#all the scenarios in my head are gay af but for some reason
uraniumnm333 · 1 year
anyways i was thinking about pjsk fa au and i just want to say i think the polysho should pine for eachother ik so original BUT i will explain the dilemma
rui and tsukasa are their white day cards, nene is the mermaid and emu is the 88.
rui and tsukasa meet bla bla bla rui some magic guy tsukasa a prince. they're so silly and gay they talk more but they'd probably never be able to date because you can only marry cool rich people if ur a prince + the kamishiros constantly cause drama sooo yeah,, but anyways. they still r gay but tsukasa is hilariously oblivious to his feelings.
timeskip timeskip they keep on meeting in secret. and then one day rui is like "hey wanna go meet my friend." and tsukasa's like "sure! why not." but turns out his friend is a fucking MERMAID?? and tsukasa's so shocked and a dumbass, says some accidentally offensive things but they become friends as well. turns out nene now has a crush on the prince as well, and tsukasa is dense AF.
then they just hang out, BUT THEN!! this strange rich girl comes in and just. acts like they're all friends and also sort of helps them all out with their problems. yes it's emu. they all realize everything, people fight and make up, rui almost dies but it's all good, and emu is just like ":3 now you guys can finally be together!" and they're like "nope emu it's ur fault we've fallen in love with you too." and SO they are all kissing.
and, the original dilemma was solved because turns out rui was the reason saki was cured. yeah he was the one. tsukasa didn't know that until rui almost dies one scene. and the silly thing is rui didn't know either, he was just like "ooohhh so that's that mystery girl i had to cure." like brooooo 😂😂😂
so now they all date and will probably get married. happy ending cues.
i'm sorry for this thanks if you read it.
THIS GOES SO HARD DAWG !!!! Emu Just popping in like “hey everyone :3” is so silly to me
rui being embarrassed bc his family just starts shit all the time 💀💀 he brings everyone home for dinner and his parents are like “so who do each of you love THE MOST ???” And he just slams his head into the table (this is just this au I think mr and ms Kamishiro are both bisexual. I just know trust)
shenanigans ensue I think. Also mermaid nene is so goofball !!! I’d like to think it’s kind of a little mermaid scenario where she CAN go on land, it’s just exhausting for long amounts of time. And Rui probably concocts some magic potion where it’s not as hard for her.
white day Tsukasa could also be his knight thing !!! Maybe they all go on adventures <33
Emu just being fantasy Elon musk is so fuckinf funny. I’d like to think she’s richer than tsukasa’s family. You know the king and queen of the nation. Also Saki playing match maker !!!
anyways I love this so much !!! It’s so silly also I’d like to think Miku is like a clockwork robot in this au. And she tags along n plays matchmaker as well
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waluigisgaybf · 7 years
I want to be in love and kissed so bad.
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musette22 · 3 years
I really really really would love to read a rpf (Evanstan ofc) but which focuses a lot on Chris and Scott's relationship. Maybe Chris always having thought he might be gay too and knowing he would have support but being very frustrated and confused about it? But then we falls head over heels for Seb, but still cannot seem to do anything about it. And then his contract with Marvel is over and he's feeling very sad about not seeing Seb again as much, he's all mopey and during 2020 he is spending a lot of time with Scott and they play games and become even closer, like back when they were kids. And he finally opens up, about how for some reason (he has no idea why) he's scared of telling Lisa and his sisters and about how he's missed his chance with Sebby. And Scott is there for him (and also very sneakily aware that Seb is bi af!). I want long brotherly talks, family dinners, walks in between orange trees with Dodger, Chris meeting Scott's boyfriend and looking at them too so fondly (and with a bit of "I want that too"). I want Chris finally reaching out to Seb once he sees an interview where he says he's home in NY alone "just thought I'd check on you". I want Seb going to Massachusetts once restrictions were lifted, I want totally not smooth very awkward flirting, I-want-to-touch-you but now it feels weird and not spontaneous cause it's not just a friendly touch anymore. I want Seb to go over to the Evanses for dinner like a guest/friend who is visiting, and Lisa being 100% fucking done with her son cause he is so obvious and 'yes sweetheart, I have know since like forever' talk in the backyard. I want tears and I want hugs and I want walks with Dodger late at night and kisses under the stars.
Oh goddddddd aaaaahhh don't tempt me 😩 I am so so so in love with this entire concept, you have no idea. I'm so fond of Chris and Scott's relationship, and the idea of Chris confiding in Scott about his sexuality and his feelings for Sebastian... I adore it.
In fact, I've written parts of the scenario you outline in this ask (more or less everything until the last part where Seb goes to Massachusetts) in my fic Soul Searching, and my Everything is easy 'cause of you is kiiiinda sorta a bit like the last paragraph! Also, my first fic, I've done some things, also features Scott and confessions! I haven't written anything as detailed or focused on Chris and Scott's relationship as you're describing, however, but I totally would, if I had more time! I love this concept so so much ❤️ Thanks for your ask, my love!
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fandom-blackhole · 3 years
I'm back from my mandatory two day socialization recovery period required for all socialization even if I enjoy it. It's time for some Mermaid!Din au thoughts (No thots unfortunately but we'll live)
First off I love the isolation that the reader faces because of the lighthouse they live in. And I love how the townspeople being nice to the reader help give them a reason to stick around when weird things start happening.
I love how it took months before anything strange starts happening, like were Din and Grogu just not around or were they observing the reader. Did Din ever try to stop Grogu from damaging the lighthouse or did he let the little rascal do as he pleased.
· And gosh I love the idea of reader dressing in old worn clothing, a knit sweater with fraying sleeves, sweat pants covered in paint from repairs, an old windbreaker to help keep the cold out. It makes me heart all warm and fuzzy.
Edna, who i've head cannoned as this series Miss Chatham (H2O: just add water charter) is honestly life goals. Like live near ocean - check(ish), have rare knowledge that can be used to help new person - check, being just slightly spooky -amazing. And is that a little matchmaker I see her playing? I love it.
Then Grogu being injured :( I bet that Din is absolutely being eaten alive by guilt even though we all know it’s not his fault and he does literally anything he can to keep Grogu safe and happy.
And In love how Din is venerable enough to ask for help, like he recognizes that this is something out of his area of expertise so he goes to the person he knows is “safe” to get help. He’s humble enough to admit that he needs help and is not capable of doing everything for Grogu. And being able to admit that is an important life skill that not enough people have.
· But even after he ask the reader for help he is still hesitant which shows that even though hes trusting reader he will still kick (is it still a kick if its with a tail) the readers ass if he hurts him.
“But you can help him” Oh my heart the trust in that sentence. Like Din just heard, “so yeah I can help your son but I have to take him somewhere it will be hard for you to follow. And he needs to stay there for at least a week, and even if you manage to come its going to be so far from your natural element.” But he was still on board with the plan. And then he goes to climb on the rock so he can drag himself all the way to the light house because he can’t let his little boy go alone even if it means hurting himself to do it.
Reader was smart af for doing the old blanket slipperaroo trick
Reader immediately knowing something was up when she walked into town is so realistic. She literally is hiding a massive secret at her lighthouse of course anyone would be on edge walking back into society. Especially a society that already knows a little something about the secret. But them to amplify it. Miss Chatham to the rescue. She knows that reader is up to something and she uses her powers as an old lady with lungs and karen potential to scare off the problem for a little bit. The reader just placed so much trust on Edna by straight up telling her that she's housing Din and Grogu.
· Also that fool browsing the menstrual hygiene rack, like dumbass. Is this your way of making him miss every shot? Because we know that storm troopers are well known for their ability to miss every shot so making him automatically turn to tampons? Genius
Cashier for the win, like beep beep bitch now pay up
The "cyare" omg and then the reader warning Din about the cookies and him being so curious about them. The way Din is so perceptive of the readers mood that he is already able to tell that something is wrong. It was such a smart idea to have the reader lead with asking him to give her a small chance to calm down about what happened in the town.
Din and the reader low-key flirting and teasing each other at the end is so adorable. Grogu with the cookie absolutely melts my heart like of course that boy is hungry.
So this is a slightly polished layout of my stream of consciousness while reading this. Does it make sense? Probably not. But I love this idea and you have done it justice.
Ahhhhhhz thank you for all of the lovely thoughts and compliments, im glad you like my story and I hope it continuesto meet your expectations!!!! And you made perfect sense darling!
To reply to some things:
Honestly, I chose the isolation for two reasons, 1- it made sense, especially for how the plot is going to play out, privacy and isolation is needed, and 2- im introverted and I like being alone, so I just projected
The town's people are great! They are used to having lighthouse keepers just up and leave because of all the weird stuff, so the second that one sticks around they were all overjoyed, because like I said, a lot of the people work on boats fishing so the lighthouse is super important to them
Din did wait and observe the reader, wanting to know what to do when to attempt to scare them off. But also like no, he tried keeping Grogu away from the lighthouse as much as possible, not knowing what the reader might do to him, and just being a protective father, but we all know Grogu is a little shit and he snuck out before Din could stop him
Reader dresses in the COMFIEST clothes, and honestly, I am very much a sweater and comfy leggings kind of person, so again, something I am projecting
I love that you and everyone is loving Edna, she is definitely one of those cool old ladies that sneak you treats and shenanigans when no one is looking!
Also because idk if anyone has pointed it out.... in the last chapter I thought I was heavily hinting at it, but maybe it was more subtle than I thought, Edna and her MERMAID were alot more than friends *wink wink* she's gay as fuck and thats why she made the joke about not liking NUTS
Din loves Grogu, in and out of this AU, and it was 1000% not his fault that Grogu got hurt, in fact he was trying to protect him! Din definitely panicked and the first person that came to mind was the reader, and while he didn't know them, he knew for some reason they were safe to go to for help (as well as knowing the lighthouse would be a good place to hide while some things cooled down 👀), but Din will always be cautious because he is scared for his son
Din is just *chef's kiss* 👌, an amazing father who will do ANYTHING for his son, no matter what it takes
The whole blanket thing literally came from my childhood, thinking about how my sisters and I would drag eachother around on blankets, and I just thought it would be great for this scenario
Like the reader is gonna get real paranoid during this series, im not going to lie to you, things are gonna get rough, but Edna is the MVP she's one of those people that could pull your darkest secrets from you just by glancing at you, and the reader pretty much assumed she was safe to talk to after she had informed her about the food offerings
Ok ok, as for the dudes, I was too lazy to look up their names and stuff but they were these dudes from season 1 that gave Din Grogu's bounty: the first dude is the one 'hiding' in the women's hygiene section
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Din is just obsessed for human food at this point, and he feels things for the reader even of he doesn't want to admit it quite yet
Din also may be oblivious as fuck, but he's also observant, hes a bounty hunter for fucks sake, he needs to be able to pick up on these things, so yes in my stories Din is really good at picking up on emotions, even if he doesn't fully know how to react to them
Im aiming for a slow burn foc, but to be honest with you all, chances are it is going to be a regularly paced romance, which for my writing is slow paced, so yeah the idiots are flirting and teasing eachother, but also like they will not be talking about or admitting feelings for at least a few more chapters
Grpgu deserves all the cookies!!! He's a growing tadpole, who has been magically healing himself while in a coma like state, so he hasnt eaten in days, and if he wanted he'd probably be able to devour 2x his body weight and then some, so a few cookies recieved in some kind of mysterious way are well achieved
Merman!Din Tags: @writeforfandoms @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @honey-goth  @mando-abs @lux-cream-67 @rachelle-on-the-run @katcharm   @ladamari68 @bluegalaxyprime @my-life-as-a-bird @altarsw @zarakem @stargazingthenightaway
(Added the taglist in case any of you guys wanted to read over my thoughts and things bc I have some hcs and cleared somethings up ypu may be wondering about)
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dio-roga · 5 years
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After years of stalling, this is finally seeing the light of day and thank actual jesus for that. There’s more fic out there than you’d think for the best boys, but like all things, sturgeon's law’s in effect when it comes to quality (big time actually, around 35 fics on this list from a rough 350 in existence). I read them all so you don’t have to.
Higher rank the better (though obviously YMMV) and the rest should just be ordered by word count. I have a place in my heart for everything on this list so no matter where it is or what I say about it, trust me, if it’s here, I think it’s worth your time.
Will do my best to keep things up to date. I F5 tabs like you wouldn’t believe. Love you guys ❤
ego, opinion, art & commerce 24parts
We hopefully all know it, we certainly all love it. The canon-compliant, rock-band road-trip AU that’s destined to rule the entire ship one day; the cryde child of prophecy. Go in hard and this’ll take you away like nothing else. The only thing not absolutely perfect about this fic is (like the rest of us) you’ll have to wait for the ending. I know waiting sucks, but please don’t let it stop you bingeing this story right now. I am not exaggerating when I say it’s better than most published books you’ll ever read.
let your heart hold fast niente
Literally the best finished cryde fic ever written as of time of writing this. The boys have grown up. Clyde’s a writer, Craig’s distant, and familiar circumstances bring them crashing back together. The cast of characters are a complete joy, it’s fully drenched in canon, and sports an amazingly rich post-series lore with all manner of cute nods and easter eggs for fans of the show. Nothing short of a masterpiece. Written with such love. Treasure your first read of it.
Pulling Mussels SekritOMG
A divisive fic maybe, but a classic all the same. Get ready for a fresh take on normal fic conventions to be sure. Personally? I’d consider it top shelf, no question. But to others? They might end up absolutely hating it. A strange midlife odyssey wherein a fed-up, lonely Craig begrudgingly reconnects with an out-of-shape, stagnated Clyde. Memorable to say the least, packed to bursting with detail and personality; go in with the right mindset and its glorious set pieces with burn themselves into your memories. Possibly the fic I’ve re-read the most ever.
Darkness Falls Vampiracy
Do you like cute, gorgeously written things? Set during the three days of Stick of Truth, it tells the behind-the-scenes story of Craig’s growing infatuation with the Lord of Darkness. Everything about this is clever and charming and just generally heart-warming. Best read after playing the game for maximum enjoyment, feel smart and accomplished as you pick out all the references. This fic’s adorable and pure and can do no wrong. 
Chicken Vampiracy
The gateway fic? Huge question mark? This story is cryde personified. Like the author distilled the ships very essence into this amazingly funny and light-hearted story about the boys playing the world’s most drawn out game of gay chicken. It’s impossible not to love this story, it’s perfect for what it is, and will leave you feeling happy by the end every time. What more could you want? Show this one to your friends and they’ll finally ‘get’ cryde.
the remains of our sky traiyadhvika
I’ll level with you fam, this story will emotionally cripple you, prepared or not. The writing is precise, sublime, and utterly heart-breaking. It tells the story of how Craig deals with the aftermath of Clyde’s death on Everest. Obviously a heavy topic, but I can tell you with complete confidence that this fic not only does the subject matter justice, but also manages to tell a story of love and hope despite it. Like Butters said, it’s a beautiful sadness. This fic had me obsessively researching mountains for weeks, and anything that can light that kind of fire in you is something special.
C & C, The Mystery Duo Darkyfoot
There is nothing in here but pure fluff, joy and happiness. This story will lighten your soul and brighten your heart. It tells the tale of the boys discovering a life-long obsession for hunting mysteries, and will resonate with anyone who’s ever held a strong passion in their lives (which is probably most of you, if you’re hunting down SP fics to read). The written equivalent of a warm blanket and a steaming hot mug of cocoa on a cold winter’s night.
Equality Donkerblauw Fluweel
A good chill-out fic? Cataloguing a series of parties over the summer in which Clyde starts cozying up to Craig after much alcohol is consumed; and like a good drink, the fic mixes all its elements together nicely. It’s nothing ground breaking, but it’s got a super relaxing flow to it, and will brighten your mood by the end. It nails the party atmosphere, so if you’ve got no-where to go this Friday night, maybe pour yourself a little something and give this one a read.
Craig Likes Vanilla (Ice Cream) themuffintitan
The cuteness equivalent of porn. If you’ve got a list of cliché ‘aww’ scenarios, chances are they’ll play out in this fic. If hand holding and sharing an ice-cream make you melt (hahanotfunny) then this one’s definitely for you. For a fairly simple story about Craig and the squad visiting a waterpark, it’s remarkably detailed (check that word count fam), and has a killer summer atmosphere to boot. It certainly made me hit up a park last July. The writing does let it down in a few areas, but overall you’ll probably be too busy enjoying the ride to notice.
The Silent Lie Donkerblauw Fluweel
Guilty pleasure? Okay you caught me red-handed. This fic’s practically porn. Read all about how Clyde learns to surrender his heterosexuality as Craig massages away all his football injuries in the steamiest way possible. If I’m being totally honest? The story’s pretty obviously there to frame the smut, and writing can be a bit all over the place. But I can’t deny it just works. It’s hot AF. Come here for the sexies and you won’t leave disappointed. Read it after dark. ;)
Press Play flappySp00kster
Arguably unfinished, but the only thing missing is apparently a mostly superfluous epilogue. We’re in full AU territory here as Clyde hooks up with Craig on a dating app during a rough-patch with his long-time, and now ex, girlfriend. Your mileage may vary obviously as the story’s not canon compliant; however the boys behave like you’d imagine and the romance is nicely fleshed out and unique. Bonus points for a bit of kink in the sex scenes, which is rarer than you’d expect for this ship.
What Happened in 1637 pinkfloyd1770
One of the most strikingly unique stories out there; it’s essentially a flower shop AU in which Clyde embraces his Dutch heritage and sports and encyclopedic knowledge on tulip facts. Written in medias res during a seemingly long since established relationship with Craig, this fic merely offers a look into this unique take on the couple as they go about their lives. The detail is stunning, and you’ll find vivid mental pictures coming to life in every scene. If you can get past the fact Craig bottoms (let’s pretend he was feeling generous that evening) then you’ll certainly be charmed with this one. (1637 is the year the tulip bubble finally popped. In case you were wondering.)
Around My Head wendybirb
Are you looking for something that’s light and fluffy? Maybe you like reading Clyde’s inner monologue as he fumbles around high-key pining over his best friend? Perfect, sign yourself up to this fic; it’s a quick and easy read that’ll give you your daily dose of wholesomeness from one of my favorite authors. Nothing overly flashy or complicated here, just boys being cute and kissing.
hey there demons traiyadhvika
This spooky affair is thankfully a lot less of an emotional roller-coaster than it’s cousin ‘remains of our sky’, but that’s not to say it doesn’t grab you and refuse to let go. Have you ever wondered what Craig and Clyde would be like trying to host one of those dorky haunted house shows? Bonus points in that Craig can legitimately see ghosts? It’s a fresh concept that’ll really get your mind racing with the cutest hosts you could ask for. Kept me glued to my seat, ready to throw down if any bad spirits came between the best boys. Slept with the hall lights on for a couple nights ngl.
As Good a Reason as Any Vampiracy
The last of the sacred trinity that also includes Chicken and Darkness Falls, the only reason this fic isn’t ranked higher is because it’s also the authors shortest. Watching Clyde try anything and everything to spend more time with Craig is as endearing as it sounds, and the only thing that sucks is that it doesn’t overstay its welcome; when honestly, you’d like the fic to stay for dinner and spend the night. Quality everything. No joke made my heart flutter. Read it and know true happiness.
Kiss It Better dokidave
A one and done story of Craig trying to cheer Clyde up after a difficult day. This fic’s a nice double whammy if you’re looking for some hurt and comfort mixed in with some steamy sex scenes. It delivers exactly what is says on the box; don’t expect too much in the way of plot of development, but certainly feel free to gush over the sappy sweet character moments. A good pick-me-up fic if you’re having a lousy day.
Take a Chance (You Say It's Your Birthday) Miaou Jones (miaoujones)
So here we have Craig being drunk and vulnerable, while Clyde’s radiating raw sexuality as he dances for Craig’s camera. I’m usually all about Craig giving off that top energy, but the way this story frames (hahakillme) the whole dynamic is very soft and endearing; you can fully understand why Craig’s the one feeling thirsty this time around. This is a fic that really knows how to set a mood. Read it and feel like you’re being pampered.
You Make It Easier glowworm888
Pure comfort; Clyde’s feeling understandably miserable about the thought of growing up without his mom, and Craig’s doing his best to help Clyde cope. Wholesome dumb teenagers looking out for each other and low-key falling in love. I dare you not to feel all happy inside as Clyde slowly begins to feel better as Craig looks after him. Adorable throughout, the ending is very much them. Another good read for making a crappy day a better one.
Miss you x Vampiracy
A true hidden gem by one of the best authors in the whole fandom; we have here the best fic in which Clyde doesn’t even appear. The whole schoolyard gang give their two cents on Craig’s spiraling mental state as he tries desperately to justify a typo to Clyde during an obsessive summer-long texting marathon. Legitimately funny from start to finish, with buttery-smooth dialogue and a big soft ending that’ll have you grinning ear-to-ear for completely different reasons. Love it, cherish it, and dream of more. Vampiracy ̶ we’ll miss you x.
Whatever Gets You Through The Night Miaou Jones (miaoujones)
There’s a lot of mixed feelings for me in this fic. A love-letter to Clyde and his parents, in which Craig gets caught up on the whole ‘love’ part of it, having trouble fully expressing himself due to some heavy personal baggage. The Donovan’s really shine in this story. Betsy’s alive and massively comforting, Roger’s family values personified, and Clyde’s being a sweetheart to end all sweethearts. It’s confronting, more than a little emotionally messy, but it’s none the less a story that’ll stay with you. Check the comments for a hidden stinger.
Some Dieting Donkerblauw Fluweel
Clyde’s self-image problems are the focus this time around, doing a commendable job pushing the ideas of healthy progress, properly looking after yourself and feeling comfortable letting others help out. It’s a good length for the story it is, and although the writing gets a little spotty in parts you’ll be unlikely take too much notice. Like Clyde, this one’s hearts in the right place.
If Time Could Stand Still WeCryde
I used to stumble across this story semi-regularly back in the day, wondering if I’d missed it before realizing we’d already been well acquainted. The amount of show rather than tell is fairly distracting, with the entire meat of the relationship relegated to backstory. There’s still something here though. Perhaps in the way it deals with long-distance relationships and just distance in general. Maybe the hopeless romantic in me resonates with the plight of two idiots with thousands of miles between them. See if it works for you?
The Edges of the Atmosphere Miaou Jones (miaoujones)
There should be some sort of law that states that confessions in cryde stories have to be some level of stupid or convoluted. These two are physically incapable of expressing such feelings to each other in any standard normie way. So enjoy some classic spaceman Craig tropes while Clyde juggles being cute and awkward like a pro. Trigger warning for some racy hand-holding action; we’re talking interlocking fingers here.
Standby Flier Cheesebirb (Hi Mark ;)
So upfront, this story isn’t even a romance quite honestly. It’s just a cute bromance sort of affair at most, in which the boys share a hotel room together while waiting on a flight back home. You could quite certainly interpret it as the start of something deeper, as the fic gladly provides hints to support it; however there’s nothing to see here apart from the two personalities bouncing off each other, and sometimes that’s enough. A memorable little story that might resonate that little bit extra if you’re a frequent traveler.
Bust and Boom Azul_Bleu
Clyde fumbling with the realization that he’s got the hots for Craig isn’t new ground, that’s about the only ‘downside’ I could give this story. What it does with this premise however is deliver some pitch-perfect characterizations, snappy pacing, a good variety of settings, and some surprisingly touching moments given its brevity. It’s also loaded with lines that stand up off the page and stick with you and those are always worth their weight in gold; the author really squeezes a lot out of the short word count.
Forts Can Be Fun wendybirb
In which little Craig builds a pillow fort and little Clyde is invited. It’s a soft story with some cute exchanges, if you’re looking for a more innocent kid-cryde vibe then this one can scratch the itch. Short and sweet by definition. Go read it and give yourself a little smile.
Ennui dsfgajkh
This simple story’s a real blink and you’ll miss it; detailing some introspective thoughts Clyde’s having about the monotony of small town life and his fascination with his much more interesting best friend. At nearly a decade old, this story pre-dates Pandemic, which solidified the usual stoic Craig tropes that came after so it’s an awesome little time capsule back to those days where apathetic Clyde and flamboyant Craig was as good a guess as any. There’s a line about skittles that makes it worth the ten minute read.
Neighbors Vampiracy
So remember that time that Vampiracy wrote one of the most realistic and precious depictions of little Craig and Clyde playing with toy trucks in the backyard, but then it got buried in the depths of tumblr? Try not to smile when Clyde beams over the prospect of making a new friend and being able to show off the hole he’s dug; I completely and utterly dare you. Bratty Craig is my spirit animal and I’d die for more adventures with him at the Donovan house. I’m such a sucker for cutesy pre-school fluff I swear; just like you will be when you’re done reading this.
Shine On How You Shine On Miaou Jones (miaoujones)
Real talk? I’m a sucker for all things Brokeback Mountain, and this fic’s just neatly slotting in Craig and Clyde as the cowboys sharing a rough and confusing night in a tent together. The story is exactly what you’d think if you’ve read the original, and it hits all the same thematic beats. Guilty pleasure alert in full here. If you’re in the mood for hearing Clyde Twist tense up as Craig Delmar spits on his hand behind him then I won’t judge if you don’t. I’d unironically read ten more chapters.
Two Weeks toddintops
Yeah-yeah I know I’m stretching the definition of fic with this one, it’s barely a half thousand words; but hey, better five hundred words that make you feel something than ten thousand that leave you feeling the same. A short, sharp dose of angst with some beautiful art accompanying, what have you got to lose? Something about Clyde’s smile, coupled with the bittersweet lines near the end has always managed to stay with me. Maybe it’ll strike a chord with you too.
Ask Craig obitotxt (Password is 12345)
Hop on board the angst express; with the last stop being yourself when you realize the story comes crashing off the rails and never hits the end. Is the fact this blog never reached a conclusion one of the great tragedies of our modern era? Yeah, kinda. Fact is, this is probably the only cryde-centric askblog-formatted story out there; and yeah, it’s hyperbolic at times, but goddamn if it doesn’t make you feel something. Packed to the brim with boys being boys, memorable moments and just so much heart, you’ll be pressing F (and F5) for days after you reach the final unfinished pages.
One More Year llexxii
And here’s a weird way to recommend something: you probably don’t want to read this one. It’s very long, it’s very dead, and it has a fairly submissive Craig coupled with a rather unlikable rendition of Clyde. So why’m I even talking about this, and really, I’ve not got much of an answer for you. Just that this fic, despite everything, has some consistently excellent writing. The flashback scenes to Craig and Clyde as young kids are total gems. There’s stuff to love here, and maybe it could have been something great; if nothing else, maybe check it out as an interesting look into the ships history.
Turn It Around, Get a Rewrite wendybirb
This one hurts, in just about every respect. Prepare for angst story wise as we follow along with the life and times of Craig, reconnecting with a clearly troubled yet desperately pining Clyde, who seems scared shitless about his dying claims to heterosexuality. I genuinely love this story. It’s raw and emotional and angry and sexy, it comes across messy and real and does an amazing job making you care about the boys while also showing their more frustrating attributes. I’m still holding out hope it’ll one day take its place with the greats, but until then, the hardest gut-punch is always that “unfinished” tag.
January White (Love Is a Stain) Dovakiin
Here we’ve got a different kind of tragedy. The usual formula is a promising author burning out after an amazing opening run, but here we’ve got a story that never even made it past the kickoff. It’s such a shame. The eponymous metaphor and the solemn tone throughout is honestly pretty captivating; I would love to see how this take on the characters would have played. Spare ten minutes from your day and give yourself something to reflect on with this abandoned beginning.
ask MARSH and BROFLOVSKI jovishark
You know what? Fuck it. I’m putting this one here and no one can stop me. This ask blog is practically fandom required reading at this point, and I couldn’t in good conscience not mention it. Stan and Kyle answer your questions, the plotline reads like something from a CW show, and Craig and Clyde don’t even end up together. I love it genuinely. If you pressed me, this story might be what got me into the fandom; pressed me harder, it’s what got me into cryde (again ironic as cryde isn’t endgame here). Always worth a read or a re-read. Pretend Craig and Clyde sorted things out in college if you need to.
Brace Yourself skyline
Okay so it’s a style story, let’s get that elephant in the room well and truly pointed out from the outset. If it’s a deal breaker for you that cryde isn’t the focus, then move along, but I guarantee for those that stay, there’s a charmingly written cryde side-ship playing out in tandem to Stan’s quest to win over his super best friend. There’s a lot to love about this story, the writings sharp and surprisingly powerful at times, and the characters are a joy to watch. Watching the cryde story unfold from Stan’s POV is a unique experience that you won’t really find anywhere else.
Remove Before Flight skyline
So remember Brace Yourself from literally just one entry up? Okay, same concept, same author. This is a different timeline in which Kenny’s the lucky protagonist trying to win Kyle’s heart, but like before, you’re treated to an enjoyable cryde sub-plot playing on in the background of the K2 drama. The writing’s still on-point, the characters are still great; if you liked the authors other story (which I’d advise reading first), you’ll definitely enjoy this one too. It’s cute how Craig and Clyde always seem destined for each other in this universe.
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almaasi · 5 years
reaction post typed while watching SPN 14x14 “Ouroboros”
conclusion: yes, apparently feet can look gay, and Dean and Cas are both queer by proxy
me: still v magnesium deficient, sick, dizzy
any thoughts stated here are run through a pudding filter so please do not be alarmed if they are incoherent or a weird colour
okay it’s a Steve Yockey episode so i guess he’s gonna give us a great character and then kill them before the title card
hang on i need to eat and i can’t eat and think at the same time so i’mma go watch an episode of shaun the sheep brb
okay well i watched half an episode and ate half my food so,... yay
sam’s “i believe in us” *PUNCH* still makes me laugh
the body on the AAAAAAAAAAAAA I’
can i just watch this whole thing with my hand over the screen
because that is what i’ doing rn
oh god i hate this
actually you know what
i just skipped to the title card
cause fuck that haahahhaah nope
oh lord it didn’t skip to team free will
how much of this do i have to take
oh okay tfw are here already
i fuckin love rowena and how much they ask for her help even though they’re “enemies” except they’re clearly lowkey Fond of each other
also i like how this ep started in the middle of the case
rowena: “hello castiel” ;) ;) ;)
okay well
this pleases me
because i know the only way this ends is that cas is not interested and that’s the Point
because he <3s dean
but also why the hell is rowena into cas....... surely she knows he loves dean. unless she’s just into starting shit, i wouldn’t be surprised
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the way jack says “i’m not dying”
cas: “he’s now claimed the lives of six people in northern new mexico”
why does he say “people” like that
dean’s throwing a looooot of salt at rowna. maybe because she keeps flirting with cas
“everything means something”
sam says dean can keep michael locked in his head “because he’s dean and dean is dean”
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah okay
expert closet curator, you mean
dean has a good feeling about bringing rowena in on this one??????????????? after all the snark????????????
cas: “they do have many books”
me: *squINTS REALLY HARD* i feel like they’re implying something else and neither of them are talking about the same thing. did dean set sam up on a date with rowena????????????
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paralleling rowena and sam perhaps
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concerned head tilt
oh god their love and mutual understanding and trust in each other is killing me with its softness
i’m so so so glad we get to see them in some downtime at fucking last
oh no jack’s coughing again
why can’t he have nice things
dean: “that’s what i’m supposed to say, right? i’m fine? keep on moving?”
cas: “no, dean”
the fact dean lets his guard down only with cas in private ;~;
sidenote, this episode is giving me my bloody valentine meets hunteri heroici vibes, which is nice because they’re two of my all-time fave episodes
but god i wish it would go easy on the cannibalism
dean: “i’m barely even sleeping” :D
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but also
i’m so emotional because he told anyone at all, but especially that of all people he told cas
of course he told cas, cas is his emotional sounding board
if this were a fanfic cas would offer to share the bed with dean and help him sleep
....but i mean, who knows, maybe dean was secretly hoping for that anyway
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that’s the face of “dean doesn’t know what liturgical means”
jack: “what’s an av club?”
cas: “it’s a special club for people who do not play sports”
dean: *points at cas* “him. he’s av club”
mmmmmmmm yup
autistic nerd
dean’s baseball and track team, cas is av club and student tutoring
but also if dean ever got cas onto the baseball field cas would hit every ball first time
and dean would be swooning
he’d be in there with charlie every fuckin day and leaning seductively on furniture while cas does his nerd thing, until the point where something properly capures dean’s interest and then HE WANTS A GO and bats away everyone else’s hands and hogs the contraption for 3 hours. also he’d fix things when they break
look i’m just gonna count dean calling cas “av club” as flirting, because hello yes there is no way dean doesn’t find that interesting
i fucking knew it
the moment this episode opened and i saw the guy’s bare feet in the kitchen somehow i knew he was queer ??????????
i can’t explain it
but the fact there was a shot of his feet and his feet looked gay i can’t even
anyway this probably doesn’t even count as legit queer rep given he’s seducing guys and killing them so
stupid gay feet
sidenote: did ANYONE else get queer vibes from that opening scene? CAN PEOPLE’S FEET LOOK GAY OR IS THAT JUST ME
maybe it’s like... the sensuality of bare feet + cooking, breaking pointless gender roles n stuff, my brain has been coded by society’s bullshit to perceive sensual men as non-heterosexual
but also. the foot-upward view of a new character... male gaze, right? and seeing the male gaze on a male character makes it queer
it’s a thing
it’s a thing and the directing got the point across and it took me until now to work it out
now i’m going back to cas’ line “six people”
my initial understanding of that line was that they weren’t all men
but the thing was the people didn’t need to be said that way if it was just men and women
my immediate instinct said the victims were non-binary, but i didn’t type it because i had no reason yet to believe that might be true and it seemed unnecessary to say it
but at this point, as the baddie hits on a guy at a truck stop in exchange for a ride, they’re clearly potentially queer victims
yeah that explains the inflection
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on the one hand, i’m seeing a connection to that time dean was seduced by a siren
but see my problem with this is that the guy’s either gonna end up dead or saved and i don’t know which yet
i just want happy queer stories
so i’m pretty divided about this
but on the other hand, please, god, let this gorgon guy “sense things” about dean
IS THIS THE FIRST GAY KISS ON THIS SHOW?????????? 90% SURE THIS THE FIRST GAY KISS. there might have been a background one once
i feel like there should’ve been an optic nerve attached to that eyeball.. and a lot of gross stuff
but also thank goodness there wasn’t
ohdfjfdg i really hate this
but also i’m smiling?
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cas: “is this amusing to you?”
the guy called him sir!!! eeheheh
cas: “you’re not standing alone, why doesn’t he mention me?”
dean: “maybe you’re not his type”
i mean. guess he can’t see angels. BUT ALSO
steve yockey, this is the episode i was waiting to see from you
team free will working a case together, dean and cas on a date talking about their feelings, on a case about queer stuff
hell fucking yes
rowena: “need anti-venom in case one of you boys gets sloppy”
wouldn’t that mean noah kisses either cas or jack
god i’m so glad rowena’s there too
this episode is great sdgsfkg
noah: “then he doesn’t have to die like all the other men”
okay so all the victims were men
which makes me even more curious about why cas used that inflection on “people”
cas also looked like of amused? definitely a misha expression rather than a cas expression, the little lilt of a smile on his lips like the way he says any word starting with “h”
maybe some of them were transgender men and cas didn’t know them before they died so could only guess as to their gender? maybe some of the bodies they found were not gender-conforming
it also kiiiiind of sounded like misha changing the script after a discussion on set about it
but if that were true then that means someone on set doesn’t believe gay or queer men are men? maybe? maybe i’m reaching there
but i’m genuinely caught up on that inflection and the use of that word, it really stood out to me
and it stands out especially, now, because like i said, we know the victims were men, we know team free will found them all, and we know they were queer.
but also it’s not dean saying it, it’s cas
and i can’t imagine any scenario where cas would have trouble with non-binary pronouns
if anyone has further thoughts on this, please direct me towards them
my browser broke?? and i lost a chunk of this post, but i had the above stuff backed up in email
i'mma go back a bit and try and remember what i typed
idk i think it was just about the fact noah confirmed all his victims were men which further confused me
and then said he also eats ladies
and then said some feminist stuff which made me sad that it came from the bad guy
but also that i could imagine cas saying something similar, deadpan, and then reaching for dean’s burger
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* schmooch *
okay YES
WHY IS HE FIXATED ON DEAN WHEN THERE’S 3 OTHER PEOPLE IN THE ROOM? and why only write the letter to dean?
i love how this episode refers back to some of the older episodes, in the best possible way
conclusion: dean is bi
noah took the bag with the snek inside but i guess the snek esckep
maybe true love’s kiss will wake dean up
hurts my heart how cas has apparently made peace with the fact he’ll outlive dean and sam
i guess it’s good but
can’t help but believe deep down he would rather die than live without them
and now i’m crying because cas says the point is that you got to know them at all
suddenly catharsis for future pain
oh NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAGGIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rowena as michael??? okay, that i can get behind
michael (about dean): “it didn’t work out. it was him. not me.”
flip of a classic dating line, making this QUEER AGAIN
//waits for the silence to be over
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oh boy
i was really hoping it would turn into a plotty one, the way changing channels does at the end
this was really well done and i enjoyed it a lot!!!!!!!!! i mean, besides the squicks, and the fact the queer rep and feminist lines came from a bad guy
dean was 100% noah’s type
jack is the bestest baby bean
i feel so bad about the thermometer thing..... like, i’m not sure if it was meant to come across as funny? but there was no indication it should be... which is good i guess? but also i feel secondhand violated
i like that this episode actually came full circle on that “dean vs michael” point, rather than having it be a one-off conversation and things aren’t resolved until a later episode
i think i’m gonna enjoy rowena as michael. and i like that she said yes because she does care about team free will
sad about maggie :c
but also all those other extra hunters were changed out pretty much episode so there was no real way to know who they were. they seemed pretty diverse though, across various episodes
i liked the asian lady vet!!!! she was fun. and i’m glad the asian gay guy didn’t die... where did he even disappear to though? who knows
overall 10/10? it had all the good shit i like so. yep.
but more of all
i love that the fact noah was fixated on dean put him in the “noah’s type = queer” category, and when noah kissed cas it did the same thing
so really, by evil proxy, noah made a point of showing us who’s queer
i mean we already knew
no conclusion on why cas said p e o p l e though
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11/11 (Make a Wish) Tag
Thanks for tagging me, @capshorty!
Rules: Answer the 11 questions of the person who tagged you; make up 11 questions; tag 11 people to answer them.
1.) How old were you when you realized writing was something you wanted to do? How old were you when you actually started doing it?
Funny story, I denied the fact that writing was my calling for like four years. I’m sixteen and I’ve been writing regularly (almost every day) since I was eleven. It took pretty much everyone who I let read my (very bad) earlier work yelling at me that most kids don’t sit around crafting stories and actually doing a decent job for a majority of their time. I didn’t really start taking myself seriously (AKA actually writing not just for my own amusement) until I was fourteen/fifteen. 
2.) What are your favorite fandoms? Do you read or write fanfiction for any of them?
Tbh, I go through fandoms like candy. Right now I’m into a few different crime dramas, but I’ve always been super obsessed with Star Wars and Once Upon A Time. I like The Umbrella Academy, Stranger Things, and Marvel right now. As for fanfiction, I’ve never actually written a legit, full-length fanfiction. I wrote part of one for Portal awhile ago, and when I was younger and got bored I would basically make up Star Wars fan fiction in my head, but I eventually turned that into an original idea, so I’m not sure if that counts. For the most part, all of my work is original. As far as reading fan fiction, I only really read my friends’ when they send it to me.
3.) What was your first story idea that you really felt was solid?
I never plan out my stories to any degree (AKA I’m horrible at outlining/following an outline so I have a pile of notes and cinema scenes in my head that I use), so the first story I ever really wrote to be published was a big deal because it was planned out. I had step by step planned out and I spent months on character profiles. It’s been two years since I finished the first draft and have been working on it every now and then, and I still feel like it’s pretty good. I don’t want to talk about it too much because I don’t know what the future holds for it, but I made some dumb memes on this account, so if you seen anything that mentions ‘AUT’, that’s the placeholder name for it.
4.) What’s your best solution for getting over writer’s block?
Just fucking write, man. Whenever I get a block, it’s usually on a boring transition scene I don’t want to write (most of my stuff is heavy in internal conflict and development, so I don’t like to write out of order, period, in case I lose the flow of my character) and for the most part I just have to rip off the bandaid and get into the exciting stuff. 
Granted, sometimes I also get writer’s block after I’ve been working really hard for a few weeks and I just run out of creative juice. When that happens, the best thing to do is just let myself recharge. I chill out, I watch some shows, I read some new books. I let myself rediscover my creativity before I hop back in.
5.) What book(s)/author(s) have you read that you think have influenced your writing most?
The Narnia Chronicles have honestly influenced my writing more than I would like to admit. I’m a fantasy geek all the way, but he was also the author that taught me just what you could do with a story. For instances, Narnia was a reflection of his faith. As much as I like to make fun of English teachers who are like “White drapes! It’s symbolism for freedom and purity! I don’t expect you to understand!” I love finding good meaning beneath stories and pretend the author leaves it there. I put a lot of focus on psychology and philosophy in my own work, and while reading John Green certainly hasn’t discouraged me, it really all started with stories that I grew up reading and found out meant so much more.
6.) Which of your stories was/is the easiest to write? Which was the hardest?
This might be a weird answer, but the ones where I can just write. Grimm’s Heights (go check out my Wattpad) was really easy to write because I didn’t care how bad it was. I just took a scenario and I let it unfold. I have a lot of stories that I write simply to write. There’s no pressure, so it doesn’t really matter how good it is. An Abundance of Dragons and The Limerence of Audrey Douglas are two of the hardest stories I have ever tried to write. Abundance is because I have such specific goals for it (AKA I want it to be wholesome and sweet, but I am Emo AF so no can do) and Limerence because I started it from a place of anger and betrayal and wanted it to prove a point to the person who made me angry. It’s easy to get dissatisfied when I don’t see myself moving fast enough, or I don’t feel like the story is as good as it was in my head, and that just discourages me from writing. Still getting better though!
7.) What are some of your favorite tropes to read/write?
Enemies to lovers. “But you gotta save the WORLD”. Love triangle but where it doesn’t end the typical way (AKA two girls fighting over the guy, but surprise they gay AF and start dating each other). Oh no, Character A is in trouble? And Character B arrives at the perfect time? Lovely! “I’m just an ordinary person.” WRONG!
8.) If you could date any fictional character, who would it be?
Tbh, I can’t think of a single character I’d actually want to date from anything I’ve read/watched. Even my own.
9.) What are some of your favorite things to do outside of writing?
Watch TV and read books, then mumble under my breath “I could’ve done it better.” I also like to take care of plants, annoy my dog, and go to iHop with my friends for no reason.
10.) Where would be your ideal place to live?
Rockies, like Colorado somewhere. College town. Just big enough to have a personality without traffic problems. I’ve lived in the Midwest (specifically Texas) for my entire life, so pretty much anywhere but here.
11.) What’s the most underrated book you’ve ever read? Most overrated?
People are always talking about Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings, but I’ve never heard someone other than my mom even mention the Belgariad series by David Eddings. It’s super great. It’s fantasy and it has different but very solid and real characters. It’s got humor, it’s got combat, and the world building is perfect for the story. The only thing I didn’t like was the final battle (I thought it was a bit anticlimactic), but I guess it’s about the journey, not the end.
As for the most overrated, there are a lot of books I could point out, but I’ll go with the Shannara chronicles. I don’t want to offend anyone, but I didn’t end up reading all of them, and I only watched part of the television series because it just made me soooo mad. I don’t want to go into it now (I could write a thesis on it, honestly), but the gist of it is that I liked the world but not the execution. I absolutely love a good post-apocalyptic fantasy, but I hated the story and the only character I actually genuinely liked was the only character killed off. The only reason I watched the television series was because my friend really liked it, and I criticized her taste a lot afterward. Anyway, I tried it because I heard great things, but it just didn’t do it for me.
As I’ve said many times before, I’m bad at these things because I never know who to tag. I spent like twenty minutes scrolling through some of my mutual writeblrs. As always, no pressure if you don’t want to do the tag! :) 
Tagging: @thepanickingwriter @bluewrites0 @gardamn @writings-of-an-elm-tree @writings-of-a-narwhal @ink-on-poppies @latechickadee @amerakandreamer @clarissalopeswriter @senawrites @the-violet-writer
Questions for YOU!
1. What was the first idea/project that you ever tried to write?
2. What is your biggest strength as a writer? What is your biggest weakness?
3. How do you stay focused while writing?
4. If you could have lunch with one character you have written about (original or from fanfiction) who would it be?
5. What type of writeblr posts help you the most with your own writing (advice, resources, word lists, prompts, etc.)?
6. What is the most mind-opening book you’ve ever read/show or movie you’ve ever watched?
7. Have you written fanfiction? If so, on what?
8. What is a book/story/poem/anything you were forced to read in high school that you actually ended up liking? 
9. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? What would you see? What would you do? Why?
10. What is the weirdest thing you have done/searched on the Internet for the sake of research?
11. If you could adopt any animal as a pet (and I mean any animal) what would it be? (Also, it can be extinct/not real)
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disaster-bastards · 7 years
slow burn/fake date/enemies to lovers for taako, merle, and magnus!!! ;)
Ok so I've been sitting on this for a long time, because I honestly don't know where I sit with the THB? Cause I headcanon Magnus as not being romantically interested in anyone after Julia but being totally down for platonic friendship shit like cuddle piles and just hanging out, and Taako is canonically gay as Fuck? So as a gay woman myself, I was really conflicted. But if I had to choose: Fake Date with Merle, Enemies to Lovers with Taako, Slow Burn with Magnus. Here's my reasoning: I don't think Merle is really my type??? Not only am I gay af, (still open to dudes though), but also something about the way Merle acts throughout Taz makes him seem more like a father figure who's really trying than dating material?? Like Merle just isn't really my type. I feel like I'd fake date him to not make him upset and I might have a good time, but I don't think I'd take it further. With Taako, I really love him as a character. He's smart, witty, good at magic and I headcanon him to have an AMAZING fashion sense. Not only that, he's a world renowned chef. The only thing is, he really belongs with Kravitz and I don't want to take that from him. I feel like we would start as enemies cause we have slightly conflicting opinions; he's gay, I'm gay, and I kind of high-key have a crush on his sister. (Not to mention she's in a relationship too, rip me) Despite that, in this hypothetical dating scenario, I feel like over time we might grow closer, begin to bond over common interests (fashion, good food, Angus) and maybe do a couple dinners. I'm going to loosely interpret lovers here and have it be instead of smexy times, be just intimate cuddling and hugs and stuff. Just like, walking up behind him while he's cooking and giving him a hug around the waist. Sitting next to him on the couch, watching fantasy TV and resting my head on his shoulder. Hand holding while walking. That sort of stuff. Magnus is the hardest for me. I feel like it would be slow burn because it would take a really long time to feel like he can move on from Julia. And by slow burn, I mean a REEEEEAALLY slow burn. Like, over the span of multiple YEARS slow. Like a meeting in a coffee shop, or maybe buying furniture from him to start it out. A whole lot of pining, waiting, and understanding. A whole lot of driving down a one way street when it comes to romantic attractions. Maybe some platonic sleepovers with all of the THB and maybe some other BOB peeps, just a chill hang sesh, maybe a group trip to the Chug 'N' Squeeze. I think it would take a long time to get time with Magnus on his own, without anyone else there. He's always surrounded by friends and family. Out of all of the THB though, Magnus is the most my type. He's got a kind heart, he's talented, buff and I imagine him pretty tall. I feel like he would wear a lot of flannel, which is honestly a relatable meme™, so that would give me an excuse to steal them. I like to think he would give the best bear hugs, would help give manicures and always be there when someone needs comforting. He acts the most like a dad to Angus, which, tbqh, is a bonus,,,, (I can't help it I love the magic boi he's so precious) and Oh my god THE DOGS. WE WOULD HAVE SO MANY DOGS GOOD GOD So that's a really long answer but it's where I sit??? Yeah this has been bugging me for a while that I hadn't answered it yet aha
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justsomewhump · 7 years
I think it’s time I shared my story about being a whumper.
I was really, really young when I first enjoyed seeing characters bleed. I mean, I think I always remember myself that way, but if I had to choose an age, I’d say about 8 years old. That’s when my older sister downloaded issues from a comic magazine called Witchblade, and I sat next to her while she was reading them. English is not my first language, so I couldn’t understand a thing at first - but it had some interesting moments where the characters bled. Case in point:
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(this woman is the protagonist, and might I say I just noticed she’s wearing a collar. wow. also yes I do enjoy a little female character whump here and there)
Most of these were pretty minor in comparison to what I enjoy now. But hey, I was 8. I doubt my sister actually enjoyed the above whump as I did, so she kept reading for the story. As I said, I didn’t know what they were saying back then, so I kept re-opening the whumpy parts when no-one was looking.
I grew up a little, and then started watching Naruto when I was about 14. I gave up after a few hundred episodes but the casual show of violence there inspired me to take one of its characters and change the circumstances around him and weave a plot where he would be the protagonist (much later I found out this was called an AU). And he was getting whumped af. I tried to add some character development and dynamics to the story, but the one part I kept going back to was him being possessed by a sort-of demon and the demon causing him a helluva lot of pain. Eventually I gave up on the story, though I remember most of its details.
When I was 18, I read Battle Royale (read: here be BLOOD) and at the same time started writing down a story where an ex-cop is getting kidnapped by a mob boss whom the cop had betrayed and arrested, and is also getting tortured to the point where he begs for death.
All that time since my childhood, I was scared to share these feelings with other people. I felt somewhat okay knowing that it was all in my head and I enjoyed it only because I knew it was fictional and wouldn’t ever be okay with those scenarios coming true in real life. But still, I didn’t have anyone to talk to about all these thoughts, I was scared they’d look at me like I was crazy, a serial-killer wanna-be. So I kept it in.
Then the TV series Once Upon a Time happened and Killian Jones entered my life.
I did feel a little sorry for him, because he was the most whumped character in the show even before he was literally tortured, but I enjoyed the minor, at first, whump.
Then I read the fic Being for the Benefit of Mr. Gold by @mathildia. And, look. I’m still a virgin, and bordering on asexual. Yet I had no qualms actually masturbating to a story whose almost every chapter had hardcore BDSM gay sex, where my fave character was the most willing sub you’ll ever meet. This story still holds a special place in my whumpy heart.
Then Hook was whumped gloriously on our screens.
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I was frozen, because I enjoyed the whump so freaking much. But at the same time I felt bad for him for narrative reasons, and also because almost his whole fandom felt really uncomfortable with this. So while I felt bad for him, I liked seeing him bleed and was thinking of ways of how to make it all worse but I felt like I had to keep it in, because appearances and all.
Then @killian-whump appeared and slowly dragged me out of the closet. I started searching through her blog and had what someone may call a “whumper epiphany”. I learnt that my liking to characters suffering had a name. I finally had someone to talk to freely about how much I loved seeing characters bleed, and how actually normal that is. I made her gifs of whumped Killian for her blog. I collected all the grunts and whimpers and general pain sounds he’s made over the course of his then three seasons in the show and put them all in one audio file. I asked her to keep them all secret, but I honestly loved making every single one of them. But I’ve made some true friends here on Tumblr, and while I consider killian-whump one of them, it never felt easy coming out to the others, similar to how hard it is coming out to my “real-life” friends. Especially if I told them I get horny with sexual whump.
So after much deliberation, I created this blog. And here’s to everyone on the whump community: you’re amazing. You’re all lovely and adorable and so accepting of each other and our differences, and I love that. I’m sure we’ve all felt it, that dread feeling that something is wrong with us and that we can’t share it because the others will think we’re going nuts. And the fact that we’re all here, and we offer support, and share the enthusiasm, and say that it’s okay to feel that way, that it’s normal, and don’t argue on what’s the “right way” of enjoying whump, it’s just so heart-warming and lovely.
So, thank you, really. Thank you for being there and being so open and accepting. It really means a lot. Thank you.
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kockmin · 7 years
Jikook Fic Recs #2!
Since I just started uni and things will get even busier as the days pass by I thought why not make another jikook fanfic recs so here you go! Also thank you guys for 3k+ followers (super late “thank you” gift) ❤️
Fic recs part 1! 
Alright let’s do this! In no particular order:
E[Love] by busanmelodies (One-shot)
“Calculate the expectation of love.
alternatively, 16k+ of self-indulgent romantic crack, unnecessary dialogue and really bad math humour as reluctant math major Jungkook sets out on his quest for love.”
AHHHH this was incredibly cute and funny, I never knew I could like a math!au so much? I think most people would think “but math is boring”, but hear me out, this fic is so interesting it hooked me in and I really enjoyed it, I couldn’t even put my phone down one minute haha. The math jokes are great and I thought that little math idea (E[love]) towards the end was amazing! I think the author was really creative and I like how they implemented all of bangtan on this au as well, I thought it was pretty cool! This fic is super long with some suggestive themes (*wink* *wink*) and definitely worth reading, so check it out if you can!!
Red by dalliance (One-shot)
“Jimin thinks his luck has hit absolute rock bottom when he’s made to stay with a total stranger in a lodge due to a mix up for three months.”
I think I’m a sucker for painter!Jungkook/Jimin and this was a really good fic. It showed a lot of Jimin’s character development since he basically doesn’t want anything to do with Jungkook at first, so thanks Jungkook for being so persistent (yay!). Jungkook is an actual angel and Jimin is able to address his problems in this fic, plus there’s these really cute scenes too! Paintings and colors and other art related things are involved (obviously) so it’s nice to see Jungkook’s perpective on it as well as Jimin’s. The ending made me want more of this fic though tbh xd.
No Strings Attached by graesun (Completed) (M)
“Jungkook likes his job, but sometimes he wishes he had someone to do it for him.”
Okay so this is a fic with camboy!Jungkook and I never knew I had a thing for camboy AUs until I read this fic ugh it’s so good; also thank you Taehyung, but what the fuck Taehyung xd. I think it’s kinda funny how Jungkook and Jimin come together (no pun intended?). Jimin is really nice, I think the author did a good job trying to not make Jimin appear as a creep haha, you can tell Jimin really cares about Jungkook. This fic is also fluffy at times yet, it still has some angst in it The fact that you just see them moping around not doing anything is so frustrating like just cuddle each other or something pleasE. It has a happy ending though so that’s good and I’m still waiting on that bonus chapter hehe.
More fics below!
You’re ripped at every edge (but you’re a masterpiece) by kafeuka (Completed?) (M)
“Jimin swore there was nothing worst than having Jeon Jungkook as a sergeant.
In which Jimin was forced to enlist in military and he was under the sexgod Sergeant Jeon’s monitoring division and god, Sergeant Jeon really needs to stop being a douchebag)”
This fic ripped me into pieces and still as my heart dammit. I didn’t know whether to put it as complete or not because technically it is complete, but it has a sequel on the works (you can check it out here) so it’s not really complete xd. Anyways I thought this fic was a pretty cool AU and we get to know a bit about Jungkook and Jimin’s background which makes us understand why they act that way on certain occassions. I think the interactions between them are interesting too because they should hate each other and they kinda do, but also kinda don’t? They (mainly Jungkook) seem really confused about their feelings (someone help this poor boy). There’s smut tho so you’ve been warned! Ah the ending felt really sad, I kept wanting more! I hope the sequel gets updated soon haha.
After Hours by pinkmonnie (Completed) (has some Taegi in it and a little Namseok)
“Jimin has been working at the same place for three years, watching as the world around him moves along in a busy hype. Although he enjoys certain aspects of his job, particularly since Min Yoongi became his manager, over time he gradually felt the usual rhythm begin to weigh him down.
Taehyung, his closest friend, comes to Gwanghwamun Starbucks for two reasons - free drinks or food if he’s feeling peckish, and to stare at Yoongi with a lump in his throat.
One night, Taehyung brings along a new friend.”
Seventeen chapters may sound a little bit intimidating, but I think it’s a really cute fic and straightforward!Jungkook is great tbh. Most of the plot revolves around the café Jimin works at so it gives it a homey feeling where most of Bangtan can hangout and be comfortable with one another. Jungkook also knows how to draw which is a plus in my book, and his relationship with Jimin is incredibly adorable with Jungkook also being kind of shy at times? You can clearly tell this guy is whipped and that Jimin is grateful for him. The fact that there’s no smut makes me think that the relationship is pure and really fluffy xd. Since I use the “Show entire work” option on AO3 I didn’t even feel how long the entire fic was so that’s good I think xd.
Constraint by Harlot (One-shot) (M)
“Jungkook is young and he is more acquainted with confusion and poor-decision-making than he’d like to admit. Despite being only 19 years old, he sometimes argues that he’s been through and seen some shit. He is never sure where he’s going to end up and he’s not entirely sure what kind of future is waiting for him. He is often not sure of a lot but he is certain—absolutely certain—that he’s not gay. Alternatively, a story in which Jungkook meets Park Jimin and doesn’t like him whatsoever. There’s just something about him… there’s just so much about him. Jungkook really can’t stand him. In fact, he can’t stand him so much he can’t quite seem to get him off of his mind.”
ThIS SINFUL MASTERPIECE OMG y’all probably already read it, but it’s so good I had to put it in here. You can see Jungkook tries so hard to get Jimin out of his head, but he can’t (I feel you kookie) and he is an asshole about it. Jimin makes me want to wrap him with a blanket and snuggle him, but also he’s really sexy at times(which is real life Jimin actually). I like that you can see them become close friends too! Which makes the teasing much more enjoyable xd. It’s also really great to see Jungkook come to terms with his sexuality later on in the fic,  and ofc, as if it wasn’t clear enough, there’s SMUT guys (and very good written smut imo) so don’t say I didn’t tell you xd.
This isn’t really that jikook-y (?). I think it’s centered more on bangtan’s friendship with maybe some hints of pairings, and it’s angsty af so I’m into it xd
Little boy, Fat Man,? by monsterplaza (aesthesiae) (One-shot)
“Yesterday, the biggest worry on Park Jimin’s mind was how he’d get Jeon Jeongguk back for scribbling on his phone case. Then, a nuclear strike ravages the heart of South Korea, and it’s a battle for survival.”
So basically it’s an apocalypse AU (Nuclear warfare) in South Korea and BTS does exist, but they get separated since they have to look for their families to check if they’re okay, so the story mainly follows Yoongi, Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook in they journey of not dying and finding help xd. THERE’S CHARACTER DEATHS THO SO YOUVE BEEN WARNED. I cried so much guys, like, how can they be so unlucky lmao; but yeah I had to include it because I really like character death for some reason. This fic was pretty interesting because of the plot and it just leaves you thinking about the world afterwards like wtf (Hopefully this scenario will never happen ofc). Anywayss, if you’re into that stuff you could check it out!
There you go guys! I try to make these recs as short as I can so the post doesn’t get too long and boring, but you can hmu if you want more fics :) Also I don’t know if I should point out who bottoms and who tops in these fics since I don’t really pay much attention to that, so let me know if you’d like me to do that. 
Thanks again for 3k+ and im sorry i didn’t do anything for 3k (I’m really lazy I’m sorry!), but I’m grateful for all of you! Happy reading and don’t forget to support our boys! (and ship jikook lmao)
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yoosungshoodie · 7 years
1: How long have you been playing Slbp?
Since December of 2016, I think? Maybe late November? I remember playing it during a family trip and I was really put off due to everything looking so confusing at first.
2: What made you decide to download it?
People on Tumblr that I followed began playing about it and posting about it, so I was curious to see what the hype was all about. I had also been winded from a very, very dramatic breakup from a turbulent relationship, so I needed something to help myself get my head out of that space and move on.
3: Who’s route did you play first?
Of course… Oda Nobunaga. I don’t know if it’s because he was the first option that popped up when you get to choose or if he just looked all fiery and red, but I was into it. He turned out to easily be one of my favorites.
4: Favorite route?
God… I don’t know if I can decide between Kojuro or Nobunaga, even if I can’t remember either of their routes super well. I know everyone already talks about this, but I really liked MC in Kojuro’s route and I liked how confusing Kojuro could be at times, as well as endearing. I haven’t played all the routes so maybe this will change, but Kojuro and his whole “precious girl” and the whole plot seemed really interesting.
5: Least favorite route?
I’m not sure if I have one yet, and again I haven’t played all of them yet, but all I know is that Shingen’s route didn’t particularly leave much of an impression on me, but I really did enjoy his divine ending and it moved me a lot. His route itself however, just didn’t seem to leave much of a mark on me.
6: Favorite lord?
For overall, Kojuro. He’s steadfast and charming and everything I know I’d want for myself if that kind of person really existed. He’s my dreamboat boy, and I like his messy room and his Bontenmaru obsession. I think his relationship with the MC is the most evolved out of them all, and is really cute and mature and understanding. Also, jealous Kojuro makes me want to kiss his face all over.
7: Least favorite lord?
I can’t… I don’t have one… I love them all…
8: Favorite female character?
Umeko. I’d go gay for her. I haven’t played Saizo’s route yet but his sister? Sheeeeesh. She is so fine.
9: Favorite retainer?
Toramatsu Toramatsu Toramatsu Toramatsu. He is my small boyfriend and he looks so cute… I need his route. He just seems so right for MC and I mean it may not be the most dramatic route, but it would sure be a damn cute one. Plus, the way his eyes light up in battle makes me giggle. He’s so cute, who could say no to that brown hair and brown eyes?!
10: Favorite side character? 
I didn’t want to say Toramatsu because I already said Toramatsu, but Toramatsu. Let me be with my boyfriend.
11: Best villain?
Nobunaga in Shingen’s route. I’ve seen previews of Ieyasu as a villain as well but I really like Nobunaga as a villain because I’ve seen it myself. He’s a powerful one and he’s ruthless, and I love me some villains. He’s driven, and even Shingen notes that he acts as if he needs to take the world on his shoulders. He’s a villain with purpose, not just a cardboard cutout villain who’s got no real purpose. Nobunaga in Shingen’s route makes me so damn happy, especially when he says that line about him being the only one who can achieve unification. He’s got a reason for being the villain and he knows it, and Shingen’s death wasn’t just because Nobunaga was dicking around and decided to play with the Tiger for the shits and giggles. 
12: Worst Villain?
I can’t remember any specific villains but I hate villains who don’t have a real purpose or a shitty one that isn’t really worth all the trouble for. This reminds me of a Gillian Flynn (a favorite author of mine) quote that’s about female villains when she was talking about her novel Sharp Objects (a favorite book of mine), but I think this applies to villains in general as well.
“I particularly mourn the lack of female villains — good, potent female villains. Not ill-tempered women who scheme about landing good men and better shoes (as if we had nothing more interesting to war over), not chilly WASP mothers (emotionally distant isn’t necessarily evil), not soapy vixens (merely bitchy doesn’t qualify either). I’m talking violent, wicked women. Scary women. Don’t tell me you don’t know some.”
Actually, writing this now, I’m really thinking of Masamune’s mother in his route. She kind of bugged me, mostly because Voltage could have emphasized anything that would drive her: her loyalty to her own clan, maybe focus more so on Date Terumune’s death, her brother. Instead, they chose to make the main point of her villainess (not a word, I know) none other than the fact that she hates Masamune for having heterochromatic eyes. That, is the basis of her hatred and then Date Terumune’s death is the cherry on top. Like, really? I would’ve really wished they’d focus more on that than the preconceived notion of “Yes, she hates her son mainly because he has a blue eye.” Not the worst villain but Voltage just has poor portrayal of her.
13: Do you play the event stories?
Yes. So much. And I go for the courtier’s prize so that means drawing blood.
14: If so, who’s event story do you read the most often?
Kojuro’s and Nobunaga’s are always first if it’s available.
15: Do you buy any of the epilogues?
Only of my favorites, and if I deem them to be worth it. I have mostly Nobunaga’s.
16: How many pearls do you have as of now?
Haha, I have six. I’m crying. I spent most of it on the epilogues.
17: Did you ever buy any pearls?
Answered here.
18: Do you ever participate in any of the Battle Events?
19: If so, do you usually pick East or West?
Whoever has my bias… Or if I could choose, the losing side. I want that warrior’s grace pearl.
20: How many routes have you completed?
Nobunaga, Masamune, Kojuro, Shingen… so four. I think. After Ieyasu’s, five.
21: Do you usually choose the Divine or the Noble ending?
Divine because I stress over picking the right answers. 
22: Have you ever replayed a character’s route just to get both endings? 
Not yet. I want to for Kojuro and Nobunaga.
23: Do you play the game every single day or do you play once in awhile?
Every single day. I check on average about every 3-4 hours.
24: Is there any character that you want a route for?
Sorry. You had my riled up a little.
25: Any character you don’t want a route for, but everybody else does?
I don’t know a lick about Nobuyuki. But everyone wants his route. 
26: Do you ever fall for another character when you’re playing a route? 
…. T O R A M A T S U.
27: Do you like or hate the MC? 
Not really fond of her. I know Voltage has to make her as plain as sketch paper for the sake of ~relatability~ but I’ve never been super fond of really innocent protagonists unless they learn something in the end too. Her being a cook is cool though, I stress bake so.
28: Favorite pair?(Example: Nobunaga and Mitsuhide, Saizo and Yukimura)
me, with a boom mic: THE DATE COUSINS.
29: Did any scene make you laugh out loud?
Answered here!
30: Favorite interaction between two characters?
Answered here!
31: Funniest character? 
Answered here!
32: Did any scene make you cry?
I don’t cry. I don’t think I remember one exactly, but Shingen’s divine end epilogue left me teary eyed.
33: Character with the most tragic backstory?
I spoiled myself with Mitsunari’s backstory and he takes the cake. Sorry, bud.
34: Character that you relate to the most?
Answered here! 
35: Favorite CG?
Any CG with Kojuro’s sweet face in it.
36: Favorite event so far?
That one smutty one that was going on when I first joined and never participated in because I was too busy being confused with the interface.
37: Do you like when the events contain sexual scenes or no?
I like them, even though I have the sexual experience of a brick.
38: Favorite ship?(Romantic/Platonic)
Me and Kojuro. Saizo and Yukimura are adorable from what I’ve seen in their ES.
39: Which character would you be best friends with?
I’d work really well with Nobunaga just because we’re both petulant brats who complain over everything and will fight everyone at all times. He looks like a down af motherfucker who’s fun to be around. My hair used to be red too!
40: Which character would you ship yourself with?
Kojuro, my best-case-scenario if-my-life-was-a-fairytale go to guy. What a good man. I want him for Christmas.
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adambstingus · 6 years
Are You The One Season Finale Recap: Just Put Me Out of My Goddamn Misery (PART TWO)
Since everyone bitches and whines about how long my recaps are, I separated them into two parts. Pick up a book, you lazy pieces of shit and read part 1 here >>
Chuck is like, were not going to win so next match ceremony Im picking Britni and everyone is like Chuck and Alec start yelling at each other and having a food fight, which pisses off Alec more because hes a firm believer that you should never waste food.
Alec: WE SHOULD NEVER QUIT Chuck: Eat a dick dude
Chuck goes up to push Alec, which is a huge mistake surfer brah, and Alec shoves Chuck to the ground like hes made of paper. Alec, congrats, your ovaries have officially transformed into a small chode of a penis. Gotta start somewhere.
Britni is like You would shove Chuck, who btw looks like a Ken doll version of the lead singer of AFI, for money?! Thats some shit ONLY poor people would say. Britni, people have done way worse shit for way less money. Read a book, tune into the news, watch Empire (or read my recaps).
Rashida and Devin are like And I agree. I did not sit through 10 weeks of this retarded shit to watch yall give up.
Devin is like If I can get this fresh batch of mentally incapable humans to win this stupid fucking reality show, it would be equivalent to the greatest feat in sports history. Which sport? Speed walking? Turn on ESPN Devin, I fucking dare you.
Zak and Hannah are mourning the fact that they arent a match, and tbh, I am too.
Cheyenne is talking to Devin about how he is disrespectful and is like
Devin: (actual quote) Im a shit head, but not a total shit head. – I honestly dont even need to try and be funny for these recaps, they all say enough stupid shit where I dont even have to try.
Chuck is like, I was hammered last night and said dumb shit and Im going to actually play this thing. Thank god Chuck, otherwise I seriously would have cunt punted you, and your little dog too! (Britni)
The game is the easiest one of the season: its an obstacle course with girls sitting on their back. There is a true/false section, where if the team guesses it right, then they get 30 seconds off their time.
Zak and Kayla are in first, which is crazy because Zak might be the smallest out of all of them. Alec is terrible with this shit and is back to being a giant bitch.
Melanie and Tyler go to the true or false thing, where Mel admits she offered Chuck a threesome, which is a new low.
Kayla and Zak win, being the Italian stallions. Rashida and Devin get second and Mel/Tyler get third because they answered the question right- aka, Mel is a closeted freak.
Stacey is talking to Nelson about how she has no idea who her match is and shes talking so fast I could have sworn it was a Gilmore Girls episode. You can def tell Stacey is fucking hammered in this, but its cool. I love Stacey. And apparently so does Nelson. Okay whatever.
Meanwhile, Alec is flirting with Amanda and Kiki is like WTF. Which is literally her reaction to everything- WTF.
Theyre hanging out on fucking boat that doesnt even have a bar. That sounds like some Life of Pi shit.
Devin and Rashida are flirting and shes like except this shitty white guy with a butt chin.
Zak and Kayla are like you remind me of my family so they must be a match- some fucking Freudian shit right there. Chelsey the aspiring psychologist is probably fucking creaming her pants somewhere in the distance.
Tyler and Melanie are like, were besties and Tyler thinks thats code for match but Mel was like,
The group makes a smart decision for once ,(they probably all broke out in hives afterwards because we all know they are allergic to brainpower), and send Zak and Kayla to the truth booth. Hannah is like Hannah save the stupid lines for Hunter please, babe.
Zak and Kayla make their way to the truth booth, looking like a set of fraternal twins walking into their grandmas 90th birthday. Not gonna lie, Im stressed right now. Im on bottle number 2 of wine, and shit is REAL rn.
Everyone is screaming and jumping while Hannah is like, . Its okay Hanz, its not like these matches are real. Those rules arent even real! They were real that day I wore a vest!
Alec and Kiki are flirting and they are drunk AF and Kiki is like Shes talking about how she got stupid fucking matching bracelets for her perfect match and Im like
Devin is doing his shit math again using red solo cups, I feel like an algebra class is being taught in a frat house. Aka this shit is dumb AF.
They determine there are two scenarios- one where Kiki mtches with Alec, and one where she doesnt. Guess which one best friends forever bracelet Kiki wants?
The decide to use deductive reasoning and rationality.
Jk, they decide to flip a fucking coin. I CANT RIGHT NOW WITH YOU PEOPLE. Hunter is like Here is a quarter and ew, I dont trust anyone who has change offhand like that. Get a fucking debit card, you hillbilly fuck.
Kiki is upset because they get scenario one, but you know if the coin flipped for the scenario she wanted shed be like PERFECT! ITS ALL SETTLED, THIS COIN IS HOLY.
Tyler is like, Fuck your heart Tyler, fuck it. Austin is like WOAH you need to figure this shit out. Like I dont mean to sound aggressive, but if you fuck us all over were probs gonna stab you.
Never did I ever think that the game would rest in Tylers hands. Take a drink to that.
Devin is like, there is a high possibility we lose- not high, almost definite. But he thinks they chose scenario one for a reason, that reason being a coin flip.
Ryan gives some speech about love and how they need it and its like, save it Ryan. Empire comes on in 20 minutes and I need to get this show on the road.
Austin is first and he picks Britni– basing it off the fact that he wanted a girlfriend who would be a ghost for most of their relationship and they would get together eventually when it was convenient. You know what thats called? A fuckbuddy. You came on a reality show to find a fuckbuddy. May I suggest Tinder next time?
Hunter is next, and Ryan is like, do you all have a strategy? And hes like clearly fate isnt on our side, so we decided to do a coin flip. So, fates not on your side, and you decided to rely on it again? Seems legit.
Ryan is like, And Connor and Chelsey are like
Hunter picks Hannah, which is a weird match but whatever I dont care anymore. Im gonna be honest, this whole season I thought Hunter was secretly gay.
Devin is up next and he picks Rashida. Rashida, girl, I have been praying for you. Clearly I am a sinner because my prayers have not been well received. My b.
Tyler is up next and were all on edge. Hes like I think Melanie is my match truly and this is the biggest plotline he has had all season, so hes rollin with it. Tyler ends up picking Cheyenne, and everyone breathes a sigh of relief.
Alec picks Amanda, and Kiki is like WTF (again). What is she gonna do with her bracelet?!!!!
Nelson picks Stacey and RyDev is like, And shes like, Okay, thatll work. Cant wait for an invite to the wedding.
Chuck is up next and gives an inspiring speech. Well, it would be inspiring if he wasnt talking to a band of idiots who put their fate in a coin toss and if he didnt look like a homeless folk singer.
Chuck picks Melanie. Shes like, well this sucks because well never date because hes still fucking Brittni. Maybe you can get that threesome you wanted, skank.
Kiki is last, and ends up alone, well, because her match is Mike. #tbt to Mike. LOL. She shows those bracelets to Ryan and Ryan tries so hard not to fucking vomit on her. Kiki is like I am not confident at all Mike is my match and honestly, ditto.
The beams and RyDevs dramatic hand motions begin. They get 4 beams, which they have never gotten before, so #progress..They get a 5th, then a 6th, then a 7th. Everyone is on edge as fuck, and I am stunned into complete silence at home. Even my boyfriend, who has migrated out of the room is whispering no fucking way to himself. Idk if he is saying that because hes surprised Im silent for once, or surprised that they just might actually win.
They get 8 OMG, They literally need one more to win the fucking game. Im shaking.
MIRACLES HAPPEN (queue song from The Princess Diaries)
Okay, Im back. Wow Im hammered. So its made clear- either MTV is a magical place where miracles prevail, or this shit is staged AF. I mean, we all saw The Hills.
Wow, thats it for this season and this truly unique group of escaped mental patents. Thanks for reading, even though, lets be honest- I made your shitty Thursdays infinitely better. And to the cast who read and tweeted me, thanks for having a thick skin. Low key surprised I havent received a death threat from Britni by now. Good luck existing in the real world, you all are sure gonna need it. And if youre ever in California, come buy me a beer, because god knows I deserve one for putting up with your shit.
div.body_middle_part_right .bodypart:nth-child(n+2), a.prevBody{display: none;}
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/are-you-the-one-season-finale-recap-just-put-me-out-of-my-goddamn-misery-part-two/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/178560286887
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do1care · 7 years
9:37 pm thoughts, ending friendships.
Va escrito en ingles porque iba primero para reddit, ojala y alguien me lea aca algun dia:(
FYI, this is a long post about my struggles and thoughts on my problems, if you don't want to deal with them feel free to move to the next post:), it's ok.
I know that everything has to end, that's the most natural part of life, as far as I can see it, everything has to come to an end. Doesn't matter if it's your favorite coffee cup, or your longest relationship ever, that's just how life is, and there's nothing wrong with it, but the fact of accepting it can cause some real shitty problems. Or at least to me.
I lost my best friend on January, and no, by lost I don't mean he died, thankfully, 'cause he's and extraordinary human, he is such a grateful and open minded young man willing to help you no matter what; that being said, the reason why you can say we "broke up" (we weren't dating, just that i didn't find any other word that could sume up that were not bffs anymore, haha), it's pretty fucking stupid, haha.
I'll give you a few seconds so that you try to guess, haha.....1.....2......3....OK, times up. Don't know if you saw this coming, but it was because of a girl (told you, pretty fucking stupid reason).
Let me set the scenario up for you.
He and I have been friends since we were 10 and 11 (I'm younger), we are now 16 and 17. We had been together in a lot of struggles each; helping the other in whatever it was possible to, he changed school when he was 13 because his mother had a problem with our principal, anyway. It may appear that since then we started talking less with each other, but no, its the total opossite (crazy, right?). Since he got out of my school we started talking more and more, and I remember on the 2015 new years eve, I was all alone in my room hearing all the fireworks welcoming the new year 2016, and at 2:30 am or so i called him and we started talking till 6:00 am or so, we never ran out of talk, it was always so funny, haha.
Ok, now to how we stop talking.
On January 2017, he had been dating a few girls on and off. But nothing too serious, but like on the 25th he started telling me about this girl that a friend introduce to him, and that she was sooo hot, but all she wanted from her was to hook up (nothing weird about that, he always wanted that, and i think thats ok, if the girl wants that too). And he sent me this girl facebook profile, so i started checking her out, and she was a girl from another school, which, another girl friend of mine was in like 2 years ago.
(ok, now this is getting confusing, from now on we are gonna call them like this: my ex best boy friend: ed. My girl friend: luna, the girl that caused the problem: pico)
And luna had told me that the girl that pico was a kinddd of a slut (i know that that can be offensive, but bare with me here, those were her words, not mine). And I was like, oh, cool, either way ed just wants to hook up with her, so they can both be happy. But one day ed told me that he was trying to get into a serious relationship with pico, at this point I had told ed everyting that luna had told me about pico, but he didn't seem to care at all. By this point, as any teenager-best-male-friend would do, i was very concerned, cause he had gotten broken up a lot in the past, by girls that didn't deserve him. By shitty girls. And i didn't want him to get his heart broken again, and at least this time I had something in my power to stop that. Or at least that's what I thought.
Remember that Luna and Pico were very good friends in the past, at this point they talk to each other, but not as much. And also, at this point Luna and I are veeeery good friends, in fact, she is one of my 2 best girl friends (thankfully, she still is, she's awesome, haha)
So I send Luna the screenshot of the time when Ed was telling me that all he wanted Pico for was to get laid, and Luna ask me if I was sure I wanted this to get to Pico, I said yes. But told her that she said to Pico not to show them to Ed. (I think you can guess where this is heading).
Long story short, Ed realized what I did, and basically sent me to eat shit, I couldn't understand how he rather lose his best friend and having a girl to fuck and not viceversa (and oh, btw, i now it was a total dick move from me to send the screenshots of our chat to Luna. But I dind't want this girl to hurt him). By this point, it was maybe like februart 4th or something like that. We stoped talking, but I remember that this was killing me, cause I was ised to tell him everything that happened in my mind, every single deep or stupid thought I had, no matter how vain or important it was, and he knew that i'll always be there for him, so I tried to apologize, and I freacking got fully emotional with him, i remember being at bed like at 1 am texting him whyle crying, he was so fucking important to me, little did I know i meant so little to him by this point.
The important part of this is that I wrote him that i loved him. Of course i loved him, he was my fucking best friend, how am I not supposed to love him? (Again, little did I know this was gonna fuck my life in a while)
Amyway, he basically told me that he had forgiven me, just that I wasn't his best friend anymore, that, that fucking killed me, it was like a stab in the chest, I felt it deep into myself, losing a friendship with someone you value so much, that you had plans for the future with, so many memories together. Just gone. Fucking went off. It was my fault. I destroyed, it was me the one who blame. Fast forward two monts of feeling depressed and shitty af, my sister went to the beach with a friend, a girl friend, but my dad is a freacking maniac so he decided to go to their beach house without tellimg anyone just to check if she wasn't lying (spoiler. Of course she wasnt, my sister is the best). Anyway, so he told me to write to her friend cause I also get along with her (or at leaste i used to, another friendahip gone, yey) to send me their location, so my dad took my phone and started texting her like if it was me, cause of course, it was from my number, why would she think it wasnt me?
(And by this point i think i should tell you two important things:
1. My father is an asshole and a real noisy bitch.
2. He is super homophobyc, this is kinda caused because his brother is gay, and they were born in a very mysoginistic environment.)
Anyway, so my dad started scrolling around my chats, and I at this point I didn't remember my chat with Ed, until I saw it on my phone screen, when I saw it, my heart went from being calm to almost getting a heart attack. I was fucking nervous, cause I knew how his reaction was going to be, and i didnt want him to see what I wrote with him, cause it was personal shit, things that no one but you and the other person are supposed to see (now that I analyze this, I think it is kind of karma because i did the same to Ed), I was terryfied, sweating. Almost crying, and when he was about to enter my chat with Ed, i tried to take my phone away from his hand, by this point he knew i was hiding something. I fucked it up, there was nothing else that I could do, but to be waiting for him to react. There were 5 minutes of pure silence in the car, i tried as hard as I could not to cry (my very first reaction in strong emotional moments, is crying, no matter if it's a super sad moment or in the middle of the biggest argument of my life, i just can't control it).
Then he says -So you love him?
I got freezed, i really don't remember any much of it cause I was so afraid of it, I just remember telling him that yeah, i loved him cause he was my best friend. Anyway, he took my phone away from me and talked with my mom about it. My mom is genuinely the best, she's very supportive and lovely. She just tells me that no matter what I feel I can always tell her and that she'll love me no matter what, but to stop saying to some random dude that he was everything to me and that i felt fucking misserablr without him (i kinda told that to Ed when I tried to apologize). Since than, my dad has been a little lore of a douche bag with me, and he doesn't know I have my phone, cause he gave it to my mom, but she gave it to me, haha, she's the best (forgot to mention, i only live with my mom, but they get along pretty well).
Now Ed and I talk maybe once in a while, and I have accepted the fact that he's not my bf and i'm not his, and that's ok. Cause everything has to end, nothing last forever.
I tottaly forgot what the purpose of writing this story was, I just hope that maybe someone might read it and I don't know, tell me anything, i literally just was fucking sad and upset with lifeand general and decided to start writing this. But ended up spending an hour and a little bit more writing it, haha.
Remember that this is my first post to reddit. So feel free to comment or idk what the interactions in here are called, but yeah, i think i might post this to my tumblr later, haven't ever post there either, haha.
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nessackerman · 7 years
Asahi: hey again^^! This seriously a silly request, I dunno if it's creative, so sorry! How about a cool mc who doesn't Know what to do when someone's crying! It can either be a random person or her​ lover for whatever reason they cried! I would rather it be just Saeyoung (sorrynotsorry I love him too much///), but you can add the other RFA if you'd like! Sorry this is a super silly request not on the first's level >.
Ayeeeee! ≧◡≦
Okay, first of all, thank you, really, thank you so much, I really appreciate your words, they help me a lot. The only way I have to thank you is by writing, so I’ve been thinking about it and I decided I’ll keep posting one-shots of this MC you asked me for from time to time, on different scenarios, instead of a single sequel, more or less like a little series, what do you think? Would you enjoy reading it? AND, also important, would you like some smuty scenes? Because I’m totally ready for it :D 
Secondly… about this: “(…) AND ARE YOU A PHYSIC!!!!? The guilt, car accident; these are scenes that I have been thinking of as well! OMG! You are amazing and I'm​ squealing! God bless you(ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧ ” GOD, I’M SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT, and I’m glad too I could came out with those things that you had thought about too, yaaaay! 
Oh, and it’s so cool that you’re studying english at university too! Where are you from if you don’t mind me to ask? I would love to be able to talk to you often ٩(♡ه♡ )۶
So*drum sound* fINALLY!! YOUR REQUEST YAAAAY!! (In this one I decided to do an scenario, but if you request again -I really hope so tbh- and you do have a special preference about this then tell me please, otherwise I’ll be doing them as I think it suits better, okay? ❤️)
-Saeyoung and Yoosung are playing videogames in “the room of happiness”, as Saeyoung, your boyfriend, likes to call it. They have been there for almost five hours, non-stop, and you’re growing quite suspicious about it. 
-“What if…? Oh my dear Jesus, please tell me they are gay, please tell-… wait, like, not Saeyoung, I mean… it might be a damn hot scene in my imagination but… like… he’s only mine you know? I would kill Yoosung if he touches him in that way, or may I propose a trio? dunno… Holy fuck, what should I do?” 
-“Okay, okay, calm down… Let’s cook something for them and then I’ll enter the room with freshly cooked chocolate chip cookies, that will do to avoid the usual: ONLY BOYS ALLOWED shit.”
-You prepare the cookies and some milk and you nicely put everything on a tray to surprise them. At the end, you’re doing some good, isn’t it? (*internally screaming*)
-You stand in front of the door and, with your sweetest voice, you say: “I’m coming” and rapidly open the door with your elbow like a pro to avoid having to leave the tray on the floor. 
-Sadly, everything looks normal: traces of Honey Buddha chips and empty cans of Dr.Pepper scattered on the floor, a disheveled fort of blankets and cushions and Yoosung and Saeyoung lying on the floor playing video games on Saeyoung’s fucking large 4K screen. 
-THAT’S certaintly paradise… You wished you could be there with them without feeling like an intruder. Dammit.
-“I’M HERE YOU KNOW YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES” You shout out after ten minutes of being ignored. 
-“Fuck, sorry alien, pardon me, I was too focused on this” He takes the tray and kiss your lips sweetly “Thank you babe, I luv yaaaaaaaaa” And he smiles at the smell of the chocolate cookies. 
-When you look to where Yoosung is you notice he’s scared af and starts crying… “What the fuck…?” You say, paralyzed.
-“Yoosung?” Saeyoung goes to where he is and sits next to him, grabbing his shoulders “Hey mate, what’s the matter?” And Yoosung starts sobbing and you… you just stand there awkwardly, doing nothing but sweat and move your hands nervously, just watching your boyfriend do the dirty job “I know she can be scary af sometimes when she gets mad but it’s not that bad, she won’t hit you, I promise” Saeyoung laughs and Yoosung smiles a bit through the tears.
-“Hey! Don’t say that, I’m adorable!!” You say with a pout and they start laughing, at that you feel a little relieved, at least you made him laugh… that’s good, isn’t it? Fuck, you’re awful at dealing with tears, you just stare awkwardly and, if things got serious, you would probably either start talking non-sense shit or, if you’re feeling inspired, you would pat them one shoulder like: there… there~
-“Erm… eh… I… I am… sorry?” You tell Yoosung and he shakes his head to deny.
-“It’s… it’s because of the cookies… Rika used to… you know” He says, smiling and sobbing a little. “Thank you MC” He says and you just smile back and nod your head.
-You hate it when he compares you with Rika, but you let it be, he’s young and you would do anything for him -and the rest of the RFA- you just pray for them not to expect you to deal with them when they’re sad, you suck at that, but you would try anyway, just for them.
-At the end, the three of you end up rolled up like burritos on the blankets, eating cookies and watching some comedy show they love ❤️
That’s it! Hope you like it and, as always, tell me what you think and feel free to request, comment, reblog, like or whatever you want, ALL THE LOVE FOR  YOU!!   (っ◔◡◔)っ ❤
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