#all this fxxking time
sunlitide · 7 months
i would never survive as a contestant (?) on the bachelor yall especially this season 😭😭😭😭
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six-eyed-samurai · 5 months
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Sorry this is so trash y'all, I was getting stressed out and had no idea where it was going. If you don't like OC children I suggest you don't read.
“If we ever get reborn, if we're born again as human beings, will you make me your wife?”
*** Some things never changed, no matter the time, distance…number of reincarnations.
The famously red and yellow shock of hair inherited by all the descendants of the Rengoku family, for one. The scarred faces and hot tempers of the Shinazugawas, for another. The whiny cowardice and obsession with girls in the Agatsuma boys.
And the beautiful but tragic love story that was the romance between the former sour Serpent Pillar and sweet Love Pillar.
Sometimes when Mitsuri met up with Shinobu they’d talk about if, hypothetically, one day the Corps were no longer needed and demons no longer existed, what would they like to do?
“I’d really like it if Iguro-san and I got together! He’s so sweet to me, he even gave me these socks! He’s kind of cute too.”
“Would you really like to get married to someone as bitter as him?” Shinobu hid her trademark smile behind her teacup.
“Of course! If - if he’d have me. I’ve always wanted to have a big family with a lot of kids. Three or four? I’m not too sure, but we’d have so much fun together! I’d love to braid my girl’s hair or - ooh, or talk to them about boys, and if I did have any sons I’d love to cook for them! Oooh, do you think we could play sports together? I’m sure I could keep up.”
“...you’d do more than keep up, Mitsuri-chan.”
Parallel in eerily similar ways Obanai too would pour out the same musings to his best friend in the Corps over complaining about Tomioka’s face or simply just training together. The only differences, perhaps, was that Sanemi was getting fed up that Obanai was not making a move and the Serpent Pillar wasn’t so sure he’d make a good father…or that he even wanted children.
“When are you going to stop dreaming and complaining about whatever sunshiney marriage dream you’re having with Kanroji to me and actually tell her? Fxxking coward.” Sanemi deftly swung his sword with a lot more force than necessary, fed up with hearing Obanai make excuse after excuse as to why he hadn’t done anything yet. “Man up, grow some balls and go confess. You both are so obviously lovesick I want to throw up.”
“...soon.” Obanai blocked his hit. “But if you throw up, go do it somewhere else.”
Soon, soon, soon, the both of them repeatedly answered each time. Were they to know their tragic fate, their ‘soon’ never to come? They did plan to confess eventually, some day, one day.
Just never planned on regretting only having to do it while awaiting at death’s door, one to never see his love even in their dying moments, the other unable to hold him and really tell him exactly how much he meant to her - but the universe wasn’t that cruel.
Obanai Iguro, a man renowned for his godly level cooking and sharp tongue capable of rendering even the most rude of customers into tears. Obanai Iguro, a man known to his family as someone who rarely showed affection but could be counted on to always be there for them. Obanai Iguro, a man only known to cry once in his life when his beloved wife gave birth to their first born twin girls and pass out from worry when Mitsuri went into labor early with their happy accident baby Fuyu.
Obanai Iguro, who still wasn’t sure what he had done to earn such an amazing family for he wasn’t the best of saints, but thanked his lucky stars every day to wake up to - 
“DAD! Can we go, please, please, pretty please?” 
“Mama! Mama!”
“Where’s my chocolate bar? Fuyu! Nii-chan!”
-the utter chaos that was their big family of seven on the weekends, the only two days when their famous diner didn’t open.
“WHAT?” Obanai rarely raised his voice - his acidic, disappointed tone was always enough to scold his five children - but for once surprise had taken him by…well, surprise. With a stack of cereal bowls in one hand and their youngest in the other he dashed out faster than a demon of the kitchen and loomed (as well as he could with his lack of height anyway) menacingly at the newcomer standing at the threshold of their cluttered living room. “Baby, you never said you’d be going out today…at least not with this scumbag.”
“Daddy, please, can you not be so weird about it?” Oh, he should’ve known something was up the moment his second oldest and precious princess Junko had come home three days ago giggling like a maniac on her phone. Jeez, why couldn’t she stay a cute little four year old forever? Now all these teenage boys were coming over to taint his golden girl.
Out of the five, Junko was the one that resembled Mitsuri the most, even in looks with her magenta hair that her mother fawned over putting in double pigtail braids and bright green eyes always turned up in half-moons from her smiling. Adorable from the moment she was born. Cheerful no matter what. The most loving and clingy to both her parents. Truly a daddy’s girl; and there was no way Obanai was letting her go off with some ‘just a friend who also happens to be the opposite gender’. 
But it did make a lot of sense guys would chase after her just like they did with Mitsuri…still, what if she got her innocent little heart broken? What if she got dumped halfway? What if that bright sunshine she had eternally been faded after the certain failure this so-called hangout would be?
 He glared daggers irritably at the poor boy in question, and even looking as frazzled as he did from cooking seven breakfasts in a row he managed to make the receiver squirm a little. Okay, a lot. 
But to the boy’s credit he still managed to muster an awkward, shy smile and held out a hand. “Hi, Mr. Iguro! I’m Kaito - if it’s alright with you can Junko come to the park with me? If I’m interrupting your family time I’ll come back another day!” 
Hmph. He seemed nice enough but the bead of sweat dripping down his forehead was obvious to everyone. Clearly not a very brave one. What would he do if they got cornered by those neighborhood bullies the Iguro’s third born was always going head to toe with? Run, probably, no doubt. With spiky, tousled hair and rumpled clothes like that he probably wasn’t too bothered about his appearance. Lack of hygiene: red flag right there, Obanai was sure.
Junko edged closer to her father, playing with the edge of her skirt (oh, so he was why she had been taking so long to dress this morning) nervously. “Daddy, come on, you don’t have to be so threatening. Kaito’s…nice.” 
She colored up pretty fast and Obanai narrowed his eyes. “Absolutely not. You’re not going to go gallivanting the countryside with this…whatever he is.”
Kaito cleared his throat. “I live a few buildings down if that helps?”
Maybe Mitsuri might’ve let Junko go off with a lot of squealing about how cute they were and encouraging this “young love”, but Obanai would rather lose his arms and sight and life then agree to it. “No. Not with a boy, not ever.”
“Dad, come on, please?” 
Oh god, not the puppy eyes. Obanai stared up for a beat wondering what deity had blessed his daughters with such enormous doe eyes he could never say no to and how could he track him down before averting eye contact and muttering “fine”.
“ThankyousomuchIloveyoualotDadthankyousomuch!” Ah well, maybe it couldn’t hurt once in a while to let his little dove leave the nest if he got to see her beam so brightly all the spotlights in the world faded to gray and hug him so tightly.
“Be back by evening or I’ll have his head and put it on a spike outside the restaurant!” He made a “I’m-watching-you-so-you-better-not-do-anything-to-my-baby” gesture at this Kaito when they left. Why did she have to grow up so fast?
“Is he serious?” Obanai heard Kaito asking as they ran off.
“...I mean, he did tie up someone and left them outside for a day because they gave Kyoka a flower on White Day, but don’t worry! Daddy’s really nice!”
“You better not do the same,” Obanai grumbled down at the toddler clinging to him, fast asleep and drooling as he headed back to the kitchen. “You’re going to be the only girl left in this house who hasn’t gone into their teenager phase, Fuyu.”
Fuyu sighed softly and clung on even more, as if she understood what he was saying. Her tiny, puffy pink ponytail tickled his neck, as did the nagging suspicion that today’s adventures and problems hadn’t come to an end yet.
“Dad, can you come up?”
Aaand another problem arose to deal with. Who was he to deny any of Mitsuri’s, his queen, requests, so up he went as fast as he could after dumping the dishes in the sink to be washed another time.
Mitsuri loved her children a lot, and that was obvious to even an outsider. She had never punished them once, always stopped to give them attention individually,  constantly showered them in sugary confections, agreed to even the most ridiculous of games, played good cop every time they got into trouble and never, ever, raised a hand or used her crazily unnatural strength against them.
Until her eldest daughter Kyoka hit her fourteenth birthday apparently - as much as it pained her to do it she was pinning her down to the chair with all her strength to prevent her daughter’s desperate attempts to escape while Torao watched with wide eyes and Kenji excitedly explained the whole thing to Obanai. 
Why oh why couldn’t she be as easy going as her twin Junko or as compliant as Torao or as agreeable as Kenji? Heck, even Fuyu was a little less rebellious than Kyoka when she was in her moods. 
Not that Mitsuri was saying she wanted to change her daughter’s personality, oh no, never. She’d give up all the sakura mochi in the world before that happened. Kyoka was the most responsible girl anyone could ask for and had won so many awards at school the wall was running out of space for framed certificates. But honestly she could be rather…stubborn at times. 
Strangers and customers often commented on the amazing genetic spread between all of her five children, a perfect mix of her and darling Obanai: Kyoka had received her dad’s black hair and blue eyes with her mother’s beauty marks and strength of ten men; her fraternal twin Junko had inherited her pink and green scheme but Obanai’s petite frame; the boys Kenji and Torao had black hair mixed with pink beginnings and fading green ends respectively; Fuyu her mother’s candy floss hair and dad’s captivating golden yellow eyes. Mitsuri delightedly reveled in cutting, combing and styling them ever since they were young…
“Mom, please, for the last time, MY BANGS ARE FINE!”
“Kyoka, they’re too long and it’s slanted, I told you you shouldn’t have cut them yourself -”
“You weren’t free at the time, besides, this is the current trend anyways -”
But how could she have known it was going to be absolute hell now to give Kyoka’s short, unevenly sliced hair a trim?
“I don’t see what’s trendy if it’s getting in your eyes!”
“She’s been rubbing them a lot lately,” Torao piped up, but cringed when Kyoka shot him her signature death stare and hid behind Obanai. 
“Just let me cut them, Kyoka,” Mitsuri repeated, exasperated for the first time in history. Even Fuyu seemed to tense in her sleep. “Why are you being so insistent about having them in your eyes like that?”
“...Ryota said they looked cool.”
Once again the stark contrast between Mitsuri and Obanai’s personalities revealed itself as it did daily when faced with the realization their girls were at that age where boys had a lot of impact in their choices.
At once Mitsuri exploded into sheer joy, glee and anticipation, grabbing her eldest into a crushing hug, crying that her little girl was all grown up and ready to go look for her soulmate; Kyoka awkwardly returned it with a red face. 
Obanai, on the other hand, looked like he was in the middle of a seizure, but that was a story for later. 
“WE SHOULD GO TO SHOPPING TOGETHER, IT’S BEEN TOO LONG SINCE WE BOUGHT YOU NEW DRESSES!” Mitsuri took a deep breath to calm herself, then launched into a barrage of rapid fire interrogation. “Have you made a first move? Is he showing any signs of being interested? What’s he like? Have you both gone on any dates yet?”
“Mom, please, it’s not that big of a deal! He just sits behind me!” Kyoka averted her eyes and shrank further into her untidy fringe. “...I don’t think Dad’s gonna like him much though.”
Mitsuri’s eyes gleamed. Ah, an opportunity for a little mother-daughter bonding time with a lil’ boy talk. Of course she’d wind up telling Obanai one day - she was almost as bad as the Kamado family at lying - but it’d be fun while it lasted. “Don’t worry, it’ll be our secret.” 
Mitsuri had been so enthusiastic about having a backyard when they had bought the house that Obanai had relented from his steadfast argument of not creating a garden even without flowers (bad enough he had to wear a face mask 24/7 to filter pollen) and they had come to the agreement that it would at least have be a mini playground for the kids - a lone, squeaking tire swing, abandoned bikes and littered toys today all ignored in favour of a - 
“Put it back!”
“Come on, I want to show Dad! I won’t hurt it!”
“Ew, don’t hold it to my face! Drop it back in the dirt!”
“Nii-chan, don’t give it to Fuyu! She’ll eat it! NO, DON’T GIVE IT TO ME!”
Kyoka shrieked when Kenji deliberately dangled the worm in front of her, causing her to drop the phone she had been scrolling on with Fuyu on her lap. Torao took the opportunity to run away from his elder brother and hide behind Mitsuri standing at the doorway. Obanai wished he had a camera right then to capture the moment because her cheeks were red and puffed out from a terrible attempt to stop her giggling but unfortunately he was still fuming over losing his daughter to a…ugh, he couldn’t even say it. 
“Eh, Torao?! Don’t you wanna try holding it?! You’re always so freaked out over a little insect!!!”
Kenji had always reminded Mitsuri of someone on the edge of her brain but she couldn’t remember what - or who. As the years went on it began to push deeper and deeper, the way he unnecessarily shouted his words in excitement, his fire-bright personality and how he easily looked out for his younger brother like it was nothing. The feeling was usually accompanied by a wave of sadness (grief?), even more so the day he brought home a friend he introduced as Tojuro, but she couldn’t deny it was such a blessing to have him around. 
“I don’t want to! Just leave it be!”
Torao…on the other hand….where he got his shy, socially anxious genes from Obanai to this day was still wracking his brains over. Of course he was more than happy to indulge in him when he chose to stay home instead of going out to some friend’s party (less chances of getting picked up by some - shudder - girl!) but honestly he was terrified of everything and unbeknownst to him his dad had already plans to braven him up a little which may or may not involve some hostages (god did that Kamado boy irritate him but since he was Torao’s only friend he refrained from making…most of the complaints).
“Neeeeh! Worm!” Fuyu squealed and tried to reach for Kenji, squirming around in Kyoka’s death grip, a feebly cute attempt that had Mitsuri clapping her hands delightedly to catch the worm. Kyoka wrinkled her nose and took another step back. 
“Dad, can you just get Kenji to - OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, DAD, HE’S THROWING THE WORM AT YOU!”
Perhaps he would’ve noticed, picked up the worm and thrown it back into the bushes on a normal day, but he was still staring hard at a blushing Mitsuri and wishing for a camera and half-heartedly reaching for the quivering Torao behind him.
Perhaps on a normal day he would’ve simply just made a sarcastic comment when the worm then landed on the top of his black and white striped shirt and flick it off, but today he was NOT expecting that and proceeded to yelp (the likes of which never have been heard of from OBANAI IGURO) and jump up and shake it off desperately.
“KYAAAAAH!” Mitsuri exploded into laughter, collapsing to her feet while Kyoka and Torao stared in horror. 
That was almost enough for Obanai to forgive Kenji, but not quite.
“Oh you sneaky little snake -” 
None of them knew it but maybe, just maybe, a little bit of their former Pillar selves returned when Obanai tackled Kenji to the ground and in turn Mitsuri had to tackle him off.
Strange. Usually it would be Mitsuri who fell asleep first but judging from her voice she wasn’t the least bit sleepy. Even more strange when Fuyu hadn’t caused any trouble that night; she lay peacefully drooling in between them. 
He blinked the gunk out of his eyes. “Yeah?”
“I’m so happy, you know that? I thought I couldn’t be when we started dating, then I was wrong when we opened the diner together, when we got married - Kyoka, Junko, Kenji, Torao, Fuyu…especially.” Mitsuri rolled over to face him, a sweet smile curving up her emerald eyes. “Thank you so much for all this.”
Obanai, careful not to nudge Fuyu, reached over to take Mitsuri’s hand. “Should be thanking you, stupid. Thanks for…loving me even though I’ve got the personality of  a lemon.”
That got a laugh out of her. “You can be pretty sweet when you want to. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you!”
“Why just stop at this one?” Obanai turned his head slightly, perfectly serious.
“True! It’ll be so amazing! Do you think we met in a past life too, Obanai?”
“Maybe. I don’t really care as long as you’re here right now.” 
“See, you can be sweet when you want to,” Mitsuri giggled softly, squeezing his hand. “Although you were pretty salty with Kaito when he came to drop Junko off. That was so mean, honestly. I hope you aren’t going to do that with Ryota.”
“He had it coming, taking her away like that - hold up, who’s Ryota?”
Mitsuri ultimately failed again at holding her laughter and woke up the whole household falling out of bed. 
“Of course. If you say you're fine with someone like me, then I will definitely make you happy.”
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thelazywriters · 1 year
OKAAY, I'M BACK!11! Don't mind be being inactive for the past couple of months hehe.
This is 100% fanon haha <33, I had trouble posting the last draft for some reason xd
characters:Jeff the killer, Jane the killer, Ben Drowned, Sally, Slenderman, Splendorman, Trenderman, kagekao, Hoodie
Jeff The Killer:
- "IT'S CAKE! I'M TELLING YOU IT'S FXXKING CAKE--" swears on his life that his answer is correct, even when it's not.
- To be honest the whole game he's just guessing lmao. He doesn't know if it's real or cake, and just goes "cake" or "real" at random times.
- And when they ask him to prove it, he's over here trying to EAT the real item.
- Jeff, with a whole cup stuck in his mouth: "i told you it was cake.", spits it out a second later. "just really bad."
- and when he gets an answer right he's celebrating it like it's the last day of his life just going: "I TOLD YOU WHAHAHW"
Jane The Killer:
- actually guesses things right
- "it's real." she says, blankly staring at the cake. "how did you kn-"- 100% knows just by staring at it.
- whenever she sees Jeff RAGE after realizing he's wrong, she likes to chuckle and secretly hopes he chokes on whatever he's trying to eat. But when he (somehow) survives, she just sighs and waits for the next round, kind of disappointed.
Ben Drowned
- more focused on his phone than he is on the game, Slenderman has to drag it away from him T_T.
- "Why are you asking me? I don't know." shrugs after he's asked if it's real or cake- secretly knows the right answer but wants to annoy everyone with his constant "I don't know" or "I don't cares."
- only answers on the difficult questions. And then everyone stares at him with the: "how did you know-" kind of expression and he's over there giggling like a little devil because he knows what is and what isn't cake
- "it's cake?? can I eat it?? How did you make it? :0"
- she LOVES to see the cake cut, and especially wants to know how to bake them! - loves guessing and pointing at the item, real or not. When she finds out she's wrong, she just giggles and prepares for the next round.
- and when she finds out she's right, she gets super happy and starts jumping up and down and probably getting excited.
- "next one next one!" she said, pointing at the next item being dragged into the room, excited to guess the next answer
- definitely asked the bakers for help with baking things after.
- "cake. it's cake."
- secretly super competitive with his brothers. Like at first you think he isn't competitive with the way he stares at the cake and then says the answers blankly, but if you were his brother you'd know ALL TOOO WELLLLL
- ALWAYS answers first. No one answers before him.
- and ALWAYS right. The rest of them expect his brothers are probably staring at him and thinking: "how does he even see the cake and HOW DOES HE GET IT CORRECT.."
- he knows when it's cake because I feel like he'd bake LOTS OF CAKES before especially for his brothers, so he's gotten used to seeing the texture and stuff like that.
- one stare and he knows if it's cake. Buttt he doesn't say it to the others because he's not as competitive as his brothers and is doing it for fun. 
- he enjoys seeing how talented people can be especially with how realistic the cakes look.
- is literally the least competitive out of all the brothers.
- probably trying to stop Jeff from shoving the items down his throat
- why do i get the feeling that he’d keep judging the cake based on how it looks T_T
- side-eyeing the cake smh
- making excuses whenever he loses, probably kind of a sore loser too lmao
- doesn't show it though and just goes "mhm." whenever he gets an answer wrong.- but when he DOES get it right, he stares at the people who got it wrong and does a little smirky smirk and then goes back to looking at the cake
- people side eying him back LMAO
- who placed wine in the cake…
- was probably there before the game even started just to mess with the bakers.
- secretly placed wine in the cakes or altered it in some way and now it's messing everyone up
- worker: "this cake tastes a lil funky..
"kagekao, hiding in the shadows and staring at him: "kekekeke..” - doesn't care about the game and only cares about messing everyone up and it's working- slowly starts arguments during the time they're guessing.
- "psst, it's cake." 
- He knows the answers because he was there when they baked it Hoodie:
- "...." silent the entire time. at least most of it. 
- his brain just kinda malfunctions whenever he sees the cake and is questioning his life when it's revealed the answer is cake.
- Sally: "Come on Hoodieee!!! Just guess with us!"
Hoodie: "uh.. uhm, cake?"
Worker: "And the answer is... real!"
Hoodie: *questioning his life decisions*  - and if the worker asks him if he's SURE that's his final answer, he starts questioning anything and everything.
- secretly really likes the cake and the game, finds it entertaining. Not AS competitive as the others. 
- Probably the only one who doesn’t end up in an argument by the end of the game (NOTE: OKAY SO I HAD SO MANY TROUBLES WITH THIS POST IM SORRY IF SOME THINGS ARE MESSED UP HUHU T_T. Thanks for reading though !! :"D)
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hzrnvm · 2 years
damn there's a thing happening that different friends have different opinions on. my personal opinion on it is that it's Bad but also jesus fxxking christ i'm so depressed. i'm not sorry at all ok!!! like im gonna be real for a moment there is fxxking STUFF happening in my life! i'm really sad! Half my brain thinks i need to be in love, the other half thinks i need to isolate myself, and all of it thinks i'm incapable of it. my parents might have found my tumblr and idt they'll actually listen to me about my mental state if i have to rip the bandage off. and even if i wont and i'm worrying for nothing, i'm WORRYING for NOTHING. i'm being fxxxking watched all the time jesusjesusjesus. so yeah. that's that ig.
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strxnged · 2 years
by the way i'm not done spamming about my wrapped because the NELL songs in there.
coin seller, perfect, time walking on memories, cat, lullaby, all this fxxking time, grey zone, glow in the dark.
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strangeometry · 8 days
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I love watching movie or sharing the review so feel free to talk about it with me, I'm up for every genre except Gore. My favorite all time: Gone Girl, The Invisible Guest, Love, Rosie, Gilmore Girls, and The End of The Fxxking World.
 I also like to explore my music through Spotify so if you liked it too, let's exchange! These days I'm into local music, do you have a recommendation? Please do inform me! But if you want to know my favorite, here are the list: Dewa 19, The 1975, Sheila on 7, Bilal Indrajaya, BOYNEXTDOOR, NCT, Bruno Mars, Tulus, and etc. (You might check my playlist later!)
 I read too, but currently on my reading slump phase. My favorite book are Jakarta Sebelum Pagi and Pulang. I usually read a heavy plot so that's why it needs time to finished it. But I'm up for romance genre too, if you have a recommendation for me just tell me! I also have a goodreads account if you have one, let's follow each other there!
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Telling you Mr Paul Jones From Cameron NY. You think it's OK to beat on women well sr you are about to find out that I do care more about her then your's or my own well-being . Me and my hell hounds and on your trail and we coming for you all I know is i look good in orange and I don't mind that 3 Hots and a cott. FxxK you I hope it made you feel like a man because for I am just that a man and you time has come KNOCK KNOCK I'm here to STOP your FxxKING clock .
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simowis · 1 year
He tried to smile several times in the first contact at the Normandy, when talking about ilos scientists surviving possibly, when talking about his missions of rebuilding the prothean empire. He's feeling so much shock and lonely at the same time I assumed,(Oh and Liara's fXXking questions make this worse), any hint about another prothean make his expression changes a little. He's task is rebuild Prothean empire is very sure, he's not prepared to be suddened awakened and find his task and hope all gone. :(
When I reread the dialogue, I found him saying "The time will come when the last Reaper is destroyed and my mission will be complete. Beyond that I have no meaningful existence." As if he were realising this for the first time, his eyes were wide and his expression and tone of voice lost. His mission was not originally this, he might not even have been the avatar of 'revenge' originally.
And I’m confused about the reason of prothean’s failure, how make the exactly one doctrine one strategy become weakness? ok I get it. Too similar of the strategy, broke one equals broke all. That’s why Javik said “change struggle and learn” to garrius after that.
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poems-of-helios · 1 year
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Chapter I: The Overture
I'm a lithe lad who goes by the name Esaiah Abellian and oftenly addressed by Abel or whatever nickname based on everyone's preferences. I use masculine pronouns: he/they and my personality's identified as ISTJ-A. If by any chance you're wondering about my astrology signs, it is Taurus Sun, Virgo moon and Capricorn rising. I mainly use NCT's Haechan as my pfp on twitter.
I'm also the owner of several roleplay handles on LINE and closed agencies on twitter.
Past aliases and muses on LINE
Gregoireous Harries Heisenberg - NCT's Haechan
Gregoireous Noah - NCT's Haechan
Marceus Casperion - NCT's Yangyang
Joaquin Miles - ZB1's Ricky
Closed agency handles
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Chapter II: Chamber of Interests
Besides being a k-pop fan, i put my interests to a lot of other things such as western series/movies, animangas and several poems from some poetry such as Pablo Neruda and Atticus.
Girlgroups: LE SSERAFIM, STAYC, aespa, newjeans, etc
Boygroups: NCT, EXO, etc
KHH/KRNB: DPR LIVE, slchld, wave to earth, etc
A casual listener of
Harry Styles, 5SOS, RINI, SZA, NIKI, Taylor Swift, Laufey, Arctic Monkeys, ONE OK ROCK, Daniel Caesar, Novo Amor, Reality Club, The Weekend, Chase Atlantic, Sleeping At Last, etc.
Hindia, Fourtwnty, Kunto Aji, Banda Neira, etc.
Some classical songs
K-series/movies: Goblin, Tale of the Nine Tailed, My Mister, Extraordinary Attorney Woo, Happiness, All of Us Are Dead, 2521, Vagabond, Black Knight, Anna, Golden Spoon, The Uncanny Counter (s1 & s2), Moving, A Time Called You, etc.
Western series/movies: MCU, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Grey's Anatomy, The End of The Fxxking World, Elite, Inventing Anna, Bridgerton, The Queen's Gambit, Harry Potter, Divergent, The Maze Runner, The Hunger Games, etc.
Animangas: Kakegurui, AOT, The Promised Neverland, Your Lie in April, Horimiya, Kaguya-sama, Fruits Basket, Jujutsu Kaisen, Chainsaw Man, KNY, Diabolik Lovers, Moriarty the Patriot, Spy x Family, etc.
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Chapter III: Cautions
All of the shared interests and our similarities might lead us into a great acquaintances, but the most important part lies here.
I'm tweeting a lot of random things and i prefer interacting via timeline rather than on DMs, please mind my slow-response when you're trying to reach me out through DM. I'm mostly a huge chatter-box for my mutuals, please do tell me if you don't want me to reply to your tweets. My tweets sometimes consists a lot of harshwords but you can mute or soft-block my account if you're not comfortable with it. Lastly, please put content/trigger warning to anything that will trigger my thalassaphobia.
You can contact me through my Retrospring or my Tellonym if you want to ask some things anonymously.
Please don't follow me without consents even though i open my account for public. Do not interact if you're a grammar police, problematic, homophobic, hate my faves and throwing hate speechs towards anyone.
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animeblaque · 1 year
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Not me once again dealing with someone's bs.
Not me again having to help clean up the scene because a dude don't know how to act. Not me again wasting, time, money and energy helping out someone PRETENDING to be a victim.
This guy coerced a woman to join him on a team participation event KNOWING he was fxxking her and her soon to be replacement, then is shocked when she puts two and two together and isn't content to be the side piece.
His excuse? He forgot. <<<<LILLY WHITE EXCUSESSSSS
Now our team may not even leave the state because two members out of the five have beef and a third member had to step down due personal reasons.
Did I also mention he was fxxking the person responsible for our hotel stay? That she is well within her rights to revoke the offer. She deserves to go scorched earth too because he lied to her face, lied to all of us and continues to think he is blameless in all this. But HE wants to clean up the scene!?!?!NXXGA PLLLLZZZZZ!!!
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piquedpequod · 2 years
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3AM (playlist/mood mix)
The hour of night when you are too tired to hold back the waves of longing, though you knew even then it was never going to work out; when time flows backwards and your lost regrets are there, helplessly fresh as ever.
(Always go to bed before 3 a.m.)
Listen: (Youtube | Spotify)
I Fxxking Love You – Colde Hey baby, fucking I love you I really fucking I love you
How Cold Love Is – Fontaines D.C. They sit in their room They all consume They fall in their bed They shouldn't have said How cold love is
I Can't Stand It – Blossoms I'd forget you if I could I know I probably should be sleeping Not thinking this through But I can't stand it
Undo – Heize Those nights I felt frozen in time, alone Were just signs of my weakened heart
Change Pt. 2 – RM Things change, people change, Everything change Love change, friends change, Everyone change
Fall Back – Pink Palace The clutter in my head Washes away into old feelings It's better than everything lately Cycle through my thoughts daily The same weight pressing down on me When I'm out of my head
However – dress, soguumm However, my feelings soon change
Nothin' – EXO-SC I will never worry about nothin'
Wish – The Tower of Light Put it away Your heart Put it away
All the Things You Do – Marianne What are you doing awake? I wanna see that empty space in me Become crowded with you
Tile by Tile – Alvvays At night I pace the floors Tile by tile, step by step, 'til I reach a wall No use in forging on, I try wholeheartedly But still end up on your lawn
Stop – Lo Moon So why do I Give you all that I’ve got When all that I’vе got, will never be еnough? And in your eyes I see all that I’m not
Run away – Mino Get out of my sight, please Run away, go, go, go, go, go Run away, go, go Away from me
Soop (Forest) – Jenyer ft. Gayoon I’m holding onto useless memories That’ll break when the waves crash down
Walkin' in Time – The Boyz Even though they say time makes things better Even though they say it remains a good memory I wish time would heal me
Brividi (Shivers) – Mahmood & Blanco Sometimes I don't know how to express myself And I'd like to love you, but I always mess up
Bless U – Hwa Sa I circled and circled around you Now I'm pulling myself away I want me, I need love I leave your side and try to ignore you Everything disappeared like a lie But I bless you
Cover art: Elizabeth Shippen Green, "He knew that he was not dreaming." started february 2019, fin. december 2022.
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nellyrics · 5 years
Don't simplify, 'cause lies take out lives
All This Fxxking Time - Nell
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nellpire · 5 years
Nell - All This Fxxking Time Official MV
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ohsharethekmusic · 5 years
Song : All This Fxxking Time
Artist : Nell
Album : Colors In Black
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junestay · 3 years
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me when NELL lyrics
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astarlightmonbebe · 4 years
some of you have never listened to nell and i’m sorry, but it shows :(
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