aoisscribbles · 5 years
Danti with the prompt "We're not just friends and you know it!" please?
Oooo!! I get some Temporary Bliss vibes off of this prompt! Let's see what I can do...
Dark slams his hand on the desk, nearly cracking the varnish. "We're not just friends and you know it!" he snaps at his stubborn partner.
Equally frustrated, Anti snaps back, "We were never friends! Cause friends don't fuck each other!!"
"Which is why we're more than friends-"
Anti sharply cuts Dark off. "We. Have. No. Relationship. I annoy the fuck out of you just as much as you fucking annoy me with your fucking stuck up standards judging me all the time." His breathing starts to slow and his voice begins to thicken with restricted emotion. "I'll never be good enough for you. We tolerate each other for work and fuck each other. All we do is use each other. We don't need more than that."
"Anti... I need more." Dark softly uttered, stepping closer to Anti. "You sometimes annoy me, but my stardards don't apply to you. I don't tolerate you. Not anymore. I want more of you." He reaches out his ashen hand to caress Anti's face, but is avoided.
"I can't do that. Not now." Anti shakes his head, stepping back and glitching away.
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furledleaves · 5 years
Bluestar with a bi flag?
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a queen .. tbh .....
(useable for icon but credit is required)
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iamvegorott · 6 years
Danti candy
“You’re my Honeybunch, Sugarplum, Pumpy-umpy-umpkin.” Anti sang as he popped up behind Dark, wrapping his arms around the shoulder of the working ego. 
“Anti, I’m busy.”
“You’re my Sweetie Pie~” Anti kept singing, now rocking a little. 
“You can wait five more minutes.”
“You’re my Cuppycake, Gumdrop, Snoogums-Boogums-” Anti nuzzled his face into Dark’s neck, earning a little chuckle from Dark. “-You’re the Apple of my Eye.” Dark sighed as he placed his pen down. “And I love you so and I want you to know, that I’ll always be right here.” Dark turned his head to look at Anti over his shoulder. “And I love to sing sweet songs to you-” Anti slowly went around Dark. “Because you are so dear.” Anti sat down on Dark’s lap and poked the tip of his nose with the last word of the song.
“You could have just told me that you finished putting Annalise to bed,” Dark said. 
“This was more fun.” Anti winked.
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septic-dr-schneep · 5 years
I really love your art of JJ! He looks so cute!!
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arteacactus · 6 years
Shimmerfur (If you want I mean you don't have to but I'm curious as to how you'd draw her)
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glittery gorl.. a mom.. but also kinda moody and very prideful
Send Me a Fan-Made WC Name and I’ll Design a Cat Based On It
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i-am-not-anon · 6 years
Soft and sweet
This is a birthday-present for @allimeraine about Dr.Schneeplestein and her oc Allimeraine based on our roleplay universe. I hope you like it! ^^ (sorry for the bad German I used Google translate)
Schneep hummed, stirring sauce on the stove with a wooden spoon. It was a chill friday afternoon, and he was cooking late lunch for the house full of people and other creatures that he was happy to call his extended family. The doctor checked the oven as an alarm went off, noticing that the potato wedges weren’t fully cooked yet and adding a few more minutes to the timer. Arms wrapping around his middle from behind starled him slightly, but he quickly recognized the familiar, white-polished fingernails.
”Hi Alli, wat’s up”, he chuckled softly, earning a giggle that was fainted by his light blue t-shirt.
“Not much, Henry”, Alli sighed and peeked over his shoulder. “I just think it’s cute that you keep cooking for everybody despite their laziness to help you clean afterwards.”
Schneep smiled at the nickname, shrugging. “It iz not that big deal. I would cook to myself anyway, why not for everybody zhen.”
”It is cute”, Alli insisted, ”you are cute and soft, even though it’s sometimes hard to notice.”
”You and your sappy,,sappiness”, Schneep muttered, blushing lightly as he pulled Alli to his side. ”Do you want to zaste my sauce and tell if it’s good, Liebling?”
”Of course, дорогая.” Alli took the spoon Henrik offered to her and tasted, bringing a hand to her jaw as if it was difficult to tell if it was good or not.
”As delicious as always, maybe a hint of salt could be added,” she finally revealed.
”Zhank you,” Schneep bowed and added salt.
They stood there for a while, holding hands and just passing time until Alli suddenly remembered something and went on her way.
Schneep raised a brow at that but didn’t say anything. She had been busy with the kids lately, as Harlyn kept complaining about Cade annoying her. Usual pre-teenager stuff, but Henrik loved them both and was glad they had overcome their scary experiences very well and were able to live a normal life. The alarm rang for a second time, and the doctor pulled the potato wedges out of the oven.
Alli walked back to the kitchen, hiding something behind her back. ”Henry, I’ve got something for you.”
”Me?” Henrik looked puzzled as he walked closer to Alli, leaning on the kitchen counter.
”Yes you, doof”, Alli nodded, looking at the ground. ”Close your eyes.”
Henrik did as he was told, feeling something chilly being placed around his neck.
”Can I look, nett hummel”, Henrik asked.
”You may look”, Alli answered, on her tiptoes, waiting for a reaction.
Schneep opened his eyes, seeing a silver and light blue heart-shaped necklace on him. ”Liebling, das ist.. I mean it is lovely.” He pulled Alli to a bear hug and a sweet kiss.
“Aww, it’s just a small thing I did the other day”, Alli muttered after the kiss. “It’s supposed to keep you from getting sunburned again, Lilith helped me to include the right ice spell into it. I hope it works.”
“There’z magic too?” Schneep looked at his wife with a lovey expression. “Now I don’t ’ave to stay out from our beach trips anymore. Mein Held, what would I do without you?”
Alli shrugged, smiling. ”Be sleep-deprived?”
She giggled at his reaction, making both of them laugh.
”I mean, true”, Henrik admitted. Alli had the ability to calm him down, and when that wasn’t enough she literally sang to him and the siren voice made him pass out.
”Ich liebe dich über alles.”
”Ich liebe dich auch”, Alli smiled. ”Also it’s our two-year anniversary, so the gift was for that.”
”No!” Schneep slapped his forehead. ”I’m such a dummkopf, I forgot it!”
”It’s okay”, Alli reassured, wrapping her arms around him as comfort. ”It was nice surprising you.”
”I’m so sorry, I promise to get you something back soon”, Henrik took Alli’s face to his hands and gave her a quick kiss. ”But now the food’s ready, want to spread the word?”
”Of course”, Alli winked and went on her way, knocking on doors and announcing the late lunch. Schneep looked after her with a fond smile, making sure to remember to bake a cake for tonight.
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bing-iplier · 6 years
Happ borth
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sunflowerqueer · 6 years
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Some of them do!
Lilith is a demon siren with angel blood (a bit of a mess, I know) so she has wings, allowing her to fly. She also has ice magic that she was born with, it is tied to her emotions so that can get messy if she's overwhelmed. Also with her siren voice she can control people at will. Lily's passions include caring for children, especially her niece and nephew and baking!
Allimeraine is the sister of Lilith so she also is a demon siren with angel blood, however, she doesn't have wings. Alli has fire magic, though she wasn't born with it, she got the magic when she lost her wings. Her siren voice allows her to pull people to sleep along with control people. Her passions include caring for her family and children, watching YouTube (she's a big fan of Markiplier and Jacksepticeye) and cooking.
Elian is a demon and has the ability to teleport, he's a skilled crafter and is very good at enchantments for weapons. His passions include torture and scaring people. He likes to be in control.
Ulric is a demon with the ability to teleport. He also is able to compel people much like a siren, except it's not his voice that does the work. His passions include baking and reading.
Harlyn is like her mother and is a demon siren with angel blood, she has wings but cannot fly as they are much two small in comparison to her body. She is, however, able to compel people with her voice. She can make people do as she says, which she has quite often used to her advantage as she is often sick. Her passions include reading and singing.
Cade is also like his mother and is a demon siren with angel blood. He wasn't born with wings but he can manipulate the air around him so he can still fly. He also can compel people with his voice, but he doesn't like doing it. When he is angry he has no control over that ability so don't make him angry, especially since he says things he often regrets when angry. His passions include photography and drawing.
Lavinia is a demon siren. Her abilities are a mystery as people who witness her abilities usually don't live to talk about it. Her passions include ?????
Fawkes is an angel. He has wings and can fly. He was born with fire magic and tries to use it only when necessary, though he can't say no to his grandchildren when they ask for a magic show of fire. His passions include caring for his family and reading.
Zinnia is the goddess of Chaos, Destruction and Time. Her abilities surround what she's a goddess of, she can be a bit ditzy but be wary. If you piss her off she will make sure your life is a living hell. She has many passions, too many to list here.
If you have any other questions about my ocs please send them to my new ask blog!
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ask-snows-ocs · 6 years
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Allimeraine Idalia Reliqlus
Demon siren with angel blood running through her veins
Older sister of Lilith
Ex-wife of Elian
Daughter of Lavinia and Fawkes
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allimeraine · 6 years
I feel the need to make this post after certain events of today.
Your mental disorders/illnesses do not define you, even if it feels like they do.
I have anxiety, depression, ADHD, and aspergers (autism). While these are things that I have, they are merely aspects of me and they do not define me. I know that, but sometimes it's hard to realize that hey, these things are a part of me but they aren't all of me and all that I am. I know it's hard, I know it is. Guys, at these times we need to remember that we are so much more than our mental disorders/illnesses, that above all those things we are people, with likes and interests and personalities. We are who we are, and we are strong to get through every day. I'm proud of you guys for making it this far, try not to give up. I love you 💙
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larkylabs · 4 years
Hi, Rin! Me again ^^" just wanted to tell you that I've reached chapter 5 of Oathbreaker and I am LOVING IT!! I've named my MC Nyx and have chosen the ruthless personality route for her and she's with Virion. Now I may be a grey ace lesbian but HOO BOY I have such a soft romantic spot for Virion!!! I love him!!! Next time I read through I'm gonna try to romance Alwenn 🥰 my poly heart finds it difficult to choose but hey! that just gives me more replayability! ALSO!! NINA!!! I didn't expect to see Captain Nina again and the Savage Princess, but aaaahhhh!!! I was overjoyed to see her! Your writing as always is incredible and I'm loving the art as well. So excited to read more and try out Cardinal Cross. Love ya!! 🌻
So happy you are having fun with OB, Allimeraine! 😍 I hope you enjoy Cardinal Cross too!
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rainymae523 · 5 years
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
(A/N): I am loving writing this, so hopefully I can finally at least somewhat update something consistently! So, here’s a chapter 2! - Sam
Tags: @allimeraine, @ashywasteland93, @southerndragontamer  She woke when the sun was almost at high noon, looking around her, still a bit delirious as she saw that she was still in the woods. Her telescope and attachment stood there, seemingly mocking her and how she missed her opportunity to see Pollux and Castor. She knew that other solstices would come, but the longing in her heart wouldn’t cease until she saw them again. So, she forlornly and lovingly tucked away her telescope and attachment as she snuck home through her window, where she saw that her brother left her a note and a small bag. 
The note read, ‘I’m sorry about last night. I know I took things too far, so just rest up and have this, then maybe later tonight I can make it up to you with a movie and dinner at your favorite taco place? - your very apologetic brother, Apollo P.S. I love you, little sis, and I called the school and told them you were sick so you can stay home today’, and the bag had a can of cherry cola, a chocolate bar, and one of those night lights that shines stars on the ceiling. She gently took the night light and used the blackout curtains in her room to darken it as she plugged it in and turned it on, smiling. She saved the sweets, moving the bag to her desk across the room from her bed as she twirled and landed on the bed, watching the fake stars on her ceiling and not feeling so alone as she fell asleep on her bed and enjoyed it for the first time in years. Before it was just her and Apollo at home, her mother, Diana, ruled the roost with love and compassion. She cared deeply for her two children as she lived as a widow, her late husband having died shortly after Pandora was born in a motorcycle accident with a drunk driver, and she worked hard for what they had. When Apollo came of age, he jumped at the opportunity to help his mother as from what little he knew from his father guided him in his decision to become the man of the house and take some responsibility for how his family lived. 
So, the two of them worked hard, working multiple jobs even to make ends meet, and Pandora wouldn’t figure this out until she started high school when her mother was diagnosed with lung cancer from factory fumes and breathing in smoke from restaurant patrons’ cigarettes. This was when she went searching in the attic of the house, hoping to find something of value she could sell to help, and she found the telescope. She took it to Apollo to learn it was their father’s telescope, someone she had never known but longed to know. She kept the telescope to herself, slowly teaching herself how to use it with books from the library. Apollo had noticed her behavior become more reclusive, but he knew she would come to him like she always had if she needed him. He was right about this, as she did come to him about the telescope and good places to go to stargaze, and then she was off. She ran off into the woods until she found a clearing, and she fell in love with every little twinkle in the sky. That is until she found her Zodiac constellation and Pollux and Castor shone more brightly than any other stars in the sky, twinkling in harmonious unison. 
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iamwritingsanders · 6 years
Can I get some cute Virgil and Patton ( moxiaty) fluff please?
Onesie Twinsies!
Virgil was curled up on the couch, hood up and arms crossed in a pout. Patton was sitting next to him and had Virgil’s legs over his lap as he scrolled through his phone.
“How about a puppy?” Patton asked.
“No,” Virgil stated, staring intensely at the TV that was playing a show he had no idea what it was.   
“Why not? I think you’d look adorable as a little pooch.” Patton giggled when Virgil curled up to hide his red face. “How about a unicorn?”
“Logan has that one,” Virgil muttered his protest.
“You could get a kitty and we can be twinsies!” Patton squealed.
“We are not going to be that couple,” Virgil said.
“It’s not like we’d be walking around the town in them. Come on, be a little pussy-cat with me.” Patton lightly patted at Virgil’s legs.
“Please don’t say pussy-cat.” Virgil slid his legs away from Patton and tucked them under him.
“What’s new pussycat?” Patton sang, laughed when Virgil grabbed the pillow he was leaning on and threw it at his head. “Aw! Virg! You know you love me~”
“Shut up,” Virgil grumbled, ducking his head down to hide his face again.
“You can’t hide from me!” Patton rolled to his knees and placed his hands on Virgil’s so he could lean towards him. “I’m gonna kiss that nose.”
“No.” Virgil moved his head down.
“I’m gonna kiss that nose,” Patton said again, nuzzling his forehead against Virgil’s. “I’m not gonna leave till you let me kiss that nose.”
“Then get comfy.” Virgil’s voice was muffled. Patton poured his lips a little before he grinned with an idea. He pressed his lips to Virgil’s forehead and blew air against it, causing it to make a farting sound.
“Pat!” Virgil yelped, having not been ready for that. He stiffened when Patton kissed the tip of his nose.
“I told you I was going to kiss that nose.” Patton smiled. “And you’re so adorable when you blush!”
“Shut up!” Virgil placed his hands on Patton’s face, acting as if he was going to push him away but he didn’t apply any force to his movement.
“Someone’s a shy little cutie.” Patton grabbed Virgil’s wrists and lowered his hands. “And he’s my shy little cutie.” Virgil made a squealing noise behind his closed lips, trying to hide his embarrassment but failing terribly.
“Buy the damn cat onesie,” Virgil grumbled.
“Onesie twinsies!” Patton squeaked and plopped himself down on top of Virgil wrapping his arms around him in a tight hug as he nuzzled his face into Virgil’s neck. “We’re going to be the cutest Sides!”
“You already are,” Virgil said, eyes going wide when he realized he said that out loud.
“Aw!” Patton took Virgil by the cheeks and gave him a kiss on the lips. “You’re the cutest too!” Virgil could only let out an awkward laugh in response as Patton giggled.   
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Tag List:@burningpeachdelusionofchaos  @bibbidi-bobbity-booyah @virge-of-death @blackkttn13 @hellomusicalnerdhere @amberangle965 @neko-ereri @allimeraine  
Let me know if you want to be tagged in anything! ^__^
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iamvegorott · 6 years
Can I be tagged in the animal au?
Of course! ^__^
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arteacactus · 6 years
Vannaaaaaa, it's almost 3am there!! Please go to sleep, my child ;-;
n a h i found another hate blog to laugh at kjfgslkdjhldkjg
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mobpsychopathetic · 6 years
Animal pets for @allimeraine
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