#all the time.
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sirguyofdykesborn · 2 years ago
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i found a way to enjoy astarion i just have to imagine him as an insane old man. if i try hard enough i could make him a mother
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a-driftamongopenstars · 1 year ago
I am once again losing my mind over how much 'grief' is one of the biggest drives in Destiny lore.
countless upon countless decisions because loss and grief twisted someone's guts so much, it pivoted their life in a whole other direction.
and it led some to vengeance, some to indifference, and some to the path of healing.
the Osmium siblings, Eris, Caiatl, Zavala, Crow, Mara, Elsie, Osiris, Saint-14, Saladin, Rasputin, more more more.
that devouring grief.
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t4tbucky · 2 months ago
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hey girl i miss you
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medullamindset · 2 months ago
Saw someone on tiktok say Steb isn't expressive??
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likesdoodling · 8 months ago
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This is an au I came up with where Izuku is a halfling studying to be an apothecary. Because drawing smol people is fun :D
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artisthoi · 3 months ago
not a proper like worshipper of the gods but also not a full non believer but a secret third thing (special interest in greek and roman history and mythology)
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duvewing · 1 year ago
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appleflavoredkitkats · 10 months ago
sometimes i think abt russell crane and his affinity for psychoanalyzing ppl and appearing as smart . like we never really touch upon the details of his trauma as a utopian but there's something to be said about how the guy was practically hunted down after leaving + his own father finding another guy as a replacement son for russell + him literally losing his own mom after he left. the guy's a softie at heart but hides it under so many façades. no wonder why he respects the tenacity in amy, who has undergone similar familial tragedies but persists either way
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azmenka · 8 months ago
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@ach1llean . ctd.
HE  WAS  AN  ENIGMA ; BARELY  CONTAINED  IN  THE  BODY  OF  A  HUMAN  BEING . curiosity  and  joy  befitting  his  youthful  look ;  sharing  the  same  damaged  space  with  thorns  and  high  walls  shielding  him , not  even  from  the  outside  world  ( if  Maron  has  learned  one  thing  by  now , it  is  that  Loras  Tyrell  knows  exactly  how  to  handle  external  factors  -  simply  glare  at  them until  they  run  for  the  hills ) but  from  any  feelings  bubbling  up  inside  of  him . some  days  he  wondered  if  it  was  as  exhausting  as  it  looked ; to  always  be  on  guard  against  oneself . to  always  expect  hurt  and  betrayal , from  every  direction . and  other  days , he  wondered  if  he  could  have  turned  out  the  same  way , if  only  he  were  a  little  more  inclined  to  pessimism . . .
as  it  was , he  watched  the , by  now  quite  familiar , emotional  shift  on  the  knight’s  face  with  mild  curiosity , while  absent-mindedly  wiping  a  bloodied  hand  on  the  side  of  his  vest . blood  on  black  leather  shimmered  almost  golden  in  the  setting  sun  -  and  truth  be  told , Maron  was  quite  glad  for  the  nearing  nightfall  to  hide  the  bodies  at  least  until  morning .
“ mayhaps , ” he  echoed  Loras’  words , head  then  tilting  ever  so  slightly  to  the  side  in  a  by  now  familiar  fashion . this  almost  inattentive  side  to  the  knight  was  new . Maron’s  fault , perhaps . something  he  intended  to  poke  at  and  dig  into  a  little  more , if  given  the  chance . it  was , after  all , his  newly  adopted  mission  in  life  to  search  for  Loras’  humanity  under  all  that  fake  chivalry  and  all  too  real  despair . “ that  must  have  hurt . ” nose  lightly  scrunched  up , tone  switched  into  a  merry  mix  of  amusement  and  sarcasm . the  two  most  obvious  signs  that  the  oh  so  dangerous  Iron  Captain  had  switched  into  shithead  mode . “ saying  thank  you , I  mean . remind  me  to  note  it  down  in  the  logbook  tonight  so  that  the  day  shall  always  be  remembered . ”
fun  and  light-heartedness  in  the  face  of  death , and  yet  there  was  no  ounce  of  mockery  in  his  tone . nothing  that  may  make  one  believe  he  harboured  and  ill  will  towards  Loras . quite  on  the  contrary ; warmth  lingered  in  his  ocean – blue  eyes . an  almost  sweet  invitation  for  Loras  to , perhaps , drop  the  discomfort  again . along  with  the  silent  promise  that  he  wouldn’t  hold  these  murders  over  his  head . that  the  favour  had  died  with  them .  
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howlingcommanddo · 2 months ago
I live in Texas, a conservitve state, and my cousins and relatives live in rural Missouri, also not a great place to be queer, I decided to go look at my relative whos at least in her 60s. Its ALL JESUS AND HOW QUEERS ARE BAD. Ive been in her house, she's given me cinnamon buns, she likes me, ive played with her chickens, and she doesnt know im queer and trans. its so funny until i get to a post and see that my father has liked it! And I cant say shit about any of it! I love my dad! I hope he can change a bit after he figures out it wasnt a phase.
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ratsinpots · 2 months ago
Oh the things I see at daycare.
Spider-Man and the hulk sitting next to each other by our play kitchen.
Spider-Man: I make you a pizza. No cheese.
Hulk: I like cheese.
Spider-Man: you get only cheese. No pizza.
They sat there and argued about who gets what on pizza for twenty minutes.
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goosehascats · 1 year ago
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@sycamoreclan Decided to do some fan art for a friend/clangen blog enabler :) Ashfail the sweet mopey sad boy...
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piratekenway · 11 months ago
Black Sails: queer rage
Our Flag Means Death: queer joy
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag: queer gremlinhood
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lezbianz · 2 years ago
if u guys heard her voice you would understand. you would get it. you would get why i am the joker
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appleflavoredkitkats · 10 months ago
sometimes i think abt russell crane and his affinity for psychoanalyzing ppl and appearing as smart . like we never really touch upon the details of his trauma as a utopian but there's something to be said about how the guy was practically hunted down after leaving + his own father finding another guy as a replacement son for russell + him literally losing his own mom after he left. the guy's a softie at heart but hides it under so many façades. no wonder why he respects the tenacity in amy, who has undergone similar familial tragedies but persists either way
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