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meatandgreet2017 · 6 years ago
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Due colore Paprika und schöööne Burritos! • • • #meatandgreat2017 #meatwoch #immerwiedermeatwochumhalbacht #willstdubeefkriegenwirstdubeeflieben #chillinlikeavillain #leckaschmecka #heimgourmets #insteakwecrust #foodporn #itsallonmygrill #perversipan #burrito #cheeselover #allinn (hier: Casa Dello Pimp - Reloaded) https://www.instagram.com/p/Buw6f0qByvF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19xgnr8xyqzvr
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martialarts4life-blog1 · 6 years ago
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#Repost @madelenso ・・・ Foto: @vestgardenfoto Another week in Trieste is about to end. Constantly learning, constantly working to reach my goals😉I am so happy to be back with @didierleborgne, who (even when he was injured ) has been kicking and 👊 me around the ring) #facekick #facekickfriday #roundkick #jumpkick #sidekick #stretching #mobility #k1 #allinn #noexcuse #highkick #weekendmood https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt7fOUSlgq7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1omzo793lwg3h
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teamgoinsrealty · 3 years ago
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🍾 Welcome to lifestyle Friday🛩 - - - - 💻 Website: www.TeamGoins.Realtor 📬 Email: [email protected] 🎙 Facebook: @TeamGoinsRealty 📺 Instagram: @TGRIRealtors 🎞 YouTube: Team Goins Realty ⚙️ https://koji.to/TGRI_DR.GOINS 🖥ZOOM https://shorturl.at/lDNO9 📕 Download our book FREE 📕 https://teamgoinsrealty.book.live/seller-book - - - #TeamGoinsRealty, #TGRIRealtors, #thehelpfulagent, #house, #houseexpert, #home, #realestate, #realestateagent, #teamgoinsrealors, #Listingspecialists, #ApacheJunction, #Mesa, #homeforsale, #exprealty, #Realtors, #realestate, #eXprealty, #ChristianRealtor, #gotstocks, #livelikethecalhanes, #joinexprealty, #allinnation, #Carlosreyes, #edmylett, #maxmaxwell, #firstbrokersuzanne, #suzannefuqua, #ibuyhouses, #cashyouout, #TGRIRealty, https://www.instagram.com/p/CdyF465LAip/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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alchimistafan · 7 years ago
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Ve lo siete mai chiesto? Buona giornata davvero a tutti! Piena di energia!!🌹🏵🌹🏵😎 #energia #patriziagiorgetti #gioia #facile #faremarketing #allinners #powerwoman
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normalfeminist · 2 years ago
A year ago or something there was a man who kindof identified as trans on the local news. He called this 'alter ego' kind of thing 'miss sometimes'.
I remember thinking, of course, he can just take the 🤪 silly costume 🤪 off and live comfortably as a man again. I thought: 'Allinne mar in frou wannear't it dy útkomt', or, 'only a woman when on your terms'.
I remember being so insulted that this man wants me to call him my sister, while I am the one who cannot take something off and have the world recognise me as a man and treating me a such.
'Ik kin myn frou wêzen net fan my ôfpelle', or, 'I cannot peel my womanness off'.
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pamela-pagnin-smm · 5 years ago
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“Il mondo è pieno di persone di successo, alle quali era stato detto più e più volte che il loro sogno era impossibile…SCELSERO DI NON ASCOLTARE!”⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ E tu cosa scegli?⁠⠀ Buona domenica!⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ 💪💪💪⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ #frasimotivazionali ⁠⠀ #motivazione ⁠⠀ #business ⁠⠀ #allinners⁠⠀ https://www.instagram.com/p/B9eNaTXlPmx/?igshid=1xs4m364uoykz
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econaturalife · 5 years ago
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La #allinnersconference 2019, sul marketing digitale, purtroppo è terminata. E per quanto mi riguarda mi è un po’ difficile andarmene senza un po’ di tristezza. Oltre ai nuovi contenuti appresi, indispensabili per ottimizzare il mio lavoro, ci sono gli altri @allinners. Non persone cupe e asociali che si isolano da tutto dietro al loro pc, ma persone solari, umane, piene di passione, energia, voglia di reinventarsi e di fare tutti loro stessi per realizzare i propri sogni. E non solo, anche risate, condivisione, sostegno, confronto, collaborazione. Pensare di dover aspettare un anno per riabbracciarle, mi rattrista un po’. Ma ognuna di loro mi ha arricchito, ogni sorriso scaldato il cuore e mi dispiace non aver una foto di ognuno da poter condividere, ma sono contenta di avervi conosciuto. COSA MI PORTO A CASA? Le competenze trasmette dai bravissimi relatori, l’energia e il calore degli allinners, la consapevolezza dei punti deboli su cui devo lavorare e il totale sconvolgimento e illuminazione, dopo l’intervento straordinaria di @davide.lombardi.official. Troppo sentimentale? Eh beh, io sono così: forza di volontà e cuore 😅😅💗 @allinners #illuminazione #percorso #ilviaggiodelleroe #poteziale #allinnersconference #allinners ⁠ #marketing ⁠ #crescitapersonale ⁠ #socialmediamanager ⁠ #crescita ⁠ #lavoroonline ⁠ #lavoroconilpc ⁠ #social ⁠ #community ⁠ #condividere ⁠ #condivisione⁠ #eccellenzaitaliana ⁠ #formazione⁠ #formazionepersonale⁠ #studiare⁠ #evoluzione #econaturalife⁠ #business⁠ #businessonline #obiettivo (presso NH Milano Congress Centre) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3UI353g0Vb/?igshid=uhntsie3ija2
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lunar-eclipses-posts · 3 years ago
Manifestation. Just doing a simple spell can start the process of Manifestation. Using your words to expand your horizon. Use your soul to carry through tbe minds obstacles. Channeling forces to break through any difficulty. Timing in spells is proper meaning each spell is corporation on a lunar cycle. Now in daytime spell channel the suns energy to bring your mind to habitats tbe surrounding. Sun magick breaks the cycles also builds them stronger. The final thing I'll say in light and darkness you build higher and lower forms of energy so see yourself expanding tbe proper amount of energy to center your will in allinnment of Central formations
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valerics-blog · 6 years ago
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es ist nun mal so .... #winter2019 #winterpokal #training2019 #saison2019 #allinn🐴 (hier: Hondrich, Bern, Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsYV77zHVIw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=d45fwcwfvdz
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live-at-eve · 7 years ago
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My very wet Armadillo/Burrito and her equally drowned father post our very first trunk or treat ever! We had a great time supporting our Pop and all Leon County Sheriff’s Officer’s today. #LCSO #AllInn I’m also glad I got to enjoy this experience with my friend and coworker Nikki and her family. #family #friends #halloween #BlairEchoMarie #MiniMermaidPrincess #love (at Governor's Square)
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braves96 · 8 years ago
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Watching #nationalchampionship #ALLINN @goldsgym Getting a workout in 💪🏻🏋👊🏼🏈 (at Gold's Gym Layton)
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culmaer · 6 years ago
Nynke Laverman — BETONBLOM
translation from West Frisian (Frysk) by Judith Wilkinson
Ik bin in frou, sizze se (I am a woman, they say)
Ik hear by de minsken. Ik hear by de minsken, sizze se, do bist ien fan ús (I belong with people. I belong with people, they say, you are one of us)
Ik haw in thús, sizze se. Ik hear by de minsken, Ik hear by de minsken, sizze se. Do bist hjir thús (I have a home, they say. I belong with people, I belong with people, they say. You’re at home here)
Ik bin teplak, sizze se. Ik bin in bewenner. In bewenner fan de stêd dêr’t elk wêze wol, Dêr’t elk it rêde wol — mar fol is fol. Net elk dy wurdt hjir âld (I’m settled here, they say. I am a citizen. An inhabitant of a city where everyone wants to be, Where everyone wants to make it — but full is full. Not everyone grows old here)
Ik bin teplak, sizze se. Ik bin in bewenner. In erkende bewenner fan de minskewrâld (I’m settled here, they say. I am a citizen. A recognised citizen of the human world)
Der stean muorren om my hinne. Ik kin rinne fan de keuken nei de kast en wer werom. Der is in flier en in plafond. Ik wurd omearme troch beton, dat my beskermet tsjin wat komt, Tsjin alles wat fan bûten komt (There are walls around me. I can walk from kitchen to cupboard and back again. There’s a floor and a ceiling. I’m enveloped in concrete, that protects me against what’s coming, Against everything coming from outside)
Ik bin in frou, sizze se. Ik hear by de minsken. Ik hear by de minsken, sizze se, dit is wa’sto bist (I am a woman, they say. I belong with people. I belong with people, they say, this is who you are)
Ik bin teplak, sizze se. Ik haw neat mear te winskjen. Ik haw neat mear te winskjen, sizze se, dit is wat it is (I’m settled here, they say. I’ve got everything I need. I’ve got everything I need, they say, this is it)
Der stean minsken om my hinne. Ik hoech nea wer allinne te begjinnen oan ’e dei. Ik bin binnen ik doch mei. Ik wurd omringe troch dejingen dy’t myn taal ferstean, dy’t itselde paad gean al ieuwenlang itselde paad. In libben foarsisber útlisber en folslein útwisber. Nimmen is ûnmisber (There are people around me. I’ll never have to start my day alone again. I’ve arrived I count for something. I’m surrounded by those who speak my language, who tread my path, for centuries the same path. A predictable life, transparent and utterly forgettable. No one is indispensable)
Ik bin teplak, sizze se.Tusken muorren en minsken, Tusken muorren en minsken, dêr is myn plak (I’m settled here, they say. Between walls and people, Between walls and people, that’s where I belong)
Ik haw it fûn, sizze se. Ik haw neat mear te winskjen. Ik haw neat mear te winskjen, sizze se, ik bin ûnderdak (I’ve found the answers, they say. I’ve got everything I need. I’ve got everything I need, they say, I have arrived)
Lûdsticht luchtticht potticht. Gesticht gesticht ik stik ik stik (Sound-proof air-proof life-proof. Madhouse madhouse I’m suffocating I’m suffocating)
Do bist hjir feilich, sizze se (You’re safe here, they say) Hjir is alles eigen, sizze se (Everything’s genuine here, they say) Do bist hjir thús, sizze se (You’re at home here, they say) Do bist ien fan ús, sizze se (You’re one of us, they say) Ik bin teplak, sizze se (I’ve settled here, they say) Ik haw it fûn, sizze se (I’ve found the answers, they say) Ik haw in hûs fan beton yn ’e stêd en in man dy’t thúskomt elke jûn (I’ve got a concrete house in the city and a husband who comes home every night)
Ik bin gelokkich, sizze se (I’m happy, they say) Ik haw it troffen, sizze se (I’m fortunate, they say) Ik bin frij, sizze se (I’m free, they say) De wrâld leit oan myn fuotten (The world’s at my feet)
Ik bin in frou, sizze se, In jonge blom, sizze se (I am a woman, they say, A young flower, they say) Ik bin in frou yn ’e fleur fan har libben, Mar hoe sjit ik woartel yn beton (I am a woman in the prime of her life, But how do I take root in concrete?)
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martialarts4life-blog1 · 6 years ago
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#Repost @madelenso ・・・ Can't wait to get back in the ring! Been working hard all summer, praparing for what's coming👊 I have a gooooood feeling... Foto: Tonje Jakobsen #allinn #gogetit . #martsartslife #martialarts #fitness #fit #workout #karatelife #blackbelt #kungfu #taekwondo #jiujitsu #grappling #mma #kickboxing #kravmaga #ninja #tkd #aikidolife #muaythaifestyle #aikido #karate #boxing https://www.instagram.com/p/BtUyZRBlTH5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=84d1y0esd3mq
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alchimistafan · 7 years ago
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VUOI IMPARARE AD UTILIZZARE INSTAGRAM PROFESSIONALMENTE E CON RISULTATI SORPRENDENTI? #ALLINNER #marketinggenius #patriziagiorgetti Clicca sul link in biografia (presso Tuscany)
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444names · 3 years ago
scottish surnames BUT excluding "mac"
Abaraisgor Aberta Abloy Absanate Adada Adainn Adhon Adhugo Adhòinara Afilleòis Agarailte Agroid Agusthore Aidach Aidhghein Ainealia Ainnda Airghlas Alaina Alanricill Alaoirig Albelad Albern Albhasain Aldanaich Aleasgain Alian Alleo Allgh Allinn Almoirda Almonso Alucelin Alvan Amhana Amrais Amramrainn Anacrìgh Anaraidh Araich Arainn Asdaidh Auliara Aurio Aurona Beghsh Beldampa Beliomhna Berein Berna Bernain Bhaidh Blacpha Blantsean Blora Blormen Bocano Boirjan Brachein Brain Bramhla Brito Buibeinn Bunain Buramin Cabhairch Cabhlais Cabhràin Cairgh Cairo Calmudion Canacre Caoig Caola Caolain Caoldain Caolfraido Carberich Cargaina Carta Casio Cathain Cayteame Ceagertua Ceamp Ceathain Celau Celdaig Cenia Chong Cilletim Claccul Cledein Clogalain Clùta Combain Condruir Corgh Cotebh Craicoides Crais Cranairich Crano Crunda Cràtain Crìdelaga Crìos Culaishia Curco Cèampaz Dailag Darda Debhlas Deire Didelag Dolgh Draich Drain Drais Drath Druinear Dubhia Dubhàicain Dòmhain Dòmhaine Dùbhaid Dùghlabia Eacid Edeadhurna Edubhrìosa Elagainnd Eleathaon Eliasbainn Eliocart Emedh Emhòrais Eneana Ensiosaid Entin Ergandaid Ericharan Ernain Esanch Esheacion Eshìchrìsd Estefaelin Estillona Estitodra Eulbherna Eulinna Eutrifa Evanfhin Evesan Evesteofel Ezequelda Fabhrein Fadadolis Fadais Faelente Feacmhna Fedheacgio Felan Feldel Feldh Felia Felio Felis Felotia Ferisacgo Ferito Ferna Feroidh Ferto Flana Flial Floburana Flodh Flonacilia Floudesto Floudin Foida Foilcead Foinia Foiraurlos Forain Frahaigha Freardomch Freasa Friano Frich Froir Fulinaidh Garactuim Garisla Gartondre Geatais Geinn Gelas Gelor Gento Gilia Gilion Gilla Gillechian Gillein Gilleòir Gillomha Giona Glaig Glaimear Graina Grarighar Grench Groin Guano Guides Guimund Gusainnda Gòran Gòrsunnla Haillech Haolach Heacio Heathaidh Heòirch Huito Hunda Ildach Illana Iselich Islain Jacarandos Jacdh Jacgio Jacildan Jacris Jainndol Jamoig Jamphòrda Janain Javia Javianti Jeshin Jesto Jimel Joaqueto Joncaoig Jortinn Josaugh Juado Juain Juann Juara Julip Justha Justian Lageneacdh Lainn Lebhaigh Lechan Lecia Ledenia Ledhuira Ledolgh Leine Lencollean Lerich Lerton Leòrdoran Loirisan Losda Lothas Lucil Luibaid Luidhch Luidio Luiedein Luimir Lìosacmhia Lùtacuidh Maelillein Magabris Maghago Maicaigain Maidhain Maigha Maista Malainn Manain Manisoferm Maola Maolia Marainaois Mardaig Marearla Marena Marilio Marin Marlagh Marlando Marmenaire Marmi Marmingena Marna Marra Marturead Masda Mathaidh Mathair Mathana Mathaor Matheatin Matria Maximen Mayagainn Miadarann Miadhuimin Miaig Minndiagh Minne Moidh Moidhoirea Moinn Monac Murar Mursa Màrlaich Màrnardo Màrta Mèina Nactonid Nagrartann Niegillein Niethnar Niono Nisdais Noemhaar Noemhna Ofigna Olathasan Pabasco Pabia Padaviaigh Paquelish Paqueto Paquis Parla Parta Pasgaida Pathein Paulaina Paulio Pauliosgra Paurla Paursa Puill Purcel Pursàig Racdh Racenka Racrestisa Rainainnes Rando Readh Relain Rianar Ricto Rocaimens Roimeinn Roinn Roiria Roirio Ronza Rosana Roste Rotaidh Rotilla Rotin Ruanda Ruaritoro Rusacdh Ròsancio Sacthain Sacuidh Saina Salfhia Salgh Saloth Sambena Sampauro Sanaccos Santo Scesalana Seades Seagar Seagundos Seana Seandrig Seinifio Serathaig Sernada Sgaidh Sgain Sgein Sianacgus Sidhealo Simeatha Sinneinach Sionana Smion Sofelis Staite Suainneo Sutain Suthaigob Suthbhitza Sutriosdes Sùdrisio Tanfhla Teann Teara Teonge Terra Torac Tridhoidh Trilvidia Turch Tàillesa Uadhurcara Ulago Ulann Urdaigh Urineas Vadaighde Valona Vanaiseod Vanura Viana Vianano Vicia Virein Ximelipe Zulain Ìosara
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pamela-pagnin-smm · 5 years ago
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Non smettere di sognare, giusto perchè una volta hai avuto un incubo.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ Buona domenica!⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ 💪💪💪⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ #frasimotivazionali ⁠⠀ #motivazione ⁠⠀ #business ⁠⠀ #allinners⁠⠀ https://www.instagram.com/p/B9M0h1nlZRu/?igshid=1410spcujzx2
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