#alle hater johan
likeitovich · 1 year
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Everybody Hates Johan (Alle hater Johan) by Hallvar Witzø (2022)
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ozdeg · 2 years
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taylor-on-your-dash · 5 months
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Voice memo here;
[Lover Journal] LA. This week I've been in the studio with Max and Johan every day and it has been the most creatively successful and fulfilling time. The first day, Johan just made a really up tempo drum beat because we decided we needed something up and light. We worked at it for a few hours before i just started singing "shake it off, shake it off, shake it off" And then the best way i know how to describe it is that the chorus just fell out of the sky. It ended up being this song about doing your own thing even though haters are gonna hate, and you just have to dance to your own beat. We all went home and I wrote the first and second verses and brought them in the next day. We wrote this chanty cheer leader bridge that I absolutely LOVE. We spent all day doing vocals and the next day recording the background vocals. I think it'll end up being the first single and Max said it's his favorite song he's ever been a part of.
[Max Martin during the lawsuit] “Shellback started out with a drumbeat. Shellback, Taylor, and I then collaboratively developed the melody and other lines of ‘Shake It Off’ to Shellback’s drumbeat. I did not write or provide any input into any lyrics in ‘Shake It Off,’ which were written entirely by Taylor.”
“I've had every part of my life dissected – my choices, my actions, my words, my body, my style, my music. When you live your life under that kind of scrutiny, you can either let it break you, or you can get really good at dodging punches. And when one lands, you know how to deal with it. And I guess the way that I deal with it is to shake it off.”
“The message in the song is a problem I think we all deal with and an issue we deal with on a daily basis. We don’t live just in a celebrity takedown culture, we live in a takedown culture. People will find anything about you and twist it to where it’s weird or wrong or annoying or strange or bad. You have to not only live your life in spite of people who don’t understand you, you have to have more fun than they do.”
[From my writing of 1989 Timeline]
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armagnac-army · 3 months
OOC: The Napoleonic Askblog/Roleplay Scene Directory
Here's an Out Of Character post listing the blogs I'm aware of in the Napoleonic RPF Roleplay Scene! It's OOC because Lannes would want to make sarcastic remarks with typos.
If you want (or don't want) your blog on this list, message me and whether you want a main/other blog associated with your name or whether you want to be anonymised! Also happy to include non-Frenchmen and Frev folks.
Doubles or multiple versions of people are welcome, this is a varied afterlife. We all have our different ideas for what this afterlife is like as well.
Feel free to reblog or link to this!
And now we have a OOC discord server to chat about all of this! Feel free to join if you'd like!
The Marshalate
armagnac-army - Jean Lannes, Duke of Montebello - played by cadmusfly
murillo-enthusiast - Jean-de-Dieu Soult, Duke of Dalmatia, and ADCs - played by cadmusfly
@le-brave-des-braves - Michel Ney, Prince of the Moskva, Duke of Elchingen, and ADCs - played by @neylo
@your-dandy-king - Joachim Murat, King of Naples - played by @phatburd
@chicksncash - André Masséna, Prince of Essling, Duke of Rivoli, and others - played by @chickenmadam also playing as his ADC, with appearances from Marshal Augereau, the Cuirassier Generals d'Hautpoul and Nansouty, and the Horse Grenadier General Lepic
@your-staff-wizard - Louis-Alexandre Berthier, Prince of Neuchâtel and Valangin, Prince of Wagram - played by @chickenmadam, as above
@perdicinae-observer - Louis-Nicolas Davout, Prince of Eckmühl, Duke of Auerstaedt - played by @mbenguin
@bow-and-talon - Laurent de Gouvion Saint-Cyr, Marquis of Gouvion-Saint-Cyr
@france-hater - Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte, or Karl XIV Johan of Sweden, played by @deathzgf
@simple-giant-ed - Édouard Mortier, Duke of Treviso, played by @isa-ko
@bayard-de-la-garde - Jean-Baptiste Bessières, Duke of Istria
@le-bayard-polonaise - Prince Józef Poniatowski of Poland
The Grande Armée
@general-junot - Jean-Andoche Junot, Duke of Abrantes - played by @promises-of-paradise
@askgeraudduroc - Géraud Duroc, Duke of Frioul, Grand-Marshal of the Palace - played by @sillybumblebeegirl, also with cameos from Marshal Bessières shared with your-dandy-king
@trauma-and-truffles - Baron Dominique-Jean Larrey, Surgeon to Napoleon and the Imperial Guard - played by @hoppityhopster23 who also plays his modern assistant
@generaldesaix - Louis Charles Antoine Desaix de Veygoux, most likely would have been a marshal if he lived - played by @usergreenpixel
@messenger-of-the-battlefield - Marcellin Marbot, aide-de-camp of maréchal Lannes - played by @a-system-of-nerds
@le-dieu-mars - Jean-Baptiste Kleber, General - played by @chickenmadam
@puddinglesablonniere, Charles-Étienne César Gudin de La Sablonnière, Gemeral of Davout's Corps
@francoislejeunes, Baron Louis-François Lejeune, ADC to Berthier, Artist and Engineer
The Bonaparte Family
@carolinemurat - Caroline Murat née Buonaparte, Queen of Naples - played by @usergreenpixel
@alexanderfanboy - Napoleon Bonaparte, The Big Cheese
@frencheaglet - Napoleon II, also known as Franz, Duke of Reichstadt, played by @usergreenpixel
@rosie-of-beauharnais - Rose Beauharnais, also known as Josephine Bonaparte, once Empress of the French
@le-fils - Eugène Beauharnais, Prince of the Empire, Bonaparte's stepson, played by @josefavomjaaga
@jbonapartes - Jérôme Bonaparte, King of Westphalia, Prince of Montfort
@napoleon-bonapartee - Napoleon Bonaparte, The Head Honcho
Other Notable Personages
@askjackiedavid - Jacques Louis David, neoclassical painter - played by @sillybumblebeegirl
Not French
@the-blessed-emperor - Tsar Alexander I, the Blessed
@loyal-without-flattery - General Aleksey Andreevich Arakcheev, who runs His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery
@god-of-the-army - Prince Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration, played by @deathzgf
@wellingthighs - Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, played by @deathzgf
@the1ronduke - Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington
@banasstre - Banastre Tarleton, Major-General
@pakenham-kitty - Catherine Wellesley, Duchess of Wellington
@headlessgenius - Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes, Painter and proud Spaniard
Original Characters and Friends
@the-adventures-of-lydia-brown - Lydia Brown, a jack of all trades and problem solver finding herself in this strange realm with all these dead Frenchmen
Hopster, trauma-and-truffles's modern time travelling assistant
Madam DuQuay, ADC who takes no nonsense, helping out chicksncash, your-staff-wizard and le-dieu-mars
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aspoonofsugar · 3 months
Hello, can I ask from this ask game :
For anime/manga : Monster, Psycho Pass, Madoka and Hunter x Hunter.
Thanks 🌻
Favorite Character: Nina and Johan
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: The Red Roses Mansion Reveal + Nina forgiving Johan and Tenma saving him
Character I Think is Underrated: No idea what the fandom thinks, but I am expecting Eva to have her haters, so I am gonna say her
Character I Think is Overrated: Grimmer? Not that he is overrated per se, but I think he is a fandom favourite and while I love him, I am more invested in other characters. Stil, he is great, so...
Favorite Ship/Pairing: No one really... I like Evan and Martin
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: Everything :P I love the themes especially and the finale + denoument is one of the best I have seen
Favorite Character: Akane
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: Akane's big introspective moment, where she re-lives all the key-conversations and is now able to answer to everyone's arguments and questions
Character I Think is Underrated: No idea, really... Kagari maybe? In how I think he is actually key for the themes and story despite his arc not being overly complex
Character I Think is Overrated: Again, no idea, but I would say Kogami maybe? Mostly in how the story is sometimes simplified as his and Makishima's conflict... and like... Kogami and Makishima's conflict is key plot-wise, but thematically the true opponent of Makishima is Akane
Favorite Ship/Pairing: No one
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: The world (very complex and intriguing), the way Akane's arc is written (one of the best arcs ever) and the fact the conflict is left unsolved thematically (I am only considering the first season)
Favorite Character: Madooka, Homura, Kyouko
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: The revelation of Homura's past + Madoka's final wish
Character I Think is Underrated: Kyouko <3 I think her character is one of the best and I love her expanded story in Madoka Another Story. I would like that material was capitalized in other spinoffs...
Character I Think is Overrated: No one
Favorite Ship/Pairing: No one (I like the ships, but I am not like... super into them)
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: Madoka's arc + the finale + the worldbuilding and how it is used for twists
Favorite Character: Killua
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: The Chimera Ant Arc
Character I Think is Underrated: Palm
Character I Think is Overrated: No one really?
Favorite Ship/Pairing: I like the ships, but I am not super into them... Still, I am going to say hisoillu because they are just hilarious
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: The worldbuilding + its structure
Thank you for the ask!
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478 Been putting this off for 2 days because I'm experiencing burn-out, but here it is
- How did yujin find out that gun trained Daniel? Does this mean Daniel told someone
- ppl forget gun is an awful person and almost all of his past students want him dead, so why does this dumb twink think Daniel would have a hard time betraying gun. I would sell his ass out in a heartbeat 💓
- I also find it really funny that people can't locate guns whereabouts, then there's Daniel who just shows up at the abandoned school. He either lives at that empty school or at their local junkyard, I'm convinced. Probably got a place nearby there if anything
- I also don't think that chairman Steve Hong is going to help yujin just like that
- I find it sweet that the burn knuckles and Jay are doing so much for hostle, I'm sure they'll find a way around the schooling business too
- which leads me to my next point: What businesses is chairman Hong responsible for, and how many of them are owned by Jay. According to his butler, Jay has always asked his father for help, but for the construction of the hostel centers, he used his own money while also sponsoring the architecture students.
- What is ptj doing with johan? Genuine question,cuz yujin and vivi were the main reasons his mother became like that. Don't get me wrong, guns a heartless bitch for how he treated him, but he wasn't the cause of her addiction or eyes. I know giving gun so many haters is necessary to hunt him, but at least make it make sense. The fact that johan now has a job and his mother is getting better too, he wants to throw it all away and risk his life for gun!!!!!😐
- since goo asked taejin how to talk in Spanish, does that mean taejin speaks Spanish too?
I feel like goo and Jake's brother will not get along, I also think taejin will eventually betray goo for the brother. Goo is probably weaker than him too tbh.
Off topic, but I think goo is stronger than gun, because he seemed to suffer less damage than gun when fighting ui daniel,might even help out in the hunt.
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Rich characters cannot dress because a biker leather jacket with cowboy boots ✋🏼
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likeadevils · 10 months
2014 Lover Diaries Transcripts
Jan 6, 2014- Los Angeles, CA
So I’ve decided I want to look at places in New York. I know I went through this phase months ago, but it has to mean something that I’ve circled back to it, right? You know what they say, if you love something let it go and if it comes back … blah blah blah. So I’m leaving the day after tomorrow. Dating is awful. Love is fiction/ a myth. I’m over it all.
Jan 25, 2014- Los Angeles, CA
It’s the middle of the night and I was at the Clive Davis party tonight which means … the Grammys are tomorrow. Never have I felt so good about our chances. Never have I wanted something as badly as I want to hear them say “Red” is the Album of the Year.
Feb 22, 2014- Los Angeles, CA
This week I’ve been in the studio with Max and Johan every day and it has been the most creatively successful and fulfilling time. The first day, Johan just made a really up tempo drum beat because we decided we needed something UP and light. We worked at it for a few hours before I just started singing “shake it off, shake it off.” And then the best way I know how to describe it is that the chorus just fell out of the sky. It ended up being this song about doing your own thing even though haters are gonna hate, and you just have to dance to your own beat. We all went home and I wrote the first and second verses and brought them in the next day. We wrote this chanty cheer leader bridge that I absolutely LOVE. We spent all day doing vocals and the next day recording background vocals. I think it’ll end up being the first single and Max said it’s his favorite song he’s ever been a part of.
Mar 24, 2014- New York City, NY
So in the last few weeks, I’ve completely moved into my apartment in Tribeca. That’s right, I’m writing this from my new bed in my new place, watching Law and Order with Meredith. Strangely, I’ve never felt more busy.
May 30, 2014- Shanghai
So we got to China at around 2pm and I knew it would completely ruin me if I slept when I got to the hotel, so I decided to work out. WHY IS THIS PEN RUNNING OUT?! Just went to my purse and got my own pen. So a crazy story unfolded in the last 24 hours. Last night, I had this vivid dream where the photo I’d chosen for the album cover wasn’t good enough, intriguing enough, artful enough. It woke me up. I couldn’t shake it and it stayed with me all day. Because that nagging feeling I’d been pushing back for weeks was now confirmed in my gut … It wasn’t good enough. I went to the venue, mind racing, wondering if I’d have to do an entirely new photo shoot … I got to my dressing room with newer versions of the “cover.” I looked at it and felt nothing. The team pulled up this new scanned file of the Polaroids we had taken during the shoot. I saw within 10 seconds. The shot. The cover. It’s a Polaroid of me sitting against a beige wall with a blue seagull swear shirt on. You can see my red lips, but the photo cuts off my eyes. From some reason unknown to me, it’s the most intriguing photo I’ve seen. I think it’s the mystery of not seeing my eyes. Maybe it just looks effortlessly cool. The craziest moment came when something caught my eye. The cover photo is photo 13. I kid you not. I played a sold out show in Shanghai tonight and the crowd was amazing. Tomorrow we go to Tokyo, where they’ll have the whole ticker tape parade at the airport. Smile and wave … Taylor
(2003 • 2004 • 2005 • 2006 • 2007 & 2008 • 2009 • 2010 • 2011 • 2012 • 2013 • 2014 • 2015 • 2016 & 2017)
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the-whispers-of-death · 3 months
why did you do this to me? now the oc thoughts are thoughting and i can't stop them
i think if Stone (a medic) met Johan (a "medic") i don't think they'd get along. i feel like Johan would have Stones hackles raising and paranoia spiking because he has this :} type smile but much more sinister like Stone, a man that doesn't smile meets a man that is constantly going :) in the most threatening way (that's not to mention Johans lack of morals. the man lost his lisence to medical malpractice for the sake of "curiosity" and has participated in human experimenting) i just feel like they wouldn't get along
now who Stone would get along with is Void. in his "after" Void actually goes to university to study astronomy so stars would be a common interest even with the dificulty in communication. he would also semi get along with Hazzard due to their like of animals. Hazzard is still a hater (no like seriously man lowkey highkey wants all of humanity dead, except him and his two people, but Romanas keeps thar side of Hazzard a secret and doesn't let that man be a hater out loud) but he would still respect his love for cats and teach him where the best places to scratch are so a cat would fall in love with you.
Romanas i feel could get along with anyone because he's an adaptable guy and can find common ground with most people. he would have problems with people who have really extreme views or extreme views that are opposite of his own extreme views (he can get nasty if he's passionate about something and people oppose it but he tries to not get into things like that for the sake of keeping peace)
now onto stone variants
if Selga ever met feral Stone he would be scared of him 100% percent. despite Selgas decent size and good strength he is rather emaciated and traumatized to the point of loosing intelligence (not to say he's stupid but lemme explain). while (to my understanding) feral Stone is still intelligent and verbal or semi verbal (correct me if im wrong) Selga just isn't. his "human" intelligence is very low and he's entirely non verbal (the most he can manage are half choked half sounds/half words, growls, hisses and other animal sounds). it's like an animal was given a slight brain boost and given a human shaped mech to pilot so if Selga (who is smaller and thinner than Stone) ever met feral Stone he'd react in fear-aggression. teeth bared, back arched (you can see his spine and ribs when he does that. Romanas and Boss are loosing hair and braincells trying to keep him healthy and well fed once Boss takes over the group). if any team mate was around Selga is glued to them and stand in front of them to "protect" them from feral Stone (if they faught Selga would put up a good fight but Stone would overpower him with weight alone. now if Selga was fully healed and in better mental condition that would be a whole different story)
Vaccine and Dartboard would try to goad feral Stone into play wrestling with them. they would nibble on him a little just to tease.
Diana would be a regular at baker Stones bakery for coffee and pastries for her and Johan (both have an insane sweet tooth)
Boss would take one look at Grim Reaper Stone and go "oh no.... that's a son that needs to be adopted" and would end up taming him like he tamed the rest of the merc group
if Void was a few years younger (he's 19 in the "now") he would go to school with Saira and probably meet girl dad Stone. good thing that Void is actually very polite and friendly if a little strange. he doesn't make messes, doesn't antagonize people and always cleans up after himself (dad Stone also gets to meet Hazzard and Romanas because there's an "inside joke" in the group that they are Voids parents and in the "after" they all live together in one house)
vampire Stone would/should meet with blood homunculus Romanas (it's what he is in a monster au. either that or some eldritch monstrosity also blood related. i have a whole thing for a monster au) because Romanas could probably provide infinite blood (he needs to drain an entire creature of any kind to sustain himself but he doesn't need to do it often and any blood ingested is automatically turned into "human" blood)
werewolf Stone meeting mutated werewolf Hazzard would be interesting since Hazzards wolf form is kinda fucked up due to radiation. he's like thrice the size of a normal werewolf, teeth long and sharp, sometimes cutting through his lips and piercing the flesh of his jaw, radioactive drool spilling from his maw, spikes along his back, massive claws loaded with radioactive toxins. (that's all while he's in wolf form) despite all that Hazzard is pretty chill and wouldn't go attacking all willy nilly (hell if it wasn't so dangerous he would even play with pups but he can't without it being potentially dangerous :( )
Vendetta doesn't actually belong to the merc group. they're more of a solo act but they follow Romanas due to... circumstances. so it's a killer for hire working for other killers for hire
idk about criminal Stone or serial killer Stone. with criminal it's most likely that Romanas (or another oc simply known as "D") is a friend of mafia boss and is like a brother to him so that's how they meet.
Serial killer idk. someone from the merc group would try and recruit him but i bet he'd decline because mercs and morals don't mix all that well
i don't think any of your ocs would be that scared of any of mine (except maybe for Johan. and they'd have qualms about the LITERAL CANNIBALS the merc group had around. i bet they'd have some questions about wtf happened to Selga and wtf is up with Void)
hdjfgdidod i have a few more ocs that i forgot to introduce to you but i'll do it later my brain is rotting
First, I wanna know why Tumblr didn't notify me that I got this ask. SMH.
Second of all, yeah, Stone and Johan would not get along at all. Stone hates people who smile so much, he's so suspicious of people like that. He understands why that man got his medical license provoked and he's thinking about running far away from Johan as possible. His paranoia either makes him want to fight and kill or run, and in the case he'd rather run.
Stone actually has gone non-verbal in some situations, so he does know sign language. But it's American Sign Language. So if Void doesn't know that... Well, they could always communicate via a notepad, right?
He'd respect Hazzard not liking most people. He'd respectfully stay away because he's secretly polite like that.
I can't see a reason why Romanas and Stone wouldn't get along, so I'm assuming they're going to get along.
Feral!Stone is semi verbal, but he much prefers growling and snarling to communicate. Yeah, he'd see Selga as a threat. In that same respect, Vaccine and Dartboard might not want to play wrestle with him because while they might nibble on him, he might just straight-up take chunks out of them.
Baker!Stone would enjoy having Diana come into his bakery. He'd be happy to sell her any pastry she wants.
Grim Reaper!Stone would cry if Boss called him "son". Like yes, hello, teach me how to be my own person, please and thank you. He'd be Boss's now, no getting rid of him.
Experiment!Stone is running away from Johan just like how Canon!Stone but unfortunately for Canon!Stone, Experiment!Stone is faster and he will not be picking up Canon!Stone to help him escape Johan.
Girl Dad!Stone would enjoy Void. He'd be like "Can I adopt you?" Someone better stop this man from stealing Void from the team because he'd see a child that was just like how he was and he'd want to give him a happier life.
Vampire!Stone would absolutely love Romanas if Romanas provided him with infinite blood. He's a big boy so he needs a lot of blood.
Werewolf!Stone staring at mutated werewolf Hazzard and being like "I know he hates people, but would he kill me if I courted him??" Man needs to know when not to court someone.
If Romanas is someone who is close to the mafia boss and thus the mafia boss really likes him, Criminal!Stone will do everything in his power to protect him. He wants the mafia boss to be happy, always.
Serial Killer!Stone is staring at Johan (aka messed up morals man) and is like "I have to kill him." But yeah, he has too high morals to become a mercenary. Instead of running away like the other Stones, Serial Killer!Stone is running towards Johan because he will not back down when it comes to wiping people who have fucked up morals off the planet.
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sheogayrath · 2 years
saw norwegian explosion-themed comedy film Everybody Hates Johan yesterday and i recommend it and also the banger soundtrack is on spotify under 'Alle Hater Johan'
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oh-yes-i-did-not · 4 months
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In all my time on listing things I've watched on Anime-Planet, I still only have one hated character.
And like, I don't put disliked characters there or those I'm "not a fan of" lmao. I'm not a hater like that, I don't waste any time on useless shit. If the character is in there, I just really, REALLY hate their guts.
You may make your interpretations based on the fact that Johan is not the one from that series to be there.
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mozizgatunk · 2 years
Mindenki utálja Johant (Alle hater Johan, 2022)
Stílus: vígjáték  Nemzet: norvég
Rendező: Hallvar Witzo
Magyar mozibemutató: 2022. április 28.
Szerintünk: Akár...
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manikas-whims · 2 years
Lookism fandom is kinda weird. Everyone keeps shipping all dudes with each other (i got no issue w that) but many of them indirectly showing their dislike/hate for the one actual gay character — Jayeol Hong. its so hypocritical seeinh them hate being shipped with Daniel but they will literally ship every other man 😂😂😂
OMG anon you are so right about this!
I mean Jay and Janiel have a lot of shippers but the hate towards Jay (and Janiel) is truly hypocritical because its from the same bunch of people who ship jake/samuel, jake/sinu, johan/zack, jace/johan, etc..
Like they'll ship every guy with each other but hate on ONE actual gay character. Its so obvious that most of these haters just love fantasizing about two men fcking but don't actually care for the queer rep or queer people in general.
This isn't the first time I've witnessed this in a fandom but yes anon, you're right and you should say it.
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nomnomdiary · 2 years
Unpopular Opinion about Lookism
Disclaimer : I just express my opinion. if you have a difference of opinion/taste, it’s fine.
Zack! Tbh I'm tired of the-loser-Zack story. I used to like Zack. He is my second favorite character after Johan. I liked the development of his character. He was a bully and then realized the meaning of kindness. But now, Zack's story is just about “Why do I always lose?”. Okay, I’m understand. Zack’s skill is left far behind from his friends and its affects the story of his friendship (sacrifice for Johan and Mira or help Daniel destroy 4 big crews). But lately, the-loser-Zack is getting exaggerated. Honestly, when Zack won against Jacky Lee, I don’t get the hype. And yes, there's also the influence of (mostly) Zack's annoying fanbase. Zack was left behind because he only practiced fighting at the training ground and didn't fight in the free streets like the other characters. But what do the fans do? They blame Johan. Like yeah.. they must be jealous so haters gonna hate.
Since after the Summit arc, I've been confused about the power scaling system in the comic. The character's power always exaggerated in the story. The 3rd affiliate still makes sense for me. But the 2nd affiliates? Bruh, I am done! How can an ex-soldier lose to a guy who trained for a month? Also the premise of the story is always the same. The villain appears -> The villain is described as very very strong. As strong as Gun, Goo, James Lee, etc-> meets the hero character with only a few time of practice -> the hero wins. Always has been. I suspect that PTJ trying to do fanservice. Lookism fanboys are numerous and many of them greatly exalt the power of their favorite characters. I’m always wish you to make the best in the quality of the story. I miss the quality of the Hostel era or Jake Kim's flashbacks that didn't glorify power scaling.
I'm a little curious about Eli vs Samuel. Eli with a predatory fighting style against Samuel with a psycho fighting style. In addition, Eli was Gun's golden child, while Samuel was Gun's discarded child. It must be interesting.
Zack, Eli and Vasco in 3rd affiliated is just for fanservice. I bet PTJ just wants a big war. Wouldn't the author be happy if the fandom got tepered with his story? Especially if there is a fan war.
Heather's screen time should have been longer. Honestly, although I've written good point about heather before, I’m still don't like her. The point of view of Eli's arc flashback coming from Sally's point of view and that’s makes me quite annoyed with Heather. If her screentime longer, I'm sure I won't be upset. Even the fandom must have had good view of Heather. Trust me.
I can’t stand for colored eyes mode. I'm talking about the hype, not the mode. There's nothing wrong with colored eye mode. It will add to the seriousness of a character. The problem is the excessive hype from the fans. They think that colored eyes = overpowered. If they lose, they will go wild. For local fandom in my country, when Ryuhei (Nomen) has green eyes, there is a lot of fanboys are mad just because evil characters have colored eyes mode. Even though it was a fact, colored eyes only increased the fighting will of a character.
I'm tired of Vasco these days. I miss the old vasco.
Jiho shouldn't have died too soon. Yes, the fandom killed him. PTJ seems to care more about fanservice (okay maybe its popular).
Darius is completely useless character. He is rap*st, makes less influential in the story and his appearance is just for comic relief. More like fail as comic relief. Better to just remove him from the story.
Heather Kim > Im Luah. How heather changed Eli more makes sense and more develops than how Im Luah changed Johan.
Fanboy who just talking about character’s power is same level with fangirl who SIMPing and shipping character
I think that’s all
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imvriix · 2 years
Hi Sara! Welcome to fandom I just wanted to ask who is your favourite character from death note and monster
Hello, and thank you! And to answer your question, i dont really have just one favourite character.
i love explaining characters and why i like them, so im going to take this chance to ramble about my favs in death note and monster.
so in death note, i'm a big fan of light, near, L and mello. i do like light, but mostly when he's all evil and far from saving after L died. idk why but i really digged it. there's so many near haters, and i honestly don't understand why. like sure, people wanted L back, but killing L was a big plot twist that the writers did on purpose as you never see the " hero " die, yet the " villain " loses as well. ( yes, ik L isnt really a hero and that Lights an anti-hero but I'd be here for days if we got into that ) i just don't get it because near successfully carried on what L wanted, which was to get evidence of Light being Kira, like thats literally what he did. aside from that, he's just a cutie. I like mello because of how he always seemed to come second and how he always seemed to feel like he was in nears shadow, and he's just an overall cool character. i want his wardrobe. i like L because he's also a sweetie, his sarcastic remarks are amazing.
In monster, my faves are probably johan, grimmer, dieter, eva and tenma. tenma because of how he was so selfless and kind, yet not to the point where he was an airhead. grimmer just makes me so happy, i dont even know why. dieter because hes a cutie and absolutely didnt deserve what he had gone through before being saved by tenma. evas character is so perfect and realistic, shes hopelessly in love with tenma to the point she would do anything to get him back, yet when she can't, she uses that bitterness of not getting him back against him. the way she burned her whole estate and still accepted the gardeners invite, even after making it seem like she had no interest in him to protect herself from being hurt again, it just hurt my heart seeing how her smile dropped and how she clutched the wrapped gift when she saw the biological mother of his child laughing and celebrating with them.
johan because hes smart, rich, and pretty.
hope this answered your question! <3
have a good day.
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GX Month Day 5
September 4th: “Pass The Salt” 
No story is perfect. So what is something you wish you could have seen in the story of GX?
Oh boy where do I start
While I love GX there are quite a few things a would have done differently.
The case of Daichi Misawa
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We are all more than familiar with Misawa and his fall from grace, from one of Judai’s potential top rivals, to a recurring joke even for the other characters (”Oh, Misawa, you’re here”). I get it, GX has a HUGE cast, like seriously huge. And we went from having 5 to 7 important characters in DM to around 15 in GX. Not everyone was going to survive the chopping block. Another victim of this was Hayato, but he was gone so soon (and with dignity) I didn’t really mind it. But Misawa’s case in S2 and S3 is just sad. I wish they could have done something better for him. At least he helped everyone get back from the other dimension and got Tanya in the end.
Johan vs Hell Kaiser Ryo
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So, I don’t think I am the only one who thinks the duel between Ryo and Yubel (Possessing Johan) is one of the best if not the best in all of GX. It’s absolutely mind blowing. 
But I think that the duel between Ryo and Johan in the first arc of S3 to bring everyone back from the other dimension is one that goes under a lot of people’s radars. Call me biased because Johan is my favorite GX character, but I was really digging that duel. Like even without Rainbow Dragon, Johan was putting up a serious fight against Ryo with the way he used the Crystal Beasts. So I am forever salty that they could never revisit this duel (vs actual Johan, not Yubel). 
I get it, this duel served more as a preview for what was to come when we saw they would duel again. And Johan was barely in S4 and Ryo could hardly duel anymore given his heart condition. But for Ryo to have said that Johan had been the only one besides Judai to make him feel excited in a duel and who could have Judai’s unlimited potential...I think it would have been very very fun and exciting to watch, specially with Rainbow Dragon.
“Everyone’s dead....JUST KIDDING”
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I know it’s a kids’ show, and it would have been extremely tough to follow another season without like 3/4 of the cast. But having everyone come back alive from the Hell Dimension felt like a bit of a cheap move that also makes some of Judai’s character development lose some significance. 
So everything he went through from the moment his friend’s died (becoming the Supreme King out of pure helplessness and desire for revenge, then coming back from that with a terrible, terrible case of PTSD basically leaving him unable to duel, coming to terms with everything he had done and learning to use the strength of the Supreme King without letting it overtake him), it was all for nothing? Then all the people the Supreme King killed are alive and well?
It also takes merit from the other characters’ themselves and the circumstances of their deaths. Kenzan, Manjoume, Asuka and Fubuki being sacrificed, victims treated as collateral damage to create a super powerful card, right in front of a collapsing Judai as their hearts were corrupted too. Jim and O’Brien (the two most emotional deaths in S3 for me), who sacrificed themselves to bring Judai back and bury the Supreme King away. Edo, who sacrificed himself to try and save Echo (who gave her life away for someone who took advantage of her feelings), and Ryo, who even though he said was only looking for the ultimate opponent, tried until the last minute in the duel to separate Yubel and Johan. Hell, Ryo basically died twice (because of his heart failure and losing the duel), yet he survived. 
As I said, I know the show would have been extremely hard to keep going. But it took away from the serious, dark story S3 was becoming. It takes away from Judai, and the ones who died because they all came back brand new. 
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It’s not that I didn’t like it, Reincarnation is a trope that I LOVE. But in GX we literally got it dropped on us out of absolutely nowhere. We literally had no clue Judai could have had a past life and that’s where his story with Yubel came from. 
Like idk, maybe some flashbacks or random shots of the Supreme King’s backstory (which wouldn’t make sense until we find out it’s Judai and would have made it pretty cool) would have made it better, IMO. 
PTSD? Only Judai can relate
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Another thing that I found weird was how quickly everyone got over what happened in the Hell Dimension except for Judai. We can see he is depressed and dealing with the aftermath of what S3 did to him. But what about everyone else? Weren’t they supposed to be in like a dimension of pain and suffering even if they were alive? I am glad so many main characters got their time to shine in S4, but, as we wrapped each story, a nod to what happened to them in S3 would have been nice. It’s all part of the process of growing up, too, learning to deal and cope with out most painful moments.
S4: “Overseas champions? I don’t know them”
Yeah, so given the HUGE (LIKE REALLY HUGE) role the Overseas Champions played in S3, barely seeing them in S4 was a bit of a whiplash. I am glad we got O’Brien dueling Mr. T and him playing with his mind with false memories was heartbreaking yet super interesting to watch. But we got literally no Jim and Karen, at all. The guy gave his life and his supernatural eye to try to bring Judai back. I had hoped we would have at least seen some of him in S4. We literally have no idea what the hell happened to Amon, my theory is that he stayed in that other dimension to build his perfect world and become its Monarch. But we literally have no clue about what became of him. And did Echo come back, too? Is she with Amon in the other dimension?
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And then we have Johan. Considering Judai went to basically Hell to rescue him, I thought we would see a bit more of him in S4. Like at least bidding each other farewell? You know “Thanks for rescuing my soul from my card and saving me from your eternal guardian who was corrupted by evil and almost ended the Universe as we know it”? No? Okay then. I am so so glad we got him in that Battle Royale against Fujiwara tho, that kind of made up for it :)
Edo’s fate
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From the start we know Edo is one of those characters that know they are fucking amazing at what they do and make a point of it. He is at the top of the food chain. The young pro duelist, talented beyond his years (for Pegasus to say he was just below Yugi, Kaiba and Joey?!), rich, refined, confident and a bit arrogant. 
Then how is it that the last we see of him is receiving a direct attack from Ojama Yellow straight to the face? I know Manjoume was meant to win this duel, but it would have been great to see him summon Plasma and that Manjoume had summoned Armored Dragon, or maybe using the Ojamas with the Spell Cards to banish monsters from the field or to summon Ojama King. Like Edo didn’t even want to duel, it was all a scam from his former manager and they still made him go out like that :( I wanted a more epic goodbye duel for our Edo tbh.
Then again, I am biased because Edo is my second favorite character in GX.
Season 4 rushing
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5D is very cool and all....BUT WHY DID THEY HAVE TO CUT GX SHORT FOR IT. 
S4 is so obviously rushed and for me it Darkness was a bit of an underwhelming villain after the AMAZING villain that Yubel was for S3. Fujiwara just popped out of nowhere and we got no development of him in comparison to Yubel or even Saio (I won’t say that of Mr. Chairman because he literally popped out of nowhere in S1). 
I just wished we had gotten a proper, full S4. More GX to fawn over.
Wow that was a lot of salt now I sound like I hater but I promise I love GX as much as Manjoume loves Asuka (lol).
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the-whispers-of-death · 3 months
i have a lot of ocs lol because i made up an entire merc group just because
but my most fleshed out ocs are:
Romanas Dobrovolnekas - calm dude with a sadistic streak, lowkey the "dad" of an entire subdivision in the merc group, cqc specialist and torturer extraordinaire, likes making things with his hands
Hazzard - big bitch, biochemical weapons engineer, a hater (like seriously man likes only two people in existance), quiet guy who loves animals, plants and two people
Void - mute guy who just spawned in the merc group one day. nobody knows anything about him. the youngest in the group, sneaky and slippery, very flexible, short and not as muscular or burly as the other two but his strong suit is sneaking and assassinations so he's good at what he does. questionably human
their backstories are a whole nother thing lol
i have a few i haven't fleshed out as much and those are:
Johan von Engelmann - head medic. doctor/neurosurgeon with a revoked medical license and questionable morals/ethics, calm but very threatening/unsettling, glasses, always smiling, 7'3 in height and built like a spider. the most feared person in the group after the commander
Diana - apprentice studying under Johan. nice girl with some questionable morals (Johan is slowly pulling her to the dark side) dark, curly hair and very vivid blue eyes, quiet and shy a bit of a pushover but very competent in what she does
Vaccine and Dartboard - twins from the sub division i mentioned before, oppurtunistic cannibals, unhinged and silly goofy, very fast
Vendetta - sniper, haven't decided on their gender yet, red hair/scarf, you'll never know where they are but you'll know they're there, doesn't listen well but gets their job done
Selga - attack dog, sharp teeth, severly traumatised but the commander of the group won't get rid of him or get him the proper help. only listens to Romanas, situational cannibal, very strong and fast and extremely viscious
Boss - the man who takes over the group once the current commander is no longer around. actually a good man who treats his soldiers well, the reason my ocs get soft endings, dilf, the group would kill for him, doesn't really assert his "authority" that much, he's more of a figurehead/for formalities sake, great soldier and he does all the coordinating so he does the job of "leader" despite not really pressing the soldiers to obey, they do because they like him, tamed an entire merc group filled with unhinged, traumatised people and accidentally became their dad whoops
lmao this is probably kind of trash because i suck at describing and didn't want to get in too deep into my dumbass ocs lol
im sorry im actually having fun telling someone about my nonsense made up blorbos
Sorry, first I just want to say Feral!Stone would absolutely love the OCs who are situational/opportunistic cannibals. Because he is a cannibal.
Second of all, don't apologize!
I love Boss but that's my daddy issues coming into play.
Hazzard only liking two people is such a mood and it's on par for him loving animals. Animals are better company than humans.
Johan still being the head medic despite no longer having his medical license is funny to me. Love that he's morally gray.
Selga being an attack dog and only listens to Romanas is relatable. (I really do love OCs who are absolutely feral.)
Vaccine and Dartboard being unhinged and very goofy twins? I love that for them.
Vendetta sounds like a badass regardless of their gender identity. They sound like they pop out of nowhere (like Sarabi does).
Diana sounds like she's so pretty.
Void being questionably human and having just spawned into the group is just chef's kiss. Love that he's mute.
Romanas, sometimes sadistic men are needed.
Anyways, I love them all.
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