#allegra heart
alitgblog · 30 days
finally finished last week's volume 🫣
anyway maybe just me but new Eddie is so fruity tf
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theodoradevlin · 1 month
Clem once again found herself in the Shrub Club greenhouse, but not because the door was left open by anyone. Absolutely not.
With her tail proudly swaying in the air, she trotted up the row of vegetable plots; a little crop inspection, if you will. She took her duties very seriously, after all. But then — Clementine’s head snapped, then tilted in bamboozled curiosity at a squirming plant that suddenly began dancing at her.
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A low, warning bark left Clem’s throat. How dare this wriggling green offender taunt her! Naturally, she attacked in the best way she knew how:
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Upon walking into the greenhouse, Theo thinks she hears a very familiar bark....(which means their secret signal had worked).
She calls out hopefully, "Clem? Is that you girl?!" As she does, she sees that Clem is indeed busy.
Theo watches in anticipation as Clem is in a stand off with their new Can-Can Cactus. They hadn't quite figured out a use for yet, besides maybe also teaching it the cha-cha, but a dog toy seemed a pretty good use as any!
She stifles a laugh as Clem bravely uses her snoot to defeat the evil shrubbery!!! Theo runs over, getting on her knees to tackle the good gorl. She gives her many generous head pats to congratulate her on her victory! And, naturally, Theo can't help but also sneak in a little cheek squish between words of admiration, "Well done, Clem!!! Who's a brave, strong girl?!?! Such a good guard dog conquering that nasty plant!!!"
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She made a note to find something even tastier than Meech's cabbages to reward her with. And maybe also hide the dancing plants from now on....
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ndostairlyrium · 6 months
thank u c:
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kiwiplaetzchen · 1 year
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kingsroad · 2 years
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alyse barren 🏹 & aegon targaryen 🍷 ( house of the dragon ) taliya tyrell 🎨 & tyland lannister 💰 ( house of the dragon ) gwynne 🔪 & jacaerys velaryon 🐲 ( house of the dragon ) ellyn hightower 🎲 & daeron targaryen ⚔️ ( house of the dragon )
i was tagged by the loveliest of lovelies @chuckhansen, @leviiackrman, and @indorilnerevarine, so i had to make my hotd problems in this picrew. i know mostly everyone has done this already, but i’m going to be tagging: @nokstella, @emilykaldwen, @risingsh0t, @samwilsonns, @zoyazenik​, @shadowglens, @lightwardens, @fragilestorm, and whoever else would like to partake!
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themirroredhearts · 2 years
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✨Introducing: Allegra✨
Full Name: Allegra De Laurentis
Age: 24 | Birth Date: 13 August 1994
Occupation: Cocktail Entrepreneur
From: Swansea, Wales
Reason for joining Love Island: "I don't want to sound cocky, but I'm still a little stunned I wasn't part of the OG cast, I mean... I would have made things way more interesting. As for why I'm here, well, love has a lot to do with it, of course, and now that I've seen so much I know I have the upper hand [grins]. I already have my eyes set on a very handsome guy and I can't wait for him to fall at my feet."
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thee-morrigan · 1 year
Can I cheat and ask for two? How about 2 and 5 for Allegra/herald/Ortega and 22 & 42 for Holland/Nate?
idk if that counts as cheating, but I *do* know I'm happy about it :D
2. What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare? oooh, good question! if Allegra had the nightmare: I can see Ortega getting them to focus on the white noise of his brain to quiet their own mind - like offering a telepathic equivalent of noise-canceling headphones. Danny's instinct would probably be full-body hugs. Allegra usually needs a weighted blanket to sleep semi-well anyway, so I think in the immediate aftermath of a nightmare, they would really enjoy that additional compression to settle. if Allegra is doing the comforting: for Danny, I think their instinct would be to offer the same as a kind of grounding mechanism, both bc they always find it helpful and bc of Danny's tendency to float. for Ortega, I think they'd probably hold him (or let him hold them) and just sort of quietly remind him that they're here, they're still alive and with him.
5. Describe their cozy night in. I just feel like this one is begging for a snippet:
"We could just do takeout." "What? No. This'll be so much better. It won't take that long." "He just doesn't want to deal with the dishes afterward," Allegra's voice, soft and dark as midnight and edged with amusement, drifts into the kitchen from Daniel's living room, where they're busy flicking through movie options. Hovering in the kitchen doorway, Danny whirls, wide-eyed, to look at them, the beginnings of a faint flush already tingeing the bridge of his nose. "That's not--" Ortega's bark of a laugh filters out into the living room. "He never wants to. Actually, he just never does them, full stop." Daniel's protest dies in his throat, and he narrows his eyes at Ortega, arms crossed over his chest. "That's not true," he objects, but there's no real heat behind his words, just a playful indignation that sparks more laughter. "Of course," Allegra muses, that knife's edge of amusement in their voice again, "No one would have to wash dishes if someone hadn't fried another dishwasher."
22. What reminds each of their partner? Some of these feel so obvious lmao but off the top of my head, here are a few for each of them!
things that remind Nate of Holland: - the scent of cinnamon and coffee - post-it notes (Holls is generally prone to marginalia but is obvi not going to like, deface his books, so she leaves a lot of post-its scattered throughout their pages instead) - certain kinds of flowers (e.g., foxgloves)—ones that she’s got tattooed (I know I had a list at some point of which ones and where, but I can’t find it for the life of me. she definitely was particular about which flowers, though. the foxgloves were her most recent though—she got those on her wrist to cover the scars from Murphy).
things that remind Holland of Nate: - the scent of lapsang souchong tea - books, obviously, but particularly poetry (more specifically: almost anything by rilke, adrienne rich's dream of a common language, almost anything by forugh farrokhzad) - soo many songs
42. What's their favorite type of weather to enjoy together? (getting snowed in together, watching thunderstorms, etc.) answered here!
otp asks
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adallegra · 1 year
It was a crisp, early morning at Hogwarts. The sun had just begun to peek over the horizon, casting a warm glow across the castle grounds. In the Slytherin dormitory, Allegra stirred in her sleep, unaware of the mischievous visitor that awaited her.
Nosy had managed to sneak into the girl's dormitory undetected. With his tiny paws and nimble movements, he scurried up the corridor, his shiny eyes fixed on Allegra's room.
As the little troublemaker reached the door, he paused for a moment, his heart pounding with excitement. He knew he had to be quick and quiet, for any noise could alert the other students, and he couldn't risk that. The other female students were always screaming at Nosy, either out of sheer panic or excitement.
Arriving at his destination, the Niffler squeezed through the crack underneath the door and slipped inside. He scurried to the foot of her bed just as Allegra was about to wake up.
Nosy rummaged through his pouch, searching for a special gift he had found just for her. Finally, he pulled out a delicate, snake-shaped trinket, its silver scales glinting in the light. Nosy beamed with pride. He had snatched the trinket from... someone who had left it unattended.
With twinkling eyes, Nosy hopped onto Allegra, crawled up to her shoulder, and peppered her cheek with tiny kisses.
It had been a battle against restlessness throughout the night, and Allegra had only managed to sleep when the first rays of morning light had started filtering through the domed window in the ceiling. 
Still marred by unease, her face is etched into a frown as she rests, and, being a light sleeper, her brow creases further when the scrambling of something against the wooden end of her bed disturbs the relative silence of the room. Another moment passes, and she wakes from a familiar snuffling, her nose scrunching as her eyes open blearily. 
Nosy. Despite Allegra's current antagonism for the niffler's owner, the little one's persistent kisses on her cheek draw from her a soft laugh. "Good morning, Nosy." She greets, turning to face the niffler as she indulges herself by nuzzling her nose into his soft belly, her hand coming up to scratch Nosy's head. 
Sighing contentedly, she gazes into his little shimmering eyes. "If only everyone is like yo…" she trails off when her eyes land on the all-too-familiar trinket next to her pillow. She squeezes her eyes closed, restraining a groan. She'd recognise it anywhere. Letting out a sigh, she sits up and presses a hand to her face wearily. 
"Let's get this back to your favourite victim, shall we? Before he throws up a fuss." She winces involuntarily, already hearing the prefect's panic in her ears when he realises he's lost his family heirloom... again. Allegra glances back down at Nosy, who is still looking up at her expectantly, and she can't help the amused grin that slips onto her lips. She gives him another gentle pet and playfully tickles Nosy under his chin. "I suppose I should say thank you, huh? For bringing me such a treasured gift."  
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barrencelenny · 3 months
1 & 27?
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
in the flash specifically, I would say anything with Caitlin in it. in the show I don't think her love interests after Ronnie were interesting, and in the fandom/coldflash fics I get why they pair mick and her (and Lisa and Cisco) because it just makes things easy, but it doesn't particularly compel me either.
in the arrowverse more generally I'm such an av*lance hater I'm so sorry. you put the two female characters I care the least about into a relationship and it does nothing for me, and I don't like how they get turned into "team mums" both in fic and in the show AT ALL
27. Least shippable character?
sorry again Caitlin but you simply do not engage me at all. if anything, this is a good thing, because it means I have no opinions whenever she's in a side pairing for a coldflash fic. (sometimes in other fandoms if a side pairing is something I don't like and have strong opinions about, it puts me off the entire fic because it annoys me so much. sorry.)
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sweetlilluvmaker · 2 years
In conclusion, don't take more than 1 allegra a day :-)
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xoxoavenger · 5 months
So Scarlet (It Was Maroon)
pairing: Luke Castellan x Fem!Reader
summary: Y/N likes to romanticize her relationship with Luke, much to the anger of everyone around her. Percy wants to remind her of the rose colored glasses, he just doesn't know how.
word count: 3076
warnings: some angst
part 1 part 3
birthday celebration main masterlist
Y/N may be going crazy.
At least, that's what everyone thinks is going on. But they would never say that to her face. Not because they're scared of her, but they are scared of what Percy will do will if he caught them. For some reason, Percy had adopted her as his older sister and even though Luke had tried to kill him, he felt bad for Y/N. He had watched as Luke brought the sword down on her head, watched Y/N's heart break as she poured herself out to him. He knew she must be in pain, must be hurting. The wound was still fresh, having only taken place a couple weeks ago. 
But she was driving him insane with all her memories, and he was going to explode soon.
She didn't always say it out loud, didn't always reminisce with everyone, but they all knew what was going on. Today she had decided to tell them, since it was just him and two of her siblings in the stables, and Percy has been reminding himself all day that not only is Y/N a woman but also a counselor, so if he punches her he'll just cause more problems. Oh, and she's in pain already, another good reason not to punch her. 
"One time," Y/N starts, and Percy has to clench his teeth to keep the sigh back. He'll punch anyone else who sighs, though. They're in the stables, cleaning up with Silena and her other sister Allegra. "Luke and I snuck out to the stables and spent the night here." She's smiling as she says it, and Percy steals a look over at Silena. She's pursing her mouth and raking, so Percy decides he shouldn't say anything either.
"Don't you have hay fever?" Allegra tries to remind her, but it's like Y/N can't hear her. It's probably for the better, to just let her finish this story and they can all get on with their lives.
"The cleaning harpies don't come in here, so they didn't bug us, and none of the campers wanted to come out here either that late. It was one of those nights when the Northern Lights were visible - that's only happened once in all the time that we've been at camp." Y/N is still working on cleaning, and Percy wants to rake his eyes out.
"Did you freeze your ass off?" He snarks, not able to keep his mouth shut. She turns to him, snapping her head. He feels bad, but he could not stand her talking about Luke any longer.
"It was last September at Camp Half-Blood. The weather was great." She snarks, but she's clearly gotten the memo to shut the fuck up about Luke. Percy freezes, because he thought this was recently.
"Last summer?" He mutters, pausing his work. He and Annabeth were the only two that knew Y/N and Luke weren't actually dating; they weren't sworn to secrecy but they both knew it would be better if no one else found out. But according to Annabeth, they had only been dating a couple months when Percy showed up, so why was she talking about something that happened before they were dating.
"You spent the night with him before this summer?" Silena has also paused her work, but Y/N doesn't look at any of them, just keeps working.
"Spent the night? What are you talking about?" Percy feels so lost and he hates that feeling.
"You didn't hear?" Allegra asks, and now she's not working either. "For the past month, Luke was sneaking into the cabin to sleep with Y/N."
"Yeah, and she hasn't slept since." Y/N throws her rake down, stomping out of the stables, clearly angry. The other three watch as she leaves, her hand coming up to wipe her tears.
"Maybe because she has a head injury from the bottom of Backbiter." Percy snaps, going back to his work.
"Thank God we don't have to worry about Luke sneaking in anymore." Allegra mutters, and Percy tries to take a deep breath because he's not Y/N's sibling and he just made fun of her.
"She's not sleeping, so it's not a great solution anyway." Percy settles on, ignoring Silena's side eye.
"What do you think will happen after Camp?" Luke muttered into her hair. They're laying on a blanket on the beach, Luke's arm around her shoulders so she had a nice pillow for her head. She was holding his hand, rubbing her thumb up and down his skin.
"After camp?" She mutters, the setting sun and the warmth from summer making her tired. She ships to lay more against his chest, letting go of his hand as he moves it down to her waist.
"Yeah. We have to leave eventually." Luke tells her, rubbing his fingers up and down her arm. She throws her own over him, lazily rubbing circles around his clothed ribs. This is supposed to be for show, but she's not sure who's looking.
"I don't like thinking about that." Y/N sighs, frowning. She doesn't know what to do without Camp; sure, she's done schoolwork, she knows more than most high schoolers do, all thanks to Chiron's rigorous classes. Because there weren't many people during the school year, they would trade off days of actual teaching and free days of homework. She really didn't want to go to college or get an actual job.
"We have to leave at some point." Luke tells her, and she shutters.
"Can we talk about something else?" She asks, opening her eyes into the sun and looking into him.
"Sure." He can tell it's agitating her, so he shuffles a little and closes his eyes as looks up at the sky. "What's your favorite flower?"
"Lavender roses." She answers quickly. She waits for a second, knowing Luke will ask another question. "You don't remember the rose class I taught you?" She smirks. A couple weeks ago while they had overseen arts and crafts she had been painting roses. Luke hadn't even known there was different colored roses, and being the daughter of Aphrodite she had taught him all about each meaning.
"Red is love," He names off, and she nods against him. "Yellow is friendship. White is innocence." He pauses, and she knows that he has just named off the easy ones that he knows.
"Alright, so purple is different than lavender, remember that? Purple is still pretty, it's passion and infatuation. But lavender is unique love." She's smiling at the thought of someone giving her these roses, of Luke giving her these roses.
"Unique love." Luke repeats, nodding his head. "I'll remember that." He tells her, but she shakes her head.
"You will? Because I already told you once and you didn't remember." She giggles. He shakes her, moving so both his arms around her now. She shifts to be more comfortable, and she's sure she could fall asleep.
"No, I'll remember this time." He kisses her head, and she once again wonders if there's someone around or if he's doing this for her.
She wonders if there will ever be a day when she doesn't have to ask that question.
She wakes up, in the middle of a deep breath. Her heart is racing, and she has to remind herself with a reach of her hand that Luke left. He's gone now, and he's not coming back. He clearly didn't want to take her with him, and if she would have even gone is another question she doesn't know the answer to.
She gets up and puts on a sweatshirt, a camp one that's Luke's but no one will know it's Luke's. She takes a deep breath, trying not to cry over the fact that the sweatshirt is starting to lose his scent. It's the last thing she has of his, not wanting to take anything from his siblings and cause a scene. She's just lucky Annabeth and Percy didn't tell anyone that it was all fake.
Her mother hasn't been back to visit, and she's not sure if it's a good or bad thing. She doesn't want to talk to the goddess, knowing that all the conversation will accomplish was Y/N's embarrassment and making her even more upset than she already was. What was the point of talking to her mom when she knew that something was going on with Luke? She had to know that they lied, had to know that it was fake.
Yeah, it was probably good her mom hadn't come to visit.
She was wearing nice slippers, so she didn't walk to the beach. Instead she walked to the fields where the flowers grew. It was cool, not cold and not as dewy as a normal morning but still wet. She stood in the field a slight breeze making her shiver slightly.
"What are you doing?"
She turned quickly, heart beating fast. Her mother was standing in the field, somehow glowing even though the sun hadn't risen. Y/N didn't know what time it was, but the sky was still dark, so she knew it was early.
"Do not disrespect me right now, Y/N." Her mother snaps, and Y/N's eyes widen. She hasn't even said anything and her mother is already mad at her. "What are you doing out here?"
"I couldn't sleep." She answers. Aphrodite makes a face, and Y/N doesn't know what she said wrong but clearly she said something wrong.
"If this is about the son of Hermes," Her mother turns her head, as if in disgust, and Y/N sighs.
"I thought you liked tragic love stories." She says it without thinking, as if her mom were a normal person. As if her mom weren't a goddess.
"This wasn't a love story at all!" Aphrodite yells, and Y/N shrinks back. She looks away, trying to keep the quick rising tears back.
"It was to me." She whispers. She can't help it; everyone seems to forget that she was in love with Luke, that he broke her heart and she can't just snap back from that. Her mother's words cut deeper than a knife, slicing her heart open.
"What?" Her mom asks, not expecting this much talkback. No one says these things to gods, even if the gods are their parents. Especially to Aphrodite. Her children generally praise her.
"I was in love!" She screams, not caring if she wakes everyone up. Her mother started this, and she will finish it. It's all her mom's fault anyway; if she hadn't had the stupid rule for her children, none of this would have happened. "It was a love story because I was in love. It doesn't matter what it started out as or that it ended with my heart broken instead of his. I'm sorry I let you down. Is that what you want to hear?" She's breathing heavily, staring at her mom. Aphrodite might as well be a statue with how frozen she is, and Y/N thinks her own mother is going to kill her right now.
It might just be worth it to have gotten that off her chest.
"Who do you think you are?" Aphrodite whispers lowly, moving closer to Y/N. She tries not to shrink back, but it's hard. She's not afraid, but for a moment she thinks of Luke. The thought of never seeing him again, not having the chance if she dies right here. She closes her eyes, but everything goes still. After a moment, she opens them to see her mom looking down at her with concern and some unreadable emotion. "Why did you lie to me?" Her mom surprises her with that question.
"I didn't think someone could fall in love with me in four months." She says quietly, looking down at the ground. She pulls the sleeves of Luke's sweatshirt over her hands. "And the thought of breaking some innocent guy's heart? I mean, it's a little outdated, Mom." She tries to joke, but Aphrodite just stares.
"He was in love with you." The goddess says, causing Y/N to shake her head. "Really, you're gonna go against me? Your mother, a goddess?" Y/N gives a small smile.
"He left." She says, voice cracking with emotion. She shakes her head again, wiping her face. She doesn't know when the tears fell, but her face is wet. "I should get back to my cabin. Thanks for," Y/N doesn't know why Aphrodite came to Camp Half-Blood, why she visited in person, and she honestly isn't sure she appreciates it. But she walks past her mom, leaving the goddess behind her in the field.
"Don't give up hope yet." Y/N's not sure what her mom means by that, but she doesn't turn around, knowing her mom is going to turn into her true form to leave. The gold light washes over her, and all she can think about is if her mom meant on Luke or on love.
"My mom visited me this morning." Y/N says to Percy as they get their food. Traditionally, campers were supposed to get their meals and eat at specific tables with their cabin members only, but Percy didn't have any and Y/N was lonely, so she had got Mr. D to allow them to eat together. Chiron wasn't thrilled when he found out, being a stickler for the rules, but they all knew he wouldn't police where they ate. They settled for a couple stares across the pavilion every day during meals.
"In person?" Percy asks, grabbing a premade sandwich from the tray. Y/N had told him all about her mother's visits when they had first gotten close, so Percy knew how rare and scary an in person visit was.
"Yeah. I don't know why she came, but I got the feeling I had embarrassed her with Luke." Percy bit back a groan. He hated talking about Luke, but it seemed to be Y/N's favorite thing. He felt bad enough that he couldn't tell her to shut up (yet), but it was getting on his nerves.
"What'd she say?" Percy asks as they head to their table, the only completely empty one beside the Zeus table.
"She told me it wasn't a love story, so I yelled at her. I mean, who does she think she is?" She complains, setting her food down across from him. He feels his heart rate spike as he struggles to reign himself in.
"Do you think maybe she was trying to protect you?" He asks, not even able to take a bite of his food yet. He's not sure why he's trying to get Y/N to see the error in her thinking, when she seems to just get more delusional as time goes on.
"From what?" Y/N scoffs, tensing. Percy can tell this is going to be a fight.
"Luke," He says, as if it's obvious. Y/N squints and shakes her head.
"Why would she need to protect me from Luke?" She asks, leaning back. "I mean, when we were dating, he-"
"It wasn't real!" Percy screams, getting everyone's attention. He didn't want to do this here, but he can't take it anymore. It's like she's somehow convinced herself that their relationship was perfect. She's made Luke into a different person in her mind. Or maybe Percy just thinks he's a villain because he tried to kill him and is trying to overthrow the gods, but that's more solid reasoning in his mind than Y/N's.
"You don't know what you're talking about." Y/N warns lowly, not wanting a scene. Her cheeks are flush, because there's no way no one is going to know after this. Everyone will know.
"I was there, Y/N. He tried to kill me. He tried to kill you!" He argues, and watches as Y/N takes a deep breath. He had watched Luke grab her, watched him hit her with the bottom of his sword and let her fall to the ground. He had stood there in fear as Luke stepped over her lifeless body. That isn't love; it can't be love. He has to get it into her head, but he doesn't think even this will.
"I was there too, Percy. And my mom told me that his heart was broken. I'll believe the feelings more than I believe a couple words from a broken heart." She gets up, leaving her plate untouched, and walks out of the pavilion. Percy watches her, along with every single other camper who has stopped what they're doing to watch the fight ensue. He looks over to Annabeth, who is looking at him with a frown. He hangs his head, knowing he messed up.
Percy takes a deep breath and gets up to go find Y/N and apologize, but Annabeth is suddenly at his side, hand on his shoulder.
"Let her have some time. That was a lot. I'm sure she'd like to be alone." She says it with a smile, but Percy knows it's his fault and he knows Annabeth blames him too.
"I'm sorry." He mutters, putting his head into his hands.
"I know you are." She tells him, sitting on the bench but not removing her hand. "But she needs time. It was a lot to process." And her mom probably didn't help either, Percy thought, but he didn't want to tell Annabeth about it. He couldn't betray Y/N like that.
"Hopefully she'll be okay." Percy sighs, watching Y/N disappear into the woods.
"She will." Annabeth squeezes his shoulder and then moves to her own table, leaving him alone.
He wishes he had more patience, but he was not known for his patience. It would be fine. He'd apologize when Y/N came back, and he'd have a conversation about not bringing Luke up at every moment.
It would be fine.
Meanwhile, Y/N was stomping through the woods. She knew she was annoying, that everyone was tired of her talking about Luke, but she never expected Percy of all people to get angry with her. She definitely didn't expect him to call her out in front of all the campers.
She was deep in her thoughts when she heard a crack in front of her. Her heart dropped, because even in the middle of the day she was still scared. She had been looking down when she was walking, angry and making sure she wasn't going to trip or step on anything.
When she looks up he's there, holding lavender carnations. Everything stops, her stomach dropping and heart in her throat. She doesn't want to believe her eyes, but then he steps forward.
"They didn't have any roses."
tags: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187  @one-sweet-gubler (also thanks to the comments from @jadahxx and @commanderfreethatdust who commented on the last fic asking for a part 2 sorry its angst <3)
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Shine Bright
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Star!Reader
Word Count: ~4k
Warnings: fluff, angst, being kidnapped and almost killed, but then fluff again
Summary: Hydra wants to reign eternally, and the best way to do that is to eat a falling star's heart. They knock you out of orbit but didn't expect the Avengers to find you first.
Squares Filled: stars (2021) for @buckybarnesbingo
Author’s Note: This takes place during or after FATWS, but I've made John evil, and everyone who died post-Endgame is alive and well.
I am absolutely in love with the movie "Stardust", so I decided to base this story on that! The picture down below DOES NOT represent the reader at all, I just wanted to showcase the movie.
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The sky above is still and peaceful. There isn’t a cloud in sight that allows visibility to whoever looks up at it. John Walker looks through the telescope and positions it on the star Hydra is targeting. If he wasn’t on a mission right now, he’d appreciate the stars shining brightly for their human audience.
“John, is everything in position?”
“On my end. What about yours?”
John looks at his coworker who is in charge of the missile they plan on using for this mission. The man tweaks the numbers and aligns them with the correct star.
“We’re ready.”
All eyes turn to Valentina Allegra de Fontaine. She is in charge of this whole operation under the assumption this is for the CIA. She sits at the large desk in the middle of the room, leans back, and rests her hands in her lap.
“Fire away, gentlemen.”
John and his coworker turn the machine on and launch the missile at the star. John rushes over to the telescope and watches as it flies into the sky, breaks off into tiny pieces, and zooms straight into the heart of the star. Instead of blowing it up like most missiles do, it knocks the star off its orbit and sends it straight down to Earth. Whatever John is seeing through the telescope, everyone can see on the monitors in the room so that Valentina can see what’s going on.
Everyone watches it fall straight to Earth to a place they don’t know. They can’t predict the crash site for something as big as a star but it won’t be hard to track it down. Once they figure out where it is, they’ll have so much fun dissecting it for what they truly need it for.
It was Tony’s idea that the entire team kick back and relax after a hard working week. Sam and Wanda brought out the board games that can account for a lot of people since everyone lives at the compound. The only one not here is Thor but that’s because he has duties to complete on Asgard.
“Okay, this time, don’t cheat,” Tony says to Sam.
“Hey, that was one time and I was trying to get Steve.”
The game they’re playing is Cards Against Humanity, something they all love to play—adult edition. What’s a good night in with alcohol and friends if not for an inappropriate game?
“Bucky, you in or not?”
“Yeah, pass me some cards.”
With everyone on board, the game can get started. The first few rounds were hilarious and the next couple was causing a lot of people to drink. Tony loves to put a spin on his games. If he can get people to drink, then a lot of people are getting drunk. By the tenth round, everyone is relaxed and willing to kick things up a notch.
Tony brings out a Truth or Dare drinking game when something bright lights up the night sky.
“What the hell is that?” Clint asks.
Everyone gets up and gathers around the window to watch it fall to the ground. It lands not far from the Avenger’s Compound but far enough to where they can’t see it.
“Tony, Sam, let’s check it out,” Steve says seriously.
Tony and Sam get suited up while Steve fetches his shield. Steve catches a ride with Tony to travel two hours from the Compound in Madison County. There is a big crater on the ground from the impact of the white light, and the three men tread carefully over to it. Steve’s shield is in front of him ready to protect him, Sam’s drone, Redwing, flies next to him cautiously, and Tony’s repulsors are ready and waiting to be fired.
Tony expected to see some kind of weapon in the middle of the crater but instead of a thing, it’s a person--you. You’re wearing a white dress that goes down to your feet, and you have a white glow about you. You groan in pain just as the light dies down and you look up at the three men staring at you.
“What the hell happened?” you ask.
You look to the sky to see your sisters shining in the night sky. How the hell did you get from up there to down here?
“Who are you?” Steve asks.
“My name is Y/N. Who are you?”
“Steve, Tony, and Sam. What happened here?”
“I don’t know. One minute I was shining in the sky and the next I’m down here and in pain.”
“Shining in the sky?”
“I’m a star. I was minding my own business and someone knocked me out of orbit.”
Steve, Tony, and Sam walk down the crater’s walls and toward you cautiously. They still don’t know if you’re good or not until you get up and reveal what’s been behind you this whole time. A shell of a missile that has the Hydra symbol on the side of it.
“We need to get her inside. If Hydra wants her, then she must be special. We can’t just leave her here.”
“Leave me here? What the hell is going on here?”
“If Hydra wants you, it’s for a reason. We should get you inside before they come looking for you.”
Going with them beats sitting here and waiting for someone bad to find you. Everyone who was left behind waits eagerly for the men’s return, and they’re shocked when they return with a gorgeous woman. You’re scared of the many unknowns of your situation: who are these people? What do they want from you? Who is after you? Are you in danger? Will these people hurt you?
“Who is this?” Natasha asks.
“The white light.”
“Here, sit,” Steve offers, and you take a seat away from everyone else. He knows you’re scared so he’s trying to make this as easy as possible for you. “She’s a star.”
“A star?” Bucky asks with two eyebrows raised.
“As I said to them earlier, I was living peacefully in the sky when something knocked me out of orbit.”
“Hydra knocked her out of the sky. They must want a star.”
“Why? What’s so significant about a star?” Bucky asks.
“There’s lore around shooting stars,” you explain. “For centuries, people have tried to get stars to fall to Earth for their hearts. If our hearts are consumed, it’ll grant the person a sort of immortality. No one can live forever, but our hearts can extend life for centuries. Many of my sisters have fallen and died because of it.”
“Hydra must want to reign for a long time,” Steve theorizes. “Listen, why don’t you stay here until we can figure out how to get you back into the sky.”
“Can we even do that?” Natasha wonders.
“There’s a way. It’s complicated but there’s always a way.”
“Bucky, why don’t you show her to the room next to yours.”
“Thank you,” you sigh and follow the man with a metal arm. He’s very quiet and doesn’t talk much which you relate to. “I appreciate your kindness.”
“Sure. Let me know if you need anything.”
Bucky leaves you alone in the room and you sit on the bed in thought. You never sleep at night and allow yourself to rest during the day so you’re not tired at all. Bucky looks at you before he leaves but pauses. You look so scared and nervous that he can’t help but walk back into the room to be with you. He sits next to you on the bed and wipes both hands on his jeans.
“I was once new here. I didn't know anyone besides Steve. I’m gonna help you figure out a way to get you home.”
“Thank you,” you smile.
The rest of the night is uneventful but right before the sun rose, your eyes started to droop. All of your sisters are sleeping as you’re supposed to be, but the Avengers are so loud you can’t fathom sleeping with this noise. If Hydra wants you then they must have a base somewhere to hold the equipment to knock a star out of orbit. All that equipment will take a lot of money to acquire and a lot of space to hold, so they all come up with places that can be potential bases.
“Ah, there she is. We need your help,” Tony says and waves you into the room.
“What are you guys doing?” you sigh and slump over to them.
“We’re trying to figure out where Hydra’s base is. If we can, then we can plan an attack before they try and come for you.”
“Great,” you sit down and place your chin in your hand.
All of them start talking over one another creating a small headache to form.
“Y/N, I know you’re tired but can you remember where the missile came from? If we can get a sense of direction, we can narrow potential places significantly.”
“I’m not tired, Steve, I’m exhausted. I never stay awake during the day. I need to sleep and rest but you’re all being so loud,” you sigh.
“Come with me,” Bucky offers.
Bucky leads you past both your rooms and to a wing of the compound that rarely is used. This place is the farthest from where anyone is gonna be. There is a spare bedroom down here that Bucky takes you to, and he opens the door for you.
“You’ll be able to get some sleep here. I come here when I want to be alone. It’s quiet.”
“Thank you, Bucky,” you smile.
Your entire body shines slightly to show how happy you are but Bucky doesn’t think much of it. You’re a star. You’re supposed to be shining. All he does is give you a friendly smile and leave you alone to rest. It’s easy for you to fall asleep and you stay asleep for the whole day. When the sun goes down, your body wakes you up to start shining. Then you remember where you are and your glow dims.
You’re ready to take the night on and wander until you find the majority of the Avengers. They’ve been working hard all day to figure out where the Hydra base is and are now taking a break to watch a movie.
“Hey, sleepyhead,” Tony says when you enter the room.
“Got room for one more?”
Bucky moves over so you can sit next to him, and you blush slightly when your leg brushes up against his.
“Did you find out where Hydra is located?”
“No. They have defense walls that aren’t coming up on our radars, but we have Friday constantly looking for a way in.”
“Who’s Friday?”
“My AI,” Tony answers.
He turns the movie up so everyone can hear it, and you turn to Bucky with a shy smile.
“Thank you for letting me use your space,” you whisper.
“I don’t mind.”
“What movie are you guys watching?”
“Dumb and Dumber. They love it.”
You try to get into the movie but you’re not connecting to it as much as you hope to. Everyone laughs at the same time when something funny happens but not you. You’re not sure if you fit in well with this group. Humans have always been part of your fascination but you only know of the evolution of them, not them personally.
“Excuse me,” you whisper and get up.
Bucky watches you walk off toward our room without another word. He knows more than most what trying to fit in feels like and how bad he can feel when he doesn’t. He leaves his friends and follows you to your room. You’re sitting on the balcony and staring at the night sky where your sisters are.
“I promise I’m coming home. I’m figuring out a way to do that,” you sigh.
They twinkle to let you know they hear you.
“Mind if I join you?” Bucky knocks on the balcony doors.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m not really a group person.” Bucky sits next to you on the lounge chair. “I’m more of a loner. I didn’t have any planets orbiting me, and the closest star to me is my sister Vega. She’s such a sweetheart.”
“Yeah, I’m more of a loner, too.”
“My sisters are the only ones I can count on, and they’re watching over me right now to make sure I’m okay.” 
Bucky looks up and they twinkle so he can see where they’re located.
“When you were in the sky, could you watch over humans?”
“It was my favorite thing to do. I’ve watched humans grow since they first arrived. I see the value in human life because it ends. They’ve come a long way from where they first started.”
“I’ve never met a star before. You’re pretty nice and beautiful.”
Your body shines a bit at his compliment.
“Thank you. Stars are pure and innocent despite the violence and horrors we see on a daily basis. We represent everything good about the world. We represent beauty.”
“I can tell,” he smiles.
Your body shines a bit more the more you are happy being here with Bucky. The stars in the sky shine a bit brighter when they see their sister happy.
Hydra hasn’t made a move against the Avengers over the course of the following week because they’re not sure how they can approach the situation. Valentina knows exactly where the star is and she can’t charge in like she normally would. The Avengers are powerful that deserve careful planning and strategy to overcome.
 Meanwhile, you and Bucky have grown closer. When you’re not sleeping, you’re spending as much time with Bucky as you can. There is only a short amount of time you can spend with him before one of you needs to sleep. In the beginning, you were only allowed a couple of hours to be with him, but now you’re spending half a day with him. You’re slowly starting to fall asleep later in the morning and waking up later in the night. It’s something you’re willing to change in order to be with Bucky.
“Tell me something,” Bucky says.
You two are lying on the roof of the building admiring the night sky which is sure to come soon. Your skin is glowing brightly that if whoever were to look up at the roof, they’d see nothing but a white glow.
“What?” you ask and look at him.
“I know that stars shine but do you get to choose when you get to? I’ve seen you with and without.”
“I shine when I’m happy,” you say with a bright smile, “and I’m happy right now with you.”
You and Bucky stay on the roof until there is no more sunlight left in the sky, and you yawn tiredly.
“A little bit.”
“Let’s go back inside.”
You and Bucky head back inside your room to get ready for the night, and you look at your bed in thought.
“You know, I haven’t been sleeping well. I’ve been transitioning into sleeping at night so I’m still struggling a bit. I might be able to sleep better if it were next to you.”
Bucky holds his flesh hand out, too scared to use his metal hand for fear of breaking you. He takes you to his room where you two get comfortable underneath the sheets. He’s shocked he can sleep with you shining next to him but it gives him a sense of comfort knowing you feel safe enough with him to shine.
The next morning, you wake with a smile on your face and your skin glowing.
“This is the first time I slept through the night.” You look beside you but Bucky isn’t there. The brightness dims on your skin until it looks normal. “Bucky?” You get up and walk around the compound in search of Bucky, and you find him in the main room where the other Avengers are. “What’s going on?”
“We found Hydra’s base. Nat’s gonna stay here with you,” Tony declares.
Your eyes immediately find Bucky’s.
“You’re not gonna stay here with me?”
“I know Hydra like the back of my hand. I have to go with them.”
“Oh, okay.”
Tony, Steve, Bucky, Wanda, and Sam get geared up to go while you and Natasha stay behind. She’s decked in her gear just in case something happens. She has the capabilities to keep you safe since you’re not a fighter--you’re a lover. You don’t think you could fight even if you wanted to.
“So, how long have you been with the team?” you ask.
“Too long.” You look away in thought and bounce your leg nervously. “Look, I haven’t known Bucky for very long but he’s trying. He used to be one of the bad guys but he’s doing a helluva lot more good to make up for the bad. He knows how to handle Hydra. He’s going to be okay.”
“I know,” you nod with uncertainty.
You and Natasha make conversation for the next couple of hours when the alarms start blaring inside the compound.
“Stay here.”
“You’re leaving me alone?” you gasp.
“I’m sure it’s nothing. Just stay here and don’t move. I’ll be right back.”
Natasha is gone before you have a chance to question her further. You wait nervously for her to come back because you have no clue where she is, what’s going on, and who is inside the compound. After an hour of waiting around, you get up and look out the window. Everything seems normal as if there isn't an intruder inside. Footsteps near the room you’re in, ad you turn to the door waiting to see Natasha.
The door opens and you smile.
“I was beginning to worry.”
The smile is lost when you see a strange woman with four soldiers around her.
“So was I. The easy part was tracking you down. Stars have a bit of… aura about them that is easily tracked. The hard part was infiltrating this place. I had to make sure I had all my bases covered. You’re coming with us.”
“No,” you stand your ground.
“No? Emilio.” One of the men takes out a tablet from one of the pockets and flips it open. He presses a few buttons and shows you what’s on the screen. All your friends are tied with Hydra soldiers all around them. Of course, you’re worried about all of them but you can’t help but look at Bucky. “Either come with me or your friends will be killed.”
You have no choice but to go with her.
The woman, Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, leads you through the large Hydra base to a big room with a staircase leading up to a small landing. A large table is on the landing with a  medical cart next to it. There is nothing but different sizes of knives--knives that will be used to cut your heart out.
“A shining star’s heart is the way to go, but I’ll settle for your scared little one any day of the year.” You’re only doing this because you’re scared of what these people are going to do to Bucky if you fight back. You’re forced onto the table where Valentina straps you down so you’re not tempted to leave. “Don’t worry, darling. I’ll make sure to make it quick and painless.”
She grabs one of the sharpest knives and walks over to you. You close your eyes and send a quick prayer to your sisters in hopes they can hear you. She raises her knife when the double doors slam open. You both look to see Bucky storming in with his deadly gun.
“Bucky!” you smile and shine brightly at the sight of him.
“Get him!” Valentina orders.
A dozen guards make their way into the room and start shooting at Bucky who is more than prepared to handle them. Bullets fly as your concern for Bucky grows. However, he seems to beat every single one of them as he makes his way closer to you.
“Emilio!” Valentina yells.
The big guy who was with her earlier steps into the room with two charged electric gloves. His metal armor makes him immune to the bullets Bucky is firing at him, and he gives him an uppercut when he reaches him. Bucky goes flying across the room and uses his vibranium arm to slow his descent down the walkway.
Emilio and Bucky meet in the middle as they fistfight for your honor. There is no way Valentina is cutting your heart out now. She wants to see how this fight is gonna end. She is pretty confident that her soldier is going to win against the Winter Soldier, but oh how wrong she is. The double doors bust open and Wanda comes in with red magic at her fingertips. Tony and Steve are behind her ready to fight whoever they need to in order to save you.
Red magic encases Emilio to hold him still while Bucky delivers a deadly punch to the bottom of his jaw. Emilio is thrown across the room and knocks into a mirror, and he slides down it unconsciously. Valentina sees the urgency of the situation and raises the knife.
“Tony, heads up.”
Steve rears his shield back and throws it in Valentina’s direction, and Tony shoots his repulsors at the shield to make it fly the rest of the way. Valentina tries to escape but is hit before she can find coverage. She falls to the ground completely knocked out. Bucky runs up the staircase and over to you with an easy smile.
“You really thought I’d let you get sacrificed?”
“I’m glad you’re okay.”
Bucky undoes your ties and helps you off the table, and the both of you run down the staircase to the other Avengers. Before you can reach them, all the doors that lead into the room slam open. Dozens upon dozens of guards come in with their weapons, weapons that can kill everyone here. There are too many guards for Wanda to control and too many for them to take on.
They might not be able to but you can. You pull Bucky into you and wrap your arms around his neck.
“Hold onto me and close your eyes.”
“What do stars do best?” You pull him down so that his face is nestled into the shape of your neck. “They shine.”
Your entire body shines with the intensity of a real star. Your teammates cover their eyes to protect themselves but the same thing can’t be said for the Hydra soldiers. Your light kills whoever dares look into it, and the soldiers in the very back leave as quickly as they can before they can succumb to your light. You pull away from Bucky and dim your light knowing that these soldiers aren’t going to hurt them anymore.
After Valentina is apprehended and taken back to the States for punishment through the CIA, Bucky returns back to the Compound with you by his side. There is a lot of paperwork that Nick Fury has to fill out, and Tony and Steve offered to stay behind to scour through the base and see what kinds of things Hydra has been up to.
The night sky is shining brighter than normal because your sisters are happy for your safe return.
“They say thank you for saving me,” you say to Bucky.
“No problem,” he says to the sky before looking back down at you. “She’s worth saving.”
“You know, these last two weeks with you have been amazing. If I’m being honest, I’m having second thoughts about going back. I don’t want to leave you.”
“I don’t want you to leave either.”
You wrap your arms around his neck and he pulls you in closer by your hips.
“Maybe staying here for a while longer won’t be so bad.”
He slides one hand up your body to your jaw which he cups. He leans down and kisses you with such intensity that causes butterflies to erupt in your stomach. The stars twinkle in the sky as your own light shines brightly for all to see.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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lyworth · 6 months
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March 22, 2023 - March 22, 2024
One year ago to this day, I started writing Green is the Color. I fell in love with Hogwarts Legacy from the moment I played it, and found such a kindred spirit in Ominis that I wanted to honor the character by writing him a fic. Ofc, I didn't expect the fic to be 70 chapters long, but my I poured my entire heart and soul into the work, and I couldn't be happier that I did.
I'll also be posting GITC to Wattpad, one chapter each day.
Happy birthday to GITC. Happy birthday to my fic. Happy birthday to my MC Allegra, the creation of whom inspired me enough to get me out of a creative rut.
Thank you, too, to all the people who read my fic(s). You are always in my memory--I've never stopped thinking about the people who I share this beautiful, amazing fandom with!
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noturlondonboy · 3 months
No More Excuses//Katelena
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Pairing: Kate Bishop x Yelena Belova
Summary: Kate Bishop enjoys a relaxed and well deserved Christmas with the Barton family and stays with them into the new year. But once she returns home to New York, she finds that someone had been waiting for her to get back from her holiday vacation. A certain Black Widow assassin.
Yelena Belova spends Christmas Day cold, miserable, and alone. The loss of Natasha sits heavy on her chest, and now that she has nowhere to elsewhere channel her anger and grief, Yelena has no choice but to rot in it. Or perhaps she can make an effort to befriend the newest Hawkeye.
Warnings: mental illness, medication, depression, anxiety, talk of character death, fight scenes, blood, gore, weapons, injuries, the Red Room, nightmares, angst, alcohol, harassment, intoxication, drugs, talk about/implied adult content, death, PTSD, trauma, assault, talk of overdose, talk of suicide, talk of self harm, talk of sexual assault, men being horrible, stupid lesbian pinning.
Status: ongoing
Intruder- But Wait, She’s Hot!
Déjà Vu is a Funny Thing, Funny Thing
Common Interest Between an Assassin and a Dog
The Angel of Death Made Me Bacon
Prison Sentence for Two (2)
What are You Running From?
Vodka Will Fix Us
Ice Skates Never Broke Any Hearts
When it Rears it’s Ugly Head
Knock-Knock, Boo! It’s Your Trauma
So Let’s Just Talk
Haunted and Preyed Upon
What Would She Think?
Homocide. Homosexual?
There is Room for Two Puppers in This Town
School Can Wait, Katniss Needs Cuddles
Abdominal Muscles = Kate’s Roman Empire
Leave it to Nintendo…
We Have Animals to Cross, Kate Bishop
Welcome to Cooking With Flo, Bitches!
But He’s Just Some Scrawny Irish Dude
All’s Well That Sleds Well
All Surprises are Unexpected
The Arrow Doesn’t Fly Far From the Tree
Steak Out
Bodies are Made to Bleed
Bandaids Don’t Fix Bullet Holes
Lavender Haze is a Privilege I’ve Lost
Dread- to Fear Greatly; Be in Extreme Apprehension Of
Ideals of Shame
When We Finally Blur the Lines
Honeymoon Phase
Hawkeye Adventures Montage
Bare Your Teeth as You Bleed
Breaking Point
Contessa Valentina Allegra de Fontaine
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thatliminal-wanderer · 4 months
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Poob (Regretevator) ID Pack
Requested by Anon
Addison, Alaia, Alana, Alexandra, Alisa, Aliza, Allegra, Amory, Andi, Anit, Anushtan, Aven, Axie, Ayo, Bahaj, Barb, Bayram, Beatrice, Beatrix, Bec, Billie, Camron, Chagit, Chara, Charlie, Davy, Dawson, Dayo, Dechen, Devin, Edwin, Eid, Euroa, Fane, Farah, Festus, Gayla, Gil, Glenn, Harper, Helier, Ike, Ilaria, Isaac, Jalsa, Jashan, Jashn, Jashun, Jewel, Jocelyn, Jordan, Joy, Kaily, Kalea, Kayden, Keiko, Lettie, Lowen, Lowena, Makenna, Merry, Natesha, Onni, Parker, Parvesh, Peyton, Preeda, Radomir, Rene, Riley, Robin, Simcha, Sunny, Tate, Utsav, Ziven, Zorion, Ülo
balloon/balloons, birthday/birthdays, blox/bloxs, box/boxes, bright/brights, cake/cakes, candle/candles, candy/candys, cele/celebrate/celebrates, cheer/cheers, con/confetti/confettis, cup/cupcake/cupcakes, energy/energys, friend/friends, fun/funs, game/games, gift/gifts, glee/glees, horn/horns, hyper/hypers, laugh/laughs, noob/noobs, party/partys, pop/pops, silly/sillys, sugar/sugars, toy/toys, vibe/vibes, yellow/yellows, 🌈/🌈s, 🌟/🌟s, 🍬/🍬s, 🍭/🍭s, 🍰/🍰s, 🎁/🎁s, 🎂/🎂s, 🎆/🎆s, 🎇/🎇s, 🎈/🎈s, 🎉/🎉s, 🎊/🎊s, 💝/💝s, 🛍️/🛍️s, 🥳/🥳s, 🧁/🧁s, 🧩/🧩s, 🧸/🧸s
A Party Lover, A Party Noob With A Heart Of Gold, The Friend of All, The Friendly Face, The Fun Loving Noob, The Gift (Giver/Receiver), The Noob With A Partying Soul, The One Who Blows A Party Horn, The One With Yellow Skin and A Party Hat, The Party Goer, The Party Lover, The Yellow Hued Party Goer, [prn] Who Hosts Parties, [prn] Who Loves To Give Gifts, [prn] Who’s Birthday Is Everyday
Anticipabdayic, Birthdaycakewish, Birthdayic, Birthdayspike, Felifortic, Fungender, Goofygoobergender, Hapifriendix, Happygender, Happygoofycircusgender, Happysunshineic, Joyeuphoriac, Kidcoric, Noobgender, Nosaebire, Partygender, Phostalgial, Pizzapartyic, Raingookiddic, Sillymaxxed, Sillyshowkidcorian, Smilegender, Toygender, Whackygender
Other mogai
Alderjoy, Assigned Silly at Birth/ASaB, Funvior, Joyvesil, Panjoyide, Poob Perspesque, Regretevatorhearthic, Regretevator Perspesque, Robloxaldernic, Rocharicvior, Silly Omninoun, Sillystelic, Sillyvesil
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toonabby · 9 months
Happy 45th birthday, Rie Tanaka!
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Characters pictured above (from left to right):
Lisa (Mara Junot) from Genshin Impact
Chii (Michelle Ruff) from Chobits
Neptune/Purple Heart (Melissa Fahn) from Neptunia
Suigintou (Karen Strassman and Jessica Calvello) from Rozen Maiden
Lacus Clyne (Chantal Strand, Stephanie Sheh, and Caitlynne Medrek) from Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
Darya Nikitina (Rachel Robinson) from Dr. Stone
Treyni (Jamie Marchi) from TenSura
Elsha (Elizabeth Maxwell) from High School DxD
Aphrodite (Reba Buhr) from Record of Ragnarok
Maria from Hayate the Combat Butler
Maho Nishizumi (Kimberly Prause) from Girls und Panzer
Mitsuru Kirijo (Tara Platt and Allegra Clark) from Persona 3
Rosetta from Granblue Fantasy
Chosen One's Archpriestess Veronica (Analesa Fisher) from Guardian Tales
Ameliance Leveilleur (Gemma Whelan) from Final Fantasy XIV
Bela Dimitrescu (Bekka Prewitt) from Resident Evil
Characters not pictured:
Himeko (Cia Court) from Honkai: Star Rail (given that the image was made before HSR was out)
Kiara Sessyoin from Fate Grand/Order
Sakuya Izayoi in Touhou: A Summer Day's Dream
Duke of York from Azur Lane
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