wally-b-feed · 7 months
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Grey Allara Ca, 2024 🍕
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avyan · 7 months
“Do you even remember a time when you had peace?”
A pause. A heavy silence, draped in bloody velvet.
“…Only my blade remembers, now.”
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innonurse · 11 months
VR could enable individuals struggling with hoarding disorder to rehearse decluttering
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- By InnoNurse Staff -
A groundbreaking research conducted by Stanford Medicine scientists allows individuals with hoarding disorder to simulate decluttering in their own homes using virtual reality.
Read more at Stanford Medicine
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Allara, a telehealth platform tailored for women dealing with chronic hormonal conditions, secures $10 million in Series A funding (TechCrunch)
In the latest episode of Digital Health Unplugged podcast, the discussion revolves around the application of AI in nursing and midwifery (Digital Health)
Artificial intelligence to predict the risk of blood clots in hospitalized children (Vanderbilt University Medical Center)
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modwyr · 5 months
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the watchers at the battle of yenwood field.
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Bracket A Round 1
Poll 12
Allara Foln (@jammed-one) vs. Garner - Caelum (@aubadeempress)
Allara Foln
Allara is a bi trans woman who's fought ancient robots, overthrown two separate governments, and is an orphan, for like three months she literally had Blue Hair and pronouns, she's an icon. Literally, her entire friend group is queer except her husband who's the token straight, and yes he has Bi Wife Energy.
A dark-skinned woman with goatlike horns sprouting from her head and rising above her brown hair, streaked with grey. Her eyes are bright orange and she's scarred from head to toe. She's incredibly muscular and lean, built like a long-distance runner. She's typically dressed in a tunic, practical pants and boots, she wears a hooded cape with a gold-hemmed pattern that acts as an enchantment on it. With a straight sword sheathed at her hip.
Garner - Caelum
Garner Darai should win because:
• Literally shows up as that villain/anti-hero with the intimidating aura only to fuss over and check if the poor anime protag kid is okay bc he accidentally terrified them • He’s a sweetheart despite his really bad reputation among the public and his fellow demigods. Mans literally made a sanctuary of expression and cultural arts, food, and crafts. Is he king of it? Nope! He just watches things from a distance. • He’s extra gentle despite his big size. He’s careful about how he moves around people and will hold hands carefully as to not accidentally crush or cause any hurt. • This man will straight up unknowingly woo his reincarnated time goddess lover and also become the perfect awkward dad to their two accidentally adopted anime protagonist kids • He’s reincarnated (so two blorbos for the price of one) • He also has three forms in total (normal, half-beast, full-beast) (so really 4 blorbos for the price of one • He hoards lovingly crafted items in his chamber that he occasionally gives to people he believes are good or need care. But if you made a trinket for him? He’s keeping it in his den for eternity! White messy hair, green eyes, warm toned skin, 6’2”, broad-shouldered, had a scar on his right eye and one on his bottom lip, thick arched down brows, facial hair on his chin and jaw. He usually wears suits and fur-lined capes
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j-morgan-fly · 3 months
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After an anonymous ask about an old fic I took down called “White Winds Blow” featuring Sansa with four children, two who inherited the Targaryen look, it inspired me to revisit it and do this colored sketch. The clothes are HEAVILY, along with the coloring, taken from a family portrait of the Stark family by @artist-ellen that I recommend you follow if you do not already.
The children from left to right are Raya, Benjen(baby), Jace, and Allara.
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oubliette-odette · 5 months
The Reluctance of Love Pt. 25
Look who's baaaaaccccckkkk.
I've written a few chapters ahead so that it will hopefully help me to stay on top of this story and not fall behind....again.
But life loves to be silly and change our plans, so let's hope we can stay consistent this time.
Orc Male x Half-Elf Male, Fated Mates, Forbidden Love, Slow Burn Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 Content Warnings: unhealthy parent dynamics All orcish is from orcishdictionary.com, created by Matt Vancil.
Altan POV
I looked back down at my breakfast and was resigned to starve. I had no appetite. Not since I woke up with the vial missing. My hand consistently reached for my chest to hold it and found nothing there, leaving me feeling hollow and heavy inside. Where had I misplaced it? My father had insisted I bathe and change last night after our conversation, and I took great care to place it where it wouldn’t get lost.
I wasn’t stupid enough to not suspect my father, especially seeing how pleased he was this morning. This playing nice was all some sort of act, but I also didn’t doubt that the Lady of Triel was a means to handle our - or should I say his - debts. I wouldn’t abandon my brothers so carelessly. I would do what I needed to, to satisfy the masses and then if the gods be willing, I would disappear and I would find Drunrag
Which meant I needed that vial.
But even without the vial, I had to trust that he was still alive. I would know, wouldn’t I? I would feel something change in me if he were gone? But he and I weren’t connected anymore, maybe I was being dramatic for thinking there was something still holding him to me. I ran my hand through my hair and siged. My mind was racing too fast to keep up.
“You are not feeling well?” My father asked from across the table.
I looked up and met his eyes. I couldn’t read him. Was it truly concern I was reading in his voice? Or was there an edge to it?
I stuttered to speak, “I-I…I’m not feeling totally myself this morning.” I admitted. “Perhaps I should get some fresh air?”
My father was silent as he in turn studied me, read me. It seemed we were both still playing the game of guessing who was a step in front of whom.
“We’ll be leaving to return to Berdusk shortly, the Duke and Lady Allara are waiting for us.”
“Isn’t Berdusk days away?” I asked, before realizing that I actually had no idea where we were.
My father’s mouth tweaked at my question, “You recall how you came here through a portal, yes?”
I gave him a curt nod, “Yes, yes I remember. Then let’s just skip the meal and be done.” I pushed the food away from me and folded my arms indignantly. I was ready to be out of my father’s direct gaze.
He waited to answer before giving a short nod. “Very well. I will inform the hunters.”
“How is it that the Hunters work for you?” I asked. I knew it was unlikely that I would get an honest answer, but I had to at least try.
“The Hunters and I have a common goal, or shall I say, a common enemy.” He said, he dabbed a napkin across his lips before rising to his feet. “As long as our goals remain the same, we hold a partnership with each other that requires no monetary cost.”
“I see.” I said. 
“Shall we, then?” He asked, gesturing to the door out of the kitchen.
I said nothing, but led us out through the door. I spared a glance down to see if I caught the vial on my father’s person, but as I suspected, it would not be so easy to find.
“Looking for something?” My father asked. His eyes were narrowed.
I met them with a vacant expression. “Nothing of real interest.”
We followed the path back down the stairs to the underground maze of caverns and tunnels. It was confusing, and we were met with a cloaked Hunter who led us through in torchlight to the same large cavernous room. There were a trio of Hunters already in the room, drawing symbols within a circle on the ground. 
We watched silently as the portal opened like a maw in the middle of the air, centered above the magic ring. The space within was blurred and unfocused and shimmered like water, but revealing a landscape much different than the current dank room we were in.. It was a curious form of magic, but also fascinating. 
My father once again let me take the lead and I stepped through with him behind me. I felt a rush of vertigo that time and I forced my eyes shut as I waited for the sensation to pass. When I opened my eyes, we were standing in the Great Hall of Berdusk.
“Easy enough.” My father announced, smiling congenially as the portal winked closed behind us.
Business resumed almost immediately and a guard rushed towards us from the edge of the room. “Your Grace, a message for you.”
It was nothing more than a scrap of paper. I tried to read from the corner of my eye, I had only the chance to read a few words before my father slipped the paper into his robes.
Your Commander is not loyal. 
“Hmmm, a beautiful morning indeed.” My father breathed out. He looked down at me with a grim smile, “Shall we go meet your fiance?”
“I’d actually like to freshen up first.” I said, before clearing my throat, “I…I’d like to be looking my best.”
He nodded, “Of course. On your way, then, try to be quick, son.”
I bowed my head solemnly. “I know what is expected of me.” I turned and began the descent down the stairs and out of the room. 
As I stepped out I quickened my pace and raced towards my quarters, but not before a hand grabbed me and pulled me into a small hallway.
“What are you doing here?” Selhar’s face was panic-stricken and frantic. “Where is he?”
“Selhar?” I asked. “What’s going on?”
He shook his head, “No, you’re not supposed to be back here. He promised me he would keep you safe.”
“You’re not making any sense.” I said, and I grabbed his shoulders, trying to still his shaking body. “Selhar, what are you talking about?”
“Your…your partner. The orc. He promised me that he would try to keep you safe. I believed him. Why are you back?” 
I had never seen such extreme emotion on his face in a long time. Not since our mother’s passing, and I felt the jump in my own heartbeat as I looked back at him. “He…He’s.” I sighed. “I don’t know where he is, Selhar. I think father has him.”
I shook my head. “I don’t know.”
“I hate him.” Selhar said, his voice came out like a hiss. “I hate him so much.”
The hallway was somber as I let my brother’s words hang between us. My mother and I had failed to protect him from the cruelties of Duke Hilmar, and the guilt that I didn’t even know what my brother had been going through suddenly overwhelmed me. This wasn’t just about me and Drun. This conflict ran much, much deeper.
“Listen, Selhar.” My voice was soft, “I’m not giving up yet.”
He shook his head,  “But he’s brought you back here twice. You won’t be able to leave now.”
I nodded, “I know. But maybe you can help me?”
His eyes widened. “How?”
“I need you to get in touch with Commander Gideon. Tell him that father suspects him of treason. If he can, I need to meet with him as soon as possible.”
“Is that all?” He asked.
I thought for a moment, then continued. “I think father has something that belongs to me. A glass vial with red liquid inside. If you can find it somehow, I need that back. And don’t let the Duke find out.”
He nodded, a small wry smile formed on his face. “I’m the middle child, Altan, father doesn’t pay attention to me unless he’s mad at me. It will be easy.”
“He’s waiting for me. I have to meet my…fiance” We both grimaced at that. “I’ll find you after that.”
He nodded and turned to go.
“Selhar.” I said as he was about to leave. “I’m sorry for whatever he’s done to you.”
He shook his head, “It doesn’t matter if we’re able to stop him.” And then he turned to go. 
There were a set of guards outside my room as I approached it. I felt the small pit in my stomach tighten as I approached them. 
“I assume you were sent by my father?”
They nodded. 
I rolled my eyes and forced my most petulant voice.. “I won’t meet with anyone until I am clean from my travels. Would you be kind enough to get someone to start my bath?”
“Young lord…” One of them began.
“Please.” I bemoaned. “And if I come out of here with you both still here, I’m reporting you to my father, he’s waiting on me, which means he’s waiting on you.”
I didn’t wait for an answer and strode into my room where everything was as exactly as I had left it. Strange to believe that it had not even been a week since I had left. So much had happened. I hoped my whining was good enough to get rid of the guards at my door. And I hoped that Commander Gideon would arrive in time for him to not be seen by them.
I paced, thinking over everything. 
This was what I knew at that point.
The first, that my father had an arrangement with the Red Hunters that meant they had a mutual goal that enabled them to work together so long as that mutual goal remained. I didn’t know what that goal was, but perhaps if I could find out what it was, I could use that to my advantage.
Secondly, I knew Drunrag was being held somewhere as leverage for me to obey and listen to my father and I also believed he possessed the vial as added leverage, but my father was holding that information from me until absolutely necessary should I misbehave again.
Third, there were spies within the Great Hall who had informed my father of Commander Gideon as an enemy to my father’s goals. I wasn’t certain if these spies were part of the deal with the Red Hunters, or separate, but it was important to note that I couldn’t trust anyone at this point besides Gideon, Doxxah, and Selhar.
Lastly, a portion of my father’s debt relied on me uniting with Lady Allara. The consequences of not doing so were unclear, and I also didn’t know if it played into the arrangement with the Red Hunters. But I could only hope that it was the case, since all of the details seemed so close together.
I didn’t know how to connect all of the details yet. I was never the most clever, though the gods know I tried to be. I only knew that I had multiple things I needed to see happen before Drunrag and I could be together again.
The first, was to prevent Commander Gideon from being arrested or blamed for treason and perhaps reveal the moles within the guards’ ranks. He was my greatest asset and ally with influence and rank.
Second, my arranged marriage had to be stopped and if I was lucky, I could incite problems with deals my father has with the Red Hunters that would help with my third, and perhaps most important goal which was to stop whatever other plans my father has. I needed to prevent him from ever doing something like this ever again. Perhaps it was time the Hilmar name faced the consequences and no longer be in power.
I was deep in thought when I heard a knock at the door.
My heart leapt the same time I sprung to my feet and raced for the door. I cracked it open and let out a breath when I saw the towering figure of Commander Gideon . There was no sign of anyone else.
“Quick. Inside.” I said and released the door.
The Commander slid into the room, an impassive look on his face. I was about to close the door when Selhar grabbed the door and followed in. “Not without me.” He said quietly, but the determination in his voice was not to be dismissed.
“Did anyone see you?” I asked.
They both shook their heads.
“We don’t have much time. My father is about to have guards on me again and I don’t know if we’ll have another chance like this.”
“I understand the Duke has marked me as untrustworthy.” Gideon said. “Much gratitude to you for warning me. I am in your debt.”
I bowed my head, “You are my ally, and selfishly I must admit I cannot do this without you.” I turned to Selhar, “Either of you.”
“Where is the young orc?” The Commander asked.
“Somewhere imprisoned by my father. I believe with the Red Hunters? I do not know the location, only that is resides underground.”
“Red Hunters?” The Commander and Selhar exchanged glances at one another, eyes wide. “Gods helps us.”
“Commander, I believe you need to disappear before you are intercepted by the Duke.” It was unfamiliar to me to be so commanding to another, but the commander eye’s were locked with me, listening intently. “I don’t know what I’m doing, so I trust you to guide me.”
“Ask me what you wish, young lord and it will be so.”
Selhar nodded, “And me.”
I looked between them and let out a sigh. “If I only I knew.”
“Do you have a plan?” Selhar asked.
“Only the beginnings of one.” I said. “I don’t know if it will work. But it’s the only plan I have left.”
Want to be updated on new chapters? DM me to be added to the tag list!
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antispopausandstuff · 24 days
Family Trees In STNE ( She-Ra: The New Era )
Serenity Randor-Allara . . .
Mara Randor - Great Grandmother ( dead - sacrifice )
Adora Randor - Grandmother ( dead - murder-suicide )
Catra Randor - 'Grandmother' ( dead - suicide-murder )
Rue Randor-Note - Mother
Lorelai Allara - Mother ( dead or missing )
Jackson Note - Stepfather
Valkya - Best Friend
Swift Wind - Guide ( immortal or ages very slowly )
Melog - Guide ( immortal )
Amlok . . .
Hordak - Father
Entrapta - Would-Be-Mother ( dead - accident )
Horde Prime - Uncle? ( dead - pulverized )
Imp - Brother
Khaspian - Best Friend
Khaspian Saline . . .
Mermista Saline - Grandmother
Sea Hawk - Uncle Figure ( dead - adventure gone wrong )
Lazuli Saline - Mother
Gwenyth Saline - Mother
Cora Saline - Twin Sister
Amlok - Best Friend
Lunar Brightmoon . . .
Angella Brightmoon - Grandmother ( dead - sacrifice )
Micah Brightmoon - Grandfather ( dead - old age )
Castaspella Mysta - Aunt ( dead - mid-battle )
Glimmer Brightmoon - Mother ( immortal // ages very slowly )
Bow Heart - Father ( dead - illness ) ( platonic parents )
Starlight Brightmoon - Little Brother
Kowl - Best Friend ( immortal ) ( Bow's best friend )
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februaryschopin · 4 months
(audience booing track) okay hear me out before you guys throw your tomatoes at me because i killed off a previous chara i had just HEAR ME OUT… as always i’m 9688385 dms behind but trust me i will get back to you all one like at a time :-) it’s me anwar (not hadid) + thank u! yapping below on a particular visitor from allara!
liam fanning-ngoc, 25 / general (footnotes wip if i ever get to it lmao)
ENTER the life of a former weird boy (still is actually) from the allara server and more specifically from boston, massachusetts, usa where finding a wasian of irish and hoa vietnamese chinese descent is as easy as 1-2-3. his parents had a meet-cute back in their college days so whenever liam tells people how his white dad and asian mother met he’s always met with dreaded questions alluding to his dad going out of his way to find an asian wife (you know what i’m talking about don’t play with me) and liam’s like “yo dude what are u talking about lmao my dad met my mom on accident in boston college’s dining hall”. SO the now berklee college of music professor marries his long time girlfriend, a vietnamese chinese immigrant woman from terra who’s a musical therapist for children
all was technically well until some unaddressed hiccups concerning their marriage tho? as in cultural differences and backlash on the mother’s end who refuses to fully assimilate to allaran/american society which didn’t translate too well for the white side of his family that are “pseudo true” americans as far as having more than 4+ grandparents who were born in allara. so plenty of misunderstanding stemming from xenophobia and liam’s dad is a deadbeat emotionally especially bringing up the fact that liam is very visibly mixed looking and not at all white passing (more on that with his first cousin on the fanning side of the family *side eyes emoji*) which made him the butt of the joke for shitty “stinky lunches” and anti-viet/sinophobic sentiment while growing up overweight and as a continual afterthought
his dad is an amazing lover, a wonderful husband, a love bomber to infinity which is probably what convinced his mother!! BUT.. the downside like we mentioned above is having an emotionally neglectful/deadbeat dad who simply filed an app to terrascape for a kid by the expectations of his wife (lowkey to shut her up hahahahshafjgj ah shit) and the same shitty tired ass excuse of being “married to his work/career” comes into question. bro can’t name any of the 2 childhood friends liam grew up with, but his mother can. after a certain age his father ends up not knowing a damn thing about his kid and i think. at the end of the day. it’s because he’s unable to fathom his son’s biracial identity and refuses to help confront his son’s difficulties.. with such? especially considering that his wife raises liam with a strong arm because she REFUSES to have a useless whitewashed child that embarrasses her so.
this is the part where liam’s dad starts to hate his wife who is a person outside of being an object of his desires which is fucked as we all know and spoiler alert: he doesn’t have the fucking balls to break up/divorce her because men love making their problems everyone else’s so :-) but do keep in mind that liam’s mom isn’t emotionally avail either, very much the “here’s some fruit i cut for you” immigrant mother after she emotionally abuses you because she always thinks what’s best for her is what’s best for You so no she’s a mother who never apologizes but will. cut up some damn fruit or cook his fave northern viet dishes for him and it’s probably why liam was a fat lil boy
he’s def that weird kid you shared an honors class with that people just left alone after making shitty jokes about? but you feel kinda bad for him despite not knowing much about him? liam grew up on making friends from rpg games, forums, aside from the 2 buddies he’s known all his life. he was a band kid and was fairly good at playing the upright bass, but didn’t have aspirations to pursue music the same manner his parents did. instead he’s working on his 20th-21st century comic book/manga collection and can flawlessly imitate the voice of bruce lee speaking in english (and LOVED play fighting with his loser friends after binge watching 1970s hong kong martial arts movies).
tho eventually he stops feeling bad for himself (which honestly partial to blame is america’s amazing job at emasculating asian men which is totally a conditioned culprit!!!) and ends up losing the weight upon sophomore year of college, gains an interest in fitness and attempts to finding a personal style which honestly still he’s not really fashion conscious. painfully looks like a frat boy and is used to the allegations but the fuck ass loser in him hasn’t left, but he realizes how people treat him in the last recent years due to being relatively conventionally handsome(?) and only hot people get to be weird and have niche interests apparently
AND ALAS it’s been three years since he graduated from umass boston with a vietnam + ireland flag sash draped around his neck lookin like a goof but reppin hard for both sides lmfao and rn he lives in the megabuildings with a roommate (plot? anyone?)! a bachelor’s in communications + marketing with a minor in digital arts. since he was a kid he used to mess around on a hand-me-down terra-esque-photoshop-based-software and since then i’m afraid we having the coming of herb lubalin except in the year 3024. bro was making his family homemade birthday card graphics, eventually websites and now is working on prototype designs for apps, etc. he works for the gaming company that has launched the ever so successful iron fist which has been his latest project atm and man is he psyched, so much that he was offered to position in their physical office in terra’s server so long as he migrates with the proper visitation/work documents AND YEAAAH i’ll quit yapping here bg-wise but i can happily :-) expand if needed be. i fucking love expanding..
truthfully and i know i always say this but he’s definitely leaning towards the ambivert side of people, give him a topic that he’s well informed on/interested or if you guys have a common interest then BOOM. it’s all over, i fear that you have a yapper in him. but that aside genuinely quite friendly aaaaaaand keenly leans into his intuition too a lot of the time? naturally curious about people and things so believe me when i say he just Has to fuck around and find out or else it’ll kill him to not? want to do that? very trustworthy, almost just as reliable, enjoys being someone’s rock or pillar to lean on because he didn’t have that as much growing up so it’s really the least that he can do. half a strategic planner, half a “fuck it we ball get up everyone today’s the day”, one hundred percent hypocritical and conflicting and very much a social/emotional chameleon. despite being a yapper also do trust me when i say that his yapping is purposeful (the aquarius mercury is doing so much heavy lifting in his chart). uh also is pro-terra bc bro is not tryna die out he just would like to enjoy his time in this simulated reality so!! idk man people hate him for his boyish whimsical nature but that’s neither here or there
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xpl3001 · 4 months
jinhyeok at his dad’s funeral banquet like the big back he is
LMAO hi everyone and happy opening! i’m anwar (not hadid) and this is my first chara — kim jinhyeok, part of the glitched out subplots as well (harvey). super excited to plot and write with you all, so by all means kindly leave a heart and i’ll get back to you asap! i’m also the mun behind @everymandeadman so anticipate another intro later today as well, thank u!
navigate — general info, pinterest
tw / boy mom behavior.. girl i know (closes eyes)
kim jinhyeok, 23, some guy working in tech and on allah he doesn’t know what he’s doing for the most part but anyways: the youngest kid born to a mother who filled for divorce from her first husband (sorry big sis @iscariotish). her current husband helped her out and was like “yo i’ll marry u bc ngl i need a wife and some kids” so she took that as an opportunity and also? i expect that south korean societal beliefs have transferred (kinda) to terra so the notion that divorce is highly stigmatized against women is a thing so. she married her second man and filed for a child asap under the assumption that she’ll be secured for life. the first boy is born and we all cheered
this is a woman who doesn’t really want to be a mother but whatever, right? so she’s like “what do u mean you want another kid just one is enough” (also she’s carrying a whole second marriage too) when her husband’s filing for another child (ie jinhyeok). bro is born a preemie and ngl chances at survival was kinda slim. his mom was lowkey gonna call the baby off with terrascape co but said “mm nah, guess i’ll keep the child” and so kim jinhyeok is born unwanted from the start but who cares
kim dongmin (dad) is a radiologist tech who signed his life away to terrascape co as a medical professional in the outer world. they never see their father who’s dedicating his life out there to support terrascape’s advances. his wife is hella lukewarm bc the money is gonna look crazy good when he ends up dying, but anyways i think being in a second marriage applied pressure to jinhyeok’s mom in order to make shit work out in the marriage. so it made her tune out to her kids initially bc she was so busy doing fuck all to please her man OK MOVING ON
jinhyeok’s relationship with his dad’s “okay” except he doesn’t see him like at all bc bro works in the outer world/earth and agreed to spend his whole life for terrascape. his mom is trying to heal from her bullshit first marriage and basically expects emotional support from her two sons in place of how her first marriage went wrong + in absence of her current husband so basically she’s a boy mom who is entitled to her son’s affections and the rls becomes very emotionally dependent on her kids.. this is not good! (cue jinhyeok’s expectations of skewed masculinity in relation to being a victim of a boy mom)
but like shit goes crazy with jinhyeok bc every birthday he gets tossed into a new avatar in the north american server (allara) so he has to live in a body of an asian american girl and navigate thru that for a whole 24 hours while instead every year someone inhabits his body back in terra’s sk. jinhyeok hasn’t been able to celebrate his birthday since then, and once he gained consciousness he tried to open up about it to his family which didn’t go well. it’s a big ass faulty glitch and he feels deeply violated bc he doesn’t know what’s happening in his body/avatar back home while in a separate avatar in north america every year on february 1st. so essentially this glitch peeks his interest in coding/it/compsci, but under the guise that he’s pro terra bc it’s all a programmed facade and all that
but like u know he gains an unique experience being that asian american girl which broadens his knowledge about gender and the asian diaspora. largely he grows up insanely misunderstood by his family and peers because of this unique experience that jinhyeok’s been having as a child, in spite of never being able to properly celebrate his birthday and hasn’t been able to, which.. yeah. very sad and because of the glitch jinhyeok hates it when his birthday approaches for plenty of reasons. also since his mom saved his life kinda she thinks jinhyeok’s hella ungrateful and shit for questioning terra’s ethics and morals like we should not be doing this or be existing for a reason maybe?? she enjoys gaslighting him by using the “i saved you!” rhetoric with the typical “you got clothes and a nice home what else do you want” type shit
fast forward: his dad ends up passing away in the last year. he’s been having health problems as a result of working in outer earth and it’s basically evidence(?) of how terrascape has labor issues. they lowkey view their professionals as expendable to their needs which heightens bro’s suspicion of the corporation while acting like he don’t know a goddamn thing. and well, he doesn’t have enough merit to prove terrascape’s shadiness, but in recent events with his dad’s passing and with bae gyuok, jinhyeok’s like.. um? wtf. this is weird
very extroverted! it doesn’t take long for him to strike up a conversation with anyone and everyone, so jinhyeok doesn’t mind having to constantly break the ice. he knows what to say and when to say it, so i think he tends to mirror the personalities of others very well (libra rising + mars for all my astrology hoes), but this is initially before he can truly be himself (he likes testing the waters with people before finding out ohh okay i can REALLY be myself). but with this, he tends to lean into his people pleasing tendencies (lmao AGAIN libras.. am i right) which was conditioned since childhood having been raised by the mother he has, but he has a limit and a temperament before you get the chance to walk all over him. naturally intuitive, enjoys thinking out of the box, has an acute sense of justice even if his priorities are scattered. impulsive-heavy, says things he doesn’t mean when angered/irritated and always falls back into his regret. not the easiest to be made frustrated, but once he is, there’s really no turning back and he’ll gladly ball your face up because well. he’s a man and men do love fighting or getting worked up so lmfao
i prefer brainstorming, but bare bones for connections remains: friends, lotsa exgirlfriends, maybe a group of gen z-ers (ok i know there’s probably gonna be a name for the 2997-3012 generation but bear with me) in tech who’s doing their best out here lmfao BUT YEAH BYE
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aftereality · 4 months
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user loading… GONG YIYANG. your current avatar is registered as NING YIZHUO ( NINGNING ). you have been logged in for 23 years since 3001 APRIL 7. your highest ranking stats are CREATIVITY and IMMATURITY. please select your playlist from 666 WITH A PRINCESS STREAK or SAID THE CITY IS MINE for today. last saved activity: working as a STYLIST @ RE:SKIN. resume your ongoing game?  • • • 
hi, i'm ruvi, bringing to you terra's newest fashion girlie who's back from her server hopping trip that got cut short because her parents cut her off, so she's funding herself by hustling over at re:skin's stylist department. her info and connections are below, please like the post to plot and i’ll send a message here or send you my disc ♡
yiyang grows up quite privileged. her family weren't visionaries by any means, but they had the money to invest early in terra when they saw the signs. that wealth has only accumulated since then, and yiyang is born with a diamond rendered spoon in her mouth by the time the wealth reaches her generation.
so life is so easy, for her. things happen when she snaps her fingers, metaphysically. or literally physically? because she gets that they're code in a simulation and all that, but if she feels real to herself, that's all yiyang needs. she treats the whole simulation with a bit of irreverence, having a tendency to drop sarcastic quips and references to being code without meaning it, because she doesn't actually feel like code.
she has more money than she knows what to do with, so yiyang took a trip around the servers back when she was 20, spending a year each in allara, illori, and evros, just for the fun of it! the plan was to make a round trip with omicron as her last stop, but something got in her way... something being her parents, who decided she needed to grow her own wings.
and now life is difficult, because she's been cut off, with a generous allowance that just isn't enough for her last trip over! and she's been booted out to live in the megabuildings, the horror? yiyang decides to make use of her interest in fashion and incredible good taste (her words) to work as a stylist in re:skin, leveraging some of her contacts with the higher echelons of society to speed her way up the ladder.
aka, the nepo baby allegations might be true! yiyang is just a hot girl here for the hot girls & boys, she can be confident to be point of being a little delusional and annoying, but she doesn't really mean ill. has a thing for adrenaline and testing the limits of what terra might allow, all within monetary reasons—and unfortunately for her, those reasons have shrunk a little as of late!
wanted connections
celebrity muses, people she loves styling and working with, and who she can show off
office/corporate rivals. one of them can't stand the other, and they're making it everyone's problem
how the mighty fall, they like seeing yiyang slog it out in re:skin or slumming it with the megabuildings when she always seemed so out of touch to them
trophy fling/fwb of the week, yiyang's the sort to shower them with gifts and attention for a moment, but it's never anything truly serious (unless…?)
any of her many exes. could have ended on good terms or they still have bad blood between them
skeptic to her believer, for all of yiyang's quips she doesn't really question terra's policies, but they do, and it's challenging what she thought
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avyan · 1 year
Allara Moondaughter Dawntide.
0 notes
alien-hybreed · 6 months
Amelia the Demon Slayer is ambushed by a powerful adversary while cleansing a chapel from demonic infestation. Can she resist the allure of the shape-shifting incubus? Or will the allure of so many forbidden pleasures persuade even this steadfast warrior to submit to her darkest desires..?
The consecrated crossbow bolt tore through the demon as if it's flesh was made of paper. With a shill cry of pain, the gargoyle-looking creature burst into ethereal blue flames and melted away to nothing more than a scorch mark on the chapel floor within seconds. Lightning fast, Amelia gracefully loaded a fresh bolt into her ornate crossbow and fired again, striking the second demon right between the eyes. The foul creatures were fast but Amelia was faster. Trained by the church since was found orphaned as a child, she had spent her entire childhood and young adult years, honing her mind and body into the ultimate demon-slaying fighting machine. As a result, she was in peak physical condition with the lean body of an athlete. Were it not for her attire, wide hips and narrow shoulders, her boyish short hair and muscular arms and abs would have made it difficult to guess she was a woman in her mid twenties.
Unlike those of the holy knights of Allara who favoured full-plate armour from head to toe, Amelia favoured a more stripped down approach. Her leather pants sported armoured plates on the front of her thighs and shins, just as armoured plates guarded her forearms. The rest of her arms remained bare and the only covering on her chest was a sculpted armour bust which frankly was more enforced modesty by the church than it was protection. Amelia had been scolded for her choices and labelled a radical for it. However time and time again, her speed and prowess had consistently validated her argument that she fought better with less obstruction and didn't need protection if her foes couldn't hit her in the first place.
Prior to this assignment Amelia had successfully thwarted three demonic incursions and prevented countless more. But never once had she known demons to manifest in, let alone infest a place of worship. Even more shocking was that this chapel belonged to the order of Allara. Or at least it had. Now the blood and gory remains of it's nuns was splattered across the floor and walls.
Training dictated to Amelia she remain calm and without emotion while she worked to cleanse this place, but almost immediately she had set about her task with an ice-cold fury. Ruthless and calculating, but there was no denying her every strike came from a place of anger. Beneath her calm exterior, vengeful fury boiled away in her heart. She was getting hasty and impulsive as she moved from one fight to the next. The knights were taught to take no joy in their work, just like Saint Allara herself, so their work remained pure and just. But Amelia knew she was taking a great deal of satisfaction from each demon she vanquished.
Amelia had started at ground level and swept that clear of demonic presence before fighting her way through the basement. Now that she was done there, it seemed obvious to proceed through the breach in the nun's quarters. The brick wall looked like a battering ram had punched clean through it, cracked and broken bricks strewn across the floor. Beyond the hole was a tunnel through the rocky underground that must have once been a cave. A faint pink light flickered in the tunnel as if unnatural flames seemed to burn somewhere within. This raised a lot of questions for Amelia. Was the tunnel new? What possessed that kind of power? Or if it was natural, why would her order build a place of worship over it without first investigating the cave? Had the demons always been there? If so why hadn't they been purged first. If not, how did they get there? Procedure dictated she wait for reinforcements. The close confines of the tunnel would rob her of a great deal of her manoeuvrability. But her blood was running hot and the demons needed to be slain. Waiting wasn't an option, without a second thought, Amelia advanced into the tunnel.
The cave seemed to go on longer than it had any right to. As Amelia strode onwards, occasionally another gargoyle demon would leap out to assail her and be met with a crossbow bolt to the head. The demons never attacked more than one or two at a time, at no point did Amelia ever see the source of the pink light. Retreat crossed her mind once, but anger and a righteous need to see this place cleansed pushed her onwards. She had never backed down before and wasn't about to start now.
After a dozen or so demons and what felt like nearly an hour of trekking through the tunnel, Amelia came upon an opening. The tunnel had become smaller and smaller up to this point, but now ut seemed to open into an enormous hall. The floors and wall seemed to have been cut from the very bedrock itself and polished to a glassy finish. Amelia had expected to find a gigantic greater demon or some sort of hellish portal spewing forth hordes of demons, but the room was largely empty save for a large marble coffin in the centre of the chamber. A couple of braziers fixed to the walls burned with an unnatural pink flame, otherwise the room looked like it hadn't been disturbed in centuries. Cautiously, with her crossbow at the ready, Amelia tip-toed toward the coffin, checking over her shoulder to be sure she wasn't followed.
As she approached the coffin, she could make out carvings on it's facing that seemed to depict a great warrior, emanating a holy light from within her. Amelia’s heart was pounding like a war drum as she drew close enough to read the script carved into the lid. Amelia was no scribe, but it didn't take a scholar to see the name on it read ‘Allara’ nor did it take much deduction to realize it was referring to the Saint Allara. The holy paladin who the order had been founded in memory of. Awe quickly turned to rage. Amelia was shocked that her order's patron Saint had been hidden so unceremoniously. That demons gad sought to defile her resting place was nothing short of an outrage. That's when Amelia heard the voice. “why hello there...” trailed the whisper. It felt like a block of ice had run down her spine. It didn't echo like it should have in such an empty space. That should have warned Amelia. Instead, she was fired up and wheeled around out of reflex. She knew that was a mistake. No living soul gad accompanied her and any demon that spoke so eloquently needed to be handled with the upmost care and consideration. The moment her eyes met with those of the stranger, she knew she was in great danger.
She squeezed at the trigger of her crossbow as she ducked to avert her gaze. The shot went wide and missed completely. An incubus was an incredibly dangerous threat. To look upon them was to surrender yourself to it's whims, to speak to it would give the creature absolute power over oneself. They thrived on toying with their prey, teasing, tempting and coercing their victims until they willingly gave themselves over to the entity. Amelia had never faced such a foe before. Amelia had barely caught a glimpse of it but the mental image of it was seared into her brain. Even as she looked away and frantically tried to reload her crossbow, she couldn't take her mind of the tall, muscular man standing behind her.
Even at a glance, his facial features were impossibly handsome, his hair perfectly short and neat. Amelia had never really experienced attraction to anyone, but if she was going to, it was hard to imagine a man more aesthetically pleasing to her. The eyes black as pitch and small horns on his forehead however, that kept her grounded. She needed to hear him speak again so that she could place where he was and take a shot without looking...
“I'm sorry, did you not like what you saw?” whispered the voice again. It was soft and delicate, yet there was a razor's edge to it that made Amelia's skin crawl. Confidently, she took the shot. Her heart sank when she heard the bolt snap against the wall.
“You're really not very good at that are you?” teased the voice before she let loose another bolt
“Getting warmer...” purred the voice. Another shot, another wasted bolt. “oh that was close. That sounds fun doesn't it? Getting closer...” There! Amelia took another shot, certain she had him this time. The sound of the bolt bouncing off the wall of the crypt said otherwise.
“and closer...” Amelia's hands fumbled the next bolt, dropping it and nearly jamming her crossbow in the process. She couldn't stop picturing that handsome, naked body. She could nearly feel his breath on the back of her neck now.
“you'd like being close to me, wouldn't you?” purred the voice
“Fuck you!” roared Amelia, frustrated at how difficult it had become to operate her crossbow. She realized she'd made a terrible mistake as she felt a hand slide around her exposed waist.
“oh that would be fun, wouldn't it” the Incubus whispered in her ear. Its left hand gently pressing against her abs while it's right hand slid up her right arm. His grip was gentle but firm, Amelia couldn't turn her weapon on him even if she wanted to. She trembled in the creature's embrace, fighting the urge to snap back at him, knowing full well that doing so would surrender herself to him along with any possibility of escape.
“why so shy, you couldn't wait to get me... well here I am...” she could feel the warmth of his flesh against hers as he pressed his chest to her back. He smelled delightful, like soft lavender, fresh honey and roses all at once. Amelia nervously gulped as she tried to strain against his grip to no avail.
“so much fight in you. Believe me, we're going to enjoy that...” he purred in her ear as his hands began stroking her. It wasn't the painful raking of talons Amelia had been taught to fear and avoid since she was old enough to walk. If anything, it was surprisingly pleasant. Nonetheless, she bit her lip and closed her eyes, determined to not lose her resolve. She just had to wait for the opportunity to make her escape.
Mentally she prayed to god for a moment’s reprieve, anything that would let her breakaway. The hand on her abs slid down toward the top of her pants and tugged at her belt.
“I bet you fight just as well without these” he crooned as his hand began to slide down her pants and over her crotch. Amelia tried to pull her hips away but in doing so, pressed her ass against his hips. She nearly jumped back onto his hand as she felt his cock against her ass cheeks. She stifled a cry, her eyes watering as she began to realize there may not be a way out.
“oh darling. Save the tears for when my cock is actually in there...” growled the incubus.
“Burn you son of a bitch!” she screamed in retaliation, choking back tears as her rage nearly gave way to despair.
“darling, I'm already burning for you” he purred, his fingers plunging into Amelia's pussy and pulling up to stroke at her clit.
Her eyes snapped open, wide with shock and revulsion as she beheld the demon's affectionate stroking of her vagina. She was shocked to see her pants around her ankles, her thigh armour haphazardly cast aside on the ground. She had no recollection of that? Did he do that or did she? Incubi were strange creatures. Almost like how a vampire needed to be granted entry, an incubus required consent to act. That's why they were so dangerous is how easily they could make their victims willingly accept their advances. Is that what was happening to her? Was she already under it's spell?
Whatever Amelia was going to do, she had to do it fast. With a deep breath, she turned to face her attacker and strike at him. As she turned to face him, her breath caught in her throat. He was more beautiful than she recalled and her arms refused to budge.
“fuck” she whispered, her voice breaking a little as she looked into his eyes.
“you'd like that wouldn't you?” he teased, no longer sending cold shivers- this time his voice was inviting and full of warmth. Without even meaning to, Amelia rolled her hips forward, pressing his fingers into her depths. Her eyes fluttered a little as his fingers circled her clit once more. Amelia fought not to answer him, putting all her strength into not screaming her affirmation and begging for him to proceed with his seduction.
There was something so entrancing about the prospect but she knew to give in would be to suffer a fate worse than death. She whimpered as she felt his hands move to her ass, firmly gripping a cheek in each hand he pulled her hips close to his so that she could feel his cock brushing against her inner thigh. The more she tried to pull away, the more it pressed her lower body to his. She tried to look away but taking her eyes off him felt impossible. Why would she want to look at anything but this perfect man when everything else felt so awful...
“go on... admit it...” he purred “it won't hurt... unless you want it to...” he lowered himself til his face was inches from her crotch. Her lips quivered as she felt his breath against her entrance, unnaturally cold and yet it was excitement that made her shiver.
“just say the words darling. I know you want to. Ask and ye shall receive” he moaned, his voice straining with barely contained desire. He wanted her, she could hear it in his voice.
“... please” please, stop. Please, don't. That was what she should have said but she couldn't find the strength to finish. Almost instantly, she felt his lips on her entrance, feverishly working to prise her folds apart and slide his tongue in. She cried out as she arched back over the coffin, letting him support her weight as he continued to clutch at her ass.
“p-please...” she moaned again as her body began to betray her. Her began to spread as the incubus continued to flick his tongue around over her clit. Amelia had never even masturbated, much less had another person perform any such actions upon her. These new sensations sent sparks of pleasure dancing up and down her nerves. She tried to fight the rush of new sensations and feelings she was being bombarded with, but there was no denying that it felt good. Her hips began to buck in time with the lapping motion's of the demon's tongue.
She felt his claws squeeze at her ass cheeks, his seemingly unhinging to clamp firmly over her crotch. She tried to cry out in horror and surprised herself with the moan of delight that came out instead. Her legs struggled to work as what felt like a second tongue began to slither up her vagina, impossibly deep into her womb. Her breath came in short huffs as wave after wave of pleasure threatened to push her into a state unlike anything she had ever known.
“yes...” she cursed her lack of control, her weakness of mind and body as the words left her mouth in a hoarse whisper.
“alright, yes... fuck. Yes.” She cried, tears beginning to stream down her cheeks as she realized the enormity if what she was giving in to. Amelia blinked away her tears and gasped when she opened her eyes, shocked to see the incubus looming over her, yet she could still feel its jaws around her crotch, its tongues still writhing within her. It seemed the demon had also sprouted a pair of extra arms as a pair of thick muscular arms were on either side of her, propping the beast up, yet it still held her up by her hips, its enormous talons perfectly cupping ass cheeks as she wriggled and squirmed.
“you will not regret this, darling” whispered the incubus as he brushed Amelia's hair to one side and lovingly caressed her cheek.
“I promise, you will thank me for everything I will share with you..” at that, Amelia felt one of his tongues coil around her clit and squeeze it while the other began to grow wider and firmer as it slid back and forth from her vagina. She groaned and fumbled at the clasps on her breast plate, itching to be free of it, yearning to expose herself completely and give the demon free reign of her body. Her cheeks blushed red as the armour came free and fell to the floor. She'd never exposed herself to anyone like this before, she was surprised that rather than feeling vulnerable she was overwhelmed with excitement.
“please” she gasped again and immediately, the incubus indulged her. Placing his hand over her right breast, he squeezed and kneaded at her modest bosom, pulling and teasing at her nipple before leaning down to flick his tongue across it. The more he did so, the harder and more sensitive Amelia's nipples seemed to become. She squealed and thrashed as his lips closed around her nipple and sucked at it, slowly pulling her whole tit into his mouth. The tongue in her pussy was now slamming into her, thickened into rock hard cock lined with a sort of fleshy ribbing that rubbed against her insides in the most delightful way. Slowly, a pair of enormous batlike wings began to extend from the demon's back and fold around the two of them. Amelia felt safe, secure, beloved in the demon's leathery embrace.
There was nothing else, just her and her lover, revelling in their bodily sensations. As the demon gorged itself on her breast, the pace of its thrusting began to pickup, while the tentacle tongue continued to massage her clit. Instinctively, Amelia began bucking her hips up to try and take more of his cock. Slowly, she slid her right hand over the demon's head and began stroking it. With her left hand, she began stroking and squeezing her neglected left breast. There were so many things she wanted to say and express in that moment as her adoration for the incubus became all-consuming. Instead, all that came out were unintelligible squeals and moans.
Amelia had no idea how long they lay on top of the coffin like that, the demon's stamina was seemingly infinite as he ravished her erogenous zones without a single pause, if anything he just got faster – the sensory overload making Amelia's head spin. At some point amidst the cavorting, Amelia had been rolled over and propped up on her hands and knees. The demon's cock and tentacle were still fucking her pussy, but at some point a second penis had formed and was thrusting in and out of her ass. The two cocks were alternating their thrusting, one pulling out as the other dived back in. All the while, the incubus lovingly massaged her back and a pair of tentacles extended from his nipples to squeeze and caress Amelia's breasts. Her eyes rolled and her body trembled under the demon's erotic onslaught.
“please...” she groaned, her voice heavy with exhaustion “p-please... finish me... let me go"
The incubus tilted her head back to look up at him.
“darling, I’m only just getting started...” he crooned. At that, he leaned down and clasped his lips over hers, his tongue surging down Amelia's throat as his thrusting reached a fever pitch. Amelua tried to scream as she felt something warm and wet explode between her legs, her eyes rolled involuntarily and her mind went blank as she slipped into unconsciousness.
* * *
Amelia slowly came to, her arms and legs bound by fleshy tentacles that coiled around them. She weakly tugged at them to try and slide free only to feel them constrict around her. The tentacles in her ass and pussy began to throb and thrust with renewed vigour. She coughed, choking on the tentacle throbbing in her mouth as it pumped a constant stream of thick slimy cum down her throat.
“mmmmm” she groaned, feeling another orgasm welling up inside of her. In this tentacle-form the incubus had made her climax so hard she passed out on at least three occasions. Amelia could remember it taking the form of an enormous horned wolf and fucking her so hard she'd passed out for god knows how long before she woke up to the beast cumming all over her ass and back. That she'd turned around to suck it's cock and let it fuck her mouth until it came again had made her feel unbelievably ashamed. But her demonic lover had sweeped her up in his arms and assured her there was no shame in her actions, only pleasure that she should not feel any guilt for. That's when she'd kissed him and begged for more. Unsurprisingly, he'd obliged.
Amelia had no idea what day it was, surely she'd been here for days, but at no point had she worried about what anyone would say or do when they found her. If they ever found her. It hadn't even occurred to her that they may not recognize her shoulder length hair or how much her breasts had grown. A rush of pleasure surged through her as once again, she was brought to the point of orgasm and slipped into unconsciousness.
* * *
The tentacle tail tickled at her anus as it slid over her ass. Amelia chuckled as she bounced in the demon's lap, her legs straddling the incubus as she rode him harder and harder. She pulled his goat-like horns to hold his head between her breasts and gasped with joy as his tongues slipped out to lap at the them. She couldn't remember a time when her bust was any smaller but the bright blue discoloration of her skin around her areolas seemed rather new. Her hands feet and pussy had also changed colour to a bright periwinkle blue as well. Had they changed when she first started mounting the incubus or had that happened when he'd taken the form of giant slimy blob that filled her every orifice and massaged every inch of her skin. She couldn't remember what order that had even happened in. Not that it mattered.
“please...” whispered the incubus
Obediently, Amelia rolled onto her back while keeping the beast inside of her in one smooth, flawless motion. Once he was on top of her, she felt the incubus begin pumping her womb full of it's delicious cum once again. Playfully she slipped her hand down to her crotch and slid her forefinger in alongside the demon's bloated cock and brought it back up to her face, dripping with fresh, gooey demon seed. Hungrily she licked at the cum, sucking her finger clean and moaning with delight at the rush of sensations it's taste brought on. She howled with delight as she felt the needle like sensation of the demon's tongues penetrate her nipples. A cold flush spread through her chest and the blue patches began to spread across her chest. How could she have forgotten how delightful that felt.
“please. More... more...” she begged him as his cocks slid from her ass and pussy, dripping with cum. Slowly, his tongues retreated into his mouth, her grip on his horns slackening as she fell back on the stone floor to bask in the afterglow of yet another perfect coupling. A cacophony of orgasmic moaning and bodies slapping against one another brought a wry smile to her face as she drifted off to sleep.
* * *
She had no idea how long she had been here. Or if she'd ever been anywhere else. The crypt and the loving embrace of her demonic lover were the only memories that came to her with any real certainty. Her cloven hooves fidgeted as she trailed her taloned hands up and down her sides, hungrily watching her lover finish pumping a buxom young blonde full of cum for the fourth time in the last hour or so. She drooled a little as her eagerness to take him for herself heightened her own arousal. She hated sharing him, though she couldn't recall if there had ever been a time she didn't have to. Over a dozen other women lay on the floor of the crypt with them. Some more human than others, all in various states of change as their skin turned red, pink or blue, feet becoming claws or hooves. Some with tiny vestigial horns beginning to sprout, others sporting enormous bovine or goat-like racks that were fully formed from their temples or brow. Every time the incubus fucked them they changed a little more, edging closer and closer to demonic perfection.
She hoped her horns would sprout soon, she envied those of her sisters who were closer to being completed. Not just because it indicated how much sex they'd had with the incubus, but also the possibilities it open up. She loved watching all the ways he would grip their horns or use them to bind them in place while they fucked. Not that their trysts were becoming boring as they were, but she had found herself increasingly eager to expand upon her sexual experiences.
Her daydreaming was interrupted by the familiar scraping of the incubus running his talons along the rump of her thigh.
“please” she giggled as she tugged at his broad shoulders. Now it was the other women's turn to envy her...
* * *
She spread her enormous bat-like wings and arched her back as his cock pressed against her cervix. She hungered for his cum, craved it, needed it, she knew it would nourish and empower her. She needed to see him cum for her. It was bizarre that her lover had recently taken to presenting himself as a regular human in-between their more adventurous fucking, though she'd quickly learned she enjoyed the thrill of being in complete control. She loved him begging her to stop while she relentlessly impaled herself on his member. The way he screamed when she raked her taloned hands across him.
Eventually he would give in and beg her to bring him to climax. He would feverishly grip her slender body, squeeze her tits or pull on her stag-like antlers. She would cackle as she felt his strength sapping away as he unloaded load after load of cum in her before passing out. There was pleasure in power and this demoness was learning to thrive on it.
The man beneath her cried out in an equal mix of pleasure and pain as his cock spasmed, squirting a torrent of cum into her hungering womb. She shrieked with glee, as she felt him climax before letting him slide free and fall in a crumpled heap, his skin already withering as if he'd aged 30 years in an instant.
“Bravo, my dear. Bravo.” Chuckled the incubus as he stood in the corner of the crypt, enthusiastically clapping his hands to applaud her.
“ladies, you could learn a great deal from this one” he purred as he moved to stand over her
“you are a true artist darling, my greatest creation yet” he proclaimed before affectionately kissing her on the cheek.
“m-more, please?” she moaned, the brief high from her latest conquest abating all the faster once realized she'd again mistaken a mortal man for her incubus.
“why yes, little one. You are ready for more” rasped a new voice. It was a woman's voice, sultry and smooth. The throng of half-demon women hastily parted to either side of the crypt to make way for the source of the voice. Striding into the room was incredibly tall demoness with skin white as snow. Her slender body was clad head to toe in an incredibly shiny, skin tight leather body suit as black as the night sky. The suit seemed to be constantly tearing open and reknitting itself in several spots across her arms and thighs, exposing her pale white flesh. Several dark iron chains seem to writhe around her limbs and body with a life of their own, weaving in and out of the holes in her suit. The top half of her face was covered by an eyeless metal half helmet that seemed ruptured and broken by several horns sprouting from it and arching back behind her head. Amidst her horns, an enormous mass of platinum blonde hair trailed through the air as if she were underwater. Her lips were a bloody crimson, full and voluptuous, entrancing to watch as she spoke. Behind her trailed six grey feathery wings of equal size. There was no mistaking her. The knowledge of her being was magically embedded in the minds of everyone present. Allarielle. The fallen angel, the corrupted saint Allara. Queen of all the underworlds.
“You have done well my child. Of all my disciples, have always been an exemplar of my teachings” said Allarielle..
“Come forth and receive my blessing, complete your rebirth” commanded the demon queen.
Obediently, the demoness stepped forward and stood before her queen. She bowed her head only the feel Allarielle stroke her cheek and pull her into a passionate embrace. She felt the chains slither from Allarielle to coil around her arms and bind them. Submitting completely to her infernal sovereign, she revelled in the sensation of the queen's tongue rolling around in her mouth. Something about Allarielle's kiss was unlike anything she had ever known or experienced before. Empowering, intoxicating, the erotic bliss bordered on a feeling of transcendence. As if in that moment her soul had become something else entirely.
The demoness felt her body being lowered to its knees, she could see Allarielle's suit tearing open at the crotch as the demon queen pressed the demoness's face against her pussy. The demoness hungrily sucked and licked at her queen's bittersweet slit. Thick torrents of black slime gushed forth, filling her mouth to the point of overflowing, yet she carried on with reckless abandon. The slime was thick and sweet, like an addictive honey or syrup. The demoness coughed and gagged as she fought to swallow as much of the liquid as possible. Her vision began to blur, her consciousness on the brink of blacking out as her arousal reached a dizzying new high. The last she remembered was Allarielle's triumphant cry:
“Arise my daughter, arise my succubus, arise Amerath – disciple of Allarielle.”
* * *
Amerath awoke alone in the collapsed rubble of the crypt. The rush of cool air from the cave tunnel made her bright blue flesh prickle with goose bumps. She chuckled at the sight of Saint Allara's tomb. If only the foolish zealots who swore fealty to her had known what really became of her in the afterlife. Amerath savoured the thought as she strode from the rubble and up the darkened tunnel. The place had the strangest sense of deja vu about it.
As if she had travelled through here once before. As she neared the shaft's entrance, she could hear voices speaking in an unfamiliar tongue. Yet, she understood their every word. The voices belonged to a pair of men exclaiming surprise at finding the collapsed chapel while excavating the construction site. Something about building a skyscraper and stopping their machines until they knew what to do about ancient ruins.
How peculiar she muses to herself. She had no idea what a skyscraper was but decided she would very much like to have it. And the men. Especially the men. Amerath was starving and there was only one thing that would satisfy her craving.
What a wonderful world she thought as she emerged from the cave and headed for the bright lights above.
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modwyr · 8 months
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The Herald of Berath and the bearer of Berath's Wrath.
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Why You Should Vote For Allara Foln
Reason #1: She's a Bicon
She's Bi, she's overthrown two monarchies, she has quite possibly the most queer friend group ever. Icon behavior.
Reason #2: Strong woman with a sword
I speak to you, my fellow women enjoyers, we all love women. They're great! But do you know what's even better than a regular woman? A strong woman with a sword that's what! So remember, a vote for Allara is a vote for strong women with swords.
Reason #3: The HORNS
Girls with horns. They're great, aforementioned women points apply, but horns instead. You know that one post about girls with horns, you agree with that poster, than you should vote for Allara.
Reason #4: She's LITERALLY queer and an orphan
You heard me, Allara Foln is literally queer and an orphan. Her parents died at 8, and you're going vote against her? For shame, for SHAME!
In conclusion, there are many reasons to vote for Allara Foln, and to further sweeten the deal. For every round Allara wins, I will write one (1) wacky funny monster of the week style writing piece about Allara and her hunting partner Lirya.
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siir-defterim · 8 months
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Nice Nice Yıllara
Yapraklara dallara,
nice nice yıllara gülüm,
nice nice yıllara.
Yaprak dala,
al yeşile yaraşır,
gayrı bundan böyle vermem seni ellere...
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