#allergies for example
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missbaphomet · 1 year ago
Not to mention that dogs rescued from puppy mills are generally going to be difficult cases. These are dogs that have been mistreated and traumatized for their entire lives and being forced to have litter after litter until they physically can't anymore. They are significantly more likely to have behavioral issues or exhibit undesirable behaviors because of their trauma and lack of socialization. These dogs are not appealing to private shelters because of this. Kill shelters give them the best possible chance of recovery and finding a happy home, and even if they can't find that, they are humanely put down instead of being left to fend for themselves until they die
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I think this is super important to remember.
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genderkoolaid · 4 months ago
You do realize people can have serious allergic reactions to perfumes, right? And that noone is asking to make them illegal, but to take into consideration if you are going to hurt someone seriously or not
I'm saying this as someone who really respects your posts on gender and transmasculinity
I used that example specifically because my mother gets chronic migraines and they are often triggered by perfume, so much that she avoids malls. The point being that just because something is bad for some people does not mean we should ban it from society entirely.
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tj-crochets · 7 months ago
I want to be working on making the goat in a dress but I am recovering from a moderate allergic reaction and should sit still for a bit, so instead, please send me asks about sewing or crocheting! Or ask for pattern links if there's anything in particular you are looking to make, I love finding plushie patterns
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coffeeworldsasaki · 11 months ago
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New babies!!! And the first one is a succulent so it shouldn't give me allergy once it fully blooms (and I've actually spent 5 minutes sniffing the ones that had bloomed in the store to check) and I had the second one on my desk right next to me for 2 hours and no allergy symptoms!!!
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thekatfuzz · 1 year ago
Do you ever feel something happening in your body but your not sure what it is so it just feels like this error message comes up with no other explanation
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inkandpaintsnowleopard · 9 months ago
Wait it’s just occurring to me that Father Gregor (and others) is voiced by PM Seymour. I’ve been watching that dude’s videos so much lately and have only just found out stuff I literally already knew. Like dude I already knew the name and just never connected the dots. Why is my brain like this
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ithinkofnealcassady · 1 year ago
frankieeee im making soup tonight for a dinner party but idk what soup to make What is your favorite soup recipe!
OOOH GOOD QUESTION. splitting this up so awkwardly bc i said so much… also full disclosure i was vegan for 5 years until a year ago so most of the soups i make nowadays are still at least vegetarian 😔 unless you don’t eat meat in which case 😄
you can never go wrong with a classic minestrone imo which is basically a broth of your choosing with whatever vegetables you have on hand (https://ricette.giallozafferano.it/Minestrone-di-verdure.html)
but i’m also a big fan of coconut milk-based soups such as https://ohmyveggies.com/thai-pumpkin-soup-recipe/
or a good chicken soup with a hefty amount of dill ❤️
i think you can never go wrong with anything that has a root vegetable base (potatoes, pumpkin, winter squashes, etc) and i love anything i can add loads of ginger to!!
some fav soups of mine are carrot and ginger (exactly what it sounds like, i roast carrots and fresh ginger with oil salt pepper and it would be mad delish with curry powder too & blend it up with broth and you could totally add cream or milk),
pastina with chicken broth and tons of grated cheese (i follow my heart when making it there’s no recipe but it’s comfort food),
oooh you could even do a broth started with sautéed zucchini in a pan (onions, some sort of cured meat if you’re a meat eater, that type of stuff) and pasta!!!
my mom did a lot of soups growing up perché siamo napoletane and that’s peasant food so OH MY GOD LENTIL SOUP. LENTIL SOUP. carrot celery onion lentils add some fresh greens once boiling maybe some chopped tomatoes…
my mom also made this awesome mushroom soup with quinoa kale spinach and cinnamon when i was sick last year and it healed me (spiritually).
escarole soup obvs http://www.christopherpless.com/recipe/zuppa-di-scarola/ also
zuppa di ceci chickpea soup was an absolute STANDARD in my house we usually didn’t blend it (whole chickpeas https://ricette.giallozafferano.it/Zuppa-di-ceci.html) but it can totally be blended too (https://www.italianfoodforever.com/2009/11/zuppa-di-ceci-creamy-chickpea-soup/)… i could go on
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fuckin-sick-bih · 1 year ago
rambling about writing don't mind me
i love that i have weird wolf shifter OCs i've just never explained at all ever and i just throw them out onto tumblr like "yep! here ya go". hours upon hours upon years of world building and im just like "yeah nobody wants to hear this, lock it up, throw it in the box, sink it in the Marianas trench"
all of this to say is if i don't neatly weave lore drops into a story or if im not directly asked things, i'll just feel like it's inappropriate to just share about my characters. because i know i'm a person who infodumps once i get going and it's hard to stop, so better to just not chance it and never start. right? right.
so anyway i'm writing about my OCs Jack and Erin and literally none of it is going to make sense if i post it here so ENJOY
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gracien-system · 2 years ago
Any tips for getting over the sad?
1: figure out the root cause.
Is it depression? Is that depression being caused by external factors, or a chemical imbalance? If it's external factors, what are they? Can you address them directly?
If it isn't depression, and just regular sadness, what's the cause? Are you just having a bad day, or is it bigger?
2: once you find the root cause, figure out a way to address it if at all possible.
If you can address the root of the problem directly, it will be much, much better overall.
If you can't, see the end of the answer.
3: deal with the aftermath.
If whatever problem you've found and addressed if big enough, there's likely to be emotional aftermath, find a way of dealing with any other problems which arise from it, and...
4: take care of your physical and emotional needs.
(this is where you should jump if you can't address the root of the problem)
Are you fed? Are you watered? Have you showered recently? Have you brushed your teeth recently? Have you gotten sunlight recently?
Those are all physical needs, address them first. The general order we like to go in is water > food > shower > brushing teeth > sunlight, but whatever order works best for you is the order you should go with.
As for emotional needs...
Have you talked with friends recently? Have you taken time to do something or watch something you enjoy? Have you created anything recently?
Consuming art > social connection > creating art -- that's in the order we tend to place it, as it's in order of difficulty.
Please remember that humans are naturally artists. We want to create things. If you haven't made something in a while... find something which catches your eye and try it. Write some flash fiction, or a poem, or go find and dry some dandelions from a nearby field. Just make something even if no one else ever sees it.
...And most of all, please -- we know y'all are a system. Don't be afraid to lean on the others there. The system exists to help you. You're not weak for relying on it.
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coralsgrimes · 1 year ago
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Kevin and Benny Boy looking flawless gorgeous daddy as he always does
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kiseiakhun · 2 years ago
But also. Sometimes. If you find certain foods make your meds less effective, you should maybe look less into the vitamins and more into possible allergies. That's Inflammation, Baby,
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salsflore · 2 years ago
still thinking about This.... and i have a thing or two to say about it....
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blue-corvid · 5 months ago
Special Disinterest
There needs to be a word specifically for the kind of things that you've autisticly decided you Do Not Care About. Like a game or a show or band or whatever where you have nothing specifically against it, you don't hate it or anything, but you've done that thing where you decided you don't care about it at all.
So you get very mildly annoyed when it still manages to show up on your dash, as it's purely a waste of your time. Just something to scroll past.
(I have no idea if more neurotypical people do this, but I know (and am) several autistic people who've done the "THE COUNCIL HAS DECIDED WE DO NOT CARE EVEN SLIGHTLY ABOUT... HALO. ANYTHING WE LEARN ABOUT HALO (AGAINST OUR WILL) IS A WASTE OF MEMORY SPACE AND TIME. You can play and love it all you want though, we have nothing against it. It's just not for me.")
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carlsdraws · 6 months ago
my favorite thing about being a person who likes to pick a Thing they like and then do that everyday forever, i love to have a habit, is when people take notice and make it like. part of how they view you. especially when it’s like someone you don’t know well like coworkers, bc then you become the coworker with that thing
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sodacowboy · 8 months ago
fan is on three feet away from me and I can still hear the fizz of the energy drink like a foot and a half away from me
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filet-o-feelings · 10 months ago
Adulting sucks ☹️
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