#all what he said is better than a formal confession
oulkheir · 24 days
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juvina has the power to make our naked boy flustered and this is the perfect image of a gray in love that i wanna see!!!
i think i'm not ready for aldoron arc... i'll have to watch it all on the ground so i don't fall off my couch every single time gray opens his mouth to show how down bad he is for juvia.
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pucksandpower · 8 months
Ruin the Friendship
Max Verstappen x best friend!Reader
Summary: you and Max refuse to confess your feelings for each other in fear of ruining your friendship. Naturally, Max chooses to ruin every date with another man you go on instead
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You can’t remember a time when Max Verstappen wasn’t your best friend.
The two of you grew up together, playing in the streets of Hasselt since before you could walk. Your parents joke that you learned to crawl just so you could keep up with him.
As you got older, your friendship only grew stronger. You were inseparable, there for each other through all the ups and downs of childhood and adolescence. When Max’s karting career took off, you were his biggest supporter, traveling all over Europe on weekends whenever you could to cheer him on at races.
After he moved to Monaco when he joined Red Bull, Max begged you to come with him. “I can’t do this without my best friend by my side,” he said. You didn’t hesitate — there was nowhere you would rather be than with Max.
Now you live together in his apartment in Monte Carlo. Mornings are spent on his balcony overlooking the glistening Mediterranean, drinking coffee and chatting about everything and nothing. Evenings are filled with video games, movies, and dreams of the future.
You know everything about each other, from favorite foods to secret fears. You trust Max more than anyone else in the world. He’s your person, the other half of your soul. Sometimes you think you love him as more than a friend, but you’d never risk what you have. If you lost Max, you’d lose yourself.
Today is like any other day. Max is sitting next to you on the couch, focused intently on crushing you in Mario Kart. You’re trying your best, but he’s just too good.
“Yes!” Max pumps his fist in the air as he wins yet again. “Too easy!”
You roll your eyes and shove him playfully. “Whatever, I let you win.”
He laughs. “Sure you did.” His smile makes your heart skip a beat.
You’re about to suggest another round when Max’s phone rings. He grabs it off the coffee table. “It’s Christian,” he says. “Probably wants to go over strategy for the race this weekend. I better take this.”
“No problem.” You stretch your arms over your head. “I’ll make us some lunch while you talk to him.”
Max answers the call as he makes his way out to the balcony. Through the glass door you see him pacing, one hand waving animatedly as he talks. You smile and head to the kitchen.
As you rummage through the fridge, you think about the race this weekend. You couldn’t be more proud of Max and everything he’s accomplished. But you’d be lying if you said you didn’t worry every time he got into that car. Still, you know racing makes him happier than anything else in the world. And his happiness is what matters most to you.
You find the ingredients for Max’s favorite sandwich — nutella and banana. As you start spreading nutella on slices of bread, you hear Max call your name from the next room.
“Y/N! Come here, I need your opinion on something!”
You poke your head out of the kitchen. “Can it wait? I’m making lunch!”
“No, it’s urgent! Just come here!” He’s smiling like he has a secret.
You laugh, wiping your nutella-covered hands on a towel. “Alright, I’m coming!”
You make your way out to the balcony, wondering what Max wants your opinion on. With him, it could be anything.
“Ok, what’s up?” You ask.
Max grins and takes your hand, his eyes twinkling. “How would you feel about being my date to the FIA Gala this year?”
You stare at Max, stunned. “Your … your date? To the FIA Gala?”
He nods, still grinning. “Yeah! It’s next month in Baku. I could really use my best friend by my side for moral support on the big Red Carpet.”
Your mind is reeling. The FIA Gala is the biggest formal event of the Formula 1 season. All the top drivers and teams come dressed to the nines to celebrate the end of the championship. Rumors always swirl about who will bring the hottest date.
And Max wants you to be his.
“Are … are you sure?” You stammer. “Wouldn’t you rather bring a model or something?”
Max scoffs. “Please. You know I hate those stuffy events. But with you there cracking jokes and making fun of everybody with me, it might actually be fun for once!”
You can’t help but smile at the thought of being on Max’s arm. “Well, when you put it like that, how can I say no?”
“Yes!” Max pumps his fist. “This is going to be epic. I’ll have my team sort all the details. All you have to do is show up looking gorgeous.” He winks.
You blush slightly. “I think I can manage that.”
Over the next few weeks, Max’s stylist comes by the apartment for dress fittings. You settle on a couture emerald gown with a daring slit up the leg. The perfect blend of classy and sexy.
Max lets out a low whistle when you emerge from your suite the night of the gala. “You look incredible,” he says, staring at you in awe.
You smooth down the front of your dress self-consciously. “So do you.” Max cuts a sharp figure in his black tuxedo.
He offers you his arm. “Shall we?”
Your stomach flutters as you take it. You still can’t believe you’re Max’s date tonight. Part of you wishes it were real instead of just for show.
As predicted, jaws drop when you walk the red carpet on Max’s arm. Cameras flash furiously around you.
“They’re gonna think you’re my new girlfriend,” Max murmurs in your ear.
You laugh. “Let them think what they want.” But secretly, you wish the rumors were true.
The night flies by in a blur of champagne, dancing, and laughter. You and Max stay by each other’s side the whole time, laughing and judging everyone’s outfits. It’s the most fun you’ve had in ages.
On the ride back to the hotel, Max rests his head on your shoulder. “Thank you for coming with me tonight,” he says. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
You kiss the top of his head. “That’s what best friends are for.”
But as you fall asleep that night, you can’t help but wonder if Max will ever see you as more than just his best friend.
Not long after coming back home, you’re getting ready for your first date since the FIA Gala. After seeing you all dressed up with Max, your friend Julian finally got the nerve to ask you out. You said yes, partly to stop constantly pining for Max.
You’re meeting Julian for dinner at a nice restaurant downtown. As you put the finishing touches on your makeup, Max lounges on your bed.
“I can’t believe you’re going on a date with Julian,” Max says, scowling. “That guy is so boring.”
You toss a pillow at him. “Stop it, he’s cute! I think it’ll be fun.”
Max catches the pillow and frowns. “What if I took you somewhere way better tonight instead?”
You pause your makeup application. “Wait, like a date?”
“What? No!” Max avoids your eyes. “Just as friends.”
You feel a twinge of disappointment. “Oh. Well, I already made plans with Julian.”
“Fine, go on your lame date,” Max grumbles. “But when Julian puts you to sleep talking about accounting, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
You finish getting ready then head out to meet Julian. He greets you with a bouquet of flowers. “You look beautiful,” he says.
“Thanks!” You reply. The date starts off nicely. Julian is a perfect gentleman over dinner. But as the conversation wears on, you find yourself growing bored. Max was right, Julian is really dull.
Suddenly, you get a text from Max.
SOS come quick! Emergency at the apartment!
You frown, instantly worried. “Sorry Julian, I have to go. My roommate needs me.”
Julian looks disappointed but nods in understanding. “No problem. I’ll walk you out.”
You hurry home, anxious to make sure Max is okay. You burst through the apartment door. “Max! What’s wrong? Are you alright?”
Max looks up casually from the couch. “Oh hey Y/N. What’s up?”
“What’s up? You texted me that there was an emergency!”
“Oh yeah, we ran out of gummy bears,” he says, waving an empty bag. “I was hungry.”
Your jaw drops. “Are you serious, Max? I was on my date!”
Max grins. “Oops, my bad! But I saved you from dying of boredom with that guy. How about we order a pizza instead?”
You want to be mad at him for ruining your date. But looking at his smiling face, you can’t help but laugh. “You’re impossible,” you say, plopping down next to him.
Max just winks and hands you a controller. “Now come on, let’s see if you can actually beat me in Mario Kart this time.”
And just like that, you forget all about Julian and your ruined date. Nothing is nearly as fun as spending time with your best friend.
A few days later, you’re getting ready for another date, this time with a guy named Levi who you met online. He’s gorgeous with tattoos and an edgy style, totally your type.
When you tell Max about the date over breakfast, he nearly chokes on his eggs. “You can’t be serious. That dude looks like a complete tool.”
You roll your eyes as you grab your purse. “Don’t pretend you know anything about him. I think he’s hot and he seems cool.”
Max crosses his arms. “Well I don’t like it. How do you know this guy isn’t a total creep?”
“I appreciate your concern,” you say, “But I’m a big girl. I can handle myself on a date.”
Max opens his mouth to retort but you hold up a hand. “Nope, I don’t want to hear it! I’m running late as it is.” You give Max a quick hug. “Don’t wait up!”
You meet Levi at a trendy speakeasy bar downtown. He looks even hotter than his Tinder pics, with arm tattoos peeking out from under his leather jacket.
“Hey gorgeous,” he says with a crooked smile. He leans in for a lingering kiss on your cheek.
You blush. “Hi yourself.” Maybe Max was wrong about this guy.
You have a great time with Levi. The drinks are strong and the conversation is easy. After a few hours, Levi asks if you want to get out of there.
“I’d love to see your apartment,” you say with a flirtatious glance.
Levi grins. “I was hoping you’d say that.”
He pays the tab and you start walking to his place. As you turn a corner, you run straight into someone, nearly falling over.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorr-Max? What are you doing here?”
Max steadies you with his hands. “Y/N! Fancy running into you!”
You stare at Max in disbelief. “Did you follow me?”
Max avoids your gaze. “What? No, of course not. I was just in the neighborhood.”
You cross your arms. “I find that hard to believe.”
You stare at him in disbelief. Levi pipes up from behind you. “Uh, do you two know each other?”
“Unfortunately yes,” you reply tightly, not taking your eyes off Max.
Max finally meets your stare, his jaw clenched. “I was worried about you, okay? This guy looks like bad news.”
You scowl at him. “That’s not your call to make. I’m allowed to go on dates without you ruining them.”
Max’s shoulders slump. “I know, I’m sorry. I just care about you and want you to be safe.” He glances at Levi again uncertainly.
You soften a bit, seeing the genuine concern in Max’s eyes. You put a hand on his arm. “I appreciate you looking out for me, but I’ll be okay. See you at home later.”
You turn to Levi, who looks understandably confused. You loop your arm through his. “Shall we keep going?”
But as you walk away, the playful mood from earlier is gone. Levi tries to make conversation, but you’re preoccupied thinking about Max and the sad look on his face.
Levi invites you up to his apartment still, but your heart’s not in it anymore. You make an excuse and head home, feelings conflicted.
Max is on the couch when you storm in. “Hey! How was the date?”
You don’t answer, just grab a pillow and start smacking him with it.
“Ow!” Max holds up his hands, laughing. “What was that for?”
“You know exactly what it was for, you sneaky jerk! Sabotaging my date again.”
Max grins up at you impishly. “Maybe I just happened to be in the neighborhood.”
You keep hitting him with the pillow, but end up collapsing on the couch next to him, both of you breathless with laughter.
“You’re the worst,” you say between giggles.
Max drapes his arm around your shoulders. “Yeah but admit it, you love me anyway.”
You sigh and nestle against him. “Unfortunately yes, I do.”
And you know that no matter how many dates Max sabotages, he’ll always be your number one.
After the last two disastrous dates, you decide to take a break from dating for a while. But your coworker Jess convinces you to give it one more shot with a guy named Liam she met at her gym. Reluctantly, you agree to meet up with him.
The day of the date arrives and you get ready halfheartedly, already anticipating Max’s attempts to sabotage it. Speaking of Max, you realize you haven’t seen him all day, which is odd.
You find a note on the kitchen counter:
Had to fly to Milton Keynes last minute for work. Will be gone all weekend. Have fun on your date.
<3 Max
You’re surprised but also a bit disappointed. While his meddling is annoying, you’re so used to Max being a constant presence in your dating life. It will feel weird doing this without him.
You push that thought aside as you head out to meet Liam at a burger place. When you arrive, you’re pleasantly surprised. Liam is handsome, charming, and easy to talk to.
After lunch, you go on a walk through a nearby park. You’re having such a nice time, you don’t even think about Max. At the end of the date, Liam asks to see you again.
“I’d love to,” you say with a smile. Liam leans in for a sweet goodbye kiss.
As you turn to go, you hear a familiar voice yelling your name. “Y/N! There you are!”
You whirl around to see Max jogging towards you, slightly out of breath.
“Max? What are you doing here? I thought you had that work thing.”
Max shrugs nonchalantly. “Oh, it got canceled last minute.”
Liam looks between you two, confused. “Wait, is this the dude you live with?”
Before you can respond, Max strides up and vigorously shakes Liam’s hand. “Max Verstappen, nice to meet you! I’m Y/N’s … boyfriend.”
Your eyes nearly bug out of your head. “My WHAT?”
“Yeah babe, your boyfriend,” Max says, draping an arm around you. “Sorry I couldn’t make our date today, got held up at work. But who’s this guy you’re with?”
Liam stares wide-eyed at Max’s arm around you. “Uh, I should get going. See you around, Y/N.” He scurries off.
You shove Max away from you, fuming. “What the hell was that? Why did you pretend to be my boyfriend?”
Max shoves his hands in his pockets sheepishly. “I just couldn’t stand the idea of you dating that dude.”
“So you LIED? You scared him off forever!” You poke Max’s chest angrily.
He grabs your hand. “I’m sorry! I don’t know why I did that. I was jealous and I wasn’t thinking straight.”
You search his face and see real remorse in his eyes. Your anger starts to fade.
“Jealous? Why would you be jealous, Max?” Your voice comes out barely above a whisper.
He takes a shaky breath. “Because the truth is, I’m in love with you. As more than a friend. I have been for a long time. Seeing you with those other guys made me realize I couldn’t stand not being with you myself.”
You stand frozen, stunned into silence. Max rubs the back of his neck nervously. “Please say something.”
You finally find your voice again. “Took you long enough, idiot.”
And you grab his shirt and kiss him deeply. Max grins against your lips, wrapping you in his arms.
“No more sabotaging my dates,” you murmur.
“Deal,” Max whispers. “As long as I can be your one and only from now on.”
You answer by kissing him again under the setting sun. At long last, you finally have your dream guy.
The next morning, you wake up in Max’s arms, still unable to believe the incredible turn your relationship has taken. Last night after the park, you came home and talked for hours, admitting your true feelings while cuddled up on the couch. You kissed and kissed until you both finally fell asleep tangled together.
Now in the light of day, your worries start to creep in. What if this ruins your friendship? What if you’re not meant to be more than best friends?
You untangle yourself from Max’s embrace and go to make coffee. He finds you a few minutes later on the balcony overlooking the sea.
“Good morning, beautiful,” Max says, wrapping his arms around you from behind. He kisses your shoulder.
You turn in his arms to face him. “Can we talk about this?”
He frowns slightly. “Talk about what?”
You gesture between the two of you. “This new aspect of our relationship. I’m just worried it will mess things up. Maybe we should take a step back and think things through?”
Max’s face falls. “You’re having second thoughts?”
“No, not second thoughts exactly. I care about you so much Max, as my best friend. I don’t want to ruin that.”
Max caresses your cheek. “You could never ruin our friendship. It means everything to me too. But we both deserve to be happy, and I know we can make each other happy in this new way as well. I’m willing to take that chance if you are.”
You search his earnest eyes. He’s right — your connection runs so much deeper than just friendship. And you trust Max. If anyone is worth taking this risk for, it’s him.
You take his hand and intertwine your fingers. “You’re right. I want to make this work.”
Relief washes over Max’s face. He leans in and kisses you softly. “I promise you won’t regret it. I’ll be the best boyfriend ever!”
You laugh. “Well in that case, take me on our first official date tonight!”
“It would be my pleasure.” Max strokes your hair. “Thank you for taking a chance on me. On us. I know we’re meant to be, schatje. I’ve loved you all my life.”
“I’ve loved you all my life too,” you whisper. And you know that no matter what happens, your bond with Max will never break.
The future has yet to be written, but you’re ready to face it hand-in-hand with the man who has always had your heart.
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jymwahuwu · 20 days
anon who got beaten by covid coming through with more Capitano thoughts.. (no thirsts..yet. I need to coach myself with scenario building..Capitano talks you through every climax. There. That is the most I can write 😭)
Capitano tried to be patient, he truly tried. But he only sighs softly when communication cannot work but force must.
He is a very broad man and it's quite easy for you to spot his looming shadow over you when you had fallen onto the ground, having tried to escape the cabin with only the moonlight as your guide.
"S- Sir.." You look up, tears welled up in your eyes as you try your best to calm your racing heart. You've seen how he has dealt with..most unsavory soldiers. What will he do to you? A lone soldier who has deserted their post?
The man doesn't say anything for a moment, the darkness of his helmet staring holes into you.
"Have I done wrong with you?" He finally speaks, crouching down to speak with you. Despite him trying to match your height..it only makes it more threatening. "I don't believe.. I've mistreated you?"
He's genuinely confused, he can't..register the fact that he's feared by a soldier that he has treated so gently and nicely. "I apologize if I have harmed you.." He tried to make amends anyways.
But then you go and ruin it by trying to run..tsk, tsk, and of course, he only needs to grab your wrist and you're completely immobile. You are a deserted soldier..and unfortunately it seems like you must treat you as the soldier you are.
Even if he wishes you were more than just a soldier.
Bingo. All he has to do is make your punishment..become his bride. He doesn't like phrasing it as a punishment but..perhaps a training session would be better?
You're still training..just..training to be his wife. (Also training to take his very impressive size that he always sighs as he coaxes you into taking every inch of..)
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cw: dub-con, forced marriage, yandere, size kink, female reader
Thank you for sending me a story, I really enjoyed it😽💖 You posted it in two parts, and I replied to both here!! (part 1 of the story is here)
Like gentle giant and skittish darling trope! Frightened, awkward you.
Be informed that you have been chosen as a warrior, and that you have given it your all…but, maybe you don't have the talent here. The combat movements are a bit clunky and don't flow smoothly. The vision tied around your waist shines with the light of the elements, but your skills… (such as flowing out a small amount of water, like a spring spring, or just condensing some cheap gems, or electricity like a kitten claws, etc…). Those skills are just not suitable for fighting, you know? Will you use gentleness against Heavenly Principles, against enemies?
After training, failure and frustration have overwhelmed you, and the physical pain and exhaustion cannot be ignored. Not to mention that Capitano in his cape looks down at you like an unshakable mountain. You rubbed your cheek against his palm and couldn't help biting your lip, shedding tears like a little kitten. He pats your head gently and tells you how to improve your movements and use elemental powers. Easier said than done. You nodded, but there was still no way to improve next time.
He's not biased, really. In Capitano's eyes, everyone can fight, but you… may be able to put your talents in other areas, such as cooking and knitting. Your elements are just as gentle as yours. Maybe you can keep that water and food warm. His confession to you is formal and prepared. He asks you in serious terms if you can marry him and spend the rest of your life together.
You… look terrified, hyperventilating from shock. "Me-me?" You pointed at yourself, shaking. Captain wants to marry you? That first of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers? He was just joking, right? You refused and distanced yourself from him like he was a flood.
I like drama🫣😹 so I added some wind and snow. On a moonlit night, you planned an escape, only to fall on the snow and almost be washed away and submerged by the wind and snow. Looking back, I saw that familiar huge figure walking out of the falling snow. He grabbed your wrist a little too roughly, "Sir- Sir?" As always, you looked at him with tears, but fear gnawed at your heart even more.
"You might be dead." There was ice in his voice. He knelt down on one leg and looked down at you. "What are you doing? Did I… hurt you? If you feel that way, then I apologize."
"I-I'm sorry!" You cried, even the tears froze. You know he's right. He is worried about your safety. How is he going to treat you? Will he put you in jail? Capitano carries you in his arms and takes you back to his home. It's there to restore your body temperature and keep you warm. He immerses you in the warm water and towels you off.
If you don't plan an escape, you can still enjoy your options. Since you ran away… you can't return to Fatui, but as his wife stay with him and receive training. Starting from looking directly at his mask, you panicked, but now you can't. You have to look directly into his dark blue eyes, from the depths of your soul. A huge cock stood erect in the middle of his pubic hair and was leaking pre-cum. You stammered, placing your hands on his heated belly as you looked directly at the impressive size of his cock for the first time, "W-What is this? How does this work…!? Can you- can you be a little smaller…"
That's why you need to be trained to accommodate his size. Capitano knew it was unlikely to work the first time. His cock swells against your belly and rubs against your clit, or pushes deeper into you, opening up the tight folds of flesh. The pounding of pulses sends pleasure through your limbs, into your brain as flesh slaps and pops, until the warm cream spurts and rushes into you.
There will be another training next time.
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mccromy · 6 months
I've seen sometimes people arguing that Shen Yuan as Shen Qingqiu is constantly performing, faking his personality, and therefore Luo Binghe fell for someone who doesn't actually exist.
And fortunately that is wrong.
Shen Qingqiu has to act like an aloof immortal to keep his image, but he hasn't acted anything remotely like og!Shen Qingqiu since the skinner incident. And even with the OOC locks on, he kept losing points for acting OOC.
So, he's not acting as Shen Jiu, he behaves in a way he thinks an immortal cultivator should, which is basically himself but more calm, with Shen Jiu's muscle memory helping him to keep a blank face.
The thing is, that's how most people act. If you're as thin faced as he is, as easily embarrassed you tend to avoid embarrassing situations, refrain yourself from saying embarrassing things, constantly trying to pretend you aren't embarrassed at all.
His internal monologue is different to what he shows, but that's how it works for most people. Put yourself in a situation in which a friend asks you about something you absolutely don't care about, you think inside your head something along the lines of: " I don't caaaare" "I don't give a shit" "THIS AGAIN. WHY. I DON'T CARE I DON'T CARE." etc, and depending on your personality you might answer differently. If you're blunt you'd say something like "Couldn't care less", if you're cruel you'd say "Nobody gives a shit" if you're kind you'd consider what they asked and answer even though you don't care, if you're assertive you'd answer and also say something like "please don't ask about it again" and that's without taking into consideration how much you care about said friend, how you behave with this person in particular.
Shen Qingqiu, would say to Shang Qinghua. "I don't give a shit," he feels comfortable enough to be crass and doesn't care much about his opinion of him, to Liu Qingge he'd say something like "Liu-shidi really focuses on the strangest things" doesn't want to hurt his feelings, but feels comfortable enough to hint that he doesn't care about it. To Ning YingYing he'd answer and then change subjects, cares enough to not hurt her but doesn't feel comfortable enough to show he doesn't care about whatever she said. To Luo Binghe, he'd take the time to answer and then add something like "This master really doesn't care about such things" because he doesn't want to hurt Binghe, but he is comfortable enough to confess how he really feels about it, he answers and then kindly informs him about his feelings on the subject.
That's not faking, that's something everybody does.
Shen Qingqiu doesn't lie more than the average person (who has a nightmare AI clinging to their soul) to others, but does constantly lie to himself (even though when you read you can tell he's aware of the truth, but actively convinces himself that it can't be, that that's what a less informed person would think, but not him who knows PIDW like the palm of his hand and therefore knows better etc, etc.) If he obfuscates his real thoughts or feelings, it's not in an attempt to deceive others, but a result of his constant inner gaslighting and paper thin face.
"But he didn't act like that as Peerless Cucumber!" If you behave the same way irl as you do online you need to spend less time online.
Logically, it's impossible to keep a facade 24/7, so it can be argued that Luo Binghe saw him in a more relaxed state, consolidated his love for him when he got to know him while sharing a home for two years. I don't believe that Shen Qingqiu kept his Qingqiusona on at all times, but I do believe he would've been more reserved in front of his disciple. And, as I said before, you behave differently depending on who you're with, and of course never say out loud all the things running inside your head.
I believe that if Shen Yuan transmigrated into some random NPC and not Shen Qingqiu, he would have behaved pretty much the same, but would've been far more easier to read and less formal, although formal enough as according to whatever station he belonged in such a case.
It can also be argued that, after acting for almost a decade as how he believed an immortal should act, it became an actual part of his personality, being aloof and reserved, keeping quiet when in doubt instead of spouting a cutting remark (as I picture he would pre-transmigration).
People do change, they can become louder or quieter, kinder or crueler, less or more confident. Such changes happen according to your choices, choices that become easier and easier to make as time passes, until the choice to be loud or quiet, kind or cruel, becomes your instinctive response.
So no, Shen Qingqiu hasn't put on an act beyond what's normal (trying to appear calm when you aren't, trying to seem unbothered when ashamed) since the skinner arc.
So, does he keep acting like a cold master after he and Luo Binghe got together? No. He doesn't. He's never been cold to Luo Binghe, unless forced by the System or when he was scared out of his mind with fear in Jinlan City. In fact, after they got together Bingqiu acts very much like any other couple would (... When the couple is bingqiu.)
For example, we can see them being playful in the extras, like in the Honeymoon Chronicle:
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Shen Qingqiu feels comfortable enough to fool around with Luo Binghe, as long as It's the two of them alone.
Shen Qingqiu is not putting on an act, and hasn't done so since the first year after he transmigrated. This is his real personality. Would he have behaved differently had he not transmigrated? Yes, of course. And had he transmigrated as someone else? Yes, obviously. Our experiences shape us. He would've been different but not unrecognizable. To become drastically different, he'd have to also live through some drastic experiences. But, in the same way you can recognize yourself in the person you were 10, 20, 30 years ago, despite all the glaring differences, despite all the ways you've changed, Shen Qingqiu would've remained the same at his core.
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sixosix · 1 year
can you do an aether x reader lil one shot please!!! my baby gets no love ;( I'm fine with any story or plot but maybe one where they've been travel buddies for a while and his feelings have just been bottled up over time and he just explodes in to a confession and then some cute fluff from there!!!!!!
a/n wc 1.6k there are tears in my eyes as i write this i love aether sonmuch. also sorry if this is all over the place i was trying so hard not to turn it into another 10k word fic…. ft. lyney
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aether doesn’t vividly recall the moment his feelings blossomed. there was no pinpointed moment, only all of it growing restless inside him.
he likes to keep his team to four people maximum, oftentimes none at all—just him and paimon to worry about as they move from region to region, friends made yet no proper strings attached. it’s for everyone’s sake, as aether doesn’t plan on staying too long in one place. that’s how it should’ve been.
you appeared one day, demanding to take you in his team. just for liyue and then you can separate ways, you said.
“i’m visiting my awfully quiet lover to break his silence. i need to figure out why i’ve stopped receiving letters,” you explained, blinding him with your bigger-than-life personality.
and because aether is a weak, weak man to people who don’t know how to back down, he agreed, albeit hesitantly. “alright,” he said in defeat. “just liyue?”
“just liyue,” you affirmed, beaming as he’s accepted you probably easier than you expected.
just liyue is a lie, and he should’ve known it the moment he had to confirm it. he didn’t bother with formal introductions and keeping conversations, knowing he wouldn’t see you again anyway. it didn’t help that paimon adores you, expressing her loud disappointment when you have to part ways with them.
paimon floated lower than usual. aether sighed. “should’ve known you’d grow to love someone who spoils you with sweet madame more than me.”
“hmph! y/n’s nicer to paimon than you!”
but he does see you again some time later, facing a large tree, kicking it out of frustration. it’s pouring heavily; your clothes are soaked.
“am i scary?” you asked when aether and paimon approached you, staring ahead, fists trembling.
“what’s wrong?! did something bad happen?” paimon fluttered around you nervously, unsure if she could touch you.
“he’s not dead, at least,” you said bitterly. “just too cowardly to tell me that he doesn’t love me anymore. i suppose it was better breaking up face-to-face than through letters.” you sighed bitterly, shoulders hiked up to your ears as a fresh wave of quiet tears washed over you, muted by the rain. “this is embarrassing, getting dumped because i was too much.”
“it’s not. you came all the way from mondstadt just to see him. didn’t he at least care about that?” aether asked, which might’ve just been his longest sentence yet. why were you out here soaking? if it were him, he wouldn’t have been so rude to leave you astray during a thunderstorm.
“i can’t force him, if he doesn’t want to see me. i’ll be alright, i promise.” you rest your forehead against the bark of the tree, water sliding off your cheeks—aether isn’t sure if it’s the rain or your tears.
he understands, possibly more than anyone.
and aether—still a weak, weak man when it came to people breaking down in front of him, knowing what it’s like to lose someone so dear to you—gently says, “xiangling told us there’s an event holding place here later. you’re coming with us.”
just liyue was already a warning in itself that it would never be just as that.
you weave yourself in his life as if you were always there, fitting in like you haven’t met him and paimon just a few days ago. he tries to convince himself that he’s doing this to cheer you up, but you’ve been making him smile more than they do to you.
he would turn to his side and see you feeding him a chicken-mushroom skewer after a short battle, insisting even when aether says he’s not as injured as you may think. he would turn to his side and see you and paimon laughing over something he missed and find himself grinning as well.
he would turn to his side when you tug on his sleeve, shyly asking if he’s willing to take you to inazuma as well because you didn’t want to stay in liyue if they weren’t here anymore.
“sure,” aether would say. he’s a weak man, and you were holding on to his cape, looking so adorable that aether wanted to melt on the spot. but that’s a normal reaction to cute things, probably.
taking you to inazuma turns into bringing you along to sumeru, then eventually fontaine, until everyone is convinced you’re a staple in aether’s adventures: aether, paimon, and y/n.
this is what it’s like to have a good team, aether persuades himself. a good team, a useful asset, aether reminds himself sternly as you slice a ruin cruiser off of existence with fierce anger in your eyes and a stick of tricolor dango in your mouth. you wave at him after, beaming, and his heart does something weird.
and now, when some of his friends suggest that he lays you off even just for a day so he can have three other people who work together seamlessly with him, he dismisses it quickly—without thinking. he already works best with you by his side. if they want to come along with him, they have to accept they’re coming along with you just as well.
“thanks for letting me join you,” you whisper one night, lying on the grass and watching the stars with him. you turn your head and meet his eyes, smiling softly.
“of course,” aether says. of course, because now he can’t imagine what it’s like to not have you with him. “i’m the only one who can handle how scary you are.”
you scoff, gently punching his arm as he laughs. “shut up, idiot. you know what i mean.”
i know, aether wants to say. but would that be too much? aether doesn’t want you to think he’s trying to replace someone important in your life this quickly.
you are scary. you’re terrifying him with all these unwanted feelings he doesn’t know what to do with. but aether wasn’t lying, either—he can handle fear just as well.
and now, as aether watches lyney grin and kiss the back of your palm, aether’s chest burns with something unpleasant, sitting in his stomach and urging him to take action. a rock under his shoe. he does not like it, not one bit.
“uhh,” paimon shifts nervously mid-air. “paimon thinks you should stop glaring daggers into lyney before he notices.”
“glaring daggers? i’m not glaring daggers,” aether hisses. his fingers are starting to ache with how painfully he’s clutching his sword. “no daggers here…” he curses as he watches you grow increasingly flustered.
the sight startles him. not your expression, not lyney’s clear provocation, but aether’s stance towards it.
“i thought we’re friends with lyney again?” paimon asks, terribly confused.
“the best of friends,” aether says, marching over to the scene. paimon makes a disbelieving noise.
lyney smirks knowingly as aether gently tugs on your arm. “oh,” lyney says, all sly, more of a fox than a cat, “i didn’t know you were already spoken for. i do apologize for the misunderstanding.”
you glance between an amused lyney and an irked aether, dazed. “i’m not…?”
“your jealous boyfriend says otherwise,” lyney snorts as aether bristles.
aether glares heatedly at lyney, even as the latter backs away with a smug grin. “y/n, let’s go. there’s nothing else to do here.” he’s being rude. he doesn’t care. his mind is blank—or maybe it’s running miles per minute, and he struggles to keep up.
and because you always listen to aether, you let him drag you off, nearly failing to wave goodbye to a chuckling lyney. lyney calls for paimon, distracting her as aether continues walking away from the scene.
you turn to aether, barely able to keep up with his hurried steps. “whoa, whoa, hey, aether—aether, are you okay? your face is so red.” you touch his cheek, and he crumbles. “aether.”
he halts, frowning at the ground. frustrated.
“aether, is there something wrong?”
that’s the thing. aether doesn’t know what’s wrong. he was content with watching you from afar—content with your stars slowly aligning with his as he stands back and watches it happen. he was content with not doing anything about it. but not doing anything about it would mean everyone else thinks you haven’t got aether wrapped around your finger.
“sorry,” aether says. to the painful beating of his heart, restless with unexplained fury. “i didn’t—”
“…idiot.” you always tell him that. you’re the only one who calls him that, but he knows that were they to try, he wouldn’t let it slide so easily. “it’s okay to admit you’re jealous. it’s cute.”
it is not lyney’s flirtations that tip aether over; it’s the sweet smile you give him, the gentleness of your gaze, and your face so close to aether’s that you and him share the same breath. what tips him over is all of it crashing down on him, as daunting as a fight, as abrupt as the beat of his heart:
oh. oh. is that it?
aether doesn’t vividly recall the moment you wormed your way in. maybe it was the moment you jumped down from a tree branch and scared the wits out of paimon, only to demand nervously he take you. maybe it was the moment he softens when your shoulders shake and rain pours relentlessly overhead. maybe it was the stab of jealousy seeing someone else try to steal you away from him when you so obviously belong to him as he belongs to you.
it doesn’t matter.
“i want you,” aether says, then blinks when you do a startled take. “no—no. i mean. i… like you. and i want you to stay. here. not with them. not anyone else.”
“stay right in front of you?”
“in front, beside—doesn’t matter.” aether grows weak, limp as he presses his forehead against yours. “i just want you.”
“okay,” you smile, tipping your chin to kiss his cheek. his heart soars. “that’s all i needed to hear.”
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gay-dorito-dust · 11 days
we better get a part 2 for that ford fic YOU KNOW WHICH ONE IM TALKING ABOUT
🙂maybe- okay this is my formal apology to those I’ve hurt with the Ford fic by being a little brutal at the end.
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Part 1
*a few hours after the confession*
‘You what?!’ Stan exclaimed as Ford finished telling him about his current situation.
‘Stanley please not so loud, they could hear you-‘
‘You walked away from the person you liked, and not only did you walk away from them but you walked away from them AFTER they confessed to you?! What the fuck Stanford!’ Stan ignored his brother and continued to yell, not understanding how badly Ford has truly fucked his chances with you this badly, god knows if Ford will ever get the chance to make up for this because Stan knows from Mabel that you were heartbroken. ‘What were you thinking?!’ He adds, becoming angry on your behalf since you were too distraught to even feel anything other then anguish.
‘I don’t know! I fucked up I get it!’ Ford replied, equally as frustrated at his actions earlier today, feeling his heart break each time he walked past your room just to hear heartbroken sobs and questions regarding your self worth and it was all because of him. Ford then sits himself down on the edge of his bed and rested his head in his hands, his mind replayed what could’ve been the happiest moment in his life, had he not been stupid enough to get up and walked away from you without explanation.
Stupid Ford, stupid. He thought to himself.
‘I thought this was what you wanted.’ Stan said as he calmed himself down upon seeing how bad his brother was taking this as he sat himself down next to Ford. ‘Isn’t being with them something you’ve always dreamed of happening one day? So why sabotage it for yourself and them?’ Stan then asked as he watched his brother with an observant eye, watching Ford as he caress the lucky stone you gifted him when coming across it while walking through the woods one day.
‘They deserve better than me Stanley.’ Ford said softly as he puts the lucky stone back into his coat pocket where it felt heavier than a small stone should, reflective of his guilt in what he did to you, and your hypothetical life together. He had you saying what he’s always dreamt you’d say, but he didn’t feel as though he was worthy of you and that you needed someone better; so he walked away and out of a beautiful, happy life with you because of his insecurities.
‘They wanted you Stanford, they always wanted you.’ Stanley reassures him with a firm hand on his shoulder. ‘It’s why they confessed to you because they want to be with you no matter what, they mustered up the courage to confess to you despite the fear of rejection, hoping that you wouldn’t be the reason their heart breaks and instead be the reason it laughs and smiles.’ He adds in hopes it encourages Ford to seek you out and makes things right, that and he wants to call you is sibling in law one day, not that he’d ever admit it aloud to anyone.
‘And yet I broke their heart by walking away regardless.’ Ford said defeated as he clenched his firsts. ‘What a fool I’ve been, blinded by insecurity and shame of myself that I didn’t see the hurt I was putting them through in the process.’ Ford then stands up with a look of determination. ‘I must make things right.’
‘Yes!’ Stan exclaimed as he stand up next to Ford, smiling widely as pride flooded his chest. ‘Yes you should! Go get them tiger!’ He cheers as he watched Ford march towards the door before looking back at his brother with a soft smile.
‘Thank you Stanley.’
Stanley smiles back at Ford, winking. ‘All in a days work of being the best twin in existence.’ He said jokingly.
Ford could only chuckle at this as he left his room to venture up the stairs and soon find himself outside your door once more as the nerves came back to him tenfold, but Ford knew that he needed to do this, that he needed to make things right with you once and for all. He takes a deep breath as his heart hammers in his chest as he knocks on your door and awaited.
You opened the door, looking worse for wear with dead eyes that were red from all the tears you’ve shed, wearing a fleece hoodie that Ford remembered brought you comfort from a long day at work, and just looking like you just needed a hug. ‘What do you want Ford.’ You said with no affection in your voice but more so annoyance and hurt.
‘I’ve…’ Ford found himself unable to speak again, he couldn’t convey his feelings into words at all and everything was screaming at him to leave you alone once again, to leave before he brook your heart even further but Ford wanted to be by your side to help heal your heart instead. ‘I’ve come to make things right my dear.’ He finally said and god did it feel good to finally say what his heart wanted to say at long last.
‘How?’ You questioned shortly, wanting nothing more than to shut the door in his face to make him feel how you felt, but your heart still beats for him whether you like it or not, even if he were to crush it in his hands you’d still love him regardless and that was the undeniable, undisputed truth.
‘By hoping that you’d let me help heal your heart and your trust in me again.’ Ford began, ‘I was a fool to leave you after you bore your heart to me my dear and I greatly apologise for that, in truth I like you too but to an extent that it goes beyond words to describe it accurately enough.’ Ford then reached into his pocket and pulled out the lucky stone you gave him and presented it to you.
Your eyes widened, you didn’t think he’d keep such a silly thing but knowing he did only made your heart crave him more. ‘Ford…’
‘Until I have earned your trust and heart back, I shall return the gift you have given me in hopes that one day I shall be lucky enough to be given it again.’ Ford continues with a somber smile but when you started chuckling, Ford couldn’t help but be a little confused. ‘You silly, silly man.’ You said as you gently pushed his outstretched hand back towards himself, ‘the stone is yours to keep, not give back and while yeah I’m hurt by what you did but I know deep down I could never hate nor distrust you ever. I like you too much to suddenly hate you.’ You admitted and Ford quickly pocket the stone before pulling you into his arms, holding you as tight as he could while burying his face into your neck.
‘Thank you my love, thank you so much for entrusting me with your heart.’ Ford said, voice slightly muffed but you were happy to be in his arms and found yourself smiling widely as tears of happiness streak down your face.
‘I’ll always entrust you with my heart, why do you think I gave you the lucky stone to begin with?’ You asked and suddenly everything same sense to Ford as he pulls away from you to lean forwards and kiss you on the lips softly, awkwardly but endearingly as you hummed in content, happy to have your happy ending become reality.
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hopplessilse · 11 months
Dylan's stepfather
bsf!Joel x f!reader Rating: 18+ Halloween special.
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Other stories:
The nanny x Joel Insta!Joel serie masterlist
Summary: From the first time you met your boyfriend's stepfather, you found him quite attractive. You could see how his gaze towards you changed over the months. At his neighbor's party, you see that he wants you too.
Warnings: age gab (joel in his 40's, reader early 20's) pet names, comfort person, smut, teasing, fingering, oral (f! receiving), infidelity (on both sides), soft! joel
A/N: just have this in mind, he's a nice stepdad, I don't support infidelity, I just wanted to share my dirty thoughts that's it.
You never thought your relationship with Dylan would go this far.
From the first moment you met him you knew he would be an important person in your life, you were different in so many ways. You were friends from the beginning, but as a man he didn't avoid having a crush on you, he had confessed it to you at a party, you only remember rejecting him at the time because you only saw him as your friend.
But surprise… Because of how close you were he knew everything about you, he knew when something was wrong, he was always with you when you needed a shoulder, when you needed advice. You always appreciated him for that, and from one moment to the next you saw him with different eyes. He was no longer just your best friend, but a guy who would always be there for you, that you could trust and turn to whenever you wanted.
All went to shit when you decided to kiss him, that kiss led to more, and that more became a new story for both of you.
They decided to keep the relationship as smooth as possible, they didn't want to rush things, everything in their own time.
Despite being best friends, you still didn't know his family, because you never went to his house, whenever you went out it was to fairs, to the movies or with other friends to parties. But you knew his dad had left when he was 6 years old, and you knew his mom had a partner he'd been with for 5 years.
On one of those nights out, he let you sleep at his house since you were too drunk to go home. You didn't sleep more than 3 hours, you woke up trying not to wake him, took your boots in hand and left the room quietly. You staggered down the stairs a little from sleep and the alcohol you had in your system.
When you reached the bottom of the stairs one of your boots fell out of your hands, you cursed under your breath since the house was in total silence and total darkness, you lifted it up and at the same time the light in the kitchen that was at the back came on illuminating part of the living room and the front door.
You froze at the sight of Dylan's stepfather leaning back on the kitchen doorstep. It was the first time you'd seen him in person. All drunk, disheveled and barefoot, what a great introduction.
"Who is love?" a female voice sounded in the background in the kitchen, a female silhouette peeked out from behind the man who kept watching you from head to toe, when you saw the lady you knew it was Dylan's mom, she looked a lot like him.
"Oh," she covered her mouth when he saw you, "Hello," she said your name
"Hi" You looked at both of them with your eyes narrowed by the light "I'm sorry, I didn't want to bother anyone, I was leaving" You stepped to the front door to take the doorknob in your hands
"don't worry darlin, be careful"
You just turned around to give them both a smile and quickly left the house.
That had been your introduction to the parents of your best friend, now boyfriend named Dylan.
After that, Dylan decided that it would be prudent to introduce you formally, since his mother already knew about you and it would be best if she knew you in a better state.
It had already been 4 months since that meeting and since he introduced you to his parents. Better circumstances in meeting your mother-in-law and father-in-law… That you found really attractive, it was all a dream. He was cute, gentlemanly, he was funny, he had a dreamy smile, his big, stocky body, you knew he was a contractor, that's why he was so good.
You don't know how many times you've dreamed about him since you met him. It was agony to go to his house and see him sitting on the couch with a beer in hand, sometimes he wore shorts, other times he came home from work, they were the best because you could see him come home at night, Ready for dinner, but before he always went to bathe to look presentable, and you were grateful for it since you could appreciate the way his hair looked wet, his wet curls falling down his forehead, the smell of soap on his skin, a sensual man you wanted to take you right in the kitchen, at the table where he ate with his family.
He always treated you well, invited you to dinner with them, you went out with them, and even when Dylan was busy and didn't listen to you, he would invite you to watch the football game with him. Those moments were the ones you cherished the most. Those were the only minutes where you could be close to him, rubbing your knee against his, laughing along with him, talking about his afternoons, where you could appreciate his beauty more closely for a few more minutes.
Your friend told you that you were obsessed with your boyfriend's stepfather, as much as you wanted it to be a lie, it wasn't, she told you that you should mess with him once and for all to end the agony, that you should do it to see if it was just a whim or you really liked it.
It was crazy for you to think you could do such a thing. You knew it would be hard since Joel Miller doesn't look like the easy guy, he was going to give you too many buts for being his stepson's girlfriend or worse, think you're crazy for trying to mess with him.
On one of those evenings, Dylan invited you to a costume party his neighbor would be giving. He told you that normally his neighbor likes to give parties and they always go, according to him there is always something new, something that makes it different from all the previous ones, this time would not be the exception.
Being in his neighbor's backyard you realized that they all knew each other, they were all close. You felt a little out of place because everyone was getting to know you for being Dylan's new girlfriend, yuck.
You had forgotten the disgust for those titles.
Everyone was raving about how beautiful you were, how beautiful you looked in your dorothy dress, what you wore more than anything to get Joel's attention with the neckline and how small it was, so much so that when you sat down next to him you noticed that he looked away from your thighs when he saw that the dress had gone up revealing more of them.
On the other hand, he was dressed as a pirate, he looked ridiculously sexy, with the hat and the dark t-shirt that was open the first two buttons revealing his chest with pubic hair.
The food was pleasant, you could feel his gaze on you from time to time, he would let his eyes fall on you when Dylan talked, since you were in the middle of both of them, it was a good opportunity to be able to appreciate you.
You were drinking from your glass when his voice snapped you out of your thoughts.
You turned to look at him by lowering the glass and setting it down on the table. He had that cute smile that he always gives you when the two of you are alone.
"Not really, I'm waiting for the action Dylan promised me" you smiled coquettishly at him as you turned a little in your seat facing him
"Mmh, I'm sure this time it's going to be karaoke," he said, mimicking your action and putting his arm behind your seat, brushing his fingers against your right shoulder.
"Why do you think that?" You crossed your right leg over your left, swung it a little so that your leg touched his which was covered by his dark pants and boots.
His body was giving you signals, as he brought his leg closer to yours
"Trevor likes to sing, I always hear him through the patio door"
Both of you laughed and stared at each other for a while, until you decided to speak
"Have you come to many of these parties?" You leaned your arm against the back of your chair, your hand hovering near his bare forearm
"Amm I haven't always had the taste, I've only been in 2" He took his beer and drank from it while watching you
You frowned, "but… You've lived here for 5 years haven't you?" your voice dropped when you say the last thing
"haha no honey"
Honey!? It was the first time he had called you anything other than your name
"I've only lived here 2 years, the parties I've had" he smiled at you and you smiled back
You knew he was going to tell you something, but Dylan's mom's voice came in.
"Honey, could you help Trevor put his horns down," she said, leaning back on the table with both hands and making puppy dog eyes
Joel removed his hand from behind your chair and stood up grunting on the spot, before he walked away he turned to look at you and said
"I told you so"
You smiled as you watched him walk away. Forgetting that Dylan's mom was still at the table, dressed as a pirate.
"What did he tell you?" You turned to look at her with the stupid smile on your lips, you just laughed awkwardly
"We were talking about what would be the big surprise this time, and he said karaoke" You gave her a smile and she just smiled a little
"Always know before everyone" she looked at you for a few more seconds while you nodded to her answer and then spoke again "I'll be back now, have fun darling"
"Thank you," you said as she walked away
Dylan was by your side, he was dressed up as the joker because he didn't like the wizard of oz, on the other hand he didn't pay attention to you, whenever he was with people he knew from a long time ago he forgot about you, he concentrated more on his conversation with that person, you wanted him to include you in his conversations.
You sat for a long time doing nothing, watching in the distance Joel connecting the speakers with his ridiculous but sexy pirate costume, you saw how he talked to Trevor animatedly, the smiles he gave to Dylan's mom. Whenever you see her remember that he's her partner, you remember how twisted it all is, how wrong it is to want him, especially since he's Dylan's stepfather. He's been there for him every step of the way, watched him grow up and been a father figure to him from the first moment he met him.
From drinking so much soda your bladder was about to explode, you couldn't help but wrinkle your nose from the urge to urinate. You turned to look at Dylan to touch him on the shoulder and get his attention, he turned to look at you with his eyes open.
"What happened?" he said a little quickly
"I need to go to the bathroom," you said in a whisper
"Go up the stairs, it´s on the right side at the end of the hallway" The music was present and on top of that he spoke too fast that you barely understood him.
You just nodded and he turned to continue their conversation.
You got up sighing heavily, smoothed your dress, tried to grab it with your hands as the air was lifting it up and the people around you were watching you. In the distance you saw Joel by the speakers talking to Mr. Trevor, you walked up to him and touched his shoulder, he turned and smiled at you.
"Hey… Do you know where the bathroom is?" You moved closer to his ear so you could talk to him, as the music was loud and you were both standing next to them.
He came close to your ear to speak to you and your skin crawled as you felt his hot breath close to your skin.
"it´s on the second floor," he said, almost shouting, as soon as you heard his voice over the music
"Eeh!?" you looked at him confused, pointing to your ear and horn, implying that you didn't hear him
He just sighed, turned to see Trevor whispering something in his ear, then took your arm and led you to the steps that led to the door of the living room. Once inside the house, which remained in absolute silence and with some table lamps on, giving a subdued atmosphere, he turned to look at you while he let go of your arm and pointed to the stairs that were in the hallway.
"To your right, the last door at the back," he said as he walked around the room picking up some cans that were on the coffee table
You walked over to the stairs and looked up, the entire second floor was in complete darkness. You swallowed and looked at him, you saw how he left the cans in a bag near the kitchen and he turned to look at you, he laughed when he saw that you were still at the top of the stairs.
"What's wrong?" he came to your side and turned upwards and then turned his eyes back to you, "Are you afraid of the dark?" he let out a small laugh in mockery
You looked at him and fell silent, answering his question.
"For God's sake, honey" he sighed, again that name, it would be your end if he called you that way again "Let's go" he waved with his hand for you to follow him upstairs.
You climbed the stairs behind him, trying to see where you were stepping. You passed through the corridor that was dimly lit by the light that came through the windows that looked out onto the courtyard where the party was going on.Suddenly, Joel stopped in front of a white door and beckoned you in.
"The bathroom" He opened the door for you and turned on the light, coming out of it to let you in
"There's no light in the hallway?" You stood at the entrance to the bathroom looking at him in the darkness
"Probably yes, but he doesn't like to have the lights on" You could see the sparkle in his eyes because of the little light that came in, he looked so attractive in the dark.
"Can you wait for me?" you gave him your puppy look as you leaned your cheek against the door and looked at him from under your eyelashes
You heard him curse under his breath and let out a heavy sigh looking out the window and then returning his gaze to you, he just nodded and you saw him leaning against the wall in front of the window and to the side of the bathroom.
You just smiled and closed the door.
When you closed the door the atmosphere changed, you felt a sudden pain in your chest and stomach, anguish? Nerves? You looked in the mirror and just smiled, a nervous smile.
You relieved yourself and then washed your hands, wet your braids that hung at both ends of your shoulders. You looked in the mirror and your self-esteem went up, you really looked great in the costume, you hoped Joel had made a comment about it, you longed for a 'you look beautiful in that dress' 'wizard of oz, I like that movie' something that made you feel special.
You decided it was time to leave, Joel would probably be gone by now and you'd have to go down the hall of horror by yourself. You opened the door with your eyes down and when you pulled it up or surprise, Joel was still there, leaning against the wall with the light of his cell phone shining on his face. He turned it off when he noticed your presence, he smiled at you.
"All right?" He looked you up and down checking that everything was in order.
"All right" you smiled at him and for a moment you thought about it…
You had it right in front of you, alone, in a dark hallway that was only lit by the light of the bathroom and the dim light of the patio. He looked at you a little confused as you fell silent while you watched him, you couldn't think of anything else to say other than…
"Could you help me with something…?" You looked into his eyes trying not to see or hear you nervously
He pulled away from the wall to approach the bathroom door and look inside, look at you from above.
"How can I help you?" he said almost in a whisper, causing his voice to come out hoarse and deep.
"Can you come in?" you stepped aside, making room for him to enter the bathroom
You saw how his eyes swept over the bathroom, he was thinking about it, you sighed silently, you recoiled when you saw him come in and close the door behind him. You leaned against the sink while you looked at him, he was looking at you from the door, leaning back and you could notice a bulge in his pants, it wasn't that noticeable but you noticed it easily, you hadn't even done anything and it was already like that.
You turned around with your back to him, you looked at him in the mirror and noticed that he ran his eyes down your legs while keeping his mouth half open, you smiled the moment his eyes connected with yours.
"Could you squeeze my corset please" you said it in the most seductive, cute and flirtatious tone you could, you looked at it over your eyelashes wiggling them while tilting your head to the side.
Joel didn't say anything, just approached you from behind, stopped, and delicately ran his hands over the fabric around your waist. You felt his hands untie the knot of your dress, suddenly he pulled the ribbons hard and you let out a groan. He look at you through the reflection of the mirror waiting for you to say something, you just looked at it.
"That hard, is it alright?" Again his voice sounded hoarse from deep in his throat
"Yes… it´s alright" you couldn't stop looking at him with those eyes, you knew they drove him crazy, especially since that's how Dylan's mom looked at him… always looked at him like that, always.
He tied your bows back into a bun, when he finished he left his hands resting on your lower back, his gaze was lost somewhere on it. You jumped at the feel of his hands on the hem of your dress, his fingers brushing against the skin of your thighs.
"This dress is too small to be Dorothy" his gaze was still behind you
"It was the only one they had" you said in a small whisper, now your voice came out nervous
"The only one" he repeated while letting out a laugh, he looked up and looked straight into your eyes, he was much taller than you, despite wearing heels he was still tall, so you could see his face perfectly on top of yours. You noticed that his eyes turned dark and his smile faded and his jaw hardened
"Dylan doesn't like Wizard of Oz."
"I know" you slowly turned to face him, you looked up at him while he lowered his gaze with his face still serious.
You caressed his veiny arms, felt him tense under your touch, couldn't help but bring your body closer to his and felt a series of emotions and sensations as you felt his bulge near your pelvis.
Oh my! It felt big, it definitely was, you had no doubt about it.
He, for his part, closed his eyes at the contact.
"I used it for you," you leaned up and whispered close to his lips. That was the end for him to lose his sanity.
You saw him abruptly walk away from you, you saw him go to the switch and turn off the light in the bathroom, the only light coming in was the backyard light through the window next to you. He come back to you and take you by the face delicately to join your lips in a slow but sensual kiss at the same time. You felt his tongue ask for access and you opened your lips for it to enter, you couldn't help but make a moan from the pressure that his mouth was making on yours.
You placed both hands at the ends of his arms, stroking up and down stopping at his wrists. His hands went down your sides, your neck, your arms, until they reached your waist and surrounded it with both arms drawing you to him.
Joel pulled you towards him so that your buttocks squealed through the sink material, making your dress ride up more revealing your white cotton panties that you were wearing. The new posture made you couldn't help but lift both legs and encircle his waist and if possible be closer to him feeling his hard erection touch your panties. Because of the friction, Joel couldn't help but let out a groan in your throat.
You couldn't imagine a hotter scenario than this, and that it was with Joel.
Joel couldn't help but touch you desperately, he ran his hands down your thighs going up under the fabric, lifted you up a little so he could put his hands under your buttocks and squeeze them in the most delicious way, he was massaging them while his tongue ran over your mouth.
You parted for lack of breath and a trickle of saliva was present between your lips.
"I want to taste you so damn bad," Joel's words came out between gasps, trying to get the air back in his lungs.
"I want to taste you too" You looked at him desperately and put your right hand on his growing erection, gasping as you felt the size and thickness under the pants. Joel couldn't help but let out a laugh when he saw your reaction.
"You can take it, I know that little mouth can" he left a kiss on your lips as he walked away you gasped "but tonight it's about you and this one" his right hand left your buttocks to position itself between your legs and touch your clit on the fabric of your panties, you gasped on contact "this pretty pussy that cries desperately to be tested"
"Joel. . . Please" you cried as you felt the friction between his fingers and your clit, the pain you felt was unbearable, you needed to free yourself from that pressure
"I'm desperate too honey" the words came from his lips as he put his hands in your dress and grabbing the beginning of your panties he lowered them little by little letting them fall to the floor.
From one moment to the next Joel was kneeling in front of you, holding your thighs and resting one of them on his shoulder, while your other leg is more open and your heel resting on the dresser, you were at his disposal, completely. You felt the air from the window enter and touch your pussy that was crying out loud to feel Joel.
“so beautiful” his words were getting lost in the skin of your inner thigh as he moved up with delicate kisses along it. He stopped when he was inches from your clit. You felt his breath caress your wet entrance and you couldn't help but moan in desperation, grabbing his hair by the nape of his neck to bring him closer.
He just laughed and finally joined his lips with your vaginal lips. A loud whimper left your lips as you threw your head back.
“Calm down, sweetheart, you must be careful with those cute moans.” His hand that was holding your leg open, he directed it to your lips to open them wide with his fingers and have better access to your clit. He approached it and with the tip of his tongue he began to touch it from one side to the other.
It was impossible for you to stay silent, you had fantasized about this moment for a while, and just when it came to pass, it was at a damn party full of people, including your respective partners. With your right hand you covered your whimpers but you couldn't help but uncover it to hold Joel's hair with both hands and pull him closer to you.
Joel realized that it was difficult for you to stay silent, you only saw how he left his place to get up and stand in front of you. You looked at him confused, you were about to protest when you saw that he took off the bandana that he was wearing on his wrist and without warning he put it over your mouth, tying it around the back of your head. The bandana got between your lips and your teeth clenched it.
“I need you to stay quiet so I can give you the best oral orgasm you will ever have.”
Hell yeah
Just hearing that husky voice with that southern accent could make you come in seconds. You just nodded, seeing him with crystallized eyes screaming for him to end your agony.
He returned to position himself between your legs and without warning he buried his head between your legs, you let out a merciless moan.
“aahh” you moaned through the red fabric.
The movements that Joel made with his lips and tongue were forbidden, inappropriate, he was attached to you like a hungry puppy to its mother. He accelerated and slowed down the pace of his tongue when he touched your clit, as you could imagine it was red from so much friction and suffering. You felt his tongue pass through your entrance, you felt how he put it in and out to slide it back through your folds and reach your clitoris to suck on it. You were afraid that the bandana wouldn't be enough to silence your whimpers and moans from the guests below.
You were so close when Joel pulled away and sat up. Your vision was blurred with tears, your body arched asking for more, you needed to finish as soon as possible or you would break right then. Joel, he can notice your suffering and he dedicate some words of consolation to you.
“I'm going to give it to you,” he looked at you over your eyelashes, joining his forehead with yours to say in a whisper, “but I need it between my fingers.”
Those last words were accompanied by a moan from you while his fingers separated your folds, making their way to your entrance. When you felt two of his fingers enter slowly, you whimpered, shedding a tear. At no time did you separate your eyes from his, his gaze was full of desire, you could see that the wait also hurt him. He was admiring every expression your face made when you felt his fingers inside you, the way your lips trembled and opened, letting out little moans asking for more, the way you drew your eyebrows together, how you threw your head back in pleasure, the way you moved your body along with his fingers, how your body arched from the pleasure his fingers provided.
If that was because of his fingers, he couldn't imagine how he would have you on his cock
His fingers had a firm and constant movement, moving in and out of you quickly. He needed to feel you as soon as possible, he accelerated his movements while with his other hand he caressed your red clit, your breathing was labored and accelerated, creating a hot aura on your chest.
"Cum on my fingers darling, be a good girl and cum.” That was the last thing you heard before you lost your sanity and collapsed on his fingers.
Both of your hands ended up on his arms, you held him with such great strength that you would surely leave marks from your nails on his skin. Your moans and whimpers filled the bathroom echoing off the walls, Joel held you with his free arm so you wouldn't lose your balance and hit the mirror.
A few seconds passed, you had your head resting on his chest, his fingers had already left your pussy, both of his arms held you by the waist, caressing it over the fabric of your dress. While you tried to regulate your breathing, your legs trembled from the effort and pressure they exerted. This was you, a mess thanks to Joel Miller.
“Do you need a few more minutes?” Joel's voice returned to the room
You let out a heavy sigh and nodded your head still on his chest. You slowly raised your head as you felt Joel's hands untie the knot of the bandana that still covered your lips, he removed it and massaged your cheeks and then leaned in and placed a kiss on your lips.
You smiled weakly at him.
"are you okey?" He asked you with a concerned tone in his voice.
"Yes...just” you laughed nervously “that was great”
you said looking him in the eyes, he gave you a smile and kissed your forehead
“I'll go to the bathroom in the other room, come down to the party or someone will notice.”
You got off the sink and reached over to grab some paper to clean yourself, you threw the paper away and bent over so you could grab your panties off the floor and put them on. Joel gave you one last look before leaving the bathroom, you heard the door to the other room close and that's when you left the bathroom.
Once you were at the party again, you realized that everything was still the same, they were singing with the music at a questionable volume, but you were grateful for that.
Dylan was near the pool talking with his friends, and his mother was at a table chatting animatedly with one of her neighbors. Everything was normal, no one noticed your lack of presence. You stayed close to where the beers were while you drank one, in the distance you saw how Joel was leaving the house, as if nothing had happened, his clothes arranged, his hat on and the damn bandana with which he covered your mouth, was put on your wrist.
You watched as he returned to Trevor. You knew he felt your gaze because shortly afterward he turned to see you, with that damn smile.
You didn't know when it would happen again, or if it would happen again….but you looked forward to that day.
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givemequeen · 1 year
Accidental Confessions: Pedro Pascal x reader
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request: What about a Pedro Pascal friends to lovers? He just seems like such a great friend. It would be cute to see an angsty/fluffy friends to lovers. a/n: I’m back bitches? pairing: Pedro Pascal x reader summary: you go to a party with Pedro and accidentally let something slip. warnings: sexy time. slight oral (female receiving). honestly just normal sexy stuff. oh! unprotected sex (remember to wrap it before you tap it, lads) word count: 5409
You stepped into the party already anxious, your hands were slightly shaking as you made your way around the room overfilled with strangers. Pedro had invited you to some fancy actor party of his and you had regrettably agreed. The last thing you wanted to do right now was fake smile at a bunch of people you didn’t know. It would’ve been so much better if you had just stayed home in bed watching TV. 
You shook the thought out of your head, no, you were here for your friend. He invited you specifically. He wants you here.
As you silently chastised yourself for wishing you weren’t here, you found yourself at the bar. The bartender – a young man with healthy, bouncing curls down to his shoulders whose smile revealed two small dimples on each cheek – asked you what you wanted as he prepared a drink for a girl in a stunning dress.
Pedro hadn’t exactly told you what to wear, just something “formal”, so you had landed on a long, thin, silver dress with spaghetti straps that you had bought on a whim. Thankfully, you seemed to fit in with the rest of the people. Though they did seem much more put together than you did.
You told the bartender your order – lemon vodka – and sat on one of the stools. You were about to take your phone out of your small purse when the lady that was sat next to you spoke. She called out your name and you shot up. 
“Is it you?” she said with a dashing smile. Her teeth were perfectly straight and extremely white. She had a tan and a nose that you could ski on. 
“Yeah?” you said, a bit unsure. 
“It’s wonderful meeting you.” She stuck her hand out, of course she had a perfect manicure. 
“Thanks, you too.” You shook her hand; thankful you had at least attempted to paint your nails a colour to match your dress. “I don’t mean to be rude but who are you?” 
She laughed – obviously a perfect laugh, no snorting or high-pitched squeals – and told you her name. “I’ve worked with Pedro.” 
You cringed at the way she said his name. “Oh.” You said with a slightly pang of jealousy. “So, how do you know me?”
“Are you kidding? He talks about you all the time, sweetheart.” She laughed, completely taking you back. “So how long have you two been together?” 
Just as you were about to open your mouth to tell her you guys weren’t together and what a ridiculous suggestion that was, the bartender handed you your drink. You smiled at him and politely took a sip before turning to the woman and again. 
However, this time, Pedro was stood right next to her. 
“Pedro!” you said, a smile light up your face. You stood up, set your drink on the bar, and gave him a hug. His strong, large, warm hands rested on your hips as you tucked your head in his neck and pressed yourself against his warm skin. He smelled perfect. Like the cologne you had seen in his bathroom one too many times and like him. Like his skin and his sweat and morning mist and almonds. 
You stood back before it got too weird. You felt hyperaware of his hands on your hips and how he had kept them there. “I was just talking to-” you turned to face the lady but she was gone. “Oh, she must’ve left.”
“Leah? Yeah we worked together last year, I told you about it.” He smiled and you nearly melted right there. That gorgeous smile that revealed a dimple in his right cheek and crinkled his eyes. “You look gorgeous.” He said as he took a step back and took you in. You spun around in order to give him a full view. “Absolutely perfect.”
“So do you, ver handsome.” You took a sip of your drink in order to hide your blush. 
“Come, I want you to meet some people.” You nodded and allowed Pedro to grab your hand and lead you through the masses of people. You spent the next three hours going from group to group. You knew some of the actors, either personally - well more like from some other party Pedro had invited you to - or because you had seen them in some show or movie. You politely listened to whatever they had to say and then kissed everyone goodbye before moving on to the next group. 
Though sometimes what the actors were saying was interesting, the thing that took your attention away the most was Pedro. Whenever he laughed, he would clap his hand on his chest and lean backwards. You couldn’t stop paying attention to the heat coming from his hand when he would place in on your lower back as he guided you to the next group. 
It was around eleven o’clock when you stepped outside from some air. Pedro had offered to fill up your drink but you refused as you were starting to feel a little light headed. So, instead, he went to get you both a snack and a glass of water. 
You were standing in the apartment’s balcony, it was pretty high up but it had the most breath-taking view of the city. All around you lights from different buildings and streets winked up at you. You took a deep breath in and gripped the railing of the balcony. You were alone and did not hear when Pedro came out. 
“Hey there.” He said, he was holding a bowl of peanuts and a glass of water. “I already had some water; I hope you don’t mind sharing.” He grinned sheepishly. 
“Of course I don’t mind, silly.” You smiled and took the glass. “Thank you.” You said as you popped a peanut into your mouth. 
You sat down on one of the outdoor sofas and, sighing, lifted your legs so they laid across Pedro’s lap. You both quietly munched on the snack and stared at the sky. Pedro moved your dress out of the way, lifting the hem until your knees. He began drawing on your leg and you nearly groaned out loud at how good his touch felt. 
“So, how long are you in New York for?” you finally asked. You always dreaded this answer, he wasn’t here for long, always in one country or another filming. 
Of course, you were happy for him. He was doing what he had always dreamed of doing but a small – or large – part of you was selfish and wanted him to stay in New York so you could see him every day. 
“For a while.” He said. You look up at him and smiled. 
“Really? No show to shoot? No premier or award show to attend?” you tried to hide your excitement but failed miserably. 
“No.” he laughed. “I’m all yours.” He said as his finger glided up and down your leg. 
“Awesome.” You said, unsure what else to say. I wish you were all mine… 
“What?” you echoed looking up at him. 
“What did you just say?” he asked, arching an eyebrow, his hand had frozen highway up your shin. 
“Nothing. I didn’t say anything.” You sat up, pulling your legs away from him. “Fuck, did I say “I wish you were all mine” out loud? Fuck.” you thought. You probably had had more to drink than you had initially thought. 
“Are you sure?” he asked. 
“Yes, anyway I better get going.” You quickly stood up and before he had the chance to follow, you dashed inside. “Thanks for inviting me.” 
Quickly, you made your way through the crowds of people, carefully avoiding those you knew were chatterboxes, and left the apartment. You looked behind you and nervously began pressing the call button for the elevator. As soon as it opened, you darted inside and began repeatedly pressing the close button. 
Soon enough, the elevator reached the reception and you bolted across it. You waved goodbye to the concierge who had helped you earlier last night and quickly glanced over your shoulder as you stepped outside. Pedro was nowhere to be seen and you weren’t sure whether to be disappointed or relived. You hailed a taxi down, but they all zoomed past you, either busy or completely ignoring you. 
“Hey.” You heard Pedro call your name from behind. “Where are you running off to?” he tapped your shoulder and you spun around. 
“Hi, sorry. Just gotta get home, yknow.” You smiled, trying to play it cool but Pedro saw right past your act. 
“Okay, let me accompany you.” He stood beside you and hailed a taxi down. Of course, they immediately listened to him. He opened the door for you to get in. 
“It’s okay, you don’t have to. I’ll get home fine.” You said as you got in. 
“What kind of a friend would I be if I didn’t take you home?” he said as he too got in. 
Reluctantly, you nodded and he gave the taxi driver your address. You spent the ride staring outside and cursing New York’s traffic. Walking or the subway would’ve taken you less and maybe you wouldn’t have been caught up by Pedro. But the subway wasn’t the safest especially with what you were wearing and your feet hurt too much to walk all the way home. 
Pedro sat silently next to you, his hand on the middle seat, and eyes glued outside. When you finally got to your place, you jumped out of the taxi and thanked Pedro. However, he too stepped outside. He paid the driver and followed you inside your apartment’s foyer. 
You couldn’t exactly slam the door in his face, so you let him in and got into the elevator. You expected this ride to be just like the taxi drive, silent and a tiny bit awkward. Pedro surprised you by hitting the emergency button - which caused the elevator to jolt to a halt - and turning to you. 
“Hey, talk to me, why did you run off? And don’t say you needed to get home.” He said, he stood completely in front of you. You glanced up and mustered a smile. 
“I- well- it’s just-” you couldn’t help but glancing down at his lips and back up at his eyes. Those deep brown eyes you could just lose yourself in. 
“Yeah? You just what?” he prompted, taking a step closer to you. You held your breath, unsure as to what to do. 
“I think you know.” You finally said, you pushed your shoulders back and held your hands together behind your back. 
“Oh? I do?” he asked, he was so close you could feel his breath fanning across your face. It smelt like mint and alcohol and you so desperately wanted to put your mouth and his. 
Gently, he cupped your cheek and you let out a breath, your hands went to his chest as his other hand went to your hips. “Please let me kiss you, I’ve been dying to kiss you.” He whispered. 
You nodded and closed your eyes, waiting for the heavenly taste of his lips. Slowly, Pedro pressed his lips against yours, you let out a sigh that sounded almost like a whine, and pulled him closer by the jacket of his suit. You moved your head to the side, allowing him more space to kiss you. 
His lips felt so extremely smooth and soft, almost like what you imagined kissing a cloud would feel like. He groaned into your mouth and that noise made you weak in the knees. Pedro let his hand drop to your waist and you both walked backwards until your back hit the elevator wall. 
He pulled you up so you could rest on the safety rail. You wrapped one leg around his waist, the dress restricting your movement, and he pressed himself against you. Now it was your turn to groan. He was clearly hard; you could feel it pressing against where you needed it the most. 
He rolled his hips and you moaned again. Taking advantage of the situation, he slipped his tongue into yours. You allowed it and let your tongue dance over his. One of his hands move to your behind, he grabbed the soft flesh there and pressed himself even harder into you. His other hand went to your leg, he pulled your dress up, feeling how smooth your legs were. 
“Fuck.” He whispered against your lips as he pulled apart for air. “I want to-” 
“Everything alright in there?” a voice called out from the intercom. 
You jumped away from Pedro, slightly pushing him away. “Erm, yes, just an accident.” You coughed and tried to fix your dress. 
“Alright.” Said the voice. Pedro hit the button again and the elevator lurched into life. 
You let your fingers glide over your lips, reminiscing on how sweet he tasted.  Pedro was now leaning against the back wall of the elevator, not staying anything, as you stood near the doors. 
Finally, they opened and you stepped into the corridor. You could hear him follow you and wait patiently as you took your keys out. Once you found them, you fumbled with them until you managed to slide them into the keyhole. You turned the key and a small click resonated. 
You turned to face him and struggled to meet his eyes. He was staring down at you, his face tense as though unsure of what to do and hands in his pockets. 
“Do you want to come in?” you asked. Smiling, he nodded and followed you in. You turned the lights on and made your way to the living room. 
“Sit. Do you want a drink?” Pedro stood by the entrance of the living room, his body leaning against the door frame, and stared at you. 
“Oh… Do you want water? Or some food?” you said as you moved your weight from one foot to another. Your heels were killing you. 
“No.” he repeated, his voice dark and low. He pushed off the door frame and took a step towards you. 
“Oh.” You swallowed and watched in anticipation as he got closer to you. “What do you want then?” you stuttered. 
“I want you.” He said as he placed his hands on your hips again. “And you?” 
“Me too.” You quickly said before kissing him. 
Pedro groaned into your mouth and grabbed you wherever he could. Your hands were on him like metal on a magnet. He yanked you up, hands on your ass. Your heels fell off, making a loud thump when they reached the floor, but you didn’t care. 
“Careful, my dress.” You breathed. He pulled it up, nearly uncovering your ass, and squeezed your thighs. He pressed you to the wall and continued kissing you. His mouth was wonders on yours, drawing out the dirtiest of noises. 
“My room.” You said. 
Wordlessly, Pedro pulled you off the wall and started making his way to your room with you in his arms. You grabbed his shoulders and felt the muscles underneath the suit. Fuck, you couldn’t wait to tear all this extra fabric off of him. Once you reached your room he dropped you onto your bed and crawled on top of you. 
You pushed the jacket off of him as his lips attached themselves to your neck. Like a starving man, he began kissing and licking your neck. His kisses were soft and harsh at the same time, his tongue sliding over what his teeth marked. You moaned his name and begged for more. 
“Clothes.. there’s too much…” you mumbled pushing him back. He laughed and began unbuttoning his shirt. Impatiently, you pulled his shirt free from his pants and undid the buttons at the bottom. Pedro grabbed your chin and made you look up at him. 
“Patience, mi amor.” he said, a smile creeping onto his face. 
“Don’t laugh at me.” You grumbled, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“I’m not laughing.” He finished undoing all his button. “You’re so beautiful, I’m just happy.” You felt a rush of heat making its way up your neck and down your stomach. 
“Oh shut up.” You covered your face. 
Slowly, he peeled your hands away from your face and kissed you gently. “You are.” He kissed you again. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.” 
He was finally done with all his buttons. You pushed the shirt off of his shoulders and sighed in delight. Your hands went to his stomach, feeling the warm skin, and kissed him right above his belly button. There was a trail of dark hair leading down into his pants and for a moment you wandered if that hair grew there just to tease you. 
He kicked off his shoes and let his shirt fall to the ground. You pushed him onto the bed and pulled your dress up, so it pooled at your hips, in order to straddle him. His hands returned to their familiar positions at your hips, and you took in his chest. 
Sure, you had seen him shirtless before whenever you went to the beach or pool – or when you drunkenly searched up shirtless photos of him with your friends – but you had never seen him laying on your bed like this, his hands on your ass and eyes on your breasts. 
“I think now it’s you who has “too much clothes”.” he said, quoting you. His fingers went to your straps, leaving your ass cold, and with a nod from you, he pushed them off your shoulders. Slowly, the dress fell and left your breasts exposed. You though, you would perhaps want to cover yourself, but something about the way he stared at them made you stand up straighter. 
He sat up, pulling you against him, and kissed your chest. He moved to one breast, planting opened mouthed kisses onto the soft skin and held the other breast with his hands. He gently squeezed and let his mouth hover about your nipple. His breath fanned over it, hardening it. You pushed forward, forcing him to make contact. 
He kissed you softly, like he had all the time in world, and gently. But you wanted more, and you want it now. You had waited too long for it to be this slow. You told him so. 
“I have waited too long for it to go too fast. I’m going to take my time.” You didn’t know what was hotter, the fact he wanted to take his time with you or the fact he had wanted this for a long time too. He kissed you harder and took your nipple between his teeth. You moaned his name and grabbed his hair, tugging on it slightly. This earned you a small groan, you did it again and he groaned your name. 
His hand squeezed your other breast, his fingers pinching and rolling your nipple. You sighed in pleasure and grinded against him. You wanted to feel him everywhere and weren’t sure how long you were going to let him “take his time” with you. He was rock hard and you were dying to see him. Completely see him. 
He moved away from your breast and swapped sides, making sure both sides of you got the same treatment. “Oh, Pedro, fuck.” You said, each moan making him go harder and faster. “Please, I need you…” 
Pedro pulled away and tugged the dress over your hips. You lifted your arms, allowing him to completely take your dress off. He threw it off the side and groaned as he took in your entire body. 
“You’re perfect.” He leaned forward and kissed your chest. You arched your back, pushing yourself towards him. He flipped you over and held himself above you. You wrapped your legs around his waist and tugged him down, wanting to feel his weight on top of you and between your legs. 
“Take your pants off.” You said, your hands fumbling with the belt. “Please.” You added after he gave you a cheeky look. 
Pedro rose and quickly took off his pants. You sat up, resting your weight on your elbows, and let your mouth fall open as you stared at his crotch. His erection was extremely obvious, it was creating a tent in his underwear. He placed his hands at his hips. 
“Wow. Okay. Come here. Now.” You pulled him towards you and kissed him, eager to get to it. 
He kissed you hard, taking your lower lip between his teeth and tugging on it. You couldn’t take it any longer, you stuck your hand between you and down his underwear and wrapped your fingers around him. He winced when you touched him and let his head fall onto your shoulder. 
“I’m sorry, did that hurt?” you went to move your hand away but he grabbed your wrist. 
“Continue.” He begged. “I’m just… really hard.” He laughed, refusing to meet your eyes. You bit your lower lip and attempted to hide the smile that was threatening to jump out. You wrapped your fingers around him again. He was thick and, you quickly discovered, long. You began stroking him and his hips began rolling, meeting you halfway. Some pre-cum leaked out of his tip, wetting your hand. You squeezed your thighs around him, eager to have him inside. 
Almost as though you had requested it, Pedro let one of his hands fall between you. He pressed his thumb against you through your underwear and began rotating it. You moaned, bucking your hips. It felt too good. 
“Please, let’s…” you didn’t have to say anything else. He laid on your side and placed his warm hand on your lower stomach. 
“Is this okay?” he asked, slowly itching downwards. 
“If you want me to stop at any time, tell me.” He said as he stared into your soul. 
“Yes.” You looked away, terrified your eyes would betray your deepest secrets. 
“Look at me.” His voice was low and husky, it made that warm feeling in your lower stomach drop lower. You turned to look at him, the hand that wasn’t on your lower stomach tucked your hair behind your ear before returning to its position holding him up. 
He kissed you gently and slowly slipped his hand under your underwear. You gasped as his finger touched you, it was barely anything but with Pedro if felt like everything. He moved his finger in small circles and watched you, entranced by the soft noises you were making. You grabbed his shoulder and squeezed. 
Gradually, he slipped a finger inside of you, just one, and kept it there. You looked at him, mouth slightly open, and nodded. He slipped another finger and curled them. You fell back, unable to support yourself, and squeezed his shoulder harder. Pedro began slipping his fingers in and out, each time he entered you he curled them. His thumb began drawing small circles just where you needed it. You closed your eyes, allowing yourself to enjoy the moment, and opened your hips, giving him all the space he could need. 
“Fuck.” You breathed as he stroked something deep inside you. 
You arched your back, pushing your breasts into the air. As though by invitation, Pedro placed his mouth around your breasts and sucked. His kisses were harder this time but you welcomed them. Your hand went to his hair, tugging and scratching his scalp. The joint pleasure coming from his hands and mouth was overwhelming. You pushed your hips onto the bed and breasts into his mouth. 
“Pedro… I’m gonna…” you moaned. He picked up his pace and helped you reach the place you had been chasing. You felt that pleasure ripple through you, erupting from between your legs and reaching all the way down to the tip of your curled toes. It then rushed all the way up and exploded out of your mouth as a series of moans, whimpers, and pleas. 
When you finally came down your chest was rapidly rising and falling, as though you had ran a marathon. Pedro had pulled his finger out from you and was holding them in front of his face. You turned to look at him, your vision slightly blurry, and watched in awe as he slipped his fingers into his mouth, licking them clean. 
You pulled him to you, urging him to rest his weight on you, and kissed him. You kissed his neck, his sweat tasted sweet. You licked a line across his jugular vein and felt his rapid heartbeat under your tongue. 
“That was really good.” You said. “Your moans drive me crazy.” 
He rolled his hips against you and you moaned again. “Mmhm, just like that. You like this?” you nodded and he did it again. “What do you want now?” 
“You have me.” You looked over at him and gave him a look. “C’mon, you’re gonna have to be more specific than that.” he pressed his hips against you and arched an eyebrow. 
“Well… Okay…” you looked up, not wanting to reveal how flustered he made you. 
“Yes?” he cupped your jaw and kissed you. 
“I want you in me.” You finally said. 
“Lets get rid of these then, huh?” he said, tugging at your underwear. Pedro kissed his way down your torso until he was level with your hips. He hooked a finger around the band of your underwear and pulled it over your hips, knees, and, eventually, feet. He flicked them off to the side before taking you all in. “Fuck.” He said before planting a kiss right between your legs. He licked once before kissing your inner thigh. Then, he kissed his way back up to your lips. 
“Your turn.” You said, a smile tugging at your lips. Your hands went down to his underwear and you tugged it down, making him completely bare. You glanced down and let your mouth fall open. Pedro wrapped his hand around himself and pumped it a couple times. 
“I’m on the pill.” You blurted out. 
“That’s good.” He said, smiling down at you. 
“Are you- like, clean?” 
“Yes, even though I’m an actor-” 
“And a heartthrob.” You interjected. 
“Yes, right.” He laughed as he made his way back to you. “- I don’t go sleeping around with everyone.” 
“No, yeah, right, I didn’t meant that. Just…” 
“I’m messing, I know what you meant and yes I am. You?” 
You nodded. 
You reached your hands out and placed them on his shoulders, they were broad and warm, his skin felt reassuring under your fingers. You wrapped your legs around his hips, pulling him closer. Pedro lined himself up and momentarily pushed his hips forward. You sucked in a breath and shut your eyes, your legs squeezing him. 
“Hey, relax, okay?” he kissed you gently and you nodded, relaxing your thighs. He pushed in a little more and you let out a moan. He was stretching and filling you up in all the right ways. He pushed even more and you gripped his shoulders. His head fell beside yours, his voice was sweet like honey and reaching parts of you that you didn’t know existed. His words were carefully and perfectly chosen. 
Finally, he was all the way in. He groaned and rested his weight on you. He was heavy but it felt oddly reassuring, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and sighed, causing him to inch further into you. 
“Please, Pedro, move.” You urged. 
He complied and slowly pulled himself out halfway before sliding back inside. Each movement causing you to moan his name. You arched your back, pressing your chest against his, as he picked up the pace. Your hands were desperately moving up and down his back, one slid down to his ass and you gave it a squeeze. He didn’t seem to mind so you squeezed again. This time he reacted, he pulled himself further out and slammed into you. The noise of his flesh against yours was almost deafening. 
You grabbed his hair and pulled so he turned to look at you. His eyes were half closed, and mouth half opened. You kissed him and he kissed back with a force to match his thrusts. You felt him go deeper and deeper. His hands went to your face, cupping your cheek. You squeezed your legs around him. 
“Can I go on top?” you asked, pulling your lips away from his. 
“Yes, of course.” 
You both awkwardly rolled over and gasped at the new angle. His hands went to your hips, thumbs slowly drawing circles onto the soft skin. You spread your legs and moaned as you sunk further onto him. That feeling that drove you wild was starting to build up again in your lower abdomen. 
His hands started to guide you, urging you to rock forwards and backwards. You gladly complied, moaning at how gratifying it felt. One of his hand went to your left breasts and squeezed it. You leaned towards him and kissed him. His lips were a taste you could not get enough of. His tongue danced around yours at a beautiful pace. You pulled yourself up slightly and lowered again. He gasped. You did it again. He gasped again. 
“You like that?” you said. 
He kissed you harder and began lifting his hips to meet you halfway. As though this was a dance you had practiced for many hours in order to perfect, the two of you fell into a comfortable rhythm. His hand squeezed, tongue licked, hips bucked. It was perfect but it couldn’t last long. 
“I think I’m close.” He said, almost apologetic. 
“Please cum in me.” You begged, surprised at how pathetic you sounded. 
In one quick motion, Pedro spun you around, holding you tight against his chest as he did so. He grabbed your hands and pinned them over your head with just one of his and resumed the thrusting of his hips. Then, his other hand settled between the two of you and his thumb began rapidly circling your clit. 
You moaned and moved, chest pressed against his, legs wrapped around him and quickly squeezed. His movements were becoming irregular and sloppy. 
“Fuck, you’re so gorgeous. I’ve been staring at you all night in that dress. You’re - shit - fucking perfect.” He said as he pounded into you one last time before grunting in pleasure. 
Just then, the overwhelming feeling that had been building itself deep inside of you toppled over. 
“Don’t stop.” You said as you felt him slow down. 
Pedro listened and bucked his hips hard. You pushed your shoulders into the bed, hands tightly gripping his hair, and let yourself enjoy the pleasure. You rolled your hips against him, hyper aware of the warmth shooting into you. You collapsed into the bed, chest heaving even faster that before. 
Pedro collapsed onto you, his weight comfortably crushing you. You stroked his hair as he nuzzled his face into your neck. 
“Was that also really good?” his voice was muffled. 
“Even more.” You said, happily sighing. Pedro pulled away from you as you whined in protest, him leaving your body felt like a betrayal. You were left empty, cold, and bare.
“Gotta get you cleaned up, mi amor.” He laughed. 
He walked into the bathroom and you grinned at the sight. He had an amazing ass. Fuck, you couldn’t look away. You rolled over in the bed to get a better view. Your smiled grew even more when he turned around, his boner not fully gone yet. 
“Damn.” You said. 
“Thanks?” He plopped down on the bed with a towel in hand and helped you get cleaned up. 
Then, you slid under the duvet. He clicked into placed behind you, his arms wrapping around you and dwarfing you. He pressed a kiss to your shoulder and let his fingers dance over your thigh. And into the darkness, he spoke your name. 
“I don’t know what that meant to you…” He began. “But that was special to me. I’ve honestly been wanting to do that for a long while.” 
You froze as though remaining as still as possible would also freeze the moment, like any sound would shatter this dream and forcibly pull you back to a cruel and lonely reality.
“And, erm, you?” he nervously asked when you remained silent. 
You rolled around and stared up at him. “Me too, Pedro. I really like you and not just as a friend.” You smiled and kissed him. 
He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you on top of him. You gasped when you felt something poking your butt. 
“Put that away!” 
“You don’t want a round two?” he smirked. 
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flippinpancakes64 · 2 months
Would you write about the Cullen's and their first date with the reader
First date with the Cullens
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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He pulls all the stops for your first date
He goes the very traditional route
He makes reservations at a really fancy restaurant, takes you to the museum, and then takes you home
He’s a bit nervous tbh
Even though he’s known you for months, he still wants to make a good “first” impression
After the date he takes you back to the Cullen house to meet all of his family for the first time
He tells them to behave beforehand
Mostly Rosalie and Jasper but still
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She just showed up at your house one day and told you to get in the car
She took you to a pottery studio ❤️
She made a mug and on the inside it said “date me?”
So that was your first date
You didn’t even know it was a date
After that she took you to a flower garden
She made you a bouquet that was literally bigger than your head
She’s not nervous
She knows you’ll love it
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Ok so if we’re talking about people who would be nervous
This man’s shaking
He doesn’t let it show though
He shows up at your door to pick you up in a suit and tie holding a bouquet
He takes you on a boat ride on one of Carlisle's little yachts
You both admire the view of the city skyline at night
He brings you food that Esme cooked
Give him a little kiss and see what happens ;)
Spoiler alert he jumps into the water
He needs to calm down after that lol
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It's Kate and Garrett's wedding yay
And this girl you've been like sort of really interested in just asked you to be her plus one
AKA Rosalie
So for your first date with the pretty vampire lady from school you get to fly to Canada to attend a big fancy wedding of even more pretty vampires
I just want to really stress how quick this is
Like bringing some guy you just met to the family reunion vibes
But anyway
Your first date is spent dancing the night away and chatting it up with all of the vampires there
The Denalis were nice enough to doordash you something
Very stressful first date
But hey at least you'll never forget it
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He would try to be so sneaky
Like you would have been talking for a couple of months
And then one day he's like
"Omg you're not gonna believe this but I was walking around town yesterday and someone dropped these tickets! They're for your favorite artist and there's two of them! Would you want to go with me?"
Like you're not sly, sir
But you say yes of course
He picks you up and takes you and you guys have a great time
At the end of the night on the drive back home he makes a guilty confession that he lied and that he actually bought the tickets
You just laugh
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I feel like she would ask you out to do something disguised as just asking you but really it's a date
She asked you to go do something with her
But it turned out actually being a date
She takes you to the movies and to a big craft fair
She buys you anything you want
Will not kiss you on the first date btw
Sorry that's like a fifth date thing
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I think he wants to do something fun
Like rent out a trampoline park or do one of those flying simulators
Or even an arcade
Like something super fun
But I think he'd choose the trampoline park
And then pay the employees extra to leave the building completely so it's just you two
He gets the zoomies like crazy
He's so fast
And the trampolines make him even faster
And it's so fun when he runs with you
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Vampire! Bella:
I think she'd try too hard
She would talk about how nervous she was to Alice and she would take over
Thus leading to a very nice candlelit dinner at the Cullen house
That Bella absolutely hates
She feels stuffy in her dress and she's not having fun
It feels too formal
So like a week later she asks for another first date to try again
This time she does what she wants
She takes you down to the beach to watch the waves and just chat
She packs some food for you and you guys just talk for hours
She thinks she did a better job the second time :)
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wriothesleybear · 1 year
Being the new inmate at the fortress. And having a hard time starting there not knowing the Duke has an interest in you. Everyone begins to notice and starts to treat you nice, calling you 'The lady' and addressing you as 'My lady' which catches you off guard.
You get better quality meals more frequently and that's not including the other inmates sharing theirs, the guards start acting more formal and respectful towards you, letting you slack off more. The other inmates surround you, acting as some sort of bodyguard. You don't know what you did but you can't tell if you like it or not.
Things get even stranger when Sigewinne frequently visits you but you both become friends because she's a sweetheart, giving opportunity for her to pass information to The Duke about you.
Then comes the random gifts of your favourite snacks, drinks, flowers, books and such...
You accept it all but you can't help but wonder. Why all this for me?
Love this idea! This is gonna be a somewhat yandere!Wriothesley. It's basically love at first sight for Wrio. When he first saw you, he knew you had to be his. At first, he would do things behind the scenes such as what you said above: having everyone call you lady, have everyone treat you with respect, giving you special treatment, etc. When he told everyone to start calling you lady, that was his way of claiming you as his and to warn everyone to back off. You probably don't want to know what happens to the inmates and guards who don't leave you alone.
You meet him for the first time when he calls you to his office one day. You were nervous going to his office because you thought you did something wrong and was in trouble but it turned out he called you for a tea date. He would greet you at the door, kiss your knuckles like the gentleman he is, and guide you to sit down on the couch in his office. There were so many yummy sweet treats and a tea set with two cups on the table. He bought all these expensive teas for you to try with him. It was a fun date with him where you got to know more about him. You thought he was a scary guy from all the rumors you heard but it turns out he's a sweet and funny guy. When you ask him why he gives you special treatment and spoils you, that's when he confesses his feelings.
If you accept his feelings, he'll be thrilled and spoil you more than you can ever imagine. More gifts like jewelry, expensive clothes, and more special treatment but also lots of affection from him, special visits to his office, and you basically don't have to work because he provides the money and things you want. Your only job is to sit on his lap and keep him company in his office while he has to read through boring paperwork. When he buys you new outfits, he has you put on a little fashion show in his office so you can show them off to him. It may or may not end up in him just ravaging you (he cant help himself when you look so sexy and beautiful to him🥺) Besides spoiling you with gifts, he also shows his love through physical touch. He expects hopes you reciprocate his love and affection by spoiling him with your own affection. Smother him with kisses, hugs, and words of affirmation. Words help ease his worries and fears. Deep inside he has his own worries and insecurities and he hopes you never leave him and continue to give him your love forever as will he.
If you don't return his feelings, he'll be understanding, but he'll just try harder to sweep you off your feet. Every minute he gets of free time, he uses it to come up with plans on how to swoon you and execute those plans so you can understand and accept the feelings he has for you. You'll eventually fall for him since he doesn't give up.
I hope you enjoy anon🥰❤️
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depresssant · 3 months
don't get me wrong, guys, i would DIE for satosugu, but i just had to do this
title : and i love you, darling
synopsis : but for now, satoru would run, and you would have no legs to chase after him.
aristocrat!gojo x writer!reader
you placed the quill gently on the stack of paper and leaned your head against the wall to let out a sigh. thunder rumbled and lightning lit up the dark sky as the rain that pattered a familiar tune on your window reminded you of why you felt this why⏤why you were this way.
there was nothing left.
he was once gone.
he was at the far end, but you had no legs.
he was on the edge, but you had no hand to reach out through.
he was too far away, and you were too close.
you expected it. it didn't hurt any less. what could you do except watch from the sidelines as you had always done? you had no mind to speak and no heart to feel. he would always run, and you would chase, but this? this was different. his laugh couldn't pull you out of the void you were slowly falling into if it was the one thing pushing you into it.
damn it, this hurt so damn much.
"[name]? [nameeeeeee]!"
"you're being so quiet!" he whined. "and you're not listening to me!"
"i was."
"no, you weren't! anyways. back to what i was saying. suguru and i..."
he rambled off, and the thunder shook louder in your ears. it was always suguru. suguru this, suguru that⏤why couldn't it ever be [name]?
he didn't want it to be.
geto and satoru were made for each other like the sun and the moon and the night and day. you were just... dawn and dusk⏤all by yourself either longing for the sun or leaving it. geto was never seen with ink-stained fingers, geto was never seen messy and unkempt. he was perfect.
and perfect belonged with perfect.
as much as it hurt.
"[name]? look, is something wrong?"
everything was wrong. life was unfair. your heart was just so cruel.
"no. everything is alright. i'm just trying to get into the mood."
a teasing grin painted lips that you so desperately wished to kiss. "mood for what?"
"a short story i'm writing."
"tell me about it!" he demanded with a glimmer in his eyes as he sprawled over your bed. those eyes drew you in like a moth to a flame. those eyes had you drowning in an ocean you wished to never return to. those eyes... could never look at you the way you looked at them.
you grabbed your quill and dipped it in ink before scribbling away at the paper. "this woman is in love with a man she can't have. she has to learn to forgo her love as a disease slowly kills her. and besides! i can't write anything without understanding it, so i'm trying to act all sad and mopey."
satoru chuckled and grabbed one of your little decorations from off the table and began to tinker around with it. his hair was a fluffy mess as pink dusted his cheeks⏤an effect of the alcohol. earlier, he had hurled to his stomach's content, and you were there for him every second along the way. even in his formal outfit for that ball, he still looked so ethereal, like an angel too great for any other being.
that ball⏤the same one in which he had confessed his love to geto.
the scent of flowers evaded your noses, but you took in a deep breath so that your coughing wouldn't storm in to interrupt the serene moment. maybe you were just delusional. yet, the idea of geto not sharing something like this made your greedy heart twist in satisfaction. he would never see satoru from the eyes of yours. no matter how hard he tried, he would never love him like you could, and that was something you'd let yourself keep for once. 
to be there throughout his entire life, joining him through the ups and downs, comforting and supporting him, knowing him better than anyone else, seeing him for than what he thought he was⏤that was what a soulmate did! not a lover!
"you know... he said he loved me back!"
but you were't his soulmate. gosh, the ways in which he talked to you made you wishing you were gone. you'd rather die than witness the man who owned your heart like it was a meager coin toss it away for gold.
a chuckle escaped your lips, and you looked down at him. "really?... really."
satoru rose abruptly, and his smile widened as his pace quickened with each word. "i pulled him to the side because i couldn't stand to see him dancing with a woman! we were on the balcony, and the sky was all pretty cloudy, and it was kind of sprinkling, but i didn't care! i HAD to tell him because i just couldn't hold back how i felt! i was even a little angry that he never noticed the way i cared for him⏤the way i loved him! i told him i was there for him all along, but he never noticed me in that way. geto was all grouchy, yet he quite actually lost his composure with every word i spoke, and then he shouted 'i love you' completely out of the blue! can you believe it?"
"i can't."
"and then we paused, and i grabbed his collar and kissed him. i kissed him! and then... i don't know, i just ran."
he spoke about geto like he loved him. he did. he genuinely smiled at the mere thought of him. satoru really was in love with geto suguru. all of a sudden, the sound of knocking interrupted your discussion. three quick knocks followed by a pause and a fourth knock.
your heart sank and satoru's rose.
he stood up excitedly, pulling you up with him by arm.
never hand.
he rushed for the door like he couldn't bare to spend another second alive if it wasn't with geto, and that distinct scent of flowers felt like vines wrapping tightly around your throat, leaving you speechless.
'no! i want you! i want you so dearly i would die if you left me!'
"suguru! What are you doing here?"
"to steal you away?"
'don't go, damn it! please, don't go!'
"would you be okay with that, [name]⏤if i took him?"
'no... no.'
"hah, of course. take your future husband, and don't bring him back."
"[name]! if you stay stuff like that, i never will come back!"
"i... hah! that's a dream i wish to become a reality."
he would come back, and that was the part that hurt most. satoru would lay in arms⏤arms of a coveted life, and you would lay in flowers⏤flowers of a discarded coffin.
but for now, satoru would run, and you would have no legs to chase after him.
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trashytoastboi · 4 months
Day of Dominance - Diavolo
~SFW Alphabet~
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
👑 Attention, affection and connection. Diavolo truly thrives on the attention you give him. He understands having to respect his image and will be reserved due to that even though all he wants to do is be affectionate towards you. It’s reserved for when it’s the two of you, or at least when you’re with the circle of people who already know. They all confess that Diavolo’s PDA is a bit much but he trusts them enough to drop his image a little in front of them. Barbatos is just used to seeing Diavolo smothering you with his touch. He’s like an oversized kitten. 
B = Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
👑 The always busy but never too busy for you friend. His responsibilities keep him busy and Diavolo himself is craving any excuse or reason for a break, you give him the perfect reason for that. Honestly watching him sneak out of the castle is funny in itself. He instantly lights up the room with a natural charisma to him, but when it’s just the two of you he’s more focused on having fun. You go quieter places, Diavolo has even attempted a few disguises and the two of you head out incognito. Diavolo usually always has something he wants to try so you’re always doing something different, trying a new place to eat, walking around, shopping, or even going to some of the attractions in the Devildom that his usual fame doesn’t allow him to.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle) 
👑 Diavolo loves cuddles, if he could have you on his lap while he cuddles you on his throne he really would. Barbatos tells him it’s not the proper decorum though :( Enjoys being both the big and little spoon, the little spoon more on days when he’s really exhausted and frustrated. He’ll just snuggle up to you and lay his head on your chest with his arms around you. He won’t say anything, you could sense his unease though and cuddling acts as a form of comfort for him. It also helps him fall asleep when his mind is too busy. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) 
👑 1/10 on domestic skills, not for lack of trying. His cooking is better than Solomon’s. It looks similar and there’s questionable taste. It’s probably going to give you food poisoning but not threaten your life like a certain sorcerer's concoctions of the kitchen. He does try he really does but unintentionally creates more work, an example is when he decided to join you for doing dishes after dinner at the House of Lamentation and broke more plates than he washed…Barbatos very dutifully took over for him. When it comes to settling down, Diavolo regards you as one of the most stable pillars in his life. One of the more honest and genuine people. He loves that about you and settling down doesn’t seem a far stretch from his desire to just be with you all the time. 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
👑 Puts on demon lord mode. He’s suddenly serious and very formal. He says what needs to be said and he’s eloquent about it. The moment he’s finished all of his practiced words, he is trying to hold himself together because he’s more heartsore and sad about this than you could imagine. He might cry a little the moment he was left alone. He doesn’t do it without reason either and will explain his side of things so there are no questions left unanswered, it’s the least he could do. It’s painful and upsetting for both of you. 
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quickly would they want to get married.)
👑 He’s all for it but the decision is not his alone, an unfortunate circumstance of his position. If he does announce his desire to marry you- there would be opposition and a lot of politics involved. Diavolo honestly doesn’t want to involve you in that sort of mess. He’s devoted to you and you’ve never questioned that before. However, Diavolo might keep his desire to marry you to himself. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they? Both physically and emotionally.)
👑 He’s a sunflower to you. Endlessly gentle and you think it's sweet how the strongest demon is the squishiest with you. He’s got a good sense of his strength and knows not to overdo it with you. His extra care always shows through his actions and how he handles himself around you. Emotionally he’s soft, sometimes he gets wrapped up in trying to keep his problems to himself and shuts you out as a result of that.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) 
👑 Diavolo is a fan of hugs and says they always recharge him. You adore how he brightens up after a hug, whether it’s a quick one or a longer one. If he’s able to, he'll pull you into a quick hug before running along to his next meeting, just to give him a little extra spring in his step. If he has the time and the privacy he pulls you into those tight hugs. Feeling your warmth and form in his arms. He’ll just enjoy the moment with you, and rest his head on yours.  
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-Word) 
👑 He’s a master of choosing his words carefully and preventing any slips of the tongue. You’re probably one of the only people who can get him all tongue tied, breaking the infallible appearance he cultivates for others. The simple words bear a heavy weight when there is meaning to them, Diavolo understands this well and so he didn’t throw them around meaninglessly. He meant it, whenever he told you he loved you. It was his honest feelings, and he said it pretty quickly, because he just knew he is so in love with you. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?) 
👑 Diavolo doesn’t show his jealousy even if he really is jealous. He’s not vengeful or angry about it. It makes him more insecure and sad than anything, he’s just envious that he isn’t spending as much time with you as others are. He’d never choose to isolate you, nor is he thinking that it’s something else. He trusts you implicitly. It’s more his own desire to spend more time with you and honestly…He’d like to have your attention on him. He enjoys when you dote on him and it makes him sulk a bit if you’re not doing it as much. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
👑 His kisses are sweet, and very passionate. Diavolo has to limit himself to little pecks, or a kiss on the hand if he’s careful about the eyes that are around. When comfortable and not caring about the company there, (mostly his inner circle and those he trusts) he’s more open about it. He kisses you deeply, with all his repressed affection. He likes kissing the top of your head, your nose, your lips and your hands, he likes being kissed by you- full stop. Doesn’t matter where, but if you kiss his hand he finds it adorable and it makes him a little bashful. 
L = Little Ones (How are they around children?)
👑 He’s loud, boisterous and energetic. He has a friendly feel to him and children naturally gravitate towards Diavolo. He’s good at handling kids, he knows how to talk to them and they seem to naturally follow his lead. Diavolo finds kids really cute, yeah they can be a bit messy and disastrous but it's just because they’re kids. He’s forgiving, patient and understanding. He never raises his voice in anger but he can get a little nervous if the kids get too rowdy because he’s concerned about them hurting themselves. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
👑 Mornings with Diavolo are a little more relaxed than one would expect. A big part of that is thanks to Barbatos, he wakes the two of you up with some tea. While getting ready Barbatos has already sorted out breakfast and he’s on top of everything. It’s a little weird not doing anything, but from the moment Diavolo wakes up he’s already preparing for the day. Trying to get his schedule in order and make sure he knows all the meetings he has to go to, responsibilities he has to attend to and anything else. He always makes time for a good morning kiss though. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
👑 He’s tired, sometimes a little more stressed than he lets on. He just wants to spend time with you, unwind and maybe do something he doesn’t often have time for. He’ll lay in your arms and ask questions about the human world and humans. He’s excited to learn about you and your home. He asks the strangest questions at times but you know it stems from genuine curiosity. As long as he can rest a little and be with you he’ll unwind enough to fall asleep. Something he really appreciates is when you let him lay his head in your lap and you pet his head or play with his hair. It puts him to sleep every time. 
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while and reveal things slowly?)
👑 He’s easily open and honest about most things. To you at least, but he’s lived a life of having to bury his real self under pressures of a position and facades by necessity. It takes a bit more trust and comfort before he’s opening up his true self to you. You feel like you’re looking at a different person whenever you see him concealing himself to evade showing weakness or what could be perceived as weakness in his responsibilities. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) 
👑 Patience is a virtue, one he has plenty of. It isn’t often when you’ve seen Diavolo truly angry, maybe never. He holds back a lot and tries to find a more diplomatic and calmer way of solving things. Even in moments of intense duress he keeps his head about him, he has too. He can get worked up but he deals with it really well and tries to work through it rather than acting on it. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or they kind of or forget everything?) 
👑 He’s excited to learn about you and will ask various questions pertaining to ANYTHING you tell him. He’ll remember the things you tell him, sometimes details get a little muddled because he has a lot on his plate but you appreciate the amount of thought he always gives with anything and everything he does for you. If he does forget something he’s honest, he’ll apologize and ask you to remind him. Usually a little reminder sparks it again and he’ll be able to recall the finer details. 
R = Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
👑 The first time you snuck him out of the castle to go on a secret date. It’s his favorite memory. How you very bravely broke into the castle without getting caught (You did but you somehow convinced Barbatos to let you go and not mention anything to Diavolo) you gave him a very interesting disguise and the two of you snuck out (it wasn’t that hard since Barbatos practically let the two of you out) and went around Devildom on your date. The awkward part was both of you getting back and Barbatos, true to his word of pretending not to know anything, was waiting for Diavolo, late at night asking where he had been if not in bed. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
👑 Diavolo is protective of you in different ways and he always asks you to take care and stay safe. Whether he is protecting you against a threat- say a rabid monster, or something like safeguarding you from the snakes who are trying to undermine his position he does it gladly. He wants you to be safe and happy, he’s often got to think about the good of Devildom in his decisions but he always tries to find a way and means to protect you. You protect him in every way you can, despite his protests, you want him to be safe and feel like someone has his back no matter what happens. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
👑 Within his means (limited time) he tries his hardest to make things happen. He pushes himself a little hard with work to free himself up for the evening so he can invite you to eat dinner with him, he ropes Barbatos into helping him decide on gifts, or plans for anniversaries where to go and what to do if it’s romantic enough for the two of you. Sometimes his plans don’t always work out and that's okay because you know how hard Diavolo always tries for you.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
👑 Trying to shoulder the burden and bear the weight of the world, always. In a sense it’s not an overstatement considering he is the leader of the Devildom. Diavolo tries not to rely on others, and he has a difficult time asking for help and communicating that he needs a little rest. Instead he’ll stretch himself thin, overwork himself and burn himself out. It’s awful to see and you always tell him to rely on you more because you can handle it. Diavolo is insistent on bearing his own work, much to your frustration. You can only support him quietly as much as you can and hope to relieve some of his struggle. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) 
👑 He’s sensitive to his appearance, he has to be. If he looks a little sloppy or unkempt people could pick him apart and question him over something so insignificant. Diavolo is very involved in the upkeep of his appearance; everything from clothing to grooming is meticulous. He actually enjoys the days he gets to dress down a little and when you tell him his bed hair is cute and just love him no matter what his current state. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
👑 He’d feel your absence deeply. It will affect him for a long time and he’d find himself unable to concentrate on work or his day to day tasks, his mind would constantly go back to you. He’d mope a lot because he wants you here with him and if you’re not it makes him worry about you. If you’re doing okay, looking after yourself, if everything is fine. He wonders if you think about him even a little as much as he thinks about you. Diavolo didn’t realize he would be so affected by someone as much as this. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
👑 He likes it when you come to visit him while he’s holed up in his office. Your presence makes him happy and even if you’re doing your own thing while sitting with him, Diavolo is happy and can work a little faster and with more energy. All for the sake of finishing up quickly so he can spend time with you properly. Barabatos invites you over whenever he feels Diavolo is struggling because you have such a positive effect on his work and his general well being.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
👑 He doesn’t like unkind and deceitful people. Those who approach him with the intent of using or manipulating him for his position alone. People who come with false intentions are the worst kind and Diavolo has had to deal with the type since he was very young. He’s gotten better at discerning people and the reasons for them approaching him. He forges new relationships with a lot of internal hesitation and keeps them very much at a distance until he’s certain of their intentions.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?) 
👑 He wakes up a lot in the middle of the night and his sleep is usually disturbed because his mind is too busy. He’ll lay awake, tossing and turning and trying to sleep. He finds the nights when he gets the best sleep is when you’re with him. If you have to get up in the middle of the night whether for some water or needing the bathroom, if you don’t give Diavolo something to snuggle in your place then he’ll wake up and be sad to see you’re not next to him. He’s extra clingy when he’s half asleep.
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Taglist: @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf @roninfromtheops
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We Are Ep.11
Part 1
*sits with half a tub of ice cream with both AC and fan on because my AC is old and needs a little help and puts my cat on Do Not Disturb mode (aka scratching his belly)*
Welcome back to my crack posting! =D
Warning: long post, and since I have like 60 screenshots, there will be a part two 😊😅
I wrote that intro before I'd watched the ep. Me as I was watching the ep was mostly incoherent screaming (so much so that my cat woke up from his nap to give me "what the hell, hooman" look).
This episode was amazing, and I loved it, and I'll probably die of too much fluff, but that won't happen before I finish watching We Are (which- WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE ARE JUST 5 EPS LEFT?!!).
I was giggling and kicking my feet (just like Peem the morning after that Prince Charming kiss) from the very first scene.
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Oh, they are so gone for each other (and I am gone for them 😭). The smiles, the trying to hear what the other is doing just across the door ah
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So, so true. As a writer that hits.
Also, I'm very glad they decided to showcase creative blocks, even if it was for a few minutes.
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Me to PhumPeem: yes, Peem, I would love to know too.
Also- I really wanna know what Ciize was doing back there 😭
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Too cute to handle 😭
Jokes (and puns) aside, this scene is quite significant. Previously, whenever Phum was seen in the vicinity of the Fine Arts building, it was only because he wanted something from Peem (yes even that scene in ep. 8, he wanted company from Peem), but now, he's just sitting there waiting for Peem. And when Peem comes down, he's pinching his cheeks right there and acting cute with him and asking what's wrong.
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And he keeps on asking, because he can see that Peem is a little moody, and not his usual self. "You're usually livelier than this."
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Phum: "Actually, I want to be water too..."
Me: No way, is this what I think it is?
Phum: "I want to be the reason you feel good."
Me: yeah, yep, that's what I thought
No but, you can't tell me Phum doesn't binge watch BLs with his beloved teddy bear. Of course he has a whole arsenal of cheesy flirting lines.
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All this time, it was always Phum telling Peem how comfortable he is around him and his friends, how fun it is.
Welp, it's Peem's turn.
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I love Phum.
This is both him asking for consent as well as making sure they're on the same page and going at the same pace (which he always does, as I'd said before).
Also, no, he wants you to get closer.
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Hear how polite and soft Q is with Toey now? Once Q knew for sure that he's allowed to show affection towards Toey as more than just a mentor/mentee, he decided to be fluffy as heck and never went back (because his love language is giving and showing through actions).
Love that for them both <3
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This is such a valid fear.
He was afraid that his love would be too much, and in the process he'd lose the person he loves again, so he thought it better to just suffer alone than confess. Not gonna lie, my heart broke just a little here. (Also, because I'm currently rewatching MSP, I'll be pulling a lot of parallels, and this reminds me of that scene where Sound tells Gun that he's afraid to confess to Win because he's pretty sure he'll get rejected).
Oh, and I keep forgetting to say this, but Satang is such an amazing actor. Watching Sound and Toey, I almost can't believe they're played by the same person.
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Phum's lethal weapon and Peem's fatal weakness 😭
Let's be honest though, no one would be able to resist that smile, those eyes and that soft, "Na, krab". Oh yeah, he used polite pronouns here by the way.
I can't always notice the shift from formal to informal or vice versa because I'm not that well-versed in the language (yet) but this was pretty obvious.
Bonus (Peem's reaction):
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Tan: flirts with his theerak non-stop 24/7 Fang: *brushes his hair a little and apologizes for making him wait* Tan: *melts into a blushing mess*
That man is so whipped.
And in this house, we stan all whipped men.
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This actually reminds me of when I was a wee baby (around 3 or 4 years old, I think) when I rescued a baby sparrow and took it to my dad and told my neigbours my dad would be able to heal it because he's a dcotor (he isn't a vet either) 😭
Also- naming a bird by another bird is so true to Pun's character.
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This so relatable oh gods 😭
Also, we got the princess carry for Pride month! Twice if we count Chain lifting Pun in the waterfall, which I totally do.
We finally get being carried to bed but realizing they're laying on top of the blankets instead of just being magically wrapped in them by morning!
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*sighs fondly* such a simp. <3
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Uh huh, you said that last time too.
Don't lie, Peem, you'd let him hug you every night.
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Is this the reason behind the NC rating?
Also, this singular line just gave me a brain worm that is making me write my first smut fic. I blame y'all for getting me into this series.
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Yes, of course, Phum, everyone believed your "snort mi mi mi".
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Don't think I didn't see your little secret smile, Peem.
(Also, I have a headcanon that Phum just loves to be the little spoon)
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Now who's hugging who, huh?
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"Go away", he says, while putting his arm around his (not) boyfriend.
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See, it was all fun till this point, but you can't be giving me this level of domestic fluff while at the same time telling me they're not even dating yet. That just doesn't work.
So, for me, from this point on, they're an old married couple <3
Frankly though, all the four couples in this series are old married couples that just don't know they're married yet.
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Toey: HELP ME!!!
Toey: I forgot to do my assignment and today's the deadline 🥺
Q: ... 😑
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You don't...?
I thought that was the perfect time to start working on it?
jk jk, kids, I'm a chronic procrastinator, please don't learn from me, learn from your P'Q
(Q reminds me so much of @desi-yearning when she scolds me after I pull an all-nighter to submit an assignment or study for an exam 😭)
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Oh. Oh.
Oh my.
I love this scene so much.
This pencil box is very very special to Q, and he's asking Toey to draw on it - something that is irriversible, as Toey himself says.
But this is Q's way of putting together both his loves. This pencil box was picked up by Toey the first time, but back then, Q only knew him as Milk Frappe Boy.
Now, he's asking Toey to do something Milk Frappe Boy would never have been able to (remember, Toey started taking an interest in art only after meeting Pencil Senior), because Pencil Senior disappeared on Milk Frappe Boy, but Q would never disappear on Toey.
On this note, I end Part 1.
Part 2 will be out tomorrow, because as much as I try to deny it, I have these pesky things called responsibilities to attend to, and it's very late here now (not past my regular bed time, but way past my ideal bed time 😭)
Thank you for reading! 😊
Here, have some pizza and a cookie🍕🍕🍪
[If you want, my previous posts: Ep. 8 Ep.9 Ep.10]
And here's Part 2
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Hi! Saw that you were doing requests!
Prompt #1 with Lucifer confessing and wanting to make Adam his Queen like it should have been since the beginning
1. “If you felt want and longing the way I did — the way I still do — I promise you’d be driven fucking mad.”
I sure can anon 😎 Enjoy!
Lucifer was nervous. He didn't do nervous he made others nervous he was the fucking King of Hell for fuck sakes!
But here he was, nerves wracking his body as he waited for Adam down in the lobby. This date had to be perfect, it was THE date, the one that would make or break them.
He was ready to ask Adam to marry him, like how he always said he would since the garden. Lucifer was finally going to make good on his promises.
Adam came down the stairs, he was dressed formal casual, he wasn't much for suits but Lucifer said the place they were going was pretty fancy. He figured he should wear more than just blue jeans and a rock band t-shirt. "Hey." He greeted when he got over to Lucifer.
"Hey yourself." He offered Adam his arm and the sinner took it as they walked through the portal.
They took their seat at their reserved table and looked over the menus. Lucifer swore the ring in his pocket suddenly felt like it weighed 1000lbs.
He wasn't sure what to do if Adam said no. Would they break up? Would they keep dating and things stay the same only slightly awkward? Would they pretend it never happened?
The waiter came and took their orders and left without another word. "So what all were you up to today? I haven't seen you, you weren't hiding from me were you?" Adam asked playfully, as he looked over the rim of his wine glass as he took a drink.
Lucifer had been away all day getting Adam's ring down in Lust. It had taken longer than he thought it would. "What!? No, no, no, no, no, I would never. That's silly what would I be hiding?" Was he sweating? He suddenly felt damp in his suit.
"It's just a joke Luci, relax. If I didn't know better I'd say you were hiding something from me." Adam had noticed his odd behavior all week and it was just so not Lucifer. It only got worse as of today.
"I'm not hiding anything. Promise." Expect maybe the 48 karat black gold ring in my pocket. "How was your day?"
Adam shrugged, "Good I guess. Got a lot done in the garden. It was actually nice." Lucifer had built Adam his own garden at the hotel to help keep him occupied during the day when he didn't have other things going on.
Their food came and they ate for a little while in silence. Lucifer was trying to find the right moment to bring out the ring. "Adam, you know I love you right?"
"Oh my god, what did you do?"
"What? Nothing! Nothing. I just wanted to tell you how much I love and care about you. If you felt want and longing the way I did — the way I still do — I promise you’d be driven fucking mad. I have loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you in the garden and I've always had one regret in life." Lucifer reached into his pocket and pulled out the ring box. "I should have done this a long time ago, like I promised I would. Adam, will you become my Queen and marry me?" He opened the ring box to show him the ring inside.
Adam looked wide eyed and surprised. He really hasn't been expecting this to happen. He looked between the ring and Lucifer's hopeful face and swore he fucking melted. "Fuck yes." He put his hand out and Lucifer placed the ring in Adams ring finger.
Lucifer kissed the back of Adam's hand and gazed up at his fiance.
It only took him ten thousand years.
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Kokona Haruka
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Name: Kokona Haruka
Gender: Female
Class: 1-1
Club: Drama
Persona: Social Butterfly
Overall: +33
Liked: +50
Respected: +50
Feared: 0
Crush: Riku Soma
Strength: Weak
(Despite what I claimed before, this is awfully long.)
I'll spoil it now. Out of all of the other characters that I may or may not kill, Kokona Haruka is NOT one of them. I won't go into detail, but she has been someone very close to my heart since I first learned of YanSim.
Onto the important stuff, though. I think Kokona is a character that is the number one best character in Yandere Simulator. I'm content with her being just some NPC as of now, but only because I feel like any other editing to her character could mess it up.
Since she was a beta rival, she has a pretty decent life, decent lore, and decent relationships with her peers. I even think that she could make a great main character of a YanSim story that was meant to be more horrific than just violence.
I don't think much of Kokona needs to be explained since I'm just adding more specific bits to her already explained lore somewhere in YanSim's history. Some of these specifics are:
Kokona's personality, which is social and friendly, but still a bit anxious and nervous around people she doesn't know well. This is likely due to her father being the same way because he only ever interacted with whoever the loan sharks sent to collect the money. (Maybe, I admit I don't know much about how interactions like these work.)
Kokona's history, which consists of her mother divorcing her father. This led him to take several loans and, in turn, fall into debt. In middle school, she started doing jobs and favors for money, but a little closer to the end of her time in middle school, she ended up dating several of her classmates for money, amongst other (non-sexual 🙏) things. As of high school, she's started going on dates with whoever would pay, which has helped a little bit for her father's debt.
And finally, Kokona's relationships. This being with Riku, Saki, Kizana, Musume, and likely Kashiko as well (due to her wanting to ruin Riku and Kokona's relationship specifically). Kokona and Saki have been friends since middle school, and it was back then that Saki learned of her secret. Since she was her best friend, she's since been updated on every decision Kokona makes, and sometimes follows after Kokona to make sure nothing happens. Sometimes, she helps her by doing similar acts to Kokona.
Riku had a big crush on Kokona to begin with due to simply liking her appearance. After joining her club, he learned more about her and came to love her personality as well. After learning her type, he specifically wore his hair the way she'd like as well as with glasses in order to win her over. After he confessed, he didn't keep this up, but he does still insist on doing so on dates with her. Kokona hasn't formally accepted his confession due to feeling guilty about what she does without him knowing, but she does still allow Riku to confidently say that they're dating.
Kizana has always been such a superstar in Kokona's eyes. She was popular, talented and confident, everything that Kokona wanted to be. So, (unlike Tokuko) she started following in her footsteps, like copying her body language when she's around her and trying her best to be confident in front of her, even if she's shot down. Kokona is a sweetheart, and whole-heartedly believes that no one acts a certain way for no reason, so she personally excuses any irritation Kizana holds towards her. (The similar hair is on Kizana, Kokona loves drilled pigtails since middle school.)
Musume always obsesses over people she believed or knew had a dark secret. (Think- Horuda; Knows- Kokona.) And Kashiko has simply hopped on that train due to loving to ruin relationships. She believes that since Riku and Kokona are so sweet together, it'll be even better when she screws up their relationship.
(I apologize for this length. I even said I was going to keep anyone outside of the main characters and rivals short.)
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eleanor-bradstreet · 8 months
Let Me Be Your Anchor
Chapter 10: The Orangery
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Benedict Bridgerton x Sophie Beckett An Offer from a Gentleman reimagined Chapter rating: 18+ - explicit sexual content Word count: 3.9k
Masterpost Previous chapter Next chapter
Author's Notes: Well folks, we're 1/3 of the way through this story. You have more than earned your smut 😉 Enjoy 💙
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Sophie managed to reach her quarters without encountering anyone who would see the state she was in. She cried for what felt like hours, muffling her sobs with her fist until they eventually subsided into whimpers. She kept fearing that someone would knock on her door either because they heard her, or because Benedict had sent someone after her. But mercifully no one appeared.
Once she had lost the energy to cry she stared at the ceiling, lost in the turmoil of her thoughts. Benedict had kissed her, had said he’d dreamed about her, had made it clear he desired her. It was everything Sophie had ever wanted, but it was also the most painful reality she could imagine. She had known he desired her at the masquerade but that made sense. He had assumed she was a member of the ton and someone worthy of his attention. But as a housemaid he could only see her as a dalliance, a pretty plaything that he could easily discard.
Should she reveal her identity to him? What did she think would happen if she told him about the masquerade and her true feelings? He’d probably be incensed that she had not explained it earlier. Then what? Would he confess that he loved her too and run away to marry her, breaking all the standards of society and risking a lifetime of reproach? No. More likely he would turn her in to the authorities or laugh her out of the room. She was no better than a girl with a silly infatuation. He was a man from one of the most dignified families of the ton with wealth, power, and prestige. She suddenly felt incredibly small. Small and stupid. 
She needed to leave Aubrey Hall. Hell, she could sneak out tonight the same way she had from the Cavender’s. She had the same amount of money in her purse, not having been paid yet by Benedict. But she didn’t relish the idea of hiking through the dark alone, especially now that she was even deeper in the countryside. The money from Aubrey Hall would spare her so much misery, and poor Benedict would probably assume that she saw him as no better than Cavender if she took off in the middle of the night after being subjected to his advances, which couldn’t be further from the truth.
No, she would wait until morning and ask to collect her wages from Mr. Dewitt. Then she would formally take her leave and board at an inn until she found a new position. But should she speak to Benedict before she left? What would she say? Would he even want to see her?
Her thoughts continued to race until she noticed the grey light of morning brightening around her door. She felt wretched, tearstained and dazed. She splashed water on her face, changed her dress and donned her cloak. Fresh air would help her clear her mind and formulate a plan before the rest of the house woke up.
The morning air was chilled and misty. It soothed her lungs and brought her a degree of energy despite her sleepless night. Sophie had always enjoyed cooler weather. It reminded her of her childhood at Penwood Park, set on a windy heath. She moved from the back doors of the house across a lawn and into the statuary garden. She wandered among the hedges and benches observing the likenesses of cherubs, muses, mythic heroes. In the pre-dawn shadows they looked more ominous than inspirational, but Sophie found that appropriate, considering everything she was feeling.
She was inspecting a statue of Artemis with her bow drawn when she heard footfalls behind her. Nearly jumping out of her skin, she whipped around to find Benedict. 
“Sophie,” he greeted her softly. He looked about as good as she felt with his hair a tousled mess, dark circles under his eyes, and clothes disheveled as if he had thrown them on in a hurry and only bothered with half of the buttons.
“What are you doing here?” she whispered, though there was no one outdoors but the two of them.
Benedict shook his head. “I couldn’t sleep.” That explained his appearance. Sophie wasn’t sure what to think. If he hadn’t slept either, what had he been thinking about? He had clearly followed her to the garden. Had he been watching for her all night?
They stared at each other in silence. Sophie couldn’t fathom what to say. Benedict looked her over. “You’re leaving?” It was more of a statement than a question and there was a hint of defeat in his tone.
Yes. Sophie should have said yes. But seeing him there, looking distraught and being as exhausted as she was, her true feelings came out. “I don’t know.” She felt as if she was being pulled down into the earth. She wanted to cry, she wanted to collapse, she wanted someone to tell her what to do.
Benedict’s eyes were impossibly sorrowful. He walked toward her, hands extended in a plea. “I’m so sorry if I did anything that upset you. I took liberties.”
Sophie shook her head. “No. You didn’t do anything I did not want.” Her voice was breaking. She couldn’t tell him why she had pulled away but the last thing she wanted was for him to feel like a villain.
Benedict stopped short, his brow beginning to furrow. “And yet you do not want to stay?”
She shook her head again and looked at the ground, voice barely above a whisper. “I don’t think it would be appropriate.” More meager lies. It was all she had. She hoped to appeal to his reason and class sensibility rather than tell the truth.
He scoffed and crossed his arms, arching a brow. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed how little regard I give to propriety.”
Sophie rooted herself to the spot. She couldn’t let this go on. She wouldn’t be charmed by him again and dragged down a path to heartbreak. Mustering all of her courage, she gritted her teeth. “We agreed this would only be a few days until you were well again and then I would move on.”
“Sod the agreement!” Benedict threw his arms in the air and stalked even closer. He wasn’t holding anything back now. “I know you don’t have anywhere to go yet.”
His words cut into her. He was right, but she wouldn’t be manipulated. She looked up at him, glowering. “Once Mr. Dewitt is awake, I will collect my wages and go.” She hoped that if she said it aloud she would actually follow through.
Benedict balked, blinking at her in surprise. “I see.” There was a snideness in his tone that she had never heard before. “So you will simply take the money and leave. You are that desperate to get away from me?” 
Sophie felt torn in half. Of course she wasn’t desperate to get away from him. Quite the opposite. She wanted to melt into his arms and never let him go. But he was being flippant, acting as if he were entitled to dictate what she could do. He had no idea what it was like to be in her position or to face any real challenge at all. He was starting to make her resent him. “This isn’t just about you,” she growled. “You don’t understand.”
“Then help me understand!” He shouted, closing the distance between them. He grasped her by the arms, pale eyes alight with desperation. “If you don’t find me repulsive, why don’t you want to stay?” His grip tightened and he all but shook her. “Why?”
Sophie could barely breathe, seared through by his gaze. She wanted to scream the truth at him, to tell him who she was, to tell him she loved him, to tell him he deserved better than her. Just as equally she wanted to chastise him, to tell him he was a rich fool who couldn’t simply take whatever he wanted, particularly when it was a person. And she wanted to turn and run. It was all too much and she shouted back into his face, “I just can’t!” Hot tears started to roll down her cheeks.
Her reaction clearly rattled him and his eyes regained their characteristic softness. He released her arms and brought his hands to rest lightly on her back, holding her as if she were made of glass. He steadied himself, eyes searching her face. At last he spoke, his voice devastatingly tender, “I won’t see you cast adrift.”
Sophie could feel herself breaking. Entitled as he was, his heart was pure. She had known it at the masquerade and she knew it now. He was pompous as a circumstance of the lifestyle he had been born into but when it mattered, he cared for people. He cared for her, and it felt so good to be cared for. 
She had run out of defenses. She could only confess the truth through her tears. “I have been adrift all my life.”
Lifting a hand to her chin he tilted her face, questing deeper into her eyes. “Let me be your anchor.”
Then Sophie’s heart was lost. He was her anchor. He was all she had to hold on to for so long, this marvelous, wonderful, infuriating man who had haunted her dreams for years. Meeting him was the best thing that had happened in her toilsome and lonely life. Now he was with her again, wanting her, holding her, his touch painfully sweet. She was tired of hiding, tired of resisting, tired of denying the inevitable. She couldn’t fight it anymore.
She surged up and seized his lips with her own, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and pulling him tight against her. Benedict froze, caught off guard but only for a moment. Then his arms held her back just as tightly, his mouth caressing hers, his breath hot on her skin. Her hands moved hungrily, raking through his gloriously soft hair, tracing the breadth of his back, feeling the warmth of his neck and the angle of his jaw as they pivoted to explore each other’s kisses more deeply. He was strength; he was bliss; he was comfort; and in this moment, he was hers. He was so delicious and so beautiful, tears continued to run down her face from pure joy.
With a gentle nibble at her bottom lip, Benedict eventually pulled back. Grinning breathlessly, he took her hand. “Come with me.” 
He led her through the garden and Sophie realized they were headed toward the massive stone orangery. She cast a quick glance around to find the grounds empty and the sun just barely peeking over the horizon.
As soon as Benedict closed the door behind them Sophie was overwhelmed with the sweet scent of citrus and jasmine. She hadn’t yet visited this building and was instantly entranced. With marble floors and vaulted ceilings, it was a veritable jungle of potted tropical trees and vine covered trellis walls. She only had a moment to observe it before she was back in Benedict’s arms, his hands entangled in her hair as he kissed her with a soft moan. She felt giddy, heady with the perfumed air and the breathlessness of his attentions.
They clutched at each other as if fearful to let go, and all the while, they were pressed so tightly against one another she was certain she’d melt into his skin.
“Sophie, Sophie,” he murmured. His lips moving gently along her face until they found her mouth again. “I need you.” He pressed one of her hands against his chest. Even through all of his clothes, she could feel his heart begin to beat even more rapidly, hear his breath coming in hoarser gasps. “Do you feel how I need you?” 
“I need you too,” she whispered. And she did. She’d spent so long dreaming about him, trying desperately to remember the scent of his skin, the sound of his voice. There had been many nights when the fantasy of him had been all that had kept her company. She had been living on dreams, and she wasn’t a woman for whom many had come true. She didn’t want to lose this one just yet.
He pressed her back into a wall of cool stone and kissed her with a newfound fierceness. His tongue swirled around hers while his slender fingers held her face. She gasped as his kisses traveled down her neck and his touch moved across her body. Every sensation seemed to rob her of the ability to breathe. His hands were on her breasts, kneading, teasing, sending a rippling shiver across her skin.
“Benedict,” she murmured, touching the crisp silkiness of his hair. There was a fire burning within her that had been simmering quietly for years. The sight of him had ignited it anew, and his touch was like kerosene, sending her into a conflagration.
He groaned, crashing his lips against hers again, locking one hand on the back of her neck and another around her waist. Sophie was dimly aware that they were moving, that he was pushing her somewhere deeper into the artificial forest. Then somehow she was lying on a bench and he was on top of her while his hand reached to lift up her skirts. 
He seemed so dominant, so powerful, and in that moment, so perfectly hers. A very small part of Sophie’s mind was still functioning, and she knew that she should tell him to stop, to put an end to the madness, but god help her, she couldn’t. Not yet.
His hand stroked her knee then inched upward, squeezing the soft flesh of her thigh. She began to pant with anticipation. She knew where his fingers were headed but was surprised to find that it did not make her nervous. She trusted him implicitly. She wanted this, whatever it was he was about to do.
Benedict smirked as he deftly shifted fabric to expose her womanhood and the cool rush of air made Sophie realize how very wet she was. She would have been embarrassed but before she could even form the thought, Benedict’s fingers were on her and he inhaled deeply with a satisfied grin.
Sophie stared up at him, agape, unable to form words.
“I daresay no one has ever touched you here,” he rasped. Sophie shook her head. No one had touched her there, not even herself, not in the way he was doing it. It was a strange, intensely intimate, and entirely enjoyable feeling.
“Do you like it?” Benedict whispered, still smiling down at her. His nimble fingers switched from smooth stroking to rapid circling, spreading her slickness upward and focusing right on the center of her ache.
He may as well have set a match to her blood. She cried out uncontrollably and arched off the bench, gasping. “Yes! What are you doing?” Her every muscle tightened as he moved his fingers in a particularly wicked manner.  
“Everything,” he returned, capturing her lips with his. “Anything you want.” 
Sophie’s breath grew heavier, her heart started to pound. His fingers continued to dance, relentlessly circling. Something was building inside of her, deep in her gut, coiling, pulsing, making her rigid. She clung on to Benedict for dear life, not knowing where he was taking her but desperate to reach the destination. Anything to quell the ache, the burning that never seemed to stop growing.
“Do you want more?” His voice was husky in her ear.
She had just enough control over her body to nod and choke out a “Yes” as she gripped the back of his neck.
He smiled wolfishly. “Then lie back and let me pleasure you.”
Sophie didn’t know how he could possibly pleasure her more but she was willing to find out. She had to consciously remind herself to breathe because she felt as if she were drowning - drowning under the pressure of Benedict, the heat of his gaze, the thrill of his touch and everything it did to her. As she panted he began to move down her body, trailing hot kisses along her jaw, her throat, her chest. His fingers were still teasing her crest, pressing and circling as she squirmed.
He moved himself lower and lower until he settled between her legs, kneeling on the floor as she lay sprawled across the bench. Now he could see the marvelously slick evidence of her desire. Sophie could feel the heat of his breath against her entrance. It made her shudder and filled her with the most wanton craving. This was so terribly wrong, so terribly naughty. But she didn’t want it to stop. She trembled and gripped the edges of the bench as his fingers twirled faster. 
Benedict delighted in watching her writhe. Every signal from her body was pleading with him for more - her ragged breath, her hums of anticipation, and the way her hips had started to gyrate, ever so slightly, in a waltz with his hand. When he began to feel guilty about the torment he took hold of her quivering thighs and leaned in to taste her, running his tongue up and down her opening. 
Something like a sob escaped Sophie’s throat as she lifted off the bench again. She moaned his name and he moaned back into her flesh. His tongue moved methodically, exploring her folds slowly, repetitively, stopping on sensations that made her whole body tense as she groaned. She tasted like a plum crossed with an orange, or maybe that was just the scent in the air around them. She was sweet and he would polish her off like a dinner plate. He continued moving languorously, savoring her and letting her adjust to the sensation. It was only when her muscles relaxed and she started to push herself back against him that he moved his mouth over her sweetest spot, flicking his tongue across her aching bud.
A cry tore itself from Sophie’s chest, animal and needy. Never in her wildest fantasies had she imagined being kissed like this, tasted like this, teased like this. The indecency of it all shocked her, but her shock drowned out by the wave she felt spreading upward through her body. It was heat and tightness and hunger and she would do anything to fulfill it, to hell with decency. Benedict’s mouth was so warm, especially against the cool air of the orangery. All she could feel, all her mind could focus on were his movements, small but incendiary, on the most sensitive part of her. He began sucking at her, massaging her nerves with fluctuating pressure punctuated by quick darts of his tongue. She whimpered, too overwhelmed to exclaim any louder.
The steady cadence of suction and licking made Sophie’s mind start to cloud. As tormenting as her need felt, she wanted to stay there for hours. She fell into a trance which was only broken by a wholly new sensation. She gasped and looked down to find Benedict slowly pushing a long finger to enter her. Dear god, he was inside of her. It was an odd pressure but rather than feeling painful it simply felt…correct. She knew that a woman’s body was designed to take a man’s and while they weren’t engaged in the full act, this was her first small experience of how that might feel. And it felt wonderful.
Mouth still latched onto her, Benedict raised his eyes to meet hers and it was the most frightfully arousing image she had ever seen. Never breaking his gaze, eyes somehow darkened, he started to slide his finger slowly in and out. The pleasure she felt made Sophie choke and fall back against the bench. His teasing her on the outside and moving steadily inside was too much to handle. Heat pulsed through her core and she felt a sudden spasm deep within.
Benedict released her from his lips and rasped her name. The speed of his probing increased, gliding into her rhythmically. “You feel so bloody good.”
All she could do was moan in acknowledgment, eyes clamped shut. The tightening, coursing feeling was building steadily within her but with his mouth removed it had slowed. She ached for it. She wanted to ride it out before she went mad. 
“Please, Benedict, please,” she could hear herself whining but didn’t care. “I don’t…I don’t know what…this feeling…”
The grin was evident in his voice as he replied, “Don’t worry, you will see.” 
She lolled her head in the semblance of a nod.
“Tell me what you want,” he purred, hand beginning to press into her more forcefully. “What feels good to you?”
Sophie could barely comprehend speech at this point. How could she explain? “I…everything,” she sighed.
She thought she heard a small chuckle. “You like me inside of you, I can tell.”
The cheeky devil. Sophie just mewled with another half-nod.
“Do you like my mouth on you?”
“Yes,” she squeaked, beginning to writhe in desperation. “Benedict…I need it…”
He granted her wish immediately, hot mouth descending on her once again, sucking furiously while his hand began to pound at her entrance. The caresses of his finger and tongue worked together to magnify each other.
Sophie hissed and gripped his hair with both fists. The wave was surging within her, burning her, lifting her out of her own skin. Her toes curled. She wanted to scream, she wanted to cry, she wanted to explode, but all she could do was hold her breath and hold on.
Then Benedict did something with his finger, bent it in just the right way that it added to the pressure, massaging undiscovered places within her depths, and it was more than she could bear. The wave broke, roaring to a crescendo and crashing over her every muscle, rippling outward with the most glorious feeling of release she had ever experienced. And it persisted. She had no choice but to submit to it, lying breathless as her body clenched over and over. Benedict groaned against her sensitive bud causing her to spasm harder, drawing out the aftershocks as the sensation slowly ebbed.
Sophie was limp, astonished, and utterly without her faculties. Her body was left trembling and her mind was left entirely blank. She felt as if she were floating, softly held in the weightless embrace of bliss. She had never known such an incredible feeling.
The only thing that drew her back to earth was the gentle attention of Benedict’s tongue. He had withdrawn his finger and was kissing her reverently between her legs. He kissed her crest with a parting lick then moved to her opening, eagerly lapping at her and cleaning her of her slickness. He was so thorough that he entered her with his tongue. It was warm and sweet and absolutely the most sinful thing Sophie could imagine. All she could do was lay back and let him feast upon her.
At last she felt him pulling down her skirt, then he was on top of her, pressing her down with his entire body as he nuzzled and kissed her neck. Sophie weakly wrapped her arms around him, still dazed and panting, filled with wonder and gratitude that the man she loved had just gifted her the most ecstatic experience of her life.
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