is leading the way. He gestures his new friend onward.
" I suppose you have a lot of nights like this, eh, Steve? "
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